#it's glazed I hope the quality is still good
greypetrel · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Long time no see, uh? Thank you so much for the tag @whimsyswastry (I'm going through everything, sorry if I'm late in replying, just 3000 things all at once keepin me busy)! <3
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I was sent the cover of Jessie Dumont's I Prefer Girls by @ndostairlyrium (Hi Ali you're tagged), and of course it had to be done. I was about to post it, but then I realised I completely forgot I should really do the background on my own, shouldn't I. -3-
Some colour maps from an upcoming illustration. I finally sat down to make tarot cards for my babies, and Alyra came jumping in first place. Considering her arcana is The Chariot, it only seems fitting she gets to be the first. I am convinced on the bottom right version, but tell me what you think of course. :)
A doodle. When I played the Noveria mission in Mass Effect, that logo with the flaming vial just screamed to me Science Bros. They WOULD adopt it as their brand. They're scientists, and they're hot! It ensued picturing them in the Mass Effect universe, and thinking that it was them in that lab. Experimenting on the Rachni. They managed to convince one, a cute girl named Polpettina ("Little she-meatball" in italian) Aisling taught not to eat humanoid flesh by singing to her, pretty constantly, only songs about proper food. It worked, they got on the Normandy, Polpettina became the most spoiled rachni in the galaxy. Sure, they both get possessed by the Queen at times, but it's all innocent.
Tagging: @salsedinepicta @shivunin @dungeons-and-dragon-age @daggerbean @theluckywizard @pinayelf @melisusthewee @heniareth @dreadfutures AND YOU!
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contlis12 · 1 year
Male Feedee and Genderless Feeder dark feederism short story
Cole groggily came to feelings his feeder lifting his legs with the straps they had installed in the bedroom after Cole had passed the 550 pound mark and changing and cleaning was becoming more of an issue. Pushing the massive parachute sized white underwear half way up his thighs ready to squeeze them past his sagging hips when they finally got him standing. As his feeder was slipping on his bariatric soft socks over his plump feet Cole asked almost nervously “why are you dressing me already? I haven’t even had my first feeding yet” his feeder just chuckled sweetly. “Oh we are going to do your breakfast out on the couch today, you are going to need the energy you’ll be busy today” they said rubbing lotion into the crevasses of Coles fat struggling to keep him from getting any bed rash or chub rub spending so long in bed and being so unhealthy and massively fat. Coles walk or more accurately waddle to the living room couch was eventful to say the least at one point Cole had broken down in tears begging to go to back to bed and that he couldn’t make it to the couch and had to be taken in his bariatric wheel chair the rest of the way to the couch. “There piggy I know this was hard and you are really cranky from being hungry so I’m going to make sure your belly is aching after this feast and you feel all better baby” and they weren’t exaggerating. Giant bowls heaped to the top with gravy and biscuits, greasy hashbrowns swimming in ketchup, even glazed doughnuts with slices of American cheese melted on the top of them. Coles feeder loved listening to him retch in pain so full his stomach is screaming to expel the food to make room and then greedily scarfing down the next bite making guttural gulping and snorts as he loses control plunging his mouth into the greasy low quality slop he’s been conditioned to love. After what seemed like hours Coles feeder had considered it satisfactory and let the pig stop eating and left in a messy ketchup and gravy covered mess. Grinning they came over and softly rubbed the sagging slab of fat that Coles gut had grown into a huge stretch mark covered waterfall of fat going nearly to his knees. “That’s such a good job piggy, I’m glad you ate plenty so you have the energy to entertain your friends tonight”. 
Coles already thudding heart started racing even faster as his food fogged brain started to realize what his feeder had just said. “Whu-what do you mean?” Cole stammered looking down at his feeder now with their head resting on his stomach looking  sweetly up at him. “Oh I invited your friends out to finally visit with you again, they all missed you so much so I kept up with them for you and set up a surprise visit honey” Coles mouth dropped open as he seen the glint in his feeders eyes as they drank in the absolute shock on his face. “I’m tired of you not giving me my due recognition Cole, you lay in my house pigging out all day eating up my money and you’ve never once told anybody how proud you were to be my piggy and grow for me. You try and hide that body I’ve grown and I’m due some respect and you to be a little more grateful” Cole began to let the words tumble out of his still open mouth “I-I-uh” his feeder puts a finger up to his lips. “Don’t speak because I don’t care, you need to learn how to give in this relationship and you are going to start by letting all your friends see what I’ve grown you into and how happy you are that I was kind enough to pick you for all this affection and time”. Cole hoped this was another role play scenario his feeder, there’s no way that this could be real. “They are going to be here in about 15 minutes or less. They texted me they were close to town towards the end of your breakfast. I was hoping to have you better dressed but there’s no way we could even get you into the bathroom that fast much less cleaned up and I need to welcome everyone in since you can’t open the door or really do anything but sit there and eat ofcourse” Coles eyes widened as he looked down and seen his massive exposed food stained body. His underwear were almost completely swallowed by his cascading waterfall of fat his body had turned into, if you didn’t look close you’d assume him nude. “Please you can’t do this to me! I can’t face people I used to know in this state!” Cole wailed eyes streaming tears that mixed with the ketchup staining his bloated fat puffy cheeks. “Oh I can’t? Okay Cole go walk to the bedroom and get yourself dressed” his feeder said coldly armed crossed smiling. “I can’t! You know I can’t!” His feeder walked over looming over him sitting on the couch “exactly so stop telling me what we are going to do piggy! You are going to learn your place, you are out of control princess!” They said grinning ear to ear at this point. “Now beg me, ask me like a pathetic hog since you’ve ate your manners away with your self control”. “Please I’m sorry can I get cleaned up and clothes” he said angry and totally mentally drained at this point knowing this wasn’t going to stop. “No” his feeder immediately replied “you are going to learn to respect me piggy, but I’ll let you have a shirt”.
