#thank you so much for the ask honey
For the fanfic ask!
🌷 Who do you recommend as a fan fiction writer?
You, darling 😏💋
❤️ Who is your favorite character to write?
I’ll give you three guesses, honey 😂🙈 And the first two won’t even count. Although I think it’s a tie between her and Venable, because that little purple menace will always rule my heart 🙈
🍁 How is your current WIP going, and can we have a sneak peek?
*garbled frustrated noises* why do I feel like you picked this one just so I would send you a piece of my Lesso fic or my Charlotte fic 🙈 You know what? Just for that— I’m going to give you the professor!Mina fic instead. HA. (just kidding I genuinely hope you enjoy this little clip because I’ve never shown it to anyone before 🙈 please don’t bite):
“Are you finished?”
You jumped at her voice, so close. You hadn’t even heard her. Honestly. And her breath was warm against your ear as she leaned over you, whispering as to not disturb the others.
You swallowed, keeping your eyes pinned to your exam. “No, Ms. Venable. I think I need a few more minutes to look over everything.”
She hummed, a small sound of disapproval, but before you could look at her, question her, she was walking away, cane tapping rhythmically and echoing around the walls.
You let yourself melt into it, the steadiness of it, the consistency. She didn’t stop walking after that, not for the last fifteen minutes. And it almost turned into a song, the tapping of her cane, the clicking of her heels. All of it mixed with the sound of her breath in your ear. And you couldn’t help but grin against the thought that this might be your favorite soundtrack to lose yourself to.
You watched the clock as she sauntered back to her desk, a frown etched onto her face and her jaw tipped up in that haughty way it always did.
And then her cane hit the floor. Twice. And time was up.
Everyone who was left got up, shuffling papers and gathering their things. And you paused, hesitated, waited so that you would be at the very back of the line.
So that you could stay and talk and it wouldn’t look suspicious.
It had almost worked. There were only five students ahead of you. But then someone came up next to you and nudged you, and your focus on Venable was broken.
“How do you think you did?” she whispered, and you gave her a half-hearted smile.
“Alright. But I don’t think Ms. Venable would appreciate us talking before we turn in our exams.”
Emily glanced at Venable, and your eyes flicked up, too, meeting deep brown ones that were locked on you.
You swallowed. Turned your attention back to Emily.
“Why don’t you go ahead? I have some questions for Ms. Venable anyway.”
But Emily shook her head. “I can wait with you, I don’t mind.”
And then you were both in front of her, Emily handing in her papers first, and you following suit.
Venable’s eyes never left you, and you could feel your cheeks warming as you willed yourself to look anywhere else. Anywhere but her. But she was like a magnet, and you couldn’t help it.
Her fingers brushed against yours as she took your papers, and you tried not to notice. Tried to ignore it. You were already too flushed. But you knew that she was always careful about not touching her students. Too dirty, she never knew where they had been.
“Not too difficult, I hope?” she mused, pressing her lips together against a smile and smoothing out her lipstick.
“Not at all, Ms. Venable,” you tried, eyes tracking her as she set your papers in a pile and stacked them tight.
There was a long moment of you watching her, watching her gloved hands work over the exams and staring at her perfect fingers, skin soft and smooth and pink. And the way they had felt against your own hands, so delicate, almost a whisper—
“Did you still have a question for Ms. Venable?” Emily piped in, and you flushed deeper as Venable froze, eyes raking over you curiously.
But you cleared your throat, turning back to Emily. “No. No, sorry. Let’s— we should go.”
One last glance at Venable, and you thought for a fraction of a second that she looked almost disappointed. But as soon as your heels dug in, Emily was dragging you out the door.
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whereismyhat5678 · 1 year
this seems to be the place for pillarbros Hcs here I go
Gerome and John can't be injured by much at all, they're super dense stone after all. However, when under intense stress for too long, they begin to crack. Too much stress or negative emotions for too long will cause them to simply shatter. This is why it was so easy for Peppino to destroy the pillars - each of them was in a horrible mental state and therefore very cracked.
