#it's a bummer because i do miss writing fic
pynkhues · 2 years
I hope that you will come back in the ao3 GG fandom someday. Your stories were the best !
Ah! Thank you so, so much, anon, I'm definitely keen to. I miss writing about this toxic ship a lot, and still have stories I want to finish. I'm hoping sometime in the next few months I might have a bit more time on my hands again and get to work on a few things. But yes! Messages like this are very motivating, so thank you again <3
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
pleaseee, a part 2 to ‘ you don’t want to know me ‘
i love jamie tartt so much and hurt / comfort is just my fave kind of writing <3
Got a rude interesting comment in my inbox about my content. It’s kind of a bummer how one that isn’t nice attempts to overshadow all the love that people give. I’m glad people enjoy my writing, but ultimately I write it for myself. Requests are super awesome because it helps me grow as a writer, but I do only write the things that I want to. And I think that’s ok. I’m happy that there are a lot of people who like to read the things I like to write, and I understand those that don’t. You don’t have to be unkind about it.
Anyway, thank you @jellycolors for this ask! Y’all really do like a pt. 2 morning after fic, don’t you?😂
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never wanted you to hate me
The sun is at the perfect angle to shoot a beam directly into your eyes, waking you up at exactly 7:32am, twenty-eight minutes before your alarm is supposed to go off. It’s Sunday, which is stupid, because you’re supposed to sleep in. Instead, you’re awake in bed, with your blankets feeling warmer and heavier than usual. You blink your eyes open to Jamie Tartt, shirtless and on top of you, fast asleep. You’re pretty much pinned under him, unable (or unwilling) to move him off. 
You wonder how long you should let Jamie sleep, and what he’s going to think when he wakes up like this. You’re sure this is a far cry from his usual mornings, usually with some model or something wrapped around him. You think since he’s the one holding you, it’s probably fine.
Jamie doesn’t wake up until your alarm goes off and when it does, he startles and almost rolls off the bed. You laugh at his look of utter confusion, as it takes him a moment to figure out where he is.
“You alright?” you ask, still grinning. Jamie, however, is not.
“Yeah,” he replies shortly. “Gonna get my things and get the fuck out of here.” He stalks out your bedroom without another word.
The way he’s acting is a far cry from the Jamie who asked you to sit on the bathroom sink last night so he wouldn’t be alone. In fact, it’s closer to the prickish version of himself that comes out on the pitch. You don’t like that he’s being that way with you, so you follow him to your living room.
“What the fuck was that?” you say to Jamie’s back as he bends down to get his jacket off the couch.
“Don’t know what you mean,” he replies, still not turning around.
You cross your arms. “You come here all- all sad and shit, fall asleep in my bed, tell me you fucking love me, and now you’re just leaving? What the fuck?”
Jamie stills. “I was just tired. Didn’t know what I was saying.”
That’s a lie, and you’re not going to let him get away with it.
You make your voice as steely as possible. “Jamie Tartt, if you think I’m fucking stupid as to think that I wouldn’t know you’re lying, then you might as well just go.”
Jamie turns to face you, and he looks a little wild. “Don’t think that just because we’ve known each other for thirteen years, that you fucking know me. Leave me the fuck alone.”
You squint at him. He’s wrong again. You do fucking know him. You know him so well that you understand exactly why he’s reacting this way. He hates being vulnerable in front of anyone, so now he’s trying to cut and run, pushing away one of the last people who actually cares about him.
Jamie’s still standing by the couch, clutching his Man City jacket, knuckles white. He’s still shirtless, breathing hard and waiting for you to fire back. You don’t.
Instead you say, so softly, “You know I never talk about you, right? Not gonna fuck off to some tabloid and tell them you said you love some girl you’ve known since you were ten.”
Jamie deflates a little so you continue. “We’re going to talk about all this. We’re going to talk about Roy Kent and your dad and the fact that your mum misses you so she calls me instead, and I’m going to make you breakfast and probably hold your hand and by the time you leave, you’re going to feel better and maybe actually feel fucking happy, because I see you in pictures, Jaim, and your smile really doesn’t reach your eyes anymore.”
“It’s fucked, ain’t it?” he says quietly. “I’m twenty-three, still letting me dad push me around.” He puts the jacket back on the couch and walks toward you. “And Roy Kent- he’s been my hero since I was a kid. He fucking hates me, and now he’s got a reason because I ended his fucking career. Me. And I have to live with that shit. It was the fucking worst game I’ve ever had to play. I hate being with City, especially since they all hate me for bein’ at Richmond. Pep’s the only one who didn’t say shit, just told me I was a good lad. I’ve been feeling all these emotional things and I didn’t want to go to me mum and I knew you lived ‘round here, so I thought I’d come over. You always made me feel better after seeing my dad.”
Jamie’s right in front of you now, rubbing a thumb on your cheekbone. You’re absolutely positive he can hear your heartbeat, and you dare to thread your arms around his waist.
“I loved you the first time I saw you. That’s why I was always hanging ‘round. Mum knew, she teased me about it for the longest time. Always tried to get me to say somethin’, but I weren’t ready. And you always fucking saw right through me, which freaked me the fuck out. Even now, I feel like- like you’re looking straight through me to my soul, and it’s fucking terrifying. But-” he takes a deep breath, “I also feel safe around you. I dunno, maybe it’s ‘cause I’ve seen you eat so much cake you had to lie down on the couch and sleep it off.” 
He’s grinning now, and so are you. 
“Hey,” you say, poking his chest, “I was ten and you thought you were all great because you were a year older than me and way too smart to do shit like that, as if you haven’t puked from drinking too much.”
Jamie groans. “Fucking hell, maybe you know too much about me.”
“Not possible, Tartt,” you reply. “Now, you need a shirt and I need to shower.”
He smiles. “I think you might need some help. Heard you hate showering alone.”
You laugh. “Alright, you knob. Guess it’s been long enough.” 
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04mxfutbol · 1 year
Reality (Pt. 2) (Christen Press x Reader)
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A/N: I listened to My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift on repeat while writing this. Safe to say my tears have been lost somewhere in the fic. Okay enjoy (:
What hurts more than a relationship breakup? A friendship breakup. Gosh do they hurt. It’s a different type of pain.
You don’t know how it got to this point but here you were. Surrounded by so many people yet not even close to the one person you so badly wanted but couldn’t have.
“You look good today.” Megan says sarcastically.
“I feel like shit, god I do this to myself. Over and over.” You say as you set your phone down. “It’s just hard not to.”
“You’re just torturing yourself Y/N.” Alex says as she sits next to you. “You’re just opening that wound even more. Let it heal.”
“I just want to see her without her knowing I’m looking.”
“So a stalker.” Megan says.
“Well.. no? I just don’t want her to know I’m lurking through her page or even her boyfriends page. That would be weird.”
“But she knows who you are.” Alex says.
“That’s still a stalker.” Megan says. “And it is weird.”
“Meg.” Alex says.
“What? It is weird.”
“Shut up already.” Alex says slapping Megan on the arm.
“We aren’t even friends anymore, not like before.” You say as you pull the hoodie over yourself. “I just wish I could go back in time and fix things. But it’s too late now.”
“It gets better with time.” Alex says as she wraps her arm around you.
“Trust me I’ve been waiting but it’s been years Al. It’s been literal years.”
“Give it time Y/N.”
“I hope you’re right Al. I hope you’re right. I can’t move on. I don’t want this to be my life.”
You pull the strings on your hoodie, covering your face as you lean against Alex.
“She’s here.” Alex whispers and you quickly let your head fall onto her lap.
“Hey girls.” You hear Christen say, you don’t look anywhere, you close your eyes pretending to be asleep. “Alex.”
“Christen.” Alex says.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” Pinoe asks and you discretely kick her shin.
“Couldn’t make it today.” Christen says and Alex puts her arm on top of your body.
“Bummer.” Alex says trying not to sound sarcastic. “Would’ve loved to finally meet him. You know, you’ve been dating for two years now.”
“Maybe another time.” Christen says. ���I’m sure he’d love to meet you guys, he said he’d try and be here tomorrow.”
“Well that’s great.” Alex says.
“Is she sleeping?” Christen asks as she looks down to you.
“Knocked out.” Alex says as she places her hand on your head. “Long flight you know?”
“If I still remember correctly she probably stayed up all night to make sure she wouldn’t miss her flight.” Christen says, for some reason her remembering that made your heart flutter but also break a little.
She remembers. 
“I hate flights they stress me out.”
“Just sleep I’ll make sure I’ll wake you up if you don't wake up on time.” Christen says and you sigh.
“No because you sleep through your alarms.”
“Oh shush you. Look on the bright side, our families are going on a trip together.”
“True, it was a surprise they said yes.”
“That’s exactly what happened.” Alex says as she remembers last nights events.
“Same old Y/N/N.” Christen says with a chuckle.
“That’s Y/N for you.” Alex says patting your head.
“Well I’ll see you guys later right?” Christen asks.
You hear the wheels of a suitcase further away from you, finally lifting your head back up.
“Deep down I trick myself into thinking she loved me too at one point but never told me.” You say with a shrug.
“Come on let’s go back to our room.” Alex whispers as she stands up, extending her hand to you.
The three of you walk up to the hotel room, head rested against Alex’s arm.
As soon as you walked inside you laid down on the bed and curled up into a ball.
“Becky is on her way to grab something from here but don’t mind her.” Alex whispers and you nod.
You soon hear a knock on the door and hear the door open.
“Cap Becky!” Pinoe shouts.
“I’m just here to grab the folder.” Becky says walking into the room.
“Alex.” Becky says and then looks at the body on the bed, that body being you. “Hey Y/N what’s going on?”
“I hate feelings and love.” You say as you stare at the wall.
“Is Christen still being a total loser?” Becky asks.
“She’s not a loser.” You say.
“So it’s Christen.”
“When hasn’t it been.” You hear Pinoe say, you lift your head up and stick your tongue out at her.
“Can I state an opinion?” Alex asks, Becky looks at Alex and she tilts her head.
“Sure.” You say. “What is it?”
“I think there’s more to what happened the night it all went down, from my perspective at least. I mean there’s no reason to end a friendship over two people hanging out right?” Alex says. “I was there that night. I was that person hanging out with you.”
“I was very persistent on her calming down about you and me hanging out often. It didn’t seem like a big deal to me.”
“Then there’s more to it.” Alex says. “Just my opinion.”
“I guess, thanks.” You say as you grab a blanket, covering your head.
