#it’s so darn scandalous
brittlebonesboning · 1 month
Not to be incredibly vulgar and nasty or anything, but I’d like to close my eyes and rest my head in somebody’s lap while they run their fingers through my hair
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When Lucifer swears in surprise or whatever he almost always does it in his enochian — so people always assume he’s saying super filthy stuff and just doesn’t want to burn their ears or something. The only problem with that theory is that well. That’s the original language. There’s no profanity.
That man is saying “fiddlesticks”
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keeps-ache · 2 years
i've made
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khwxbeeda · 3 months
Date Ideas: Desi Edition
I'm in my TS Lover Era and I need some Pune date ideas so uh.. enjoy my thinking process ig
A proper date: dinner and drinks. Proper manners and polite conversation over good food and good beverages/drinks. You and your date pretend to be very serious adults with very serious jobs, and when you walk out of the restaurant you share a secret laugh as if you've pulled the greatest prank ever.
Chaha date. Standing on the side of a road under the insufficient cover of the chai stall with your fingers gripping the edge of plastic cups or mud tumblers, taking a deep sniff and closing your eyes at the smell of veldoda that wafts up. Looking up and catching their gaze already fixed on you, and looking back down, feeling the heat spread over your cheeks. You attribute it to the chaha's steam, but you know that's a lie. When you look back up, they're wating for you. They wink, and you nearly drop your cup, making them stifle a giggle.
Kulfi date. It's a crowded lane and you cram into the little hole in the wall kulfi parlour that's been there since your parents were children, excited smiles on both your faces. You order laal peru and request them to sprinkle chilli powder on top. Your partner gives you a dramatic scandalized look that has you cracking up and orders a sitafal kulfi without the chilli, please and thank you. With a lot of whining and teasing and mischievous smiles, you finally get them to taste your kulfi, and it ends with them ordering it for themself. You lean back in your chair and grin smugly even as they roll their eyes.
Book thrifting. Hands held, you walk into your usual book shop, a smile lighting up your face at the familiar smell of mogra and yellowing pages that hangs in the little room. It's a tiny shop in the basement of a shady old plaza, but it always has the best second hand books. The idea is to buy a book you think the other will enjoy, and then discuss them when you are done reading them. You pick up Ruined by Paula Morris, because you remember the three M's that your date swears by: Magic, Murder and Mystery. This is a perfect blend of all three, and you rather think they'll enjoy it. When you meet them at the counter, they have Nashtaneer by Rabindranath Thakur in their hands. You both grin at each other.
Juna Bazaar is as crowded as always. You giggle as they grip your wrist and drag you from shop to shop, rambling about their lecture in college. The sonchafa that you had tucked behind their ear is still there, and it makes something warm settle in your heart. You keep your mind on the mission though: buy three of the most interesting things you see, and then explain why you think it is interesting. They gasp and snap up a beautiful crystal vial like a magpie. It turns out to be kajal, made the traditional way. "You have to!" they insist, "it'll look so good with your pretty eyes!" You turn red and accept the little wand, dragging it between your eyelids. When you're done, your partner stares at you with their lips parted. Just as you're about to wave in front of their eyes and ask if they're okay, they lean forward and steal a lightning-fast kiss. "Too darn pretty for your own good, you are."
Camp area date! You two take a whole day to just stroll through Camp, pulling each other into random shops and cafés, looking at everything and eating from restaurants and roadside stalls alike. Your partner drags you deep into a sketchy looking plaza, and you find a clothing shop that sells the most random fashion items. You go to an ittr and perfume store. You visit Pasteur Ice Cream, Cafe Peter, the chaat stalls near Clover Centre and the barbeque corn stalls a little ways from Kumar Plaza. At the end of the day, you go home and show each other all your purchases; they bought you a bejewelled purse that goes with that one pair of your heels and you squeal over it, you bought them a chandan attar because you remember them mentioning it being their favourite smell and they immediately rub it over their wrists with a bright smile.
The two of you are tucked into a little corner of the garden. Sitting on an old bedsheet with several lunchboxes filled with bhel, samosa, kaju katli, shrikhand, slices of mango and watermelon and a bunch of green grapes. Your phone plays a familiar tune— Ishq Wala Love, and you're mouthing the lyrics in the most dramatic style that you can, revelling in the laughter of your partner. There is a mogra cha gajra braided into your hair and three roses tucked behind their ear; your little gifts to each other. Their eyes gleam bright with mirth, lips curved upward into a wide grin, and you can't help but lean forward and press a soft kiss to their lips. This picnic date is the best idea you've had in a while, you think, and the late spring flowers in bloom are the perfect addition.
Tag list: @mad-who-ra @yehsahihai @natures-marvel @musaafir-hun-yaaron @hum-suffer @h0bg0blin-meat @orgasming-caterpillar @wyvrens @kanha-sakhi
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whetstonefires · 1 year
So like, I'm pretty darn sure Mo Xuanyu did not actually make a pass at Jin Guangyao.
For several reasons, like for one thing hitting on your own actual brother who is also your boss is genuinely insane behavior, in a way nothing else we know about the guy actually matches, other than his reputation for being crazy which mostly seems to originate from the same point as the sexual harassment allegations. which tracks because even with rampant societal homophobia, that's such a crazy thing to do people would question it if it didn't come paired with the information that he's insane.
Then there's the fact that if that had actually happened, there's basically no way master spin artist jgy would have let it get out, because actually experiencing that would trigger his sense-of-uncleanliness issues so hard.