Coles three closets friends all pilled out of the van they’d rode in from the airport in. “I can’t believe Coles partner paid for all our tickets here and everything! I mean seriously that guy is lucky to have a partner with those kind of expenses.” Mike said to Kayla “Yeah nice house too, must have been an old couples or something before. There aren’t even steps just a wheel chair ramp”. “I’m just glad to see the guy again, it’s been over two years since he moved out here with them and he barely kept touch. Honestly kind of annoying” Danny said following them up the ramp. “Oh stop Danny, you know how life can be. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it, at least the old gang is back for a few days!” Kayla said as she rung the door bell on the large oversized double door that seemed way too big for a suburban single level home. Coles feeder answered the door “Hey guys! Hope the flight wasn’t too bad” as they helped them bring everyones bags in. “No not at all, so where’s Cole? I can’t wait to see him!” Kayla said looking at the kitchen that’s as near the entrance to the home. Where those funnels on the wall? Surprising that they are still doing beer bongs at this point but who is Kayla to judge, they all used to party with Cole alot. Coles feeder smiles “oh he’s in the living room watching tv” as she points to the next room. Kayla is the first to walk into the living room and Danny walls face first into her back as she completely stops in her tracks “what the hell Kayla?” He starts to say as he hears Kayla say “Cole? Cole?” And I raspy breathy voice responds “yea hi Kayla” Danny peers around her shoulders to see Cole and nearly drops his jaw on the floor as he accidentally lets a “oh my god” without even realizing he had said it out loud. Looking at what he is told is his old friend he can’t believe it. He wasn’t even sure if the thing melting into that couch was male. Coles huge stretch mark stomach hung obscenely out of the too small shirt his feeder had pulled over his torso that barley even covered his belly button. “Yeah I kind of gained a lot of weight” Cole said staring down at the floor to embarrassed to even meet his friends eyes “uhh yeah you’ve gained some weight” Mike said finally after standing silently behind the other two “are you doing okay buddy?” He said walking towards the pile of fat that spilled off the sagging couch. “Yeah I just have a- I have an eating disorder I think” he said nervously. His feeder stepped into the room behind them “Cole has had some issues in the past we are trying to work on and even spoke about this morning but let’s not worry about that now. You guys are old friends! Sit down please you guys need to catch up!” Coles feeder said putting a hand on Mikes shoulder “he always talked about you guys so much”. The three friends looked at each other concerned before Mike spoke up “ofcourse no need to dwell on this negative stuff I’m just happy we are all together. It’s always good to see old friends”.
The evening had gone well until the pizza Coles feeder had ordered had arrived. His feeder had came in the room with a tv tray and a few boxes of pizza as they started laying slice after slice of pizza in a large dinner bowl. “I got you the extreme pepperoni lovers with extra extra cheese you like honey, I know you are starving. Let me get your ranch” coming in the room with a huge bottle of ranch Coles friends stare in amazement as Coles feeder starts squirting messy cup fulls of ranch all over the pizza that was messily thrown into the bowl
“Now eat fast because you have a lot more to finish babe” they say as they give Coles belly a hard open palmed smack after filling the bowl to the max. “Do you really think he should be eating that?” Mike says as Coles feeder starts walking back to the kitchen. “Excuse me?” Coles feeder says still holding the massive bottle of ranch. “I said do you think he should eat all of that?” Mike said pointing at Cole. “I mean seriously what was that? Look at that pile of cheese and ranch! You are killing him!” Mike says raising his voice.  Kayla puts a hand on his arm “Mike” as he pulls away. “No Kayla it isn’t right! They are killing him and enabling him with this weird fucking fetish! Look at him!”. Danny stands up beside Mike “He’s right Kayla, it’s obvious this is some weird feeder kink thing and they are enabling Cole. This is just as bad as somebody handing an alcoholic beer Kayla.” Coles feeder puts their hands on their hips and surveys them all. “Do you think he doesn’t want this? Coles happier than he has ever been being my feedee” they walk over squirting an even more obscene amounts of ranch on his pizza as they grin at Coles friends “Do you want more piggy?” Coles feeder coos pinching Coles double chin “or maybe your friends are right maybe we should put you on a diet” Cole weakly clutches at his feeders shirt “please feed me I’m so hungry piggy wants more” Coles feeder picks up a messy handful of the ranch covered pizza and holds it up to his nose. In a moment Cole is digging his face into the messy pizza slop making obscene oinking and gasps “feed me please I’m a good piggy grow my belly!” Feeling his feeders fingers push the pizza over his tongue.
