#but I made this post instead…because I’m in a sad mood
I just need Vulcans to hear about bunnies dying from loneliness and looking it up to see if anything similar like that happens to Humans just to find out we can die from heartbreak
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starlostseungmin · 4 months
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✰ notes: posting this a day early since i’ll be out of town please enjoy <33 not proofread. REBLOGGING, COMMENTS AND LEAVING TAGS are highly appreciated! thank you <33
seungmin , chan , lee know , jeongin ( han )changbin , felix , hyunjin.
Husband Han who asked the baker and chef to put the ring inside the cake. You thought it was kind of old school and yet you cried when you saw the ring. He went down on one knee in front of the crowd as the waiter/waitresses came for assistance. “Will you be the mother of Bbama?” “Yes!” 
Husband Han who wrote a song that he’d use on the day of his wedding proposal. The lyrics consist of words about his feelings, how deep his love is for you, how thankful he is, and how you are his favorite person apart from his Minho hyung. He went on the small stage of the restaurant and grabbed a small piece of paper so he wouldn’t forget what he had written. 
Husband Han whom you can order around. He complains but still does whatever you ask for. Sometimes he just obeys quietly or if he’s in the mood, he looks like a kid who’s happy to help his parents with that adorable and proud smile plastered on his face.
Husband Han who loves to stay home and watch your favorite movies then proceeds to cuddle you all day. He also buys things that will serve good for your convenience and cause less effort. He is a home buddy for a reason. 
Husband Han who is happy as a clam when you visit him while he’s at work especially when you bring him and his members with a ton of food.
Husband Han who is a loud introvert and hits high notes effortlessly on a random Wednesday morning. 
Husband Han who overreacts, and screams at any small inconvenience when he gets a chance. Hyunjin would be the one to cover his mouth because his ears suffer the most. 
Husband Han who has a lot of feelings and takes everything to heart (playfully) during a nonsense argument and will say some things nonstop until both of you just laugh them off. Yet also the type to be calm and straightforward that would pierce your heart if it’s serious especially when he does have a point. 
Husband Han who sometimes doesn’t listen to you and is stubborn. 
Husband Han who apologizes hours later after thoroughly thinking of what he did or said wrong during the fight. He would hug you tightly when he sees you crying and say “I love you” instead of  “I’m sorry.”
Husband Han who listens attentively to your worries and gives you useful advice. If he feels like you don’t want to hear anything and just sit there in silence, he will hold your hand or bring you into his arms while kissing the crown of your head. 
Husband Han whose love languages are physical touch, quality time, and words of affirmation (through the songs he wrote). 
Husband Han who gets jealous when you pay too much attention to BBama instead of him. He would sulk at the corner and refuse to talk unless you baby him until he decides to forgive you. 
Husband Han who gets sentimental when sad so you let him lay on you and bury his face on your neck while you hum his favorite tune or just play with his hair while whispering some things that he needs to hear. He loves it when you do that. 
Husband Han who loves cheesecakes especially when you’re the one who made them. He’d devour them immediately with some iced coffee he got from Seungmin.
Husband Han who gets round when he eats something or just mainly his cheeks are the cutest that you want to kiss, pinch, or suddenly goes nom nom nom. 
Husband Han who doesn’t mind you wearing his clothes. He loves them on you. 
Husband Han whose voice you want to listen to all night after a long day because it’s soothing to hear and brings you comfort, especially when he is talking softly and in a gentle manner. 
Husband Han who gets undeniably shy when you kiss him, especially when you’re in public. He is all giddy and a blushing mess, expect to make out with him when you get home.
Husband Han who can sleep everywhere that you get jealous but he would ask you first if you want to cuddle until you fall asleep in whatever comfortable place you’re at. 
Husband Han who texts or calls you before going home from work just to ask how your day went and if you want him to buy something. Sometimes you do it the other way around. It’s a must in this marriage. 
Husband Han who spoils you a lot. 
Husband Han who respects whatever decision you make, especially when it comes to the thought of having kids. Just like anyone else, he doesn’t pressure you and wait until you’re the first one to initiate the topic. 
Husband Han who promised to love you and never leave until death do you part.
Husband Han who thinks that having you in his life is the greatest gift he could ever have and the best thing that ever happened. 
Husband Han whom you love, protect, and spend the rest of your life with along with Bbama. 
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✰ taglist: @notastraykid , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @reignessance , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @rachabreathing , @hyunverse , @minluvly , @sleepyleeji , @starseungs , @midsoulz , @oddracha , @armystay89 , @lashaemorow
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bicayaya · 2 months
as of now, i’m on a semi-hiatus.
under the cut i’ll talk a little about this decision. it’ll probably be a long post and it’s basically a vent, so pls don’t feel pressured to read it.
maybe all i say here will sound confusing, specially because lately expressing myself in english is being very hard. but i’ll try to make some sense.
well, there’s two main reasons why i’m deciding to do this. first of all, ever since i went on a semi-hiatus during may/june, i feel that i’m unable to be 100% back on this account, like i lost my place here. i always felt anxious and nervous about interacting, but somehow it became even worse after being some time away from tumblr. this is no one’s fault (probably just my own), but i can’t help but feel disconnected from the rest of the fandom. which makes me sad, because there’s a lot of people here who i really like and who i miss interacting with more. but in the past few weeks, every time i thought of interacting, something kept blocking me, i felt like i had nothing to add to the conversation and that no one would even care about anything i could possibly say (again, i’m aware that this is mostly my anxiety talking and no one’s to blame for me feeling like this other than myself). this feeling of rejection made me even avoid opening the app some days, because seeing others interacting made me feel even worse about my current lack of social skills.
the second reason is the fact that creating is not bringing me any joy right now. again, a fact that makes me really sad, because i love drawing, i love my ocs and i still have a lot of ideas i would like to share. but the process of creating them isn’t being as fun as it was a few months ago. i had a conversation about this with my psychologist recently, and she made me realize that instead of using my free time doing something i was in the mood to or resting, i was forcing myself to do the things i thought i had to do. i still love art, and i don’t plan on giving up on it, but maybe i should try focusing and trying different hobbies for now. because lately all i felt while trying to create was frustration, and i don’t want to ruin something i love by associating it with bad feelings. and honestly, if i can’t create, i feel like there’s nothing for me to even post here.
these two reasons are also connected to the fact that i’m not on a good mental state right now. i won’t elaborate much, because these are personal matters that i don’t feel comfortable sharing here, but i’ve been feeling down and anxious most of the time. this makes me feel like an awful person, which makes me avoid talking with others because i fear being bad with them (and consequently makes me avoid any kind of interaction, like i said before), and not keeping touch makes me feel even worse and i just keep constantly finding myself in this cicle. my routine is not the healthiest right now either, which i think might be making everything worse.
i’m not happy making this decision, but i think it’s necessary because i’m not happy with how things are right now either. there’s still a lot i would like to share, specially involving my ocs, but i just can’t do anything right now.
even with all of this, i don’t want to lose contact with the friends i’ve made here. you’re all very precious to me and always showed me a lot of kindness and support. if anyone wants to reach out to me for any reason, i’ll still have my tumblr notifications turned on, so you can dm me or send me messages on discord (same username as here). the only posts i’ll be checking out are the ones i’m tagged, so if you want me to see something that you think i might like, feel free to tag me! i’m sure i’ll be happy to see it.
you can also still send asks for me or for my ocs (in this or in their blog). i don’t know if i’ll be able to answer them quickly, as i still have a few old unanswered asks, but i’ll try, specially if it’s something important.
and, something important: i still plan on doing the requests i received on my birthday event. i think it’s unfair to everyone who joined to ignore it and i want to keep my word. but i can’t promise when i’ll post them, because i’ll probably take longer than usual to finish any drawing.
i guess that’s all. please take care everyone, if you need me for anything (or just want to reach out) you know where to find me! hopefully this decision won’t last long.
my intro/masterpost
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missywritesfor7 · 5 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
Previous chapter | Next chapter | Masterlist
Ch. 19: Your Letter
Yoongi needed a longer session with Minho the next day. He barely slept so all of his feelings of hurt and sadness continued to grow throughout the night. By morning he was a puffy red eyed mess wishing for something to drink again.
The session was rough and involved many tears and realizations. Yoongi learned a lot of things about himself that he didn’t quite realize before. That unleashed more emotions because now he feels like he doesn’t even know himself anymore. It was the roughest session he’s had so far.
The session ended with homework for Yoongi, which is typical. Minho always gives Yoongi homework after each session. This time his homework is to read a few things about codependency that Minho sent him. The more Yoongi read, the more he got upset. He fit the description, but he wants so bad to not. It just adds another thing to his list of issues.
Regardless of his denial, he knows one thing. He needs to apologize to Hyeri. He may not be ready to accept that he’s codependent, but he’s willing to admit that he shouldn’t have acted the way he did with her. He should have believed her when she said she was fine and he definitely shouldn’t have made her feel like a helpless baby. It wasn’t his intention at all and he’s been feeling like shit ever since he came to the realization that he was in the wrong. On top of that, Hyeri’s birthday is in just three days and the last thing he wants is for her to hate him on her birthday.
He starts to type out a message but then stops midway through. He can’t text her an apology. As ashamed as he is to speak to her again, he knows a text message would be too impersonal and seem lazy. So he calls her.
The phone rings once and he hangs up.
He curses himself then calls again. This time taking a deep breath and for whatever reason hoping she doesn’t answer because he’s starting to realize he’s much too nervous to talk to her.
“Hey,” Hyeri’s voice softly rings through the phone.
“Hey,” he says with a shaky voice. “How did you sleep?” He asks suddenly going blank on what to say. “No, I mean, have you had breakfast? It’s ok if you haven’t. I mean I think you should have something for breakfast, but you don’t have to.”
“Is there a reason why you called?” She asks hoarsely. She hasn’t yet gotten out of bed and aside from that she had been crying all night, so she’s not actually in the mood to talk. Still she couldn’t stop herself from answering when his name popped up on her phone.
“No. I mean yeah, I just…” he pauses to take a deep breath and pull himself together. “I wanted to apologize for last night. I wasn’t trying to make you feel like a baby or anything. I was being…I don’t know…”
“Overbearing and suffocating,” she says finishing his sentence.
“Right,” he sighs. “I’m sorry, Hyeri. Truth is, I talked to Minho today and now I feel all fucked up and confused because he told me things about myself I never realized and I’m starting to wonder if I ever even knew myself in the first place.”
“Told you things like what?”
“That I’m…I just…he said a lot and I’m working through it all. I just wanted to apologize because I love you and I don’t want you to hate me for being a helicopter parent.”
“I don’t hate you, Yoongi. I never could. I just want you to know how frustrating it is for me. It’s like you’re focused too much on taking care of my every want and need, but you don’t focus enough on yourself. You ignore everything going on with you and devote your every moment to catering to me when I don’t need it and at times I don’t want it. I’m just tired. You’ve put me through a lot, Yoongi.”
“I’m sorry,” he says through the knot in his throat. “You’re right and I guess I’m finally starting to see that. I can’t get anything right when it comes to you.” He pauses realizing he’s saying just the thing Minho was telling him about earlier. “I’m sorry. I’m trying, I mean it,” he pleads. “It’s hard. So hard. I’m working on being better. I swear when I leave here I’ll be a much better person. I’ll be clean, I won’t lie or cheat or get back into drinking all of the time.”
“I know,” she says. “I know you’re trying to work on it, but you still have a long way to go. I’m trying my best to be patient but you have to know last night it was just too much on top of a day that was already stressful.”
“I know and I’m so sorry for that. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did. I’m really trying, Hyeri. I want to be so much better for you.”
“I know,” she sighs hating what she’s about to say. “I think maybe it was a bad idea for us to start talking on the phone. It was probably a bad idea for us to even text. I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I think maybe we shouldn’t talk for a bit. At least until you’re able to find some mental stability.” She instantly regrets her words, but she can’t take them back. She knows he shouldn’t have been able to talk to her from the start because it could hinder his recovery, and it seems like it has.
“You don’t want to talk to me?” He asks feeling his heart drop to the floor.
