#it's cold there little dragoon
gu6chan · 3 months
So What Was Yaha's Deal? Drakengard Things You Might Not Know
GOD okay so im finally rambling about him okay so
I've been thinking about Yaha lately and it's really dawning on me how a lot of people just do NOT know about Yaha's past and it makes sense!! Literally NONE of this is available in English and it's so :( but also it makes me sad both because it's SO good and also because when people shrug him off as just "Reason Drakengard 2 sucks: it has a gay stereotype" like oh you do NOT even know omg
anyways, just so we're on the same page: this is NOT a theory discussing what happened to Yaha, just the best collage of what's ACTUALLY considered "canon" that I've picked up from different side materials and interviews (Most notably, Memory of Blood and World Inside). If I ever find anything else I'll be sure to update it :3
I WILL dive into a bit of personal interpretation/rambling over his battle lines (i have them save lmao) a bit later, maybe even in a separate post, but BOY
So TW: Mentions of noncon, dubcon and CSA up ahead
So i think the first thing that's to be established about Yaha's character is that the Empire DID wipe out most the elf population in DOD1, and while he did survive this, he was more or less still a victim in the respect that his parents WERE killed in likely less-than-painless ways as the Empire sought to use the elves both to use their blood for magic-repellent armour (While it looks like it was only introduced the the third game, it's actually been plot point for a while!) and the children to open the seal.
Given he's 25 by the events of Drakengard 2, he'd have to be around 7 at oldest before he arrived at the orphanage where met Urick. (He's not even 10 and he's already been through it...... baby...........)
Fortunately or unfortunately enough, Yaha DID manage to find a way to "survive" in this world from a very young age, and that was due to the fact that even as a child, he wasn't just commonly mistaken for a girl, but an absolutely "captivating" one. As it reads in his glossary section in Memory of Blood:
"He grew up an orphan, and even though he was a male, he boasted such beauty that he was frequently mistaken for a woman from an early age [...] For this, he uses his beauty as a systemic tool for survival. He captivates everyone, both male and female, and gains both status and protection in exchange for his body, which he used to escape life in the orphanage." (Glossary section from Memory of Blood)
It should be noted before I go on that the director, Akira Yasui, DID hint in his world inside interview that he thinks there was "something" between Yaha and Urick during their days in the orphanage, but whether that means feelings or an actual relationship isn't really clear (Though judging by his tone, it seems to lean more towards the short-lived, childlike-fling interpretation than anything imo i could just be biased though lmao):
"...As for his relationship with Urick, Yaha had liked him since they were in the orphanage together. I think there was definitely “Something” between them before Yaha left the orphanage. The powers of his pact didn’t reach Urick because he already knew how to deal with it; Urick was also once mesmerised by Yaha’s charm." (Yasui interview from World Inside)
(That last line is included for those tragedy points from when we get to the ~Split~ and BOY)
As for the orphanage, Yaha was...... "Adopted" by a well-to-do man when he was 14 years old. As for why and how he got adopted, it's unfortunately stated right at the end of his glossary entry which isn't even the worst part when you take into consideration that he's already been doing this for a while.
At any rate, Yaha DOES decide "You know what? Fuck it, we splurge" and uses all adoptee's fuckass money to buy useless shit until he turned 16 and joined the Knights in search of a better standard of living (How can he get that if he's already pretty much rich? given what he's going through at that point, you do the math)
and you know what? he deserves nice things <3
(And to note, Urick was also taken in by Oror from the orphanage as an apprentice when he was 16 as well.)
Anyways, Yaha was back to survival mode after joining the Knights, and just as he did when he was in the orphanage, used his body to climb the ranks of the KotS in search of a better standing in life. It's just repeating what his glossary says, but Yaha WAS slandered for this and got a lot of shit and rumours spoken about him behind his back for it. And the list...... wondering why gismor isn't on that list.... is there something he's not telling us???
"He joined the Knights of the Seal in search of a better standard of life; his successful climbing of its ranks being more due to his "body" than his skill in battle. The only people of notable standing who had not had a relationship with him are Oror and the Hierarch Seere (It is rumoured that he may have also had a relationship with Verdelet). Behind his back, Yaha was labelled a nymphomaniac." (Glossary section from Memory of Blood)
While working on an excavation site during the creation of the different countries of Midgard into districts (It's own can of worms), Yaha comes across a beautiful jewel unlike anything he had seen before. SO beautiful as a matter of fact, that Yaha, who by merit made beauty his everything on the basis that it was all he had (aside from Urick), took personal offense to this and pointed his sword at it. However, from the jewel came a gnome who would go on to offer Yaha a pact, offering him irresistible charm so that he could get whoever he wanted. Yaha, seeing the opportunity to move up even further in the ranks of the Knights of the Seal (both due to his charm and his status as a Pact-Partner, as Gismor was looking for Pact-Partners specifically SO they could guard the Seal Keys and manage the districts) and also claim Urick's heart by doing it, accepted the pact in an instant. But as you all know, that came at a VERY high price. Of course, Yaha lost his ability to feel pleasure, resulting in whatever "barrier" from his mental scars he had whenever he tried to do the deed being removed. The act of sex, for Yaha, was filled with not just mental pain made lighter by the aspect of pleasure, but now was just sheer psychical pain as well. What a lot of people may not know, however, is how literally Urick meant it when he said "Don't look into his eyes, he'll trick you with his lies" and followed up with "It's the power given to him by his pact-beast. Or maybe it's the price he had to pay." Urick was not joking.
For those familiar with Junji Ito's Tomie, it was essentially just that: Yaha wasn't just in possession of extreme charm, but enough to bring people to lose all rational thought and reason when they were around him. And the way the glossary talks about this...
"[...]As a result, his beauty became even more ebullient, to the point it lead to people easily losing all sense of reason. However, his body was no longer able to feel the sensation of pleasure. This was the price of his pact. Although Yaha had come to immensely regret it, it was already too late. He now lives every day being swarmed by those who have lost all reason and is forced to engage in sexual acts filled with nothing but fear and pain."
Yaha............ :( SO this is what leads to the real final kicker: Yaha has gotten his position, has more beauty than anyone could ever imagine, but what he really wants is Urick, right? Of all the pain of sex both psychically and mentally, if he could at least be with Urick, the one person he saw differently, the one person that at least wouldn't be mentally scarring to sleep with, maybe it could all make sense. So Yaha confesses to Urick. But Urick turns him down - not because of any sound argument, but because all he sees is a self-absorbed narcissist in his friend's place, manipulating others and sleeping around carelessly just to up his own ranks in society. For two seconds, it would make sense - That's technically what it is. A honest flaw in Yaha's character is that he's genuinely greedy and materialistic. He uses goddamned slave labour, for Christ's sake. On the other hand, is he really looking for a higher place in society? Or is he looking for stability? A place to get away from his past and be the one in control for once? Of course, being perfectly aligned with Urick's own version of "self-absorption" (All the Lieutenants have it!), he completely failed to realise where all that stemmed from. He saw Yaha as just being greedy and narcissistic from the lens of him being inherently bad, didn't for a second take into account Yaha's origins which led to that behaviour. His own best friend. So, long story short: Urick thinks Yaha is a bastardisation of his best friend and, following in his cowardly character, takes that as personally as you can (as you see in all his scenes and lines relating to Yaha together, im going to slap that little cunt) - despite the fact Yaha SHOULD have had the upper hand via his Tomie-like powers, as I mentioned towards the start of the post, Urick was already charmed by Yaha - he had just grown used to it because of how close they already were.
Brief Personal Analysis:
Personally reading into it, Yaha doesn't really care so much about his position as, beyond just being about as high as you can get, and it wasn't what he really wanted. The underlying source that got him that position to START with was his beauty, which Yaha cherishes like a narcissist would. He's used to people changing their tune whenever they lay eyes upon them, which Urick specifically instructs not to do towards the beginning of the battle, and is the source of such lines as "If I die, my beautiful body and the holy crystal shall perish. You would let that happen?" At the same time, a player death results in a VERY different tune from Yaha, where he dejectedly says the line "My beauty... It is my sin." Possibly hinting towards his own conflicted feelings and sorrow towards it as again, he goes from "My body is perfect, is it not?" to "My beauty is my sin" as soon as Nowe or his crew is too dead to question it. The difference is VERY jarring between the two, and I also bring into question the tone he uses to speak about his gnomes on whether he intentionally sounds exhausted of them (It would make sense, given the hinted resentment he has towards his pact-beasts for doing him dirty like that) or if he... Just sounds like that. Granted, a LOT of Yaha's lines sound similar in their sultry, somewhat sorrowful and tired tone all around. Of course, there are also his lines directed towards Urick, which should be self-explanatory given the context, but a few other notes and trivia and whatnot before i wrap up:
Just to note and say the obvious a final time since I know how this fanbase can be: Yaha IS genuinely a narcissist, that being his leading character flaw, though of course it should go without saying that while his actions as a result of that (re: slave labour) are definitely not to be swept under the rug, it's just as important to note the context that led to that and the tragedy of his character because of it. As Urick says, "He was very different then."
Yaha is confirmed bisexual! It surprised me too, but...
"Similarly, when I designed Yaha, I designed him to be a typical narcissist — a character who would probably go and describe their own self as "Beautiful". But even though his character is supposed to be one who is attracted to both men and women in the story, people who are attracted to both genders in real life are usually not of this type. Like Gismor, he also largely captures the image of "Bewitching"." (Character Artist Fujisaka commenting on Yaha's design in Memory of Blood)
Just a fun little detail: During Yaha's battle against the Rock Gnome, when it lifts the jewel above it's head in order to throw it at you, you can throw out a magic attack at just the right time and it will drop the jewel on its head for massive damage! And of course, similarly you mainly attack the Rock Gnome by using jump attacks to bring your weapon down on its head. And if you look at Yaha's portrait during his death scene...
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Similarly, Urick is strong against monsters, which encourages you to use him to bring the final death blow to Yaha. And given their lore together I'd be damned if this cruel little snippet wasn't done intentionally.
The drawing of Yaha's death with the gnomes is titled "End of Agony", and hopefully after reading this post, you now know why.
