#it will forvever stay with this family
jboofan · 2 years
There's something about Manager Kim YN Part 2
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It was Thursday. A normal Thursday like every other the last two and a half years.
She'd been in her office when Jin walked in, looking completely out of place.
"Seokjin? What are you doing here?"
"It's mother. She's sick."
That's all it took to pack up her life once again to move back to Seoul.
What happened in Seoul didn't stay in Seoul.
YN managed to balance her life again with keeping her title as the black sheep of the family, and her mother's disappointment in her at bay, until she decided to have a health scare and YN found herself guilted into coming home.
Jin was finally relieved that his free spirited sister had finally returned home from years away. He knew she still harboured feelings of resentment, but he once again hoped things would work out for her. He only wished for her happiness.
YN hoped, that she'd never have to see Yoongi again. But when she started her first day at her new job a few years later, there he was.
Yoongi wished he'd never remembered her, the only problem was, his heart replayed his loss and the fall out from that night all too well.
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@craftymoonchaos @bbl3ssy @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee @forvever-ddaeng
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writersrealmbts · 3 years
Diamond Tears and Little Wings: Part 6
Description: You’re a fairy, taken in by BTS. You need lots of love and care, otherwise your light will fade and you turn to stone. Between the seven of them, you should never feel unloved. Right?
Warnings: N/A
Posted: 02/25/2021
Tags: bts x reader, ot7
Fluff: 1,412 words
A/N: One of these days I’ll get back into the swing of Clearwater Springs. Anyway, this is part 6 of 7, so we’re almost done! Yay!
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There was some activity inside, but a few moments after you entered the staff started excusing themselves.
At first the boys didn’t seem to notice, gathering their things and talking about nonsense things as though nervous. Anticipating.
Then you heard a gasp.
And Namjoon was whipping around, rushing away from the mirror, and hugging you tightly, his breathing labored but completely wordless.
The others were quick to pull the two of you further into the room so that there was room for all of them in the group hug.
Finally breaking out of the group hug, Namjoon gently kissed you on the lips. “We missed you so much, baby.”
You just sobbed in response, letting yourself be turned into Jin’s firm embrace.
Then Yoongi’s gentle hug.
Hobi’s tight hug, with little kisses pressed into your hair.
Taehyung, with a soft peck to the lips and a promise to never lose you again.
Jungkook, fierce and protective, holding you until Jimin made a desperate sort of choked noise.
“I thought I was hallucinating,” Jimin choked out, wrapped completely around you, face nuzzled in.
But when you were out of their embrace, they could see the bruising where the makeup had wiped away.
You stutteringly explained everything that had happened, and that Alena was the family of a fairy friend who had taken you in so that they wouldn’t blame her. You told them about hearing their CD’s and changing Cupcake’s name to Keyowo, the fairies at the market figuring out who you were before you did, and the family you had lived with.
Hobi’s mouth was a triangle.
“Now can we plan murder?” Yoongi asked, glowering at the floor and trying to discretely wipe away his tears.
“Aish,” Jin sighed, closing his eyes.
“That wasn’t a no,” Taehyung commented.
“No murder. Just take me home,” You intervened when you saw Hoseok was contemplating it. You weren’t going to let your sunshine dim himself with that sort of guilt. Or any of your boys for that matter. “Please? I just want to be home.”
Jungkook pulled you back to him, pressing a kiss firmly to your lips, and sighing in relief when he pulled away. “I thought I’d never get to do that.”
Then you were drowning in kisses from the three youngest boys, and you were totally drunk on it.
“Alright, enough, we don’t need her to have a mental implosion like last time,” Jin basically shoved Jungkook onto the couch and elbowed his way between the other two. “Let’s finish getting cleaned up, then she can tell her friend that she’s going back to the hotel with us tonight and we’ll pick up her stuff tomorrow. She’ll stay in Jimin’s room tonight—”
Taehyung and Jungkook and someone else started protesting but Jin quickly cut them off.
“—But only because he’s been doing so poorly and they could both do with some extra cuddles. She’s been gone a while so we can’t overwhelm her with an abundance of love right off the bat. She’s already looking a little overwhelmed.”
“Hyung is right,” Namjoon chimed in, sounding hoarse. “We have another concert tomorrow, too. We should get back and get some rest.”
The boys reluctantly agreed and started gathering their things.
You were usually holding onto one of their hands, not willing to let go for anything.
Alena was completely understanding, and the boys asked a couple of the security guards to walk her to her car for safety.
Then you were in the van with Jimin and Jungkook, and you kept wiping Jungkook’s tears with your coat sleeve so it was quite damp by the time you arrived at the hotel, and your shoulder was damp from Jimin crying on it.
But things were calmer after Jimin had showered, and eaten (something you did with him because you were honestly worried), and then you cuddled up with him in bed much earlier than he probably would have normally gone to sleep.
Jimin sighed shakily as he held you tightly. “I kept thinking I could find you. You couldn’t be far. If I just searched long enough I could find you and bring you home and everything would be okay again. I wasn’t really in my right mind for a lot of it. I had a bad fever for a few weeks and they had to put me on some medicine for a while. I’m better than I was, don’t worry, I just…it took me a while to work through it all.”
You kissed his shoulder since it was all you could kiss in the tight embrace, then gently pushed away, and you blew a little sleep dust at him—just as you had given each of the other boys a little sleep dust to use when they were in bed—to ensure that he would sleep well.
And in the morning, you made sure Jimin ate breakfast, feeding him each bite because he liked that and you completely understood why. But you needed to see him eat because he had felt so bony all through the night.
All of the boys were awake (though the level of awareness varied quite widely), and all of them insisted on going with you back to Frida’s house to get your things.
None of them were very happy about your bruises, especially since they were far more visible without any makeup.
But they were very kind to Alena, Agnar, and Frida, and they cooed over Keyowo, apologizing again that you couldn’t bring him with you.
Agnar didn’t look at all sorry, even though he also apologized about you not being able to take Keyowo. But he also promised to take good care of him, and that was enough for you.
You had your boys back.
Then you were back at the hotel, in pixie form, resting in Yoongi’s room until it was time for their concert, then you were in Jin’s room, playing games because he had his computer and you were not about to subject yourself to a second concert. You’d barely survived the first one.
But it wasn’t bad for them to be gone from you. You knew that their love for you was greater than what a few hours separation would constitute.
That night they were all gathered in Jin’s room, catching you up on everything that had happened since the moment they had taken you away. How the company came around, how badly the boys fared themselves and had to catch each other before they all crumbled. You could tell there were things they were holding back, especially given what Jimin had already told you.
Then they approached the topic of the rest of the tour.
You quickly assured them that you were fine with them finishing it as long as you could be with them. “Home is where the heart is, right? Well, you guys are my heart and you’re here. I couldn’t break your hearts just because you wanted to give me what I asked for and take me back to Korea. Korea is just a place. It just happens to be the place of the people who love me enough that I’m able to love them in return.”
And then Hoseok was crying again.
You flew over to him, in a smaller form because it had honestly been weeks since you were small and now you had to work your way down again.
He cuddled you close and pressed little kisses to your face and hair, upset but not able to voice the reason. Not that there was much mystery regarding the reason.
When he had calmed down some, you cupped his face in your hands and gently kissed him, not missing the way his breath hitched or the tiny sound he made. The last to have a real kiss, your poor sunshine.
And all of you spent the night together, because apparently the boys were out of willpower—though they still needed some magic sleeping dust to get to sleep at a decent time.
Yoongi easily claimed a spot beside you, and Taehyung was quick to claim your other side.
Jimin huffed and ended up laying on top of all three of you.
Jungkook was pressed against Tae’s back.
Hoseok slept next to Jungkook.
Jin backhugged Namjoon and took him down, essentially initially forcing him to cuddle Yoongi, but the two switched places and Jin slept with his back against Yoongi’s, holding onto Namjoon.
Your lovely boys.
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Tagging: @alex–awesome–22, @bryvada, @missmoxxiesworld​  @subzerobts​     @forvever-ddaeng​  @vividwoosan   @mischiefmakerliesmith5  @beach-bitch-bitch-beach  @minmeowmeowcuddles  @kpopfictrash @castlewolfsbane @scatkpoptrash​  @knjhe​  @i-dont-even-know-fck @soulphoenix1618 @kerikaaria @sea-nevermind-enthusiast @reinaxans @mcusuperfreak​
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daydream-hobii · 4 years
Flowers & Weeds | Prequel to Roses & Thorns | Chapter 7
Genre: Prequel to Roses & Thorns; Poly!AU; Hybrid!AU; Fluff & Angst
Pairing: BTS x Female!Reader; Alpaca!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Fox!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Bear!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Bunny!Jungkook
Summary: Before Y/n rehabilitated hybrids, she was just an average rich daughter of a well-known hybrid breeder. She was also someone who didn’t want hybrids in her life, she didn’t like how they had to have an owner when really, they were more human than animals. When the government starts threatening her, she decides to get one to make them start. That’s what changes everything.
Warning: Mentions of Mental & Physical Abuse, Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts; High Suggestions of Smut; Future Mentions of Attempted Suicides; Read with Caution~ <3 This Chapter in Particular Mentions Medical Issues, as well as Cleaning Wounds. Read with Caution. <3
Word Count: 1,500
Connected Series: Roses & Thorns
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Author’s Note: Welcome to Chapter 7! I’ll add links later. I hope you like it!! ^_^
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        Seokjin sat on my couch, legs crossed and eyes flicking around the room. It was closing in on two in the morning, and I figured my two boys were asleep in my bed. I walked to the bathroom, returning with some medical supplies. He whined slightly at them, frowning and more tears falling.
       “Hey, I just need to clean the wounds,” I said, gently. “I don’t want to get them infected…. It’s going to sting, okay?” Seokjin watched me, nodding his head. I took a deep breath, pouring the hydrogen peroxide on his chest. He let out a loud scream, making me flinch as I placed a large towel over him. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” I looked up at him with sad eyes, watching his tears fall as he bit his lip. “Alright, alright, it’s okay….”
       He nodded, pulling his lips between his teeth as he breathed air in through his nose, eyes slamming shut. I pulled the towel away, the blood that was on his chest coming off so I could see the full extent of his injuries… they were bad.
       “Honey, I have to do your back,” I said, making him whimper. “Let me get you a rag to bite on, okay?” Again, he only nodded. I ran to the bathroom, jumping when I saw Namjoon and Taehyung sitting on the stairs, looking concerned.
       “Everything okay?” Namjoon asked, eyeing the blood that ran across my shirt.
       “No,” I whispered. “He’s hurt bad, and he won’t talk…. I want you two to go back to my room, he needs to get some sleep and I don’t know how he’ll react to you two.”
       “Okay…” Taehyung answered, frowning. “Be careful, okay?”
       “Promise,” I whispered back, going into the bathroom and grabbing a washcloth, running back over to Seokjin. I wrapped it up, holding it straight and watching him bite on it and turn around. It was just as bad as his front…. “Alright, 3, 2, 1.” I poured it, listening to his muffled screaming in the cloth. I placed a new towel on it, frowning as I listened to his screams slow down. “Okay, alright, we’re done.”
