#it would be nice if this showed up on my dash or in the tags or like anywhere at all
toastsnaffler · 2 months
I mostly just scroll thru blog subs when im on mobile bc I follow too many ppl on here so I add mutuals etc there n then turn off notifs so it's like the creme de la creme of the dash anyway if u see me in ur notes more its bc I forgor to add some of u on there until recently sorry 😭😭
#i kept seeing some of u in my notes and i was like damn u guys have been rl quiet on the dash even tho ur active thats weird..#nope just wasnt seeing any of ur beautiful posting. my bad#ONL <- me on my hands and knees begging ur forgiveness#rly need to clean up my following list so my main dash is useable again..... 💀#maybe i should add it to my list of official chores for this weekend so i actually do it lol#.diaries#not done much this morning cuz i slept in n took my meds late.. but thats ok properly hitting my task list now#done 1 round of laundry got my med delivery n organised a bunch of stuff just tidying n cleaning now n then i have some laptop admin#n then i need to go out to town just debating maybe doing a closet sort first so i can take a bag of stuff to donate to charity w me hmm#and after im back ill food shop i have my meal plan for the next week done already. mm ill fit another round of laundry in too for sheets#and then tmr ill do a third for bathmats n teatowels etc. and polish boots/do my ironing while i watch a new movie or show..#awesome. i love being medicated i love being able to concentrate and get stuff done it feels so so good#i rly spent two wholeass decades unable to and thought that was that. god bless my adhd diagnosis for letting me access stimulants#even if i have to deal w this bullshit private shit atm its fine. ill be back on the nhs soon hopefully#and ill only need half of my script next month bc theyve sent me too much of one of them the last 2 months. so itll be way cheaper#i have like at least 3 months supply of my amfexa lmao and i dont even need it every day sometimes i skip it or take half instead#so it could probs stretch 5-6 months. but theyll only issue me 1 month of my elvanse at a time so i need to renew it more often 😔#considering taking a med break next weekend bc i just want to see how bad it would be. i can take my instant stuff if it rly sucks#and if its okay maybe ill take one day off meds every weekend when i dont Need to focus to get chores done etc#so that way i can gradually build up a buffer of med supply n also might be nice to have a day i can fully relax innit#not that i Can't relax on meds but it feels rly good to focus n get shit done n I don't get as much out of just lazin#anyway.... me and my 5 million tags as always
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2goo-p · 2 years
Mobile needs a post block option unu
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planetaryupscaled · 2 months
May the Best Sister Win
Male Reader x Heejin x Nana
Tags: 9k, first time, creampie, oral, threesome, tw
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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“Fuck me, please, fuck me...”
I buried my head into Nana’s shoulder, focusing all my energy on thrusting into her tight, wet pussy. She groaned, pulling me into her.
“Cum, please,” she moaned. “I want to cum together...”
Nana and I had met doing theatre in college. She was a beautiful, slim blonde with big brown eyes that complement her features, and her nipples stood pink and pointy on her breasts, which, though small, fit her slender frame. I looked down her body, flushed with coital bliss, to the triangle of trimmed hair between her spread legs, and her open pussy that made a slick sound as I drove into her.
“I’m getting close,” I huffed.
“Cum in me,” Nana said. “Fill me up.”
All of a sudden, we heard a voice from Nana’s living room: “Nan? Nana! HELLO?”
“Shit, that’s Heejin,” Nana whispered to me, rolling off me and throwing on one of my sweaters, which was large on her. “Quick, get dressed.”
My cock was shiny and throbbing, unhappy to be interrupted so close to completion, but there was nothing to be done. I pulled on some gym shorts.
“Hello!” Heejin said in a singsong voice as she burst happily into the room.
I think I managed to get my shorts up in time, but if Heejin saw, she didn’t react.
“Hey, Jin,” Nana said. “Nice of you to do away with that annoying custom of knocking before you enter.”
In my sexually frustrated state, I couldn’t help but notice how pretty Nana’s younger sister was.
Heejin was a freshman beauty with blonde hair that framed her angelic face like a young starlet. She had a petite figure just like her older sister, but with more generous curves, filling out a regular t-shirt with firm, prominent breasts.
“I got a call back!” Heejin happily bounced around, not seeming to notice that Nana and I were flushed and out of sorts from almost having been walked in on.
“That’s... great,” Nana said, hesitating. “That’s impressive, especially for a freshman.”
Nana had told me all about her competitive relationship with Heejin. The same sports teams, the same roles in high school, Heejin even went after some of Nana’s boyfriends back in the day. Nana hadn’t been happy that Heejin had chosen our university, and wouldn’t be happy that Heejin was challenging her for the lead roles in the shows that were once Nana’s uncontested. Still, their mother said they had to live together, so Nana could help Heejin stay sheltered from the worst of college.
“I’m sure I won’t get it, but it’s so cool to even be at callbacks,” Heejin said. “Wow.”
“Suho auditioned too,” Nana said. “He’s a lock for the male lead, I bet.”
Heejin looked me up and down. “He certainly looks like a dashing leading man to me.”
“That, and the fact that everything is easier for men in theater,” I said. “The bar’s not so high.”
“Well, I just wanted to share the good news,” Heejin said, heading for the door. “I’ll see you guys at callbacks! Maybe spend more time practicing, and less time having sex!” She giggled as Nana threw a pillow at her.
“That won’t be a problem for you,” Nana called after her, teasing. “Virgin!”
All we could hear was the sound of Heejin’s cute laughter as she slammed the door of her room.
“Oh, huh,” Nana said, studying the callback pairings on the sign-up sheet. “I have to do my scenes with Minsoo.”
Minsoo was a good friend of ours, a theater die-hard who would get the lead role every time if he were able to act convincingly straight. Unfortunately for him and luckily for me, our theater director Hanjae refused to believe him as a romantic interest for the women.
“Better than a random stranger,” I said. Minsoo was a good guy. “Who am I doing mine with?” I studied the list. Then my stomach dropped. “Oh, shit.” I was supposed to do the kissing scene with Heejin.
Nana saw it, too. “You and Heejin? Of course you two would be paired up.”
“I’m sure I can ask Hanjae to switch us.”
“No, it’s okay,” Nana said. “What he says goes, and you don’t want to make him mad.” She kissed me on the cheek. “Have fun. It’ll be the thrill of Heejin’s life. She’s always gone after my boyfriends anyway.”
Just as Nana disappeared to run lines with Minsoo, Heejin spotted me from down the hallway and came up to me. She was dressed in a t-shirt, as usual, but this one had a lower neckline, offering me a tantalizing view of her cleavage. From what I could see, her tits were perfect, soft and smooth. I tried not to look at them as she approached.
“So, we’re together, huh?”
“Guess so.”
Heejin darted in and kissed me quickly, just a quick peck on the lips. I pulled back, too late, surprised.
“What was that for?”
“Just to get the awkwardness out of the way,” Heejin said. “Now we’ve had our first kiss.”
We found an empty classroom ran through lines quickly. I kept stumbling over mine, distracted by the beautiful girl in front of me. When we got to the kissing scene, Heejin lowered her script, looked me in the eyes and came in close to kiss me. I caught a light scent of a sexy perfume on her neck as she tilted her head up.
I hesitated. This was my girlfriend’s little sister; wouldn’t it be weird to kiss? I mean, to really kiss? Heejin, luckily, made the decision for me. She pressed her soft, full lips to mine, kissing me gently. I reacted, putting a hand on her cheek and pulling her closer to me, our lips working against each other. She tasted like mint. It went on longer than it had to — her character was supposed to pull away, but Heejin didn’t. Finally, I stopped it.
“Whew,” Heejin said breathlessly, cheeks turned pink and her chest heaving. “That felt good, right?”
I was half hard and I tried to secretly adjust my cock.
“Yeah,” I said. “You’re —” I almost said “You’re a good kisser,” but I stopped myself. “I think we’ll do great in the audition.”
We were finally called into the audition room. Behind a folding table sat Hanjae, the theater director, and a few of his assistants. We said hi, chatted quickly, and then got into the scene. Heejin and I were playing secret lovers. I was the stable boy and she was the Lady of the manor, whose husband was unfaithful. In the scene, I approached her for the first time, professing my love and begging her to kiss me.
When it came time, Heejin pressed herself to me with a little less passion than when it had just been us alone, but the kiss was still electric. She pulled back at just the right time, her character berating mine for showing such rough manners. But I could tell by her rosy cheeks that the second kiss affected her just as much as the first.
After we finished the scene and went back into the hallway, Nana came up to us.
“How’d it go?”
“Perfect,” Heejin said, punching me lightly in the arm. “Once Suho got around his hesitation to fully kiss me.”
Nana made a face. “The less I have to think about it, the better.”
“Your scene went well, too?” Heejin asked sweetly, changing the subject.
“Sure did.”
“Then may the best sister win.”
“That little bitch,” Nana fumed, staring angrily at the cast list. She had run ahead and gotten to it before I got a chance to look. “She took my fucking lead role.”
My stomach clenched. If Heejin was the female lead, then...
“God damn it.”
“What?” Nana looked down the list. Her eyes widened even further. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!”
I had landed the male lead. Heejin and I would be making out and simulating sex onstage for the next several months. I can’t say I didn’t feel any excitement at the prospect, but as Nana’s loving boyfriend, I had to share her frustration.
“We can ask Hanjae to switch us up,” I said.
“He’ll never do that! His casting decisions are always final, you know that! The only way he’ll switch it up is if Heejin agrees to it.”
Right on cue, I saw Heejin’s golden curls coming down the hallway towards us. Nana hurried up to her.
“You can’t take the lead role,” Nana said. “It’s you and Suho.”
Heejin took in this news and smiled at me. “I’m happy that Hanjae made the right choice.”
“Heejin, I’m a senior and you’re a freshman. This is my last chance at the lead before graduating.”
“I’m sorry,” Heejin shrugged, innocently. “I don’t know what you expect me to do. If this is about Suho, then I promise he loves you enough that kissing me a few times a night won’t change that.”
“It’s not just about that,” Nana said. “This was my theater program, not yours.”
“WAS your theater program,” Heejin said.
With a roar, Nana jumped at Heejin, and the two girls fell to the floor, clawing and pushing at each other. I watched them get tangled up with each other, then realized I should probably step in. I pulled Nana off of Heejin.
“Hey, whoa, calm down.”
“You’re such a bitch,” Nana snarled at Heejin.
Heejin dusted herself off and got up. “Fine, big sis. You want me to give you the lead role? Come walk with me. I have an idea for a wager.”
Nana frowned, trying to tell if Heejin was serious.
“Fine,” she said, hesitant. “But this better be good.”
“Oh, it’ll be VERY good,” Heejin said with a look at me. “Now come. Time for some sister talk.”
I watched the two sisters walk away, deep in conversation. Heejin glanced back in my direction, and I couldn’t help but wonder whether this wager involved me.
A few days passed. Rehearsals began in earnest, but Hanjae kept stopping Heejin and me midway through our scenes together.
“I don’t believe the passion,” he snapped. “You two touch each other like robotic, not sexy.”
Heejin flushed with embarrassment. The rest of the rehearsal she was withdrawn, not willing to look me in the eye. We went through our scenes, but if anything, she was colder and more mechanical than before.
After rehearsal, I pulled her aside in the hallway. “Are you doing okay?”
“I’m fine,” Heejin said.
“Don’t worry about what Hanjae said. He thinks you have to be mean to get the best performances out of people.”
“Maybe he’s right, though.” She looked around, making sure no one could hear. “Because I don’t know anything about sex.”
I spotted an empty classroom down the hall and pulled Heejin into it. She looked like she was about to cry. I put my hands on her shoulders.
“You’re doing a great job, you’re a great, and you don’t need real-life experience to get into the role. We’ll both figure it out, it’s only the first week of rehearsals.”
“What if I can’t figure it out?”
“You will.”
Heejin nodded, sniffling. She smiled shyly. “Plus, I’ve got you to teach me.”
“What do you mean?”
“You obviously know a lot about sex and everything,” Heejin said, embarrassed. “I can hear you and my sister sometimes.”
I didn’t know how to feel about that. Heejin flushed.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t listen, I know, but... it’s sexy to hear how much you love each other’s… bodies. I’ve never... done it, so I don’t know.”
“Yeah, Nana said as much.”
There was a charged pause. Glancing down, I could see Heejin’s nipples through her shirt. Did she never wear a bra around me? Was that on purpose? My cock was quickly getting hard.
“Hanjae said we really needed to commit to the role,” Heejin said. “That includes the romance of it, right? The characters are supposed to feel each other up.”
“Yeah, but...”
“But what? So you’re dating my sister, who cares? We have a play to do. She understands that the show must go on.”
Heejin took my hand, then guided me to her breast. As I felt the soft, firm flesh of her tits beneath her sweater, I realized that she wasn’t wearing a bra. I could feel her nipple hardening under my touch. Her breasts were unbelievably shapely even without a bra, standing perfectly from Heejin’s chest. I let out a breath, impressed. Heejin smiled.
“What do you think?”
“They’re... amazing.”
“Not too big? I know Nana’s are more petite.”
“You two have some of the most perfect tits I’ve ever seen,” I said truthfully.
Heejin smiled. “It must run in the family.”
“You’ve never been told what incredible breasts you have?”
“You’re the first one to get an up-close view. I’ve never even had a boyfriend,” she admitted. “I’ve been too busy with theater.”
“Wow.” I realized I was still cupping her breast and quickly took my hand away, embarrassed. She laughed that same cute laugh.
“You can touch them all you want,” she said. “It feels nice.”
I wanted to keep feeling her up. What guy would say no, in my position? But I cleared my throat and took a step back.
“We should get to practicing,” I said. “We’ll have to have something to show for today.”
Then Heejin said something I’ll never forget.
“Sometimes I touch myself to the sound of you two,” Heejin said, quiet. “Right at the end, when she’s begging you to cum inside her, that’s my favorite.”
My mouth was dry. “You touch yourself to the sound of us?”
“My sister must have a really amazing pussy, if she can get you to cum inside her so much.”
A picture of it sprang to my mind: two plump outer lips that sealed tightly, with the inner lips only visible when she spread her legs. A fuzzy dusting of light hair. Maybe a drop of my cum oozing from her. Nana’s small nipples, twin peaks further up her lithe body.
“Wow, you’re hard.” Heejin was staring directly at my cock.
She reached out her small hand to feel me. I inhaled sharply, taking her hand.
“Don’t, Heejin.”
“Nana won’t know.”
“I’ll know.”
“You’re just helping me. I need to practice being sexual for the role.”
I stared at her. Was she serious? What was she even proposing?
She took my hand and guided it under her dress. As she used her other hand to pull aside her panties, my hand came in contact with a wet, shaven pussy. I ran my middle finger up her hot slit, making her moan. Then I pulled my hand away, realizing what I was doing.
“Wait, Heejin...”
“Yeah. Let me do you.”
She unbuckled my belt and undid the button of my trousers, maintaining eye contact with me. Before I knew it she was on her knees, pulling down my pants. I wish I could say that I pushed her away, but I was horny enough to let it continue without protest. I wanted her badly enough to invite whatever catastrophe lay down the road.
Heejin took out my cock, which was harder than I remember it ever being.
“Wow,” she said with awe. “I guess I didn’t expect it to be so… big.”
She gave it a squeeze, then stroked it. I throbbed in her hand.
“I’ve never touched one before.”
“You don’t have to —”
Heejin sank her mouth onto my cock. The sudden warmth and wetness was heavenly. Her tongue swirled around my shaft and she slid her lips back up until just the tip was in her mouth. I noticed that she was still wearing lipstick from rehearsal.
“Give me pointers,” she said, her words muffled around my dick.
“Don’t worry about that,” I replied. “Just explore. I’m probably not going to be able to last for long anyway.”
At this Heejin smiled and eagerly set to sucking my cock. It seemed she took that as a challenge. She started slow, letting me feel the warmth and softness of her inexperienced mouth, then began to speed up. Sure enough, I felt the tingly beginnings of a climax. It was unsurprising; my girlfriend’s younger sister, a beautiful woman with a perfect mix of innocence and sexiness, was blowing me.
I swelled in her mouth, unable to hold back my orgasm for much longer. Her ruby red lips were stretched around my cock, working up and down ceaselessly. I watched my cock disappear into her mouth over and over.
“Heejin, I’m getting close...”
In response, she just kept bobbing her warm, wet mouth on my dick, taking as much of me in her mouth as she could. She looked up at me, big brown eyes that looked so innocent, right over a mouth full of cock, and I could hold back no longer.
“Heejin, I’m going to cum...”
I had barely finished the sentence before my cock began to spurt cum into Heejin’s waiting mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise but she kept on sucking me as I came. I shook, my hands going involuntarily to her head, trying to push deeper into her throat, filling her mouth with my semen. I rode out my climax between her full lips, cumming intensely until a small bit of my cum dripped out around my cock.
She looked up at me, slowing the up-and-down motion on my shaft, then swallowed her mouthful my cum. With her pinkie finger, she brought the one escaped drop of cum back to her mouth and swallowed that, too.
“Good?” Heejin asked, breathing hard.
“Best blowjob I’ve ever had.”
Heejin smiled and kept licking me. When I was sucked dry and she had completely cleaned off my cock, she took me out of her mouth and looked up at me.
“There you go. Nice and spotless for when you fuck my sister later.”
I didn’t know what to say or do. “Oh my god, Heejin.”
Heejin planted an adorable and sexy kiss on the tip of my cock, which shone with her spit.
“Now when I hear you tonight, I’ll know you’re thinking about cumming in my mouth when you finish in my sister.”
“It was a little awkward having to kiss,” I said to Nana at home. “But we got through it.”
Nana kissed me, long and deep. “Who’s the better kisser?”
In truth, my initial thought was Heejin. She had certainly kissed my cock better than Nana did. Or maybe it was just the forbidden risk of it all. Either way, I wasn’t going to tell her anything about her younger sister’s skill in the romance department.
“You,” I said, sweeping her into my arms. She grinded into me, making me hard, and I walked her to the bed.
Later, as I fucked Nana’s tight, wet pussy, my thoughts kept being dragged back to Heejin’s lips on me, her rosy cheeks stretching as I filled her mouth with my cum. When I groaned and emptied myself into Nana, I imagined it was Heejin below me, her legs spread, soaking pussy stretched around my cock. I imagined driving hard into her tight young slit and filling her up.
When Nana moaned out for me to cum inside her, I knew Heejin was somewhere close by, listening. And despite the fact that it was the second time that day, I came harder than usual.
The next weeks of rehearsal raced by. Heejin and I were so busy with school and rehearsal that we didn’t get the opportunity to be alone together, but she’d hold my gaze just long enough to let me know she was still thinking about me and what we’d done. Our love scenes onstage became more realistic, to the delight of Hanjae. We were now kissing, pawing at each other, and fake dry humping with ease. I suppose it was hard to hold back romantically once she’d swallowed my cum.
My sex life with Nana improved drastically, wound up as I always was from pretending to fuck her little sister in rehearsal. I fucked Nana like an animal, filling her up several times a night, cumming inside her with reckless abandon.
“You should be quieter,” Nana panted to me one night as I withdrew my cock from her cum-filled pussy. “Heejin’s in the other room, she must hear us sometimes.”
“You’re right,” I said. “Sorry.”
Nana reached down and caught some of my cum as it dripped out of her. She brought her fingers to her mouth, licking them off.
“You’ve been cumming more than usual,” she said.
I cuddled up to her from behind. “You’ve been sexier than usual.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she said, with a hint of scepticism in her voice. “Maybe.”
Before we knew it, the dress rehearsal had arrived. It was the day before the show, and everything had to go perfectly here, or it’d be a bad opening night. I murmured “Break a leg” to everyone I passed in the winding hallways backstage.
As the lead, I had my own dressing room. It was a rare luxury, but better than getting naked in front of everyone in the communal dressing rooms. I began to take off my street clothes when I heard a knock at the door.
“One minute, I’m changing,” I called out. I was only in my underwear.
The door opened anyway. In the mirror, I saw Heejin enter, wearing a robe and carrying her costume. She shut the door behind her before anyone could see her.
“Sorry to drop in on you like this,” Heejin said apologetically, “but I can’t get this bodice thingy on. Every time I try, I feel like it’s suffocating me.” She shook the costume in frustration and put it on the rack in my small dressing room.
“Do you want help?”
“Yeah, thanks. Maybe I’m just nervous, or maybe I shouldn’t have eaten that cheeseburger yesterday.”
I laughed. “It’ll be fine. Let me try.”
She hugged me tightly. “Thank you, Suho. You’re the best.”
Then she slipped the robe off her shoulders. Underneath, Heejin was completely naked. She wasn’t even wearing panties under the robe. Her breasts were like a painting. Smooth, firm, round, perfectly proportioned to her toned body. My eyes traveled down from her perfect breasts, firm and large on her petite frame with beautifully hard nipples, to —
“God, Heejin.”
Her pussy, which had been completely hairless when I first touched it all those weeks ago, now had a fuzzy dusting of close-trimmed pubic hair.
“Trying to copy Nana, I guess. Since you like hairy pussies.”
I didn’t think to ask why she knew her older sister had a hairy pussy.
I reached out my hand to Heejin. I cupped her cheek, then traced my fingers down her neck to her collarbone, then down the beautiful slope of her breasts, stopping to lightly pinch her nipple. She closed her eyes, savoring the feeling.
I brought my hand further down, down her stomach and over the triangle of hair between her legs, then felt the wetness between her lips. I slowly inched one finger up into Heejin’s little pussy, feeling how tight she was inside. I’d been in her mouth, and I’d touched the outside of her pussy, but this was as far inside her as I’d gone.
Just as Heejin leaned in to kiss me, hand going to my throbbing erection, there was a knock on the door.
“Suho? Can I come in?” It was Nana.
Heejin dashed backwards, looking for a place to hide. The room was small and didn’t have many options, but Heejin pressed her naked form behind the rack of costumes.
I cursed myself, trying to pull on my pants. My finger was still wet with Heejin’s juices, which wouldn’t do. Without thinking, I stuck my finger in my mouth, tasting her.
“Coming!” I answered the door, just wearing my costume pants. I kept the door mostly closed, to stop Nana from coming in.
Nana was in the doorway holding a clipboard and wearing a headset. As the understudy for the main role, she had to have some role in the show, so she was a stage hand.
“It’s five minutes until showtime,” she said.
She leaned in to kiss me. Without thinking, I kissed her back, then cursed inwardly. I hoped my mouth didn’t taste like pussy. When she pulled away, I thought I detected a slight frown on her face, but she turned and left without another word.
I closed the door. Heejin, still naked, stepped out from behind the costume rack. She had the most beautiful body I’d ever seen.
“Five minutes,” I repeated to her.
“Thank you, five,” she said with a grin. “Now, want to fit me into this dress?”
It took some manoeuvring to tie the bodice up, and Heejin gasped at the tight fit that pressed her breasts up high, but there was no time to enjoy it. We had to get into our positions.
As Heejin quickly pulled her stockings up, I got a glimpse up her dress to her pussy.
“You’re not wearing underwear,” I said.
“I know.” Heejin quickly hurried to the door, her breasts bouncing in the corset. “See you onstage!”
The knowledge that Heejin wore nothing under her heavy costume dress made the onstage love scenes even more enjoyable. At the point in the show where we were supposed to simulate sex on a bed behind the main action onstage, Heejin whispered to me between kisses.
“This is the first time Nana’s seen us do this, you know.”
Sure enough, I could see Nana sitting with other crew members in the audience. Thanks to the lights, I couldn’t make out her expression, but I knew she was watching.
“Let’s give them a show,” Heejin said, and grinded herself against me even more sexually.
By the end of the show, I was so sexually frustrated that everything could have set me off. Heejin’s enticing young body was so tantalizingly close, yet so far. As we took our mock bows and headed offstage, Heejin whispered in my ear: “Wait for me in the dressing room.”
I waited for Heejin in the dressing room for almost a half hour. She never showed. When I finally got fed up waiting and came out, I found Nana and Heejin seated together. Heejin had changed back into her clothes, but I couldn’t help wondering whether she’d put underwear on.
“Hey, you two.”
“You took forever in there,” Nana said.
Heejin gave me a “Sorry” look.
“Great job, you guys!” Nana said. She seemed genuinely excited for us. “I think that went great!”
Heejin and I smiled and agreed.
“A couple screw-ups,” Heejin said, “but nothing that can’t be fixed before tomorrow.”
When we got home later that night, Nana pulled me away into her room. She was on me immediately, hungrily pulling off my clothes.
“God, you looked so sexy onstage,” she said. “I wanted to jump you right in front of everybody.”
She pulled down her pants, then mounted me, bottomless. She moved her soaking slit against my painfully hard cock, but stopped short of slipping me inside her yet.
“It was weird seeing you kiss Heejin at first,” she said, “but by the end I kind of liked it.”
She angled my cock into her pussy and began to sink her tight, wet heat down onto me. My face contorted with pleasure.
“Do you get hard when you’re with Heejin onstage?” Nana asked as she slowly fucked me.
