#it would help if it was labled properly
pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
To that last anon that asked about toxic Purly stuff, I argue that The Shepards never take credit for their bad behavior or misdoings. Everything is always someone else's fault. Like it's the Soc's fault the cops tail Greasers, or it's the State's fault that their home life was so crappy, or its the teacher's fault for failing them when they needed that class to not be held behind (that last one was more so my reasoning as to why Curly and Pony are in the same grade).
Now, psychologists have pointed out that blaming others can be a defense mechanism abused kids do a lot so they don't get in trouble. It carries into adulthood.
I see Curly blaming anything and everything for why something went wrong and Ponyboy getting fed up with it. Like Curly blames the fact his car is not working is why they can't go on that date Curly has promised Pony for months (never mind Curly doesn't have the money for it and kept putting it off) and the next thing either of them know they're arguing. This could be classified as Papercut toxic-ness, I guess.
For Ponyboy it could be the fact he's so codependant. After loosing his parents and his friends so quickly and not being able to grieve properly, I could see him wanting to be with Curly a lot, they don't have to do anything, he could just want to sit down next to him and read a book or something; he just doesn't know how to verbalize that he's in pain and being close helps ease him. But this could make Curly fed up cause "Pony, why you followin' me? I'm going to take a piss, will ya' shove off?!" People do need personal space and Ponyboy not respecting that could be labled toxic as well.
that's all i had to say, lol sorry for the essay. :D
bro gave me a yappuccino /j /lh
BUT THATS KINDA WHAT I MEAN, they arent abusive either way u put it, they make bad choices bc they r quite literally broke kids w barely any outlet to express themselves w and trying to find their way in life, toxic doesnt have to mean just things like accidentally neglecting or whatever, it can just be “small” things
a character being characterized as aggressive doesnt automatically mean they r gonna b abusive in a relationship
plus i think the shepards have abusive parents and they TRY not to be like them, not saying they dont get some things from them, of course not, its canon they do, but i do think they TRY to be better than that, ofc they have parts to work on but they r def not hitting someone they r with, tim and curly CANONICALLY wouldnt allow it w angela, why would they allow themselves to do it, no matter how u twist it they arent doin that😭😭
also im cryin imagine trying to pee and u look over and ur bfs like this trynna follow u
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haileyywrites · 1 year
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Summary: La Signora's frozen heart may yet be melted by love she did not expect...
Pairings: La Signora/Rosalyne x Child!reader - platonic!
Notes/warnings: Completely gender neutral! Poc friendly! Likely ooc characters! Signora dies, but isn't dead lol Purely fictional and thus might not be or meant to be lore accurate! Possible grammar errors!
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La Signora was a cold woman with an even colder heart, but at the same time she burned brighter and hotter than any flame or fire. The deep loss she had gone through had thoroughly frozen her heart with ice colder than Snezhnaya and no matter what it needed to remain that way. She needed to remain cold and cruel to avoid attachments, love and anything else just as stupid. Even a single crack could destroy the barriers that she haf placed to surround her heart.
She didn't believe anything could do so, not until she met you... Like her, you were a victim of incredible sorrow and pain. Everything you knew and loved had been destroyed, leaving you as the only survivor covered in the blood of those you loved. As she looked down at your quivering form she could feel something she wanted to lable as pity, but truthfully it was more akin to sympathy. It was a disgusting feeling, but she of all could understand the loss you felt.
"What are you called child?" She questioned.
You stared up at the tall blonde woman, your vision was blurred by the tears gathered in your eyes. You managed to somehow mutter out the words to tell her your name, though you couldn't understand why she had asked in the first place... You couldn't think or function properly, not after all you had just gone through.
"I am called Signora, but you may call me Rosalyne. I will give you a second chance in life, on the condition you swear loyalty to me and her Majesty the Tsaritsa. What say you?" She looked at you with expectation.
You stayed silent for a moment as you thought about your options, there weren't many in the first place... You never once averted your eyes from her intimidating gaze which impressed both you and her. With the tiny bit of confidence you had you managed to answer her.
"I swear!" You meekly shouted.
The woman hummed in acknowledgement before snapping her fingers loudly, a fatui agent approached you with a cloth to cover your shivering body. You immediately cluthed it closer and wrapped it around yourself tighter. The woman carefully approached you and helpped you stand on your quivering feet. Her gloved hand pressed against your back gently guiding you away to your new life...
It wasn't easy in the beginning. Rosalyne wasn't exactly familiar with taking care of a child or emotionally prepared to do so, you had only just began to crack the ice that buried her feelings. After what you had gone through you desperately craved yet feared affection and you weren't ready to receive it from a complete stranger. But little by little you both took steps to grow closer and form trust between each other.
Though she was still the cold-hearted Harbinger La Signora, she would be more gentle and loving towards you. In private she preferred you call her by her real name, but asked you not to do so in front of others - she wanted it to be a thing between you two! Even if others knew her by that name they wouldn't dare act all friendly and call her that in front of her face.
Though the Fair Lady was someone to be feared and respected, a part of her heart had still persisted through all she had been through. Only you could ever melt and slowly mend her eons ago broken heart... She spoiled you rotten, yet you always remained humble and kind.
"Could I get a pony?" You innocently asked while kicking your feet back and forth.
"Whatever you would like." Her long fingers threaded through your hair affectionately.
She didn't see a point in not giving you everything you desired as long as it was within her capabilities, which everything you could possibly want was. In her eyes you deserved the world, you deserved a better world than this. As long as this world and she existed you would get everything you wanted until she could finally give you the greatest gift of a new world. Her love for you only strengthened her faith and loyalty to the Tsaritsa and her noble cause.
Even more so she so rarely got to see you due to her work and traveling all over Teyvat. Both of you hated the time you were apart, but it only made the time you did spent together all the more special. Her molten butterflies surrounded you to shield you from the unforgivable coldness of Snezhnaya during her absence. At least one would stay by your side at all times, just in case and also to help with your loneliness.
Every time you parted ways you eagerly awaited her return. She would come home to you with souvenirs and stories of where she teaveled that time. You refused to let go of her until you fell asleep and your grip loosened enough for her to separate from you. She didn't go far however, on those nights she would lay beside you just basking in your comforting presence until she too fell asleep.
But just like before your happiness was ripped away from you... Your world returned to being dark and cold as the molten butterfly lost its fire and fell into the pure white snow beside you. Carefully you scooped up the poor thing in your cold palms, not knowing what to do as it slowly disintegrated into ash and was blown away by the icy wind. Something was wrong and you knew it, you just couldn't fully comprehend at that moment what it was. But your heart mourned already, making tears run down your cheeks and fall into the snow below you.
It wasn't much longer until it was announced that La Signora - the 8th of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, had in fact been defeated in battle. There wasn't even a body left to bring back to Snezhnaya for a proper burial. You were left either inconsolable or emotionally paralyzed with your mood alternating between the two and changing even without a trigger. This time no one would come to save you from your grief like she did...
The Harbingers were at a loss with you, some were even slightly frightened by your constant mood changes and episodes. Even the ones who had experience with children didn't know how to comfort you. You were alone and cold, hoping this was a terrible nightmare that you would soon wake from and be greeted by Signora who would cradle you in her arms until you fell back to sleep with her beside you.
But that hope was quickly destroyed by the sight of her icy coffin. Everything suddenly became all too real as you threw yourself against the rock hard surface and layed your cheek against the cold surface as tears rolled down from your eyes uncontrollably. None of the present Harbinger's uttered a word as they watched and or listened to your wails of agony and loss.
That changed however, due to Pierro's presence the Harbingers asked or ordered you to move away so that this meeting could be brought to an end. Stubbornly you refused to part from the coffin of the person who you had come to think of as a mother, your tiny hands clutching to it tightly as your tears continued to fall against your cold cheeks. You incoherently sobbed to not take you away as the Harbinger placed their hands on your violently shaking figure.
"Let the child mourn for a while longer, their tears are shed instead of ours." Pierro ordered with his deep and commanding voice.
The Harbinger removed their arms without protest and stepped back in respect. Peirro said what needed to be said in honor of his fallen comrade without minding your heartbreaking sobs. He didn't think anyone beside himself would mourn her for even a moment if she were to pass, he was glad he was mistaken - even if it meant you would be left behind to miss her.
Long ago, Rosalyne had come to him and asked him to take you under his wing should anything happen to her. Had anyone else asked this of him he would have refused it immediately, but for her he would make an exception. She always spoke highly of you and in an affectionate way like a mother, never had he seen her speak of someone in that way so he agreed. He never expected that day to come that he would have to keep his promise, at least not quite this soon when you were still so young...
Suddenly you raised your head up from the icy surface that was Signora's final resting place. Your glossy eyes stared upwards with wonder making each and every present Harbinger follow the direction of your gaze. The soft sound of wings flapping and faint red glow was all some needed to hear to guess what it was that you were looking at before their eyes landed on it.
A single hellfire butterfly landed upon your tiny outstretched finger, it's presence telling you all you needed to know. You were not alone and she was not gone, it was only a matter of time and patience until you would be reunited. Not even death can drown her flames, the ashes and embers will smoulder ever brighter...
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A/N: This is a bit different from what I usually write, at least I think so but it was fun! Not completely proofread - also this has been in my drafts since the beginning of March lmao Anyways likes, reblogs and or feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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I know your asks say specific topics, but since I saw you liked my post on Superman & Lois lack of gay rep, what are your thoughts on the characters and their gay rep in general?
Thanks for the ask.
Idefinitely should add S&L ( plus other shows) on my pinned post. Just slipped my mind at the time.