       I took away the towel, showing him the bandage. I began wrapping it around his entire torso, covering every inch of wound he had. By the end of it, I could only see his shoulders and arms. I let out a shaky breath, nodding my head.
       “Are you tired?” I whispered. His eyes fluttered up to me, nodding his head. “Follow me, I’ll show you your room.” I stood, watching him stand as well and follow me up the stairs. 
       I put him across from Namjoon, the second door on the right from the large staircase up to my bedroom. I watched him walk over to his bed, touching it gently and eyeing it. I went across the hall and into Taehyung’s room, grabbing a pair of pajama pants and a shirt before coming back to find Seokjin laying down, eyes trying to stay open. The pair of pants he wore were ragged and I could see his legs.
       “Alright, these are for you,” I whispered. “Go to sleep, we’ll talk in the morning, okay? Get some rest.” I watched as he shut his eyes, his breathing becoming slow. I sighed in relief, walking out and gently closing the door. I walked up the stairs and into my room, where Namjoon and Taehyung sat on my bed, waiting patiently for me.
       “Is he okay, Y/n?” Taehyung asked, watching me change into my own pajamas. I shrugged, walking over and laying between them, exhaustion filling me. 
       “No, Tae, I don’t think so,” I whispered. They both laid down, facing me as I laid on my back. “He has whip marks all over his body…. He was screaming when I went into the house….”
       “What’s his name?” Namjoon asked.
       “Seokjin,” I said, shutting my eyes. “I don’t know anything about him, just that he doesn’t like human men much….”
       “What about hybrids?” Taehyung asked, curiously.
       “Well… I don’t know…” I admitted. “We’ll find out in the morning, I guess….” Namjoon kissed my temple, curling into my side.
       “Go to sleep,” Namjoon whispered, making me sigh in comfort.
       “Don’t have to tell me twice,” I mumbled, feeling sleep completely engulf me.
       The next morning, I was in the kitchen making breakfast. It was really early, my two boys still asleep upstairs. Even though exhaustion filled my every pore, I knew I had to get up early for our newcomer. Plus, I could probably take a nap later, as I didn’t have too many duties being under the radar.
       When I turned around from the stove, I jumped when I saw Seokjin sitting at the island, watching me patiently. He seemed to flinch himself, but I gave the softest smile I could, nodding my head in hello and turning back to the stove to finish the eggs.
       “Morning, Seokjin,” I said, turning and dumping the eggs onto four plates. I turned the stove off, turning back and gently pushing a plate near Seokjin, who nodded in thanks. “Did you sleep well?” I asked, beginning to eat my own plate of food. He nodded, giving the smallest smile, making my heart skip at the accomplishment. “Good, I’m glad. I see you put on Tae’s clothing.” Seokjin seemed to tense up, looking at me with wide, fearful eyes. 
       “Oh, don’t worry, they’re hybrids.” I paused to see his reaction, and it seemed to be much calmer. “So, hybrids are okay, right?” I questioned, making him look at me and nod. 
       “Can we come in?” Taehyung whispered from the opening, frowning slightly as Seokjin turned to look at him before turning back.
       “Of course. Here’s your breakfast,” I whispered, grabbing their plates and handing it to them as they came in, smiling softly at Seokjin who nodded in hello. “Tae, I hope you don’t mind, I let him borrow your clothing.”
       “Sure thing,” Taehyung said, smiling largely at the Alpaca, who gave a soft smile back. Progress. “If you want, you can borrow more! Or, Y/n could take you to the Hybrid Mall.” Seokjin tensed up again, frowning and looking down.
       “It may be too soon for that, honey,” I whispered, kissing his cheek before doing the same to Namjoon. “If you’d prefer, you can use my computer to look up clothing from the hybrid mall. I can do a pick up order for you, so you can still get what you like.” Seokjin seemed to flash a very small smile, nodding his head. I smiled back, nodding and beginning to eat my own breakfast.
       I stared at my computer, my brow furrowed as a mixture of anger and sadness rolled through me. It’s like I couldn’t keep my emotions in line. My partner had sent me Seokjin’s file, and the more I read, the more infuriated I became.
       Namjoon knocked on the door, walking into the room and shutting it. He always was way more confident than Taehyung. I looked over my computer at him, shaking my head and looking back to the file. Namjoon sat in the chair in front of me, eyeing me as his tail twitched curiously.
       “They killed his entire family,” I whispered, shaking my head in disbelief. “They thought his owner was harboring hybrids and they killed him and the others.”
       “I’ve heard many stories like that,” Namjoon said, his voice soothing.
       “His owner was in his mid sixties and owned a fucking farm, Namjoon, he wasn’t harboring hybrids,” I snapped, raising my voice more than I wanted to. Namjoon squinted his eyes cautiously, not moving a muscle. “I’m sorry, I’m just upset….” I mumbled.
       “It’s alright,” Namjoon replied, leaning forward. He reached over, gripping your clenching hand and making you look at him with soft eyes. “No one ever said this job would be easy… but I know you’re strong enough to get through the most horrible scenarios.”
       “Thanks, Joonie,” I mumbled, shutting my computer and rubbing my face. “There were pictures in his file and… they were so awful.”
       “What happened to him?” Namjoon asked, leaning back and furrowing his brow. “Why didn’t he get killed?”
       “Alpaca’s are rare when they look as good as he does,” I mumbled, looking at him. “Most alpaca hybrids look deformed, like a genuine mix between human and animal. He’s the first I’ve seen that doesn’t have a long neck and hooves…. They probably thought they could make some money off of him.”
       “I can guess what they did to him in there…” Namjoon mumbled, frowning.
       “Says that he had lived on the farm since the day he was born,” I replied. “When he came to the auction, he was ornery and didn’t listen…. They…” I trailed off, shaking my head and looking down.
       “I know,” Namjoon replied. “I was there once….” I looked up, frowning and reaching over, gripping his hand. “Don’t worry. He’ll be okay…. He’s safe with you.”
Tag List: @killcomet, @dirkstrider98, @screechingaussie, @yuri-jyr-jeon, @feedthefandoms995, @demonic-meatball​, @caramelbonbons​, @charlotte-1206​, @karlykim92​, @anoynmoustumbler​, @rosiethefairy​, @trasshy-artist​, @purelyecstacy​, @haikyuu-bts-trash​, @unatempesta-dipensieri​, @namjoonies-dimple​, @forvever-ddaeng​, @bryophytas​, @someonestillovesme​, 
If your username is in BOLD I could not tag you on my end. I have no clue on how to fix it, I’m terribly sorry.
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hydroponicjj · 4 years
pinky promise
pairing: jj maybank x reader
word count: 3.1k (i’ve never written anything this long before lmao)
warnings: swearing
summary: your birthday takes place over quarantine and because you can’t have an actual birthday party, the pogues host a netflix party for you but an unexpected guest joins which ruins the mood. jj decides to cheer you up from a distance.
a/n: hello!! i know i’ve been a little m.i.a. but, i promise that i’m back. send me some outer banks requests and i’ll be happy to do them (no smut pls) also, if you’ve sent a request recently, i’m working on em :) gif credit goes to hvitstark!!!
y/n/n “your nickname”
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                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」
When summer first began, you as well as the rest of the pogues were overwhelmed with excitement. You didn't have to do homework, get stressed with school, take exams. Nothing.
The plans weren't set in stone but all of you had a general idea of what you’d do from day to day. From surfing to eating at The Wreck, there was nothing that could stop you and your friends from having the best summer ever.
All of you had seen news articles, talking about a deadly virus entering the United States. It first appeared in Washington, then slowly started to spread around the vicinity. But no one in the Outer Banks of North Carolina was concerned.
So, the beginning of summer break started with absolutely no delay.
After the first couple of weeks of the virus spreading across the country, slowly but surely, you watched as people started to get worried. It got to the point were you mother was cautioning you before going to hang out with the rest of the pogues.
“I pinky promise that I’ll be safe!” You’d tease before going outside and hopping into John B’s Volkswagen.
When you hopped into the back of the van, you noticed the disappointed looks on everyone’s faces while Pope was rambling (like he usually does).
“I really think that we should start to prepare because I think that this virus is very similar to the Black Death.” He finished, taking a deep breath.
“What’s up?” You greeted, raised eyebrows in confusion.
Pope smiled enthusiastically and gave you a warm welcome while the others groaned like a walker from The Walking Dead.
“What are you babbling on about today, Mr.Heyward?” You questioned.
“He literally won’t shut up about this stupid virus!” Kiara answered for him, resting her head on the window as she sat in the front seat.
“Neither will my mom. She’s all worked about this and telling me to ‘be safe’ before leaving the house.” You explained.
“It’s not like we know anyone that’s sick.” John B shrugged, starting the van.
Seconds later, JJ started to have a coughing attack. He literally couldn’t stop, even after he had multiple sips of water.
Both you and Pope moved to the corner farthest away from him, you were laughing because you knew JJ and his personality while Pope was terrified.
“Holy shit, he has it.” He whispered in your ear, eyes as big as a Watermelon.
“He’s about to cough up a lung.” Kie commented, turning around to see the blonde flopping around like a fish.
After a few more seconds, JJ recovered from his coughing attack and sat up, a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Not funny!” Pope screamed, kicking the bottom of his foot.
“You should have seen your face, it was priceless.” He chuckled.
You crawled over to JJ and rested your head in his lap, arms crossed over your stomach as you cackled, “Oh my gosh, that was hilarious.” You raised your hand and gave him a high five, intertwining for fingers and bringing it back down to your chest.
“I only did it because Pope needs a reality check. In a couple weeks everything will be fine.” He sighed, using his other hand to take the lighter out of his pocket and light the blunt between his teeth.
Before he could, you held out your left hand which was your way of asking him to place the items in your palm because no one was interested in getting a contact high at 2 pm.
Usually the rest of the pogues would snatch it from him but you were different. You didn’t feel comfortable being rough with him because you knew about his life at home and you didn’t want to set him off.
That was one of the many things that JJ appreciated about you. You were gentle with him and always took your time, not wanting to him to feel rushed. So, he always complied when you asked.
“Fuck it, I’m taking all the toilet paper.” Pope commented out of context, causing everyone to laugh.
                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」
Fast forward one week later and your entire life has flipped upside down.
Covid-19 shut down absolutely everything. Kie and her family were forced to close down The Wreck because they couldn't take the risk of hurting any customers or members of the staff.
All of your friends were separated, except for JJ and John B because they quarantined together, not wanting to be alone during this time.
To be honest, you missed everyone, especially JJ because the two of you always gravitated towards each other so it was pretty hard to be separate from him.
To stay connected with each other, you all texted in the shared group chat and had group facetime’s and netflix parties almost every single night.
John B insisted on inviting Sarah and you didn’t know how to feel about it. Sarah and Kie did squash their beef but, she told you all of the things that happened and it really rubbed you the wrong way. But, you wanted John B to be happy, no matter who it was with.
“Holy shit, y/n/n your birthday is in 2 days!” JJ noticed while the two of you were on facetime. John B was busy talking to Sarah so, he called you to pass the time.
