just finished the poppy war trilogy what the FUCK WAS THATTTT
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stormbreaker101 · 5 months
I still can't get over the Circe Saga.
Hermes gives Odysseus a tool to even the playing field. He anticipates and encourages Odysseus to overpower her on a physical, magical, and sexual level. He phrases this help as "us[ing] more than words." He wants Odysseus to give up speech and mercy as much as the other gods do.
But ultimately it's Odysseus's words that save him and his crew. It's him telling Circe about his faith to Penelope that convinces her to help him.
There are other ways of persuasion, indeed.
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002yb · 11 months
If I may, an Au where Jason and dick were together before Jason's death, so when Jason comes back it's Nightwing, not Batman he tries to get to kill the Joker.
The only tragedy is that Jason feels he has to force Dick's hand. He gives Dick an ultimatum as if Dick would ever refuse him. He tells Dick to choose as if there's a contest.
'Him or me.' Jason mourns, oblivious to the reality that Dick chose Jason a lifetime ago.
Jason anticipates betrayal. He waits for disappointment. What Jason doesn’t know is that loss twisted Dick until he broke and with those pieces he drew new lines and boundaries that begin and end with Jason: Dick's legacy, his Robin, his little wing.
There aren't enough bullets in the gun he's given, but that doesn't stop Dick from aiming where it will hurt the worst. It doesn't stop him from emptying it, seventeen rounds - vicious and brutal and cruel.
Dick shoots where Jason was mutilated; his ankle and knee and hip, his shoulders, his ribs. He spent months tormenting himself with Jason's autopsy report - mourning every wound and every desecration until it was burned into his memory, until it was all he saw and all he dreamed. Dick could aim to kill, but he wants Joker to hurt. He wants him to suffer.
Dick knows Joker was laughing when he killed Jason. It doesn't matter how filled with rage Dick is or what resolve vengeance blinds him with, Dick isn't laughing. All the anguish that's been caught in his chest is torn from him - a strangled, wounded, inhuman sound.
The only tragedy is that Jason thinks Dick didn't mourn him, that he hasn't felt his absence every day since Jason was taken away from him. It's Dick's greatest regret and his greatest failure that this boy would think for even a moment that Dick wasn't changed by him in life and death, that Dick didn't love him viscerally, unconditionally.
Jason pulls away from the carnage, staggering back from Dick’s line of fire. There's something helpless in his expression, something young although Jason is so much older than last Dick saw him. But Dick doesn't see him through the tears that well up in his eyes. He's blinded by hurt and regret. He chokes on all his grief because fuck this terror that's haunted and hurt Jason.
(And damn Dick, too, for not doing this sooner).
Seventeen rounds and it's not enough. It doesn't hurt enough. It's not personal enough, so Dick tosses the gun and stalks forward with bare fists and bared teeth. Joker went for Dick's heart; Dick will take Joker's - he'll steal every beat and give it back to the boy Joker took from him.
Dick still isn't laughing, but neither is Joker. He smiles though, all bite to match Dick’s snarl. His is a madness not even Joker has known and it's clear in Joker's eyes what he thinks; Dick feels it, too: oh, so this is a monster.
"See?" Joker asks through blood and broken teeth, a swollen face and gasping breaths and Dick hates him. He hates him, he hates him, he hates him. "Hehehe, you see!"
Dick doesn't see anything but opportunity to lay a devil to rest and give a boy he loves peace. It doesn't matter to Dick what happens from here, just let Jason rest. Let that boy rest.
Dick will cross whatever lines he needs if it's Jason on the other side. He'll go to whatever lengths because Dick should have done this years ago; he should have followed through, but Jason was gone and Dick thinks he wanted to torment himself with his failures.
No more, Dick thinks to himself. No more.
Jason has always been the braver between them though - always painstakingly, heartrendingly kind.
It's why Jason stops him. It's why Jason wraps himself around Dick and forces him back and keeps Dick away. He stops Dick from crossing that line, holding Dick tightly, fiercely because Jason recognizes Dick's torment and how Jason's demands will add to it once all the adrenaline passes.
And Jason can't - he can't kill Dick in that way.
But Dick can. He will. He would do anything to give this ghost of a boy peace so that he might move on. Dick has to let him - he has to...
Dick fights him, jerking in Jason's hold to finish what he started. Desperate, frenzied, mad. His voice breaks when he screams and Jason's heart breaks along with it because it's everything he's felt for years.
"He took you from me." Dick cries, holding fast to Jason and letting go of everything else to cling to him. Hands bloodied and bruised and trembling because they can't pull Jason close enough. "He took you from me!"
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galaxythreads · 1 year
unhinged, unconnected thoughts about the Hunger Games 1-3:
Katniss is one of The best female characters I have ever read in my life
Peeta is the definition of sad, wet paper man
I AM SO GRATEFUL THERE WERE CONSQUENCES From the games!! Like Katniss has permanent hearing damage. PEETA lost his LEG
Katniss' severe PTSD was so harsh and brutal and so so so good
Haymitch was such a little guy and I adored him for that. What I really liked about his character was that like -- he survived the Hunger Games. This was not a good thing. He was devastated by the fact that his family was killed and the only way he coped with that was by drinking. There was no getting better. There was no magic fix. It didn't just go away. Then he had to train and prepare 20 kids to go fight in the Games just like he did, knowing that he was sending them all out to die or survive like he did, and I have to imagine that toward the end, Haymitch probably hoped they died. It was easier than living
The Capitol was absolutely horrifying
The PTSD from the Games was vivid and it was so nice to see that this horrible bad thing that happened to the characters didn't just go away because they were in another book. Like it impacted their choices forever
Katniss and Peeta about to take the berries reminded me of Romeo and Juliet and I think that was probably on purpose. Neither can live without the other.
Katniss runs off and screams and cries and breaks down and fails and makes selfish decisions and selfless decisions and like she is SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER. Like I Honestly didn't think there would be a female character that competed with Joan Watson for #1 female for me, but Katniss is like. She's up there.
Gale was overall meh to me. He was There, but the emotional impact he had on Katniss was overall... yeah. just dots.
I'm really glad that Katniss was able to heal enough after 15 years from the Games to have kids. She wanted kids, and the mothering instinct is there, but she didn't want to bring them into a world where they wouldn't be safe. But Katniss having kids means that she does feel safe.
"you love me. Fake or real?" "real"
I literally did not realize the Hunger Games was science fiction until I got like halfway through the second one and was like oh yeah, yeah this is science fiction.
like all I'd heard about the Hunger Games was book 1, so everything after that to me was just ?????? and I was SO MAD but it made so much sense from the Capitol's perspective and I so wanted to strangle Snow.
District 13 overall annoyed me tbh, but I did get where they were coming from.
Everything in this series is so heavy. Like you feel the weight of the entire world just seeping down on you and it's actually kind of nice. I feel like the Hunger Games decided yeah, this is a dark, gloomy kinda world and then kept that tone. Books that keep the tone are SO RARE and i adore them.
PRIM DYING LIKE ???????????????????????? so good. So good. Like the whole reason Katniss went into the Games was to save her and like. She died anyway. Tragedy my beloved.
Katniss being so bad at speeches was absolutely hilarious. She is very much a speak from the heart kinda person and I'm glad that was never "fixed"
I love how a running theme in the series was that they have to document everything. There are video cameras everywhere, recording, always recording, and if they aren't it didn't happen. But Katniss is screaming IT HAPPENED IT HAPPENED anyway. Like with Rue's death.
I love that Peeta is so protective of Katniss, but would wholey hold her bow while she punched someone in the face. Like he's protective of her while respecting her strengths.
this series is dark, but I am going to reread this 4000000 times.