But what we see is that somehow Everyone Knows that it happened, but also that Jin Guangyao totally didn't tell anyone, because he's too merciful and kind and respectable. It just mysteriously leaked somehow that this private scandal happened.
(Also, to step up a meta level, the gay goth kid who was never quite accepted into his own family and wound up self-destructing was in fact guilty of the homophobic allegations spread by the powerful man who manipulates reputation for personal advantage? This is not the kind of story where that would be true. The thematic dissonance is too much.)
The only way it's believable that mxy made a move on jgy is if jgy spent a long time maneuvering him into it, hinting and deniably flirting and just generally being maximum skeeze, just a huge elaborate incestuous honeypot, just to bait a 'ruined reputation' trap. Which makes no sense at all.
I don't think jgy is necessarily above that kind of creepy grooming behavior but I do think he would hate it, and definitely wouldn't resort to it when sowing rumors would work just as well. and expose him to less risk.
So Mo Xuanyu didn't do it.
So what we've got is that Jin Guangyao systematically obliterated this kid's credibility.
No one would listen to anything he said after being expelled in that sort of context, especially anything against Jin Guangyao, whom he now has obvious motive to smear. This was a preemptive strike against some kind of leak.
It's exactly the kind of thing jgy would do--it targets individual vulnerability, leverages the weak points in Mo Xuanyu's reputation into gaping chasms, in a way that associates jgy with scandal but makes him personally look better. also shows signs of jgy projecting his own issues onto others. The MO fits.
And his motive is easy to construct: Mo Xuanyu had had access to his secrets, such as Wei Wuxian's manuscripts and probably a lot of the other ugly shit. And Jin Guangyao needed him silenced, due to some thing or other, but as with SiSi didn't want to have to kill him.
(A fascinating thing about jgy as a villain is the moments where he yields to sentiment pretty consistently contribute to his destruction.)
But then we come around to: so why didn't Mo Xuanyu sic Wei Wuxian on Jin Guangyao, then?
In cql wwx does have a curse cut for jgy, to keep him in the plot and create an additional open storyline to resolve, since viewers are gonna be denied romantic catharsis, but in cql the homophobia plotline isn't there because all the gay is censored, and mxy allegedly hit on qin su instead. which is less utterly unhinged to do though still big wtf.
In the book, mxy summoned the Yiling Patriarch just to kill the Mos. (Which he didn't even do lmao.)
So I've always been sort of poking at that, like if you're destroying your own soul to get revenge, why spare the person who deliberately ruined your life?
Even if he had done the thing, it was weird! Maybe even weirder; if you're in a headspace where making sexual advances anyone should be able to predict are unwelcome seems like a good idea in the first place, there's a pretty good chance getting punished for them isn't going to make you think you were in the wrong. Otoh there is a zone where he could have done it, gotten the backlash, cleared his head a bit, realized it was fucked up to do, and therefore not held a grudge in that particular direction, but it's still weird. (And also he definitely didn't do the thing.)
But if he was so angry, why was he not angry at Jin Guangyao? Who definitely kicked him out of the Sect, all else aside?
And then I looked at the passage in Jin sect where we swap to Jin Ling's pov and he tells us one of the few first-hand things we hear about Mo Xuanyu: He thought Jin Guangyao was the most amazing person in the whole world. He adored him.
And being betrayed and rejected by him didn't turn that into resentment. Even though he resented the other side of his family enough to want them gratuitously murdered.
So you know what I think happened?
I think Mo Xuanyu thinks it was an honest misunderstanding. That Jin Guangyao, his idol, falsely concluded that his gay little brother was creeping on him based on a misinterpretation of his admiring behavior, and was appropriately revolted. And that Mo Xuanyu doesn't blame him for it. He blames himself.
He went back to his mother's family to rot genuinely feeling like the ruination of his life was his own fault for being creepy. And died like that.
Because of that, to a considerable extent. How can you bend any of your will to saving yourself, to getting out of an abusive situation and seeking a better one, when you don't think you deserve to be saved?
Fucks me up.
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hauntedestheart · 8 months
The Ghost Of Hartford Manor (Male Possession)
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"Frederick, what on Earth are you doing?!" Lady Priscilla shrieked to her son. "Get out of the water this instant!"
"Oh but it's such a hot day and the water feels so lovely!" Frederick called back to her, and then he turned his eyes to the other genteel folk attending the garden party. "Won't you all join me?"
He placed his hands on his hips, as if to draw attention to his nether regions, and everyone at the garden party gasped at the sight of the pendulous manhood swinging freely between his legs for all to see. Frederick beamed at the crowd without a stitch of shame (or pants) and waved his arms, beckoning them towards him, and the party erupted into whispers.
Frederick Hammlebutton, heir to the Hammlebutton fortune, behaving so shamelessly at a high society function? It was the scandal of the year! And if the women folk peeked at him over their fans, eyes drawn to the way the water made his tight shirt cling to his musculature, and a few gentlemen gazed at his cock for a few more seconds than was strictly appropriate... well, it was simply because they wanted to get the latest gossip, that's all. This was a big story.
Only one woman seemed immune to Frederick's charms,
"What a brute!" Lady Catherine Hartfort harrumphed, giving the unclothed man a stare icy enough to freeze the lake around him. "And to think, I almost considered marrying my daughter off to this man! This simply will not do." Catherine turned her eyes to her daughter, the lovely young Dahlia Hartfort, and sighed. "I'm sorry my dear, but the engagement is off."
"Is it?" Dahlia mustered up a forlorn sigh and a small shake of the head. "Oh, darn. And I was so looking forward to marriage."
