#it will - i think - be of real interest to anybody who follows me bc of fanfic!!! yay
batmansymbol · 8 months
hiiii do you have a policy regarding binding your fanfic for personal use or for gifting?
hi sweet anon! thanks so much for asking. i don't have a masterpost of my fic policies yet, so i'll take this opportunity to clarify & link this in my sidebar.
i am not OK with typesets, bindings, etc. being put behind paywalls or patreon access!
i am OK with commissioning somebody else to bind a fic -- as long as that commission is exactly the amount of materials!
as for personal use and gifting, like you mention, they are totally fine by me and i LOVE to see it :'D
i LOVE and admire translations! you polyglots are incredible.
i ask that the translator 1) link back to the original and 2) send me a message, email, or AO3 comment with a link to their wonderful work, so I can add it to the fic description.
make as much art of my fics as you would like!
for free!
make as many pods of my fics as you would like!
(for freeeee!!!!)
i remain enormously flattered that anybody would want to make transformative work of my fanfics. it is wild to me that anybody would look at disappearances and decide to climb the everest of its translation, for instance. thank you all so much for reading and engaging with this work over the past few years.
to be honest, my writing career since the pandemic has been an extraordinarily bumpy and often demoralizing experience, as publishing tends to be. the positivity around disappearances has been a real lifeline for me. even though i'm not very active in fandom anymore, i still read every ao3 comment, and i hoard a number of them in my inbox to reread on the days that i feel like a talentless hack who will never again write a paragraph worth reading. y'all are a light. <3
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 4 months
God I love me some possessive men-am thinking about HSR daddies with their Omega mate that suddenly goes into heat while their in public/crowded area. (๑/////๑ " )
Them being both worried and protective bc other alphas are starting to take interest. While their poor spouse is just there, clinging for dear life.
Imagine this was before they bonded- free real estate for other alphas to swoop in to woo the poor thing.
Blade would probably be the worst out of all of them. Bro would be pissed as hell. He's ready to fight the world.
Jing Yuan probably would either be very calm, Instead trying to get you someplace safe, or freaking tf out & growling.
Welt, my poor bby would be very concerned (♡´𓋰`♡) prioritizing his mate's wellbeing first. But would he step up if another Alpha would challenge him?
Kyaaaaaaaaaa >-<
I am entertained by your emoticons and your stunning mind :o
Including Luocha cause I keep leaving him out of things.
CW: omegaverse, violence and death mention.
All he has to do is release his scent and that'll be enough to send anybody running, if not that then seeing the blood lust in his eyes and the sword by his side will.
If anybody is foolish enough to challenge him it's their last day breathing. They better enjoy the scent of his omega while it lasts.
Doesn't escort his omega to safety but does have them hide and close their eyes as he deals with the idiots who thought they could claim them. As soon as he's done he's taking them back home where they'll be safe and checked for any wounds.
If their scent sours because of the violence he might regret killing those other alphas but only because it upset them. Cleans them and himself up of any blood and wraps them up in his sheets before wrapping them up in his arms.
He's struggling a bit with his Mara and his rage at being challenged as an Alpha so he doesn't have the energy to properly take care of them besides this for now. Give him a moment or two and he'll be ready to tend to their every need and comfort them better than he is at the moment.
Jing Yuan
As soon as he smells them he's ordering the nearest soldiers around to clear a path so he can escort them to safety. They follow even if they too are bothered by their scent, they know their place and not to dare lay a hand on his omega.
Everyone knows who the General's omega is, with or without a claim mark, so it'll be surprising for some brave(read: foolish) soul to try and challenge him of all people.They must be some foreigner with no clue on who's in charge of the Luofu and or they don't care.
Point is they've challenged not only their General they've threatened the safety of his omega and he and his people won't stand for this. He doesn't have to lift a finger or look in their direction as his soldiers drag the offender away and focuses on getting them both home.
On the occasion it's just him without any soldiers nearby it takes seconds for him to knock down the competition as soon as they reach for his omega.
Once they're both somewhere safe he's sticking by their side, looking them over for any injuries and checking their medication to see if they've missed taking it or something to explain their sudden heat.
If they allow him he's more than happy to help them out but he'd prefer to make sure they're feeling safe and secure before he's willing to help.
His priority is to get his omega somewhere safe before dealing with any threats, they can wait but they can't.
He escorts them to a room, such as a bathroom or somewhere else where the door can be locked from the inside and tells them to stay there and to not open the door for anyone until he calls them.
Let's say one of the Alphas follows him and challenges him for his omega thinking with his old age they could do so much better. He doesn't hesitate to put them in their place through words alone, letting them know that clearly they aren't a good match if all they can do is think with their dick and then some.
If the other gets enraged he'll deal with them promptly with his powers until they and any stragglers flee the scene. Once he's sure the coast is clear he gives his omega the signal and finds the quickest route back to the Astral Express or their hotel room.
As soon as their safe he does his best to take care of his omega by giving them the space or comfort they may need from such a stressful situation. Will help them out with their heat if they like but their mental, emotional, and physical health comes first.
Since people tend to think of him as an omega as well they might try to come after him as well. Doesn't mind the attention as he can deal with them easily but with his omega struggling to stay standing he's got to prioritize their safety first.
Releases his scent to get most of the other alphas to back off before taking his omega into his arms and cutting past anyone who tries to stop him.
If an alpha decides to pursue not getting the hint they're not wanted he's taking them out, zero hesitation. They might not be dead but they're gonna wish they were.
As soon as he's got his omega to the safety of their shared room he's giving them all the attention they could want in the world. He might have to take a break away from them to reschedule his meetings and the like but that's nothing, their health and well being matters far more than some business.
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im-some-lionheart · 11 months
one underrated line that kills me about YOYOK is
“I took the money”
bc not many people know the real meaning of that phrase. so let me take you down the rabbit hole:
remember who the other con creator of that album is?
Correct. Jack Michael Antonoff. The same Jack who has a band called Bleachers. The same Bleachers band that has a song called, what?
Don't Take The Money
Here's a shot video of Jack talking about that song, but basically the gist of it is:
“Don’t Take the Money” is a phrase that I’ve had in my head for years. It’s my version of ‘don’t not follow your gut,’ easy way to put it is don’t sell out, in the broad definition of what that is.
What's more, in Jack's latest Instagram post, he shared some bits of what seems to be his digital journal. And in the second picture, he repeats this sentence again in the context of selling out:
don't take the money – dont tell them ur price. if you never do anything that breaks you than you dont have a price. some people actually dont. its different for everybody but seeing that some do not have that line is a heartbreaker (...) there is a line. don't let anybody obscure the/your line (...) dont take the money if the money is on the other side of the line because the thing about line... is... you dont get to draw a new one once you cross one.
Now, as we know, Jack and Taylor are besties. Have been for the past 10 years.
With all this context about what "taking the money" means for Jack, and keeping in mind that Jack wrote this song with Taylor...
Idk what it all means lol but basically that “I took the money” line is Taylor admitting:
“I sold out, I crossed the line.”
Now, which line did she cross and how exactly did she sell out? I have no idea. But I just think it's very interesting and I don't think many swifties know what it actually means, so I thought I'd share my bleachers hyperfixation with you guys.
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imogenlefay · 5 months
So, I read this book... Daisy Jones & The Six
so, i've been thinking about doing a thing, and maybe someone finds it interesting, or maybe it's just for me to order my thoughts and i'll get bored to it before march, but we'll see. basically, for the last two years i've been keeping track of the books i read (or audiobooks i listen to) bc i felt like i'm not reading enough (except for fanfiction). and while i'm far behind people who actually read a lot, and woefully behind how much i used to read when i was a teen, i'm actually pretty happy with the progress. made it to 34 in 2022 and 40 in 2023, and hope to get more done this year. 2024 is starting off strong, just finished my first book of the year, and usually when i do that, i have thoughts. so what's the point of blogs if not to put that out there, so it stops haunting my head? or maybe even get someone else's thoughts on things? so i decided to blog about the books i read (unless i forget or don't feel like it), starting with general feelings and then going into spoilery feelings. so, yeah, this is what this is going to be. let's go.
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Summary: a look back on fictional rockband The Six rising to fame, where they meet It Girl Daisy Jones, leading to the collab of a century, until the band breaks apart after one show in Chicago. Told completely in interview snippets.
General Feelings: say what you want, it's a fast read, and it's fun. the style of writing with everything being interview snippets, aka the band members' and friends' memories, works really well, especially the parts where one person remembers things, and the next person directly contradicting their memory. it's a quick way to give you everyone's point of view, and sowing the seeds of miscommunication and conflict. the story is easy to follow, and it's also easy to feel for most of the protagonists. the characters are likable enough, and their conflicts are mostly realistic. the final show in chicago and the general fall out unfortunately fall kind of flat for me. like... this is it? it's not much of a bang, tbh... which maybe sums up my feelings about the whole thing. it's a fun ride, but at the end, it's like "huh, guess that was it?" it is fun, but it's just not very deep, i guess. although the way they describe the songwriting process and the songs that result from it really was cool to read. another fun fact, i totally forgot there's a show until i googled the book cover. and since i was reading and caught myself wanting to check out the songs, only to remember they're not real... well, that might be enough motivation to check out the show. Recommendation: yes, i'm doing that before the actual feelings part cause i can't discuss those without spoilers. so, if anybody cares, rec first. Daisy Jones & the Six is a casual read. like, vacation book. for the beach, for train rides, for flights. it's fun to breeze through, but i doubt it'll really grip most people. so yeah, not a must read, but can be fun, light reading.
