#it’s more quaint
spicysucculentz · 7 months
boston is so quirky to me but it’s slay! for someone used to the nyc subway system it was a wild ride yesterday when I had to take a bus, train, and TRAM, to go to uniqlo💀 never been on a tram before that was goofy it was like a bus on tracks?? idk the T is weird
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invinciblerodent · 1 month
completely meaningless headcanon time, Astarion would fucking love those cute little wooden puzzle boxes you sometimes see.
are they likely anachronistic? yeah, maybe. but they're just such fiddly little things. sometimes all fancy and ornate, with lots of hidden bits and moving parts. and the goal is to pull them apart to find a hidden compartment? that may or may not have a tiny Thing inside? marvelous.
just try to tell me he wouldn't enjoy the enrichment immensely
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misterbaritone · 5 months
My favorite trope in Christmas related media is Santa proving he’s real by telling someone, be they child or adult, about some hyper specific thing they wanted when they were a kid
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cafffine · 4 months
I need the plot twist in my heart is a chainsaw to literally break my knees bc so far i’m not fully understanding the reviews calling it groundbreaking 🫥 I’ll always welcome another take on the genre aware horror but that’s kind of all it is so far so !!!???
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flowerflamestars · 1 year
Course Correct snippet
Tie yanked off his neck, folded careful enough to hide in an inner pocket without making a bump, Eris unbuttoned his collar and met her eyes in the mirror.   “Cunts across the water here yet?”   Nesta just lifted the glass of fruity, terrible wine to her lips. White for a garden party, Morrigan had purred, insisted, when Nesta tried to dodge. A perfumed headache in a glass.   Eris ran a hand through his already perfect hair, tousling the deep red. “We playing beard, Archeron?”   “No.” A slink across the room, a mean face that made Nesta despite herself, breathe. “Feyre wants a balanced table.”   “She learn that from Downton Abbey?”
“Be nice.”   He slipped the wine glass out of her hand instead, waving it beneath his nose with a moue of distaste. “Christ. Why do rich people spend so much money on fucking trash?”   “Taste?” Nesta offered, leaning back into the coolness of the wall. Marble, in place in exactly one location of this echoing, empty house: pretty, skylight studded bathrooms. Bone white nightmares, but at least they weren’t pretending to be comfortable or cozy.   Without bothering to check if she actually meant to drink it- he knew better- Eris poured what was probably an obscene value of white into the grey moss of a planter. Careless of  anemic looking ferns, lush orchids blooming colorlessly upward. Flipped the glass in his hand to dangle by the stem, hip propped against the slab that made the sink.   “How bad?”   Nesta shrugged. “She’s been tablescapping for two days. Freesia and bowls of oranges everywhere. Three cakes. Three different bakeries.”   Eris shook his head. “They’re going to eat her alive.”   A rainbow romper, flowers in her hair. Feyre was overflowing with enthusiasm. Brightness. Just because Rhys was following her around like an ink-dipped puppy didn’t mean the Lord Devlin was going to be equally charmed.   “What do you know?”   His thin mouth tipped, ever-present sharp expression rendered scathing. “Bunch of posh fucks who held onto their ancestral wealth and think they’re special for centuries of inbreeding. What do you know, Archeron?”   Nesta rolled her eyes. Smiled, unwilling. Pressed her shoulders to grounding stone one last time before straightening. “That you have an in with Nox.”   “Right, because I’d be working for my father’s firm if I had an in with”-   “Eris.”   He sighed. Crossed his arms. Light-catching brown eyes and unreal hair, he looked about as out of place as Nesta already felt, buried under this whole pale mausoleum.   “They don’t like Rhys.” A shrug, one thin shoulder rising. “Typical fucking racism. But they like money. That’s all I’ve got, unless you’d like to hear about the quality of cock Rhysand’s lawyer is walking around with.”
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littlehen · 11 months
Tag nine (9) people you’d like to know better
Thanks for tagging me @flowergrenades! 
