#it's annoying to deal with lmao
orcelito · 2 years
Sometimes i look at statistics for # of ppl who have had suicidal thoughts / etc & I'm just kinda like. "There's No Way it's that low, right?"
Guys I think I have a normalized mindset that might not be entirely healthy
#speculation nation#suicide ment/#NO IT'S NOT HOW IT USED TO BE. im fine for the most part.#but it still feels so normal to me lmao and apparently it is not in any way normal#or at least. shouldnt be.#majority of people apparently never even consider it as an option#meanwhile theres me with my longstanding philosophy of like#'if i lose literally every single person who cares about me then yea im killing myself lol'#BUT it works the other way too where so long as i got ppl who care about me. even just one person. imma keep living#that's what got me outta my teen years and im just keeping going with it#the underlying idea being that if i get to the point where i have lost literally every person who cares about me#i probs have some Pretty Big Problems so the wish would inevitably be there anyways lol#but yea uhhhhh yea. it's much more quiet than it was when i was a teen and thank god for that#it's annoying to deal with lmao#but it's still so normalized in my mind. i can end up muttering some rly concerning shit to myself when im really really mad or frustrated#primarily at work lol. as it goes.#then again ive always had a screw loose & bad ex just rly knocked it out of order lol#patched it up with duct tape and gorilla glue. slaps the top of this hunk of barely functional meat. this babey sure can brain#....in theory lmao#sorry for the dark topic i promise im feeling fine. aside from the muscle soreness and fatigue lol#just saw a post that got me thinking about how weird & skewed my perspective is. And So It Goes.
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hualianschild · 6 months
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oh my xianle trio <//3
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acequinz · 8 days
Okay after a few more rounds of reading JC fics I am ready to choose my favourite JC ships.
1. SangCheng- JC is thriving and happy and retains his positive character while dealing with Huisang antics also he has enough space to be rough and tsundere without damage.
2. ChengYao- co parenting brought them closer or made them hate each other until they fell in love. I like when they fight for Jin Ling affection but then end up sharing affection with each other. Absolutely adorable!!! Not enough fics, I need more!!!!!
3. ChengNing- pain!!! Just pain!!! Also I have seen some interesting takes on their relationship before, again not enough fics for it. But I did like the few I read. This was also my first ship I came up with for JC because.
Notp for him.
1. XiCheng- not gonna lie I have always been a little iffy on it, since the first few fics I read where on twt for it and they didn't have tags so I got very upset by the end of it- HE WOULD NOT SAY OR DO THAT!
And sorry but after that barely any fic could make them work for me.
2. WangCheng- no serious reason I just don't think there's anyone but WWX for LWJ. I am fine with it if WWX is involved but even that doesn't exactly make me love it. I do get annoyed with it at times as well. Idk why...
Oh by the way this isn't a testament of skills of any shipper or fic writer. Just the way I vibe with ships. Not a personal attack either if anyone ships these ships.
I have just been having fun jumping around and shipping characters here and there and reading fics so I thought I would post about it.
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cerealforkart · 6 months
Closing Manga Thoughts
I just deleted a long vent post about every single one of my feelings about the end of the podcast and the manga being over. Except not really over because it looks like there's a lot more interest in a physical edition than I was expecting. Hopefully I'll see y'all in the preorders in a couple weeks once I figure out how expensive this will be to make and from there how much I want to charge.
Anyways. Please humour me for a quick moment while I make a big deal out of my thing because it might look like sixteen goofy little drawings in boxes every other week, but it's been a really big deal for me over the last year and a half. I've decided all I really want to say about the end of the manga is thank you for being a fandom I was comfortable sharing something like this with. When I first got into DnDads I had never shared fanart anywhere and I had been fallen off the creative train for a while. So thank you for being here, for engaging with the manga because without that engagement I wouldn't have bothered to see this through to the end. Thank you for allowing me to foster an interest in making comics.
I feel really peaceful now that it's over. It's hard to explain, but I was always very anxious about if people would still be interested in the next pages, if I was wasting my time, if I had phoned it in and should have tried harder. But now that it's over, now that it's complete, and I'm proud of every single page, even the ones I was kind of lazy with, I'm just very content and grateful that I was able to share this very special project, and I don't care so much about if they'll be looked back on fondly, or laughed at, or ignored anymore. It's done, and I'm happy.
