#it’s been a lot of me rambling on discord to my partners about like
ghastbutlikegay · 2 years
i just realized that since i actually deliberately AVOID cartoon fandoms most of the time, having a cartoon blog on the fandom website probably isnt a good idea
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noxtivagus · 2 years
thinking about prom mhmmm some friends were talking abt it earlier 🫣
#🌙.rambles#i have energy now to reply#yk me talking about friends makes it seems like i talk w ppl often#recently thankfully i've managed to stop refrain from isolating or distancing myself too much so things have been. slowly going back to#normal..?#OK THAT SAID THOUGH#I FORGOT I PUT MY RENTRY ON MY DISCORD ALT </3#MY TUMBLR IS TOO PERSONAL#I KNOW I LIKE#ramble so much in tags but i usually do it without thinking of who might see it !?!?!#or like. idk i really have a lot to say despite being more quiet compared to others#n i'm very willing to be totally completely honest but then again i'm also really shy n i am rather socially anxious so um#WAIT I'M RAMBLING#but hmm i'd like to have a partner to go to prom with t_t#idk tho bcs i'm definitely not going to ask anyone i'm too shy for that n#surely all my other friends have someone that. they'll much rather ask out more compared to me . 🥹#thinking of it n i usually don't talk to anyone at all about irl stuff or wtvr goes on in my day unless prompted#i usually just.. ramble here or talk to myself 💀#THAT SOUNDS SO LONELY BRUH#anyways i really do love reading or wtvr what others say though.#ok but like backreading earlier i srs realized i unintentionally have so many secrets that i keep only to myself#I FINISHED READING N REPLYING#HDKSJGJSJS THAT WAS PRETTY AMUSING TO READ BUT. 😭😭#i wish her very much luck 🤍#hmm the thing for me tho is#i am.. very shy with these kinds of things so i'll probably end up coming across dry unintentionally .#😔 </3 i'll just hide away or smth i rlly doubt i'd go w someone sob i'm willing to bet all my other friends like. idk#i only rlly keep contact w the same few irls n they have more friends than me so. i really doubt T_T#i'll still enjoy tho i'm genuinely rlly excited still. & then fair too ><
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AITA for making out with my best friend?
Ok so, my (16ftm) best friend (17mtf) and i were hanging out in the choir room during our shared lunch period because she had asked me to come there and cuddle her because she's been feeling terrible lately, and while we were cuddling she told me what the reason was: her partner (20, gender fluid) had cheated on her and she found out over our winter break from school (as of writing this, 1 week ago). She was really upset about it and ended up kind of just rambling at me about how she's going to give them another chance because she loves them and still wants the future theyve been planning together for over a year and a half.
A bit of context is needed before i get to the part where i might be TA. From late october of 2022 to early september of 2023, i had a huge crush on my friend and she knew about it since december of 2022. While i dont actively have a crush on her anymore, im the kind of person whose attraction/feelings never really go away fully. This didn't change anything about our friendship, but its also worth mentioning that she also had a crush on me for a few weeks until she started dating her partner in november of 2022. Throughout our friendship, we've talked a lot in a specific channel in a discord server i made with all my closest friends. That channel is named horny jail. This is relevant.
All of that is important because today when we were in the choir room and she told me about her partner cheating, she also mentioned that there was a small but extremely loud part of her brain telling her to use me as a way to kind of justify giving her partner another chance, because "if i do it then i can't be mad at [partner] for doing the same thing". She then clarified that "use" meant doing gay horny shit because of the things ive told her, not like emotionally manipulating me. She then asked if i would be okay with making out with her, and i hesitated for a while and thought it over because she was clearly very upset and on the one hand, i could help make her feel a bit better in the moment, but on the other hand i know she's going to regret it soon. As you can see in the title, i decided that helping her feel better in the moment was more important, so we made out for a few minutes and then we went back to class.
I feel like i might be TA because i knew she was incredibly vulnerable in the moment and would regret it, but i still made out with her and im like 10% sure it was partially me just indulging the part of myself that still is attracted to her.
What are these acronyms?
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grainjew · 9 months
On Gallifreyan Vestigial Gender
[this is the revised and expanded version of some rambling i initially did in my cowriter's discord DMs. i tried cite sources where i could, but a lot of this has been marinating in my brain since half-absorbing posts twenty pages deep into peoples' dw tags 3 years ago, and also i spend way too much time on the wiki, so please excuse anything i can't quite source, which is most of it. huge thanks to @oriigami for being my original conversation partner and contributing extremely to the concepts here, and to @bird-of-paradox and @waywren, neither of whom I am being allowed to @, for bothering me into not leaving it as unreadable discord screenshots]
There's this tendency among queer Doctor Who fans to look at Time Lord society, with its alienness and regeneration, and ask, frustrated, "Why do they even have gender?"
I sympathize with this extremely. I've been the one asking this question plenty in the past, and I do think it's a bit silly, and even sillier that the genders are "man" and "woman" and there are apparently two of them. But I also think that the section of canon most insistent about the Gallifreyan gender binary, the 7th Doctor novels from the 90s, also has the potential to be the most interesting about it.
Now, this is not to say that the text of those novels isn't weird about gender in a flawed, written by (as far as I know) cis people in the 90s way. But I think that you can extrapolate and queer what's there in very interesting ways, often because it's so flawed in the first place: Gallifrey, too, is an extremely flawed society. Decadent, degenerate, and rotten to the core, as the show put it.
So, VNAs Gallifrey: living Houses and their female Housekeepers, cultural and literal planet-wide sterility, Loom birth, rigid overcomplicated bureaucracy, the enduring legacy of the pre-Rassilon Pythian regime. The gender binary as presented here goes something like
women: chaos/magic/psychic powers/superstition/the house (scary)/biological childbirth/fertility men: cold rationality/order/science/bureaucracy/loom-birth/sterility
The Pythia and the Lord President. Magic and science. The House and the Web of Time.
Obviously a lot of this is classic gender binary stuff. But let's put the exasperated question of "Why must we do the gender binary like this?" aside for a moment and think about Gallifreyan society instead.
