#it’s gonna be 333’s bond with each other?
fromwarmclimate · 1 month
just gotta love how the fandom entirely freaked out over the lando bestie comment from daniel like the ‘i <3 MV’ thing never happened right in front of our salad
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svnflowermoon · 23 days
☕talk about ur best friend! what're they like? what do u love about them? <3
OMG YAY OK i could talk about my best friends for HOURSSSS (i have a few best friends so i'll talk abt all of them <333)
ok so first there's 🐀 (emoji is an inside joke i made her a felted stripper rat for her birthday) i don't think she knows she's my best friend but idk?? genuinely one of my fav people ever she's literally the funniest person on earth and i love her so much, we've known each other for like 6 years now which is insane to me. on all of our school holidays we have sleepovers where we watch the cringiest movies we can find and make cursed cakes (if you want more context send me an ask lmao 😭) and honestly it's so fun. we wore matching fairy costumes last year on halloween (i was blue, she was green) bc of the whole ✨she was a fairy✨ audio it was so funny and we're gonna do a transition from those outfits into our formal dresses at the end of the year in the same colours hehe (which i helped her pick literally two days ago). also been accused of being madly in love with her which is how you know the friendship is real lmaooo
then there's 🐟(she would HATE me for this emoji LMAOOOO) and she's literally one of my favourite people in the world and ive known her for a year????? like there is a massive part of my heart that is molded perfectly for her and we only met last year??? it's insane to me honestly she's irreplaceable idk what I'd do without her i adore her with my whole heart. literally one of my favourite memories from last year is with her from the eras tour movie like it was a core memory that will live in my heart forever we sung and danced together and at that point we'd known each other for like 6 months??? crazy to me that she's so important to me after so little time like it feels like I've known her my whole life and those kinds of connections are so important to me. but anyway she's so funny and the sweetest person ever and she got me a birthday present 2 months ago??? my birthday's in june 😭😭😭 i love her endlesslyyyy and we have plans to run away to italy together to escape maths. it's so funny as well bc we've been friends for just a year and literally everyone associates us together like "oh you're ___'s lucy!!" and im like hell yeah we've known each other forever- and then it's one year
okayyy and then there's 💐 and ugh she's so sweet we've known each other for like 2 years and we bonded over music and she's literally an angel on earth im so lucky to know her. she's the sweetest, kindest person i know i genuinely cannot express how much she means to me. we go thrifting together and gossip a bunch and we have plans to go to concerts together and ugh she's my pinterest spotify soulmate she's sooo sweet you have no idea <333 cannot express how much she means to me
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hi! I've been thinking about this lately and I want to know your opinion. Let's say that Satoru is in love with this person but no one knows about his feelings, not even suguru. Suguru on his side is also in love with this person, and eventually they start dating. Satoru feels hurt but decides not to say anything because he doesn't want to ruin his friend's happiness but Suguru eventually finds out that Satoru is in love with his partner, What do you think Suguru's reaction would be in this situation?
👀👀👀👀👀👀 this is ……… a really interesting scenario actually.
ultimately i think everything boils down to the fact that satoru and suguru love each other too. the specific kind of love doesn’t matter much, (though i do think it’s a little insane to insist that there’s Nothing romantic there ..) because they love each other so wholly!!!!! they’re best friends!!!!!!! :((( and that’s such a powerful thing for them. i couldn’t imagine stsg having a falling out over something like this because no matter the universe they’re easily the most important people in each other’s lives.
so…….. tbh!! i think a lot of it depends on who this person is to them. if it’s just a tiny crush or whatever then i think stsg will get over it easily because their bond is so much stronger than that, but if you’re someone they love as deeply as each other then obviously it’s more complicated.
the contrast is interesting because both of them are kind of inherently self-destructive? in this specific case satoru is the one hiding his feelings, but if it was the other way around suguru absolutely would have done the same. that’s just how they are!! satoru would keep a respectful distance to make you and suguru happy, and suguru would choke down his own emotions for you and satoru’s sake. and both of them would feel betrayed once they found out about it!! NOT as in ”i can’t believe you like my s/o you piece of shit 😡😡” but more like…. ”i can’t believe you hid this from me. i can’t believe you let me make you unhappy without telling me about it.”
aaaaand in typical stsg fashion <333 i think they’d have to fight it out!! just a good ol shounen argument where they end up lying side by side exhausted after getting all their emotions out. and after that it’s a lot easier. at the end of the day they love each other, and they wouldn’t let that connection go for anything.
