#it's been pretty much unused this whole time since I really do not need 2
witchcraftingboop · 1 year
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Today, Lily and I are having a quiet morning in. Her plans appear to be - now that her morning tyranny run is over - cuddling and bringing me occasional mouse toys. As for me, I'll be rereading this cute, relaxing story about a 30yo woman, who lives in a cozy af book cafe, falling in love and living quietly in her new world. I just got in the fifth and final volume on my splurge Thursday, so I figure a reread is in order. Stg there's nothing better than a hot, homemade latte and a manga set in a book cafe. We are at maximum comfort this morning
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actualaster · 3 months
Since @friendly-peep asked how I make them. :3
Original recipe (it's been altered a lot since) I got from my Italian grandma who didn't measure anything so none of this has actual measurements, sorry--I never do either, I just Vibe. Keep in mind pretty much all of this is "to taste" so you can add or remove various ingredients if you know how you like your stuff seasoned.
I've got some notes by the ingredients because multiple of them I use specific preparations for sensory or energy issues due to chronic fatigue and wanting to save myself the energy of prepping certain things.
Ground Beef (The variety I use specifically is 80% lean, 20% fat.)
Minced garlic (I use the jar stuff mostly, I don't really notice a big difference when using fresh)
Ground sage
Powdered/ground rosemary (You can probably use the needles, I use this for texture sensory issues)
Ground black pepper
Table salt
Crushed dried basil (you can use fresh! I use this for energy and convenience reasons)
Crushed dried marjoram
Bread crumbs (I use a store-bought "Italian seasoned" mix)
Water (original recipe used tomato sauce, but one of my family members has a tomato allergy so I use water instead and it works well)
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Preheat the oven to 350 Fahrenheit/177 Celsius
Grease up some glass cooking pans (you can probably use nonstick cooking sheets instead, I just haven't myself). Depending on the amount you make and the size of your pans/cooking sheets, you may need just one or you may need several.
Get a good-sized bowl to mix everything together in! Always err on the side of larger rather than smaller, it's way easier to avoid mixing issues in an oversized bowl than an undersized one. If making a lot of meat, feel free to split it between more than one bowl or to do it in batches!
Make sure you have all your ingredients to hand--double check before handling the meat!
Start adding all the ingredients to the bowl(s). I personally like to layer down meat, then sprinkle the rest of the dry ingredients in, then layer more meat, more dry ingredients, etc. Once all the meat is in the bowl(s) pour in the water (or tomato sauce).
Adding the fluid is usually the hardest part, you can't have too much or too little. If you're unused to making stuff like this, it might be better to make a few smaller batches where you experiment to get a feel for how much you need. Too much and they'll be mushy, too little and they'll crumble and be hard to work with.
Mix it all up! I do this by hand, do it carefully--it's really easy to overmix and then they get kind of tough. This is where I find bigger bowls are helpful, easier to get it all mixed together. This is also why I find layering the ingredients helps! You get the flavor throughout without having to mix it too much.
Shape the meat into balls! Ideally I kind of try to get them golf-ball sized but they inevitably end up larger. But really it's just kind of preference. Keep in mind the larger they are the longer it will take to cook the inside properly so you might get overcooked outsides and undercooked insides if they're too big.
Place them in the pans. They can be close to each other, even pressing against each other but you don't want them squishing together too much.
Once they're all in, cook for 18-20 minutes, then check. Once you get a feel for them you can usually tell if you'll need to start at 18 or 20 depending on size.
Make sure they're cooked properly inside! If needed, put them back in for a bit. I usually do 2-4 minute increments depending on how obviously undercooked they still are. When in doubt, you can always do less time and just keep putting them back in as needed!
And that's that!
This recipe I also use for meatloaf with no alterations aside from the following steps:
Shape into a loaf
Put some oil on top of it, spread nicely over the whole thing
Cook for 18-20 minutes, then pull out and cut in half, get some oil on the newly opened inner parts
Cook for another 18-20 minutes then check with meat thermometer for correct internal temperature. Cook longer as needed.
You can also just cook it straight for about 30-40 minutes or so, but due to sensory reasons I find that I prefer the texture when I prep it like this.
You can make both the meatballs and some meatloaf from this at the same time, too--I often do because if I'm making a lot then by the end I don't have the pan space for a bunch of meatballs but I can slap a loaf in that space easily!
I'm aware most people use an egg, my grandma never included one so I never did and I've liked the taste and texture well enough I never bothered experimenting with adding any, personally.
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
Super first world problem rant:
I am almost out of my favorite anti-perspirant/deodorant. I use Lume after a shower but I also use anti-perspirant on subsequent days, before the gym, etc, because I don’t like to feel sweaty. The Lume is great when I’m not doing things to sweat and helps cut back on bad smells, really great for non-armpit areas especially, but it’s also expensive. So yeah, Lume after showers + additional antiperspirants as needed has been my go-to for a while now.
I’ve tried a lot of deodorants previously. I am, apparently, picky, and I rarely use up whole deodorants because I a) don’t use them super often with the Lume, and b) won’t use them regularly if I don’t like them. Spray deodorants make me sneeze and I hate how they feel going on. I tried them once and never again plan to use them. Solids are traditional and what I always used growing up, but they seem to get a film or something on that’s similar to hard pan on makeup. A lot of these also make me feel sick for some reason. It’s the smell- I’m not sure why but the smell just feels off, too strong, or somehow just gross most of the time. The most recent offender is also the worst: the Secret Sweet Nectarine solid tube. I want to vomit every time I use it, so of course I don’t use it unless I can’t find any other one, and even when I do use it, the “hard pan” film makes it pretty much useless anyway. 0/10, will never repurchase.
I recently-ish tried a clear gel (twists up like a solid but gel comes out of holes), more specifically the Secret one in a berry scent. I’ve had it for a while- probably was on sale or something tbh. I LOVE it, and I’m out. Like, I have to use that awful solid sweet nectarine that makes me feel horribly nauseous every time I smell it. This was particularly annoying because I ran out while traveling for that overstimulating wedding.
I placed a Walmart+ order last night for delivery today because in addition to needing more deodorant, I also needed conditioner and drink mix stuff (since water is gross, I said what I said). I try to avoid going in because Walmart is the further store away from us and I always get overstimulated just driving there. Can I do it? Yes. Do I ever want to? Fuck no.
Anyway, I was really excited because the secret gel deodorant has some kind of $4 back on 2 thing going on, which is a decent deal for something I wanted anyway. They have multiple scents- coconut, cocoa butter, water Lily, rose (ew), berry, vanilla, ocean breeze, lavender (also Ew). I was going to get the berry, waterlily, coconut, and vanilla, but with everything else it felt like a lot of money all at once (especially given how it can take me over a year to finish a tube), so I just got the berry and waterlily.
Walmart shopper couldn’t find the berry one for some reason and I had to approve a substitution. Wanna know what they wanted to sub it with?
Sweet. Fucking. Nectarine.
I had two option: decline the substitution, being left with just one tube and I wouldn’t get the sale deal, or I could accept it. I couldn’t see any place to request literally any other scent, like the coconut or vanilla. If I denied it, I would likely end up where I am now again- out of my preferred one and have to either smell awful to everybody else and feel gross or smell nauseating to myself.
The $4 back is good enough to almost cover another tube later on so I just accepted the substitution but i was pretty upset. I see where they were thinking- trading a fruit scent for a fruit, makes sense, especially as I wasn’t able to like, add in a secondary scent preference or whatever. So I’m not mad at the Walmart shopper. Just the situation anyway, because now the likelihood that 1 of my deodorants will be nauseating and maybe unusable is higher. I already gambled on the waterlily since I usually don’t like florals and just wanted to try it, so it’s like swapping out my safe scent for something also potentially disastrous.
They just delivered my order, and not only is there the sweet nectarine one, but the waterlily deodorant is a mf solid. Because I, like the exhausted dumbass I am, didn’t double check the listing when I added it to my cart.
So basically I just bought like 1-2 years of deodorant that I don’t like 🙃 since I’m never “going that way” and returns in general stress me out, I don’t feel empowered enough to make a return and get what I really want. If I complain to my husband, he won’t understand why I can’t return it and will get annoyed I’m complaining. If I ask for new ones, he’ll raise his eyebrows and say why when we just bought new deodorant?? Which means I’ll have to tell him I don’t like what I got and feel like I can’t return it which would then further cause an argument. I could probably get new ones near Christmas without it being weird to him. But I still feel relegated to using deodorants I hate for the next several months.
Is it a first world problem, and am I privileged to be able to afford and access deodorant in general? Yes. Am I especially privileged that I can access a wide variety of them? Of course. Am I still entitled to be annoyed with this situation? I think so.
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syrupyy · 2 years
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lilybell cookie and candy diver cookie uploaded to cookie comic creator, cookie run comic studio and cookie simulator!! but i know these update comics don't get the numbers they used to, so i'm gonna take this opportunity to talk about this - why the process of adding new cookies takes so long, and why i'm the only person that can do it
this time around i got a lot of offers to help, which - while appreciated - i could not accept, because there's a lot of specific work that needs to be done to add a new cookie to the ovenbreak section
i'm pretty sure i mentioned this before, but all work on the ovenbreak section is bottlenecked by cookie comic creator. the python script to convert ovenbreak's data download into a set of sprites usable by the site was put together in a matter of days nearly a year ago, and the process is very slow - and i usually have to run it multiple times, since i often get some sprites wrong the first time and the only way to change sprites other than hand-removing them from the sprite list file is to recompile everything
i planned to rewrite this whole process for cookie run comic studio, but two things happened: 1. some people continued to use the old site instead of the new one, especially in a couple specific countries - most notably, cookiecomiccreator.co gets 3x as many users from south korea as cookierun.comic.studio does 2. i started to realize that the only improvements i could really make to this build process would be to make it faster/multi-threaded and add a way to only modify certain sprites. which cookie comic creator USED to have something for, until i added a new feature that required everything to be recompiled every time again and because of this i kinda lost my motivation to rewrite the build process, since the current process does still work even if it takes an hour of busywork to do each time
that's not the only thing that stops this however. the reason i was unable to make good on my promise to get this done yesterday was because i've also been running into issues just getting the files, as it relies on an android emulator to download the game data and well you know how unreliable those can be as my current setup doesn't have a working google play store, i have to redownload the apk every update, and each time something goes horribly wrong in the process either in the installation breaking or the data not copying over to my computer properly/not playing well with the python script requiring some editing to work again
this time the issues were so bad that by the time i had gotten the game data, it was nearly 3 am and i needed to go to sleep or risk not being able to do so because of how poor my sleep schedule is now, unlike people offering to get all the individual sprites for me, i COULD actually start accepting donations of game data, since that i can guarantee will be used correctly. it's just that i don't just need the spritesheets, but also the .plist files that provide all the information on how to decompile them, and additionally i also need the sprites and .plists for the lobby sprites, the "duel sprites" (unused high-res cookie jump/run sprites that are nice to have), exhausted sprite, any new story sprites/usable backgrounds and new jellies. all of which is way too much to ask of anyone else when all i have to do is download the game files myself and manually adjust until everything works
this is all not to mention the timing of updates - usually they drop late at night, when i've already done a bunch of work for the day and am too exhausted to take the time to figure out everything i need to do to get new ovenbreak sprites in. i can make promises to have them done the next day, but by coincidence these updates usually drop right before a day where i'm forced to take time off from working - for context, i take medicine for my adhd, and because of the serotonin tolerance buildup it induces i cannot take it for more than 6-7 days in a row without it losing its effectiveness on me - so i'm forced to take a day off every week, or i'll risk not being able to work for even longer. and without my medicine it's hard for me to get myself to sit down and run a python script then comb through hundreds of images and repeat for an hour
i apologize if this post comes off at all whiny - i'm happy to be helping out the fandom with this site, and i love being able to treat this as a part time job thanks to the support i get from it!! but, since i keep such a high standard of quality for the comic creators, and since i get so many people offering to help, i figured i'd put all the information out there at once at some point in the future, i'll finally get around to rewriting this build process, and i'll also open source it so that those who want to give it a shot themselves can do so. but for the time being, i choose to put myself through this for the sake of quality - i hope you can forgive the time it takes
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demonsfate · 8 months
I feel like Tekken 4 having Heihachi be the final boss again was because that game was trying to back to being normal-ish, thus Orge and everything Devil is only mentioned, and in the case of the Devils, only seen in Kazuya and Jin's arcade endings.
And with the roster, were it me, I'd have Anna, Bruce, Gun Jack, and Kunimitsu be part of the returning cast, since I think the game would only need one more column to have it feel fuller to where the random select icon is in the middle, and out of them (except Anna who I'd have from the start to fully switch the roles with Nina of who gets unlocked), one could be an extra unlockable to make up for shifting the random select icon to the middle as it'd be a 5X5 box instead.
Granted I don't think there's much to go with in terms of known concept art and the unused names like Sugar McGregor, with the only one we have some idea behind is Dean Earwicker as the original name for Steve before they changed it, so I can't just say "new character here too".
As for Bosconovitch in Tag Tournament, I assume him and Dr. Abel were going to share a slot like Angel/Devil and Alex/Roger, and play the same but adjusted since "the lying down on the floor or only ducking when stood up before falling" gimmick of Bosconovitch would have been annoying to Arcade players who didn't get it, but I imagine they were cut because Dr. Abel had no reason to fight where Bosconovitch was just a joke playable initially, and because Dr. B's combat data was never in the arcade version of Tekken 3 which Tag 1 was based on, so he got cut because the time needed to implement him.
Though I would have loved if the PS2 version included him and the Tekken Fighters, but Tag 1 as a whole is weird anyway given they use the Tekken 1 & 2 Nina/Anna voice for Angel when she got a unique voice for the PS1 release of Tekken 2, thus my theory of not having the stuff to implement console stuff into an updated arcade release.
That cooooould be true considering Tek4 was doing a few New Things. (Such as the terrain being at different levels). Buuuut... Tekken 1 was really the only "normal-ish" one with a Normal Boss. Tekken 2, we immediately get a devil as the last boss, who we can play as along with an angel. I believe the team said they threw in bears and devils because they wanted to be "fun" and differentiate themselves from Virtua Fighter. So, having zany characters and bosses feels a bit more established for the IP. Buuuuuuuut. Also considering how all of Tek4's levels were very grounded in reality, that also supports the idea that they just wanted a "normal" boss for the game. But as I've pointed out, the exclusion of mainstays like Anna, Jack, and Armor King also feels like they're evidence that something happened during development - either budget or time restraint issues. So who really knows about that... it's why I'd like to learn more about the development process! The Cutting Room Floor doesn't have much info on the games even when compared to the Sims console games, which have a lot more interesting stuff on the pages.
All the websites I've visited cited Sugar as Steve's original name. As well as one being "Ryan Lewis," which was for Steve, too. WHICH I would've found to be funny given Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Just how there are two other very Brazilian female names, which were pretty evident they were Christie's original names, too. And Violent who was gonna be called Benjamin for some reason...?
Yeah, that makes sense. But regardless, it would've been interesting to see other nonfighter characters like Dr. B, Abel, Sebastian, and Jane all be in the roster of a future Tag game. Of course, modern fighting games rarely have huge rosters anymore due to the strain of them. (Making sure every character is balanced and fun to play as, etc) But would've been fun to see just a Tag roster that's JAM PACKED with characters! Even if some would've been silly, It would've been entertaining regardless!
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ixiraider · 2 years
Inactivity has honestly been caused by the fact that I just am not playing Neopets anymore, sadly. I just can’t take it. The NFTs were basically the final straw for me, but honestly the FINAL final straw was the fact that immediately after the NFT nightmare Neopets released another ugly looking third party shovelware app that is completely detached from what the userbase has ever asked for and will do nothing to bring in any new players either. Like, it’s just all BS. Still no real artists to produce anything major for the site, stolen art on and off for years, the reliance on fan designs for the best new pet colors in the recent years, lying to players about UCs and when caught lying red handed announcing that they’ll sell UCs for microtransactions (lol), no new content on the actual site aside from 1 new color and 1 new outfit per pet day and the constant microtransaction lootboxes, laughably poor quality merch, the site is still completely fucking unusable in the beta state of its redesign which is a whole other can of worms I don’t even want to get into, and I STILL CANNOT SEE MY OWN PETS ON HALF THE SITE BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT BEEN DECONVERTED FROM FLASH YET. I cannot view my pets on their own PET LOOKUPS. The *only* place that other users can see my pets’ petpets (which I spent a shitload of time saving up and trading for...), let alone the descriptions for my pets when character development and world building is a major aspect of Neo for me, is completely unusable. And Neopets is out here funneling money into NFT projects that are even more out of touch than most NFTs and shovelware phone apps that barely run and will never leave beta. I just can’t take it, man. It’s genuinely not fun anymore. It has been well over a year since Flash died, after WAY more time to prepare before that, and the site still awkwardly jumps between the old layout and the new one on popular pages. Like, the new features page is still old layout. That’s totally unacceptable. I don’t blame TNT, I really don’t, I think they are doing basically everything they can with the incredibly limited resources they’ve been allocated, but NetDragon/JumpStart have fucked up the site beyond repair, imo. It’s a dead site that would need a complete and total overhaul to revive at this point. People keep recommending new sites like those ClassicNeo or whatever retro Neo clones but frankly I’m just not really interested that much in that... I’m not just looking for a Neopets clone, I just want to be able to actually play Neopets and not see the IP get permanently fucking killed by poor management, lol.
It sux cuz I have legit been playing Neo pretty consistently since 2003. I have pets who are almost 2 decades old. Literally old enough to vote. I have put so much time and effort and MONEY into this site and I just cannot even find the energy to log in and check in anymore honestly. I still scroll thru the Neopets tags on here and rb fanart and funny stuff I see, I still keep up to date with current Neo events via JellyNeo, and I still have an insane amount of nostalgia for a Neopets long gone, but I just do not have any excitement for what is currently happening with the website. It’s just not fun anymore.
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Dream Analysis of Mugen Ressha
Spoilers for the movie, while it does not depart from the plot of the manga, they made adaptational choices which I may refer to within.
While Enmu has control over what kind of dream his victims see, ultimately, he would have no way of knowing all of the details of his victims' lives, so we can assume that he is prompting his victims to fill in a lot of the details themselves. These are the worlds they surround themselves with consciously, but their untouchable unconscious spaces say just as much.
I've said some of this before, but these dream sequences give us so much to say about Inosuke, Zenitsu, Kyojuro, and Tanjiro.
Into the dream: Did that "Rengoku-aniki" thing really happen???? It's animated like a fever dream (or drawn like a typical Gotouge-being-Gotouge panel), but both the movie and the manga leave this inconclusive. It can be interpreted two ways: 1. The two other demons were there all along as decoys, set to appear only when Enmu's blood technique slowly started to take effect so that they'd let their guard down. In this way, we'd know that the boys had a true way of witnessing Kyojuro's prowess and a true bonding moment, thereby making his death hit all the harder later. This would also mean that one of the cars was totally unusable for passengers, and many of the passengers were already thoroughly spooked before falling into sleep. It would also imply that they were all super excited, thoroughly relieved, returned to their seats, and then just passed out.