Now that the manga is over, if you're ever wondering what I'm going to be doing next, I'll still be here. I have more DnDads ideas, some comics that will escape the four panel format I've been locked into for so long, and I draw One Piece stuff too sometimes, and that won't be going anywhere for a while still haha. I also have an original fantasy comic about a magic that kills you that just entered it's third chapter and you can check it out starting here on Tumblr, or on it's own website here. And if you ever want to request art from me or just support me financially, I have a ko-fi, I take requests for the low price of literally any money.
Once more, thank you. This project has been so special to me, and I'm so unspeakably grateful that it was this fandom I was able to share it with, I don't think it would have lasted, or even started anywhere else, for anything else.
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mechahero · 2 months
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//Hmmm. Not a fan of this.
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s0fter-sin · 3 months
is there any actual catharsis in the boys or is it all just suffering and scrambling for a crumb of relief
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(-3000 years ago, (LMK))
Wukong, like 350 years old: "hehe havoc in heaven"
Nezha, physically child but 500+ years older than Wukong:
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wikiangela · 4 months
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earlgodwin · 3 months
i feel like team discourse (almost in every show about dysfunctional families) has given some people permanent brain damage when it comes to ethically consuming media rather than exploring the family's inner twisted dynamics and affairs, enjoying their stories as individuals, and understanding a member's point of view when other family members misunderstood them, etc. like that's what makes these kind of shows so fun to watch and engage in fandoms
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kingofanemptyworld · 6 days
saw the dandadan movie and I’m so fuckin’ pumped for the anime to come out in October!!!
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getosugurusbangs · 8 months
seeing people say how gege (allegedly) hates gojo is so infuriating oh my god
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wish-i-were-heather · 13 days
was it casual when we knew each other since we were kids and as we became teenagers he made it clear that he liked me and wanted to ask me to the dance but never did and then kept saying my name randomly and kept staring at me to the point that my friends called him a stalker and then he got in trouble for spitting in the teachers food but when asked i said i didnt know who did it because i didnt want to be a "snitch" but then somehow i decided i liked him back but then he started to like this other girl who didnt feel the same and then he started ignoring me and not talking to me and then his you know what pic was posted on snapchat and i had to immediately retract all feelings i had for him because i realized he was a disgusting weirdo but i still see him around campus sometimes and feel awkward even if we never discussed it
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chayannesegg · 11 months
i want to defend blue team's strat bc i feel like people are (validly) annoyed by how hard to counter it was (i really think tubbo would have claimed them even if etoiles and roier hadn't glitched bc he was so well positioned [tho we'll never know weep 😭]) but if you're annoyed, congrats! that's how blue team's felt the past 2 days lol while ~technically~ they could counter by defending spawn like etoiles and roier tried to they a) don't have that many players online at that time naturally (etoiles and tubbo having to be on a 4-5am is not healthy even if possible) and b) it's VERY easy—even without doing tubbo's log strat—to have one person run in spawn and claim them all in <2 secs in the last 10 minutes and have the countdown make it impossible to counterclaim. like REALLY easy. and if they've already claimed the contracts, there is literally nothing they can do but watch the other team win which is VERY frustrating. so it's purposefully irritating/dirty strategy that protests the late login being so op. i'm pretty sure tubbo complained on day 2 that the game rewards waiting until the last 15 minutes to claim rewards unless they balanced it better. blue then lost to the same balancing issue two days in a row. and only tomorrow, on day 5 is it getting fixed. that's the slowest any balancing issue has been implemented so far!! (the % changes daily to fit the gameplay, they gave more detail on the points breakdown the day after blue asked, they added the spawn safe zone today WHILE bad was spawnkilling) blue team simply took the late login strat to its logical extreme, and i think that it really highlights why the game is changing to avoid this outcome!! but blue suffered for like 3 days from this unfairness so i, personally, think it's well-deserved for them to use it to their advantage on the last day it's possible!!
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rapidhighway · 8 months
Just out of curiousity why dont you like people tagging your sonic and shadow art as ship? Feel free not to answer if you dont want to but id like to know :} hope youre having a good weekend!
