#it’s not that serious i just want to customize my internet experience
dunmertitty · 1 year
You have me blocked for no reason. We've never even interacted
i’m extremely liberal with how i block people! that’s how you curate the Online Experience, babey.
other than being a Bigot, Asshole, or just plain Annoying, here are some misc reasons i have blocked people:
doesn’t believe in the oxford comma
dislike a fav Blorbo of mine
reblogged a post i see too much
i was just in a bad mood
blog is inaccessible to me (via colorblindness, adhd, etc)
during any of the multiple “reproductive debates” on this website, reblogged a post that excludes trans men etc from discussions abt pregnancy or uses cissexist language
obsessed with a blorbo or irl celeb i don’t like
are weird about Diet Culture or are a “fitspo” or eating disorder blog
extremely pessimistic and/or make self deprecating jokes
post untagged sexual/fetish content or post an unrelated post of mine onto your sexual blog
don’t have a profile pic and/or don’t reblog things
came from twitter and act like it
unironically rb memes i don’t like or are outdated
have a dni term that applies to me or that i think is stupid/unnecessary (so i don’t interact with you)
you deny some type of science (anti-vax, believe in flat earth, pro outdoor cats/invasive species, climate change denier, overpopulation believer (malthusian), etc)
you care too much/gatekeep about something that really doesn’t matter
think Everything is a homestuck reference
are weird about ships
don’t tag #long posts or #unreality
reblogged an uncaptioned video with “SOUND ON!”
like an art style i don’t like
car guy or horse girl
post uncredited art
reply a million bajillion times in someone’s comments
hate prev tags (they are like a choose your own adventure book)
stuffed animal hater
are weird about what other people do/don’t do with their body
hate autism creature
refuse to learn how to pirate movies/tv shows/games/music
that’s about all i can think of right now but i’ll literally block anyone for anything, don’t take it personally. sometimes i even accidentally block people instead of following them and keep it because fate 🤷🏻‍♂️
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evadingreallife · 1 year
Me: goes to the gym
The gym policies: give us more €€€ to develop a customized exercise plan
Also me: mmnah *wanders through the gym equipment through the tried and true 'fuck around and find out' method*
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
Despite the internet's reputation as a boiling cauldron of bad feelings that foment into bad behaviors even in the most ordinary people, it's surprising how little of that I've experienced directly. Maybe it's because I don't spend a lot of time on Twitter or Facebook where things seem extra bad, I don't know, but the number of times I've encountered what I'd call a genuine troll are very few and far between. The small number of people I've had friction with here were, in descending order of volume:
1. People who actually mean well and want to socialize, they just can't balance their anxiety and need for attention well enough to really get along with people in the long term. They're like lonely kids who break something so a busy parent will notice them. I usually give these people a chance until they get cross a line, which they can't seem to help doing, but they never seem totally happy about it. Oh well.
2. People who are obviously nuts, if you'll parson my glibness. Oustanding examples include the guy who I thought was joking about asking me to be in fetish porn involving wedgies, until I realized he was serious because he became rude about it; some far-right kook who sent me a lot of fragmented scraps of "news" about the dangers of immigration in Scandinavia; somebody who tried to make me help him stalk my friend, who then stalked me for a while. Dealing with people like this sucks, but it's hard to get fully angry at someone who is totally disconnected from reality.
3. Finally, actual trolls. I mean a REAL troll should be a brilliant prankster who can wind you up in an imaginative way, but there aren't many of those in the world so for convenience's sake we'll include people with no sense of humor who are just rude to strangers on purpose for no reason. I've encountered way fewer of these guys in the last 10+ years here than I'd ever have imagined. None of them stand out in my memory, they're not interesting. It's always the same: Some dude I've never heard of finds a post of mine and adds a shitty comment that has no real substance to it, it kind of just amounts to "I don't like your blog." And there's really no way to look dumber than admitting that you follow and interact with people you don't like; this abuse doesn't work the way the troll thinks it does, I'm never personally offended--how could I be, who cares how these people feel? I usually just have a moment of confusion about why people who think they're so superior only do things that they say are beneath them--I mean, if you're so much better than everybody else, don't you have something important to do?--but I know in reality they're just people who have no power in their own lives. They're like customers who abuse cashiers and waiters because it's the only time they feel like they have power over anything. It's annoying, but it's also really pathetic and hard to take seriously. Blocking them is like a little gift you donate to the poor, because it makes them feel like they "owned" you and have "won" something, though what prize that is is known only to them. Whatever, they can have it.
For the most part though, people on tumblr have been surprisingly nice to me. I've made a lot of great friends, and even the strangers who just stop by now and again are usually kind or, at the very least, polite. Maybe I just don't post a lot of the hot button stuff that attracts friction, like politics or nudes, but if I had only my own experience to go on, I'd say the internet is a much nicer place than people would have you think it is.
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hasufin · 1 year
Not to be too much of a downer, but I’m a little worried about what our economy will look like post-recession.
Okay, let’s start with an ugly fact: we’re going to have a recession. They’ve been talking about one for a couple years now. And it’s like we’ve been slowly sliding into it. We’ve got the ongoing Retailpocalypse - which I’m still not sure if there’s some hidden issue that I don’t understand or if it’s mostly just most traditional retailers utterly failing to adapt to the Internet (I have ZERO sympathy, you fuckers have had thirty years) and leaving the market open for one or two players. But “economists” have been warning of a recession for a while.
And honestly, it almost feels like many big companies are trying to make one happen. Lots of needless layoffs, reduction in spending, not to mention the Fed basically saying “Oh my! Inflation is out of hand, let’s do something to reduce how much money consumers have instead of trying to get prices down!”
I don’t understand the forces which lead to recession. This feels... forced. But I’m pretty confident that it will happen. Unemployment is going to go up, homelessness will rise, etc.
Now, for those who have been through recessions - which, sadly, means most of the people reading this - this means unemployment, uncertainty, and poor job prospects. If you’re fortunate enough to keep your job, it’s still not great.
What happens, in my experience, is that companies reduce headcount even though the work doesn’t reduce nearly as much. You end up with one person doing the jobs of three or four. The company has an “open req” to get more people, but there’s a “hiring freeze” so it won’t happen until much later. I don’t know what companies gain by claiming open positions which they have no intention of filling, but this happens often enough I assume there’s an advantage.
Yet, through heroic effort, those who remain employed (and glad they dodged that bullet) will keep things running. The employer will then conclude “Aha! You weren’t giving your 100% before! In fact, we’re sure you still aren’t! No help for you!” and the remaining workers slog on, just glad to be employed. Headcount never rises again, the positions remain quietly unfilled. Workers burn out, but there are always more people - skilled, capable, but desperate people - who will take those jobs.
This is grim enough. But I am seeing many companies investing very, very heavily in machine learning. Amazon already uses automated forklifts for their warehouses. I think many places with large scale logistics are trying to hold on until self-driving vehicles become a thing - Amazon, I suspect, hopes to jump driectly from repurposed UPS trucks to purpose-built robotic delivery. Uber and GrubHub almost certainly want to replace “independent” drivers with a fleet of self-driving cars.
But more importantly is the behind-the-scenes machine learning algorithms. There are more and more tools which companies are using to handle the traditionally very headcount-intensive customer service component; other tools to perform large-scale data integration and automate a variety of other tasks.
What I am worried about now is, companies will lay off large numbers of people, and using these new technologies they will simply... not hire people for those roles anymore. There are reasons why this is Not Great - it removes a major feedback component to decision-making (e.g., you no longer have someone to say “Hey, our customer requests are shifting, we need to rethink our supply chain”) but companies are always happy to let someone else do the innovation and simply profit off others’ work.
But from an employee perspective, I just worry about the scale of the unemployment event we’re looking at, and our response to this. What we should be doing is having serious questions about the nature of our economic system and how we can make it work for the existing population.
What I know we will do is cast it as a moral issue, blaming the people who are hurt by these shifts, without addressing the underlying issues, while maybe doing a few minor stopgap fixes to prevent outright rioting.