I was shocked by the question. My shock must have shown on my face, because Nana laughed and kissed me. We were fully connected, my cock deep inside her and her petite body pressed into mine.
“It’s okay,” she said. “It’s a physical response, not something you can control.”
My cock throbbed inside her. I was nearing orgasm.
“Tell me,” she said, speeding up on my cock.
“Sometimes, I guess,” I said, breathing heavily. I was going to cum.
“That’s okay, baby,” Nana moaned in my ear. “She can feel you hard all she wants, as long as you bring that cum home to where it belongs… right up inside me.”
With that, I shot off in her, pumping her full of cum with deep, powerful strokes. The feeling of me cumming in her set Nana off too, and together we came while I was still inside her. Finally, I pulled out of her, looking down at her tight pussy with open lips, between which my cum dribbled out. Nana lay back on the bed, her legs spread, still wearing her shirt. She yawned, stretching, and as she did so she lifted her pussy off the bed, causing another dribble of cum to come out.
“I didn’t realize how tired I was,” Nana said. “Come cuddle me.”
I held her until I felt her breathing become slow and regular, indicating that she’d fallen asleep. Then I got up and padded out into the hallway, heading in the direction of the bathroom, though I knew what awaited me before I got there.
Halfway down the hallway, Heejin’s door opened and she came out wearing a sheer nightie. Even in the low light, I could see her nipples poking through the fabric. Her eyes went to my half-erection clearly visible through my tight boxers. She beckoned me inside, and I followed silently. She pulled off her nightie, then turned to face me, fully naked. Heejin led me to the bed and pulled down my boxers.
“This is too risky,” I whispered. “What if your sister comes to check where I am?”
Heejin touched my cock, still wet and sticky with residual slickness from Nana’s pussy.
“Then she’ll see me tasting her on your cock.��� Heejin licked slowly up the side of my shaft, savoring the taste of her older sister’s pussy on me. “Mm. Nana has a delicious pussy, doesn’t she?”
“Sisters don’t usually taste each other’s pussies.”
“I’m not getting it from the source,” Heejin said quietly as she bobbed her mouth up and down on my cock. “I’m still just sucking a dick. Nothing wrong with that. Besides...” I saw Heejin dip her finger into her own pussy, then bring it to her mouth and suck it clean. “I have to make sure I taste better than her.”
She resumed blowing me. Despite just having finished fucking Nana, I found myself getting close to cumming in Heejin’s mouth. She felt me swell and pulled me out. I was about to ask what she was doing, when she climbed up on the bed and spread her legs. Light came through her window, falling across her perfect body and her glistening, hairy vulva.
“I want you to fuck me. Be my first.” She said seductively.
As she spoke, she delicately dipped her middle finger into herself. I watched as her tight lips parted to accept her finger.
The prospect of fucking the freshman beauty was enticing. But I’d been spurting cum in her sister’s pussy barely 15 minutes ago. That was no way to lose your virginity.
“I just finished with Nana, I’m not gonna be able to go again.”
“I’ll blow you until you’re ready to put it in me —”
“Heejin,” I said firmly. “We can’t have sex.”
“But the whole show today, I could feel you hard against me,” Heejin said. Her voice quavered. “What is it? You don’t like me? You’d rather fuck Nana than me?”
“No, no, it’s not that at all —”
“Then what? Does she have a better pussy than me?”
“Heejin — it’s not like that”
I climbed onto the bed, moving up to kiss Heejin. As I did, I pressed my body to hers, feeling her hard nipples against my chest and her wet pussy against the outside of my boxers. I grinded into her for a moment, but stopped it before it went any further by beginning to kiss my way down her body. First her breasts, then her toned stomach...
“Fuck...” Heejin breathed. I grinned inwardly; two months ago, the sheltered freshman wouldn’t have been cursing. Now I was about to eat her pussy.
I kissed Heejin’s inner thighs, teasing her and making her thrust up towards me, trying to get me to put my mouth on her. But I kept kissing anywhere but her pussy, feeling the heat and wetness increasing with her arousal.
Finally, I licked Heejin’s pussy. She tasted incredible, clean and womanly, and she was so sensitive and worked up that it only took ten or fifteen seconds before I could feel her body stiffening in anticipation of an orgasm. I kept up pressure on her clit, steadily working my tongue in circles.
Heejin grabbed me by the head, involuntarily mashing my face into her pussy, then came with a great shuddering moan. I reached up one hand, slick from finger-fucking her, to silence her, but all she did was suck on my fingers while I kept licking her from below.
When she was finally done with her long orgasm, she brought my head up to her to sloppily make out. My lips were covered with the taste of her, but she clearly wasn’t shy about tasting herself.
“Oh my god, you’re amazing,” Heejin said, panting. “But we have to return you to Nana soon.”
Heejin put her mouth back on me, blowing me with eagerness. After making her cum with my mouth, I was pretty worked up. It didn’t take me long to unload in her mouth for the second time. Now I wasn’t so timid, fucking her mouth as I spurted cum down her throat. She moaned sexily and happily drank me up.
She opened her mouth so I could see the mouthful of my semen she’d collected. Then she put two fingers in her mouth, took some of my cum, and…
“Heejin, no —”
Heejin stuck her cum-covered fingers inside her pussy. I could only watch as she fucked herself to another small orgasm, her fingers taking the place my cock would have been. She’d still found a way to get my cum in her pussy, and gasped in pleasure as she worked my semen in and out of her already sopping slit.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Sorry, Suho,” she breathed. “I had to.”
“That’s dangerous, Heejin. You could get pregnant.”
“I don’t like when Nana gets things I don’t. And that includes your cum in her.”
Opening night came at last. I was overwhelmed with nerves, both excited at the prospect of putting on a great show and nervous to think what would happen with Heejin. The girl had been acting bolder and bolder, and I worried she’d try to do something extreme.
But as the evening before the show wore on, my fear faded. Heejin ignored me completely, focused on getting into character. Everyone buzzed with excitement and nervousness, and I soon was so caught up in it that I forgot almost entirely about the strange sexual relationship I had been building up with Heejin.
It was a function of the show, I told myself. Just us getting into character and letting that character bleed over into our real lives. But once the show was done, I would return to Nana’s side, Heejin would go off and find herself a boyfriend, and everything would be right in the world again.
At least, that’s what I told myself.
I don’t know if I even believed it at the time.
I checked my costume in the mirror of my dressing room one last time before nodding, satisfied, and joining the fray.
“Break a leg,” Nana said, kissing me briefly before heading out to the theater to find her seat. I watched her go. For all she knew, I felt as awkward as her about this whole situation. But in truth my feelings were more complicated than that.
Heejin and I waited with the other actors in the wings as Hanjae introduced the show. I looked up to find Heejin staring at me intensely.
I gave her “What’s going on?” look.
Heejin, in response, lifted up her skirt ever so slowly. She was standing behind the other actors, so I was the only one who could see. As she flashed me, I saw with a twinge that, like yesterday, she was wearing no panties. I caught a short peek of her pussy.
That’s when I knew things weren’t going back to normal.
The show began normally, everyone hitting their marks and remembering their lines perfectly.
The trouble came when Heejin and I fell into bed together at the rear of the stage. Our characters were supposed to be having sex under the nose of Heejin’s character’s husband, but while the scene went on in front of us Heejin kissed me and pressed her body into mine harder than usual.
Carefully, timing her motions with our stage humping, Heejin reached down between us and unbuckled my pants.
“What are you doing?” I said quietly, between kisses.
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“Shhhh,” was all she said.
I looked out into the audience. Despite the stage lights, I could see Nana’s blonde hair in the crowd. She was watching us.
Under the covers, Heejin pulled down my boxers and fished my cock out. I was hard and huge in her small hand.
“Heejin, no —”
Heejin angled herself on top of me, pressing her stomach into my cock, trapping it between us. I prayed that was it, that all she wanted was a little humping, but then she slid up me. My cock, still hard and flat against my stomach, came into contact with her hairy mound. I tried to move away, but she was on top and we had to keep doing the scene, or we’d draw attention and get caught.
I felt a wet heat come into contact with my cock. She grinded her pussy up and down the underside of my cock, getting it wet with her slickness.
My tip was slotted between her wet lips. She thrust her hips up and down, letting the tip of my cock run along the cleft of her pussy and come to rest right at her soaked opening, teasing me each time with a tantalizing dip of my cockhead into her pussy. I could do nothing to stop it.
“Heejin,” I whispered. “please don’t do this, look at how many people are watching... and we’re unprotected.”
“That’s the whole fun of it all,” she said. “I want you bare inside me.”
She began to slide me inside her. My cock parted her trimmed lips and pushed into her inch by inch, her wet cunt stretching slowly to accommodate me. She was soaking wet, hot and beautifully tight, the kind of pussy that made me forget every other woman I’d ever been inside of, because this one seemed designed for my cock. I went slowly, the pleasure coursing through us.
When I had sunk into her to the hilt, we stopped.
“There we go,” Heejin breathed. “Now Nana can’t call me a virgin anymore.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but at that moment Heejin and I remembered we were onstage. We had been so distracted by our actual sex that we’d forgotten to simulate it for the audience.
“We need to keep going,” I whispered, pulling her tighter to me.
“I agree,” she said, bringing her pussy up and down, fucking me with an aching slowness. I wondered if Nana had ever told Heejin what I liked, or if she knew instinctively. God, she was tight. As I rolled my head over, I spotted Nana’s blonde mane in the audience.
“Nana’s watching,” I breathed into Heejin’s ear. My cock throbbed inside her, egged on by the risk and mind-bending pleasure Heejin’s young, perfect body was giving me.
“Good,” Heejin panted quietly. “I want her to watch as her boyfriend cums inside me.”
It hadn’t occurred to me that she wouldn’t pull me out. I didn’t want to cum in her, risking a pregnancy that would make the entire situation far worse. Knocking up your girlfriend’s little sister is never a good place to be, so I tried to move backward, but she was on top and I was too deep in her.
“You’re not on birth control,” I gasped, aware of how quickly the tight wetness of her around my cock was bringing me towards orgasm.
“I know. We’re being really bad.”
“Heejin, Heejin, fuck —”
My climax was approaching like a freight train. I couldn’t help it — I thrust into Heejin’s clenching tunnel with ferocity, her breasts bouncing slightly in the corset, right at my face. I wanted to reach out and tear off her dress, kiss her everywhere, but could do nothing but chastely kiss Heejin’s lips, otherwise the audience might know something was too real about the way I was thrusting into her under her dress and the covers.
“Cum in me,” she whispered in my ear. “Cum in your girlfriend’s little sister. Fill up my tight little pussy in front of everyone.”
I could feel her inner walls flexing, milking me. My cock swelled within her. With one last glance at Nana, I thrust up into Heejin’s pussy and let go.
I nearly blacked out in pleasure as I shot spurt after spurt of cum up into Heejin. She gasped, too loud, as my warmth splashed into her, then began to shudder and moan into my shoulder, grinding her clit hard into me. We were cumming simultaneously, me emptying all I had into her, and her body shaking, racked with pleasure. At that moment I didn’t care that people were watching. I just wanted her.
I quickly filled up her unprotected pussy with my cum, until I could feel it dripping out of her as I kept thrusting. She rode out the rest of her climax on my cock.
We’d both finished quicker than the allotted time for our lovemaking onstage, so we were forced to keep fucking even as my cock softened and came out of her cum-soaked pussy. I could feel cum dripping out of her slit onto my cock, and hoped none of it got on the costume.
Finally, the lights went down and the scene change began. Heejin and I rolled off each other with one final kiss. I tucked my cock back into my pants and she pulled her dress down. We went our separate ways in the soft light of the glow in the dark stage tape.
“Great job,” Hanjae whispered to me backstage. “Very believable.”
As we bowed to the applauding audience, Heejin squeezed my hand. Over the din, she said into my ear: “I can still feel you inside of me.”
���Good,” I said back.
I made my way to the dressing room, congratulating my cast mates on the way. Everyone was excited from a successful show, but I was still dazed, trying to work through what had happened with Heejin onstage. Had anyone seen us? Had we left behind any evidence? Would she get pregnant? Would Nana find out?
With all these thoughts swimming in my head, I opened the door to my dressing room. Nana was already there, waiting for me.
“Hello,” I said, not knowing what else to say. I shut the door behind me.
“You and Heejin did amazing work out there,” Nana said. She kissed me. “This time I couldn’t wait until we got home to fuck you.”
I knew I couldn’t have sex right away, seeing as I was still covered with the evidence of Heejin fucking me.
“Nana, wait —”
Nana pulled down my pants, revealing my semi-hard cock. It was shiny, still wet with Heejin’s pussy fluids and a residual amount of my cum. Nana grabbed it, feeling the wetness. She dropped to her knees.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you just fucked somebody.”
I tried to stop her, but she stuffed my cock into her mouth before I could say anything. Nana swirled her tongue around my slick cock, looking directly up at me. I watched, rapt, as she sucked her little sister’s juices off my hardening shaft, moaning around my cock. Was she... enjoying this? She had to know it was Heejin’s pussy she was tasting.
I tried to pull away.
“Wait, Nana, I’m sorry, but onstage... Heejin slipped me into her...”
Nana lifted off my cock. “You don’t think I recognize the taste of my little sister on my boyfriend’s cock? You two are fine actors, but not good enough to make real sex look fake. I could see every second of you coming inside her.”
At that, my dick jumped in Nana’s hand. She engulfed my cock with her warm mouth, bobbing up and down, sucking me. Then she looked up at me again.
“It was so fucking sexy; it was almost worth losing.”
Losing? Losing what? Before I had time to ask, we were interrupted by a voice from behind us.
“How do I taste?”
Heejin was at the door to the dressing room, still wearing her costume from the show, her breasts pressed high in the corset. She closed and locked the door behind her.
Nana continued to suck my dick for a few moments, like it was the most normal thing in the world for her younger sister to watch.
Heejin smiled, watching her big sister slobber on the cock that had so recently finished inside her. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Heejin sat up on the makeup table, pulled up her dress, and spread her legs, revealing her pink pussy beneath that trimmed bush. As she spread her plump lips with her fingers, my cum trickled slowly out of her tight hole.
At that, Nana finally slowed to a stop on my cock. She popped me out of her mouth and wiped away the juices coating her lips. Heejin was slowly fingering herself, rubbing my cum around her folds.
“The terms of the bet were clear,” Heejin said, looking at Nana. “If I didn’t manage to make him cum in me tonight, I had to bow out of the show and let you have the lead role. But if I did make him cum in me...”
“I know,” Nana said. She got up and crossed to Heejin.
“Sorry, but what is going on?” My head was spinning. This had all been some kind of competitive game between the two sisters?
“If I got you to fill my pussy with your cum onstage, a feat your girlfriend said was impossible, she’d have to lick it out of me.” Heejin spread her pussy lips with her fingers.
Nana lowered herself to her little sister’s sperm-filled pussy.
My jaw dropped as Nana reached out her tongue and made contact with her younger sister’s pussy. She licked from the bottom up, parting Heejin’s folds and sinking her tongue into her hole. I saw a pearl of my cum on the tip of Nana’s tongue. When she reached Heejin’s clit, Nana swallowed my cum, then licked Heejin’s clit, making the younger girl moan. Nana ran her tongue back down Heejin’s little pussy, then repeated the process. She managed to get some, but not all of my cum from Heejin’s pussy.
I could see Heejin’s breathing becoming ragged, see her body stiffening as Nana licked her. She was going to cum from her big sister’s mouth.
“Wait wait wait, fuck, oh god...”
Nana looked up at her sister, smiling as she licked her pussy more intensely. Now it wasn’t about licking my cum out of her slit. It was about making the younger girl cum. And cum Heejin did, her body seizing and her breasts jiggling as she held Nana’s face to her quivering pussy, riding out an intense orgasm on her sister’s tongue.
Finally Nana slowed to a stop and pulled back from Heejin’s shiny pink pussy.
“There,” she said, wiping her face off. “You won, fair and square.”
Heejin looked over at me. My cock was still out, standing up hard and throbbing. She got a mischievous smile on her face and began to pull her dress up over her head.
“How about a double or nothing bet?”
Nana looked over at me. “What do you have in mind?”
“We trade off. One minute each. Whoever can get him to cum first, wins.”
“Wins what?”
I was still shocked by Nana’s eagerness to eat her younger sister’s pussy and bring her to orgasm. Now she was going to agree to Heejin fucking me in front of her? What could be worth that?
“Him.” Heejin, now naked, got on her knees in front of me and slowly began to stroke my cock. “If you manage to make him cum inside you, then I’ll back off Suho and you can have your precious lead role. But if I make him cum inside me, I get him.”
“Easy now, I’m not comfortable with all this,” I said. I didn’t want my dating life determined by a competition between sisters. On the other hand, alternating between the two of them sounded extra hot, and I wasn’t thinking with my head.
“It’ll be fine, baby,” Nana said, stripping down. I could see a huge wet spot on her panties. “Just cum in me, not in her.”
“I don’t know...”
“What’s wrong, Nana? You scared?”
“No,” she said defensively. “I’m more experienced with him. I know how to get him to cum. It’s little miss barely not a virgin who should be worried.”
“Not even an hour ago he was cumming inside me,” Heejin scoffed. “Once he’s felt that, it’ll be hard to go back.”
Nana lay back on the floor, spreading her legs. Heejin leaned down and buried my cock in her mouth, giving it a few sucks before she took it out of her mouth, grabbed it in her hand, and angled it towards Nana’s slit. When my tip was nestled between my girlfriend’s hairy pussy lips, Heejin darted forward and planted a sloppy kiss on Nana’s clit. Nana gasped in pleasure.
“You ready?” Heejin said, straightening up. “And... go!”
I started fucking Nana. The horniness from the whole situation meant I was starting the drive on the fifty-yard line; it wouldn’t take much to bring me over the edge. Nana was wet, wetter than I’d felt her in a long time, and the tight, hot slickness felt heavenly.
“Cum in me, baby, please, please,” Nana moaned, her small tits bouncing with every thrust. “Please do it, baby...”
“Thirty seconds,” Heejin said. One minute was no time at all.
I sped up my thrusts. Nana flexed her inner muscles hard, and the tightness brought me closer, but I didn’t think I would be able to cum before the time ran out. I loved Nana, but after having Heejin, who was sex personified, I’d be lying if I said my sexy but familiar girlfriend matched up.
Heejin started to count down, timing it with my strokes. “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six...”
“Come on, baby, cum, you know you want to...”
I thrust hard, looking down at Nana’s pussy as it spread open for my cock.
“Five, four, three...”
“Baby...” Nana held onto me tight, but we both knew I wasn’t going to finish. Panting, I slowed down.
“That’s time!” Heejin exclaimed gleefully. “Pull out of her!”
“Fuck,” Nana moaned, disappointed. I withdrew from her, watching as her pussy lips gripped me like they were desperately trying to keep me inside her. Next to Nana, Heejin had her legs spread and her red, aroused, tufted pussy on display.
“Come here,” Heejin said. I positioned myself between her legs. Heejin took my cock and delicately slotted the tip into her. Nana watched, a flush of embarrassment creeping down her neck towards her breasts. I noticed that her nipples were still rock hard on her tits, which, though still perfectly shaped, looked even smaller in comparison to Heejin’s full and perfect ones.
Heejin looked up to her older sister, to make sure she was watching. “Thanks for warming him up for me, big sis.” I pushed an inch into Heejin’s tightness. Both sisters gasped. “Ooh, he’s so nice and slick,” Heejin cooed. “Thanks for the help there, too.”
I pushed all the way into Heejin, until my entire cock was grasped by her snug pussy. We stared at each other intensely. The first time we’d had sex was in the dark, covered so that it would be impossible to see each other. Now, I could drink in every inch of her. Her perfectly round, smooth breasts, nipples standing up straight like pencil erasers, and her neat, perfect pussy clenching my bare cock. I withdrew almost all the way, then drove back into her. Her tits bounced. I slowly built up a rhythm, thrusting into her.
“Of course he’d rather cum in me,” Heejin breathed. “I’m younger, I’m tighter, I’m forbidden...”
For a second, the only sounds were the wet squish of Heejin’s pussy and her quiet moans as I fucked her. Then I heard another slick sound and looked over. Nana’s eyes were glued to her little sister’s tiny, trimmed pussy, which stretched to fit me inside as I drove into Heejin over and over. Nana had her hand between her legs, playing with herself. She was driving her fingers up into her slit with abandon, as wet as I’d ever seen her.
It had only been thirty seconds or so. Fucking Nana had gotten me going, so I was already close. Heejin felt me get bigger inside her and bit her lip, scrunching up her face in pleasure.
“Ooh, I can feel him swelling inside me.”
Nana said nothing, continuing to masturbate. She had apparently already given into the idea that Heejin had won.
“He’s gonna cum in me,” Heejin moaned. “Your boyfriend’s gonna fill up my little cunt and you have to watch.”
Nana looked at me, pleading silently, but Heejin took my face in her hands and made me look at her. She was spread open before me, her body the image of perfection, taking my cock with little gasps of pleasure that were building toward a climax.
“Do it,” she whispered.
And I did. I drove fully into her, my cock jerking as it shot cum into her young pussy. Everyone’s eyes were glued on my cock, splitting Heejin’s lips apart and throbbing with every spurt inside her. Heejin was set off again by the feeling of me filling her up, moaning and shuddering. I watched as her pussy clenched me, quickly filling to the brim. Next to us, Nana’s petite breasts jiggled and she let out a high-pitched gasp, arching her back. She was climaxing at the sight of me cumming inside her little sister.
I kept cumming. Heejin’s small pussy overflowed with my sperm, each thrust pushing some of it out between her tight, hairy lips.
“Put it all into me,” Heejin said between gasps. “Every drop you have.”
After a few more spurts, I withdrew my cock from Heejin’s pussy. Heejin cried out at the sudden emptiness. On my knees, I approached Nana, whose legs were spread as she played with her pussy. I slotted my still-climaxing cock, covered in Heejin’s juices, into my girlfriend’s pussy.
Nana smiled as she felt me thrust into her, her tightness milking the last spurts of my cum.
“Thank you, baby,” she said. “Saving some for me.”
Both sisters lay naked below me, flushed chests heaving; Heejin’s large and firm, Nana’s small and cute. Their legs were spread, showcasing nearly identical haired pussies. And though Heejin’s pussy had more of my cum dripping out of it, as I pulled out of Nana I was happy to see that I had cum enough to see a pearl of semen between her lips, too.
“There,” I said as Heejin and Nana both began to clean off my cock, their lips occasionally touching as they licked me. “Now it’s a tie, and I get both of you.”
“For now,” Heejin said, looking up at me as she ran her tongue up my shaft. “But eventually, one sister always wins."
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
so a thing this fandom does that remains FASCINATING to me, as a function of the fact a lot of this fandom is people's first fandom or only current fandom, is just... assume a lot of things it does is a scourge that this fandom has invented or doesn't exist outside of it? or like, is uniquely bad here? and i won't deny that sometimes mcyt fandom is a bit more intense by virtue of numbers, but like...
duo names: confusing fandom-injokes to describe duos and groups tend to be an anime fandom thing specifically for many historical reasons, but they're not uncommon. hey quick--if you haven't been in KHR fandom, can you guess what 1827 is? no? i'll give you a hint: that's actually a ship name. or, ygo fans, tell me the difference between puppyshipping, prideshipping, violetshipping, and rivalshipping. my hint is that they're all kaiba ships and two of them are actually the same ship. good luck!
reducing characters to a specific trait: have you read fic in another fandom before? i would recommend you go do so and come back to me. my example here is "sasuke likes tomatoes", for the record.
common au fanon that's confusing to outsiders: my deep cut here is "when i got into certain tv fandoms i was baffled by the existence of sentinel/guide fics", which is a slightly older tv fandom thing so many of you probably don't know what i'm on about. but trust me: in certain fandoms it's ubiquitous and unless you've watched a completely different tv show you're gonna have to entirely pick it up from reading fic. oh hey, hybrid aus and watcher!grian, nice to see your relative here,
fanon being treated as canon: did you know there's this whole bnha character, naomasa, who is treated as canonically having a lie detector quirk? did you know that, best i can tell, that's not in canon anywhere, it just got echoed through fanon enough that everyone treated it as canon? 'fanon trait becomes so ubiquitous everyone assumes it has to be there' is not a new thing. also, batfamily fans, i have been lead to understand the tim and coffee thing is also this.
characters being treated badly to make a different dynamic look better: the fact we have the term 'character bashing' tells you all you need to know, here. if anything my one complaint on this front isn't even that it's happening--it's that i wish bashing and/or "not [character] friendly" was tagged a little more frequently, haha.
characters being reduced to their family dynamics: tale as old as time. "even the family dynamic thing" yes even that. just because this fandom tended to be particularly ship-adverse in the past didn't mean it didn't do basically the same behaviors as any fandom with shipping did with those dynamics, just gen. and other gen fandoms also do that. yes, down to the "and shipping reduces them to a ship, unlike my gen dynamic, which is very in-character; why can't people just be friends?" thing. some of you have to have been marvel fans right.
characters being reduced to their ships: some of you have to have been marvel fans right.
