#it’d be fairly middle/high though
fantasykiri5 · 6 months
What is your favorite SmallishBeans skin?
Absolutely insane of you to think I could ever pick just one. Here’s a small selection in rough order, but I think they shift around day to day
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Honorable mentions:
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This beekeeper I didn’t know existed until I went looking just now but it very pretty especially with the flowers at the waist
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And this guy (bald face looking ass… his regular skin doesn’t even have a beard but this is so uncanny to me… maybe it’s the lack of green in his skin tone paired with the lack of facial hair that scares me. Either he get to be pink or he gets to have a shaved face. Not both. (It is pretty though. I should go look for a link to who make the skin))
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I don’t know if my ask for this got eaten, but I’m somewhat paranoid now, and I had some new thoughts, so-
I feel like 1-A is just … awkward. With Himiko. Like, Dabi had amnesia and he’s Shouto’s brother. A few of them might pint out how Dabi didn’t really seem on board with “threatening children, what the actual fuck!?”. Katsuki, whatever else is going on with her, might grudgingly reveal how furious Dabi was to see her chained up, and seemed to be doing his best to keep her out of the line of fire. He turned himself in partially because he recognized his baby brother, this is almost some kind of action-hero movie bullshit. Like, none of them immediately forgive Dabi for helping Kidnap Katsuki, but they are a bit more willing to suspend their immediate want to punt his fried ass into the sun.
with Himiko, though … she’s a kid, yes, but she’s THEIR AGE, and none of THEM ran off to join a group of villains, plus they know far less about her. Like, the moment Shoto knows about Dabi, he’s going to go rant about it to his friends. He probably tells them a lot, so the Dabi is Toya situation is more or less fairly transparent the whole time. But Himiko is sick, hurt, and in the middle of an entirely separate legal mess. Enji and the teachers probably try to keep most of that on down low out of respect for her privacy, so the class has no idea what Himiko is going through, or what she’s like. Yes, Dabi is clearly fond of her, but as a few of them might point out, he has amnesia, do they really trust his judgement right now?
Like, again, Shoto likes to overshare, and Himiko eventually goes to stay with the Todoroki’s, so as Shoto starts warming up to her, he talks about her to the class. Reactions are … mixed. Some of them are a little creeped out, or are still wary, so take everything Shoto says with a grain of salt. A few might even assume she’s just playing him for sympathy, or trying to win trust so she can feed information back to the league. Others are concerned, because some of what Shoto tells them sounds like several different kinds of red-flag. Shinsou in particular probably has a few “oh, I’m seeing myself in this picture” moments when Shoto says something particularly concerning.
Anyway, I imagine the class is pretty divided, overall. Maybe a few of them have gone to visit, and even talked to her, and that just divides the class further. At least until Himiko’s parents show up, and go on TV to talk about their horrible demon daughter, and how awful she is, and how “it totally isn’t our fault she attacked people! It’s not like we kicked her out, she ran away!” and how “we tried so hard to make her ‘normal’, we have no idea what went wrong!” and “she doesn’t NEED to have blood, she’s just a deviant, Quirks that affect your diet aren’t real!”, and rather abruptly, there are at least 20ish-something teens ready to throw down if Himiko needs them too.
Rip to the asks!
But also yeah everyone’s kinda. Spooked. Like there is some logic of ‘villains can be decent people who are put in a fucked situation and not just evil assholes’ but they recently just got some high-key trauma so they’re hesitant.
Ironically? I think it’d actually be /Katsuki/ who is on the vote for letting Dabi and Himiko slide.
Like it’s. Half of it being because she was the one who was actually there and saw how everything was. Of the main members of the LoV, the only person who was any kind of chill with her being tied up and all was Shigaraki who was more of a ‘what do you mean this is a totally normal thing to do?’ vibes the rest of them were a little uncomfy but when AfO gives and order.... You know what Katsuki isn’t afraid to say the guy is fucking threatening he can go toe-to-toe with All Might that’s a hell of a feat she understands most people being too afraid to go against the fucker.
But swinging around. The other reason Katsuki is in favor of giving them a chance is because she gets it. Like the whole reason she was kidnapped was /recruitment/. They thought she’d make a great villain. And so did a lot of the media that covered the incident. And she’s started to think that they have a point because look at all the shit she did before UA. All the stuff she did to Izuku before UA. As much as she tries and tries to do good, she fucked up and was convinced to hurt others for what she was told to be a good cause. So looking at people who are in possibly worse situations, who want to save themselves in some way or change the world for the better and are convinced that villainy is the way to do that.... she can’t hate them. Ofc she’s still going to do her best to do good and shut that shit down and save people, but there’s few people she’s going to entirely write off.
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sunbeasts · 11 months
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@malefic-xiv Made me post this gay thing I wrote about Tak going through some trauma shit. Here it is with no context.
Tak let that reassuring smile fade as soon as Frey left. He had done it, he was fairly sure. Had at least been convincing. He had almost slipped a few times when emotions ran high, but he supposed it wouldn't have been particularly convincing if he -had- just seemed completely unphased. And so there he stood, in the middle of Frey's sitting room, completely lost and staring at the floor. Wilted.  
Part of him was screaming that this was a mistake. This was how he was going to lose Frey. They would slip away from him- already -were- slipping. The logical part of him knew that he was actually more likely to lose Frey if he -couldn’t- make it through this, but knowing that was of little comfort.Tail flicking with stress, he turned and headed for the stairs, taking the little secret aetheryte back to the hinterlands house. He was entirely alone there. No one but him and the turtle. The turtle wouldn’t begrudge him a breakdown.  
"There's no point in stressing. Not when there hasn't been a call yet." He murmured to himself, though his own words did little to soothe his nerves. Scratching at those track marks on his arm, he headed up the stairs and out through the bolted front door. He did hesitate as he set foot into the garden, his gaze wandering up to the tall mountains in the distance. 
It hit him, then. That urge he had to run away when things got too hard. He could feel it now, the pull to flee and disappear. Just fucking run until his legs gave out. Maybe it would be better if he did? Then, at least, his problems wouldn't be such a burden on Frey.  His tail lashed again, still standing in the garden. He couldn't actually do it, obviously. He wanted to run, but he wanted to be selfish and stay with Frey just a little bit more. He just had no idea what to do with all that leftover hurt. 
Turning, he climbed up the stone wall on the outside of the building, up to the roof of the house. It wasn't night yet, but the sun was starting to lower and soon the stars would be out. He sat hugging his knees, curled in on himself and letting his forehead rest against them. 
He really had no one that he could go to when he was feeling this way. No friends who knew what was going on, or likely even cared enough to offer support. No best friend to rely on, like what Cor had described. Not even Frey could help him, or hold onto him through this. Not while they were away. Sitting there in that setting sun, it had been a long time since he'd felt quite so keenly alone. No one could actually help him through this.
He choked back a little sob, tail curling around his ankles. He hated that he felt that way, that he was so damaged that he could no longer deal with things he'd always considered normal. He knew the cause, of course, but -why- was it so fucking hard? He couldn't help but want to tear at those wounds, let them bleed, make himself hurt. Maybe this was all for the best. Frey would suddenly feel better about social things, and they'd be back to making friends like normal.
They could leave him behind.  He was likely never going to be normal again. Part of him was very resigned to that. What if he really did just never feel okay about anything? He had always tried to sound sure that he could get there. Reassured that it’d just take time. But the truth was that he had no idea. "There's no point in stressing until they call." He murmured quietly into his knees, a little mantra for himself. His arm itches terribly, and he had to stop himself from scratching it bloody. Frey would definitely notice something like that. He wanted to go back and get the blue. He was so stressed out that he needed a fix. Yet… he felt like he had something important to prove. That he had to make it through the first time on his own. Else Frey may never believe that things could be alright. His nails dug into his arm, but he was careful not to break the skin. There really was no option but to go through it sober. His heart already felt like it was aching, and nothing had even happened. “There’s no point in stress-” He started, but was cut off by the sound of Frey’s voice connecting directly to his pearl. He completely froze up, dread washing over him as he quietly answered. “...Yeah?” Hearing that Frey was on their way home gave him so much relief that he felt guilty for it. Why did it have to be like that? Why couldn’t he just feel fine for real? He took a long, deep breath. “I’ll see you when you get in. I told you everything would be fine, didn’t I?” He reassured, already climbing down to head back to the clinic. His nerves were absolutely shot. 
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luciferssworld · 1 month
Gareth’s Parents hc?? Idk
I’ve always thought Gareths’ parents would be that kind of couple you’d hate to see with how perfect they are? Cuz they’re total opposites and they’re lovey dovey enough to be annoying but not so much that they also show pda in the hallway in high school. Gareths mom is fairly young, fun hippie type and she always has everyone’s best interest at heart. She loves love and showing people kindness no matter who they are or what they look like, and she’s always been pretty unconventional for her time-60s hippie subculture peace n love environmentalist etc etc, better with cars and machines than any of her boyfriends and then her husband too. She’s sweet but think of her like Dustin’s and Mike’s mom put together, she’s a saint and don’t you dare disrespect her
Gareths’ dad was supposed to be some big business tycoon, and he still could be, he’s smarter than most but his heart got too big for this one girl and keeping her happy became his first priority. He probably grew up emotionally stunted just like most men were at the time, but she opened his mind and of course his heart. In my mind he grew up in a family the way a good majority of the ST fandom sees Steve’s family, everything done for him, everything planned out for him, still a hard worker but he just couldn’t follow through and be a good little soldier for his dad.
They eloped, none of their parents could really accept that they weren’t a cookie cutter high school sweethearts, even though they eventually do settle down in a small town middle class neighborhood in Hawkins, Indiana. Dad probably owns one of the more ethically/morally (with the knowledge of their time) run businesses in town, and it makes the other business men big mad that he’s doing so well for being a “pansy” for lack of a better term. And ofc I’d imagine mom is the Pinterest picture perfect artsy gardener, but she makes some upper class parents big mad when their entitled but attention starved kids run to her whenever they need someone to talk to or when they want to learn life skills or how to change a tire.
They’re still middle class parents with mostly/semi religious upbringings though. They have expectations they’re still trying to distance themselves from, distance their children from. So they’d still most likely fall victims of the scare-tactics that came with the rise of the satanic panic. This would unfortunately mean that neither of them would want Gareth to be anywhere near Eddie when he started getting into heavy metal, or dressing more alternative, learning about dnd, etc. Gareth’s mom would eventually come around first, remembering how the two became friends, and of course how her own parents reacted to her own change of style in a sense. And it’d take more time but his dad would also come around, being unable to not really listen to the words of his wonderful wife. The same would happen if Gareth were to come out as gay or bi but his mom would probably secretly know long before he did, and that gave her plenty of time to process all that before he even had a chance to go ‘mom we have to talk’.
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dbgdbw · 2 years
대결 (3)
Match (3)
콰르르르— An immense amount of water swept along the ground, tearing both earth and wood along.
Upon hearing Yerimie’s declaration, the Amaterasu Guild Leader speedily sent out additional orders for evacuations. When he asserted that all the houses on the beachfront should be cleared out and damage remunitions claimed from Amaterasu Guild, I felt unexpectedly impressed by the response. I’d half-expected him to say that we should just end things as they stood. 
‘Then again, as a combat-type S-rank Hunter, he wouldn’t want to miss out on this match, even if it puts one of his own on the line.’
So long as he wasn’t terribly attached to Gakuto, at least. Since he was giving out the orders for evacuation and really setting the stage, it seemed that he only amounted to being ‘a guild member’ or so. Or it could be the opposite, and he expected him to be able to hold out for a measly hour.