…. so. in conclusion!! i’m gonna be real with you anon i can’t picture this turning into anything except a stsg/reader situation 😭😭 the only exception would be if the person they like DOESN’T like satoru romantically bc obviously they’d never force you into anything!! but i do feel like this is destined to end with all of you in love and happy <3 i just really can’t picture a universe where stsg aren’t at least a little bit in love…… and even if it’s not romantic the love is strong enough that they’d be happy for each other. i can see satoru punching suguru’s shoulder and being like “you better treat them well, or i’ll steal them away!” and suguru just smiles and promises to do so because. well. he loves both of you so much. he wants to make you happy and he wants to honour satoru’s trust. you’re all important to each other in different ways.
those are just my spontaneous thoughts though. BUT my dear anon…. if you’re interested in something angsty on this concept then PLS do yourself a favour and read kairo’s suguru fic 😵‍💫 it changed my whole life. she did this concept so much justice and her prose is just beautiful <33
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retroaria · 3 years
Sapnap: Fluff Alphabet
cc!Sapnap x reader
pronouns: gender neutral
warnings: just swearing
here’s my 500 Follower Event ^o^
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A is for Affection (How do they like to show affection?)
sapnap would give you so many compliments omg. he loves making you all smiley and blushy :) he just wants to make sure that you are always aware of the fact that he thinks you’re the most perfect thing to ever exist
B is for Bond (What kind of bond do you guys have? What could your relationship be labeled as?)
the best friend couple!!! sapnap tells you literally everything. any drama going on or any strong emotions he’s feeling, you know about it. most of the time, the second something happens his brain immediately goes “omg i have to tell y/n”. you guys always complain about the same things and get excited over the same things. you are genuinely one of the most important people in his life and he doesn’t know how he’d do it without you.
C is for Comfort (How do they comfort their s/o?)
he will literally drop everything just to hold you and not speak for like hours if you so needed. he strikes me as a naturally comforting person to the people he really cares about so I say he gets an A+ in this department
D is for Dates (What are dates with them like?)
dates with sapnap are either really chill or super fun. he’s the type of guy that would take you to play laser tag or to an arcade or a trampoline park. he’s like a little kid i love sapnap :3
E is for Emotions (How do they express their emotions around you?)
he’s a pretty expressive person when it comes to certain things. at the very least he definitely wears his heart on his sleeve a little so it isn’t hard to tell even if he does try hiding stuff. and like I said he tells you everything.
F is for Fiancé (How long into the relationship before they propose?)
I feel like he’s so young and he really just wouldn’t be thinking about that too seriously for awhile. like he loves you and you guys have talked about having a future together but he isn’t in any rush at all. hell just do it when he feels is the right time not matter how long it takes.
G is for Gentle (Are they gentle?)
it depends on the situation. he’s definitely the type of guy to pick you up from a super comfy position and just body slam you on the bed. but if he can tell you’re not in the mood to play around like that he’ll just sit down and hold you, so yeah he can be gentle. but most of the time be prepared for playful fist fights and getting picked up and thrown every now and then lol.
H is for Hand Holding (How do they like hand holding?)
sapnap always holds your hand. in fact he makes an effort to search for it whenever you aren’t holding hands. and sometimes he’ll even get whiny about it especially with like a lot of people around he’ll be like, “babe, why aren’t you holding my hand :( what if I get lost how are you gonna find me this place is big”
I is for I Love You (Who said “I love you” first?)
he did !! the first time sapnap said “I love you” was probably one of his most confident moments. he was so proud to be able to say it and so sure of himself and his feelings for you.
J is Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
YES OH MY GOD. he gets super jealous and it’s so easy to tell omg. his attitude starts to get like super bad and he is very clearly annoyed by the situation. he won’t ever be too overbearing about it and if you ever feel like he is once you sit him down and explain that he’ll back off a bit. but he’s still gonna be bothered by it so just always remind him that he love him and no one else.
K is for Kiss (What’s kissing them like?)
THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IM ACTUALLY GOING TO BE DESCRIPTIVE SO IM SORRY IF ITS CRINGE. anyways, he’d be a pretty deep kisser but not like full on making out every single time. he just likes to make them last and he isn’t one to just give you random kisses all throughout the day so it always feels special. kissing him makes you feel all warm and happy inside.