Spoilery feelings:
(consider yourself warned)
there are a few things that really didn't work for me.
i never really got into the whole daisy/billy thing. like, his instant antipathy, the weird rivalry, and then her oh so deep love for him, and at the end, him finally kinda sorta loving her but loving his wife more... maybe that's part of the format. both of them looking back at it from the future, where it's just not that present anymore. but it didn't ring that true.
my biggest problem was probably drug use and how it was handled. it just felt so trivial and meaningless. like sure, for both billy and daisy it's supposedly the central struggle, but it just fell so flat for me. i know part of that is that early december i read Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo, which (in germany) is a famous non-fiction account describing the fall into heavy drug use of an extremely young girl (starting at 12, i think), and it's the bleakest thing i've ever read, with the girl herself describing how she fell into heavier and heavier drugs, paid for by prostitution. so it's dark, and it's heavy, and compared to that the drug use in Daisy Jones feels almost offensive in how little weight it has. the comparison is super unfair, i know, i'm primed and biased, sure. but after that, the book may say a million times "oh yeah, that was a bad time for daisy", but it just doesn't ring true.
i'm not sure if the identity of the interviewer is supposed to come off as a twist? like, sure, i didn't see it coming, but it didn't really have an impact, either.
lacking impact is probably my final point. while the book, especially with the format of the interviews, is really good at painting the conflicts within the group, i didn't feel like these paid off in a significant manner. like, eddie's whole growing resentment never went anywhere except being a red herring. the show in chicaco wasn't that special in the end, was it? nothing happened at the show himself. just, the band broke at many different places at once, but they barely impacted each other. billy's struggle with addiction toppling over, daisy having a breakdown and camila helping her through it, pete getting married, the karen/graham thing exploding... like, you could see them coming, but the resolution all at once felt kinda random. like, it didn't feel like there's this big bang setting off all the dominos (yeah, mixing metaphors, i know), but more like "oh yeah, that's all happening now, i guess". sure, there isn't always a big bang, but i feel like they teased one, and then there was nothing. so i guess the end feels a bit anticlimactic, like it just fizzled out.
it was still fun to read, but more like meaningless fun, i guess. definitely preferred "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo", which was super fun. interesting writing style, but story is a bit shallow. okay, now i talked enough about a book i kinda sorta liked but wasn't super impressed by. anyone else thoughts about it? did you read it? did you watch the show? do you or did you have feelings about it? seriously would love to hear them!
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astralartefact · 5 months
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Griff RoD Story Thoughts dae think war is bad maybe?
This write-up contains a whole lot of pseudo-deep complaining about the theme of Death as Salvation.
Content Warning for related Themes!
Okay, now that everything Griff-related is out I can finally say it:
I don't like Griff and a lot of his costumes look the same to me.
And I tried. Different from Rion and Dimos I actually tried and read all of his stories - which is why I'm writing this out today.
Not to say I can't find anything good in them - the End of his RoD story reminds me of one of the characters in the only book I ever read (Crime & Punishment) who commits suicide because without the eponymous Punishment for his eponymous Crime he couldn't find "Salvation" and therefore his only remaining option was Death to escape his guilt.
But there's only so much "Look at this 'normal' guy and what war did to him!" I can take before going numb and not listening anymore. You need to give me at least something else to latch onto. Like Lars has an existential crisis amount of shit going on that gives his story another layer about how exactly war is bad. Meanwhile Griff is just a guy who had a really fucked up thing happen that one time and he really can't get over it.
And sure. Maybe his stories are just about hammering down how PTSD works. Maybe it intentionally repeats Griff's one drop of guilt in the ocean that is war at nauseam. And maybe I'm just not keyed in to this type of historic fiction enough to understand the nuances. Maybe this is actually a very nuanced portrayal of the PTSD of sole survivors and I'm just not interested enough in this subject matter that I would know something like that.
But seeing as it ends in "the only thing that will save us from our guilt is death" I find that hard to believe. Not that there isn't value in showing the reality of veterans commiting suicide because of PTSD - but I don't think that's what's happening here.
I hate Death as Salvation as a trope. There is nothing valuable about it* and it should be wholly abandoned. (*if it isn't in some way followed up by a rebirth. then it's fine bc obv its not supposed to be real death but i digress) Any affirmation that Dying would in any way absolve you of anything you ever did is absolute garbage. It is a thoughtless and above all else lazy way to think about forgiveness - that anybody would just be better off if the person that harmed them just 'got what's coming for them'.
And Crime and Punishment would probably argue at this point that it's because you can't grow from your mistakes then. That Punishment is not (only) for the victim but for the offender to make amends with the past so they can move forward [without killing themselves]. And Griff's story can be read that way - not only is he never punished for his "Crimes", he is actively celebrated despite them.
But outside of that this Eye for an Eye mentality that a victim would and should get anything out of the misery and/or death of their offender is just another cycle of violence that our society is currently just basking in. It's an annoying itch that we just keep scratching because why not, it feels good right now and I promise I will stop before it gets worse! We all have urges that are 'natural' and yet we still all agree we shouldn't indulge in them - and Revenge should absolutely be one of them.
Forgiveness is a complicated process, both to forgive others and to be forgiven. There is no one way to go through it and there can't be only one since that's just the nature of our myriad unique human connections. But that's also what makes it such a fascinating thing to interrogate. Who is forgiveness for? How do you forgive? How are you forgiven? Do you even need forgiveness?
And I hate that thoughtless writers continue to use Death as a quick way out of it all, that we can just redeem a character by sacrifice because oh, isn't that noble, now what they've done isn't so bad anymore because i guess death is a currency now and this time it bought us a good ending.
But in Real Life Dying only becomes an option when something has gone terribly terribly wrong. An event in which somebody chooses Death is always a tragedy - and yet in fiction writing it is - different from reality - always a consciously constructed tragedy. The writer made this happen so the offender could die for their sins - because I guess there is just no other way that somebody could overcome doing a bad thing. Great news for all of us who ever did something bad!
So the way they went from "Griff talks about it to somebody for the first time and feels a little bit better about it" as if they went for a "Griff gets Group Therapy! You're not alone!"-Message only to still end up with both of them killing themselves is just deeply upsetting to me. If this is in any way supposed to be a story about regret, I feel like this could have been a "You will never get over it but at least you can talk to others so it gets easy enough to still live" story - because even if that's not a particularly groundbreaking narrative anymore either at least it's something actively helpful. But this? What is a veteran reading this story supposed to get out of this? Just die, it never gets better?
then again FF16 did this so much worse than Griff. at least reinkane has CrimePun parallels - and of course the overall framing as a whole is still 'this is what war does to a mf and should never happen' so i guess maybe that's the point? that even a winning war leads to people killing themselves?
Now. This is the point where the plot twists and I say: Okay. But maybe this is - deliberately or not - great writing actually. I didn't see this coming, I just gave what I wrote another read and then this occured to me:
There's just something here. Griff is one of the characters with a seemingly good amount of agency in this game - sure, he isn't a king or a ruler, he doesn't get to decide about this war, but he certainly has more agency than a good chunk of the characters in this game - he literally gets to tell Lars what to do - and yet. He just can't even think about trying anything else. His station just doesn't make it possible for some unpronounced reason. It doesn't even occur to the narrative that maybe he could - I don't know - Run away. Lead a Resistance. Even just interrogate his own actions. He did a bad thing and there's just absolutely nothing he can do about it but kill himself. (And there's something else here about why exactly death is an easier choice for him than anything else but this is already long enough)
Lars' story uncovers a truly wild revelation about this war they're fighting and it just. Doesn't affect Griff's story in the slightest. It doesn't come up once. He just doesn't know. Doesn't even notice. How can he not notice? When suddenly the people he cares so much about are gone and show up standing on the other side of the battlefield?
But you have to understand. This is really hard for Griff. He has to continue fighting because one time his actions killed so many. It's not the war's fault. Not the other army's. Not the bullets of the other soldiers. It's his fault. He did this. So he only has to fix himself. He can't possibly be asked to care about anything else, especially not whatever this fcking war is about.
And I don't know, doesn't that sound like... Ugh. I don't know the word, but it always comes up when people talk about white men. It starts with P I think. It's that word that people use! That you should check every once in a while... Ahh, who cares. I can just end this post about PTSD and war and not think about it any further because I do not have PTSD and the closest war will ever get to me is that maybe they're going to re-institute a draft in my country - but probably not and even if they do I won't have to go! And surely nobody on the world alive right now has a different experience from me. See ya!
also they could have made this story so much better if griff and the eyepatch guy fuc---
also also with how 063y and now griff went i'm so excited for argo. whoever is writing these has a lot of thoughts about men.
