#it's getting thirsty over your own ocs season :]
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what's cooking in the horny kitchen pt2 (ft my own boys: clone medic Cheese, ARF traps specialist Cake and ARC sniper Gaze)
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eneiryu · 1 year
Hello! I’m here to add to your growing stack of fan mail. I find myself refreshing your page daily, and rereading all of your stories until there’s a new one! Not much else seems to hit the way your work does. You’re my favourite Thiam writer, but beyond the ship, you encapsulate every character so perfectly, even your minor BG/OCs have so much about them. Nothing and nobody is ever insignificant or forgettable in your stories.
Even technically speaking, you have such a wide vocabulary. When you play around with the timeline, it’s always super cohesive. You are fluent with words, and you weave them together so beautifully, it’s like music. (Do you have any writing qualifications?)
I always find myself staying up way too late reading your work, often with a lump in my throat, a racing heart, and definitely with a grin on my face.
I have these ideas, and there’s nobody I could imagine approaching them the way you do. They could fit anywhere in your universe/timeline really, as standalones or as scenes in a story you’ve already got going. I’m aware that your list of prompts is already sky-high, sorry! I am but a thirsty bish.
1. This is the moment they confirm they’re both into guys and/or each other. They’re on a mission, hiding in a small space, Theo’s pressed up behind a hot werewolf.. y’know. “I can’t fucking help it!” so Liam turns them around, “God, that’s really not gonna help”. Liam curses, Theo really tries to shake it off, but now he’s got a hot werewolf breathing down his neck and something of a danger kink, apparently. There’s noise outside, so Liam hauls him in close with his hand covering Theo’s mouth, and hisses into his ear, “I said, shut the fuck up and stop moving”. Theo can feel Liam’s hard on, so his own arousal flares in the tiny space, Liam groans in exasperation, then shit hits the fan when they’re discovered.
2. They’re sparring in the preserve, and end up with Liam fucking Theo on the ground. It’s their first time and Liam’s not on board yet with his own feelings for the chimera. It could probably follow on from the previous prompt. I’d love to see how you’d envision Liam and Theo having these moments, with Liam struggling to come to terms with his thoughts and emotions each time, instead of sex culminating in their resolution. Combined with Theo’s self-martyrdom and lack of self-preservation.. das some juicy angst.
Thank you! This may sound trite, but I spend a lot of time trying to get the “background stuff” right, in addition the main plot and relationship, and so getting a note like this that it makes an impact? Really, really validating to hear.
And I don’t have any writing qualifications, beyond higher education, though I do have to write a lot for my work. Though, weirdly, I think it’s fanfiction that’s made me a better professional writer, and not the other way around? Which would be a hilarious conversation to have with a boss, that’s for sure.
Hrm. So mulling these two over a bit, I think—for me—they’d have to fit in between 6A and 6B. By the time 6B wraps up, in my opinion Liam and Theo are generally past the “I’m interested in this person, possibly against my better judgement” part and into the “well, shit, what do I do about it” phase, when it comes to each other. But between those two seasons, provided Theo sticks around and doesn’t disappear off to wherever he went between the two seasons? Yeah, there could be a lot more hemming and hawing.
I have wanted to write a “Theo doesn’t leave after the Wild Hunt” canon divergent AU for a while now, so I’ll let this one tumble around for a while and see what pops out. 😊
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ericac318 · 1 year
A Change of Heart
This story takes place post-season 4 and it intertwines with the Stranger Things Experience. Dr. Brenner x OC
Chapter 1
Rose Foster woke up in a hospital room feeling woozy.
She’d just been a volunteer subject for the military. They were testing out a syrum on men and women between the ages of 18 and 35 that had the potential to give the test subjects powers. Rose was almost 34 so she was almost at the cutoff.
She wasn’t sure if she had special skills or not, but she knew she had a killer headache and she was extremely thirsty.
A nurse walked into Rose’s room but before Rose could say anything about her pain, there was a team rolling a man into her room. The man was older, his hair was completely white. He appeared to be unconscious.
The nurse made her way to Rose, “I’m glad to see you awake. Can I get you anything?”
“I just need something for my head and ginger ale, if that’s alright? Is that man ok?” Rose questioned.
The nurse glanced in the man’s direction, “He just came out of surgery for multiple gunshot wounds. It’s touch and go, at the moment.” She changed the subject, “I’ll be right back with the things you asked for.”
As night fell, Rose fell asleep, noting that the man (her new roommate) still hadn’t woken up.
She was in a peaceful dream when she heard shouting. The shouting was so loud, it pulled her from her sleep. Rose sat up in her bed to see the man thrashing on his own.
He was yelling out, “Eleven, I’m so sorry!”
She jumped out of her bed and raced to his bedside, resting her hand on his shoulder while speaking in a soft voice, “It’s ok. You’re only having a bad dream,” over and over until he came too.
“Where am I? Is Eleven here?” he asked, his voice laced with panic.
Rose moved her free hand to rest it on his cheek, “Sh, you’re in a hospital recovering from multiple gunshot wounds. I’m sure you shouldn’t be moving around this much. I don’t know who Eleven is but I don’t think that person is here,” she shared as she tried to calm him down, adding, “I’m Rose Foster. What’s your name?”
He took some calming deep breaths as he began to settle down, “I’m Dr. Martin Brenner. I was trying to help Eleven get away when I was shot. Do you know if she was able to escape? I realize the wrongs I was doing for all of these years, even if it was far too late,” he shared, further confusing Rose.
She shrugged, “I’m really sorry, Martin. I don’t know who that is so I have no idea if they got away. I’m sure you’re being too hard on yourself. You just need to get to sleep. Would it make you feel better if I laid with you?” she offered, wondering why she even said that.
Brenner seemed to think over her offer for a few moments before he nodded, “I don’t know you but, somehow, I do think that would make me feel better.”
“Where are your injuries? I don’t want to hurt you,” she asked as he started to scoot over to the right side of his bed.
“Don’t worry about it,” he replied, “Nothing could hurt as much as what I’ve done.”
Rose nodded as she climbed into his bed with him, resting her head on his chest while he wrapped his good arm around her before they both fell into a deep, uninterrupted sleep.
Continue reading: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44335609/chapters/111500344
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
Book Boyfriend a Frankie Morales x Plus Size Reader fic Part two the final
Book Boyfriend
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Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Plus Size F! Reader
Characters: Frankie Morales, Reader, Santiago “Pope” Garcia, William “Ironhead” Miller, Ben “Benny” Miller, Isabella Morales (OC)
Setting: Two years after the events in Colombia (Triple Frontier)
Rating: R, NSFW
Warnings: Smut, Soft Frankie (yes that has to be a warning), cursing, teasing, unprotected sex, oral (male and female receiving), tooth rotting fluff, mixed with a little hurt/comfort, mention of abuse,
Word count: Part 1: 10,284, Part 2: 16,388 (sorry not sorry, I blame Frankie for the wordiness) 
Summary: You’ve been so engrossed in your currant book series its lead to Frankie feeling a little left out.  
Notes: This is my first Frankie Morales/Pedro Pascal Fic, so I’m hoping everyone loves it as much as I did writing it. Something a little fluffy I thought of while thinking of my own favorite book boyfriends. Using the translator Systran for my very bad Spanish translations. A grateful thank you to @icanbeyourjedi for helping me out with Frankie’s Dog tags.
Tag list: @manalg14​   @songbirdcannabe
From Part 1 
Finally, home from running errands and wrangling a very fussy Isabella though you couldn’t blame her really. Exhaustion setting into your very bones from running around town, stopping around noon at a play/girlfriend's date. Talking with the girls as the kids played, laughing over the latest things their men have done and the newest book in the series everyones reading. Heat flared to life at the memory of Frankie from this morning during your talk when things turned towards the more intimate. Though you’d refused to share the details just saying he’s better than any book boyfriend you’ve read. Getting teased by your friends up until the moment you left for the grocery store with a very sleepy little girl in your arms. 
Chuckling softly you put Isabella down for another longer nap so you could get the rest of the groceries in from the car. Pulling your cell out to dial Santi’s number putting the slim piece of tech between your shoulder and ear having forgot the buds in your purse. Not wanting to waste time on getting the steaks marinated for tonight, you decided a neck pain would be a better choice for now.  
Breathing a sigh when he picks up on the second ring, “What do I owe for this unexpected call?” smooth baritone filtering over the line making you smile. 
“I need a favor Pope.” 
Chuckling, “Finally came to your senses and dropped Fish for me huh, hermosa?” teasing quality to his voice, you picking up the sounds of water running in the background. 
Knowing he’s just playing with you though at one time you’d entertained the idea of asking Santiago out. You never got the nerve up instead one cold beer accidentally poured down your shirt later and here you were with the man of your dreams and his beautiful little girl who you’ve fell in love with. You still chuckle at how sweetly apologetic Frankie had been, cheeks stained red with embarrassment at having spilled his drink over you. Though in reality it almost hadn’t been an accident, as all three guys noticed the way he looked at you. Watching the sway of your generous hips to the music, glancing away when you scanned the bar. Never seeing your own eyes rest on him for longer than normal. Only to dart away and back to your friend on your left. 
They plotted, Will trying to talk Pope and Ben out of the stupid idea, but neither would listen, while Frankie took off to the bathroom. Coming back, he’d made a beeline for the bar to grab another mug of beer, taking up the spot right next to you. That’s when Benny tried to strike, sneaking up to Frankie’s left side looking to ask you out himself. Only to be beaten when you turn towards Frankie and he to you, a guy from behind barreling his way through the crowd and into your back. Pushing you forward and into the glass he held. Cold beer pouring down your front as a warm hand pressed against your thick waist to keep you from falling. Your eyes locked and from that moment on you’d been a goner. 
“Hello earth to Y/N you still with me woman? Or fantasizing about me,” knowing there’s a grin on his lips by the tone of his voice. 
Eyes rolling, as your hands work to finish seasoning the steaks, “Keep dream Pope maybe one day it’ll come true. Through I wouldn’t hold my breath,” snarky comment leaving your lips with a grin tugging the corners. “You busy tonight and tomorrow?” 
“Free as a bird, why you have something planned? Party? Or are you finally gonna ask Frankie to marry you?” the last question only a half joke knowing that the man in question wanted to ask that one himself. 
Gapping for a moment but finding the idea appealing, “Think he’d be okay with that if I did?” Of course, you’d thought about marrying Frankie. Hell for the last year you wanted to ask or at least hint at it. But not wanting to overstep any boundaries he set up for himself. Never brought up, though you’ve thought about it a few times. Finding yourself for the most part content having them both in your life.
“He’d die, but say yes so I think it’s a go,” smiling at the thought. You fit right in with the boys, giving hell just as much as you got. But most of all helping Frankie through his demons, not shying away when things got tough. Rather suiting up for battle with a determination he hadn’t seen in seasoned soldiers. Not to mention the way you took care of Isabella as if she’s your own daughter. “Remember I’m best man, Will and Benny bridesmaids I’m sure they’ll look good in whatever color you choose.” 
Giggling at that idea, “I’ll put them in hot pink dresses, halter tops to show off those muscles,” fully belly laugh roars from your lips at the very through of those two grown men in dresses. Santi’s gruff laughter only serves to spur yours on, making you grip the counter to keep from slipping to the floor in mirth. Sobering, grabbing the towel to dry your laughter tears away, “I’m gonna have to tell them you know that right Pope?” 
Snorting, “Of fucking course you would,” wiping his own mirthful tears away. “Anything else you needed to ask me hermosa and please I don’t do flower arrangements. Cake tasting I’m all for.”
Finished with the streaks, setting those aside to grab the potatoes to get them ready next while answering, “So noted but you might have to fight Benny on that one babe.” Pulling the aluminum foil out to wrap up the fork stuck potatoes, “That’s not why I called actually. I’m wondering if you could baby sit Isabella till tomorrow afternoon?” 
“That’s a no brainer of course I will, Uncle Santi to the rescue,” looking for the car seat and his keys. “I’ve got her bed set up and extra clothes.” 
“No junk food Pope or I’ll skin you alive when I see you tomorrow,” voice taking on a hard mama edge. Already having packed a small bag of items, knowing full well that Santi wouldn’t have them on hand. Nor did you expect the poor inexperience man to know what to feed a two almost three-year-old. “I’ve got her a goodie bag packed with what you’ll need and if anything happens…” 
“I’ll call Will and Ben, we’ll figure it out unless it’s an emergency,” placing his buds in to continue the conversation and setting to work on getting the new car seat in place. Double checking the instructions, he would never let anyone know he used, wanting to keep his goddaughter safe. The very idea of her getting hurt knocked the wind from his lungs. Shaking that thought aside, knowing you wouldn’t ask for this favor if you and Frankie didn’t trust him. “Better yet, we can three men and a baby it tonight.” 
“Oh, good Lord if my child comes back with a tattoo or piecing and drinking a Budweiser, I will have all three of your cocks mounted on my wall.” Trying to make your voice hard but wanting to bust out laughing again. Almost straining yourself from holding back the giggles.  
Fake gasp leaving his lips, “Have some taste woman it’ll be a tequila, if it's Bud blame Frick and Frack for that.” Catching the ‘your child’ comment makes him grin knowing his best friend and Goddaughter are in good hands. “Careful cariño your mama bear is showing.” 
“I’ll show you three mama bear when I’ve strung you up by your balls if there is one hair on my precious child’s head missing,” grinning, knowing that you love that little girl with all your heart. 
“Damn Y/N I didn’t know you were this blood thirsty or is it a cock and ball fascination? Bigger question does Fish know?” biting back the laughter bubbling up, triumphant look on his handsome face when he’s finished putting the car seat. 
Shaking your head small giggle leaving your lips, “Watch yourself Santiago Garcia or you’ll find out just what I keep in my purse.”  
“Now you have me intrigued. Thank packing heat in that monster bag of yours?” sliding into the driver seat phone call switching to the onboard Bluetooth. Plucking the earbuds out to stow them while driving. “When did Frankie teach you how to shoot?” 
Heat tingling your neck, as you sputter out an answer, “He actually didn’t teach me.” 
“What’d mean?” confused frown marring his handsome features as he stops at a red light. Hearing his phone ding for a text message from Frankie, deepening his confusion. “Does Fish know Isabella is staying with me tonight?” 
Thanking God for the last question, “No, I didn’t tell him just yet. It’s a surprise. Why?” 
“He’s texting me now, asking if I can watch Isabella I bet,” pulling into the nearest gas station to answer. “Shall I tell him?” smirking when he hears the low growl from the other end of the phone. “Take that as a no Bella.” 
“I swear on all that’s holy Santiago if you tell Frankie…” 
“Yes, yes you’ll have my dick nailed to the wall as a trophy,” rolling his eyes though you can’t. Light chuckle barely sounds when he reads what Frankie texted, “So, violent today Y/N.” 
Catfish: Necesita un hermano favorito? 
(Need a favorite brother?)
Pope: Nombrarlo 
(Name it.)
Not hearing anything for a moment, bottom lip trapped between your teeth standing in the kitchen worried your plan could fall apart. But trusted Santiago, “What’s he asking about Santi?” 
“Hasn’t yet, just chill Bella like I said he’s probably asking the same question.” Sure, enough the next text that comes in, has another chuckle leaving his lips. 
Catfish: Puedes cuidar hasta mañana? 
(Can you babysit till tomorrow?)
Pope: Lo que está en él para mí 
(What’s in it for me?)
Knowing Frankie’s groaning at his answer, Santi can’t help but tease his best friend. “I was right he’s asking the same thing you owe me five bucks.” 
“Fuck you Pope we didn’t make a bet,” rolling your eyes this time and breathing a sigh of relief. You set to work making the key lime pie for dessert, aiming to get everything ready before Frankie came home from work. Along with a shower and dressed in the new lingerie you bought a week ago. 
“Shame I could use the dollar bills,” shaking his head at the stupid code he and Frankie came up with for strip club. 
Chuckling, “Next time Pope I know the girls miss you raining them with those bills and sticking them in their G-string.” 
“How did…” eyes wide when the phone dinged with another text message. 
Catfish: Tiempo con tu ahijada y debía uno. Además, voy a preguntarle esta noche.
(Time with your goddaughter and owed one. Plus, I’m going to ask her tonight.) 
Forgetting all about how you knew what that code meant, Santiago let out the loudest yell of excitement. Gaining the attention of a few people pumping gas with ‘you crazy’ looks and also making you worry. 
“Pope what’s wrong? You, okay?” genuine fear lacing your tone, holding the phone tighter hand starting to shake. “You didn’t have an accident, did you? Don’t you dare ruin my plans for tonight Santiago Garcia.” 
Knowing the last threat means nothing, Santi tries to calm down not wanting to give away that he knows something about Frankie’s plan. “Yeah,” clearing his throat to hide the fact he’s lying. “Yeah, I’m good cariño just found out my team won,” hoping you don’t see through his lie. Something you’re almost scary good at.
Releasing the breath held trapped in your lungs relieved sigh pushed out along with the air. Heart broken if anything happened to him. In a relative short period of time all four men have situated themselves into your heart in different ways. The very idea of loosing them would shattered the strongest muscle in your body. The wise words of your favorite whiskey drinking Hunter comes to mind that family doesn’t end in blood.
“Don’t ever do that again Santiago or might just have to punish you in ways that won’t you won’t like,” leaning against the counter trying to calm your racing heart. 
“You wouldn’t cariño you love me too much,” grinning, leaning over to scoop up his cell phone from where it landed in his excitement to answer Frankie. 
Pope: Acerca de maldito tiempo hombre, sí, voy a cuidar a mi godhija esta noche para que usted y el pronto para ser esposa puede carajo ​toda la noche.
(About fucking time man, yes, I'm gonna take care of my goddaughter tonight so you and soon to be a wife can fuck all night.)
Chuckling, Pope places his cell phone on the cup holder and restarts the truck heading first towards Will and Benny’s place. Hearing the groan leave your throat followed by a quick ouch. “Now what’d you do?” hissing coming over the speakers in his truck making him worry this time. 
“Just nicked my finger is all Santi I’m not gusting blood or anything. Though I don’t recommend getting lime juice in the cut, hurts like a mother fucker.” Moving to the sink to clean the cut, just one more thing to put you behind in getting things ready. 