The Discourse: yeah this is an "actively running show" fandom thing, but also a hiatus fandom thing. ask a homestuck about vriskourse sometime. as much as i hate to say it, it probably made doomsday discourse look cute.
and those are just like... some things i've seen people complain about on my dash recently. idk it just hit me there are probably fans in mcyt fandoms who are assuming that some things (like hybrid aus or duo names) are the kind of things that only happen here, so i thought i'd offer some examples of other places they happen! i also have even more examples if you'd like.
to be clear: this isn't shaming anyone for complaining about any of these things. lord knows i go complain to my friends about it all the time, just the other day i was complaining in the category of 'they keep bashing my guy'. it's more of just... a gentle reminder that maybe we're big, maybe we're loud, maybe we have problems... but these problems aren't always unique.
so uh. we're all suffering together i guess...?
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rubyreduji · 1 year
timeless — ljh
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summary: you’ve just met jihoon, yet something about him feels familiar
tags: fluff, romance, reincarnation?, gn!reader warnings: arranged marriages, mentions of death and war  reader notes: no pronouns or explicit gender descriptions but they do take a more feminine role in history, jihoon picks up the reader but my mans is strong okay don’t worry wc: 10.3k an: i’ve been writing this for over a month now fjdskla and i like the finished product but im a bit worried the format is choppy but either way please enjoy and show it lots of love...also happy first fic of the 2nd year of rubyreduji!!!
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“Soonyoung, stop it!” You scold your best friend as he giggles at you.
“Just go talk to him!” Soonyoung tells you, pushing you towards the door to the antique shop next to your favorite boba place. 
Him refers to the cute cashier you always see through the windows when you and Soonyoung go and get boba (which is about three times a week). It’s nothing more than a hallway crush but Soonyoung keeps insisting that it could be more than that if you would just go talk to him. 
You don’t actually want to talk to the boy who stands at the counter with a smile, but before you can stop him Soonyoung is opening the door to the store and forcing you inside. When you turn around to chew your best friend out, you find him not there, his back already retreating to the boba shop. 
A part of you wants to just dash back out the door but the bell attached to the door has already gotten the attention of the cashier and you can’t escape now.
“Welcome to The Eternity Emorpium, today anything marked with a green sticker is 20% off.” The voice isn’t what you expected Cute Cashier to sound like but when you turn around to face him, you realize you’re not talking to Cute Cashier at all.
Rather than the tall boy with glasses you’ve been peeking in on for the past few months, you come face to face with a short yet buff boy with long black hair. He most definitely is not the guy you came in for, but you have to admit he is just as (if not more) cute than the other cashier.
You’re not sure how you didn’t notice that your normal Cute Cashier wasn't behind the counter, but in your defense you were too busy fighting off Soonyoung.
You give the new cashier—who you have now dubbed Even Cuter Cashier—a smile, before pretending to look at all of the memorabilia set out. The actual shop is nice with an obvious theme and specific layout that only someone with an eye for aesthetic and organization could create. On the speakers a Bruno Mars song is playing and you wonder if it's the cashier who has control over the music or just a general store playlist.
You feel awkward walking around the shop, letting out fake hums every once in a while to make it seem like you're actually shopping and not just sneaking glances at Even Cuter Cashier whenever you can. You stop in front of a playing card deck and you pick it up, flipping it over in your hand a couple of times.
"Oh, we just got those in," Even Cuter Cashier says, startling you a bit. "Put them on the floor this morning. You into cards?"
"Oh, uh," Shit. This is your chance to talk to him, "yeah. My dad is more of a collector than I am, but I can see the appeal."
"Nice. Yeah I'm more of a guitar collector myself, but my wallet wishes I wasn't," he says and you both laugh.
"That's cool though. I would love to learn how to play an instrument but I definitely don't have the talent or patience for that." As you speak with the man you slowly start to drift towards the counter.
"Hey, anyone can be talented, it just takes practice." You quickly glance down at Even Cuter Cashier's name tag to see his actual name is Jihoon.
"Good inspirational quote, but I think I'll just stick to the playing cards," you tell him with a grin as you set the pack down in front of him.
Jihoon just pushes the cards back to you and when you give him a questioning look he just grins. "They’re on the house.”
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that,” you tell him.
“I wanted to,” he says. “Maybe it’s just my plan to get you to come in here again.”
You smile at Jihoon, your face starting to turn a bit hot. You pick up the pack of cards and bid goodbye to the cashier before turning and leaving. Soonyoung is standing outside the door with two boba cups in hand. He peeks in when you open the door and frowns.
“That’s not Cute Cashier.”
“Nope! That’s Even Cuter Cashier,” you tell your best friend.
“You’re abandoning the other guy already?”
“I can’t abandon someone I don’t even know,” you scoff, “and anyway, I think I like Even Cuter Cashier. Something about him…it feels like destiny.”
Soonyoung laughs at you, but you ignore him, your mind still lingering on the dark haired boy from earlier. The more you think about him, the more your heart starts to grow warm. You can’t place it, but something about Jihoon feels familiar, and you need more.
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“You are to be married to Prince Wonwoo before the solstice hits.”
Your head shoots up, staring at your father, not sure if you hear his words correctly. There’s no possible way he said that. You can think of a dozen reasons why that’s impossible, a few including: 1. You’ve never met Prince Wonwoo in your life, why would he want you as his betrothed? 2. You two did not have a courtship and it would be a scandal for you two to get married without presenting as a couple to the public first. 3. Your family is not nearly important enough to be noticed by royalty. 4. (And this is the biggest one) You are in love with someone else.
Well, your father doesn’t know that you’re in love with someone else, but it’s still an important fact to note.
Despite all of these reasons, your father continues to talk about the arrangement, not noticing the shock on your face. You wonder about how it came to be, and without you hearing even a whisper about it.
“You will be meeting with a royal advisor in two days, please do not cause any trouble.” With that your father walks ways, leaving you with a million questions brewing your mind.
The main one being: how are you going to tell Jihoon about this?
For over a year now you’ve been seeing the same man, sneaking out whenever you can to meet him. He came into town with a bang (quite literally — his caravan practically falling apart with all of his belongings crashing to the ground as it did) and you’ve been captivated by him since. 
Your days are never boring when Jihoon is around, the two of you either going on adventures or hanging out in Jihoon’s (new) caravan. Though, you think your most favorite times spent with Jihoon are late at night, when you two meet up on the outskirts of your estate grounds, right on the edge of the forest.
There never is any guessing as to what Jihoon has planned. Some days you two walk around the garden under the moonlight, talking and gazing up at the stars, while other nights you’re whisked off to another town to dance the night away in a hidden tavern. You love the guise of the night, being able to do whatever and be whoever without the fear of onlookers and their judgment. It’s just you and Jihoon in your own little world.
Maybe that’s why you’ve been keeping him a secret for so long, you like keeping him all to yourself. No one can taint your relationship if they don't know about it. Though you suppose that has backfired on you now.
You don’t see your father for the rest of the night and when the sunsets and you slip out the back door and walk down to the forest edge, you do it with a heavy heart. As always Jihoon is standing next to the tree he carved your initials in, a wide grin on his face and a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
As soon as he spots you approaching his face lights up in a grin. He trots up to you the rest of the way, scooping you up into a hug.
"I've missed you," he says, pressing kisses to your lips and cheeks. You giggle at his antics.
"You saw me two days ago, my dear."
"Oh but that's two days too long for an aching heart in love." 
Other people may think it's cheesy but you can't help but adore the sweet way Jihoon talks to you, always putting his poet background to good use. You smile as Jihoon holds you in his arms, but soon the good mood is ruined by the news you remember you have to break to him.
"What's wrong, my love?" Jihoon asks, seeing the fallen look on your face. He reaches up and pushes your hair out of your face, a habit he has picked up since you two met. 
You just sigh and shift so you're out of Jihoon's embrace. Automatically you miss his strong arms around your waist, but you can't bear to look at him as you talk.
“My father has given me away to another man,” you tell him in a hushed voice. 
“Who?” Jihoon responds automatically. “I won’t let him take you. I-I’ll fight.”
You finally turn towards Jihoon, the solemn look still firm on your face. “I’m betrothed to Prince Wonwoo.”
“Prince Wonwoo?!” Jihoon looks taken aback. You don’t blame him. Suddenly he deflates. “How am I going to beat that?”
You’re not sure how to respond. The truth is Jihoon can’t compete. That doesn’t mean you’re going to give up hope on him, though.
“We’ll…we’ll figure something out,” you finally say. You step closer to Jihoon, allowing him to wrap you up in his embrace once again.
“I’m not giving up on us,” Jihoon tells you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“We’ll be fine. We have to be.”
When your father told you you’d be meeting with a royal advisor, this isn’t exactly what you were expecting.
When you arrived at the castle you were amazed at the size of it, but you weren’t allowed to gawk for long, being ushered into a sitting room where two men were already conversing. Neither were your soon to be husband though and you wondered when you might actually get to meet the prince.
The two men soon introduced themselves as Soonyoung and Mingyu, two of Prince Wonwoo’s most trusted men. Now two hours later, you’re starting to question the judgment of your betrothed.
Not only are the men completely scatterbrained and disorganized, they also seem to bicker more often than not, making it difficult for you to understand everything they’re telling you. The only thing you really comprehend is that you’re going to be spending a lot more time with the two men up until the wedding.
You’re given a schedule at the end of the day, your upcoming weeks all planned out for you already. Meeting with wedding coordinators, royalty training, garment fittings, and everything else of the like. You frown, thinking about your normally free schedule has now been filled.
Luckily for you, the meeting finished earlier than expected and you don’t hesitate to direct yourself towards the area where Jihoon’s caravan resides. Your lover is delighted to see you but before he can get any words out you’re throwing yourself at him, pulling him into a kiss. You’re desperate to drown in Jihoon and forget reality even just for a moment.
It isn’t until later that you and Jihoon finally exchange words. 
“I can hear you thinking,” Jihoon says. You two lay next to each other on his bed, bare bodies pressed together under the linens. Your head rests on his chest and his hands card through your hair. “Was I not satisfactory in taking your thoughts away? What is troubling your mind so much?
“Prince Wonwoo.”
“You’re thinking about Prince Wonwoo after laying so intimately with me?”
“No! Well yes, but- I- shut up,” you grumble, smacking Jihoon’s chest, making his laugh.
You’ve never met the prince before, though you are well knowledged on him. It’s hard not to be when he is to take over the crown in a few years. You try not to think about how that will make you the queen consort.
You’ve only seen Prince Wonwoo in person a handful of times, none too recently, but you still know the prince is very handsome. Not as handsome as you find Jihoon, though you may be a bit biased. He’s also said to be kind, smart, level-headed, and well calculated. You suppose it could be worse. 
“I met with his advisors today,” you tell Jihoon. “I guess it’s just all hitting me. This really is going to happen.”
“Hey, listen to me,” Jihoon moves so he can stare at you in the face, “no matter what happens, I will always love you. My heart is still yours.”
“And mine yours,” you tell him softly. “I love you Lee Jihoon. Never forget that.”
You don’t see Jihoon for a while. Your schedule is packed with futile meetings that take up your day and with the news of your engagement to the prince (who you have still yet to meet), there are guards outside of your estate at night.
You suppose you are fortunate that Mingyu and Soonyoung have grown on you in the past few weeks. Though you still think them foolish, you also have a fondness for the pair. You see why Prince Wonwoo puts his trust in them. You find yourself wanting to confide in them, though there is one thing that still remains a secret.
It isn’t until the night before your wedding that you see your love. You are able to lose your guards for a second and you make a beeline straight to Jihoon’s caravan. He’s still awake, sitting outside and staring up at the starry sky when you approach.
“My dear,” you call out to him. Jihoon looks away from the sky to meet your face, a look of surprise flashes over his face before they form into a soft smile.
“You know you really shouldn’t be out so late at night, it is not safe.”
“Well then, why don’t you help me find some shelter kind sir,” you tell him. Jihoon just grins and grabs your hand, pulling you into his home. 
You two spent the night wrapped up in each other, exchanging soft kisses and even softer words. When the morning comes Jihoon is still asleep when you awake and while you’d love to give him a proper goodbye, you know you already pushed your luck enough spending the whole night out.
You quickly find a quill and some ink and you grab a piece of Jihoon’s writing parchment and scribble a quick note to him before slipping out the door. It’s only after the caravan is out of sight that you let your tears fall.
The first time you meet Prince Wonwoo is at the altar. Up close he’s even more handsome than you imagined, with soft facial features and kind eyes. You can’t help but still feel a bit disappointed, staring at the stranger in front of you as you recite your wedding vows.
The chapel where you are being wed is packed full of people, mostly nobility. Your attire is suffocating, despite being fitted for it thrice. Across from you, the prince keeps a neutral face and you wonder about his own involvement in this arrangement. 
He’s dressed in a formal outfit fit for royalty. The colors pair with your own dressings and you wonder what you two look like from the outfit. A newly bonded couple who will eventually be ruling the whole country. Are you two a handsome, strong presenting couple? Or do you two look like two fools who have never met before?
You were surprised at the way the public took the news of the engagement. You were expecting backlash against the prince, but he is well loved by the public and they were all happy to see the young man finding a partner to settle down with before stepping up to the throne. Despite never having been seen together in public before today, there was a wide talk of your (fake) courtship and how you must be very lucky to have the prince hold your heart.
If only they knew that a lonely, penniless poet was the real caretaker of your love.
It isn’t until the words leave the officiant’s mouth that you realize you will have to kiss the prince. Not only to end the ceremony but for the public to see you two unite as one. You must look as taken aback as you feel because your now husband takes the initiative, stepping forward to close the distance between you two.
Wonwoo cups your face gingerly, his hands are cold and his fingers are boney. He stares at you for a moment, dark eyes gazing into your soul, before he finally leans in.
The moment his lips press against yours you want to jerk out of his hold. It feels wrong. Your lips don’t fit together nicely and there’s no warmth exchanged between you two. You’re both stiff and you note how Wonwoo’s lips aren't as full as Jihoon’s. 
The kiss is over within seconds but the damage has been done and you can’t shake the dirty feeling that has grown under your skin. Wonwoo’s hand slides down your arm to clasp your fingers together. Another sign of unity for the public. You force a smile on your face, but the only thing you can think about is how your heart is miles away, in a small caravan on the edge of town.
My love,
I am not sure how you were able to convince the prince’s closest man to be a part of this, but I cannot say am I ungrateful for him. Though I do find him quite eccentric (and slightly obnoxious) I must give him my gratitude.
I miss you tremendously, but the past few letters you have sent me have been acting as bandages over my heart. I read them whenever I feel an ache of your absence, which is quite often.
It is unfortunate you find royal life boring. If I could, you know that I would sweep you off to the farthest lands where we would explore the area during the day and revel at night. I would show you the large world out there and we could experience new joys together. 
How I long to have you lay by my side at night. To feel your soft, tender skin against my fingertips. It pains me to even think about it, but it would kill me not to. 
I will never stop fighting for us.
Write back soon,
Your Jihoon
My darling,
I saw you today. I was taken quite off guard when I saw you riding in the carriage, next to Prince Wonwoo. I admit, you two make a handsome couple, but not more handsome than us.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen your beautiful face in person, that even seeing you with another man made my heart sing. I couldn’t pull my eyes from you, doing my best to soak in the sight of you because you were once again gone.
You looked quite winsome sitting in the carriage, but you did not look like you. Are you required to wear such extremities every day, or were you dressed for the occasion? Either way I cannot imagine the process of getting ready to be a swift one. 
If I am being honest I do not find the purpose of such efforts. Does the prince not find your natural beauty fit to his standards? If so then off with him. Any person with eyes would be fortunate to gaze upon you. I know I was.
Seeing you has only made me yearn more for you. I know it has only been a few weeks since your matrimony to Prince Wonwoo, but to me it has been lifetimes. How I crave to feel your touch, to hear your voice, to kiss your lips.
I know that the idea is futile but I will never give up on you. No matter what, I am still yours. And I hope you are still mine. Even if I only see a glimpse of you once every decade, my heart will still burn for you.
Forever yours,
Your Jihoon
To my heart,
Though you are always in my thoughts, you have been overtaking my mind more often than not lately. Please do not think I am upset about this, it is quite the opposite, but I am afraid I have been missing you a great deal more than usual.
Maybe it is due to a conversation I had the other day. I was at a tavern, catching up with an old acquaintance who was in town, and you came up. Jeonghan questioned if there was a reason why I had settled here and wondered if it was ‘due to my heart’. I laughed and confirmed his suspicions.
We spent a deal of time after that talking about you. It felt liberating being able to speak of you to someone else. I must have rambled on for at least an hour before Jeonghan finally cut me off, telling me how lucky I must be to have someone like you in my life. I had no choice other than to agree with him.
Speaking about you and thinking about you has thrown me into a tumultuous frame of mind. It is quite shameful how often I get lost in fantasies of us and what I wish we could be. You have overtaken my mind, body, and soul. There is not a single night where I do not dream of you.
I hope our future king can see how fortunate he is to be married to you. I would kill thousands of men to be in his position. Your smile itself is worth more than every jewel on his crown. I know I am just waxing poetic at you, but that is my job.
I know we must stay apart, but please mourn the future we could have had for me. Please write back to me with every thought you have about our imaginary future, because even if I cannot have the real thing, my dreams will be enough for me.
Dream of me as well,
Your Jihoon 
The life between you and your husband is…comfortable. You two talk, but not often and seldom about anything that is not shallow or mundane. You two sleep side by side at night but the last time you two touched each other was when you danced at your wedding and while his days are spent in meeting, yours are spent wandering the castle grounds and having tea with Soonyoung and Mingyu.
The only thing you find yourself looking forward to in your days anymore is the nightly lettering that you receive from Jihoon. It was only a week into the marriage when Soonyoung noticed how miserable you were. Without being able to hold it in anymore, you told the man about your lover and your heartbreak. It was then that Soonyoung suggested he help you out, acting as a carriage pigeon to deliver letters to and from Jihoon.
One night you are sitting at the desk in your shared chambers with Wonwoo, writing your letter for Jihoon, when Wonwoo speaks up. He is sitting on the bed across the room and his deep voice startles you, not used to talking to the man like this.
“Are you happy?” Wonwoo asks you bluntly, after calling out your name. You take only a moment to form an answer.
“I am content, my lord,” you tell him. Though you have stopped referring to the man as “Prince Wonwoo” in your mind, you cannot help but tack on the formal titles at the end of your sentences to the man.
“But you are not happy. Why?”
“Rest assured your highness, it is nothing you’ve done.”
“Does it have anything to do with the letters Soonyoung delivers to you each evening? The letters you are writing back right now?” You freeze in your seat. You were unaware he knew, but the prince is not ignorant. You suppose you couldn’t keep it a secret forever.
“Do not mistake my curiosity for accusation. I’m aware this arrangement is not an ideal situation, and I would not be upset if there was another. I would not even be upset if you wish to be with him,” Wonwoo says. 
His words trouble you. There is a benefit for both of you in the marriage, but his words imply he is not exactly happy with the arrangement either. The offer to let you leave him is strange though, and causes you to fault for a moment.
“I am not going to abandon you, sire,” you eventually respond. “I have made an obligation to you.”
“No, your father did. Though we are not well acquainted I still hold empathy and I do not want to be what is keeping you from your happiness. From your happy ending.”
“Either way my father’s word is say, so I will do what he asks of me. It is an honor to be wedded to a man of your status,” you tell him, trying to convince yourself more than anything.
“But that is all it is: status. What about love?”
You don’t answer. You sit there and stare down at the letter you are writing to Jihoon. You think about the wooden box hidden in the drawer that holds his letters.
“Please, I do not wish to cause you turmoil. If you want to go, I will not hold you back,” Wonwoo says. 
You finally turn to look at your husband. “You are very kind-hearted, but I cannot accept that offer. I will not tarnish your reputation like that. Do you know the talk that would rise if they heard the soon-to-be king’s spouse up and left? What would your father do to mine? It is too risky.”
Wonwoo has a morose look on his face, like he knows you’re right. “Tell me about him,” he says, surprising you.
You hesitate. You should not talk of your lover to your husband. It is unorthodox and unbecoming. You look at Wonwoo’s curious face though, and you can’t help yourself.
“He’s a poet. I’ve never met someone who can use words the way he does. Even in things as simple as short letters or passing comments, he can make it sound like the most romantic sentence ever uttered,” you tell Wonwoo.
“Tell me more.”
“He has a kind soul, like you. He’s very exciting to be around. He used to travel the world, so I love to hear him regale the tales of his adventures. He likes to take me on our own little adventures as well. One time a traveling show came through a neighboring town and he got us tickets to go watch.”
“You love him greatly.” It is not a question. You just nod to Wonwoo. “You light up when you speak of him. In a way I’ve never seen before.”
You don’t know what to say to him, so you turn your back to him once more, resuming your letter to Jihoon.
You love Jihoon, everyday apart from him feels like you’re struggling to breathe, and under any other circumstance you wouldn’t have stopped at anything to be with him, but you are not under those circumstances. You fought your father, refusing the marriage, even telling him you loved someone else, but he did not listen. He told you this was the one thing he would put his foot down on.
You can’t blame him, how often does someone get the chance to marry a prince. The things this marriage is doing for your family is immeasurable and you cannot in good conscience leave them without a second thought. Not to mention the damage it would do to your family’s reputation, let alone Wonwoo’s. Your family would be shunned by the public and Wonwoo would be labeled a joke of a king.
Not to mention if it was ever discovered what really happened. What would happen if everyone found out why you left? You and Jihoon would surely be ostracized. Town piranhas in even towns in other kingdoms. Jihoon’s career as a poet would be over. You can’t imagine that being a happy life.
Not that you’re particularly happy right now either. You wish you didn’t overthink everything, or else you would have left the town even before you got married. You and Jihoon could be living in his caravan, just you two alone, safe and sound and happy.
It is too late for that though, and now you have to pay the consequences. Married to a man you know nothing about. A man who seems to be rooting for you despite the outcome. It makes you frown. Maybe your first step in figuring it all out is figuring out your husband first.
“Have you ever been in love, my lord?” You decide to ask Wonwoo one day while walking the castle’s grounds. As of recently you two have gotten closer, an interesting bond forming between you two, though most of your time is spent talking of Jihoon. Wonwoo never draws back on his suggestions that you follow your heart. 
“Not in the way you are. I was very fond of someone a long time ago, but they loved someone else.” You frown at this news. 
“Please excuse the crudeness of my words, sire, but then why do you put so much mind into my love? Do you not wish to be wed to someone?”
“I do,” Wonwoo answers after a moment of contemplation, “but I do not want to be the reason why true love is separated. You and your Jihoon, you are a story of fate. Who am I to get in the middle of it? The public likes me enough, I will be okay. No matter what, I will be okay, but will you?”
Your heart aches and yearns for Jihoon, and your husband is not making it easier. That may have been his goal though.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” You ask Wonwoo. You frown as you stand in front of him, your stomach in knots of worry.
Wonwoo just gives you a soft smile. “I am sure. If anything, I should be worrying about you. Do you have everything you need?”
“Yes. Both Soonyoung and I checked twice. You have ensured that everything will run perfectly.” You reach over and take your husband’s hands in yours, squeezing them tightly. “Thank you, Wonwoo. For everything.”
“Ah, it is the least I could do. Now, you have somewhere to be and I cannot keep you waiting any longer. Send me letters, okay?” With a final squeeze of your hands, Wonwoo lets you go. You smile at the man once more before turning away from him and not looking back.
You slip out of the castle through the servant’s doors and quickly make your way to the outskirts of the grounds. It reminds you of all those times you escaped your own house to meet Jihoon at the edge of the forest. The thought makes a grin grow on your face as you speed up your pace even more.
Just like all the previous times, when you get to the edge of the estate Jihoon is standing there waiting for you. You launch yourself into his arms, allowing him to pick you up and twirl you around. He’s giggling high pitched and gleeful as you two spin around in each other’s arms.
When Jihoon finally puts you down he doesn’t waste a moment and leans in to kiss you. You happily kiss him back, grabbing his face and holding him in place. You can feel a wet stream of tears run down your face, your heart bursting with joy as you reunite with your lover.
His lips are familiar against yours and you automatically feel at home. For the first time in months you can relax, finally back in Jihoon’s arms.
“It’s you,” Jihoon muttres when he finally pulls away. He brings his hands up to caress your face.
“It’s me, my love, it’s me,” you tell him back, tears still flowing freely.
“I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you more.” You lean in and press another quick kiss against Jihoon’s lips. “But we will never have to miss each other again.”
“I’m never letting you go,” Jihoon tells you, gripping you tighter. “Oh how much I love you.”
You giggle. “I love you more. Now come on, let’s get out of here.”
You grab Jihoon’s hand and pull him away from the grounds to where his caravan is waiting for you two. As you two travel further and further away from the town you feel your heart grow lighter and lighter, excited for the rest of your life of adventures with your love.