“Yeah.” You replied, unenthusiasticlly.
“I know it sucks that we’re in quarantine but, I promise we’ll have a group facetime and you can pick the movie.” He smiled, you didn’t even have to elaborate on why you were sad because he knew you that well.
“Wait for real?” You laughed.
Listen, everyone has different taste when it comes to movies so, every time that you’re doing a netflix party, it’s really hard to decide on a movie that all of the pogues can enjoy.
“Okay, now I’m excited. This is going to be so fun!” You screeched, clapping your hands together.
“Shit, John B’s calling me. I’ve gotta go but, keep that same enthusiasm, okay?” He replied, smiling into the camera.
“Pinky promise.” You gave him the biggest grin known to man before hanging up.
                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」
Exactly two days later, you woke up to your mom towering over you with a cake in her hands, “Happy 17th birthday, y/n/n!” She took JJ’s lighter that was sitting on your nightstand and lit the ‘17’ on the cake.
“Woah!” You said, rubbing your eyes. It was still pretty early in the morning and you couldn’t fully comprehend what was going on.
“Thank you so much.” You sat up in your bed, making room for your mother to sit.
“Make a wish.” She encouraged, taking out her phone to capture the moment.
“I wish that I have the best day ever, despite not being about to see my friends.” and with that, you blew out the candles, smiling up at your mom.
“Awe were you recording that?” You smiled, covering your face.
“I was gonna send it to your friends,” She paused, “Speaking of them, are you gonna uh... party on neflix tonight?” She squinted.
You chuckled, your mom really wasn’t as aquatinted with technology as other parents, “Yeah, the 5 of us are gonna watch a movie on facetime. I promise to keep it down.”
“Thank you. I’m gonna go start on breakfast. I’ll call you when it’s finished.” She left your room, leaving the door cracked slightly.
After a few seconds of staring off into space, you checked your phone like you always do when you wake up and your phone was filled with notifications.
Your smiled from ear to ear. Unlike the average kook, you weren’t very popular but that didn’t matter because you had 4 of the best people on planet earth as your best friends.
The first thing that you checked was Instagram. You tapped through the stories that you were tagged in and were met with some of the best memories that were caught on camera.
From the time you accidentally set off the sprinklers at The Wreck, getting all of the customers wet as they were leaving to the time that you got stuck at the top of the monkey bars at your old elementary school and JJ had to come and save you.
You almost started crying because you hadn’t been apart from any of your friends for more that 12 hours and even though it’s only been a week, it felt like forvever.
Before you responded to the countless amount of texts from your aunts and uncles, you texted the group chat and gushed to them about how thankful you were that they all posted something in honor of your birthday.
They all politely told you to and I quote, “shut the fuck up.” because it was a given that they’d praise you for your special day.
You rolled your eyes with a smile on your face and threw your phone on the charger, heading to the kitchen to eat breakfast with your mother.
                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」
The sound of your phone ringing tore you away from the piece of cake that you were chewing.
“And the guest of honor has arrived!” John B gushed, JJ was sitting next to him and it looked like they were on the couch.
“Get any presents?” Kie asked, positioning her phone upwards so that she could be seen.
“Nah, unless you count cake.” You chuckled, showing them the piece that you were currently devouring.
“That looks so good.” Pope commented, he was staring into the camera, hypnotized by the sweet treat that you had just showcased.
“Snap out of it!” JJ started clapping his hands in the camera causing Pope to fidget slightly taking his face out of the camera.
You spent the first 30 minutes of the facetime call catching up about the stupid quarantine habits that you all picked up. 
Kiara had given herself a few dolphin stick & pokes, Pope had started online shopping, like a lot. He had at least 30 new t-shirts in his closet. John B calls Sarah while JJ spends most of his time talking to you.
“Wait, wait, wait guys,” You paused, trying to get their attention because they were all screaming at each other, “Are y’all ready to watch the movie?” You questioned, opening a new tab on your computer.
“Yeah, yeah. Wait a second.” John B put himself on paused, you could hear JJ sigh because he does that at least once every time that you all are on a group call.
After a few seconds, you heard everyone's phone ding as well as your own. You all had gotten a group e-mail to join a netflix party. At first you were confused because JJ said that he talked to everyone and they agreed to letting you chose the movie.
A few more seconds passed and you saw another square begin to connect to the facetime call. It was a number that no one recognized so, everyone was pretty stunned (except for john b).
The mystery person finally connected and it was revealed to be Sarah Cameron. 
You looked at everyone's little square and saw how wide their eyes were. JJ seemed furious but, he didn’t want to make a scene because after all, it was still your birthday.
Kie and Pope looked shocked that John B would add her without asking if you were okay with it first.
“Hey guys! Happy birthday, y/n.” Sarah greeted, smiling.
“Thank you.” You croaked back a response, going on your computer and opening the e-mail that was sent, clicking the netflix party link.
After taking a second to load, you saw that you were watching the 4th season of Riverdale. (yikes)
You rolled your eyes, praying that it went unnoticed.
“Is this what you wanted to watch, y/n? I thought you hated Riverdale?” Pope asked, still a little confused on the whole situation.
“Nope.” You stated dryly, shrugging you shoulders and falling back onto your bed.
“Oh, it was my idea.” Sarah chimed in, her bubble got bigger because she had said something, “You don’t mind, right y/n/n?”
“I kind of wanted to watch Back to the Future.” You revealed.
At this point, everyone was shocked, even you. You didn’t hate Sarah, she was currently being really nice but you wanted to spend your birthday talking to your best friends and she didn’t fit into that category yet.
“I don’t really like that movie.” John B commented, earning a slap on the back of the head from JJ.
“Actually,” You paused, contemplating if you even wanted to continue the sentence. You had two options, make a scene or leave peacefully.
“I’m not feeling to well. I think I’m going to go but, have fun watching Riverdale.” Before anyone could protest, you hung up.
Option two it is.
“Fuck birthday’s.” You concluded, turning off your light. You didn’t have the energy to argue with anyone so, you decided to go to bed and deal with it in the morning.
JJ muted the phone so that no one else could hear the conversation that was about to ensue, “Dude, what the fuck?!” He yelled at John B, who was very confused.
“You invited the girl you’ve been mackin’ on for a month to y/n’s birthday party. Did you even ask her?” He stood up, towering over his friend.
“Woah, woah, calm down. I didn’t think that she’d care.” He defended himself.
Pope and Kie were texting you while Sarah was too busy watching the cringe unfold on Riverdale that they didn’t notice that John B and JJ were arguing.
“All she wanted was a good birthday and you fucking ruined it.” He accused, poking at his chest.
“I didn’t ruin it. She was tired and had to go!”
“It’s literally 9:30 pm. You think she’d go to bed this early? We’re in quarantine! Everyone stays up till like, 5!”
The look on JJ’s face conveyed that he was seconds away from punching John B in the face but he had to remember that you wouldn’t want them fighting because of you.
The blonde took a deep breath that lasted at least 5 minutes, “I need to go check on her.” He stated, going into the guest room that he was currently residing in and grabbed a big basket but with how fast he was walking, it’d be impossible to make out the contents inside.
“You can’t go see her, we’re in quarantine.” John B protested but JJ didn’t seem to care.
                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」
The sun started peaking through your window at around 6 am. The heat of the sun beamed on your face, causing you to wake up earlier that you anticipated.
Groaning, you trudged to the one and only bathroom in your house, thankful that your mom was off to work. She works for Mr.Heyward and they’re currently trying to deliver supplies to as many people as possible.
After getting ready for the day in the restroom, you headed towards the kitchen. In your peripheral vision, you saw a big basket sitting on your front porch.
Peaking your interest, you opened your front door and grabbed the basket with two hands. It wasn’t that heavy but it appeared to be filled to the brim.
Perched on the very top of the basket was a ripped sheet of blank paper covered with medium sized writing. The penmanship was sloppy and certain words had been written over and over again, most likely because the marker was running out of ink.
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Based on the lack of punctuation, you already knew who hand delivered this package.
On the inside was 3 of JJ’s shirts (without the sleeves ofc), a half empty bottle of cologne that he’d only wear on special occasions, a torn 2 dollar bill, and a hydroponic blunt.
If any other pogue was receiving this as a gift, they’d probably be really disappointed but, not you. You knew that JJ wasn’t well acquainted with showing and or receiving love so, this was a huge gesture.
Running back into your house, you grabbed your phone, ignoring all of the apology texts from John B, you facetimed JJ.
After a few seconds of it ringing, he answered, “What time is it?” He groaned.
“When did you deliver this?” You asked, ignoring his question.
“What are you talking about?” He didn’t falter, standing his ground.
“Don’t play dumb with me, JJ. What time did you put this on my doorstep?” You persisted, showing the poorly wrapped package that rested on your dining table.
“I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about.” He chuckled, scratching the back of his head.
You squinted your eyes into the camera and waited a few seconds and sure enough, he creaked, “Fine, fine! I may or may not have decided to play mail man last night.”
“What the heck-?” You paused, attempting to take in what he had just said, “Wait, why?”
“Well, after Sarah crashed your birthday party, I thought you might want to wake up to something, uh, nice.” He grinned, awkwardly.
“You should’ve called me! I would’ve come outside to see you.” You replied, disappointed. He was mere feet away from you last night and you weren’t aware.
“Social distancing, y/n.” He teased. We all know that JJ is the pogue that’s most likely to accidentally break one of the rules during quarantine.
“JJ,” You took a deep breath, “Why did you all of this. I mean, it’s such an amazing birthday gift. A blunt and a 2 dollar bill, what more could a girl ask for?”
“IT’S BECAUSE HE LOOOOVES YOU!!” You heard John B scream from farther into the house.
JJ dropped the phone on the bed and put himself on mute, you shook your head, knowing he was most likely scolding John B.
“I’m sorry, he’s been spending to much time with Sarah.” He returned, “Also, I stole that bill from Kie, don’t tell her though.”
“I really really really miss you, JJ.” You sighed, frowning.
“I really really really miss you, y/n.” He mocked, of course he could not be 100% serious, even when he wanted too.
“Can you promise me something?”
He raised his eyebrows, face plastered with curiousness, “Uhhh, maybe.” He chuckled.
“Promise me that you’ll ask me out once quarantine is over?” You deadpanned. It was clear that it caught him by surprise because his face wasn’t covered with confusion anymore but shear terror instead.
“W-What was that John B???!!! You fell in the toilet! Awe shit, y/n, I’ve gotta go.” He replied, hanging up the phone.
Usually, you’d be a little offended but, you knew he was just messing around with you, especially because he was so used to making the first move when it came to getting girls.
Your phone was on silent so, you didn’t notice it a first but you had a new text message from JJ.
“pinky promise.”
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hey, my alien \ 15. picture of you \ index
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genre: drabble (series), alien au, alien!taehyung, human!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, taehyung is running from people, y/n is gullible and unwise, tae is kinda mean (at first), will graduate into fluff, yes there will be plot lol
warning(s): none to mention
rating: T
w.count: 1.4k
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The next morning when you woke up, as soon as you left your room you heard Taehyung parading around up in the attic before the trapdoor was lifted and he was jumping down from his private sanctuary.  He greeted you, for the first time, in the morning with a smile and a small wave.  His shifted attitude from every day previous to now almost gave you whiplash.
