#it was the lobby of a hotel in Osaka
frivolous-pastel · 2 years
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This is still hands down the BEST Japanese to English translation failure I have EVER seen
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021894s · 1 month
— 10 the wedding [4.9k w]
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PAIRING: brothers bsf! sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS: cussing, unprotected sex, oral sex (f and m receiving) MDNI!!!!
AUTHORS NOTE: ITS FINALLY HEREEE, the turning point in the story hehe hope you all enjoy. likes and reblogs appreciated <3 HEAVY ON THE MDNI PLEASE
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As you and Sunghoon step foot in Japan, excitement fills the air. You make your way to the hotel, the both of you in the back of a cab enjoying the scenic views of Osaka. light conversation flows between sunghoon and the cab driver while you lean your head against the window, trying your best not to fall asleep.
when you finally arrive at the hotel, you tiredly make your way to the back of the car to grab your suitcase, though sunghoon beats you to it, grabbing both yours and his, giving you a tired smile “i got it”. you reciprocate his smile and mutter a small thanks, admiring his gentlemanly gesture.
you both make your way to the check in at the lobby. “I only have one room available, double bed if that’s ok?” the receptionist tells you. you and sunghoon look at each other and he shrugs. “that’s fine, thank you” you take the room key and sunghoon leads the way, still pushing both of your suitcases towards your designated room.
sunghoon opens the door and as you both enter your eyes widen in realization. "maybe when she said double bed she meant one bed meant for two…” you state as you stare at the one bed. he looks at you “indeed there is one bed… i’ll take the couch” you look over to said couch, there was absolutely no way sunghoon’s large self was going to fit on the tiny little couch in the corner. hell you probably didn’t even fit.
“no we can share the bed it’s fine” you tell him, too tired to even think about the possible consequences of being so close in proximity to your “boyfriend” for the weekend. “are you sure? i’ll be fine on the couch” he furrows his brows, genuinely questioning whether you’re okay with it. “sunghoon im sorry but you do not fit on that tiny ass couch” he chuckles “ok, bed it is then”.
you both begin to settle in, going about your night routines. You shower first, doing your extensive skin care routine and changing into a more comfortable outfit. You have to admit your pajamas were a tiny bit skimpy and definitely not appropriate for your current situation but you didn’t think you’d be sharing a room, much less a bed.
when you’re done getting settled, you pull down the cover and climb in to the big white comfy bed. you hear the shower turn off, the bathroom door slightly ajar. curiosity takes over and you slightly peek through the door, catching sight in sunghoon in nothing but a white hotel towel wrapped around his waist. you stare at his large muscular form for a couple of seconds but look away once you feel the heat creeping up on your face. “get it together y/n” you mutter to yourself.
you place a pillow between you as a barrier. It's a cliché move, but it makes you feel more at ease. when sunghoon comes out of the bathroom dressed (thank god) he chuckles at the pillow in between your spots. he lifts the covers, pausing in his tracks once he sees what you’re wearing, a pink silky tank top and shorts that sends a shiver down his spine. he quickly pulls the covers over his body, shaking those not so innocent thoughts out of his head. you exchange a few words, wishing each other goodnight, before drifting off to sleep.
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The next morning, as the sunlight gently streams into the room, you stir awake. you feel an unusual weight around your waist. confusion fills your mind, slightly lifting the covers only to realize sunghoon had complete disregarded the barrier and inched as close to you as possible during his sleep.
you turn your head to face him, he looks so peaceful and you can’t help but admire his perfectly sculpted face. his perfect bushy eyebrows, his long lashes, and the tiny moles that were so gracefully scattered in the most precise places. you quickly catch yourself in your own thoughts, carefully slipping out of sunghoon's embrace.
you head toward the bathroom, deciding to get ready for the day. today was the you had been dreading. jeno’s wedding. in all honesty you were more nervous about your situation with sunghoon rather than being in attendance at your first loves wedding. there’s just so many things that can go wrong. you just wish luck was on your side.
you finish your makeup, opting for a more natural, pinky look when you hear Sunghoon yawn. you peak your head out the bathroom and see him stretching, clearly unaware of how he held you during the night. "Morning, how’d you sleep?" he asks, his eyes still filled with sleep.
“pretty good, you?” “this bed is so fucking comfortable” he answers throwing himself back down, staring at the ceiling. “and you wanted to sleep on that fuckass couch” you laugh. “listen I am a gentleman and there was no way I was sharing the bed if you felt uncomfortable” “well i appreciate it, I also thought the bed was pretty fucking comfortable” you both laugh and he begins to pull the covers off his body so he can join you in getting ready for the day.
“any plans before the wedding?” he approaches the sink, grabbing his toothbrush. “uh I was thinking of going to the beach… if you wanna tag along” you avoid contact, trying to avoid how domestic this all feels. “yeah maybe we can grab lunch at that little restaurant we saw yesterday” he asks still in the process of brushing his teeth. “sounds good to me”.
after your plans are set in place, he stares at you for what feels forever. it makes you nervous “w-what?”, “i kinda need to change, would you mind… getting out?” “OH YEAH sorry, i’ll be over there… waiting… take your time” you quickly leave the restroom and miss the way he smiles at your actions.
you take advantage of the little time you have alone and change into an outfit more suitable for the beach. you opt for a lovely two piece with a white top and matching skirt. you’re in the middle of pulling up your hair into a half up half down style when sunghoon comes out of the bathroom wearing a white button up, the sleeves rolled up showing off his impressive forearms, and black pants. Sunghoon was amongst the small population of men who actually had a sense of fashion.
you glance back at him through the mirror, quickly looking away when your eyes meet. he found the way you were so nervous around him so fucking cute. you had always been so outspoken and outgoing so seeing you slowly fall apart at his presence was something he liked a lot more than he should. “ready to go?” he asks once he shakes all those thoughts off. “yeah” you reply while gathering your stuff into your cute shoulder bag, and out the door you were.
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You both decide to take a walk along the beach, enjoying the sun and the sound of crashing waves. As you lay on your towel, soaking in the warmth, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Sunghoon sat next to you, his camera in hand, capturing the beauty of the ocean and the clear blue sky.
"can I take a picture of you?" Sunghoon asked, his eyes soft and warm.
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks as you nodded, feeling a strange mix of embarrassment and excitement. Sunghoon snapped a few shots, his gaze lingering on you a little longer than necessary. It all felt so domestic, so intimate, and you hated how much you liked it.
After spending some time at the beach, you and Sunghoon decided to grab lunch at a nearby restaurant. As you waited for your food, you engaged in light conversation, talking about anything and everything.
"Are you nervous about Jenos' wedding?" Sunghoon asked, his eyes searching yours.
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips. "Not really. I'm more nervous about our little scheme and it getting back to Heeseung somehow."
Sunghoon chuckled, his gaze never leaving yours. "don't worry, he won’t find out. And if it helps, I'm not nervous at all."
His words sent a flutter of warmth through your chest, and you couldn't help but feel a little giddy. Sunghoon was always so charming, so effortlessly smooth, and it made your head spin.
As you and Sunghoon were engrossed in your conversation, a waitress approached your table, checking in to see if everything was okay. She smiled warmly at the two of you before her eyes lingered a little longer than necessary, a knowing look in her gaze.
"You two make such a cute couple," the waitress commented, causing you to sputter in surprise.
"Oh, we're not together," you quickly clarified, feeling a rush of embarrassment wash over you.
The waitress raised an eyebrow, a playful smile on her lips. "Well, you should be. You both would look great together."
Sunghoon glanced at you with a small smirk before turning back to the waitress. "Well, thank you," he said, a hint of amusement in his tone.
You felt your cheeks flush with heat, a mix of embarrassment and flustered emotions swirling inside you. Sunghoon thought it was cute, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth in your chest at his reaction.
The rest of the meal passed in a haze of laughter and stolen glances, the memory of the waitress's comment lingering in the air between you and Sunghoon. And as you left the restaurant, you walked side by side back to the hotel in a comfortable silence, the both of you mentally preparing for the act you’ll have to put on later.
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back at the hotel, you stepped out of the bathroom, ready for Jenos' wedding, Sunghoon couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration at the sight of you. The black dress with a floral pattern hugged your curves in all the right places, the open back and off-the-shoulder design adding a touch of elegance to your ensemble. Your hair was styled beautifully, and your makeup was done to perfection, enhancing your natural beauty.
Sunghoon had seen the dress on you before, after all he’s the once who bought it for you when you went shopping for the occasion, but with your hair and makeup all done up, it was like seeing you in a whole new light. It was hard not to admire how the dress accentuated your body and how soft your skin looked. He had to remind himself that his best friend would not appreciate him ogling his little sister.
"You look stunning," Sunghoon complimented, his gaze lingering on you.
You blushed, a shy smile gracing your lips. "Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself," you returned the compliment.
Sunghoon was dressed in a three-piece suit, but he had opted to leave the button-up shirt behind, wearing only a leather vest under his blazer, which showed off his chest and his fancy Tiffany necklace. He thanked you for the compliment, his eyes soft and warm.
As you both got ready to head out for the wedding, Sunghoon brought up the plan, wanting to make sure you were completely okay with it and didn't want to back out before it was too late. You reassured him that everything was fine and that you were comfortable with him by your side.
The car ride to the wedding was filled with a whirlwind of emotions and feelings for you. You tried to prepare yourself for what was to come, knowing that the night ahead would bring about a mix of nostalgia, longing, and perhaps even a hint of uncertainty. But with Sunghoon by your side, you felt a sense of calm and reassurance that helped ease your nerves.
you and sunghoon approached the wedding venue, the tension in the air was palpable. Sunghoon immediately sprang into action, going around the car to open the door for you. His hand extended to help you out of the car, and before you knew it, his arm was wrapped around your waist, pulling you close. You could feel the heat of his touch through your dress, and his lips brushed against your ear as he whispered, "Are you ready?"