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mikoriin · 2 years
I want to dissappear from the internet but I also want to start selling commissions for a little back-up-plan money for Reasons... idknoww what to do 😔
thats rough im sorry :((( the internet can be a very stressful place with....literally everything going on all the time haha but i think whats important to do to curate your own online experience is to:
use the sites u actually like and prefer. i use tumblr primarily because i can manage my social media experience the way i want to.
shape your page/timeline/feed/dash into what you want. unfollow people who dont post things you like or even want to see, block people freely even if u just dont agree with something they said in their post or for just rubbing you the wrong way. you control your experience and if you dont like what youre seeing and not enjoying yourself, then u can always find something new or get rid of the things u dont want to see. for me, i dont like using twitter because its got a lot of weirdos on it and then some and i dont like seeing every horrible political event going on at all times. not because i dont care, but because its so much all the time that it gets so draining and overwhelming. with sites like tumblr, you cant necessarily avoid it depending on how big or impactful the news is (i mean ofc, we're a social media site after all) but at least if u dont like seeing a bunch of real world events that upset you then u can always block those tags or posts or unfollow the people who put it on your dash.
remember that the internet is a place to escape. yes it is a place to store information and knowledge, but it is also full of so many wonderous dangers because it is so vast. dont take it too seriously, dont get too invested in things that are out of your control, and i honestly dont think its healthy to be chronically online either. so just remember, be safe, be mindful, and have fun.
if u wanna start some commissions i also have some advice for u there!!
keep posting your content! and make sure you tag it! exposure is the BEST way to get traction and attention.
keep your commission sheet pinned to your blog. its good that its the first thing people see when they visit your page
DO NOT underprice your work!! do not do not!! u are creating something from your mind with your hands and your creativity alone, your art is special and unique no matter your skill level! never charge under $20 for even your most simple art. (ik ik my kofi comms are only $9-$12 but thats different i have a job that brings in steady money haha...and i also am a hypocrite that doesnt value my art enough) but i am SO SERIOUS when i say that every art piece is worth so much! if $15 or $10 makes you more comfortable to charge people then i encourage it, just as long as you dont go below double digits and are getting some money in!
if your commissions are lower than say...$30 or $40 then make sure you get them done in a timely manner. i know im DEFINITELY not one to talk about being quick on commissions, im so slow, but i try to get smaller pieces done first. i dont go by first come first serve, i do what it easiest to me in the moment because i have horrible time management skills thanks adhd but really just do whatever works for u! but from a money and business standpoint, i would try to get the smaller pieces done as fast as you can. bigger pieces have more leeway to take longer.
HAVE BOUNDARIES WITH UR CUSTOMERS! if you are uncomfortable drawing something, say so. decline the commission. its not worth the money if u are bothered by the content, you clearly dont want to make it therefore the art wont be satisfying to you anyway because your hearts not on it. also its better for your mental health. if a customer is being too friendly or too comfortable for you, make sure you keep it business. let them know it is just business. you do not owe anyone your friendship just because theyre giving you money. theyre paying for a service, its just as an other transaction at the store. if they are asking you to draw something youve already stated in a commission sheet that you wont draw, block them. they clearly dont know how to read or respect your boundaries because they asked you for a service you already stated you could not provide. not a good customer, move on.
uhhh i cant rly think of anything else at the moment but i hope this helps!! this has gotten pretty long so ill leave it at this, but also if you genuinely just wanna take a break from the internet to live life and decompress from it all, i say go ahead. do you. do what makes you happy.
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iptvtrendsstore · 2 days
Revolutionize Your Screen Time: Dive into Revolutionary IPTV Trends 2024
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Hey there! If you’ve been feeling like your TV watching experience could use a serious upgrade, you're not alone. The world of television and streaming is evolving faster than ever, and one of the most exciting developments is IPTV (Internet Protocol Television). In this article, we’re going to dive into the revolutionary IPTV trends for 2024 that are set to change the way we enjoy our screen time. So grab a snack, get comfy, and let’s explore how you can transform your viewing habits!
What is IPTV?
You might be wondering, "What exactly is IPTV?" Simply put, IPTV is a way of delivering television content over the internet rather than through traditional satellite or cable systems. This means you can watch your favorite shows, movies, and live TV using your internet connection. Think of it like Netflix or Hulu, but with a lot more live TV options.
Why Switch to IPTV?
The benefits of IPTV are pretty compelling:
Flexibility: Watch what you want, when you want, on any device.
Variety: Access to a vast range of channels and content from all over the world.
Cost-Effectiveness: Typically cheaper than traditional cable packages.
For me, switching to IPTV was a game-changer. I travel a lot, and being able to watch my favorite shows on my laptop or phone, no matter where I am, has been fantastic. Plus, I love having access to international channels that I couldn’t get with my old cable subscription.
The Rise of IPTV: Market Trends and Growth
IPTV is on the rise, and the numbers speak for themselves. As of 2024, the global IPTV market is booming, with millions of new subscribers joining every year. There are a few key reasons for this surge:
Increasing Internet Penetration: More people have access to high-speed internet than ever before.
Smart TV Adoption: Smart TVs, which are perfect for IPTV, are becoming standard in homes around the world.
Demand for On-Demand Content: Viewers want the freedom to watch what they want, when they want.
Major IPTV service providers are also stepping up their game, offering better content, improved user interfaces, and innovative features that make IPTV a must-have for any TV enthusiast.
Top Revolutionary IPTV Trends for 2024
Let’s dive into some of the most exciting and revolutionary IPTV trends for 2024. These trends are set to revolutionize how we consume media and offer some pretty cool new ways to enjoy our screen time.
Enhanced User Experience
The user experience (UX) is at the forefront of IPTV development. Providers are investing heavily in creating interfaces that are not only visually appealing but also incredibly intuitive.
Improved Interfaces: Expect sleek, user-friendly designs that make it easy to find and watch your favorite content.
Personalized Recommendations: With AI and machine learning, IPTV services can suggest shows and movies tailored to your viewing habits.
I remember the first time I saw a recommendation for a show that became an instant favorite. It felt like the platform really "got" me, which made the whole experience more enjoyable.
Integration of Advanced Technologies
Technology is advancing at a breakneck pace, and IPTV is right at the cutting edge.
5G Technology: The rollout of 5G networks means faster, more reliable streaming with less buffering.
AI and Machine Learning: From content curation to customer support, AI is making IPTV smarter and more responsive.
Imagine watching a live sports event in stunning 4K with no lag, thanks to 5G. That’s the kind of revolutionary IPTV trend we’re talking about!
Expanded Content Libraries
One of the biggest draws of IPTV is the vast array of content available.
Original Content Production: Just like Netflix and Amazon Prime, IPTV providers are producing their own exclusive shows and movies.
International Content: Access to channels and content from all over the globe means there’s always something new and exciting to watch.
I’ve discovered some incredible shows from other countries that I would never have found on traditional TV. It’s like having a passport to the world of entertainment.
Multi-Device Support and Cross-Platform Integration
Gone are the days when you had to be in front of your TV to enjoy your favorite shows.
Seamless Streaming: Watch on your TV, smartphone, tablet, or even your laptop without missing a beat.
Smart Home Integration: Control your IPTV with voice assistants like Alexa or Google Assistant.
I love being able to start a show on my TV at home and then continue watching it on my phone when I’m out and about. It’s all about convenience and flexibility.
Enhanced Security Measures
With so much content online, security is a top priority for IPTV providers.
Advanced Encryption: Protecting your data and ensuring your viewing experience is safe and secure.
Anti-Piracy Measures: Keeping your content and the service’s content safe from unauthorized access.
Knowing that my data is secure and that I’m supporting the creators of the content I love gives me peace of mind.
The Future of Interactive TV
Interactivity is one of the most exciting aspects of revolutionary IPTV trends for 2024. Here’s what you can look forward to:
Interactive Features
Live Polls and Real-Time Feedback: Engage with live TV in ways never before possible.
Interactive Advertising: Ads that you can interact with, making the whole experience more engaging.
VR and AR Experiences
Virtual Reality (VR): Immersive viewing experiences that put you right in the middle of the action.
Augmented Reality (AR): Enhancing your viewing with interactive elements overlaid on the real world.
Imagine watching a cooking show where you can virtually interact with the ingredients or a sports event where you feel like you’re actually in the stadium. These are the kinds of experiences that are just around the corner.
IPTV for Every Viewer: Customized Packages
One size doesn’t fit all, especially when it comes to entertainment.
Customizable Subscription Packages
Family Plans: Options that cater to multiple viewers with diverse tastes.
Pay-Per-View Options: Only pay for the content you actually watch.
On-Demand Content Access: Access shows and movies on your schedule.
This flexibility is one of the revolutionary IPTV trends for 2024 that I appreciate the most. My household has a wide range of tastes, and being able to customize our subscription means everyone gets what they want.
IPTV Trends 2024: Customer Insights
Hearing from actual users is always helpful. Here are some insights and stories from IPTV Trends customers.
John, 34: "I love how personalized the content recommendations are. It's like having my own personal TV guide."
Sarah, 28: "The multi-device support is amazing. I can start a show at home and finish it on the train. It's super convenient."
Case Studies
Family of Four: How a customizable family plan made everyone happy.
Frequent Traveler: Staying connected to favorite shows and live TV while on the go.
Choosing the Right IPTV Provider: What to Look For
With so many options out there, how do you choose the right IPTV provider? Here are some tips:
Essential Features
Channel Variety: Make sure the provider offers the channels you love.
Streaming Quality: Look for providers that offer HD or 4K streaming.
Customer Support: Reliable support is crucial for resolving any issues quickly.
Comparison of Top Providers
Take the time to compare what each provider offers. Look at factors like price, channel selection, and user reviews.
Why IPTV Trends Stands Out
At IPTV Trends, we pride ourselves on offering:
A Wide Range of Channels: From local favorites to international gems.
Top-Notch Streaming Quality: Enjoy your content in stunning HD and 4K.
Exceptional Customer Support: Our team is always ready to help with any questions or issues.
Getting Started with IPTV Trends
Ready to make the switch? Here’s how you can get started with IPTV Trends.
Step-by-Step Guide
Choose Your Plan: Select the subscription package that’s right for you.
Sign Up: Create your account and enter your payment details.
Install the App: Download our app on your preferred devices.
Start Watching: Enjoy your new viewing experience!