Last song: Flamme by Juliette Armanet [X] Spotify shuffled it at me, not really sure what she’s singing about but I love a bit of disco 
Currently watching: I've been bingeing Seinfeld. I'd seen the odd episode here or there but wasn’t particularly taken with it before - maybe it's just hitting me at the right moment but I'm finding it very witty and well-written. Also just started the new series of WWDITS.
Currently reading: Trouble for Lucia, the last Mapp & Lucia book by EF Benson. I've been reading one every summer for the past six years. Now I'm not sure whether to try the later Mapp & Lucia books that were written by different authors, or replace it with another light comedy series to read annually. Maybe Jeeves & Wooster? Previously I read one Jane Austen every summer. I like having a long-term reading project like that. After this I’m going to read In Memoriam by Alice Winn.
Current obsession: I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with anything right now - been snowed under at work and too busy to get into anything new - but I’ve been thinking a lot about adopting my new cat in about six weeks, hoping it goes ahead and goes well (and arguing about what to call her)
I'll be brave and tag nine from my notes this week: @billdecker @carpe-mamilia @claude-debooty @nucleartextbooks @running-in-the-dark @shoesallinaline @whathappensinthewoods @whybedennydifferent @youvegotaluckyface Or honestly anyone who'd like to join in!
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honeydots · 10 months
"You could have died, you know." Kaze & Saizo, 752 words twitter request, from this ask game
Kaze sits beside Saizo at the base of a collection of small jade springs, gently flowing in from a nearby creek. It’s a cool fall day in Hoshido, the air crisp with red leaves wafting through, all settling onto the water’s still surface. They’re alone, and Kaze is breezily enjoying the company of his brother.
Together, they’re eating very fine cuts of fish that were a gift to Saizo after he aided a fisherman’s voyage. A three-day trip, sailing into foul weather that left Kaze frowning at the gray sea until the ship was in his sights again. They all came back in one piece, their vessel just slightly worse for wear, and the rewards were generous.
Though, Kaze has his doubts. “I’m surprised you took on that job,” he says, watching a leaf drift down to its watery peace. Saizo doesn’t usually extend himself far outside of the palace, and certainly not for strangers. “You could’ve died, you know, in a storm such as that.”
Saizo, who tends to frown even if he doesn’t intend to, frowns even more. “I wouldn’t have.”
“Ah,” Kaze says with an inhale. “Overconfidence is the first step to under-performance.”
Saizo doesn’t reply, only takes another bite of his hard-earned fish. Kaze doesn’t comment any more either, deciding to simply take in the incoming evening. Hoshido is quite refreshing this time of year, the blistering summer heat coming down to a tolerable haze of cool northern winds and morning frosts.
The change of weather, of course, also comes with a change of patterns. The storm Saizo faced was predictable for this time of year—just because the summer monsoons are over doesn’t make other torrents any less difficult to navigate. The sky isn’t clear now, even. Though Kaze doesn’t suspect rain until the nighttime.
Saizo exhales. He’s never been one to be uncomfortable in the quiet, often initiating it himself. But perhaps he is one to know when he’s left something quite unanswered.
“The boat owner,” Saizo begins, piece of fish finished and now folding his arms, “he’s from Igasato.”
“Is he really?” Saizo gives a short hum. Kaze had no idea. He glances down at their meal, and finds he might be enjoying it a little more. Perhaps it tastes more like home. Though he may be imagining that, as well.
Still, Kaze takes another bite, and if nothing else appreciates to know more about who provided it for him. It can be nice to know who’s hands went into the work, even from such a distance. To give him a chance to admire the effort which was made.
“Is that why you helped, then?” Kaze asks, and Saizo lets out a gruff sigh of air.
“I suppose.”
Kaze smiles. “Good on you,” he says warmly. Saizo shakes his head, but Kaze’s being quite genuine. “Truly. I’m glad to see you engage with our people.”
Saizo glances down at the rest of their food—piled neatly in a picnic basket, fondly packed with rice and squash blossoms—and takes another piece of fish. He still pauses, not eating yet, mouth pressed in a firm line.
