#it's a bro date lbr about this
lgcjino · 10 months
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TL;DR signed around the same time as jiah (jul. 2022), doesn't really know what he's doing, having fun anyways.
howdy all! sorry it took me forever to post an intro, it's literally been years since i've been on tumblr and it's insane how much has changed so i had to ... re-learn everything and that was a trip. anyways, i'm a newbie here at lgc so please be easy on me! i still have much to read but i'm always open to anything / brainstorming. down below are some not-so-short ipso-factos about moon jino. i'm so excited to get started, i'll be answering messages now but (if this isn't totally old school) please like this post for a plot?
born 2003. 02. 13. in raglan, new zealand -> the younger brother of moon jiah
tall boy, standing at 189 cm
outgoing, loyal, idiotically optimistic which makes him an easy target for his naivity and for pretty much being a doormat
probably overly friendly, he's never really had a problem making friends, keeping them may be the problem bc he can come off as annoying -> chronically the friend always hitting you up to do something even if you just saw them yesterday/or hours ago
followed his sister to korea bc he was worried about her -> ended up auditioning with her for lgc bc if she's gonna get scammed again, at least both of them will be together to pick up the pieces!
a siscon in the most innocent way possible -> aka an overprotective younger brother who follows his sister around like a little puppy (think clifford the red dog) but actually is just being an annoying little brother
has no real dreams or aspirations, kind of went into this thing willing for some calling to call to him – has yet to have it but he’s enjoying his time here
has always been someone who enjoyed doing things with no questions asked; not really someone who’d enjoy doing nothing (likes to fill his time with things like gaming, hanging out with people, etc.)
he may seem like someone who’d enjoy being center of attention, but he leaves that to his sister, he doesn’t mind just being there and basking in their glory (aka he lit rode his sister’s coattails all the way to seoul lbr)
a health fanatic, he snacks sometimes. dislikes soda because he doesn’t like the way the fizz feels in his throat; works out quite frequently, several days a week with a notable routine, goes on hikes when he can
likes to take pictures can’t say he’s good at them, but he tries his hardest
very rare but when he is feeling shy, usually he covers his mouth with his hand, as if trying to hide his smile/blush
fairly independent and adventurous, given his parent’s lax childrearing, he got his license at 16 and always has an up to date passport ready
chronic texter, and texts right away, too; hardly takes calls unless he really needs to
thinks he can be a comedian if this doesn't work out
learned how to play the guitar at 10, side by side with the piano but was more into the guitar -> transitioned to electric guitar by 12
we !!! want !!! friends !!!
ik im a bit late but plotting for trainee mission 014?
im tired and as you can see from the lack of grammar now that i have lost steam, i promise ill be better in the morning!
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Ok so I'm not sure if something like this was discussed already cause i haven't seen all of the posts for the streamer au (and this is kinda more about gaming than streaming tbh), but I've just been thinking how Percy's love for tinkering could also be translated in this au to him being one of those gamers that are super into building and customizing their own pc and he knows all about it and is def the person they all turn to for advice and when they want to upgrade, and he's always offering to help them with installing the hardware to their PC and stuff (Maybe he'd also be making videos of custom pc builds? Reviews and unboxings? And later on he'd be making them with Tary? Tech Bros?) 
And also I think he'd be VM's tech wiz whenever they're having computer (or streaming equipment) issues and stuff like that (like your modern au with percy coming to fix things at vex's apartment, just with pc and internet issues etc)
Also i could see vex & vax not really being able to afford high quality pcs, at least at first, so they can't play the games that have a lot of system requirements, and it's a bit sucky but they make do, there are a lot of other games after all
And maybe for Vex's birthday, before they're even together, Percy builds her a new shiny and really strong pc, all custom built? (And he gets her a gamer keyboard and mouse and the mouse pad has a bear design or something? 🥺 cause her handle name would probably be bear related lbr), and she's so excited she can finally play the games she's been wanting to play since forever but couldn't because of her old pc specs And she'd obviously be taken aback by this, and i dunno, maybe she'd thank him during a stream (i mean, she can't not mention it, the difference is Visible) and well that would clearly cause people to be like. are they dating are they just Like That what is Going On (ohh and since it's Vax's birthday too Percy would also get him something but like. more modest? maybe a better mic or headset or something, and Vax would tease him that he obviously has a favorite twin)
omg I love that
Just him knowing the exact kind of set up she'd love and going out of his way to find a bear theme and spending hours building it so it's perfect but it's all worth it when she sees it for the first time and gives him the biggest hug and cries just a little because she's never had something like this before. And from then on Percy decides that he is going to giver her everything she could ever want, he has the money to so why shouldn't he shower the woman he adores in gifts?
And before they get together, Vex constantly calls him with questions about how to make her shitty computer run without making a cacophony of noise. And that's how he starts to learn what she likes in a set up and even though she calls a lot, he finds that it never annoys him, in fact he kind of hopes that her set up breaks so he has an excuse to talk to her and come over.
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gvftea · 1 year
“Ok lbr all of the guys in the band probably do prefer skinny girls :/ they’re average white guys from Michigan. I think a lot of fans definitely romanticize the band a looot and love to imagine that they’re all body positivity feminist kings but they’re probably always going to date traditionally attractive girls. Jita is not even fat, just maybe slightly chubby and I can’t imagine any of them dating someone bigger than her. I know it’s sad to thing about but it’s important not to put these white guys on a pedestal and to be realistic. While they’re good at playing music and occasionally have well written and emotionally deep lyrics, they’re still men at the end of the day.”
You’d be surprised what average white men from Michigan actually like. I’m telling you right now this is internalized fatphobia talking. Having confidence can get you almost any man you want. These men do not specifically want skinny girls, except maybe Sam. This is a really big trust me bro moment, but seriously trust me bro. Call it women’s intuition. A fat girl could pull these men if she wanted to.
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ashlingnarcos · 2 years
the late-summer @drabbles-mc​ fic comment extravaganza! 
did I read them all at exactly the same time? no, but all the comments are in one post because I got behind on the comment-writing and then I thought, ooh, it’d be fun to have a Superlatives section at the end, but I can't do that if I AO3-comment, so we’re tumblring now.
7 Tay fics?
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MCU what? Star Wars who? The Diegoverse is the only thing I care about
I’m not even joking, cause I will watch one (1) MCU movie in theaters if it’s Kevin Feige’s luckiest year, but I will read all the Diego fics and if frantic fanfic counts, I will write them.
Pressing Matters - A necessary reread. The way Carillo quietly stews in this makes me chuckle. You really enjoy inflicting a wide variety of Suffering on him, from the deepest to the lightest, and it's fun to see you play like a cat with a mouse 😂
Know Better - Diegofic II.
The way Carrillo's like OPENLY antagonistic towards Diego my eyes are huuuuuuuge watching it all unfold. This is so unprofessional lmao he must really like her (not that jealousy is the only sign of liking someone, blah blah blah, you can be healthily in love, but like, bro, when has Carrillo ever been healthy about anything in his life? It's all extremes.)
"noticed the sappy little grin on his face as he looked at Carina" I knew my boy was a romantic I just felt it in my bonesssssss.
"He smiled softly, which you knew probably never happened while he was at the academy." Okay, Horacio can live. We'll let him live. We'll grant him a lil reprieve.
Reader is a little naïve, I think, to think that a double date could ever be a good idea...who wants to go on a double date with their boss, especially when it's Carrillo? Inned sane. She just loves everyone too much to see it
“I see the way he looks at you. The way…the way you look at him. You talk with him so easily and you laugh and you—” see this is why it's so good...because he's not unaware of his own shortcomings, which conveniently Diego does not have. Or rather, Carrillo's aware that whatever shortcomings Diego has, they're not the "having big stick up ass" variety which lbr Horacio rly struggles with
Excited to get fic from Diego's perspective rather than Reader's! It's a fun switch up
"It was such a swift downfall for someone who hadn’t done anything wrong." The situation in a nutshell fr
"He knew the second he submitted his papers it was going to be read as an admission of guilt, an act of cowardice. But at least he wouldn’t have to be around every day and be subjected to it. A new location with fewer prying eyes sounded like heaven at this point." Huge, huge, huge oof. But I really get it. What's your pride worth when you can barely even get anything done & everyone hates you? It's so draining to be Watched like that, I certainly couldn't handle it
Oh my god I'm screaming I just had a revelation. Now that Diego is a fave...that means he has become eligible for the Sufferings. I'm screeching like a bat—NOW THAT HE'S A FAVE HE'S BEGUN TO SUFFER
"He was going to want his pound of flesh." Retributive, unjust, miserable old man!
"it was like primetime television happening live on the base" enchanted/fascinated by the extreme visibility of everything that's going on fr
"Diego visibly cringed" oh no bestie! keep it together!
Something about Carrillo not even letting him finish a sentence—not saying anything particularly rude, but that little detail—mmph it's the condescension for me
I'm sorry but now I'm obsessed with Diego's grandfather and learning more about him
Carrillo out loud: "Let's hope so." Carrillo to himself: "Ah yes I did it so professional so restrained" like - he probably *is* holding back a lot there tbf
SO READY FOR THE STEVE JAVI SHENANIGANS! But especially Steve, as you know!
"We'll see." I Sure Hope We Will
hot girl Steve from the mothafuckin South
My road to this man has been a long one, but I have arrived, and here you are with drinks and snacks!
Welcome Home - it's about to get spicy call that shit Miami Vice!
the alienation vibes too real
love the way that everything about the setting is telling a lot about his character...the way his earlier life was, what he finds comforting about it, what he's trying to go back to, the uncertainty about whether he rly can...
The way I got so wrapped up in the atmosphere I literally forgot this was a readerfic and was ?! when Reader showed up 😂 I have a brain like a sieve
Intrigued to see what comes next! Feels like it could be just about anything
The answer is yes.
