#it'll be a fresh start
scarapanna · 2 months
[WIP] Some more updates!!!
I've been quiet recently, but got a bunch of stuff in the works for y'all!!
I'm still working on those paper puppets for a little project regarding intertwined opposites (Possibly one of the most ambitious things I've ever worked on so far) and found a proper way to introduce that new au I'm working on!!
Here are two more paper puppets for the big pmv
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And a few sneak peaks for the new au!!
(Doodles+notes alongside a silly little meme with a sprite edit of pewpaw)
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I'm working on an info post for it, progress has been slow however since I wanna prioritize the pmv again (Started it on june, stagnated a long period, and went back to work on it. I'm dead set on finishing it this summer AND stubborn/silly).
[Personal reminder: Beetle stop starting wips when you're already busy/silly]
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ante--meridiem · 27 days
If there is one thing I'm learning right now it's that math academia is a small world.
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
Lost Part Three | Vegeta x Reader |
part one | part two | part four | part five | part six
author's note: sorry for the wait! i had a hard time getting a good flow with this chapter, and am not very satisfied with what i have here, unfortunately. i hope that for part 4 i will feel better about my writing, and that you all will as well
pairing: vegeta x fem!reader
warnings: canon-typical violence, ignore the canon timeline of events
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Vegeta's ears ring, sounding as if he'd gone underwater when he hears Bulma yelling for his attention. He doesn't look for her, still locked onto that deadly serious look in your eye that's piercing his soul. He sees your sadness deep inside, how crushed you are to have to tell him of his son's betrayal. He feels like his stomach has dropped out of his body and his skin pales, knees giving out underneath him and sending him to the ground. He blinks slowly and looks in the fire, swearing he can see the image of his young son in the flames; the picture flickers back and forth from the strong young man he'd idealized, and then a more grimy, hateful man that barely resembles his oldest child.
"No… It… Can't be." Vegeta closes his eyes, determined not to cry in front of Kakarot and Bulma. This isn't their business, and he's getting angry with the way Bulma's pushing and prodding at him for answers. Her voice, shrieking and irritating, demanding things left and right without a care for what he's gone through since you came back into his life, strikes a particular nerve and his head throbs with every syllable she screeches.
"Vegeta!" She yells from the helicopter, luckily unable to land in the forest, else she'd be even closer to his migraine. "You scumbag, you haven't told me a damn thing! First you're married and now you have a-"
"Shut UP!"
Vegeta's eyes widen when he hears your voice. Your tails whips angrily and you've clenched your fists tightly, flying right up into Bulma's face. His hands grip into his sides, his stomach threatening to empty out the moment he tries following you to place himself in front of her. "No… Don't… Don't hurt her!"
You ignore Vegeta's weak plea, looking the woman that's stolen your husband directly in her eyes. "If you shriek one more time, I'll kill you." You growl.
A small hand slips into yours, and you nearly snap your neck when you feel it, seeing Gohan's concerned face looking up at you. Immediately you're subdued, having a soft spot for that young boy, your face falling; you've stepped out of line now.  You allow him to lead you away from Bulma, from the scene entirely, despite your rage and desire to be close to Vegeta.
Bulma's eyes are wide, her heart racing and veins ice-cold from your threat. You'd seemed so kind before your memories returned; and now, you've become a savage. She eyes Vegeta, noticing the haunted look in his eye as he stares down the fire. He hadn't budged a bit, not even after you threatened her life.
"I… Think you should take Chi-Chi and Trunks home." Goku says carefully.
"Are you kidding me?! How do you expect me to-!"
"Bulma!" Chi-Chi snaps. "Let's go. Goku, don't let her run off again. Bring her home."
Goku nods at his wife's order, following the direction you and Gohan left in. Bulma glares at her friend, but Chi-Chi doesn't back down to her. "It's not all about you, Bulma. Let's go."
Bulma huffs and turns the copter to go back to Capsule Corp, leaving Vegeta alone by that stream. The prince gazes into the fire again, seeing the image of the bastard that nearly killed you (His son!! How in the hell did it come to this?!) and he feels a fresh sheen of sweat on his face right before he loses the control on his stomach and vomits, coughing and spluttering once there's nothing left. The ground is cool and damp when he falls back onto it; all he can hear is the flow of water and the crackle of the fire before it all goes dark.
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Gohan's led you to a cliff, sitting beside you in comfortable silence. "My acceptance letter came in the mail."
You turn to look at him, the only light you've got in your life. "Yeah? Good; I'm proud of you, hon."
His smile lights your own eyes up. "You'll keep helping me study, right?"
"You'll keep your training up?" You smile gently at the boy. He's got the sweetness your son used to harbor, but you know his human side makes him pure, unlike your full-blooded Saiyan son.
