#it's a flower shop and the upper floor is like being in the most beautiful garden
universalcas · 10 months
The worst part of it all, if you don't take into account the hollowing feeling that threatens to eat you alive from the insides, the fear, paralyzing as anything, of not being able to function properly ever again, the idea of you doing the basics every day, powered by muscle memory alone because you have to eat and you have to breathe in a world that doesn't give a shit about anything and keeps going, it's when you don't even have a body to bury. And how can anyone mourn an angel, anyway?
When Cas died, he took everything that was beautiful and worth living for with him leaving behind only memories of touches, and comfort an protection and the painful realization that sometimes home can, also, be a person. All the things that Dean, damn coward he is, always took for granted.
He finds the house by the lake he (still) dreams of sometimes, one day he's aimlessly driving, alone, always alone those days, when Sam is far away living the life he always wanted for both of them. The construction is sturdy and well-kept despite the obvious state of abandonment. It looks like a nice place to start over again, whatever that means now.
Next to a big tree that still smells of rain Dean buries his jacket, the one with Cas's handprint on it, because he doesn't have anything else and thinks Cas might have liked it. Dean doesn't know how it feelt to be in The Garden of Eden before everything happened, but he wants to thinks it looked a lot like this, to be able to rest under a sky full of stars.
He doesn't notice the tiny flower that appears over Cas's grave at first, because after only a month there there's still a lot to do but once he does he can't simply stop staring at it. It's small and blue and a species he doesn't recognize. Not that he knows a lot about flowers but he's learning. Maybe it doesn't means anything, probably it doesn't means anything, but he prefers to think that Cas's memory, the physical imprint of an angel existence on Earth, has helped to grow a new life. So he starts taking a bit of his time to talk to the tiny flower everyday. Most of the time is nothing of importance, short trips to the nearest town to buy supplies he needs, a new idea he want to implements in the upper floor of the cabin, but some things are small and life-changing on their own, because in the folks in the town have started calling him by his first name, and he has an 'usual' when he appears at the local coffee shop and the old woman that owns the bakery uses him as her guinea pig when she bakes a new pie.
Time goes and the flower grows and the pressure around his chest is less constricting even if it doesn't disappear completely and probably never will but Dean's fine with it. It's a proof that he's still alive and kicking and that Cas, in his own way, changed him too.
One day the flower is gone and there's a familiar silhouette standing in front of the lake. Fifty-years old-knees from a life hunting can hurt like hell when Dean sprints toward a man that can be real or can be just his imagination playing tricks on him but the blue in his eyes when he turns over and call Dean's name in that soft voice of his, looks like the blue of the flower that Dean nurtured with patience and love for months. It looks a lot like happiness. It looks a lot like hope. 🌿
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
The one where Ethan is pretending
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Description | When you bump into Ethan in Paris, you fail to mention that you know exactly who he is. You’re not sure how long you’ll be able to keep it up when he asks you out for a drink.
Content | Fluff
Pairing | Ethan x gn!Reader (with the exception of one female pet name)
Word Count | 2071
Taglist | @ginny-lily @ethaneskin @tabi-toast @mywritingonlyfans
There was no way you were staying in the same place that Måneskin had just arrived at. There was no way, you kept telling yourself. Paris was a massive city, the number of available hotels in the hundreds, maybe thousands if you had to guess. And yet, somehow, you had managed to pick the one place one of your new favourite obsessions would spend their time. You knew it didn't mean much, the hotel had more than a couple of rooms and with your luck, you wouldn't even catch a glimpse of them. But as you kept scrolling through Instagram, seeing pictures of people meeting the four Italians in front of the place you had checked into mere days ago, you couldn't fight a little bubble of excitement forming in your chest.
Well, you told yourself you wouldn't get your hopes up. And you definitely wouldn't hang around in front of the hotel or in the lobby. You had booked your solo trip to Paris months ago, after dreaming about visiting the city for most of your life, and you would be damned if you wouldn't stick to your itinerary and enjoy your holiday. However - you had gotten up at what felt like dawn to go queue up for the Louvre and spent the last couple of hours there, so you decided that a nap was the way to go if you wanted to continue exploring the city in the evening. Fortunately, the walk back to the hotel wasn't long.
You had made it to the last corner before entering the street you were aiming for, when two giggling girls ran past you, unceremoniously bumping your shoulder and sending you tumbling. You were fully expecting to hit the ground, but instead, a pair of strong arms caught you and brought you back to your feet. A pair of strong arms belonging to a strong chest that you came face-to-face with, belonging to a gorgeous face, belonging to Ethan Torchio.
"Tu vas bien?" His broad French accent confused you, momentarily forgetting about the little detail that you were, in fact, in France, as you stared at the drummer in front of you, who was still protectively holding onto your upper arms.
"Huh?" Was the immensely intelligent answer that thus left your mouth.
"Oh, not French?"
"No, definitely not French." You finally said, taking a step back from him to avoid the increasing awkwardness you were feeling about being touched by him, while the two girls who had previously knocked you down were now lingering around the two of you suspiciously, not coming close enough to be rude, but obviously desperate to get their own piece of Ethan. "No, just a tourist."
"Me too," Ethan smiled. "A tourist, I mean. Well, kind of. I'm here with my band so it's not like we have time to do a lot of sightseeing."
He briefly turned around to look at the two girls who still seemed frustrated at you hogging his time and gave a small wave before turning back to you. It was the movement that made you realise he had the most gorgeous red rose tucked into the waistband of his trousers. Well, it used to be the most gorgeous rose - after your little crash, it had bent in the middle, the top hanging only by a thread, in the most miserable fashion.
"Oh, no I am so sorry!" You gasped, carefully grasping the delicate petals that were on the verge of breaking off. "I must have crashed into it when you caught me."
"Don't worry about it," Ethan said, softly, and pulled the stem from his waistband. The flower looked even more tragic now, in all its crushed glory. "A fan gave it to me a few minutes ago."
"Huh?" You surely proved yourself articulate in this conversation. You mentally hit yourself, angry at yourself for being so easily flustered.
"There are a few fans waiting in front of our hotel, because we're in a ... band ... and things."
Apparently, your awkwardness was contagious. Also, it was becoming increasingly obvious that Ethan thought that you had no idea who he was.
"Let me get you a new one," you suggested. "There's a flower shop just two doors down from the hotel - I mean, I am staying there, too, so I know."
He smiled at you with a serenity and calmness that had your heart soaring. You decided you'd be willing to buy him a million roses if only he kept smiling at you like that for a little longer.
"Well, I've got to go now, but it would be rude to refuse your offer. Meet you in the bar of the hotel at 8 tonight?"
No way this was happening. You almost gasped, but at the last moment managed to keep your cool, outwardly. On the inside, you were a mess. Bumping into the drummer of one of your favourite bands was a wonderful chance meeting as it was - but this almost sounded like a date. Now, of course, Ethan wouldn't be asking you out on a date. That would be ridiculous. But there was also no way you would miss out on a chance to meet him again. Preferably without those two giggling girls that were still standing behind him, watching every move of your interaction but luckily too far away to hear what you were saying.
"It's a d- uh, deal," you quickly recovered before almost spitting out the word date instead. Ethan chuckled.
"Right, see you later, then, for our... deal."
He had seen right through you anyway, you thought. But he was still laughing, so it wasn't all that bad - right?
With another quick touch to your upper arm, Ethan walked past you, turning around just one last time.
"My name is Ethan, by the way. You can tell me yours tonight."
Oh, you would.
The rest of the day was... well, restless. You couldn't nap because your mind was a whirlwind and your stomach was twisting with excitement. So instead, you had made sure to get the prettiest red rose you could find in the flower shop down the street - while slightly wincing at the price that a shop in the center of the city of love demanded - and put it in a glass the hotel receptionist had been nice to give to you. Then you had decided that there was no way you would manage to relax before 8, so you allowed yourself a few hours simply wandering through the city, no real destination, no itinerary for once, just a nice long stroll with nothing but your thoughts.
At five past eight - being slightly late was still cool, right? - you did a quick check-up in the mirror, realised you were not going to get any happier with your appearance whatever you tried to do at this point, grabbed the rose from its makeshift vase, and left your room.
It only took you a second to see him when you entered the little bar on the ground floor of the hotel. Even in the dim light, the white blouse that he had already been wearing when you met for the first time stood out like a sore thumb. Long dark hair fell over his back in a silky fashion. You had never wanted to touch anyone's hair more.
You took one more deep breath and then walked over to Ethan, smile on your face and rose in your hand.
"A rose for the handsome gentleman?"
Ethan almost jumped, apparently not having heard you coming, but quickly a smirk spread over his face while he stood up.
"I'll take the rose and your name, then."
"It's Y/n."
Ethan greeted you with a soft kiss to your cheek, before taking the rose, pulling your chair back, and inviting you to sit. It was almost ridiculously romantic and if it had been anyone else it would have seemed over-the-top and off-putting, but with Ethan it seemed sincere and fitting.
"Glass of wine, Y/n?" He asked as he casually waved the waiter over to your table.
"Just one. I want to get up early tomorrow for some more sightseeing."
It didn't end up being just one glass. It ended up another one and then a bottle shared. But it also ended up with three hours of talking, laughing, teasing, and slowly moving your chairs closer together until you were basically sitting on the same side of the table. You had asked him about his band - still trying to cover up that you knew exactly who they were out of pure fear that he'd reject you for being a fan - and he has asked about your job, your life, your family. In fact, you only left the bar when the waiter had started throwing you annoyed looks while demonstratively cleaning the tables around you.
"I'll bring you to your room," Ethan chuckled lightly as you waited for the elevator. His hand was on the small of your back and it was spreading tingles all through your body. You were standing close enough that you could smell his perfume, a light yet musky scent that encapsulated everything about him.
As soon as the elevator doors opened, he lightly pushed you inside and you found yourself not minding him leading you like this. You pressed the button for your floor, leaning against the wall as you studied the man in front of you. He was a thing of beauty, no question about it, and when he smiled down at you the way he was right then and there, he made you feel like one, too.
"I had a lovely evening, Y/n. Is there any chance I could get your number?"
What a question, you thought to yourself. You'd be mad to refuse him!
You dug your phone out of your cluttered bag. You had switched numbers just a few weeks ago and had not yet learned the new digits by heart. Quickly, you switched it on - and your heart sank. Oh crap. You had completely forgotten about this.
The lockscreen of your phone was a picture of Måneskin.
As you looked up, you realized Ethan had seen. And, contrarily to the reaction that you were anticipating, he was wearing a massive grin.
"Ethan, I am so sorry, I should have told you immediately when we met but I kind of just stumbled into this and you were explaining you were in a band and I didn't know how to say-"
"Dolcezza, calm down. I've known all along."
"Wait - what?"
He didn't explain. Instead, he pointed to your bag - your tote bag - your Måneskin tote bag.
You truly felt like the least intelligent life form on earth.
"I've been carrying that around all day, haven't I?"
While your embarrassment grew, face heating up, Ethan grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into his body. His arms tightly wrapped around your body and you could feel his giggles in his chest, as your head was pressed against it. You didn't hesitate in reciprocating, clinging onto his torso, slowly swinging from side to side. Both of you caught in a tipsy stupor.
You only stopped when the elevator arrived at your floor, both of you stumbling out and dragging each other to your door while clinging on. When you reached your room, you let your back lean against it, pulling Ethan along so you were standing face to face, smiling at each other shily and yet never breaking eye contact.
"Why didn't you say anything?" You finally asked. He stroked your cheek, leaving goosebumps. He had now gotten so close that you could feel his breath on your, drowning in each other.
"I liked pretending."
And then he kissed you. Boldly, unafraid and passionate. You melted like putty under him, letting him take control while letting yourself fall, as his lips moved against yours.
You only pulled away enough to get another glance at him, before once again searching your bag, now one-handed, so you never quite had to let go of him. A small triumphant sound escaped you as you located the key card. Holding it up next to your face, you shot the man in front of you another smirk.
"Why don't we keep pretending? At least for tonight."
It wasn't an offer he was going to refuse.
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ikaroux · 3 years
Zhongli: The Dragon Dance. (Part 1) (EN)
Version française
Aaaah Zhongli, my sweet Zhongli, writing about followers is really painful in itself given their longevity... I didn't come here to suffer, okay! *crying in a corner*
Les Ost pour ce chapitre :
Broken Hero Onmyoji
Rabia Honkai impact
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The port city of Liyue was abuzz with excitement as the New Year's Eve celebration took place. The streets were brightened by the laughter and chatter of passers-by and lit by paper lanterns decorated with cut-out designs of dragons, maple leaves, herons and more. Various flowers from the region decorated every part of the city, right down to the ponds with golden carp. You could see dancers strutting a flexible dragon figure in the image of the Geo Archon in the streets. Street vendors shouted at the top of their voices, selling the merits of their goods or the deliciousness of their food. Everything seemed beautiful and magical.
You had come from Mondstadt to spend the end-of-year celebrations here, with some friends who lived in the city. They had suggested that you go and see the fireworks which would take place later in the evening, but your curiosity led you to walk through the streets of Liyue alone before joining your friends.
This year the festival organisers asked the inhabitants of Liyue and their guests to wear a mask which was offered to them by the city. You knew that the festival was to end with a kind of masked ball that would take place all over the city, with musicians placed here and there, sometimes in the corridors overhanging the streets or in the harbour by the sea.
The organisers of the ball wanted everyone to be able to enjoy a moment of joy and happiness without fear, without fear of the gaze of others.
You would walk along the wooden quays, your fox mask partially covering your face. You gazed at the reflection of the city lights on the surface of the water, a smile on your face. The street was crowded but you loved it, the atmosphere was so similar to your beloved city.
As you turned your gaze to observe the quay parallel to yours, you noticed the refined figure of a tall man. His posture was refined and elegant, he stood upright with his arms crossed behind his back and his eyes fixed on the horizon. He wore a long coat that matched his build perfectly, his hair, tied back in a simple tail, swayed in the sea breeze. He wore a golden mask with the image of a dragon.
The man seemed to notice your gaze lingering on him, turning his face towards you. The masks only hid the upper part of the faces, so you could see the soft smile on his lips. Embarrassed, you ran away, slipping through the crowd of people enjoying the shops on the harbour.
As you reached the centre of the city, the sweet sounds of the typical instruments of the region echoed through the streets. You could recognise the erhu among all the instruments that were playing.
Men, women and children began to dance happily, some laughing, others giving each other longing looks.
Seduced by the warm and loving atmosphere, your lips stretched into a wide smile before quickly disappearing as a large gloved hand reached for yours. You quickly turned to see who had surprised you, thinking at first that it was one of your friends who had found you. You opened your eyes wide when you recognised the man in the dragon mask. He pulled you to him, placing his free hand on your hip, he began to dance with you, guiding you perfectly to the rhythm of the music. You were mesmerised by his amber eyes watching you intently under his mask, the soft smile on his face making your cheeks warm.
You gradually began to relax in his arms, laughing out loud as he twirled you around before pulling you back against him, a husky laugh gently rising from his throat at your adorable reactions. After several minutes of energetic dancing, he moved his hand up your back, pulling you closer to him in a slower, more sensual dance. He gently placed his cheek on the top of your head as your face rested on his chest, breathing in the lily scent that wafted from him. As you swayed gently on your feet, he picked up a silk flower that decorated one of the columns that littered the street, supporting the upper floors of the houses. He placed the little pink button in your hair (colour), admiring how well it suited you.
Your dance was suddenly interrupted when the dull sound of fireworks was added to the melody of the musical instruments, your attention instantly turned to the play of light in the sky. Your pupils shone with a new brilliance at the sight.
Dazzled by the beauty of the fireworks, you glanced at your mysterious escort, hoping that he was enjoying the show as much as you were.
Your cheeks turned a deep red as you noticed his eyes were fixed on you, your hands still linked together. He moved his face closer to you, pushing a few strands of hair out of the way.
"Thank you for the evening. "he whispered in your ear.
Without giving you time to answer, he brought the back of your hand to his lips and placed a tender kiss on it. He reluctantly let go of you before stepping back, giving you one last look before disappearing into the crowd.
"No, wait... don't go... your name... give me your name!"
But now he was out of your sight, regret tainting your heart. Why didn't you ask him before?
"(Y/N)! "
Hu Tao's voice called to you in the distance, bringing you out of your thoughts. She was accompanied by Xiangling, Chongyun and Xingqiu who waved their hands at you, their faces lit up with big smiles. Taking one last look at the place where your mysterious date had disappeared, you finally joined your friends, ending the evening with them.
Zhongli was sitting on the terrace of his flat, a steaming cup of tea in his hands. His gaze was lost in contemplation of the liquid in its container.
He was still wondering why he had left without asking your name. Even after living for thousands of years, he still felt a little foolish.
Perhaps he should have invited you to share a cup of tea with him? Perhaps he should have taken off his mask and introduced himself to you properly?
Zhongli had rarely had regrets in his long life and today was one of those rare moments. A sigh escaped his lips, from the moment he had met your gaze on the docks, you had intrigued him. He had immediately noticed from your manner that you were not from Liyue. From Mondstadt perhaps? That's what your clothes suggested.
For some reason, you dodged his gaze when he turned his attention to you, running away from the platform that separated you from him.
Curiously, Zhongli couldn't help but follow you, speeding up to avoid losing sight of you. Eventually he caught up with you, admiring your wondering eyes for a few seconds. He would have liked to take off that fox mask to better admire you, why? He didn't know. What he did know was that at that moment he wanted to share an intimate moment with you, wanting to create a peaceful and sweet memory with a stranger whose smile was brighter than the most precious of diamonds.
Zhongli had felt an intense happiness arise in him as you relaxed in his arms. He savoured the breath you projected on him as your head rested on his chest, your warmth comforted him, your laughter fascinated him, your eyes (colour) captivated him. Why was he gone? Why had he left? He might never have the opportunity to see you again. Zhongli knew, after accumulating 6,000 years of knowledge and wisdom, that feeling desire or attraction for a mortal could become something painful for both you and him. Zhongli might not be the Geo Archon anymore, but he was still a follower with a long life expectancy...
Yes, he knew... but knowing didn't stop you from hoping.
You had a hard time to wake up, the evening of the new year having been rather animated. After the fireworks, you all went to Xiangling's house to have a last drink, without alcohol for some of you, Hu Tao, Xingqiu and Xiangling taking care of the atmosphere of your little party. You were able to talk with Chongyun about your evening, the magic that the stranger in the dragon mask had worked on you still haunting you. Chongyun had listened patiently before suggesting that you might try to look for him in town tomorrow, and even though the mask had prevented you from seeing him, his presence remained intact in your mind.
So you slept at Xiangling's house. When you woke up, she was preparing breakfast with a big smile on her face. Xiangling had prepared a home-made hangover remedy for you with your meal made of blue lily of the valley flower, sweet flower and apple juice extract.
"Thank you Xiang, it's delicious."
"You're welcome (Y/n). And you have to be in shape for today!"
"Fit? Why?"
"Didn't Hu Tao tell you? We're going to show you around the city today. And then..." -She walked over to you, her hand covering the side of her mouth as if to tell you a secret. You moved closer to her.- "We need to find your handsome stranger in the dragon mask!."
You choked on your food.
"H-How did you...I didn't...!"
"Chongyun told me about it last night before he left! He didn't like seeing you so sad so he thought we could look together today."
You sighed, desperate. You couldn't blame Chongyun, after all you hadn't told him to keep it to himself and besides this boy was far too adorable to be sulking.
After you finished eating you went to take a shower before changing your clothes, combing your hair and finally applying some light makeup to your face. Hu Tao met you downstairs at Xiangling's flat, finishing his discussion with an elderly lady who greeted you with a brief nod before leaving.
"Good! (Y/n) it's time we took care of your case."
"My case huh..."
Hu tao grabbed your arm, leading you into the sparsely populated streets of Liyue. She showed you some shops while you described your dance partner's appearance to her.
"A tall, elegant and polite man with a long coat you say? Eeeeh... Reminds me of someone."
Hu Tao paused for a moment to think before being interrupted by the deep voice of a man calling out to him.
"Hu Tao there you are, I have a small... favor..."
His amber eyes met your eyes (colour), a long silence settled between the four of you, Hu tao and Xiangling swinging their eyes towards you and then the newcomer. The man did not take his eyes off you, his mouth slightly open. It was him, you were sure, it was him!
Zhongli looked at you without saying anything, too amazed to find you so easily when he had just come to Hu Tao to ask for his help. He had recognised your eyes from the moment he saw them.
He cautiously approached you, forgetting everything around him. He took your hand in his, a gentle smile appearing on the delicate features of his face. You were even more beautiful than he had imagined. He could feel your fingers trembling with emotion in his hand, tightening it to soothe you.
"Ah- I, you..."
Zhongli paid no attention to Hu Tao and Xiangling's curious looks. He was focused on you, only on you. Drawing you to him, his hand again on your lower back, he began a few dance steps to assure you that it was really him. Your tears rolled down your cheeks as a smile lit up your face. Several minutes passed before he stopped twirling you around to the beat of his heart.
"What is your name?"
"(Y/n), what a beautiful name." -He brought your hand still buried comfortably in his to his lips, placing the most delicate of kisses.- "Zhongli. May I invite you to drink tea with me?"
"With pleasure."
Zhongli knew that forging bonds with a mortal could be painful.
He knew but... he would take that risk.
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sopxhiea · 4 years
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Alfie Solomons X Friends with Benefits!Reader
Summary: She’s known as a dancer in a high end club but he’s known her for not so long. She decides the rules, he goes along with them but sometimes, he’s the one making the rules.
“If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.”
“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.”
It’s late. 
Late enough to hear the dogs howling in the groggy streets of London as the black sky decorated the horizon. The room was quiet, only the sound of breathing filling the hollow walls of the apartment. The silence wasn’t unusual and it was more than welcomed. The owner wasn’t home, a familiar body was standing in the spacious entrance.
You weren’t home yet.
Feeling the soft material of the lacy undergarment residing around your upper thighs, you looked around to see who was still in the club. It was close to the weekend which meant that it was getting busier than usual. Men were mostly drunk or intoxicated by the movements of the ladies around. There was no one to entertain in the club anymore so you moved towards the interior rooms to get ready to leave.
The space was decorated with mirrors, make up clutter right in front of them as some of the girls packed the last of their garments to leave. The sun would approach soon, sunlight beaming through the groggy city but you hoped to make it home before then. Slowly gathering your stuff and stuffing them all in your bag, you looked at yourself in the mirror.
The club wasn’t the usual, much like you.
It was a place for rich lads, some aristocracy and the kind of men that had to be served in private rooms because of how high they were up in the pyramid scheme. Most of the work you did was talking, some dancing here and there and you were done. Nothing ever got physical since it wasn’t a brothel, but a place for fine entertainment.
The make-up was off, your natural skin color glowing under the countless bulbs that decorated the mirror. The club was mostly empty now, car sounds no longer audible. It was dead silent outside, the hour when the city would be asleep and you’d walk home on your own. It was a treat to say the least.
The cold weather attacked your skin a bit too quickly as you made your way down the street. Your flat wasn’t too far from the club, just perfect distance for a night walk. It was dangerous in the streets, especially for a lady like yourself but you had a gun hidden in your bag and a long needle that held your bun together and you knew your way around both of those tools.
The night seemed quiet as you walked, no sounds of chatter but a few drunken lads from a couple blocks away. You hugged your coat a little tighter and realized that you were less tired than usual.
The inside of the house was quiet, an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach as he looked through the corridor. Your dresses were on the floor, a couple mugs here and there sitting on the piles of books. He saw a nightgown and your knickers on the floor and decided that you had gone to the club a little later than usual. As far as he was concerned, everything was normal.
The sound of keys jiggling outside the door made him turn towards the entrance and before he knew it, you pushed the door open with a gun in your hand that was pointed at him. Your breathing was even and the gun in your hand didn’t shake in the slightest.
He greeted you with a smile.
You lowered the gun down in a swift motion when you realized who it was. He was wearing his usual smile, broad as he walked towards you with dense eyes. He was wearing the usual attire but his prayer shawl was missing and you realized it was past saturday.
There he was, the handsome stranger.