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The next time you see Jihoon is nearly a week later. You and Soonyoung are once again getting boba when you spot the boy behind the counter, just like last time. When you and Soonyoung went and got boba a few days prior you noticed that the original Cute Cashier was working, and you couldn’t help but feel a bit of disappointment at him not being Jihoon.
As soon as you lay eyes on your Even Cuter Cashier, you quickly make a beeline into the shop, your desire for boba long gone.
Jihoon looks up when he hears the sound of the bell ringing and his eyes soften into a smile when he sees you entering through the threshold.
“You came back!”
“I did. It’s hard not to, with the amazing service I got last time,” you say. You casually browse the store as you talk to Jihoon, glancing at him every so often as you do. 
“Well I’m glad that my plan to get you to come back succeeded.”
You giggle at Jihoon’s words as you stop in front of a stack of old photos. You flip through them, looking at all the memories they hold. Many of the photos depict different couples, all smiling brightly as they hold each other. The images put a smile on your own face.
“Find something good?” Jihoon asks and you jump a bit at the closeness of his voice. When you turn, you see the man standing by your side.
“Oh, yeah, just these photos! Aren’t they beautiful?” You tilt them a bit to show them off to Jihoon. “I think it’s so amazing that no matter how the world changes, love will always stay the same.”
“Huh, I guess you’re right. Love’s been around since the beginning of time.”
“The love these people were feeling in these photos is the same love we experience today. There really is nothing like it.”
You look back down at the photos. The one in your hand shows a woman clinging onto a man’s arm, her cheek pressed into his bicep as she smiles at the camera. The man himself is smiling as well, though he is smiling down at the woman, rather than the camera. 
“They’re cute,” Jihoon mumbles, his own eyes transfixed on the photo. 
“Yeah,” you say, “I wonder what’s their story.”
“Something happy, I hope,” Jihoon says before moving to walk back behind the counter. You grab a few more photos from the stack before following after him, placing them on the counter.
Jihoon smiles at you and starts to ring you up. You take a moment to stare at him, your eyes tracing over his fluffy hair and round face and kind smile. You don’t stop staring until Jihoon breaks your focus.
“What? Does my hair look stupid or something?” He grins lazily at you again and you feel your heartbeat quicken.
“Uh, n-no! It’s just…your smile is super familiar to me. Sorry, that may be weird.”
“No, no, it’s not. I guess I kinda felt the same thing the first time you came in,” Jihoon tells you. “Who knows, maybe we knew each other in a past life.”
You chuckle at Jihoon’s joke, but you don’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the day.
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War Against North Korea Rages On, No End in Sight
You frown at the heading, throwing the newspaper aside onto the counter. The news of the North Korean troops invading Seoul changed everyone’s lives, throwing the country into a state of chaos trying to keep them from completely overtaking all of South Korea. Now a year later, the war is still in full force and though you know it’s important to stay updated on what’s happening, you don’t bother with the news articles anymore. They always say more or less the same thing: the war continues on with more casualties and less hope of ending soon.
Your heart grows heavy with each day growing worse than the last. You wish there was more you could do to help the war efforts, but you’re stuck at home taking care of your sick father. He’s the only family you have left, after your mother’s death a few years ago. All of the money received from her passing has gone into your father, but since the start of the war prices have done nothing but skyrocket.
So you spend your days at home taking care of your father, and your nights in a factory working to earn an income. You don’t mind the work though, allowing your mind to focus on something that isn’t the war or your father.
The only other time you get a break, an actual real break, is on Saturdays. It’s the one day in the week you allow yourself to go out, spending the afternoon to yourself getting groceries and taking time to focus on yourself.
You go through the same routine, walking down to the port and spending a few minutes enjoying the waves lapping against the shore, the salty sea water scent filling the air as the summer breeze brushes up against your skin. After taking in the sight of the sea, you move further into town and down the street to the cemetery.
Every Saturday you visit your mother’s grave, sitting with her for a while as you update her on your life and the current events. Occasionally you will bring a book and read aloud. You find the time spent with her calming, her maternal love enveloping you and letting you rest, even for a small bit of time.
Afterwards you browse the shops in town (only looking, never buying) before heading to the market to finish your day off. You spend the money for the groceries to get you through the week before heading back home. You do your best to walk most places you go, not wanting to spend the fare for the trollies. 
The streets are busy on the weekend and on your walk back to your house, someone bumps into you causing you to drop your bags, all of your freshly bought groceries tumbling to the ground. The person doesn’t even stop and you can’t bother chasing them too. You just sigh and bend down to pick up the now unusable goods. 
You now have to turn around and go back into town to get more groceries. It will take a good chunk out of your funds, but not too much. Maybe you’ll pick up a few more shifts at the factory.
“Excuse me, are you okay?” As you’re thinking about how to make up the price of the ruined groceries, you miss the man who has walked up to you.
When you look up you see a beautiful man with a sweet round face and dark hair staring down at you. He’s dressed nicely in a suit and it takes you a moment to actually respond to him, too distracted by his good looks.
“I was asking if you were okay?” The man bends down to help you pick up the rest of the food spilled on the ground. “I saw that man bump into you and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Oh! I’m fine, thank you.” You smile at him, appreciative of the kind gesture.
“But all of your groceries are now ruined. Allow me to buy you more.”
“Oh no! That’s not necessary,” you quickly tell the man. You don’t even know him and you would feel guilty allowing a man who didn’t even cause the casualty to pay for your groceries, especially with the state of the economy.
“I insist,” he says, standing and then helping you stand as well. “It’s the least I could do.”
“Sir it really-” Before you can even finish your sentence the man was walking away, back towards the town. You could just go back home, but then you’d be left with no groceries for the week so you begrudgingly follow him back to the market.
“Lee Jihoon, by the way,” he tells you as you two walk around the market, collecting what you need. You give him your name as well and he grins, a small spark igniting behind his eyes as he tells you how lovely your name is.
When you’re done regathering what you need you move to head to the register, but Jihoon stops you.
“This is all you’re getting? It’s barely enough for any proper meals. Please, add more. I won’t mind, I demand of it actually.” Jihoon then moves to add more to the basket and once again you have to follow along as Jihoon is the one carrying it.
You protest each time a new item is added but Jihoon keeps hushing you like you’re a life long friend rather than a stranger he met on the street no more than thirty minutes ago. By the time Jihoon is satisfied with what’s in your basket, it’s full to the top and you can’t remember the last time you’ve seen so much food in your life. Guilt eats away at you as you think about the money Jihoon is about to drop on you just because someone else made you drop your bags.
It isn’t until you’re checking out and Jihoon casually pulls out multiple banknotes without even a blink of an eye that you realize that not everyone lives like you and that just maybe Jihoon doesn’t mind paying so much because he has the money laying around to do so. Even back when your mother was alive and your father was able to work your family was still paying for everything with scraped up coins.
The sun is already low in the sky by the time you two exit the market and Jihoon stops you once more. “Allow my driver to take you back to your house.”
The sentence alone confirms your suspicions on Jihoon’s monetary status. To own a car is a luxury of its own, but to have a driver as well seals the deal.
You already can tell it’s impossible to turn Jihoon down so you just follow him back to his car. You wonder if his driver followed you after you two walked to the market. When you two get into the car you tell your address to the driver, trying not to get embarrassed at the thought of the nice car driving through your run down little neighborhood. 
Jihoon’s driver just nods and starts up the car. The three of you sit in silence until the car pulls up to your house and you climb out. Jihoon does as well, helping carry your groceries to the door.
“It was nice meeting you,” Jihoon says. “If you ever need anything again, give me a call.” He holds out a small white card, his business card, to you. You take it and thank him once more before entering your house, your mind still lingering on the strange, rich man.
You don’t give Jihoon a call, but you don’t have to. You run into him again not even three days after your first interaction. It’s early in the morning and you’re heading back home after work when you hear your name called out. When you turn you see the man’s car rolling up next to you, his head poking out of the back seat window.
“What are you doing walking alone so early in the morning? The sun has barely started to rise.”
"I'm walking back home from work," you answer honestly.
Jihoon's face looks sour at this, like he couldn't imagine working so late at night. "If you have been working all night let me treat you to breakfast."
It's your turn to let your face screw up slightly. You know that Jihoon can afford to buy you breakfast, but you still don't want to feel indebted to him. Not to mention your father will be waking up soon and you'll need to make his breakfast as well. You tell Jihoon as much.
"Then I will buy breakfast for your father too," is his solution.
You're not sure why he keeps insisting on buying you things but you just sigh and climb into the car. Jihoon has a smug grin on his face as he tells his driver where to go.
A few minutes later the car pulls up in front of a diner and you and Jihoon enter. It's nothing extravagant, but still a treat for those with a tight budget. 
The two of you sit in silence until a waitress comes and takes your order. Jihoon doesn't allow you to order for yourself, picking what he tells you are the most delicious and filling items. He orders for himself and then a third meal, asking the waitress to not cook it until she brings the check.
You note the way Jihoon has a nice presence to him, friendly and warm and inviting. The way his soft features are accentuated when he smiles, his round cheeks puffing up and his eyes squinting. You find him fascinating, but there's something more than that, something drawing you to him.
"So, where do you work that has you walking home at six in the morning?" 
The question breaks the ice between you as you fall into a natural conversation, asking questions and trading answers. Your hesitations towards the man quickly ebb the more you talk.
You learn he's a highly successful businessman but the war has halted much of his work which has given him some much needed down time. Like you, he doesn't have many living family members and he's an altruistic man so much of his money is left unspent.
Before you know it both of your meals are finished and the waitress is bringing over the check and the packaged meal for your father. Just like at the market, Jihoon pulls out his banknotes and pays before escorting you back to his car.
When you arrive at your house a part of you feels disappointed that the morning with Jihoon is over. Now it's back to the real world. 
You're halfway to your door when you suddenly turn back around. You don't know what causes you to say it before you can stop yourself you spit out, "Would you like to come in for a cup of tea? It's the last I could do after all of your kindness." 
Jihoon beams in front of you. "I would love that."
Bloodiest Battles of the War So Far, Conscription Soon to Follow?
Five months after you meet Jihoon he knocks on your front door, a letter clutched in his fist. There's a grim look on his face when you open the door and you know automatically.
The Battle of Bloody Ridge, follwoed by The Battle of Heartbreak Ridge, took out many of the soldiers on the frontlines and the country was now desperate to find new ones to replace them. A mandatory conscription for any young man who was eligible to join the military.
It didn't take long for you and Jihoon to start a relationship after your first few meetings. He's the perfect man, taking care of both you and your father and showering you in nothing but love and affection. The thought of him so far away, in the direct line of danger, makes a lump grow in your throat. Your chest tightens as your heart aches.
"We'll be okay," Jihoon mutters into your hair as you cry silently into his neck, holding him tightly. Like if you hold him tight enough he won't have to leave.
That's not how the world works though, and you accompany Jihoon on the day he is to deploy.
"If you need more money just send me a letter and I'll take care of it, okay?"
"You've left me with plenty already, love," you tell him as you fix his jacket collar. "Just come home safe."
"As long as you make sure I have something to come home to."
You can already feel the tears welling up in your eyes and you lean forward to press your lips to Jihoon's. He kisses you back, putting all of his love into it. A promise to you, that you will see him again, that this isn't your last kiss.
With one last squeeze of the hand Jihoon boards the bus and you're left alone, a heaviness in your heart and worry forming under your skin.
You just have to keep telling yourself he'll be okay, he has to be.
December 19, 1951
To the one my heart has gone to,
I hope you don't mind the frequency of my letters, I just feel closer to you know that eventually you'll hold the same paper in your fingers. I miss you tremendously, to the point my heart aches thinking of you.
Do you know that when you send your letters they smell of you? I always keep your most recent ones safe, in hopes to preserve the smell for just a little while longer.
There's not much to report about today, which I suppose is a good thing. Better than something hectic or even worse, a battle. 
Unfortunately it still doesn't look like there will be a break anytime soon. Battle after battle, life after life. It's not easy, but I've come to like the other men in my unit. Jeonghan takes good of us and Seokmin makes nice company. 
I don't want to keep you long, but I wanted to make sure you'd get a letter for before the holidays hit. Merry Christmas my love.
I'll make it up to you when I get home okay? For now just keep me in your dreams.
Write back soon, please. I want to hear what my lover has been up to. Keep me updated on your father as well.
All my love,
Your Jihoon
March 22, 1952
Today was hard.
I'm doing unwell as I write this letter, but it would pain me more not to send you my update.
Kwon Soonyoung died next to me today on the battlefield. It is not the first time a man has died near me, but it is the first time it was a man I have grown fond of. He was only a few months older than I am.
As grim as it may sound, and as much as I will mourn the loss, I am grateful that it was not me in his place. It was a difference of mere inches and fate chose Soonyoung. Does it mean anything? Is there a reason why I lived and he didn’t? I’m not sure but all I can think about is that his sacrifice is giving me a second chance at going home. Does that make me a bad person?
Everyday I pray this nightmare will be over. The thought of you is the only thing encouraging me to go on. I think about coming home to you, kissing your sweet lips, holding you in my arms.
We’ve been apart longer than we were together and I beat myself up for that everyday. I wish we would have met earlier, but as soon as the war is over we will have all the time in the world. Just you and me.
Wish me home soon,
Your Jihoon
November 30, 1952
To the home of my heart,
You have been on my mind all of today, not that you aren’t always on my mind normally. It has been particularly hard today though. It’s been a full year since my departure from you and every day has been harder than the last.
It’s hard to sleep at night and I often lay awake and think about you. Sometimes I will take a walk and look up at the sky. The moon and the stars are thousands of miles away but they still seem so close and bring so much comfort. That’s how I feel about you. Gazing at the moon also helps because it is still the same moon that you are under as well.
Look at the moon and think of me okay? Maybe one night we will be looking at the moon at the same time and I will be able to feel you just a bit closer.
Whenever I am able to fall asleep, I dream about you. I dream about the thought of you laying next to me. I wish to kiss your soft lips and feel your warm skin and look into your shining eyes. I dream of the life we will build together when we are reunited at last.
Would you marry me, my love?
I know it’s silly asking over a letter like this, and asking with such a strange courtship, but something in me feels the need to ask. Ever since I met you on the street that one fateful day, I’ve known you were the one for me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so please accept my proposal (I promise to give you a proper one the second I get home).
The other men keep teasing me about you, but they just don’t understand the love we share. Being with you, even just the thought of you, it feels like home.
A part of me wonders if I’ve secretly loved you my whole life. It sure feels like it. No matter what I know you were made for me and everyday I bless whatever force brought us together. I love you so much it drives me crazy.
When I get home let me take you out on a thousand dates to make up for the time lost. 
Please send me your answer soon,
Your fiance Jihoon
February 01, 1953
To my dearest,
I’m writing to you from the infirmary. I was shot in battle earlier, nowhere too fatal just the leg, but I just woke up from the procedure to remove the bullet and patch me up. I’m lucky to come out with nothing more than a scar. Some other men aren’t as lucky.
It seems everyday is a new fight, but it’s worth it if it gives me a chance of going back home to you. We’ll buy a house close to the port, so you can be near the ocean breeze. Every night we’ll walk the shore and watch the sunset together. Then on Saturdays I’ll accompany you on your errands. We’ll go to town together and get groceries and visit the cafe and do whatever your heart desires. 
I’ll buy fresh flowers for your parents every week.
We could get a cat to keep you company while I’m at work and you could quit that heinous job at the factory. That would give you more time to focus on yourself. You and I both know that my wealth is more than enough for just the two of us.
Our house shouldn’t be too big, but still a good size in case we ever have guests over. I think we should start a garden as well.
Ah, my love, thinking about our future is nice. It helps me wish for the future, helps me feel closer to you. Thank you for being my safe place away from this nightmare. I should rest more now, but please remember that I will always spend everyday loving you.
Pray for my speedy recovery,
Your Jihoon
July 07, 1953
Jagiya! I apologize for the lack of letters recently, things have been so hectic around here, but I write with good news!
The talk around camp is that the negotiations have been making a move, there is finally an end in sight. I cannot wait to get back to you. It has been far too long since I’ve seen you and the photo I carry of you has started to fade already from how often I admire it. 
I cannot stay to write for long, but I needed to send you an update and a reminder of my love. I promise we will be back together soon.
Go to town and buy some flowers for yourself okay? Today is worth celebrating.
I can’t wait to see you,
Your Jihoon
You’re jittery as you smooth down your shirt, waiting for the bus to pull up. The same bus that took him away nearly two years ago.
When all of your friends heard about your beau, they all called you crazy. Holding out for a man who has been gone for quadruple the amount of time you spent together and you guess maybe it is crazy, but for Jihoon you would do anything.
It is true that you two were only together for five months before his deployment, but even before he left you knew you were madly in love with Lee Jihoon. You spent your nights reading the letters Jihoon sent you, and writing ones back. You would think you two had been lovers for fifty years rather than five months.
You’ve always felt the pull towards Jihoon though, like you’ve been loving him all your life. Every letter he sent made you fall in love with him even more, and now two years later he’s finally coming home. 
The days were hard without him when you saw him nearly everyday before he left. Winter of 1952 was less than kind, taking your father with it and leaving you alone for the last seven months, wishing for nothing but for Jihoon to come home. Now he is and you couldn’t be more elated.
The people standing around you start to cheer when someone catches sight of the bus, but you can’t do anything but stand there, your heart pounding in your chest. When the bus stops and soldiers start to pour out you have a moment of doubt. The fear that Jihoon won’t want you anymore, that everything has changed for the worse, creeps into your mind.
The thoughts can barely form though because then Jihoon’s stepping off the bus and his skin is so much tanner than it used to be and you’ve never seen him with his hair so short but it’s Jihoon, your Jihoon. His eyes light up when he catches sight of your familiar face and he’s dropping his bags and running towards you.
His arms are locked around your waist and you’re being lifted off the ground. You cup Jihoon’s face in your hands and lean down to kiss him as he spins you two around, easing all of the worries in your mind. Your cheeks dampen as tears start to stream down your face, too many emotions coursing through you to keep them all on the inside.
You keep your hands on Jihoon’s face as he sets you down. You stroke his cheek, feeling his warm skin under your touch. “You’re here, you’re really here.”
“I’m here my love, I’m here, and I’m never leaving you again.”
It doesn’t take much longer for you and Jihoon to leave the station. You two sit in the back of his car, pressed together as Jihoon presses kisses to your face every few minutes. You’re not much better though, leaning into him with a dopey grin on your face, ready to start your new life with the man you love the most.
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The next time you see Jihoon isn’t at the antique shop at all. You’re getting coffee at the cafe next to your apartment when you see the man walk in. His eyes light up a bit when he sees you and he makes a beeline to your table after getting his drink.
“Is this seat open?” He asks, pointing to the empty chair across from you.
“Of course.”
Jihoon takes a seat before turning his attention to you. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Maybe it’s fate,” you say teasingly but Jihoon just grins.
“Maybe it is,” his voice is smooth as he talks, and your breath gets caught in your throat, “I mean, I wouldn’t be upset if I was destined to meet you over and over again.”
You break his gaze, trying not to show him how flustered you are. “You’re quite the sweet talker you know? You don’t know anything about me-”
“No, but I don’t think it would be hard to learn. I’m starting to think we’re not really strangers at all. You can’t tell me that you aren’t a bit interested in me as well.”
You glance back at Jihoon to find him staring intently at him. His eyes are warm and deep and you can feel yourself being drawn in, like you’ve stared at those eyes a million times before. There’s an inviting sense to all of Jihoon and the only thing you can think of to describe it as is home. 
“Okay,” you tell him with a slight grin. “Let’s see if destiny is right.”
And really you don’t care if it is fate or not, because as you and Jihoon fall into a comfortable conversation you realize that the two of you meeting was no mistake, and that you could definitely love Lee Jihoon for multiple lifetimes. 
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taglist: @ckline35 @toruro @jeanjacketjesus @namjoonbaby @n4mj00nvq @lovelyhan @ovai @scorpiobitch88 @im-gemmy @lllucere @tulipgarland4 @embrace-themagic @sulkygyu @leejihoonownsmyheart @synthetickitsune @yeosayang @miraclewoozi @d0nghyck @soonhoonietrash @violetvoo @yongi-lee @spilled-coffee-cup @morklee02 @17kwans @candidupped @ressonancee @m1nghaos @1-800-jeonwonwoo @anothershorthuman @chwecardcaptor @jwnghyuns @flwrshwa @valentxi @heavenly-mobo @pandorashbox @enhacolor @starlight-night0 @todorokiskitten @miriamxsworld @just-here-to-read-01 @sunnyteume @debsworld23 @seuomo @tinkerbell460 @strawberri-uyu @hotricewoozi @luvthatleader-nim @lorde-oftherings @marzmeltdown (also tagging @gyuswhore bc taylor swift lol)
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shygirl4991 · 9 months
Mistletoe Wars
Im keeping my word everyone!
Summary: SMG4 and 3 are fighting to see who is throwing the best Christmas party, but when someone brings a surprise mistletoe to the fight both men will end up having an unexpected heart to heart.
Tags: Fluff, love confession, comedy, mistletoe kiss
 SMG4 stands proud in the main lobby of his castle looking at his set up for this year's Christmas party, he made sure the castle had everything. A daycare for Mario to prevent the plumber from going crazy and more then likely setting the party on fire. A game section for his gaming friends, though SMG4 was only able to get his hand on one game only. The table had plenty of food and not to mention he got a Santa Claus area for his friends to make their Christmas wish.  Nothing can ruin this day after all he throws these parties every year and they always manage to save the day when things take a turn. 
He then runs outside excited to check on his high budget premium christmas light only to notice it wasn't working, in a panic he runs to check the outlet to trip over a cord.  Following the cord he tripped on he notices SMG3 on top of his cafe plugging his own high budget premium christmas light. He gets up running to the man upset “Oi! Turn that off! You're hogging all the electricity!” he paused “nice high budget lights tho,” he had to admit his rival had good taste in lights. SMG3 smiles flattered that his friendly rival noticed his taste “Thanks! And uhh NO!” just because they are on good terms meant he would let his idiot neighbor tell him what to do.  He smirks “I need the extra power for my lights for my upcoming christmas party!” This year he was going to out party SMG4. Two years he has been invited to SMG4 parties and finally understood why everyone loved Christmas so much. Now he was going to prove to the crew he can be just as cool as SMG4. 
SMG3 eyes go wide in shock “WHAT BUT I'M HOLDING A PARTY!” there was no way he was going to let SMG3 take the spotlight of the first ever Christmas on the showgrounds. “Come on SMG3 it's the first party on the showgrounds and it's super important to me,” before he can finish his sentence SMG3 rolls his eyes “Dont care and i'm pretty sure i didn't ask.” “Well it won't matter because my party will be cooler than yours!” He couldn't stand this man. Sure they may friends but that doesnt mean he wont start a war with his partner to show who truly is the best.  The two get to work decorating their place and making sweet treats to lure their friends over to their location. SMG4 looks at his watch and panics seeing it's almost time for the party, he dashes out of his castle and heads to Mario's place where everyone was waiting. 
Anxiety was eating at him, as he ran into Mario’s house, if his friends pick SMG3 party what would it mean? Could he lose his friends to his rival? He kicks down the door “guys you're still coming to my christmas party right? Please don't abandon me!” he didn't mean to say the last part but his anxiety was overwhelming him at the moment. His friends stare at him with concern while Mario is excited to see him “SMG4 we are playing go fish!” they indeed were not playing go fish he was pretty sure they were playing monopoly. Tari smiles at him “oh SMG4 we were just planning to head on over to your party!” Relief washed over him knowing that his friends would never abandon him for someone else, Meggy agreed with Tari letting him know that there was no way she would miss his parties. Truly he has amazing friends “Aw thanks you guys, now let's go party!” Suddenly an ad plays catching everyone's attention. It was SMG3 showing off his party and all the events he had going on, he even managed to find Santa and held him hostage at the cafe. 
Suddenly he lost his friends' attention as they all ran to go to SMG3 party for a ball pit, in a panic he dashed after them “Wait guys my party has two ball pits!” Being ignored he knew he had no other choice than to lay guilt on them thick, he looks down and acts like he is about to cry “Guys..are you really going to skip out on my party, after everything we have been through?” The plan worked as he saw each friend look down guilty before agreeing to go to his party, he gave them a soft smile as they walked into the castle. Then he turns and smirks at SMG3 before walking into the house, seeing that SMG3 knew he had to pull out the big guns. 
The pair begin their war attacking each other, forcing the crew to go back and forth, from avoiding bees to lame memes the crew was getting drained from the fight. Meggy groans at them yet again being chased out of SMG4 castle “This is getting ridiculous, there has to be a way to stop this!” The crew agrees as they wait for the next attack.  That's when a gift fell from the sky landing in front of them, looking up they saw Santa had escaped his imprisonment and dropped a box for them. Opening it they found a  mistletoe, Tari took it out of the box confused “How can this help?” Mario smirks, taking it from Tari “Mario has the perfect plan for this!” 
