#it's also where the name of their order comes from cause shiny
fidgetspringer-art · 1 month
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The Shimmer Shields - Uniform design
#digital art#illustration#artists on tumblr#art#dungeons and dragons#dnd#ttrpg#homebrew#concept art#original characters#ocs#my ocs#Fen tag#Alowin tag#Setting: Heim#I was gonna do this rendered all pretty and stuff#but i've already spent too much time fiddling with this so flats will have to do#i really wanted to get the Shields uniform down on paper#as well as two of my silly little guys#Fen is wearing the standard officer uniform that people would commonly see on the streets of Novo-Mellior#Alowin is wearing the private hire uniform since he gets assigned to Tethry after a failed attempt on his life#The private hire uniform comes with a cape meant to cover the sword at their hip during formal events.#also anyone who ends up on private hire is ribbed pretty heavily by the rest of the soldiers since#that often means they get assigned either to some arrogant noble or an important caster (like an archmage)#and with the way that Shields and casters don't get along very well you'll get bullied for babysitting one.#The Shields value their uniforms and gear very highly since to a lot of them it's the only thing of significance that they own.#Their bracers and shields (not pictured cause idk what i want to do for them yet) are tiled with flail snail shell#which allows them to both block and reflect any spells cast at them back on the caster#it's also where the name of their order comes from cause shiny#I had big plans for this piece but at the end of the day it's just a design sheet
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tesalicious2 · 7 days
so, ive gotten into Delta Squad recently and something that has always interested me is the dynamic between different types of troopers.
Among the GAR, i'd imagine what you do affects everything in your life. Who you're friends with, who you know, how you act, even how you think. Theyve created a heirarchy, excluding cc and captains, i'd imagine Commandos are at the top of the pyramid. ARCs coming in next, then Medics, then ARF, then engineers (anyone who works on any machine but doesn't get deployed, includes any clone that maintains/directs fighters), then command/greys (those who work in the command tower or who can wear greys to work, seen as lower for not directly fighting), then maintenance, and then the shinies.
They've built a system and it may not be super strict and they are friendly with one another off duty, once the pressure is on, everyone falls in line. It's not something that is spoken about either, I would even say they do it more subconsciously than anything, but its there.
Now, will they be mean/rude/hostile to anyone who branches out or is friendly/friends with those of a different level? No! They are brothers and they know every job matters. They are one collective and they each have a role. However, if someone from maintenance starts saying they're gonna be an ARC, well expect jokes to be made and comments to pop up.
Funnily enough, Commandos don't feel this at all. They hardly interact with the regs, and when they do its for a point. Now, they just see everyone as below them so, again, the heirarchy doesn't affect them. They have their superiors they follow but don't expect them to be buddy buddy with an ARC.
There is a group above the Commandos, the Advisors, that aren't actually known at all. Everyone assumes the Commandos get their orders from the nat-borns they work. Advisors fall under the Commanders level, even though everyone on that level doesn't know they exist; especially since they are considered a separate entity and they only follow commands of those they are temporarily serving. This can cause issues and it did for CC-01/425 'Advisor' for the Delta Squad.
Their armor is blank, though they can see action, so 'Advisor' was mistaken for a shiny. A Captain was directing shinies to load crates and called out 'Advisor' for slacking off. 'Advisor' ignored the Captain and continued to the Command Center to guide Delta Squad. The Captain grabbed him and dressed him down on the deck, the shinies watching. Before the Captain could finish his rant, Sev came looking for 'Advisor' and quickly fixed the misunderstanding (read: threatened bodily harm in many different ways before yanking 'Advisor' along to the meeting).
Another group that this wouldn't entirely apply to is the Coruscant Guard (me? talk about them? the horror). They had it, it was there, then everyone got overworked and short on supplies so its just hold on and we'll live. The only heirarchy is by rank, even then its hardly applied unless their on-duty.
(headcanon time), The 141st Blackout Corps works on the other side of the galaxy from the GAR so they are also disconnected from them. Their armor is the most different and unique, made up of a pitch black base (where the name Blackout came from) with bright colors painted on. The system doesn't apply to them either due to the fact that theyre pretty isolated and its common for people to pickup the slack where needed. An ARC to help a engineer or a Maintanence to take a shift in the command center.
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bunnymajo · 10 months
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Did an update design for Tiara B. She's definitely a sporty & adventurous character but I wanted to avoid workout clothes like Tangle's, I so I went for a jumper and did a scrunchie instead of a bow since I think Fiona pretty much owns big yellow bows imo. I also kept the wand because I like it, and decided to make more of a backstory for the giant rock on it & give it a name and explain I guess what she would be doing.
I broke it down into 3 parts & put it under a cut
1 - Harmony Diamond- Treasure of the Boobowski royal family. Only the royal family are able to wield it and the power level varies depending on it’s users state of mind (ie - if depressed or low on energy it’s not as powerful as when they’re determined & confident) It’s main ability is it’s able to heal or restore what’s broken. Including healing the sick. In combat it can absorb & nullify attacks, basically it becomes an OP shield. It’s encased in a scepter that can also be used as a blunt weapon. (I also kind of want it to look like a gymnastics ribbon while in motion. Like a beam of light that whips around whenever the wand moves) Tiara, as the last remaining member of the Boobowski family, is the only one left to wield it.
As a child her father told her to keep its power a secret because he didn’t want others coming for her, despite her protests that it could really help people in need. Gazebo starts to consider finding a way to duplicate the diamond. The real one to keep and the duplicate to try and use more publicly & possibly distribute throughout the world if duplication is successful. In his experiments of trying to convert a chaos emerald into another harmony diamond, this causes an unforeseen reaction and Gazebo suddenly vanishes without any remains. The diamond and emerald are repelled to the opposite sides of the room. Tiara witnesses the incident in horror. She disposes of the emerald and starts carrying the Harmony Diamond and Gazebo’s notes with her at all times in her quest to find him and answers on what exactly happened.
Notes: -Based on the “rings of order” concept from Sonic Xtreme of being opposites of the chaos emeralds. Shiny rocks are just more interesting than rings.
also inspired by the Silver Crystal from Sailor Moon (which culturally are the opposite of Dragon Balls, the inspiration for Chaos Emeralds)
also also tying in some of the original game drafts where Gazebo was trying to make a cure for a disease that Sonic had to transport(?)
2- The Boobowski Royal family & the Castle of Light - located in a northern region (in between Holoska & Spagonia) the Boobowski family had been its ruler for centuries, but in recent history the kingdom’s population & general well being declined. The King at the time had been more frugal with the Diamond’s use and kept its powers secret, when the people revolted to form a democracy, the royal family was cast out and lived among its citizens. The castle became public property as well but it suffered heavy damage from the revolt.
Gazebo is from the 3rd generation after the revolt. Even with the political change the population still dwindled, almost as if it was cursed. The royal family’s history remained a faint memory, and he & Tiara lived in the mountains (like the Mobian Alps) mostly staying outside of the world of politics, Gazebo as a local doctor. Tiara is a “princess” in family heritage only. Gazebo sometimes wonders what it would be like to restore the Castle of Light to its former glory. This is also what motivates him to duplicate the Harmony Diamond, so that he can get a boost of power to heal the castle & the surrounding area. Tiara has no interest in politics or being a pampered princess, but she did enjoy working alongside her father with patients and helping people.
Notes: -Castle of Light has been documented as Sonic Extreme’s hubworld & where Tiara was from so I wanted to utilize it.
Wanted to make the history distinct enough from Satam’s Acorn Kingdom (since Tiara looking for her father is already pretty similar to Sally’s story) and have its conflicts come from internal struggles vs. outside forces like Eggman attacks or whatever the heck was happening in Soleanna.
3 - Tiara’s character- Since Gazebo’s disappearance Tiara has been traveling alone. In her home village she was always wandering off on her own so she’s used to being independent. She puts on a determined face & positive attitude through this whole ordeal but doesn’t let anyone get too close & won't ever admit to anyone that she’s felt lonely & scared. She’s pretty confident in her physical abilities so sometimes she can seem hot-headed, impatient or even arrogant on a bad day. She has short patience for people picking fights in particular (so like, Rough & Tumble she would absolutely yell at & fight them without hesitation)
At the end of the day she won't give up until she finds an answer as to what happened & where her dad went. She doesn’t mind if she has to sacrifice personal relationships for herself to get there. She’s put out missing persons reports in every town she’s visited. She usually stays in town for a week to a month, working odd jobs or helping citizens from badniks. She goes to the gym a lot (into gymnastics, aerobics, rock climbing) and likes following the local sports scene. Big jock energy.
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vulpes115 · 1 month
Trans Bly Headcanons
- Bly always felt slightly off compared to her brothers; something didn’t quite feel right about that term when applied to her. Even as proud as she felt to be a part of the GAR, she knew deep down that she wasn’t quite built for the ideal masculine role that the clones were supposed to fit into, so she kinda tried to overcompensate for a bit.
- She did, however, really like the word “vod” as it was a gender-neutral way of feeling like a part of the whole.
- Sister was the first-ever Clone to come out as trans; she would be far from the first. When Bly heard about this, she felt a deep sense of admiration and a little bit of envy. However, she didn’t let herself delve too far into that feeling. As a commander, she felt she had to be held to a higher standard, and a part of her feared that even if Sister was able to get away with it, the Kaminoans might balk at someone as high-ranking as Bly doing such a deviant thing, and she might get decommissioned.
-To cover up this perceived inadequacy, she becomes a very duty-bound and dependable yet reserved soldier, only with her men and Aayla does she let her guard down remotely.
- One of the many things that drew her to Aayla was her natural beauty and her confidence in her own skin giving Bly her first real sense of gender envy, which then, of course, led into a strong crush—a crush Bly never thought would be reciprocated until a moment of relief after a battle where Bly nearly died caused Aayla to confess her un-Jedi-like feelings towards Bly in private, and after a lengthy discussion about balancing duty and romance, they unofficially became a couple.
- On a night where Aayla and Bly used the battlefield setting to get away with sharing a tent, Aayla admitted with a laugh, “You know? I didn’t think I was attracted to men until you came along.” This caused something to finally click in Bly’s head, and suddenly a floodgate of gender-related emotions came out. She asked in a soft voice, “What if I’m not a man, though?” This then led into a long conversation about Bly and her gender and her feelings about it. Once Aayla was done comforting her and it was all out of Bly’s system, Aayla grinned, “Then you’re the best girlfriend a girl could ask for,” which then led into their first kiss.
- After that, Aayla took extra care to make Bly feel pretty, showering her with compliments about how pretty she looked when she could get away with it, delighting when Bly grew out her hair, loving to play with it, and looking up HoloNet videos in her free time so she could help style it. She also encouraged Bly to come out to her men and her batchmates, well, when she was comfortable, of course. And of course, there was some teasing; I mean, they are siblings after all. But they switched fairly effortlessly over to calling Bly sister and using the correct pronouns. Bly was also honored when a shiny under her command also came out as non-binary and cited her as where they got their courage from.