He wasn’t so much of a stranger really, not since he’d made you chant his name until the sun was down and you had to go to work. He knew the way your body responded, what you liked in the bedroom and just how to kiss you to make you beg. 
He didn’t know anything about your family, where you’d spent your childhood or the way you’d silently pray each time you saw a shadow. Alfie didn’t know what meals you cooked, how you liked your tea or anything past your occupation and name and where you lived. 
He didn’t need to. 
And he wasn’t allowed to.
“What the fuck happened to sayin’ ‘ello, pet?” he said with an amused face that you didn’t mirror. You were still a bit tired from work and he never came over afterhours.
Those were the rules.
He was allowed to come anytime before your work and never after you’d just arrived home. He would usually call before and let you know. He wasn’t allowed to buy you things or take you out, even though he’d stayed over a couple times before. You knew limited information and about him and he the same, and he wasn’t allowed to break any of the rules.
“Sorry. I’m just a little..” you spoke with a soft tone and he could hear the tiredness seeping from your limbs as he took a look at you.
You looked tired but beautiful nevertheless.
Your figure was a bit slumped, the kind of tiredness that came from working too hard and not because he was the one tiring you out. You weren’t wearing any make-up or fancy clothes, it was his favorite version of you. He didn’t like all the make-up you had to wear for the club or the fancy lingerie but he had no say in any of the things you did. You had made that painfully clear for him.
“Ya’ alright?” he asked while walking towards you, voice a little concerned at your state but you were a bit too tired to care.
And you wanted to hug him, really badly.
Alfie was very rough around the edges, far too rude at first sight for any lady but it would take a split second to realize that he wasn’t rude at all, that was just the way he was. He brushed shoulders with gangsters, people of the underworld who had to do dirty things to get food on their table. He had blood in his hands and for a man of his kind, he was a gentle one.
You immediately leaned a bit closer when his hand came into contact with your shoulder.
“Fine.” you nodded, little bits of your hair framing your face and Alfie leaned in even closer, standing right in front of you with his hand on your hip.
“Do you want anythi-” you started speaking in a softer voice than normal and Alfie felt himself melt a little but his eyes didn’t leave yours.
“Nah,’m fine, pet.” he said, in a low whisper. He was very gentle at that moment, almost like in a daze.
He had met you in a very unusual way.
You had crashed into him, face on his chest one day when you were out buying groceries. The flowers in your hand were crushed when you bumped into him and he had no time to apologize before you’d started screaming at him for being so careless. He’d listened you shout while thinking about how lovely you were and then asked you out for tea that very same day.
You had said yes and then somehow ended up on his bed. You’d left without saying goodbye but then bumped into him a couple weeks later. He had talked charmingly the whole time and then it happened again, again and then once more before you established some rules so that he didn’t think this was more than a stress relief situation.
“What are you-” you started talking again with his face closer to yours but he interrupted you soon, speaking softly against your irritated face.
“I had a fuckin’ job, right, jus’ around the fuckin’ corner so I figured..” he spoke but trailed off with a smile and you finished it for him.
“So you figured you’d have a quick fuck-” your smile was less evident as you looked at him while speaking.
“A visit, lass. A fuckin’ visit is what ‘m here for, innit.” he said, interrupting you once more and he saw your blood boil which only aroused him.
“If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.” your voice was stern as you looked up at the man. He was twice your size yet you did all the ordering around.
He didn’t mind.
He had been with his share of women, mostly in brothels but he’d usually leave out that part. He loved women, that was a given but he had never grown fond of one before. You had seem like the polar opposite of him when you’d first met and all that did was to draw him even further. He didn’t like the warmth that spread through his chest when he saw you, it made him feel young and defenseless again.
“Sorry, pet.” he said, face even closer to yours now. You knew what he was here for but it didn’t fit the rules, you had no problem sending him home.
“You came here for what?” you spoke against his lips, not kissing him just yet but simply teasing. He was a sucker for that.
He smiled when your fingers caressed his cheek and your lips almost touched his. He wasn’t here for a fuck this time, he had simply dropped off. He had business around the corner with a butcher’s shop that was causing him some trouble and realized that you’d be home soon.
He also wanted to ask you a question but that would come later.
“To see ya’.” he said, simple as that while your lips ghosted over his. Your eyes were locked into his and he didn’t seem to be lying from the way his face relaxed.
“Hm.” you said, humming before you leaned closer to plan your lips on his.
The kiss was slow, not the usual teeth against teeth you had with him. His hands were on your waist while yours resided on his chest and cheek. He was savoring the moment since this was rare with you, very rare. You wanted some relief on most days and that’s when you’d see him, not when you wanted a hug or a small chat.
But you weren’t complaining in the slightest.
You broke the kiss, a bit hesitant at first while staring at his lips. He was searching for your eyes when you parted but you wouldn’t look with the fear of him catching something in there. You slowly walked away from him, taking your long coat off and throwing it on the sofa. The house was a mess but that was the usual. All you and Alfie did was fuck anyway so the only place he would be concerned with was the bed.
You sat down on the chair in the corner of the room and looked at him, standing near the entrance with his broad form. He was here for something, you could tell but he wasn’t so keen on giving it to you. It wasn’t like you were dying to know but Alfie was not someone who’d usually ask for anything, let alone anything from you.
All he would ask was a fuck and that was the arrangement.
“You’re gonna talk?” you said, watching as he made his way to the corner you were sitting on and sat on the sofa next to you.
He didn’t speak for a while. His hand tugged at his beard while he looked at you, lost in thought. He wasn’t really looking at you but through you, which was unusual considering he was one of the first people to ever see you for who you were. You didn’t like to think about it, he was good in bed and that’s all you were concerned with.
“Ya’ hear what’s goin’ on in these fuckin’ streets?” he asked, head motioning outside for a split second before he directed all his attention to you again.
Your eyebrows furrowed and you spoke, not a care in the world as he looked at you. “Seeing as I arrive home at this hour, no.” you said, eyes searching for his for a second before finding them.
He seemed uneasy.
“There is a fuckin’ war, yeah, a dangerous one, lass and it ain’t gonna look pretty for ya’ when they realize ya’ fuckin’ know me.” he said, measuring each and every word.
You didn’t know why he cared.
In your eyes, you were just a woman he fucked. There were no strings, no seeing each other romantically or any kind of involvement. You weren’t his, not by any means and he wasn’t yours. You’d speak to him if you saw him outside but there was no other involvement other than being with each other for stress relief. For all you knew, he was still making regular visits to the brothel.
But he wasn’t.
He had stopped right after he had first met you. He still had his needs but you were more than capable of taking care of him if he were to knock on your door. He knew the rules, was very well aware of the lines you’d drawn for him but he’d still protect you. Not because you were his fuckbuddy but because he genuinely cared about your wellbeing, even if that wasn’t allowed.
You smiled at him at first, almost felt like he was mocking you. Why did he care? You tilted your head to the side and spoke with an amused voice as he looked at you with concern in his eyes, not something you were used to seeing. He still listened as you spoke. “Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.”
He shook his head with an amused chuckle. You really had no idea. The Italians didn’t know of you yet but if they followed Alfie enough times, they could easily make out the equation. He looked at your still form for a moment and spoke, saying what he’d been wanting to say since he arrived and you saw the weight being lifted off his shoulders.
“I can fuckin’ protect ya’, pet, if ya’ come live near me, that is.” he said, word by word and he saw your face change.
It was absurd.
“No.” you said, not even taking a minute to think about it as you looked at him. Before he said anything else, you spoke up again with a shaking head. You were still seated, less angry than he’d expect you to be. “I can’t move away from work and I don’t even know how to find another apartment at this time.” you spoke, voicing all your concerns.
He was a gangster and knew the ropes better than you so you opted on trusting him. If it turned out to be a mistake, you would blame it all on him but you didn’t want to get killed because you’d been fucking some bloke. Except that he wasn’t some bloke and he had his own gang.
“I got that figured ou’, I did, yeah.” he spoke to you while leaning back on the sofa. You looked at him with a curious expression. He was amused at it for a second before speaking up again, hand tugging at his beard. “I got ya’ a fuckin’ place of yer own, near where I fuckin’ live, pet...” he said and watched your eyes burn.
Who did he think he was?
The rules were clear and your blood was boiling because this man was breaking every one of them. He wouldn’t care if you were dead, you had thought but the more he spoke, the more you changed your mind. He had already taken care of everything without even asking you and he heard you scoff while his words still filled your ear.
“I’ll have one of the lads to fuckin’ drive you..” he said, done with what he was saying and you snapped back immediately.
“You’ll have someone drive me in the evening and pick me up at 4 in the morning from a gentlemen’s club?” you spoke, eyes stern as they bore into his.
He just nodded.
You scoffed once more and got up, hand on your hip as you paced through the room. He just watched. He could see the questions forming as you looked at him every now and then as you paced. There was a look of panic in your eyes as you walked through the corridors and realized that he was probably right at having you move, you could easily be killed. Even if you weren’t seeing him, it was common for someone to be killed just because they were living in a dangerous area.
“Will they kill me?” you said, and spoke once more before he could answer. “If I don’t move, I mean..... Will I die?” you said, eyes wide with confusion and panic.
So he spoke up almost immediately, not liking your frantic eyes as he was used to seeing your calm features after a good fuck. “I won’t have that fuckin’ happen-”
“But If I refuse to move?” you said, waiting for him to properly answer the question with hand on your hip. He knew you were measuring all the possibilities.
“I ain’t gonna lie to ya’, pet, ‘s very possible, it ‘s.” he said while looking at you. He was still sitting in front of you.
He watched you nod.
This didn’t change anything in your eyes. It wouldn’t mean that you were dependent on him or that he would have any power over you. You’d just be protected and the chances of you getting killed because of him would decrease. You measured it all in your mind and realized that it was probably for the best.
His movements were fast, feral almost as his skin came into contact with yours every other second. The bed creaked, not too loud while your panting filled the room. Hands holding onto him by the shoulders, you let out a shaky exhale when he adjusted the angle. His hair was messy as it fell on his forehead, moving each time he thrusted into you.
“Fuck.” you whispered against his lips when he started moving faster, hand on his back and neck while his remained on your waist.
He groaned against your neck with each movement, holding your legs up on his knees in the process. A thin layer of sweat was apparent on your skin even though it was freezing outside. You watched him lift his head, facial expression covered in bliss while the morning light hit his face.
It had been a week since you’d moved into the apartment and 4 of those days had been spent with you and him testing the new bed. You had gotten a new one for yourself and he’d joked about how you’d have to break into it so that it was comfortable and you had given him one look and there you were, four days later with your legs wrapped around him.
Your back arched off the bed the faster he became and he was soon becoming erratic, gasping for air and you felt your body slowly tense and give in. Your hands dug into his back as he moved, reaching his climax soon after. He stayed like that for a while while you regained your breath, feeling your body grow tired with each passing hour. You swallowed as he slid out of you and collapsed next to you on the bed.
The rules were still in place.
You stared at the ceiling while he stared at you while laying on his stomach next to you. Your hair was messy, the tie no longer holding it together and tangles here and there. He watched your heaving chest, breath a little lost as you locked your lips. 
And then you turned to him.
His eyes had already been on you but you hadn’t realized. He was staring, not gawking but looking with some sort of softness in his gaze. You didn’t smile as you inspected him and the way he was looking at you. You didn’t do the same to him, feeling yourself grow a bit too uneasy at the feeling of being watched.
And if you looked for too long, you were afraid you’d get lost.
Slowly lifting your body off of the mattress and sitting next to him, you came to realize that most of your lower body had gotten sore in between days of tidying and arranging the new flat and Alfie not wasting a second to get you alone so that he could spend the rest of the day tiring you out even further. 
He watched your hair fall across your back when you got up, messy from the events that had just taken place. You were not wearing anything so you grabbed your cardigan and wrapped it around your body when you got up. The whole time, he just watched as you moved around your new space.
It already felt like home.
He’d spent most of the days either helping you out or making sure that the lads didn’t damage any of the furniture or simply making you pant on the bed. It had been wonderful if he was honest, he wasn’t as angry and there was no feeling of uneasiness in his chest. He still saw dangerous man from day to day but knowing that you’d be home before you left for work, telling the lads how to put the sofa made him feel look forward to the time he’d get to see you.
He didn’t think much of it, or so he convinced himself that he didn’t.
“Alfie.” you said, you had been speaking to him but he was in his head so he hadn’t heard.
“Huh, what, luv?” he said, lifting himself off of the mattress and sitting on the soft material instead.
“You want tea?” you said, licking your lips while standing next to the door’s frame with nothing but a cardigan on. 
“Hm.” he said, nodding as he got up to put his pants on. He didn’t dress himself any further even though it was cold outside, he felt warm after laying on the bed with you.
He walked towards the kitchen to see you waiting for the water to boil. You looked at him when he appeared on the door and you gave him a gentle smile which he returned with a warmer heart. He walked next to you while you poured the water in the tea cups and his hand met your hip, squeezing gently.
This was not something you usually did.
In the last week, the lines had become blurred. It was hard to tell what he was to you. He had found you an apartment and had even picked you up in the morning when you were done. You had joked around with him during the ride and he’d even made jokes to make you smile, he had succeeded, too.
You shuddered a little when his lips met the space between your ear. He knew your body like the back of his hand, no matter how much you’d want to deny it. You kept your eyes on the water that was pouring out to the cups but his lips had your attention.
“Alfie, I’m gonna burn myself.” you said, in a breathy voice and he stopped with a smile. You didn’t even see his lips soften but you knew he was smiling.
After putting the tray on the table that resided in the middle of the living room, you sat on the soft chair you had brought from your previous place. He sat on the sofa on the opposite corner while waiting for the tea to cool down. He wanted to say something, it was hanging at the back of his mouth but he couldn’t get the words to come out.
And you so took it upon yourself to make him.
“If you wanna say something, just say it.” you said, almost a whisper but he had heard since the rooms were silent. You wore an annoyed expression that he often saw but it only amused him further.
He wanted to ask you if you’d work today and he already knew the answer.
He didn’t like it, the sticky feeling in his stomach each time you would go to work. He had no say in what you did, either for work or on the daily and he knew that but it only stirred him further. There was the fear of you getting hurt but he knew you were more than capable of taking care of yourself.
And then, there was the other issue that wouldn’t leave his mind.
Other men got to see you in fancy lingerie, things that didn’t cover you up all the way and it made him mad. He didn’t quite know why, just that he was annoyed with the whole thing. He wouldn’t say it but you’d see the relief on his face when you’d be back from work or when he’d come to pick you up. He had been fucking you a little more carefully lately, ever since you’d moved in closer to him. He was almost tender, painfully soft with you when you’d let him show you a good time. It wasn’t the animalistic, rough Alfie you were used to but there was complaint, only curiosity.
He didn’t speak, just hand tugging at his beard and you knew he’d wait until the day was over and you’d be back from work to see him still in the same position. “You’ve been in me, Alfie, I won’t get mad.” you spoke, almost sensing the reason for his hesitation and his eyes locked into yours when you were done speaking. 
He figured he’d trust your word.
“Yer goin’ to work?” he asked and saw your features change.
You knew why he was asking but that didn’t change anything.
You had a vague idea as to why he had been more gentle with you lately, why he kissed you deeper than usual and why he insisted on giving you hickeys even though you’d told him not to on numerous occasions. He was more touchy, almost always around with the excuse of ‘making sure you were settled in’. You were just a girl but you weren’t stupid.
And this wasn’t something you could allow.
Men got jealous, they got protective and thought they had some sort of power over you the moment you’d become ‘ their girl’. You hated that anyway, being someone’s girl and knowing how dangerous Alfie’s line of business could be, you didn’t see sense in pursuing the possibility of anything happening with the man. You shook your head and he watched you lick your lips before you spoke.
“Yes, I am.” you said nonchalantly, as if you were trying to tell him that no matter how much he’d ask, you still wouldn’t want it. “You don’t need to pick me up.” you said, expressionless as he looked at your standing yet somehow small form. You hugged the cardigan tighter as he spoke, he watched you put some things into space. Things he’d knocked out of its place when he had been feverishly kissing you.
“I fuckin’ will, though.” he said, eyes stern as he looked at your face. You were a little taken aback but no evident sign of surprise.
“You don’t have to.” you said again, agitated with his need to make sure you were alright when all you needed him for was a quick fuck.
It didn’t work like this, not with you so you wouldn’t entertain the chance of being with him.
“I want to, lass, yeah, so I fuckin’ will.” he said one last time before getting up to walk towards you.
He would be jealous, you told yourself. He wouldn’t like the fact that other people were able to see you in such little clothing, you thought and he certainly wouldn’t appreciate the little dances you would give. Sure, he was a good fuck but he was also a cruel gangster and the balance seemed almost even.
You walked away the moment his breath his your face and made your way to the bedroom to tidy up. There were clothes on the floor and books everywhere, you grabbed one and put it on the shelf and he was right behind you when you turned back.
“Alfie, move.” you said, not able to penetrate through his large form as he blocked your way.
“Tell me.” he said, finger under your chin as he lifted your face so you were looking at him.
“Tell you what?”
“Why?” his voice was a whisper as he looked at your small form, chin still between his fingers as his eyes bored into yours.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the question as he looked at your face, Why what? you thought. The question had so many ways of ending and yet, only one question popped into your mind.
Why were you still going to work? Why, when he was the one keeping your bed warm?
You didn’t answer, you didn’t know if there was an answer. It would not work, he would be a jealous man, jealous of the other ones that got to see you in work and it would get unbearable like it always would with any relationship you had. You didn’t say anything and walked away, he just watched.
He left soon after that, not a word or a forehead kiss like he’d usually give you. He wasn’t hurt or broken by anything, he was just waiting for you to make up your mind. The words had stirred something in you, he had seen that when you had looked at him. He just needed an answer now.
Laying on the bed as you watched the street lights dance on the ceiling, you realized you had the answer.
But it would put you in a lot of danger.
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras​ @mollybegger-blog @babylooneytoonz @peakascum
A/n: Hi!! This was something that had been in drafts for a while now so i wanted to post it at last. I hope you enjoyed it and let me know if you’d like another chapter!!
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liltaz-asatreat · 3 years
Day 16 of @taznovembercelebration : Fancy, outfit
Lucretia had been just as excited as everyone else to receive an invitation to a formal dance at the palace for Princess Celeste's birthday. Invitations like that are rare, especially for complete foreigners, but it pays to have a princess be head over heals for one of the crew. Unfortunately for her, Taako isn't interested, but he's been milking it for all it's worth just to have an excuse to chat up her older brother. Is it morally reprehensible to use her interest in him for their own pleasure? Yes, but Taako isn't going to let that stop him from seizing opportunities like this, and it's been a hard 45 years. They deserve to have a break and have some fun before it comes crashing down around them and they have to flee the kingdom.
Bearing all that in mind, Lucretia had had fun shopping for new formal clothes to wear with Lup, and she had felt incredible when she put on her blue velvet mermaid dress. The top part of the dress starts off with a light blue, almost white, fabric with silver velvet sequins connected together in the shapes of stars, flowers, and leaves starting from her collar bone and going down to the sides of her dress and to the upper part of her knees, hugging her close. It has a deep v-neckline, and as the base fabric goes from the top down, it gets a darker and darker shade of blue. Then the shape of the dress opens up in a deep velvet blue and spreads around her like a pool of color. Everyone had said she looked stunning, and she had felt a strong sense of confidence that she worked hard to gain over the years.
Now that they are at the party, however, that confidence has come crashing down around her.
She still feels as beautiful as ever, but that feeling has been overcome with this overwhelming sense of unease. She feels completely out of place here in this vast open space filled with strangers dressed to the nines, milling about and gossiping about kingdom drama. There has also been not so subtle whispers about her and her family not being from around here and having no ties to royalty but still having been invited. They weren't supposed to actually show up.
Lucretia finds herself mostly hanging out by the back wall, watching everyone else on the dance floor. While it's not the most entertaining or socially engaging activity, it's a familiar one, and she finds comfort in that. If only she had brought her notebooks. For some reason, she didn't think she would be in this exact situation this time, electing to enjoy herself in the company of other people instead, but here she is now. Alone and with nothing to do but watch without being able to record.
She fidgets with her hands as she watches a group of people dressed in slick black suits walk past her. One of them notices her stare and looks over at her accusingly, so she quickly looks away and down at the floor. She usually doesn't have to worry about accidentally making eye contact with people as much as she does now because usually she's writing.
Why didn't she bring at least one notebook?
"Hey uh... Lucretia?"
Lucretia looks up and sees Merle dancing his way over to her. She smiles a little and waves. "Hey, Merle."
Merle starts miming pulling her on a rope towards him, and she laughs but shakes her head no. He frowns then continues dancing closer to her until he's next to her by the wall. "What's up, Creesh? I thought ya wanted to hang out and go dancing this time."
Lucretia sighs and presses her back against the wall. "I did until I saw how many people there are and the way they look at us. Merle, they don't want us to be here, and I can't help feeling like I'm intruding on something I'm not meant to be a part of."
"Nonsense," Merle says, shaking his head. "Maybe they don't think we're supposed to be here, but the princess invited us herself, and until they kick us out, we can stay and do whatever as long as we like."
Lucretia bites her lip. "She only invited us to be able to talk to Taako, and it's only going to be a matter of time before she realizes."
Merle shrugs. "But she hasn't realized yet! Come on, Lucretia! You said yourself you wanted a break and to let loose a little. Now's your chance! You can't wait until someone gives you permission to enjoy things or for the other shoe to drop because then you'll miss out on all of the opportunities for joy you could have taken before! And before you know it, life is going to pass you by, and you'll be kicking yourself for not enjoying the time you've had."
Lucretia looks down at her dwarven friend. "Merle, thank you for that sound advice, but... we're also basically immortal."
"Oh..." Merle looks up at her and shrugs with an undaunted grin. "Well, I did forget about that for a second, but that doesn't change the message I'm trying to get across. So what if we're immortal? Just because we have extra time that normal people won't get doesn't mean we should skip out on joy. It just means we have more opportunities that we can take advantage of. Like dancing at a royal ball!"
Lucretia hums and looks out at the dance floor. She can see Lup and Barry holding onto each other and dancing together towards the other side of the room. Magnus and Davenport are laughing and stumbling around a little drunkenly toward the side, and Taako is hanging out by the large staircase, leaning against the railing and chatting with Princess Celeste and her brother, Prince Aviate. She did come here to have fun like they did, and it doesn't look like Taako's about to show his whole ass yet. Merle's right. She came here to relax and enjoy what it means to be alive, so she should take part in this too.
"Alright, but I don't know how to dance that well."
Merle smiles even wider. "That's okay. That just means I'll have to show ya! Come on!" He grabs her hand and drags her out onto the dance floor, the both of them laughing together.
This is going to be one hell of a night.
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
How do you passive aggresively say fuck you in flower? Part II
Summary: It seems that Nico and Will just cant stop running into each other
A/N: FIRST WEEK OF EXAMS OVER, ONLY ONE WEEK TO GO!! Unfortunately, I am not able to write a lot due to tedious revision but I wrote this part 2 a while ago and thought that today would be the perfect time to release it! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy and comment! <3 from me!
Read on AO3           Read Part I on tumblr
They were not expecting to see each other the next day at Uni. In fact, Will was so shocked, he had to pause and squint at the raven haired boy to check that he was the same as the customer 2 days ago. What was this dude doing here? This was the medical college!
Oh shit, what if he’s a new med student or a transfer student?
However, while it seemed that Will had noticed Nico, it seemed that Nico had not noticed Will; he couldn’t have been more appalled as he was ignored and he simply watched in despair as the italian jogged past him without a moment's pause. Not even a Hey, you’re the guy I made out with yesterday, right?
Will was used to having all his past hookups follow him like a sheep and sure, he hadn’t really hooked up with Nico but he was for some reason expecting some sort of reaction from him. Was he that forgettable?
He felt someone dig their elbow into his ribs and was about to shout What the fuck before he realised that Calypso was elbowing him.
“Calypso what!” He winced as he rubbed at his side, still in pain from Calypso’s pointy elbows.
“Do you think I should invite Leo to the dorm party?”
Will’s head perked up. “ Leo? Leo valdez?”