The sound machine beside the bed that Alex had turned on to help you fall asleep did it’s magic. Of course with a hint of Taylor Swift playing in the background, Alex knowing all too well it would knock you out, she had a playlist all made for you to sleep to.
“You know we can’t tell her.” Becky says whispering to Alex.
“Y/N needs the closure she deserves.” Alex whispers. “We’ve been lying to her the whole time.”
“We don’t even know the entire story! Christen said something just took over her that night.” Becky says. “You think I know the whole story? I don’t! Christen has been lying to us, we’re not lying to Y/N. We’ve told her all WE know.”
“All we know? Sure, but we sure as heck weren’t blind that night. You and I both know what we saw.” Alex says. “I was there Becky. It happened again that night when we all went together as a team to watch a basketball game.”
“And if we’re wrong? Then what? We give her false hope?” Becky says. “If we’re wrong we destroy her.”
“Well I wasn’t fucking blind that night that’s for sure and you know damn well what you saw that night.”
“I actually kind of agree with Becky here.” Pinoe says. “Are we certain of what we saw that night? Not necessarily but we also can’t kill her hope. We’re not even the ones to be saying what we saw because we all know Christen is the one who truly knows.”
“The same thing happened when we were in college. It was that same look of she wanted me dead.”
“No I’m serious. But it happened again and this time it looked like she wanted me to know. You were there.”
“We were all there this time but the first time? You said it yourself you guys were in college. We don’t know everything.”
“Christen has been on thin fucking ice since that night.” Alex says. “It’s been years.”
“Until she wants to say something about it then we can say something.” Becky says. “Okay? Okay. We’ve agreed”
Throughout all that whisper yelling you somehow slept through it, the sound machine doing its work as it should and the power of the playlist Alex had made you did wonders.
“You know this is the first time she’s actually getting some sleep. You guys haven’t been there.” Alex says. “I was! I was there! I’ve been there! She barely gets sleep and she needs help. It’s been years!”
“Clearly her first love.”
“You don’t get it, it’s been like this since college. Christen ruined this wonderful human being over what? Stupidity. Ignorance? JEALOUSY?”
“Okay now don’t say things like that.” Becky says. “We don't know that.”
“Y/N needs help I’m talking therapist help to heal and be able to move on.” Alex whispers. "You know I'm right. Christen only ever tries to find Y/N whenever things go wrong in her love life and Y/N being Y/N she lets her back in her life. Then when Christen is better she leaves."
"Okay so Christen is a jerk." Megan says. "What do you expect us to do then?"
"If I knew I would have been doing it already." Alex says as she gets into the bed with you. “She’s been through enough, she’s put up with Christen’s stupid games. Christen gives her false hope.”
“We don't say anything about it yet.” Becky says as she leaves the room.
“My poor Y/N has tried to face reality but can’t because she’s afraid.” Alex whispers as she runs her fingers through your hair.
“At least she has you.” Megan says with a shrug.
“She’ll always have me. That will never change.”
- - - -
“Good morning sunshine.” Alex whispers as she moves the hair out of your face. “Let’s go grab breakfast we’ve got a long day ahead of us.”
“Isn’t today a whole day of team bonding?” You grog out. “If so then I think I’ll take an extra hour of sleep.”
“Funny. Come on get up. Even if it’s team bonding, the time doesn’t change. It’s 7am. Get up.” Alex says as she pulls the first blanket off of you.
“Ugh sometimes this whole being a professional soccer player has its cons. This being one of them.” You say stretching. “A pro of being a professional soccer player is being friends with you.”
“Aww how sweet, nice try. Get up already.”
“You’re so bossy I hope you know that.” You say as you get up from the bed.
“I know.”
After dressing up you both head down to grab breakfast, naturally you sat next to Alex, always feeling protected by her.
“Feed me.” You tell Alex.
“Feed yourself I’m not going to feed you, your hands are working just fine.” Alex says.
“Alex please, I’m sad.” You say, you’re quick to give her the best puppy eyes you could.
“Ugh. Fine. Just this once.” Alex says grabbing your fork and grabbing a piece of fruit. “Open.”
“Thank you.”
Alex continues feeding you some food while also eating her own breakfast. Your head rested on your hand as you look at Alex. You’re interrupted when someone sits in front of you.
“Hi Alex.” Christen says. “Hey Y/N.”
“Hey.” You say quickly then try to scoot closer to Alex
“Christen.” Alex says.
“Al more.” You say opening your mouth.
“That’s the last of it. Now let me eat before we have to go.” Alex says and you nod.
“You two still hang out a lot huh?” Christen says and you turn to face her.
“We do, we actually live together because roommates!” Alex says making you laugh.
“Plus rent is cheap when this superstar gets paid big money with all her sponsors.” You say with a chuckle. “Gotta love living with Alex.”
“Who wouldn’t love having you around all the time. We get to stay in and watch movies and we end up falling asleep on the couch until one gets up and wakes the other up to go to bed. So fun.” Alex says.
“Sounds fun.” Christen says. “Sounds like you two really did solidify that good friendship.”
“Oh yeah, long ago. Ever since college right?” Alex says turning to look at you.
“Um? Yes?” You say.
“Very.” Alex says sternly, glaring at the green eyed woman in front of her.
“Alright everyone we’ve brought a team specified in team bonding to come and help this team become better and you know trust each other. We’ll be having activities all afternoon. So after breakfast we head to the conference room.” Vlatko announces. “Also we have Naomi Girma and Taylor Kornieck joining us for the first time. So let’s welcome them both with a good attitude. Dismissed.”
“Great, team exercises. Fun.” Pinoe says. “As if I don’t spend time enough with all of you.”
“You love us though, right?” Rose asks Pinoe.
“You my dear Rose are who I love the most.” Pinoe says patting Rose’s head.
“Ouch.” You say.
“How’s it feel to be a veteran?” Alex asks and you chuckle.
“I feel rather-.”
“Old? Yeah get used to it.” Pinoe says and you shove her.
“I was going to say I feel weird.” You say. “You on the other hand, you are old so time is ticking.”
“You little shit.” Pinoe snarls and you laugh, but soon enough she has you in a headlock.
“Y/N? You still love me even though Pinoe hates you right now right?” Rose asks and you smile.
“I’ll always love you Rose. You’re too precious.”
“Newbies in the house.” Kelley shouts, you turn around and see the two woman walking towards your table.
“Rookies.” You say looking at them.
“They’ll do great.” Alex says and you nod. "Megan let go of Y/N."
"You're lucky I love you."
“I definitely see Naomi being captain in the future. She has the spirit and looks like could give good speeches.” You say. “But I’m getting ahead of myself.”
“Good thing we all play together in club.” Alex says and you chuckle.
“That’s true.”
You all head to the conference room, sitting down at one of the many tables set up in the conference room.
“I’m ready to get this over with.” You say as you clap.
“Okay everyone, with the people in your table, let’s start with your name and something like a hobby.” One of the woman says.
“So I’m Y/N and I like to sleep? That can be a hobby right?” You ask.
“I think so.” Mal says and you nod your head.
“Then that’s my hobby.”
You looked up from your table, your eyes meeting the green eyes you so hopelessly fell in love with long ago. Christen smiled at you and gave you a little wave. Waving back, you immediately leaned against Alex. Christen’s smile fading away.
“You okay?” Alex whispers and you nod. “Hey. It’s me and you. Me and you always.”
You hoped this camp would finally be the time you both would reconnect after many years of not being friends.
You hoped.
Hoping. Like you always did.
But that hope was running out. You didn’t like that.
“Okay now that you’ve all clearly shared the same hobby. Let’s see if you know each other’s birthday.”
“Birthday’s? BIRTHDAYS? As in the day people were born? I barely even remember mine.” Rose says.
“Yet you remember Wilma’s.” Mal says.
Everyone at your table attempts getting each other’s birthday right when it’s finally your turn you groan. Not wanting to have everyone guessing once again for another birthday that not anyone can barely remember you decide to just make it go quicker.
“My birthday is-.” You’re cutoff by Alex who stops you.
“Oh I know this, easy.” Alex says with a smile. “It’s-.”
“I know your birthday.” Christen says pulling a chair to your table and sitting across from you. Interrupting Alex. “Super easy, Y/N’s birthday is Y/B/D. I know that.” Christen smiles as she looks at you.
You turn to look at Alex who’s just as confused as you are. She shrugs her shoulders as she tries to understand what just happened.
“When’s mine Y/N/N?” Christen asks you as she looks at you, ignoring the others at the table. “Do you even remember mine?”
You reach for Alex’s hand under the table, trying to gain some sort of reality in what seemed fantasy. Alex squeezed your hand three times and you took a deep breath.
"Happy Birthday Chris, what do we have planned for today?" You ask Christen.
"Me and you movies and maybe go to the beach?" Christen asks and you smile.
"Sure, whatever you want. It's your birthday."
“I remember yours, it’s December 29.” You say and you feel your cheeks start to heat up, but also your heart racing.
“I can’t believe you actually remember.”
“I could never forget.”
The rest of the time you were out of it, not focused in team bonding anymore after what had occurred. Your mind still groggy, trying to understand what the hell had just happened.
It wasn’t like Christen to do what she did, plus you had initially thought she didn’t want to talk to you. Yet here she was acting the way she was. It confused you in every single way.
Everything just made you remember the night Christen saw you and Alex holding hands at a game. Which you thought wasn’t a big deal until Alex told you that Christen was practically looking at her like she wanted her dead.
You just never understood why she reacted that way when she sat behind you at the game with her boyfriend. Christen knew you and Alex had always been close you just never thought it’d be a problem.
“Alright everyone you’re dismissed for whatever shenanigans you all will be up to. Be careful.” Vlatko says. “But be careful.”
You immediately get up pulling Alex and Rose.
“I’ve been chosen. Yes.” Rose says.
“I’m terrified of what just happened in there.” You whisper to the two women in front of you.
“Maybe Chris is trying to reconnect?” Rose says shrugging her shoulders. “But it was kind of unexpected if that’s what you’re implying.”
Alex looks at you with worried eyes, wanting so badly to tell you what she had thought of that night, the night everything crumbled for you. But she held back, remembering what Becky had told her.
While you racked your brain trying to find a perfectly good explanation to what had happened, Christen was walking right behind a group of youngsters.
“Did you see Alex’s private story? They went surfing and then to a concert just the other day. How can I trade spots with Y/N? I want to go to concerts too.”
“Y/N has just been going through it, Alex just tries to distract Y/N from practically everything.” Naomi says. “She’s a great friend. They’re both great people.”