FIY, for brevity sakes, I use bisexual as a umbrella term for anyone who isn't potrayed as 100% monosexual, (including fluid, pan and bicurious people).
Lets begin with Sarah. I hate the ONE bisexual character cheated. I wouldn't mind it if there were more bi characters on the show, who don't cheat, and preferably straight characters who do cheat (which did happen a few episodes later, but it doens't help a lot without faithful bi characters, since the message then becomes: "some straights cheat, all bisexuals cheat", instead of "some straights and some bisexuals cheat"). What makes it even more annoying to me is that a) her bisexuality/bicuriosity was introduced through cheating, which imo just highlight that the first bi characters was unfaithful and b) she cheated on Jordan with a girl, which, imo, feeds into the stereotype about bi people never being satisfied in a monogomous relationship with a man, because they need something only a woman can provide them (or/and vice versa).
I actually like Sarah. Even is s2. I don't mind her making mistakes. I don't mind her kissing another person. It was moment of weakness, and she came clean. In world where "cheating bisexual" wasn't a stereotype, or she wasn't the only bi character on the show, I wouldn't mind.
What I DO like about how Sarah kissing Aubrey is handled is that it Aubrey being a girl isn't a big deal, and there isn't any need (from the narritive, Sarah, or other characters) for her to lable or explain her sexuality.
I would have liked a brief scene where she discussed her sexuality with someone. Is she certain she is bi? If so, did she know before that summer? Is she still figuring things out? Is she mostly straight, but occasionally has confusing feelings about certain girls? Was she tempted to kiss Aubrey because of a silly whim, curiosity, or genuine attraction? Still, it's nice the show simply had Sarah kiss a girl, without focusing on her identity, and the kiss was still treated as a "real" kiss, not just some silly joke between two friends.
Non-sexuality related sidebar: If we remove sexuality from the equation, I still feel like that the show could have skipped the cheating plot, or done it differently, e.g. use it to explore Jordan's fears of Sarah losing interest in him, or show him needing to learn to talk things through properly, instead of assuming everything will be fine with apologies and love confessions.
Now, moving on from Sarah. As far as I know, S&L doens't have an queer characters. Which I am fine with. Not every show NEEDS a queer character. The world needs more representation, but no piece of fiction can represent every underrepresented groups out there.
I never personally read Chrissy as queer, but sucks you are dissapointed.
Natelie is based off Natasha Irons, who dated a girl in the comics, so I was expecting her to be queer. However, the comics never confirmed she was a lesbian, just that she was into girls. Here's hoping we get Bi Nat.
Some peolpe want Jon to be bi, because comic Jon Kent is bi. To me, these two are two different characters, not different iteration/version of the same character. Making him bi would be cool. We need more queer jocks and male bi characters. But at the same time, if S&L would make him bi, it would feel like he was a different version of THAT Jon, and I kind of want Jon and Jordan to be their own, original characters.
I personally hc Jordan as bi. I relate to him, and tend to project a lot on him, so I made him queer ( I am a lesbian, not a bi guy, so it's different, but it's still involves being attracted to your own gender). In my hc, he wasn't 100% sure about his sexuality before s2, but had suspected he is bi for years. After learning Sarah kissed Aubrey, he started thinking harder about his sexuality (something he had mostly tried to avoid, because he didn't want to feel even more different than he already did), and became certain he was bi. He hasn't come out to anyone yet, but considered telling Sarah. In the end, he chickened out, because he wasn't quite ready to come out to anyone, not even another queer person. He still sometimes considers telling Sarah or Jon, but since he only has eyes for Sarah, he doens't really feel the need to bring it up + he has a lingering fear Sarah would find him less attractive if she knew, even though he knows Sarah is properly too open-minded to accept the double standards surrounding female and male bisexuality.
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starjxsung · 14 days
HAI STAR I AM BACK FROM EUROPE !!! I got home like two hours ago :3 feels SO good to be back in my own room in my own bed - showered, have laundry going, AND I UNBOXED MY LIMITED EDITION ATE ALBUM I BOUGHT IN COPENHAGEN (posted a pic on tumblr if ya wanna check it out hehe) ... work and school emails can wait until tmrw... RAHHH it's been so long lemme go through your last few responses to my messages since last time I responded Summer if FLYINGGG wahhh I can't believe I start school in a month! I've seen bits and pieces of what you've said about ATEEZ and Lolla and they both sound RAHHHHH I'm so glad you had fun and meet up with your older sister (for ATEEZ) (though the sunburn does NOT sound fun) and I'm glad you were able to stay safe (?) and be responsible and help that girl out (at Lolla) As for South Africa guy... So basically once I went on the trip we didn't talk cause he was on his trip and I was on mine but I did send him a long ass message about what was going on in my brain (after confirming that he would be okay and welcoming to that sort of messages since we couldn't talk it out at the time) and explaining to him how hurt I really was? but like in a respectful and calm manner. Idk it was longggggg mostly cause I over(?)think or like have many thoughts because while I did want to explain that I was hurt, I also wanted to make it clear that I saw where he was coming from and wasn't telling him to hurt him or make him feel bad if that makes sense. Anyways, seeing as I JUST got back and he just got back a few days ago (with covid nonetheless), we have yet to talk about it and he has yet to respond to my long ass message. (also for background info in case I forgot to tell you, yes we did end up talking about where our relationship is a little bit ago before this whole ghosting thing happened and bascially we ended up with "committed relationship w/o lables" because apparently I have baggage (anxiety) attached to the term "girlfriend" from my last relationship LOL hahaha but yeah so basically agreeing to be "committed" and then this happening kinda just made it feel a lot worse aslkjdf) anyways what im left with now is feelings of residual hurt, uncertainty, and genuninely questioning how comfy I am in this relationship now... but I shall wait until we actually properly talk about it hahaha... also... did you actually raw dog your flights... how do you do that omg I will like do that for periods of time but usually I have music going for most of it... (today during my flight from Amsterdam (layover) to where I live I watched one of my fav comfort movies three times in a row (it's Zootopia LMAO)) Europe Trip stuff: my fave part was def the guided, all inclusive tour we did of Norway country side form Voss to Bergen - it was hiking, biking, and kayaking! I died physically (i mean like one of the days was 61 km of biking... and we were doing stuff for 6 days) BUT EVERYTHING WAS SO PRETTY AND THE WEATHER WORKED OUT AMAZINGLY usually its rainy and dreary and cloudy (like where I live - honestly norway looks like exactly where I live) but it was SUNNY the WHOLE time!! I got to swim in the fjords and go fishing (I LOVE fishing...) and just take in all the nature as I hiked and biked etc... and my younger brothers and I made some friends with another family on the tour (there were four other families in total) - this family had three boys - two 17 y/o twins and a 14 y/o - they were so much fun tbh LOL the 14 y/o was very mature tho (maybe more than his brothers tbh) I thought he was like 17 when I first met him and thought his brothers were like 20 LMAO they're all tall- anyways, the 14 y/o, he thought I was like 15 when we first met (I think he developed a crush on me ngl by the end of the tour lol) anyways ya it was fun !!! sorry for the LONGGG life update... HOW ARE YOU DOING STARRR
ily always 💕🫶💖 🌱
RAHHHHHH MY ANGELLLLL I’VE MISSED YOU SOOOOO MUCH IM SO SORRY FOR NOT BEING ON HERE IN A MILLION YEARS I swear time has just moved so weird ever since lolla I still feel like I came back yesterday????? WTAF…… ANYWAYS!!! EUROPE!!!!! AND SCHOOL!!!!! HOW WAS EUROPE and how is school going (I’m assuming you started again???) I hope it’s going so well!!!!! I’ve been crazy busy at work it’s insane, I swear the work is just nonnnnnstop it’s making me want to die 😭 what’s crazy is that I started this blog bc I always had so much free time and now I can barely stay online bc I always have some shit going on at work it’s so frustrating RAHHHH
Ugh. I can’t believe all the confusion??? With South Africa guy????? First of all I totally understand your hesitation for an “official title” bc shitty relationships will definitely do that to you 🧍‍♀️but his communication fr seems so spotty 😭 anyways I’m assuming he responded to the message by now (I’d be scared if he didn’t????) but I hope there’s some form of resolution there? I mean he sounds like a catch and I’m so glad you guys get along well and seem to have mutual feelings for each other but it really sucks when that’s the case and then it just quickly turns into a guy completely wasting your time 😕 waiting for more updates but I just don’t want you to end up getting hurt by all of this!! I’ll beat his ass frfr
AHHHH THAT SOUNDS LIKE SO MUCH FUN I would’ve been dying from all the physical activity too I don’t blame you LMAO 😭 I’m so glad you met so many cool people (and even had someone develop a lil crushy crush on you HAHAHA) but that sounds amazing!!! Also how was the kpop store there??? I hope it was everything you dreamt of AAAAA it’s so much fun to find kpop stuff in places away from home 😭 I haven’t been to a kpop store in months now but I’m aiming to go this Thursday for a FAT shopping trip. Will keep u posted 😋🤞
ANYWAYS I AM GOOD I’ve just been crazy busy and I feel really bad that I’ve been so bad about being on here ???!,!.!.!.! Also working thru Kinktober and my eyes are burning out of my skull from all my screen time but. WORTH IT……
I love you so so so much I need a million more updates so I know all’s still well with you! Sending all my love as USUALLLLL 💓💓💓💓🫶👼
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osdd-1bitch · 3 years
// partly a vent? but also if you have any type of advice as to what i can do pls say,, gotta be honest im still INSANELY fucked on if im a system or not :( for a while i was dead set on it but i ended up just not saying anything to my therapist and fell back into that "ok no thats not me, im just a really vivid daydreamer" mindset.
