#it’s actually the next night as I’m finishing this and I’m gonna check the blankets now
silverhairsimp · 8 months
who's gonna take care of you? k. bakugou
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I am sicker than sick and couldn't sleep last night so here's some bakugou fluff.
Pairing & CW: Bakugou x f!reader. Reader and Bakugou have two kids. Brief mentions of pregnancy from Mitsuki (Reader is not actually pregnant). pure, sickly sweet fluff.
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Katsuki looks at the clock hanging above the kitchen sink, 7:24am. Usually you’d have been up for at least a half hour by now, maybe more. The kids have to be to school at 8:30, it’s only a 12 minute drive, but they like to get there early and play with their friends before their day of learning starts. He looks at the two of them sitting at the counter, digging into their fresh pancakes and waffles with a variety of fruits. They were similar in a lot of ways, but your daughter refuses to eat pancakes, the same goes with your son and waffles. And what kind of number one dad would The Bakugou Katsuki be if he didn’t make his brats happy?
“You two stay here and finish eating— gonna go check on your ma’,” he calls out to them before heading down the hall, only to stop with a hand on the doorframe to look back at them. “And no eatin’ spoonfuls’a syrup this time! That shi— crap’ll give you diabetes.” 
The two of them laugh at their dads empty threat, knowing they’ll at least sneak one or two spoonfuls before he gets back. 
He has an office day today, full of paperwork and unfished reports that need to be submitted by the end of the week. He’s been working overtime, which means you have too. Working overtime at your own job and taking care of the kids when he gets home too late or leaves too early for work. 
“Baby—“ he calls out when he pushes open your bedroom door. Your cheeks are flushed red, your brows are knit together, you’ve got a mound of blankets on you, yet your feet are sticking out from the bottom. “Hey, y’doing okay?” He asks as he gets closer, sitting next to your sleeping form on the bed when he reaches a hand out to cup your cheek, followed by placing the back of his hand to your forehead. “Jesus babe, you’re burnin’ up. Might be running hotter than I normally do…” 
His words are laced with concern as he heads to your shared bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it with as cold of water he can get before wringing it out. For good measure, he grabs the thermometer and to confirm his suspicions.
“Open up for me, baby.” He brushes his thumb over your cheek and your eyes finally open when you bring your hand up to touch the cold cloth on your forehead. “‘Ts cold…” you mumble and he slips the thermometer underneath your tongue. “Yeah and you’re hot—“ he waits for the thermometer to finish rereading before he adds: “101.9 to be exact.” 
You try to sit up, “I’m fine…”but the pressure in your head is too much so you flop back down into the pillows. “I don’t know what year you think I was born, but I know what fine is. And you, are not fine.” 
“But the kids— they have school, you have work— I have things to do around the house.” You try to protest in between a fit of coughs, but he plants an arm against the bed, palm down at your side caging you in. “you know the hag— my mom,” he corrects when you give him the glare, “she loves taking them to school. Eijiro too. I could call either one and they’d drop ‘em off. And with work, that’s one of the perks’a bein’ your own boss.” 
He leans down to press a kiss to your cheek, trying to hide the wince at how warm your skin is. Gods you must feel like shit. “Lemme call my mom—“ he steps out of the room and gently closes the door, calling in a favor to the woman who always saves his ass. 
‘Yeah, y/n sick, real sick. Need someone to drop off the beats at school. What? Morning sickness? No she’s not pregnant again. She’s sick sick. Got’a fever of almost 102. Yeah, they ate. Yes, lunches packed. Ugh— what kinda father do you think I— mmgh. Thanks ma. They’ll be ready for ya.’
He comes back in the room slight shake to his head as he thinks back to the conversation he just had with his mom. Your youngest is 6 and she’s been itching for another grand baby, but that’s too bad. She’s got two good ones to love on anyway. “Moms comin’ to pick em up in 15.” 
The two of you can hear the padding of feet running down the hall and your two replicas appear in the door frame. 
“Mommy what’s wrong? Did you catch a bug?” Your 8 year old son asks you as he pushes his hips to the bed. He may have his fathers eyes but he’s got your color hair and the sweetest personality to match. 
“Ew! Why would mommy catch a bug!! That’s so yucky!” Your daughter chimes. She’s got that ash blonde hair to match her fathers and definitely gets his personality. 
“Yeah, squirt, mama’s not feeling great so your Gramma Mitsuki is gonna take you to school.”
“Katsuki— you really shouldn’t have asked your mom to come all the way here.” 
“You say all the way here like she doesn’t live 8 minutes down the road.” He smirks at you, knowing damn well she wasn’t gonna miss the opportunity to be involved in your kids’ lives. 
“Daddy, why can’t we stay and take care of mommy like she takes care of us when we’re sick?” Your boy asks with those gorgeous ruby red eyes peering down at you. “You guys have to stay in school and get good grades. You wanna have your own agency and be the number one hero like your daddy don’t you?” You smile at the two of them and lift your hand off the bed to cup their cheeks one at a time. 
Your daughter flexes her little muscles and grits her teeth. “Yeah mommy! We’ll get strong so we can take good care of you some day!” 
Each of your kiddos leans in to place a kiss to your cheek, it’s no use trying to stop them either. They’re both stubborn, just like you and Katsuki. 
“Go get cleaned up before Gramma gets here— and don’t think I can’t smell the syrup on those sticky fingers, you little shits!” 
It’s no use trying to protest the language when you hear the fit of laughter and screams as they run back down the hall. 
Katsuki gets up to make sure they’re heading out to wash up and grab their school bags while he makes another call to the agency, letting Mina know he won’t be in. 
You’ve nearly fallen back asleep by the time he comes back with a hot bowl of homemade soup, a freshly squeezed cup of orange juice, a ginger shot and two pieces of toast. “They’re right ya know. You’re like super woman to them— and even she needs help sometimes.” He presses a kiss to your forehead and turns on the tv for some back ground noise before he grabs his computer and sits next to you in bed. 
“Katsuki. You’re gonna get sick if you stay here—“ you try to protest and he just smiles and puts the cold rag on your forehead. “Yeah… and when super man needs help; I know you’ll be there too..” He lands a fat one right on your lips and smiles. The two of you share everything together. Even the cooties…
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simjaexy · 3 months
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Sleeply Nights
Pairing: Bf! Jungwon x Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Jungwon decided to stay the night at your house since your parents were gone for the week. Not only did you guys make delicious cookies, you also had sleepy conversations in your room.
Genre: Fluff
Warning: None!
Notes: A drabble, not proofread :)
Your door bell rang indicating someone was at your door. You hurried towards the door and opened it revealing your boyfriend Jungwon.
“Wonie!” You squealed and hugged him. He giggled and hugged you back.
“Hello love.” He muttered in your neck. You let him go and took him inside, shutting the door.
“What do you wanna do? I was thinking about making cookies since I’ve been wanting them for a while.” You admitted. Jungwon smiled.
“We can do that.” He said. You clapped your hands and went to the kitchen and took out a cookie tray. Jungwon grabbed the cookies from the fridge and place them on the counter.
He opened the wrapper and put the cookies on the tray. You both began to roll them with your hands while playfully elbowing each other.
“I’m surprised your parents left you alone.” He joked. You rolled your eyes.
“I’m actually a responsible person you know. I just don’t show it to you.” You replied. Jungwon scoffed.
“Sure you don’t. Last time I checked you almost burned the house down trying to make pie.” He spoke. You gasped.
“You promised to not bring that up! Traitor!” You whined.
He laughed and finished rolling stacks of cookies. You pouted finishing your last roll and set them on the tray. Jungwon grabbed the tray and put them in the oven.
“I thought it was cute you were putting effort.” He said. You crossed your arms.
“You made fun do me for almost dying!” You said. He cupped your face.
“Hey that’s not funny.” He commented. He pecked your nose making you scrunch your face. You both giggled.
Fifteen minutes later the cookies were finally done. You took them out and tasted one, “Wow! There good!” You beamed.
He admired how cute you look munching ont he cookie and grabbed one himself. He ate one and hummed.
“It’s good.” He replied. You grabbed milk from the refrigerator and poured some in two cups for you and Jungwon.
You both ate the cookies off the tray while teasing each other acting like you were gonna spit out the milk at each other (Jungwon accidentally did cause he laughed).
After you finished eating you put the tray in the sink and washed your hands. You grabbed Jungwon hand and led him in your room.
You both lay down and stare at the ceiling, “Can you stay the night wonie?” You questioned. Jungwon faced you and gave you a grin.
“I should’ve known you would be scared to be alone. If you want me too I will.” He teased.
“Hey! I’m not scared!” You complained. Jungwon ignored you by pecking your lips causing you to blush. He lagged at your reaction and pulled you into a hug.
You both stayed like that i’m comforting silence.
“This is the second time I’m staying over.” He began. You nodded your head.
“It won’t be the last.” You said.
He chuckled, “Next time, let’s do it at my house. I’m missing my bed at the moment.” He said.
You lifted your head up and glared at him. He wiggled his eyebrows making you stifle a giggle. You lay your head back down and closed your eyes eyes.
“I love you wonie.” You whispered. He smiled and kissed your head.
“I love you too, love.” He said. You felt your eyes getting droopy and soon enough you fell asleep on Jungwon chest.
Jungwon noticed you were sleeping and gave a content look, “I love you so much it’s unreal.” He muttered. He covered you both up in your fluffy blanket. Soon enough his eyes closed as you both feel asleep under the covers in the quiet comfortable room.
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jocelynscrazyideas · 5 months
Kiss it better | Jack Hughes x Reader
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Warning: smut, language, surgery?
Summary: Jack demands you cook him a lunch after his surgery, but he’s supposed to be healed. As the “best” girlfriend in the world you fix up a salad and share with Jack. Jack decides he wants more to eat, but not food.
A:N- AGH first time writing for a summer blurb!! Also it’s really short bc I had lots of hw recently!! (Sorry!)
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
It’s off season. Jack and I are in Michigan, Jack has been watching Quinn play, and I’ve been tanning. I called Luke to check in and he said that it’s been stressful, playing with older guys, specially ones who’ve played in worlds before.
“Baby?” Jack hollers for me.
“Coming!” I reply, I throw my Jean shorts from American Eagle in the clean pile of clothes I’ve gathered, and run upstairs. Jack and I live in the basement, and Jack likes to spend his time upstairs on the main floor watching the TV.
Normally the guys spend time downstairs playing pool, and I watch Dance Moms on the TV next to the pool table. Jack is doing well with his recovery after his surgery.
“I’m hungry, I know. It’s a lot to ask for but could you make me some avocado toast with chicken parm salad?” Jack seems like he’s on his monthly period cravings. I mean it sounds good.
“Of course, only if you help me.” I say, and Jack throws his gaming controller to his blanket on the side. He gets up, rolls his shoulders out and cracks his neck. He stands behind me when I been down to grab the chicken.
I stand up and see him towering over me. I lean in for a kiss after setting down the ingredients. I pull back to grab a bowl from a cabinet, I pull out a fork to distract myself from the man that stares at me like I’m the only girl in the world.
“You’re so cute.” Jack says, disrupting the noise of tension between us. “I know.” I say giving him a stare. Right now we’re home alone, but I’m sure Ellen and Jim are heading back from Target.
“Mom will be home soon.” Jack says. I’m sure he’s inferring that we need to hurry up if we’re gonna do stuff.
I make it known I feel the same, but before I can say anything to stop me from going in for more kisses, Ellen walks in from the garage door.
“Hey mama bear!” I rant out, I push Jack away. I pour the lettuce into the bowl and stir in a salad dressing I made last night. I cut in boiled eggs from last night and stuff them in the salad, I microwave the chicken, just because I didn’t feel like cooking. I chop the warmed meat and lose the chicken into the bowl. Done!
“Here, your salad.” I saw shoving the bowl into Jacks reach. I toasted up some toast and slice the avocados. I grab some seasoning and seasoned the toast, I spread some avocados and took a bite of my work, delicious. I hand the rest to Jack and I walk back downstairs to to finish my laundry.
“I’m coming baby.” Jack informs me as he runs down the stairs.
“Yeah you will.” I say as I throw all of my folded clothes off into a hamper, ruining all of my work. Jacks eyes glow when he talks to me, his beard needs to be shaved.
“You look so edible.” Jack says as he pulls me into his arms. Hands in my hips, he slides his head into my neck. My perfume wraps him into my chest, he’s stuck in this love bliss.
“I cant get enough of you. You look so yummy.” Jack whispers into my ear. He licks under my ear, and I feel his hot breath on my cheeks.
“That’s icky.” I say. I love to make him mad.
“Shut the fuck up.” Jack says as he lets go of me. He sits on our bed and watches me fold the laundry that I threw.
“I cant believe you did that. Y/n I need you, I haven’t felt actually love in forever.” Jack implying on my “turn off” of words.
“Sorry.” I holler back, knowing I don’t fully mean it. His medium toned hair sits right under his ears, he plays with his wristbands as I walk over to him.
“Can you sit back please?” I request. He does as I say, not making me having to push him back, which would have been easier.
I hop onto jacks legs as I straddle him. “You feel so warm. I’m freezing.” I wiggle out of my mouth as I start to rock my hips. I grab into jacks shoulder and start to whisper in his ears.
“Take everything off.” I imply.
“We could take it to the hot tub.” I suggested. “No, wr can start here and end on the boat.” Jack responded within seconds.
I feed into jacks neck and leave a mark. He’s bruised from my bites. Jack groans intensely as I start to make my way to his cargo shorts. I unzip everything and pull it off.
“You’re already so big.” I let out a sigh and take his boxers off. “Only for you.” Jack caressed my check and pulled my hair behind my ears.
I start jerking him and his head leans all the way back. Jack lifts his hips up when he feels he’s going to cum.
“Are you ready?” He asked me. His eyes glimmering up ast me. I pull down my leggings. I keep my shirt on and I lay on our bed. Jack spreads my legs as he goes down.
“You look wet already.” Jack insisting to start our activity. He pushes two fingers into my hole and he starts to pump. I feel erratic, my moaning screams out.
“Quiet down.” Jack deadly stared at me, and he pushed his tounge down my throat, I moan as he massaged my tounge into his. I feel our saliva mixing. I pushed his fingers farther in and I feel I’m going to cum. He lets go of my mouth.
He takes his fingers out as i jerk up from my release. Jack shoved one finger into his mouth licked it clean, and the other into mine. I suck kn it until he leans into me, I feel his hard cock pressed up against me.
He gets up as we try to finish what we started until we heard, “Jack! Help me clean up the yard! Your shoulder should be fine now!”
Jim and Ellen are having people over and apparently Jack needs to help him fix up the yard.
“We’ll finish later. I promise.” Jack smiled at me as he zips his cargo shorts on and pulled on his shirt. He leaves the room, and up the stairs as I hear him wash his hands upstairs.
I’m left alone in our room and I’m forced to do my laundry.
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hqbaby · 1 year
seven — kinda nice
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fuck ur instincts — suna x reader & atsumu x reader
you and suna are just fooling around—so why does he care so much when you start falling in love with someone else?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2.6k content. swearing, oral (m receiving), fingering, vaginal penetration, handjob, use of pet names, aftercare
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“Don’t,” Yukie says, holding a hand up as if to stop you from speaking.
You frown. “I didn’t say anything.”
“Yeah, but you were going to.” She keeps her head down, focused on her notes. “You were going to talk about wanting to drop out again.”
“I was not.”
“Were too.”
“Was not.”
Yachi hushes you. “Are we studying or not?”
You point an accusatory finger at Yukie. “She started it!”
“Y/N, I love you, but can you just please focus,” Kiyoko joins in, looking at you desperately. “Your next exam’s worth 40% of your grade.”
You cross your arms and lean back against your seat. Like a stubborn child. “I know that,” you say. Although you were pretty sure it was only 30%. Maybe you actually should have been studying. You shake your head at the thought, then, “Can I have my phone now?”
“No!” they all say in unison.
“But what if ‘Tsumu texted?”
Yachi groans. “That’s exactly why you can’t have your phone,” she tells you. “You get way too distracted.”
“I do not.”
“Do too!”
“Oh my fucking god!” Kiyoko exclaims. She stands up and marches over to the corner of the room, furiously opening a drawer then slamming it shut. When she gets back to the table, she slides your phone over to you. “Just be quiet.”
“Okay,” you whisper, grinning as you take your phone to check it.
tsumu: u better be studying
You scream, hurling your phone across the room. The three girls look at you in disbelief as you offer them a guilty smile. “Sorry.”
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The summer semester rolls away unceremoniously. You spend two weeks hunched over your desk, finishing papers and preparing for your final exams, getting an average of three hours of sleep every night. You run on nothing but coffee and instant noodles, only leaving your room to study in a different setting with your friends who are suffering too.
When you finally pass your last exam—your professor only nodding to acknowledge your existence—a wave of relief washes over you. The war has been fought. The battle is won. And you’re absolutely exhausted.
“I’m gonna sleep forever,” you say excitedly, digging into the salmon bento Atsumu brought you. “Fuck me, this is good.”
“I’ll tell ‘Samu ya like it,” he says, eating his own with gusto. “Ya can say no, but d’ya wanna come to my place tonight? We can watch movies and eat and sleep.”
You nod your head vigorously. “I’d like that,” you tell him. “I’d like that a lot.”
He smiles. “Good.”
Things between the two of you have been going well. You’ve been hanging out for more than two months now and you surprisingly feel no urge to bolt just yet. He’s a good friend and a good person, you like spending time with him. You’ve even started getting close with his friends and the rest of the volleyball team—much to Oikawa’s dismay. 
It’s even given you a reason to see Suna more, which is always nice. You’ve learned that he’s pretty much the same person when he’s around his friends. Quieter, maybe, and a little colder towards you (because you aren’t supposed to be close), but still the same Suna that you’re used to. It’s been interesting getting to know him this way. You don’t mind it at all.
Everything’s been good. You’re having a lot of fun.
Atsumu drops you off at your residence hall after lunch, promising to pick you up later. You give him a kiss and thank him before sending him on his way.
Your room is empty when you get there. Kiyoko’s probably out with Tanaka, you think as you flop onto your bed. The blankets are warm and soft and freshly washed thanks to your roommate who freaked out when you told her you hadn’t washed them in weeks.
You’ll have to get up eventually. Take a proper shower and put on something comfortable. Pack a bag for Atsumu’s place. Maybe grab a cup of coffee. But, for now, you set an alarm and let yourself sleep.
You deserve it.
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The twins’ apartment isn’t what you expect at all. You’ve been to other boys’ places before and they all have a recurring theme—Suna with his dirty socks by the door, Oikawa with his hoard of unreturned clothes with price tags still on them, Iwaizumi with his giant Godzilla stuffed toy that he never acknowledges (which you should never acknowledge either)—you thought you’d find something similar in Atsumu and Osamu’s place.
But no.
All you’re met with is a barren wasteland. A living room with nothing but a plain couch and a television. A kitchen with no plates or cups or cutlery. An entryway with no shoes, no mat, no coat rack. Empty. Completely devoid of any signs of life.
“Did you get robbed?” you can’t help yourself from asking.
Atsumu lets out the loudest laugh you’ve ever heard. “It’s not that bad!”
“‘Tsumu.” Your wide gaze meets his. “Do you need money?”
He rolls his eyes at your theatrics. “C’mon,” he says, leading you to what you assume is his room. “Stop starin’ at my kitchen.”
“No, but, ‘Tsumu, seriously. There aren’t any curtains—”
When he opens the door, you’re met with, well, a regular room. A little messy, but bursting with life. The complete opposite of the rest of the apartment.
He leads you inside and closes the door behind him. “People get a little rowdy when we throw parties here,” he explains, “So we keep all the common areas clear of anythin’ they might break or steal.”
“Ohhh,” you say, everything clicking into place. “I get it now… I think.”
After the initial shock of his apartment wears off, you realize that you’re standing in his room and decide to look around. Now, this makes more sense.
His bed has been made, albeit a little hastily, and he’s obviously shoved a bunch of clutter under the frame. He has shelves, mostly empty, save for a few textbooks and a volleyball signed by someone Oikawa would probably scream about if he knew. His desk is the tidiest part of the room, with nothing but his laptop and a stack of notebooks to the side. It makes you smile thinking about what he might look like when he’s sitting there and doing his homework.
He picks his laptop up and hops onto his bed, patting the space beside him for you to sit down. “C’mon,” he says, pulling out a bunch of snacks from his bag. “I promised ya a movie.”
You take your place beside him, letting him put his arm around you as you snuggle into his side. “And sleep,” you say, opening a pack of sour gummy worms. “You promised sleep.”
“‘Course.” He smiles, opening his laptop and going to Netflix. “So, what d’ya wanna watch?”
You settle on a romcom—10 Things I Hate About You—and you do exactly what Atsumu said you’d do. You watch and eat and drift in and out of sleep. It’s nice having him beside you, feeling his chest rise and fall with his breath. It makes you feel safe. 
When the movie ends, you decide it’s still too early for dinner, so you put on something else. This time, Atsumu picks. A horror film. The Cabin in the Woods.
As the characters on screen scream, you and Atsumu find yourselves in a rather heated makeout session. You’re straddling him, holding yourself up with both your hands on his shoulders. His legs are bent to keep you closer to him, his arms wrapped around you, hands going dangerously low.
He pulls away from your lips and starts kissing down your neck, occasionally stopping to suck at the vulnerable skin. You throw your head back and whimper, unable to bring yourself to complain about the marks he’s leaving. It just feels so good.
Without even realizing it, your hips start to grind against him, searching for some relief for the growing heat in your stomach. It’s only when you feel just how hard he is underneath his sweatpants that you come to your senses.
You look down to see him kissing your collarbone, eyes blown as he looks at you.
“Do ya wanna—”
A smirk falls over his lips as he moves his mouth away from you and closes his laptop, pulling your t-shirt over your head. His hand slips behind you and unhooks your bra with practiced ease, yanking it off and tossing it to the side. He descends on your breasts, holding each with one hand, licking one nipple and playing with the other with his thumb.
“So beautiful,” he murmurs against your skin, kissing the soft flesh. Then, he’s undressing you again, this time pulling down your bottoms, leaving you completely naked on top of him. He runs his large hands over your body. “So fuckin’ beautiful.”
“Not fair,” you whine, tugging at the collar of his shirt. “You’re still dressed.”
Atsumu laughs at that. “Yer impatient, huh?” He cranes his neck to kiss you. “Gotta learn to wait, baby.”
Despite his words, he gets rid of his clothes anyway, helping you off of him so that he can remove his jeans and boxers. He stands at the side of the bed, rolling his clothes into a ball, his cock on full display. 
You feel yourself swallow. He’s big.
“Like what ya see?” he asks when he catches you staring.
Instead of answering him, you crawl over to the edge of the bed and take him in your hands, pumping his cock before licking the tip and wrapping your lips around it. He groans. You move your mouth up and down, using your hands to rub the parts you can’t fit. Pulling back, you swirl your tongue over the tip before moving down again.
He watches as you work, trying to memorize the way you look right now. It’s an unholy sight—you stark naked, your head bobbing up and down, sucking him off like nothing in the world matters. He could die right then and there and he’d be a happy man.
“Fuck, Y/N, yer gonna make me come,” he says before pulling your head away. You stare at him with a raised brow and he adds, “I wanna fuck ya first.”
You grin, moving aside for him to sit on the mattress before you straddle him again. “‘Tsumu,” you moan as you slide your cunt over his length. “Want you to fuck me.”
He reaches for your core and touches your clit, listening to your reactions to see what you like, dipping a finger into you and bending it until he hits the right spot. Soon, you’re nothing more than a moaning mess slumped over his shoulder.
“Ya close?” he asks, nipping at the skin near your ear.
You nod wordlessly, whimpers pouring out of your lips.
“Come for me, then.”
Your orgasm hits you like a train. It crashes into you as you stop grinding against Atsumu, your body wracked with pleasure. You hold onto him as he whispers praises into your ear.
“Did so good, baby,” he tells you, a soothing hand coming up to rub your back. “Still want me to fuck ya?”
You nod, coming down from your high.
“I need ya to say it, baby.”
“P-please fuck me, ‘Tsumu,” you say. “Please.”
He smirks. “Yer so polite,” he says, reaching over to a drawer on his bedside table and pulling out a condom. He rips the package open and slides the latex down his cock. You gulp, reminded of just how big he actually is.  “Yer such a good girl. Think ya can ride me, huh, good girl?”
You move your head mindlessly, practically drooling at the sight of him. “Yes, ‘Tsumu.”
“Go ahead then.” He nods. “Ride me.”
You lift your hips a little and take his cock in your hands. He hisses at the contact. Slowly, you line him up with your core and sink down onto him. Your eyes close at the feeling of him filling you up. When you’ve taken all of him, he gives you a moment to get settled. Then, you lift yourself up then fall back down again. The sound of slapping skin fills the room as the two of you moan at the feeling.
You do it slowly a few more times before you're bouncing on his cock, slamming yourself down again and again. You feel so full. “Feel so good, ‘Tsumu!” You moan. “So fucking good!”
His hands come up to cup your ass, fingers wrapping around the expanse of flesh. He halts your movements before drilling up into you, hard and fast. He watches as you throw your head back and your hands come up to hair.
“Yer so hot,” he says, pressing his face into your chest as he continues to thrust. “Takin’ me so well. So tight, baby.”
You can feel your second orgasm approaching. “I’m close, ‘Tsumu.”
“Let go, baby,” he tells you, voice straining slightly. He’s close too. It’s hard not to be when your pussy is gripping onto him that way, all warm and tight. “Let go for me, yeah? Like the good girl y’are.”
You let your high hit you again, hands scrambling to grab onto his shoulders. Your nails dig into his skin, scratching the flesh as he continues to move. “Fuck, ‘Tsumu!” Feeling his grip on you loosen, you start bouncing to meet his thrusts. “Come for me, baby.”
“Can I come on yer tits?”
You almost laugh at how meek the question sounds compared to everything else he’s said. “‘Course, baby.” 
You get off of him and let your knees fall to the bed. You lean down and press your chest to his groin, slipping off the rubber and pumping his cock. Your eyes stay on him as you move. He looks absolutely divine. 
In the darkness of his room, his blond hair catches a hint of light and shimmers above his head like a halo. He stares at you through his hazy gaze, the picture of a fallen angel.
Then, he throws his head back and cum shoots onto your skin. You keep moving until he puts his hand on your arm and pulls you up to kiss him. Your lips melt onto his. The kiss is nice and slow, the two of you holding onto each other as your heartbeats begin to level.
He pulls away first, grinning that boyish grin of his. 
“Hi,” he says.
“Hi,” you say.
“Are ya hungry now?”
“Let’s see if ‘Samu’s home. Get ‘im to make us dinner.”
“I hope he isn’t.” You wince. “We were kinda… loud.”
Atsumu shrugs. “Oh well.”
You hit his arm playfully as the two of you start laughing. 
He gets dressed and helps you get cleaned up, grabbing a damp towel from his bathroom and placing himself between your legs. “Sorry, sorry!” he says when you hiss as he wipes you down. “Still learning.”
“It’s okay.” You smile at him, endeared by his concern. “Just a little sensitive.”
When he’s done, he gives you one of his shirts (a jersey from his highschool team) and a pair of boxers to change into. There’s something so careful about the way he moves. Like he doesn’t want to scare you away. As you watch him go around his room—asking what you want, asking you if you’re sure you’re okay, insisting you at least drink some water—you feel your heart swell a little. It all just feels so… nice.
In fact, you’re so swept up in Atsumu that you don’t even see your phone light up in the darkness of the room. A text message just waiting for your reply.
rin: u wanna have dinner?
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notes. atsumu babes hi <3 i have not forgotten about you <3 anyway!! before the plot continues plotting, lmk what team you guys are on ;)
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boxboxlewis · 1 year
Okay not sure you will like this pairing but Max/Lewis or 4433 🔀
If you hate this ship then consider Charlos please? 🙏🏼 Thanks and sorry
Courage, Villagers
Day 1
It’s Lewis and Max in the Milton Keynes Costco against the world.
Lewis probably would’ve picked, like. Anyone else, to be honest. But everyone else is gone, and now it’s just him and Max, racing around checking the perimeter of the Costco, making sure all the doorways are sealed.