Mike huffs in disgust “fine, I’m not being a part of this weird fetish bullshit. Have fun eating yourself to death Cole. I really hope you get some help but I think you are too far gone” as he walks into the entryway grabbing his bag and walking to the street “I’m calling an Uber”. Danny stands without saying anything besides “Bye Cole” and following Mike out to the porch. Kayla walks over absolutely disgusted about what is happening before her “Cole please, we can get you help. You aren’t going to live like this. You aren’t happy, you can’t be” Coles feeder pulls the slop away from his face “what do you think honey ready to leave me and get help?”. Coles eyes roll as he looks at Kayla’s distraught and disgusted face “Piggy needs feeding tube, so hungry” is all Cole moans in response. Coles feeder grins at Kayla “want to help”. Kayla looks at Cole one last time “Fuck you” she says to Coles feeder before looking down at Cole “bye Cole, good luck” before walking out of the front double door to join her friends waiting for their Uber as she wonders if Cole will even be able to fit out of them by the next year.
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chweverni · 9 months
HOW I THINK _ bonedo 'n their love languages ! (pt.2)
pairing; ot6!bonedo x fem!reader synopsis; how would your adorable boyfriend(s) express their love for you? word count; 614 author's note; pt.2 is here!! wooo what are yall's thoughts on a taesan fic involving love potions? i got the idea a while back but idk if the commitment is there lmfaoo
read pt.1 here !
KIM DONG HYUN - physical touch/gift giving & receiving !
ESFJs are.. interesting. when they're in love, every little thing their partners do, affect the way they judge their relationship. here, leehan would definitely be the one who's into physical affection a lot. for him, a day without your hugs and kisses, or cuddles right after waking up, is enough for him to jump into conclusions that maybe your day was bad, or that you had a nightmare. he'd do everything, in his favors to make your day better. leaving you in bed, with a forehead kiss, and going out of his way to bring you breakfast in bed is something i definitely think he'll do a lot! the type to be totally into pda because he desperately needs people to know that he has the most prettiest, cutest, sexiest, smartest and loving girlfriend on this entire planet!
think of gifts such as flowers, hand-made cards, CDs or cassettes, rings, things he made in art classes such as little pots, drawings, tickets to concerts or amusement parks, because he loves to spoil his babe a lot and would swim across oceans just to get you the things you like. and this would totally go both ways, too. you would exchange gifts whenever there's a special day you both would like to cherish together.
he'll probably get you hot water bags, chocolates, snacks and warm blankets when you're on your period and would check up on you frequently to make sure you're doing fine. he would give back rubs whenever you're having cramps, while you sleep helplessly on your bed.
"i made you this during pottery classes.. see the flowers here? they're real! i glazed them afterwards.", he'll say proudly, with his adorable eye smile.
you'd kiss him immediately right there and then, which he would return in a heartbeat.
KIM WOONHAK - quality time/physical affection !
another ENFP, who has an unhealthy obsession of being with and around you 24/7 because he just loves you a lot, he can't help it okay? for him, one second without you feels like eternity. you two spend every second together, being literally attached at the hip. the type to send you messages like, "i wish you lived next to me, so that whenever i wake up, i could just stick some notes in my window, wishing you good morning, hoping you'd see them.", knowing that you'd have to literally run out of your house to reach school on time if that happened. he's the one who yaps a lot in the relationship, while all you can do is either listen with full interest, or feed into his interests by asking him more. and if you do both, he'll probably be planning a future with you, far away from the main lands, because he wants you to himself.
the type to give you surprise hugs whenever you're fully focused on something, like reading a book, to see you flinch. he'll probably be into the concept of cheek touching, as a form of greeting you. be prepared for random kisses on your cheek, nose, forehead, lips, hands and knuckles through out the day, because poor baby just cannot get enough! think of teddy bear hugs, and him resting his chin on your shoulder.
he's totally the type to fall asleep in the bus/train ride home after school, leaning to your body or shoulder, while one of your earbuds is still playing faint music, to help him sleep.