[ Ahh, things are popping again, the water is rising fast. Hunter Iwahata Gakuto, is dodging with immense agility. Indeed, when it comes to speed, he’s certainly incredible. ]
The Japanese emcee seemed to be on Gakuto’s side, no matter how you looked at it. The disappointment and lament mixed into their voice was clear as day. And when this would be broadcasting in Korea, too.
Using my phone, I pulled up a live internet broadcast of the event from the Korean side.
[ A torrential downpouring! Hunter Bak Yerim, has called up torrents of water in succession! One pillar, two, now three! Veritable dragons! Water dragons(1), I should say! ] 
[ Hunter Gakuto is hardly visible now! This is what you call a devastating scaling difference, like between man and nature! But though it might be by the sea, it seems that controlling that much water would result in a large consumption of mana—Section Chief Song Taewon-nim, what are your thoughts on this matter? ]
…eh? Section Chief Song Taewon-nim, you said? As the camera panned to the side, next to the two analysts that were burning up with great fervor, the exceedingly calm figure of Song Taewon came into view. But no, wait, how did……
[ As Hunter Bak Yerim’s magical power stat skews fairly high, and a time constraint has been established, I do not anticipate any significant difficulties on her part. ]
Song Taewon answered in a businesslike tone. Before, during the A-rank ranking battles, Section Chief Song had seemed to show some signs of interest in the analytics desk, but ultimately he’d turned it down while saying he had to be on-call in case of an accident. Since the stage was taking place overseas this time, it appeared that he’d been dragged into it in the end.
That there weren’t very many S-rank Hunters capable of filling a casting role, was true. Riette and Evelyn were both foreigners, and Kim Sunghan wasn’t the type to leave the Guild unmanned while everyone was away, just to appear on a broadcast. Had Hashin’s Park Mingyu refused?
Even so, they could’ve just left it to an A-rank Hunter, instead of dragging someone who could finally be at ease for once into it. How cruel.
[ There’s steam coming off of the water that shot up just now! Is it thermal water?(2) ]
[ It is! The heated water is boiling over! It’s Hunter Bak Yerim’s own take on hot spring water! ]
When I raised my head to check at those words, I could see that there really were hazy traces of steam coming off of the torrents of water. I’d heard that Japan had a lot of hot springs, but to think that it’d show itself in the middle of a fight, too. Would this place turn into a ‘Bak Yerim onsen,’ perhaps. 
The original stadium had been turned into a giant puddle, and Gakuto was busily trying to flee along the coastline. Yerimie leisurely stalked after him, exuding an incredibly fearsome pressure. 
Barring Myungwoo and myself, only Awakened whose stats were A-rank or higher were left. A few A-ranks who had been swept away by the water, were being pulled to and fro by the currents after having been pushed out to sea. It was to the point where I’d gotten soaked too, even though I was being held aloft high in the air by my dongsaeng via the Verdant Willow Leaves Skill. 
“Here it comes again! Get ready!”
Accompanying Yerimie’s helpful announcement, the streams of water shot up again. The water pressure alone was immense, but as Gakuto swung his sword at the screen of water blocking his way.
It exploded, as if by detonation, and the droplets transformed to shards of ice in an instant. As such, what resulted was a shower of many hundreds of icy arrows. Formed through the strength that Gakuto himself had exerted, no less.
치이익, perhaps he’d used his Volcanic Heat Skill at max power, as the hail of icy arrows dissolved and steam began to billow from the air around Gakuto’s person. But because it entailed having to heat up not only the surrounding air, but the endless stream of water as well, it was a futile endeavor. 
When the heat inevitably dissipated, a soaring wall of water was the next in line to be frozen whole. Transformed into a sinister sheet of thorns, it crashed towards Gakuto. 
That felt like a ‘chikushō’(3), most likely. 
쿠르릉, as the monumental ice wall that fell over him was a size that was much too big to easily avoid, rather than run, Gakuto opted to pierce through the wall. Concentrating the heat in order to melt the ice, a tremendous strength backed by S-rank stats combined with swordsmanship skills to break through the thick ice in an instant. 
He might be the prey in this cat-and-mouse game, but an S-rank was still an S-rank. The ice wall split in half with a noisy crack. As fragments scattered, shimmering brilliantly in the light, and Gakuto’s body popped up from between the remnants of the wall,
A tidal wave pushed in from the sea. As though he’d been slapped by a giant’s open palm, 철썩, Gakuto was sent bowling over from the impact of the wave.
[ A great tsunami, tsunami! ]
Not only the Japanese, but the Korean broadcasts were also in a tizzy over the amazing tidal waves, look at that height! on air. 쿠르르르, the water swept along the ground another time. Timber snapped, and a car that had the misfortune of being in the vicinity was upended on its roof. Gakuto was using the heat in combination with what seemed to be another Skill to rebuff the advancing water, but it was a paltry attempt that really only succeeded in keeping his own body dry.
“The gap is way too big.”
“Since we’re by the sea.”
Yoohyunie answered matter-of-factly. 
“If this took place in the middle of a desert, on the other hand, then she’d have been at a disadvantage.”
At present, all she had to do was gather up the water; in a desert, since she’d have to source the water herself, she would’ve had to use far more mana for much less return in volume. But here, it was as though she had an unlimited supply of ammo stacked up for her. All she had to do was blast away to her heart’s content. 
“This match should’ve happened in the middle of summer, what a shame. Don’t cha think?”
It would’ve been a refreshingly vicarious experience for the viewers, said Yerimie, hefting her spear. The Magos’s Shawl weaved languidly around her, and her earrings tinkled lightly together. Currents of water rose up around her. Like the heads of a hydra, about ten separate streams writhed around their master in a protective configuration.
[ Yamata no Orochi(4)! Just like a Yamata no Orochi! ]
The hell was that. A torrent of water that was about the same thickness as five electric poles put together, shot towards Gakuto like a lance. In fact, as it was mid-flight.
Solidifying into ice, it actually did turn into a massive ice spear. Just like that, 쾅! 쾅! 쾅!, they smashed against the ground. Faced with an endless wave of giant spears, Gakuto was unable to block the offensive and could only dodge back and forth. 
It wasn’t a quantity of water that could simply be dealt with via heat. For him to attempt to break through with his sword, the attacks were too numerous. Unless one was sturdy enough to withstand the impact, or capable of using a wide-range attack to deal with everything at once, the only option was to run away.
While the Japanese broadcast was sighing in regret and lament, the Korean broadcast was cheering excitedly.
[ Bak Yerim! Bak Yerim! Bak Yeriiiiim!! ]
Likely to end up losing your voice like that, you were. I really should’ve made a placard to wave around too. The regular spectators that occasionally flashed on-screen seemed to be in an exuberantly celebratory mood as well. They were practically popping champagne bottles left and right.
“How many minutes have passed, now?”
Since she’d announced that she’d catch him within an hour. Because I didn’t have a wristwatch, I could only check using my cellphone clock. Watch……  Was the reason he still hadn’t brought it up, because he actually had forgotten. Though, yes, you could happen to forget. It could be that it slipped your mind while you were busy with life, but. 
“What is it?”
“No, it’s nothing.”
My dongsaeng seemed leery of the way I was looking at him. What do you mean, what is it. Should I just ask him outright.
Anyway, it felt as though thirty minutes or so had already passed. Just then, the broadcast confirmed the time as well.
[ Thirty-four minutes have passed since Hunter Bak Yerim’s hour-limit declaration! Now, only twenty-six, twenty-five minutes remain. It’s time for her to slowly start closing in, wouldn’t you say? ]
[ Particularly since the mana use should be quite significant. But to have witnessed this situation and still declare Hunter Gakuto the winner, simply from holding out for an hour, would be ve~ry disingenuous! ]
[ In truth, the current situation can already be regarded as Hunter Bak Yerim’s win! ]
Originally, Gakuto would have lost the moment he’d stepped outside of the arena. But Yerimie had been the one to offer the amendment, first. She did seem confident in her ability, but because her opponent was so speedy to begin with, catching him wasn’t as easy as it seemed. Since he could use the concentrated heat to at least guard his immediate vicinity, it would be difficult to pin him in place.
Would she use Shadowless Day, at the last. If she added the magical energy buff on top of the attribute buff, so long as the cold resistance wasn’t S-rank, he would probably still freeze over.
“Huff, hah!” 
Leaping over the shattered remnants of an ice spear as it broke off in the ground on impact, Gakuto wheezed out ragged breaths. He appeared to have been worn down from the constant dodging and blocking. But his speed still hadn’t reduced. Though compared to Yerimie—who was only moving around the water that had already been available, and occasionally freezing things here and there—the amount of magical energy he’d used up would’ve been much more significant, so he was managing to do an impressive job holding out. 
But, just when it seemed that things would be coming to a close, since not even potions could be used for recovery. 
“How many minutes are left?”
Yerimie asked, peering into her surroundings. 
“Nineteen minutes!”
Looking at the timer displayed on the border of the Korean broadcast, I quickly shouted the answer to her. Thanking me, Yerimie sent a finger heart(5) my way. 
“You heard that, right? Though there’s still a bit of time left, since I’ve played around plenty, let’s end this now!”
“By whose whims! Come catch me, if you can!”
Nineteen minutes were doable. Whether that was his line of thinking, Gakuto’s movements sped up even more. That guy, had he been reserving that bit of strength while pretending otherwise.
탓탓탓, in order to clearly widen the gap between them, Gakuto began to sprint. His form made it into the distance in seconds. Yerimie, who had been watching unblinkingly, twitched the tip of her fingers. The sea where Gakuto was at swayed, and.
휙, Yerimie’s form disappeared, and in an instant, reappeared right above Gakuto. As though he’d been waiting, Gakuto swung his blade. 촤아악, water droplets scattered as water and swordpower clashed. The moment Gakuto tried to widen the gap again, an enormous volume of water shot up.
It was as though a whale had flung itself onto the shore. An immense amount of water, the equivalent of a small hill, blocked Gakuto’s path forward. Leaving the arena boundaries may have been permitted, but as the seaside was the limit, he couldn’t backtrack any further. But even so, attempting to penetrate or vault over the obstacle before him was the same as throwing himself into the enemy’s line of fire. 
Since there was no way of anticipating how that formidable mass of water might attack. 
Nearly simultaneously, a parallel mass of water blocked off his route on the other side. Apparently having actually exerted herself this time around, Yerimie let out a few quickened breaths. 
Two monoliths made of water swayed hypnotically under the sunlight. At the otherworldly sight, the Japanese—and even the Korean—broadcasts momentarily went quiet. 
“Give in?”
“Y-you’ve merely obstructed my way!”
Gakuto shouted obstinately, even as he began to appear panicked. Honestly, no solution seemed forthcoming. Even Yoohyunie, who wielded flames of much higher intensity than what could be produced by ‘Heat,’ would be hard-pressed to deal with that kind of volume. Of course, Yoohyunie could just use his Verdant Willow Leaves Skill to slip away.
But that guy didn’t even have anything resembling a flight Skill. 
Looking down at Gakuto—who talked a big game, but couldn’t budge one bit—Bak Yerim smiled. 
“Alright, in that case.”
Part of the watery mass shifted. At a slow, steady pace, it fell upon Gakuto. Heatwaves shimmered in the air again, and white clouds of steam billowed forth. 철벅철벅, sword blades attempted to push back the water as well, but only served to showcase the literal futility of attempting to cut water with a knife. 
How could he possibly oppose what was not merely ice, but water itself. No matter how much strength he might use, a simple show of physical force would only serve to rebuff the advances for a moment. When it was only a part of the water, at that. 