The crew run into SMG3 party acting like they are so relieved to be away from SMG4 “Oh thank god the fun party!” Meggy shouts to catch Three's attention.  He smiles and hands a gingerbread man to her “Hell yeah you are, now would you like a treat they are fresh!” While Three was distracted Mario put up the mistletoe and chuckled as he walked up to SMG3.  Just in time SMG4 charges in ready for his next attack, seeing his rival Three stomps over to him. Meggy and Mario both nod “You know what would prove who is better?” Both men turned looking at Meggy who was pointing upward. Confused, both men looked up, SMG4 eyes went wide seeing the mistletoe above them. SMG3 stared in shock feeling his face slowly heat up turning his cheeks pink. “Mario thinks whoever does it first has best party!” Both men looked down at each other awkwardly, they wanted to win but were they willing to go so far. SMG4 then came up with an idea “Why don't we just ask youtube? I will do a poll and the winner has to do it, if they don't the other wins.”
SMG3 didn't want to have to kiss the man in front of him but he had no choice; he needed to prove he can have fun parties too. Four set up the poll and watched the votes go in, slowly he became horrified. They were voting for him to be the coolest, meaning he had to kiss SMG3 or he would lose the war. “Well scrub? I'm sure you want to quit and that's fine, your friends and I will have fun over here!” He turns to face Three “I wont lose!” surprise SMG3 squeaks as Four grabs his arms and pulls him into a kiss. The crew gasped in surprise that he actually did it, while Mario took photos. SMG4 pulled away smirking “I win!” Three face was bright red at the sudden kiss unsure how to process all the emotions going through him. Then in a flash Santa comes back to nuke the place as payback for his kidnapping, SMG4 falls to his knees seeing everything on fire. While SMG3 finally snaps out of his trance to join SMG4 on the floor crying over everything burning. Meggy walks up to them patting their backs “Guys Christmas isn't about who has the best party, it's about spending it with loved ones like us your friends!” Tari jumps in with a drawing of them all with the words friends written on top. SMG4 smiles at his friends trying to cheer them up, only SMG3 seemed to be lost in thought. 
He gently taps SMG3 to get his attention, while it worked it made him worried about what the man could be thinking about. SMG3 gets flustered seeing the drawing “FRIENDS?! I mean uh I'd rather die than be friends with you guys!” Four giggles at the man’s act. Now that the pair weren't crying the crew had no idea what to do next, both hang outs are on fire and Mario’s place isn't big enough to have a party. That's when Bob chimes in to go to his place, with everyone in agreement they head off to Bob's home.
Everyone was there holding hands around a christmas tree, except for two meme guardians. SMG3 grabs SMG4 and drags him away form the group “Alright, what the hell was that gay shit earlier?” Four let out a sheepish smile “Uh i wanted to win?” he wanted to smack himself for such a stupid line. SMG3 glares at him before Four lets out a sigh, sure he wanted to win the battle but something else wanted to do it because it was SMG3. Things between them have changed so much, even his yelling and eye rolls had more affection to them then two years ago when they started to become friends. 
SMG4 looks up at the sky “SMG3, you notice that things feel different with us? It could just be me but in my desperation to beat your party, kissing you has made me see something.” SMG3 was getting ready to fight whatever burn Four was cooking but it never came. Instead he felt his breath get taken when SMG4 turned, giving him such a loving smile he didn't know what to do. “Remember our first kiss? I didn't trust you, still saw you as evil and hated that kiss, but this one…I wish it lasted more.” SMG3 blushes freaking out “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! Do you know how gay this sounds!?” 
SMG4 nods feeling himself starting to blush, seeing that Four was being honest with his feelings he decided to try something. “You're an idiot, if you think this will get you anywhere it wont. I mean that kiss was awful. I'm a way better kisser!” Hearing this SMG4 smirks “Oh, well then if you're so good at kissing prove it~”
Three gave the bait and the other man took it. Knowing clearly how the other man felt made his heart flutter, it was now or never as he grabbed SMG4 hand. Blushing he leans forward pressing his lips against Fours. This kiss felt different from earlier, there was more emotion in it. SMG4 intertwined his fingers with SMG3 then with his free hand pulled him closer. They don't know how long they spent kissing under the stars on christmas night, SMG3 didn't care at the moment. Because for the first time in his life he is feeling true happiness, as they slowly pull apart Three shyly looks away not letting go of Four’s hand “See i'm way better.”
SMG4 giggles trying to hide his blush “I don't know about that, maybe we have to try again sometime…maybe over coffee?” SMG3 rolled his eyes at Four attempting to be sneaky about asking him out “The shop is closed on Tuesday around 1pm, maybe if you show up i can show you my skills again.” SMG4 squeezes Three hand and gives him a bright smile “Then it's a date!” 
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risenwrites · 9 months
Title: The Important Question
Pairing: Boyfriend! Sanji X Girlfriend! Reader
AU: Modern Day
Warnings: Slight angst if you squint, mainly fluff, french words (I used Google translate pls don’t come at me), reader is kinda clueless, pet names (my love, darling, etc.)
A/n: This is for the Loverboy Sanji Event that @stephisokay is hosting! (I hope it's okay I tagged you fhdjskfks)
Word Count: ~2.6K
Status: Semi-edited
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Snow had already been falling for a couple of hours when you reached the apartment complex Sanji lived in. You stood at the base of the stairs, shivering in the frigid air despite your warm coat. You gently rubbed your palms together before sticking them in your armpits as you began climbing the staircase. With each step, your mind drifted back to earlier that day when Sanji texted you out of the blue.
His text said there was something important he wanted to talk about at his apartment tonight and that you should wear something nice. You had tried to ask him over text what he wanted to talk about, but he never responded. You’d gotten texts like that with previous boyfriends, which ended with a breakup each time. Deep in your heart, you feared tonight would end the same way.
When you reach the floor of Sanji’s apartment, you quickly rush over to his front door. You were eager to get inside to be warm but hesitated to knock on his door. Fear crept into your mind from the thought your boyfriend might break up with you. You loved him, probably more than you’ve loved anyone before.
You quickly shake your head to push away those thoughts. Pressing your lips together, you take a deep breath and then knock on the door. Within seconds, the door opened to show your boyfriend’s smiling face and curly eyebrows. Seeing his face instantly chased away all your fears and anxiety about what he might want to discuss. A smile spread across your face as he gently took hold of your hands.
“Y/n, my love!” he greeted, peppering your face with kisses, making you giggle. “Come in, come in!”
Sanji gently pulled you inside, grinning ear to ear as he closed the front door. The smell of food and cigarette smoke filled your nose, warming your heart and soul. You were about to turn toward your boyfriend, but he started taking off your coat before you could do or say anything.
“Thank you, Sanji,” you said while facing him, an even bigger smile on your face.
“It’s always my pleasure, my darling,” he said lovingly while hanging up your coat.
As he finished hanging up your coat, you stomped your feet a little to remove the snow on your shoes. You briefly looked him over, noticing how he wore one of the more fancy suits he owned, whereas you were wearing something nice but much more casual. Immediately, you began to feel a bit underdressed.
“Hey, did you want me to wear something more… fancy?” you asked hesitantly.
Sanji looked at you, his eye widened in surprise. He blinked a few times before panic flashed across his face, and he fully turned toward you. “No, no! You look wonderful, my love! I’m sorry, I should have said more than just nice in my text,” he apologized while holding your hands. 
“If you want, I can change into something else so you don’t-” he began to explain, but you quickly cut him off by giving him a quick kiss.
“No, it’s fine, really. Don’t change because I am underdressed,” you told Sanji with a small smile. “Especially with how dashing you look in this suit.”
Sanji let out a small breath while he stared at you, relaxing from the panic rising within him. Your heart skipped a beat from seeing the genuine love and admiration in his gaze.
“For the record, you never look underdressed. Everything you wear only makes you look more beautiful than you already are,” Sanji said with a grin slowly appearing.
Light pink dusted across your face, and you chuckled shyly, looking away with a happy smile. Part of you wondered how you found such a wonderful man, while another part gushed over how cute he is.
“A-anyway, what’s the fancy clothes?” you asked to change the subject.
Sanji’s face lit up, and he let go of your hands to place one on the small of your back. “Let me show you,” he said.
He led you through his familiar apartment, bringing you to the living room. Your eyes widened in surprise as you glanced around the room. All the furniture had disappeared, probably moved to another room. White and golden fairy lights were strung up on the walls and across the ceiling, making the room slightly dim but still lit enough to see. A little square table sat in the middle of the room, two fancy seating arrangements opposite each other. In the center of the table was a simple vase with a beautiful red rose inside.
Without hesitation, Sanji led you to the table and pulled out one of the chairs for you to sit. “I hope you came with an empty stomach, my darling! I’ve got something special planned for dinner tonight!” he explained while smiling at you.
You stared at Sanji for a moment, utterly dumbfounded by how much work he’d put in for a dinner he never told you he planned. You’d have dinner with him often, but this was completely over the top for a simple dinner. Sure, you’d always known how much of a romantic Sanji could be, but he’d only ever done something like this on special occasions. You couldn’t think of any holidays or special dates that could have made him want to set up something like this. Did this have something to do with what he wanted to talk about?
“Um... earlier today, you texted me, saying you wanted to talk about something?” you asked while moving to sit down.
His visible eye widened, and a light pink dusted on his cheeks as he chuckled. “R-right, that’s something we can talk about when we eat dessert,” he quickly said while pushing your chair in. “I’ll be right back with our food!”
Sanji kissed the top of your head and then walked off into the kitchen. You frowned slightly and leaned your cheek against your fist. With all the thoughts of a possible breakup gone from your mind, you wondered what Sanji might want to talk about. A small part of you hoped what he wanted to discuss had something to do with your future together, but you quickly dismissed the thought. He’d always change the subject when you tried to bring it up in the past. There had to be something else he wanted to talk about. You just needed to wait and see.
Soon, he returned holding two dinner plates with covers, like something you’d see in a fancy restaurant or other fine dining. He carefully placed one down in front of you and gave what you assumed to be a wink (you couldn’t be sure with his left eye covered by hair). He placed the other plate opposite you, where you assumed he would be sitting.
“May I present to you…” Sanji began with a cheeky grin, “Pâtes Épicées Aux Fruits de Mer!”
Sanji lifted the metal covers to reveal bowls of pasta covered with marinara sauce, the smell of spices and shrimp rushing up your nose. A smile spread across your face as you recognized the dish without asking him to repeat himself in English. Your stomach rumbled, and you giggled softly while looking at your boyfriend.
“Wouldn’t it have been easier to just say ‘Spicy Seafood Pasta’?” you asked.
Sanji chuckled and pecked you on the lips, causing you to giggle again. “And where would be the fun in that, hm?” he questioned with the rise of one of his curly eyebrows. “Let me put these in the kitchen, and then we can start eating.”
Once Sanji had put the metal covers in the kitchen, he sat across from you at the table. You both began eating the food he had made, which tasted amazing as always and chatted about how today had been for both of you. Most of that was Sanji complaining about men who came to The Baratie with their girlfriends and men who went to the restaurant to flirt with women non-stop.
“I swear to god that all men are pigs! You should have seen some of these guys. They were totally making the other customers uncomfortable with how they were talking to the fine young ladies dining at the restaurant. All of these men were absolutely swooning, and I mean swooning, to get the attention of our lady customers. Don’t get me started on how they stare like starved animals. Men have absolutely no respect for women these days,” he explained, eyebrows furrowed while he scowled.
Your hand flew up to cover your mouth to ensure no food came out while you laughed. All the frustration and irritation Sanji had melted away, his expression relaxing as he smiled.
“What’s so funny?” he asked while taking a bite.
You swallowed the food in your mouth and then chuckled. “I just find it funny how you’re saying that since you acted similarly before and when we first started dating,” you explained with another chuckle.
Sanji’s eye widened, and his face immediately turned bright red. “Dats not-” he started saying but stopped to swallow the food he had just put in his mouth. “That’s not the same! Besides, I was only trying to show my appreciation for women! I-I never swooned like those pigs!” he argued while the red spread to his ears.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little bit more, finding your boyfriend adorable from getting so flustered. “Oh yeah? If I remember correctly, you were always swooning to get the attention of any woman you met,” commented with a giggle. “But I guess you still do that now, even though we’re dating.”
Sanji’s body went rigid momentarily, and he became quiet after hearing your comment. The smile on your face immediately disappears, and you put your utensils down to reach across the table and hold your boyfriend’s hand.
“Hey, did I go too far with the teasing?” you asked worriedly.
He quickly shook his head and looked you in the eyes while squeezing your hand gently. It was his turn to chuckle as he caressed the back of your hand with his thumb.
“No, it’s just…” he began but trailed off like he was looking for the right words.
“It’s just… what?” you asked.
Sanji looked into your eyes, catching your breath in the back of your throat. He seemed so serious yet simultaneously filled to the brim with love and adoration. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight.
“It’s just I can’t imagine why you’d think I’d be vying for the attention of other women when I already have the most beautiful woman in the world,” he explained as a smile returned.
Your eyes widened, and it was your turn for your face to turn red. You gently squeezed Sanji’s hand before pulling away to pick up your utensils. “You’re such a flirt,” you softly state with a small smile.
“I’m only telling the truth, my darling,” he said with his smile becoming a grin. “No one could ever match the radiance you have.”
You swore your face looked redder than the marinara sauce in the food. Still, you giggled softly while finishing off the last of your food. When you looked up, you noticed how Sanji’s eye widened while he seemed to become extremely nervous yet excited. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, finding it strange how he suddenly became anxious when he’d just been flirting with you.
“Uh, are you done eating, my love?” he asked after a moment.
When you nodded, he quickly stood up and took the empty plates into the kitchen. Soon, he returned with two new dishes with metal covers. You raised an eyebrow and tilted your head to the side while he placed the two covered plates down. You saw Sanji’s hands trembling for the first time since you started dating him years ago. Worry bubbled up to the surface, and without hesitation, you gently took hold of his hand and looked up at him.
“Is everything alright? I’ve never seen you this anxious before. Not even when we’ve run into your family,” you said with a slight frown.
Sanji blinked a few times and looked down at you. He was quiet momentarily before a wide smile spread across his face, and he chuckled. Gently, he placed his hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb against your skin.
“Yeah, everything is great. I promise you don’t need to worry,” Sanji told you before taking his hand off your face. He took a deep breath while grabbing the metal cover on your plate. “y love, here is your dessert,” he said softly while lifting the metal cover.
It took you a minute to realize what was in front of you on the plate. There sat a single piece of cheesecake with a beautiful ring on top with a few fruits. A ring with a diamond. At that moment, you felt your heart skip a beat, seeing the beautifully simple arrangement on the piece of cheesecake.
You watched with wide eyes as Sanji picked up the ring from the cheesecake. He used a napkin to clean off the bits of the dessert still on the ring, then got down on one knee beside you. His curly eyebrows were furrowed slightly, a serious yet nervous expression on his face. Slowly, he lifted the ring up to you, showing off a beautifully simple design on the ring with a diamond in the center.
“Y/n l/n, will you make me the happiest man in the whole world, spend the rest of your life with me, and marry me?” Sanji asked, his eyes locked with yours.
The whole world seemed to disappear around you, even yourself, leaving only Sanji. You committed everything about him at this moment to memory, from his curly eyebrows to the fancy suit he wore to the mixed smell of spices and cigarette smoke. He looked nervous yet hopeful like he thought there was a chance you might say no, but at the same time, he assured himself that you would say yes.
Tears began building up in your eyes as you placed a hand over your mouth. How could he ever think that you would say no to him? After all the time spent together, all the memories made, all the ups and downs, he was still unsure if he was worthy of your love. Just like how you were with his love. You threw your arms around his neck and held him close without hesitation.
“Yes! A million, no, a billion times yes!” you exclaimed happily, a bright smile appearing on your face.
You could feel Sanji let out a sigh as he wrapped his arms around you. He held you close and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. You could feel the happy smile on his face as he gently pressed his lips against your neck.
“God, I love you so much it hurts,” he whispered while tightening his hold on you, making you giggle softly.
“Is this what you had wanted to talk about?” you asked, the whole situation still feeling like a dream.
“Yeah, it is. Sorry for keeping it a secret. I just really wanted this to be a surprise. Especially since you’ve wanted to talk about our future together,” Sanji explained.
You shook your head while pulling away from hugging him, which had Sanji pouting a little. You chuckled while gently taking his face in your hands, a happy simple on your face. You placed a gentle, loving kiss on his lips, and he eagerly kissed back with just as much love, if not more.
After a moment, you pulled away and ran a hand through his hair. “Then let’s talk about things while we eat our cheesecake,” you suggested with a laugh.
Sanji grinned and nodded in agreement while resting a hand on top of yours. “Yeah, let’s,” he agreed.
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©following works belongs to risenwrites, do not repost, modify, plagiarize, translate, or share on other platforms. comments, likes, and reblogs appreciated!
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butteredfrogs · 4 months
📩 simblr question of the day: any other simblrs that you love
i did something similar to this a while ago but i just wanna spread some love because there are so many amazing and talented people and i just hope you all know i appreciate all of you! (also this post is super long so i apologise i advance)
@squea honestly you are such a sweet person and you’re so so talented! you inspire me so much and you already know i appreciate you but i really do and i’m so thankful to call you my friend💛
@circusjuney june, you are so cool. not only are your edits amazing, you can make poses as well??? you’re so talented and also i love talking to you you’re honestly so lovely and so sweet <3
@youredreamingofroo you have such cool and chill vibes, and your renders are amazing!! i also love reading about your ocs and stuff or seeing the stuff you reblog that reminds you of them, i told you this already but i legit stalked roo and leo’s tag the other day because i wanted to find out more about them!
@druidberries you already know ily, but honestly i am so invested in the tjol gang i love seeing them pop up on my dash and hello the latest update??? i am so excited for baby 3!! also ofc butterberries is the best duo and no i will not accept criticism thank you💛
@sunyos jaci, every interaction i have with you is so chaotic but you never fail to make me laugh so hard! you are honestly so chill and i love seeing your sims so much and i just love talking to you!!
@fizzytoo i love your sims and your gameplay screenshots so so much! honestly your postcard legacy was one of the reasons i wanted to get the horse ranch pack bc you just made it seem so fun! you also just have such good vibes! (also i saw your posts about playing sdv, i’m expecting updates from your farmer butter!!)
@stellarfalls literally where do i even begin. i mean if you haven’t seen bree’s edits already i’m going to assume you’ve been living under a rock? just so talented and honestly you inspire me so much (although i don’t think my edits will ever be on your level)
@stinkrascal honestly again just such a sweet and lovely person!! also i just love your vlad so much and i love reading your story like i love learning more about your characters and their backstories!
@alelelesimz honestly where would we be without your cc free townies, thank you for your service🫡. but not only that the way you style your sims in general is amazing like their outfits are always so so good
@solargrove you are so so sweet! despite the fact we don’t interact much you sent me such a lovely ask after i was upset by that anon and it just really cheered me up! not only that but your builds and your gameplay screenshots always have such a nice warm and cozy vibe to them like they literally can i live in your game pls?
@folkbreeze your edits your gameplay are so so good every time! your screenshots are always so full of life and literally look like they belong in a photo album i love it so much and i just love the way that you edit them as well
@eljeebee such an amazing story teller! if you guys aren’t following lana you should be!!! you put so much love into your stories and it really shows they’re so good! also you are so lovely and have always been so nice and supportive and i appreciate it so much💛
@citrlet honestly i’ve said this so many times at this point but you are so lovely! also your screenshots are so pretty and soft and i love them so much! i also love seeing your stardew valley screenshots like i really love the fairycore/cottagecore vibe <3
@crazy-lazy-elder-sims i’m so sorry i sound like a broken record but you are so lovely!!! every time i’ve interacted with you you’ve just been super sweet or supportive and i really appreciate it! also in general just the fact you reblog so many posts and support so many people is really nice to see honestly i always love seeing stuff that you reblog whether that be sims or not!
@windslar honestly your gameplay screenshots and your edits are so good!! and literally where would simblr be without your psds we would literally be so lost like they’re so good and so useful
@orbitsuns your gameplay posts are so pretty. they have such a sweet and wholesome vibe to them if that makes sense? esp your secret garden screenshots they just feel very cozy and wholesome. also you have the sweetest vibes <3
@wildmelon you have always been one of my biggest inspo esp when it comes to fantasy! also even though you don’t just post sims i love your blog so much. it has such a whimsical vibe and i just always associate you with fantasy <33 (also your sims are STUNNING)
this is already super long so quick fire of some of the other people on here that i love and that you should go show some love to as well @glittermutt @simelune @cottageivy @thefunniestjester @flovoid @finnsim @kopimoss @futurelabs @velvet-disc @aliengirl @zleepyhollow and so so many others that i’m probably missing honestly anyone that i follow has inspired me in some way or another and i appreciate each and everyone of you 💛💛 also just anyone who has liked commented on or reblogged any of my posts i appreciate it so so much thank you all for being here 🫶
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five-rivers · 1 year
Bring Your Ghost To School Day
For @phantomphangphucker
Valerie felt pleased with herself.  Sure she would have preferred to catch the ghost dog, or Phantom (take him down a few pegs), but if she was being honest with herself, showing up to the Paranormal Self Defense class practicum with Phantom in tow would have raised way too many questions.  Most of her classmates would probably come in with blob ghosts.  
Although she has heard a few scheming to get the Box Ghost…
Whatever.  Finally catching that slimy, scaly, slippery giant ghost worm nicely straddled the line between what was feasible for her from an outside perspective and what she, personally, considered an accomplishment.  
She walked into the classroom with her head held high and set her Fenton Thermos mk. 10 (the only containment device approved for the class) squarely in the center of her desk.  
Star twisted in her seat to face her.  "Hey, Val, what didya get?"
"Giant ghost worm."
"Nice.  That'll be pretty unique.  Pauli and I tried to tag-team some ectopuses over the weekend but we were only able to get one.  Good thing I had a backup blob ghost, right?"  She sighed.  "They're so fat and cute.  I wonder if they can be domesticated."
Valerie doubted it, but she shrugged noncommittally.  The rest of the class dribbled in over the next fifteen minutes, with Danny sliding through the door just before the bell rang, as usual.
"Alright class," said Mr. Lancer, wheeling forward the class's Fentonworks™ Ghost Glass™ Containment Cube™.  "As you all should know, today, your practicum is due.  You will be coming up one by one and releasing your ghost into the-" he sighed, then inhaled deeply, "-Fentonworks™ Ghost Glass™ Containment Cube™, whereupon you will explain to the class how you located and captured the ghost in question.  When you are finished, you will recapture the ghost and place your thermoses on that shelf, to be picked up by the Fentons for, yes, Miss Manson, ethical release into the Ghost Zone.  Any questions?"
Dash raised his hand.  "Can I get an extension?"
Mr. Lancer turned his gaze briefly towards the ceiling.  "See me after class, Mr. Baxter.  Any other questions?  No?  Then, do we have any volunteers?"
All hands stayed down.  Hey, Valerie was proud, but not volunteering to present first proud.  That was crazy.
"That's fine, I'll just pick randomly, then.  Mr. Gregor, you're first."
Elliot stood up and made his way to the front of the classroom like a man made to walk the plank.  He stuck his thermos into the socket on top of the Fentonworks™ Ghost Glass™ Containment Cube™ and hit the release button.  Blue-white light briefly filled the space.  When it cleared there was…
"Hey!" shouted Dash.  "It's empty!"
"No, it's not!  It's Youngblood!"
"I must confess," said Mr. Lancer, "it does look empty."
"You just can't see him because all of you are adults already, and I don't turn eighteen until July!"
Danny raised his hand.  "Neither do I."
Elliot looked like he wanted to argue for a moment, but then his shoulders slumped forward.  "Aw, man.  You couldn't let me have this?"
Mr. Lancer tapped a dial on the front of the Fentonworks™ Ghost Glass™ Containment Cube™ with his pen.  "The ecto-detector would have outed you–" 
There were a number of snickers from the jocks' side of the room.  
"--in any case, Mr. Gregor.  You can return to your seat, now."  He made a note on his clip board.  "My homework is invisible to adults is a new excuse for the books, though.  Mr. Fenton, you're next."
"'Kay," said Danny, passing Elliot on his way up.  "Prepare yourselves to be amazed!"  He slotted his thermos into place and hit the release button.  
Valerie shielded her eyes from the light and suppressed a laugh.  She was glad Danny had actually gotten something, considering how skittish he was about ghosts, but that intro was–
"Daniel!  Release me this instant!"
Wait, what the heck?
Valerie looked up to see Vlad Plasmius glaring at Danny through the walls of the Fentonworks™ Ghost Glass™ Containment Cube™.  Vlad Plasmius.  Better known as Vlad Masters.  Mayor of Amity Park.  Richest man in the world.  Scarily powerful ghost with a great disguise.
She felt her jaw drop.
"May I introduce to you, the Wisconsin Ghost!"