“Do you kiss Frankie with that mouth woman?” pulling into the drive giving a couple of blasts on the horn. 
“On the mouth and other places to Pope,” smirking at the disgusted sound leaving his lips. Bandaging your finger up to get back to work. Hearing a horn sound over the cell line, “You hear alright Pope? I heard you honk over the phone.” 
“Picking Will and Ben up then heading over to yours,” seeing the two brothers come out he puts the call on mute to speak with them. Rolling the window down to talk, “Suite up we got ourselves a mission.” 
Glancing between each other than back at Pope, “The hell you say man, the game’s on tonight, Ben and I were heading to the Roadhouse to watch and see how many times Benny get’s shot down.” 
“Fuck you Ironhead,” punching his brother’s arm, leaning on the mirror hearing your voice muttering something over the truck’s speakers. “Why you talking to Y/N?” 
“No thanks man you ain’t my type too many dangly bits for my taste,” snarking back landing his own punch to Ben’s shoulder.
Rolling his eyes, “Y/N called we got babysitting duty tonight, Frankie’s gonna pop the question but neither know of the other’s plans.” 
Loud cheers erupt from both men to the point Santi must bang on the side of the truck to get their attention to shut up. Having heard you ask something he goes to unmute, “What did you say Y/N I couldn’t make it out over Frick and Frack’s noises assholes selves.” 
Huffing, “I asked if one of you could start a fire for me, Frankie gets weird if he knows I did it myself.” 
“That’s cause last time you tried you almost burned the house down woman,” Pope snarked pushing Benny away 
Coming back, hitting Pope in the chest, “Of course, gorgeous we’ll take care of that for you,” Benny chimes in leaning into the window so you can hear him.  
“Down boy, or you won’t get a slice of the pie I’m making,” chuckling you put the phone down long enough to put said pie in the oven and slam the door making you jump a little. 
Playfully putting his hand to his chest, “Marry me Y/N, Frankie doesn’t deserve you.” 
Both Pope and Will snort at that, but it’s your sweet voice that answers with, “Sorry sweetheart I’m spoken for by a sweet little girl who you’ll babysit tonight and one handsome flyboy that does some very wicked things with his hands.”
Groaning, “Don’t give us any visions please I’ll need bleach to get Fish’s naked ass outta my head,” shaking to get the images out. Laying his forehead on his arms while leaning against the truck trying to rub that idea out of his mind, having come to love you like a sister. Will didn’t want to know anything about your sex life. 
“Aww what’s the matter William you didn’t see enough of it while bunking together on tour?” teasing tone to your voice plopping down in a chair to wait on the pie. “What time will you three Stooges get here?” 
Shrugging, “Twenty or thirty minutes give or take, depends on how long it takes the blond wonder twins to pack a go bag.” Santi answers getting murders looks from both men. 
“Make sure you ask them their measurements Santi,” biting your bottom lip to keep from laughing harder. “Let them know pink won’t clash with their skin tone.” 
The looks only intensify combined with a confusion at your words, “Thanks Annie Oakley.” Groaning head dropping to the steering wheel. “Which reminds me you’ll have to tell us the story of how you learned to use a gun. See ya in a few,” hanging up before you can say anything else and dig his hole deeper. 
“What exactly did she mean by measurements?” crossing his arms over muscular chest, glaring at Pope. 
Resting an arm on his brother’s shoulder, “And pink? Really, I’m more of a coral,” trying to keep from chuckling while giving Pope his own glare. Benny realizing what he’d said at the end and tries to cover with adding, “When did Y/N learn to shoot, better yet where’d she get the gun?”  
Shrugging, “Just found out today, gonna ask when we get there.” Knowing you can handle yourself more concerned that you’ve learned the correct way to handle a gun. Never wanting you to actually have a need to shoot but incase Santiago wants to make sure you wouldn’t hurt yourself. Especially if Frankie didn’t show you or know. His mind rewinding to the fact, “Coral? What the fuck dude? How the hell do you even know what that is?” 
Dying of laughter, Benny turns giving both of them the middle finger salute heading back into the house to grab both his and Will’s go bags. As promised Pope pulled into the driveway thirty minutes later, all three exist, not even bothering to knock just walking right in. Fresh baked goodies and coffee brewing meeting their noses, along with a squeal of excitement from a little blur of yellow and blue. 
“Ukcl Po,” flinging herself into his arms, as he’s crouched down to scoop her up unconcerned with his knees popping, spinning around to her delighted peels of laugher. 
Hugging her close, seeing you come around the corner with an arm load of firewood bright smile on your lips. “Good y’all finally showed up thought I’d have to start the fire myself,” joking tone. Using your elbow to wave them in. 
Will passes Pope and Isabella pausing to ruffle her hair, leaning down to give her a kiss on the forehead then going over to take the arm load from you. Making you roll your eyes reluctantly giving it over when he gives you that stern look. 
“I’m not helpless you know I can move a couple of pieces,” tossing your hands up, smacking Will’s shoulder as he passes. 
Shaking his head, “And have Frankie put us on freeze for letting his woman get hurt. Nope, no thank you ma’am I happen to like having certain body parts stay in respective places.” 
“It’s not Fish you have to worry about rearranging parts Ironhead its Y/N,” bouncing Isabella in his arms smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Ain’t that right Annie Oakley?” grin widening when you turn to scowl at Pope. 
“Careful Santi or you’ll wearing the pink dress,” crossing your arms to glare at both men, as Benny chuckles beside Pope. In between making faces at Isabella, her giggles making beautiful music. 
Rejoining the group after dusting his hands on his jean clad thighs, “Anything else you need done Y/N?” scenting the air a small growl leaving Will’s stomach. 
“You got a bear in there William?” taking Isabella from Pope to put her on your hip while walking back to the kitchen and check on the potatoes. 
Low whistle leaving all three men making heat race up your neck a small squirm moves over your body when they see everything you’ve got planned out for tonight. Steaks siting out ready for the grill along with the corn on the cob, salad finished and chilling in the fridge, and the pie cooling. Out of the corner of your eye you spy Benny going towards the pie. Quickly spinning making Isabella giggle to land a hard smack to his hand. He pulls back quickly puppy eyes in place and howls of laughter from the other two men. 
“Ben Miller how dare you try to stick a finger in my pie,” scowl firmly in place, Isabella matching the look or at least trying to its more adorable than anything. 
Unlike yours which is truly scary and has Ben raising his hands in surrender. “You sure you weren’t in the military gorgeous that look alone would’ve made plenty green recruits wet themselves,” backing up when you go to smack his shoulder.    
“Shame none of you will get a slice now,” placing Isabella in the highchair feeling a rush of air pass you by. Looking up to see all three sitting at the table with pleading looks on their faces. Shaking your head smile sliding over your lips, “You three are the worse right Bella baby?” 
“Ight mama,” nodding her head quickly, clapping her hands in excitement. 
To which Ben leans over to tickle her sides making her squeal even louder. Will and Pope both making silly faces none of them noticing when you pull your cell phone out to take a short video. Sending it to Frankie with the simple words “Our family”. Soft smile gracing your features watching them interact. Your heart expanding in love but also hurting. Wishing, not for the first time, that your own mom and siblings where here. 
“Hey,” calling from his spot. Having looked away so Santi wouldn’t see your eyes, turning to pull plates from the cabinet missing the frown turning down his lips.  Raising to go over, “You, okay?” 
Wanting Frankie there to chase away these thoughts you’ve tried to keep buried. You nod not trusting your voice right then to answer with words. Hating how your mood so quickly shifted spoiling the moment. 
Placing a hand on your shoulder to turn and have you face him, “You know you can tell us, me anything Y/N, we’re your family and family takes care of one another.” 
Taking a deep breath wringing your hands in front of you, knowing he’s right. Seeing for yourself the genuine concern in those deep brown pools. “My thoughts went to having my blood family here, my mom,” turning to look at Isabella, “she would’ve loved her so much.” Glancing up to see both Will and Benny giving you reassuring smiles that accompany nods of affirmation having heard Santiago’s words about family.
“Blood doesn’t always make family sweetheart standing by someone through thick and thin, never giving up, letting them into your heart that’s what makes a family.” Taking Isabella’s little hand in his, Ben looks at you his words making you tear up but this time in a good way. Eyes lingering on the youngest Miller for a bit longer. 
Seeing your tears, “I’d cry to if I looked at Benny’s ugly mug, got a face only a mother could love,” trying to lighten the mood. Hearty laughter filling the kitchen when you toss a balled-up towel at Will’s head. Landing perfectly over his face getting high pitched giggles from Isabella.     
“Thank you,” sincerity laced through you tone giving both Miller boys a smile once the towel is off Will’s face. Turning back to Pope to pat his chest, giving him the same smile. “Grab the coffee for me Santi please, looks like I’ve got a pie to cut into.” 
With a two-finger sloppy salute and a kiss to your cheek, Santi grabs the glass coffee pot from the maker, sugar and cream sitting nearby. “Anytime cariño, anytime.” 
Each with their hands full come to the table setting various items down, coffee poured, and pie sliced out with a heavy dollop of Reddi-whip atop. Moans of pleasure leave all three men, along with compliments and praise for your baking skills. Benny proposing once again which you turn down of course. Everyone tucking in after that first bite including Isabella who has more cream on her cheeks, chin, nose and shirt than her mouth. Her babbling on about different things while enjoying her pie. Brought a warmth to your heart, a rightness you hadn’t felt in your life till now. 
Reaching over to wipe off her face, the smile gracing your lips made all three men grin. Santi pulls his phone out to take a couple of pictures to send to Frankie later, knowing he’d want to see them. Hearing the tale tell sound of a camera going off makes your head whip around. 
Hating to have your picture taken when it’s needed, “Really I look like shit Santi and you’re taking pictures?” though you try to be mad at him, you fail knowing he’s doing it for Frankie. 
“Shit…” little voice states making all four grownups turn to look at her, eyes wide before busting out laughing. 
“You’re fault mama bear, I can’t wait till I tell Fish,” gripping the table to keep from falling from his chair laughing, fist banging the hard wood making the plates and forks jump around. 
Face going into your hands to hide your embarrassment from the boys, all of whom can’t stop the gruff laughter from bubbling up in their chests. Worried, Isabella reaches out with a pie covered hand to touch your arm. “Oh, ta mama?” sticky fingers patting quickly. 
Looking over at her you reach to taking her face in your hands, smile breaking through the embarrassment, to kiss her forehead. “I’m okay baby girl, your uncles are just evil is all,” giving her a wink that makes another peel of laughter leave her lips. Turing to Pope, “I may have to make good on that threat to hurt you by shooting you.” 
Still laughing, Santi shakes his head never feeling more at home or free than when he’s surround by his family. Eyes crinkling, he sends a wink to Isabella before fixing his eyes on you. “Speaking of which you never told me who taught you.” 
“Must you know all my secrets Pope?” teasing light entering your eyes that fixed on the man. With a heavy fake sigh, seeing the concern under the mirth, you answer. “My brother actually taught me years ago. Frankie took me to the range for practice a couple of times but we ah,” looking at Isabella she covers the little girl’s ears. “We got banned from the place,” giving them a shrug noticing the way all three were giving you a weird look. “Who knew Frankie like’s a woman who could handle a gun. He got handsy and one thing led to another…” smirk sliding over your lips. 
“Stop, stop, stop I beg you,” from Will.
Waving his hands before covering his ears, humming “It’s the end of the world as we know it” trying to get what he just heard from his head. “That’s so wrong,” from Benny. 
Santiago didn’t look to fazed just a grin on his lips, “That’s Frankie for ya. Should ah known he’s kinky as fu…” 
Whipping around to smack Pope before he can finish that word, “Language Garcia.” 
“Hey, you said a bad word,” winking at Isabella who clapped her pie covered hands at her uncle Pope. “How good a shot are you?” 
Snorting, “Not nearly what Frankie can do but I managed to land a few head and chest shots before it got a little too hot and bothered.” Laughing when all three groan while you rise to pick Isabella up, “Fire please boys and light the grill too while I get baby girl here cleaned up and ready.” 
“As long as you stop talking about yours and Fish’s sex life, I’ll do anything you ask,” Benny begs standing, grabbing the empty plates and mugs. Trying to push the thoughts running through his mind on film reel. 
 Pausing by the kitchen door leading towards the bedrooms, “Careful Ben I might have to take you up on that one. There’s gutters needing cleaned and a garage plus the house needs repainting,” giving him a mischievous smirk at his groan. Pausing to place a chase kiss to his stubbled cheek in thanks for cleaning up. 
“If anyone is evil it’s you woman, go,” waving his free hand at you. “Get our little princess cleaned up we’ll handle this,” heading to the sink to wash dishes. Will heading to the living room to start the fire and Pope out the back door to get the grill going for you. 
Standing there a moment tears pricking the back of your eyes, “Our family little one.” Heading then to her bedroom to change and clean the sticky pie from her hands and face. Coming back out ten minutes later a sugar high little girl running ahead of you and into Will. Who scoops her up holding her against his chest.  
“Y’all might be in for it tonight with sugar baby there,” giving them an apologetic look, handing off Isabella’s backpack filled with cloths and the reusable grocery bag with food to Ben. Giving him a tight hug first, moving to Pope before ending with Will and Isabella giving your little girl a kiss on the forehead. “No, tattoo’s or piercings,” jokingly said a hitch in your voice at seeing her go. 
It's the first time she’ll sleep somewhere that’s not her room it makes your chest tighten in worry. Though you know good well that all three men would protect her with their lives. 
Slinging an arm around your shoulder as you all walk outside, “Don’t worry Y/N we got this have a good time tonight and know that Isa is taken care of.” 
“Three men and a baby huh?” recalling Pope’s earlier comment. “My only question? Which one of you is Tom Selleck?” trying to shake the nerves, using jokes to set everyone including yourself at ease. 
“Who and what are you talking about?” Benny chimed in opening the back door of the truck to place Isabella in her car seat. 
“Guttenberg,” saying the same thing together, you and Pope laugh wrapping an arm around your shoulders for a half hug placing a kiss to your temple. “You’re too young to remember plus it’s chick flick,” quickly moving away from your pinching fingers. 
“They’ve finally cracked, I don’t know what did it but they’ve cracked I tell ya,” Ben playfully mourned only to have Will slam the door almost in his face. 
 “Guess that leaves you as Selleck and me Danson,” Will snarks with a roll of his eyes. “Let’s get this jalopy rollin the Roadhouse waits.” 
“Don’t you even,” giving him a dirty look to which Will just grins, closing the door before you can throw anything at him. “Keep those two in line please Santi.” 
Chuckling, “Don’t worry cariño, princesa is in good hands,” stepping away Pope turns to give you one last wave. “See you tomorrow sometime, just ah let us know when you’re done fuckin don’t want to bring Isa back too soon.” Ducking the mound of dirt you toss at him with a smile on his devilishly handsome face. 
With a wave, you watch them go sigh leaving your lips feeling a little lost without Isabella around. Pocket vibrating breaks you from those thoughts, the guitar solo at the beginning of Angel by Aerosmith starts to play making you smile. Frankie asked you when you made it his ringtone why you picked a song that’s more suited for your ringtone. Shaking your head arms wrapped around his neck explaining that he’s your angel who saved you from yourself. Showing you that despite your size, the past you had you’re worth loving worth cherishing. It took a while for you to actually believe him but once you did, having Frankie Morales as your angel did wonders for your confidence and self-love.
“Hello, my angel,” answering while heading back too inside to get the steaks on the grill and check on the fireplace.   
Leaning against the metal outside wall, one leg bend to press into the builds side, “I think you have that backwards hermosa.” Deep chuckle sounding from his lips, making you shiver despite the warmth of the house. “Pope come get our little one?” 
A shiver of pleasure runs down your body at the sound of his voice, smile blooming widely. “Nope flyboy, my angel happens to actually have metal wings,” giggling leaning against the counter for a moment. “He did, enlisted the help of Benny and Will for the night too,” checking the clock to see you have just enough time to get the steaks and corn grilled along with a quick shower. “Can I expect you at the normal time?” hoping that his asshole boss wouldn’t keep Frankie any longer than a few minutes. 
Bent knee shaking to a beat that’s none existent. His nerves shouldn’t eat at him but the small velvet box rattling around in his pocket gets heavier by the moment. Pulling it out to flip the top still a little unsure if you’ll truly like it. Sunlight caught the round cut chocolate diamond, simply done in rose gold with two trellis of white diamonds cascade down either side. Having bought the ring months back, paying it off a little at a time. Getting lucky by sneaking one of your much-loved rings out to get it sized and back before you noticed it missing. Even hint asking to find out what kind of gems you preferred. Surprised when you tell him about the chocolate diamond. Finding the beautiful stone on a birthday present run with your best friend to the local jewelry store. One that almost matched his eyes and reminded you of him. Soft blush dusted his cheeks at your words that night when you explained tucking away that tidbit of information for later. 
As later came, he went to that very jeweler finding the perfect ring he hoped you’ll love. Above that he prays you’ll say yes to being his wife and mother to his daughter. The very thought of you saying no constricts his heart in a vise grip. One he’s sure will squeeze the organ till there’s nothing left but a hole where you once resided. 
“Frankie?” frowning when no answer comes from the other side of the line. “Everything all right flyboy?” 
Clearing his throat and closing the ring box to stow it back in his pants pocket, “Yes, mi amor everything’s perfect. Sam time as usual, since all the work’s completed there’s just clean up and inventory left.” 
“Don’t be too long baby I’ll have dinner waiting for us, I’ve got a date after all,” teasing tone that’s touched by humor. Knowing you could take this one of two ways and deciding on the provoking one. “My book boyfriend is lonely without me.” 
Groaning, shaking his head and readjusting the cap covering his hair, “Woman you’re teasing again remember what happened this morning when you tormented me. The promise I made you?” Licking his lips at the very thought, “I’m getting my dessert tonight and making you scream my name for everyone to hear.” 
“Promises, promises flyboy I think you’re all talk and no action,” knowing you shouldn’t be teasing him but couldn’t help yourself. Especially when that sexy growl vibrates over the phone making you weak kneed. 