He was still in his orange, flanneled pajamas you had bought yesterday- among a whole other selection of new clothes- and his hair was black just like the day you had first met him.  The everyday silver he had put on for the rest of the room hidden from view first thing in the morning it seemed.  You could ever see small peeks of the black marks on his neck if you looked hard enough.  
“Good morning, Taehyung,” you greeted as you walked by him into the kitchen you get your coffee to which Taehyung shuddered at.  You rolled your eyes at his display of drama over your choice of morning beverages.  Getting the coffee ready and your mug out, you began to occupy yourself with a search for food in the wait for the coffee to brew.  All the while, Taehyung’s eyes burned into your back as you stopped mid reach into a cabinet and turned to him with an awkward smile. “Do you… need something?”
“Not really,” he casually tossed.
“Then, is there a reason you’re watching me so intently?” You continued on your quest to breakfast as you pulled a box of almost empty cereal out of the cabinet and poured it into a bowl before running for the milk you knew you’d have to buy more of. Taehyung remained quiet all while and only answered you when you sat at the table with your bowl and a spoon and he slid it across from you.
“Not really,” he repeated, only pulling another eye roll from you as you ate.  YOu felt awkward waiting as he didn’t and just sat in front of you, but he denied any food you offered this morning for some reason. When you went back to your room and then into the bathroom to shower before class and then get dressed, he had retreated back to the attic and only came down when you were almost ready to walk out the door. “Y/n,” he called as you looked over your shoulder and up at him as you sat on the ground pulling on your shoes.
“Yes?” You asked, still not used to him finally using his name.
“Can I still come with you to get your Kosmo?”
You stood up as you straightened out your bag on your shoulder and looped it through your other arm to rest properly against your back.  “Of course you can. I told you so, remember?”
“I was just double checking,” he seemed to whisper.  You reached out and pat his shoulder before playfully pushing on it with your fist.
“I’ll be back later. We can take your camera with us and take some pictures for practice while we’re out.” His head lifted at the mention of his new item you bought for him on your day out yesterday.  “I’m going,” you finalized before you started leaving.
“Bye,” he almost pouted as you walked out the door.
The day was almost more boring than he remembered without you.  When he was still a brat towards you, you weren’t on his mind and he didn’t have a reason to really wait around in your house.  He’d sit in his room and occupy himself somehow. Today was different.
Now, today he had a purpose as to why he was in this house. He was waiting today- waiting specifically for you to come back just so he could go out with you again.
He lounged on the couch of yours in your living room, laying across it and his legs hanging off the arm rest as he stared at the blank television.  You had told him he was free to use it- as with anything in the house because it was his house now too- but he just didn’t.  He thought the tv would be a distraction from his mindset that was solely focused on you and when you’d come back.
He spent a good, long time just staring at the ceiling or through the trapdoor to his attic with small smiles on his face as he so patiently waited.  
When you came back, he sprung off the couch to greet you and even took your bag from you as you heeled off your shoes. “Welcome back,” he chirped as he set your back on the table as you walked in, just like he had always seen you do through his trapdoor when he would peek down at you.
“Just give me a chance to get a snack and we can go.  Go ahead and get your camera, okay?” You instructed him as you walked to the kitchen to grab a pouch of something quick to get you through until you actually ate again.  Taehyung rushed to the attic, grabbed the camera out of the box and looped the strap around his wrist before he came back down to you.
You were already waiting at the door again. You looked him up and down. “Are you going out in your pajamas? I mean, I don’t mind if that’s what you want to do.” He looked down at himself, spreading his arms out in display of showing.
“Do I look weird in these clothes?”
“No, no. You don’t, it still looks very nice on you,” you complimented as he just nodded. He didn’t mind going out like this if you said it was okay.  When you both left, you had taken the time to instruct him on how to take photos and the do’s and don'ts of what not to take a photo of.  
Don’t take photos of strangers unless you ask was the big one you told him to always remember. He didn’t want to take photos of people anyways.  He took pictures of flowers and trees and even his feet along the sidewalk.  Pictures of playgrounds in parks you both passed and the front door of your mother’s apartment.
You knocked on your mom’s door before she opened it for you. “There you are. I was wondering when you’d get here,” the older woman chuckled before she looked and saw Taehyung.  “Oh my,” he cooed, “I didn't know you were bringing company.”
“This is Taehyung,” you introduced as he bowed, remembering you telling him that that’s proper.  “He’s staying with me as a roommate right now. He wanted to come over and get Kosmo with me.”
“He is quite handsome,” she swooned as you just nodded quickly in agreement before she let you both in. You heard the scampering of your dogs paws as soon as you walked in and called him. From around a corner, your small ball of fury came dashing towards you as you knelt to met his charge and pick him up.
“Kosmo!” You cheered, your voice pitched as you spoke to your little addition to the family.  “I’ve missed you,” you pouted as you held him and he crawled to plant his chin on your shoulder.  He seemed to look right at Taehyung before he let out a small little bark that almost made the alien jump.  
You turned and adjusted the dog so he was resting in your arms and facing Taehyung.  Taehyung stood as still as could be, not trying to startle the dog and not trying to give away that he hadn’t really seen Kosmo outside of the first brief interaction he had when you took him in.
“Now, Kosmo,” you started, “this is Taehyung. He lives with us now, so you have to get along.” You told him as if he was a child and not some four legged animal.  You looked at Taehyung as you told him to pet him.  When the little dog let Taehyung pet his small head and pushed into the palm of his hand, the alien felt his heart swell.  
Perhaps dogs were cuter than he first thought.
When the two of you left your mother’s presence and started your walk home, Taehyung followed before you a step as he stopped to take pictures left and right- he was going to end up running out of film you had soon realized as you made a mental note to buy more soon.  
What you didn’t know though, was the last few shots he took that used up the last bit of film he had with him was of you.  One of you playing with Kosmo, walking down the pavement and one just as you had turned around to talk to him. He hadn’t seen it yet, but he was sure that the very last picture of you he took would end up being his favorite.
t.list:  @queen-pharaoh-hatshepsut​​​ @forvever-ddaeng​​ @eltrain80​​ @bitchynightmarepost​​ @goodnightbug
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getreadytosmash · 4 years
][All questions for the otp meme for Jen + Rhys!][
Coffee shop AU: Who is the barista, and who frequents the coffee shop?
Jen's favourite coffee place is the only place that has strong enough chairs to hold her weight and who puts far more caffeine into her drink than any Starbucks should allow. She's grateful for this, more so to the little barista who always stares with wide eyes and smiles brightly when she comes in. Jen can smell the crush (and admittedly lust) off him and he's cute, but she doesn't want to scare him off. And lose her coffee place.
Rhys? God, he wishes that he could see and write a phone number down at least. Jesus, he wishes that he wasn't a worker so he could ask her out. For a date or a fun night. Things change though when Rhys trips one day and goes face first into Jen's chest while spilling coffee all over her. He's upset and worried that he's hurt and embarrassed Jen, but she just reassures him that coffee can't burn her...and he can always take her out to help buy a new shirt along with some dinner to make up for it.
Highschool/College AU: Who is the straight-A student, and who’s the backrow slacker?
Jen tries hard. Like, really hard. She needs good grades to get into the top law school and even with the worries and strains of her home life, it becomes easier to get lost in her work than think about how her aunt is dead and how Bruce is still left without answers and how her family did nothing. So it's easier to get lost in work and to try and stay out of the way of parties. If only that annoying boy Rhys would drop it and leave.
Rhys...he knows that he's a stupid guy and that he's only here because a fancy college is better than being kept at home with parents that don't want you around. Jen is pretty, but most importantly, she's smart. Rhys keeps hoping that at some point she might offer tutoring, but she just...doesn't? He wants to try and ask for help but Rhys doesn't want to spill that he's a mutant, not to mention the fact that Jen...always looks a little scary when someone talks to her.
Rivals to loves AU: Who takes their rivalry seriously, and who is half in it just to push the other’s buttons? 
Rhys knows that he's part of the Brotherhood of Evil mutants and that means that anyone who isn't a mutant shouldn't be...well, he shouldn't feel attraction to them. But its HARD when said enemy is 7'5 and knocked the Blob out in one punch. God, Rhys can's survive this when he's faced with being lifted with ease and the moments where Jen flirts as she fights and teases him!
Even worse is the fact that Jen is fully aware of Rhys's little crush and likes to take full advantage of "Little Nighty". Most of the time it's to help win a fight and to not hurt Rhys, but maybe on occasion Jen flirts with honesty. Rhys is cute and yeah, he's a criminal but like, he's a cute and easy criminal!
Enemies to lovers AU: Which one switches sides? 
The world fears the hulks ever since every gamma mutate banded together against the world. If Krakoa could do it, then so could they. Jen loves finally being free with people just like her without any worry from humans or other heroes judging them all the time or worrying that the hulks will kill everyone in their rage. It's a good time, to simply just be with the others until Jen realises one day in an attack that other heroes have decided to turn on hulks too. Of course, some people have decided that it's easier to leave the human world and to join over with hulks instead.
Of course, Jen worries about that. Some humans don't survive being turned into hulks but if it's what they want...not many have specific gamma forms, but a particular mutant, Rhys, definitely stands out to her. He has big wars, dark skin and glowing eyes as he towers above mostly everyone. Samuel still complains about Rhys being a dumbass and letting anyone walk into that giant tuff of fur. But Jen still spares him a lot of sweet smiles and words.
Soulmate AU: Who is eager to meet their soulmate? Who absolutely does not want to meet their soulmate? 
Rhys is...nervous about meeting his soulmate, but excited. He wouldn't have a soulmate that loved him, but he kinda at least wants to see what they're like. He isn't expecting the goddamn She-hulk to be bis apparent other half and boy oh boy does that send his heart into terrified palpitations. How can he be good for someone like her? He didn't even think it would be another woman and yet here he was, trading Blue for Green.
Jen's thrilled but worried herself about meeting the other half of her heart. She had always been worried about not being good enough and now she had to worry about being green or too freakish for someone. Rhys is small and cute and the rudest man she has met so of course Jen is purring, absolutely delighted that her soulmate is someone not creepy or someone who can't control her mind and feelings again. Rhys is shy but Jen is willing to wait and spoil him until he melts and accept that she wants him forvever.
Single parent AU: Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?)
Lyra isn't technically her daughter. But Thundra had been interested enough in Jen that it was kinda a romance? Lyra doesn't exactly want a father anyway and that's how she ends up with a teenage hulk in her care. That still doesn't explain how Jen also ended up with her niece snarling and holding up a small man and something about thieving. Rhys didn't mean to get caught, but he isn't exactly arguing when Lyra's hot aunt comes to sigh and stop him from being killed.