2. The moment the tickets were clipped, Enmu's very, very, very realistic dreams took immediate effect, but he still needed time before it took effect enough that their guards would go down. If this is the case, then it implies the following: 1. Enmu's illusions can be shared 2. Everyone syncs extremely well together to have all been sucked in by the same illusion (it's possible it was only Tanjiro's, but since we get in everyone's heads a little in this part, I believe they all experienced the same thing). Reacting in ways so true to how they would in waking like, they learned as much about each other as truthfully as they would have if they were fighting while awake. 3. The "Rengoku-aniki" thing is the moment they're falling into a deeper stage of sleep, when any bizarre thing will make sense. They've lost any sense of holding back and are embracing the emotions as they hit them. Even if that was all a dream, the bond formed was very real. But then, as they fall deep, they fall into their own headspaces. Inosuke: I love how bombastic this dream is. It moves at a very fast pace, and everything revolves around Inosuke. He is physically much larger than Ponjiro, Chuuitsu, and Pyonko, who clearly follow him as their leader, the most powerful person in this cave exploring world full of wonder and excitement. True to life, these underlings can at times be frustrating or stupid, but there is no one else Inosuke would rather have at his side to take on a hugely impressive foe. It's a relatively simplistic world, what Inosuke really cares about is his place in it, and who is there.
Taking it a step deeper, he should not be able to manifest in his self-conscious space, but Gotouge attributes his and Zenitsu's ability to do this and protect their cores from intruders to their strong senses of self. What's telling is that his subconscious space is practically identical to his conscious dream space; like there is no breakage between one stage of reality and the next. In its Zen-like simplicity Inosuke's mind is never at odds with itself, its interpretation of reality is fluid and seamless. However, being at this deeper state brings us to a deeper state of self actualization, with Inosuke manifesting closer to the ideal beast he views himself as.
Now, with Inosuke being so fully invested in what he sees as reality, he's still got a carry-over effect from dream after waking up, which one could interpret as not having fully shaken the effects of Enmu's blood technique. After all, Zenitsu simply never broke out of it, Tanjiro had to kill himself in his dreams each time to fully snap out of it, and Kyojuro was the only one powerful enough to have broken through its effects through his own willpower. When Tanjiro says the train is a demon, he buzzes with "I was right!" (a conviction that only got stronger in his dream), and Inosuke's declarations of being the boss and Tanjiro being his underling are indignantly plentiful and he fully believes what he is saying every time he brings it up, even if he's aware that he's no longer in the cave exploring dream. But, given that Inosuke is so at peace with his own version of reality, it's also just as likely that his conviction of being The Boss was also only compounded by the dream, and all that dream did was give him a more fun setting in which to play around in. But, what was so fun about the dream, what made him sleep-giggle with pleasure, was that everyone else was finally getting with the program and recognizing him as the boss, as they should. Finally. It's so frustrating in real life that he has to keep reminding them to get it right. Get it, Santaro?? GOOD. Zenitsu: What I love here is the contrast between subconscious and conscious space. Both of them have the same theme melody, but played in very, very different ways. They also both play with the same core desire in very different ways as well. Is it so much to ask that he can just spend some time alone with the girl he loves?? If we jump straight to the pitch black unconscious space, he specifies to the intruder that only Nezuko is allowed there. Not just girls in general, not a close friend like Tanjiro, only the one girl he loves, and even then, you'd have to love someone a lot to invite them into the deepest, darkest corners of your soul. And it is a very, very, very, very dark corner. Zenitsu's spent most of his life building that dark, pessimistic personality, compounded by the treatment he's always received throughout his life and what he believes about himself at his core. He's ugly and depraved there, and very defensive. Because he holds himself in such darkness, that makes him desire the bright, happy, completely idealistic world of his conscious dream world. It's rich with detail and warm and he knows it well, that places is the first place he ever felt someone have hope for him; it's Jiichan's home, that sunny place with delicious peaches and full of clovers and lush greenery and a charming stream. Of course he'd want to show it all to Nezuko, she deserves to see such a happy, pretty place! And, while the world is idealized and happy, Nezuko is e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y cute and actually wants to hang out with him too. She's willing no hold his hand, none of the girls who dated (read: used) Zenitsu in the past were ever willing to hold his hand. He even gets to show her that he can be cool, and she likes it!! She looks him in the eyes and is totally honest about enjoying his company!!
He just wants someone to want him back. He wants to belong in the sunshine too. So, even if he had it in him to wake up from Enmu's blood technique, who can blame him for staying there? (You know, besides Tanjiro, who has been desperately screaming for them all to wake up and help him protect the passengers. Zzzzz, five more minutes, Tanjiro, zzzzzzz----) Kyojuro: This... isn't really a happy dream. Kyojuro has accepted a lot of sad parts of his reality so wholeheartedly that he doesn't seek the comfort of a dream in which his mother is still alive, or a dream in which his father is proud of him. Instead, what Kyojuro was looking for was the chance to go back and say more to Senjuro. This implies that on the real day he knelt in that room, while his father faced away and read the book* while Kyojuro told him all about how he defeated Lower Moon Two and became a Pillar, and was met with his father's heartbreakingly unenthusiastic reply, he later went outside and...
...didn't say any words of comfort to Senjuro.
This regret, that he didn't do more for his brother whom he knew was hurting in his own silent ways this whole time, was what sat most bothersomely in Kyojuro's otherwise peacefully self-assured psyche (or fired-up psyche, if you go by his subconscious space) . It makes sense that in his dying wishes, the first thing he requests is that Tanjiro do this in his stead. *Speaking of that book, Kyojuro had forgotten about it until his memories pulled together to create the details of the dream, which was why he thought to mention it to Tanjiro later. This shows that Enmu is not an architect of people's dreams, he only sets them in motion. How believable they are depends on each victim. (Totally unrelated, I love the design of the Rengoku estate's garden??? It's primarily evergreen and unflowering trees, meaning it stays relatively steadfast throughout the year, a garden designed in samurai villa taste. Plus the details of the house also fit really well, I think??? Would need to review research of buke-yashiki architecture to say more.) Tanjiro: ...*deep breath* This boy really, really wants to go home. Like, the climax of the movie is amazing and all, but it's the scenes with Tanjiro's family that make me cry. Ugh, where do I start. Enmu probably just grabs on to whatever thread of a desire a person has, and then he just tugs on it and says "this way, let's go really far in this direction, show me where it goes, hmm, okay, nice, lovely. Have fun here, I've now seen enough to write my own angsty version for later." So... so I'm just going to work backwards a moment. Enmu screwed up here, thinking he could really read the depth of Tanjiro's family and his feelings for them. He thought he could make a convincing version of these "characters" cry and shove Tanjiro around and speak meanly to him and make him feel shame. And the cut to that dream, OH MY GOSH, truly horrific sound and color change. But Tanjiro's sees through it so fast that he wakes up immediately and uses that anger at how Enmu wrote them to cut off his "head." You screwed up, Enmu, you blew it, maybe other people would very so blown down by the shock that they wouldn't question how unreal that dream sequence is, but Tanjiro has honed his fighting spirit so much that it's been nagging him even throughout his happy dream. And he really, really, really wants to stay in that happy dream. Like, even though he's on guard at the beginning, so much so that he only focuses on the familiar feeling of a demon being around and does not notice the familiar landscape AT ALL. But the moment Hanako and Shigeru step in, convincingly made from Tanjiro's memories and unedited by Enmu, Tanjiro throws that all away in an instant. As he says when he's trying, after trying and trying and trying to rip himself away from the dream, he was never even supposed to had left this world. He was never supposed to had touched anything like a sword, they were all supposed to stay there together, living their simple life. If things hadn't gone wrong that one night. Tanjiro cares deeply about his mission, he's adopted his training deeply, he has serious desire to improve, which is why his subconsciously keeps trying to call himself back to reality, but it's so hard, because this is where he wants to be, and it's even harder because it feels so real. It's a little peeve of mine when families with lots of little siblings are written to be too angelic and idealistic, and there is some of that with the "let's make sembei, yaaaay" scene, but... but that's actually pretty true. I'm giving myself away with how close this hits to home, but it's a dynamic in a lot of large families, especially large families pretty happy to stay to themselves and people who live the same sort of conservative, traditional lifestyle, to foster in the older siblings some pride in taking care of the little ones and helping create that happy world for them, even if taking care of little kids can be rough. It's not to say that things are always happy and fluffy, they're not, and that's not to say even
happy kids don't resent being in a large family sometimes. But there's plenty of moments in daily life, especially in the presence of small children, that you get swept up into a sillier, happy, caretaker side of yourself, and since you all grow up with these silly moments together, you're going to naturally fall into into some silly, scripted-feeling moments of "then I'll be in charge of eating the sembei!" "no faaaaair!". So, I'll give the sembei scene a pass because that IS a moment that happens in years of moments with the same posse of kiddos around you all the time. But it's also so striking to me how each of Tanjiro's siblings, however idealized, has their own personality. The traits are so subtle but consistent and Tanjiro knows all of them. They pick up on things about each other, they grow realistically annoyed and surprised and concerned and scared like they would if they were real instead of only Tanjiro's memories of them. Those kids feel so real to me, even if they are annoyingly overidealized in some parts as Tanjiro is letting himself get swept away. And just when he's managing to part from it to go face reality, Enmu makes more attack: he brings in Nezuko, trying to make it feel like there's no point in Tanjiro running at all. She's fine. There's nothing left for him to fight for. Everything's fine. And all over again, Tanjiro just stops. He KNOWS it's not real, but he's hurting so much to hear her voice again that he just sto-o-o-o-ps. And his desire to stay with the others catches up to him all over again, and he's tempted all over again to stay, EVEN KNOWING IT'S NOT REAL and there are very, very, very pressing matters to attend to. Even if it was all a little happy and idealized, more than anything, it felt like life always did. It's telling that when Tanjiro finally, FINALLY pulls away from that that time, he doesn't look back, and the family stops chasing him. This is Tanjiro accepting reality, however much it hurts. He's already had a couple years to accept this, but it was all overwhelming to get such a vivid taste of it again.
Tanjiro wants to do well to his organization and honor Urokodaki's training and avenge the fallen and prevent anyone else from being hurt and see an end to Kibutsuji Muzan and make Nezuko human again, but more than anything, he wants that simple life. And it's so, so heartwarming that at the end of the manga, he gets it.
It's not the same. It'll never be the same.
He never wanted a life with a sword, but he's been working so hard at it anyway.
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thefanbasewhore · 3 years
“Are you drunk?”
Summary: [Number 50 from the prompt list: “Are you drunk?” “Not nearly enough.”] Contains season 2 spoilers. Din is having a hard time letting go of Grogu but reader is always there to help him. Din realizes just how much he needs a hug.
Warning/Content: Alcohol consumption, fluff, angst, drunk Din. Din is uncharacteristic and soft in this. Unestablished relationship but there are feelings there.
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It’s been days since the child had been returned to the Jedi and Din has been gone for close to the same amount of time. While he vowed he’d be back, that he would never be able to part with you as well.. it was doubtful, every minute felt like an hour, with no communication it’s amazing you lasted this long already. It’s hard to blame the man for wanting to be alone, the first person he’s cared about in years is gone, and it weighs heavy but then again before you and Grogu all he knew was the lingering silence that came with it, so being alone wasn’t that bad.
Just the way he walked that day was different, feet move heavily not steady and silent, the helmet never goes back on, he feels restricted enough, Boba’s ship was filled with a silence that made everyone tense, no one dared speak. 
It hurts though, the Mandalorian has always been at your finger tips, so close but so far. It’s back and forth, while he would love nothing more then to admit he can’t live without you. Grogu has always been the first priority, there was never time to fully act on such feelings. There were shaky moments of meaningful touches, almost kisses but something seemed to always get in the way and now it seemed like your biggest regret. Fearing the worst that something had happened, you’d never feel those lips against your own or worse..
Your eyes never seem to leave the beskar staff as it still leans against the unused chair of the kitchen table… He wouldn’t leave it right? Like forever and leave you here without a word? 
His blaster which was thrown almost as simultaneously as he walked through the door mumbling he would be back still in the same spot. That was almost three days ago and now you felt your lip quiver, seriously doubting his return. But then again the Mandalorian has no promise to you, while he had admitted the harboring admiration he holds, it was never talked about, it’s too touchy, there’s always more important things to do. The Mandalorian didn’t do feelings, actually avoided them at all costs. 
The planet Boba had brought you to per Din’s request is peaceful, it’s beautiful and filled with deep forest and clear waters but it’s loud, parties parade the streets every night, drinking, laughing, bright lights that make it almost impossible to sleep as they move to the beat of the music. It’s the total opposite of what Din is, he’s quiet, calculating, hates big crowds but maybe it’s the change he was looking for, somewhere in all this chaos would hold the answers to all his questions. Somehow he felt safe enough here to keep you in the Inn by yourself for days, leaving more than enough credits for food and pretty much anything your heart would desire.
During the first day of his disappearance you decided to go shopping, there’s a small marketplace during the day when the town is peaceful, so lovely it’s almost impossible to believe that it turns into one giant rave at night. The beautiful satin dresses that lined with varies of shapes and lines, and bright strange colors that match the planet so well.
You’re wearing one now, it’s a little uncharacteristic of you. Not typically a fan of them mostly because they’re not very practical when it comes from hiding a baby from the empire especially with all the running and blaster fights but this one fits well. It’s dips into your chest, the tops of breast swells pressed against the tight fabric, thin straps across your collar bones reveal the smooth, sun-kissed skin (the beautiful land irritates your skin just a little but it’s a good sting), it shapes your curves in all the right ways, the dress ends mid thigh but the right leg has a small slit that just goes a little more further giving the illusion of beautiful, endless legs. Truthfully, you probably were never going to wear it but found yourself running out of clothes, everything you ever owned was destroyed along with the crest. 
The ending of the dress is nice though, just enough fabric for your fingers to reach and fiddle nervously while you try and read the pages of the book in front of you but you just can’t seem to concentrate, looking from words to the door with hopes today will be the day he finally makes his return. The chair is uncomfortable, unforgiving as it digs into the center of your back but it gives the perfect sight of the door, you can’t find it in your heart to move.. just in case. 
It seems as if the Maker himself has heard you as the clicking of the door lock makes you stiffen, fingers tightening around the binding of the book as you hear pounds inside your ears. The Mandalorian stumbles through the door way, movements slow and shaky as his fingers yank the helmet from his head to release his untamed, greasy hair, eye blotched with dark circles clearly exhausted but it’s the lost look as he looks at the floor confused as he really, really concentrates on walking straight, one foot in front of the other flat hands reach out to steady himself but still manages to still trip but then there’s a giggle, a small, joyful sound that makes your jaw almost drop. Never in all the months spend in the closed, tight quarters have you heard that sound.
“Are you drunk?” The words leave your lips immediately, shock written all over your features. While you never heard a giggle, there were moments close to it but never, ever did you think the Mandalorian would drink… It’s normal for anyone else but him. The small divests that form at the end of his smile, sinking in his cheeks makes it hard to breath, so handsome and he doesn’t even know it.
“Not nearly enough.” The dimpled smile points towards the floor trying to concentrate on his next step as you can’t help but think how he managed to come back to you like this. He’s distracted, hasn’t even had a few extra moments to steal a glance in your direction but when he does he almost doesn’t notice at first, looking back down but his head almost snaps back at you, eyes soften almost immediately.
He stands only a few feet away now, not hiding the way eyes shift from the softness of your thighs, up the fabric that just fits so nicely against unrevealed skin as the skirt of the dress hikes higher and higher up soft skin until it reaches the perkiness of breasts. The imagine alone is now going to be forever stained to his brain, mouth drying as you blush under his lingering gaze. “Mesh'la.”
Even through his own drunk haze he can see the confusion against the soft curve of your face as fingers reach out to your flexed knee, limp against the chair as fingers grasp it. His fingers tingle with the feeling of the smooth skin up until they reach to cup the outside of your thigh right where the dress ends, fiddling the silk of the fabric with gentle tugs.  The messy curls are now inches from your face, swollen lips from being wrapped around the rim of an open bottle for days, you try to hide the way the close proximity makes your nose wrinkle from smell of booze. Eyes lower as you mutter, “Are you alright Din?”
He chooses to ignore the words only now sinking to his knees in front of you, using his body weight to spread legs for he can fit inside them, rest his head against your lap, unsure eyes meet your own, nerves coat his throat. Lips move under your knee, a small kiss that makes your chest stop momentarily breathing, he’s never done that before.. kiss you. “It means beautiful.. I love this dress, you look pretty.”
It catches you off guard, freezes any movements except rubbing his chin against the fat of your inner thigh. It’s not sexual, anything but he’s looking for comfort,  seeking it in the warmth of your skin that molds so perfectly against his own. “Pretty girl, you always look so, so  pretty.”
The words send your skin into an absolute fit of heat but you don’t get much time to think about it before he’s turning from you, still between the warmth of your legs but now his back touches the chair as fingers nimbly pull at the chest plate of beskar letting it fall to the ground with a clatter but he doesn’t seem to care to much as he’s pulling at the laces of his boots but failing with an audible groan of annoyance. “Do you need help Din?”
“Yes pretty girl.” The nickname sticks, makes it almost impossible to meet his eyes due to the shyness that hazes over you. Standing up to move sends him back into the chair with small thump but grumbles as he sits up to watch you sit in front of him, pulling the string of the laces loosely. Skin feels hot under his gaze, never leaving the soft curve of your nose, frustration that wrinkles your forehead, the corner of his lips turning expanding across his cheeks at how cute you are?
Even though It’s been almost a week since he’s broke the creed and a long ride to take in the hard brown eyes, the cute bump on the bridge of his nose that slightly wrinkles when he smiles, like the one that touches his cheeks now. “You need to sober up Din.” 
“Mmmmmm.” He presses a finger against his temple like his brain is working extra hard to think as a goofy grin meets your gaze. “No.”
You can’t help but feel the small grin tug at your lips, eyes peering up to meet his. It hangs in the air, the lingering unspoken situation that has your own chest feeling heavy, the only reason he’s so intoxicated. Yours is heavy but his feels absolutely crushing, makes it hard to breath, to feel anything but deep numbing pain that makes his lips quiver, eyes welt with tears. Emotions were..difficult for Din, almost every day was a fighting battle to keep them at fingertips length but the quiet moments in between soft glances from you throughout the whole ride to this planet filled the gaps, snapping something inside him, suddenly he felt everything.