Smiling, Frankie pushes away from the wall needing to get back to work so he could get home to you. “No promise sweetheart just facts,” hating to hang up. “I’ve gotta go mi amor, see you tonight, I love you.” 
“I love you to Frankie, I’ll see you tonight. Now go finish work there’s a present waiting for you when you get home.” Biting your bottom lip, insecurities rising like bile in that back of your throat. Hope and fear warring in your mind after hanging up with Frankie.   
Trying not to dwell on those thoughts while getting the steaks and corn cooked. Once finished you add them to the oven along side the potatoes on warm. Stopping in the living room to check the fireplace and arrange the blankets laying them out for maximum comfort. Heading to the shower to clean up quickly. 
Thirty minutes later, body lotions, hair dry and lingerie in place, putting his camo robe over. You check for what felt like the hundredth time the clock on the wall. Seconds ticking by till Frankie comes home and you’re desperately trying to choose a spot for him to find you in. Laying first by the fire but figuring that didn’t look right. Choosing next to lean against the entrance wall just shy of the door, shaking that idea off as it could expose you to anyone walking down the side walk. The kitchen popped up just causally draped over a chair or the counter. Sighing in frustration when none of the places look right. Till that proverbial lightbulb goes off and your grabbing the book you’ve read for the last couple of nights. Laying on the couch, one leg bent at the knee to show off your bare legs, robe open just enough to display a touch of cleavage and the book open but you’re not really reading. 
Listening for the moment you hear the key slide home into lock, door opening, “Y/N, hermosa where you hiding?” Voice deep and soothing to your nerves a smile tugging your lips upward at the frustrated growl that reverberates from his chest. 
Itching to raise up, show yourself to him but the imp side has you staying in place on display for him. Catching the sound of boots toed off, keys dropped in the little ceramic bowel. Tracking his sock covered footsteps guessing he’s peeked into the kitchen when a soft groan meets your ears. Letting you know his nose took in the smell of dinner. Bottom lip caught between your teeth again patience wearing thin as excitement courses through your veins. Bare foot dancing to the tune of nerves as you peek over to see Frankie’s shadow in the kitchen. Hearing the oven open then close smirk sliding over your lips as another rumble of a groan sounds. 
Soft giggles touch his ears, strong legs eat the distance from the kitchen into the living room. Seeing the fireplace alight, “Please tell me you didn’t…” train of thought crashing when his eyes drop to see you laid out so beautifully for him. Pink tongue coming out to wet his lips, chocolate pools darkening, the twitching in his jeans making itself known. 
Growing even more pronounced with the slow trek your eyes take. Starting at his waist, couch hiding anything lower from your view, licking your lips to trap the bottom one between your teeth. Seemingly a permanent home for the abused lip. Trailing over his shirt covered chest, thick tanned neck that your wanting to nibble. Over his strong jaw and patchy beard, smirk in place when you see his lips parted in shock. Though a part of you worried it’s more because of how little you’re wearing, baring your thick, curvy body to his eyes. However, those thoughts died a very painful death as heat slips into its place with how he’s truly looking at you. 
Unable to keep the gasp from leaving your lips with how desire darken his eyes have become, the crinkling of leather meeting your ears. Making your eyes drop to the callused hands gripping the back of the couch so tightly, knuckles white with the tension and you wonder for a moment if it’ll be ripping soon. Returning your eyes to his, making sure he’s still watching when you return to reading that same paragraph you’ve tried to finish for the last twenty minutes. Loud growl is the only warning you get before the paper bound volume in your hands is ripped away and tossed over his shoulder. 
“Frankie,” trying to infuse a little bit of anger into your cadence. But to your own ears it just sounds breathless and needy. Swallowing hard you rise knowing the robe is opened more baring your black lace covered breasts to his gaze. Going to stand but a hand on your shoulder stops you, sliding down to your arm and tugging you to turn. Kneeling into the couch, the only thing between you both except clothing of course. “Dinner’s ready.” 
Still staring at you, drinking in the sight of your body half exposed to his eyes. Chest raising quickly with every breath you take, the soft smile on your lips that you lick and make him groan. “I don’t want dinner mi amor,” placing hands on either shoulder to push the robe from your body. 
Pooling at your waist the knot still holds fast, “Oh than what do you want mi Rey?” 
“You,” simple word never held so much need and want packed into one syllabi, eyes held to yours. Palms sliding over your skin, talented fingers brush under the lace strap perched on your shoulder. Drawing it down to rest on your bicep, breath hitching when he leans in to place a kiss to where it previously resided. 
Hands going to cup the back of his neck, toying with the short curls under the baseball cap. Head lulling to the side, giving him access to the sensitive skin of your neck. Taking advantage and rubbing his lips over the soft skin. Bearded cheek tickling, making your squirm wanting to pull away but also enjoying the slight burn. One arm stay’s at his neck while the other moves between your bodies giving a little push to his chest. Making another growl vibrate through his body and into yours. Arms coming around your waist to pull you even closer. Teeth ghosting that little spot just under your ear he knows will make you weak. Placing his lips right there to suck a mark while his hands drop to palm your ass and squeeze. A touch of frustration sings through his veins at not having you pressed against his body fully. 
Trying to gather your scattered wits, body thumping with a desperate need, “Frankie,” short whine leaving a dry throat, you try to push him back once more. Not really wanting him to move but the position your both in is only making things difficult. 
“Want me to stop?” Breathing the words into your ear, warm air making a shiver race down your spine. 
Whimpering, “No, but I’d much rather want you closer and not this couch between us.” Loosening his grip on your body, you reluctantly pull back grabbing his ball cap along the way. Soft giggle leaving your lips as you dart out of the reach of his hands. Almost slipping from the couch backwards, managing to catch yourself and get up while placing the cap on your head. Eyeing Frankie as he stands where you left him though leaning forward, as if to jump over the couch to get to you. 
Swallowing hard, heat rising over your skin in the best of ways with how he’s staring at you. An idea pops into your head, fingers going to the knot at your waist. His eyes following the path pausing for a moment to take in your heaving chest, nipples pebbled tight beneath the lace. Licking his lips at the sight before trailing lower to watch with held breath. While nimble fingers untie the knot, letting the Terry cloth fall to pool at your bare feel. Hands itching to wrap around your nearly naked form. To hide from those slowly tracing eyes. 
That make there way back up to your face, hunger, desire, love all warring deeply in those swirling dark chocolate eyes. “Hermosa esposa,” (Beautiful wife.) words spoken almost reverently. Drinking in the sight of your body, wrapped in sheer black lace that hides nothing from his eyes, wearing his much loved ball cap.  Only served to have a streak of possessiveness dance across his mind. Bottom lip caught between his teeth eyes watching caught in the trance that is your beauty with every step you take. 
Swallowing, your feet having a mind of there own as they make the short trek around the couch to stop just shy of reaching him. “Like what you see Frankie?” Worrying your bottom lip, nerves have you fidgeting under the intense stare. Keeping your hands at your sides first then clasping them behind your back. The action pushing your chest out which draws his attention, trying to keep himself from drooling. 
Knowing you’ve said something, asked him a question but his brain doesn’t fire off any response. Instead he steps forward, brushing his fingers over your collarbone, touch light as those deliciously callused digits ghost the skin of your shoulders and down your arms. Wrapping strong limbs around your thick waist to haul you against his strong frame. Gasp leaves your lips that he takes advantage of and swoops in for a kiss that’s anything but delicate. 
Fierce and demanding, pressing his mouth to yours leading with his tongue that goes in to taste and mate with yours. Toying with the muscle before sucking harshly, tasting coffee, something sweet and a flavor that’s all your own. Pulling a moan from deep within your chest that bubbles up at the same time your arms wrap around Frankie’s neck. Pulling him closer wanting to merge the two of you together. His strong body pressing you into the couch, wondering for a moment when you turned, but not caring. As his kiss stole all thought and reason from your mind, turning you to mush in his arms. 
Air becoming a needed commodity making the two of you break apart gasping and resting your foreheads together. “Cariño you can’t wear things like this when I come home.” Pulling back just a little only too groan at the innocently sexy expression in your eyes. 
“Surprise,” tugging at the curls getting a low grunt from the man wrapped around you. “So next time you rather I’m naked spread out on the kitchen table?” Teasingly running your hands up and down his back. Stopping to slide both hands in the back pockets of his jeans, cupping his ass to bring him against your pelvis. 
“Mierda,” head dropping to your shoulder, the bite of the zipper against his cock making him hiss. Needing inside you wanting to make you sing his name for everyone to hear. Panting for breath, “The guys find out about that and they will never eat at the table again.” 
Soft giggles brush his ear, turning your head to press your lips to the shell, “You did say I was your dessert.” 
“I did, didn’t I,” wicked smirk sliding over his lush lips, wrapping one of your legs around his waist to rock against your soaked panty covered folds. Letting you feel how hard you’ve made him, the throb of his shaft beating a rhythm only you can dance too. 
Head tossing back at the feeling, you use that leg to pull him impossibly closer rocking your hips slowly. Lips pressed against his neck, flicking your tongue out to taste the sweat tinged musky skin. Hands moving to his shoulders under the fabric of the red and black plaid to push it from his body down his arms and adding it to the growing pile. Tracing little patterns over his chest soft smirk in place when your fingers brush over his nipples making him hiss at the contact. Lower to the hem of his beige t-shirt clinging to his skin, sliding your fingers under the fabric to tease the warm flesh. 
“I’m your surprise baby, you’re in charge of where this goes,” low growl leaves his lips at your words, making your head spin in desire. That floods your panties with slick and a need to have the man standing in front of you. 
Hands start to dance up his chest, when he bends cupping your ass with both hands and hauling you against his body tighter. Looking over your shoulder to see blankets spread out over the floor in front of the roaring fireplace. ���That for us sweetheart?” You nod as he trails one hand around to slide between your thighs and over the soaked gusset of your panties sliding two fingers under the edge and over your puffy swollen lips. “This all because of me?” 
 “You’re to smug Morales,” bitting your bottom lip to keep from moaning. Hips however have a mind of their own as they rock over his questing fingers. “You know that book boyfriend is kinda talented…” rest of the sentence swallowed by the moan exited from your throat. Dropping your forehead to his shoulder a shutter racking your frame with the teasing slide of those thick work calluses fingers through your soaked folds. 
Circling your clit with the tips to give a jolting pinch at the mention of your ‘other’ boyfriend. “Seems I have some competition,” dark chuckle leaving his throat at the same time a whimper leaves yours when he pulls his fingers free to suck clean. Helping you place the leg from his waist to the floor before taking you over to the fireplace. 
Shivers skate across your body at the deep cadence of his tone, the dark promise of what he’s got planned making slick flood your core and drip down your quivering thighs. Fascinated by how deep his chocolate browns have become while staring into those beloved eyes.  
Soft gasp pulled from the back of your throat with his hand upping your cheek, brushing his fingers over the soft skin, free arm wrapping around your waist to pull you flush against him. “When did you get this little number? Better yet why didn’t you take me with you while picking it out?” Dropping his head to the crook of your neck nose brushing over your skin, drawing in the jasmine scent that’s burned into his memory as yours alone. Making his cock throb dangerously. 
Swallowing harshly, “A few weeks ago,” head lulling to the side to give him access. Your own hands returning to that patch of skin just under his shirt. Short nails leaving little tracks over his flesh, marking him as yours. “I ordered it online, first time I’ve worn it other than trying on.” 
“Next time I’m gonna be there to watch you try things on,” nibbling kisses dot your neck and shoulder. His path haphazardly moving to the hollow of your throat, biting down on the sensitive skin and leaving his own purpling mark behind. Sweet moans leave you lips a shiver of arousal pours through your veins at the thought of everyone knowing who you belong to. 
“I’d never get anything tried on if your there flyboy,” nickname rolling off your tongue, brushing your hands higher dragging the shirt with wanting it off. Tracing little patterns with your fingers to brush over both nipples. Making another sharp hiss leave his lips that rest against your collarbone. Breath fanning out hot and moist over your body trying to focus on giving you pleasure. Yet  with each brush of those skillful hands he finds himself getting weaker to your advances. Desperately needing inside you, all those lovely noises you make music to his ears. Taking advantage of the moment you pull back to tug his shirt off tossing it somewhere behind you. Pausing to admire the man who’s captured your heart. Drinking in the sight of his tanned skin, soft yet muscular body gleaming in the firelight. 
You’re truly in awe of this man and so caught up tracing each piece of him you don’t realize he’s stepped closer till warm hands grip your waist. Inching the sheer lace up your body till he gets a peek at the lacy black matching cheeky panties your wearing. Hands gliding around to cup your ass, giving you a hard squeeze, drawing another moan from your lips. Eyes sliding closed as your body sways to lean against him. “Your right cariño you wouldn’t because you don’t need these lacy clothes to tease me. Your mire present does that. You make me rock hard and all you have to do is whisper my name.” Voice taking on an octave lower, filled with a longing and love for you alone. 
“Frankie,” voice low, filled with a deep arousal you try to contain, his words making your heart flutter with love. Knees weakening to the point your sagging against him. Wanting to state the fact he’s got the same power over you. Voice like silk over your skin, making butterflies flutter in your tummy, tingles dance through your body and heat pools low, dampening your panties. “That damn voice.” 
Dark chuckle leaves his lips, hands coming back to bunch the lace in his fists to pull it from your body, joining his shirt. He takes one step back to return the admiration of your body. Fire light dancing off the dips and valleys, highlighting the stiff peaks of your nipples begging for his mouth to worship the soft swells of your breasts and tummy.  How your shyly try to turn away but stay still at the same time. The down turn of your chin however makes a frown appear and a dangerous growl leave his chest. 
Reaching out two fingers to grip your chin raising it and making you look into his eyes. “Beautiful mi amor, you’re stunning, never think you have to hide your body from me,” letting go of your chin to trace a path down your cheek, between the valley of your breasts and around your waist. Pulling you flush against him, feeling his rough body hairs brushing against your softer skin. The satisfaction of having him pressed so intimately soothes all the nerves and dark thoughts making them run squealing back to where they came from. The affirmation of his words through his touch sets your blood on fire with a need to please him. To show him how thankful to have him in your life rises like a tidal wave. 
Cresting the moment you lean in starting to place kisses along his jawline, searching for every spot that draws a moan from his lips. However, Frankie doesn’t let you get very far instead he pulls you back, helping you to sit on the pallet of blankets before the fire. On his knees, he takes the cap from your head placing it on the coffee table behind him. Cupping your cheeks between his large hands, watching you watch him. To lean in for a kiss that’s so achingly tender it has a shiver running over your body that’s got nothing to do with being cold. Arms going around his neck to pull him against you. Teasing the tip of his tongue against the seam of your lips that you open on a sigh. 
Taking that moment to slip his tongue into the warm cavern of your mouth. Tangling your tongues together as your noses brush and angle trying to find the right place to draw in air without having to break apart. When he does your bottom lip becomes caught between his teeth, nibbling the delicate skin, gathering air to dive back in. This time it’s deeper, demanding those little moans from you. He’s rewarded with one that’s dragged from the depths of your soul making a smile tug at the edges against his lips. 
Both gasping for breath, clinging to each other, he noses your chin, running his lips over the delicate skin searching out your mouth again. Drunk on your kisses, the feeling of your hands fisting in his hair, clutching him closer. “Lay back for me hermosa,” opening his eyes to stare at you. Seeing the indecision war with the need to give instead of receive. “You said I’m in charge tonight right?” Nodding not trusting your voice to anything other than totally wrecked right now. “Use your words mi alma.” 
“Yes,” swallowing thickly seeing the desire darkened chocolate eyes bore into your own. A shiver skating across your body at the promise those beloved eyes held. “Yes, I did my love, but you don’t…” he doesn’t let you finish that thought. 
Instead pressing his lips back against yours unhurried. Taking slow sips from your mouth, nibbling your lips, dipping into the warm cavern for little tastes. Making whimpers of need push from your chest as you rub your thighs together for some kind of friction. Warm work roughen hands cup your breasts, giving the soft globes a gentle squeeze. His thumbs circle the peeking nipples before trapping it between it and the index finger. Giving a hard pinch that’s just this side of pleasurable pain. The little tug  going straight to your core, knowing you love how he’s playing you body. Making your back arch against his hand a mewl of need leaving your lips. 
Abandoning your mouth to trail nibbling kisses across your jawline, “I want to mi amor, you’re a goddess and I’m here to worship at your temple.” Breath falling over your neck as those words have a shiver running down your body. Heating the skin, heart thumping behind your rib cage he traces with those wicked fingertips. 
Moving between your legs, rough blue jean fabric abrading the inside of your thighs as he hovers over you. Watching with passion filled eyes, tongue coming out to wet those kiss swollen lips you know you’ll never get enough of. Arms go to wrap around his neck to pull him down to you, but he shakes his head taking both wrists in one of his large hands to place them above your head. 
“Leave them right there sweetheart because if you touch me now I won’t get to taste you,” desperation laces his voice making the cadence drop an octave and drawing a shuttering breath from your lungs. 
Never have you seen this look in those beloved eyes as the one right now, pinning you to the blanket covered floor. Body squirming under that dark gaze, thighs rubbing as fresh slick coats your already drenched panties. “Please,” back arching to press your chest into his hands, desperate to have him in some kind of way. Not above begging to get what you want either, “Frankie I need you,” words coming out on a needy whimper. 
“Patience mi amor I’m a starving man who’s just discovered his favorite dessert,” lips tipped up in a smirk. Resuming his path over your skin. Leaving goosebumps in his wake of teeth nibbling your flesh, sucking kisses placed in spots he knows only serve to make you moan and sigh. His name a whimpered plea from your bitten lips. 
Till reaching the mounds of your breasts, taking one taut nipple between his lips. Sucking sharply and receiving a keening moan that surges straight to his cock. The throbbing pulse robbing a grunt from his chest though he tries to stay unaffected. Your breathy gasps and mewling whimpers start to drive him crazy with passion. Switching to the neglected breast while tugging with his fingers on the abandoned one. Tip of his tongue flicking over the peeked nipple before biting down at the same time his fingers tug the twin. Remembering how sensitive your breasts are and playing them like a skilled master. 
