#it will probably end in tears
bunnieswithknives · 1 month
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made a lil comic based on your nature au hope that’s cool lol
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After a lot of careful thought I have decided that he in fact can! It uh, might not be quite what he was hoping for though.
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raplinenthusiasts · 5 months
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Outro: TEAR
© namuspromised
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tenvishund · 8 months
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F I S S I O N - Why the hell do you hurt yourself for this?
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tennessoui · 16 days
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I don’t even need to say it do I……
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ladyrijus · 1 year
TOTK where everything is more or less the same except the dragon tears are as giant as the springs that Zelda went to, and Link has to wade through them to experience the vision. On top of that, after he sees the vision in full, he can relive that vision for as long as he stays in those tears.
Now, the reason why I want that is because I want to see Link witness the final memory and turn numb with denial and guilt and grief. It should not have surprised him the way it did; he knew in the previous memories she had planned to do it. But there were still more geoglyphs to search, still more time and hope for her to realize there was a different way, a better one that didn't ask her of so much.
He was wrong, of course. Destinies like theirs were never so generous.
Imagine that he appears expressionless, a stark contrast to his more emotional nature that has come out during gameplay. And yet his eyes are noticeably glazed over and he's frozen to the bed of the spring. The sages watch him through their vows, knowing this to be the last memory, and they feel it, immediately, that something is wrong. They desperately try to talk through their avatars, much to the surprise of their loved ones.
"Link? Link, snap out of it!"
He hears nothing.
And so the scene parallels to the off-screen moment Urbosa had with Zelda -- a careful Sidon wills his avatar to carry Link away from the cursed waters, and is pained when he's met with vehement resistance. Why would his wonderful friend drag himself back there, when whatever he saw tore his heart and shattered his soul? It wasn't good for him, to deal with grief in such a poisonous manner.
But for Link, he would weather the heartbreak in watching that bright, curious, ambitious girl sacrifice everything that made her who she was infinitely if it meant he could commit her face to memory. The Sheikah Slate that he took pictures of her with had been dismantled, and the Purah Pad contains no recollection of Zelda. He would watch his princess lose herself, over and over again, in that damned tear, than forget what she looked like.
He couldn't do that to her. Not again.
In the meantime, Tulin, Riju, and Yunobo have created a circle around him together, blocking the hero from hurting himself any further.
By this point, Link's expression is wavering, brows furrowed and lips pressed to a thin line. They don't get it, do they? All of the closest friends he had from an era past are gone; yes, Impa, Purah and Robbie are still alive, and they belong to that era too, but they didn't know him like the Champions did. Like Zelda did. She fought for him in death as much as he fought for her in life, and now he lost her too.
He finally collapses to the ground, shaking, and cries.
He had one job: Protect the princess. And he failed her. Twice.
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seven-tastic · 1 year
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silentheiss · 10 days
Shen Qingqiu laughs breathlessly as the corpse of Black-Eyed Vapor Puma falls soundlessly by his feet. He is windswept, rosy-cheeked and so beautiful Liu Qingge’s heart breaks, pieces itself back together and then breaks again.
“Shidi!” Shen Qingqiu jumps over the disfigured body easily and comes to stand beside him. “That was magnificent. You truly are an artist!”
If Liu Qingge was an artist he’d be painting Shen Qingqiu’s portraits and writing him sonnets. But all he can do is kill, and, for some cruel twist of fame, Shen Qingqiu seems to like it when Liu Qingge kills.
His fascination with all things ugly makes Liu Qingge want to tear his soul out and present it to his shixiong. Maybe he’ll like it, too.
“Do you think his partner is nearby? They tend to travel in pairs. It’s not quite a mating season yet, but who knows?”
Liu Qingge looks around the clearing. It’s void of anything at all. They’re alone.
“If it had a partner we’d see it by now.”
“Yes, Liu-shidi, you must be right.” Shen Qingqiu looks around, too.