If It's Alright - It might be alright but I certainly am not.
loving the atmosphere of the candles and the rain, relaxed and homey
uh oh I had come in all cocky from the Diegofics like I'll be fine this will be fine and then I got hit with the "He looked so small standing there on your front step...he was never a man who had seemed small in all the time that you’d known him." UH OH. I'M IN TROUBLE.
The way the dialogue's very brief but laden with Stuff...“I was thinking of you—you’ve always liked the rain.” that is. romance.
...the tenderness...
he never came to get them and she could never throw them away yeah okay yall sound really broken up to me 😂
"Maybe the two of you always found each other, maybe it was always like this." in a way, Reader, that's true, but in another way it's not because sometimes you find each other and break up much worse than this I have it on good authority sa;ldfkasdfljs;d
"He was somehow both the best and the worst patient." this 100% tracks
“In the morning, when we wake up…it’s not going to be anything else…” and "I hate that" and "Me too"
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"Exes with feelings is one of my FAVORITE tropes for this man." *crying while throwing up the peace sign* me too lmao
Just Like Always Chapter 1 - literally considered not reading any more for the night because the last one was so much to process I thought it'd be a good one to end on but then I saw the tag "high school sweethearts" and here we are!
"There was no point in harping on it even if the thought of a much younger, much less muscular Horacio brought a tiny little grin to your face." & it brings a grin to mine too lol
"Every now and then he’d cross paths with them and they’d mention you, how well you seemed to be doing." Unsure whether this move on the part of Reader's family is intentionally retributive or merely naïve but either way A+ work to those guys, no notes
“Do you think you’ll ever move back?” ¶ You gave him a cheeky smile, “Do you think you’ll ever move away?” - we love dialogue!
“Nice to know you’re still a good listener,” & “You gave me plenty of practice.” - and i say, we LOVE dialogue!
“Pack a bag. Let’s run away together. No one can stop us. I already have a plane ticket.” what I love about this reader is that I get the sense they're playing but like...they're the sort of person who WOULD do it. And the fact that he isn't that type of person is definitely part of why they broke up imo...big eyes @ next chapter. nobody kisses their ex w/out Plans or at least Inclinations
Just Like Always Chapter 2 - I am feeling as normal about this as you might expect, which is to say, 0%.
...the fact that he's been cooking and it smells delicious...im gonna be white knuckling my way thru this one I see. hnghhhhh
“Learning to cook was very time consuming.” - fascinating deflection! Reader's relatively free spirited nature does absolutely clash with the regimented and adversarial nature of the army so it stands to reason that he'd sort of instinctively not try to bring it up around her as much
"I was gone long before all of that started." Something about this...I will be turning it over and over in my mind
“That’s why your parents never trusted me.” <333
I'm very much unable to comment on smut but *raises Reader's wineglass cheers-wise*
“I’ll think about it.” this is a very upbeat part of the fic but the dour old hag in me has me shaking my head sadly going girl he's never leaving that country he just never is
Class Superlatives
the moment i swerved to become a Diego girl over a Carrillo girl: “Plus, no offense to the Colonel, but you’re much nicer to look at, and easier to talk to.”
peak banter rhythm: Carrillo & Reader in Just Like Always
clutching my chest trying to breathe: "His hand instinctively reached and gripped onto your shoulder, not hard enough to hurt, just enough to give him a bit of a tether in the midst of it all. You didn’t say anything about it, didn’t even look up at him for fear that it’d make him let go."
MVP side character: Trujillo in Tagging Out, for effectively conveying in one brief and almost wordless interaction all the tension that Diego had been dealing with for months
best use of setting: probably either the beach in Welcome Home or the cozy apartment in If It's Alright
fic I most want to see another chapter for: either Tagging Out, because I really really want to see Diego's relationship with Reader there (we didn't see any of them together in Tagging Out, which makes sense for the fic, but of course I'm rabid w curiosity about the dynamic that he lowkey allowed to ruin his life), or Welcome Home, because I'm curious to see your take on Steve fic.
fic most obviously aimed at my chest and my id, most likely to reread: If It's Alright
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cfshadows · 5 days
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( RICHARD MADDEN + CIS-MALE + HE/HIM ) dearest reader, i am ever so delighted to introduce atlas sharp, the thirty-three year old mister, known among the ton as adaptive + sociable but their foes would certainly tell you that they are more gullible + egotistical. perhaps that is why many seem to think they had something to do with the ongoings around the ton, but here they are anyway! 
name: atlas sharp
height: 5'10
hair color: copper
eye color: blue
home: england
gender: cis-man
pronouns: he/him
starsign: gemini
sexuality: bisexual
father: elias sharp †
mother: clara sharp
siblings: one older brother, one younger brother and one younger sister
atlas grew up in a world far different than the one they were in now. lying, cheating, and violence were how they lived their lives, working until they sat in the position they did now. a life that in the shadows they still dealt with.
he was raised with the notion that they deserved more than they had and that their talents laid in horses and underhandedness. he took to it easily, believed everything he was told and how their futures would be.
they worked for it, they did whatever they had and atlas was good at it. he stood by his father and will stay by them.
this new life is fine, it's what they worked for. but for atlas he does prefer the underhanded side of life more. it's more freeing, working in the "slums" is easier for him. but he's a master at fitting in anywhere, he's in the world he worked for and he's staying in it.
literally a lover of love. disaster of a person when it comes to romance, he's the one who assumes he's in love after one date and lbr he probably is. comes on so strong. calm down bro.
he can be such a pain in the ass, he's good at pretending to be with the high society but he hates most of the people in it. usually thinking if there's a way he can manipulate the situation
Wanted Connections
exes/past lovers: romantic to an extreme, can burn out quickly or they leave him sometimes.
friends: probably people who aren't all about the super proper side because he secretly hates those people. give him a bestie especially
blackmail/antagonistic/betting: kind of explanatory
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likeshipsonthesea · 3 years
dex, team bicycle
the following bullet fic has been in my drafts for over a year now and tonight i remembered it existed, read it, and decided to post it. why? who knows. don’t ask questions. just ~enjoy~
so i got an ask about how anon trusts me implicitly when it comes to writing bc they believe that dex is the team bicycle and eventually ends up with nursey and thinks i’m down with that too and tbh they ain’t wrong so like
here’s a bullet fic instead of me doing any of the work i SHOULD REALLY FUCKING BE DOING okie
first things first here’s the dealio this is crack-ish but also not so crackish that my dumbass couldn’t see it happening so let’s just suspend some disbelief and have a good time
first time dex hooks up with a teammate it’s not at a kegster
maybe a little later he’s a little too tipsy at a kegster not really knowing his own tolerance for tub juice yet and he’s dancing, a little more white boy than maybe one would like but he’s having fun with it and that’s half the game, and he’s sweaty and maybe some glitter from other dancers has rubbed off on him and he’s glittery and shining and he catches someone’s eye across the room (holster, i’m thinking holster) and holster sees him and thinks fuck and dex is maybe really into how big holster is and just like follows him up to the attic when holster grabs his wrist and pulls because why not--
but this is not about that (at least not yet) this is about how dex, new to samwell and ncaa hockey and everything, wants to be the best he can be in everything so naturally he goes to the best person to help him with every thing (for school he gets tutors and goes to tutorials and goes to all the profs’ office hours, for social stuff maybe he trails ransom around idk (that’s for later)) but for hockey he obviously goes to the person you go to when you need help with hockey
jack likes hockey. jack likes people who like hockey. jack likes when people are really into hockey
so when the little angery frog that seemed real appreciative of his butt on hazeapalooza comes to him with this frowny face determination asking how he can be the best player he can be, a part of jack’s brain that’s very quiet and seldom acknowledged goes “huh.”
and maybe they start meeting up for their own practices, practicing drills and plays so dex can get his speed up and reaction time down and just get better and jack’s benefiting from it too in a way, like trying to help a defensive player makes him have to switch up his thinking about things a bit and it’s helping his defensive play on the ice
and so this goes on for a bit and maybe they build up some inside jokes in between all the intensity and maybe there’s some playful moments in the locker room when they bump arms or throw a few chirps around and it’s cute okay and not too serious, jack isn’t in love with the kid (he’s a kid, lord, okay a lil problematic but if y’all know anything about my oc luke dex has Problems with Authority figures so whatever)
but the truth is jack doesn’t really have many people he’d be comfortable “relieving some stress” with, like there’s shitty but he’s ridiculously straight, and Camila went and got herself a girlfriend so that’s no longer a thing, and dex is there and eager and fun and
and long story short they end up fucking in the locker room oops
it doesn’t happen too many times after that, maybe once on a roadie, a few times at the haus. it’s fun, not in a laughing way or whatever, but it’s casual and it’s nice to get off and it doesn’t make jack any more anxious and dex is probably working through some issues he has with tall dark haired captains and they both get something good out of it, which is the point, anyway
and it ends maybe before winter break, either jack decides to focus on the nhl and his thesis and dex totally understands or dex realizes that maybe his thing with dark haired captains isn’t completely healthy and ends things but either way it’s nbd and no one on the team ever really knows, though it’s not like they lie about it either but who’s gonna ask, right?
and so dex and jack were fuckbuddies. for a time. noice.
now let’s return to that kegster scene, hmm?