“Yes Leo Valdez, who else?” Calypso sighed.
“I thought you saw him making out with some guy at another party and then proceeded to pretend you never liked him in the first place-”
“- Which is true! I never liked Leo in the first place, he was just a friend!” Calypso desperately defended.
“Everytime someone says they’re just a friend and not they’re just my friend, you know that they’ve crushed on them.”
“Shut up.” Calypso whacked her bag over Will’s head, ignoring his shouts of protests.
Will’s hands instinctively went over his head, tucking his chin in to prevent himself from gaining any brain damage from Calypso. “ Hey, Hey! I work for you, little shit!”
“Exactly, I can fire you any second I want to!” Calypso boasted before remembering something. “ Wasn’t there a request that came in on Saturday? Something like fuck you?”
Will could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. “ Uh, yeah, maybe. I don’t really remember.”
Calypso recognised that tone. That tone was the same tone used during the walk of shame, that tone meant things that she did not want in her shop. Turning her head only halfway, she gave Will a grimace, praying that it hadn’t happened again.
“William Andrew Solace, Please please tell me that you didn’t have sex with another client in my shop!”
“For once,” Will smirked. “ For once, I can actually say that I didn’t.”
Calypso sighed in relief, all the tension in her body simply oozing out all at once. Her shoulders dropped and the tense expression on her face was replaced by her regular small smile that she constantly wore, causing her to seem quite shy, which technically she was.
“You know, you seriously have some nerve Callie, hitting your employees like that. That could be harassment. What happened to the shy girl who could tell me the latin name for any plant out there?”
“Just because I don’t hook up with every good looking breathing thing, does not mean I’m shy.” She put her hands on her hips and took several confident steps while swaying her hips before hitting a hard chest with a thud and feeling the hard floor on her butt. Frustrated, she huffed and without even looking at the perpetrator, began to shout,
“Are you blind or stupid? Look where you’re going for fuck sake.” She ignored the offered hand and got up herself, brushing her scraped hands on her pants.
It was only when Will nudged her, not very discreetly may I add, that she noticed that it was Leo Valdez who was offering the outstretched hand and another very scary looking dude standing by Leo. However, something about him seemed familiar- from the shape of his body to his hair and in particular his jawline. She remembered seeing it somewhere.
Fuck, that was the guy Leo was making out with at that party. She realised.
Simultaneously, Will was thinking- Fuck, that was Nico di Angelo.
“Sorry Leo, Calypso,” Will turned to her, completely avoiding Nico. “ Do you have anything you’d like to say to Leo?”
Claypso gave a bitter look to Will before remebering that Leo fucking Valdez was standing infront of her and she had essentialy told him to fuck off. She had to fight the blush rising to the tip of her ears and could only manage to muster a small pipsqueak of ‘sorry’ while looking down at the floor and having her face curtained by her chestnut hair.
Unexpectedly, she felt a hand move the hair out of her face and slip and finger underneath her chin and tilt it up slightly.
“The least you could do while apologising is look at him,” Nico snarled, standing off to the side, watching as Leo brushed her hair out of the way. Leo turned his head to raise an eyebrow that meant Not cool dude before looking back at Calypso, his eyes warm and his smile generous.
“Sorry about him, he’s running low on social interaction juice. Are you okay there?”
Calypso thought she could feel herself gaping- the worst part was that her little shit of a friend Will pointed it out.
“Close your mouth Callie, you’ll get flies. It’s impolite to stare as well,” Will drawled, his eyes still glued away from Nico. Leo glanced at Calypso’s injured hands, the small scrapes and the little cuts across her palms. His frown was cute, with his eyebrows scrunching up and his eyes pooled with concern as he took her hands in his.
“Oh, Dios mio. I’m so sorry- will you forgive me if I clean these up for you?” Leo held her hands gently, as to not hurt her.
Will butted in before Calypso could respond. “Uh, no, that’s not necessary. I can help her from here!”
Nico snorted. “ Yeah, the med- student definitely knows how to clean up his cuts.”
Will growled in response, unappreciative of Nico’s sarcasm. Leo’s frown in concern only grew, the small displays of guilt visible across his face. “ Are you sure? It’s the least I could do after causing you to fall.”
“No it's fine-”
“-Will, calm down. Yes, I’ll go, but you also owe me,” Calypso confirmed. You know your worth, you know your worth, She chanted in her head.
“Well well, a person who knows what they want, of course, I am in your debt. After you.” Leo pointed to the pavement ahead as he left Will and Nico alone. Nico looked Will up and down before letting out a little snort and walking off, not before giving him a little shove with his shoulder as he walked past.
Will was officially outraged. Who the fuck did this guy think he was? First of all, he was barging into the medical college when he didn’t even attend it, then he was barging him to the floor without even apologising and then laughing about it!
Will turned around while still on the floor and yelled. “Who the fuck do you think you’re pushing dipshit?”
Will really thought he had the upper hand. He was taller, felt he was relatively stronger and his reflexes were okay. But when he saw Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Piper Mclean, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang and Annabeth Chase all crowd round Nico, he felt he was the most screwed person in the world. Luckily for him, no one except a girl with brown skin and confused expression turned around.
Will recognised her as Piper Mclean- she had been voted most beautiful girl in the entire Uni. It was rumoured for a while that she and Jason were dating but ever since Will spotted Piper blushing near a new girl, he highly doubted it. Piper raised an eyebrow and Will gave a sheepish smile as he tried to get up.
Piper scurried over, giving her friends a quick wave before running over to help Will. He accepted her hand, mainly because he was terrified that she may kill him if he didn’t.
“Did Nico knock you down here?” Piper asked as Will heaved himself up. Her voice was sweet, soft and had some element that convinced Will that he could trust her; however, at the same time, he didn’t want to snitch on Nico. He gave a blatant shrug and hoped for the best.
“Don’t worry, Nico always teases people he likes. Little idiot isn’t good at showing any emotion other than being horny or being an arsehole.”
“Are you sure those are emotions?”
“I take psychology so I sure as hell hope they are,” Piper confessed, laughing a bit. Will finally realised why everybody considered Piper so beautiful- she wasn’t just a pretty person, she was a nice person. She went out of her way to help others.
“I take medicine so I’m going to hope for the best that Nico doesn’t kill me. He avoids like I’m the plague then acts like he’s planning on murdering me in my sleep.”
“Wait.” Piper paused before turning to Will with a manic grin on her face. “Are you the guy from the flower shop who made the fuck you bouquet and slept with Nico?”
“We didn’t sleep together!”
But Piper wasn’t listening, she was calling Hazel over. Will watched as a girl with gorgeous dark skin that glowed in the sunlight and a tattoo over her left hand turned her head ever so slightly. Will realised why they called her Death’s sister.
She was undoubtedly beautiful but her silent aura was terrifying, like it was driving you to death itself. Large brown eyes that invited you into the darkness and hands that looked sculpted for leading one to their doom.
“Hey Hazelnut! This is the guy who stole Nico from Leo! And he made the Fuck you bouquet that Annabeth gave Percy!”
Will could feel his heart pounding as Hazel left the group and walked slowly to Piper and Will, her expression never changing. Suddenly, when she was close enough to throw a punch, she broke out into a childish grin and started squealing.
“So you’re the one who made Percy that bouquet!” Hazel grabbed Will’s hands and started shaking them excitedly. She giggled before giving them back to him.
“What does making Percy this bouquet have to do with any of this? I only knew Nico because we made out like once and then the fucker blanked me.”
“That’s my little brother you're talking about,” Hazel warned. Will instantly felt his eyes widened in horror before apologizing profusely; he remembered what Nico had told him about his sister and how the two of them had grown up. Hazel laughed before telling him that she was only joking and that he should let loose a bit.
“Was Nico with Leo when he ignored you? Leo Valdez? About yee tall, messy brown hair and ink on his overalls?”
“Yes…” Will nodded.
“Ahhh, that explains it. Those two have a complicated history. He was probably ignoring you because he and Leo might have gotten back together. Or maybe he just didn’t want Leo to know that he made out with you. Or…” Piper let out a grin that Will had no desire to learn the true meaning of.
“Maybe he was just using Leo to make you jealous,” Piper explained, very much used to the drama herself between Nico and Leo. If it wasn’t Percy and Annabeth, Nico and Leo were almost always in an argument.
“So…” Will was deadly silent for a second while his rage began to simmer. “ Are you telling me he cheated on that Leo kid with me?”
“ I really hope not,” Hazel grimaced, looking back at her brother.
“The little fucker,” Will muttered under his breath as he pushed past the two ladies and made his way towards the remaining group. He didn’t care that he was going to run into Percy Jackson, whom he’d had an underlying grudge with for as long as he’d been going to school, he was furious.
How dare he cheat with him. What was Will, some slut who ruined relationships? Hell no. Sure, he slept around but he didn’t go around getting into relationships and creating drama. One night stands were his protocol.
“You!” Will pointed at Nico viciously, his finger almost touching Nico’s nose. The rest of the group simply watched with amusement as Piper held back Jason, whispering who exactly Will was.
“You little cheating seething whore! What the fuck dude! You just make out with whoever you buy shit from?”
“I don't remember you having much of a problem with it.” Nico shrugged, only infuriating Will that much more. He was so tempted to just punch him then and there, in front of everybody including 6 of the most intimidating people he’d ever seen.
“I don't remember you mentioning you had a boyfriend before you jumped me,” Will spat. Nico seemed a little shocked at that comment, his lips shaping into a small ‘o’ before he let a sultry smirk spread across his face in a manner that showed he was relatively proud of himself, only pissing Will off so much more.
Why was the damned bastard smirking?
“Huh, what boyfriend?” Nico turned to Annabeth. “ Hey, Annie, do I have a boyfriend?”
Annabeth looked down at her watch for dramatic effect. “As of 4 months, you have been boyfriend free,” She started and only continued when she saw the smug look on Nico’s face. “That said, that does not mean you have been booty call free for said months.”
“What do you mean!” Nico cried.
“Oh shut it Nico, everyone knows that you and Leo have been playing each other’s booty call for ages now. Just end it and go out with the florist dude,” Frank scoffed.
“Or don’t! The florist dude sounds like a real ass!” Percy cut in, desperate to not let Nico go out with his lifelong nemesis, William Andrew Solace.
“Oh look, it’s Perseus,” Will taunted. Percy felt himself going red and the entire group went quiet. Will looked around, wondering why everyone was silent.
“Oh, you guys don’t know?” Will smirked, looking directly at Percy, the knowledge on the tip of his tongue. “ That’s what everybody called Percy in middle school, after we learnt the myth of P-”
The rest of the sentence was muffled as Will felt a hand wrap itself around his mouth. He looked up and saw the sea green eyes that read Shut the fuck up . Will, feeling nostalgia from this certain situation, smirked and stuck his tongue out, licking Percy’s hands, eliciting a yelp of disgust from Percy.
“Dude! Why do you always do that! Every fucking time I’m trying to shut you up, you pull shit like this!”
“You’re telling me that wasn’t the first time you tried to ‘shut him up’?” Nico and Annabeth both asked, hostility floating in their voices. Will gave a jolly smile at Percy who groaned and wiped his hands on Will’s shirt, muttering ‘gross’ under his breath. Will shoved Percy who proceeded to make a face back.
“How do you two know each other?” Frank asked, completely confused before Hazel went up on her tiptoes and began whispering in Frank's ear while he nodded along.
Nico, sick of Will’s attention not being focused on him butted in. “ Did you come all this way to flirt with Percy or what?”
Percy and Will both gagged and shivered, the idea of liking each other being just gross.
“I’m here because you son of a bitch, used me!” Will cried, flinging his arms out.
Nico raised an eyebrow. “I did?”
“Your boyfriend, booty call, whatever you wanna call them- was right there and I was just some pawn for you-”
“-If I wasn’t talking or paying any attention to you whatsoever, how on earth would I make them jealous?”
Will didn’t respond, his mind racking for answers, excuses, insults he could fling at the raven haired boy. He noticed he wasn’t wearing his lip ring that day.
“I think you should focus on the fact that Leo and I just so happened to be at the Medical College despite our majors being nothing related and we just so, by chance, crashed into you and your friend,” Nico hinted. He was a bit tired from how oblivious this blond guy was- hadn’t he made it obvious?
Will took a while to connect a few dots, but the problem was that he only connected the exact dots that Nico did not want him to connect.
“Wait, so Leo does like Callie? Is that why you guys are here?”
Nico wanted to fucking facepalm.
The shop bell rang. Calypso was sitting at the counter with her apprentice, Meg. They were both chatting, something to do with the variation of a certain dandelion- Will wasn’t very sure.
He was sporting a daisy chain around his wrist that Meg had forced him to wear and a pink rose had been braided into his hair after much argument with Calypso that the thorns would hurt, in which she retorted that she’d obviously clip the bloody thorns.
When the bell rang, none of the three workers really snapped their heads up. But when the bell rang, and then rang and then rang again, they slowly lifted their heads from their conversation. Will, who had been leaning his elbows on the counter to talk to the two ladies, turned his head to see 8, very unwelcome people, walk into his shop.
Nico was standing there with all 7 of hids friends- Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Piper, Jason and Leo. All of whom were very much not welcome in any way whatsoever in this shop.
“What are you doing here?”
The friends all glanced at one another before a few sputters of laughter were spread out. Nico, who was wearing his lip ring again, walked forward and picked up a red rose, twirling the thorny flower in his two fingers, ignoring the small prick it made.
He noticed the blood trickling down his thumb and lifted the injury to his lips.
“Didn’t I tell you last time...” Nico asked, his voice teasing but also malicious, a small corner of his lips stained red. “That you’ll be seeing a lot more of us?”
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mirismuffins-ovo · 4 years
Plant Palace Pt1.
Original Character story. [Warning ⚠️ Mpreg]
John had woken up feeling sick again,it’d been like this for a while. He’d been waking up sick each morning but it's not been as bad as before. He packed his bag for the day after getting dressed in his sweater vest and button up and grabbed his phone heading out his small townhome on his bike. His stomach had been feeling tight the past few days but he figured he was overwatered or bloated from being sick. John made his way through the town and pulled up to the garden parking his bike in the back;he’d come in a bit late so some of the employees were there already. He hoped Eddie was here early,it's been a few days. Grabbing his apron on the hook and gingerly tying it around his waist not noticing the small bump of his tummy barely showing through his clothes. He’d gone to storage to pick up a box of flower bulbs and take it to the front of the store.
Eddie thought he was going to be late. He had slept in a little too long, but it was worth it coming up with new music. The singer was on an inspiration kick and it was all thanks to his part time job. For money on the side he worked at the town’s local garden shop, Plant Palace, working with flowers and people alike. It had taken a while to get used to working in the shop, learning about all kinds of things and it was all thanks to his mentor/boss, John.
At first, Eddie never thought of himself as a flower guy, but once he stopped by the shop to get his mother something for mother’s day, he kept going back. The air was always sweet and he was fascinated by the botanist’s work. His hands were so quick and gentle at the same time. Eddie had chosen that he wanted to work here. Sure enough the shop was hiring so he took it, submitting a resume.
It had been 4 months since then and things had gotten a little crazy for Eddie. Not only had the workplace been a dream, but the botanist, John, had been amazing. The two quickly hit it off and it was like he was floating on cloud 9. Every shift he looked forward to working with the red-haired man and his adoration of flowers.
Double checking to make sure he was looking good and attractive before seeing his boss turning lover, he opened the door, ringing the little bell. Sure enough he saw the younger male already starting on today’s orders. Eddie headed to the back to grab his apron and clocked in, getting the day ready by setting up the displays.
“Good morning John!.” He happily greeted.
John had jumped slightly as he’d been engrossed in ordering the small flowers bulbs in the boxes to send out for delivery for some local parks,he’d quickly turned around. “Oh! hey” He gave a warm smile and took a few steps closer to Eddie. “mind giving me a hand with taking these to the front?” he took a deep breath and huffed as he lifted another box up that was slightly heavier. “Greenland Park made a big order this time.” he gave a light chuckle as he carried the box passed Eddie.
He’d begun to feel slightly off as he headed to the front of the shop. His mouth felt dry and a sudden case of dizziness hitting him. John shook it off as he set the box on the counter,kneeling down to grab a water bottle out of the mini fridge hiding beneath it.He cracked it open and easily downed half of it as he opened the shop by officially turning the sign.
“I don’t mind.” Eddie smiled, taking a box and helping him set up. “I’m glad to be back though. Missed being in this place. It always makes my head clear. Like the air is just so fresh! The plants are a wonderful thing for us to have. They support us and in return we care for them.” Eddie chuckled. “They’re kinda like babies if you think about it. They make us smile and bring out joy in life and we care for them like a parent.”
He looked over, noticing John guzzling down water like he was almost desperate for it.
“Woah there, if you drink too much you could drown.” He warned. “I saw it on a tv show once.”
Eddie walked over to his boss to make sure he was alright.
John felt anxious at his words for a moment and realized what he was talking about,he gave a nervous laugh and nodded.
“I suppose you're right about plants,I suppose they rlly are like babies.” He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled as he kneeled down to fix a bouquet that was in a bucket by the windows.John didn’t notice the small leafy buds that had began to sprout in his hair
He took a deep breath as he stood up and stretched his tender feeling tummy and gave it a pat as he turned around and gave an adoring look at Eddie. “sooo...I was thinking maybe we could go out later tonight or whenever you're free?” He blushed embarrassed and moved his focus to the floor.
Eddie was glad John was alright and continued to help set up. John started to get to work on the potted plants while Eddie trimmed the hanging ones. He was asked for the opportunity to hang out.
“Sounds great! I’ll just have to let the band know it's a relaxing night. Helps get a break from the writing room too.” Eddie smiled.
He looked over at John, watching him work, admiring the man who knew his job well. He smiled a little, feeling a blush on his cheeks. He paused though. Silly John, the man worked hard that he forgets that the higher up flowers shed petals. They were falling into his hair.
“John, watch out for the upper pots, they’re starting to wilt petals. You got some in your hair.” He laughed, pointing to his own dark blue locks.
John felt confused at the observation and he gently touched his hair running his fingers through. He felt the small breaks of the buds getting mangled and combed out with his fingers. He felt like his heart was in his stomach,he was budding pretty early,he laughed it off and just dropped the petals onto the ground.
“Looks like I gotta be more careful” He glanced at the floor as he drank the rest of the bottle of water and he picked up a vase.
John shivered as a tingle ran through him,still oblivious to the seemingly swelling tummy pressed against his apron. He held the empty bottle while he rubbed his head. A stroke of dizziness hit him once more.
Eddie noticed something was off with his boss as he picked up the vase. The man began to sway, shaking his head as if to shake off something. Eddie watched as John tried to regain his balance, dropping the pot before getting ready to drop to his knees. The pot shattered and Eddie rushed forward to catch the botanist before his head hit the floor.
“Woah there, uh. I think you could be a bit dehydrated. Let’s ease you down.”
The singer helped the man sit on the floor not minding the dirt. He grabbed another water bottle and handed it over. “Take small sips. Too much at once could give you a stomach ache.”
He moved around his boss, grabbing a broom and a new pot, trying to save the flowers before cleaning up the rest. Thankfully it was still early morning and there were no customers yet so they could deal with this calmly. He observed John sip the bottle carefully, his eyes focused in thought.
John felt weak as he sat on the floor,he took small sips from the bottle. There was something wrong with him,maybe it was the illness he’d been experiencing for a while that was picking up again. He took deep breaths and was embarrassed by his sudden accident,sipping the water slowly. Maybe he needed glucose and his blood sugar was low. “I’m sorry about that..”
He groaned softly as he pushed himself up. “poor flowers” He frowned slightly,and steadied himself for balance on the counter. “My blood sugars are low..I’ll be back Eds..” He gave an anxious laugh as he made his way into the greenhouse,and made his way to one of the apple trees. He raised his hand to one of the blooms, an apple quickly growing and he pulled it off the branch.
John weakly sat down in a sun touched spot of the greenhouse,biting down into the sweet apple unable to keep the small buds in his hair from blooming. He tried his best to gently tug them out of his hair,leaving them in bunches on the ground. Feeling a tingling sensation as he absorbed the light,the soft pudge of his stomach squished down by his tied apron. He closed his eyes tiredly munching on his apple.
It had been a good thirty minutes and John still hadn’t returned from going to the greenhouse. A few early customers came in to pick up their orders that were prepared the night before but other than that, the store was pretty calm. Eddie took the chance to check up on his boss before another rush came through.
Heading to the greenhouse, he carefully opened the door, to not startle the shyer man. He looked through the rows until spotting a patch of sunlight near the back with the young fruit trees and saplings. John was resting, actually he was sleeping a little. The sun made the man glow and his hair was decorated in beautiful flowers that were almost taking the shape of a flower crown. Eddie was captured by the sheer beauty that the younger man was radiating. The Singer looked around to make sure that no one else was around. He wanted this sight all to himself.
The way John’s skin absorbed the light and created the most wonderful natural shading. He took out his phone, lining it up just right. It looked like the man was glowing like a god and was at peace. Pressing the button, Eddie heard the shutter on the camera, the noise loud enough to wake the sleeping botanist. Eddie’s face lit up red, feeling horrible now to be caught. But the shot was worth it.
John opened his eyes from his peaceful state of photosynthesis at the sound of the shutter. Quickly snapping his attention to the sound and he felt his heart drop. Eddie was standing there phone in hand looking over at John,he stared back going through a swirl of emotions as he realized the sound was a camera shutter.
He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. John had quickly stood up the buds in his hair shutting,he felt sick pausing before he brushed his way past Eddie. On the brink of tears he shut himself in the storage room where all the young sprouts were. He felt like he couldn’t breathe as he hyperventilated, tearing the buds and blooms out of his hair and off his skin. He whimpered suddenly when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach;cradling his stomach and kneeling down sitting himself up against one of the shelves. Just his touch starting to make the small sprouts grow.He could hear Eddie on the other side of the door.
“Ah!” Eddie exclaimed as he watched John go into the storage room.
He walked up to the door to follow only to have the door slammed in his face.
“John, I’m sorry!” He called. “I know I should’ve asked for permission, I can delete it right now…” He sighed. “I don’t know how to explain it, but what I saw… it wasn’t anything I’ve seen before. You were… you were glowing and the sunlight… I’m serious. I can delete it. Just open the door and I’ll show you.”
But John never replied. Eddie knew he crossed a line, but the photo was so freaking beautiful. He almost wanted it for an album cover. He sighed, deleting the photo anyway and heard the bell to the entrance ring. He cursed under his breath and went to go handle the customer. He figured he’d talk with John later.
John calmed down and took a few deep breaths,he thought about what Eddie had said. He shouldn’t have reacted the way he did,he stood up and sighed as he wiped his face and opened the door. John looked back at the storage room,the entire room was glowing green foliage. He went up to the front,he went about business as usual,some of his other employees were in the garden tending to the plants. John felt his face hot when he saw Eddie walking up front,taking a big gulp from his third water bottle today.
“Hey...I’m sorry about..you know?” He spoke softly in a fragile tone,not loud enough for others to hear but so Eddie could. The pudge of John's stomach was now more visible than before. John had somewhat become aware but he thought he was probably overwatered from how much water he’d been taking in.
Eddie finished with his customer before replying to John. He let out a sigh.
“I deleted it. I said I would. I-I’m sorry for doing something without permission. The photographer in me took over. It was a rare shot. My bad. Are you feeling okay though? You’ve been drinking a lot. I really don’t want you to over do it. You should let it rest in between.”
“I’m sorry still..I just wasn’t expecting to have a photo taken of me” He sighed and turned to look up at Eddie. “I have been dehydrated,but I suppose you're right about laying off the water” He patted his tummy and noticed itd felt much softer than before. “getting overwatered isn’t good like you said” He smiled at Eddie and he went on about the day finishing his work.
Sending out the orders all day and when it hit five o’clock he began to close shop. The other workers had clocked out already and John and Eddie were the only ones left. John took off his apron and gave a sigh of relief as he hung it up. Eddie was standing next to him clocking off and taking up his apron too. He’d hoped he hadn’t ruined things with Eddie with his reaction earlier that day.He couldn’t help but be unable to shake off this sick feeling that’d been growing since this morning.