The intimacy of the moment caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but be surprised by Sunghoon's commitment to the act. You replied with a soft, "More ready than I'll ever be," feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement building in the pit of your stomach.
As you entered the venue, you were greeted by the sight of beautiful decor and flowers adorning every inch of the room. Sunghoon's large hand remained firmly on your waist, guiding you through the crowd with ease. He seemed to be the most comfortable and relaxed, his confidence shining through in his actions.
When it came time to take your seats, you were unsure of where to sit, on the groom's side or the bride's side. Sunghoon made the decision, choosing to sit on the bride's side. You couldn't help but wonder if his choice was strategic, positioning you both in a way that Jeno could see you. whether that was the case or not, you didn't mind one bit.
As you settled into your seats, Sunghoon gave you a warm smile and took your hand in his, lacing your fingers together and placing them on his lap. His eyes locked with yours, and you felt a rush of heat spread through you. You tried to focus on the decor and the guests in their best attire, but Sunghoon's presence was impossible to ignore.
You couldn't help but wonder if Sunghoon had previous experience in fake dating or if he had been preparing diligently for this moment. His ease and confidence in the situation left you both impressed and slightly flustered.
Your attention was soon drawn to the end of the aisle, where Jeno, your first and only love, began to make his way down. He greeted the guests, his eyes finding yours and then narrowing slightly as he saw Sunghoon sitting next to you, hand in hand. He seemed a bit confused. he dated you for years and was no stranger to the fact that heeseung was very protective over you. he found it a little strange that he’d be ok with his best friend dating you out of all people, but he had more important things to focus on as he made his way to the altar to marry the love of his life.
The ceremony began, and Jeno stood at the altar, surrounded by a variety of beautiful flowers, waiting for his bride to walk down the aisle. The weight of the situation settled on you, and you reminisce on your past relationship. thinking about how this could’ve been your wedding and you would’ve been the one walking down the isle in a beautiful white dress, marrying the love of your life.
music filled the air, signaling the bride's entrance, all the guests stood up in anticipation. The bride looked radiant in her white gown, gracefully making her way down the aisle, her eyes locked on Jeno. He looked so in love, looking at his wife to be the way he once looked at you. a pang of nostalgia hit you square in the chest. Sunghoon noticed your reaction and lightly squeezed your hand, offering a silent comfort.
"Are you okay?" Sunghoon whispered, concern evident in his voice.
"Yeah, just a little caught off guard," you replied, trying to push aside the wave of emotions.
The ceremony proceeded swiftly, with the exchange of vows and rings, culminating in the couple sealing their marriage with a kiss. You felt genuinely happy for Jeno, despite the past that lay between you. You knew that one day, you would also experience the joy of finding true love and sharing your life with someone special.
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After the ceremony, the guests moved to the cocktail hour, where friends and family mingled and caught up. Jeno and his wife made their way over to you and Sunghoon, and Jeno greeted you warmly, thanking you for coming. Sunghoon instinctively wrapped his arm around your waist as you exchanged pleasantries.
"Y/N! Long time no see. Thanks for coming," Jeno said with a smile.
"Yeah, thanks for the invite, and congratulations," you replied, trying to keep your composure.
you turn to sunghoon, introducing him "this is Sunghoon, my boyfriend," you added, gesturing the tall man.
Jeno shook Sunghoon's hand firmly. "Of course, how could I forget, Heeseung's best friend right?" Jeno said.
Sunghoon forced a smile. "that’s right. thanks for inviting us. congratulations”
���this is Karina, my wife” jeno introduces, “hi!! thank you so much for coming!” her bubbly personality and happiness doesn’t fail to radiate from her.
“so when did you two get together?” jeno asks, his tone full of curiosity. “um we-“ perhaps you should discussed this with sunghoon ahead of time. “-about six months ago, we always knew we had feelings for each other but of course heeseung was the reason we couldn’t act on it, but we’ve been happy, right, baby?” he presses his lips against your cheek and pulls away with a smile.
the pet name and the kiss, it was all too much and the shiver you felt down your spine at his words was one you wanted to feel over and over again. “yeah, it was hard in the beginning but i wouldn’t change anything about it” you reply looking over at sunghoon who’s gaze was already fixed on you.
“you two are such a cute couple! i expect an invite to your wedding too” karina says to both of you, effortlessly joining the conversation.
"Of course, whenever the day comes," you replied, feeling slightly flustered.
your conversation was short lived as the couple was whisked away by the photographer. you let out a deep breath that you didn’t even know you had been holding in. you turn to sunghoon once again, "Do you think they bought it?" you whispered.
"Yeah, but loosen up a bit. You're too nervous," Sunghoon advised, giving you a reassuring smile.
Taking his advice, you both took a sip of the champagne being served, letting the tension of the evening melt away as you embraced the role you were playing.
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As the night progressed, you and Sunghoon mingled with the other guests, engaging in light conversations and enjoying the festivities. At one point, you excused yourself to touch up your lip gloss in the bathroom. When you emerged, you caught sight of one of the bridesmaids practically throwing herself at Sunghoon. jealousy surged through you, even though you knew he wasn't your real boyfriend. Blaming it on the alcohol coursing through your veins, you mustered up a boldness you didn't know you had and walked over to them.
"I'm back, baby," you said, pressing your lips to his in a light peck. Sunghoon was clearly caught off guard by your sudden display of affection.
"Who's this?" you asked, taking Sunghoon's arm and throwing it over your shoulder.
"I'm Winter," the bridesmaid responded with a hint of annoyance in her voice.
"Well, Winter, thanks for keeping my boyfriend company, but I'm back now. You can leave," you said, your tone direct and firm.
Winter rolled her eyes at you, turning to Sunghoon and giving him a flirty smile as she handed him a tiny piece of paper. "Call me if you get bored," she said with a wink before striding away.
You were clearly pissed off, snatching the paper from Sunghoon and crumpling it in your hand. "Fucking bitch," you muttered under your breath.
"What was that all about?" Sunghoon asked, confusion evident in his expression.
"Sorry, I think I'm a little drunk," you replied, trying to brush off the incident.
Sunghoon teased you about being jealous and playing into the role a little too well. However, in the back of his mind, he couldn't shake the feeling of the tingling sensation on his lips from the unexpected kiss. He grabbed a flute of champagne from a passing server, gulping it down in one sip, trying to distract himself from the swirling emotions that had been stirred up by the encounter. Sunghoon realized he was in trouble, and the evening was far from over.
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when you both had enough, you made your way back to the hotel, you and Sunghoon both lost count of how many drinks you had. The alcohol had blurred your senses, making everything feel a bit hazy and carefree.
"You look so sexy tonight," you whispered to Sunghoon, your inhibitions loosened by the effects of the drinks. "I'd be lying if you calling me 'baby' didn't turn me on."
Sunghoon's moral compass tried to reason with him, warning him that giving in to your advances might lead to regret in the morning. But the fog of alcohol clouded his judgment, and his desires began to outweigh his reservations.
"Yeah?" Sunghoon replied, his voice laced with a hint of desire.
“mhm” You scooted closer to him, cradling his face in your hands, the tension between you palpable. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation until finally, you both leaned in and shared a kiss. The moment was filled with a mix of longing and intoxication, the chemistry between you undeniable.
As the car pulled up to the hotel, you both hurriedly exited, continuing your intimate moment as you made your way to the elevator. The air between you was charged with electricity, your hearts racing with anticipation.
Once inside the elevator, the confined space only heightened the intensity of the moment. You and Sunghoon couldn't resist each other, and your make-out session continued, growing more heated with each passing moment.
When you finally reached your room, Sunghoon wraps his arms around your waist from behind, pressing kisses against your neck as you fumbled with the door, his growing length pressing against your backside. The desire between you was undeniable, and the night held the promise of passion and forbidden desires that neither of you could resist.
when you finally manage to get the door open, sunghoon eagerly urges you inside, closeing the door behind him as you turn around, pressing your lips to his once again, in a sloppy kiss.
sunghoon wasted no time in taking control of your body. He kissed you hungrily running his hands over your curves as he explored every inch of you. you moaned with pleasure as sunghoon’s fingers found their way to the zipper on the back of your dress. he pauses in his actions, looking at you through your hooded eyes, silently asking for permission to take off your dress, you nod and you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second.
"Fuck," sunghoon muttered under his breath, clearly enjoying himself. "You're so fucking hot." he lets out praises as he gently throws you on the bed, climbing on top.
you couldn't believe what was happening. you’d always been attracted to sunghoon, but you never thought it’d get to the point where the two of you were so desperate and needy for each others touch.
you push off his blazer, your fingers beginning to fumble with the buttons on the leather vest he had underneath. he grew impatient taking matters into his own hands and taking it off in record time. you pull him back down by his neck, pressing your lips to his once again.
his lips continue to trail down the valley of your breasts, soft moans coming out of you involuntarily. he uncalsps your bra expertly, engulfing your tit in his big hand, taking the other the other into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hardened bud. tiny gasps escape your lips, his attention diverting to you other breast.
he begins peppering kisses all the way down your body, feeling that heat pooling in your lower tummy as he gets closer and closer to where you need him most.
he teases you, leaving wet kisses on your thighs and right above the seam of your cute black lace panties. “h-hoonie don’t tease p-please” you manage to get out and fuck does that nickname make him even harder. “tell me what you want baby” he tells you in a whisper, looking up to find your eyes. “want your tongue” you tell him in response, eyes fill with lust and desire.