"It's Plasmius, you insufferable brat!"
Mr. Lancer cleared his throat.  "Mr. Fenton, did your parents help you catch this… Plasmius?"
"I borrowed some equipment from them, but that's within the rules, right?"
"Let me out!"
"Hey, you heard Mr. Lancer.  You'll be released into the Ghost Zone after school with everyone else."
"Speaking of which, you should start your presentation."
"Oh, right.  So, what happened was that I snuck up on him while he was monologuing in his evil lair and hit him over the head with–"
"You did not!  And I don't have an evil lair!"
"That's debatable, but you know what?  Fine," groaned Danny.  "Spoilsport.  Anyway, I started by baiting my trap with cheese–"
"I pretended to be the mayor of Green Bay and called–"
Plasmius hissed at him.  
"Okay, okay, what I really did was tell Mr. Lonely Cat Guy that I'd tell him my mom's number if he helped me with a school project."
"Mr. Fenton," started Mr. Lancer, obviously concerned.
"It was a lie, of course!  Guys and girls, the only ghost you should give digits to is Phantom."
"That is not what happened!"
"My man, I'm trying to make this less embarrassing for you.  Work with me here."
"Mr. Fenton, must I remind you that this practicum is a graduation requirement?"
"No, no, I've got it.  But it is, like, super embarrassing for him."
Honestly, Valerie didn't know why she was surprised at this point.  Danny never had normal presentations.  Not since the gorilla thing.  
“What are you talking about?” snarled Vlad.  
“Aw, it sounds like it was so traumatizing he doesn’t even remember it…”
“Mr. Fenton, please.”
Danny shrugged.  “I told him I’d be more likely to consider letting him adopt me if he could win a fight with Fright Knight, because, like, that’s something I could do in Freshman year, and he’s never beaten him, and when he showed up afterward to gloat I snuck up behind him and souped him.”
“The worst part is that I didn’t even think he’d do it.  Like, I’ve made exactly zero attempt to hide the utter disdain I feel for this man.  It was a joke.  I said I didn’t expect him to do it, but apparently he took that as a taunt or challenge or whatever.  I was just going to bring Wade, but then he showed up this morning, so I was like, why not?”
“Wade?” asked Mr. Lancer.  
Danny reached into his hoodie’s front pocket and pulled out the teeniest tiniest blue-green blob ghost.  “This is Wade.  I call him that because I found him in a pool.”
Wade squirmed out of Danny’s grip and flew up to chew on his hair.  
“You know you aren’t supposed to bring uncaptured ghosts into the school,” said Mr. Lancer tiredly.  
“That’s what your focus on?” ranted Vlad.  “And you call yourself a teacher–” 
“And that’s enough.”  Mr. Lancer reached over to hit the capture button and disengaged the thermos.  “You can go back to your seat now, Mr. Fenton.  Mr. Ishiyama?”
Kwan bounded up to the Fentonworks™ Ghost Glass™ Containment Cube™ and gleefully slammed his thermos down into the socket.  “I caught the Box Ghost!”
“Oh, no,” muttered Danny.  
“BEWARE!  I AM THE BOX GHOST AND– Oh, my, this is a lovely box.  Is it for me?  I ACCEPT THIS TRIBUTE!  FEAR ME!”
The Fentonworks™ Ghost Glass™ Containment Cube™ began to levitate.  Valerie pulled her class-approved ecto-pistol from her bag.  Honestly, in retrospect, something like this was bound to happen.  At least, she noted, seeing all of her classmates pull out their approved ecto-pistols, she wouldn’t be the only one stuck fixing it this time.
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acrux-jr · 11 months
Carousel Meeting
Summary: The 3 times Mike schidmt almost met you but didn't, plus the 1 time he did
Word Count: 1.9k
Can be read byself or as a prequel to my carousel series.
Tags: fluff, accidental meeting, soft spot for Abby
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(Before FNAF movie)
The first Mike saw you, your back was turned. You had you l/m/s hair down. You were wearing blue washed jeans that flared slightly, a cream colored knitted pullover and a brown leather jacket.
He had heard your obnoxious laugh from the back of the line in the fair. He saw you lightly push your friend, and she laughed as well.
Abby's head popped to the opposite side, and saw your face.
Mike had turned away, not wanting to be seen as a creep for trying to stare at your face.
Right as you were next the ride broke. Your friend groaned as you shrugged. Mike was being dragged as Abby whined to go to a different ride. As he turned down to tell her to wait, your shoulders bumped.
Unbalanced you fell on you friends, laughing harder. Mike yelled a quick 'Sorry,' as he was dragged off.
He a faint 'Sorry,' back. When he turned to face you, your friend blocked your image, the two of you not being able to see each other's face.
The next time you two missed meeting each other was the very next day again. Mike had promised Abby to take her everyday for the weekend to the fair.
You and your friend returned to the fair, after working for 2 weeks straight because a coworker quit, you finally got the weekend off to recharge and see your friends. This time your friend brought her boyfriend to go on the scary rides with you since she felt bad for always chickening out.
The three of you stopped by the darts and balloons, pushing them both out of the way. First try got the second biggest prize of a fox plush. On your next try you heard a little girl gasp.
Abby was looking with amazement at the plush purple bunny on top hanging.
"Want to try?" The carnival person asked.
Abby shook her head no, "I don't have enough."
Your heart broke a little. Getting the next 3 in a row, you won. Jumping up and down your friend clapped and hollered while her boyfriend rolled his eyes at the two of you.
"Whatcha want?"
The little girl was still there just watching now. "That one." When you got the plush and turned to her, she eyed you warily.
"Here, I already have the fox." She took it hesitantly.
You gave a warm smile as your friends tugged you to the duck ring game. You waved bye and she waved bye back and dashed to a man wearing a hoodie. You saw the curly hair from behind, and turned away.
Abby rushed to Mike, excited to show Mike the plush.
Mike gripped her firm and held her tight. For a split second he felt like he was a kid again seeing his brother get taken.
"Abby! You know you're not allowed to run off like that! Why would you do that?"
"I only went right there." She pointed to the booth across from where Mike was sitting.
He turned to answer and phone call from his security guard co worker and Abby was gone for a minute with him frantically searching. When he tried to call out, nothing came out. He started to have a panic attack. And there she was.
When she re-appeared he almost threw up. He crouched down and noticed the blue plush.
"Who gave that to you?"
"Some girl won two in a row and she let me have it because she had a fox one!" Mike's eyebrows furrowed but nodded.
"That was nice of her…"
Abby nodded her head. "Don't run off again Abby. You could've been taken. " 'Too.' It was unspoken but Abby understood.
"Sorry Mike."
"Come they have shaved ice with your favorite flavor."
She beamed again and hopped while pulling Mike.
The third time the paths almost met but did not was in the house of mirrors. Mike was against it but Abby coaxed him with the 'pretty please' 'cherry on top' and puppy dog eyes. He rolled his and followed behind Abby.
He watched as she hit her head, trucked by the mirrors, she glared and huffed as Mike laughed at her. He dropped the plush as he was laughing. The duo didn't notice til after outside.
As luck had had it, you noticed the plush when you made it to the half-way mark. It reminded you of the little girl and wondered if she hit her head and dropped it. You chuckled at the thought of that and took it with you.
Abby was crying as Mike promised to get her another on.
"Abby come on I'll buy or win or whatever it is again."
The tears fell and she shook her head no, "No she won it for me! She was nice and gave it to me because she knew I wanted it and I lost it." She sobbed and her hand made it to her eyes.
Mike groaned, "Okay Abby I will go back, " he scanned the crowd and saw a group of police officers walking by.
"Hey! Excuse me!"
They two men and women turned around, the red headed men raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"
"I'm sorry to ask but do you mind watching her real quick? I dropped her plush in the maze and she doesn't want to go in with me again to look but still wants me to. It'll be like less than 5 minutes, I just don't want her by herself." What he assumed was his sister with the matching hair and last name, nodded.
"Yeah that's fine, we are waiting for our co-worker to be down in the restrooms right there."
Mike thanked them and dashed in after giving the young teenage girl 3 more tickets.
A minute had passed as Mike went in, and then you popped out finishing it, with your friends trailing behind you. You scanned the area and saw the little girl crying with police around her. 'Is she lost?' You said 'be right back,' and headed that way.
"Excuse me?" The police, trying to calm her down, turned to look at you. Abby looked up with teary eyes and saw you. She ran and hugged your leg.
"I lost Mr. Bunny. I'm sorry!" She wailed and cried.
"Hey hey it's okay no need to cry. Look I found him, he's waiting to hug you again." She gasped and dove into a hug with the plush.
The cops looked at you questioningly. You noticed their gaze and explained. "I won it earlier and she really wanted it so I gave it to her, I already won the fox, I just like playing the games." They nodded, a little more at ease with you. As you turned around you crashed into a blonde girl, with a police uniform. She dropped her corn dog on the floor.
"Oh my god I am so so sorry. Here let me get you a new one."
"It's fine. My fault for not paying attention and whatnot."
"No really let me get you a new one." She hummed as she wiped the little crust of the corn dog off her. Before going off with her you turned back around. "Okay I gotta go but be careful okay. Are you waiting for your mom or dad with the police officers?"
She nodded and pointed to the mirror maze. "My brother is in there trying to find Mr. Bunny."
"Okay okay good. I'll see you around, be sure to keep Mr. Bunny safe and close at all times, okay?"
She gave a watery smile and nodded. You gave her a pat on the head and waved goodbye to the group. Mike dashed out if the maze as he saw a blonde and h/c go by.
Abby was finally smiling and laughing and holding the plush again.
Mike was confused, "Abby, how did you get that?"
"Oh the girl who won it was in the maze too! She came right out when you went in and gave him back to me."
Mike stared at her and then the police who nodded along. The woman spoke, "She was a nice young thing who made sure the little was okay, even offered to buy our co-worker her food after they bumped and it spilled."
'What the fuck?' Mike nodded at the story. "Okay Abby, say thank you to the officers who were watching you and let's go."
The siblings thanked the officers and went their own way, as your friends whisked you off after apologizing to the young police officer again.
The time the paths crossed:
Your friend rolled her eyes as you sat on the bench.
"I'm tired. I just wanna sit down."
"You can sit on the carousel!"
"No, aye you go take her already. Shoo."
Your friend rolled her eyes as her boyfriend shrugged.
"Pick her up."
The two of you stared at her, then shared a look.
'Is she for real?'
'I think so.'
"Y/n I'm dead serious."
"Please let me rest! You've dragged me around the whole day, my social battery is at zero, let me recharge." You begged, if needed at this point you'd get on your hands and knees.
Your friend sighed and nodded. "Fine, rest and draw or whatnot."
Mike and Abby argued for a bit about Mike going on but with the whole tired from work thing Abby went by herself. A nice couple helped her on the horse, Mike motioned to the bench you were at, letting Abby know he was there watching. Abby waved and hugged Mr. Bunny.
Mike noticed the girl sitting there, she was slightly hunched over and what looked like drawing.
Mike cleared his throat and the girl slightly jumped. She looked wide eyed at Mike, who couldn't help but think 'Pretty.'
"Sorry um do you mind if I sit? My sister is over there and I want to watch her." He waved toward the carousel moving.
"Yeah that's fine, go ahead." Mike sat, and tried to focus on the carousel bit his eyes would slide over the girl next to him.
She was pretty, with her h/c and big e/c eyes. She had long eyelashes and pink pouty lips.
Mike's eyes dragged down her figure and noticed thick thighs. His eyes quickly shot up.
'Focus on Abby not the hot stranger next to you.'
To you though Mike looked bored and to be in his own world.
'Just say something!'
"So how old is your sister?"
Mike turned his attention towards you, "She's 8."
"Hmm. That's such a great age to take them places, since they'll actually remember it."
"Yeah, I guess so."
'I guess hes not much of a talker.'
'Are you serious? You couldn't add more to the conversation?'
"Do you have any siblings?"
You turned to him and gave him a smile. "No vut I have a younger cousin I grew up with, he's like my little brother basically. I was going to bring him but he got in trouble for fighting."
Mike smirked, "Fighting?"
"Yeah, one of the other little brats was bullying this one quite girl with braces. And it turned physical."
He cocked a brow, "And he got punished?"
You leaned in a little closer, and Mike subconsciously did the same. "Just for 2 days, hos mother just doesn't like fighting period. But she's letting me take him for the last day of the carnival and then to go get ice cream and waste the day away, basically."
Mike nodded along, "I guess that makes sense. No parent wants to see their kid fight and possibly get hurt."
"Yeah, she also wants me to stress the importance of no physical fights. Since, he listens to me a little more."
"That's nice." You hummed in agreement.
When the carousel stopped, you got up slowly, and you ripped a piece of paper out.
"Uh here." Mike took it slowly and you walked off to greet your friends, off to the next attraction. Mike eyed you as you left, eyes trailing up and down.
"Maybe fairs aren't so bad." Mike muttered to himself. Abby came running, excited riding the carousel. And Mike was excited too, he got a girl's number.
"Was it fun?" Abby nodded yes and hugged Mr. Bunny.
"Alright let's go it's past your bedtime." Abby gave a dejected look but nodded nonetheless.
'Hey, it's the guy from the carousel.'
'Which one?'
'Just kidding! I swear!'
He huffed a laugh out loud. And Abby looked at him funny as he was disturbing drawing/cartoon time.
'Real funny.'
'I am known to be somewhat of a comedian.'
'Can't always be making jokes.'
As the texting continued, Mike Schmidt was saved under "Carousel Boy ♥︎"
Mike would never admit it, but before getting your name and before the second date, you were under "my carousel girl."
I feel like mile wouldnt text at first but since he thought you were hot and checking you out he'd do it as like a let me have 1 thing "selfish" attitude but then realizes that fuck hes in to deep like by the secind date. In the carousel series, Mike still doesn't know lol he just thinks you and abby clicked bc abby wanted to have a secret between the two of you.
I lied again yall 😪 couldn't help myself
Taglist: @stinkii-boii @hellothisisprincesskitty
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still-scribblin · 1 month
Please, Please, Please
i just followed where the story took me, it was a few hundred words when i realized there was no smut in the books for this one????? none for now anyway and!! this doesn't seem directly derived from the song the longer i wrote but duhfaiuhdfjnldjfb whatever - also just posting this as soon as i finish so i don't have time to second guess or be shy so there are probably mistakes somewhere here isdbfhs
tags: inspired by a song, rlly mild angst at first but it's all good, reader-centric, 'Reese' is a nickname, if you read the whole thing here you'll get where it came from lmao
written for @stargazingfangirl18 's birthday! 🥳
hey siri! happy birthday! i'm one of your readers and i think it’s so cool that you hosted an event for writing for your birthday. it’s always a treat reading the stories you’ve written (and even the ones you’ve reblogged) when they come up on my dash and you’re one of the first cevans writers i’ve come across that just got me hooked on him and made me appreciate the different characters he’s played in his career! also one of the writers that probably influenced me to try writing for cevans characters too hihi. anyway i hope you have a great birthday here on tumblr and irl with your loved ones and closest friends, and i hope writing keeps you happy and that you share more of those happiness with the community here on tumblr. happy birthday!!! 🎈🎁🎊
i’ve been meaning to write for ransom using this song so i’m glad i got to use this event as a motivator for that. i chose to write for ransom first because he’s usually who i’m reminded of when i look at your blog (probably bc of the icon?) anywayyy yea :)))
wc: 1,269
“Are you ashamed of me?” 
“Wha- no! Never! You know I’m so proud of you, right?” 
“I mean I understand you know,” he said bitterly, ripping your heart to shreds. “I wouldn’t want to be seen with me either.” It took a long time for him to be alright after realizing what he’d done, it took even longer for him to regain his confidence and show his true, lovely, colors after all that. Now it seems like all of that progress will be set back all because you’d lost the ability to speak.
“It’s not that at all Ran, I promise.” 
“Really? Because I heard you threatening to pull your sister’s hair until she went bald when we ran into her at the supermarket if she said anything about us.” you couldn’t breathe. he heard that? “I didn’t even know you were capable of saying violent things. It was a nice change, definitely made you hotter.” somehow you knew he meant it even if he was avoiding your eyes this time around, trying to keep the hurt off of his face. 
“Please believe me when I say I’m not ashamed. Of you, or us, or anything you’ve done and been through. It’s a problem with me, I swear.” your heart hurt at the disbelieving look he gave you. 
“You’re a saint, why would it be a problem with you? Just be honest with me, Reese. I’m a grown man, I can take it.” You hugged his head to your chest, combed his hair with your fingers, and choked on your tears. Words that you couldn’t say tripping over each other, suddenly in a rush to be spoken when they’d been stuck in your throat for days. It wasn’t his fault that this meeting would be doomed to fail, and something inside you would die if you let him go back to the driver’s seat believing that you saw him as anything less than the man he was, the most loving partner you’d ever had. 
You didn’t even realize your position had changed until you inhaled a mouthful of the fibers of his sweater. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you shrugged. The sigh he’d let out at least let you know he’s okay and out of the self-deprecating hole he’d dug himself into while he waited for you to speak. 
“It’s going to be okay.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Maybe, but I have high hopes. You’ve always spoken so highly of your family, and if you’re right about them then maybe they’d give me a chance, just like you did.” the way he looked straight into your eyes with unshakeable faith stole the breath from your lungs, and that was that. you didn’t know what you did to deserve him. 
Whatever happens, you were content knowing that Ransom knew where you were coming from, and that whatever anyone would say, you didn’t think of him any less. You steeled yourself as you both got back out front, the ride still quiet but definitely more comfortable as you felt the weight of your intertwined hands on your lap. 
“Well that wasn’t so bad. What were you so nervous for?” staring at the ceiling of your childhood bedroom, squeezed against Ransom’s body and the wall beside your twin-sized bed, you’d barely heard what he said, feeling so snug and comfortable at finally being able to relax now that all’s said and done. You didn’t even know you lost sleep over it. 
“Hey.” Ransom poked your cheek. He laughed as you groaned and buried your face in his chest. 
“I don’t even know.” you exhaled, watching his chest rise and fall calmly. 
For once in your life you were happy to be proven wrong. You’d thought that it would be a disaster of an afternoon, but your sister – godbless her blabbering mouth – had already told the whole family about Ransom, and about how she saw you two goofing off in the supermarket that day before approaching you two. The family had already known apparently, and were just happy that you found someone who wouldn’t take you for granted, regardless of their past. 
Tears stung at your eyes at the idea of Ransom staying, not because he needed anything from you, but just because he wanted to. 
“Come on,” you felt him grumble. “get out of that pretty head and come into bed with me. you already left me to fend for myself the whole afternoon.” he complained. 
“Do I have to fuck your soul back into your body?” that got your attention. 
“What?” you could only watch, incredulous, as Ransom palmed his growing hard-on and proceeded to position himself between your legs with a mischievous grin. “I’ve been thinking of this since you told me we were visiting.” at your blank look, he sighed.
“Fucking you in your childhood bedroom, of course.” he snorted as you suddenly sat up and began hitting his arm out of embarrasment. seriously, where was the filter on this man’s mouth? 
Apparently having had enough of games, you soon found yourself unable to move, hands pinned by one of his own above your head, your view taken up by Ransom furrowing his brows as he took his pants off with only one hand. 
“Are you serious?” 
“Yep.” he said, insufferable. You could only watch as he made a show of sucking on his particularly placed middle finger — the eyeroll you gave him only widened his stupid grin — and pressed said finger in the middle of your panties, tracing your slit over the cloth and breaking your unimpressed stare that he wasn’t buying. 
“You’re such a worrywart,” Ransom said as he slid a thick finger into you, the gusset of your underwear pushed to the side, his eyes never leaving yours. “but I shouldn’t complain, that is how we finally got to talking, after all.”
The hand holding yours slid down to push your thighs further apart. The mental image of what you must look like, inside your family home, with only the four thin walls of your bedroom to keep your dignity intact sparked a fresh wave of arousal over you. Ransom, who had always been attentive, raised a curious eyebrow at the subtle twitch of your body. “you like this, don’t you?” 
you refused to answer the accusation, refused to watch his infuriating smirk grow, but you should have known that would never fly with him. you squeaked as you felt a firm slap on your clit. 
“answer me.” 
“...yes” you whispered. you closed your eyes as he began chuckling, muttering to himself about how ‘he knew it’. One thing you’d learned about Ransom was that the guy loved to talk. The only time he ever shut up was when you sat on his face, because even asleep he liked to mutter random things, like book quotes or threats to family members that were nowhere near him, thankfully. 
the sound of footsteps nearing your bedroom had you looking back at him, panicked. Ransom on the other hand, seemed excited, going by the way his eyes lit up. 
“hey!” your sister knocked. “movie starts in 10 minutes so if you two aren’t down by that time I’m busting this door open even if I have to do it blindfolded!” 
“kinky!” Ransom replied. The loud thump of your fist against his shoulder was drowned out by your sister’s laughter. 
“fuck you!” you whispered, unbelievably embarrased. 
“that’s exactly what I’m trying to do.” Ransom says matter-of-factly, his face speaking of the herculean challenges you’re no doubt going to have to endure for the next 9 and a half minutes.
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melanieph321 · 1 year
Ruben Dias x Reader - The Handyman 18+
It's the outfit 🙈 it's giving DIY Ruben.
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Summary - Readers apartment needs fixing and Ruben "The Handyman " comes to her rescue.
It took you three days to put up the shower curtains in your bathroom. You guessed that putting up a small bookshelves should take you twice the amount of time. What did you know about putting up shelvs anyway?
The town that you lived in had a small hardware shop across from the café where you worked. You had never been in there before so showing up at 6 o'clock on a Tuesday night was a bit inconvinient.
A bell rang as you pushed the door open. The guy who stood behind the front counter was too busy tinkering away with scrap metal to catch your eye, so you shrugged your shoulders and continued down one of the aisles.
Tools and bolts hung on every wall. You bet your ex boyfriend knew all of terms for them as he usually was hostile enough to brag about what a handyman he was. Perhaps he was the reason why you were so stubborn about getting this bookshelf up as soon possible. You subconsciously wanted to show your ex that you were handy too.
"What do I need, what do I need?" You mumbled, having already collected a few things in your shopping basket. Mostly nuts and tape rolls. You had a screwdriver at home, so no need for a new one. A first aid kit would be a good investment, you thought. After all, this would be your first time putting up a shelf on your own.
"Do you need help?"
A giant shadow was casted around you as you stood facing a wall of hammers. Turning around you found yourself face to face with the guy from behind the counter. He had dark eyes that looked at you attentive and a scruffy beard that covered most of his face. His hair was more fluffy than scruffy and the same color as his eyes, dark, but not black.
"Um...no. Thank you. I was just..." You pointed to the basket in your arm. "...I was just collecting a few things."
His gaze shifted between your face to the basket in your arm. It took him long enough to give you any sign of a smile, you thought.
"I'll be up front if you need me." He said, pointing over his shoulder.
"Right, thanks."
He was strange, but undeniably handsome. He smelled good too, like mens aftershave with a dash of cinnamon.
You continued wandering up and down the aisle, not really sure what you were looking for. What did one need to put a piece of wood to a wall?
"Are you sure that you don't need my help with anything?"
It was they guy from the front desk again, casting a giant shadow as he stood hovering over you. He looked agitated that you were still in his shop, unsure of what to purchase.
"I'm sorry." You chuckled. "I'm putting up a bookshelf and I have a hard time deciding..."
"A bookshelf?" He said, peering into your shopping basket with a skeptical look on his face.
"Yes, a bookshelf." You frowned.
He shook his head. "Why the tape rolls?"
"Oh, that..." You looked into your basket, unsure why you suddenly felt embarrassed. "Everyone needs tape right?" You shrugged.
"Not to put up a bookshelf." He snorted.
You looked to the named tag pinned to his flanel jacket, Ruben, it said.
"Well, what do you know?" You hissed.
He raised a brow. "Well I know that my shop closes at seven. You've got five minutes to find whatever you're looking for and get out of here."
You gapsed. "That's not a nice way to talk to a costumer."
"Thank god you're not a costumer then." He smirked. "Costumers actually buy things."
"Okay, fine!" You shouted, stopping him from turning his back on you. "The truth is that I don't know the first thing about putting up shelves."
"No shit." He chuckled, but crossed his arms in front of him as to say that you had his attention.
"I just moved here. Usually my ex boyfriend handled these kind of DIY stuff but I'll be damn to call him and say I couldn't handle a month without him, let alone put up a bookshelves on my own. So if you please see the desperation I am coming to you with, you'll help me figure how to do this."
The guy, Ruben, stood quietly, observing you with furrowed brows.
"What?" You asked. The staring got to a point where it made unwanted heat rise to your face.
He sighed. "Give me a minute to close down the shop. "
"Your closing?"
He returned to the counter flickig off the lights on the go. "I'll get my toolbox and meet you around back."
"Um...okay. Meet me around back to do what exactly?"
"Well, you needed my help putting up a shelf didn't you?"
He went to get his toolbox and ten minutes later you were in his truck, making it's way to your apartment.