“That’s not what I’m saying,” she insists. “I’m a distraction to you. Even if you don’t want to admit it, it’s true. You aren’t focused on yourself because you’re focused on me. If you don’t get better what would happen to us?” She chokes back tears at the thought of being without him.
Yoongi is silent knowing that she has a point, but not wanting to admit it. It feels like she’s trying to break up with him and he’s not sure he can take that.
“Babe,” she says in a reassuring tone. “I’m not going anywhere. I can take care of me, so you take care of you.”
“So…can we still text?” He asks feeling like his single source of mental and emotional relief outside of alcohol is leaving him.
“You can text me all you want. I just can’t guarantee that I’ll respond. Just…so you can remain focused. But I’ll always read your messages. I promise.”
“You wouldn’t miss me?” He asks searching for reassurance.
“I always miss you when you’re not here. That’s not what I’m saying. It’s just that…maybe I have an audition for that very big role that JJS tried to stop me from going for and I need to concentrate on that right now. Just like you need to concentrate on your health.”
“You have an audition? That’s great!” He says suddenly proud and almost as if she didn’t just suggest they not talk for a while.
“Yeah,” she responds softly. “I need to focus on that and focus on my own healing, you know? I haven’t really been able to since you’ve been home and it’s starting to catch up to me. So please use this time to take care of yourself.”
“Right,” he sighs. “Take care of yourself too. I mean…you already do so I guess I don’t need to tell you that…”
“It’s ok. I love you, Yoongi.”
“I love you too, Na Hyeri. I…I hate this, but I know you’re right. I love you so much, please wait for me I promise I’ll make it all up to you.”
“I’ll be here, babe,” she says. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Yeah,” he says softly. The call ends and he simply lays in place in the bed.
His heart hurts. It hurts a lot. But he knows she hurts too, and she deserves time to heal from everything he’s put her through.
That now leaves him alone with nothing but his thoughts. That’s a hard thing for him to deal with so he looks for a distraction. He goes to his keyboard and begins playing a few notes. Then a few chords. Suddenly he’s playing a melody off the top of his head, though it sounds like something he’s already long since written and perfected. It’s not, though. It’s just him freestyling fueled by the thoughts swirling around in his head.
After a minute he decides to set up his phone to record himself. He does it often when he wants to remember something he’s playing. He hits record and continues playing and playing.
Since Yoongi had left for treatment, the rest of the guys have been working on their own projects. Namjoon and Hobi both have taken on a number of things that have been keeping them busy. Jungkook and Jimin have worked on a few features, but spend most of their time on live with Army. Especially Jungkook. Taehyung has been taking over the fashion world. And Jin has remained mostly low key other than popping in on a couple of variety shows. However, for one day Yoongi asked a favor of them if they could.
Operation: Hyeri’s birthday.
It didn’t take long for Yoongi to think of a way to both apologize to Hyeri and give her the grandest birthday he can given the circumstances. He started by quickly polishing the song he had begun playing on his keyboard. He recorded a final video of himself playing it. It’s a song dedicated to her.
After writing the song, he went searching online for someone who could have 3 grand bouquets of flowers delivered to her on her birthday. Then he got the idea to make it a surprise. He ordered flowers, candy, jewelry, a few pairs of shoes, a massive Shooky plush, and a designer purse all to be delivered in 3 days.
He didnt stop there. He wants the surprise to be big and meaningful. He needs help though, so he reached out to his brothers to assist. Jungkook and Taehyung are both in different parts of the world so they aren’t able to help, but the rest of the guys agreed to carry out Yoongi’s operation.
Namjoon will be in charge of getting Hyeri out of the house. She has a schedule the morning of her birthday, that will keep her out for a while, but after that Namjoon asked if he could treat her to a birthday lunch. That will keep her away longer to ensure Jin, Hobi, and Jimin have plenty of time to set up the apartment with all of the gifts being delivered.
Yoongi has lots of free time, so getting all of these things setup was quick and easy. Once he had everything set he worked on the most important thing. What to say to her.
He knows she mentioned they should stop talking so he doesn’t expect that she’d answer the phone if he called. So he has no other option other than to write her a letter. He could send her a text, but he wasn’t sure that was the way he wanted to do this.
During his session with Minho the following day, Yoongi told him everything he was planning. Of course he first had to talk about the conversation he had with her and how it hurt a bit, but that’s why he’s so determined to make this perfect. Minho helped brainstorm ideas and in the end Yoongi decided he would hand write a letter to her on his tablet and send it to her that way.
Hyeri woke up the morning of her birthday almost forgetting that it was even her birthday. If it wasn’t for her birthday lunch with Namjoon, she would have just figured this day were like any other. She has breakfast, studies the script for her audition a bit, then heads out when her new manager arrives to take her to her first appointment of the day.
As soon as she’s gone, Jin, Hobi, and Jimin get right to work. They brought extra decorations for added impact, though Yoongi may not be fully aware. They have balloons, ribbons, and confetti that they put in every area of the place. They accepted every delivery that came and made sure to display everything clearly so Hyeri can see as soon as she walks inside. They took pictures of everything and sent them to Yoongi for his approval. When all was perfect they left, leaving Hyeri’s surprise waiting for her.
Yoongi waited for the signal. The message from Namjoon saying they finished lunch and Hyeri should be on her way home. That’s when Yoongi sent the letter he had written to her.
Hyeri knows she told Yoongi she may not respond to his messages, but she said she would always read them. She thought by saying that he would at least send her something, but he hasn’t. She hasn’t heard from him since they last spoke on the phone, until now. She lit up when she saw his name pop up on her phone. She couldn’t even make it to the elevator to get up to their floor, she had to read it right away.
The moment she saw that it was a handwritten note, she knew it was something sincere. Yoongi doesn’t always do handwritten letters. She leaned against the wall near the elevators not bothering to press the button. She’s only concerned with what Yoongi’s letter says.
My Na Hyeri,
Happy birthday my love! I wish I could be with you to celebrate, but since I can’t I hope this is enough. There aren’t enough words in the universe to describe what you mean to me.
From the moment I met you, I knew that you were special. Your smile, your laugh, your personality...everything about you just makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world. Spending time with you always brings me peace and happiness, and I’m grateful for every moment we’ve had together.
I am so sorry for putting you through so much pain and heartache. I know that you deserve so much better than that. I’m working hard to become a better person, not just for you but for myself as well.
I know that the past year has been challenging for us, but I believe that our love is strong enough to endure anything that comes our way. I promise to work on myself and our relationship every day, so that we can continue to grow together.
I want you to know that you are the light of my life, and I will always do everything in my power to make you happy. I hope that you can feel my love for you at all times no matter how far apart we are.
I promise I will spend the rest of my life making up for all of my mistakes and showing you how much you mean to me. I love you with all of my heart, and I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again.
Forever mine. Forever yours.
Hyeri can hardly even read the last few lines of his letter through her tears. Her heart hurts but feels so full at the same time. She takes a second to pull herself together and takes the elevator up. When she steps into the front door the tears start falling again.
She’s immediately greeted by one large bouquet of fall flowers. When she looks up she sees ribbons strung across the ceiling along with many balloons, some heart shaped. She walks further inside and is greeted by a second bouquet, bigger than the first, sitting on the coffee table in the living room surrounded by more confetti, a bottle of her favorite wine, and a small jewelry box. Inside is a silver cuff bracelet covered in diamonds with a matching pair of earrings.
From there she goes into the bedroom where she finds Shooky presenting her with the third bouquet and a gorgeous purse and shoes that are perfectly her style. At this point shes shed enough tears to fill a pool. All of these gifts that he somehow has set up for her plus the heartfelt letter he sent her has her feeling more loved than she ever has in her life. He’s put her through a lot, but he’s so good to her.
She takes a picture of herself hugging Shooky and sends it to him thanking him for everything. She tells him that he’s made this one of her best birthdays ever and she loves him so much. He quickly responds with the video of him playing the song he had written for her. He simply titled it “Rainbow”. There are no words, just him caressing the keys into a gentle melody.
Hyeri closes her eyes as she listens and smiles at how beautiful the music feels gliding into her ears and radiating a soft weightlessness throughout her entire body. He’s played her many songs before, but none like this. None made specifically for her.
Yoongi didn’t expect Hyeri to respond, but he was so happy that she did. He’s even happier looking at the photo of her hugging Shooky the way he wishes he could hold her. The smile on her face and evident tears in her eyes lets him know his surprise was a success.
It’s more than a success. Hyeri is in tears at Yoongi’s surprise. She misses him so much it makes this moment of happiness and admiration a little bittersweet. She can only hope that next year she won’t have to spend the day away from him.
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kat-rose-griffith · 3 months
Hi. I love you blog ❤️
But I have an unpleasant question to ask. I hope it doesn’t bring your mood down and I hope that you may have some advice.
I love the Bridgerton community here and I genuinely enjoy the series analyses and the memes and love and praise for the actors. But you know how the situation with Luke has been recently.
I had to block #lukola and lukola content since the comments are mostly generated under this tag. I know that not everyone is using it romantically but I hoped that it will bring down the amount of posts that make me see red or genuinely depressed me. And I still have to block users just to remove their posts from my dash even though I thought that the filter may help.
I want to generate positivity instead of fighting but some posts are just THAT outrageous that I feel the need to dismantle them. By doing that I feel like I keep the hate train rolling simply by bringing the content of these posts into question in order to point out how harmful they are. I’ve also tried doing nothing and ignoring, but it feels like I’m letting the baseless cruelty slide and letting my principles and who I am at the core down.
I’m not sure what to do anymore and I’m thinking about stepping away from all social media for a while. But this thought also makes me sad because I used to love it here and I still (sometimes) do.
Do you have any advice? How do you deal with this? Maybe I have to filter something more? Do you see any way to contribute something good without fighting but also without hiding and running away from the tide?
If I’ve overstepped, I am sorry, and if you decide to remove the ask or not answer it I would absolutely understand. Thank you for listening in any case ❤️
Oh my gosh you’re so sweet. Thank you so much for enjoying my blog. That means so much to me and I truly appreciate it!
As far as advice goes I don’t know if I have a lot. I know it can get really hard to not let other peoples hatred and negativity bring you down. It can get really frustrating especially when the hate is as illogical and unwarranted as the harassment that the bridgerton actors, especially Luke, have been getting. It’s not guaranteed but hopefully the aggression will die down with some time as people move on with their lives. Just know that you’re not alone in these feelings.
I’m personally pretty susceptible to this kind of negativity too. That’s why tumblr is my only form of social media. The way that I try to work with those reactionary feelings is pretty similar to what you’re already doing. Whenever I see something that affects me like that I just block it and move on. Sometimes I do forget to do that and get wrapped up in scrolling through the hate or typing up a response, but then I have to stop myself and think if it’s really worth my time. I remind myself that these people want attention and they want the notes on their posts to feel validated in their opinions. It is hard but the best course of action is to try to just ignore them because they’re truly not worth the stress or energy.
With that I do want to say don’t be afraid to vent your feelings on your own blog. If you don’t feel comfortable putting it in the tag or associating it with your blog because you don’t want to deal with those people harassing you there that’s completely fine. You can always leave it untagged, type it up but leave it in your drafts, create a side blog just for that, or block them when they leave an upsetting comment. I’ve just found that it’s helpful to me to let out how I feel on here instead of holding it in and it’s especially helpful when I find people who actually get it and share my feelings. That’s actually one of my favorite things about tumblr.
Another thing that I try to do is just make my blog a nice place that I’m proud of, which is why you liking my blog has made me very happy. I try to share as many things that I like as I can. With the negativity in the tag surrounding Luke I’ve just been trying to counter it with any positive post that comes to my mind to drown out how negative and hateful some people have been. These people aren’t the majority, they’re just loud. That’s why whenever I’ve been making posts about this season I’ve been putting them in Luke and Nicola’s tags. If you have other social media accounts spamming the cast and their tags with love, complements, or just anything that’s not hateful to counter the hate spamming that they get is always a good idea too.
All that being said if it is all too much I always recommend just stepping away from social media for a second. It can be very overwhelming and hard to remember that it’s not real life, so if you ever feel like it’s effecting you too much just check in with yourself and walk away, for at least a bit.