Jen is...gosh, big lady who is protective of her niece? Is there a word for aunt milfs? Rhys definitely wants to try and uh, apologise to Jen for causing such a ruckus and really! He isn't always such a bad guy! Jen finds it pretty amusing and what the hell, agrees to go out with him while Lyra asks whether they just let criminals go now. Rhys has earned the joys of a big green woman adoring him but....he's going to suffer a LOT of shovel talks from a teenage hulk who doesn't understand the human world.
Doctor AU: Which one is the longsuffering doctor? Which one is the patient? 
O K. Rhys,,,in the hospital the same time as when Jen first hulks out??? Baby boy nervous about being there and god, the giant green woman doesn't help-
Hold on.
Rhys needs to follow whatever the hells going on and, well, any excuse to get out of the hospital, right? The giant woman is fucking incredible and it's a shock to see her turn into a small regular woman but Rhys isn't too bothered. He's still starstruck, even through helping her change into something more modest as Jen dazedly asks who Rhys is and what's been going on.
They get coffee later because even as a no one mutant, Rhys thinks that Jen is new to the powered world and needs some help navigating it. He's right and Jen is more grateful for it than he'd ever know.
Bodyguard AU: Who is the bodyguard? Who are they protecting? Which one is secretly pining for the other? 
Rhys's powers come in handy for being a bodyguard. He's practically unknowable, his shadows can help hide people and god knows they make a good offence up close. His client is some fancy little lawyer and originally Rhys tuts at having to follow around some human woman, even if he is being paid rather well. Jen on her hand seems to think its hilarious that she's been told she has Rhys to guard her, which doesn't help the internal insecurity.
It isn't until the week is almost up that an hit is attempted on Jen and yeah, Rhys stops it, that that human lawyer, but it isn't until he turns around that he finds himself faced with a 7'5 green woman and it only now hits him why Jen found the idea of being guarded so funny. She says it's alright and that if he wants, maybe he could...talk about guarding her heart?
It's a terrible pickup line and god does Rhys agree to it.
Pirate AU: Who is the pirate? Who is the member of the royal family who did not sign up for this? 
Jen is polite and sweet mannered on land, but the moment she steps onto her ship, Jen can finally return to the wild ways of curly hair, high waisted pants and cloth shirts that show off her clevelege. Rhys is a beautiful prince who she plainly and outwardly flirts with happily, even with the anger of his parents. It gets even better when such a beautiful little prince flushes so prettily.
Rhys himself can't help but admire the strong and beautiful pirate. He wants adventure! He wants to get out of the tight suits and to wear tight pants and free flowing shirts...but alas he has been fated to a horrible castle where he isn't even the heir to the throne. So what then if he decides to flee in the middle of the night and try to pay the hot pirate woman off to have her take him with her and the rest of her crew? A boy can live!
It isn't...the best plan. What with a bounty being placed to return Rhys back, but for now, all he really cares about it Jen's strong arms around his waist, teaching him the tricks of the sea.
Childhood best friends AU: Which one was super obviously in love with the other the whole time? Who was oblivious until they were older?
Rhys and Jen are friends to the end. It's a cute rhyme that they come up with that makes all the adults laugh, even Jen's older cousin Bruce who is always quiet around anyone who isn't his mom or cousin. They're friends for years until Rhys practically drops off the face of the earth one day and his parents don't say anything at all. Jen's dad doesn't say or do anything either, even though her dad is a sheriff and should be able to do anything.
He didn't do anything when Uncle Brian killed Aunt Rebecca either though. So Jen pushes it down deep enough until hears later, where she's green and wild and strong, her feelings of rage and grief don't come back out until one day where she sees Rys again, remembers him down to her veins and bones as he picks a fight in the bar. After that it gets a little fuzzy.
Rhys uh, he remembers beaming and blushing back when Jen would share cookies with him. But he's pretty sure she wasn't a mutant so that doesn't quite explain why the asshole he was pissing off had gotten tossed into the air with a primal scream. Jen is mortified that she reacted in such a way and made an entrance like that, but Rhys is enamoured! He's touched that someone wanted to protect his dignity like that...and it was hot as fuck. He's up to see her toss more people as they begin to reconnect from years apart.
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dreamingwithbts · 5 years
My Little Hybrid Kids- Chapter 9
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Genre: Hybrid!Au; Kid!Au; Fluff
Pairing: Jin x Reader
Summary: Y/N and Jin are married for a year what’s gonna happen when they will no longer be just the two of them.
Jin Pov's:
"Hello sir! What can I do for you?" A woman says. "I'm looking for a specific hybrid, Hoseok? A golden retriever dog hybrid." I say. " Ha! Yes! Come with me." And she takes me to a room with a lot a kids and my eyes automatically goes to the alone kid in the corner and just with that, I knew exactly what to do.
*Some time later* Jin Pov's:
"They are going to be so happy to see you again!" I say to Hoseok through the car mirror. "Are they going to be at your house?" Hoseok asks." Y/N yes but the boys are still in school." I say. "Thank you again sir!" Hoseok says on the back seat of the car with a big smile on the face looking outside the window. " Your welcome kid and you can call me....".
Y/N Pov's
Today was a usual day, me at home, the kids in school and my husband Jin at work, so I start cleaning the boys room after I've clean the kitchen and the living room to pass time until I have to make dinner to my three hungry growing men, yes Jin included. I enter Joon and Yoongi room and sigh seeing Yoongi side of the room, toys everywhere, smash paper thought the floor, dirty clothes all over the bed then I sigh happy seeing Joon side who only has some books open on the floor and some dirty clothes on the floor for falling from the chair, breathing deeply I go to Yoongi side first and start cleaning everything.
Half an hour later I clean the boys room, I pick both boys dirty clothes, so I can wash it later, I was going down the stairs with the basket of dirty clothes in direction of the laundry room when I hear keys on my main door and two laughs outside the door, curious and afraid I put the basket down and go to the door until it open and I see my husband entering smiling big when he looks at me. "Y/N!" He says. "Jin? Shouldn't you be at work?" I ask confused. "Yes but...No! No! Not yet! Wait until I say." He says to someone or something behind him. " Jin please tell me you didn't bring that dog from the street that the boys saw the other day!" I say scared. " I told them and I tell you again, that dog is our neighbours dog!" I continue. "Of course I didn't! Well kind of did the dog thing." He says smiling even bigger. "What do you mean...." I ask, and he instead of answering he steps to the side and I finally see what he was talking about. "Hoseok!" I scream happy.
*Hours before* Jin Pov's
The orphanage lady takes me to a room full of hybrids and human kids with similar ages of my boys. "That's him. That's Hoseok." The lady says pointing to a boy in a corner of the room focus on drawing completely alone. I smile a little sad, I thank the woman and go in direction of the dog hybrid. "Hi!" I say, and the kid looks at my shadow that's covering him than at me scared. "H..Hi." He says.
" I'm sorry, is my big beautiful shoulders scaring you?" I ask and the little kid just nods. " Don't worry my child! I'm the worldwide handsome! I scare everyone with my beauty!" I say fake modelling to him making him laugh, showing his happy smile I also smile relief that he was now happy in this place. " I'm Hoseok sir! What's your name!" He asks. " I'm Seokjin, you can call me Jin, and I know who you are. My family told me about you." I say smiling at his confused face. " Your family?" He asks. " Yes. Do you remember my wife Y/N and my kids, Namjoon and Yoongi?" I ask showing him my phone wallpaper of my family and Hoseok faces a O face when he sees my family. 
" Your Joon and Yoongi dad!" He says wagging his tail happy. " They told me about you a lot! Yoongi says your stupid!" He says with a big smile and big innocent eyes. " That's me!" I say with a fake smile. " That stupid kid are going to be so punished when I get home later." I think smile evilly.
*Meanwhile in school with Namjoon and Yoongi*
Namjoon and Yoongi was having their normal lunch break on the shade of their tree until Yoongi shivers making his tail and ears fur up. "Yoongi are you okay?" Namjoon asks. " I think something bad is going to happen." Yoongi says scared. " Maybe it's just getting cold." Namjoon says. "Maybe...." Yoongi says still scared.
*Back to Jin and Hoseok*
"But I don't understand why are you here." He says. I only smile and call for the woman from earlier knowing she was there watching us. " I would like to adopt this hybrid please." I say to her making Hoseok fall from his little chair in shock. " Of course would you please come with me to sign the adoption papers and Hoseok you can go pack your things." She says smiling to us but Hoseok doesn't move, staying on the ground still looking at me shock. "Really?" He asks starting to cry. "Really." I say, and he cleans the tears and smiles big to us and run to his room to pack his things.
Moments later we enter the car on our way to Hoseok new home.
Tag List: @redryderdesigns @minyoongi-infiresme @dinorahrodriguez @killcomet @skyebloodhood @vannilacake @itsapurrfectstorm @agoddesswithablade @forvever-ddaeng @annexjannet @ky-is-the-name @kokomaesadie @obsessed-wif @justmethehero @karlykim92 @reallysparklychaos​ @bryvada​
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bigamcthyst · 4 years
TASK 001:
FLAUNT Magazine sits down w/ Amethyst Pryce!
Amethyst is struggling to hear over a blow dryer. We’re in a small photography studio in at PRYCE Production Studios and the 26-year-old beauty is honing her look before the shoot. Everyone was a little late (traffic), but now the space is humming with garment hangers sliding across clothes racks and paper grocery bags shuffling snacks to their designated areas. Amethyst is seated in a sweatshirt, juggling two stylists preparing her for a shoot, interview questions, and FaceTime calls from a teenage sneaker broker and influencer. Last night she was battling with her event planner trying to iron out details for her upcoming event for the famed PRYCE Productions, and she’s preparing for a huge roll out to reintroduce the company to this generation. But despite this dizzying to-do list, the Bay Area native is relaxed, almost unbothered. It’s just another day in Amethyst’s world. Her brother Akeem Pryce is nearby, keeping her sane by forcing her into rap cyphers with him. This puts a lot into perspective but the question still remains: who is Amethyst Pryce?
Interviewer: For those who don’t know, tell us a little about who you are.
A: I’m the daughter of Allen Pryce, one of the most critically acclaimed producer/directors in the movie and TV industry. My brother, Akeem and I are the heirs to PRYCE Production.
Interviewer: That’s a crazy world to be apart of, dating must be crazy? Do you find it harder to date?
A: Well I think I make it hard, I don’t allow myself to make one person a priority.
Interviewer: Now you said ‘person’, does that mean you aren’t totally hetero?
A: Amethyst smirks, before giving a simple head nod. Women are nice to look at, can you blame me? Don’t get me wrong I love men, but it’s something about loving a woman that just... I can’t explain it.
Interviewer: So in your own words, what do you identify as?
A: I’m bisexual, gender wise I am female and I use she/her.
Interviewer: So earlier you mentioned that you were an heir, let’s expand on that and your role at PRYCE Productions.
A: Sure, I have taken on the role as Producer/Screenwriter. I’ve pretty much been a writer my whole life. I’ve always loved having writing as an outlet especailly with everything I’ve been through. The producer role was introduced to me by my father, who got me the opportunity to intern for Quentin Tarantino.
Interviewer: Wait, THE Quentin Taratino?
A: Yes, Mr. Pulp Fiction himself.