so the way i picture it is dex hooks up with holster at a kegster, realizes it probably wasn’t the smartest idea he’s ever had but doesn’t completely freak out because holster’s a relaxed kind of guy, dex is sure it won’t get nuts
meanwhile holster wakes up freaking out because he just fucked ransom’s frog and that is so not cool so then he panics and avoids ransom and dex for like a week and then decides okay okay it’s not a big deal he just won’t tell anyone, it won;t happen again, it’s fine
and then he walks in on dex hooking up with ransom and he’s like Wow Okay So the Fine Thing Didn’t Work Out Huh
turns out while holster was freaking out ransom was really mopey about it and dex, not really knowing how to fix it, tried to comfort him and ended up... in bed
look this version of dex is a little thotty and knows like two ways of comforting people and he didn’t think getting drunk in the middle of the day was a good idea
and so long story short after some brief HUHs going around dex ends up hooking up with both ransom and holster for a bit (sometimes both at once!) and eventually the both-at-once-stuff makes ransom and holster actually acknowledge the feelings they’ve mostly been ignoring since their frog year and they explain this to dex who’s like okie bc he’s really only there bc they’re both hot and so ransom and holster get together and dex sometimes helps them out on date nights and that’s about it
lbr tho they never tell anyone how they actually got together bc they would never live it down so they say nothing and dex doesn’t either bc it’s not his relationship and the world goes on never knowing
so now we’re getting into the middle of spring term dex’s frog year and he’s kind of maybe sort of acknowledged that he has some kind of emotions about nursey that aren’t helpful so he’s attempting to repress real hard, but he’s also learning to repress less about other things, specifically his enjoyment of baking.
yup. you guessed it.
so he starts helping bitty in the kitchen A Lot, and sometimes they talk and sometimes they don’t and sometimes they talk about important things but most of the time they don’t, but at this stage in bitty’s life he is crushing very hard on a certain dark haired captain and that’s kind of really apparent in, like, everything he does so it takes dex maybe two weeks to realize what’s going on
and okay so it’s a little awkward bc 1-the fuckbuddies thing but also bc 2-dex knows how it feels to have feelings for a friend and it kind of sucks like a lot and he wants to make bitty feel better and yeah maybe this is another case of dex being bad at comforting people with his clothes on
but maybe also one day they’re talking about relationships/being gay idk something and bitty maybe casually (southern euphemistically) mentions that he’s never, erm, never quite, uh, never  done the dirty with a boy and maybe he sounds a lil embarassed about it idk and dex’s I Can Fix That brain switches on and he says, “I can help.”
and bitty’s like. what.
dex blushes and clears his throat and says it again. “i can help. i’ve, uh, done it before, and i can, like. show you.” then he pauses and, very uncasually, says, “casually.”
bitty, also pink at his point because he’s a sweet southern boy who doesn’t speak of such things, asks, “you’d be willing to do that?”
dex nods. he does not say that he’s done something like that before. he very pointedly does not say that.
and bitty, well, he’s pining and he’s been at college for a year and a half and the most action he’s ever gotten was with that boy who puked on his shoes and, you know, he came to samwell so that he could be who he is and maybe this is a way he can prove to himself that he is being true to himself.
it also doesn’t hurt that dex is v pretty, okay, bitty loves a boy with big shoulders and freckles.
and so dex and bitty start hooking up.
it’s somewhat like my The Arrangement fic where dex is sort of “showing bitty the ropes” but bitty, lbr, he’s a quick learner and he did his research so it very quickly just becomes hooking up for the sake of it
and it’s good. like. really good and both of them are benefiting from having someone to escape from their ~feelings~ in and bitty’s more comfortable in sexuality (like, his sexuality not his gayness ya feel me?) and everyone’s having a great time
then they lose the playoffs and emotions run high and bitty realizes how decimated he’s going to be by jack leaving and they don’t really have a conversation about it (let’s be real, neither of these boys talk about their feelings, at least not at this point) but dex goes home that summer with the understanding that he and bitty are no longer doing the thing, and that’s okay with him, really, because maybe now his feelings for nursey are becoming More of A Thing Than He Was Hoping They Would
of course bitty gets with jack at this time, so he’s kind of through the roof, and if, maybe, they have a conversation about their ex’s/past lovers and find they have.. more things in common than expected, well, at the least it’s a bit of a laugh and at the most well. let’s just say sometimes a ginger is mentioned in their bed WHATEVER OKAY MOVING ON
dex comes back in the fall ready to suppress the fuck out of his emotions and play some damn good hockey and who appears but this super eager tadpole
this now plays out as the first two chapters of my The Arrangement fic, though i guess now for canonical reasons whiskey ends up with lax bro and not tango, but that’s alright, we’re good at working on our feet here
for those who haven’t read the fic, dex shows whiskey how to gay sex while simultaneously gaining his trust and encouraging him to bond with the team and for personal reasons whiskey is a little shit but not as much of an asshole as he was in canon (look i love the guy but he’s a dick) and anyway go read my fic it’s good i promise #selfspon moving on
the latter half of dex’s sophomore year is spent mostly Not Pining for nursey and getting closer to him, friend wise, until the whole dib-flip, living together situation occurs, dex has a Freak Out, and ruins things a little
..this is getting off track, but long story short, his captains kiss each other on live tv and dex’s family starts to suspect that all those rumors that drifted around him in high school may have more truth to them than they’d been hoping and dex has a less than great summer break, coming back to school in the opposite of a good mindset
nursey also has a not great break (his parents are fighting, then he comes to school and breaks his wrist and can’t play hockey) and well we all know where this ends up
this leaves dex in a very mopey gross state and who to help someone feel better in their time of need than the sweetest little waffle you’ve ever seen in your life?
yes, it’s time for Hops.
now, this is a rather short lived affair, but over thanksgiving break, the entirety of the haus goes home to their families except for dex (who says he can’t deal with bus fare, and begs off any offers of help) and hops, who technically isn’t in the Haus, but stays there for the break while his parents are on a work trip during the holiday
dex ends up finding out just exactly how College Hockey Boy hops is when he almost burns the kitchen down trying to make a grilled cheese and dex decides then that he has to help this boy learn how to human, so they spend the first two days together with dex teaching hops all the basic skills dex thinks someone should know
this is included but not limited to: how to cook without making fire, how to change the oil in your car, how to hotwire a car, how to fix various different appliances, how to take the optimal notes, how to basic code, and how to sort and do your laundry
hops is enjoying the crash course (kid is just grateful to finally know where the detergent goes in a washer) but also, like, lbr. watching someone be competent in a thing--esp a thing you are yourself not good at--is a giant turn on, and so after two days of watching dex be really good at adulting, they settle onto the couch after doing the dishes and hops just gets on his knees and--
we aren’t smutting here on good christian tumblr but boy. hops is an eager kid.
anyway they spend a week fucking and then stop because hops falls in love with a girl in his intro class and then spends the next two months asking dex for advice on how to woo her, even though obviously chowder would be a better bet.
then comes the playoffs and everything is heating up and they’re on roadies nearly every weekend, still keeping up with their coursework, and it’s A Lot, and dex is really feeling it this year, especially with all the shit bitty’s been getting, and one night, on a roadie, he and bully get back to their room and dex collapses with a groan on the bed and bully, chill as anything, is like. “you seem pretty stressed. wanna fuck?”
and, you know what? dex is still his thotty (though more mature) self and he’s like, life sucks a little right now, why not get off
and so he does.
he and bully hook up through the playoffs and into the post-season (that post-final game sex is A Lot my dudes lemme tell you) but then dex gets elected captain and something twisty in his chest tells him that he should not be fucking someone on the team, especially not an underclassman, when he’s got that authority over him, and so he breaks it off with bully
who is pretty chill about it, since he’s bully, though he does miss the sex. the sex was p good.
and, to be quite honest, that’s it. dex wouldn’t fuck any of the baby frogs for the same reason he broke it off with bully (also ngl the senior-freshman thing doesn’t do it for him anymore) and so dex goes through his senior year of college without having any fuckbuddies--his first year of college so far, actually, where he doesn;t
the end
lol jk he and nursey start hooking up and it’s a Whole Bundle of emotions
in keeping with the rest of the fuck buddies, dex thinks that this is just like all the other times and nursey has no reason to think dex wants anything more and like. the sex is good, like very good, and neither of them are complaining per se but they’re also in love and haven’t said anything, and i imagine there are some ill-timed confessions prior to the final game of the playoffs and then they win another ncaa championship title and have sex in a janitor’s closet (but like,, emotional sex) and they live happily (thottily) ever after
i also like to imagine that there’s a point somewhere down the line when they all meet up for a reunion and something happens-- probably ransom and holster get a lil tipsy and finally tell the truth of how they got together-- and everyone basically does the spider-man meme but with “wait-you had sex with dex? i had sex with dex” and nursey--who knows bc dex told him when they finally got together-- is just sitting there all smug with his arm around a steadily reddening dex bc he’s fucking proud of the fact that everyone knows exactly how good his boyfriend is in bed
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97jaehee · 3 years
Tumblr media
sup fam it’s ya bitch gemma 🤪 on today’s disaster episode i’m introducing miss min jaehee, the poster child of first world problems!! she’s the face and main vocalist of kpop group aurora ( yes, that group under 2M ent... her daddy’s group so u know she put in like .2 effort to get where she is ) & she’s fake as hell 🤮 if u aren’t tired of her yet u can find my ramblings in dot points under ze cut! also if you’d like to plot pls hit that LIKE button and i’ll come running 🤪 alternatively u can hit me up either thru tumblr ims or discord ( ding dong#8039 ) ♡ thank u love u mwah
stats / bio
aries sun / leo moon / sagittarius rising
character inspo: cher horrowitz from clueless & gretchen wieners from mean girls
the definition of first world problems,,, has the endurance of a wet paper bag,,, will cry and think her life is just like so hard if she breaks a nail
kinda obtuse... will say mean things without realising how mean they sound but what matters is the intention ig
romanticises love to no end but lbr she’s not ready for any semblance of a healthy relationship :painedsmile:
not an instruction-follower, more because she wasn’t listening when the instructions were given / forgot what they were rather than bc she’s a rebel at heart ♡
she’s actually really friendly but she’s also hella gossipy 😋 will gossip about her best friend whom she genuinely loves and will attempt to gaslight ( poorly ) if caught doing it
also will act like ur new best friend even if she does hate you cause she simply cannot stand being disliked in the slightest
for her bg, she’s the only daughter of the min family and rlly looked up to @jaehoxn​​​ as a kid!! until he was shipped away by her grandpa who she rlly hates in a family kinda way
parents were pretty neglectful from the start, but she didn’t rlly notice it bc she had her big bro, so him leaving for ny so suddenly rlly emphasised the lack of attention she was getting which translated to some major attention-seeking behaviour as an adult
she’s actually a really decent singer? shame she has 0 passion for music ( like has 0 respect for it, will shit on it dead or alive ), but she realises that if she tried to get into the entertainment industry, her dad would pay attention to her more
so she joins as a trainee for 2M ent when she’s 14!! she beats out all the other trainees and debuts with aurora when she’s 19 not because she’s too good, but because her dad owns the damn company
throughout her career, she’s been swept up in a Lot of dating scandals but her dad kinda sweeps em all under the rug 😋 scandal? new tv appearance. scandal? new mv.