Not just a lake, but an entire ocean was at her disposal. Even if it were an SS-rank Hunter, and not an S-rank, fighting the sea would be an impossible feat. 
Eventually, the mound of water swallowed up Gakuto. As the mountainous mass merged together with Gakuto at the center, it formed a giant sphere. But even so, as it was simply composed of water, he’d be able to swim his way out—except.
The inner part of the mass began to freeze over. With Gakuto at the center, it appeared that a shell of ice had been formed around him. The outer portion was still primarily just water.
터엉, from inside the watery marble, the sound of pounding against the ice wall could be faintly heard. But any time the ice would give way, more water would immediately fill the spot and freeze over the same space. At an expedited pace, that ensured he wouldn’t be able to escape. 
It would melt, then break, then re-freeze. If it was simply stone or metal, then it would be over once it broke. Quickly mending it would be difficult. But water and ice, could be cycled indefinitely. Without resting, incessantly. 
Gakuto’s movements were beginning to slow. The water was blocking off the air as well, after all. With the fight’s location confirmed to be the arena, under the assumption that he’d be steaming things up all he wanted, it appeared that he’d foregone bringing any equipment that would enable aquatic maneuvers. 
Even as an S-rank Hunter with physical capabilities far beyond the human norm, he couldn’t stand up to a lack of oxygen for long. Gakuto eventually lost consciousness, and as the broadcast hurriedly announced Hunter Bak Yerim’s victory, the ball of water burst apart.
In the center of the watery explosion, Gakuto wobbled as he sat up in place. Bak Yerim descended before the coughing Hunter. 
“Well done. It was quite enjoyable.(6) ‘Cause I got to really let loose for once.”
Saying that the oncoming headache was probably a sign that she was close to mana exhaustion, Yerimie took out a potion and swallowed it down. Gakuto’s expression crumpled slightly, but he compliantly lowered his head. 
“I acknowledge my loss, Hunter Bak Yerim. I will have to be satisfied with having drawn out your utmost, and further hone my skills for an even more dignified match.”
…to say you ‘drew out her utmost,’ she still didn’t use Shadowless Day. Since this was exempting the attribute and stat buff, as well as the SS-rank Skill that tied her opponents’ feet on top of giving an additional buff, this was closer to being only two-thirds of Yerimie’s true abilities. Gakuto, that guy, it was almost enough to make you feel a bit sorry for him.
Standing up from his spot, Gakuto dipped his head towards Yerimie again.
“It would not be a disservice, for you to be designated the goddess of water.”
“Goddess, what goddess.”
Yerimie spoke directly at one of the cameras that had ventured close.
“The ruler of water! I won’t accept anything other than that!”
Waving the spear that had the gem holding the Ruler of Water Skill embedded in it, Yerimie grinned brightly.
(1) 수룡 水龍
(2) 온천 溫泉
(3) 칙쇼 ちくしょう
(4) 야마타노오로치 八岐大蛇
(5) 손가락 하트 
(6) yerimie switches back to using polite informal language with gakuto here, after things have effectively become ‘water under the bridge’ (so to speak) with her win. still more on the casual side, but not as rude as she was being earlier
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loveletterworm · 2 years
for some reason i’ve seen a couple people seem to assume dess was already a teenager or even graduated high school at the time of her disappearance but that seems not right to me?
it seems implied she might be about the same age as asriel, and i think kris and asriel are probably not actually that far apart in age judging by certain dialogue 
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(of course its possible asriel just remained very emotional about dropping yoshi even when he was older but i’m going to assume the “younger days” here applies to the entirety of the anecdote)
it seems like by the time the game starts asriel is somewhere around 19 (assuming burger/pizzapants is the same age as he was in undertale, since they seem to have been friends) and in his first year of college (judging by the fact he apparently hasn’t visited home since he started), and from hometown npc’s anecdotes i’d assume he probably isn’t more than 3 or 4 years older than kris.
however, dess has evidently already disappeared by the time of the spelling bee, and back then noelle is...
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well she’s the same height as frisk, but we don’t know exactly how old frisk is either. from briefly looking into other people’s opinions a typical guess puts them somewhere between 7-12, though comparing noelle’s spelling bee sprite to her present day sprites as a teenager i might put them closer to the lower end of that range (i’m also not completely certain if it’s even fair to compare them since these are different games, but i’ll just assume the scale of everything should be about the same in both...) so instead we can say maybe noelle was 7-10 at the time, which would presumably put dess at anywhere between 10-14 (assuming she’s also 3 or 4 years older like i’ve guessed with asriel), so she would likely have been in middle school or a high school freshman at the time of the bee...and again, she’d already disappeared at that point, so she might have still been younger than that when she did too (i probably wouldn’t take more than a year off the upper limit though since i think the intended assumption is still that her disappearance was fairly recent at that time)
i think i forgot what my goal was with this post and got carried away with just guessing every character’s ages even one that isn’t even in this game...of course i could still be wrong and maybe dess is intended to have been older than asriel as well, but i don’t think anything in particular points to that so it’d be odd to assume that for now...? but um. that is my post everyone thank you for reading
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emilmoreno · 1 year
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Full Name: Emiliano Moreno Nickname: Emil Age & Birthday: 32 - November 20th.  Occupation: Marine Welder Preferred Pronouns & Gender: He/him & cis-male Sexuality: Heterosexual Hometown: Briar Ridge, South Carolina. Neighborhood: Beach Front Family: Isabel Moreno - 9 year old daughter.
Pinterest | Connections. 
trigger warnings: car accident.
Born locally, Emil had what he would consider a mostly fairly middle of the road childhood. He often felt a bit detached from his parents, but he wanted for very little outside of perhaps a more socially stimulating environment. His uncle who was deemed by his ma as the ‘wild’ one of her family is very close to him.
A lot of times it was his uncle that took him to tee-ball, and sat in the stands all through his schooling years on the field.
Just as he was about to pack his bags and get out of dodge on a baseball scholarship, he experienced one of his first real upsets in life. His ma was in a bad car crash, and had to go through physical therapy. With medical bills and her needing help around the house, Emil put off college.
A semester turned into a year plus, but eventually with luck on his side and some help from his high school sweetheart’s family - Emil left town for his belated start out in San Diego on scholarship and studying physical therapy.
Everything was going pretty swimmingly, even his long distance relationship and he was so close to making the draft that he could practically hear the stadium crowds cheering for him. but alas life had one more curve ball for him & he was given the news that Maya was pregnant and Emil immediately dropped everything to go back home.
Things went downhill from there in the years to follow. Between his own emotional distress of giving up his dream, there was a lot of tension between him and Maya that he thought getting married could somehow fix. When it didn’t, the pair had a really ugly divorce and a custody battle you’d expect to be run by Judge Judy. Maya was successful in painting Emil poorly and in the end, though he’d get visitations, he lost the custody battle for Isabel.
Having followed in his father’s footsteps upon coming back home, Emil nowadays has a very steady career. Though none of it is what he imagined he would be doing growing up he’s far from miserable, he’s adapted pretty well. Being able to turn his welding experience into his own thing by getting all his diving certifications definitely helped him settle in. Coaching tee-ball and being a sub for a local softball team certainly helps as well. The main stress in his life currently is dealing with his ex-wife and having to sometimes fight tooth and nail to get his owed visitations etc. with Isa. It doesn’t help that she’s old enough to ask questions Emil doesn’t always have an answer to, like why she has to stay with her mother. He’s stable enough that he’d like to go back to court, but he’s a little nervous it’d be hard on Isa and that he has less of a leg to stand on when Maya has had her for as long as she has.
Fun facts:
he has a husky named Hercules after the dog in The Sandlot.
can be a bit of a thrill seeker. Likes roller coasters, dancing, spontaneous road trips.
technically has enough diving certifications he could be a diving instructor but has little interest.  
owns way too many jerseys kind of sports fan, has seasonal tickets. supports a lot of local teams.
has a serious shellfish allergy, which is slightly amusing given the local cuisine.
likes #DadJokes and always has a snack on him because of either Isa or the kids he coaches for tee-ball.
Connections: I’ll make a full page with more suggestions etc. but here’s a quick handful to help with plotting!
Guy friends - sports fans, drinking buddies etc.
Female best friend - I'd like them to be a local similar in age if possible, so they could know his ex-wife and have gone to school together.
Dog sitter | Neighbor | Flings - I promise I'll add some other ideas & a full plots page once I get the time this week.
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   Well luckily for you I am now awake and thereby now able to try and explain! I’m gonna try and keep this as structured and coherent as possible, but I am very liable to ramble my way into a word salad so apologies in advance if this becomes unreadable a paragraph or two in. Brace yourself because this is gonna be long.
   So, first things first, in order to explain what the fuck is happening in that meme drawing, I have to explain how my brain eventually made its way to this bizarre conclusion because yes that process of going from thought to thought does have significance here.
Flashback to however many months ago: I had speed-read through VRGR several times over and was mindlessly, non-literally hungry to non-literally consume more Ravenloft lore. I went to TV Tropes because I do that on occasion and the idea of digging through a whole wiki felt intimating at the time. I only skimmed through the bits I was interested in (i.e. the pages on the darklords) but one thing on the main page caught my eye:
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   Now for weirdly personal context: in ninth grade at my high school we did a whole section in English class all about Edgar Allen Poe and one of the things we had to read was The Masque of the Red Death. As an end-of-section project one of our options was to make a short graphic novel (of sorts) out of one of ol’ Poe’s writings, and I picked masque of the Red Death because it was the one I liked the most. I made a design for the Red Death based on the description given for the uninvited guest and said design was something I really liked, and even after that section of class was thoroughly done with, I kept drawing it anyway because I just really dug that design I made. Slight aside but actually, funnily enough, I at one point about two years ago had an idea for a story that where I smooshed all the gothic horror lit. stories into one universe (fun fact: the franken-lad NPC in the middle from this post of sketches is a carry-over from this story idea! That’s it’s own whole text post though so I’ll leave it at that), and because I wanted to use that Red Death design for something, I put it into that story as an overarching, looming presence... which is an exceptionally funny thing in hindsight, now knowing that the Gothic Earth spin-off is a thing.
So, with that personal context you can imagine the degree of eyes emoji but slightly blurry to indicate rapid movement I was to see something in reference to the Red Death (and a mashing-together of gothic lit.) so of course I wanted to know more. I wanted to know more, but then I got hung up on that last bit: “..., and Word of God has described the Red Death as an ‘exiled’ Dark Power from the Demiplane of Dread.” “exiled”- that word choice, that one word, fucked me up and I have friends who can attest to that because there is evidence of my wild text-yelling about this on Discord, most of which boiled down to two questions: 1.) Is dissension amongst the ranks of unknowable, cosmic nightmare forces even a thing that can happen? and 2.) If so, then why and how was the Red Death exiled in the first place? What did it do? Those questions can be considered more thuroughly another day though.
   Here’s where our detour ends and we finally make our way back onto the main route of this whole post: Saidra. In the section on Saidra in VRGR it is stated several times that she will, when not hosting lavish and decadent balls, shed her elaborate garb and haunt the streets of Dementlieu as a murderous spirit known as the Red Death.
You can probably see the direction in which this is going.
Saidra’s story in official 5e is a fairly simple tossing-into-a-blender of Cinderella and The Masque of the Red Death and nothing much else beyond Dementlieu itself ... but what if there was more. As my mind is wont to do, I connected dots that had no need to be connected in the slightest and went “OKAY BUT HEAR ME OUT-” and decided that it’d be kinda cool if there was a connection between Saidra and the Red Death of the Gothic Earth spin-off. Now we’re finally at the explanation of the meme image.
