#it's amazingly beautiful tbh *-*
dangerliesbeforeyou · 11 months
oh man ok i need to gush about moonlight chicken for a second lol
i adored how this show didnt shy away from the messiness of real life and relationships! like u hav a single gay working class man desperately trying to make ends meet and struggling with the guilt of his past lover having died tragically whilst bringing up his nephew who wants to be taken seriously and finally fly the nest to live his own life whilst at the same time navigating his crush on a lonely deaf boy who just wants to be understood and respected. and then you have a man stuck in relationship limbo where he's unable to let go of his past love but also yearning to move on and free them both from the pain they cause each other... and that's not even to mention the side characters who deal with the loss of parents, unfaithful partners, unplanned pregnancies, trying to be a better mother to your son, etc...
no one was a villain, instead you had a group of people who needed to grow and learn in a very natural way, and that's just so refreshing to see! honestly one of my fav parts of the story is that rather than inventing some arbitrary dramatic reason for wen and alan to break up, it just happened because their love had fizzled out, a thing that happens all the time in real relationships! and even though their love had died, it was still obvious that they cared deeply for one another which made both of them trying to move on so much more painful...
so much of this show was about the cycles of emotional abuse that can develop when you're stuck in the past... jim is unable to see a happy future for himself because he blames himself for beam's death, and he let's that anger and resentment inform how he treats li ming. wen is ignoring the messiness of his relationship with alan in favour of pursuing jim, but knows deep down that neither will be able to truly move on unless he deals with the situation. even heart's parents are stuck unable to relate to or be willing to understand their deaf son as they continue to isolate him from the outside world, thinking that it will protect him but all it does is make him even more lonely!
idk i just loved how the show focused so much on living in the moment. that the past is fixed and the future is uncertain, but there will always be now where you can always find some glimmer of joy and optimism.
and then there's ofc the queer element of the show where we get to see how internalised and external homophobia exist as perimeters to queer people being able to truly be themselves. one of the most heart wrenching scenes is at beam's funeral where his parents come up to jim and effectively tell him that because he and beam weren't married, he has no legal rights to any of the things they had worked so hard for together! and this is something you hear time and time again, both historically and now, where queer couples in countries that dont recognise gay marriage or even civil partnerships are denied so much (particularly when one of them dies) because their relationship is deemed illegitimate by law.
jim as a character has internalised this so much that when he finds out his nephew is gay, he lashes out (in one of the funniest scenes ever, mind you lol... literally the whole 'why are you gay, isn't being poor enough of a challenge!?' thing is gonna stick in my mind forever i love it sm lol) because he knows first hand how hard it is to be a queer man in a society that still doesnt fully accept you! (and it rly showed the disparity between him, a working class man, and wen, someone from a middle class/wealthy background when it comes to queerness that i don't think gets discussed as much... cos the fact of the matter is that for a long time queerness /was/ effectively reserved for wealthy people, as working class people wouldnt have had as much of a choice in how they could live their lives, so jim's reticence when it comes to accepting li ming's (and his own) queerness is directly tied to how being poor doesnt always allow you the luxury of simply 'being yourself'...)
and i think it was especially interesting that this show didnt present homophobia in individualistic terms. we don't get a character calling them slurs or saying that they're wrong for being gay, instead we get systemic and societal prejudices showing up in insidious ways, which feels so much more realistic! (like even jam, who is presented as having outdated and homophobic opinions, isnt presented as some evil villain. she's just a product of a homophobic society that teaches people being gay is a sad way of living, and she has to unlearn that as both her brother and son prove her wrong!)
i honestly could (and probably will) go on but yeh... this show man... this show
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gabessquishytum · 3 months
Hob is an interior designer for the ultra rich; he moves furniture around to lighten "engeries" and increase "flow". It's a hodgepodge of bastardized fung shui and geometry, because Hob is a conman. And thief.
His interior design persona and "firm" was a cover Hob was using to case some rich asshole's house. Hob wasn't even trying to sell the bit really, he moved a single chair, but after the job (this guy was obliviously so rich that he hasn't seemed to notice Hob's theft 🤷🏽‍♀️) Hob's mark recommended him to his other rich douche friends.
So high-end interior design is now Hob's side hustle. He's still a thief and conman, but now he's legally (sort of) conning marks. Hob is just as surprised as you.
He has just been hired to design the new bachelor pad for one Dream Endless - artist, socialite, philanthropist. If the name sounds familiar, it's because he just had an amazingly loud divorce play out in the press from partner no. 3 (there were two other marriages and one kidlet, for Mr. Endless). And it seems like the ex got all the friends and support in the divorce.
Hob was hired by some assistant, a Matthew, so he's yet to meet Mr. Endless, but if the various paparazzi photos are right, he should certainly be nice to look at.
Yeah, those paparazzi photos did not do him justice -- watching Dream swim in little tiny speedos is Hob's new religion. If Hob were a better man, he wouldn't be scheming to become Mr. Endless the 4th.
Mr Endless the 4th... and hopefully the last. I reckon Hob will want to stick around! I am absolutely tickled by this au, tbh. I think Hob needs to keep on scamming rich people and stealing their furniture as much as he wants.
Dream's requests for the design were basically "I want it all to be black" and also "leave me alone when I'm doing my art" - two things that Hob is a little bit disappointed about. He doesn't really care about interior design, but all black? Minimalism? Dream deserves better. And Hob definitely doesn't want to leave him alone! But if he can at least watch Dream, that's good enough for now.
He makes a few adjustments to what Dream requested. There's plenty of black, sure, but there's also stained glass and light streaming into the apartment. There's beautiful stone flooring in the kitchen (heated, of course). Hob gets the most amazing four poster bed for his new favourite client, all silk sheets and black-out curtains. He spends all day dreaming about making sweet love to Mr Endless in between those sheets.
And Dream seems to be getting used to having Hob around. Plus he begrudgingly approves of his design choices. Eventually he opens up about his miserable dating life, and Hob is always so sympathetic. He doesn't lay it on too thick (Dream is smart enough to spot a gold-digger!), he's just kind. Is Dream really making him into a better person?!
Well, maybe not. Hob is still a thief, and he's definitely still scamming his clients with the whole "vibrations" thing. He's also definitely perving on Mr Endess in the swimming pool. But when Dream does finally make a move and shyly kisses Hob while inspecting the latest updates to the interior design... Hob takes him to bed very gently. He lays Dream out on the silky sheets and fucks him so sweetly, so lovingly, telling him how worthy and beautiful he is. Things that Dream has never heard before.
Hob settles into the bed when Dream falls asleep on him afterwards - and rest assured, he intends to stay. Hopefully with a ring on his finger. But he's not getting ahead of himself, don't you worry.
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hexologh · 1 year
┏━━━✦❘༻SWEET SWEET BAKER༺❘✦━━━┓
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Let us repeat, We believe in Y/n Supreme fr. 🛐🛐
Ty @sleeplessdreamer14 for requesting
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Mk was just walking around minding his own business but then he'd smell this heavenly aroma., That would lead him to You of course.
You two would talk for a while and you would make him the BEST sweets and BREAD 🍞., And you treat him so kindly, he would start going more often.
The way you just smile at him w/ those beautiful eyes looking at him., Would bring him to his knees bro.
Like mk believes in Y/n supreme fr 😩
My boy is IN LOVE, Like after he finished his mission or his Training he would bolt away from what he's doing., Running to you.
Your just you amazing, cute, beautiful., Good at baking the list goes on.
If Wukong ever finds out, he would tease the HELL out of Mk and he would just take it, I mean he is his mentor.
Tbh he was just going to get Peach chips, nothing more but then he thought about that cool bakery Mk and his friends where talking about, he decided to check it out.
Once he opened the door he immediately smelled the beautiful scent, which is you lmao you welcomed him and acting like he's just a person and deffs not a monkey.
He'd be surprised but amused, so he kept going to your bakery., The more he got to know you the more in love he was, but he doesn't know that. 😏
You actually treated him like he was just a normal person an not the “GrEat SaGe eQuaL tO hEaven” I mean he likes the title but he's tired of fighting demons, maybe for you he'll beat up a million more just to keep you safe.