The loss of his son had hit him like a ton of bricks but only opened how he felt for you, it all hit him so suddenly he could barely breath, think straight, he had to get away to clear his head but his heart just hurt too much. 
“You know you can talk to me? I’m always here for you.” The words stop him for a second as he takes in the sights of you, pulling at his boots to free his aching feet. He didn’t want to talk about it, didn’t want to remember the pain the alcohol numbs, he just wanted you. Despite how much his finger twitch to touch your cheeks, pull you close against his body he’s confused, frustrated maybe? 
It makes him embarrassed, cheeks tingle pink at the thought of touching you but his hands were stained red it would taint your innocence to press them to the soft skin of your collarbones, run them over the smooth bony prominence, touch your cheeks no matter how much he wanted to. 
Sighing you lean forward, closer to his face at his silence. The internal fight is not hidden from his features, his brows creasing with thought, lip tucking into his bottom lip while unsure eyes meet his trembling hands. It’s instant, not giving yourself a second to think about it as you lean over, warmth spreads throughout his whole body as you sit on his lap, arms wrapping around his trunk until they lace together against his back, forehead resting against his neck with a sigh. “I’m here Din.”
With those three words he feels his eyes sting, chest moving faster and faster as nerves pinch his face but there’s a sudden warmth that fills his chest, makes his heart thump extra loud against ears. The crushing feeling temporarily lifted as finds himself leaning closer and closer to you until his cheek presses against your hair. Long arms closing any distance between the pair, trapping you between strong arms. It’s a soft cry one that makes you want look up to tell him everything is going to be okay but decide it’s probably best to press a small kiss against the thick tunic, right over his heart. Din Djarin has never hugged another person since he was a child but with you, all his problems seems to disappear, your smell calming nerves, your hair against his face reminding him that you’ve always been here, will never leave no matter how hard he tries to push you away. Din never realized how much he missed hugs until now. 
Soft tears drip off pink cheeks, forming in the small dips of where your clavicle and shoulder meet, the chest underneath you stutters and heaves but you can’t miss the words as they move so freely past his lips. “I haven’t hugged someone since I was a child, I’m glad it’s you pretty girl. Thank you..”
Tag list: (on my masterlist as pinned post if you would like to join) @victias​@altarsw, @coonflix​ @mudhornchronicles​ @buckysalefty​ @capsheadquarters @godohammers​ @ilikemymendarkandfictional​ @rogertaylorsfalsetogivesmehives @maileecabudol​ @fangirlmendes @mermaidbrina​ @nikkixostan​ @moonlightnumbsthepainifeel
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somecunttookmyurl · 3 years
sorry if there was another part of this post/those tags that i didn’t see but… i don’t think that doctor was trying to say that doctors know more about drugs than pharmacists do?
i’m an md also, i graduated from medical school a few years ago. and that person is right. we do learn about pharmacology and drug mechanisms and interactions in medical school. at my school (which was broken up into long blocks by body system), this was all integrated into everything else we were learning, meaning it was on every test. and it’s continued to be on every test i’ve taken since graduating. the point isn’t that we know more or even nearly as much as pharmacists about pharmacology, but that we know enough that someone who completely ignores the concept of drug interactions or the idea that different patients may metabolize certain drugs differently is a bad doctor. and i’m sorry that you’ve run across so many of them
the thing about medicine is that there is so much to know about human anatomy and physiology and disease that it’s basically impossible for any one person to know it all. medical school lays the groundwork, but there’s a reason we specialize, and spend 3-7 years in additional training in our particular field. it’s important to know what you don’t know (which is a lot, no matter what kind of doctor you are or how long you’ve been practicing). that means consulting with pharmacists when prescribing a new med or changing a dose whenever possible, just like you’d consult, say, a nephrologist when treating a patient with kidney disease. but when there isn’t a good pharmacist available, it means looking up that information yourself. i may not remember every single drug that interacts with warfarin, for example, off the top of my head, but i sure as hell know that it’s a long list and i better check everything else a patient is taking before prescribing it
anyway, good pharmacists are an incredible resource and i wish we had more of them at my hospital. and if you can’t admit that there are things you don’t know, medicine is not the field for you
yeah i've had like. no joke. 2 good doctors in 31 years. and one of them i don't even get to see again it was a one-off. but i am surgically attached to my GP until one of us dies and by god i hope i go first.
(incidentally those 2 doctors are the only ones i've ever met who even knew that differing drug metabolism on different pathways was even a thing like at all. my old psych straight up said "never heard of that, don't think that's true" even when i was presenting him with literal medical journals to the contrary like okay buddy good talk let's never do this again. i wish so much this was an uncommon experience bc i for one am tired of giving the TED talk)
readmore bc this got long
the fact you guys don't learn stuff to the same depth as pharmacists was really like my entire point. i mean, sure, you have some knowledge on it but normally pretty limited to within whatever field you practice. you've only got a limited number of brain cells. if you did have all that knowledge then pharmacy wouldn't exist as a separate degree in the first place.
so a doc coming onto that like "oh we do know side effects and get tested on interactions" is uh. i mean do you? a little, sure, but there's a limit to that knowledge by design. it's really the pharmacists who know, you know? they're the experts on it, and it kinda struck me as "i did a bit of training on this so i know everything" which is an attitude i encounter.... a lot with doctors, sadly. along with the assumption a patient can never know anything about their condition/have any input or ideas of any value/that there may be gaps in their own knowledge.
[also along with complete lack of intellectual curiosity which always baffled me like "welp, don't know what that is goodbye forever" do you not... want to know? not even a little bit? god why are you even here. if all you wanted to do was flowcharts and tick boxes there are plenty of careers in the data entry field. not quite sure why you went to medical school my man]
you sound like a good doctor. hold onto that. sadly you're more the exeption than the norm, as pretty much anybody with a chronic illness or unusal presentation/response can attest. also women, and POC.
if you've got it in you to keep at it without having a nervous breakdown (rather have you in the field than out of it babes) absolutely chew out any other doctor you catch acting like a Supreme Unquestionable Being Who Can Never Be Wrong though.
honestly? i think, genuinely, most do start out like you (you said you only graduated a few years ago right? so you're still new really) and... at some point along the way they become fucking insufferable.
i don't know if it's burnout bc it's a stressful job, or if having power over the health & wellbeing over other people eventually goes to your head, or you get stuck in "what i learned 20 years ago is still unquestionable" or "i've been doing this for years pfff i don't need to check things anymore" complacency or what but there is for sure SOMETHING that changes in a whole lotta doctors. hold on to how you practice now. be one of the few who STAY like that 10, 20, 30 years from now. please. stay curious, stay cautious, stay sharp.
i don't hate doctors (i say it jokingly, true, but don't take it personally) but i have absolutely met enough of them that don't listen, or check, or investigate that i heavily side-eye a new one until they demonstrate otherwise. you're listening to me and working with me and checking things? cool! i'm still gonna double-check anyway because even good doctors make mistakes,
but a good good doctor doesn't take offence at that anyway. i mean. it's my health you're in charge of here. remaining alive and not hospitalised is generally preferable.
hey, maybe it's a bit harsh to judge from a couple tags but coming onto a post saying that pharmacists are the real drug nerds here and doctors have limited knowledge about that (with a heavy dose of complacency a lot of the time, tbqh) so please make sure stuff is checked with "we do know about interactions we get tested on it" sent up a HUGE "i can't admit when there are gaps in my knowledge and can't handle being questioned" red flag.
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bangteamhyuk · 3 years
Moving On
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Genre: Established Relationship, Fluff, Angst, Producer! Min Yoongi
Warning: mentions of sex, angst, contains heavy argument (One Shot)
Word count: 3,850k
Synopsis: You went back with Yoongi to your old apartment before moving on to the next. While cleaning, fixing, and rummaging all of the things inside, you two began to reminisce your life when you were still building your dreams together. Until he saw his old broken piano, then reality hits the two of you.
“I’m sorry I’m late!” you tried to catch your breath after rushing on to the stairs. Three floors were pretty tough for someone bringing cleaning tools, while hoping not to disappoint the person who was waiting for you for half an hour on the other end.
Yoongi turned around and crouched down a bit to see if you are fine “It’s okay. I’m sure you have reasons” He took the broomstick from your hand and put it together with the big vacuum cleaner he was holding. He paused for a moment and smiled at the sight of a white but clear oval diamond ring you were wearing. Your engagement rings.
You quickly blushed and turned away, flustered at the sight of Yoongi smiling at you. “Bunch of Min residents. Still cracks me up” you chuckled at the stick figure faces of you and Yoongi looking mean as the welcome door mat.
“Yeah, you thought of that” he pulled out the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door.
“But you were the one who drew those faces, Yoongi Matisse” you remarked as you fixed your hair. He scoffed as he put on his hairband.
“Ready to clean our stuff?” he asked. You nodded.
Yoongi went inside first and opened the curtain from the window on the front, giving light inside the studio apartment that were filled with dusts and memories. You followed. You turned around to see cobwebs around the table occupied with pictures, knick-knacks from all the travel you two had been, and even crumpled grocery receipts hidden on the side.
“5 good years huh?” you spoke, brushing your finger on the table to see how much dirt occurred over the years.
“Uhuh, 5 good years, and now we’re ready to move out Y/N” he replied.
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“Look if we put the couch on the center, our visitor might think we’re bunch of couch potatoes. First impression last babe” you reasoned, as you sat beside Yoongi on the bare wooden floor of the room.
He shook his head “Y/N, I’m just saying that we needed to be reminded that it’s okay to rest once we get home, that’s why I was thinking that the couch should be there. Besides are we really going to admit and entertain guess here?” he gave you one tough argument that was hard not to consider.
“Ok fine, but what if I’m feeling a little frisky and want to do it while we watch TV? And then a burglar came from the door, right?” you turn to look at him with conviction in your eyes then continued “All I’m trying to say is that, putting it on the center have its disadvantage. Would you want your dick to be seen by a stranger, worse to a voyeur burglar?” you raised your arms and pointed it with your open palms at a non-existent couch against the other side of the empty room.
Yoongi narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth in disgust “I can’t believe hearing this poor argument just to convince me in putting…” he paused then sighed “Fine, let’s put the TV and couch on the right side and the dinner table at the center” he conceded.
“Happy girlfriend equals happy life” you smiled at your victory. Yoongi turned to you and smiled dryly. You chuckled.
“We’re going to build our dreams here…” he spoke softly while staring at the open window in the midst of vacant space between the two of you. You stared at him and lingered for a moment.
“Yes, we will” you smiled, as you turned to stare at the open window as well, filling the bareness of the room with all your hopes and dreams together, as you closed your eyes.
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“Achoo!” you sneezed as you open your eyes again, while patting the dusted couch and pulling the cushion seats out. Yoongi was mopping the hardwood floor, while you on the other hand was preparing to vacuum the old couch. Suddenly you saw something, you didn’t expect.
“Ugh Yoongi!” you burst into laughter. “What?” Yoongi quickly went towards you on the old couch as you pulled out something hidden underneath the seat.
“Your dried out condom! Ugh, gross!” you exclaimed as he grinned showing you his gummy smile that you love so dearly “I told you to put them to the trash, every time! Ugh! Good thing I found it before we sell these…” your face turned sour as you held on its tip and quickly tossed it on to the trash bin. “You know what, I think we should hand them over to the cleaners first before selling them. It’s been unused for 2 years…”
“You know for 5 years since we planned to put furniture on our place, I just realized we had a really great time with that couch” he stressed the world ‘really’ which made you blushed immediately, and well a bit annoyed at the same time. “Not once did we had any visitor, not even that voyeur burglar you were talking about” he raised one of his eye brow and smirked.
You quickly pulled out the dusted pillow and threw at him. “What? I’m just saying it wouldn’t matter if we put it on the center or not.” he laughed.
“Okay, Nostradamus. Let’s get back to business. I have book signing to attend to later” you turned your back to continue cleaning the couch while you heard him chuckle once more and resumed to mop the floor.
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“What’s this surprise?” you tried to reach out for something, while Yoongi was making sure you can’t see anything through the blindfold.
“Take another two steps to the front. Here. Great. Now! The big reveal!” he slowly opened the blindfold as he showed you his D-I-Y wooden desk situated beside the apartment’s lone window.
“Happy birthday Y/N!” You gasped. “You made these? Even the succulents on the desk?” you hurriedly went to your new work desk and examined everything over and underneath it. You opened one of the drawers and saw a 20-dollar cat design fountain pen you’ve been eyeing for weeks in the department store “Yoongi, thank you!” you held it to your chest.
“Well, I did the wood work but not the succulents. I just..” he scratched the back of his neck. “add that for a little touch, you know, something to ease your stress when writing stories”
You quickly ran up to him for a kiss. “Yoongi, thank you! I love it! I love you!” he grinned.
“Can you kiss me again? Maybe deepen it?” you obliged, but parted for a second. “But if my work space is on the window then… where is yours?” you asked.
He shrugs. “I can stay at our bed. I mean, I’m sure you don’t make much sound when your busy so it’s okay. I just needed a laptop and my guitar to make music” you smiled weakly. “It’s really okay babe, it’s a win-win situation. Look at this way, if you put my workspace near the window, I might include unnecessary noise from the outside. This is great!” he hugged you tight, assuring you that all is well.
“We’ll make our dreams happen in this apartment, you and I” he kissed your forehead, reminding you that you are not alone in this city trying to make it big one day. “I’m here for you always Y/N”
“I’ll always be here for you too Yoongi. We will definitely make it happen” you closed your eyes, and rest your head on his chest. You two stayed like that for a while.
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“How much do you think this desk would cost?” you tap the pen on your cheek.
“I deserve a $200 for this!” he pointed at the desk. “It took me a day to figure out how to assemble everything, and I had to scratch each side with a small sandpaper for an hour Y/N! An hour! Just so you wouldn’t get hurt over its sharp edges. So yes, I demand a $200 refund for this!” he raised his eyebrow to show you how much he protests at the thought of not being able to find a just compensation for his hard work.
“But Yoongi, it’s been used for over 3 years and unused for over 2, so expect it has some scratches around and the faint smell of old wood, so $100?” you examined the whole piece, while waiting for Yoongi to agree
He closed his eyes and shook his head “175!”
“150? Last price” you faced him.
“Fine. 150” he sighed, finally agreeing to the unjust price. You then wrote the price on the note pad.
Yoongi crouched down and rummaged through the piles of things on the floor, left untouched for 2 years and saw something familiar.
“Yoongi, what if we include the chair and then we can ask for $200 deal—” you stopped midway as you saw Yoongi pulled out his electric piano, all broken.
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“Open the box babe!” you watched him open the huge ribbon and tore out the wrapper on the floor. You went to the table and refilled two glasses with cheap wine.
“Oh babe, you don’t have to” he gently pulled the brand new portable electric piano from the box.
“Happy 3rd anniversary!” you handed over his share of wine. As he pulled you down to where he sat, and you fell on his lap. “Oops, careful the wine might---”  He didn’t even let you finish when he kissed you hard just to show you how grateful he was for the gift.
“Mmm…” you chuckled as you parted from the kiss and turn to the piano. You brushed your fingertips at the piano keys and smile “The greatest song of all time will be made here, in this piano. I’m claiming it!”
He hugged you tight as he rests his chin on your shoulder. “I definitely will. I love you so much!”
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“You know, we can still have that fixed and sell it for…”
“No!” he exclaimed sternly. “I’ll keep it” he looked down; a bit embarrassed at his quick reaction.
You looked away, unsure what to say. You thought it was useless to keep something old and broken, but you guess it’s better that way. To let him keep a piece of you, the old you that he once knew.
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“Congratulation’s Min Yoongi!” you popped the party pooper from the front door surprising Yoongi.
“Didn’t you see the live steam? The song I produced didn’t won” he closed the door and tossed the key to table.
“Doesn’t matter, the real winner is at home now! Yay!” you blew the party horn from his side, playfully tickling his ears. He brushed it down and pulled himself away, clearly annoyed.
You followed him still “It was great! The KMA failed to recognize it this year, who knows the next song you produ--- ”
“I don’t care about next year, or the next, and the next after that! It’s been 3 years, Y/N. 3 years since we’ve moved here and where has it gotten us? Nowhere!” he snapped.
You opened your mouth but quickly withdrew as you knew that saying anything further might make him more upset. “Baby, I…” you pulled him for a hug and gently stroke his back. “I understand how frustrated you are…” he shook his head and gently stepped away.
“No, you don’t. It’s easy for you to say, having a stable office job while you write as a hobby. But I only know how to produce music, it’s the only job I know! You don’t get to know, because you don’t have to rely for an award to know how good or shitty your stories are!” he snapped in anger.
You bit your lips and tried to process the situation, hoping you’ll say something to make him feel okay “Yoongi, I’m sorry that I don’t get to know that, but you know that I didn’t have much choice, but if I could I wanted to write full-time and you know that… We needed something on our table and---”
“So, it’s my fault now? That doing pizza delivery as part-time is not enough?” he didn’t even let you finished.
“I’m not saying that!” you finally cried, as you wiped your eyes with the back of your hands in frustration.
“Well then, tell me what? Because I find it hard to convince myself that it is not what you meant” he gave a sarcastic chuckle.
“Yoongi, why are we doing this? I’m just trying to help. Didn’t you say we’re going to make our dreams come true in this city, in this place, together!?”
“Well, you’re not helping, and clearly it isn’t happening.” He looked away as he took the opened bottle of wine you left on the table and chugged on it.
You looked to the ceiling and let out a long sigh “You know, I tried. For 3 years…” you nodded to yourself as you stared at the ceiling for a moment then at Yoongi. “I’ve seen you struggled. I’ve seen you succeed. I’ve seen you at your best and your worst. I saw you strive hard than anyone can in making songs, several of it! It was great, and I’m not just saying it because you’re my boyfriend but because I believe in you Yoongi. I believe in you, because I love you. I trust you no matter what, I trust that you’ll make it happen… Make US happen!” you paused.
“…But the way that’s been going lately? The way you pushed me aside, not wanting to talk things over. Having more arguments with you each day. Aren’t you tired? Instead of growing together, we’re just…growing apart!” you continued, shutting your eyes to the cold reality. You took a deep breath and pulled a glass from the kitchen sink and filled it water. You drank a glass full of it, hoping it’ll drown down the pain. He fell silent.
“You know what? Let’s…” you sighed at the thought “Break-up” you took your spare key and your bag hanging from the wall.
“Fine, leave!” he hit something aimlessly and heard a shriek of mismatched melody from the electric piano. You turned your back to see it, the electric piano you bought for him, broken and damaged. Like the way you and Yoongi are…
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You cleared your throat and began writing notes on your pad.
“When’s the wedding?” he turned to you while you sat a far from him.
“Next year, June 1st” you replied softly, resisting to look his way.
“Park Jimin’s a good guy…” he smiled weakly.
“He is.” You nodded. Then silence.