- At this point, Bly is too well-established to get decommissioned by Kamino for something like this, though unfortunately, many Kaminoans see her gender identity as something trite like the names. Bly would usually just sit and take it, not wanting to go against her superiors, but Aayla would always go to bat for her, and eventually, Bly works up the courage to correct every time they try it.
- They continued to grow closer to the point where Aayla knew she could no longer balance being a Jedi with her feelings for her girlfriend and promised both of them that, while she felt she had a duty to see the war through, as soon as it was over, she’d leave the order, they’d go help Ryloth rebuild, and then settle there, get married, and raise a family.
- In a nicer world, they do. Bly and Aayla look stunning in their wedding dresses of blue and gold, and Bly is finally able to get surgeries to transition fully, and they raise three adopted kids on Ryloth.
- …But we all know that’s not what happens. Bly is forced to kill Aayla, and Bly shuts down; she starts dissociating hard so that all that’s really left is CC-5052, loyal Imperial soldier.
- But when the Empire tries to cut their hair for not being regulation, Bly comes out for just a minute to argue with them. They have taken everything else from her; she cannot let them take her hair on top of that.
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mistressmochalo · 9 months
Karamatsu is not narcissus (analisis of character part 2)
Assuming that Karamatsu's behavior is not entirely a game, then we can assume that he really does have a personality disorder, namely...
Histrionic personality disorder.
This is where the interesting part comes in and why Karamatsu is considered a narcissist when in truth he is not.
The fact is that HRD has similar features to NRD, but has a number of significant differences. The term “narcissist” is much better known than “hysteric”, hence the confusion.
As in the case of NPD, a person’s main need is to always be the center of attention, the personality is also self-centered, however, for a hysteric, receiving attention from others is an end in itself. The narcissist, on the contrary, attracts attention to himself in order to demonstrate his superiority.
The next obvious difference is the absence of problems with empathy. Narcissists can show it, but only externally; internally they are not capable of compassion.
So, who are the hysterics? These are very extravagant, bright personalities who strive to attract attention to themselves in every available way. Moreover, attention can be different from love and admiration to anger and disgust; they will be happy with anything as long as they are noticed. When they are not noticed or ignored it causes discomfort.
Features of behavior. In speech and behavior they are similar to theater actors, they are prone to vivid displays of emotions, their speech is dramatic and, as a rule, figurative, impressionistic, grandiose, but at the same time not specific and contentless. The intonation of the voice is also dramatic, the voice can be comically cartoonish, childish or seductive.
His outrageous behavior most of the time irritates Ichimatsu in particular, while the others try to ignore him. In fact, Ichi reacts more than others to his ridiculous phrases and antics, despite the fact that he expresses this through anger and irritation, but this is still the attention that Karamatsu desperately needs.
Also, the main way to stand out from the crowd is appearance. They choose bright, extravagant, revealing outfits that often border on absurdity. Let's remember his T-shirts with his own face, shiny pants and boots, short shorts and cowboy hats, sunglasses that he wears even at night.
For narcissists, being ridiculous, funny and stupid in the eyes of others is humiliating and like death.
Causes of HRD. Lack or complete absence of attention in childhood and adolescence.
Karamatsu is from a large family in which he could not get enough love and attention from his parents, in high school he was a lonely, quiet child whom no one noticed, he had no friends, which also left a mark on his mind and brought him to creating your dramatic self.
If we briefly compare these two personality types, narcissists are vain, arrogant people who consider themselves to be among the elite, hysterics are clowns who are not ashamed of being clowns.
I'm more inclined to think that he's just pretending. With my analysis I wanted to prove that even pretending Karamatsu does not behave like a real narcissist.
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l0ves1ckf0ol · 2 years
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genre :: sfw, publicly... making out? (for a while), confession
summary :: you're in a party and mr. normie is invited
gn reader x trans!jackson jeckyll (trans slightly implied)
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you were in the creepetria, with draculaura, frankie and cleo. they were chatting about normal stuff, drama and scandals. you weren't listening though, your eyes were on a table where jackson was. jackson from your knowledge was a normie in appearance but once you put your headphones on he'll start to change into holt. in you perspective, you see jackson as a tamed puppy who lacks social skills, holt on the other hand is untamed- wild and messy. either way you loved both of his sides. favorites were a thing though: jackson was your favorite.
"helloo? earth to (name)!" cleo exclaimed annoyed by the lack of attention. you turn to her with a questioning look, "what were... you guys saying?" you ask them sheepishly. frankie scoffed, "we were talking about the party silly!" she says with a bright smile. "it's one of operetta's catacomb parties tomorrow night and we're invited." draculaura announced excitedly with a giggle, "and we need dates to enter, me, and draculaura have got it covered because it's either you're going to end up with clawdeen or one of the... nerds..." she seemed really uninterested in nerds as her octave dropped into a deep borish voice. you grin, "i love some of those nerds you know. shy is my type." you say to her as she grinned looking at frankie. "well frankie, you know what to do."
you didn't know who was your date because cleo refused to tell you, so there you were, outside the big doors waiting to go inside in your suit, with a high waist leather skirt on and black shiny boots with laces, thanks to clawdeen.
you look around and see jackson in the waiting line as well, he looks left to right as if he was nervous then approached you which startled you a bit. he was wearing a checkered suit, something way too tacky for this kind of party.
"u-uhm hey! frankie and cleo... set me up with you tonight." he says nervously, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. you look behind jackson, it was frankie, deuce, and cleo, showing hand signs of encouragement, clearly they had planned this. you pat his shoulder and pulled him beside you, "i'll take good care of you, don't be so nervous." you whisper to his ear and you could see his cheeks turn beet red.
once the both of you could enter the venue, you were greeted by the loud music, the flashing lights and the noise of the crowd. operetta must have invited other people from the ghost world because majority of the crowd were ghosts.
"you look n-nice." he stammers a bit, he tries to give you a small cheeky smile but it ends up being awkward and when you grin back his face just flushes red and you found that incredibly adorable that your intimidating front is gonna collapse just because of that. "thanks, have you always had that piercing?" you ask him but he shrugs, "holt got it and i eventually grew to like it." he replies. "well if you showed it off more, i'm sure you won't be recognized as the nerd of the school. it looks badass." he turns his head away abruptly but you could see his ears glow red from being flustered. "come on, operetta says the drinks are free."
you head to the nearby bar and sat on one of the stools, jackson following behind, he sat beside you and ordered a coke from the bartender. you only watched him take the coke and pay for it, eyeing his delicate fingers, his hands looked soft- like he hadn't done chores in a while, he also wore a few couple of rings probably 'cause of deuce, it had either snakes or the color green in it.
you didn't notice that he notices as well, every move of your eye on him made him nervous- flustered... if you will. "don't mind me, just admiring art behind tacky clothes." you joked as he blushed but then scoffed dismissively "that is the worst compliment ever." he says to you. "well you are art, hun." you say boldly, wondering how far would you both go.
his blush rose up to his ears as he drank his coke after he cranked the can open, looking away and avoiding your piercing glare. after a few minutes of him sipping coke he finally says, "do you even know who i am?" you scoffed at the stupid question, "you're obviously jackson jeckyll, the normie ish monster." you reply, leaning forward towards him, the blue and puple light kept flashing against him so you could see how bright his eyes were. "why, do you think my friends would pick you for me to make fun of you?" you asked, he was still holding his coke and you could tell his breath quickened by the sudden movement and like... the two inches of space between your faces. he shook his head, "i'm just not used to the party setting... that's all. i mean you're- you're really ho- pretty! i mean pretty- and i don't want to end this night yet, just paranoid" he says nervously. you grin, regaining your posture and stood up. "wha- where are you going?" he asks as he stands up as well. you walk to one of the empty hallways of the venue, there was only a concrete bench at the side, the only thing lighting up the hallway was the candle on the candle holder engraved on the wall. "people would wonder where are we when we go now but this is a pretty abandoned spot, just for you." jackson smiles sheepishly, "you didn't have to..." he told you.
he sat on the bench and continued to drink his coke. "what's your type jeckyll?" you ask him suddenly which lead the poor boy to choke and cough out his coke. he wipes his mouth with his sleeve, "well- i'd settle for someone... tall i guess." he stammered. you laughed, "good to know normie" he opens his mouth to argue but you gave him a mocking smile saying, 'go on, try me'.
"are you mocking me, (last name)?" he asks, standing up and leaving his coke on the bench. you were surprised, jackson? standing up for himself?
"and if i am? what would you do?" you ask, approaching him slowly. he backs away slowly, unsure of what he was going to do with you anyways. "hm?" you hum right as he was backed against the wall.
"hurt me with those delicate hands of yours, they seem soft. don't they, jekyll?" you ask with a grin. using your index finger to lift his chin up at you.
"i'm asking you, jekyll."
his breathing was heavy and quick now that you were in close proximity with him. "no, i... can't."
you brush your lips against his, all this while looking at him dead in the eye. he could pass as a tomato at this point. "may i, jackson?" you whisper the question to his ears, which tickled him a bit, the more hot and bothered he got when you brush your lips against his neck.
"mhm.. okay yeah.." he mumbles quietly. you latch your lips onto his and starts sloppily making out with the boy you never stopped glancing at on lunch. you caressed his eyebrow, where his piercing was, you just had to since you were really curious how it would feel.
he pulls away and laughed, you chuckle nervously, "what?" you ask, totally clueless. "we start making out- and the first thing you did was touch my piercing?" he chuckled as you roll your eyes. "way to ruin the moment." you roll your eyes and you could feel your face heat up in embarrassment. you honestly thought that jackson valued relationships and love before, you know, he wouldn't do anything as exciting as this- with a complete stranger. you always had a thought that he was sentimental. you wanted to leave so you start to head to the opposite direction of the hallway, your walk of embarrassment.
you felt him grab your hand to stop you. "i know something about you." he says, you turn to look at him and folded your arms. "go on, which rumor did you believe? " jackson scoffed, "you probably wish it was." he said, you raised your eye at him testifyingly. "cleo hinted to me that you might like me. i just had to see for myself tonight because... i didn't want to embarass myself at school or anywhere so..." jackson mumbled, you chuckled. "what's there to be worried about?" you ask him.
"i like you. i know you're like always staring at me in lunch and frankly i only got to stare at you when you finally ate your lunch because if i did look back at you, i feel like the other boys would tease me about it and you know... i already can't be comfortable with myself and that...." jackson trails with a sigh, adjusting his collar, then his eyes hovered over yours " i guess i was just afraid you wouldn't like me for who i truly am-"
another kiss, this time- real and slow. you could feel him melt into the kiss making you think he was relieved. you felt the hovering hand over your waist and so you grab his hand and guided it on your waist, showing him that it was okay.
you pull away with a slightly annoyed face, "i've really really liked you ever since you showed up in that plaid sweater vest, jekyll, nothing woll change that"
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arrow90-art · 6 months
erm so i havent scrolled too far down on your profile yet but is there anywhere where i could find the storyline if youve posted it? or how rimerock and larksharius met or who that cool lockar dragon is (i cant tell if hes related or correlated to rimerock because he also seems to be like a dragon). i will combust on the spot if it is in a very obvious location that i easily couldve found myself. I LOVE YOUR WORK!