Eddie looked over at John who seemed to be lost in his head as he pushed his bike. A little worry settled over the older man, wondering what had been up with the botanist today. It was probably rude to ask, but even knowing him for a few short months, something didn’t feel right.
“Hey, are you alright? You’re not still upset about the picture are you?”
He nodded and gave a forced smile. “I’m fine,you're not bothered knowing...that I’m a-“ He sighed and glanced at Eddie,while he guided his bike closely by. John felt the sickness hitting him again and he took a shaky breath,his stomach was beginning to cramp and it started to hurt to walk a bit. He stopped walking for a moment. “Maybe we can go out later..I’m actually not feeling too great” Taking a deep breath to steady himself he continued walking. He thought to himself, “I’m not gonna be able to ride my bike like this” He felt the cramping again as he continued to shakily walk only a bit behind Eddie.
Eddie could see the change in how John was acting. He was glad things were good between them, but he still didn’t feel right. He could see John looking worse as they walked. He slowed to match the pace, staying with him until they walked.
“If you’re not up for hanging out tonight, we can chill at my place. It’s a bit of a mess though. I’ve got music sheets thrown about.” Eddie suggested, hoping John would agree. The man was looking pale with a hint of green. Although he said he shouldn’t drink more, he could offer tea to help settle whatever might be ailing the younger man.
“Yeah,that sounds good,your house is much closer than mine” John followed alongside Eddie. “I don’t really mind if your place is messy” He gave a small laugh.
After walking a little ways to Eddie's house he gave a relieved sigh when they walked up to his house.They put their bikes in the small garage that belonged to Eddie,John impressed by the nice looking truck in the garage “nice car Eds” he said in a surprised tone.They walked into Eddie's house definitely smelt like a bachelor lived here and a singer at that.
“Thanks, it’s my Old man’s. It’s always a piece to work on, never fixed. One day I’ll drive it. I’m just glad he kept it in good condition.” Eddie shrugged.
Eddie unlocked the door and led the two inside, turning on a few lights. The place was mostly picked up, but scattered papers were on the tables, a few dirty dishes in the sink, a guitar left on the couch.
“Go ahead, make yourself at home. I’ll pick up here a bit. Anything you’d like me to get? Snacks? Something to drink?”
He started to pick up his papers, moving his guitar off the couch and back on the stand. Putting a few succulents back in their places. He was nervous that John was in his house. He didn’t invite people often, sometimes one of his band buddies would crash on the couch and be gone by sunrise. But to have someone visit, it was a rare interaction.
John nervously did so,he was curious about the house and he stood there a bit dumbfounded. He felt the nausea hit him again. “Some water or Juice would be great, do you have a bathroom?”He said in a shaky tone. When Eddie told him where it was he sped walked down the hall into the bathroom,shutting the door not meaning to slam it but he couldn’t help it when he threw the toilet open and fell to his knees. His head stuck in the toilet as he emptied the contents of his stomach. He huffed tiredly as he rested against the tub and his stomach felt like it was throbbing. Pressure seemingly built up and pressed against the buttons of his collared shirt. Uncomfortably swollen and seemed like he was overwatered he figured that Eddie was right about him and the amount of water he’d been drinking.
When he heard the door slam, he paused in his cleaning. The sounds of vomiting followed. His stomach dropped. He stopped cleaning up and went to his cabinet to grab some crackers, and a glass of water. Eddie carefully opened the door to see his friend resting against the toilet, breathing heavy. He set the crackers aside and got down on his knees to get closer to the man.
He could see him shaking, flushed, and a little green. Carefully he placed a hand on John’s forehead to see if there was a temperature and didn’t feel any fluctuation in heat. It stumped him on why the man would be so sick.
“It’ll be okay.” Eddie whispered in a comforting voice. He reached over to grab a few crackers. “Take small bites. It’ll help absorb the water and let your stomach settle. I’ll go make some ginger tea.”
Eddie started to get up, but something was telling him to stay. He hesitated before staying put, feeling that he was needed instead of leaving.
John couldn’t help but feel embarrassed,sitting helpless on the floor. “Thanks..Eddie” He paused before speaking again looking up at Eddie,taking a small sip and finishing a cracker in his hand.
“I shouldn’t have come to work today…” Sighing before weakly standing up. “I’ve been sick constantly like this since our new shipment of plants..” John's flowers started to peak out again,and he gave off a strong flowery aroma. Taking a step closer and gently wrapping his arms around Eddie in a comforting hug. Letting out a small gasp as he felt the throbbing again in his small bloating tummy. “I’m sorry to put this on you”
Eddie didn’t say a word as John stood up. He stood up too. But definitely something was off. John looked as if he gained a little weight. He chalked it up to water weight and let it slide, but when he was hugged, something he never thought would happen in a while, and John let out a small gasp, the worry returned.
He wrapped his arms back to accept the hug. “John, are you really alright. If you were sick I could’ve opened up shop. Also, could I get you a heat pack for your stomach? You seem to be bothered by it. You should relax, the work was probably too much for you today.”
“I know..I just wasn’t feeling as bad this morning” He mumbled as he steadily took a step back. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me Eds...but for now let’s just go relax together” The thought of the warm pack on his hurting belly sounded delightful. “a heat pack sounds really nice” John was tiredly guided out by Eddie to the couch while Eddie warmed up a heated pack. John looked over at Eddie to make sure he wasn’t looking in his direction. Seeing that Eddie was making tea John untucked his buttoned shirt and slipped a hand up his shirt feeling his tender stomach,something was definitely different from normal. Adjusting his shirt to normal he brushed down his shirt,wincing when he felt his suddenly sore chest.He took a deep breath and combed his fingers through his hair, some leaves falling out. John couldn’t help but feel more anxious than ever.
Eddie returned with a heated towel. It was kind of pathetic, but it’s all he could think of. He wasn’t good at medical or healing, only knew neosporin and a band-aid. He handed it over to John who spread it over his bloated stomach. Eddie could see the man sigh in relief.
“I don’t have much to watch. Just a few streaming things. Cheaper than cable. Anything you prefer to watch? I was even thinking about ordering some food since it’s dinner time anyways. Are you up for something or are you good with crackers?”
He felt a bit more content now,gently rubbing his tummy pressing on the warm towel. “I think I should eat,or atleast try” Rubbing the back of his neck he remembered his wallet in his pocket. “ oh I’ll repay you for the food!” He stammered embarrassed at how rude he’d been. John could feel his stomach growling as he placed another cracker in his mouth. He normally wasn’t one to eat that much,but he figured throwing up prolly emptied his stomach.
“I’m sorry about you having to take me in..if I’m quite honest I don’t think I’d make it to my own place” John watched as Eddie searched on his phone for a place to get take out,his attention flicking between Eddie and the channel the tv had started to play.
“Oh it’s no trouble at all, I invited you over. You can rest up here. Doesn’t bother me.” Eddie shrugged, looking for some food. “What do you think about asian food? I could go for some yakisoba.”
“I never really tried it,but I’m open to new things.” He shrugged,as he got comfortable inching closer to Eddie. They’d eaten dinner later on after spending time on the couch. John and Eddie had spent the night together and John had stayed over for a few days. He'd been sick almost every morning but eventually he was able to make it back to his house,going about his but still missing a few days of work. He'd been spending more time with Eddie and it was at least two weeks later and John’s stomach only continued to swell. He worried about it but did his best to hide it not wanting a cause for concern. His main embarrassment was that his clothes had started to struggle to fit,not only his growing waistline but it seemed like his normally flat bust was gaining of bit mass too. His need for water and sunlight became more necessary. It was the weekend and he had planned to go out with Eddie today to go clothes shopping.
Eddie was excited to go out shopping. He had been looking to get some clothes for his gigs and to toss out some old ratty ones. John was happy to join too, the both of them able to spend some actual time together. The singer stayed by his friend’s side while he battled his small flu. John seemed to be looking better despite the slight exhaustion.
John was looking a little bit concerned for his own clothes since he was borrowing some of his as well as not fitting too well into his own so when Eddie had offered for a shopping trip, John agreed. Eddie was actually hoping to spoil him a little bit, offer lunch and possibly a movie.
His heart started to race anytime he was near the younger man. He was always glowing and always so, so beautiful. His red hair was like the sunset sky or an orange poppy. His cheeks were filled and when he smiled the older man felt like he was being hit with a ray of literal sunshine. He wanted the man all to himself forever.
The shop was closed for the day so the two started to head out. Eddie got close to John, letting his hand slip into his, a light dust of pink covering his cheeks. John was a little surprised too, holding the hand back, his cheeks were pink too.
They eventually neared the shopping center, seeing it lively with people but not the big crowds. It was early in the day, but not super late in the morning. Eddie gripped John’s hand a little more firmly, dragging him along for the fun they were about to have.
John felt a rush of excitement as they entered the shopping center. It’d been a long time since he’d gone to a Mall. Eddie seemed excited too gently pulling John along with him. They entered into a store with all kinds of alternative aesthetics and clothes that appeared in shows. John was fascinated by the amount of clothes that were all different styles.
“Wow I don’t think I’ve ever been in here” He looked up at Eddie and saw him staring at some distressed clothes and pretty punk accessories. John let go of Eddie's hand and he watched as Eddie went over to the clothes he was eyeing. He smiled amused at Eddie's excitement while he walked around a lil bit finding some comfortable looking sweaters,pulling a maroon one off the rack,it had a small flower sewn into it. Walking up to Eddie,who was ruffling through a clothes rack full of flannel and band names,he held out the sweater “what d’ya think about this?” John was also holding onto some pants,he was hoping he’d find some sweater vest and a larger button up shirt. The need for stretchy clothing,more necessary though.
Eddie picked out a few punk type shirts and a pair of pants, turning around to see John also browsing for his taste. It was adorable to see the other shopping around for comfy clothes. John held up a few things and Eddie knew the items would make John look good. He put a thumbs up.
“Looks great! Darker and warmer colors suit you.” He complimented, seeing John’s face turn red.
The two looked around some more before going up to the counter to purchase. They had agreed to pay for their own things then move on. Eddie wanted to still do a bit of shopping before going to lunch. He was having a fun time seeing his boyfriend light up at all the different stores.
John normally feared going out in public places alone at least. But he found this wasn’t so bad he happily walked with Eddie,them entering stores and shopping around. John had found some bigger sweater vests and larger more stretchy button ups,he couldn’t help
but be in love with some of the clothes he’d found. He placed his hand on his swollen stomach and sighed. John still didnt know why his stomach had continued to grow,he’d been cautious with water and had been hiding the fact that the swelling had increased as much as it did, he hid it from Eddie the best he could.
He snapped out of his train of thought when his boyfriend came up to him “I’m starting to get hungry,maybe we should go take a break and get lunch together?” He gave a warm smile and fidgeted with his bags. Opening his now free hand up for Eddie to grab.
Eddie took his hand and walked them to a nearby sandwich shop. The older man was hungry for a sub. But then he paused. What did John actually like to eat? He looked at his boyfriend, looking a little nervous.
“I never bothered to ask, but are you vegetarian?”
“I am.” John smiled.
“Cool. Uh, I think this place has salad. I’ve seen them serve it before. Order any type you want I’m paying.”
After their food was ordered and they took a seat in one of the booths, munching away. Once again the sunlight from the late summer sun was shining in the window, illuminating the red-head. Eddie felt a blush creeping along.
“Y’know… I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but you look super pretty in the sunlight.”
John couldn’t help but blush while chewing a mouthful of salad.
“Thanks..I probably shouldn’t sit in the sun for too long” He gave a nervous laugh and pursed his lips while he looked over at Eddie. “You're not so bad looking yourself.” He sat back in his chair after quickly finishing his plate,and rested his hands on his stomach.
“So you're not against Abnormals?” His tone became more hushed,so others wouldn’t hear him clearly. John's focus changed again when he felt an odd sensation come from his tummy. He looked slightly paler after feeling the squirming,shaking it off and turned his attention back to Eddie.
Abnormals, an odd change in subject Eddie thought.
“Well, it all depends…” He started off, looking at his empty dish. “I think it depends on the person themselves. The government is just scared of this new hybrid of humans, they just want to eradicate them for power. What they need to look out for are the sick ones. I’m sure Abbies got themselves under control, it's how they were made, born. But those who are mentally sick, then there should be places for them to get help. Same thing with disabled Abbies. They could be good people but need that help to control themselves.” He let out a sigh. “Those who use their Abnormal gain for power or danger should be taken care of. Much like any other human being. People kill people and harm others and are sent to jail. So if an Abbie goes out to kill someone, then yeah, I’m against it.”
He took a sip of his soda.
“But if the Abnormal is good and just wants to live a normal life like a human then they should.” He shook his head. “Basically what I’m saying is, why treat them differently than we treat humans, our own kind?”
He looked over at John to see an unreadable expression.
John silently nodded “you do have a point” He took a small sip of his water and looked around. Anxious if anyone was looking at him,he cleared his throat and shifted around awkwardly “so if you met one would you call the hotline?”
John was always afraid to come out as an Abnormal,he just wasn’t sure about who to trust with that information. He stood up and picked up his bags “you wanna keep shopping around or would you like to go home?” He stretched and gently tugged his shirt back down when it rolled up a bit. His back had begun to hurt from walking around and he wanted to relax a bit. John's stomach began to feel off again and he still tried ignoring the discomfort in his body.Eddie stood up and took Johns’s hand again and they’d begun to walk a bit aimlessly.
Eddie stood up with John and noticed the struggle he was having. He wished he could do something, but it might’ve been a private matter. He dumped their trays and held his hand as they walked out, taking the extra shopping bags.
“Like I said before. It depends. If one was coming to attack me or I see them attacking someone, then I’d call for the safety of the people around. But if they aren’t doing anything and just living, then there’s no reason to. They are a new species of human. So I'll treat them as such.”
He wondered why John had brought up the subject of Abnormals. It was another touchy subject like politics, religion and a*ortion. People had their opinions and it would always end up in some argument or that rare agreement. Maybe John was trying to research them? Testing out if he was one.
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m not an Abbie. I’m human so I won’t go attacking you. If I was an Abbie, I’d be a little nervous to speak about it, but I’d still inform you. That way you have the option to leave or if you don’t agree with them call the hotline.”
John became silent as the two walked the rest of the mall. At the end they both were surprisingly exhausted. Eddie took hold of the bags.
“Want me to drop you off or do you want to return to my place?”
John thought for a moment and briefly sighed “we could hang out in my place if you’d like” He shrugged and knew he had never really taken Eddie to his house. But the company could be nice and John always felt more comfortable in his own place. “I could cook dinner and stuff” John hoped that Eddie would accept so when Eddie gave a nod he couldn’t help but smile. “I warn you,I have a lot of plants” He had a dorky grin as they walked out of the mall together to Eddie's truck. John got in the passenger seat while Eddie was packing the bags in the back. Eddie started the car and began to drive up the road and John made small talk. “you're not allergic to cats are you?” John forgot to mention that he had a small well behaved cat that kept him company in his townhouse. They’d just pulled into Johns house complex when he spoke.
Eddie shook his head. “Not not allergic.”
John nodded as he directed Eddie to his place. The older man parked in the driveway and helped John get out to unlock the door while he got the bags out of the truck. He followed up the stairs and could already see the potted plants sitting outside the door. John opened the door and Eddie was surprised at how many plants the man had. There were plants everywhere and the air was so fresh! He couldn’t help but inhale the air and aroma from the sweet flowers. It was almost like a mini greenhouse.
He stepped in further, setting the bags by the door and taking his shoes off. The place was beautiful. He could see so many images that he could take. Any one of them could be used for an album or EP cover. He was getting excited! Eddie pushed it down, knowing how upset the last time he took a photo that John was not pleased.
John was pretty pleased at Eddie seeming to love the inside of his house. He helped Eddie unpack the car and bring the bags in. “Feel free to get relaxed,Bitty is pretty shy but she might come up to you” Going into the kitchen and grabbing a bag of cat food. Pouring out a bowl of food for her and shaking it to let her know.
John had noticed Bittys sudden magnetism lying on his stomach since he’d been sick.
“Hey what do you wanna do for dinner,it’s gonna be vegetarian you know” Laughing softly as he went and sat down on the couch,pretty exhausted from the day. The small cat had scampered down from Johns loft bedroom and only made a sound when chomping down on the kibble. John had tiredly rested on Eddie's side letting Eddie wrap his arm around him. He couldn’t help but give off a flowery aroma as a form of adoration for his boyfriend.
Eddie smiled a little when he saw the cat go eat. His heart rate picked up again when John moved closer to him so he wrapped an arm around him. He didn’t mind anything to eat since he could eat anything. He shrugged.
“Anything sounds good to me. I’ll eat anything.”
The air started to become clearer and sweeter as the two cuddled on the couch, the only sound was the cat munching on her food.
John felt better lying on Eddie. “I can’t guarantee I’m the best cook but I’ll try” He gave a soft laugh and looked over at the cat and made small sounds to call her over to meet Eddie. A small chirp came from the cat as she shyly went over to them,jumping on the couch and cautiously stepping onto John's lap to sniff at Eddie. John looked down at her lovingly as she brushed against Eddie welcomingly.
“Looks like she likes you Eds” Smiling up at him as she settled in Johns laps purring softly resting herself against Johns slightly bulging tummy. “She’s been oddly cuddly towards me lately” He looked down at her confused and placed a gentle hand on her. “ever since I got sick” He whispered before sighing thinking about it in frustration and concern.
Eddie pet the kitty back, thanking her for the cuddles. She then twirled around and cuddled into John’s lap, purring and falling asleep.
He noticed the mood drop around the both of them. John was in deep concentration, a hand on his cat and a hand on his belly. Worry clouded Eddie’s mind as well.
“John, is everything okay? If you’re that worried about your weight, it really doesn’t bother me.”
“Y-yeah I’m alright” He huffed and looked at Eddie “my..my stomach had been swollen..” John felt embarrassed and looked away. “It’s not super serious..but it’s just gotten bigger since a few weeks ago” He hoped Eddie wouldn’t assume it was a medical issue and a cause for a doctor's visit. He rubbed the small cat who vibrated his baby bump,only glancing over at Eddie who he knew was looking at him. “I guess I might’ve just gained some weight” He laughed fakely and gave a half smile but his worry didn’t go away.
Eddie frowned a bit, still concerned over his boyfriend’s own worries. He moved closer, wrapping his arms around him again and kissing his cheek affectionately.
“If it gets to be more of a problem, then let me know. If it were me, I’d go see a doctor, catch whatever it is before it gets too serious. But it’s your body. If you feel something isn’t right, tell me. I’ll be with you through this.” He snaked his hands around to carefully place on the bump. “You do look cute with it too. A little chub doesn’t hurt anything if that’s what it is.”
He removed his hands and stood up, helping John to his feet. “So, dinner, what do you have in mind? I’d like to help.” He gave off a cheesy grin.
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ficsnroses · 4 years
To Be His - John Wick x Reader
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summary : you’ve noticed your boyfriend John doesn’t treat himself, forgets to care for himself, and often wears solely muted colours. You want to change that; so you pick out a few special pieces of clothing for him. 
warnings : mega fluff, slight angst. john being incredibly wholesome:)
words : 2.6k. 
notes : this was requested by a lovely anon. i’m so sorry I just released it now, 2 months later. I got busy with those prompt fics, I apologize. regardless, I really hope you like it, I really adore how this turned out! as always, please do leave a comment, anon or not, it means a lot. >flashback indicated in italics<
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“John, honey?” You call out, peeking out the sliding glass backdoor of your shared home. Between crisp white walls and fresh fragrant flowers revitalized to the kitchen table, John had recently been working on cleaning up your back yard; trimming large green bushes and getting to work plowing a home garden for you.
A few evenings prior, as John and you laid in bed together during a nightly snuggle session, you’d expressed your fondness for gardening and planting flowers; the beauty of them, the simplicity, the colour. Of course, being the most wonderful boyfriend, John had been certain, headstrong that he’d build you one as soon as he could.
“John, baby, it’s alright.” You’d giggled, feeling his full, abrasive beard brush a nuzzle into the satin dip of your neck. Velvet and suave, his voice rings a deep buzz to your skin, bulky arms drawing your body closer into his warm chest. “No, I’ll make you a space in the garden, one of those raised bed ones you like.” He beams, warm, contagious.
John’s smile was your favourite delight in the entire world; his sincerity, his dark mahogany gaze and the way it’d earl into your soul, as if searching for nothing but you, always.
There’s something special in him; a soft water that runs through his veins. Even behind the raging forest fire of his past,
       your John,
is as smooth,
       as soft, fresh running water.
He mimics a rose, surrounded by speckled, bristly thorns of what he’d been forced into former to meeting you; prior to falling hopelessly in love with you. Although John still hurts, still bleeds dark wounds of gauging memories; he has you. He now has you, to hold his hand, to be there.
And though you understand certain scares never heal, you will always,
hold his hand.
And although you love flowers, the simplicity, the beauty, the colours; you love him more. And flowers, he deserves.
Colours, he deserves.
“I’m gonna make you a garden, sweetheart.” He whispers, soothing small, mild kisses to your fingers. “Hell, I’ll build you a castle to go with it.” Chuckling, his stockier fingers lace with yours, a delicate kiss daubed to your palm, afore it rests to his chest. “Because you, sweetheart, deserve it. You deserve to see colour every morning out our window.” He’d finished, holding you close.
“Hi baby,” John waves a glove draped hand your way, genuine smile full on his rosy lips. To his left, Dog sits, matted gray head rested to his tiny opaque paws in a drowsy snooze. Dog loves John immense, he’d always find his way to be near his favourite friend. With a thin coat of afternoon blaze sweat stippled to his forehead, John’s white Henley shirt hosts selective patches of brown smeared dirt, and you roll your eyes to a stippled grin coating your cheeks.
Of all the shirt he could’ve worn, John had opted for his one white shirt to fix yard work in.
Trudging along the evergreen grass, he peels a dirty glove off his left hand; chocolate eyes a beautiful dew in the afternoon sun. The clouds behind him paint in gorgeous cotton pillows, flowed along the ocean blue sky with a calm, nirvanic breeze.
In moments as these, you remember how simple happiness really is;
being with your dream, on a dreamy day. “How was shopping?” He wonders, finding your lips in a sweet kiss, climbing the porch steps to where you’re stood. Discarded to the floor below, his gloves fall with a gentle pat on the porch, John’s heavy palms proximately finding the refuge of your waist. “Did you find anything you like?” Pondered, his question finds a smile crippled to your lips, your own orbs glossing over the soft dips of his brazen features. With your arms finding shelter loomed to his neck, you twirl the lonesome ends of his dark brunette locks in your petite fingers, smiling, leaning closer into him, as much as space would allow.
“I did.” You chortle, crimples of his white shirt grazed to your index as you point a lone finger to his chest. “You’ve ruined this shirt.” You frown, leaving a soft kiss dotted to his chest, just above his broad pec. John waivers off, covering the silky skin of your hand on his chest, with his own relaxed over it. “That’s alright, I have more.” Assuring, his lips dot a small kiss to your forehead. “What did you get for yourself?”
“Actually…” Your smile twists into something a little more playful, pink stained lips rouged to a simper when his brows knit in quiet, warm confusion. “I want you to come with me.” Cupped to his cheek, you smile tenderly. “I want to show you something.” The highlights of your cheekbones glow in the daylight, and John’s heartstrings sing to the sight; seeing you happy, was all he’d ever wanted.
“Lead the way.” John chuckles, allowing your frame to go first when you take his hand, guiding his larger, towering figure inside the transparent sliding glass door, Dog trotting not far along behind on his dainty paws, with a goofy smile plastered to his lovable mutt face.
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“Alright…” You voice, a stray piece of hair tucked behind the curve of your ear. “I actually didn’t get much for myself…” Shuffling around a plethora of bags, you grin when the one in question finds your eye. Steady, you place the bag to the edge your shared bed, sincerely gazing John’s way as your hands clasp affront you. “Baby before I start, I just want to say that this isn’t me trying to say anything other than I love you, okay?”
