#it’s v bad I don’t like it
ygodmyy20 · 6 months
I had a one day (like 48 hours) trip to Vegas for work. First time in Vegas. Not gonna lie. I don’t want to come back.
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manitapaleta · 1 year
Sorry I'm late, I had this clear vision once of Lark in this very specific blue and pink cat apron the reads "Coffee Right Meow" and he's baking and for whatever reason he's holding a knife. Do with that what you will
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Sorry IM late answering this ask lol also I forgot abt the knife part lol sorryyyy
Slightly younger lark and sparrow with a baby norm !!! Now I wanna draw all the kids as babies
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amamozarte · 27 days
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quick sketch to retain sanity
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londyboobs · 8 months
i’m such a hypocrite one week ago i was mad as hell with andre but now all this slander and people acting like he’s the villain just makes me want to put him under my wings and use the same arguments i used to talk shit about him to now DEFEND HIM ok hes a shitty friend and lives his life in auto pilot without a single care in his head and hes also a nepo baby but HE LIVED HIS WHOLE LIFE IN HIS FATHER SHADOW AND MIND YOU THIS FATHER IS A FREAKING FAMOUS SUPE
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rowan-guerrins · 3 months
people on tiktok well on all social media sites actually will loudly critique the fact some people (especially those who only watched the movies) “didn’t get the point of the hunger games” and then turn around and say gale is the worst person in the universe and treat him like he’s a monster, and that all these traits are innate characteristics completely isolated from the circumstances in which he lived and the people around him. like girlie i think maybe YOU didn’t get the point here either.
#obviously this isn’t to say you need to or were “supposed to” like gale#there are a lot of good reasons to criticize him. esp wrt his sense of entitlement to katniss.#but he’s not supposed to be a Villain™️#like he’s a poor traumatized (brown coded) boy whose very valid anger was used to groom him into a perfect soldier.#kind of almost like it’s a critique on the militarization of young boys. esp those who are underprivileged.#which doesn’t excuse his actions & it doesn’t mean you have to like him#but it’s enraging when people act like he is a heartless monster who is unredeemable or whatever. like. oh that’s not….#bonus points if they babygirlify cato and clove (and marvel and glimmer) and cry about how they’re just kids#+ “they were only the way they are bc of the capitol 🥺”.#like yes it’s a big point that they were kids groomed to be child soldiers because the capitol pressured and “rewarded” career districts#to churn out child soldiers and whatnot. but that. ok.#truly just how do you hold the belief that to an extent excuses them or at least makes them sympathetic—#—but then not extend that empathy to gale. side eye.#esp bc a lot of the stuff is taking potshots at gale to uplift peeta/everlark.#like. uh! okay!#obligatory disclaimer i don’t actually like gale. however i am at my limit on weird and bad and inconsistent takes on him.#yeah he sucks. almost like that’s because he was horrifically oppressed by the captiol + then was groomed to be the ideal soldier by coin.#crazy how that’s the point.#and AGAIN. doesn’t EXCUSE what he does. but it’s important to acknowledge bc it v much contextualizes who and what he is and does.#the hunger games#gale hawthorne#i don’t think i need to tag this in the anti tag but lmk
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xxviridian · 3 months
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alright— !!
starting off strong with madoka magica! rant & heavy spoilers ahead!
i’ve been seeing a lot of madoka magica hate recently, on most of my social media platforms, solely because dudebros love to hate on magical girls, specifically madoka.
“she’s so weak”
“gun level only”
“character x beats her easily”
like alright bro just say you know nothing about madoka and her story and move on. i won’t get too into the details but it’s the fact that madoka, after becoming a goddess, who really isn’t bc she’s a literal concept so she doesn’t exist in anyone’s mind so no one even knows she’s real, who then can literally be anywhere and nowhere at once, due to her being said concept on an (every)universal level; has the ability to REWRITE said universes at a literal whims notice. doesn’t even have to construct the ability she just wills it to be done and it is.
calling her weak when even if she doesn’t rewrite your entire universe’s lore and any abilities attached to said universe, her power scales so beyond she practically one shots everything. and it’s not even like madoka WOULD do any of this! her morals to do good and to BE good are so straightforward and pointed in the morally right direction that she wouldn’t even consider anything a threat.
the only person who is shown to even touch a minuscule amount of her power was demon homura, when feigning death and trapping her in time itself. splitting her from her concept/godlike body. and that ALONE is far more powerful than most characters people pit the magical girls against.
genuinely, i just don’t understand the madoka hate when she’s just as op as any other mc. she’s played dirty solely bc she’s from a “ha-ha” cutesy magical girl anime and it drives me nuts.