“They’re attached to the hip, wherever Alex is, Y/N is right behind. And wherever Y/N is, Alex is right behind.” Taylor says. “I think it’s kind of cute.”
“Oh definitely.” Naomi says with a chuckle. “I do love their weekend cookouts that they invite us to, it relaxes me.”
“Oh my god you’re so right.” Taylor says. 
“What are we talking about?” Ashley asks as she catches up to the two Wave players.
“Alex and Y/N.” Taylor says. 
“Oh my god, they are the cutest. Did you guys see the picture of them both spending the holidays together with their families? When I have a friendship like that I’ll be happy.” Ashley says.
“They’re the best.” Naomi says.
“Cute.” Christen says bitterly as she walks past the girls.
“What was that?” Ashley asks, the two Wave players shrugging in confusion not knowing what may have caused such a reaction from who they thought was the calmest person.
- - - -
After a long two weeks of camp, you were a bit thrilled to return to San Diego. To be in your own bed and be away from all the chaos that occurred. To be as far away from what Alex is saying to be reality you didn't want to face.
Were you not facing reality already? You sure thought you were looking at reality.
“She leaving?” Alex asks and you nod. “If it’s meant to be then it’ll happen Y/N/N.”
“Thanks for that Al but she’s gone now. She always said she didn’t feel the same, others say differently but I do always wonder if at some point she did feel the same for me, for just a little bit.”
“Only she knows I suppose. I can’t read minds or else I’d read minds.” Alex says making you laugh a little bit. “Trust me Y/N. If it’s meant to be then your paths will cross and meet again. Don’t force it.”
“I am a big sucker for hope.” You say softly. “I feel like just waving a white flag you know? I surrender, it’s been years.”
“Don’t wave it.” You hear someone behind you say. “You’re the biggest sucker when it comes to hope and I love that about you. You always have hope. I have no idea what you’re talking about but don’t wave the flag, keep hoping.” Christen says as she flashes you a big wide smile as she walks past you.
“Y-yeah thanks.” You say as you lean into Alex, trying to feel some sort of protection. Alex is quick to react as she wraps her arm around you.
Alex didn't miss the glare Christen was sending her, the same glare she had received from the green eyed woman years ago. Alex tilted her head, she knew that glare, she knew that reaction. Christen was jealous, Alex knew it, it had to be that.
“I have to go but whatever it is don’t wave it. There’s always hope.” Christen says as she opens the door to the car that had just arrived. She opens the passenger door and you see her boyfriend.
“Hi babe you ready to go home?” Christen’s boyfriend says.
“Yeah. Ready.” Christen says as she gets inside. “Y/N don’t lose hope.”
You nod your head as the car drives off.
As soon as the car is far from your sight you pulled out a napkin you had in your napkin from lunch earlier that day.
“Y/N?” Alex asks as she looks at you.
You turn to look at her as you wave the napkin in the air.
“I give up.” You say as you begin to sob.
“Oh Y/N/N.” Alex says as she pulls you in for a hug. You sobbed into her chest as you grabbed the sides of her sweater.
“I just want to talk to her, but at the same time scream.” You say in between sobs.
“Then scream, scream at the sky and scream all you wish you could tell her. Heal Y/N. You deserve to heal from the pain she has put you through.”
You clung onto Alex’s hoodie, a sobbing mess in Alex’s arms.
Some of the older girls walk out of the lobby and they’re met with the sight of you clinging onto Alex, sobbing. They stop as Alex signals them to stop where they are.
“Here I have an idea.” Alex says. “Come on everyone. Follow me.”
Alex took you to a nearby beach, a secluded area where there weren't many people.
“What are we doing here?” You ask Alex.
“Scream. Scream at the sky, scream all you wish you could tell her, scream. Talk to her by screaming at the sky.” Alex says as she holds onto your hand. “Let yourself heal.”
You look at Alex and sniffle. She gives you a supportive smile and nods. You look around and no one was around. You took in a deep breath as you looked up at the sky.
“Scream. Scream all you want.”
You sniffle and wipe your tears. Closing your eyes you replayed every memory, they just all reminded you of what she was to you. She was home. 
“Apparently home doesn't have to be a place.” Christen says as she walks into your bedroom.
“Really? So then what else can it be?” You ask.
“A person.” Christen says as she lays next to you.
“Wow that's deep.” You say as you look up at the ceiling.
“You’re my home.” Christen says making you smile.
“You’re my home too.”
You begin to scream as you open your eyes, looking up at the sky. 
“YOU BROKE ME.” You yell at the sky. “YOU WERE MY HOME. I WAS YOURS.”
“There we go let it go.”
“Me and you forever.” Christen says as she plays with your hair, your head resting on her chest.
“Me and you forever.” You repeat.
“I HATE YOU.” You scream and sob. “I love you.”
“We’re going to live together one day trust me.” Christen says and you laugh. “What? Do you think I’m kidding?”
“Come on Chris maybe for a little but then you’ll get married or something.” You say looking at her.
“Married? Pass. It’ll be me and you living together forever. Nothing can separate us.”
“It was me and you forever.” You sob out.
“You have a boyfriend?” Christen asks and you furrow your eyebrows as you grab your backpack.
“No? Who said that?” You ask as you look at Christen weirdly. “Plus if anything I think I'd have a relationship with a girl first rather than a guy.”
“Oh I just heard something around.”
“Well I don’t so can you calm down?”
“I’m calm.” Christen says making you laugh.
“Why were you losing your mind over that? I don't react that way when you have a boyfriend.”
“I gotta make sure whoever dates you is good for you just like you do for me.” Christen says and you snort.
“Yes because when have you listened to me about your boyfriends, they’ve been terrible and I tell you before. I can sense it way before you do.”
“Yeah but your love life matters to me, I want you to be with someone who loves you and treats you right. I could care less about mine.”
“Clearly. Trust me I know.”
You continue to scream at the sky as you stomp your feet on the sand.
“You ever look at stars and think just how beautiful they are?” Christen asks you as you both lay outside on the lawn.
“Actually, yes.” You say. Christen turns to look at you, a smile plastered on her face.
“Why are you smiling like that and looking at me like that?” You say with a nervous chuckle.
“I’m going to be honest.” Christen says grabbing you hand. “What if we just never get married? What if it’s just me and you forever? Wouldn’t that be nice? Just us and laughter and adventures.”
“I suppose?”
“I’m just really grateful for you and I’m really lucky to have you in my life, you've stayed friends with me for so many years and I know I don't tell you often but I do love you and I appreciate it and all you do for me. I'm sorry I’m not the best of friend, or that I push you away sometimes, I don't mean it. I just don't ever want to lose you.”
“You won't. I don't want to ever lose you either Chris, I don't want to face the world by myself, I want to have you around forever.”
“Us two facing the world together. Facing reality.” Christen says booping your nose. “I love you.”
“Us versus the world.” You say making Christen laugh.
“It's me and you forever.” Christen says as she looks back up at the sky.
As you both laid on the grass Christen reached over to grab your hand, you turned your head and saw Christen looking at you, a very interesting look on her face that you couldn't quite figure out. The soft gaze and her smile.
Christen’s mind was everywhere, but when she would look at you and you smiled, she knew she loved you so much. Everything around you both seemed to not matter, she knew you were her home.
“I’m sorry I don't show it often but I really do appreciate you and I’m sorry I push you away, I don't mean it.” Christen says as she fidgets with your fingers. “I just-.”
“It’s okay you don't have to explain. I’ll always be around.”
“But you're the one who's constantly putting so much into our friendship and I know we've talked about this before, I need to do more.”
“I don't want to lose you, ever.”
“You won't. Come on Christen we both know we've gone through enough and we’re still here.”
“Yes because you're the one who's always trying to save this friendship.”
“Christen. Hey. It’s me and you. Me and you.”
“Me and you.”
You fall onto your knees as you hide your face in your hands. Trying so hard not to absolutely lose your composure, but you're pretty sure you had already lost it.
"I don't even understand why you're acting like this Chris, you're not like this." You say as you walk closer to her.
"I always say I'm gonna change the way I am to you but never do. I'm a bad person. I'm not a good person." Christen says and you look baffled.
"Don't say that, hey you're not a bad person. You are a wonderful and kind person." You say as you walk up to Christen, cupping her face in your hands.
"I don't know how you're still my friend. You are so fucking amazing Y/N. You don't even know how much you truly are worth, I'm fucking lucky to have you in my life and I should be cherishing you and appreciating you before it's too late."
"I'm right here Chris. I'm right here."
While you sobbed, letting it all out, Christen was with her boyfriend driving home.
“That was the famous Y/N?” Christen’s boyfriend asks.
“That was her with Alex yes.” Christen says.
“Are they together?”
“Who? Alex and Y/N?” Christen asks with a chuckle. “Probably, I wouldn't know.”
“I thought they were together.”
“Yeah well they might as well be.”
“Angry much?”
“No. I just want to go home.” Christen sighs, Christen’s boyfriend sighs and shakes his head as he looks at the road. ”What?”
“You get like this every single time you either hear, see or literally just know she's around. You get so- so..”
“So what?”
“Jealous! Christen you get jealous!”
“I don't know what you're talking about. Why would I be jealous? We haven't been friends since our first year of college.”
"What are you doing?" You ask Christen as you walk into her room.
"Getting ready?" Christen says, you raise your eyebrow as you see what's in her hand.
"What the hell are you going to do with a hammer?"
"Aren't you going to meet someone?" Christen asks and you snort.
"Yes but I can assure you I'll be fine."
"I just gotta make sure they're good for you."
"So you have hammer for that? Christen it's just a date."
"Okay and?" Christen asks as she looks at you, you raise your hands in defeat as you turn around and walk away.
"You're being extra weird."
“I feel like I always come second Christen. Even if she isn't in your life anymore, it seems like she's all you think about.”
“That’s not true.”
“But it is. Christen I’m tired of being second choice to your ex girlfriend.”
“Ex girlfriend? Where the hell did you come out with that conclusion? We were best friends, nothing more. Sure she liked me but I never liked her back.”
"Hey." Christen says as she looks at her neighbor opening the door to her house.
"Christen? Everything okay?" Christen's neighbor asks.
"Can we talk?"
"Sure come in." She says, Christen walks in as she sits on the couch. "No Y/N today?"
"Haha no, she's home."
"Very odd to see you both apart. You guys are always together. She cares about you a lot."
"I care about her too, a lot. She's become someone so important to me and makes me very happy."
"Oh I know." She says with a smirk, a smirk Christen doesn't see.
"Wait what do you mean by that?" Christen asks.