"Excuse the mess." You said, showing him how to maneuver around the moving boxes still scattered all over your apartment.
Ruben didn't seem to mind the mess though, perhaps he's worked constructions before.
"Here is the shelf and this is the wall I want it up on."
It was just a pile wood beneath an empty wall in your bedroom. You had gotten as far as to unbox the model and read the instructions, but you gave up after that.
"You said you had a screwdriver?" He said.
"Oh yes, I'll go get it."
You went to fetch the screwdriver. When you returned Ruben sat crotch down on the floor, reading the manual that came with the bookshelf. He had removed his flanel jacket, tossing it on your bed. He wore a white t-shirt underneath, a shirt that revealed his lean body and swollen biceps.
"Do you know how to turn it on?"
Your eyes diverged from his arms back to his face. Ruben was watching you where you stood in the doorframe.
"The screwdriver? Do you know how to turn it on and use it?" He said.
"No." You shook your head and handed it to him. "Go nuts."
A smile carved his cheeks. "Sure, I'll go nuts."
What would have taking you three days to achieve Ruben did in fifteen minutes. The shelf was put up on the wall and topped up with books in no time.
"I have no words." You said as the two of you stood back, inspecting the way the shelf sat up on the wall.
"It's a nice shelf." He nodded.
"Thank you Ruben, I don't know what I would have done without you."
He stared at you with furrowed brows.
"How did you know that my name was Ruben?"
"Oh." You pointed to his chest, where his name tag would be if he was still wearing the flanel jacket. "It said so on your name tag."
He nodded and went to gather his tools back into his box. You thought about giving him the screwdriver as a payment for his services, but perhaps you would need it later.
"You're welcome then Y/N." With the toolbox in the other, Ruben stretched out a hand for you to shake.
You frowned. "How did you know my name?"
"Oh I..." He scratched the back of his head. "You wear a name tag too, don't you?"
"I do?"
"Or I've seen you do at the café."
"Oh." You nodded. It was just across the street from the hardwear shop. He must be in there for a coffee every day, most people in town were. How come you hadn't noticed him before, you thought.
"I usually grab my coffee to go." He said. "And I usually come just before lunch when there is a line."
You nodded understandingly. "It can get pretty busy."
"But you seem to handle it quite well tho." He said, his eyes a bit hesitant to meet yours.
"I do?"
He shrugged. "You always have time to smile at your costumers, say  goodmorning and wish them a nice day."
"It just standard costumer service." You said flustered, praying that the heat in your face didn't show.
His smile was subtle but there. "This ex boyfriend of yours, is he from here?"
"No actually, I just moved here a month a go. I don't really knowing anyone here."
"Welp, now you know me." He said, shutting his toolbox.
"Now I know you."
Ruben led the way around your apartment back to the front door. He paused however,  at the sight of the mess in your living room.
"Is that supposed to be your dining table?"
"Suppose to be, is definitely the right word for it."
Ruben didn't hesitate to crouch down on the floor again, setting down his toolbox.
"Ruben you don't have to."
"I want to." He objected.
You were glad that he did because twenty minutes later you had gotten self a brand new dining table.
"Is there anything else that needs fixing?"
"Besides my pride?" You chuckled. "I don't think so. But thank you Ruben."
He looked at you with those eyes again, smiling at you without having to move a muscle.
You blushed without hiding it this time. There was no point in trying because Ruben was standing close enough to reach out and touch you, suprising you that he did just that.
His hand wrapped around your arm, tugging at it slightly. The veins in his arms throbbed with the grip he had around you, pulling you forwards, towards him.
There wasn't much to say before his lips crashed into yours. You had sensed the sparks between even back at the hardware shop. Ruben back you up against the newly built dining table, lifting you to sit on it with your legs spread before him. His hand grab your face, tilting it upwards as he kissed your lips. It was hot, so hot. You tugged at the sides of his flanel jacket, wanting it come off. He chuckled against your mouth before stepping away to throw it off his shoulders.
"Do you have a condom?" You asked, better be safe than sorry.
He pulled the rubber out of his back pocket, however, not ready to use it just yet. He returned to stand between your legs, pulling your face against his for another wet kiss.
"You're so fucking sexy." He groaned.
You gasped as his lips moved on to your neck where he licked and sucked you skin to the point of your eyes rolling back in your head.
"Ruben." You said, words airy.
"Fuck me."
With one swift motion he pulled your shirt over your head. His hand went to your throat, guiding you down to lay with your back against dining table. You arched with the cold sensation from the wood. Rubens snaked a hand underneath for your back to stay arched. He unclipped your bra and ripped the rest of the fabric from your chest, exposing your errect breast.
"Ruben please." You couldn't take it anymore. His erection pressed against your thighs and all you wanted was for him to be inside you.
"Be patient baby."
"No, please. Fuck me now."
It had been a while and just by his touch you could tell that Ruben was much better at sex than your ex boyfriend ever was.
"So eager. " Ruben chuckled. His hand traveled down to your jeans, teasing you by pulling down the zipper.
"Fuck." You whimperd, when he slid his hand down your panties, finding your soft folds, massaging your clit.
"Yes, Ruben please." You were, close, so close.
"No." You whimperd, feeling his hand pull out of your jeans. You tried to sit up but Rubens hand on your stomach kept you down, pressed to the dining table.
"Together." Ruben whispered, his thumb stroking your bottom lip.
You grabbed a bundle of his shirt pulling him down to have his weight over you. His arms cradled your face as he kissed you open mouthed. Finally you felt him fiddle with his belt, loosen it up before pulling himself out of his pants, all this whilst his lips were still attached to yours. He backed away for a moment but only to tugg at your jeans, helping you remove them. Your naked legs were spread before him as you watched him bite the corner off the condom packaging, dressing hick cock with the rubber. You bit your lip as he approached you with a hungry look in his eyes.
"Don't move." He commanded, a firm grip around your throat, pinning you back against the table. He adjusted himself between you, lifting up your leg to make the entery smoother for you.
"Fuck." You still weezed, eyes squinted. Ruben was big, perhaps too big.
"You okay?"
You nodded, "Please harder."
He didn't listen to you but continued to press himself further into you, slow enough for you to adjust to his size. The thrusts came in waves. Slowly at first but then with a crashing force, rattling the wood beneath you.
"Don't break the table." You gasped.
He chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll build you a new one." He upped the pace, filling you up with each thrust. It was over when he lifted you thigh to rest on his shoulder. Two pumps and that was it. You moaned his name for everyone to hear, coming down from the release with a pounding heart in your chest.
"Ruben?" You whispered.
He had come shortly after you, relaxing his body to rest on top of you.
You ran your hands through his now damped hair, releasing each knot with your fingers.
"Yes?" He mumbled, somewhere beneath you. He was still inside you, his dick twitching against your glistering folds.
"I have a lamp..." You said, no need to say more.
Ruben raised his head to look at you.
You smiled.
He nodded. "Alright, I'll be back tomorrow."
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alj4890 · 2 months
(Ethan Ramsey x F!MC) in a Choices Open Heart One Shot
As requested by
@hopelessromantic1352 with the prompt "You can't keep doing this."
A/N Here you go my sweet friend. Thank you for sending these requests to me to help with inspiration. I know you specifically wanted this one with both Ethan and Chris, so I'm going back to book 1 for you so that Tobias won't steal her away 😉
I was also inspired by the Dr. Who gifs below for this one. For those who don't know, Karen Gillian is my FC for Chris Valentine. Don't worry, I'm not making Matt Smith my FC for Ethan 😂 This interaction though reminded me of something Ethan and Chris would have done and it fit my idea for the above prompt.
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It was too much. All of it was more than Chris could take. Tears blurred her vision as she finally had a chance to react to the mayhem she'd just finished being a part of.
Ripping off the surgical scrubs covered in Rafael's blood, she dashed blindly down the corridor. Her breaths hitched as sobs threatened to spill out. All she could think of was running away from the absolute hell of the subway accident. She needed to get as far as she could before losing her strained hold on her emotions.
Ignoring the alarm of the exhausted nurses and doctors, she ran past them without saying a word.
She stumbled out of one of the side doors of the hospital and barreled into a familiar solid form.
Ethan grunted on impact. He grasped her arms once he recognized her.
"Chris?" He leaned down closer to see her more clearly in the darkness. "What happened?"
Tears began to spill down her cheeks. Of all the people in the world she could possibly bump into at this moment, it would be him.
"I have to go." She choked out, wrenching herself from his grasp.
He grabbed her once more to stop her escape.
"Are you all right?" He demanded in a harsh voice while giving her a slight shake.
There were few things in this world he could not tolerate and seeing Chris in this emotional state topped that list.
"No!" She cried out, her voice echoing across the parking lot.
In a jumble or words and sobs, she managed to tell him about the rush of patients they had in the emergency room.
Once her ability to speak became impossible, he gripped her hand and took her back into the hospital.
"No. I don't want to go back inside!" she struggled against his hold.
She stilled as he led her up the emergency stairwell towards the roof.
He chose a spot overlooking Boston and sat down.
Ethan glanced up and saw she was immobile once again with tears falling in steady streams down her cheeks. Taking her hand, he tugged her down.
She collapsed beside him and buried her head against her knees, her body wracked with silent cries.
He'd seen her like this before. When Delores died, she'd been unable to stop her tears. He'd found her alone in the locker room, silently crying at the unfairness of it all.
Setting his hand on her shoulder, he gently pulled her closer to his side.
"You can't keep doing this, Chris." He told her. "If you keep taking death to heart like this, then being a doctor will destroy you."
She wiped her eyes, and settled her chin on her knees.
"I know that." She said in a voice cracking with emotion. "But it was so much, Ethan. Everywhere I turned there was someone in the midst of dying or who was screaming in pain. I wanted to fix it all but I couldn't."
"Did you help them?" He asked.
"If you can call it that." She said bitterly. "I assessed, tagged, and moved on like Zaid told me to."
He squeezed her in a side hug. "I never doubted for a moment that you did the right thing."
His comforting touch and praise tore at her heart.
"Don't." She pleaded. "Don't be nice to me right now."
Chris could feel the tears rising once more. After all they felt for one another, his quitting, and now showing up when she needed him most; she thought she would truly break if he was kind to her.
She rested her head on his shoulder, nuzzling close to him once his arm dropped. "Please sit here with me, but don't be nice."
Ethan leaned his head against hers and snorted. "Everyone complains when I'm not nice and yet here you are demanding the opposite."
Chris bit back a tearful smile. "I think this is one request of mine you're willing to give in."
"I think we both know I always give in to what you want."
"If that were true, you wouldn't have left Edenbrook." She mumbled. "And you wouldn't have left me."
He cursed. "Chris, you know why I left Edenbrook. And as for you..."
He trailed off.
She looked up at him.
"As for me?"
He met her red rimmed eyes and felt his will falter. He'd once had such plans to protect and guide her career forward. He was going to not only show her how to be a doctor but watch as she became a great one. He'd ended up doing nothing but letting her down in the end. He'd failed to keep his unexpected feelings for her in check and he'd failed her as a mentor.
Seeing the quiet anguish he was under, she nestled her head back on his shoulder, leaving the issue alone for once.
He swallowed the words that were demanding to come out. He wanted to tell her he'd never leave her. He would always want her.
He loved her.
I'm not worthy to tell her anything like that, he thought to himself. Not now, possibly not ever.
"What are you doing here?" She asked after a long stretch of silence.
"Marlene left me a message saying that the hospital needed all the help they could get." He answered, grateful she wasn't pushing him into revealing more of what he wasn't ready for.
"What took you so long?" She playfully nudged him with her elbow.
A hint of smile appeared on her face when she heard his exasperated groan.
"I was out of town, Rookie." He grumbled.
"Having a good time?" She asked.
"I wouldn't say that." He muttered. "I went to see my dad and then I went on to--"
He bit his tongue. He couldn't get her hopes up that his visits to Mrs. Martinez's family would come to any good.
"To where?" She asked.
"Nowhere in particular." He lied. "I needed to drive and clear my head."
"I think I need a vacation like that." She mumbled. "I wish I could forget and leave everything behind for a while."
He wrapped his arm around her once more. "It's a pipe dream. There's no way you can fully leave everything behind, no matter how badly you want to."
"How badly did you want to?"
"More than anything."
She slipped her arms around his waist and hugged him.
He held her, taking every bit of comfort she was willing to give him. It's ironic, he thought. He'd brought her up here to comfort her. He had no intentions of letting her know his own struggles.
Ethan should have known that out of everyone he knew, Chris would know what he was feeling. Not only that, she would also give him exactly what he needed from her in this moment.
Neither was sure how long they sat there, holding one another. The soothing hum of the city below them and the stars above were all they needed as they sat together in companionable silence.
When the first blush of dawn began to light the sky, Ethan whispered that he'd take her home.
He got up first and offered his hand to Chris.
She lifted her tear stained face up to smile softly at him.
Taking his hand, she stood up and was pulled into his embrace. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead when she slipped her arms around him again.
"You're going to be okay." He said, lips brushing hers with each word.
She nodded, her eyes meeting his after one last sweet kiss.
"We both will." She vowed.
Together, hand in hand, they went off to face another day.
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jamiethebeeart · 9 days
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Danny Phantom AU for the League (explanation under the cut)
There's a common (?) idea in the phandom that Sam dyes her hair black (or that her mom bleach her hair from black) and asdfghj that fits so well for Dabi. I can also see him being edgy and wearing eyeliner (he would tightline and you can't convince me otherwise) and eyeshadow to piss off Endeavor. (You can hardly see it, but I promise he has purple eyeshadow under his eyes.) I've been thinking about it and I'm not sure how Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shoto would fit into this AU. Cousins? Maybe just siblings, and ignore Sam's only child-ness.
LINK (X) ok so I have drawn this before and I stand by Hana as Jazz and Tenko/Tomura as Fenton/Phantom. :)))) Danny's hair in the og art style makes no damn sense. Many an artist has bemoaned it (me included), so I decided to make Shigaraki's also confounding. (it's like??? a mullet???? but the mullet has layers????) Danny having Lichtenberg figure scars has recently had a resurgence in phandom and it's the perfect excuse to keep the scars around Shigaraki's mouth/eyes. (To symbolize the "scary eyes" and ghost sense.) Shigaraki gets to keep Danny's whole "getting new powers every time he needs to" shtick: one - because it's funny and two - it ties into the whole AFO quirk plotline. SPEAKING OF. AFO gets to take Vlad's place :)))) except!!! I think it'd work better if AFO was a "friend" of Tenko's grandmother and that's how he's weaseled his way into the family. No Vlad wanting Maddie and killing Jack subplot. Just AFO up to his usual shenanigans. I'm on the fence about whether or not Dabi would secretly be a kickass gamer (Sam was, but only kept it a secret because of 2000s misogyny about girls playing games.... idk how that'd transfer to Dabi other than Dabi trying to maintain a "too cool for that" image....)
(Hana as Jazz. Jazz loves her brother and tries to support him but is also overbearing and ignores what he says in favor of what she wants. I feel like an older Hana would fit into that well.... not that we know much about Hana, but from what can be gathered I think it'd fit. And Danny wanted a dog! Eventually has Cujo tagging along! Also a very good mirror for Mon and Tenko.)
Tucker! Spinner! my loves!!!! I wasn't sure originally if I wanted Spinner to be a ghost or a human, but as we can see I plopped him in Tucker's role. Because it fits so well. (I still vividly remember the post about "who loves Danny more? Valerie or Sam. the answer: neither, it's Tucker. Savant Par and Spinaraki mimicing the much larger fanbase for Amethyst Ocean and Shigadabi) Also, Spinner getting to connect with Tenko over games (DOOMED) and technology. I imagine that Spinner wears a bandana to cover up his roots showing. I see Tucker as taking special care of his appearance, but I don't see where Spinner's like that, so he gets a lazier option :) Oooooh should I give Spinner glasses? ooooh I bet he'd have glasses, but never want to wear them because they'd make him look nerdy. Anyway, just like Tucker and Danny, Spinner would face his fears to help and support Shigaraki :))))) (crying over his devotion)
Other Characters:
Dash, Paulina, Kwan, and Star? Maybe Uraraka and Toga as Johnny 13 and Kitty? hehehee could be cute. the fights and getting back together and Toga having to blow off steam in the human world? Kwan befriends Sam and Tucker, so maybe Twice would fit into Kwan's role? OH!!! And then have Hawks be Dash. (I don't think anyone has ever shipped Sam and Dash but that's why this is an AU.)
Deku can be Poindexter.... cause bullying (asdfghj yea it sidelines Deku a bit and sticks him in a very minor role and is an easy choice, but!! some fics make Poindexter and Danny kind of friends!! I think that'd be a nice mirror to what Shigaraki and Deku could've been - along with the initial misunderstandings that Poindexter has about Danny mirroring the way that Deku had to learn more about Shigaraki.
Ember? Maybe as Compress.... he has the theatrics DOWN lmao. And Magne as part of the band perhaps? That'd be cute.
(I don't feel like I know enough about Mustard to put him in any specific role.....)
OOOH Bakugou as Dora! The Dragon Amulet transformation mirroring Bakugou's angry outbursts!
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Into the Wild [Teaser]
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What if everything you thought you knew turns out to be a lie?
Tags/Warnings: Werewolf!Jungkook, Human?Reader, Platonic!OT6, strangers/enemies to lovers, fantasy AU, drama, angst, fluff, romance, suggestive themes and eventual smut, Alpha!Jungkook
Length: ???
There is no taglist for this fic.
A/N: my intrusive thoughts always win.
"Jungkook- what the hell are you doing?!" You hiss as he throws his shirt over his head at the sight of the waves crashing towards the shore.
"What does it look like?" He chuckles amused, and you're trying hard not to stare at his sunkissed skin and tattoos and oh god are those abs? "Hm?" He catches you, leaning down a bit to gain back your gaze on his. You're entirely embarrassed- but you're not going to show it. "This is wolf territory, don't worry." He laughs, before he slips out of his pants. "And considering the overall weather today-" He talks while he pulls his pants off his feet. "-and the fact that we set up camp pretty close-" He rambles on, putting his clothes into a neat pile on the side of the beach as to not get wet. "-There's nothing against a little swim. Come on, it's summer!" He gently pushes your shoulder once, before he walks off, breaks off into a small jog towards the water- before he dives right in, disappearing between the waves for a second before he emerges again, shaking the water from his hair like a wet dog would.
He truly is a wolf, isn't he?
"It's what humans don't see." Jimin chuckles from behind you, Yoongi close by looking rather bothered by the sun as he applies more sunscreen to his skin. "We're just living. I mean, look at him-" He laughs, watching how Taehyung joins him rather quickly, both of them instantly breaking out in a playfight. "-he doesn't hurt anybody. Neither do the rest of us." The beta next to you shrugs. "We're just.. here." He says, before he walks to help Yoongi put up an umbrella to shield himself from the heat and sun.
Suddenly, Jungkook's amber gaze sharpens as he looks at you slowly undressing out of your shirt and shorts, swimwear underneath. You can see exactly what he's attempting to do as he suddenly walks out the water, muscles easily fighting against the water pushing against him, before he's breaking out into a sprint, running at you full speed.
There's no time for you to dash away at all, as his wet body collides with yours, his arms easily lifting you like nothing but prey before he walks towards the water with you. "No- Let me down you rabid dog-!" You yell, causing even the stoic Min Yoongi on his towel to laugh at your antics while you struggle against Jungkook's hold.
"I'm a dog now?" He wonders, having hoisted you over his shoulder by now, arm caging in your legs while you've got clear view of his legs and.. admittedly pretty nice ass. Who would've guessed what kind of toned physique he was hiding underneath his usually baggy clothing all along.
"Thought I was a wolf? A beast? A monster?" He hums, while you watch the water rise. "Maybe society got it all wrong after all." He grins, teasingly letting go of your legs for a split second, causing you to hold onto him for dear life.
"I swear to god if you drop me-" You threaten, and he laughs.
"Then what?" He wonders. "Tell me. I'm curious." He chuckles, teasing again.
"I don't know!" You complain, trying to hold onto his back. "Just don't do it!" You beg.
And for a second, he's calm, serious almost. "Can you swim?" He asks with genuine interest, and you're caught off guard for a second.
"Uh- yeah?" You answer, and you can't see the smirk on his lips form.
"Good." He simply says-
before he drops you into the water.
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sylvanian-cat · 8 months
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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐
PAIRING - Daniel Larusso x Reader
TAGS: Friend to lovers, kissing, violence but only hitting and punching, karate kid, angst, fluff, characters fall in love, heartbreak, characters break up, happy ending, slow burn
SUMMARY: After running into the new boy from the east coast, it’s almost painfully funny how trouble seems to follow him wherever he goes. Even on his first day of living in California…
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The following evening was spent pondering on what to wear, how to act like a normal person in front of Daniel, and how you’re going to break the news of your following teenage escapade to your mother.
Surprisingly, she wasn’t too worried about the evening party and was more relieved that you were filling your teenage years with adventurous memories, is what she said.
Desperately trying to choose out an outfit that would compliment your body wasn’t the only problem on your mind, but also the overwhelming thoughts of the neighborhood boy you just met a couple of hours ago. Daniel Larusso. All evening, the only thing that truly plagued your thoughts was how nice his hair looked, how big and bold his brown eyes were, and the way his gentle hands cupped your elbows when he was lifting you up from that hard concrete.
That he caused, you swiftly remembered. Your own thoughts were starting to worry you. Is it healthy to be falling for a guy this quickly, one that you’ve barely even spoken 20 words to? Probably not, that’s for sure.
Reassuringly, you tried to convince yourself that the only reason why you believed these thoughts of Daniel were crowding your head was because of the lack of male attention from peers was starting to get to you. Hopefully, you thought, it’s just a symptom of being a hormonal teen and not the start of something serious…
Besides, what if Daniel knew how hard you were thinking about him right now? Would he approve? Definitely Not!
You glanced at your clock and realized that the party was about to start in 30 minutes and just by walking to the beach alone, it took about that same amount of time in order to get there.
You quickly checked your outfit and hair in the mirror, making sure everything was to perfection and grabbed your bag and headed out of the small apartment building.
Once you reached the end of the staircase and pushed open the wooden entrance leading to the sidewalk, you spotted the one man that was filling your mind; Daniel Larusso.
Of course you would find him here, looking as dashing as he does.
He was standing there in the hot sun and holding his tall bicycle in place
Knowing of your presence, he craned his head behind his back to take a glance at you. His hair was slightly ruffled from the slight wind and he was still wearing that light blue muscle shirt that showcased his broad shoulders. His eyes lightened and his plump lips turned up into a smile.
He faced his body towards you and refreshingly said a nice “Oh hey Y/N! Are you heading to the party too? I was just about to head out until I realized I didn’t know the location haha.” You flashed him a friendly grin of your own. Hoping he wouldn’t notice the small nervousness in your voice, you replied back with a seemingly calm “Yeah I was just about to head out. Do you want help with directions? I can show you the way except I won’t be able to keep up with your bike because I’ll be walking.”
His eyes for a split second flashed with a bright light, almost as if he came up with a brilliant idea on the spot and stated, “Hey, you know we can ride together on my bike? It’ll be faster that way and I don’t wanna arrive there all alone looking like a sore loser who doesn’t know their way.” He let out a chuckle which in turn also caused you to let out a small breathy laugh. His laugh was so contagious, was he always this charming to everyone?
Wait, did he just ask you to take a ride on his bike with him…? To the beach? You and him together all alone being so close with one another?!
He must have noticed you spaced out because Daniel, still keeping his charming grin said, “Soooo, what will it be? Wanna take a ride with me on my Miyagii Turbo?”
Your mind suddenly focused back onto the attractive boy in front of you and as best and as calmly as you could, you replied back with “Yeah why not? How could I pass up a free offer to ride on a speedy motorcycle standing right infront of me?”
Seemingly understanding your teasing, he stated back with a friendly, “Well what are you waiting for? We don’t wanna be late for that awesome party your friend Freddy was gushing about.”
One of his hands held onto the bike handle while the other was held out in an opening embrace; wanting to show you to get on first. “Ladies first you know” he said with a small lipped smile .
Sheepishly, you walked up to the unmotorized vehicle and placed your legs between the bicycle seat. You could feel his weight fall onto the back of the seat you left open for him and in that moment, it was quite clear how close his body was to yours.
With his chest pressing up against your back, you prayed and desperately hoped he couldn’t hear the booming sound of your heartbeat beating loudly in your chest.
Once you two were fully on the bike, the dangers of what could possibly happen were starting to get to you. What if you both fall off the bike together and cause an embarrassment in the middle of the street? What if there’s a huge pothole and you both go flying and end up needing stitches? Or worse…crutches!
As if he was knowingly reading your mind, Daniel took your hands that were clutching the sides of your stomach and gently, placed them onto the metal bicycle handles. He reached his sleeveless arms to be positioned under your armpits and the warmth of him helped a bit in calming down your intense nerves. He reached his head to be on the side of your cheek, leaving a small gap between you two but at the same time, also being as close as ever.