He'd tell you story's and you'd listen w/ open ears., He'd be a little flustered by you staring right at him...W/ your.. Beautiful face..CURSE YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE, YOU!
One day he was just eating your amazingly baked cake but doesn't notice there was frosting on his cheek but you know who did notice? You., You stopped what you were doing as your soft hands touched his face making him confused and flustered, your finger swiping off the frosting before licking it off your finger.
You smiled at him, “Its better not to waste anything, right?” you asked, Monkey king is literally deceased.
Macaque was just wondering off using the shadows but then he sees this bakery and tells himself, why not because you totally get to see a monkey walking by everyday.
He opens the door but bumps into someone, you! You'd welcome him slowly leading him to a table., He'd be confused but follows
Once he tried your sweets and how you smiled at him one word was just pops on his mind when he saw you, Adorable, YOU ARE ADORABLE. alright that settles it your never getting rid of him.
Be prepared because my dude will pop out of no where from the shadows, Sometimes just sits in the shadows and watches you., Which..Is kinda creepy 💀💀💀
But he doesn't care now does he? But one day he was in the shadows of your bakery ready to spook you, you suddenly turned around... Staring .. Right At HIM. Now that's flippin CREEPY, WHERE DID HIS ADORABLE Y/N GO!? My man would be scared like shiver me timbers but then you stopped.
You smiled, “oh, its just you Macaque., Glad it wasn't a demon.” Well Y/n....About that— Macaque then walks out of the shadows sweat dropping off his cheek, you raised your hand before petting the monkey he would practically pur bro, forgetting what happened.
Give this man some more love. 💀
Redson would fall hardly on your floor after he got punched by Wukong, when he opened his eyes someone looked straight back at him.
“...You want cake.” you'd ask, Redson blinks, “Huh.”
You'd convince him to stay as he lets you put some bandages on his hand, “You got peppers for this?” Redson asked, “That's cake.” you reply. “I know what I said.”, “What the fu—”
When he meets eyes with you he knew,. There’s something about you that was.., special, He doesn't know why but once he left and got back to his home, he couldn't take his mind of you., Your smile, your voice ect.
So he'd come back once in a while talking to you as you'd listen to him, we fr need more people like you. 😔
One day you just say to him flatly, “Your a very beautiful man, Redson” NOW LETS SEE THAT PENI—
He blinks trying to process what you just said, “Of..COurse! I am!!” his voice broke out he cursed himself for doing that, before hearing you chuckle, he looked up at you before a blush slowly covered his face you looked at him smirking, please fuck him where the sun don't shine Y/n. 🛐
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Could I possibly have some slasher bois (primarily Jason, Pennywise, and Bubba) reacting to a s/o who when on their period just kind of, shut down and sleep a lot. Been having those bad period days lately.
(I’m sorry this took literal years 🥲)
- Jason only has a vague idea what periods are, the concept horrifies him! His partner had to teach him everything
- He’s amazingly attentive, refusing to leave them for long unless strictly necessary
- S/o has to be the one to go into town for period supplies, so Jason can’t help :(
- This man literally tamed a rabbit because you cried about wanting to hug something soft last time. What a guy!
- Some periods are bad, full of pain and snapping. He knows it’s not your fault you’re so angry, and he’ll take your yelling if it makes you feel better. You always cry and apologize anyway, he knows it’s just the period.
His darling had come back to bed after rushing out, looking sick and exhausted as they collapsed beside him with a groan.
“I living person shouldn’t bleed that much.” They complained, wrapping their arms around him and snuggling into his chest. They always got cold on their period, so he’d scrounged as many comforters as he could to keep their mattresses insulated. He hated to see his lover shiver, the lake got so cold in the mornings, mist hanging over the water like a spirit that spread through the camp and spread its cold.
Jason knew that living people could bleed a lot, himself included, but he figured that this was a different situation and his person didn’t want to be corrected.
So instead he stroked their hair as they dozed on his chest, a fitful rest full of tossing and turning. He should make them their favorite food later! He’d need to cook it far away though, they always hated the smell of cooking meat around this time.
He traced words onto their skin, declarations of love and admiration as his little lover slept. Every time they made a noise of pain and curled around their stomach his heart hurt, he wished he could do more!
His darling had once told him that being there was enough, and so he was determined to stay for as long as possible.
The can alarm jingled.
“Go, it’s fine.” His s/o muttered, sliding off him to retreat into the blankets. No it wasn’t! He would have to leave them! Alone and vulnerable! What if one of those nasty people broke in and tried to hurt them!
Jason was going to prove how much a human really could bleed, and then he was never leaving his s/os side, that much was certain.
- Pennywise knows all about periods and their quirks
- He gets annoyed how boring you can be, but he understands you can’t exactly help it.
- He loved you for your human quirks, which includes the less lovely part
- Tbh he likes the smell of the blood, but when he said that they threw a pillow at his face.
“Humans are strange.” He shook their limp arm as his human was curled in his lap. One of the perks of being a creature beyond human understanding was the fact he was always the perfect size, and his human could fit in his lap like a kitten if they wanted.
“So’re you.” They whined, curling tighter against his ruffles, a throw blanket emblazoned with woven loons and chickadees wrapped around them. He had given them the nickname of Loon once as an insult, but instead had been bombarded with childhood memories of calling out to the diving bird, of red eyes like his own being drawn on paper plates at a log cabin. The nickname stuck.
“My dear Loon, you are the strangest creature of all.” He cupped their squishy little face and peered into their beautiful human eyes, eyes like the Maine sky on a clear day, like the pine forests that stretched endlessly and hid dead in gnarled roots, of muddy lakebeds full of fish and stones and secrets. His human was a wonder of this world, the only wonder. He was older than time itself, had seen countless humans pass like cattle, had seen thousands of memories and life stories end, but this human, his human, was special. They were his everything, and he’d never quite be convinced they were only a human and not some otherworldly being.
One day he’d discover a way to keep them alive forever, and he’d find a way to stop their human ailments like this period while doing it. His human deserved the world, not the pain of biology.
“Yeah, yeah.” He let their head fall from his gentle grip to lay against his chest once more, beautiful eyes closed and breathing even. He may be a creature of fear, but they would dream of home tonight, of escaping into endless pines and swimming in a lake, he’d make sure of it.
- He has to learn about female biology since he grew up in a male dominated family, it’s a long and slow lesson but he grasps the concept after a bit
- It’s hard for him to imagine such a thing and why the body does that! He knows a lot about bodies, and that was a weird thing
- On the bright side anatomy lessons are easy with a diagram
- He’s the sweetest and most attentive boyfriend during this time. All he wants to do is love you and hold you until the monster goes away
- He hates having to do work for once, actually standing up to his brothers if they try and tear him away or -gasp- say something mean about you!?
- He doesn’t see why anyone would be mad at you for such an ailment
“I’m okay hon, don’t hover.” His s/o scolded gently as they walked around the kitchen. It was more of a hunch, arm wrapped around their middle and face drawn tight with pain. He wanted to scoop them back in his arms and bring them back to bed, but they had insisted on getting up to make breakfast for the boys. Southern ideals and all that, though he would have been happy to cook, he used to anyway. He knew his s/o just liked helping however they could, and this was all they really knew when it came to the weird life their family led. Drayton even let them use his kitchen, so that was proof they were a good cook, he just wished they didn’t feel the need to right now.
He made a soft noise of discontent, sitting in an aged stool that creaked under his weight, watching them intently.
They were so beautiful. They insisted they weren’t, but he knew better. Plenty of men, and some women, he’d seen watch them, and while he didn’t like it he knew his partner was a capable person and could care for themselves. They were the most loyal person he’d ever met, and they saw something in him that he couldn’t.
“Fuck!” He watched them drop an egg as tried to crack them into a bowl to beat, the egg shattering on the floor. They had always been a bit clumsy, so this was hardly a shocking event.
But- but instead of cleaning it up with a little smile and self deprecating joke they sniffled. Tears welling in their soulful eyes and hands shaking as they scrubbed at their face.
He stood up in a panic as they let out a strangled little cry, stifled by their hands over their mouth as they hunched away, trying to hide.
He hated not being able to talk sometimes, how they could avoid listening if they didn’t look when he signed.
