#it’s a good job she loves her chaotic sons
just-a-ghost00 · 3 months
What you should know about them
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Think of a person that you would like to enquire about before picking your group. It can be romantic or platonic.
Group 1 🐚 
Overall energy represented by the Fool | Spread : 6 of cups, 6 of pentacles, Justice, 5 of wands, King of wands, 3 of pentacles
This person has a child, possibly a son. Their life is taking a radical U-turn. They are starting anew. This could mean they are either divorcing or moving away from a situation / a job that caused conflicts in their life. They are looking for balance and a sense of peace because their life was chaotic up until now. The presence of their child and their wellbeing is also a major factor in their decisions. There were a lot of conflicts in their household regarding their job. Maybe this person was too ambitious and not open enough to learning and listening to people's advice. Maybe their responsibilities clouded their vision to the point where they were disregarding their reponsibilities as a partner and a parent. It could also be they had an affair with a younger person or at least they admitted to having their eyes set on another person. Because on the cards, the king of wands is depicted looking at the left while he's kinda throwing fire at the right. On the left of this king of wands is the 5 of wands, showing a young woman being cornered by four other people. She looks modest but strong in her power, even when acculated by more influential people. On the right of the king is the 3 of pentacles, picturing some kind of nun. The nun looks kinda sad. She is contemplating and her heart is guarded by her crossed hands. As if she were saying : "Lord why did it have to come to this?" It's like the king wants to rescue the 5 of wands person while he's potentially hurting the 3 of pentacles person. This is very specific and may not resonate with everyone.
If this isn't the case of your person, it could be that they are feeling triggered and cornered by other people and they have a hard time moving on. Instead of being the bigger person and not giving them any more attention, they dwell on what happened and try to wrap their mind around ways they can work this out, hoping they could change them. This person is longing for meaningful connections where they don't have to fight or overgive to be respected and cared for, to receive love and acceptance. They are tired of fighting for bread crumbs and they intend on getting retribution for the wrong that has been done to them. This person could be a soulmate of yours. You are bonded by karma and divine justice. They bring balance in exchange and wealth, as well as reciprocated love. Their presence in your life is a retribution for all the hard times you went through. You may be wary of them at first and try to resist the attraction you feel for them. But with time, you'll learn to see them for who they are and work together towards a new journey without fear of being judged or deceived. This energy feels very similar to group 3 so you may want to check that as well.
Letters : T N I D V S I O Z D I E T E Words/signs/names : division, divide, vision, tides, vines, zones, iode, ions, veins, tied, Dion, soviet, diet, dine, tones, dives, zen, Sonie, son, NOV(ember), Ted, sin, void, OVNI (UFO), Dio, TV, zionist, edits, tense, videos, visio, Oz, TNT, DVDs, seize, Vinted
Group 2 🎐
Overall energy represented by 7 of pentacles | Spread : queen of cups, hierophant, page of swords, king of cups, emperor, fool
The person you're thinking about could be your FS and/or divine counter part. If you're in a relationship with them or you intend to be, there could be jealousy around the relationship coming from a father figure. The connection between you needs time to progress but a good outcome can be expected. A new phase in the relationship is taking place. This could be them taking it to the next level by offering commitment or moving in with you. Your relationship could be work related. This person is very grounded and nurturing. They have a sweet and reliable energy that makes people feel super safe and protected. They are a good communicator and don't have issues with voicing out their needs, their worries, their feelings. For some of you this person could be religious. For some this person likes to have a lot of fun and do a lot of outdoor activites. They like to work out. I'm getting a very masculine energy from this person. As a child, they may have delt with toxic masculinity and controlling parents, especially their dad. I'm really getting this person potentially proposing to you. Cause the Hierophant combined with the page of swords makes me think of legal matters surrounding commitment. So they could be filing a paper to officially recognize you as their "wife"/"husband", or at least someone they are "tied to" according to the law. I feel like this is very important for them. Like this person was not fully into the relationship because that important step wasn't reached. I mean, this would be logical knowing they are potentially religious. They were waiting for engagement to fully embrace the connection you have.
I asked spirit for more information as I wasn't getting much from the initial spread. The cards were the Hierophant again combined with the Star and the 3 of pentacles. So I'm getting that for some of you the relationship wasn't official. It wasn't even publically known that this person liked you on a romantic level to the point of wanting to marry you. They even hid it from their family, maybe because of cultural differences or because you were from different social backgrounds. For some I'm even getting your person is an important public figure. They couldn't tell people they had the intention of marrying you because they would have gotten backlash about it. But they're tired of hiding what they feel and they want to be able to work on this relationship without shame nor fear. They want to do right by you, in the name of the law and the name of their spiritual beliefs. So they want to make it public. They want to close the distance between you. I'm also getting a message of this connection being a protection for you. A protection from a rigid father figure or from masculines in general. It's like this person wants to "claim" that you are theirs because they just can't stand anymore the though of you being courted by other people.
Letters : B G E R A R S B L I T E N I words/signs/names : Nile, Blaise, Argent, bites, raise, arts, breast, genie, girls, Line, Lina, real, siren, gears, bears, big, lasting, Italie (Italy), Brésil (Brazil), trains, Real (as in Real Madrid), Neil, rentals, Bergen, Iran, star, stranger, liars, brags, listen, bars, blasting, Berlin, Nial, anis, teens, trials, brats, barbers, grabs, gelatine
Group 3 🌊
Overall energy 6 of cups | Spread : Tower, 8 of wands, The Lovers, page of cups, King of swords, Queen of swords
This person is a soulmate. They have divine counterpart potential. There was jealousy surrounding this person's relationship in the past, a lot of gossip that possibly lead to a major shift in their life. Possibly a breakup/divorce. There were a lot of interferences, a lot of heat. They couldn't see clear anymore. So a choice has been made by this person to move on from their toxic environment. They could have met you in the process of moving away from this relationship and they decided to give your connection a chance. They like you more than just a little. Yet, they may be scared of what they feel so they could be somewhat reluctant to make a move. At the same time, they want to come forward quickly and tell you what's on their heart. There's a lot of conflicting energy surrounding this person.
What's positive in this situation is that they view you as their equal. They're aware of what you can bring to the table and their feelings are genuine. I don't sense any ill will coming from this person. But rather a lot of affection and a strong desire to protect. They are evolving quickly. After the shift in their personal life, a lot of things have happened to them at a fast pace. Maybe they quickly found a new home if they were looking to relocate. Maybe it was about job offers or just finding a new person (aka you). They quickly moved on from whatever trouble they were facing before. They are not the type to dwell on a situation if they know they did their part and there is nothing more they can do. Even more when they know what they want. They may not be sure about what they hope for with you, but they know for certain they want to get closer and get to know you better. I feel for this group your meeting with this person is quite recent. Either that or they recently developed feelings for you which weren't there before.
I felt the need to ask for clarification about the gossip surrounding their relationship. The card are : 2 of wands, High Priestess, 3 of pentacles. People were doubting this person's loyalty toward their partner because they were not being transparent about what they were working on. They were elusive about their projects, their job. People may have found suspicious that they spent more time at work away from their partner (and possibly kids) instead of being home with the ones they loved. When all this person was doing was just to try to protect their loved ones from their work struggles. For others, it could have been that they were accused of having an affair with a coworker. I'm getting this person's job requires to travel a lot, especially abroad. People were suggesting to their partner that they had a double life, that they found another person in a foreign country with whom they were cheating on their partner. In reality, people were wrongly assuming your person's intents. They have a very different conception of relationships than what most people think. If for others love for a partner should be shown by spending quality time with them and constantly being present for them, they like to show appreciation for their partner by trusting them enough to leave them be and have their free space. This person doesn't feel the need to know and control everything about their partner. They don't feel the need to be constantly tied to their loved ones. They like to have their own little bubble and they allow the same for their partner. They instead show love by supporting their person's independence, giving words of affirmation, providing a different point of view on life, taking care of their health by doing acts of services. For instance, they are definitely the type to work extra hours to provide for their family so that their partner doesn't have to and can enjoy more free time. They have been wrongly judged. You might want to check group 1.
Letters : M V I C A K M O T E S S R words/signs/names : Kassim, cakes, cars, moms, VISA, raise, crest, tears, Sommer (summer), Kaiser, sister, socks, cream, voice, cries, Moris, Cris, mess, Messi, Roma, mics, east, tram, Vimeo, Cameo, cams, treks, tracks
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Hiii love 🩷
Could you please make a reader X Tommy, where you take care of Charlie and he slowly falls in love with the reader. At first he denies it but after sometime he can’t take it anymore !! Fluff and happy ending please
Love your writing by the way ⭐️🩷
Hey Lovelie! Thank you so much for this request and the lovely comment , I’d gladly do this for you!
Italics: flashback.
Summery: request above
[Y/N]: Your name
[L/N]: Last name.
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Word count: 2,516
Thomas Shelby. The name of the man that you have loved for the past two years. The man you knew would change your life the moment you set foot into his office for an interview to be a live in maid for his young son, charlie.
The blood pumped through your veins, making your head feel like it would burst at any point. You sent an application to Thomas Shelby secretary for the job but you did not expect to get an answer. So when you got a reply asking for an interview less then three days later, the shock that you were in was explainable.
You knock on the door, waiting to hear the voice of the man you were secretly afraid of.
“ come in” the voice vibrates through the atmosphere
You turn the old doorknob then push the door open, gliding your body through the door. The sound of the door creaking made Tommy lift his head up from his paperwork.
The feeling of your world stops as you make eye contact for the first time with the man with the eyes that could kill.
One month into the job
Thomas smiles slightly and takes off his jacket just as Francis rushes over to him.
“Good evening mr Shelby, dinner should be served soon” the middle aged woman explained, taking Thomas jacket gently.
Thomas doesn’t say a word, taking a cigarette out of his pouch from his trouser pocket. He looks towards Francis, lighting the cigarette.
“Where’s my son?” He questioned curiously.
Before tommys maid could respond, Charlie rushes around the corner from the main room “ daddy” he squeals, running towards Tommy.
Thomas kneels down “ Charlie, my boy” he catches Charlie as he jumps into his arms, Thomas stands up with Charlie in his arms.
Soon after, [Y/N] rushes around the corner with a face that can only be described as anxious. Her face was shiny most likely from running after the young boy.
“I am so sorry mr Shelby, i tried to stop him. I know you don’t like to be disrupted after work. I promise, I’ll make sure it won’t happen tomorrow” she rambles, clearly nervous that Thomas would be mad.
“No need to apologise, make sure that he is calm before he goes to bed, don’t want him to be cranky tomorrow” Thomas smirks slightly and gives Charlie over to [Y/N].
She nodded and quickly walks away, Charlie on his hip. Unknowingly, to [Y/N] mr Shelby was watching her with curiosity plaguing his mind.
Three months into the job.
Charlie had gone missing. Someone had taken him when Tommy was distracted with the guests, during a work event, he hadn’t noticed his young son being carried out through the door by a woman that passed as a maid.
Three hours had passed since [Y/N] had seen the young boy, she was nervously pacing the house, biting her already broken and fragile nails. An anxious trait she’s had since she was a young girl.
The sound of the front door rattling invaded the already chaotic atmosphere of the manor. The banging of doors signalled that Tommy was in his “beast mode”. This is when Tommy is on a mission and if you get in his way, you’ll most likely land with a bullet between your eyes. However, that hadn’t stopped The young maid. [Y/N] opened the door of Charlie’s room and begins to rush her sore feet towards the grand stairs.
“ mr Shelby” she calls out “ oh mr Shelby, is young Charlie been found” she asks, her voice full of worry.
[Y/N] stops her running when she sees the distressed young boy in his father’s arms, nearly making herself fall from the suddenness of the movement.
“ Francis take Charles” Thomas orders sternly, passing him over to his only trusted maid from that moment on.
The older maid nods and takes Charlie, taking the toddler upstairs. The air is so brittle, from the tension, it could snap. If it doesn’t, [Y/N] might. No one speaks, what is there to say?. [Y/N] could feel the fear in her chest waiting to take over her. Perhaps it was only there to protect her but there really isn’t any danger to be protected from. It sits there like an angry ball, propelling [Y/N] towards an anxiety she doesn’t need.
“ where were you miss [L/N]” Tommy questions, accusation filling his voice. His eyes could kill anyone. Those eyes are ocean-strong, swimming with warm sun-lit currents.
[Y/N] gulps, her throat feeling as if it was closing in on it self. Her mouth parts slightly but no words come out. Eventually, words were able to escape.
“ I’m so sorry mr Shelby, I looked away from him for one second, he wanted me to get his toy horse that he dropped, I gave him to another woman, she was dressed in a maids uniform” she explains, her eyes filling with unreleased tears.