With his toned armed crossed and features twisting to a ponder, John’s eyebrows raise ever so slight, a spec of his mocha strands dwindling just near his eye in an attentive mien. Pausing quick for a gather of thoughts, slow, your hands move, gestures explanatory to his wonder. “John, I’ve known you for a while now. And I know that you, are the greatest man I know.” You explain, confidence thick on your honey tone. “Baby, you’re a miracle, to be what you are, coming from where you did.” Eyes locked to his, you stand sure he perceives just how genuine; sincere you’re truly being. Not a word off your lips falls false, not a syllable falls untrue.
“Which is why it hurts me when you treat yourself less than.” Frowned, your lips turn crisp to a soft gloom, moving forward to take his hand, tugging him down to a seat on the silk duvet. “Baby, you paint me red everyday. You make me believe the world is yellow, and the sky is pink.” You babble, awestruck in love drunk blush to the way John makes every day feel as if a wonder; paints each day as a mural on a crisp new canvas, solely for your eyes to drink.
Finally, taking hold of his heavier hand in yours, you lock eyes with him, sighing in content gratification. “When I look into our wardrobe, I see your side covered in simple greys, blacks and whites. You have your everyday shirts, like this Henley.” Giggling, you scratch gently to his bicep, offering a kiss to his broad shoulder. “And you have your suits, which are all just black and white, and plain. Plain blue jeans, and a leather jacket or two.” You explain, sure not to come off as if you don’t like his style, or the way he dresses.
You adore the way John presents himself. You only wish he’d open up a little more, treat himself once in a while.
“John, you’ve never treated yourself. You never ask for more, or splurge. And I just….” You bite your lip, sighing. “To me, you deserve it. You deserve so much, baby. I want to see you have colour, I want you to have nice things and allow yourself to enjoy new, good things.” You enlighten, reaching into the bag to pull out the first piece.
“I saw some stuff today and I thought maybe you’d like it. Just a couple of pieces, because you deserve it, John.” Cupping his cheek, your spare hand squeezes a softer firm to his. “You treat me like I’m the only girl in the world. And I want you to feel the same.”
John’s expression stills unreadable, lips taut in a thin line as he watches you pull out the first piece of navy blue fabric. To the material, small, tiny white polka dots speckle the fine fabric in a subtle, yet fashionable splendour. A white dress shirt, with tiny black dots pairs with it as well.
“These are the first two,” You begin, displaying. “I’ve noticed your dress shirts are always plain white. I thought these would look really cute on you.” You smile, fingers brushed over the fabric as you perceive his expression. John’s features still prove illegible; stoic. Squeezing his palm with a heaviness to your chest, you swallow tight before asking aloud. “John? Honey? If you don’t like them, it’s alright. I love you in your plain white dress shirts, I really do.” You offer, thumb softly stroking the skin of his upper hand. “I won’t be upset if you don’t want to wear them, okay love? I just thought-” Sudden, John’s shallow baritone interjects your reason, tone soft, heavy.
“You…you got things, for me?” He asks, eyes locked to the chic textile below.
“Yeah.” You smile, head nodding to a gentle move, gaze love drunk to his gentleness. “Are these alright?” You wonder, cautious. Still for a moment, John ultimately nods, swallowing a thick lump fixed inside his gravelly throat. His heart warms; his heart yelps.
In decades of life, no one, not a single entity, had ever got him something.
No one had ever brought him anything remotely resembling good; remotely resembling anything other than ghastly, dreadful sin. Sin forced off his reluctant hands.
Before you, no one had shown him care, admiration, love; no one had shown him
Voice thick with warmth, John offers a gentle smile your way. “I love them. Thank you.” He appreciates, gaze downcast as he sulks the moment in. Without much practice in saying thank you, John feels a wave of awkwardness cast to his sore limbs.
Before you, he’d never been given the opportunity to say thank you.
“I have two more things!” You chuckle, biting your lip as you set aside the previous drapery. Carefully, your hands draw out a dusty pink blazer; a piece full of colour, yet beautifully masculine. “Alright, this one’s a bit risky,” You giggle, holding the material out in front for both your eyes to see. “But I think you’d look incredibly handsome in it. What do you think?”
“Very cool.” John chuckles, hand brushing to the sleeve. “Looks perfect for a brunch.” He smiles, heartfelt your way. “Thank you, sweetheart.” He allows off his lips again, getting used to the way it sounded off his tongue. John’s nerves tingle with gratitude, so much so, he has trouble expressing it. Not a soul had touched him this way before; no one had ever shown John they care.
You introduced something to John that he feared he’d never receive.
       human connection,
someone to truly care. A lifetime spent looking out for himself alone, a lonesome John sinks in the feeling of true, complete, warmth. The warmth of having someone to look out for him. Someone who wants to look out for him.
As he gazes you, beside him, ecstatic to the brim to offer him something good; he wonders. He muses, he reminisces.
~That perhaps, your heart, and his, are old friends. Long lost soul searchers; that perhaps in a lifetime before, some part of him loved you, and you him.
It couldn’t be sweeter than this,
It wouldn’t get sweeter than you.
      Here he is, living, despite it all. Happy, despite it all. You make him
So happy, he falls in love with you each day. Over and over, remembering the semblance of hope he’d received; the woman who makes the stars fall to their knees each night, warms him in her love everyday. And he looks at her with the same love, his heart whispers to hers; there is no home like you.
To a smooth daisy tone, flowers fall from your lips, love laces each word. “Alright, the last piece is this.” You giggle, hands fishing a floral tie from the bag, hopeful orbs wishful he’d like it. “It’s a bit bold, but you know I love flowers.” You smile, holding the fabric to your lover’s chest. He stares into your eyes, his own grown softer; two smooth pools of delicate honey. And he smiles, and smiles, and smiles some more. To the mere sight of his entire world, so smitten. To the thought of someone so beautiful, so pure, existing in the same time as him, someone so precious, being given to him.
And he thinks back to a time younger, when the ghost of him longed for something more; longed to be liberated. He wishes he may tell the shell of a man back then, that it would turn out alright in the end.
that rain, will make the flowers grow.
“I think it’s beautiful.” John replies, deep voice gentle, laced with care. “You love it, so I do too.” Tie placed to the side, you sigh in relief, chuckling with a phew to your forehead. John’s eyes droop, fallen cast to the space between your bodies below. His muscles tense, before a relax of ease washes over his wordless features, mind thick with words fallen short of the honey you’d made, dripping from his soul. When words fall short, he hopes, he prays you’ll understand, just what you mean to him.
How much you mean to him.
“Y/N,” He whispers, calm to a quiet low, the silken skin of your hand taken in his rougher, callous ones. He holds tight, he holds tender. His fingers lace, and his heart pours. His heart embeds, embroiders a beautiful haze to channel to his love. “Thank you, so much.” Sincerely, he voices. “It might not seem like much to you, but to me, it’s more than I’ve ever had.” Out the window, he shakes his head, smiling. “It was always you, everything I went through,” John seldom opens up about his past, rarely references the grey that paints his former. “It was all meant to lead me to you.”
Cupping his cheek with your spare hand, you smile. You offer him a sincere, adoring gaze. “I love you, Y/N. I love you a lot.” He speaks, bundling your smaller hands, softer in his. You grip tighter, feel harder. You feel the pain coursing in his veins when you hold him, you feel the hope that runs in his blood.
“I love you too, Jonathan. And I’ll never forget.
       And…” Your tone lingers, a suggestive, nervous bite to your rosy stained lip bitten tense. “I bought another thing for you, actually…” You whisper, trialing, gaze locked to his lips. With one hand looming around his neck, your other draws into the bag below, pulling out a glimpse of a beautifully lace embroidered piece, of sultry, expensive lingerie; a black, skimpy luxery you knew John would adore to see on you. His eyes gaze to the lace, and he grins a cheeky smile, knowing whiskey orbs drunk to the thought of seeing you in something so beautiful, soon.
“How about, I show it to you later tonight?” You whisper against his lips, to the feel of his hands smoothing over your hips. “I’d like that,” John replies, a delicate kiss pecked to your neck. “I’d like that a lot.”
Time moves slower when you’re this close to him, love envelopes.
You could do anything,
be anything in the world; yet all you dream; all you want;
        is to be his.
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The things you picked out for Johnny boy:)
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Mother’s Day for Conquest
I know I’m super late with this, but eh. I wanted to write something for Mother’s Day that was centered around Connie, so ye XP
There’s some cuteness with Mortem, where he gives her a special gift. He tells her that he bought it all by himself, but that’s just a coverup; What Connie doesn’t know was that while she wasn’t paying attention, some of her teammates worked together to make the gift for her
You’ll also see some of the riders kinda bonding a little, and then as a bonus, Retribution’s inner Nootmare begins to show a little
Conquest shifted her attention to her son, smiling tiredly, "Yes, Sweetheart?" Mortem stepped closer to her, holding out a box, "I got you something." The rider tilted her head, carefully accepting the box from him, "Oh, thank you, Morty. What's this for?" Her son raised a brow bone at her and gave her a clear look of confusion, "...Did you forget what day it is, Mom? It's Mother's Day." Her cheekbones flushed a soft shade of orange in vague embarrassment and her tired smile became sheepish, "Ah, yeah. I guess I did forget what day it is, whoopsy daisy." Mortem sat beside her on their sofa, lightly laying his head on her shoulder and fidgeting, "Uh huh. Hurry up and open your gift, though! It's really special!"
Able to sense his growing excitement, Connie smiled to herself again and began to carefully unwrap the gift. Once the wrapping paper was removed and placed on the floor by her feet, she popped off the lid of the decorative box and paused, her breath hitching and her sockets momentarily widening; In the box before her was a beautiful necklace, its pendant comprised of blue gemstones that were shaped to resemble an echo flower. Mortem fidgeted again, pointing at the middle of the flower, "There's a button here for you to push, too." Conquest nodded, gingerly pressing the button he'd gestured to, and a recording switched on, playing a single line in the voice of her son: "I love you, mom!"
For a moment, Conquest was at a loss for words; She really hadn't been expecting such a nice gift from anyone today. By the looks of it, this wasn't a cheap one, either. Wrapping an arm around the child, she offered him a warm smile, "Oh my goodness, it's beautiful! Thank you, Morty, I love it a lot." Mortem beamed at her, puffing up with pride, "You're welcome!" She couldn't help but laugh softly at how proud he looked, shaking her head; He was such a good kid... She really couldn't have asked for a better child.
Lightly nudging him with her shoulder, she hummed, "How in the world were you able to get this for me? It looks like it'd cost quite a bit of money." Her son mimicked her, humming and nudging her back with his own shoulder, "I saved up the money Glo gave me for doing my chores, and then I had Uncle Ret take me shopping. He even let me pick it out all by myself." Conquest's expression softened and she sighed, still smiling, "Well color me shocked. Usually you get antsy and spend your allowance pretty fast, Mister. I'm surprised you saved it up for this long." He grinned at her, "I know. I had Glo help me, though! She helped me save my money."
Connie's smile widened slightly, "Awe, well that was really nice of her! Did you tell her thank you for all the help?" Mortem nodded his head, "Uh huh!" The rider leaned closer to press a kiss to her child's forehead, lifting a hand to gently caress his skull as she pulled away, "Good, I'm really glad. You always do such a good job remembering to use your manners, you know that?" Mortem smiled again, almost looking bashful all of a sudden, "Thank you, Mom." Conquest continued to gently caress Mortem's skull for a few more seconds before she tapped his forehead, causing him to draw back a bit and giggle.
The gesture, although small and likely somewhat strange to others that'd seen it, was a habit she'd adopted, and whenever she'd done it, it was always meant to convey affection. It was light-hearted and oftentimes made Mortem laugh, but thankfully, he understood what it meant.
Setting the box down on her lap, she lifted a hand to delicately touch her scarf. Her thumb trailed over a name on the underside that'd been stitched into the fabric and she smiled again to herself. Very gingerly removing her scarf and setting it on her lap beside the box, she adjusted the collar of her dress and then proceeded to scoop up her new necklace. Mortem watched as she undid the clasp and slid both ends of the chain around her neck, and sensing his gaze on her, she offered him a sideways glance, accompanied by a tiny smile, "Do you think you could help me, Sweetheart?... I can't see where the clasp is, so that makes things a little tricky."
The child eagerly nodded, more than happy to help his mother. Turning slightly, she paid no mind as he scooted closer, his hands darting up to carefully take the ends of the chain from her, "Now Morty, just make sure not to make it too tight, ok?" He nodded again, "Ok, Mom... Should I just put the clasp thing in the first hole then?" Connie hummed softly in confirmation, "Mmhm. If that's what you wanna do, then go for it." After a moment of fumbling with the clasp, he managed to get it clipped into the first link, idly toying with the chain, "Is that ok?" Conquest made a sound in consideration, testing the tightness of the necklace before glancing back at him and offering him another warm smile, "Yep, it's perfect. Thank you for your help!"
Again, Mortem beamed, his chest puffed out with pride. Conquest sighed, feeling completely content as she pressed the button on her echo flower pendant again, listening to the recorded message from her son. Suddenly perking up, Mortem made a sound, as if remembering something, and before Connie could question him, he'd already dashed out of the room.
Entering his bedroom and carefully closing the door behind himself, he glanced around, and then crossed the room and began to rifle through one of his desk drawers. He withdrew two things; The first being a simple white envelope that contained a letter he'd written for his mom, and the second being an orange envelope that had some surprisingly elegant writing on one side. He wasn't sure what it contained, but despite his curiosity, he resisted the urge to peek. The lady that had delivered it that morning had been very polite when she asked him to be patient and wait for his mom to open it herself, so he told himself he'd listen to her and respect her wishes.
As he gathered up the envelopes, a voice softly called to him from within the shadows of the room, "Psst, Morty! Over here!" Attention immediately snapping to the patch of shadows the voice had come from, Mortem nearly dropped the envelopes, a grin stretching across his face. He trotted over to the shadows, excitedly screeching, and the upper half of Retribution's body emerged from the darkness. Pressing a finger over his teeth, he softly shushed his nephew, and the younger of the two mimicked him, repeating the motion and freezing in place. Once the easily excitable skeleton child settled down, the former prince murmured lowly, "So what'd she think of the necklace? Did she like it?"
Mortem immediately nodded, also lowering his voice, "Uh huh! It made her really happy, and she already put it on!" Ret offered Mortem a slight smile, "That's great, Buddy! I'm glad to hear it. Did she say anything about how pricey it was, or ask how you were able to get it for her?" The child nodded again, "Uh huh." "And what did you tell her?" Mortem hugged the envelopes close to his chest, "I said that I saved up my money from chores, and that you took me shopping." Retribution arched a brow bone, "You didn't say anything about how I paid for most of it?" The child shook his head, "Nope." The former prince let out a soft breath in relief, reaching out to pat his nephew's shoulder, "Good, good. Just like we discussed. Well done, Mortem."
In response to the praise, Morty smiled brightly, his cheekbones flushing a faint shade of orange. Without warning, he put the envelopes down and approached Retribution, wrapping his arms around him and hugging him tightly. Ret's body twitched in surprise at the unexpected contact, and after he'd calmed himself, he returned the hug. Although his voice was muffled by the fabric of Ret's cloak, the former prince heard his nephew murmur, "I love you, Uncle Ret... You're the best." Retribution's expression softened and his smile became genuine as he lowly murmured back, "I love you too, Morty. You should probably get going now though, before your mom gets curious about what's taking you so long."
The child made a sound in agreement, "Ok, I will... Are you sure you can't stay longer?" Ret sighed, "I'm sure. I wish I could, but I have work to do today. If you'd like to visit me sometime though, I'm sure your mom would be more than happy to bring you." His nephew reluctantly pulled away from the hug and smiled at him again, "Ok, I'll ask her then if I can come see you soon." Ret lightly poked at Mortem's side, grinning to himself as the child squirmed and attempted to refrain from giggling, "Cool, that sounds like a plan, then. Seeya later, Kid." Mortem offered him a tiny wave, "Seeya, Uncle Ret." Retribution offered him a softer smile in return, before he sank back into the shadows and vanished completely from sight. Quickly gathering up the pair of envelopes, Mortem slipped out of his room, making his way back to the living room where his mom was waiting.
Warping out of the shadows in the hallway of his home, the former prince let out a soft breath as a realization dawned on him; For giving him her assistance, there was someone that he owed his thanks. Admitting that perhaps she'd managed to do something right for a change was doable, albeit a bit awkward for him. It was that awkwardness that he really wasn't looking forward to, but oh well.
Some things just have to be done.
Retribution began his journey toward the ex-pirate's room, trying to figure out how he would even word his appreciation in the first place. He and Abrael weren't exactly on the best of terms, and ever since she'd first arrived and been introduced as a member of the group, there'd been something about her that didn't sit well with him. He wasn't sure yet what it was, but the longer he went without knowing, the more it grew to bother him.
Arriving at his destination, he gave her closed bedroom door a few knocks, and then he stepped back, folding his arms behind his back. He could do this. He just needed to focus, and even though it'd probably make things a bit bothersome later on down the road, he would have to put his pride on the back burner. He drew in a deep breath, making an attempt to mentally and emotionally prepare for what he was about to do. The door opened, and Abrael immediately donned a look of confusion, clearly dumbfounded, "Uh... Ahoy, Ret. What are you doing here?" Retribution glanced around, looking anywhere other than directly at her, "Can I come in? Please? I would like to speak to you in private."
Abrael nodded, stepping aside to gesture into the room, "Be my guest." The former prince slipped into the room, still not looking at her, and once she was sure he was far enough away from the door that it wouldn't get caught on his cloak, she shut it behind him. Turning to face him and doing her best to ignore the impending sense of doom that'd begun to creep up on her. When he finally looked at her, it was with such intensity that she nearly flinched backward, and he furrowed his brow bones, "...Apologies for the awkward silence. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how exactly I'd like to word everything I have to say to you." The former pirate made a face, beginning to shrink under his stare, "...It's fine. Am I in trouble for something, or?..." She paused, lifting both hands in a gesture of surrender, "If this is about that missing bottle of wine, I can replace it. Just give me a little time."
All awkwardness Retribution felt melted away and he stared at her, his sockets narrowing in a mix of confusion and suspicion, "Wait, wait, wait. Missing bottle of wine? You broke into my stash? How did you even find it?" Abrael offered him an only mildly guilty grin, her shoulders tensing up, "...I'm very dedicated to things I'm really truly interested in, is all I can say. Because truth be told, I wasn't even purposely searching for it at the time." Ret groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose, "It doesn't matter. I'm not sure that I really want an honest answer to any of that, anyway." Abrael seemed to perk up, "So that bottle was a freebie then?" The former prince rolled his eye lights, "Yeah, sure, whatever. That's not why I’m here, though. I had other things to talk to you about."
The ex-pirate cocked her head to the side, staring at him in confusion, "...That wasn't it? What else was there?" Doing his best to swallow his pride, he glanced away from her, "Those gemstones you gave me. Topaz and Zircon, I believe. I... Wanted to thank you for allowing me to take them. The different shades of blue complimented each other very well, and the necklace turned out beautifully." Abrael blinked, silent for a moment as she processed his words; He was actually... He was thanking her for something, and there wasn't a single insult anywhere in sight. Huh.
She smiled awkwardly, giving a half shrug and absentmindedly picking at part of her sleeve, "Oh, that. Don't mention it. 'M a pirate, remember?" She allowed her accent to slip through and thicken, still grinning awkwardly, "It's in me nature t' keep loot. Thar's more where that came from too, if ye ever needs it." Hearing her speaking in the way that he found really suited her best, Retribution snorted in amusement, "Oh come on, Abrael. You were never the modest type before, so why the sudden change in attitude?" The former pirate shrugged again, her accent vanishing as quickly as it'd first arrived, "I dunno. I wasn't expecting this meeting to go down this particular path, so I think my usual eccentric persona is still in sleep mode right now."
Retribution shook his head and sighed, attempting to hide the smallest of smiles, "You know... You confuse me sometimes. As someone who typically comes across as being greedy, I didn't think you'd be so willing to trade in some of those gems. I figured I'd have to steal them from you or something." Abrael hummed, "Yeah, well... I had a good reason to cooperate this time, I guess." The former prince arched a brow bone curiously, "You mean a reason other than thinking I'd go and beat you senseless for saying no?" Her cheekbones flushed a soft shade of lemon yellow and she lowered her head, "I, uh... There was another reason too, if I'm being honest."
Ret tilted his head and hummed, "And might I ask what that reason is? I can feel your nervousness and uncertainty, so I'm unsure if I should be concerned or not right now." Abrael hesitated, and Ret's stare seemed to gain intensity again as he felt a small pulse of embarrassment come from her, "...Abrael, I have a feeling your answer isn't going to sit well with me. Now that I know you have another reason for cooperating that has nothing to do with being afraid of me, I would like you to tell me what it is. I won't promise not to get upset, but I'll try my best to stay rational and calm." The former pirate snuck a glance at him and hesitated for another moment, "...Your sister. Connie."
Retribution's stare hardened as he heard his sister's name leave Abrael's mouth, "What about Connie?" The ex-pirate nervously shifted her weight from one foot to the other, "She's a good teacher, with all this magic stuff. I know I'm not always the easiest person to work with, but despite that, she's been good to me. Not once has she shown me anything that could be interpreted as rude or uncaring." Beginning to understand, Retribution made a soft sound in acknowledgment, "I've noticed. Because of that, your other reason for cooperating involves her somehow. If you want your head to stay attached to your body, I'd suggest you hurry up and spit it out already."
Abrael drew in a breath and ran her hands over her head, "I wanted to help do something nice for her. She's always good to me, she's patient with me when I start my shenanigans, and I... She's... She's quite pretty, too." The former prince continued to stare at her as he spoke, "Your other reason for cooperating was because you think my sister is pretty, and because you wanted to do something nice for her in return for how nice she is to you?" Abrael made a sound in confirmation, her yellow blush becoming just a smidge brighter, and Retribution took a deep breath, "...You've taken an interest in her. I see. I don't care what you do, as far as your relationship with her goes, but let me be perfectly clear," he paused, the atmosphere suddenly becoming tense and nearly suffocating.
The former pirate watched him with wide eyes as his cyan eye lights flickered, very briefly becoming a brilliant shade of violet, "If any harm should come to her, whether it be mental, emotional, or physical, I'll pay you a visit in the dreamscape while you sleep and make you relive your final moments as a vile, audacious, no-good pirate again and again, and again. You'll feel the pain of a broken neck and cracked skull as many times as it takes to teach you how to be a halfway decent person, and you can even quote me on that. I genuinely don't care." Abrael shrunk under his stare again and began to tremble, but before she could speak, another voice interrupted the rather tense moment, "Scarin' the new girl again, are ya?"
Ret's attention immediately refocused on his partner, who was currently loitering in the doorway, and he narrowed his eyes, "What are you doing here, Famine? I thought you were too busy to socialize today." Famine shrugged, leaning against the door frame, "Nah. 'M busy, yeah, but I know how ta make time for my teammates. I'm only here because my gut told me ya were runnin' around gettin' into trouble again." The taller of the two glanced at Abrael, registering the terrified look she wore, "And by the looks a' things, my gut was right." Retribution let out a deep sigh, the atmosphere gradually beginning to return to normal again, "Hey, I didn't physically do anything to her. She's fine, Fam. I'm still in control of myself, ok? I don't want you doubting that."
Famine arched a single brow bone, crossing his arms over his chest, "Ya sure about that, Firefly? You've been pretty tense as a' lately... How about ya go and start runnin' a bath or somethin'? I can join ya in just a minute." Ret's eye lights remained their normal shade of cyan, and at his partner's words, his cheekbones flushed a shade of cyan that matched them. When Retribution didn't move from his spot, Famine hummed again, "Hey, Small, Dark, and Lovecraftian, ya still with me?" Ret made a sound in confirmation and Famine donned a lazy smirk, "Good ta know. Now, about that bath. I want ya soakin' in the tub, five minutes from now. I got a few words for the lady, then I'll come and join ya." Deciding not to reply, Ret nodded, sheepishly glancing away from Famine and using a shortcut, teleporting out of the room.