He lay a hand on their shoulder, dwarfing it.
“I’m okay, give me a second.” They protested, trying to shrug him off before giving up to lean into him. They looked exhausted, ready to fall asleep there in the kitchen. They should be in bed!
‘I make.’ He signed in front of them, arms around them and chin on their head. They fit against him like a puzzle piece, a perfect fit.
“No, I… You know what, fine.” They sagged into him, letting him scoop them into his arms without protest. He would’ve been able to carry them even if they did, but he hated forcing them to do anything they didn’t want to, it made him sad.
“Once this is over Drayton and I are making Texas style barbecue I swear.” They sighed into his shirt as he carried them to bed, tucking them under covers and throw blankets he’d taken from the empty cars. He would look forward to that, their barbecue was amazing.
He smoothed down their hair, pressing a kid to their head before lumbering off to furnish breakfast before his brothers woke up.
I’m not dead! Suffering from my own bad period, but not dead. Endometriosis is a bitch let me tell you! I made do other slashers too, I really want to do a Carrie piece, but for now here.
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chdarling · 8 months
I may be losing my mind…but I could have sworn that early on in TLE1 Florence is described as being a keeper on the ravenclaw quidditch team, and then in TLE2 she’s a chaser. Is this intentional? My English lit brain is currently assigning a lot of meaning to Florence changing positions between the first and second book…
ok so.
I debated a lot how to answer this, because the thing is, I’m absolutely obsessed with whatever your English lit brain is doing right now, and tbh my English lit brain has also taken this and run away with it, and who am I to crush beautiful theories? I was fully prepared to just give a mysterious scholarly nod and go “hmmmm yes what DOES that mean?” …..until I was looking at my outlines for future chapters and realize it actually does matter (a little) that she’s a Keeper. Damn it.
So this is me humbly admitting that I make mistakes and actually Florence is definitely a Keeper, I just totally forgot because there are too damn many characters in this damn fanfic and posting a cohesive 400k story without editing it first is really hard sometimes 😂🙈💀
But yeah, our girl’s a Keeper. 😉
Thank you as always for your amazingly attentive readership!! I love it so much, even when it means I have to admit messing up 😂❤️❤️❤️
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loserdiaz · 1 month
i wonder if people would be okay with eddie being bisexual. shannon as the only woman he fell in love with and buck as the only man eddie fell in love with. bisexual people also suffer from catholic guilt (i'm bi, latina and my family is catholic), but i don't think 9-1-1 would give us bi4bi romance. i just hope that, if eddie is bi, fans don't get mad and say things like 'it doesn't make sense'
i think eddie being bi would make the most sense anf tbh i do see 911 doing that bc they've always been respectful of eddie and his love for shannon. me personally i think it would be amazing to get demi eddie. ive never seen a demisexual character on tv???? (idk if theres any shows or movies with that) and i feel eddie discovering that label and exploring and maybe relating to it could be very beautiful and special. there's also a lot of other labels that could fit eddie.
and hopefully they will handle it as gently and as softly and as amazingly as they did with buck. thats all i really want for eddie. <33
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neewtmas · 1 year
a non-exhaustive list of fic recs for lockwood & co and stranger things
Under the cut you’ll find my Lockwood & Co and Stranger Things fic recs.
These fics are in no particular order and are the ones that stood out most to me while reading. All of these authors have other writing that should be checked out! Most have their masterlist pinned at the top  of their blog, which is why I didn’t link it seperately. 
Have fun reading these excellent pieces of fanfiction❤️
Lockwood & Co
by @maraschinomerry
How to Stand (friends to lovers, fluff, both povs, George teaches reader how to use a rapier)
Matching Mates (friends to lovers, george has a crush, locklyle teasing him about it, Fittes Ball, bestfriend!Lucy is scheming)
Matching Mates Part 2 (established relationship, fluff)
Stay Safe (Reader and George fight a visitor together)
Important Research  (friends to lovers, both povs, george is the sweetest,  misunderstandings, fluff)
I’ve got your back (angst + fluff, hurt/comfort, cuddling)
Offerings (angst + fluff, getting possessed by a ghost)
by @givemea-dam-break
Pretty (friends to lovers, bestfriend!Lucy, locklyle, Fittes Ball, jealousy and awkward George,  he’s a little idiot tbh)
Little Notes (love confessions through letters)
Touch (Gorge is jealous of Lockwood, fluff, a little angst)
masterlist for Lockwood x reader
by @lewkwoodnco
Wildest Dreams (strangers to lovers, reader works at Fittes, very in-character George, slight angst but happy ending)
Be More (valentine's day, FLUFF, george is a little awkward, food fight!! feels like a warm hug)
by @oblivious-idiot
london calling (reader works at Fittes, friends to lovers, fluff)
midnight comforts (after the boneglass, nightmares, cuddling, fluffyyyy)
the break of dawn (fluff, pizza for breakfast, watching a movie)
late night collisions (friends to lovers, fluff, george is bad at uno, stealing shirts)
the only exception (ghost touch, fluff, george is the swe etest)
Stuck in the middle with you by @stray-kaz (18+ only!, reader contacts the ghost of Annabelle Ward, angst, fluff, smut)
Sleep Tight by @honey-lavender-latte (friends to lovers, comforting George, cuddles, his pov)
Just another love song by @tangledinlove (friends to lovers, fluff, mutual pining, love languages, George and Lucy have to intervene, long!!)
I take you like you do your tea, with lemon and with honey by @lewkwoodnco (first person Lockwood, Lockwood is in love, pure poetry)
Deck The Halls (and not your partner) by @bella-rose29 (long! 12 part series, enemies to lovers, fake dating!! set around christmas time (with everything that entails), fluff, angst, mildly spicy towards the end, lockwood is a little shit from time to time, fantastic couple dynamic)
escapism by @aislinrayne (18+ but no actual smut, reader is drunk, insane tension, lockwood is a simp, lot's of lockwood pov)
Little Pink Heart by @maraschinomerry (SAD, NO happy end, established relationship, reader dies on the job, it's a beautiful read tho)
that funny feeling by @givemea-dam-break (ANGST and only ANGST)
Untitled by @lucelockwood (the most beautiful thing you'll ever read, 100% pure love)
Borrowed Time by @waitingforthesunrise (angst, post Hollow Boy, serial killer prompt)
Policy 8 by @the-biscuit-agreement (on AO3, very long, it feels like reading another Lockwood & Co book, angst, fluff, it has everything)
The Whole World Filled With Silence by @13atoms (focus on Lucy, post canon, talents fading but it's bittersweet instead of angsty)
Just An Act by @czenzo (extremely in character, so funny, the skull is the best)
George & Lucy
5 times George missed Lucy, 1 time he admitted it by @givemea-dam-break & @ikeasupremacy
Stranger Things
Dancing with myself by @ambrossart  (finished, fluff and angst, happy ending, ALL the feels and just simply amazingly written, everyone needs to read this one)
You are in love by @missscarlettangel (finished, strangers to friends to lovers, kinda slow burn, just a super sweet feel-good story and absolutely worth the read)
Eddie Munson
Dirty Dreaming by @eddiethefreakkmunson (smut! best friends to lovers, Eddie has a wet dream about the reader and deals with the repercussions)
Listen to the Trees by @ethereal27cereal (includes smut, fluff, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, plus size!reader, ‘there’s only one bed’-trope, a very handsy wet dream,  both povs)
My favourite Person by @pollenallergie (best friends to lovers, slow burn, starts out with them as little kids)
by @copycatkillerfics 
Head over Heels/ Code Lime Green (fluff, friends to lovers, kinda insecure but very in love Eddie, Dustin plays matchmaker)
Angel/ What’s left unspoken (angst & fluff, friends to lovers, both povs, cliche in the best way)
A spark (angst and fluff, friends to lovers, truth or dare goes a little wrong, butterflies guaranteed) 
Since the Sunflowers (angst and fluff, shitty boyfriend alert, Eddie is a sweetheart in love, happy ending)
by @marymunsonloves
Hellfire Babes (best friends to lovers, you wear Eddie’s clothes and he can’t handle it, both povs, halloween party)
All dolled up (angst & fluff, friends to lovers, slight misunderstanding, a little jealous Eddie)
More to love (best friends to lovers, implied plus size reader, Eddie helps you with body issues, accidental confession)