   For my partial “my city now”-ing of lore and thereby my campaign, I’ve decided on the following points:
I’ve changed Saidra’s backstory somewhat; in the broad strokes it’s the same as the official one, but of the changes I made the most notable for this post is that her powers and her “darklord” (and that’s in quotes for a reason) status stem from and are due to the influence and interference of the exiled Red Death. It is, functionally, her warlock patron. The plague that swept the ball she was at was not a random occurrence and it wasn’t the Dark Powers either, it came as a result of the willing Faustian pact she made as did her death and return as a wraith-like being.
Throughout this whole thing I have yet to even mention the grandfather clock in the back. That is the vessel through which the Red Death was able to reach into the domains and make a pact with Saidra in the first place, hence the intended ominousness in the drawing. There’s an unrelated reason as to how it was even able to do so without being kicked back out into the infinite multiverse which can be summed up simply with, “Once again Azalin has fucked up everything for everyone and also himself” (a whole post in it of itself). The clock is currently hidden within Saidra’s estate and yes organic tissue has amassed around it.
Speaking of which, you may be wondering what the fuck is up with all the flesh ‘n bones ‘n stuff. That is because for some reason I wanted to give the Red Death a visual association with flesh and organic bodily material. Why? I really don’t know, I just thought it’d be a neat contrast to the immaterial, shadow visual associations of the Dark Powers. So Saidra, as a result, has the power to twist and mold flesh and bone to her will, hence the gross muscle-claw-hand; the two lines coming down along her arm is the skin unraveling like a ribbon (EUGH--). Also, now instead of just casting a regular ol’ disintegrate... you get melted. Like, “Good day to you sir you are now a puddle of viscera on the shiny tile floor” melted. Also there’s minions made of flesh and bone and teeth and eyes. It’s all very body horror. She might make a flesh-throne for herself later but we’ll get to that whenever.
If you’re wondering how she even has flesh to rend like in the picture if she’s still a spirit like in the official stuff... yes.
None of the darklords are aware of this all even being a thing, even Azalin (this has plot reasons). The Dark Powers haven’t done anything about this either (there are also reasons for this).
   And that’s the basic bulk of what I have at the moment. So yeah that meme post is A Lot and I didn’t even get to how all of this ties into my campaign’s overarching plot! I also left a lot of points undiscussed because they could be posts in it of themselves! I have likely thought on these things far more than I should even as a GM--
   In summary: ominous clock does not bode well and Dementlieu has gotten a lot more body horror-y. Both vampire and lich don’t know what the fuck is going on and neither of them are on board with this, meanwhile ghost lady is having a great time. That’s it that’s the meme.
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brightgnosis · 2 years
Old Hagging Out Repost [June 2021]: An Unsuccessful Hag
When @graveyarddirt / @msgraveyarddirt​​ posted that this month’s theme would be “Preservation”, I won’t lie... I absolutely panicked a bit.
I’m  not the type to preserve things, to be honest. Mostly because I’ve just  never had any real need to; my Gardening usually only produces enough for the barest supplementation and interest- and this year I’m not even gardening at all, so there’s nothing to be had. I also don’t know where any of good foraging spots are in my new location- which my health and lack of ability to transport myself places has ultimately prevented me from exploring since I moved.
There’s also the issue of June simple being a bad time for harvesting in general, which makes it a bad time for preserving by proxy; by now the Daylilies, Lilacs, and Redbuds  are already well spent. Buffalo Currant won’t be ready for another month, and neither will the Sand Plums be (not to mention my favorite Sand Plum strand is roughly a 2 hour drive from my new home). The wildberries won’t be in for another two months still- and neither will the Sunflowers or Prickly Pear; to put it plainly, nothing’s ripe in June ... Not even the home garden would be, if I had one.
Finally I did remember something  fairly easy to find, abundant in production, typically in harvest right  around now, and fairly easy to preserve, that could actually work ...  Something I hadn’t even had in a long time, actually, but did miss fairly severely: Mulberries.
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I have a lot of memories, as a child, climbing the giant Mulberry tree in  the middle of the windbreak near my childhood home. It grew alone in a  strand of  Hackberry, which was itself an island in the middle of a  field usually planted with Sweet Peas; I’d ruin dinner by picking the tart (and usually underripe) berries until my fingers were stained a vibrant purple ...
Another smaller tree sat at the second edge of the driveway, embedded into the gravel half consuming an old, silver painted pole- the remnants of a gate that once stretched across our driveway and used to say “No Trespassing”; I cried for a week when my father cut it down convinced it was part of the Trumpet Vine strand he’d tried to eradicate. It wasn’t, but he ignored me. It took him 3 years to admit he was wrong to a child ...
Another larger one grew in the rainwater ravine across the dirt road and down the way a few feet- technically in front of my Cousin’s old and now abandoned house. It never actually produced anything, but its branches were a familiar clubhouse for all us children- or was, until the County came and decided to cut down all the trees that broke the wind coming off the pasture. Our privacy fence fell to the famous straight line winds of the Great Plains bioregion the next year (and every year after that until dad gave up) ...
My first official grown up home was a little red brick number. It, too, was overshadowed by a Mulberry tree so tall and wide I thought it’d had to’ve been ancient because I’d never seen one so big, or so old. I never plucked the fruit from its branches, though- but then again, I was only there for 6 months anyways; the house’s next resident was my ex-girlfriend, who made comments about wanting to cut it down. I was glad it was a rental and she couldn’t ...
Seven years later I became the owner of the blue house around the corner, in perfect eyeline of that first home of mine. I was happy to see my old friend again- and this  time, I happily plucked the berries from its limbs each year. I was even happier to discover a White Mulberry, a truly rare find, nestled in the crevices of an old broken and cracked foundation across the road; the last remnants of a house that used to exist long ago in what's now an unused meadow.
I’m now living much more comfortably in a town quite a bit away from my old hometown- but not so far away I couldn’t visit on a whim ... And yet I haven’t seen a single Mulberry Tree this year- and I’ve looked high and low for weeks now. Finally, with no luck, I broke down last week and resorted to asking the local Gardener’s group if anyone knew where any public facing, safe to forage Mulberry trees happened to be in town ... The only response to my quarry was a very unhelpful “My car says the birds have had no problem finding them, lol. I hope you find some” (Thanks Kathy, I guess).
Hagging Out is here now, and I still haven’t seen heads or tails of what was once one of the most ubiquitous trees of my area. Thinking about it, I haven’t seen the Passionflower that grew along fences everywhere, either- or even Peach Trees, intentionally planted near fences to let  passerby's take some without Trespassing; it’s amazing to me how different the edible landscape is here, from my hometown not that far away. Or, perhaps, I’m just looking in the wrong areas.
Whatever the issue, I am bountyless and unable to participate this month. Sorry, y’all.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
If you had the last person you kissed’s Facebook password, would you go snooping through their stuff? Why or why not? Yeah, that’s a no can do. No reason other than they’re simply not in my life anymore.
Have you ever fainted? If so, when was the last time? If not have you ever come close? Yeah it’s been a while since it last happened, but I’ve definitely fainted more frequently than most people. I don’t do well with dehydration and heat. 
Do you trick or treat? If so, how old will you be when you stopped? If not, how old were you when you stopped? I haven’t done it since high school but I have a very “never say never” approach when it comes to things like trick or treating, if that makes sense? Like if a group of friends would make plans to do it, I’d always be on board.
Ever take a keyboarding class? Do you type using the skills you learned in class, or how you used to before you took the class? Yeah we had typing lessons in the earlier years of grade school; during exams, we were even required to bring handkerchiefs to cover our hands so that we could be checked on whether we’ve memorized the QWERTY format or not. But after those classes I never really used the ‘correct way’ and I’ve always typed with only my index and middle fingers.
What did the last umbrella you used look like? There’s nothing remarkable about it other than it being black.
How many pairs of boots do you own? I don’t own any pair of boots. Ever cut your hair (the entire thing - not just the bangs or a little part) yourself? Nah, my hands are too clumsy. I’d wreck my hair in minutes.
Do you find your best friend’s significant other/crush attractive? He’s fairly good-looking but I’m not personally attracted to him.
What do you do with your clothes that don’t fit anymore or just don’t want? I turn them over to my mom, who decides if she’ll donate them or give them as hand-me-downs to relatives.
Do you cut out coupons? That’s not a thing here.
Does anyone in your house play Xbox Live? You’re talking to a Playstation household, buddy.
What was the last school you attended (if you’re still in school, put the name of the school you attended before you came to that school) I went to UP for college.
Would you ever date a co-worker? No. Besides my last relationship rendering me emotionless (lol), that set-up could also be potentially damaging to my day-to-day work.
Did you ever breathe in helium and talk funny afterwards? I haven’t had the chance but I’ve always wanted to try.
Would you ever open your own business? If so, what kind of business could you imagine yourself having? You know, this thought has crossed my mind recently. It’d be cool to open some sort of Namjooning-themed café where people can go for rest or co-working or catching up with friends. It could be a family business if my family would be interested, given my parents’ background in hotel and restaurant management, and then my sister and I would tag team on the creative and marketing aspects...
Given my completely non-existent knowledge on business management, though, this would 100% remain a dream. It’s just a nice little happy thought that I like to think about sometimes.
When shopping, do you ever head straight for the clearance or sales rack? Nah I kind of just follow the route of the store and see if I find some pieces that I like along the way.
What’s your biggest pet peeve at your job? I hate the client servicing part of it which should technically serve as the biggest red flag for me now, given that I work in an AGENCY lmao. I’m already scouring new opportunities - for real now - and actually had a call with an e-commerce brand today since they have an opening for a PR position. I’m stressed and exhausted and burned the fuck out and I just need a way out before I work myself to literal death in this job.
How old do you want to be when you move out? Late 20s would be ideal for me. I have a bit of time left before my personal deadline haha.
Ever meet or talk to someone from an online dating site? Not my thing, never will be my thing. Last type of candy you ate? I think it was that gummy candy my mom bought last week.
Have you ever had egg drop soup? Yeah my grandmother made it for us a couple of weeks ago when we visited.
How many tattoos do you want in the future? Anywhere between 3-5 tiny ones would be fine, but this is only if I get to get over my fear of needles and getting pricked hah.
How soon do you start planning your Halloween costume each year? I only do it like 1-2 days before and it simply boils down to having bigger priorities. I’d love to plan my costumes out at least a week ahead but work always has me swamped. Last time you had Chinese food? I’m literally having it right now, haha. Mom got Chinese food tonight - I have fried rice and siomai.
Are you any good at dying hair? You mean dyeing? No not at all - I prefer to get any and every hair stuff done professionally.
What brand of shampoo did you last use? Dove.
Did you decorate your house for Halloween? If so, how many decorations? Did you go all out, or just put up a few things? We never decorate for Halloween.
Last person to hang up on you? I haven’t been hung up on in a while. Maybe my mom?
Are you excited for winter? Or are you dreading it? We don’t get winter.
Do you still own a VCR? How about VHSes? I think my parents threw ours out years ago.
What’s your favorite scary movie? Carrie.
How do you plan on spending your Halloween this year? Idk, probably at a workplace Halloween party since those are a thing.
Which type of Halloween Costumes do you prefer? Sexy ones or scary ones? Or maybe funny ones? Funny ones.
What was the most boring costume you ever had? Probably that time I went as a pirate like, three or four years ago. It was a Halloween party that a distant relative was holding, and I couldn’t care less.
Do you like cranberry sauce? I’ve never had it but I can tell you I probably won’t like it.