The OG John, who we revive in the true ending, has a few cracks over his body, from the nightmare that was the tower.
Gerome has the one on his back, which is relatively tame in comparison - until you look under the gloves he always wears and see that his hands are riddled with cracks to the point they look like they're about to fall apart. He keeps this a secret from John as not to worry him, and the cracks have stopped spreading after the two escaped the tower, but Gerome does worry they may start cracking again someday.
Giggles and skips away
You’re going to make me fucking cry stop
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kedsandtubesocks · 2 months
What is the lake 👀
My lovely Kate hi HI HI! Thank you so so much for sending in an ask! 💕💖
Okay… but I might ask you avert your eyes cause it’s -
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I made a monster headcanon post here & I knew one day I wanted to maybe knock them all out and write them (rip to me)
But the Pero option has just been bugging me so much recently and I still stand by my declaration that he is such a good lake monster candidate!!
He’s reclusive, a bit harsh, lurks and seems to be stuck in his ways (stagnant water like a still untouched lake) and I want to capture that along with the vibes from the ever iconic creature from the black lagoon
Plus grumpy lake creature who becomes intrigued with you, the human living nearby just screams Pero lol 🌿
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praxeus-13 · 1 year
Someone on TikTok said something about a scene in one of the episodes of Wolf where Sacha's character eats cake really threateningly and I'm just??? How does one make eating cake threatening? (It's not available where I am so I can't watch it sadly)
HELLO ANON! I am here to inform you that he did not only eat cake threateningly, but he also drank milk threateningly afterwards!! Here’s some pictures of these scenes for you sksksks:
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Honestly I think the way he made it threatening was just, he was in this woman’s house, and she had just made the cake and then he just took a slice without asking. The same with the milk too, he opened the cupboards, found a glass, and took the milk out of the fridge - all without asking. Combined with intense stares, but also a general air of not caring about what the woman was saying, it was very effective.
Oh and in a later scene he eats an apple threateningly too!
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
Here to say I’m missing Thenamesh Rus AU and this is in fact a prompt 😅 (sorry I have two brain cells and neither of them are working to formulate a real prompt but I appreciate anything u give us!!!)
Gil strolled through the crowd. He was coming off watch duty, although now that winter was over and spring was approaching, it wasn't quite so agonising. Even so, he was still volunteering to cover Thena's watch when at all possible for her.
He only relented when Thena herself insisted on him staying inside and resting in the warmth of his room.
The humans called it Maslenitsa, or some form of it. They were celebrating, and the sizzling of hot cakes could be heard all over the place. People had cast iron out over the fires, flipping the fluffy, sugary confections.
"Hot cake, Strong One?"
He tilted his head at the offer. There were plenty of other fires making hot cakes, and he had to admit he was curious to ask about how the technique and recipes varied between them all. But this one was already being held out to him; it seemed rude to ignore it. "Oh, uh, thanks."
The woman smiled, leaning on her knees and resting her chin in her palm. "You and your merry band should enjoy Maslenitsa. The nights will become shorter and the sun will be strong."
"That's good," Gil murmured, even looking up at the sky to admire the colour of it. Thena could do with a little more sun, after all. He chewed the hot cake. He thought it could do with a finer grind on the wheat they used, but it was tasty (hot butter and melted sugar would, of course, do that for anything). "This is good."
"It's a newer technique, the old ones don't always add the sugar," the woman smiled, flicking a long train of dark hair over her shoulder. "But I quite like to try new things."
Gil took another bite; the sugar did a lot to add to the light texture, he thought. Surely adding only butter would just be eating a flat biscuit, or soft hardtack.
"Where is the Warrior?"