The only thing that broke the monotony of stillness between you and Yoongi within those four walls, was the sudden sound of a person knocking on the door from the other side. Yoongi slowly stood up, and went to the door to open and see who it was.
“Well, speak of the devil” he bit his lip and smiled at him. He wasn’t bitter or anything, in fact his smile was sincere after seeing what was in front of him, a genuine smile from you upon seeing the person you love, even if it was not him any longer.
He thought how bittersweet it was, to be someone looking through a window from the outside looking in, because he once knew what it feels like to be the source of your happiness. That smile he vividly recalls, even when he closed his eyes. Every outline, every mole, everything about you, he commits to memory even now that you’re gone.
“Are you ready for your book signing love?” Jimin chuckled.
“Did you get me food on the way?” you narrowed your prying eyes towards Jimin
He nodded “Cheeseburger with double patties, no onions but with extra pickles” he tilts his head to have you scoot over to his side.
You grinned, as you took your purse and ran towards Jimin. “See you tomorrow then? For the contract signing with Mrs. Song?” you turned your back to remind Yoongi.
Yoongi nods. “This apartment is already sold, so we just need our signatures to seal all deals”
“Mm, well, thanks. Congratulations by the way for winning KMA and MAMA for 2 consecutive years” you smiled.
“Well, the performer has a big participation to it too” he turned towards Jimin, as he shyly smiled and shook his head. “Hyung, really it’s the best music of all time!”
He raised his shoulder and looked at the dusted piano left on the floor “Not nearly, no…”
“Guess we’ll see each other around?” Jimin smiled as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Yeah, see you” Yoongi smiled and watched you two leave.
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Jimin helped you with your seatbelt as he pulled out something from the backseat.
“Iced Café Latte with grainy sugar for my beloved fiancé” he handed out
“How come you always knew the perfect time I want my coffee?” he shrugs.
“I’ve gotten some information” he winks at you and started the engine.
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“Hyung, there you are. I’ve been looking for you” Jimin sat beside Yoongi under a cherry blossom outside their music studio office.
“It’s break time and it’s spring, when can I have my peace?” he turned away, looking annoyed.
“Well, I’ve been thinking if we can add more lyrics to this verse? And…” Yoongi’s phone suddenly rang to notify a text, as Jimin’s eyes widened when he saw his phone glow, displaying a photo of you that Yoongi took when you two were still together. “You know Y/N?”
“Yeah, why?” Yoongi tilt his head, clearly confused as to why Jimin knew who you are.
“But he’s my girlfriend, hyung!” he stood up, almost as if ready to fight.
“Well, um, this awkward” he squint his eyes, unbothered at Jimin’s reaction “I didn’t know really that you are…” he opened his mouth then withdrew, finding words how to explain the situation “I don’t know how to say this to you but, he’s my ex”
The two of them, chatted for a while, agreeing on things that annoys Jimin and the things you used to annoy Yoongi.
“Do you still love her?” Jimin turned to Yoongi, his face sullen, hoping that he would like to hear Yoongi’s answer from his query.
He breathed hard “You know kid, you’ll never stop loving a person even if they’re gone. Even if you were left by time, leaving you to oblivion, making you a faint memory from that person. You just don’t” he took his coffee from the vending machine that was sitting on his side and drank before he continued.
“But that doesn’t mean you want that person to be there for you forever. Knowing that she’s happy, well even more happy without me by his side, that’s more than enough. Isn’t that what love is supposed to be? Even when it doesn’t feel like romance, it changes into something, something that transcends beyond it. I can’t explain kid, but you’ll understand it someday” he turned to Jimin, hoping he didn’t touch a nerve that would make him angry.
“I really love her, hyung. My manager’s pretty upset about this whole relationship situation but I couldn’t care anymore. If they find out about us or not, I don’t care!  I’d rather admit the truth than deny and hurt her, she doesn’t deserve that. I just, I feel like she’s the one even when she’s moody and all” Jimin shyly confessed.
Yoongi nods “Jimin, you should know several things so you could avoid argument with Y/N. First, of all never underestimate her love for coffee. Never.” He straightened his palm to emphasize his statement.
“She loves coffee first thing in the morning, do not talk to her without her having a coffee yet, under any circumstance. Well, unless you don’t want a great day ahead of you, you could, but I do not recommend it all. Speaking of coffee, she would want one after having a stressful day or any stressful situation she was in. But this is important, take note, she likes sweet coffee and bitter ones on the morning.”
Jimin listened to him attentively as Yoongi continued “If she writes story, she’ll want you to read it from start to end. Do it and be honest, she hates mediocre comments so you have to be tedious about reading it. She loves it when you ask, so that’s a tip. If you fail to read everything, you can ask her. Oh, but be careful about your questions, because she’ll know when you didn’t read it all and she’ll be really upset”
Yoongi chuckled upon remembering how you love to eat unlimited BBQs “She also loves meat, like seriously a lot! So treat her to BBQs every often or else she’ll get moody for a month. She’s a heavy drinker too, so ready your liver and try to keep up with her. And lastly, never end the day without telling her how you truly feel, she’ll appreciate it, whatever it is that’s on your mind tell her. I can see the way she looks at you in that picture” he peered through Jimin’s phone on the side which was glowing due to several notifications “because that was how she used to look at me too. I bet she’ll understand you. She now loves you Jimin.”
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It was already night time when Yoongi finished cleaning the room and putting everything that you two wanted to sell inside a big box. Yoongi looks at the broken piano and stared at it for a moment “I guess the greatest song of all time were never made” he stood up, picked it up and took it with him, as walked towards the door way.
He looked at the empty room, one last time “This place still smells like us, let’s not forget this scent wherever we are” he spoke softly to himself and turned the lights off.
He closed the door and saw the doormat again.
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“Bunch of Min residents” you drew on the doormat. He chuckled “That’s pretty witty, wait let me add a little touch” he took the marker from you and drew your faces which made you two laughed even harder.
“This is a masterpiece! We need everyone to see this!” you quickly went to the door and put it on the entryway.
Yoongi smiled as he watched you from the couch and sighed at the thought of wanting to be with you forever. He just knew from that moment on you were the one.
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He rolled the mat from the floor and tossed it to the nearest trash bin.
He knew it was too late for regrets, but at the same time he knew it was for the better. Whatever happened in the past brought you two to where you are all supposed to be now: Happy, contented but apart.
All the memories, your hopes and dreams that you two shared together, are now gone. Cleaned to make room for another one.
He looked at the door and smiled weakly “Ijen, Annyeong (Goodbye now)” and left.
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Let’s move Goodbye to this place, that we grew attached to Let’s move Now to a higher place While taking the last box out of the empty room I looked back for a moment Times we cried and laughed Goodbye now
Moving On- BTS
A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for getting here. Hope you’ll also like the spin-off series for this: Seesaw (Teaser)
79 notes · View notes
Dear Heart - CH 12
Dick Winters x Melanie Davis
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Summary: Melanie Davis is a nurse from North Carolina who has lived a sheltered life since her father died. Her father’s best friend, Colonel Sink, invites her to experience more as a regimental nurse for the 506th PIR of the 101st Airborne. She embarks on the adventure of a lifetime.
Tag list: @thoughpoppiesblow​​​​​​ @primusk​​ @itswormtrain​​​ @hesbuckcompton-baby​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
Word Count: 5k (another doozy but omg a lot has to happen okay? they have to talk, Dick has to be a simp, it’s important to the plot)
A/N: Thank you again to @mercurygray​​​​ for being a wonderful beta reader, as always <3
Warning(s): Descriptions of an assault
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11
Chapter 12 here we go!!
A warm spring began in Germany, welcoming the American invaders with its beautiful scenery and pleasant weather. Melanie wondered how people who lived in such a lovely place could have begun a war that was so terrible. The regiment came to a long stop in a town called Sturzelberg, where there was a hospital, and Melanie finally felt like a regular nurse again. She even got to change out of her OD’s and into her nursing uniform dress. It was wrinkled from the journey in her bag, rolled up at the bottom until she could wear it again. It was somewhat of a homecoming, though it seemed a different girl stepped into it. Not even a girl at all, really. A grown woman. A changed woman. 
Her and Juliet’s billet had a mirror, so she took the opportunity to really look at herself for the first time in weeks. Though she was clean, she looked tired. She didn’t have much color to her face, and she had lost more weight. She frowned at her reflection, hearing her mother loud and clear in her mind. To her surprise, she voiced what she heard. 
“Thin and pale,” she murmured. “That won’t do.”
Juliet looked up from her notebook. “I beg your pardon?” 
Melanie did not reply. She was too busy pinching her cheeks along the bone, giving them a semblance of rosiness. It was an old trick, but a useful one. So was chewing one’s lips to make them red if one didn’t have any rouge, which was her next task.
“Mel, what the bloody hell are you doing?” Juliet demanded, getting to her feet. 
“Making myself somewhat presentable,” Melanie answered. “Now that we’re back in relative comfort, I’ve got no excuse for walking around looking like a rag doll.” 
Juliet scoffed in disbelief. Then she stood in front of Melanie, took her by the shoulders, and looked into her eyes, searching. 
“What are you doing?” Melanie asked. 
“I’m looking for Melanie Davis, I hope she’s still in there,” Juliet returned. 
It occurred to Melanie that Juliet had only known the exhausted, wounded Melanie from weeks at war and no sleep. Already a little jaded from the amount of wounded who passed through. Of course she didn’t recognize the Melanie from before - who lived with constant reminders of femininity and vanity she’d had ingrained in her since childhood. 
She rolled her eyes and dislodged herself from Juliet’s grip. “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course it’s me.” 
“You’ve been through hell on Earth,” Juliet pointed out. “Who cares what you look like?”
Melanie hadn’t thought of it that way. And she had certainly not had many experiences of criticism being met with compassion. She didn’t always feel she deserved compassion - she was happy to give it to others but for herself? Perfection only. It was hitting her now what an impossible standard she was holding herself to. 
“Oh, I must sound awfully vain,” Melanie sighed. “I don’t mean to, but I can’t help it if I prefer feeling feminine. I can’t believe how much I took for granted just having lipstick or nail polish.” 
“Obviously, you can enjoy those things, but I cannot stand by and let you say that you ‘won’t do,’” Juliet replied. “You’re a beautiful woman, with or without lipstick.” 
Melanie looked at the floor and fixed her clothes. “That’s very kind of you, thank you.”
She was unused to getting such compliments. Her mother had always fixated on Melanie’s looks, though she had never been insulting. It was always reassurance that she was pretty enough to “catch a husband.” But, as she had pointed out to herself, there was more to the world than all that. The war was still on. She had a job to do. 
“Alright, I’m off to work,” she said. “It feels mighty fine to be saying that again.” 
She forced herself to smile, putting all thoughts of her appearance behind her. She just needed to get back to a hospital and work with patients so she could start feeling like herself again. Juliet wished her luck, and then Melanie was off. 
As they made their way deeper into Germany, Dick’s inner conflict deepened, too. Melanie’s condition, her moods and general demeanor, seemed to improve, while Lew seemed to get steadily worse. The day of the jump (which he was still a bit bitter to have missed, despite its outcome), when Dick had to tell his best friend about his demotion, he was disturbed by Nix’s non-reaction, followed by flippant remarks to disguise a frustration he clearly would not voice. Dick sought out the only person he felt he could talk to about his concerns - Melanie. 
He went first to her billet. The day was drawing to a close, so he assumed she would be back by now from the hospital. Juliet opened the door and looked surprised to see him.
“Oh! Hello, Major,” she said. 
“Is Melanie here?” he asked, getting right to the point. 
“No, she hasn’t come back from the hospital yet,” she told him. “Is everything alright? Did you have something...important to tell her?” 
She raised a knowing eyebrow at him and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. At this point, he wasn’t sure who was more invested in his relationship with Melanie - Nix or Juliet. He wondered what might have happened if she had been around to help orchestrate the Paris trip. For now, he let it slide.  
“I just want to talk to her,” he said. “Thanks, though.” 
“Worth a shot,” she said under her breath. “Well, let me know if we need to send out a search party.” 
“Will do,” he said, amused. “See you later.”
She nodded in return and closed the door. Dick headed to the hospital. He looked forward to seeing Melanie - he always did. He just wished his friends would see that, and realize it was enough for now. There was enough understanding between them that they were pretty well aware of what they felt for each other. At least, Dick was sure he understood. But there was still a war, and that wasn’t really the place for romance. 
By the time he arrived at the hospital, he had pushed his frustrations with his friends to the back of his mind. In the first ward, he found Melanie, in a chair beside a patient’s bed, a deck of cards between them on a tray, and laughter on her face. The patient pulled a card from his hand and laid it down, which made Melanie’s jaw drop. 
“Another red three?” she gasped. “I think it’s very clear how this game is going to end.” 
“You’ve still got a chance, Miss Melanie,” he replied through a thick Southern accent. “One good hand and you could turn this whole thing around.” 
“Well, lucky for you, my hand isn’t anything to write home about,” she returned, frowning at it. “Draw your cards, Sergeant.”
He reached for the deck and picked up three cards, adding them to his hand. Dick watched the game play out for a moment - the sergeant discarded, Melanie drew two, then she discarded, and the sergeant drew again. All the while, Melanie talked to the man. He was missing his right leg up to the thigh - and a fleeting image of Bill Guarnere and Joe Toye passed through Dick’s mind. But judging by this soldier’s attitude, no one would have guessed anything was the matter with him. The way he smiled and chuckled at Melanie’s praise, he didn’t seem to notice that he was even in a hospital bed. 
Dick’s heart was warmed by the sight. Melanie really was back to her old self. She was off duty, and yet she sat with a man she didn’t know to bring him some small comfort. A simple card game. A chance for him to feel normal again, even for a few moments. Dick wasn’t sure which he admired more - her selflessness or how happy she looked to be where she was. The grin on her face gave away that she considered it no trouble to play a game with a patient when her rounds were over. She was genuinely glad to do it. Dick hoped Toye and Guarnere had similarly wonderful nurses wherever they were. 
“A canasta already?” she cried as Dick approached. “If you go out on me with all this in my hand, Sergeant, I’ll be finished for sure!”
She discarded and then finally, she looked up. She caught Dick’s eye as he took some tentative steps toward her, hesitant to interrupt. But she beamed at him, so he assumed he was welcome. 
“Good evening, Dick,” she said kindly. 
The sergeant turned and saw Dick, so he offered a quick salute. “Good evening, sir,” 
“Good evening,” Dick returned politely. “Sorry to interrupt.” 
“Not at all,” Melanie assured him. “Dick, this is Sergeant Samson - the finest canasta player in the US Army. Sergeant, this is Major Winters.” The two men shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. Then she met Dick’s gaze again. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah,” he said, and found himself regretting coming at all. She was busy, and he felt foolish for disrupting her moment of joy. “I can come back later, though -” 
“Actually, sir, I’m about ready for some sleep if Miss Melanie will let me off the hook,” Samson said. 
She cast him a playful look. “I see how you operate, Samson. Quit while you’re ahead, that way you don’t lose.”
He laughed, a bit bashful at her teasing, but she collected the cards all the same, and set them aside. 
“We’ll play again tomorrow if you like,” she offered.
“Of course,” he returned. “That is, if you enjoy losing that much!” 
She feigned offense while he chuckled some more. Then she fluffed his pillows and pulled the blankets up to his chest. Dick watched and felt a familiar stir in his heart of affection for her. She was the most beautiful person he had ever had the pleasure of knowing - and that did not just apply to her pretty face. Melanie was a sweet soul, a nurturing heart, and a bright mind. She was a high quality person. And tiny moments like this showed that to him more than anything. 
“Can I get you anything else before I go?” she offered Samson. 
He shook his head. “No, ma’am. Thank you, ma’am.” 
“Good night, Sergeant,” she said. 
“Good night, ma’am, sir.” 
Dick nodded in acknowledgement before offering Melanie his arm, which she took, and they left the ward together. It struck him that her touch no longer made him so nervous. It thrilled him - even after knowing each other for years - but it was comfortable now. As if the crook of his arm was made for her hand. It was natural. 
“Is everything alright, Dick?” she asked as they stepped outside. “You seem troubled.”
He didn’t consider himself a particularly emotive person, but Melanie never failed to pick up on what he was feeling. Especially when he needed her. 
“It’s Nix,” he said. “His drinking...it’s become such a problem up at regiment that he was demoted today. When I told him that, he didn’t even seem to care.”
Melanie’s brows furrowed and she looked thoughtfully ahead. “I’m sorry to hear that. Lewis is a good man and a fine officer. I would have thought he’d be more invested.” 
“Well, in his defense, he’d just come back from that disaster of a jump,” Dick said. 
“What disaster of a jump?” she wondered. 
He told her what Nix had relayed to him - that the troopers didn’t even make it out of the plane. The CO was killed. Nix and just a handful of others survived out of sheer luck. 
“Oh, how awful,” she said, heartbroken.
 There really could be no moment between them where the war did not rear its ugly head, Dick thought bitterly. No matter what, there was some news of tragedy. Death sank its teeth into even a simple evening stroll. He decided to steer the conversation back to its original subject. 
“Seeing Lew like this just has me worried,” he said. “I feel like he’s close to spiraling, and I don’t have a clue what to do. I thought it was just a bad habit, but now...” he trailed off, unsure what to call his friend’s profound issue. 
“I’m afraid there isn’t much you can do,” Melanie told him. “Nix is...troubled, and he has his coping mechanism. Unless he wants to quit drinking, there’s nothing you - or anybody - can do to stop him from picking that bottle up again.”
Once again, he was being told to do nothing - frustrating and impossible advice. He had hoped for more from her. 
“What you can do,” she went on, and he felt a glimmer of hope again. “Is make yourself available to him. Let him know - subtly, of course - that you’re ready if and when he’ll need you. Eventually, it will come to a head, and he’ll need people in his corner that he can truly rely on.” 
“It still sounds like doing nothing,” he said, defeated. 
“I know you’re a man of action, Dick, but this will take patience,” she returned, understanding. 
He didn’t answer right away, still a bit frustrated. He also took a moment to look at her. The dim twilight was flattering on her skin. A cool breeze made her flyaway hairs stir around her head. She looked a bit like a painting with the Bavarian backdrop behind her. It struck him again how much he loved her. She met his gaze. 
He shook his head to clear it, though appreciating her beauty had eased some of his irritation about Nix. 
“Sorry,” he said. “You look nice tonight, that’s all.” 
“Thank you,” she said, blushing lightly. “I’m feeling much better now that we’ve got more food and I’m back in a hospital.” 
He had noticed her improvement over the past few days. Her cheeks were rounding out again, and she didn’t look so tired. Her bruises were gone, too. 
“I feel a bit silly,” she admitted. “I was fussing over how I looked when we first got here because I didn’t have lipstick or nail polish. What a ridiculous thing to worry about.” 