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A bit more interpretation than theory, but I have an ongoing hunch that each of the layouts and/or "gimmicks" of the Lieutenant's fortresses are based off the personality and story of the Lieutenant itself. Hanch is based around walls, closed doors and of course, water, Urick's is a twisting maze based off of sacrifice with the themes of life and death, Gismor's is based in fighting your way up a tall tower to reflect his ego and overlying reach as an antagonist, and Yaha's, primarily, is based off of illusions. The more you get past them and through the fortress, the less "ebullient" and fancy it looks until you reach its end - a single, shabby room filled with sand and dirt with nothing but a few musty crates and a bunch of jail cells meant for holding sacrificed prisoners to the Seal Keys. If that doesn't reflect Yaha's whole character, I don't know what does.
Either way, that's about all I think I have for him! Hopefully you learned something new, and if you have any questions, do let me know~
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Fragments - episodes 19-22 author notes
You can find similar breakdown posts on older episodes in my pinned!
Obligatory ShB spoiler warning.
First off, the two panels that took a silly amount of time just because I wanted to reflect Vivi’s impressions on the city.
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Episodes 18, 19, 20 open up with Vivi being concerned with the most pressing matters:
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Can’t fight if you ain’t pretty (or got just 1-2 outfits to be pretty in, that won’t do either)
I still really like the panel above, especially their pose. Episodes 19-22 show how they gradually get rid of physical boundaries. They didn’t even touch back when they first met (episode 15).
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Vivi’s casual about physical affection with friends, just one of his core things.
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Of course Vivi would trust and choose the company of a pixie, a supernatural being, over a (presumably) human who only reinforces Vivi’s worst opinions on humanity at that point in time, concealing himself and swimming in secrets. Get rekt nerd.
At least Vivi isn’t openly hostile, just.. Dismissive? I saw some other WoLs who outright hate Exarch for abducting the Scions and almost getting themselves, the WoL, killed at Ghimlyt Dark. Vivi, however, just wants to be left alone.
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Tfw the love of your life is being stolen by your dear friend. Or vice versa? Or both at the same time? Anyway, Vivi and Feo Ul form a new cool kids' club and Exarch isn't invited.
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Can't relax in your favorite secluded spot for a godsdamned moment without some pesky dragoon randomly popping out of nowhere.
While I hc Exarch being able to sense living presence around the Tower, imagine doing that 24/7 for every person. I like to think that he learned to filter it out, turn off/on at will. And while he's in a public place, with his glamour up, he doesn't need to upkeep the "radar", he's just chilling and is possibly lost in thoughts, and that's why Vivi startles him.
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This scene bears more symbolic meaning than plot importance. And, uh, some foreshadowing? Forelighting? x'D While Vivi doesn’t fall (heh) for his savior, he’ll reflect upon this at a later time.
Vivi’s normally careful and stately. Yes he’s an elf but he do be carryin’ himself like a cat. There’s a lot of control and assertion behind his trademark nonchalant posture. So, NORMALLY, this wouldn’t happen. Maybe he got distracted by the shiny? And where’s Feo Ul?
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Exarch, however, the man that chokes on air unprompted, in a moment like this acts before he could think. As some people correctly noted, the old man’s QUICK. The “screentime” stretches out as Vivi’s life almost begins flashing before his eyes, while for Exarch it's gotta be a mere second or two.
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I’m extra proud of the colorwork here. As if blood’s gone from Vivi’s face, as if his entire body went cold, but life slowly returns to him, starting with that hand. You bet this’s brimming with subtext.
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Exarch uses his left hand over the right, for better friction and probably because he doesn’t like the attention to his right hand.
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I like that this panel’s caused confusion, it worked as intended :9 An all too vague dark joke that almost cost Vivi his life. In his head it went like “yeah anyone can fly once, when they’re about to go splat”, but he wasn’t only preoccupied with the jumps, but also didn’t KNOW yet that he HAS TO speak with a fae like almost with a child, or a lawyer. Simplest terms. No ambiguity. EVER. They’ll misinterpret you unwittingly, or on purpose.
And so they did. Or didn’t? Feo Ul’s spent a long time offscreen, but whether they chose not to help, or even gave Vivi a little push, will forever stay a mystery because why not.
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Lesson learned.. On both sides.. Hopefully. Also, fret not, Exarch WILL say fuck one day, one day~
Vivi's lucky. Incredibly so. He's aware of it, doesn't see it as anything special, like you don't see anything special in being able to read this. Perhaps jumping up an unknown structure while being accompanied by an exceedingly curious and mischievous creature is risky even for his kind, but Vivi's so used to getting away with so many things that he doesn't stop to consider it for the tiniest moment.
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The first genuine exchange of smiles.
Silver lining: now they have better chances at getting along and returning to that world-saving duty.
Update from January 2024: I came back here to tell you something that took me so long to realize about episode 20′s description:
And all he saw was the Light, and then he knew that Death wore white in this world.
I randomly popped off with this prose, which on itself is a cool thing, but now I realize the extra meanings it could take on. Thinking about 5.x and Elidibus has me feeling unwell in the best way. THAT VIVI ALSO WEARS WHITE HERE IS UH. A coincidence. But it also kinda works as the Warrior of Darkness becomes somewhat of a local Reaper in the First, and then, well, then we have that Light corruption arc :3c
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Vivi's calm and tender enough for a pixie to trust him with their wings.
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Feo Ul ate and drank several times their size, and all that hero talk.. Ugh. Time for a nap.
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Drawing this made me yawn at least 3 times. You’re not immune either.
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He’s activating his scanners :>
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Vivi's definition of nice is "not nagging, begging or preaching, and using bare facts and logic to convince the hero to do the hero thing".
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Literally the next page if you’re reading in order :’> Riiiiiiiiight. That hero thing.
We don’t question whether Vivi invited his loveliest branch, or if they invited themselves. The fact is, they’re there and Vivi’s totally cool with it.
Exarch must be watching. And probably foaming at mouth as Feo Ul keeps leading in the race for Vivi’s heart. They don’t only earn the hero’s trust, but get in his bed and, gasp, brush his hair.
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Vivi's getting comfy in his role somewhere between a disney princess and Feo Ul’s pet.
A writing-related tangent incoming, but, since you’re here, I assume you’re already somewhat interested in this kinda stuff.
So, there’s the script, the plain text that waits to get illustrated. The screenplay, if you will. I don’t just sit down and draw enough random things to fill a few pages, I approach this as an actual cohesive serialized story.
I changed a good half of this episode when I began storyboarding it. In the initial script from some months ago, Vivi said "I slept so well". Something about this didn't sit right with me. It’s the most basic mistake of telling instead of showing. I asked myself, would he, a person who takes good sleep and dreams for granted, say that out loud? Nah. I removed that bit, and drew him stretching deliciously. He also asked Feo Ul if they guarded his dreams, they smiled vaguely but warmly just like in the finalized version, but then Vivi simply muttered "I could get used to this" and gave them headpats. I decided to elevate this scene by adding this tiny rollercoaster, which brought Feo Ul's greyness to the forefront, and thickly hinted that Vivi doesn't only sleep well, but has nice dreams that he probably starts cherishing after this.
To be fair, this isn’t super important for the main plot, I just wanted to highlight the difference between Vivi and Exarch, the latter being in a hate-hate relationship with sleep. Vivi’s affinity with dreams is a door I like to keep open for the possible future story (talking post-EW events).
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Now you know this’s the face they make before going apeshit.
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Imagine if this prank didn't exist and instead Vivi simply said "I slept so well, this's so important to me". I’m proud of the writing muscle I’m growing on the fly ;w;
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Ardbert's chance to act and feel normal, thwarted in the next few seconds.
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I'm so glad that people are picking up on this!! “Hey man” is Vivi’s way of providing whatever comfort he could. An illusion of normalcy. He’s emotionally intelligent when it matters.
..But he should’ve also considered that Feo Ul can and will ruin the vibe :’>
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Another screenwriting thing: this episode lacks an establishing shot, i.e. the obligatory zoomed out view on everyone in the room, but I think this’s a rare case of “less is more”. Along with the light vs shadow, it reinforces the feeling of separation. Vivi and Feo Ul are shown together, interacting, doing cute stuff, while Ardbert’s alone. Sorry not sorry for the hurty :’>
This’s all I’ve got for now. Thanks for reading and paying so much attention! People start to notice and analyze the things I’m weaving in, and it’s the best kinda interaction I as a creator could wish for.
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wordsinhaled · 3 months
based on @griffonskies suggestion that merlin would be a border collie if he were a dog -
i'm imagining a canon era scenario in which merlin is experimenting with shapeshifting magic (maybe in the same stretch of time when he starts practicing transforming to and from dragoon) and he decides to try transforming himself into a border collie. the spell is meant to be time-limited so he'll turn back into himself after some reasonable period of time, like say, three hours, but the first time he tries it he gets a little overzealous and he gets stuck. the spell doesn't wear off. this is fine, he thinks, it'll wear off by nighttime. except it doesn't. (spoiler alert: it takes, like, a fortnight to wear off.)
of course this means merlin the person seems to disappear entirely from camelot, from one day to the next. at first, gaius covers for him, assuming merlin's up to his usual shenanigans ("merlin's at the tavern, sire") - but eventually, after merlin doesn't appear after a day or so, even gaius gets worried. it's the middle of winter, after all, where would merlin go? when gaius brings up his concerns to uther, the king appoints another servant to be gaius' interim assistant "until the boy is found."
arthur plays it off, but he's increasingly concerned when merlin doesn't surface to report for his duties for the second day in a row. after three days, he wants to dispatch scouts to ealdor, thinking maybe something befell hunith and merlin went home without telling him, but of course uther isn't willing to sacrifice good men to the inclement weather just on the off chance arthur's servant decided to abandon his post. so arthur's miserable missing merlin, he's worrying himself sick and not eating, he's sending the knights out on longer patrols than usual for this time of year. the knights all love merlin too, so they offer to go look for merlin themselves and find no sign of him either
and suddenly there's this dog that keeps lingering around his chambers, looking increasingly pathetic and cold. merlin didn't want gaius to know what he'd been up to, at first, so he'd been sleeping in the stables while transformed, but it's freezing, and he misses arthur, and the spell is sapping some of his strength the longer it wears on, and he gets tired of hiding, and besides, no one's going to know it's him.
arthur can't help but let the dog into his rooms. maybe he even talks to the dog. can you blame him, if the dog looks like it's listening attentively? so before he knows it he's on a tirade about how insufferable merlin is— how could he run off like that, and what if he's in danger, and arthur is going to give him extra chores when he turns up again ("i said when, you hear, because of course nothing's really happened to him, i know he'll be back any day now, and when he is he can polish all the knights' armor for a week straight, not just mine")...
and so, merlin finds out arthur's actually pining for him, because arthur starts to grudgingly confide in this strangely perceptive dog, and brush the dog's coat by the fire, and maybe give the dog nice ear scritches, and joke to the dog that it's probably smarter than his idiot servant by far—"you wouldn't run off into the wilderness in the dead of winter without telling a soul, now would you? of course not. and it wouldn't matter, would it, if i didn't find him so...—aargh."
in the end, maybe the spell finally wears off at random, and leaves merlin sprawled on the flagstones where he'd fallen asleep the night before, as a dog, on a pile of arthur's blankets. arthur wakes up and finds him like that. the dog is gone, and arthur is none the wiser, just terribly relieved merlin is back...