His teasing pulls another shuttering breath from your lungs, sweat glistening over your body. Warmth filling your belly with those familiar tingles, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment drinking in the pleasure Frankie brings to your body. Short gasps and moans leave your parted lips as you try to brag air in your starving lungs. Feeling the first strings of an orgasm start to sing through your veins, knowing he’s trying to kill you sweetly with his mouth. Only to have your eyes fly open and look down when he bites the gentle swell of your tummy. Nuzzling the soft flesh with his nose, his eyes lock with yours. Fingers grasping the band of your panties to peel them down. 
Placing kisses over each inch that’s bared to his hungry gaze. Tongue swirling around your belly button to dip in and nip before placing a kiss just before your soaked, puffy cunt. Impatience rides him hard, wanting to rip the flimsy material from your body. But also wanting you to wear them again. Biting back a groan of frustration he moves to the side pulling the fabric from your body, flinging it behind him. Pausing to taking in your beauty even as you squirm under the intense look in those gorgeous eyes. 
So enrapt by your beauty he doesn’t notice your hands coming down to shield yourself feeling a little self-conscious, till they partially cover your breasts. “Don’t,” the word coming out on a sharp growl that has your eyes snapping back to his. “Don’t ever feel like you have to hide from me Y/N. You’re gorgeous mi amor,” voice rough with unspoken emotions that show in the tight clinch of his jaw. Eyes that drink in every inch of your plush body. 
One hand intertwine’s with yours to bring down against the prominent bulge in his jeans. Hissing when you cup his shaft and squeeze. “You feel what you do to me cariño, what your body does to me?” Seeing you nod, swallowing hard as your fingers tip toe up to above the waist band of his jeans. Drawing your nails lightly over his tummy, watching as he sucks in then exhales making you smile. 
Nimble fingers making quick work with the button and zipper, hand slipping inside the material feeling the throb of his cloth covered cock against the tips of your fingers. Before he pushes them away making you pout at the loss. “Put that lip away sweetheart you’ll get your chance later,” smirk making its way back over his handsome features. Hands placed over your collarbone to draw them down over your curves pausing to dip his head down. Drawing his teeth over the soft flesh of your hips, hands sliding under you to cup your ass. Giving the generous globes a squeeze while sliding down to his belly. 
Groaning when the blanket covered floor makes contact with his erection, moist breath panting over the skin of your hip. Forehead resting on your lower belly to gather himself for a moment. Savoring the softness of your body under him, filling his work roughened hands. Lips worshiping the parts of you that at times make you want to cover and hide. Dipping his tongue along your folds grinning when another keening moan leaves your mouth on a gasp. Back arching to meet his mouth, one arm presses you back down wrapping around your thigh to hold you in place. 
Using those skilled fingers to tease the pearl of your clit. Bullying the little nub with light circling pressure that has stars bursting behind your tightly closed libs. Teeth baring to sink into the flesh of your thigh, leaving marks behind for you to feel tomorrow when your walking a little funny because of him. Repeating the same treatment to the twin thigh while semi ignoring the place you want him most. Only those talented fingers keep with light touches. That serve to drive you crazy with need and want. Trying to buck against him silently demanding more but held in place by his strong arms around your thick thighs. Baring your pussy to his gaze, licking his lips he leans forward to draw just the tip of his tongue from entrance to clit through your folds. Making a soft scream leave your body, smirk sliding back into place. 
That’s still there when you raise your head to look down at him, “Pay back baby…” gasping unable to form the last few words as his fingers have spread your folds. His lips attaching to your clit and sucking harshly, tongue flicking like the beating wings of a hummingbird. Another scream bouncing off the walls as your first orgasm rushes through your system catching you by surprise. Gasping for breath, fingers fisting the blankets below you, tight coil having sprung so quickly your eyes rolled back into your head. 
“Hmm that’s one hermosa I think you can give me another before you take my cock,” chuckling the vibrations shooting through your body making you shake. You try to answer, the words disappear on another whimper, body sensitive to his touches. 
Frankie unwraps his right hand from your thigh, fingers teasing along the seam of your body where thigh meets pelvis. Watching with hooded eyes as you gasp once more trying to collect yourself. Though he doesn’t give you a moment to think, sliding one finger inside your fluttering walls, thrusting slowly. Left hand spreading your folds as his tongue attacks your clit, slowly this time. Giving light little kitten licks, circling with the pointed tip before flicking the throbbing pearl. Crooking the finger inside you to press that little spot with each pass. Adding a second to stretch you open, groaning against your folds, “So tight for me mi amor, every fucking time, God.” Eyes dropping down to watch his fingers disappear inside your tight quivering walls. Curses leaving his lips in broken Spanish his hips rutting against the floor needing relief from the throbbing of his cock. 
He stays transfixed by the sigh of your cunt taking his fingers, the wet sounds with each thrust, the way your thighs shake around him. He adds a third finger, your voice meeting his ears. Though all he can make out if his name and please. Sparing a glance upward his breath catching at what he’s witnessing. Your hands cupping and massaging both your breasts, fingers tugging and pinching the nipples in time with his fingers. The sight burned into his memory one he’ll gladly keep and try to repeat many times over. Seeing you so wanton and free like this bolsters his ego knowing he’s the reason your on display in such a manner. Even as a spark of possessiveness cuts through never wanting anyone else to experience you in this way. 
Sensing eyes watching you, you raise your head to insnare his gaze, licking your lips slowly as your breath catches. Tingles dancing over your body at the way he’s mastered your pleasure. Giving you just what you need and when. Feeling almost as full with his fingers as with his cock though you crave having him deep inside you. But also knowing he won’t give you those desires till you’ve cum once more. Head dropping your back bows when his talented lips seal over your clit. Tongue lapping at the little nub and drawing different patterns to make you see stars explode behind those closed lids. His name chanted to the ceiling while those wicked fingers draw out your pleasure with each stroke and crook. Brushing that hidden spot no man other than Frankie has ever found. A moaning, withering mess under the man’s skilled mouth and hands. That coil tightening in your belly threatening to snap any second. 
Caught between wanting the delicious torture to end but also to continue being the pleasurable pain masochist you’ve become. All at once it becomes too much and not enough, hands shoot down to clutch at Frankie’s head. Tugging his hair and pressing him closer as your orgasm washes over you, his name a scream ripped from your mouth. Breath gasping from your lungs, body shattering around his tongue and fingers. You try to push him away, cunt oversensitive  from the two orgasms he’s brought you. 
Yet he continues tormenting you, with slow thrusts of his fingers, little laps of his tongue. Drawing out your orgasm, working you through each shuttering after shock. Till your spent, hands dropping to your side, eyes closed as you trying to control your breathing. Pulling his drenched fingers from your quivering walls to suck them clean. Humming in satisfaction at your tangy essence, placing one more kiss to your quivering clit making you jump at the contact and moan at the feel, proud chuckle leaving Frankie’s glistening lips. 
Placing kisses as he moved up your body, hovering over you once more. A shutter racing over his frame when your legs wrap around his trim waist, feet crossing at the small of his back to press his swollen jeans covered cock against your tender folds. 
“You’re pretty proud of yourself huh Morales?” Lashes fluttering just peeking up at him to see the smirk forming on his lips. Wanting to be cross with him for all the teasing but couldn’t summing the energy. Fingers carding through his hair tugging at the mahogany strands to bring his mouth down against yours. Tasting the remains of your essence when your tongue dips into his mouth. Mating with his in a dance that pulls a groan from the man above you. 
Hands tracing patterns over his back feeling the muscles shift, short nails lightly digging into his skin as your hips rut in slow circles against his groin. Your own smirk forming when you feel the shutter roll down his body. Detaching his mouth from yours to rest your foreheads together, breath fanning over your face as he tries to hold back just a bit longer. “Now who’s proud of themselves hermosa?”       
Giving a small shrug, one hand coming around to glide up his chest. Brushing over his nipple before wrapping around his neck. “I’d say it’s pretty equal now. Though you’re a little over dressed my love,” free hand sliding down to his ass and giving a squeeze. 
Wrapping his arms around you, Frankie rolls the both of you over, hands going to behind his head. Dark eyes watching you sit up, straddling his waist, wet folds pressing against his throbbing cock. “Undress me princesa.” 
 “Do I get to take my time with you flyboy?” Leaning down to place a chaste kiss to his lips, making sure you rub your body against his. Knowing he’s having a hard time containing himself, catching the way his hands are fisting under his head. “I could really draw this out, pay you back,” with each word you place a kiss. Starting just under his chin, to the pulse point on his neck. Nibbling that little spot for a moment to suck a mark. Moving on to flick each nipple, giving little bites to his sternum. Feeling rather than hearing the growl vibrate through his chest. 
Glancing up to ensnare his eyes, lips pressing into his tummy more times than there are words. Nuzzling the thin line of wiry hair leading down and under his jeans. “Oh look a map it’s a little thin but it seems to lead me to what I want.” Grinning at the groan echoing from his throat, rubbing your cheek into his skin. 
Fingers making quick work of the button, slowly lowering the zipper, hands slipping under the fabric to push from his hips. Leaving his boxer briefs on for now while working those sinfully sexy jeans from his body, depositing the behind you. Sitting on your knees between his legs, drinking in the sight  of your love. Running the palms of your hands up his calves to strong trembling thighs, fingers edging the stretchy material that hides little from your imagination. Bracing one hand on his hip you lean down to kiss the very visible patch of wetness. Knowing the crown of his cock rests beneath, lips much like this morning teasing the sensitive head. As your fingers tip toe up to pull down the band of his underwear. Baring his shaft to your hungry glaze, yanking the undergarment down his legs and straddling his right thigh. Rubbing yourself over the quivering muscle that flex’s with the touch of your wet cunt against his skin. 
“Shit ba… baby please,” whimper leaving his lips at the feel of your soft lips brushing over the crown. Warm breath making him twitch in need, hands having come from under his head to fist the blankets below. Knowing he won’t last long with how your teasing and tormenting him. Eyes rolling to the back of his head when the warmth of your mouth engulfs the crown. Free hand stroking his shaft, pulling the foreskin back to reveal the sensitive cock head to your lips. Tongue finding that one little spot just under the crown which never fails to make him lose his shit.
Hips thrusting upwards filling your gapping jaw having prepared yourself for that very moment and relaxed to take him down. Saliva dripping from the corners of your mouth, coating your fingers helping to lubricate your movements. A whine leaves the back of your throat when Frankie pulls you off his cock, catching sigh of the wrecked look on his face. The trembling of his body, the curses slipping from his lips in a mix of Spanish and English. 
“Can’t wait hermosa, need to be inside you, need you to ride me,” voice desperate and cracking. Not pausing in his movements to line you up, knees on either side of his waist. Like a rag doll you let him position you where he wants, not coming back to yourself till you feel the bunt tip of his cock run through your folds.
“Frankie…” calling out to try and gain his attention through the desire fogged brain. Unsure of the position, one that you’ve never tried together. Though you couldn’t say it not one you hadn’t thought about. You just didn’t want to hurt him by being on top. 
Shaking his head, positioning your body over his throbbing length. One hand wrapping around the base, long light strokes as he lines himself up. Even with his passion hazed mind, he knows your wanting to disagree with him. Making him sit up, cupping the back of your neck, “My choice mi amor I want to feel you around me, watch you bounce on my cock. See these beautiful eyes,” tracing his fingers to your cheek, brushing over your closed lids. “I want to watch you take your pleasure from me. Please mi ángel,” voice deep and tinged with want.
Lifting your lashes to stare at Frankie, using his shoulders to raise up as he teases your folds with his cock. Brushing over your clit, making you tremble in his arms before lining yourself up and sinking down slowly. Till your thick thighs are pressed against his hips, head tossed back at feeling so full. The slight burn of being stretched by his cock never fails to make you shutter in his arms. 
“So fucking wet, tight,” muttering the two words over while burying his face in your neck. Arms wrapping around your waist as yours move to wrap around his shoulders pressing your bodies together. Letting the fullness feeling wash over you, consuming your body. The steady throb of that vein reverberating through your system making you whimper, rolling your hips against his groin. 
“Baby please I need to move,” little whines leaving you lips a gasp wrenched from the depths of your soul when he lays back pressing his cock even deeper inside you. Large hands on your hips grounding him, watching with hooded eyes. Feet planted to thrust slowly up into your quivering walls,  filling you so completely you don’t know where you end and he begins. Not that you care at the moment, as your worry melts away with the tender heated look he’s giving you. 
“Ride me sweetheart,” bottom lip trembling before caught between his teeth. Watching you place a hand on the center of his chest. Rising up till just the cock head rests in the circle of your fluttering walls. Slowly sinking back down teasing the both of you with long deep strokes, moaning when he brushes over your g-spot each time. 
Eyes rolling back a gasp leaves your lips when warm hands come up to cup and massage your breasts. Tugging the peaked nipples making your walls squeeze his shaft tighter. A groan forced from his parted lips at the feeling. Watching the way your features morph in pleasure, biting your bottom lip with eyes tightly closed. 
“Look at me hermosa,” the command is hard to ignore combined with the tugs of his fingers at your nipples making you gasp. You slowly do as he asked entranced by the way he’s watching. Tongue coming out to wet his parched lips, breath catching in his throat at the sigh you present him. Sweat coating his forehead, dripping down the side of his face, chest glistening as you take him in. Hungry eyes devouring the look of pleasure, the needy little grunts expelled from his mouth. “Lean back on my knees I wanna watch my cock disappear into that pretty cunt of yours.” 
Whimpering, pausing your movements to do as he asks. Bracing yourself with hands on either side of you on the floor. Pressing your back against his bent knees that have lowered just a fraction so your spread out backwards on display for his eyes. Hips rolling against his groin, body undulating against him the movements slow and delicate. Filled with a passionate abandonment that never fails to make Frankie smile. Head tossed back gasping breath leaving your parted lips, forgetting about everything that’s not centered on Frankie and the movement of your hips. 
“So beautiful amor,” licking his lips, hand moving down to circle the little pulsing pearl with light pressure. Watching you quiver around him, feeling your walls squeeze his shaft, almost to the point of sucking him in deeper. Eyes glued to the apex of your thighs, observing how his cock disappears while his fingers draw different patterns over your clit. The sight nearly making him cum right then combined with the noises your making he knows it’s not long before he’s falling into the arms of pleasure. 
Siting up unable to keep his hands and mouth from you any longer, Frankie wraps his arm around your shoulders bringing you down with him. Mouth’s attached in a deep tangling of a kiss that’s pulling small little mewling whines and whimpers from you. Keeping his fingers on your clit tapping and circling making you gasp into his mouth. All the more with the vise like grip of his free arm around your waist holding you in place as his hips thrust upwards. In quick and deep punishing thrusts, chasing that high only you can give him but first he wants you to see the stars. Knowing your getting closer with each thrust, the tight clinch of your walls around his shaft, making him grit his teeth. 
With that thought and a need for air you break apart, lips going to your ear, “So fucking good to me mi amor,” groaning breathless. “Taking my cock like a good girl, letting me fuck you like this. Christ the things you make me feel mi vida. I’ll never get enough of you.” 
“Frankie,” another whimper of his name leaves your lips that your bury into his shoulder. Eyes dropping closed the closer you get to your release. Trying to grasp on to your sanity with each deep, hard stroke he delivers to your body. His words only serving to make you shiver even harder and when he hits that spot you blank. Mouth gapping in a silent scream of his name, release washing over you and coating his cock that keeps hammering into your quivering cunt. 
Teeth sinking into the flesh of your shoulder sucking a mark into the soft skin. Working you through your orgasm as his own begs for release. Balls tightening against his shaft as his hips start to falter in his pace. Hot moist breath leaving his nose that nuzzles the side of your throat over the mark he’s left. Eyes clinch tightly, cock throbbing to his heart beat as he spills his seed deep inside your body. 
Both of you are out of breath Frankie moving his hips in short shallow thrusts feeling your combined juices seeping out around his shaft. Groaning when he remembers the one thing he forgot. Hearing the sound you place a kiss to his neck, loopy smile gracing your features. Raising your head to look down at him, hips finally stopped even as the pleasurable after shocks still make your body tremble. 
Kissing his chin, nosing that little spot where no beard grows, nipping the skin gently, “Shall I move baby? Am I squishing you?” 
“Fuck no you ain’t hermosa and if you don’t stop saying shit like that I’m gonna smack your ass. You feel too damn good laying there and I don’t want to move from inside you.” Realizing what he just said heat floods his cheeks staining them a soft red. “I’m sorry mi ángel, I just don’t like you talking that way about yourself.” 
Biting the inside of your cheek to keep the moan from escaping at his words, the force of his tone making you clinch around him tightly. Praying he hasn’t felt the change in your demeanor or the way your heart flutters at his words. Though you should’ve known better when thumb and forefinger pinch your chin to rise it from looking at his chest. 
“Amor?” Having felt that squeeze around his shaft, making his heart hammer against his ribs. “Does that thought excite you sweetheart?” 
Soft whimper leaving your lips with a shake of your head though you focus back on what you’d intended to ask him after hearing the groan. Trying to divert his train of thought away from a newly found kink. “Why’d you groan if not because…” biting your bottom lip when you feel the stinging bite of his hand coming down on your right butt cheek. Chocking on the moan that tries to leave your lips as his fingers rub the offended area. Burying your heated face in his chest that rumbles under your head. “S’not funny Fransisco,” pinching his side getting a yelp that brings a smirk to your lips. 
“Woman you should be wore out,” hearing your playful huff. “Hmm seems I have more work to do mi amor, your still able to think and pinch.” Running his hands over your back, rolling the two of you over so he can stare down into your beautiful eyes softening cock slipping from your warm depths. Making you both groan at the loss. “And as to why I groaned a moment ago,” looking sheepish he leans up to kiss your forehead. Leaving his lips pressed there before speaking, “In my haste to have you cariño I forgot to use a condom.” 
Thinking for a moment, small chuckle leaving your lips that turns into full giggles you can’t keep inside anymore. Holding onto Frankie tightly, burying your face back into his neck, breathless laughter ghosting over his skin. Frown marring his features when he feels the shaking that turns into confusion as those giggles reach his ears. 
“It’s not funny sweetheart we haven’t talked about…” fingers covering his lips to stop the flow of words. 