“yeah? my baby wants me to eat her pretty pussy?” his words make you let out a moan “fuck yes hoonie, n-ned your tongue”. without another word his fingers loop under the band of your panties, tugging them off in one smooth motion.
“fuck pretty you’re so wet for me” his tongue darted out, like a stripe up your slit, making you moan with pleasure, he savors the taste “knew you’d taste so fucking good” and with another lick, he’s plunging his tongue in your wet hole. your back arches and your fingers thread through his hair, lightly tugging, “yes hoonie, right there, keep going”.
his lips work their way up to the little bundle of nerves, sucking on your clit. he inserts his long finger, and then another, the combination make you see stars. “s-shit hoon im close” you moan out. at your words, he adds a third finger, stretching you open getting rougher with the way he was plunging his digits inside your wet cunt.
“cum for me pretty, let me hear you”.
a couple more pumps and you were coming undone on his fingers, letting out a pornographic moan. despite your orgasm washing over you, sunghoon continues to lick at your cunt, beginning to overstimulate you. as much as you love his tongue, you need to have his cock in your mouth.
you pull him by his shoulders, signaling for him to come up. he hovers over your body, pulling his lips to yours, you taste yourself on his tongue, his chin messy with your juices.
you use all your weight to flip him over, taking him by surprise as you straddle him. you kiss his lips once again, trailing down his neck and his muscular toned body. he’d been hiding these abs this whole time??? you quickly work on getting his pants off, pushing both his pants and boxers down in one go.
his thick, long cock springs out, slapping against his abdomen. you take it in your hand, wrapping it around his length while holding eye contact. he lets out a shuddery breath “s-shit baby, you don’t have to”. already knowing what you were planning to do.
you giving him an innocent look that drives him crazy, “it’s ok, i want to”. you stroke him a couple times before leaning down to lick his pink mushroom tip. a glob of salvia leaves your lips, mixing with his pre cum, coating his thick shaft.
he lets out a groan, his eyes fluttering shut and his arm going behind his head, meanwhile his other hand tangles through your hair, his grip somehow making you even hornier.
without warning, you take him into your warm mouth. swallowing his length and stroking what didn’t fit with your hand.
the sight was one he never thought he’d ever be seeing. the pleasure was all too much for him.
“fuck baby, you’re doing so good f’me”
you sucked and stroked sunghoon’s cock, your mouth and hand working in tandem to bring him to the brink of orgasm. sunghoon’s breathing grew shallow and quick, his hips thrusting forward as he fucked your mouth.
Just as sunghoon was about to cum, you pulled back, a smile on your face. you stood up, pressing your body against his, grinding your hips against his.
"not yet," you whispered in his ear. "I want you to come while i ride you”
climbing onto his lap, he almost came insistently at your words and lustful voice. “i need you inside me”
sunghoon grunted with pleasure as you grabbed him, aligning him with your entrance. you slid down his cock, your pussy tightening around him. He couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the feeling of your wet heat against his erection.
"Fuck, you feel good," he moaned, his hands gripping your hips as he thrust upward.
you gasped with each stroke, your body trembling with pleasure. you had never felt anything like this before, and you were loving every minute of it. “you’re s-so big”
"keep riding me like that baby," Sunghoon groaned, gripping you ass "I don't want to cum yet."
you followed his instructions, bouncing up and down on his cock as he continued to thrust upward. you could feel his cock growing thicker with each stroke, and you couldn't wait for him cum
"shit, you’re so fucking tight" Sunghoon grunted, losing control. “i’m so close baby, cum with me”
“i’m cumming” you shuddered with pleasure. “where do you want me to cum pretty?” “inside hoonie, n-need you inside, m’on the pill” within seconds you felt the warm liquid coating your walls.
"Fuck, you're amazing," Sunghoon breathed as he leaned up to kiss you.
you reciprocate his kiss, pulling his softening cock out of you as you collapse onto the bed next to him.
his arms instinctively wrap around you, his lips showering you in small neck kisses. the both of you too tired and in a haze to do any after care, the exhaustion kicks in and you both drift off to sleep, a mess of tangled limbs under the white covers.
you both didn’t know what you were in for the next morning, too caught up in the pleasure to realize that you’ve just made the biggest mistake.
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @luminouskalopsia @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @ihrtgyuuu @purennn @hoonharem @g0niki @hearts4itoshi @yongbokified @shuichi-sama @xiaoderrrr @hongshuaknow @skylaly @yzzyhee @jwnghyuns @seokseokjinkim @syzavxy @xrvrqs @soulvrs @velvetkisscs @ak-aa-li @eneiyri @starlvcieszsq @meowmeowjang @hanhaeji @moonlighthoon @gaylilseokie @seunghancore @heelovesmeknot @nyfwyeonjun @kookify
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purplealmonds · 2 months
I watched the Mononoke Zashikiwarashi stage play!!
I watched the performances on 03/29 and 03/30, and I have so many Thoughts. But I’m on vacation and haven’t the spoons to draft them up coherently until I return home in a few days.
For now, I'll do a photo/art dump of my experience.
I arrived a few hours early to the theater (I had to take the train from Kyoto to Osaka, and built in time for potential navigational incompetence). While I waited for the theater to open up, cracked open my iPad and started painting in Procreate.
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This is the exterior of Cool Japan Park Osaka's WW Hall. Shaking off a lot of rust from painting from observation, but I'm happy with how the colors came out.
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Photo for reference, though I painted it live. Shadows moved quite a bit while I worked because I am slow.
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This is the interior of the theater. I was forbidden from taking photo and video of this space, so I painted it it, albeit messily because of the short time I had before the performance began.
Winding back time a bit, here's the cardboard cutout stand the theater staff set out right before they started admitting people into the lobby:
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It was a bit windy that day, so it actually snapped in half mere minutes after its installation lmao. Not pictured is the flustered staff tying Mr. Medicine Seller to the railing with some twine.
Selfie taken after the disaster:
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Keeping an eye on Mr. Medicine Seller to ensure he doesn't misbehave agains, prints in hand to be gifted to unsuspecting theater-goers:
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When I was seated, some of the giftees stopped by to gift me with an acrylic standee and a cookie! The standee is given exclusively to audience members who preordered their tickets super early, so it's amazing I got my hands on one! After the performance, someone also posted my art on their instagram story! O:
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The performance visual, gift shop, and posters were also deployed around this time.
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Also was pleasantly surprised to see a huge Mononoke Karakusa poster displayed. Unlike typical movie posters, this one was printed on a rather thick matte rather than thin translucent gloss paper.
And here's the merch and goodies I acquired at the lobby:
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I was originally buying just the pamphlet, but as you can see I did a few more impulse purchases! I ended up getting:
📖 Zashikiwarashi Pamphlet - Hoping if productions of other episodes are a thing this can become a collection. The Bakeneko pamphlet was also sold here. If there's interest I can do a flip-through video of both the Bakeneko and Zashikiwarashi pamphlets!
🎟️Mononoke Karakasa Bonus Gifts: I thought it was just the clear file and a neat lil trading card but it seems like the trading card is actually a movie ticket??? I’m not gonna be in Japan when the movie comes out though but it’s a nice souvenir nonetheless!
🌇 Mononoke Karakasa flyer - The theatre had massive stacks of them to be taken freely. The first one got a bit wrinkled on my ride back to the hotel, so I grabbed 2 more after watching the 2nd performance!
💿Bakeneko Blu-Ray - This was something I thought I’d never get my hands as a US resident so I was pleasantly surprised they were selling this. Definitely a pretty penny but now I get to watch it at my leisure when I get home! May do a write up about it eventually. The Zashikiwarashi Blu-Ray actually went on sale today, but it only delivers in Japan. Sighhh. I guess I have no choice but to fly back when the Umi Bozu stageplay goes live. Or if it pops up on Mercari some time in August the price gouging hopefully won't be too horrific.
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noosayog · 2 years
and there was only one bed! - ft. Miya Osamu
wc: 900
noos's notes: my favorite things in the world are mutual pining and grumpy-partner x patient partner
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When you had promised Atsumu that you’d come to see him play against the Adlers in Tokyo, you and Osamu had made plans together for lodging and bullet train tickets from your home in Osaka. It was going to be great, both because you’d get to spend the whole weekend with your longtime crush and support his lesser twin brother at his game. You and Osamu would take the bullet train Friday night, watch Atsumu’s game on Saturday, and take the train back Sunday. 
What you weren’t expecting was how tired you were from work on Friday. Suddenly the prospect of a 3 hour train ride wasn’t so exciting; not even being able to spend uninterrupted time with Osamu was appealing enough to wipe the exhaustion settling in your bones. On top of that, you and Osamu had agreed to take the late train to allow him time to close up the restaurant for the day and prepare it for the weekend without him. Nonetheless, you show up at the station at the promised meeting time of 11PM, Osamu already there waiting for you. 
“Ya alright? Ya look… not so good,” he asks.
You smile tiredly. “Work was just exhausting. I’ll be fine after a nap on the train.” 
When you board, all hopes of sleeping on the ride are dashed with a screaming baby in your train car. Osamu gives you an apologetic look and offers his headphones but they prevent you from leaning your head against the window, so you end up returning them to him and knocking your temple against the cold window. 
Upon your arrival in Tokyo a bit after 4AM, you stumble off the train, wobbly on your feet and desperate for a comfy bed. Osamu graciously holds your overnight bag along with his own and you’re much too tired to protest. At the hotel, your ill-thought out planning strikes again. 
“We are terribly sorry Miya-san, but check-in is after 1PM and you’ve only booked your rooms for Saturday night,” the hotel receptionist gives Osamu an apologetic look.
“Can’t you give us an early check-in if any rooms are available?” you hope you don’t come off as rude, but you’re beyond the point of exchanging pleasantries. 