L is for Love Language (What’s their love language?)
sapnaps love language is quality time or acts of service!! i’d say mainly quality time. even while long distance he just likes having you on call while he does stuff or even just complaining to you about how tired he is while actively not going to bed so he can keep talking to you lol. he just likes having you around it’s a huge comfort for him. i say acts of service because he would get so giddy and happy anytime you did something special for him. he would show it off and brag about it forever and it would genuinely mean so much to him aahhajdxh i love sapnap
M is for Memories (Their favourite memory with their s/o?)
For your first time seeing each other irl, sapnap flew to where you live and you guys spent a whole week together. his favorite memories are definitely from that first week of seeing each other in person. of course you guys already had an amazing relationship while long distance, but there’s something so different about finally meeting the person you’re with in real life. it felt like he had to start over from scratch and you guys had to get to know each other all over again. also the idea of now having to build a physical bond. it was just such an amazing and beautiful experience. definitely the one that made him realize he really is in love with you.
N is for Nicknames (Their favourite nicknames given and received?)
IM SO BAD AT THINKING OF CUTE NAMES USHSJDH. probably just babe tho lol. for fem!readers, i can totally picture him using princess in a slightly sarcastic tone.
O is for Open (At what point do they start opening up to you about their life and feelings?)
mmm i’d say he actually starts opening up to you pretty early into the relationship. If you guys were like really close friends before hand he’s definitely already opened up to you. He doesn’t really have that many people in his life that he doesn’t trust.
P is for PDA (Are they into PDA?)
not really but he isn’t like super shy about it if that makes sense ??? like he’s 100% fine with hand holding, hugging, and light pecks when saying hello or goodbye.
Q is for Quiz (How much do they remember about you?)
I don’t think he really tries to remember stuff but he just does and he’s always making connections to you and things he sees and stuff it’s so cute :)
R is for Romantic (How romantic are they?)
he tries but he isn’t exactly the most romantic boy. like I said before you guys have a best friend type of connection so when it comes to romance he doesn’t go too above and beyond because he just doesn’t feel like he needs to. but on special occasions he will do something nice for you. He likes taking you out places !!
S is for Security (How protective/possessive are they?)
very much of both. once again, total sapnap vibes. i’d say he’s a lot more possessive than protective. he would never stop you from doing things like going out without him and having guy friends or making flirty jokes. he trusts you so much partly cus he’s a little narcissistic LMAO. but when a serious threat comes about he can get kinda crazy.
T is for Try (How much effort do they put into the relationship?)
GAAAAAA HE PUTS SO MUCH EFFORT IN!! you would probably be like his first ever serious partner so he would try his best at literally everything. in the beginning of the relationship you could totally tell how nervous he was at times but as you guys got more comfortable he just became an effortlessly amazing bf
U is for Uphold (How do they show you they’re proud? What kind of support do they give you?)
he talks about you so muchjahsjxjxh mostly to dream and george or on stream and he brags about you too. he can get pretty cocky about it but his friends can’t get mad because it’s literally adorable how whipped he is.
V is for Vaunt (Do they like to show off?)
YES OF COURSE !!! it’s sapnap guys…come on. literally any little accomplishment you make is turned into a way bigger deal than it should be because of him. he’s so proud of for literally just existing and he talks about all the cool stuff you’ve done all the time
W is for Wild Card (A random fluff headcanon.)
you guys really like going to different food places and eating different items compared to other places. THIS IS SO RANDOM LMAOO but like…sapnap would definitely have fun doing that
X is for X-ray (How well can they read you and your emotions/feelings?)
mmm he can usually tell if you’re acting strange or being distant. he cant always figure out exactly what’s wrong but he knows it’s something and he would confront you about it like almost immediately or whenever he thought would be a good time for you
Y is for Yearning (How much do they miss their s/o when they’re gone?)
he literally talks about you non stop when you’re apart. and when you guys are on the phone he comes up with all these plans for you guys to do when you see each other again and he always wants you to join vc on his streams if you can. in conclusion he misses you like crazy
Z is for Zebra (What kind of pet would they want with their s/o?)
A CAT!! or like a bearded dragon lol.