Once he was gone, Famine's demeanor became more relaxed and he sighed, slipping into Abrael's room. Before she had the chance to panic and run, he placed a hand on her head, stuffing the other in one of his pockets. Soothing pulses of his magic began to ripple through her and she drew in a shaky breath, slowly shifting her gaze upward and looking at him. Seeing that her attention was on him now, he spoke, "...Sorry 'bout him. He's a bit touchy when it comes ta family, and he can be a little over protective of 'em. He won't do anythin' to ya though, promise." The former pirate nodded slowly, "...You're sure?" He lightly squeezed her head, "I'm positive. Don't worry about him, ok? You'll be fine."
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The Girl in The Blue Dress
Chapter 13: The Castle
@megatraven time for Apollo and Rose againnn >:). Hopefully you like it. Not too much proofreading whoops so sorry if there’s something wrong-
Apollo was the way he always is when Rose dies.
He was sad and lonely and afraid. Every time she died he feared she would not come back, and one part of him hated himself for fearing that. He should want her to move on. But there’s a part inside of him that doesn’t want her to, that wants her to keep coming to be with him, to keep being selfish, and to maybe find a way to stop this and make her immortal. It all sounds impossible to himself, yet he still hopes that one day they can be together in peace. 
Because of that, he continued on like he always did. Go back to Earth and be among the humans and hopefully run into her. He always wonders how they run into each other. Maybe it’s a part of the curse? Maybe the Fates are on his side? Is it all just leading up to tragedy? He doesn’t know, but it gives him hope. And he’ll keep on hoping like Rose would.
When Rose died in the war, she was given a hero burial and her burial site is surrounded by flowers and gifts from the kids. It warms his heart when he visits it, but it also brings him sadness. However, he doesn’t let the sadness stop him. He stayed with Melody and comforted her until she passed, and he moved to another kingdom. It seemed peaceful and people were kind to each other. It was a kingdom Rose would love. He stayed here and found a job to help people. He was working with a seller who sold many kinds of items. Some things related to healing, clothing, minerals, trinkets, and other things. He was surprised that a man could have this much stuff in one shop. However, he enjoyed the job and would stay until he found her or stay until he felt the need to leave. Whichever came first.
However, one day the man came up to him and held a ticket in his hand. It looked like an invitation and, when he read it, it was. It was an invite to the castle for a celebration of allying with another kingdom. He never had been to the castle and was interested in it, and was going to ask the man if he could go, but the man was one step ahead of him. He laughed at Apollo and told him to go.
“I’m too old! You go and have fun!”
Apollo smiled a little sad like at the man. He was only 50 and Apollo’s not sure how long humans usually live. Especially with sickness and the murder that’s happening everywhere. The man even gave him a nice suit to wear and Apollo tried to decline since it seemed precious to the man, but he insisted. Apollo changed into it and he did look pretty nice. And when the night finally came, he went up to the castle and ended up on a path surrounded by a bunch of people. Many wore dresses of such high quality, some wore simple clothes, yet everyone looked so fancy. It was all beautiful to him, but something else caught his eye. This path was on the way into the castle and he saw a person sitting on the edge of one of the balconies. It was crowded by flowers, so he almost missed them, but he saw them and noticed that they’re wearing a black hood but he couldn’t see what else they were wearing. The person waved at him and he waved back. He didn’t know what to make of the person, so he ignored it and focused on the people around him.
Many had masks on and they were all creepy. “Maybe there is a reason I haven’t gone here,” Apollo whispered to himself. However, he didn’t whisper it low enough because a woman tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and saw her mask first. He saw a white mask that only covered the upper face area and it had orange designs on it. Foxes, orange and brown leaves, and other orange things related to nature were on the mask and it was really pretty. “They do wear weird masks, don’t they?” He could hear a laughing tone. “Yeah, it is pretty weird. But that’s to be expected since it’s my first time.” The woman let out a hum. “It’s your first time? That’s a surprise. Almost everyone has at least visited the castle once. It’s a little dangerous your first time.”
Apollo looked at her confused and she let out a quiet laugh. “Dear boy, this celebration may be a celebration to some, but to others? It’s a game.” The woman seemed angry when she finished her sentence and it only added to Apollos confusion. “A game? Like they meet together?” The woman let out another laugh, but this time it was sad like. “No, my dear. This game is deadly and dangerous. It’s always a risk coming to the castle when anything is held. It’d be a miracle if everyone made it out alive.” Apollo nodded and felt anxiety rise in his chest. Was that person dangerous? But he couldn’t think long because they ended up in the castle and were in an area where men were taking their coats. The woman had one and he was about to leave without her, but she tugged on his arm for him to stay. “Boy if you know what’s good for you you’ll stay with me.” Now his anxiety was real high. Was she going to hurt him? Hurt others? He didn’t know but did as she said and let her pull him to a set of stairs. They went up and were in front of two doors, but she only stood there with him. 
“Let me explain something, boy. Like I said before, this game is dangerous and deadly. You’re lucky if you make it out unscathed or even not knowing anything took place, so I’m going to teach you how to win,” the woman said with a sad yet angry tone. “Why help me?” Apollo asked with his anxiety resting in his stomach. “I lost someone to this game before, and I’m not going to let someone innocent die. At least not if I can help it,” the woman said with her voice choking up. Apollo felt the need to hug her or comfort her, but she put up her hand motioning for him to be silent. “No need for comfort. I’ve gotten past it. But the rules are simple. Don’t tell people your real name, don’t take off your mask for long, don’t get too friendly with many people here, and always watch your back.” The woman pulled out a mask that was black and offered it to him. He took the mask and put it on carefully. It only covered the upper half of his face, but his eyes were visible through the eye holes and it matched with his gold eyes.
“Okay. Thanks for the information,” he said with a smile. The woman smiled back and held out her hand. “My name is Jane,” she said with a sudden high and polite tone. Her normal voice wasn’t deep per say, but it wasn’t a high girly voice like it is now, but he smiled and shook her hand. “My name is Andy.” The woman nods at him and walks past him but when she’s at his side she leans in and whispers, “Good luck.” She then patted his shoulder and left to go join the party. He lets out a sigh when she’s gone and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Boy this is gonna be rough.” After getting himself together and ready to face everything, he headed to the ballroom and stood at the top of the stairs leading to the dance floor. Most people were already drunk, some in the corner making out way too much, some about to start a fight, and some dancing peacefully. “This is certainly a weird crowd.” Another woman came up beside him suddenly and said, “Why yes it is. I’m assuming you’re new?” He looked over to the woman and this time she was wearing a purple mask and her blonde hair, and short, gold dress making her basically shine. Apollo stuttered for an answer, remembering not to reveal much about himself. “No, not really. It just always surprises me how insane some people are when the drinks come out.” The woman laughed at him and looked at the couples dancing. “Yes, some people become beasts when they lose their senses, it’s wild, but also fun,” she said with a wicked smile.
Apollo felt a little anxious around her suddenly but nodded in response. The woman was about to say something else but was interrupted when a waiter came by with drinks on a tray. “Would you like a beverage?” The woman smiled and grabbed two and gave one to Apollo. He watched her grab them and didn’t see her slip anything in them, so it has to be fine. They clink their glasses together and both take a sip. It goes down his throat like alcohol always does, but it tastes a little more fruity. “Well, I’ll see you around,” the woman said as she scurried off. Apollo sighed and now he’s worried he got poisoned. He’ll just have to find out and see.
After a few minutes of people walking up to him and speaking to him, a bell was rung and it was the signal of king and queen coming to the celebration. He heard one toll and watched as people went to a corner and were completely silent and some people run in the room. He stayed where he was and was almost alone and staring at the people and watching how they seemed anxious now that the rulers were coming, yet some seemed excited. He didn’t know how to feel, so he kept his face neutral.
However, he didn’t realize another woman was standing next to him and staring at the crowd as well. He only noticed her when she tapped him on the shoulder and smiled at him. “Hello, sir.” The woman was wearing a golden mask, had brown hair that went to her mid back and was curly, and she had a blue slit dress on that went to her ankles, it had a V shape on the front that went to her chest and showed off some cleavage, and everything seemed to shine in the lights. Out of his peripheral vision he saw many people looking at her, some with fear and some with interest. “H-Hello, ma’am,” he said in response. She must’ve been important if she got several peoples attention, so he tried to keep his cool.
“Why look so nervous? It’s just a celebration!” The woman was happy and smiled a smile that looked genuine, but was it real? “Yes it is just a celebration. The castle just gives me a little anxiety. Too many people,” he finished his words with a little laugh and she let out a giggle as well. “I understand that feeling. But it is my job to be here. It’s why I have this gold mask.” She tapped her mask that was just like his (only a different color). “What is your job?” Apollo’s curiosity got the best of him and he was excited to learn as much as he could about these people. This might be his last time coming here. The woman smiled and winked at him. “You’ll find out soon enough.” She stared at him and he had time to look at her eyes. They were a bright blue and look like the ocean and he found himself drowning in them. However, the woman sighed and ran her hands down her hair to make it look more presentable, even if it already was perfect.
“Well, I got to go, don’t want to keep the people waiting!” The woman walked away, her hips swaying and grabbing the attention of many men and women. She walked to a set of stairs and disappeared out of his vision, and several others followed her. The only thing that was strange was that they all had golden masks, and it was only them that did. His eyes scanned the room and noticed that everyone had every other color except gold or any yellow color. He stored that information in the back of his mind and just watched the crowd continue with their wild life as the bells continued to ring. When the third bell rung, the doors started to close and a man in a nice suit came out and stood in front of the king and queen thrones with a paper in his hand. He announced the king and queen and they walked out hand in hand. 
“Aw,” Apollo said. The king and queen seemed in their sixties and they were smiling at each other. He then remembered that it could be fake, but he liked to imagine they genuinely love each other, it made his heart happy. However, Apollo saw other people come out. There were thrones next to their thrones and he saw three men and three women come out. The men and women looked normal, but he caught sight of the woman he was talking to. She looked even more beautiful under the lights and seemed to shine next to the golden thrones. The men and women bowed to the king before they sat at their thrones, and they all appeared happy, and it seemed false. The only people that seemed truly happy were the woman he was talking to and a man that sat next to her. However, they immediately turned their attention back to the crowd of people suddenly all standing very closely to every side of the banisters above the dance floor. 
The King and Queen introduced themselves and everyone bowed in respect and everyone bowed when the people next to them were introduced, but Apollo went stiff when he heard a name being called out. The man was talking about one woman and he heard, “And the lovely and talented Miss Rose is present today. She will be the opening act tonight.” Opening act? What dance was this? Was this actually Rose? He didn’t have enough time with her to actually tell, so he decided to try and find her at the end of the night. Everyone clapped as Rose stood up and walked down the stairs to end up in front of the dance floor. She cleared her throat and looked at everyone and smiled. The smile was bright and she seemed excited to be here.
“Welcome ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing tonight?” Everyone laughed or cheered at her and she put a finger on her lips. “Alright, alright, settle down my people. It is exciting isn’t it?” The people once again cheered and clapped loud and she shook her head with a smile, accepting that it was impossible to make them be truly quiet. “Well, I hope you’re all ready to have a lovely dance with your partners tonight.” Rose then cleared her throat as many people rushed down to the dance floor, holding hands with their partners. Everyone had smiles on their face and so did Rose. He wanted to join in but didn’t have a partner to dance with, and he really did not want to dance with a stranger, so he decided to just stand and watch as many people danced their heart out. However, it wasn’t silent because he soon heard Rose’s voice echo out into the ballroom. She was singing some classical song he didn’t know the name of, but it was mesmerizing. She hit the right high notes, made her voice low when it needed to be, held each word the right amount of time, and made everyone fall in love with her voice. He stared at her and couldn’t look away, and her eyes roamed the room and eventually met his. She smiled as she sang and winked at him, causing him to blush. He thanks the other Gods that no one else is around to see him. 
Rose sang 5 songs and many people began to grow tired, especially her. When she finished that last song, she looked up at the King and he nodded at her. He assumes it means that she’s done and that the celebration needs to come to a close. She cleared her throat loud enough for everyone to hear, even scaring a few people who weren’t paying attention. “Well, my people, it seems our night needs to come to a close! I hope you all had a good night and get home safe.” Rose bowed at everyone and went back up the stairs and left along with everyone else on the thrones. Apollo then decided to somehow find Rose and do something. He didn’t really think of a full plan, and he’ll figure out what to do once he meets her. That’s the Apollo way. He looks around the areas where everyone is and doesn’t see her anywhere, but he continues to look. He eventually ends up to where he met Jane and comes to those two doors. He wants to open them but when he tries to move, he finds himself suddenly falling to his knees. He feels like its hard to breathe, he suddenly begins to cough hard, and his vision is slowly going black. 
“Fuck, that woman poisoned me. But how?” His God voice starts slipping out due to his panic, and his mind is confused. He watched the woman grab the drinks, she didn’t slip anything in them, so how could she have poisoned him? He breaks out of his thoughts when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He looks over and sees the woman he was looking for: Rose.
“Are you okay, sir?!” He knows many people had shown fake concern and kindness, but she showed it with no hesitation. “I don’t know,” he managed to choke out. She nodded at him with determination and managed to pick him up with one arm slung over her shoulder and she holding him up. “Stay with me, sir, I’ll get you help!” He listened to her voice and tried to stay awake, but his eyes felt heavy and her voice was...so nice...and pretty to listen to... Despite his best effort to stay awake, his eyes closed and he slipped off in to the darkness. The next time he awoke, he felt hardwood beneath him and when he opened his eyes he saw the bright, blue sky. It was beautiful to him and he felt the cool wind blow against his face. Then he looked to his side and his heart jumped out of his chest. He saw a hooded figure, probably the same figure he saw at the castle the night before.
“Hello, sir!”
Hehe that’s all for now :)). I was going to make it longer but I think this is a nice cliffhanger >:). And sorry for literally all the terrible descriptions of everything. Describing things are so hard and HNNG!! Words are tough and I hope you like this chapter. I’m excited to write this timeline because oof there is developmennnttt. 
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followingliz · 3 years
Spokane Washington Day 1
Our first day in Spokane we decided to do all the touristy things! From the river walk to the mall, using lime scooters to enjoying the flowers at Manito Park- we packed a lot in!
We started our day with a nice lie-in and only headed to brunch at 11.30! Our first stop was, of course, Incrediburger & Eggs. With mimosas, the Pig Newton- burger, fried egg, Havarti and fig jam, and the Earth & Turf mushroom burger with carmelized onions -- Mom and I were in food heaven! It's hard to think of a more American meal than really good, packed-with-flavor hamburgers.
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On our way downtown, we found an "adventure" spinny wheel which had a variety of suggestions of little things around downtown to try. We found we had no choice but to feed the garbage goat!
It's a metal goat with suction for its mouth that will suck up garbage into a metal container. A way of encouraging people not to litter but also a brilliant little quirky activity.
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Right next to the garbage goat, you'll find the bridges across the Spokane River. The upper bridge gives great views of a rushing river and some light rapids.
The lower bridge really highlights the 'falls' and both bridges offer stunning views of the river. Watching the river is pretty mesmerizing. We don't get a lot of rivers like this in Tucson, nor in any other place I've lived.
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We were going to take the 'sky ride' which involves gondolas going over the river but it was too hot! An extreme heat warning, temperatures in the 100's F (40's C), and a city not prepared for that kind of heat meant no sky ride and also required us to head into the air-conditioned River Park Square mall to cool down. The Mall is huge and tall, though the top floor is only movie theaters.
In the mall, there is a local store called From Here. Where, you guessed it, they sell items made in Spokane! They had a wide variety of printed shirts, magnets, teas, bath bombs, jewelry, mugs, stickers, artworks etc. It was a really cool store and we each got a little something.
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Once out of the mall we were able to use one of Spokane's other cool features- Lime Scooters. This is an app like bike-sharing except for electric scooters! It makes it so much faster and easier to get around downtown -- especially in the heat! Mom was a bit worried about her balance but she did a great job! And we arrived safely at Aunties Bookstore.
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This is a bookstore a perfect new bookstore. If I had the time and money I could spend every day at this bookstore. New books, an upstairs gallery and some off-beat merch- - the vibe is immaculate.
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It's also connected to Uncle's Games! Which is just plain cute.
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I showed great restraint in not buying all the books and we scoot scooted our way back to the car to head to Target for some swimming supplies for Day 2.
It was weird being inside a big box store like target where virtually no-one was wearing a mask. While the smaller stores like Aunties and From here still had mask requirements in place- Target and other big box stores say (according the the CDC guidelines) vaccinated customers don't have to wear masks...and we're just using the honor system...
It was a weird pivot from Italy to not have the hand sanitizer station and temperature gun at the front and practically everyone shopping as though there was never a pandemic! ( except for the checkouts which had plexi glass and all the employees were masked)
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Aside from the River Front, Spokane has another really fabulous park where you can enjoy the fresh air - Manito Park! This is more of a botanical garden but completely free! We found a little tree fort for children ( and big kids like me! ) and then we were able to enjoy the very well-manicured flower lawn. Another big difference from Italy where the parks tend to be wilder and over-grown.
The flowers were beautiful and although the rest of the fam got a little annoyed with my stopping every 5 seconds to take another picture it was a delightful place to explore! It felt so nice to be out in nature again- even if it was just a city park. Surrounded by pine trees is the way to exist in the world!
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We ended in the Rose Garden and got ready to find a perfect dinner spot.
After puzzling over google maps for 45min we found Wooden City. We called and were able to just squeeze in a reservation for 15 minutes from our call! And let me tell you, this place is worth the wait!
Amazing koren-style chicken wings with carribbean rub, superb pizzas, and a to-die-for lemon bar for dessert! The atmosphere is a perfect mix of casual-chic and our waitress had the most calming vibe in the world. You just felt more calm speaking with her. The food was delicious and Sam even taught us about putting honey on pepperoni pizza! I know the Italians are dying inside at the thought but the salty-sweet flavor profile was quite nice.
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All in all, Spokane didn't disappoint. When you first drive in on the freeway it looks a bit doubtful but once you get a chance to explore: there's a lot to do, beautiful places to see, and the delicious food.
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rune-writes · 4 years
Yellow Flowers of Reunion
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Word count: 3265
Rating: G
Summary: It has been four years since Zack moved to Midgar. When he is having lunch with Aerith and her mother, he is reminded of his home and his parents.
Note: Part 1 of an ongoing Mother’s Day series centering on Zack, Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith. Part 1 is Zack’s story. 
Read on AO3.
It was a spring morning when Zack was sitting on one of the church’s benches, watching Aerith tend to her flower bed. He had sneaked out of morning practice. Thinking he had been making good progress with no one noticing his absence, he almost jumped when his phone beeped just as he reached the sector 5 slums, and he realized that was not the case at all.
Right. Go and have your little date with Aerith. I’ll just be here covering your ass.
Zack couldn’t help the snicker. He could just imagine the frown and resigned sigh on Kunsel’s face. Of course, his friend would have figured out where Zack had disappeared to since early in the morning. Even when he hadn’t even told him about Aerith, Kunsel had somehow known that Zack was seeing a girl. Actually seeing one.  
Anyway, Zack would have to treat his friend to lunch later. He silently promised Kunsel that as he made his way to the Sector 5 Slum’s church.
It had been too early—Aerith hadn’t even gotten to the church yet by the time Zack arrived. So he stood there, looking around, walking around, sat on the bench then crouched by the flower bed. No matter how many times he had been here, he was still amazed real flowers could bloom in a place as barren as Midgar. A miracle. It shouldn’t be odd then, should it, that he had thought of her as an angel when he fell down through the hole in the roof of her church?
Zack stroked his finger down the soft petals of the yellow flowers, a small smile playing across his lips. Where was Aerith? What if he made a surprise visit to her home instead?
Zack jumped up to his feet, the thought of the surprise lining Aerith’s lovely face filling him with glee, when he realized he didn’t know where the girl’s home was.
The thought had barely crossed his mind when the sound of heavy creaking against the wooden floor drew at his attention. Zack looked up to see the double doors slowly opening and Aerith slipped through them, her light blue dress swaying around her. She stopped short when she spotted him. Even in this distance, he could make out the slight widening of her eyes and her mouth opening in a silent gasp.
Well, he didn’t get to see Aerith’s home, but he did get to see Aerith’s surprise. Zack’s lips broke into a huge grin, his hand flying up in an encompassing wave, and her name rolling off his tongue before he could think.
“Ah, right!” Aerith’s sudden outburst broke through his reverie. When Zack looked, she was already looking up at him from her spot by the flowers. “My mom’s inviting you for lunch.”
Zack blinked. “Your…mom?”
Aerith nodded with a smile on her face. “I know you’re busy, and I told her you might not make it, but she still said you should come whenever you can, so…” Aerith let her voice trail off. He noticed the anticipation in her eyes, but Zack’s brain couldn’t quite catch up. He was dumbfounded that Aerith’s mom knew about his existence.
“You’ve…told your mom about me?”
Aerith nodded.
Zack blinked again, and again, letting it slowly register that yes, her mom knew about him. When it finally did, he bit his lower lip, trying to hold back the smile threatening to break free. He wanted to laugh. He wanted to cry. He wanted to jump and dance and pick her up and swing her around. But Zack remained on the bench, finding his gaze fixated on a bit of a crack on the floor by his feet.
“So, can you or can you not make it?”
Zack cleared his throat and took a deep calming breath. “Today?”
“Yes, today.” A hint of exasperation in her voice but all he wanted was to smile. Good thing he had most of the day off. Treating Kunsel to lunch would have to wait for a while longer.
“Sure, I can make it,” he finally replied, and when he met her gaze again, Aerith smiled so sweetly, her eyes crinkling in the process, and he thought he was probably the luckiest guy in the world right now.
Her house wasn’t hard to find, actually. Even if he had gotten lost, Aerith seemed to be quite well-known among her people that if he were to ask for direction, they would probably tell him. Though on the other hand, him dressed as a SOLDIER operative might prompt them to give him false information—judging from the side eyes he had received from some of them.  
Past the train station and into the Sector 5 Slums, through various shops and rundown, densely packed neighborhood, they entered the grassy area between an orphanage and a community center that led to a winding tunnel-of-sort and opened up to the most beautiful scenery Zack had ever witnessed in the entire metropolitan steel city. So much sun; so much greenery. A huge clearing within a wall of rocky outcroppings. Water fell down the face of the cliff on the other side into a stream between a cute little cottage and what seemed to be Aerith’s own personal flower garden.
If he were to describe the place in one word, it would be vibrant.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Aerith asked with a coy smile and a glance up at him.
It was, to the point that it made him speechless with awe. He could only reply with a nod. Aerith giggled at his loss for words.
“Come on,” she said, grabbing his arm and leading him down the short flight of wooden stairs into a small riverbank with makeshift wooden bridges on either side. To his right was the garden beyond, with a plethora of reds and yellows and greens and oranges dotting the vast winding yard as far as his eye could see. Aerith led him to the left, past a mailbox and over the rickety bridge. The water beneath was so clean, and so clear, with water lily leaves scattered on the surface and schools of fish swimming underneath it.
They reached the stone pavement beyond, where rocks were stacked on either side to create more flower beds. Zack spotted roses and daisies and marigolds and even cattails among others. A mixture of various sweet scents teased his nostrils.
When was the last time he was in a place like this? So calm and peaceful and serene. Far from the hustle and bustle of city life on the upper plate, where smoke from factories and vehicle exhaust coiled the atmosphere. It reminded him of his home.
Aerith opened the cottage door and Zack was immediately greeted by the rich smell of stew boiling in the kitchen. He adjusted his eyes to the slight dimness and found himself in circular dining room that probably also served as a living room, with a singular round table and four wooden chairs around it. More flowers lined the walls, in vases or baskets, on tables and cabinets. A small CRT TV nestled in one corner. A staircase led up to a second floor.
“I’m home!” Aerith called.
A reply came from his right, where a woman in a green dress and an apron was stirring the pot of stew on a stove. “Welcome home, Aerith.” She looked over her shoulder with a smile. Her gaze flitted over to Zack and the smile bloomed into a beam. “And you must be Zack.”
To be honest, whenever he had the time to let his mind wander, Zack had conjured countless scenarios of meeting Aerith’s parents in his head. He had wondered what her house looked like, and how her parents would receive him, whether they would accept him or reject him, and what he would do were that to happen.