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badolmen · 8 months
My beloved best friend of several years, who bought me Minecraft the winter before COVID after I mentioned I hadn’t played since before there were horses, got severely motion sick when playing minecraft for too long.
We were both aware of this, and took breaks or shortened our play sessions accordingly.
However, a few days ago, at the end of one of those sessions when my friend wasn’t feeling well, we traveled through a Nether portal.
“Have you turned off your motion effects? And the camera bobbing?”
My beloved friend, who has been playing this game more consistently for many more years than me, did not know what those were. We navigate to my friend’s accessibility settings and toggle off portal motion effects and camera bobbing.
Lo and behold minecraft is playable for my friend again. Check accessibility settings for every game you play and see what options you have. Do not suffer if you can help it 👍
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god-u · 7 months
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Aaaaaah, quit callin’ me Luh, it’s Lu bitch!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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I propose the most toxic yaoi of all time: Peter Strahm (Saw) x Elliot Stabler (Law & Order: SVU)
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whoblewboobear · 8 months
Americory fully just proves the hot girl/plain guy theory bc if you’re a dude that’s just a decent human being, that wins over superficial things more often than not 🤷🏾
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what is that other post you never made that you think about weekly. asking for a friend :)
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critically important that i make it clear I wasn’t the first to notice it but i fucking love how you can tell arjuna and karna are related in this one picture by redrop bc they both have the exact same stupid dead fish facial expression
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padfootastic · 1 year
Day 2 - Posture
written for @prongsfoot-microfic
“Keep slouching like that, and you’ll end up stuck in that position before you hit thirty.” Professor McGonagall’s stern voice was accompanied by an intensely disapproving glare at Sirius’ sitting—no, slouching posture. He was currently half laid out on a couch, legs thrown over one arm of it and neck hanging off the other side. It was a very comfortable position and even McGonagall’s threats weren’t enough to make him budge.
“S’not like I can be any more bent, let’s be honest,” he muttered under his breath, smirking when Remus and James let out matching snorts of laughter, unable to contain their reactions.
“Mr. Black!” McGonagall gasped, scandalised. He leaned back further to send her a quick wink before slowly moving into a better position.
“Apologies, Professor, I didn’t mean to say that,” he said, utterly insincerely. He wasn’t fooling anyone, of course, but it was the principle of the matter.
“I’m sure you didn’t,” she replied, though a tiny little glint in her eye told Sirius exactly how much she enjoyed their little back-and-forths. She could pretend to be stern and stuffy all she wanted, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth.
She looked at all three of them for a moment, looking like butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths, before letting out an almost-audible sigh. Almost. “Well, I knew it would be futile but I had to try. At least sitting up straight would make it easier for Mr. Potter to carry out his heart’s desire, so there’s that. Do remember there’s young children around, boys.” And with that parting shot, she left, leaving them sitting there in varying stages of disbelief (Sirius), embarrassment (James) and hysterical laughter (Remus, the fucker).
“Did she just—?” James managed to get out before burying his face in his hands. Sirius could see the tips of his extremely red ears peeking out the sides.
“I think it was a fever dream,” Sirius replied mechanically, still trying to make sense of what just happened. How quickly the tables turned on them.
“Oh no, not at all,” Remus finally deigned to join, ceasing his cackles just enough to get his two cents in. “She really did just imply that James wanted to devour you, and that it would be much more effective to do it sitting up.”
“Remus—“ Sirius growled, lifting out of his seat to seal his friend’s mouth shut; he was having entirely too much fun.
“Of course, I agree with her, seeing as there’s no—how did you put it, James?—‘tantalising display of skin torturing you’ now.”
“Oh my god,” James removed his hands from his face, making it clear the blush had travelled violently down his face, over his neck. Sirius could see it had even spread across his chest from the little V of his button-up. He gulped, quickly turning away lest it trigger another kind of heat in him. “Remus, you utter piece of goblin-shite.”