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school is literally kicking my ass so hard man 😔
i’m gonna try to write more, working on a karlnap weed fic rn too LMAO
I’m taking a major creative writing class rn so between writing for school and writing for tumblr i am so drained but i promise i’ll get back into the swing of things soon :)
love you guys, thank you for everything and stay safe <333
@crackityy @fantasy-innit @joyfullymulti @k-l-a-w-s
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boasamishipper · 2 years
hello! 1,3, and 4 for the writing asks! also, i wanted to ask if you know of any top gun discords? thank you so much!!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
At the moment I've got four major projects I'm working on:
i don't know what you've been told, a tg:m fix-it fic where hangman and the other pilots play matchmaker to get mav and ice back together (and hangman ends up realizing his feelings for coyote along the way). the first two chapters have been posted, and the remaining three are outlined and partially written. it's been an absolute blast to write - i love balancing crack/shenanigans with angst and drama and Feelings, and this fic is the first time i've gotten the chance to do so in a while.
Austin Alone, a 911 Lone Star fic co-written with @lilalbatross, a canon divergent au in which owen and billy start a friends with benefits relationship after 3.04 and inconvenient feelings ensue along the way. we've just got the epilogue and part of chapter 10 to finish up now, and it has been so very fun to write these two falling in love (and then being So Stubborn and Dumb about it). caroline is also very very fun to write with and bounce ideas (evil and benign) off of. love u babe <333
Wide Open Skies Ahead, another tg:m fix-it fic where ice lives and he and mav rekindle their relationship. this one is more serious in tone than IDKWYBT, and takes place entirely from ice's pov, who i have missed writing so very much. i've just finished outlining it and haven't begun officially writing it yet, but i have a feeling it's gonna be Very Fun once i finally get started.
Sharp Dressed Man (Or, How Nate Learned to Stop Worrying and Got Seduced By Colin Hughes), a ted lasso post-s2 fic that functions as a sequel to my Natedemption fic from late last year. in this one, nate sees to the downfall of rupert mannion, stands up to his dad, considers stress-induced homicide, bonds further with his players, and agrees to go out with colin hughes - not necessarily in that order. i'm about three quarters of the way done (it's been slow going lately), and hopefully should have it (and its sequel) up and posted before s3 drops!
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
i'm not sure, honestly! every scene i've really wanted to write i've eventually written, or tried it out and found that it wasn't as good on paper as it was in my head.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
most recent bit from my writing that i'm Very Very proud of comes from chapter 6 of Austin Alone:
That made Owen feel even worse. “You are my friend.”
Billy looked very tired all of a sudden, like he’d aged a thousand years since this conversation got started. “Yeah. I know.”
they're so dumb!!!! they're talking past each other Again!!! owen thinks that billy doesn't believe that owen thinks they're friends, but billy DOES believe him and takes this as further proof that owen will never see him as anything BUT a friend and just....alksdjflasdkjfladf. sometimes i really really love my brain.
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lysitheaioandeuropa · 6 years
All of the obscure asks!!!
what’s your favorite way to dress?uh, cozy/casual. I wear a lot of dresses bc I fucking hate real pants. yesterday i stepped a little out of my comfort zone and wore a fitted dress and heels, i felt super ugly and had an anxiety atttack LMAO but overall it was nice afterwards
if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?i’d be skinny lol
what movie/game/etc. helps you calm down?kingdom hearts (any) and horror movies for fun
what does your room smell like?currently the “flannel” bath & body works scent
do you like to organize?absolutely fucking love it, but like depression 
what kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one?shit this is hard considering i like literally EVERYTHING. but probably reggeaton lmao
what song is your aesthetic?this is also hard? i’m not sure and it definitely depends on the day/my mood
what color do you think goes best with your personality?gray pastels. does that make sense? gray versions of colors are me. I had a bf tell me i only liked dead colors lmao
do you believe in auras?i sure as fuck do i wish i could see them
what do you wish you hated, but actually like?working out and eating healthy lmao
vague about your crush(es)i fucking love her voice
is there someone you have mixed feelings towards?lmfao yeah plenty
talk about an au or story you came up withIN MY AU, DRACO MALFOY DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER OKAY. HE RUNS AWAY TO LIVE WITH HIS MOTHER, THEY LEAVE LUCIUS BEHIND. DRACO IS FUCKING TRAUMATIZED AFTER EVERYTHING LUCIUS PUT HIM THROUGH AND MADE HIM DO, ITS EATS AWAY AT HIM, BUT HE HAS TO WORK THROUGH THE PTSD AND EVERYTHING HE DID WRONG. draco has the worlds greatest redemption arc after zuko. also someone made an au comic where he and harry end up together and it didnt even seem like fanfic it felt so natural. after reading that i feel like my AU needs to have draco reaching out to harry during his redemption arc. like he needs to talk to him he needs someone to turn to. harry at first talks to him in secret bc ron and hermione are assholes still. then he starts inviting him over and making him part of the group and everyone is reluctant at first but they warm up to him. harry and ron are still best friends, but hes so busy dating hermione that draco and harry end up connecting (as friends). ginny probably has issues with it bc she takes it personally (re: chamber of secrets), and maybe that is a driving wedge between them helping lead to their divorce on top of her quidditch playing schedule and harry’s auror job. draco and his wife werent really that great together to begin with anyway. so harry and draco bond over that as well, and well thats we get from my au to the other fanfic i read. i took this and ran lmfao i would love to actually have time to write this out well though. im lowkey talented but havent really had the chance to expand on that. i dont practice my writing or anything enough unfortunately. being an adult be like
do you like makeup?im not good at it, but yes
do you prefer space or the ocean?i doont fuck with either of them bitches. but i am a slut for learning about both. just dont send me there.
