#it would be wayyy more interesting if he had tbh
multi-lefaiye · 2 months
i've wanted to write this for a while tbh- anyway! backstory on eden's parents, hannah and abdiel linnaeus.
tagging the eden linnaeus fanclub and other people i think would be interested: @skitzo-kero @anexor @chaieyestea @invaderskoodge @vacantgodling
@void-botanist @drawnecromancy @moonflowerrss @paradoxspir1t @albatris
@corvus-rose @astral-runic
content warnings: discussions of child abuse, child neglect/abandonment, parental death, terminal illness, misogyny, and ableism. (probably not as much on that last one, but i think the vibes are there.)
also i'll be using she/her in reference to eden in this post because this is wayyy before he had any gender realizations. just remember eden is A Man.
i don't have recent art of hannah, so i'll just use screencaps of when i made her and abdiel in bg3 as a reference. hannah on the left, abdiel on the right.
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FOR BACKGROUND: abdiel is the only son of a drow scholar named noa of house linnaeus, following an intimate encounter with an incubus in her early 20s. noa never wanted a child, much less a son, but she was far too prideful and stubborn to give him up or abort the unborn fetus. so, she had a son, and she loathed him. from a very young age, noa made it clear to abdiel that she never wanted him, and that it was his responsibility to fix the mistake he'd made by being born.
she pumped that kid FULL of self worth issues right away.
hannah, by contrast, was raised by two loving tiefling parents--her father jeriah, and her mother ansel. their life together wasn't perfect, sure, but it was happy. both of her parents were spellcasters, and they were both renowned on some level for their craft. and so, from a rather young age, there was an unspoken expectation that hannah would follow suit.
HOW THEY MET: hannah and abdiel met at fantasy-wizard-college, when hannah was 20 and abdiel was 35. hannah was in the middle of her undergrad studies as a cleric, and abdiel was in the middle of his doctoral program as a wizard. abdiel didn't actually start college until his late 20s because noa would not allow him to, pressuring him to stay and take care of her as she got older. he hated his mother, but he was also terrified of losing her, as he felt no one else would have him. eventually, though, he left her behind, desperate to escape his abuser and start his life elsewhere. and that included attending college to study magic.
college was... rough for abdiel. he was significantly older than his peers and felt both uncomfortable and deeply alienated around them, especially many of the women on campus who reminded him of his mother. that combined with his total lack of self worth made it hard for him to talk to people, hard to make any *friends.* so, he was alone, and he was fine... until, one day, he hit a breaking point and broke down in a hidden corner of the main meal hall, bawling into his hands.
then, hannah found him. she was genuinely worried and approached him, asking if she could sit next to him. he tensed and asked her what she'd do if he said no, and she said that if he said no she'd leave. but, well, he seemed like he might need a friend, so she wanted to ask. he was quiet for a while after that, still shaking.
eventually, he timidly told her she could sit with him, so she did so, and she kept him company until he fully calmed down. afterwards, she started talking to him, and slowly he began opening up to her, feeling more reassured by the minute by how sweet and genuine she was, without pressuring him to do the same.
soon, he started really engaging with her, too, and by the end he was actually smiling. and hannah took that as a victory above all else--being able to see this sad, anxious man smile. (she told him that he has a nice smile, and he laughed, visibly flustered by the compliment.)
after that day, hannah started seeking him out and talking to him more, and he always seemed to visibly relax around her. basically, hannah appointed herself as abdiel's best friend, and he accepted wholeheartedly. she quickly became one of the only people he felt truly safe around, and he latched onto her as a result. she encouraged him to open up more and talk to other people, too, and as he did, he finally began to truly *flourish.*
with hannah's support, abdiel began slowly making more friends and developing more of a reputation with his classmates as an outgoing, intelligent, charismatic guy. finally, he felt like he belonged at university, like people wanted him around. hannah was his favorite, ofc, but he relished the attention.
and he returned the favor tenfold, supporting hannah in every way he could and bragging about her to anyone who would listen. he was a wife guy well before they even started dating. though she was already very confident, sweet, and intelligent, one thing she really struggled with was taking care of *herself* rather than other people, hence why she approached a terrified abdiel to comfort him in the first place.
abdiel encouraged hannah to consider herself more, praising her for her altruism while also telling her to value herself. he was terrified that the world would take advantage of her brilliant, beautiful, benevolent soul, and he wanted to protect her and protect that selflessness. besides his classwork and research, abdiel spent much of his free time with her, soaking up her attention and, in his mind, protecting her from people who wouldn't appreciate her.
abdiel eventually realized he was attracted to hannah in a way he'd never been with anyone before. and he *panicked*. he believed that he should be grateful for what he had with hannah, should be lucky to count her as his friend, and he shouldn't dare wish for anything else. so he kept his mouth shut for nearly a year after he realized it.
then, when hannah was 22 and abdiel was 37, hannah's father jeriah died. and she just... *broke* down.
abdiel held her throughout the night she got the news, his heart breaking with every heaving sob she let out into his chest. sure, he'd seen plenty of people cry, but none hurt as much as hannah did. he'd never seen her so devastated, and he vowed to himself that he'd do everything in his power to make sure she never cried like that again.
(later, hannah explained to abdiel that her dad had been sick for a long time--her family has a history of illness going back generations, and he'd been dealing with it for some time. however, she'd hoped against hope that the latest treatments he'd been receiving would work... this is what directly inspired abdiel to go into medicine, changing course to work towards, maybe, a cure for the illness in hannah's family. all of abdiel's contributions to medical science trace back to her.)
a few weeks after her dad's death, hannah actually made the first move and kissed abdiel. immediately, she panicked and pulled away, babbling apologies and telling him that it's okay if he doesn't like her that way, and she doesn't want to make things *weird*, but she really really likes him and he's her best friend in the world, and- (abdiel gently cut her off by cupping her cheek and leaning in to press their lips together again, once he remembered how to move again after his brain short-circuited a little.)
they started dating a day later, after sitting down and talking through their feelings. abdiel already knew he loved hannah, and he was so relieved to finally be able to express it. as far as he was concerned, she was the center of his universe, and he damn near worshipped that woman. hannah, meanwhile, was a bit more hesitant to call it love at first, but she definitely adored him.
(fun little side-note, but hannah's mother ansel definitely did not approve of abdiel at all. she thought hannah could do better, and she was wary of hannah dating an older man. at least, until one day when abdiel sat down with her and earnestly told her how much he loves her daughter. he'd never do anything to hurt hannah, *ever*, and he needed her to know that. ansel didn't have to believe him, but he wanted her to know he meant it, and ge'd prove it. finally, she relented.)
they dated for a couple years, and shortly after they both graduated they moved to a small fishing village named encerough, near where hannah grew up. by this point, abdiel was making a lot of headway in his research into healing magic as a wizard, and he was developing quite a reputation in his field... however, as much as he was enjoying his developing renown, he didn't have much interest in living in a bustling city with his colleagues.
he liked the idea of a quiet life with hannah in the country. especially once hannah got pregnant, at which point they decided to get married. (abdiel definitely prepared a whole elaborate proposal and pulled out , but hannah beat him to it and proposed after she told him she was pregnant. he immediately pulled her into his arms and kissed her so fast she nearly fell over <3 these two were so immensely Smitten™️)
then, when hannah was 24 and abdiel was 39, she had their first child: a tiny purple tiefling named eden. abdiel held her hand the whole time as she was giving birth, encouraging her and refusing to leave her side. and, afterwards, while she was recovering, he sat with her and smiled, just... watching her with so much love and adoration. he had a family, all his own, and he loved them more than anything.
but, of course... that's where the troubles started. abdiel loved hannah, and he loved eden by extension, but he struggled to connect with his baby the same way he connected with his wife. he looked at eden and felt nothing, and he had no desire to interact with or care for the baby. more than that, having a *daughter* was terrifying to abdiel. he knew logically that a baby couldn't hurt him, but hannah *was* still the only woman he ever felt safe around.
hannah was understanding and reassured him that his daughter knew he loved her, and he was relieved. as long as hannah didn't think less of him, that was all that mattered to him. and so, abdiel made little to no effort to care for or show eden any attention, noticably shrinking away from her and passing her off to her mother.