most recent scandal is with some actor named kwon yesung but the relo ended bc she’s hella possessive and needy in relationships and he was probably also a bit of a douchebag ngl
i would say the group she’s in ( aurora ) is prob a red velvet equivalent? in terms of concepts, popularity, etc
she as an idol is pretty polarising!! has a lot of haters but also a lot of diehard fans, and for what it’s worth, she genuinely adores her fans mostly bc they give her the attention and adoration she craves!!
honestly there’s no big Trauma in her life she’s rlly just spoiled, silver spoon, first world problems, pretty privilege all rolled into one
has a bit of an identity crisis,, has -2 idea who tf she is only lives 4 gossip n attn
bit of a herbo
got a nose job and shaved her jaw down if that matters thx 2 that one h8r who pointed it out ♡ the lips are real tho ♡
ty for reading this far ♡  also here are some plot ideas!!
uhhh any doctor muses? who wanna be her plastic surgeon in charge of her routine baby botox / maybe u r a non-plastic surgeon doctor or frequently visit the hospital she goes to??
im guessin aurora has a bunch of fans so hmu any dreamies in the house ( yes that’s the official fandom name ), ur muse’s bias doesn’t have 2 be her ofc
friends? fake friends?
exes pls break her heart she’s a huge romantic
i wanna say flings but jaehee is rlly a monogamous person like she genuinely believes if u fuk u r on the road to bein in love ( someone prove her wrong )
anyone wanna b her security guard hehe
there’s an actor / singer u rlly wanna meet and jaehee has their number in her contacts wyd
she gossiped abt u / passed on info that was fake and kinda damaged ur rep a bit assassinate her i’ll close my eyes
high school buds!! she’s a saebom hs graduate class of 2015!! back then she would’ve been a trainee so i imagine she’s flexing her Trainee status will ur muse find it annoying asf or latch on like a koreaboo
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bisluthq · 2 years
If she was crying about him between interviews during Red release week, years after they officially publicly dated there was clearly more going on for a long time
Bro she cried about him in Jan 2015 and got her publicist to fix the story but that was what happened lbr like there was detail and shit and her team then tried to debunk. Like evidently there was back and forth for AGES. Her AYHTDWS speeches also to me quite clearly address that kind of dynamic.
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theyaskedmeto · 4 years
what i think each og new direction member's social media presence would be like
basically i’ve been doing nothing all day and i’m way too addicted to social media and i started thinking about this so here we are. also i’m just gonna pretend social media was a big thing when they were at school (it obviously wasn’t but lets pretend this is set in like 2016 or smth)
rachel berry
lets be honest rachel would be so damn annoying on social media (not like that’s a surprise tho she’s annoying anyway)
she’d definitely use instagram the most
she’d post photos of her and finn holding hands and caption it like ‘My world, I love this boy 🔐❤️🌏✨’ and then deletes them all when they break up
EXCESSIVE use of emojis 
posts selfies and quote song lyrics in the caption
posts what she’s listening to on her stories (usually boradway) and feels very entitled because of it
posts singing videos 
santana and brit probably bully her in the comments of her posts lbr
honestly i can’t see her having any other forms of social media tbh, she just always uses instagram
auto caps stay ON at all times bc it’s ‘against the rules of basic grammar’
tries to talk in the nd groupchat but no one likes her or listens. like ‘What song should I do for a solo this week’ and then it starts a massive argument
finn hudson
one of those boys who just takes photos of The Scenery™ and no photos of him
maybe posts some photos of him and rachel when they’re together though
actually he probably does the same thing as rachel like ‘Can’t believe this girl is mine 😍💗’ and commenting ‘Love You ❤️’ on her posts but it just seems v high school
probably not very active but uses instagram the most
does a lot of those ask thingys on instagram like ‘send me an emoji and i’ll say what i think about you’ LMAO
i feel like he’s not very involved with it because he prefers video games more lol
uses ‘😂’ unironically
auto caps on and doesn’t even know having them off is a thing
noah puckerman
USES SNAPCHAT. nothing else. but he does have insta
has sent streaks to everyone he’s friends with on sc and will continue to until he’s like 25 
posts way too many mirror selfies with the flash on without his shirt off (ew) 
literally never talks in the nd groupchat
auto caps on - actually he probably Types Like This All The Time
has A Rule that if he’s talking to a girl he has to not reply for at least 2 hours but if it’s a guy then he has to reply asap (bros before hoes type vibe)
blaine anderson
i really don’t think he’d use it that much??? i feel like he’d get too overwhelmed ahdkjhdjs
he’s probably very involved with tumblr and is part of the star wars fandom/marvel fandom
his ao3 history is between him and his computer only
ppl wanna be his friend on tumblr because he’s just nice and kind 🥺
he’s probably quite popular on there - has a lot of followers
but he doesn’t really use any others - has an instagram but there’s no posts on there
maybe he tries to spread awareness on his insta stories???
hates snapchat with a passion 
uses :) :( <3 ;_; way too much (he’s on tumblr)
has auto caps off. like he’s a fanboy okay he’s on TUMBLR fgs. 
occasionally talks in the nd groupchat but is normally a bit intimidated by all the arguments it causes 
v open about his sexuality on his insta (has a 🌈in his bio🥺)
brittany pierce
she uses all of the main ones (insta and snapchat)
posts loads of photos of lord tubbington on there and adds loads of gifs on her stories
such!! a wholesome!!! insta page!!!!!
lots of mirror selfies with the flash on
bad spelling 😔
tries to do those story bingo things but gives up when she gets confused
also has another insta account to build her fondue for 2 channel 
auto caps OFF
uses all the pretty emojis way too much like ‘went to the park 🏞 it was so ✨💗 fun!!! 🌸🌈☀️ we had a good time 😍’
is the QUEEN of the nd groupchat along with santana. tbh her and santana would just use it as their place to talk about everything rather than private messages
santanna lopez
her whole instagram is just selfies
uses snapchat quite a lot but when she gets older she stops completely and deletes it ‘snapchat is for straight ppl’
cyberbullies rachel ajhfdsjhd
does ops on her story and is just brutally honest to everyone who asks 
auto caps stay on but sometimes she forces her keyboard to type all lowercase
NEVER uses emojis. not even :( or :) she just never uses them ever
has a tiktok addiction for when she gets sad about britt (especially s2 when britt isn’t with her)
kurt hummel
uses instagram to show off his outfits 
especially when he gets older and lives in ny!! 
there’d be such cute lil videos of him and blaine on his story like taking videos of his ootd and then blaine photobombing and then he zooms in on him and laughs ok i’ve thought about this too much
compliments all his besties on their photos like ‘So gorgeous 😍’
auto caps stay religiously ON but uses a lot of abbreviations like ‘btw and ily’ etc
in the early days of him and blaine being together, he’d be quite private about it but around the time just before he leaves for ny they get more public
only uses emojis for reactionary purposes eg. to compliment friends
posts photos of anything. honestly i want to see his insta it’d be so cute
has a private instagram for his close friends where he shitposts his whole life like ‘Dad’s taking us to get mcdonalds!!!!’ with blaine
sam evans
posts shirtless pics and all the girls thirst over him ajdhksjdk
uses insta more than snapchat but always sends streaks (maybe when he’s younger tho like around season 4 i don’t think he would be anymore)
also v wholesome though??? like i think he’d post pics of what flowers he got his mum for mothers day 
posts pics of mercedes on his story when they’re together 🥺
posts his favourite songs on his story
auto caps ON bc he doesn’t know having them off is a thing lol
uses 😂 unironically
mercedes jones
doesn’t post much on any social media platforms but is always liking everyone elses posts and complimenting her friends
posts more on her story than anything else
when she gets more confident in herself tho, she posts more (especially when she moves to new york)
occasional photos of sam when they’re dating with a lil love heart emoji on her story
lots of emojis but she uses them when necessary
auto caps on!!!
tina cohen-chang
THE SAME AS RACHEL WITH MIKE but like 10 times less annoying and people actually care
literally the cutest couple on instagram with the new directions group
uses the nd groupchat quite regularly bc people actually LISTEN to her there
has a cute lil gc with sam and blaine with some weird ass name
switches to auto caps off after she goes through her goth phase 
uses :) and :( and also a few pretty emojis eg. 💗☀️✨🌟💐🍬 to make her captions looks pretty
v quick replier
quinn fabray
this bitch has too many emotions for social media ok?