Hello and THANK YOU SM!!!!! I'm so happy aaaaa!!! Ooops this got long lol
I have and will put most of their stuff in the pinged post HERE! The pair are my OCs in the game Pathfinder: Wrath of The Righteous. Rimerock is a companion for the Knight Commander(PC), and Larksharius is a war council advisor in Ri's companion quest. They met and fell in love during the Fifth Crusade. I wrote fics about them on my AO3, I will translate some of my work into English when I have time!
Larksharius is an OC who saved my life, they have been keeping me in extra good shape since then. And in my dream, they asked my old OC Rimerock for a date, and this is how ship-alrakis began. I will do anything for them, and I am and will be fully dedicated to creating a world for these two! ^^ Lark is my dream visitor (they were human and then turned into undead), and my other OCs are all dragons!
I don't have many stories written yet, sorry!! I like telling stories with images (which I haven't drawn...) and I'm not good at telling stories. English is not my first language but I'm trying my best! ;)) I do have some fragments of their lore/stories here and there! I can link what I wrote for Lark and Ri here! And a summary of all the characters related!
Main info:
OC Profile and everything I put up for both of them HERE! Another version here! With some of their favorite stuff and fun facts! This is what I put up for art commissions! Here I have their info and brief storyline! And links to Lark's deity paytron and a fic before they met! I can DM you their toyhouse page too, I want to keep their toyhouse page open to close friends only, bc we sometimes have nsft posts there… ;;;;;) They are married they do the thing, but both of them demand privacy.
Asks and other related posts:
Lark: name and rival, their hobbies, and their regrets, enemies, and dreamsLark's special soul and the trouble it caused for both of themShip songs and some brief story summaries for the two! I only linked the lore I think can be important! All my other asks are here #arrow answers
Other OCs related to the two:
We have a dragon family here! They are all OCs in the Pathfinder world! Rimerock was adopted by a pair of gold dragons, he grew up with his elder sister Mirikshul, and younger brother Neralshul. Mirik died later, leaving the other two in grief and trauma. Both survivors are corrupted. Ri's corruption is severe, nothing can save him, he is dying until Lark comes and tries to save him.
☀️Mirikshul/Mirik - She/Her | An ancient gold dragon, big sister, Ri's first mentor(Ri's second mentor is Lark). She fought the demon lord Baphomet in order to protect her younger brothers, and was killed. She taught Ri many things, formed his characteristics, and how to fight evil like a knight.
🔱Neralshul/Nera - Any pronouns (Gender fluid, amab) | A gold dragon, Ri's sibling. They were Ri's younger brother, until Mirik's death forever changed their world.
Mirik's death corrupted Nera and Ri. The siblings dealt with this disease differently. Ri suppressed his condition in grief (that's why he is dying of depression and nothing can heal him), while Nera let out all their anger and turned from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil. Nera became the only psycho in my OC house since then. Their misbehaving made their metallic scales so dull that they forever lost their shininess and looked like a yellow dragon. Ri saw Nera's act as a shame and disgrace to their noble sister Mirik. He tried his best to save Nera, but it turned out fruitless, so the two parted ways. The siblings always fight whenever they meet. Not that Ri starts the fight, but Nera LOVES to piss Ri off. Sadly as a sorcerer with a much smaller frame, they never win.
Nera was sane after adopting Blackstar and even went back to Chaotic Good during these years. But then the little black dragon grew up and they said goodbye. After that, Nera went to the Stolen Land and somehow became the ruler there. That part happened in the game Pathfinder: Kingmaker.
🌟Blackstar/Star - She/Her | Ri's nephew, Nera's adopted daughter. She is a fey-marked black dragon, the main heroine in my Pathfinder WOTR playthrough! She's raised by Nera and brought some good back to this corrupted gold dragon. In the game, she tried her best to save Ri, she wanted to find a way to cure him without letting Lark turn him into an undead creature, but she didn't have enough time. The result is fine tho. Because of Blackstar's efforts, all of her companions ascended as demigods, so even though Ri is still an undead arch-dracolich, his body works the same as if he is a living creature.
🐍Set - They/Them/It | Lark’s Neutral Evil deity patron. They chose Lark as their successor, and already gave half of their power to Lark. However, to become god means Lark has to stay in Set's domain forever. Lark valued their freedom to travel around the world so they refused the offer, for now.
Lockar (or locker) - He is a silver dragon from DND, Bauldur's Gate 3. Actually, Locker and his lover (their shapeshifted appearance) were made by Ri and Lark. Ri was playing Lockar as his PC, and Lark watched him play. So sadly Lockar is not related to the pair's storyline. I wanted to put Lark and Ri into bg3 but the story won't fit their lore lmao, so I had Ri playing the game instead.
I'm so glad you like my stuff!! thank you again!!!! asks anytime ^^
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sirenspells · 2 years
PMD AU?? 👀 Do tell?
*said while vibrating at a frequency that can shatter glass* yeah!!
So the premise is that Sunny and Mari wake up in another world having been transformed into pokemon, with Sunny being an Absol and Mari being an Espurr. They're also missing all of their memories, only remembering that they're siblings and that they were originally human. The two of them meet and become friends with essentially counterparts of their friends for this world. Kel is a Growlithe, Hero is a shiny Kirlia, Aubrey is a shiny Buneary, and Basil is a shiny Shaymin, and the six of them form a rescue team (I don't really have a name for it yet but I'm thinking of it being called Team Sunrise).
The PMD world they end up in is essentially Headspace translated into pmd, so the dungeons are based on headspace areas. But there's also the main town, also called Faraway Town, where counterparts of characters from the real world live. So a lot of this AU's story is like original OMORI headspace but with pokemon!
Unown essentially take up both the role of the black keys and Stranger from OMORI. They're fragments of Sunny and Mari's memories who have all been separated, and most of them are trapped somewhere and must be freed by the main characters. Stranger in this AU is essentially an illusion created by the Unown once enough of them are freed (which happens pretty early into the story), and instead of taking the form of a shadowy Basil, they instead take the form of shadowy versions of Sunny and/or Mari's human forms. Once all the Unown have come together, they can give Sunny and Mari all of their memories back.
Omori is the story's antagonist. They're a shapeshifting entity who is the manifestation of Sunny and Mari's regrets, and they're the one who brought the siblings into the pokemon world and was the one who separated the Unown, and their goal is to keep Sunny and Mari in this world and to completely erase their memories of their human lives, thinking that it'll be better than their lives back in the human world. Every form they take is in black and white, and they shift into various pokemon to try and stop the main characters each time they reach some trapped Unown. They still take their canon form of 12 year old Sunny at some point, as well as the form of 15 year old Mari.
So! The Incident! In this AU, Sunny stopped himself from throwing the violin down the stairs, and him and Mari performed like they were supposed to. The performance goes fairly well, but Mari then pressures Sunny into doing more performances with her, and her perfectionism problem only gets worse and worse, souring the siblings' relationship. It's when Sunny is 16 and Mari is 19 that the argument on top of the stairs happens, with Sunny finally having had enough and blowing up at Mari for how she's been treating him, with Mari arguing back that Sunny is being immature and selfish. Sunny pushes her, but as Mari falls, Sunny reaches out to try and help her, which only causes him to fall with her, and both of them wind up falling into a coma. So while Sunny and Mari have been in the pokemon world, their bodies back in their world have been in comas in the hospital.
ARGHHH THIS IS GETTING LONG but in order for Sunny and Mari to return home, they have to defeat Omori, which they do with the help of their friends (fun fact, for the final battle Mari and Sunny are forced back into their human forms while Omori fights them alone as a Giratina >:) ) and afterwards they wake up in the hospital with their rescue team badges by their bedsides :)
Everyone in the squad who can evolve will, while Sunny will mega evolve at some point and Basil's equivalent is finally turning into his sky form (which he'd been scared of doing before).
Yeah uhhh here's a list I posted of who's what in this au and here's some art I posted of the main characters!
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torchickentacos · 2 years
you're a swiftie, right? pokeani characters as taylor swift lyrics? or ships?
Ok, I went with ships (though I could write an essay on why Drew's song would be The Archer and why Misty’s would be Who I’ve Always Been), and I tried to include all the ones I could think of, whether they're my thing or not! Little bit for everyone, you know?If anyone wants my reasoning and analysis of WHY I chose songs or lyrics PLEASE ENABLE ME. I am but a deer tick in the long grass waiting for an unsuspecting victim to brush past and enable autism mode for me. This is no order at all, just random tbh. I chose the most relevant lyrics. Sometimes that’s three lines. Sometimes it’s half the song. The more or less lyrics does not equate to my opinion on the ship, some just felt more fitting than others. I know I’m missing stuff, lmk if you want me to do one that isn’t here. Anyways, let's get into it! This is hella long by the way.
Appealshipping (Dawn x Zoey)- Seven (sapphic bop idgaf argue with the wall)
“Sweet tea in the summer, cross your heart, won’t tell no other”
“Your braids like a pattern, love you to the moon and to saturn
Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long”
Gary x Tracey (Oakshipping? Is that it?)- Welcome Distraction (unreleased, on youtube)
Love’s a little messy and you are too, right now I’m scared of the both of you
-skipped lyrics-
You’re the last thing I needed today
And I don’t know where I lost control and couldn’t take it any longer,
It must have been somewhere between your smile and the way you say my name
And I can’t win, so I give in, the more I fight it just gets stronger
You’re an inconvenient kind of satisfaction, a welcome distraction
Gone and spilled my coffee trying to get to the phone, cause it might be you, you just never know 
Can’t talk to my friends without you coming up, it’s even kinda cute the way you cuss 
I wrote your name down a hundred thousand times, ‘cause it looks so good right next to mine 
You’re the last thing I needed tonight
Palletshipping (Ash x Gary)- A few very good options but I settled on Paper Rings (almost chose King of my Heart though) (also almost chose Tim McGraw because of the lake imagery and lakes seem to be their thing, from what I’ve gathered from my mutuals)
The moon is high like your friends were the night that we first met 
I went home and tried to stalk you on the internet
Now I’ve read all of the books beside your bed
The wine is cold, like the shoulder that I gave you in the street
Cat and Mouse for a month or two or three
Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe
Kiss me once because you know I’ve had a long night
Kiss me twice because it’s gonna be alright
Three times, cause I’ve waited my whole life
I like shiny things but I’d marry you with paper rings
Darlin’, you’re the one I want
And I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
You’re the one I want in paper rings, in picture frames, in all my dreams, you’re the one I want
Satogou (Ash x Goh)- It’s Nice to Have a Friend
School bell rings, walk me home
Sidewalk chalk covered in snow
Lost my gloves, you give me one 
‘Wanna hang out?’ ‘Yeah, sounds like fun’
Video games, you pass me a note, sleeping in tents, it’s nice to have a friend
Light pink sky, up on the roof
Sun sinks down, no curfew
Twenty questions, we tell the truth
You been stressed out lately? Yeah, me too
Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand, it’s nice to have a friend
Church bells ring, carry me home
Rice on the ground looks like snow 
Call my bluff, call you babe
Have my back? Yeah, everyday 
Feels like home, stay in bed the whole weekend-it’s nice to have a friend
Shigegou (Gary x Goh)- Cowboy Like Me
“You asked me to dance, but I said ‘dancing is a dangerous game’
Oh, I thought, this is gonna be one of those things
Now I know I’m never gonna love again
I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve
Takes one to know one- you’re a cowboy like me
-skipped lines-
Now you hang from my lips like the gardens of babylon
With your boots beneath my bed, forever is the sweetest con
Shigesatogou (Ash x Gary x Goh)- Jump Then Fall
I like the way you sound in the morning, we’re on the phone and without a warning I realize your laugh is the best sound I have ever heard
I like the way I can’t keep my focus, I watch you talk, you didn’t notice
I hear the words, but all I can think is ‘we should be together’
Every time you smile, I smile and everytime you shine, I’ll shine for you
Woah, i’m feeling you, baby
Don’t be afraid to jump then fall, jump then fall into me 
Baby, I’m never gonna leave you Say that you wanna be with me, too
‘Cause I’mma stay through it all, so jump then fall
A rarepair/crackship for you all (I think two of you like it and follow me? I can vibe with it ngl)- Farawayshipping (May x Paul)- Ours
Elevator buttons and morning air
Stranger’s silence makes me want to take the stairs
If you were here, we’d laugh about their vacant stares
But right now, my time is theirs
Seems like there’s always someone who dissaproves
They’ll judge us like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury’s out, but my choice is you
So don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard
The stakes are high The water’s rough
But this love is ours
You never know what people have up their sleeves
Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me?