making things worse, around this time, hannah started developing symptoms of an illness very similar to her father's. nothing too bad at first, but she began to have less energy, her joints began to ache, and she began to struggle to get out of bed. abdiel noticed right away and was *terrified*, throwing himself further into his research to find a cure for hannah before her illness could progress. not that he really discussed this with her--he didn't want to worry her or make her think she was going to die. because she wasn't. he wouldn't let that happen.
of course, the time came where they had to talk about it regardless, and hannah was... resigned. she'd always figured this might happen, but not this soon. but she told abdiel that it's okay. she's not dead yet, and she has plenty of time left with him and their baby girl. she appreciated him trying to help, but she was just happy to spend her life, however much she had left, with the most amazing man in the world, and the beautiful child he'd given her. (abdiel silently promised that he'd make sure she had a happy life. and she wasn't going to die. *she wasnt.*)
fast forward a bit, and hannah and abdiel had their second child: a son named michael. abdiel once again struggled to connect with their baby, but this time he tried. he earnestly tried to be there for both of their kids, even if he mainly cared about them as extensions of his love for hannah. (it was easier with michael, though--perhaps having a son was easier to process.)
still, hannah was proud of him for trying either way, and she told him as such. in between his research into her disease and finding a cure, he spent as much time with his family as he could, especially hannah (though he at least would acknowledge his kids). but... hannah was still getting worse, and abdiel was *terrified.*
they began having more and more talks about what might happen, which grew more and more tense, more and more serious, as they both realized hannah wasn't getting better, and abdiel wasn't any closer to a cure. he wasn't going to stop trying, though. *goddammit*, he wasn't going to stop.
then, around eden's sixth birthday, hannah collapsed and had a violent coughing fit, struggling to breathe as she seized on the floor and eden watched helplessly, terrified for her mother. (abdiel paid the child no mind--he just ran to hannah's side to help her.)
she was ultimately okay, having just strained herself a bit too much while cooking, but abdiel fucking *panicked.* he realized that he wouldn't be able to find a cure to save her in time if he stayed in encerough--he'd have to travel to one of the cities, where he'd have many more resources at his disposal.
it took a week or so for him to get preparations in order, during which time he didn't tell hannah anything, up until the night before he left. when he did, it was presented in a way that boded no arguments: abdiel would be leaving to find a cure, and she would stay *here* and take care of herself (and the kids). he'd be back soon, and she would be okay. abdiel was taking control of a situation where he felt helpless, making decisions for both of them without thinking about what she wanted.
hannah didn't react well. she was upset that he hadn't told her his plans, and she ended up just. telling him point blank that he wasn't going to be able to *cure her.* this was it! she always knew she would die young, and she'd rather her husband *stay* with her and enjoy the time she has left rather than leaving her alone with the vague promise of returning someday to fix her when she *didn't want to be fixed.*
abdiel didn't react well either, and this just... spiraled into a huge argument, which ended with them both in tears (but moreso hannah--abdiel always did have a tendency to shut down emotionally when they disagreed with each other, refusing to listen to what she was saying).
(baby eden also witnessed this argument, not that she ever told either of them about it.)
the next morning, they talked again, calmer this time. and hannah asked abdiel to stay. please. and he told her that he couldn't. if there was even a *tiny* hope that he could save her, he had to take it. because he loved her.
she was clearly devastated to hear that, but she nodded and said okay. but she told him to come back soon, and he told her he would--*after* he'd found a way to save her. and later that day, he was gone.
he never did come home, of course. he sent hannah letters when he could, but not all of them were delivered in a timely manner. without hannah there to balance him out, he lost himself in an obsessive spiral of trying to find a cure, trying to *fix* her, and he easily lost track of the time.
hannah telling him that he hadn't cured her and wasn't going to be able to... well, it hit a nerve, and he was determined to prove her wrong as much as he was determined to save her. he was angry with hannah, not that he'd ever call it that. (and, as a sidenote, it's during this time that abdiel developed most of his fame and renown as a wizard--even though he was no closer to curing hannah's disease, he was behind a lot of major advancements in medical technology in this era.)
when asked, abdiel would tell people he was married, but he rarely went into detail. and he certainly never mentioned his children. no one needed to know about his personal life, not until he'd fixed the problem and saved the love of his life.
and then, nearly six years later, abdiel received word that hannah was dead. and he was *devastated*. he locked himself in his study and completely broke down, drinking himself into a stupor and smashing a bunch of his equipment, and then the numbness fully settled in. he'd failed. and she was gone.
he didn't go to her funeral. he didn't want to face their neighbors, their *children*, knowing he'd failed his hannah and she was gone. and, fuck, their children surely hated him by now, didn't they? after all, he hadn't saved their mother. he'd hate him, too.
so, he stayed away, and he stopped sending letters. he withdrew from his family entirely, and once he was able, he threw himself back into his research, the only thing he had left. if he wasn't going to be able to have the life and family he'd wanted, then he'd at least have his work.
he did try to move on from hannah, but it never really went past the occasional one-night stand. as far as he's concerned, hannah's the only person he ever really cared for, and that's not going to change. there's no one else like her, and there never will be again. and like i *joke* bout him comparing his one-night stands to hannah, but he definitely did that. because no one compares to her.
(and on hannah's end--she never stopped loving or missing abdiel, and she had no interest in moving on from him. she held out hope he would come back, because he told her he would. he'd never broken a promise to her before that, and though she still believed his quest to cure her was fruitless... she knew, if anyone could find a way, it'd be him.)
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cute-sucker · 3 months
do we have more information about deer and rafe? i tried to look for it but i couldn't find anything about them in the diner!jj storyline:(
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ooohh !! yes, well i believe i added some more info about them in this drabble: part six here !
but overall, i think i'll be doing a longer fic where i will go more in-depth into their relationship. overall deer was a kook, and ended up becoming pregnant with rafe's baby wayyy too early. it kinda messed up with their relationship, and he wanted to tie her down, and show her his "love," by trapping her into a relationship.
given her timid nature she couldn't really say no to him, but quickly enough things got really scary and so for the sake of herself and her baby she had to go! (good for her !!)
understanding rafe x deer helps show us what she wants from jj, and why she's so shy about it. she's scared of getting into another relationship because of her previous wounds and tbh she wants to keep her baby safe most of all.
that's all i want to share for now but if y'all want a one shot of rafe finding out he's the dad, or just some of their dynamics (it would be kinda dark idk,) i think i would be interesting in doing that !!
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wilcze-kudly · 11 days
Why do I get so attached to minor/side antagonists in tlok, especially Aiwei and Baatar Jr?
Like Aiwei is, from what I know, the first confirmed gay man in the franchise (we all hype Kya up where is Aiwei's gay clout huh), a member of an anarchist syndicate, and spent years undercover. And he has a slay nosering!
Tbh Aiwei gives some autism vibes with how he constantly calls people out for lying and is very blunt with his opinions and feelings, like when he told some random noodle seller that he was a liar bcs the guy claimed to be selling "the best noodles" or when Mako was trying to be polite and Aiwei called him out for lying too.)
But he's also so mysterious. Like he's been in the Red Lotus for years presumably, unless Zaheer could reqruit from a jail cell, and also has been infiltrating Zaofu for years, long enough for Su to consider him family. But like man I need details.
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And he seems.... genuinely nice? To some degree. Like he helped Lin out when she was sick from stress and shit, even though it would probably be beneficial to him to have an enemy in a weakened state, and I think he genuinely cared for the Beifongs, at least to some degree.
I need to know more about him, his relationship to the Beifongs, his reasons for being in the Red Lotus.
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And Baatar Jr is also so interesting but people only bring him up when they're trying to make Kuvira look better by being like: "oh Baatar did this shit too." Like yeah bitch but he's also a surprisingly interesting character on his own. Like if you're gonna talk about his warcrimes let's talk about his wonderfully crafted inferiority complex.
