#it’s like replacing mid with mid
rickybaby · 1 year
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Dancharles 2024 let’s go!!
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bixels · 22 days
Bit of a weird question, but what is your overall least favorite thing about MLP? 
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hoofpeet · 2 years
Going off the Ingo and Emmet had a big fight before Ingo gets ebbie debbied.
I can only imagine how Spice would feel about this. Like they try to psychologically torment Ingo who only as fragments of memories, at best, of who he was and the people in his life. Spice fails, ends up being the warden's partner, and worst of all ends up having an emotional attachment with this man. Spice won't admit it, but he's come to like the strange human.
Fast forward and Ingo get undebbied from the past. Spice and the other pokemon follow cause they care deeply for Ingo and don't want him to be on his own like he was in Hisui. A wacky adventure begins and everything really looks hopeful from here on out.
And then they find Emmet and then it all goes south. Spice (in his Zoroark form) and the rest wait out as the brothers talk, until they can hear yelling. They hear the slamming of a door open and see Ingo yelling at Emmet to just listen to him, but before he can finish Emmet pushes Ingo to the ground.
All hell breaks loose. The other pokemon react but Spice is faster. He gets in-between Emmet and Ingo putting some space between the two, and while facing Emmet, he transforms. Emmet now faces himself but this him is not smiling and his eyes are full of scorn.
Emmet's Psychological Torture 2: Electric Boogaloo. This time with intent to kill
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Ougggh... good food
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lowqualitygarbage · 2 months
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Another silly Vault 666 comic, because every time I draw something with Lucifer in it his stupid baby face bugs me. 
It drives him crazy in-universe too, though. He can’t grow facial hair to save his life (only patchy little wisps of almost-invisible blonde peach fuzz). He is 5'2″ and has a baby face and it is SO HARD to get people to take him seriously sometimes. He likes wearing his lab coat outside of his workshop because people still tend to associate “scientist” with “authority” and he will take whatever help he can get at this point.
Doesn’t help that most Wastelanders age like milk due to exposure to elements, poor nutrition, tons of environmental hazards, and radiation everywhere. 
Text translation below cut:
Charlie: Bye guys, be good!
Lucifer: Have fun, girls!
Angel: Must’ve been tough, raisin’ Charlie.
Lucifer: Huh? ...Not really. The vault was safe, and Lilith was SUPER hands-on.
Angel: Well, yeah, but she’s in her 20s now, right? You must’ve been crazy young when she was born.
Lucifer: Uhh... I’m 47.
Arrow to Alastor: 36 years old
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
I always think it's funny that a terrible life is one where "you're alone with no lover and you will only have the company of cats to keep you scarcely tethered to the real world.
Like... don't threaten me with a good time. That is a dream to me
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aroaessidhe · 11 months
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I went to the library sale :) i am a picky bastard and only got hardcovers with the removable dustjacket covers , so they're pristine on the outside! I've read the wayward children books, the others are on my tbr.
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sigbestboi · 11 months
it's 5 am and I had the urge to quickly sketch this comic idea out because if I didnt i'd explode!!!!! do you guys think satan gets small flashbacks of lilith when he's around arle,,
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novelconcepts · 1 year
Honestly, I made that joke about Van’s ancient desktop, but it probably works better than new computers. And it made me think: god, Van must HATE planned obsolescence. Stuff that’s built to die? Stuff that’s built to fall apart in a matter of years just to force you to buy more? For a person whose whole deal is gripping tight to the past, to old technology that still works perfectly fine, to the idea of survival threaded through everything from the stories she tells to the machines she rents out? Yeah, dude. No wonder she hates her cell phone. Not only does it force the illusion of connection without actually granting intimacy, but it’s doomed from the minute you take the thing out of the box. For Van, the very idea has got to be offensive.
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dayurno · 7 months
kevin has chronic fatigue
my friend roisin animediac jaywalkers has once made a list of all of the physical consequences of the nest on kevin and it was so so so so fucked... it's crazy to think kevin will spend his whole trying to outrun that damage and it will not be enough....... i always think of him when i listen to the body terror song by ajj
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eyes and hands passing through you uninvited &__& so much of kevin's trauma is shaped by his body being handled like an object it's really no surprise at all that he'll spend his entire life trying to wrangle it into an unachievable idea of perfection. lets listen to liquid smooth by mitski together
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blujayonthewing · 3 months
the steadily worsening climate change seasonal creep is having the same psychological effect on me as christmas creep, which is to say that I now have a reflexive negative emotional response to signs of spring before anything else, and then have to try and reorient when they're, like, actually seasonal
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Oh God someone stop me from creating a full backstory for a amnesia au that popped up into my head!!!!😩
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miskhos · 1 month
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humanity restored
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
I absolutely love the bit of your newest post about Zim just casually *walking* back towards Tak in the rain. I can just imagine the scene and it's fucking amazing. I love Zim just being causally terrifying to others (intentional or not) in ways that aren't just him being a bit crazy or destructive.
I also love all your stuff that actually uses Zim's background, and all that comes with that.