"Nothing. But I'm sure you know."
“She liked you? Oh wow, that explains a lot.” He says.
“Come on you can't be serious.” Christen says with a laugh. 
“I mean it all makes sense, so many times that we went to the carnival on the Fourth of July. Our anniversary. I don't know why I didn't catch that earlier. All those stories you would tell me, I just thought you missed being friends with her.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Are you that blind to your own feelings? You loved her or love her I don't even know anymore.” 
"Thank you for being in my life even though I don't deserve someone as great as you."
"Chris, come on. We both know you deserve a better friend than me."
"No, if I didn't have you I'm pretty sure I'd look for you. In every universe I think I'd look for you, because without you I feel like something is missing."
“No I didn't and I don't.”
“Our anniversary is something else to you, it’s a reminder of the times when you'd go with her to the carnival. You said it was a tradition. July fourth is our anniversary, but every time it comes around you seem so down, like if you have something else in mind. You have her in mind.”
“Oh my god you can't be serious.”
“I should've seen it sooner.” He says shaking his head.
"You're unbelievable, none of it is true."
"Face reality Christen, fuck."
Alex looked behind you to see the girls looking at you then Alex, a soft smile on their faces. They could see it and feel it. They all walked over to you and Alex, all sitting down on the sand as they hugged you.
"I hope you never forget how much I love you." Christen says as she fixes the blanket over you, running her fingers through your hair. "You don't even understand and you won't ever see how much I truly do love you."
“It was supposed to be me and her forever.” You sob out.
You were healing. Finally healing and they weren’t going to leave you alone to face the world, the reality, all by yourself.
“We got you.” Becky whispers. “We got you.”
It was a reality you had not wanted to face for so long, but you had to accept it sooner than later. This was reality. A reality you had to face without Christen was something you never thought you had to do, but unfortunately it had come to that.
As much as you wanted closure, as much as you wanted to know why Christen had reacted the way she did those nights. You knew you probably wouldn’t ever know, but it was time to start to do what you never wanted. It was time do so, to face reality.
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lumyart · 3 months
I discovered you because of your rhaenicent fics and you’re such an amazing writer; it’s been an honor to read your works and enjoy your characterization of both rhaenyra and alicent in modern aus bcos you do such a great job at translating their personalities to where i can recognize them to their hotd roles on screen. bummer that you’re pausing on those fics (indefinitely) but glad to read any of your works (i love caitvi too!!!)
characterization is the hardest skill for me to work on so that's really nice to read❤️ i'm dealing with writer's block right now (because being depressed wasn't enough) but i really hope i'll get back to writing soon, i miss it immensely, although not as much as i miss sharing it all with you</3
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lovelymessybubbly · 2 years
kyaaaah tamadachi i am so excited and grateful because the ever-wonderful @thornoisdono commissioned me a gift written by the incredibly talented @theatregaymer !!! ( ´͈ ॢꇴ  `͈)੭ु this is a fic featuring nagisa shoto from assassination classroom as the lee, and our devious tama-chan as the ler !! ufufu, i was totally over the moon reading it, theatre captured tama’s overall character perfectly and is a master at writing teasing ! and reading of nagisa getting worked over this way…. uwaaaah it is just the best !!
thank you so much, both of you ! i have gotten permission to post this, so i am sharing it with my tamadachi !!
pleased be advised, this is a DUBCON fic !! so it may be a bit more intense than what some may prefer. just be aware when reading !
You are cordially invited to an event honoring service to the greater community. To honor and commemorate your years of support, the MFL has provided a gift in the form of a familar lee to suit your tastes. We do hope you will join us at the disclosed location to avoid the public eye during this celebration. We look forward to your response and wish you a pleasant day. Warm regards, The President, Management of Lees Department.
Tama's eyes browsed over the contents of the letter once again, an eyebrow raising up as the contents continued. P.S tools will be provided as well as the proper restraints to ensure the comfort and longevity of your lee. Of course upon seeing the enclosed photograph of this familiar lee they described. Nagisa Shiota was indeed someone she was familiar with, a walking tickle spot who always had great reactions. The thought of getting her hands on him again in this kind of setting was just too good to pass up, so of course she accepted with the most humble of responses. Hell yeah.
The location was not somewhere close by though, so it was a bummer that she had to travel to get there. But reminding herself of the treat at the end of the rainbow was more than enough motivation to keep her going. She wondered if perhaps he would remember her, or if his sensitive tickle spots would remember her touch at the very least. Regardless, upon arrival her face could barely hide her interest, a slight sadistic smile showing itself as she entered the rather posh looking offiice building to be greeted by an oddly enthusiastic receptionist. "Ah miss Tama! We've been expecting you. Welcome! Please come this way, refreshments are available if you like. Your commemorative lee has already been brought in and is waiting whenever you're ready." This guy seemed way too happy for some reason, though she could at least admit...he seemed kinda cute. Probably why he landed the job as receptionist. The briefest interest in his own potential as a future lee quickly became overshadowed though, the blond's mind shifting right back to why she was there after hearing Nagisa was already ready and waiting. This was gonna be fun.
For Nagisa however, he was yet again wondering how the hell he got himself into situations like this one. He had been minding his own business as usual of course, but after having some morning tea at a cafe, he had a lapse in his memories, likely due to something in the tea. He was familiar with the people who took him of course, marveling each time at just how estensive their network was and how many people were either secretly agents of the MFL or at least accepted contracts from them. Why was there even a group like this at all!? He groaned, teasing his bonds as his wrists were both tied high above his head, keeping them secured as he was seated in a completely grey cushioned chair, the room he was in boasting what was most likely a one-way mirror, soft colors on a few wall paintings as well as a large chest on a rolling cart complete with a rolling chair much like he could find in a doctor's office. Another unfortunate sight was his shoes neatly set aside under the mirror, his own socked feet sticking out of the other side of a stockade with his knees slightly bent. The way the chair was not only made that possible, but also sported extra cushioning at his mid back to keep his body stretched, ribs exposed beneath his thin, sky blue tee shirt. Some tan shorts completed this basic outfit he had gone with to relax, not planning on finding any assassin work today and taking it easy...so much for that idea.
Of course he knew tickling was going to be inevitable, but nothing really seemed as bad as he thought it could be until a certain familiar face came through the door to his left...
"Weheeeell look who I get to see again!" That familiar, taunting tone in her voice, that unmistakable pastel tone of yellow from both her hair and clothing making her not seem out of place at some cutesy tea party...but the young assassin knew she was not someone to judge based on appearance alone, his body instantly wanting to curl up as a few flashes of memories played in his mind of the last time they'd met. "N-no...not you!" Tama just giggled openly, closing the door behind her, having already been told of the only limitations being three hours, for his safety, or until he passed out. "Yup, it's meeeee....you're still such a cutie arencha? Still no state alchemist buuuut, we'll have fun all the same." She approached with a small skip in her step, looking around the room, an eyebrow raising again as she looked at the mirror, knowing that there would be two people present for viewing. One was assigned as Nagisa's handler today, keeping him healthy and in charge of taking him home. The other was to take notes on how things went, how the tools worked out, possibly to watch her own technique to garner new ideas for their own use in the future...welp, let em watch.
She plopped down in the rolling chair, taking a second to spin before rolling over to open the square chest to look at some of the fun little toys she was given. "Mmm standard stuff, you guys should get more creative." She complained aloud, her cute demeanor taking a break to really drive home how much she'd expected them to make some kind of strides in tickle research and tool development or something. For now though she relented, picking up a finely curated feather as well as a metal back scratcher with plastic coated tines to keep them dull. The entire time she was listening to the somewhat scared whimpers and pleas from her tickle toy, Nagisa softly begging for mercy...he really couldn't take tickles. "Hehehe sorry lil killer, we have plenty of time together and I wanna hear you make some noise~" She stated bluntly before rolling up close to his upper body.
It started off light, a soft, fluttery and teasing touch gliding around Nagisa's cheeks and neck, the boy attmpting to scrunch his shoulders to little effect, his arms still locked above him. "Pfthehe...mmnghhmhhheihihheheh." Try as he might, Nagisa knew there was really no getting around it now, he was just too ticklish to really hold it in very well with someone who knew what they were doing. Of course, it didn't mean he had to give in completely right away, the assassin still doing his best to hold back as he used subtle movements to try and figure out any possible way he could escape, but nothing seemed to give him anything beyond more giggles, especially as Tama angled her other tool, sliding it right into the short sleeve of his left arm to use the tines against his unprotected armpit. "AH! Naha nohOHHHEHAHahahah naha stahahaphihihit!" And just like that, his tormentor's face donned a signiature smirk to go along with this torturous act.
"Uh ooooh, oh nooo someone's breaking down already! Does it tickle? Hmmmm? It sounds like it! Someone's gonna make a lot more noises before we're done!" She taunted her toy as the tools continued to tease along his body, his torso twisting slightly as he tried his best to shift away from the other's instruments, his trembling shoulders following the pattern of his laughter. "AHah ahah ah ahah pah plehehehEHEHEHhashehehahah AHAHa I cahahan't hthehehehah teehehahahakehehaha take it AHAHaOUT!" Nagisa begged, unable to focus on any sort of intimidation tactics while the tickles were driving him wild, so his tone was completely submissive. What really didn't help was when the golden haired girl chose to stuff the feather down his opposite sleeve, giving him not only tickles in both pits but different sensations in each as well. "KYEHEHEHEHEHAHahahaHAHahah aah AAHAha nahaha!" While he was pretty sensitive all over, Tama definitely remembered Nagisa's pits being one of the best spots to get him squealing like this. Nothing did quite compare to getting a cute guy squealing at her fingertips however, so soon enough she stepped up her game.
"Ngh ah aha wah wait what are youHUHUHHHAAHAHA!" Tama, sick of just teasing for now, dropped both tools to the floor before both hands began giving rapid scribbles to the lad's underarms now. Sure it was over his clothing, but he'd been the one to choose a soft cotton shirt today so it was his fault it wasn't at all protective against tickling. Her hands began dancing lower, starting to drag around and dig between his ribcage. "Tickle tickle tickle! PFt you're like a fish outta water ain'tcha? Pft that's it heh dance for me pretty boy!" She taunted, his body writhing continuously as he tried throwing off her rhythym as best he could. Sensitive as he was, it was no surprise that soon enough tears were starting to caress his cheeks as he looked around frantically as if trying to peer for an escape, a source of solace, anything to aid him. His eyes landed across from him at the mirror, picturing the other people that could be watching, earning a fiercer blush than ever before as he closed his eyes in embarrassment while Tama's fingers moved ever closer to his tender tummy.