Eyes locking with the worried chocolate orbits, “Frankie my love if we happen to make a baby tonight I would be over the moon with joy. That’s why I’m giggling,” smiling, little chuckles still escaping. “I want to have your child mi rey,” cupping his cheek to bring his lips down to yours. Placing nibbling kisses before a full press slipping your tongue into his mouth, coaxing a moan from deep within. Pleased smile tugging your lips up as you draw back, “Even if it’s not tonight I wouldn’t say no to trying every night.” 
“Mi amor,” endearment spoken on the tail end of a moan. Smile so blinding its as if the sun has been captured and brought inside to shine just for you. Holding you close he crashes his lips against yours, taking your moans and swallowing them. Sloppy and fierce, a clash of teeth and tongues, each trying to dominate the other. Till air becomes needed and you break apart gasping for breath. “You sure?” Worry creasing his brow, chocolate eyes filling with uncertainty as he looks at you.
Brushing your thumb over the apple of his cheek, leaning up to place your lips over his, “I’m positive Frankie I want to give Isabella a brother or sister to play with.” 
Moving off you, hearing the whimper you make, “Don’t move baby I’m not going far.” Reaching for his jeans a nervous smile sliding over his face as he pulls the little black velvet box from the denim. Pausing to flip the lid staring at the chocolate diamond for a moment, till he feels you move soft hand coming to rest on his back. 
“Frankie?” Undertone of worry in your voice as you raise up on your knees waiting for him to turn and face you. Bottom lip caught between worrying teeth, fearful that you’ve said the wrong thing. Pushed him too far with the baby comments, Santi’s words coming back to you about marriage and asking Frankie first. Before thinking things through fully the words fall from your lips, “Marry me Morales?” 
“What?” Shock coloring his gasp, turning quickly to stare down at you. Swallowing hard, “What did you just ask me?” Trying to keep the box fisted in his hand so you can’t see it yet. 
Knowing there’s no reason for these feelings and thoughts to flow through your mind but his quick movements and no real answer causes the doubt to creep in. Eyes downcast not wanting to see the rejection in those chocolate pools you love so much. “I… I… I mean you don’t have to answer it’s just a silly question. I just thought,” biting you lip to keep the tears from slipping out of there ducts. 
“What silly question amor?” Fighting the urge to tip your chin up to see your beautiful face. Frankie waits and when you don’t answer he opens his fist in front of you. Flipping the box open, “You mean this question mi vida?” 
Gasping, eyes landing on the beautiful ring nestled into the plush black velvet, “Frankie?” Hands coming up to cover your mouth as tears slip free though they’ve changed to happiness as you stare up at him. 
“I wanted to ask you differently baby really I wanted to try something a little more romantic. Maybe candles and dinner, down the on one knee” rubbing the back of his neck scrambling for the right words.
“You mean,” hiccuping as a bright smile tugs your lip. “You didn’t plan on proposing to me naked right after we made love?” 
Rolling his eyes at your snark, free hand coming over to brush your tears away and cupping your cheek, breath catching when you place your own hand on top. Nuzzling the palm and placing a kiss to the center, “You deserve better, something special, flowers and chocolates and music playing. Not us naked…” 
Watery happy smile, placing your other hand over his mouth a moment, “Crap I don’t need Frankie I only want you and Isabella, you’re my life.” Taking a deep breath, scooting closer on your knees till your just a hairs breath away from him, “Yes.” 
“I haven’t asked you yet woman you can’t… wait what?” Chocolate eyes shocked wide by that simple little word. He’d hoped you’d say yes, dreamed of it from the moment he fell in love with you. But to hear you say yes still stole his breath and any other words he’d planned to say. 
Soft giggles leave your lips, dropping your eyes down to the ring box in his hand and back up to his. Wrapping your arm around his neck to pull his forehead down to yours, carding through the short curls at the back of his head. “Then you better ask me flyboy so you can make an honest woman out of me in case you’ve knocked me up.” 
“God sweetheart,” eyes slipping closed for a moment just breathing in your scent and warmth, savoring you, for a few heart beats, until he finally gather’s his wits. “Marry me amor, become my wife mother to Isabella and as many more child’s as you want. I don’t want to live this life without you beside me, please marry me,” whispering he last three words. Heart thumping wildly, fearful it’s all a dream and he’ll wake up back in that rehab with no proper out look for his life. 
“Yes Fransisco, yes I’ll marry you, I love you baby. Though,” watching his eyes open to stare back, so many emotions filtering through those beautiful eyes. “I’m not giving birth to five children I’ll leave at least two for you to push out of your dick.” 
Gruff laughter leaves his lips, arms wrapping around your waist to pull you against him, crashing your lips together in a hard, desperate kiss. Ring forgotten till it slips from his fingers in a bid to cup your ass and press you closer. 
“We can have as many children as you want amor,” unwrapping his arms to bring the box back to show you. Plucking the band from its snuggled confines. He grasps your left hand bringing it to his lips and kissing the ring finger. Keeping his eyes locked with yours while slipping it on your fourth digit, before dropping to look. “Prefect fit.” 
“Just like us,” leaning in to brush your lips over Frankie’s. Smirk gracing your features, “Remember we already have four kids and Isabella’s the mature one.” 
Deep happy laughter leaves Frankie’s chest, arms going back around your waist to haul you against his body. Properly sitting with his back against the couch, cradling you in his arms, playful smile on his lips, “Shame that three of them still need house broken.”
“Frankie,” your laughter joining his as you straddle his thighs settling in his lap. Letting your mirth simmer while looking at your ring, still unable to believe you’re gonna be married. “Pinch me,” soft yelp leaves you, trying to summon a glare to direct his way but failing miserably. 
“What you asked me to pinch you cariño,” soothing the pain he gave to your ass with the palm of his hand, cupping both generous globes to pull your pelvis flush with his. “Don’t worry I’ll kiss and make it all better baby unless you want something different.” Remembering the way you curved into his hand when he spanked you earlier. The memory of how tightly your quivering cunt gripped his cock, makes a moan leave his lips. Cock throbbing against your slick folds, demanding attention from the moment you straddled his thighs. 
Experimentally smacking your ass feeling you quake against him, breath hitching in your throat chocking off a moan. “Frankie,” rocking your hips against his growing shaft. Feeling his fingers dip between your folds finding you soaked and throbbing. 
“Like that don’t you baby, like when I smack this beautiful ass of yours,” low growl leaving his lips that attack your neck. Drawing another whimper of need from deep with in your body. “I know you do, can feel it you’ve soaked my fingers and I’ve barely touched you.” 
Rubbing your nose against his neck breathing in his scent mixed with the heady scent of sex and sweat. Amazed how he’s flipped from the sweet Frankie to sexual beast mode in seconds. “Don’t tease handsome please,” whimpering, all thought leaving your mind except for the way Frankie’s talented fingers feel. Strumming your body like a master to drag out moans and whines of pleasure. 
“As you wish amor,” slipping inside of you slowly, gritting his teeth at the tight squeeze of your walls. “I’m warning you now we’re not getting any sleep tonight baby. I’m gonna have you on every surface of this house I can.” 
Smirking, “Promises, promises Morales,” pulling back to stare into his molten chocolate eyes. “Actions,” gasping when he pulls half way out and thrusts back home. Hitting your g-spot, his pelvis moving to rub against your clit deliciously making stars shoot across your vision. Trying to form the rest of the words to tease him, “Speak louder than,” soft scream leaving when he dips to the side rolling the two of you so he’s hovering over you. 
Grasping your thighs to push them against your chest, pushing his cock ever deeper inside your depths. Eyes rolling back missing the smirk on his plush lips, “You’re saying amor?” Wedging his upper body between your thighs, legs draped over his shoulders, his knees braced apart for stability. Hovering over you with hands gripping your ass to lift a fraction off the ground and start a punishing pace. 
Making good on that truth, neither of you getting much rest that night. Finally eating dinner around mid-night, thankful that Frankie had turned the oven off earlier in the evening. Rewarding him for his thoughtfulness with a blowjob at the dinner table, making good use of the Reddi-whip. In turn Frankie snatched up what was left of the pie having a second helping of his dessert, with you spread out over the kitchen table. 
Reliving that moment in your mind you don’t hear the question Santi asks. Only breaking out of the smirk causing memory when Frankie places his hand on your thigh giving a squeeze. Looking from him back to Santi, “Hmm,” clearing your throat with a sip of coffee. “I’m sorry Pope what did you ask?” 
Chuckling, “Off daydreaming again cariño, hope it’s as good as the smirk on your face.” Lifting a dark brow, Pope watches you for a moment catching the subtle shift of your body, Frankie’s cheeks dusting red. Guessing the two of you spent much of the night and early morning celebrating. If the marks littering the both of you indication anything accompanied by the way your both leaning against each other. 
Thankful he called before driving over with Isabella and eager to hear weather you said yes. Though he knew better than anyone the answer which becomes confirmed while you hugging Will, chocolate diamond glinting in the sunlight filtering through the front door. After a round of hugs, claps on the back and congratulations along with very happy giggles from Isabella everyone settled in the kitchen for coffee. 
Drawing your thoughts back from this morning smirk only growing on your face, Frankie leans over, seeing the intent in your side profile, “Don’t do it hermosa.” Warning growl in his tone, hand still on your thigh giving a harder squeeze. Isabella’s little giggles the only answer he receives to the warning, wrapped in her mother’s arms and oblivious to everything except playing with your hair. 
“Well Santiago if you must know it’s even better,” chuckling evilly when Frankie groans head landing on your shoulder. Blindly reaching over to cover Isabella’s ears. “Just reliving late last night when Frankie got to have his second dessert.” 
Confused for a second, eyes widening comically as he looks from you to the table place he’s currently sitting at and back. “Your telling me,” words sputtering out as he pushes violently backward, chair scratching across the tiled floor. “You could’ve warned a guy Y/N,” shaking his head in part disgust and part amusement. “Tell me you at least disinfected it before we sat down?”
Shrugging, “Where’s the fun in that Pope, besides it’s only fair after all Frankie got to see the stars right there in that chair first.” Licking your lips glancing at both Will and Benny who haven’t caught on yet. The harsh crash of his chair makes you bust out laughing, holding onto the table for support and cleaving into Frankie who’s red as a tomato. 
“That’s just… fucking hell,” wiping at this ass and thighs like there’s something there. 
Confused till he looked between the two of you, the table and Santiago. Deep groan leaving his lips as he head comes down to rest in his hands, “We eat on this table now it has to be burned.” 
“What? Why?” Thinking for a second, comprehension clicking into place Benny jumps up scrubbing his hands along his pant legs. “That’s just wrong so fucking wrong now I have that in may head to. I take back the marriage proposal Y/N, Frankie can have you.” Though the grin on his lips speaks differently. It however doesn’t reach his normally expressive eyes. Hiding a secret he’s kept buried for far to long knowing now there’s no chance of it coming to the light of day. 
“How generous of you Benjamin,” playfully rolling your eyes, giggling when you look at Frankie seeing his eyes have narrowed on his friend. You lean over, “No worries flyboy you know you’re the only one.” 
Chuckling he places a kiss to your cheek giving you a wink, “I know.” Standing to round the table, “So you proposed to my girl huh?” Trying to infuse a touch of anger to his tone that fails miserably with the grin on his lips. “Dude what happened to the code of friendship huh?”
Stepping back, hands up in mock surrender, playful grin o his chapped lips. “You know I didn’t mean it like that Fish, Y/N’s a sister to me.” Words tasting and sounding bitter to his own ears. Looking too Will and Santi for help, finding none except fake disapproving frowns, arms crossed. Glancing at you and Isabella with a pleading look getting no help. 
“Shit,” little voice speaking into the silence every set of adult eyes land on her, giggling follows with little claps of her hands before burying her face in your chest shyly. 
Peels of laughter ring out around the kitchen Will beating the table with his fist, head hanging with broad shoulders twitching. Benny and Frankie leaning on each other as tears of mirth slip down their cheeks, Pope leaning against the island to stay standing up right his own body shaking in laughter. While you hold her close laughing, shaking your head at the sight of your family. “Your daddy and uncles are silly little one,” kissing her forehead locking eyes with Frankie when he turns to you. Seeing the love saturating those chocolate eyes, soft grin pulling at his lips. 
“I love you mi alma’s,” playfully pushing Benny from his shoulder to come around and kiss both your foreheads. 
Reaching up to cup his cheek, bringing him down to touch your lips together in a tender kiss, “I love you to my real soon to be husband.”  
Sure you still read get carried away into another world of your books. However, not so deeply that you neglect your husband’s needs and wants along with your own. Besides you know he’s so much better than any old book boyfriend.
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fandomrewrites · 3 years
Chasing Butterflies: Unity Day
Hello all! Again, sorry I missed last week, but I am back! There is only four more chapters after this one and then I will switch back to my Teen Wolf fanfic. I’m going to alternate between these two stories after each season. As always constructive criticism is welcomed and let me know if you want to get added to any of my taglists. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
Season 1; Episode 9: Unity Day Pairings: OC x OC Best Friends, no love interests chosen yet Warnings: Swearing, guns, alcohol  Word Count: 2,332
Season 1 Masterlist
Elara and Nova stand beside each other as they listen to Jaha's speech. "My friends, this is a historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, on the ground."
"Right. After we did all the work. Someone shut him up." Miller states, watching the Chancellor with an annoyed look on his face.
"You shut up, Miller. No one's forcing you to watch." Raven scolds.
"But Miller has a point." Nova speaks up, agreeing with her fellow delinquent. "They weren't even expecting us to live." 
Elara elbows Nova in the ribs causing the girl to roll her eyes. "For ninety-seven years, we have eked out existence, hoping that someday our descendents would return to Earth." The Chancellor continues.
"Whoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again!" The two girls turn to Jasper's excited yells, "Hey! Call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty?" 
Jasper starts handing out the moonshine as Monty calls out, "Save me some!"
"Let's get a drink." Nova hooks her arm through Elara's. 
"You go. Someone needs to stay sober." Elara replies.
"One drink, Lara. That's it. Trust me, I'm not planning to get anymore after that either. The Grounder's don't know it's Unity Day; I don't want to let my guard down. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't loosen up a little."
Elara sighs but let's Nova pull her to Jasper so they can both grab a cup. Chancellor Jaha's voice can still be heard from the screen, "To our sons and daughters on Earth listening to this message, we will see you soon. The first Exodus ship will launch in under sixty hours, carrying the reinforcements that you need, so stay strong. Help is on the way."
Nova scoffs, "Like those words are supposed to be comforting."
Hearing her Miller replies, "Seriously, he's a joke. Though I'm surprised you're so against the privileged."
"Being privileged just means I see how corrupt the Ark is from a different angle."
Miller raises his cup, "I'll drink to that."
Nova raises her glass back in a mock toast, "To the Chancellor and the council. For so kindly pardoning us of our crimes only after they sent us to our deaths."
Miller smiles, "Hear hear."
 A few minutes after Miller and Nova's interaction the camp's communication system went dead. "Hey. The comms are still dead. They cut out during the pageant." Clarke says.
"Best Unity Day ever." Bellamy mutters, causing Nova to snort.
"Do you really think now is a good time to be having a party? I mean, the Grounder is out there."
"Grounders." Bellamy corrects. "By now he's made it home. He's probably putting together a lynch mob." Seeing the look on Clarke and Elara's faces he continues, "Relax. I got security covered. Why don't you go get a drink? You look like you could use one."
"I could use more than one." Clarke says.
"Then have more than one. It''s Unity Day, Clarke. Lighten up a little." Nova replies, bringing her own cup to her lips.
Bellamy nods, "The Exodus ship carrying both of your parents comes down in two days. After that, the party's over. Have some fun while you still can. You deserve it."
At the mention of her father Nova scrunched her face up in disgust, "God, I'm going to need more to drink after that reminder."
"I thought you said you would only have one." Elara states, looking at her friend in concern.
Nova shrugs then chugs the rest of her moonshine. The drink burned her throat on the way down. "You're only having one and Blake already said security is covered. I need something to stop me thinking about the fact that I'm going to be seeing my father in a few days."
 On one of the tables the delinquents have begun a game of moonshine pong. Nova and Miller are on a team against Sterling and Monroe. "We are so beating you." Nova says, a rare smile lighting up her face.
"Bring it on, Kane." Sterling replies.
Nova throws first, easily making the manmade ball into one of the cups. Miller then throws his ball, sinking it into another cup. Nova and Miller both let out a cheer, high fiving as Monroe and Sterling drink.
The game continues back and forth until Nova throws the ball landing it in the last cup. Miller lets out a loud yell and picks Nova up in a celebratory hug. "That's what I'm talking about!"
"Called it from the beginning." Nova says smugly. Just as the words leave her mouth, Clarke taps her on the shoulder. She turns to look at the blonde, "What is it?"
"Come here." Clarke leads her away from the group and towards Bellamy.
When he sees the two girls approaching, he addresses the blonde, "Having fun yet, princess."
Ignoring him she instead starts explaining why she dragged Nova towards the older boy, "Finn set up a meeting with the Grounders. Nova and I are supposed to talk with them."
"I'm too drunk for this shit." Nova says, running a hand through her hair.
"Listen, I think it might be worth a shot. I mean, we do have to live with these people." 
"They'll probably gut you, string you up as a warning." Bellamy states.
"Well, that's why I'm here. I need you to follow us, be our backup."
"Does Finn know this?"
"Finn doesn't need to know, and, Bellamy, bring guns."
 Walking through the woods, Clarke decides to break the silence. "I'd love it if you were right about this, but did you ever consider it might be a trap?"
"Yep, but since it's Unity Day, I decided to have hope instead." Finn replies.
"The Grounder's don't know it's Unity Day." Nova says, "And if this happens to be a trap and they kill me. I'll make sure to stay alive long enough just so I can kill you."
"Seriously, Finn, you're putting a lot of faith in a guy who stuck a knife in you." Clarke states.
"And you are sounding more and more like Nova and Bellamy." Finn shakes his head at the blonde.
"There is nothing wrong with sounding like me. I was born a leader and a warrior. I'm keeping us alive." Nova glares at Finn.
"You want to start a war." He tries to continue but Nova cuts him off.