Tommy sighs, watching as the young maid clearly showing signs of distress.
“ go back to work” the older man states, passing Charlie back over to [Y/N].
The young maid immediately takes Charlie into her arms, using one of her hands to wipe under her eyes “ of course mr Shelby” she nods.
As [Y/N] walks away, Tommy speaks up again “ have you had dinner miss [L/N]”.
“ no I have not mr.Shelby” [Y/N] replies, turning back around by the stairs, Charlie playing with her short hair.
Tommy nods “ after you put Charlie to bed, come to the kitchen, there will be food there for you” the older man announces, walking down the corridor towards the door leading to the kitchen.
As the months pass, Tommy and [Y/N] work relationship shifted, everybody can see it has except for the pair in question.
However, Tommy wouldn’t admit it. He still feels like he is in love with his deceased wife grace, he can’t get himself to move on. On the other hand, [Y/N] knew of her feelings towards her boss, who wouldn’t? Especially when you boss looks like Thomas fucking Shelby.
Present day
Over the past years that [Y/N] has worked for Tommy, she had gotten close to the women of the Shelby family, mainly polly. When [Y/N] wasn’t working, she was with polly.
Today was one of those days. Today, [Y/N] was helping polly with the books at the Shelby company betting shop. Tommy had given her the next few days off since she had worked for two weeks straight since Charlie was poorly with a fever.
“ fucking men” Polly grumbles, slamming down the book full of incorrect numbers and calculations.
[Y/N] chuckles from across the room as she corrects Arthur’s calculations “ men never cease to amaze you, do they pol?” She raises an eyebrow.
Polly lights her cigarette, taking a long inhale of the hazardous smoke “we are working our asses off whilst the men sit on theirs at the pub, getting god knows how drunk” the middled aged women rants, pointing to the door.
Polly smirks as she stands up “ come on, let’s go” Polly encourages, grabbing her purse.
[Y/N] frowns, dropping her pencil “ where are you going lol?” She asks confused but her eyes full of wonder at what Polly was planning.
“ I know a woman who knows a woman, she told me that the ladies of small heath are going out on strike, by the factories” Polly places her deep red hat on her curly brown hair as she raises an eyebrow at [Y/N].
The younger woman laughs “ you can’t be serious pol, Tommy would have your head” she warns.
“ not if he won’t find me” Polly puts her coat on.
[Y/N] bites her lip, she was conflicted. Her brain turns and twists as she argues with herself internally but eventually, only one side of her could win.
[Y/N] nods “ fuck em” she stands up “ I worked two weeks with his sick child and nothing but a thanks and a few days off work” [Y/N] rants, grabbing her coat.
Polly watches “ that’s my girl”.
Once the two woman get their stuff together, they walk out of the betting shop, Polly placing her sunglasses on her face, the women ignoring the men outside of the betting shop.
[Y/N] chuckles as she links her arm with pollys as they walk together towards the factories to join the woman of small heath.
The garrison pub
The Shelby men sat inside of their private corner room, celebrating Arthur’s recent news of Linda’s pregnancy. What they didn’t expect was another member of the blinders to come in and announce the women’s strike.
Tommy was about to make a speech when the door opens. A young man taking off his cap quickly catches his breath.
“ I’m sorry to disturb you mr Shelby, but I’ve just got word that mrs gray and miss [L/N} have walked out of the shop, claiming that they are striking for women’s rights in the work place” he explains.
Tommy raises an eyebrow, Arthur immediately standing up “ they what?” His drunken voice ripples through the small private room and into the main area of the pub.
Tommy holds his hand out to his brother “ now brother, this will be sorted” he stands up and grabs his cap, immediately following the younger member out of the pub, and towards where his aunt and his maid were currently causing chaos.
The Factories
The sound of the women cheering and chanting blocked the ability for [Y/N] ears to identity the sound of Tommy’s feet but as soon as his hand wrapped its self around her arm, she knew who it was and she knew she was in deep trouble.
Tommy’s breath sends goosebumps down her back as he leans down to speak into her ear “ come with me. Now” his voice quiet but clearly filled with demand.
[Y/N] didn’t say anything, her feet moving themselves in the direction that Tommy was guiding her. As they get further and further away from the other women, the noise of the chaos was slowly fading out.
“ Tommy, tommy please listen” [Y/N] began to protest but Tommy quickly cuts in.
“ what were you thinking [Y/N]. Do you know what this can do to the company” he states, letting go of her arm.
“ it’s not that serious tommy, me and pol weren’t protesting we were just watching” [Y/N] defends herself.
Tommy was about to respond when the sound of the police invading the strike, and women screaming as they get arrested. [Y/N] gasps as she gets shoved onto the floor, the wet gravel of small heaths pavements make contact with her hands. Small but painful cuts develop on her palms.
“ watch it” tommy yells at the woman that shoved [Y/N], clearly trying to run from the police.
“ I’m okay” [Y/N] reassures Tommy as she gently grabs his hand and stands up, Tommy patting down her dress since it had got mudded by the mud puddle on the path.
“ let’s go” Tommy grabs her hand and begins to pace to the garrison, away from the chaos. [Y/N]’s cheeks rise in temperature when she realises that tommys warm hand had engulfed her own. This is the kind of blushing that shows her soul, a compliment to the eyes and having a delicate sweetness within. It shows a connection, it shows that the smile and shyness comes from deep emotions. Her blush is beautiful and something real.
The garrison pub.
The pub was quiet, the occasionally laugh or the occasional cough fills the deadly silence since the moment Tommy stormed out of the pub to find [Y/N].
Tommy guides [Y/N] towards the small corner room, his hand hovering on the small of her back, however the heat still penetrates through her dress and onto her skin.
[Y/N] smiles as she walks into the room, taking her coat off slowly “ thank you Tommy” she graciously sits on one of the seats, placing her purse onto the table.
Tommy watches her as he sits at his usual seat, once again taking a cigarette from his metal holder “ would you like a drink?” He asks gruffly.
“ no thank you, I don’t drink” [Y/N] admits.
Thomas raises an eyebrow “ don’t drink ey, what maid of mine doesn’t drink” he teases.
“ the maid that looks after your infant son” she jokes back.
Thomas lights the cigarette “ my son likes you miss [L/N]” he admits, raising an eyebrow.
[Y/N] smiles, looking down at her dress skirt for a few seconds before looking up towards Tommy. She had the kind of eyes that reach out to Tommy, much like a baby reaching out with open arms, clearly signaling what she wants.
“ do you have a husband miss [L/N]” Tommy takes a long inhale of the hazardous smoke for what seems like the hundredth time that day.
“ please, call me [Y/N], and no I don’t have a husband nor a partner” she admits, her bottom lip sucking in between her teeth every so slowly. Tommy immediately looking down at the movement. Her lips were as good as her eyes in painting a picture of her emotion.
“ come here” Tommy whispers, placing the cigarette into the ash tray, just in time for [ Y/N] to arrive infront of Tommy.
The older man, places his hands onto her hips gently,his thumbs rubbing her in a rhythm, the smoke from the cigarette slowly evaporating between the two.
[Y/N] places her hands onto tommys shoulders “ this is inappropriate Tommy” she whispers, her voice as delicate as silk.
“ everything in my life is inappropriate” tommy points out, gently pulling [Y/N} into his lap, their eyes making close contact for the first time.
They both saw fire within each others eyes, she moved so close Tommy could feel her lips gliding over his own “ one time” she whispers “ one time is alright” she tries to reassure herself.
As soon as those four words left her mouth, Tommy connects their lips, in this kiss there was a sweetness of passion, a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment. [Y/N]’s heart skips a beat, as their lips glide together, making their own secret music. This kiss dissolves and releases any doubt within [Y/N]’s mind.
Tommys mouth parts ever so slightly, his tongue teasing then parting her own lips, wanting to savour her sweetness. A soft moan escapes her as she tastes Tommy in return.
Feeling as though she was burning in overwhelming passion, [Y/N] ripped her mouth away. Both gasping for air. Tommy presses his forehead against hers as [Y/N] runs her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck.
After a few minutes, Tommy lifts his head, placing his hand on her cheek. A slient communication passes through them. They both knew love was their sun, night and day.
They knew they were each others saviours.
A/N: hey again!
So sorry this took so long, my life has been extremely hectic but I’ve finished it and I hope you like it.
Please leave, a like, comment, reblog. All is appreciated so much! ❤️
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valuunit · 3 months
best dad ever
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summary: it’s dad’s day and harry and his family celabrate it in the most chaotic way
here in mexico today’s celebrated father’s day, so yeah, i wrote this.
Content: She/her pronouns. children lol, a itty bitty of smut, i wanted to write something but i couldn’t, im with my family 💀, food, pregnancy. oh, mommy is used a couple of times sexually, but nothing crazy. that’s it ig :)
Disclaimer: English is not my first lenguaje so if there’s any mistake i’m sorry, please let me know so i can correct it :D
“c’mon guys, dad should be getting up by now.” y/n walked across the hall, standing next to the master bedroom’s door.
“we’re going mum” alisha said behind her baby brother, dereck, who was barely walking with a ballon in his little hand he was holding like his life depended on it.
she sweetly laughed and kissed her two children. “good job, wait here a minute, when i open the door we’re going to say ‘happy day, daddy styles’, alright?”
dereck laughed, showing his father’s dimples on his face, god, he was his dad in all of its splendor.
“yes mummy!”
“perfect.” she entered the room quietly, her bare feet touching the rug she and harry bought when they were moving in together to their first apartment. “harry…!” she whispered.
“hmm.” he mumbled.
“happy day, sleepyhead.” she started crawling into the bed, careful to avoid his limbs and wake him up with pain.
“oh, yeah, dad’s day. i completely forgot about it, like the rest of the world.” his green eyes were barely visible, but charming as always. his view went to his stunning wife, his words, hovering over his body.
“well, i guess i’m an e.t.” she replied closing the space between their faces.
“i guess so, your out of this world.” his hands went to her hips, sitting them in his thighs.
she laughed and kissed his cheek, then cleaning a saliva stain off of it. “you’re still a flirt, aren’t you?”
“just with you, my love” he dragged his hands up, going under her new lace pj top, passing through her spine, shoulders and back down to her ass. he smirked, giving away his intentions, but y/n didn’t.
“wai-” before she could complain a knock on the door separated them.
“well, later then.” he giggled.
“shut up!, your kid prepared something really cute for you.”
“oh, my babies.” he smiled, when someone mentions his kids his eyes light up in such warm light it’s almost heavenly.
“yes, so, act surprised.”
“mummy! a minute has passed!”
“going, baby!” y/n appeared scared of her only daughter while harry laughed so loudly dereck also did.
she quickly turned to the door, now not caring if she kicked harry’s legs or anything, which she did, right on the balls. “oof, baby!”
“sorry!” she squealed and opened the door.
“‘appy ‘ay, da’y styds!” dereck screamed.
“oh my god, good job love, but.” she laughed at the chaoticness of the situation. alisha was also laughing. “now.” she grabbed alisha by the shoulders gently and let them inside the room.
“happy day daddy!”
“‘addy haffy!” dereck jumped, jumped and landed on the bed. where harry was now seated laughing, his hands in this private area.
“my beautiful children, come here!” he opened his arms letting his daughter run towards him.
“careful!” y/n screamed when she saw alisha landing near his legs.
“come here mummy!!”
“yeah mummy, come ‘ere” harry smirked putting dereck and alisha around one arm, having space for his wife.
“going daddy harry” she went, they were happy in the bed, the ballon, which was harry’s face, floating above them, dereck still gripping it.
“what’s that honey?” with all the fuzz, harry didn’t saw that masterpiece. so he looked up, watching a not so attractive picture of him in a medium size ballon. “wow! i love it bud, thanks!” he said faking enthusiasm.
“he loves it bubba!” y/n smiled towards her son, hi smiled even more.
“i also got u something dad!” alisha went to the door, where were a plate with pancakes, that had “best dad ever!” written with nutella and berries.
“thanks honey!, it’s so pretty and sweet”
“any time, dad” alisha replied, harry laughed.
“i taught her that!” y/n said raising her hand and smiling.
“where were we?”
that’s what y/n heard as soon as she got into the bedroom after taking dereck to bed. it’s been a long day of celebrating, so it was relatively easy.
“hm?” she pretended not to have heard, turning around and quietly locking the door.
“i said…” he kissed her shoulder. “where. were. we.” kiss after kiss he was progressively getting closer to her soft spot at the back of her left ear.
“ahm” even with his kissed it was hard to think for her, “i don’t recall… anything.”
“i could make you remember, or maybe you’ll prefer me to left your pretty little mind in blank.”
she turned to face his beautiful, handsome husband. looking at her with as much love and desire as he looks at authentic tiramisu.