“One moment. Let me check if any rooms are available.” 
While the receptionist clicks slowly at his computer, you sigh loudly, cranky and irritated. The receptionist looks at you and his lips wobble a bit at your glare. He turns his attention back to the computer and clicks faster. Osamu, ever the polite one, leans over and guides your head to his broad shoulder. “Be nice,” he murmurs. 
You lean your heavy head on him and close your eyes. “No,” you mumble back. 
He chuckles. 
The receptionist stops clicking and addresses Osamu this time. “I apologize, it looks like there is only be one room available at the current time -” 
“We’ll take it,” you snap. 
The receptionist nods and hands you a key card. He turns to Osamu and says, “we will be sure to notify you as soon as your other room opens up, sir.”
Osamu smiles and throws a thank you over his shoulder as you’re already storming off to the elevators.
At the door of the hotel room, you open the door and make a beeline for the bed. You’re face down on the sheets when you realize Osamu is walking back to the door. “Where are you going?” 
Osamu sticks his head around the corner to come back into your view. He awkwardly scratches at his neck, “I’ll just hang out in the lobby until my room becomes available. I put yer stuff down, so ya just rest up.” 
“What? No. Just stay here, ‘Samu.” 
“I don’t want ya to feel uncomfortable…” 
“Shut up, ‘Samu, and stay. We both worked late last night and I’m too tired to care about anything right now.” 
“Are ya sure?”
You fix him with a look more scathing than the one you had sicced on the hotel receptionist and he does as you say. 
You’re drifting in and out of consciousness when you feel him come back to your side. “Y/n, you should get under the covers.” 
You grunt a sound of agreement, but make no move to do so. Osamu sighs and you feel him pick you up to untuck the sheets and gently lay you back down to tuck you under. Moments later, he slides in beside you and you automatically sidle closer to his warmth. Your fingers tangle into his shirt and your face finds purchase in his chest. He smells like soap and you offhandedly realize he must have taken a shower. You’re probably smelly and sweaty from the commute, but you’re too tired to get up. Anyway, Osamu doesn’t seem to mind because his initial stiffness from the proximity melts into a sigh and he wraps his heavy limbs around you. You can feel his breath above your head and in any other situation, you’d either be too nervous to move or too tempted to look up and kiss the life out of him. 
“You’re warm.”
He wraps his arms tighter around you and you slide your legs between his in your half asleep state. You would be embarrassed at your own shamelessness if you were lucid, but you can’t be bothered to form any coherent thoughts now. 
“Thanks for being here with me.” you hear yourself slur.
“Ya would’ve been fine with anyone in yer current state.” he scoffs.
“No,” you mumble. “wouldn’t have put myself in this position with anyone else but you.” 
He’s saying something in response, but you’re too far gone to hear. The last thing you hear is “Sleep, baby. I’ll wake ya up in the morning.” 
Though, you’re not too tired to feel a tender pressure at the crown of your head before you’re completely gone.
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Imagine Shimazu Finding You On The Roof Of  The Osaka Hotel
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Koji Shimazu X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Mentions of blood, fluff, suggestive themes at the end
Word Count: 1.6k
(A/N:) I maaayyy have gotten carried away with this one. Besides John Shimazu became my favorite character. Yes I know he wasn’t in it much but Hiroyuki Sanada is like my top favorite Japanese actor. So yeah no brainer that I had to write something. This one is also SUPER indulgent for myself. I’m just sharing it with you my fellow readers! So enjoy this piece of my fangirliness and enjoy! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
The night covering the city of Osaka was soothing and peaceful as you made your way to the rooftop of The Osaka Continental. The various guards you passed by, bowed their heads respectfully as you passed them by. Very few had permission to get this far within the building, but you had permission from the manager personally to go wherever you pleased. Lastly you passed the sumo sized guards who bowed respectfully while opening the doors for you, that’s when you finally found the peace and quiet you sought for. The gentle breeze grabbed the sleeves of your yukata that the Osaka hostesses were required to wear as soon as you stepped out of the door. You breathed in deeply, letting the stress of the evening melt away, fluttering away along with the few cherry blossom petals to the streets below. You couldn’t see the stars due to the city’s lights but the lighting surrounding the building was more than enough to soothe you. Your life hadn’t always been so peaceful, as you were once one of the assassins that this specific hotel housed. An injury had taken you from the game and when the High Table had come to dispose of you, Koji Shimazu had protected you within his hotel and gave you a new purpose in life. You owed the man much, he didn’t have to risk his neck for you but he did anyway. You felt like you could never repay him, no matter how many years you served within his hotel. 
Not long after you had started working, Akira had begun to look up to you and you quickly became a mother figure to the young woman. At times when you caught glimpses of Shimazu he was smiling as he watched you and Akira together. As you watched her grow up, you also found that your feelings for Shimazu had started to change as well. You kept them well hidden as he had already given you so much, you couldn’t bring yourself to ask for more.
You walked over to one of the benches nestled under the low branches of the fully bloomed Sakura, enjoying their sweet scent as you watched the night sky. You could have sworn you could still hear the hustle and bustle of the city even from up so high. While you used this area as your personal getaway for tough moments, you never abused your freedom as it would be disgraceful to your employer. Losing yourself in the memories of you bleeding out in the Osaka’s lobby before the High Table minions. The smaller details were still a little hazy as you were in and out of consciousness that night, but the biggest moment you would never forget was when Shimazu stepped forward. He always carried himself with a strong, quiet, steadfast demeanor. Even when he lowered himself he still had command of the room and kept his dignity. There you laid, staining his meticulously cleaned floor at the feet of assassins when he stepped forward. The Yakuza looking guards at his side on high alert but standing down with just one wave of Shimazu’s hand. You watched, eyes bleary as he came to your side, your blood staining his shoes. What happened next, you would never forget as it shocked you to your core. Shimazu knelt at your side putting his face to the floor. His robes quickly soaking up your life essence while the same blood that leaked from you stained his skin and hair.
‘Please forgive my intrusion upon your business, but please spare her and she will find a new beginning here within my walls,’ he asked still kneeling in your blood.
You opened your mouth to protest, but the look he gave you had you silenced in a second. Here this man was lowering himself on your behalf, your heart skipped a beat as you started blacking out. The last thing you heard was the High Table assassins’ agreement and you were then whisked away and treated.
Now here you were so many years later and you were happier now than you had ever been. You smiled catching a fluttering petal while thinking of all the fond memories you had made since then. Lost in thought you didn’t hear the doors open or the quiet feet of your manager until he finally spoke.
“I had a feeling you’d be up here,” he spoke in Japanese. You had found yourself becoming fluent in the language as you had worked here many years in Osaka. It helped that Shimazu had taken time out personally to teach you as well.
“I needed just a little air before getting back to work,” you replied.
Shimazu nodded at his guards, who retreated giving you both some privacy. He came closer standing beside the small bench before gesturing with his hand.
“May I?”
You nodded, scooting over, “Of course. Who am I to deny a man the right of anything in his hotel?”
Shimazu chuckled while taking a seat. He looked to the same sakura blossoms you had come to view yourself. His rough fingers tracing the petals that hung before his face. You watched him from the corner of your eye, glad that the dark sky was hiding the blush on your cheeks. No matter what he was so handsome, and in his gentle moments you found yourself falling harder for him. Though he hid it well, he knew you were watching him. He didn’t want to seem unprofessional, but when the guards had told him where you slipped off to he couldn’t help but come to find you himself. These moments between you both were so rare that he wanted to take every chance he could to spend time alone with you. Yes he had saved you that day because he couldn’t stand the thought of the High Table doing everything they pleased. But after getting to know you and seeing what kind of person hid underneath your assassin exterior he was more than happy with what laid on the inside. You stayed for a few moments longer, until you knew that it wouldn’t be right to take anymore time away from your duties.
“Back to work,” you stated before starting to rise from the stone bench. Your arm suddenly jerked and you felt pressure around your wrist.
“Please,” Shimazu nodded towards the spot you were occupying, “stay for a little longer.”
You couldn’t deny the boss man what he wanted, but you could feel your cheeks redden further. You nodded wordlessly, retaking your seat. Neither of you spoke until Shimazu turned a little more towards you.
“Do you like working here,” he asked shattering the silence. More petals scattered on the breeze as you looked to him wide eyed.
“Of course I do!” You practically shouted before slapping your hands over your mouth. “Sorry.”
He laughed taking your hands into his, “Don’t apologize. I’m glad you like my hotel.”
“It’s gorgeous, but honestly I can never repay your kindness.”
He sighed looking away. This wasn’t where he wanted the conversation to go. He knew the way you felt about him and he felt the same. He had just hidden his emotions away, afraid of what his other employees would think or if it would upset his daughter. But now he felt those cares scattering along with the sakura petals that found freedom on the Osaka breeze. He released one of your hands to reach up amongst the branches of the tree you both sat under. You heard a snap before Shimazu tucked a few loose strands of hair behind your ear and placed a small twig loaded with light pink blossoms in your hair. You looked up in surprise as he stroked your flaming cheek.
“The sakura come every year but they float away so quickly that you don’t have time to enjoy them for long,” he breathed leaning closer. “I do not wish to waste anymore time dancing around feelings I should have spoken aloud long ago.”
You shivered as his breath caressed your skin, your whole body trembling from his words. You had to be dreaming right?
Shimazu,” you mumbled.