They get the last one done—a fire door in the employee break room; they wedge several titanium kayak paddles through the push bar—and Max wipes the sweat from his forehead and says “That is pretty secure now, I think.”
As if in answer, there’s a meaty thunk against the exterior of the door, and then a sliding sound and a long groan from somewhere near the ground.
The door holds. Lewis and Max each let out a long breath.
“Look, man, I’m gonna crash,” Lewis says. “It’s 3am, I’m knackered.”
Max nods. He’s got his pinched press-conference face on. “Me too. I thought I would go to the garden furniture section, there is a big sofa there I saw.”
Typical. Lewis had his eye on that sofa. “Yeah, whatever,” he says. “Night.” He ends up in a water-free jacuzzi, which he fills with a bunch of feather pillows. His dreams are uneasy.
Day 2
They’ve figured out how to work the pizza ovens. Max is tucking into a slice of oozy, gooey pizza, while Lewis has: some nuts and dried fruit, and a granola bar.
To distract himself, he asks “How long do you reckon electricity lasts, after everyone is like. Dead or a zombie.”
Max looks at him, wide-eyed. His lips are greasy with cheese. “That is a good question,” he says. He gets his phone out and types something. “A few days at least,” he says through a mouthful of pizza. “Maybe weeks.” He keeps reading. “Actually I think none of these people know what they’re talking about, they are all just story writers.”
Great. Lewis eats another cashew.
Day 4
They invent Formula Trolley. The racetrack is the aisle that traverses the length of the shop, and there’s only one rule: get to the finish line with your trolley as fast as you can. Winner gets three points, and there’s a bonus point for Longest Coast.
“And through… comes… Hamilton!” Lewis crows, zooming along on his trolley. He wins, with metres to spare.
“Stewards!” Max calls. They’re both laughing, breathless. “Penalty! Driver 44 interfered with his trolley under parc fermé conditions.”
Lewis’s stomach actually hurts from laughing. It’s probably some kind of trauma response to the fact that they’re in a zombie apocalypse. He’s laughing so, so hard.
“Lewis?” Max is saying. “Lewis, are you…” He pats ineffectually at Lewis’s back. “It is ok,” he says. There’s a pause. “Actually it is not ok, everything is shit and we are probably doomed. I can—do you want me to get you one of those vegan chocolates?”
Day 9
The electricity goes out. 
It’s unnerving, being in the echoey bowels of the store with no light and no sound. The background hum of the industrial chillers is startling, now that it’s gone. 
They make a plan: the next morning at first light they’ll go out to reconnoitre the surrounding area and see if they can find any other survivors. And then they’ll… go from there. 
It’s admittedly not much of a plan, but it’s the best they’ve got.
They fill hiking backpacks with supplies: food, bottled water, camping blankets. They make weapons. Lewis ties a vicious-looking barbecue fork to the end of a curtain rod. Max makes a kind of flail out of a heavy stone garden gnome and some chain. They’re as ready as they’ll ever be.
Max hesitates, before he retires to the garden furniture section for the night. “Do you,” he says. He looks at Lewis, face unreadable. “It is our last night, and we might—we do not know how tomorrow is going to go, so. Do you want…?”
Lewis, somewhat to his surprise, does.
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oncasette · 2 years
AIN’T NO SUNSHINE. charlie young & -
sharing a bed. then making up more excuses to share a bed after that night just to wake up next to their roommate in the mornings.
"who knew that living together would lead to this?" "thank god it did.."
for your wonderful and incredible celly please my sweet pea!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 omg this is so charlie coded i’m gonna dajkdsnbdkha
the dryer clause
roommate!charlie young x gn!reader
summary: 0.6k.
you want to say you forgot about your laundry again by accident. want to say that your dryer was just so valiantly shitty that it failed to dry your sheets for the third night in a row, but they hadn't. your sheets were warm and fluffy and dry, and they were sitting in a pile in your desk chair. you left them there as you stalked back across the hall.
or the one where charlie's roommate can't get their dryer to work and is forced to sleep in charlie's room every night.
warnings: none
masterlist | taglist
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it’d started as an accident. truly. a silly, stupid one, but an accident all the same. you’d dumped the couple sets of sheets you’d owned into wash all at once, hoping the wash and dry cycle would have finished with enough time for you to make your bed and slide into warm, dry sheets at the end of the night.
but that hadn’t happened. all of your sheets had been stuffed into the dryer and were currently on their… third round of drying for the evening. and you were stuck knocking on charlie’s door with your pillow in one hand—one of charlie’s silk cases over top—and a blanket in the other.
“i told you not to do it all in one load,” charlie sighs as he opens the door. his hair is fussed up from he’d likely already been on the verge of sleep.
“i know, i know, save the patronizing for the morning, young,” you grumble as you slide past him to toss your belongings on his much softer, much bigger bed.
you barely register him as you situate yourself in the bed. or, on the bed. over the comforter with the blanket you’d brought covering your legs.
“you can get under the covers, you know,” he says and you can hear the chuckle in his voice despite the grogginess.
“mhm,” you hum, but it takes you a minute, either way, to actually give in and shimmy yourself under his comforter.
that first night is comfortable enough. you fall asleep nearly immediately, already exhausted from your day of chores.
the next night, though, you’re knocking on charlie’s door in a fit of rage.
“we’re buying a new dryer,” you huff as you push past him into his room.
you’d been at work all day, having had enough hope in your laundry machines to not check on your sheets until you’d gotten home that evening.
“well, hello to you, too,” he says as he softly shuts the door behind your outburst. you do your best to ignore how shirtless he is, tonight, and how low his boxers are hanging off his hips.
"if i didn't wanna hear it last night, i wanna hear it even less tonight," you say as you throw back his comforter just enough to slide beneath it.
you're more awake than you were the night before, but so is charlie. you can feel him breathing, staring up at the ceiling from beside you as you keep your back turned to him. you know that if you look at him, you'll be forced to reckon with how fast your heart is beating right now. or just how warm he'd looked when he'd let you in.
when you wake up you're facing him, shins pressed against his with your foreheads nearly touching. it takes nearly every modicum of strength you can conjure up to push yourself up and out of bed and back into your room to get ready for the morning.
you want to say you forgot about your laundry again by accident. want to say that your dryer was just so valiantly shitty that it failed to dry your sheets for the third night in a row, but they hadn't. your sheets were warm and fluffy and dry, and they were sitting in a pile in your desk chair. you left them there as you stalked back across the hall.
charlie opens the door before you've even got a chance to knock tonight.
"come in," he says and you think you imagine the smug smirk that quirks up the corners of his lips.
neither of you speak again for a while, both of you curled up in your respective corners of the bed with your gaze upturned toward the ceiling.
"i know your sheets are dry," he says, breaking the silence.
you can't offer him more than a confused hum, opening and closing your mouth in a frantic attempt to conjure up some sort of excuse.
"i'm not mad, you know. just thought i'd let you know," he says, voice nearly a whisper as you feel him turn his head to look at you. "you wanna tell me why you're sleeping in here again?"
"i don't-"
you're cut off by your own gasp, turning your head to meet charlie's gaze.
"please just- tell me if i'm reading this wrong," he says and you're barely given a chance to nod before he's leaning in to slant his lips against yours. he was warm, fingers blazing as he brought a hand up to brush across the exposed skin at your shoulder.
the kiss doesn't last long, barely longer than a peck, before charlie's pulling away to gauge your reaction.
"you know, i have to say i didn't think us living together would lead to this," you hum, already leaning further in to chase his kiss.
"but thank god it did."
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mermaidgirl30 · 9 months
Look for the Light Chapter 12
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- Summary: Aly finds herself trying to escape the Boston QZ. What Aly doesn’t know is Tess is pairing her up with Joel to go on a dangerous mission to find Tommy. Will Aly survive the brooding, moody Joel or will she find herself falling hard for him? (This chapter hurt my heart so bad writing it)
You awoke from the sunshine leaking in through the frosty window across the room. Slowly sitting up and yawning, you rubbed your eyes and looked out the window. It looked like the snow had stopped falling for the time being. You crawled out of bed and got your bearings together, taking time to stretch your arms overhead and finish waking up from a deep sleep.
Joel walked inside as the wind blew in, shutting the door with a bang behind him. He looked surprised that you were awake. He had on his tan winter coat, but quickly shed it as he walked past the fireplace. “Mornin,” he said with his thick southern accent.
“Morning,” you said back subtly.
“You sleep alright?”
You were surprised by his question. He was asking how you slept? That wasn’t the Joel you were used to. Not quite yet. “That’s actually the best sleep I’ve had in ages. I can’t remember the last time I slept through the whole night without waking up. How long have you been up?”
“Just about an hour. I didn’t want to wake you. I figured you needed the sleep.”
Well, wasn’t that thoughtful. “Did you check on Shimmer this morning?” you asked as you bent down to gather some things from your bag.
“That’s what I just got done doing. She made it through the night okay. That blanket definitely did her some good. She has a thick coat though, so I think she was made for this weather. She seems pretty happy out there.”
“Good, I’m glad to hear it.” An awkward silence hung in the air for a few seconds before Joel spoke again.
“I’m about to make some coffee, you want any?” he asked as he started gathering up the ingredients and pan, placing them on the counter.
“Umm yeah, I’d love some. Thanks. I’m just gonna freshen up real quick. Be out in a few mins,” you said as you walked into the bathroom and closed the door. You heard the water running in the kitchen area. Joel was probably filling up the pan with some water to prepare the coffee.
You quickly did your business, brushed your teeth, washed the sleep out of your eyes and brushed out the messy bed head hair you had going on. Every time the brush ran through your hair, thick waves appeared. Instead of the usual flat hair you got with going days without washing it, dark waves were in place now.
You decided on black high-waisted jegging jeans with a couple of small rips in the material, making the style look like distressed jeans. You then replaced the tank top with a black t-shirt, but kept the purple flannel on. Grabbing your boots, you slipped them on your feet and laced them up.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and blue eyes stared back at you. You know what would make this look better? Lipstick and eyeliner. You had a small stash of dark red Revlon lipstick and some black eyeliner tucked into the small front pocket of your backpack. You’d luckily found them in an abandoned convenience store awhile ago and grabbed them up while you had the chance. Not that you needed makeup in the middle of an apocalypse, but it definitely boosted your confidence. That was nice to have every once in a while.
You carefully slid the red liquid over your lips, making sure you didn’t smudge any on the side of your mouth. The creamy texture covered your lips, sending moisture through the cracks in your once chapped lips. Next you went over the bottom waterline of your eyes with the black pencil. You concentrated on not poking your eye out with the pointy end. When you were finished you looked at yourself in the mirror. The eyeliner made your eyes pop twice as much as without any makeup on, and the red lipstick made you look like Snow White. You actually felt pretty for a change. You popped the lids back on the makeup and secured them back into the pocket of your backpack.
You looked back at your reflection in the mirror, confidence painted across your features. Maybe this would make Joel squirm in his chair. You laughed at the thought and then suddenly became nervous. Nah, he probably wouldn’t even notice the effort you put in today. Or maybe he would. You wouldn’t find out by standing in the bathroom all day.
You took a deep breath and opened up the door. It squealed the slightest bit when you pulled it open. You walked through the door, and Joel was already pouring some coffee into the blue and brown coffee mugs. Before he finished pouring the second cup, he looked up at you quickly and looked back down at the cup. “You ready for…” He didn’t finish his sentence as he looked back up at you, his eyes completely on you. He stopped what he was doing, just standing there holding the cup. He looked almost hypnotized the way he was staring at you. His eyes not leaving your face, even as you walked closer to him. Whatever he was saying before, he lost his words and stood speechless before you.
Butterflies flitted through your body, making you slightly blush and look down. Not fully able to handle his gaze. It’s like he was staring right through you. No walls left standing, it was just you two in a room with awkward silence filling the void. You found your courage to look back up into his eyes. Those molasses honey eyes. You could drown in them, and you’d be okay with sinking, not able to find your way out. “What was that?” you asked him so he could finish his sentence.
He blinked and looked back down at the cup of coffee he was holding. “Umm I meant the coffee is ready. Be careful cause it might be a little hot. But it’s fresh,” he said as he handed the brown cup to you, holding his hand out for you to take it.
“Thanks.” You reached out to grab the cup, and your fingertips brushed his. You almost pulled back from the static shock you felt when your fingertips met his. He must’ve felt it too because his grasp shuttered the moment your skin connected. You grabbed the cup and took a step back, afraid you’d get zapped again if your touch met his once again. And I’m not talking about static like electric shock. I’m talking about the energy in your body that sends explosions through you when feel a connection with someone that you’re hella attracted to.
He ran a hand through his hair, tousling it even more. God he was so sexy with messy hair. You wondered what it’d be like to run your hands through it…
You carefully blew on the black liquid and took a big whiff of the strong, fresh scent. Coffee was one of your favorite smells. It always smelled so inviting and relaxing. You slowly took a sip of the hot liquid. It ran down your throat and didn’t seem so bitter this time around. You raised an eyebrow, surprised Joel had made such a delicious batch of coffee. “This isn’t half bad, Joel. Actually it’s good. Really good.” You took another sip as you let it warm your insides.
He gently laughed as he grabbed his own cup and sat down at the table, the chair slightly wobbling as he sat down. “I do have a talent for making a good cup of coffee,” he spouted off with arrogance thick in his voice. He smirked up at you, and you couldn’t help but flash a small smile back at him.
“You ummm, you look nice today,” he said in a shy voice. He looked up into your face with the corner of his eyes locked on you.
You blushed and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. It was a habit you had when someone made you nervous. “Thank you.” Your cheeks flushed and so did his. Was Joel seriously trying to flirt with you? That had to be a first. At least with words. He was trying. That was good. It gave you hope that maybe this thing wasn’t one sided. You changed the subject, afraid you might blush more if this continued. “So what’s the plan? Are we going to leave today and head to Utah?”
Joel furrowed his brows, wrinkling his forehead. He looked out the window, examining the ground. “I can’t quite tell if a storm is trying to blow in. You see out there to the north?” he asked as he pointed towards the distance. You followed his finger and looked towards the sky. Miles away it looked like the clouds were rolling in. They were quite dark compared to the sunny sky you saw here. That didn’t look too good.
“Yeah, I see what you’re seeing,” you answered as you continued inspecting the sky.
“I think we’d better stay put because those storms roll through quick here. Getting caught in that kind of storm would be a death trap. Better to be safe,” he said as he turned back in his chair and rested his hand back on the smooth coffee mug.
You sighed quietly. “Yeah, you’re probably right. At least we have some shelter here. Not the worst place we could’ve ended up,” you said as you thought about all the rundown houses you’d ended up at before. This cabin was a blessing in disguise.
He took some sips of his coffee, his eyes finding yours every other minute. You were still standing by the counter, leaning up against it as you took another swig of the coffee. The taste was just as good as the first sip you’d taken this morning. He wasn’t kidding when he said he made a good cup of coffee. You could learn to get used to that. To him making you coffee in the mornings. You didn’t know how long it’d last, but you’d enjoy every second that it lasted.
“Are you gonna sit down or are you just gonna stand there?” he asked as he looked up into your eyes. His brown eyes glistened as the sun hit them just right. You could’ve melted in that moment with how handsome he looked. His blue button up shirt was fitted against his muscles, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, exposing his veiny, strong arms. He slightly flexed, and you imagined what it would feel like wrapped up in his strong embrace. It’d probably feel magnetic, electric, sensational. He waited for your response, his gaze still upon you.
“No. I mean yeah, I could sit down.” Your head was discombobulated as you walked the short distance to the chair and sat down, bringing the coffee mug to the table. You pushed it to the left side of you. Joel was sitting on the opposite side of you. His skin radiating from the sun slipping through the window, making his eyes look like pure honey. Your heart rate sped up and you had to calm yourself down.
He started to speak, pulling you away from your thoughts. “You ever shoot a rifle before?” he asked with eagerness in his voice. Was he going to show you how if you said you hadn’t before?
“No, I can’t say I have,” you said as you shook your head slowly.
“Would you be interested in learning?” he asked casually, hope filling his eyes.
If it meant he’d get close to you again like he had with the bow and arrow lesson, then it was a hard yes. You couldn’t quite explain how he had made you feel that day with his hot breath breathing down your neck and his hands enclosing over yours, but it’s something you wanted to feel again. You wanted to tread back into those dark waters again and taste the danger as it danced over your skin. You brought your head out of cloudy thoughts and focused on his question. “If you’re the one teaching then I’m all in.”
“Alright, it’s settled then,” he said with laughter that carried through the room. He really was attractive when he smiled. His laughter sounded like a song you could play over and over again without getting tired of it.
“You know, I don’t even know your last name,” you said as you sat back against your chair. “Tell me.” You crossed your arms and waited for a response.
“Miller,” he said without hesitation. “And yours?”
“Harper,” you replied as you relaxed in the chair.
“Ahh. Alyson Harper. That’s a pretty name,” he purred as he said your full name. You melted right then as the name poured off the tip of his tongue. It sounded like a lullaby you wanted to hear again and again. You could’ve sworn there were stars in your eyes. Normally you preferred Aly, correcting anyone that called you Alyson. But Joel was different. In fact, you liked it better when he said your full name. Call it intimate or not, but you thought it was hot as hell.
You smiled up at him, your eyes gazing into his. You tucked another strand of wavy hair behind your ear. You didn’t expect to be so jittery and nervous today. You didn’t ever expect to feel the way you did about him right now, but you did. Maybe just maybe he was starting to let all his walls down with you. Maybe you could get him to open up even more.
You wanted to push his buttons, make it known that he could trust you. You wanted to see just how far you could reach inside his mind. You wanted to know everything about him. The tethered green band around his left wrist caught your attention. The broken glass on the watch staring into your reflection. That was the one thing you’d wanted to hear about. Why was it so important to him and whose was it before it was his?
You didn’t want to pry, but on the other side you also did. Joel didn’t seem to see you looking at the watch, his eyes focused on his cup of coffee at the moment. What would happen if you gently reached your arm out and grazed the top of the watch, catching his hand? Were you brave enough to see what would happen? You weren’t exactly the kind of person to make the first move, but it was worth a try. Right?
You slowly started trailing your hand towards his, moving silently as to not alarm him. Your nerves weren’t helping, but you pushed past them. Your eyes staring at the old watch, your fingers inches from touching the rough surface. Slowly and steadily you continued your quest. Less than an inch you’d have grazed the watch.
You picked up your hand off the table, your fingers almost sliding over the watch. Before you could fully graze the material with your fingertips his hand shot up, catching your wrist. His grip was so tight you thought he might cut off circulation. “Joel,” you started to say, almost telling him he was hurting you.
“Don’t.” He growled and bared his teeth. You looked up into his eyes, all kindness gone. His eyes darkened as he scowled at you. You tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t budge. Finally he loosened his grip, releasing his hand and shoving your arm away.
“Why not?” you blurted out in a sharp tone.
“Because. That’s something you don’t need to know about.” His face turned red as anger boiled inside him. Why the hell wouldn’t he just let you in? What was he trying to hide from you? You were honestly getting tired of the secrets. Didn’t he know he could trust you?
You snaked your hand back on the table, reaching out cautiously trying to connect with his hand.
“I said no!” he shouted, his voice echoing through the cabin like a megaphone was hooked up to his vocal cords. He shoved your hand away again. This time it connected with the brown coffee mug, sending it crashing over the table and colliding with the floor. The cup shattered into tiny pieces and coffee littered the floor as black liquid caked the wooden surface. The sound was deafening and you jumped up from your chair, afraid of how angry Joel was. You looked back over at him and his eyes were even darker than before. His warm honeydew eyes melding into the color of dark coal.
Your breathing picked up as adrenaline flew through your body. Your fight or flight senses taking place. You needed to get out of here. You needed to breathe some fresh air. Right now this wasn’t a safe space. Joel needed to chill out. “Joel, what the hell?” Your voice came out strong, antagonized.
“Don’t what the hell me. I said don’t and you continued to taunt me,” he said as he scooted the chair back, standing up. The chair raked across the wooden floor as he stood, making a deafening noise that hurt your ears. You squirmed.
“I did not taunt you, I’m only trying to get you to trust me!” you said with a hurt voice.
“And why would I do that?” he said enraged.
Okay now that really hurt. “Don’t do that,” you said, tears on the verge of your eyes. He didn’t seem to notice.
“Don’t do what?” he said with gnashing teeth.
“Don’t try to push me away again,” you begged, your eyes pleading.
“Apparently that’s what I do best! So get used to it,” he said with bold words.
“I don’t want to get used to it.” Your voice was so quiet, you were barely audible as you spoke those words.
“Then don’t.” His eyes were cold as they gazed upon you.
“I’m just.. I’m gonna go for a walk,” you said as you turned to head for the door.
“Not alone you aren’t,” he said as glass crunched underneath his boots. He walked towards you and grabbed you tightly by the arm.
You turned to face him, making sure to look as mean as you could. “Let go,” you demanded.
“You aren’t going out there alone and that’s final. It could be dangerous.”
You laughed at his words, his face looking confused. “You’re telling me it could be dangerous out there when you’re in here yelling at me for trying to get you to open up to me? A man that just knocked over a coffee cup and is fuming right in front of me. Isn’t that ironic? Now let me go.” You went from laughing to staring him down with a hard line across your face.
“What did I tell you before? If you were going to travel with me then you needed to do what I said. Remember? You agreed to my terms. You said what I say goes. I remember like it was just yesterday.”
Those words burned through your memory. You hated that they taunted you to this day. You quickly threw the memory out of your mind. “I don’t think that applies to this moment. Now I said let go of me,” you stammered with aggression behind your words, trying to pry your arm free.
“Fine! If you walk out that door then don’t bother coming back!” he spat the words at you. They cut you like the edge of a sharp sword slicing right down your heart. As those words rang clear through your ears, a tear ran down your face in return. You were so hurt, you had to get out of here before you exploded into tiny pieces. You felt like you couldn’t breathe with every small step you took towards the door. Your heart breaking with every step you got further from Joel. He had his hands on his hips, his eyes going wide. He kind of looked sad. Broken. Just like you felt..
“You mean it?” you asked in the smallest voice you could muster, holding back a wave of tears.
“Y….yes,” he finally stuttered out. Fear creeping up into his eyes.
You slowly turned the knob to the door, opening it just the slightest as the cold wind hit your shoulders, making you shutter at the bitterness of it. “Okay…” you said as you opened the door a little wider.
He looked like he wanted to coax you back inside, apologize. That’s all he needed to do. That’s all you wanted him to do. Convince you not to go. It was right there laid out in front of him. One word to make you stay and you were his. “Aly…” he started to say, but he shut down whatever he was going to murmur to you. He looked like he wanted to reach out his hand to you, but he didn’t. You could see in his eyes he wanted to as they turned into a warm honey color, his eyes relaxing.
You waited for what seemed like forever for him to do or say anything. He was thinking long and hard in his head. He slowly gazed at your hand floating above the doorknob. Something changing in his eyes as he backed up slowly, walking back through the shattered glass. He didn’t seem to notice, his eyes lost to the distance. He looked as if he was lost in a fog, his conscious fading with him.
“Just go then. If that’s what you want.” He didn’t look at you as he said it, his eyes looking down at the spilled coffee on the floor. God, you hated to see him like this. Your eyes stung from the held back tears that were trying to break free of their enclosure. You had to get some air. You wouldn’t break down in front of Joel. Not this time.
“I…I just need to get some air. I need to think,” you stuttered as you opened the door wider, backing up through it.
He looked completely defeated as his anger washed away, replacing the emotion with heartache and regret. Your heart was done for in that moment. Looking at his puppy brown eyes destroyed you entirely. If you stayed any longer you’d be a basket case right in his arms. You just needed some fresh air. Just for a few minutes. You’d come back to him. You had to. Right now your heart was utterly and entirely done for though. You just needed a moment alone. You didn’t need to break down in his arms again.
You fought with yourself as you tried to speak again, but no words came out. You slowly and inaudibly backed out of the cabin, your feet meeting the snow. You closed the door and took your hand off the doorknob. The echo of the door shutting haunted you with every step you took. Grief ran through your body, your heart in your throat.
You wish with everything you had left in you that you didn’t see what you saw next as you looked through the small window of the rusty door. Joel collapsed into the chair that sat behind him. He leaned down putting his elbows on his knees, his hands going up to his face, covering his eyes completely. Now that is what broke you. To see him that vulnerable thinking you weren’t coming back. Damn it! You cursed yourself for taking one last glance. For it certainly would be your undoing.
You had no time to think. You turned and ran with everything you had left in you towards the snow covered forest. You ran so hard that you could barely breathe. The wind carried through your hair, numbing your face. Your eyes blurred and stung like a wave of salt water just crashed into them. You continued running until you couldn’t anymore. You lost sight of where you were and ended up tripping over a large tree root that sat in the middle of the path.
You went tumbling down, your body hitting the ground with a hard smack. The ground was cold as snow seeped through your clothes. You didn’t really mind in this moment. Too focused on the growing ache in your chest. You couldn’t hold it in anymore. Tears flowed down your eyes, soaking your snow covered face. Your body shook as both the snow and tears numbed your. You were too weak to get up, too desensitized to take in every emotion you were feeling right now. You just let the numbness wash over you, hoping it’d make the pain evaporate.
You stayed there for maybe half an hour, losing time as the tears continued to flow. All you wanted was for Joel to come after you. He didn’t. And that stung more than anything you felt right now. You slowly pushed your body up, pain shooting through you as you were freezing now. You needed to go back. You had to. You couldn’t just leave. Not like this. Not when all you wanted was to crash into his body and sink into his warmth, letting his strong arms wrap you in an unbreakable embrace. You already missed the smell of his coffee and mahogany scent. “Joel, I’m coming back,” you said in a whisper as you pushed yourself to a standing position, getting your legs to work again.
Just as you took a step, you heard a loud snap behind you. Fear crept through your body, a tingle running down the base of your spine. You turned slowly to where you heard the crunching sound, but nothing was there. You slowly backed up to a large tree, running into its gigantic trunk. You held onto the rough surface, trying to make yourself unseen. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, focusing on slowing your heart rate. As soon as you didn’t hear anything else you rose from the tree and started heading back for the cabin.
Before you could move more than a few steps, a swarm of men jumped out from behind the trees, some on horses and some on foot. Fear struck through every surface of your body. The men were large, strong, and tall. They were all different ages. Maybe ranges from their 30’s to their early 60’s. They were rough cut and looked feral, hungry eyes staring at you. You were frozen in place as you were surrounded, nowhere to turn to. Every single turn you made a man was standing close by. They had you completely surrounded. You couldn’t count how many there were, but it was more than you could fight off. This was scarier than a hoard of infected. These were feral men that probably lusted after every woman they set their sights on in the middle of an apocalypse. You were trapped.
“Where do you think you’re going pretty thing?” a man asked as he slunk right up to you, grabbing your arms.
“Let go of me!” you screamed while trying to yank free.
He laughed, his mouth smelling of foul meat and something rotten. You turned your head in disgust as he spoke. “I don’t think so. You’re coming with us.”
“No!” You tried kicking him right in the middle of his legs, but another guy stepped in and stopped you. He grabbed your legs as he hoisted you over his shoulder. His grip cutting into your thighs. Another man bound your hands together behind your back, and suddenly you were unable to move. Your freedom was no more.
Fear ran along your nerves as panic took over. You had to get back to Joel. You had to get away! You let out the most deafening scream you could muster as you screamed his name. “JOEL!” Your voice carried through the trees, echoing back to the cabin. You prayed to God Joel had heard you. Your lungs hurt from the blood curdling scream you just bellowed. And you waited. You waited for the moment he’d come out and come to your rescue.
“Go knock him out,” the man that grabbed you first spat. “But leave him. He’s worthless to us. I just don’t want him following us. The boss wouldn’t like that at all.” Panic flew through you as the man continued carrying you over his shoulder, his grasp tightening even more. You winced at the pain of his squeeze.
Joel… Your mind went wild. This wasn’t what you wanted to happen. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Fuck! Your mind raced and tears took over your vision as the cabin door flew open. One of the men stood waiting behind the side of the cabin, ready to knock Joel out. You couldn’t watch. It was too much. Joel. I’m so sorry…
“Aly!” he screamed in pure desperation, his voice full of distress. You looked up immediately and found wild eyes staring back at you. You’d never seen him look so scared in his life. You wanted so badly to be free of these cable ties and be out of this man’s grasp. You wanted to run to Joel and jump in his arms as he breathed your scent in. That couldn’t happen though. That was only a wish you couldn’t be granted. Instead you were stuck in hell, having to watch him about to be knocked out.