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hanafubukki · 1 year
The knight of Dawn had less than 10 min of screen and is already one of the most tragic guy in Twisted. He had the start of your basic fairytale hero: an orphan, blessed by day fairies, took and raised by a king, in love with his caretaker daughter (who loves him back), a true talented knight, respected leader by his army...
But his caretaker suddently fell ill, and he had to go to war to find a magic stone able to save him in another countries full of- a different kind yes but still- fae like the one who blessed and loved you.
He fought. Because even if he knows what they were doing was bad, he had a debt over his caretaker, and over the precious girl he loved and who waited for her father health to be back. The same girl who waited him alive at home.
We still don't know if he was already promised to Princess Leia at that time, or if they were already married or if Leia was already pregnant with Silver. But it just add more tragedy if he followed Henrick because he said to him that those battle would truly give him a title of hero and allow him to marry Leia. After all, he was just an orphan raised for his sword skills and his blessings right ? How could someone like him, without any backround could think about marrying THE princess ?
Because at the end, after the fall of Meleanor, he married the princess. He even had a son with her.
We still don't even know if he had see his son before he passed. He could have gave his ring to pregnant Leia before going to fight other human who wanted the fairies land- which I'm sure fighted back too after the lost of their only princess.
The idea of this man, caught between his guilt, his sense of justice, and his wish to protect the family he created and dying in a battlefield just kill me. He started as the protagonist of a fairytale and ended- like everyone who perished in that war- as one of the characters of a tragedy. Neither more or less than someone whose name was forgotten in history, just to be reminded in the story book and the fae who lived at his time by his title "The Knight of Dawn". Not a father. Not a husband. Not even as himself. Just as the puppet he was, and whose history will remember as his true self.
I'm actually curious about what Leia did after everything. She probably must said her son was dead- fearing someone would wait for the baby to wake up and kill him and the "special person who will love him". Does she survived ? For a short or a long time ? Does she tried to keep her husband memory, his side of the story, alive ? Or did she was incapable of doing so, because people only believe and remember what they want ? Has she remarried ? Or did she stayed faithfull to her husband and child memory, alone until the end ?
She will never know when her child would woke up. What kind of person will raise him. How he would grow up. If she lived a long life, she must had think of this until the end. Hoping her child would wake up soon -but even more that he will wake up safe. In the arms of someone who loves him more than she could think.
Only for this person to be the ex-general of the enemy army. Who kinda try for three second to strangle the baby to death because intrusive thought and trauma-
Only for the same baby to be saved by the thought of the grown-up eggs her brother wanted. The same egg her husband saved, with the general, long ago. A act of merely 30 seconds, in the heat of a battle, out of guilt.
Too much tragedy for me 🥹
You bring up a great point because we don’t know his relationship at the time to Leia and how that could have been used against him. Additionally, we know henrik used fear tactics on his people to get them to fight the fae. How Henrik plan was to make meleanor angry and we saw how that made the other knights afraid and stand up against her. How the knight of dawn had no choice but to fight because of it despite clearly not wanting to.
The knight of dawn was beloved by the people so I can’t help but wonder if rsa was founded in his honor. There is a sword in a stone there as well that makes me wonder if it could be his. The potential that he couldn’t even see his sons birth just makes me want to cry. He didn’t deserve this, none of them did. I really hope we get his name at one point because it would be so sad to just know him as the knight of dawn.
I’m very curious as well about Leia. There’s so many possibilities to her as well. The fact she had to give up her new born baby so he could be safe. We know the fairies said she had to leave because there were forces at their door step. So, at the very least she could have died being a decoy. Or even if she lived, I don’t see her living long if she’s a prisoner of war. Imagine if she did live?? And she tried to wake silver and couldn’t?? How would that make her feel?? Though I’m sure the grief in her and the warring times would be part of why he wouldn’t awaken then.
It’s really just so heart breaking being parents and not being able to raise your child, not being able to provide them love and peace. Especially because it was your brothers fault.
And the way fates intwine!!! How one simple action of saving lilia and malleus later on saved Silver. How lilia who didn’t let intrusive thoughts win didn’t because of malleus, because he had malleus and that was because the dawn of knight helped them. How malleus grew to love silver within a matter of moments. These two who lost parents in times of war, grew up as brothers in a loving household. Something everyone deserves but they could only receive hundreds of years later.
I am internally screaming and crying 😭😭 thank you for sending this in Anonie, the way you worded it and the situations you brought up just has my mind whirling.
So much tragedy Anonie 😭, I hope we get more light in all this darkness soon. For both our sakes 🙏💚
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 months
HotD S02E01
Many thoughts, head full, zero ability to articulate so I'm just gonna scream about it... on main. That'll end well.
First thing I have to say is that the atmosphere and tone definitely work very well here. You can feel the tragedy in the air, the way that it's already happened and it just waits to unfold, to be witnessed in its full glory. Everything is so eerie and bleak and everyone keeps going but they cannot escape the framework of the war. They're trapped in it and you feel it.
Daemon is... he kind of surprised me ngl. There are definitely layers of emotion there that isn't just rage or bloodthirstiness. I didn't want to strangle him the entire time so that's a positive.
Emma D'arcy was amazing in this episode and (I could be missing something; too lazy to check but) she only had that one line??? And still, you feel her grief. That was certainly an interesting approach and it worked for them!
Aegon is such a contrast to all the other characters! I know he's supposed to look completely out of place and incompetent but damn, I am On. His Side! He's ready to be so generous to the small folk. He's trying to compensate on what he missed with his own father by spending time with his son. He has no idea how to interact with Helaena but he's trying his best and goddamn, if that's not a summary of his character! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 (this is an Alicent AND Aegon stan account now, I guess)
(that scene of him and his buddies drinking in the throne room has such fuck boi vibes and yet, SOMEHOW he was utterly hilarious and still sympathetic in it (I'll talk about the place of that scene in the plot later))
@ Otto and Larys: STEP AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN!!!!!!
The scene with Otto and Alicent was surprisingly touching. They finally reach some kind of understanding... and then he turns right around and continues to scheme behind her back. Sure, what he was trying to accomplish with Aemond is in line with his talk with Alicent but he's going to have his own agenda 100%. This wasn't just a strategical decision because Aemond is mad at Alicent rn and wouldn't want to hear any of her opinions even if they're also Otto's opinions.
Which leads me to THE SITUATION BETWEEN ALICENT AND AEMOND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! I. Am. Screaming (as you can see)! They are both so hurt and angry at each other 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 And I can't even take a side because both of them are correct in different ways. What Aemond did is actively hurting the whole family because it certainly exacerbated the war proceedings. But he's also right to be upset that Alicent would (seemingly) place her old friendship with Rhaenyra above her love for her children. She should feel vindicated that the one that mutilated her son is now dead. But instead, she's angry and has turned away from Aemond. When she was the only one who stood by him (and vice versa) on that awful night when his eye was gouged out????? The disappointment that they each feel in the other is KILLING ME!!!!!!!!! (I have to say that I hadn't thought about the possibility of Aemond being angry but it makes perfect sense and it hurts me so badly. Look at the contrast of this and this)
And now for the absolute fuckery of this episode (pun unintended). I have zero problems with Alicent and Criston fucking. Good for them! Love the moral dilemmas that are 10000% going on in their heads. HOWEVER, the decision to make them have sex while Blood & Cheese is going down? More anti green propaganda from the writers and I am SICK of it. Alicent was originally part of the scene, she was there to experience the horror of it first hand and they choose to switch that for her having sex????? You know the same thing that Rhaenyra and Daemon were doing when the whole fight between the kids in 1x07 was going down and they got no shit for it whatsoever but, of course, Alicent and Criston are going to be torn apart about this, I am 100% positive about that! Once again, the writers are trying to manipulate the viewers by going "See! Not only is Alicent being a hypocrite because she said she wasn't going to do this with Criston again, but that's what she was doing when her grandson was getting murdered" when originally she was bound and gagged and had to watch the whole thing happen in front of her. You could say that they spared her that trauma but they literally could have had her doing anything else if that was the intent. I am ANGRY about this. Not to mention the fact that Helaena literally interrupting Alicole while they're having sex adds an obstacle to Alicent offering her comfort. At the very least she has to get dressed first before she can hug her and try to provide some kind of feeling of safety, which inserts awkwardness if not downright shame into Alicent's actions and choices during that night. (Oh, and this will probably make her stop having sex with Criston, which is going to be another big L; let her be marginally happy and have orgasms, goddammit!)