“i like the second one better, but first i should tell you something.” she took his cheek and kissed him passionately, slowly and lovingly.
“whatever you need” he said after a couple of minutes. they joined their foreheads, looking into each other’s eyes.
“i’m pregnant, three weeks.”
she smiled so sweetly in response to his reaction. his whole face fell in utter shock, his hands, shaking, took her face and his eyes searched for every bit of honesty his wife had to offer.
“my love, a-are you kidding?” she shook her head no, a couple of tears going down her face into her wide smile.
“that’s, that’s amazing, thank you, thank you, for everything.” he hugged her, lifted her, spun her, loved her.
“yeah, yeah, you’re welcome. now, where were we?” she smirked, her hands in his face.
“no, love, what about the… you know, thingy…” he replied looking at her stomach.
she laughed, hard. “c’mon, you promised leaving me watching stars, now you do it. it will be fine, it’s smaller than a pinhead.”
“you’re so hot, love. before we do anything else can i thank you again?”
“of course. with an orgasm.”
“your wish is my command, mommy.”
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ever-eilish · 6 months
Could you do Billie Eilish asking r out
A (not so) bad day
billie eilish x fem! reader
a day that is supposed to be horrible takes unexpected turns, after you accidentally bump into a certain singer
author's notes: thank you so much for requesting, I really appreciate it! sorry if this is not what you wanted, I really hope you like it though! once again, english is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes, enjoy❤️
warnings: a bit of cursing, but mostly fluff
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Chaotic. That was the only way to define today. You know that saying that 'nothing is so bad that it cant get worse'? So, that saying has proven true today.
I woke up 30 minutes late, spilled the coffee in my white clothes, missed the bus, and now I'm here, standing in front of the bland beige door, waiting for my boss to decide to call me to give me some more of his scolding.
Bad luck. That's the only word that can describe my day, or rather, my week.
Everything that could go wrong, did;
I'm in the midst of a series of catastrophic events ranging from the simplest, like knocking my butter breakfast bread to the floor — with the butter-covered part facing down, of course — to the more serious, like being threatened with losing my job by my annoying, weird boss.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see the door in front of me open and the middle-aged man walk out of the room - which looks more like a chain saddle.
"Well, well, it looks like you've decided to be late again?" the wretch says.
As if I'd choose to miss my bus, spill coffee on my white blouse, and wake up late.
"That way I'll have no option but to fire you," he repeats the same words he's been saying to me for so long.
Son of a bitch.
"Sir, please! I promise it won't happen again, I love my job!" I lied.
"I'm sorry, but you're officially fired," he announces, as if announcing me as an Oscar winner. I take a deep breath, count to a thousand, take another deep breath and, with all the calmness in the world, say: "FUCK YOU!" I throw my badge on the floor, and walk towards the office door, ignoring all the crooked looks directed at me, and leave that musty-smelling place.
I didn't even like it there!
My God, how am I going to pay my bills? Fuck that old cuckold.
Fuck that old-man
Oh my God, I'm going to have to sell my computer.
I hated my. co-workers anyway.
My God, my computer.
All thoughts were running. through my head in a whirlwind when suddenly I bump into someone in front of me and fall to the ground.
Without even noticing who it was, I quickly stand up muttering something like, 'I'm sorry'; and I offer my hand to the stranger sitting on the floor.
And it is at that moment that, with my hand outstretched, I begin to notice the victim of my lack of attention.
The stranger wore a black blouse with white stripes — or white with black stripes - and black shorts. Her beautiful hair had the roots dyed red, while the rest was dark brown.
I could have sworn I knew her from somewhere.
It's very sudden when I feel her warm touch on my hand - which remained stretched - and I feel the girl partially throw her weight on me to get up.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I should be more careful" she says, with an embarrassed smile.
"I'm the one who apologizes! I've been walking around thinking about nothing and ! ended up bumping into you" I say,
scratching the back of my neck.
"Are you okay? You hit it really hard against the floor" was only when the girl tells me that I notice my throbbing hip.
"I'm great!" I lied knowing full well that the last thing I was in right now was 'great'. "Hm, so, you live here?" the stranger says, acting as if she wants to continue a conversation.
I don't have anything better to do, after all, why not talk?
"No! I live in my house," say, internally cursing myself for the terrible attempt at a joke.
Anyway, she laughed, and I felt my. embarrassment soon go away when I heard the good sound of that laughter.
"Oh got it, you're the funny type, then?"
she asks me, clearly joking.
"That's what they say"
We stare at each other for a while when very quietly, I hear the click of a camera. The girl seems to hear the same thing as I do, when she suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me nto the convenience store next to us.
What the fuck is going on?
She pulls me further into the store and 'hides' behind a food rack.
Holy shit, is she being followed?
My God, could it be that she's a serial killer and I recognized her because of that?
Holy shit, I'm too young to die.
What if...
I am interrupted from my mental breakdown at the sound of his voice.
"Hm, I'm sorry about that. You know how it is, right? Paparazzi are everywhere."
My God, I was right.
She's a serial killer and I'm her next victim. "Are you going to kill me?" my eyes widen as I ask.
"What?" she says to me, visibly confused, "my. name is Billie! I'm a singer."
I let myself take a deep breath when I hear what Billie tells me. Well, at least I won't die today.
"Hey, I really enjoyed talking to you, and I wanted to meet you again" she says, looking deep into my eyes "what do you think about going to a coffee shop with me one of these days?"
Is she asking me out on a date?
"Like a date?"
"I want to!" I reply promptly, and watch as she rummages through her purse for a pen.
"Here!" She finally finds a blue fine-tipped pen, pulls out my hand, and writes something.
Before I can process what was happening, I feel a small kiss being left on my cheek and watch her walk out of the store with her head down.
When I look into my hand, I read:
"Cafeteria 221B, Baker Street;
03/22, at 9:00 pm.
See ya<3"
Maybe today wasn't such a bad day after all.
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violet-moonstone · 1 year
HTTYD Sibling/Family Relationships
Some things I wish we got more of in the franchise are A) family relationships, and B) other young people in Berk who are older or younger than the main 6 riders and Gustav.
We didn't, so here's my headcanons.
First one isn't very original because in the books Snotlout and Hiccup are related and Snotlout says he's "next in line" in THW but I would love it if Spitelout and Stoick were canonically brothers (or brothers-in-law!!!), making Hiccup and Snotlout cousins too. I want Hiccup and Snotlout, despite being only-children, to have grown up like brothers who can't stand each other. Before the events of HTTYD, Snotlout teases Hiccup about how he'll usurp him, but when Hiccup trains Toothless, the rivalry becomes even worse, as Snotlout finds himself in second place - this already happens to a certain extent in RoB/DoB, but now it's more pronounced. Them improving their relationship and avoiding the pitfalls of Stoick and Spitelout's rivalry is even more meaningful. Also as we know from comments Snotlout has made about sewing, his mother is a sweet lady who teaches her son crafts. Too good for Spitelout, tbh. Would be nice if she were also a fierce fighter who is super good at sewing too.
Fishlegs is a very protective older brother to a younger sister who is similarly sensitive and sweet. He, however, stops being sweet the second anyone poses emotional or physical danger to her. He loves taking her flying on Meatlug when she's still too small for her own dragon, and he's always teaching her dragon facts. I think his parents are very sweet as well. His mom is a super tall and busty Viking lady very while his dad is smaller. They're both sheep and yak farmers and not really the warrior type. Fishlegs got his love of animals from growing up on a farm.
Astrid is the youngest of at least 3 older siblings (either brothers or sisters, doesn't matter) who are all very accomplished. Each excels in either strength, intelligence, or stealth, but they're all pretty brave fighters in general. (I'm thinking she has at least one brother who is very strong but not super bright - big himbo energy. Ruffnut probably has a crush on him, and it creeps Astrid out). As the youngest, Astrid feels like she has to live up to and exceed all of their abilities. She also *hates* being the baby of the family, which is why she's so aggressive. One of her parents is doting (probably does something in crafting) while the other is very intense (a warrior).
Ruffnut and Tuffnut are the middle siblings of a huge-ass family and have lots of extended family as well. Literally everyone in their family is chaotic as hell in their own unique, Thorston way. They do everything from farming, fishing, smithing, fighting, etc, because there are so many of them. Berk is already a small community, and it's very common to have at least one Thorston relative somewhere in your family. Eventually, they have to identify Thorstons by jobs, landmarks, or well-known events (Those are the Baker Thorstons, or the Cliffside Thorstons, or the Thorstons-that-Ruined-Snoggletog, etc.)
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justthewayuare · 1 year
About mothers
Only Friends is a show about young chaotic (mostly)gays so it’s definitely not a show I expected a discussion about abortions and reproductive rights from. It’s clearly not their theme and I get it.
But still there is a very careful and insightful approach to it and I do appreciate now the writing team depicted on that. I talk about Sand and Ray and the difference we see with their mothers.
Sand mom isn’t a perfect parent - and it’s fine, cause parents are still people and people aren’t perfect. She is a bit unhinged and irresponsible, for sure. She has a questionable job in society’s eyes (can you see how my own eyes are rolling on that), she has debts her son is paying and she thinks it’s a good idea to use that for birthday surprise.
But she is loving, caring and supportive. She clearly gave Sand all the most important things a child needs from their parents. We can see how they love each other, how they trust each other and this is beautiful relationship. She is a good mom.
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And I can’t get over a fact how supportive she was towards Ray - a boy she only met - did Ray ever get that kind of attention from his own mother?
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And Sand was an unexpected pregnancy. She chose to keep him and he became the love of her life, and this is beautiful and touching. And while it lays with the common agenda that unwanted pregnancy always leads to wanted child, this show proves it wrong right away.
Cause, yes, it can be that way. It is that way for Sand’s mother. But it can be way different from that.
Ray’s mom also kept an unwanted child. But it didn’t lead to her being happy with him. It led to postpartum depression she never won over. Her son meant for her crushing of all her dreams and ambitions. And of course it’s not his fault. It’s not her fault either. That just happens sometimes - women not always mean or want to be mothers.
I don’t speak Thai and English is not my native language but I find it so interesting what praising Sand and Ray use in that scene.
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Sand says: she didn’t expect me. Ray says: she was knocked up. Much ruder language with underlying meaning “I became her misery”.
So yes, sometimes - and pretty often I think - decision to keep an unwanted child can lead to great and happy relationship.
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But sometimes it can ruin woman’s life.
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And it will also harm the life of her child. And while it is possible to learn to live with that, it will never disappear.
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It’s not my (or anyones) place to judge or say what would be right or wrong in those situations. But I do appreciate the show for giving us two such different real life experiences. Not depicting on one or another, just telling that life is different for everyone. Situations are different. And same choices can lead to very different outcomes.
I guess you never know, right?
