#it’s also a lot more complex than it ever needed to be 🙈
For the fanfic ask!
🌷 Who do you recommend as a fan fiction writer?
You, darling 😏💋
❤️ Who is your favorite character to write?
I’ll give you three guesses, honey 😂🙈 And the first two won’t even count. Although I think it’s a tie between her and Venable, because that little purple menace will always rule my heart 🙈
🍁 How is your current WIP going, and can we have a sneak peek?
*garbled frustrated noises* why do I feel like you picked this one just so I would send you a piece of my Lesso fic or my Charlotte fic 🙈 You know what? Just for that— I’m going to give you the professor!Mina fic instead. HA. (just kidding I genuinely hope you enjoy this little clip because I’ve never shown it to anyone before 🙈 please don’t bite):
“Are you finished?”
You jumped at her voice, so close. You hadn’t even heard her. Honestly. And her breath was warm against your ear as she leaned over you, whispering as to not disturb the others.
You swallowed, keeping your eyes pinned to your exam. “No, Ms. Venable. I think I need a few more minutes to look over everything.”
She hummed, a small sound of disapproval, but before you could look at her, question her, she was walking away, cane tapping rhythmically and echoing around the walls.
You let yourself melt into it, the steadiness of it, the consistency. She didn’t stop walking after that, not for the last fifteen minutes. And it almost turned into a song, the tapping of her cane, the clicking of her heels. All of it mixed with the sound of her breath in your ear. And you couldn’t help but grin against the thought that this might be your favorite soundtrack to lose yourself to.
You watched the clock as she sauntered back to her desk, a frown etched onto her face and her jaw tipped up in that haughty way it always did.
And then her cane hit the floor. Twice. And time was up.
Everyone who was left got up, shuffling papers and gathering their things. And you paused, hesitated, waited so that you would be at the very back of the line.
So that you could stay and talk and it wouldn’t look suspicious.
It had almost worked. There were only five students ahead of you. But then someone came up next to you and nudged you, and your focus on Venable was broken.
“How do you think you did?” she whispered, and you gave her a half-hearted smile.
“Alright. But I don’t think Ms. Venable would appreciate us talking before we turn in our exams.”
Emily glanced at Venable, and your eyes flicked up, too, meeting deep brown ones that were locked on you.
You swallowed. Turned your attention back to Emily.
“Why don’t you go ahead? I have some questions for Ms. Venable anyway.”
But Emily shook her head. “I can wait with you, I don’t mind.”
And then you were both in front of her, Emily handing in her papers first, and you following suit.
Venable’s eyes never left you, and you could feel your cheeks warming as you willed yourself to look anywhere else. Anywhere but her. But she was like a magnet, and you couldn’t help it.
Her fingers brushed against yours as she took your papers, and you tried not to notice. Tried to ignore it. You were already too flushed. But you knew that she was always careful about not touching her students. Too dirty, she never knew where they had been.
“Not too difficult, I hope?” she mused, pressing her lips together against a smile and smoothing out her lipstick.
“Not at all, Ms. Venable,” you tried, eyes tracking her as she set your papers in a pile and stacked them tight.
There was a long moment of you watching her, watching her gloved hands work over the exams and staring at her perfect fingers, skin soft and smooth and pink. And the way they had felt against your own hands, so delicate, almost a whisper—
“Did you still have a question for Ms. Venable?” Emily piped in, and you flushed deeper as Venable froze, eyes raking over you curiously.
But you cleared your throat, turning back to Emily. “No. No, sorry. Let’s— we should go.”
One last glance at Venable, and you thought for a fraction of a second that she looked almost disappointed. But as soon as your heels dug in, Emily was dragging you out the door.
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zepskies · 3 months
Hello hun! 😊
Okay, since I'm still on hold up here 🙈, I thought I send you a question.
How do you find a plot for your storys? What get's your inspiration going or what does spark you to make it a WIP?
So interested to hear how it works for you. 😁
Hey there, lovely!! 💜
Aww still waiting on Tracker to come out for you, huh? Almost there, right? 😅
But thank you for this question! The lovely @luci-in-trenchcoats asked me a similar one not too long ago in this ask, so my answer will be similar on some things.