“Thanks ever so much, honey.” Remus blew a kiss, once at each of them, and left without a look back, fully aware of the shit he’d just stirred.
“So…” James was staring at the wall in front of him with a laser focus, resolutely not looking at Sirius.
“Wanna go see if you really can’t get any more bent?”
Neither of them were seen in the castle for the rest of the day. Remus got at least twenty three galleons and fifteen sickles from the student body, and an additional ten from McGonagall. They made good partners, if he did say so himself.
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flowryluv · 7 months
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kanene-yaaay · 3 months
Hey Kanene, I have an amazing Poppy Playtime tickle fic idea for you: A sequel to your spectacular fic where the player gets revenge on DogDay by giving him the same treatment he gave them.
Heya heya! Aaaa that is such an adorable idea! Gonna be honest tho I think Dogday wouldn’t last too much in the game afwftecehsuwgyw I feel like he would try to at the beginning, but as the light tickles and the teasing just keep going his joy would get too much to contain and he would explode in giggles even if you weren't actually tickling him at all! Imagine how cute! The antecipation just got to him so much that he can't stop squirming, entire body shaking with both his laughter and how much his tail is wagging around like crazy. A gigantic smile in his face and an uncontrollable fit of squeaks and snickers and only a few pokes here and there are enough to keep him in that hysterical fate. Glinting eyes watching your every move and still doing exactly nothing to stop as you decide to finally tickle him silly. So yeah! I don’t think the game would take too long to end but fun and laughter would just be there still :D
Tho, that reminded me of an idea of a tickle game that appeared to me in a dream (literally akvafwjwvege) and I've been wanting to write for years: a game where the tickles starts at your ears and ends on your toes, teasing and tickling every tickle spot in between! The person has to hold their laughter as long as they can because the moment their barrier break and they laugh then all the spots that were left un-tickled are a free game to be tickled by the ler as much as they both want! :D
I'm not very good at explaining but let's say that the ler starts tickling the Lee's ears and that is fine, they can keep their giggles in! That is not a so bad spot! And then they go to the neck, shoulders, armpits, ribs.... but! The moment the latch on the Lee's laugh they can't keep it anymore and start to laugh! So every tickle spot from the sides to his feet are a free game to tickle and all the above are not :DD which can bring interesting scenarios of the lee laughing before the ler pass across their fav tickle spot or they asking for the ler to go back and tickle them there! Oh, and ofc the lee wins if they manage to not laugh until the end and then it's the Ler's time to giggle and blush :D
Anyway, really like this idea and I like to picture that Dogday has super ticklish ears so he would probably lose even faster in this one but ajegtevekevete I don't think he would be bothered at all, I mean, you saying that he gets a fun bonding moment between him and his angel, laughter, happiness, comfort, playful fun AND tickles? He is heaven
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U know how SWK had his whole redemption journey thing but 6EM never did? What if once 6EM & SWK start getting along again (& 6EM gets comfy around the Monkie Gang) old lil habits 6EM had start coming out? Like unhealthy habits that he just never realized weren’t normal/aren’t what friends r supposed 2 do? (I have a post sumwhere that sorta explains what I’m talking abt? Kinda a character study & it doesn’t fully explain what I’m talking abt here. But! Link u wanna read that)
Like not unhealthy as in 6EM is doing sum 2 hurt others, more like doing shit 2 indirectly hurt himself? Just shit SWK would ask/have him do or whatever, and it was Wrong™️ but 6EM never learned that.
Edit: JUST THOUGHT ABT HOW BAD THIS WOULD B 4 SWK!! Like I imagine he prolly doesn’t remember their entire friendship, so may b he knows some of the unhealthy behaviors but completely forgot others. Bro would have 2 watch the direct effect of his actions & how they negatively effect others lives. He would have 2 watch 6EM indirectly harming himself & not even knowing. SWK would prolly feel horrified.
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deankarolina · 6 months
anyone wanna be a possible giftee, in which I make lil craft gifts and (possibly) actually send them
I feel like if I had a not actually obligated but still established mental obligation to people about my craft projects then I might actually end up finishing them
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