Pythia-ruled and Time Lord-ruled Gallifrey have a lot of the same problems in the end, just wearing different faces: they're both very much totalitarian states that believe themselves to be above everyone else. But while the Time Lords observe and micromanage the Web of Time from their Panopticon, maintaining its integrity to their standards, the Pythians didn't have time travel, so this preoccupation with control manifested--as far as I know; this is the bit in the meta where I admit I haven't actually read Time's Crucible yet--as keeping the entirety of society in one psychic hivemind, leaving nobody any privacy, plus a lot of future-reading and prophecy and whatnot.
The main relics of that societal layout into post-Rassilon Gallifreyan society are the Matrix, which has every single dead Time Lord's brain in it and does their prophecies for them, just couched in a little bit more science than Pythian magic, the Houses, which are alive all around you and in which you're constantly being watched by the Housekeeper through her mirrors, and, of course, the gender binary.
The Pythia was always a woman. Women were the ones with vast psychic powers, with magic; women were the ones in charge. Pythian Gallifrey was a heavily gendered society. This is because Gallifreyans are a kind of bug /shot with the "irrelevant to the point at hand" gun.
And so, when Rassilon rebelled, he was very much playing the part of "opposite gender with opposite worldview." The Pythia had female magic and superstition; he had male science and technology. His most trusted Founders were either all or mostly men, depending on the version of events you prefer. (Personally I have my doubts about the Other.) Rassilon built his new society as a man, among men, in opposition to the matriarchs before him.
Gallifrey, despite the invention (or theft, depending on the story) of regeneration allowing people to trans their gender randomly and sometimes unintentionally, never left the gender binary behind.
The whole point of modern Gallifreyan society is that they're still stuck in that exact same moment Rassilon took over (and the Pythia cursed them to sterility, if thats the version you're going with). You could easily make an argument for this being some cycle of abuse type situation; Rassilon and co overthrew the Pythia and immediately did exactly what she was doing to them to the wider universe. I tend to read it as a regeneration: it's the same society, really. It just died and was reborn, and now it looks and sounds different.
The downside of trying to translate a discord conversation into a proper meta post is that sometimes making a coherent transition between thoughts is impossible. So to introduce the next bit of this post, I'm going to hand you off for a moment to this post about the 8th Doctor's "I'm not sure I've ever even been a man" quote from Interference. As op of that post says, the Doctor is genderqueer even by Gallifreyan standards- he's being questioned in that scene by another Gallifreyan, who doesn't understand his experience of gender.
The EDAs are full of "Eight is nonbinary" quotes, of course. Every queer fan who's ever engaged with them has a collection (and if anyone knows where that one google doc compilation that was going around awhile back went I'd be in your debt, because I'd love to know if my collection is missing any), but almost all those quotes refer to his genderqueerness in human terms, as observed by human companions, or in response to human assumptions. Except that one. Not only is Gallifrey's gender binary alive and well in a society where people can literally change their gender when they die, but the Doctor doesn't fit inside it.
All this to say that being a renegade Time Lord is a nonbinary thing to do. Especially the Doctor, with all sorts of weird Other Timeless nonsense in their biodata. Women stay on Gallifrey (or Karn!) and do magic and watch you. Men stay on Gallifrey and do science and watch other people. Renegades go out and do whatever they please. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
So. Gallifrey has a gender binary. It's vestigial, a remnant of an earlier iteration of society with a much sharper male-female divide, and it doesn't make logical sense for it to exist. So: How does it manifest? And what function does its continued existence serve in the interests of the status quo and ruling class?
Let's take a look at 7th Doctor novel Lungbarrow.
Lungbarrow introduces us to (among many other things) the living Houses of the Time Lord Families, and to the family structures within: the patriarchal figure of the Kithriarch, the always-female Housekeeper, bound in her ritual marriage to the House itself, and hordes of petty squabbling Cousins.
Kithriarch is already an interesting title. It's obviously a gender neutral version of matriarch or patriarch, but the role itself seems to be almost entirely a male sort of thing in opposition to the feminine Housekeeper.
The Housekeeper, meanwhile, seems to be in a direct conceptual and societal line of descent from the Pythian priestesses: she can see anything within her domain, she has a psychic connection to the House, from whom she cannot hide anything, she can command the wooden Drudge servants and other House subsystems, she prioritizes the House above all where the Kithriarch is supposed to prioritize the Family. Women are frightening and powerful psychics. They know everything you want to keep secret, and prioritize the collective.
(There's also something here about how Lungbarrow presents duelling dualities--the Doctor and the Master, the CIA head and the Lord President, the Kithriarch and the Housekeeper, the masculine and the feminine--but I haven't quite tied it into the rest of this yet.) (Although while we're mentioning the Master. He's girlcoded by Gallifreyan standards and the Rani is boycoded by the same. I will not be expanding on this at this time just trust me.)
I think Housekeepers and women who want to be Housekeepers try to keep their self-image as women strong enough that they never regenerate into a male body (whatever a '"male body" means, of course, but I'm not sure Time Lords have gotten that far in their queer theory yet). I also think that there are more female Kithriarchs than male Housekeepers, because Housekeeper is much more heavily ritualized role in keeping with the Pythia's more ritualized general vibe, but I do think female Kithriarchs are still few and far between.
I also think that these are probably the most explicitly gendered occupations on Gallifrey, although of course you'll see some drift. Most women are out there getting the same scientific, military, and bureaucratic positions as men. But there's this lingering specter of gender roles, a Pythia-shaped hole that exists around the concept of womanhood. As my cowriter put it when we were talking about this, an "ideal of womanhood. not ‘ideal’ as in desirable, [but] ‘ideal’ as in the quintessential image of the thing."
This is further amplified by the continued existence of the Pythians in the form of the Sisterhood of Karn, living in their perfectly functional all-women magic society just out of sight. Their presence at the edge of the Gallifreyan consciousness must haunt the Time Lords, as any imperialist power is haunted by its own past and its own ultimate impotence.
Because that's the other thing. Gender roles are, to quote my cowriter again, "stupid and antiquated and historically potent tools of authoritarianism." Of course the Time Lords have them. Have you seen them?
They're tools of control, of conformity, of idealizing the past. Of conservatism. Consider, to once more quote my cowriter, "the weird traditionalist psychosis of having gender roles in a society that can’t bear children."