The man beside the cabin came out from hiding and lifted his gun in the air above Joel’s head. “No!” you cried out in desperation, your voice cracking as the word slipped out of your mouth. The gun crashed down onto Joel’s head and he collapsed in the snow, his head hitting the ground. He didn’t get back up. He was knocked out cold. “Joel!” you screamed again and kicked at the man who was holding you hostage.
“Stop that and keep still!” he screamed as he pulled the ties tighter, almost cutting off circulation to your wrists. You winced in pain as tears flowed down your face, hitting the man’s back of his jacket. You gave up fighting and slumped over his shoulder. It was no use. You were trapped like an animal in a cage, no getting free of your confinements. You were a slave, and these men were the masters. No more Joel…You might as well have died right then because that’s where your heart was. Dead.
Joel’s POV
You sat in the chair hunched over with your elbows resting against your knees and hands covering your eyes. A wave of sadness washing all the anger away from you. “What have I done?” you asked yourself as a tear made its way down your face, landing against the thigh of your jeans. You were watching yourself crumble. Falling apart every second you sat there like a coward. Why did you have to be so damn stupid and reckless with her feelings? You could see just how much you were breaking that poor girl’s heart with every step she took closer to that door.
You looked up to the front door, mere memories haunting you that just happened minutes ago. You hated yourself in that moment more than you ever had. If you would’ve just cooled down a little, maybe she wouldn’t have ran out in the bitter cold. Your hands gripped your legs so tight that you thought they’d rip holes through the thick material. FUCK. You had to get ahold of yourself. This was the last straw. You had to go after her. You couldn’t leave like this. No, you had to tell her how you truly felt. You needed to tell her that she was one of the only things that kept you going every day. She needed to know you did trust her. She had to know you wanted her so goddamn bad that your heart was nearly imploding inside your chest at the thought of her. You let out the biggest sigh and stood up. That’s it, you were going after her.
Before you could take another step, you heard a terrified, high pitched scream come from outside. You stopped dead in your tracks and looked up. Your name was burning through her cries as she screamed your name. Desperation was all over her tone, pain thick in her cries. “Aly?”
You ran towards the door and yanked it open, slamming the door on the counter behind the door. You ran outside in the built up snow and looked around. That’s when you saw her. She was about half a football field away from you. Aly was draped over some man’s shoulder, her arms bound behind her as the man held her down against him. There were at least a dozen men surrounding her. “Holy shit,” you whispered.
You were so desperate to get to her that you forgot your rifle inside, leaving you weaponless. “Aly!” you screamed in desperation. You were about to turn to go grab your weapon when suddenly a stocky build of a man came out from the shadows, lifting a gun over your head. Before you could react, the butt of the shotgun came down hard against your head. It knocked the wind out of you as your vision blurred and you fell to the ground. Your head hitting the snow covered ground.
“Joel, no!” You could hear Aly scream out in agony as the lights in the sky faded. She was the last thing you heard before your world turned cold and dark, holding on to the echo of her voice as you blacked out.
Chapter 13
Series Masterlist
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coneyislandbabey · 1 year
one; a study in lake water and forest princesses. -> w.rojas
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WARNINGS: None for this chapter!
SYNOPSIS: This is chapter one of the Camp Wawayanda Lake Series! (read the prologue here!) It's the first day of camp and Billy does something stupid that sets Daisy on a summer-long path toward revenge. word count: 3,620
NOTES: I'm super psyched that you guys loved the prologue! I hope this one lives up to your expectations <3 check out the official series playlist on spotify!
Dawn was barely breaking over camp when you awoke. Stretching, you observed your cabin mates in the gray morning light: Daisy in the bed next to you, sprawled on her stomach, her red hair a chaotic mess all around her; Simone on the other side of her, pink satin bonnet secured over her hair, ancient quilt tucked right up around her chin; across the room Karen, her sheets and blankets shoved to the floor in the night, laying flat on her back with her head hanging almost over the edge, messy blonde hair brushing the wooden floor; and Camila, curled in the fetal position and almost tucked entirely beneath her sheet, only the top of her dark head of hair visible. You couldn’t help but grin as you looked around at the four of them. There was no better feeling in the world than waking up back at camp, surrounded by your favorite people. Waking up even earlier than you had to for school didn’t even feel bad when it was at Wawayanda Lake. 
Slowly, you pulled yourself onto your feet and made your bed, laughing to yourself over the fact that none of your movement or noise made anyone else wake up. All of your girls were such heavy sleepers. Just then, you knew the kitchen crew was finishing breakfast, setting it out on the long buffet tables for the kids and staff. You were close friends with a lot of the kitchen boys– Mario and Pat and Benny especially, all boys whose mothers were friends with Rod and had been coming to camp with you practically since birth– and the thought of them getting breakfast ready already had you excited to get back to your usual nightly poker games with them and the girls. 
You change into a loose powder blue t-shirt and a pair of orange athletic shorts, sitting on the edge of your bed to tie your laces before heading to the cabin’s tiny bathroom– nothing more than a toilet and a sink with a rusted mirror above it, as the showers had a cabin of their own– to brush your teeth and fix your hair for the day. As you do so, you hear the others begin to stir in the other room, and by the time you emerge, Camila and Simone are up with their beds made, getting ready for the day. 
“How on Earth are you always up so damn early?” Simone grumbled as she caught sight of you coming out of the bathroom, chipper and ready to get started on the first day of camp. She was sitting on her made bed, her clothes for the day on her lap, though she made no move to actually get dressed. 
You laughed, shaking your head at the grumpy way her eyebrows drew together. “Some of us can function as morning people, Mone.” 
“I can’t believe you ever became a counselor in the first place,” Camila piped up from the other side of the room with a laugh. “It’s, like, a mix of so many things you hate. Getting up early, the outdoors, the heat, being surrounded by so many children.”
Simone rolled her eyes as Camila ticked off the reasons on her fingers. “Something about you people charmed me, but I honestly can’t remember what now.” 
“Oh, you don’t mean that,” you dismissed, wrapping your arms around Simone’s shoulders. “We’re your irresistibly favorite people.” Simone only grunted in response, finally standing and making a move to get dressed as you released her shoulders. 
“I’ll see you guys at breakfast, I’m gonna go visit Rod and Teddy first,” you said, opening the screen door and letting yourself out into the cool morning air. It was slightly foggy, though you could see the sun doing its damndest to break through and knew it would be blistering by noon. 
Teddy and Rod had a cabin up near the administrative buildings, a few minutes’ walk away from the counselor and camper cabins. It was one of the oldest structures on the property, an honest-to-god logger’s cabin that had been built sometime in the 1890s, a beautiful, cozy little place that you had spent as much time as possible in as a kid. It was about sixty years later that the rest of the camp began to spring up around it. 
You knew Uncle Rod would still be asleep when you got there– he’d always been terrible at waking up before eleven at the earliest, but Teddy was just as much of an early bird as you. Stepping up to the front porch, you caught sight of him through the window, sitting in one of the big armchairs in the living room with a cup of coffee and a book. You rapped your knuckles lightly against the glass, sending him a wave when he looked up. Smiling, he came over to open the door for you. 
“Mornin’ sunshine,” he greeted, moving aside to allow you in. 
“Morning, Teddy,” you grinned, dropping into the chair opposite his. “So, first day. How are you feeling about this season?”
“Tired just thinkin’ about it,” he chuckled. “The kids seem good, though. Our regulars are back, and the new kids don’t seem like they’ll be trouble.”
“Thankfully,” you agreed. “I’m just glad that little menace, Danny Kowalski, from last year didn’t come back.” 
“I told his mother our price was raised by seventy-five dollars just to get her not to send him back,” Teddy told you seriously, and you bursted into laughter. 
“Genius,” you said as you calmed down. 
“How are you feeling about this season?”
“Oh, relieved to be back,” you told him. “This is my place, you know? All of my favorite people are here, and I love looking after the kids. I couldn’t wait to get back.” 
“I don’t think you’ll ever know what it means to your uncle that you love it here so much,” Teddy told you, the smile on his face soft and fond. 
“Well, I don’t think he’ll ever know how much it means to me that he keeps inviting me back,” you responded earnestly. Teddy reached out and dropped his large hand over yours, patting it a few times. 
“You better get goin’ to breakfast before you miss all the good stuff,” Teddy told you and you laughed, standing from your seat. 
“See you later, tell Uncle Rod I dropped in,” you said with a wave as you exited back out onto the dirt path. The sun had broken through the morning mist a little more, cascading in golden beams through the trees. By now, the wake up call had gone out through the camp, and everyone was in varying states of consciousness, getting ready for the day and making their way to breakfast. You passed gaggles of little campers in matching Wawayanda Lake ringer tees, the white fabric standing against the dark green letters and collar and their already tanned skin. 
All of your friends were at your usual table as you entered the mess hall, raucous conversation emanating from your little corner. You laughed to yourself when you saw that Daisy was leaning her head against the wall, seemingly asleep again. If Simone was bad with mornings, Daisy was awful with them. You made your plate and joined them, easily falling into the conversation they were already in the middle of. That was something you loved so dearly about these friends, this place; you felt that you belonged in every way and with every person. Not once had you ever felt alone or isolated here, and you knew that you never would. 
After breakfast, you stopped in the break room of the mess hall with everyone else to see what your assignments for the day were. You each had two daily, one assignment for the morning, and one for the afternoon, after lunch. Finding the row with your name, you almost laughed out loud. You and Daisy were assigned to lead the morning hike. Should be fun, seeing how Daisy is still barely awake. You watched as Daisy, eyelids still drooping, found her assignment and groaned, collapsing into the desk chair behind her. 
“Hey, maybe the hike will help wake you up,” you said to Daisy, clapping her on the shoulder with a shit-eating grin. 
“Easy for you to say, you’ve got the arts and crafts cabin this afternoon,” Daisy grumbled. “I have to teach stupid tennis after traipsing through the woods.” 
“Oh, come on, Hazy, lace up your sneakers,” you said, amused. A few minutes later the two of you were standing at the head of the blue trail with a group of twenty campers, chatting eagerly with one another and amped up on a school year’s worth of pent up energy. 
Blue trail went about a third of the way around the edge of the large lake, emptying out at the docks before pivoting and returning back to the main camp deeper through the woods. It took about two hours to complete, leaving you all time to freshen up a bit before lunch and the afternoon activities. You loved leading the hike. You knew all the trails by heart; hell, you could find your way back to camp without any trail in the dark at this point, probably. You knew a lot about the local flora and fauna and loved to point out what you saw on the hike, watching the kids’ mesmerized faces as they trailed a pair of blue jays through the sky, or caught a glimpse of a deer through a copse of trees. 
Daisy, on the other hand, absolutely hated it. Leading the hike was probably her least favorite activity at camp, and Rod was probably being a little shit by assigning it to her on the very first day. Luckily, yours and the kids' excitement was eclipsing Daisy’s already stormy mood. 
“Alright, campers,” you announced, and suddenly twenty pairs of eyes were on you. “I have a prize for whoever can spot and correctly identify five different birds on our hike. How ‘bout we get this show on the road?” 
With a cheer the kids surged forward and you grinned, leading the way into the mouth of the trail. You breathed in the thick scent of pine, relishing in the warmth of the dappled sunlight filtering through the branches. You kept a list in your little field notes book of who had identified which bird, and led a few call and response songs that you knew off the top of your head from your Girl Scouts days, laughing as the kids screamed them back at you at the top of their lungs. Daisy trudged behind, bringing up the rear, slowly but surely waking up, her mood brightening by degrees. Even she was not impervious to the happiness that sunlight brings. 
Sooner than you expected, the path widened until it emptied into the small, sandy area that constituted a beach in front of the lake. The dock lay beyond it, a few rowboats tethered to one side and a group of campers splashing around in the designated swim area on the other side. You grinned as you caught sight of Warren standing at the edge of the dock in a white t-shirt and red lifeguard board shorts, bent over with his hands on his knees so that he could talk to two kids in the water. Billy, the other counselor assigned to morning lake duty, was taking his shirt off and threatening to get in the water after a few kids who weren’t following the rules. 
“Okay, guys! We’re at the halfway point, so how about we take a little break?” you said, turning around to face your small group. “Why don’t you all sit at the picnic tables and eat the snacks you brought.” 
At your words, the kids flew off in the direction of the clump of picnic tables, taking water bottles and granola bars out of their drawstring bags. Daisy came to stand next to you, and for the first time that morning, she had a smile on her face. 
“Not so bad, huh, Hazy?” you asked, nudging her in the ribs when she rolled her eyes. 
“Don’t push it, babe,” she warned you, and you threw your hands up in mock surrender. 
“C’mon, let’s go say hello to the boys,” you said, linking your arm through hers and dragging her towards the dock. Billy noticed the pair of you first, and stopped threatening the kids in the water long enough to come over to you. 
“Hey, how’s the hike?” he asked, coming to a stop in front of you and crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Terrible. As usual,” Daisy said, and Billy rolled his eyes, smirking at her usual antics. 
“Oh, don’t listen to her,” you said, unlinking your arm from Daisy’s so that you could dig a few granola bars out of your own bag. Wordlessly, you passed one to the redhead. “The rest of us are having a great time.” 
Just as you were about to open your granola bar, someone slammed into your side full force. A pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist, steadying you so that you wouldn’t fall on your ass. Turning your head, you came nose to nose with Warren’s grinning face. 
“Hey, cariño, what are you doing out here?” Even after you were steadied, Warren’s arms stayed linked securely around your waist. Unconsciously, you felt yourself slightly leaning into the warmth of him, the clean cotton smell of his shirt and the coconut scent of his sunscreen. 
“Hiking,” you told him, gesturing to shore, where your group was sitting. “Taking our halfway point break.” 
“Well, aren’t I lucky that I was scheduled out here today, then,” he said cheekily, and you rolled your eyes, playfully pushing him away. “Did you see we’re working the arts and crafts cabin together later?” 
“Yup,” you nodded, “looks like you’re double lucky today.”
“Looks like,” Warren agreed. 
You hadn’t noticed that Daisy and Billy had moved down the dock during your conversation until Daisy started shouting. Whipping around, you spotted the pair of them on the other end of the dock. She seemed to be reprimanding him, and based on the shit-eating grin on his face, he was not absorbing a single thing she said. He made a move to poke her in the ribs, and as she jerked away from that, attempted to grab the granola bar out of her hand. As she tried to dodge him, she lost her footing. 
“Oh fuck,” you breathed, being able to see the disaster about to unfold, but unable to do anything to stop it. 
Daisy’s arms pinwheeled in the air, her light eyes going wide. The heel of her sneaker had gotten caught between two slats of wood, halting her movement and making her completely lose her balance. Billy was too caught up in screwing around to notice in time to help, and before anyone else could move, Daisy fell backward into the lake with a loud splash. 
“Shit. Daisy!” Billy shouted, kneeling down and holding on the dock with one hand, reaching down to try to grab the redhead and pull her out with the other. In seconds, he had a grip on her forearm, and blithely pulled her out of the water, helping her climb back onto the dock. 
Despite her dousing, Daisy’s whole face was bright red, made to look all the brighter by the fiery hair plastered to her face. You could practically see the steam coming out of her ears. 
“This is not good,” Warren muttered beside you, and you shook your head in agreement. It was like watching a car crash: horrible, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away. 
“You better watch yourself, Dunne,” Daisy said, her voice dangerously low as she jabbed her pointer finger into his chest. “Because I will be getting payback.” 
Without another word, Daisy turned on her heel and trudged off the dock towards your group. She shouted something at them and started down the trail without checking to see if you or the children were following her. 
“Okay, I’ll see you later,” you told Warren, pulling him into a quick hug before running down the dock. You offered a quick wave to Billy, stifling a laugh at the expression of horror adorning his face. 
“Break time over, guys! Let’s go catch up with Daisy,” you called, harried, to the kids, who were doing their best to pack their snacks up and get back to the trail. You brought up the rear for the rest of the hike, keeping a worried eye on Daisy’s distant wet head. 
Daisy disappeared into your cabin during the break, and you filled in the rest of the girls on the morning’s events over lunch. Everyone was in agreement that Daisy was about to go nuclear, and nothing good could possibly come from it. Knowing Daisy meant knowing that there was absolutely no way to predict how she would react to anything, and you were all waiting with baited breath to see what form her payback would come in for this incident. 
You all parted at the end of lunch uneasily, heading into the afternoon with a wariness, keeping on high alert to see if Daisy would try to get her revenge immediately. However, as you walked past the tennis courts to get to the arts and crafts cabin, you saw Daisy standing near the fence, wearing a new, dry outfit and with her still-damp hair tied up in a ponytail. She sure as hell didn’t look happy, but she also didn’t look like she was about to find and kill Billy Dunne in the immediate future, either. That was the best you could hope for. 
You were a few minutes late to afternoon activities after taking the long way past the tennis courts, and when you arrived, Warren already had all the kids started on their art: macaroni necklaces for the little ones, string friendship bracelets for the older ones. Warren was sitting in one of the tiny plastic kid chairs, his knees practically up to his chest as he helped a little redheaded boy string macaroni onto some thread. Smiling, you grabbed a chair from a stack against the wall and sat across from him. 
“Oh, look who finally showed up to her post,” Warren said by way of greeting. 
“I decided to take pity on you and not leave you alone in a room full of children and gallons of glitter,” you responded, your voice as full of sarcastic faux-cheer as his. He rolled his eyes, handing the redheaded boy his necklace once he was done helping him. 
“So…” Warren started, glancing around the table to make sure all the kids were too busy with their projects to really be listening to your conversation. “This morning was interesting, huh?”
“That’s one word for it, for sure.” 
“What do you think Daisy means by ‘payback’?”
“Your guess is as good as mine, Rojas,” you said honestly. “But whatever she settles on, it’s not gonna be pretty.” 
Warren laughed in agreement. “I feel sorry for Billy.”
“Eh, he’s got it coming,” you shrugged. “The two of them rib each other all summer every year. I can’t believe it took this long to escalate, honestly.” 
“Maybe if Daisy kicks his a–” Warren started, cutting himself off abruptly when he remembered he was surrounded by impressionable elementary schoolers. “His you know what, they’ll act normal next summer.” 
“Now that is some wishful thinking– I don’t think either of them are capable of acting normal.” 
As you spoke, you absentmindedly strung pieces of macaroni and chunky wooden beads onto a strand of summery orange thread. When you finished, you triumphantly tied it and slung it around your neck, showing it off to the table in a way that made all the kids giggle. 
“And Miss (y/n),” a tiny, curly-haired boy to your left started. “You’re pretty! Right, Mr. Warren?” 
“Oh, certainly,” Warren agreed, nodding his head in a theatrical manner. “She’s so pretty because she’s the forest princess of Wawayanda Lake.” The little boy turned to look at you with shocked, saucer eyes, and you stifled a laugh. 
“Well, thank you boys,” you said, smiling gently at them. 
The rest of the afternoon flew by in the blink of an eye, you and Warren passing most of the time catching up on what happened over the school year and occasionally helping kids finish their projects. At dinner, all nine of you sat together, though Daisy pointedly sat all the way on the other end of the table from Billy, eating quickly and leaving the mess hall early. 
She wasn’t at the cabin when you all got back after your showers, and the rest of you tried to go about your night as normal, pretending the thought of Daisy out there somewhere on the campgrounds plotting revenge wasn’t unsettling. 
You sat on the front steps of your cabin with Karen, Camila, and Simone, wearing a giant Philadelphia Eagles t-shirt that you stole from Warren last summer, your hair swept up in your towel, a contraband cigarette dangling from your lips. Karen was on the step below you, her hair up in big pink rollers as she shuffled a deck of cards for a quick game of poker before you all got ready for bed. Just as she was about to deal, Daisy rounded the side of the cabin, making her way over to you with a scary look of determination on her face. 
There was a devilish gleam in her eye when she opened her mouth. 
“I know how we’re getting Billy back.”
tag list: @iwantloveletterss @boredshit-shadow @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @lilyhw1 @graziellasnotes @nicostars @robinismywife @xxxlaura @hella-sirius @everyonesannoyedwithme
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avenging-fandoms · 2 years
no bc going on a road trip with the triplets would be so :((((
plus falling asleep on whichever boy was sittin in the back with you :(
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“nick, how much shit do you have to bring? it’s literally a 4 hour road trip” you giggle and he gives you a look. he pushes you into the trunk and chris rushes over, closing it and you laugh, banging on the window as the three boys double over in laughter.
"let me out!" you whine and matt stands up, giggling as he opens the trunk. you hop out and hit nick in the shoulder, and he hit you back, which ended up in you two getting into a slapping fight.
"alright, you two. we're gonna be here all night. can we trust you two to sit back there together?" chris picked you up by your waist and pulled you away from nick. chris put you in the van and you tapped his cheek.
"no promises, chris" he closes the door and you pull out your phone, popping in an airpod and snuggling up with your blanket. the boys got in the car and chris plugged his phone in, playing his music and you look at nick, who gave you an annoyed look and you started to laugh.
"MATT" you yell and all 3 of them jump, making you laugh. "i'm hungry"
"and that's my problem how?"
"there's a mcdonald's close by, and a gas station right next to it. you can fill 'er up and i can get some nuggets" you clap and matt nods.
"are you buying mcdonald's?" chris turns around and looks at you with a grin, and you gave him a look.
“what do i look like, a cash cow?” matt pulls into the gas station and hops out, filling up the car.
“nick” he looks at you “want a lemon up?” you take out a cookie and he gasps, swatting it out of your hand and it landed on the dashboard. you and chris laugh, you bending over and tapping his leg.
“no, don’t touch me after you touched that poison, get away from me” nick swatted your hand and you wipe your eyes.
“nick it’s a fucking vanilla oreo!” chris laughed and nick’s face dropped.
“that’s worse! get me regular!” he exclaimed and matt came back in the car.
“why the fuck is my ass covered in crumbs” matt yelled and you snort. matt turns the car on and drives a little ways to mcdonald’s, parking and you all pile out. you stand in the front while the 3 boys stand behind you, chris and matt crossing their arms, making it look like they’re your security guards.
you all ordered your food, you and matt getting happy meals and chris and nick getting their normal meals. you put your phone up against the wall on the counter, recording a video. “fit check” you put up a peace sign and chris stands next to you fixing his hair.
“your fit is trash, onto me” chris pushed you out of the way and you laugh, matt catching you. each boy showed their outfits and chris took your phone, shoving your camera in his mouth.
“alright, that’s enough” you grabbed your phone and stop the video, getting your food and heading out to the car. “nick, you wanna share my apples in the back?”
“actually i’m gonna sit in the back with you” chris smiled and you looked at nick who rolled his eyes.
“princess chris always gets what he wants. he wants to sleep and the front isn’t comfortable for him so he wants to sleep in the back, and i’m not tired. plus, if he’s sleeping, i can play the music i want” nick opens the passenger door and you all get in, nick plugging in his phone and playing sza.
as you both sang along, everyone ate their food, and even matt joined in on some doja cat. you finished your food and put your feet on chris’s lap, smiling at him. “your feet smell”
“you smell, bitch” you kick his thigh and he slaps your toes. you sat up and chris smiled, thinking he won. you spun your body and laid your head on his lap, and he rolled his eyes. “i guess this is better than your smelly feet” you smile and wrap your arm around his leg, pulling your blanket up and closing your eyes.
chris mindlessly played with your hair as he scrolled on tiktok and made tiktoks, a couple of them with you sleeping on his lap. chris playing with your hair helped you fall asleep faster, and half an hour later, chris put his hood up then leaned his pillow against the door, arm draped over your back as you both slept for the rest of the ride.
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munsonxmayhem · 2 years
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The New Girl
( Part ii here )
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Steve Harrington
Summary: Being the new girl in town is never easy, and tends to draw a lot of attention. But what happens when she receives the attention of two vastly different men, who both want the same thing? Her.
Warnings: Pining, slow burner (and fairly lengthy), 18+ MINORS DNI, drinking, minor drug use, adult language, eventually possible spice? angst? kissing? so many possibilities.
(not sure if this is going to be a series or not, guess that depends on the feedback and where i see it going)
Hawkins. Your new home. After graduating high school, you decided it was time to leave the nest. Not knowing it would land you here, in a small town that you soon were made aware was ‘cursed’. How? You’ve no idea. You don’t plan on staying long enough to find that out.
You made your way into the lot, where you rented a fairly small trailer until you figure out your next move in life. Your ‘83 Toyota sputtered to a stop in your small driveway, groaning in annoyance at your hunk of junk car. Grabbing your keys, you exit the vehicle making your way to the front door. Loud music catching your attention, making you turn your head to your new neighbors place.
You seen a guy, around your age, turning off his ignition. The music coming to a stop as he exits the van. Shoulder length, unruly hair blowing in the breeze. He turns to you and sends a small wave, waving back you see him head into the trailer.
After what seemed like hours of carrying boxes of stuff in that you’d stuffed in the backseat and the small trailer hitched to the back; you finally sit on the couch. The furniture came with the place, just standard things, sofa, chairs, table, stands, dresser. You weren’t complaining, anywhere beats home.
You hear a knock at your door as you’re unpacking the kitchen box. You stop what you’re doing, checking your watch for the time and making your way to the door. Opening it, you see the guy from the trailer next door, stood behind him was an older guy. Maybe his dad? “What’s up?” you say, breaking the silence. “Oh uh.. hi, I’m Eddie. This is my uncle Wayne. We live just next door, and wanted to come welcome you to the neighborhood or whatever.” he speaks as though it wasn’t his idea to be here.
His Uncle nudges his arm slightly, giving you a smile as well. Eddie sighs, about to speak before his Uncle cuts in. “What my nephew here is trying to say is, if you need anything, we’re right next door. Also, I noticed your mattress was still tied to the roof of your car, and Eddie would be glad to help you get it down.” He finishes, sounding very kind. “Oh thank you! That would be great actually, I was gonna see if there was someone in town I could get to do it. So thank you, for saving me the trip.” You send a kind smile.
“Oh right! I’m (Y/N), by the way. Nice to meet you guys.” you say, suddenly, extending your hand out and shaking their hands. As you exit the trailer, you notice Eddie’s gaze on you never falters. You brush it off that it’s because you’re new. Unlocking your car door, you unhook the straps that’s holding the bed down.
“God, I can’t thank you guys enough for helping me with this. Seriously, life savers.” you ramble on as they carry the mattress into the trailer, following your instructions on where to put it. Both rambling off ‘you’re welcome’s as they place it into your room.
“It was nice meeting you, (Y/N)! Don’t be a stranger, I work nights but Eddie is home a lot of the time. Just look for his van!” Wayne calls out to you, both of them making their way back to the trailer.
Heading back inside, you decide to call it a night. You grab the bag with your blankets and pillows, carelessly dumping it on your bed. You messily throw it all together, too exhausted to care, before hopping in and almost instantly falling to sleep.
You wake up the next morning, stomach growling from the lack of food you’ve put in it. Checking your watch, 12:56pm. How did I sleep in so late? You think to yourself as you fling the covers off and get up.
Heading straight to the fridge you realize you hadn’t gone grocery shopping yesterday. Stomping around the trailer, you grab a pair of cut off denim shorts from your clothes box, and a pretty worn ‘Metallica’ t-shirt, going into the bathroom.
You put on some mascara, and slide on your, less than clean, black vans. Heading to your car. You hop in and turn the ignition…
Turn. Pathetic whirring of a newly dead battery. Turn. Same thing. “Fuck!” you slam your hands against the steering wheel, turning your head to the trailer next to yours. Van in driveway. You sigh, getting out with a loud slam of your car door.
You make your way to the trailer door, hesitating before knocking a couple of times. Nothing. Again. Knock, knock, knock. You’re ready to turn and leave when the door swings open. It’s Eddie. Hair messy, you can’t help the heat on your face when you notice he’s just in his boxers. Wiping his eyes as if he’s just woken up as well. “Yeah?” he croaks out, yep definitely just woke up. “Oh uh.. I was wondering if you could give my car a jump? It’s not starting and I really need to go into town.” you state, gesturing to the heap of metal sitting in your driveway. He squints over at it. “Yeah, sure.” he obliges, “let me just uh.. get decent.” he’s referring to his lack of clothes. You nod, “Take your time!”