by @munson-blurbs
Flattery works with me (smut, a revealing bikini at the pool is all it takes to get Eddie going)
Clueless (fluff, the hellfire boys push Eddie to ask you out)
Bookworm!reader (fluff, shy reader, Eddie joins reader in detention)
by @singularattitudeofasafetypin
If you wanted me, you really should’ve shown (friends to lovers, kinda shitty boyfriend, Eddie shows you what you’re missing in the most beautiful way)
How you get the girl (friends to lovers, Eddie overhears you telling Steve how to step up his game, Eddie’s pov)
Crazy Forever (established relationship, Eddie is insecure)
by @corrodedcoffins
Different Kind of Jealous (best friends to lovers, mutual pining, jealousy, both povs, all the good stuff)
New Outfit (fluff & angst, friends to lovers, reader tries to appease Eddie by changing her looks, confession during a fight)
Man of my dreams (smut!, best friends to lovers, reader has a wet dream about Eddie, relentless teasing, the gang hangs out together, platonic steve x reader moment, jealous Eddie)
Love comes walking in (best friends to lovers, fluff & angst, jealousy, Eddie is a clueless idiot, Dustin is the sweetest little guy, Eddie makes it up to you beautifully)
by @sunflowergirl522
Teardrops on my guitar (best friends to lovers, Eddie is so in love, jealousy, mutual pining, misunderstandings)
He’s my brother (strangers to lovers, mutual pining, movie nights)
by @forever-rogue
Miscommunications (best friends to lovers, fluff & angst, jealousy, a fight, mutual pining, insecurities)
In which Eddie drives you crazy (friends to lovers, fluff, intense flirting from Eddie)
by @eddie-van-munson
Elvira’s Movie Macabre (friends to lovers, bestfriend!chrissy, fluff & angst, both povs, Eddie is an idiot, but he makes it up to you)
Peanut Butter Cookies (best friends to lovers, jealousy)
masterlist by @ghosttownwherenoonegoes (found it hard to narrow down here)
meet me at midnight by @maria-scribbles (fluff, aquaintances to lovers, new years eve party, henderson!reader)
Are you leaving? by @fluffansmut (fluff, both povs, Eddie is insecure)
The Morning after by @ashtonsbff (fluff & angst, best friends to lovers, insecure reader and insecure Eddie)
is something wrong with me? by @djarintreble (best friends to lovers, mutual pining, some insecurities, Eddie shows you that there is nothing wrong with you)
Taking Eddie’s virginity by @usedtobecooler (smut!, best friends to lovers)
One Call away by @uselessastheginlasagnaa (fluff & angst, best friends to lovers, toxic/abusive relationship but Eddie is always there for you)
I think I’ve loved you forever by @cinemaquinn (smut!, fluff, best friends to lovers, insecurities, misunderstandings, mutual pining)
hold me like i’m more than just a friend by @heartthrobinsficrecs (best friends to lovers, intense fluff, henderson!reader, mutual pining, Eddie is your first kiss, both povs)
Someone that actually likes me by @oddlykilledghosts (aquaintances to lovers, fluff, Dustin’s a matchmaker)
Angels & Demons by @galaxy-siren (friends to lovers, fluff, bestfriend!chrissy, halloween party, both povs)
Have you seen my sweatshirt by @waratah-moon (established relationship, cheerleader!reader, fluff)
On my doorstep by @softharrington (smut! friends to lovers, idiots in love, mutual pining, both povs)
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tare-anime · 2 months
Fullmetal Alchemist
Welp, finally I read this manga.
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So very late, yes I know, but this and that happened and I've finally able to binge read this amazing 10 years work (2001-2010) in a little more than a week.
Tbh, the first book was mostly world building and kind of slow paced, but starting from the last half of second book.... I can't stop reading.
Wow. Just wow.
As a reader who usually has to wait a week or two between each chapter, being able to read a series from start to finish in a week is quite a different experience, tbh 🤣🤣 I need two days to take a breath and comprehend the story. There must be details that I missed that I need to reread.
Overall, the highlight of this series is the impecabble characterizations and the growth of each character, and character dynamics.
And not only Ed and Al as protagonists, or Winry, Roy, Izumi as the closest support characters but also the people around them up until the minorest characters. I love Scar, Barry the Chopper, the Homonculus, and even the main antagonist Shadow in the flask.
All of them get their moments to shine. All of them got their share of development, and most important, all of them got to do something in the plot!
The world building and plot also been done amazingly. From the current timeline, up until events in the past, and all loose ends being tied up in the end that give me the most satisfactory endings. It is still an open ending, but at the same time the epilogue feels enough.
And of course, this manga contains so many amazing female characters, and each one of them is so badass. They have their strength and weakness and impact to the people around them.
My favorites mommies.... Izumi Curtiz and Olivier Armstrong.
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OmG!!!! Especially in these badass moments??? 🛐🛐🛐🛐 My Queeeennn!
Of course, I will always love black haired beauty with knives. LanFan my beloved 💖💖💖💖
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And last but not least, Granny Pinnako!
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I mean, this person has been there, and will always be there through sweet moments and sorrows. Supporting Trisha and Hohenheim, Ed and Al, Winry. She stands strong for them. She is there when these people needs some strong hands to steady their wobbly legs. And pushes them to carry on with their life.
That is.... one amazing woman right there!!
As far as pairing ships, being a TwiYor fan I am, I've always been bombarded with Royai fanarts (and I'm not complaining). Yes, I noticed the tragic pasts, the relationship, and how supportive Royai can be (and it is quite similar to TwiYor in a way), but I think for FMA, I lean more to Ed and Winry ship.
Don't get me wrong, I love both ships.
But seeing Ed and Winry grow from little boy and girls, do their share of hardships, realize their feelings, and finally voice their awkward proposal. Auugghhh!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
My favorite moments for these ships are:
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Yes yes, I will still love angst and hurt/comfort whenever I go 🤣🤣🤣
Oh, other ships that I like: LanFan and Lin, Izumi and Sig, May and Alphonse, Mr and Mrs. Hughes.
All in all, what an amazing series. I'm glad I finally able to read this 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and will do a reread while waiting for the next spy x family chapter.
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chiquititaosita · 1 year
Hola! Amo tu blog. Leí tus historia de Zoro y Sanji y queria saber si podría pedir una de headcanons con Zoro y Sanji en una posada típica Mexicana? (Perdón por no escribir en inglés. No lo escribo pero lo leo.)
𝐌𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐨
bear note: si! muchas gracias amor! besitos for you!! 💋💋💋💋💋this was amazingly fun to write! Y’all let me know how I did on the smut!! I had to do it because AHHHH!!! I thought it’d be interesting 💋💋💋💋💋
Post type: Headcanon
Pairing: zoro x reader, sanji x reader
summary: these two bastards and their s/os go to a Mexican inn.
contents: established relationships , nsfw at the end of both characters thingies, food play (zoro and sanji )
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⇾ Hold onto your Chi chi’s I mean literally
⇾ “why are we even here..” he’ll grumble to himself, on y’all’s way walking there
⇾ “how adorable..” he’ll chuckle lightly with a smile watching you be all giddy in a Hacienda
⇾ he’s gonna be a leash boyfriend now when y’all are on this island like in public though mostly because he’s going to get lost if he wanders off ESPECIALLY IN THE DANGEROUS OUTSKIRTS it exists because I say so
⇾ when y’all make it to the hacienda/inn seeing all of the walls decorated into tile and supple colonial architecture. It made you feel like you were at home once again. Giving novela vibes for sure you were so excited and happy about it
⇾ immediately looks for something to drink, and will dump his face into the big ass water fountain that’s usually in the center.
⇾ tbh he seems like the guy to be easily intimidated by certain types of architecture
⇾ will easily get scammed to pay for more money so you have to translate and defend your Marino
⇾ because he doesn’t speak Spanish and if he does, by the way he says something that’s foreign
⇾ ”QUISTE AL LE VERGA WEY!!!” That’s one of the things he’ll say.
⇾ you both will take tons of pictures of anything that looks like a napping spot.