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kicktwine · 8 months
get licked idiot (2142 words)
“Tataru,” Ch’ari blinks, one end of his mouth twitching. “You wouldn’t happen to have been… sewing upside-down, would you?”
“Why, no! Nothing of the sort. What makes you ask?”
“You’ve got, um...”
Tataru looks down in confusion and fusses with her clothes a moment, seeming satisfied as she straightens her overalls and completely misses the massive cowlick sticking straight up off her head. Ch’ari twitches. 
To make matters worse, she sits down next to him — still armored in his dragoon gearset after a day of hunting fiends out near Coerthas — and snags a bottle of rum from behind the counter to pour herself a drink. “Though I admit I was a bit busy. You’ll have to wait and see what with,” she says, trying to have a little conversation with the midnight crew.
Nursing his own bottle (a cheap unopened mead that he never pours into a cup, not that he needs to), Ch’ari can’t figure out how to respond and just watches her take a sip. The cowlick bobs comically with the motion. 
“Lemme just…” Ch’ari reaches over and flicks it. It pops back up. 
“Hm? Oh, is there something in there?”
“Hold on.” Ch’ari licks his finger and combs it down. It stays for maybe a second, and then… pops back up. He bats it reflexively. 
He’s aware his pupils are probably dilated as far as they’ll go, but this is his prey now.  This is his quarry. This bouncy cowlick. It will submit to him, this cowlick. 
He looms over Tataru’s head, and luckily she’s familiar enough with him to simply raise an eyebrow and not wonder if he’s going to eat her like a python. Ch’ari proceeds to insistently lick his fingers and smooth out her hair, as if she were a diminutive Miqo’te. He’s tempted just to — just to lick it down so his tongue can do the combing, but he’s not sure that Tataru would be amenable. He does care about her as a friend, and is aware Lalafell do not groom each other like his instincts want him to do. Even if it’s, getting fixed one strand at a time, infuriatingly, fighting him the whole way.
Eventually — eventually — Tataru’s hair looks… presentable. The cowlick, at least, is gone and not offending Ch’ari’s sensibilities, and the rest of it looks like it usually does outside her messy bun. Ch’ari growls at his work in satisfaction, and returns to his mead, starting to turn a bit pink despite his scowl. 
“…Was it really that bad?”
“You looked like a coeurl toy,” Ch’ari mutters. 
Tataru chirps a little delighted laugh. “Well! Then I’m glad I have you to protect me!”
For some reason, everyone had been fine upon arriving to Ishgard — freezing cold, yes, a bit miserable, but not sick. Alphinaud had, however, upon returning to the Rising Stones to recuperate after the defeat of Nidhogg, gotten a nasty cold and the worst sniffles known to man. He had been knocked out in bed for the past two days, and just barely able to shuffle about and pretend to be normal for about ten minutes in the morning for breakfast. 
Key word “pretend”. Despite his airs, it was abundantly clear to anyone who looked at him from closer than five feet that he had dragged himself out of bed to be here, and as soon as he had a croissant in him he was going right back to bed. It was how Ch’ari knew the cold was bad — he wasn’t off making it worse somewhere and ignoring it. 
Which is why Ch’ari almost excuses his dreadful upkeep. Unfortunately, it’s dreadful. 
He slumps carefully into the seat next to the Warrior, a croissant in his hand and a wheeze escaping his nose. His hair is pulled back in a looser braid, which is messy, but forgivable; his whiskers, however, are entirely crooked. The soft fluff around the base of his ears looks glued on and sticking up in places, and his fringe is almost sideways. Unconscionable. 
“Good morning, plague bringer,” Alisaie says by way of greeting. Alphinaud grunts in response. 
Ch’ari does not greet him. Ch’ari places his hand on his head like he’s a pickle jar and starts licking his fluff. 
Alphinaud jerks backwards, fast for a sick boy but dazed enough to be unable to break out of Ch’ari’s hold. The croissant drops to the table in a shower of crumbs. “A-Ari!” he splutters. 
Whatever the fluff is made of, it’s thinner than Miqo’te hair, which means it’s thinner than his papillae are really good for combing through. No matter, he will just have to do a more thorough job. He continues to lick and Alphinaud continues to writhe, and as he does his ear keeps flicking Ch’ari in the eye every time he runs his tongue near it — Ch’ari brings his other hand up and slaps it down, trapping it against the Elezen’s head. He pins Alphinaud with a glare. 
Alphinaud withers and stops trying to wriggle free, shrinking down in his seat. Pointedly ignoring Alisaie, who is watching the spectacle with her mouth open, Ch’ari snorts and continues his ministrations. One side done and straightened, he adjusts the boy’s head and works on the other. 
Alisaie mouths something to her brother, who does not dignify it with a response, whatever it was. At least he’s given up on trying to get out of being cleaned, but Ch’ari could feel the heat coming off his face from a malm away. Wether it’s embarrassment or fever, he doesn’t care to know. 
“You’re next if I catch you unkempt, red girl,” Ch’ari says, and he hears the click of a certain jaw being snapped shut. And an impulsive brush of hair being checked. 
The fluff successfully smoothed out and clean, Ch’ari decides to spare Alphinaud any further public displays of affection and only gives his fringe a cursory swipe through. 
“You may eat your croissant now.”
“…Thank… um. You,” Alphinaud mumbles, caught between a rock (mortification) and a hard place (critical unknown etiquette situation). He does not look at anyone else as he picks up his food and shuffles off back to bed.
Doman summers are humid. That is not the excuse Ch’ari has to make to get Alisaie to peel herself off the floor, but it is one of the ones he has ready. 
It only takes two excuses — namely that everyone else is asleep and so should you be, and that he insists come over here the futon by the window is more comfortable than the stool yes even if it’s small you’ll get a horrible crick in your neck just slouching there. It probably helps that she’s allowed to keep watch over her brother, and Ch’ari isn’t forcing her to go to the room she’d been provided with to go to bed. He’d be a hypocrite, anyways. 
She situates herself on the opposite end with a blanket, lost in thought. Ch’ari always thought the Leveilleur twins to be in their heads a bit often — as a negative trait, in the past, though it had morphed to being endearing to neutral in recent months. Always worried about such big pictures that the small ones scamper away outside their notice. Or always so preoccupied with what they can or can’t do to be useful, to change the things that aren’t fair about the world. So afraid of failure. Such a self-made burden on their fragile shoulders. 
That trait drives them underneath all their sweet selflessness and stubborn idealism. And it gets worse and worse with fear, the kind of fear that narrows the world down to two or three people at a time when the world demands thousands be paid attention to. 
Ch’ari has always been good at caring about two or three people at a time, and one or two things at a time. The title of hero is one he ultimately doesn’t deserve if one casts aside the ends and asks the means. He’s really more of a sword to be pointed, to intimidate. All the talk of politics, the big world important stuff his twins care about so so much, had washed over his ears a bit, ears that are not even now accustomed to a world bigger than a twenty yalm flat. He cares for the world and the whims of its protectors because there are people who live in it he cares about, as a sword loves its wielders, and they care for the world in that grand and wonderful way they do. 
Ch’ari has his thoughts, Alisaie has hers. He thinks she’s probably running herself in circles about the fate of the star and the fates of her loved ones, and Ch’ari is here thinking only of how he might be able to get her to stop. 
As it is, it’s ultimately not his decision. Guards patrol the Kienkan at night, and pass by windows with intermittent frequency, and it is as one shadow filters through the moonlight and shutters that Hydealyn deigns to grace him with a splitting migraine — but it’s a migraine he knows, it’s familiar. Not the overwhelming voice of the Call. He flinches backwards, claws to his head.
Alisaie startles and jumps to her hands and knees, gripping the blanket. Gods, not now, he has to-
“Echo. Echo—“ Ch’ari manages to choke out, before the memory takes him. 
There is nothing. 
It is a peaceable morning devoid of aught unusual, aside from its expansive, yawning emptiness — the soldier stands at the edge of the river, hand to his head in confusion as water sprites wink out and wither, far along the bank. No birds. No fish. No efts. Nothing. Even the babbling of the stream seems muted. 
The nets are empty. He goes home. 
Ch’ari comes out of the — short, but rather to the point — memory with a heavy shake of his head. He gets the message. At least the mother crystal is not one to dilly-dally when she has something to say, though he wants for priorities. There is so much going on, would Hydealyn have him abandon all else to fix this problem? Where to begin?
He comes back to awareness with Alisaie’s hands on his knees. 
Bereft of a good reassurance, he gives her a little thumbs up. She nearly deflates with relief. 
“Gods, Ch’ari. Do not do that again.”
“You’ll have to neg Hydealyn for that one.”
“I’m fine. We’re fine,” he rasps. A dangerous wobble is sneaking into her eyes, born of stress and more stress and comatose family and the fear of being the only one left and in a room with her empty brothers. Ch’ari is struck as if with an axe at how much he would do to stop her. 
Any other circumstance would be met with characteristic yelping and protesting and perhaps a death threat or a tussle, but Ch’ari beckons and helps Alisaie (so light! Like a chocobo chick) into the crook between him and the window and puts his head atop hers and curls his tail around her feet and she doesn’t protest. Instead she tucks her arms around herself and pulls her tail in against his legs and drops her head right on his chest and does not cry. 
