#it was something the streamer said
myxinidaes · 2 years
ok see i cried during iron lung, a not even super scary game but what IF. I played alien isolation.
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cellgatinbo · 8 months
fit: (reading chat) "fit needs his money"? dawg, i was a fucking minecraft youtuber during the pandemic. i did not become a full-time twitch streamer for the money, i will tell you that. [laughs] no, absolutely not. fit: i'm doing this 'cause it's an amazing project, you know? and... it's just such a cool thing to be a part of.
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moeblob · 9 months
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Like a normal person, I get crumbs of a guy and go feral. I then spend almost the entire day drawing a comic out of immense love for a guy.
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royalarchivist · 1 month
Amouranth: ...What happened to the dumpy? Oh, I guess that was Carrera (Carre).
Amouranth: Ruben, why do you– why do you look like Shaggy mixed with Peter Pettigrew? What happened? [She keeps going back to the picture and staring at it with growing concern] This is a pass– this picture is a pass! Wtf...
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Rubius only has 3 looks: magazine model, cosplayer, or gamer shrimp.
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foolsocracy · 2 years
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love making serious squidcraft 2 art. what a joy
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spevvy · 3 months
EX-CNCO Musical Output up to and Including June 2024
(presented without comment but with lots of love)
Joel: Diamante
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Zabdiel: Chuliera
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Richard: Embelesao
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Erick: Co-wrote Hipnotizado by Aron Luix-Luix
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Christopher: Did a singalong in his car on Kick the other week. #NailedIt #URWelcome
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Seriously though, whatever Chris and Erick have got cooking for themselves individually (or even as a duo, who knows at this point?!) I think our collective face is gonna melt off when they finally unleash it...
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xenon-demon · 1 year
I fucking love pretty much every version of the “celebrity x Just Some Guy™” trope that there is for Steddie, but in honor of having a totally reasonable amount of wine I’m going to tell you about the version I’m currently thinking about all the time, one of my dumbest yet also funniest AU concepts: modern!AU with streamers Steve & Robin and Hardcore Fan™ Eddie who writes reader-insert fic about Steve.
Steve and Robin, aka EvenStevens and BirdBox_ on Twitch (“My name is spelled with a P-H, Robin, that’s such a stupid name.” “No, it’s actually even better this way! You don’t want to just use your real government name for something like this, and you would just make your username ‘SteveHarrington01′ or something equally uninspired-”) frequently stream together and have a shared YouTube channel. They got popular doing reaction videos that quickly devolve into the pair of them bickering on camera, and since the internet just loves the ‘snarky woman and her emotional support himbo’ dynamic, they got very big, very quick. Plus, it certainly doesn’t hurt that they had the combined might of Dustin and Erica to help them bend the algorithm to their whims.
While most people recognize their platonic-with-a-capital-P soulmatism, there are still some that are convinced they’re secretly dating - they can’t decide if it’s hilarious or absolutely maddening that every time they try to disprove the rumors, they somehow get stronger. Robin doesn’t feel comfortable coming out to the internet yet, and without that trump card some people just can’t understand why they’re not dating.
...there are other sections of their fandom, however, that absolutely do believe they’re not dating. Mainly because they’d rather be dating Steve or Robin (or both!) themselves, and write all the reader-insert fanfiction you could ever possibly need about it. Robin is largely ambivalent to the concept of fanfiction being written about herself as long as they’re not writing smut, since at least that way they’re not insisting she’s dating Steve.
Steve on the other hand finds it absolutely hilarious how despite how much he’s changed, he’s back to being the heartthrob he used to be in high school - and, he’ll be honest, he thrives on the attention. He’s given everyone the green light to write whatever they want - dared them to make it raunchier, even - to the point where it’s a running joke that Steve will read your reader-insert fanfiction about him unless you tag it with some form of ‘Steve don’t look’. He even used the prevalence of fic about himself to come out on stream.
(Steve’s in the middle of re-organizing his flower field in Animal Crossing when he’s interrupted by a donation. “Hey Steve, really sorry to tell you this but people are writing porn about you... and they’re making it gay. Like writing about you getting fucked by a dude. Just wanted you to know so you can say something about it.”
Steve stops dead, his screen freezing on his open inventory. “Hey, uh, why the fuck would I have a problem about a fictional version of me bottoming? Or- wait, do I seriously give off homophobic vibes? I’m literally bisexual. Hey Dustin, can you ban that guy please? Christ, the nerve of some people. If that’s how you feel about people being gay, or about people writing things that I’ve already said I have no problem with, you can leave this stream right now because I don’t want you here.“)
Many people lost their minds after that stream, one of them being popular tumblr blog whorefireclub.
Eddie didn’t plan on starting a tumblr blog for self-insert fanfiction about a twitch streamer. Really he didn’t, and every time he thinks about it in terms that plain he kind of dies a little on the inside. It’s really all Gareth’s fault, for getting fed up with Eddie’s dumb parasocial crush on a streamer and daring him to just “get it out of his system already”. So, using a bare-bones anonymous tumblr and many, many beers as his cover story, Eddie posted some of the most quickly written and unedited pieces of writing he’s ever produced in his life.
Except he wrote it with an AMAB reader character - and for those of you unfamiliar with the reader-insert sphere, that’s like fucking hen’s teeth. People are pretty good at making things gender neutral at least in their descriptions, and sometimes the anatomy is vague enough that it’s ambiguous, but the majority is written with AFAB genitalia for the reader character.
Eddie’s little drunken post blows up, and at first, he’s never regretted a life choice more.
After thinking about it, and seeing just how many people left comments with their reblogs or came into his askbox directly to thank him for giving them the representation they wanted, he starts to feel a bit better about the whole thing. In fact, it kind of tickles his “protector of the outcasts” instincts; there are people who can’t enjoy the content they want to because it doesn’t gel with their anatomy or gender identity. Eddie could, hypothetically, if he wanted to be absolutely insane about this one hot streamer guy, help fix that problem somewhat.