"Deal!" Gohan throws his arms around you, and you hug him tightly. You feel tears building and you pull Gohan just a tad closer to you, thankful he's allowing the bruising hug.
"It's gonna be okay." Gohan whispers before Goku lands nearby. He kneels on your other side and gently puts his large, warm hand on your shoulder.
"Hey there." He smiles so, so softly at you. "Been a few days. Let's go home."
You blink. "I…?"
You look back in the direction you and Gohan had come from. You feel your husband's power level, though it's muted. He's likely unconscious, never being able to take shock very well. Where you would grow angry or remain calm, he'd faint. The wind chills the tips of your ears and a shiver tears through you, making a mockery of your thin jeans and tank top, hot-blooded Saiyan be damned against the cold air.
"Alright, Kakarot."
Goku scrunches his nose. "Aww, now that you remember stuff, are you gonna call me that now?" His lips push out into a pout, and you can't help but laugh at the pitiful look on his face.
"It is your name." You hum, buzzing your lips thoughtfully. "But… if you prefer Goku-"
"I do! Very much!"
You nod, carefully gripping his gi. "Let's go home."
"I thought you'd never ask!" Goku picks up Gohan, tossing him atop his shoulder and grinning at the boy's laugh, pressing his calloused fingers to his forehead.
Warmth is the first thing you feel, and the first thing you hear is Chi-Chi. Your chest rumbles with your laughter, which only serves to make her angrier, but simply hugging her calms the energy. "I know." You murmur into her dark hair. Her arms around you are tighter than you expected, and her strength impresses you.
"Go shower; you smell like Vegeta." She mumbles, delicate hands settling on your waist for a brief moment as she pulls back.
Fighting back the urge to smirk (he's your mate, dammit) you simply do as she says. Your thoughts travel to your son, remembering his rage and intent to kill. Ever since you found out Vegeta had been alive the entire time… V had changed. Your son had warped into a resentful, vengeful Saiyan. You'd lost count the amount of times he'd accused you of lying to him, or hiding him from his father. It was all nonsensical dribble, but V believed every word- and having no idea where it had come from, you still gave him the truthful answers you'd given him since he was young; but it wasn't enough for him.
You'd fought your son several times in the last two years, but this was the closest he'd gotten to killing you. It was as if his control was slipping each time; even with the power boost after your near-death experience, you'd have to train hard to be strong enough to only subdue.
Only subdue.
I can't kill him… He's all I've got left.
"Is this all you've got, Mother?!" V screams at you, a spitting image of Vegeta's rage.
You swipe your thumb over your lip, finding blood on it that you're not entirely sure came from your lip. Each strike of V's is true, the bruises and cuts on your face all the proof needed. You've trained him well; too well.
"I suppose time-out isn't going to work anymore."
"I'm not a child!" He roars, flying at you with the intensity of an explosion behind the fist you suddenly find against your stomach. The air leaves your lungs, the feeling of something rupturing inside. You cough, a splatter of blood from your bitten cheek staining his shirt. V backs away, leaving you to drop to your knees, cradling your stomach as your empty lungs beg for air, burning harshly with the first breath you can take.
"V… " Your eyes land on the pod you'd stolen, crushed and sporting a massive hole from the charged attack your son launched at you. You don't know what planet you're on or where you're close to, but if you don't find a way to get out soon… You're as good as dead.
"It didn't have to be this way, Mother." His footsteps crunch on the solid ground, approaching you with his hand glowing yellow.
"It still doesn't have to." You growl, eyes flicking from V's boots to the pod he arrived in. "We can find your father together, V."
"We could've done that a long time ago, Mother! But you lied to me!"
Summoning the little strength that remains, you move your body right as his blast singes the ground, kicking his feet from under him and unleashing a flurry of punches to his face. Your heart's in a vice, beating in your only child's face like this. You just need to keep him down long enough to get away…
A final punch across his skull results in your son's loss of consciousness. Without preamble, you scramble to the pod to get the hell off this planet. You have no destination; as far away as you can get from V is the only specific you've got in mind.
I've got to find Vegeta…
There's an explosion after a handful of hours, and the next thing you know, you're staring at a face you've never seen before.
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It's well past midnight when Vegeta makes it back to Capsule Corps. Carefully trudging through to not wake anyone, Vegeta strips the second he's in the bathroom for a scorching shower. His body is covered in dirt and sweat, not to mention he smells like fish from the stream… Though no matter how intensely he scrubs his skin, despite how red and raw he's made it, he cannot make the feeling of dirt vanish.