just watches tiktok to cheer herself up but it makes her more sad
has an instagram but never posts on there
if you wanna message her just text because she’ll never reply otherwise
disappears off the face of the earth during her skank phase. deletes her instagram and everything
auto caps on but it doesn’t even matter because she never even needs to use her keyboard 
(we’re talking s3 tho. in like s1 she’d have been into it to keep up her persona lol. her insta would’ve defo had over 1k followers)
mike chang
uses insta more than sc and posts photos of him and tina on his story 
fast replier - loyal king
fully ignores the nd groupchat because he avoids drama 😌✨
non caps because it ‘looks friendlier and not like you’re shouting’
will help you with your homework if you have any questions 
like ‘hey have you done this english homework?? i can’t find any good quotes that’ll help with the question’ and he’ll reply fast with a whole list bc he’s an academic KING
would love to post some dancing videos but gets too scared :(
artie abrams
has no social media and is rlly annoying bc its so hard to contact him
auto caps on. i mean like how would u know having them off was a thing if you don’t have any socials
fully punctuates every text
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divine-draws · 4 years
okay i had a whole google doc that i wrote a buncha shit but imma try to CONDENSE it and make my ideas more clear bc there was some wishy washy in there. BUT dabihawks ice skating au bc im gay for that shit. all of it under the cut bc this shit is gunna get LONG. buckle in fuckers. ALSO FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ABOUT this i will be happy to answer shit :3c
SO fair warning before we begin. i know shit about ice sports. im like 1) not THAT educated nor have i legit participated though ive always wanted to and 2) this is just self indulgent so like if i dont get shit right or whatever dont come at me bro. im here to have FUN and live a bit vicariously. also as for location of all this shit i dont know and dont care and am american so my perspective on things are skewed. anyway cw: abuse mention
so dabi (touya) is a previous figure skater
he’s a figure skating prodigy 
enji was a pro hockey player (id say figure skating but this man was BUILT like a brick shithouse idk man) has a lot of championships under his belt but doesnt even begin to touch the legacy of his one sided rival yagi toshinori
him and rei meet and marry at a young age. she like.. actually liked him then?? shit was kinda okay but things kinda.... got bad quick. the abuse etc was ... yeah. she ends up having dabi and fuyumi (they’re twins babeyy) at a young age too and kinda doesnt feel like she can get out of her horrible marriage 
we wont dwell too much on the bad part of all of this though. anyway rei was a figure skater
p well known and known for her fucking GRACE god she moved so well on the ice.
she was so beautiful and spoke through her movements and enji loved that... and so as a hockey player and with a (now previous) figure skater wife he was like aight my kids WILL take up an ice sport and be the FUCKING BEST
dabi isnt made for hockey. enji tries to get him into it but it’s... nah... fuyumi isnt the best with figure skating. she’s good!! and her and dabi do some pair skating when they’re younger but it’s.. hm. dabi is the one with the clear talent here. (fuyumi is a beast on the ice when it comes to hockey though. will dominate. but she kinda... didnt really continue with it)
enji isnt PLEASED that his son isnt gunna be a hockey player but he still values figure skating and will fucking make sure he’s the BEST at it. and so the brutal training starts. he gets some good coaches and also takes up the coaching mantle 
the thing is.. rei was amazing as a skater but her body just... wasnt really made for all of that??? and dabi unfortunately kinda inherited that. his body hates the impacts and such. he’s amazing at figure skating. he has a grace similar to his mothers but there’s something more fierce to him. 
and honestly !!! he gets far!!
also natsuo comes around. he’s a bit too clumsy for either sport and resents the fact that him and fuyumi are neglected by their father. he also loves touya and gets so pissed seeing his brother so hurt
and shouto is born and this kid was made to be on the ice. he’s skating from the moment he can fucking stand on his own.
obvs enji’s attention is split but it’s mainly on touya who is winning championships and GOING places but it’s still not good enough
anyway idk how far he goes?? but it’s the biggest competition yet and on ice mid routine he lands wrong
one thing leads to the next and he’s pretty much medically retired from a young age. he can skate. he can still kinda preform but he cant do what he used to at ALL and he cant keep up with the brutal pace enji sets. there’s a lot of trying to push him still and it’s just.. not happening
for all it’s worth dabi is kinda glad he isnt doing it anymore. but he fears for his babies brother. shouto is a natural and while yes being a professional athlete of any sort is brutal on your body, his body is a lot more capable
but like touya before, shouto is pushed to his absolute limits. bleeding and injuries and puking his guts out from being pushed too far
there’s a lotta resentment but he still pushes through w skating. 
(side note but there DEF is some todomido/tododeku w hockey player izuku who ends up being coached by THE yagi toshinori and who helps shouto out w making shit his own)
anyway so in the end dabi ends up working at a rink tho lol
it’s p much owned by shigarai and run by the lov (who in this au end up making their own little ragtag unofficial local hockey team p much and play games against other teams like them)
despite his father’s whole career, dabi does enjoy playing hockey with these dipshits
but yeah he enjoys his time working at the rink, fucking around and sleeping in random places and sometimes running the zamboni
he’s also best frenemies with shigaraki. they get along and both deal with a shitty upbringing and despite some slight animosity they both would kill if someone fucked w the other 
(also at some point dabi DEF teaches some little kid classes lol)
also dabi does sometimes skate his own routines from time to time. only when he’s alone really. though fuyumi has a pass to be there though he will gripe still
now there is a couple ways to go with this and somewhere in me there is an au with hockey player hawks who takes skating lessons from figure skater dabi BUT
i think for this au we’ll just say he was a figure skater from the get go
i think he WANTED to do hockey as a kid. like shouto he’s also a fucking natural and was skating as soon as he could fucking stand and walk. and he looked up to enji and kinda wanted to take up hockey but 
listen,,, trans hawks. who wanted to be like todoroki enji and be a pro hockey player. shit just.. didnt work like that though and besides he’s a tiny dude and god he’d be fucking obliterated 
he kinda is self taught and the ice is his escape from his shitty home life
idk how this works but listen gotta tie in the commission somehow???
he’s scouted or whatever for figure skating at a very young age and his mom is happy to take the heavy scholarships and happy to sign him over to skate for these ppl and have them push him to be The Best
and this kid is FAST. he’s fast and is insane with his jumps and stg it almost looks like he’s FLYING (which gets him the nickname hawks)
the coaches are brutal and shit sucks and a lot of the time it kinda sucks the life out of the sport but he still enjoys it
he has a love for outfits that legit have flare to them (also im thinking of johnny weir’s one outfit w the feathers but yknow instead of white they are RED) and while he does do routines to boring ass music he mainly likes doing shit different (also dabi was p much forced the whole time to do shit to that boring ass music but on his own he’d use his own music taste to skate to)
and he’s good!! he GOES places. he’s like makes it to the olympics at a young age and is one of THE youngest gold medalists for figure skating
im sure somewhere along the line him and dabi DID meet. it was at some competition and hawks was VIBRATING bc there’s ENJI and he wants and autograph and oH GOD IS THAT HIS SON??? he’s HOT. (and at this time dabi still had his red hair and like no piercings and what little ones he had they were out but this dumbass will not recognize him later on)
but god he needs to chill TF out or he will fuck up in the competition 
he hears about dabi’s whole accident and like feels for him but again it’s not like they were friends. there was more of a slight rivalry and they barely spoke if they did
but so idk like.. between seasons hawks finds himself going like nearly every day to this rink.. aka shigaraki’s rink (also sidenote but lbr it’s really run by shirakumo who kinda has to fucking herd the cats w this group)
as frenemies dabi and shigaraki share their distaste for some of these pro athletes (tho some get a pass) and kinda complain about hawks a bit tho like..... shigaraki cant complain TOO much bc of the money from hawks renting out the rink for a few hours almost every day
dabi is too gay for this shit when he actually sees hawks in action. rip him 
tbh they dont really interact tho (besides dabi telling him to gtfo the rink or he’ll run him over with the zamboni) until one day that hawks catches dabi skating
he was done and should have been gone but he forgot something on the bleachers and then he sees dabi and.. oh boy he’s GAY AF
and also dabi is RLLY GOOD???
and so hawks makes a FOOL of himself and startles the poor guy and p much presses all the wrong buttons w asking why he doesnt compete or something
and i mean im sure they had some SLIGHT progress w talking before. nothing significant but god the walls go RIGHT THE FUCK UP and dabi is pissed
tbh dabi was gunna get to the point where he LEGIT talked to him and maybe lowkey asked him out (he says this but shigaraki calls his bluff) and now there is no way. he storms off and tries to avoid him so hard
and hawks tries to corner him a bit but after some time he does manage to corner him and be like pls just let me take you out to dinner to make up for that shit????
aaand dabi accepts bc listen okay he cant say no to free food ??? like he’s kinda pissy w this guy but also.. listen he has EYES 
anywayyy p much this just leads to them dating
hawks DEF looks him up and watches all the vids of him and like the idiot he is realizes that he met him before ( “oh my GOD i know you” “uh… we’re dating i hope u know me?????”  “nO I MEAN WE MET AT (insert comp)”)
but before that dabi did like tell him some shit. mainly about like how he used to skate blah blah and the whole thing that ended all of that
he doesnt really delve too deep into like his shitty childhood until well later
idk what leads to it but the convo finally comes up and it’s so draining for dabi and hawks is horrified and ready to fight his dad (“listen i just sharpened my skates i’ll just-”)
anyway some side things bc this is long and i will answer questions on this tho
rumi is a women’s pro hockey player and fuyumi who actually follows hockey and shit has the BIGGEST crush on her (they end up together)
also natsuo comes to see one of the leagues games (he hasnt really seen them play tbh?? he hears about it from dabi but he lives like at least a few hours away on campus and is going for med school so rip him) and like he meets shigaraki and anyway dabi is losing his FUCKING MIND bc his best frenemy/boss and his younger brother are FLIRTING. RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM???
dabi and hawks are really gay together and have skated together by this point and made out on ice a few times and shigaraki was miserable and is like “NOW U KNOW!!” and dabi is pissed bc “yEAH BUT THAT”S MY LITTLE BROTHER??? IT”S NOt thE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 
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cancellablex · 3 years
About fem g'cest! I presume Noelle "gets along" with a LOT of musicians (especially in post-oasis era)? and what about the others in the band? Gem and Noel seem really cute in HFB... Also the Oasis-Blur rivalry would be even more interesting considering Blur are still lads? (strangely I think about Johnny being Joanie Marr in this universe haha)
Okay so this has resulted in a couple retcons! and there’s now a tag! #noellia :D 
So you see, as I’ve been thinking stuffz through I was tempted to genderswap EVERYONE but then I decided that the world was the same and the only genders changed would be those that would maintain the het/gay status of the canon relationships in this world. (So we got Patrick Kensit, Mark Matthews, Nick Appleton, Sam MacDonald, and Devon Gwyther - plus Noelle’s pre-fame boyfriend Louis, plus uh Lewis Moorish AND Lewis Ghorbani good god lmao)
So like, everyone the same but the girls, their officially recognized love interests, and Clint Boon (because lbr lmao). And I was like “The Smiths have to be guys because of the homoerotic content influencing Take Me” BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE - it still works and also I’m now a Johnny/Noel truther because if my thirst comment about Noel hadn’t killed my computer I wouldn’t have opened this interview in a separate tab to finish watching and I wouldn’t have seen the comment below it claiming they were lovers and also cos one of my cest buds ships it and has given me material go read their fic. So you’re absolutely right, Joanie Marr is perfect as a hero and mentor and friend of Noelle’s!!!! 