Like he's if Bumi had an engineering degree and also was evil. He's the firstborn child of TOPH FUCKING BEIFONG the greatest earthbender who ever lived. His other brothers are metalbenders, and especially the twins are clearly carrying on the family legacy. His only fellow nonbender is Opal who is then ripped away by RANDOMLY SPAWNING AIRBENDING. And he's lived in his father's shadow, literally carrying his name and simply engineering his father's projects instead of inventing anything ot his own?
And his love and dedication to Kuvira is genuinely devastating. Like how he prioritised her over everything, his family, the Earth Empire... and the bravery? He stared down at Korra who was in the Avatar state and holding him up with one arm and he laughed. HE LAUGHED IN HER FACE AND HER OTHERWORLDLY GLOWING EYES THE AUDACITY. Thw only think he feared was being seperated from Kuvira agh
He looks so unimpressed wtf [its bcs he's dating Kuvira right they provably do way scarier shit in the bedoom huh]
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And the fact that he invented the avatarverse version of nuclear warfare FOR THE LOVE OF A WOMAN. A woman who then tried to kill him with it omg the drama! And also his VA did give a really good performance especially in the moments when he wames up after Kuvira's betrayal (even though he does kinda sound like Nazeem from Skyrim).
I also admire his "Wing and Wei will never forgive me. And Opal." Vs. Kuvira's "I said sorry why are you guys still mad at me". We love a king who takes responsibility for his war crimes and betrayal. Like yeah he still got of wayyy to easy but he's at least clearly not expecting forgiveness. And I do kinda love him just completely swerving Kuvira in the comic she does kinda deserve it lol.
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ninicaise · 1 year
I love your posts so much! I’m curious, what do u think would be Laurent and Damen’s thoughts on open relationships, do u think it’s something they would try?
interesting question. i've made it into a joke already in this post and also there are these fantastic tags from @/not-a-coral-snake and it's the best thing ever so true so funny so them.
it's quite evident laurent has no interest in being with anyone other than damen. furthermore we don't see damen being interested in anyone ever again after he has a night with laurent + it makes both of them very jealous when they see or think about the other with someone else. so at least in the universe they're in i doubt they'd be genuinely interested in that kind of relationship. know that if they ever tried it they'd be miserable, and in an easy happy peaceful world they wouldn't even think about it.
unfortunately these people do not live in an easy happy peaceful world. it's inevitable that they at least discuss the possibility. however the only way i could see them having an open relationship agreement is through some sort of misunderstanding of each other's needs.
there's the fact that at least akielos is a culture in which people and esp nobles are expected to have multiple lovers/a harem. laurent goes above and beyond and a bit too much when trying to compensate for something he did (trying to die for damen for example) and i think for a certain period of time he would be respectful of akielon culture to the point of being too much. forcing damen's own culture onto damen himself, kind of thing.
it's likely damen has had open relationships in the past (jokaste anyone). he knows how they work, he grew up knowing it to be a natural thing, he knows that as king he is expected to have a variety of lovers. and likely in any other circumstance he would. he just isn't interested unless laurent is involved. damen hates the idea tbh but he will give laurent what he wants bc he thinks well. maybe laurent wants to explore his sexuality a little more with more people who aren't damen after years of repressing it (he doesn't) and if he is insisting so much then he must have a good reason (objectively he doesn't).
plus, and i think this one is the most likely, laurent knows he's not exactly an easy lover. ppl overestimate the amount of both self-respect and self-confidence laurent has wayyy to often. laurent is canonically insecure about anything sex related and a future-oriented control freak, so he'd try to have control over any affair damen might have if at some point laurent stops being enough by ensuring he will be able to claim that he knew all along, that laurent was the one who allowed it, laurent was in control the whole time. kind of like with th i know who you are damianos thing. i've known all along. i know you'll get tired of how complicated i am eventually i know everything i am prepared for every possible outcome you can't catch me chaos of this world etc etc.
it's not that he can tolerate the idea of damen being w other ppl, it's just that he thinks he has to tolerate it bc 1) he doesn't deserve a say 2) the alternative (damen getting tired, feeling trapped and leaving altogether) is way worse 3) he thinks it will happen eventually anyway and this is the only way he can remain dignified. or so he thinks. lol. this mindset is of course unhealthy. so he should work on that.
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
I was wondering how would you describe Elvis and his personality and differences, romantically/sexually, across his different eras? it's an interesting topic and I'd like to understand more about him from a fact-based perspective. thank you!
hi nonnieeee! i love this question and i love talking about elvis, so thank you sm for this. 💕
this got wayyy longer than expected, so check under the cut!
soooo, let's start off with elvis in the 1950s.
we all know elvis loved women and in my opinion, he was a cheeky bastard (lovingly). when elvis had his sights set on someone, he got them- simple as that. except for brigitte bardot, sorry el 👀. anyways, he was flirtyyyy as hell. the part in good rockin' tonight where he goes "why don't you come to my house and i'll give it to you?" actually came out of his own mouth irl (and i will never get over it). also, when he told june he was crazy about her ass and was shamelessly looking at her ass. and remember the letters he sent to anita when he was in germany?
"every time i lay in my bunk and i see your little eyes and your little nose and it's almost like you're here, like you're pressed up close to me. i can feel your little hair on the side of my face and sometimes i get so excited and want you so bad, i start sweating"
i think he definitely had his fun in germany. this shouldn't be a surprise.
i mean, he was a young male in his twenties and got the attention from girls left and right- and he liked it. he definitely was not shy and when it comes to sex, i don't think he was either. he told larry that he screwed pretty much anything in sight a week before he had to report in 1958 and i believe it. he later learned that there was more to it than only the physical act, but i mean... if i was a male in my 20s and looked like elvis, i would've done the same. 👀
if you want to use the term sub or dom, i think he was a dom but not in the way we know it today??? i was obv not there, but i can't be convinced he was a big sub or sub at all (even though i love subby men🥴). i just think he was in that standard "man role" if you know what i mean- and i believe this goes for all era's, tbh. he was also pretty jealous at times which honestly makes me giggle sometimes but also makes me want to slap his face a lil bit. anyways, in my opinion; he was at that age where you're exploring things in your sex life and finding out what you do and don't like and just like any other human being, he did just that. with... a lot.. of different.. girls. good for him. 💁🏼‍♀️
anyways, elvis in the 50s was a menace. and that's a hill i will die on.
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nowwww elvis in the 1960s? on a whole 'nother level. i feel like he was still at that stage of exploring at the beginning of the 60s, but he certainly knew what he liked. he had girls who'd make videos of themselves and watch them on the tv/video set ups he brought into hotel rooms. i believe he even had a girl fly over when he stopped at a motel once? and i mean... work. priscilla and him used to roleplay a lil, so i think he enjoyed that along with taking videos and pictures.
i don't think he had any extreme kinks. feet? white underwear? liking girls to be virgins? hardly extreme. he wasn't too fond of women who gave birth though and did not have sex with them if they did, which honestly... sucks for the women that had children and for cilla (i would simply fight his ass, anywaaaayyyy). i also read that he didn't believe in mixed race marriage/couples in the early 60s, but his view on that changed in the 70s. i can't tell you how true this is, so take this as you will. considering how different times were back then, i don't think it's entirely impossible.
emphasizing here that i do not think elvis was racist in any way possible, but life and the way people thought about certain things were very different back then!!
anyways, i don't think elvis was a selfish lover, he strikes me as the kind of person who likes giving as much as receiving and again, i don't see him being submissive at all though also not extremely dominant. elvis was a dominant person in general, but i feel like he was a gentle lover and wouldn't force anyone to do something they don't want. he'd kind of ease the girls into what he likes, but he would also make himself very clear on things he doesn't like.
i think he was big on the touchy touchy and foreplay, but i do believe him and cilla had, or were close to having, sex. as in penetration, not feeling each other up only- which imo is normal, but for a lot of people it's a touchy subject bc of their age difference. despite sleeping with others also, he considered cilla to be the steady woman in his life and love and sex go hand in hand for most people, doesn't it?
also him and ann-margret? freaky deaky in the sheets, i can't be convinced otherwise. but i also believed they genuinely loved each other and had a connection and that's what elvis preferred over simple one night stands. he wanted someone to both talk to and make love with and i think because ann was closer to him in age and so free spirited, he was drawn to that. also the fact that she got married a week after he did in the same city breaks my HEART- but that's a whole different conversation.