He feels like a two-timing son of a bitch. To both you and Bulma. He was content with his involvement with her, whatever it was, living together and raising their child… Something he missed out on with his firstborn. And that was another matter entirely; he hadn't even thought to tell her about his previous life. How could he? His heart, forever wounded by the loss and tortured by each and every what-if couldn't possibly take retelling the tragedy. He held no shame for you, had no intentions on keeping secrets from Bulma…
Vegeta's head spins and he has to brace himself on the wall, lest he slip and wake up Bulma. She no doubt has room to be angry and feel betrayed, but good lord he can't take any yelling right now. Vegeta's mating scar burns, ripping a hiss from his tongue as he clutches onto it. His primal body yearns, begs for reunification with his mate. With you, his first love, wife, mate…
Mother of his child.
Vegeta presses the heels of his hands into his eyes, seeing stars in the blackness. What in the hell had happened for his son to nearly kill you? Though supposing he can't be a character witness for the boy, having last seen him as a baby who'd been out of his incubator for only a short time… It's possible his son was just… 
No. A son of mine would never be like that on his own.
And speaking of a son, he can hear the cries of his baby boy even with the noises of the water surrounding him. Vegeta suppresses a sigh and is quick out of the shower, hair dripping onto his shoulders while he shoves on a pair of sweatpants and carefully goes to tend to Trunks. Naturally, though, Bulma's already beat him there and has the baby in her arms, calmly shushing him through his wails.
Her eyes cross with Vegeta's for a split second, and a groan forms at the back of Vegeta's throat. She's hurt, no doubt by the secrets; and your threat on her life wasn't exactly helpful. "Bulma…" He begins carefully.
"Not right now." She murmurs sadly, bouncing Trunks into softer cries.
He steps closer to her, impossibly close but not touching. "Give me the boy, and get yourself some more rest."
Her cerulean eyes widen and she meets his, finding sincerity in them. She was surprised to even see him back here at all, knowing his affinity for running away all the time. And the possibility that he was just here for amenities she provides, which could still be the case, is lessened. "You…"
"He's my son." Vegeta mumbles finally, breaking eye contact with her to look at his little boy. His fingers twitch, too eager to hold him and cherish the moments he has available to him. "I want to hold my son."
Bulma pauses for a beat, gazing down at the young baby. Trunks has stopped his tears, staring openly at Vegeta with wonder and smiles at him, one of those chunky hands reaching out. Vegeta slips his hands around the baby and pulls him away from Bulma, holding him close to himself and sitting in the rocking chair, already working on lulling the boy to sleep.
"Get some rest, Bulma. I won't tell you a third time."
Her exhaustion outweighs her stubbornness and with light feet, she's out the door and comfortably back into her bed. Despite the odds of waking up alone, she fluffs the pillow on the left side and saves half of the blankets.
Vegeta stares outside for a while, rocking the chair and holding Trunks to his warm chest. "Trunks. I know you are young and won't remember this. You won't remember the way I treated your mother, or how I left you as a bastard for a time. You will never know how sorry I am… Or how grateful I feel to get the chance to be a father to you. Truth be told, I didn't plan for you to exist. I have a son from years past that I do not know. I don't even know what he looks like; the last time I saw him, he was around your age."
Trunks coos, blinking slowly and nuzzling Vegeta's bared chest. Vegeta finally looks down at him, swiping a hand over the purple bits of peach fuzz he's growing atop his head. "I have made a vow to myself to be present for you. I now make that same vow to you, my second son. I will be here for you; I will raise you as a strong warrior, and a good man. You will be better than me, I'll make sure of it. That's what children do; they surpass their parents. You will be no different. And so help me, if you try to kill your mother someday…" Vegeta pauses. His eyes are watery, he finds, as he blinks and feels the tears on his cheeks. "I will have failed yet another child, and you do not want to see what happens then. Be good, and be strong. That is all I ask of you, Trunks."
V, I will find you. And you will not be ready.
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When you wake, it's dark out. Your scar burns, but you ignore it in favor of getting up and dressing for a day of training; the best you can do is a t-shirt and leggings, unfortunately, as your Frieza Force armor was entirely destroyed beyond use and even recognition by V's assault.
"And where are you going?" Chi-Chi's in the kitchen checking the ribs in the slow-cooker when you pass through, and you sigh to yourself.
It's like my mother's alive.
"Just to train."
"For?" She narrows her eyes suspiciously.
"To fight my son again."
"You nearly died, but you want to fight again?" Chi-Chi shakes her head; you damn Saiyans give her headaches.
"My pride as a Saiyan won't allow me to run and hide. And as his mother, it's on me to put him in his place. I have to become stronger to do that without killing him. He, for some damn reason, thinks I've lied to him his entire life. Like if I didn't know my husband was alive, I wouldn't have scoured every planet, every star and rock until I found him again. It's nonsense, but I haven't been able to convince him otherwise."