Let's go back to Aegon now! So while Alicent and Criston are too busy fucking to be any the wiser about what's happening with her grandchildren (even though they literally couldn't have known anything like that would happen), what is Aegon doing? (Probably) drinking and stroking his ego by trying to come up with titles for himself... as the assassins are walking past him, right under his nose. Don't think he's not gonna get shit about that by fans if not by the writers themselves! They have set everything up so perfectly to blame all the Greens for allowing this to happen (since Otto and Aemond are so ready for war and yet were nowhere to be found during this either) but what about the Blacks, who organized all of this? Well...
They are whitewashing Daemon now by making Jaehaerys's murder be the idea of the assassins themselves. You see, Daemon would have never gone after a 4-year-old! He was only going after Aemond! And this is yet another misunderstanding like with Lucerys' death, except that this was way more deliberate but you cannot blame the Blacks when the people that they hired acted on their own. I hate it here! The writers are cowards and cannot commit to the actual characters that they're supposed to be writing so they're just doing whatever they want. And doing it badly at that! (That whole sequence was so fucking disjointed and lackluster also so congrats to whoever wrote this on the terrible job that they are doing!)
Poor Helaena! She's literally not going to get anything in this season. They already did Blood & Cheese so now they're just going to make her lose her mind and give her nothing else to do. I hope I'm wrong about this but I don't think I am given their track record.
Anyway, go team Green!
*I already bitched about this in the tags of another post but the fact that in the extra ("inside the episode" or whatever it's called) they had the gall to say that Alicent was in a "marriage that was loving but not exactly romantic or physical for quite some time" is a fucking insult. HE CALLED HER BY AEMMA'S NAME! HE USED HER AS AN INCUBATOR AND COULDN'T EVEN BE BOTHERED TO CARE ABOUT HER OR THEIR KIDS. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!
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drifloonz · 2 months
your steven interpretation is boring and fits into the fanon characterization of steven, i wish you would be a little more unique with how you write him :(((((((
i do Not feel like this is true bc fanon steven is like nothingburger sexy guy or yandere... esque?? or things like that that make him very shallow and one note . And not super depressed and mentally ill as he would be. literally like Fanon Steven is Not my steven and my steven is also very near and dear to my heart bc hes a comfort character who i had when i was going through a lot of shit! Like Actually! I think about him a lot! And a lot of the things i do w him are lifted from canon and the ways i interpret and analyze the og story. not a lot of the fanon or fandom stuff ... Does that. a lot of it is very divorced from stevens struggles and story and the fact its a tragedy in favor of shipping or whatever else. they do not give steven realistic struggles.
also bc i havent properly written steven in ages. idk if you read my headcanons or analysis'. Read Those if so. I dont actually write shit almost ever especially now i do not write him as a character bc i like to think about him and how hed do things, i dont like to Write him.
my keyboard is broken i am tired and depressed and dont really have many ideas for things to write with him bc i exhausted a lot of them. i still think about steven daily though, im mostly focused on my self indulgent shit i write because thats all all of this was. sharing my self indulgent shit with people who are fighting for Crumbs of steven.
i think ab him more than almost anybody else seems to in this fandom other than a few people i personally know ( shout out to like 3-4ish people ) and a few others i dont personally know. There are not many people i know who have the same headcanons and a lot that did i think took it from me? which is kinda funny. i dont own steven having bpd but i think its a thing i popularized more for example afaik. i see little bits of my headcanons rippling into other peoples and its fun
Also what the fuck do you mean 'boring' what do you want the depressed adult ass man to do when hes isolated. Sorry that he is not dancing for ur entertainment? Sorry that hes not a crazed serial murderer!!! when... he.. Wouldnt be he only really killed mike and nobody takes doors open as canon ever bc its stupid. I have no idea what you mean by boring. the fuck would an 'interesting' interpretation be. i am not interested in entirely redoing his concept as a character or his story nor am i fucking rewriting strangled red or am ever interested in it bc i think its fine on its own and whenever anyone tries its usually... Not good. Even ( and especially ) when smr did it LOL ( thankfully he never got to strangled red proper ).
i dont like a lot of people that do that unless it has a reason because i think the og story is perfectly fine untouched even if some parts could be elaborated on or explained better, but i dont think you have to shove super big changes to things like 'missingno is actually a conscious entity that talks to him!!! mike DID kill her' Like this detracts from a lot of the story and things that do that at least in my opinion make it.. more boring. its fine if people like that but its not for me. you dont need to make strangled red more dramatic and explain away everything. some of the vagueness is the fun of it.
i just wanted to share headcanons and my own projections that i think would fit him to the world bc nobody really thought about steven in the way i did.
i know a lot of people really love my steven interp and think hes unique so i think you just dislike it. Which can be a thing you can do i dont give a shit. I would also probably dislike whatever yours is! Im very picky with steven interpretations! ok not really people just dont genuinely write him as a full-fledged character very often. i am not making 'content' for people. im just sharing what i want to. if that doesnt appeal to you make your own shit! You probably wont find a lot of people writing whatever you want steven to be so you should do it for yourself bc thats how i got here.
if im taking this very personally or sound like it im mostly jsut really confused. and also bc i half-am but i dont care that much. Bc like. What do you want me to do...? Im not going to suddenly rewrite the entirety of my own personal interpretation of a character ive loved for almost 2 years straight now for someone else. i barely use this blog anymore! except when i want to post analysis or headcanons. its self-indulgent! but i still sure do think about steven deeply and intimately even if it for some reason feels like i dont. i think the autistic analyzation of the og writing should paint that im like serious about it.
anyways, there was not much of a reason to send this if youre so upset i dont write steven content the way you want ( and you probably would also have a lot of ideas i wouldnt agree with. ) Then send me 50 dollars NOW! [ if it wasnt obvious this is a joke. ]
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blmed · 25 days
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IT IS RATHER DIFFICULT to illustrate my relationship with my parents; greek mythologies are rotten with tales of fathers &. mothers murdering their children for their pride; my mother did wish she hadn't had me, but she didn't kill me as much as medea did when she strangled her sons to death to pursue greater purpose. my father did not cut me open &. offer me to the gods, but he did sacrifice me for the greater good he wishes i would live in. there aren't many tales that could describe my father's persistence to create a better world so his child could live in liberation, for fathers always know that world isn't a better place, &. yet they still made mothers bring children to the world. nor there are some tales that could foreseen my mother's bleak persistence to have a better world from me, for it is buried within fathers' grip on the shoulder &. a whisper; have a better life than we have. mothers have never whispered those words, for they are simply silenced, however my mother was the opposite, for simply because there wasn't a grip on my shoulder, nor a father that wanted a utopia for his child; he wasn't there, &. she was there.
i suppose there are a lot of families tragedies that could fit my relationship with my parents, but tragedies are often twisted for sympathy, as much as it did happen to my parents; people are still sympathizing my mother's death, &. antagonizing my father's disappearance. but how can people tell the story behind a tragedy, if they never know the story? but what if there isn't a story behind tragedy, but rather a void of voiceless anger &. affection that either carry within, for i am the result of that void, &. i did witness the tragedy, or i would say it isn't a tragedy but a deep connection that could only happen by perpetual cycle; somebody has to light the fire; my father did light fire in my mother's heart, &. so did she; that's what love is, engulfing 'till become one.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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Ann wanted to go to Inokashira Park, and my GOD ITS PRETTY HERE! GOSH IT'S SO PRETTY! You just take a train and suddenly you're in like a beautiful park with a lake?