“…To watch Lord Ryoma lead Hoshido has—brought some enlightenment to me,” Saizo begins, voice low. “His leadership is boasted from both above and beside his people. I voiced my critique at first. However… Results have left me to think there might be sound reasoning behind it.”
Kaze can’t help but grin at the sentiment, watching as Saizo takes an all too irritated bite. It’s his own way of enjoying a meal, Kaze supposes. Even if Saizo might benefit from savoring it more. Sighing into himself, Kaze shuts his eyes briefly.
“I almost feel you’ve gotten softer, now that the war years have past,” he says, and hears as Saizo huffs to himself.
“If Lord Ryoma wishes for peacetime, I’m in no position to deny him precisely that.”
Kaze nods. “If you’re able to find any more of your own peace, brother, I hope you won’t deny it either.”
Saizo only sighs, and continues to eat as if Kaze didn’t say anything. And Kaze, too, lets the silence sit between them, tranquil and comfortable.
He wishes only that he had the foresight to bring tea. But the stillness of the moment is enough to keep Kaze quite satisfied anyway. With hope, there will be many more autumns to come, just like this.
They fought for it, after all. Basking in the peace they founded is the natural way to follow.
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supercantaloupe · 7 months
my brain is very gone. i cannot read questions but i wanna participate. what’s your fav kind of tea? how do you take your tea?
ooh i love a lot of types of tea so i could never pick a single favorite. i'd say for a single (though often large) cup of hot tea my preference is usually for something strong and fruity. i like herbal blends with hibiscus, peaflower, rosehip etc and/or dried fruit pieces, although this year i've really been enjoying a couple of fruity white or green tea/herbal blends. i love these hot and either unsweetened or with just a drop of honey. this is also usually what i take in my thermal mug to campus bc it doesn't easily suffer from overbrewing so i can brew it in the morning at 9am and have a still-hot cup of tea to drink in rehearsal at 6pm. although occasionally i'll take something black to drink as a single cup; my preference is usually for something strong and spiced, with a bit of cream and lightly sweetened. but if i'm sitting down for an hour or two and enjoying a whole pot of tea, i'm usually drinking either one of the fruit/tea blends or i'm drinking an oolong, no sweetener. i have this WONDERFUL oolong in my cabinet right now from a regional teashop i love that's scented with grape and blackberry and it's got the most well rounded, juicy body to it -- if i had to pick a single favorite it might be that but it's expensive and small batch so i try to save it for when i can really sit down and enjoy it.
as for iced teas: love a cold fruity or hibiscus tea, barely sweet; black tea, strong and lightly sweet, especially with milk (a la boba shop milk tea or chai latte); LOVE an arnold palmer (half unsweet tea/half lemonade); and whatever the hell they put in diet snapple, i could go through cases of that shit all by myself in no time flat.
basically the only teas i don't really like are anything minty, chamomile, and plain green teas and matcha. although i'm recently becoming a convert to the joys of jasmine tea. besides it just tasting good what i love about tea is that there's just So Much out there that there's always something new to try and fall in love with
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yuukimiyas · 7 months
a simple lil set up!! ◝꒰ ´ ˘ '♡꒱
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pisswizard420 · 2 years
can we all mutually agree that colonialism is actually a main antagonist in dracula
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irvingtwo · 17 days
you forget how much he'd fight for me. you forget how much he fought FOR me, us even. dont forget what you said before you got your ass beat!
you can call me nothing all you want. but in the end you're the one who has so many aligations against your name that the only people who care are some junked up magical murder-hobos and people who are so desperate for attention they'd do anything for it! you're a last choice irving! just because they care doesn't mean you aren't the bottom of the barrel.
you call me nothing. but you're below me! isn't that funny?
- ⌨️
Interesting that you call me a last pick when frankly I think the only person who has picked you is Triangley. He fought for you, he “saved” you or whatever, but that’s still only one damn person. Your friendship is built on the solidarity of you two being freaks who are feared by everyone else for the potential for destruction you can cause.