Truth be told, Dahlia wasn't the least bit disappointed that her potential beau was making an ass of himself with his ass out- on the contrary, his behavior was her doing.
You see, Dahlia had no intention of getting married. She had gotten involved in this newfangled feminism movement, which had opened her eyes to the injustices facing women in their modern society. True. wasn't opposed to the idea of having a man beside her, but the laws surrounding marriage in the modern era were so draconian- the second a man put a ring on her finger, she would become his property. And Dahlia was not about to become someone's property! Besides, she quite liked running the family estate by herself and intended to do so for as long as she could.
Her mother, however, had other ideas. An old fashioned "proper" noble of the old guard, she was a stickler for tradition and stubbornly insisted that her daughter's husband be (quote) "a respectable man of means." And, thanks to the law, if Lady Catherine arranged a marriage with an eligible bachelor, her daughter was bound to follow through.
So since Dahlia couldn't change her mother's mind, and she couldn't say no, she had to find another method of getting her way.
That was when Norman came into the picture. Dear, sweet Norman.
Norman was a dead man, and Dahlia's secret weapon.
The same friends who had introduced Dahlia to feminism had also introduced her to spiritualism, and on one stormy evening she had invited a genuine psychic over to hold a seance. She and her friends had held hands, shrieked and laughed as the lights flickered, and then bid each other goodnight- however once everyone departed, Dahlia found that she was not alone.
A foggy shape hung heavily in one of the mirrors, and when she placed her fingers upon it, a face that was not her own filled the glass. It was the round face of a pudgy young man, with wild untamed hair and a brutal looking bruise around his neck, and most surprising of all- he bowed to Dahlia politely.
Shock held her tongue and prevented her from screaming, but the man in the mirror assured her that he meant her no harm. He introduced himself by the name of Norman, and he waited very politely while Dahlia gathered her wits about her enough to question the spirit.
Norman's story was a sad one: a faithful servant of the family since he was but a boy, he'd confessed his affections towards one of the butlers who had rejected him and in turn gotten him fired from his position with the family. Disgraced and with nowhere else to go, Norman had taken his own life in the study and his spirit had roamed the halls ever since. His existence had been vague and foggy until that very evening when Dahlia's seance had ripped the veil from his eyes and brought him back to the side of the living.
What stood out most to Dahlia about Norman's tale was her family's involvement in the poor man's death. She apologized profusely to the deceased gentleman, who politely accepted, but pointed out that it was probably a bit late for that. Still, Dahlia insisted, to chase someone out simply for who they loved... that was the true disgrace!
But Dahlia was shocked by the notion of two men engaging in amorous congress- how would that even work, she inquired? So Norman guided her to his well-hidden stash of erotic novels, and a quick skim of literature did wonders to change Dahlia's mind. In fact, upon thorough examination, she found the image of two men thrusting their bodies together rather appealing.
(Better they take that aggression out on each other than a woman, she rationalized. And the drawings in some of Norman's books made her mouth water,)
Despite their incompatible orientations the two found themselves to be kindred spirits, both individuals trapped out of time in a society that wouldn't allow them to be who they wanted, and Norman quickly became Dahlia's closest confidant. She was careful to keep their friendship a secret (because if her family knew she was "talking to ghosts" they'd have her institutionalized) but every evening, without fail, she would report to the study and give Norman the latest gossip, or share the newest chapbook she'd acquired.
And when she'd come to Norman one night, sobbing about how her mother intended to marry her off, he proposed a plan to her. Since the seance, his spirit had been growing stronger- strongest of all when he was around Dahlia -and one of the spiritualist texts she'd brought for them to read had contained an interesting idea.
"What if," he proposed to her. "I could superimpose my spirit into the body of another man? That way I could call the engagement off for you. Could be a good way to solve your problem!"
"And be a bit of fun for you," she teased, knowing full well that her friend often lamented his lack of a physical form, and Norman gave a lopsided grin.
She'd agreed, of course.
She still remembers the first man that the two of them had teamed up to take down. Lord Orson was a stunning statue of a man, so painfully gorgeous that Dahlia had briefly considered sacrificing her morals and becoming a dutiful wife if it meant she could be wed to such a prince of a man- until he'd opened his mouth and begun to complain about everything.
What an arrogant ass! Dahlia thought to herself, though she was all smiles on the outside.
His spoiled, sour attitude meant she'd felt little guilt about pulling him aside in the study for a "private chat" beside the old mirror. She watched with mild horror as his eyes rolled back into his head and his body pulsed, groans of agony issuing forth from his handsome lips, and for a moment she was afraid that she had made a mistake and the innocent man was dying- but then he straightened his back and gave her a lopsided grin.
That was her Norman alright.
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Norman's first steps as Lord Orson had been strange- he stumbled about like a newborn colt, decades out of practice with having legs, and he complained to Dahlia that he was unused to being so tall. On the whole Lord Orson's physique was a far cry from the one he'd inhabited before his passing, which came as quite a delight to him. His hands pressed into his chest and squeezed at Orson's powerful chest- and when he lifted his shirt, Dahlia understood why the man had struck her as so arrogant.
Norman had been so excited to be amongst the living again that he'd immediately divested himself of his clothes, eager to explore Lord Orson's chiseled musculature, and while Dahlia had enjoyed the sight of the gorgeous man examining his body in the mirror, she had to beg him to remain decent at least until dinner. Norman begrudgingly agreed, but if anyone noticed that Lord Orson seemed strangely preoccupied with readjusting his britches all afternoon, they wisely kept their mouths shut.