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AND THEY GOT SWAN BOATS? gtfo oh my god
anyway, Ann wants to strengthen her heart and her first tactic is to ask Reverie to say mean stuff to her and she'll brace herself and take it.
I'm bad at saying mean shit to Persona characters' faces, that what I have this blog for, so I wuss out and Ann is like "Hm this is maybe not working." Yeah no kidding.
okay god i put it off but mishima keeps texting me about the fucking maidwatch thing
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I've never met guys less cool than you two and I knew Yosuke Hanamura in a previous life.
Also wow that. Is a small apartment. New Yorkers would look at that and balk.
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Ryuji you are the Worst of the bros. You shouldn't even get to be called a bro, you're so bad at being a bro.
Mishima and Ryuji abandon Reverie, an act of betrayal I will never forget and never forgive. They go hide on the balcony.
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oh my god they voice that one specific line, where is the eject button
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I'm trying to save Reverie with all I have, but like the protagonist of any decent tragedy, he was doomed from the start.
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oh my god i'm gonna lie down on the floor and expire
ma'am, i am so sorry, also your outfit is so cute, but i am SO sorry, i can get you the names and addresses of the boys who set this up if you want to strangle them
anyway. yep. okay. she's just working this part time for some more money and I'm super sympathetic to that. also, someone clearly set her up, as the flyer for her maid service was stuffed in Ryuji's locker.
I missed the screencaps, but one of the other teachers is trying to expose Kawakami's side gig, so I covered for her. I figure I owe her that much. SIGH.
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also i dunno what the deal is with this girl but she's p much stalking Reverie????? idk
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she's also, like...... in the entrance hall hiding behind a magazine as she peeps on ppl. what is her deal. i don't wanna be mean but you like in Tokyo, get a hobby, girl.
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dawww lookit morgana and reverie watching TV
Reverie, your posture is terrible, sit back dammit
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Ann asks Reverie for exercise tips and I cackled. YANNO, CATS ARE HEAVY.
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ANN IS THE BEST GIRL. Thank you, Ann. I know that the game is probably wanting me to think Ann is weird, but I am so fucking relieved honestly.
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In a much worse Confidant link, Mishima is using the Phansite to get a girlfriend, and I want to sink into the floor. I'm dying.
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oh but don't worry, the girls apparently scoped out Mishima and Reverie from afar and decided "nope" and got back on the train Which, fair.
Mishima, why are you fighting for the Worst Boy spot so ardently, it doesn't have to be this way.
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ugh bad screencap but: Reverie doesn't wear his glasses all the time? BAFFLING to me. he must have better vision than me, i would kill myself on the stairs without my glasses
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I'm so glad my team can come together in making fun of Mishima. This is a bonding exercise.
Man I'd love to bring Yusuke here. Where is Yusuke? The only thing carrying me through some of the more dismal scenes is I wanna know what Arcana Yusuke is. I have no idea. I feel like Fortune would work for him pretty well,
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Morgana, if I didn't get to carry a cat around in a bag in this game, I literally don't know what I would do with myself. Thank you for being here and being the best character. I love you, Morgana. /mwah
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dalekofchaos · 9 months
Not Chris Benoit's disgusting cultist fans saying they should make a biopic about him and glorifying the sack of shit. No fuck you.
I will say the same thing about when they petition him to be in the WWE HOF.
No one talks about OJ’s football stats, cause him being a MURDERER outweighs that
No one talks about Bill Cosby’s comedy or movies, cause him being a rapist outweighs that.
No one talks about Hitler's artistic talent, cause him being a genocidal warmongering racist cunt outweighs that.
No matter how good his work rate was, it will forever be tarnished and overshadowed by brutally murdering his wife and drugging & suffocating his own son.
JR, Stone Cold and Paul Heyman have said it best.
What Jim Ross said
“Chris Benoit does not belong in the WWE Hall of Fame now or ever”
"Chris Benoit does not belong in the Hall of Fame now or ever, simply because the last 48 hours of his life is what everybody would want to focus on, they don't want to talk about Brad Armstrong and Chris Benoit having a hell of a wrestling match at Clash of Champions.
"I don't think he would like that. Is his skill set good enough to go into the Hall of Fame? Oh my God, yes. Is it all about your skill set? No, it's not. He would be a distraction and unfair to the other talents being inducted and their families."
What Stone Cold said "He's one of the most talented, hard working people I've seen in the squared circle. Anybody who knew Chris would tell you those exact things. One night, Chris ended up killing his wife and his kid; that is an act so terrible and horrible, I can't even comprehend or even guess as to what happened in that house. That will always overshadow any accomplishment that Chris Benoit had in the ring. He'll never be in the Hall of Fame, it'll just never happen. His career will speak for itself, but his record as a human being is first and foremost, and his actions will never be forgotten. Chris Benoit as the person I knew? Loved him. Chris Benoit as a wrestler? Loved him. Chris Benoit the person who did what he did? Unforgivable. Bottom line."
Like Paul Heyman said, “Yeah you can admire his work all you want, but I’ll give you my take on it since you keep on yelling out ‘my boy’—three people died in that house that night, three. Three people died in that house that night, only one person had the choice behind it. The other two didn’t have a choice to die. So if that’s your boy, fuck you. So a talent? Remarkable. As a human being? I don’t care about CTE, I don’t care what the reasons are Nancy and Daniel had no option, he did. Fuck him.”
He ducktaped Nancy, broke her back over his knee and strangled her. he brutalized her. Then he drugged Daniel and suffocated him. Whatever happened between Chris and Nancy ended violently. There was a history of an abusive relationship. Yes there were drugs, yes, there was CTE, but Sandra starts and stops a story from years earlier where Benoit hurt Nancy and says “out of respect for his surviving kids, I’ll stop.” There was a pattern of abuse. There was an existing pattern of behavior with Benoit and domestic violence. Grunge was over there a number of times to sort things out. There was obviously a lot of this information that was withheld. The documentary also glossed over key details, like Chris taking out an insurance policy on Nancy and Daniel a month earlier. It was planned & he fully intended to go to Vengeance and Raw had he not heard the cops were coming. My opinion on what caused it is Nancy has had enough and threatened to leave and take Daniel away and that’s what caused this tragedy.
He didn’t snap or lose his mind. He premeditated the murders and made sure his son wouldn’t suffer. Sounds to me like a Familicide. This wasn’t a CTE/drug/alcohol fueled, spontaneous rage fit where he regretted it afterward. This was pre-meditated. He planted a knife under Daniel’s bed. He planted Bibles by their dead bodies. Left messages for everyone to find the bodies. He googled specific Bible passages and the quickest way to snap your neck. He planned this to happen
No matter how much you loved him as a wrestler or how much you admire his work, murdering your wife and son disqualifies you from ever entering the Hall Of Fame. It grinds my gears that every year, some female star gets her parade rained on because the HoF is some hallowed achievement that also means nothing by the people campaigning for a domestic abusing murderer to be inducted in their place. It’s honestly the most disgusting part of being a wrestling fan.