AND i do think him and nancy had a thing going on. even though nancy always said it was platonic between them... one can dream, right? they looked cute together.
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the 1970s, baby! who doesn't love the 70s? we all do. when it comes to elvis, a lot of people see him as the "daddy" and "big daddy elvis" persona but in my opinion, that's nothing but fictional.
elvis was big on the baby talk and used the term "mommy" for linda, but i highly doubt it was in a sexual manner. sure, none of us were actually there, but here we have a man that craved for deep human connections and love in several different girls, rather than just having a quick fuck and leave it at that. he liked to take care of his girls, but he also liked to be taken care of. i don't think elvis ever lost his interest in sex and liked sex throughout his entire life, but i do feel like things slowed down a little in the mid 70s. don't get me wrong- he was still definitely having sex, just not in the same way as when he was in his 20s, ya know? keep in mind he was not 100% healthy, as sad as that is.
elvis liked his girls petite and still, virgins. he gained a lot of experience through the years and i feel like he liked showing that experience to the younger females he dated. he liked to be The Man in relationships. the story about linda losing her virginity to him was honestly really sweet, he was extremely gentle with her, as it should be. and sure, elvis could be shy sometimes but imo not to an extreme- he was more so gentle and let's be honest, he knew just what the ladies liked. he knew how to sweep 'em off their feet. i think he was confident in his love making skills, but would elvis liked to have been called daddy? no. i don't think so. despite being a dominant man, he liked to be babied.
mirrors, man. mirrors. we've all seen his room. i think he liked seeing himself and his partner get it on, and i also think he liked watching other people (i don't believe he never had 2 girls in his bed at the same time and i definitely don't believe he never watched them).
above i stated about elvis possibly being prejudiced, but also that his views changed in the 70s. sexually, i do think he experimented with women from different races etc in these times.
jealousy. j e a l o u s y. he cares deeply, and it makes his jealous streak come out to play along the way. this was the man that had red west call "a guy" so he could get rid off mike stone, but eventually chickened out. i believe elvis to be a person with a lot of layers- and yes, maybe some of it has to do with the medicine abuse etc, but it was also who he was as a person. he could be unreasonable at times, in both friendships and relationships, but it doesn't take away that his heart was in the right place. elvis loved deeply, so he also hurt deeply.
writing about elvis and his life from a fan's perspective, especially one that was not alive at the same time as he was, is an extremely difficult thing to do. i don't agree with some of the things he did and said, but who am i to judge? elvis presley was a human made out of flesh, blood and bones. one that was on a forever search to find himself, to be comfortable in the vessel god gifted him. he made mistakes, did some shitty things, but he was also very kind and did very good things that changed people's lives for the better. it's said he could bring you to tears, but he also was a gentle, generous soul who could make you feel good about yourself, like you belonged. but doesn't that count for all of us? maybe not in the exact same way, but we're all just trying to find our path in this strange and sometimes cruel world. we sometimes say mean things that we regret and then we learn from it. we're all looking for that big, fat "why?" in life- we might never find the answer, but that doesn't mean we'll give up trying to find it.
i didn't mean to end in on a note like this, but i guess what i'm trying to say is that we should start treating elvis as a human being and not as the man we create in our heads and fanfictions. he wasn't perfect- but if he was, where would the fun be in that?
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(i'm obsessed with ginger's coat in this pic lol.)
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
jk jk. no but seriously- these are my opinions on the topic. if yours are different, that's okay too and i would love to hear your take on it. 💗
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photographypunk · 11 months
Ssssooooooo thoughts on The Riddler Secrets of the Dark
Spoilers and my own opinion underneath
So I'll start of the things I didn't like
1. Didnt like Batmans VA I loved Duke's voice it could have so much emotion and they seemed to let him have more reactions and what I mean by that is Duke would huff in annoyance or amusement you could hear his care for people in the words and way he said them his anger at those two guards made goosebumps crawl up my arms....this guy was a robot and just no fun like I could hear him trying to sounds teasing and the guy sounded like a high schooler in drama class he might be a good voice actor just not a good VA for Batman. The director and him might have been having a rough time of it or whatever. Also Im not sure if he was doing a Batman voice or not I'm one of those people who are okay if a va isn't doing a different voice for Bruce and Batman but he sounded like he was at least trying and not doing so well.
2. Eddie's sister her motive was so fucking weak like I get it what they where going for but they should have had some flashbacks of her dealing with the other rogues or at least their victims to make it a little more impactful maybe more about her husband other than he was Haitian and was a okay hand shaker I get they maybe trying for a she's on a edge too she might go over like Eddie (already did)
I do like the idea of Eddie having a sister though and the impact he had on her and her anger is def justified
3. How mean Alfred was- HEAR ME OUT HOLD ON just I know it's canon in several different Batman franchises that Alfred was apart of essentially British Ninja Network ( I remember M-6 is what they are actually) so I wanted to roll my eyes at his big ol speech at Eddie both of them tbh cause sure you can act like you had some moral high ground cause you killed for you country but I'm no patriot you killed people Alfred possibly people who where innocent or even if they weren't might of had family. I mean it does make it intriguing then cause the whole lonely speech could have taken interesting ways like Alfred might understand on some point where Eddie is (lonely) but that's just me
4. This might be the writing this might be the VA it it might both so I set this aside for something different but Bruce was wayyy too different in character for me if they had done this before Bruce's run in with ivy and his talking with Eddie I could believe it but this is supposed to be Bruce after that and he immediately fought Croc and was insistent on taking Eddie to the asylum....just no not our Bruce
1. Most of it lol I loved being back in the unburied verse
2. EDDIE MY MAN! Asshole (affectionate)
3. Waylon 🐊🐊🐊 I never really paid Croc much mind and I hate it his relationship with Eddie is a scream
4. Barbara's VA did a good job it took me a second to realize it was a different one from Unburied
5. The amount of time Eddie and Bruce had together in this one (going rabid at the fanfiction ideas guys)
Also I know Hasan Minaj has some allegations going around of him being a dick I guess, I don't condone that shit. I hope if it's true he apologizes and does what the victims feel they deserve in the situation.
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lightlycareless · 1 year
CHAPTER 35 IS HITTING LIKE ALL MY FAVORITE TROPES,, the ao3 outage earlier this week KILLED me right during my standard "rereading the latest chapter over and over" frenzy,,,
this one had me throwing my phone on my bed and covering my face w my hands like a flustered maiden. losing my fucking shit the entire time
the sudden "theres something going on that all the staff are whispering about" had me like,, what the fuck is going on,, is someone DEAD? and a momentary "HOW MANY MONTHS HAS IT BEEN SINCE THAT ULTIMATUM" and then its naoya's dumb ass getting himself sick. i'd be annoyed at him if it weren't for the incredible scenes this grants us later in the chapter
(and its also SO FUNNY *how* he got sick-- literally stranded in some cursed energy zone all pathetic and alone. just like my sad kicked dog description i keep using for him. he is embodying it fully and truly.)
when naoya's staff came up to y/n like "its about naoya's health we need you" i was like "ohh the drama is he gonna die without her there or something" and,, turns out thats exactly it he probably would've died from refusing to take medicine if she weren't there. glorious. hes so pathetic its unreal (affectionate)
THEYRE FINALLY ALONE TOGETHER AGAIN,, it feels like its been so long and it apparently has been for him-- feeling like its been centuries since hes seen her. ME TOO MF MAYBE IF YOU WERE LESS OF AN ASSHOLE WE COULDVE BEEN HERE EARLIER
"it feels like you could literally do just about anything with him and he wouldn't be able to stop it" - "you were sure you could control him" Y/N,, GIRL,, YOU WANNA TOP HIM SO BAD OOO YOU WANT TO DOM HIM SO BAD. IM CHEERING FOR YOU (she might've been thinking more about murder. but i know what i was thinking) that followed by the "holding the cup directly to his lips to make him drink" scene is killing me. im going insane for them.
she FINALLY gets to interrogate his ass and he CAN'T go anywhere or do anything about it this whole scene was AMAZING. we get so much added dimension to both of them with y/n finally getting to snap on him somewhat and say/ask all the things she's been hiding, and naoya finally showing a little bit of that vulnerability with the discussion about the records and his mother. there's SO much going on here and i can't WAIT to see how that's gonna unfold in the next chapter ft. all sorts of flashbacks
i would read like 35 more chapters of just these sick shenanigans going on tbh. naoya's pov during this kinda thing would be so interesting too-- how deliriously out of it is he actually? is he gonna be absolutely mortified at this behavior when he's more lucid? i could also imagine him pretending to be sick for wayyy longer than he really is just so y/n won't leave,,,
outstanding showstopping amazing. i cant wait to see whats next!