if you could pick any planet besides earth, where would you live?jupiter and venus both seem cool, but i would wanna travel to another galaxy
what form of government do you like the most? (capitalism, socialism, etc.)i’m not as informed as i would like to be to make a fully informed decision, but socialism and communism both seem so fucking GREAT in theory but not in practice lmao. fuck capitalism though
what animal would you keep as a pet, if you could?my dog!!!!!!!!! I LOVE SANDRA. also though a fox, or an elephant, AN OTTER. idk i like a lot of animals
what do you think our purpose is in the universe?BITCH!!! I DONT FUCKING KNOW!!! i dont think i have a purpose ultimately and im not sure whats keeping me alive tbh
do you believe in god(s)?i believe in a sort of higher universal power kind of. just not sure
is there a song you can’t handle listening to, even though you like it?anything by russ or j cole lmfao. i hate country. i skip a lot of songs that i cant tolerate tbh so cant give just one lol
what ex do you miss the most, if you have one?im not gonna answer this lmfao. the last two were pretty cool during, not so much after
do you like soft, fluffy blankets or rough/smooth blankets?soft fluffy, but i also love my feather down comforter
what is your favorite thing to learn about?anything! i love learning shit, i end up reading about shit for fun and always “fun facts” up my sleeve 
what country’s history do you find the most interesting?dude anything but ours. american history is really not that great ngl, unless we’re talking native american. 
what do you think about genderbent ____ (insert someone here)i know this was meant to be asked as an individual question but my thoughts on genderbent anything isnt wild tbh. genderbent twilight is fucking stupid though
what breakup was the hardest, if you had one?WOW LMFAO. all of them felt like i was going to die, and no im not being dramatic. i remember each one feeling like i was literally being torn apart, staying in bed for days and weeks on end and just sinking and sinking so low, emotional, mentally, so on and so forth. i dont deal with breakups well
do you have someone where you can’t decide if you like them romantically or just as a friend?not at all, im pretty sure about who i like and how, most of the time. i do try to keep an open mind though
what do you think about tumblr discourse?i dont lmao
what instrument do you wish you could master?I WANT TO LEARN TO PLAY THE FUCKING HARP
how easy is it for you to be honest?entirely way too easy which is why a lot of people hate me lmao
do you have any strange interests?just about all of them lmao. but i think books, anime, and video games are the main ones 
do you have any strange fears?i used to be really scared of the dark but i got over it (recently, lmao). when i was living alone i was irrationally afraid of home invasion lol. im now just scared of like losing my job and shit lol
what food do you binge on when you’re lazy?i dont really have a lot of “binge” food. if im lazy i just snack around, i try to cook and stuff but just depends. im more conscious about binging bc i dont want to feel guilty so if im lazy i might get fast food but something small if that makes sense
when you get angry, how do you show it?OKAY i have actually gotten a lot better at this!!!! i take a few breathes and honestly really sit there and think about it. i try not to lash out or act immediately bc if i do i’ll pop off. so i try to talk through it rationally and assess how i feel before i do anything crazy
do you have any impulsive movements? (twitches, ticks, flapping, etc.)muscle spamsms when i sleep sometimes
what do you listen to music on?everything tbh but mostly my phone
are you left brained or right brained?I would want to say left brained bc im super logical and whatnot, but right brained bc artistic or whatever. maybe i actually use more than 10% unlike everyone else or whatever 
earbuds or headphones?earbuds
do you like light blankets or heavy blankets? light
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o0o-chibaken-o0o · 7 years
Hello! I hope you're having a wonderful day! I wanted to ask you if you could recommend some super fluffy fics. BTW I really appreciate you! Thank you so much!