then your blog auto-popped up as i was typing and i clicked it and im back to that "maybe" thing. im just so conflicted rn ughhh goddamnit :( ive been having an extremely stressful past few weeks (no specifics but alot of my trauma resurfaced, alot of shit triggered me, similar traumatic situations etc) and i missed both of my therapy sessions the past 2 weeks, so ive kinda reverted back to being dependant on alters who im not even sure are alters or not. and even THEN im not sure how to bring up to my therapist that i think i may have OSDD or DID?? like idk how im gonna come back after 2 weeks and say "hey btw all this traumatic shit came back up and i think i might be a system bc i talk to people in my head who arent me lol but anyways can i use ur fidget cube?" ??? SO much has happened and im really debating on just pushing down that it might be osdd/did and pretending nothing is wrong for the sake of keeping myself mentally stable yk ?? gotta say i just dont know what to do at all. lets also not forget im 13 and shouldnt even have to deal w this much stress EVER but dfghgtf. im just really struggling to tell if this is my maladaptive daydreaming or DID man :(
MaDD and plurality are weird to work w, especially since MaDD can and often is be caused by trauma and there are some expressions of MaDD that one could put on the plural spectrum. Its mucky either way and can suck to deal with
before i continue, id like to say our experience on therapy has...not been great so ill refrain from giving therapy specific advice for fear of our past experiences clouding our judgement, but you can share the trauma bits and get some help without talking about plurality. the rings system did some videos that might help about talking to a therapist,red flags ect, lovely folks, you should give em a watch if you havent. either way id say you prolly shouldnt bring this up yet, but info is also good in general
and also, some personal advice, be very very careful on the internet, especially social medias at your age. we were in your shoes once and it did fck us up quite a bit
either way, i seriously doubt youll be taken seriously, not in a bad way, full grown adults struggle to get help. and stressing about specifics can just lead to, you guessed it! more stress. its totally fine to drop all lables and just exist for a while and try and do whatever, talking w sysmates or daydreaming whatever, you dont have to name these experiences for now, just live them. doubt is weird, and youll almost def be wout dxing for a few years either way.
just live your life, try not to bring up trauma wout professionals, and be very safe on the internet, and preferably get off tumblr and move somewhere safer, its really not a place for people your age. i know you probably wont listen to that bit much, but at least be extra super safe.
self dxing can take years btw. its not really a matter of weeks, lived experience and analyzing yourself and just questioning takes a lot of time. take it slow
and its totally fine if its not did. or madd. or either. dont stress, dont try and conform yourself to dxes and stuff rn, especially since you are both v young and just started questioning. im not saying your age means you shouldnt, if you have did you have it rn, but things can take time to come to light. just b honest w yourself and open to the options, mkay? self dxing is a lot of research on top of the work. if you started questiong round now tbh many systems if they questions at your age would get a dx or self dx at like 15,16,17 ect ect, and thats if they question. do what helps you and talk to your therapist, you dont have to mention did but talk about questioning disorders and junk.
this sorta age is when figuring yourself out rlly starts to happen yknow? that doesnt mean you should be cornered off n stuff, n kept away from dxes, but it also means you should be very careful n research a ton. if you find smth you resonate w it, keeping it in the maybe pile for a year or two can seem like its a long time, but will help a ton in the end, if its true or not. if its stressing you out a ton, its okay to not think about it for a bit, you have time.
and again, please please please try and get off social medias they can mess w your head a lot, and try not to share your age online again. im torn abt publishing this n may delete this ask n repost the response, but im not sure
i dont wanna tell you to not question or identify symptoms, but things change a lot n you are just dipping your toes into life. take things slow and sit on them, thats the best advice given to us at your age. you could be absolutely right, you could be confused, you could be dead wrong, and all of these are okay. just keep yourself open, research and rlly think abt it (like months of thinking abt it) before it can age properly in the maybe bin. and also be safe online, dont share your age and stuff n keep off toxic n inapropriate sites like this best you can. options are open and symptoms can change over time. just exist and take note of things. dont stress over lables, n self dx should stay in the possibly-maybe bin for now, itll be worth the wait
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checkmate123 · 6 years
First attempt at getting back into writing just for the fun of it.
Disclaimer: Reader x Buffaloman. LEMON. I also wrote this on my mobile so I apologise if it's mess on the computer. It's purely self indulgent 😅
It didn't matter how or when you met. Time was meaningless when you were with him. You had been by his side since before he was labled as one of the Seven Akuma Chojin and banished from earth. You knew how ruthless he had been, you also knew how kind and gentle he had been before he had made the deal with the devil.
You saw it in him now, that softness you had fallen in love with, that you had prayed would return as you watched him destroy Warsman. You still remember the tightness in your chest as he had changed sides at the last minute and was brutally punished by Satan.
None of it mattered as he entered the room.
Buffaloman carefully crawled onto to the bed, leaning over you, a little smile playing across his lips as his eyes shone with mischeif. You couldn't help but grin up at him and reach for his face, cupping it in your hands and guiding his lips to your own. Your fingers ran through his curls as he muttered into your lips apologies for being so late. You felt his weight shift over you, again with caution, as your fingertips brushed against the base of his horns. He covered you completely and you arched your back as he snaked his arms under you, lifting you easily against his warm, vast chest, his kisses getting firmer and more insistent. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he brought you up onto his lap, large hands tracing your back and hips, squezing gently and burrowing under your hoodie.
Your own hands, warming from the heat coming off the chojinn's body, ran over his chest, his hairs licking at your palms as you kneeded his pecs.
No words were needed. You had loved one another for too long to need anything other than breath and heart beat to read each other. You helped him pull off your hoddie  before reaching to his belt, his giant arms still pinning you against his heaving chest, his kisses threatening to consume you.
In less than a minute his pants had joined your hoodie on the floor. You wanted to move yourself against him, to feel every inch of him, but he had lost himself to you and forgotten you couldn't exactly break his vice like grip. You let out a little yelp as he squeezed too hard, bringing his tirade of kisses and caresses to an abrupt halt. He pulled back and gazed at you, golden eyes full of concern.
'I-I'm so sorry mi amor-'
You cut him off with a kiss, catching his bottom lip between your teeth and pulling playfully.
You smiled as you pulled back 'Just leave me room to breath you brute. I'm not going anywhere, no need to go at it like a bull at a gate.'
You giggled as he smiled sheepishly and took you in his arms once more, kissing your neck as softly as he could, making your legs as useless as your resistance to this man. You threw your arms around his shoulders, attempting to pull him back down to the bed. You may have been solid and strong for a human, but against Buffaloman your arms may as well have been wet noodles. He responded to your tugs at his back and lifted his lips from your shoulder, pressing a smile into your throat and pushing you gently into the pillows.
You parted your legs, running your nails down his back, tracing each and every well defined muscle you could reach, revelling in the heat radiating under your palms. You couldn't help but smile and press your breast into his own as his bulge pressed against your inner thigh. You tilted your hips, attempting to wrap your legs around his waist despite knowing from experience that it was impossible. His girth had always been too large for you to properly hold but it had never bothered you. You longed for his weight and size to engulf you. He was the safest place in the galaxy to you just as you were the most important person in the universe to him.
With a breath that shook in your chest he began to push himself into you. A little moan escaped your lips and you fought the urge to buck your hips against him. He had always enjoyed savouring these moments, taking his time with you. You had always being the one for speed. You almost laughed at yourself, accusing him of being a bull at a gate whilst you would happily have him barge through said gate in a heart beat.
He slowly eased his hips against yours, his kisses slowing and becoming deeper, his breaths shallow as his length filled you completely. You gasped and shut your eyes tight, feeling every movement as he began a slow, rhythmic thrust of his hips, hands tangled in your hair, moving against your body gently.
You tried and failed to suppress a growl, wishing he would speed up and stop teasing you. His slow, heavy thrusts were driving you mad, each stroke sending waves of pleasure through your body, warming your belly and setting your heart ablaze. You couldn't help but dig your nails into the back of his shoulders as you have into your body and bucked your hips against his. You could feel him grin against your cheek and then press his pelvis firmly against yours, his immense weight preventing further attempts at interrupting his rythym.
You let out a huff and glared at him whilst he grinned down at you, those beautiful eyes reflecting your pout.
'It's not like you're going to hurt me.' You whined as he restarted his long, purposeful thrusts, making your words catch in your throat.
'I'm not taking the chance.' He answered, his tone serious as he pressed kisses along your jaw line, his breaths warm against your ear.
You sighed and caressed his mane, letting yourself enjoy the tingling in your stomach as he rocked himself against you. Given his size you suposed he was right about hurting you, even though he never had before and you knew he never would.
His skin was so warm against your own as he moved within you, each movement passionate and gentle whilst sending shock waves over your body.
Your breathing hitched as his thrusts became slightly quicker, deeper, his teeth pressing against your shoulder. The warmth spread over your body, your muscles tensed and even with Buffaloman's weight on top of you, you arched your back and pushed back your head into the pillows, a breathless moan escaping from your lips as your vision blurred and your limbs shook, followed by a sharp intake of air as you remembered how to breathe. You dug your fingers into his hair, snaking them around the base of his horns as he continued his thrusts, murmuring sweet nothings in his native tounge as he kissed your lips. Your body was on fire and it felt incredible. You no longer felt the need to move against him, you had enough trouble breathing and coordinating your limbs at the same time. Your legs trembled, your hands grasped at his hair and face, pushing your lips into his, desperate for him.