His gaze inevitably circles back to Liu Qingge and his eyes turn brigs and mischievous for a moment. Then, he reaches out and his slim fingers graze against Liu Qingge’s hair. When he takes his hand back there’s a rumpled flower in between his fingers.
“My shidi can’t help being beautiful even in the middle of the fight. He even acquired a hairpiece.”
Liu Qingge breaks.
“Don’t do this to me.” He whispers, eyes falling close and breathing getting faster. “Please, shixiong, don’t.”
He doesn’t dare look, but he hears a soft, questioning noise.
“Don’t do what, shidi?”
“Don’t call me beautiful.”
“But you are?”
He doesn’t understand. He refuses to see how his words cut Liu Qingge like a knife.
“Just don’t.”
There’s silence. Then:
“Shidi. Won’t you look at me?”
Liu Qingge can do little else. He opens his eyes.
“Shidi is beautiful. He is strong, too, and brave. He is a good friend. He makes my days brighter.”
Liu Qingge lets out a thin whine and can’t even bring himself to be embarrassed about it.
“This master won’t stop saying truthful things, even if he risks to make shidi feel embarrassed.”
“Not embarrassed.” Liu Qingge swallows.
“Then what is it?”
He wants to tell him. He wants to tell him so much, but he’s weak and terrified, and-
“You’re smart.” Liu Qingge says. “Figure it out.”
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dustykneed · 4 months
wrong sickbay, ensign... bonus (mc)spirk below
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caved and painted for an hour after a week's worth of finals xDD started this with no thoughts just vibes but it ran away from me. i wouldn't want to bore yall with the details but i will say the headcanon that bones is incapable of not caring, regardless of universe, has me in a vice grip constantly lmao
more mirror scribbles:
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and last but not least a fix-it 🥹
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the fact that mirrorverse mcspirk can never not be fucked up simultaneously pleases me as an angst lover and pains me as a fluff lover.... in conclusion ouch✨🩵💙💛
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torchstelechos · 2 months
People be like, how you doing? And I'm like, Loop is never going to see their family again.
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iamhereinthebg · 5 months
I will never be over the fact that tbhk really takes place in 2015
We know that AidaIro published the first chapter in December 2014
The Yugi Twins were in the 66th Festival in 1968 and the curent present have the 113th Festival.
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On this panel, it's written that the 1st of September was a Tuesday. The closest years to the manga airing having this date being either 2009 or 2015.
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Which means: the 1st year (Aoi, Akane, Nene) were born in 1999, Teru in 1998 and Kou and Mitsuba in 2000.
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finngualart · 9 months
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Gáttir allar áður gangi fram um skoðast skyli, um skyggnast skyli, því að óvíst er að vita hvar óvinir sitja á fleti fyrir.
At every door-way, ere one enters, one should spy round, one should pry round for uncertain is the witting that there be no foeman sitting, within, before one on the floor
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cvntdracvla · 3 months
lets all kill ourselves actually
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codacheetah · 2 months
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This specific dialogue interests me because it feels like the closest thing we get to a direct correlation between the True Ending and Loop giving up. I mean yea obviously the True Ending is literally the "TRUE ENDING" of SASASAP there was even a whole dialogue change to twohats in the latest update to super canonize it for the people who didn't get it. But the way this is phrased (as the direct progression of "something terrible" into "i'm here") makes me think that Loop waking up in that meadow again directly led into them making their second wish.
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syringaledraws · 1 year
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🎶 Finding a place to feel at home,
You are not alone
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knight-of-aether · 4 months
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After months of work, I'm finally ready to share my Breath of the Wild anniversary tribute. Happy 7 years to the video game of all time 🍃
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faytelumos · 2 years
I have absolutely no idea why I hadn't planned on posting this.
Hero closed the fridge door again, empty-handed. Their options were meager and time-consuming, and they didn't have the energy tonight.