I just don't like the ship, and none of my art shows them being romantic, so if people read that as ship it would be first of all really annoying, and second of all, imagining things that arent there and that I didn't mean to put in the artwork xd this isn't what my art of them is about is it. It's also a very popular ship so there's a higher possibility people aren't going to be normal about these two in together in the shot. I usually don't need to worry about people tagging other ships because barely anyone does that anyway xd
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coldercreation · 4 months
brb about to go down a research rabbit hole lol
Question of the day!
Why is showing ‘disinterest’ such prevalent thing when it comes to building friendships and relationships?
I have talked about this here before in my rants lol, but it just always frustrates me. Like, you know those arbitrary ‘rules’ in dating that you shouldn’t show too much interest or get in touch too soon, or be too ‘intense’ or interested? Like, obviously don’t be a stalker and read the room etc, but I mean if you're just a regular and safe 'well-adjusted' person, why is you showing genuine effort and interest seen as a bad thing (I don't mean love bombing, that's a whole different thing)? If you genuinely like each other, why is the social rule saying that you shouldn’t show that? Same goes with friendships, why is showing interest in the person you want to get to know sometimes, somehow, a bad thing? To a point that some people can get put off by that effort someone is showing to get to know them? Not saying everyone is like this, because I know there are so many people who aren’t. And plenty people also disregard these social rules because they aren’t actually concrete rules. 
This is just a social construct and I’m trying to figure out why it is, because it seems counter productive? By what logic does it work? How are you supposed to make friends/date, if them showing interest in you makes you exit the relationship/ghost/breadcrumb?
How long are we supposed to only talk in one line texts about surface level stuff, to avoid being too much/too intense, before it’s acceptable? How do you know you’re following the same social timelines with the people you’re trying to get close to, when there’s no actual set rules? Someone might think you have to wait three days after a date to get in touch, but someone else will get offended if you take longer than two. But the next day or the same day is too desperate to some folk? And I'm talking about this from the point of view of someone who doesn't have trouble reading social cues/expectations. Can't even imagine dealing with this mess if that wasn't the case. Like what's the point of having these 'rules' if it just makes things more difficult for everyone? :')
These rules, technically, don't need to exist at all. It's all made up, based on... Something? We can always dismiss them ourselves but I'd like to know why they came to be and why we keep upholding them. I want to know the social purpose y'know? Is it a safety thing? Protecting yourself and not wanting to be vulnerable? That'd be valid, of course. But it does seem self sabotaging as it blocks people from actually making the connections they say they want to have?
I’ve been trying to find any research on the social behaviour regarding this, but I’m not sure what to even look up lol. Especially because I think the way we interact and behave has changed so much just in the last five years even. 
I just find it so curious that there’s so many headlines about loneliness epidemic, but people also recoil away from others when someone does show them genuine interest and wants to talk to them.   
I’ve had this initial ‘disinterest’ stage happen in the friendship context more. Also sudden, out of nowhere, communication ending/ghosting disinterest when trying to make friends (like please hurt my heart some more I beg u lmao). I haven’t really dated in the last few years so I don’t personally know how that field is at the moment, but I know ghosting is really common and people actively try to hold back from showing interest at first, even if they are reallyreally interested.
Maybe I’ll try looking more into the effects on social media etc, there’s a lot about ghosting in that context. But I just feel like it’s not quite what I mean, because I feel this disinterest phenomenon thing is separate from ghosting. 
Anyway! Happy Sunday loll xx
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karouvas · 9 months
As a Kandreil enjoyer and known Kandrew lover, I think it’s weird and embarrassing as hell when Kandreil/Kevin stans who’s least favorite pairing in it is Andreil try to frame them prioritizing each other more and more as the series goes on as somehow insidious or toxic. Like, you can dislike the direction For Sure and wish it was written differently, but be honest that it’s because of Kevin being your favorite (perfectly valid, I also react disproportionately when my favorite character is hurt by something narratively vs when it’s other chars even if I like/love them) and has nothing to do with *problematic messages about romance* (BAH!) or whatever you are trying to frame it as being the concern instead. 
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