Chi-Chi sighs. "You'll need a good training partner then."
"Would you mind allowing Goku to train with me?"
"Can you wear him out enough so he'll be too tired to eat as much for a change?"
Laughing, your shoulders shrug while you rub the back of your neck. "I can try, but that's kinda asking a lot, don't you think?"
"A woman can dream." Chi-Chi sighs wistfully, setting the top back onto the slow cooker and washing her hands. "He won't be up for a while longer, so you'll have to settle for me instead."
"Oh?" You perk a brow, a smile forming on your lips. "You're a fighter?"
"How do you think I handle Goku?" She teases back and leads you outside, tying her hair up in a quick, messy bun. The air out is crisp and the grass is wet with dew, a few stars still twinkling in the sky as the Earth makes its way to the sun.
Your stretches are done in mostly silence, various bones snapping and popping from each of your bodies. You sigh to yourself; twenty years old was farther away than you wanted to admit. Chi-Chi seems to be on a similar train of thought, as her brow twitches in a manner you've never quite seen before. But she looks pissed now, and if that gives you a good warmup, so be it.
A quick bow and a pause later, Chi-Chi's testing your speed with her rush down maneuvers, her hands flying and advancing on you in impressive fashion. "I… Actually have to focus." You growl, your hands meeting every strike of hers and deflecting them from your body.
"You didn't think I'd go easy on you, did you?"
"I was hoping not." You grin and go on the offensive, pushing Chi-Chi back and switching into swift kicks she can barely keep her eyes on. She stumbles back, soon pinned under your knee.
"I'm more rusty than I thought…" She accepts your offered hand, brushing the grass from her pants while you ready into a new stance.
Chi-Chi spars with you for the better part of an hour, to her credit. You're relentless, your Saiyan appetite something she's surely used to with Goku. You bounce from side to side, rolling your neck and shoulders out, a big, satisfied grin on your face. "Man, this is fun! Think you can go faster?"
Chi-Chi huffs, clutching her side. If she were ever worried about her weight, a few mornings with you would set things straight. "Absolutely not. I'm… Going to make breakfast."
"Aww… Okay. Eggs?"
"Sure, sure…" Chi-Chi slowly moves into the house, leaving you by your lonely. With a little sigh you sit on the grass to meditate as the sun rises. A calm breath soothes the eagerness for Goku to wake up and start the real training, your mind oddly quiet despite the things you've been through lately.
Training always has been the best way to clear a Saiyans mind.
You wipe the sweat from your brow, the dust from your surroundings clearing. You and Vegeta have both been tense; the mating season has just come to pass and you were yet to be with child. It's disappointing to the King to hear, but not any more than Vegeta's anger at the situation. He stands from his position, blue fabric of his standard issue armor torn in various places. "Are you done?"
"Am I dead?" You snark, pulling yourself off your knees and launching a hefty energy beam at him. Your husband dodges, though not without more of his suit burning up.
"Point taken." He snarls and flies at you with a fierce kick, your arm coming to block as your poor bones ache at the contact. His other leg kicks out at you and sends you off your balance and into the ground. You've come to the less developed portion of Planet Vegeta, the area more commonly used for training the military recruits. It's largely rock and clay, the reddened dust everywhere. You and your husband are cloaked in it, the dust practically becoming a second skin after the several hours you've trained.
Vegeta falls on top of you, his arms only barely catching the full force of his weight. He coughs at the dust in his lungs, his exposed shoulder and one of his legs covered in it. "This is unbecoming of royalty." He groans.
You sigh and spread your limbs out, resigned. But the training was effective; the failures of your bodies are far from your mind. "Why did we come out here… Filthy training grounds…"
"I have no idea." Vegeta mutters into the breast of your armor.
"Let's go home."
Vegeta's up at your soft command, picking you up in a gentle bridal carry to fly you back home. He's not affectionate out in public; his love is no doubt strong and unbreakable, as your bonded mate. But he doesn't enjoy others seeing him so soft for you, lest they get the wrong idea and assume weakness of him. But he holds you close to his body as he flies home, even once you've reached the castle courtyard, he continues carrying you. Servants, guards and even high-ranking officers are around to see Vegeta carrying you.
"Hush, princess."
You close your eyes and just let it happen, your feet hitting the floor once he's reached your bedchambers. A servant quickly draws a bath and Vegeta holds your hand when you step into the large tub, ensuring you're down safely before climbing in himself.