To be honest, Zack had never thought her mother would be the first one to invite him for lunch.
Zack hastily bowed his head. “I’m Zack,” he said with a light flush to his cheeks. “Thank you for inviting me over.”
He was rewarded with a soft chuckle. Aerith’s mother wiped her hands on her apron as she turned to face him and stepped out of the kitchen area. “Yes, the pleasure’s all mine,” she said. “I’m Elmyra, Aerith’s mother. My daughter’s told me quite a lot about you. I heard how you’ve helped her a lot.”
“Ah, well—” Zack scratched the back of his head with a sheepish grin, “—we help each other a lot I guess. Aerith’s been really kind to me ever since I met her.”
A giggle from his side and he glanced down to find Aerith covering her lips with a finger.
Elmyra smiled. “Well, I’m pleased to meet you, Zack,” she went on. “We’re going to have chicken stew today. Just make yourself at home, okay?”
Zack nodded stiffly.
“And Aerith, you can go ahead and set the table.”
“I’ll help!”
Aerith was heading for a cabinet on another side of the room when she laughed at his interjection. “Stop being so uptight,” she said. “Just put your sword down and take a seat.”
She shushed him with a hiss and Zack had no choice but to back down. He pulled his sword from his back and let it stand against the wall. Aerith gave him an approving nod before making her way to the tableware cabinet.
Zack pursed his lips and resigned himself to follow the mother and daughter. He turned to face the table and took in the small room.
Elmyra had said to make himself at home, but to be honest, it was actually difficult to make himself feel not at home. Aerith’s house had that sort of warm, homey feeling to it. The smell of stew cooking in the kitchen, the tableware cluttering as Aerith pulled them out of its cabinet, and the scent of aging wood mixed in with the various flowers on the tables—they weren’t much, but they did remind him of home. If he shut his eyes, he could just imagine that he was back in Gongaga with his mother cooking in the kitchen while his father worked outside, and as he entered the house, she would turn around with a smile on her face and said, “Welcome home, Zack.”
As Aerith set the table, Zack found his eyes drawn to the set of photographs on a side table by the TV. One was an old photo of a young couple he thought was Elmyra and her husband, smiling in front of the house. The other had probably been taken several years after, and in it was a slightly older Elmyra, holding a little girl around seven or eight, wearing a cute orange shirt with a matching orange skirt, her long brown hair tied to the back. The man from before was nowhere to be found.
“Who gave you permission to look at photos?” her voice piped in from behind him. Aerith bobbed her head around his side and peered into the frame Zack was holding.
“Little Aerith was too cute, I couldn’t resist the temptation,” Zack replied with a grin. “I don’t see your father, though.”
Aerith didn’t answer immediately. She stared at the other photo, her eyes drawn. “He died in the war,” she quietly said.
“Oh—” he caught himself. “I’m sorry—”  
But Aerith only shook her head. “That’s okay,” she replied. She didn’t elaborate, and he didn’t ask anything more, because Elmyra called for them, then, saying their lunch was ready. The smile was back on Aerith’s face, as though Zack hadn’t just broached a sensitive topic. She plucked the photo from his hands and put it back on its place, ushering him to take a seat at the table.
Three bowls of hot steaming stew lay on the table. Having now sat before one of them, the chicken stock smelled even more overpowering than ever before. The broth was thick with potatoes and carrots and a dash of parsley at the top. The chicken thighs looked crispy. It made his mouth water.
“Dig in,” Elmyra said from her seat across from him.
Zack nodded, grabbed the spoon, and scooped the broth with the potatoes and carrots into his open mouth. The taste exploded inside him—so rich and delicious, the vegetables so soft. It warmed him inside out. Zack didn’t remember the last time he ate something so good and he was smiling before he knew it and had already scooped another spoonful of stew.
“It’s good,” he said. The chicken, especially, was so tender and it seemed to melt in his mouth. “It’s really good.”
The smile on Elmyra’s face was so bright as she looked at him. Then she looked at Aerith and nodded at her daughter to enjoy her meal. They started talking, then—about life in Midgar and Zack’s job as a SOLDIER, about the slums and the people living under the steel sky, about Aerith’s days and the flowers she had tended to—and it made him feel warm. This house and the two people living inside it made him feel a sort of warmth he hadn’t felt in years, and when Elmyra asked her next question, Zack found himself pausing.
“Where are you from, Zack?”
“Gongaga,” he replied.
Elmyra blinked in surprise. “That’s a long way from here.”
Zack chuckled, somewhat self-deprecatingly. “That goes for most of us SOLDIERs. I came here when I was thirteen.” That was barely four years ago—a mere boy from a backwater town who had looked up at the stars and dreamed of becoming a hero.
“Have you ever been back home since you came here?” Elmyra asked again.
Zack shook his head. “We don’t get a lot of time off,” he said.
“Your parents must miss you a lot, then.”
It was a simple, innocent statement, one anyone he’d met on the street would probably have said, but it made Zack go still, because unlike other boys who had left their village with the blessings of their families and townspeople to look for jobs in the big city, Zack had gone in the dead of the night, without a word or a letter to his parents. His hand had stopped midway to his mouth, the stew forgotten.
It had been so long since he had any home-cooked meals. All he ever had since he arrived in Midgar were either the cafeteria food they served in the barrack, rations he got on missions, or, if he were up for a splurge, the various restaurants and bars in the upper plate. He had been too preoccupied with his new life that he had never even thought of his home, or his parents, in the years he had been here.
“Do you think I should send them something?” Zack asked Aerith once they were out the door.
They had finished their meal and Zack had bowed and thanked Elmyra for having him. He promised to visit some time, but Elmyra just laughed it off and told him not to worry.
“Who?” Aerith asked.
“My parents.” They walked leisurely down the stone pavement toward the bridge at the other end, waiting for the stew to go down his stomach and he was ready to face whatever wrath his friend would unleash upon him once he returned to Headquarters.
“Hmm, well—” Aerith had a finger to her lips, deep in thoughts. Zack’s gaze flitted over to the flowers just as Aerith said, “Why not flowers? It’s going to be Mother’s Day soon, too.”
Mother’s Day. How could he have forgotten about that? In fact, Zack didn’t remember having sent his parents anything in the past four years.
But, flowers were a great idea. His mother loved flowers. And he would write a letter, too. They weren’t much, but they were a start. He’d write them more letters after this.
“And good thing you’ve got someone with a beautiful flower garden such as this,” Aerith went on, beaming as she spread her arms wide to encompass the entirety of her garden. Zack couldn’t help but laugh at it.
“What sort of flowers do you recommend, then?”
“Well, carnations are best for Mother’s Day—” her eyes turned downcast, “—but sadly I don’t have carnations. You can probably find some in the upper plate, though.”
Zack shook his head. They’d gotten past the first bridge, and instead of taking the stairs up on the right that would lead him back to the Slums, he led Aerith through the other bridge toward her personal garden. A patch near the bridge by the water was filled with the very same flowers he saw in her church.
“What about these?” he asked, crouching down by the yellow flowers. “They’re the ones that grow in your church too, right.”
“Good eye, Zack,” Aerith said, crouching down beside him. She caressed the long yellow petals with a smile. “These flowers mean reunion. They’ll be perfect.” Her bright smile was still plastered on her face when she looked up at him, and it made him want to smile back.
Kunsel was waiting for him in Headquarters with a frown and his arms folded, because Zack had gone out for more than half the day without so much as a notification or any sort of permit and Kunsel had to come up with a half-baked lie whenever someone asked about him. He gave a resigned sigh when Zack promised to buy him lunch, and instead, shifted his focus to the large bouquet of yellow flowers in Zack’s hands.
“Aren’t you supposed to give flowers to the girl and not the other way around?” his friend asked.
“These aren’t for me,” Zack said with a laugh. “They’re for my mom.”
Kunsel stared at him at that, as though he had sprouted two more heads, and Zack laughed. “It’s Mother’s Day,” he said. “Want me to let her know you’re looking for a bouquet too?”
Kunself scoffed. “For one thing, I know it’s Mother’s Day soon and I’ve already prepared something for my mom.”
Zack whistled teasingly.
“For another,” Kunsel went on with a frown, but the frown was only short-lived, and it was replaced by a small smile. “I hope your mom likes it.”
He hadn’t expected Kunsel to say that, and for a split second, Zack was left speechless. Kunsel chuckled, and gave him a pat on the shoulder, before leaving off to who-knew-where. He looked back once, saying, “Don’t forget about that lunch, now!” and disappeared behind a door.
The short quip broke through his trance, and Zack found himself laughing in the empty hall. He had promised. He wouldn’t forget. But now, he would go back to his room, pull out a paper and pen, and write his parents a letter. An apology for leaving town so suddenly and for worrying them, because he wanted to become a SOLDIER so bad, he hadn’t thought his actions through. He hoped his parents were all right, and he wished for their safety and health.
Happy Mother’s Day, he wrote. His pen paused over the paper, biting his lip. But the sight of the yellow flowers beside him brought his mind back to that afternoon in the flower garden where she smiled her bright smile as her green eyes met his. The smile blooming on his face was so instantaneous and instinctive and he saw no problem writing it down.
P.S. I have a girlfriend.
~ END ~
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sopxhiea · 4 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
Summary: Alfie hears that his deceased friend’s sister is gone wild so he decides to pay her a visit after years of not seeing the young woman but he has no idea what he’s in for.
“Not all men are annoying. Some are dead.”
The music loudly boomed through the long corridors of the house. It was a three story place with freshly painted window frames. The exterior wooden part that coated the glass inside was blue, something that clearly stood out in the crummy streets of Camden. It almost seemed like an intentional move to make this particular house stand out.
The color had been chosen by you.
Exactly two weeks ago, you found it hard to identify the very house you lived in. It might’ve been because you were slightly drunk every time you came home but either way, you needed something that would make the apartment easier to identify. So you had purchased some paint and did it on your own while the neighbouring residents were reminded of their distaste regarding the group of young women who happen to live right next door.
Although, the distaste mostly concerns you.
Your body moves inside the large room. It has canvases and your paints in it, things that you treasure that reminded you of the young girl you once were, when things were easier and you didn’t carry a lump on your throat.
The long street you live on knows you for mostly being up to no good. Sometimes with a young lad on your arm and other times, you on your own while you dance your way through the night with a bottle of whiskey on one hand. They certainly do not like you.
The music fills the concrete walls, the sound waves apparent on the mug you had placed on the floor while your feet tap against the hard surface. Your body moves, almost a little too seductively and particularly for no one. There is nobody else in the room, just you and your cherished albums while your body gently sways to the music.
You don’t hear him knock.
There’s a little part of you that manages to hold on to the past you so badly wish to forget, so you dance. You don’t want to remember the reassuring touches and the feeling of getting caught in the possibly of something happening with the one person your brother had warned you about.
He was six feet under, anyway.
Your housemates are out to have look at a new dress shop. You had no interest to stare at cheap dresses, only to come home empty handed so you’d stayed home where you knew there was endless comfort.
All he can hear is the sound of loud music filling the tall apartment and the soft thuds of your feet against the floor as you dance your way through the empty evening. 
He knocks once more, almost breaking the metal door.
Your movements halt then, fully stopping once you hear someone’s rather loud shouts. The voice is vaguely familiar but it happens to be in a box you’d pushed to the very back of your mind. From a time where you knew no happiness.
The high bun you had now rests against the soft skin of your neck, a few pieces falling around your small face as they frame your curious eyes. Your face is flushed and it looks like you’d been making out with someone, not dancing around on your own. Your dress swishes around your knees as you walk, ready to show the soft skin of your upper thighs at any moment you wish.
You lick your lips before walking towards the door and opening it in one swift motion, the music track no longer plays.
A fraction taller than you’d last seen him, there Alfie stands.
His hair is in its usual place, little pieces sticking out after he’s taken his hat off. He’s still broad, seemingly a little more built than the last time you’d seen the bloke but his face is the same. His scruff is neater now, he doesn’t seem to have aged if you decide to ignore the little creases around his blue orbs.
A scoff leaves your lips.
Your dead brother’s best friend, the bloke he had gone to war with and the one that came back alone with his captain’s hat on his hand, apologising to you because your beloved brother had been shot one too many times stands on your doorstep.
Your heaving chest is not what he expects to see. You look like you were in the middle of a good fuck when you open the door, dress still in place although your eyes a little more wider than the last time he’d seen you. You were grown now and even prettier than the image of you in his mind, he thinks. You look like a proper young lady, except for the way you greet him.
With a scoff.
Your lips curve into a playful smirk and you let your body lean against the doorframe. Your eyes are challenging him to speak, to let you know why he’s there but he’s too focused on the way you look. He doesn’t remember you being this dreamy.
Three years.
Three years since your brother had died. Three years since the bloke before you had kissed you under the dim light of the vanilla scented candle. Three years since you’d moved from your old apartment and started a life on your own, where no one knew of you or your family. Three years since you’d promised yourself that things would be better.
And they had been, up until now.
Your definition of better didn’t match its commonly used meaning. Better meant safe, calm and the bearer of good things at the time but it was different now. You went out whenever you wanted, slept with whoever you wanted and made your own money, enough to spoil yourself with some goodies every now and then.
But apparently, that didn’t match the definition of a better life for most people.
He had checked up on you, sometimes by using his men and other times, it was him driving past your house in the middle of the night to make sure you’d returned. You received two bouquets from the bloke, one on your brother’s death anniversary and the other on your birthday.
You spoke before you could register your own thoughts, a habit you’d picked up from your time around the local bars. “Solomons.”
The taste of his name was sweet on your lips, he listened to the breathy sound of the woman he often saw in his dreams.
But your reputation had preceded you already.
You were known for the late nights you spent around the pubs in Camden. Most men liked the show, the way you danced with a trusted partner of your own who you’d met just a week ago. You had a fire within you, a fire most men were fascinated with but only a few got to play with. Only the ones you chose.
He had been the one you wanted to choose many moons ago but the time wasn’t right then.
“Y/N.” he said, waiting for you to let him in but you stood there as he towered above you. You were still considerably smaller than him.
“What the hell are you doing on my doorstep?” you asked, your foul mouth getting the best of you while you stared at him with curious eyes. He didn’t like to hear you swear, which was exactly why you had done it.
“Came to check on you, dove.” he speaks, the pet name he had given you when you were fourteen still stung.
“That sounds like a lie.” you speak, eyes stern while they do not shy away from him. He wants to speak, to reassure you of things he’s long forgotten about but you’re fast to cut him off. He had no business being there. “Why are you really here, captain?” you ask, knowing the nickname riles him up in the worst way possible.
Before your brother had died, you had been a dear friend to Alfie. He had seen you grow up as he sprouted into a beautiful young boy himself. He was so fond of the lovely little girl you used to be, before Harry had died in the war. He had played games with you and chased the little boy who had tried to kiss you after the school dance.
But something had changed then, when he’d returned with no Harry on his side.
The anger that you’d spent many years managing was now the only face you wore. It was why you drank, it was why you slept with strangers even though they had been perfectly fine with just dating for a while, it was the fuel that kept you going. The anger you felt for your brother’s absence.
“I heard things, right..” he spoke, catching your eyes once again while you stood right before him, head held up high. “..made me fuckin’ worried about ya’.” he spoke, he hated how easy it was for you to get the truth out of him.
All you had to was to stare up at him and he was already a goner.
You nodded, unimpressed while you walked inside the apartment and he followed you like a lost puppy. This was how things used to be, he thought. You lead him through the long corridor into the living room. It was decorated in a minimal manner, a flower vase here and a frame there.
He still remembered, he thought while looking at your familiar features.
How you’d come back with rosy cheeks and glistening orbs that one summer. You’d grown up then, became a young lady that had just about anyone’s heart if you were to flash your sickening smile. He remembered how shy you were then, finding it hard to act like kids around Alfie even though you were both young in age still.
“Say...” you spoke, almost a soft order while he tried to get the vivid images of you from his clouded mind. “What have you heard?” you smirked at your own words, he was already weak at heart.
“Just a couple kids, yeah, sayin’ something about you and a bloke from Sabini’s men..” he said, tugging at his beard while he watched you. You remembered the Italian, he had been quite pleasant.
“And?” you spoke, walking from the living room to the room you had been previously dancing in. 
He was sure you had been fucking someone earlier and the air was dense inside the room due to the small ritual of dancing you had been doing. He wasted no time and asked what was in his mind. He didn’t beat around the bush.
“Do you have a fuckin’ lad in ‘ere?” he spoke, voice booming through all the stories of the apartment while you clicked your tongue, ears ringing with his loud voice.
“Why do you care?” you ask, eyes searching his while he tries his best to be subtle. A shrug is all he gets while you start speaking again. He had missed this, he thinks.
He cares, you see it in his eyes but a small nod is all you give him before you speak.
“What about the Italian bloke?” you ask, moving around the room to gather a few things in your hand while he watches you. You don’t bother covering up, your reputation as the girl who’ll open her legs is already out there anyway and you’re not the one to shy away from someone who’s known you since you were twelve.
“You can’t see him no more, dove.” he spoke, your eyebrows furrowing in an instant. He was giving you no rational reason.
So the game began.
You swayed your hips while walking towards him, using your natural charisma while he watched you. You were the predator walking to get ahold of its prey, although it was the opposite when it came to most people who dealt with Alfie. He was the predator but no, not with you.
He watched, almost hypnotised while your seductive voice filled his ears. Your soft fingers brushed through his beard, lips ghosting over his while his eyes fluttered slowly. He was lost in your voice, the addictive smell of your scent and the way you caressed his face to realise that you were just toying with him.
“Why, dear?” you spoke into his ear, hands still on his beard while he found it almost impossible to keep his eyes open. “You want me all to yourself?” there was a hint of mockery in your tone but laced with layers of pure filth. He sensed it still.
Yes, he wanted to say.
He had wanted you to himself for a long time now. Long before the war and the damage it had done on the both of you. That summer was the first time he’d seen you look so beautiful, you had become the owner of his heart then, no longer his best mate’s sister. 
He hadn’t done anything in the years that followed. He had a couple opportunities, here and there when he could’ve just kissed you and fuck the consequences but there was too much at risk. Harry was his best mate and even though he knew Harry would be more than willing to have his sister be with someone he trusted than a stranger, Alfie didn’t have the heart to do it.
He wished he had.
He growled quietly which manages to earn a light chuckle from your lips. You retreated from his embrace then, walking to the far end of the room while Alfie looked at you with dark eyes. It was the kind of eyes you were used to seeing in man you toyed around with, but not Alfie.
You had become reckless.
You were careless of what people called you, they called women whatever they wanted anyway so it didn’t bother you in the slightest. You were truly doing whatever it was that you wanted and living your own life with the rules you had set for yourself and if society was to shame you for it, that was just too bad but you couldn’t find it in yourself to give a damn.
“Is he dangerous, then?” you asked, like you weren’t just about to kiss Alfie a second ago. He took a minute to gather himself after you’d seduced him with one move but you were quick on your feet, too used to the game of push and pull.
“He might harm ya’. Can’t have that happening.” he spoke, clearly worried and for a second, he saw something shift between your orbs but it was too fast for anyone to catch on other than Alfie. 
“Shame.” you spoke, still gathering a couple brushes here and there to clean them later and he watched. You had been painting since you were small and it made him feel somewhat comforted that you still stuck to it. “He was kind of annoying anyway.” you spoke with a light hearted chuckle while Alfie looked at you.
There was the little girl he knew, and the captor of his old heart.
He chuckled at your sudden lively state. He knew your anger was always kept at bay so he cherished your happy moments, the kind of moments where he’d see your smile reach your eyes. They were rare but he’d make do. 
His voice was hoarse, thick even when he talked from the doorstep of the room. “Ya’ call every man that, dove.” he spoke, years of memories biting back while he looked at him with a devilish smirk, hands on your hips while you batted your eyelashes at him. Your voice was soft, totally the opposite of what he sounded like as you spoke.
“Not all men are annoying. Some are dead.”
He chuckled at first but saw the hint of sorrow in your eyes long after your words stopped hanging around in the cold air around you. He gulped while you walked past him and made your way into the kitchen through the corridor and the worried bloke he was, he followed.
While you filled some cups with hot water and tried to find some tea bags for your beloved guest to drink, he saw the frantic side of you take over. Your movements were still calculated and you put up a good front but he knew you too well. He still didn’t say anything.
“Any sweet lady you’re seeing?” you asked, knowing damn well he wasn’t seeing anyone.
For one, he was too busy to seek someone out since he didn’t get out of his damn office. He was a charmer for sure and even though there had been many ladies in the past, he always ended up with them curled around his side while he wished they were you.
He shook his head and spoke, his voice was low.
“Nah.” he took the cup and a small sip from the tea not too long after. “Too fuckin’ busy.”
He was keen on asking you, he knew you sometimes saw more than one lad at a time and even though it was unusual, he wasn’t the one to judge you. But the word got around either way, he hated that it did.
He thought that you were trying every bloke in the city but it was a matter of you finding the right one, if that existed.
“You owe me a new bloke.” you spoke after taking a small sip from the cup, lips plump while he watched the pink flesh move with your words. “You took away the Italian.”
He chuckled then, smiled at your adorable state with a warm look thrown your way and you returned the gentle gesture. You let him put his hand on the small of your back while you walked him out. This was the usual interaction anyway, it didn’t get far from this.
He wanted to take you out, to show you a proper time and have you in his arm for as long as you wanted to be wrapped in his embrace. He had wanted that for a long time, since he had become a young man but he knew it came with too much baggage.
He wasn’t that reckless, but he needed to be.
“How ‘bout I take the pretty lil’ lass out?” he asked, in one swift breath while you watched lights flicker against his features. His words earned a chuckle from you.
You gulped once, not out of anxiety but anticipation. He watched you under the late night and all its wonders and saw the wheels in your head turn. He needed you to say yes.
And so you nodded. You smiled and nodded while he returned to his original position, where he was standing on your doorstep and towering above you. Your hand reached to grab the collar of his white shirt and toyed with it while you spoke, the seductive voice coming in handy again.
“Don’t toy with me, Solomons.” you spoke and this time, unlike all the previous times your sweet voice had reached his ears, you were dead serious.
It was a forbidden fruit situation.
It didn’t matter that your brother was dead, this had been the game that you were playing with the jewish bloke. He’d tease and you’d tease harder, your pushes were angry but needy, it was a thin line in which he was walking on right now.
“I ain’t love, it’s about time, innit?” he spoke , finally acknowledging years of built up tension.
You sized him up with your eyes then. You didn’t know if he’d be able to take the teasing you usually did with the other men you went out with, they couldn’t either and they’d be spent up by the end of the night but it was different when it was someone you knew, someone who deeply knew you as well.
“It seems as though you haven’t heard all the things they have been saying about me.” you spoke, voice low as you stared at his blue orbs. You knew all the emotions that swam in there.
He had heard all of it, he just pretended that he hadn’t.
Bitch, whore, careless, grieving little thing, poor kid......They called you many names and some of them were true. Alfie didn’t care. He was a killer, a figure of forced authority in most people’s eyes so he saw you as his equal if anything.
“I have, yeah, don’t make a fuckin’ difference to me, dove.” he said, head shaking at his own words while he watched your eyes shift.
Your shining orbs met his, then. Not as the careless young woman you’d become but as the little girl he once knew. There was still innocence in you but there was too much hurt that laced it so no one was able to reach it. But he saw it, the way your eyes shifted from guarded to light hearted.
“Fine.” you gulped, you’d close the door on him when you were done talking and he’s just stand there for a second. 
“Give me a call.”
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras​ @mollybegger-blog
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captainchrisfics · 5 years
Good Stuff
About: Chris Evans comes home to find our narrator still buried in bed and dealing with a bout of anxiety. He offers love, support, and coping skills to boot in this short and sweet fic.
Word Count: 2,274
Requested By: @peaky-shelby - Thanks for sending this my way! It’s been a minute since I’ve written some unapologetic fluff so it was a nice change of pace :)
Warning(s): As the about says, this is a first-person pov narrator going through a bit of anxiety so if reading something in that sort of headspace would be triggering, please pass up on this one.