Getting to spend the afternoon cavorting about with Norman had been delightful, and even her mother had been surprised by how well Dahlia and "Lord Orson" were getting along. She'd puffed herself up like a smug peacock thinking she'd found her daughter the perfect match- right up until she walked in on him buried balls deep in the stable boy.
And to think, her poor daughter had been struck frozen with shock at the sight and had helplessly borne witness to the whole thing!
Needless to say, Lord Orson was quickly dismissed after such a shocking display, and Dahlia was free to maintain her status as an unmarried woman. As for Lord Orson, the second he crossed the property line of the estate he claimed to have no memory of the events at all- though most people took these claims to be a shoddy attempt to save face.
The rest of Dahlia's suitors had met similarly strange fates:
The Duke of Chustlewitt was a slender thing, barely even of marrying age, but he threw himself at every man in his path with the appetite of a man twice his years and made eyes at them like he was a cheap whore. Lady Catherine had been horrified, but Dahlia insisted they give the man a chance- one that ended in the storeroom with the chef's assistant making very inappropriate usage of some butter.
The Earl of Trackspont, a great big bear of a man, had been dismissed after a few short hours when Lady Catherine realized he didn't plan to stop lifting his shirt up and shaking his own hairy belly at the slightest excuse to do so. He'd slapped at his stomach and called Lady Catherine a prude, and still managed to snag one of the serving boys on the way out.
Sir Timone had been a promising suitor, a dashing musician employed by the royal court, but when the guests at the afternoon get-together had begged him to play piano for them the song he'd sung had been shockingly lewd and concluded with him whipping out his hard cock and plunking it upon the keys.
Count Ludovich was an educated man with degrees from several universities, but he proudly informed everyone at breakfast that his proudest achievement was how many candlesticks he could fit into his buttocks. He'd made it up to four before he was forcibly removed from the premises.
Sir Barstew had made it all the way to dinner before stripping his pants and depositing his genitals into the stew- and then offering Lord Heckleston cousin a taste. (Dahlia had scolded Norman for that one- it had been too funny, she said, and she had almost burst out laughing at the table.)
And so on.
Unfortunately for Dahlia (but fortunately for Norman) each failure only seemed to increase Lady Catherine's determination to find a match for her daughter, and thanks to the estate's considerable means she found no short supply of suitors ready to take her up on the offer despite the unsavory rumors beginning to swirl around the Hartford estate.
Funnily enough, Dahlia had noticed that since she and Norman had begun their escapades, invitations to Lady Catherine's parties had become some of the most sought after social items in town.
Dahlia roused herself from her musings and returned her attention to the table, where the matchmaker was apologizing profusely to her mother.
"I swear, I don't know what's gotten into him!" The poor woman protested, eyeing the throbbing vein on Dahlia's mother's forehead. "He's always been such a polite boy."
"I'll tell you what's gotten into him-" Lady Catherine huffed, giving a haughty toss of the head. "He has the table manners of a horse!"
"And that's not all he has from a horse," muttered one of Dahlia's friends, drawing a snicker from the other girls at the table.
"And what is it that you lot are whispering about?" Catherine sniped, fixing her withering gaze upon the younger women, who all busied themselves with the tea and cakes.
"Merely remarking what a shame it is that such a remarkably gifted young man should go astray like this," one of them said quickly.
"Yes, such a shame," Damonia echoed, hiding her smile behind a sip of tea.
"How peculiar that this should happen to every single suitable bachelor that we have brought for you," Lady Catherine narrowed her eyes and glared at her daughter, and one eyebrow raised in an unspoken challenge.
"How peculiar indeed," Dahlia demurred, her face the picture of innocence. "It's so hard to find a proper gentleman in this modern era- it almost makes one think that the estate would be better off in the hands of, say a woman."
"Almost," her mother said, her thin lips pressing into an unimpressed frown. "But not quite yet. I've been in contact with another matchmaker and the Earl of Windton will be arriving in a fortnight- an upstanding military man, so we should expect no tomfoolery from him."
Dahlia smiled- a soldier? Norman would be most delighted.
She just hoped that Norman wouldn't be too rough on this one- he'd done such a job on the last beau that the poor man had fled to America to escape the scandal. This Frederick fellow had been humiliated enough, she would have to get Norman release him soon.
She glanced across the party towards the lake, where Norman was still frolicking about using Frederick's face and Lady Priscilla was still desperately trying to get her son's body out of the water.
"At least cover yourself!" Lady Priscilla wailed, then she lowered her voice to heated stage whisper. "Everyone can see your buttocks!"
"Cover myself? Why?" Norman gave a cheeky grin and his hands reached down to his backside and teased at the ample flesh of Frederick's cheeks. "I've got such a lovely bum! Everyone should get a chance to see it."
Dahlia vaguely recalled the matchmaker mentioning that Frederick was a horseback riding champion of some sort, and as she watched his copious buttocks jiggle, she could believe it.
She could talk to him later, she decided. For now, she was enjoying the lovely garden view.
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cardboardheartss · 1 month
Min Hee Jin vs HYBE Scandal Interview
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Q : How are you feeling today? (QoW rx)
A : Well… I’m pissed off to be honest. I don’t know if I should be paranoid or continue fighting. I am aware that I’m causing a major uproar on social media but what else can I do?