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kisenth · 2 years
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Before reaching Galar, one of the places Aria wandered around in for a while, was Unova. She was mostly just visiting some towns at random, no particular destination in mind, and it's at one of these towns that she met N for the first time. He talked to her about morals and pokéballs and, mistaking him for a sleazy salesman, Aria told him to beat it before she'd beat HIM.
Their next meeting went differently - instead of talking to her, his focus was mostly on her Vaporeon, though he left that conversation pale and shocked out of his mind. That Vaporeon had gone to places N's mind had never touched and he hopes it'll never go again. He's become a little more careful about wishing to hear the voices trainers' Pokémon ever since.
Just like that they met each other a few more times, though as they kept meeting, their meetings, albeit short, became more amiable. The amiable mood was nowhere to be found however when Aria walked in on Ghetsis berating N. N has never been able to repeat the vicious words Aria spewed at Ghetsis that day, but at least he can pride himself on having prevented murder --- seeing as how Aria had been ready to stab Ghetsis through the eye with a recently found dragon fang.
It was soon time for Aria to leave however, even if she'd been fairly worried to leave N behind. But he, too, had things he felt he needed to do and, despite not agreeing with him, Aria couldn't manage to stop him from going through with his plans either. All she could do was make sure to tell him to come to her if ever something happened, and make him promise to keep in touch.
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They kept in contact over phone, through text messages and occasional phonecalls, though the next big meeting happened when N texted Aria while she was at work and in the middle of training. She had to rush out, cursing about 'senseless idiots' and something about 'towers'. Turns out, after losing to Zekrom and its trainer, N and Reshiram went to do a little soulsearching for themselves - winding up in Galar in the end. Only, they wound up on top of a high building in Wyndon, and Aria had to go and fetch them.
It didn't do any wonders for her mood that the Corviknight nearly threw their cab aside while they were high up in the air simply because it'd gotten VERY annoyed at N repeatedly asking if it WANTS to do this work or if it's FORCED to do this work. After that, they went around either walking, by train, or on Reshiram.
While spending a week at her place, N settled in in her Pokémon's bedroom, spending the nights surrounded by them : more comfortable for him than sleeping in her room while she slept with them. However, this would generally result in him waking up to Emolga sleeping on his face.
One night, while out getting water, Aria also caught N whispering to her Rotomphone and asking if it was enslaved in there. She'll never forget the Deerling-caught-in-the-headlights look he'd thrown her when she coughed.
Overall, when you add all the meetings together, the two spent quite some time together. A small bulletpoint of a few of the other things they've done together is :
Reshiram was the first Pokémon Aria used as a flying mount.
Aria took N to his first festival, where she introduced him to festival food stalls and cotton candy.
When N took Aria to the ferris wheel in Unova she was originally not very interested since she’s always flying in cabs, but Unova isn’t Galar, and the moment they were up high and she saw the great scenery laid out to them she got excited about it as well.
N is often concerned about how fast Aria gets into physical fights with people..
Aria is very aware of this and, whenever he forgets to get back to her for too long, calls him and tells him she's using her 'one phonecall' on him. He keeps telling himself he won't fall for this jail joke next time, but he always does..
Aria always tries to take N to various places, to make him experience things he missed out on due to his upbringing.
... Hilda and Hilbert like to joke that Aria is 'N's mom' but she ignores them.
The first time he was over at her place, he fixed up her TV that had been having some sound issues.
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And so on, and so forth-
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But this is where I’m ending this post for now
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
Tattoo artist mc?
Characters- All
Warnings- Swearing, mild suggestive themes, tattoos and the getting of them
Category- Headcanons
He doesn’t have tattoos and claims that he doesn’t see a need for them. In reality he is Afraid.
You offer to do a small piece, like on his shoulder or something?
mmm tempting but are you sure this isn’t a plot his brothers came up with to see if he was muscular or not?
lol no but I mean (don’t say the last bit out loud, you’ll get fuckin punted
he’ll hesitantly agree to small letters that spell “fuck you and the horse you came in on” in the demon script, purely because he wears long sleeved shirts, nobody’s gonna see it.
He’s got a really high pain tolerance, he’s anticipating immense amounts of pain only to be greeted with an “all done!”
He actually really likes it, might ask for other pieces later.
If he does ask for other pieces, the first one will be a dark red peacock feather with an eye in the middle, enchanted so it looks around.
Let’s be real here he’s terrified. Expect lies about “not wantin to spend money on that” and not seeing the point.
However, the thought of getting to spend upwards of an hour with you and strict instructions banning his brothers from interrupting?
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm okay
ends up getting design of the four ace cards, splayed like they would be in someone’s hand. It’s on his upper back, between his shoulderblades.
Each one is a different color, all with gold edges and a silver, tiny drawing of grimm in the middle where the sign would usually be.
He fucking loves it, his only regret would be that it’s on his back and really hard to look at.
He’s the only one who’s upfront about being fucking scared but also he’s very supportive!
asks to see some of your works
Realizes he could get a tattoo of anything and is resisting the urge to ask
He might, he might end up with several anime logos in a scale pattern on his left shoulder blade, each one on a scale of it’s own.
Just maybe.
Genuinely not scared, asks to see your supplies/designs and then asks to commission you for a piece 
he wants a bunch of black kittens on the side of his torso/abdomen, with yellow eyes and small silver outlines as the only clear lines.
it’ll take, like, five-six hours to get everything right, you warn him. that’s fine, he says, I have pretty good patience, he says.
He’s lying but whatever, it’s good practice.
Insists on paying you, he’ll give you a ridiculous amount of money. If you want to haggle it’ll be on getting the price down.
Obviously, he’s not scared, maybe a little restless but not scared. As a matter of fact, he’s thrilled!
Why? well, because you offered to do a piece for him, and he asked for a fairly complex one and you said it’d be manageable
Plus, he’s Asmo, so he’ll end up making all kinds of comments about how nice it is to have your hands on him. Ignore him or flirt back, up to you.
He wants a thigh-and hip piece of complex spirals that start as black-and-white twists and turn into coloured smoke, and frankly didn’t expect it to be quite as good. He’s amazed and thrilled, expect many more requests. (he does limit himself to smaller pieces in the future, though no less intricate.)
Number one supporter. Expect to get customers, because if you give permission, he’ll be bragging about the excellent work on his body for weeks on end. Yes, he does phrase it like that most of the time.
this motherfucker is going to make you a Devilgram account just for cataloguing the works you’ve done on demons.
He’ll probably pass up getting a tattoo himself, but is supportive and helps you get supplies. 
Later, towards the very end of s1, he’ll ask for a design of a thin, delicate flower bracelet with your name in the center of the flowers, one letter at a time.
He’ll leave the flowers up to you, but ask that they “don’t look too edible, please”
might later ask for a dragons-eye style design in the center of the one flower that didn’t have any letters
this man really went “eh if you can give me a tattoo that’d be cool but also I don’t fucking care”  and then pouted when you didn’t give him one.
Will end up asking for a small constellation, not one that’s recognized, but start that vaguely spell out a cow, on his shoulder.
He’ll end up asking for little designs that twist around his bicep, claiming that the feeling of getting a tattoo is calming
weird flex but okay
gasp “that’s so cool”
If you look hard enough, legend says you can see his tail wagging as he looks at your work
Super supportive, wants to know everything about tattoos
Offers to set up a shop for you (Take it, it’s easy money)
he’s going to be so fucking enthusiastic about this whole thing. 
Is he going to ask for a tattoo- of fucking course he’s going to ask for a tattoo.
He’s going to ask for enough tattoos that Barbatos has to supervise his requests. 
Ends up getting a golden, flowing ribbon around his left bicep that’s made so that if you look long enough, it raises a serpentine head and hisses.
he likes the idea of getting a tattoo, but isn’t entirely sure about it
Will observe the first three or so times you give someone a tattoo before deciding he’d like one
will ask for, surprisingly, a light pink rose in the first stage of unfurling. 
it goes on the underside of his right wrist, and is barely covered by his sleeves.
He won’t ask for any other pieces, but suggest that you set up a shop of sorts
Expect lots of excitement and an equal amount of ignorance
This man doesn’t know anything about tattoos, unless you include the washable ones from devilmart.
Explain them to him, he’ll immediately ask for one
He won’t have anything in mind though, so give him a lotus flower, pure white with tints of blue to make it pop!
it’s on his shoulder, and very visible
He will brag about this shit
That’s nice dear
nothing surprises this bitch anymore
will ask to see some of your work, and mostly jokingly ask if you can give him one, asking for a silver chain wrapping around his arm and slowly turning a deep blue.
Will enchant it later so that it moves. Enjoys acting fully fucking oblivious to the fact it does so.
The two of you could start a business purely with magic tattoos
supportive but definitely doesn’t want any tattoos. He’s more than happy to watch you work.
Will gleefully convince you to tattoo a mustache on the face of a demon who was being mean
Insists that you’re careful about offering tattoos, he doesn’t want you to get hurt after all
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devildom-drabbles · 2 years
Snippet - Levi and MC's Secret Handshake
I like to think that once Leviathan and MC were officially best friends (i.e. Levi actually admitted to it), they soon came up with their own secret/friendship handshake. MC was the one to suggest it, and initially Levi brushed it off, calling it “such a normie thing to do.” But when he thought about it more, it sounded really cool. After all, the Lord of Shadows and Henry (probably) have a special type of interaction only the two of them do together since they’re best friends, and he did consider MC to be his Henry. In the end, it didn’t take long for him to ultimately agree to MC’s idea.
They probably spent at least a few hours on coming up with a handshake in Levi’s room, mainly because Levi kept freaking out from the physical contact at first and then he also wanted to watch TSL and other anime with best friends to get some ideas. Eventually MC helped him relax and get back on track to create the handshake, even offering suggestions of their own using what they’ve seen. Soon enough, they had their own special handshake!
I think it’d be short and fairly simple, but it displays the bond they share. What I imagine it looking like is variations of high fives (one hand and two hands) between the two of them where they then end up with their backs against each other in some sort of pose Levi most likely came up with. I can also see them adding a little motto/speech to say while doing the handshake (think of, like, Team Rocket’s spiel each time they appear in the Pokemon anime, but not quite as long, hahaha). Or even something more brief yet cute like: “Levichan!” “MC!” “Unstoppable friends!” “Together ‘til the end!”
Now, when do they do this handshake? Levi was still a little nervous about it in the beginning, so they only did their handshake when they were alone in his or MC’s room. It would mainly happen once they met up/entered the room and when they completed difficult parts of video games together, like a boss battle. As they grew closer and more comfortable with it, they would even do the handshake just before one of them had to leave the room and when they wanted to encourage each other. Then one day, Levi and MC were so excited to have passed a particularly hard test at RAD (that they had spent a whole night studying for) that they did their handshake in the middle of the classroom, right in front of Mammon and Beelzebub. Levi was very embarrassed by this, especially when Mammon started questioning him about it, but Beel reassured him that the handshake was neat--and he liked seeing his older brother look so happy while doing it.
Now that the secret is out, Levi and MC gradually do their handshake more often outside of their rooms. And if he’s being honest, Levi gets a tiny boost of pride/confidence whenever his brothers see them, noting traces of envy in their stares. This was something special only he shared with MC, his best friend. (Though, it doesn’t take long for some of them, like Mammon and Asmodeus, to ask MC to make a secret handshake with them, too, haha.)
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Pix, where's your couch?
Some fluff to counter all the angst I've read in the last 24hrs. (Silly move as made myself cry - too many talented writers out there breaking my heart). Or at least if not fluff no angst.
Probably more a teen and up fic than general but still fairly clean (I think... I rubbish at knowing what ratings etc really).