“Koji,” was his simple reply before he gently took your lips. Your whole world exploded as you kissed him back. The sakura blossoms couldn’t touch the colors that danced behind your eyes as you lost yourself in the taste that was Koji Shimazu. He was everything you could have possibly dreamed. Soft and hard. Dark and light. Your mind whirled in thoughts as he pulled you closer. You felt that your life had been leading up to this one precious moment, where Koji kissed you deeply under the lights of his sakura garden. When he finally released you, you both were breathless. He didn’t remove his hand from your cheek as he continued to stroke your skin. Your lip trembled, your dream finally coming true to know what the man you loved thought of you.
“I don’t really want to go back to work now,” you blurted.
Koji looked at you for a few moments before laughing and shaking his head.
“I wasn’t planning on sending you back downstairs to the lobby,” he replied a sudden glint of mirth coming into his dark eyes. “The night is still young and I feel it’s just beginning for the both of us.”
You didn’t know what to say as you were whisked away by the man you found so endearing. The guards bowed as their leader passed by, with you in tow. Like he promised upon the rooftop, beneath the blossoms, you didn’t return to the lobby below for the rest of the evening or until later in the afternoon the next day.
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sunny-mercya · 2 months
01. Arguments
Heiji Hattori x Male Reader
Fandom -> Detective Conan/Case Closed
Masterlist | Previous / Next || Hey, Brother || Based Song
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I can't stop my love for you
I'll become your everything, I believe in your promise to never let go of my hand as we walk
The day had started good—weather sunny and temperature mildly warm, a good transition from Spring to Summer—which put a stop to the called Winter-Depression, freeing the soul and make it glow with love for life again—and overall a perfect day to do some adventuring outside.
After getting ready in your hotel room—still too shy to sleepover at Heiji's house (and in all sworn secrecy honesty, you're still intimidated by his father)—choosing a oversized shirt in light blue with prints of stars on it and—besides of how your legs are looking now—some shorts to wear, deciding against a jacket today—you made your way towards the lobby and outside, where Heiji promised to wait for you.
It wasn't your first time in Osaka, had visited the City more than once within the last two years—but it always brought excitement, when you visit again and doing—despite knowing the spots already—sightseeing with Heiji, who lights up like a child on christmas whenever he could show you his city once again.
Heiji greets you with a smile—one of his bashful one, which makes your heart soar from the sight alone—taking your hand in his and started to tell you about the places—you had seeing more than trice—he's going to show you and the restaurants you two would try out.
Sometimes Heiji could be a gluttony, when it comes to any food stall or restaurant in Osaka—always liking to try out new dishes and wanting to eat as much as he could.
»Which Restaurant did you pick this time?« 
»I thought about one of the local ones, where we had went last time. Probably the one with the spicy takoyaki.«
You hummed in response. Spiciness was another topic for itself, while you could stomach only a bit of it—not more than one (milde) spicy dish—before it brings your stomach into uncomfortable cramping rumblings, Heiji couldn't seem to have it spicy enough—adding, when the food was already labelled as Extreme Spicy, even more to it.
Although those spicy Takoyaki were indeed delicious and you aren't against it to eat them again—perhaps more than your stomach could tolerate.
You hadn't thought much about it—idly strolling with Heiji through the streets and looking at various shops—when you saw the third police car passing by in a speed, but when a fourth car passed—Heiji pulled out his phone and dials a number.
You raised a eyebrow at your boyfriend, not in the mood to overthrow today's current plans—which you had looked forward to—and visiting a potential murder crime scene—once again—having to spending the remaining day, without even having lunch first, there and just standing around like accessories (or a liability).
Before you could ask Heiji, more like reminding him not to chase any criminals down today, he had already ended the call—pocketing back his phone, grabbing your hand—more like sizing your wrist in a tight grip—and dragging you through the crowds of people.
At some point he had picked up on speed and once reaching the park, Heiji begun to run—forcing you to do so too, his grip on your wrist a tad bit tight—and when the first cramps—which you had felt way before already—starting to spread like prickling needles, you know what's about to happen.
»Heiji! Heiji wait! Please, slow down. We need to stop, Heiji!« you shouted, begging your boyfriend to slow down with his running—while dragging you along.
Your legs started to cramp up even more, the sharp pain which shoot through like electricity—drew a hiss from your lips.
Heiji did slowed down, letting go of you, stopping in his tracks and turning around to you. 
»C'mon don't be such a slow poke now. There's a crime scene, probably the next victim of that rumoured Serial Killer and we need ta be there, before the police close up their investigations!«
Bending down a bit and huffing out a breath, placing your hands on your tights—gripping sightly into your skin to accumulate the pain, at least hoping to do so—you furrowed your eyebrows, frowning up at your boyfriend.
»Heiji, I–I can't anymore. My legs are hurting and I need to sit down.....and besides you don't have to be at every crime scene, you know? The inspectors and police officers can handle this on their own. So why don't we just continue with what we have planned for today?«
»As a Detective I hafta ta be there!«
»No you don't! You're actually only a Highschooler and no Detective. You can't just be–«
»Oh really? I'm no Detective?« 
»No you aren't.« you didn't elaborate any further, not having the nerves to discuss this topic—which always seems upsetting for Heiji—once again and trying to explain to your Boyfriend why he technically and theoretically isn't as of current a Detective at all. 
»Well it's certainly not my damn fault that ya being so stupid and got yerself kidnapped and having useless legs now!«
»Heiji?! Now you're being mean–«
»Ya know what. Just stay here, so ya won't be a bother for me.« Heiji scoffed, the annoyance—towards you—showing on his face, turning around and started to jog away—leaving you behind.
Sitting on the bench, after limping back through the park, you tried to hold yourself together the best you could—not wanting to break down and cry, because that's what seemed to be the only thing you're doing anyways these days—getting sensitive about everything and being a big nuisance of an crybaby, appearing weak.
It hurt what Heiji had said to you and if these were his honest thoughts and feelings towards you, than it's cruel that he hadn't told you such things sooner—because if he had, than maybe you wouldn't feel like wanting to dig out your eyes or hiding in some dark corner somewhere.
It's like a damn curse that wherever you went, be it with Heiji or Conan and Ran, there always happened to be a murder case—as if they were a magnet for such monstrosity crimes or more like, they're the death-angel themselves.
And of course these Cases always had priority over every- and anything, making the minds of certain people blank and nothing else seemed to matter anymore.
You're not against it—far from such thoughts—that Heiji wants to be a Detective—he's a brilliant one and you would support his decision of career the best you could—it's just, sometimes you wished he wouldn't leap right away into the depths of potential danger all the time and risking his life for justice—and sometimes you wished.....(it sounds selfish).....Heiji would be just content enough to only spend time with you.
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count-alucard-tepes · 5 months
Just experienced my first earthquake/tremors/aftershock in Osaka and lord, I was terrified! I didn’t know what the hell was going on and to make it worse, I was on the phone with my mom😭
I literally got dressed and got down to the lobby of my hotel to find everyone so calm and relaxed, while I was shaking and visibly panicked!
Bro, WTH…not on New Year’s Day 😭
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twentydaysofdrabbles · 10 months
The Concierge Lies In Wait (Part 50B)
If you didn't know that the world had been turned on its head, you would not have suspected anything had changed.
From your roost on the third floor overlooking the lobby, you watch as guests filter in and out of the Hotel foyer, coming and going from the reception desk and the escalators. All seems normal.
Except you know better.
The 'gold club members' are tense, their hands flinching to their pockets whenever a mobile phone buzzes or trills. Their eyes flick to the glass doors every so often, lingering on men and women who wear grey of any shade.
All this you take in with an even, dead gaze, your hands loose by your sides, your form partially concealed from view by a pillar. Papyrus stands behind you, arms crossed over his chest, hat pulled low over his masked eyes, his scarf pulled up high. He looks like an ominous shadow behind you, cloaked entirely in the shadow of the pillar.
You can feel him behind you, acutely so, the mild rise and fall of his chest making the hair on the back of your neck stand from how close he is to you. Which is interesting, you think. Do magical skeleton monsters need to breathe?
It's not a thought that lingers for long, however, as something makes you look at the entrance. A man comes through the doors, dark in complexion, dressed for the outdoors, with a dog trailing by his sided. Ah, the Tracker. You had a feeling he would get here quick; the bounty on John Wick's head has drawn out every single soldier of fortune from the woodwork.
But unlike the other guests in the lobby, other similar soldiers of fortune, his eyes alone snap up to your spot. Hm, sharp. As expected.
You're fairly well obscured by the dimly lit corridor and the pillar, but you're sure he has at least caught sight of your shoulder, perhaps your profile. Papyrus is hidden at an angle; you're not worried he has been seen. No doubt you're far away enough that he would struggle to make out your features, but most 'gold club members' are able to recognise you on sight.
It seems he is able to do the same, as his eyes widen briefly before he turns his eyes back front. As if he realises he has seen something he shouldn't have. Still acting as if he had not seen anything, he engages with Akira in conversation, and that is the point where you turn your attention away from him and to the lobby in general.
Koji comes out to work the lobby some time later, accompanied by three men in neat suits. You're mollified to see that two of them are your men, blending in seamlessly with Koji's actual personal bodyguard.
You watch him do his rounds, greeting guests, shaking hands with others. And then you see Akira join him as they wander up the escalators and disappear from view.
"DO YOU ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR, OR ARE WE SIMPLY STANDING HERE HOPING FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN?" Papyrus grumps and shifts from foot to foot, peering over your head to look down at the lobby with an annoyed air.
Ah yes. Tilting your head, you fold your hands in front of your belly, looking up at him to meet those crimson eye lights. "They will come."
He grumbles and shakes his head, stretching out one leg and then the other. "WE HAVE BEEN WAITING USELESSLY ALL DAY WITH NO SIGN OF THESE MYRMIDONS AND--"
The hair on the back of your neck stands, the back of your head itches, and you whirl around quickly to look at the front doors. Several men and women in matching grey suits come through, their steps sharp and pointed. On a mission.