I know that’s not great advice, but I’m going to post this in all of the tags that I use for bridgerton to see if anyone else has any advice that might be a bit more helpful. I’m very sorry that you’ve been experiencing this too and I hope that it gets better. Thank you so much for liking my blog, that really did make my day
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•guessing game•
Peter’s Spider-Sense alerts him, but there is no danger.
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CW: tickle fic, horrendously disgusting tooth-rotting fluff, romantic relationship, angry!Pete, flirting, teasing, kisses (no tongue 😐👍), cursing, ultimately sfw but has some suggestive tones, mention of web restraints 🫠, fem!reader, you are basically this universe’s MJ, imagine any version of Peter you want (you could even come up with your own version 👀)
Peter and the reader are in an established relationship
Bold text means it’s a flashback
Slanted text is for emphasis
Small slanted text is a thought that wasn’t said out loud
Partially inspired by this post from @sugars-fluffy-escapes
It had been a long day. Peter was exhausted.
It started just like any other day. He woke up, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, kissed you goodbye, and headed to class.
Of course, going to school never quite worked out for him.
He was lucky if he was able to attend all of his classes for the day (attend, not be there for the entire lecture). Today, he didn’t make it to any classes.
Why? Because Doc Ock got bored and decided to play New York City Sandbox Simulator. Pete swore this guy became a super villain just to have something to do.
The fight lasted almost all day. By the time Peter got home, you could tell he was pissed.
After hearing him knock on the window, you rushed over to open it for him. As he climbed inside, you noticed that his entire demeanor was different.
At first, you thought he might’ve been hurt. When he took off his mask, you saw that his eyes were drooped in a way that made him appear annoyed and defeated. There was no part of his face that looked warm and welcoming. This terrified you.
Usually after patrol, he greeted you cheerfully with one of his many nicknames for you. Even if he seemed sad or upset, he at least did that.
This time, he didn’t even make eye contact with you. All he said to you was, “Thanks,” and then he beelined to the bathroom to take a shower.
It was very clear that he was not in a good mood right now.
You wondered if it was a good idea to ask him what was wrong. Would that make him feel better? Would that make him snap at you? Was it best to just try to give him some space?
You crawled into bed, pulling the covers up over you. As you waited for Pete to get out of the shower, you decided that it would be best to just keep quiet until he wanted to talk.
Eventually, he emerged from the mist and steam in the bathroom. He threw on a pair of pajama pants (just pajama pants, no shirt), climbed into bed, wrapped his arms around you, and just as he was about to kiss you goodnight, he saw the look on your face.
His agitation was immediately replaced with concern.
“You okay, bug?” he leaned back to look into your eyes.
You barely looked at him before breaking eye contact. This worried him.
“Is something wrong?” he asked.
You hesitated, opening your mouth to speak, but closing it instead.
“Hey,” he said, taking on a more serious tone. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
He spoke in a way that was firm, but gentle. You had a habit of bursting into tears when he did that, but you held it in this time around, not wanting to irritate him any further.
You swallowed, “I uh… Are… Are you mad at me?”
He furrowed his brows, confused.
“Why would I be mad at you?”
You made eye contact with him now, feeling a little relieved. You thought quietly for a moment before speaking.
“W-well, I just.. thought that you seemed angry and.. I didn’t know if it was something I did, or-“
“No, no, baby,” he cuts you off. “I’m not mad at you, sweetheart. I could never be mad at you. It was just a hard day, that’s all.”
He holds you tighter, feeling guilty.
“I’m sorry my mug is so mean,” he whispers. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at the 24 foot tall robotic octopus that keeps throwing me off of tall buildings and running away.”
He earns a small chuckle from you, easing the tension. Peter smiles, but his smile fades quickly. His expression softens as he connects the dots.
“You saw that I was mad, and your first thought.. was that I was mad at you?”
This realization affected him more than he led on. He was supposed to protect you and keep you safe. Y’know, the whole point of the superhero thing?
Instead, here he was, scaring you. Pushing you away. Making you afraid to talk to him.
You broke eye contact with him again.
Pete let out a soft, defeated sigh. He tightened his grip on you again, holding you as close as possible.
“You know I’d never hurt you?” he says, his tone firm and gentle again. “Like, ever? Never in a million years? Even if I was angry?”
You nod. You knew deep down that if Pete was mad at you, he wouldn’t even do so much as raise his voice.
He’d crawl into bed with you, just like he always does.
He’d tell you what was bugging him, you’d apologize, he’d probably apologize too for some reason, then he’d ambush you with kisses and the two of you would promptly go to bed.
“I know,” you said, feeling stupid. “I’m sorry I even-“ you start to say before you can catch yourself.
Pete makes a loud incorrect buzzer sound, startling you a little and making you laugh.
“That’s the wrong answer,” he says playfully, “You’re actually only supposed to apologize when you’ve done something wrong. Try again.”
He looks at you with a shit-eating grin. He’s done this to you so many times.
The first few times, he’d caught you in a loop, going back and forth between you accidentally apologizing, and him doing the incorrect buzzer. This time, he knew you’d stop apologizing before it could even start.
Being an annoying little shit was a gift of Peter’s. In hindsight, it was only a matter of time before he found out your biggest weakness.
He leaned his head into the crook of your neck, ready to fall asleep with you in his arms, safe and sound. But, of course, he couldn’t resist adding one more quip.
He exhaled, his hot breath hitting your skin. Every hair on your body stood up.
“Yup, that’s what I thought,” he said, his lips getting closer to your neck. His only intention was to kiss you there.
Much to his surprise (and delight), you giggled.
Ever since then, after a long, hard day of being Spider-Man, this became a tradition of some sort for the both of you.
Pete would come home after patrol, take a shower, and then absolutely wreck you. It was like his way of decompressing after a day of getting beat up.
He noticed that you didn’t really fight back, but he never questioned it.
Frankly, he was having too much fun to care.
He figured that you were just one of those people that curled up into a ball as a very poor, but very cute, way of trying to hide.
On this day in particular, Pete had spent the whole day with you. He planned for it. There was no long, hard day of being Spider-Man. This meant that you could spend some time together.
Unfortunately, that also meant that your tradition couldn’t happen today.
But you were craving it. It was the only thing you could think about.
After spending the whole day with Peter, and his teasing? You barely survived.
You and Pete laid next to each other, your head resting on his shoulder. He put on a movie a little while earlier that you weren’t really interested in.
You contemplated telling him that you weren’t into the movie, but that would put you in a situation that petrified you.
‘Is there something else that you wanna do?’
You could already hear him saying it. You could already imagine the heat moving towards your cheeks as you sit there, speechless, thinking about what the hell you could possibly say to get yourself out of this one. Even just imagining that was flustering enough.
But there was nothing wrong with thinking about it, right? No, of course not. You can enjoy your little daydream while Pete watches TV, and he’d have no idea at all that you were thinking about the night he discovered that you were ticklish.
He had no idea that you were thinking about the slow, mischievous grin that grew on his face after hearing you giggle. The way he locked eyes with you. The way he told you, “You are so fucked,” without saying anything at all. The reality setting in that the only thing you can do is wait for him to attack. Then, the reality setting in that once he attacks, the only thing you can do is wait for him to stop.
He didn’t know you were thinking about the dramatic, exaggerated stories he told as he toyed with you.
He had effectively overpowered you, sitting on your hips, keeping you exactly where he wanted you.
“…And then, just when I thought it was finally over…” he paused for a comedically long time, looking directly into your eyes.
He enjoyed the tension building up. He loved making you feel the imminent dread of what was coming next. He loved the nervous giggles you let out as he stared at you with a stone-faced expression.
“…I heard his footsteps,” he teasingly walked his fingers up your side as you squirmed beneath him. “Getting closer,” he took a step, “and closer,” he took another step, “and then…” you hid behind your hands, shaking, laughing, waiting for him to strike.
When he didn’t, you peeked through your fingers, only to find that he was still staring at you. His face was still entirely serious, even though you were covering your eyes.
Why is he so committed to this bit?? Does he want to fluster me to death??
Yeah, of course he does, what am I even saying?
“…And then…” he paused again.
He was far too good at this.
He took an obnoxiously loud deep breath in, gathering all the air he possibly could into his lungs. And in an instant, he was blowing the world’s biggest raspberry on your tummy. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he was also digging his fingers into your ribs at the same time.
You screamed so loud that you thought someone would file a noise complaint.
He didn’t know you were thinking about how strong he was. How easy it was for him to trap you in his arms. Even if you had attempted to fight back, it would’ve been useless.
He certainly had no idea that you were thinking about the time you yelled, “Stop!” and he laughed at you. You weren’t sure if he was catching on to how much you liked this, or if he was laughing because he wasn’t about to stop any time soon. Either way, he didn’t stop any time soon.
There was one thing you were very glad he didn’t know.
He didn’t know that the way he looked at you after one of those days made you weak.
You thought about how tired his eyes would look after taking his mask off. You thought about the relieved sigh he’d let out as he hugs you. The kiss he’d plant on your forehead before he tells you how awful of a day he had. The timber in his voice when he tells you you’re gonna know all about it when he gets out of the shower.
He didn’t know that as soon as the bathroom door closed, you hopped into bed, throwing the blanket over you, giggling and kicking your feet as soon as you were underneath. It was on days like that where you thanked the entire universe that Pete only took 10 minute showers.
All you could think of was how warm he’d be. How close he’d pull you to him. How many glances you’d take of his chest.
If Peter knew what you were thinking about right now, you’d be reduced to jelly in seconds. There was no way you could ever tell him about any of this.
But you wished he knew. You wished you could make him understand. But it would never happen. You’d rather get water boarded by the CIA than tell him.
Suddenly, Peter felt something. His Spider-Sense. He instinctively put an arm around you, looking around the room.
“Pete? Is something wrong?” you asked him.
He looked around the room for a little longer, scanning every area he could see. He found nothing. Everything was fine. He relaxed a little, but was still on edge.
“What’s wrong?” you asked again, feeling a little anxious now.
“Nothing, angel,” he shook his head. “I… I thought I felt my Spider-Sense.”
He thought he felt his Spider-Sense?
You always imagined that to be an obvious feeling.
“What made it go off?”
“I’m… I’m not sure. But it felt like it went off for you,” he paused. “Are you okay?”
You paused.
“I.. I think so.. Why? Am I in danger?”
Peter looked around the room again, scanning for absolutely anything dangerous. Nothing. He listened for any strange noises. Nothing. He tried to sense if anyone dangerous was in the building. Once again, nothing.
“No.. You’re completely fine,” he said, his brows still furrowed.
Now you were really confused.
“If I’m not in any danger, then… why did it go off?”
Peter closed his eyes, trying his best to focus on where this feeling was coming from. The longer he waited, the more clear it became.
It was his Spider-Sense, but it was different this time. It felt warmer. Gentler. When he was in danger, the feeling was comparable to almost getting hit by an oncoming train. Right now, it felt more like a tap on the shoulder.
Why was he getting tapped on the shoulder, and why did it make him think of you?
He opened his eyes, trying to make sense out of any of this.
A tap on the shoulder… for you?
Wait, no.
Maybe it’s a tap on the shoulder from you?
“Is… Is there something that you want to tell me?“ he questioned. “Is there something you feel scared to tell me?”
Uh oh.
Hold on a minute.
You tried your best to hide the shock on your face, but you already felt the warmth spreading across your cheeks. You cleared your throat.
“Uhm, w-what do you mean?” you tried. It wasn’t much, but it was something.
Pete closed his eyes again. You were starting to wonder if he could read your mind.
God, you hoped he couldn’t read your mind.
“It just feels like there’s something you want to tell me, but you’re hiding it from me,” he opens his eyes. “What’s going on?”
Damn, I’m not even safe in my own head.
You couldn’t lie to him, but you also couldn’t just outright say it to him either. You didn’t think you could say this out loud even if you were completely alone with no sign of human life for miles.
This was going to be difficult.
You looked down at your hands and fidgeted with them.
“There is… something I’m not telling you…” you start.
He puts his arms around your waist, gently guiding you to lay down on your side next to him.