"can you come over, baby? pretty please? i promise this is the last time i'm asking you this! i miss you.", even though it probably will continue to happen every single day.
that's it! i hope i did them justice as usual <3
thanks for checking in on my blog, love you, bye!
all creds to chweverni only on tumblr !
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mana-sputachu · 7 months
I was going to flop in bed and try to draw from there, but the sudden swarm of AI shit on another of my accounts fueled me with spite, so I'm writing this post NOW rather than tomorrow when I'll be more awake.
If you can't run Glaze/Nightshade because of the insane specs required for it, give a try to Artshield.
It's a web-based app that will let you load all the pics you want and protect them with a big, invisible watermark all over it. It also has a checker option to use after you've shielded your art, to be sure it worked.
Now, I'm terrible with math so I can't explain how it exactly work, but here's the explanation on their blog. If someone who's more math-savvy than me wants to add a simpler explanation to this post, please do!
While it can't poison AIs like Nightshade does, it's still a good solution if you can't run Glaze/Nightshade on your pc... like many of us, really. As I wrote on another post about Glaze, I have a pretty decent gaming pc that, while not being like high-end or anything (my GPU is a RTX 3060), suits my needs perfectly and runs all the games I'm interested in (Tekken 8's demo being the most recent thing).
Yet, in order to try Nightshade, I had to close all the apps I had running in the background, which were, in that moment, Opera and Discord. Only when I shut them down, it finally started. 10 minutes for the mid setting and the result was awful.
I tried WebGlaze (not Cara yet), and the results were also awful, given you can't control the strenght of the glazing much.
I understand it might be hard to develop this kind of technology, but I wish they would meet us halfway since the majority of people use old machines, laptops (a friend of mine tried running Glaze on hers and the fans started spinning like it was ready to fly) or even just tablets and phones, so those specs are hard to meet.
That's why I want to share Artshield, as a solution for those of you who can't run Glaze and Nightshade.
Artshield's only big limitation is that it won't work with white backgrounds, so try to add a color layer to your white background before shielding it. Same for B/W images.
Other tips I can suggest for trying to protect your works:
Post at the lowest resolution you can: I go for 72 DPI, keeping bigger sizes and high quality files only for Ko-Fi rewards and clients' files
Add a noise filter: I always do this because I like the paper-like, grainy feel it gives to my art, but I read once it might messes with AI's scrapers. While I don't know if this is still true, it's worth trying it
Don't forget a big visible watermark (aside from the Artshield one)!
Hope this will help other strugglin artists, I never see Artshield suggested around, especially in posts about Glaze and Nightshade, so I decided to write this one.
Go and shield your art!
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suzukiblu · 10 months
Day thirteen of fic NaNoWriMo; obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
Tim gets to the Gotham mall Tim Drake is meeting Superboy at fifteen minutes early because on-time is late, and is entirely unsurprised to have to wait twenty minutes for Kon to show up. Actually, if anything he’s surprised to only have to wait twenty minutes for Kon to show up. 
“Sorry I’m late. You will not believe this, but there was literally a cat stuck in a tree,” Kon says with a sheepish, guilty grin as he lands right next to him in full costume like that’s a perfectly normal thing to do, especially in Gotham. Tim is very glad he decided to wait in one of the security cameras’ more out-of-the-way blind spots. 
“I’m surprised the cat let you save it,” he says, raising an eyebrow at him. It is Gotham, after all. 
“He did not,” Kon says, making a face. “He tried to claw my eyes out and then jumped off my head and down into his owner’s arms, who proceeded to ask me why I thought I was too good to wear body armor.” 
“Well, why do you?” Tim asks, feeling a bit of quiet pride on behalf of his city. Gothamites have priorities. 
“Because anything that could hit me hard enough that I’d need body armor for it would trash the body armor anyway,” Kon replies matter-of-factly, gesturing illustratively at himself. “TTK only works on skintight clothes. Like, I did not go for Spandex as a fashion choice, it’s because anything else would shred right off me in an actual fight.” 
Tim feels his own eyes glaze over. 
“Uh-huh,” he manages vaguely. 
“Also I don’t know where I’d get body armor stronger than I already am anyway,” Kon says. “Cadmus doesn’t have any and that’s pretty much my whole supply chain, you know?” 
“Uh-huh,” Tim manages again, still attempting to reboot his brain. “Shred right off, huh?” 
“Yeah,” Kon says with a shrug. “It’s not exactly dignified, fighting crime naked.” 