On instinct, you press your back up against the pillar, an arm extended to usher Papyrus beside you and into the shadows. At the same time, your phone vibrates silently in your coat pocket. That's not a good sign.
With the slightest of movements, your phone is slipped out. The screen is dim, but bright enough for you to see a message from an unsaved number.
Osaka Continental Hotel Deconsecrated By order of the Marquis de Gramont
You look up to see Papyrus' eyes trained on the grey-clad soldiers. He looks serious, even if his face is concealed by the mask. Since he's focused on the lobby, you're at liberty to look down at your phone as a follow up message comes through.
Caine sighted at Osaka Continental.
Oh this is just getting worse and worse. It would be vain to hope that he is not affiliated with the Marquis' men.
Down below, whatever the leader says to Akira causes her to whisper to a bellboy and then to sweep away. It's difficult to see from so far away, but you can just about make out the movement of their lips.
"Please evacuate everyone...discreetly."
Smart girl.
You can see how some in the lobby stiffen and tense the longer the grey-clad soldiers remain, the longer that the reception desk remains empty. At last, a voice comes through the PA system, informing guests that the Hotel is closing temporarily for some work to be done.
"And so it begins," you murmur softly, the PA system covering the sound of your voice.
Soon enough, Koji himself comes down the escalator. But this time, without Akira. You can only imagine a few reasons why he would do so. Perhaps...
With an observant gaze, you watch as the men exchange words. Counting the number of grey-clad Myrmidons dotting the lobby. There are more than you had expected.
"THEY ARE WELL PREPARED. THEY EXPECTED A FIGHT," Papyrus comments lowly, his magic bound tightly to keep his voice from reverberating in its usual way.
"Koji-sama is a warrior of no small repute," you say quietly in turn, watching as Caine, predator among predators all clad in black, slips through the sea of grey to stand before Koji. "But so is that one."
But there will be more. So many more. Best not to linger here.
With a silent gesture, you lead Papyrus back through the shadows and to a service hallway. "We should circle around to eliminate small packs of soldiers before joining the main fight," you say once the door is closed securely behind you. "They will be overwhelmed before long."
Shaking your head, you hold a hand up. "You might not answer to the Continental Hotel, but I hope that your respect for me will compel you to listen, Papyrus." The skeleton monster takes a deep breath, but nods. You continue, "The two of us will do little in a front line fight. We will do better by thinning out their ranks before we meet up with Koji or Akira."
Papyrus seems to think, then he nods, his mask shifting as though he opens his maw to speak.
Suddenly, the service hallway is plunged into darkness. But only for a split second.
Papyrus' crimson eye light glow bright, hovering in the darkness like afterimages as he whirls to look back at the way you came. Just as quickly as it turned dark, dim green lights come on.
"The fight has started," you note quietly, jerking your head for him to follow you. "Come."
"FINE, THAT'S NOT THE WORST TACTICAL DECISION I'VE HEARD," he sniffs, but follows you nonetheless.
What a backhanded compliment.
"Why thank you," you say without blinking. Papyrus just grunts in response, as if to say it wasn't a compliment.
You can hear muted gunfire and shouts filtering in from the direction of the lobby, though the walls and door muffle them considerably. "Quickly," you murmur, going from a swift walk to a quick trot.
This route takes you past the kitchen and the pantry; you remember Akira pointing it out. You also remember her pointing out weapon caches and hiding spots if you ever needed them. But beyond that, you remember the layout fairly well.
Heavier footsteps thunder in front of you, followed by a lighter, almost silent pair, and you find yourself rounding the corner into a small squadron of four fully armored, fully armed soldiers.
So it begins.
A smile slowly spreads across your face. Your heartbeat quickens. Your blood heats. Yes. Yes! The sharp and precise movement of your body loosens up as you relax into your stride, fingertips reaching for the hidden mechanism to release the blades of your gauntlet.
Cold metal shoots out and clicks into place over the back of your hand. Broad and strong and lethally sharp. Your heart, your blade, sings for blood, their blood, and you will oblige.
You don't look over your shoulder at Papyrus, but you don't need to. You trust he will do what he needs to do.
The soldiers notice you only a split second before you barrel into their legs in a blur of red and silver, their guns tipping down to pepper you with bullets. They had no fear for friendly fire - their armour is too well made - but you had no fear that their bullets would meet their target.
Bullets thud into your back and shoulders, but none of them penetrate the thick tactical lining of your clothes as you loop your arms underneath the legs of two of them.
Yanking and heaving and throwing them onto their backs, you angle your blades as you free your arms from the tangle of knees and legs. Like a hot knife through butter, or in this case like a lethally sharp knife through the thick but plateless fabric covering the backs of their knees, you slice apart their ligaments in a fraction of a heartbeat. Cloth and flesh and connective tissue give way to your strength, to the sharp edge of your blade, and you immediately feel the difference in the way they hold their legs.
Like any human would, trained assassins and soldiers or not, both soldiers flinch and writhe in pain. Giving you the window of opportunity to plant your blades into the groin of one, then the other. You're certain that you have severed an artery or a vein or two, considering the vast amounts of blood starting to pool under them as they writhe weakly and cry out in pain.
But...just to be sure.
A blade-mounted punch to the throat not only serves to crush structures in the neck from the sheer force of the punch, but also to introduce a deep wound that lets blood pump out at an alarming rate. The same is repeated for the other poor soldier in short order, removing both soldiers from the battlefield as they wheeze out their last breaths.
Your part done, you look up and find Papyrus in the midst of crushing a soldier's helmeted head in his huge hands, the other one already crumpled to the ground behind him. He looks up at you through his mask as he squishes the soldier's head, helmet and all, between his palms, looking for all the world like an avatar of death clad in a smart suit and fedora.
You're not afforded much time to admire the brutality of his strength, or his strategy, and so you nod in approval. "Well done, Papyrus. We should--"
More footsteps. Lighter. Several. More than four.
You furrow your brows. This must be Koji. But you take no chances, blades lifted.
"Stop them," a stern voice orders in Japanese.
You straighten up, blades still bared, and lead Papyrus around the corner to find Koji retrieving some gear for himself and his men. Two sumo wrestlers charge forward into the other part of the kitchen, presumably to guard the way. Four of your staff nod at you, two from Koji's guard, the other two from the kitchen, and you direct them with silent signals to remain in their current formations.
"Shimazu-sama," you call out gently, taking advantage of the lull in the fighting to speak to the man.
"Concierge," Koji barks, coming up to you after accepting a sheathed katana from one of the kitchen staff. With a resolute expression, he looks at you seriously. "Concierge, no matter what happens this night, you must make sure Akira lives." His tone brooks no disobedience.
You know he loves his daughter more than anything in the world. Know that he rues the day he allowed his daughter more than a peripheral role in his Hotel. So you bow, an acknowledgement of an order from management. "Understood." Straightening up, you wave toward the path out of the kitchen where his guards await. "Go, we will secure the rear."
Papyrus steps up behind you. A silent support at your shoulder and nearly casting a shadow upon the much shorter Koji.
Koji looks up at the gloved, hooded and masked Papyrus, a slight frown on his face as he carefully takes in the otherworldly nature of the disguised skeleton monster. After a moment, he murmurs, "You are one of them."
Papyrus' hackles raise. You frown at Koji, but say nothing.
The Japanese manager raises a hand in a calming gesture. "I mean no offence," then he glances at the way he came. "They had one with them, too."
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yujo-nishimura · 4 months
Tsukuba - Part 2
I am doing a course on creative nonfiction at the University right now and I thought it would be time to get the creative nonfiction I used to write out into the world. These are just bits and pieces of a short novella - nothing is proof-read and this was translated from German into English.
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After the concert in Osaka, I received a message on my phone that said, "Meet me at the east exit." Knowing that I would have to wait for a while, I took my time leaving the hall and bought myself another beer at the exit just to keep myself occupied. The evening was colder than usual for this time of year. I wrapped myself in my scarf as the air buzzed with the heated excitement of the concertgoers slowly making their way home.
I stood at the east exit, clutching my beer. His little blue car was right by the door - he had driven here alone all the way. We never talked about his work. It was an unspoken agreement between us, just like we didn't talk about our age gap.
Tired from standing for so long, I wanted nothing more than to sit on the ground, but I knew it would only cause annoyance and people judging me. Some fans had come to the east exit, noticed his car, and now they were doing the same as me - standing around. I sent him a message.
"I'm here, but so are the others."
Just a few seconds later, I received a reply.
"Maybe you want to go to the hotel first, and we can meet there?"
"No problem. Did you make a reservation?"
He had told me just before he left that he would book a double room for the two of us, but he hadn't told me where or if we would split the costs.
"The Marriott. Reservation under your name," was the reply I received, and from the brevity of the message, I immediately sensed that those were all the details I would get for now.
Several taxis drove past on the street beside me, many of them occupied. The fans around me stood closer together now. Some more of them had noticed the car, and perhaps they had multiplied like bees—one had informed the other, and now they were all slowly coming here, hoping to see him.
I stepped to the side of the road, looking hopefully in the direction from which the cars were coming, determined to extend my arm as soon as a taxi came into sight. For a while, nothing happened, and then suddenly I heard a loud sigh and screaming. The gate to the east exit had opened and H. was standing by his car. I turned around briefly, he didn't see me, didn't want to look over the fans to see me, and I showed no interest either. At least he was early enough for us to be able to buy something to eat.
Just as he got into his car and the bodyguards kept the screaming crowd at bay, a taxi stopped right in front of me.
"Osaka Marriott Miyako Hotel, please," I said as I got in. Suddenly excitement burned within me. Who would be faster?