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[5] James Takes Liam to School
Summary: The month following your birthday sees you and Liam growing closer with James outside of school, and when you're stressed and in a rush, James offers to help.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam). Last one was really long and this one is kinda just regular length, sorry :/
A/N (26/7/2024): ok I made a small change since I first posted this ... just figured a little Tonks cameo would be fun lol so now Tonks watches Liam before school :)
Previous Part: Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift Next Part: You Get A Visitor in the ER Series Masterlist here
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Okok first lemme explain something really quick
Your apartment building has a lobby sort of thing on the first floor right as you walk in
And this lobby doesn’t really have a ceiling if you know what I mean? Like the building is hollow above the lobby area, and there are like balcony/hallway things inside the building for each floor where you can enter the apartments
(idk if that makes sense but please just bear with me on this one pls)
So you and Liam’s apartment is on the second floor of the building, right above the post boxes for the building
And you, Liam, and James have figured out that James’ apartment is the one right above yours
You’re not 100% sure how you feel about this yet … but so far it’s only brought good things (read: cookies for your birthday and seeing James get his mail every day while you’re on your way out the door for work)
James, on the other hand, is lowkey super thrilled
Bc he loves (LOVES) to see you in your scrubs early every morning
The two of you have made a habit of making light conversation for a couple minutes in the morning
(Or sometimes James just waves at you with the sweetest, prettiest, kindest smile if you’re in a rush)
It’s the highlight of James’ day tbh
Maybe tied with seeing Liam at school
You and James have actually become pretty good friends through these small interactions
Over the month or so since your birthday, James has learned, little by little, what constitutes a regular day in you and Liam’s household
Mornings are rather chaotic since you usually work 12-hour shifts from 7 to 7, so you pay one of the high school girls that lives in the building to watch Liam for an hour and drive him to school
You leave at 6:30-ish, which is right around the time James gets his mail (fucking morning person)
(He's started putting an alarm on his phone for 6:20 to remember to see you get the mail every morning)
Tonks is the girl who watches Liam in the morning (she insists you call her that and who are you to say no), and she also picks him up from school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and drops him off at Ms. Hope’s house across the street for a few hours before you can pick him up from there and take him home (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Ms. Hope can pick Liam up herself)
It’s a couple evenings a week that James crosses paths with you and Liam as you’re walking across the street back from Ms. Hope’s house
He always takes fifteen minutes or so (as long as you and Liam have the time) to talk with Liam about his day, what he enjoyed at school, if he had trouble on any homework (which is rare), and what he and Ms. Hope got up to after school
(Secretly, James hopes you’ll be impressed with how good he is with kids even though it’s literally his job lmao he knows it’s backwards thinking but he’s just so smitten)
But James knows better than to ask the same boring “what are you doing today” during your daily morning chats
Every morning, he asks you a random question about yourself
The second morning you and James talked (he hadn’t thought to ask you much more than “what are you doing up so early” the first time around), he’d asked about your favorite color
Then it was whether you prefer cats or dogs
James knows a bunch of random trivia about you now, like your favorite food and how you hate working in the med-surg unit and the name of your favorite stuffed animal from your childhood
And every morning, James tells you his own answer to the question of the day
His favorite color is red (which you think fits him, but he specified that he likes a dark wine color or a maraschino cherry best), he likes cats but prefers dogs (he laughed to himself when he told you like he was making an inside joke, but you didn’t ask questions), his favorite food is his mom’s recipe for biryani (you noted that he used the past tense when speaking of her), he loves bringing his kids to the library because one of his best friends is the librarian (James mentioned Remus, and you nodded because he’s Ms. Hope’s son), and his favorite stuffed animal is a plush rabbit named Miss Beatrice, who he still has in his apartment (you bullied him into admitting that he still sleeps with her on occasion, but it's so sweet you can't really laugh)
It’s become almost a sort of game, and you’ve come to know each other quite a bit more in these little five- or ten-minute interactions
It’s fun :)
And it’s normal and regular and consistent, and you and James like it that way
So James is rather alarmed when you come rushing down the stairs and into the lobby at 6:40 one morning, Liam running along with you with his school bag, trying to keep pace
You heave a sigh as you come to stand James’ side, checking your own mailbox (which you usually don’t do in the morning, and it makes James all the more concerned)
James can tell you’re trying not to brush him off but it’s obvious you’re in a rush
You’re halfway through explaining to him that Tonks came down with bronchitis and can’t watch Liam, and on top of that, your alarm didn’t go off this morning because you’d turned it off yesterday for your day off and forgot to turn it back on so you’re already running late, and you hate asking Ms. Hope to watch Liam at the asscrack of dawn—
James doesn’t really think about the words he says before they’re coming out of his mouth
He just offers to take Liam to school
It’s not like he’d be going out of the way for it anyway, I mean he and Liam are going to the exact same place and Liam has already been in James’ apartment before and knows it relatively well, so what’s the harm?
And you kinda … freeze … for a second
And at this point, James knows you pretty well, you know?
He knows you’re gonna refuse, say you can’t ask that of him, so he reassures you that it won’t be a problem at all and says he and Liam will have fun and get to school on time and everything
Just for added effect, he winks at Liam, who giggles and tugs on the sleeve of the shirt under your scrubs and asks with the sweetest, widest eyes if he can stay with Mr. Potter for the morning
And ever the thoughtful little boy, Liam reasons that then you won’t have to be stressed about bothering Ms. Hope or about where Liam might be for an hour in the morning
You’re considering the options, looking between James’ and Liam’s wide, excited eyes, until you finally sigh quietly
Just to be sure, you ask James if he’s sure he doesn’t mind
And of course, James doesn’t
(It took a while for James to convince you to stop calling him Mr. Potter and he’s always seen how you hesitate for a moment before calling him James, but he surprises himself with just how hot he feels under the collar when you don’t hesitate to call him by his first name this time)
You look down at Liam again and nod lightly, and your son is just all smiles and buzzing with excitement immediately
He gives you a hug around one of your legs, which you reciprocate as best as you can, and you exchange ‘I love you’s before you’re thanking James profusely on your way out the door
James watches you get in your car and drive away through the glass front doors of the building
And he must have an awfully fond look on his face
Because Liam just looks up at him with the cutest scrutinizing eyes you’ll ever see and asks “Do you like-like my mom?”
James just about chokes on his spit lmaooo
But Liam isn’t letting James off the hook without an answer, so James tries to be as tactful (and evasive) as he can be and says
“Your mom is very sweet, Liam. I can see where you get it from.”
Your chaotic morning was truly a warning for the rest of the day, because work really sucked
And by the end of your shift, you realize you didn’t tell James where Liam should go after school due to the unforeseen circumstances of the morning, so you’re hoping you won’t find your son sitting on the welcome mat outside of your apartment
But you figure you’ll go to Ms. Hope’s in case James kept to the usual schedule
But when you arrive, Ms. Hope says that James had actually called and told her he’d be taking Liam to his apartment and to tell you that’s where your son would be when you got home
So ofc that’s where you go next
You sort of hesitate to knock on the door at first, just because you’ve never been in or even around James’ apartment and it makes you strangely nervous
(Which is weird because you assisted with surgery on a man who’d been in a motorcycle accident earlier that day, and you’d come out on the other side of that alive and mostly mentally intact)
But your fist kinda just acts for you and knocks on James’ front door
There’s silence, then a high-pitched giggle (Liam) and a sweet chuckle (presumably James) before the door is yanked open and your son is flying into your arms
Well, more like into your legs bc he’s six and short lmao
But you pick him up and rest him on your hip like he’s a lot lighter than he is
And he’s immediately babbling away at you about all the fun things they did at school and how he wants to hang out with Mr. Potter every morning and afternoon and he missed you and look what he made for you during art class today!
You’re already feeling better from your shit day at work, and when you finally get the chance to look towards the doorway again, James is there with the softest, most … ugh he's just the sweetest
Because he looks so in love
And you sort of hate that you can see it in the way he looks at you and Liam
James is truly the kindest, most compassionate man you’ve ever met, and you know that at the end of the day, even when he looks at you and your son like that, you’re already counting the obstacles in your head
Because first and foremost, you’re a mother, always, and your son will always come first no matter what
And James is literally Liam’s kindergarten teacher, and there’s no way you’d even entertain the idea of putting your child’s education anywhere near your own entanglements
And even if that wasn’t a problem, and as much as James makes lovie eyes at you, you haven’t dated since Liam’s father
It would be an enormous change, both for you and Liam
And again, you don’t want your son to get hurt
You hope you’re not as transparent as you feel and that your thoughts aren’t being projected onto your forehead, but the way James reacts to you looking at him makes you think that maybe they were
But … maybe not, because you give him a tight-lipped, sort-of-melancholy smile, and all James does is smile back, and there’s a sort of understanding that passes between you as your son babbles in your arms about his class’ dioramas of the jurassic period
Not now, but … Maybe.
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Next Part: You Get A Visitor in the ER
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lisaas2418 · 9 months
So what does the great 7 think of the overblot's parents? I can wait to see the Queen of Hearts using her iconic quote to Riddle's mom, Ursula and Queen Grimhilde being proud that Azul's and Vil's have great parents, Hades being confused on how his parents are like compare to what he imagine (before their debut, the fandom assume they are neglectful and not caring given they didnt appear in the flashback) that but male sense where the shroud brothers' personality, Jafar scolding Jamil's parents for lowering his potential, Maleficent feeling bad about his dead parent(s?) (Assume if you heard the theory about it), and not sure about Leona unless replace his parents with Farena. Leona doesn't talk much how his parents affected him other than his dad being sick.
Yeah the opinion on the parents are quite different 😅
(If some segments are short, don't come at me there is just not much I can write about)
Riddle's Mum
We havent fully se her sprite ingame, but I think as soon as sje appears everyone will go off on her. Amd I'm not only talking about the fandom. So as the Queen of Hearts heard about Riddles Mum, she went as red as the red roses in her garden. She demended on seeing his mum while loudly screaming "HOW DARE SHE TREATS HIM LIKE THAT?! IT WILL BE OFF WITH HER HEAD". Everyone had to calm her down, while Riddle explained that it would be very chaotic if a historical figure like her would suddendly appear in his home and that he already tries to change his mothers mind (although it doesnt really works).
If his Mum were to ever appear in the House of Mouse though she WILL be going off on her
Leona's Parent's
There is not much info regarding both of them, but I really doubt they are bad parents. They clearly were not the factor on Leonas mental state and werent judging him or telling he should be like his brother. As you said Farena is by Leonas saying sick and thus why his older brother is king. Leona never seemed to express hatred or dislike to his parents, so its easy to assume that he is alright about them. So Scar doesnt have much of a dislike to them, he is just glad that he has atleast somewhat decent parents (who didnt named their son Take which means trash)
Azul's Parent's
As far as we heard of them, his parents seem to be really great. Not only are they NOT the reason why Azul has problems but they are present in his life and being lovely to him. So yeah Ursula likes them a lot
Jamil's Parents
Ok well they are not really terrible but they do made Jamil always stay in the shadow of Kalim (often even though he was clearly better at some things) and it may just be me but I think they even hurted him?? Again not sure if this is correct so feel free to correct me. Jafar doesnt hold them in great regard since for one he himself had to always serve someone who is not really smart amd second they are just stalling his talents which is not a good thing for parents to do.
Yes Jafar is not a good person, but even he knows about it
Vil's father
We didnt saw much of him, but he supports Vil's goal and even said to him that he is fit to play the hero role in any movie. So yeah the evil queen thinks he is a good father
Idia's parents
They are a perfect example of "thinking someones terrible, but they turn out to be good" parents. It was really weird and good finding out that Idias and Orthos parents love both of them and that they are just not always there because of their jobs (which they didnt even asked for). The way they reassured Ortho that despite him beinh a humanoid robot of the "real" Ortho, they love him the same as they did with the other and consider him family. Hades was skeptical at first (as we all were) but he ends finding them great, because yeah he can relate on having a job he didnt even asked for
Malleu's parents
Not much can be said except they really loved him as he was an egg and that his mother was willing to die to protect him, and also Lilias parential love towards him being the reason he hatched is just so sweet. Maleficent feels empathy toward his parents but she also thinks Lilia did a great job at raising him (and Silver)
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
Hi my sweetest Luna love 🌙. I saw you put a call out for dad!Eddie ideas/requests. I’ve got one I’d like to propose.
In episode 8, Eddie says, “when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball, my old man was teaching me how to hot-wire.”
I feel like this would weigh heavily on Eddie when he becomes a dad, and he would want to be a good role model for his son. But, Eddie realizes he still doesn’t know about those hobbies so he enlists Wayne’s help. Cue the three generations of Munson men having cute bonding moments. :)
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Gone Fishing: The Munson Men…
part two of my little mini series wherein you’re married to eddie, have a son named james, and now a daughter named quinn. features a whole lot of wayne as well. you don’t have to read part one to understand this one, but it’ll likely give some insight into background information. warnings: mentions of childbirth; newborn situations; worms being used as bait.
dad!eddie munson x afab!mom!reader. (4.2k words)
People say that the jump from one child to two isn’t that chaotic. That once you’re used to parenting, it becomes an extension of a normal routine.
Those people, Eddie decides, are also called liars.
He loves Quinn.
He loves his infant daughter more than words can even begin to express; hell, he cried in the hospital room like a baby himself when the doctor shouted, “It’s a girl!” and finally answered all the months of questioning who the little one growing inside your belly had been.
But, just as James had as a baby, Quinn quickly takes up both your time.
Nights of sleep become a thing of the past, and he’s quickly reminded of what the newborn stage, however wonderful, looks like. Routines shift and become endless midnight diaper changes to give you time to rest, turning over to tap your shoulder and wake you to swap shifts so you can feed her. As you lay her against your chest, he heads down to the kitchen and tries to clean up the messes from all the times she’s woken before that.
So it comes as no surprise the way James begins to grow a little frustrated with the whole ordeal. No longer the littlest Munson in the family, he’s taken up a habit of doing things out of line to garner Eddie’s and your attention.
The first week Quinn is earth side, he pitches a fit because she’s simply a girl (and he’d begged his mom and dad for a brother). He asks Eddie to “send her back to the stork.” Steve and Nancy reassure you both that it’s normal; however, they don’t warn or prepare you for the angry whining from your son when he asks to show either of you something in the middle of tending to his baby sister. Nor do they warn you that four year olds are inclined to have tantrums if either of you ask him to “wait just a minute” when he really doesn’t want to be patient at all.
So while Quinn cries, James cries, and then you cry (sleep is an elusive thing these days, so he never faults you for the changing tides of your wavering emotions)—and Eddie knows he needs to do something.
And soon.
“Are you sure you’ll be fine on your own?” he asks as he enters the room.