Your husband waves off the servants, leaving the two of you alone in your bath. His rippling, filthy muscles flex while he pours a small basin of water over himself. His dark hair falls to his shoulders, the look rather striking despite the oddity of seeing it. He gazes at you through his lashes. "You like what you see?"
"If I do?" Soapy water falls from your body with each pass of the cloth. "What'll you do about it?"
"Not a damn thing. Continue eye-fucking me at your leisure." He smirks and washes himself, his legs opening up as you wade through the suds and into his personal bubble. He follows your lips after an attempt to steal one from him, kissing you with the passion he always keeps close to his chest.
"Did you enjoy training today?"
"I always enjoy training with you. I regret we haven't kept up the old routine we used to have." Vegeta murmurs. Once your marriage was settled and you began trying to conceive, you were practically banned from any meaningful training. And it being all for naught so far was an added kick to the ribs.
"I do feel rejuvenated. Perhaps… We go back to it."
Vegeta's dark eyes meet with yours, contemplating the suggestion. The water around you is cooling, your fingers and toes pruned as you step out of the bath. Vegeta silently follows your lead to then drape one of your many robes over your shoulders. His hands linger in the close space between you, roaming over your arms. They've lost quite a bit of muscle, regrettably.
"I expect you to gain your form back." He murmurs. "You've gotten too thin for a warrior."
"Oh, I'll show you form." You grin mischievously, pushing him to the bed and pouncing.
You laugh softly at the memory. Sure enough you'd gotten your warrior body back proper, and the stresses of getting pregnant were less present on your mind as a result of the training; and as fate would have it, you'd fallen pregnant the very next mating season. Vegeta theorized your body knew how strong a child between the two of you would be, and refused a pregnancy until you'd returned to peak strength.
"Don't tell me you're tired!" Goku's voice is cheerful and you fly to your feet, hands glowing yellow.
"Why don't you come test that theory?"
Goku's eyes shine, a slow smirk spreading on those lips as he takes his stance, bent over with one hand curled before him and the other raised above his head. "I hope you know what you're in for!"
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Vegeta comes to in the rocking chair, Trunks long gone from his arms as the sun pierces the sky. He only panics a brief moment before his logical side catches up; Bulma's no doubt awake and with the baby.
He finds Bulma in the kitchen with Trunks, feeding him a spoonful of mashed carrots and failing to keep the boy's face clean, despite her best efforts. Trunks cheers at the sight of his father and subsequently knocks the baby food from his mother's hand; the glass shatters into a trillion little pieces, orange mush splattering any nearby surfaces.
"Eh?" Trunks follows the sound, looking over the side of his high chair. Bulma braces her head on the tray of the chair, her hair a wild mess and her pajamas wrinkled and covered in baby food Trunks had spat out.
Vegeta's chest fills, a terrible feeling lingering. What does he do about this? He's mated, connected to you through an invisible thread that cannot be severed. And how he's missed you, dreamt of you for years on end… Loves you still, with everything in his heart. You are his wife. His everything. His past, his lover, his best friend.
What does he do?? A lesser man would cast Bulma aside, and had this situation happened even just a year ago, he'd be that lesser man in an instant. She was only ever intended to be a one-time thing; he'd hit a moment of weakness, and her strong, abrasive personality caught him at just the right time.
She's perfect for any Saiyan male; it's not difficult to see how any of this happened. Bulma cared for Vegeta when everyone else wanted him dead. Food, a home, clothes on his back, her first child and her heart. She's given so much to him.
He is not worthy of either your love or Bulma's.
"I'll clean up." He murmurs, casting his gaze away from his second family and retrieving a new jar of baby food before the broom and dustpan.
Bulma's eyes shine with tears as she takes the jar from him; Vegeta opts to clean the glass up, rather than try to find any words for her. She sniffles and resumes feeding the baby, but finally finds her voice.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"They were dead." He murmurs.
"Well they're not. She threatened to kill me, Vegeta!"
Vegeta's eye twitches at her quickly souring tone, his temples already hurting. "And she didn't."
Bulma's jaw clenches. "I notice you didn't do anything about it; you left an eleven-year old to keep a savage bitch from-"
"Do not talk about her that way!" Vegeta seethes with pure rage in his eyes, throwing down the broom. His hair flicks gold once despite being able to control his Super Saiyan transformation. "That is my wife and she's been through a lot; a lot I wasn't there for! My son beat her so badly she lost her memories for months. You'll be just fine with a mere threat and not even a scratch to show for it."
"So you are going to leave! As if me and Trunks aren't your family too!"
"Leave Trunks out of this. Now is not the time for you to worry about relationships, if that is what you even call this. Not when V is out there, completely getting away with what he's done to his own mother. If you don't care about what I have on my plate then don't, but you will not sit there and spout nonsense. Do you understand me, Bulma?"