I arrived after ten minutes. I entered the lobby and didn't see him at the entrance or the reception. So I had won the little race—maybe only because my taxi driver was a true Osaka resident who knew the city like the back of his hand and bombarded me with all sorts of information in broken English during the ride. He probably thought I was a tourist and that it was my first time here. This was the sixth or seventh time I had visited Osaka, and when I asked for a receipt in Japanese as I got out, he was very disappointed and embarrassed that he had been trying to speak English with me the whole time. I thanked him anyway for the city tour and his efforts—forced hospitality was always better than hostility.
I didn't like the lights in the hotel. There were ornate chandeliers with LED lights—it was supposed to be chic and elegant, but the bright light contradicted that. Leather chairs were arranged around glass tables—I knew why H. had chosen this hotel—it perfectly matched his taste. Sterile cleanliness and elegance. It felt like being in a museum— you may look, but don't touch anything.
At least the bar looked friendly, and I longed for a Japanese shochu on the rocks—as soon as I checked in, I would treat myself to one or maybe two.
I approached the friendly receptionist, smiled, and said that the reservation was under my name. She checked and nodded kindly, then asked, "Honeymoon Suite?"
I sighed at his audacity.
"Yes, I suppose so."
"It has already been paid for by card. Here's your key, room 545. Will your husband be checking in later?"
"I hope so."
She laughed, but I was serious.
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freddiemercurydaily · 2 years
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Here’s an anecdote from Freddie Mercury’s personal body guard in Japan, Mr. Itami-San….“When we were gathered at the Plaza Hotel in Osaka on May 15, Queen’s final night, Freddie decided that he wouldn’t go out today. I happened to see Roger in the lobby, who said, ‘I’m going to head out for a bit,’ so I decided to join him. We headed out into town, had some beers, and then came back to the hotel. Then, one of the staff members comes to me and says, ‘Itami-san, Freddie was looking for you. Apparently he wanted to go out.’ I thought to myself, ‘This is bad!’ And it turns out that when I came back to the hotel with Roger and his bodyguard, Freddie saw us from the hotel cafe
. I went to apologize, but Freddie did not smile back. The next day was their last day, but Freddie wouldn’t even look at me. <strained laugh> Oh boy, I had made a big mistake. The following year, when Freddie came to Japan on his own, he gifted me a Japanese sword, probably because he knew I practised kendo. So, maybe our relationship was repaired with that gesture, haha.”Extracted from an interview with Itami-San The first picture is of Freddie and Mr. Itami-San in 1985 during Queen’s ‘The Works Tour’The second is Freddie with Itami in 1986 during his personal and final trip to Japan and the third is an autographed photo from Itami to Roger
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allovertheworldblog · 4 months
Tokyo Story
Before I got to Tokyo I stopped off in Nagoya for a couple of days.
I’d been in Japan for a couple of weeks at this stage and felt a bit like I’d been rushing towards Tokyo.
I expected a lot from Tokyo, yet I wanted to put it off a little bit longer so I’d appreciate it all the more.
Nagoya is the Motor City of Japan.
Home of Toyota, Nagoya is one of the industrial powerhouses of Japan.
Because of it’s industrial and military output the city was flattened in World War II.
After the war the city was rebuilt.
As a consequence it looks different to many other cities in Japan.
It has an unbelievable number of luxury brand stores, Tiffaney etc, just like other big cities in Japan.
But it has broad boulevards that you don’t find in Osaka or Kobe. 
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It gives the place a Parisian feel. The city also has a TV tower that you could be forgiven for thinking looks a tiny bit like the Eiffel Tower. 
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In Nagoya I did a tour of the Toyota Factory museum.
It gives a fascinating look back at the story of the biggest car maker in the world, how they started out making looms and how they developed. 
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Another day in Nagoya I travelled to Meji Mura park where the built heritage from around the country that was in danger of being knocked down in the rush to build sky scrapers has been collected together.
So, all together in a park in the middle of the countryside you have, the entrance and lobby from Frank Lloyd Wright’s Imperial Hotel which stood in Tokyo and survived a major earthquake and the War
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a police box from Tokyo;
an entire post office
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a section of the Kawasaki Bank; a church;
the Japanese Cabinet Library
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a couple of bridges; a train and a train line; even a lighthouse.
In Meji Mura I learned a couple of things about that I never knew about before, about the Japanese that emigrated to Hawaii and in big numbers to Brazil in the 19th century; that skiing was only introduced to Japan in the 20th century. 
The hostel crowd on my first night was pretty limited. There was only one other foreigner there apart from me.
A young guy from Canada. He was on a break from some other part of Japan for the night.
Yet he stayed in the hostel all the time and played on his computer. Maybe it was just the change of location that appealed to him.
A young Japanese guy was another guest in the hostel. For some unknown reason on his computer he played and sang along to the Australian national anthem repeatedly during the course of the evening. Apart from that he was a nice guy.
The next night I went back to the hostel to collect my things after being gone all day. There was a new crowd, totally different.
There was a Japanese guy who’d lived abroad, who’d been to Brazil and Colombia, and is bringing his motorcycle down to Okinawa ;
a 19-year old American guy who was travelling in Japan on his own who had learnt some Japanese himself;
an Irish guy studying in London, who’d somehow developed an English accent;
an American Japanophile lady and her Japanese friend;
an English guy with a silly beard and his odd Aussie in-laws. 
In the hour while I was hanging around the hostel, trying desperately to book a bus ticket and putting together my things we all had a great time.
I was sorry to be leaving. 
In order to get from Nagoya to Tokyo I needed a ticket, this was the hard part.
Not that there weren’t busses and trains going to Tokyo every hour. But where to find the bus station. 
Earlier in the day I’d tried desperately to find the bus station. I knew it was somewhere around the colossal main train station.
Busses really do play second fiddle to trains in Japan.
Trains run to exacting schedules, so do the busses in Japan, just at lesser intervals.
Trains in Japan, in particular the Shinkansen or Bullet Train are part of the national psyche.
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Trains are favoured and promoted over busses.
When you tell someone you’re taking a bus or even thinking about it they look at you like there’s something wrong with you. 
They tell you how much time you’ll save by taking the train. 
I was determined to take the bus to Tokyo, it would be cheaper than the train and if I took a night bus I’d be able to sleep on it, saving on the cost of accommodation for the night.
It would get me to Tokyo early the next day.
I eventually found the bus office of the JR BUS company, a bus company owned by Japan Rail.
Inexplicably they would only accept ‘made in Japan’ credit cards as the sales assistant described them. I’d have to pay cash.
I don’t think I found one long distance or inter city bus company that accepted credit cards.
I think they even found it odd that a person would want to pay by credit card.
They thought it perfectly normal to accept only cash.
Finally I had my ticket and was ready to go.
I had a seat on the 'Youth Dream 2’, bus services are sometimes given a name in Japan.
Mine was a nighttime service, hence the 'dream’ bit.
And the 'youth’ part was meant to mean that the seats mightn’t be as comfortable as on premium services. 
The curtains are drawn tight on the 'Youth Dream 2’. The driver comes on the microphone when we’re all settled in.
He’s ever so gentle, he’s almost whispering into the microphone. 
The 'dream’ service isn’t necessarily a nightmare but we get to Tokyo Station the next morning so early that I wish I’d taken a sleeping pill. It’s 05.30 and the sun is up.
Tokyo is fully lit.
Pulling into Tokyo Station I see a Tokyo that is definitely a city of gleaming towers more than one of dreaming spires.
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with plenty more gleaming towers on the way
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There’s nothing open in the station apart from a ticket sales booth. Still, I hang around for a couple of hours.
I take a couple of subways to my hostel in the Asakusa district.
One of the first people I pass by on the street in Asakusa after getting off the metro is a Sumo wrestler.
He’s out for a walk.
This is Tokyo!
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katefathers · 8 months
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I've been pretty MIA on this blog for the last few months, and now that things are starting to slow down--and this is, osetensibly, a blog--I figured I'd finally post about why!
I went to Japan! And South Korea! In July, my best friend and I finally set out on the trip we'd been talking about for over 20 years, starting in Tokyo and then migrating to an onsen in Hakone, then on to Kyoto and Osaka. We saw the floats for Gion Matsuri. My friend fell in love with shaved ice, and I ate so much my shorts grew tight. I had to stop myself from stuffing my suitcase full of pottery, and we drank so much white peach water I think I'm now going through withdrawls, and we accidentally found a view of Mount Fuji while walking along the coast in Kamakura. It was hot and exhausting and totally wonderful, although I've learned my lesson: invest in a transit pass.
Towards the end of the month we took an overnight ferry from Osaka to Busan, celebrating my friend's birthday with a feast at the night market near our hotel. We hiked around Jeju Island, gorging on citrus and pork, and then wound down wandering around the Myeongdong district of Seoul. Our hotel hosted rotating groups of Scouts, in town for the World Scout Jambouree; watching the colours of their neckerchiefs change every time you left the lobby felt like being in a David Lynch film.
It took me about a week to recover from this trip, but since then I've moved cities (again) and into a new house, which has meant non-stop packing and unpacking and renovation. I even forgot to post about the latest issue of Starburst Magazine--a Doctor Who issue--which you can find here. But now the reno is getting wrapped up (at least for now), and I finally feel like I have the mental capacity for our regularly scheduled programming. Prepare yourselves for some reblog spamming.