He drops down onto the bed where you’re presently sitting against a mountain of pillows with his three week old in arm. You offer him a tired smile as he leans down to kiss Quinn’s head of dark hair.
Another very Munson looking baby, if he does say so himself.
“We’ll be fine,” you promise, sighing when his forehead rests against yours, his nose running along yours affectionately. “She’ll probably sleep most of the time you’re gone anyway. Have fun. And say hi to Wayne for me. Tell him to come by soon.”
Eddie groans, sliding down onto his stomach to marvel at his newborn daughter. Ringed fingers reach out to touch her, thumb swiping down her chubby cheek. The baby stirs within her swaddle, bleary eyes sleepily searching about for her parents.
“I just hate leaving her. What if she grows up while I’m gone? Gets her first job and goes off to college? A first boyfriend that I’ll have to murder and you’ll have to be my alibi for?”
He pouts, earning a laugh out of you for his still-present dramatic flair that’s as much a part of his DNA as the love he holds in his heart for his growing family.
Eddie watches those dark eyes as they flutter open once more and take in her father’s face, lip curling upward at the way her lips part very slightly, her tiny grunts warming him from the inside out.
“Hey, Quinnie. Daddy loves you.”
“She’s going to be just fine, and she’ll still be just as cute and little as you left her. But yes, I will be your accomplice when the time comes,” you reassure him, stroking a hand down the back of his head. He leans into the comfort, sliding his hand over yours. “Go—have fun with James and Wayne. It’s his special day, after all.”
Which is true.
Being that most of your time is spent feeding a newborn around the clock and trying to work around her inconsistent sleeping schedule, you're struggling to spend all the time you want with James.
Eddie had held you in the kitchen a few nights ago after dinner, an arm curled around your shoulders to keep you close as you sniffled against his neck, worrying you weren’t a good mother. He knew it was the hormones talking, but it ripped his heart down the middle even hearing you question how wonderful you’d been to his son and him since you’d begun dating shortly after he’d graduated high school.
“You’re taking care of a newborn,” he’d said, quieting your tears with two palms against your cheeks, and the gentle brush of his lips across every possible inch of your face. “You’re a kickass mother. The best wife—hottest too. I mean, shit, baby—”
You buried your face in his chest, snorting at his compliment.
“It’s true. Can’t believe I fooled you into dating me and now having kids with me.” Your balled up fist nudged against his abdomen, earning a laugh from deep within his chest. “Quinnie is so tiny now. It’ll get easier. But I have an idea; how about I take Jim Jam for a little outing? We’ll spend time with his Pop Pop and we’ll do…Munson men things.”
Which brings him back to his current situation: lifting Quinn out of your arms to press parting kiss after parting kiss to her curly head of dark hair until her little face scrunches around her binky.
Eddie hushes her back to sleep and you nearly have to pry her out of his greedy fingers to get him to hand her back over. He watches you grin widely, inhaling her new baby smell you’re both addicted to when she’s back against your chest and nuzzling her downy forehead lovingly.
Quinn Leigh Munson has stolen his heart and he doesn’t particularly care who knows it.
With his daughter back in the cradle of your arms, Eddie leans down to brush one last kiss against your lips and Quinn’s plush cheek before calling James into the bedroom.
In scampers the four-year-old a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, his too-big rain boots scrunching with every step.
“Ready to hit the road, Jim Jam?” Eddie asks, ruffling his son’s dark curls. “Say bye to Mom and Quinnie.”
With a little help from Eddie, James crawls across the bed and presses a kiss to your cheek. You giggle airily as he curls himself around your body, close as he possibly can be, just like Eddie tends to when it’s the two of you alone at night.
“Bye, Mommy.”
The words are a smush of his face against your collarbone and forehead into your neck, one hand resting on your opposite shoulder. All wriggling movements and flailing arms that jostle the baby.
Quinn stirs within your arms, little whimpering cries beckoning James to attention as you kiss him fleetingly on the top of his head.
He’s already leaning down close to her face, a pout firmly against his full lips. “Quinnie, why are you always crying? Ugh—”
“James,” Eddie warns, catching the furrowed brow on his son’s forehead. Your eyes flicker upward, amusement bubbling despite the four-year-old’s growing annoyance. “She’s a baby. You cried a lot when you were her age too.”
“Fine,” he says with a huff.
The boy presses a kiss to his sister’s wrinkly brow and clambers back off the bed. There’s a squelch of boots on the carpet before he’s thumping into Eddie’s left hip, an arm curling around his father’s thigh to hold tight.
James’ head tips back, eyes looking into his father’s. “Can we go see Pop Pop now?”
“Yeah, buddy, we can go see Pop Pop.” Eddie takes you in once more where you sit. Tired as you are, his heart clenches violently, both because you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever met and the love of his life. You lean over to snatch Quinn’s bottle from the bedside table to start another feeding. “We’ll see you later. Love you.”
“Love you boys. Take a ton of pictures. Jim Jam, make sure to catch me a big fish.”
“I’ll catch you the biggest fish!” He jumps up and down excitedly, head bumping against the one Eddie has left to rest against his son’s curls. “Love you, Mommy.”
Lover’s Lake remains untouched by the world that evening.
Most are likely at work for the evening, while students, now on summer break, mill about the arcade, that popular new roller rink in town, and the ice cream shops in the shopping square.
Eddie had taken the afternoon off—had been doing so pretty often when possible at the shop to help care for the new baby—to make sure he’d be able to give James his full attention.
The little boy in question practically launches himself out of the car when Eddie unbuckles him from his car seat, glowing at the prospect of fishing with his dad and Pop Pop, a wide smile sliding across pink lips.
At Eddie’s soft utterance of “One second, buddy,” he curls his arms loosely around Eddie’s neck so his father can draw him up against hip. The door slams shut behind him to reveal Wayne standing in the distance against his car, fishing supplies resting on the ground near his feet.
James’ hand curls into Eddie’s curly hair resting against his shoulder, eyes bright as he asks, “Can I go say hi to Pop Pop?”
Eddie nods and helps him to the ground. Grins widely as the boy takes off in a burst of energy, little legs kicking under him, arms flailing at his sides before Wayne reaches down to grab him and hike him upward into his solid chest.
James’ lyrical laughter trails up the hill as Eddie makes his way over, the lunch bag that you prepared for them bouncing against his side with every footfall—another reminder of all the ways his life has changed since you walked into it nearing six years ago now.
He remembers fond moments of sitting at this very lake with the back doors of his van spread wide, you on your back, with your skin still smelling of sunblock, looking up at him like he was the only person in the world. He remembers your fingers trailing along his skin and endless cherry chapstick kisses, whispers of love like gentle caresses long after the day turned into night, and promises of forever echoing behind both your rib cages.
Now you’re married with two children, he’s just as in love if not more so now, and the lake that had been your private sanctuary away from the rest of Hawkins is the place he’ll make new memories with your son.
The same little boy, hewn together by your love.
The same little boy with your eyes, his father’s curls, joy and love in his heart, and laughter that makes Eddie wonder how he ever got so lucky.
You chose him, you still choose him every day, and what a lovely thing it was to be so wholly loved and accepted.
It’s funny, Eddie thinks, that he’s never really thought about what normal things fathers and sons share together. His own hadn’t been the greatest of examples, reaching him to hotwire a car without ever teaching him how to swim or ride a bike.
And he supposes that’s been his trepidation all along about raising a son. Four years in and he still doubts himself—still questions that you’ve given him not one, but two babies to guide through life. But it’s in those moments he remembers his Uncle’s care.
The way the man now outfitting his son in a too-big fishing hat and vest shows the same kindness he instilled in him when he’d arrived on his doorstep and moved to Hawkins.
His silent reverie is broken up by James’ laughter. A high peal that breaks through the silence of Lover’s Lake. Eyes drawing upward, he catches the little boy in his bright yellow boots raising a wriggling worm to eye-level, beaming from ear to ear.
“Daddy! Look—a worm!” He’s so proud of himself, peering into the bucket beside Wayne’s tackle box, reaching down to grab another and extending it to his father. “I got one for you!”
Eddie chuckles, joining his grinning Uncle’s side as he settles their tools down on the dock. “Buddy, your mom is going to kill me. There’s dirt under your nails already.”
“I’ll wash real good, don’t worry,” he says brightly, padding over to Wayne. “Pop Pop, what do we do now?”
“Well, now we hook the worm and cast our lines.”
“The worms? But they’re my friends.” James pouts, like he can’t fathom using them as bait, and before his bottom lip can start to wobble, Eddie’s dropping down to kneel in front of him.
“So…you know how Goldy back home eats those little flakes?” he asks, speaking of the goldfish Eddie had won for his son at the Fourth of July fair.
James nods, eyes watering. He sniffles. “Yeah. His gill food.”
Eddie chuckles. “Yeah, his gill food. The fish in the lake need that food too. But they need bigger food.”
“So the worms?” he asks sadly. At Eddie’s slow nod he continues, “Can I keep one?”
“Maybe,” Eddie concedes, and that’s enough to have the little boy resuming his spot at Pop Pop’s side, peering over the edge of the dock.
“Pop Pop?” James’ voice raises over the silence. Over the sounds of water lapping against the dock, the sounds of cicadas in the distance, the gentle chatter of birdsong.
Eddie turns to watch as his son leans into Wayne’s shoulder, gentle smile blooming along that sweet little face. Wayne cranes his neck downward, palm curling around the boy’s shoulder. “What’s it, Jim Jam?”
“What do we do now?” he asks, hands holding aloft that too-big fishing rod for his four-year-old body.
Eddie glances down at his own hands, where his own rod is resting within, turning his wedding ring round and around his finger. When his Uncle speaks once more, his head raises in piqued interest. “Well…now we wait. There’s this sayin’.”
“What’s the saying?” James asks.
“Good things come to those that wait,” Wayne says softly, brushing a thumb along James’ cheek, grinning when the little boy giggles gleefully.
“Daddy?” Eddie’s head jerks upward at the title, fondness bubbling up when his son places his fishing rod down on the dock and walks over to his father’s side. Thumps down onto the wood below to lean into Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie welcomes him. Opens his arm enough for the little one to clamber into his lap, head over his father’s heart, palm curling into his ratty old Metallica tee. “What’s Pop Pop’s saying mean?”
“Well…” Eddie glances over his son’s head to look at his Uncle. Takes in his weathered features, the upturn of his lips, that comforting smile that has the tension roiling in his gut easing. “Remember when your Mommy said Quinnie was in her belly and you were so excited.”
“Yeah!” He giggles when Eddie’s fingers slide down to tickle his ribs, his father’s arms winding tighter around his smaller form.
“Remember how it took a long long long time before Quinn came?” Eddie asks, grinning softly when James dips his head. “And remember how it was so worth it, because now our family is even bigger? Well—fishing is like that. You have to wait until a fish is ready, but when it is…it’s worth it.”
“Oh…” His son dips his head once more. Those round eyes meet his father’s once more. “Daddy, can I have juice now?”
Conversation over, he supposes. About right for James’ attention span. Eddie laughs, heart warming at the fleeting nature of a four year old mind. Reaches into the cooler sitting near his hip on the dock to pull out a juice box. His fingers work swiftly to open the plastic wrapper, slipping the straw into the top before handing it to the boy. “Always, buddy.”
“You’re doin’ a good job, son. I know you don’t always feel like it, but ya are. And I'm proud of ya.”
Eddie doesn’t expect those words. Doesn’t know what to do with them really. For years his own father regarded him as little. Never cared for his hobbies, likes, interests. Barely paid attention to him most days. And then he’d up and left. Packed up his stuff and walked away from his wife, his son, the life he once knew. Made Eddie wonder if love was this abstract thing. Made him wonder if he deserved it at all.
Then, his mother had passed and he’d been sent to live with Wayne in this home that didn’t really feel like home. He’d taken him under his wing and loved him as best as he could. Showed him patience and love when Eddie had only known dismissiveness and passivity.
And then he’d met you. You with your bright smiles and that endless well of affection. He’d shied away from it at first. Pretended it meant nothing; tucked you away in his mind and pursued you under the guise of friendship. But you’d coaxed him out of the shadows into the light, tended to him and waited as he opened his heart to you, just as Wayne had, and made him question if he’d been wrong all along.
Maybe love wasn’t this abstract thing. Maybe it was something all were entitled to. Something all were deserving of. And that love had grown, had grown into two little souls that shared his heart. Two little souls made up of half his DNA. Two souls who looked to him for guidance, for affection, for a firm foundation to stand on.
He didn’t want to mess it up for his own kids. Wanted them to know every day how much he loved them, how he’d do anything for them, how he’d love his family in the way he’d never known growing up.
“You’re goin’ a good job,” Wayne reiterates, curling a palm around his nephew’s shoulder.