“We are fine,” she mutters. 
“Very. And if we are not, we will be not fine together.” The axe still embedded deep in his chest, he does not much hesitate to start licking through her bangs to smooth them out. 
She stiffens, her ears swiveling upwards as if to figure out what it is. Then, slowly, they drop back down, and her tense posture eases ever-so-slightly. Evidently, Alphinaud’s investigation into Miqo’te culture after his encounter with Ch’ari while sick was shared for scientific discussion. What fast learners. Even if Y’shtola had shared with him the disastrous results of Alphy asking her for tribal advice. Chuckling under his breath at the memory, his purr starts up without his bidding. 
“…How are you vibrating?”
Ch’ari stops and heaves a great sigh, and then bullies her head back down from where it had tilted up at him quizzically. “Your brother asked the exact same thing. It’s not vibrating, it is purring. It means I’m happy.”
“Oh. …oh,” Alisaie says, quieting. She casts a long glance at the bed set up against the wall, its occupant not even snoring or shifting. “I wasn’t aware you could feel it.”
“Little opportunity to find out, th’ past while.”
She pauses for a long moment. 
“Even now?”
“M’ happy you’re still here.” He turns his attention to her part, carefully grooming apart the mis-tied strands. “Not a fan of being alone.”
“I see.” Her tail shifts, the inflexible tip curling closer like either a stuffed toy to clutch or a protective sheet to block the world from hearing. “Neither am I.”
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keicordelle · 5 months
Some estimeric tragedy because I'm feeling spicy like that again: Estinien dies far from home, in Garlemald maybe, or Thavnair. He dies alone, in the field of battle, on a solo mission. The very kind he was so fond of undertaking. The very kind the scions had tried to school out of him.
And Aymeric just.. doesn't know. He goes in with his life as normal, for days, weeks. Months. He still writes his letters, and Estinien's always been irregular about writing back. He can only ever send them to Radz-at-Han anyway and hope Estinien would stop by to receive them.
Surely, he consoles himself, surely he's just been away for a time. Surely his messages have just gotten lost at sea. Surely.
Until one day, he just has to accept it. Estinien is missing. The scions haven't heard from him either. Even Vrtra, when Aymeric invents an excuse to travel there himself, has no knowledge of his whereabouts -- or his safety.
Still, he holds to his hope that he'll return. Stranger things have happened, and this era is rife with miracles. Surely he'll come home. He's fine. He's fine.
He's dead.
Slowly, the certainty sets in. As months become years, what little hope Aymeric clings to fades. Withers into dust. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.
The government of Ishgard must make a statement. Renounced title or no, he was the last Azure Dragoon. A hero. A savior.
There will be a funeral. A grand affair, held by the state. Ishgardians will line the streets to pay their respects. There's talk of erecting a statue in his honor.
He would have hated it.
And all the while, Aymeric mourns in silence. He stands before the crowds and makes his moving speeches, as is expected of him. But none know the that it is more to him than the loss of a prominent hero. None know the way his heart screams in his chest, and how every morning he drags himself from a cold bed wet with his tears to face another day. Alone. He's forced to hide his sorrow, to mourn with his countrymen the legend of a hero, not a man. Not a love.
After all, the Lord Commander and the Azure Dragoon were only friends.
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killingdove · 1 year
Elf boys request, their morning routines. Getting out of bed, shaving, getting dressed, eating etc
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A/N: hi anon!! since you didn’t specify which elf boys, i chose the ishgardian trio :) i hope you enjoy these headcanons as much as i enjoyed writing them!
this little ray of sunshine is—to no one’s surprise—a morning bird. has no problem rolling out to start his day. after all the day is full of opportunities to seize!
is one to quickly dress to get it over with
never misses leg day and does his morning squats for 45 minutes
is on top of his facial grooming. sees to it that every dastardly hair is gone
gives himself a pep talk in the mirror
“alright haurche, today’s the day! the warrior of light will be here soon; be cool”
dorkily does the Haurchefant Thing (aka his emote) before leaving the restroom to devour a big hearty but nutritious breakfast
despite his (impressive) musculature, haurchefant has a huge appetite and fast metabolism
probably whistles the whole way to his office
being in such a high, significant position as he is, there is no time to waste in the mornings. is up and at em’ sometimes despite the few hours of sleep he got because he was working late into the night (…again)
usually gives a big yawn (due to his lack of sleep) as he stretches while sitting upright in bed
drags himself out to take a quick cold shower and also takes the time to meticulously shave while in the shower
always drinks his coffee; 9 out of 10 times it works and he’s now a productive member of ishgardian society
always makes sure to wear his earring as he considers it a lucky charm
takes a morning jog on the rare days it’s not snowing in foundation (and is oblivious to all the eyes that openly check his lithe, beautiful physique out) if he can’t, then he does his personal exercise regime inside
returns to his quarters or goes on to don his usual full Lord Commander Attire™️
strictly sticks to the diet lucia devised for him
power naps if he didn’t sleep well enough and time permitting (like when he finishes his morning routine early)
practices his cordial, politician mask in the mirror and makes sure it doesn’t slip as he goes about his day out in the public
is another early riser. wasn’t one growing up but has grown accustomed to the ways of being one due to his rigorous training over the years
most likely grumpy because it’s 6AM and nidhogg’s fury is furying
sleeps commando so he makes sure his curtains are drawn the night prior when he gets out of bed
being the azure dragoon, his physicality had to remain in tip top shape so he lets his bloodlust for nidhogg and the dravanians motivate him to exercise
foregoes breakfast in favor of the eorzean equivalent of a protein drink typically because his schedule doesn’t permit enough time to cook (not that he can cook that well anyway unless squid is involved)
contrary to popular belief, he does shower and like aymeric, cleanly shaves during it
takes the time to care for his hair with the proper shampoo and conditioner and takes the time to brush it thoroughly when out of the shower
polishes his armor carefully before wearing it
makes sure his dried squid snacks are in his pockets before taking on the day (??? why is he like this)
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chitsuu · 4 months
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OC Kiss Week 2024: Almost
Doing this little challenge this week, with my FFXIV character and his husband (@kitshunette's son)!
Also, I'm not much of a writer, but I decided to write a little something for each drawing, little windows in their story (which is also why I'm using the @ockissweek prompt list but not in order)
Elidivien blocked the coming blow, and tried to land one in return. It was promptly deflected and both he and his sparring partner took a step back, assessing the situation. The Au Ra in front of him was holding his wooden staff in a way that spoke of years of experience. Unlike what you would expect from an Astrologian student. Well, that made sense, Elidivien considered for a second. He was the one who asked Jisul to spar with him when he discovered that he was a dragoon first and foremost, and that the only reason he entered the school was to broaden his skill set. He had been pleasantly surprised to learn that, and even more pleased to realize that they had something in common. Elidivien had lived his first years in a dragoon barracks, and holding a lance was second nature to him, but not many of his Astrologian friends wanted to train with him.
Except now he was maybe starting to regret his decision. It was an even match, which meant they were giving it their all, which in turn meant flushed skin, sweat adding a glow to said flushed skin, muscled arms on display. All of that made him feel like a band rowdy Moogles had taken up residency in his stomach. He wondered what the blue haired man in front of him was feeling, before shaking his head to get rid of those thoughts.
He lunged once more, but his foot caught on something on the ground.
Uh oh.
Elidivien lost his balance completely, and went tumbling straight into Jisul’s arms. Surprised by the sudden weight crashing into him at full speed, the Au Ra’s footing slipped under them, and Elidivien closed his eyes, bracing for the impact.
When he opened them after a second, Jisul’s face was right in front of his own, his bodyright under his. Embarrassingly, Elidivien realized he had put his left hand behind Jisul’s head, instinctively trying to prevent him from bumping it too hard on the ground. A useless endeavor, as the horns adorning his friend’s head prevented him for hitting his head anyway. Then Elidivien became conscious of the closeness of their bodies.
The Elezen had landed right on top of the Au Ra, and he could not decide what was the most embarrassing par of the whole situation. Him tripping on seemingly nothing? Him trying to protect his friend’s head? What about the fact that Jisul’s cold hands had caught his waist, and that he could feel the long fingers handling him with a strong grip yet the most delicate touch, as if he did not want to break him? Or maybe, maybe, the fact that Elidivien’s mouth had stopped just short of landing right on Jisul’s? The whole thing was mortifying, Elidivien decided, and he could feel the blood rushing to his face and ears. He tried to convince himself that the blush could be mistaken for being caused by the sparring itself rather than this unfortunate incident.
“Did you hurt yourself anywhere?”
Jisul’s concerned voice rose, and the tan man snapped back to the moment, rising himself a little away from the pale man’s face. Doing that, he caught Jisul’s face in its entirety, and wondered if it had been that red before the tumbling.
“I’m fine… My foot must have caught on something.”, Elidivien offered as an explanation, “Thank you for catching me.”
His friend smiled softly, and Elidivien’s heart skipped a beat. Jisul looked unfazed, however the Elezen glimpsed his tail flapping rapidly back and forth. He suddenly became aware that he was still being embraced on the ground, and he quickly got up completely, helping Jisul at the same time.
“Should we take a short break?”, Jisul asked, fanning himself lightly with his hand, “I need some water.”
“Yes, indeed, I could go for a drink too!”
Elidivien felt a bit light headed, as he glimpsed at his friend’s hand that had been holding him mere seconds ago. He knew the Au Ra had big hands, but feeling them encircling his waist was a whole another knowledge. He could still feel a tingle where the hands had been.
As he followed Jisul out of the training grounds, he could not help but worry at the tension installing between the two of them, most certainly rooted in this almost kiss that took place. Elidivien could only hope that this mishap would not lead to Jisul distancing himself from him. He was not sure he could be fine with that.
Just as they left, Elidivien made eye contact with a blond Elezen.
Why is Stephanivien here?
The machinist’s presence was a mystery, but even more puzzling was the smug look on his face, as if the fellow Elezen knew exactly what was Elidivien feeling.
Surely he didn’t cause this.
Elidivien pondered uncertainly, while his eyes fell onto an impact where he had been standing a few moments before, an impact suspiciously looking like the ground had been hit with a bullet, unearthing a piece of rock that was now in the way.