His breathing quickened with his thrusts, his hips pushing you against the sheets as he moaned into his orgasm, causing your body to ride out the last flames of your own. His muscles heaved and shook under the ecstasy of it and you gazed up at him intently, hands clasped to either side of his face as he regained his senses. He opened his eyes to your smile and replied with a soft kiss to your reddened lips before slowly removing himself from you and carefully laying beside you, pulling you against his chest as he caught his breath. You snuggled into the nape of his neck, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and hitching a leg up onto his waist. His heart pounded through his chest as it always did when you were together and you smiled against his warm, dark skin, goosebumps dancing along your own. He pulled the sheets over your shoulders and wrapped you up in his arms, kissing the top of your head and sighing into your hair.
It didn't matter how or when you met. It didn't matter how or when you fell in love. All that mattered was he was here with you and that was were he intended to stay.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years
Reader works at the police station and overheard Connor saying he would like to listen to music so they take him (later) and introduce him to all kinds of bands such as classic Metallica and Britney Spears (you know it will be labled as classic in 20 years)
You huffed as you finished typing up a police report, before taking a sip from your coffee that was already cold.
Of course, you’d dump it and go make it fresh and hot, but that would mean crossing paths with Gavin and him making your life even more of a living hell. You were especially annoyed with him considering how he bullied Connor earlier, even when he got him coffee as he demanded. 
If it was you there instead, you’ll be sure to splash the drink all over that bastard’s face. That would cost you your job, though, and possibly your life, so you just did what you could to avoid any interactions with him, unless it was to defend Connor.
“Do you listen to Knights of The Black Death? I really like that music.”
You eavesdropped on the conversation that was going on several desks over, smiling a bit as Connor was talking to Hank..or, rather, he was attempting to. The lieutenant wasn’t feeling his best since he was yelled at by Fowler only a few minutes ago, so it was nice to see the RK800 trying to cheer him up.
“You listen to Heavy Metal?”
“Well, I don’t really listen to music, as such…but I’d like to.”
‘Hm..he’s taken an interest in music, something only a human would do,’ you thought.
For as long as you’ve known Connor, he always tried to deny that he was feeling human emotions. Obviously you knew he was scared of turning deviant and being taken apart, but if you were just with him, you’d try to show him that it was okay for him to feel things and act more human.
Since you really had nothing but office work today, when Connor and Hank were done with their assignment, you’re gonna make it your mission to show your android friend some music.
“I failed my mission today, [y/n]..” Connor spoke glumly, sitting back on your couch. “The AX400 and the little girl it kidnapped escaped, somehow crossing the highway without being hit before making their way to the train station.”
“How do you know for sure it kidnapped her?” You asked as you grabbed your headphones.
“Many deviants are dangerous,” he frowned. “Due to its irrational decision to cross the highway instead of simply turning itself and the girl in, It almost got them both killed.”
“Well…you did mention that it seemed lost, right? For all we know they could have been running away from a rough domestic situation. Maybe it had to defy its programming to protect itself and the girl. Maybe they feared they’ll be in danger if they were sent back home.”
“But..the report said that the owner was deliberately attacked by-”
“Meh, honestly I think people are just making up stuff to paint all deviants in a bad light. Anyway..” You sighed, walking over to sit beside him. “In the police station earlier I overheard that you wanted to listen to music. Is that true?”
Connor blinked in surprise, giving you a look.
“Oh don’t play dumb. You and Hank were literally two desks away from mine. I could hear pretty much everything.”
“….oh th-that’s..not the problem, [y/n],” he muttered, smiling at you. “I..only said that to appease Lieutenant Anderson since he seemed very troubled after his briefing with the Captain and-”
You chuckled softly. “C’mon. You’re not fooling anyone for a second.” Then you handed him the headphones and your music player. “Put these on. I have a couple of classics that I think you’ll like.”
Confused, but curious, the RK800 took the devices and set them in his lap. He looked on the music player to see a song by Metallica. After pressing the play button, he brought the headphones up to his ear, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to listen to it.
“No not like that,” you laughed, taking the headphones and putting them on his head properly. For a moment he tensed, LED flashing red as the music startled him, but moments later it changed to yellow once you made sure the volume was lowered.
His expression seemed indifferent, so you decided to get up and leave him be for a little while, trying to find another activity to occupy yourself with.
About ten minutes later you returned to the living room to check up on Connor, and your smile grew as you saw him still sitting on the couch. But he seemed more relaxed, eyes closed, one leg crossed over the other, as he nodded his head slightly to whatever he was listening to.
Overall he seemed very content with it.
You went over and sat down, seeing that he was listening to Britney Spears’ “Toxic”. A true classic.
Noticing you there, he sat up and quickly paused the music, sheepishly removing the headphones. “Ah..hello, [y/n].”
“How do you like it?”
“It’s..definitely pleasing to listen to. The ”Toxic” song has a lot of energy to it. Although…it talks about poison and intoxication which is rather concerning..”
“Those are just metaphors,” you chuckled, taking the devices from his hands. “Songs have a lot of them. The more you listen to them the more you’ll understand.”
He nodded. “Five minutes after you left, I did a self-test and I saw that my stress levels had significantly gone down since I’ve started listening to this music, especially the somewhat calmer tracks. I’m..not sure why but-”
“Music can make you feel different things, depending on the genre. Calmer ones help relax you, and heavy metal gets you pumped. It really does a lot of wonders for people. Sometimes it’s what they need to get through the day.”
However, he remained silent, his expression neutral as he continued staring at the floor, his LED flickering between yellow and red.
{ Software Instability }
“Hey.” You rested a hand on his shoulder, making him look over at you. “It’s okay. I’m not trying to make you deviate from your programming. I just want you to know that it’s okay to feel these things. It’s okay for an android to like dogs and music and all the things humans like. You’re not gonna be shipped back for that, not on my watch. You understand?”
Connor’s LED remained yellow for a moment, before it reverted back to blue as he flashed you a tiny smile. “I understand, [y/n].”
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goodproofingwater · 6 years
Wildfire Records - Chapter Four
Word Count: 2881 Playlist picks:  Leave Before the Lights Come On - Arctic Monkeys Fallout - Catfish and the Bottlemen Press play when you see then *’s
For the first time in as long as she could remember, Victoria was glad that she worked a 9-5 job. Even though she often got into the office early and left late, it meant that the weekends were their own, and meant that she didn’t feel at all bad when she sank back the third tequila slammer that Andy had bought them all. She sucked hard on the lemon, and she could feel the redheads eyes on her as she did so, his own lemon placed on the tray in front of them.
“Alright?” He grinned at her, his signature smirk punctuating his cocky tone and she licked her lips as she nodded, placing the lemon next to his own. “Looked like you struggled with that one, honey.”
“Oh no..” An uncharacteristic giggle falling from her lips as she shook her head and bit her lip, the alcohol burning through her veins and allowing herself to be much more obvious with her affections. While she found Josh cute and charming, there was nothing she could resist less than an arrogant asshole, and Andy fitted that mark perfectly. “There’s a long way to go before I go down..”
The flirty implications in her tone made the redhead smirk, and he let his hand slip to her thigh underneath the table as he turned to face the others, “Anyone else wannanother shot?” he slurred, and Josh looked up from his conversation with Juliet and Danny with heavy eyes. The intoxication was rife across the group, and while Victoria was having a great time, she knew how they could enjoy themselves even more.
“Why don’t we go back to mine?” She spoke, her voice sounding different than usual, and she wondered if she always sounded like this and was hearing it for the first time or if the alcohol was having a strange effect on her.
Juliet’s eyes lit up at the suggestion, the girl desperate to get out of Camden now the show was over. You had to prepare yourself properly for a night out in Camden, and while both girls would have enjoyed dragging the band to underworld for Camden Rocks it just didn’t feel like that kind of night.
Andy’s hand found it’s way further up her thigh as he looked at her through hooded eyes, clearly having heinous intentions for their trip to her house and when he looked so damn good she might just..
“Sounds great!” Danny spoke up, downing the rest of his beer and hitting his chest as he suppressed a burp.
Half an hour later they were on an underground train to her place, and she couldn’t help but laugh at how unnatural the boys looked on a mode of transport that she used daily. Juliet stood against one of the glass dividers as Danny sat near her, his hand absentmindedly running along her thigh as he spoke to Josh about a beat he had thought of. Victoria let out a laugh as Danny began using Juliet’s thighs as drums, Josh’s face lighting up but his fingers tapped along his own thighs in time, and Andy sat next to him, his arm resting on the back of the chair Victoria was sat on.
They arrived at Liverpool Street in no time, took a bus into Shoreditch and walked into the corner shop that they alighted directly in front of. A few minutes later they were stumbling to her door, Juliet shining a torch at the keyhole so Victoria could find it. She hadn’t realised that she was that drunk, but the keyhole just kept moving!
She threw the door open triumphantly, throwing her bag in the bedroom that was through a door immediately to the right, and bringing the plastic bag with the beer bottles down the stairs to the open plan front room and kitchen.
She immediately opened the laptop that was sitting on top of the short bookshelf and switched on the speakers, starting up her spotify.
“J--Josh?” She spoke, her stomach doing an unexpected backflip when his eyes met hers over the beer bottle he was sipping on, “Could you put some tunes on? I don’t trust anyone else” She grinned and he laughed, standing up and immediately playing Leave Before The Lights Come On by Arctic Monkeys.*1
The redhead smiled as she climbed back up birch stairs, opening the door and walking out of the house to meet her friends who were climbing out of their uber. She gave Chrissy, Ben and Jamie a hug before she shooed them inside, the March chill biting at her exposed arms.