“. . . uh-huh.” 
Tim blinks a few times. Blinks again. Then he shakes his head and forces the mental reboot. 
“First things first, are you hungry?” he asks. “There’s a pretzel place and a smoothie shop right over there, or we could just hit the food court.” 
“I could eat,” Kon says with another shrug. “I mean, who doesn’t appreciate a good smoothie?” 
“Well, don’t get your hopes up, Gotham smoothies are fine but unfortunately use a lot more frozen fruit than Metropolis ones,” Tim says, which is the one and only thing he will ever hear said against Gotham. 
“Isn’t frozen better anyway?” Kon asks, wrinkling his nose. “Fresh fruit makes it kinda watery sometimes. Frozen it comes out thicker and stuff.” 
Okay, well, Tim is apparently talking to someone who knows a lot more about smoothie-making than he does. Note to self. Also, what an incredibly weird thing for Kon to know. Like, even weirder than the caffeine. 
“Does it?” he says. “I just always hear fresh is better than frozen.” 
“From pretentious snobs who can grocery shop every day, I bet,” Kon snorts, rolling his eyes. Which . . . is a fair and accurate assessment, admittedly. “And it’s a smoothie, not a juice bar. They’re supposed to be frozen, yeah?” 
“Okay, well, in that case, guess we’re getting better-quality smoothies than I’d assumed,” Tim says. 
“Spoiling me, huh, pretty boy?” Kon says with a smirk. Tim experiences every possible flavor of mortification under the sun and smirks back. 
“If I wanted to spoil you, we’d be getting smoothies in California right now,” he says. 
“I mean, we could,” Kon says with a snicker, tucking his hands into his jacket pockets. 
“I appreciate the offer but that seems like a lot of travel time just for smoothies,” Tim says wryly. “Did you bring a change of clothes?” 
“No, why?” Kon says, looking puzzled. 
“. . . so we can hang out without anyone bothering you,” Tim says, wondering how that could've possibly not occurred to Kon. “Or interrupting the conversation every five minutes.” 
Kon looks–odd, briefly. Tim isn't sure why. 
“Hate to break it to you but I'm not exactly a scintillating conversationalist,” Kon says with a quick, forced smile. “You might want the interruptions.”
Tim thinks there might be a few more people to add to his supervillain vengeance hit list. Like, just possibly. Maybe. 
“What's your size?” he asks.
“Beats me,” Kon says, looking a little odd again. “I don't wear civilian clothes like . . . ever, really. Like, swimsuits at the beach, sure, but that's about it.” 
“What, never?” Tim asks, a little incredulous. Fucking–what is wrong with literally everyone Kon has ever known, for fuck's sake? 
“I mean, I have,” Kon says with an awkward little shrug, keeping his hands in his pockets. “Just not all that often, so I dunno what my size or whatever is.” 
“Okay,” Tim says, internally seething. Fucking Cadmus. Fucking Superman. Nobody ever even taught Kon how to fucking dress himself? How is that even a thing, for fuck's sake?! How is he supposed to ever get even five fucking minutes of being a normal person if he doesn't even own a goddamn pair of jeans?! 
Maybe Tim could do the supervillain thing a little bit earlier than planned. Like. Possibly. As long as he keeps the majority of his villain-ing outside of Gotham, anyway. That'd work, right? 
“Give me five minutes,” he says. “I'll be right back, just try to . . . uh, be . . . subtle, I guess.” 
Kon looks at him. Looks down at his bright costume and striking leather jacket. 
Tim despairs of his own capacity to do, like . . . anything. Ever. 
“Just wait right here, okay?” he says. 
“Okay?” Kon says skeptically. Tim takes the better part of valor and flees the scene. Four minutes and fifty-nine seconds later, he's back with a bag full of clothes that he eyeballed the sizes of that Kon hopefully won't hate, and that he also-hopefully eyeballed correctly enough. He's been learning how to do that more accurately, because you never know when you'll need to immediately get someone in new clothes in this line of work, but it's still a learning process. 
Kon takes out the dark wash skinny jeans and bulky forest green turtleneck sweater that should cover his suit effectively enough, as long as he takes off his gloves and jacket and maybe a belt or two, and the outfit's maybe a little heavy for the weather, especially layered with his suit, but it is Gotham and their chances of getting randomly rained on are higher than zero, put it that way. 
“You can get changed over there,” Tim says, pointing towards the nearest men's room. 
“What is this?” Kon asks, puzzledly rubbing the sleeve of the sweater between his fingers. 
“Cashmere,” Tim says, because obviously he sprung for cashmere. Kon wrinkles his nose, still looking puzzled. 
“It’s really . . . soft,” he says, almost hesitant. 