Elidivien glared back, only for the machinist to blow him a kiss with a wink.
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paintedscales · 7 months
disc.02 :: Starlight
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Traveling and knowing Coerthas intimately has its perks, and it must have those perks when a particular dragoon wants to share something spectacular with his love who has an aversion to the cold.
Word Count :: 950
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“Does it really have to be in the mountains among all this snow?” Nomin complained as she trudged along in the snow after Estinien, who took the lead. He only looked over his shoulder with a slight smirk before pausing and waiting for Nomin to catch up with him. The snow crunched with each indignant and begrudging step that Nomin took before she finally stood beside her partner.
“‘Tis why I told you to dress as warm as your wardrobe permits. I trust that you still have your fire shards on hand,” Estinien said in response with a slight chuckle. He turned away from her and continued walking, only momentarily adjusting the rucksack he carried along with him. He opted -- as ever -- for wearing Iceheart, claiming that the armor itself would suffice in keeping him warm. Not that Nomin ever doubted it with his life in the snowbound Coerthas.
Nomin, however, huffed, her breath clouding into steam, and whatever moisture that clung to her lips stinging her as it frosted ever so slightly. Rubbing at her mouth to remove the sensation, she jogged back up to fall in step behind Estinien. She had no idea where he was leading her, though he claimed that he wanted to share with her something special for Starlight Celebration.
The holiday would not be upon them for another fortnight, and Nomin wondered just why exactly Estinien urged her to come with him on this trip. When she had asked why he wanted to go there before Starlight was officially upon them, he claimed that by then, it would have been too late.
“Here.” Estinien paused at the entrance of a cave, and Nomin only looked up at him curiously before looking into the icy cavern that awaited them. Estinien then reached down and gently took Nomin’s hand. “The ice within has proven itself a slippery obstacle in the past. I shall ensure you don’t fall.”
Nomin could not help but to smile slightly at that. It was a sweet gesture and sentiment. Once she held his hand in turn, Estinien started venturing inside at a slower pace, all so Nomin could keep up with his gait.
The two of them traversed through the cave, and eventually, Estinien paused.
“What is it?” Nomin asked. She looked at him, her head cocked to the side with bemusement.
“Might I-” Estinien started before reconsidering his wording. “I would like for you to close your eyes. ‘Tis not long that we shall be upon it.”
Taking a moment, Nomin slowly nodded and did as requested of her, even bringing up her free hand and covering her eyes. She trusted Estinien, and for the most part, felt that he was truly one of the only people she could trust. If it was as simple as to merely guide her while her eyes were closed, then it was of no consequence.
Estinien kept a gentle pace, and with the anticipation and apprehension both, the trek felt perhaps a little longer than it should have to Nomin. But when they finally stopped, Nomin stood there, her hand still over her eyes as Estinien slowly let go of her hand. She heard and felt him move behind her before he gently took her elbow and lowered it so that she could look.
When Nomin finally opened her eyes and let them adjust, her mouth fell open in awe. Before her in the cave was a clearing, and some sunlight from a hole in the roof illuminated the scene. There was a field of flowers blooming and coexisting among what snow had fallen there, laden among the foliage. What struck Nomin, however, was that the flowers seemed to have been crystalline in nature, as if the flowers were made out of ice themselves.
“... They’re beautiful…” Nomin breathed, stepping forward only slightly. She feared that stepping into the field would have ruined what natural beauty was spread there. Rooting herself to the spot, Nomin looked back up at Estinien. “I…I almost wish you had asked me to bring my painting set. I would have loved to have captured this…”
“Aye…I figured you would have wanted to…” Estinien said, removing the bag from his shoulder. He handed it off to Nomin. “‘Tis why I brought your supplies along with our rations for the trip.”
Nomin’s lips parted in surprise as her attention immediately went to Estinien, and then to the bag he held out for her. Taking it up, Nomin looked inside and saw the familiar brush kit, her palette, case of paint, and some rolled up hides. She was at a momentary loss for words. More than anything, she was touched by this clear consideration for her.
“... You went through all this trouble for me…?” Nomin felt an uncontrollable smile tug at the corners of her lips as she looked around for a suitable place to set up.
“Aye…” Estinien watched Nomin, his expression softening somewhat as he took a moment to find a flat enough surface to have seated himself upon. “I chanced upon this cave during one of my travels, and I remembered it for the season. I was certain it would have appealed to you. Come Starlight, this cave will be all but filled with snow. Now was the best time to have seized the chance to show you ere we return to Falcon’s Nest.”
“I’m…” Nomin let out a small scoff of amusement before she turned to look at Estinien with the warm smile that remained on her face. “Thank you for bringing me here, Estinien.”
Perhaps the cold and snow was not all bad after all.
Estinien gave a satisfied ‘hmpf’ with an equally satisfied smirk.
“Happy Starlight, Nomin.”
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ardberts · 2 months
just a lil wip—
"You're staring at me," Estinien said flatly, narrowing those cold eyes at him.
"It's not a fair fight," Aymeric replied with a shrug, unable to help himself. "No one's heard from you in weeks, and now you turn up looking like— how long has it been since you last slept?"
"Should have known you didn't simply want to train," the dragoon muttered accusingly, petulantly sending his lance clattering to the stone floor at Aymeric's feet instead. "You and yours have an irritating habit of thinking you need to corner me like a feral animal every time I wish to keep to myself."
This time, it was Aymeric's turn to glare, mood soured exponentially. Most days, he could weather out his oldest friend's ornery tendencies, choosing to treat them with a quiet understanding, but he was in no mood to be Estinien's punching bag. Not when he'd asked him there in good faith.
"People grow concerned when someone disappears without a word and return looking no better off," he snapped, an icy bite to his voice that forced the other man to avert his gaze. "Not everyone in your life cares only for what you can give them, Estinien — some of us do worry for you because that's what friends do."
He supposed those might have been fighting words, were he talking to anyone but the Azure Dragoon, but regardless, something got through to him. After a prolonged silence he spoke up, still avoiding Aymeric's accusatory stare, and still brusque in tone, as if he wasn't sure how this worked.
"Apologies," was all he said, tossing the canteen back to him.
Something unpleasant nipped at Aymeric's core as he took in Estinien's demeanor, the way he slouched a little too aggressively as he brushed past him to lean against the wall. It showed in the way he held himself rigid as stone, jaw clenched tighter than necessary in order to withstand a reprimand that never came, and how he continued to avoid his stare.
"I know you much better than you give me credit for," Aymeric said plainly, readjusting himself on the crate to face him. "You wouldn't have agreed to see me if you weren't interested in talking — if you didn't want me to pry it out of you just like I always have."
"Forgive me then," Estinien replied with a scoff, turning his eyes to the ground as he heaved a deep sigh. "I suppose you expect thanks as well."
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on our fates alight-nightmare
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(under a cut for light body horror)
He was back in Labyrinthos, back in Site Sixteen.
Somebody please--
Everything hurt. His body-his soul--everything hurt, it all hurt--
Lacelle?! Lacelle please, don't let them do this to me! Don't let them hurt me!
Living was agony.
Master Suzuri? Please-please--help--
Silence, creature!
All he could do was scream. Scream into the blinding light that stared down at him when he was tied to the examination table. Scream as he was burned and stabbed and cut and poisoned--all for Odin to react, to semi-Prime to save his Dominant's life--
Someone please...
Scream as bits and pieces were removed from him, scream when he fully Primed and they started to hack pieces of his body away--
Please help me!
His voice broke at some point but still he screamed, a hoarse whisper of sound as he lay bleeding out onto his bonds--
Make him summon the blade!
Ser, we've done everything we can--
No more light, but total and complete darkness. No aether, just the continual misery of the suppression cuffs and collar. Pain whenever he moved--crawling to where they'd thrown his meals into his cell. The bitter taste of Archon Loaf--at first seasoned with the salt of his tears. Then it became dry as his tears died, his throat aching as he choked down the slices...
Sebastian's eyes flew open. For several moments he could only lie there--unable to move, his mind screaming, an answering howl forming in his throat.
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Then suddenly he could move--and move Sebastian did, hurling his upper body forward. But it wasn't the pitch darkness of his cell that met his frightened gaze, it was warm wooden furnishings and plaster walls. The scent of sandalwood and roses tickled his nose, and faintly he could hear plates clinking, music playing, and the low roar of people speaking. He could feel the aether around him--could reach for the ribbon of Darkness that was Odin's hold on him, could feel the Eikon stir slightly at his Dominant's return to the waking world.
I'm... Memory flooded Sebastian's mind, and the former mage covered his face with his hands.
Right. I'm...we're at an inn for the night. Sebastian turned his head. Beside him in the large trundle bed was Riven, fast asleep. Reinhardt was lower down, completely out cold as well. Thancred's bag was atop a second bed in the room. Just beyond it was a door--cracked partly open. If he moved his head, he could see Urianger and Moenbryda sprawled out, fast asleep. Sebastian closed his eyes, unable to repress the surge of relief that was swelling inside him.
Nightmare. Just a nightmare. He was free--Odin was free--they were free. No more Site Sixteen, no more Sharlayan. Hesitantly Sebastian swallowed. He started to open his mouth-then closed it.
Don't. Don't tempt it back. If his voice was suffering, he needed to let it rest. And if he'd had a nightmare, he needed to drink one of the potions the prie--Mathye had made him. But Sebastian found it just a little hard to move at the moment--the terror from the memories still clinging to the edges of his thoughts. Beside him, Riven grumbled sleepily.
"Mmpph." Before Sebastian could react, the younger hyur had burrowed into his side and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her touch was warm, gentle--and helped snap the remaining threads of fear on Sebastian's mind. Odin's Dominant sighed, feeling the tension bleed out of him.
"How am I supposed to lie back down?" He asked, looking down at the sleeping Riven. No response, of course. And his voice--sounded normal. Thank fucking everything. Sighing again--but this time with a wry smile, Sebastian carefully started to pry himself loose from Riven's grip. Once free, he silently got out of bed and padded over to the bag Mathye had made up for them, filled with healing potions, salves, and bandages. Behind him Riven grumbled and rolled over to the other side, landing on top of the still sleeping Reinhardt. The dragoon continued to sleep peacefully, making Sebastian snort as he turned back to face the duo, potion in hand.