It's bad enough there are psychotic fans who want him to be in the Hall Of Fame. Now they want there to be a movie made about him?
We don't need a movie glorifying the child murdering sack of shit.
This is stupid. Look at what happened after Dahmer on Netflix. People are still humanizing him to this day due to the show. All this will do is give Benoit defenders more shit to whitewash him with.
Chris Benoit does not deserve any more acknowledgment or recognition. Regardless of his past accomplishments, his actions were evil, and he's a monster. He doesn't deserve the attention anymore.
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nympippi · 2 years
warning for unnecessarily long ask ahead but 100% yes on the "robin trying to find dignity in dying" thing he does not want to accept that his death was that far out of his control. we wants to believe that he had some influence in the matter, like that he could have survived but just made some kind of stupid preventable misstep somewhere
i've also always entertained the idea that maybe later down the line, after the events of the movie, he might try to find some false reassurance in his fate by being like "well, i had to be down there to give finn the nudge he needed. if i hadn't been taken in the first place, he'd be dead, and the grabber would keep killing. it just had to end that way. it had to." <- desperately trying to deny that it could've gone any other way because if so then he suffered for no reason and had no agency or choice and nothing can be done to fix it and he'll never get to grow up and make his dad proud and-
nope. he can't let himself think about that. it's... too much.
my friend tommy and i were once talking abt robin and they said "he wanted to be more than just a tragedy but now that's all he'll ever get the chance to be" and i immediately wanted to strangle them that line has STUCK with me it's so accurate and it makes me so sad
but i can imagine having been given a chance to actually live, that mindset wouldn't stick quite as hard, since now that he's alive and can feel more willing to entertain certain scenarios, he'd think about how finn was able to kill the grabber and he'd think Fuck... Why couldn't that have been me. Why couldn't i have done that instead. If he could do it why shouldn't i have been able to. WHICH leads him into hardcore blaming himself for his own death and finney being kidnapped in the first place
he doesn't want to delve too far into self pity and just... dwell on that, because he's alive! he's fucking alive! he needs to get his shit together and move on, right? he can't waste this second chance. not now that he has it, when he thought he'd never have a shot at it!
but... god. he just can't help it sometimes. just zoning out and imagining alternate scenarios where he gets the upper hand and bludgeons the grabber's head with that fucking phone so hard that his face doesn't even look like a face anymore. he gets wrapped up in the violence of it a lot. wishing a million times worse his own fate on the man who's already received his comeuppance. although, to robin, it really didn't seem harsh enough.
he wishes they could've gotten knives involved. kill the fucker with his own axe, actually. no- chainsaws. How could he have possibly accessed a chainsaw in those circumstances? it doesn't fucking matter because imagining that monster under the whirring blade is cathartic as hell and robin loves it. if you asked him, (and he'd be lying,) that's the only "coping mechanism" he'll ever need.
...i didn't actually mean to go off on that tangent about the grabber dying brutally and sometimes whenever i do that i feel like i got possessed by the spirit of robin for a second but like yeah do ya get me
I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, I want to pick apart your brain because your Robin takes and headcannons are so frickin good!!!
Like yes, I get it. Robin would have those moments of fantasies of what if he was the one to never die, what if he was the one to kill the grabber and not Finn. He would get swept up in the violence of it all because that’s his own fucking abuser, a man who canonically sexually assaulted him why wouldn’t he want to turn his face into a puddle of brains and blood. He will never get that chance of revenge both dying and coming back, and I think sometimes those thoughts scare him because of how violent they actually are.
Just this. I’m taking this and shaking it by the neck like a goose my god.
Also how dare your friend say that, expect my therapy bill by the end of next month, how dare, how dare!!
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about to go off on a Pearl Boy rant, just read the ending and I have Thoughts. trigger warnings in the tags, please read
1. chapter 79 and 80 ruined this story for me, watching Dooshik lead a gang rape after all the trauma that he’s watched Jooha go through was one of the most jarring experiences i’ve ever had in reading. how did we get here? Dooshik is the guy who always fucking saved the victims, whether he knew them or not. the idea that he organized and supervises a gang rape, comes up with this method on his own, and doesn’t even flinch is crazy to me. i thought he was going to join in at one point, that’s how bonkers this story got. the fact that Jooha finds out about it later is so so fucked up. this could’ve easily been just a torture scene and that WOULD have been in character for Dooshik! nothing else would’ve had to change, Jooha could still find out, the twins could’ve had their big moment, but no, Dooshik had to become a rapist in the final season and destroy everything his character stood for. generally i don’t complain about SA in bl stories because it’s so rampant but this is a crime against characterization
2. why didn’t Jooha get to kill Pilwon??? i thought the story was building to this from the moment Dooshik put the scissors in Jooha’s hands! he even goes to Pilwon’s house to kill him! confronts him on the roof yet the only thing he gets to do is act as the damsel! and then Pilwon gets killed offscreen by a side character!!! i cannot believe the writer fumbled the story when narrative satisfaction was right there.
3. why the two drownings?! if they were always going to die why did they drown twice?! first when they jumped off the cliff together and then a second time for no reason after they had found a bitterly sweet happy ending. it feels redundant and honestly it cheapens the second one which was already the weaker one.
4. Jooha died twice. first when he lost his memories after falling, but hey he got to fall in love all over again without the trauma or understanding of what he’s gone through with the man he loves. then he dies for real after chasing his cats onto thin ice. i cannot. pick a tragedy lane and stick to it goddamn it. Jooha was who i finished this story for and i was so upset to see how dirty this finale did him. when he walked out on the balcony with Dooshik and Pilwon and a chain around his wrist i thought maybe we’d get another badass Jooha moment where he whips that chain into Pilwon’s stupid dick face. hit his other eye. or at least he’d inherit Pilwon’s fortune after he dies since there was some adoption paperwork in place?
5. the main characters die after Jooha chases their cats out onto thin ice. wtf. where did that come from?! it honestly fucking feels like the writer gave up and slapped us with her balls on the way out the door
6. Choonbae briefly appears to fight Jooha because??? and then that doesn’t even fucking matter since Jooha loses his memory!?! the friends Dooshik has and his family literally don’t even matter which is so frustrating because i enjoyed his host friends so much and i wanted to meet his sister.
7. Choonbae was another character done so dirty because the manwha introduced him and made him seem like he was going to get more involved with Pilwon right before it dropped him harder than me as a baby. if Jooha wasn’t going to kill Pilwon then Choonbae would’ve been an acceptable replacement, especially if he saw what a monster he really was.
8. the pearls completely lost their significance the last season, but i think if the world saw that one revenge porn video then Jooha’s secret might’ve come out? plus by the end Pilwon isn’t even doing this for the pearls anymore, not even as a creepy memorabilia type thing. i just feel like the importance of the pearls to the villains and the danger of people finding out got strangled by the narrative
9. the author’s note at the end that claims this story was written out beforehand, i call BS. i feel pretty confident i can tell what storybeats were planned out and which ones were slapped together and this dumb tragedy ending where they drown together after chasing their cats is obviously the latter. it’s so frustrating to see this story fumbled in the third season, in the final act.