Gil blinked, surprised she was asking. But he supposed he was rarely without Thena. Many of the people in this country had light yellow hair--more here than anywhere else they had stayed. But Thena's hair was the envy of many of them. It was great hair. "We all shift the responsibility of looking out for trouble. I'm sure she's around here somewhere."
"I see."
Gil licked his fingers finishing off the cake. "Thanks--it's-"
"Have another."
He was going to refuse politely. There were more he could try if he wanted to. But she was already extending another one. His insides squirmed. "Well, okay then."
"The attacks on our walls are lessening," the woman continued to make light conversation as he ate. Her eyelids fluttered and her lips pursed faintly. "Will you and your ilk disappear again?"
Gil thought about his words. They had been here long enough that most had accepted that they were part of the royal party, as it were. It was a sign they were assimilating effectively if people didn't think of them as temporary presences. The more they could muddy the waters around their connection to Deviant attacks the better.
Greece was all but convinced for three whole generations that Thena had fallen from the sky like an angel from the moment Athens was built. Most had forgotten that they had simply showed up one day.
"Your presence would be sorely missed."
Well, that was nice of her to say. Gil mulled on things with his mouth full of hot cake. What to say? They would, in fact, disappear sooner than later. "Uh, I guess we'll see what the Queen decides."
"Of course," the woman lowered her eyes. Sankta Olga's rule was beyond question, after all. She peeked at him coquettishly. "Would you like to know how to make the bliny?"
Apparently that was the hot cake sizzling in butter. He was curious. "Hm, I-"
"There you are."
Gil's face broke into a grin, "there you are--been looking for you."
"Is that so," Thena purred in a funny tone. She let him pull her closer to him, but her eyes were on the stranger. That was common for the Warrior Eternal though.
"Warrior," the woman curtsied to her.
"Have you had these?" Gil asked, gesturing with the half-finished hot cake in his hand. In truth, he had eaten this one slowly, wondering if he might find her and let her have the rest of it. "They're pretty good."
Thena observed the cake briefly before eyeing the woman again. "Tempting, are they?"
The woman shrank back some, letting more than just the fire separate them. Gil wasn't sure what had spooked her, but he held up the cake for Thena to try. "I think you'll like them. Try it."
Thena dragged her eyes away from the woman. She looked at the cake, but ultimately moved his hand out of her way, albeit gently. Her hand remained clasped around his larger one as she smiled, "I shall."
His eyes slid closed as she raised her lips to his. It was a simple peck at first, but she lingered, waiting for further access. Her tongue slithered past his, tracing around his mouth for the hot butter and syrup lingering there. His other arm came up to wrap around her waist completely.
"Hm," Thena moaned pleasantly. She leaned back, licking those perfect lips of hers. Her eyes had a mischievous sparkle in them, "delicious."
Gil blushed, although the woman had needed to look away from such a display.
"I quite like it," Thena added, continuing on as if the kiss had not occurred. She looked at the woman who was now too embarrassed to look at either of them. "I would like one as well."
"O-Of course, Warrior," the woman stuttered, her earlier smoothness and charisma leaving her. She handed over a fresh one from off the iron.
Gil swept it up into his free hand. Thena looked at him, pouting cutely. But he grinned, "it's hot. I'll hold it for you."
Thena rolled her eyes at his chivalry; it was not as though she were human, she could hold something as hot as that. It was no raw, molten iron straight from the fire, like he could. But she allowed it, bending her head to take a delicate bite of her fresh bliny.
He took a bite of his remaining one to finish it off. He raised his brows at her, curious if she wanted the last of this one straight from his mouth, but she shook her head, taking his arm and leading him away from the mortified human.
"You must get better at perceiving when women are hinting at you."
"Hinting what?" he asked. He thought he was pretty good at reading people, actually. He could read a room, he was quite sure. Maybe sometimes a few things might go over his head, but that was what he had her for--to watch his blind spots.