I wonder what it would be like for Tak if she managed to genuinely piss him off (another thing that I love your headcanons of)
Tak absolutely refuses to admit it, but she’s the underdog in this situation. She’s an ex-soldier with plenty of engineering experience from her time on Dirt, and has access to a holographic disguise that’s more advanced than any other disguise in the empire, but her opponent is a fully trained ex-invader with an extensive scientific background that knows earth better than any other irken.
Plus, she fell HARD for Zim’s dumb act.
Tak came from Dirt, knowing nothing about Zim other than the fact that he’s a complete idiot and that he ruined her life. Then, upon arriving on Earth and revealing herself to Zim, that information is seemingly proven to be true, with Zim acting like a complete idiot, interrupting her multiple times and even after explaining everything to him, he STILL doesn’t understand, immediately believing that Tak is after his robot bee. She meets Zim face to face and he’s a complete idiot that doesn’t deserve the time of day from her.
But what if I told you that that was exactly what Zim WANTED her to think. Zim puts on a dumb persona specifically so people underestimate him and/or are manipulated easier by him. So upon another Irken showing up on his doorstep, clearly wanting him dead, he plays dumb. He successfully gets Tak to believe that he’s a complete moron that’s not worth killing, since there’s no way this idiot could ever come close to stopping her plan…. ..right?
The base-disabling nanobots were a surprise, but Zim still managed to minimize the damage, since he got Tak to deploy them on the upper floor where none of his important equipment is. His base was still temporarily disabled, but imagine the damage that would have been caused if Tak released them in his proper base, where all of his actual equipment and computers are.
Plus, Zim is a complete enigma, not just to Tak, but to the entire irken race.
I already mentioned how Zim figured out how to waterproof himself using paste, while no sane irken would even consider using that stuff as waterproofing. And it’s a well kept secret of Zim’s, with not even Dib knowing how he does it, or why Zim’s waterproofing is so inconsistent (he frequently forgets to apply the stuff, so he only really consistently has waterproofing on days when it’s expected to rain).
But that’s not all. Zim has one thing that puts him above the average irken. He’s extremely adaptable. He can change his plans on the fly, he will go against what he’s been taught in the military if it benefits him and most importantly of all, he doesn’t care about efficiency.
For all irkens, efficiency is the most important thing. You must be effective and efficient to succeed. But Zim doesn’t care about that. As long as it works, he’ll use it. For example, waterproofing. Most irkens would never use paste because, well, it’s a primitive arts and crafts material that doesn’t last forever on the invader’s skin, losing effectiveness over time. They’d instead spend days searching for or creating their own solution that is effective as possible, perfect waterproofing or bust. Zim on the other hand, doesn’t care. Paste does it’s job just fine, so he uses it. No sense trying to fix something that’s not broken.
Even his Voot Cruiser is an example of this. Zim’s Voot is obviously an old model. It uses a propulsion system instead of whatever thrustless system modern ships use and doesn’t have an onboard computer like modern ships, and yet he refuses to get rid of it. It’s a perfectly good ship that’s served him well in the past, so he’s not getting rid of it for the sake of efficiency.
And speaking of Zim’s Voot, his dogfight with Tak is a perfect demonstration of Zim’s military skill against Tak, because the thing is, even with an outdated ship, in his dogfight with Tak, he pilots it with masterful skill, managing to outmaneuver Tak throughout the entire fight. Keep in mind that Zim managed to remain directly behind Tak for the entire dogfight (which is a very important and central part of dogfighting), with her and her modified modern ship unable to shake him. During the entire dogfight, ZIM is the only one that fires any weapons. Tak can’t even get into a position that would let her shoot back. Even when flying through the lava around them, she is unable to get Zim off her tail. Zim was winning that dogfight even before Gaz and Gir started helping.
Tak has to resort to physically ramming him to do any damage. And even that does minimal damage as Zim simply ejects the cockpit window and replaces it, which in of itself could be an example of Zim being adaptable and going against his traditional military training.
And the final nail in the coffin during the whole dogfight, Zim is completely silent during the entire thing. He isn’t putting up a persona or trying to make himself seem dumber or smarter than he really is. Zim is completely focused on the task at hand, which is a terrifying thing for Tak to be up against. The only time he speaks is after he wins, when he claims that Tak’s piloting is worse than his, indicating that despite Zim being able to pretty much run circles around Tak in his ship, he doesn’t even view himself as that good of a pilot.
But then there’s this scene that single handily adds a whole new layer to Zim’s character:
Tak’s ship is destroyed and is spinning out in front of Zim. Zim proceeds to joke about Tak’s piloting skills, but then has a realization of some kind and then proceeds to ram Tak’s ship. It seems a bit strange, but it actually shows us something very important about Zim.
First of all, his realization. What was he referring to when he said “Wait”? Well, Tak’s ship is spinning out in front of him and although she does have an escape pod, I’ve played enough Kerbal Space Program to know that deploying something while the main ship is uncontrollably spinning like that will result in the pod getting destroyed or at least heavily damaged. And since her ship is damaged and disabled, Tak can’t just stop the spin with a few button presses. She has no control.
And judging by Zim’s face when he says “Wait”, he knows that.