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ath16blf · 1 year
Dra Mikako Kurokawa x Female!Reader (4/7)
Ask by @ultimatesinger
Tw: angst at the end and a little bit of violence and spoils
Mikako Kurokawa this ultimate exorcist nice and very talkative. She help you a lot with your shyness and your difficulties in expressing yourself since you are shy by nature but she doesn't force you to talk if you don't want to, you are the ultimate medium, a rather useful talent and in agreement with his and his adoptive brother bothers you too much to the point that you ended up l Totally avoid when your friend is not around.
Yamato to you: "Hey, it's not very nice to avoid me like that. "Y-just stop bothering me." I-I'm getting fed up! L-leave me alone. Then you end up leaving. Yamato: “Wait. he finally grabs your arm gently. "It's not what you think, I just want to tell you that-" BAM, your hand left on its own and crashed into his cheek leaving him with a nice red mark and shocked eyes then you finally end up leaving in tears, annoyed.
Mikako finally arrives: “Hey, I saw what happened. Don't worry now he'll stop bothering us. she ends up taking you tenderly in her arms. "You are no longer alone, I love you (your first name)" you end up snuggling up tenderly in his arms, very happy. " I love you too. »
Unfortunately your happiness didn't last long since there was the Tragedy and a killing that ended up being born with your class and you were among the first victims, killed by Mitch after he killed Kiyoka in strangling her and hanging her in the toilet, you ended up with your throat cut and put in the washing machine.
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navycat305 · 2 years
23, 13, 33, and 43.
Helloooooooo :D get ready for all the guys ever, in the world!
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Depends what you mean by trouble I suppose. Some guys are straight up evil, like Ray (guy from my Kingdoms story) who just killed all his own fictional but actually real people. Some of my earlier guys were a bit more mischievous, I had a couple orphans that escaped their children’s home leaving all sorts of trouble in their wake (their story was never that interesting so I got rid of them rip). I also had a wacky lesbian detective who got into a lot of trouble (some else I abandoned…oops). Honestly, I think most of them just make trouble by accident (back to the killing people/getting themselves killed thing) rather than it being in their nature. I should probably make some more mischievous little guys. I guess the Tedverse was full of troublemakers and Briarridge kind of is too?? Maybe I make more troublemakers when I’m collaborating, idk.
23. Introduce an OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like
I know what to answer for this one because I’ve been thinking about it lately! So I have a story called Refuge where 10 kids with powers from across history are brought together to do…something, I never quite figured it out. One guy, Thomas, is the illegitimate son of Henry VIII and ends up strangling someone with the vines he can produce. I originally wanted to have him as a really terrible YA love interest kind of guy that’s aloof and brooding and not actually a very nice person despite the MC’s infatuation with him, but recently I’ve decided that I prefer the idea of him as an actual rounded person rather than a stereotype. He’s a lot more panicked about the whole killing someone thing than you’d think and the persona is just an attempt to distance himself from everyone. I think he eventually sorts out his shit (hopefully, either that or his girlfriend makes him). The thing that hasn’t changed is his general edgyness, but more the way it develops and his character as a whole. Thomas my guy Thomas he is so traumatised (all of them are please help them).
33. Your shyest OC?
Alright, time to talk about Refuge again! One of the other characters is Silence, a Puritan girl from Cardiff in 1655. She’s also not had a very good time with her family (who don’t like her speaking to ghosts) but I think even with her aversion to people in that sense, she’s just pretty shy in general. She doesn’t speak much (although even if she did her accent is so thick people would have trouble understanding her) and she’s only really fully comfortable around one specific person. Poor girl gets ghost-communication powers when she can’t stand people. Dan (guy from 1972 who can make shields from air!) is kind of shy too but I think that’s more from the fact that people regard him as weird so he’s learned to be cautious around people. All things considered, Dan and Si get along quite well for two people that don’t like people :)
43. Do you have any certain types when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? CONFESS!!!!
I think I do? I’m quite partial to a stupidly edgy guy (looking at some of my warrior cats OCs and like 2 of the Refuge guys- actually that’s not bad out of 10). I think the old saying of “write what you know” also applies because I usually go for nervous and/or academically smart people (see Amica - my DND character - and others including MORE warrior cats OCs, several of the Refuge gang and you know what basically anything I’ve ever written has at least one). I tend to go for the tragic too, so there’ll be some tragedy in everyone (my poor guys need help I subject them to too much). Usually they get a lot sillier when my friends are involved which is nice :) a lot of my motivations for doing things are “because it’s funny”. Which I think is a good way to go about things :)
Woowwww I wrote too much, thanks for indulging me in my rabid ramblings :)
0 notes
eviesaurusrex · 2 years
Harry Styles x fem!reader
Faceclaim: Dakota Johnson
author’s note: I don’t know what you’re talking about. That’s not pt. 4, nope. It’s obviously a Fata Morgana, yep. This one will deal with my love for soon-to-be dad!harry and is long, super long. I am sorry. (no I’m not)
1 2 3
pt. 5 is here
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yourinstagram Reaching 20 weeks today, and I forced Harry to get me the hell to IKEA. He wants to furnish the nursery completely with Gucci stuff, and I’m not having any of that (sorry, H, for being so grumpy to you) because I would never dare to touch anything in there. Fun fact: IKEA has been my one true love ever since college, and don’t let the tabloids tell you otherwise. I was the average poor student who worked in the library and at a Starbucks because NYC rents were already on steroids back then.
PS: LOOK AT THE CUTE DINOSAUR I’VE FOUND!! I named him Littlefoot. My upbringing is showing now, doesn’t it?
PPS: My feet are killing me. My back is killing me. I think Harry wants to strangle me as well because I won’t shut up about the tragedy involving an ice cream following gravity because I was too stupid to hold it. And I’m having a baby. Good luck, little bean 💀
Liked by imsebastianstan, gemmachan, harrystyles, annetwist, tomholland2013 and 1,583,201 others | 72,162 comments
imsebastianstan Write “I hate Watermelon Sugar” and I’m on my way 👀
↳ yourinstagram And you’re calling yourself my bestie. How disappointing.
↳ imsebastianstan It changed again?! It’s the seventh time this week! And it’s only Tuesday!
↳ yourinstagram I am pregnant, thank you very much. I have mood swings!!!
↳ imsebastianstan And taste swings, apparently.
↳ yourinstagram I hate you. I’m calling for Harry now and disturbing his workflow because you’re so cruel to me that I need reassuring cuddles. Well done, Stan. (I still love you)
↳ yourfan1 I want their friendship in my life 🥺
↳ sebastianstanstan Their friendship is a life goal.
harrystyles No Gucci as furniture, but I can’t offer you a No Gucci-policy in their closet, darling x
liked by gucci, alessandro_michele and 530 others
↳ yourinstagram I can live with that. You got yourself a deal 🤝🏼
↳ gucci We would be honored to dress Baby YLN-Styles!
↳ alessandro_michele I may already work on some pieces for the little one ❤️
↳ harrystyles ❤️ x H.
whoisharry Am I allowed back on the couch? You mentioned a craving for watermelon and cuddles - I can provide both, my fair maiden
↳ lolthisnotme Permission granted, fine sir ❤️
liked by whoisharry
lizolsen There never was a woman who rocked the baby bump better than you do ❤️
↳ yourinstagram Stop it, Liz 😭❤️
tomholland2013 I can’t believe that we saw each other only… what, three months ago? Mini-YN is growing so fast 🥹
↳ yourinstagram Tooooom, you are just the sweetest of them all 🥺❤️
↳ tomholland2013 Ha! Take that, Mackie and Stan!
liked by anthonymackie, chrisevans, yourinstagram and 132 others
↳ marvelbunch Tom’s dream came true 😂
hsfan1 Gucci is making furniture???? 😦
↳ hsfan2 For Harry? They would manufacture a damn car if he wanted one. So, furniture is easy.