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“Hey, babe!” Chris called through our apartment. His feet pitter-pattered across the hallway’s wooden floor, doors creaking as they opened and closed in his search for me. The window was open, letting in the noise of Boston’s honking traffic far below us and police sirens in the distance, but that’s not why his voice was muffled. Instead, I could hardly hear him over the fuzzy television static in my head the rushing blood in my ears. 
Finally, the door to our bedroom opened and slowly, as if the air was made of molasses, I turned to him. Chris looked like he had a question on the tip of his tongue, but it couldn’t quite leave his lips. His mouth hung open in the slightest as he dropped his eyebrows, face softening with concern while his hand slipped from the doorknob and fell to his side. His other hand gripped the doorframe. 
“Everything alright?” Chris asked even though I could guarantee he knew the answer. His voice was tentative, like he wasn’t too sure he wouldn’t scare me off with the wrong words. Hell, he hesitated to even walk into his own bedroom. 
Chris probably saw it coming, he could tell when I was getting bad again. When my appetite wasn’t the same, when our conversations became few and far between, when my hands shook even a little more than usual. He caught all of it, sometimes even when I didn’t. 
“Yeah, fine,” I answered with the stiff upper lip that’d become my defense mechanism. It was so involuntary, like a primitive reflex I couldn’t control, that I had to backtrack. This was Chris asking me after all, if I couldn’t be honest with him then I really had nothing. “I mean...” I paused to let out a heavy sigh, trying to practice the deep breathing he always encouraged me to. I closed my eyes, knowing that I couldn’t ask him to worry about me with that painful look of concern etched on his face, as I admitted against my better judgment, “No. I just- I don’t know why. I don’t know what’s wrong. I just feel so...” 
My fists tightened around the comforter I was buried under as the words snowballed out of me with a new force as if hearing them out loud gave my feelings a new tangibility, hitting my chest like an avalanche. I felt so nothing, but not in an absent way. It was more like I felt so many things all at once, thought more than a brain could possibly think simultaneously, that it all blurred together into an incomprehensible mess. All I could make of my brain was one big does-not-compute error message. 
But how do you say that? How could I look the love of my life, someone who wanted nothing other than my happiness, and tell him I felt everything other than that? My mouth pressed into a hard line while my eyes squeezed tight, unable to describe the tension tugging at my heartstrings making me feel like I was about to snap. Instead of offering anything coherent, I concluded with a frustrated scream to let out steam I suffocated with the blanket at my knees.
Chris had woken up, made breakfast, went to the gym, and gone grocery shopping since I’d last seen him. He’d listed off every errand he had for the day before he left that morning and now he was back, having completed so much by comparison. As for me? I was too overwhelmed to do much other than sit up in bed. Needless to say, it made me feel a hell of a lot worse. 
“Hey...” Chris tried to soothe me. He was at my side in an instant, rubbing slow circles on my back as he shushed me. “Hey, try to breathe. I know what you mean. I know you’ll get through it,” Chris promised with an impossible understanding. Without taking his hand off my shoulder, he sat across from me. I felt the mattress dip with his weight, its springs letting out a groan that didn’t come close to competing with mine.
“C’mon, baby, look at me,” Chris implored, holding his hands over mine until my grip softened as if I was melting because of his heat. My gaze moved to meet his, although my vision was blurry with brimming tears. Chris laced our fingers together as he insisted, “You are so much stronger than this.” 
“Doesn’t feel like it,” I mumbled after a minute of trying to muster the vulnerability again. My eyes farted everywhere other than his and all of their intense sincerity. 
Of all people, Chris understood. He knew how I was feeling, he knew exactly what I needed to hear because he’d needed to hear them too. He pressed his lips to my forehead in a long kiss like he was trying so hard to transfer every one of his positive thoughts. 
“May not,” Chris murmured against my skin, his beard causing an irritation that didn’t even almost outweigh the delight. “But I know it for a fact. I mean, your brain is only so much of you, you know? Sometimes there’s a...” He paused to bite his bottom lip, trying to find the right words. “Almost like a disconnect, but it’ll pass, it always does. You’re one of the most grounded people I know,” Chris said with so much candor I almost believed him. 
But hearing it and feeling it are two very different things. Grounded was the very last feeling on the list of many. If anything, it was more like I’d exited the atmosphere hours ago, floating past Jupiter, completely alone and running out of air by the second. 
Then Chris reaches out to me, pulling me into his chest like an astronaut’s tether tugging them home. He held me close so my ear pressed against his chest, the steady thump of his heartbeat giving me something to focus on other than the rapid pace of my own. I leaned into him, relishing in the soft fabric of his sweater despite the warmer weather. Chris held my hands so they’d stop shaking as he told me to breathe with him, counting our inhales and exhales and the time in between until mine grew more steady. 
“Tell me what you’re experiencing,” he said, wrapping his arms around me without letting go of my grip. 
“I-I can’t put it into words, Chris, I thought you-“ I stuttered as my voice broke and a few tears slipped from my eyes. For once, I felt understood by someone else at a time when I couldn’t even do so myself, but apparently that was just wishful thinking. 
“No,” Chris corrected quickly. “I mean more like how I feel your hair tickling my neck and a breeze from the fan. And I hear those baby birds chirping from their nest in the tree right outside the window. I smell...” he paused to take a deep breath. “I smell your shampoo, it’s like flowers or something sweet, and fish, too. That’s hopefully the harbor, though,” Chris continued with more confidence, practicing an exercise he’d picked up in therapy. The idea was to identify every sense you were experiencing, giving your brain something to focus on other than its own white noise in an attempt to stay present. 
“Oh...” I sighed with downcast eyes that landed on our joined hands. I never thought this worked very much, actually it made me feel pretty silly, but I figured I could at least try for him. “I feel... hot. It’s you, you’re like a human fucking radiator, Evans. It’s unnatural.” I kicked the blankets to the foot of the bed in an attempt to cool off, but my boyfriend only laughed so hard his whole chest shook. “And I hear all that traffic outside. I don’t know how you picked up chirping over those horns, but I guess I hear it now too.”
Chris hummed in acknowledgment. “It’s a nicer one. I know it doesn’t solve everything, but sometimes you’ve got to focus on the good stuff, you know?” he said with a shrug, keeping his voice calm. I stretched to look at him, those blue eyes holding nothing but love and a lazy smile on his lips. His beard was growing fluffy, making him look softer than usual, and his dark hair was fluffy and disheveled to say the least like he’d been running a stressed hand through it all morning. His lips were chapped from being chewed on and under his eyes were purple and wrinkled with tiredness, but Chris was beautiful. The more I stared, the more Chris’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but I realized he was a lot of my light at the end of the tunnel when I suddenly had an emotion I could identify. It wasn’t any easier to express with words, but it was everything I felt for him. 
“You’re my good stuff,” I said smally, just barely above a whisper. Chris’s cracked lips stretched into a wide smile while he rolled his eyes. His cheeks started to turn tomato red with a furious blush he couldn’t brush off as nonchalantly. 
He caressed my cheek with a strong hand and wiped away a few of my shed tears with a stretch of his thumb. “And you’re mine,” Chris responded like an oath, placing a sweet kiss on my lips. His beard may have scratched my cheeks and the butterflies in my stomach may have been launched into a nauseating whirlwind, but for the first time that day, I felt a peace only he seemed to bring.
Tags:  @patzammit​ , @thegetawaywriter​ , @coffeebooksandfandom​ , @captainsteveevans​ , @intrepidandabitcrazy​ , @super100012​ , @spilledinkindumpster​ , @torntaltos , @amiquette
If you’d like to be tagged in my future fics, please reply to this post. x
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tell-mi · 5 years
Being the flatmate of the successful attorney and playboy Chris Evans isn't always easy. But as his ex girlfriend turnes out to be the new girlfriend of your flatmate Marc, also your life was about to tipsy turn upside down.
Warnings: mentions of smut, fluff, mention of sex, alcohol, language
Two weeks! Since two weeks you had to surrender in peace with your flatmates. you didn't hate them. Well, at least not Marc, he was a wonderful soul. He was that kind person, everyone loves to hangout with. One, your mum would be proud of if you brought him home. But his best friend Chris was all opposite to him. He was a playboy like it is described in the books. Bringing home a new girl at least two times a week. He sure was good looking, yes, he was well trained and hae the most beautiful eyes you would have sworn you have ever seen. But character is nothing, what you would have ever paired with his name. At least he always picked you up at the university where he helped out during the law courses and you studied at. But you have to admit that the car ride was the only reference points you two had.
You haven't always been a flatmate of those two dorkheads. You moved to New York in the flat next opposite to the guys, to your bigger sister, Lana. Lana just broke up with her fiance and felt alone. And you needed some space nearer to the university, so you agreed her constantly begging for you to move in. Long story short, one day Luke knocked at you door and begged Lana to take him back, she agreed and he moved back in. The wonderful overly romantic mood was going on your nerves very soon. And as you cursed a little bit too loud in the buildings floor again you've got offered the flat from the guys.
Three weeks ago:
"God damnit would you please fuck in your room and not moan all over the house!!?" You slammed the door of your flat, standing in the hall ready to go to the flower shop. You couldn't sleep the whole night due to your sister and her boyfriends constantly love makeing. Tired, with a huge coffee in your hand, which you almost tossed down in fright as Chris headed upstairs. "I hope you didn't meant me and...Jenna! No Jenny?..Joana?.. whatever!" he grinned mischievous towards you. Annoyed you rolled your eyes at him. "It's not only you, idiot, which keeps is all up at night with your sex noises. Lana and Luke are constantly over each other since they're back together." "They are?" he must have just been returned from a run since he now started to stretch infront of you. You caught yourself staring a little bit to long at his muscles which initiate under his clothes. Damn, has he a nice butt. "Luke just moved in again" you tried to ignore his butt. "AHH.. that's why he didn't come back to sleep in his room for even one night the last five days!" he turned to you. "Like what you see?" With a childish grin he asked. You were totally pulled out of your thoughts. The not staring didn't worked out the right way. "Shut up dickhead, you were the one who stretched his ass towards me. A women can also have a quick look" you tried to explain yourself and head down stairs.
It was a long shift at the flower shop and you had been so happy to be close to call it a day as Marc entered the flower shop in the last minute.
"Don't tell me you forgot your mum's birthday or something?" you raised an eyebrow at him "A last minute flower call is never a good sign.. besides why are you looking so fancy?" "Hey you, nice to see ya too." you rolled your eyes at Marcs constantly kindness. "No...Hey, I just wanted to tell you something, the boys and I discussed about. And... actually I have a date in a few minutes and thought a nice flower might be a good way to leave a good impression"
"Good point, gentleman. I will prep a pink rose if that's okay?" "Sounds great." he spoke a bit louder now since you strayed somewhere in the background to pack his flower. "By the way, Chris told me that your housing situation is a bit difficult lately." still working on the green for the flower you stretched your head to look at Marc "Pah, I whish it would be difficult. It's freaking nerve wrecking!" "Yeah, I know how annoying it can be...Anyway, so we talked to Luke and offered him to swap his room with yours. Only if you agree, for sure."
"Excuse me?" you asked yourself if you overheard anything or if Marc really offered you to swap rooms.
"Yeah, well you know. We know how exhausting Luke and Lana could be when they are totally over each others. We experienced I ourselves. So, Chris had the idea to ask Luke and he is totally fine with it. If you agree, you can start to move in directly tomorrow. I am off for work but Chris already offered to help with all the furniture and stuff."
Not even thinking about the offer for one minute you agreed. "Sounds like a plan!" you smiled to Marc and handed him the beautiful pink rose.
The next day you already sat in your new flats living room. All parcels had been packed and half already unpacked. Thank god for the short distance it didn't took to long. To your surprise Chris really helped you with the carrying of the 'heavy stuff' "You really don't believe I would have handled it on my own, do you?" "Mary!" he chuckled out "look at you! You are..so tiny." he nearly whined the 'tiny' which let you only roll your eyes at him "There's no way you could have lifted your fully packed wardrobe alone." "I'm not tiny, I'm greatness packed compact!" You glared him a serious look while you gestured your body shape with your arms. Chris let out a laugh which filled his whole body. He threw away his upper bod and smacked himself on the chest. You don't really knew what was THaT funny, but his heartwarming laugh made yourself smile in his direction. "By the way, don't call me Mary. For you I'm still Marianne" "As long as I have to help you with your movement, you are Mary" he wrapped his huge arm around your shoulder,pulling you in to a sidehug. You can't help but roll your eyes about his cockyness but somehow you enjoyed the way, you two might be heading to.
It was the end of summer and the sun set down a bit earlier by now. As it turned to become dark you've finally unpacked the last stuff into your cabinets. Exhausted you popped down and let yourself rest on your bed. The door of your room still a bit open. "Beer?" You heard Chris scream across the living room towards you. Does he really tries to be nice to you? You two didn't ever had many contact points the last half year since you lived in New York. The only talk you've had was about his one-night-stands whenever you saw them leave his flat like a proud macho. You, for your side always ended it and let him know so. He was a jerk and an asshole towards ladies. Only seeing them as bedtoys. You can't really believe Lana the story about Chris ex girlfriend. He must have been totally in love with her and was totally heartbroken after she split because of someone new. Getting rid of your thoughts quickly, you answered "Uhm, yeah. Why not!"
He sat on the couch infront of the TV and raised his hand with a beer. You grabbed the bottle and cheered him. "Pats?" you mimicked to the TV and let yourself fall to the couch next to him. Surprised he looked over to you. "You watch football? Really?" "Ya, sometimes. But i'm more of a soccer girl." "I really underestimated you, Stacey!" Chris smiled towards you with a smile that could have turned you belly upside down if you weren't sober right now. "What does that mean, Evans? Didn't you think I am cool enough for you?" Chris chuckled, almost spilling his beer. "You know, you just don't look like a football fan." "Uh huh, how do I look then?" Does this conversation start to get playfull? You don't know what even couraged you to. Chris opened his mouth a few times just as if he wanted to start to talk but took a sip after the fourth time. "You know, you look more like a really serious young women. A good looking one but..." "Nah, I am the opposite of serious!" You raised from the couch to grab some more beer. "I don't know. Never experienced it!" Chris turned his head back to you with kind of a smirk on his face. On his extraordinary beautiful face. What was wrong with you? It's just the dork flatmate!! "Thank you, and thank you for your help. Really appreciate it. I think I really underestimated you too, Chris!" You head back to the couch, handing him his beer.
Soon,after a few more beer you fell asleep in total exhaustion on the couch. As your body slid deeper into the couch, your head dropped on Chris shoulder. The sweet humming of you totally pulled him out of watching the game. He was used to the touch women, used to beautiful women. But your head on his shoulder, you body touching his body and filled his left side with a comfortable warmth made him breath faster than he wanted to. He didn't want to wake you up so he tried to only shift a little bit to let you drop down into an comfortable posture. You now totally cuddled up against his chest while his arm was holding your side. You looked sweet and innocent but he'll he knew you was a brave women with a lot of self esteem. Your strawberry blonde curly shoulder long hair nearly fallen into your face. He couldn't help but tug it away behind your ears. He wondered what was it, that made him ignore a Pats game and stare at you until the sound of the keys turning made him wake up of his thoughts.
Marc stared at you and Chris slightly irritated. "Dude, you already laid out new flatmate?" he whispered towards Chris. "Shhh, she just fell asleep on the couch while we watched the game. I didn't even touched her once. So shut up!" In disbelief Marc raised his eyebrow. "Yeah, this would be the first time you didn't touch a hot girl who's lying on your lap. Remember our flatmate code, bro. Leave your fingers off of her."
You woke up by the two guys talking to each other and surprisingly they talked about you. You decided to let your eyes shut to hear whats it about. "You know I can listen to you, do ya?" You sit up back again straight. Glaring Chris an excusing face. "Sorry!" you padded his shoulder "No, it's ok" she almost whispered while waving your excuse off. "Well Marc, thanks for the compliment. Hot, Huh? What's the flatmate code exactly about?" you turned your head between Marc and Chris. "Oh, it's nothing..." Chris answered quickly, interrupted by Marc. "Rule number one. Which is the only rule to be honest. Bring home whoever you want and fuck whoever you want but don't fuck one of your flatmates."
The first night in your new flat gifted you with great sleep and your couldn't be happier about it. Still in your Victoria's Secret PJ with a tiny short, your hair up in a messy bun you walked into the kitchen where Chris was already sitting witch cornflakes Infront of him. "Morning!" you stretched you muscles again while groaning into your hand. Your top slid up a bit and let free a small spot of your waist. You caught Chris not only staring at your but but also staring at your skin now. "Like what you see?" He almost choked on his cornflakes which made you laugh out. Slipping into your chair at the table while preparing your sandwich, you've got interrupted by a heavy knocking on your flat door. Chris stood up to open it "Linda?" "Oh Hi Chris, uhm, I thought you've already left for work. Uhm!" "Well, i did Not!" he raised his arms as much as he raised his voice. "Uhm, I just wanted to leave that for Marc. He just forgot it at the bar yesterday, where I saw him." That utterly hot blond chic handed him something what looked like Marc's phone. You could swear she was a model or something. "oh, I didn't knew he saw you" You observed the scene from your dining table. "Yeah, he was on a date there." That unbelievably pretty blonde women smiled at Chris. "Well, I will go now." Just as she turned around Chris asked "How are you doing Linda?" "Fine I am fine. Look, I am in a hurry. See you!"
Just as she left, Chris closed the door and let himself lean against it. He let out a loud sigh while running his hands through his face. "Okay, what was that telenovela about?" you asked him in disbelief. "That, that was my ex." You could barely hear his answer but you can see that something in his behaviour changed. He was truly upset. And for the first time knowing him, you felt something different than annoyance towards Chris.
You felt really sorry for him.
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Missed Dance- Second Chance
This ficlet would be without 
​ who gave me a lovely addional prompt: 
how about, bucky coming home late night after a mission, which went on longer than he planned, so he missed a bunch of social events that he wanted to go out with tony to, and he thinks tony is probably asleep by now, but he comes home to tony waiting for him (in a tux? or just dressed down?) and he's got the music ready and made a bit of space in their living room and pulls bucky in for some surprise dancing session, with just the two of them
Also many thanks to @the-chibi-sempai for the quick betaing. In additon this ficlet ticks off two sqaures, one for @tonystarkbingo‘ flash bingo: Touch, and one for @buckybarnesbingo Y4 Surprise Dancing. [Bingo Fills: 
Title: Missed Dance- Second Chance
Collaborators: Fighting_for_Creativity
Card Number: 023
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26326441
Square: touch
Ship: WinterIron
Rating: general
Tags: Soft, Fluff, Angst, Bucky Barnes Feels, Soft Tony Stark
Warning: none
Summary: A mission delayed Bucky's plan to go out with his boyfriend.
Thankfully said boyfriend was nothing if not resourceful.
Word Count: 980
Title: Missed Dance- Second Chance
Collaborator: J_Gun_I
Square Filled: Y4 Surprise Dancing
Ship: WinterIron
Rating: General
Major Tags: Soft, Fluff, Angst, Bucky Barnes Feels, Soft Tony Stark
Summary: A mission delayed Bucky's plan to go out with his boyfriend.
Thankfully said boyfriend was nothing if not resourceful.
Word Count: 980
On Wednesday evening Bucky finally got to board the extraction quinjet. He had been supposed to be home on Friday last week and hated that some greenhorn screwed up their mission so badly, that Bucky had to save not only that newbie’s ass but everyone’s else as well. Which, sadly, included their main target, who had been a dick from the moment Bucky’s team got their hands on him. 
 ‘To think that I had to cancel my dining and dancing plans with Tony because of this fuck up…’
 Sighing deeply, Bucky leaned back into his seat, waiting for Fury to enter the conference room for their debriefing. The super soldier wanted nothing more than to get back home. Maybe stopping at a flower shop and buying Tony some carnations in red and white, before returning home to his lover and apologizing for the missed date and social events. 
 If Bucky managed to do it right, Tony would agree to go out on the next Friday Bucky’s preferred bar did a swing evening. Fury’s rude voice interrupted his musing, “Anything to add, Sarg?”
 “Only if you send me on another mission with any greenhorn, ‘m gonna quit.”
 By the small barely there tug upwards of Fury’s lips, the man was amused. ‘Bastard.’
 Finally, Bucky was home. He took two steps at a time, being too impatient to wait for FRIDAY sending down the elevator. The flowers were a beautiful arrangement protected by foil and Bucky hoped Tony would love the meaning behind them.
 Arriving at the penthouse, Bucky entered his personal code into the panel lock. When it was accepted, the door slid open and Bucky entered Tony’s their penthouse. The super soldier still wasn’t used to calling Tony’s living quarters theirs, but he sure loved the sound of it. Upon entering Bucky briefly wondered why the lights were all dimmed, hoping that he wouldn’t wake Tony if his genius was already sleeping for once.
 Proceeding towards their living room, Bucky felt like he walked into the wrong apartment. Sure, the glass wall was still there as well as the big cream-colored couch, but that one, as well as most of their furniture, was shoved to the side, leaving plenty of space in the center of the living room.
 For a terrifying moment, the soldier believed that Tony was done with him and wanted to renovate like people did when they got rid of the old ballast. Then the dimmed light turned a bit brighter and his eyes landed on Tony.
 Whatever panic might have tried to claw at him before, it was gone. Tony was wearing one of Bucky’s favorite tuxedos. A red one with beautiful blue accents on lapel and cuffs. Elegantly Tony stood, a swift smooth motion, his high-class upbringing clearly showing.
 Soft music started and from one moment to the next, Bucky found Tony in front of him, taking the bouquet.
“My. Are those for me, darling? They’re beautiful.”
 A faint blush graced Bucky’s cheeks, eyes glued to Tony’s every move while the smaller man took care of the flowers.
 Upon Tony’s return, Bucky had time to take in their surroundings and had realized that the floor was decked out with parquet. To the side stood Bucky’s old fashioned gramophone, the needle dropped and hooked up to the penthouse speakers.
 The music wasn’t one of his LPs but a waltz and as soon as Bucky’s brain caught up with that , he flushed even more. Before Bucky had left, the taller brunet had confessed to Tony how much he wanted to learn the waltz, that back in his days only upper-class children were taught and he had learned swing instead.
 Tony had smiled softly at him and promised, lips touching featherlike Bucky’s own, that one day he would teach the taller man. 
 ‘Looks like the day arrived.’
 “Hi, sweetheart.”
 “Good late evening to you, Mr. Barnes. Might I be so daring and ask for this dance?” Tony’s brown eyes sparkled mischievous, the only thing giving way to how much this was a game for both to enjoy. The slight bow and outstretched hand. The soft lighting. Everything about this gave off a fairytale-like vibe.
 “Oh, I’m not so sure I’ll be able to dance this, Doctor Stark,” Bucky replied, coyly. Because he was so focused on his smaller lover, Bucky saw the moment Tony’s pupils dilated a fraction. ‘Two can play this game, honey.’
 “Don’t worry, Mr. Barnes. If you let me, I shall lead you through it. I promise to be patient and gentle.”
 Tony’s voice was promising things and before Bucky knew what he did, his metal hand lay gently in Tony’s outstretched one.
 Not more than a heartbeat passed before Tony pressed a soft kiss to the metal fingers, a butterfly-like touch. Then he guided Bucky on the parquet. The soldier’s heart was beating furiously, nerves, and love competing to be the reason the tall brunet went into cardiac arrest. Getting into position, Bucky could have sworn his body melted against Tony’s while Tony was all solid muscles and confidence. The first few steps were more stumbles than real dancing but Tony whispered whatever step was needed softly, leading him through, first one, then a second and a third waltz.
 Without fully acknowledging it Tony had slipped into being lead during their third waltz and Bucky beamed after.
 “I knew you would do fantastic, Buckeroo.”
 “M sorry for the missed date, doll.”
 “Don’t be. We can practice a bit more before you go and touch me all in public.”
 A soft chuckle followed that statement. Forehead against forehead, they breathed each other’s air. Tony’s hand resting gently on Bucky’s back, while Bucky’s arms rested on Tony’s shoulders. 
 They didn’t dance any real dance for the rest of the evening, simply swaying to and fro with each other, content to just be.
 “Welcome home.”
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