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will80sbyers · 11 months
isn't it better to hyperfixating bc like... the strike will go on for months, its not even clear when they will start filming. like idk but it is very hard for me to engage in the fandom or read theories bc i feel like the majority of them kinda is starting to feel like they're coming from hard reaches bc of lack of content that ppl are currently suffering from (no offense, i am not saying this to shade anyone i am just saying ppl just tend to hyper analize bc there is not much to do). i sometimes envy ppl who keep the hyperfixation going bc they are interested in following fandom content still or engage with it. but at some point it just doesnt interest me anymore, i rarely see a take that makes me go 'hmm thats interesting' in a legit way fr
I think it's good if you agree with the majority of the theories going around the tag but I personally don't, so I either make my own stuff (but I have no energy because of work lately) or I just am constantly "lacking" new content even without the strike because even before most of the time I disagree but I don't want to cause problems in the tag, I want to be respectful and have a nice time with everybody here even if we disagree on some things about the show so I'm not commenting or reblogging adding my point of view... I used to do that more often in the first months but it just caused people to be upset and start being passive aggressive even if I just was hoping to have a conversation and I don't have the energy to clarify that all the time and I also don't want to upset anybody
Plus now I've moved to Ireland and started working and living with roommates that brought a lot of drama in the house with people fighting and having affairs kind of so I'm pretty burned out by everything right now... so I kind of hate still being fixated with stranger things in the back of my mind because I can't give that the proper time that I would need to be happy about it because I have responsibility in my real life that must come before 🥲🥲🥲🥲
I'm happy in a way because I wanted to be more active and actually do stuff out of the house but at the same time I'm always thinking about Will and byler in the back of my mind and I don't have time to rewatch or really feel the emotions (?)
Idk how to explain but I still have the urge to do that and be on Tumblr etc... So I'm both happy and stressed and that's why I would kinda want to not be fixated so much on it... Oh and I also don't have anybody in my life that likes the show as much as me except you lovely people here so I just dump my thoughts here in the tag when I have a bit of time 🤧
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githvyrik · 4 years
I like would lowkey love to do commissions but like. I am so damn slow. and thus would have no time to do personal pieces.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hello again!!!! I'm the Spanish girl back in here!
Firstly, I'd like to send you my best wishes for this tough week of work, and I bet we're going to miss you around here this week. But duty calls! And, look, how many people can say they've got a whole week for relaxing after a week of work? 😌 (Perhaps I've misunderstood the whole thing; I've read your posts quite quick and I've understood sth different to what you wanted to say lol)
Well, what can I say with one of the last prompts you have gifted to us...? Kate, Anthony (and his Spanish!!!!!!) and Spain; you got me there. 😂 I even cried the famous "Ole!" when I read all of it (curious note: not all Spaniards use the expression "ole" in daily contexts; it is more like a regional expression that became worldwide famous bc of several reasons that are too long to post here, lol) and I think it's needless to say I loved it... isn't it?
And, I LOVED a lot Edwina's POV and story (well, I've loved everything you have posted and gifted to us, but Eddie has a special place in my heart)! I don't know, but sometimes I get the impression that, in romantic literature, relationships between sisters are not addressed at all and kinda force them to be friends (if they're not rivals... which I find stupid, tbh), not really deepening in the bond between them. Like, they're sisters and they behave more like "my next door neighbour and friend to whom sometimes I'm distant bc life happens" instead of "this person and I share much more than many people can imagine that's beyond friendship and she's more important than anybody else" -idk if this makes sense anymore... I rewrote it a couple of times bc I got the impression I can't express my idea very well 😂-. And that's something I think both of you, JQ and yourself, have achieved and gifted to all of us! We see Edwina and Kate as sisters: they fight, they tease the other, they can't stand each other sometimes, but always, ALWAYS, they care for and love the other just as sisters do. Because of this, I think TVWLM is one of my favourite books in this genre: they give us a two fantastic love stories, not only between a -heterosexual- couple but also between sisters; which is as important as any other kind of relationship.
After my TED Talk (sorry if it's been too much... 😅), I cannot help but imagine an escapade between Anthony and Kate (sans children) and Matthew and Edwina (oh, Matthew... I love you) to Spain just for Anthony, in his stupid one-side battle against Matthew (I love this, tbh; it's sooooo fun 😂), demonstrate Matthew he can speak fluently another language... Just for Matthew be oblivious to this and enjoy a little escapade to Spain with his girlfriend and her family. 😂
Anyways; I hope you're alright and, again, I wish you all the best for this week.
Besos!!! 🥰 (Spanish equivalent for the "Love!" farewell expression; it means "kisses")
Hola! You’re back again! And I’m so glad! 
I do have a week off once I finish work tomorrow (Saturday)!! Very Exciting! I have a scarf to knit, and lots of writing to do so that’s very exciting. 
Oh Anthony on a Spanish beach in tiny little flamingo shorts? Ole! indeed! That is a curious note, I literally love learning things about other cultures and languages so if anyone wants to share a curious note about their culture, hit me up! I will in turn tell you about the curious culture of The Land Down under, and our propensity to butcher the English language!
I agree, Sister relationships are a very curious thing in media. I’m not a huge fan of very contentious relationships between sisters, I’m not saying they don’t exist in real life, they definitely do, I just think having them as constant rivals is exhausting. And Yes! I Love the relationship between Edwina and Kate very much because I see it as a mirror of my relationship with my own sister. My sister drives me more insane than any other person on this planet. We fight, we bicker, I get absolutely enraged when she steals the last property I need for a set in Monopoly, and yet, She is my favourite person. She can say whatever she wants about me, but were anyone else to? It’s fight on sight. I’ll be honest, that all I’m doing is basing their relationship in these fics  on my own with my sister. Nothing special! 
Okay! Here we go! Anthony and Kate + Goose and Edwina +Spain
Kate Bridgerton was many, many things, but she liked to think an idiot, was not one of them. And so, when Anthony had said, in a tone she was sure he thought was casual. “I think we deserve a holiday, you’ve been working very hard to grow the little broad bean after all and your sister and her little gander should celebrate their engagement.” She had known exactly what he was up to. And she wasn’t really sure why she played along along with it. Perhaps something in her thrived on the chaos she knew Anthony would would create, perhaps part of her just really wanted a decent paella. Surely it didn’t matter, the result was the same: Kate fixed an innocent expression on her face and said  “Where did you have in mind?” 
 And so, surprise, surprise, here she was: back on a beach in Spain. She had to admit, eyeing Anthony appreciatively as he paddled demonstratively in the shallow water, his plan had its merits. though thus far his attempts had been... unsuccessful at best. Matthew Bagwell seemed absolutely thrilled to be in Spain, on holiday with his fiancée, giving them helpful facts he knew about the architecture as they walked through the city, a wide smile on his face, Anthony practically purple when he corrected a fact Anthony himself had said.   “Do you speak Spanish, Goose?” Anthony had said dryly in the hotel lobby shortly after they’d arrived. And Kate had rolled her eyes at Anthony, though Matthew was not paying attention. He had his arms wrapped tightly around Edwina’s waist, whispering something in her ear that made her nose crinkle in delight, the sapphire of her engagement ring glinting in the sunlight. And the beautiful picture they made gave Kate’s heart a little stutter. Anthony tutted. “Matt!” He said sharply, getting the man’s attention, Matthew’s glasses slipping down his nose as his head shot upwards in surprise.  “Do you speak Spanish?” Edwina was rolling her eyes now. And Matthew, for his part was completely unbothered  “oh, no. Sorry Mate, might have to lean on your pretty heavily this week.” He said, and Kate caught the smug smile on Anthony’s face and bit back a groan Damnit Matthew.  “I’m pretty fluent in French, German and Mandarin though!” Matthew said smiling happily, turning back towards Edwina, completely oblivious to the scowl Anthony tossing his way. “Of course you fucking are.” He muttered, fixing Kate with an irritated glare as a laugh escaped her!   
The water surely must be a little cool in early October but Anthony showed no signs of it, Beckoning Kate into the water. She groaned and made her way towards him, laughing happily as he tugged her in, his hand resting on her stomach, still no sign of her pregnancy. “Is he watching?” Anthony whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist, spinning her through the water So she had a brief image of her sister smiling brightly at her fiancée who appeared to be... bless him building a sandcastle. 
“No. He’s not.” Kate said batting her husband’s hands away irritatedly as he scowled.  “Are you really trying to look more in love than they are?” Kate scoffed, disbelief at her husband’s idiocy rising with in her. Anthony looked indignant. “No! A man can’t take an interest in his wife now? Very poor show Mrs. Bridgerton.” He said, but his eyes, darted towards the shore at the last second.  “Oh I cannot believe you! You’re absolutely manic!” She replied as Anthony attempted to pull her back towards him, Kate putting up very little fight as she tumbled against. him, his voice hot in her ear. “Insufferable I hear.” Kate scoffed. “Ugh! If Anyone’s insufferable it’s him!” 
Kate turned to follow Anthony’s gaze to find Matthew waving at them, grinning broadly, completely unbothered. And Kate couldn’t keep from laughing as Anthony went on another muttered tirade.
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Reader w/ wings headcanons(Markiplier Alter Egos)
ty @fancybootm​ for the request!
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A/N: i just did all of them. every-all-everyone. Except Yandereplier, Silver Shepard, Ed Edgar... maybe others I’m not aware of at the moment... I tried to stick with a certain number of egos, but my hands just... they just kept moving. It is 11:00 pm when im writing this ya boy is TIRED. there are 1.6k words. It seems longer than it is bc bullet points. Bear with me. You can find the egos that you want easily. The reader is gender neutral. i am so sorry if this is not what you meant lol. on the bright side this is a good reference for all the egos i am open to writing for(also maybe others idk) so uh im keeping it enjoy. I’ll say... a T rating for cursing and also a bit of violence but literally like 20 words. mentions of injury. that’s it.