Interviewer: I have to admit, that’s pretty impressive. How did he introduce you guys and did you even know how big of deal that was at the time?
A: The day of my 17th birthday, and it was the summer, July 7th. Cancer gang baby! So I was old enough to know like who he was and what that opportunity would mean for me. I just remember my Dad calling me into his office and there he was. Quentin Tarantino in a tie dye shirt. And the rest was history.
Interviewer: So I’m sure you gained a lot knowledge and experience from both him and your father. Are you afraid of letting them down? That’s a lot of pressure for someone who isn’t even in their 30s yet.  Do you have any fears at all?
A: I can’t lie and say I don’t feel any pressure but pressure makes diamonds and I’m already a gem. I think I’m just afraid to not accomplish everything I want to professionally and personally before I die.
Interviewer: So, what are your aspirations:
A: I want to make my first million dollars from a film or TV show that I wrote and produced by myself, no Daddy involved. I got all this old money, I wanna be able to say I got some of it on my own. I want to find love someday and have a big ass family. I really want to have a house in the Philippines as well. A big ass crib.
Interviewer: Most of your goals seem pretty family-oriented, which is surprising because you’re very driven and flashy. Some could mistake you for boujie, especially with your upbringing. What do you have to say about that?
A: I get that assumption a lot. Crazy thing is, I’m only so ‘flashy’ because of my mother. I remember watching her get decked out in the flyest shit to go to galas and movie premieres with my father. She was an amazing host and always had us looking fly whenever she hosted parties. I get my sense of style from her. She was everything. I’m not boujie though, maybe a lil girly but hey.
Interviewer: Some people may be familiar with the tragic loss of your mother, but to some this is all new information so if it’s alright, can you talk a bit about that?
A: My mother was diagnosed with stage 3 brain cancer, the proper term is Glioma. My brother and I didn’t know because she begged my father not to tell us. So we basically went on about life like nothing was wrong. Eventually her condition worsened and she ended up in intensive care in the hospital, soon after that she was gone.
Interviewer: That must have been tough, I couldn’t imagine dealing with something like that. I’m so sorry for your loss.
A: Thank you but I didn’t lose her, I gained an angel. I talk to my mom every chance I get. On days I feel like I can’t get through, I just feel her presence and her love. It’s funny because even in the afterlife, she remains the glue of our family.
Interviewer: That’s a beautiful way to look at it, you have this strength about you that just glows. How are you not married yet?
A: Shit, you tell me honey? If you let my best friend Ashtyn tell it, I’m a grandma and a prude.
Interviewer: Are you really?
A: Hello no, but she thinks I work too much and don’t make enough time to play. And she’s not wrong, but I just feel like if you like me then you should be fightin’ for my attention. Chase me and I’ll love you forvever. A girl likes to feel appreciated.
Interviewer: Well, you heard it here first ladies and gentlemen, if you want a chance with Amethyst you’re gonna have to come correct.
A: Period! Nah but I just want some romance, like 4 page letter, getting caught in the rain kinda romance.
Interviewer: Well since we’re on the topic, what are your likes and dislikes?
A: I like wings and I love sushi. I dislike waiting and I hate repeating myself.
Interviewer: So impatient and greedy? Got it.
A: Oh, wow. I can’t say you’re wrong.
Interviewer: If you had to describe your social media presence, what would you say?
A: My twitter is a bunch of inside jokes and me rambling at 3 A.M. Snapchat was originally just for my close friends but I’ve opened it up for my fans so I can take them through my work days at PRYCE Production studios and just my work days and trips in general. My instagram is my favorite app to use because I get to showcase my style. I love to put looks together. I’m the type of girl to beat my face and get dressed just to go get a snack from the kitchen.
Interviewer: Now take us through your phone, what’s going on there?
A: I have three phones. One is a business phone, for all holllywood friends, contacts and connections. One phone is kinda like a business phone but I use it to stay in contact with staff at PRYCE Production studios. And the last one, of course, is a personal phone for friends, family and a boo thang when I get one.
Interviewer: Okay, I love to end interviews with this question becasuse the answer says a lot more about you than anything else will. What is your music taste like?
A: Oh that’s a hard one. I really love all genres. I can go from Biggie to Mary J. Blige, to Old Dominion, to Elton John, to Queen to Frank Ocean, to Juvenile, to Too Short... It all depends on the mood I’m in or the mindset I need to be in at that moment.
Interviewer: I think that is officially one of my favorite answers. Amethyst, thank you for sitting down with me today. I can’t what to see what you do with PRYCE Productions
A: Thank you, it was a pleasure being here with you, truly. This was fun.
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Water Jimmy Darling x Reader
Words: 3,602
Description: This story is about when you first come to the freak show because you have an extra finger on each side. You are warmed welcomly to the freak show and you get really close to Jimmy and when the show starts the act you do is singing so you tell him your feelings in the song.
A/N: The song that you sing in this imagine is called Water by Pentatonix and I would definetley recommend to hear it before you read or while you read! I hope you guys enjoy this! XOXO
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Pentatonix, American Horror Story or unfortunaetly Evan Peters. All rights reserved to them.
It was September 3 when I had to leave the orphanage I had been in my whole life. I am glad to be leaving it. There was no peace there, only hatred, but only for deformed people like me. My deformity is that I have an extra finger on other side of my hands. The orphangage tried to put me through school but I got thrown out because I was ‘scaring’ my classmates. After that I taught myself. I never knew what it felt like to love. I wanted to but it was never there for me. When I first left the orphanage to get some food they insisted I put gloves on and I did because I was ashamed to look this way and the gloves covered that. I still wear the gloves and I have I feeling that I will have to all the time if I want to find a place to live. I have no clue where I am going, but hopefully there is a place near Jupiter, Florida, where I am accepted.
I walk down the street with my gloved hands in my pockets. I stumble upon a nice looking diner. I take my hands out and make sure that my gloves are on tight. I also take out my wallet to see how much money I have. I look through and I find that I have about thirty to thirty-five dollars. I finally open the door to the diner and walk in. I look around and I find a spot near the corner of the bar. I take a seat and see a very attractive guy sitting next to me a couple seats down. I look over to look at him and he winks at me. I blush immediatley.
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I look back forward when a waitress comes over to ask me what I would like to eat.
“Hi, what would you like to eat?” she said.
“HI, I would love your pot roast please!” I said with a smile on my face.
“Alright! Coming right up sugar.”
I wait patiently while tapping my finger back and forth on the counter. The man that winked at me earlier came behind me and sat down next to me. I pulled my gloves on tighter so there wasn’t a chance of them falling off.
“So what is a pretty girl like you doing sitting here all by herself?” He asked.
“I don’t know, but whatever it is you should probably go away too. I’m not like other girls.” I said letting him down so it would save the heart break.
“Well what if I told you I wasn’t like other guys? That I was different?” He said.
“Then I would say that you’re full of it.” I said turning to the side and looking straight into his eyes.
“The thing is that you---” He was interupted by the waitress placing my food down infront of me.
“Thank you.” I said then turning back to eat my food. The man soon left knowing that I wasn’t going to give in. It was a good fifteen minutes after he left that I finished eating. The waitress came back around and picked up my plate. She soonly came around again to drop off the check. My total was three dollars and fifty cents, I took out my wallet and payed for it. I stood up, readjusting my gloves again. I walked to the door and said thank you before I left. When my body was fully outside there was harsh wind that made me shiver. A group of men were waiting in the alleyway, catcalling me.
“Hey pretty darling! Why don’t you come over here!” the drunken man shouted. I continued to walk down the street and ignored them.
“Why aren’t you over here yet? Is there something wrong with you? You come from the freak show just a couple miles down the road?” Another drunken man said. Wait! Did he just say freak show? I need to go to there! Maybe they will let me be apart of their show! Maybe I’ll finally have a family like me!
I started walking even faster hoping that I would be able to stay there and maybe even be apart of it. I walk a couple more minutes until I hear this motorcycle engine rev up near me. I start walking faster with my hands in my pocket. I hear the engine slow down as it comes near me. My heart is beating out of my chest not knowing what is going to happen and not knowing who is on the motorcycle. I see the motorcycle pass and I let my breath out. I keep on walking into the woods that surround the road. I see a sign that says “Welcome to Elsa’s Cabinet of Curiosities” I hope that this is it. I turn down the dirt path and follow it until I see a whole group of tents bunched together. ‘This MUST be it!’ I walk to the field and look to see if anyone is around. I see a lady with blonde hair and a rose in her hair. She is wearing all red. I approach her.
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“Excuse me miss, do you know who runs this show?” I ask politely.
“Zhat vould be me fräulein.” The obviously German lady tells me.
“Hi Ms. ....”
“Mars. Elsa Mars. You?”
“(Your Last Name), (Full Name) .Anyways, Ms. Mars, I was wondering if you had room for one more person in your show.”
“Let me guess another teenage runavay vanting to join zhee circus, huh?”
“No m’am. I came here because I have no where to go. The reason why is because of my deformity.”
“And vhat vould zhat be?”
“I have an extra finger on both sides of my hands. So I have twelve fingers instead of ten.”
“How do I know you aren’t just telling me zhis? Show me your beauty.” I pull my hands out of my coat pockets. I continue to take off my glove showing Elsa my hands. I move my fingers around showing her that this isn’t just a magic trick.
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She gasps and takes my hands in hers turning them over and moving the individual fingers.
“Oh my! Zhis is just vhat I needed! Danke, danke for coming to me. Ve vill get your tent up and ready for you to stay here!” She runs away getting a two men to help her put up my tent. “While you are here, go ahead and meet everyone! First let me call them for you, My MONSTERS, come out and meet your newest addition. All of a sudden all of these people start coming out of their trailers and tents and start approaching me. Elsa stands behind me with her hands on my shoulders.
“Everyone meet our newest addition (Y/N)! She will be with us in the show from now on. I want everyone to treat her nicely, I don’t want this one left out. That is all now introduce yourselves!” A tall woman and a woman on her shoulders step up and hold out thier hand.
“Hi I’m Amazon Eve and this Ma Petite. I’m glad you could join the show! I can’t wait to be friends with you.” She and Ma Petite sweetly smile.
“Thank you! I can’t wait to friends with you too!” I took her hand and shook it. Then a man with shortened arms approaches me and takes his hat off.
“Hello I’m Paul. I’m glad we could add another great person to this show.”
“Thank you .” I say.
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Then a woman with a beard walks in. She approaches me and has her hand out for me to shake.
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“Ethel Darling. It is so nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy it here and I am glad you came to the right place.” She said with a huge smile on her face.
“Thank you. It is so nice of all of you to warmly welcome me when I am so new.”
Then a man and woman entered with dresses on.
“Pepper! Salty! Come play with us!” they said then grabbed my hands and we spinned in a circle. I start laughing a lot because seeing them happy is the best thing that you could wish for them.
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We start spinning a lot faster and I lose my balance. I close my eyes awaiting for the impact but it never comes. Instead I feel two strong warm arms wrap around me. I look up and am met with the eyes of the man I met at the diner. I stand up immediatley and adjust my dress.