“Try it again!” he shouts. Turn. The engine sputters on. You clap your hands together, “Aha! There she is!” you exclaim, excitedly. He unhooks the cables, tossing them in your backseat before leaning in the window. Arms crossed over the door. “So, whatcha got planned for today? Hot date?” he jokes. “Oh yeah, totally.” you laugh, sarcasm present in the comment. “Nope, just have to head to the grocery store and whatnot.” you admit. He nods, “Want company? There’s some things I’ve gotta do in town, too” he says, almost sounding nervous to ask. “Yeah, sure! Hop in.” He holds up a finger, muttering a ‘just a second’ before sprinting back to his trailer.
He returns with a small, metal, lunchbox? You cock an eyebrow at it, wondering what it could be. Letting it go, you put it in reverse and get going. Opening the glovebox, you tell him to pick a tape. He searches through the tapes, with ring clad hands, taking a curious glance at you from time to time. “Sabbath? Maiden? Metallica?” He inquired, sounding more excited than anything. You nod, “Yep! Grew up on stuff like that, my dad liked them so I’ve gotten quite the collection.” you laugh, and he smiles widely. His hands finally grab onto one, Judas Priest. You smile to yourself as he pushes it into the radio.
For the rest of the ride, both of you are jamming out to the songs that are playing. Windows down, breeze flowing through the car. When you roll up to the grocery store, he says he has to go a couple blocks down and that he’ll meet you back here in about half an hour. You nod and he grabs his metal box, heading out.
Searching the isles, you grab a few bags on chips and whatnot. Then drinks. Then you pass through the beer isle. Glancing through the selection, you’re lost in thought, not noticing anything until you walk straight into someone else. With a gasp followed by an “Oh my god, I’m sorry!” you look up, a taller guy with probably the most perfect hair you’d ever seen is standing before you. “That’s okay!” he snaps you from your thought. “I’ve never seen you before, you new here?” He asks, keeping eye contact. You anxiously tear away, nodding. “Yeah, just moved into the trailer park, actually.” sounding a tad embarrassed considering how well put together he looked, definitely not a trailer park boy.
He passes no judgment though, instead hold out his hand. “Steve. Steve Harrington.” He smiles, warmly. You reach and accept the handshake, “(Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” you return. “Having a party or something?” You joke, gesturing to the amount of beer, drinks, and snacks in his cart. He breaks eye contact, glancing over at his cart. “Oh! Yeah, actually. A few people coming over tonight, gonna be a blast. You wanna drop by, maybe? Definitely gonna be able to meet some people, since you’re new here and all.” He tells you, happily. You ponder for a second, “You know what? That actually sounds great. I’ll definitely try and make it.” He nods, reaching for his notepad, turning to a page, scribbling something down. Handing it to you, he smiles. “Hope to see you there, I’ve got to run. It was nice meeting you, (Y/N).” You say your goodbyes and head back down the isle.
After what seems like hours, you finally check out your groceries. Heading to the car and seeing Eddie leaning against it, a cigarette between his lips. “Sorry, that took longer than expected.” you call out as you put the groceries in the back. Stomping out the cigarette, he rounds the car, helping with the groceries. “That’s okay, I just got back a couple minutes ago.” he replies, quickly, putting the last of the groceries in the car before getting in, himself.
You start the car, nervous that it wouldn’t. Before pulling out the paper.
‘8253 Carlton Rd.
No need to bring anything but your pretty self.
- Steve H.’
You smile, and Eddie notices. “What’s that?” he smiles and nods at the paper. “Oh uh.. I got invited to a party tonight, actually. Figured I could meet some more people there.” you answer. “Oh yeah? Cool. Who’s party?” he inquired. You feel heat rising to your cheeks, “Steve Harrington, you know him?” you glance back at Eddie who looks like he’s in shock for a brief moment. “Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington? You’re kidding!” he laughs, “Guys a total d-bag, (Y/N). You gonna go?” he sighs, shaking his head. You shrug, “I don’t know, could be fun. He seemed nice.” you, too, look at your lap. Fiddling with the paper before putting it in your pocket. “Of course he’s nice, he’s not gonna be mean to a pretty lady.” Your heart skips a beat at him calling you that. “You think I’m pretty, huh, Munson?” you mock jokingly, causing a blush to appear on his cheeks.
The drive back to the park was quiet, music playing on a low volume in the background. Pretty girl.. Eddie’s words still lingering in your head as you pull up to your place, turning off the ignition. He notices the smile on your face as you both exit the vehicle. “What’s got you all smiley? Harrington?” he jokingly asks. You shake your head, ridding the thoughts you had. “Do you wanna come with me?” You asks, quickly. His eyes go wide, “I don’t know about that.” He starts, looking at his feet. You raise an eyebrow in a ‘why the hell not’ manner.
He sighs, “I’m not exactly ‘Mr. Popular’ around here. Especially not like Steve. I don’t think you’d want to roll up with me to a party, especially if you’re lookin’ to make new friends.” he admits, sounding quite sad. You furrow your eyebrows, “Hey, you were my friend first, and if the people judge me for who I’m friends with, then I guess they aren’t good friends to keep, huh?” you say, giving him a smile. “Look, I still want you to come with me. I’ll feel more comfortable having a familiar face there.” you admit, searching his eyes. He nods, conceding; “Yeah, alright. What time?” You give a huge smile before giving him the details.
7:30 rolls around and you’re doing the finishing touches on yourself. Black vans, tight black jeans, black tank top, and a leather jacket. Touching up your mascara, and red lipstick you head out of the door to Eddie’s trailer.
Surprisingly enough, he’s heading out of his trailer, too. He stops dead in his tracks when he looks up and sees you walking toward him. Clearing his throat as you approach, “Hey” is all he manages. You giggle as you see his eyes scan you a bit before looking back at you. “Hi” You return with a smile. “Ready?” he says, pointing at his van. “We’re taking yours?” you say, walking over to it. He nods, “Figured you’d want to drink and let loose tonight, so I’ll be DD.” he states and your heart warms at his thoughtfulness.
It’s a nice drive over to Steve’s, he has the music low, so he can hear your occasional worried comment about how nervous you were. “There’s no need to be nervous, (Y/N). I mean come on, you’re great. You know that. You’re funny, you’re kind, you’re pretty, and…” he trails off, realizing what he’s rambling about. You look down, a blush spreading across your cheeks. He glances at you before giving your knee a reassuring squeeze, “I’ll be there if you need me.” You nod and mutter a quiet thank you as you reach your destination.
The party is loud. Full of people. “Just a few people, my ass” You remember the words that Steve said in the grocery store. You frantically glance around the people, feeling nervous about the amount. Eddie walks behind you, stares from strangers you two are passing are making you feel a bit sick with anxiety. “Hey hot stuff.” you hear a rather large man cat call you as he tries taking your hand. “Not a chance.” you retort, disgust written on your face as you yank your hand back, lacing it through Eddie’s arm instead. He smiles at the gesture, and let’s you carry on leading the way.
After the copious amount of stares and cat calls, you make your way to the kitchen area of the house. Taking a beer from the cooler in the middle of the floor. “Just one?” you ask Eddie, holding a beer out. He shakes his head, waving it off; “Maybe later” he shouts back over the loud music. You take a swig from the bottle, before noticing Steve talking in a group of people, releasing Eddie’s arm you quickly walk over. Eddie put his hands in his pockets, head hung slightly as he makes his way behind you as you shove past people. “Hey!” you call out and he turns, excitement all over face. He reaches out and pulls you into a brief hug, the smell of alcohol prevalent on his breath. “Glad you could make it!” he speaks loudly in your ear for him to hear you.
You reach behind you, glancing at Eddie and pulling him to beside you. Despite how uncomfortable he is, keeps a small smile on his face for you. “This is my friend Eddie.” you tell Steve and he shows a brief look of disbelief on his face. “Oh I know Eddie! We were in high school together, you still there or?” Steve says, a hint of bitterness in his voice. You look between the two. Steve stares at Eddie and Eddie does the same. “Yeah. Last year though.” is all Eddie says. You give his arm a reassuring squeeze, and you feel how tense he is. “Do you wanna go somewhere and talk?” Steve suggests, leaning in to your ear. You shrug, turning back at Eddie. He nods and gives a small smile. “I’ll be right back, don’t leave, okay?” you say firmly. He nods, leaning into your ear, “I’d never leave you.” is all he says as Steve pulls you his direction, leading you to the back yard.
“You have a pool?” you say, your jaw dropping. He chuckles, “Yes, I do.” he answers, a bit proud. You sit at the edge of the pool, legs crossed. He takes a seat next to you, in the same position. “You look nice tonight, by the way.” he smiles, placing a hand on your knee before taking it away. You smile, “Thank you, I was really nervous coming here.” you respond and he gives you a questioning look. “Why’s that?” he glances at you, brows furrowed. “I wasn’t sure what to expect, I’ve never really been to parties. And Eddie wasn’t sure if me taking him was the best choice.” you trail off, taking another sip of your beer. “Yeah, what’s that about?” he starts, “Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson?” he says, almost disgusted. You think back to Eddie’s words earlier.. Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington.
“He’s not so bad. We’ve got a lot in common, he was the first person I met here.” you admit. Steve shakes his head, looking at the pool. “You guys enemies or something?” you half-joke. He looks back at you before back at the pool. “No.. I mean, I don’t know. We’re just so different. He’s kind of scary, actually.” you snort. “Scary?” you tilt your head. He sighs, “He’s just all..” he waves his hands around, “I don’t know. Hard to explain. Just can’t see what a beautiful girl like you is doing with him.” he states, almost concerned. You shake your head, “Like I said, he’s not so bad.”
After a few minutes talking back and forth, the subject of Eddie being dropped after your statement, you see that Steve isn’t all that bad either. He’s actually kind of sweet. Definitely cocky, but sweet. “I should probably get going, it’s late and I still have some unpacking to do.” you sigh, taking the final sip of a drink that someone had brought you and Steve minutes ago. Steve nods to you, “Of course, yeah. I get it. Sorry I kept you the whole time.” He smiles. “Oh it’s okay! I’m sure there’ll be more times for me to meet people. Besides, you’re not so bad, Harrington.” you nudge his shoulder.
He stands, offering a hand out to you. You take it and he helps you up, a hand lingering on your waist as your legs wobble. You blush and look down, before he walks you back to the house, his arm making it’s way around your back.
Spotting Eddie on the couch, you say your goodbyes to Steve before heading over. He had took notice of you walking in the house, and Steve’s arm around you. “You ready?” Your voice breaking him out of the thought. He nods, standing up. “Absolutely.” You link your arm with his as you make your way back to his van.
“Have a good time?” he asks you on the drive back. You shrug, “Yeah, you?” He shakes his head, “Not really, but I was only there in case you needed me. So I don’t mind. Besides, Steve seemed to have taken care of you, just fine.” You think you hear a hint of jealousy in his voice, but you brush it off. “So you mentioned you were still in school?” you inquired, remembering the talk from earlier. He seemingly winced at the question. “Oh uh.. yeah. I failed senior year twice, this is my third and hopefully final time.” he says, sounding a bit embarrassed. “Oh. I see.” you look down at your hands before back up at him, his eyes focused on the road. “Well you’ve got this, this is your year, I can feel it. If you need help studying, or with homework or anything let me know.” He smiles, laughing a bit. “Yeah I’ll do that.”
The rest of the drive is quiet, but a comfortable quiet. You looking out the window, not realizing that Eddie had taken several glances at you in that time. By the time you’d made it home, you were almost asleep. Jolted back into consciousness by the van being put into park. “Thank you for taking me tonight, Eddie.” you say, unbuckling your seatbelt. He does the same, before opening his door, walking around and opening yours. “It’s no biggie,” he smiles, closing the door behind you as you get out. “See you tomorrow?” you smile at him, “Tomorrow.” he responds as you make your way back to your trailer, and he goes into his.
And you do, hanging out with Eddie almost every single day for the next couple months. The days you weren’t with Eddie, you were with Steve. Eddie and you listened to all his and yours music, went on drives, you watched some of his DND campaigns, and you talked for hours and hours. Steve and you watched movies that he’d rent at his job at the Family Video Store, he introduced you to his friends, you becoming very close with Robin in the process. By the end of it, you finally got Eddie and Steve to reluctantly hang out together, all in a group. Turns out I wasn’t there only mutual friend. Slowly learning (with the help of Robin and her intuition) even though they didn’t quite like each other, that the boys had more in common than their mutual friend, Dustin. They shared a common love interest as well;
To Be Continued(?)
Who are y’all rooting for? I’m personally Team Eddie (:
Thank you to @deefool for the request (:
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simpforduckgrayson · 2 years
18+ Blog, Minors DNI
Luke Castellan x Daughter of Zeus!OC
OC reveals her fear of storms to Luke, to which he comforts her and reveals a fear of his own
Warnings: Mentions of death and fears, also storms and cows
Disclaimer: We support cow phobias in this household. Not being afraid of cows, I hope anyone that’s afraid of them gets better with it, just that we support you. And by we I mean me, I’m just one person. Also please someone tell me the name for a cow phobia. Also this is barely proofread and edited <3
“Rosie? You finally come to join the real world babe?” Luke called as she walked in the door.
“Don’t call me that, ass,” she replied, a small laugh leaving her mouth as she trailed across the room, her blanket hanging from her shoulders as she walked up behind him.
“What exactly do you want me to call you then? Your name is Rosetta and last time I checked you preferred Rosie.” The words slipped from his mouth as he slammed his head back into her shoulder, laughing when he heard her stumble backwards onto his bed.
She lightly huffed, pushing her now stray hairs from her face before speaking again, “You know what I meant Luke. Don’t call me that shit, someone’s gonna get the wrong impression.” He paused his game and stood up, walking over to stand in front of her, his frame towering over her as she looked up at him, a look on her face he couldn’t put a name on but something about it made his heart hurt a little.
“What are you here for Rosie?” he asked, his voice softer this time as he reached forward to push another fallen strand away from her face.
“There’s a storm outside and I,” she trailed off, looking down at her shoes, before letting out a shaky breath and finishing her sentence, “I have- a fear- of, storms- ” He let out a laugh before stopping abruptly when he realized she was serious.
“You’re scared of storms? But you’re-“ he started, but he was cut off by her curt reply.
“Yeah, I know, it’s- it’s complicated, Luke. You know it’s complicated. I just”, another huff, “I just was wondering if maybe I could hang out with you until it’s over.”
Luke stepped over and sat down on the bed to her right. “I hate to break it to you princess, but that storm doesn’t look like it’s letting up any time soon, so if you’re here for the storm, you’re staying the night.”
She looked up at him again, trying not to spill her thoughts while she let out a whisper, “That’s kind of the point. I don’t wanna be alone. Not right now. Please?”
His only response came in the form of him grabbing her by the waist and swinging his body to the left, pulling her up beside him and shoving her face first into the pillows on his bed. She lifted her head up and laughed, shoving him slightly back as she got comfortable beside him. Just as she got settled she felt his arm wrap around her neck, yanking her up against his chest and holding her there. For a second he thought she was going to push him away but he tensed when he felt her wrap her arms tighter around his stomach.
His grip around her neck relaxed as he tucked his head down next to hers, “You’re really freaked out aren’t you?”
She nuzzled in closer to his chest. “You have no idea.” He let out a sigh before pulling her close to him again.
“You know, I actually have this, honestly stupid phobia.”
“Oh really? What’s that?” she hummed against him.
“I’m afraid of cows. I have been for years,” he said, lightly stroking a strand of her hair that fell into his hands.
“Really? Cows? I didn’t think you were afraid of anything.”
He frowned slightly as he stopped stroking her hair. “When Thalia, Annabeth and I were on our way to camp we ran into a Minotaur. He was so mad, he was trying to kill us, I’ve never been so scared in my life, not even when Thalia,” he paused, “even when Thalia died. I guess, something about it probably turned into some weird fear of cows, I don’t know.”
“Hey asshole, being scared of cows isn’t weird, plenty of people are scared of cows,” she replied, jabbing him in the chest with her finger to emphasize her point.
“I guess you’re right. Not super weird, but to be fair most people with cow phobias can’t say they got it from a Minotaur can they?” His laugh echoed through the room while he resumed playing with her hair.
Several beats of silence spread through the room, the only sound coming from rain beating down on the windows and thunder in the distance.
“It’s always there when they die. The thunder, I mean. It’s like he doesn’t want me to be happy even for a moment. So much that he’d kill over it, you know? So much that he did kill for it I guess,” she whispered, and he tensed once again when he felt her hand clutching the back of his shirt as tight as she could. He looked down to see her eyes shut, her eyebrows creased hard as she tried to repress the memories flooding back to her.
“You’re safe Rosie. Nothing will hurt you here.”
He heard a quiet noise from her he couldn’t quite decipher before she replied, “He can still get here, Luke. I’m not safe anywhere.”
“I meant ‘here’ as in with me, stupid. You’re safe here, with me. I’m not letting anyone touch you,” he said, waiting for a reply but nothing came, “you should probably sleep princess. I heard Mr.D wants to talk to you tomorrow so you should probably get as much rest as you can.”
With that she snuggled in closer to his chest, letting the sound of his heartbeat drumming in her ear lull her to sleep. Once he was sure she was asleep he gently kissed the top of her head, whispering into her hair, “Love you princess, sweet dreams.” before untangling himself from her and climbing out of bed.
Knowing what he knew now, he realized he was afraid of some storms too. Her storms were nothing, they soothed him and calmed him on days he couldn’t stand the weather the gods threw at him, but those other storms? He knew he wasn’t afraid of the rain, or the thunder, or even the man who made them. He was afraid that, just like she lost the people she loved, maybe one day he’d lose her to one of those storms too. So that night he sat, waiting out the storm, because Tartarus itself would freeze over before he let anyone take her away.
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anonquack · 3 years
| Best Friend |
Alex Quackity x Reader, Oneshot!
Word Count: 10661
Warnings: Some curse words and overthinking. This one got a bit long!
Summary: After a CC Convention is announced, you and your friends plan to meet up for it. You expect to enjoy yourself with friends but instead are forced to deal with feelings you didn't even know you had. Luckily, your friends are there to give you a push in the right direction.
"Okay but height comparison between Quackity and Sapnap when??" You asked midst all the chaos occurring on that wonderful night. Despite your busy schedule, you'd gotten some time off to finally stream and some friends to keep you company.
Which resulted in this mess of a stream you were now broadcasting.
Your question caught their attention, and a soft scoff could be heard from Sapnap's mic.
"You're kidding, right? You're basically saying you need to CHECK that I'm taller when we already know that's true. You're insulting me." Sapnap said, the cockiness evident in his tone. You couldn't help but stare at your monitor in amusement at how sure of himself he sounded.
"That's not true. Literally check the height check Karl and I had versus the one Sapnap had with him." Quackity argued back, earning scoffs from almost everyone on the call.
"I know you're trying to use that to back you up, but you're just proving my point." Sapnap was intense whenever he became competitive or got into arguments, so you could only raise your brows as you watched chat fly by with their own opinions on the discussion, including their very questionable comments regarding Sapnap and how attractive he was being.
"Well, personally," Bad quipped in, "I think Sapnap's the taller one. Just makes the most sense since Quackity gives off Short Person Energy."
"Yeah? Well keep that WRONG opinion to yourself. That shit's embarrassing-"
"Language!" Bad interrupts Quackity, eliciting a laugh from everyone on call.
"You know chat," you call out after pondering on a solution for a bit, "We can figure this all out during the meetup!"
"Meetup?" Bad asked, confusion evident in his tone. You could almost see his furrowed brows and confused smile.
"Yes, Bad, meet-up. All four of us. Plus the others. And you guys, if you decide to go." The last bit was directed at the viewers. "Don't you remember? The convention is a thing that's supposed to be happening this year."
"Ohhh." He let out a small sound, as if his memory was finally coming back. "I haven't decided if I'm going yet." He admits softly.
"You most certainly are! You have to be there so I can beat BOTH Sapnap and you up once we all find out I'm the taller one." Quackity chimes in finally, teasing tone evident.
"As if," Sapnap scoffs, "Bad and I will literally kick your ass."
"Language." Soft as ever, and also a sign that it's getting late. You look over at your monitor, which displayed the time before letting out a small gasp.
"Oh- it's late. I hope I haven't been keeping you guys awake for too long. It's probably best we end for tonight anyway." You hum softly as you click some tabs away, noticing the faint sounds of stretching heard in the background of the call.
"It's fine, I wasn't even tired until you mentioned how late it was. You should've kept quiet." Quackity says with a patronizing tone, to which you simply chuckle.
"Thank you guys for sticking around. I really had a lot of fun.. we should do this more often. Us four." It was an honest confession, but perhaps too soft for them all and too personal for the audience to listen in on too.
"I had fun too, you should invite me to your streams more often, or, whatever." Sapnap mumbles, sounding a bit tired as well, but sincere despite the lack of care in his words.
It results in a small smile on your face anyway.
"Bye!! Thank you for inviting us, I'm gonna miss messing around with you all. Sleep well." Bad adds, a small whine to his voice as they all start saying their goodbyes.
As they finish up their goodbyes, you quickly deafen to start saying your own goodbyes to chat and thanking the last minute subs rolling in.
After all is over, you finish closing up the tabs, leaving the discord one last. As you're about to officially leave the call, you realize there is still one person there. He hadn't left.
"Quackity-?" You'd voiced out in confusion after undeafening. You'd thought they'd all leave while you took your sweet time saying goodbye.
"Yeah?" He sounded confused by your own confusion. You couldn't help the small smile that appeared on your face.
"Were you waiting for me to end or did you just forget to leave the call?" It was a genuine question, but perhaps a teasing tone slipped in towards the end.
"I was waiting, I'm not an asshole nor a dumbass." He lets out a laugh before continuing. "I just wanted to say I had fun tonight."
You hummed softly, "I'm glad you did. I had fun too."
"If I'm being honest, I wasn't feeling all too well, and just, joking around with you.. Sapnap, and Bad.. well it was just really nice. Thank you." His tone was soft, filled your headphones so nicely and brought comfort into the air.
"Oh, well it's good that you're feeling better now, but if you ever aren't feeling up for a stream.. please tell me, okay? Your wellbeing is much more important to me than a scuffed stream."
"No no, it's fine. I needed something to distract myself with and you all helped so much. It really got me excited for the meet-up. I- I can't wait to hang out with you in person. With all of you, I mean."
The smile on your face grew, almost to the point where it had your cheeks hurting. "I can't wait to hang out with all of you either. Good thing we won't have to wait long, hm?"
Faint sounds in the background of stretching and even softer yawns. "Mhm. Do you wanna switch to phone call?"
It was the usual invitation to fall asleep on call together. At this point, it almost felt strange whenever you headed to bed without Quackity mumbling stuff about his day to you or hearing the soft breathing sounds from his end of the call.
"Sounds good. Talk to you in a bit." You smiled, hearing a small bye from him before leaving the call. You turned off your whole setup for the night and headed straight to your bed.
It didn't take long for the phone to start ringing a few moments after you'd managed to lay down.
"Hi." You answered softly, placing the phone next to your head as you covered yourself with your blankets. It was only a matter of time before the sleepiness took over, but for now you'd enjoy Quackity's company.
"Hey." Was his response, voice sounding much closer now that you were laying down with your phone so close to your ear. It almost felt like he was laying down beside you.
You wondered for a split second what that would be like, if he'd be warm and welcoming or if he'd value his personal space while sharing a bed. As friends, of course.
You refocused on his voice as he began talking about his plans for the meet-up, and all the things he wanted to do once you all were in person. It was so sweet to hear how excited he was, and just how much he wanted to do with you all.
Sweet moments like these make you hyper-aware of the amazing friends you have, and how much love you have for them all. Tonight couldn't have been better, all thanks to them.
As the meet-up date gets closer, and more interactions happen during streams / calls / messages, it becomes more evident how much your friends mean to you; just how badly you want to meet all of them.
And as the date for the meet-up gets closer, responsibilities such as packing for your trip join your very long To-Do list.
You're on the phone with Bad as you both choose clothes to take, folding and packing them nicely. Making conversation, with Rat barking in the background occasionally, as the cherry on top.
Moments like these make you realize how good of a friend Badboyhalo is. He's kind, always knows what to say to help people feel better. He's funny, he's charming, full of love and support for his friends.
You two had been joking around on FaceTime for quite some time after you'd packed all essentials. He showed you tricks he'd managed to teach Rat, and you gave him an apartment tour.
Neither of you seemed to be getting tired, so you stayed on call until somehow you ended up sprawled on your sofa, laptop at hand, screen sharing YouTube videos. Bad was resting comfortably on his bed as small giggles left him at the absurdity of the videos you two were watching.
Every few minutes a small "We should do that," or a "Imagine Sapnap doing that," or a "I want to meet you all so bad," would be murmured into the air with only a hum of agreement to compliment it. It only made you yearn for your friends even more.
"Bad." You called out after quite a few random videos and lids getting heavier with each second.
"When I see you, I'm gonna hug the shit out of you. I hope you know that." You said, small smile on your face as you watched his head lift up from the pillow at such a fast speed.
"Language-! But well, that would be nice. I will also be giving you tons of hugs. To all of you." He pauses for a second before continuing. "I was actually kinda nervous for the meetup, but now I'm just so excited."
"I'm really glad to hear that, Bad. I will make sure you enjoy yourself to the max."
"Thank you y/n," he replies softly, resting his head against the pillow again, "I will make sure you enjoy yourself too."
You smiled at the state he was in, you two would fall asleep in no time, so your thoughts were honestly incoherent, and your tongue could not be tamed as your thoughts wandered aimlessly.
"Do you think I can take Sapnap and Quackity in a fight? In case they try to beat me up?"
"I doubt they'll try to beat you up, they'll be too busy fighting each other, and he'll be too busy thinking about how cute you are." His words were slightly slurred at this point, and all you could do was laugh as you imagined a fight between Sapnap and Quackity as fans tried getting a picture with them.
It crossed your mind for half a second to ask who exactly would be thinking such a thing, but any sign of a functioning brain between you two was nonexistent at that very moment. So all you really said was, "Good. But I'm still going to be prepared just in case."
After so many excited calls and planning, the day was finally here. Everyone would be traveling out today to meet up at the house you'd all managed to rent for the week / weekend you guys would be staying there. This way, you'd all be able to maximize the time spent together, and also save money. It sounded like a wonderful idea, really.
After arriving in the city, you patiently waited for the driver that'd be taking you there. You couldn't help but realize just how anxious you were starting to feel. The moment when you'd meet all your friends was getting closer and closer. What if it wasn't everything you'd expected? Or if it was awkward?
The ride there was too quick. Before you knew it, you were pulling your luggage out the trunk and heading up the path that lead to the front door. You stood still for a few seconds before your knuckles were knocking against the firm wood. The noise echoing for a few seconds as you stood in anticipation.
The door swung open, and with a big grin, you were pulled into a hug by no other than Badboyhalo. You quickly wrapped your arms around him as well, not wanting to let go. He was finally here! And he was real! Real, so so real. Any concerns you had on the way here slowly dissipated the longer he had you in his warm hold.
"Bad!" You said happily, slightly squishing him as your embrace tightened for a few seconds. Seriously too good to be true, but true nonetheless.
As he finally pulled away to smile at you, you felt lightheaded at the insane rush of dopamine in your system. As your head finally cleared up, you realized someone else was walking towards you two.
He wore a small smile on his face as he approached, it slowly growing as he got closer and as excitement became harder and harder to contain.
"Quackity." You called out, face lighting up immediately at the sight of him.
"Hi." He responded, sheepish smile on his face. Had he always looked this good?
It only took a few steps before your arms were around him, pulling him close. Although your firm grip caught him off-guard, he managed to melt into the hug soon after, arms wrapping around you as well.
"Big Q! Quackity! Alex!" You smiled as you pulled away, hand reaching up to give his cheek a light squish. You couldn't really help yourself, he was just too pleasing for your eyes. If the dopamine from earlier wasn't already too much, having him this close and feeling oh so real was even more deadlier.