Requests are open!
Y/N(reader) with wings hcs
No one knows what the fuck you are, not even you
Ya got wings. That’s it.
Are you an angel? A faery? A phoenix? Who knows
You woke up one day in a forest remembering nothing
But you had wings
And then you got shot with an arrow
You ran away and hid in a cave
Darkiplier spends most of his time around you studying you
To see what you could possibly be
He still doesn’t know
He’s settled for calling you a “cryptid”
He’s slightly annoyed with the feathers you leave around the manor
He won’t tell you bc you can’t control that and it’d be rude
You read together in his study on occasion
You sit on the floor bc your wings get uncomfortable in chairs
In sympathy, he also sits on the floor
You think it’s sweet
You told him so and he sputtered out a “shut up and read your book”
He’s fairly fond of you
You’re good company to keep around
Wilford was the one who found you
He was walking through the forest, as one does, when he saw GIANT feathers
Naturally, he followed them
He found you in a cave with an arrow in your shoulder
He took you back to the manor and patched you up
He begged Dark to keep you there
He promised not to kill anybody for a month
He made it 15 days, which is a record
He’s very protective of you, not letting you out a lot since uh… hunters
You are his Sweet Little Songbird, light of his life, wind in his sails, 
if anything happens to you he will kill everyone in the manor and then himself
He helps you preen a lot
His hands are very gentle, surprisingly 
He spends the most time with you out of everyone
You play games, talk(well, he talks to you), and just hang out
He loves and adores you with his whole heart
Actor tolerates you, or so he says
He’s jealous of your wings
HE’S supposed to be the mysterious, sexy one!
But ok, yeah, you’re pretty interesting
He uses you in short films sometimes bc… well… wings
There are alot of things you can do with wings, surprisingly
He took you out into town one night
He shoved the wings under a thick jacket
You guys bought some clothes and food
He cut holes in the clothes for your wings, grumbling about a “waste of money” and “you never go out anyway” 
but he enjoyed spending a bit of time with you
Wilford nearly killed him(again) when he found out
He likes venting to you bc you just nod without really listening
As I said, you’re good company
Yancy thinks you’re nice
He felt a bit… threatened at first
Ya got WINGS, of course he’s cautious
But they are very pretty
And he likes to use you in choreography
People always comment on how realistic the wings are as Yancy leads you away
You don’t judge him for killing his parents, he likes that about you
You don’t know. You could’ve done something bad. You don’t remember
He likes cuddling bc you wrap your wings around him and he feels safe
He also helps you preen… sometimes… 
He’s… really bad at it...
You like listening to him sing
He sings you lullabies at night
You’re very close
Illinois is very fascinated with you
He’s convinced you’re a fairy
He’s seen quite a few of those
You tell him you don’t know, and he goes “a LiKeLy StOrY”
He likes drawing you
You’re very angelic
“Oh, maybe an angel then…” He says, like an idiot
He takes you with him on a few adventures to fly him over pits and stuff
He’d never admit it but he has a… THING about heights
It’s called a phobia, you egotistic maniac
You try to help him with it
You never get that far off the ground before he’s screaming to be put down
He appreciates the effort
He gives you things he finds on adventures that are pretty or remind him of you
He infodumps to you about curses, and archaeology, and adventuring, etc.
Magnum is uh… well, he’s Magnum
He figures you’d be useful out at sea
You can find nearby land, ships, or treasure by flying, of course
He didn’t take into account the fact that you don’t really… fly that often.
So it turned into you just stretching your wings instead of looking for loot
Once you fell overboard
Everyone was like “eh, they can fly, it’s fine”
Then they realized that you probably can’t since your wings might be wet
Magnum LEAPED into the fuckin water and THREW you back on
He doesn’t take you on the sea as much anymore
sometimes you talk about life, treasure, love, y'know the usual
He’s very Father Figure-ly
Bim isn’t sure how to feel about you
You are a person. With wings. What’s he supposed to do about that
He’s friends with Wil, so has to tolerate you at least.
He tries to make conversation, but it doesn’t always go as well as it could
You don’t have much to talk about, and some of his topics worry you
Mostly you two just kinda… exist in the same general area
Sometimes he’ll discuss what he should do on his show
You don’t have many ideas
But you’ve gotten an idea of what it is, and sometimes give a suggestion or two
He appreciates you for that
He tried to get you on the show once but Wilford refused
You kinda wanted to, but whatever
You’ll hang out sometimes too
He’s very entertaining, he has to be
Eric is kind of scared
Not that you’ll hurt him, that he’ll hurt you
That happens a lot to people he likes…
He eventually starts hanging out around you
You don’t ask bad questions, and you distract him from his dad
He talks about animals with you a lot, and how he wanted a farm
You bought a cowboy hat and gave it to him and he cried
You also gave him a stuffed cow one day
He hugged you for a long time
You two cuddle a lot bc the boy needs SAFETY and SECURITY
You wuv each other(platonically or otherwise)
Dr. Iplier doesn’t bother you, mostly
He appreciates that you keep to yourself
He has his work, that’s what he’s focused on
Sometimes he’ll see you when you try to find Wilford or get some food
He tries to get a good look at you without looking suspicious
It doesn’t work, he always falls over
He once gave you a “physical”
It was mostly to just figure out what you were
You seemed mostly human based on the results
But goddammit you had WINGS
They had their own function but were sort of like an add-on to your body
He was slightly disappointed you weren’t gonna… turn into a whole bird
You tolerate each other
Google fuckin’ hates you
He’s completely perplexed by you
Which he is never because he is the most intelligent being on the planet
So he assumed he could figure out what you were
Turns out google fucking sucks at figuring out things people don’t already know
So he hates you. Like a lot
He’s tried to kill you multiple times
But his objective is to destroy MANKIND
You are not included in that
Also Wilford almost killed him for it
So yeah he just kinda hates you
You’ve tried to get along with him but he just wouldn’t
He finally talked to you when Bing called him a little bitch
Still hates you, but can tolerate your existence now
Bing fuckin’ adores you
You are just wonderful to him
You can FLY??!! You have WINGS???!!!!!
You don’t really care that he is an artificial BEING????!!!!!!!!
You’re perfect
He does Sick Tricks™ to try to impress you
They never do
You appreciate the effort
You don’t see him a lot, but when you to it’s very entertaining
He taught you how to skateboard
You kinda sucked but he’s very supportive
He likes just hanging around you
It’s the only time he ever chills the fuck out
Everyone’s thankful to you for that
Your entire dynamic is “what if... i put... my minecraft bed... next to yours? haha just kidding... unless?”
The Host doesn’t really care about the wings??
I mean, he can’t see them, so… what’s the big deal
You appreciate that
He still does the uh… narration thing… with real people…
The stories end better now
You convinced him to make the stories end better
You sat with him to make SURE the stories end better
He also started writing novels recently
You help with plot and character development
He appreciates that
The Jims… don’t really care about you
I mean you’re interesting, of course
But they physically Cannot get a clear picture of you
Even if you agree to sit still, it just doesn’t happen
It is always, ALWAYS blurry
They eventually give up and leave you alone
They do spend a bit of time with you
You help them with demon episodes sometimes
You don’t do much, but they like the emotional support
King of the Squirrels is… well, he’s him
He doesn’t… he doesn’t do much
He hangs out with his squirrels. That’s pretty much it.
You just started hanging out with him one day
He didn’t mind
You two feed the squirrels while sitting by a tree
He lets you wear his crown sometimes
He draws his squirrels, and lets you see the pictures
He teaches you how to draw them
You two don’t talk, really
You just sit. And hang out.
He doesn’t really smile, but you can tell when he’s happy with you
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tempenensis · 3 years
Everything that salty anon said was completely uncalled for. I’m sorry to see someone sending you an ask like that, you don’t deserve that at all. I really love your blog and reading what you post, and you seem like a great person! Sending love and positive vibes 💖✨
(2) That anon seems to be equating fandom toxicity with shipping, when fandom toxicity has nothing to do with shipping. There's plenty of toxic fans that ship absolutely nothing at all. That anon being quite a good example... I don't think I've seen anyone so triggered by shipping in a while. I mean, most people don't stop shipping their ships just bc they don't become canon. Some people even are well aware they won't become canon. We still get our enjoyment and aren't a-holes, lime anon. Meanwhile, what do people like anon get? What do they want? A medal? Sorry buddy, this ain't the olympics.
(3) Honestly, it started off as kinda funny and cringe but damn anon you found away to turn super creepy super fast. You cant go around dictating who a real fan is and pretty much emotionally abuse people who just dont ship the same thing as you. This is me trying to be as nice as possible, but please take a break from the fandom if you are going into people's inboxes to just be a menace.