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SOMETIMES WE ALL JUST NEED SOME FLUFF, so I’m going to try to make this list extra lovely (and long!) ^-^ 💜💜💜
Fluffy Drarry Recs
Talk to Me by Saras_Girl (15.5K)- When the usual channels of communication are shut down, the most surprising people can find a way in. A strange little love story.Harry is cursed temporarily blind and deaf while alone outside, and is helped by a gentle stranger (*cough* Draco). SO SWEET. Part of her fluffy!verse (collection of one-shots), and anyone after fluff should really read them all
Yours Until Midnight by drarryisgreen (4.5K)- Harry sits at a cafe owned by Draco day after day and wonders why Draco likes to bother him. / Lots of rain, lots of tea(s), lots of fluff.Some fics you just adore for no reason you can articulate, and this is one of those for me. Harry is a (secret) fiction writer under the alias January James, and he writes all his stories in Draco’s cafe, while drinking Draco’s tea and pining without even realizing what he wants. Heart-clenchingly sweet!
Then Comes A Mist and A Weeping Rain by faithwood (21K)- It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally. Ever since he had accidentally Conjured a cloud. A cloud that’s ever so cross.This fic has the most kudos of any Drarry fic on AO3, so everyone and their grandmother has probably read it, but READ IT AGAIN because there is a cloud that follows Draco around raining on the poor boy EXCEPT WHEN HARRY’S BEING NICE TO HIM
Luckiest Fucking Size Queen Alive by @l0vegl0wsinthedark​ (6K)- Potter escorts me home, presses me into my front door and kisses me with a ferocity that’s exhilarating. And then Potter asks me, in a growl that makes my cock throw a wet tantrum in my pants, how many more dates I would deem mandatory before I let him fuck me. I drag Potter to bed.This fic is fucking hilarious. Quite possibly my favorite humor/fluff/smut combination ever. They both work at the Ministry, and Draco is lured to Potter by the rumors of his amazing cock and they’re so cute and it’s just pure brilliance.
Good to me (And I’d Be So Good to You) by AWickedMemory (9K)- Everyone returns to Hogwarts after the war, but nothing is quite the same. Harry’s groupies are creepier than ever, Ron and Hermione are snogging all over the place, and the once-proud Draco is shuffling around like a kicked puppy. But that’s okay: Harry’s got a plan.Harry implements Operation Make Friends With Draco Malfoy, and Draco is very confused. Also featuring “Harry’s Draco Lucius Abraxas Malfoy Repository of Information Collected Whilst Stalking (DLAMRoICWS)” hehehe
The Wolf Pack by dracogotgame (13.5K)- Nobody said achieving your animagus form was easy. Draco could handle being a wolf pup for a while, right? How bad could it be?Oh my GOD Draco’s animagus form is a wolf PUPPY and he meets another wolf in the forest and bothers him all the time and then he adopts this wolf as his protector. And the wolf is annoyed but reluctantly amused and endeared and I WONDER WHO THAT WOLF IS HM WHO COULD IT BE????
Mingling, Mistletoe & Misdeeds by @jadepresley​ (10K)- Three couples in denial. One Christmas party to make them finally see sense. Christmas fluff!This fic is adorable! It also features Ron x Pansy and Hermione x Theo, and I fell in love with those other two pairings in this fic as much as Drarry! Christmassy and LOVELY. And Draco planned the party, so you know it’s a good one ;)
Candy by @bixgirl1​ (5.5K)- It was only after careful consideration that Draco came to the wildly preposterous conclusion that he and Potter were actually friends. Sweet fic. May cause cavities.Harry wants to be friends with Draco, but Draco refuses. And keeps refusing. Until somehow they’re suddenly friends, and then they’re more then friends, and Draco has no idea how any of it happened! Oblivious!Draco is my favorite Draco and yes I think I may have indeed gotten a cavity from how sweet this fic was ;)
To Love a Loathed (Arch) Enemy by Sophie_French (11.5K)- “For the last time, Malfoy, I have absolutely no hidden agenda giving you your wand back.”Harry brings Draco his wand back after the war and the rest is history.After Harry returns Draco’s wand, they start sending (FLIRTY OMG) owls back and forth, and then Draco helps Harry with the Hogwarts Restoration and it’s all just adorable :)
Harry Potter and the Incredibly Organized Personal Assistant by megyal (2.5K)- Harry Potter’s new assistant is snarkily organized.Not gonna lie, I have a huge thing for Draco being Harry’s Personal Assistant and basically just running his life. This short little fic is so lovely and funny!