They limped to the cupboard and opened it, their eyes falling to the crackers. They pulled out the box, and it felt like they were on their last sleeve. They… could probably hold off. It was late enough by now they could just go to bed. They could save the crackers for breakfast. If they combined it with a coffee, they could probably make it through to the afternoon.
They set the crackers back in the cabinet and closed the door. They flicked off the lights as they hobbled past, keeping a hand along the wall for stability and guidance. Their stomach growled despondently, and they limped into their room. Falling into bed was a relief, and they were exhausted enough to fall asleep within half an hour.
Their front door opened.
Hero flinched awake, heart pounding, ears straining. Was it a dream? Were they imagining—
Someone was moving in their living room. In their kitchen.
Hero slowly got out of bed, trembling, breathing hard. They strained, avoiding putting their weight on their bad leg, and did their best to sneak to the door. They turned the handle carefully as the intruder opened their fridge. Ha, were they only here to steal groceries? Then they came to the wrong apartment.
The light was on in the kitchen. Hero braced a hand on the door, moving slowly, deliberately. Closer, quietly, so they could see the open fridge door—
Villain turned away from the fridge, grabbed a jug of milk off of the floor, and turned to put it in the fridge.
Hero stared as Villain packed eggs and ground beef and a head of lettuce and a bunch of carrots into the fridge. They looked to the front door, which was again closed, to the doorframe that looked perfectly intact. They looked to the grocery bags, to the meat and vegetables on the counter, next to the stove.
"Are you going to keep hiding like a shadow?" Villain asked, closing the fridge and putting away pasta and rice and condiments. Hero hesitated before limping into the light.
"What are you doing here?" Hero said lowly. They tried their best to stand upright, to be threatening. If the organization knew they'd let Villain into their home, there'd be hell to pay.
Villain paused, then looked over their shoulder at Hero.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" They shook their head, turning back to the cupboards. "Get off that ankle." Hero bristled.
"Get out of my house," they threatened. Villain wiggled their fingers and ooed mockingly.
"Oh, my, I'd better not cross the starving, injured, sleep-deprived Hero." They packed away a loaf of bread. "I'd be in for a real thrashing."
"I mean it!"
Villain closed the cabinet door sharply, looking directly at Hero. Hero flinched at the sharp sound and movement.
"Sit. Down."
"Make me," Hero whispered. They knew they weren't good for a fight right now, but if they didn't try—
Villain marched straight for them. Hero took up a modified stance, keeping their weight off of their bad leg, and when Villain got to them they struck. Villain deflected the blow with ease and then grabbed Hero sharply by the ear.
"Ow! Ow!"
"Shut up."
Villain pushed them back into a chair, then went for the stove. They turned on the heat and drizzled some oil Hero didn't own into a pan. Hero watched, a little mesmerized, as Villain started cutting up an onion. They did something weird, not cutting it all the way through on one side, and they didn't so much as sniffle as they chopped it up into little pieces. Then they dumped it into the pan, and Hero listened to it sizzle as Villain got started on a tomato.
"What are you doing?" Hero asked again. Villain barely spared a look over their shoulder.
"I'm making you something to eat." Hero blinked, breathing deeper around the tension in their chest.
"W-why?" Villain dumped the diced tomato into the pan next, then grabbed some spices Hero had never seen before.
"Because you can't heal a sprained ankle on crackers and soda."
Hero looked down at the tabletop. Why was Villain doing this? Was this a ploy? It had to be a trick; they wanted something. If Hero ate this, they'd owe Villain.
"Whatever it is you want me to do, I won't," they rasped.
"You mean eat a proper fucking meal?" Villain said smartly without turning. They stirred the veggies Oh, jeez, it already smelled great.
"This is a trick," Hero whispered.
"The only trick is getting the horse to drink water," Villain replied. Hero's stomach growled loudly at that moment. There was barely anything in the pan and it already smelled amazing.
"I, you can't fool me," Hero tried weakly. "I'm, you can't just buy me with food." Villain laughed, throwing their head back slightly as they did.