Bulma scowls, her eyes just as angry as Vegeta's. "Fine."
Vegeta hastily cleans the rest of the baby food mess and storms to get dressed; he can't afford to waste anymore time. He needs to find you and discuss a plan; he'll be damned if he lets V get away with this. You're capable of Super Saiyan, yet V still bested you; you'll need to train harder to kill him. You've bested Vegeta in the past, so he's not foolish enough to think his son will be easily beaten. He himself will train with you and become stronger together to face something more challenging than Frieza.
He's going to have to kill his own child.
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"Where are we?" You look around to find only blue skies and the platform you stand on.
"The Lookout!" Goku grins. "Chi-Chi can't find us here…" He looks around regardless, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. The last thing you saw before being brought here was a hole in the side of the house, courtesy of Goku himself.
"Hmm…" The hairs at the back of your neck prickle, and in an instant you've turned on your heel and fired off an attack you created with your husband; your hand is held out, thumb tucked in with a quick yet large burst of yellow energy.
"Woah!" Goku steps back. You're incredibly trigger-happy; Piccolo just barely dodged your great attack.
"Another Saiyan?" The Namekian grumbles, picking his weighted turban up from the ground and placing it back on.
"A very prideful one, Namekian, that doesn't appreciate your tone." You growl, eyes trained hard on the stranger, settling only with Goku's gentle touch to your shoulder.
Goku laughs nervously, hand coming to the back of his head as his cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Sorry, Piccolo! She's, ah, a little on edge. We're here to train in the chamber!"
"Hm." Piccolo's eyes harden. A strange Saiyan from nowhere, here with Goku's trust? Reluctantly, he crosses his arms and drops his suspicion. "What's the occasion?"
"I need to get stronger, so I can knock my son down a few pegs." You cross your arms. The thought of facing V, of going to him with the intention to harm him makes your stomach churn. But staying on Earth isn't an option; V must face his comeuppance.
"S-So I was hoping you'd help?" Goku grins at his friend. "Gohan got into college, by the way!"
The Namekian's barely-there smile surprises you. "Good. The one he wanted?"
"Yes." You confirm with a nod. "He's also promised me he'll keep up his training."
Piccolo stares for a beat, presumably finalizing his opinion of you with a nod. Goku sighs in relief and steps to the direction of the chamber, Piccolo following along. "I assume Goku has told you about the chamber."
"One day outside is an entire year inside." You confirm. The door looms over you with every step, your heart determined to come out of this chamber with the strength to surpass your son. The anxiety of the inevitable pushes through your veins similar to the feeling of being dropped into ice water, your heart pumping erratically with every step.
The hairs at the back of your neck prickle, Goku and Piccolo clearly having a similar indication. Your focus remains on the door, your hand even touching the handle, as you hear a pair of boots touch the ground.
"If anyone's going into that chamber with her, it'll be me, Kakarot."
Piccolo eyes Vegeta carefully; something about him has changed. This isn't an argument of his strength versus Goku's, for once. His eyes are locked solely on you, a Saiyan that as far as Piccolo knows, came from thin air. And if anyone would know another Saiyan, it'd be none other than the Prince.
"Go home to your wife and son, Vegeta." You hiss out, and open the door. Vegeta flies in between you and Goku, ensuring the door is slammed shut before Goku could even think about stepping inside.
You take in the surroundings of the room, an endless sea of white around the small rest area near the door. One year in this room.
With Vegeta.
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
the whole group taking pity on these bandits including beau except earlier she got trigger happy and knocked one unconscious and now keeps hitting him when he wakes up out of pure instinct and then holding his body and awkwardly but gently laying him down in the grass like :// sorry :////
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catboygirljoker · 1 day
Very Tangential but tbh I'd kill to know how early things were decided on for KH's writing room, it sounds like from interveiws that Nomura has been cooking this story in his head/notes for the whole time if the recent "While [Quadratum] didn't have a name at the time, Sora's quote from the first game's opening was always meant to tie into it" thing from the latest interview is anything to go by (paraphrasing)
So yeah i'd be so curious to know when the other writers and staff found out stuff about the story and characters vs when we the audience found out lol
ooh interesting...yeah i think some things it's totally a tossup on how in advance things were planned. like, quadratum was set up in game 1 maybe, and i'm fairly certain that radiant garden is the same world as daybreak town/scala ad caelum and that this has been set up since game 1 as well!
but also. look me in the eyes and tell me that they knew what the organization's plan and motivations were in CoM or even kh2. like i love these games and i clearly believe there's a lot of good in them, but theyre also, uhh, A Mess, and thats one of the biggest oversights to me. really funny that it isnt until fucking re:mind when the characters are like "so like...what'll happen if xehanort gets his wish and kingdom hearts is summoned" "nothing good !"
though, telling that it was truly not until then that i even thought about what the answer to that question would be. kingdom hearts operates on a level of emotionality and melodrama first and foremost. it need not concern itself with petty things like "what do the antagonists want and what are the stakes"
because like. what does it matter whether kingdom hearts [the entity] will destroy the world or how. what i know is that terras friends miss him and roxas's friends miss him and xions friends miss her without even knowing it and sora is gonna save the day no matter what even if it involves Defying The Laws Of Reality. fuck what a series.