Get Me From My Good Side by @julietsemophase​ (5.5K)- The only reason Harry agrees to these Ministry publicity articles is he knows he’s in safe hands with Draco Malfoy as his stylist. But then a shoot doesn’t quite go to plan and Harry worries his secret is out.Personal stylist is another job I just LOVE for Draco. This fic is perfect perfect perfect because Draco is the only one Harry trusts to style him. And of course that’s not because he’s secretly in love with him, what are you talking about?!
To Bag A Hero by moonshoespotterr (7.5K)- When Draco realises that insults are getting him nowhere, he decides to take a new approach to bagging the Boy Who Lived.Draco starts being nice to Harry and gives him his scarf and YEP this is pure fluff
Tug-O-Want by dysonrules (16.5K)- Harry is back at Hogwarts minding his own business when he finds himself magically drawn to Draco Malfoy. Over and over again.Aaaah amazingness! Accidental bonding! Being repeatedly drawn to each other from opposite sides of the castle! Neither of their faults but they blame each other anyway! Giving in to their desires more and more each time! Y E S
One More Cup of Coffee by Lonov (10.5K)- Harry thought the best part about being a Healer would be saving lives every day without the constant fear of being murdered by a megalomaniac, but when Draco Malfoy walked into the room, he realized he hadn’t escaped so easily.Both are healers, Harry is miffed that Draco has a more senior position than he does, Draco brings Harry coffee every day, and I could choke on the sweetness
Check Me Out by lumosed_quill (3K)- Draco works as a librarian. Harry visits often and attempts (possibly) to flirt with Draco through his choice of books. Draco is not getting it. At all.YES this fic is exactly as adorable as the summary makes it sound :D
Storm in a Teacup by faithwood (8K)- For reasons he’d rather not think about, Draco is obsessed with Potter’s hair. This cannot end well.FLUFF FLUFF HARRY’S HAIR IS FLUFFY LIKE THIS FIC. They study together in a hidden alcove
Hey, Potter by SunseticMonster (16K)- Harry returns to Hogwarts for his 8th year, determined not to let Malfoy get to him. But when the snarky teasing starts up again, Harry finds that returning the jibes with compliments has a far more interesting outcome.GAH Harry starts complimenting Draco whenever Draco insults him and Draco gets all flustered and baffled and it’s adorable as FUCK.
9 times Harry kissed Draco, and the 1 time Draco kissed Harry by LockWhoSuper (4.5K)- ‘Harry grinned, Draco fell into his trap perfectly. Surging forwards, Harry wrapped his fingers around Draco’s tie and pulled him forwards until their lips met over their cauldron. The pressure lasted for three seconds, Harry’s eyes shut and Draco’s wide in surprise. When Harry let Draco go, he slid back into his seat slowly, eyes still wide, tie crooked and a blush painting his cheeks.’Every time Draco swears, Harry kisses him. That’ll make him stop. Yep. Perfect plan. Nothing at all to do with Harry wanting to kiss Draco. Nothing whatsoever.