Tim doesn’t say “to be honest, I’ve always kind of assumed you’d appreciate nice textures more than most people, given the ‘tactle’ part of your telekinesis” and just shrugs. 
“I’ll get you something else if you don’t like it,” he says, and Kon bites his lip. “Or if it doesn’t fit.” 
“I mean–it’s just gonna get wrecked anyway. Like, I have a very developed history of wrecking things. Especially clothes,” he mutters, not looking up from the sweater. Which is, Tim cannot help but notice, not an “I don’t like it”. Actually, it’s just about the opposite of that, he can’t help but suspect. 
“Then I’ll get you another one,” he says with a shrug. “It’s just a sweater. I’ll buy you as many as you want.” 
“That’s very weird of you, man,” Kon says, rubbing the cashmere between his fingers again. “Like, you’re aware that buying superheroes sweaters is not a normal pastime, right?” 
“I wasn’t really concerned with being not weird,” Tim replies reasonably. 
“Uh,” Kon says, glancing at his face for a moment and then . . . pausing, briefly, before zipping off without actually saying whatever he was about to say. 
Well, alright then. 
Tim has several very weird reactions to the idea of Kon putting on clothes he picked out for him and immediately beats them all down because it is really not the time. Not even slightly is it the time. 
But Kon is also currently putting on clothes he picked out for him. 
Tim has possibly made a mistake or two here. 
Or definitely. Definitely Tim has made a mistake here, now that he’s considering how soft and pettable that cashmere actually was and the fact that Kon is about to be wearing it and therefore also going to be very soft and pettable and–
Tim has made so many mistakes here.
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seyaryminamoto · 7 months
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Fic-to-Art #38: Ozai carries Azula to the physicians' wing
This has been done for A WHILE now, but I didn't post it because the past days have been chaotic and not just on a personal level. For one thing, I really wasn't eager to drop this when people were losing their shit massively over the liveaction and its recontextualization of Azula and Ozai's dynamics, I didn't look forward to releasing this just to be told that whatever I've done in my story is somehow wrong, sooooooooo... that held me back, for a few days.
Then? The AI-Tumblr deal started to be talked about and I may or may not have freaked out about that too. Sooo... this is the first glazed and nightshaded piece of my creation, as consequence. The original, clean and proper version is available in my Patreon. Is this me being a dick to Tumblr-only people? Unfortunately, it very much isn't, I'm not trying to say that if you want the best iterations of my art, you should pay me for it... this is squarely, entirely, at staff/the CEO's feet. Obviously, there's the insecure side of me that goes "what makes you think they'd steal YOUR art when there are so many better artists out there!" but ultimately? AI is about taking everything en masse. It isn't a matter of developing a criteria about who makes the better art... it's just taking EVERYTHING and trying to repurpose it in whatever twisted way it needs to. Therefore? I think my choice is more of a matter of caution than anything else. Once AI bullshit dies out (and I really hope it does), we may just return to the same level of quality across all my accounts. For now, it is what it is.
ANYWAY! Point is this artwork is very much what my Patrons happened to vote for this month, a very shocking scene where Ozai reacted in the least foreseen way to Azula being attacked. Azula's confusion/terror comes from a place of not knowing what to do and being powerless to stop her father even if she doesn't feel comfortable with his help... but for once, Ozai isn't making a dreadful choice that will only devastate his daughter. He's actually worried about her health... and feeling genuine guilt over what landed her in the situation where she was in danger in the first place. Yes. I like me my complex Ozai who finally learned actions have consequences. He bores me to death otherwise :') if anyone STILL doesn't know that this whole situation is Gladiator-specific, then I shall clarify fully: this is artwork based on my fic. It's about a story that has been developing these characters for ALMOST ELEVEN YEARS now. It has nothing to do with whatever's going on in canon or in the liveaction, the scene in question was written almost two years ago and the artwork proposed and voted for several days before the liveaction aired. Ergo: there is no connection between this and that. Nor am I saying through this piece that Ozai is a good father. He is not. He can still be an interesting character to work with on a narrative level anyway :')
Alright. With that out of the way, hope you guys like this piece! The big one I haven't posted is ALSO finished, also glazed and nightshaded, but I think I might just end up posting it on the 26th if I don't have time to do anything big for our eleventh anniversary... yep, I'm so busy I don't even have a huge project in mind this time. Also? I have a lot to write and I'm finally happily writing it, and I would like to continue doing that...
Anyway! If you would like to be part of the creative process behind this piece, as well as see it in its proper, OG, less color-bleeding clunky version? A $1 Patreon pledge gives you the chance to join in suggesting prompts, voting for them and reading Gladiator snippets 6 days before a new chapter is released!