Overview of Subscription Plans
We offer a variety of plans to suit different needs and budgets. Whether you’re looking for a basic package or a comprehensive plan with all the bells and whistles, we’ve got you covered.
Installation Process
Setting up IPTV Trends is a breeze. Our user-friendly setup guide will have you up and running in no time.
IPTV is changing the way we watch TV, and the revolutionary IPTV trends for 2024 are making it better than ever. With enhanced user experiences, advanced technologies, expanded content libraries, and more, there’s never been a better time to make the switch. So why wait? Revolutionize your screen time with IPTV Trends today and experience the future of television.
Call to Action
Ready to dive into the world of IPTV? Explore our subscription plans and special offers here. Have questions? Our customer support team is always here to help. Join the IPTV Trends community on social media for the latest updates and promotions. Don’t forget to check out our IPTVTrends login page for easy access to your account
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statisticalsite · 9 months
ChromEngage Review
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Siphon Leads From An Untapped Audience of 1,385 Million in Any Niche On Complete Autopilot, In Under 2 Minutes!
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Whether you want to sell more products, make more money as an affiliate, build your online audience or get more business to your offline store…
Everyone can agree on these three aspects, being the most important keys to any online business.
Traffic, without it … you've just got a lonely, sad… pathetic (did i mention lonely)… website. Customer or subscriber base. The larger the list, the bigger the income! Sales. Cold, hard … spendable, in your bank account kind of money. A lot of people might try and overcomplicate things, right?
When you have these three things. An audience, products that sell and people to buy… it WILL make you money.
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You see, the truth is….
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You get a targeted subscriber list, by accessing a HUGE traffic source and tapping into the most targeted traffic on the planet. Google. Or paid traffic, or spending days/weeks/years on SEO.
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The Google Chrome Website Browser
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His technique was simple.
Bought a cheap piece of software to give away as a lead magnet
Created an extension with ChromEngage & published in Chrome Store
Collected handsfree email & push notification leads
Sent a push notification and made money as an affiliate
Now he has the leads, he can do this over and over again AND the list is still growing! Watch the video to see how he did it.
ChromEngage Drives Traffic Page 1 Google Rankings Out Of 63,700 Results
An obvious benefit of being listed on the Google Chrome Store is the SEO advantage. This was ranked by the name of the ChromEngage extension he created. You can get strong rankings from the extension name you choose, as well as the description and any tags you add too!
ChromEngage Builds Email Lists 83 Handsfree Email Leads (11 in ONE day!)
The ChromEngage extensions are created to leverage every part of the traffic that comes to your website and to the Google Chrome directory.
These leads were captured as part of the automatically built-in lead generation funnel. When someone installs your ChromEngage extension you'll automatically be able to send push notifications, but by capturing their email addresses you can stay in contact with them via email - even if they uninstall your extension.
The money is in the list - and with lists built for you from organic search traffic? Well, those are the BEST kind of leads. Targeted, automated and constantly fresh.
Hmm… OK, Sounds Great, But… Isn't Making Chrome Extensions REALLY Technical, Complicated & Expensive To Create, Deploy & Maintain? Well, Actually… We've Solved All Of That & Made It Completely Point & Click Simple! INTRODUCING…
Fill Out Your Details
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Submit To Google
Upload your extension. You will need to pay a $5 fee, which lets you upload 20 extensions (just $0.25 per extension) and there is no approval process so as soon as you upload, it's live!
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ChromEngage LeadGen Goes To Work Right Away! When a visitor arrives on your page, they'll be greeted by this friendly notification: If They Are Using Chrome Our software automatically detects their browser type and if they are one of the 53%+ users who have Chrome installed it will show them something like this:
If They're Not Using Chrome Since that leaves some people using different browsers, we've thought of that too! Those people will see a message like this instead, encouraging them still… to sign up!
They Click & Are Automatically Taken To This: Your very own Chrome Extension page prompting them to install your extension Professional Look & Feel, Hosted By Google In Their Directory This all happens for you, without any extra work on your behalf. You simply take the zip file we give you, upload it and add your website details. Once it's set up in the Google Chrome directory and you've enabled push notifications, anyone who has your extension installed (they simply click 'add to chrome') you can send them push notifications, delivering a traffic driving call to action whenever you choose via our easy to use dashboard.
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heyzebulon · 10 months
Just shouting into the void some feedback for paid DMs for TTRPGs because I see a lot of promotional posts for them:
1) Charge more - I don't want to pay a little. I want a premium service. I would pay $50 at least an hour for a paid DM who has animated maps, music, great character voices etc. I want to pay for the Critical Role experience. $15 session is an immediate "no way" from me.
2) Go deluxe - If you're charging at all, you really should be offering the kind of premium experience you could charge more for. Really work with the players on personal storylines that weave into the bigger narrative, use world maps and town maps and scene backdrops. You might not be good at voices, but you could still run tactically interesting combats with custom tokens. Find your angle and make it deluxe.
3) Start fresh - I don't want to join an ongoing campaign. I don't want to pay to be the 6th wheel to an existing group of friends with established inside l jokes. Start new campaigns for new groups instead of trying to get everyone to get along in one group.
4) Have a website - If you're just @ goblinking420 on Discord posting that you're a paid DM, I'm not keen to pay you to do anything. Get a basic .wordpress or even .squarespace domain and use a template. Put your About section there, the campaigns you run, your availability to hire in a calendar, have some player testimonials. If you're not serious about treating being a paid DM as a business then I am not serious about paying you.
I would love to pay for a good DM who is serious about providing a premium service. I've reached the age where most of my friends don't have time anymore and first kids are on the way for more people in the group. We have money, and we're increasingly using that to buy time back.
But I see so many "pay to play" campaigns that's just any average DM asking for $15 to cover their various subscription costs - like my dude, I am subscribed to the same platforms, but I would only ask friends for donations not strangers on the internet.
If it becomes a requirement to play, if it feels like a business transaction, then I want to feel like I am buying something from a real business.
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voyeuristicvixen · 11 months
Capts Log No.43_ VoyeurMe
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UGH. Idc im so stubborn I will fucking do it fucking again it will fucking be better than the last time bitch. So what I was saying, DISCLAIMER THIS BLOG FOR MATURE AUDIENCES. If you my pops you def cant reaad this lmao. Consider this the lock on my diary. I wasnt going to tell this story, then that shit that just happened made me feel like I DEF shouldnt tell the story but I love the quote I was literally just tryna add a quote at the end and fucked it all up... whatever whatever.
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From time to time I go to this place called Social Island. Its nice place for ppl watching, if you are observant like me.. I love to observe nature, the stars, people, and SL residents! The profiles, expressions, avatars, its always something new and different to see and people from all over are just right at your fingertips. You can learn about their country, customs, whats going on present moment the things the news won't tell you. Its a trip. Yea thats the internet but SL is the whole experience of it, and IYKYK! Theres also of course the occasional debauchery of trolls, loud ass music players and sexual harassers.
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So one day I see HELLBOY. *swoons* Like- I can't explain how or why folks, ,but I got so hrny seeing this avatar lmao. Sexy af to me. I was just like, lemme get my tredente waaataaa cuz why am I so thirsty all of a sudden this is unnacceptable!!! But then I look at the profile..
No text. No description. No picture of their avi, just a glitched out looking Skullhead. lol. Idk I have always had a thing for beastly characters. Like the beast from beauty and the beast was one of the first fictional characters i was attracted to lmao.
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So I see my RL birthday is the dudes REZ day. Cant make this shit up guyss, I was looking at something on facebook, a sl couple that had this exact situation that were like celebrating something and I was like oh shit that so cool/cute. Next day this shit happens! Okay and then peep the days, 4440. lol .... We talked for about 6 hours.
About deep shit like spirituality, past lives, the usual thing I go on about.. but this dude was skeptic, intelligent. Non-believer. I should have clocked at some point how much he didnt believe in shit but it is nice to talk to people who do not believe in what you do and are still open-minded to hear you out. So that was cool.
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I hate how happy we look in that pic on the left lmao because no, this does not end well! The last thing I gotta say haha because after all this is VoyeuristicVixen I cant not ... He had a lot of forms and one of them was VENOM. *sticks tongue out* Have you ever been ate out by Venom? I- lemme just stop there lmao *sips tea* Press play & cont: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWWrEMPLQog
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He visited my crib in Jamrock, he even joined mystory lol.
So on his 4444th day, all hit the fan. I decided to have the talk that you know I dont want anything serious, I am still going through healing from a divorce yadda yadda. And it was a great day to do it because 4 represents foundations... four fours is like ultimate foundational energy.
I dont wanna really date on SL or RL at all right now, If anything I want to demo what open relationship situation would be like to see if that is something for me. SL is a great place to test what you are comfortable with in a safe way. Especially with BSDM matters but thats for another blog. So anyways I am telling him about 4444 from my favorite source, and how excited I was for that day for him.. Remember the dude a skeptic.
Long story short, I gauged something that he was doing and called him out on it. When I ended up being right I joked like yea cuz im psychic which is true but i was being vibey.. lol he ends up revealing some prejudices he had against brown people calling themselves psychic. He from India, brown too. But that dont make a difference. People can still be programmed against their own. I was a fun four day fling and I do not regret a thing!