Everyone was introduced, and Andy was lining up every shot glass she owned on the kitchen table and filling it with a bottle of tequila he had bought from the shop against everyone's recommendation - not that anyone was complaining when they picked up the glass and slammed them back. He began refilling the glasses and snuck to the bathroom once the group were more distracted talking about what music to put on next. Josh was adamant that he wanted to listen to the new Fidlar album where as Danny wanted to listen to The 1975. Juliet was, as usual, fighting the David Bowie corner and Victoria, Chrissy, Ben and Jamie were happy to go with anything that would stop the fighting.
Andy emerged from the downstairs bathroom confidently, his eyes wide and his pupils blown, and Josh let out a sigh at the sight before he eyed Danny in a way Victoria was sure he thought was discreet. “I have the definitive playlist alright?”
Andy spoke, glancing at the boys and all Victoria could do was laugh. It couldn’t have been more obvious that the redheaded man did a line in the bathroom if had had come out proclaiming it. She wasn’t bothered by it, cocaine so rife in London that she was used to being around people that did it, she even dabbled herself from time to time. It was etiquette in her mind to ask someone if it was okay to do blow in their house, but she supposed it would have been against Andy’s character to ask for permission.
Everyone sipped their drinks in apprehension of what Andy was going to put on, and Victoria had fully expected it to be something that reeked of party culture, but instead she let out a small laugh as she heard the familiar riff start.*2
Josh and Danny grinned as they watched Andy stand up and play air guitar to their own track, singing along to his own voice and Victoria sat next to her friends on the couch as they allowed the redhead to be their entertainment.
“Who is this?” Ben spoke, sipping his beer, his brow furrowed as he looked between the people he knew, the people he didn’t and the idiot that was so into the track that he was knelt on the floor playing air guitar.
Juliet shook her head at Andy and leant forward to answer Ben’s question. The two had met previously when Juliet and Victoria had gone out for drinks after work one time and Ben had been in the same bar, “It’s them..” She nodded toward Danny who’s eyes were slightly lidded, the alcohol so imbedded in his veins that he couldn’t stop staring at Juliet's lips.
Ben glanced at Josh, the only one who seemed to be coherent enough to have a proper conversation, “This is you? Like-- your band?”
Josh nodded, sipping his beer, “Yeah, be gentle.” He grinned and Ben immediately shook his head,
“I said it like that because this is sick.” Ben leaned forward as he tried to see the name of the band on the laptop, “I would never have believed that this was someone who was unsigned -- what the fuck?”
He looked over at Victoria and she nodded, shrugging her shoulders and putting her hands up in a motion that said, ‘I know right!’.
“I tried to tell Cindy how good they were - even tried to old school slide the CD over the table but she’s too far up her own ass to listen to anything I recommend.” She cracked open another beer and placed her old bottle on the table behind the couch.
“Fuck it--” Juliet spoke, “You’ve been there for what -- 7 months now right?”
Victoria nodded, letting the beer flow down her throat and intoxicate her even more. She definitely should have stopped drinking by now but she was having such a good time with these people that she was not going to.
“How many events you been to? Industry ones where you had to talk to the promoters and keep them company while the shitty up-their-ass talent scouts and account managers wandered around trying to find the ones that were going to make the most money.”
Victoria laughed at her friends words, sure now more than ever that this woman was going to be one of her closest friends for a long time. “Uhh…” She started, counting the events on her fingers. In her second month there had been at least one event per week and it had only escalated as they got closer to Christmas. It was only the middle of December and January that had been relatively quiet, and there were already three booked in for the rest of March.
“I would say probably about 15-- give or take..”
“Right,” Juliet continued, sitting up straighter and glancing momentarily at Danny’s hand which was moving up and down her back, “And how many of those promoters have you spoken to? I’ve been there a month and I already email three of them on a daily basis.”
Victoria nodded, smiling at the sight of Danny slumping slightly in the chair, obviously much more drunk that he thought he was and needing to touch her friend in any way he could. She couldn’t help but wonder how long it would be until the two actually got together. From what Juliet had said to her and what Josh had mentioned in his text it was only a matter of time.
“I’m pretty close with Miles from Domino, we meet for drinks sometimes when the day’s been shit and he got me those tickets to see Avenged Sevenfold that time… and there's about five that I speak to regularly on top of that.”
“So what you’re saying is that we have a total of nine contacts, all from different lables and promotion companies, all who talk to us on a personal and professional level on a daily basis. There’s probably more that we speak to at every event that we don’t realise would work for us.”
Josh sat forward in his seat as he realised where the girl was going with this. Andy had long since stopped playing air guitar and was sitting cross legged on the floor by the glass coffee table and watching the girls converse. It was really only Danny that seemed to be interested in nothing but the way Juliet’s lips wrapped around the words that fell from them rather than the sentences they were forming, and all it took was a slap on the knee from Andy to get him to pay attention.
“Yeah… I reckon that there’s loads of people that see us in a professional capacity..” Victoria grinned, having caught the train of thought, “I mean.. Do you think they would?”
“Why the fuck not?!” Juliet grinned, sitting on the edge of her seat, excited at the thought that hadn’t even been spoken aloud yet.
“We’re not too inexperienced?”
“Domino records was started by two people from almost nothing - I don’t even think they had that much money.” Josh chimed in, his eyes darting around the table and Victoria grinned.
“Fuck it, this is crazy but let's do it..” Victoria was sitting on the edge of her seat now too, and Andy’s eyes had somehow gotten wider at the prospect.
“My dad has a studio in the apartment.” Andy spoke, and the girls looked at him like he was crazy, “No, for real. My dad plays Cello for the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. He had a studio put in because we had loads of excess space and he wanted to be able to record even when he was on holiday.”
Victoria raised her eyebrows, and amused smile on her face as everything finally clicked into place. The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra were one of the best in the world, his father playing Cello for them meant that buying a flat in green park was pocket change. It also made total sense why Andy was the way he was. He had grown up getting everything he wanted and expected the same to happen now.
“Let's start our own record company.” Juliet spoke the words, and Victoria nodded, excited beyond belief at this prospect. The Dangers were so good that she had absolutely no doubt that they could do this.
It was then that she got an alert through on her phone. She almost ignored it, but her drunk mind wouldn’t allow her and she was frustrated when she saw it was only a notification from the bbc news app that she had thought would help her become more topical. And then a wave of inspiration shook through her.
“What about...Wildfire Records.” She spoke, looking around the group, wondering if it was too insensitive considering she was sitting with a band who were from a state that had been completely devastated by wildfires in previous years. The words elicited a laugh from Danny, and he picked up his beer, sipping it with the renewed energy the idea had given him, “Insensitive?” She winced slightly as she looked around the room.
“Nah not at all.” Josh spoke, resting his ankle on his other knee, sipping his beer and Victoria felt the same backflip in her stomach again as his eyes ran over her features, “I love it.”
Andy stood, passing around the shot glasses that he had filled with more tequila and held the shot glass up with them, “Wildfire Records!” He cheersed, and all eight shot glasses clinked together, sealing the deal.
The rest of the evening had been treated as a celebration, which meant that drunk Victoria had seen it fit to open up the bottle of prosecco she had in the fridge, and Andy and her had tried to make a cocktail by mixing it with tequila. It had not gone well. The evening ended with her friends crashing at hers, the boys and Juliet getting in the same taxi and Victoria waking up with a hangover which meant she daren’t get out of bed for the entirety of Saturday.
Ben made them all a fry up, and the three friends sat for the day in pyjamas watching Harry Potter with a pizza that barely any of them touched. Victoria smirked at her phone when it lit up and she saw who it was from.
Juliet: Oh my God
Juliet: Did We drink an entire distillery last night?
Juliet: I woke up at the boys house - why did I not go home?
Victoria chuckled softly, tapping a quick reply before she focussed back on The Prisoner of Azkaban, her head splitting at the backlight that she was too hungover to figure out how to turn down.
V: Short answer - yes we did, and because Danny wants you.
Three dots started dancing almost immediately, and she wondered how her friend was managing to look at her phone for so long when she realised she must be in a cab on the way back to her own house.
Juliet: I think you’re right and I’m 100% okay with that. Got so much to tell you! V: omg catch me up on Monday, I am too dead right now to do anything but watch HP - see ya then xx
She fell asleep not long after she had pressed send, the exhaustion of drinking until 3am taking its toll. She awoke only when her friends were leaving, and she gave them hugs goodbye and saw them out before collapsing back in her bed.
Before she allowed her eyes to fall closed once more, she checked her messages to find two, butterflies in her stomach as she saw who they were from.
Andy (TD): remind me to party with u more often sweetheart ;)
J: thanks for an amazing evening - let’s hang again soon :)
While Andy's message made her roll her eyes, Josh’s text held an image with it. The band, the girls and Victoria’s friends were all smiling at the camera, Danny’s long arm managing to capture most of everyone’s faces.
She drifted into sleep once more, excited to see where the next few days would take her and hoping beyond belief that Wildfire wasn’t something that would be lost with the hangover.