⚡ Getting inspiration for stories:
Initially, my imagination always gets sparked by the "What If" question. Here are a few examples:
"What if Soldier Boy could be redeemed?" (Break Me Down - Soldier Boy x Reader)
"What if Dean Winchester had a Latina girlfriend?" (Midnight Espresso - Dean x Plus-sized Latina!Reader)
"What if Dean was a firefighter?" (Smoke Eater - Firefighter!Dean x Reader)
"What if Dean met his soulmate in season 1?" (Never Say Goodbye - Dean x Soulmate!Reader)
"What if Russell Shaw set his sights on his sister's best friend?" (Every Second Counts - Russell Shaw x Reader)
"What if you had a messy past you were running from, just like the new sheriff in town?" (Take Me Home - Beau Arlen x Reader)
You get the idea. 😂
✍🏽 Developing the plot:
After that, where I draw ideas for the plot depends on the kind of story I'm writing. And for that, I'm a big advocate of:
"Write what you know."
"Write what you can research."
"Write what you're interested in."
"Write what you've never tried to do before (but may secretly want to)."
Again, a couple of examples...
Break Me Down:
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With BMD, I already had a loose concept in Checkerboard, with the reader working surveillance at Supe Affairs. It would paint her and Soldier Boy (Ben) as enemies from the start. "Enemies to lovers" was a trope I had never written before, but I thought it was a fun challenge, besides the obvious one of attempting to "redeem" Soldier Boy lol.
In general, I'm a sucker for the gruff, devil-may-care, rough exterior guy who only becomes soft for his girl. 😂
More practically though, I drew from the source material a bit for the Black Noir twist (the comics), and also from my love of Smallville for some of the superhero plot aspects. I also knew that if the reader was going to eventually give Ben a chance and see the humanity underneath, she would need time to do it. So what better way than with an accidental kidnapping? 😅
And somehow it became this quasi- Beauty & the Beast storyline that developed into Ben and the reader saving one another, in more ways than one. 💚
Smoke Eater:
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With this story, I had several influences that helped me develop the plot. I have a deep and abiding love for cop and medical procedurals like Law & Order, House MD, and Chicago PD, but also for Chicago Fire in particular. (Also my uncle was a firefighter.) That helped me create Firehouse 25 and decide which canon characters I wanted to pull into the narrative.
It was my first ever full AU as well, so I drew a lot from the SPN canon S1-2 storyline to create the overarching murder mystery/the string of arsons. I was also very much impacted from stories my friends had told me of their experiences with sexual harassment, which is unfortunately where the Nick storyline came in.
And I actually drew a lot from my own experience with grief and loss in that story. Specifically in the challenges the reader faces with her family (with Dean's help). I wasn't conscious of it at the time, but after I wrote the initial drafts and started editing each chapter, I realized just where I was drawing from for that storyline. 💙
All that to say, that's a snapshot into my process from ideation to plotting! It's not always easy when you hit those difficult beats in a story, whether it's grief and loss, trauma and PSTD, or just the difficulties of making complex plot lines connect.
But overall, I do my best to have fun. If I'm not having fun, then why am I writing? 😘
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Anyway. 😂 Thank you so much for this question, my friend! @jessjad I'm pretty sure this is way more than you wanted to hear, but I so appreciate you for asking about my writing process! 💗
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psychopasss4 · 2 months
Kogami: His return to Japan.
This analysis had long been running to my mind ever since I watched Sinners of the System 3: Beyond the Pale of Vengeance.
This might stir a lot of violent reactions for some folks out there. But bear in mind that this reflections are from SS3 era. So hold your horses and refrain from flooding my inbox with hated remarks 😅😁🙈.
In PP the Movie (Gekijouban), we saw Akane immediately bought a plane ticket to SEAUn the moment she received the news of Kogami's whereabouts. (Our dear Akane-chan is a bit aggressive there. Chasing the man she loves respects most 🤭).
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And she tried to indirectly persuade him to go back with her to Japan. But she's unsuccessful. That scene when she wants to join Kogami (before his epic motorbike stunt with Shem) showed how eager she is to stay with him until he's ready to return. But Kogami-chan shove her off while assuring her that he won't die just yet with a smirk on his face.