Melanie always looked natural, so he tried to remember the last time he saw her looking nicer than usual. It was Paris. Which was beginning to feel decades in the past instead of just months.
“It’s not ridiculous,” he assured her. “Silly, I’ll give you, but ridiculous is a strong word.” 
“Alright, silly it is then,” she teased back with a smile, and he ached at how much he adored it. 
They reached her billet, stopped outside the door, and faced each other. 
“This takes me back,” she said. “All the way to Aldbourne.” 
He nodded in agreement. “Yeah. I don’t think I’d recognize those two kids.” 
“Me neither,” she chuckled. “So much has happened. But, I…” 
He looked expectantly at her as she trailed off and gathered her thoughts. Her brow furrowed, which told him she was searching for the right words. 
“I am so grateful we’re still friends,” she said. “If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I could have made it this far.”
It was his turn to get flustered. For a moment, he stood there silently, a bit lost for words. It was such an honest and wonderful thing to say. How could he return that sentiment?
“Well, I don’t know about that, but I’m grateful too, Mel,” he said, feeling the understatement like an itch on his skin. “Really.” 
“I’m glad to hear that,” she said, smiling. “On that pleasant note, shall we say goodnight? Unless there’s anything else?”
He shook his head. “Thanks for listening. As always.” 
They said goodnight, and she went inside, no doubt to chat to Juliet before climbing into bed and settling in. Dick wanted only for Melanie to be safe and comfortable, especially after everything she’d been through. He hoped that after the war, she could end her days in his arms instead of alone, he could tell her plainly how much she meant to him, and that he could be her true refuge. Until then, his mind went to lipstick and nail polish…
The following day, on his way to HQ, he found some. An abandoned drug store sat on the intersection he crossed, and there were a few enlisted men already scrounging around inside, claiming whatever they could find. He normally wasn’t one for taking souvenirs, but he was more compelled by the idea of doing something nice for Melanie. So he stepped through the kicked in door and looked around. The makeup aisle had already been pretty thoroughly picked over - broken bottles and compacts littered the floor, but one last untouched gold tube on the shelf caught his eye. A red lipstick. He took it. 
He glanced around for nail polish too, but the only color left was a dark purple, which he could not for the life of him imagine Melanie wearing. The lipstick would have to do. 
 He intended on giving it to her that day, but he got caught up in several different briefings, which evidently could not be postponed. So many that he sent Zielinski to the hospital with a message asking Melanie to join him in his office for dinner. They hadn’t had significant time together in much too long, and he missed it. So he was grateful when she accepted and agreed to meet him at eight o’clock. 
Dick got worried when eight-fifteen came and went. He checked his watch for the tenth time in the last sixty seconds and sighed, fearing that Melanie had forgotten him. Or worse, something was terribly wrong at the hospital, and she was enduring further tragedy. Finally, when he was about ready to go looking for her himself, there was a knock on the door. 
“Come in!” he called. 
To his great relief, Melanie walked through the door, closing it softly behind her. She looked a bit sheepish as she came closer. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late, Dick,” she said. “Sergeant Samson and I were just wrapping up.”
“More canasta?” he asked. 
She nodded. “It’s his favorite game. He used to play it with his sisters back home. He’s got three of them.” 
“Three sisters, wow,” he remarked. “No brothers?”
“One,” she said sadly. “But he was killed on Guadalcanal.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he said. “But I’m impressed with you. You really get to know the men you’re treating.” 
“I certainly try,” she said. “Hospitals can often feel overly clinical and cold. Doctors don’t have much time to spend with patients, and nurses can get overwhelmed. I don’t want the patients to mistake that for not caring.” 
Dick had met very few people who had the emotional capability to invest so much in others. For a fleeting moment, he likened Melanie to a priest or pastor, with a flock of people to look after, but what she did was different. She wasn’t a spiritual guide or advisor. She was a simple comfort. A place to tell someone about your favorite game or your siblings or your life story. A generous ear to listen to you talk about something besides your pain. 
“That’s very sweet of you,” he told her, keeping the true depth of it to himself. 
She took a seat across from him at his desk, and they had dinner together. At first, she asked mostly about him and how he was doing, but he eventually turned it around. He let her talk about the patients she’d met at this hospital, and she shared little tidbits of their lives. She wasn’t burdened by it, either. In each one, she found something of interest, worth remembering and holding onto. He listened, but he knew he’d never be able to recall everything the way she did. But he hoped he helped by doing a little bit of what she did for others, for her.  
When they finished eating, she sat back with a satisfied smile. He loved that look on her face and he couldn’t help but smile a bit himself. To continue that momentum, he went into his desk and pulled out his gift for her. He didn’t have a box or anything this time, so it wasn’t nearly as big as the gift of the dress, but he hoped she’d still appreciate it. 
“I got something for you,” he said. 
She raised an eyebrow. “You did?”
He placed the tube of lipstick on the desk as her mouth fell open. But a sparkle in her eyes told him it was a delighted sort of shock. 
“Where did you get this?” she gasped. She picked it up and examined it, as if not quite believing it was real. 
“There’s a drug store in town that’s...no longer in operation,” he explained. He still didn’t love that he’d technically stolen it, but he wouldn’t let her know. “I think every man in the regiment got something for the women in his life. And you mentioned wanting some.” 
“And you remembered?” she wondered. 
“Sure I did,” he replied with a chuckle. 
“How kind of you,” she said, her grin widening. “I can’t wait to use it! Thank you so much!”
Did anything feel better than making her happy? Dick wasn’t sure. The warmth in his chest told him there was nothing. It didn’t matter that he’d taken it by looting. For that smile, he was prepared to commit highway robbery.  
“You’re welcome,” he returned. 
He watched her gaze at the items in her hand, a pensive, contemplative expression coming over her features. There was something more she wanted to say. Knowing her, she would shake her head, smile again, and mumble “never mind” mostly to herself before moving on. He hoped she wouldn’t, so he remained silent, giving her the space to work through what she was thinking. 
“It seems silly to say this over something so small,” she began, her voice soft, so he had to lean closer in order to hear. “But may I share something with you?” 
“Of course,” he assured her, though the question made him nervous. 
He tried to think of what could make her so serious all of a sudden, but nothing immediately came to mind. A split second of doubt came over him that she was going to confess she had met someone else because she was tired of waiting for him. But that seemed like a rather outlandish conclusion to jump to. He slowed down his thoughts and focused on her. 
“I know you’ve been wondering about what caused me to leave the hospital in Bastogne and come to the front lines,” she began. “And I haven’t been able to tell you. I’m sorry.” 
He was still curious, but he certainly didn’t want her to feel like she had to talk about that just because of a lipstick he didn’t even pay for. 
“You don’t have to-”
“Please,” she cut across him. “Let me get this out before I lose my nerve.” 
“Take your time,” he said gently. 
She nodded and took a deep breath. Tears pricked her eyes as she released it, slow and shaky. He mentally braced himself to hear the worst. 
“Before the hospital was bombed, Terry...made me an offer,” she continued. “For a life together after the war. He told me he had always had feelings for me and basically that he wanted to marry me.” She ran the fingers on her right hand over the ring finger of her left. 
“Naturally, I refused,” she went on. “I wasn’t in love with him.” She paused there, toying with the lipstick tube, as if debating adding something onto that sentence, but decided against it. “I thought my answer was clear, even before the bombing. But the day I was supposed to return to work, he came to my room.”
She stopped again, chewing her bottom lip before swallowing hard. 
“He’d had a bit to drink,” she said. “He wasn’t out of control, but I could smell it when he got close to me. He proposed again. I refused him. He shouted at me that he loved me. He said he couldn’t bear the thought of me with another man. And that’s when he started to throw things.” 
Beads of sweat appeared on her brow and hairline. She wiped them away with the back of her hand, undeterred, though trembling. She rubbed her hand against the fabric of her dress to dry it off.
“I pleaded with him to stop, but he grabbed me by my face,” she said. “Painfully. Then he looked me in the eyes and threatened to...crush my skull against the vanity, to use his words.” 
She looked at him, and suddenly, she halted and met his gaze.
“Am I upsetting you?” she asked. 
If he didn’t know her better, he would have thought she was being sarcastic - trying to remind him just who really had been hurt here, but she wasn’t. She was genuinely concerned about him in a moment like this. Her tone, apologetic. 
Dick’s anger had risen from a simmer to a boil. He’d been trying to maintain composure as she spoke. He did not want her to lose her nerve by seeing him get agitated, but he couldn’t help the set of his jaw. He regretted not fighting Clarke when he’d had the chance because maybe this might not have happened. It’s harder to throw things and grab people with broken fingers, after all. He shook his head and took a deep breath to calm down, intentionally relaxing every muscle in his face. 
“I’m fine, Mel,” he lied. “Please, go on.” 
She raised a skeptical eyebrow, but did not protest. 
“I tried to resist,” she continued. “But then he grabbed me by the throat. If he said anything else at that point, I didn’t hear. I was blacking out quickly. And for a moment, I was afraid...I was so afraid I was going to die.” 
She choked on the last word, and she swiped the tear that leaked onto her cheek away quickly. He kept his gaze fixed on her face, watching her lip quiver. He knew it was ridiculous, but overwhelming guilt sank its claws into his heart. He should have been there to defend her. He should have warned Colonel Sink about Terry. He should have done something. Even now, he wished he could protect her from the very memory of it. 
“I don’t know what came over me,” she said. “But somehow I found the strength to get away. I remember striking him, but not much else. That was when Colonel Sink showed up. And I begged him to let me go...well, anywhere that wasn’t the hospital. He suggested the Bois Jacques, and I agreed.” 
He sat with it a moment, impressed at her resilience, and a little relieved that nothing worse had happened - and he had imagined much worse, especially when she said the altercation had taken place in her bedroom. But she got away. She rescued herself. There was something to be said for that. 
“I’m so sorry you went through that, Mel,” he said. “You were very brave.”
“Please don’t flatter me, Dick,” she replied. “Dogs have enough courage to fight back when attacked. I acted on instinct.”
“Even so, you did well,” he insisted. He hesitated asking his next question, unsure how she might take it or if she was receptive to being questioned at all. 
“Why didn’t you report him?” he asked, feeling desperate. “That’s a court martial offense, assaulting a fellow officer.”
“Colonel Sink offered to do the paperwork, but I asked him not to,” she told him. “There’s no point, really. It would be my word against his and that rarely goes well for a woman.” 
Dick carefully disguised his distaste for that answer. He wasn’t frustrated by Melanie, but that she was right. 
“Besides,” she said. “He didn’t really do anything. He just frightened me, that’s all.” 
“That’s a bit of an understatement,” he returned. “He nearly killed you.” 
She shrugged, keeping her eyes fixed on her hands, which were in her lap now, fidgeting with the lipstick tube, which made a soft pop each time she opened or closed it.
“You may think you’re being kind by showing him mercy, Mel,” he said. “But Terry should be at the least reprimanded for what he’s done. I know it’s hard, but you’re brave enough to -”
She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. 
“Dick, stop it!” she cried, looking desperately at him. “I’m not brave or strong or kind or anything else! I’m scared, alright?! I didn’t report Terry because I’m terrified that he will find me again! And how much worse would it be if he had nothing to lose?! It isn’t mercy, it’s fear!”
She lowered her eyes to the floor and tried to draw in a breath. It was shallow and shaky, catching on the lump in her throat. He couldn’t stand that he was not holding her. So he got to his feet, crossed to the other side of his desk, stood before her, and held out his hand. She looked at it, then up at his face, before placing her fingers in his palm. He helped her to stand. Then, he gathered her up in his arms. Her forehead found a resting place on his chest, and she nuzzled into him. They fit together like puzzle pieces. 
“I’m sorry, Melanie,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m so sorry.” When she only nodded, he continued. “You’re safe now.” 
“Yes,” she said softly into his chest. “Yes, I know.”
He made a silent promise to himself and her. From here on out, he would be her personal shield. No one deserved what she had endured, but she especially didn’t. This woman, who was all heart and grace and goodness. He would protect her with everything he had.
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Kalim Al-Asim - I thought of something good
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You can unlock this story by getting Kalim’s SSR Dorm Uniform
Translation under the cut
Exterior Hallway 2F
Crowley: Ah, this is so hectic…
Kalim: Principal, you dropped something! Is this a…tourism pamphlet for the Country of Hot Sands?
Crowley: Do excuse me. I was being careless.
Kalim: Okay, here you go. Are you interested in the Country of Hot Sands?
Crowley: Yes, it is one of the candidates for the destination of my next holiday… Oho? Aren't you from the Country of Hot Sands?
Kalim: Yeah! So you're going on a holiday~ My birthplace is a really nice place, so you should definitely go. The people are nice, there are tons of sightseeing spots and the food is fantastic!
Crowley: The food seems to be the deciding factor for me. I've heard that the Country of Hot Sands uses a lot of peculiar spices… I'm worried I won't like it so I haven't decided yet.
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Kalim: Oh, just that, then you should come to Scarabia! Jamil can make a lot of authentic recipes. If you come, then I'll have the whole dorm throw a banquet.
Crowley: Huh, that's… Are you really okay with that? Then if you implore me that much I will have to take advantage of your kindness. I'm looking forward to it!
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Kalim: …So in any case I'll be holding a party tomorrow for the principal who I invited!
Jamil: You were set up… How convenient of him to drop a pamphlet on the Country of Hot Sands. But first, why tomorrow? You should take it more slowly.
Kalim: I think hurrying up is good. They always say speed is a virtue!
Jamil: They also say that you shouldn't go into the sea without a net. How much trouble do you think preparing for a banquet is…
Kalim: It should be a piece of cake for you, shouldn't it? Besides, I've already thought of the kind of banquet I want to throw. First of all, the decorations of the venue. We should use traditionally patterned fabrics so the principal can really feel the beauty of  the Country of Hot Sands. We have plenty of unused cloths in the storeroom, don't we? Let's use those to decorate!
Jamil: You do know that a family of 4 can live of that one roll of fabric for one month, by its monetary value…  But I'll follow your instructions.
Kalim: For the food, we'll obviously have traditional meals from the Country of Hot Sands. That's your specialty, isn't it? We can make it a self-service style where the guests can put it on a light baked bread themselves so they can enjoy a variety of flavors.
Jamil: I'm sure the principal would be pleased. …But it will be more troublesome to prepare more things.
Kalim: But if we're talking about traditional cooking, then we should not do "that".
Jamil: Yes yes. I understand. I won't prepare "that". …Okay, the plans for the banquet is finalized. I think you explained plenty. I shall immediately commence the…
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Jamil: Ugh, of course you want to do a parade. Of all things, that takes the most labor…!
Kalim: Firstly, the elephants should open the gates with a BAM. Then the tigers enter from between their legs! The white monkey will play the cymbal on the golden camels… the lions and the peacocks… And from there on the bears… and then… at the end, I will appear with seven-colored parrots from the fountain on my magical carpet… And as the organizer of the banquet, I shall give everyone a hearty greeting!! What do you think!? Seems fun, doesn't it!
Jamil: Troublesome… You only seem to care about extravagance. It will take a lot of time to create a parade like that. Especially the seven-colored parrots will be difficult to arrange. I wonder if I can get them in time for tomorrow…
Kalim: Jamil, you're busy with the venue and meals right? I will prepare for the parade.
Jamil: Huh!! …Wait and don't be hasty. It's fine, I'll do the preparation.
Kalim: I'll do it.
Jamil: It's fine. Leave everything to me and go wait and sit somewhere.
Kalim: I'm doing it!
Jalim: I said it's fine!
Kalim: Don't worry! I'll bring lots of lively animals.
Jamil: That's what I'm worried about… Whatever, it's not like you ever listen to what I say. I got it. I'll entrust the parade to you. …Are you sure you'll be fine? Can I trust you?
Kalim: Leave it to me! Animals are like, my specialty.
Chapter 2
Main Street
The day of the banquet
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Kalim: To all the animals who will participate in the parade at our dorm! Would you please come along properly? Hey hey, you elephants and tigers should get along. The lions and monkeys get along as well right? I'm relieved that the bears and the peacocks are behaving. Don't stray from the camels in the lead. …Ah, and of course, our most precious seven-colored parrots!
Scarabia Student 1: Amazing… the animals are all obediently following dorm leader Kalim!
Scarabia Student 2: The dorm leader is a fantastic person after all. To have that many animals obey him at once!
Kalim: Obey me… Since I've been young I've always loved animals, so I might just be able to understand their feelings!
Seven colored parrot: Chuchuru.
Kalim: Besides, today everyone is especially obedient. Are you guys looking forward to the banquet as well?
Elephant: Paoon
Kalim: Hahaha, I see, I see! Then I'm glad.
Scarabia Dorm
Kalim: And we finally made it to Scarabia. Animals, please wait here until the parade starts…
???: Argh, ouch…
Kalim: Hm? What is that fading cry.
Grim: Aargh! The elephant's going to trample me! Help me, anyone!!
Kalim: For some reason I recognize that voice, isn't that you Grim! I surely thought you were a member of the parade. Here. I'll put you somewhere high so don't worry.
Grim: I-I'm saved…! While I was on my way back to Ramshackle dorm I got enveloped in a horde of animals…
Yuu: I was looking for this lost kid! I couldn't find this kid!
Kalim: Oh, aren't you Yuu? If you need Grim, he's here.
Grim: What? Were you lonely because you lost me? You're such a troublesome follower. But I was really surprised. Did you gather this many animals to open a zoo?
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Kalim: Nope, all wrong. Today I'm holding a banquet for the principal! An extravagant venue, tasty food… and a flashy parade all to entertain the guests.
Grim: You gathered this many animals for entertainment!? Rich people's abilities are something else entirely…
Kalim: This much is normal. If I hold back on the luxury, our precious guests' eyes and stomach won't be satisfied.
Grim: I don't really care about my eyes but… I'm really interested in my stomach!! Hey, what kind of feast will you have at the banquet!?
Kalim: Since it's a banquet themed after the Country of Hot Sands, there will be plenty of meals with lots of spices. Curry, Bamya, Saltah… To summarize it, stews are pretty mainstream at my place.
Grim: Curry from the Country of Hot Sands!? I want to try it!
Kalim: Ah. But our family decided that our dorm not make curry.
Grim: Huh~ But it looks so good. Why not?
Kalim: Well… Back in the days, we had some bad encounters with curry.
Yuu: You ate so much that your tummy started aching? The curry was spoiled so your tummy started aching?
Kalim: It's a bit different, but kind of like that. To be asleep for many days… No matter how much I try, that's why I'm not good with curry.
Grim: Hm. You can be unexpectedly delicate huh.
Kalim: The one asleep wasn't me but Jamil. He was just tasting the food before it was served as usual but he suddenly got all pale… Ah, don't worry. There was no poison in the food? All the ingredients we use are totally fresh! Besides, everyone else slept safely, it was only Jamil who sampled my dish that got it.