“What is it, baby? What are you so afraid to tell me?”
He looked so concerned.
You break eye contact, which Peter usually sees as a bad sign. What’s different this time is that a smile slowly creeps onto your face. Now, he’s intrigued.
“What’s so funny?” he says, not being able to stop the smile from forming on his face too.
You smile harder. You already know that your face is bright red. You can’t help it. You’re reducing into jelly.
“What is going on?” Pete laughs, now staring to feel amused by this entire situation.
You open your mouth.
Then close it.
Then open it again.
“It’s not so much that I’m scared… It’s more like… I’m embarrassed.”
Okay, that was a good first step. You admitted to being embarrassed, but not by what.
Pete squints his eyes and looks at you suspiciously.
“Just tell me what it is,” he says.
Nope. Not gonna happen, asshole.
“I can’t,” you whisper.
His expression softens.
“Why not?”
There is a pause. You take a deep breath.
“I feel too embarrassed to say it out loud. Even if you weren’t here and I was completely alone, I still wouldn’t say it out loud. That’s how embarrassed I am,” you admit.
Peter nods, understanding the predicament you’re in.
“That’s okay, bug. We don’t have to talk about it right now if you don’t want to.”
You feel bad. How do you tell someone something without saying it out loud?
Definitely not doing charades. Or Pictionary. Even if you knew sign language, you weren’t doing that either. There has to be some way to make it easier for both of you.
And then it hit you. You both knew that you couldn’t say it, but what if he could?
“What if… What if you try to guess what it is? I’ll give you hints and tell you if you’re right,” you suggested.
Pete thought about it, and nodded. The smile from earlier came back.
“Okay. Let’s do that then. What’s the first hint?”
You looked off to the side as you thought of a good hint. Something vague, but truthful.
“I’m thinking about something that you do…” Pause. “…that I like.” That seemed vague enough.
Peter raises his eyebrows.
“Something I do that you like?”
You nod.
“Is it… when I make corny science jokes?”
You shake your head.
“Huh, really thought that would be it,” he replies sarcastically.
“Is it… my dancing?” he asks.
“Nope. Not that either. You are a good dancer, though.”
He grins at that. He loved when you complimented him.
“Thanks. But if it’s not my jokes or my dancing, then what is it? Give me another hint.”
You try to think of something else.
“It’s something that most people don’t like.”
He squints.
“My… dancing…?”
You roll your eyes.
“No, Pete, it’s not your dancing. But while we’re on that subject, most people don’t like your corny jokes either.”
You both laugh. Pete thinks again for a moment. He’s drawing a blank.
“I’m gonna need another hint from you, missy.”
Time to think again. What else could you possibly say to him to make him understand?
There was only one more thing you could think to say. You shut your eyes so you didn’t have to see his reaction.
Here goes nothing…
“I only feel comfortable when you’re the one doing it… to me.”
Whoomp, there it is. Can’t take that shit back now.
You swear to God if he doesn’t figure it out now, you might just explode.
More silence.
You opened one eye. You were greeted by a confused looking Pete, clearly still trying to put the puzzle pieces in the right places.
Time to explode.
“It’s something I do… that you like… that most people don’t like… and it’s something that you only let me do to you...” Pete looked like he was becoming more and more confused by the second. “What is something that I do to you… that most people don’t like?” he asked himself.
You watched in real time as the wheels turned. You saw the moment a lightbulb turned on. You started to brace yourself for what he was going to say.
“Oh, wait,”
I was wrong about earlier. NOW it’s time to explode.
A sly smile spread across his face.
Oh God. He knows.
“Are you thinking about-“
Don’t say it.
“-our little-”
Do NOT say it.
“-tickle fights?”
Fuck, he said it. He said the thing.
At this point, you couldn’t even answer him. Your entire face was burning. Your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. The only thing you could do was hide under the covers.
You hear Pete laughing. Now that he’s figured it out, you were gonna have to accept that you would never know a moment of peace for the rest of your life.
He lifted the blanket so he could see your face. Now you were hiding behind your hands.
“Why are you hiding from me?” he teased, knowing damn well why you were hiding from him.
“Stop teasing me!” you muffled.
He chuckled, “Why? Are you blushing?”
This boy just wouldn’t stop.
“How can I help teasing you when you act like this?” he purred.
He pulled the blanket over your heads so that both of you were under the covers.
“So, that’s what you were so afraid to tell me? You like it when I tickle you?”
You whimpered pathetically, doing your best to curl yourself into a ball. Pete enjoyed this.
“That’s what you were soooooo embarrassed to say this entire time?”
You did not appreciate that tone, which is exactly why he used it.
He placed his arms around your shoulders, cradling you. He rubbed your arm with his thumb, moving it back and forth. As much as he loved to fluster you, he also wanted you to feel comfortable telling him things like this.
“I don’t see what’s so embarrassing about that,” he murmured, kissing the top of your head.
You relaxed a little. As difficult as it was to have this conversation, you were grateful it happened. There were no more secrets between the two of you. You didn’t need to hide anymore.
You unraveled from the ball you were trying to turn into, snuggling closer to Peter.
You looked up at him. He looked down at you.
“There she is,” Pete said softly, admiring you.
You glared at him playfully before pushing your head into his chest.
“Aaaaaaand she’s hiding again,” he sighs. “When will you learn-” Pete takes hold of your wrist as he rolls on top of you, pinning it to the bed, “-that you can’t-” his other arm slithers around your waist, his hand now pinching at your side, “-hide from me?”
You did your best to try to wriggle out from underneath him, but you were trapped under his body weight. He was too strong. The only thing you could do was laugh.
“PEHEHETER, WAHAHAIT!” you screamed.
“Wait? Wait for what?” he continued to tickle you. “This is what you wanted, right?”
“Oh wait, did you want me to tickle here?” he pinched a little higher towards your ribs. You screeched.
“Or maybe here?” he squeezed at your hip. “Or did you just want me to tickle all of these spots at the same time?” he moved his hand sporadically up and down your side.
It was unbearable. His fingers were so precise. Every move felt intentional. You were completely at his mercy, and it was everything you ever wanted.
Peter was having just as much fun. He loved the way you struggled beneath him. Your shrieking laughter was music to his ears. The way you insincerely begged him to stop only made him want to keep going.
The fact that you trusted him enough to let him do this to you made him feel so special. He spent so much of his time worrying about keeping you safe, constantly wondering if he was doing enough to protect you.
Knowing that you were okay with him putting you in such a vulnerable position made him feel like he had done something right. He was the only one who was allowed to touch you like this, and he did not take that for granted.
He stopped tickling you for a moment to pin your other wrist to the bed. He leaned down, acting like he wanted to whisper something to you.
“Hey, can I tell you a secret?” his breath hit your neck, giving you goosebumps.
This was his favorite way to tickle you. This was the way he discovered you were ticklish in the first place. The sensation was so intense that it made you fall into silent, wheezing laughter. That’s why he loved this method.
He knew that every time he said something, his breath sent you into hysterics.
“Please? I just need to tell you something real quick. It’s really important.”
“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOUR SEHEHECREHET,” you shouted as soon as you were able to breathe in.
“No, no, no, no, you’re gonna like it, I promise!” he lied.
You heard him inhale and you knew what was coming next.
“NONONONONONO DON’T-“ he blew a fat raspberry.
You let out one last scream before falling back into silent laughter.
Pete finally decided that you’d had enough. He kissed the sensitive area on your neck, then continued to peck upwards until he reached your cheek as you let out the last of your exhausted giggles.
He let go of your wrists and lifted the blanket, rolling back onto his side and pulling you into his embrace. He let you take the time to catch your breath.
Once your breathing slowed to a normal pace, he spoke.
“I love you so much, you know that?”
Of course you knew that.
“I love you more,” you replied.
Pete kissed you on the lips, letting it linger for a moment. He massaged your scalp as he held you, wishing he could just stay here with you forever. Then, he decided to be cheeky again.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to do that,” he said, “Just pin your arms down and tickle you.”
It only occurred to you then that he never attempted to hold your arms down before tonight. He’d sat on top of you, held you close to him so you couldn’t get away, and he got to your weak spots before you could cover them, but he never pinned your arms down.
“Why didn’t you do it sooner?” you joked.
He smiled, “Because I didn’t know that you wanted me to. I didn’t know you liked it that much,” he answered, “Besides, it’s not like you were putting up that much of a fight anyway. I thought it’d be too mean.”
Peter was many things. A superhero, a little shit, an asshole. But he was also incredibly considerate. You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this boy, but you were so happy you had him.
“But now that I know you do like it that much,” he said, “maybe next time I’ll web you to the bed and tickle you until it dissolves.”
I quite like that idea.
“Oh really?” you challenged him playfully.
“Mhmm. Maybe I’ll make a special batch of web fluid just for you.”
“A special batch?”
“Yup. I’ll make it last twice as long.”
A/N: this is my first fic pls let me know if i did good or if i should never write anything ever again 👍
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When do you think Rio realized he was scared of losing Beth? & How do you think those feelings changed over the four seasons?
Hi Anon! TY for the ask. Sorry for sitting on it a bit.
It’s such an interesting ask. Because I think that the outcome of season 4 could be interpreted in a lot of different ways. Although, okay… that sad moment with the bourbon and his glistening little eyes as he leaned on the bar, and then told his bartender to pour it out. Or the “you think you’d have her?” moment. It certainly implies that he’s pining pretty hard, and is almost mourning the loss of her before she’s even really gone. Season 4 really tried to play into our little shipper hearts. So okay. While it can be interpreted in many different ways, (including a lot of his sadness being attributed to Nick’s betrayal rather than the loss of Beth), I’m in a romantic mood so I’m choosing to believe that it was all about Beth.
I don’t think he was afraid to lose her in the first two seasons. He was even gonna let her go. Several times! She was the one who kept bringing him back. At least in his own warped mind. The search function doesn’t work for me anymore so I can’t find my old posts, but he was going to let her go after he tested her with the truck. She forced him back by getting him arrested. Then he was gonna let her go in 2.04. She forced him back by giving his money to her loser husband and falling back into the basic bitch lifestyle instead of making something of herself. I think he genuinely believed he would let her go both those times. And that him staying was justified by her disrespect.
Season 3 gets interesting because he holds on to her as a form of punishment for them both. For her for all her sins, and for himself for being unable to handle her appropriately despite them. I think this is when he really realizes how compulsive this entanglement has gotten for him. He doesn’t understand the reasons, but he hates it. And he hates himself. A man like him, who prides himself on discipline and personal ethics, not being able to adhere to his own personal code…. Shameful! It’s probably why he killed Lucy the way he did. He wanted to hurt Beth, to prove to himself he could be hard, prove to her he didn’t care. Except he did care and he didn’t feel better after. He felt worse. Her tears hurt. Her pain hurt. His own persistent caring about her despite hating her huuuurt. And he knew he was fucked. He could never let her go now.
So season 4 he leaned into it. He pursued her like an equal. Made her his banker. “He trusts you.” Showed her his humanity. Reminded her who they once were to each other, despite the denial. And still she betrayed him. “I just thought that things were different now.” “You just didn’t choose me.” Idk if he was afraid of losing her. I think it maybe was that he was afraid of never actually having her and never getting over her. Never getting over his weakness. Through the whole season he continues the push and pull. Pull her in, then fuck with her again. Be vulnerable with her, then shut down again. He’s never able to allow himself to just let her choose him. He’s constantly sabotaging it despite wanting her validation and attention so badly. Because he never believed he would actually have her. Not in a way that wasn’t against her will. Not in a way she would ever admit to herself.