"We can't forget this tum-tum of yours can we? Oh noooo, we wouldn't want that! Ohohooo so ticklish ohoho yeees!" Tama's tone was much more airy than it was when speaking to the staff beyond the mirror, her cutesy talk reserved for good little ticklish guys like Nagisa. Not that it made him feel any better that this was her version of special treatment, not with her hands using a claw technique right at his tender flanks, hands alternating occasionally with kneading motions at his sensitive abdominals. He wasn't super fit of course, still retaining some natural give due to his age, but his assassin training had long since begun to mold his body into definitive fighting shape, giving plenty of fun little divots for her fingers to fit nicely into. "NAHA NO NO NOHOHOhohahahah haha nahaht my bellyhyhyHEHAHA AHAHA IHIh'll DAHAIEHEHehaha!" Of course his pleas continued to be ignored, even laughed at as Tama continued, rolling away briefly to retrieve an electric toothbrush from the chest before returning, one hand starting to spider at his ribcage and sides again. "PAHAHa plehease, you aren't gonna die silly. Though you might want to when I get to those cute little tootsies of yours." She taunted, earning a squeal and ten curled toes as a reply.
The electric toothbrush of course, buzzed to life soon enough, being waved in front of him as one eye opened in desperation to find the source before Nagisa watched with horror as the device was lowered until it dipped under the end of his shirt, pressing around his waistline before being used to polish his tender navel. A fresh scream was torn from his throat of course, music to his tickler's ears as he sang like a bird, signature squeaks showing that he had indeed gotten a little hiccupy with his laughter going on like this. The wicked device swiveled and buzzed all around his belly button, his hips shaking like no tomorrow as he shook like he was trying to learn some new dance he saw on the internet. "Ohooo someone likes to dance a lot! You tryin the tickly tango lil assassin?" Tama continued to taunt him, her fingers finally finding a perch on another killer spot for the boy, his lithe hips.
"PLeheheasehhaa aha ah ahaha I KEEHEhah *hic* AHAHIEHEH Canahahah caahahn't!" He cried out, his cheeks a rosy red hue before a dull beep sounded over an intercom. Looking up in annoyance, Tama knew what this meant as she looked up behind Nagisa with a huff. "Just getting good, ah well. Time for a lil breakie!" She said sweetly, moving the toys away from him as she pulled out a bottle with a bendy straw potruding from the top. "Here giggles, drink up."
Nagisa took the briefest of reprieves to think about countless things at once. He'd seen her look at the wall behind him, denoting there was some kind of clock on the wall behind him, or some other form of signal to show time had passed. That or it was somehow linked to his own pulse, showing the need for a break if he got too close to passing out too quickly.
Another worry was that this water she was offering was also going to be laced with some kind of drug to knock him out. That thought however drifted away since she had mentioned having more ticklish plans for him, and he wouldn't be as responsive under the effects of something like that...and she so did love when he was energetic. So, with less hesitation than he initially had, he took several long sips from the water, Tama smiling with an obviously wicked intent as she watched him regain his strength, his eyes blinking back to life slightly as he attempted to turn his head and wipe some tears on the sleeve of his shirt. Nagisa wanted to immediately use this time to demand answers, why he was targeted for this insane sort of thing, why she liked this so much. However, he knew he should save his breath and focus on preparing himself for the soon to be second portion of this little session of theirs.
Sure enough after roughly five to ten minutes, he couldn't focus on counting, the tone rang in the room once more, his eyes jumping right to Tama's fingers instantly wiggling in the air and moving ever closer. Damn, she still knew how to get him riled up even just from the sight of something like those hands getting closer to his hips, his shirt somewhat ridden up in all his struggling earlier. "Ngh h-hahang on now eh plehehehase hehe...y-you dohohn't need to go right back to wohohork on my hihips no no please ihiht tickles so bahaha-AAAHAHAhahD!" It was like she didn't hear him at all, those skilled hands each grabbing those hips, thumbs swiveling quickly into the dips as she kneaded them like working on bread dough. "EEHEHEe HEHEAHHA AHAH AH AH AHAHAH!" His legs trembled, torso bucking like some kind of wild animal trying to escape it's bonds.
It was obvious to anyone that Nagisa was the kind of lee that was hard to pin down, his training making him nimble and fast like a snake. It took a trap planned out over three days to pinpoint and acquire a prized lee of this quality and Tama understood that very well, not intending to waste any time as she felt like she was digging into a ticklish feast after being famished for too long. "Ohohoho yeah laugh for me lil cutie! Come ooon you can get loudeeeer!" Her volume just about matched his own, the boy squealing and squawking like some kind of trapped animal, small flicks of saliva and tears on his face as he thrashed around from her viscious onslaught.
Thankfully, though he didn't know it, the MFL adhered to strict policy of at least sixty days rest for any lee on their register who was not willingly employed by them. So he would at least get some time away from this sort of thing, but that wouldn't have given him any solace in the moment. His hips finally made a dull thud as they dropped back onto the chair, the blue haired young man not even realizing he had been so desperately arching off the chair while Tama had helped herself to his now blushy hips. Of course she knew just how much force to use, not wanting to damage such a delicate flower. Still, it wasn't in the cards to give him too much reprieve, occasional squeezes making the boy jump as his tired form tried to recover as much as he could. Even in this state he could tell, her attentions were moving lower...from his thighs and knees to his calves before reaching the stocks at the end.
"N...n-no ah plehehease..hah *hic* enoohough already..." His voice sounded tired, but still had signs of strength left. Besides, there was still plenty of time remaining in round two and this ler wanted to savor it.Giggles and whimpers began a steady climb up from his core as he felt manicured nails gently dragging up his socked soles. "N-nooOooOOHohohoho oh oh hoho no pleheashehehesHSHSHhehehehahaha hahave mercy on mahay feet!" He begged, having completely surrendered to the fact that he had no power here, he was only there to be a ticklish toy for her enjoyment.
"Shhhh sh shhh it's okaaay...I've got you, you're aaaaall miiiine. I'll take good care of these ticklish little tootsies down here." Tama's ticklish subject could be seen shaking his head drastically, too giggly to form the words to further plead his case as she seemed determined to pick apart every bit of sanity he could spare. Like his armpits and his waist, the boy's feet seemed particularly tender if their flailing was anything to go by. But Tama was skilled, a bit of wriggling was no match for her nimble hands as they followed every attempt at escape, picking up the pace and teasing his cotton covered beauties. "Oohohoho can't get awaaaay hehehe I saw something we're gonna have fun with so leeeet's get these socks off hmmm?" More ticklish protests followed, rapid and repeated words falling on deaf ears as his socks were pinched and pulled, the fabric sliding inch by inch along his creamy smooth skin until both of them popped free of his ten toes, the digits curling right away.
With her subject too tired from laughter to put up much verbal repetoire, Tama took it upon herself to go ahead with the next step, dropping the socks and rolling back to the chest of goodies. She returned only a moment later, two scrubing hand brushes with her as well as some oil and some thin rope. He could only blush and whimper as the pads of her fingers began to glide smoothly along his revealed skin, as if mapping out his nerves and making his toes twitch to life once again. "Ohooo so soooft. Hehehe there we gooo let's get these puppies polished hmm?" Just those words alone had Nagisa giving a renewed effort to free his hands and feet, Tama taking a single hand and holding the right foot firmly as she looped some of the thin rope around his large toe, pulling it taut and tying it to the stockade. It was kind of a pain to have to do this herself and use up time better spent making him sing, but it would be worth it.
Once she had repeated the method on the opposing foot, a little bit of extra rope was threaded between his digits, now unable to curl down for protection. "Uh oooh...Uh ooooh!" She sang with perfect timing, accompanied by the melodious sounds of Nagisa crying out as the textured rope flossed in between his tender toes, back and forth, changing which area it was in constantly. "GAHAHAAHa AHahaAHA NAHAHt AHAHa Nahaht my toesEHEHSHAHah NAHAHAOHOH!" Tama laughed along with her toy, loving how he bounced in his seat like he was riding some kind of roller coaster and had lost his safety belt. The only brief escape he got was the precious few minutes she spent drizzling and spreading the oil along his pale soles. She of course made sure to get some of the slick substance to work between and around his toes as well, not wanting to miss a single section of the sensitive real estate.
Once the prep work was finished, his twitching feet looking freshly shined with oil, Tama decided to be a bit cruel, pulling out her phone and posing with a peace sign right next to those flushed and ticklish beauties. Embarrassed as all hell, Nagisa looked away as best he could with a fierce blush on his face before she resumed her previous seat in the rolling chair and donned the hand brushes. Leaning close to get his attention, she blew some air against his toes to make him squeak. "Hahaha there we goo...ready? Heeeere we goooo! EEhehehe ooohohooh yes tiiickle tickle tickle!" Of course her words, enjoyable as they were to say, went mostly unheard by anyone outside of the ler and lee themselves. Nagisa's screeches of unbridled laughter even blocked them out for those in the observation room!
"NAHAAAHAHAa NAHAHA NO NOHOHOH NO BRUSHESHEHSHHAHSHAHAHA HOHOH SHIHIIHTHEHEHH IHIHIHAHAHA'M GONNA DAHAHAHAIE!" He proclaimed, Nagisa's feet now unable to curl down or twist about to lessen the sensations even a little as Tama's brushes, soft as the ends were, wrought ticklish insanity, sending unending sensations shooting up his legs and making the poor assassin flail and writhe around with all his might. "Tsk now now, heh watch your damn language cutie, else you're gonna get that toothbrush between the toes!" She warned, figuring she might do that anyways. Of course as things were starting to flow oh so well, that familiar tone rang through the room again, Nagisa praying this meant she was done. His vision was blurry, either from exhaustion or just tears he couldn't tell. His lips took the offer of water again however, not hearing any fresh taunts and figuring he was safe.
But nothing was going to be that easy, as he jumped with the feeling of oil being rubbed into his pits, his body naturally twisting to try and move away. "Wah ah ahah ack wah wahahit ah what thehe?" He shook the tiredness from his head, wiping his face again before looking and seeing Tama still in the room, rummaging again in that chest. "Wait wha...we're not done!?" He asked, figuring once she got all his spots that would be it. "Hmm?" She replied, turning her head to look at him before smiling. "Psh no way my lil cutie! We still have a whole hour! You got to enjoy the appetizer and the entree...now it's time for dessert!" She said, holding up that dastardly electric toothbrush again as well as a second one. His heartbeat jumped into his ears, eyes honing in on those vibrating brushes as they sprang to life just as the signal for their final hour began. "No...nohohoh...NAAAAAHAHAHAH!"