Draws him back to his present reality. In the distance, James talks to his new worm friends still wriggling around in the bucket Wayne had brought along. Promises he’ll take them home and his mom will take care of them. Eddie has yet to remind his son that he and his worm friends will have to part at the end of the day. Instead, he turns to his uncle and smiles, chest blooming with something foreign. An emotion that wells behind his eyes—fills his throat with a tightness he can’t seem to swallow around.
He clears his throat, brushing at his eyes. “I’m trying.”
“That boy loves you, son,” Wayne says, glancing out toward where James is now holding aloft one of his new friends. His head of curly dark hair tips to the side, mouth moving rapidly, likely telling a story like his own father does for him every night before bed. “Hell, I think half of parentin’ is figurin’ things out on the way. I mean, I didn’t know what I was doin’ with you and now here you are. A fine mechanic and a manager at the shop at that, a husband, and a damn good father. To not one, but two babies now. Your Momma would be so happy if she could see you now.”
Eddie glances back over to his son with tears swimming in his eyes. Watches that head of curly hair turn his way. The way his son’s lips curl upward at the sight of him, like he can’t contain the happiness of merely seeing his own father. And Eddie smiles back. Waves as his heart clenches within his chest. Because inside that little boy beats part of his own heart, and anyone can see from looking at James that he’s thriving.
That he’s happy and loved.
And Eddie knows, without a doubt, that he’s doing a damn good job.
You’re in the kitchen when Eddie returns. Little Quinn is resting in a sling against your chest as you work to put away newly cleaned dishes while a pot of noodles cook on the stovetop.
Eddie’s shouting he’s home as James rushes into the house, cooler thumping against his shorter thighs. Nearly smacks into your legs just as you hoist him up onto your free hip, somehow managing to not wake the baby in the process.
“Mommy, I caught the biggest fish!” He announces proudly, snuggling his face into the crook of your neck. “And when Quinnie is big enough, I’m gonna teach her how to catch one too!”
He swoops down to kiss his baby sister. Tells her he loves her against the soft curls at her forehead.
Eddie laughs brightly, sauntering into the kitchen to lean against the counter nearest you, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. Drops down lower to kiss Quinn’s head of dark hair. She stirs in the wrap, little noises of contentment filling the air, before she settles back down in her sleep.
“Did you, Jim Jam?” You ask him, eyes wide in your curiosity.
“Yes! And daddy helped. He had to fight the fish. But he won!”
Your eyes dart to Eddie’s, bouncing James higher up onto your hip. “Is that so?”
Eddie’s fingers card through James’ hair, lips pressing against his son’s temple. “I helped him reel it in.”
Your mouth drops open in overly dramatized shock, and James’ eyes light up before the both of you. Eddie swears right then and there he wants another baby (but he’ll ask you later, when Quinn’s not attached to you for feedings every two hours).
“Well…can I see this monstrous fish that the two of you had to fight to bring home?”
And there, in the little cooler, resides the smallest fish you’ve likely ever seen.
But damn, if Eddie’s not happier than he’s ever been in his life.
That feeling bleeds over into the evening. He rides that lovely peak until James and Quinn are finally put to bed, the house silent at last, save for the sound of your quiet breathing beside him in your bed.
“I love you, you know?” He says softly, brushing his hand over the curve of your waist.
Your hips shift backward against his, and he curls his other arm tighter around your form. Draws you nearer. “I love you, too. I’m happy you all had fun today.”
“Can you look at me for a second?” His voice is quiet. Shaky. You roll over at the broken timbre of his voice, hands coming up to thumb along both of his cheeks. At the brush of your lips against his, he continues, “Thank you.”
“For what, honey?”
He drops his forehead into yours. Inhales shakily. “I don’t know. Loving me. Giving me this family. I don’t know what I’m doing half the time, but I’m grateful you picked me to do it with.”
“Eddie…” You wrap your arms tight around him. Hold his head against your chest where he focuses on the calming beat of your heart inside. “You’re a wonderful husband, an amazing son, and an incredible father. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
You punctuate each word with a kiss against his crown, fingers brushing through the curls at the nape of his neck.
“We are so lucky to have you.”
And he smiles. Truly and honestly smiles against your chest, palms splaying over your hips, holding you close.
Because maybe he’s not perfect. Maybe neither of you are. You’re learning together what it means to parent as you navigate this new and unfamiliar territory—as both your babies grow and change and learn. But you’re doing it together and will be forever.
It brings him peace.
And later, when Quinn wakes with a shrill cry, and Eddie pulls her writhing body against his chest to try and soothe her with kisses to her brow, he recalls a conversation he had with Wayne earlier that evening.
“I just have one question?”
“What do I do with my daughter when she grows up? She’s so little now. But shit—a girl?”
There’s a pause. “How’s your aim?”
“What’s wrong?” You ask, stirring from where you lay in bed, still tired from Quinn’s earlier feeding.
“Go back to sleep. I've got her.” Eddie draws her into the crook of his elbow, resting her against his chest. She wrinkles her features in another weaker cry, fists shaking in her anger as he rocks her gently. Soon enough the wailing subsides. Those tired eyes of her open to briefly take in her father’s face before shutting once more, mouth working over the bottle he slips into her parted lips, sighing happily into his skin. “Isn’t that right, Quinnie? Daddy’s always got you.”
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chamonabis · 9 months
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Boss bitch 👀
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Tell a little about their story. I don't know if anyone would be interested in reading it, but I've wanted to write it for a long time 🥹)
With my OuroAU.
OuroTiger is the boss. He once had a wife, Tomoe. He is cruel, sarcastic and likes to tease and torment his subordinates (can be called S). Even so, he still loved his ex-wife very much, but once his secret was discovered by her, Tomoe committed suicide (I love Tomoe, but sorry😭).
When OuroTiger was 23 years old, both husband and wife adopted a child, Barnaby (current OuroBunny), at that time the boy lost his parents (harmed by Ouroboros), 7 years old.
Gradually growing up, understanding more and knowing "papa's" secret, at the age of 11, Barnaby intentionally let "mom" know "papa's" secret and she was sick, depressed and committed suicide. Barnaby is a bit cruel at this stage, he is a child who has just learned shocking news and is hated, harboring hatred and wanting revenge. OuroTiger knows, hates Barnaby but it's not time to kill him yet (It's beneficial for him because Barnaby have the same NEXT ability as OuroTiger), he orders Maverick to brainwash him, train Barnaby to become a bodyguard.
As he grew older, OuroBunny became more quiet and disliked the old man (Because he started to torture him and didn't love him like before Tomoe died), no longer called "papa", and began working under boss OuroTiger.
OuroTiger also had a painful time losing his wife, then still had to get back up, became more and more crazy and tortured his "son" more, OuroBunny also disliked him, hated him openly but still had to obey his boss's orders. (He's always trying to find out the cause of his biological parents' death, but it's unclear because Maverick brainwashed him.)
Gradually doubting, but not being certain, OuroBunny began to have headaches and chaotic memories. Always by OuroTiger's side, He learns about his past again. As the boss, OuroTiger knew, but still pretended to ignore it, want to see good drama. Gradually working with OuroTiger, OuroBunny got used to standing behind and supporting him and secretly watching him closely, gradually learning many secrets about the death of his biological parents, hatred arose but it was not time to kill OuroTiger (because he never made it all clear and OuroBunny is still suffering from chaotic memories).
At the same time, another feeling sprouted in OuroBunny's heart for the "good father that year" who saved him is still there now (Now covered by hatred).
OuroTiger: black eyes, black hair, darker skin than Tiger (off), he wears glasses because works a lot at the hospital.
OuroBunny: green eyes, blonde hair, already white skin because he only lives hidden in the darkness, no nearsightedness, 5cm taller than boss
On the surface, Kotetsu is very gentle and kind, has a job at the hospital, but cannot save his wife.
Barnaby, with his biological parents' love of robotics, began to learn and when he grew up, he always liked to be alone with the machines. He's a genius, created his first robot at age 15, At the age of 20, he created the first humanoid robot. No matter how much he hated his boss, he unconsciously created a robot with the appearance of OuroTiger, called H-01.
The 23-year-old OuroTiger has been a boss for 2 years, the youngest boss in Ouroboros history.
Kotetsu married Tomoe at the age of 21, Tomoe was in Kotetsu's high school class.
Tomoe was in poor health, and when she was pregnant with her first child, she lost this child (at the age of 22), after which Kotetsu offered to adopt Barnaby as their son. Then 4 years later, she learned that her husband had done many evil things, depression caused her to commit suicide.
Since being brought back by Kotetsu, Barnaby has loved him very much. Although he doesn't know what his feelings are, Barnaby really wants to keep the gentle and funny Kotetsu as his own, not wanting to lose him.
OuroTiger is 16 years older than OuroBunny.
OuroTiger is 40 years old (3 years older than Tiger)
OuroBunny is 24 years old (2 years younger than Bunny)
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heisenberg-simp257 · 1 year
Hey! It’s June 3rd! My birthday and i was wondering if you could do Heisenberg and his and reader’s kids to work together to celebrate and suprise reader on her birthday. Like Karl have like somewhat deep conversations with kids on what to get reader or make for her.
Also happy pride month everyone!!
Happy Belated Birthday! Better late than never, so I hope you enjoy!💖
Also, I’m going to use kids from another story I wrote...so the oldest is a girl named Anneliese and younger twin boys named Felix and Konrad.
The Happiest of Birthdays!
Heisenberg isn't going to let your birthday just be an ordinary day. Thankfully, he's got some help this time around in order to ensure things go perfectly.
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From the outside, it might look like the embodiment of Hell. A snowy landscape, cold and uninviting factory in which people go in but never come out, and not to mention the lycans prowling about. Not exactly someone's idea of a pleasant place to be.
However, for five people, it was home.
The walls weren't cold, and the inside was warm. It was a place of safety where three young children were born. It was just a place where you could live and grow with the man you loved. You've been here for years with Heisenberg, long enough to have a seven-year-old daughter named Anneliese and four-year-old twin boys named Felix and Konrad.
His seven-year-old daughter, Anneliese, looked a lot like you, h/c hair and just your overall face. Anneliese also had your attitude and was very well-behaved and kind. However, she had his stormy gray eyes. She was definitely his “favorite” and was the main reason he wanted another kid because she was so good.
He wasn’t expecting two kids in one go.
Felix and Konrad, who were around four-years old, looked just like him except Konrad had your e/c eyes. While they were your sons as well, they were exact replicas of him in terms of attitude.
It made sense that they were little shits sometimes.
It was also that time of year, the early months of summer, when your birthday was coming up once again.
And Heisenberg was NOT going to forget this time.
He was never one to be big on birthdays, so for the first couple years when you guys were still getting to know each other, it was never brought up so he didn't really think about. Then, when you guys had children, life was just too insane and chaotic to think about birthdays. And he also had the village and the other lords to worry about, so you let it all slide.
However, this time he was determined to make your day special, and he had three little helpers.
"Where the hell did you learn to bake?" Heisenberg questioned his daughter, who happily volunteered to make you something.
Right now, he had his children stuffed into one of his small workshops to conspire with him. (And knowing he might get in trouble, he made sure anything dangerous was properly hidden.) You were invited to have tea at Donna's, so you were out of the building. The idea of you in that doll infested house made him want to vomit, but at least you wouldn't know about anything he was plotting for your birthday.
"The kitchen." Anneliese responded with the pride of a seven-year-old. That answer was good enough for him.
When it came to birthdays, he never knew what to do. He never celebrated his own, so Heisenberg was unsure of what you would expect. He also never asked because he wanted it to be a surprise. Thankfully, the creativity of his children was helping him big time.
"We want to help!" The boys shouted with child-like enthusiasm. Heisenberg shushed them quickly, knowing that loud sounds would likely piss off the soldats that were lurking around.
And he was not in the mood to deal with them right now.
"Not in the kitchen. I already have that job." Anneliese stated and the boys pouted, Konrad looking ready to throw a tantrum.
"I already got a job for you two." Heisenberg said quickly to avoid any fights or tears. They looked at him eagerly, so he had to think quickly.
"I bet your mother would love a handmade gift from you both." He said with a smirk, knowing that crafts were the best way to entertain the four-year-olds.
"What about a puppy?" Felix said.
"Absolutely not." Heisenberg responded quickly, which resulted in another pout.
Once ideas were put into place, Heisenberg moved the kids into the living space. He had some ideas on how to decorate, but he put his children to work first as any responsible parent would do. Felix and Konrad began to make cards for you as Heisenberg worked on his own gift. Anneliese began her work in the kitchen (which worried her father slightly), and he was relying heavily on her expertise, which didn't say much considering she was only seven. That said, she still could probably bake better than him, and he was not about to crawl on his knees to get something made from Lady Dimitrescu.