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The main lesson I was tryna quote myself on in the last version of this blog lmao was that not every sign or symbol needs to be acted upon. Not everything you attract is worth your time. This world is literally made of constant synchronicities and patterns of numbers and instances. If you really look closely you will see it all.. Everything really is that deep dont get me wrong.
"you dont have to look down to gather water from the well." -FOXEY HENDRIX
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i am currently obsessed with this new Alchemy viewer, it does need a few things like a better flycam system for controller and also the ability to pose like the BD "poser" tool & OMG *chefs kiss*
Ive been going EVERYWHERE, like-
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Mentoring has been a trip also, its really fun to observe how people go about their first moments on the grid. Last night had someone almost give up till we talked them off the ledge XD For me it was always easy and intuitive to pick up SL was not too hard. But a lot of people just want to start experiencing and connecting and dont care for the technical stuff! It really means a lot to me to be able to make things easier for folks so they have a chance to enjoy the things we all enjoy about Secondlife.
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Lmao people will literally be naked all the time but not even their fault they just get stuck trying to change. There are changing rooms, but people dont usually bother to walk to them even if we offer to take them there. I usually just direct them to where they can switch the default avatar so they find clothes quicker.
But omg, this one person kept switching into all kind of random forms that were highly disproportionate you can kinda see ... and then this female had a random bt plug just chillen there. THEY DONT SPEAK. which is the funniest part becacuse you cant tell what the hell is going on. They just start doing weird things to simulate "the act" XD im like " yes we love all expressions here on sl and there are designated places for that! " & they actually do listen to me. Sometimes my fellow mentors will freak out at trolls, and im like.. trolls? my specialty!
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exhibit a. the OG trolls of SL used to grieve regions like this, falling d*ck orbs idek what to call them but i remember this day like it was yesterday, i was shopping for clothes at this cute korean place, back then there was a lot more asian creators for mesh clothes .. and suddenly the sky changed i kid you not. Also i think something about the sounds changed too like there was sirens, something that made me walk outside the building, then it was raining d*cks !!! ROFL. I miss when trolls were super original like this... ive also heard some other great griefer stories, I want to find the infamous bomb case.. apparently there was once a case that would basically make everyone in the room crash lol. But I think the servers are built against that very well now.. (not me talking about SL terr*sm) I have no inention to use these things it would just be great to meet someone who knows about those times XD I have to put these * by every word because I dont wanna get fl*ggd lmao. OKAY IM DONE TILL NEXT TIME!!
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Shout out to these WelcomHub cutiess <3 Heather is always in something fly shes the dopest!
0 notes
myfitnessblog0086 · 1 year
The following are first impressions of the new Fist of the North Star Fitness Boxing game based on the DEMO, and not the final version. The final version will be available on March the 2nd and I will be more than happy to give an updated version of these opinions and how everything works by the 1st of April.
Again these reflect my opinions and my assumptions on how this game works. In the demo version I was cut off from a lot of features of the game and I was able to find what I could on the internet to give me a better idea. My opinions are based on personal experience and does not mean that you need to do the same.
We have our own reasons for doing Fitness. Me? I was already labeled as pre-diabetic, and my doctor made it pretty clear if I didn't start changing my life then there was going to be life-altering consequences.
We also discussed about how sometimes diabetes can lead to leg amputation. Or not being able to get around. My experience is with gout let me have a small preview of that and I was having none of it.
So I looked into what might be a good workout. PlayStation 4 had a really good Rocky workout. VR headset and the light and my computer just wasn't up to snuff to try the steam version.
I tried the demo of Fitness Boxing and for whatever reason it clicked. After the pandemic came.. working out at home became extremely popular.. they even had a Fight Camp that became popular during the pandemic as well as the Peloton bike system.
Getting to the meat of it: Fitness Boxing Fist of the North Star is the latest version of the Fitness Boxing franchise. In some ways it feels like a combination of both games. Nintendo themselves stated on their web page that they took what was popular from both games. Like the alarm clock feature that's exclusive for the second game until now.
The only reason that you're getting this game is because you're either a fan of the manga or Anime. Perhaps you want something that looks a little bit more serious? This world is post-apocalyptic. To some that's a very weird or even a silly concept. Various YouTubers have mentioned it as a kind of a silly concept.
Taking the silliness, weirdness, and putting it aside it's built on the foundation of very decent game. It's built on the foundation of Fitness Boxing One. Even Fitness Boxing 2 is built on that foundation and they just expand upon it, and revamp the energy.
Because the tone has changed, because the energy has changed you're not going to find songs by Pink or Bananarama. Trying to get into the tone mentality.. you're being trained by somebody who IS stronger so that you can survive.
So they take that foundation and then they add this new battle mode. Battle mode and achievements are essential for this game because it is how you're going to be unlocking everything. Battle mode is where you going to be taking everything that you learned and you're going to be putting it to use. There's also a lot of pressure to get everything right in the battle mode because one miss.. and you're going to pay for it..
So is this game adding anything new or adding anything fresh? Yes and no.
Yes: You're getting a brand new ESRB rating of T for Teen. You're getting the new battle mode. You're getting this post-apocalyptic world, a more serious tone, and serious music to match. You're making progress in more than just exercises. There's a progression system that will allow you to unlock more and more content. You're not just given the new music like in the previous game. The outfits are preselected, there's no customization and choice on this top goes better with this bottom. I was able to see in the demo there's only five outfits. Most of instructors are locked instead of given to you freely at the beginning. You have to work for the rest and they're mostly male.
No: During the exercises and training you're still getting the same dialogue but it's in somebody else's voice with a different instructor. (Kenshiro Tells you "Boom Boom Boom" like the rest. Which is just really weird considering the game itself is not light-hearted and friendly. I mean there's a city destroyed in the background but he's keeping the exercises light-hearted and fun. Lol.) The only new dialogue is in the battle mode. The transforming screens from Fitness Boxing 2 are exclusive for the battle mode and it's usually while you're trying to dodge a flurry of fists during the special attack. You're getting the patented "Fitness Boxing 2 Alarm" as well as a way to keep track of your weight and stretch. In some ways it just feels more like a cheap reskin in the fitness part of the game. Like they just re-skinned everything and retooled the voices and left the training mode pretty much alone. In some ways it feels forgotten about.. but battle mode is where they pour their heart and soul into the game. Is this an Unholy fusion of both One and Two?
Bottom line:
You're getting the core game experience included. Basically you're getting Fitness Boxing One with some bells and whistles added on. In some ways the training mode is a little bit more restrictive because you don't have everything unlocked and there's not a lot of music.
Fitness Boxing One retailed for about $40.
I would say that this cheap reskin of the core game, (no added dialogue, only two trainers right at the beginning and you have to use achievements unlock more outfits that offer LESS customization than previous games..)
I say maybe if it was just the core game.. Maybe worth $25 or $30?
But you're not getting the core game are you? You're getting the extended battle mode, which is where the game really shines. Even the tone shifts. Going from a bleak post-apocalyptic wasteland during the training mode to something that's a little bit more energized by taking down foes. Double it when you're taking down a boss. I also like that you can separate these into individual workouts especially if you want to focus on something in particular or give yourself a challenge.
So is it worth $40 for the core gaming experience and the expanded battle mode? Most definitely. Is it worth $50?
Fitness Boxing 1 sold over a million copies in little over a year. Fitness Boxing 2 came out in 2021 and I snatched up a copy right away. $50 for Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm and Exercise.
Basically you're getting Fitness Boxing one and Fitness Boxing two in the same package. You're getting the well animated backgrounds in battle mode. You're getting a sometimes silly, and sometimes weird experience but it's unique for the fitness boxing games. Plus.. it's fucking Fist of the North Star BITCH!
Worth $50? It's a different experience but you're still going to be enjoying the heck out of it. And it's going to be different then the other two which would hold my attention enough to replay the entire game again. Because that's basically what I had to do with Fitness Boxing 2. I had to go through every exercise and unlock every song again and the only thing that really imported over was my Fitness data from the previous game but didn't give me access to everything right off the bat which I thought was the point of it.
I could also see myself going back and forth between Fitness Boxing two Rhythm and exercise and this game.
The longer explanation:
What I did notice was almost like a mobile gaming experience. Very reminiscent of Fitness Boxing One. It had none of the flash, substance and vibrancy from Fitness Boxing Two Rhythm and Exercise. One gives you a basic game. As far as I know there is never been any updates to Fitness Boxing number one. (I hope that's not the case with this game. I hope that they continue to create and add content.) Fitness Boxing number 2 attempts to amp up the energy, and amp up the excitement. They have a meter that fills up and when that meter fills up you get a score doubler and the background images begin to change. With some stages you'll have cakes dancing in the background and bouncing like it's a party.
However considering the tone of the game that's probably a little bit more appropriate they didn't go with the Fitness Boxing Two feature I mentioned above. (It will be missed.) However it was a feature that I still enjoy with Fitness Boxing 2.
The 3D models are stellar. The locations are limited, but very well detailed and animated. The locations are very still, and very serious. Like one of them is a mountain top. You can clearly see piles of Bones as two torches are lit and the flames are going. There's also fun and entertaining moments and references in the game. Sometimes it feels a little bit silly as well. It's serious about being a boxing game and being used as a training tool but it also doesn't take its help too seriously with how you're being trained in a post-apocalyptic world.