"Bullshit. The Grounder's have been picking us off one by one since we got here. If it wasn't for me, Bellamy, and Clarke reacting in the ways that we have a lot more of us would be dead. I don't want a war, Finn. But if they think they can get away with killing one of our own, they are in for a rude awakening."
 As the trio arrives at the meeting place Clarke and Nova's eyes fall on Octavia. "So that's how you set this up. You helped him escape, didn't you?" Clarke asks the younger Blake.
"I trust him." Octavia says.
Nova rolls her eyes as Clarke mutters, "There's a lot of that going around."
The group turns their heads to the sound of someone arriving. The Grounder that escaped, Lincoln, runs up to Octavia. They hug and pull away when Clarke exclaims, "Look, horses!"
Nova raises an eyebrow, impressed at the sight of the beautiful creatures. "Hey. We said no weapons." Finn says, looking at Lincoln.
"I was told there wouldn't be." The Grounder replies.
"It's too late now." Clarke says, shaking her head.
Nova casually places her hands in her pockets, making sure her knife is still there. As the three delinquents move forward, Lincoln holds out a hand, "They go alone."
"We'll be fine." Clarke says, reassuring the teen.
Nova and Clarke reach the middle of the bridge at the same time the Grounder leader does. "Your name is Clarke?" The leader asks, looking at the blonde.
"And you are Nova?"
"Yeah." Nova states, the glare never leaving her face.
"I'm Anya."
"I think we got off to a rough start, but we want to find a way to live together in peace." Clarke starts.
"I understand. You started a war that you don't know how to end."
Nova scoffs, "Trust us. We know how to end it. We would just prefer to do this peacefully rather than having more bloodshed."
Clarke holds up a hand telling Nova to stop, "We didn't start anything. You attacked us for no reason."
"No reason? The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground." Anya argues.
"The flares? No. That was a signal meant for our families. We had no idea-"
"You're invaders. Your ship landed in our territory." Anya cuts Clarke off.
"We didn't know anyone was here when we got sent down. Add to the fact that all of us here didn't have a choice to come down but were forced to by our people." Nova states.
"You knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of us and torture him."
"Only after he captured one of our own." Nova says, taking a step closer to the Grounder.
The Grounder takes a step forward, now chest to chest with the petite brunette, "You were the one who killed one of my warriors when you came into our territory."
"In retaliation for your warriors leading my people into traps to kill them. You were plucking us off one by one and I wasn't going to just sit by and let it happen."
 Somewhere behind them, hiding in the woods, Jasper, Bellamy, Raven, and Elara sit watching the interaction. “Grounder Princess looks pissed.” Raven states.
“Yeah well, our Angel has that effect.” Bellamy replies.
“I really hope she backs off. This isn’t going to end well.” Elara whispers, clearly nervous for her friend.
“I always thought Nova was lying when she said she wasn’t afraid of anything. I think this proves that she was telling the truth.” Jasper says.
 "Nova." Clarke scolds. The blonde tugs on her friend's arm, willing her to step back but Nova refuses to be the first to back away. So instead Clarke starts speaking, "Even though Nova wants to continue to argue, I see your point." Anya steps back to get a better look at Clarke as she speaks, "That's why we need to put an end to all of this."
"Lincoln said there are more of you coming down, warriors."
"The guard, yes, but also farmers, doctors, engineers. We can help each other but not if we're at war."
"Can you promise that these new arrivals won't attack us, that they'll respect the terms we agree on?"
Clarke hesitates, "I promise I will do everything I can to convince them to honor the terms that we set."
"Why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?"
"How about we set terms for a temporary agreement and then when the rest of our people come down we can set up another meeting and our leaders and you can set up a more permanent agreement?"
Before Anya has the chance to reply a voice from behind the two delinquents yells out, "Clarke, Nova, run! They're gonna shoot!" Nova recognizes the voice as Jasper.
Nova and Clarke react immediately. They turn around and start running away from the Grounders and towards Finn who is rushing towards them.
"Finn, go back! Go, go!" Clarke yells at the boy.
Nova watches as Lincoln jumps in front of Octavia, saving her from an arrow. 
Once the group of delinquents are back together in the woods, Bellamy starts arguing with Finn. "You got anything to say?"
"Yeah. I told you no guns!" Finn argues.
"I told you we couldn't trust the Grounders. I was right." Clarke defends her actions.
"Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?" Raven asks Finn, hurt that he didn't talk to her.
"I tried but you were too busy making bullets for your gun." Finn replies.
"You're lucky she brought that! They came there to kill you, Finn!" Bellamy says.
"You don't know that! Japer fired the first shot!" Finn yells.
"You ruined everything!" Octavia agrees with Finn. 
She storms off in the direction of camp as Jasper yells after her, "I saved you! You're welcome!"
"Will all of you shut up. We can't change anything that happened so stop arguing about it." Nova says.
There is a brief moment of silence that Finn breaks, "Well, if we weren't at war already, we sure as hell are now." He then turns to Clarke, "You didn't have to trust the Grounders. You just had to trust me."
Finn runs off after Octavia just as Bellamy mutters, "Like I said, best Unity Day ever."
“Nov, you should have told me what was happening.” Elara says, looking at the petite girl, who just shrugs in response. “You could have been killed. I swear you are way too impulsive and hot headed.”
“I don’t need you to lecture me, Lara.” Nova snaps. “I’m not going to be afraid of some Grounders, I’ve been trained since I could walk. Out of all of us in our camp I have the best chance at survival when it comes to going up against them.”
Right after the words leave her mouth an explosion in the sky causes the remaining delinquents to stop and look up. "The Exodus ship? Your parents are early." Bellamy says.
"Wait. It's going too fast. Something's wrong." Clarke replies as she watches the ship fall to Earth.
Not even a minute later it crashes, creating a mushroom cloud. Clarke sinks to her knees as Nova's eyes widen and her mouth drops open in shock.
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callunavulgari · 5 years
TOP 25 FICS OF 2019
1. these roads will take you into your own country by @notbecauseofvictories | American Gods | Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney | WIP | 33k
Here’s a joke for you: a Muslim, a zombie, and a leprechaun walk into a bar in Misery, Indiana. No one stares, because no one in the puckered, shitty asshole of Misery, Indiana gives a fuck. The Colts are playing.
Heather Says: So. It’s funny that another of @notbecauseofvictories‘s stories is at the top of my list again this year. Keep in mind this list is sorted by when the fic was read rather than favorites (because that would get real complicated real quick). Clearly there must be something about January. There’s just something about the writing that is easy to slip into, be it a Star Wars fic or a Labyrinth fic or even a fic about Johnny and the Devil. This was lovely and I can’t wait until it’s finished.
2. eighteen wheels on an uphill climb by @honkforhankcon | Detroit: Become Human | Hank/Connor | 91k
Hank is going to die. He’s going to die right here in Kentucky, 53 years old, halfway to broke, and tragically sober. Survived only by a nine-year-old St. Bernard and the 31-year-old twink who delivered the fatal blow.
Heather Says: I don’t think that this is the first DBH fic that I sought out after beating the game, but it is the first that I loved enough to make it to this list. I didn’t think that I would go for a modern au for this fandom, certainly not a modern au wihere Hank is a truck driver and Connor is a sex worker (albeit briefly?) but here I am.
3. Fuck pride (pride only hurts, it never helps) by ImogenGotDrunk | Detroit: Become Human | RK900/Gavin Reed | 41k
After the android uprising, Connor becomes a permanent fixture in the DPD. That’s fine. Gavin can accept that. The dipshit’s more human than he used to be, and a decent detective to boot. Gavin can deal with him being around. What Gavin cannot deal with is Connor’s replica; two inches taller, blue-eyed, and with a mouth that Gavin doesn’t know whether to punch or take between his teeth. The RK900 model has been assigned as his partner for the foreseeable future.
Heather Says: I also never thought that I’d like a fic with Gavin in it. But I got curious about all the Reed900, and well, this fic really won me over. The writing is fantastic, and it softens Gavin while still keeping him believable. Also, well, I like the enemies to lovers thing.
4. Almost Cool by @blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 30k
While filming the Yuma Territorial Prison episode, Shane gets bitten by what he thinks is a bat. Spoiler alert: it's not.
Heather Says: This is actually the first thing that I read for this fandom. In fact, this is the fic that got me into Buzzfeed Unsolved in the first place. I’d seen a lot of art and gifs and fics pass my way, but I was only ever slightly interested in what I saw until this fic came through my inbox and piqued my curiosity. 
5. Pride by @astolat | Game of Thrones | Jaime/Brienne/Cersei | 22k
Jaime didn’t understand why Cersei suddenly insisted on trimming his hair and shaving his beard, but he also didn’t care to fight her on it, even though he’d just as soon have kept the beard: it was bitterly cold in the small tower room with its arrow-slits. 
Heather Says: Wowza. This fic was intense. I’ve always loved Jaime and Brienne. I’ve loved them since the second book, which was read at least a few years before I started loving them in the show. Adding Cersei to their dynamic would have probably been almost impossible to pull off if it was anyone else, but @astolat lives to surpass my expectations.
6. Skin and Scales by Ernmark | The Penumbra Podcast | Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla | 18k
The man glares, and this time, Damien is certain it isn’t a trick of the light: those eyes are violet as amethyst. He wears disdain like a second skin–- or, perhaps, like the scales that he is missing. “Lord Arum?”
Heather Says: I was one of those people who skipped through all of the Second Citadel episodes during my first listen through of Penumbra. The stories were good, but the pull of Juno was too great. A couple months after I finished, I went back and listened to everything I didn’t. And let me tell you. Lizard monster. Honorable knight. Bookish girlfriend. Poly. It hit every single button I had and then some. This fic really hit the spot when I ran out of story.
7. someone you like by caela | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | 5k
catwithabat u think ur so hipster but u just look like a lesbian 27m she_ra @catwithabat bc… i’m a lesbian. lmao 5m
Heather Says: Noooot usually a big fan of high school fics. Namely because I’m not in high school anymore and well, after you read so many in your teenage years they sort of lose their luster. This one was phenomenal enough to change my mind.
8. Sands of Time by @tirsynni | Legend of Zelda | Ganondorf/Link | WIP | 98k
Link awakens in the desert with no idea how he got there, to encounter his worst enemy...except it was the King of the Gerudo, not the King of Evil, he faced.
Heather Says: I have seen a lot of really good Link/Ganondorf art over the years, but never really stumbled across a fic that didn’t have judicious amount of non-con involved. But the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer happened, and everybody started drawing really pretty art, so I went looking. And lo and behold, @tirsynni saved the day with this gorgeous time travel/fix-it fic. 
9. killed with kindness by veterization | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 52k
Goro can't quite figure out why so many people keep acting like they're his friend. (Or: the one where the Phantom Thieves decide to know thy enemy, befriend thy enemy, love thy enemy, crush on thy enemy).
Heather Says: I’ve read a couple of veterization’s fics over the years, and to date they have never disappointed me. They published this in June, and I think I clicked on it mostly because I was bored and hadn’t read any good P5 fic yet. This was basically just what the doctor ordered, and I was really happy to find something where Akechi’s story went ever so slightly different.
10. paper thin by @ebonybow | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 9k
Shane’s new neighbors are a morning-sex kind of couple.
Heather Says: So I went into this one knowing very little about how Sara fit into things. I didn’t know she was Shane’s girlfriend. I’d never even seen her, but I clicked because I like poly and I trust the author. I was 100% not disappointed. There’s also another fic with a very similar dynamic here, which is also aces.
11. damn.nation, now available on itunes by @kaikamahine | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 11k
When lowly tempt-pusher Amphora (formerly of Stairwell 7B North, before she Fell,) gets the notice that end times are nigh, she gleefully quits her job and cancels her Netflix subscription and takes her place among the legions of hell. This, it turns out, was a bad plan.
Heather Says: Elizabeth may have only written one fic this year, but she made it a damn good one. I’ve always loved her OCs especially, so I was pretty tickled that this is 10k+ of outsider pov. Also, demons! Demons are great! This demon is great! I want like 9 seasons and a movie about Amphora, just saying.
12. The Dragon and Her Wolves by hapakitsune | Game of Thrones | Jon/Sansa/Daenarys | 60k
When the truth of Jon's birthright is revealed, control of the North and Daenerys's claim to the Iron Throne are both called into question. To preserve their tenuous alliance and secure her rule, Daenerys puts aside her personal feelings to arrange a marriage of political convenience between Jon and Sansa Stark.
Heather Says: What do you mean season 8 didn’t exist and the show totally ended with a three way relationship between the two most powerful women in Westeros and Jon Snow? Never been a big fan of Jon/Sansa before this, but this is another of those writers that I would literally trust if they wrote a fic about a fork and a spoon.
13. never tell me the odds by @wildehacked | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Hera | 9k
“I tried Star Wars," he says, adjusting the phone under his neck, "and it was way underwhelming.”
A shaky breath from her end. “Well, where did you start?”
Heather Says: I don’t remember which of @wildehacked‘s fandoms I started reading first. Most recently it’s been The Magnus Archives (more on this later). The point is, they’d written Wolf 359 fic and it had Hera and Eiffel and it was literally everything that I’ve been looking for since the series ended.
14. Find Me Somebody by raiining | Good Omens | Warlock/Adam Young | 11k
“You left me,” he said. “You both left me, for him. And I can’t even blame you, because I’d have left me for him too.”
Heather Says: There was an Art. The art was lovely. So I went looking, because that’s what I do when faced with beautiful art depicting a rare pairing. And I found the holy grail. Like, possibly my favorite Good Omens fic? Ever? 
15. flirting with fire by @brawlite | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | WIP | 7k
Steve's a cop, Billy's a firefighter. It's not a grudge, it's just a regular old small town rivalry.
Heather Says: Okay so brawlite has written a lot of great stuff this year (more on that later), but I read this in bed at the beach house this August while I was reeling from both a horrible sunburn and like seven hours of mild to moderate day-drinking while everyone else was still throwing back shots right outside my bedroom door. Jaws was playing on the tv and I wasn’t even paying attention to it, because THIS. Long story short, I’ve been thirsty for more ever since.
16. gold, when you find me by mmtion | The Flash | Iris/Barry | 53k
It's not that Iris hates The Flash, per say - more that she hates writing about The Streak in a weekly, pun-heavy comic based on The Flash.
Heather Says: I never would have thought that a canon pairing would make it to my Top 25 list, but here we are. I like Iris/Barry a lot better when they don’t grow up together and spend a lot of time playing the Superman game, apparently. Also, this was really well-written, and sexual tension has never been something I’ve felt from Barry and Iris, but I felt it in this fic. Just. Damn.
17. never gets old by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger| Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 78k
Falling in love with a cam boy named KingSteve isn't the smartest thing Billy Hargrove has ever done, nor is it the most healthy -- but the good choice is rarely ever the fun choice, and Billy is all about living life fast and loose.
Heather Says: Told you I’d come back to it. brawlite and toastranger are a fantastic team. last year was cherry pie and under the covers, this year it’s camboys and cop/firefighter dynamics. Also, I have a really strange fascination with fics where a character has an instragram. It’s really, incredibly strange. Also also, every time I see this fic title I get that one Discovery Channel song stuck in my head. And no, it probably isn’t the one you’re thinking.
18. ways to save the world by @wildehacked | The Magnus Archives | Martin Blackwood/Jon Sims | 19k
“I left you,” Martin says softly.
Heather Says: And we’re back at wildehacked too! The Magnus Archives was a thing that happened to me. This is I think the first fic I read for it while listening, and it was so very close to what we got in canon. I think when it comes down to it though, I still prefer this fic, even if the ending of this season was pretty fantastic.
19. The Denial Twist by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 35k
“This is kind of surreal,” Shane says, taking a sip of his tea. It’s piping hot and delicious, except it tastes like hot chocolate and not like tea at all. “Sort of—Wonka-esque, right? Or Alice in Wonderland.”
Heather Says: While the vampire one is my favorite both because it is excellent and because it was my first, this one was bizarre and sexy and also I read it like only a month or so ago! The dancing was my favorite part, but having dreams to work with made this story fantastically interesting and I loved every second of it.
20. silver in our lungs by taywen | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk Lord | 4k
The marks had been with Miryem for as long as she could remember. There were a number of them, all the same shade, following one after the other around her left wrist. They were pale as old scars, though they felt no different from the rest of her skin, and her mother claimed that Miryem had been born with them.
Heather Says: I really like soulmate aus. There’s so many different ways to twist them and the way they can sometimes change the dynamic entirely and other times not change them at all is just fascinating. I’ve been hoping there would be more Spinning Silver content on ao3 and running into this while I was trying to decide what I wanted to do for yuletide was a real treat.
21. you got me begging, begging, i'm on my knees by plalligator | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 5k
Costis has a particularly enlightening evening. (or, that struggle when you're a guard who's in love with your rulers and it turns out you would kind of like it if they bossed you around a little)
Heather Says: I accidentally re-read the King of Attolia and it made me consider ships I had perhaps not previously considered. This was really lovely and just steamy enough.
22. something more alive than silence by pageleaf | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 21k
It was a good thing that six months after the king had promised to halve the guard, he still hadn’t done it, because since then, there had been two attempts on the king’s life.
Heather Says: I want to only type the words AGONIZED NOISES to describe this fic because that’s basically my headspace when I get 21k of a shiny new ot3, but I mean. Really. This is super good and maybe my favorite yet? Why didn’t I start reading this fandom when I first read the books?
23. Timing it Right by DragonBandit | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 14k
The dragon chooses, Mark knows that as well as any boy born in a weyr. He'd never considered what that would mean if the dragon picked someone you hated. He's starting to think that was a mistake.
Damien's gold rises at Whitney. Mark tries to make things right.
Heather Says: This should actually be somewhere back in March, but I apparently closed out of the tab at some point. I never really got into Pern much. I have the first three books, but got most of the way through the first one a long time ago and then never picked it back up. I didn’t think I would like this, mostly because of the fact that I hadn’t gotten into the books, but was surprised to find that I absolutely loved it.
24. Keep It In Your Sights Now by LuckyDiceKirby | Shades of Magic | Lila/Kell/Holland | 9k
Holland travels with Lila and Kell. Somewhere along the way, they reach an equilibrium.