He laughed at your affectionate touch, obviously not having enough of you either. It didn't take long for him to pull you back in for another embrace. "Holy shit." he mumbled into the hug, "You're actually fucking here. I can't believe it y/n." His tone was soft and it had you melting into his embrace all over again. It was intoxicating in the best way, but eventually you both pull away, smiling at each other with so much appreciation.
You hadn't really taken into account just how excited you were to see all your friends, especially someone as important as Quackity. The one you told almost everything to during late night calls, the person you could honestly consider a best friend. All of them were that to you, but it just felt so much stronger with him. You didn't really know how to explain it.
Before you could even give your mind time to dwell, Quackity was being pulled off you by none other than Sapnap and Karl, which quickly replaced Quackity's arms with their own.
"Guys!!" You called out happily as you hugged them back just as tightly. "Am I really the last one here? Where's Dream, or George?"
"We've literally been waiting like an hour for you to get here! We were all getting impatient." Karl laughed as he finally pulled away from the hug.
"Seriously impatient." Mumbled Sapnap into your shoulder before letting go from the warm embrace. "What took so long?"
"Sorry that I don't live as close to here as you guys do. My flight took longer than expected too."
"Who cares! At least you're finally here." Dream's voice, followed by heavy footsteps on the floor, and laughter as George ran over to where you stood with your suitcase.
"Y/N!! We're all finally together." You almost closed your eyes instinctively from how bright his smile was. George's energy was so contagious, you couldn't help but return the energy he was giving you.
Finally, you turned to Dream, who was standing there in all his tall glory.
"Holy shit." You mumbled as you eyed him from head to toe. "You're so fucking tall."
Laughter erupted from everyone before big arms wrapped around you, filling you with warmth and love. You were finally here with all your friends, and it was better than you could've ever imagined.
"Okay," Karl announces once everyone had greeted each other and given all the much needed hugs, "We were actually thinking movie night so we can all just relax and enjoy each other's company. What do you think, y/n?"
"You aren't getting any complaints from me. What movie are we watching?"
At that, Karl and Sapnap raced off to see who could get the remote control faster. You assumed it was in regards to who had the power to choose what everyone watched.
You watched in amusement as Karl and Sapnap argued over what movie to watch, George chiming in here and there just to fuel the lighthearted argument.
"Did you think they'd be just as annoying in person?" You jumped slightly at the sudden voice coming from behind you, but quickly relaxed as Quackity stood beside you.
"No, I also didn't think it was such a big deal who got to choose the movie." Your eyes trailed back to the arguing pair.
"Oh hush. The food Dream ordered isn't even here so really we're doing you all a favor. Taking our time to choose wisely." Karl argued back, to which Dream laughed.
"I guess that's one way to see it, but it's almost here according to the app, so hurry up."
Silence, before the arguing resumed and filled the living room with a pleasing buzz.
You watched as Dream headed over to you and gently placed his hand onto your shoulder, "Let me show you where your room is so you can get all comfy before movie night starts, yeah?"
"Thank you, Dream. I'd actually really appreciate that." With that, you gave Quackity a small wave before following after Dream. Freshening up after sitting in a plane for hours would certainly help make the rest of the night 10x more pleasant.
Once you'd walked back out into the living room, you saw everyone had their plate of food, everyone already comfy in their spots.
You looked around before spotting the empty seat beside Alex and the plate of food you assumed was for you.
"Hurry! He's not gonna bite. Sit down so we can finally start movie night." Sapnap whined the longer you stood around.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that.." George mumbled before receiving a stiff elbow in the ribs from the person seated next to him.
"Language." The last fatal blow.
Dream chuckled before pointing at the available seat. "We even waited for you in order to start eating, so sit your ass down."
You playfully rolled your eyes as they all started complaining about how long you were taking. You sat down beside him, giving him a glance before picking up the plate of food before you. It was still nice and steamy, just like Dream had said it would be after dropping you off in your room. You hadn't realized just how hungry you were until now.
After taking a few bites and hearing the movie start, your gaze returned to the person peacefully sat next to you, taking a few seconds to truly take in the sight before you.
He was wearing a plain black short-sleeve shirt, and some basketball shorts. He looked so comfortable. And even indoors with friends, the beanie kept his hair away from his face and hidden, poorly, but hidden nonetheless.
You smiled as you got comfortable as well, admiring how the light from the TV illuminated his face before finally deciding to focus on the actual entertainment Karl and Sapnap had worked so hard to pick. All for movie night.
The movie was interesting, and you couldn't help the few times you almost choked on your food due to all the jokes being slipped in throughout the movie. Maybe Karl was right about how it takes time to pick the perfect film that fit the mood. A good laugh, some good food, and the company and comfort from friends was the best thing to do on the first day together.
Before you all knew it, you were 2 movies in and all in drowsy states.
Everyone excused themselves, the exception being George and Quackity whom had fallen asleep towards the end of the second movie. Dream agreed to wake George up, meanwhile you turned to the sleeping figure next to you.
He looked too cute, mouth slightly open from the uncomfortable position he'd fallen asleep in. You gently shook his shoulder. "Alex." You called out a few times, until finally his eyes fluttered open and he slowly looked around in confusion.
"You fell asleep during the movie. We're all heading to bed for the day, come on."
Regardless of his sleepy state, he stood and followed as you two headed to your rooms.
"Goodnight, Alex."
"Night, y/n."
As you finally laid in your bed for the next week, you couldn't help but feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful opportunity to meet all of your friends and share a home with them.
You couldn't wait to see what tomorrow had in store for you all.
It was a lazy morning and lazy afternoon the next day, the only exceptions being going out for lunch, but besides that everything was done in the comfort of their home.
Dream, Sapnap, and Karl were busy playing a multiplayer game in the living room while Bad, George, and Quackity messed around in the kitchen, eating snacks and making up the absolute dumbest shit to stay entertained.
It seemed difficult to choose which group to spend time with, but you found yourself headed towards the kitchen within seconds of contemplation. Sitting on a chair laughing at George's dumb jokes, egging Bad on, and laughing along to Quackity's contagious laughter.
You found yourself coincidentally seated beside Alex as you all continued to chat and mess around. After some time, the other three joined in, and dinner was ordered so they could all eat together after a long day of lazing around.
You'd all rented out the house for a few days before the convention in order to be able to enjoy more time together, so lazing around today hadn't really seemed like a waste of time, or like it could've been spent better. You'd definitely suggest actually going out for dinner rather than just ordering online for the rest of your stay though.
Before you knew it, chaotic dinner was over and people were headed straight to bed, a certain pair deciding to stay awake just a bit longer in the living room.
You rolled your eyes at their bullshit excuses before heading straight to your room. You quickly changed into sleepwear before sitting in bed and simply scrolling through social media. Honestly, you were tired but not to the point where you could easily doze off. Something felt like it was missing, and you silently racked your brain for answers while continuing the mindless scrolling on your phone.
About 30 minutes later, there was a soft knock on your door. Any distraction was welcome at this point, so you called out to let them know they could walk in.
Before you stood Alex, who seemed to be fresh out of the shower. He was in his sleepwear as well, but the beanie was nowhere in sight. His black hair was out in display, most likely to let it dry, but such a sight still had you in shock.
Not that you hadn't seen it before, but it always surprised you. No matter how many glimpses Quackity provided you with.
You stared in shock for a few seconds longer before snapping out of it and telling him to come in. He smiled and sat down on the edge of your bed.
"I couldn't sleep." He stated, before deciding to further explain. "I almost called you right now before going to bed.. I guess that's just how used I got to our calls-? But then I realized you're literally in the same house as me."
Ah. So was that what was missing? The reason why you couldn't doze off as easily? Because you weren't on call with him?
"That's true, I guess." You hummed before chuckling, "What's wrong with talking on the phone while we're here too?"
"You kidding? I'm not trying to be like Dream and Sapnap who still voice call and barely see each other even though they literally live together." You laughed at his comment, making him laugh as well at the absurdity of that situation.
"So what does that mean? You came to sleep here or something?" It was a joke, really. But I mean, why else would this dude be standing here by your door, talking about how he wanted to sleep call but instead found himself here.
"If you'd let me."
You almost choked at how easily he answered, was he joking too or was he actually expecting you to let him climb into bed? To sleep, of course, but it still had you taken-aback.
"You're serious?"
"Does it look like I'm joking?"
You stared at him for a bit before shrugging, "Get in then."
Nothing wrong with 'sleep calling' in person, right? Laying in the same bed, chatting until each other's voices lulled them to sleep. I mean, just because it was in person this time didn't make it any weirder. They'd slept on call together too many times to count. This was fine.
Alex smiled as he closed the door behind him and headed onto your bed, starting to get comfortable.
As you two lay there, you couldn't help but turn to your side and simply stare over at him. His hair to be exact. He'd never had it visible for this long, on group calls, normal calls, or just showing glimpses. It felt so surreal.
"What?" He mumbled.
"It's just- your hair. It looks so nice. You look nice." You smiled at the sight before adding, "You should do a hair reveal already so everybody can see this."
He turned to lay on his side as well so he could be facing you. "Hell no. Plus, doesn't it make you feel special? Being one of the few people who have seen it? Especially up close and personal."
The last part made you realize just how close you two had gotten within the last few seconds. Being at this proximity made you realize a lot more facial details you hadn't noticed before, probably due to camera quality and pixels.
Your hand slowly reached out, coming to a halt next to his head. He realized what you were trying to do and came a bit closer, letting your fingers gently run through his hair. After a few seconds, it all felt too natural.
There you were, laying in bed with Alex, gently playing with his dark locks as you talked about who knows what and simply enjoyed each others company.
This is basically what those late night calls felt like. Except this was definitely way better. It had the physical aspect of it that calls did not. You got to see him in such perfect resolution face to face, without worrying about any possible lag. You both were real. Basking in each others presences happily.
It didn't take too long for you both to fall asleep, and it didn't take too long either for your sleeping bodies to find comfort in the heat sources nearby.
What started as a simple arm draped around the other to steal a bit of body heat turned into having him close enough to smell the scent that lingered on him from his shower. Close enough for his grip on you to feel just a bit too intimate. Close enough where maybe their noses touched.
That was possibly the comfiest 9 hours of sleep either of them had gotten in a long fucking time.
The warmth you find yourself surrounded by makes it hard to get out of bed. As you attempt to fall back asleep, you realize that you're not tired. On the contrary, this might be the most satisfied (in terms of energy and sleep) you've felt in a long time.
What the fuck??
That's when that warmth you'd loved not even a minute ago comes to mind. At first you'd thought it might've been the blanket, but one glimpse to the side answers all your questions.
Alex was the one providing you with this comfortable and lovely warmth. He'd come over last night talking about 'sleep calling' in person. How could you forget?
The tension that had spiked in your body at the realization that someone was in bed with you oozed away as you looked at his peaceful state. He looked.. cute.
A few hair strands were on his face, and you couldn't help as your hand instinctively reached out to get them off his face. You hoped it wouldn't wake him up. He looked too peaceful.
As his face came into full view now, you openly stared, noticing the little moles he had all over his face. It was like stars splattered on the night sky.
As your gaze lowered and lingered on his lips, you realized just how pink they really were. And how unbelievably soft-looking they were. It brought you back a memory of his smile from yesterday while you both ate and watched the movie. You hadn't really caught the bit that had made him laugh since you were staring at him. He had a really pretty smile.
Your thoughts were interrupted at the realization that his eyelids had fluttered open, and were now staring up at you.
Oh God. You probably looked like such a creep right now. The heat that was rising up your spine and onto your cheeks must've been obvious, since he let out a small laugh.
"Were you enjoying the view?"
His morning voice took you by surprise. Sure, you'd heard it during calls sometimes, but this was on another level. It was wonderful.
"I was debating whether or not I should wake you up. You looked too peaceful." You answered, trying your best to steady your embarrassment. It wasn't necessarily a lie. He just didn't have to know all the other thoughts that crossed your mind.
He chuckled at that, before stretching a bit. "Thanks for letting me wake up on my own." He sat up, looking over at you with a small, satisfied smile. "That might've been the best sleep I've gotten in a while."
"Me too." You admitted, soft smile on your lips meant for him and him only. He stared back before returning the smile.
You two stayed in peaceful silence before deciding now was probably the best time to get up and get some breakfast with the rest of them. "We should get dressed so we can go eat."
He simply nodded before giving a small wave, heading back to his own room.
It didn't take long before you were heading out of your room and following the faint laughter into the kitchen. They were seated at the table, barely setting plates down and getting ready to eat. Just in time.
"Y/N! Good morning." Karl smiled, waving you over to the available seat beside him. Everybody else called out their good mornings as you got settled into your seat.
"Was wondering when you'd wake up." Sapnap mumbled from the seat across you. "You and Quackity sleep so fucking much."
You tensed a bit at that. Did they know you two had slept together? In the same bed? Had they tried waking you up and found you two together?
It's not what it looks like, is what you'd probably say as an explanation. Even if they didn't ask for one.
George nods in agreement, "Sapnap and I almost went and knocked on both of your doors. But we figured you both must be tired, so we just came to get breakfast ready."
Okay, perhaps they didn't know. Afterall, they were suggesting that Quackity was still in his own room. "I'm sure he'll get here in a bit." You responded, thanking Dream as he set a cup down on the table for you.
"Finally! Sleeping beauty chooses to come grace us with his presence." Sapnap greeted. You turned your head to see none other than Quackity flipping Sapnap off as he walked into the kitchen. He was dressed for the day, and had his hair hidden away with a beanie.
"How'd you sleep?" Bad asks as Alex finally sits down at the table.
"Wonderful. Best sleep I've gotten in a while." His eyes meet yours for a bit, and you can't help but smile at the implications of his words. You'd helped him sleep well. He felt comfy with you. He smiled back before looking back to the cup being given to him.
"Mm that's good." Bad nodded, before serving whatever breakfast him and Dream had managed to cook for everyone. Bad never failed to amaze you, talented as always.
"We were planning on going out today, is everyone up for it?" George asks, looking around the table for any signs of complaints.
"Honestly I'm all for it. I want to spend time with you all, exploring or just looking around." Sapnap answered, to which you cooed.
"Aww Sapnap, we'd love to spend time with you too."
"I'd fucking hope so. Now where did you want to go, George?"
"Dream and I were researching fun things to do here and we found a pretty good list. Just need you all to say yes and we can head out after breakfast."
He wasn't getting any no's, so the plans were set. Everybody ate their breakfasts before heading out the door to wherever Dream and George planned on taking them.
As you all walked to your destination, which wasn't too far according to George, you found yourself walking beside Bad.
"So, Quackity huh?" You ripped your eyes off from where they were to look back at him.
"You and Quackity." He wasn't elaborating any further, which left you confused.
"What? What about him?"
"Well, you were staring at him right now and-"
"Oh. I zoned out, Bad. I'm sorry. Hopefully you didn't get the wrong idea." You interrupted him, letting out a small laugh.
"Well, that's not really what gave me the 'wrong idea'.. it was mainly the smiles and stares you two were giving each other this morning. And well, in general. Wanna fill me in on something?" He raised his brow, putting some space between you two and the rest of them by slowing his pace.
Your eyes widened slightly as you slowed down as well. "He was staring at me?"
He nodded, before adding "As much as you were staring at him."
You opened your mouth to try and explain yourself, before you heard Dream calling out to you two, saying they found the place. You gave Bad an apologetic smile before walking with him to where the others stood.
You'd come to a place with food, alcohol, and arcade games. You couldn't have expected less from Dream and George. It was perfect for this group.
You watched as Karl and George bought the cards you'd all be using to play the games. Soon after, they came back and handed everyone their card. Everyone was ready to split off to play different games.
"Y/N and I are going to fetch a table so we can leave our stuff there." Bad said with a smile. You looked over at him knowingly before nodding in agreement.
The rest of them nodded, Sapnap grabbing Dream's arm and racing off with him to the games. Karl, George, and Quackity went off to another game, excited chatter following them.
You walked beside Bad in search of a table quietly, watching as he looked around before finally approaching a table big enough to seat you all.
He sat down, looking at you expectantly. You did the same and cleared your throat as his gaze remained on you. You let out a small sigh.
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you." He smiled a bit at that. "I mean, he came to my room last night, said he couldn't sleep, and then we slept together. That's it."
You watched as his eyes widened slightly at the information he'd just gotten before your own eyes widened.
"Wait- no no! Not like that. I meant he literally slept with me. Like we fell asleep together." You could feel the heat rushing up to your face. "He said he got used to our sleep calling and I just let him sleep in my bed. It was really comfy."
You looked up, his stunned face making the heat rise faster. "Woah. I thought the cheeky little glances you guys were giving each other was things starting to get good, but you already shared a bed with him??" He let out an amused laugh.
"It's not that big of a deal, Bad. We sleep call all the time.." You felt sort of embarrassed, hearing his reactions and telling him things that felt more intimate than they should be.
"Uh? Not a big deal?? You're kidding right?" He let out a laugh, happy smile on his face. "You guys like each other!"
"Bad-! Keep it down please.. and we certainly do not." You were sweating at this point, Bad was so energetic and happy right now, and the thought of Alex hearing any of this had you on edge.
But the most discomforting part of it all was how much truth his words held. Did you actually like him?
"Am I lying, y/n?"
I don't know, is what you would've said, if it wasn't for the confusion clouding all your senses.
You looked over at him, mouth slightly open, trying to form your thoughts. "You really think I like him?"
"I mean, I've been having a feeling. Since before the meet up."
What? Was it obvious for everyone? How had it taken this long for you to realize it? Those intrusive thoughts while you were staring at him this morning in bed. Had those always been there? Was he aware of your possible feelings?
"Holy fuck, Bad. A lot of it is starting to make sense." Your eyes were slightly wide from the fear of what this implied. What this meant for your friendship with him. "I-I think I do like him."
He seemed to notice how tense and shocked you looked, so he reached out and held your hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.
At the moment, you were connecting all the pieces, and things were slowly starting to make sense. Why you acted a certain way around him, random thoughts thinking he was cute, the need to meet him as soon as possible. God, why had it taken so long for you to realize?
"I mean, at least you ended up liking a nice muffin, right?" It sounded more like a question, which had you letting out a laugh. "What I mean is that he's a good guy, liking him isn't horrible. I can see why you'd end up liking him. Plus- I think everyone can see you two are pretty close."
His words helped ease the tension building up in your shoulders, but your head was still spinning. "I know he's nice, but in what sense? As in, I'll confess and he'll reject me nicely?" You paused, tensing up at just the thought of how awkward that would be. "I'd hate to ruin our friendship just because my dumbass caught feelings."
"Language." He mumbles, before letting out a small sigh. "He's nice as in he'll be understanding if he DOES reject you. But did you miss the last part of my speech? I said your friendship with Quackity is very different, anyone can tell you guys are really close. I can see where these feelings might've come from."
"Just because we're close doesn't excuse me having feelings for him. I mean, what does that say about me? Unable to have close friends without growing romantic feelings for them?" Your voice sounds hushed, as if it's dangerous to admit your feelings out loud.
"I'd say we're close friends, do we have romantic feelings for each other?" He asks softly, playing with your fingers absent-mindedly.
"I mean, I love you tons."
"I love you too, but it's not in the way you like Quackity, right?"
You kept quiet, gently biting at the inside of your cheek. Your brain was looking for ways to invalidate your feelings, tell you it wasn't right, but Bad was fighting through that and trying to reason with you.
"We both love all of our friends, and are really close to them.. but what you and Quackity have is different. I can see why you ended up liking him. Plus.. I really don't think he'd reject you. In fact, I think he likes you too."
"Bad." You warned, unsure you could handle overthinking the possibility that he liked you too right now. The realization of your own feelings was already too much.
"I'm just saying." He says, raising both hands in playful surrender. The sight elicits a small laugh from you.
But maybe.. maybe you were a bit curious. "You really think so?"
"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't. Plus, this is coming from someone who's been friends with both of you for a very long time. I see and notice things."
"Thank you, Bad. I really appreciate you and just‐ thanks for talking this through with me." It's honest and raw. He'd watched you sit at this table, trying to work everything out in your brain, and had just been endlessly supportive.
"Of course. I'm here if you need anything, alright? Now, just relax and let's go play some games, yeah?"
"Okay.. let's go!" You smiled and tugged at his hand, leading him over to where Sapnap and Dream were playing.
There was no way you were letting your own feelings ruin the fun of good food and some arcade games. You'd deal with that later.
Bad's advice and pep talks are top tier, but sometimes he oversteps. He doesn't mean any harm, but at times it is just too much. This is one of those times.
There's just a few days left before the big convention, and honestly the time spent together so far has been an absolute bliss. And well-spent considering you've all been out and about more often.
You find yourself in the living room with all of them, joking around and making up stupid songs while Quackity plays a beat he claimed to have made himself on his phone. It's peaceful, and no joke is taken too far. Until Bad starts trying to be the 'best wingman', as he likes to claim.
"Quackity, you should write a song for them, and perform it here in front of everyone." He says as he nudges you suggestively, a knowing smile on his face. It's so sudden and you need to make sure you heard correctly. You can feel yourself tense up at the thought of Quackity making a song dedicated to you. Specifically you. No one else.
Of course, it comes off as a joke, but since Bad knows you like Quackity it just seems way more personal. It seems like he's making it so obvious, but maybe everyone else is painfully oblivious. Clueless.
"Wow Bad. You just want him to roast the shit out of me, don't you? That's messed up." You make a noise of disappointment, trying your best to sound calm and collected.
George laughs at that, "Wowww Bad, that's pretty messed up. But you should, Quackity. Make one about Y/N and their muffins. It'll be funny." George didn't know a thing, but it felt like he was making it worse. As if there was a specific reason why they teased him into making a song about you.
With the playful cheering of everyone around him, he cleared his throat and a new beat started to play on his phone. Before you knew it, he was singing about your fictional muffins and how he would order a dozen, and found a way to include Rat slander in there as well.
Maybe you were stressing out for no reason at all. Perhaps you were the only one taking it weirdly and everyone else was just joking around making stupid songs up on the spot. You took a deep breath, and began to relax.
As the night continued, you tried to avoid any possible spotlight, focusing on getting George and Sapnap to go at each other, and the others egging them on so all you really had to do was watch the chaos ensue. It would all just lead to Sapnap calling the rest of them out and starting more playful fights.
As arguments kept coming up, the one you'd all been talking about on that one stream came to mind.
"Wait.. we still haven't done that height check between Quackity and Sapnap." Karl said with a shocked laugh. "How many days have we been together exactly?"
"Too long." Dream chimed in, eager to see the short people fighting over height they didn't have. At least not compared to him.
"Oh yeah huh." Sapnap said in realization. "Stand the fuck up right now, Quackity." He stood to his full height, puffing up his chest to try and appear taller or bigger.
Quackity rolled his eyes, "You guys only brought that up because I was clearly beating you guys in that argument."
"Okay? Stand up then."
If you were a person passing by hearing this conversation, you'd think a brawl was about to break out. Maybe you'd call security. But having context, it really was just Sapnap in his arguing mood, petty and trying to prove a point. There was no way he was sitting down until he proved he was taller than Quackity.
A small grumble of disapproval left Quackity's mouth before he stood to full height. Bad walked over and lead Quackity towards Sapnap, telling them to stand back to back so everyone could see the height difference.
You sat there in anticipation as Bad got them set up, watched as they compared heights very carefully, watched as the results were announced, and watched as Sapnap cheered and screamed some shit in Quackity's face when it turned out he was a few inches taller than Alex.
To make things funnier, Dream walked over in amusement and checked their height difference himself, making the other two look so much smaller than they already did. It was always a pleasant shock seeing just how tall Dream was compared to the average person.
This lead to height checks between all of them, trying to figure out who was the tallest (easy) and who was the shortest.
After everyone had gotten tired from the playful arguments and day they had, they began leaving to their rooms to freshen up or get comfy, probably needing a break from the banter.
Dream, George, and Karl had agreed to go pick up something to eat while the rest of you guys stayed in the living room. Just chatting now, relaxing, no height wars or petty arguments. Kinda.
"By the way, I found this one cool shop with a bunch of anime stuff. You're coming with me to check it out, right?" Sapnap asks, breaking the peaceful silence that surrounded you all while scrolling on your phones.
You looked up in confusion, not sure who he was talking to. His eyes met yours, and he gave you a look that said he was waiting for your response. "You wanna go with me?" You ask, a bit shocked since you'd expect him to go with Karl or something.
"Duh. We could look through the whole shop and see what we can find. Maybe go eat afterwards." He explains with a smile. He seems excited, and his energy is just so contagious, you can't help but smile as well.
"Well, since we're all here I'm assuming we're invited as well. Right, Sapnap?"
It's Quackity, inserting himself into the conversation, eyebrows raised and lawyer voice on, ready to fight Sapnap on this. This earns him a scoff from Sapnap.
"Don't think you'll wanna come with us. I know it's not really your thing."
"Sapnap, I'm sure he can join. Don't you see he's pouting? Plus, I'm sure food will cheer the baby up." You tease, watching as Quackity's facial expression changes into a scowl.
"Yeah right. Plus, it's rude to ask them out in front of Bad and I. We're literally their plus twos."
Bad snorts. "Plus twos? He's definitely not letting us tag along now."
Sapnap nods. "You literally have so many other days you can spend with them. Let me have my moment. Ask them out yourself if you want later."
You stiffen at the implication he's making, unable to stop the confused frown that appears on your face.
"Whatever." Quackity mumbles, before quickly switching the conversation to his beanie and what he should do to stop fans from snatching it off his head.
The topic of conversation is interesting, and quite frankly very funny, but you can't help but focus on Sapnap's comment.
Surely, he meant no harm. But you can't help the feeling that your little secret you'd shared with Bad was growing more noticeable. And if Sapnap knew? How long would it take for Quackity to realize and push you away?
You blink away your state of confusion as you refocus on the conversation. "Huh?"
"I said, how does superglue sound? For his beanie and stuff." Bad had been calling out to you, trying to reinvite you into the conversation. Apparently, you'd been quiet for a while.
"You're such an asshole, Bad. You just want to see me bald so bad." Quackity huffed.
"Not true! Also language."
Bittersweet. Your own thoughts were ruining the fun conversation your friends were having. How to answer this without seeming too obvious? Not like a pining idiot?
"I mean, so what if your hair falls out? The beanie will cover it. It's worth it."
"Plus," adds Sapnap, "your fans have been saying you're bald anyway. Prove them right."
"You're all no help to me and my problems." Quackity finally mutters, earning a laugh from the three of you.
His problems. You wouldn't wanna add another by making him have to deal with a friend trying to get out of the friend zone. You really need to get your feelings in check.
Honestly, you need to get better at hiding this shit. You can't just keep going quiet or getting lost in thought whenever someone suggests anything NOT platonic between you and Alex. I mean, it's ridiculous at this point. Bad is giving you stares, Sapnap might know by now, George might know. Hell, maybe even Quackity knows.
Too much. As soon as the others get back, you excuse yourself and call it a day.
Sapnap had been serious about going to that Japanese shop. He'd woken you up early, made you get dressed, and was dragging you out the house before the others could bat an eyelid.
Honestly? You'd had a lot of fun. Watching him look through all the items, picking out everything he wanted, getting matching plushies and these tiny figurines that ended up being too fucking expensive for their size. He'd been so happy, you even offered to pay for his meal in exchange for what he'd bought you earlier.
Throughout your adventures with Sapnap, you received a few notifications from Quackity, asking what you guys were up to, when you'd be back, and whether Sapnap was forcing you to stay over there with him. Sapnap and you rolled your eyes at that last bit, sending him a picture of you two flipping off the camera. All jokes, of course, and in return you received a picture of Quackity doing the same. Then he began claiming that you guys could stay there all day for all he cared.
"Seems like someone is jealous." Sapnap had said after reading Quackity's messages. You looked over at him in surprise before he quickly pocketed your phone, dragging you along to a new section of the store he'd wanted to check out.
Did Sapnap really think so? Could there be a chance Alex actually liked you, like Bad had suggested?
Beside your overthinking, the day had been well-spent, and by the time you got home, you were ready to get out of your outside clothes and into your PJs.
As you finally walked out into the living room, you watched with an amused smile as Sapnap sat with the rest of them, showing them everything he had bought at the shop, including little gifts he'd brought for them all.