It took Nick getting sooo close to successfully manipulating her for Rio to decide to drop the pretense. I think one thing that always bothered Rio about Beth is her unwillingness to get out from under a man. (Not himself, of course. Haha! Because Rio is a giver. He wants to see his princess happy and grateful to him.) But like she wouldn’t leave Dean despite Rio giving her a locker full of cash. How she refused to allow Dean to take the fall for her despite it being the answer that made the most sense. How she jumped straight to doing what Nick said. I think it drove Rio insane that he kept having to watch it. (Despite the fact that it was a self-inflected torture. He’s such a masochist lmao.) It probably felt a lot like disrespect of all he’d done for her. So he changed his tactic. Instead of being an antagonist in her life, he became her open champion. To show her he was capable of seeing her in a way the rest of them don’t. Of supporting her independence in a way no one else ever had. Idk if it was even to specifically keep her. Because he never actually had her. It was to set a truce. To give her what she was looking for so he could stop torturing himself with her. Releasing her. And in doing that he left her room to actually organically choose him. I just wish we would have gotten to see her do it. 🥲
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Xavier Thorpe x reader (y/n)
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 
Warnings; drinking, mentions death, tiny bit of smut
Word count: 984
Author notes: aghh i really struggled with this part! I am unfortunately back to work tomorrow so will have to slow down on posting:( Once again thank you for all the love on the last few parts, hope you enjoy this one!<3
Summary: You are a poltergeist with the powers of invisibility (cloaking), levitation and pyrotechnics. You and Xavier attended a secret nightshade party together, resulting in your first kiss.  
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You and Xavier headed back to the party, his jacket still wrapped around you and his arm pulled around your waist. When you returned to the party spin the bottle had broken up, everyone was now dotted around the room dancing to whatever loud music was playing. You two joined the group and danced for a while, Xavier occasionally grabbed your hips and swayed you back and forth, pulling you closer to him. Every moment his lips were near your neck sent shivers down your spine, you could feel his breath tickle you, the boy knew he was driving you crazy, and knew he barely had to try to succeed.
You pulled away after a while to get yourself another drink, at the main table you were greeted by Bianca, who was being surprisingly kind to you, she complimented your outfit and even asked if you were enjoying yourself. As Bianca left the table to join the group you reached for her arm to pull her back, “Bianca, I don't know the details, but I’m sorry”, you shifted your head towards Xavier. 
Bianca let out a small laugh, “Honestly, I don't care, just don't come running to me if you ever need dating advice.” Bianca left you to your thoughts after giving you a sad smile, you could tell she was hurt, but not bitter which you appreciated.
The party started to die down in the early hours of the morning, everyone had far too much to drink, yourself included. Xavier offered to walk you back to the dorm, although at this point he might have well been carrying you. “Come on gorgeous, let's get you in bed.” Xavier whispered into your ear as he walked you out.
Xavier and Ajax decided it was best for you to stay in their room again, you were far too drunk to look after yourself and the boys dorm was much easier to sneak into. Xavier asked you to cloak yourself as you got closer to the doors, unfortunately because of your intoxicated state cloaking became a challenge, you could only hold it for several seconds before you hiccuped and made yourself visible again. Ajax was easily amused at your state, his laughs making the mission of sneaking you in just that bit more difficult. 
It almost felt like a duplicate of the night before, Xavier guided you into the bathroom, however instead of leaving you to get changed he stayed to help out as you were failing miserably, he pulled one of his tops over your head and gave you the hair tie he was wearing to put your hair up. His hair fell down, framing his face, you were mesmerised and couldn't stop staring, “Come on gorgeous, let's get you into bed.”
“Where's Ajax?” you asked as you entered the bedroom, Xavier explained Ajax had gone back to the party to meet Kent, he dormed alone and anticipating you would be around again decided earlier in the night to sleep at Kent's.
Xavier guided you to the bed, helping you in, he stopped to put some music on, neither of you in the mood to sleep just yet. It felt like hours had passed as you and Xavier lay in bed talking, at some point you both ended up on the floor staring up at the ceiling, laying on top of a mountain of blankets and pillows you had pulled off the bed. Xavier laid his head on your stomach, you played with his hair, gently twisting it around your finger. Conversation just came so naturally with Xavier, you felt like you could talk forever.
“Xavier, tell me a secret”, you said.
“A secret? What do you want to know y/n?” .
“Well a secret, something no one else knows, obviously” you laughed and rolled your eyes.
“I almost died once.” You both paused. 
“How?” you asked.
“Lets just say a game of hide and seek at a funeral went terribly wrong, and I almost ended up getting cremated when I was 10.” You laughed. You didn't mean to laugh, but Xavier's calm collective nature about the incident made it much more amusing. “Alright that's enough,” Xavier cut your laughs off, “What's your secret?” he asked.
“I like you.”, you blurted out, “I mean I’ve just really enjoyed the past 24 hours with you, I haven't felt this comfortable with someone in a long time-” you started rambling.
“Stop.” Xavier cut you off, while you were talking he positioned himself so he was leaning up on one arm, the other lay across your stomach, his hand covering your waist, “I adore you, y/n”, Xavier glanced at your lips, bringing himself closer, you met him half way joining lips. Xavier's hand followed the curve of your body, slowly pulling your top up as his hand moved upwards, Xavier broke his lips away, moving toward your ear, “you have been driving me crazy all evening”, he whispered. Xavier's lips were already at your neck, you let out a soft moan, followed by dragging out Xavier's name. Your hand reached up to Xavier's hair, gently pulling it, Xavier let out a moan across your lips. You both pulled away letting each other catch your breath. Xavier's hands moved across your body, your own hands scratched his back, your long nails dragged upwards, all while leaving passionate kisses all over him. You couldn't resist, Xavier was literally irresistible. “I need you, y/n”, Xavier gave you a look, you bit your lip and nodded, allowing Xavier to take over completely. 
Without realising, the sun began to rise, sending shafts of light into Xavier's dorm. You couldn't imagine how time had gone so quickly, you snuck in a few more passionate kisses before you both decided to get some sleep, you both crawled to the bed, Xavier's arms wrapping around you once more before you collapsed into a deep sleep. 
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midwestmade29 · 8 months
Memories of You ❤️‍🩹
I was in the mood to break a few hearts so this story came to life…don’t hate me 😂🫣 ✧ Valentine’s Day writing prompt: #5 (Valentines Day break up. Sometimes relationships don't make it on the day of love) ✧ You can find @madhatterbri’s complete list of prompts here 🙂 ✧ Word count: 1,408 ✧ Divider by: @firefly-graphics
Disclaimers: Just sadness mostly. The story goes over a breakup and the feelings that come with it. Read at your own discretion.
GIF is not mine. Credit goes to the original creator.
This is a standalone story. There will be no continuations or a part 2.
This is the first Valentine’s Day you’re spending without Christian…
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This Valentine’s Day looked a little different than it had the last 2. You were spending it alone instead of with him. This would be the first time in the last 2 years that you weren’t waking up to good morning kisses, the first time in 2 years that you weren’t spending it in the comfort of his arms. You knew there was no chance in hell that you were leaving your apartment on a holiday devoted to all things love! You had prepared for this day a few days prior when you went to the store to buy yourself a cliché heart shaped box of chocolate and 2 bottles of your favorite wine. You had purchased all the ingredients you needed to fix a homemade meal along with some self-care items. You made a promise to yourself that you would avoid social media so you wouldn’t see everyone’s mushy posts about them and their loves. The iPhone sitting on the coffee table was the enemy today because you knew you weren’t going to be getting the “I love you texts” you always looked forward to so much. This day was all about you now and you were going to spend it doing the things that you enjoyed to help take some of the sting from the day away.
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“I’m fine. I swear I’m really doing fine,” was the reply you sent to your friends in the group chat you all shared. They had asked how you were holding up, checking in with you and offering their love and support because they knew even if you wouldn’t admit it out loud, you were missing Christian. Once you were done fixing dinner, you sat yourself down on the couch and began watching one of your favorite movies. Time was moving forward at a decent pace, which you were grateful for. The bottle of wine you had opened was about halfway gone when you paused the movie to clean up your dirty dishes and apply a face mask. On your way back to the couch, an old familiar box that sat on a bookshelf caught your eye. You tried your best to talk yourself out of opening it, but the contents inside of it called out to you. You hesitated when your hands reached out to grab it, but here you are sitting it down on the coffee table in front of your couch. Your face mask had another 10 minutes left before you could take it off, so you tried to get engrossed in the movie again. Periodically you would glance over at the box, almost giving into temptation but you refrained.
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You removed your face mask when it was time and polished off your 1st bottle of wine. Your head was a little unsteady from it, but you weren’t too far gone. The heart shaped box of chocolates was half eaten with most pieces placed back into the box after you bit them in half to taste their flavor. You decided to rip off the band aid after you poured another glass of wine and go ahead and open the box. You had done so well all night not going down memory lane, but it turns out you’re a glutton for punishment! With your legs crossed as you sat on the floor, you took a deep breath and pulled the top off the box. The smell of Christian’s cologne danced around your nose when you pulled out one of his old wrestling shirts. The scent caused a rush of memories to overtake your thoughts as you remembered all his matches that you were ringside for. It took you back to all the times he wore this cologne for any special occasion that required him to wear a suit and tie and how he looked so fucking handsome in them. It was the same cologne he was wearing on the night you broke up. Sometimes you feel like the scent is embedded on his side of your bed. You sat the t-shirt on the floor and moved onto the next item in the box.
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The paper tickets that Christian printed out were what you pulled out next. They were from the first hockey game the two of you went to together! You remember how into the game you were and how he looked at you in astonishment because of how well you fit right in with the rest of the hockey fans. Your cheers and curses made Christian laugh, and you encouraged him to let loose too! There was no good reason why either of you shouldn’t be your authentic selves around each other, even if that meant losing your minds over a hockey game. A piece of paper that you had Christian sign during one of his meet and greets caught your eye next. You decided to play a joke on him that day by standing in line and pretending to be a crazed fan just dying to see him. Your theatrics were over the top when you rushed up to him pretending to be his biggest fan. Onlookers thought you were bat shit crazy for your behavior, but Christian thankfully smiled when he noticed it was you causing the commotion. “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! It’s really you! Captain Charisma. The Instant Classic. The Patriarch of AEW!” you cried out, barely able to keep a straight face. “What are you doing here, Y/N?” Christian asked while shaking his head at you. He signed the note you had slid to him on the table, and he grinned from ear to ear as he read over what you had written on it:
“I love you baby! I’m so glad that you’re mine. I’ll see you at home after the event!
P.S.-I hope I didn’t embarrass you too much”
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Up next were random trinkets that you had collected from your travels together. A keychain from Las Vegas when you were there for Double or Nothing. A few seashells from your favorite beach vacation you went on. Beer bottle caps from the bar you went to after he won the TNT Championship. You pulled out a half a dozen pennies that Christian picked up for you whenever he found one on the ground because he knew they reminded you of your grandfather who collected coins. The very last thing that remained at the bottom of the box were pictures of the two of you throughout the course of your relationship. You gulped down the wine in your glass as if it would help you get through the next set of memories. A few tears escaped your eyes when you looked at every photo. Each picture was different, ranging from silly and cheesy, to happy with the both of you displaying the brightest smiles! There were candid photos that you had taken of Christian when he wasn’t aware you were taking them and there were some that were like that of you too. Pictures of sunsets, you both with each other’s families and friends, underwater pictures of you snorkeling, the two of you snuggling on the couch together. You finally pulled out your favorite picture of the two of you covered in flour and other ingredients, sitting on the island in the kitchen after a small food fight you had.
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You found yourself sitting on the floor with memories of what used to be spread out all around you. Tears stained your cheeks the more you thought about Christian and what he might be up to tonight. The stroll down memory lane made you feel sad and brought up things you were trying to hard to forget, but it was good for you. It was good for you to feel all the feels and release them. It was good for you to acknowledge your pain and let it go. The tears you shed made it feel like some of the weight you had been carrying around with you since your breakup was a little lighter. Once you dried your tears, you packed everything back inside the box, except Christian’s wrestling t-shirt. You placed it over your shoulder and got yourself ready for bed. While you were still in the process of moving on, it was still okay to hold onto some of the happy from your relationship with him. That night you fell asleep wearing his shirt, the smell of him that was still remaining on it lulled you to sleep.
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*Wednesday is subjective and can last up to 36 hours due to insomnia. Wednesday starts on Wednesday and ends when the author passes out sometime later.
The Rules + Notes
Only Malec prompts accepted
It’s okay to prompt another chapter for an existing fic, even the oneshots. There is a chance i won’t be able to or want to fill it, but i’m always willing to consider. Just be polite.