"Oh, baby," Villain chuckled, looking to Hero in the weak light, "even if you were right, you'd be wrong." They just kept chuckling, and Hero watched as they opened up a package of ground beef.
Hero watched, once again hypnotized by the sight of Villain's cooking. They added in the meat and continued to stir intermittently, adding more spices and smelling the pan along the way. The kitchen was soon full of the warm, mouth-watering scent of it, and Hero's stomach growled desperately.
There was a catch. There had to be a catch. Six hours ago, Villain was dancing around Hero like they were a mere pest. The fight had been over almost before it started, and Villain had walked all over them. And now they were here, in the middle of the night, chopping cilantro on their counter.
But, God, it smelled so good. And Hero was so hungry. When was the last time they'd had a proper meal? With more than two food groups?
"What do you want?" Hero rasped. "For the food?"
"I want you to stop asking me stupid questions." Hero shut their mouth, watching the quick way Villain roughly cut the greens. They were more precise with the lettuce next, and then they stirred the pan again before producing taco shells and warming them in the steam from the meat. A moment later, they opened a bag of shredded cheese.
Hero sat silently as Villain flicked off the heat and scooped the meat into the shells. They sprinkled on some cheese and cilantro and a more generous amount of lettuce, producing four tacos in quick succession. They set them down, dug a plate out from a cupboard, and then Hero was looking at four hot, loaded tacos right in front of them.
They didn't spare another thought to the cost, lifting up the first carefully. They took a bite, mindful of the loose way it was all packed.
It was amazing. Warm and just barely spicy and crisp and soft and crunchy and —
Hero took another bite, and another. They were halfway into the second when Villain sat down before them.
"At least someone appreciates my cooking," Villain grumbled. Hero slowed down, the reality coming back to them now. They swallowed what they had and put the taco back down, and Villain's sharp eyes snapped to their face. "If you ask me one more time what I want from you, I'm going to strangle you," they growled.
Hero snapped their mouth shut again.
"I don't want anything from you," Villain growled. "You need someone to take care of you. Because the people who employ you clearly don't." Hero frowned.
"They're good to me."
"Then why did they let you fight me on a sprained ankle?" Hero opened their mouth to mention the shortage of heroes lately. "Why do they continue to postpone your weigh-ins?" Hero faltered. How did Villain even know about that? "Why do they pay you in peanuts?" Hero gritted their teeth. "Why don't they send someone to check on you? To make sure you're okay? Why don't they have you in therapy?"
Hero looked down, their vision. They didn't know how to ask for a raise. And they'd called to see a therapist so many times. But nobody cared. Nobody ever took the time to care.
Hero sniffled, reaching up and covering their face. Villain shifted, and then Hero was being pulled into a tight hug.
"You're worth more than this," Villain hissed, their arms wrapped around Hero's head. "You don't deserve this. I can see it wearing you down."
Hero gritted their teeth, fighting the tears, but their throat was beyond sore now, and they sniffed and shook in Villain's tight hold.
"All I want," Villain rumbled, "is for you to get what you deserve. Because it's not those shit stains at the organization."
Hero whimpered softly, losing the fight with their tears. Villain let go and knelt down, and they wiped away Hero's tears with both hands as Hero sat and shook and sniffled pathetically. Villain looked over their face, hands on their cheeks, and Hero closed their eyes as Villain leaned in, kissing their forehead firmly.
"I meant it when I said I'm not fighting you anymore," Villain said against their skin. "I can't keep facing someone who doesn't deserve my wrath." They kissed Hero again, firmer this time, and Hero put their hands over Villain's. Villain pulled back, wiping at another tear. "Now eat your damned food," they whispered.
Hero nodded, sniffing, and slowly turned to their plate again. They continued to eat through the threat of tears, sniffing and struggling to swallow past the lump in their throat.
It was the best food they'd ever had.
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