"Hopeless." He muttered, but with affection. Breaking the wax seal, Sebastian uncorked the potion and lifted it to his lips. Downing the contents in one go, he fought the urge to cough--somehow Mathye had a talent for finding the most bitter herbs for his brews.
Drink it if you want to live, fucker. Otherwise how are you going to collect what's due you? Sebastian's lips curved into another smile at the memory of the priest's words.
"I plan on living long enough to collect from both of them." He whispered. "Don't worry about that."
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tommypatters · 10 months
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Ok so this is literally my first time writing anything other than an essay but honestly its criminal that theres not a single dion x male reader fic so i am being the change i want to see in my world ;3
So uh not sure how i do this well uhm tags!
Terence bashing(i love him dont @ me its just the best plot i could think)
slightly possessive reader
bad plot ;3
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“ Hunh! Hah! Hyah! “ Grunts and the cold clash of steel resounded within the training grounds of the palace in Oriflamme, two figures locked combat with one of them being driven back relegated to only dodging and parrying in obvious disadvantage, one figure belonged to Terence a dashing man with a gaze of steel and also the second in command of the imperial dragoons and the other being the crown prince of Accordo, [Y/N] Claustra and also the Dominant of water, host of Leviathan and occasionally referred to as the Hydrean
“Come now is this truly all that the mighty vice commander has to offer!?” All that Dion’s little lover has to offer!? As you jumped thrusting your trident towards Terence making the vice commander dodge rolling into the ground in order to evade your furious attack, the ground quaked as you landed your trident in the ground, your hands tightened around the trident in anger as you looked up to your opponent
This wasn’t the first spar you’ve had with the vice commander, in truth you didn’t do this for fun or out of a wish to improve but out of jealousy, ever since you had arrived in Oriflamme you had heard the rumors about the Prince’s “Trusted aide” how’d they would be alone for long periods of time, how he favored, even just thinking about it was enough to make leviathan peak his head in your form, so when you finally met this man the first thing you asked him was to spar you didn’t even know why you did it, perhaps you wanted humiliate him or maybe you just wanted to feel superior to him make Dion notice how much stronger you were not that you’d think the prince was shallow enough to give his affection based solely on physical strength
the truth is you were smitten with him ever since you were boys something always drew you to him whether it was his handsome features or his chivalrous personality that matched those of knights in story books, you were always together exploring the castle, sparring, or out on misadventures in the capital but unfortunately for as much as you would’ve liked to stay a carefree boy you had duties and responsibilities back in Altissia the capital of your kingdom and so the length of time you could stay in the imperial capital in your diplomatic missions slowly shortened and after you both turned 18 you only saw and spoke to Dion a couple of times with the rest being only some letters the two of you exchanged, you never dared to express your feelings to him romantic relationships between two men were not exactly commonplace or looked upon favorably so you bottled your feelings fearful of what his reaction would be
But after you heard the rumors that the prince and Terence the man whom to this moment you had ever only considered as a part of the background as just another soldier with perhaps some special favor as the prince’s friend was actually the prince’s lover well everything came crashing down on you now full of jealousy and fury you gripped your trident as you looked up to the man that had taken your beloved
Terence readied himself defensively positioning his lance, the vice commander was one of great valor and might but even a man of his skill and prowess would be little match against the might of a dominant, you approached him lifting your trident when suddenly a voice ranged out
“Halt!” Both you and Terence looked to the side “Your grace!” the vice commander exclaimed, dropping his weapon and kneeling “Dion” you stated flatly not wanting your voice to betray the vortex of emotions you were feeling just a moment ago, putting your trident to side, you looked at the imperial prince “Prince [Y/N] forgive my intrusion but there’s an important matter of state we haven’t have had the chance to discuss”
“Very well, Vice commander it seems like we’ll have to cut our match short” You looked at the vice commander with disdain “Yes your grace” He replied bowing to you, in some way deep down you felt guilty about your actions you realized he knew almost nothing of you aside from what was publicly known and he was probably confused as to what he did to incur the Hydrean’s wrath or perhaps he just thought you a brute that had no qualms of using his power or abusing his lessers
“Lead the way, your grace,” you said following Dion, the both of you walked in silence along the marble halls of white wyrm castle until you reached a door you recognized to lead to the castle gardens, he opened the doors walking in directly to a table that had a pitcher and two goblets, you saw him pick up the pitcher and serve wine in both of them “Well I have to wonder what sort of “matters of state” would be discussed here, beautiful as it is” Dion walked towards you and raised a cup offering you to take it “In truth there are no “matters of state” to discuss,” he looked at you, you took the cup from his hand “ Forgive me I simply wanted to have a moment with you… Its been a couple of years since we last saw each other, It feels as though we are strangers,” he said in a soft tone
“Come on Dion “Forgive me”? Really? Well I’ll have to agree we are like strangers but only because you treat me as one, I for one remember the mischievous boy who would have us brave the streets of Oriflamme in order to see the performance of a famous bard” you said looking at him with a slight a smile, he chuckled softly “Forgiv-“ you looked at him raising your eyebrows in friendly annoyance, he looked down slightly ashamed smiling at his own over-politeness, you chuckled at him long you tried to bottle up your feelings but now you just couldn’t help but to notice how handsome he was
The two of you would continue to walk around the gardens catching up on the happenings of both your lives, eventually the sun started to set and the both of you were sitting in a clear patch of grass little ways off the path of the gardens, drinking and laughing “Hah says you! do I need to remind you it was whose idea was to sneak out to watch that bard or the time you had us hide in the kitchen to wait for the servants to go because you wanted more cake?” you said smiling taking a sip from your wine “ Well at least I didn’t almost drown myself in a river trying to win a bet!” he jokingly pointed an accusing finger at you “I GENUINELY THOUGHT I COULD BREATHE UNDERWATER!” you exclaimed laughing “Terence had to drag you out and bring you back to land!”
and there it was all the happiness you felt extinguished in an instant, you looked down to your cup your smile fading “ Speaking of which care to tell me what poor Terence has done to incur your wrath? Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you “spar” with him” he said still smiling not yet noticing your sudden change, for a split second you felt the worst you’ve ever felt you desperately wanted to bite down your tongue and not say anything but in that split second you lost all control of your emotions and softly blurted out
“He took you away from me” Dion didn’t seem to understand what you meant as he chuckled “it’s true Terence is a dear friend but that doesn’t mean you’re any less dear to me” you looked at the prince wind blowing on his blonde hair, his brown amber eyes looking back, you stopped caring, jealousy had consumed you ever since you stepped back in Oriflamme every night you would think what you could’ve done different what you should’ve done, you stopped caring and dragged your hand up to the prince’s cheek your hand felt as weighty as your trident the world felt like it had slowed down and so you repeated
“He took you away from me” Dion stared at you eyes wide mouth slightly open “Y-YN, I never….” It seemed like he couldn’t finish what he wanted to say, he looked down, and you withdrew your hand “ Forgive me Dion I don’t know what this means to you but whatever it does I swear to you I’ll respect it… Please…. Don’t be afraid to shun me” you said softly “ I know I’m not the most responsible or mature but I promise you I will hold no grudge and both our realms shall continue their relations as usual” you said fully prepared to bear whatever words of disappointment or rejection he would have for you, he looked up at you and you saw his teary eyes
“shun you…?” he put his hand on top of yours “ [Y/N] I’ve long desired to hear you speak words of affection to me…. to feel your arms around me….” he said softly, you didn’t know what this meant and it seemed like he wanted to continue talking but this was enough for you, you put your hand on his cheek and closed the distance between the two of you, you felt his soft lips touch yours, he didn’t back down he kissed you back and you continue kissing until he was laying down on the grass, he put his arms around your neck and you continued kissing for what felt like centuries you couldn’t get enough of the feeling of his soft lips, of the feeling of his hair between your fingers, until you finally withdrew from him he looked up at you with those beautiful piercing eyes of his you could only softly mutter “I love you”
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it took me like 5 hours to write this and halfway i redid it cuz it was all gonna lead up to smut and then i realize i suck at writing smut BUT I WANNA DO IT SO BAD CUZC BDHUSGB DHSUBG DION BBY PLS also terence is bae i love him i swear ill write a terence x dion to atone for this monstrosity
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jazzpostsrandomthings · 5 months
I had to finish some pre-exam homework today and then stomach ache was killing me so I wasn't able to complete Journey Retold entry today, sorry ;w; I will compensate with some fun trivia for my WoLs because I feel like doing it.
Pi Peataan
Pi is Sharlayan by birth but he doesn't remember much of his early childhood here because he was very little;
Pi's birthname is Piyu Lazuyu;
He is 97 cm tall (postEW);
He is a good swimmer;
He plays a flute (picks it up preSB and gets better at it during ShB);
He likes to keep his diary (in addition to sending the letters to his family that usually recount everything that happened within a week);
He also scribbles small drawings at the sides of his letters and sometimes diary pages. Not nearly as good as Alphinaud at art, but they are not an eyesore either;
Pi likes citrus fruits, specifically the oranges;
His favorite flower is a dandelion and his favorite bird is a doman magpie;
Pi wore a few different hats over the course of his journeys (I will probably make a funny post about the hats he officially wore in the story itself tomorrow).
Haru Hataori
Haru looks almost the same as his mom (horn type, tail type, eyes (partially)) and he only got the skin color from his father;
His mom expected him in Spring and wanted to name him Haru;
He is 203 cm tall;
Haru has heterochromia;
He was taught to sew since he was 6, and despite of mainly being a fighter, he is actually great at making clothes;
He was growing pretty much unsupervised which resulted in him growing up to be the dork everyone knows him as now;
That also resulted in him getting a book about the brave Ishgardian Dragoons which inspired him to pursue the craft;
Haru started to dye his hair and do makeup in his teens;
His family is quite rich and thus he has bad spending habits;
He can draw patterns pretty well but he is awful at drawing people and animals;
He is very bad at wistanding cold (even if he says otherwise);
He wore new clothes designed by his father every time He met Pi from ARR to SB. He stopped doing that after he journeyed to Eorzea on his own near the end of SB;
Haru likes sweets and spicy food but he doesn't overindulge in them and most of his meals are actually quite healty;
His favorite flower is a sakura flower and he carries around a sown trinket shaped like one everywhere he goes;
His favorite animal is a chocobo. He absolutely adores the horsebirds, especially his girl Chyunchyun :)
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Also did you know that his chocobo laid eggs after Endwalker---
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starrysnowdrop · 5 months
What Sky Are You?