Hi!!!! AAAA sorry for taking a while to get back to your ask, however I must say that when I saw this pop up on my inbox I was going through somewhat of a sad moment, and this made me very happy :’) So thank you!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
Now onto the juicy details…
I’m 100% aware that I’ve been writing nothing less than indulging tropes… AND I’M GLAD ABOUT IT HAHAHAH I’M NEVER GONNA STOP
I think I might’ve been a bit dramatic when writing the reaction from the staff. But after everything that happened… there’s no other way for them to react 😂 The never-ending drama in the Naoya-Y/N soap opera has them on edge, they saw this coming and was only a matter of waiting when it would occur.
It makes me wonder what Naobito’s opinion about this whole charade was 🤔 From disappointment towards his son, to amusement when hearing that Naoya has been incessantly calling for Y/N. He probably lurked around as close as he could to get a better look of what was happening, maybe even bringing some popcorn to enjoy the show. Y/N was right to assume that his family would’ve intervened to force her into aiding Naoya, although… not because they cared but rather because Naobito was tired of things being boring.
Omg… who does he ship Y/N with? Naoya or Naoaki? WTF am I even saying lmao 😂 I need to log off.
As for the timeline… please don’t ask me about it AHAHAH I feel like after all the things that happened, if I were to sit down and determine how much time has passed since the beginning of the story… it would probably be like 5 years or so lol —well, it certainly feels like it anyways. But I will set a time frame in the following chapters to give you an example of how long it’s been, if it’s believable anyways 😂 Thank god it’s fiction AMIRITE? (excuse my lazy writing 😭)
Anyways, the way he got sick is exactly as you described: overall pathetic. There really is no better words to say, serves to show how he’s slowly losing himself 💀😂 ah, poor Naoya, but can’t say he doesn’t deserve it. I wonder what he actually did in those missing days?
I’m very surprised y/n was involved at all for there’s no way the staff didn’t know of their tumultuous relationship. This more likely than not could’ve worsened his situation… and if she was truly vengeful she could’ve taken this chance to kill him and yet, they still had faith on her, believed she would somehow ignore all the horrible things he had done to her and do the right thing. And in that matter, they don’t deserve Y/N lol. Once again if she were a bit more unhinged, she could easily be a Tomie-type of character… but where’s the fun in that? (at least for what I have in mind, not gonna say that writing that kind of story isn’t intriguing hehe)
Well, the threat of her being forced by her in-laws lingered in the back of her mind, perhaps even her main motivator, but all things considered she decided to do so because, well, she’s not completely evil. She should’ve been a bit harsher… but well, that doesn’t really align to the values she was taught with.
Talking about the alone part… wow. It has been a while since we saw them together like that; like what, 10 chapters? Lol Still, if Y/N had been that unhinged she could’ve been like “I’m taking my ladies with me AND Naoaki for my well-being” and that would’ve murdered Naoya and his staff immediately. HAHAHAH Can you imagine that though? Still, I won’t say that doesn’t sound a bit ridiculous 😂 the whole family reunited in his room lol.
But yeah!! It’s been so long, and it’s finally happening… under relatively normal conditions where Naoya isn’t terrorizing her. It does make me wonder how their time at the ryokan during their honeymoon was like… I might write about it… some snippets here and there (or if someone wants to send in an ask of what they think happened heheh) anyways, her being in this position of power is a bit unnerving to her, and within reason. From being berated almost daily, to being in a situation where she can literally do anything and who’s gonna stop her?????
Well, Y/N isn’t that crazy like Naoya, but I’m sure she’ll make the most out of this situation anyways.
AS FOR THE TOPPING IMPLICATION…. Damn. I didn’t even think about it like that hahah I was out here imagining how “Y/N wants to beat him up, make him suffer, so he can get a taste of what she’s been through………….” And then you show me the other side of the coin where she might want to top him DAMN that’s an interesting perspective of something that might happen further down the road…. AHAHAHHAHA I won’t say anything more.
Either way, not that the aspect of “intimacy” has been brought up, for me those moments that Y/N was taking care of Naoya felt… well, intimate, if that makes sense. Probably a delusion from my side, but it’s the kind of domestic things I want to see happening between the two 😭 no more drama or fighting, just the two being in a healthy, happy relationship. Like Naoya coming back injured from a mission and Y/N tending for him because she cares for him, not because she’s being forced or because Naoya was acting stupid or whatever.
But we shall see, we’re getting somewhere after all :>
The highlights of this chapter would definitely be Naoya opening up to Y/N (although a bit, and when he’s not 100% him, but it’s something…) and Y/N talking (or more like demanding) to know about the records and why he’s acting like that… even though she doesn’t believe him that much lol.
NGL I’m excited for the next chapter, it’s going to be flashbacks that will certainly affect their relationship—something I’ve been wanting to write too! Like, I hadn’t said anything about Tomoko outside of Naoaki’s perspective, but what about Naoya?! What’s his relationship with her like? How was she during her last days at the Estate? And for Y/N, HOW DID MINAKO DIE? Oof, very interesting indeed.
The following chapter, whether for the worse or for the better, is necessary for their marriage. As well as his sickness :> We’re finally getting development for the two yall!!
Anyways, thank you so much for your patience and support! We’re slowly moving forward to the “good stuff” that I cannot WAIT to post!!! There’s also a few more tropes (I guess) that I want to introduce… some that I think are very obvious (of course, because I know what’s happening lmao) 😂 but I can’t help but indulge on them!!!! It’s like an addiction, I must… have… it.
Once again, thank you so much for being patient with me during this short break 🥺❤️ I hope you like the next chapters!! Take care, have a wonderful week, and hope to see you soon!!
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brown-little-robin · 1 year
oc ask game: 4, 8, 9, 10 - for four AND/OR pearl (beloveds) pretty please!
Absolutely, my dear!! <3
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
Four freezes (gets away from reality by choosing to simply Not Experience whatever he's experiencing, thanks,,) and fawns. Fawn, for him, looks like gauging what the most powerful person in his life will like and then getting very good at that. He comes off as a "teacher's pet" kind of person. It can get annoying sometimes, especially when paired with his freeze response—if he isn't trying to appease or impress anyone, he's often miles away in his own head, which makes him seem like he simply Doesn't Care.
When physically scared, Pearl freezes. She physically can't run or dodge, and she's not terribly strong, so that's pretty much her only option. When emotionally scared, Pearl defaults to fighting. She has a brutal, deceptively calm way of verbally lashing out.
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Four? Yes. He has super-speed, which is just an unfair advantage, and no one would suspect him because he's so committed to being a good Catholic. If the Flashfam even figured out that a speedster had killed someone, everyone would be blaming Six, or Nine, or Five, and Four would be wayyy down on the bottom of the list. Even Inertia (his most impulsive alter) could get away with murder.
Pearl? No, probably not. She has few resources and her movements are easily tracked in and out of the clown homeless shelter she lives at. She would not find it easy to murder someone in the first place, let alone get away with it. However, Pearl is much more likely to try murder than Four is, haha!
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
YES. Four's lyric is "I was born a weary soul / already tired of this world / how did I end up here / how did I?" from Weary Soul by Young Waters. Also "My father's house shines hard and bright / It stands like a beacon calling me in the night / Calling and calling so cold and alone / Shining 'cross this dark highway where our sins lie unatoned" from Bruce Springsteen's My Father's House.
For Pearl, a new oc, I only have one lyric I strongly associate with her, and it's the chorus from Dirty Night Clowns by Chris Garneau: "I can't clear the leaves from here / They're too far under the brush this year..." It's less about the words, more about the vibes, tbh. Regret and self-disgust, pleading to be understood and helped.