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
Neon green
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Pairing: draco x fem reader
Summary: you and the rest of the students have graduated from Hogwarts but when you come back things change for you and your enemy...
Word count: 823
Warning: p in v, talks of Dead people, enemies to lovers in my very bad style of writing 😬
Universe: Harry Potter
A/n: I hope you like this. I'm extremely sorry for the wait. I hate making my requesters wait weeks for a fanfiction but I hope I make it worth the wait for you guys. Love you all 💗
You never were sure how you hated him; and you were even less sure as you heavily inhaled his scent, trying to grasp onto something in this reality as he buried himself inside you. None of it would be fitting as you think back to days where you chewed your lip in frustration and your fist balled at your side. A part of your heart was set ablaze looking into his eyes. Not from love but from sadness.
He'd been so ugly to others and yet he had moments that put a twist in your chest like a sad movie. The sad blonde boy was a bully. He was beautiful though, intelligent and loyal to those he was actually close to. You friends so suffered from his torture would be disgusted and you wanted to say sorry but the only thing leaving your mouth was cries of pleasure.
Can someone's good qualities really weigh more than their bad ones?
Your eyes glazed with tears of endearment and your body shook in the intense intimacy of it all. His breath was shallow like he'd pass out. All those years of pain and yet he still managed to make you feel like you needed to hold him, care for him.
"I've wanted you for so long" he sighed, hands beside your head gently holding him above you. You were trapped, not only with this position but inside. A piece of you always fighting for him even after he hurt people.
When you saw him across the lot his blue eyes gleamed by the tree he used to sit in and his hand rested on the old bark. You couldn't stop yourself from walking his way. You did so stubbornly, walking slowly like being near him made your blood boil but when he saw you he looked guilty.
you chewed the inside of your cheek to fight your curiosity, the burn to care. Remember what he did, remember he hurt your friends, your thoughts repeated and soon you were biting your cheek enough to fill your mouth with the coin taste of blood. How could you be near him after what he did? How could you walk over here like he wasn't responsible for deaths? How could you even breathe his air?
Breathe his air
"I'm sorry" he moaned softly, seeing the tears in your eyes and you only whined in response. You were dancing in flames and ice. It felt so good but made you burn with guilt as he slammed harder. If he could bring you pleasure and make you forget he'd do so until he was the only thing buried in your thoughts. Your hands moved to his back and hissed. It took you a while to realize you were breaking the skin.
Were you pulling him deeper inside your sensitive walls or trying to hurt him?
The tears falling from your eyes could have been from pleasure or sadness for your friends who will never breathe again. He didn't stop you as drew blood from his pale skin he only leaned in closer to your neck. His wet tongue touches you lightly along with his Breath. He kissed you softly, whispering about how he hoped you'd forgive him but he'd cuss every now and then as clenched around him or when his tip, just as sensitive as you, hit the soft spot inside you.
Your head falls back giving him more access to your neck as you soft moans fill the air. You were stung like a trader as you called out to him wrapping your legs around his waist. It was like swimming in a pond of lust. Cold water felt heated, the deepest, dirtiest things said out loud and did as god watched from above. Part of you knew you should stop and beg for forgiveness but it felt so good and so intense as it rushed through your veins.
You floated in the river hunger for more, dripping for anyone willing to offer you touch and in walks Draco Malfoy making you weaker with every whisper and touch of his finger tip. His blonde hair was sweaty like his skin and you know the cuts you made would burn. He was so beautiful like this, desperate for you and groaning and grunting as he went deeper. It was almost evil how he ruined you, chasing his end.
In this moment you loved him with the burn in your belly and hated him with your thoughts. This was the start of a wildfire, so much trouble would be caused but this is why they called bad boys troublemakers. Once you get a taste of the sweet heaven, lord knows he'd never hear you ask for him again unless you were screaming his name while committing a sin.
Everyone wants to go to heaven but you experienced it on earth and you hated how good it felt Cumming for the enemy…
Draco lovers and requests
@alexxavicry, @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs, @thatwattpadobsessed, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf, @jac1ndaa , @lovelycassy
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ughmyreality · 7 months
maybe a fic of clay seeing bloberta cry and he gest sort of amused/surprised by it and gets curious about how this is the most emotion he's ever seen from her and eventually try to comfort her (very badly and awkwardly)
Hey, so I usually have something to say before I reveal the story but I actually don't have too much to say. I will say I did take a bit to write this so I hope you can understand. Anyway, I present "What's the Use of Crying?".
Bloberta isn't a crying type of person. It's one of the few redeeming qualities he sees in her. While some may find her nature to be cold, it was exactly what Clay prefers, someone like him.
Fine! He is a crier but does that really matter? The point is, Bloberta is the one that never cries, She rarely cracks a frown. But, there's a time for everything.