⇾ exploring is a must when you’re staying una gloriosa Hacienda venue. With all you see is grass, flowers, live stock, beautiful scenery, and a amazing lake.
⇾”OI WAIT FOR ME!! babe! BABE!! y/n!! Y/N!!!! SLOW DOWN!!” he’ll chase after you when y’all are in the field after you tell him something stupid.
⇾ “you look so beautiful as always.” He’ll coo into your ear and just tell you beautiful things into you your ear and wrap his arm around your shoulder as y’all watch the sun begin to set.
⇾ once he’s finally comfortable to the new surroundings he becomes completely relaxed and/or affectionate towards you.
⇾ will proceed to carry you everywhere around the villa to explore
⇾ “oh my goodness mírame amor los mariposas amor!”
⇾ sees a butterfly land on you and will boop your nose
⇾ “está bonita mariposa.” He’ll chuckle and kiss the top of your head. THE WAY YOULL BLUSH,
⇾”just like you baby.” His one eye will stare into your beautiful sparkling (colored) eyes. As you bat your eyelashes, looking away from him sheepishly
⇾”awe gracias zoritito!!” you’ll kiss him and he’ll deny that he liked that special nickname you made for him, than come into conclusion
⇾”hablaste español ahora zoritito ?! aye que lindo!! chiquito mi amorcito!!!” your eyes are in stars and again he’s baffled with you praising him
⇾ “I love you y/n.” He’ll just say it looking into your eyes this would be the very first time he says it to you during y’all’s relationship.
⇾”AWE YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!!- WAIT!! WHAT!!” you’re blushing in shock! And dance in victory as the goofy ass you are
⇾”S-Shut up. It was just momentarily..” He’ll look away accepting your attack of kisses leaning down so you could kiss him even more.
⇾”I love you too!! Zoritito!!” You kiss him more
⇾ once you finish exploring you’ll have him place you down and take a break.
⇾ “ah finally a napping place.” He’ll plop himself onto a wall, while you explore the kitchen
⇾ not even five minutes you’ll be finding yourself cooking some onigiri with carne asada filling in the cocina while your moss head boyfriend is napping near you
⇾ once he smells the food, he gets walking up behind you to give you back hugs.
⇾ “are you making onigiri?.” He’ll mumble into the crook of your neck
⇾ “mhm! Just for you, we’ve been on our feet all day, since we got here.” You gesture him to eat, he goes down to town indeed
⇾ when you made elotes, and Dulce enchilados, or sweet and sour candy, he hesitates at first but once he starts getting used to the taste HES OBBSESSED!!!
⇾ I mean literally he eats the chamoy off of your titties
⇾”imma gonna lick the chamoy off of these chichis.”
⇾ once he places the chamoy bottle all over your plushy mounds, he deviously licks the curves of your breast. Literally doing what he says
⇾”hmmm…mmm amor!! Y-You said….you’d be gentle!..nghhh”
⇾ Already making you cum more than once, when he just finished spreading his seeds into you as his vision came white and blurry.
⇾”sorry, mamas..” he’ll breath heavily,coming back to consciousness, and lick you until you’re clean to you the usual skin tone color you were once again before. Licking the last of the chamoy off of his lips
⇾”I just got hungry for dinner. Now I need dessert.”
⇾ y’all can say y’all had a very adventurous weekend
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⇾” Y/N CHWANNN!!! THIS VILLA COMPLIMENTS YOUR BEAUTY LIKE THE GOLDEN SUN!!” He’s in awe of you, and the venue y’all chose to stay for the weekend.
⇾immediately wants to explore the hacienda with you, HOLDS YOUR HANDS ALWAYS
⇾he just doesn’t want to lose you
⇾ “the kitchen!!! AHHHH THIS MUST BE HEAVEN!!!” The minute he sees you walk around in awe of curiosity he’s got googly eyes all over you.
⇾”hehe that’s not even the best part corazon, mira!” You’ll show him around the villa he sees the beauty by holding his hand guiding him to the fields and gardens around with people working.
⇾”wow.” His eyes are now stars, and it reminded him of what his mother would tell him what her happy place was involving the rest of her children.
⇾he’ll be crying due to the nostalgia and you seem to notice it, and hug him
⇾”Sanji que pasó? is everything okay?” you’ll look at him and watch him cry into happiness hugging you, squeezing you, and crying into your clothes as you’re comforting him.
⇾you’ll be humming one of those lullabies to calm him down, and of course that one Selena song dreaming of you ITS AN AMAZING SONG
⇾”im sorry, i just thought of my mother that’s all. She said something like this was her happy place…and I can’t believe… I found it with you .” He’ll kiss your temple and whisper how you’re his all blue, his happy place, his dulce to his leche, his other half.
⇾”you’re my happy place y/n you’ve always been I love you so so so so much y/n chan I am eternally grateful to have you as my love.” he’ll kiss your knuckles and just shower you with adoration and kisses
⇾ the minute y’all are star gazing into the moon light. He just stares at you
⇾”have I ever told you that I’m so lucky to have you angel baby?” he’ll look into your colored eyes as y’all are. Your cheeks will flush into a crimson red
⇾”s-sanjito… you’re so sweet amor” you’ll pull him into a kiss, he kisses you gracefully, holding your hands.
⇾”I’m serious meroline, you’re the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with forever.” As he puts out the butt of the cigarette he’ll take your hand to get out, when it was getting starting to get chilly. Putting his jacket on you as he grabs your hand hearing mariachis play in the background
⇾”May I have this dance my dear Y/n?”
⇾ he’s just like ahhhhhh all shaky and shit with his breath.
⇾ slow dancing into the moonlight!! YALL LITERALLY FUCKING DO THAT!
⇾ “The moonlights beauty is nothing compared to yours mon amour.”
⇾ he’ll give you a bath and do your whole routine because he always says “Mi Reina a beautiful diosa (goddess) that I must serve must be treated with the most care.”
⇾ you were flustered and shook at the same time. “Y-you c-called me mi Reina y d-diosa..” you put your palms to hide your face, and squeal.
⇾ you both cook together! He loves exploring new flavors with you!! especially loved the chamoy candies y’all bought.
⇾” Y/n Chwannn!!! Can you make more candies whe-“
⇾ when some spilled onto your titty he literally licked that shit up! He got fucking hard after that.
⇾”AHHHH! what was that for!!” You’ll just be busted out laughing and blushing. I would’ve came if he did that
⇾ his thoughts immediately go ‘THEY LOOK SO GOOD ON HER MUST. KEEP. COMPOSURE!!! ‘
⇾your tits look amazing in his mouth nah for real! THIS MAN CAN EAT! you almost thought he was luffy because of how much of your boob he had in his mouth one time. He did not disappoint.
⇾”I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself!!” He was blushing as you kissed him with chamoy flavored lips.
⇾ that was until you started grinding on him playfully, and he just started humping you leaving out a shaky breath just a tad one.
⇾”hmm… I’m kind of hungry…”
⇾”what do you want my sweetheart?”
⇾ “yo quiero tu pollo.” You’ll playfully moan into his ear.
⇾it’ll take him a few seconds to process, since he speaks French and Spanish sounds so similar. He puts two and two together
⇾’if anything with o means for a boy and anything with a at the end is a girl. Pollo means chicken… OH MY GOD SHE WANTS MY COCK!!’
⇾ let’s just say he even got to take a picture of your boobs seasoned with Tajín and Chamoy. And of course fuck your seasoned titties
⇾ “My my beautiful Y/n, you taste as wonderful as you look..” he’ll kiss you everywhere and just body-worship you again you being seasoned like the hot tamale you are.
⇾ he keeps that picture in his wallet, and in a secret drawer of sentimental things on the sunny.
⇾ “say darling, when we have kids would you want to consider living here and the sunny?” He’ll think about after fucking you senseless.
⇾”what a day we have had today.” Y’all are just cuddling into the bed, fresh and clean after that fiasco.
⇾”indeed and I can’t wait to to have many more with you my lovely y/n.”
⇾”te amo sanjito.”
⇾”I love you too my y/n.”