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yanceyrenee-blog · 7 years
Chapter 10 Dressmaker Outlander AU
" So off to Inverness?" Claire asks as she starts walking to where Donas is hoppled. " Aye. But first ye need to wrap back up in me plaid." " Why? I am not cold." " Isna that. Ye canna go into Inverness or even ride that way in your clothing. Others may not be as understand as I am." " Oh lord. Of course. This is alot Jamie. I will strip and rewrap in your plaid. But I do have a few concerns." " Aye." " First, I will need this clothes when I go back through in two months and second how do we explain to the dressmaker why I am only clothed in your plaid?" " As for the first, we will bury them and mark the spot where so ye can easily find it. The second, well we would rather answer questions about your state of undress than your clothing." " Of that I agree. Just what do we say? Just need a plan. Think on it while I change." she directs as she takes his plaid and moves.farther into the woods. What do we say? Jamie thinks as he awaits her return. If we say she was attacked then she will be labled a w***. Unless it was by an animal. But if she doesn't have any marks....He is truly and well stymied. She returns wrapped tight in the plaid and once again takes his breath. " So Jamie, what are we saying?" " I truly don't know Claire." She smiles and says, " I do. KISS." " Kiss?" " Keep it simple stupid. We simply say my clothes were inappropriate." " Aye," his eyes light up. He is duly impressed but," And if she asked why, what makes them so?" " Ahhh then I simply give her this look." She then demonstrates the look she gave Tony six days ago when he tried to get to second base on the first date. Jamie takes a step back and laughs. " Aye Sassanech. That will work well." It is an interesting ride into town. The feel of her between his legs with nothing between him but his plaid and kilt was a special torture. He knows what it is to lust after a woman. But there is something different about Claire. Stronger and even purer than any he had felt before. He is concerned that she will leave in two months. And when she does, his heart will go with her. Claire feels the effect her closeness was having on Jamie. She idly wonders what it would be like to have sex with him. Two months. Enough time to seduce him, she decides as she arranges herself closer to him. " Ah. We are here. There is Inverness." Jamie says in relief two hours later. He needs a break from her closeness and having her properly outfitted when they return to riding will also help. " Inverness?" The town she had left just twenty-four hours ago was gone. In it's place was a eighteenth century version. No modern buildings, no cars or street lights. No electric poles or cell towers. She swayed a bit on the horses back and Jamie tightens his arm around her. " Are ye okay Claire?" " I thought. I was hoping that maybe...maybe it wasn't true. But I have went back in time." " Aye. Aye lass but dinna flash. It will be okay. Let us find a dress maker." They ride into town and Claire looks around in awe. All the man are dressed as Jamie and the women as she soon will be, in long dresses with their hair in tight buns. She reaches up to touch her wild curles. " We shall have her tame those curles too. Though I like it down. Ye have beautiful hair Sassanech." " Thank you." They stop in front of a building marked with a sign that says " Mrs Graham Dressmaking. " Oh gawd." Claire whispers," I knew a Mrs Graham and Oh Jesus, this is the same building here inn will be." " The one who warned ye about the fairies." he inquires. "Yes." " Can ye go in? We can try to find another but..." " No, I can go in." He helps her off, careful to maintain her modesty. They walk up and he opens the door and she walks into another world. Her dress shop bares little similarity to any she had ever been in. Fabric covers the tables. Bolts of it. There is no dressing rooms only a curtain hanging in a corner for private changing. The dress dummy is the only thing that looks the same. Mrs Graham also bares no resemblance to her name sake in the twenty-first century. This Mrs Graham is a severe looking woman with a perpetual frown. Nothing like the sweet woman who had tried to warn her. " I wonder if she is worried about me." she wonders. " Mrs Graham. This is Claire Beauchamp. She is in need of your services." Jamie makes the introductions. " Hmmmm. And what became of your clothes then?" Mrs Graham inquires. " They were inappropriate." Claire replies. " A Sassanech. You brought me a Sassanech." " Sassanech or Scot, she is in need of a dress." " Can you pay?" Mrs Graham demands of Claire. She is flustered. All the money she had was buried with her clothing under a tree by where she was pulled out of the pond. " I can. Will ye do it?" " Aye. Come along." She leads Claire behind the curtain," We will start by measuring you." Claire reluctantly drops the plaid. " W****. You are a w***. Did he pay for you?" Jamie was waiting in the big room when he hears Claire's voice raise. " I am not and he did not! Why are you calling me a w***?" Claire is furious. She wasn't sure what to expect but being called names wasn't it. " Only a w**** has no hair anywhere. That is why your clothing was inappropriate." " No and no!" Jamie had heard enough and approachs the closed curtain. Claire had snatched the plaid back up just as Jamie jerks the curtain back. " A problem?" " Aye, you sent me a.w****. I don't make dresses for w****." " I am no w****." " Ye have no hair. Only w**** have no hair." Jamie looks at Claire then to Mrs Graham. He gets it immediately and is trying to figure out how to fix it. " I am no w***." Claire screams. " Ye must be..." " Mrs Graham, she is no w***. Things be different where she comes from, tis all. " Hmmmm." " Look I will pay ye double your usual fee. If ye will make her dress and stop calling her names." " Double? I will but I still think...." " We will leave if you complete that sentence." An hour later, Claire is properly outfitted and is well furious at both Mrs Graham and Jamie.
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strawberryspeachy · 5 years
Also im sick of obnoxious japanese eaters
Things ive found out are myths here
1) everyones nice.
No. Everyone smiles hard to cover up whatever assholery theyre doing - if theyre supposed to be nice to you. Public people are the same as usual... except theres alot more shoving
2) everything about school
They don’t pay for school. Its free. Just like ours. Except private school. Just like ours
They are not MORE overworked in school nor do they study more. Their rules are much loser. And just like the states, teachers have no real authority- but unlike the states - the students do not fear repercussions. They can be touched though but thats more because japanese people think its fine to touch each other a lot - ya know. Just dont hug as an adult - but all other invading of some kind of private bubble is fine
3) SLURPING No thats not just a “it shows you love the food!” Bs. Just like the states, the people you hear disgustingly slurping just eat loud and are gross... imo... people here dont seem to think its gross but far more people eat like civilized humans and dont slurp everything from solids to actual liquids.
K like every time the past two days ive had to be near people slurping their fucking food and as a person who HATES hearing people eat... its why im bitching here. LETTUCE DOES NOT NEED SLURPED
4) just anything they call “culture” they used a pretty word to cover for “thats just the dumb thing we do here” its literally like if we said aggressively speed driving and cutting people off is new yorkers culture
Japan has a lot of history and traditions. But mostly they have a lot of bs that theyre just too stubborn to acknowledge and change so they lable it culture. Any changes they make are pretty much like when my great grandmother got a cell phone.
She only turned it on to charge it and make a phone call - leave a voicemail saying that she called - and then would turn it back off. It wasnt ever even on long enough for her to need to charge it.
But in her mind no one could complain that she didnt have one. And the only emergency in her mind was her needing to call you - not vice versa. She wouldnt use it for any other purpose and generally resented its existence. She hated watching anyone else use their cell phones to check the time or take pictures or play games or have lenthy conversations.
Yea. Thats basiclly japan with everything new. They have it. But they dont use it , and its possibilities scare them so the old ppl say its not allowed to be used unless the old people need to use it
Sorry man i hate everywhere i am. My aparment is next to a bar that looks permanently closed during the day. I had no clue it was there till after i moved in and the loud karaoke blared into my window every damn night
My train line is a nightmare and if you wanna see the worst japanese people can be. Ride the train during rush hours
My post office is far away and they refuse to ring my doorbell when i have a delivery and instead just leave slip - if you dont hike over in their made up time period they throw your stuff away
No one will actually help you with serious stuff. They just smile and say sorry and run away — customer service. Yea. Not customer service. They could just as easily be a manican with a smiley face - itd serve the same purpose.
Theres too much paperwork constantly all the time about everything
Nothing is online
Another thing that prompted me for this “this is japanese chocolate”
Cool. I got that its japanese. Im in japan. Everything people point out for me “its japanese____” fucking imagine if we felt the need to point out every damn item as “american” in the states. Why? What is the meaning of this?
They gave me a table to sit at at this school. A table. That they make lunch on and put all their supplies on. A dude just kicked my chair as he came over for some shit. Why am i sitting at a table? Very very few japanese people ive worked with dont make me feel like an adopted pet dog that theyre not sure if itll bite. Dog. Not new person. They literlly have the children fetch me...
And ive grown so so very tired of being asked questions with the intention of having me overhype japan while maintaining that im so stupid that i know absolutely nothing about the country
98% of japanese people assume that you think of japan like youve never even heard of their country before arriving and that you just arrived two days ago
Also. Maybe they think their test scores and clases are so much more difficult because they cant seem to fathom that most other countries schools function the same way as theirs
Yesterday a teacher said “ah theyre so overworked. They have alot to remember” i thought she was about to tell me how many units were on their exam or something... no “english, japanese, science, math, history, pe, food class, art! Too many things. Theyre very overworked”
..... are you for real? Im pretty sure every fucking school has those subjects if you switch out japanese for the countries native language.... this is NORMAL
Im sorry. I know the reason anyone talking to me like this might not like me. Cause im not gonna go WOWWW SUGEII?!?!? So much stuff!! Poor them!
No. Yeah? Thats school...
Look im not an asshole to my kids. If they can manage to tell me any information about their life in english or simple japanese i can translate - i act surprised/ or am if their english is super good.
But adults... no man. Learn some stuff about the outside world. Youre not specifical
Also dating boys here is just like back home except they wont block you and they respond less
Instead of getting “nice” “oh” “idk” and “maybe” as there fading messages - they just leave you on read. Or give you some random information that you didnt ask about that has no relevance to the ‘convo’
Also also. “Speak slow” they dont say this in a ‘my english is not good so speak slower’ way. They say this in a ‘i felt really good about my english until you spoke at a normal pace and my classes and ass-kissing white dudes have taught me that enlgish is spoken slow and percisely so if you dont speak with a japanese accent, your fast english is wrong’
Whatever but like... could you return the favor by speaking japanese slowly. Speak it the way you want me to speak english....
Telling them to speak slow results in something like
... nihon..de〜 nan mabdnshsnabsjsnjsbshssnbsjsbsjshsh ka?