Jason stared at the space in the middle of the room.
“Pix, where’s your couch?”
“Hmmm, Jay?”
“I know you said that I could crash at your place again, so, umm, where’s the couch?”
“Oh, It had one to many blood stains so I got rid of it. You always said it was like sleeping on rocks anyway, so I’ve ordered a new one. It’s arriving next week.”
Marinette beamed up at Jason, bouncing on her toes with excitement while she grabbed his hand.
“It’s so pretty, Jay. I’m so happy that I finally could get rid of the old one and get a new beautiful comfy amazing sofa. You should see the pattern on the material. Oh oh and the detail on the frame. Hang on! I'll see if I can find a picture… you have to see it."
Marinette suddenly dropped his hand in favour of dashing about her apartment hunting for the picture as Jason's eyes darted between the chaotic woman and the space where the couch should be. Yes he'd asked to crash at her place in the past and always moaned that the couch was the worst thing to sleep on ever, but it was better than having to be near his family when he wanted to hide. Aaand he also might have come round earlier in the week before heading back to the cave to get some wounds seen to for an easier journey… but still had he really left the couch in such a state she decided to finally listen to his advice and get a new one?
"Pix, that's great and all but umm, where am I going to sleep?"
"In my bed, silly. It's the only other place."
Jason groaned and dragged his hand down his face. He knew what was going to happen next.
"Pix, darling, sweetheart, where are you going to sleep? You can't work all night which I know you love doing. You need to rest too. Look, I'll just call Roy up again and see if I can crash at one of his safe houses. Bruce is less likely to know about those."
"Jay, I'll just sleep next to you. The bed's big enough for the both of us. It'll be fine so you don't need to call Roy."
"It'll be fine. We can share the bed for the night. Now go dump your stuff in my room and I'll make us some dinner."
Jason grimaced as he knew there was no escaping. Roy, the arsehole, would tease him mercilessly if he didn't stay, and if he went he'd hurt Marinette's feelings as she'd offered up her home, her bed, for him to hide.
"Jay, you're as stiff as a dead body. This is meant to be relaxing. If you don't want to watch this film we can sit on my dining room chairs and watch the TV out there. Or I can find some cards so we can play games at the table?"
"Nope, this is fine, Pix."
"Really? Then relax. You don't need to be so tense."
Jason took a deep breath and slowly let it out and forced himself to loosen his muscles and sink into the comfort of Marinette's bed. Apparently, due to having no seating in her living room, she'd taken to watching stuff on her laptop in bed if she wasn't working. Now the pair were both sitting on her bed watching some film she'd selected. Suddenly she trilled next to him.
"Ooo I know what will help. I bought some decent wine back from France with me after visiting my parents. I'll go get it. It's much nicer than the stuff I've found here. You'll love it Jay. It's the perfect thing to help us destress from the week."
Before Jason could respond she'd danced out the room, giggling to herself about her 'great' idea.
Jason swore to himself. He could do this. It wasn't a big deal. He could control himself. He could sit 'very' close and sleep next to his crush. It was only a crush. Not love. In her bed. It won't be that hard. He just needed to keep his cool. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to figure out a strategy to survive the night.
Before he had mentally formalised his survival plan Marinette burst back into the room, glasses and wine in hand, only to trip on her bedroom rug and crash face first into his lap. Miraculously saving the wine and glasses. Jason carefully removed them from her grasp as she turned to peer up at him wide eyed, face dangerously close to where it currently shouldn't be for his sanity.
"Oops. I keep doing that. I really should move that rug. Sorry Jay."
Jason let out an inaudible whine and closed his eyes slowly counting to 10. This was going to be as hard as he originally thought it was going to be.
"S'okay, Pix. Just get up so we can have the wine and watch the film."
Awkwardly smiling at Jason, Marinette detangled her legs and climbed over him to get settled next to him again. Carefully she took the wine bottle off him to open and poured some into the glasses he held out for her. After putting the bottle on her bedside table, she turned her attention back to Jason and the film.
"Now we can relax properly. Guessing you're not ready to vent about Bruce yet."
"Nah, not really. You're making an effort to cheer me up and distract me so don't want to bring the evening down. And don't look at me like that! This is perfect Pix, a much better way to relax. If I wanted to vent I'd go punch and shoot scum. Do *you* want to vent about your latest commission though?"
She looked guiltily at him, "Do you mind?"
Jason looked softly at her and smiled, "Go ahead Pix."
Suddenly it was like a dam had opened and she was telling him about the ridiculous demands expected of her. The issues with the material. How her sewing machine was not playing ball and likely needed a service or replacement part soon.
Jason gazed fondly at his friend (crush) nattering animatedly away. With wine in hand he relished the soft warmth of the room. She was right about the wine helping to relax, the film long forgotten as they chatted away enjoying the safe space she had created under the glow of the fairy lights.
It was only when the film had stopped that they were drawn out of their discussions.
"Oh! We kinda missed that film huh?"
"Yup, Pix we did. And we've finished that bottle as well."
"I'll set another film up, did you want to change and do your ablutions while I set it up."
"Change?" Jason squawked out.
Marinette turned to glare at him. "Yeah, change. You're not sleeping in my bed in jeans Jay. So go change. I'll sort myself in a minute too."
Jason reluctantly left to go to the bathroom and quickly changed. After cleaning his teeth he splashed cold water in his face. He had managed so far. He'd resisted brushing her hair out her face. He'd resisted pulling her close as she leant on his shoulder as she laughed. He resisted kissing her when she pouted when telling her story.
He could do this.
As he returned Marinette slipped out telling him to sort the bed out for them to lie down for the next film. The stars had long since come out and Jason begrudgingly agreed that there was a high chance that they 'could' fall asleep in the next one. (Okay, it was a low chance given his nightly antics and her insomnia but he'd play along with her belief.)
Jason had settled, still sitting in the bed but under covers this time as Marinette re-emerged.
She was trying to kill him.
He had played nice wearing a vest and joggers. She, Marinette, had dressed to kill in just an oversized T-Shirt that hung off her shoulder and brushed the tops of her thighs.
Jason squeezed his hands into fists as she carefully this time manoeuvred around the room, showing off her long legs. Apparently she had a late growth spurt and finally took more after her father than her mother now. Breaking his gaze from her legs as she moved round the other side of the bed he sent her a tight smile as she climbed in next to him.
"You all set for the next film?"
"mm hmm"
As she lent forward to press play, Jason darted his eyes to the ceiling. Marinette turned around to see Jason staring up and laughed.
"Jay, that's sweet and all but I do have sleep shorts on. You'd not see my underwear. Plus you're my friend. I trust you."
"You couldn't have warned me!"
"Nah, seeing your reaction was funny. Now shhh film time."
Sitting back, Marinette grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders and smoothed the duvet down before resting her head against Jason's shoulder snuggling into his arm. She smiled and sighed in contentment as she lost herself in the film.
Jason's blue screened for a moment as his friend cuddled into his arm. He knew she often did this on the couch but still having her do this in bed, in her pajamas, was another matter. He should have been better prepared. He had thought his mission earlier was a challenge. It had now reached monumental difficulty. Feeling her warm breath dance across his arm. Clear smell of her fading perfume. Hearing her slight murmurs to herself as she focused on the plot playing out before them. It took a ridiculous amount of his strength to remain relaxed and try to focus on the film.
He almost lost it as Marinette drowsily started to slowly stroke the bare skin of his arm.
"Come on Pix, let's lay down. You're hardly awake currently. I'll turn the film off for us."
".. mmm.. no... I'm.. I'm awake..you're so hot… *yawn* nice and safe... and toasty… I .. I can..*yawwwwn* fin..esh fim.."
Jason choked when said she was hot until he realised that she meant he was warm. Carefully he extracted his arm from her octopus grip and got her lying down, before turning the film off. He left one set of fairy lights on as knew Mariette disliked sleeping in the dark.
Taking a moment to steal himself, Jason watched as Marinette buried herself deeper into the blankets and duvet. He had checked whether it'd be ok to top and tail the bed earlier, Marinette's glare at the suggestion and the insults about his 'big stinking smelly gross' feet being near her face pushed that option out the window pretty quickly. Especially with some of the creative insults thrown in as well.
Despite all his nerves feeling like they were on fire, Jason slowly crawled back in the bed to settle. The soft lighting, the quiet sound of Marinette breathing, the warmth embracing him, Jason suddenly felt all his energy escape. Forcing himself to relax was tiring. Holding himself back was exhausting. The week had been draining. Surprisingly quickly Jason succumbed to sleep.
Jason woke to light filtering into the room. He felt unusually well rested and content. A warm fuzzy happy feeling that he'd not felt in such a long time flowed through him. Sighing he went to turn only to find that he couldn't move.
Sluggish memories and realisations started to speed up and come to the forefront of his mind. That he was sleeping in Marinette's bed. Next…. Under!?!?! Marinette.
It appeared that Marinette had somehow in the night starfished face down across the bed and now her face was resting across his chest. Her hair was a bird's nest of tangles cascading down to his arm. One hand had a razor clam of a grip on the bottom of his shirt unwilling to let go. One leg was tangled up with his.
It would have been a surprise and embarrassing if he hadn't witnessed putting Marinette to bed as a tiny curled up ball to discover her in the morning sprawled out across the bed in a similar fashion to this. Except this time he was semi pinned down by her. He would say the only embarrassment was that he'd forgotten she got like this. And no other reason at all.
As Marinette still slept, Jason's brain slowly woke more and more. He took on his sleeping friend and admired the peace that was on her face. The lack of stress that graced her features. She was gorgeous normally but at this moment she looked ethereal. Jason basked in the morning warmth slowly threading his fingers through her hair to detangle the large knots. He could get used to this. Too used to this. The comfort. The simplicity. The domestic-ness of it all.
Lost in his own thoughts he didn't notice Marinette stir and blearily looked at him with one eye open.
"Mor'n Jay," a croaked voice drew his attention back to his friend lying across his chest, "Di'ja sleep k?"
"Yeah, Pix," came his soft reply, "best night sleep in a while. I understand why you had the lumpy stone of a couch now. You spent all your cash on this cloud of a bed. How did you sleep?"
She turned her face completely into his chest and he felt her chuckle against him before shifting herself so she was now lying curled up next to him, her face closer to his as she rested against his shoulder.
"Best in ages. No nightmares. At all. Never get nightmares when next to you. You make the cloud bed perfect, Should get you to stay in it forever."
Jason turned to gawk at the woman whose eyes remained closed as curled up against him, "Pix, you can't just say things like that!"
"What? Wha'ja mean? What did I say?"
"Saying that I made your bed perfect. That you want me to stay here forever. It gives the whole wrong impression."
"But I meant it, Jay. Last night I slept all the way through because of you. I love being with you. So why wouldn't I want you around?"
Slowly opening her eyes Marinette leant forward and up to kiss his chin before giggling as she moved away.
"Pix, you're killing me here."
"With what weapon? We're in bed and your weapons are next to you, not me…. And why would I kill you?"
Twisting so he could face her properly, Jason gazed as his semi drowsy friend in soft whispered tones said.
“By making it hard not to ruin our friendship. I love what we have now and I don’t want to lose it.”
“What do you mean? You won’t ruin our friendship. We’ve been through too much for it to be ruined.”
“By doing something stupid.”
Her eyes widened as she looked at him in puzzlement, more awake than moments earlier. She pursed her lips trying to figure out what he was trying to say was stupid, unconciously drifting closer to him.
“Yeah, something really stupid.”
“Oh… the only thing really to ruin our friendship would be to leave or betray me… you’re not going to be that stupid are you?”