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
For Four, it would be interesting to see an AU where he interacted physically with the other clones instead of just directing their development from afar. For instance, what about a sci-fi kind of AU where the clones were insectoid and Four (as a fellow worker) occasionally checked up on them / delivered food to them?
It would also be fascinating to set Four in a no-powers AU. See what his complicated backstory would translate to in a world where perhaps he was just the Favorite Child in a large family run by their grandfather.
For Pearl... oh boy, I would love to see Pearl in a fantasy AU! She'd be some kind of defective dragon, maybe, a lindwurm or a living doll. Whereas Rudy would probably stay a clown of some sort in a fantasy AU; he'd just also be a werewolf. Pearl's character concept isn't centrally based on being a clown, but on being beautiful at first glance and then horrifying—and then you get to know her and it turns out she's just a person.
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fartbox600 · 2 years
I would love to hear ur kuro thoughts and hcs and fanfic recs sometime!
oh boy i have so many… hmm hm mhm ok
PART ONE: thoughts
controversial opinion!! i don’t think the undertaker is related to vincent/frances/o!ciel/misc. at least not by blood, but obviously there was something going on with claudia. but i feel like atp in the manga we would’ve had something more to hint at it like we did with the 2 ciels theory.
uh uh uh i literally almost shat myself when doll came back because WHAT! i missed her sm but i thought like… there was no way for her to come back?? but she’s here :) she’ll probably end up dead or getting snake killed though. finny is probably safe in terms of making it to the end of the manga
they should have killed off bard. i love him he’s one of my favorite characters but i’m tired of the manga not having any REAL stakes. either that or i’ve just been watching too much attack on titan/game of thrones recently. but idk killing off bard would have been ROUGH like woah, that’s a key piece to o!ciels success just gone. it would have balanced out the ‘win’ that o!ciel got with meyrin and ran mao
the chapters are WAYYY too short... like decrease the quality of the work to make more or take longer to release longer chapters pls and thanks. not every panel has to be this beautiful thing it can b a bit rough yana pls….. waiting on new chapters is GRUEEEEELING LIKE GRUELING. don’t get me even started on the last chapter bc what was THAT??? that was literally nothing like nothing, at all. the last two/three chapters should have been just one
PART TWO: headcanons
ronald died due to dick in lawnmower and that technically counted as offing himself bc it was 100% his fault
sebastian can taste food like a person can he’s just 1. not used to it 2. an asshole
o!ciel on multiple occasions has swiped everything off his desk, called sebastian into his room, and made him pick everything up and put it back EXACTLY where it was and if sebastian fucks it up o!ciel makes him start over
finny wasn’t allowed inside the manor for 2 weeks after he got his head stuck between the bannisters
lizzys favorite color is green
PART THREE: fanfic recs
so tbh i don’t consume a lot of fanfic for kuro just because filtering out all the garbage cuts out MOST fics on ao3, and i wouldn’t touch wattpad with a ten foot pole (i’m too lazy to figure out ff.net)
some fics i enjoy that you probably already know about are:
Coattails by @pain-in-the-butler
this is literally classic kuro fanfic like this is THEE fanfic for this fandom (but it’s highly likely you know this) i have a huge special interest in late victorian history in general so i very much appreciate the lengths the author goes to to make things feel authentically victorian :)
New Life; Cool Life by Rhonda
it’s very interesting and special to me !! it’s pretty dark but not terribly so, and it has some great character exploration for grelle and o!ciel. very au but feels like canon characters
Front Page News by TheArchaeologist
i like fics where sebastian gets the crap knocked out of him. great ensemble fic with focus on the servants :)
Staring Contest by BrainExhaustionGodStan
focus on bard but just a SMIDGE of dadbastian which is great
One is One, and All Alone by @pain-in-the-butler
oh my god another banger fic by my favorite kuro author wow. this one is a cool little snippet of r!ciel and o!ciel if they ended up going to weston. rlly cute very wholesome but with some angst ! but it’s hurt/comfort
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vaugarde · 2 years
top 5 pokeani series! (if you're only counting from your rewatch then you can split kanto and johto if you want :3)
WAHOO ye im just gonna count from my rewatch for now hehe. also gonna make it clear that on a basic level i do like and appreciate all of these :3
5. hoenn! no particular reason its in last for me tbh, i dont dislike anything about it. in fact i love battle frontier a lot and if it were just that this would be higher! but ag itself just… isnt all that to me. i dont really feel much with its episodes and there isnt any non battle frontier ep im dying to revisit (besides maybe the dusclops one, that ones really good). again, nothing wrong with it, its just that in retrospect im just like. yep. that happened. (this could also just bc bc idc much for hoenn as a region idk)
4. johto: johto is just Good Vibes tbh, it doesnt have much going on but its got some fantastic standalone episodes and just some of the best content in the entire anime. only thing that brings it down are the “new region” growing pains, you can tell exactly why they had ash change companions and teams in the later seasons. the pokemon teams in this one are just so awkward. ill always be bitter abt heracross. also that one season where nothing substantial happens stings a lot, i dont wanna call it filler bc thats most of johto, but nothing really Out There happened. it felt too safe, and the episodes that did take risks just felt weird and wrong (like the “pokemon dont think or understand words” episode) idk its good outside of that tho. also the cell animation was gorgeous in this season oh my goodness. all the pokemon look so vibrant and cute.
3/2: is it weird to say that kanto and unova are tied? it probably is but i honestly cant say which one i like more. i prefer the companions in unova a lot and think they had really good and charming moments and arcs, while the more crass humor in kanto (aside from some physical slapstick) is funnier than unova’s attempt at mean spirited humor. kanto was also just batshit really early on and thats super fun to rewatch, and newer seasons feel kinda safe compared to that. ash is also just better in kanto tbh, hes just starting out and unova tried to emulate that while forgetting that ges a veteran at that point. but then all the battles and fun stuff in unova is wayyy better than kanto’s. which is understandable bc they had more resources and budget at that point, but still overall they have more weight. also the unova mons have more consistent personalities. idk these two balance each other out, i love em both genuinely but idk which is better
1. sinnoh. yeah that last season sucks ass but outside of that? overall its great! straight up one of the best casts both of humans and pokemon in the entire show, some of the best emotional moments and arcs, genuinely threatening antagonists and a flawed, but interesting rival arc? its all REALLY good and it holds up super well. also straight up has the best league arc dont @ me. idk if itll be my favorite of the entire show anymore, alola has my eye on that regard and yeah i cannot emphasize enough how awful that last season is to sit through in comparison to the first 3 seasons (im convinced theres no battle frontier arc bc they had to nerf the show) but overall its really special to me and im still really nostalgic for it :3 also it spawned best character in all of fiction so yknow
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s1ld3n4f1l · 1 year
For the HMS shipping thing I think it’s just general consensus due to CJs not outright said weither or not he’s against it or fine w it? and also the fact that it can kindaaaa lean on seeming incesty from a glance? even if you DO take into consideration it’s chill from a system aspect you have to think about the fact the characters were not initially written to be a system and aren’t entirely separate people from each other, like it’s clear they are still connected to each other/whole in some fashion, and idk I think it’s just a “don’t want to risk it” type of thing, plus I just think personally that exploring the characters in a platonic way is more interesting writing wise to dig into their characterizations, ig it just bugs me when all people can get out of a series is ways to ship the characters, nothing against you ofc! You were just curious! BUT I just think the CCCC fandom is like refreshing in that sense you know? Gives more of a chance to explore writing analysis and character dynamics etc :3!
idk if I’m making sense lol I just always try to make sure to be weary of any accidental sus adjacent stuff, and it gets tricky with series like this where it’s kindof a weird gray area?? AND I’m on the ace spectrum so I’m just not the kind of person to ship characters in general/I just don’t see the appeal like others do, TLDR like I said: I think it’s mostly just to play it safe/no one really sees a point in it anyway shrugs /nm (sorry this got long I just had thoughts I wanted to ramble about)
I'm a hopeless romantic so I love shipping, but I TOTALLY get what you mean with the shipping being too much sometimes. Sometimes it's WAYYY more fun and interesting to explore character relationships in a platonic light rather than romantic, especially since fandoms and media focus on shipping and romance a little too much sometimes. I do think it would be interesting exploring some relationships in CCCC in a romantic light, but I still greatly enjoy seeing them interact platonically.