Also they didn't change the dialogue at all. At least not in the regular training modes. For all that they did cut, they added new modes and things to do. The progression system is something that is certainly new. Unlocking new trainers (all the trainers are not given to you at the beginning) you will have to defeat them in combat first. Once you defeat them in combat, you'll unlock some additional achievements to be able to earn money and buy them outfits. Eventually giving you more money to unlock additional music. You may also be able to unlock additional locations once you defeat the boss.
Battle mode is where you are going to be finding yourself if you're not in the training modes. Battle mode is where this game really shines because you get the animated backgrounds changing like in Fitness Boxing Two here. There's a video below that gives you a better explanation of a boss battle. Regular levels are just going to be "Do the punches correctly and make no mistakes" and down yourself a thug. Collect a certain number of thugs Before Time runs out. If you find yourself at the quota what time remaining just keep going.
Their battle mode is sort of designed as a mastery mode. You can train and train and train into your heart's content. When you enter battle mode, as silly as it is it also gets pretty darn serious. You have the No Mercy mode included (relabeled as hard and available for all modes.) and it focuses on different workouts. So world one is considered to be the novice level.
Fitness Boxing has always had three different levels of of accomplished boxing levels. You have the beginner, intermediate and advanced. However.. let's say that world one is the beginner and two and three are the intermediate. Four and five are the advanced. What is world Six?!
It's also kind of silly that you can block by punching. Now you have to remember that this is a boxing game.. but this world that it takes place in is a martial arts world.. so it's teaching you something that you wouldn't learn in boxing in the battle mode which is blocking by using your hands or fists.
Mr Miyagi from The karate kid would be the first to tell us "Remember? For best block, no be there." or for you to dodge it. So for future boxing reference, putting your fists up to create yourself a shield, or just dodging it like they teach you in the Fitness Boxing training is the best.
So you can only play the first level of the Battle Mode in the demo but I set it to hard because I'm considered an advanced user with the Fitness Boxing series. Level one was just straight punches. You do a series of punches at the proper time and after the set the thug is defeated. You need to defeat a certain amount of them before time is up. If you make a mistake and miss, or do the wrong action you don't get to claim that thug.
So in hard mode it basically wanted me to defeat 28 of them and once I hit my number that I needed it kept you going. So continuing moving forward it gave me another 20 for a total of 48 out of 28.
The demo also did offer up an explanation on how the boss battles work. However YouTube videos are better.
As you can see it's a back and forth. You block his attacks and then you punch him. You have a health bar and everything. The explanation in the game is if you can manage to fill up your spirit bar all the way up.. you can unleash a special attack of your own as a finishing blow.
If you get the American version you're going to have English dialogue and it's not going to be in Japanese. I don't know if you're able to change that. (which is a feature from Fitness Boxing 2) I am glad to see that you actually have something to work for. In the original two games, the only thing that you were working for was working for exercise, to beat achievements to unlock costume pieces. Unlocking music as well as new workouts was an automatic process. Just play the song that you played you just unlocked to unlock another one. Same concept with the exercises.
Yes your extras are on lockdown. You have two songs to choose from at the very beginning and as you earn achievements you'll earn a currency that you can use to unlock more stuff to listen to. You also use that same currency to unlock additional costumes. You don't start off with all the trainers available. You can earn a second one. Almost all the trainers are very manly looking men. So far I've only noticed one female. However the available trainers that are locked only have their silhouettes available and I believe them to be bosses.
Again this is the demo so I don't know for sure. But since they have similar silhouettes to the bosses and I am familiar with some of the names.. I believe that you can unlock the majority of the bosses (except for the first one and the final one which is an unknown.)
It also contains none of the over the top violence that you'd see in the show or Manga. However the world in which it takes place (post-apocalypse) and the fact that you're beating up on people (battle mode or placing a stamp.) Increases the rating from E to T, but doesn't go as far as the PlayStation 4 M rating from 2018.
The anime in the manga is very old and has been reprinted many times. Very seldom a game. The last time Fist the North Star had a game it was back in PlayStation 4 in 2018. Published by SEGA, the game was made by and contained many of the gameplay mechanics found in the Yakuza series. A brawler type or beat em up type game.
Also the other reason why I think this crossover happened is because currently Namco bandai has a big hold on all the big anime right now. So it would be My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, bleach?, and One Piece. The property is very old but still profitable. Listed at number 21 of the most profitable franchises on Wikipedia, not that far from Toy Story. The manga debuted in the early '80s and it's just so old.. it's older than I am.. so because Imagineer would have to work with nemco bandai for something like "Fitness Boxing Dragon Ball Z" I believe that's another reason that this series was chosen. Plus it would attract an older demographic? To remember it fondly when you were old enough to buy it brand new you would have to be born in 1965 Japan.
Another reason why Manga like Fist of the North Star is important is because it inspired many of the martial arts animes and also was in shonen jump alongside Dragon Ball Z. In fact the creator of the Berserk manga.. (damn it we're getting into the origins of anime here!) Had come out and said that Fist of the North Star was instrumental for his inspiration with his series.
If you're interested in getting into the manga (which any anime fan would highly recommend because it usually offers more. Anime is kind of like a condensed version of a manga and doesn't always faithfully do the manga Justice. Plus the manga is shown in the game as well as the characters from the manga.) A good place to start would be Fist of the Blue Sky.
It's a prequel to Fist of the North Star. It's set in an alternate 1930s Japan. It centers around a different Kenshiro, the predecessor to the one that has the power of the North Star now.
It will give you an introduction to the world that you're about to enter before the Apocalypse. Of course the anime regenesis is a popular choice. As well as the original Fist of the North Star anime or Movie. (No not to live action movie with Gary Daniels and Malcolm McDowell.) The anime movie which gives you a condensed version of his adventure and includes practically all the characters you're going to be seeing in this game.
I personally can vouch for the anime movie because that's what started me down this path. I'm not much of a comic guy.. EXCEPT TMNT BITCH!
I know my opinion won't be shared here because there's a lot of hate for early dubbed works of anime. But until the anime movie I had a really limited exposure to Fist of the North Star. In fact because I heard of Fist of the North Star having a game on PlayStation 4.. I think that's what attracted me to the movie in the first place.. in fact I saw it on October 2nd 2018 which is the same day that the world got the release of the game for Playstation 4..
Eventually I noticed that there was an anime and I put it on my Amazon wish list with the intention to buy it. BUT! It wasn't dubbed like the movie was. Yes they changed a whole bunch of minor words in the anime dub version of the movie. On some occasions they change that classic line by adding "I know! BUT! You're already dead."
Of course the anime series made me aware of the live-action movie. Eventually I got full exposure to the anime series on Crunchyroll. There you can watch Fist of the Blue Sky, the original series and DD.
To be honest I don't think I'm going to be interested in DD too much. I'm not a huge fan of the chibi art style. (Yes I PASSED on RWBY Chibi.) But the comedic elements and the change of story might be worth a watch.
Fist of the Blue Sky is completely 3D animated. Until I watched Berserk (2016) on Crunchyroll I had never known an entire anime series to be 3D animated. Of course both of them have parts where it's not 3D animated. Especially Berserk. There are times when they stop using the 3D models and go back to a flatter animation.
I have to say cuz I'm watching it right now.. Fist of the Blue Sky just feels better animated in 3D. It's almost like I'm watching a top-notch video game. The 3D models don't feel stiff and stagnant.
0 notes
icinch · 1 year
10 Things Sam Walton Can Teach You About Internet Marketing
New Post has been published on https://www.cinchhomebiz.com/10-things-sam-walton-can-teach-you-about-internet-marketing/
10 Things Sam Walton Can Teach You About Internet Marketing
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Regardless of what people might think of the Walmart we know today, there is a lot to be learned from Walmart’s founder Sam Walton. In fact, if Sam were starting in business in 2020, he would almost undoubtedly be starting that business online.
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So what can we glean from the guy in the old pickup truck who loved retailing?
Don’t worry about what others say about you. At JC Penney’s, his first full time job out of college, the personnel director told Sam, “Walton, I’d fire you if you weren’t such a good salesman. Maybe you’re just not cut out for retail.” No one remembers that man’s name, but Sam built an empire no one is likely to ever forget.
If people are telling you that you’re not cut out for online marketing, just remember Sam and smile.
Go with your strengths. Sam wasn’t good at accounting, he had poor organizational skills and he was hopelessly disorganized. But one thing he could do really well was build a team of people who could handle these things for him.
Focus on your strengths and outsource the rest.
Build relationships. In college, Same wanted to be student body president, so he discovered a trick that he would use for the rest of his life:
“I learned early on that one of the secrets to campus leadership was the simplest thing of all: speak to people coming down the sidewalk before they speak to you. I did that in college. I would always look ahead and speak to the person coming toward me. If I knew them, I would call them by name, but even if I didn’t I would still speak to them. Before long, I probably knew more students than anybody in the university, and they recognized me and considered me their friend.”
Sam made friends everywhere he went, and you can do the same thing online. Talk to everyone in your niche because you never know who is going to be your next customer, your ally, your promoter, your affiliate or your next joint venture partner.
Be a learning machine. Sam never stopped reading books and taking courses because he understood that the next great idea could come from anywhere.