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buryam-soul · 5 months
goodbye arohaitham icon and laurasuka header, you will live on in my heart
but the mayu & yuki icon and nanami & haicma header do summarize my priorities very nicely. love of cats and power of friendship <3
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raksh-writes · 4 months
Me, getting stressed out of nowhere, while juz watching some nice, short videos on yt about Mod Manager 2 bcs I wanna redo my Skyrim install and modlist:
Am I getting stressed out because I had classes today and my brain's suddenly feeling the pressure of oncoming finals? Or is it because this modding thing is so complex it kinda feels like homework?
Hell if I know, but damn was it weird to get a random surge of anxiety that made my heart start pounding so hard lmao
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just-someone-online · 2 months
I have mostly been enjoying my Yes 5 rewatch, but the knowledge that I'm this close to Fresh Precure and the first All Stars movie is slowly driving me insane
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nervocat · 2 months
Alright announcement time, but it's about what my writing will be going forward and what I'll be doing with my older fics that I don't rlly like.
I've had so many ideas before that I've since lost bc I just didn't get to them bc I wanted to make a long fic, but couldn't. And idk if anyone has noticed, also bc I don't do this too often but often enough, I drag out fics and add unnecessary stuff to make the fic longer. I've also been struggling to start fics lately, and it's been bugging me bc I wanna write sososo badly but I don't want to be writing a long fic that takes long to proofread. I wanna try and welcome just short, ramble kind of posts so here is what I'll be doing going forward. I'm realizing I had too high of standards for myself and if I want to get better at writing to be an author, this is where I can start and I need to realize not everything has to be long like books, if that makes sense.
I will be separating my mlist into two — longer fics from 300 (maybe 400) and so on. Shorter fics that are kind of rambles from 200 and below, like my recent Leona post. That was abt 170 words and it was so nice to just write smth small and post it and not drag it out and make my mood just plummet with it not turning out like how I imagined.
I want to put my ideas out there and not force them into a fic ppl don't even rlly read. I always want to write fics for my favorite characters and even tho I have ideas for them, they never become a reality and the characters I like come and go in the sense I start to get into more things)new characters come along, and while those characters are still a favorite of mine, they're more on the lower side of that makes sense (like for example, how I was so into Boothill and his lore and now it's like that with Leona and I never got anything out for Boothill (which I'm still sad abt)). I'm getting more comfortable on this blog in the sense of being myself and posting whatever (thank devil for that honestly) even tho I've been writing here for almost a year now (started early/mid September).
And my earlier fics, I will be deleting most of them. I just don't feel proud of them anymore and I wanna get rid of them and it has been bugging me for months. And with my requests — I will still do the ones sent in and future ones, but maybe take 5 down to 3 after this round bc as much as I rlly do love writing for others, I want to give the requesters quality fics and while they may take longer to write, they will hopefully be worth the wait to said requesters.
I'll also add one other thing on. Since I'll be writing some smaller stuff now, pls, send in some ideas if you have any!! Mutuals and ppl who aren't mutuals can send me some stuff they want for me to just ramble abt/hear my opinion on and write smth small for. I always see my mutuals getting some and it has me wishing I did too but I was less open to that stuff I guess. This will probably be smth always open unless I go on a hiatus and won't write anything.
Ok I think that's all I wanted to say. If you have any questions, pls feel free to ask :33
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dragonanne · 1 year
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Someday & Again
I don’t know when I’ll see you; I know not when it will be. But on the day I see you, We’ll be in God’s country.
I’ll meet you on the ‘rizon; We’ll dance in our embrace. For on the day I see you, We’ll see our Savior’s face.
No tears nor sorrows stain, Beyond that pearly gate. The saints will sing with laughter, And speak not of the wait.
Although you’ve gone ahead, And left me here behind, I’ll hold tight to the mem’ries, That will ever fill my mind.
No bitterness will haunt me, Though I know it wasn’t right. Forgive you as our Savior did, And cling to His great Light.
I love you so, my dear sweet friend. I’ll miss you day and night. But though my heart is heavy, I shall cling to heaven’s Light.