(4) dude… you are so chill and you always mind your business. why do people leave you mean messages all the time?? I think it may be worthwhile to turn anonymous messages off for a while. people are getting too comfortable in your ask box lol :/
(5) omg what's wrong with that anon? shipping fictional characters doesn't hurt anybody, and even if the ship isn't confirmed as canon in the end of the story this doesn't invalidate people's right to ship them, for example, in the end of naruto, sasuke and sakura were confirmed as a couple but this didn't made everyone suddenly stop shipping them with other people, in evangelion no couple was formed in the end of the series but people still ship them together, and that's fine because as I said doesn't hurt anybody I'm sorry that you're receiving toxic asks, idk if you are aware but you can block anons directly when they send asks to you, you just need to click in the "..." bellow the ask
(6) People have been shipping pairings since the olden days. Gundam Wings for example has a multitude of pairings, all fanons of course, and you can still read old fanfics. Salty anon must be terribly young LOL. Btw, being a teacher has nothing to do with it. I'm a PhD scholar (just passed my viva!) and you bet I have some weird ass ships in some other fandoms. Grow up salty anon.
(7) Don't let that anon get you down because your always awesome to me!, personally speaking Fanon, Shipping and Headcanons is just our way of spicing things up and thinking of the what ifs when reading a piece of media. people should stop dictating how others enjoy things tbh. anyway I love your writing and I hope you have a good day!
I'm sorry to collect these, but thank you everyone for the positive vibes and kind words! I've been in jjk fandom before the anime and it has since getting bigger - and ofc getting worse too, sadly. And I've also been in numerous fandom over the course of the years, but this is the first time I saw someone so anti with shipping in general. Shipping is not even the main activity of this blog, as you all can see. itafushi is not even the weirdest ship in jjk fandom.
Everyone in fandom enjoys things in different ways, as long as you don't cause trouble for others, there's no "right" or "wrong". It's just a piece of media. It doesn't dictate your life. I don't and don't want to dictate others in what is right and wrong in this matter. But yes, as long as there is a fandom of it, shipping will most likely be a part of it. This applied to fandom everywhere, which use other language too. And harsh it may be, but we are here because we share the same interest on one stuff. And that interest will fade in time when we find new things to be interested in.
And also seems like one toxic anon attracts another and I'm turning off my anon ask for the time being. I've been considering doing that for a long time.
Please. I just want to be left alone doing my things. If you don't like me, don't like what I do, then please just block me. No one is forcing you to follow what you call "fandom-ruiner" here.
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thatflowergirll · 2 years
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I posted 282 times in 2021
83 posts created (29%)
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For every post I created, I reblogged 2.4 posts.
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like i was scrolling through my feed and there was a drawing of a blonde guy and a bluenette and i was automatically like: oh my adrienette
My Top Posts in 2021
I am so sorry for the person I will become when ephemeral drops.
I will low key record my reaction to the episode for myself just to laugh at it later... or cry, whichever comes first
113 notes • Posted 2021-11-02 22:27:14 GMT
can we step out for a second and talk about Wayhem for a little bit?
bc to be very honest I really do love him... he’s like, obviously Adrien’s number one fan (if the fact that he CARRIES A CARDBOARD FIGURE of Adrien everywhere he goes is any indication), but he is also ALWAYS there for him
like, when he first appeared and saved Adrien’s ass by pretending to be him, and even more now he is like the head of Adrien’s following and immediately stood up to the mayor with him...
I just think that he deserves so much more love and appreciation and I really wanna see him more in other episodes<3333
130 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 00:21:09 GMT
Does Adrien trust Luka to the point of confiding in him? I'm not entirely sure... We thought that Nino would be the choice bc ya know Bromance at it's finest, but now that it's Luka, do we expect them to become closer so that Adrien can finally vent to someone other than Plagg? Would Luka come up to Adrien and be like "I'm here if you need to talk"? But then he would have to be really really smooth because he DID NOT tell Mari that he knows their identity... and why is that tho? My head is going a thousand miles per second after this episode man
139 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 13:41:05 GMT
The way that Marinette reacted to finding out Adrien was Chat was very surprising, but not surprising at all at the same time...
The way that she doesn't believe it at first and laughs straight into his face (while he seems unfazed), and how she tells Tikki that she perceives them as two completely different people is so interesting to me...
she isn't automatically like "wow, Adrien is Chat = Adrien loves me", instead, she really tries to picture them as a whole and wants to get to know "the real Adrien", as she called it.
I absolutely LOVED to see the image of CN intertwining with the image of Adrien, because Marinette was finally able to see CN's behavior through his real-life persona at school, as well as seeing sunshine boy's kindness in CN during akuma battles <3
What was really intriguing was Mari come to the realization that she could show her true identity, and he would truly accept her, because that's just who he is <33333333333
164 notes • Posted 2021-11-07 16:52:05 GMT
it's during these times that I feel incredibly happy that I am a part of this fandom <3
The kind of fandom that would break the internet because of a cat boy and a bug falling in love lots of times, because of the commitment we have to these characters, because we are just so dedicated to this show even when we're clowns
I don't actually know anybody but I love the mlb fandom with my whole heart
172 notes • Posted 2021-10-26 22:50:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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norgestan · 4 years
SPOILERS!!!!! // i actually despise the route they've taken, i really do. if they really wanted dani and amira, and if they were endgame, i actually wouldn't have minded - i would've sighed a little bit sure, but i'd be ok.... but what they're doing with kassim... i'm just ... wow. disappointed and frustrated is a huge understatement. if they wanted representation it would've been great, but making that representation someone who could've been a really amazing love interest for amira? smfh.
uhhh i tried to put a “read more” but it’s not working???
yeah like i really like how the show has handled the first steps on the damira relationship, where there’s a lot of communication and you can see that they’re both negotiating. my biggest complaint is still that dani is a white man taking the spot on what originally was the place of a muslim man of color. and in that sense, i won’t give eskam a pass. while skamit pretended that they “ethnic-looking” white non-muslim female actress was a hijabi teenager of color, and that’s something i don’t think eskam would do, eskam is the second remake that has taken away one of the spots of that couple with two people of color, so they go to a white actor/actress.
but i agree with you: the worst this has got to be the kasim subplot. i DESPITE it with all my being for the following reasons:
perpetuates the notion that all muslim people are homophobic, something that they show has fought before in cris’ season and in the video lucas filmed with amira.
actually, let me go back to that video. because i feel like the eskam writers didn’t look at that video when they were writing this bullshit. both amira and lucas make points about how homophobia is not inherent to islam, that one can be gay and muslim because it depends on how people interpret their religion and how they feel their faith, etc etc. but then kasim spews out the same bullshit amira was fighting in the first place: that lucas, who lives in a christian environment, will have the support of his friends and people around him, but because kasim is muslim he’s deeply scared and doesn’t want to come out. it’s not because lucas is white while kasim is a brown man, it’s not because kasim has had particular experiences with his sexuality outside his religion. no. it’s because lucas is christian and kasim is muslim. and of course christian people are waaay more open minded than muslim people, right? that’s how LITTLE NUANCE was put in the whole thing. the entire story is written like any youtube comment under a clip of las labass, saying that they will punch cris for being bisexual and other islamophobic bullshit.
this kinda shits on the entire religious subplot of og s3. in og, isak’s mother insistence with showering his son with the word of God(tm) was what held him back from coming out to her and part of his internalized homophobia. the season also made points how what isak believed in, aka the evolution, could also lead into homophobic rationalizations of the presence of gay people in the story of humanity, while sana made sure to tell isak (and the audience) that hatred came from fear, not from religion. isak suffered because he was in a white and christian environment, where people were either disgusted by him (his parents at first), completely okay with outing him because “it’s 2016, get out of the closet” (emma, vilde at some extent, bunch of other people who spread the rumors in school), casually calling him slurs (magnus), fetishizing him and even (the dance girls, the skam fandom), and then people who were supportive of him (admittedly, not all of these things were called out in the show, but people got the point with the first two groups). the only muslim character in the show had absolutely no problem with isak being gay, and supported isak and even’s relationship: sana even got mad when she thought the balloon squad hit isak bc he was gay, when they actually hit him because he fought them first out of jealousy - and back then it was the white girls who insulted sana in the bathroom and who theorized that the balloon squad were homophobic. so, like, absolutely all of that is gone here. and in the last dani/amira clip, dani says how his parents aren’t actually “good christians” (hmmm the christian cult survivor in me absolutely loathes that term) because they’re intolerant and homophobic, but the fact that it’s kasim, the muslim gay guy, who says he’s in a bad environment, means that the show wants us to believe and empathize with him, right? UGH. very progressive of you eskam. i’ve never seen this before.
let me expand real quick on that last point. so far it’s only been amira, a straight muslim girl, who has told us that homophobia is not inherent in muslim spaces. HOWEVER, we have an actual muslim gay character say to out faces that he feels oppressed and that his circles will never understand him the way lucas’ christian circles understand and accept him. and because he’s the gay muslim guy, we’re supposed to believe he’s right over amira, who has never experienced being lgbtq+ and muslim. WOW. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT.
yet again other western stereotype of a gay guy nonchalantly asking amira to play as his beard. WOW. WOWOWOWOW. WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK. but what i hate the most about this is that amira is clearly SO disgusted by this, the narrative wants us to be on her side and demonize the closeted muslim guy of color for this. all while we were supposed to take dani’s al qaeda joke as a funny thing that amira adds to the list of why dani is the funniest guy she knows and why she likes him. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
moreover, i hate this entire conversation: because amira has had two people come out to her. cris and kasim. and when cris, white christian cris, told her she liked a girl, amira was immediately okay with all of that. but when kasim tells amira that he likes a dude, amira’s reaction it’s just SO baffling: she accuses him of FOOLING and LYING to his family and the people around him. but she never once questioned why cris hadn’t told anybody this yet, much less call her a liar for not coming out to everybody. what the fuck is this!!!!!!! not only this is yet another way that the show demonizes kasim, but it’s purposefully writing amira ooc to do so. wow. i absolutely hate it. i don’t think i have said that yet?
and to close this huuuuge rant off lmao, i just really dislike that everything about kasim’s sexuality is misery porn: begging for the white guy he likes (loves?) to understand him and be with him, the pressure of being the only man on his family, the pressure of his sister trying to find him a good muslim girlfriend, how oh so homophobic muslim people around him are... even if at the end the show ends up saying (again) that coming out as a muslim is Not That Bad, all of this is just, immediately gonna make white/non-muslim people look at this and think: “yep yep yep, muslim people are sooooo intolerant, not like Me, raised in a good Christian environment, where we’re Open Minded not like those arabs”. and i already hate all of that, no matter what the resolution is. this is SO catering of western audiences only. terrible writing choice and i won’t let eskam get out of this one. even if they found a way to say the right stuff at the end, what they’ve done for now it’s enough for me to step away from the remake. but i’ll be here to criticize it when the entire episode is out, you bet.