“It’s you from the diner!” I said while pointing my finger at him.
“And its you from the diner!” He says with a confused look on his face. “What are you doing here anyways?”
“I am here because I just joined the freak show.” I say,
“No Elsa just doesn’t let a stupid teenage runaway join the show.”
“Well she must keep her word because she didn’t.” I hold up my hand showing him my twelve fingers. “What are YOU doing here?”
“I live and work here. My ma is the bearded lady and I am ‘Lobster Boy’.” He holds up his hands showing me his conjoined fingers.
“So I guess you were telling the truth when you said that you weren’t like other guys.” I said.
“Yeah and you were telling the truth about being different than other girls. Jimmy. Jimmy Darling.” He says while winking at me and smiles.
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I blush again.
“How about we go for a walk? I would love to get to know you more!” Jimmy says.
“I would love that. Maybe you could show me around camp aswell?” I ask. Jimmy and I arrive at a broken down Ferris Wheel where we sit down to talk.
“Of course.” We start walking and he asks, “How did you get here? To Jupiter I mean.”
“Well my parents gave me up as soon as I was born. They didn’t want a little freak like me running around. So they drop me off in an orphange. I think I have visited every school in Florida and they still kicked me out because I ‘scared’ my classmates. So I have just taught myself for all of these years. I have forvever been in an orphange and the one I was in let me be on my own when I was twenty-one. I actually just got out today and i walked into town and find the diner. Then after you left I went walking down the street when these catcallers asked me if I was from the freak show down the road. So that is how I came to this place. How about you?”
“Well I have been here since birth. I don’t know my dad, all I know is how bad he was to my mom. When my ma was pregnant he set up posters all over downtown saying ‘Watch A Freak Give Birth!” So I have been apart of the freak show scenery ever since I could remember.”
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Jimmy.” I say putting my hand on his forearm.
“Thank you (Y/N). It really means a lot to me. My girlfriend Maggie has been my rock for a little while now.” Girlfriend? Of course he is amazingly handsome man why wouldn’t he have a girlfriend!
“How long have you and Maggie been together?”
“A couple months actually. I think it’s getting pretty serious. We actually just talked about running away from here a couple days ago.”
“Oh, are you thinking of running away?’
“No. I couldn’t leave my ma or anyone in the show. They have been like my family so why would I want to run away from that?”
“You’re right. I have never thought about it that way. You’re lucky. You got to grow up with people like you instead of being alone.” Jimmy stopped walking and looked straight into my eyes.
“(Y/N), you never EVER have to be alone anymore. You’ve got us now.” Yeah, I wish I had you as something more. Jimmy showed me to my tent and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Three Months Later
I was insanely crushing on Jimmy. I wanted to tell him so bad but I was scared that I was going to drive him away. Yes Jimmy is still dating the brat Maggie. She didn’t like me at all. She said that if I ever approached Jimmy ever again then she would kill me. I also haven’t talked to Jimmy in almost three weeks. I am suprised that I am still going strong. I miss Jimmy. I love Jimmy.  
I wake up and I rub my eyes to get the sleep away. I get up and get dressed. I get out of my tent and the first thing I see is Jimmy and Maggie kissing. I watched the ground instead of looking at the couple. Jimmy and Maggie stop and I see them walk over to where I walked to which was the dinning tent. I hear them being all lovey dovey and makes me want to throw up. I eat my cereal and then I go to the big even tent where the show takes place. I see Elsa with the new people which was Bette and Dot Tattler.
Since it was getting boring in there I started to walk around the camp. I start hearing two people talk. I walk to where the noise is coming from. I opened up the tent ‘door’ to find Maggie and this boy from town are kissing. I gasped and they both stopped and looked at me. I run away and start going to find Jimmy until Maggie pulls me into a tent.
“I swear to God that if you tell Jimmy I will break you.”
“Too bad. I will tell Jimmy because I can’t stand you doing this! He loves you for heaven’s sake. Any girl would be lucky to have him and you throw him away like he is nothing. You don’t deserve him!”
“And what you think you deserve him? Don’t try to hide that you don’t like him. I see the way you look at him. I will tell him if you tell him about me and Derek.”
“Whatever. I won’t tell him this time!” I walked away before she could say anything. I saw JImmy and I decided to run for my tent before he could reach me.
It was a couple hours after the little indescretion between me and Maggie happened and I once again found myself bored so I started wandering, again. I heared yelling and started to find the noise. I walked to a tent and opened the flap. I seceretly looked inside and saw Jimmy, Maggie, and Derek in the tent.
“SCRAM KID!” Jimmy said to Derek resulting in him sprinting out of there.
“Jimmy, baby calm down.” Maggie said.
“DON’T CALL ME BABY!” Jimmy yelled.
“I can explain everything. It isn’t what it looked like.”
“NO! I know exactly what it was. It was YOU cheating on ME! I actually thought that you were different and that you accepted me as who I am. I guess I thought wrong.”
“No Jimmy you didn’t. I love you.”
“Get out.”
“I said GET OUT! LEAVE! I DON’T WANT TO SEE  YOU ANYMORE! PACK ALL OF YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE! It was a bad idea in the first place to keep around town junkies.” I got out of there as fast as I could. I didn’t want Jimmy to find me and be mad at me. I ran quietly to the entertainment tent and saw Elsa.
“Elsa, I was wondering if I could sing a different song for tonight than I usually do. Is that okay?”
“Yes as long as it won’t scare my monsters.”
“Of course not.”
“Then you may sing it. I was going to tell you to sing a different song because it is getting old with your new song.”
“Okay Thank you!” Elsa just waved her hand in a ‘you’re welcome’ manner. I ran into my tent starting to get ready for tonight’s show. I put on my (Favorite Color) dress on and put my make up on. I got ready in two hours because I was making myself look especially nice because tonight in my song I was going to tell Jimmy my feelings. He always sits in the crowd when I’m singing. He says that he doesn’t want to miss a thing.
I got out of my tent and walked to the back entrance of the entertainment tent. I saw Elsa and ran to her.
“Elsa I need to hand the notes to Eve for my new song. Can I please go try to find her now?”
“Yes of course! Make this your best performance. We have a full house.”
“Yes i will do my best!” I walked away from her and went to find Eve quickly. I finally find her trying to put all her piano sheet music in order.
“Eve! These are my notes for the new song I am singing tonight okay? Don’t play the one you always do for me okay?”
“Of course. I will play this instead of the last one.” I hugged her as a thank you and then went to stand in line. I was behind Ma Petite and infront of Bette and Dot.
Ma Petite went on stage and then shortly came off. I heard Elsa introduce me to the crowd.
“And now I welcome an interesting girl with an amazing talent. (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!” I walk on stage and look around at the audience. I hear most of them mutter ‘Oh look she has twelve fingers!’ and ‘Magnificent!’ I had gotten used to it so I wasn’t bothered by then saying that  I look again and i see Jimmy staring directly at me similing. I smile back. I step up to the microphone and wrap my hands around the top so now everyone could see what some people were gawking at. I nod to Eve as in I’m ready to sing now. The melody starts off and I sing the song, Water.
“ It's 10 past 2, still up thinking of you If I showed you all I really want to Would you stay, dare to push me away I just can't return anymore” I look to see Jimmy’s face and he is staring as I stare back. “ Timid heart, hide my scars Make me stronger I can't take this any longer I need, I need you like water It's on the tip of my tongue I'm not asking for much Just your love and not another Cause your embrace keeps me warmer Could I tell you this time How I wish you were mine” I see Jimmy’s confused face as he realizes I am not singing my regular song but then he starts to smile as he realizes what I am singing about.” My voice cracks, I wait for it to pass Heart beats fast for words I can't take back And so I pray I don't drive you away Cause I'm scared of what I have to tell you Timid heart, hide my scars Make me stronger I can't take this any longer I need, I need you like water It's on the tip of my tongue I'm not asking for much Just your love and not another Cause your embrace keeps me warmer Could I tell you this time How I wish you were mine I'll take you higher, take you high I can make you come alive Open your eyes, change your mind I'll take you higher, take you high I can't take this any longer I need, I need you like water It's on the tip of my tongue I'm not asking for much Just your love and not another Cause your embrace keeps me warmer Could I tell you this time How I wish you were mine How I wish you were mine How I wish you were mine” I finish the song and the audience abrupts into applauses. I look to see if I can find Jimmy but I couldn’t. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn to see Jimmy.
“I know what that song is really about and let me just say, I love you too.” I smile when he says that. The spotlights us and Jimmy wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me close. He leans in closer and our lips collide. We stood on stage with the applause and ‘awws’ in the background as we share a kiss. We break apart and lean our foreheads together. Elsa comes on the stage and shoos us off.
“I have been waiting to do that since I first met you (Y/N).”
“Then what was the wait for?”
“I was in love with someone that wasn’t in love with me and that clouded my eyes from what was standing right infront of me. I love you (Y/N).”
“I love you too Jimmy.”
“How about we go to the diner in town and share a shake.”
“I would love that. Do you want me to get the gloves?”
“No. Don’t hide up your beauty.” He pecks me on lips. We both sneak out and get on his motorbike. I was in total bliss. I was dating my best friend and we were going to be together forever and nothing could stop us.
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This has been the litteral shittiest week.
I didn’t study for my chem test Sunday night cause I was fucking SAD.
I couldn’t get started on my work yesterday cause I was SICK so I just slept, which didn’t help at all. I’m still fucking sick.
I have a midterm, a presentation, and a test tomorrow, none of which I have started preparing for in the LEAST because I was supposed to do that Monday, and then I was supposed to do that today. Guess what I did both days? Be LOOPY ALL DAY and then fucking SLEEP when I get home.
Monday I had to justify that I was fucking sick so I didn’t have to attend drama cause I was SAD and didn’t want to look after some grade 10’s and also, did feel sick.
Today I had to justify, YET AGAIN that I was too sick to attend a practice, this time for track, which when I said I was too sick to attend, the coach said “when you’re sick you stay home from school”. No shit Sherlock. Ideally, yeah, I’d be at home, in bed, sleeping and drinking tea. Guess what Miss? I can’t. Fucking. Do. That. I have chemistry, Law, and Anthro, none of which post what goes on in class online anymore. It doesn’t matter how fucking LATE I am, I HAVE to attend otherwise I’m going to fall too far behind. So yeah, when you’re sick you’re supposed to stay home. When you stay home, you’re also not supposed to fall so fucking far behind it takes forvever to catch up.
I’m so fucking done with this week and it’s only Tuesday. If I don’t present my cooking presentation tomorrow then I’m gonna have to go to class on Thursday. If I do, I’m not going to school Thursday. Fuck track man, I’m so fucking sick and my brain feels like it’s full of cotton and all she has to say is shouldn’t I have stayed home if I was “sick”. What kind of bullshit. This is why I don’t tell you when I can’t make it, cause saying “I don’t feel well” or “my muscles hurt so fucking much since last time that I can’t get up the stairs” isn’t enough. I have to be fucking absent from school. Fuck this, man.