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grissomesque · 1 year
Okay, so for the “I wish you would write a fic where” ask game … you don’t actually have to do this but —
Early seasons Voyager Tom Paris gets technobabbled in a shuttle to SNW. And he’s like, okay, okay, okay. Cool captain (not as pretty), retro tech (not 20th century), fun times (actually, yes, with a more chill and silly crew). But Tom’s also gotta dodge (great?) grandma Paris (the Shohreh Aghdashloo character from the Kelvinverse) and other Starfleet folks to not mess up the timeline and, um, no holodecks so that’s a bummer. And Tom ends up having this really great talk with Ortegas about flying being about trust in yourself and your ship and crew … and Tom misses his ship and crew. He even misses leola root. So he and Ortegas figure out to technobabble him back and — since this is you — when Tom gets back he talks to Janeway about what happened (Temporal Prime Directive? To hell with it.) and how Starfleet was different then. He felt different there. And he liked it. He liked feeling less bound by regulations and more seat-of-the-pants. And Janeway tips her hand that sometimes she feels the same way … about a lot of things (long, lingering look) … and what would Tom do if Voyager wasn’t such a regulations-and-protocol ship? And, of course, he kisses her and she kisses him back and happy, happy, happy.
“The Delta Flyer,” Kathryn says, thoughtful.
Tom frowns. “What about it?”
“What you’re describing. It’s a bit like the Flyer, isn’t? That shuttle is like a thing out of time with all its buttons and dials and manual interfaces. You’ve got both more and less control, in a way. Less of a… safety net.” She smiles, a little wistfully. “And you’re more present at that helm. Me, too.”
Tom is almost afraid to trust what he thinks he’s hearing. But the way he sees it, he’s got two options here: maintain the status quo, just long looks and the occasional brush of her hand on his arm keeping them afloat for the next seventy-five years… Or, pack everything he’s just learned from his trip through time, the fearlessness of Erica Ortegas, the sheer, heart-pounding recklessness of the 2250s, into one grand gesture that neither of them—for better or worse–will be able to go on ignoring.
Because he did imagine staying, on Pike’s Enterprise. He thinks he might've fit in better in the past. But Temporal Prime Directive aside, he’d known that for all the things he might’ve gained—all the modern conveniences he could live without—there is this one thing, this one hope, that he could not leave behind.
So he kisses her.
Immediately, he feels her twist a little, twist away from him, and shit, shit he’s terrified he’s just made a serious mistake, but then he hears a clink and he realizes she was still holding her cup and saucer and now her hands are sliding up his chest, around his neck, and she’s leaning in, and she’s kissing him, kissing him, kissing him back.
And then a thought occurs to him, and he pulls back just enough to see her face.
“But—the Delta Flyer design,” he asks, urgent, breathless. “You like it, right?”
“I like it,” she confirms. Her laugh is low in her throat and her cheeks are flushed and all of this makes him feel a little lightheaded, makes him want to kiss her again, especially, especially when she orders the computer to secure her ready room doors. There is, in fact, nothing else in all the galaxy he wants so much as to kiss her again right this second, because in a way, after all, he did wait over a century for this chance.
And so he does.
[Send me whatever and I'll write you a thing!]
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kristailine · 1 year
I still think about The Return to this day 😩
It's my favorite Kazujun fanfic and I think I re-read it every year ever since I first read it in 2020. This fic had me screaming and giggling and kicking my feet because of how Kazuya and Jun's dynamic was written.
It's a fanfic set after the events of Tekken 6, and Kazuya presumed ownership over the Zaibatsu again since Jin is missing. Amidst all that, one night during a gala, Jun appeared to Kazuya. She was neither dead nor alive, she simply just returned.
What I really like about this fic besides the dynamic between Kaz and Jun would be how their characters were individually portrayed. Kazuya's capacity to care about Jun really showed how he still has a side to him that isn't driven by hatred.
On the other hand, Jun... I fucking love the way how she's portrayed as a human being who's flawed in this fic. The way it gave her depth when she admitted to her sins. The way her reputation as an angel on earth was shattered is my most favorite characterization of Jun in all the kazujun fics I've read, and I'm hoping canon Tekken could maybe make Jun's character flawed as well. It felt so realistic for her to be selfish and I'm not saying her choices were justified in that fic, but Jun is just a human who's capable of doing malice like every other human.
Then there's these 2 chapters that were immensely dialogue heavy and damn, it felt like I was a child of my two hot parents arguing over something really serious wherein they keep bringing stuff up about their past and vulnerabilities. ONLY FOR THEM TO END UP KISSING A FEW MORE DIALOGUES LATER MID ARGUMENT 😩.
The last few chapters had me screaming too but it's such a bummer that the author hasn't updated in almost 3 yrs now. For me honestly, I'm really fine with it because the fic is overall such a rollercoaster. Kazuya and Jun are so fucking stubborn in this fic and I love it. They're so hot and angsty.
I think I consider this my blueprint in the way I interpret Kazuya and Jun's relationship, and I thought I'd like to talk about it here since it's one of the fics that influenced the way I write about the ship in my own fics. I wanted to give it the recognition for it.
It can be read on Fanfiction dot net if anyone wants to check it out. Here's my fav chapter btw, it's chapter 21.
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12, 15 (I think I know this one but here's you're chance to wax poetic), 20 (can't be pyro), & 21 for avalanche!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Since I have already posted a ton of headcanons for Pyro over the years, I'm giving this question to Morph from TAS. Exiles Morph was born with his X-gene activated (basically appeared as a white blobby vaguely human-shaped baby) and also lost his mother to cancer at around 13 or so. Since TAS Morph seems less powerful than Exiles Morph, I tend to assume they were born "normal" and developed powers later, but I consider the dead mother to be part of their backstory. So, my headcanon is that the first thing TAS Morph ever shapeshifted into was their mother - shortly after the funeral, when they were desperately missing her and wishing they could see her again. It completely freaked them out, and it took a little while for them to go, "Oh, I'm a mutant and also shape-shifting can be fun." But if any X-Man ever asks Morph how they discovered their powers, they always give a wacky joke answer because the truth is kind of a bummer and they don't want to get into all that, not to mention all the weird Freudian implications. (Of course, X-Men 97 might completely negate this headcanon.)
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
You're right, you know it's gonna be Pyro and Avalanche. Honestly, I just love the contrast of (relatively) serious, stoic, less chatty guy with excitable, extroverted gregarious guy (not mention the big guy/skinny guy aesthetic). I think Pyro is constantly dragging Avalanche out to DO things, and Avalanche (mostly) enjoys it. And the way those two have been together for so long, through thick and thin, Avalanche going with Pyro to the Savage Land to try to find a Legacy Virus cure even though he's not infected and there's no personal benefit for him. I can't imagine Avalanche going to such great lengths for anyone else. Like even in canon they are bros, even if the comics won't let them bang. From their very first introduction you see them having each other's backs and not really fighting with each other the way they both occasionally fight with Blob. And, much like Mystique and Destiny or Blob and Unus (or Black Tom and Juggernaut), I just love the idea of two criminals in love.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
For Not Pyro. Hmmm.....I'll say that I think Toad should be good friends with Blob, because they have both been on the same team (a few times), both have mutations that make them "ugly" in the eyes of most people, and are treated badly because of it. They've both been through some shit. And I think Freddy's general attitude of "Fuck you, I am who I am, and I'm okay with it," might help Morty deal with some of his own issues. Freddy doesn't really take any shit from anyone, and seems comfortable with himself in general, while Toad is always full of self-loathing.
But since Toad is currently part of the Exiles, I kinda hope he manages to bond with some of them. Third Eye at least reached out to him. Let Toad have some friends.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
For Avalanche - much like with Blob (or Pyro) I want to give him some internal complexity and not just write him as a dumb, violent criminal, even though all three of them often are in the comics. And filling in his backstory, of course, dude has been in comics for decades and we know almost nothing about him, even his supposed "wife." One of my headcanons is that he grew up in a large family as one of the older kids and therefore knows a lot about dealing with children because he was expected to help look after his siblings. Put him in a situation with a crying baby, and he will automatically take charge, whether he actually wants to or not, he just jumps into the role of "I guess someone has to deal with this." He has a love-hate relationship with his family, he hated all the expectations and responsibilities placed on him, but he misses the sense of community, and having a place where he "belonged." He also probably got kicked out for being a mutant.
What I don't like in fic - how the popularity of "Lance Alvers" from X-Men evolution has completely overshadowed Dominikos, and any fic with Avalanche in it will likely be Lance. Much like movie Pyro John Allerdyce has mostly overshadowed comics Pyro in fandom. And I actually like the adapted versions, sullen bad boy American teens Lance Alvers and John Allerdyce are both interesting characters. But they definitely are very different from their comics counterparts, Lance is basically just Rictor in all but name, and it's made it hard to find any fan works for the original versions of the characters.
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yamisnuffles · 11 months
twenty questions for fic writers
Tagged by my best gal @feralkwe
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 46. I have a lot of fic that just lives on Tumblr or that was on older fic sites, so that's not really indicative of my total fic amount lol.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 338,924. Again, A LOT of one shots and stuff elsewhere.