-skipped lines-
And it’s not theirs to speculate if it’s wrong, and 
Your hands are tough, but they are where mine belong
-skipped lines-
I love the gap between your teeth, and I love the riddles that you speak
And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored (you know Norman would HATE Paul)
Because my heart is yours 
Pumpkinspiceshipping (Caroline x Delia)- Cornelia Street (specifically the Paris live acoustic though. Trust me.) (considered her cover of September by Earth, Wind, and Fire but that’s technically not a Taylor Swift song. Also people seem to hate that cover which makes me sad.)
We were in the backseat, drunk on something stronger than the drinks at the bar
‘I rent a place on Cornelia Street’, I say casually in the car
We were a fresh page on the desk, filling in the blanks as we go
As if the streetlights pointed in an arrowhead, leading us home
I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
That’s the kind of heartbreak time could never mend
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
And baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name
And baby, I’m so terrified of if you ever walk away
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again 
Windows flung right open, Autumn air, jacket ‘round my shoulders is yours
We bless the rains on Cornelia Street, memorize the creaks in the floors
-skipped lines-
You hold my hand on the street, walk me back to that apartment-years ago, we were just inside
Barefoot in the kitchen, sacred new beginnings that became my religion
Pokeshipping (Ash x Misty)- Invisible String
“Time, curious time, gives me the blues and then purple-pink skies
Were there clues I didn’t see?
And isn’t it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?”
Egoshipping (Misty x Gary)- Gorgeous
“You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk
You should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong
-skipped lines-
You’re so cool, it makes me hate you so much
-skipped lines-
And I’m so furious at you for making me feel this way, but what can I say? You’re gorgeous
You should take it as a compliment that I’m talking to everyone here but you
You should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in the darkened room
If you got a girlfriend, I’m jealous of her
But if you’re single, that’s honestly worse”
Ikarishipping (Paul x Dawn) (angsty. Sorry Ikarishippers who like fluff, but I don’t think there’s a ton of you here tbh so like we’re good) (I’m hella picky about Ikarishipping in general but this song fits imo. For a ship I don’t care for I have hella opinions on it apparently)
Are you really gonna talk about timing in times like these? 
Let all your damage damage me? Carry your baggage up my street?
Make me your future history? It’s time
We’ve come a long way, open the blinds, let me see your face
You wouldn’t be the first renegade to need somebody
Is it insensitive for me to say, ‘get your shit together so I can love you’?
Is it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything, or do you just not want to?
I tapped on your window on your darkest night, the shape of you was jagged and weak
There was nowhere for me to stay, but I stayed anyway
You fire off missiles ‘cause you hate yourself, but do you know you’re demolishing me?
But then you squeeze my hand as I’m about to leave
And if I would have known how sharp the pieces were you’d crumbled into, I might have let them lay
Contestshipping- was stuck between like 15 songs because y’all know how I am about these two but I eventually landed on Treacherous. Almost chose Mine or Sparks Fly though. Still waiting for ethically sourced Speak Now. 
Put your lips close to mine, as long as they don’t touch
Out of focus, eye to eye- until the gravity’s too much
And I’ll do anything you say if you say it with your hands- and I’d be smart to walk away, but you’re quicksand
This slope is treacherous
This path is reckless
This slope is treacherous-and I like it
I can’t decide if it’s a choice, getting swept away
I hear the sound of my own voice, asking you to stay
And all we are is skin and bone, trained to get along
Forever going with the flow, but you’re friction
Two headlights shine through the sleepless nights and I will get you alone-your name has echoed through my mind and I just think you should know that nothing safe is worth the drive
This hope is treacherous
This daydream is dangerous
This hope is treacherous 
I like it
Ok ash/pokegirl ships are all down here since honestly except for my one pokeshipper friend I think most of you guys don’t care for these tbh highkey same but I can still appreciate and assign them a vibe. I don’t like cool ranch doritos but I’ll still eat them, you know?
Advanceshipping- I’d Lie (unreleased, which is a crime, it’s on youtube and better be on debut taylor’s version)
I don’t think that passenger seat has ever looked this good to me
He tells me about his night, and I count the colors in his eyes
He’ll never fall in love, he swears as he runs his fingers through his hair
I’m laughin’ cause I hope he’s wrong
And I don’t think it ever crossed his mind, he tells a joke, I fake a smile
He stands there then walks away, my god, if I could only say ‘I’m holding every breath for you’
Pearlshipping- Tim McGraw. Idk I don’t really get pearlshipping that much but I think the vibes are there with this song????? 
He said the way my blue eyes shined put those georgia stars to shame that night
I said, ‘that’s a lie’
Just a boy in a chevy truck that had a tendency of getting stuck on backroads at night
And I was right there beside him, all summer long
Negaishipping- ‘Til Brad Pitt Comes Along (unreleased but I think it sums them up perfectly, even platonically)
Do you remember the day I leaned up against your car? And it started rolling down the street
You screamed and ran after it and tried to open the door and it ran over your foot and I was too busy laughing on the ground to see it
Do you remember the time we watched Carrie and you said it reminded you of me?
And I threw the remote at you and you said, ‘my point exactly’
You call me lucky ‘cause I lose everything, but I swear I’d be careful with it if you gave me a ring
Amourshipping, which. no comment-Your Anything
I could be your favorite blue jeans with the holes in the knees in the middle of the top drawer
I could be a little beauty queen, just a little out of reach, or the girl living next door
I’ll be your angel giving up her wings, if that’s what you need, I’ll give anything to be your anything
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lady-lancer · 1 year
Mizuki: Family Matters
Takumi Sakumoto Mizuki's Father (Johtonian by birth, childhood spent in Unova)
A well known painter, he was regarded as one of the best pokeball customizers in the Matsudan (Kanto - Sinnoh) region. Friends with Kurt, he used his money to help grow more apricorns in order to promote the unique pokeballs the Johto region has.
Though not a battle trainer, Takumi has his own partner pokemon that's been with him since he was a child - a Shiny Chandelure. Despite the rumors about the line, Takumi enjoyed painting under the orange flames of his partner.
Of his two children, he was closer to Mizuki after she became interested in art as well. Many days were spent in his studio, with him taking her critique as though she was a queen, and Mizuki giggling over how dramatic he would become over her doodles.
Chandelure followed his trainer, preferring the company of Mizuki over the rest of the family. By the time Mizuki was five, Chandelure would only respond to the name Mizuki gave him: "Candy". (As a child, Mizuki had trouble speaking. Chandelure was shortened to "Shandi", eventually becoming "Candy".)
Takumi passed away when Mizuki was 8 due to chronic illness, as the only treatments would have forced him to leave his family. He also kept the illness secret from the media, unfortunately leading to rumors that Candy was to blame for his "sudden" passing.
Unlike most Ghost types, Candy did not follow his trainer into the next life. Takumi asked that Candy watch over Mizuki, and Candy would fulfill his master's last request. Due to changes in Johto's trainer laws, Mizuki would only be registered as Candy's trainer when she turned 15.
The fact that Candy has not moved on is the only solace her friends have when Mizuki goes missing.
Chloe Sakumoto Mizuki's Mother (Kalosian born and raised)
As a child, Chloe wasn't interested in staying behind the battle lines. Taking a Bisharp as a starter, Chloe was an early dominator of Pokemon Fencing - a sport where both pokemon and trainer wielded blades against foes.
She met Takumi during a tournament in Johto, after losing to a Kantonian katana-user and their Scyther. They would eventually fall in love, with Chloe agreeing to a life in Johto instead of Kalos.
Chloe is closest to Sora, her son and oldest child. Compared to Mizuki, Sora took to the rapier with the grace of a Ducklett to water. It was common to see the two working together in the house gym, especially after Takumi passed away.
Despite her love of Takumi, she never really liked Candy, and would constantly ask that he be put away whenever she hosted parties. In her grief, she would blame Mizuki's love of the Ghost type for Takumi's passing. The fact that Mizuki held many of her father's features and enjoyed art made Chloe's grief and misplaced anger even stronger.
She would eventually remarry when Mizuki was 10, further breaking relations with Mizuki. When Mizuki was 12, Chloe forces her to leave home to start her pokemon journey. This is a problem, as new laws enacted after Team Rocket is ousted from Kanto-Johto mean that 15 is the new age for new trainers.
Eventually, she is contacted over Mizuki going missing. The media circus when they find out she kicked Mizuki out is nothing compared to the circus that will erupt when Mizuki finally makes it home.
Sora Sakumoto Mizuki's Older Brother
Sora is his mother's child. Preferring the sword over the pen, he learned to parry before learning how to write his own name.
As a child, he was protective of Mizuki, helping her with school and the first to defend her art from bullies. He also tries to help Mizuki get better at wielding rapiers, but her left-handedness causes both of them issues.
However, after his fathers death when he was 12 changed things. Just like his mother, he saw his father's death as Candy's fault. Unlike his mother, he was unaware of Takumi's illness, and truly believes that Mizuki took their father away.