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essentiallychaotic · 3 years
-> the rules are to answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better :)
I was tagged by @evilibra 💖💜💙
name/nickname: McKenzi
pronouns: she/her
star sign: aries
height: 5’9” so i think 175cm?
time currently: 00:16
when is your birthday: april 5
nationality: american
favourite band/groups: all time low, monsta x, shinee, the rose, seventeen
favourite solo artists: halsey, sunmi, hozier, LP, hayley kiyoko
song stuck in your head: gimme gimme - nct 127 (i watched the mv today and my brain latched onto the way they sing the “loveholic” bit and is refusing to let go lmaooo)
last movie you watched: twilight (dont @ me its a brain comfort movie)
last show you binged: havent actually binged anything lately bc my brain refuses to focus on any one thing for too long, that said i’ve been watching gilmore girls and strangers from hell this week
when you created your blog: uummm I think december 2010, bc it was xmas break of my senior year in high school
last thing you googled: i was looking up the vertical gain for a trail nearish to where i live
other blogs: none that i’ve done anything on in years, for all i know they’ve been deleted lmaoo
why i chose my url: i wanted something that i wouldn’t have to change as my interests changed and it seemed to fit the bill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how many people are you following: 135
how many followers do you have: idk somewhere over 300 which is WILD
average hours of sleep: anywhere from 6 to 12 it’s honestly a wildcard
lucky number: 5 (kasey same hat!)
instruments: i can rock a kazoo like a badass
what i’m currently wearing: fluffy rainbow socks, my uni sweats, superm jopping hoodie, and the hat i just finished knitting bc its comfy and warm and why not lmao (its based off of the hat bella wears to la push in the first movie and i have Zero regrets bc it’s a fun knitting pattern and I’ve always loved that hat)
dream job: idk man maybe a poet/artist, possibly a professional runner ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
dream trip: right now? anywhere my bros are (#theronamood) in general? korea, new zealand, australia,
favourite food: mangoes, kimchi jjigae, bigos, grilled cheese, bananas
favourite song: seoul - rm, basement noise - all time low, and i’m here - kim kyung hee (i couldn’t pick just one)
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: seconding kasey’s ‘one with no concept of money’, maybe julie e czerneda’s species imperative series, aaaaaand... idk at 8 i read lotr and desperately wanted to live in that universe so we’ll go with that
I’m tagging @skittles-pixie @butts-of-the-barricade @hosnack @tiny-cryptograms @abunnycotton @inktaire @shalanos @sunny-day-sky and anybody who wants to do this ^-^ (for real pls do, the only reason I’m not tagging more people is i’m tired and on mobile and cant remember who to tag lol)
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More Salty asks 👀
18, 21, 5, 4, 3, 7, 10.
ty <3
So sorry it took me so long to answer anon but here's the salt you've asked for
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
God no, wtf kind of logic is that, you can or not do something, as in shipping, or stanning or being an anti, for literally ANY reason including no reason, I repeat, you dont need a single fucking reason, much less a "valid" one, there is literally nothing called a valid reason when it comes to fandom bc all reasons are valid at the end of the day, since it's ffs JUST fiction. If you dont ship/stan something popular good for you, hang out w your rare pairs and fall in love w your minor characters, you want to write terrible fucking incoherent anti-metas about a character that's very popular, go ahead DO IT, literally nothing should stop you, it is not problematic to HATE an objectively good character w absolutely no reason, it's not problematic to LOVE a scumbag character for the shallowest reason, it's not problematic to condone evil acts done by your fav character and praise them and love them for it, it is not problematic to want a character killed simply bc they mildly grate you, it is not problematic to do or feel anything about a character as long as your aware that this character or ship cannot be removed from their fictional world and you are simply judging a fictional object who's actions and principles are bound to the fictional world they exist in and cannot in any way affect the real world beyond the value of entertainment.
--also completely tangential side note but if anybody thinks the depravities or deplorable actions explored in a fictional work can in anyway enable real life people who have consumed such media, to do and/or consider the same, I would politely suggest you to restrain from projecting your grossly malleable mind that's clearly more impressionable the wet stinking cement on to others, bc believe it or not most of us have this innate ability to not only separate fiction from reality, but also pick and choose what media we consume is allowed to influence us in addition to entertaining us--
But back to the point, my answer to that question is no, you are not biased, you are not in denial, you simply choose not to invest your time and energy and mindspace into this one fictional being or couple and that is just about the most valid thing as any.
21.What are your thoughts on crack ships?
absolutely love them, I really wish there are more absolutely WILD ships that have no logical reasoning behind them to exist in the fandoms I am part of.
5.Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
Nope. although it has made a ship I was already mildly averse to even more worse in my eyes, but I dont think that counts.
4.Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Yep and it's a LIST, let's see Steroline, Bamon, Klayley, Klamille, Marbekah, I HATE KOLVINA.
And yeah that's about it, don't get me wrong I dont like many ships and need to click off ff if they are a part of it as a side pairing, but these are the ones I loathe w a passion bc one half of the ship is a character I absolutely LOVE and the other half is just the GREATEST disservice done to said characters,
For steroline- I wish stefan was never fished out from the bottom of that lake.
Bamon- Damon can get his dick skinned.
Klayley- Klaus is a fucking cockroach I agree. but Hayley good god is not helping the situation at all. Same for Klamille.
Marbekah-it's incest yall first of all, and second Rebekah deserves a man who fucking chooses her EVERYTIME and not just once when it's convenient for him.
Kolvina: I-I-do I even need to elaborate?? THE DISSERVICE DONE TO KOL. Christ. I am sorry but this ship I truly hate w a passion too strong for me to even bother playing it cool.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Nope. But I do block that specific tag/content so that when they post about the specific topic we disagree on I am not able to see it, CURATE YOUR FANDOM EXPERIENCE ALWAYS THANKS, and also having shitty shipping opinions is the last thing you can do to get me fired up and stop talking to you, my bff is both a steroline shipper and a Kolvina shipper, but she's my ride or die, like fandom opinions and thoughts on a fictional character amount to literally NOTHING in real life, and I really hope people understand that, but also at the same time in tumblr specifically, if a blog you follow posts anti-posts about your fav character or something like that absolutely unfollow them if you are not comfortable seeing it? following them to engage in fandom discourse is not something I personally would ever do, but as long both the parties involved are interested in discourse i see no harm, but if youre not willing to engage or even see such content ma'am wtf is it even doing on your dash UNFOLLOW and block the tag please.
[already answered the next q so I'm copy pasting it here]
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
oh lmao I wouldnt have been able to understand this question yesterday, but like today I was again hunting scenes for gifs, and I found that Marcel actually holds no appeal to me, in fact, If Elijah decided to slap his head off, I wouldnt have minded at all. Also I was a forwood shipper at the time but now I look at them and have this inexplicable urge to scratch something.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Redemption arcs, jfc I HATE THEM, mostly bc my ability to perceive villains shuttles between two distinct opposites, "They are depraved, and evil and everything wrong in this world and I LOVE THEM." or "They are depraved and evil and everything wrong in the world and I HATE THEM" there is literally no in between, so in the first case I love them precisely because they are the scourge of the earth, and a redemption arc [not that I've ever seen one done even mildly ok-ish for the characters to actually redeem them] will literally work to unfuck their fuckiness that I absolutely ADORE. So no I do not want redemption arcs for them at all, and on the flip side when I hate an evil character the only redemption I will accept is them being of good use to the maggots that feast on their dead rotten corpse.
This is the ask
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars XCI (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I'd missed this silly goose! tho the actors in hp for some reason look way older so he looks like a baby but pls imagine Erick like this older-looking student bc he should look that way jdhfd -Danny
Words: 2,195
Series’ Masterlist
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Chapter Twenty-Six: Talk it out.
"Hagrid!" Hermione shouted. "Hagrid, that's enough! We know you're in there! Nobody cares if your mum was a giantess, Hagrid! You can't let that foul Skeeter woman do this to you! Hagrid, get out here, you're just being —" The door opened. "About t — !" Hermione froze when she found Dumbledore there instead of their friend.
"Good afternoon," he said.
"We — er — we wanted to see Hagrid."
"Yes, I surmised as much," He said in amusement. "Why don't you come in?"
"Oh... um... okay."