Choose 5 or 10 proven online marketers to follow, and then read everything they write. Read a marketing book each week, and develop a curiosity for everything related to your field. Keep an open mind and know that your next great idea is hidden right in front of you – you just have to uncover it and act on it.
Learn from your competition. When Sam bought his first store, he realized the store across the street was doing twice as well. So Sam spent time everyday checking out his competitor to see what he was doing, right and wrong. Later he checked out Kmarts, who were ahead of him at the time. Then he visited the headquarters of other retailers who didn’t consider him to be serious competition. Little did they know…
Carefully watch and analyze what other online marketers are doing right and wrong and learn from them. Make friends with them. Ask questions. Bribe them, buy their courses and do whatever it takes to find out what’s already working.
Continually experiment with your business. Sam was continually applying what he learned elsewhere to his stores. Said Sam:
“I think my constant fiddling and meddling with the status quo may have been one of my biggest contributions to the later success of Walmart.”
Learn something and apply it. Make it your mantra: Learn something – innovate. And test, test and test some more to see what is working best. In no other business model in history has it been easier to innovate, test and discover exactly what is working and what needs improving than in online marketing.
Don’t reinvent the wheel – adapt it to your own use. According to Sam, “…most everything I’ve done I’ve copied from somebody else…”
There are plenty of proven online marketing business models you can choose from, so don’t think you have to invent the next revolutionary thing. Instead, take what’s already working and make it even better.
Make mistakes and then move on. Sam didn’t understand the terms of his first lease or how to buy a business. He borrowed money and went into debt to overpay for a failed Ben Franklin store in Newport, Arkansas. After 5 long years of grueling work and long hours, he had quadrupled sales and he had the most successful Ben Franklin store in the region. That’s when the landlord booted him out to give the store to his son to run. There was nowhere else in town to locate Sam’s store, so he drove across four states looking for a new location. He found one in Bentonville, Arkansas and started over.
It’s okay to get it wrong the first time. In fact, you’re probably going to make mistakes and that’s terrific, because it means you’ve started. You’re moving, you’ve got momentum and you’re making progress. Mistakes aren’t roadblocks, they’re bumps in the road to success.
Don’t dwell on your mistakes. Says Sam about being thrown out of his own store, “I’ve never been one to dwell on reverses, and I didn’t do so then…. I know I read my leases a lot more carefully after that, and maybe I became a little more wary of just how tough the world can be …. But I didn’t dwell on my disappointment.”
Every moment is a fresh beginning and an opportunity to take what you’ve learned – good and bad – and use it to your advantage.
Enjoy the process and your victories. In his autobiography, which was written on his deathbed, Sam wrote, “Walmart No. 18 … opened in 1969, and it marked our return to Newport … nineteen years after we had basically been run out of town. By then, I was long over what had happened to us down there, and I didn’t have revenge in mind…. As it happened, we did extraordinarily well with our Newport Walmart, and it wasn’t too long before the old Ben Franklin store I had run on Front Street had to close its doors. You can’t say we ran that guy—the landlord’s son—out of business. His customers were the ones who shut him down. They voted with their feet.”
Sometimes success can be a long time in coming, so remember to enjoy the process and the victories along the way. There were 17 successful stores prior to No. 18 and no doubt Sam enjoyed them all. At first, even your smallest successes should be celebrated, whether it’s your first website, your first sale, or your first $10,000 day.
When it comes to success, Sam Walton may have said it best:
“Celebrate your successes. Find humor in your failures. And remember that high expectations are the key to everything.”
Expect to succeed, act as though you are already successful, do the things you need to do to succeed, and the rest will take care of itself.
0 notes
mark6f · 2 years
Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Princess Cut 925 Sterling Silver Engagement Rings For Women CLEAN-OUT SALE: WEDDING RING SET CLASSIC JEWELRY PRINCESS CUT FOR JUST $59.54 It's time for us to clean up our inventory (which means it's time for you to shop). Enjoy a limited offer on our super-popular Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Princess Cut -- and we're slashing prices like never before. Find your pick with a 36% discount! At this shop, we guarantee: Quality craftsmanship and quality in every product Ready-to-help customer service for any questions Need more reason to buy? See why our offer is so great below. WEDDING RING SET CLASSIC JEWELRY PRINCESS CUT: DETAILED FEATURES Item Weight: 8.5g Gender: Women Looks like an attractive offer, doesn’t it? Hurry up and click on ADD TO CART because this item is in high demand and could run out of stock! PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Can I be sure that your goods meet all the manufacturing standards? We work with serious manufacturers. Therefore, we can assure you that when purchasing our Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Princess Cut, you get a product that meets all the manufacturing standards in this niche. How can I be sure the 925 Sterling Silver Engagement Rings For Women can beat the competition? We strive to provide the best quality for reasonable money. Therefore, all our products match this standard including the Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Princess Cut. I don’t see the price. How much do I need to pay for this? For one product, you will have to pay $59.54. Are there any additional taxes to pay? Depending on your location, there might be taxes applied to your purchase. You will be able to see the final cost of your order on the checkout page. Therefore, after you’ve confirmed the order, you are not supposed to pay additional money. Do you mind if I make a review on this item? We respect our customers’ opinions. Therefore, feel free to share your experience to help us get better. When I buy something in an online store, I always share my experience in my blog. Is it OK with your goods? If you want to place the photos of our products on the Internet, you’re free to do so. Certainly, you won’t face any objection on our part. ORDERING & STORE POLICIES Can you deliver my package to the address that is different from my place of living? We will carry out the delivery irrespective of the fact whether it’s your personal address or someone else’s place of living. So don't worry about it. What do you do to make sure nothing happens to the 925 Sterling Silver Engagement Rings For Women during shipping? No worries. We pack our products properly, so your 925 Sterling Silver Engagement Rings For Women will arrive in top condition. Something went wrong and I’ve chosen the wrong Ring Size and Ships From. So what should I do to change the details or cancel the order? Contact our support service and explain the situation. They will do everything possible to help you in changing or cancelling the order. I like the 925 Sterling Silver Engagement Rings For Women. Please tell me how to place an order? Click on the ADD TO CART button and fill in the form on the checkout page. You will be asked to specify your name, address, payment method, etc. Click on complete order button and proceed with the payment. After that, we will send you an email confirming your order and start packing your product for shipping. You got my attention. However, is your store reliable? Feel free to check the feedback of our previous clients at any moment. Thus, you’ll see that there is no reason to worry about our reliability and security. I want to buy this offline. In a simple store, for example. Is it possible? Finding the same Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Princess Cut in a regular store is only likely if someone resells these products. However, it usually means a higher price. https://mark6f.com/wedding-ring-set-classic-jewelry-princess-cut-925-sterling-silver-engagement-rings-for-women/?feed_id=1209&_unique_id=63576a1855230
0 notes
mainsmaximum · 2 years
Horizontal scroll bar aquamacs
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#Horizontal scroll bar aquamacs how to
#Horizontal scroll bar aquamacs install
#Horizontal scroll bar aquamacs software
emacs users just feel all sorts negative things and want to give up. So new users doing this very difficult task in vim feel like, ok this is worth it, it is going to pay off. With emacs, the internet consensus is that the keybinds are a relic, which you can get used to. With vim, the internet consensus is that the keybinds are ergonomic and efficient and worth learning. Now, new users probably googled around a bit to read the differences between emacs and vim. Right away, they both start teaching you lots of very hard to remember keybinds. So I just went back and opened Vim, and clicked the initial help, then did the same thing in emacs. What is it that's drawing people to Vim for the last couple of years, but not Emacs?
#Horizontal scroll bar aquamacs software
This might sound silly, but I think that software like Emacs - software that encourages its user to think harder and better and rewards concentrated effort with genuinely creative potential - I think this kind of software has a genuinely revolutionary potential and that our world would be better off if there were more emacs users. There's my few cents! I think it's a good question, though.
#Horizontal scroll bar aquamacs how to
It's really anti-climactic to finally get up the courage to try Emacs, only to read about how to scroll the window for 20 minutes.