Heather Says: I love the new things I’ve discovered during my yuletide trompings. I don’t think I ever actually considered this pairing when I first read the books, but I am just so enamored with the idea of the three of them together. Like, why did I not realize that potential back then? This was lovely, and I loved it, and I want so much more out of this pairing than what ao3 has to offer me.
25. Charioteer by petrichoral | The Queen’s Thief | Gen & Costis | 13k
Captured in battle and stuck in the Mede capital, Costis has given up all hope of seeing his country again. But Eugenides has a habit of turning up where he's least expected.
Heather Says: Technically this shouldn’t be on here because I only read it today, but it was really wonderful and so canon typical. Gen and Costis were perfect in it, Irene was perfect in it. Everyone was perfect and nothing hurts.
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arsonforcharlie · 5 years
Sleater: 🌟 💎 👀 Iscu: 🌙 🏡 👀 Vesca: ❤️ 💐 👀 Bril: 🍂 🥀 ❓ Arradeth: ☀️ ☕ ❓ Hunter: 🔥 💕 ❓
hoo boy someone’s thirsty
🌟 When your OC loses all hope, who do they turn to first? What helps make them feel better? What calms them down and reassures them? Why?
at this point, sleater doesn’t really have a “who” that she turns to that she’s in regular contact with. while she generally takes the “don’t tell anyone or do anything and just push it all down and keep smiling” route, she has been known to duck out to the woods and just do target practice until she chills the hell out
💎 Does your OC collect anything? Is there a reason? When did they start and is it beginning to turn into a little bit of a hoarding issue? What do they do with their collection?
it’s not strictly a collection, but she does go out of her way to collect souvenirs and things to bring to her family when she comes the fuck home. it’s not excessive at this point solely because most of her money has gone to staying alive and travelling, but it could get a bit out of hand.
👀 Describe your OC through the eyes of another person! (bonus + specify who)
overall, a very big person, although she’s far from the tallest person in the party. still, she’s tallish for a human, rather broad, and tends to take up a lot of space with her movements. usually grinning, with reddish-brown hair that’s always braided up neatly to keep it out of the way. under her armour, she wears long sleeves and full leggings, even when it’s far too warm out, and she has an amazing accent that’s definitely consistent and comes from a real source.
🌙 If your OC could have one wish come true what would it be and why? Would there be consequences to this wish or would they regret it once they get what they want? What would they give in return for this wish to come true?
i wanna EAT the rock
alright, definitely something involving acquiring more eonite. maybe if mara was around while she made the wish she’d specify “just enough eonite that any explosions wouldn’t destroy the town or anything” but you know. and there would definitely be consequences, but iscu’s motto could easily be “if you’re exploded you can’t have regrets!”
🏡 Describe your OCs ideal house! Give us a tour around! What’s their garden like? Their bedroom? Kitchen? Where is it and how many people live there?
somewhere kinda urban, since she does really like people. the house itself doesn’t matter too much- she’s always kinda viewed living spaces as a way to facilitate doing all the rest of the cool shit you want to do. definitely a big yard for brisket, though, and a nice lab separated from the building in case the foundations shake a bit
👀 Describe your OC through the eyes of another person! (bonus + specify who)
a wee lil goblin sittin’ on the edge of her barstool, drinking from a tiny cup and eagerly watching the people around her. her hair is short and a bit frizzy- if you were looking real close, you could probably see some of the ends are a bit burnt. she wears red and blue robes, with a book in a large pouch attached to her hip. when she notices mara looking over, she waved, the light glistening off the weird brassy contraption attached to her hand, with a bunch of tubes connecting the small glass orbs that were filled with some sort of fluid that probably kinda sparks on occasion
mara apparently decided that’s a wise person to talk to so, like, who really has the 8 wisdom here
❤️ What would your OC’s ideal lover be like? Appearnce, personality, voice? Would their family approve or would it be civil war?
vesca’s not really one for romance, as such. she’d definitely respect someone who could beat her in a fair combat, and probably not being a dick and treating this accomplished detective like an idiot is up there. and if it was civil war, well, she would WIN.
💐 Does your OC like flowers? What are their favourites? Do they keep a garden of some sort? What flowers would they use in a flower crown? (and if you like, research the meanings behind those flowers!)
not much of a floral gay either, but she can see the beauty of the plants that spring up in between destroyed roads in the rubblebelt
👀 Describe your OC through the eyes of another person! (bonus + specify who)
bit of a large dumb brute of a minotaur, but those ARMS though (guess who)
🍂 What are their opinions on the different seasons? Which one do they hate and which one do they love and why?
bril is a bit of a nature nerd so they don’t hate anything, but winter does make it more difficult to get by in the woods. still, they don’t really hate any seasons, since they all have their place.
🥀 Has your OC ever been hurt by someone they love? Ever been betrayed? Abused? Attacked? Give me the angst! (if you’d like, write a short drabble about it!)
love? no. respect? yes, absolutely.
❓ A random fact or short drabble! Or make up your own question to ask the OC!
they haven’t actually been in contact with their family for years, despite kinda wanting to go home and check up. they’re way too nervous about what they might find out or what they’d have to explain to actually go, though
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
arradeth isn’t really known for happiness, but the year she spent studying magic and figuring things out was very refreshing for her.
☕ Give us one (or more if you feel like it) of your OCs deep dark secrets! Why do they keep it hidden? Spill the tea!
she does wake up in the night with nightmares relatively often. she’s gotten better at not waking elevialle up when they’re sharing a bed, but she’ll often get up and go for a walk to try and calm down, probably checking the time every once in a while. she doesn’t talk about it because she’s pretty sure nobody cares- after all, the world is kinda ending.
❓ A random fact or short drabble! Or make up your own question to ask the OC!
she’s often tossed around the idea of just leaving the party, hiding the annulus somewhere close enough that it wouldn’t teleport to her, and opening up a random lil magic shop. nothing useful- just those weird little magic items that she gets a kick out of.
🔥 If your OC known for having temper tantrums? If not, what gets them really angry? What makes their blood BOIL? Is there anyway to calm them down or are they unstoppable? What are they like when they’re angry? Do they take it out on their loved ones?
hunter actually has a remarkable control on their temper, and doesn’t lose control often. she does get pretty angry at people using dirty tricks to get ahead and take advantage of people, though
💕 How is your OC like with physical affection? What are their boundries? Do they enjoy being touched or is that a no-go? Is there any reason behind this?
in theory, she‘d be down if she met someone who she was into. however, in practice, the scars might make it kind of uncomfortable. better avoid it.
❓ A random fact or short drabble! Or make up your own question to ask the OC!
hunter isn’t her first name, and if all goes well, it won’t be her last.
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stopforamoment · 5 years
Part Four: Football Lesson (Series 17, Part 4 of 6)
Series Seventeen: Drake and Rinda (6 Parts) Part Four: Football Lesson (Series 17, Part 4 of 6) My masterlist is at the end of my bio.
Book: The Royal Romance (After Book Three) Pairing: Bastien Lykel x OC Rinda Parks Word Count: 696 Rating: M for Language Author’s Note: Obligatory disclaimer that Pixelberry Studios owns the TRR characters and my pocketbook with those darn diamond scenes. OFC with all of her quirks is all mine. My apologies if Tumblr or I do something stupid when I try to post this. The keep reading link shows up on my laptop but not my phone. Ugh. Thank you @asherella-is-a-dork-3 for always being my sounding board! Thank you @cora-nova @silviasutton1989 @bobasheebaby​ @riseandshinelittleblossom​ for being my thirsty Bastien friends and for still being a part of the journey! Series Summary: This takes place in November. Bastien is out of the country on a trip with Liam, and Rinda needs to present at a conference while Bastien is still gone. Of course he worries about his Tria and insists that Drake goes with her, so Drake and Rinda get some bonding time.
Chapter Summary: Drake tries to teach Rinda more about European football, but she’s more of a lost cause than he even realized.
Football Lesson
Rinda saw Drake was watching a football game and she laughed as she nodded towards the TV. “Oh, that’s why everyone was so noisy downstairs. Baseball season is over, so I wasn’t sure what the fuss was about.” Now Drake put Rinda in a headlock and gave her a noogie, and when he finally released her Rinda punched him. “Hey Drake, if it isn’t weird for you, I don’t mind staying in the bathroom while I get ready for bed. Then you can just stay snugged in the room.” Drake paused. Her offer did sound tempting, but he wanted to respect her privacy. Rinda sensed his hesitation so she grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. “You just have to promise to keep the TV loud enough so you can’t hear me singing in the shower.” She started gathering her things together and stepped into the bathroom, not giving him a chance to protest. She suddenly poked her head back out of the bathroom. “Drake?” He looked up. “Yeah?” “Don’t be an asshole and sneak in the bathroom to flush the toilet and make the water turn cold while I’m in the shower, okay?” Drake laughed. “I will if your singing drives me crazy.” Rinda actually did like to sing in the shower, but she tried not to be too loud. And of course, it was Neil Diamond. Baby loves me Yes, yes she does Ah, the girl's outta sight, yeah Says she loves me Yes, yes she does Gonna show me tonight, yeah
She got the way to move me, Cherry . . .
Drake shook his head as he continued to watch the game, but he didn’t turn up the volume on the TV.
. . . . .
The game was still going when she was done, so Rinda grabbed her laptop and crawled onto the bed next to Drake. She put a pillow against the headboard and grabbed an extra blanket to get snuggled in to review the notes for her presentation.
“Do you know anything about football rules and scoring?”
Rinda looked up in surprise. “Soccer? No, not really. No one in my family followed it when I was growing up, and Jameson didn’t either. I only remember taking a test on it in high school. Like, a skills test AND a written test.”
“A written test?”
“Yup. Something with rules, dimensions of the field, stuff like that. I didn’t even bother studying. And of course I failed the skills test.”
Drake laughed. “Would you like me to explain it to you?”
Rinda looked shocked. “Okay, but won’t it mess up watching the game for you?”
“Well, honestly, I’m not as excited about these teams. If I were, then yes. I wouldn’t want to explain and I wouldn’t have offered.”
Rinda threw her head back to laugh. “Thanks for the honesty. Just start with the VERY basics, okay? Seriously, assume I know nothing, because I kind of don’t.”
. . . . .
Drake was very patient, answering Rinda’s questions without teasing her too often. She wasn’t kidding when she said that she knew nothing about football. But even though Rinda wanted to share his enthusiasm, it had been a long day and Rinda knew she would never truly understand aggregate scores and the away goals rule, no matter how well Drake explained them. She slowly nodded off.
She woke up when Drake turned off the TV and moved out of the bed. “Drake? Thank you for not staying in the bed after I fell asleep, but I don’t mind. It’s a king-sized bed, so plenty of room. I’ll sleep on top of the covers with my own blanket. I always hog the covers, so I’ll be all snuggly wrapped up like a burrito before I even fall asleep. And you have permission to roll me out of the bed when I start to snore.”
Drake laughed. “Okay, but if you’re a bed hog I’m back on the floor.”
“Deal!” and she scooted over and flipped so her back was to Drake. In a couple minutes she was back to sleep, before Drake could even finish getting settled in bed.
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kati-mariposa · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Guardians: Chapter 1
Characters: OC, Bill Skarsgard & Jeffrey Dean Morgan
*WARNING: Mild/Some Language
Summary: After Kat (OC) runs away from her hometown for personal reasons, she is taken under the wing & care of a single man almost twice her age, Jeffrey. Almost a year later, she has become like family to Jeffrey, has befriended a young handsome guy named Bill, and even gets a chance to do small art commissions for profit. However, things become tense between the three when she seems to get closer to Bill, but Jeffrey strongly disapproves for mysterious, yet suspicious reasons. It's a battle for her trust, love & protection.
Author's Notes: The idea came to me in the middle of the night, like most people I know & was originally going to only make it for my own personal enjoyment in order to practice writing, but in the end I decided to share it with others! Bear with me, it's been a very long time since I've written anything & as always, I tend to give a lot of detail to my stories, so I apologize in advance if it seems so long to read. Also, I gave the main character a name because I normally don't type reader inserts. Again guys, please bear with me & let me know in the end what you think of the story! I plan to make more types of stories in the future! Thank you & enjoy~!
[*DISCLAIMER: The actors do not represent themselves as actors, but as the characters I created to play out in the story.]
-Chapter 2
The strong aroma of crisp, bold coffee filled the air from the kitchen. The smell lingered through the living room, the hall and into the bedroom where I was brushing and fixing my hair in an up-do for the morning. It was a bit stuffy in the house so I decided that I would enjoy a cup outside on the front porch swing. I knew it’d be cooler since Fall Season had barely begun and I wanted to embrace it as much as I could before it got even colder later. I got a whiff of the coffee and it was a relaxing scent from afar.
In a rush to get a cup, I went through my closet, picked out a pair of light jeans and a maroon sweater and threw them on quickly. Scanning the floor, I found my pair of black Air Jordan High Tops and slipped them on after putting on a pair of black socks. Out of habit, I grabbed my deodorant bar, applied where needed and then grabbed my perfume bottle to give a few mists of spray from neck to chest. Even if I’m outdoors, I like to smell good.
I casually walked out of my room and headed for the kitchen, noting the empty house in its quiet and still position, my footsteps echoed from the floor to the walls. I grabbed an empty mug from the cabinet and turned off the coffee maker to pour some. I went into the fridge and grabbed the small bottle of creamer because I didn’t really like my coffee too strong, just enough not to be too sweet either.
I stepped outside through the front doors carefully holding the mug without tipping it over from the side, since I always almost fill it up high, leaving the main door ajar and shutting the black screen door closed behind me. I took a seat on the wide sturdy wooden swing positioning my bottom on the cushion so I could be comfortable and leaned back a bit, lightly rocking the swing with my feet. With the first sip of coffee, I began enjoying my surroundings and the weather. It was lovely. The breeze felt great against my skin and under the shade of the roof. The trees along the streets were already turning into multiple Autumn colors and raining down gracefully from their branches. I could get used to it every day.
My phone started ringing not only five minutes into it and when I glanced at it, I had to answer. It was one of my younger sisters from out of town. “Hello?” I answered.
The conversation was brief, but I always appreciated speaking to one of them, especially since it’s been almost a year since I’ve seen them.
“Yeah, but I’m fine. Trust me. I miss you guys. I love you. Bye,” I hung up in a sad tone.
I had almost forgotten that it’s been that long since I desperately ran away from home because of an ultimate fight with my now ex-fiance. I couldn’t stand to be there after all the drama I went through. I could barely tolerate thinking about it. I get worked up and upset once it crosses my mind again and again. I bowed my head down to a face palm as the memory dawned on me when I heard a vehicle pull up on the side of the street.
When I looked up, a dark car was parked in front of my house. As soon as the person came out from the driver’s seat, I didn’t hesitate to rise up from the swing to peer at him with a smile, like all the bad thoughts faded away when he came over.
“Bill!” I shouted excitedly. A playful grin formed across his lips as he approached the porch steps.
“Hey Kat. You look a little down. What’s the matter?” he wondered slowly dropping his smile.
“Well, it’s no surprise that you were able to notice my distress,” I said while slightly impressed.
His chuckle was low as he sat next to me on the swing, but he did it so fast that it knocked us both back and I almost spilled my warm coffee on myself. Luckily, I grabbed it tightly and moved it with the motion of the swing.
“Boy, you almost made me drop my coffee!” I exclaimed with my mouth gawked playfully.
“My bad,” he laughed as he fixed himself on the cushion, trying to tease me again.
Bill and I met while I was scoping the neighborhood shortly after I moved here and we grew to be good friends. I remember walking by his house when I lost my balance and fell face forward onto the concrete, scraping my hands and destroying my cheap plastic cup, with my drink splashed across the ground. Not only was I embarrassed due to possible neighbors watching, but I was very upset when I realized that I spilled my drink all over the floor. Honestly, I was mainly sad that my drink was gone and not in my body.
“Hey, are you okay?” I heard a young male voice speak from far away. I got up and turned to see where the voice was coming from, also checking on my then bleeding hand. I could hear the soda fizzing against the concrete, soaking through the hard material and appearing as a stain. Then I heard footsteps coming closer to me.
“Hey. I saw you trip and wanted to make sure you’re okay,” the voice spoke again.
I finally faced them and there he was, a very tall slender but fit, emerald green eyed boy staring down at me and I mean it when I say staring down because I’m kind of, pretty short compared to him. To be honest, I thought from day one that he was an extremely handsome mother- eh… Just extremely handsome, but I wasn’t going to say it out of the blue, I was too shy about that. I stared at him with heat in my cheeks and my lips slightly parted.
“Oh my God, your hand is bleeding,” his big hands grabbed my bloody wounded one gently. I felt the heat in my cheeks grow as I silently tried to keep my cool. My breathing became irregular and my heartbeat increased rapidly without my full control. I was too nervous to speak at that moment, but I knew I needed to say something.
“I spilled my drink,” I said so disappointedly as I began to sob, “I smashed it all over the ground and I was so thirsty. I was careless.”
That caught him off guard and I certainly felt stupid about it. He was confused because I didn’t seem to mind my cut hand but I was more worried about my ruined drink on the street. Suddenly, he started laughing loud and hard which made me feel more stupid about myself and I cried more in front of him. I thought he was making fun of me and tried to free my hand from him so I could run back home, but he kept a good grip on me.
“Wait! Wait. I’m- I’m sorry. It’s just I would’ve thought you’d care for you hand more than your drink. I’m sorry, don’t cry,” he apologized as he shook off what little laughter he had left in him.
I sniffled, avoiding eye contact with him since I felt shameful, but he managed to look directly at mine with his gentle green ones and have an encouraging grin across his face, I guess an attempt to comfort me.
“C’mon, lemme help you wash your cut. If you’re still thirsty, I’ll get you another drink,” he offered as he basically pulled me toward his house, like I had a choice.
He treated my hand, wrapped it for me and as promised, he took me somewhere to get another large soda to make up for the old one. He claimed he felt bad for making me cry and did what he could to help. That was the day our friendship blossomed.
He no longer lives in that house where he shared it with his brother Alexander. Actually, he moved out and got his own apartment about a few months ago. It’s nice enough, at least during the times I’ve visited him there, but good for him for being on his own. If only I was that lucky.
“So tell me. What’s on your mind?” he asked again.
