fakier · 11 months
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watched keralis' new ep and it was gold
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ashanimus · 2 years
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"Nothing, nevermind," Gus shook his head. "You're...you're really going to sew it up?" "It needs four stitches." Hunter nodded. "You...you can tell just by looking at it how many it needs?" Fanart for @polyhexianan's fic 'Really.'
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electricphantasy · 1 year
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C'mon, you know you want to...
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yujacake · 1 year
wait what twitter fish going around i dont use twt im lost
this fish!!! the sacabambaspis LOOOLLL it's mostly on the japanese side of twt i think? i follow a lot of jp artists drawing this guy like crazy (there's even game sprites , donuts , plushies, and more now!!) even the among us account posted it...
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megalunalexi · 1 month
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Art for @fuchsiamae 's fic, Tragedy + Time!!!
Link here 💜💜💜💜
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(I made some pencil art, too 😊)
It's SO good, I'm so glad to have found it!!!
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 months
If I ever won the lottery, I wouldn't tell anyone, but I would suddenly start having a lot more time to write and I think you'd all figure it out pretty fast
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horsechestnut · 2 years
Movie studios make a big deal about spoilers recently, but none of them have the commitment to send out different copies of their movie to different theaters simply to avoid people having the ability to spoil it. Only the theatrical master pieces Clue (1985) has ever had that courage.
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chaaarity · 1 year
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astralarias · 4 months
i don't know if i've ever mentioned it before but we have a soundboard clip in [CC] of nick cage's AUGH NO NOT THE BEES! NOT THE BEES!! from the wicker man movie, and every time we do harvest temple and get to the second orb phase, in which you have aoes of insects sent at you, it is someone's sacred duty to press said soundboard button.
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ouremperorssmugsmile · 2 months
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Starting Apothecary Diaries off right with Jinshi, because his expressions are GOLDEN. EN POINTE. LIKE LITERALLY MY REASON TO LIVE.
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the-force-awakens · 8 months
Thinking about what a sweet, kind, silly and gentle hearted person Poe is until you piss him off and once that switch is flipped, he's a force to be reckoned with
Oh, did you mean? my most favorite? facet? of his character? that makes me lose my marbles? and also happens to be maybe my favorite character trope of all time? that? Okay I hope you were expecting an infodump because what-ho! that's what's happening, I have come prepared and with receipts, let's fucking go on how Poe Dameron is a goddamned force of nature and how the galaxy should be really fucking thankful his loyalty is first and foremost to the Resistance and to the Light, because if it wasn't...well, I'd dread to think, but it wouldn't be good for anyone else.
The fun thing for me, is that it has always been a part of Poe's character, right from The Force Awakens -- it's subtle, but it's there, hidden between the sassy quips in the face in danger and the professionality of Commander Dameron; little fleeting moments that tell you that Poe Dameron is not someone to be trifled with at all, including one of his very first scenes:
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I'm 90% certain that Poe's gaze actually lands first on Tekka's body here, before lifting it up to glare at Ren - and that's more than just a defiant glare, that's a look of loathing. Which fits, considering that I do believe the Force Awakens novelization confirms that Poe rushes in without thinking, and acts on sheer anger/rage when he goes to shoot Ren after Ren kills Tekka.
(More lengthy thoughts under the cut, I was not kidding, I saved a dozen images for this).
And that look is far from the only moment in TFA that clearly goes "oh. yeah, Poe can be scary when he wants to be", there's this frankly delightful moment during the trench run when Poe sees a fellow pilot perish while covering him:
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and then moments later, when Poe flies into the heart of Starkiller to destroy the oscillator, we get this shot:
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that's far more than just determination/focus, he's angry. and he has every goddamned right to be - he was just held captive and tortured for (??) days, and this monstrosity just destroyed an entire fucking planetary system, and the very Republic that Poe has spent his entire adult life believing the inherent values of, that he thought could genuinely improve. Never mind the detail that Poe probably likely spent time on the Hosnian System, if he didn't live there temporarily during his time in the Defense Fleet.
But these shots makes it clear where the comic gets the idea from that the First Order might, y'know, actually be. A little bit terrified of Poe Dameron:
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He's a serious threat, and ruthless when it comes to the First Order. People joke a lot about Poe being reckless, but I don't see a lot of recognition for the fact that he can be ruthless - he sees point b and dives straight at it, and he's absolutely relentless in his determination to take the First Order down.
The quickest possible way to enrage Poe is inaction or injustice. We see this clearly in the Last Jedi, when he believes Holdo is essentially leading them to their deaths and has thrown the Resistance away:
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but we also see it as far back as Before the Awakening by Greg Rucka:
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This conversation carries on for a page or so more, I think, with Poe arguing against the New Republic's decision to not act or investigate further (it's also what prompts him into going rogue to investigate on his own, which leads Leia into recruiting him for the Resistance).