Grim: …That's… if it only was your dish, then something could've been put in…?
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Kalim: Yeah. I don't know the details though…  That's the first time I saw Jamil so lifeless… I'll never forget that sight. …Oh well! Current Jamil doesn't really worry about it and still loves curry!
Grim: How awful… for you to have different taste than the gourmet me.
Kalim: While we won't have curry, the Country of Hot Sands has a lot of other delicacies. You should come to Scarabia as well. You guys should participate in the banquet!
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Grim: Aah~ What a luxurious party~~!! The red banners filling up the venue are beautiful… A feast containing everyting I've never seen before is lined up!!! i'm going to stuff myself for tomorrow's part as well. Nom, chew, tear.
Yuu: What a fun banquet. Nom Nom.
Kalim: Yuu and Grim, just eat what you like! And to our guest of honor, the principal! Are you enjoying our banquet?
Crowley: Yes. Of course! I thought the Country of Hot Sands only had spicy foods but… I was sorely mistaken. The crunchy vergetables! The aroma rich seafood! The juicy meat! And to be able to enjoy all of those enveloped in a slightly roasted bread. The decorations are also beuatiful and everything is tasty.
Kalim You think so? This delicious food was all made by Jamil!
Crowley: So you didn't rely on a professional!? How wonderful, Viper.
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Jamil: No, the one who thought up the menu so you could try a lot of new flavors was Kalim. And the Asim family taught me all there is to know about cooking. Everything is thanks to Kalim.
Kalim: Hehehe. The principal and the other guests all seem happy. Thank you for preparing the decorations and the food. Jamil.
Jamil: …Don't mention it. But it's too early for you to let your guard down. As the organizer of the event, don't you still have to appear in the finale? Hurry up and get ready.
Kalim: Okay, gotcha!
Scarabia Dorm
Kalim: Okay, I'm at the stand-by place of the parade. Just as planned, I'll stay here and ride the magical carpet and wait until the start signal…
Scarabia Student A: Get back, hey!
Scarabia Student B: Shit!
Kalim: Hm? What's up with you guys.
Scarabia Student A: D-Dorm leader! Uhm…well…
Scarabia Students B: More than ten birds of the seven-colored parrots that were supposed to appear in the finale…
Scarabia Student A: They all escaped!
Kalim: Huh!?
Chapter 3
Scarabia Students B: More than ten birds of the seven-colored parrots that were supposed to appear in the finale…
Scarabia Student A: They all escaped!
Kalim: Huh!?
Scarabia Student B: We're sorry! They were the indispensable and valuable parrots for the parade!
Scarabia Student A: We carelessly forgot to lock the cages…
Kalim: The seven-colored parrots… I see…But oh well, we'll manage.
Scarabia Student A/B: Huh.
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Kalim: These things happen once in a while. And it's not like it was on purpose? I'll manage one way or the other, so you guys just prepare without worrying!
Scarabia Student A/B: Dorm leader Kalim…!
Kalim: …Ah, I thought of something good. I'll be going to Diasomnia's dorm for now.
Scarabia Student A: Diasomnia? …The place that that Malleus Draconia governs!?
Heartslabyul Student B: Why would you go to another dorm…?
Kalim: Everyone, and Jamil as well, has put a lot of work into the preparation until now. To bring this to a flawless success, I will bring along some seven-colored birds. You guys, just proceed with the plans as usual. We don't intend to make the guests wait after all. I'll be back as soon as possible!
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Crowley: Finally, the parade is starting. We can watch from the balcony. I wonder what will…oh? What's walking to the dorm from a distance with the music…Isn't that an elephant! And at the feet of the elephants are tigers…hm? And on the elepants' backs are lions…!? Huh, you're kidding! That white monkey!? To think it could play a trumpet like that!! Between the golden camel.. Can it be….to think that tigers and lions could be so…eek! Unbelievable!!
Grim: The peacock is hiding the bears… But the elephant! The ears of the elephant! They're so amazing!!!
Yuu: I'm so impressed I can't believe my eyes. This is the biggest parade of the century.
Scarabia Student A: T-The finale is nearing…!
Scarabia Student B: Dorm leader Kalim…can it be he'll be too late…!?
Grim: Oh! The parade goes until the fountain. The beat is livening up as well…
Yuu: It's time for the last part! Let's get fired up!
Crowley: I wonder what kind of surprising show we'll see for the finale!?
???: …Heey!
Scarabia Student A: Huh. The magical carpet is flying to us! And riding it is…
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Kalim: Everyone, sorry to make you wait.
Scarabia Student A/B: Dorm Leader Kalim!!!
Kalim: I kinda lost track of time trying to search for my classmate Silver… but I brought them properly. A lot of white birds!!
Scarabia Student B: …It's true. There are so many white birds behind the dorm leader! Now that you say it, there's a rumor that Silver from Diasomnia gets along well with small animals.
Kalim: Yeah. I went and asked Silver if he could call some of his bird friends. That guy dozes off an awful lot. I was troubled because I couldn't get in contact with him.
Scarabia Student A: …It seems we couldn't find the rare seven-colored parrots. No matter how you look at it, seven-colored parrots are way more vivacious than white birds. It's our fault that they escaped…
Kalim: It's okay. Forcing them back in their cages would be kinda pitiful, wouldn't it? A party should be fun for everyone who participates as well. …Ah of course, you guys as well. That's why you don't have to be so gloomy.
Scarabia Student A/B: Dorm leader…
Kalim: Besides, I'll substitute the seven-colored parrots for the white birds! I told you guys I'd think of something good? Now we have the finale before us. Don't blink and keep watching until the end. "Relax in the desert, a never ending party. Sing, dance! Oasis Maker!"
Crowley: Asim can spray water with his unique magic "Oasis Maker"…
Grim: Seven-colored birds appeared in the midst of it!!
Yuu: It's so beautiful. I've never seen such a beautiful scenery.
Crowley: Oho? If you look closely, those aren't seven-colored birds. It seems that the rainbow that Asim made with his magic makes it look as if the white wings have been dyed in seven colors. The colorful blizzards and the sparkling water, and furthermore the flickering rainbow colored birds… Aah, what a fantastical scenery…!
Kalim: Principal! And Yuu and Grim as well, thank you for coming to Scarabia today! I've never been this happy that I could entertain my dearest guests! You guys are always welcome to my birthplace, the Country of Hot Sands! …Woops. Sorry carpet, I stepped on a bad place… Hey don't go wild! A, Ah I'm losing my balance…aah! I'm falling!!!
???: Watch out!!!!!
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Kalim: …Man I was really surprised. I was careless and fell in the fountain. …Hm? But I'm not hurting anywhere…? …Ah, Jamil! You made me float with wind magic. Thank you. Thanks to you I wasn't hurt.
Jamil: M-My heart…I thought it was about to stop…tch.
Kalim: But I'm completely soaked… How cruel. Hahaha!!
Jamil: You feel like laughing huh. I felt like I was about to pass to the other side! …Here, hurry up, get out of the fountain and dry yourself.
Crowley: To have a merciful rain fall in the parade in the midst of a desert… It is a beautiful magic. This was wonderful, Kalim Al-Asim!
Grim: It was so interesting that it made me anxious when you jumped of the magical carpet at the end!!
Yuu: I don't think that was part of the plan… You made my heart flutter.
Crowley: It must've been awfully troublesome to plan all of that, no?
Kalim: Nah, absolutely not. Right, Jamil?
Jamil: Yes.
Crowley: For you to possess such leadership that you can easily make a party like this, you must actually be a wonderful person!
Scarabia Student A: Yes! Dorm Leader Kalim is always thinking about us students…
Scarabia Student B: He's a very reliable dorm leader!
Crowley: I see. You gave me an exciting experience. My next holiday will be in the Country of Hot Sands!
Kalim: I'm glad! I'm happy that you now understand the merits of the Country of Hot Sands! It's all because the parade went well. Don't forget to thank the animals after this a lot as well!
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grandinventor · 3 years
At the risk of sounding like a Jindosh apologist here (I am.) I will preface that Jindosh is a bad guy, he has either killed people personally or got them killed for experiment purposes by his Clockworks and has dissected the dead so he is not good, he is a villain, I acknowledge that.
Now with that out of the way I wanna criticize the narrative surrounding him and his mansion and how it sometimes falls flat on it’s face trying to demonize them thanks to a lot of points my friend @divaythfyr​ brought up. I’ll put all of that below the cut:
Yesterday I was told this line and I won’t lie it is...bad. Line in question: 
Billie: "His home is supposed to be full of marvels. Locals go in as a test of courage, or because they're desperate for a meal. Kids, even. People say you can hear them at night, pounding on the windows, calling for help."
But because I couldn’t live with the idea that he kills children you know the simplest villain demonization tactic in writing history (kick the puppy, kick the child whatever) and I think it’s pretty cheap to try and make him worse than Sokolov, I talked to the Jindosh apologist committee and thot about it so I’ll go over this line by line. 
1. "His home is supposed to be full of marvels.“ - Okay but isn’t his home also supposed to be scary? Isn’t the whole “Why would anyone build a scary mansion like this?” line from Emily/Corvo as they enter supposed to tell us that this is a scary place? Which is funny because in reality the mansion itself isn’t scary at all, in fact it’s extremely logical in the way it unfolds and exposes the rooms. It’s perfectly functional and as someone with a major in architecture, I can say it’s the best designed house in terms of organization in the game. There is no way to die in the mansion unless the Clockwork Soldiers and the guards get you - which goes for literally any important/rich person’s house? You walk in someone’s house uninvited and their guards get you. You can die if you get behind the walls but it’s extremely difficult to do so especially in the places where you can get squished. The house itself is completely harmless. So the whole idea from Jindosh’s end that it’s a maze is stupid on it’s own too, the house is perfectly logical and Stilton’s manor is an actual maze because I got lost 10 times in there. 
2. “Locals go in as a test of courage, or because they're desperate for a meal.“ - okay first part is correct people go in his house to either steal, test their skills or kill him. He says as much himself. He says fabled thieves and assassins died there. Again probably from his guards and Clockworks since you can’t die from the house in any rational way. And then he dragged them half dead or dead in his lab to dissect them. He has a fascination with watching people die because he is like evil and a villain like that. Which brings me to the next point which is:
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There are only two ways to get in his mansion without powers. There is the bridge below which is broken and the railway which is guarded and has a Wall of Light on the other end. So how will anyone that is not prepared with a grappling hook or some kind of way to close this gap gonna get in? How is your random average person gonna go in? And most importantly why? Do people just walk in aristocrat’s houses and expect not to get out in a body bag or? 
Besides he has a) a lot of free food and drinks in the lobby which is his threshold as to how far you are allowed to go so if someone wanted food they can just walk in and take it and leave (after you know, scaling a mountain for whatever reason because there aren’t easier houses to steal from) and b) he has an audiograph, because I am sure he assumes people can’t read, which tells you “Do not enter or you will die and I will dissect your remains and this is a promise.” Like why add a warning if you wanna lure people in? Unless those people think they can outsmart him so they come with intent and not just because they need food/shelter. Also he has food right next to that audio. 
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3. “Kids, even.“ - okay this one, the scary line. I won’t lie this made me uncomfortable. So like if we assume that normal people can enter by normal means (which in point 2 is clear they can’t unless further elaborated by the game on How? and Why?), a child going in as a dare and dying is possible. Billie after this line goes on to say that she saw a child dare his brother to touch the wall of light which vaporized the child, so the implication is possible. It’s possible a child went in his mansion as a dare and bad things unfolded. It’s also equally possible that it didn’t. We know of adult men dying because we see the bodies. For this one is just a rumor. You can take it either way depending on how you feel about Jindosh. It’s very unlikely a child would get this far though, unless this was some kind of Disney movie. Also Jindosh wouldn’t personally have a reason to kill a child you know, like I know it’s the easiest “this villain is super evil!!!!” writing tactic, but he had a pretty shitty childhood, he felt hated by his mother and probably wasn’t treated so nicely by his (bastard) brother. He likes to exercise his lack of control during his younger years by having control over other people through his house and toying with them. He is very childish in a sense too (with his toy house and toy soldiers), and because of all of this I truly don’t think he would kill a child. He wants a real challenge and to test out his machines and his house against the best and smartest Karnaca can offer, not children. Though my opinion here can be highly biased. 
Also many children can casually pull 6ft tall levers I’m sure--
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4.  “People say you can hear them at night, pounding on the windows, calling for help." - we know people have died in the mansion and they have been crying for release, as he says so himself. But again the above points kind of challenge as to who these people that died inside were. However because you know I’ve been playing with his mansion for four years cause I am a dumb hoe, I can say that there are very little windows. In fact the majority of windows that aren’t blocked off by the cliff or the mechanisms are around his laboratory.
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 Now yes people could go there and bang on them sure. But they literally...face the lab and chances are no one is gonna hear you bang on that side. The other windows not facing the lab are in the foyer where...you are allowed to be and nothing is gonna happen to you. 
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And the windows that actually face a side where let’s say someone could hear if someone was banging are the windows on the front of the house. Only the thing is, there are no windows on the front of the house except in the foyer. 
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Here are the buildings from across his mansion which I guess can maybe hear if someone was banging on the windows. But again no windows on the front of the house. 
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The fake windows is where the mechanism for the ceiling over the gallery in the upper hall is. The one that kinda extends and unfolds from there. So isn’t entirely possible that the banging and screaming or whatever people heard is just...the mechanisms of his house? The scary evil child killing house? Which is actually moving and making a lot of noise at all times?
So in conclusion? Yes, Jindosh is bad, he has no regard to human life, he divides society as innocent bystanders and criminals. He does dream of an army of Clockwork Soldiers to eradicate all crime. Be, he isn’t a senseless killer, it’s his neutrality and fascination with death as well as his black and white thinking that makes him dangerous. He doesn’t see people as human. In the majority of cases we know of (except one for some reason? That cursed baker who got his brain fried why did you have to do that Jindosh!?) he experiments on people who he deems criminals without sympathy. Also in situations where he thinks it’s justified - breaking in to steal from him or hurt him, the Blade Verbena, prisoners that can actually provide a learning experience for his Clockworks and Sokolov. He doesn’t go kidnapping people off the streets to experiment on them. 
And despite his evilness being completely logical, the whole game tries to paint his mansion as this big puzzle and trap when in reality it’s...really just a house. The level design is beautiful and amazing but I think it doesn’t really carry the point as strongly simply because it’s not any more dangerous than any other mission and it’s just more fun when it comes to gameplay. The design is great but it never gave me the feeling of it being a horror house. So I think that demonizing Jindosh through hearsay instead of through his actual mission is a bit of a weird choice. A lot of things don’t reflect how evil he is, but not in the good way of “The Grand Inventor doesn’t seem evil but he is.” and instead you get it hammered how evil he is from the start without actually ever experiencing a climax of his evilness you wouldn’t expect. It’s not that every story should have a twist, but usually when you say someone is evil, you either make them good at the end or even more evil. Jindosh never has that climax, he is the same start to finish and that is... mildly annoying and slightly threatening. Like his level is pretty but not scary and they keep trying to convince you it’s scary which makes it weird which I guess is because if you listen to a lot of his unused lines and old concept art, he was supposed to be this stereotypical mad scientist but in the end they changed his visual design and lines so much he comes off as lukewarm. I understand what they tried to do with Jindosh but I feel like they failed to do it and had to rely on everyone saying he is super irredeemably evil to justify lobotomizing him.
Anyway this post is too long, sorry if the read more doesn’t go through somewhere and please feel free to counter my points I am open to different and non biased views (or even information I might not know because I haven’t read the books or found everything). 
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imaginesupply · 5 years
Warm me up - Loki x Reader imagine
Alright, so after complaining that no one had yet written a Loki imagine that included cockwarming, I decided to write one myself. Be aware that it’s 2am in Paris, that I haven’t written anything in ages and that English is still not my main language, so please forgive any weird wordings or mistakes you might find in this. I did proofread it, but you know…
I also feel like I messed up Loki’s portrayal?
Includes: Jotun!Loki, mild cursing, mild smut, very minor angst, fluff and ugly pajamas.
Word count: About 2800.
Waiting impatiently for the elevator to take her to the second highest floor, she clutched the pillow tighter to her chest, trying to stifle a yawn.
Tony had texted her as soon as they'd gotten back from some overly complex mission that wasn't even taking place in this realm - if she'd correctly understood while eavesdropping on the team, that is, given that Loki tried to keep her in the dark most of the time because apparently her life expectancy was already 'frighteningly short' and he refused to do anything that could potentially shorten it even more. There had also been a part about  him wanting to get his hands on one of those 'incredibly sneaky Idunn apples’ but she wasn’t sure what that meant.
Maybe he could try learning how to text, that would certainly make her live longer and a lot more stress free, she mused.
Right now, she was just overly excited to see him again for the first time in eight days. Tony had told her Loki was exhausted and had gone straight to bed upon their arrival. She couldn't help but find it a little bit odd - usually he'd go straight to her room five floors below when he came back from a mission, but she tried not to worry too much.
The elevator came to a halt and she was hurrying to his room before the doors had even fully slid open. Her feet slipped on the polished floor, her socks not allowing for much grip but she was sure it was worth the risk of a bruised bum if it meant she'd get to Loki a few seconds earlier.
"Hey fluffy socks!" Tony called after her when she passed him in the kitchen. She had hoped he hadn't seen her since he was staring into the open fridge but apparently Iron Man had eyes on his butt or something.
For a split second, she considered ignoring him but he was her boss after all, and a very generous one at that, allowing her to live in the tower.
Now that he had her attention, he first drowned his full tumbler of Scotch before actually speaking to her. Couldn't he just say what he had to say?
"Are you going to see Loki?"
She raised her eyebrows at him. Was he seriously asking her that?! Why else would she would she be running in the hallway at 2 in the morning in her pajamas?
"Right, stupid question, sorry. Look, we ran into some unforeseen complications and Loki, well..."
"Was he injured?" She blurted out instantly, eyes wide with fear but to her relief, Tony quickly shook his head.
"Not really. There are no wounds but he had to use a lot of that weird seidr of his to get us out of there and now he - he is... feverish?"
She could hear it in her boss' voice that he was unsure of his own choice of words. A fever? But Loki was an alien God or a Frost Giant or whatever, surely he couldn't get a fever?
"Okay. Thanks for the heads up!" She replied way more cheerfully than she actually felt, hoping Tony wouldn’t stop her if she looked okay.
It was with a sense of dread that she now walked the rest of the way to Loki's room. Once at his door, she was surprised he hadn't locked it and - wait! Was that ice on the handle?
Pushing the door open, she let her pillow fall to the floor as she was met with an unexpected wave of cold that immediately had her chilled to the bones. What the hell? Whispering for FRIDAY to turn on the small night lamp, she was startled by the state she found his room in, but most importantly by what she found on the bed.