Hali Aloke 🌊✨
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Sunset 🌅
You are wistful goodbyes and unspoken promises. You are warmth and comfort for others, but sometimes you give so much of yourself that it leaves you cold inside. It's bittersweet, offering other people the care and affection you crave for yourself as well, but you wouldn't do any less if it means the people you love are content. You're very grounded, but you long for things you can't quite name - perhaps a time when your heart was full and your spirit free.
Aymeric de Borel ❄️⚔️
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Starry Sky 🌌
You're sometimes overwhelmed by how much you feel, and you don't always know what to do with all those feelings. You value honesty, you want to feel at peace, and you try not to take the little things for granted. You believe you are part of something bigger than yourself. Your actions and opinions reflect your care for other people. You're not necessarily an optimist but you hold onto hope. You take life as it comes, but you don't let it walk all over you.
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I decided to answer for both Hali and Aymeric and while I was shocked that Hali didn’t get starry sky, I giggled when Aymeric got it instead. The descriptions fit them both and it honestly makes sense to me because of course Hali loves Aymeric if he reminds her of the starry sky that she loves. Hali being a sunset does fit with her being Azem and it marks the end of the day and beginning of night, so that’s fascinating symbolism there. Hmmm… 🤔
Quiz Here
Tagged By: @ainyan @sylaurin and @paintedscales Thank you all so much for thinking of me!! 🥰
Tagging: @traveler-of-light @reikatsukihana @mimble-sparklepudding @arinaxiv @eriyu @eorzeanflowers @pumpkinmagekupo @dragonsongmakhali @dragoon-mid-jump @dreadwyrmz @plenary-indulgence @spotofmummery @saeta @faerieearthangel @wingedasarath and anyone else that wants to do this and hasn’t been tagged yet! Just say I tagged you! 💖
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another-corpo-rat · 9 months
Pale Yellow
im throwing this into the wild before it bites me again. enjoy Victoria not being in a Great Place, featuring the darling Kauri who belongs to @pozerjacket ty for letting me steal your lad for this <3
No Pairing Summary: Smasher's dead. Victoria's…coping. Not well, but she's coping.
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“Hey-hey ‘Tori! How you doing?”
It’s a familiar enough thing; Stunzer’s voice was always as bright as his mood when he was off-duty – and she was yet to be privy to him not in a good mood. He was one of the rare few who could claw genuine joy out of the shithole that was Night City, a skill she would perhaps envy were she a lesser woman, desperately trapped with no means of leaving the city.
But a lesser woman she was not and she certainly didn’t count herself trapped, not with a first-class ticket booked for London. Trading one shithole for another she supposed but when held against Night City, England’s festering heart was a gleaming pinnacle of opportunity and order.
“Stunzer.” She says, sharp and cold as if she was interrupting someone’s stupidity in a meeting—
And really that didn’t seem far off. She did think him idiotic with that stupid smile and aggressively pleasant mood. Painfully genuine and utterly foolish for it.
But not entirely so. Something flips and that bright smile drops into something more presentable, practiced. Professional. Good. She almost forgot that she kept him around for reasons beyond warming her bed.
“I have a job for you,” and she could do without her voice sounding rough to her own ears; the words rasping against her coarse throat, “no fixers, no middlemen. Meet me on the Ebunike in Northside if you’re interested. Maelstrom shouldn’t give you any trouble.”
She cuts the call before he can speak and wonders why she didn’t just send a text.
By all accounts she should be impressed with how quickly he arrives considering he was in Pacifica when she called. Both too fast and not fast enough – a frustrating confliction, riling her annoyance either way. Still, she makes a note to pay for whatever speeding tickets he has as the heavy door slides open, stopping two-thirds across with the distinct cha-thunk of old mechanisms catching.
Unlike Adam, Stunzer doesn’t curse or need to force it the rest of the way. The gap is enough for him to squeeze through without awkwardly contorting himself, something she notes without turning; watching his reflection in the glass.
“You should consider fixing that.” He says in way of greeting, his voice carefully dull now; a lacklustre mimicry of a corpo’s professional neutrality. Maybe he’s mastered it to the untrained ear; to the ratty street-scum and dusty sand-walkers he rubs shoulders with on the daily, but it feels merely passable in this space. Missing that crucial cold edge, that underlying and unspoken threat that’s always there if you cared to look: sewn through words.
He ought to fix that.
“Hardly necessary, I won’t be returning here.” She flicks her eyes from his reflection, focusing instead on the case’s contents. The partial frame of the Dragoon is displayed like a trophy, and likely better cared for than even the most prized. The office is empty now aside from it, and still she’s put it off – like prodding at a loose tooth instead of just yanking the damn thing out.
The thought of leaving it had crossed her mind and twisted her guts in turn, made them churn with a bitter acid that burned her throat on its way up. He had taken meticulous care of it and there’s a…need to continue that. For all that she has left of him.
Stunzer hums, nods to himself as he looks around the space that few were ever privy to. “So, did you fry Maelstrom before or after you called?”
“Not long before. Had a good little laugh to themselves when I asked them to leave.” She sighs softly, but her shoulders still drop with a substantial weight. “I wasn’t for wasting an already…limited patience on them.”
“Uh-huh. Does the big guy want—”
“I’m not one to let the wants of dead men dictate how I conduct my business.”
She thought it would be common knowledge by now, that even Arasaka would struggle to hide the death of one of the city’s few living legends. She was sure there was something on WNS News about it— but either she was mistaken or Stunzer has been under a rock.
The soft breath of ‘shit’ pulls her taut, an unpleasant tension tightens in her chest like a fist curling within her ribcage, squeezing at her heart as she clenches her jaw tight. An ache already blooming. She digs her nails into the palm of her hand, but there’s hardly any relief. No stinging pain. Just a vague sensation of pressure, metal against metal. Of all the times to mourn her natural arms…
His hand rests on her shoulder, heavy, squeezing gently in an effort to comfort. Warm in the way only living flesh can be. She wishes it was his chrome hand instead. At least then she could close her eyes and pretend, just for a second. Just a few precious seconds where the past few weeks were nothing but an elaborate nightmare and it’s Adam’s hand on her shoulder – but his finger span is too small, the press of weight too light. Fucking meat.
In the quiet of the room the shing of her claws is loud, enough of a warning that is well heeded: his hand withdraws. Still she glances over her shoulder, lips pressed tight and eyes flashing with the prime of a daemon until he takes a few steps back along with that. Back to that thin veneer of professionalism; Artees the merc. Maybe when she can stomach company beyond wine and a pair of dogs too affectionate to ignore, she’ll reach out for Kauri the friend again. Maybe.
She rolls her shoulder to shrug off the warmth he left in his wake. Adam had been cold the last time she could hold him. His chill had sunk into her skin, deep enough that her natural bones were beginning to ache. Or maybe that had been from holding him – that heavy husk of metal, so damaged there was nothing salvageable.
So said the technician. There was certainly nothing salvageable left of them.
“And speaking of business,” she nods towards the weapon rack, empty now but for a small box. Black, nondescript. The chip within it is equally basic to the eye, notable only for its pristine condition and lack of corporate branding. “You’re going to find the bastard and chip that into their neural slot. I don’t care how, just get into their neck and keep it out of your own.”
“Doubt finding them is gonna be that simple,” she looks to the reflection once more, watching him cross the room to the box, “if they’ve managed to hide from Arasaka.”
“Arasaka is big, we make too much noise when we move. Disturb the wildlife, so to speak. But you?” She turns to regard him, drags her gaze along his body and hums in approval, “You fit right in.” He presses his lips tight, scrunches them towards the left corner of his mouth and damn him, it’s an effort to keep her own from twitching in response.
“Right…still isn’t gonna make it easy to find them, y’know?”
“I’m well aware. Even with the information Arasaka has, we’d have better luck finding a virgin joytoy on Jig-Jig. It’s why I’ve asked you Kauri, and why I won’t be skimping on your payment either.”
This time he regards her, a little furrow in the centre of his brow as he works through her words, looking for some trap, something spoken but meant differently. And maybe that’s a sign that he knows her too well, or that she was too obvious in the use of his name, but the way his fingers curl around the box is answer enough.  
“And this is?”
“A hell of my design,” and she can’t help the smile now – feels it tear her lips apart and bare her teeth, “just for them.”
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eternitas · 7 months
Tell us about your bun boy, the world needs to know about him. Who cares if it isn't lore compliant
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@wanderin-rook @deathmeddle @saanphoenix @niceaxephotos
Okay so because these people were so kind to indulge me and ask, allow me to give you a short introduction to Yoon before I give you an actual sheet with his stats and all
Also DISCLAIMER: I am not through with A Realm Reborn and therefor have limited knowledge of Vierra so most of this is NOT canon compliant.
Is Yoon
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Yoon is a Vierra from the Ishgardian snowy mountains. Due to his village and subesquently his baby sister falling terribly ill he took her down the mountain to find someone who could cure her, but ended up in Gridania where he stayed for a good bit. He is NOT A WOL, he is more of a support character for my WOLs squad. Since he is skilled with a spear/lance he later down the line takes up a job as a dragoon. He also has a boif, called Lemuel (played by my irl fiance @kyuji)
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I will get to their story later bc its Spicey with a capital S
Here are more in depth stats and a more thorough recount of his story until he arrived in Gridania. Also beware of bigger Font for readability.
Name: Yoon Dorochnewesfv
Age: he never talks about his age, but you can count him around 20ish in human years at the beginning of "A Realm Reborn"
Lineage: Vierra - Veena
Birthplace: Ishgard East Mountainrange/ Yaga village
More info: Yaga Village is an interesting one in its history, as it has been established many many generations ago. Its history is passed down oraly by the elder female Veena and says that they were once send by a divine power to guard the lucious mountains, but with time the climate changed and it became a landscape of ice and snow. However the Vierra could not abandon what they promised to protect and so they stayed in Yaga for centuries, adapting to the new climate. While it is one village its population is divided into different families, named after old Viera matriarchs. Dorochnewes was one of them.