Thena just smiled, dusting some crumbs out of the fur on his shoulders. Soon, they wouldn't need to be draped in furs all the time. "Had I not arrived when I did, I do believe she would have asked you to sample more--the way I did with you?"
He furrowed his brows; that seemed impractical. But oh!--she meant the woman was trying to flirt her way into his arms! She was right, he was terrible at picking up those kinds of signals. He pouted right back at her, "you know I don't pay attention to how mortal women communicate that...stuff."
Thena must have been feeling the good weather. Rather than glare at him, her energy crackling and sparking in her palms, she let her amusement show. She ran her hand down his chest again, tilting her head to peck right at the corner of his lips. She pulled back, licking her lips again; he must have had crumbs there. "Indeed."
He chuckled; if she was happy, then he was too. He nuzzled the tips of their noses together, "sorry, Solnyshkuh."
She sighed cutely, feigning some maidenly distress. "I suppose it is not your fault you are so desired."
"Hey, speak for yourself," he grinned, continuing to lead her through the festivities with their arms wound together. "I witnessed several proposal attempts at that last ball we went to."
She laughed. "Those entertain you as much as they do, me."
That was true; they always had a good chuckle about it later. "And will you laugh about this with me later?"
Thena eyed his lips for a moment. "Later."
Fine with him, she could stake her territory all she liked with him. He would resign himself to it happily.
"I would like to know how they make them," he murmured, looking around at the various other offerings of bliny and flatbreads and cheese.
"I'm certain you need only ask," Thena also looked around them. Several women waved at them; she scowled again. "Perhaps the royal cook--the old one with the moustache."
He chuckled again. He tilted her chin back to him, using her good mood to sneak yet another kiss. "Whose am I?"
She lit, like the sun itself. "Mine."
"Whose?" he repeated, kissing her cheek as reverently as a goddess deserved.
"Gil," she laughed, chiding him lightly, although it came out airy as he tickling below her jaw with his teeth. "Mine."
"All yours," he swore, even canoodling in the middle of an open market. "Besides-"
Thena drew her brows together at his significant pause. Although they shot up as he snuck his hands under her heavy cloak to give the behind of her dress a pat.
"Your hotcakes are still the best."
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gniteruirui · 8 months
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Some doodles in my new sketch book 😚😚😚
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httpiastri · 2 months
pt 1
based on pepe's off the track ig stories he travels and takes a lot of aesthetic pics hence..... 🍯
whenever it's off season or summer break, you take a leave and travel around pepe to unwind yourselves. pepe with travelling as his second nature, plans out the itinerary, having a balance of relaxation and thrills that you might hate him for later on (a kiss would solved that anyways)
pepe is always the adventurous one when it comes to travelling, he'd never force you if you don't want to, but he highly encourages you to step out of your comfort zone to try out some of their cuisines, picking ones from the menu that he thinks suits your palate, or to go try activities like scuba diving or hiking to make your trip worth it.
but pepe doesn't always push you to your limits, he'd be down to anything that you want to do. he'd take your pictures, helping you pose and capturing you in your best angles, hyping you up while doing so since you tend to get shy especially when you are taking pictures in a crowded area.
he'd also be down to your pub hopping around the town. getting different drinks since you want to try all of them (even though you'd switch with pepe at the end since you always choose the hard drinks at first) and you'd talk about what's ahead of both of your careers, and as time goes by, gets into more serious ones like settling down together and starting out a family.
at the end of the day, you'd be so tired with the shenanigans pepe put you through that you'd be magnetized to the bed. pepe would helo you with your clothes and remove your makeup before the both of you ending up in a spooning position, reminding you how he's lucky to have a partner and travel buddy like you for a lifetime, and in the end, promising you that in every universe the both of you are in, he would travel the world just to find you again and again.