This would come to a head a few months after the funeral, when he finds Mizuki crying in front of Takumi's art studio. Sora lets his emotions get the better of him, screaming at her and chasing her with his rapier, too angry to recognize that he has a real blade with him. The chase ends when the family butler takes the blade from him, but not before Mizuki ends up with a cut in her upper left arm, which ends up healing into a mockery of a crescent moon like her name.
He would take off not long after, going to Kalos to start his trainer career along with his PokeFencing. Despite his best efforts, he is not as good as his mother, rarely getting onto the podium in higher level competitions. In the battle circuit, he's made multiple attempts at the champion's cup in Kalos, Hoenn, and even Sinnoh. However, his split attention means that he doesn't make it past the Top 32.
He would rather forget that he has a sister. He fumes as the media wonders where she went, and after her return he decides to prove to the media that their attention should be on him, not her.
Hisao Mizuki's Stepfather
The Kantonian that defeated Chloe before she met Takumi, Hisao was a familiar face to the Sakumoto family. Straightlaced and focused, he has no time for the 'soft' skills that Takumi and Mizuki prefer.
Hisao gets along with Sora, as Hisao began teaching him how to wield katanas.
With Mizuki, he doesn't give her much credit. He can respect the skill that art takes, but considers Mizuki's interest as a passing fad. He was the one to suggest to Chloe that Mizuki should be sent out on her journey early, intending to force Mizuki to learn how to live 'in the real world'.
Hisao doesn't think much when news breaks of Mizuki's disappearance, but plays the part of a heartbroken step-father in order to sate the rabid reporters. The facade breaks when Mizuki comes back to learn that he was trying to sell Candy's to the highest bidder.
Ogawa The Sakumoto Family Butler, Mizuki's unofficial Grandpa
Hired by the Sakumoto family not long after Sora was born, Ogawa is a 60 year old man who hates what the family has become.
He first met Takumi when he was the definition of 'starving artist', taking the young man in out of pity. But after seeing the skill Takumi had, Ogawa hired him to paint the pokeballs that the Kimono Girls would use during their performances. The pokeballs were a hit, and that got Takumi's name out into the world.
They kept in touch over the next few years, and eventually Ogawa was let go from his own job. A broken leg that healed wrong meant he couldn't properly examine the structure of the Burned Tower. Jumping at the chance to return the favor from years ago, Takumi offered Ogawa the job of being the family butler.
The house was big, their careers active, but neither Takumi nor Chloe wanted to have others raise their kids. What they wanted was someone to oversee the other employees who took care of the house and gardens. Ogawa accepted the job, and quickly became a pillar of comfort for those that worked the Sakumoto estate. For Mizuki and Sora, he was the grandfather that was always there.
He was the first to comfort Mizuki after her father's death, and the one to break the news of Takumi's illness to her after realizing she was beginning to believe Sora's accusations.
In the years after Takumi's death, Mizuki would only grow closer to him, while Sora, Chloe, and Hisao would come to see Ogawa as 'just another employee'.
After learning of Chloe and Hisao's intentions to kick Mizuki out, he helps Mizuki pack and sends her to his niece in Goldenrod, where Mizuki is able to stay until she can actually start her pokemon journey.
In respects of Takumi's wishes, Candy is under his protection until Mizuki is of trainer age. However, a heart attack not long before Mizuki disappears has him planning to send the pokemon to another of Takumi's friends, concerned over Chloe's distrust of the pokemon.
All Ogawa can ask of his heart is for it to last long enough to give Candy to Mizuki. He refuses to leave before then.
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beezusweezus · 1 year
Cool beetle facts pls I need
I have never been so excited to reply to something!!!!
Thank you for asking me to infodump about these awesome little creatures! :D
tw bugs and pictures of bugs and long post
First off, like what the hell is a beetle anyway? Aren't they just shiny bugs?
Well yeah... but what separates beetles is their hardened outer wings or elytra. The are distinctly divided down the middle, so all beetles have wings that do not overlap.
A well known beetle is the ladybug! Or ladybird, or coccinellid. Beetles go through a complete metamorphosis, where their larval stages are often very different from their adult forms. This means that they hatch into larvae and then pupate once where they change all at once. (from top left, clockwise, adults mating, larvae, adult laying eggs, pupa)
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These eyltra are what gives beetles their distinct shapes and colors. Although they cannot fly with their elytra, they must warm up their wings before they can fly and thus raise their elytra outward.
Diving beetles can use their elytra to store air underwater!
Then there's the funny little click beetle... they throw themselves away from danger and make a loud click sound. They also do this casually when they've just fallen on their backs.
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BUH-YUH-YOING(spring sound effect)
Most of the bright colors like blue, green, and shimmering reds and yellows are examples of one of my favorite topics... Structural Color!
They are not ACTUALLY shimmering beautiful colors, as they lack pigmentation, the structure of the scales that form their elytra are shaped in a way that causes us to see those beautiful iridescent shades. The material of their wings reflects certain wavelengths of light back to us, which is why they can seem to shift colors.
Notice how the colors of this beetle seem to change in the camera angle? SHINY PRETTY OOOHAHHHH
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all weevils are beetles and usually massive crop pests. But they have this really fun shape to them! Beetles eat decaying plant and animal matter, waste, fungi, and other insects. They're like nature's little roombas!
Many species that are predacious are considered to be pest controllers of more damaging species like how ladybugs eat aphids!
Some wood boring beetles have such long lifespans that they can pop out of already made furniture!
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Beetles adopt bright colors to warn off predators, and many can spray or emit acidic or toxic chemicals to help them. But unless you're a BIRD don't be alarmed! Even if they make sounds, beetles are not dangerous. They don't bite (rare exceptions), they don't spread disease, and they aren't parasitic to people. They may damage crops, but so does any species left unchecked.
Beetles come in an incredible array of shapes and colors and some are effective mimics of wasps and bees! They also act as pollinators for many flowering plants. Many adopt a mimic of a more fearsome insect to ward off predators.
I may be very partial to the bumblebee scarab beetle <3
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The order of beetles is Coleoptera, meaning shield wing. The name beetle, means little biter, although most species are harmless to humans.
Beetles are the most successful order of animals all over earth. The number of beetle species counts for nearly 40% of all insect species, and 25% of all animal species. THAT'S A LOT. Consider, there are a lot of fish...
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See this crazy scary guy! Those horns are used for mating battles between males, this is a hercules beetle. In the picture I've blown up his face and you can see that he really isn't that scary after all!
The hercules beetle is on record as the longest beetle found! at 18.1 cm
I hope you liked these beetle facts! I have plenty more where that came from and I'm also always interested in learning. I am learning about beetles because I wanted to get over my fear of bugs, and I hope I can show that insects are incredible creatures that bring beauty to the world!
<3 BEE
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The Problem With Pitchblende
The dragon demands his tribute of gold. Sure, it makes the miners toil day in and day out in a cursed gold mine, causes a coal shortage because there’s no one to mine the coal, but it’s better than the dragon’s wrath which would lead to the destruction of the town. 
A knight then slays the dragon, and in his shiny enamelled armour, returns the gold from the town. Turns out that knights only slay dragons if they have captured princesses. The knight says it is some legal thing. “Innocent until proven guilty” he says. 
Was the dragon innocent when he made them unearth gold from a cursed mine, exposing them to a fatal curse, they wonder. 
Of course, the Knight has to be an infuriating do-gooder. He says a very nice wizard helped him on his quest. He promises to send him over to look into the problem.
The wizard is flamboyant, his jacket covered in glittery blue swirls and the pins that fasten his jacket and cloak together a stunning, eye-searing gold. His trousers flare out at the ankles and cut from the same glittery blue cloth. Pink, blue, and white ribbons are wrapped around his staff. He’s not the wizened old wizard that they expected, he’s surprisingly young and looks even younger. His name is Axis. 
The first thing he notices when he enters town is that everyone talks fast. They can’t slow down. Also, their farts are musical. Everyone belts out a few notes of a folk song when the diarrhoea comes(he suspects that’s part of the curse as well).
When he stares into the cavernous depths and the precipices that could shoot him down, he discovers he was right. The curse is relatively harmless. He casts one spell after another till there are no traces of magic in the mine. He’s exhausted. He climbs back up, declares the curse gone, and goes home. 
A few months later, a court summons from the wizards council lands on his doorstep. He stands for hours in a dingy underground courthouse, trying to explain that he did not find any traces of magic in the mine. 
“Did you check for a cloaking spell?” The judge asks. He, of course, is a wizened old wizard with a beard and a hat and a proper robe. His mindset is as typical as his outfit, he clearly looks down on younger wizards being called in to solve problems.
“No, but-” Axis stammers out. Not even a sparkle could be detected.
“For incomplete and fraudulent curse removal, false declarations to any and all parties affected by said curse, and going to a town solely based on word-of-mouth invitation, the Wizard Council now sentences Axis Dextrous to banishment from the realm, along with a restraining order regarding Pitcherhearth town, wherein the defendant will not be permitted to visit Pitcherhearth town for any reason whatsoever or contact it’s people henceforth.” The gavel was struck. The judgement was passed. And with the Wizard Council’s efficiency, Axis knew he would lose his face and credibility anywhere. His only option was going off-world. 
He sat on a bench outside the courtroom as everyone filed out. Their chatter was meaningless. He had lost everything, why was everyone appearing so cheerful and righteous? Someone magicks up a tissue from their staff and hands it to him. He lets a shaky ‘thanks’ pass his lips. 
“You know, if you present a solution to the cursed mine, they might overturn your sentence,” the kind-faced jury member tells him. She pats him on the shoulder, and walks away. 
He has an idea. On his last night home, he uses up all of his energy to scan for a world where mines have that stuff in them.  Thankfully, he finds one. So with a final glance at his home, packed away and hidden with a cloaking spell, ready to live in when he returns with a solution, he leaves for this world called ‘Earth’?
He lands inside something that he thinks is a house. But he has used up so much energy that he barely makes it to the bed before he passes out. 
Polaris comes home to the pink glow of dawn and a strange man sleeping in her bed. She sighs, grabs her ex's blowtorch and a stirring rod as a weapon, and pokes him in the eye.
"Who are you?" She deadpans.
The stranger looks up sleepily and swats at her hands, almost like they're some sort of insect.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake up here" he says sleepily. He looks so apologetic that something stirs inside her heart.
"I just asked you who you are." She says plainly, her tone softer now.
"Axis. My name is axis." He says.
"Polaris." She introduces herself. Belatedly realising that her blowtorch may look threatening, she sets it down on the bedside table. She keeps the stirrer though, because it would be useful to poke him with.
"I'm really sorry, I- I lost my way."
"Where were you going?"
She looks at his clothes. They're quite outlandish. And he was carrying an honest-to-goodness staff. "Were you going to  comic-con? Don't worry, I won't laugh."
"It's a- it's a long story"
"Oh? I just came home, I have plenty of time." She said, her concern giving way to sheer stubbornness and her usual instinct to just know things. She was going to find out what this guy was doing in her house, no matter what it took.
"I failed." He started. He wasn't sure what words to use, he had just woken up in a new world and didn't know how things worked.