A couple of months later and he’s become “the guy who writes inclusive reader-insert fic”. While a fair amount of his work is gender-ambiguous, both in anatomy and in avoiding gendered language, more than half is written for anyone who finds themselves underrepresented in the usual reader-insert scene; anyone AMAB, AFAB people who can’t do female language, he’s even written a few oneshots with intersex reader characters. He did research for it and everything. It’s certainly not how he planned for this to work out, but it’s actually kind of... nice. He’d written a lot of fanfiction in his youth, mainly about Lord of the Rings and Star Trek, and while this isn’t how he’d imagined returning to the hobby it’s actually really fun. (It’s making his celebrity crush on Steve a million times worse, of course, but he’s in denial about that so it’s totally fine.)
He’s a little shit, so his blog header has - underneath his personal details - a PSA that reads “Steve, don’t look at this unless you have the balls to shout me out on stream ;)”. Eddie thinks he’s absolutely hilarious.
Right up until he wakes up to find his following has exploded overnight, and upon checking his DMs from his mutuals realizes that - oh shit - that bastard actually did it and talked about his blog on stream.
And Steve said he liked it. Steve likes the porn that Eddie wrote about him. Jesus H. Christ, Eddie is so unfathomably fucked.
if this were to exist as a fic it would be told through social media posts/DMs. one of those fics that uses unconventional (i.e. non-prose) formatting, you know the ones. the concept actually came from the fact I fucking LOVE fics like that, I’m a slut for any of that House of Leaves-type shit. one time I read a fic that consisted of 8 short stories and each one had a HTML puzzle you had to solve to be able to read it, e.g. one you had to highlight because the text was in white, another you needed to hover your mouse over to make it scroll through the text - I can’t remember the rest but it was SO COOL.
(or, to put this another way, I read homestuck at a formative age and it forever changed how I feel about formatting stories.)
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samarecharm · 7 months
My younger sister is playing the base p5
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tsukana · 9 months
i think im really sad that im feeling bitter abt this bc like. despite the fact that ppl are saying oh yeah its purgatory its never fair. i have a bad taste in my mouth that for once it feels like its not bc of player action its partially to do with weird ruling by the admins on the event (re: the essentially. disregarding of the event points on elimination which i still kinda dont get why they couldnt just retally the points since they had the numbers?)
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cyphyra · 11 months
the more i see of the top streamers who do irl stuff and the sheer absence of knowledge outside of what they do online is genuinely staggering
i think just the other day i watched a clip of some guy not knowing how boiling water works, trying to use bottled water, then has to be convinced that tap water is boiled to kill whatever shit might be in it, and then goes "ok but how do we know when the water is boiling" like, what. how do you not know how water boils that's literally like, 2nd or 3rd grade knowledge.
that combined with the sheer amount of entirely playing videos from youtube in-stream with no commentary and even leaving while they play like it's dangling keys in front of their audience to keep views rolling makes me convinced that a good 70% of the top streamers are only streamers cause it's easy and people like to laugh at them being stupid
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kh358days2 · 19 days
I hate teaching so fucking much I'm preparing the lesson for tomorrow morning and I don't want to half ass the lesson because the students deserve more than that BUT I HATE TEACHING SO FUCKING MUCH
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y’all are so fucking bad at actually holding people accountable and I don’t mean that in ignoring your faves actions though that’s a part of it but y’all treat everyone in the exact same unfair way regardless of their circumstances. like with niki regardless of your opinion on her joke telling someone who just talked about being sexually abused since she was a toddler that a joke she didn’t intend any malice with is part of the reason abuse like hers happened is just heartless and cruel especially since y’know she has openly talked about her past experience with sh like you cannot be that callous when talking to victims directly around something triggering to them which is what i thought the peoples problem with it was but i guess that doesn’t count when it’s a streamer. or like the way people would immediately jump on tommy calling him abusive or making up weird conspiracies about him being a secret sex offender (yes i saw this i am not fucking kidding) because, y’know, a teenager who grew up being constantly oversexualised including by people he looked up to who had a massive power imbalance against him (and this isn’t an accusation- it’s just, factually, something that happened a lot when tommy was a minor and it makes old vods uncomfortable sometimes) and was sent such extreme harassment that he feared for his life and according to his own mother was sent at the very least graphic rape threats occasionally makes an off colour joke like genuinely i am surprised he’s not worse adjusted that shit messes with your sense of boundaries bad like i think it should be obvious that someone who went through such traumatic experiences at a young age Probably is going to struggle with boundaries and appropriate context considering it was repeatedly stomped on for years while he was growing up right? give people some fucking grace.
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somebluemelodies · 8 months
while we’re still waiting for the next q!Roier tape i have a question regarding our cubito:
do you think q!Roier’s consciousness was actually put into a rat? or has it all been just a drug-induced dream?
regardless of whether or not it’s actually consciousness-inserted-into-rat, that cubito is definitely getting experimented on one way or another. but i’m curious to hear other people’s thoughts O_o
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asimpleram · 8 months
I genuinely love when people who are cishet have a partner who comes out as trans or nonbinary after they are dating/married and go “yes I’m straight but I love this person with my whole heart and that won’t change anything”. It makes me so happy. I used to think it an insult they wouldn’t consider your gender like that. But I get it now. You are the exception. Thier love for you is more important to them than some label of sexuality. They love you so so so much gender doesn’t matter at all. It’s sweet to think about.
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nervouswaltz · 1 year
im taking “george is worse than velvet” to mean that George Won’t Shut Up About Gay Sex. which is awesome
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