The ideal woman on Gallifrey is still the Pythia, millenia or even billenia on. And the ideal man is still the Lord President Rassilon.
[thank you for your time! if you liked this please consider checking out my fic Something Old, which is about lungbarrow, the adventuress of henrietta street, and the gallifreyan concept of marriage, and in the writing of which i initially articulated most of the thoughts in this post. i've previously characterized it as a fic that's actually a meta post. and please don't be too mean to me for anything i got wrong in here! i'm just a little guy]
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naviculariis · 5 months
Okay so. Serious post time. I'm gonna put this entire thing under a cut, but I'm also gonna post some TWs here: medical malpractice, uncertain diagnoses, family trauma / drama, grief, anxiety rambles???
But I am gonna take like. A semi-hiatus, just so I can catch up on what I owe.
I haven't talked about this over here, or on Tumblr in general. Only one person who follows me here knows about this bc we're friends on another platform.
Y'all have noticed, my days don't follow a set schedule. I've been unemployed since my campus suddenly closed with very little warning back in '22. Immediately after that closing, we took a small trip to MS to be with family for Christmas, and that trip was... Bad. And on the 1st of last year, I had an accident- i was taking down Christmas lights and fell and busted open my head. I had an untreated, late diagnosed concussion thar no one really... followed up on, and have had slight memory loss even now from it.
So I couldn't work until my head healed up from that.
But that's not the medical thing. That is my mother. In October 2021, my mother went in for a routine stint placement that resulted in loss of almost total blood flow to her left leg for 36 hours. They almost had to amputate, she almost died on the table twice, she was hospitalized for a year. ( we've tried the legal route, but because the doctor never admitted fault on paper, he cannot be held liable & suing hospitals is... Difficult. Even though she has permanent damage, can no longer feel anything below the knee, and has to wear a brace to walk. ) My mother already had a weak heart to begin with due to years of smoking + cardiac disease. This was the first nail, essentially. This damaged her heart... a lot.
Back to the concussion. 4 days after my concussion, she had a massive heart attack that nearly killed her. She flatlined twice on the table. It was after this that we got confirmation that she is in congestive heart failure. My grandfather died from it. It's
... It's hard. We don't know which stage she's in because her cardiologist won't tell us, but we think she's in stage 2, or maybe 3. We don't know. But because of this, I am the one who takes care of 95% of everything around the house & outside. I do lawncare, I do the planting, I do the garden. She can do a lot, still, but when her heart gets going- it's painful. So I've been her caretaker since 2021 when the initial accident happened.
My grandmother is nearly 90 and has... Many health problems but somehow is also doing better than most folks I know. She's a mystery. And my aunt had a double knee surgery but somethings wrong with her knees, and they think the surgeries rejected, so she can't get around well or drive longer than an hour away. My grandmother no longer drives & isn't renewing her license. My mother can drive, but we don't want her to unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.
So I'm the only one who can drive them around.
I have my own medical issues [ anxiety, depression, type 1 diabetes, cracked tailbone that never got treatment & is giving me hell for that- ]
So. Basically. A lot of my time isn't my time. And when I do have free time, I do try to write and chat as much as I can. At night, after I get mom to bed, I call my partner warner and we get a few hours together and then we have to go to sleep bc we're in a ldr & their timezone is an hour ahead of mine.
... I'm rambling.
It's just. It's hard sometimes. And a lot of the time I sort of sit on my back porch and cry because I'm doing this- physically- alone. Literally everyone else is 4+ hours away across the state. Or 9 hours south on the Gulf Coast, or 7 hours south in Louisiana.
I do try to stay on top of things the best I can, I really really do, but things slip through my fingers. I'm gonna try my best to get all caught up over this coming week, I think. But if my responses are delayed for threads, for discord messages- chances are, I'm busy with one of my lil ol' ladies.
On top of all of this, I live in a town of less than 900, the nearest city is 45 minutes in any direction, and the nearest BIG city is 2+ hours in any direction. Finding a job that isn't in Healthcare is impossible. And I have nothing against those who are in healthcare- I applaud you. But all of my trauma can be tied back to hospital ERs and any time I step foot into a hospital, I immediately have anxiety & can only hear the night we learned about my dad. So I physically cannot force myself to go into that field.
Which is... a whole other thing, this is getting too long. But I've been searching for a job for the past year and a half, have had 5 interviews, each one ended with "thanks for interviewing! However,". It's hard.
So I just.
My plate is a lil bit full. But I love writing. I love the rpc. It'sa comfort and a joy and I love meeting new friends and making new connections and I want to do this as long as I can but sometimes things get a little slow. That's all.
... anyways yeah. Semi hiatus. Cool.
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makeastand · 7 months
‎‧₊˚✧looking for new long term discord rp partners✧˚₊‧
Hi everyone! I’m not new to roleplaying at all, and am looking for a handful of new writing partners, though I have absolutely no self control and can’t say no to anyone with a good plot. I get too invested in roleplays and can ramble on for days about a rp / character I love.
long ass post alert:
I’m 24 and have been roleplaying for about 10 years now. Please be 21+ before interacting (I will be checking and blocking if not) My time zone is GMT, but I don’t mind where my partners come from. I’ve been having so much inspiration recently and am dying for some new roleplays. I’m a real sucker for writing deep and complex characters, and very much enjoy writing for the plot and character development as opposed to poorly written smut just for the sake of it. If it fits in with the rp I’m happy to write smut, or fade to black, whatever you’re more comfortable with.
I work full time, and stupid hours, so I’m not always about, but I’ll try and let you know what’s going on.
I like writing the male role in MxF, and also love MxM. I love playing multiple characters in a rp, but you’re welcome to play as many or few as you like. The guys I play are pretty well thought out, with lots of depth, background, emotion, and usually a bunch of trauma (so please tell me your limits in advance). All I ask is your character is not dry and impossible to work with. I’m not stupid, and know when I’m being used for my male / dom muses so if you present me with an overly subby character who’s lacking personality, you will be blocked, sorry.
I prefer quality over quantity. Like I said, I can get carried away and write pages upon pages, but if you can only manage a couple of good paragraphs, that’s fine with me. I’ll try and match your length in replies as long as they’re not one liners.