Q : How do you feel about your secrets all being revealed lately? (5oC, 4oS, AoS, Devil rx)
A : I’m actually quite disappointed, I really didn’t think my secrets would ever be revealed to the public. I feel like running away and hiding because I’m too overwhelmed at the moment. I truly do feel embarrassed but I’m also glad I could finally be free from this company.
Q : Why did you partake in all of this shady work? ( 3oW rx, 10oS)
A : I was too impatient… I wanted to make quick money and prove to other companies that my ideas were actually unique and wil bring me successful but unfortunately my impatience completely backfired on me.
Q : Do you feel betrayed by “That guy?” (Horizontal 7oS)
A : Well… it’s 50/50 to be honest. I could say i feel betrayed but not really. I already knew he was a bad person overall, people in the industry know this guy and how much of a thief he is. But once again… I just wanted the money and now he tipped off that company.😒
Q : Do you think the reason why you got exposed was all rooted from misogyny? (7oP & WoF)
A : No lol! People in the company are just jealous their concepts and groups weren’t gaining attention and success so they decided to sabotage me.
Q : What are your thoughts on HYBE CEO’s at this moment? (4oP, 2oS, QoP, 3oC)
A : Well… they are just a bunch of money hungry dudes who wanted to steal my creations… I did not want to give them my concepts at all and I honestly should’ve been more wary because look now… we all have caused major disruption.
Q : Any words to the NEWJEANS members? (Hermit, Empress, 3oS rx, PoP rx)
A : Umm… firstly, i truly believe we all might have to part ways and I would like to apologize to all of you. I should’ve thought smarter and found safer ways to create all of our successes. I was supposed to be your motherly figure, who’d be there for you guys and continue creating beautiful projects together but instead I was really self centered and money hungry. I really don’t want to go but I have no choice but to, I’m aware it’s going to be a bit of a struggle having to heal from all of this. So many things are going to be changing for better and worse because this industry is just… full of crap but once again I am truly sorry to all 5 of you… I truly should’ve used this darn brain and my heart too.
Q : Any words for the other HYBE groups? (Magician rx, Hanged Man rx, 4oW, 10oC rx, PoC rx, QoS, 9oW rx, Death rx, 4oC & 10oW rx)
A : Eh… y’all cool I guess. To be honest I really have no words to any of them. I’m just quite unhappy and critical as to how your CEO’s used my ideas for your concepts. And good luck with continuing to having disharmony amongst each other and having creative blocks as a whole.
Q : What are your plans once this situation has “calmed down?” (Emperor, KoC, KoS rx, AoS rx, 5oC)
A : Umm… right now, I’m thinking of the present. I’m still trying to take in all of this drama and even possibly thinking of walking away for good.
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uchihaharlot · 5 months
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Ok what the hell, this is so gosh darn wholesome and sweet. I am such an old soul (like seriously sorry these songs are so damn old). I included potential songs they would dance to below. Though I am more partial to Billie Holiday’s ‘I’ll Be Seeing You’ — ‘I don’t want to set the world on fire’ by The Ink Spots is really on par for an Uchiha. I know you said party, but this is now the festival of romance. Lol.
N/SFW(?? Super suggestive); pining; down bad simpy boy Shisui who can’t keep his eyes or hands off you.
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• Ok so, my king. Shisui, is such a suave guy. Hears this girl laughing out with some friends at the spring Festival of Romance. He’s not entirely new to the scene, but the night has been overwhelming. Lots of grabby girls trying to capture one of Konoha’s most eligible bachelors. He’d really only came for the food and drinks.
• Target acquired, oops. Red spun pearls dial in when he hears this girl laugh before he actually sees her — it didn’t help that she was drop dead gorgeous either. It wasn’t even her looks that caught his attention first, it was the sweet little melodic wisp of her laugh/hum.
• Super down bad from the go. Basically is sharingan fucking her from a distance, respectfully, secretly. The man just likes what he sees, and he wants a before and after image of their first encounter. Sike, he’s just that shameless.
• Has no issue walking right up to her group of friends to address his desires. Shisui would say something extremely corny while still making it sound good, ‘You know what you'd look beautiful in? My arms.’
• Doesn’t even wait for the silly oneliner to register before he swoops her up to the dance floor, lol. Poor girl is just like system crash.exe.
• Doesn’t even need to try, this girl is besotted and honestly, a little caught off guard by his advances. Shisui normally thinks rationally, so he’ll apologize for stealing her so abruptly from her friends but, like, ‘If you let me borrow a kiss, I promise I'll give it right back.’
• 🫣🫠 She doesn’t even know how to respond to that, he is just so bold. Will turn her cheek shyly which just has Shisui smiling the full width of his mouth. She’s in just as deep as he is.
• But when she looks back up at him, oh man. His lips are a hairsbreadth away, and that’s when she is caught in his vision. Inoperable, he won’t coerce her, consent is king but if she closes her eyes.
• Shisui will feather his lips to hers and reel her a little closer. The music sounds muffled over the sound of her capillaries expanding and rushing blood through her ears. Ah fuck, when did his hand end up at that small of her back. He won’t overtly take advantage of the situation, but part of him really is tempted to.
• Shisui lovingly places his hands in all the right spots, appropriate for public, inappropriate for strangers. Wholly hot and scandalous.
• There are a plethora of people surrounding them, so Shisui will bring her closer than close, basically his mouth to her ear as she guides them across the dance floor. She’s incredibly sweet but quiet when they whisper between one another. They’ll end up spending majority of the night out dancing — probably the last people to leave. With her head on his shoulder, Shisui is blissed out by her presence.
