#it will be short and simple i said
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dallonwrites · 9 months
actually making my tags from my last post into their own post. writers who struggle with grammar, spelling, typos, errors etc i love you. writers who struggle with rereading their stuff thoroughly no matter how much they try, who don't always have access to other people to help them read i love you. whilst reading through and checking for these things is good practice i really believe that the weight of it should not be put wholly on the writer's shoulders. especially writers who are neurodivergent, disabled, have any condition that can impede their reading + comprehension, are overworked and overtired, are not writing in their native language, list goes on....because grammar mistakes/language mistakes/typos have nothing to do with your abilities as a creative. this is where editors should be uplifting writers, helping them, not scrutinising them for something they cannot always control
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theskoomacat · 5 days
ah, it's Saturday, or how I like to call it, "Emotionally Torture The Doctor Day"
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http-byler · 2 years
Lucas Sinclair was Will’s first kiss. I won’t be taking questions at this time.
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moe-broey · 2 months
Peony: Thinks everything is all fixed now 🥰
Triandra: Too caught up in her self-loathing and agonizing guilt to even consider speaking with Sharena, the only reason she's on speaking terms with Peony IS because of their closer proximity to each other (being alfar/shared background) and Peony's persistence
Sharena: Talks to Peony, Doesn't talk to Triandra????? Sharena is. The Ignorer. Maybe she wants to reach out, but doesn't know how or even where to begin. But honestly I think she's repressing a bunch of shit too. To speak to Triandra would mean having to Unpack All That.
Alfonse: Speaks to Peony and Triandra on business only. Very professional. Very cordial. Yes there's also the harsh self-criticism and agonizing guilt and holding even his child self to impossible standards like this never should have happened. I should have stopped it. I should have fixed it. I should have been Enough to Prevent This. For my sister to have been in the realm of dreams, her peers being abused and left for dead, what does that say? What does that mean? What happened? How could it have happened? It should have never happened. I should have
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if you're sitting there feeling sorry for yourself, wondering why no one's commented on your hiatus status(es), i'll help you figure out why
you're behaving like a selfish, entitled bitch. you're throwing a pity-me-party while you accuse people of favoritism in the same breath. like, no wonder your ~CoMmUniTy~ won't feel sorry for you, or interact with your bad artwork or your other uninspired bullshit when you bitchfit that no one's sharing your shit: no one wants to interact with that melodrama. there's better writers out there that don't cry about interaction bullshit.
you need to grow the fuck up, and maybe do people all a favor by not coming back.
Wow... thank you for sending me this present shortly before Christmas (Dec. 20th, to be exact). Real lovely stuff.
So listen while I break this down by section and say things later on that I don't mean:
If you're going to call me an 'entitled bitch' or criticize my content, you should really take ownership of your words like a grown-up first. You're welcome to those opinions, I suppose; but it means NOTHING when you send me this from a position of cowardice. If your goal was to hurt my feelings and upset me, I would only award you with partial congratulations, if that.
I'll concede it was a bit of a "bitchfit" if it makes you happy, because yes, it kind of was. I'll take ownership of that: I should have been better, and I wasn't. I should have been a lot calmer, and I wasn't.
Maybe then more people would have given a damn about me and what I had to say. Or maybe they wouldn't. I don't know anymore, quite frankly. I can't say I ever did.
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Your point about "better writers out there [who] don't cry about interaction bullshit" is wrong, by the way. I can think of several fan writers (and I'm not going to compare content quality because that's gross) either on my dashboard or in fandom tags (many with larger followings + outreach than me) who've complained about lowered interaction these days at one time or another.
Or several times, even. It was largely and perfectly fine when they spoke up about it. Weird to me, anon, how it's okay when these unnamed and so-called "better writers" speak up, but not the little guys.
Some people are a little too comfortable telling those with smaller followings/outreach to just suck it up because interaction has been bad for everyone lately. Or placate themselves with excuses for why they didn't offer any sympathy to people who admit to struggling with feeling like belonging, or those wishing they felt more included. Noticed. Remembered. (Whatever the case may be.)
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I mean I've seen who repeatedly makes the cut on these stale recommendation lists that float around… Your 'pool of so many talented writers/artists in this fandom' is more of a damn puddle. You'll have to fucking forgive me for just wishing to be remembered (for one or the other) and included in these little "~fandom enrichment activities~" at this point once in a damn while! Why's it such a fucking crime to you, anon, that I just want people to remember I'm here too?
I spoke my feelings about things feeling like a popularity contest rather than a true community back in December, and you thought that warrants calling me a selfish, entitled bitch? Telling me do people a favor and not come back?
What the fuck??????
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I think you're something of a rancid tar pit for hoping to kick someone while they were down, or whatever it was you intended by all that. Did you get the warm and fuzzies typing this out? Did you feel good about yourself for choosing to be malicious to someone going through a hard time? Someone admitted they were going through a hard time between Seasonal Affective Disorder, and being upset about a lot of trivial stuff, and you thought "Hey; let's pile on!" was the correct solution rather than offer any kindness where you had witnessed a lack of?
It would be so tempting to stoop to your level and wish you nothing but ill on top of telling you to do me a favor and fuck off; I'm going to encourage you to learn to have a little more compassion for people instead and be a better person than whatever you are now going forward. May you learn to be kinder to people in the future, anon… You make the world a far better place that way.
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neet-wifey · 3 days
Are you fucking serious.
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colecassiidy · 6 months
Things to write abt later,,,
Relationship with Winter. Dealing with Exposure. Juxtaposition with Summer and Its Exposure.