In terms of plot, it would be easier to list the things I don’t love. There are a few plots which have been nagging at my brain recently:
zombie apocalypse
tough guy x soft girl / guy
mafia related
I hate everyone but you trope
victorian era (preferably MxM)
noblewoman x poor man
celebrity x celebrity
haunted house
stripper x gang member
friends with benefits
small town / murder mystery
right people wrong time / ex friends or lovers reuniting
criminal x criminal
AI takeover (DBH style)
older, religious, inexperienced man x man whore
high school
fantasy (werewolves / vampires)
I can’t get rid of these two bullet points below and tumblr is making me violent so I’m going to wrap things up here. I’m going to try and get an updated list with my face claims / oc’s on my blog soon, so watch this space. I’m not one to pick your faceclaim, and you don’t have to use one if they’re not your thing. If you’ve read this far, thank you. Sorry this is so long! Please message me with what plot you’re interested in, because I’m trying not to get shadowbanned again.
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sukiitoru · 8 months
Hi! So I was thinking about ren like finding out his s/o was learning piano just so the s/o could play along with him when he does 😭
Its just so cute pls
Hello anon! Thank you for requesting such a cute idea! I'm so sorry for taking so long to write this, I was very busy for a while, but now I'm trying my best to finish everything in my inbox.
I hope you enjoy it ♡
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Ren based on his character online and not of the person behind his vtuber avatar, thank you!
Fandom: nijisanji iluna, Ren zotto.
Pairing: Ren zotto x Reader.
Category: fluff, Ren sulking.
Tumblr media
Ren huffed gently resting his cheek on his fist, staring at the screen of his laptop silently at the message history between him and his s/o.
It was the fifth time his s/o canceled on their hanging out date in a month, they would agree to go out together, but then they would cancel at last minute saying they were busy and apologizing.
At first Ren didn't mind it he was also busy a lot of the time, but he always tried to make time for his partner, and when he finally cleared his schedule, it was his s/o's turn to be busy.
He wasn't mad at his partner, just frustrated, it had been too long since he was saw them and hung out with them, just simply laugh about dumb things together, lean against their shoulder while watching a silly movie that gets forgotten when they fall asleep against each other.
He just missed them in general but gave them space without complaining, that's what his
s/o always did when he was busy after all, and that what gave him patience.
"Just give them space man, you get busy sometimes too y'know?" Kyo hummed out over discord call, trying to comfort a sulking Ren, it's been a week than the last failed date attempt, Ren has been calling his s/o and chatting regularly, but the fact that they couldn't meet made him sulk.
"I know I just miss them" Ren huffed gently, lips forming into a pout as he rested his head against his desk.
"I'm sure they feel the same way when you're busy too, and they were always supportive of you so do the same for them!" Aster chimed in, with an encouraging tone, Ren releasing a deep sigh at his words.
"Damn, if they were busy half the time I was I would die, I can't understand how they can bare it" the male whined, shoulder slouching as he played with a strand of his hair.
The sudden ringing of his phone snapped Ren out of his sulking, the name of the caller making him almost drop the phone as he quickly muted his discord call after mumbling a quick 'brb' to his friends and answering.
"Hello?" Came out the voice of Ren's s/o from the phone, Ren feeling his lips tilt upwards at their voice.
"Hey babe! how are you?" Ren hummed out, twirling a strand of his hair around his finger, feeling like a highschool girl when his s/o chuckled softly at his excited tone.
"I'm doing good, hope you're doing well too, are you free today?" They asked in a slightly skeptical voice, Ren can already imagine their eyebrows furrowing slightly and their head tilting slightly as they fidgeted with anything that was in arm's reach.
"Yeah? Why do you ask, you have something exciting planned for today?" Ren asked, hearing a faint 'yes!' from the other side of the call, before they cleared their throat, Ren grinning widely as he chuckled softly.
"Well I was thinking, maybe you can come over and I can show you what I've been busy with for the last couple of weeks" they mumbled softly, scared of Ren rejecting the idea, quickly continuing to talk.
"I know I've been super busy, and it was rude of me to not try emptying my schedule for our dates but I just wanted to surprise you, and to do that I had to finish stuff quickly, I'm sorry, I really want to see you, so can you please come over?" They stopped rambling and took a deep breath, waiting for Ren's answer.
"Of course I'm coming over! Give me like half an hour and I'll be there" Ren answered quickly his heart beating quickly in his chest, s/o humming happily, after the quick exchange of goodbyes he closed the call.
Ren unmuted his mic and took a huge breath, Kyo who was laughing at something aster said paused to hear with the horned boy had to say.
"So?" Kyo asked waiting for Ren to say anything, the male in question trying to not squeal as he took in huge breaths.
"Ohhh, I think I know who called!" Aster said excitedly with a giggle, Ren could imagine him wiggling his eyebrows with a wide grin on his face.
"Uhhh, so they just called and suddenly I have a date to go to sooo, I'll talk to you guys later" Ren said quickly leaving call, the sound of Kyo and Aster laughing cutting off suddenly as he left call and got up quickly, tripping over his feet as he grabbed a random hoodie and threw it on, placing his phone and keys in his pocket as he left his house locking the door behind him and speed walking towards his partner's house.
He didn't know why he was in such a hurry, maybe the excitement to see his lover, or just simply the thought of them working for weeks on something just for him to see.
After about a 15 minute walk, Ren arrived at s/o's house, his cheeks were red from his pace as he took in huge breaths, trying to mentally prepare himself before ringing the doorbell.
The door opened after a few seconds, Ren being greeted by the biggest smile, as his s/o took his hand gently pulling him inside and closing the door.
Not being able to stand still for a moment longer, the male pulled s/o into a tight hug, nuzzling into their shoulder as his arms wrapped around their waist tightly, a small pout forming on his face as his partner chuckled softly patting his back gently.
"I missed you way too much, let's never do that again" Ren huffed as he pulled away slightly to stare at the face he missed so much.
"I'm sorry Renny, I promise not to be so busy anymore" they chuckled pecking his cheek gently before moving to grab his hand again dragging the male towards their Art studio with an excited smile on their face.