No matter how 'careless', he came across, Sapnap was truly a softie. It was endearing watching him hand out the gifts you two had bought at the shop.
You made your way over to the couch, sitting beside Quackity and giving him a smile as he raised his brow. "Don't think I forgot that picture you sent me earlier today."
"You know I didn't mean it." You mumbled as you returned your gaze to Sapnap and his cheerful smile.
"You owe me an apology. And you need to make it up to me."
You scoffed at that, "You flipped me off too."
"And? You did it first. I'm the injured party here."
"Fine." You sighed, turning you gaze back at him. "How can I make it up to you?"
"Mmm.. how about we 'sleep call' again?" You froze at his suggestion, looking over at the others to see if they were listening in on your conversation.
They weren't, all too entranced with the small rant Bad was going on about a certain manga Sapnap had bought.
How could this man just admit that you two slept together with his whole chest. Without a care in the world for who was listening.
"Is that really all you want?" Stunned was the only word to truly describe how you were feeling at the moment.
"I mean, for now. I'll have to see tomorrow if I feel any better."
You rolled your eyes at that. He would most likely take advantage of that and drag it on for as long as he could. "Did you really miss me that much, Alex? Need to make up for the time lost today?"
"Wow. You're trying to make me look desperate now?"
"I just think that's how an outsider listening in on our conversation would interpret it."
"Y'know what? Let's go right now. Since you wanna call me desperate."
Again. Stunned. How was this man acting like it was nothing? This shit wasn't normal. Last time wasn't too bad because you didn't know, but now? You'd be too focused on not making it seem romantic, just purely platonic laying on the same bed together with your friend who you don't have feelings for.
It didn't take long for everyone to start heading to their rooms. He excused himself, and you followed a few minutes after, heading to your room in a daze.
As you waited for him to come to your room, you couldn't help but wonder if it'd be the same as last time. Would you be able to play with his hair or cuddle close in a strictly platonic way? Maybe you could call him bro a few times so it didn't seem like you liked him.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and revealing him in all his glory. He looked so comfy, and the beanie was once again nowhere to be seen.
Perhaps you were overreacting, but you felt this was his way of letting you know he trusted you. That he was truly comfortable around you.
This time, he felt more at ease entering your personal space. He got into bed and got comfy on his own. It didn't take long before he was facing you again, just like last time.
You smiled at him and did the same as him, your previous plans of putting distance and calling him bro getting thrown out the window at this new sight of him.
He looked so cute, just laying there and looking at you. He looked so warm too, you couldn't wait until you actually got to pull him close and blame it on your sleepy state.
"So," he started, "how was your date with Sapnap?"
Huh? The tone really caught you off guard.
"It wasn't a date. We just went to look at some manga he wanted, and got little gifts for everyone. Went to eat."
"Sounds like a date."
You narrowed your eyes at him. What the hell was that supposed to mean?
"Well, it wasn't. Why does it matter to you though?"
"It doesn't."
"Then?? You jealous or something?" You raised a brow, genuinely confused, but also wanting to see his reaction to the last bit. Maybe it'd give you some insight on his feelings for you. If there was any.
"I'm just making sure! Sue me for trying to respect anything that could possibly be going on between you two." He paused. "I wouldn't want to be asking you to sleep with me and then it turns out you and Sapnap are a thing."
You paused and simply stared at him. Was this dude serious? He was worried about you and Sapnap dating, when in reality you liked HIM? Sick and twisted.
"Well, you don't have to worry about that. Sapnap and I aren't a thing. I like someone else." You answered, and honestly you don't know why you said that.
He paused for a bit, expression unreadable before simply nodding. "And is it possible to know who this someone is??"
How did you end up in this position? It wasn't that long ago that you were confessing to Bad about your feelings for Alex while surrounded by fucking arcade games. And now you were in bed with him while he asked who your crush was. Leave it to you to mess up this badly.
You took a few more moments to just lay there with him, hand eventually going to his hair and gently playing with it. "I don't want to ruin anything." You finally responded.
It was the truth. You could just tell him, but you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if your revelation lead to him growing distant, or him rejecting you and ruining the rest of the trip.
At that, he sat up, making your hand slip out from where it had been playing with his hair. "Are you afraid you'll hurt my feelings?"
You sat up as well, staring at him for a bit before shaking your head. "I'm afraid you'll hurt mine."
"I wouldn't dare." He said reassuringly, hand reaching out to intertwine with yours.
It might've been the adrenaline rushing through your body, or the pessimist in you just telling you to get over with it, but you sat there and confessed that you liked him.
At first, there wasn't much of a response beside his wide eyes and stunned smile. You didn't necessarily know what that meant. Was he on the verge of laughter or was he shocked because he liked you as well?
The silence was killing you, and you swear you could feel tears threatening to spill as he continued to just stare. Nothing could've possibly been worst than his silence at that moment.
"You really do like me? Me, Alex Quackity?" Were his first words, and you watched as he shook his head, as if he was trying to make sense of it all.
"I don't expect you to feel the same or-"
"No no. You like me?"
He was trying to get you to repeat it, or admit it again, but it was torture.
"... I do."
He smiled at that, coming closer and using his free hand to cup your cheek. "Yeah? Well, it's your lucky day because.. I like you too."
You really couldn't believe what you were hearing. Bad had been right about him liking you as well. If he found out, he'd brag about being right and being the 'best wingman' for so long.
"Seriously?" It never hurt to double check.
And with that, the distance between you two was closed. Soft lips pressed against each other awkwardly at first, not used to kissing your best friend, but it soon melted into a sweet first kiss.
After he pulled away, you gently cupped his cheeks as well, smiling at just how unbelievable this was. The guy you'd been unknowingly pining for this whole time actually liked you back, and you'd just kissed him on your bed. Bonus: he was staying the whole night for some cuddles.
You laid back down, pulling him with you and simply wrapped your arms around him, leaving small and shy kisses on his cheek, not used to this at all, testing what was okay and what wasn't. But his smile and kisses he was giving you as well told you he was more than fine with this.
"Does this make up for it?" You mumble against his own lips, teasing tone evident.
"Yes, yes it does."
The next morning was when the countdown finally came to an end. The day you'd all been waiting for; The Convention.
You knew this meant getting up, eating breakfast, and starting to get ready. It was a big day.
But when Quackity wanted to lay down for just a bit longer, how could you possibly say no?
This lead to you both having to walk out of your room and head straight to the kitchen 15 minutes later. There was no time to waste by pretending to have come out of your own rooms and at different times.
As you both approached the dinner table and sat down, you realized the table was dead silent, all eyes on both of you.
You looked up, making eye contact with Bad. He had this knowing grin on his face, and you couldn't help it as you felt the heat rushing up to your face. Quackity seemed unfazed by it all, simply yawning and beginning to eat his breakfast.
"So did it work or what?" Sapnap broke the silence, an expectant look on his face as he stared between you and Quackity.
"What are you talking about?" You asked, now feeling very confused.
Bad couldn't hold in his laughter any longer, and burst out into happy giggles.
"Well we were trying to make Alex get jealous so he could finally make a move. Did he do it?" Sapnap asked. Karl was smiling wide, trying to cover it with the sleeve of his sweater.
Did this mean that Karl, Sapnap, and Bad all knew you two liked each other? Had these three plotted this shit? Getting you two to realize your own feelings?
"What? You did that shit on purpose?" It was Quackity's turn to be dumbfounded.
"Duh. We figured we'd give you guys a little push in the right direction." Sapnap had a satisfied smile on his face.
You couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Your friends had worked together to make you both come to terms with your feelings. Since you two were so oblivious. Wow.
"I hate to say it since it means you actually helped,,, but it did work. We talked last night and well.. we both confessed." There was a soft smile on his lips as he told the others about what had happened.
Bad let out a small cheer, clapping his hands excitedly before congratulating you both on talking out your feelings.
"Okay now that the lovebirds are finally together, let's finish breakfast and start getting ready. Remember today is a big day!" Dream said, sounding quite excited himself.
You'd honestly forgotten for a few minutes because of the whiplash of your friends confessing they were playing cupid.
Today was the convention. The whole reason you'd all traveled out here. This whole trip had been lovely, leading up to the final event.
And you'd be leaving with a date, and good memories spent with fans and friends.
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arvinsescape · 3 years
A/N: This has been in my drafts for aaaaaggggeees, I actually forgot I’d written it 🤣, another different sort of writing and I hope you all enjoy (Please remember this is a work of fiction)! 💕💕
Summary: The first time Tom realises his girlfriend is stuck in subspace.
Warnings: Mentions of sex (Minors do not engage), talks of a dom! x sub! relationship, swearing, mentions of an injury.
Something is wrong with you and Tom can’t put his finger on it. You’re not yourself and haven’t been since last night. You seem almost out of it, as if you’re here but at the same time not.
“Shit.” You muttered out as you caught your foot on the edge of the couch and fell onto your knees. This is what Tom is talking about, you’re not usually this clumsy but this morning? You’ve had his heart hammering in his chest more times this morning than you have in the last year of dating.
“Darling, are you okay?” Tom asked as he helped you to your feet, a complete look of concern in his eyes.
“Yeah, just lost my footing.” You smiled as you flopped onto the couch. “Think my legs are still recovering.” You huffed out through a laugh.
“Are you sure? You’re a lot clumsier than normal.” Tom was concerned now, it was growing inside his stomach and he couldn’t shift it, he just couldn’t put his finger on what was going on with you.
“Like I say, I think my legs are still a bit shaky from last night.” You shrugged as you trained your eyes onto the TV.
You’d had an intense session last night, you’d had multiple orgasms and both of you had had earth shattering ones to finish off, the kind that knocked him out almost completely, how tired he was washing over him in an instant. It had been one of your more intense sessions in fourteen month relationship, although you had a dom, sub relationship it was never too out there. Orgasm denials, multiple orgasms, light choking, him tying you up were as far as you’d ventured so far.
Tom only grew more concerned as the day went on, especially when he walked through to the living room at 1pm and found you still on the couch. You were in the same position he’d left you in almost two hours ago.
“Darling,” Tom asked and you mindlessly hummed in response. “You’re meeting your friend in twenty minutes.” He pointed out and he watched as you picked your phone up and checked the time, panicking as you saw it.
“Shit, shit, shit. Lost track of time.” You said as you shot past him and upstairs. Of course Tom understood that anyone could lose track of time, it just happened. But you? No, you were the most organised and punctual person he knew, if you said you would be somewhere, you’d turn up ten minutes early, you didn’t do late.
You quickly rushed out a ‘love you’ with a quick kiss to his cheek as you practically ran out of the door. Tom found himself thanking the Gods that you weren’t driving with how you’d been this morning.
You came back a few hours later, rushing into the living room and practically throwing yourself at him. You were cold from the winter air and it made Tom shiver slightly at the sudden temperature change he was experiencing.
“You okay?” He asked as his hand came to the back of your head, your face stuffed into his chest.
“I missed you.” You sniffled and Tom was taken aback, this was normal when he’d spent weeks away from you, but hours? You were a pretty independent person, although you and Tom were extremely close, you were by no means completely attached at the hip.
“I missed you too.” Tom comforted as he squeezed you, you pulled yourself closer, making him shift so you could straddle him. Clinging to him as if he’d disappear, although you were a cuddly person by nature you were usually happy just cuddled into his side as you watched TV. 
“You did?” You asked as you pulled back to look at him, excitement in your eyes, almost like a child. Tom furrowed his brows, this was unusual, like he says, you’re an independent person, you were acting like you needed him to say it, needed him to reassure you.
Of course, there had been times where you had needed that from him, when the media or the fans had been pretty hard on you but as far as he was aware that wasn’t the case right now.
“Of course I did.” Tom reassured as he ran his thumb over your cheek and you leant into the minor touch, making Tom take your face in his hand. You seemed to be craving his touch, it seemed to be something you needed he observed over the next hour.
You stayed in his lap, whining when he stopped running his hand over your back or through your hair. Nuzzling so far into him that he was sure you were trying to get inside him, when he got up to go into the kitchen you’d trail behind him like a lost puppy. All of your behaviours making Tom grow more and more concerned over you.
In the last few hours you’d seemingly lost coordination of your body, lost track of time and now you were almost emotionally and physically needy. Not that Tom would ever call you needy, or mean it in a bad way, he just didn’t know how else to describe how you were being.
The last straw came when you were making a brew for the two of you, after spending all day seemingly trying to make him happy, needing confirmation from him that your actions were indeed making him so.
“Did I put enough milk in your tea?”
“Yeah,” Tom furrowed his brows, “why?”
“I can make you another if not.” You panicked.
“Did I get the right one?” You asked as you brought a blanket down from the bedroom.
“I never specified which one I wanted.” Tom laughed and watched a panicked look escape you.
“Well when you said a blanket you must have had one in mind, I can go and get it.”
“Darling, calm down.” Tom said with furrowed brows as he forced you to sit with him and trying to stop your panic.
“I just want to make sure you’re happy. That I’m not misbehaving.” You said through a panicked voice and Tom’s concern hit a level he wasn’t sure was possible. Misbehaving? You weren’t a child, you weren’t his pet.
“Baby, you do make me happy.” Tom said. “What’s going on with you? What do you mean misbehaving?” Tom asked and he watched as you shrugged.
“I just want to make sure I’m being good.” You shrugged as you settled back down.
Tom watched as you filled the cup in your hand, the water rising and before Tom could stop it happening, it happened. The water overflowed and poured out onto your hand, you hissed in pain as you pulled it from the cup, putting the kettle down as you did.
“Fuck darling.” Tom panicked as he instantly grasped your arm and shoved your hand under the cold tap.
“That hurt a bit.” You said and Tom’s eyebrows shot up.
“A bit? Y/N/N, you’ve just practically scolded yourself.” Tom panicked as he continued to keep your hand under the cold tap. “Where were you?” He couldn’t stop himself from asking.
“I don’t know, I feel a bit,” you paused as you thought of the word. “Floaty,” you settled on.
“Yeah, I feel like I keep drifting off today. I’m sorry, have I upset you?” You suddenly asked, eyes finding his.
“Upset? What? Darling, what is going on?” Tom asked as he placed both his hands on your face. You’d just burnt yourself and you seemed more concerned about whether he was upset than your burnt hand.
“I don’t know.” You admitted as tears sprung to your eyes.
“Oh sweetheart.” Tom said as he pulled you into his chest, making sure your hand stayed under the tap. He held for a few minutes, placing kisses into your hairline as your silent tears wet his t shirt. He pulled back after a while, pulling your hand from under the tap to examine it, he was relieved to see no blisters, that you were extremely fucking lucky and had avoided a trip to A & E.
Your hand was still red raw and had a heat to it so Tom grabbed a tea towel and drenched it in cold water, wrapping it around your hand.
“Tommy, I’m tired.” You said almost childlike, almost as you do when you’re in a drunken state. “I’m really tired.” You said again.
“Okay, I’m gonna go and grab some burn cream and then I’ll put you to bed, okay?” He reassured as he led you upstairs and into the bathroom. Once in there he quickly applied the cream to your hand, he was thankful Sam had talked him into buying some, the chef in him reminding the family how bad burns could be. Once he’d dressed you, he helped you get into bed, pulling the covers over you.
“Wait, where are you going?” You asked as Tom was about to leave the room. “You’re not staying?” You asked in a small voice. Your behaviour had certainly taken a turn over the day.
“I can if you want me to?” He said and he watched you frantically nod your head. He cuddled you until you fell asleep and then carefully removed himself from the bed, careful in his every move not to wake you.
It wasn’t long before he was dialling his best friends number and asking him to come over.
“What’s up?” Harrison asked he plopped down on the couch next to Tom.
“Y/N/N.” Tom sighed and Harrisons brows shot up in concern.
“Has something happened? Is she okay?” 
“I don’t know.” Tom huffed out as he ran a hand through his hair. “She’s not been herself today and I don’t know what to do.” Tom admitted.
“How’d you mean?”
“Well for starters she spent most of this morning tripping over things. She lost track of time earlier on today, you know her, she doesn’t do that.” Tom sighed and Harrison shrugged.
“Maybe she genuinely did, we can’t all be perfect.” Haz laughed and Tom looked at him seriously.
“Haz, she’s been, needy. Like I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, just out of character. She told me she didn’t want to ‘misbehave.’” Tom said and Haz furrowed his brows in thought.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure.” Tom shrugged.
“Are you guys like, you know.” Harrison started nervously before collecting himself with a deep breath. “Do you have a dom, sub dynamic?” He asked and Tom furrowed his brows for what felt that the millionth time that day.
“Yeah.” Tom answered carefully.
“And is she the sub?” He asked.
“Harrison.” Tom warned, he wasn’t one to discuss the ins and outs of his sex life with other people, he saw it as a private thing between two people.
“Just,” Haz sighed. “Hear me out, please. Is she?”
“Yeah.” Tom answered again, carefully.
“Have you had a session recently?” He asked again and Tom nodded in response, he was lost, what the fuck did this have to do with anything? “When you engage in your dom side, do you, you know, like ‘punish’ her for misbehaving?”
“Harrison, what the fuck has this got to do with-” Tom cut himself off as realisation dawned on him. You’d been a brat yesterday and he’d acted accordingly.
“It’s called subspace mate.” Harrison said.
“But this has never happened before? Why would it happen now?”
“It doesn’t always happen, sometimes it just takes her hormones being out of balance. Maybe she slipped into it and you never fully coaxed her back, would explain why she’s stuck in a sub mentality.” Haz shrugged.
“But I’ve done everything we normally do in aftercare, I’ve looked after her, reassured her.” Tom reeled off.
“Maybe she’s looking for her dominating partner to bring her back?” Haz suggested. “Try being more forceful.”
“I don’t wanna push her Haz, she fucking burnt herself earlier, completely on another planet when she made a brew.” 
“Maybe you have been doing without realising it.”
“Kept her in subspace, you’ve coddled her. Made her feel safe, taken care of. Look, I don’t know Tom, every woman is different but it sounds like based on her behaviour, that you have pulled her further under without meaning to.” 
“Okay, thanks Haz.” Tom said. They enjoyed a good hour or so together, catching up before Tom’s phone pinged with a message from you asking where he was. Tom sighed as he read it.
“Try being a little firmer with her.” Harrison suggested and Tom nodded as he said goodbye to his friend. “Don’t beat yourself up, these things take trial and error and as long as you are both safe, happy and learning it’ll be okay.” Harrison reassured as he placed a comforting hand on his friends shoulder before heading out.
Tom collected himself as he made his way back into your shared bedroom. Your eyes instantly finding his as you flew out of the bed and into his arms, he took a deep breath before his next move. Clearly he needed to change tactic, he just wasn’t sure which one you needed.
“Y/N,” he said as he pulled you back, holding you at arms length as he looked you deeply in the eye. “I need you to come back.” He said and he watched as you furrowed your brows.
“What do you mean? I’m here?”
“You’re not, not properly.” Tom said a little firmly. “You’re still in that floaty place, as you called it.”
“No, Tom.” You laughed. “I feel floaty, I didn’t go anywhere.” You giggled.
“You did and now I need you to come back.” He tried again.
“Tom, you’re being silly.” You laughed again, “I’m right in front of you.” You said, “see you’re touching me.” You continued as you gestured to his hands on your shoulders. Tom didn’t miss your tone, your bratty tone, he changed tactic, eyebrow raising in challenge.
“What did you just call me?” Tom asked, voice demanding, the same tone he used when he was ‘punishing’ you in bed. He watched as you smirked.
“I called you silly.” You challenged and Tom hummed as he backed you into the wall.
“Are you being a brat princess? Are you sure that’s what you want to go with right now? You’re making it sound like you want me to punish you.” He said, lips close to yours as his breath fanned your face, your breath hitching as you shook your head.
“No, I’m sorry, I don’t want to misbehave anymore.” You said and Tom looked you directly in the eyes.
“Then I want you to come back.” He spoke, voice laced in a tone that had told you to ‘get on the bed’, ‘cum for me.’ He watched as an understanding flashed across your eyes and Tom continued. “Come on princess, I need you to come back. I need my Y/N.” He whispered as he captured your lips in his own. “It would make me happy if you did.” He finished.
He watched as your eyes became less vacant, slowly coming back as he coaxed you out with well placed kisses and demands. It wasn’t long before your hand wound into his hair and Tom sighed in relief as his head found your neck.
“That was fucking weird.” You snorted, voice completely your own. 
“That’s never happened before.” Tom said as he pulled back to look at you.
“It was so strange, it’s like I needed you to be the opposite of how you are during aftercare. I just kind of stayed in subspace last night.” You rambled.
“You knew you were in subspace?”
“Well yeah, you’ve done it before but you always coaxed me out of it.” You admitted and Tom looked confused.
“What happened last night? Why didn’t it work?” Tom panicked, had he missed something? 
“Don’t know.” You shrugged. “I suppose you fell asleep quicker than usual and I had one of the best orgasms I think I’ve ever had.” You said and you took in the look on Tom’s face. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up, it happens.”
“But I missed it.”
“Yeah but you still kept me safe. That’s what this is about right? Having fun and being safe. Tom you make me feel so safe, how do you think I end up in subspace sometimes, it’s a different kind of pleasure. As a sub I make myself completely vulnerable to you and you make me feel so safe and wanted and the level of trust I have in you is off the charts and sometimes it just happens, sometimes I drift off.”
“Maybe we pushed it too far.” Tom said as he took your hand in his, placed a kiss to the back of your injured hand. “I couldn’t protect you from this.”
“Tom,” you sighed. “The burn was a mistake, you can’t protect me from everything. If you’re worried I regret what we did last night because of this then don’t be. I don’t regret anything we’ve tried and I trust you, okay? Remember that one time I used the safe word and you stopped immediately and took care of me?” You asked and Tom nodded.
“This is something that does take an element of trial and error, getting fully used to everything that can happen. You took care of me, you brought me back, Tom I trust you completely with me.” You continued. “I’ve never given myself over to someone the way I have you and I’m glad, I’m glad I get to experience these things with you and I wouldn’t change it or you for the world.”
“I promise I won’t miss it next time.” Tom reassured and you smiled as you kissed him.
“I don’t doubt that for a second.”
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bbysamu · 3 years
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featuring: OIKAWA Toru, IWAIZUMI Hajime, MIYA Atsumu, BOKUTO Kotaro, KITA Shinsuke, KUROO Tetsuro x f!reader 
genre: TIkTok 
warning: none! 
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✗ OIKAWA Toru “princess, you ready?” Your husband walks into the living room in his turquoise blue blanket hoodie with the little aliens on it and a bowl of popcorn in hand. “actually honey, I don’t really feel like watching the movie anymore.” At your words, Oikawa stops in his tracks and immediately pouts. “but you promised!” “yeah I know, but I can always change my mind right? Plus the girls are on FaceTime right now and I kind of want to join them.” Oikawa plops down on the sofa and holds out the bowl of popcorn to you, “but I’ve got popcorn...” “thanks! I'll have some.” As you reach out your hand, Oikawa snatches his popcorns back. “no. You can only have some if you watch movie with me.” He looks up at you, leaning his head against the sofa, “please?” “oh okay, fine. I guess I'll stay for the popcorn.” “no, say you’ll stay for me.” You lean down and kisses his forehead, “fine I guess I'll stay for you.” 
✗ IWAIZUMI Hajime looks out the window and smiles at the sunny sky. A perfect day for picnic-ing. He sees you leaning against the door, still in your pajamas. “why are you not dressed?” he gestures to the picnic basket, “I’ve put all the food in the basket already.” “I’ve changed my mind about the picnic...” Iwaizumi furrows his brows and walks over to you, putting a gentle hand on your forehead, his other hand on his own. “what are you doing?” “just checking to see if you have a fever because you were so excited for the picnic.”  He looks down at you, “feels normal to me.” “I'm just lazy to go out.” “but it’s so pretty today....” He suddenly looks at you, “what about a balcony picnic?” “huh?” He walks over to the balcony, “we’ll get to stay at home but still picnic too!” He looks so proud of his idea you couldn’t help but give in, “good idea, babe!” “now, what do you want to eat first? the sandwich or the cake?” 
✗ MIYA Atsumu “hey Tsumu, I don’t think I’m hanging out with you at the gym today.” Atsumu looks up at you mid-stretch. “why?” “Samu invited me and Kita over to test out some new onigiri flavor.” “why you?” “because obviously, as his sister-in-law who’s also a chef, this makes sense don’t you think?” Atsumu shakes his head stubbornly, “no.” “well, I'm not asking you for permission.”  As you get ready to leave the house, Atsumu trails behind you in jeans and not his usual gym shorts. “aren’t you going to the gym?” “no.” “okay.” He stands there, waiting for you to ask him why not. When you don’t, he finally breaks down, no longer giving you one-worded answers. “why don’t ya ask me why I'm not going to the gym?” You look at him, prompting him to go on. “because,” he emphasizes, “I'm gonna go with ya. I’ll go anywhere with ya.” “that’s romantic, babe, but Samu didn’t invite you. He invited me.” Atsumu takes a dramatic step back, “it’s like ya don’t even wanna be with me anymore.” “I'm just kidding, Tsumu. Come on, let’s go before Samu gets mad at us for being late.” Atsumu happily trails behind you the entire day as you tasted the different new flavors. 
✗ BOKUTO Kotaro “hey hey hey!” your husband excitedly runs into the room all dressed up for your dinner date. It’s a been a while since you’ve guys had a proper date. “hey Y/N he-” he interrupts himself, completely taken aback by your beauty. “you look so pretty!” He grabs your hand in his, pulling you to your feet and starts spinning your around. “Ko,” you pout, “my friends just invited me to a movie tonight at the same time as our date...” You tried your best to put on a conflicted expression. “oh, okay.” Bokuto replies and let’s go of your hand. “um...can I come too ?” He looks down at the ground, hair dropping just a little. “it’s a girls night, Ko.” “oh no problem. We’ll reschedule then.” He walks back into the bedroom, shoulders sagged with defeat. 30 seconds later he runs out, whining as he says “no please, Y/N. Take me too! I just want to hangout with you. I don’t care it’s a girls’ night!” He wraps himself around your waist, muttering a repeat of “please don’t leave me behind.” “Babe, it’s just a joke. I would never ditch a date with you for movies with friends.” He looks up at you, eyes gleaming, “thanks for not leaving me behind.” “I'd never leave you behind.” 
✗ KITA Shinsuke sighs as he walks through the door after a long day of work, but smiles softly to himself at the sight of you, legs crossed, on the sofa. Tonight was puzzle night and he has been looking forward to it all day. “hey love, do you want to finish the Totoro piece today? Or do you want to start a new one?” You look at him, “actually, I don’t want to build puzzles tonight.” Kita frowns but catches himself and smiles instead, “oh sure. What do you want to do then?” You open your arms to him, “cuddle maybe?” He walks over to you, settling down next to you before wrapping you in his arms, a hand on the back of your head, lovingly stroking your hair. “tough day today?” he asks. “no, just tired.” You guys stay like this a little longer before he speaks up quietly, “well, maybe puzzles will help get you energized.” You smile at him, “you really like puzzles don’t you, babe.” He nods, a hint of red slowly rising to his cheeks. “okay, five more minutes of cuddling.” He nods again as he pulls you closer. “maybe ten more minutes.” 
✗ KUROO Tetsuro walks up to you, resting a hand on the small of your back before pulling you into his chest. “are you ready to have some fun?” he murmurs against the shell of your ear, sending goosebumps down your arms. “actually Tetsu, I don’t really feel like playing with you today.” He pulls back and looks down at you in surprise, “why! it’s finally our chance to get our revenge on Kenma in Super Smash Bros.” You shake your head, “you mean your revenge?” Kuroo narrows his eyes, “are you doing this because I accidentally ate your last cookie today?” “what do you mean accidentally? I know you did it on purpose!” Kuroo steps back, “I knew it! I knew that smile was fake when you said it was okay.” He softens his eyes and his voice, “please babe? I can’t beat Kenma on my own...” “oh really? what do I get for helping you then?” “I'll give you Kirby tonight and I'll buy you the cookies right after we’re done.” You hold out your pinky to which he automatically links with his own. “I pinky promise you, princess.” You guys didn’t beat Kenma that night though, but you still got your cookies, so yay! 