3. What fandoms do you write for? On AO3, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, FFXIV, Skyrim, Good Omens, One Piece, and Star Wars
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Blitzed (GO 1941 smut and my first smut ever lol), The Altus Inquisitor (DAI AU, pretty much as it says on the tin), Get Closer To Me (GO S1 night at Crowley's place fic), Heartbeats (a series of one shots for a One Piece Corazon lives AU), and The Ecstasy of Anthony J Crowley (GO divinity kink smut fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to! I didn't always but I'm trying to get better about that because I really appreciate each and every comment.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uuuuuh, might be For Want of Words? It's GO post S2 and not fix it so it is not happy lol. Possibly Wicked White, which ends as Shadowbringers ends and thus isn't the happiest place for a WoL/Emet fic lol. Otherwise, they're series and neither finished but my Law as the new Corazon AU series was just bummers all the way down and, ironically, Too Much of a Good Thing gets progressively less... optimistic. Lots of sad smut and series I guess.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? If I resist making a smut joke, Just For Two is one of the fluffiest things I've ever written. Pure GO S1 fluff fic written for the fun of it.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really? I got an... indirectly cruel comment one time on something but people are generally very nice on the fics themselves.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. The Good Omens kind lmao. I mean, I've branched out but it was the first fandom I wrote smut for and continues to be the one that gets the most. It hovers between that M and E rating for good reason. Very feelsy and in the case of GO, I love some religious symbolism lol. I like to weave it into longer works but I also happily write one shots (or try, sometimes it takes a few chapters to get to my one shot plans).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I don't think I've ever written a crossover. I've done crossover art but I tend to stay within a fandom for fic.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Again... I don't think so?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! I used to write with my best friend a lot in high school and I adored it. It's one of the things I miss most about that friendship and, in general, something I miss doing.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Do I even have to say? Aziraphale/Crowley own my soul. That said, I do have the softest of soft spots for my Trev/Dorian and Shakarian. Also, Justice/Anders/Hawke because it burns with the added power of spite.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Ahahaha... *sweats nervously.* So many. I am determined to finish the Altus Inquisitor but it's hard to get my heart back into DA with good reason. I'd love to continue my various OP series but I doubt I ever will for a few reasons.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characterization. I work really hard on it. I obsess over it. There is nothing I think of more in any fandom than characterization lol. I'd also like to think I'm good with emotion and description.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing anything ever. I'm a whimsical creature and if I'm not into something at the moment, it's really hard to get myself to focus on things. I also feel like a monkey with a typewriter any time I'm trying to write smut, but I think that's just the nature of the beast.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I am really bad with languages so I try to just avoid it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Jurassic Park! As a wee bab I wrote about a raptor ripping someone open and eating them lmao.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? Oh man, oh man, this is actually really hard for me. There are a lot of things I've written that I'm fond of for different reasons. I adore my AUs because I put so much of my soul into them to make them feel authentic. Various fics for various fandoms hit hard for different reasons. If I absolutely HAD TO choose, I'd say either The Altus Inquisitor, because Lucien is my baby and I genuinely enjoy rereading it, or Dig Down from my GO AU, which I feel like is just a strong short fic and best sums up that whole series. Both are hard to recommend though because one is chronically unfinished (I am trying!) and the other is smack dab in the middle of a series.
I tag anyone who wants to do this because I am too tired to think rn. Go forth with my blessing
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heavencasteel420 · 10 months
I just really like mix-and-matching Jonathan, Nancy, Chrissy, and Jason in fic. Here’s what I have so far:
Jancy: my main thing, obviously. If you’re following me I probably don’t have to explain.
Jason/Chrissy: I do like a doomed high school relationship, and theirs just seems incredibly lonely on both sides. Chrissy’s isolation is obvious, but deep down I think Jason probably feels like something is missing—his Morning in America mindset just won’t allow him to go near the problem.
Jason/Nancy: I am haunted yet amused by the idea that, in many ways, Nancy was and kind of still is his type. The combination of prim good- girl persona and strong leadership skills probably did something for him before she developed a reputation and stopped playing nice! I don’t think she would have been interested in him for long—even when dating Steve, she seems primarily attracted to his sense of humor and non-rigid attitude towards sex, qualities that Jason does not possess—but the Tom Cruise resemblance might’ve reeled her in if he’d noticed her before Steve did.
Jason/Jonathan: I have a one-shot planned where Jason helps patch up the Byers house post-S1 because he’s a Good Christian. They become friends against all odds and Jason almost rethinks his rigid beliefs, but a disastrous almost-hookup drives him way in the opposite direction. (Meanwhile, Jonathan is like “I have never ‘unpacked’ anything in my life and I’m not about to start now.”) Oddly enough this is my most canon-compatible fic idea.
Jonathan/Chrissy: mostly I want them to hook up or generally interact because they are the two older teen characters whose problems are the most viscerally upsetting to me personally. I think they could do something really weird about it! I have a story planned where the background is that he got taken to the UD instead of Will. He and Nancy and Steve all became friends after he got out (she still got involved because of Barb and Steve kind of stumbled in after her), but Jonathan didn’t bond with her like in canon and she didn’t enlist his help against the lab because he was too busy being possessed. There’s less strain on her and Steve’s relationship because he isn’t jealous of Jonathan (their mutual friend) and never had to ditch his friends/walk back any public libel, but they still disagree about the lab. So she has no one to help her with the lab and finally decides that she has to move on, which means breaking up with Steve and applying to a fancy prep school back east. (This is kind of a bummer situation for Nancy, but I think it’s valuable to acknowledge that her worth as a person isn’t dependent on Justice for Barb, and sometimes a person just has to move on.) He and Steve remain friends; Steve’s other friends find this weird/annoying but accept it as a holdover from his relationship with goody-goody Nancy. Then Steve goes to college and nobody’s shocked when angelic Chrissy takes over as “popular person who’s nice to Wan Mysterious True Crime Victim Jonathan.” Jason’s like “I don’t know, babe” and Chrissy quotes Job at him (“Those at ease feel contempt for misfortune!”) and Jason’s like “oh my bad.” But really Chrissy is not in a good place herself and she’s gonna do something weird about it.
Nancy/Chrissy: I would set this during S2. All of S1 happened, but Joyce was like “fuck this shit I’m out” thanks to the UD stuff and the town’s shitty reaction, so she and the kids and Bob moved to Maine. They’re all fine eventually because the MF has geographical limits and Bob is genuinely a good dude. Nancy and Jonathan write to each other but she decides she has to move on romantically. But she is still not happy with her popular boyfriend or his crowd…and neither is Chrissy! I don’t know what else happens yet.
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balshumetsbaragouin · 7 months
Alrighty! If you missed the announcement post for this fic, now is the time to get in on this! This fic will be updating every Wednesday. I have a weekly upload schedule for it instead of twice a week, like Passion, because I'll be writing for Invisobang, Bittersweet Future, and doing Green With Envy. I require rest some time!
This chapter sees Danny returned to his cell after spending time in the tender mercies of the GIW scientists. He considers his position and is fed.
Not convinced you want to read? Have a sneak peek below the cut!
“How long has it been?” He poked one of the blobs and it chirped back. The agents ‘fed’ him once a day at most. If he counted the feedings, that made two weeks in custody. Two. Weeks. It hadn’t been an  interesting patrol night when they’d caught him. He’d seen a few animal ghosts and ran Boxy out of the warehouse district, when he’d found himself staring up at some GIW grunt wearing their ugly Rayburns after dark. He’d made a quip about it not making them cool, and gotten a cracked jaw for his trouble. Didn’t make him less mouthy on the drive to wherever this slice of Hades existed, though. He smiled and poked the other blob, watching as it wiggled a summoned appendage to wave at him. “Not long enough for you all to get tired, I guess.” He was tired though. 
Two weeks was long enough; his rescue party should have blown down the doors to his cell by now. His friends hadn’t seen him go missing, but there’s no way the GIW caught the “Million Dollar Ghost” without making something of an announcement about it. Even if they hadn’t, Danny Fenton couldn’t go missing for more than a few hours without it getting Team Phantom’s attention. Maybe breaking into a government facility for a rescue was asking too much from a bunch of teens, but at this point, they’d definitely cracked and told his parents. The Fentons were nationally famous ghost experts with pull in their field, but he hadn’t seen his parents at the facility either. So, the GIW either hadn’t called them in, a bummer, or they couldn’t get close to his cell. He poked the first blob again, and its coos were much quieter this time. “Getting sleepy, aren’t ya?” 
He tapped a foot against the heated metal and considered his options. He had enough energy to stay in ghost form another two weeks before it got problematic. The bigger issue was the scientists. They’d been getting bolder lately, less concerned about “damaging” their specimen. One of the little monsters doing the feds dirty work had cut a clean slice down the top of his thigh to his knee two feedings back. They took measurements to record the rate of his recovery. Something like that. No one ever explained things to him, obviously. 
He prodded the second blob, and it quivered a little. Not much longer, and the both of them would be good and unresponsive.
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billsfangearring · 2 years
10 Lines Tag Game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway!
I've seen this going around and even though I haven't been tagged I thought it would be a fun way to assess my own writing style now that I have nearly 10 fics published on AO3.
I've Built My Life Around You (ALOTO, Jess/Lupe, 250 words)
“Can’t believe it’s been ten years,” Jess says into the silent stadium. It’s not hard for Lupe to believe at all, actually, now that they’re back at Beyer.
Kiss Cam (ALOTO, Jess/Lupe, 250 words)
“We need the people in these two seats to make out,” the one with the braid says, shoving bills and a piece of paper into his hand.
keep you like an oath (ALOTO, Jess/Lupe, 250 words)
By unspoken agreement, Jess and Lupe keep Vi’s a secret—even from those who would be welcome. Lupe probably has a number of complicated reasons for it, but Jess only has one: she’s selfish as hell.
your love's got me trippin' on you (ALOTO, Jess/Lupe, 250 words)
“A beautiful drive into deep right by Brown, and DiGiovanni looks like she’s—yes, she’s going for third… Whoa! Woman down! DiGiovanni appears to have tripped! Rough luck for the Belles' first basewoman. Well, that’ll end the inning, and the Peaches hold the Belles scoreless through the fourth.”
red is the fire in our veins (ALOTO, Jess/Lupe, 250 words)
It was inevitable, really, a foregone conclusion, that Lupe’s gaze would be drawn to the muscled thigh next to her that’s outlined in insolent red.
Two Fingers Means Curveball (ALOTO, Jess/Lupe, 250 words)
“Miss García. Come with me for a minute.”
Love, In Deed and In Truth (ALOTO, Jess/Lupe, 250 words)
Lupe’s belief in God was built on an ethereal foundation of faith, but Lupe’s belief in Jess was built with the earthly planks of trust.
it's not enough (this time) (HP, Remus/Sirius, 2500 words)
If only we’d made a map of all of Britain, Sirius thought wildly as he made another random turn in Surrey. Then I could have stopped Remus before it came to this. I could have seen where he was, who he was with. I could have stopped him. 
Dinner, Interrupted (HP, James/Lily, 150 words)
“He shoots. He scores! Another ten points to Gryffindor. Potter’s on fire tonight. Look, he’s taken possession of the Quaffle again! Excellent broom handling as he dodges left and right. That hoop is wide open… goal!”
I’ve only published nine fics on AO3, but here’s the first line of my portion of my Jess/Lupe WIP with Molly/squidgilator:
Lupe has no idea how much sleep she gets that night, other than not much.
Tagging: @broomsticks @everythingbutcoldfire @mollymarymarie @squidgilator @tahtahfornow and anyone else who wants to do it!
A few observations below the cut (feel free to ignore):
As an ardent dialogue-hater, I'm surprised that half of my fics start with dialogue! The fact that two of those are sports commentary is giving me a good laugh. Apparently I missed my true calling?