"Well, I am definitely very excited now" the male smiled, holding his partner's hand tighter, as they opened the door to the art studio and pulled Ren inside.
The first thing to grab his attention was the grand piano that was pushed into the corner closest to the window, something that he knows for sure wasn't there before.
He turned to look at his excited significant other, who moved towards the piano and sitting on bench patting the space next to them.
"You told me once that you wished we could play together sooo, would you do me the honor of playing the piano with me?" They asked gently cheeks flushed as they smiled at Ren, who gave them a big smile back moving to sit next to them and kiss their head gently.
"Of course love, it would simply be an honor to play together with you"
Thank you for reading all support is highly appreciated ♡︎.
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kyu-nee · 3 months
Calling for a SKZ roleplay!
Hi!! As you can see my name is Kyu, currently 24, and starting my summer break for the year! With only my part-time job to keep me busy during the summer months I am very free to amble about all day thinking of my eight favorite brainrot men and dreaming up little plots for them. Since writing fanfiction is nice but not as engaging and entertaining as roleplaying, I'm looking for someone who might want to chill out, go a little (a lot) nuts over them and write out some scenarios! 🍃
Talking about my roleplaying style: I'm a novella writer. That means you are getting at least 1-7k+ replies from yours truly, and it also means I am thirsting for someone who goes just as crazy with the internal monologue, the backflashes, the in-depth character exploration as I do! If I'm fed two listless little paragraphs in response to a 5k post then my motivation just flags. My grammar is (this comes off as snobby, I know) flawless except for the occasional typo or slip of the keyboard, and I like to think of my writing as rather engaging. What I really need from a roleplay partner is communication, activeness and friendliness, though. I'm very energetic sometimes and can ramble for hours about possible what-ifs in our roleplay, so I would very much like someone who wants to become friends, strikes up conversation as much as I do, and generally doesn't mind rants and fawning! 🍃
As far as topics and genres go: I love me some fluff and romance but angst, hurt, comfort, drama, misunderstandings are sooo good! I'm all in for dead dove themes and smut also, so long as we have a decent plot for it to fit into! If we get to talking I am also more than happy to provide a list of my kinks and no-nos for you to skim over and see if we'd be compatible in that regard. My absolutely favorite verses to play are omegaverse or hybrid verses, in which I am a strong stickler for the version where omegas/prey hybrids are naturally AFAB no matter their gender. 🍃
I play on Discord in private servers for easy organization and comfort!
Let's get to the (I assume) interesting part for you! I am generally all-in on every single member/member ship (NOT looking for any oc/member or self-inserts as that doesn't vibe with me at all and I don't like the notion of it) but of course I have some favorites, those being MinChan, MinSung, JeongChan, ChanBin, ChanSung and JeongLix! Still, I am very open to suggestions as I love all of my boys and am excited to play them, also as a pack, OT8, or any variation including however many of the members! 🍃
There are some plots I've been mulling over, most of them little snippets or vibes more than actual plotlines, but I'll try to piece them together coherently for your perusal once we get to talking and sort out or preferences! 🍃
Please shoot me a message that possibly also introduces yourself and I'll get back to you with haste! Will not be considering Likes/Reblogs since that low level of initiative and engagement is not what I'm looking for!🍃
Have a lovely day and thank you so much for reading through all this! 💖🍃
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bugmomwrites · 2 years
So there was some drama cd somewhere where Kurapika got absolutely shitfaced and tried to teach an English class
This is…horribly unrefined. I typically beta my other stuff and edit for days, sometimes weeks, but new year new me I’m just posting my incoherent discord ramblings and casting them into the void
I’ll revise and add a read more in the morning but it’s like 3am here
Anyway here’s some drunken Kurapika, in which he loves you a lot but is too damn nervous to say anything
TW for puking, drinking, generally poor life decisions
There was some fancy ass party at the Nostrade mansion and y’all were invited. It was a black tie event, and Kurapika, while not technically on duty, was still expected to be on his best behavior
He’s normally so composed but by the time you arrive you see Melody encouraging him to talk to you, he seems to glance over to you, flush bright red, and toss back the rest of the champagne.
Why does he seem so nervous as he approaches you? He’s stumbling a little bit, but you don’t seem to notice, or you’re too polite to say anything.
At some point Leorio brings you a drink and asks you to dance; you initially wanted to ask the blonde but he looked like he was deep in thought about something, so you didn’t want to bother him.
A few songs in and Kurapika is downing another full glass as Melody warms him to slow down before he’s marching over to you and just straight up tells his friend that he’s gonna borrow his partner for a few songs
Jealous mf just needed some liquid courage
You guys catch up and he seems to be a bit more openly expressive. You’re not really in any place to call him on it though, a few glasses in and you’re both firing jokes back and forth like a game of ping pong.
He’s not bad at ballroom dancing even if he is a bit tipsy, but you accepting after he swooped in on Leorio kinda set into motion “alright, I HAVE to confess tonight” bc if other people are noticing someone as lovely as you, he needs to hurry it along. Months of pining is nothing without action.
You’re both drunk and giggling as you twirl around, and you’re thoroughly enjoying this side of Kurapika. You don’t even notice you’ve moved off of the dance floor and off to the side a bit, but it feels more intimate away from the large crowd so you can’t say you really mind too much. Even as you almost go tumbling when he tries to spin and dip you the shared laughter is contagious, and now is the perfect time to confess.
The setting is perfect, you’re both smiling and laughing, you look gorgeous in your dress, and he put on his best suit for this- Leorio even lent him one of his favorite ties for the night. There’s something magical about the way the chandelier lights glow upon you, not that you didn’t already.
The time is now. He’s had enough booze to push his inhibitions aside for a brief window of time, and he wasn’t going to let it slip away. He’s leaning in closer, squeezing your hand gently as he opens his mouth-
And then promptly throws up
Bro has never been so mortified in his life, and when his brain finally catches up to him he’s frantically apologizing and hoping that no one saw that
If you’re disgusted (as you should be), you don’t seem to show it on the outside, opting to wordlessly guide him to the washroom instead. He’s not sure if he feels better or worse that you’re not scolding him, but all you’re thinking is you need to get his drunk self out of sight before his boss sees
Thankfully, Melody notices and is quick to distract the few people nearby before they can notice the spectacle
The door is pushed open and you two make your way over to the sink as your face gradually shifts to one of concern. You’re bundling up paper towels and running them under water before turning to wipe his blazer off.