What Potter Wants by birdsofshore (3.5K)- Harry definitely didn’t want to do that to Malfoy. Not at all. So why did Malfoy keep saying that he did?This fic is hilarious and perfect and I think about it all the time because the idea is just that brilliant. Draco insists over and over that Potter is dying to suck his cock. Harry denies it and denies it, but….for someone who doesn’t want to suck Malfoy’s cock, he sure is protesting a lot. Fluffy Smutty Humor ;)
All You Want for Christmas is Me by chibaken (7.5K)- Harry Potter is rich enough to buy himself anything he wants, and so famous that he receives daily gifts from his fans. Whatever is a Secret Santa to do? Draco doesn’t know yet, but he’s going to figure it out.YEAH I’M RECCING MYSELF SUE ME (please don’t). Christmas party games, Draco in denial, presents, and pooooooorn with a ribbon
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dogmotifs · 7 years
(finished) sleepover saturday: my crush is really cute!! she s a year older than me and we have french class together!! we just make silly jokes (using letter blocks to spell out Meme Co.) and we usually send silly posts to each other. she likes me back and we re gonna get together eventually. she usually likes to rant abt plants and it s rly cute , but we also bond over spiderman homecoming ♡♡
o m g g g this is soo precious ?? ksjsds i hope u guys are happy and stay happy !!! this is just soo good and gay
sleepover saturday !!
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luffik · 7 years
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It’s finally here! First of the characters from my and @zlukaka’s visual novel Eyes of the Swarm (for now in early development stages but we’ve got the plot and the characters mostly figured out so we just need to work on it a lot! Quietly hoping that you’d scream at us to move our asses and do that XD). 
All comments are super-loved, seriously please tell us what you think! <3 Proper post on the game’s setting coming later but I put a little bit of trivia below. We’re starting from the baddies, who could have ever expected that, hehe? :P
Emperor Vra
Vra is the supreme leader of the faction known as the Swarm and one of the two current avatars of the Swarm (the Swarm, which the entire faction derives its name from, is a hive of sentient insectoid spirits living in a hollow mountain - being worshipped as a deity and offered human sacrifices, it possesses its chosen ones, granting them powers over all other human subjects). The Swarm worshippers inhabit the jungle-covered, cavernous islands of the homeworld. Most of them are ‘civilians’, living in primitive settlements led by shamans who report to the higher-ups in the Swarm. Only the high command has access to technology, much of which has been reverse-engineered from the inventions devised by the Realmsguard, the so called ‘heroes’ and ‘protectors’ of the land.
Recruited from among them and trained to become the Swarm’s army, are the Beastriders (their various flying mounts trained by beastmasters are used in combat against the aricrafts of the Realmsguard). The Beastriders with powers are also called Realmshifters (bonded in twos they are able to walk other dimensions) and are too valuable to lose so they are connected to a reincarnation system. The Swarm high command would love to connect every fighter to the system but it’s impossible (they tried, it caused outages) because the Swarm’s reincarnation system is an imperfect copy of the Realmsguard’s flawless resurrection network. 
Vra was once the lead scientist working on the reincarnation system. Nowadays they have technicians who constantly oversee its performance but sometimes Vra still has to get involved in tweaking it. He loves tinkering with things, and even though he realises that the empire expects him to be a fearsome ruler and not a science geek, sometimes he doesn’t give a shit and burrows himself in his labs, instead of being present in the throne hall. The key figures of the Swarm (like Otto and the Spymaster) always know where to find him in case of emergency (and they have many of those, with the reincarnation system being faulty and sometimes unstable).
Vra was behind several of the ground-breaking scientific inventions of the Swarm’s own making. Him and Otto used to be the two ‘second-in-command’s of the previous avatar but overthrew him with the help of the founders of the Realmsguard (Otto and Vra were considered a lesser evil, plus them and the Realmsguard’s forefathers Nathan and Belgar fought so much against each other back in the day that they they are sort old time friends). Reluctant to rule, Otto has tricked Vra into becoming the next leader. Vra doesn’t mind though. He loves power; the authority, luxury and other perks that come with it. Responsibility, though, not so much...
Vra takes great delight in showing off his status as the Emperor. He does that by always looking as fabulous as it gets, usually changing his outfits and appearance several times a day. He hasn’t always looked inhuman, he mutated as a result of conducting experiments on himself, combined with walking through some wrong dimensions (in the past Otto and Vra were realmshifting together, under orders of their common leader). Vra is not the best fighter and faced with overwhelming odds, he’s somewhat of a coward. But he is capable of leading the Beastriders into a battle, as is (luckily only sometimes) expected of him as a ruler.
Otto and Vra bicker a lot, because Otto is the second avatar of the Swarm (though that is not common knowledge), so Vra can’t get rid of him and has to tolerate him as his adviser. But I’m gonna save all those stories for other art pieces :D We won’t reveal the actual plot of the game but we will show you the characters and the setting. And we’re open to all kinds of questions so ask away! <333
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