But then, a year after that he came back after a shared bottle with Frederica and their midnight discussion about Cigarette puff psychological context 🤗😅😁😜
I've been thinking hard what could be playing on Kogami's mind when making those choices and I believe it has something to do with his view of the two women whom he worked with.
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Note: Look how old handsome he looks in here 😜😅😳
Kogami's View of Akane
Respect and Admiration: Kogami respects Akane's strong moral compass, intelligence, and dedication to justice. Her idealism and determination to uphold her values in a corrupt system likely resonate with him deeply.
Influence: Akane has a significant influence on Kogami, helping him see different perspectives and consider the importance of lawful justice over personal vengeance.
Bond: Their bond is built on shared experiences and mutual growth. Kogami likely sees Akane as someone who understands him on a fundamental level, given their shared past and the way they've shaped each other's views.
Kogami's View of Frederica
Professionalism: Kogami likely views Frederica as a competent and resourceful colleague. Their relationship is rooted more in professional respect and shared goals.
Pragmatism: Frederica's pragmatic and strategic approach to their work might appeal to Kogami's tactical mindset, but it doesn’t necessarily imply a deeper, personal connection.
Support: Frederica provides Kogami with opportunities and resources that are beneficial for his missions, fostering a sense of mutual benefit rather than personal attachment.
Why Kogami Returned to Japan After Meeting Frederica in Sinners of the System 3 vs. Akane in the First Movie
Return to Japan After Meeting Frederica
Mission-Oriented: Kogami's return to Japan after meeting Frederica in "Sinners of the System 3" was driven by a clear mission and purpose. His focus was on addressing specific threats and working towards goals aligned with his professional objectives.
Strategic Opportunity: Frederica's proposal likely offered a strategic advantage or opportunity that aligned with Kogami's current goals and needs, making it a pragmatic choice to return to Japan.
Not Returning After Meeting Akane in the First Movie
Unresolved Conflict: After meeting Akane in the first movie, Kogami might have felt that returning to Japan would complicate their unresolved personal and professional conflicts. His presence could disrupt Akane’s work and potentially put her in difficult situations.
Self-Imposed Exile: Kogami's self-imposed exile and desire to atone for his past actions might have kept him away, feeling that his return could do more harm than good, both for Akane and for himself.
Protective Instinct: Kogami's decision could also stem from a protective instinct, wanting to keep Akane safe from the dangers associated with his return and the attention it would bring from various factions.
In summary, Kogami's interactions with Akane are deeply personal and complex, while his interactions with Frederica are more pragmatic and mission-focused. His decisions are influenced by the nature of these relationships and the strategic implications of his actions.
After watching PP3/PPFI on 2019, I think Kou-chan is way more comfortable in working with Frederica 🤔. Why?
They've been working for almost 2-3years after SS3 and compliments each other's skills better. Compare with Akane whom Kogami only worked with for only several months.
Yes, yes despite of that Shinkane still have more deeper bond, I know..I know.. but I'll talk about that bond and the intensity of it in the next Shinkane analysis...
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revivemyreverie · 5 months
Hai Rev 🙈, congratulations on releasing Marcoritas, the concept is truly intriguing !
Please can I have ⛺ for Marcoritas or Toytoriya about Mélancosmos ? Or maybe, Marcoritas about Hexeons ? I will let you choose.
I'll stick with Melancomos and Toytoriya for now! Cope dorms...
⛺ To see how our dorms would get along
RSA is considered to be on more neutral terms with members of Toytoriya. After all, its always better to make friends than foes! As such, Mélancosmos is considered one of the dazzling dorms students can only imagine to visit someday. 
If there’s anyone Lotsie likes in RSA, its got to be Ptolemy! With the both of them being known for their kind dispositions, it only makes sense that they get along. Concerning his overwork though…Lotsie can’t say there’s anything wrong with that. Don’t all dorm leaders work hard anyways?
Even carefree Lotsie has heard of the ever-worried Calchas. He thinks it’s good that the dorm’s leader has such a good friend, but does think Ptolemy should break away from Calchas sometimes. In his words, “friends are a necessity, but don’t let them control your life!”