“I’ll be fine. I can clean myself up. Your boss is here, I don’t want you to get in trouble.” Even if you’ve already had a couple drinks and aren’t as sober as you should have been, you pull yourself together enough to put his needs first. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons he fell in love with you. There were plenty of others, sure, but this had to at least be in his top ten.
His blazer was cleaned and with that you went to wipe your own clothes off. He certainly did a number on you, but you wanted to make sure you got his first seeing as how his boss was nearby.
As much as he wanted to fess up, talking clearly hadn’t done him a whole lot of good tonight. Perhaps the alcohol was clouding his judgement, but his booze addled brain urged him to take direct action instead.
You were finishing wiping the rest of the mess off your skirt when you suddenly found yourself caged between the sink and a familiar pair of arms you had just been held in not even half an hour ago.
“Can I help you?" You giggled nervously at the proximity and determination on his bright red face, but it tapered off soon after his eyes shifted to a matching hue. You had already taken your heels off and set them aside to make them easier to clean, so if you didn't already feel small enough under his gaze as you were halfway up from your crouch, you certainly did now.
He simply reached behind you, grabbing some more paper towels to run under the water and wiping the missed spots on the front of your dress off for you. He had to make a conscious effort not to let his hands linger too far up on the bodice. The lacy neckline, while classy, still sent his mind into the gutter as thoughts of him marking you up filled his brain. Drunk or not, there was no way he’d get lumped in with a pervert like Leorio.
He was looming over you like a hawk, and you nearly short circuited as he went to lean in. Common sense rushed over you just in the nick of time though, the smell of booze on his breath too potent to ignore, and you quickly put a finger up between you before he could close the gap.
“I think you’re lovely, and I would be more than happy to kiss you later. But keep in mind you did down about six shots before throwing up on both of us. Alrighty?”, and with that, you ruffled his hair as you pecked his forehead. He groaned in embarrassment, burying his head into your shoulder.
“ Please don’t remind me…”
Gn guys if you enjoyed this pls reblog and help a bitch share her content
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helluva-dump · 1 year
Hey guys, Moonlight here, I just wanted to make this a side blog than having all that on my main blog.
This isn’t just gonna be a critical blog because tbh with you guys, I still have a soft spot for the show. I really enjoyed season one until season 2 just went for a very weird direction… So I don’t want to ramble a lot with negativity with this blog. I also sort of feel more comfortable making a side blog since I’ve been doing Helluva boss stuff with friends on discord which involves a self ship I got.
(Too nervous to actually tag it because it involves Blitzo, and I get nervous about St*l*tz shippers getting angry at me for it. I’ve seen how they act over Blitzstrike and Blitzka shippers… makes me worried they’ll attack anyone who ships their oc with either blitzo or Stolas. )
Like honestly, I used to ship them until season 2 made it about shipping over story…. And if you badly force a ship to your audience, I’m gonna end up hating it 🙃🙃🙃
(I’m also gonna make an oc to ship with Stolas because I REALLY think he and Blitzo are better off as friends with benefits than romantic partners. So I’m gonna give them that relationship with each other instead for my AU/Rewrite )
Also I’m very much aware of the abuse allegations and while I did detach myself from V*vziepop and lost so much respect for her as an Indie creator… I don’t wanna jump fully off the gun with these allegations since some of them are missing context. And dwelving in too much of them is gonna badly affect my mental health, so please respect that I don’t wanna talk so much about them. I’ll bring them up if I see a lot more, so far the document of animation reviews and Ken are the only ones I think that may be legit. But yeah, I’ll decide if I want to talk about these if I see moe coming forward.
I also made this blog to interact with fans that are disappointed with the writing like me and just wanna do our own fun way of doing things than what canon gave is.
So yeah it’s not gonna be super critical, I just also wanna still do fun fandom stuff and my AU take on Hell.
You can ask me questions to brainstorm ideas and such :) I don’t mind rambling about the show.
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wuhei · 3 days
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i have been thinking about this for a couple of weeks ..
i think i am going to be only shipping with people that i talk to regularly on discord. when i ship with someone, i want it to actually feel like we're both enjoying it..
with that being said, i'm dropping most ships aside from ones with rei, terios, nine, vex and shieda. these people are ones that i actively write with and talk to on discord so i'm naturally a lot more comfy with them.
there are a few characters that i know moze really likes ( felix's jy + spur's elodie ), so i'll be keeping those, too.
this isn't a "i'll never ship with our characters again" post, just a .. i need more development than just blindly jumping into ships. :') i haven't posted anything about this because i've been waiting around to see if interest would .. idk become more clear ?
but instead, the time has made me realize that i'd rather have a couple of ship partners that i actually develop things with over random ships that i write once in a while with little depth.
moze is also the kind of person that needs a relationship to have build up behind it. which is done through writing + plotting.
anyway, that is all. thank u for reading. and i am sorry if i am hurting anyone ? but i just don't wanna force moze or myself to write things that neither of us are passionate about.
again. passions can easily change. and if more development happens between our characters and they feel a way about each other, i'm happy to go back to shipping together. asdlakjalf
if you want to become mutuals on discord and we write together here, let me know. please only request to be added if you will actually talk to me as i do clean outs.
and as a little side note, i only make servers for people that i write with here and plot with on discord laksjdal i don't want 20 servers lmao for obvious reasons
i'm rambling rn , brain is all fried from today's date, and i really don't want to make people feel bad for dropping ships, but i'd much rather do this than get burnt out from moze and not write at all, so. here's to cleaning out our spaces.
though i dont think anyone here would do this ... pls don't message me and guilt trip me over my choice, btw. :') that really won't make me wanna ship with you.
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maxinemaxmayfield · 11 months
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UPDATE: nobody rules these streets at night like me is officially COMPLETE! [Chapter 17] [Epilogue]
Eddie comes home.