I also thought it might be a "selfcest = incest" thing, since I've seen that crop up in other fandoms with character who isn't explicitly a system but is multiple people. But I don't really get that tbh? When I was younger, selfcest was RAMPANT in some fandoms, ironically or not. (I remember it in homestuck specifically in a jokey sorta way, but it was taken seriously in Undertale AU crossovers for example where everyone shipped Sans with himself. And I have to mention the one we're all thinking off: Onecest.)
I've mentioned this before in my last two posts about this but, again, I think it'd be fine? I don't know Chonny and I am not him so I have no idea his actual feelings on it, but from the QnA it seems they're characters more than they are him. With him allowing headcanoned identities, kinning, introjects (I'm not a system so I don't know if it can be controlled, but he said he was fine with them is the point I'm making), and all that, I assume shipping is fair game as well. Again, though, I'm not Chonny and I don't know Chonny, so I have no way of knowing his actual feelings.
Never feel bad about rambling in my inbox, by the way. I always enjoy hearing about stuff people like, ESPECIALLY if it's something I also like. Thanks for your input! :D
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agentjazzy · 8 months
okay it took over a year but me and my mom just finished watching the ENTIRETY of Beverly Hills 90210 so here's a giant text dump of my Thoughts
Matt might have been a late addition, but he was my favorite cast member, all his wrong doings are NOTHING in comparison to the rest of the cast, he deserved a better ending smh 😔
also they COULD'VE snuck in Andrea/Brendon in the end, just a little hint, but they DIDN'T and for that they're COWARDS
Kelly was a mean girl that slowly evolved into such a karen, she got so annoying towards the later seasons 😭 girl is SO entitled and spoiled and ALWAYS found faults in others but when SHE did the same no one??? ever called her out????? terrible
David continually annoyed me with his storylines, but he got less annoying thank GOD tho he still had his moments
rip to Noah tho, they did NOT know what to do with him and stuck him with a Carly rip-off a few eps before the finale to keep him busy but I was NOT invested (and also reminded me of how much I miss Carly 😔 she was played by Hilary Swank and was easily the best actor in the cast until they very suddenly kicked her out 😔😔😔) they could've and should've cut his character wayyy earlier but oh well
Valerie was the baddest bitch (positive) and LOVED manipulating people, then got surprised when those same people did not. like her. she was only a victim of bad writing and deserved better smh 😔 (the way she lost her money was SO STUPID the writing was SO DUMB like WHYY DID SHE DO THAT. UGH)
Gina was no replacement for the type of shit that Val got up to, but at least she was interesting - surprised she wasn't at the finale especially bc it would make narrative sense but Apparently she wasn't written out and instead wanted to leave so that's understandable
Donna was a literal nepo baby and you could tell 😭 her acting was NOT on the level near the others, and she had so much screen time............
(also her mom was classist AND racist, and 2 episodes after she told Donna she couldn't date a black character - who was a fun, interesting character! - they uh. never showed him again 😶 wtf)
rip to Nat's wife and kid, we saw them once and then they Never Mentioned Them Again, not even to babysit, not even a throwaway line, and that's on the gang for being bad friends tbh
also rip to the entire Walsh family, the main house became the Sander's house, which good for them, but I missed Cindy and Jim 😔 they were good parents and funny and they KILLED THEM (sent them to Tokyo)
okay but like. Brenda was SUCH a BITCH (negative) I was happy when she left the cast, she got SO annoying. she let everyone know that she thought she was better than them, then wanted All the attention to be on her, I hope she never leaves London, California doesn't need her
I loved Brandon until they committed character assassination and had him cheat on Kelly for absolutely no reason with a weird character that was more annoying than interesting 😔 as previously mentioned, him and Andrea should've been endgame - they both were single at the end of the series, their chemistry was great
Andrea was fun, her self-righteousness butting heads with reality and her morals were always fun to watch, but I'm sad that they didn't know what to do with her after they made her 1)get pregnant 2)immediately marry the father. she should've and WOULD'VE aborted that thang but the writers were cowards. and also bad at their jobs as evidenced by season 10 showing is that they ARE capable of keeping characters relevant/in the others' stories even when they're parents
Dylan was the most consistent character, even if he's a brat (positive). he kept cheating on people, though EVERYONE in the show did which like. writers. are your relationships okay. the soulmate thing with Kelly was dumb, but his commitment to creating problems just by being there was fun. also loved how he kept throwing money at problems, he was always a brat about it too - my favorite was when he did it to Noah, that's what he gets for trying to kick out Nat tbh
also Dylan was the only person in the cast to do CPR correctly, which isn't relevant to anything, except that Donna probably should've started chest compression with her dad........... dunno why she got mad at Gina when she, as the daughter of a cardiologist, can't even do chest compressions.......................
Steve was the 2nd most consistent character - after they started writing him as a jerk with a heart of gold moreso than just a plain jerk, he was pretty entertaining. even if he is THEE definition of white, rich, male privilege 😭 bro shouldn't have even graduated high school, and DEFINITELY not college. his job was literally handed to him by his dad 😭😭 he was silly and goofy though, which counts when David and Noah were being The Worst. was a highlight tbh, which is saying something, bc there wasn't one but TWO transphobic episodes, of which he was part of 😭 Didn't Like That!
uhmm, let's see, who am I missing......
oh! Janet was fine. at least her characterization was consistent. her and Steve were cute even if I missed Carly and her son - notably she was the ONLY character of color in the main cast which uh. 😐 this show was so white...........
lots of incidental characters of color, but when they dropped the "The Walsh kids help a random person" format, they stopped happening, which sucked. like, again, what happened with the Black guy who was interested in Donna? what happened to Donna's Black friend who she met during the Rose Parade thing?? why can I count the amount of Mexicans in this show on one hand??????!!?!!?? Beverly Hills and LA are white, but not as white as this show made it seem :/
but, anyway, the show was Fine. not very good, sometimes Bad, but mostly Fine. I can't believe I watched 290-something episodes, ten entire seasons
Brandon was my favorite, Steve was good comedic relief, and now I'll be a Matt defender forever, I guess - if I ever see any of their actors on the street, I'll probably say hi
oh! and angels are canonically real btw. also Santa Claus. and Mrs. Claus. so that's fun
also the theme song will forever be in my head now 😔
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wilcze-kudly · 2 days
I read about your "Avatar Bolin AU" and I got curious. And what would the end of season 3 and the whole season 4 be like? (+2 season, if you want, although Bolin would really not trust Unalaq-) Is Bolin still poisoned? Who is working for Kuvira now? By the way, I really liked your idea and the idea of ​​"Someone is the Avatar, and Korra is not"
Huh that's actually very interesting. I think B3 would still go similarly, though I'm also 50/50 if Zaheer could even carry Bolin's beefy boy ass like he did with Korra.
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I feel like our short king would struggle lmao
Though if we really wanna divert from canon, I can see Bolin being more receptive to Zaheer's rethoric due to having seen what the Earth Queen's rule has done to his own family and also because of his own upbringing disillusioning him towards governments and law enforcement, since republic city officilas apparently did fuck all about the many orphans.
It could provide some interesting drama between Bolin and Mako who probably might make a bond with Lin. Not sure if Mako would become a detective in this AU, probably feeling a lot of need to protect his brother.
Also the conversation between Zaheer and Bolin would be so funny.
Zaheer: we want to help the common people by removing leaders from power
Bolin: ok. Yay ❤️
Zaheer:*whispering to P'Li* what do I do now
I would also like to still see Bolin and Ghazan have that weird bantery mentor/student thing and maybe even expand on it.
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So I could see the Red Lotus storyline going completely differently depending on how much the Red Lotus would change their approach to Bolin. Since I'm not even sure they got arrested in this AU bcs in canon they were captured during their attempt at kidnapping Korra. So they might be mildly saner in this AU lol, or at least be more understanding of Bolin since it's not like he ever "had a chance" to join them.