#Horizontal scroll bar aquamacs install
In short, I think it would help a great deal if Emacs had Helm installed by default, prompted the user to select their preferred navigation key-binding paradigm at first launch, and began with a tutorial seducing the user with knowledge of how easy it is to make keyboard macros, install packages, and set key-bindings. (I've never used Vim, is it similar in some way?) If, in the mean time, one comes across something like Sublime Text which is flashy, readily adaptable to one's needs, and in any case likely to be far more powerful that what one was using before, it's pretty easy to simply take the easier route. Of course, Helm completely turns the tables, but in order to make it long enough to discover Helm one must have already survived the grueling experience of customizing this clunky powerhouse to fit one's needs. The default interface for extended-command is, in comparison, complete shit. You can just start typing in words that you think might be used in interesting commands and you're presented with all the options. Of course, it's power pales in comparison to extended-command, but the interface-fuzzy matching and fast-response updating of options-puts all its power in your hands. What really gives Sublime Text 2 its sense of easily accessible power is, I think, the command palate. That way, instead of making you feel crippled until you've finally suffered your way to a knowledge of how to change key-bindings, you'd start out having basic navigation at your fingertips, and you could focus on the dopeness that lies in wait. Really, why should I have to read a tutorial that forces me to use strange and awkward key-bindings just to figure out how to move the cursor around the screen effectively and scroll the window?! Since Emacs' essential strength lies in its extensibility, I think its built-in intro should instead start by offering up a menu of common key binding schemas. I am 100% sold on the theoretical and practical virtues of Emacs, but I think it's a serious flaw that the software doesn't lend itself to effective use as a basic text editor straight out of the box. When I first opened up the editor and tried to start using it a bit, I felt hobbled and constrained. I have been cultivating a repertoire of key-chording for fifteen years or so, and virtually none of my habituated cords translate into the default Emacs bindings. The most formidable barrier I encountered when trying to pick up Emacs was simply the keyboard navigation. Please forgive and ignore this tone as much as possible, it is simply a defect of my writing style and doesn't reflect any real certitude. The tone of the following is quite insistent, as if I think I really know what the answers are. Of course, my fiddling is small-time dabbling compared to proper optimizers, but the fact that an interested, reasonably capable person such as myself was put off of Emacs 4 or 5 times before finally finding my groove should count as evidence for your premise. I should note that this difficulty was in spite of my already having a basic familiarity with Scheme (enough to make sense of simple init file hackery) and already being someone who spends countless hours seeking out and implementing tiny customizations (e.g., Stylish, Pentadactyle, Quicksilver, KeyRemap4MakBook––caps lock to ctrl! right shift to forward delete! space+j,k,l,i to arrows!––and a few other utilities of that sort). It took me a good bit of perseverance and several sallies at Emacs before I was finally able to find my footing. I found my way to Emacs after having spent some time with Sublime Text 2.
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0 notes
kajolkajul · 2 years
BigMetaverse will build a large Decentralized Metaverse ecosystem
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If you've been a gamer your whole life, the concept of the metaverse may seem natural to you. All other MMORPGs and simulation games feature their own universe where players can explore, make friends, and even shop from NPCs in exchange for in-game currency. While most of these games don't require VR gear, they do have their own metaverse concept. World of Warcraft, Knight Online, and Pokémon all invite players to explore their dreamland, and the current metaverse concept hopes to do something similar while focusing on the actual point of view.
Metaverse is a very broad and complex technology. The world of Metaverse is a completely different world in the Computer room. This requires access via (VR), Virtual Reality or (AU) Augmented Reality. This Metaverse can be accessed through Personal Computers, Phones and Game Consoles. Metaverse is a vast space in the Digital world which has its own economy where users will be able to sell and buy goods. Metaverse has an interoperable feature that allows users to carry items such as clothes, cars from one place to another. . Metaverse allows users to buy virtual Lands, build them, and rent them out. This is an amazing technology that will revolutionize the digital world. In this article, I will talk about the Big Metaverse platform, the newly discovered decentralized Metaverse ecosystem powered by users on blockchain technology.
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What metaverse?
To understand the nuts and bolts of the Metaverse, we'll have to take our gaming glasses off for a while. Consider the internet, which we use every day to buy something or chat with our friends. The entire online experience we have today is essentially two-layered. While some of the programs we use have three-layer components, we mostly use two-layer input methods such as PCs, phones, and tablets.
The Metaverse concept redesigns all online insights into a three-level realm. This basically implies that with the right technology, VR headsets, customers will be able to quickly make a magical trip to their #1 store and potentially try on clothes from the shelter of their own homes before deciding to ask for them.
Clients will want to create a computational representation of themselves that will operate as their follow-up twin before entering the Metaverse. It's not clear whether there will be one or more metaverses, but many companies are now competing on quality to produce the largest metaverse items and capture the lion's share of the overall business.
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How the Great Metaverse works
: Very good project. I'm sure this project will be in high demand when it launches because it has a solid team structure and excellent project credentials. I am sure when it is launched, there will be a lot of interest in this project because this project has a solid and reliable team structure. This project is one of the most creative and revolutionary of all! pleasures that I will be wary of. In my opinion, one of the best projects.
Most of us already know blockchain technology as the core foundation of the crypto ecosystem. The versatile features associated with this technology have led to the popularity of cryptocurrencies attracting not only a loyal user base but also institutional investors and large corporations. But blockchain is not limited to just cryptocurrencies, it can cause a paradigm shift in almost every industry related to information storage and data protection as it has the ability to decentralize operations without relying on any authority to control data.
This project, and the team have built a strong community with great potential. Lucky project. Great project with a really cool idea! I believe in their success. The increasing popularity and adoption of cryptocurrencies by millions of users raises serious concerns about network congestion and scalability of different blockchain networks. Apart from increasing cryptocurrency trading, decentralized finance also increases the load on these networks. The promising nature of blockchain has led to the development of many new protocols including yield farming, liquidity pools, and mining platforms on already dense blockchains.
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BigMetaverse's goal is to build a huge Decentralized Metaverse ecosystem where users will be able to explore, participate in activities, collaborate, learn and do all kinds of things together. It's like the real world but the BigMetaverse world will be limited to the Virtual world. Users will be able to connect friends all over the world, chat with them, Play Games together, and engage in shared activities. BigMetaverse will allow users to create and monetize their content. It only offers a blockchain powered platform where content creators monetize virtual products, interactive 3D models. All of these activities are supported by the use of cryptocurrencies and smart contract technology.
Content creators earn tokens by sharing their creativity with others. BigMetaverse offers a decentralized metadata registry for the Web3 ecosystem, the protocol is capable of storing, indexing, and searching metadata attached to smart contracts. Day by day many people adopt Metaverse, they start to experience VR and AR (Augmented Reality) technology.
Because of the Metaverse, people shouldn't be driving to work around the clock as they would be able to create a gathering area in their organization in the blink of an eye. This is also when things start to get interesting. If we say that only one metaverse project will succeed, other organizations and components will have to pay a fee to exist in the Metaverse as well.
Introducing the BIG Metaverse
Investigate and plan virtual universes based on Binance blockchain conventions. Build a metropolis of various interesting qualities, play with them that will allow you to swim to soar in the brilliance of the normal biological system of the BIG Metaverse.
The Big Metaverse connects this existing reality to a virtual world, which is accessible to clients worldwide. Players will be treated to an amazing life experience while also having the possibility to earn from each play.
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The formula we built is community based to maintain price stability in the market and metaverse ecosystem
Total Supply (100%)
Seed Sales (3%)
Personal Selling (10%)
Presale (15%)
Public Sales (18%)
Bet Prizes (25%)
Liquidity Pool (7%)
Marketing (6%)
Development (6%)
We put together a systematic plan for the progress of the BIG Metaverse
1.The first step in our journey is to carefully design concepts and ideas and then proceed to form a team. After the team is formed, we carry out technology and ecosystem research followed by prototyping and making a final decision on the plan to be implemented. Then we also legalized the company, and illustrated the concept of Bridge in Gain. The preparation of game design documents and making prototypes was continued with the development of the company's website.
2.Furthermore, the conceptualized idea is designed into a 3D asset for Bridge in the Gain Metaverse and followed by the development of the system and ecosystem in it. Then, we will also develop tenant applications and player super apps for your business needs. Also in this quarter, we developed the web, and integrated it with the Unity system. After that, we also check the quality of the products made through quality assurance and proceed with Alpha Tests and Pre-release news
3.In the third quarter, we conducted a Beta Test and continued with the release of Bridge in Gain Metaverse V.1. Then, we issue tokens and issue a whitepaper. After that, BIG coins will be listed on pancake swap, coin market cap, and coinecko. In addition, we also innovate by launching BIG FIN-X Wallet as a non-cash transaction tool. Then we audit smart contracts through certificate audits followed by licenses from various exchanges such as Tokocrypto and Indodax. In addition to permits from the stock exchange, we also applied for permits to CoFTRA and Bank Indonesia.
4.Once the permit is obtained, we will develop the NFT starting from Field Development, Flats and Offices. We also built our own Blockchain to make it easier for users to transact at a cheaper and faster price. Next, coin issuance and smart contract creation. Compilation and publication of the V.2 whitepaper, then we will launch the BIG Marketplace followed by the release of Bridge on
The great people behind the scenes are building new worlds and ecosystems that have a stable future for you
Pandu Prabu
tech people
Sigit Wijaya
tech people
Riki Rhenaldi
tech people
Sys Wyndar
tech people
On May 23, 2022, BRIDGE IN GAIN has held a soft launch in Jakarta, Indonesia
Website:      https://bigmetaverse.io/
Twitter :     https://twitter.com/MetaverseBig
Telegram :     https://t.me/BridgeInGainCommunity
Facebook :     https://www.facebook.com/bigmetaverse/
Instagram :     https://www.instagram.com/bigmetaverse/
Name: Aliandho
Btc Url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3428431
0 notes
csmeaner · 2 years
I try to avoid sending you asks, but honestly, just tired of this one thing in particular.
I really think you should reconsider your views on people who block often/without giving blocked individuals reason.
Every time I see a post from you saying this guy SCREAMING about being blocked by a stranger, probably for being an asshole or something (either way it's none of their business) is justified, it makes me cringe.
Like the one post complaining about teethium. I don't know how that anon takes themself seriously, whining about not being able to buy from somebody in public where everyone can see it like a kid in a store. It's creepy and embarrassing. Why should you be entitled to viewing the content of somebody who doesn't want you to view your content. If you really want to stalk some stranger who has had a bad experience with you online so bad, make an alt account and keep your mouth shut about it.