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stay fetch, xoxo
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Words: 8714 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: the Greene farm Warnings: Language, violence, gore, blood, severe injuries, fear, anxiety, death of a character A/N: This is the FINAL part of a miniseries! You can find the other chapters on the Masterlist! Summary: Y/N and Shane go missing.
Your name: submit What is this?
Two weeks later
“I can actually do it myself,” you insisted, feeling a blush in your cheeks as Daryl pulled your hand over onto his lap and bent over it, luckily oblivious to the pink glow now filling your cheeks.
He huffed at you. “I’m sure ya can,” he drawled, “but it’s definitely easier for someone with two hands, don’t ya think?”
You watched as he methodically and carefully snipped the stitches in your hand and pulled the sutures away, apologizing if they tugged at all. A lot had happened in the last two weeks. Pretty much everyone had come around to the fact that Shane had hurt himself in an attempt to get the group to abandon you. There had been a massive fight between him and Rick and since then Shane had been confined to his tent while he healed. When Hershel found out what had happened, he told Rick that Shane couldn’t stay, but Rick had already decided that he had go. His best friend seemed to be growing more bitter and more unstable by the day.
But Shane was still around temporarily, and because of that Daryl had refused to leave you to sleep unguarded at night. You’d argued that it would be fine and that you didn’t really think Shane would try to pull anything else, but the archer was insistent. Eventually, you caved. Daryl had hauled your cot and bedding to his tent and set them up along the opposite wall from his, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck at the strange nervousness and yet gratitude he felt knowing you’d be so close.
You both fell into an easy routine together. Your physical closeness may have been borne out of necessity but the other growing closeness developed organically. Spending time with Daryl was easy. He didn’t mind when you were quiet for hours on end, lost in your own head as you aimlessly tossed twigs into the fire. He didn’t mind when you wanted to talk about something specific or nothing at all, and you felt the same way about him. The silences didn’t bother you with Daryl and every time he did open his mouth it was either to make you laugh or to say something you were genuinely interested in hearing. He was constantly checking on you over the smallest things. If you shivered in the evening as you spent time around the fire, he’d insist that you moved closer to the flames or he’d go get a blanket from his tent and toss it down on your lap without a word before he took his place again. He’d make sure you were eating and would refill your canteen whenever he thought about it. You did what you could to return the favors but he usually seemed to beat you to it.
“I guess with these out I can finally start hunting again,” you said. “And going out and gathering stuff.”
“Mhm,” Daryl hummed, his eyes narrowed as he focused on removing the very last stitch. “There.” He straightened up and looked at the slightly raised pink scar down the center of your palm. He wasn’t sure what made him do it, but he ran a finger lightly down the length of it.
You startled at the unfamiliar sensation, a little strange due to the altered sensation along the length of the scar, but even more so because of the way your heart jumped at the touch of Daryl’s fingers so light on your palm. You involuntarily pulled you hand back and your eyes shot up to meet his.
He gave you a sheepish look. “Sorry. Did that hurt?” He regretted it the moment he’d done it, worried about your reaction.
You shook your head. “No, it just—”
“Nothing,” you finished quietly, chewing on your bottom lip a little anxiously. He quirked an eyebrow at you but simply stood up.
“Alright. Well, couple more days and that asshole will be outta here,” he growled, glancing over in the direction of Shane’s tent. He wasn’t yet allowing himself to acknowledge that he was worried things would go back to the way they were before once Shane was gone. That is, you’d retreat back to your space and back to yourself. He was really liking his time with you and he didn’t want it to end. The archer shook his head and glanced back at you. Your eyes were now on Shane’s tent, too but your expression was fretful. “S’matter?” he prompted you.
You sighed. “I just feel like it’s my fault he has to leave…”
“Nah. Nah, it ain’t. Y/N, if it weren’t you it’d be somethin’ else. He’s been spiralin’ down since Rick showed up alive and took his family back. It ain’t got nothin’ to do with ya, not really.”
You still looked unsure but the worry lines in your forehead eased a little. “Yeah. I suppose so.”
“Listen, I told Carol I’d go help her with that new tent. Ya gonna be alright over here?” he asked.
You nodded. “Mhm. I’ll be right here. Andrea gave me a new book.” You did glance a little longingly over your shoulder at the far tree line and Daryl was always amazed that even after the traumatic incident in those very same woods that you still wanted to be out there almost every minute of the day.
“Hey,” he said, calling your attention back to him. “We’ll go out and hunt tomorrow, alright?”
You nodded. “Tomorrow.” You watched his broad shoulders fade toward the main camp.
Carol was waiting when Daryl arrived. Her old tent had started to leak and Daryl had promised to help her get the new one they’d found set up. She stood up as he strode over, already flustered by the number of pins and ropes and metal poles. “If I’d known I’d be living out of a tent I definitely would have stuck with the Girl Scouts when I was a kid,” she said, giving Daryl a helpless look.
He let out a gruff laugh. “Ya got that the wrong way around,” he said, pointing to the pole she’d already slipped through the tent. She stared at it and sighed. “S’alright. That’s why I’m here right?” he said. “Gimme that,” he said, grabbing the bundle of poles in her hands and setting to work. In no time they had the tent upright and were going about staking it down. Carol handed Daryl another stake and he pounded it into the ground securing down the corner.
“So… what’s going on with you and Y/N exactly?” she asked him.
The archer froze and shot a look at her before returning his eyes to what he was doing, grateful for a task to focus on even as he felt his ears growing red. “What’d ya mean?”
“Well,” Carol continued, “you’re sharing a tent,” she said with a smile.
Daryl scoffed. “So? I shared a tent with T-dog once. Ya gonna ask me if we held hands?”
Carol laughed and smirked at him. “Well, did you?” Daryl rolled his eyes at her and she laughed harder.
“We’re sharin’ a tent cuz there’s a psycho that probably is blamin’ all his problems on her. And I don’t want shit to go sideways.”
“So, that’s it? You’re just sharing a tent for purely practical reasons,” Carol said. Daryl could hear the skepticism in her voice and he straightened up after tying off the knot to the stake.
“The hell are ya on about?” Daryl growled. But even as he tried to act gruff and brush her off, he felt that heat growing in his chest that was becoming familiar when he thought of you.
“You two just seem to get along,” Carol said. “That’s all.”
“Mmm,” Daryl hummed, moving to the next corner of the tent. Something about that response made Carol laugh again.
“You’re so sensitive,” she murmured, eliciting an eyeroll from him. “Daryl, I just like to see you happy. And lately, since you’ve been spending so much time with Y/N, you’ve been happy,” she pointed out.
He couldn’t deny that. She was right. He chewed on his bottom lip for a moment, his hands still on the last length of cord before he tied it off and pounded in the stake. He stood up and stepped back, taking in the structure. “Alright. All done.”
“Thanks,” she said gratefully, surveying it. She gave his shoulder a friendly squeeze and smiled. “Do me a favor?”
“Hmm?” he hummed, chewing on the side of his thumbnail, glancing up at her.
“If you really like her,” she paused and shrugged, “tell her. Life is short these days.” She knew that as well as anyone. A husband, abusive asshole or not, and a precious little girl were gone to this world.
Daryl only ducked his head and lazily twirled a piece of grass between his fingers. “I’ll see ya,” he murmured, turning and heading back toward his tent. He was expecting you to be sitting beside the fire where you’d been when he left, but that spot was empty. He approached the tent and stopped outside the door. “Y/N? Ya in there?” When there was no answer, he unzipped it and peeked inside. No sign of you. The book that had been in your hand was on the tent floor and he bent and picked it up, setting it on the upturned box that was serving as a nightstand next to your cot. That’s when he realized your knife was there. He’d been thinking maybe you had to go use the bathroom, but you never left camp without your knife at your hip, whether it was for two minutes or two hours. And it wasn’t like you to leave a book on the ground. You treated the damn things like they were some sacred tomes. He felt panic start to grow in his chest and left the tent in a hurry, his blue eyes scanning the area where everyone else was set up and the tree line. He didn’t see you anywhere.
Daryl grabbed his crossbow and took off running toward the main camp. He found Lori and Carol preparing some food for dinner and stopped beside them. “Hey—have ya’ll seen Y/N anywhere? She come through here at all?” He directed the question at Lori since Carol had been busy with him getting the tent set up.
She stood up and dusted her hands off on her jeans, shaking her head. Her eyes went a little wide with worry as she registered the deep concern on Daryl’s face. “No, I—I haven’t seen her. You can’t find her?”
Daryl didn’t even stay to answer. He just tore off in the direction of the farmhouse and bounded up onto the front porch. Glenn and Maggie both stood up at the expression on his face. “Ya’ll see Y/N? Did she come up here?”
Maggie shook her head. “No,” Glenn answered, immediately worried. “What’s going on?”
Daryl swore under his breath and paced a restless circle, rubbing a hand over his mouth. “I—I was gone for maybe an hour helpin’ Carol and now I can’t find her anywhere. She wouldn’ta gone off without her knife or nothin’,” he said. His jaw clenched and Glenn watched the muscle twitch. Daryl’s eyes quickly landed on the tent Shane was confined to and he took off at a full sprint toward it. Glenn was on his heels now.
“Daryl! Daryl, take it easy!” Glenn yelled after him. It drew the attention of the rest of the group and soon Rick and Andrea were standing beside Glenn as Daryl ripped back the entrance to Shane’s tent.
Daryl’s stomach twisted. Shane’s tent was empty. He kicked out at a milk crate that had some of Shane’s things on it and it toppled over. “Shane’s gone and Y/N is missin’!” he roared at Rick.
Rick gulped. A hard pit formed in his stomach. “Daryl—Daryl, just calm down,” Rick said.
That had the opposite effect. “Calm down? Calm down?!” he roared. “This ain’t no coincidence! I told ya he didn’t deserve to stay here to heal up, and now look what’s happened!”
“We’ll find them! We’ll find them. We will. Just—”
“Nah. I’m gonna track that fuckin’ prick and if he’s laid so much as a finger on her, he’s a dead man.” Daryl took off without another word, racing back to the last place he’d seen you, his eyes scanning the ground the whole way, hoping for a track, a trail, something.
“Dale, get the guns,” Rick said. “Lori, you and Carol take Carl up to the house and see if you can wait inside with Hershel and the girls.” Lori nodded and gave Carol’s arm a gentle squeeze. Rick rubbed a hand over the stubble on his face.
Andrea was stunned. “What do we do?”
Rick shut his eyes for a moment and pulled in a breath. “We get our guns and we look. We hope Daryl can pick up a trail and we hope we aren’t too late.”
You had been sitting contentedly by the fire reading when you decided you wanted some tea. You knew there were still some dried spicebush leaves in your pack from your last foraging trip and you went in to get them. You were crouched beside your pack, digging in the pocket when you heard a metallic sound that was easily identifiable. It was the slide of a pistol being drawn back and released, a bullet moving into the chamber. You froze with your hands in your pack and slowly turned. You could see Shane outside the window netting and his gun was aimed right at you.
“Get up. Slowly. Leave all your shit.”
You gulped and did so, replacing your pack against the wall and abandoning your book on the floor.
“Come over here. Zip the tent up and don’t even think about trying anything because I will kill you right here,” Shane growled, and you believed him. “Let’s go. Now.”
Again, you complied. You glanced desperately toward the main camp, hoping with every part of you that Daryl would be headed back or somehow happen to look over and see what was happening, but you knew you didn’t have any options except to comply. Comply and hope for an opening to save yourself.
Shane’s gun was still trained on you as you stepped around the outside of the tent. He was gritting his teeth in anger as you stared back at him. You were determined to remain calm and in control.
He nudged the barrel of his gun in the direction of the tree line. “Move. Let’s go.”
You felt sick, knowing that once you went into those trees the chance that you would ever come back out was low. But what choice did you have? He had a fucking gun on you and you had nothing.
You made your way toward the woods. Shane pressed the muzzle into your back. “Faster. And don’t even think about making a fucking sound. I will shoot you right here. I don’t even care. At least then I wouldn’t have to worry about you going all psycho-killer. Wouldn’t have to worry about Lori anymore. Or Carl.”
You bit your tongue to stop a retort.
Soon, you were under the dark canopy of trees, cloaked in shade and moving further in with Shane’s gun at your back. He was nervous, on edge, and understandably so, because you knew if Daryl caught him… he’d be dead in an instant. You decided your best course of action was to try to reason with him. You really did believe that he was just fucked up from being in love with a woman he couldn’t have. This was all misplaced blame and aggression. He really wanted to fuck Rick up, but that loyal part of him, that police partner, wouldn’t let him. Some part of him couldn’t bear to do that to Carl and Lori, even while another part of him was desperate to. You were an easy target, the next best thing to blame for his failed attempts to get back into the place he wanted to be, to regain some control, to prove he knew best and was still The Protector. If he had been able to show everyone that you were really a threat and that he and not Rick had taken care of it, he really thought maybe that would win Lori over. But that had all backfired. Now you were just easy to blame for all his problems.
“Shane, I know this isn’t really what you want,” you said quietly.
“Shut the fuck up. You don’t know a goddamn thing about me,” he growled back, nudging you sharply with the muzzle of his gun again.
“I don’t want you to have to leave either. I know it isn’t fair,” you continued. “You took care of everyone for a while before Rick showed up.”
“I said shut up!” he spat again through clenched teeth. “Ya know what? Sit the fuck down. Right there, against that tree.” He shoved you hard and you stumbled, barely catching yourself with your hands on the large oak before your face would have collided with it.
You obeyed and sat with your back against the tree, gulping at the dryness in your throat, and turning to stare directly at the gun pointed in your face.
Something about how calm you were being, how steady, was completely freaking Shane the fuck out. He wanted you to snap. He wanted to be able to say that he was right about you and you were a danger to everyone in camp, like you were some unpredictable monster. But you just sat there looking up at him, now completely silent, your eyes flickering between the muzzle of his gun and his face. Shane swore under his breath and paced back in forth in front of you. Your eyes followed his movements. You bided your time, trying to come up with something that would defuse this whole situation.
“How is this going to fix anything?” you asked him. “This is only going to make everything worse.”
He didn’t stop pacing and occasionally shooting a look at you that made your blood run cold. You were starting to think that maybe there was no reasoning with him…
“You can just let me go. I’ll just tell everyone I needed to get out of camp for a bit. You can wander back in like nothing happened,” you said.
He pointed the gun at you again and his lip curled. “There’s no going back from this. No going back from everything that’s already happened. And I know there is something wrong with you. I know it. If I’m not going to be here to keep an eye on you, I need to end this now so you can’t hurt anyone. Because I know you will snap eventually. I saw what you did to those men.” Shane got right into your face, poking you in the shoulder with the muzzle of his gun.
“I was defending myself,” you said quietly, feeling guilty and horrified at yourself even as you tried to justify it to Shane.
“So you say,” he growled, his pistol now aimed at your forehead.
“If I was going to snap like you’re saying, wouldn’t now be a good time?” you said quietly. “Obviously you’re a threat to me. But I’ve done everything you’ve asked.”
He scoffed and straightened up again, resuming his pacing. “What—what the hell happened to you, huh? What fucked up thing twisted you to the point where you could do what you did to those men? Do you even remember it? Do you even know how many times you stabbed them?” he pressed. He was trying to agitate you, but it didn’t work.
Your stomach was churning with the foggy memory of being covered in their blood, of seeing their corpses on the ground, but you only stared back at Shane. No way in hell you were divulging what you’d been through to Shane, gunpoint or not.
He ran his tongue over his teeth and you watched as the muscle in his jaw clenched. He charged toward you again. “You know what? I’m done with this,” he growled. He pressed the gun to your forehead, aiming at a downward angle. The metal bit into your skin. You stared up at him briefly, eyes wide but surprisingly calm, and Shane watched in some disbelief as you finally just shut them and seemed to resign yourself to the fact that you were about to die.
That hesitation was all you needed.
You shoved Shane’s arm away and the gun with it and snatched the knife at his hip, ripping it free from its sheath and slashing at him, leaving a good gash on his arm. But a knife wouldn’t be any match for Shane with a gun. He was a firearm instructor and you knew his aim was deadly accurate, so before he could entirely recover from his surprise you ran at him full force and the two of fell to the ground hard. The pistol flew from his hands and landed in the leaf little a few feet away. You began to crawl desperately toward it, trying to put distance between you and Shane as quickly as possible, but you let out a yell as you felt him grab hold of you and pull you back.
The next thing you knew he was over you, trying his hardest to get the knife from your hand. You were slashing at him desperately, catching him on the forearms as you struggled beneath him. You caught him with a particularly strong slash but the next moment he had your hands pinned in his and he wrenched the knife from you. The rush of blood was loud in your ears and now you were on the defensive. You shielded yourself with your arms as best you could and continued to struggle beneath him, but his weight was too much.
Shane suddenly managed to push your arms out of the way and you saw the knife coming toward you as if in slow motion. It was heading straight for the center of your chest. You thrust your left arm out and felt the blade pierce it deeply before ripping clean and lodging in your left shoulder. You let out a scream of pain, but as Shane was now leaning over you, you managed to get your knee up underneath him and thrust it as hard as you could into his groin.
He let out an agonized yell and rolled off you, abandoning the knife that was still lodged deeply in your shoulder. You gritted your teeth and were vaguely aware of tears streaming down your face and the fact that you were trembling. But there was no time to stop. You couldn’t stop if you wanted to live. You clutched at the knife in your shoulder, staring briefly with shock at how deeply it was embedded, but didn’t dare to pull it out. Rolling over and holding yourself up on your lacerated forearms, you fixed your eyes on the gun and made a desperate lunge for it. You felt hands on your legs again, dragging you back.
Back toward the edge of the tree line, Daryl had picked up the trail easily and was frantically tracking. Rick and the others were on his heels, glancing around nervously, straining their eyes in the veiled darkness beneath the canopy and their ears in the closeness of the trees. But it wasn’t long that they had to trail behind the archer because soon a strained yell made it to their ears. Daryl felt his blood run cold.
He paused hardly for a moment before he tore off through the trees in the direction he’d heard your voice echo from. “Y/N!” He wanted you to know he was on his way. He needed you to just hang on. He pushed himself to run through the nausea that had risen when that sound, your pained voice, had met his ears. He tore through the foliage, the sound of pounding boots on the soil loud behind him as the others followed.
“Daryl! Daryl, slow down! We can’t just—” Rick paused as he had to bust through some shrubs. “We can’t just barrel in there!” But it was as if the archer hadn’t heard anything. He just continued running, trying to listen over his own gasping breath and pounding pulse but simultaneously afraid of what he would hear.
The unmistakable sound of a gunshot.
Daryl skidded to a stop, frozen. His face blanched, almost ashen as Rick caught up and glanced over at him. Sweat was pouring down from their foreheads and running down their necks, soaking the thin cotton of their shirts. A small strangled noise escaped Daryl’s lips as he searched the ground frantically again for the trail, needing to know he was running in the right direction. He spotted it. Direction confirmed, he took off at an even madder pace than before. “Y/N!” There was no answer.
But he couldn’t allow himself to think the worst. He couldn’t. That couldn’t happen to you. After everything you’d already been through… how could he have let this happen? Why had he turned his back on you for even a minute with that prick still around? He felt shaky and weak even as he ran.
The group had just pushed through another thick swath of understory when Daryl saw a bundle ahead, lying motionless on the ground. His breath caught in his throat and his boots rooted into the soil for a moment. But he pushed himself to move forward again.
Behind him he was vaguely aware of a gasp from Andrea and some murmur from Glenn.
As he moved closer, he realized there was a second shape ahead and as his eyes refocused, he saw that it was you. You were leaned up against a big oak tree, propped up against the rough bark, your head lolled toward your chest. Some pained gasp or muted scream, catching mostly in his throat, left his lips before he tore off toward you again. As he fell to his knees beside you, he took in the soaked crimson of your shirt. Your arms were cut up and absolutely covered in blood. Then Daryl’s eyes landed on the hilt of the knife still embedded in your left shoulder. His hands shook as he hesitated before lifting your chin, terrified that your skin would be cold and lifeless. You were bruised and battered, bleeding from a swollen and split lip and a gash near your hairline, but there was some semblance of warmth still in your skin, though you were pale. More miraculously yet, when he gently lifted your chin, you started to stir and Daryl watched in desperation as you struggled to open your eyes, eventually succeeding.
“Hey, hey. S’alright. I’ve got ya. I’ve got ya…” He could hear his own voice shake as he spoke.
You gulped, wanting to clear the taste of iron from your mouth. “I had to,” you managed to croak out. “I had to.”
Daryl knew you were referring to Shane’s lifeless body behind him on the ground. “S’ok. It don’t matter. Don’t talk now, alright? Just rest. I’ve got ya.”
Daryl felt someone behind him and turned to see Glenn just behind him. His face was pale as he took in your condition. “Her shoulder... Oh my God,” Glenn gasped.
“She’s gonna be fine,” Daryl said forcefully. He carefully slid his arm behind your back and another underneath your knees. You were fighting to stay awake. “Daryl…” you murmured. You felt so small in his arms as he lifted you. Daryl was vaguely aware of your fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt, gripping it hard before you fell unconscious again, going limp in his arms. He turned and started heading back to the farm, moving as quickly as he dared with you in his arms, conscious of the knife still wedged cruelly into you. The sight of it protruding from you made him sick with rage. Rick was kneeling beside Shane, his face downturned, as Daryl breezed past. Andrea stood just behind him with a hand pressed over her mouth, watching as Daryl carried your bloodied body past her.
As Daryl’s broad shoulders disappeared, Glenn bent and retrieved the pistol lying on the leaf litter among streaks of your blood. It felt like a lead weight in his palm.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Daryl sat slumped in a chair beside your prone form laid out on the bed, covered over in the blankets. He was leaned over forward with his elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped so tightly that his knuckles shone white.
After days of agonizing waiting, there was a soft noise from you and his eyes shot up urgently to see you stirring a little on the pillow. He rocketed to his feet so fast that the chair he’d been in clattered backward loudly to the floor. “Doc!” he yelled out. Hershel rushed in a moment later.
You dragged your eyelids open with a great amount of effort and the first thing you saw were Daryl’s piercing blue eyes looking down at you with immense concern. You moistened your lips with your tongue and cleared your throat, which felt dry and scratchy, preparing to speak. He watched as your expression melted into a veil of confusion. “I’m not… not dead?”
Daryl felt a painful pang in his chest as he watched you spinning with disbelief.
Hershel leaned over you with a kindly and somewhat sad expression on his face. “You most definitely are not. Though you surprised all of us after what you went through,” he said putting a gentle hand on your uninjured shoulder.
Your eyes turned back to Daryl’s. “Shane—” His name seemed to strangle and catch in your throat. “I—”
“I know. Ya had to. S’alright,” Daryl drawled, his brow furrowing low over his eyes.
You mouthed wordlessly for a moment, your eyes brimming with tears. “Is he—did he—?”
Daryl nudged his nose up in a nod, his expression full of concern. “He’s gone.”
You felt that you already knew the answer but it still made your stomach churn. You laid more heavily into the pillow and shut your eyes, a pained expression crossing your face. When your eyes finally fluttered open again they were still a little glassy. Daryl wondered at this display of remorse, of regret you had for a man who had clearly taken you into the woods to kill you.
But what Daryl saw next was you clearly struggling against some flashback. You squeezed your eyes shut and your breathing quickened. Beads of sweat broke out on your hairline and your face tensed.
Daryl’s hand shot out to gently grab yours before he even knew what he was doing. “Hey.” He gave it a gentle squeeze. “Y/N. S’alright. You’re safe,” he drawled.
Your eyes opened and you glanced down at your hand in his. Daryl withdrew, suddenly self-conscious. You nodded and seemed to come back to the present.
You reached across yourself to grip your left shoulder, a wave of pain running through you and a grimace tightening your features. You felt thick gauze beneath your fingers. As you moved you became aware that you had many little rows of stitches on your arms and a few gashes wrapped up in bandages as well. Even your hands were cut up from your attempts to defend yourself. You extended your arm in front of yourself and took in the damage done by Shane’s knife.
“I don’t understand,” you said softly. “I thought for sure I was going to die out there.” The way you said it was so matter-of-fact and Daryl felt a rush of anger overwhelm him for a moment. Shane was lucky he was dead when Daryl had gotten there… He’d gotten off easy with a single round to the chest.
Hershel nodded. “You have a lot of strength in you. Rest. Everything is going to be just fine. You’re going to heal up and be back to normal before you know it, though that shoulder may need a little extra TLC.” The doctor took his leave and your eyes found Daryl’s again. He read worry on your face.
“What is it?” he drawled.
You gulped. “I’ll leave as soon as I’m healed up,” you said, now avoiding his eyes.
Daryl’s brow furrowed more deeply. “Why the hell would ya do that?”
His tone was forceful again and drew your eyes back to his. “The others—after what happened, I can’t imagine they want me around anymore.”
Daryl sighed heavily and righted his chair again, sinking down in it close at your bedside. “For once yer wrong about somethin’,” he said. “Nobody wants ya to leave. Ya didn’t do anything more than defend yourself, just like ya did with those men before. Anyone can glance at ya for one second and see that.”
You shifted in bed, trying to make your injured shoulder more comfortable, laying your other hand over it absently, and you chewed on the inside of your cheek. You still looked unsure.
“Y/N, when we found ya you had a damn knife sticking out of your shoulder.” He paused and rubbed a hand over the back of his neck a little anxiously. “I—” his voice seemed to catch in his throat. “I thought we lost ya.”
You peered at him curiously.
He leaned forward. “Listen to me, if anybody even so much as looks at ya like ya shouldn’t be here, they’ll have to deal with me.”
Daryl watched, a little anxiously, as your lips parted softly. “I’m not sure I deserve that from you,” you finally managed quietly. “You’ve already done enough. Daryl, I suspect you saved my life.” You gulped and stared down toward the edge of the blankets. “In more ways than one…”
The archer averted his eyes down toward his boots and chewed on his bottom lip for a moment, nervous and wavering between his insecurity and need to reassure you, not allowing himself to really think on what you’d just said. “Hey. Yer a part of this group, even if ya ain’t always felt like it.”
You studied him for a long moment before you spoke again. “So are you,” you said perceptively. His blue eyes shot up to meet yours and you gave him a weak smile. “Can you do me a favor?”
He nudged his nose up in a nod. “’Course.”
“Can—can you help me take a walk outside? I need some air,” you said quietly.
“Are ya sure yer up for that? Ya had surgery on that shoulder. Ya lost a lot of blood. Ya just woke up after bein’ out of it for three days. I don’t think it’s—” Concern creased his forehead.
You nodded. “I’m sure. You won’t let anything bad happen to me. I’ve at least learned that by now.” You felt a bloom of warmth in your chest as you spoke those words, coupled with the realization of their truth almost at the same time as they left your lips. That burst of heat you felt was reflected in a pink hue in the archer’s face and the tips of his ears.
He looked a little bashful but nodded and acquiesced to your request. “Alright. C’mon,” he said, gently taking your hand, avoiding the injuries carefully, and doing his best to ignore how nervous he felt when his fingers closed around it. He helped you out of bed and steadied you as you got to your feet. You glanced up at him, and your expression was so open and earnest he was frankly shocked by it. Could it really be that you were looking that way at him? His fingers were light under your elbow and his other hand was ghosting behind your back, centimeters away from making contact if needed as you started toward the door. “Ya alright?”
You nodded and gulped at the rush of feelings his hand around yours had brought, trying your hardest to ignore it. All you could do was nod. The two of you emerged onto the porch and Glenn and Maggie stood up immediately from their place nearby in the seating area. Both of them were all smiles to see you on your feet.
“You’re up,” Glenn said, looking at you with a bewildered smile. “This is amazing. It’s so good to see you awake!” His expression was nothing but kindness.
“How are you feelin’?” Maggie asked.
You nodded, glancing back over at Daryl and relaxing some as you saw one corner of his mouth was twitched up. His blue eyes were fixed on your face and he couldn’t look away. Seeing you actually awake and already on your feet was a huge relief after many days of sickening worry. “I feel alright. A little tired,” you admitted. Almost as if one cue you wavered a little on your feet, your knees feeling suddenly weak.