Hagrid was sitting at the table, there were two mugs of tea. For the looks of it, he'd been crying.
"Hi, Hagrid," said Harry.
" 'Lo," he said lowly.
"More tea, I think," said Dumbledore, and with the flick of his wand, a tea tray appeared. "Did you by any chance hear what Miss Granger was shouting, Hagrid? Hermione, Mel, Harry, and Ron still seem to want to know you, judging by the way they were attempting to break down the door."
"Of course we still want to know you!" Harry said. "You don't think anything that Skeeter cow — sorry, Professor..."
"I have gone temporarily deaf and haven't any idea what you said, Harry," said Dumbledore, looking up to the ceiling with interest.
"Er — right... I just meant — Hagrid, how could you think we'd care what that — woman — wrote about you?" Hagrid cried silently, two huge tears falling down his beard.
"Oh, Hagrid, don't cry!" Mel's hand went to rest above his, looking almost comically small.
"Living proof of what I've been telling you, Hagrid," said Dumbledore. "I have shown you the letters from the countless parents who remember you from their own days here, telling me in no uncertain terms that if I sacked you, they would have something to say about it —"
"Not all of 'em," said Hagrid. "Not all of 'em wan' me ter stay."
"Really, Hagrid, if you are holding out for universal popularity, I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time. Not a week has passed since I became headmaster of this school when I haven't had at least one owl complaining about the way I run it. But what should I do? Barricade myself in my study and refuse to talk to anybody?"
"Yeh — yeh're not half-giant!"
"Hagrid, look what I've got for relatives!" Harry said in disbelief. "Look at the Dursleys!"
"An excellent point," said Dumbledore. "My own brother, Aberforth, was prosecuted for practising inappropriate charms on a goat. It was all over the papers, but did Aberforth hide? No, he did not! He held his head high and went about his business as usual! Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, so that may not have been bravery..."
Mel looked at her uncle knowing that there was certainly more he could say about their family, but she remained quiet.
"Come back and teach, Hagrid," said Hermione, "please come back, we really miss you."
"I refuse to accept your resignation, Hagrid, and I expect you back at work on Monday," said Dumbledore, standing up to leave. "You will join me for breakfast at eight-thirty in the Great Hall. No excuses. Good afternoon to you all."
When the Headmaster left the cabin, Hagrid sobbed for real, hiding his face behind both hands.
"Great man, Dumbledore... great man..."
"Yeah, he is," said Ron. "Can I have one of these cakes, Hagrid?"
"Help yerself," said Hagrid. "Ar, he's righ', o' course — yeh're all righ'... I bin stupid... my ol' dad woulda bin ashamed o' the way I've bin behavin'... Never shown you a picture of my old dad, have I? Here..."
Hagrid got up, went over to his dresser, opened a drawer, and pulled out a picture of a short wizard with Hagrid's crinkled black eyes, beaming as he sat on top of Hagrid's shoulder. Hagrid was a good seven or eight feet tall, judging by the apple tree beside him, but his face was beardless, young, round, and smooth — he looked hardly older than eleven.
"Tha' was taken jus' after I got inter Hogwarts," Hagrid croaked. "Dad was dead chuffed... thought I migh' not be a wizard, see, 'cos me mum... well, anyway. 'Course, I never was great shakes at magic, really... but at least he never saw me expelled. Died, see, in me second year...
"Dumbledore was the one who stuck up for me after Dad went. Got me the gamekeeper job... trusts people, he does. Gives 'em second chances... tha's what sets him apar' from other heads, see. He'll accept anyone at Hogwarts, s'long as they've got the talent. Knows people can turn out okay even if their families weren'... well... all tha' respectable. But some don' understand that. There's some who'd always hold it against yeh... there's some who'd even pretend they just had big bones rather than stand up an' say — I am what I am, an' I'm not ashamed. 'Never be ashamed,' my ol' dad used ter say, 'there's some who'll hold it against you, but they're not worth botherin' with.' An' he was right. I've bin an idiot. I'm not botherin' with her no more, I promise yeh that. Big bones... I'll give her big bones."
The kids shared nervous glances, but Hagrid kept talking without waiting for a reply.
"Yeh know wha', Harry? When I firs' met you, you reminded me o' me a bit. Mum an' Dad gone, an' you was feelin' like yeh wouldn' fit in at Hogwarts, remember? Not sure yeh were really up to it... an' now look at yeh, Harry! School champion! Yeh know what I'd love, Harry? I'd love yeh ter win, I really would. It'd show 'em all... yeh don' have ter be pureblood ter do it. Yeh don' have ter be ashamed of what yeh are. It'd show 'em Dumbledore's the one who's got it righ', lettin' anyone in as long as they can do magic. How you doin' with that egg, Harry?"
"Great," said Harry shakily. "Really great."
"Tha's my boy... you show 'em, Harry, you show 'em. Beat'em all..."
"But if it doesn't turn out as expected," Mel was quick to add. "Know that we are all proud of you as well, Hagrid. We love you very much."
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"I'll follow Cedric's advice," Harry told her quietly before going to bed that night.
"Blimey, all it took was a crying Hagrid..." Mel raised her eyebrows. "Want help?"
"No," He replied. "Dunno... I'll let you know."
"All right," She sighed. "Good luck."
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She had an important matter to attend that day in private and it could only be between her and Erick. She used the pocket watch he'd given her and informed him that she wanted to talk. On Monday, both students met at the far end of the library, Mel had no idea where to start.
"I won't apologize for what I said the other day, I know you hate it when I do that," She began, "but you're hiding something and I would like to know what it is, maybe I can help you?"
She was expecting many reactions, all except the one she got. Erick let out a long sigh and picked out of his bag one of the books she'd lent him.
"Persuasion?" Mel raised a brow.
"I take that you've read it?" He asked.
"I love it," She smiled at it. "The main character's name is Anne, right?"
"Yes," Erick shook his head. "The story... It made me think– What if I'm making a mistake?"
"What d'you mean?"
"What if I don't like Anne the way I think I do?" He elaborated. "I wrote and she wrote back every week, we never ran out of things to say, but the last week before going to my grandad's house she said something that... What if I just like her because she's the complete opposite of what my parents want?"
"I feel like those are unrelated, I'm not sure I follow," Mel frowned. "Since when you've been having doubts?"
"Since Anne and I started to talk more this summer. It's not exactly that I have doubts, I mean, I know I feel something, I just don't know what."
"I don't think there's a reasoning behind the people we like," She retorted. "...Right?"
"If there's no reasoning, then I guess it's all right, but if I'm supposed to have one... I don't have it. I can't tell why I like her."
"Well, you think she's pretty?"
"Yeah," Erick moved on his place awkwardly. "Although I think other girls are pretty too, and I could even get along with them as I do with Anne. If you were to ask me why I'm interested in her, I wouldn't know."
"But that's normal," Mel tried to calm him. "Love has no logic, that doesn't mean is bad?"
"Listen," He put a finger on the book and pointed harshly. "If I just like her because she's pretty and fun then it wouldn't be bad... Yet I think I'm around her because I know it'd make my parents mad, when I'm here, at school, I don't worry about her... I do wonder, but is not constant."
"So? I don't think about Harry all day."
"Aren't I supposed to be dying of solitude when I'm away from her? Maybe this is just a lie I tell myself so I feel like a normal guy, maybe I'm incapable of falling in love and Anne is just my excuse to be a bad son..."
There was a piece of paper coming out of the book, she took it without thinking. Erick kept rambling without looking at what she was doing and her eyes skimmed through the letter. The seams were so worn out that she could tell the boy had read it several times.
"Anne likes someone else..." She said quietly.
Erick's eyes landed on the piece of paper his face turned pale. "Give me that."
"His name's Stuart and he's nice...'" Mel read out loud. "Her boyfriend?"
"No," He said, seizing the letter. "He could be... but she's waiting."
"For me."
"And you don't want to say anything," Mel said slowly, "because you're not sure?"
"I can't be with her," Erick said with difficulty. "Not yet... I have two more years of school, even then I don't know when I'll be able to leave my parents' house..."
"But you like her."
"My parents won't approve."
"You don't have to tell them."
"I can't do that!" He said. "Imagine that Harry's parents were alive and they hated everything about you. That every time they see you they'd throw nasty remarks your way, and then Harry'd be out in the street with no money and without being able to give you a good life, imagine you're from two different worlds and nothing you have to offer can get him out trouble..."
"I think... I think we'd both be in pain all the time," Mel said quietly, "...Is that how you feel?"
"That's what will happen if I do the wrong thing," Erick ran a hand through his hair, ruining his neat curls. "I'd love to send a letter telling her everything... but we're young, I wasn't expecting things to move as fast as they did... she's great, she really is, but she doesn't even know I'm a wizard. There are too many secrets and I just think Anne deserves better. Maybe Stuart can do better."
"I think that in a way, you're right," Mel pushed the book towards him. "But I've seen you read and learn, get rid of so many prejudices just to meet her, not even knowing if she'd like you back... that has to mean something."
Erick supported his head in one hand, rubbing his forehead. "All I know is that if I pull her away from this boy without telling her everything... I'll end up ruining one of the best things that have ever happened to me."
"Then?" She frowned. "You're going to... you're just going to leave her?"
Erick swallowed the lump in his throat. "I want her to choose him... I'm not around anyway, I could even mention the ball and Daphne just to... to make her think..."