pt 2
OMG OMG IT POPPED UP IN MY HEAD 🍯 MOREOVER pepe knows you're a fashionista at heart whenever you travel and he always tries to match up with your outfits, he even asks you beforehand what would you wear so he can pack up clothes that would pair with them. he also has things prepared in his backpack just it case the fashionista in you won't last a day: a bandaid for your blisters, a pair of sandals when your feet decides to give up, an extra hair tie when the wind is too much for your laid down hair to handle, and a cardigan if it gets too cold or something spilled on you. when you are almost at your hotel and your feet decided to kill themself, he won't hesitate to carry you bridal style to your bed.
is it a lot to carry all of those in his backpack, and even more when your weight is added when needed? definitely, but he thinks it is all worth it just to hear your sigh of relief when he brings it out of his backpack or when he's carrying you, pecking his cheeks, because you as well, is lucky to have a attentive travel buddy and partner like, and you promise as well to meet him halfway when he comes to find you in every universe.
(im answering this ask instead of the separate ones, hope that's okay 🥰)
i'm about 100 years late and im SO SORRYYYY!!! but omg you really cooked with this 😭
gosh i think traveling with him would be so so cozy :(( he would definitely be up for planning and taking care of stuff, but also involving you a lot? but just making sure everything is as comfortable as possible for you because he knows how important it is for you to just relax during your break (bcs school/work is so exhausting & you deserve time to recover)
but yes, he definitely tries to push you out of your comfort zone, but little by little !!!! you mentioning cuisine made me tear up a little ngl because i'm super sensitive when it comes to food and just... this made me think of other traveling/food thoughts i have had about pepe... like the fact that if he orders new stuff for you from the menu, and you end up not liking it, he definitely offers to swap your meals and eats it for you (so you don't feel embarrassed about not finishing your food)... or if he tastes something new that he really thinks you would like, he will suggest that you have a little taste and if you don't like it then he'll just smile and think no more of it... anddddddd my #1 thought, he definitely orders for you if ordering food is something that bothers you (like it does to me) 🥺 especially in spain when you come with him, he has no issues placing all of your orders in one go in spanish, all while holding your hand on top of the table and secretly asking the waitress about stuff he knows about your food preferences (like, "are there a lot of carrots in this one or is that just on the side?" or "is the sauce very spicy?")
pepe as your personal photographer >>>> !!!! god he would be so good at that, and he definitely has an eye for taking good candid pictures... and he also takes a lot of pictures of the scenery, especially ones where you're subtly in them, just to fill out your pretty instagram carousel for later <33
and pls drinks with pepe? help??? im not very good with drinks but if i were to sit next to him at a bar, i would try any drink he offered to me (and i would watch in awe as he drank everything i didn't like) <33 and pls having talks about your future together? and just knowing you two have each other until forever, and the fact that it doesn't really matter where you are or what you're doing, as long as you're together?? 🥺
aaaaa pepe would lowkey act like he wasnt sure about the idea of matching outfits at first, but he grows very fond to the idea really quickly.... and soon it's him initiating it 🥺 and him being so prepared with his backpack is soooo true!!! some snacks for whenever you both need some energy, a little polaroid camera that he bought as a surprise just to get some extra memories from the trip, tons of water to make sure you don't get dehydrated.... and it all just comes so naturally to him that when you point it out one day he's just like "?? am i not supposed to do this? what else is my job??" :(( he doesn't mind it at all, because any opportunity to make you happy is a win for him <3
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frownyalfred · 9 months
okay, i dont want you to take this ask as like “you should write this!!!!” bc i know A Room Full of Coral is already a very complicated series & you’re juggling a lot of moving parts, however…
that anon about Alf having to temper Thomas’ hovering Alpha energy the same way he did Clark’s in this last ASOH chapter has me thinking about a side/else worlds fic from Alfreds POV of before Bruce was born. Especially the parallels between Bruce and Martha as carriers.
Like idk, i’ve just been thinking a lot about the mix of pride, happiness and just gut wrenching grief this whole ordeal with Bruce (and Jason) would have Alfred feeling, and the way that he’s handling it so that he can continue to be the supportive Beta the rest of the pack needs him to be.