In my opinion, my Wolfstar fic—the only thing I've published that's over 250 words—has one of the weaker openings, which is a bit of a bummer because I actually edited that fic. I'm proud of the closing lines of each section though! I'm telling myself that this opening being kinda meh means I've improved as a writer since last summer.
It looks like I tend to use fairly short and straightforward sentences? I'd love to hear if any other patterns stand out to you lol
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gurugirl · 1 year
I hate cheating and I don't condone it but tell me why every time you write it in a fic it's so hot? So sweet even at times?
I don't read any other fics where cheating is involved but yours? I do. The first time I read anything with cheating involved was your stepdad one and I was like feeling so guilty and shamed for reading it and enjoying but then you wrote the queen's secret and I started to like "get it". Even though they were were alowed it was still cheating because feelings got involved but that's where I was able to see it and understand it. You can't stop your emotions and feelings sometimes.
And then your step mom fic and now best friend's dad? The step dad harry stuff is mostly just gratuitous smut and sometimes it gets deep but mostly it's just hot sex.
Your other stories with cheating, though, have more depth and I get it. You make me get it with the way your write the characters and their feelings and emotions. I think about cheating in a different way now. Not that I'd say go out and cheat and it's cool but you bring a depth to the taboo that I think sometimes might be missing from the context of what's going on.
I'm actually crushing on you. Just simply the way you write (just about ANYTHING you write) and can spin a tale you make the characters seem real. I am amazed by your brain. I wish I could meet you in person and tell you all this and buy you dinner but. ahhh well.
That's all I wanted to say. I love your writing and even cheating is hot and somehow I get it when you write it. Love your work.
I stared at this for a long time and had to log out of doing work because I was sitting too long thinking about how I was going to respond.
I appreciate you telling me this. I love to hear your thoughts on this. I don't know why I like the cheating taboo so much in fanfic. It's just a personal preference and so I enjoy adding it sometimes. But I like to include elements of guilt and shame because the reality is that cheating is never a happy thing even if two people can't resist one another and fall in love, other people involved will get hurt so that's always going to be in there somewhere as a reminder of what's really going on.
You are seriously so so kind. I'm blushing and even squeaked a little reading over this and seeing your thoughts. It's so special to see asks like this or feedback that just goes so deep. I love tumblr for things like this, but it's also a bummer that you and I will probably never meet in person to have dinner or to chat. It would be so fun to do something like that... *sigh*
Thank you for reading and for giving me this gift of your feedback. This is super special to me.
Thank you!
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walkawaytall · 1 year
🛒 and 🎢?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Oh, this is a good question. I feel like a consistent theme in a lot of what I write, fanfic or not, is “people are more complex than you think”, which is real vague and probably also a theme that like 90% of writers use, but I feel like that sums it up pretty well. I write a lot of inner-world-focused stuff, I think? And I think a lot of what I write, even when it’s not a total bummer, has bummer-adjacent qualities. But I usually try to drop in hints that the future is hopeful any time it makes sense to do so. Leia can’t imagine having kids in Reconstitution because she doesn’t want to have an unsecured firearm around children but also cannot sleep without her blaster next to her, but by the end, she’s slipping it into a drawer as she readies for bed; Leia says she bites her fingernails to stubs because of constant stress in Confirmed by Sources Close to the Subject, but in the last scene, her nails are long enough to pick apart book pages, etc. (sometimes I do wonder if these hints are too subtle because it seems like they get missed? And then I feel pretentious, like I’m not trusting my readers. But, based on their comments, some readers have missed them, so…)
Also, as I’ve written more and more, I’ve developed little headcanons that overlap in some of my fics even if the fics themselves could not occur in the same universe. Leia looking for Han’s boots on the ramp of the Falcon to assure herself he isn’t too injured upon returning from a mission pops up in Reconstitution and Purpose of Heritage, the Organas having family snowball fights has been mentioned in Purpose of Heritage and Served Cold, I liked a whole field blood transfusion scenario that was mentioned in passing in Collateral so much apparently that I’m using it again (this time as a full scene) even though the fic I’m using it in cannot exist in the same AU as Collateral for a variety of reasons. Also, Leia being fond of cake. Like, it’s now canon that Breha and Bail bribed child Leia with sweetmallow cakes when she couldn’t attend functions they needed to be at, which is why I picked it when I needed just any food item for her to be fond of for Speak Louder, but some part of my brain has been working overtime to get cake into as many of my fics as humanly possible for whatever reason and now I just think it’s funny.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
On the kind of humorous, what-is-going-on side of wild rides, probably Nemesis. That’s the fic I wrote mostly from Tarkin’s POV in which he has declared seventeen-year-old Leia his nemesis and spends an entire day trying to catch her in a lie. The last bit from Palpatine’s POV is unhinged in a funny way and 100% inspired by an episode of 30 Rock (I mean, the entire concept was inspired by the dynamic between Jack and Kaylie on 30 Rock).
Wildest emotional ride is probably Purpose of Heritage, but I don’t think it’s in a way unexpected for the genre. There are just a lot of things for everyone to have feelings about between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.
Thank you for the questions!
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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after-witch · 1 year
Hey! It’s me! The anon who said they were reading Small Spaces with their mom! We just finished the last book and ;; we’re kinda bummed with the ending. Though I’ve noticed a lot of people are. The fact that they led up to the smiling man to be some sort of tragic/lonely figure and then promptly didn’t resolve any of it was sort of a major bummer. We have more questions than answers. But yk, the more brainworms I have about the guy the better tbh. More stuff to stew up in there. Gives us stuff to talk about. (while waiting for the audible credit to listen to empty smiles -libby didn’t have it- I picked up The Invisible Life of Addie Larue since I saw you talking about it and it was absolutely amazing. Currently trying to get my mom to read that too lol.) We’ve kinda made ourselves a two person book club. Haha! Thanks to you and your blog we have a new thing to do together. Thanks Theo! (Oh! And would you ever have any plans to write any fics for Luc?)
Hey!! I also had mixed feelings about the ending. It felt very rushed. I kind of wonder, and I feel bad for writing this because maybe it's not true at all, if Arden wanted to focus more on her new book, which she said she'd been writing for 5 years, and sort of whipped through it. Since the series wasn't originally intended to be more than one book, maybe she got contracted into a quartet and found it hard to finish. I also remember she said somewhere that the original concept wasn't a carnival but something radically different (This like avant garde puppet show based on a real puppet show) so maybe she ended up having to scrap original thoughts/drafts/etc and rewrite something new.
Regardless, definitely feels like there's about 20-30 pages of story missing.
I really like the audiobook for Empty Smiles, particularly the Smiling Man dialogue. I really love the narrator's choices for some of the dialogue. "Save me from stubborn girls" had me kicking my legs.
I'm glad you guys were able to read the series together!! Really, ahh thank you for sharing, idk I'm being really sappy but I just love that it's something you guys get to do together. And that you're continuing it with more books!
Ahh The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue! I'm glad someone else recommended it. I really enjoyed it. I don't have any plans to write for Luc, but I do find him intriguing. If I did write for Luc, it probably wouldn't be romantic,
Did you know that Katherine Arden's new adult book coming out in 2024 is described as being The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue meets All the Light We Cannot See? I hope you and your mom pick that one up when it comes out!
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B, H, O, S?
thanks for the ask!!
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
i know i've talked about Dojima/Namatame before, but it's one of those things that i never thought about until i saw a prompt for it on the kinkmeme back in the day??? and once i started thinking about it i feel like... as much of a crack ship this sounds like, there's basis for understanding but also conflict (obviously) that makes them interesting to ship under specific circumstances? though i guess i did most of the work figuring out how their dynamic might look like
also, your pitch for sombra/symmetra makes a lot of sense! while i didn't oppose shipping them beforehand, i was never quite convinced until you broke their possible dynamic down
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
hm, i think i come across animation more often than the other examples listed—i love animation! so from statistics it's likelier for me to be into a fandom of an animated show, and live-action stuff is very hit or miss for me.
for writing fic though, i guess i like books/manga/comics because it's easier for me to find the exact location of a scene that i want to reference?
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
hm. most of my music are OST or songs associated with a specific property, so it's gonna be biased. i guess i'll go on youtube or spotify or something try to find a random song
*15 minutes later*
NEVER SAY GOODBYE (apparently it's an opening for Golden Kamuy, but since idk anything about it* i figure it's neutral enough): it's got an extremely shounen vibe, so Kamina from Gurren Lagann is an obvious shoe-in—he is THE Cool Big Bro in my cultural consciousness after all.
*the only thing i know about Golden Kamuy is that the author loves drawing naked muscly men and there are a lot of animal deaths(?)
just for fun there's another one: YoiYoi KonKon (lyrics)—my Japanese is nowhere near good enough to parse the lyrics, so i'm purely going by vibes alone. the whole thing screams "reckless indulgence", and the mesh of traditional instruments with a modern beat/melody obviously turned my mind towards settings and characters kinda caught between time? not necessarily literally, just that they're lost/losing themselves in some sense. I guess the use of traditional instruments plus the "recklessly losing myself in pleasure to hide/run away from my sadness" kinda made me think of Tsunayoshi (or Tokuko) from Ooku the Inner Chambers, the one where most of Japan were ruled by women bc a freak plague decimated the male population
(also, the vibe of this song reminds me of Tokio Funka a bit)
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
okay so i assume this means "show us an example of a headcanon in your fanworks"?
the headcanon about YukiChie cooking and Yosuke's crappy pics in the (still unfinished) YukiChie fic that you beta'd:
Wounded pride aside, her mother has a point. They can’t rely on other people to cook for them all the time. It’s one of those Essential Life Skills™ that they were supposed to have mastered by the time they finished high school or whatever. Yu’s been making (and generously sharing) delicious lunches for as long as they’ve known him, and Rise’s cooking is perfectly safe as long as she doesn't have access to chili powder. Kanji and Naoto do fine on their own too. Heck, even Yosuke knows how to make staple dishes, judging by all the terrible photos he posts to their group chat at the weirdest times (also: she’s gonna show up at his university dorm and murder him if he ever spams her with blurry homemade tamagoyaki pics at 3 AM again.Yukiko will help her hide the body.) So yeah. They’re way behind schedule at this point, and it’s kind of a bummer to realize their culinary skills are about on par with Teddie’s—probably with him taking the lead to boot.
(I also absolutely think Yukiko doesn't look at recipes because she thinks she should just figure it out on her own)
[ask prompts here!]
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