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That’s the look of a concerned Zim. Despite just fighting with her, Zim almost seems worried about Tak’s safety as her ship is stuck spinning with no safe way of ejecting. Even his tone of voice indicates this, as the insulting tone he was just using while making fun of Tak’s piloting skills INSTANTLY disappears upon his realization.
And then, when Zim rams Tak, think about what he just did. He knocked Tak into a bubble of lava. Irken ships have been shown to be extremely heatproof, given how the massive was able to fly through a star and how Zim and Tak’s own ships have been fine zipping around the lava in the dogfight a few seconds ago, and lava is a liquid, not a solid object, so Tak’s ship isn’t going to be very damaged by crashing into it. The most crashing into the lava will do is slow her ship down since that’s what happens when you submerge a moving object in a liquid.
So by knocking Tak’s ship into that lava bubble, Zim slowed the spinning of Tak’s ship, making it safe for her to eject. The fact that Tak only ejects after Zim rams her and not while she’s spinning out adds more evidence to this.
Zim had no reason to do this. He could have very easily left Tak spinning and unable to eject from her damaged ship or even just shot Tak while she was defenceless, but he didn’t. So Zim actively chose to spare Tak by giving her a safe chance to eject from her ship.
So despite Tak wanting him dead and Zim being fully aware of this, he chooses to spare her, fully knowing that she won’t do the same. This pretty much goes against the entire mindset of irkens, especially invaders, who, valuing efficiency over everything else, will remove any threat that they get even the slightest chance to remove.
This part of Zim’s character where he spares those that definitely won’t spare him can be seen with one other character, Dib, who Zim is fully capable of killing with minimal effort, but chooses to keep alive, only attempting to kill him in certain elaborate schemes, and even seeming to go easy on him, not using weapons or his PAK in most fights.
There are two different reasons that Zim may do this. The first is that he may purposely spare people that he considers “worthy adversaries”, despite the fact that they definitely will not do the same to him. If this is true, then Dib and Tak both seem to be considered worthy adversaries by Zim, but since Tak is an irken and much more of a threat than Dib, he doesn’t go easy on her like he does with Dib, but still chooses to spare her after the fight is over.
The second reason is that Zim may fight dirty, but he has his limits. Killing Tak in a dogfight? Sure. But letting Tak die in a broken ship she can’t control or shooting her while she’s in no condition to fight? Hell no. Same goes for Dib. Elaborate scheme where you turn him into a sausage or throw him into a dimension containing a room with a moose? Sure. Just straight up shooting him because he’s a human child and you’re an alien soldier with technology more advanced than he will ever know? Hell no.
It’s probably a mix of the two options, but the final point is that Zim has a weird relationship with killing, and will spare people that won’t do the same.
That being said, Tak hasn’t seen Zim get angry enough to go quiet, although she did witness Zim being focused enough to go quiet during the entire dogfight, which is very close to the same thing. She’s never seen Zim properly drop the dumb persona either, as she herself fell for it and still believes that Zim is an idiot now.
However, if she ever did see Zim’s quiet and competent persona that he gains when he’s extremely angry, she’d never want to see it again. Especially since Zim is very likely to forgo his usual rules with sparing in this situation, and he already doesn’t go easy on her like he does with Dib.
[This post is a continuation of these two posts: https://random-iz-stuff.tumblr.com/post/691450114671296512/write-some-ideas-for-a-fake-invader-zim-episode, https://random-iz-stuff.tumblr.com/post/680570994898894848/headcanon]
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bubblesbinxs · 3 months
BEST OF LUCK WITH COLLEGE ... im curious to know what ur using for ur actor animation ? it seems ur having trouble with procreate no ? i really wanna do animatics too but i literally dont know where to start LOL
i actually used procreate dreams for that animation!! it’s alright for back to back frame animations but Oh Boy is it hard to manipulate when you want to move around certain frames or to have them last longer when synchronizing them with audio. somehow procreate’s animation option (not procreate dreams) is easier to handle ??? bc Somehow dreams doesn’t have basic stuff like a lasso tool???? and if you want to move a pack of frames you need to group them and Then ungroup them if you want to tweak them individually?????? it’s got potential but man you can tell it’s still pretty new and is in need of lots of updates…
but yeah if i had to recommend softwares i’d say procreate (the regular app not dreams lol). iirc it’s only 10€? but even flipaclip is good for animatics so if you’re not sure abt spending money on procreate then there’s always this! tho imo any drawing software works for animatics as long as you’ll have an editing app/software.
for editing the easiest recommendation is capcut!! super easy to use and has a lot of good stuff for a free app (there’s a premium version but honestly it’s not necessary at all) - the app adds a small « made using capcut » clip but i’ve had no problem removing it directly in my phone album so no worries in that:)
ive also heard good stuff about Fable as a good substitute for After Effects (same with Pencil2D for ToonBoom/TVPaint!!!)
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kelvintimeline · 5 months
watching your fave pirating site slowly get shittier and have to rely more and more on changing their domain to skirt the government really does feel like this
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hwsameripan · 2 days
random but ive noticed the most popular alfred ship is now rusame instead of ameripan 💔💔💔💔
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