I love this series so much, you put so much thought into how you characterize everyone, and they’re so fleshed out.
i really admire all the work you’ve put into it so far.
Oh anon 🥺 the way I just want to write this immediately. You’re so right — Alfred’s actions come from a mix of experience and instinct. And that experience where he saw Thomas and Martha through their heats and ruts and pregnancy — it must color everything. Bittersweet and fond.
No one ever really asks Alfred why he knows this much about being a pack beta. They assume it must come from him being competent and in touch with his instincts, which isn’t incorrect. But it also comes from a lost world where he was with Thomas and Martha…
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honeycollectswhump · 3 months
👉👈 can I just say I am also very much INSANE about Atlas and Aveline, sometimes I go back to reread stuff from Holding Up the Sky cause I love it and I had to psych myself up to get off anon for this cause I'm shy sorry if this is weird
i am so so grateful for this message, you have no idea how much it means to me!!! thank you also for being brave enough to come off anon!! i always love to see you in my notifs!!!
love for atlas and aveline makes me especially happy because sometimes i feel like they get buried under ashtray, who is my most popular character/ story, even though those two are so close to my heart.
im genuinely so thankful and i wanna give something back to you. i’ll post the chapter from which the quote was that i posted today.
and i’ll also put the knowledge out here that i’ve been working on something called the „something that belongs to aveline“ AU. god knows when i’ll finish that tho
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lettertoanoldpoet · 7 months
historian! midnight organ fight! trouble will find me!
i refuse to pick just one favourite from album of all time historian but. it’s between timefighter and nonbeliever. and my least favourite is probably addictions.
for midnight organ fight my favourite is definitely poke (and my backwards walk is a close second). and for my least favourite i’m gonna say extrasupervery, which is basically just a reprise…
and thank you for letting me talk about trouble will find me for a moment, it’s my favourite the national album. my favourite track is i should live in salt. their opening tracks are always phenomenal… and my least favourite is probably this is the last time, it’s the one that resonates with me the least
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mad-hunts · 1 month
[ shower ]   your muse joining mine in the shower.
/ i got tempted whahss
although it wasn't necessarily a bad thing for a date to be early, barton thought, in this scenario... it likely would've been better if regulus had shown up at his home at the agreed upon time. he was sweaty and still sort of out of breath from a run whenever he had come face-to-face with reg after all. though he wasn't mad, of course; barton was just a bit embarrassed when he'd found that his daughter had already let the other into the house once he entered it. this was because the doctor wanted regulus to only see him when he was at his best, all dressed up and smelling nice as well; but barton was probably the furthest thing from being that at that moment in his opinion.
he just remembered almost running into the bathroom after he told reg he just needed a little time to wash up, and that then he'd be out, as well as ready to go by 5:00. this would give him a little extra time to do what needed to be done: and by that, i mean barton was willing to scrub his skin raw if that's what it took just to make sure no remnants of his exercise clung to his person anymore. a sigh left barton's lips then as the scent of rain water — albeit an artificial one, originating from his body wash — permeated the air. tonight had to be perfect or barton might just throw away his chances of getting even closer to reg than he already had.
he may have become a little spaced out after starting to hum along to a tune. barton was going to get his shampoo when he felt something brush across the small of his back. he gasped a little in shock and turned around right at that moment. now, until barton realized it was regulus, he was ready to strike at whatever the thing in question was that touched him. but upon seeing it was reg, his stress had eased just a little bit. a breathy laugh had escaped from his lips, and out of sheer cheekiness, he decided to give the other person a gentle hit on the shoulder even though reg wasn't a danger to him. ❝ oh, my god. you know... whatever happened to saying 'hello,' hmm? you almost gave me a heart attack there! ❞
barton appeared to need some time to comprehend that regulus's presence there suggested that the other might have wanted him, in some capacity. a fake, thoughtful murmur escaped his lips and as he stood up, curiosity raised an eyebrow. barton's eyes traveled from reg's feet up his face as he placed a palm on his naked chest. ❝ but ahh, i suppose that can be excused for now. i am all for fooling around a bit with a handsome man like you. we've got to keep things quiet, though, alright? and i can think of one or two ways we can do that. ❞
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cybervom1t · 1 month
4, 11, 13, 25, and 39 for the ask game?? ♡
4: Weirdest place you’ve had sex?