• Shisui is a gentleman, he’ll offer to ‘walk’ her home. Surprise Shunshin before he even considers if she has a sensitive stomach. It will catch her off guard and surprisingly makes her curse, ‘fuck me’ out of exasperation under her breath.
• To which Shisui would quip, ‘don’t mind if I do.’
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thekatebridgerton · 3 months
I have a personal HC that Anthony is freaked out by Francesca marriage.
He thinks this is her scandal, she has obviously been seduced by a man-whore. This is why Banns need to be read in England! To prevent quick marriages.
The idea that she might have walked down the aisle carrying more than flowers even crossed his mind.
He is a barrel of nerves when the couple arrive at Aubrey Hall for the first time. Prepared to act for his sisters best interest.
But then he sees Francesca smile. She has finally found happiness after losing John.
His discomfort is quieted until, of course, Michael manages to charm every female in the family and on Staff. Even his two year old daughter only has eyes for him.
What do you think? I like to think Anthony is always preparing for the worst.
Yes to all this!!
I think Anthony loves Francesca a lot and despairs over not being there enough because he's always had to deal with the louder siblings first. I think he's always wondered deep down if he's done good enough for her exactly because she's always needed so little from him and never complained.
She could be out there, and she could need him, but she's also never asked for his help and she's always so darn nice to him. Francesca is the only sibling who has never bullied Anthony which is why he likes her the most. Everyone is always making fun of him, but Francesca doesn't, (at least not to his face) And since he's never been called to clean up any of her messes he figured that the best thing he could do to support her and make her happy when she did make a mess of things was pretend he didn't know about the scandal she totally covered up without his help.
But yeah this man was a mess of nerves over whatever Michael and Francesca were up to in Scotland. But at least Francesca is happy, that's all that matters. It's why he tolerates that flirty lunatic she calls husband. Who makes even Anthony's own daughter giggle and blush.
Most of the time he's just glad she's the one who married Michael, who knows what havoc Michael could have wrecked in London if it hadn't been Anthony's most competent sister the one holding him by the b... Bed
But yes that's more of the tea on why I think Francesca is Anthony's favorite sibling
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acuar-io · 4 months
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Constance Marie Van der Linde | Townie 1/?
Constance "Connie"  Marie Van der Linde is a girl from StrangerVille  trying to scrap by to fund her dream of becoming a star and finally getting out of this bizarre town. She wants the money, the fame & the attention that all celebrities have. She grew up struggling and still is. Working at the local pub across the street from her trailer to get by. This girl doesn't have time for romance, but she can have her fun when she feels the need to. Some of the locals aren't fond of her scandalous behavior, but she "doesn't give a darn" -Connie. Attention is attention, good or bad, this girl left her mark on this strange town and they will always remember her name & will see her name and face on the big screen.
More info about Connie + download under the cut!
I make a lot of sims for fun, so I wanted to make some townies & share them for you all to include in your save files/gameplay! feel free to alter sims to fit your sim style, just please dont change their body types, orientation, skin color/ethnicity (if applicable). Adding on to their stories is highlyyyyyy encouraged! tag me if you use them id love to follow along your gameplay! :D
some of these storylines will be 18+!! tw/ smoking + alcohol abuse
More about Connie's back story + personality:
Lives in StrangerVille on the Slip 42 lot
her in game traits are Materialistic, Jealous & Self-assured.
aspiration: world famous celebrity
She is a cigarette smoker & tends to smoke when she's tense/ in a bad mood. I recommend using basemental drugs mod to add to the character.
she does like going by Constance, only Connie Marie or just Connie
she doesn't commit to relationships + has a horrible judgement of character (I didnt change her sexual preference so feel free to make her gay, bi, straight!) i'd like to image she only dates shitty people fksjfksfk
she left home (Chestnut Ridge) due to her parents alcohol abuse. It caused rough patches between them & Connie couldn't take it anymore.
she has a southern accent
sh*tty box dye is her best friend, shes a brunette not a blonde
loves the color pink, always wearing makeup even when shes working out. i'd like to categorize her style as trailer trash couture
download Connie here!
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brittlebonesboning · 28 days
Yearning for something soft again. Maybe it’s the chronic pain but I can’t help imagining sleepily laying face down while somebody carefully massages my back and my shoulders and the back of my neck, enjoying the softness of my skin and gently kissing it as they do so. Maybe we fuck nasty after.
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ecargmura · 6 months
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode 13 Review - Wallowing In Past Regrets
I’m amazed Frieren and her current party made it this far without the need of a permanent healer. Had this story been an RPG, I would definitely NOT have gone past the demons if they were bosses. However, there are instances where a healer is needed, which is where Sein comes in. I really liked his introduction with how he just randomly just starts talking about his past to Frieren who was just staring.
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I really like the message this episode conveys. Sein has regrets about not following his best friend on his adventures, and believes that he cannot go on adventures now due to his age and jadedness. Fortunately, Frieren was there to tell him that dreams can happen at any age. She herself was much older than her party members when they first recruited her and time had made her forget how to defeat demons, so she felt as if it was too late for her to go. Fortunately, she did go and made history with the hero’s party. Frieren sees herself in Sein and that is why he irritates her a lot.