[read on AO3 from the beginning] [art by maikaartwork]
mushy thank yous and ramblings below the cut 💜
thank you to @maikaartwork for choosing my fic to make some incredible art for and also being the most all-around amazing kind supportive person!
thank you to the mods and organisers of @steddiebang for making this all possible
thank you to all my cheerleaders in the fruity four discord and stranger things writers guild discord
thank you to my irl partner for putting up with my frankly ANNOYING obsession with stranger things and steddie and letting me bounce ideas off her
thank you to everyone who has read, liked, kudos'd, commented, reblogged, sent messages about this fic!
this has been my baby for such a long time and like with anything, i had my doubts and insecurities about it, but the response has been so wonderful and lovely and i appreciate it so much!
this was my first time participating in a fan event like this, and this experience has also rekindled my love and drive for writing and steddie so watch this space as i have LOTS more projects and fics planned!!!
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fumifooms · 10 months
HI. I loved your marchil fics and I love your lil blurbs and hcs and all you're lil thoughts on them it's beautiful and makes my heart melt. It's just seeing this lil guy and how he has all his feelings locked away in a box until marcille walks over and picks right through the lock and gets him to open up (well in a metaphorical sense-).
I KNOWW RIGHT, I love how you described it!! There’s so much fun imagery and metaphors you can do with them… They lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship, as people say
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I love their dynamic they are so romcom shaped… Speaking of romcoms I recently read Dame na watashi ni koishite kudasai/Please love me ! which has major marchil energy, I love reading it while thinking of them lmao. They banter and she infiltrates his social sphere & gets all the family gossip and also he owns a cafe and cooks her things, it’s like my coffeeshop AU but real 😭💗
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People when getting into marchil:
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Thank you for this ask! 🥺 It’s always really nice to hear things like these… I never know what to respond though so naturally I shall go overboard, handing out more marchil thoughts as per popular demand! Marchil nation is a tiny island I’m sorry for getting you invested, but also mwahahaha hahahA YES HAHAHA YESSS! Handing you these ramblings as apology
My motivation to write essays has been waning lately BUT I do have a big post about theories and facts on Chilchuck’s family planned, his wife and daughters plus some Chil’s dad and siblings, the whole package. On top of more marchil crumbs to post oof… Ideally I should also rework the first part of the marchil crumbs to make it more streamlined and dare I say convincing. Also fanart and fics which I hope to get around to finishing up… I def want to make more marchil content, but I honestly have no clue which idea to work on next… (I take requests and prompts btw~). I want to make more fluff but I also want to make more hurt/comfort, ahh dilemma
One idea I have that’s particularly relevant is a fic that I’d call Locks of Hair, about blonde hair and the key to his heart. I’d love touching on his attraction to blondes and how that might affect their relationship in a neat lil introspective oneshot like I like to make. LOCKS of hair? Being the KEY to his heart? I love the english language. There’s sorta this trope where if a character loves money has a liking for blondes it’s because like, the hair is "golden", and I’d find playing with that so funny too.
Another that really has my heart right now is Marcille’s mom visiting them to see her daughter and meet her new partner Chilchuck, and it throws them into a frenzy to prepare for it, Chil being entirely too stressed and dreading. And seeing them her mom’s eyes soften and she tells them they remind her of her and her late husband… The bittersweet pride mixed with anticipation at how her daughter has grown into someone who can accept loss, and is willing to throw all of herself into loving despite them not even having 20 years together ahead of them……. I think about marchil proposals and marriage a lot. Hey hey did you know that in Japan "I want to drink your miso soup every day" is a way to propose, because that’s so Dungeon Meshi. The way proposals are so meaningful with these two because it truly is like "i want to give my lifetime to you, knowing all that it entails, but I believe that it’s worth the trouble. That it’s worth it." I have so much proposal dialogue between them written up oogh they make me so emotional
You truly are a warrior for reading all I wrote about them omg, if you like these sorta convos then maybe you’d enjoy joining our dunmeshi discord! I rarely get the chance to speak with another marchil enthusiast~ We have a lot of big convos on characters and ships over there hehe, ofc no pressure though, invite link in comment just in case. I get cuteness agression over them TOOOOO I need them-shaped stress balls to squeeze in affection
-trips and falls and some of my favorite marchil moments slip out-Soulmates ❤️ (delusional)
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theladymuses · 3 months
Author Portrait
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
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Name/nickname: Wayna Age: 21 Pronouns: she/her Years of writing: 8-ish 
Why did you pick up writing? I used to write fanfiction in my notes app at school until one of my friends recommended I post it on Wattpad. I discovered RP-ing on one of those book-comment RP things they used to have on Wattpad. I'm here because of Levi, Esmé and me discovering I wanna be a published author one day, to be honest.
Do you have any writing routines? Not really. I need my laptop (I cannot write on my phone tbh) and sometimes I'll listen to character playlists and/or grab tea, but it's not exactly ritualistic. I do tend to write in bed, though! I look through my notifications here and answer asks, comments etc. while feeding my draft stash, then jump into writing responses!
What's your favorite part about writing? The partners, the headcanons. I LOVE befriending people I write with and then jumping down the rabbit hole of getting to know their portrayal of a character and just,,, rambling. I also really enjoy rambling about dynamics between our characters, or even what my partners think of dynamics with other characters. I JUST LIKE RAMBLING—
Three things you like about your writing:
O1. Character voice. I try to change the style I write in based on character! I alter elements like vocabulary or metaphors to fit the characters and the way they perceive the world based on their lives. For example. Bianca's a forensic expert, so she tends to compare/reference a lot of forensic jargon or make really morbid statements, particularly in her thought process. Also, another example is how Es (in her AOT verse) has never seen the ocean, so I try to be conscious of not using statements/metaphors that reference the ocean because she would have no clue what that'd mean.
O2. Description (?). I'm not sure what else to call it actually, but I like that I (at least try to) paint a setting and body language between dialogue and internal thoughts without dumping them all in one place. I used to do that as a separate paragraph in the past, adding all the surroundings and things and then adding dialogue and inner thoughts, and now I re-read those and find I have much improved in that regard.