Then he really would vomit.
"Done!" He heard his daughter say about an hour later. He figured that making something like a cake would take longer, but what did he know. His boys were almost done as well he noticed while walking by.
"Let's see what you...got..." Heisenberg's voice trailed off when he came into the kitchen and noticed the masterpiece his daughter made for you.
It was supposed to be a cake, but whatever he was looking at was definitely NOT edible. That's what happens when you leave a child in charge of baking.
The undercooked doughy round mess he was looking at had frosting that was distributed unevenly, and "Happy birthday mom!" was written sloppily on top of it. Heisenberg internally winced, thinking he probably should've been supervising, but hey, you'd probably find this cute.
"Do you like it?" She asked, bouncing on her toys. He had to lie.
"It's amazing, princess." Heisenberg praised while picking up his daughter and kissing her head, making her laugh. He placed her down and shooed her out to make a card for you with her brothers, who just finished theirs.
They showed him with glee, and he couldn't deny how cute they actually were, so he knew you'd love them.
"Alright you two, help me decorate." Heisenberg ordered after ruffling their hair. They cheered and Anneliese finished quickly so she wouldn't be left out. As the living room brightened up a bit with balloons and so forth (that the Duke was happy to sell to him), he realized how piss poor this was gonna probably be in comparison to what you were used to. But when all was done, he was still impressed with his work.
"When your mother gets home, what do you say?" He quizzed the children as they sat on the couch.
"Happy birthday!" They all exclaimed with the enthusiasm of children and he nodded.
"Alright you little gremlins, go do something as I work." Heisenberg said as they rushed off. With them keeping busy, he was able to use his powers to finishing making his gift for you. Smiling to himself, he hoped you would appreciate it.
And then, the hour arrived when you came home.
"Happy birthday mommy!" The shouts of your children probably could be heard throughout the whole village as your legs were tackled by your brood.
"Goodness me...were you guys waiting all day?" You asked, giving them hugs. They all nodded before dragging you to the living room, not even minding the stuff you had in your arms that Donna gave you as a gift.
But your mind was blown as you saw the decorations.
"Well...someone remembered my birthday." You said teasingly when you noticed Heisenberg walk into the room. He already had that look on his face that told you not to start shit. But despite that, he took the load from your arms and set in on a side table before giving you a kiss.
"Happy birthday Y/N." He said in that stoic tone of his before moving to have you guys sit on the couch.
"You did all this?" You asked, amazed. Heisenberg was never one to care about this kind of stuff. He shrugged.
"I had help." He admitted, and on cue, the three kids rushed back into the room (you never even noticed them leaving) with their hands full. Suddenly, your vision was blocked.
"We made you cards!"
"I baked you a cake!"
"Dad even made you something!"
You gently pushed them back, smiling at their enthusiasm. With the patient of a good mother, you thumbed through each card and praised your daughter for a job well done (but Heisenberg could tell that you were just as concerned as he was. He could tell baking lessons were in his daughter's future.) However, you were quick to notice that last statement.
"You made me a present?" You asked him with an arched brow. Heisenberg glared at Konrad, who was the kid that spilt the beans.
"You little shit..." He growled, but his son just giggled. Konrad knew his dad well enough to notice the hollow aggression.
But you slapped his shoulder for cursing.
"Yes...I made you something." He sighed in defeat before getting up to retrieve said something. Meanwhile, Anneliese sat beside you while Konrad climbed into your lap. Felix took his father's seat. When Heisenberg returned, he scooped the four-year-old up with one arm in order to sit down once more. In his other hand, he gave you a small box.
You shifted Konrad around in order to properly open the box. As you did so, Heisenberg glanced at the wall while holding his other son tightly for a bit of comfort. He was nervous and embarrassed right now. Once you finally had the gift exposed, he heard you gasp a bit.
"I love it..." You said with a smile, which made relief flood through his body.
Heisenberg had managed to make you a picture frame, decorated with little sculptures of your favorite animals. And the inside contained a picture of the whole family that he managed to find in a drawer somewhere. Coming from him, it was an absolutely loving gesture.
"I-It was nothing...but you're welcome." He said while moving a hand to rub the back of his neck. You moved your son better in your lap to scootch over and hug him a bit. He blushed, especially when his other kids decided to join in on the hug.
"H-Hey...this day is about you, so let's move on." Heisenberg said while shifting the children off and standing up. You just laughed before complying, his beet red face making you give in.
"Of course."
The evening went on smoothly with a small celebration in honor of you. Heisenberg was thankful for your kids making it cheerful because he knew he probably looked confused or embarrassed half the time (it didn't help that you kept bringing up how much you loved him for doing this.) Eventually, the time came that Anneliese begged you guys to try her cake. As parents, you guys weren't able to get out of this or else. Heisenberg was just hoping that neither of you get food poisoning.
Soon, the children were ushered off to bed and he had you all to himself.
"I actually got one more gift for you...if you want it." He said with a suggestive grin as you guys went to the bedroom. You smirked at him.
"Can I expect this every year?" You asked and he grinned more.
"You can expect it every night." He responded and you moved to slap his chest, making him chuckle.
"You know what I mean." You said, grinning once more and he shrugged.
"Depends." He responded simply, taking his hat off. You watched him as he sat on the bed.
"On what?"
"How much Anneliese improves her baking skills."
Happy birthday Anon! From Author-Chan to you!🎊🎊
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leoruby-draws · 6 months
hello hello hello
i just want to say i love your little drawings so much they're adorable and so full of life and everything feels exciting in them and i love how you draw and make really fun stuff for many of the minor characters, you're doing such a good job with them and it gives me so much joyy
Hi Hi Hi
Thanks for liking my stuff! Happy to bring you joy, drawing these brings me joy!
Also its fun to get into and draw minor characters because their reading lists are super short lol! But I like to give a little love to characters that most people might not know about, in fact here's some random drawings that I had in the back-burner for the past year! Never could find a chance to just post them:
Here's a cute drawing of Cyclone, Maxine Hunkle! Wanted to give her a cute costume makeover. Kinda has a magical girl look to it huh? Took a bit of inspiration from Ojamajo Doremi, but also she's meant to resemble Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz! Both the princess and the witch. I have a bit of idea of what I'm going do with her, but that's for later.
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Got a drawing of Gan, Jason's friend from the Knight White books. Not sure if she exist in my Training Wheels au, but I like her a lot. Her rapport with Jason was fun to read.
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Here it looks like the Outlaws are trying to recruit new members, from the Relative Heroes group, Damara Sinclaire (Allure) and Tyson Gilford (Blindside). They're not likely to join, preferring to stick with their own group. Just as well since Damara's powers might make things a rather chaotic, she doesn't need that drama in her life lol. Tho I like the thought of Tyson helping out now and then, his invisibility would be pretty useful.
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Here's some random assortment of heroes, Ray Terrill the...Ray. Amethyst, tho top pic is uncolored (im lazy) but theres a Sailor Amethyst to make up for that.
There's the first Green Lantern (Alan Scott) with his kids,Jade (Jennifer Lynn Hayden) and Obsidian (Todd James Rice). Wonder why their babies here, de-aging mishap?
Jason and Toni gossip about their fellow teammates, and down below Jason decides to annoy a young Kyle Rayner. A universal constant!
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Todd can't help but join in!
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Also some cute father-son bonding! I sent this to someone else earlier, so imma just stick here too.
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For a really minor character, here's Jay, Eddie and Rose meeting up with a very strange new friend!
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And lastly here are the Metal Men, or should I say the mini-Metal Men. Read some comics about them, including a bit of silver age as well (they get destroyed pretty often, kinda funny ngl). I thought about what kinda sidekicks they could have, but I didn't want to look up metals or learn about metallurgy or chemistry or whatever. So I just made them smaller, its just temporary though, aren't they cute? Look at poor Copper, she just wants to join in!
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Anyways, hope that wasn't too much, tagging all of this is gonna suck.
Sorry I haven't been posting, due to Tumblr being a pile of shit and trying give our stuff to ai websites. So I thought I would download nightshade and glaze, but that didn't work out at all (I got a new laptop but it still wont render for me at all). So I'm just gonna hope my opt-out in the settings will be enough for now. Sigh!
Hope you like all this anon, might be a while til I post again. Later!
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dystopicjumpsuit · 4 months
OC Sunday: Oisin, the space grandpa you want on your side
A gentle and kind Zabrak mechanic with a penchant for gardening and taking in strays. He hosts Benduday dinner at his home in Coruscant’s lower levels every week, where you might encounter a wide range of guests, from professional thieves, to illegal street racing bookies, to clone deserters, to feral children of the underworld. If you’re on the run and the Coruscant Security Force comes knocking, Oisin has never heard of you—even if you’re currently drinking a bottle of spotchka in his kitchen.
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More info below the cut! Content warning for the sads, difficulty conceiving, pregnancy, death and grief, allusions to violence, blood and injuries including eye loss.
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Name: Oisin (pronounced oh-SHEEN)
Birth year/age: 99 BBY (80 at the end of the Clone Wars)
Species: Zabrak
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: bi/pan
Home planet: Iridonia
Current location: Coruscant (by way of Oba Diah)
Occupation: mechanic (formerly head of maintenance at Oba Diah City spaceport)
Affiliation: Pyke Syndicate (former)
Alignment: neutral good
Family: Epha (wife, deceased), Draig (son), Branna and Mic Dhorhil (family of the heart)
Physical characteristics
Height: 5’10”/178 cm by the time of the rise of the Empire (6’/183 cm when Draig was born)
Eyes: blue
Hair: bald
Skin: orange/red
Tattoos/piercings/identifying marks: traditional Zabrak facial tattoos
Miscellaneous: developed cataracts later in life, also lost two inches of height by end of Clone Wars 
Personal history: 
Oisin was born on Iridonia, the son of Maiv, an Iridonian Zabrak botanist, and Quinn, a Dathomirian Zabrak bounty hunter. When he was a young boy, the family relocated from Iridonia to Oba Diah, as his father had taken a permanent position as an enforcer with the Pyke syndicate. It was a dangerous job, and Oisin was only seven when his father was killed on a mission. Maiv opted to stay on Oba Diah, as they had put down roots in the immigrant community of Oba Diah City.
Oisin was a quiet, gentle boy, who grew up to be a quiet, gentle man. He had no interest in following in his father’s violent footsteps, instead becoming a mechanic. When he was twenty-nine, he met a young Zabrak woman named Epha. She’d visited Maiv’s nursery to ask for advice about starting a garden, and when the time came to leave, Epha’s speeder wouldn’t start. Maiv called Oisin to help, and the minute he laid eyes on Epha, he knew he was going to marry her. It took over a year before he worked up the courage to ask her out on a date. They married three years later.
Both Oisin and Epha wanted children very much, but the years passed, and eventually, they resigned themselves to the certainty that it was not going to happen for them. They settled very contentedly into their lives. They were well-liked in the community, and Oisin excelled at his work, eventually becoming the overseer of all maintenance crews at the Oba Dia City spaceport, while Epha became a rather well-known botanical artist. The garden she had planted so many years before flourished and became an oasis in the midst of the chaotic city, and she often chose to paint among the flowers that she loved so much.
And then, when Epha was forty-two, she unexpectedly conceived. It was a high risk pregnancy; while Zabrak physiology differs significantly from humans, it was still considered a “geriatric” pregnancy—a term which Epha absolutely despised and ranted about frequently to Oisin throughout her term. Nevertheless, several months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Oisin had seen a lot in his forty-eight years, but he’d never imagined anything as perfect as his son when he looked into Draig’s eyes—Epha’s eyes—for the first time.
Epha and Oisin adored Draig, and for the next fourteen years, the family lived happily. The summer that Draig was fourteen, though, Epha suffered a massive stroke. She was gone by the time the medics arrived. 
Oisin was devastated. The truth was, Oisin had always thought he would grow old with Epha. The possibility that he might outlive her had never even occurred to him, and he was inconsolable. He did his best to hold it together for Draig, but the boy saw more than Oisin ever knew. Oisin thought Draig was holding up fairly well until one evening a few months after Epha’s death when his comm chimed.
Oisin was surprised to see Branna Dhorhil’s face when he answered the comm. They were friendly as coworkers; she operated a crane at the Oba Diah City spaceport, and he’d always thought she was a nice young woman. Even so, nothing prepared him to hear her tell him that Draig and her son, Mic, had been suspended from school for fighting back against a bully. Branna let Oisin know that Draig was safe at her home, then invited Oisin to join them for dinner.
In later years, Oisin often had the thought that the Force itself had sent Branna and Mic into his and Draig’s lives at the time when they were most needed. While Draig bonded instantly with Mic and quickly began to see Branna as a mother figure, Oisin felt that Branna, in many ways, became the daughter he’d never had. Her unwavering support and compassion helped Oisin through the worst of his grief, and when the pain of his loss became too much to bear, Branna was there for him and Draig.