Lotsie’s never been good with tricksters, and even worse at confusing debates. So with Plutarch, he had to develop a very quick yet simple plan to escape the Grand Schemer of Mélancosmos. All Lotsie does is put on a sad smile, while tilting his head in confusion. Most times, its able to hint enough that Lotsie isn’t prepared for the complex questsions Plutarch likes to ask. 
Lotsie finds Calixte to be absolutely adorable, even if his dorm members tend to disagree. When it comes to the first year, Lotsie never minds giving the RSA student a hug and even a few souveniers from Toytoriya itself. Secretly, Lotsie thinks Calixte happens to resemble an old toy he used to have as a child. 
Fortunately, it appears Pat’s more judgmental side has failed to find anything too bad with Ptolemy. To him, the dorm leader is nothing more than a polite guy who cares a lot for his classmates. But being unable to deny things can get troublesome, especially if someone has to say no on Ptolemy’s behalf. For that, Pat deducts 5 points!
Pat understands Calchas to quite the degree, with having a best friend like Lotsie. He thinks Calchas choosing to intervene with Ptolemy’s choices will benefit the dorm leader, even if others don’t think so. To him, even if their friend gets mad, it’s better that than chaos infecting their lives.
Plutarch’s debates may prove difficult for other students, but Pat’s sharpness has helped him gained the respect of the fox beastman. That said, he doesn’t enjoy needing to argue over things, he already gets enough from his arguments with Lotsie after all! Still, if any student wants to avoid being tricked, calling Pat to deal with Plutarch is all they need to know!
Pat doesn’t like mischievous students, even the more calm ones like Calixte! He disregards the reputation that follows the unnerving student, and likes to let him know to stay away from the more dangerous places around Toytoriya when school swaps occur. 
Saturn finds Mélancosmos’ dorm leader to be nice, if not a little too naive. A younger version of Saturn might have picked on a student like him, but he’s grown out of that phase a long time ago. If anything, he’d probably tell Ptolemy to loosen up every now and again! 
Despite his more nonchalant nature, Saturn can relate to Calchas’ protective nature with his dorm members. He also agrees with his liking for flying. The sky is just one of those things that make Saturn feel free!
Saturn’s a far more simple guy than Plutarch, but that doesn’t mean he gets trapped in his tricks! His now-mature attitude towards life means he’s able to see a trap of wit when the opportunity arises. Of course, that doesn’t mean he’s able to avoid a hard discussion all the time. 
Concerning his opinion of Calixte, Saturn falls into the category of finding the first year to be unsettling. Because of this, he has a tendency to avoid the underclassman, or even avoid eye contact as to avoid being spotted by him. Outside of his fears, Saturn doesn’t know too much about him!
A true, fairytale character in Zackery’s head, Ptolemy is absolutely a prince to defeat if Zackery ever wants to take over the world! However, that plan requires going to RSA itself, so he has to sadly put a pin in it. Despite his proclaims about his one-sided rivalry, Zackery is more likely to help the dorm leader than attack him. 
The Royal advisor to Prince Ptolemy, Zackery believes Calchas would be far more suitable on the side of villains! Not to say Zackery thinks he needs an advisor, he just likes the idea of having a full “team”! 
A fellow villain, and a trickster at that! Zackery, being the smart student he is, is usually able to see through any trick Plutarch throws at him. However, instead of using this knowledge to avoid the RSA student, Zackery appears to have gotten intrigued by the fox beastman’s “evil ways”.
Zackery enjoys the company of Calixte as another “mad scientist”. He disagrees with the belief that he’s a rather cute student, but instead sees Calixte as someone scary, as anyone on the side of villainy should be! Although, Zackery say his appearance is quite adorable, which makes it better to trick heroes! 
Any buddy of Lotsie’s is a buddy of Winston’s, especially ones from RSA! Ptolemy’s workload is almost erased when this cowboy is around. He won’t need to repay Winston either, all that matters to him is that the leader is able to get a good break!
Meeting Calchas after stumbling upon the vice-leader doodling, Winston regards him as a very creative character! He tries to hype him up whenever school meet events occur. It might get a little obnoxious for Calchas, though….
Unfortunately for Winston, he’s far too susceptible to Plutarch’s tricks. Being the gullible cowboy he is, Plutarch has gotten Winston to fall for both obvious pranks and goaded into debates. Someday, hopefully, he’ll learn to think more with his head!