Sein as a character is very interesting. He’s a very corrupt priest like how Heiter was in the past, but even more so as he drinks, smokes and gambles. Heiter only drank. I do wonder why priests of this universe easily fall victim into bad habits. Sein is rather jaded and is someone with regrets, but also very loyal when it comes to his family, his only brother who is much older than him. He’s also a very talented healer and could heal the poison that Stark had been inflicted with, despite his brother saying it was impossible to cure. Sein is what I believe to be a rather contradictory character as his words and actions don’t match. If he doesn’t want to go on adventures, why is he reminiscing about his best friend? He’s not prepared? Why is he so gosh darn good at healing? It’s like he prepared himself with all the necessary stuff at his disposal, but refuses to take a step forward. Despite his corruptness and jaded personality, he actually clicks very well with Frieren, Fern and Stark; he’s like that missing piece to finally balance out the party; unfortunately, he’s only a temporary party member.
I do like how Sein’s brother is the opposite of Sein. While Sein wallows in past regrets, his brother does not; despite being a talented priest that Heiter even acknowledges, he refused an opportunity to go to the holy city as he liked staying in the village. He hasn’t regretted his choices since then. While Sein is a bit corrupt and has bad habits, his brother is a very kind individual, despite him being a bit harsh towards Stark in the beginning. I just love how the contrast between them is written.
Now, it makes me wonder if Sein’s friend, Gorilla, is alive. I know that if Sein learns about Gorilla’s whereabouts, he’ll leave the party. It makes me wonder who this Gorilla guy is. Is he alive? Is he dead? Did he get married and have kids? I do hope there will be a day that Frieren and her party meet him.
I really like the comedy in this episode; the episode itself is calm and relaxing, but there are so many funny moments. I especially liked the part where Frieren tried to use her age to be the “mature older lady” that Sein liked but failed when executing her hidden technique: a flying kiss. It had NO effect on Sein whatsoever as Frieren looks way too much of a kid for him to find her appealing; the fact that Stark and Fern found it scandalous while it had a HUGE effect on Himmel was so hilarious. Everyone viewed the kiss so differently. I also liked how Stark lost his clothes by gambling; it was cute that Fern didn’t get mad at Stark for gambling, but is mad at Sein for making Stark do it. Fern believing Heiter, another corrupt priest, could do not wrong was also funny; she loved Heiter like a father that he’s the pinnacle and standard of an upstanding priest in her eyes while Frieren and Stark are like “meh”.
Also, one concerning matter is the financial situation of this world. Like how Stark’s favorite Jumbo Berry Special became smaller in the passing years due to inflation, Sein’s village seems to be suffering from the same issue with the tiny bathtub and sickle. His brother says that it’s due to poverty, but is it really? Is there a bigger, underlying issue with the world’s economy?
I do wonder how long Sein will be staying with Frieren and her party. If he does leave, will there be a day he’ll come back or will they look for another priest? I can’t wait to see what more Sein will bring to the story. I really like the dynamics he has with everyone in the party already. What are your thoughts about this episode?
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ryuichirou · 8 months
More NeigeVil questions~
We got some new asks related to the comic we posted yesterday. I’ll reply to everyone in this post.
The comic itself is kind of related to our previous NeigeVil comic… And I’m very happy that you liked it enough to ask questions!
Anonymous asked:
💙 Anon!
Thank you so much!! <3 I am super happy to hear that! Neige is fun to draw, he is charming and has some old-school vibes because of his design.
Vil just HAS to teach him how to kiss!!
Anonymous asked:
Cmon Vikun~ teach lil ol Neige how to kiss~
Yes, please~ Vi-kun, we’re waiting!
Anonymous asked:
What follows NeigeVil kissing practice afterward? The scandalous holding hands lessons? :0
That would truly be scandalous! But it would also get their in-universe fanbase excited, hmmm…
Don’t tell their in-universe producers that fanservice helps to sell stuff better lol
Neige would be so happy to hold Vil’s hand though <3
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Just saw the comic, something feels like Neige plotted this like he somewhat knows how to kiss even if he's honest and never kissed prior but asked Vil all like "Darn, this is such a pickle for me... Would you like to help kiss me Vi-Kun~?" (ie "Maybe now I can try some of that di-")
I would say that Neige is completely innocent and oblivious, but I can’t shake off the feeling that he has some cunning thoughts sometimes lol; it could easily be just a manipulative way to kiss Vil. Although I still like to think that he is just that innocent and super lucky to have an actual reason to demand a kiss~
But damn, how far can they go? Is Vil going to try some of that di- for the sake of art? 🤔
Anonymous asked:
My reaction to that last pannl where neige gets super close to vil: Oh No! VIL IS IN DANGER!
Though why do i have a feeling rook is hiding somewhere watching all this?
Oh Rook would be SO EXCITED, he wouldn’t be able to just silently watch his most favourite people in the world kissing or even have this conversation lol So If Rook was there, we would know…
I have a feeling Vil wouldn’t tell him that he is currently working with Neige though, because he knows Rook would stalk him if he knew about it.
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heir-less · 1 year
Not to be all Wales stan, but Diana was William's mom too and I really want to know how he feels about the Roya Nikkhah piece gloating about how Camilla "won Game of Thrones" literally over Diana's dead body. Maybe he thinks nothing of it? This seems like a similar piece to the Prince William article she wrote two years ago, just more ego-stroking propaganda passing as journalism.
The article is just as terrible as you'd guess and it's obviously palaced sanctioned since named friends (Marchioness of Lansdowne, for example) of Camilla and staff like her former private secretary are quoted.
The article tries to pull at your heartstrings with just how hard it was for poor Camilla during the 90s but she was just so darned resilient and "rose above" the mean, nasty people condemning her.
Oh, but Camilla is also graceful. Even though she did "win" over Diana, she's still humble enough to not want to overshadow the Princess's memory. She didn't attend the 10th Anniversary Concert for Diana because that would have been a PR move that generated more criticism than not attending. It doesn't matter what people think, she's with the man she loves.