Yes, you’ve gone ahead, And left us here behind, Yet we’ll hold tight to God’s promise, That we’ll see you at our time.
I don’t know when I’ll see you; I know not when it will be. But on the day I see you, We’ll be in God’s country.
"On the Day I See You" a poem by me
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OK, hello! I looked at your page shortly to see if your requests were closed but I didn't see anything and I'm very excited about the idea, so I'm sorry if your requests are closed. I love you! I've been in Pedro Pascal hype for over a month now and the little green bean Grogu and his non-traditional Mandolorian dad stole my heart. I've never seen a fiction where they celebrate Grogu's birthday. (Sorry if any, I'm really new to this fandom.) I'm not even sure if birthdays are canon in the universe. I know we'll technically never know Grogu's birthday but what if Mando's adorable Riduur decided that every baby should celebrate their birthday and she decides today is his birthday and we celebrate? The idea of a green baby with green icing all over is so cute!
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HOLY SHIT. For the record my requests are not closed but I'm sort of picky (long story, another time). You mention that you're new to this fandom well welcome, i love you, and don't worry that tired single father and his gremlin menace of a child stole all our hearts. you are not alone.
As for your idea????? Again, HOLY SHIT.
THAT IS SUCH A GOOD FUCKING IDEA HOW DID I NOT THINK OF IT. Okay, okay, it's actually such a good idea that I want to write that scene into my story 'A Fresh Start' as a full blown deleted scene (but if you don't read that it's okay I'm gonna write it in a way where it can stand alone as well).
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thatcatbasil · 7 months
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marley-manson · 1 year
I think writing fic is mostly making stuff up, even the most canon compliant fic is technically made up and therefore not canon in the traditional sense. And with that logic all fic is made up, and I release you to go wild in your fanfic writing dreams.
Yeah like I definitely agree, it's all just a case of degrees of separation from canon - unless you're writing for the show you're not writing truly canon fic, and even some of the show writers kinda fail at canon compliance lmao.
But tbf different people have different limits for how far they'll go and in what circumstances, and we all have our different preferences in terms of canon compliance (and our own different interpretations of canon to comply to, for that matter. Like straight Hawkeye is technically more canon compliant in terms of creator intent lol but you won't catch me reading anything where Hawkeye is straight.)
So yeah, everyone should definitely write whatever fic they want regardless of canon! But I do have my own personal limits in terms of what lines I want to cross, what's more flexible vs what I can't change without losing interest, even if it's in service to an otherwise interesting scenario.
Like to put my preferences another way, I would be more inclined to write magical AU dubcon featuring a love potion or smthn as a way to facilitate trainwreck Hawk/BJ/Peg, than I would, say, write Hawkeye agreeing to that triad because he's naive enough to think it's actually a good idea, or he loves BJ so much that he'll accept an unbalanced relationship, or he doesn't think he deserves better, etc. That's not My Hawkeye.
(Actually tbf the one non-AU way I think it could work is leaning into Hawkeye quitting his career post-canon in passive giving-up-on-everything depression, maybe his dad dying to make it even worse, and BJ innocently taking advantage, believing he's taking care of him and helping Hawkeye recover when really he's just emotionally manipulating him into becoming his second wife and giving up on his career forever.)
(Or maybe if Hawkeye lost his license...? Alcoholism, or being outed could do it easily. I feel like that could destroy him enough that he'd just cling to anything anyone offered. At least for a while.)
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motherhenna · 10 months
wow proximity anxiety is real...I'm back in my San Francisco apartment in order to pick up some things and go to a friend's housewarming party after spending a month back home in SoCal, but being just two blocks away from where I was attacked has turned me into a nervous prey animal I stg. Due to the abduction attempt, recent rent hikes, and the shitty job market, I'm basically moving back in with my mom in SB and it feels like crap knowing I'm gonna have to dismantle all my hard work (picture frames, rugs, furniture, decorations, etc) and leave the place I called home for almost 3 years. Definitely feel caught in limbo rn, and I hate that I'm too anxious to do anything on my own while I'm here. Even the thought of walking up to the gym to empty my locker gets me worked up because I'd have to go through the exact area where I got jumped and grabbed. I'm hoping this'll fade with time, as it's only been a month or so since it happened, because I hate being so avoidant of everything and not being able to sleep.
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knghtlock · 10 months
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uh, hey guys! so ... ngl, i miiiiight be remaking in the next few days to a week? idk man, as much as i love this blog, i think a fresh start might be nice. i'm already kinda halfway there once i finish up my promo, and i've had this blog for a few years anyways!!! so, yeah ! new stuff ( hopefully ) coming soon.
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aserande · 8 months
am thinking about remaking.....
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