Daryl’s hand landed flush against the small of your back, immediately steadying you. “Easy,” he rumbled. “Ya alright?” You nodded, quite sure your cheeks were pink, and when you glanced back at him and mumbled a small “thanks” you thought maybe his cheeks were pink too. You turned back to Glenn and Maggie and your eyes drifted to all the numerous stitches on your arms. “I’m definitely a little worse for wear. But could have been worse…” you trailed off.
“Definitely,” Glenn said, giving you a sympathetic look. “We’re all just so glad you’re okay.”
Just at that moment you heard boots on the stairs and you looked up to see Rick, thumbs slung into his pockets as usual. Your heart rate increased with anxiety and you gulped at the sudden tightness in your throat. You’d killed his best friend. You’d pulled the trigger and killed Shane. “I’m sorry,” you said to the Sheriff.
But Rick was smiling at you with tears in his eyes, shaking his head slightly. “This is my fault,” he said suddenly, a rasp in his voice from emotion and your eyes widened in surprise. “This is my fault and I am so sorry. Daryl told me—and I should have listened. Shane was way more of a threat than I was willing to admit. This should have never happened to you,” he drawled. “And I hope you can forgive me at some point.”
You stared at him for a long moment, blinking in the sun and breathing in the freshness of the outside air. “It’s already forgiven,” you said softly, nodding at him.
Daryl stared at you in awe of how, despite everything you’d been through, you still could extend that forgiveness so easily.
Daryl sensed some shift in you and his brow drew down low over his eyes. “Let’s get ya back to bed. C’mon.”
You allowed him to help you back through the farmhouse and even into bed as you struggled not to put any weight on your left shoulder, wincing as you moved. Daryl watched you settled in and stood a bit awkwardly at your bedside. He nervously ran a hand back through his hair. “Well, I’ll let ya get some sleep,” he drawled, turning to leave.
He turned back to glance at you and your expression was a bit hesitant. “Hmm?”
“Would you stay? …please?”
He didn’t need to hear anything else. He planted himself right back down in the chair at the side of the bed and watched as some of the tension on your face eased.
“Thanks,” you said quietly with a sigh. Daryl watched as you closed your eyes and shifted, trying to make your shoulder more comfortable, but a moment later your eyes fluttered open again and met his. “He put the gun to my forehead,” you suddenly said quietly.
Daryl’s stomach plummeted and then swirled with anger. He stared back at you, incredulous with rage easily readable on his face.
“I made my peace with the fact that he was going to pull the trigger.” Your voice was somewhat disconnected, distant. “But then… he hesitated. And I took the chance and I fought.”
Daryl gulped. “Ya made it. Yer alright.”
You nodded and looked at him for a long moment, seemingly on the edge of saying something else, but you finally just sighed and your eyelids, now heavy with exhaustion, closed again. Soon, you were asleep. And Daryl stayed at your bedside and drifted off himself. _ _ _ _ _ _
Some time later You tossed down the game stringer, loaded with squirrels, in front of Daryl. “Ten,” you said, a wide grin spreading across your face. “What’d ya get?”
He looked up at you and affected an unamused expression. “Nine,” he drawled, pointing to his harvest waiting to be cleaned.
“Ha! I win again,” you said, absolutely brimming with joy. “I thought you said you were good at hunting?” you teased him.
He rolled his eyes at you and looked over as you sank down beside him. “Ya beat me by one. Ain’t exactly a landslide, is it?”
“A win is a win,” you announced with satisfaction.
He rolled his eyes again, but his expression quickly turned to concern as he caught you rubbing your shoulder. “Sore?” he asked you, his brow drawing down. “Maybe ya shouldn’t be hunting with that bow again yet.”
Your face softened as you caught his blue eyes. “I’m fine. It’s just a little tired, that’s all. Hershel says I need to build my strength up again.” Daryl’s eyes caught on the scar where the knife had been lodged into your shoulder. It was matched by many smaller ones on your arms, all with the same pink hue due to their newness. He could also see the brand on your arm, 1048, the remnant from your time under The Copperheads. Before, you would wear long sleeves in the height of the Georgian summer just to avoid anyone seeing that mark. Now there were a lot more scars added to it, but you didn’t seem to care. It was like you finally had a weight lifted off your shoulders and you felt free for the first time in a long time, unencumbered by your past.
“We should get ya a crossbow, like mine. Then ya wouldn’t have to hold the draw with that shoulder.”
“I like my old-fashioned recurve bow,” you said, pulling it over onto your lap and looking down at it fondly. “Especially because I can still beat you with it,” you smiled at him.
Daryl seemed suddenly fidgety and you picked up on it immediately. His eyes turned down and his expression was suddenly serious.
“What? What is it?”
He shrugged, still seemingly avoiding your eyes. “Can I ask ya somethin’?”
“Mhm,” you hummed. “Always.”
He flicked his thumb along the sharp edge of his knife. “How—with everything that ya’ve been through, how come ya ain’t just angry? I’m angry just thinkin’ about it. And it didn’t even happen to me.”
“Mmm,” hummed thoughtfully. Your eyes turned out across the verdant pasture, toward the trees you’d spent the day under. “I am angry sometimes. But,” you shrugged, your right hand shielding over the scar on your left shoulder absently, “being angry doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t fix it. It all still happened.”
Your eyes grew a bit far-off, a bit distant. Daryl took several forced, deep inhales and gathered his courage before reaching over and taking your hand in his, pulling it away from your shoulder.
You looked over at him in surprise. Your hand felt small between his. Your gaze was questioning. Daryl’s heart was pounding so hard in his ears he couldn’t hear anything else. He gulped, trying to clear his throat so he could talk. “‘M gonna make sure nothin’ else bad happens to ya. As best I can,” he murmured.
You nodded almost imperceptibly, your eyes still a little wide from the unexpected action of him taking your hand in his. “Only if I can do the same thing for you.”
You saw him gulp nervously before he nudged his nose up in a nod at you. “Yeh, I think—I think that’d be alright,” he said.
You gave him a half-smile that he found incredibly endearing and his nerves finally got the better of him and he released your hand, clearing his throat and awkwardly rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. “I’m, uhh, just gonna go grab some more firewood,” he drawled, standing up abruptly and internally cursing at himself as he left you sitting alone by the fire. Fuckin’ coward. Despite all his attempts at denial, Daryl had realized over the last couple weeks that he couldn’t ignore how he felt about you anymore, but now he was stranded in this place between where he was and where he wanted to be with no idea how to bridge the gap. He wandered back with an armload of firewood, internally frustrated and kicking himself, but his frustration vanished almost immediately when he had dumped it next to the fire circle and glanced at you again. You were looking at him with that open expression, this time with a little inquisitive lift in one of your eyebrows.
“Hmm?” he hummed, pulling his bottom lip back in between his teeth and worrying it anxiously.
You tilted your head toward the place he’d previously been sitting and he gulped as he sat down, still feeling your eyes steady on him. He thought that now you looked a little nervous. “Can I ask you something?” you said quietly.
The archer nodded, nervous flutters flitting to life in his stomach.
“Umm… is it just me, or have you slept like shit, too, since I moved out of your tent?”
Once you were no longer staying in the house healing up, Daryl had moved your things out of his tent for you since there was no longer any need to worry about Shane. It wasn’t that you had asked him to, or that he’d even wanted to, it just seemed like he should…Afterwards, you’d actually moved your whole campsite closer to his, directly next to it, but you still found yourself tossing and turning on your cot, unable to fall asleep or stay asleep.
Daryl stared back at you for a moment in disbelief. He’d slept like garbage since you’d moved back, and he hadn’t even had the heart to fill the cleared space you’d once occupied with the stuff he previously had kept there. Now the emptiness loomed, drawing his eyes, the physical manifestation of how he felt something was just missing. When you slept on your cot across from him, he’d wake up in the middle of the night and look over at the shadow of your sleeping form. He always felt some swell of relief and maybe something else he couldn’t quite identify… Something about listening to your calm breathing always relaxed him and he found himself able to shut his eyes and drift off again. Maybe he’d gotten used to it. Maybe he shouldn’t have. But since you’d left, he’d been restless and anxious at night, wishing the material of his tent and yours would vanish so he could check on you.
Your nerves were growing with each moment of silence as you anxiously watched him, waiting for him to say something. “No, I—“ he had to clear his throat, nerves making his voice come out strangely strangled, “I’ve—” he let out a scoff of a laugh, almost incredulous he was about to say it to you, “I’ve slept like shit since ya left.”
He nodded, finally meeting your eyes again. “Mhm. Can’t fall asleep, can’t stay asleep, just feels like I lay there all the time w—”
You grabbed him by his lapel and pulled him toward you, pressing your lips softly to his, your eyes shut tightly, overwhelmed with nerves even while you melted into him. Your fingers cupped his face gently, like he was something fragile and Daryl was reeling.
By the time he reached back for you and got over his surprise you were already withdrawing and he blinked, bewildered, as he took in the wide-eyed expression on your face and your partially parted lips.
“Uhh—was that—okay?” you breathed, anxiety ratcheting up with each passing moment of uncertainty.
“Ya,” he drawled. It spilled from him like warm molasses. He watched as your face broke into a relieved smile and your cheeks burned pink.
“Good,” you murmured, unable to look at him any longer.
“Only I—I wasn’t ready,” he murmured. Your eyes flickered up to his again. He gulped nervously and reached out to move a strand of hair out of your eyes before clasping your face. His blue eyes were flickering between yours and then down to your lips. You could tell he was nervous and it brought a small smile to your face. Your eyes fluttered closed and you leaned toward him, only having to wait a second before you felt his lips crashing against yours.
This time the kiss was heated and urgent and he pulled you into him gently with his hand at the nape of your neck. You happily leaned in, smiling against his lips, your hand pressing flush to his strong chest and the other landing lightly on his side, driving him crazy. Daryl’s hand smoothed over your shoulder and down your bare arm, electricity rising in its wake.
When you broke apart this time, you were both all stunned smiles again, though now you couldn’t look away from each other.
“So, uhh—ya wanna stay with me tonight? Sounds like we both need some real sleep, ya know, and I dunno…” Daryl wasn’t used to asking for what he wanted so blatantly, or making himself vulnerable, but somehow you brought it out of him and he was willing to jump off that ledge if it meant he got to kiss you and touch you and hold you all night… things he had thought about plenty when he was lying on his cot, unable to sleep, but never saw as a reality.
You nodded, that same smile you always gave him glowing on your face. He was constantly amazed by the light you exuded; despite everything you’d been through… everything you’d shared with him.
He needed that. He needed the light. He needed you. You gave him hope.
That night you settled in against him, nervous but melting into the safeness of his arms around you. Daryl worried he was too overwhelmed to sleep, but moment by moment he realized how natural having you against him felt, how safe, how perfect, and before either of you spoke another word you both drifted off in blissful silence.
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bnhabadass · 4 years
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Pairing: Shinsou x Reader Genre: Angst with happy ending, NSFW Word Count: 4,049 Synopsis: Shinsou is sick and tired of seeing you go out on all these disappointing Tinder hookups, especially when you always seem to ask him to satisfy you afterwards. But there must be a reason why you keep going on these dates, right? A/N: This is my piece for the bnharem roommates collab. I always forget how much I love writing Shinsou’s character but this definitely brought my spark with him back. Make sure to check out everyone else’s collab pieces on the masterlist!
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Another night of tinder swipes. Another night of late night walks through desolate and windy streets. Another night of sleepy dinner and listening to the same old boring stories that every date has to offer. Another night of disappointing sex as he can’t seem to find the hole and his finger nails are sharper than they need to be. Another night of two pump chumps who ask, “does that feel good baby?” and another night of lying through your teeth as you fake moans and count the seconds before you’re allowed to leave.
It’s just like any other Saturday night where your toes are crushed in the tips of your heels and you shiver as you walk back to your apartment, keys clutched between your fingers just in case someone tries to pull something and you need to think quickly. You have your routine ingrained in you, like second nature.
The walk back home is cold and clammy. You can’t shake the feeling of the little hairs on your arms and legs springing up like a cat in shock as the wind pushes right past you. The only thing you could think of to keep yourself from toppling over from exhaustion was the heat that would be coming from your room back home, the fuzzy blanket you’d lie under, and the man awaiting your return to greet you with surprises like no other.
When you did open the front door, heat wafted towards you and your achy muscles began to relax.
“Rough night?” The voice from inside cooed.
“‘Oh baby do you like that?’” you mocked. “‘Does that hurt so good?’”
The person sitting on the sofa with a book covering their face laughed. “Please tell me he did not say that.”
You kicked off your heels and rolled out your ankles. “Shinsou, I swear to god, you have to meet some of these people. This one guy was ridiculous. As I was sucking him off he told me I reminded him of his mother.”
The purple haired young man gagged. “And you still sucked his dick?”
“That’s the best part,” you laughed. “He finished right after he said that.”
Shinsou grimaced. “Why do you keep going on these dates when everyone you end up sleeping with sucks.”
You collapsed on the couch next to him. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because a certain someone always ends up taking care of me after.” Laying your head in his lap, you smiled up at him.
Shinsou gave you a lazy smirk back. “So that’s it, huh? I actually know how to use my tongue so you’re purposefully coming home unsatisfied.”
“I wouldn’t say purposefully,” you said with a mock offended tone to your words. “If there ever is a man out there who did know how to please me then I can guarantee I wouldn’t be coming home every night I have a date.”
He propped his cheek up against the palm of his hand. “But that hasn’t happened yet, has it.”
You loved this, the flirty and dangerous aroma in the air. It was intoxicating and you craved every bit of it.
“So what are we going to do about it?”
You leaned up and kissed him, and then that kiss led to another. Soon you had gotten up and moved into Shinsou’s bedroom. Your tights had been stripped down and your dress was pulled up over your ass.
Getting onto his elbows and knees, Shinsou readied himself to lick his first stripe along your folds and make you melt beneath him.
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The week went by, like usual, and your relationship with Shinsou remained the same, just like usual. You’d each come home from work, him tired from training and patrols and you exhausted with paperwork and having to deal with bothersome coworkers taking up all your spare time.
Nothing happens during the week. The two of you laugh and joke around like best friends, like neither of you have seen each other naked, and you’re sure you’re happy this way. That’s what Shinsou keeps telling himself anyway.
You never seem to notice the way his eyes linger on you for a split second too long or the way he glares at your phone over your shoulder as you swipe left or right on dating apps. You’d think that if he was jealous he would try to distance himself, to back away from the trouble you might get in and the disappointment you’d find after each hookup. But no, Shinsou cares too much about you to let you go out on your own without knowing who, where and how you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
“Hey Shin,” you call from the couch on Thursday night. You’re lying down with your feet propped up against the arm rest. Shinsou has to move them out of the way before plopping down himself.
“What’s up.” His large palm rubbed up and down your legs as they rested on his lap.
“I think I matched with someone who won’t be horrible in bed.” You showed him your phone, and as he scrolled through his profile you could feel the itchy heat of embarrassment rising to your face.
Shinsou’s heart seemed to stop. His eyes widened when he read the words “pornstar” and “Onlyfans'' in the dude’s bio. Handing your phone back to you, he kept his eyes trained on the floor. “That’s great. He seems like he knows what he’s doing.”
“Yeah.” You took the phone back and resumed looking through his photos. “He messaged me earlier and we have a lot in common too.”
Shinsou nodded. Why did he feel so weird? He knew that not every guy you matched with would be a disappointment. He had been telling that to himself for months now, but watching the nervous smile that crept up your face as you received a new message from this guy made Shinsou want to scream. “I’m gonna go for a run,” he said, lifting up your legs to stand up from the couch.
“Really? It’s dark out. Are you sure you want to go running?” You didn’t look up from your phone.
“Yeah I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, stay safe. Oh! Did you still want to watch a movie tonight?”
Shinsou froze. “Um, maybe not tonight. I’m not sure. I’ll see if I’ve cooled down a bit after my run.”
You looked up from the screen, slightly deterred. “Oh, okay. Have a good run.” You weren’t exactly sure what he meant by that. He hadn’t seemed to be bothered by anything earlier, so why was he acting weird now? You were sure you hadn’t said anything to make him upset and when he told you about his day, he didn’t seem bothered by anything that happened at work.
Rolling over on your side, you continued texting this new guy, a new sense of nervousness clouding your vision.
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It’s Saturday night and you’re putting on your makeup. Your hands which have never been shaky before have fucked applying your eyeliner three times now. You’re not sure why you’re so nervous. You’ve met up with guys every weekend for months now. Could it be that this guy is different because he knows what he’s doing? Yeah, that must be it. You’re worried that you won’t be good enough for him, right?
Still, that didn’t seem like that was it. You were so excited talking to him at first. He made you laugh and you wanted to meet up with him so bad, to see his charm in person. But then you showed his profile to Shinsou and things started to feel different, like somehow they were falling apart.
You haven’t spoken to your roommate much in the last couple days. His usual pokes and prods at the men you tend to meet up with were replaced with silence. You haven’t joked around like usual or spent time together unwinding after work, and you were worried. It hadn’t been this distant between you since one of your female friends told you about a guy she knew who was looking for a roommate and the two of you met for the first time.
Since then, you haven't gotten anything but closer. You began your weekly rituals of getting takeout and watching movies and getting drunk after particularly rough days at work. Living with Shinsou was the happiest you have been in a long time. So why did that change?
Stepping out of your bedroom, makeup incomplete and dress unbuttoned, you peered into the living room where Shinsou was working.
He sat shirtless on the couch, legs propped up on the automen with his laptop balanced on his legs. His wild purple hair, which had gotten longer since the two of you met, was loosely tied back with a hair tie. His gray sweatpants were untied and you were sure that if he were to stand up they would ride low on his hips.
As you stared at his profile, you couldn’t help but admire how his chiseled face, adorning a pair of reading glasses, looked so serene as he stared at the work ahead of him. He looked calm, calmer than you’ve seen him in a while, and that made his face more youthful. Shinsou stretched out his arms and you could hear his corded back crack before he went back to typing away.
You ran back into your room and slammed the door. Your face was hot and flushed. Beads of sweat permeated on your temples. How could such a simple act of stretching make you feel so hot and bothered and worked up and oh no. How is it that you were so blind? You were in love with your roommate.
Shit shit shit shit shit.
You paced back and forth, rubbing all of the makeup off of your eyes in the process. You stared at your blackened fingers and rubbed them on your dress, not caring that it would dirty. Thinking back to all the moments you cuddled as “friends” and all the times you would lay together after a disappointing date, you were able to pinpoint each exact moment where your feelings grew.
You sat on your bed and watched as your hands shook. You couldn’t go on this date now. You don’t care about the guy, no matter how good at sex he might claim to be. The entire time, you’d just be wishing you were on a date with Shinsou. Granted, every date you’ve been on, a little part of you has wished it was with Shinsou. Every week you couldn’t wait until it was over so you could be enveloped yet again in his flirty aroma that was so, so addictive.
So that was it, you wouldn’t go on the date and things would go back to normal between the two of you. But would they really? What would you say if he asked why you cancelled? All you wanted were things to go back to the way they were. You wanted to bask in the flirty air and feel Shinsou hold you close and caress every curve of your body with so much love and tenderness.
You stood up and looked at your blotchy face in the mirror. Surrounding your eyes was a mix of black and shimmery gold swarming together. You wiped them off along with the rest of your makeup. You won’t be going out tonight so there’s no point of dolling up.
What am I going to do?
You slid off your dress and slipped into a pair of pajama bottoms and threw on a tank top. The least you could be is comfortable in such a stressful situation.
I can’t act the way I used to, knowing how I feel now.
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You may have been an idiot for this, but you decided to face your situation head on. Without doing so, who knows how you wouldn’t go crazy living under the same roof as the man you’re in love with.
You stepped into the living room. Shinsou was still typing away and looking over reports, so you cleared your throat to get his attention.
“Hey, you about to go out?” When you didn’t respond, he looked up and his face fell. “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you dressed?”
You couldn’t look him in the eye. As soon as you heard him speak and the amount of concern in his voice, you just wanted to cry. The sting of acidic tears and mucus welling in the back of your throat made you want to throw up.
“Did something happen?” He took off his reading glasses and scooched over, letting you take a seat beside him.
But you didn’t move, just kept staring at your cold feet against the hardwood floor.
“(Y/n), talk to me.”
You looked up at him and tears began rolling down your face. You felt so pathetic, that you would be crying over love of all things. Love was supposed to be magical, right? Not embarrassing and tear-ridden. “Can you,” you started, but you needed to take a step back when you heard your achy throat cracking as you spoke. “Can you give me a reason not to go?”
Shinsou adjusted himself. He was clearly trying to make out what you were saying. “What? If you don’t want to go then don’t. No one’s forcing you to go on this date.”
You couldn’t help crumble at what he said. If only he knew what you really looked forward to after each date and what you were really thinking about when you were out with these other guys.
Shinsou stood up as you crumbled to the ground and squatted down next to you, wrapping his arms around you. You sunk into his chest and sobbed against him. It felt so unfair that with his arms around you, you felt whole, like you were two pieces of a puzzle.
“Why do you need a reason not to go on this date? Is he pressuring you or something?”
You shook your head against his chest. “I don’t want to go on a date with him.” On one hand, you thought your subtle hints would get through Shinsou’s thick skull, but it seemed as though they were a paper plane trying to penetrate a brick wall.
“So find some other guy.”
Why was he being so dismissive? You didn’t want just some other guy, you wanted Shinsou.
“Look, you’ve found plenty of other dates in the past, just because you don’t want to go out with one guy doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.” He kept rubbing circles in your back. “Why don’t you call up a past hookup or something?”
You pushed away from him. “How could you say that,” you whispered. “I don’t want to go on a date with one of them.” Your voice began to raise. You had never raised your voice at Shinsou before. “I want to go out with you, you idiot.”
There was a moment where all you could hear were the little noises throughout the apartment like the ticking of the clock in the kitchen or a fly buzzing close by. Then, you slapped a hand over your mouth. You didn’t mean to say that outloud. You didn’t mean to raise your voice or push away from him. But you did blurt it out, and Shinsou looked at you with wide eyes and a slack jaw.
The hair on his arms and the back of his neck raised up like static. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know if he should look at you with shock or look away in embarrassment. He was completely and utterly confused.
“Shit,” you whined from behind your hand. “Forget it.” You rubbed the tears under your eyes away and went to stand up. “I’m gonna go to bed.”
“Wait.” Shinsou grabbed your hand before you could fully stand up. You had never realized how small your hands were compared to his until now. “You can’t just say that and then walk away.”
He was right. You sat back down on the ground, his hand still grabbing onto yours, playing with your fingers. “Okay,” you mouthed, knowing you wouldn’t be able to get any sound out if you tried.
“Why do you go on all of these dates?”
You thought about it for a moment. You were never really sure why you bothered hooking up with so many people, but sitting on the ground with him, you had a pretty good idea. “Because we’re roommates.”
You kept your eyes on your fingers intertwined with Shinsous. “Because realizing you’re in love with your roommate is shitty, so the least I could do is hope that after an unsatisfying night of sex, you’d be willing to provide.”
He stopped playing with your fingers and instead, squeezed your hand. “And I hated seeing you with these different men so much that any chance you gave me I ate up.”
You blinked once, twice in confusion before meeting Shinsou’s eyes. “You...”
“Mhm,” he nodded.
The heavy weight of tears on your chest finally lifted. You could finally breathe freely. There was silence among you before the two of you burst out laughing. You rested your head on his shoulder as your chests heaved up and down. When you took your head away to look him in the eyes, he leaned in and kissed you. You didn’t hesitate to kiss back and wrap your arms around his neck.
Shinsou dragged your body closer to him, so you were straddling his lap, and weaved his arms around your figure. He was a good kisser, which you already knew, but you had never taken the time to feel his passion until now. Shinsou made sure to tease you with a darting tongue and hands which traveled down your figure and stopped at the base of your hips.
You weaved your hands through his soft hair and pulled his hair tie out. His fluffy purple locks were so fun and tempting to tug on. Kissing him with this amount of love and emotion enthralled you, and you felt a little disappointed when he pulled away.
“Would you like to move this to my bedroom?”
And you bit your bottom lip before nodding, a smile creeping its way up along your face. You stood up and followed him into his bedroom eagerly.
After Shinsou closed the door behind you, he turned around and snaked his hands up your back. You giggled at the contact and let him pull the shirt over your head. You weren’t wearing a bra, so Shinsou immediately leaned over to take one of your nipples in his mouth. He sucked it until it puckered and let it go with a loud pop.
“You know,” he said, backing you against his bed. “I’ve never been able to say until now how truly beautiful you are.”
“Shinsou,” you sighed, taking a hold of his purple locks. You collapsed onto the bed and let him kiss his way down your front side. His kisses were rough but full of love, and you know they would leave bruises behind.
He slid your pajama bottoms and underwear down your thighs until they pooled on the floor at your ankles. “Everything you do is gorgeous, even the way you’re sprawled out under me, under my command just waiting for me to touch you.”
You could feel your pussy clench at his words and your thighs shook in waiting.
He kissed the top of your pussy and trailed kisses around your thighs. You watched as he hiked your legs over his well muscled shoulders while keeping eye contact. His long tongue darted out and he licked one long stripe between your folds and suckled on your little sweet bud.
You arched your back and let out a choked moan. Out of all the nights you’ve slept together, this was the first time you really saw him for all the love he gave you.
Shinsou kept his face right in front of your dripping hole just for a moment and let his hot breath tickle your needy clit. He chuckled at your squirming form and teased you even further with kitten licks and hands that reached up to squeeze your breasts as he dove in to lap up your juices.
Your hands grasped at his, keeping them firmly clenched onto your chest as he delved in deeper and deeper into your wonderful taste. You could feel your orgasm quickly building up. Your toes curled and knees jerked up, hips bucking your clit further up into Shinsou’s mouth. You let out a loud moan and sigh of relief and surprise when you could feel your juices spraying onto Shinsou’s face and watched as they dripped down his chin.
You had never squirted before. You could feel a calm wash over you as you settled down. Shinsou wiped his hand down his chin. “That was fucking sexy.”
He kissed your lower lips one last time before standing up and allowing you to scooch further up on the bed. You were exhausted but it didn’t matter. Watching Shinsou strip down and seeing his cock spring to life only made you want more of him.
He crawled over you and kissed your lips. He tasted like a mix of your juices and honey, probably from that tea you saw him drinking not too long ago. Whatever it was, it was addictive. “Are you ready?” he asked as he positioned the head of his cock in line with your opening.
You nodded, heaving up and down and running your hand along the side of his face. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
Shinsou was thicker than most of the people you had slept with, and you always felt the stretch of him penetrating you every time he pushed himself in.
Knowing that it probably hurt a little, the stretch of it all, he paused every so often and kissed your face, allowing you to warm up before he bottomed out inside of you. You were just so tight and welcoming, it took all his strength not to pound into you immediately, to take it nice and slow as he rubbed against your clit with his thumb.
Your face was hot. It was odd to you that it had never felt this way before, that until now you had never been this nervous to feel his cock pulsing inside of you and to feel his mouth nip at your clit and nipples. You had closed your eyes and focused on your breathing.
Shinsou reached over to tickle the palm of your hand. As you looked up at him, he cupped your face and smiled down at you before he started to thrust his hips.
You squirmed and writhed around as he bucked deeper in and out of the hole that seemed to suck him in further and further.
He felt it was so unfair because he never seemed to last as long as he wanted to when he was with you. The way your aching pussy clenched around him so tight was euphoric. He wanted to let his dick bask in your warm, gushing cavern forever.
“You’re beautiful,” you heard him whisper as he sped up, his orgasm fast approaching. “You’re perfect.”
And again, you squirmed around as that cord built up inside of you and snapped, leaving you gushing around Shinsou’s cock and heaving up and down underneath him.
Shinsou didn’t last much longer. He came almost immediately after you did, feeling your walls clench around him oh so tight. He rolled over next to you and laid his head in the crook of your neck. His hair tickled your nose as you nuzzled into him.
“We should clean up.”
“After snuggles,” he yawned.
You laughed. He’d never been this clingy until now. He had never praised you so much until now. “What does this mean?”
“For us?”
Shinsou rolled over to look at you. “It means you’re gonna sleep in this bed with me tonight, and tomorrow morning I’m waking up early to make my girlfriend a pancake breakfast. Okay, kitten?”
You had to keep yourself from squealing at the nickname. Instead, you closed your eyes with a goofy smile on your face. “Okay.”
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