↳ hsfan1 Tbh, that’s true.
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eonline YN LN and Harry Styles were spotted today at Heathrow Airport!
Check out the link in our bio to see more pictures of the Hollywood couple!
Liked by internetidiot1, internetidiot2 and 2,784 others | 4,623 comments
internetidiot1 She looked so ugly 💀
Internetidiot2 Not sure if she’s even pregnant. It’s probably only show lol
hsfan1 Did you ever hear something about privacy and boundaries???
↳ yourfan1 Nope. They love to pester these two 🙄
yourfan2 So much about “We’re not forcing ourselves on poor celebrities, we are respectful.” I call bullshit! I saw them on my way from baggage claim, and YN always looked to Harry and clung to his arm while you idiots screamed for another photo. She was so scared and held her jacket protectively in front of her bump because she seemed to think you idiots would hurt her baby 😤🤬
↳ hsfan2 That’s so awful 😡 My poor babies 🥺
↳ ynandharry A friend of mine works at Heathrow, and she told me that YN cried when they arrived at the waiting car, and Harry shielded her with his body all the damn time. Ever since hearing that, I’ve been fuming 🤬
↳ yourfan2 🥺😭
↳ hsfan2 I fucking hate them with my very being 🤬
hsfan3 I really hope Harry files a restraining order against the rubbish you paparazzi are.
↳ hsfan4 I’m pretty convinced that Jeff already has some of them in his death note.
↳ hsfan3 Hopefully e!garbage is in it.
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annetwist So glad to have everyone back at home ❤️
[📸 yourinstagram]
Liked by hsfan1, yourfan1, gemmastyles, yourinstagram, harrystyles and 2,870 others | 1,742 comments
gemmastyles How is it possible to look this good with jetlag? That should be illegal. I had a good night’s sleep and look like shit?!
↳ yourinstagram 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 Meanwhile, I’m the biggest mess of them all (but you are stunning, just so you know)
↳ annetwist You two are beautiful as always, loves ❤️
liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and gemmastyles
hsfan1 They all look so happy to be back together!!!
ynandharry They’re currently in the same time zone as I am. WE SHARE A TIME ZONE
yourfan1 Hopefully they could forget about the airport situation 🥺
yourfan2 YN is taking the pictures, so she doesn’t have to be in them. YN is me. YN is mood.
↳ yourfan3 lol same bestie
↳ hsfan2 Oh, more of us?? Yes!
mitchrowland That’s where you people vanished
↳ whoisharry You’ll get an invitation 👌🏻
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yourinstagram In case anyone wondered where we are: We’re back in England for some much-needed downtime before the work stress settles in again. Pregnancy is currently taking its toll on me, my body, and my mental health. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy every minute of it, but sometimes it’s just hard to get out of bed or my head (not to mention the pain and swelling ankles). But Harry is the sweetest, most loving, and most patient dad-to-be and partner in crime there possibly could exist. I always was grateful for him in my life, more than I could ever put into words, but now it’s something entirely different. Thank you, H. I love you. So much. ❤️ And thanks to you people for your unimaginable support and love!
Fun fact: The little bean is most content when their dad sings or when we listen to their dad’s albums; what a damn surprise (not) ❤️
Liked by harrystyles, pillowpersonpp, imsebastianstan, gemmastyles and 3,002,315 others | 169,030 comments
gemmastyles I love his songs, but I’m close to hating them because it’s the only thing I’m hearing as soon as I visit you.
↳ yourinstagram Nah, you don’t 😙
liked by harrystyles
↳ gemmastyles … I hate how well you know me.
↳ yourinstagram Again, lies 😙
↳ hsfan1 It’s so sweet and almost heartbreaking (in a positive way) how good these two get along 🥹
pillowpersonpp Oh, lovely 🥺 If you think I can help, just reach out, yeah? Maybe some ranting would already help?
↳ yourinstagram Thanks S 🥺❤️
liked by pillowpersonpp and mitchrowland
imsebastianstan Do you need a peanut butter supply?
↳ yourinstagram YES! That’s why you’re my bestie 😭❤️
liked by imsebastianstan and 23 others
↳ imsebastianstan I’ll text Harry for the details ❤️
liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 243 others
↳ sebastianstanstan Seb has Harry’s number 😦🤯
hsfan1 Can we talk about all the content she is gifting us? Like constantly?
↳ yourfan1 Can we talk about how good they are for each other?
↳ ynandharry can we talk about the fact that ever since dating YN, Harry posts things relating to his life instead of sticking to posts about his work?
↳ yourfan2 Or the fact that YN shares things about her life and her boyfriend on social media?
↳ hsfan1 She never did that before??? Like Harry???
↳ yourfan2 Yep!
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harrystyles She said Yes.
[tagged yourinstagram]
Liked by annetwist, mitchrowland, jefezoff, gemmastyles, yourinstagram, imsebastianstan and 17,001,304 others
hsfan1 🤯🤯🤯
annetwist The day I met her, I knew she would be my future daughter-in-law ❤️
liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles, yourinstagram and 1,368 others
↳ gemmastyles And my future sister-in-law 😭❤️
gemmastyles !!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️
mitchrowland You are on a streak. Congratulations, my dear friend. I can’t wait to call her Mrs. Styles (officially 👀)
↳ hsfan3 Even the band knew that they would be endgame material ❤️
pillowpersonpp I think that’s the happiest day of my life, and I birthed the sweetest boy in the world, so that’s saying something 🥲❤️
jefezoff Congratulations man ❤️😍
taylorswift Even though he was off the market for a long time already: Attention, Harry Styles is off the market!
↳ yourinstagram ☺️👉🏻👈🏻
niallhoran Congratulations, Harold! ❤️
liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 471 others
↳ yourinstagram One Direction reunion at our wedding when?
↳ niallhoran That’s a recurring thing from now on?
↳ yourinstagram Yes (even though I’d like to grab some tea with you some day)
liked by niallhoran
↳ 1d4ever your honor, I love her.
yourinstagram I love you with all my heart. Good thing I saved that ig handle a long time ago 👀
liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 1,039 others
↳ yourfan1 that’s our queen!
↳ yourfan2 LOVE HER 😂
↳ gemmastyles Smooth 👀
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yourinstagram Meet the future Mrs. Styles. Oh, wait. That’s me! 😭❤️
feat. Baby Styles because Harry wanted me to post this picture instead of that cute one his mom took in the garden. But hey, whatever my future husband demands ❤️
[tagged harrystyles]
Liked by imsebastianstan, chrisevans, harrystyles, gemmachan, paulrudd and 12,095,881 others | 227,105 comments
imsebastianstan After everything you went through, you deserve this kind of happiness more than anyone ❤️
↳ sebastianstanstan Get yourself a supportive bestie like Sebastian.
↳ yourinstagram I’m gonna play matchmaker so hard, mister.
liked by marvelbunch, chrisevans and anthonymackie
harrystylesforever We need to talk about how he is holding her bump.
↳ harrystylesfanpage It’s so protective 🥹 I only can imagine how much love he must feel ❤️
chrisevans Congratulations, bee ❤️❤️❤️
paulrudd And there she goes, out in the world. I feel like a proud dad 🥹
↳ robertdowneyjr And what I’m supposed to say?! I’m practically her big, protective brother!
↳ yourinstagram The best on-screen brother in existence. Well… formally in existence. It’s okay, people, I made myself cry with this one.