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ingridaway · 1 year
first few days in tokyo
yesterday i flew out from melb to brisbane then to tokyo, the plane ride was fine, i knocked myself out with sleeping pills so i barely remember it. at the end of the flight the pilot suddenly declared that we where going to be landing while the cabin crew were still serving food, this sent the plane into a frenzy haha. the cabin crew were bitching it was funny they said “i hope we aren’t at the same hotel as the pilot otherwise i’ll have some choice words”, on the plane we had a nice crew member called kevin, i wanted wine and he checked my id because i “look 17”, he also made fun of me for being from victoria. sorry to jump backwards but i just remembered i wanted a cigarette in brisbane so i found the smokers area and i asked a grumpy old man for a “spare cigarette” and he said “well it’s not really spare but sure…” he then proceeded to hold on tightly to his lighter while i tried to light it, i don’t think i look like the type to steal a cigarette lighter but who knows.
once we got to tokyo customs took a fair while, finally we figured it out and got the monorail to hanamatsucho then transferred to the yamanote line then finally to kanda station after a little bit of struggling with our suicas we finally got out and made it to the hotel, the staff were lovely and didn’t seem to mind that we really can’t speak japanese. after getting settled we met in the lobby and i gave both the hotel staff a tim tam each. i brought them with me just to give to kind people hahah. i hope they enjoyed them. we wandered a bit and figured out that we were staying in an “interesting” area with bunny girl bars and umm… adult video stores. very funny and almost comforting honestly. i got a pack of seven star cigarettes for $7aud so i was chuffed.
this morning i woke up at 5:30 local and decided to have a shower and go for a walk. i explored multiple conbinis around our area and found a nice place to sit and have a smoke. much later the others joined me and we checked out, leaving our bags at the hotel while we figured out our jr passes at tokyo station. we found the jr office and were waiting in a very sweaty, slow and long line until our saviour appeared?! a very nice jr worker told us to follow him and we ended up in the jr cafe where it was air conditioned and no line! the staff set us up with our passes and booked seats on a 2:30pm shinkansen to shin-osaka station. after we sorted that out we briefly shopped around tokyo station character street where i hit up the ghibli store haha. after a little stress over food due to my food anxiety i split from the group and went to a starbucks before meeting up again.
finally we returned to our hotel, picked up our bags and sat in a cool shady area for a while before going back to tokyo station and finding our shinkansen. now we are on the train! before i dragged my friend to the smoking room to 1. have a cig of course and 2. experience the very foreign experience of smoking on a train. that about wraps it up for now we just passed through toyohashi and are maybe about 2 hours away? i’m keen to see my hotel but i’m a little nervous because i’ll have to split from the others and navigate my way to the hotel without wifi… yeesh. it’s ok i ordered a pocket wifi to be delivered to my hotel tomorrow morning so the wifi problem should be solved by tomorrow, for now i just have to take lots of screenshots of maps so i don’t get lost haha.
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konradnews · 2 years
MIMARU Osaka Shinsaibashi NORTH, an apartment hotel themed on Osaka Castle, opens.
MIMARU Osaka Shinsaibashi NORTH, an apartment hotel themed on Osaka Castle, opens.
Cosmos Inissia, a Daiwa House Group company, and Cosmos Hotel Management opened the “MIMARU Osaka Shinsaibashi NORTH,” an apartment hotel themed on Osaka Castle, on November 24. Room rates start at 26,800 yen per night per room (for a four-person occupancy). The lobby floor features a “golden tea room” with full-size “armor (helmets of armor)” and hanging scrolls. The concept rooms are the Tono…
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Imagine Protecting John and Saving Koji’s Life
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Koji Shimazu X FemReader
Rating: M
Warnings: Blood, mentions of death, injuries, slight spoilers, and AU-ish
Word Count: 895
Requested by @severusmanit0-0
(A/N:) It feels so good to be writing again and I was really excited to write this one as I love a good AU. Cause sometimes we fangirls have to make matters into our own hands and make everything right with the world once more! Thank you for your request and I really hope this is everything you hoped for! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Koji placed the list into your hand, his gaze unwavering as your lip trembled. Your yukata was suddenly too stifling as you tried to make Koji change his mind.
“Koji please don’t send me away,” your lip trembled.
He shook his head, “The hotel needs these supplies if we’re going to continue forward.”
“Is one friendship really worth your life and possibly the life of your daughter?”
He sighed, embracing you tightly and gently, “Sometimes you have to do what’s right not matter the cost. Akira can take care of herself and I’ve already told her what to do. John has been an important friend in my life for a very long time. I cannot turn my back on a friend, it’s against my very code.”
You sniffed holding onto him tightly, “You were always a sucker for a good sob story.”
He chuckled, kissing your cheek, and sent you on your way.
Walking through the downtown market of Osaka, trying to maintain a calm and cool demeanor. After working for Koji several years in the hotel, he had trusted you enough that he sent you on purchasing all the hotel’s supplies. Most of the time he came with you and you both would enjoy time in doing whatever the city had to offer. It let you both forget the secretive business it seemed like you both were born into. But now you were alone, knowing something bad was coming and he sent you away to protect you.
You were talking with the local fishermen when you heard talk of a commotion happening at the Osaka hotel. You abandoned your mission and fled back to the hotel you called home and the man you had come to love. You ran as fast as you could, trying to dodge people blocking the way when you finally had the hotel in sight. You could hear the fighting from outside and when you burst through the front doors, chaos had erupted in the lobby of the Osaka. Koji and his men going against the High Table thugs there to kill John Wick. Koji caught sight of you and his shoulders sagged in defeat. Of course he couldn’t keep you away as you felt like you owed him so much. He jerked his head towards the ceiling, his meaning perfectly clear. You gave a nod in acknowledgement as you unsheathed the Tanto you kept hidden in your yukata. You pulled the ties keeping your robe together to reveal the armored bodysuit underneath and a pistol strapped to your thigh. One last look at Koji and you were sprinting ready to go to John’s rescue. A High Table man broke away to pursue you when Koji stepped in his way, keeping him from you.
“Your fight is with me,” he snarled.
You fought savagely through the High Table men before you found John. Blood drenched your hands as you fought with John back to back. You saw Akira holding her own against her own enemies and your heart swelled in pride. Using Koji’s instructions and fighting hard and long John was finally able to make his way to the streets and escape his death once more. You breathlessly looked around as Caine had also disappeared. Your heart dropped when you noticed Akira gone as well. Racing through the blood soaked rooms, littered with the bodies of friend and foe alike you knew exactly where Koji and Akira would be.
The sight before you made your blood freeze. With Akira at the side, unable to interfere Koji sat on the steps, bleeding profusely from several cuts. He and Caine had yet to notice your entrance in the room. You gripped your Tanto tightly, watching everything mentally begging Koji to stand down. But his pride would not let him. Your heart clenched seeing him pursue the blind assassin. Caine was beginning to swing, to take the life of Koji when you leapt into the fray. Your Tonto taking the brunt of the blow, causing your arms to give a little but you kept your grip strong and put yourself before Koji protecting him from his certain demise.
“Enough,” you pleaded. “Don’t let pride and duty make you kill one another!”
Akira melted in relief as you refused to back down until Caine stepped away. You kept Koji from stepping forward anymore, before he collapsed from his injuries. 
“Live,” Caine replied softly before turning away and disappearing from your sight. 
You held on tightly to the man that had once saved your life and now you were able to repay him by saving his. Though he was ready to throw himself away for his ideals, you couldn’t let him. It wasn’t fair for him to die in front of his daughter so soon. You kissed his forehead gently, keeping pressure upon the knife wounds.
“Thank you,” he whispered holding tightly to your arm and his daughter’s hand.
“Just repaying the favor I’ve owed for awhile,” you laughed trying to fight the tears.
“You already did that a long time ago,” he replied. 
With Akira’s help you were able to get Koji back to the doctors within the hotel where he was patched up and left to heal as long as he needed to. Though your debt finally cleared, you still remained to live out whatever life you had left with Koji and Akira.
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gloriouskoi · 2 years
Culture Shock
Nothing compares to my trip to Japan. It was the longest I'd ever been in a country that wasn't Thailand, and overall a very exciting experience. However, it wasn't all fun and games.
We had just got off the 5 hour plane ride to Osaka and were walking through our hotel lobby, trying to ward off jet lag while we checked in.
The hotel was small. Remarkably small. My parents had warned me that the rooms were not going to be as big as our last trips, and had even booked 2 rooms instead of one. Imagine your bedroom, and cut that in half. Now if you think it's still livable, take your windows away and cut it into half again. Then, take your bed and replace it with a mattress. Add a small table, and voilà, you've found our hotel room(s). Trust me, it was minuscule. Even worse than the picture I attached. I can't imagine anyone with claustrophobia living in these tiny rooms.
I knew Japan had a high population density, but it was still frightening to see that 19 million people live and sleep in rooms like these. Granted, it was obviously not that small on average, but there weren't even other rooms. The toilet was shared, as well as the shower.
Another thing that was utterly confusing was the vending machines. They were everywhere, spreading like a growth in every crevice and crack in the walls, ready to gobble up your money. Usually, vending machines were put in locations not close to convenience stores, and priced higher than average, often nearly a scam. However, Japan sold literally everything. They had all the normal stuff, like cans of soft drinks and Lays packets, but there were also cans of food, collectibles, and even alcohol and cigarettes. For some reason, they were placed next to each other in rows, as if they were hungry machines fighting to steal your money from you.
The funniest example of this widespread vending pandemic was a vending machine selling drinks, with lots of water bottles, right next to a toilet where they had a drinking station. For free. And the best part? Some of the water bottles had sold.
The weirdest thing I saw was the ads. They were everywhere, on every exposed wall, every banner, every poster, even on the walls in alleyways. Now I know ads are made to make people want to buy products, but the products were basically being shoved down your throat. The ads were fighting over the spots like it was the Times Square billboard.
People also never looked at the ads from what I saw, so it was very weird that everyone was spending money on it like it depended on their life.
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