Thank you! :D Now, about the rest of the band, they’d stay the same - so we got Bonehead and Guigsy and Tony as guys, and Bonehead is still a bro type friend of Lia’s :) even if they kissed lol, and I can see Lia having dated Tony and that’s why he got sacked lmao. Andy and Gem are still Andy and Gem! :D so Gem and Noel would also be friends, maybe an unrequited crush from Gem’s side but it still works, you know? sometimes as a lesbian you get dudes who genuinely like you as a person crushing on you but they are decent about it so you work well together and be good friends
Ah fuck... we’re gonna need female Russell Brand and Matt Morgan aren’t we? :| WE’LL DEAL WITH 2008 AND ONWARDS WHEN WE GET THERE
I think Noelle would hang out with a whole bunch of male musicians because of the music and people would rumour there was something else but like, nope lol, but it’d be fine because everybody would make a big deal about her not being traditionally attractive despite she being really quite hot and also like A ROCK QUEEN?!. And also would hang out with more female rockstars and people would be like AH SOLIDARITY AMONGST ROCK GODDESSES but nah, they banging
Much to think about 
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TMS ship dump under the cut, in case anyone was curious :3c
Season 1:
I really don’t ship any of the S1 masks with another S1 mask, all of them are cross-gen
Season 2:
Iced Egg (Ice Cream x Egg): CLASSIC ship. Both were eliminated together, and they’re both twinks (as well as a lot of people thought they deserved a second ep). I really enjoy this one, it’s a very harmless ship. Ice Cream thrives in the cold and Egg is an ice skater. It’s really good.
Fried Bones (Egg x Skeleton): Raw UST ship. Both sang love songs at each other absolutely carnally. Out for blood, or bone marrow, or yolk, or something. Doesn’t have a good romantic vibe but it’s a good gilf x twink ship. I enjoy. (can you even imagine a hat swap...)
Blackfly (Black Widow x Butterfly): Massive sass warning on this one. Those creepy crawly gals will chew you up and laugh about it while they go on a coffee date. They’ll end your career. Girls helping girls and also kissin each other.
Thottie (Thingamajig x Rottie): Himbo x nerd/jock, lbr. They’re both precious boys are probably really cute together. A good best friends to lovers ship.
Angry Birds (Penguin x Eagle): I will simp for a good Smackdown ship. Both give off a great independent yet together vibe, and they both sang a love song. Have I mentioned they’re both birds and mad as hell? I love them.
Season 3:
Fritty (Frog x Kitty): WHO am I if not a Fritty shipper. I love the dynamic, from the 30′s costumes, to the gangsta boy x sassy girl, to the delicious colour palette. I refuse to accept they ‘broke up’ so easily and between shots. Don’t threaten me with a good ship, FOX
Astroturtle (Astronaut x Turtle): hhh boys. Did FOX REALLY think they could pair up two loverboys together in a verses and we not think ‘hey something is going on here’. While unmasking isn’t canon, Hunter and Jesse being bros irl helps the cause. A nervous space boy and his punk rock turtle boyfriend. It sounds just like a BL novel
Swex (Swan x T-Rex): Not much to say but it’s really cute. Meme culture gals. Bear said it was my turn on the X-Box. Iconic.
Rabox (Rabbit x Fox): One of the best Fox ships, and THE best Rabbit ship. Fox literally presented a framed picture of Rabbit in the Christmas ep, sniffs it with his muzzle twitching, and polishes the frame. Fellas- The two have a ‘tired alcoholic x chaotic rabbit’ vibe. So Sam and Max. Also they both have mechanical parts, so they’re probably equipped to help the other if anything happens
Leocock (Leopard x Peacock): I DIDN’T NAME THIS ONE. Two flamboyant and sassy men together? I couldn’t imagine not at least headcanoning them as FRIENDS (or rivals). The two have a strong competitiveness (Peacock getting sad about a small mistake/Leopard being burned up about two smack downs) and I can see them firing each other up. Not to mention how touchy those two are...
Night-Lion (Night Angel x Lion): Night Angel deserves a queen. Lion deserves a queen. They are both queens. They are made for each other. They are both elegant, strong, fierce, and worth it. Absolute power couple.
Pink Pile (Alien x Poodle x Flamingo): yeah we don’t have a ship for this one. The basis of this ship is Poodle is good with Flamingo, but ALSO Poodle is good with Alien. In no ways would Alien and Flamingo NOT be good, so it’s an ideal ot3. Alien and Flamingo struggle with their confidence, and Poodle is there to boost it, along with the two crosshairing. Poodle practices her jokes on the two, and they help her brainstorm new ideas. Flamingo and Poodle are both fashion gals, and Alien always takes millions of photos for them. Additionally, Flamingo is an itty bitty thing... snuggled between her taller girlfriends... Soft and fluffy.
I might be missing some ;-; but I really like these ships they r good
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nandermoenthusiast · 7 years
an au in which clarke of the water tribe and her adoptive brother miller find a boy named monty inside of an iceberg and are chased by a teen named bellamy who later on turns out to be just misguided (bonus: octavia as azula) (bonus #2: raven as toph)
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bakedhyuns · 4 years
Heio! Can you do a reaction of S/O going for the first time at EXO individual house? 🤗
ahhh i hope this is what you’re looking for... like the first time their s/o comes over to/sees their apartment? i got a LITTLE carried away here with descriptions and headcanons but... let’s GO!minseok - he’d obviously make sure everything is perfect (which wouldn’t take much, lbr, everything would already be perfect) and he’d probably be a bit nervous. IT WILL BE SPOTLESS.... AND IF U MESS THAT UP GOSH HE’S GONNA TRY RLY HARD TO REMAIN UNBOTHERED BUT U MIGHT JUST SEE A VEIN IN THE FOREHEAD.... maybe he’d try to cook something. make it like a cute date night at his place. obviously it would be impressive because it’s minseok. would kiss you so sweetly and thank u for coming over...... probably ask you to stay the night.....
junmyeon - oof...... junmyeon will so desperately want everything to be perfect the way minseok does but it just won’t be and maybe he will FLY OFF THE FUCKING HANDLE about it but it’s fine because you love him and you low key (high key) think it’s hilarious when he’s losing it about dumb things. he’s rly nervous about you seeing his place (probably it’ll be for a date)... and u gotta reassure him like 19383453 times that it’s beautiful and you love him and he’s doing a good job. and let’s be honest... his place isn’t perfect, but it’s expensive and that’s hot and ur fuckin tonight on those nice silk sheets
yixing - i feel like you’d be on a date and he’d be like “yo wanna see my place” and you’d be like “yeah man” and he’d be like “neato let’s go” (maybe not in those words ok).... anyway u know the beginning of the honey mv? his apartment looks like that in my mind. so it’s pretty lit. and when you tell him it’s amazing he’d probably just shrug or something like he really don’t care man. he probably cleaned up a bit just in case but mostly unbothered.... he’d make u coffee with his fancy espresso machine and make out with you on the sofa.
baekhyun - oh god here we go... this would not be planned. you’d both be drunk. you’d both been sitting at this stupid bar flirting all night when you both know y’all just want to leave and FUCK. so when someone (baekhyun) finally gets the courage to say something, you go to most convenient location. which is baek’s place. is it clean? nope. is there stuff everywhere? absolutely. does it matter? not at all. maybe when you wake up the next morning you’ll laugh at the way he keeps his things and he’ll pout a little but mostly he’s just happy to have spent the night with u :’)jongdae - i feel like you’d get like 6 months into your relationship and be like “.... dae why have i never been to your apartment” and he’d just be like “i like coming here :)” but rly he’s just like weirdly private about his stuff and kinda scared to fully let ppl into his life but u know.... anyway eventually he’d have to give in and bring you over. it would really just be... simple. minimal. but everything would remind you of him. you’d probably get a tour but it would be cut short because you wouldn’t want to leave his bedroom (wink)
chanyeol - chanyeol seems like he’s pretty romantic and cheesy and such so he’d probably plan some whole thing for you to come over and he’d have dinner and there would be flowers and candles and it would be INTENSE AF so just be ready for that...... underneath everything it’s still going to be very chanyeol though. he’s not going to hide his action figures or his music stuff. he’s going to be moderately all over the place. it would be comforting because it would be SO MUCH like him. he’d def take it rly seriously and say some shit like “i don’t wanna fuck tonight..... i wanna make love” cause ... chanyeol....