"Pretty sure you didn't mess up that bad."
"People died. And I got-" He got the feeling that the word banished would be seen as a bit dramatic. "Thrown out," he said.
“So I assume it wasn’t your fault?” She asks. Even if it was, she wasn’t going to judge him. She had her fair share of literal skeletons in the closet(Even if it was more like a chest of drawers)
“I think the trouble was there before I went and tried to solve it.” He says unsurely. 
He was being so vague, it made Polaris want to scream. But she held her ground. She was a scientist, it was her job to prod stuff until it revealed information about itself. But this wasn’t some rock or chemical or substance. It was a- a person.
“What was the problem related to?” she said, the itch in her skin making her voice snappy. 
“A gold mine in a little town.” he said. 
That piqued her interest. “I happen to know about gold,” she said. Even if that knowledge involved dissolving gold rings from a jewellery store because the owner was an asshole. 
“There was this-” he wasn’t sure if dragons existed here, so he pushed on “this megalomaniac who demanded that a certain amount of gold be given to him every year. Due to the gold mining, the village faced problems. They faced a coal shortage because no one was there to work in the mines. Their people were dying. All other trade ground to a halt because they were so scared of him. Then a few friends of mine took him down. When they returned the gold, they saw problems. People getting diarrhoea,  people dying, people fainting, people not being able to work at their full capacity. They called me in to fix it. Lots of people thought I was too young for the job. Too unqualified. I tried to fix the mines as best as I could, but I couldn’t. They fired me and put out a restraining order.” He said it almost in one breath, and she almost felt his frustration and disdain toward the law and evil corporations in general.
“Maybe I could show you different mines and the towns around them. You can tell me which one is familiar. Till then, do you want something to eat?” She figures he’s hungry if he has travelled this far. Though she still doesn’t know how he got into her house. 
“I would. Like something to eat, that is.” he says, getting up from the bed and smoothening out his jacket. 
“What’s with the outfit, by the way?” she asked him. 
“Took a lot to love the man I am, and I wanted to make it public,” he says simply. She understands. It took a lot of time for her to love herself. And she expressed that by being a mad scientist. 
“I understand. Anyway, here’s a sandwich.” She handed him yesterday’s stir-fry stuffed between two slices of bread, hoping he wouldn't notice it was yesterday's stir-fry.
"It's wonderful, thank you very much," he said. She wonders what he has been eating if he thinks her stir-fry is wonderful. 
She has a presentation ready within minutes. 
As she goes through the slides, explaining the contents of mines around the world that he knows, she arrives at pitchblende. Something flickers in his face. 
That mine looks a lot like the mine in his world. He nods frantically from where he is sitting. He doesn’t know very much about this type of rock, and he’s afraid to ask because she might laugh at him or ask questions about where he came from. Plenty of people did that whenever he asked questions. So he didn’t. 
“Would you- Would you like to visit the mine?” He asked instead, so he could wrench open her mind to the possibility of interworld travel. He figured that if they could travel between worlds to talk to each other, it would be easier to solve the problem. 
Where is he taking her? She doesn’t even know him except for the fact that he’s called axis. But the possibility of a huge supply of pitchblende is too exciting to resist. “Yes. I would.” she says, and packs a geiger counter, a few extra sets of clothes, and comes back out. “How are we going?” she asks. 
Axis abruptly takes her hand and she feels a sudden jerk. When dots have stopped dancing infront of her vision enough for her to see, she notices she’s in a grassy clearing. Medium size, very average. What she’s not prepared for is to see him on his knees, frantically sobbing. 
He gives Polaris time to settle while he looks for his house. It was  her first time teleporting. He undoes the cloaking spell. Nothing. He tries to summon the house, even looks for it manually. He even tries to scan the area under the ground. Nothing. Everything’s gone. His life’s work, his hopes, his identity. His knees buckle due to the shock. 
That’s how Polaris sees him right now. A scared, shocked, distraught man who appears to be searching for  something using methods she can’t understand. Has the mine been closed? It wouldn’t be possible, the trees wouldn’t exist. She still took out her geiger counter and checked. Nothing. 
“You fine?” She asked him tonelessly. 
Axis ignored her. It didn’t matter whether he was fine or not. He pulled himself together, and decided to explain how things worked. 
“So you are probably wondering where you are right now, and how things work, so let me explain. Magic is there. It’s a fact of our lives, as omnipresent as this- what you call technology is for you. And just as some people from your world call magic a fantasy, something that doesn’t exist, something that only imagination can conjure up. Our people hold the same views about this science. And because of this, a Wizard Council formed. They rule the known world with an iron fist, a closed mind, and pride that has made them functionally blind.  When a problem is not magical, they pretend it doesn’t exist.”
“That’s so fucked up. That’s no way to run something, how have they not lost the respect of every single person?” She cries out heatedly. 
“Because people don’t know much. They lead simple lives, and it makes them happier, true, however, their simple lives and small worlds are possible because someone else has to bear that weight. Someone is blissful in their ignorance because knights and wizards are working tirelessly to keep it that way. Someone else’s world is small because it is made to be that way.” 
“That’s not fair, you-” she starts, but he silences her. 
“The bad ones? I think they just crack from the pressure. Or, they want to control the lives of others, and many times it does come from good intentions. That’s what scares me.” 
“Because if you have good intentions, then you are convinced you are doing good things. You don’t look before you leap and then you leap into a place worse than the one between a burning fire and the deep sea.” 
He was right. She thought it was rather like not looking left and right while you crossed a busy road. But it was time to see what the problem was, not ruminate on the philosophy behind what made Axis face such a fate. When she asked for the address, he handed her a piece of paper. 
“I have a restraining order, remember?” he said with a sardonic smirk. 
When she turned to leave, however, he asked her a question. 
“Can you do me a favour?” 
“What is it?” she asked. 
“When you go there, would you please visit the market, get me something to hide who I am? Don’t tell them I sent you. And one more thing. Please don’t tell me what everyone is saying about me.” His voice cracked at the last request. She understood the ‘please don’t believe those things’ that went unsaid. She had known him only for 2 days, but she would take that over propaganda and rumours anytime.
The mine is closed off. It has some sort of a magical barrier around it. Lucky that magic mostly doesn’t apply to her. She can sneak in with ease. 
One look at it and the place is full of pitchblende. She takes out the geiger counter. The dial won’t spin, and it’s not working. 
She had kind of expected this, but she wasn’t prepared for the reality. Was this how Axis felt when he landed up in her house? And that too, without an explanation as was given to her by him? 
She checks the counter from inside and outside the field. How does ionising radiation even work in a magical setting?  Instruments like a geiger counter malfunction, that much was evident, but she still had to double check. Then she remembered the errand that Axis had sent her on. She went to the market, searched for something with a hood. And she may have promised not to tell him what people said about him, but she wasn’t above eavesdropping. 
She stops for a drink at a place that makes her cooking taste awesome. Her ears bleed when she hears what people are saying about him. She bought a hooded cloak, big enough to use as a blanket if needed. She didn’t say a word. And she didn’t tell him what happened. 
People hadn’t stopped getting affected by the radiation. The wizard council blamed Axis. ANd thus the people blamed Axis, conveniently ignoring the fact that the problem was worse before he visited. SHe really hated the council now.
They slept against a tree, the cloak expanded to shelter both of them. In the early hours of the next morning, he wakes her up to formulate a plan. They are going to plead to the wizard council, try and transport the pitchblende off-world. 
When they set off, and Polaris saw magic working its charms and making everything easier, she was sufficiently awed, but Axis’ words kept haunting her. It was too much pressure. 
The wizard’s council is emblazoned with the letters “WC” and it makes her think of a water closet. Does it even exist? Who knows. 
“I come from a world that has containment procedures for the type of substance that the mine in question contains.” She tries to explain. 
“It’s dangerous-” “That’s exactly why I want it you idiots” she says. 
They try everything. Axis is getting more and more frazzled by the minute, she can see, so she maintains her cool for him. When they refuse to cave in, however, she loudly swears. “Fuck this. Axis, we’re going.” She pushes open the doors that were not meant to be opened. Grabbing his hand, she runs through the hallways, her heart pumping madly. 
“Can you- can you give me something that corrodes everything it touches?” she asks, when they’re pressed up against a nook at a turn. 
“Well there is a potion, but it can be hard to get your hands on.”
“Give me.” 
They race down the opposite direction. Muttering something in a language she can’t understand, he opens the door to reveal 2 vats. She grins. She’s always been good with acids. 
Hiding two vials of the thing in her lab coat, they made their way down the hall. The feel of glass in her pockets once again is strangely comforting. She slouches as she follows him, the hunch in her shoulders coming naturally to her like some instinct. Wizards chase after them, but Axis keeps them at bay while allowing her to get to the mine. She takes off, hiding her face with his cloak while hanging off the train doors. 
She doesn’t know if Axis can hold them back or at least delay them significantly. She doesn’t know what to do if they come after her. She just has two small vials of corrosive liquid in her pockets and a goal to get the ore and get the fuck out of here. She waits at the mine, hiding behind the rocks. The radioactivity may affect her, but she has lost the ability to give a fuck.
 Axis arrives, his hair windswept, his clothes a mess, and starts working on the magical shield. His brow has a sheen of sweat all over it and he’s breathing hard. 
Polaris waits. She Watches. And then she sees two dots on the horizon. 
“Are you finished? They’re almost here!” She shouts. 
He’s too tired to speak, so his silence answers her instead. She readies the stirrers first. 
The two dots, of course, are staff thumpers. She doubts their ability to eat with those beards. They try everything, but magic doesn’t run on her. Stunned, they stare at each other. That’s where she finds an opening. Stirrer in each hand, she runs forward, pokes their eyes(One time. She will continue to defend that she was doing so only once and that too only for the uraninite, no matter how much Axis says otherwise. She definitely does not stab them repeatedly with broken glass.)
Axis finishes turning the mine into something more …. portable.  She throws him one of the bags that are used specially for carrying radioactive material. He catches it with suspiciously good aim, stuffing the entire fucking contents of an entire fucking mine into a single bag. 
She turns back to the wizards, wanting to inflict maximum damage on them before leaving this shithole. Even actual ass holes had thriving bacteria, this had controlling jerks. 
“Polaris, come quick!” He shouts, he’s focusing, trying not to lose his focus because he doesn’t want to botch this up. 
She runs forward, grabbing his hand. The two wizards, however, choose that moment to recover from her stabbing and rush forward. She throws one of the vials at them, breaking it on one’s staff and splashing the other. Just as they run forward, Axis snaps his fingers and they see the two guards fall down due to their cloaks being tangled up. Just as she crosses the boundary from one world to another, she hurls the acid-like thing at them. Their screams as they land in her apartment ring in her ears. 
Polaris is sad to see Axis go. She throws herself into her work, but her life just seems dull without him glitter-bombing her life at every turn. 
“We’ll probably see each other again sometime, you know? Don’t get too sad, your work is important, focus on it.” He says as he leaves. 