Being reminded of his current rival (Zackery), Winston finds Calixte to be a little aggravating with his mischievous attitude, but tries his hardest to not let it get to him. Outside of that, he finds the RSA student to be cute, like a little sheep! 
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hiii! me agaaain bhrjedskl you're not getting rid of me that easily apparently i remember to message you it's a nice change for me vghedjk ANYWAY lemme ask you another thing! name three of your life changing books, (if you're a book person) if not, then three life changing movies for you! you can also do both vgrfdjkmö hope you have a great day darling <3
Hiiii darling 🥰
I have thought a lot about your question (in fact it took me a lot to answer you, I'm sorry cutie 🙈) and I'm gonna tell you a book and two movies that left me a mark 👉🏻👈🏻
Okay, soooo:
Uno, Nessuno e Centomila (which could be translated like One, No One and One Hundred Thousand) by Luigi Pirandello. It's one of those books that every Italian teacher makes you read at least once in your lifetime, in fact I had to read it and do an essay on it during middle school and it was also one of the topics of my italian literature exam at university; nevertheless I've really enjoyed reading it and I've read it again and again and it's one of my favourite books now. First of all, I love the author and his way of thinking. Second of all, this book makes you think A LOT about yourself and the people who surround you. It makes you think about the fact that everyone has a different perspective on you which is different even from your own perspective on you. You look at yourself in the mirror and see yourself in some way, but that way is not the same way your mother sees you and it's not the same your best friend sees you, but even their way of seeing you is different from one another and so on. Well, it's a little bit more complex the whole concept of the book, but anyway it completely blew my mind.
Prayers for Bobby. I watched it with my cousin when I was 14/15 and it was the first lgbt+ movie I've ever watched, it made me cry so hard that I had red eyes at the end of the movie and I WAS EMBARRASSED AF because I hate crying in front of people and also because my cousin barely cried so you know I wanted to disappear. Anyway at that time I still had no idea about my sexuality. I never even thought about it tbh, so I genuinely thought that it hit me so hard just because I'm sensitive (ofc now I know it wasn't just for that lol). So yeah, this movie really left me a mark.
Soul. I've watched it on January 1rst and God, it's been more than a month since then and I still think a lot about it and its meaning. You know, 2020 is been pretty hard for everyone... I personally had a lot of breakdowns about university, my life and my future so after an year like that, watching a movie like Soul was everything I needed. It made me think a lot about life in general and the beauty of being alive. It kinda calmed my soul. I'm genuinely thinking about watching it once every month or once every year just to remind myself about it lol
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moonlightjongin · 6 years
An Exception thing: titles are difficult
So guys it’s been brought to my attention (time and time again) that everyone thinks the key plot point of Exception is: ‘will OC end up with Jongin or will she end up with Taemin?’ and I’ve been worrying so much about “spoiling” stuff for you that I’ve avoided making this post a few times, when I should’ve done a while ago, 
but it’s gotten to a point where a lot of you are genuinely confused about this and when I think of all that’s yet to happen that is going to be a lot to swallow, without reading this post you may end up even more confused, and possibly annoyed because I said it’s going to get easier to understand the more unveilings we get to -- and it does get easier and less confusing, but it’s going to be an intense process, it’s going to be tiring and truthfully, it’s going to be painful. Re-reads might be necessary at some point, even. 
(Reading it a second time over once it’s complete, you’re going to see every little hint I put in possibly -- and that will be fun, but this first time read is not as easy, I suppose. It’s a lot more raw, I guess). 
The thing with Exception is OC is knowingly -- but also unknowingly -- unveiling a massive empire of lies and twists and deception and all kinds of awful things that she believed she was prepared for but legitimately isn’t, and all of this has to slot into this Jongin vs Taemin narrative, and kind of take precedence over it for a while because believe it or not, she STILL has things to find out about both Taemin and Jongin. Some of these unveilings are going to be CENTERED around the people she cares most for / has started to care so much for, and she’s going to be put in positions where it feels like she’s breaking their trust by finding these things out (Taemin’s father manifests as a real character real soon yes and he’s a scheming S.O.B who’s going to do all that’s in his power to ally himself with OC and you’ll see why)
And it’s a story that you need to ingest the entire scope of before you decide who’s “better” for her, I don’t mean who you PREFER her to be with, whether that’s Jongin or Taemin, that’s your own heart leading you to that path; love who you love, prefer who you prefer but much as it might make little sense RIGHT NOW, keep in mind that in terms of who is “better” for her, they’re both as bad for her as they are good for her, for reasons we’re going to unveil, steadily, surely. 