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paperstarwriters · 2 months
Thinking about Dungeon Meshi & The Arcana again. (spoilers for everything up to episode 13 in the anime & a few minor Spoilers for the manga)
Messy rambling below
Like besides the already discussed fact that Senshi should definitely teach Muriel the three simple rules for a strong body as well as the fact that Laios would instantly attach himself to Muriel for being familiar with the monsters (fae) of the forest, I feel like I have to a dress the other characters of the party lmao
To begin with some non-spoiler points, Asra and Laios would get along AMAZINGLY. Like weird food? Knowledge of monsters/fae check, these two will be eating their way though the faerie ecosystem (with care not to take too much of course), just taste testing the dishes to see how the inhuman meat would taste. If given the chance, they’d 110% start swapping dishes (“oh! You’ve never tried a blue-tongued skink?? Oh you have to taste it!!” “What?! You’ve never eaten living armor before?! I have to get you some!!) ((I know blue tounged skink aren't technically fae cause they exist in our world too but tbh salamanders exist in our world too but they don't breathe fire so Imma just go with the assumption that it's magical in some way too)
I also feel like Laios would get along pretty well with Portia, but he'd get along in the same way that he gets along with Senshi, or Falin, as Portia would be fascinated with his adventures, and though maybe she'd be a little weary of the descriptions of food made from monsters I feel like she'd warm up to it over time.
Related to that, Senshi and Portia are a duo to be feared. Bread, bread, bread and so much more bread, Portia helps Senshi familiarize himself with the basic ingredients of the city, and when she catches wind of Senshi's plans for Muriel she is all in to help, and even might feel a little bad having not known about it before (Senshi consoles her of course, and the two begin work on making delicious meals for everyone to share; back at the hut, sitting awkwardly waiting for Senshi because he didn't really wanna go to the market, Muriel feels a chill run down his spine and feels like he's vaguely in danger)
(Minor spoilers for the manga—NOT PLOT RELEVANT) But Nadia and Marcille would get along SO well. Mostly because Nadia kinda fits her ideal type lmao. Not perfectly mind you, since Julian has the eyepatch but tall beautiful, long haired royalty on horseback is her JAM. Nadia comes up to Muriel's hut on horseback while she's busy scholding Laios for trying to convince another person to start eating monsters and Marcille's jaw just drops. She nods and listens with awe and respect to everything Nadia says while Chilchuck is left sighing in the background
Speaking of the guy, I think Chilchuck would be mildly fond of Muriel. He'd probably be pretty jealous of his size and strength though, and will probably be kinda bitter at seeing him be a coward (or he'll call him smart, and encourage the cowardice, depends on the situation and how much he sees being a "scaredy cat" helps) This is only really because he struggles himself with being a little bit of a coward as we see in episode 13, but his cowardice partly stems from his inability to fight, so seeing someone who is fully capable of fighting might tick him off a bit. Of course he probably doesn't hate him too much and (this was mentioned in the world bible by the author) since halflings tend to admire and enjoy the masculinity of dwarfs, and Muriel fits that kinda bill just in a larger size. Probably won't develop a crush or anything, but will respect him.
I also feel like he'd "get along" (as much as this tsundere could get along at least lmao) best with Julian if only for the fact that Julian would be interested in how he deals with and manages traps and such. Besides that I feel like Jules might also become a target for Senshi when Portia blabs about his horrible self care skills (again, far away from the two of them as they go through the market/start cooking in her house/at the palace; Julian feels a chill go down his spine and the feeling that he is about to be chased.... eventually hangs over his head for a bit) Marcille might also get along pretty well with Julian (also kinda fits her type, though little less so than Nadia but still).
Also Jules would totally side with Senshi when he hears that he also doesn't like Magic, while Marcille and Asra and MC sit by the side with a slight huff.
For Lucio.... unfortunately I feel like his drama would tick off a lot of the DunMeshi crew (Julian does at times too but probably a little less so cause I feel like Julian's drama can at least appeal to Marcille), with maybe the sole exception of Laios who would be interested in Lucio's encounters with monsters. Only downside is I feel like Lucio has a simmilar attitude as Marcille in the beginning of the series to Monster food lmao. Chilchuck would definately stare down Marcille when Lucio refuses some dishes because of what it's made from, going all "well now you know what it feels like!" (to which Marcille will retort back with "You weren't down for everything either!! You hated the Idea of eating a mimic at first!!" and then it'd devolve into an argument lmao) One thing I imagine the crew has to teach him though is restraint and the importance of balance in his surroundings, as I imagine living in the palace, as well as his upbringing as a Scourge of the South has made him used to taking everything when he has the chance. Anyways when Lucio gets used to the food I feel like he'd really appreciate it (FYI, there IS a character he'd get along with pretty well but they haven't been introduced yet, so I'm holding myself back lmao. If you've read the manga; think about who acts really similar to him in this way with a bit more of a yearning for "freedom".)
Anyways MC would get along well with everyone (depends on MC of course) but I also feel like they could get along really well with Falin if only because Falin deals a lot with ghosts and I feel like MC could bond with her a bit over that, and with how MC kind of is a ghost. A ghost possessing a new body and all that mess. Also one other reason.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
2022 TAZ Fic Recs!!
There has been so many bangers I've read this year, oh my goddd. This list is mainly just me going through my bookmarks to share everything that's on them, because other people deserve to see them. I will not be @-ing every author, because honestly, I don't know if all of them have Tumblrs or what their usernames are if they do sldfsdf. But they'll be linked with the story!
Fics with a black heart emoji (🖤) in front of them have content warnings that really need to be adhered. I'm taking warnings from what I remember and what is in the tags of the story already. If I need to add anything else, let me know.
On the Deck of the Starblaster by papergardener - The Starblaster crew takes a well-deserved break in the sun. It's so soft that it makes my heart kinda ache, tbh! Could not recommend more.
parlay, as a gamble by anistarrose - Lucretia doesn't erase the concept of Parley as well as she meant to and Merle reaches out to the Red Robe. This one is beautifully heartbreaking and hilarious, I'm in love with it.
🖤 Symptoms by The_Fanfic_Train - The crew has defeated the Hunger and now they must through the mortifying ordeal of healing. This one got me real good, ngl. It shows so much growth and strength and adds a very realistic side to the characters that I very much enjoyed reading.
Warning for suicidal tendencies, negative thoughts, and self-destructive behaviors, and mentions of blood.
Who Have You Become In The Wake of All That's Happened? by ArtsyRiv - Magnus and his experiences with his hair and the styling of those around him. As someone who has also written an entire fic about hair, this is so beautiful. It captures the feelings connected to hair presentation so, so well and, to top it all off, T4T Magnulia, hell yeah.
🖤 I Tried To Do The Best That I Could by ArtsyRiv - Lucretia's been having nightmares in the wake of the Redaction. She's not coping with it well. This story is so beautifully written and pulls you along with all the feelings and emotions mixed in. It's soul-destroying but in a beautiful way.
Warning for self-harm, EDNOS/Eating disorders, some suicidal ideation, and an emetophobia warning.
Caves and Cypress by crowsong - In the simplest of terms, a character study of Barry between the end of Stolen Century and the beginning of Here There Be Gerblins. It's amazingly complex and so well thought out. It tossed me between angst and yearning so quickly that all my emotions jumbled up and came out as tears. There are some fun Barry and Lucretia interactions in here, as well as some very fun Barry and Kravitz interactions.
it's my party and I'll mope if I want to by Grabbingatpowerandkissingit - Angus and Lucretia make Taako a birthday cake. It's fun and funky and fresh, with a very nice little dash of angst sprinkled in. I adore it in every way.
Someone I Have Loved, But Never Known by anistarrose - A fucking fantastic AU of Barry and Lup also being voidfished and remembering their married but don't remember it's too each other. It's hilarious and so in character, I could not recommend it more.
I Saw Seven Bounties by umbraastaff (jothending) - Kravitz took all seven bounties because things like this usually come as package deals. He soon realizes he's sorely mistaken. This one is so fun. I have so many thoughts about Barry and Kravitz's interactions between Stolen Century and HTBG's and this fulfills like, half of them at least. The writing style is so charming and nice, I very highly suggest you read it.
leaving, as an injustice by anistarrose - Another absolute banger by Rose. Sort of a spiritual successor to "parley, as a gamble" further up the list, this is another fantastic Merle fic. With Mavis as the main character, we get to see Merle in a light that not a lot of people choose to write about. It's fantastic and deep and beautiful, an amazing read.