When she comes home from the lab in the morning again, he’s in her house yet again. 
“What are you doing here?” She asks. She hopes it’s not the answer she knows it’s going to be. 
“I physically couldn’t go back, they’ve banished me. In every sense of the world. Every time I tried to return home, I hit a wall. They’re keeping me out. I think I have just lost my home, my work, my- my everything.” He’s shaking. 
“Hey, it’s okay, we’ll figure it out.” She says, mentally making a note to start looking into multiverse theories and find a way to get him back home. Even if that’s the last thing she does. Even if it ruins her. “Till then, you can stay with me.” 
The first few days are hard for him, adjusting to a world that’s so different from his own. He doesn’t know how to build a new life from nothing. But he tries. And he figures that with enough practice, he might just get it one day.
@fractald3 @cactus-extraordinaire I did the thing!!!
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anomalyarchives · 4 months
chapter 1: the anomaly
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Today I woke up and found myself in an unfamiliar reality. In this reality I am human, or at least human-like. I have human tendencies and urges and thoughts and body parts. I check to see if I can move my fingers and toes. They seem to be in working order. I notice a green light source coming from above and tilt my head to find a shiny green diamond floating above me. What is the meaning of this?
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I look around and realize I’m in a quaint little house of some description. Is this where I live? Before I could further question my situation I’m in, I hear a knock at the door. I hesitantly unlock the front door, which squeaks when it swings open. Three friendly looking humans stand at my porch, one of them holding a plate of fruitcake.
“Welcome to the neighborhood!” greeted the fruitcake-deliverer.
I invited three neighbors into my home and learned their names. Summer, Liberty, and Travis. I mainly spoke with Liberty, who seemed to be the most awkward of the trio, so she doesn’t feel left out. We shared a salad I had prepared, and fruitcake of course. My paranoia made me wary of these three at first. I thought perhaps the fruitcake was poisoned. But I soon learned they were no threat.
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After a few hours of lovely conversation, I said goodbye to the trio. I hastily documented my experiences with them on my computer. I haven’t forgotten my purpose here: to learn all I can about this reality. The people, the locations, everything. And since I’m the Anomaly, I have the power to change and disrupt the natural progression of this reality. The laws of the universe, time, space, logic and reason, they are all at my mercy.
But I’m not like other Anomalies. I don’t wish to disrupt reality unless absolutely necessary. I don’t want to destroy, or cause chaos and ruin. I only wish to learn and observe, and let it be. So I left my house and set out to uncover the secrets of this reality, starting with the local park.
I met a kind young lady, and I regret not getting her name. But we had a lovely chat over a game of chess. Once I felt like I’ve earned her trust, I asked her who are the most influential people around these parts. She seemed put off by my odd question, but responded anyway.
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“There’s the Landgraabs, who control just about every business and corporation in the region. The Caliente sisters are notorious for starting relationship scandals. There’s also a new family that moved in, the Navidsons, who claim to come from a long line of singers and musicians. And of course, there’s Bella Goth.”
I waited for her to explain further, but she stopped there. It’s as if she expected me to know who that was.
“Bella Goth?”
The young woman nodded. “Yeah, her family has been around for ages. She’s a people person and a socialite, but somehow, her life is shrouded in mystery. The most we know about her is from gossip. Some say she was abducted by aliens and replaced with a clone. Others claim that Bella Goth isn’t her real identity and that her family is in witness protection.”
My interest is piqued. I think I found my first person of interest in my mission to learn more about this reality.
“Where can I find out more about Bella?”
Ophelia Villa is the name of the home in which the Goth family had resided for generations. It’s dark, looms over the other homes, and quite fittingly has a gothic aesthetic. In the kitchen, a woman dressed in red is finishing up dinner for her husband and two kids, the eldest of whom will be turning 18 very soon. But instead of thinking of her daughter’s coming of age, her mind is fixated on her work as a secret agent. What she learned today was troubling, and she can’t figure out what to do about it. She shakes her head, and carries the plate of pasta al limone to the dining room, where her family awaits.
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“Bella, my dear,” her husband spoke. “You look like your mind is in the clouds. Is something bothering you?”
The woman chuckles, and takes a bite of her zesty pasta.
“It’s just something work-related.”
Her eldest daughter chimed in with concern. “Did you get in trouble again?”
Bella shook her head. “No dearest. But we discovered something strange happening here in Willow Creek. We don’t know if it’s related to what’s happening in StrangerVille or if this is an isolated case.”
“What happened?” asked the youngest son.
Bella hit her tongue. She knows better than to disclose her findings to her family, as it’s classified information. But she doesn’t want to worry them, or keep them in the dark. They deserve to know what’s happening in their own backyard. She decides to fill them in on the gist of the situation, but she must choose her next words carefully.
“There’s been a… disruption in the neighborhood. An outside force is threatening— I mean, could threaten our daily lives. But don’t worry, we’re trying to find the source of it.”
The youngest son put his fork down. He wasn’t the least bit reassured by his mother’s words.
“Are we all going to die?” he asked bleakly.
Bella cracked a small smile and shook her head. “No, my dear. That’s not going to happen. You don’t have to worry about this outside force, okay?” She stood up from her seat and started to collect everyone’s plates. “Besides, everyone is on the case. The military and even spellcasters are on standby. We’ll be perfectly safe.”
The husband still wasn’t satisfied with that answer, but he knew he had to put on a brave face for the children. “Yes, your mother is as capable as she is beautiful. She won’t let this force disrupt our lives.”
Bella grinned at his compliment. “Of course not. After all, this isn’t my first encounter with an Anomaly.”
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quirk-nova · 5 months
The Astronomical Chronicles 2.0 Cast: The Luminaries (Part 1)
(Click on the underlined links to see their original versions and compare the changes made)
The Luminaries
A set of characters who don’t represent zodiacs and take inspiration from the non-zodiac constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Airelo (eye-reh-loh)
A childlike and innocent Stellinia who represents Antlia. Airelo has the ability to project an aura of air. He doesn’t quite know how to use his powers the same way as the others, who mocked him for it.
Dick Forepaw
A geeky and blabby anthropomorphic European mole who represents Triangulum Australe. Dick is the leader of a robotics club consisting of Gambol, Pilirani Snoets, and his brother, Wilbur. He is also autistic and shares their love of helping others.
Remedy Gravitor
A zestful and unsophisticated witch who represents Sextans. Remedy is the youngest daughter of a family known for their cosmic magic. Like her parents, she wishes to pursue a career in astronomy, but she would rather do things her own way.
Izzy Merrick
A visually impaired and animal-loving human-witch hybrid who represents Draco. Beside animals, Izzy’s other favorite thing is mythical creatures, especially dragons. She helps her widowed human mother tend to a magical apple tree alongside her two shape shifting lizards.
A silent and clumsy fly-like Stellinia who represents Musca. Esinwa is known to collect bugs and shiny things. In the past, she was seen as an omen by her fellow Stellinias on Mortiku, so she doesn't have many friends.
Pilirani Snoets
A nonverbal autistic anthropomorphic aardvark who represents Norma. Besides being a member of Dick Forepaw’s robotics club, Pilirani’s best-known trait is her love of pastel-colored sweets. Her job is to create sketches for the club's future creations.
Nalani Tanika
A self-centered and carefree witch who represents Corona Borealis. Nalani comes from a family of witches known for their elemental magic and their alliance with the Gravitors. He and his mother are in possession of a crown that grants the wielder temporary elemental magic abilities.
Goswin Vance
A lovable slug-loving human with Down syndrome who represents Eridanus. Goswin and his family live near a river, where he often plays alone with his fidget toys. Sometimes, when he finds people who are lost, Goswin usually finds some way to help them.
An enlightened and grumpy sculpture-like Stellinia who represents Sculptor. Mojassameh likes to spend her free time creating new inventions in the hopes of being noticed by the world. Whenever she doesn't feel like herself, she prefers to sculpt instead.
A laid-back and musical anthropomorphic sloth bear who represents Ursa Major. Jay has an illegitimate child named Abe from a previous relationship. After an argument with Abe's mother, he has vowed to never pursue love again and lives alone.
A witchy and mischievous Wolpertinger who represents Lepus. Morana likes to cause trouble with her electricity-related magic but always ends up being chased away. She has since escaped from her enemies but continues to be warded off by those she manages to provoke.
Athena Brand
A feisty and imprudent human who represents Perseus. Athena’s father, a well-known hero named Chaz, happens to own the Firebrand Dojo, where she takes martial arts classes in order to defend her loved ones. She is currently dating Ramona Barnett, a friend from her high school.
An ignorant and thoughtless chisel-like Stellinia who represents Caelum. Iskena usually likes to hang around with her best friend Mojassameh and sometimes helps her with new inventions. She also likes to help Mojassameh whenever she chooses to sculpt.
A motherly and excitable anthropomorphic Tamworth pig who represents Apus. Roz dreams of starting her own family, but she sometimes lets her vanity get the best of her. She usually has trouble finding a soulmate, but perhaps that could change.
A light-hearted and philosophical ice witch who represents Indus. Christopher ran away from his corrupt family and became a vagabond. He now lives out in nature, where he can hone his hunting and survival skills.
Gray Negrescu
A dapper and happy-go-lucky human who represents Orion. The people of Graupel find Gray annoying due to his tendency to boast and his womanizing nature. When it comes to dangerous situations, he has no other choice but to use a shovel as a last-resort weapon.
Pavorea (pah-voh-ray-ah)
A boisterous and merry peacock-like Stellinia who represents Pavo. Pavorea enjoys skateboarding and playing around with advanced technology. No matter what obstacles came their way, Pavorea always found ways to make others happy despite all of the dangers around her.
Misty Liddy
A perky and kind anthropomorphic least weasel who represents Vulpecula. A former con artist-turned-entrepreneur, Misty tries to start a business, and she hopes that it will be successful enough to get her rich. Although she regrets the decisions she has made in the past, Misty is kind of happy the way she is now.
A relaxed and unprofessional mythical who represents Fornax. Domovoy is the current guardian of the fiery Hearth Orb, which is powered by the odd jobs he does for a living, making his home-related magic stronger. Throughout his life, he was mostly raised by his oldest brother, who took him away from their power-hungry father.
Cohen Neidhardt
A bitter and venturesome human who represents Chamaeleon. Cohen is known to be a professional critic of various things. He likes to spend his free time creating new gadgets that can be used for many purposes.