It would also be an interesting look into them and how dedicated they are to their ideology. Since they wanted to kill the Avatar in order to stop the Avatar Cycle but Bolin being an Avatar more open to their ideas might cause them to think more about this. Maybe they'd even be divided with, for example, Zaheer trying to continue the mission of poisoning Bo, while maybe Ghazan would feel more conflicted and perhaps even consider other options.
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So perhaps Bolin still gets poisoned but this time Ghazan (and maybe Ming-Hua, depending on who she sides with) would try and help him.
I imagine Bolin would still need a lot of time, just like Korra, to recover and he would be in the South Pole a lot. I imagine Mako would be with him, as his brother. So would Korra, whom I imagine as Katara's apprentice in this AU. I would love to imagine some Katara and Bolin interactions bcs I think that they're actual pretty similar in many aspects.
Katara and Bolin paralleling each other
Discussion of Mako and Sokka's similarities vs Bolin and Katara's similarities.
Long ass post on these two pairs of siblings
I think Bolin would be more willing to accept other people's help than Korra, so he could recover emotionally more quickly, bit I think he'd still be very wary and more insecure in himself. Maybe he'd really fall wayyy to deep into his coping mechanism and rely on people directing him even more than usual and the plot of B4 is him finally becoming more independent.
I actually find Asami working with Kuvira very interesting. I don't think she'd work directly under Kuvira, but she could be sort of a business partner, supplying weapons and mechas to the Earth Empire. And then having a crisis when those weapons are eventually used against Repuvlic City because she should rethink being a war profiteer tbh.
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I also think it would be interesting to see Bolin interact with Kuvira in an AU where she hasn't been manipulating him for years. Since he has a more personal connection to the Earth Kingdom than Korra. Also, since I want Wei to be Bolin's romantic interest in this AU (bcs I'm me), I think this would provide an interesting extra layer of drama lol. Let Wei radicalise Bolin against Kuvira it's the right thing to do.
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I honestly really like this AU bcs Bolin would be a fascinating Avatar due to his past.
And I love Korra as the avatar but girlie deserves a break lol.
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brzatto · 1 year
OHHHH weird writing question 1, 10, 27, 29 please❤❤ and darling may I just say that your richie/carmy fic "Blue Chicago Moon" is absolutely magnificent in every best way possible?!! It's so hauntingly beautiful I have been rereading the two chapters again and again HELP
🥲🥲🥲 you’re wayyy too kind omg thank you so so much 🤍 i’ve poured a lot of myself into that fic and i never expected it to gain this much attention, it makes me so genuinely happy to know that it resonates with people the way that it does. i hope you can be patient with me for the next chapter!! with what i have planned for it i think it’s going to be around as long as the second one if not maybe a little bit longer but we’ll just have to see >_<
1. i write in 11pt arial, but it’s funny because for most of my life (like literally my earliest moments of writing fic on a laptop) i wrote in eb garamond for some reason..?? i think i just liked how it looked and stuck with it, and then i had a brief phase with times new roman a few years ago, and then shortly after i came across a post along the lines of how writing in a font that doesn’t feel professional/judgmental relieves any subconscious pressure of aiming for perfection and makes writing easier. that post recommended comic sans specifically but that font is just too ugly to me so i ended up switching to arial instead just to test it out because that’s the most non judgmental font to me. i’m not entirely sure if it’s affected my writing process but i do genuinely love the clean simplicity of it when i write now and i don’t think i’ll ever change it again.
10. honestly i think i’m only haunted by past fics i’ve finished... almost everything i’ve published in the past has already been deleted or taken down but i don’t always save copies of my work so sometimes i think of my old fics and wish i could read them again just to know what my writing was like back then but any time i read my old writing (like anything before 2020) i criiiinge so maybe it’s for the best LOL
27. tbh i think it’s carmy? even though a good 80% of my fics in my docs are from his pov. i’m surprised i don’t write from richie’s more often because objectively i think carmy’s headspace is harder to comprehend… characterization is really important to me in writing and i’m always worried i wet-dogify carmy too much. like he IS very much a sad stupid wet kicked puppy but there’s also nuance to it? a balance to his character that i agonize over a lot. even now i sometimes reread what’s already published of bcm and i’m like… this feels ooc for him 😭
29. my main source of inspiration is definitely music! when i’m deep into any media i’ll look for ways to find it in almost whatever i’m listening to and i also really enjoy curating character pls too. i stopped working on bcm for a few months while being busy/preoccupied with other interests instead but listening to my carmy playlist definitely helps get me back into the headspace for it while i write. if you haven’t yet i would also really really recommend listening to the titular song by songs: ohia! this fic wouldn’t exist without that song and it’s definitely the #1 song that i associate with carmy and the bear as a whole. i link it in the beginning notes of the first chapter <3
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hongism · 2 years
Waiit so you’re aware of how moc will end? I know you’re superrrr prepared with how it will play out (which is showing as its a masterpiece which falls into place every chapter), but if you know the ending that’s crazy to me. I’m prepared for moc to be in my life for the prolonged future. That being said, how long do you think moc will go on for? I know you probably can’t give anything exact but im really curious.
Also, I suspect Yunho and Mingi. Maybe even Jongho but I love him too much. Maybe it’s because I binged moc some time ago, but idkkk I feel they’re a little mysterious. Mc has had more interactions with Yunho but they’re not as close from what I remember (besides him being wonderful at what he does). Mingi hasn’t really connected with mc yet (right? again my memory is a little hazy) so we don’t know him much. They just give me the impression of people who could have an ulterior motive. Tbh, i suspect everyone but Hongjoong as that would be too obvious i think and he’s wayyy to direct to have not exposed his motive.
yes and no? i have a lot of different directions i’m thinking of taking for the ending of the story so i’m leaving my options open for it as i don’t want to box myself in too much, if that makes sense? i think it helps better with the flow of the story to have loose ideas so that i don’t feel as restricted when writing!! in total there will be 128 main chapters tho i know that for certain, and there’s special (to me) reason for that as well <33
your guesses are veryyyy very interesting keep all that in mind for act seven as we will be seeing a lot of yunho, mingi, AND jongho in that one specifically!
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♡ Scripted Love ♡
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synopsis// when joining theater you had hoped your crush would be casted as romeo, not your best friend. it just seemed like he loved to ruin things for you but maybe he didn’t, maybe he just loved you.
status// completed
updates// everyday unless said otherwise
warnings// profanity, pg13, angst, slight manipulation?, y/n is a theater kid😕 /j, physical harm/ slight abuse
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act 1. freaky shit
act 2. as a treat
act 3. debatable
act 4. yikes
act 5. in agony
act 6. built different
act 7. NOT on my watch
act 8. shut your mouth
act 9. me n who
act 10. like pals
act 11. break a leg
act 12. onward juliet!
act 13. helpless
act 14. less than human
act 16. eat tetsu
act 17. stfu judge judy
act 18. wdym bestie
act 19. god save me
act 20. interesting reaction
act 22. 6’4 bf
act 23. young jedi
act 24. cause i like..
act 25. sick of living
act 26. toes curling
act 27. but now?
act 28. again
act 29. me or yourself
act 30. trying not to
act 31. kiss you better
act 32. restraining order
act 33. told you!
act 34. wayyy too real
act 35. wink wink
act 36. rated r
act 37. time to be honest
act 38. weird flex
act 39. kenma tingle
act 40. center of the universe
act 41. first grade behavior
act 42. one more chance
act 43. mainly kuroo
act 44. the jonas brothers
act 45. as edward
act 46. full homo
act 47. joker arc
act 48. home of phobic
act 49. todays the day
act 50. now or never
act 51. reasonable explanation
act 52. what have i done?
act 53. always a choice
act 54. so obedient
act 55. we’ll be okay
act 56. parasite
act 57. just dies tbh
act 58. minus the death
act 59. i mean damn
act 60. euphoria highschool
act 61. just maybe
act 62. your grave
act 63. hit you where it hurts
act 64. jinxed it
act 65. one step ahead
act 66. kinda admirable
act 67. girlies
act 68. a curse
act 69. WHERES THE /J
last act. just lovers
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