Some of my best friends are liches by Grabbingatpowerandkissingit - So, so, so good. What if Lup had gotten out of the umbrastaff really early? What if they had to deal with two Red Robes instead of one? Everything Reese writes is delightful and zesty, but I have a special place in my heart for this one.
if the grim reaper takes your professor before class starts then you're legally allowed to leave
if the grim reaper takes your professor before class starts then you're legally allowed to leave by anistarrose - Such a good take on another Barry lives after the Redaction AU. It's so funny and so good.
Scamming me, scamming you by Noodyl - Taako thinks he's flirting with Kravitz. Kravitz thinks he's being scammed (and he's kinda loving it?). This is so hilarious and I love the way Noodyl writes Kravitz, it's so very good. A perfect fun fic to wipe away all your sorrows.
🖤 Immortal Mortality by vacuumfluorescentdisplay - I just discovered this author and I'm going wild about them, just a little. This is such a good take on various deaths throughout the Stolen Century. It's so lived-in and refreshing to read and it brings a lot of humanity to the Starblaster crew, dealing with the most living-being-oriented problem: Death. Fantastic read and fantastic writing.
Warning for character death, including drowning and extreme hypothermia. There are also blood mentions and injury descriptions.
unreliable narrator by owlinaminor - An older fic but such a powerful one. It shares Lucretia's POV throughout her entire life up until just after Story and Song. It has given me a new way to view Lucretia and the way I write her and is such an impactful story. The writing style is fantastic and beautiful, I cannot recommend this more.
but the strange lights in the sky were shining by anistarrose - Barry knows things are off but he can't pinpoint why. This one so perfectly captures the feeling of offness from being in a new world but not being able to remember how or why you got there. It's very quick-paced and really captures you in the moment of it all. So good.
Live Like This by Grabbingatpowerandkissingit - Reese has once again taken an already brilliant AU idea (Tuck Everlasting-based AU, my beloved) and made it amazing. Barry's reoccurring encounters at the Fair and his life in between. It's an amazing story and so lived-in and thought-out. It's so very good.
Offworld by vacuumfluorescentdisplay - Last but certainly not least, this masterpiece. I just finished reading this the day I'm writing this and it's incredible. Barry is trying to escape his (criminal) pass and Taako and Lup are just trying to stay alive. This story follows their trip and their slow fall into trust. Tom is so good at world-building and making the characters feel multi-dimensional. The world(s) here are fantastically built and the storyline is even better. Again, I would very highly recommend it.
And that's it!! This got a little long but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anyone on my list sldkfsdf. Shout out to all these amazing authors and all the ficlets I've been seeing all over my dash. There's so much life and love in this fandom and I adore reading every single thing I come across.
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yahsung · 2 years
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the way i’ve been gone for like ever but it’s about to be 5am, i have to be up early, and yet jisung is more important
sleeeeepy. you both are really sleepy during your late night call.
“but i miss your voice so much” your high school sweetheart whines to you every time you mention how late it is.
ofc you’ve been on facetime with him for HOURS before it was finally time to snooze.
and ofc you’re both tired and your eyes are slowly closing, silently drifting off to sleep…
but you both also wanna stay up and secretly stare at each other, saying gooey cute things.
tbh you both r kinda super competitive for no reason and wanna see who’ll knock out first
he likes staring at you as you’re slowly drifting off to sleep… smiling all goofy to himself
and when you happen to wake yourself up he’ll either place his hand to cover his big smile or clear his throat
“AHA! i caught you staring at me loser” cue soft defensive jisung to the stage pls “what- who?? ME? YOU’RE THE LOSER”
you don’t know how he happens to be more talkative and energetic this late in the day
shorty will say two words to you during the day but will rant about mark or chenle allll night
“no and you won’t believe what mark did today- it was so funny let me tell you”
he snores just a little teeny weeny bit
you think it’s so cute but you usually fall asleep before him so this is rare when you catch it
you two have so many half asleep screenshots of one another
he sees your late night calls as smth personal and sacred, but he has one of the pics of you as his home screen it’s so cute
one time haechan walked in on you two on facetime suuuuper late into the night
ofc he doesn’t let jisung live it down
“hey rmbr when i walked into you smooching your phone at 4am one night”
you’ve woken up to him basically yelling at you in the morning to charge your phone lol
“jisung can you STOP YELLING im trying to sleep”
no matter how sleepy and tired you are some nights, seeing him with ruffled hair, droopy eyes, and a soft smile always wakes you up
and he honestly can’t go to sleep without knowing you’re doing the same
seeing you sleepy makes him sleepy aw
you’ve spent all nighters watching movies together on your laptops, cozy in your beds, snacks surrounding you, chatting about the movie
other nights where you’re helping each other study for wtv like college classes or personal lessons
oooooh college bf!jisung next???? :0
you could have been hanging out all day together and he’ll call you that same night
he just can’t and won’t ever get tired of you
“we gotta have our daily night facetime call yk?”
he loves loves loooves planning future dates while on call… and he’ll make notes of it too
“it’s like my best ideas come late at night, im such a cool boyfriend”
despite how chatty he is on facetime he absolutely love just staring at you sometimes
“…what are you look at ji?” usually he’ll just smile shyly but sometimes he; “you’re just so amazingly beautiful”
likes to ask you how your day has been and wants to know everything
he’ll listen and gasp at how your day has been, or give his two cents on your gossip
jisung does a lot of talking while on facetime but he loves gathering intel on ppl in your lives and keeping all the info you give him
“i CAN’T believe your friend did that”
he feels so cool knowing everything abt everyone bc he’s ur bf and you tell him everything
if by chance you guys can’t call or it didn’t happen one night, you both realize how those late night facetime calls really matter
it’s sort of like a routine at this point
ok guys i’m getting super sleepy and tired peace out
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wanderingblindly · 4 months
hi, humbly requesting a bedtime story!! for the fandom ask game: 4, 10 & 13 ❤️
Hello my darling dear!!! Thank you for asking <3333
4. Say something nice about a ship you don’t ship:
Tbh there aren’t any popular ships im like, vehemently against? Just some I don’t engage with. I will say that Pierre and Charles have some of the most compelling lore, and the fandom’s writers weaponize it amazingly. I really should read more of them.
10. A blog that made your fandom experience brighter:
There are SO many oh my god, I’ve truly stumbled onto the most beautiful and loving corner of the internet. I think @jennarations really pushed me to talk to people I’d be too afraid to ever approach, which has made my fandom experience go from incredible to unfathomably fun. Thank you angel <333 (let it be know that I’m obsessed w basically all my mutuals)
13. Favorite type of fandom event:
This is the first fandom where I’ve actually participated in any events!! My first thing was running a secret Santa this year, so I may be partial to fic exchanges :)
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earthtooz · 2 years
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༉‧₊˚. 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑮 𝑹𝑬𝑪𝑺:
these are some of my fav writers!!!! if you ever need recs, these people are my no 1 - as well as checking out #earfrecs!
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first and foremost, my BOYYSSSSS need their place on the list so:
彡 @basilly : an 'after you've read angst' writer. short yet super sweet haikyuu works :,) so many toothrotting-fluffy-headcannons - singlehandedly responsible for me starting to see the hype with kageyama
彡 @limitlesshq : incredible writer. my destined rival (jk), but seriously, go check out art for jjk works that hit exactly where you need it to!!! i love the way they write more headstrong, sarcastic readers &lt;3 it's so real and personal
彡 @mitzimania : bane of my existence but UNDERRATED AF!!!! i need you to check mitzi out!!! so so talented, the descriptions, the imagery, the techniques embedded throughout their writing? incredible>>
彡 @sixosix : LAWD where do i start. multi-fandom writer who is also singlehandedly responsible for me starting to understand the hype behind izuku - characterisation, on point, six is amazing >>
moving on - certain writers below have nsfw content and do not allow minors to interact with said posts so be careful!!!! respect writer's boundaries !!