Woah ok... something in Japan... couldnt catch the rest of that
Id be more understanding of this. Its hard to speak slow. Lets both acknowledge this and not - teachers compalining to principals and boys... (1) sending me a fucking video on how to speak my own damn language properly
Also. Do you know how upsetting it is to listen to a student say something perfectly but before i get to praise them - have the japanese teacher jump in and “correct” them...... no no dude please. I know youll have a fucking meltdown if i say no your ways wrong. But now this student is so confused desperately staring at me positive theyre correct and all ive come up with to do is smiling and nodding at them while repeating the way they said hoping the japanese teacher wont notice/get offended
Also togo food... if its not american fast food... generally you cant take it to go... its sad. I have no friends. I just wanna take this home to eat in front of my tv. This isnt serious. Its just a minior inconvenience
Also joking... my japanese isnt good enough to joke. And... idk how... cant explain. The other day a student asked whats my favorite food
And another went hamburger?!? Mcdonalds!!?
I wanted to comment.. but. At least elementary students understand sarcasm. Their teachers dont. And whether the middle schoolers understand and just dont care is up in the air.
Oh! And. I was right last week when i didnt trust my teachers saying that the obvious bullying was just a misunderstanding and the obvious targets fault. Another straight up teacher said some kids have left the school because of bullying and theyre really awful when left alone in the rooms... i told him thats why we cant go unsupervised in america. Japan says the students are just perfect upstanding citizens, so much more caring and mature than other students. Nope. Middle schoolers will be middle schoolers no matter what country.
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reddie-to-roll · 7 years
Reddie. First Three Kisses
1. It was around midnight when Richie and Eddie were sitting in Eddie's bedroom. Richie had snuck through the window a couple hours ago to avoid Sonia knowing he was there. They had been playing card games- with excessive cheating on Richie's part- and talking. They were beginning to get tired and were laying back on Eddie's bed, staring at the ceiling. Both boys were content with the silence that surrounded them. Richie turned his head over to look at Eddie, and he smiled. He had liked him for awhile now, but knew that Eddie probably didn't feel the same way.
Eddie had caught him staring and looked over at the other boy, smiling too. Richie couldn't contain the feeling in his chest and leaned towards the smaller boy quickly, hesitating inches from him to give him a chance to back away. Eddie's breath hitched, but he didn't move away, in fact he leaned a fraction closer. Richie took his moment and kissed him. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was the most exciting (and nerve-wracking) few seconds Richie had ever experienced. As he pulled back he looked into Eddie's dazed eyes. Both boys proceeded to collaspe into a fit of giggles.
2. Eddie pressed the wet cotton ball to Richie's cut lip, watching the red blood seep into the white surface. Richie flinched at the contact but let the other continue anyway. He tsked and continued cleaning the boy's various cuts and bruises.
Richie had gotten beat up by Bowers' gang, again. They had managed to land a bruise on almost every part of his body, and his face was cut and swollen. He had immediately come to Eddie, knowing that though he would be worried, he would be able to patch him up properly.
Richie stared at Eddie while he was being cleaned up, not being able to help being distracted by the boy's furious but concerned look. Eddie looked up into Richie's eyes, and frowned deeply. His brown orbs flicked down to Richie's bloodied (though less than it had been before) lip. He swiftly leaned forward and pecked the taller boys mouth, moving back just as quickly. He immediately got back to work, the only difference being this time Richie was grinning like an idiot.
3. They had now officially labled themselves as 'boyfriends', and had told the fellow Losers about their relationship. The others had accepting it with open arms, some even stating that they had seen it coming. Stan in particular had not been surprised in the slightest. He simply gave out a small, "Finally..."
One night they were hanging out with the Losers at Bill's house, watching movies and eating junk food. They were in the middle of a sub-par movie that Ben had insisted that they had to watch when Eddie said that he was going to get another coke from the fridge. He got mostly grunts in reply, as most of his friends were focused on the movie. Richie however sprang up immediately, saying that he also needed a coke. Eddie could see the half drank bottle sitting in front of Richie's seat but decided not to say anything about it.
They left to the kitchen and as soon as they stepped in Richie had spun Eddie toward him and cupped his jaw. Eddie was confused and stuttered out a questioning sentence with wide eyes. Richie didn't reply, but simply smiled at him and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Eddie fisted Richie's t-shirt and kissed him back, smiling into it.
Both boys pulled away when they heard footsteps walking toward the kitchen and jumped a few feet apart. Eddie pretended as though he had been searching the fridge for a coke while Richie leaned casually against the counter. Beverly peeked her head into the room and gave them a questioning look.
"You guys were taking awhile... Everything alright?" She asked in a suspicious voice. Eddie had finally grabbed a bottle and he and Richie walked past her.
"We're good. Bill hides his coke well." Richie joked as the three of them sat back down. Richie and Eddie glanced at each other and gave knowing grins.
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rubycoldwater · 4 years
I am not quitting football - Wesley Onguso | Tuko TV
I am not quitting football - Wesley Onguso | Tuko TV I am not quitting football - Wesley Onguso | Tuko TV After netizens labled Nairobi Stars left-back Wesley Onguso as broke due to being spotted operating a boda boda, the former Gor Mahia player sets the record straight on his recent business venture. Subscribe to Tuko TV on Youtube: https://goo.gl/y8QBbm __ Top-5 | Tuko TV - Kenyan Top List - https://bit.ly/2G2RR75 Would you like to be the first one to know the latest news about Kenya and Africa? Tuko TV can definitely make it happen. These top 5 videos contain the most interesting and shocking data on politics, sports, medicine, residents of Kenya, and many other important facts about the country. The Kenyan Top List contains the most shocking miracles by African pastors, the most surprising facts about Kikuyu people, and even medical miracles achieved by the Kenyan Doctors! Save this playlist to get an access to the Kenya Best Lists and stay updated with the latest stories and trends in Kenya. Entertainment news in Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2G0C1JX In this playlist, you can find the best Entertainment news in Kenya. Do you want to hear about the latest celebrity news in Kenya and Africa? Tuko.co.ke has collected the most intriguing and fascinating Kenya news that will leave you speechless. Do you want to find out why Kenyan women cook “maini” for their husbands? What is a female and how to properly use it? Save this playlist and be the first one to find out all of the answers! Special projects of Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2Iu6ntz Are you ready to hear the most horrific facts of Africa? Tuko.co.ke is ready to present you the most interesting documentaries and stories that recently happened in Kenya. Watch the people telling stories about child marriages, small businesses ideas, gender violence, and many other important topics among Faces of Kenya. Do you want to hear a story of a Kenyan domestic worker in Saudi Arabia and find out how a Kenyan man is spending millions to change his gender? Save this playlist and stay informed about all of the latest updates and topics in Kenya. Current affairs in Kenya | Tuko TV | Kenya News - https://bit.ly/2IdnUTO In this Tuko.co.ke playlist, you can find all of the current affairs in Kenya! It is full of the latest news from Kenya, including politics, scandals, reactions, and statements. Do you like watching people’s reactions and opinions on different life situations? Are you interested in being the first one to share the news of Kenya among your friends and family? Save this playlist and be updated on every major situation and problem happening In Kenya at this very moment. Tuko BUZZ | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2KRtFIb On Tuko BUZZ, you can find the latest collection of Kenyan music news and facts. This playlist will come in handy for all of the music lovers out there. We explicitly created this playlist on Tuko.co.ke to help you stay informed about all of the influential Kenyan singers, including their relationships, family lives, marriages, and life crisis. Do you want to know what is going on with your favorite Kenyan artists today? Save this playlist and stay informed on the popular Kenyan artists and their lives at the moment. __ Connect with Tuko TV Online! Site Tuko: https://www.tuko.co.ke/ Follow Tuko TV on Facebook: https://ift.tt/2qEwBQ6 Follow Tuko TV on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tuko_co_ke Tuko Lifestyle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUKtbAqPI5RcdfnABVnSOg __ Visit TUKO’s official YouTube channel to get today’s breaking news, latest and most relevant updates, most pressing issues in Kenya, Nairobi news, entertainment news, sports news. #tukotv #tukonews #tukocoke #
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I am not quitting football - Wesley Onguso | Tuko TV I am not quitting football - Wesley Onguso | Tuko TV After netizens labled Nairobi Stars left-back Wesley Onguso as broke due to being spotted operating a boda boda, the former Gor Mahia player sets the record straight on his recent business venture. Subscribe to Tuko TV on Youtube: https://goo.gl/y8QBbm __ Top-5 | Tuko TV - Kenyan Top List - https://bit.ly/2G2RR75 Would you like to be the first one to know the latest news about Kenya and Africa? Tuko TV can definitely make it happen. These top 5 videos contain the most interesting and shocking data on politics, sports, medicine, residents of Kenya, and many other important facts about the country. The Kenyan Top List contains the most shocking miracles by African pastors, the most surprising facts about Kikuyu people, and even medical miracles achieved by the Kenyan Doctors! Save this playlist to get an access to the Kenya Best Lists and stay updated with the latest stories and trends in Kenya. Entertainment news in Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2G0C1JX In this playlist, you can find the best Entertainment news in Kenya. Do you want to hear about the latest celebrity news in Kenya and Africa? Tuko.co.ke has collected the most intriguing and fascinating Kenya news that will leave you speechless. Do you want to find out why Kenyan women cook “maini” for their husbands? What is a female and how to properly use it? Save this playlist and be the first one to find out all of the answers! Special projects of Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2Iu6ntz Are you ready to hear the most horrific facts of Africa? Tuko.co.ke is ready to present you the most interesting documentaries and stories that recently happened in Kenya. Watch the people telling stories about child marriages, small businesses ideas, gender violence, and many