I write a lot of dark stuff, so feel free to specify if you want to avoid something or want something specific.
I really do enjoy just the fun of building a fic from a single word, but I’m also happy to try and tackle any longer and more complex prompts. 
If your prompt isn’t filled the week it’s sent it, I’m still going to write it. I always respond to an ask to explain why I won’t fill it if I’m not going to.
If I can’t/wont fill a prompt, I’ll post it and explain and say it’s okay to send another.
prompts are only open on writing wednesdays or if i specify otherwise (this was changed because of how many prompts i get easy wednesday and thats the specific prompt day)
feel free to ask me if i've got your prompt but please know it sometimes takes time to get to all of them and I write verses based on the mood I’m in
I don’t post all of my fic fills to ao3 but I do try to do about half of them. Posting takes a lot of spoons and I generally end up adding more to the fics when I post them so it takes a bit.
I want it very clear that I do this because it’s fun and healthy for me and everyone who prompts is super sweet and I don’t do it to get feedback from prompters (but I always enjoy it)! It's really just worth it to me for the expression of shared art. Because I wouldn’t write half of the fun stories I love creating and exploring without the prompts from others to tickle my thoughts.
However, my partner and I are very protective about my mental health and I have social anxiety to the degree that I sometimes still need my handheld after strangers talk to me so I don't go rolling into a blanketball and scream.
If you are rude, I will sic my boyfriend @saeths (who is an asshole) on you and they will happily come down like a blistering gust of burning wind from an out of control wildfire. Seriously, they think it’s fun to fuck with people and they’re very protective. {i have npd and a lack of acceptable targets -saeth}
They would enjoy it, except the part where it made me upset. 
So don’t make me upset and I won’t set saeth on anyone.
Also saeth and i tend to flirt in posts on our blogs back and forth. so if you don’t want to see that because you’re here for fics and want to avoid it the tag is always ‘saeth & kitten’
- Lumine
The Author likes to write
darkly!soft romance
magical realism & magical flora and fauna 
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat (3DNE)
Magnus/Cat/Ragnor friendship 
Exploring the eldritch and angelic natures of nephilim and the fallen divinity of greater demons
Alec’s Institute and shadowhunters being competent 
creature!character fics
The Author won't write
major character death
hurt no comfort
sad endings
any main pairing besides malec
camille centric fics
non-magical mundane/shadowhunters inverted au’s
Verse List (under cut)
this eldritch delight – soft-horror malec (Alec is the Trueblood heir, Addams Inspired) 
star eater – sentient!shadow Alec Trueblood au 
the agony of living – chronic!pain alec
Elysiums Tears – Alec is cursed with visions of the future(s)
all your cracks I’ll paint gold – deruned Alec 
the bonds i'd break – all your cracks i'll paint gold au
in his wake, petals fall – Alec loves flowers and Magnus loves indulging him 
cider verse – Alec and Magnus are in a secret relationship since before canon 
pray to the hunters – Alec worships dead shadowhunters instead of Raziel 
the price of lust – Manipulative dark Magnus 
a stolen blade – assassin!alec au soulmates
dressed to kill – mob!wife Alec
flames of triumph – Phoenix Magnus & unicorn Alec 
ripples of magic – Sentient Institute & wards
in the light of the night – Alec hunts circle members to feed the angelic core 
the core of me belongs to you – Alec is the institute 
rituals & souls – Magnus summons an alec for himself after meeting the possibility of him 
to find, to yield – power imbalance, dominion magic
the frost of fury – competent Alec takes no shit in his institute
to break with fate – the circle wins 
all my fears forgotten – alec has amnesia 
like real people do – dragon!alec 
saint & sinners – shadowhunter!magnus & mentor/mentee
hoarfrost kiss on lips aflame – nephilim are more eldritch than mundane and it presents in the most chilling of ways
heartbeat like fire – sentinel!magnus & guide!alec 
spoils of war – Alec is a political hostage disguised as a groom 
devotion across worlds – Alec Trueblood (sentient shadows) is summoned to another universe and mistaken as an angel
marriage of inconvenience – Magnus marries Alec to save him from marrying Clary 
running from my dreams – alec has to work through past trauma when the Institute is poisoned 
walls of adoration, claws of desperation – Magnus and Alec are pre-canon secret relationship. alec is older in this fic, he's 7 years older than izzy and was raised by trueblood grandparents
bleed for desire – Magnus is king of the east coast and happily steps in to take care of newly born vampire Alec 
art of obsession – au of bleed for desire (instead alec ends up falling into Edom and Magnus decides to keep him there for a bit and go on vacation for a bit)  
your heart is full of jewels – alec is mistaken by mundanes as a sugar baby
an extension of you – alec is known as belonging to magnus' and that means something for downworlders
not all that glitters is gold – dragon!magnus with a lot of kink and monsterfucking
for you the world will burn – maryse isn't a good person, but she is a good mother and that is sometimes the more dangerous combinations
finders keepers – alec ends up in another universe and that magnus decides to keep him
feral sweetness, like honeycomb – incompetent shadowhunter and Alec deals with them and Magnus is there watching *its how they meet
soulfire – magnus summons another magnus bane to help him save his soulmate. magnus/alec/magnus
flames so cold they shatter – alec gets the lightwood family gift and remains the lightwood heir... and the only lightwood left
to tremble from your gaze – BDSM verse, dom!magnus and sub!alec
the craft of adoration– alec manipulates his way into magnus' arms
the most fragile of poisons – magnus pretends to be a damsel in distress, aka enjoying overprotective alec
undertow – kelpie!alec au with accidental courtship and BDSM
the treasure of kings – alec and magnus aren't impressed to find that lilith's son takes after his mother (aka wants to bang a lightwood)
the same sky – malec time travel to back a few years before canon, both of them
a warlock's hoard – a/b/o universe, omega/omega malec
to be or knot to be – a/b/o universe, alpha/alpha malec (look it was punny, i couldn't knot use it)
the worth of a life – asmodeus asks for the parabatai bond instead of magnus' magic to save jace
the desecration of souls – lilith has a claim to alec as her son thanks to valentine's experiments
the bonds i'd break – au of 'all your cracks i'll paint gold' where alec takes a chance and steal leaves nephilim/shadowhunter society but keeps his runes
guided by my unchained heart – alec resigns from the institute when jace is made hoti and goes to magnus
the taste of his magic – dragon!alec and magnus (he can shift into a cat) meet because alec can't keep his claws off of magnus' garden
(i'm trying to add some stuff but saeth will come back and fix it!)
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eddiebillysteve · 2 years
a/n: idk it's sad boy hours and i just wrote a little blip based on this post, not really edited so anyway enjoy??? lmao (trigger warnings for abandonment/anxiety/mentions of the mindflayer and the ptsd billy has from it)
“You’re late, Harrington.”
Steve knew Billy didn’t like being late for anything himself, but he wasn’t expecting his anxiety around tardiness to be passed along to him, too. It wasn’t that he was one of those people that just showed up late to everything in general, it was just unpreventable sometimes. 
He didn’t think being late by a couple of minutes would push Billy back to the last name step. 
“Baby, it’s—“ Steve looked at his watch before looking back out the window at his scowling boy. “3:04. That’s hardly late.” 
“I didn’t tell you 3:04, did I? I told you 3.” Billy’s voice was a snap hard enough to make Steve wince. Their relationship hadn’t exactly been smooth sailing, but he thought he had been doing a good job teaching Billy about communicating why he was upset and angry when his temper arose. 
“I know, Bills. Get in the car and I’ll explain,” Steve sighed softly, gesturing with his hand out the window for him to get in the passenger seat. 
Even if it was only four minutes, Steve still felt guilty. He was the one who insisted on dropping and picking Billy up from the pool every day instead of spending the money to get his camaro fixed. It was under the guise of Steve wanting to be helpful and doting, and saving money, but they both knew how badly Billy’s hands shook when he reached for Steve’s car door, how his fingers clutched the seat if they weren’t wrapped around a cigarette, how he couldn’t be in a car in the dark and how quiet roads made him cry. 
The mindflayer had done its damage on Billy in more than one way. His physical scars may have healed, but the mental ones were more present than ever. The anxiety that racked him, even with the amount of medications he took for it, was intense. He suffered from nightmares, hated the dark, could barely handle the cold without panicking. 
The blue camaro that had once been his safety, his baby that was a reminder of his life in California, had been turned into a constant reminder of the monster that had seeped into his body and nearly killed him along with so many others. 
But the anxiety over being late didn’t stem from being possessed by the mindflayer. Steve didn’t know where it came from. 
“Billy.” Steve reached for his hand when Billy was finally in the car, not starting up the engine yet. “Sweetheart, look at me, please? I’m sorry.”
But Billy still didn’t look at him, his watery eyes trained on the ‘Pool Rules’ sign he could see out the window. His jaw was clenched so hard to keep a sob from slipping out that he started to get a headache. 
“I’m sorry, okay? I gave Dustin a ride home and his Mom was feeling chatty. Wanted to introduce me to their new cat, as if I didn’t already meet the little thing months ago—“
“Fuck you, Steve.” The words took a few moments to sink in, and when he didn’t immediately reply Billy snapped his head over to look at him. “Jesus, Harrington, are you fuckin’ stupid? Just fuckin’ drive! Jesus Christ!” 
The angry words didn’t match the frightened eyes and tears dripping down his cheeks, and Steve took a deep breath. 
“Okay, so you’re angry—“
“I’m not in the mood for your bullshit communication speech. If you even say that goddamn word, I’ll knock your teeth down your throat, I swear to God.”
The swearing, the threats, may as well have gone in one ear and out the other. Billy always said a lot of words, especially when he was angry, and nearly all of them were ones he didn’t mean. Steve was used to wading through them to get to the real issue by now. 
“You’re angry because I was late,” Steve spoke carefully, but not in a condescending way. “You need to tell me why you’re upset that I was late so I know how to help you, Bills. Sometimes being late is inevi—“
“Because one day you won’t come, okay? One day I’ll be waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and you won’t fuckin’ show.” 
The words were enough to trigger the sobs that had clearly been building in the four minutes he’d been waiting, and Steve’s heart nearly shattered. “Baby—“
“Save it, Harrington,” he croaked out, clearly trying to keep up his angry persona despite the sobs. “Let’s just get it over with. Just fuckin’ leave already.”
“Listen to me.” Steve reached for Billy’s face, holding his cheeks in his hands to force Billy to meet his eyes. “I’m not leaving you. Ever. I want you, Billy, only you, as long as you’ll have me. What do I have to do to convince you I’m here to stay? Buy you a ring? Tattoo your name on me somewhere? Because I’ll do it. I’ll do anything I have to do to keep you from feeling like this again.” 
Billy’s sobs turned to heavy sniffles in Steve’s arms, feeling calloused thumbs wiping tears from his cheeks. “You can just not be late, but I do like that tattoo idea. Get my name as a tramp stamp—“ 
“Shut up.” Steve pulled him in for a kiss, both to cut off the idea and relay as much love and emotion as he possibly could. “I’m not going anywhere, baby. I promise you. One day I’m even gonna marry you, you’ll see.” 
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favorvn · 2 years
So as I narrow down which OC I wanna pair Z with, I’m leaning toward my more stoic characters. If only because his ability to sense emotions/moods from one of the previous asks seems very fun to work with. That said (since I want to write fanfics) I was hoping you could elaborate on scenarios?
In the case of a very stoic character (due to issues) how would Z react if:
1) They just came off rather exhausted all the time when it came to expressing things.
2) He found out the reason MC is stoic is due to essentially being conditioned not to express themselves (being too excited or anything was met with being reprimanded)?
3) He randomly out of the blue sensed MCs mood spike (which was very rare) and they were very angry even if their facial expressions/words/actions said otherwise. (Aka holding it in)
First of all if you write a fanfic I would be honored to be able to read it if you so feel like sharing it 🥰~
But to answer your questions in an unnecessarily long ramble....
1. Despite Z most likely causing this MC (I will refer to them as Y/N) a bit of emotional exhaustion because of his teasing and intensity of personality, in a situation like this Z would first do his best to understand Y/N's emotional tells as well as he can.