And we've even seen it in material as recent as Free Fall, which means this is a character trait Poe has had his entire life:
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(these do not paint my girl in a great light but like she's fucked up okay!! and being groomed into taking her mother's place it's fine, it's fine, she's my fucked up little blorbo)
anyway. so this is Poe when he's, probably about 16? 16 going on 17 here, and this is probably the angriest he's ever been considering how shocked he is about the chill in his own voice (which if you were ever curious why I say Poe's anger runs cold, it's because of this scene right here). He's so enraged by the injustice being carried out by Sotin, that he's genuinely - for the first time in the book - considering actually killing someone. And he gets into a screaming match about what the right decision is with Zorii.
(he also gets to punch Sotin later, by the way, if you even care. It's glorious. I love my favorite character who decides murder is okay if said murder is in question a guy who deals in the slave trade)
But also.
My favorite instance of this, ever, which rewrote my fucking goddamned brainchemistry in 2017 when I read it and made me have to step away from my computer and honest to god pace the length of my house to walk it off, is his confrontation with Terex in issue #13 of the Poe comics.
Because you know what?
This entire fucking exchange is personal, and almost/pretty much outright vindictive? Like at this point, Poe has solidly won this round - Terex has finally been defeated, and all Poe has to do is hand him over to the First Order. He knows, in doing so, Terex will likely be killed, and after who knows how long of Terex's bullshit meaning Poe couldn't trust his squadron, and the fact that L'ulo just died - well, Poe's not real broken up about it, which is fun in itself.
But then he asks Malarus if he can have a moment with Terex before he hands him over and Poe....uses that moment to gloat.
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And y'all know me i don't use words like that for Poe but like. he kind of does? he asks a moment alone with terex specifically so that he can taunt Terex that he won, that Terex didn't beat him, and that in trying to take Poe down, Terex cost himself everything (a fact Poe happily rubs in his face), and even adds that "and when I give you to the First Order, I bet they'll take the rest."
So like. Yeah.
Poe knew full well they'd likely kill him, and spends the next few issues full heartedly believing that Terex was dead. And he taunts Terex with it here in this moment. It is TRULY glorious and honestly had 17 year old me's little head spinning because it was such a subversion of what I thought Poe would do -- but he did! He didn't try to figure out a way to spare Terex's life, and he used his final moments with Terex to make sure Terex knew that Poe was fully aware of what the choice he was making meant.
It's fucking DELICIOUS.
And I also love this panel from earlier into the issue:
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Because again, it's a great illustration of how Poe can come off cold because of the art choices Phil Noto made here: look at the jacket. It's zipped up all the way to Poe's neck (a rarity for Poe), and just generally gives him this very closed off, cold appearance because he's at his wit's end in this issue, and he is angry about the circumstances Terex has forced him into.
So...yeah. Poe Dameron is a sweet, compassionate, silly guy who makes the worst fucking puns you've ever heard this side of the galaxy. He loves his droid, wears his mother's wedding ring with the intent to give it to the right partner someday, and loves all of his friends full heartedly and is generally the most tactile, affectionate person you will ever meet. He's pretty much everyone's best friend, because he has that kind of charisma and ability to make anyone feel like they're the most important person in the galaxy.
But Poe Dameron is also the man that the First Order seems genuinely intimidated/afraid of. He's the man that destroyed Starkiller base, and toppled the most powerful crime syndicate in the galaxy when he was just 17 years old. He is not someone you ever, ever want to piss off, because for all his warmth and love, Poe has an anger that runs cold, and when he hates something - it's just like when he loves something, he doesn't go half-way.
General Organa isn't the only Resistance general that can be absolutely terrifying in her own right as much as she can be gentle and loving. It's just that Leia's the only one anyone ever notices, because...well, Poe's silly and funny and usually kind of easy going.
And the fact that people underestimate him is what makes him that much more dangerous.
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gothdaddyissues · 1 year
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Sometimes I wonder what this fandom looks like from the outside...
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crehador · 6 months
the booping and being booped are fantastic but this event has also given us all a deeper, firsthand understanding of why cats love to do this
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heuffopla · 7 months
I'm working at a restaurant in France rn, and today an English speaking customer asked our cook what was in today's soup. Our cook didn't know how to say "pumpkin" in English and he must've forgotten I was like Right There. His brain did connect the dots of pumpkin - > Halloween tho. So in a fit of panic (or genius) he simply yelled :
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ant1quarian · 6 months
oshdahsdiaoshda all these people letting me do things with their characters and actually responding to questions is absolutely wonderfully crazy
I am but a simple being who got a Cool Thought, so to see people actively like it and like, comment, and reblog is actually insane
I hope everyone continues to enjoy what I'm doing, cos I'm having a lot of fun
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kari-art · 21 days
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These are the cutest girls!! Sofii and Tallulah ->(it belongs to my friend who has great art style, go see it) @madalexis
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