other important topics among Faces of Kenya. Do you want to hear a story of a Kenyan domestic worker in Saudi Arabia and find out how a Kenyan man is spending millions to change his gender? Save this playlist and stay informed about all of the latest updates and topics in Kenya. Current affairs in Kenya | Tuko TV | Kenya News - https://bit.ly/2IdnUTO In this Tuko.co.ke playlist, you can find all of the current affairs in Kenya! It is full of the latest news from Kenya, including politics, scandals, reactions, and statements. Do you like watching people’s reactions and opinions on different life situations? Are you interested in being the first one to share the news of Kenya among your friends and family? Save this playlist and be updated on every major situation and problem happening In Kenya at this very moment. Tuko BUZZ | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2KRtFIb On Tuko BUZZ, you can find the latest collection of Kenyan music news and facts. This playlist will come in handy for all of the music lovers out there. We explicitly created this playlist on Tuko.co.ke to help you stay informed about all of the influential Kenyan singers, including their relationships, family lives, marriages, and life crisis. Do you want to know what is going on with your favorite Kenyan artists today? Save this playlist and stay informed on the popular Kenyan artists and their lives at the moment. __ Connect with Tuko TV Online! Site Tuko: https://www.tuko.co.ke/ Follow Tuko TV on Facebook: https://ift.tt/2qEwBQ6 Follow Tuko TV on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tuko_co_ke Tuko Lifestyle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUKtbAqPI5RcdfnABVnSOg __ Visit TUKO’s official YouTube channel to get today’s breaking news, latest and most relevant updates, most pressing issues in Kenya, Nairobi news, entertainment news, sports news. #tukotv #tukonews #tukocoke #
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shydelusionpeach · 4 years
I am not quitting football - Wesley Onguso | Tuko TV
I am not quitting football - Wesley Onguso | Tuko TV I am not quitting football - Wesley Onguso | Tuko TV After netizens labled Nairobi Stars left-back Wesley Onguso as broke due to being spotted operating a boda boda, the former Gor Mahia player sets the record straight on his recent business venture. Subscribe to Tuko TV on Youtube: https://goo.gl/y8QBbm __ Top-5 | Tuko TV - Kenyan Top List - https://bit.ly/2G2RR75 Would you like to be the first one to know the latest news about Kenya and Africa? Tuko TV can definitely make it happen. These top 5 videos contain the most interesting and shocking data on politics, sports, medicine, residents of Kenya, and many other important facts about the country. The Kenyan Top List contains the most shocking miracles by African pastors, the most surprising facts about Kikuyu people, and even medical miracles achieved by the Kenyan Doctors! Save this playlist to get an access to the Kenya Best Lists and stay updated with the latest stories and trends in Kenya. Entertainment news in Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2G0C1JX In this playlist, you can find the best Entertainment news in Kenya. Do you want to hear about the latest celebrity news in Kenya and Africa? Tuko.co.ke has collected the most intriguing and fascinating Kenya news that will leave you speechless. Do you want to find out why Kenyan women cook “maini” for their husbands? What is a female and how to properly use it? Save this playlist and be the first one to find out all of the answers! Special projects of Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2Iu6ntz Are you ready to hear the most horrific facts of Africa? Tuko.co.ke is ready to present you the most interesting documentaries and stories that recently happened in Kenya. Watch the people telling stories about child marriages, small businesses ideas, gender violence, and many other important topics among Faces of Kenya. Do you want to hear a story of a Kenyan domestic worker in Saudi Arabia and find out how a Kenyan man is spending millions to change his gender? Save this playlist and stay informed about all of the latest updates and topics in Kenya. Current affairs in Kenya | Tuko TV | Kenya News - https://bit.ly/2IdnUTO In this Tuko.co.ke playlist, you can find all of the current affairs in Kenya! It is full of the latest news from Kenya, including politics, scandals, reactions, and statements. Do you like watching people’s reactions and opinions on different life situations? Are you interested in being the first one to share the news of Kenya among your friends and family? Save this playlist and be updated on every major situation and problem happening In Kenya at this very moment. Tuko BUZZ | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2KRtFIb On Tuko BUZZ, you can find the latest collection of Kenyan music news and facts. This playlist will come in handy for all of the music lovers out there. We explicitly created this playlist on Tuko.co.ke to help you stay informed about all of the influential Kenyan singers, including their relationships, family lives, marriages, and life crisis. Do you want to know what is going on with your favorite Kenyan artists today? Save this playlist and stay informed on the popular Kenyan artists and their lives at the moment. __ Connect with Tuko TV Online! Site Tuko: https://www.tuko.co.ke/ Follow Tuko TV on Facebook: https://ift.tt/2qEwBQ6 Follow Tuko TV on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tuko_co_ke Tuko Lifestyle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUKtbAqPI5RcdfnABVnSOg __ Visit TUKO’s official YouTube channel to get today’s breaking news, latest and most relevant updates, most pressing issues in Kenya, Nairobi news, entertainment news, sports news. #tukotv #tukonews #tukocoke #
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savettimario · 4 years
I am not quitting football - Wesley Onguso | Tuko TV
I am not quitting football - Wesley Onguso | Tuko TV I am not quitting football - Wesley Onguso | Tuko TV After netizens labled Nairobi Stars left-back Wesley Onguso as broke due to being spotted operating a boda boda, the former Gor Mahia player sets the record straight on his recent business venture. Subscribe to Tuko TV on Youtube: https://goo.gl/y8QBbm __ Top-5 | Tuko TV - Kenyan Top List - https://bit.ly/2G2RR75 Would you like to be the first one to know the latest news about Kenya and Africa? Tuko TV can definitely make it happen. These top 5 videos contain the most interesting and shocking data on politics, sports, medicine, residents of Kenya, and many other important facts about the country. The Kenyan Top List contains the most shocking miracles by African pastors, the most surprising facts about Kikuyu people, and even medical miracles achieved by the Kenyan Doctors! Save this playlist to get an access to the Kenya Best Lists and stay updated with the latest stories and trends in Kenya. Entertainment news in Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2G0C1JX In this playlist, you can find the best Entertainment news in Kenya. Do you want to hear about the latest celebrity news in Kenya and Africa? Tuko.co.ke has collected the most intriguing and fascinating Kenya news that will leave you speechless. Do you want to find out why Kenyan women cook “maini” for their husbands? What is a female and how to properly use it? Save this playlist and be the first one to find out all of the answers! Special projects of Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2Iu6ntz Are you ready to hear the most horrific facts of Africa? Tuko.co.ke is ready to present you the most interesting documentaries and stories that recently happened in Kenya. Watch the people telling stories about child marriages, small businesses ideas, gender violence, and many other important topics among Faces of Kenya. Do you want to hear a story of a Kenyan domestic worker in Saudi Arabia and find out how a Kenyan man is spending millions to change his gender? Save this playlist and stay informed about all of the latest updates and topics in Kenya. Current affairs in Kenya | Tuko TV | Kenya News - https://bit.ly/2IdnUTO In this Tuko.co.ke playlist, you can find all of the current affairs in Kenya! It is full of the latest news from Kenya, including politics, scandals, reactions, and statements. Do you like watching people’s reactions and opinions on different life situations? Are you interested in being the first one to share the news of Kenya among your friends and family? Save this playlist and be updated on every major situation and problem happening In Kenya at this very moment. Tuko BUZZ | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2KRtFIb On Tuko BUZZ, you can find the latest collection of Kenyan music news and facts. This playlist will come in handy for all of the music lovers out there. We explicitly created this playlist on Tuko.co.ke to help you stay informed about all of the influential Kenyan singers, including their relationships, family lives, marriages, and life crisis. Do you want to know what is going on with your favorite Kenyan artists today? Save this playlist and stay informed on the popular Kenyan artists and their lives at the moment. __ Connect with Tuko TV Online! Site Tuko: https://www.tuko.co.ke/ Follow Tuko TV on Facebook: https://ift.tt/2qEwBQ6 Follow Tuko TV on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tuko_co_ke Tuko Lifestyle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUKtbAqPI5RcdfnABVnSOg __ Visit TUKO’s official YouTube channel to get today’s breaking news, latest and most relevant updates, most pressing issues in Kenya, Nairobi news, entertainment news, sports news. #tukotv #tukonews #tukocoke #
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dearbigman · 5 years
So last night I felt like I went back to square 1. I “listened” to how your day went, I gave you words of encouragement, basically I was just being attentive when actually it’s past my bedtime.
I dont do these with my other friends, Darren. I really dont.
I really do all these only with you and I highly doubt you do this to your friends too.
For me, if I have a problem or something to rant, I go to different people for different trouble. Daily actuarial work stuff, I go to my actuarial friends. Daily mental health struggles stuff, I go to my other close friends and usually I go down my list of friends and give them their turns (so I dont overwhelm them with the same problem).
This is why I thought we could work.
I thought you see me as more than friends, that’s why you treat me more than I would treat my friends. Or more than how you would treat your friends because frankly speaking I reallt dont see you doing these to the same person at 1 time. As you said last year, you do indeed do all these to your friends but in phases. And really, Darren, the fact that I got all in 1 shot while your other friends got in phases should be your sign that I’m not just any friend.
And this thought was running on my mind when you just finished a long day.
And it hurt me so much.
The fact that I’m doing so much more and yet I got the same lable really hurts me Darren and I really dont think I should be doing this anymore.
But yet it’s even more painful without you around.
I’m trying to convince myself that hey those 2 are different kind of pain, first one being similar to infected wound and second one to the treatment process.
Applying those ointment to wounds can get extremely painful but it’s often the only way to let it heal.
But really Darren I still cant shake the gut feeling that I can fight for this still.
Really hope you can make time for me to really properly heal.
Help me stitch this wound.
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