Affiliation: Gridania
Class/Job: Lancer, later Dragoon (tho also versed with a bow)
Status: mated to Lemuel
Physical Describtion: Yoon is a Snow Mountain Veena with almost completely white skin, white hair and white ears and tail. Only the tips of his ears, the tip of his tail and his toes are black/dark blue furred. He has feint freckles in his face, his left eye is white while his right eye is a deep blue. Originally both eyes were blue, but due to an injury he sustained on his trip down the mountain he got partially blind on his left eye and bears a scar on the side of his face. His hair is a bit longer than shoulder length and he has the natural height of Vieras, though among his species he is average in height to slightly shorter. He has very strong legs as most Vierra and rabbit feet with white furr and black toes. Different to other Vierras those of his village have the ability to cover their skin with a layer of furr when in cold regions so there is little need to bundle up for them. The furr falls off and sheds in warmer regions and is, as most of Yoon, completely snow white.
Born as the middle child of a renowned huntress in the tribe, there was a lot of hope in Yoon to be female, as his older sibling turned out male, which was seen as a disappointment to the tribe. His mother did not love him any less and only two years, after his younger siblings birth, his father died. All the more disappointment was once it became clear that Yoon was a male Vierra, which made his mother now have two sons and not a single heiress.
But not shortly after his younger sibling Taya was confirmed to be female, the entire tribe was slowly falling ill to a terrible disease. By then Yoon had been out on his own for quite a few years only hearing of the illness from other male Vierra that visited the tribe. Since his mating cycle was coming close he decided to make an earlier visit to the tribe and to check on his family only to find his mother and little sister terribly ill. By now even a few male Vierras had contracted the disease, however they seemed to recover with little issue while the female population seemed to suffer greatly and even die from it.
His mother knew she was not going to make it and sent Yoon with his sister down the mountain to get at least their youngest into a city where she could get medical treatment, as the tribe was incapable of finding a cure. Yoon knew this would lead to them being banished, but promised to take his sister to safety. He then made his way down the mountain, giving whatever he could hunt to his sister and keeping her alive, while he got by with mere scraps. He went slowly and steadily to make sure he wouldn't overexert his young sister, taking breaks to warm up and let her get some proper sleep.
It's during his way down that he, delirious and weak from little nourishment and sleep deprivation, slips during a snowstorm and tumbles down a steeper and cliffier path, causing him to gravely injure his left side of his face and damaging his eye. He took some time to take care of himself and Taya, who he could luckily shield enough to not get hurt, and with newfound strength made his way further down. However when he came to Coerthas he was met with closed gates and hostility as the nation of Ishgard was in grave tension due to their fight with the dragons. At least one helpful individual by the name of Estinien directed him south towards Gridania, saying Yoon should ask there for a cure.
On his way to Gridania he traverses the forests, unable to hunt, due to his new adjustment to his eyes and being unable to blend in with the green flora. He pushed through by sheer willpower and eventually collapsed in the City of New Gridania, being taken in by Mother Miounne and given a temporary stay to recover. So now Yoon was in Gridania, a place completely different from his home and taking care of his very ill sister. He is aware that he will need money to come by, pay for their stay and especially Tayas treatment so he joins the adventure guild and becomes a Lancer. However doing quests and hunting himself manages to pose itself as a big difficulty. Yoons entire appereance is natural to a snowy and rocky environment with little to no vegetation and he just recently lost most of his eyesight in one eye, having to relearn how to aim and see the world.
It's during this time that he meets another Vierra.... Lemuel.
Character: Yoon is not too hard to read if you are familiar with vierran expression through their ears. His face seems very unmoving and his tone usually stays the same, but his ears give him away far easier as he never had the need to control that. He does learn to open up and be more expressive around people he knows and likes, to strangers however he is cold and distant at first. He is awkward with other people and gets along better with other men, while he has great respect and shows politeness to women and non binary individuals. He is by no means uncaring, sometimes even being too caught in his own emotions as he left to the villages outskirts in his teens only one year after being fully identified as male. He has therefore little social skills and doesnt know much about ettiquette or how to handle his own emotions. Due to the Party, especially the Miqo'te girl Anayeli, he learns to understand emotions and social interactions more, however it often still shows, that he just comes from a completely different background.
He is often led by instinct and his learned skills as a hunter, prioritizing  survival over anything else, that he almost naturally sacrifices his own comfort. As a Vierra male that grew up in the snowy mountains he doesnt do well with heat and had a hard time adjusting to the new climate or the forest environment (Thanalan is his personal nightmare). It's usually uncomfortable for him to stand out due to his appereance, but with time most Gridanians learned to just let him be and do his thing and not stare, because it will trigger his flight instincts. He can be quite childish, when he does feel comfortable and as he had not run a single mating cycle yet has little sexual experience (until he meets Lem). It is his long term goal to find a cure for his sister and if possible bring the cure to the last remaining Vierra of his tribe and to fulfill that goal he is willing to go great lengths tho he has his principles and sticks to them, trying to live a life of which his mother would be proud and he has not to be ashamed of.
-Yoon can not swim. He never needed to learn. Lem teaches him to at least not completely drown.
-as with most Vierra his ears are very sensitive and he puts special wachs mixed with cotton in his ears to dull the noise. It is also why he prefers the quiet nature more than bustling groups of people
-Yoon doesnt exactly see himself as part of the Gridanian population and more as an outsider that happens to stay in the city, which makes him far more sympathetic with some of the wild tribes than most
-his favourite food is Honey Custard Tart, a sweet baked good that is filled with a custard that is mixed with honey and a honey glace on top. He never tasted honey before so when he got the good as a reward from a comission he got immideatly hooked.
-As the mountains are not as rich in vegetation as the forest Yoon was much more prone to have a meat heavy diet, which is only proven more by his sharp teeth and canines, that almost seem to match more Miqo'tes teeth. However he does prefer to have a vegetarian diet if he can help it.
-Yoons brother Eleesh disappeared about a year before the disease befell their tribe and its unknown if he died or not
-While they don't show much PDA, Yoon and Lem have a very active sex life, with Yoon being the one with the driving libido.
-as with most Vierra, Yoons strongest aspect are his legs. He can jump pretty high and far and is a very fast runner, being able to zigg zagg and make quick turns rather easily.
-and yes. He has pawbeans
-Usually Viera give up their forest names after having left their tribe, but Yoon holds onto his name as it is the last remains he has of his mother. However he does emphasize that he prefers to be called by his first call name instead of his full name or last name, as it is a very personal detail to him. He will often introduce himself as "Yoon. Just Yoon is fine."
-he finds Miqo'te to be unnerving due to their intense eyes and the natural predator disposition, Elezen to be unnerving for their height and especially Au'ra men for their size and sharp scales. Roegadyn and Hrothgar, no matter the gender, instinctly trigger his flight response.
-despite being dispositioned as prey, Yoon is very skilled with his lance and an incredible hunter... at least in the snowy mountains. In Gridania he passes as average when it comes to hunting, so he is much more prone to choose flight as an option.
More unrelated pictures as done by @kyuji
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I will post the couple ones in my follow up
Thank you for reading!!!!
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scotianostra · 7 months
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November 25th 1681 General Tam Dalyell raised a regiment to suppress Covenanters which later became the Royal Scots Greys.
Also known as Bluidy Tam, General Dalyell, became notorious for his suppression of the Covenanters at the Battle of Rullion Green, in the Pentland Hills, in 1666. Little more than a thousand Protestant 'rebels' had marched from Dumfries towards Edinburgh, armed only with scythes, pitchforks and staves. Tam is said to have been disgusted with his soldiers after they killed men women and children, and resigned his commission.
Earlier in his life, while fighting for Charles I in the civil war he had been imprisoned after Oliver Cromwell won the Battle of Worcester. He managed to escape from the Tower of London and fled to Russia where he achieved high rank in the army of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, father of Peter the Great in Russia and is said to have brought back a rather nasty invention back to Scotland with him, the dreaded thumbscrews. It was his time there that gained him the other unenviable nickname "Muscovite De'il", where he also noted while in Russia that it was much more difficult to spot Russian soldiers than traditional "British Red Coats". Therefore he also brought back the stipulation that the Scots Greys wore grey uniforms as camouflage, which was successfully used against the Covenanters. He had also raised a regiment of infantry in 1666, but no records of the foot regiment exist today.
Another interesting legend about the man is connected with a Marble topped card table that it is said during a particularly fraught card match played between the General and the devil was thrown at Dalyell , but missed and ended going out the window, landing in a nearby pond, a marble table was indeed found when the pond dried up 200 years later. The cards, goblet and spoon, supposedly used in the game are displayed in the house. The General is said to have told the Devil, who threatened to blow down his house and its walls, that "I will build me a turret at every corner to pin down my walls".
In August 1685 Lieutenant-General Tam Dalyell died at his town house just off John Street in the burgh of the Canongate where he lived with his fourth wife Marion Abercrombie. But the story didn't end there.......
Following military tradition his boots were hung in reverse from the saddle of his horse while his martial baton was carried on the top of the coffin. Troopers of the Royal Scots Dragoons, the red-coated Scots Guards and six field guns escorted his funeral procession. Watched by hundreds of citizens, who lined the route, the sombre military procession with muffled drums beating wound its way slowly up the hill through Portsburgh leaving the city by the west gate, now known as West Port.
"Old Tom of Muscovy" as he had been nick named by King Charles II was buried beside his parents in the family vault at Abercorn Church not far from the ancestral home, The Binns. Tam's third son John took his father's cavalry boots back to his home at Lingo in Fife but he was forced to return them to The Binns. Every night when he took them off they awakened the sleeping household as they marched around the house. It was said that if cold water was poured into them, it would quickly come to a boil!!!
Although he was long gone, Tam's legend continues to grow. On pitch black nights the General mounted on a white charger could be seen entering his estate by the Black Lodge situated on the road between Bo' ness and Queensferry. Clattering across the ruined bridge over the Errack Burn, the ghostly horse and rider would gallop up the old road to the Binns.
The third pic is called Scotland Forever and is a depiction of the Scot's Greys leading the charge at the Battle of Waterloo.
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