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dailyaudiobible · 10 months
8/13/2013 DAB Transcript
Nehemiah 5:14-7:73, 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, Psalm 33:1-11, Proverbs 21:8-10
Today is the 13th day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. Welcome to the middle of the month of August, welcome to the middle of the summer I guess in the northern hemisphere, it's definitely apparent here in the rolling hills, Tennessee. I guess, welcome to the middle of the winter if you’re in the southern hemisphere. But no matter where we are, welcome to a brand-new shiny, sparkly week. It's all out there for us friends, my brothers and sisters. We have a story to tell with this week. May our lives tell the story of God's goodness and faithfulness. And since we’re all here, since we’re all around the Global Campfire, we should probably take the next step forward in our journey through the Scriptures. And that next step leads us back into the book of Nehemiah. The Jewish exiles are rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem in order to protect the temple of God, and they're doing it in record time, and it's about halfway done, all the way around the city. But they are facing all kinds of intimidation and opposition from external sources that are there to taunt and intimidate and threaten them, but also from the inside, were certain people with…with wealth, with means are oppressing and enslaving other fellow Hebrew people who don't have as much. So, there is a vision to rebuild the fortifications around Jerusalem, to protect the temple of God. There is that vision and to bring that vision to fruition, it follows the path of opposition and endurance. And let's continue the journey. So, this week we’ll read from the New English Translation, and today Nehemiah chapter 5 verse 14 through 7 verse 73.
Father, we thank You for this brand-new week that we are entering together and as we step through that threshold, we come to the Scriptures to lead and guide us and we thank You for this gift, knowing that every day of this week, we can come back, we can gather, we can listen, we can hear wisdom from Your word, and we can get direction and clarity for the issues that we face in our lives and we thank You for that. So, as we move into this week, we open ourselves to You. Our hearts are open to You, nothing is off-limits to You. We trust You. You are the only one in whom we can fully trust, and we trust You to lead us into all truth, and we believe this we ask for it, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayer and Encouragements:
This is Grateful in Tennessee. I’m calling, responding to Linda in North Idaho. She called today on August the 7th about men creating a lack of sense of safety for their lives and a sense of betrayal and that it takes them a while to get over with that, get over it that. And so, she came at it from a lady’s perspective, a wife, a woman. And I’ll look at it from a male perspective. And she is absolutely, 100% correct. And that while I thought I was the perfect husband being a, you know, doing the all the right things with working two jobs and preaching and teaching and taking care of the kids and all those types of things that, you know, and then I got involved in internet pornography and flirtatious affairs. And my wife found out about it and it was damaging. It was heartbreaking to her. And when I starting going to counseling and to therapy with other men like myself, we all commented about how we were better but our wives weren’t. And our therapist reminded us that you know, we had years of damage we’ve done to our wives and our relationships. And that it was gonna take them time to come back. And I did as Linda said, I had to humble myself. And it wasn’t easy. But I humbled myself before the Lord, through, well, He humbled me, how about that. Cause I didn’t do anything. God humbled me. I surrendered and life is good. My marriage is better than it ever has been. And that was 5/6 years ago. And we’ve been married for 35 years almost. So, anyway, it just, I just agree with Linda. It takes time. But men, we are protectors, not predators. And we …
Hello DABers, this Kay from Ohio. I just wanted to pray and give some encouragement for I think he said Morning Birth. That you’re going through something with your wife, and you don’t wanna go through divorce. And your kids are picking sides. And that just tugged at me so bad. So, God, we thank You. You’ve heard each and every prayer that’s gone forth. Just for this family alone. God, You are faithful, You are kind. We know if You don’t do it, it can’t be done. Stand up in this family. God, every time they want to get frustrated and just feel so broken and want to lash out at each other, they will pray first. And that they will stay there until You speak. That they will trust You in all things and not try to do it themselves. Know that every good and perfect work, every word, every blessing, is coming from You. To seek You without delay, no matter what it looks like. To seek You without delay. And continue to speak against that spirit that wants to tear the families apart. But more importantly, trust God. He hears you; He sees you and He knows. None of this caught Him by surprise. He saw it all. So, trust Him to fix it. In His perfect will and how He sees fit.
Good morning DAB family, this is Saved by Grace from California. I just wanna lift up my sister who called in for prayers for her brother-in-law with the aneurisms and the sister who is agnostic. Family that’s turning to other, other than Jesus, anything else other than Jesus. Heavenly Father God, in the name of Jesus, I just lift my sister up to You, we plead the blood of Jesus over her. I pray for Your strength, Your support, Your love, to just right now, surround her, encompass her, touch her body Father God. Touch her mind, Father God. Remove all the anxiety, worry, and fear, Lord God. Help her, Holy Spirit, remind her of Christ’s love for her. And Father, I pray that You give her words of encouragement, of discernment. I pray that You prepare her sisters heart to receive the words and the love of Jesus, that she would come to know You in a very intimate way. I pray for healing for the sister with the cancer. I pray, Father, for the son, who I know that the seed was planted, Father God, that You would speak to him, that You would open his eyes to the truth of that religion of Islam that he’s following, Father God. That You would open his eyes to see, Father God, and he would recommit and repent and come back to You, Father God. I thank You for what You’re gonna do in this family’s life. I pray that You continue to comfort them and during their times of grief and loss. In ….
Hey everybody, Tony the Narrator here. I just want to join my sister in her call for prayer and say Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. You are truly, truly worthy. Lord, I pray that You will bless Tina. Bless her ability to get a feeding tube. Let her be able to be sustained and to get her sustenance from that. But Lord, mainly, I’m praying that You will bring her a liver so soon. And Lord, I pray that the operation will go well. That there won’t be any rejection from her body. And Lord, that that liver will be able to grow and really take care of Tina in this time. And Lord, You made a promise that You would always give us what we need if we’re truly faithful and we love You. Lord, Tina does Lord. So, I’m asking You, in the name of Jesus, to please rescue the life of Tina and make her body work again. In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray, Amen Lord and Amen. God bless you all. Love all of you. Still here so, I will see you later. Bye bye.
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The benefits car window tinting Warwickshire can bring to the looks and maintenance of your car
A window tinting refers to the process of applying a thin laminate film to a vehicle's glass in order to darken it. The reasons people choose to tint the windows of an automobile vary. Of course, there are purely aesthetic reasons as well for applying car window tint. It doesn't hurt that some people think that tinted car windows look cool, like celeb-style sunglasses for your car. It can also help preserve the interior of your car, including the upholstery, carpeting, and dashboard, which can fade over time by exposure to sunlight.
Your car detailing Bedworth questions answered
Believe it or not, window tint can benefit your health—yes, your health. Chances are, you already wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun, and during the summer, you might apply a layer of sunscreen to protect you from harmful UV rays. Your skin isn’t the only thing that can be damaged by the sun. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause your car’s seat cushioning to fade. Because your car’s interior is not uniformly exposed to the sun, this can leave discolored patches where your car’s upholstery has been exposed to light and shade, respectively. A car tint offers upholstery protection by blocking UV rays that contribute to your car’s interior damage. If your vehicle is parked for a prolonged period, such as at work, then a UV film can protect your interior from sunspots, fading, as well as the cracks and damage associated with solar damage.
As you may be aware, car detailing and car washing are not exactly the same thing. Usually, car washing is a come and go activity, it's cheaper and thus you may get sub-par results. Car detailing on the other hand has a more professional and details oriented approach to cleaning and maintaining your car. As the name says, the details are very important, and there are so many factors that distinguish between a regular car wash and detailing. Professionals who are doing this every day can do the proper car detailing Bedworth. They will use the proper tools, chemicals, and knowledge. There are many problems a quick and simple car wash can cause such as cross-contamination and scratches on the paint. A car wash does not involve cleaning the interior, but this is something you get when you hire professional detailing services. Any car takes a regular amount of beating every day when it's used, especially when you have a large family. But it can also slowly be damaged just by sitting around. You need professional help, employing the right equipment and materials to get the results you want. Professionals in this area are following the right processes and never skipping any steps or rush one. You should consider detailing a car every few months, with proper maintenance washes in between.
New looks with car paint correction Warwickshire
The amount of light that a window tint allows into the interior varies greatly, and affects how well you can see out. Every state has its own regulations and laws pertaining to the level of darkness it allows for automotive window tints. Darkened windows may also hide or obscure articles left in your car, which may deter a thief. (But be sure to roll down your darkened windows if you're stopped by a police officer. Not being able to see in will put them on the defensive, and neither you nor they want that.) The most obvious positive to taking the DIY route is that it's cheaper. If you're handy, patient, and have a clean area in which to work (such as a garage with little to no dust), applying window tint isn't especially hard. Then again, an experienced professional can generally do a better job while saving you time.
Once you bought your car, it looks shiny and new for just a certain amount of time, before the daily use and external elements will take their toll and will start damaging it. With proper care and maintenance, these factors can be prevented, but there is just so much you can do on your own. It is wise to hire professionals to do this job, with the right tools and techniques. Customising your car, properly maintaining it, and regular detailing work, when smartly done, will provide a long-lasting comfortable life for your vehicle, making you and your family enjoy riding in it, and preserving its value for as long as possible. The benefits of specialized detailing services, which include the application of window tints as well, are pretty obvious. Professionals know their craft best and will use professional materials and tools to get the job done right each time. There are things you can do to care for your vehicle by yourself, but when it comes to more specialized tasks, these are best left to the professionals.
Everyone should take care of their car and make sure it lasts for a long period of time, it looks great and it feels great to drive it or to ride inside it. The simple activities of washing it once in a while and cleaning the interior are not enough to prevent the daily abuse any car endures to leave permanent marks on its exterior and interior. There are plenty of things you can do by yourself, but it is wise to use the help of professionals who are doing this on a daily basis and master their techniques very well. Professional detailing companies will always use the best materials available, with longer-lasting results. If you want a professional company handles your car's details, you should first look for an interior cleaning car near me. More and more people are looking for professionals to do the interior cleaning too, not just the exterior, instead of themselves. Every nook and cranny should be dealt with, as those are the spots that attract most of the dirt. Any interior objects should be removed allowing room for proper cleaning. With any detailing job, professional materials, and cleaning solutions are used instead of household items. It is worth paying the price of professional supplies as they won't damage the paint or car materials. The interior cleaning should be very thorough and go through all the places in the car, moving the seats backward and forwards so no spot is left untouched. When done with the interior, all the elements such as floor mats that are placed inside should be cleaned as well. Good care should be allocated when cleaning the car windows, to remove any dirt and contaminants.
solutions that work for window tinting
Car window tinting can also help you if your car is being sold. Generally, car dealerships will demand that any used car is in excellent condition. Car window tinting helps provide this assurance to a potential buyer and could result in an increased resale price. Car window tinting can also provide more driver comfort. Darker car windows mean that drivers don't have to squint as much when the sun is shining in their eyes. Car window tinting can protect drivers from the sun's harmful UV rays. This may help prevent a driver's skin from getting burnt and even reduce their risk of developing certain types of cancer.
Why window tinting is a practical solution for most vehicle owners
The durability of your car will depend on the steps you take. One way of protecting your asset involves installing quality window tinting. You’ll prevent your upholstery from fading and making your car appear older than it actually is. Replacing your car interiors regularly can be financially straining. Exposure to direct sunlight will have you changing the upholstery quite often. Car window tinting will save you from such unnecessary costs. If you’re involved in a car accident, the car occupants will be protected from pieces of glass shards. It also reduces the risk of being ejected from the car through the windows. Given the frequency and unpredictability of car crashes, it’s better to be safe by having auto window tinting.
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