“No, I don’t want to leave you. Ever really. Being like this is perfect. I… I love being with you… you’re my best friend, just don’t tell Roy that.”
Marinetre softly smiling at Jason, “Ok. I won’t. This is almost perfect, but… did you know what would make it better?”
With their foreheads now touching, in the warmth of the blankets and duvets and filtered light pouring in the window, Jason shook his head. He couldn't figure out what she meant to be better. The moment felt like a perfect dream to him.
"No. What would make this better?"
"If you kissed me."
It took a few seconds for Jason's brain to process the words before it was like the dam had burst, all the restraint he'd used in the last 12 hours, for the last number of months, collapsed. Jason leant forward capturing Marinette's lips with his own.
One of her hands reached up and tangled into his hair as the other rested on his chest. His wrapped around her waist pulling her closer. They lost themselves in the moment as they deepened the kiss while pouring their emotions into it, showing their feelings they have been too afraid to say out loud.
Eventually, they parted breathing heavily. Marinette gave a breathy chuckle.
"It only took you the whole night, then to be told to do that."
Jason's brain struggled to work out what Marinette was saying. His current focus was more on the sensation of holding Marinette so close. His lips still tingled from her kissing her. It was only because her hand moved to cradle his cheek and she kissed his nose that his attention was drawn back to her.
"Jay, you sweet Doofus, I've been flirting with you for months. You've not noticed what's so ever so drastic measures needed to be taken."
"You've been flirting with me???"
"Yes. Even Roy noticed, he helped me with this."
"You mean this was planned?!?"
"Yup. Completely planned. And Roy even helped me get rid of the couch."
"You planned a 'there's only one bed' situation? Sneaky Pix, that's sneaky."
"Worked didn't it. Plus you love the cliche troupes. Don't deny it."
Jason leaned in close to Marinette, a breath away from her.
"Can't deny it, but we've got months of idiocy to catch up on."
With that Marinette closed the gap to capture his lips. They had the rest of the day to work out and discuss how they felt, right now, right now was for kissing and cuddling in bed. Who knew all that together she just needed to replace her couch.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter two rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!Reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Masterlist and Series Masterlist
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Moving and finding an apartment can be an incredibly long and stressful process. Unless you’re you, and life likes to throw a lot of curve balls at you for the utter hell of it.
Your dad dropped dead three weeks after you told Andy you were moving to New York. Coincidentally, right in the middle of you trying to find a place to live. He drank himself to death. Figures. You doubted you’d ever had a conversation with him that he was sober enough to remember. His untimely demise was unfortunate for him, because he died or whatever, but very fortunate for you. As his only child, you got his apartment in Queens and all his smelly hoodies.
You said your goodbyes to Andy and Dani after a night out in the streets of San Francisco. You had originally moved there after high school to start your show, The L/n Report. San Francisco was known for its crimes against the homeless population and you wanted to start with a story on that. You ended up interviewing Andy at the police station while investigating a missing person, and dated him for two years. Now, you were spending your last few hours in San Francisco with the very boy you once loved and the very girl he now did.
“Are you all packed?” Dani asked you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Pretty much. I gotta put my toothbrush and hairbrush in my suitcase in the morning. Other than that, I’m good to go.” You answered her. She smiled fondly at you as she linked her arm through yours.
“Hey, I’m really gonna miss you. More than that guy over there.” You whispered, nodding towards Andy, who had his head buried in his phone. Dani laughed and nodded in agreement as you continued to walk.
“I’m going to miss you too. You’re my best friend here.” She sighed sadly.
“I’m glad we’re friends. Most women in our position would hate each other.” You thought out loud.
“Uh uh. You’re thinking of women in films. It’s 2021, baby. Women support women. You and I are two talented, smart, beautiful women who would never be caught fighting over some boy. Especially not one who can’t take his eyes off his phone for two seconds.” Dani said loudly and smacked Andy’s arm. You laughed at the domestic moment but couldn’t help feeling a pain in your heart knowing he used to be that way with you.
“What, sorry?” Andy looked up. You and Dani looked at him before looking at each other and laughing.
“What’s funny?” He asked, growing annoyed.
“We’re laughing at you babe. Put your phone away. It’s Y/N’s last night here.” Dani scolded playfully. Andy sighed and reluctantly put his phone in his pocket.
“Right, sorry. And it’s not her last night here. She’s coming back. You are coming back, right?” He asked you. You nodded, though you weren’t entirely sure.
“Of course I’ll be back.” You shrugged. “I just want to experience something new for a while. I’ve done a million pieces on homelessness and poverty. I want to see what fresh stories New York has to offer.”
“You’re quoting the Daily Bugle, aren’t you?” Dani teased you.
“That is verbatim what they said to me.” You admitted with a laugh. “But hey, it worked. As of tomorrow, I’m the Daily Bugle’s newest investigative reporter.”
“Who are you reporting on anyway?” Andy showed a rare interest in your work.
“Some guy named Cletus Kasady.” You answered. “He’s some hot shot serial killer down in Queens. No one knows how he’s hiding his victims bodies. Apparently none have ever been close to being found.”
“And they want you to write the story on him?” Andy raised an eyebrow, always with the condescending tone.
“Well they heard about the whole Carlton Drake situation and decided I hadn’t been through enough trauma in my career.” You replied, earning a laugh from Dani but not Andy. You and Andy had already broken up by the time Carlton Drake contracted a symbiote and tried to kill you and Venom. You stopped him before he could hurt anyone and wrote a career defining article on his lethal human experiments. You managed to leave out all information regarding symbiotes from the article, so your secret was still safe. You were a fairly well known reporter since the incident and your next job was waiting for you in New York.
In the morning, You and Venom got on a plane and made your way to New York. Being on a plane with Venom turned out to be the equivalent to traveling with a toddler. You tried to sleep, but every two seconds you had to stop Venom from getting into trouble. She kept trying to open the window, even after you explained to her that everyone on the plane would die horrible death if the window were to open.
“Stop that.” You whispered when you noticed a black tendril creeping towards the window. The lady in the seat next to you shot me a look of confusion. You gave her a fake smile and turned back to the window, doing your best to conceal the small black tendril that was coming out of your body and fidgeting with the airplane window.
“We want it open.” Venom replied telepathically.
“Do you also want us to blow out of the plane and into space?” You said through my teeth.
“We didn’t anticipate that but it’d be appreciated.” Venom answered, making you groan. The rest of the plane ride followed in similar fashion.
Seven hours later, you arrived at the apartment building. You had never been to your dads apartment, you didn’t even know he had one. You wondered what happened to your childhood home as you looked around the place. The apartment wasn’t too small but not too big either. The rent was practically nothing compared to how expensive San Francisco was, and The Daily Bugle offered to cover your expenses until the story was done. You figured after some redecorating and moving in, it would make a fine new home.
The first seven days in the apartment went by smoothly. You unpacked, with little to no help from Venom, and set up the furniture. On the eight day, you sat on the couch, aimlessly flipping through channels in the TV when you had a thought.
“Oh shit.” You said out loud.
“What?” Venom, who was curly nestled around your neck like a neck pillow, asked.
“I forgot mail exists.” You frowned. “We better go check the mailbox before it overflows.”
You and Venom grudgingly walked to the mailboxes and back again. No one was around, so she manifested herself and rested on your shoulder as I looked through the mail.
“Oops. I grabbed someone else’s mail too.” You clicked your tongue when you read a strangers name off the envelope. “I gotta find them.”
“Let’s go.” Venom said and pulled you towards the front door.
“Sorry, babe. This is a me thing, not a we thing. You know I love you but I don’t want to scare our neighbors. Not yet anyway.” You reasoned. Venom grumbled and went back inside your body.
You checked the address of the envelope and discovered that it belonged to the apartment directly across from you.
You knocked on the door and patiently waited for someone to open it as you mindlessly cracked your knuckles. Just as you were about to walk away, the door opened.
“Hi, are you May Parker?” You asked right away. You looked up from the envelope and your face instantly flushed. The person staring back at you definitely wasn’t May Parker. It was a boy around your age, maybe a little younger. He had soft brown eyes and wavy brown hair. It was gelled back loosely and you could see the outline of soft curls. To your surprise, he was just as flushed as you were. You stared at each other for a moment, no one wanting to be the first to blink.
“Yea. I’m May Parker.” The boy said finally. He shut his eyes in embarrassment and shook his head.
“I mean, no I’m not. But that’s my Aunt. May is my Aunt but I’m not May. That’s my Aunt May. I’m her nephew…obviously. Aunt May is my Aunt May. I…what?” He stumbled over his words and somehow turned even redder. His blush reached all the way down his neck, to his blue jumper that read “Midtown Tech” in yellow letters. You recognized the name of one of the most prestigious high schools in New York, already impressed with your new neighbor.
“Well hello, not May Parker. I’m also not May Parker. But I seemed to forget that when I grabbed your mail this morning. Sorry about that.” You said sheepishly as you handed his mail to him. The boy rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at it and attempted to redeem himself.
“It’s not problem. She and I always forget to check the mail so you actually helped us, um, whoever you are.” He smiled weakly. His voice was cute. He had that Queens accent that the people of San Francisco lacked, for obvious reasons.
“Oh, right.” You laughed in embarrassment. “I’m Y/N L/N. I just moved here from San Francisco. I live across the hall.”
You pointed to the door behind you as if he didn’t know what “across the hall” meant. You didn’t know what was wrong with you. You were never this awkward.
His eyes lit up a bit once you told him where you lived.
“Really? I thought that smelly guy lived there.” The boy said and you stifled a laugh.
“That smelly guy was my father. He died a little while ago so I live there now.” You told him, malign the boys eyes widen. They were so brown. Like little pools of honey. Or little pools of the Hudson River. You had seen a million pairs of brown eyes before, but none like his. They were quite distracting to be honest.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry! I had. I had no idea-“ he began to frantically apologize but you cut him off.
“Don’t worry about it. We never got along. And you’re right, that man stank.” You chuckled. It was the first thing you said that felt like your old self. You hadn’t really talked to anyone since moving to New York, with the exception of Venom and the occasional phone call from Andy or Dani. You liked talking to this boy, though you still had no idea who he was.
“Oh thank God. I thought I screwed this up before it even went anywhere.” He immediately turned red when he heard his own words. You saw the regret in his eyes and decided to throw him a bone.
“Well it certainly can’t go anywhere until you tell me your name.” You flirted. Again, he relaxed. You felt a surge of confidence knowing he wanted this to go well.
“Parker. I’m Parker Peter. I mean, Peter Parker.” He fumbled over his words again, making you smile fondly.
“We like him. He’s cute.” Venom said telepathically. You looked down at my shoes and blushed, knowing you liked him too.
“And he looks delicious.” She added, ruining the moment.
“It’s nice to meet you Peter Parker.” You gave him your best smile. “I’m glad there’s someone my age around here. Everyone I’ve met so far is either an old bitty or a creepy uncle type.” You regretted it as soon as it left your mouth. You didn’t know what his sense of humor was like and he might not find you the slightest but funny. Andy always told you you were bad at telling jokes, and you feared he might be right.
Lucky for you, Peter burst out laughing.
“Ah. I’ve seen you’ve met Henry.” Peter pointed a finger down the hall. “Yeah, I’d stay away from him. He asked me if he could have pictures of my feet once. He said he’d “pay me handsomely” for it too.”
“Damn. So he beat me to asking you.” You pretended to be upset, which made Peter laugh again. The sound of his laugh made your heart pick up speed. You weren’t used to feeling like this. Boys rarely impressed you, Andy was just lucky you liked a man in uniform.