He would most likely become an emotional interpreter of sorts. Z would express the emotion that Y/N has trouble expressing themselves. In cases where people get pushy with Y/N (taking Y/N's difficulty expressing as permission to force their will), Z would not take too kindly to that and scare them off. On some level, Z would feel like an emotional body guard constantly trying to make sure Y/N's feelings aren't steam rolled by others, so Y/N won't have to feel exhausted constantly. He would do his best to understand Y/N so that their expression isn't nessecary.
2. Z would definitely want to kill the humans that made Y/N suffer in a way that caused life-long trauma. Would he go through with it? That would depend on a number of factors. Factors such as... If Y/N would be able to look the other way, if killing these people would rob Y/N of being able to truly heal, If Y/N would ever even find out.
Aside from that, Z would want Y/N to feel comfortable around him, safe enough for Y/N to express themselves however they wanted to. Z is a demon who is a creature of impulse, passion, spite, and greed, so he would want Y/N to be able to achieve whatever goals they have, or just live in a way that makes Y/N happy. He would never try to get Y/N to 'improve themselves' or challenge their comfort zone under the guise of personal development. Z is just happy to be with Y/N.
3. It's kind of what I mentioned before. If Y/N is not able to express anger or protest, Z will do it for them. He will do it either to vent his own anger of someone else making Y/N angry or in order to sort out the situation that is making them angry. If Y/N was feeling sad but not comfortable expressing it, Z would silently comfort them or try to make it better without overwhelming them. Z understands humans are fragile, so although he is a destructive force and may make mistakes, he does his best to treat his human with care. Z would also feel happy to be the one that knows his human the best and can best fit their needs.
(Ps. Sorry for any typos or rambling on this. It's late, and I'm tired but can't sleep. So I'm writing this instead.
I should probably wait and proof read it tomorrow before posting....but fuck it lol 😵‍💫)
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stuckinapril · 1 year
i definitely agree with your post, but as a preschool teacher i wouldn’t say kids don’t have interests anymore!! kids are absolutely still passionate about things and want to talk and learn about their interests, but the sad thing is that a lot of these kids only get to truly explore this at school, because at home they just get stuck in front of a screen instead of doing anything actually engaging. and this definitely has effects on their attention span and mood at school, but they’re still generally very capable and excited to learn + socialize with the other kids. what i’m saying i guess is that this generation of kiddos is definitely losing a whole lot at home by not being given these opportunities to engage with the world outside of instant entertainment, but also with separation from screens and some encouragement they’re the same as any other kid has ever been. idk this is a bit ramble-y, but it’s definitely very sad to see when kids don’t get to do any actual learning at home, especially because this usually goes hand in hand with a lack of attention given to them by their parents, and definitely does have a lot of negative effects as you said.
Very good point! I definitely don’t think the next wave of kids is hopeless & nothing can be done. But I do think, just from what I’ve observed of how my little cousins and other children have been raised, that the encouragement you’re speaking of generally does not extend beyond school hours (which is a point you’ve made). Hell, it didn’t for me when I was a kid. And it will be even harder to rewire these kids when they’re pre-teens/teens, bc at that point they’ll be stuck in their ways & it will take hell to reprogram their focus & interests (which is actually something that happened to me).
As a young adult I’m finally taking the time to cleanse myself of the effects of growing up w the internet, but tbh it’s no thanks to the adults in my life. It’s mostly a realization I came to bc I was burned out from the ruthless cycle of dopamine being online gave me, as well as the problems it has caused in my life. Not everyone reaches this revelation. And if they do manage to juggle a life while being obsessed w their screens, then they live it out in mediocrity bc the withdrawal of being phoneless for a period of time are just too great.
The point is not that these kids are incapable of achieving a healthy lifestyle, but that it will be so much harder for them to reach it, just as it is for gen z. And the older end of gen z didn’t even get as engrossed in the digital world until middle school. We didn’t get the luxury of being born with a lifestyle that supports focus—we have to fight to cultivate it now. And it is so so hard to, on top of the pressure of everything else. So I just cannot imagine the hoops kids these days will have to jump through just to gain that focus that older generations were endowed with just by virtue of being born at a time where phones weren’t so accessible.
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weeping-statue · 2 days
I was wondering if I could request Andrew Kreiss and platonic Plain Doll (bb) with a GN!reader whos kind of like a grandpa?
Like, the best way I can explain them is that reader has an old soul and always gives candy to everyone who does a good deed, and reader is always telling old stories and repeats the same ones over and over again.
Like it’s to the point where (in the case of IDV) everyone calls them grandpa and if both IDV and bb they always look out for everyone and they try to keep everyone safe and make them feel accepted?
Sorry if this makes so sense chat💔 please and thank you!
Don’t worry lovely anon I got u ❤︎ I kinda only did Andrew, which im so sorry for, cause I kinda dunno how to write for plain doll😞 also I made two separate ones, romantic and platonic!
A/N: I’m sad to say that this is a tad self indulgent because I am the epitome of grandpa, like I’m too old for this body and my bones constantly feel like they’re a 90yr olds😔 also this is not proof read because I am tired as always 😞
Andrew Kreiss with an old spirit reader!
Cut for length ❤︎————————————————
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First let’s just say, the name calling is insane.
Like your labeled grandpa, no matter your gender.
Survivors passing you by be like, “Sup gramps, got any candy?” Or “Yo! Grandpa! Take your meds today?”
The survivors like to hear your story’s, well most, but sometimes when you can’t remember that you’ve already told them, they’ll gently (as can be) be like “We know, you’ve told this one twenty times.” And you’d be like “I did? When?!”
Your bones constantly ache and your back and knees are always sore (I relate) so running away from hunters suck, and so does having to run around the manor with others. Which is why your best friend Andrew makes sure you’re not injuring yourself. Constantly lurking behind you, in a mood. Mumbling about how he’s “Like your nurse.” But he secretly cares, well -ish.
He’ll nag you about your meds (if you take them) and reminds you before you start another tangent about the same story.
He definitely doesn’t enjoy the teasing, at least he can handle some of it. But not too much or he’ll get grumpy for the rest of the day.
All in all tho, he means well and will take care of you if you take care of him. He especially likes the little salted caramel candy’s you have. The old people kind.
He will do all of this but more lovingly. Gently reminding you to take your meds instead of being up your ass about it. He’d listen to your story’s even if you do repeat them. Sometimes they get on his nerves if he’s in a mood but overall wants to hear your voice because it soothes him.
Will help you stock up on candy ❤︎
Definitely rubs your knees or back if their sore ❤︎
He still follows you around but he’s a lot more happier about it ❤︎
He likes calling you “My grandpa” as a joke (act how you will with this one)
Forehead kisses when you remember to do stuff but only in semi-public since he’s sort of shy with the pda. But he’ll squeeze your hand to let you know he’s proud of you or if you did good ❤︎
Holds your hand 24/7 if you’ll let him (mainly because he’s worried you’ll get lost) ❤︎
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That’s all because i don’t want it to get too oc and just slander my beautiful boy😔
I’ll try to post the rest out but I’m rlly tired so take these headcanons 😞. ———————————————————————-
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missywritesfor7 · 17 days
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
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Ch. 36: Fly
Yoongi feels a new wave of optimism and anticipation after his talk with Hyeri. The morning after their Seoul concert he wakes up early to make her breakfast. He doesn’t even bother to make himself a cup of coffee. Admitting that he’s been using it as an alcohol substitute has made him try to be more conscious of his caffeine consumption. He won’t quit cold turkey, but he’ll certainly make sure it’s less frequent and that some of those coffees are decaf.
Yoongi has a healthy mix of eggs, toast, pork, and sweet potatoes cooked and ready for Hyeri as soon as she wakes up. While he waits he scrolls his phone. His usual routine of checking emails then socials and ending off on a random YouTube video until his attention is pulled elsewhere. When he gets to socials the first thing he sees is Hyeri’s name trending. His heart sinks as he reluctantly clicks on the tag. It only takes a few swipes for him to see that Hyeri is trending because someone noticed she was sitting with Yoongi’s family at the concert. People started piecing things together and now the internet is convinced Yoongi and Hyeri are dating. In a way, he feels relieved. They can just confirm the rumors and be done with it, but Hyeri doesn’t quite see it that way.
Hyeri woke up hearing Yoongi in the kitchen making breakfast. She decided to scroll through socials for a bit until she felt Yoongi would be done cooking and she could eat. While doing that she also saw the talk about her sitting with Yoongi’s family. She curses herself a bit because she should have known someone out there would actually know what Yoongi’s family looks like and figure things out. While Yoongi is relieved, Hyeri is anxious. She didn’t want anything happening before her drama comes out. She didn’t want to be the cause of distractions that take away from the show itself. This is the last thing she wanted. She groans a bit then finally rolls out of bed and goes into the bathroom to straighten herself up before joining Yoongi in the kitchen.
“Good morning,” Yoongi smiles. “Breakfast is ready.” She takes a seat at one of the bar stools as Yoongi places a plate in front of her then sits next to her with his plate.
“You seem to be in a good mood today,” Hyeri says attempting to match his enthusiasm.
“I am! Last night was great! Seeing you and my family out there was amazing! I know I was worried at first, but now I’m just excited for the tour. And excited for us,” he quickly brushes her cheek with his thumb.
“For us?” She half smiles.
“Yeah…” he hesitates noticing the apprehension on her face. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It’s just…I’m afraid we may have been found out.”
“You saw?”
“Yeah,” she sighs.
“And…you still don’t want anyone to know?” His voice falls flat missing all of the enthusiasm he just had.
“It’s not that. I just…” she looks at Yoongi’s face slowly morphing into a sad pout and she can’t help feeling bad when she knows how much he wants this. “I told you I wanted to wait until the show premieres. I guess I wanted to put it out there in my own way and my own time.”
“Your own way?” He can feel that wave of anxiety rising. Maybe he shouldn’t have been so happy just now so his fall to the ground wouldn’t be as hard. “So you’re-“
“No,” she interrupts reading his mind. She’s not too sure what her own way is just yet, but she knows she won’t be denying the rumors this time. Not again. “I’m not going to deny it.”
“You’re not?” He raises his brows in surprise. He was fully expecting to have a repeat of the last time. He was fully expecting the sadness and disappointment from her rejection once again.
“No,” she shakes her head. “I’m not going to deny us again.”
“Then what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know,” she sighs. Confirming the relationship would certainly make things easier and loosen some of the tension in their relationship surrounding the subject, but he hasn’t even left for his tour yet. She would feel like a complete fool if she finally let go and made their relationship public only for him to return from tour the way he did last time, a drunken unfaithful mess. She needs to be sure, and while she’s felt more and more sure about the relationship with each day, the trust still lacks. “I don’t want to deny the truth again, but I need to know…I need to feel that I can trust you before I confirm anything.”
Yoongi nods slowly understanding her reasoning, but hating it nonetheless. He’s impatient now. The longer they go having to hide the harder it gets for him. However he can’t blame her at all. This is just one of the many consequences of his past stupid actions.
“I promise,” she says trying to pick his mood back up. “If you can promise me I won’t have to worry about you and you won’t ignore me. You’ll tell me when you’re having good times and bad. Promise me that, and I promise I won’t deny a thing.”
“And,” he says rising from his stool and standing over her with his finger on her chin keeping her eyes on his. “If I hold up my end of the deal, you’ll let me tell the world that you’re mine?”
“I’ll tell them with you,” she smiles. That seems to be just the thing to lift Yoongi back to the bouncy feline he was a few moments ago. However, deep down she’s still not quite as enthusiastic. Her anxiety has been making sure to remind her of every possible thing that could go wrong while Yoongi is on tour.
Thankfully, she finally began seeing someone for the anxiety that had been snowballing within her leading up to the start of the tour. She thought she was doing fine, and perhaps she was, but she couldn’t shake that trauma no matter how many times she cried to Haeun about it. With Haeun’s recommendation she finally sought a professional.