Taemin for as long as he’s known her has been massively secretive about some things, and yes it’s a heartbreaking for OC to figure that out, especially when all she’s really wanted with him is this state of “bonding”, that’s just all truth, no masks, no worries, no one to tell them they can’t be this or they can’t be that, and for as long as she’s known him, it’s been clear there’s always something stopping that. But what she doesn’t realize is Taemin’s truth and the unveiling of that...  that’s going to be even more heartbreaking for her, there might be some chapters soon that will make you cry, even if you’re 100% on Jongin’s side. Of all characters we’ve met in Exception, Taemin will surprise you eventually.  
Jongin is likely the most enticing and interesting person OC has ever met, and no one can deny their chemistry, but would Taemin be lying if he said OC knows 5% of Jongin, like Jongin’s always saying to OC about Taemin? Also no. Would you expect it because of how complex Jongin is as a character? Probably. Is it easier knowledge than finding out how little she actually knows about her life long best friend? I think so. 
But! But, but, but!! His first love, who I kind of hope you’re getting as annoyed with as OC is at this stage 🙈, and the unveiling of this person’s identity is so integral to the next few chapters too, because it complicates everything *that* much more. And shit’s already complicated enough, no?
As for the structure of the last three chapters, it’s going to go like this...
1). PRE-ENDING. When it happens you may freak out and think I’m ending it without telling you who she “ends” up with, but this chapter is so essential in that decision making. There’s going to be a slight time skip (not super long, not like 2-5 years in the future or anything, a month, perhaps two away from both of them for her to make sense of everything)  which will lead onto her decision...
2). OFFICIAL ENDING (how the story was originally planned / how I initially saw the story panning out, though the prospect of an alternate ending was always there too, I just didn’t realize it would turn out to be as necessary as it seems to be doing)
3). ALTERNATE ENDING (how it would’ve panned out with the other one, and if you’re a strong supporter said person, I really want you to consider it your ending. Either ending is plausible, either ending is valid.)
On plan it was very simple, in practice, things got a lot more complicated to the point either “ending” is plausible. And another thing that I keep neglecting to mention is that it’s really not going to be easy, both endings are very hard and very painful in a way (you might cry, you might want her to end up with both by the end of it even tbh I think I do), because what we unveil is not just a case of:
“oh I can’t date you because my father has planned every aspect of my life for me and because of your social / financial status you can never be part of that plan no matter how much I may feel for you / how much love I might actually have for you” Taemin   or
“oh I can’t date you because I’m still pining for a first love from my past and could never love you the way you deserve to be loved because of them no matter how interesting you are to me and how much chemistry we might have / no matter how I might be seeing that there’s another love out there for me than this one I feel chained to” Jongin
...Tbh that’s kind of the base level revelation we get from them. Soon enough there’s going to be unveilings (and slight spoiler here, but with everything that goes on with Exception I think you’ll deal)  of death, murder, infidelity, scheming, abuse, childhood rape... it’s DARK. Really dark, so dark on both sides that OC literally has to step back to process the severity of both situations and what she’s walked into by getting involved with them BOTH, in some form.
As ominous as it might sound, once you get involved with either, it’s not so easy to just walk away from them, especially if you know what OC finds out. 
Probably enough healing is needed on both sides and it’s enough to warrant a sequel even, because that healing is not something that’s going to happen overnight for either Jongin or Taemin. She’s necessary to both of them in a way she doesn’t even realize right now, so it becomes a lot deeper than “do I want to be with this one or be with that one”. More like “how do I navigate both these very important relationships with both these very important people (to me), without making them break”. Because what might not be surface level obvious for Jongin and Taemin is how close BOTH are to that breaking point. 
But it will be soon.
PS: Rescind is a legitimate Taemin vs Jongin story without all the complications if u want simpler things after Exception 🤓  
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