His Mother, with some culling from the tags of previous posts.
Finish up explaining his first fucked up experience of stabbing a man in the face w a slaughtered beer bottle
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olliesneweyes · 1 month
still thinking abt the wreck that is train!andrew's office once he falls asleep at the desk tbh because godd i love imagining messy workaholic offices
conductors also kind of do everything on the train, like they oversee the other train employees, take payments for boarding, check the tickets, make sure passengers are safe and comfortable, etc etc so he is. SO exhausted probably
i think bc to me this andrew is kind of. stoic and polite (he would still melt if you were nice to him i think) he doesn't have many signs other than getting slightly more unkempt and i think his hands shake REALLY bad w sleep deprivation, or he seems like he's focusing on not literally just crinkling to the ground and fifudhf anywaybi really like traindrew
i watched about 22 mins of the first murder on the nord express gameplay vid btw and i'm gonna cry both victor and andrew are so djfjfj
#he's like. pacing and stuff near the end#because if he stood still who knows what'd happen#(he'd fall asleep)#also I'm thinking maybe Andrew is suddenly without other staff on the train without rhyme or reason#to add more similarities to the actual oletus#so he's probably even MORE overworked because he's taking it on himself to do everything#and he says he's fine but you can start to see him sway a little when he stands#or disguise yawning by breathing heavily#or take a few seconds to register anything that's said to him#meanwhile Andrew just wants to go to the safety of bed but he doesn't have a bed on the train#and he doesn't think to use an employee one#until someone tells him to#he absolutely would melt if you were nice to him#and I think if he's pretty awake it's subtle (just smiling and being a bit affectionate and maybe a tear or two)#but if he's tired it's probably really obvious that it means so much to him (maybe... too much for such a simple gesture)#i think affection is probably the biggest difference because if you hugged him while he was fully alert#he'd just return it mutely but you'd be able to see the sadness when you let go because why do these things have to be so short?#and if he's tired he wouldn't accept affection unless he sat down first#which seems a bit weird but it's VERY clear why when you actually do because he just flops onto you like a limp noodle#he's not good at hiding how much he wants this at ALL#he's probably crying too out of joy#congrats bucko you're cuddling this man until he falls asleep otherwise he'll be extremely sad (it only takes like 2-5 minutes you're fine)#idv#godddddd Andrew Kreiss my beloved
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sins-of-the-sea · 23 hours
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Gasps as he crawls out on the beach from the water-
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Only to be dragged back into the sea. Bye, everyone.
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Hiii i hope you're doing well ! Your cosplay is amazing <3 im just sharing quickly another nightly thought before falling asleep haha
So with Baizhu coming soon I remembered how everyone agree to say his medicine is extra bitter and taste bad. When you fell sick you naturelly have to take them and one day Foul legacy decide to taste some (mothman is very curious) and end up sticking his tongue out while looking at you with his big eye, refusing to give them back to you until hes 100% sure that this is really medicine and it will help with sickness :')
Idk if mothman can even fell sick but if he does makes him take his medicine will probably take hours after that event
you combine my two loves, Foul Legacy and Baizhu, and i will love it to bits and pieces!!!
you really hadn't meant to get sick- really, you promise! but the sudden downpour a few days prior had caught you by surprise, and no matter how much you tried to ignore it, you were coughing your lungs out every few minutes and Childe was starting to worriedly tug on your sleeve. it's just a bad cold- that's what Baizhu told you, and that's what you told Childe, showing him the herbs the doctor gave you with a sheepish smile. he stands behind you as you boil the plants, his chin settled on your shoulder and chirping curiously as you reach to scritch under his chin
Legacy follows you to the couch once the tea is finished, intent on curling up on your lap as you carefully sip your piping-hot drink. after a moment, being incredibly sneaky, Childe quietly takes a taste from your mug
big mistake. the brew is bitter and medicinal tasting, not to mention scalding hot, and he ends up yelping and whining in dismay. immediately he plucks the mug from your hands and sets it where you can't reach it, hugging you to his chest when you attempt to take it back. at first you chuckle at the high-pitched whines slipping from his mouth as he buries his face in your hair, until your throat stings and you start coughing again. Legacy's grip on you loosens, and he lets out a sigh before begrudgingly sliding the mug back into reach- it's from Baizhu, someone you trust to heal you, so he can trust the doctor too, right? he does notice how you also grimace whenever you swallow and is pleased to know that it's not just his sense of taste... although he will encourage you to eat something that tastes nicer afterwards. it's a reward for being able to choke down that bitter medicine!!!
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mitamicah · 10 months
Omg, hold on a second. Your lyrics are insane. Please excuse me while I cry over them. Straight to the heart, into the pool of emotions.
So pretty, so neat. So emotionally raw and beautiful. That touched something in me, if I weren’t at work I would cry over them. Can’t await to take a deep dive into your other stuff.
Thank you for sharing. :3
The worst (best?) is that this is only the beginning :'D
But thank you so much, Jay 🥺 It honores me to know my words can touch you like this 🥹💚
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youssefguedira · 9 months
hm. well.
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crybaby-bkg · 3 months
I gotta new CGM for the first time in four years and I’m so happy that this updated version is so much better 😭 it doesn’t even hurt to lay on and it’s so small and I love it :(((
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stream tomorrow. ~3pm est. this fuckin site. if i dont get hit by a car by then.
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gregmarriage · 5 months
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have you seen him? now you have!
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