She’s only seen her company recommended counselor a few times over the past month, but she already feels like she’s making progress. Slow, but progress nonetheless. Yoongi is unaware of her appointments, she’s only told him that she has a meeting and he never questioned it. The fear of worrying Yoongi is something that continues occupying too much space in her mind, so for now she doesn’t want him to devote his attention to her if he feels she’s having a hard time. She’s afraid codependent, overbearing, needs-to-fix-everything Yoongi will return and he won’t be his best for this tour. While that may have been more than true before, she hasn’t quite fully realized that annoying helicopter parent Yoongi is no more.
Though not a helicopter parent, he spends his remaining time at home attached to Hyeri like the most loyal and loving pup. Hyeri loves it and joked that his sweetness is only going to make her miss him more. That only made him kick up the cuteness intensity until the moment he left. With many kisses, I love yous, the tightest hug ever, and a surprise gift of a new black and red bucket hat from Hyeri, Yoongi left her behind and went out to the car waiting for him with his luggage in tow.
He hops into the black SUV where Taehyung and Jin are already sitting inside. Another SUV is out picking up the rest of the guys then they’ll all meet at the airport. Yoongi feels like it’s been such a long time since the seven of them faced the waiting media at the airport that he was almost surprised to see them.
Yoongi enters the airport in his long black pants, white t-shirt, and the bucket hat Hyeri just gave him and waves to the waiting cameras as security shuffles him and everyone else along quickly. Everyone is in high spirits even though they’re about to be on a long flight to the other side of the world. Once they make it through security Yoongi finds a spot to get comfortable in their vip lounge while they wait for boarding. He pulls out his phone to see he already has a string of messages from Hyeri.
Hyeri feels like Yoongi is about to go off to war with no promise of returning. The moment he walked out the door she felt a heavy weight fall over her. The past trauma came flooding back and her mind couldn’t stop racing. She watched the live stream of the guys arriving at the airport and her emotions were very mixed and very strong. Seeing him happily wearing the hat she gave him made her smile from cheek to cheek. He looks great and healthy and she couldn’t be more proud of how far he’s come. Then the anxious thoughts creeped in. She felt this way when he left for the last tour and it wasn’t long before she found herself on a downward spiral into the worst year of her life since her group disbanded.
One thing she’s learned over time is to let whatever she feels flow and not bottle them up. She cried watching him and began whispering her thoughts as if he could somehow hear her. Then she decided she wanted him to hear her, so she began texting him everything that came through her mind.
[Hyeri]: You look so good!! 😘
[Hyeri]: I miss you already.
[Hyeri]: I’m so scared. I love you so much but I’m so afraid of things going bad like before.
[Hyeri]: This is so hard. I want to trust you, Yoongi, I really do. I’m trying. I hope it gets easier because right now I’m so torn.
[Hyeri]: Please think of me at least once a day. I know I’ll always be thinking of you. You can call or text me at any time even if I’m busy I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
[Hyeri]: Please be safe out there. I love you.
Yoongi feels a brief pang shoot through his chest when he reads Hyeri’s messages. He understands what she’s feeling, and though he’s filled with great amounts of excitement and optimism, he still has that same anxiety she’s feeling running through the back of his mind.
[Yoongi]: Hyeri I think of you all day everyday and that’s not going to change. I know you’re worried and it’s ok, I understand, but I promise you will hear from me every single day. If there’s anything on your mind you can always talk to me and I promise I’ll do the same. We’ll make it through this. I love you more.
Yoongi’s response filled Hyeri with a scary excitement. A scary beautiful terrifying pessimistic optimism that has her heart pounding so hard she’s sure it will break through her ribs any moment now. She doesn’t even know how to respond to him because of the back and forth going through her mind. She’s trying to find the ability to focus when suddenly Yoongi is video calling her.
“What are you doing?” She answers unable to stop herself from picking up his call immediately.
“Namjoon said you would answer me before you answer him,” Yoongi laughs with Namjoon peeking over his shoulder.
“What?” She laughs. Suddenly the pull of happiness and excitement takes over and she’s all smiles as she watches the two of them being silly.
“You and I both know you wouldn’t answer me that fast or at all,” Namjoon jokes. “You couldn’t be bothered to say anything to me before we leave?”
“Oh shut up,” she playfully says. “Shouldn’t you guys be boarding?”
“We will soon,” Yoongi says. “I just wanted to-“
“Lover boy here was staring at his phone like a fool,” Namjoon chuckles. “I told him to just call you if he wants to so bad.”
“You told me she wasn’t answering you,” Yoongi defends.
“You know you wanted the excuse.”
“You can go now,” Yoongi says waving him off and turning the camera to focus only on him.
“We’re going now,” Namjoon says squeezing his head back into view. “Don’t make him miss the flight,” he jokes.
“Two minutes, Namjoon,” Hyeri chuckles. “Give us two minutes. I’ll text you later.”
“Sure,” he says sarcastically. “Two minutes. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Love you, oppa!” She giggles as Namjoon stands and walks off.
“Hey,” Yoongi says softly. “I’ll let you know when we land and when we get to the hotel.”
“Ok,” she quietly nods. Her mixed feelings she expressed in her messages are showing all over her face now.
“I meant everything I said,” he says trying to reassure her. “I know it’s hard for you to see it now, but I promise I’ll prove it to you.”
“I know, babe. In time I’ll hopefully feel less afraid.”
“It’s ok to be afraid. I gave you every reason to be afraid right now. But what if I told you this would be the last time you will feel this way?”
“That would be nice,” she laughs nervously.
“It would be nicer if I could just bring you on tour with me.”
“It would,” she smiles just from imagining being on tour with him and seeing the world by each other’s sides. “But you know I’ve got a lot of promos coming up for the drama, going along would be impossible.”
“Then maybe we go on a small tour of our own when I get back?”
“A tour of our own?”
“Pick a place and we can go. A vacation together that’s long overdue.”
“Like…” she thinks. “The beach in Sicily?”
“I’ll make it happen,” he says confidently.
“You seem so sure.”
“Because I know I won’t fuck this up, so I’ll start looking for a place to stay in Sicily. You just make sure you keep two weeks open for me,” he smiles.
“Yoongi,” she says in disbelief. “Two weeks?”
“Would you prefer three? Maybe split the time between different places? I could fly us from Sicily to Milan on my private helicopter.”
“Ok now you’re just talking nonsense,” she laughs.
“I mean it,” he smiles.
Just then Namjoon and another manager are waving for Yoongi to prepare to board.
“I guess our two minutes is up,” he sighs. “But I mean it. Two weeks, ok?”
“Ok,” she smiles. “Have a safe flight.”
“I’ll text you as soon as we land.” His throat suddenly feels tighter as if he’s trying to hold back more words, or sobs, he isn’t quite sure. All he knows is his excitement is being blended with a strong dose of anxiety now that he’s actually about to board the plane. “I love you,” he says trying to hide his nerves.
“I love you too, my Yoongi,” Hyeri smiles.
Ending the call is the hardest thing for Yoongi to do. Leaving her smiling face behind, the face that has served as his savior in the worst of times, is incredibly gut wrenching. He’s talked plenty, but now it’s time for action. He has a lot to make up for.
The flight is long, but of course nothing unusual for the guys. Yoongi mostly goes between sleeping, eating, and reading. He got through a movie at one point and fell asleep during another. Then finally they landed and he’s never felt so relieved.
They step off the plane into a world only a few hours off from the time it was in Seoul when they left. Their 14 hour time machine ride spit them out into an early afternoon crowd of media and many others hoping to catch a glimpse of them before they get shuffled off into waiting cars.
Their hotel for the next 5 days and 4 nights is only a short drive from the airport. Once they arrive Yoongi throws himself on the bed and texts Hyeri that they arrived at the hotel. He knows she’s likely sleep because she didn’t respond to his message when they landed but he sends the message anyway just as he said he would. He lays there a moment longer before hopping in the shower to wash his travel off and get ready to head out for a radio interview they have scheduled. Their schedule is fairly packed and they’ll only have a bit of free time the day between their two shows here. So he washes up and quickly meets everyone in the lobby where he’s greeted with a refreshing and much desired iced americano.
It isn’t until they’re in the car and Yoongi is halfway done with his beverage that he realizes what he’s even doing. It’s coffee, and certainly not nearly as big of a deal as alcohol, but he can’t help but feel himself suddenly flush with guilt and shame. He immediately texts Hyeri telling her of his mindless slip up, which makes him feel a little better for being honest, but he’s not going to be fully at ease until she responds to him.
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lilysmiles11223345 · 1 year
It’s worth it tho,, I love this au- even if I don’t know everything about it yet >:D
(Warning!: LONG POST!!! there’s like one dirty joke, swearing, some sad topics and also I ship characters already I’m sorry -w-)
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This is mute in the au!! I turned them emo pfft-
They would be pretty much just like how normal mute is, but maybe a liittle meaner- and also emo/goth, obviously.
So- similar to normal mute too- they don’t have a voice! In their childhood- they had an accident, that caused them to not be able to speak. but this time they have a little voice box/speaker thingy given to them by mrs.Neapolitan and they can use to speak and sing ! Which normal mute does not have ^^
I actually think they would have angst due to that, because in this version of the story instead of theatre being their complete passion, they used to love to sing.. and yeah, they can use a synthetic voice now - but.. they still can’t actually do it anymore.
depending on if noise and or noisette are still their childhood friends too- they would’ve known that too.. they probably know how horrible it is for mute- though they have another chance to speak they’ll never be able to have their normal voice back again.. and that’s all because of the accident.
Otherwise to lighten the mood alt!mute is much more gay than normal mute just because they prefer he/them instead of just they/them. And I love that.
Since I am actually bad at labelling genre’s, They were mainly inspired by artists like Jhariah, panic at the disco(minus bad person thing), some set it off songs, and also some songs from IDKHOW. :D
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Moving onto the sweet childhood friend of peppino! Her genre would be lofi!! <3 thought to do the whole “opposites attract” thing with peppy and Thea in this au!
I like to think she’s still peppys childhood friend in this, and pep would probably still be as oblivious as ever she crushes on him lmao.
Just like normal Anthea, she’s peppino’s biggest fan!! And she’s more than willing to do anything just to help him out! That includes being there when the story is going on- even if she doesn’t really want to be known much as an artist herself. and simular to how Dessert Dungeon starts she’ll probably get tricked by mrs.Neapolitan into suffering! :D
In this au, I thought it was fitting to keep two things normal Anthea had but as major plot points this time- one being her piano/keyboard. (As a child, Anthea would play piano. In this au- she never grew out of it really!) and her fear of drowning/suffocation.
The instrument that Anthea would have with her at all times would be a keyboard! Since playing piano comforted her as a child, she likes to play comforting and sweet songs for others- or duet to others songs to show support.
And since metal!peppino has the fear of fire— I thought it would be okay to keep anthea’s little traumatic event with water the same! <3 though I’m unsure if it would play out differently in this au.. if not, peppino would definitely know about her fear- I wonder if she’d know of his? 👀
She mainly keeps her singing voice quiet, but she *can* sing- and it’s very pretty, she just doesn’t like to have others hear her singing voice because of - THATS RIGHT FOLKS- the guy in her normal backstory still existing in this au! I’m tweaking things, and figuring out how peppino wouldn’t have found out about him in this au.. but Anthea still has lots of trauma! <3
Anthea in this au was inspired by well— lofi songs (think of like,, songs you’d hear on Spotify to sleep or whilst watching the lofi girl stream) But also some other songs that I think would fit/inspired me were:
Sofia- clairo
Pretty girl- clairo
Rises the moon - egg cover
Can’t help falling in love with you- the or3o cover!
Morning coffee, bubble version- Chevy, nalba, luxid
That’s all I have on her right now!
I have more ideas for my other ocs! Like strawbetty (since she was inspired by sayu already) being a sentient ai! And the twincakes could be a capella duo!! But for now I’ll keep it to these two <3
Sorry if the art seems rushed also!! I wanted to get this out ASAP cause I really wanted to talk about them both!! But, my motivation to draw anything has been dwindling for some reason hhh QwQ’ Hopefully I can do the others soon if ur okay with it!! If any of you have anyone you wanna see next am happy to try to do them! :D
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