But Camilla isn't just naturally empathetic, she's also "the operator" with a steely resolve and a savvy nature suited for court life. When Charles's cash-for-access scandal broke the front pages, it was Camilla who ousted Michael Fawcett, chief executive of the Prince's Foundation. She was merciless in chasing him out the door: WOW!
Camilla and Charles are truly a love match that has endured the years, Camilla understands how to truly make him happy. When they were in Germany last month, humble Camilla graciously allowed Charles to soak in all the limelight when they walked on separate sides of the road. This is something egotistical temptress Diana never would have done. Ignore this, though.
With PR pieces like this, what is there to love about Camilla? Literally, what is there to like about her?
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"Please... fit... Come on..." A muffled grunt sounds through the bedroom wall.
The flock of residents piled against Jean's door exchange looks ranging from disbelief to sly smirks as they eavesdrop on the scandalizing events happening on the other side.
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J E A N ⨉ R E A D E R
a morning affair ☆
. . . . . content warning: smut...? voyeurism? or are things as they seem? hehehe (also Shakespeare makes a comment that low-key implies non-con, but there's nothing non-con happening here, I promise) m a s t e r l i s t
╂ ╂ ◆ 18+ blog, minors dni. I don't respond to ageless blogs
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"Is that really our Jean?" asks one of the residents.
"Don't go crying on us, Chief," adds another. "How do you think he made a baby?"
"Have you men no sense of propriety? We are listening in on Jean making-"
An amused chuckle cuts him off. "There's no honor among men for all men are children." Rustle of sleeves. "Popcorn, anyone?"
"Yes, please. May I have some to give to Theo too?"
"Of course, young man. Have some complimentary syrup as well."
"Ssshh! Everyone keep your voices down!"
"He's right." Pen scribbling noises. "I require absolute silence to record this moment."
"Wait, 'record'...?"
Another forceful grunt comes from the other side of the door.
"...you know, I don't hear any bed-springs..."
"Maybe they're doing it on his desk?"
"That would make a considerable bit of noise too, I think...?"
"B...Broer, how do you know of such things?!?"
"Jean's always been quiet, so I can't say I'm surprised..."
"Tis an art of finery indeed, for such skill is as the assassin plays his knife into his mark with naught but the blade and the hole to bear witness."
"Jean's stealth-fucking."
Several of the men giggle.
"I doubt they've even started. This is stupid. I'm leaving."
That same resident slaps his ear back against the door.
The man beside him gasps. "My Gods, how big is he?"
"How big is who?" You ask as you walk up behind the group.
"Why hello little bird, we're just listening to..." The resident pales. "Wait, if you're here, then..." He taps a gloved finger against the door. "Who's in there?"
"Infidelity!" another resident gasps.
"And so soon in their relationship!"
"What do you mean 'so soon'?"
An indignant huff. "Jean isn't like that. He would never."
"Then have we just been sitting here listening to him masturbate this entire time?"
"...attempted masturbation."
The more you listen to these guys the more confused you get. You frown as you weave through the tightly and ridiculously clustered group of men.
Jean's door opens just as you go to knock.
"Oh!" Jean smiles with unbridled joy when he sees you. "I was actually just coming to find you. Could you help me?"
Jean holds up your infant daughter who sports a lop-sided knitted-hat that seems a little too small for her head.
The collective silence resounding from the group of residents is palpable, sliceable, edible, even.
Jean finally notices everyone else. His pretty lips curve downward. "Has something happened?"
You look over your shoulder at the panoply of men trying to salvage what dignity they have left.
"Why are all of you coughing?" Jean asks. "Are you ill?" He twists his body to shield the gurgling child from the residents.
You break the tension with your melodic laughter. You feel everyone's eyes on you at once. Ignoring all of them save for Jean in front of you, you reach for your daughter, gently taking her into your arms.
Your husband, presumably still worried about possible sickness, looks wary.
You give him a tender peck on the cheek to reassure him. "I'll tell you about it later. Let's find her a different hat, shall we?"
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steampunkforever · 6 months
Peeping Tom is a film that feels like if they released Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho the same year that they released Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. Except in color, with slightly more lurid imagery and definitely more lurid colors.
Even though both films came out in 1960, both with plotlines following deranged serial killers with parental childhood traumas and interesting slaying methods, Psycho is considered to be one of the foundations of slasher horror as a genre and Peeping Tom is hardly considered at all.
The main difference between the two films is really Hitchcock. Not so much in his directing style as much as Hitchcock's status as a director. You see, both Psycho and Peeping Tom received scathing reviews from british critics scandalized at seeing someone do something bad onscreen, but (expat making American movies) Hitchcock not only went on to make many more films, even the brit critics who hated the film cast it as a blot on an otherwise excellent career. Micheal Powell, on the other hand, had his career in movies ended by the reception of Peeping Tom.
Which is to say, Peeping Tom got the short end of the stick. Especially because of how fantastic a movie it is. The colors and lighting are positively gorgeous, the editing is phenomenal, and the plot overall is interesting and engaging. As one of the first slashers (before anyone really solidified Slasher as a genre) it certainly done with an artistic dedication to its craft that many of the films following in its footsteps could have benefited from.
This film is solidly a cult film, but like many I've seen, Peeping Tom by no means needs me to make excuses for it. It's a movie sophisticated for its time and for ours, and a darn good one at that. Watch it if you can find it, it's well worth the effort.
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