And I can’t focus on anything cause I’m fucking SAD about everything and I miss my friend and I miss my boyfriend and I miss the familiarity I’ve gotten used to over he past 6 months and having at least once day in the week to look foreword to because I would feel irrationally calm and happy in the best way.
This week sucks butt. I just want it to be over.
I have to attend track everyday next week because I have my first meet at his school midway through the next week and I’m gonna die.
I wish they’d let us just run the distance instead of working out every fucking time. We need to actually run the distance at some point instead of doing drills, circuits, and workouts all the time. Track practice feels fucking useless.
I can’t believe how shitty the timing is. Like, I LITERALLY. JUST. SETTLED. Ugh I wish we hadn’t broken up. I want to just wake up one day and everything is back to normal and I feel like wearing makeup and showering and washing my face and looking after myself again. I want to get all excited to talk on the phone and get excited choosing what I’m going to wear. I want it with him though. Xavier was so sweet and funny and we were so different but I thought it was okay because we got along so well but I guess we just wanted different things, but really we didn’t. I want what he wants, minus the “being single” part but I can’t FUCKING have it because of my FUCKING family. I can’t have traditional dates where I get picked up cause I’m ashamed of where I live, and I can’t have him meet my parents because of my stupid religion and I can’t just go on dates whenever because my dad refuses to accept that I’m growing up. I don’t want my dad to be lonely but I also don’t want to be reminded everytime that I go out with him that I’m a religious fuck up who’s gonna make him so so sad in a year and a half. Or that I’m fucking property.
All the shit that’s in my life became so apparent so fast this week and I’m NOT here for it. I want to ignore everything and everyone forever.
I hate the state my brain is always in. Even before Xavier broke up with me, it took me so long to get up in the morning because of the overwhelming DREAD that surrounded getting up. Even on weekends. I just never wanted to be awake. Being awake entails being conscious and having to do something. When I’m asleep, I don’t have to face anyone or anything. I’m so sick of dreading being concious all the time.
Fuck this week. Fuck my brain. Life is meaningless and humans suck.
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HHC Draft 1
The time of day was 4:45pm. The weather: Warm, but not too warm. Just perfect. Just how she likes it. "She" went by the name of Cinn. Short for Cinnamon. She is one of the many spirits who hang around old Mrs.Jones's home. There was enough shade, enough light, and such a welcoming atmosphere. That's why so many cat spirits stay around for a couple hours, like me and Cinn, for example. There she was. In all of her ethereal beauty, she sat basking in the sun's energy. It encompassed her body, intertwining with all the other energies surrounding her mind and spirit. She glowed a brilliant shade of black. It would be weird to say, of course, but I believe it's honestly the best and the only way to describe her from my perspective. It's just so...enticing. I leapt down from my barrel onto the warm wooden planks comprising the patio which belonged to old Mrs.Jones. It felt so relaxing against my paws, as I sauntered over to her. She heard me coming, I could tell, but she ignored me and continued to bask, as if it were her job in the twenty-first century and she lived in a 5-family house with a $5 income. I didn't care that she didn't care, and I decided to sit down next to her. My black coat went pretty well with her white, almost dusty pink coat, I'd say. The contrast was quite noticible, but still, even if we were from separate parts of town, no one said we couldn't converse with each other...yet. I took a shaky breath and said "Hey there. My name starts with a L and ends in a eon, what about you?" even though I already knew her name from eavesdropping on her conversations a few (lot) of times from my barrel. "Quite a charmer, aren't ya?" She said from her position on the floor. "I'm Cinnamon, but you can call me Cinn." "Cinnamon. One of Mrs.Jones's favorite flavours, correct?" I inquired. Of course, i already knew this too, but i hadnt planned this far, so small talk was all I had to fall back on. "Yup. Exactly what I was named after, actually. Not by her, but by John Costello." She said with a slight reminiscent smile. The Costellos were Mrs.Jones's nextdoor neighbours. They were the owners of Cinnamon befire she...well...died. We all had lives before we died. Of course that's a given, but I mean we all belonged somewhere in the world before we died. After you die, it's like...you're free. Some would argue that it's worse that way, but I strongly disagree for many reasons. In the astral, the possibilities are endless. Limitless. Exactly the opposite of the tangible world. Exactly the way I like it. Either by neglect, natural causes, car, dog, person, ourselves, or accident, we all were brought into this world to die at the hands (Or I guess paws in my case) of someone. "John Costello?" I asked, "If you were part of the Costello family, then why don't you linger at their house?" I inquired this time not for the sake of small talk, but because I was genuinely curious. "Well. As you might've seen, after I left them, they decided they needed to somehow fill their void. They couldn't accept the fact that I couldn't be a part of their lives forvever. It was like they were in disbelief, disarray-they just couldn't come to terms with it." She said, getting up and walking next to where I stood upon the planks of wood. They began to get warmer, almost unbareable, so it was understandable why she wanted to move. "Here. Follow me." said Cinn, jumping onto a creamy-white stool next to my barrel, then on top of my barrel. She then proceeded to jump onto the rim of the railing and looked back at me and motioned for me to follow.
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dreamingwithbts · 5 years
My Little Hybrid Kids - Chapter 6
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Genre: Hybrid!Au; Kid!Au; Angst; Fluff
Pairing: Jin x Reader
Summary: Y/N and Jin are married for a year what's gonna happen when they will no longer be just the two of them.
We let Namjoon and Yoongi stay home one more day to help cure some of Yoongi injuries but today me and Jin are in the car on our way to their school because they can't miss the classes.
"Did you do your late homework?" I ask them. "Yes mom!" Joon says smiling at me showing his dimples. "Yoongi?" Jin asks looking at him trough the rearview mirror. "I did it too dad." He says looking at us with a suspicious smile. "How? I try to help you but you were always sleeping!" Joon says. "I copied yours." Yoongi says smirking. "Were in different years!" Joon exclaims in shock looking at his brother. "Improvise, adapt, overcome." Yoongi says chugging his shoulders smirking again to his shock younger brother.
I look at my husband smiling in love listening to our kids bickering at the back of the car, Jin looks back at me laughing a little I take his hand and smile looking ahead.
"YA! That's my tail! Mom!" I hear Yoongi yelling I look behind and see Yoongi holding his tail and kissing it. "Stop it boys!" Jin says. "Sorry hyung.... I didn't mean it to hurt it..." Joon says looking really sad. "It's okay. I know you didn't mean it." Yoongi says hugging him and I smile at the two and look ahead again seeing were getting close to the school.
"Let's go guys." Jin says while we leave the car and I open the door on Joon side and Jin on Yoongi side. "You're going too?" Yoongi asks. "Yes. We have to tell your teacher you're with us now Yoongles." Jin says holding the cat hybrid tightly to his chest. "Broo..brother...help.." Yoongi says to Joon almost without hair. "I'm fine hyung." Joon smirks hugging me making me laugh. "Come on let's go. Let the poor kid Jin!" I say smiling to my husband who lets Yoongi making him run to me. "Your safe now honey." I say petting Yoongi making him purr. "He doesn't do that to me!" Jin says faking sadness. "Maybe because you squeeze the life of him?" I say joking. "Maybe..."Jin says defeated and kisses my head.
We enter the school Jin in front hand in hand with Joon while I enter hand in hand with Yoongi.
We stop first at Joon class. "Have a nice day Joon!" I say petting his ears making him smile. "I'll come pick you up later Joon!" Jin says hugging him. "Bye mom, bye dad, see you soon hyung." Joon says entering his classroom.
"Your turn Yoongles." Jin says putting his arm on his shoulder, and he puts his small tail around my arm to know I'm there.
Getting at his class, Jin calls the attention of Yoongi teacher. "Good morning what can I do for you?" The teacher says smiling to the three of us. "Good morning, we are the parents of Kim Namjoon from the year below, but we are here to let you know we adopted Min Yoongi in our family." Jin explains the situation to the teacher who appears to smile more after this. "Well, that's good! I always see those two together outside. Yoongi why don't you enter the classroom?" The teacher asks him making Yoongi nod. "Bye mom." He says hugging me. "Bye sweetie." "Bye dad." He says hugging Jin. "Behave Yoongles." Jin says and Yoongi enters the classroom.
"I'm very happy Yoongi is finally safe." The teacher says looking relief. "You knew?" I ask. "I guessed, I try do something but I couldn't. But now is well. I have to start class, have a good day." The teacher says. "Have a good day." Jin says and we leave to the car hand in hand.
"Are you going to Ken now?" I ask. "Not now, I'll go after work." Jin says while we arrive at home where his leaving me. "Okay honey, have a good day at work. Love you." I say kissing him. "I will. Love you too." Jin says and I leave the car going towards the door while Jin goes to work.
I enter the house and see a mess everywhere from the little holiday the boys did here, I sigh seeing the work I have ahead.
After cleaning the house all day, I was sitting in the couch sipping my tear when I hear the door open and little feet running to the living room. "Hi mom!" My hybrids say jumping on me hugging me. "Hello sweeties!" I say petting their ears making Yoongi purr and start beating Joon with his tail. "Hyung! Your tail!" Joon says. "Sorry." Say a very not sorry hybrid cat and both of them run to their rooms.
"So? Did you go to Ken?" I ask Jin. "Hello handsome husband how was work? It was fine thank you." Jin says joking looking at mine "really" face. "Sorry. But did you get it?" I ask excited. "Yes of course I did. Boys get down here!" Jin says sigh after my lack of interest of his day.
"What is it noooww?" Yoongi asks rubbing his eye. "It's little Yoongi sleepy. Does little Yoongi want to have his nap?" Jin asks softly to the cat hybrid petting his ears making Yoongi look at him cute nodding yes to the nap. "TOO BAD!" Jin suddenly screams making Yoongi angry and respond back. Joon and I look at each other sighting watching the two bickering each other.
"What did you wanted dad?" Joon asks Jin stopping the fight and I kiss his head in thank you making him smile at me. "Well, my FAVOURITE son." Jin starts glaring at Yoongi who glares back. "I have something to show you more to Yoongi." Jin says now smiling softly and Yoongi looks at me confused and I wink at him.
Jin grabes a paper from the briefcase and gives to Yoongi. "What's this?" Yoongi asks looking at it and Joon goes next to him and looks to.
"Hyung! That looks like my paper!" Joon says hugging Yoongi who looks at us now smiling big. "Really?" He asks. "Really." I and Jin says at the same time. "Why don't we put it next to Joon?" I ask and quickly Yoongi gave me the adoption paper and I put it on a frame, I gave back to Yoongi who was suddenly picked up by Jin helping him put the frame next to Joon frame.
"It looks good." Jin says and the four of us look at the two frames. "Can I nap now?" Yoongi asks ruining the moment. "YOU DISRESPECTFUL BRAT!" Jin screams again and they start fighting again. I pick up Joon, and we both went to his room to relax away from the two kids. "You're my favourite mom." Joon says. "Thank you honey." I say petting his ears.
Tag List: @redryderdesigns @minyoongi-infiresme @dinorahrodriguez @killcomet @skyebloodhood @vannilacake @itsapurrfectstorm @forvever-ddaeng @annexjannet @ky-is-the-name @kokomaesadie
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