Loki was lying in bed, covers drawn up to his chin, only he wasn't in his Æsir form. "Shit!" She cursed in a whisper, stepping on the thin layer of ice that had formed on the floor until she got to his side.
His skin was a deep shade of blue but for the white intricate markings adorning it. Something was very wrong with him, she realized. His Jotun form didn't bother her. To be honest, she actually found him rather attractive like that in a weird alien sort of way. However, she knew Loki wasn't comfortable with that aspect of himself and he'd never revert to his Jotun shape unless he didn't have the strength to keep on his Æsir appearance.
Softly, she lowered her hand to his cheek only to hiss in pain as soon as her skin made contact with his. The tip of her finger had turned purple in the split second it had made contact with him. She had almost gotten frostbite just from touching him!
In a panic-induced rush, she hurried over to the control center on the charcoal painted wall and turned the heat to the highest setting. She knew he was colder in his Jotun form, but not that cold. She had touched him like this before, but she had found his lower temperature refreshing, causing her nothing more than a pleasant shiver.
The next step was the en-suite bathroom where she dropped some rags into the hottest water that would come out from the tab, and put some towels to warm up by the heater.
Humans were warm blooded but you had to cool them down when they had a fever. So, by analogy, Frost Giants being cold blooded, she had to warm him up, right?
In truth, she wasn't entirely convinced of her logic but it was the only solution she came up with. Quickly, she walked back into the bedroom, bending down at his side to place some hot rags on his forehead and around his hands.
"Loki?" She whispered worriedly when he didn't open his eyes, but his face remained unchanged, the small frown not leaving his features.
Carefully, she pulled back the covers only to notice he had managed to freeze his clothes solid. Not waiting another moment, she started undressing him which was easier said than done because one, he was still wearing his battle gear; two, although his clothes weren't as cold as his skin, touching them was still painful like holding a frozen snowball in her naked hands and three, he was a lot heavier than you'd expect from his lean body.
With clenched teeth, she managed to get rid of the layers on the top half of his body until she was met with his naked blue torso before unzipping his leather pants and pulling them down with his underwear.
Oh - oh! Well, that's certainly interesting, she couldn't help but lose focus for a second as she saw his Jotun body naked for the first time. I'll definitely keep that in mind next time things are getting frisky and he isn't quite literally freezing to death in front of me. With another hard pull - that drove her backwards with such force, it was a wonder her butt didn't collide with the floor - she managed to get him out of the rest of his frozen clothes.Now, I know why he always uses seidr to undress. Leather is pain to take off!
"Love... is that you?"
Tears of relief slid down her face almost instantly at the sound of his voice. "Yes!" She pretty much shouted before tiptoeing around the bed until she was right at his side. "Yes , Loki, it's me. How do you-?"
"You need to leave," he grunted between clenched teeth, trying to pull himself upright by the strength of his arms but not quite succeeding. "Now!"
She could tell his was trying hard to keep his crimson eyes open as he glared at her, as if hoping it would scare her away.
"I'm not leaving until you feel better," she crooned softly, hesitantly lowering her hand to caress his cheek. It was still way too cold but there was no longer a risk of getting frostbite.
Without a warning, Loki tried swatting her hand away, but his hand movement was much less grateful than habitually. He was actually shivering, she realized.
Resigned after lacking the strength to pry her hand away by force, he closed his eyes tightly, his nostrils flaring as he took a deep breath. "I don't want you to see me like this. So, will you please leave alone or do I have to make you leave?"
He had meant to draw her away by hurting her feelings, but she could see right through him - masking vulnerability with anger. In a sense, he did manage to hurt her feelings as her heart now broke for him. Was he so unused to people actually caring and looking after him?
"If I leave, I'll have to send someone else in to take care of you. It's your call, Loki." His red eyes opened wide at her threat and he immediately shook his head. "See? That wasn't too hard. Now, one more time, how do you feel?"
Loki groaned, obviously uncomfortable by the whole situation. "To use your midgardian slang, I feel like I've been hit by a bus."
She rolled her eyes at him, something she never dared to do when he was in his normal capacity because the only time she had dared to, he had responded by using his seidr to tickle her to tears. "I'm serious."
"Fine! I feel as if my body has been frozen from the inside."
Now that Loki was actually cooperating, she felt like they were getting somewhere. First, she made him drink a full glass of water and asked him if he was hungry but he only rolled his eyes at that. He's still Loki, after all.
The towels she had put over the radiator were now warm enough to drape over his body. Not waiting for his approval because knowing him, he'd play difficult, she pulled back the covers once again so she could wrap the homemade heating pad around his body.
He stared at her, brows furrowed in confusion, as she lifted, first his right shoulder, then his left one, to tuck the towel beneath them. How was she not disgusted by him, he couldn't help but wonder. Not only was he weak right now, but he looked like those monsters children were afraid of. And yet, he couldn't help the sense of warmth that washed over him at knowing that she accepted him whatever his heritage. That was more than he could say about his own father.
She continued with her task, trying to build a warm cocoon around him but she couldn't help herself from tracing some of the intricate silvery markings with her fingertips. A few lines ran from his chest down to his stomach, others only started at the level of his belly button and had more a twirl to them, leading straight to his -
"Oh, someone is happy, it seems," she chuckled when she noticed his erection standing proudly despite the cold. It actually appeared to be a deeper shade of blue than the rest of him, with a slightly upward curve.
Instead of seeming pointlessly embarrassed by his body's natural reaction, especially given the lack of disgust she had expressed, Loki actually looked rather smug. "Well, someone's is being rather handsy."
She huffed, somehow feeling herself blush as she looked at him. "Well, someone has been trying to help someone else warm up."
"Well, someone knows of other ways you can help someone warm up." Loki used the second that it took her to get his innuendo, to take her by surprise and pull her closer him, until she was pretty much straddling his body.
And then he kissed her. A gasp escaped her as his cold lips made contact with the sensitive skin of hers. It was almost like kissing an ice cube... but an ice cube that tasted of Loki, of mischief, of home. Only when his tongue prodded for entrance, did she realize what they were doing.
Pulling back a little to break the kiss that had her lightly panting as she carefully pushed his shoulders down into the pillow, she was quite certain he let out a little frustrated whine. "We should not be doing this," she admonished them both before sitting back on her butt, accidentally causing some very pleasant friction that had the, both moaning at the sensation. She had to bite her lower lip to keep her resolve, "right now, you are in no state for such activities."
Instead of coming up with a lokiworthy line, she watched as his face took on a focused look before turning into a frown. Was he seriously trying to seidr her clothes away right now?
"That's exactly my point," she couldn't stop her giggle as she bent forward to kiss the tip of his nose. She had always wanted to that but he was too tall and always too fast, managing to turn his face away from her and kissing her cheek instead. A girl has to take the chances that presented themselves to her.
"But I want to be inside of you, to feel your tight warmth around me," Loki drawled, softly thrusting up his hips to prove his point.
She actually whimpered at the contact - needy Loki did things to her, it seemed. Wetting her lips before nodding once, she quickly stepped away from him.
Loki followed her movements with his eyes, the disappointed look in his eyes rapidly turning to excitement when he realized she had only stepped away to discard those ridiculous cat-print pajamas of hers. Despite the radiators being at their highest capacity, her nipples pebbled almost painfully as she resumed her position above him, the chill that emanated from his body still quite noticeable.
Both let out little sounds of pleasure as the friction was now stronger without any fabric acting as a barrier between their bodies. She couldn't help but to grind her hips against his before leaning down to kiss him.
There was a power surge suddenly rising up in her when she realized that - for the first time - Loki was at her mercy. Usually, when she was on top, it was because he let her be on top. And even then, it was him who set the pace.
From his reactions when she traced them with her fingers, she gathered that the silvery lines adorning his skin were particularly sensitive. They also stood out a little, almost like scarifications and the best was that they down there as well. Alright, let's not get ourselves carried away, her inner voice reminded her.
When she slid her hand between their bodies to guide himself inside her warmth, she had to stop herself from grinning at the look on his face - like a Frost Giant boy who had just spotted a bag of candies. If they had candy in Jotunheim, she actually didn't know.
Loki groaned, throwing his head back and exposing his long blue neck to her as she impaled herself on his cock. It was quite a stretch, even more so than in his Æsir form and she felt incredibly full with him inside, the ridges only adding to that sensation. Focus, girl!
At her stillness, Loki impatiently thrust his hips upwards but she was quick to press his body down against the mattress. He looked up at her, confusion written across his face even as his grip tightened on her hips. Surely, she wouldn't do that to him, would she?
She smirked at his reaction even though she wanted this wanted this as much as him. "You only asked to feel my warmth around you," she explained coyly.
His crimson turned a shade darker. "You are a very reasonable person, love, surely you cannot expect me -"
"Shh," she hushed him with her index finger to his lips. "If you are too weak to overpower me, you are too weak for sexy times. For now, I'm going to warm you up. Afterwards, you can do whatever you want with me," she promised just as she felt him twitch inside her. Focus!
Without waiting for his response, she lowered herself until the upper half of her body was lying over his torso and she was cuddled against him.
His muscles gradually relaxed as he came to the conclusion that he wouldn’t be able to convince her. Sighing, he nuzzled his nose into her hair. Gosh, she smelled of whatever Valhalla was made of! And if he was honest with himself, being like this was rather comforting, the ability of feeling her everywhere somehow making him forget that a whole world existed beyond the cocoon of her body.
"Fine," he complained a little theatrically, "but I'll hold you to your word."
Within minutes, both were soundly asleep. Not only was it the early hours of the morning, but he had exerted himself more during the mission than he wanted to admit and she never got much sleep when he was away.
Hours later, she found herself being woken up by a rhythmic rocking movement that she would gladly have compared to a calm boat ride if there was the biggest storm in the century and the boat was ramming into her.
With a gasp caused by sudden pleasure, she opened her eyes to find Loki thrusting into her with a mischievous smirk. "It seems your technique got me warmed up in no time, love."
Let me know what you guys think!
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ancient-day · 4 years
Thoughts on Goro and his plans post-Shido
Goro was a person willing to do anything it took to accomplish his goal, and it's incredibly impressive how much he was able to achieve by his own merit and hard work. Yes, he was chosen by Yaldabaoth, and yes, he was given things he never would have had access to otherwise from Shido, but there's no denying his own personal victories and feats. He was an ambitious person with strong conviction, and he stuck to the path he's chosen no matter how risky it’d been.
But where did that leave him when his goal was stripped away? When he lost his life's fight against Shido and everything he thought he knew, what did he have left at the end of everything he'd done?
( under a read more for length )
His plan was to thrust Shido into a living hell (not necessarily take his life), and in order to expose or shame him, Goro would also have to risk exposing himself to the public. And that would have likely resulted in his own arrest, which Goro would have been prepared for. After all, what would a private revenge be worth? After causing so many accidents, injuries, and death, allowing the man to fall as a victim or martyr behind the scenes wouldn’t work, and he’d understand better than most how necessary it was to have proof of those actions. It was the only way to really knock down a man who prided himself on reaching the top and being adored by the masses.
He must have known Shido's destruction through a plan like this was going to be both his freedom and his sentence because he could not intertwine himself in Shido’s web without suffering any of the consequences of his downfall. Unless he fled the country beforehand, which could have been part of his plan with those hints he's dropped about wanting to travel the world in the future and/or lay low after Shido was elected. But even then, what would be next?
What did Goro want, aside from Shido’s suffering?
He said it himself: he wanted to be wanted, needed, and loved.
So in a hypothetical scenario where he had succeeded in bringing down Shido, what he would be left with would either be imprisonment or a life on the run, alone. His deeds would catch up with him, and despite what he may say otherwise, he had shown signs of regret and uneasiness in his actions (examples: post-Okumura’s death, he visited Leblanc looking pretty damn miserable before Akira got his attention, as well as when he told Akira he regrets that they didn’t meet sooner). With those weighing heavily on his conscience, as well as his life of lies and secrecy, how would he ever obtain those desires of being wanted, needed, and loved?
How could he ever trust those feelings from anyone who didn’t know who he had been until that point?
Goro must have thought about it, at least to some extent. If he thought about his plan and got to the point of having sincere remorse at not having met Akira before it all happened, then it’s likely he had to acknowledge that his plan did not leave him with a happy ending for himself, either. And whether his regret came from wishing he’d never done any of it or regretting the ending he’d chosen for himself now that he had someone who made him want to stick around, it’s hard to say for sure.
But with all that being said...
Everyone’s pointed out how his sacrifice seems silly when he could have taken that step back and joined the thieves on the other side before the wall rose, but the truth of the matter is that he stayed behind intentionally.
So why would he do that?
True, the PT extended their hands and spoke of second chances, but for someone like Goro, those ideas were completely nonsensical because he did not believe that people could change. He was not exempt from this, and he held himself accountable for the things he’d done as both a way of feeling in control of his situation, as well as strengthening his resolve to do what he felt needed to be done no matter the cost. Again, at his core, he was someone with drive and ambition to do so.
And with that belief that people could not change, he was able to justify killing them because they dug their own graves and deserved it. Holding himself to the same standard would align with his justice. In Goro’s mind, he deserved to die alongside everyone else; however, before facing his own justice, he believed others deserved it first. If he’s going down anyway, might as well take them with him.
I would even argue that his challenging the PT even after they’d beaten him with Robin Hood was him resigning himself to his fate. Using Call of Chaos on himself was not a guaranteed victory, and he even expressed to Akira that they would fight and fight until one of them was dead. It’s honestly no surprise that at his defeat, he was dumbfounded that they didn’t just kill him. He didn’t think they should trust him to change, and he may not have been sure of himself to do the same, either. (He may have also internalized Shido’s threat where failure/losing was met with harm or death).
So as a final act of free will, he took himself out of the game and trusted Akira to finish what he started in the way he never could.
In the original version of P5, that would be where the argument ended; however, Royal presented a couple more alternatives for his fate.
First, when he reappeared on Christmas, he immediately turned himself in. Going back to the previous discussions of where his revenge may have put him, this made sense as something he may have already considered to happen to him anyway had he survived his plan. And at least this way, he could once again repay his debt to Akira by ensuring his friend stayed free.
And when that proved to amount to nothing, he was visibly agitated that he’d been released and immediately wanted to fix the oddities that were happening so he could get back to where he felt he deserved to be. There’s no way to know for sure  when it clicked that there was a huge possibility he was dead in their original reality (although we can surmise it was early enough after seeing both Wakaba and Kunikazu), but he remained firm in his resolve the entire time.
Conversations at the Jazz Club gave a bit more insight on his feelings toward himself, mostly resulting in admissions to knowing the others didn’t want him around, indirect ways of saying he found people like himself disturbing, and suggesting that he’d been reading up on the topic of happiness in philosophy “for fun.” In Mementos, he also expressed his awareness that the team did not enjoy working with him and that they were put off by how he acted when he fought. To his face, both Haru and Futaba said that they were happy to have him so long as he didn’t do anything to hurt them and to be grateful they were so open-minded, but in the saferoom with Akira, they expressed their true feelings of not wanting him there (where he could still potentially overhear them).
Simply put, he was once again aware that he was unwanted, but he was at least needed. The idea of being loved probably felt so outlandish to him that he didn’t even want to entertain the idea, hence why he continuously pushed Akira away and called his affections brainless or a waste of time. One out of three wishes was probably more than he ever thought he’d get.
Because when he faced death in the engine room, he’d shown himself vulnerable, desperate, and pleading for Akira to fulfill that final promise. He’d sounded like the person who admitted all he wanted was to be wanted, needed, and loved, but by the third semester, he closed off that side of himself entirely as if resigning to the truth that he’d never have those things, so why acknowledge them? Why bother working toward them? Especially if he was just going to disappear again anyway?
So after once again having something to actively work toward, Goro could delay having to think about his future because the possibilities he’d left himself with were either prison or death. When Akira asked him toward the end of the 3rd Semester what his plans were, he dodged the question saying it was none of his business, but he knew there was nothing waiting for him after defeating Maruki. No point even coming up with a bullshit answer when he didn’t even have a future at all.
And he held onto this come February 2, despite having his suspicions confirmed and needing to persuade Akira it was still the best possible option for them to return to their true reality where he might be dead because his life was just a trivial thing anyway. This was also the first time he openly admitted to having been manipulated his whole life and being done with it all, even if it meant giving up the other parts of his dream (being wanted, and possibly even being loved).
Of his three potential plans for himself, he’d chosen death, prison, and death again. It didn’t matter if he wasn’t actually dead; he believed he was, and he chose it again.
Which brings us to the final scene where he was seen accompanied by men in suits while wearing his typical uniform. While helpful for the player to recognize him, it also gave the impression that he wasn’t trying to hide in public since he would be just as recognizable to anyone else. So whatever he was doing with them is up for debate, but a fair assumption would be that it had to do with Shido’s case, putting him back in the possibility of arrest, or he was able to find a new goal to work toward that he never disclosed on-screen during the few months he was presumed dead. But that goal involved him needing to be escorted, presumably out of town since he’d been at the station.
[ Ideally, the unused scene where he checked himself into the Rehab Facility (or Women’s Shelter) could be treated as canon, and it would mean that working toward making things right and recovering were his new goals (and ones that wouldn’t require a deadline). ]
So did Goro want to die, or did he deem it necessary?
In true Akechi Goro nature, both were just as likely. Even if he craved companionship, he never allowed himself to fully embrace or accept it, even with Akira. He’d made up his mind that they were unattainable goals he’d never truly reach, and thus had nothing left to truly live for outside the goals he felt were obtainable (goals that included taking down the most powerful man in the country and stopping a man with enough power to alter reality and become a god). And once those were over and done with, he was once again left with nothing but a dream he’d never have and a conscience caught up with him. Death probably felt like a comfortable option to not have to face and deal with those thoughts since he’d lived all eighteen years of his life miserable enough already.
His sense of justice mingled with his low self-worth would dictate that he deserved to die; however, Akira’s impact on his life had the power to shift this ever so slightly from being definite to something he’d have to at least consider a bit more. Meaning that he may not have been actively suicidal right away, should he survive, but he would potentially pick up or continue self-destructive tendencies and struggle with those feelings even if he never reached the point of attempting. The possibility would be there, and he could be pushed to that point again.
This is where I slip into explicit interpretation and headcanon territory, but given everything he’s been through and the potential for inheriting his mother’s depression, I do think it dangerous for him to be left alone with himself without any sort of help (therapy, friends, colleagues, etc.) because he’s shown signs of how these things have seriously affected him and the way he thinks. I think he could easily fall into the mindset of not wanting to die, but not wanting to be alive, either, and some days the scale would tilt in favor of one or the other a bit more heavily.
It’s how his sacrifice could hold so much impact because it didn’t feel like a lazy attempt at redemption; he chose to die even after he struggled all his life to make it to where he was. He chose to die when he’d finally been given a chance to live freely. These weren’t just simple solutions no matter how much he’d argue otherwise, even if he saw his life as trivial and disposable.