"You're gonna hurt her," She told him, not in a reproachful tone, but one that had to be said. "I guess this is the gentlest way you can do it... and it's not forever, right? I mean, if everything goes as planned, eventually you'll be able to try. It's meant to be."
"Meant to be?" He chuckled bitterly. "You sound too sure."
"I am," She responded sincerely. "You and Anne will end up together... just like Harry and me, if I'm lucky enough."
Erick gave her a look, a tiny smile on his lips. "Warming up to the idea then?"
"I've been too hard on myself and Harry," She shrugged. "I think life can be a fairytale if we do what we're meant to do."
"How are we supposed to know what that is?"
"Fate will find a way," Mel got up and patted his shoulder. "Just don't lose hope..."
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Next Chapter —>
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loseyoutoloveme · 3 years
will you do a song by song review for life support? i really liked the ones for sweetener and thank you next!
oh absolutely, i’d love to! thank you for asking and being interested 🖤 all thoughts below.
the beginning:
this was such a great way to open this album, it’s so cinematic and really sets the mood so perfectly. one of my fav instrumental intros i’ve ever heard.
good in goodbye: “you put the over in lover, put the ex in next.”
the lyrics are so wonderfully corny and i’ll love this song forever, like the chorus is literally just so fun to sing along to.
i do think it feels a little... shallow compared to the rest of the album, and the album being released so long after this song came out makes it feel disconnected from the rest. but i love it so i don’t care.
default: “i know, i know this must be coming for me, i swear, i swear i will be the end of me, the end of me.”
this song is just sooo...... OUCH!
i’m obsessed with the way the chorus just SOUNDS like an emotional spiral, like her life falling apart, like falling into a deep depression, and then the outro builds like destructive racing thoughts.
also i never noticed the wave crashing and the bubbles at the very beginning until really recently, and i love that little touch. the whole song feels so underwater. cloudy and fuzzy. it does a good job of depicting certain symptoms of various mental illnesses.
follow the white rabbit: “is it haunting, baby, that i’m wanting, baby, that i’m wanting, wanting you?”
i actually was fully not expecting to like this that much based off the snippets she’d shared, but omg this left me WEAAAAK on first listen, which was the best surprise
there are definitely so many layers to these lyrics too, despite it being just a bombastic sexy toxic love song on its surface, particularly when thinking about the album as a commentary on mental illness, and some of the breakup/love songs as metaphors rather than straightforward love songs. definitely about infatuation and toxicity and perhaps knowingly entering a bad relationship as a bad coping mechanism, a way to avoid dealing with your pain or (as we see in effortlessly) a way to just feel anything at all.
effortlessly: “i hold my breath to breathe, hurt me so i feel, used to do these things so effortlessly somehow.”
oh god this song is just a punch in the stomach
i ALSO didn’t really expect to love this one based on snippets but the lyrics are just devastating and perfect and i hope speak to anybody who has struggled with self-harm and medication.
i don’t even have thoughts on this song, it just makes me go jsn*@(#nkdasdnkasd7*@U#j2k3n
love that this is such a fan favourite. it deserves!
stay numb and carry on: “truth is it was never love, your fault if you thought it was.”
the reverse “i’ve become emotionless” at the beginning >>>
also love the “i was gin and you were toxic . . . wish we’d just stayed plaTONIC” like a platonic relationship would be the opposite of toxic. it’s such fun wordplay.
also “i don’t feel like anyone” makes me emo, she really just slid the most simple but heartbreaking lines in everywhere and you don’t notice them until they hit you out of nowhere one day and you’re like ...OH
in conclusion, madison beer is a vessel for god
blue: “you could be as sweet as honey but i knew the darkness in your mind.”
this is my least favourite on the album but it’s still fantastic
the lana influence is clear without being too copycat, like it’s still SO madison. sorta like lana’s video games modernized and adapted into something truer to madison’s vibe.
love love love the whole outro
glad that this wasn’t a single like it was planned to be
interlude: “would you do that shit for me too?”
this album in general is just not really for people who don’t like vocoders and lots of technical effects. i looove that she leaned into it so hard bc it’s so HER.
this song also has so much depth for an interlude, relaying the experience of feeling SO hard about people, and realizing like you’re putting in way more than you’re getting back.
the post-chorus is like... 🤩🌌💫☄️🌠
homesick: “these humans speak my language, still don’t understand it.”
THIS SONG...... IS MY BABY......
oh god it just breaks my heart on every listen. the image in my head is of a little girl talking to the stars.
and why does the line about her mom and dad make me wanna cry every time? i have no idea.
i’m sure she’s not the first person to ever use this metaphor for mental illness, expressing the alienation of mental illness (especially one as stigmatized and misunderstood as bpd) by talking about LITERAL aliens sdkjfsdfksd, but she does it SOOOOO well and sincerely that it feels like it’s uniquely hers.
the rick & morty sample is so funny and so weird and so madison. i will probably never watch an episode of that show in my life.
10000000000/10 this song is the loml
selfish: “shouldn’t love you but i couldn’t help it, had a feeling that you never felt it.”
my absolute favourite of all of the singles, noooo question about it. it’s a perfect, perfect, perfect song.
two years, alone on new years’, nightclubs, gemini... women writing lyrics with very specific details about the shitty men that the song is about... it’s everything to me.
this song will just NEVER age. every time i listen to it, it’s like the first time all over again.
sour times: “don’t know what song of mine you heard that made you think i’d want to spend the night with you.”
home with you’s big sister<3 
not the strongest lyrics, but the concept and production are more than strong enough to carry the song.
she came on this bitch mad as hell
also love that this have been another fan favourite, seemingly??
men gross
boyshit: “don’t know how to talk or communicate, we’re so on and off, to you it’s a game.”
it took me awhile to get into this when it was a single ngl, probably because it came out the same night as evermore sjdknfsfnkjsd, but once i got into it, it became the best song ever
she’s soooo reliable with her “men ain’t shit” songs ugh
baby: “i’m a handful but that’s what hands are for.”
when this came out as a single it was the only thing i listened to for a solid week and a half. just an excellent song. the chorus is evvverrryttthhhiiinnnnggg.
stained glass: “my life’s a still fading memory of what i can’t have, and everything ’round me is starting to fade into black, but black and white is so much better, i’m learning how to hide my colours.”
i’m so surprised by how much non-stans seem to love this omg, it’s never been a fav of mine, as much as i still love it
but i’m obsessed with how different and distinctly madison it is
also this is a much more genuine take on the “pls stop being mean to me just bc i’m famous / you don’t know what people are going through” type of song than most of the others i’ve ever heard. her pain is evident, and the soft “i just might break” is just..... </3
the glass breaking and little scream are so good
she loves a good metaphor and so do i!
emotional bruises: “how do i word this? was about to write you this letter, but it was just curses in cursive, you probably deserve it.”
this was definitely my most anticipated song along with everything happens for a reason, like i listened to the snippet on repeat CONSTANTLY lmao. and the full song definitely lived up.
the scribbling sound is so fun, i love her obsession with little real-life sound effects
everything happens for a reason: “i still can’t find a reason you’d wanna hurt me so bad.”
again, this was for sure one of my most anticipated songs and just kjsadsdkajsm god i love love love it
i think she posted a video one time of the song over a clip of the mermaids from peter pan and it was so pretty and i still picture that video when i hear this song. it’s just soooooo hazy and dreamy and retro and perfect.
also the song on the album where she got to show off her vocals the most. she found her niche with this song, truly.
oh my god i was FLOOOOOORED at the dear society clip. dear society was and is one of my FAVOURITE songs, and i appreciate her reasoning for not including it on the album (just wanting some space for a new song instead of one we’d already had for so long), but it did hurt a lil. i was so happy she found a little way to include it :’) rip to hurts like hell tho since she didn’t get the same treatment sjdnksd.
the channel surfing is also just such a fun concept for an outro.
and her laughing with her producers at the end followed by such a sweet calming tropical instrumental...... oooo it’s so nice, it feels like the calm after the storm.
overall, this album was just SO worth the wait, it’s so fantastic, it’s the loml, one of my favourite albums ever. i LOVE that it’s helped anyone with BPD feel seen and understood, and as someone who doesn’t have bpd but has a couple of loved ones who do, the emotions she expressed in these lyrics have helped me to understand this disorder more too. just such a special album.
most of the criticism i’ve seen of the album has been that it’s overproduced, and that’s definitely criticism that i understand, bc it IS heavy on the technical side and some people just don’t like very heavy production, buuuut... some people do! i do! madison does! and heavy production does not automatically make an album bad. this type of production isn’t something that i expect her to move away from, because it’s clearly her thing, and maybe that just means her place in the industry will be more with the heavy heavy pop fans and maybe even in more hyperpop circles. i also think it’s SUPPOSED to be overproduced; it’s supposed to be a mess of emotions and sometimes a little chaotic. she executed it very well.
i hope by the time her next album is out, people will stop comparing her to like every single artist out there. some reviewers seem determined to pigeonhole her and compare her to every female artist under the sun, which feels like an absolute disservice to me. she is influenced by many different people and they comes out in her music, as it does any artist’s because everybody has their inspirations, but her sound is VERY much her own. as someone who has liked her for years, i can absolutely feel her essence in each song and nobody else’s.
a 10/10 album and such an amazing, promising debut<3  
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