#it’s v unlikely
I just need Vulcans to hear about bunnies dying from loneliness and looking it up to see if anything similar like that happens to Humans just to find out we can die from heartbreak
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chrliekclly · 2 months
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horrible parents horrible women horrible yuri
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edorazzi · 1 month
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Page 13 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Felix crawls home from what he thinks is a one-time magical assignment - but he's about to learn exactly what Plagg signed him up for! 😈
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Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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begging hbo to make the opening sequence for dunk and egg (at least for the hedge knight) some sort of puppet show or at least involve puppets of some kind
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paper-mario-wiki · 9 months
I love songs that sound angry and frustrated and hateful.
Not in the lyrics or anything like that. I just love it when I listen to a song and something about the balancing, the way the drum hits, the way the chords scream. I love it when a song is in pain, either physically or emotionally.
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shokupanda · 7 months
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severely sorry for not logging into this acc for months. hereforth is carl echo vn to visualize where i have been mentally. bweh :3
(ill be back posting art soon since its almost the semester break now! thank god)
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404-art-found · 5 days
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I know you're feening for uncertainty, but I'm not scared!
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outtheoiseaux · 17 days
Just watched saw 3D for the first time and having come from watching saw VI, it’s so jarring bc Hoffman is NOT the same character in those two movies
Saw 3D’s characterization of Hoffman as a violence-loving, inhuman monster is crazy because didn’t V and VI take explicit care to portray him as an otherwise normal guy who did something brutal out of grief and got dragged unwillingly into the rest of it?
Don’t you see shots of Hoffman nearly crying when he watches Seth- the scummy neonazi who got off on a technicality after he murdered his baby sister- die? Or when he openly sheds tears over having to kidnap paul? Is he not shown to be openly disturbed by strahm’s crushing?
When John asks if he likes how brutality feels, it’s ironic because like any normal person he very clearly doesn’t!
Both John and Amanda are MUCH less disturbed by the idea of being brutal to regular, run of the mill people because they genuinely see each game as a step towards growth or redemption (even if Amanda clearly has a tendency to project onto people or decide some people aren’t redeemable) but the only people Hoffman likes to target are predators, domestic abusers, child murderers, corrupt officials, etc. because he can only see the traps as what they are- open brutality- and those are the only people he can bring himself to be so violent towards.
Had he not gone after Seth Baxter, or had he gone after him in any other way than the one he did, Hoffman would probably be a run of the mill, normal guy! Even in his job, he’s not a little freak like Rigg or Matthews, he just does his job like a normal person.
It genuinely didn’t even occur to him to fess up to Baxter’s murder, even though it’s very clear his coworkers would have thought the guy deserved it and pulled rank to cover up his crime.
So the stupid “shoot first” scene in 3D is, to me, a horrendous mischaracterization!
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zareleonis · 7 months
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A little clarification on how Neuvillette addresses Furina in her story quest—in English it's rendered as "Miss Furina," and shortly after "Lady Furina," implying he uses a different honorific each time.
However, in both these lines Neuvillette actually uses 女士/nǚshì, the same way he has always addressed Furina in the past, barring the instances where he only uses her name, which he only does in private and generally not to her face.
When Furina asks the NPCs in the quest to stop calling her "Lady Furina," they switch from 大人/dàrén to calling her 女士/nǚshì/Miss Furina. Previously Neuvillette was the only character who called her that. When he did, it was always rendered in English as "Lady Furina," the same as the other more reverent honorific.
So no actual change between them in this regard, just the translation team finding themselves in a bit of a bind over how to translate it going forward where the two are concerned!
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I call them “Eclipse was not invited to the polycule and he’s going to make it everyone elses problem” and “The sexy beach episode” 
I know I said this last time, but I do still have some more potential content, but we’ll see if I ever get to them- crossing my finger for it!
As usual: The detective AU and character designs are made by @starlightcloudbaby and The Sleuth Jesters saga which these doodles are based off of is made by @naffeclipse!
Also have a little bonus depicting my favorite part about drawing y/n:
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Best part of the process- adding muppet eyes to y/n’s bells XD
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sophsun1 · 3 months
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suppenzeit · 2 months
knowing that vault 33 was made to produce Nice and Agreeable people really makes me think about norm... he probably feels really alienated, especially during the events of the show, perhaps feels like he was just born wrong with some sort of permanent bad attitude. if i was better at writing id make like a whole post about his neurodivergency but youre just gonna have to imagine it for now
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modmad · 24 days
I hear you're a durango and silverton narrow guage railway enjoyer 👀🚂 I spend a lot of time at the depot/museum because my dad works there as a veteran fireman, engineer, and safety advisor, and our family friend runs the museum! If you ever get to southwest Colorado, riding the train is absolutely a must - they also do a polar express overlay in the winter, which is so fun. You didn't hear it from me, but a few weeks ago when I was visiting, Kevin Costner was using the depot to film bits for his new western trilogy, and my dad helped out on set aboard the engine. Choo choo!!! (big fan of taffy train btw I adore all your art!!!)
A CELEBRITY IN MY INBOX WHAT A BLESSED DAY IT IS you know Taffy Train?! A thousand angels sing in chorus. Train stans win forever.
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muirmarie · 3 months
modern trek erasing mccoy is genuinely my villain origin story
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arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
I wonder when Javier is going to offhandedly mention how the gang has been pronouncing his last name wrong the entire time he's been with them
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blackbyrenflowers · 2 months
Dunk and Egg have been cast!
Peter Claffey plays Duncan the Tall, Dexter Sol Ansell plays Egg.
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