Isn’t that beautiful?
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k1ngtok1 · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Charlie In Underworld
Don’t get me wrong, underworld office will always near and dear to my heart and brings me comfort in times of great stress, but the moral lessons in CUW made me want to cry. With kindness, forgiveness, and reform being the basis of the story, at least with the route I played, it appeals to me so much because those are ideals that I struggle with sometimes.
Charlie is such a relatable character, with her slow overtaking by the darkness and sarcastic personality. To be honest, I wasn’t too interested with her in the last game, but the new design and deeper delve into her personality made me love her so much, just like Eugene in the last game.
Speaking of Eugene! I love how the events of the last game were reflected in his personality here! He grew as a person and is more comfortable in his own skin, and pays forward the kindness he was shown tenfold. He was given depth by the conflict between boss and his own morals, and he is just as relatable as he was in the last story. I especially like both his and his friends’ new designs and seeing how they grew up! (Luke seems a bit inept for being a cop, though. He didn’t even know about checking social media??)
And the other members of the office! We learn so much about their backstories and what makes them who they are (or were). I chose the options that allowed for Charlie to calm each character down, and I love how he was able to regain memories by relating to them. Hayden’s loneliness, Joan’s guilt, River’s anger, and Boss’ sense of responsibility and duty which held each of them back made everything seem so much deeper. You usually only get this kind of character depth in fanfiction from fans who understand characters better than the creators.
The animations also became so much better and numerous! And the art style 🤌. I can see that team_334 has improved so much in the time since their last game, both in writing and in art.
There were a few spelling errors, and I wish the ramblings of the shadows were delivered in a different way than just the regular text, but I can understand that translation and other things in that regard would be difficult.
Overall an 11/10 game. I wish I bought the paid version. Is there a way to turn the free version into the paid version? Asking for a friend.
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pepprs · 1 year
last few hours in boston :(
#purrs#conference tag#we literally just got here and now we have to go 😭💔 i havent rly felt as enriched by this conference as i have in the past (though there’s#still 2 more sessions to go to incl the closing plenary and we’re getting lunch in the station before the train ride home) but ive walked#around so much and have spent time with people i love and some people i miss. and have been on adventures i have been looking forward to for#a rly long time though i am kinda bummed i never made it down to fanueil square. but… idk what happiness feels like anymore but maybe for me#it’s just absence of misery and despair. or contented ness. i have gotten a little triggered from time to time these last few days and ive b#been lonely in my hotel room but MAN it has been nice to not be miserable and suffering and to take walks and to not go to every session (ev#even though i do feel bad abt it like i missed 2 plenaries and an afternoon concurrent session which is more than i usually miss) and to#be in this city which feels so much like brighton and so uncity like in some ways. it’s so charming and omg i went to harvard and it was#NOTHING like what i imagined it to be / feel like.. just a quaint artsy quirky town. and the rest of the places ive been have been like that#too. and people LIVE here every day!!!!! there’s a big beautiful world here both above ground and below!!!! and im gonna be late to#breakfast but… i just feel nourished and healed in a way i wasn’t expecting to. I haven’t been this far away from home in 3+ years and#it’s just been really nice being somewhere else and going on adventures and seeing things surviving. i miss my grandparents a lot and im sad#to not be visiting them and to be unable to visit them now lol but it’s just rly nice and special being here. im goingto miss it so much and#im trying to savor every second. i wish we had one more day here and im a little sad to be going home lol#* what i meant when talking about happiness earlier is that i think… i have been happy these last few days. for the first time in a really#really long one. and that’s nice. it’s good to be happy again. and good to be here
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bonyato · 4 months
Im reaching adulthood...... <- Guy whos in her early twenties
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thefudge · 1 year
Stop shipping lesbians with men
??? silliness aside, i need some of you to understand you don't have mind control powers
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 1 year
Anybody else ever add fake construction-lines over a sketch just for show when it’s done? I’m a fraud. An impostor. My real construction lines look like dog ass.
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