Like... Seriously. Some of the people I see getting complained about in this aspect are kids.
The teethium complain person also said something like "could have just avoided me". I think if you don't realize that the point of blocking is literally just to avoid people you dislike, even if just a little bit, you have some serious toxic community brainrot to make you think being disabled from communicating with specific strangers on the internet is a personal attack.
Jesus fucking christ.
I'd definitely expect better from you, the blog owner, than to encourage whiny temper tantrum behavior from kids who are sooo mad they cant "buy from their favorite artist", which, news flash, if they have you blocked, its probably because they disagree with you on something, and if they do, why would you wanna give them money so bad anyways. There's other, probably better, artists dude. Spend your time on something better than throwing fits over getting blocked by strangers.
what the fuck are u talking about dude did you put me on some moral high ground you can denigrate me from for your point of view
the teethium thing and blocking freely i felt was a problem because they are staff of a species and i thought idk i don't fucking know, that if the staff blocks you isn't that a shutting off a huuuge fucking avenue for communication with them? yeah teethium's not even a mod they just design adopts but are still considered staff and the comment was from them in their staff introductions they still straight up block members
i don't care if people block liberally, that's them, but when you're part of maintaining a community and you say you block liberally you are cutting off communication to them. it's fucking unfriendly as fuck do you think customer service people get to block whoever they want just cuz they're uncomfortable. imagine going to a starbucks and the cashier has you blocked, so you go ask the barista and since you asked them and not the cashier they block you too. FUNNY how that shit wouldn't fly isn't it
and yes i know being a species mod or whatever is not the same as an actual job it's barely even a job but you're taking on responsibilities and some fucking professionalism is required
this may not even be the whole of your point so you're free to go back and bring up other things i said but my stance is you don't get to block whoever the fuck you want when you're also staff for a species or are meant to be an open avenue of communication to people because if you do then you're not doing your fucking job
0 notes
mercivu · 2 years
Game Economy of Bridge Di Gain Metaverse (BIG)
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If you've been a gamer your entire life, the concept of the metaverse may seem natural to you. All other MMORPGs and simulation games feature their own universe where players can explore, make friends, and even shop from NPCs in exchange for in-game currency. While most of these games don't require any VR gear, they do have their own metaverse concept. World of Warcraft, Knight Online, and Pokémon all invite players to explore their dreamland, and the current metaverse concept hopes to do something similar while focusing on an actual point of view.
What metaverse?
In order to understand the nuts and bolts of the Metaverse, we'll have to take off our gaming glasses for a while. Consider the internet, which we use every day to buy things or chat with our friends. The entire online experience we have today is essentially two-layered. While some of the programs we use have three-layered components, we mostly use two-layer input methods such as PCs, phones, and tablets.
The Metaverse concept redesigns all online insights into a three-tiered realm. This basically implies that with the right technology, a VR headset, customers will be able to quickly take a magical trip to their #1 store and potentially try on clothes from their own home sanctuary before deciding to ask for them.
Clients will want to create a computational representation of themselves that will operate as their follow-up twin before entering the Metaverse. It's not clear whether there will be one or more metaverses, but many companies are now competing on quality terms to produce the largest metaverse items and capture the lion's share of the overall business.
How the Big Metaverse works
: Very good project . I'm sure this project will have a lot of interest when it launches because this project has a solid team structure and very good project trust. I am sure that when it launches, there will be a lot of interest in this project because this project has a solid and reliable team structure. This project is one of the most creative and revolutionary of all! pleasures that I will be wary of. In my opinion, one of the best projects.
Most of us already know blockchain technology as the core foundation of the crypto ecosystem. The versatile features associated with this technology have led to the popularity of cryptocurrencies attracting not only a loyal user base but also institutional investors and large corporations. But blockchain is not limited to just cryptocurrencies, it can cause a paradigm shift in almost every industry related to information storage and data protection as it has the ability to decentralize operations without relying on any authority to control data.
This project, and the team have built a strong community with great potential. Lucky project. Great project with a really cool idea! I believe in their success. The increasing popularity and adoption of cryptocurrencies by millions of users raises serious concerns about network congestion and scalability of different blockchain networks. Apart from increasing cryptocurrency trading, decentralized finance also increases the load on these networks. The promising nature of blockchain has led to the development of many new protocols including yield farming, liquidity pools, and mining platforms on an already dense blockchain.
BigMetaverse's goal is to build a large Decentralized Metaverse ecosystem where users will be able to explore, participate in activities, collaborate, learn and do all sorts of things together. It's like the real world but the BigMetaverse world will be limited to the Virtual world. Users will be able to connect friends all over the world, chat with them, Play Games together, and engage in shared activities. BigMetaverse will allow users to create and monetize their content. It only offers a blockchain powered platform where content creators monetize virtual products, interactive 3D models. All these activities are supported by the use of cryptocurrencies and Smart contract technology.
Content creators earn tokens by sharing their creativity with others. BigMetaverse offers a decentralized metadata registry for the Web3 ecosystem, the protocol is capable of storing, indexing, and searching metadata attached to smart contracts. Day by day many people adopt Metaverse, they start to experience VR and AR (Augmented Reality) technology.
Because of the Metaverse, people shouldn't be driving to work around the clock as they would be able to create in their organization's gathering areas in the blink of an eye. This is also when things start to get interesting. If we say that only one metaverse project will succeed, other organizations and components will have to pay a fee to exist in the Metaverse as well.
Introducing the BIG Metaverse
Investigate and plan virtual universes based on Binance blockchain conventions. Build a metropolis of various interesting qualities, play with them that will allow you to swim to soar in the brilliance of the normal biological system of the BIG Metaverse.
The Big Metaverse connects this existing reality to a virtual world, which is accessible to clients worldwide. Players will be treated to an amazing life experience while also having the possibility to earn from each play.
Big Metaverse Coin
Is a blockchain-based digital currency developed by PT. Continent of Global Integration. $BIG has a total inventory of 250,000,000 and a simple structure to build a more secure BIG Metaverse environment.
The following is the identity information and token distribution:
Nama: Big Metaverse Symbol: BIG Network: BSC Decimal: 9 Seed sale: 10% of $BIG tokens sold on TGE for 10 months 25% of $BIG tokens sold on TGE for 4 months Presale: 75% of $BIG tokens sold on TGE for 25% per month Public sale: $BIG tokens will be unlocked and can be sold on TGE Staking rewards: every $BIG token staked will be reserved and unlocked at strategic times Liquidity pool: $BIG token liquidity will be locked for 5 years Marketing: 10% of $BIG tokens will be reserved for marketing needs Development: The $BIG token will be reserved for the commercial development entity BIG studio which will open at a strategic time TOKENOMIK The formula we built is community based to maintain price stability in the market and metaverse ecosystem
Total Supply (100%)
Seed Sales (3%)
Personal Selling (10%)
Presale (15%)
Public Sales (18%)
Bet Prize (25%)
Liquidity Pool (7%)
Marketing (6%)
Development (6%)
OUR ROAD MAP We put together a systematic plan for the progress of the BIG Metaverse
1.The first step in our journey is to carefully design concepts and ideas and then proceed to form a team. After the team is formed, we carry out technology and ecosystem research followed by prototyping and making a final decision on the plan to be implemented. Then we also legalized the company, and illustrated the concept of Bridge in Gain. The preparation of game design documents and making prototypes was continued with the development of the company's website.
2.Furthermore, the conceptualized idea is designed into a 3D asset for Bridge in the Gain Metaverse and followed by the development of the system and ecosystem in it. Then, we will also develop tenant applications and player super apps for your business needs. Also in this quarter, we developed the web, and integrated it with the Unity system. After that, we also check the quality of the products made through quality assurance and proceed with Alpha Tests and Pre-release news
3.In the third quarter, we conducted a Beta Test and continued with the release of Bridge in Gain Metaverse V.1. Then, we issue tokens and issue a whitepaper. After that, BIG coins will be listed on pancake swap, coin market cap, and coinecko. In addition, we also innovate by launching BIG FIN-X Wallet as a non-cash transaction tool. Then we audit smart contracts through certificate audits followed by licenses from various exchanges such as Tokocrypto and Indodax. In addition to permits from the stock exchange, we also applied for permits to CoFTRA and Bank Indonesia.
4.Once the license is obtained, we will develop the NFT starting from Field Development, Flats and Offices. We also built our own Blockchain to make it easier for users to transact at a cheaper and faster price. Next up, coin issuance and smart contract creation. Compilation and publication of the V.2 whitepaper, then we will launch the BIG Marketplace followed by the release of Bridge on
Great people behind the scenes building new worlds and ecosystems that have a stable future for you
Pandu Prabu
tech people
Sigit Wijaya
tech people
Riki Rhenaldi
tech people
Sys Wyndar
tech people
On May 23, 2022, BRIDGE IN GAIN has held a soft launch in Jakarta, Indonesia
Website: https://bigmetaverse.io/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/MetaverseBig
Telegram : https://t.me/BridgeInGainCommunity
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bigmetaverse/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bigmetaverse/
by ;Paaula link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3430931
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