- I’ve had sex in a lot of weird places but what probably takes the cake is in an office while the manager was upstairs lmao
11: What does your favourite sexy underwear look like?
- honestly i don’t own many “sexy” clothes just because i can never really find them in my size but i do have this cute pink pair with bunnies on them :3
13: Is there anybody right now you’d like to have sex with?
- the real question is who DON’T i wanna have sex with lol i find so many people so mind bogglingly attractive
25: Is there anything you do after sex? (for example, smoke, eat, drink)
- first thing I’m gonna do after a guy pulls out is look for my vape AHHHHH
39: Favorite foreplay activities
- i love having my tits sucked on, they’re so sensitive and it feels so good i don’t think enough people appreciate just suckin on some titties
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I found your last fic with Yuji and Mahito really interesting, the writing is so good! I just love the way that you write Mahito! Do you ever plan on writing one with Mahito and the girlfriend before she died?
Oh, most definitely.
Mahito is a particular brand of evil, and he knows it. He's got this childlike curiosity, that's so at odds with the horrors he so likes to inflict, and reader is Special. If he wants to understand himself, he has to understand his enemy. To understand Yuji, he has to understand you.
Everything about you. There was no way you were ever going to escape once he got to you.
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queerofthedagger · 5 months
"philo students are a plague upon the land" yes see this is the problem. LOVE studying philosophy so so much but unfortunately, 90% of my fellow students,,, (not u 💜)
no yeah this is 100% the mood if i never have to talk to a dude who so much as utters the words "devil's advocate" again in my life it will be too soon 😶
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ask-caine · 5 months
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I love you
Oh, my! That's enough sandwiches to last me the week! And they look quite delectable like you~ 😘
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sofrosine · 3 months
🖤 + Isabel and Imogen crossover thoughts? 👉👈
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
#hear me out: i think is the sexiest proposition i’ve ever fucking heard#bear with me because my star war knowledge is limited at best and mostly comes from you and my other beloved moots but#this is a REMARKABLY good match up in i think a lot of ways??#from the way you write bix i think she and iz have a lot in common personality wise so right off the bat i think that’s probably a good#indicator of what imogen might think of her once she grew on her#but imogen especially and her very…cold? indifferent? expressions of love (not in a bad way but you know what i mean) are exactly what iz#needs in a partner. like. she is deeply uncomfortable with blatant outright affection and sappy expressions of love and i think that#imogen’s more…almost slightly casual but deeply devoted version of love would suit her perfectly#iz wants to be loved and she wants to be coveted and imogen most certainly could covet her the way she needs#and i think iz has the charisma and extroversion to balance the relationship out — she’d be brave enough to tease imogen with little fear#she has a good and very dry sense of humor that i think would grow on imogen like a fungus#and she can ask for no pickles without threatening to cut off someone’s hand you know#‘if you do not remove those offensive dills i will end—‘ ‘haha okay honey. what she means is we asked for no pickles.’#you know what i mean?#i’ve been rambling for too long but i also want to say even from solely a friendship perspective — i know friend is not a common term in#imogen’s book but she and iz truly have so much in common#the wealthy childhood#the war crimes (even if iz didn’t intend to commit them)#the heaviness of the past#i think iz would see through the bluster and see imogen for what she is and i think while they may not ever be besties#they would understand each other better than most#thank you cayman this was delicious to think about#foc: imogen kol#c: isabel maretti
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