“Yeah. You better stay away from him.” Peter advised.
“It might be hard.” You clicked your tongue. “Our mailboxes are pretty close. I’ll make a mental note to never check my mail while wearing flip flops, though.”
Peter smiled at your joke. He had the kind of smile that you would make the person laugh just to see it again. It was brilliant.
“Well my mailbox should be directly above yours. So don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” He grinned, and you grinned back.
“My hero.” You gushed as you put your hands over your heart. The tips of his ears went pink, like he was shocked that you said that.
“I’m no hero.” He sounded almost panicked, like you touched a nerve or something.
“We’re hungry. We need to eat.” Venom interrupted abruptly, causing you to jump. Since Peter couldn’t hear her, he looked at you strangely, not knowing the cause of your sudden jolt.
“Sorry, I uh, I thought I saw a spider.” You lied.
“If there was a spider, we’d eat it. We need food. Now.” Venom demanded.
Peter looked up at his doorframe for the imaginary spider.
“Yeah, New York is full of them.” Peter said skeptically. “Not that full, though. And some spiders are nice. One might even call them friendly.”
“Right.” You laughed at his strange wording, unaware that you were both keeping a secret.
“Would…” Peter began but trailed off, seemingly mulling something over in his head. “Would you like to eat dinner with my Aunt and I? I remember when we first moved in, it took us a while to get into the swing of things and make dinner every night. If you like, you could join us. And, you know, we could get to know each other.” He offered. It all came out in one breath. You could tell he was nervous and that only drew you in more.
“I’d love to Peter.” You said, and he smiled in relief.
“Great.” He gave an awkward thumbs up. “We usually eat around six so maybe come around then? She’ll be so happy to meet you. She loves cooking and she always tries to get me to learn but I once burnt cereal and I still don’t know how.” Peter began to ramble. He cut himself off and shook his head again. “Sorry. I’m rambling.”
Then, you did something stupid. You put your hand on his arm like the dumb bitch you were. You barely knew this guy. Who the hell were you to touch him? He must’ve been thinking the same thing, since he instantly froze under your touch and stared at your hand on his arm.
“Don’t apologize. I can’t cook either. Unless you count making tater tots as cooking. Then I’m Gordon Ramsey.” You assured him, feeling him relax under your touch.
“You’re just gonna mention tater tots without warning us first? Our mouth is watering. Can we eat Peter?” Venom asked, making your eyes widen.
If it was socially acceptable to scream at your symbiote in public, you would’ve yelled “NO, WE CANNOT EAT PETER” from the top of your lungs. But since you didn’t want to scare Peter and the rest of the neighbors away, you merely smiled and made another mental note to smack the shit out of Venom later.
“I love that man. “Where is the lamb sauce?” Peter mimicked in a bad British accent. He had no right being as charming as he was.
“No no no.” You shook your head. “His best line is “I’ll get you more pumpkin and I’ll ram it right up your ass. Would you like it whole or diced?”. He’s said some pretty wild things but that one makes me cry.”
Peters laugh rang through the halls. To be the cause of that laugh was a feeling like no other. You stood there for a while, just looking at each other. His eyes grazed down your body, but not in a crude way. You berated yourself for not dressing better when going to meet the neighbors, clad in nothing but a grey hoodie and some leggings. Peter looked cute, but you had a feeling he always did. His jumper was pretty baggy and you could see a collared shirt poking out the top. He was dressed almost professionally and you found it incredibly endearing.
You wanted to know more about him. You wanted to know his secrets and his hobbies and what makes him itch. You wanted to see if he dresses this way on weekends too or what his summer clothes looked like. Your gawking was interrupted by Peters phone ringing. He broke out of his trance and answered it quickly.
“Hi, Mr. S. No I’m not busy. I mean, I’m super busy but I can totally make time for you. Yea, Happy talked to me. Okay. Okay. Where? Okay. See you in a bit.” Peter hung up and looked at you apologetically.
“That was my job. I have to run but I’ll be back in time for our dinner. I live at…you know where I live. I’ll see you then. Don’t be late.” Peter called as he ran down the hallway, towards the elevator.
“I won’t. See you later.” You called back.
You went back to your apartment and like a kid, broke out into a happy dance.
“Venom!! Did you see how cute he was?” You gushed. “And how funny he is? I have to get ready for tonight.”
Venom manifested and swirled around my arm.
“Someone has a crush.” Venom smirked. Well, as much of a smirk as she could muster with that huge mouth of hers.
“I don’t have a crush. I just think he’s cute okay?” You replied coyly. “Cute. And funny and sweet and charming and amazing. But that’s it.”
“We can feel your heart beat.” Venom reminded you. “It was going ten miles an hour. What would Andy say?”
You had been rummaging through your closet and stopped in your tracks. With Peters new inhabitance in your mind, you had forgotten all about Andy. You moved to New York to avoid his wedding and his moving on, and you might’ve succeeded.
“I don’t care what he’d say.” You decided. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“But we want him to be.” Venom insisted. “We want him back, remember?”
“I don’t know what I want.” You answered honestly. “I just want to get ready for tonight.”
“Why are you getting ready now? You have 5 hours until you have to be there and it’s right across the hall.” Venom teased.
“Only 5 hours?” You sighed. “We better get moving.”
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Could you please write one of those 5+1 things for naga tommy trying to hide being a naga from his family then the one time he doesn’t hide.
Btw I’m sending this to more gt/vore writers so don’t feel pressured to do this just thought it’d be fun to see everyone’s different styles
i actually do have a fic similar to this but it's nice to write a series so naga tommy part 3! yaay! my voice is literally dying irl help-
Warnings: Soft vore
Words: 1.2K+
Tubbo and Ranboo hid in a large cavity of a tree, large enough to for the two of them to hide in from the sights of Tommy, it was hunt and go seek and Tubbo and Ranboo hoped to win this time around because if they did, they could get the grand prize.
Tubbo could almost buzz in excitement, but he had to keep it to a minimum if they wanted to keep hidden, they weren’t the only ones participating after all. There was also Wilbur, Philza and Techno in this game. Who were more than professionals.
They all wanted to win the grand prize, what was it?
The grand prize varied on the person, but for Tubbo and Ranboo. They’d go spend time with Tommy and the others for a couple of days in the woods, having their adventures. Tubbo giggled as he knew he’d win this game.
As for Techno, he was determined to win as he climbed the steep trees, climbing into the most hidden leaves and climbing as high as he could. He hoped this be the vantage point needed to win.
Wilbur was simply hiding behind some rocks but a nearby lake, the rocks being tall enough to provide cover for the boy to hide in, he hoped this would be enough, enough to win his prize of doing his chores. He hated doing them, this was an opportunity of a lifetime.
Now Philza, Phil’s prize was fairly simple. The kids would have to do the housework for a week, he wasn’t determined to win as he didn’t really care for winning, he just put that as his prize since he had to say something.
What did Tommy get out of all of this though? Cuddles, if he won he got cuddles. And boy was he excited to win.
How the game worked was exactly what hide and seek is. If Tommy won, he’d get to simply store everybody in his storage stomach, if he couldn’t find the last person he’d lose and the other person would win and get their prize.
Tommy had yet to lose, he smirked at the thought of another victory.
He slithered across the woodland plains as he scented Phil, his first catch. His head snapped towards a bush, which moved ever so slightly. As if it were breathing, a smile threatened to turn his features.
Before Phil could run, Tommy pounced and cupped his hands around the bush, catching Phil in his hands, he then raised his hand to level and opened up his hands to see a dizzy looking Phil.
“Found you!~”, he sang. “Mate, you gave me a fucking heart attack. Jesus.”. Phil huffed as he came to his senses and looked up at his son. Tommy used his other hand to pick up Phil by the back of his shirt and brought him closer to his face.
“No, you know the rules!”. His dad said as Tommy opened his mouth. “Awwhh” he pouted, “But only I win! I might as well!”, “You never know, Tommy”. “Finee”.
He moved Phil to his shoulder, who moved to the crook of his neck. Once he made sure Phil was safe, he moved on to find the others.
He found Wilbur easily hiding in the rocks, but then he was bribed an almost irresistible deal. “Tommy if you let me win, I’ll let you eat me for a week”. He almost took the deal, until their dad spoiled it, “No bribing.”. The two pouted and continued to find.
Surprisingly Techno was found next because he made the mistake of moving to a weak branch and almost falling to the ground. Tommy caught him in time though and lastly it was Tubbo and Ranboo’s turn to be found.
But time passed and everyone grew worried, it was almost night, and they couldn't be found. And with the night came mobs, which wasn’t something Tommy wanted to really deal with along with the anxiety of potentially missing family.
The four of them called out for them and eventually separated in different directions to find them but there was no sign of the two. And that’s when Tommy really began to panic, his family and himself growing tired with every second passing.
They eventually returned with neither of the two. And with them exhausted Tommy offered them to rest, and he takes over the main search. They wanted to refuse but Tommy already took it up himself and swallowed the three of them. One by one.
Once Tommy felt them safely tucked away, he gave a quick rub before heading off to find his two other friends…
Meanwhile, Tubbo and Ranboo weren’t having the best of times. They may have accidentally gotten lost whilst trying to find their way back. And were now trying to avoid as many mobs as possible.
“Tubbo fly up!”, “But there’s spiders! What if I get caught?!”. “Please try?! We need a high ground!”, he narrowly dodged an arrow as he said that, squeaking as it passed over his head.
“Okay! Okay!” The tiny boy flew upwards towards the trees, any of the ground mobs now looking at Ranboo. But the moment they stepped towards him was gone. Teleported right next to Tubbo.
“It looks like we’re stuck here for a while”. Ranboo said after making sure the coast was clear, Tubbo sighed. “I hope Tommy finds us soon”.
It was about an hour later, with Tommy frantically scanning every area he came across, crushing any mobs to see if they had a sign of his friends.
Tears were streaming down this point; he was mainly relying on his instincts of scent and hearing as his eyes became almost unreliable. His occupants tried to comfort him, but he knew they were just as worried themselves.
He turned again, then he heard a faint voice in the distance. It was so faint, but his head immediately snapped in the direction of the small voice. He wiped at his eyes and saw something moving, it’d jump and disappear from tree to tree, coming towards him.
Tommy slithered quickly towards the two, “Ranboo!”. Ranboo landed at another tree as Tommy stopped next to him, Tommy’s hands moving to cup him and his eyes scanning for any injuries.
“Are you okay?!- Where’s Tubbo?!”. He said frantically. Ranboo turned with his back facing Tommy, revealing a little sleeping Tubbo. “He flew around a lot, trying to find a sign of you. But, eventually got too tired”. He laughed slightly.
Tommy sighed with relief as the two of them were safe and cupped them gently in his hands. “I’m gonna store you guys then, I don’t want you out in the middle of the night”. He moved Tubbo from the back of Ranboo and brought Ranboo closer to his mouth.
He quickly tasted Ranboo with his chocolate and vanilla flavouring, he titled his head back and swallowed. He purred as he felt Ranboo tuck him with everyone else.
Now for Tubbo, he carefully placed the boy in his mouth, as much as he wanted the flavour of honey, he resisted in favour of not waking Tubbo. But failed as Tubbo half-asleep stretched on Tommy’s tongue and hugged it as much as he could.
“Did we win?”. He slurred, half sleepishly. Tommy giggled slightly, “Yeah, you won. But it’s late so you’re going to bed”. He said quietly. Tubbo mumbled an inaudible response.
Tommy tilted his head back and swallowed and moved to find a place to sleep. In his stomach, Tubbo landed who looked for Ranboo. He found the boy and cuddled up to him for the night, happy to have been found.
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