The short answer: it’s complicated.
I have no idea what Atlus has planned for him from here, but I do hope that he has the opportunity to start over and truly live a life free of Shido’s and Yaldabaoth’s influence. He still has his promise to duel Akira again, as well. So whether he turns himself in, travels the world, takes those steps to heal through therapy/rehab, or spends some time laying low before his rematch, he has more options now than he ever did before.
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 47: The One where JGY Gets Kinky with WWX and NO ONE Likes It
so our boys are still wandering around yunping and wwx is trying his hand at being matchmaker
he starts asking lwj if there's any female cultivators that *insert list of traits here*
they're still walking ahead of wn, who looks distracted by smth idk what
lwj: what for?
he asks as soon as wwx finishes listing off traits
It’s off-screen tho so we don't get to see his expression
But this is lwj we’re talking about and we all know how he gets when wwx so much as implies interest in other people
wwx: it's not for me!!
and then he goes on to say how wn is all grown up now and probs can't spend the rest of his life third-wheeling them
wwx looks back and sees wn surrounded by children while lwj is still facing the other way
and i only mention this bc once wwx sees wn with the kids, wwx reaches over and PHYSICALLY TURNS lwj around by gently grabbing him by the shoulders
wwx: following me like this, is not an appropriate life for him. According to the bro code, i def need to find him a partner
this is actually so sweet tho, wwx doesn’t want his buddy to be lonely!!
wwx: hanguang jun, what do you think?
lwj: *nod*
wwx: at least, he needs to make some friends
wwx: lan zhan, i think sizhui is a perfect candidate
wwx doesn't dwell on lwj's abrupt departure bc when ISN'T lwj abrupt, right? 
After wwx rescues wn from the children, he tells him to go wait at the inn while he and lwj continue to investigate. 
wn goes all Sad Puppy about it.
but wwx doesn't see it bc he's already running towards lwj "lan zhan, wait for me!"
Small interruption to say that i really really enjoy watching our boys walk side by side?
we're constantly getting shots of their backs as they walk next to each other and even if they weren't EPIC SOULMATES, it’s still like, aesthetically pleasing.
Oh look, they found out that jgy's deed was to a Temple of Doom
or okay, a standard religious temple but considering what goes down in there eventually, i think Temple of Doom is a pretty accurate name for it
lwj mentions he senses a magic circle hidden in the temple and they proceed to talk plot stuff
but i'm just so distracted by their pretty faces
mostly wwx's, but lwj also has a pretty face
blah blah plot blah
it's decided they need to come back at night when it'll presumably be empty
now wwx is politely questioning a monk
wwx: Asks Clever Plot Related Questions
me: *dreamy sigh* so pretty wwx, so pretty
ooooh, wwx's Clever Plot Related Questions reveal that the monk is a FRAUD. 
idc about it or why he's a fraud but i just wanted to demonstrate HOW SMART MY SUNSHINE BOY IS. he’s got beauty AND brains!!!
cut to next scene and IT'S NIGHT TIME
wwx, lwj, and wn are approaching the Temple of Doom
lwj stops wwx from getting any closer to the doors with an outstretched arm
then lwj gets closer to the doors and kind of just...lobs a bit of his blue spiritual energy at the door
turns out it's warded! no getting in that way
so wwx says they'll get in through the courtyard or smth and tells wn to stand guard
wwx: i am half a wreck but we still have hanguang jun~
we get some alone time with wn who notices some ominous black clouds rolling in so he takes off to investigate
And that dumb dog is leading my precious brat of a son straight to the Temple of Doom!!
now we cut to our boys spying over the wall and they see a whole bunch of random dudes with bows/arrows
wwx is thinking to himself: why is jl here? why didn't wn stop him? naughty kid, leave quickly with the dog!!
we get a close up shot of wwx's eyes here and i'm mentioning this for two reasons
1) wwx has beautiful brown eyes and everyone should take a moment to be grateful for this close up of them
but, more importantly
okay back to the show i guess
jl manages to pull himself up BUT OH NO, THEY'VE GOT AN ARROW AIMED AT HIM
we see wwx gripping his bamboo flute 
and in the next second the bad guys loose their arrows at my bratty son!! HOW DARE THEY
wwx thinks fast and flings his flute at the incoming arrows and one of the arrows oh so conveniently splits the flute so it's unusable now
wwx: jin ling, run!!
now our boys are getting shot at and it's super stressful
but wwx and lwj leap off the roof (wwx does a fancy flip bc ofc he does) and wwx starts flinging talismans everywhere like nbd
they're smoke bomb talismans apparently
so smoke bombs right, and we see somebody walking calmly through it
our boys land on the ground and get ready to start fighting
lwj has his bichen drawn and pointed directly at jgy but he hasn't made a move yet bc wwx is being used as a human shield!!
jgy: i advise master wei not to whistle. it doesn't matter if the flute is broken. but if a finger or tongue is lost, that would be tragic
he says it with a fake, condescending concerned expression
wwx gives a little huff and says sarcastically: you have a good point
eeww, we hear the garrote creak as jgy starts walking backwards 
and wwx has no choice but to follow BC HE'S GOT A GARROTE AROUND HIS NECK
lwj keeps pace with them, sword still pointed at jgy BC HELL NO HE'S NOT GONNA LET HIM TAKE MY, I MEAN, HIS WEI YING AWAY
oh, side note, we get a nice peek at some decorative etchings along bichen’s blade, kinda like suibian’s red line, except they’re pale silvery blue
Have they been there the whole time?? HOW DID I NOT NOTICE??
I blame wwx’s beautiful face for distracting me at every turn
Anyway, the etchings are pretty, whatever they are
Jgy is like don’t even THINK of trying anything hanguang jun!!
at that, lwj stiffly lowers bichen and he immediately gets surrounded by jgy's henchmen
the expression on lwj's face!! this is him scowling up a storm
since this is lwj's face we're talking about tho, there's only the slightest downward pull at the corner of his mouth. 
his eyes, on the other hand, his eyes are glowering fiercely
wwx tells lxc not to feel so bad about being tricked bc after all jgy is the best at what he does 
now wwx and jgy are doing that thing i love, you know the trope?
when the good guy and the bad guy speak to each other lightly, casually 
As if no one is actually poised to get murdered or anything
with an implicit acknowledgement of each others' immense skill
And they exchange notes as to how the good guy discovered the bad guy’s nefarious plot and the bad guy taking it as constructive criticism for future evil endeavors
Good stuff, good stuff
as they do this, jgy keeps his eyes pinned to lwj, who is the only real threat to him right now
wwx: since we’re completely at your mercy how’s about you tell me what kind of treasure is in the Temple of Doom?
jgy: the price to satisfy your curiosity is high. are you sure you want to try, master wei?
he says all falsely regretful
look i hate jgy with every fiber of my being, but i do appreciate this sort of banter
unfortunately it gets interrupted by some henchmen dragging in my bratty son!!!
jgy gives jl a sweet benign smile, with dimples and all 
which kind of cracks me up tbh, bc it does not mesh with the fact that he's got wwx by the neck here
jl: uncle jgy!
jgy: 'sup a-ling?
wwx: what's wrong with you, kid? why'd you come here at night??
that was totally just a reflexive indignant response to wwx's tone, i love it
bc it's not like his one uncle is threatening to murder his other uncle or anything important lololol
and for all the dog lovers out there, to really hammer in how evil jgy is, jgy orders his henchmen to go murder fairy
my bratty son is very upset by this
lxc comes in here and is like, hey, jl is just a kid!! and also your nephew!!!
and jgy is all like, ofc i know he's a kid and my nephew! what do you think i'd do?? kill him???
well, i mean, you did murder your own infant son
i can't imagine killing your teenage nephew is that big of a leap for you, jgy
and then he goes right on to say that hey nephew, if you run or scream, probably something awful will happen to you so maybe don't do that
oh now we cut to the inside of the temple and people are digging into the floor
wwx is wondering what the heck jgy is looking for
then he looks at lwj and with just a twitch of his eyebrows indicates that OMG JGY IS DISTRACTED AND THERE'S AN OPENING FOR AN ATTACK, GO FOR IT LWJ
or at least i'm assuming that's what that eyebrow twitch meant bc lwj catches it and leaps into action
he raises bichen and dives towards jgy aiming to cut his head clean off, it looks like
but jgy sees it coming in the last second and jerks wwx in front of him. 
bichen stops just barely an inch or two away from wwx's bleeding neck
wwx closes his eyes in disappointment  bc they had been so close! 
and now he just looks so upset bc he thinks he’s ruined their chances by letting jgy use him as a shield
jgy: hanguang jun, put bichen down now. do you really want to kill master wei?
and omg wwx's face his eyes are red and teary, wide open and pinned to lwj as we all watch lwj obediently lower bichen
wwx: lan zhan, don't listen to him!
my sunshine boy's brow is all furrowed and he sounds desperate here
wwx: i have never blamed you! lan zhan, you go first to find reinforcements!
Lwj looks him straight in the eye and shakes his head no for everyone to see
bc nothing will tear him away from wei ying, not again, not when he finally got him back after 16 long long years.
jgy: great! Next, please sheathe bichen
there's a slight twist to lwj's mouth as he sheathes bichen angrily 
but he did it with no hesitation 
the sound fx team really made the shing-clack sound of it very prominent here
i'm assuming to emphasize how lwj is briskly and willingly de-fanging himself in order to keep wwx alive
wwx pants a couple of times (bc lwj is putting himself in danger!!) and his beautiful beautiful face twists into a snarl
wwx: jgy, don't go too far.
jgy: is it too far for you already? next i even want hanguang jun to seal his own spiritual power by himself. what would you call that?
wwx's eyes widen like, no, no don't
and we get a shot of lwj who is the picture of grim resignation
he knows that as long as jgy has that garrote around wwx's neck, he will do anything he asks of him, anything at all
wwx protests but jgy just tightens the garrote
lwj sees that happening and immediately locks down his spiritual energy
(side note to say that i really like the sound effects and the motions they choreographed for the "locking of energy" thing here. It’s really cool)
wwx: lan zhan…
lwj presses his lips into a firm line in response
oh and now there's a convenient thunderstorm TO SET THE MOOD I GUESS?? 
jgy is like, hey guys let's move this inside so we don't get rained out. no worries, if you do what i say i totally won't maim and/or kill you
cut to inside the temple
creepy breeze? Check
eerie candle lighting? Check
highly contrasted cool colors vs warm colors? Check
jgy also likes his classic villain tropes, it seems i wonder if he and xy compared notes on that...
jl is sitting next to lxc, clutching his sword
meanwhile lxc keeps his eyes closed like maybe if i refuse to see what's happening, it'll make it not be happening!
Which, hey, we’ve all been there! 
okay, maybe not this exact same scenario, but still! Totally a valid coping mechanism, probably.
and on the other side of the room we've got our boys sitting shoulder to shoulder against a pillar together
wwx: lan zhan, you don't have to do this. that year....you owe me nothing
Aka, it’s not your fault i died. You don’t need to atone for anything!!!
lwj takes in his words for a moment
lwj: i don't think i owe you.
he says it so seriously
wwx: so why did you do that??
lwj looks over to him
lwj: it's what i should do.
some mood-setting stuff happens
you know, creepy wind slamming open doors, blowing out candles, that sort of thing
huh, he's got an unconscious nhs with him
wow he just drops nhs on the ground like a sack of potatoes, rude
blah blah evil plotty exchange between evil master and evil subordinate blah blah
blah blah emotional confrontation between jgy and lxc that idc about blah blah
ugh gross now su she is approaching wwx and lwj and is talking to them all smugly condescending
i want to hit his face with a brick tbh
wwx just rolls his eyes and lwj looks off to the middle distance bc this insect is not worth his time or attention lololol
god that chip in his shoulder that he's got for lwj is really getting annoying
ss: i just can't stand his attitude, as if he's better than everyone else!!
idk about “everyone else,” but he's definitely BETTER THAN YOU, YOU GREASY LITTLE COWARD
lol wwx gets offended on lwj's behalf (bc lwj has yet to acknowledge su she at all)
wwx: when did lan zhan say he was better than everyone else?
awwwwww!! lwj sneaks a glance at wwx when he starts to defend his honor. that's so cute!
wwx: iirc, in the great big book of lan fam rules, there’s one that says "don't be arrogant and prideful"
jl: how do you know the principles of gusulan so well?!
wwx frowns all sulky and taps his nose adorably
wwx: i have transcribed it so many times that i memorized it.
jl: why did you transcribe the principles of lan??
wwx: do you think it was my choice? that (and here he glances at lwj from the corner of his eye and lwj is side-eyeing him and it's hilarious) was my punishment
jl: shame on you!
he says it all haughty and adorably irritated and turns his head away sharply. it's GREAT
After that, wwx is going on about how lwj has had that indifferent expression on his face his whole life and he can't really help it, it’s not bc he’s snooty or whatever ss thinks
and he continues to blabber on in that way he does
ss gets all mad and moves to strike him with his hand
and quicker than a blink of an eye, lwj puts bichen (still sheathed) between wwx and ss 
He glares at ss like, just try it, i dare you! and doesn't put bichen down until ss lowers his hand
i would like to point out that ss still relented to lwj even tho lwj HAS NO ACCESS TO SPIRITUAL POWER 
as soon as ss backs off, wwx runs his mouth again, i love it
There’s a bit where wwx says, "i'm not afraid of death, i just don't want to die"
which i guess is some kind of word play in their native tongue? Idk
wwx goes on to explain it but idgi; either it doesn't translate well or i'm not bright enough to understand it, lol
anyway, this all culminates to ss drawing his sword to kill wwx for being annoying
lwj does not look impressed lolol but you can tell wwx thinks it's pretty neat 
(not that he'll ever admit it bc you never admit those sort of things to your little brother, LOL)
jl is so happy to see him!
jl: uncle!
jc: you're calling me now? you know how to call me now? why did you run away a while ago?
and jl looks away with that yeesh expression kids get when their parents start in on their scolding lectures
wwx: lan zhan!!
lwj calmly lifts his arm so wwx can cower behind his billowing white sleeve
jl is commanding fairy to bite ss and as wwx is cowering, he's ALSO encouraging fairy to bite ss
(which really just means that, while wwx will probably never get over his phobia of dogs, he might eventually be able to get used to fairy maybe)
lol ss goes running with fairy hot on his tail
then we cut to wwx who notices how he's clinging to lan zhan's outstretched arm and gets embarrassed
he gently pushes the arm down and gives it a pat and smiles bashfully at lwj
fun fact, this scene is the reason i started watching the show, i saw a gifset of this little exchange here and was like, THAT'S AN ADORABLE SMILE ON THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOY IN THE WORLD
and now some henchmen try attacking jc and jc whips them away with zidian and is generally just looking AWESOME
then lxc warns him about the Evil Magic Music
so jc's solution to that is to grab a random sword with zidian and chuck sandu into zidian and then scrape the two swords together?? to block out the music with super irritating noise, i guess???
lol even lwj is wincing at the racket
you know what, i'm gonna ignore the weirdness of this makeshift solution and just enjoy how cool zidian looks
now jgy is monologuing at jc and it's boring
lol, wwx leans over to lwj while that's happening
wwx: seriously, he talks like xy
he is not impressed by it lololol
both jc and jgy hear him and give him a Look and wwx puts on an innocent face
jgy starts picking at jc's emotional wounds and complicated brotherly feelings
jc starts getting defensive and snappish
lxc: don't answer him. he's good at talking. 
so at least lxc is learning from his mistakes here, that’s good!
jgy switches tactics and starts in on wwx and his complicated brotherly feelings
but wwx responds with, hey man, i already know jc hates me so that isn't gonna work
oooooh, now jgy is revealing how he heard that jc was running around lotus pier asking ppl to unsheathe suibian
wwx's eyes get all wide and surprised
he throws a desperate look at lwj
wwx: my sword? didn't i give suibian to wn??
lwj doesn't answer but wwx realizes that he hasn't seen wn carrying suibian lately
and he starts frantically asking lwj how suibian ended up with jc and why the heck would jc ask others to draw suibian
wwx: has he drawn it by himself??
pretty sure he knows the answers to all those questions and is basically asking lwj to tell him his suspicions aren't correct
lwj: wei ying, calm down
jgy notices wwx's reactions and pushes on bc he's found a weak spot and he's def gonna exploit it
he's like, oh yeah, i also heard you were able to draw suibian from its sheath, jc
wwx's face is full of dread as he realizes what happened
he starts blinking back tears and he's getting all shaky bc this is his nightmare unfolding before him
he gives jc a sarcastic bow and keeps picking at those wounds
wwx jerks forward as if he was going to try to shut up jgy, but lwj holds him back bc honestly, what was wwx going to be able to do anyway?
jc staggers back as if physically wounded
wwx's eyes are red with tears bc this was never supposed to happen
jgy chooses this moment to attack and now we have a sword fight
we get a shot of lwj and wwx here
wwx is squirming in his seat like he wants to intervene but knows that he can't
Lwj is keeping a close eye on wwx, ready to stop him the moment wwx tries to sacrifice himself for jc (again)
in the middle of their fight, jgy suddenly flings his sword right at lwj!!
lwj tries to raise bichen but it's not gonna be quick enough
jc sees this and dives towards lwj and manages to block the sword
lwj looks at him in shock, which is understandable bc jc doesn't even like him
he could've totally just let that sword slice him in two and been guilt-free bc hey he's in the middle of a life or death battle himself, you know?
but he didn't! he took the time to protect lwj 
For his efforts, he gets wounded (like mortally wounded) and now he has another reason to hate lwj lol
Anyway, jc can't do much now except channel all his spiritual energy into the wound so he doesn't, yknow, DIE
wwx is watching him with worry
here comes su she, all bloodied up 
lol looks like fairy was able to tear into him a bit. what a good doggy!!
now i guess the henchman were able to finish digging or whatever, WATCH HOW MUCH I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT NONSENSE
Let’s check in on our boys instead
wwx and and lwj share a look 
and all i can think is omg look at how close their hands are, if they each shift just a couple inches they'd be holding hands!!
But no, we're going to have an emotional discussion instead
wwx: did you know about it?
lwj gives a very reluctant nod
wwx: when did wn tell him?
lwj: while you were knocked out
also omg they're having this conversation and jc is literally only 3ft away
wwx: that's how we left lotus pier??
lwj: wn is very sorry about that
look at lwj being a bro and sticking up for wn!
wwx: i've told him time and again to never speak of it
jc: never speak of what?
and here they seem to realize that yeah, hello, everyone can hear their conversation
they look at jc all surprised
*facepalm* guys, guys, i get that you both get a little wrapped up in each other sometimes, but c'mon
But we still got quality times with our boys, and some fun times with jl and jc, so i guess that evens the scales!
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