↳ yourfan1 STOP RIPPING MY HEART IN TWO 😭 I miss the Stark Duo 😭 #bringbackthestarkduo Congratulations, queen 🥹
gemmachan After wiping so many tears off your beautiful face, I’m so blessed to see how everything developed in the past years and how you became your happiest self ❤️
ynandharry IT IS HAPPENING!!!
simuliu Congratulations, YN ❤️
lizolsen People are looking weird because I’m standing in a line at target and crying over my phone ❤️
harrystyles My entire world in one picture x H.
liked by annetwist, yourinstagram, jefezoff and 3,720 others
↳ hsfan1 Imagine a world where Harry is your soon-to-be husband and baby daddy. YN is living the life.
↳ hsfan2 Not crying, nope.
↳ yourinstagram Harryyyyyyy 😭❤️
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lolthisnotme We need to talk about the stunning, gorgeous, and otherworldly ring Harry casually pulled out of his jacket pocket (well, more the black box where this masterpiece was hidden). I may or may not already have cried before he even had the chance to open the lid, and I think I suffered a heart attack after he did exactly that. Am I still alive anyway??? Is this the afterlife? Heaven? I don’t know, and I don’t care BECAUSE I AM THE HAPPIEST WOMAN ON THE ENTIRE PLANET DEAL WITH MY HAPPINESS PEW PEW PEW!
Liked by mitchrowland, imsebastianstan, gemmachan, whoisharry, gemmastyles and 10 others | 11 comments
gemmastyles Can I tell her?
liked by lolthisnotme and annetwist
↳ lolthisnotme What????????? 🧐🧐🧐
↳ gemmastyles Pssssh 🤫
↳ lolthisnotme Harry is getting some groceries - without me. Could take a while. You can tell me. I won’t tell anyone 👀
↳ whoisharry I still have my phone with me, darling. And yes, you can tell her, Gem 👌🏼
↳ gemmastyles HE DESIGNED IT
↳ lolthisnotme hajslskdklaodjsjsmdhdiwl
liked by gemmastyles and whoisharry
↳ gemmastyles Told you she would love it *proud sister*
↳ lolthisnotme H 🥺🥹 Expect more kisses than anyone has ever received (if you get chocolate, marshmallow cream, cheese, and cucumbers)
liked by whoisharry and gemmastyles
↳ gemmastyles Pregnancy cravings are having a wild week, I see.
liked by lolthisnotme
gemmachan You are very much alive 😋 It is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. Your fiancé has excellent taste and imagination ❤️
↳ lolthisnotme Right? Right?!
mitchrowland Every single gift for Christmas and birthday has to compete with this one now. You did good, Haz. I don’t want to be you 😂
↳ lolthisnotme He is gifting me his presence and love; that’s all I ever wanted for Christmas and birthday (and an annual supply of bath bombs; I’m a simple girl) 👀
↳ whoisharry And worn clothing items to snuggle up to when I’m gone
↳ lolthisnotme Exactly.
↳ pillowpersonpp You two are so sweet ❤️; I wanna throw up (even though I know how nasty and dirty you two can get) And I already saw the ring twice but in different stages, and you outdid yourself, Harry ❤️
liked by whoisharry and lolthisnotme
imsebastianstan Good lord, this man would get you the moon if you’d ask him.
↳ whoisharry I would.
↳ lolthisnotme He would 👉🏻👈🏻❤️
↳ lolthisnotme You would do the same for the right woman. I just need to find her for you.
↳ gemmachan She has excellent reviews as a matchmaker 👀
↳ lolthisnotme Thank you, dear satisfied customer 💁🏽‍♀️
liked by gemmachan, whoisharry and imsebastianstan
jefezoff He was so excited but also worried since starting to work on it.
↳ lolthisnotme Timeframe specification, please.
↳ jefezoff Oooff. When did he start mitchrowland? About two years and a half?
↳ mitchrowland Something around that, yeah
↳ lolthisnotme I’m gonna pass out on this very couch.
↳ whoisharry Perfection needs time
↳ lolthisnotme So, you’re telling me that you started to design my engagement ring even before we moved in together??!!!
↳ whoisharry Will you have a heart attack if I tell you that the idea started to form in my head after our third date? I’m still standing in line and easily need 10 minutes to get home.
↳ gemmastyles My brother, the romantic, ladies and gentlefolk.
Comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated! Thank you so much for reading and for the support I got from you so far! Lysm!
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derangedrhythms · 3 years
Hi, do you know of any poems or quotes related to lovers, specifically when one loves someone so much they want them... dead? Or to kill them? I'm trying to write about it and I'm also having a convo about it w a friend
W. B. Yeats, 'He wishes his Beloved were Dead'
He whispers: "I'm not sorry / For loving you this way⁠— / Either be mine alone / Or I will kill you."
— Anna Akhmatova, from 'Anno Domini MCMXXI'; Untitled, tr. Judith Hemschemeyer
"To love someone is to isolate him from the world, wipe out every trace of him, dispossess him of his shadow, drag him into a murderous future. It is to circle around the other like a dead star and absorb him into a black light. Everything is gambled on an exorbitant demand for the exclusivity of a human being, whoever it may be. This is doubtless what makes it a passion: its object is interiorized as an ideal end, and we know that the only ideal object is a dead one."
— Jean Baudrillard, from 'Fatal Strategies' tr. Beitchman & Niesluchowski
"...I will kill thee, / And love thee after:"
— William Shakespeare, from 'Othello'
"Some say the loving and the devouring are the same thing."
— C. S. Lewis, from ‘Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold’
"Yet we love each other like death."
— Djuna Barnes, from 'Nightwood'
"I want you, I need you, I love you; I'll have you when you die..."
— Alice Notley, Disobedience; from '...I thought she was going to be a ghost story'
"—how can I love you more, / short of turning into a criminal?"
— Robert Lowell, Notebook 1967-68; from 'Mexico'
"Come, come, death, love; come quickly, I'll destroy you; / come, I want to kill or love or die or give you everything;"
— Vicente Aleixandre, A Longing for the Light; from 'Come Always, Come', tr. Stephen Kessler
"Love turns, lust turns, into the death urge."
— Sylvia Plath, from 'The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath'
"Be terrified. / It's you I love,"
— Carol Ann Duffy, The World's Wife; from 'Medusa'
"Now close those eyes and let me love you to death"
— Type O Negative, 'Love You to Death'
"He imagines a canary killed by the hands that soothes it and says / This is how I love"
— Adonis, Collected Poems; from 'Singular in a Plural Form', tr. Khaled Mattawa
"The passion of lovers is for death"
— Bauhaus, 'The Passion of Lovers'
"If you had loved as I have loved, / You would murder love;"
— Vladimir Mayakovsky, Plays; from 'A Tragedy'
"Beloved sweetheart bastard. Not a day since then / I haven’t wished him dead. Prayed for it / so hard I’ve dark green pebbles for eyes, / ropes on the back of my hands I could strangle with."
— Carol Ann Duffy, Mean Time; from 'Havisham'
"The wish to be about to kill a lover, to keep him for yourself, yourself alone, to take him, steal him in defiance of every law, every moral authority—you don't know what that is, you've never experienced it?"
— Marguerite Duras, from 'The Malady of Death', tr. Barbara Bray
"I desire her and I hate her. I would like to take her in my arms and embrace her till she smothered, till she was crushed and I could drink death from her gushing veins."
— Octave Mirbeau, from 'The Torture Garden', tr. Alvah Bessie
"They'll question me on how I killed him, and what for. ⁠— / Not one will understand the love for him I bore."
— Vladislav Khodasevich, 20th Century Russian Poetry: Silver and Steel, from 'Twilight', tr. Michael Frayn
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