彡 @ufo-ikawa : literally like the FIRST anime writer i ever followed bc i LOVEEEEE ari's works so much - i don't think i can ever fathom just how amazingly she writes like UGH SERIOUSLY I'M IN LOVE pls ari's so lovely too. i love when she pops up on my dash &lt;3
彡 @coconutdays : eren simps come get yo juice! LMAO but seriously, violet appreciation <3 one of the first writers that i have ever read for eren and i still love her works sm. girlboss reader realness!!!!
彡 @lytters : a lot of creative works with ideas that i would have never thought out. not only that, but they're executed super well!! everybody loves a good timestamp fic and L has tons of those so i really really recommend checking them out!
彡 @sipsteainanxiety : i think i ascended when shay followed me - no joke, i think i'd read over her masterlist fifteen times so if it's any blog i recommend IT IS HERS DFOADHOFFDF if you follow me bc of my bnha works and you don't follow shay then that's a crime wtf go now!?!?!?!?
彡 @shotorozu : I'M UR BIGGEST FAN!!!! so many creative ideas and they're all super fluffy - the tiktok series is unmatched. anaïs is one of my fav bnha writers on this app >>>>
anaïs if u ever read this just know that i'm very intimidated by you slash pos.
彡 @/chimielie : beautiful beautiful beautiful writer!!!! so talented and i can only hope to ever think thoughts as creative as lia's :c writes for a range of haikyuu characters !!
彡 @vrmxlho funniest mf on god 🤣🤣🤣 will always be a fan of zaina's smau's, but i love his fics regardless !! very creative ideas for everything they write, seriously, i'm :OOOOOO every time she posts. FIREEEEEEE POSTS 100/10 GO SLUT GO !!
彡 @sacchariins stan hanni bc the fact that she can actually remain multi-fandom and not zero in on one fandom is actually so impressive to me. PLUS every fic is saur high quality?? i'm. yeah. yeah. always a good day when hanni posts their drabbles.
彡 @escapenightmare zuki pookie (slash not affectionate i hate u) posts such amazing things i'm- thank goodness for you tbh bc every time i see that you've posted a drabble i'm 💳💥💳💥💳💥 IMMEDIATELY. bnha + bllk content !! go check them out !!
彡 @fallenssun another very creative and very gorgeous writer !! (i think abt ur one isagi drabble daily LOLS) if u ever want a talented writer for bnha + bllk + genshin to follow then rosie is ur gal! GO FOLLOW I TRIPLE DOG DARE U.
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murdermeadow · 9 months
Okay, here's something I'd REALLY love to hear. Thoughts on Joran!
he is so perfect. well. obviously not perfect but, of course, he's an amazingly written character. his reveal as Consul J was INSANE, I never expected it (rewatching cutscenes and looking back with hindsight was one of the craziest things after finding out... he's literally been there the Whole Time but never said anything until he found the chance to).
I think his turn to villainy makes sense, seeing how he constantly felt sidelined, and just so very desperately wanted to mean something to the others. all his friends were phenomenal in their fields, and he was just... Joran. he felt like a constant burden on them, always weighing his friends down. he never felt like he could fly. so the fact that Moebius was able to manipulate him into becoming one of them makes complete sense and is honestly so fitting!!! they promised him that if he continued on in the endless now, then he could redeem himself and gain the strength to be just like the rest. he wouldn't have to be weak anymore. the fact they paired him up with Dirk is so fascinating to me as well. cuz like, Dirk's some homicidal absolute abomination of a person, and yet he was paired with this vengeful child. his wickedness allowed for Joran to only plummet further into those depths of despair and feelings of inferiority. with this stronger, more despicable man, he could be strong. Dirk could teach him how to "fly" (it's in quotation marks because it isn't true flight, it's a desperate mockup for a strength that can only be found from within.)
the dynamic between him and Lanz hurt me SO MUCH too. Lanz wants to care for and protect everyone all the time, especially Joran, but since he could never help himself and never realized his true worth, he ended up getting on Lanz's nerves. because he knows that Joran is worth so much more than what he says or believes, and it aggravates him to see his friend not realize that. their final scene together is so bittersweet. the fact he never got to apologize for the longest time was utterly heartbreaking too.
and speaking of that final scene... god, it was perfect. seeing him finally snap out of that Moebius induced mania was so incredibly refreshing, I was cheering in my seat as I watched. it took him so long to realize his worth, but he got there. he did it in the end, and sacrificed himself so that his friends that he cherishes so very deeply could continue along their path. the way they gave him, and the rest of the Keves crew closure was so incredibly beautiful. such an amazing sequence. also, the fact they tortured Dirk with it all the while was amazing (Eunie totally deserved the revenge).
overall, I think he's absolutely amazing. despite being a secondary character, he was incredibly influential and his ties to everything that happened were insane to think about after finishing his arc.
also, this one comes with an extra doodle too. awhile ago I was thinking about him, and wondered what it'd be like if he got the chance to properly grow up (and it made me a bit emotional tbh fjskdj), so I doodled up a design for his older self
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I think he'd rock the longer hair..
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
when did you start watching the anime (also how/why)
and how many episodes do you watch per day to go that fast??? (im asking because im genuinely impressed)
It's a funny story, I think-
Basically, I was hanging out months ago (like, the start of this year?? End of last year?? I think??) with my brother and his friend at his friend's house and they were like "Oh! What if we watch One Piece? The first episode, cmon, Robin!" and I was like: "Fuck, no. Shit's too long. Not watching all that. I'm sure it's cool and you two love it but I'm sooo not getting into this". But then they wouldn't stop insisting and the show started playing out of nowhere and, like, I just wanted to eat my salad so I guess I just didn't care if they made me watch a few episodes. The salad was really good, btw.
Anyway: I watched the first two episodes and I kind of?? Fell in love?? With everything about it??? Luffy was so charming and early OP is amazingly beautiful in all the ways. I kind of miss the energy, honestly, sometimes. But I loved it. I laughed. And I was like "Oh, okay. This is good. I'm probably not watching the rest because there are a lot of episodes but, like, cool show, guys!"
Spoiler: I did watch the rest.
But I didn't watch more until February. I was on my period and when I'm on my period I get really, really sick and I feel like shit in general. And I wanted to watch something to distract myself from that torture. So I asked my brother where he watched the show in Catalan (here in Spain/Catalonia it's also dubbed in Catalan and let me tell you, it's one of the best dubs I've seen. It's SO good) and I started watching it for real then.
The thing is, I was really, really slow watching the show because I was studying at the time and I could only watch at night sometimes and in between classes or whenever the teacher wasn't in class (or, you know, I just did it without the teachers noticing. The hyperfixation was growing). Besides, I started talking to my brother's friend more and more and more (now he's kind of like my best friend??? What the fuck lmao) and I literally told him every fucking thing that happened so, yeah, I wasn't quick watching the anime at the time. I would've probably caught up by now if it wasn't because I didn't have much time to watch it then.
Then I started Arabasta, and ever since, me and my friend have been watching the show together on Discord (I started watching it in Japanese and subbed, then). We watch the show every single night (except when we're busy, but it doesn't happen often) and we usually watch, like, 6-10 episodes every day. That's the average amount, but we've pulled all-nighters before when we've watched like 20 episodes during the night (we watched Marineford like that and we kind of did that too with WCI).
I think I don't go THAT fast tbh I could watch more every day if it wasn't because I watch the show with him only because it's sort of an 'us' thing. Now I'm on episode 1015, so I guess I'll catch up with the anime soon! Then I'll catch up with the manga and then I'll cry because I'll have to wait for episodes/chapters every week. What a torture.
TL;DR: I started watching in February, because my friend and my brother told me to and I fell in love with the show, and I watch 6-10 episodes every day unless I'm busy or I pull an all-nighter.
Fun fact: I watched the Baratie arc exactly on Sanji's birthday this year. I think he was truly meant to be my favorite character.
Oh, and the only reason I wasn't online commenting on my experience watching it before is because I physically stopped myself from looking for content because I didn't want to get spoiled. When I got to post-time skip, I created this side blog!! So, if you want a lil bit of a timeline: Started watching in February, got to post-timeskip in September when I created this blog (so 516 episodes in kind of half a year) and now I'm on episode 1015 (so 499 episodes in three months). I think it's pretty obvious that I'm not studying anymore and I'm just working 20 hours a week, huh.
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