kyungsoo - i imagine you’d see ksoo’s place pretty early on in a relationship with him because he’d probably ask you to come over for a date to make dinner for you. honestly, i picture it rly cozy and comfy and soft and well kept and maybe i’m completely wrong but..... you know i just picture it to be.... a lot like kyungsoo. he’d cook for you and you’d cry because it was so amazing and he’d prob blush a lot and then kiss you. (etc)
jongin - okay but is jongin capable of living on his own...... no really.... y’all i straight up have a hard time picturing him living alone. i really see him living with at least one of the members until he has someone else to live with u feel me. but like imagine he takes you over and you’re like making out on the couch and suddenly chanyeol walks in and is like “hey guys” and you’re like HOLY SHIT and jongin is just like OH HI :3 and you’re like HOW DID HE GET IN and he’s like “i live here lmao” and jongin is like “oops i forgot to tell you..... wanna see my pajama collection now?”
sehun - i also picture sehun living with someone else but i also picture him being the type to just fucking have an “extra” apartment for when he needs it. so like he brings you there and you’re like bro you don’t fucking live here and he’s like yeah i do and you’re like no honey there’s literally nothing here like not even a single plate. and he kinda freaks out and apologizes and says he just wanted to impress you and he lives with other ppl cause he doesn’t like being alone and this really is his place he just doesn’t use it and...... he’s very cute so you kiss him rly quick and he confirms that the apartment does, in fact, have a bed.(ooooooooof i need to chill.... hope this is okay!)
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awaylaughing · 4 years
Pippa and Hamin for the ship meme!
let’s GOOOOO. Under a read more because I can talk about Ideas For Fucking Ever. The meme in question and if you read this and think “golly gee, I’d love to give you an opprotunity to chat more about othere people” I have a shiny new character page you could reference here.
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
This one I had to think about. Hamin probably makes a better werewolf, but Pippa makes a UNIQUELY terrible hunter so, pivoting ever so slightly maybe she’s more like a behind the scenes information broker type (Pippa, Collector and Keeper of Secrets is incredibly canon after all). She’d obviously have to start off allied with the hunters, to keep the tension with Hamin real and true. Hamin’s pack doesn’t have the WORST reputation possible, but they’re definitely not above suspicion. They retain their passion for ocean voyages, which strikes other people as odd because prejudice.
That said, you know who ALSO makes a great werewolf? Pippa’s mother and “aunt”, Roshan and Jessamine, so Pippa as part of a bamf all lady’s wolf pack who get tangled up with hunter shenanigans is also an excellent plot. Not least because Pippa would be a very pretty wolf, I dare say (maybe they’d actually be were-jackels, a la the Golden Jackel? A Consideration, given where I HC a modern AU Pippa would be from).
In this case I’d say the lady’s pack almost never maul people, except maybe domestic abusers and rapists, but who can blame them? So another pack moves in (it’s prob Jarrude’s lbr) and causes problems and Very Serious Hunter Hamin (ha) has to wade through the complicated world of lycanthrope politics to find The Truth. And of course falls in love with the nicest werewolf this side of whatever major geographical feature of your choice.
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
Mermaid Pippa and “fisherman” Hamin, natch. Pippa’s not very ruthless canonically, but I can apply liberal use of Alternate Cultural POVs On Ethics and say Pippa only leaves her goaded people on rocks, she never drowns them! That’s very nice of her! And sometimes she pulls an Ariel and helps a bro out, which is probably related to how her and Hamin meet. Some options:
1. Pippa had previously saved Hamin’s life, so in turn, something happens and she gets caught, and he saves her life as repayment. Similar to Bog Standard Plot Below, she’s obviously too injured to return to sea so they’re forced to cohabitate. High jinks and romance ensue.
2. Bog standard mermaid washed ashore plot. Bathtub high jinks ensue. There’s a scene where someone catches Hamin carrying a bucket of raw fish into his house and he has to explain it away. Leala catches on in the first 20 mins. At some point, they’re forced to bring Pippa to dinner with Hamin’s dad and there is much nerves, only for Pippa to reveal she’s stranded many a gentlemen adventurer in her time and she picked up some epic etiquette knowledge along the way.
3. Hamin gets stranded somewhere and Pippa’s the only person around who can come visit. It starts with her bringing him fish. Requisite Second Act Breakup is when Pippa, conscience having formed in the last hour of run time, reveals a way off his small deserted island. Obviously, he sails off in a huff and they meet up again in the next 35 minutes, have the big damn kiss and idk how you turn this one into a true happy ending and not a sort of esoteric one but Hollywood and or an Indie Darling Director will manage.
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Witch Pippa, hands down the answer. She gets it from her grandmother (er, step-grandmother?). Does Hamin have an animal form? If so, does it align to Pippa Aesthetic and is he a snakey boi or, does he get to pick? What would Hamin pick? Seagull - the goose of the sea?
Other option is he’s always human and either case I’m betting Hamin’s not a traditional familiar. Rather, he needed to get out Faerie/Familiarland STAT and filched Pippa’s contract off a Traditional And Proper Familiar and got himself a ticket to human land away from whoever he pissed off.
High jinks ensue.
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
I had to think about this one because I mean let’s be very real here - neither Pippa, Quintessential Nice But Still Privileged Rich Girl or Hamin “cause problems for the staff on purpose” are shoe ins for having worked for customer service. That said, Hamin’s more likely to piss off his dad and be forced to get a job and like, have a real person job in general. So, Hamin’s barista job is his in-world Summit equivelent and he planned to quit the moment he paid off whatever damages he’s definitely paying off.
Except, Pippa comes in and orders only moderately complicated coffee orders and this isn’t a place that does the name thing so Hamin knows Nothing except she’s friendly and pretty and omg this one is perfect to throw in the OT3 because clearly the only reason he doesn’t just immediately ask Pippa for her name and number and also the next 20 years of her life pls and thanks is her hot boyfriend.
(But it’s okay, Pippa has two hands and so does Zarad u_u)
Otherwise she’d have to be someone who just comes to drive through bc idk why he’d hold off on asking since this is HAMIN we’re talking about.
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
...either of these two in academia is an interesting prospect. Maybe he’s a kid who got into archeology because of Indiana Jones and, while there’s far fewer chase scenes and death traps, Hamin ended up with a PhD and a job and look, he’s as confused as you are about how this all happened. It’s alright though because the job does come with cute anthropology TAs who work in an allied and often cross referential field. Pippa’s less immediately enamoured with Hamin but warms up because he’s the only person who actually listens to her and doesn’t treat her like she’s a child just because she’s a short woman.
This one could be set in exciting locales for a bit of Indie Flavour but with more consent and less horrifying age gaps, and no breaking of international laws and if anyone gets squished by rocks it’s a horrifying rock slide scenario.
Alternatively, polisci professor Pippa is working alongside the marine biology department to work on smth enviro-politics and ocean protection. TA Hamin is Very Enthusiastic about helping her out. This one features a scene where people naturally assume Hamin’s the professor and he trolls the ever living shit out of them.
This one is set in conferences which is 10000% less sexy but also way more familiar.
Depends on the vibes u want. Either way, Lyon is there somewhere and he and Pippa are unlikely friends purely because 4′10″ Pippa and like, 6′5″ or whatever Lyon being friends is never not hilarious. He definitely disapproves of Hamin just in general but especially in a library setting.
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
This is legit a Knight’s Tale AU, except instead of Jousting, we’ll say Hamin ends up taking Princess Pippa across the country as a sort of personal security situations and, as usual high jinks ensue. IDK who makes the best Chaucer stand in as a pal to help Hamin in his quest but he definitely needs the help. Pippa catches on like, super fast anyway because her interpersonal insight is boss af but she just goes with it because it’s amusing and he’s doing a fine job.
Another candidate for the OT3 bc Chaucer!Zarad is perfect, but so is the plot being that Hamin and Zarad had a thing aaages ago, now Pippa’s being carted off to marry prince Zarad and oh hey this is also nearly a Sinbad AU but with the proper Poly Ending in place
There is no AU where Pippa’s a the knight to Hamin’s prince, I’m sad to say. Her martial skills are about nil.
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
HMMM. I think Early Childhood Specialist Hamin and Parent Pippa shake out best, mostly because at the end of the day I don’t think Pippa like...likes kids that much. She doesn’t dislike them but she’d never want a life devoted to spending all her time with them. Her own kids though, different story.
Evil instinct says dad is Clarmont, because I feel like Clarmont is really easy to kill off in incredibly tragic but heroic circumstances and Modern AU Pippa would totally be down for a Clarmont romance. Anyway, Pippa has an adorable little girl who thinks Mr. Hamin is the BEST teacher, he helped her dig up worms for her show and tell at recess mama!
Pippa and Hamin in this set up don’t actually meet for like, a solid three months so they both form skew-whiff images of the other and so they get a CLASSIC “oh no (s)he’s hot / THIS IS MR. HAMIN / THIS IS MS. X” moment. Adorable Little Girl is captain of this ship despite being like, 4 and Pippa and Hamin are just along for the ride.
High jinks ensue.
(alt bc I’m never not on my bullshit dad is Zarad, and not dead and they just never married bc Family Drama and OT3 babey)
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
Absolutely writer Hamin and editor Pippa. She inherited from someone who quit and she really shakes things up by like, having Expectations and shit and Hamin, who’s been not in a good place following a personal trauma, finds himself annoyed for all of two seconds before she shows up on his doorstep on the day after a due date because if he wants to play Pippa will Play. And oh no, she’s cute. Hamin is enraptured, Pippa just wants him to work at first. Romance blossoms lopsidedly but he charms her after some sort of deal is struck that includes her dragging him out of the house to buy food or just go for a walk or whatever.
Shenanigan ensue.