His voice was low and soft and the small warm breaths he would let out would hit the side of your cheek and flutter to your eyelashes. He let out a gentle, “Here, hold your hands onto the bike handles and put your feet on the side of the bike. If you feel like you’re gonna fall, put your feet on top of mine. This way, we’ll have no chance of falling. And if we do, blame it on me okay? Besides, I am the driver.” He let out a friendly grin and a calm chuckle at the end of his words.
He must’ve known about your nerves of falling off the old vehicle. He was so good, too kind.
You turned your head to glance a little back at him. From this angle, you could see all of his features in great detail. He was even prettier than you imagined. You took in his facial features as quickly as you could; the flutter of his soft lashes, the fullness and arch in his brows, the gleam to his soft lips.
Not wanting to seem like a creep, even though crushing on a guy you just met might already be a sign, you reassuringly stated a quiet “Okay, I trust you Daniel. We don’t wanna be late to the party yeah?”
His soft eyes held contact with yours and he gave an acknowledging nod “Yeah we better go, we don’t wanna get there too late then everyone already eating all of the marshmallows, that’ll be bad”
His eyes glanced up to the front of him and you took that as a sign he was about to start pedaling
As you two passed all of the town buildings and started coming closer to the grassland hills that lead to the California beach, Daniel began starting up a conversation.
His tone held a slight nervousness but it also held sympathy, “Y/N, I know you already forgave me but I’m real sorry that I kicked you like that. I swear! I thought no one was behind that creaky old door!”
The warm breeze brushed against your skin and you let out a giggle as you remembered the events that occurred just only hours earlier.
“Daniel I’m not mad. I told you I forgave you so don’t think too deep into it okay? It was only a silly mistake you made that happened to leave me with a bruised elbow.” You mumbled the last part of your teasing and he giggled at your antics.
As he spoke, the rumble of his chest could be felt against your back and in a way, it was comforting feeling those small vibrations against you. “You can probably already tell from my accent but uh, I’m from New Jersey, Newark New Jersey. Me and my mom just moved here because she got a job offer for some wacko computer stuff that I don’t know much about…”
he mumbled the last part and the tone of his voice wasn’t like the cheerful friendly boy you were talking to just a minute ago, it seemed like his voice was almost laced with a ting of sadness and exasperation.
In an effort to converse, you replied back with a “New Jersey is a long way, how are you feeling the Californian warmth? Better than Newark?
He gave a small breathy laugh and replied with his own “The Californian heat is okay… but I don’t think it can beat the peaceful summers of Newark like it is right now in August.”
It was evident that he clearly missed his hometown. Of course he would, after moving in just a day who wouldn’t?
His voice cut off your thoughts with words of his own, “But I guess Newark has its downs though. Ya know in the summer it gets real cold, like, freezing cold!” One day one of my buddy’s eyelashes were covered in frost just from doing a 15 minute walk to school.”
You let out a gasp and as you replied, your voice hitched a bit,”Woah! Really!? I don’t think that could ever happen here in this area. The only time I heard of something happening like that here was when a few kids passed out due to heat exhaustion.”
You could feel his jaw widen a bit against the back of your head. You giggled to yourself secretly, Daniel’s immense shock of the temperature change was quite amusing to you, you’ve never seen anyone be this interested over weather before. “Enough of weather”, Daniel started, “what about you? Have you lived here your whole life?” His chin was touching your cheek again and his body heat was even more prominent than before.
“Oh yeah, I’ve lived in California my whole life. You’ll get used to it after a while.” You noticed the entrance of the beach was coming into view and you shot out a direction to Daniel, “Oh hey! The beach is just right there, turn to the right and we’ll be at the party.”
His feet pedaled faster and he swiftly turned his bike to the right. As you two went down the small hill, you noticed almost everyone in your grade was here and maybe a few upper peers. The sound of 80’s pop could be heard from someone’s radio and groups of boys were playing a variety of sports while a few groups of girls were sitting down and conversing.
Daniel planted his bike in an area of cool shade and you took that as a sign that he was stopping here. You lifted your leg from one side and you kept one hand steady on Daniel’s bike while he took out the metal chain that hanged loosely around his Jean pocket.
“You head down Y/N, I still need put the chain on my bike and I’ll meet you there in a minute.” He leaned down to wrap the metal material around his bicycle’s tire and you replied back with your own “Sure thing Daniel, thanks for the ride by the way.”
He gave a small smile and said a friendly “Hey anytime, thanks for being such a good direction buddy”
He called you buddy, your heart will probably have to register that one later, but now was not the time. Not after seeing all of the wonderland festivities in front of you.
You headed down the steep pathway and into the full view of the beach. As you neared closer to the volleyball net, you heard one of your friends call you over. You recognized her immediately and the small nerves that were hidden deep in your chest were replaced with a feeling of serenity. You quickly jogged over to where she was sitting with a bunch of other girls near her and she patted the area next to her to show an act to sit down next to her.
A few of your prominent friends gave you smiles and waves and welcomed you to the party. One of your friends begins going on about how nervous she is to start school tomorrow while another goes on about how she’s going to miss summer vacation.
The conversation quickly starts to become white noise and your mind begins to focus on Daniel. He was walking down the same steep hill as you and his minute of loneliness was replaced by Freddy quickly calling him over to join them in a game of beach soccer.
Your view of Daniel gets interrupted and instead, your gaze is replaced with two pairs of legs in front of you. You turn your head upwards and you recognize the faces of both. One girl is Ali Mills who was noticeably holding a colorful volleyball in her hand while another was a girl in your grade who you couldn’t quite place the name of. Ali begins to start with a friendly conversation of, “Hey guys, we were just wondering if you wanted to come and play a bit of beach volley with us?” she gives a beautiful smile and a few of your friends began to stand up and follow the two girls to the volleyball net.
Your legs were still a bit bruised from Daniel’s dramatic entrance just earlier this evening and you thought it might be best to continue sitting where you are right now.
As the sky became darker and the sun started to shine less, you and your friends passed the time by talking about random topics like recent gossip, the upcoming school year, and anything you thought was important and needed to be mentioned. Occasionally, you would sneak a glance to Daniel. You tried to convince yourself it was because you were worried about his well-being but you knew that the way you sometimes held your eyes to him too long did not fit the intentions you were trying to convince yourself of.
A group of boys started a small bonfire once the sunset began to show and the smell of hotdogs and sweet marshmallows filled the air. Your friends begin to lie down on the plush towels and you give an excuse of your back hurting.
Your back didn’t truly hurt, but from this position you could see Daniel clearly. His talent with soccer truly did shine and as you watched, mesmerized with the way his strong thigh lifted and touched the soccer ball with every bounce. You did a small grin to yourself but quickly hid your peering eyes from Daniel once you noticed a few nameless girls, including Ali Mills, were starting to make their way over to your area.
As they started to sit down and start a conversation, they first gave a greeting to you and your friends and began conversing with one another again. You silently continued to stare at Daniel until a conversation coming from one of the girls started to peak your interest.
One began a teasing remark of, “Hey you know Ali, that cute brunette over there is sure giving you the eyes. I think he might like you Ali.”
A few other girls started giggling and making oooing noises of their own. Even Ali herself started giggling. It wasn’t as if it wasn’t true. Daniel truly was staring passionately in Ali’s direction and Ali was doing the same. Daniel gave an almost dreamy look towards her while Ali continued to flash her beautiful smile at him. You’ve never seen him look that way before, not even at the old woman’s dog back at the apartment!
You could feel a tang of jealousy deep in your core. You couldn’t deny, it did hurt, but it wasn’t as if you two were dating! You didn’t even know him very well so it didn’t even matter that much anyways. But you still had to take your feelings into acknowledgment and realize a wave of jealousy was slightly attacking you.
Your mind now absentmindedly tried to focus on the bright and warm bonfire in front of you. However It didn’t take long for your thoughts to drift away from the crackling noises and into a series of how Ali Mills always got what she wanted. It wasn’t like she did anything to you, but she had almost everything. She had a nice house, a pretty face, and the attention of male peers that probably expanded until the end of this beach.
To put it in other words, it wasn’t fair, life wasn’t fair.
You eyed Daniel like a hawk, hoping your gaze wouldn’t catch the attention of him and your other peers. “Luckily” for you, he kept goo goo eyeing Ali so he probably wouldn’t notice anyways.
You watched as Daniel continued to smile and interact with Freddy near the campfire. Freddy was going on about something you couldn’t quite hear but Daniel obviously was pleased with the conversation because he kept giving Freddy a small smirk while also keeping his gaze steady on Ali.
Suddenly, Freddy quickly kicked the checkered soccer ball that was laying near his feet across to the group of girls you were sitting by.
You were in such a trance from watching Daniel and Freddy interact that you didn’t even realize Ali almost got hit with a soccer ball. You only started to come to reality when you saw Ali get up, soccer ball in hand.
You could hear a few girls in the back squeal and squirm as they watched their friend slowly walk towards Daniel, and with your eyes steady on her, you nervously watched as Daniel went up to her in order to retrieve the ball Freddy so purposely kicked.
He gave her that same charming smile he gave you when he offered to give you a ride, and suddenly, his grin didn’t feel so special anymore.
You continued to watch as Daniel gave Ali a greeting and of course, they started to easily converse with one another. Your ears started to perk up when Ali shyly told Daniel something along the lines of how she was impressed by Daniel’s soccer skills. Daniel gave a flustered reply back, his face shyly turned towards the ground and if you really paid attention, you could see a slight pink blush coating his high cheekbones. He took the ball from her delicate hands and started bouncing it on his leg just like he was doing before. He’s showing off, you thought exasperatedly.
One of your friends lightly tapped you on the back. You curiously turned your head around and she gave you one of those grins where she was about to say something giddy.
“You know… that new kid and Ali look really cute together. You think he’s gonna be the next Johnny? I hope he is! He’s cute..!”
Her voice trailed slightly as if she was almost talking to herself a bit and you gave her one of your own personal fake excited smiles in order to match her mood. You tried to hide the bits of disappointment that were laced in your tone when you gave her your own reply of, “Yeah they do look pretty cute together. I don’t know if I would call him the new Johnny though…”
Of course Daniel and Ali looked cute together, everyone says that with the new boy she dates every year. And Daniel couldn’t be the new Johnny. Johnny was a privileged rich boy from the hills. Johnny couldn’t even compare to Daniel if you truly wanted to be honest with yourself that day.
She had her mouth slightly agape as if she was about to reply to your statement but her thoughts were interrupted when the loud noise of engines revving and motorcycles could be heard from the top of the beach hill. Everyone turned their heads towards the area of the cause of the interruption.
The boys driving the motorcycles were all young, steering red and gray noisy vehicles and wearing leather jackets with snakes imprinted all over. A sudden realization dawned over you when you started to add up all of the boys’ characteristics.
It was Cobra Kai…
They were notorious in Reseda for picking fights and winning by using their advanced karate skills. Even though most of the members were from The Hills and had money, they formed a small gang that was infamous around your town for holding no mercy for their victims. And ironically speaking of Ali’s boyfriends, Johnny, standing in the front of all of the other motorcyclists, was in the lead…
From your position on the beach, you peered over and saw that Johnny and his friends were shouting something non intelligible and waving their fists in the air on top of the hill as if they were colonists who just conquered some sort of great land.
You started to slightly grow annoyed at the ruckus they were making. What business did they have that they needed to interrupt the party and make a mess of everything?
Everyone’s eyes were on them as they noisily accelerated down the beache’s hill, dirt and mud flying past them, and a small feeling in your gut started to tell you something uneventful was going to happen. With Johnny Lawrence around, something uneventful always happens.
Johnny and his ruckus of a friend group abruptly parked their loud bikes near your area. More specifically, in front of Ali Mills. Everyone knew of their relationship and at their peak, everyone in the school halls would talk about how cute they looked together, how well they complimented each other. But then they suddenly broke up. No one truly knew the reason why. Some suspected Ali decided to break up with him because of Johnny Lawrence’s harsh behavior and dominating personality, but it was hard to see the border between school rumors and the truth.
However, everyone knew Johnny was still stuck on Ali Mills and her past love for him.
Your friend quickly turned her head and glanced in your direction, making a face of worry. She knew something was going to happen tonight too.
Johnny cockily stopped his bike near Ali’s beach towel. His face held a look of tension and if you dare say, a bit of nervousness? As you watched, you saw how he rapidly plopped himself down and folded his legs to sit beside Ali. You couldn’t quite tell what they were saying, something about needing to talk to each other? You couldn’t quite tell you and your friends were too far away to be able to listen.
Suddenly, Johnny harshly grabbed Ali’s radio and quickly stood up. Now with his face tough and shoulders high, he looked annoyed and angry, like a viscous dog festered with rabies ready to attack.
He turned the dial to zero and without the music, the only noise that could now be heard was the nervous murmur of the ongoing party goers and the shuffling of feet hitting the sand that was being caused by Ali and Johnny walking in circles. Without the music, the atmosphere started to grow heavy and tense, and if you may say, a bit awkward.
If Ali wasn’t annoyed now, she truly was this time. The look on her face matched Johnny’s, mean and annoyed.
Ali cried in an angry tone “Give me back my radio!”
Johnny huffed with an annoyed breath and the two started walking in circles again, this time, Ali actively kept trying to grab the radio from Johnny’s hands in which in return he would pull it behind his back.
Couldn’t Johnny see all the trouble he was causing? If he truly wanted to talk to Ali, why couldn’t he do it with her in private. Not doing it here and making a public scene.
Without any predictable notice, Johnny slammed Ali’s radio as hard as he could against the rough sand. You made a small gasp and winced to yourself as you watched, that radio was the latest technology and a bit pricey too if you may add.
By what you could tell, Ali was furiated. So much so that she pushed him real hard on the chest and if it wasn’t for one of Johnny’s friends standing behind him, he would’ve fallen.
You felt bad for Ali. She didn’t deserve this. It wasn’t right for Johnny to storm in here and ruin everyone’s evening. What gave him the right to just come here and ask Ali to talk, most likely about private matters, in front of all these people? What gave him the right to break an expensive radio he didn’t even pay for?
You got too coiled up in watching the fiasco of Johnny and Ali that you didn’t even notice Daniel slowly walking towards the two. In fact, you forgot he was even there at all!
You only started to remember his presence after he came into your peripheral vision and was now slowly bending down to pick up Ali’s now broken radio.
What was he doing? He’s going to get himself in actual trouble. And this time, there will be no mercy nor forgiveness.
A wave of nervousness and fear instantly shot through your chest as you heard Johnny shout some sort of command at Daniel. As if he was trying to pet a rabid dog, Daniel slowly inched the radio towards Ali and she, with the same sort of fear, tried to rapidly take it from him but instead was cut off by Johnny viscously snatching it from him.
You noticed the way Daniel still tried to keep calm and even nervously gave Johnny a friendly smile. You watched as Daniel backed up a few steps and then tried to give the radio back to Ali again.
Although this time, Johnny wasn’t playing anymore games.
Johnny brutally slammed Daniel to the ground and almost as if it were reflexives, you instantaneously shot up straight on your feet. You knew your friends were probably giving you scared and questioning looks right now. But you didn’t care, one of your own friends was in danger.
You saw how Daniel’s smile faded and his friendly and easy going personality was now over. His eyes were now filled with an unexpected rage and emotion you would have never thought he could have had. He quickly stood back on his feet and tried to lunge towards Johnny in an attempt to knock him over.
You wanted to scream and shout at Daniel that Johnny truly would kick him until he bled. You felt slightly guilty for not being able to tell Daniel that Johnny was a skilled fighter who took expensive fighting classes. But your hands were tied. If you rushed over there and told Daniel to quit it and go home then you too would be targeted. And if you stayed here you would have to watch your friend get embarrassed and beaten in front of all these people, making a fool out of himself in the end.
Johnny put his foot in front of Daniel, making him effectively trip over himself. Daniel awkwardly fell face flat onto the rough sand, you winced a bit as you noticed Daniel getting a handful of sand in his mouth and was now subtly spitting it out while still maintaing eye contact with now an even angrier look in his eyes than before.
Even after that quick embarrassing moment, Daniel shot straight back up onto his feet again and went into an almost awkward type of karate fighting stance.
Karate wasn’t weird or anything. But after seeing his horrible posture and slightly shaking arms that were balled into tight fists, you could positively say it was quite embarrassing and after seeing him try to take down Johnny using Karate, you knew you wouldn’t be able to watch anymore.
You started to quickly jog over to the area where Daniel’s bicycle was placed and you hid behind a tree. From this view, you watched as Johnny continued to beat the tar out of Daniel. Each time Daniel tried to fight back, he always ended up back on the ground again. You thought Freddy might’ve tried to end the fight or at least help Daniel, but all he was doing was standing there, giving Daniel pitiful looks while he was weak and vulnerable on the ground.
Thankfully, Johnny had enough of roughing up Daniel and ended the fight by giving Ali back her radio and giving Daniel one last harsh shove.
His group of Cobra Kais evilly chuckled and watched as Daniel stood lying there with a bag full of sand in his mouth and clothes. You felt terrible for having to leave Daniel there all alone, but for his and your safety, you had to hide out for a bit longer until everyone left.
You peered over and saw how the Cobra Kai’s quickly left, riding almost triumphantly on their red and black motorcycles and Cobra Kai jackets. Everyone, including your friend group, started to quickly pack up and leave after watching the foolish “fight” between Daniel, Johnny, and Ali.
You were tired and you too, wanted to leave yourself. But you knew you had to stay here and at least help Daniel get home safely.
You continued to closely watch as each and every one of your future classmates who attended the party leave in bundles; all leaving without never having something to say about what went on tonight.
Finally, the last person to leave was Ali Mills. She bent down and gave Daniel a comforting rub on his back. From your view, you had no idea what she was telling him but she must’ve been trying to comfort him or something along those lines.
You gave a guess that he must have dismissed her since she started to slowly walk back towards where her and her friend’s car were stationed.
Once everyone was finally gone, you gave a sigh of relief and quickly and silently as best as you could, making sure to hide in the shadows to avoid the stares of the possible night surfers that were still beside the beache’s waves, you jogged over to where Daniel was now sitting up beside the ongoing campfire that was now abandoned and left to burn.
He was sitting on a wooden bench that was beside the fire with his arms on top knees. His cheek was resting on his biceps and he looked deep in thought. The expression on his face was solemn and cheerless.
The slightly cold summer night breeze gave a small harsh blow, your hairs and goosebumps stood up and you started to realize how nervous you were about having to confront Daniel about this. You knew he was your friend, but what if he didn’t want anymore company after what happened today? What if he got mad upon seeing your presence and told you to scram, breaking your newly formed and possibly delicate bond?
As if you were approaching a ferocious tiger, you quietly and tensley walked behind Daniel’s broad shoulders.
Politely and not wanting to disturb his peace, you stiffly anchored your body to sit down beside him.
You curiously turned your head towards Daniel just enough to see his reaction. Even from just his side view, you could see that his soft lips turned upwards into a friendly smile, almost happy if you didn’t notice the ting of sadness that was evident in his eyes.
You gave a quiet sigh of relief to yourself and before you could even turn your head to fully face him, his lips quirked up into a small, friendly, tight lipped smile. “Hey y/n” his voice was soft and acknowledging, but also held a small trace of needing a large amount of good quality sleep.
“Hey Daniel, I just, um, I saw what happened-between you know, you and Johnny” Your nerves were all over the place again and all you wanted to do was just get Daniel and you back home so you could fall asleep in your soft, deliciously enticing bed. You didn’t want to touch on the subject anymore, but you knew that you had to confront Daniel about it in order to see if he was okay.
He let out a short and soft hushed laugh “Yeah I mean, it’s fine I guess. It was-it was stupid of me to stand up to him like that.”
Your eyebrows narrowed in frustration. “No, no, it’s not okay! He shouldn’t have pushed you down like that-he shouldn’t- he didn’t have the right to just disrespect you and treat you like that in front of everyone.” You were rambling, but you didn’t care, you wanted to shove it through Daniel’s thick skull that he wasn’t allowed to think it was alright to be treated like that, especially by Johnny.
You turned to look at Daniel and you were surprised that he was now shooting you a charming smile, very unlike the one he was displaying just minutes before. “Thanks y/n, I’m glad you stayed and waited for me.” His view turned to focus on the gentle beach waves in the distance that were reflecting a beautiful image of the silver moon.
You followed his gaze. “No problem-I mean, who else was gonna take me home on their Miyagii Turbo.”
He gave a soft but happy giggle at your words and you were just glad that he was starting to feel better. However, all of your problems weren’t solved yet. You were so focused on making Daniel feel better that when he turned to face you again, the left side of his face was now fully exposed; revealing his dark purple, bruised and swollen black eye.
The dark purple stain started from the top of his eyelid and traveled all the way to his cheekbone. The wounded bruise was almost laughable if you weren’t so worried about Daniel’s wellbeing right now. It was slightly funny due to him resembling those cute panda bears you see when going to the zoo.
Worriedly, you gasped upon seeing his eye. “Oh gosh Daniel, are you um, does your black eye hurt at all right now?”
His face quickly switched to an expression of confusion but mainly, shock. “Oh man I got a black eye? I knew my eye was hurting real bad for no reason. I thought I just bruised it a little bit nothin too serious…” His hand went to touch the bruised flesh on the left side of his skin, feeling around the center of his eye until he gave another worried expression. “Oh man… I don’t- I don’t know what I’m gonna tell my ma. She’s gonna be worried sick if she ever saw me wearing this panda eye around!
In an attempt to calm him down again, you suggested a solution that would hopefully, smooth his worries and definitely solve yours too. “Daniel, how about we go back home. It’s getting late and… I have some ointment at home that’ll help with that…” you pointed towards his bruised eye and watched as his anxious expression turned blank.
He blinked, looking almost stooped for a moment and then turned to face the sea again. “I mean… yeah it is getting pretty late and-everything that went on today is kinda starting to get to me.”
His hand reached up to rub his sleepy eyes, wincing after he accidentally rubbed his panda eye. You chuckled to yourself quietly after watching him make a silly mistake that he would probably only do.
You noticed that his hand was littered with small cuts and bruises, you’ll have to patch that up too when you both get home.
You silently got up and stretched you arms and legs, you peered down to watch Daniel and lightly tapped his shoulder to signal to him you were leaving.
As he turned his head to look at you, you began walking back to where his bicycle was, he gave you a smile with squinted eyes and dimples lightly fading into his skin.
He quickly started to get up and ran towards your direction, yelling a friendly command to wait up for him.
As you two walked back towards his bicycle, he laid his arm on top of your head and gave you a happy smile and then turned to look up towards the sky, watching the bright and beautiful full moon shine in the dark hours of the night.
You couldn’t help but smile as you watched his sultry eyes show a reflection of the moon he was so admiring right now.
You both were admiring the same moon, the same beauty and shine, just in different views and eyes.
He continued to walk with you, his arm still laying on top of your head. He lowered it and it was now lazily wrapped around your shoulders, his slender fingers now cupping the heel of your shoulder in his hand. You tried not too hard to focus on the way his warm skin was rubbing against the back of your neck. But it was almost impossible with the way his warmth was comforting you in the cold night.
He turned to look at you again, the bright moon still shining in his eyes. “You know y/n, you’re a real good friend. I’m not real sure what I would’ve done without you right now but… I’m glad you stayed for me. Even though we just met, I can tell we’ll be real good friends.”
You pushed the thought of Daniel only seeing you as a “good friend”. And for right now, you couldn’t ruin this moment with Daniel and you didn’t want to either. Instead, you just gave a small meek smile of your own and turned to meet his sleepy eyes again. “Yeah me too.. I um, I agree. I think we’ll be really good friends too.”
You both continued to walk up the hill, finding peace in each other's silence and instead focusing on the light whispers of the wind and the small swoosh noise the dark waves would make in the black ocean.
Daniel untied his bike from the large tree stem and grabbed the handle bars with his two hands, holding on to them so you could get on with stability.
Instead, you didn’t want to be the one to go on first, you knew that on the way back home, your body would betray you and you would probably end up hitting your head on the metal bicycle bar from immense exhaustion.
“Daniel, if you don’t mind…do you think that this time I can, I don’t know, maybe ride in the back instead of the front?”
His mouth fell slightly agape with a small emotion of suprise. He blinked. “Yeah of course, no problem. Hold on to my shoulders though so you don’t fall yeah?”
You gave him a friendly nod of agreement and as soon as he settled himself against his bike, you sluggishly sat on the remainder of the bicycle seat.
You were too tired to really think anymore, your body just did what it thought was best and you totally forgot about holding onto Daniel’s shoulders and instead, your arms instinctively went underneath Daniel’s armpits and wrapped around his muscular flesh.
After that, everything felt like a blur. The last thing you could remember was laying your cheek against the warmth of Daniel’s back and as your mind started to fade into the land of dreams, the last thing you could sense was the small rumble against your cheek and a low chuckle coming from the person you were wrapped around, succumbing to only being able to feel the comforting warmth that was radiating from the man in front of you.
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