One day, Oisin was feeling unwell at work and went home early. When he arrived, he found Mic pulling weeds in Epha’s garden. The boy was embarrassed to have been caught in the act, but he eventually revealed that he’d been stopping by and quietly doing yard work each day after school when he noticed the garden was getting overgrown. Oisin confessed that he was having trouble keeping the garden up despite how important it was to him as a reminder of Epha. Mic asked Oisin to teach him about the plants so he wouldn’t accidentally pull the wrong ones, and after that, the two of them worked together in the garden nearly every day. 
Mic was a quiet but imposing boy, large for his age, and with a sizable chip on his shoulder, due to his sensitivity about his absent father. Having never had a father figure, he was drawn to Oisin, and soon Mic began to understand that the Zabrak’s kind and gentle personality was not an indicator of weakness at all, but rather of a remarkable strength of character. More than anything, Mic wanted to be like Oisin in that way, and as he grew older, he did his best to emulate Oisin—though he inherited enough of Branna’s protective nature that he never quite outgrew his impulse to kick ass and take names when he saw someone being bullied or harassed. 
Oisin began needing to take sick leave more often, until one day, when the boys were sixteen, he collapsed at work. He was diagnosed with an aggressive degenerative disease that was known to affect Zabraks. Treatment was available, but unfortunately, like everything else on Oba Diah, the medical infrastructure and supply chain was controlled by the Pyke Syndicate, which charged an exorbitant amount of credits for the necessary medication. Oisin’s condition worsened steadily, as there was no way he could afford the drugs. It became obvious that he would not survive without intervention, and so, unbeknownst to Oisin and Branna, Mic and Draig hatched a scheme to steal the meds.
The boys managed to get what Oisin needed, but it was messy, and Branna ordered the boys not to say a word to Oisin about where the drugs had come from. He had already started on his course of meds and was fast asleep when Branna, Mic, and Draig burst into the house and began frantically packing a few basic belongings. Mic had been badly beaten, Branna was bleeding from a large gash on her face, and Draig—
Groggy and bewildered, Oisin demanded to know what was going on, and that was when he caught sight of his son, battered and bleeding, holding a hand over his left eye. There was no time to explain. Mic helped Oisin into a commandeered speeder as Branna and Draig gathered up the medical supplies they needed, and they raced to the spaceport. It wasn’t until they were aboard a stolen shuttle, safely in hyperspace, that Branna was able to tend to Draig’s eye and her own injuries. 
In his confusion, Oisin demanded to be taken home to Epha. Branna and Draig tried to explain what had happened, but Oisin was too out of it from the meds to fully comprehend. All he knew was that Draig’s eyes—Epha’s eyes—would never be the same. In the pilot’s seat, Mic wept silently as he heard Oisin beg them to take him back to Epha’s garden.
When the group reached Coruscant, they disappeared into the underworld. Oisin eventually made a full recovery and started his own mechanic’s shop in the lower levels. Over time, he became a beloved fixture in the community, well-known for his kind and generous nature, his willingness to help those in need, and his famous weekly Benduday dinners. 
Quiet and reserved, yet invariably kind, and possessing an extraordinarily long fuse. Due to his lengthy association with the Pyke syndicate (not to mention the dubious legal status of many of his customers and family members), Oisin is deeply skeptical of authority in general and law enforcement in particular. He routinely and cheerfully lies to both the Coruscant Guard and Coruscant Security Force to protect the members of his community, and thanks to his soft and seemingly harmless demeanor, he gets away with it. 
His garage is well known in the underworld as a safe place if you run into trouble, and nobody in the lower levels is stupid enough to try to rob or harm him in any way. Not only would doing so risk the severe retribution of a certain imposing bartender and one of the top thieves in the galaxy, it would inevitably bring down the wrath of the Coruscant underworld community. Even worse, Oisin would probably invite them in for dinner and proceed to treat them with such generosity and compassion that they would end up not only returning his possessions, but probably volunteering to help him in his hydroponic garden.
He never fully moves on from Epha’s death, but over time, the pain gradually begins to lessen, and somehow, without ever quite realizing it, his family grows to encompass more and more beings of every imaginable description, all of whom would fight to their last breath to defend him if he ever needed them.
Even so, sometimes he will stand in the darkness outside his shop and gaze up into the swirl of Coruscant’s underworld traffic, remembering the warmth of the sun on his face as he sat in Epha’s garden.
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@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod @ivyyyyy @smw-on-kamino
@burningnerdchild @saneabandoned
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thedarkmongoose · 3 months
SPOILERS: i have mixed feelings about the bear s3 but knowing that s3 & s4 were written/filmed at the same time makes sense. s4 will prob answer s3's q's. (A LOT was left open-ended) usually i love that, but it felt like the show lost itself in certain places, esp the self-indulgent finale. all stories are indulgent to some degree, but too much decadence rarely leaves room for substance.
and i get why they tried to do the chef's table thing, but other than andrea, syd, and luca, everyone else's acting was disjointed and trite. but i loved ep 1; it was an ethereal, artsy, meditative piece (peace) that was necessary after the chaotic s2 finale. however, as a big fan of the show, it was hard for me to finish the eps.
the standout in s3 FOR SURE was tina's ep - directed by ayo. glad we got her backstory. personally i liked her anxiety-inducing job hunt bc it's really like that irl, esp for older woc. the sobbing while eating a free sandwich was relatable, and the mikey convo was super impactful. but as much as i loved the ep, it still felt superficial compared to s2 'forks' (richie) or 'honeydew' (marcus). we never see her son again either; all we get is tina yelling at him to quiet down.
then there was marcus's mother's funeral which seemed like it was going to be more central to the plot than it was. i wish we got more. and claire is still one of the most underwritten characters EVER. nothing about her or the mis en scène really sells it that she's a doctor lol. and the scene with the faks trying to apologize on carmy's behalf was beyond cringe. i like matty matheson - i have his cookbook, but there was entirely too many faks in s3.
and let's be real: where was ebra & sweeps? ebra has such an interesting story that i'm HOPING we get to see in s4. sweeps too - he tried out for the chicago cubs! but on a positive note, i loved the chemistry between syd/luca. it was v sweet and organic. wonder if they'll be a thing in s4 since luca is carmy's foil. too bad marcus was barely in s3, tho the hug between him & luca at the party was cute. syd's meltdown mirroring carmy's in s2 was also a nice touch.
idk how to feel about sugar's labor scene. most praise it, but it didn't hit the same for me. donna's over-acting (the whole series) is really distracting and i can't take her seriously. ik she's supposed to be mentally unwell, but it borders on cartoonish. the hospital moment was heartwarming, but again, artificially. and pete was so underwritten too, just so they could have that mom moment. i liked the scene with him and syd tho. it felt authentically awkward.
i also understand what they were trying to do with the finale, but it was a flop for me. the scene with andrea/carmy staring out into the chicago night was introspective and beautiful, but the msg doesn't hit all the way bc we have a group of wealthy celeb chefs saying it's okay to stop while you're ahead and enjoy life while you can. every second counts. unfortunately for those who are not celeb chefs, it's not that easy to simply "enjoy life."
on one hand, i agree that food is life and restaurants have been community "third places" forever (essential to life itself; historically, like when revolutionaries would gather at pubs or cafes). however, do i think that fine dining and the "art" that comes with it is necessary? no. if there were more spots like the original beef/bear in the world tho, that would be a good thing.
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ecargmura · 5 months
Wind Breaker Episode 4 Review - Shishitoren Picks A Fight
This episode is mainly a buildup to the Bofurin vs Shishitoren confrontation. There better be good animation next week. I’m restless thinking about what sort of fights would transpire between the individual one-on-one matches.
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This episode is mainly showcasing what sort of person the top dog Umemiya is. He appears to be a goofball who is way too relaxed and likes gardening. Even Sakura was in disbelief at first.He doesn’t seem like he’d be good at fighting, but he’s one of those characters who is a lot scarier than he appears to be. In fact, Sakura gets chills when he feels Umemiya’s fighting aura behind him. I honestly like Umemiya a lot! He’s a goofball. I do love the contrast he has when he’s not confronting rival gangs. He’s like everyone’s big brother and I like that about him. He’s especially cheesy towards Kotoha, who is revealed to be his younger sister but they’re not related by blood. Given that he’s the strongest, I do hope his fighting skills will be revealed next episode. Umemiya is voiced by Yuichi Nakamura and I think it’s a great fit! Some of Nakamura’s roles include Kuroo from Haikyuu, Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen and Sein from Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End. It’s safe to say that Nakamura knows how to voice mentor/big brother figures well.
Shishitoren reveals their whole group. Their leader Choji is a nut job. He’s petite and cute, but don’t let his sweet looks fool you. Those dead fish eyes of his are menacing as heck. I don’t think he has even blinked once during his appearances. He’s like the antithesis of Umemiya in a way. They’re both at the top, but Umemiya likes his position while Choji is bored of it. That’s why he’s so chaotic and bloodthirsty because he needs to find a purpose. That’s why he’s so insistent on beating Umemiya. Choji is voiced by Kikunosuke Toya, who’s known for voicing Denji from Chainsaw Man and Mikoto Yuzuki from The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons. To be honest, I did not expect Toya to have such a cutesy like voice given the previous roles I mentioned.
Shishitoren decides to have a 5:5 match of individual 1:1 matches. The lineup is Umemiya vs Choji, Togame vs Sakura, Sugishita vs half-shave dude, Suo vs dude with bun and Hiiragi vs Sako, a newly introduced character. I forgot half-shave and bun guy’s names, but I will remember them next episode. Regarding Sako, the official website states that he has a history with Hiiragi, so this will be interesting. Also, Sako is voiced by Chiaki Kobayashi and Hiiragi is voiced by Ryota Suzuki. This is a Cherry Magic reunion gone awry (Kobayashi and Suzuki voiced the main leads of Cherry Magic).
It’s okay, Sakura. I thought Kotoha was in her 20’s too. She looks way too mature to be 16. Why isn’t she at school? Why is she working at the cafe? There’s a lot that isn’t told about the town Sakura moved into—do we even know its name? While Kotoha and Umemiya are siblings, they were raised in the same foster house, hence why they consider each other siblings. The fact that Kotoha, who’s normally friendly and chill, is super annoyed by him is peak younger sibling attitude. Also, is Omurice the only thing she can make?
I honestly can’t wait next episode. However, I do wonder why Nirei went to the battlefield when he’s not participating in the match? Will he be a supporting role in the fights? Will he gather information about the enemies? What is his role here? Anyways, what are your thoughts on this episode?
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lilac-rose-writes · 8 months
i've got @charismabee and i's reverse kindergarten au on the brain again so i'm gonna ramble about it <3
essentially, everyone's personality is the opposite of what it is in canon. for example, reverse-cindy is an absolute sweetheart with no interest in relationships; this carla is a goodie two shoes; applegate loves her job, etc. they're all trapped in a time loop, which everyone is aware of but the new kid.
this results in a lot of wacky hijinks as each of the k1 and later k2 students in turn go to kid for help with something. the time loop still ultimately ends whenever the principals' experiments are stopped, but a lot of elements are changed. take the first principal, for example, who still conducts illegal experiments but does it in the name of the "greater good". his son hates him, so he tries to bond with him through drugs (it doesn't work). monty wants to go unseen, so the principal secretly makes something to make him less noticeable, but it goes a little too far and now everyone keeps forgetting monty exists. nugget is being used as a test subject for the antidote. the mp kidnaps billy as an assistant to help with his experiments to avoid the truth getting out.
we planned out every one of the 150+ possible character dynamics in a separate doc. here, have some of the most chaotic lines from them-
Why is his arm broken? Danner blames science.
Billy doesn't care for the blond twins. He has more than enough twin in his life already.
Like it or not, Kid's a danger to the people around him even if Buggs is aware he's just being used, like a knife. And everyone knows bringing a knife to school is the worst idea ever.
Nugget has told Bob that Billy and Lily in particular are just The Worst, so Bob really doesn't like him, scoffing at the fact that Billy couldn't escape a basic kidnapping orchestrated by a mellow, middle-aged man.
Kid is so good at helping, he's gonna murder Felix so well. He loves being told what to do so much [:
Ozzy's like Cindy but dirtier. Lily is about ready to knock him out, only she's unwilling to touch him.
Ozzy doesn't like Bob. He's mean and rude and hits people with cleaning supplies and one time an axe.
Ridiculous! Cindy couldn't even be bullied right.
Monty is uncomfortable with all this love and validation.
the wip is 35000 words long, we have successfully traumatised and therapised everyone in succession, and things are going great :]
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