This one is pure fluff about the power of human connection, there is no second act drama they get to skip ahead AND collect their 20 dollars it’s great.
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likeshipsonthesea · 4 years
I dare you to post their get together from chowder's perspective because you're an amazing and magical writer and I'd love to read it at any level of editing
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well u did dare me :P inspired heavily by this post
the thing is, chowder really, really loves his new friends.
nursey is so cool and funny and nice and he knows all this poetry that sounds so cool and he always saves chowder a piece of pie when he isn’t there and bitty’s on a baking binge, and he helps chowder write Important Emails and doesn’t even complain when chowder asks him about the exclamation point in the third paragraph for the fourth time
and dex is really smart and has a dry sense of humor and he cares so much about people even when he pretends he doesn’t, he does his laundry when chowder does and lets chowder match all the socks while he folds both of their clothes with like retail level precision and he’s great to sit and work on coding with and never gets upset when chowder interrupts him to ask him why a certain part isn’t working right and he helps bitty make him soup and pastries when he gets sick right before finals week their frog fall semester
and they’re both swawesome at hockey, they do their very best to keep the dirty puck away from his net, and they are such swawesome people and literally the only thing he doesn’t like about his new friends is how adamant they are about not liking each other
he tries, at first, to correct their complaining when they come to him. “the guy refuses to listen to anyone who isn’t himself,” nursey groans, muffled, because his face is pressed against chowder’s pillow, and chowder very kindly explains that dex is a bit stubborn sometimes but he always listens to chowder, even when he has a differing opinion, and when dex wraps himself in chowder’s duvet like a burrito and grumbles out, “he acts like he’s chill all the fucking time just to fuck with me,” chowder says that nursey acts like he’s chill even when dex isn’t there and also, why do you think he’s acting?? i think he’s just that chill
but as time goes on he realizes that neither of them believe him because they haven’t seen it for themselves and, look, he could try and orchestrate some plot where they secretly see one another being good people and miraculously change their opinion about each other and they all become a happy trio of friendos with no animosity at all, but chowder is also an ncaa athlete, a stem major, and someone who likes to party a fair amount. he’s got no time for that kind of bullshit.
and so they go through spring term and things aren’t greeattt all the time and sometimes nursey and dex get into screaming matches on the quad and chowder just has to pretend like he doesn’t know them, but most of the time it’s good, it’s fine, and he really does love his friends.
then they lose the frozen four, something happens that neither of them will tell him about, and the fuckers go and gang up on him
it seems, after all the times chowder told them about how they’re both funny and good at hockey and passionate about school and all the other things they have in common, they decide instead to bond over their mutual love of chirping their very best friend in the whole wide world.
to be honest, he’s just glad they’re getting along.
and they still show up at his room all hours of the night and day to burrow into his bed and complain about each other, but at least now chowder lives in the haus and he can eat pie as he pretends to listen to them.
and maybe he starts noticing how some of the complaints aren’t necessarily the kind of thing you’d expect, like “how are his eyes so fucking green, it’s impossible to win an argument when he’s staring at you” or “have you seen how many freckles he has after summer break?? he’s like one giant freckle, it’s unfairly distracting” and despite not really paying attention, he starts to notice when the tone of complaining changes from i hate this guy to i hate how pretty this guy is
he never brings it up. once again, he does not have time to try and get his two best friends together on top of all his other responsibilities, but he notes it down anyway. for being-a-good-friend-purposes. like when ransom sets nursey up with a girl on the volleyball team, chowder spends the whole night watching monty python movies with dex on the couch, and kindly ignores the relief in dex’s shoulders when nursey shows up to breakfast the next day and relays that the date was a bust. and when they’re doing workouts at the gym, chowder very deftly navigates nursey away from the weights when dex is using them to spare him from turning into a mumbling mess at the sight of dex’s arms
and maybe he notices when they start becoming more self aware and the complaining-about-appearance becomes complaining-about-good-things, like nursey saying, in the middle of a rant, “you know he’s fixed betsy like fifteen times in the past two weeks? how the fuck can you fix an oven fifteen different ways? that’s insane” or when dex pauses his recount of nursey’s ridiculous chill behavior to mention, “he’s been editing ransom’s thesis because he knows how much ransom stresses over grammar and he’s like, really good at it”
and it’s probably at this point that chowder breaks the bro code and tells farmer all about his dumb friends and their dumb mutual infatuation, because lbr here the boy cannot handle all this pining on his own. “they’re in love with each other but they think it’s hate”
“i know, i know” farmer soothes, running her fingers through his hair
“why are boys so dumb” chowder laments
farmer, who is currently wearing her best bra and pantie set under her clothes, sighs deeply. “i don’t know,” she says, equally forlorn.
then, well, then the dib flip happens and nursey and dex are literally shoved together and either one or both of them -- chowder has an inkling that it’s dex, but he’s not sure -- seems to freak out and neither of them comes to his room to complain for the rest of the term.
and then chowder has the greatest summer of his life, his former captain wins the stanley cup, and bitty and jack get to kiss on center ice, and chowder gets to attend a training camp with the falcs and jack and he’s on the ice with twenty stanley cup champions and chowder doesn’t come down from this high until he shows up at the haus and finds out that something has gone horribly wrong.
despite the frequent texts, calls, and facetimes, dex and nursey didn’t seem to have as great summers as they’d made it appear. they don’t really tell him directly -- that’s another thing they have in common, never talking about their emotions plainly -- but from what chowder can glean from what they do tell him, is that dex’s family seemed to take jack and bitty’s coming out as evidence towards dex’s queerness and they were dealing with it... less than great, and nursey’s parents had a fight and had since been jettisoning around the world for “work” in an attempt to avoid one another and, as a result, nursey
the living together thing goes.. not swawesome. chowder is obviously disappointed that he no longer has his two best friends just a bathroom away, but after dex moves into the basement, both nursey and dex start coming back to his room for complain sessions again and it’s -- chowder wants to say it’s a good sign.
it starts out mostly complaint complaining, the familiar stuff from their frog year, but slowly but surely as the year goes on the old “his fucking hair” and “he literally helped a little old lady carry her groceries to her car” come back into play and chowder lets go of some stress he hadn’t realized he’d been holding
“they’re going to make me go gray before i’ve even hit 25,” chowder says, another night when he’s complaining to farmer, and farmer says, “you’d look sexy as a silver fox,” and, well. the rest of the night is spent very much not complaining
senior year, they’ve got an ncaa championship under their belt and dex is the captain. he stops coming to chowder’s dorm, probably out of some sense of loyalty to his team that chowder finds both ridiculous and sweet. nursey seems to have no qualms complaining about his captain, on the other hand, but soon even the thin veneer of complaining he’d covered all his pining with has washed away.
“he’s so good with the baby frogs,” and “never tell this to another living soul, but his cherry pie is even better than bitty’s,” and, one memorable night, “do you think i’m in love with dex?”
it’s after sunset, the world dark outside chowder’s window but he’s not exactly sure of the time, and nursey’s lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling and he looks -- chill. he doesn’t always look chill anymore -- looking back, chowder can admit that maybe the ever-present chill from their frog year had been more a show than anything else -- so this chill means something important, chowder thinks.
chowder thinks, smiling a little, that nursey is finally ready.
“of fucking course i think you’re in love with dex,” chowder bursts out with the frustration that’s a by-product of having patience for three and a half fucking years. “you’ve come into my room at all hours of the day since we were freshmen to complain about how pretty his freckles are, you’ve been in love with the dude for years, and i’ve had to sit here and deal with all of it.”
nursey’s staring at him with a slightly open mouthed, wide-eyed expression.
chowder gathers his poise and then says, very calmly, “yes.”
nursey nods, once or twice slowly and then picking up speed. “wow. okay.”
“i’ve been holding that in for a while.”
“i could tell.”
a stupid, hopeful, optimistic part of chowder thought that would be the end of it. nursey realized he’s in love with dex, he’d tell dex, and they’d be all stupid and gross and finally chowder would get them back for years of fines.
but nothing seems to change. nursey still comes in and ostensibly complains while pining and dex still doesn’t, instead apparently baking away his frustration (and it’s not like chowder’s going to complain about that) and really, chowder should’ve known these two idiots would need more than a few sentences to get over their combined stupidity
it comes to a head a week before graduation. never let it be said that chowder’s friends are anything less than Dramatic Fuckers
he’s helping dex pack away everything he won’t need in the next few days so when he and nursey leave for new york after graduation there won’t be much to do. he finds a random green beanie in a drawer with dex’s workout clothes and says, “hey, where should i put this?” and dex gets the most ridiculous sappy look on his face.
he hasn’t technically been chowder’s captain since the season ended with a back to back ncaa championship a month ago, and it’s not like dex has any authority over him after how many times he bugged chowder about nursey’s nose, so it’s without hesitation and with purely dex’s best interests at heart that chowder says, “you know you’re in love with him, right?”
dex surprises him then by saying, “yeah.”
a vein in chowder’s neck nearly pops. “then why the fuck have i been listening to nursey pine about your eyelashes for months.”
dex’s eyes widen and, when he gets over the surprise elation whatever, he stumbles over some stupid explanation that captains shouldn’t date their players and it wasn’t the right time and all this other absolute crap, and so chowder does the most meddling he’s ever allowed himself to do and tells dex that he will finish the packing as long as he goes and finds nursey right this fucking second
when nursey and dex tell the story to him and farmer later -- dex blushing and nursey embellishing with his arm curled around dex’s shoulders, pulling him close -- chowder will laugh and tease them and play his part as their very best friend in the whole wide world.
but that night, when he’s gross and sweaty from packing up dex’s entire fucking room and he can’t even sleep in his own goddamned bed because his friends are being exceptionally loud just one bathroom away, he shows up on farmer’s doorstep and says, with all the sincerity in the world, “i hate my friends”
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