“It’s nothing. Just…”
“You were thinking about your life back at your hometown, huh?” his smile faded, his eyes focused on me.
“My sister called me right before you arrived. I guess it brought back memories, mostly the bad ones,” I admitted while meeting my eyes with his, observing his concerned expression. I was sure he saw the sadness in my eyes somewhere, he knew me long enough to identify it.
He shifted closer to me in comfort’s reach and puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in to where my head rested on his shoulder. It was swift that it caught me off guard. He also had some arm strength that I sometimes overlooked.
“What did she say?” he questioned casually, keeping a hold on me.
“We only talked about what’s going on with them lately. And to remind me that they miss me over there. I really miss them too.”
“I bet you do. It’s about to be a full year since you left?”
“Yup. Can’t believe it’s been that long without my family by my side, but I can’t go back. Not yet.”
He turned me to face him directly, leaving only a small distance from each other’s heads between us. Then he gave me a soft grin of assurance.
“I understand. Take as much time as you need. Just hope that they don’t forget about you if you wait too long,” he told me with some support.
“They won’t. I know I wouldn’t,” I assured him as I took another go at the coffee cup, “But it’ll be another birthday they’ll miss.”
He released his grip on my arm to lay it on the top edge of the swing, carefully rocking it with his foot. I stared blankly at the wood panel floor of the porch, feeling the sway of the swing forward and backward and leaving my legs dangling at the bottom.
“It’s in a couple of months right? December” he wanted to remind himself.
I nodded, now staring at the houses across the road, finding peace in my surroundings while being rocked by Bill. It was soothing enough in my opinion. Bill and I were about a few years apart. He already turned 27 while I was about to be in my mid-twenties. God I was getting old, but I guess he has it worse, so I should be glad for that.
“What are you planning to do for it?” he wondered.
“I’ma hire a stripper over so I can throw dollar bills at him,” I joked revealing my tongue at him. He let out a laugh that shook the swing a bit and sat up straight to face me.
“Why hire one when you can just ask me?” he teased with that devious grin he likes to give me at times. Up to no good, I’d say.
“Whatever,” I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving him away. Deep down, that might’ve been nice to see, but I didn’t want to dwell into that domain. My cheeks could give it away. “I can't do any of that. Besides, I know a certain someone wouldn’t approve of these naughty actions, even if it was for my birthday,” I added.
“That’s for sure,” he agreed chuckling. During this short discussion I had completely overlooked the one thing I wondered about Bill since he got there. I finally decided to ask.
“By the way, why are you here? Weren’t you supposed to go to work this morning?” I interrogated with another drink.
He shrugged his broad shoulders, “I don’t know. Before I got to leave the apartment, one of the guys at work called and told me to not go in today, that they had it under control or some crap like that. I’m not gonna argue over a day off.”
“I suppose so,” I said.
“Why? You didn’t want to see me? I’m so hurt, I’ma leave,” he tried standing up to get away from me, but I latched on to his grey sweater and tugged to pull him back into the swing.
“No no no! Sit your ass down. I was kidding,” I giggled first, then he followed.
This was what I really liked about him. We could joke and play with each other all the time and it rarely bothered us. It was our routine, our own thing. I mean, I’m aware that he might mess with other people from time to time and I joke with others, but what we do tends to be unique, especially with my feistiness and his eagerness to put me on the spot for being so savage. Not to mention, he loves to tease about my height a lot. Let’s also not forget his famous devilish grin he loves to give when he’s about to be up to trouble. It gets me every time.
“Alright. But only because it’s you,” he grinned as he side hugged me.
Just as I was hugging him in return, an old grey pick-up truck was seen from the corner of my eye coming down the road and slowly turning over into the driveway. I automatically knew who it was once it made a complete stop near the end of the path near the house.
“He’s home? Already?” I quizzically mumbled.
Bill didn’t need for me to repeat myself in order for him to figure out who it was. He recognized the truck. His lively smile fell short once the driver’s side door swung open. I immediately sat up as if I was guilty of something, placing my mug on the mini table and watched as they closed the truck door.
“Jeffrey! You’re home super early,” I shouted with an exaggerated welcoming smile.
He approached the porch steps and stepped up with a smirk to give me a soft kiss on the top of my head. I could tell Bill was a bit uncomfortable by the gesture.
“Well darling, I have an early lunch today. Decided to come home for a quick meal,” Jeffrey explained beaming down at me. Of course, glancing at Bill even for a second made him frown and it was awkward, “Hello Bill.”
“Good morning Jeff, sir,” he maintained a fake smile as he did a light wave with his free hand.
It sucked being in between these two. I never understood it and yet I could feel the tension and heated auras as they silently glared at one another. Maybe it was the age difference or perhaps Jeffrey enjoyed pretending to be my father and thought Bill was a troublemaker, but Jeffrey is not my father. In fact, he’s my roommate, or in his mind, my guardian, even though I’m too old for that to be considered. He did take me in generously when I made it all the way over here alone with nothing much, so I guess I owed it to him somehow. I still have no idea why he accepted me, a total stranger into his life and home without expecting any sort of repayment from me. It was odd, but I couldn’t refuse a place to stay. I was desperate for a new start.
“I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me,” Jeffrey said before entering the house, leaving Bill and I alone once again.
“Does he really hate my guts?” Bill questioned.
“What makes you say that?” I countered with my eyes meeting his.
“You saw the way he eyed me after greeting you. He obviously doesn’t like me, but I have no clue why. I didn’t do anything to him and yet he continues to glare at me with each passing visit.”
“I know, but it’s probably nothing. He’s probably just acting like he has to be my father or something. Trying to be big and tough, I bet.”
“Well hopefully he’ll cut it out soon. His overprotective nature is overwhelming,” he stated brushing his long fingers through his brown hair to the side.
“Don’t worry. Besides, I’m not going to let him do anything more. I don’t need to be protected from you,” I told him softly.
Bill turned his head with curiously raised eyebrows and his green eyes gleamed as he locked them with mine. He pursed his neutral pink lips waiting for my next line of reason.
“Because I know you won’t do anything to hurt me, right?” I genuinely said, feeling a little nervous.
A slow but big smile curved across his soft looking lips. His eyes even softened from my honest comment. He pulled me close to where our bodies were pressed sideways for him to rest his head on top of mine.
“Of course. I’ve told you before, I swore I would never do anything to hurt you or make you cry. If I ever did, I’d feel like the scum of the Earth. Remember when I saw you cry the first time we met, how you tripped and scraped your hand,” he insured and reminded me as he held me tight, “And all you could think of was your spilled soda soaking in the street.”
“Hey! You like to bring it up all the time don’t ya?!” I laughed as I shoved him lightly.
“I’m sorry, it was hilarious how you reacted to the situation,” he laughed hard.
“I-! I was shy around you! Guys make me that way all the time. Especially if they’re handsome,” I mumbled under my breath near the end, hoping he didn’t hear me.
“So does that make me one of the handsome ones? Cuz you were extremely red like a tomato when you were near me in the beginning,” his devious smirk formed.
My face felt like it was by a fire, it started to flush when I realized he must’ve heard my quiet comment. My heart began beating differently as I pondered what to say next. I turned to see him eye to eye despite revealing my colored cheeks to him.
“S-Shut up! You’re gorgeous! Ah! No! I mean, that’s not! I’m going inside to put up my mug,” I tried to get up and leave my embarrassment behind.
However, he grabbed my arm and tugged on my sleeve to gesture me to return to my seat by him. I obeyed.
“No, come back! I didn’t mean to put you on the spot,” he chuckled loud. “You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“Well, I might as well now since it slipped! Yes, I think you’re gorgeous. Which explains why my cheeks look like I’m about to breathe fire,” I absentmindedly admitted without making eye contact.
“Honesty is the best policy,” he grinned.
“Shut up,” I said crossing my arms with attitude. I slowly went back to normal as my nerves began to calm down.
Suddenly, he attacked me with the tips of his fingers to get my very ticklish spots and the surge of funny nerves rapidly traveled through my body, causing me to laugh hard and move around to get away.
“Oh my God! Stop Bill! You know I hate it!” I cried while giggling loud.
“I’m cheering you up Kat! Don’t resist! Give in to the tickles!” he jokingly commanded as he continued the assault on my nerves.
Tears were creeping in the corners of my eyes as I squirmed to get free from his grasp, but he was much stronger than me and I didn’t want to actually hurt him physically. This was meant to be fun, although it felt more like torture instead. I closed my eyes shut repeatedly due to the tears blinding me in the process of laughing so much. I was overwhelmed by a lot with this tickle fight, the swing shook and jerked whenever we shifted and he was basically on top of me at this point.
As if things weren’t bad enough, a hard knock on the window startled us both and Bill finally stopped to check it out. When I peered up with wet eyes, Jeffrey was frowning down at us while holding a mug in his hand. His scowl convinced the both of us to sit up, Bill getting off of me with the look like a deer in headlights. I knew my eyes were wide too once the air gently worked on drying my eyelids where they were moist. The last thing I saw Jeffrey do was shake his head negatively before returning within the house, leaving us alone again.
“Jesus, he can be a creeper,” Bill growled with his glowering green eyes.
“Reminds me of my dad back home. Except my dad’s a lot nosier. And creepier,” I panted and cringed standing from the swing and staring through the window, watching the big man vanish in the kitchen. I had to catch my breath again.
Bill rose from the swing afterwards and placed his hand on his hips, like he was thinking for a moment. Then he turned his head from the window to me as he pursed his lip. His focused emerald eyes shined in my direction.
“What?” I asked.
“Tomorrow’s Halloween,” he simply said.
“Yeah, I’m aware of that. What about it?”
“I need to stop by my brother Alexander’s house after work to see if he needs to get anything for the party tomorrow night.”
“I’m surprisingly excited about it. Usually I feel awkward at parties, mainly when I go by myself.”
He took a few steps forward as he chuckled at my comment.
“You won’t be alone this time,” he informed me, “I’ll be there with you.”
“But what if some other girl tries to get between us and take you away? Hm?” I challenged him with a sarcastic grin.
“Bye girl,” he answered pretend waving farewell at me, walking in a circle with an imaginary girl in his arm.
“You dick,” I said in spite.
He laughed with his cute big smile and made his way over to me so he could hold me in a tight embrace, trying to control himself as I felt his chest vibrating.
“Nah, I’m kidding. I’ll push the bitch aside and stick to you like glue the whole night,” he corrected, but even that sounded like a joke.
“You swear? To at least try if I don’t feel okay there?” I inquired as I peered up at him.
“I’ll do my best. It might not be 100% since I’d be co-host, but I’ll be there if you need me,” he assured, bending over to hug me correctly since he was so tall.
The smell of his cologne was so enticing and overwhelming, it filled my nostrils with joy. Honestly, it was the best choice. He even liked my perfume of choice so we were equal on good body scents.
Once we finished our hug fest, we said our goodbyes for the day and he took off in his black car to his apartment until his older brother got out of work to plan the party for Halloween the next night. After I watched him drive by and vanish from view, I grabbed the slightly empty mug from the outdoor table, walked inside the house, closing both doors behind me and went to see what was going on with Jeffrey before he had to go back to work.
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themarauderlife · 7 years
My OCs
A couple of people asked if I have any of my own characters, so here are some random little drabbles about a few of them.
Noah is the calmness of an endless ocean. He is twinkling brown eyes and laughter lines and smiles that make your heart skip a beat. He is messy hair, sprinkled with natural highlights, old books and worn jeans that are frayed at the end. Noah is the smell of pine, the feeling of safety, the warmth of the world. He’s cosy jumpers and warm hugs and cups of steaming hot tea. Noah is simple and carefree- the feeling of utter comfort and care, the caregiver and the friend. He’s the father figure, throwing his squealing children in the air and always being there to catch them when they fall. Noah is complete devotion, he’s observant and spots the beauty in others; knowing looks and easy smiles, kind words and warm, callused hands holding you to his chest. He’s the feeling of support, soft whispers of comfort, forehead kisses and kindness. He’s a healer- he puts everyone else before himself and asks for nothing in return. He’s the strong, constant heart beat that you never knew you needed, but is always there. He’s the familiar, the loving, the one who holds the world on his shoulders. He’s old movies and candlelit dinners, thick blankets and warm fires and the comfortable, soothing feeling of home.
Autumn is nature and bare feet and running in the rain or wind or sunshine and breathing in the fresh air around you without a worry in the world. She’s a whirlwind of colour, messy paints running into each other and creating a swirl of light and warmth. She’s vibrancy and youth and bursts of laughter that fill you with joy; flower crowns and daisy chains and writing poetry and the smell of fresh grass and lavender. She’s cold fingers and warm kisses; red cheeks and long fingers running through soft, unruly hair; pale skin and blinding red curls. Autumn is the seasons- the fresh freedom of spring and summer and the warm embrace of the colder months. She’s shielded, yet incredibly open, with her heart hanging on her sleeve. She’ll dance with you in the pouring rain, eyes sparkling, smile bright. She’ll fill you with the wonder of the world and leave you thirsty with the knowledge that there’s so much more to see. But then she’ll pull you close and kiss your nose, a motherly figure, eyes sparkling with joy as she sees you grow. She is nimble fingers threading a needle, calming hands, anticipation and patience all wrapped into one. She is gentle and alive- a fragile, fluttering bird with a wild heart fluttering in it’s chest; a fairy-like creature that has so much love to give.
Evan is a shield- haughty and abrupt, emotions hidden behind a wall of steel. On the surface he is seriousness, bluntness, hard-hitting soberness, but all he needs is a little fun injected into his life. A voice telling him to lighten up. Then he is overwhelming, instinctive, a wall of fresh air. He’s late-night whispers, twiddling fingers, gentle smiles caught in the flicker of the candlelight. He’s throaty words whispered into your ear; long, dark hair to run your fingers through, soft smiles and silent words of encouragement. He’s protectiveness and gentleness and complete and utter supportiveness. But he’s also a caged animal- with mood swings and frustration that spills over the brim. He’s quick-fire, stupid arguments that end in tears and slammed doors- and then long hugs and muttered apologies. He’s full of surprises- angry, narrowed eyes and then flowers and sheepish smiles. He’s swinging you in his arms and breathing in your scent. He’s long, meaningful movies with warm cuddles and then lighthearted laughter, catching popcorn in your mouths. Evan is playful teasing and burning grey eyes. He’s spontaneous trips and rugged imperfectness, and gentle hands that capture yours in their depths. He’s careful, calculated, hard to read- but he’ll cradle your heart as if it’s made of glass. And if it ever slips out of his fingertips, he’ll never forgive himself for hurting you.
Paige is sarcastic comments and sharp remarks. She’s short(ish) brown hair and intelligent green eyes that don’t miss a thing. She’s fun and quirky and going on adventures just because she can. She’s rollercoasters and ice lollies, sugar rushes and travelling the world. She’s unpredictable and fun, yet kind and encouraging- seeing people’s insecurities and fears and helping them to overcome them. Paige is selfless and positive, but an over thinker who can say the wrong thing at the wrong time, but no one minds because she feels so guilty about it afterwards. She’s impulsive and funny- a good book that you just can’t put down; sneaking out at night and dancing over the cracks in the pavements, she’s fireworks and sleepless nights, clutching hands and beating hearts. She’s giggling over hot chocolate, and smearing whipped cream on your nose. She’s oversized jumpers and cosy socks and jumping around with excitement; tickle fights and pillow fights and apologetically kissing your nose after a real fight. She’s rolling eyes, raised eyebrows and mischievous grins that are hard to read, but most of all she’s the moon- a night owl that’s not afraid to say what she thinks, but can sense every emotion anyone ever feels, and holds everyone in her soul.
River is fire- impulsive and overpowering. He is flirtatious winks and half-smirks, lustful eyes and dark, sweeping looks of desire. Stubborn and passionate, he goes after what he wants and takes it. He is loud music, blaring speakers and flashing, neon lights. He is excitement, buzzing in your ears, the strong impulse to have fun and be young and not care about the consequences. He is spontaneity, breaking the rules, and never holding regrets. He is a shooting star- sweeping through the farthest corners of space, marvelling at the beauty, never slowing down. Though, like a star, he can burn out, lose control and lose himself as he’s swallowed by his shadows. He’s filled with a fiery resentment that, when unleashed, is fuelled by anger and power and is like fire, dangerous to the touch. He’s opinionated, with strong views and set ideas that appear moulded into stone. He’s sarcastic and witty, with a slightly mean streak and an image to maintain. River is also just that- a stream of water, cutting it’s way down mountains and through terrain, moving fast, jumping up and spitting like a cat. He’s white water rapids, spontaneous and unpredictable, but with a strong stream of soul and heart underneath all the froth at the top of the water. He believes he’s not scared of anything, that he’s cold and aloof- untouchable… but sometimes certain short blondes can worm their way into your heart and leave you breathless.
Hazel is closed off, hidden- a mystery. She’s filled with layers- a tough egg to crack, but when you do, it’s breath-taking. At first, she is independent and strong- the sturdy shoulder you can rely on and the reassuring hand that will guide you in the dark. She’s minty toothpaste and perfect nails and incredible stubbornness. She’s filled with the desire and determination to succeed, and is fuelled by her drive; she is neat handwriting and books arranged by alphabet; she’s hardworking, dedicated and organised and doesn’t let distractions get in the way. She keeps her thoughts to herself and drowns out the world with her swirling thoughts and complex dreams and desires. She doesn’t even understand herself, and that’s the beauty of it. At first glance, she appears quiet and reserved: she gets things done, and doesn’t ask questions, never wanting to lose control of herself or make a mistake, and, if she does, she works relentlessly until the puzzle is solved. With a strong sense of will and two feet on the ground, she is sturdy, uptight and self-reliant, but beneath her hard outer shell she is a forest- a maze of pathways and passages so complex she barely knows the way herself. Deep down, she is an optimist and when someone gets under her skin she becomes alive. She is passion, spirit and fire moulded into one; spiralling energy and the feeling of living. She is fairy lights and eyes full of secrets, a lone dancer on a stage, lit by a single spotlight. She is full of surprises- a slow burning flame that dances to it’s own song, but her heart, whilst carefully protected, is open and kind once you reach her core, and will entwine with the one who has the patience to wait for it.
For more go to: @savantsandsoulfinders
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