O3. That I try to emulate/experiment! I read a lot of novels, fanfiction and, of course, writing from all of you so I get a ton of inspiration and new ideas I want to try my hand at. Like, sometimes I see something described really uniquely or the flow certain writers have that's almost poetic etc. And, so I try to emulate those favourites and see how they feel in my writing. It's fun and experimental and keeps things interesting with even more mundane/routine-type replies that may pop up in threads (that's not to say the whole thread is boring, but one or two replies may pop up with nothing particularly interesting happening, if that makes sense).
A question for the next person
write a question for the next person to answer. once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer.
Venus's question: What's the most challenging thing and character you've written, and why?
Action. And Bianca.
Action is something I really struggle with! Like, battles and spars and training sequences. I am still trying to improve in writing those and sometimes feel kind of embarrassed when I write threads like that on here instead of discord, but I try to think of it as a challenge and not get too self-conscious.
Bianca has been my most challenging OC, especially in vulnerable settings/threads. This is because she doesn't have an obvious "shell" or facade like Es and Miha do. Es views everything as fake because she's a spy; Miha's selfishness and hedonism overrule just about everything else. It's easier to write them in vulnerable situations because feeling is almost novel to them. They have to let their walls down. Bianca? She's a feeler. She's soft and gentle and caring majority of the time and feels everything very deeply and openly. So, I feel as if I really challenge myself when I write her in a vulnerable settings because, comapred to the others, she has next to no walls. I can't tell if this made any sense LOL.
NEW QUESTION: Are there any authors (published or any of your writing partners) that you try to emulate in your writing? What do you find most fascinating about their writing style?
Tagged by: @predvestnik (I am genuinely so happy???)
Tagging: @longerhuman @moonrisenmuses @calamxty
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reddrakebird · 3 months
Fill in this form to let your RP partners know your preferences in terms of writing. Knowing your partners better makes figuring out the kind of interaction you can have with each other easier! Repost, don't reblog.
name: Sev
preference of communication: tumblr ims, inbox, I am selective on who gets my discord. 
name of muse(s): Timothy Drake
best experience: Getting asked and venturing into trying a new muse was an honor. I had seen Tim being played by a few others and admired him from afar, but I have always been more drawn to darker muses, so this was a bit of a challenge for me since I did not know a lot about him when I started out. Everyone was patient. @prettysuper has been there to support me when I felt I was not grasping him well, and we ended up creating a pretty amazing story of our own that I just adore and am always excited to explore <3. The community is pretty awesome and I am so grateful for them accepting a newb like me to tumblr play! Dash games when everyone gets into it is the best thing I have ever seen here.
rp pet peeves/deal breakers: Ignoring my character unless it was talked about as part of the dynamic. If my character took the time to address yours so they could invest in the conversation and there is no response back, it irks me as a writer who also took the time to think about that post and how to insert them into the scene. I do not have many deal breakers, but I am not a fan of someone assuming that my character is a sure way purely by Comics. I get it, this is a character that is not an original and was established, but the point of us being here is to write our own versions where DC has numerously fucked up stories for their own cowardness. Ask, I love answering. Or simply interact and learn! 
fluff, angst, or smut: All, fucking BONUS if you can mingle all three into a scene -sips tea- I am a heavy investor in realism when it comes to playing, and shit gets messy in real life; it should in rp too. Fluff should have some interruptions, angst should have a teary smile or ignorance, smut should have failure to actually have sex after trying or a good time turning sad because of a trigger or insecurity. Real people go through this, so should characters. It really adds layers to them that start to make a uniqueness. 
plots or memes: memes. I love plots, but sometimes I am a bit burned out. Memes are something I always enjoy and throw around on Dash!
long or short replies: Long are favored. I enjoy having a lot to work with and do not mind the rambling of another writer so long as it is viable things and not bullshit for the sake of length. Short are great for days when our brains go ‘wut’ but we want interaction or a distraction. It was really hard to come to Tumblr from an RPG form where people wrote seven paragraphs to see people doing one-liners here. I am used to it now, even do it myself but it was def an adjustment!
best time to write: Any. Seriously, I am always around. Now my favorite time to write is at 2am when everyone in the house is quiet, I can put my headphones on and turn the music up loud as hell to just vanish into the scene. 
are you like your muse: HAHAHA no. Absolutely not. Well, we share Autism aspects, but this version ended up sensitive and sad in a way due to putting the background of therapy heavily on him. My characters have a funny way of taking the wheel and developing themselves after I give them snippets of myself to have a connection so I can move them around. Tim is nothing like me. HOWEVER, his boyfriend, Kon, is a good deal like me. Shameless, loud, no fucks to give, protective. So it is hella wild to try and play a character who dates someone with a lot of similar traits like myself. (I am so sorry to all my exs but you all knew what you were getting into)
Tagged:  @1mpulsee
Tagging: any!!
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findroleplay · 4 months
i am currently looking for a long term partner for a high fantasy rp set in an original setting! i have been working on this narrative since around 2019 and i have dedicated a lot of time & love to it. it is lore heavy, but it is honestly very flexible and would love to collaborate with other worldbuilding enthusiasts on it or merge it with another one of your passion projects, as long as it fits the vision.
if you're looking for a setting with an extensive fictional religion, elven/fae-like and siren esque folk, a late-baroque/rococo aesthetic, romance, tragedy and political drama, a world in which queer people are very much normal, i’m sure this will be your cup of tea! please note that this setting includes sensitive topics that are tagged accordingly. if you ever do not feel comfortable please let me know – it’s not anything bad! i’d just rather advertise this as a narrative containing sensitive content and topics. there is a reason why this is 20+ only.
i’m 21 and a full time student at the moment, although i’m starting to take in more partners because i end my semester very soon. i am a novella writer, and i typically write over 1k _words_ if i have high muse. i don’t mind if you write less than i do as long as i have enough sustenance to reply to. i am honestly not very strict about this as long as it’s not one liners/you try to match me.
i’m specifically looking for partners that are willing to collaborate on world building, plot, characters and character dynamics. please be 20+. be communicative when something isn't working! i’d prefer multiple main characters/a cast of characters. at the moment, i only do mxm/nb and only write male or non-binary characters. i LOVE rambling about/discussing the lore of my worlds and chatting ooc – let’s be friends!
dm me on discord @cinqofpentacles more info. introduce yourself & your work please! small messages with no sustenance like “i am interested in your ad.” will not be responded to :p
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