Clay walks the familiar path to his bedroom. It's a typical day, one filled with arguing and chaos. 
“Good night, Orel.” a feminine voice calls out. 
Clay stalls and waits for her to leave the room and step out into the hallway. When she does, the result isn’t what he was ready to see.
Their eyes meet and for the first time in a long time it was neither resentment or apathy, instead her eyes glaze over in sadness. 
Seeing him must have startled her because just as soon as they faced each other, she was gone. He doesn’t understand why she bothers to do this, there are only so many places you can hide in the house. It’s not like Bloberta was the most creative person either so naturally there is only one place that she would think to go.
Clay places a hand on the door handle and takes a steady breath. He knows he’s not very good at comforting people but he’s long since accepted that. Besides, it was often more trouble than what it's worth. If it had still been daylight he would have resorted to going out, finding something to ‘busy’ himself with. Unfortunately it was well into the night and entering their bedroom was the only option. He refuses to sleep on the couch one more night! Can’t she see that it’s hard on his back?
He finally gains the motivation to open the door. There sitting on her side of the room, as he expected, was Bloberta. Her tears had yet to cease, in fact she looked more distraught then she had just moments before.
… there was no reply. What a great start!
“Um, how are you doing?”
Clay runs his hand through his hair in exasperation. Out of all the times Bloberta wants to shut her mouth, it was the time he actually wanted her to speak.
“Do I need to take Orel into my study?”
For the first time since he entered, Bloberta speaks. Her hands rub against her eyes and she turns to look up at him.
“Why do you always assume that Orel’s done something wrong?”
“Well, did he?” 
She sighs while a few stray tears continue to fall. “No Clay.”
“That’s good.”
She struggles to keep her resolve but fails. Bloberta throws her hand up and speaks her mind. 
“I can't believe I let you take Orel to that hunting trip! You know the doctors sa-”
“You didn't ‘let me’ do anything. I took him on that trip because he needed to go.”
She laughs, making her look as crazy as he always thought she was. Tears mixed with hysterical laughter. 
“I knew you were going to be like this Clay. That’s why I don’t even try talking to you.”
“Fine, if that’s how you want to be. Good night!” he huffs.
This might seem like he’s angry but behind his angry mask, he’s relieved. There is only so long he can handle talking about ‘emotions’ before he starts to genuinely think. It’s one of the reasons he drinks to stop the insistent thinking. He starts to move to his side of the divider when he’s stopped by her voice.
“Do you ever think about what's going to happen when Orel grows up? We're hardly holding on as it is.”
“Orel's going to be fine. I just try not to think about it.” He whispers.
Clay keeps moving hoping she’d drop the conversation. What’s the point of thinking of the future anyway? The present is shitty enough as it is.
“At least we'll have a few more years with Shapey and Block… but of course they’ll eventually leave too.”
“Ha! At this rate Shapey and Block will never grow up enough to leave the house. God works in mysterious ways.”
“Ugh, Clay there's no need to rub it in. We haven't done a good job raising the boys and now they'll suffer for it! Sometimes I think my Mother was right.”
“Right about what?
“All the… negative things she’d say about me. Maybe I truly wasn’t cut out to be a Mom.”
Clay lays down in his bed and stares up at the ceiling. He feels calmer. Not under the scrutiny of her gaze.
“Well, I’m sure she was. Finally someone in your family who has some sense. You know Mother knows best.”
“Why would you say that to me Clay? Whatever, good night. Remember you have a early meeting tomor-”
What can he say?
What can he say?
What can he say?
What can he say?
“Well, um, you know you’re technically a mother now yourself. So by that logic, you're correct. Reverse psychology? Besides mother’s don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. I had an excellent Mom and I still turned out fucked up. There’s still a chance that you could be the worst mother in the world and still have kids that turn out good.”
“Um… Thank you?”
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puffin-smoke · 2 months
Bug questions because
1 - Do they view the other bugs as family, or as just incredibly close friends?
2 - How far is your bug willing to go in order to keep someone they love safe?
3 - Scenario time, y'all get to see why I was asking about Malascythe on the Bugcord :3
They were nearly out of the arena. The plan was going to work, they were about to escape, all of them. The end was in sight.
Bug led the half-bloods down a long hallway. Empty cages lined the walls of the hallway, giving it an almost claustrophobic quality. The low hum of a distant crowd and closer hunters filled the room like music, like the constant ticking of a clock. There was a pit Bug's stomach but they remained hopeful. This was going to work, they knew it.
Bug heard one pair of footsteps fall out of time with the rest, and then a stumble. They span around to see Bodie, on his hands and knees, trying to catch his breath. He must of tripped on something.
Bug gestured for the group to keep going without them. They'd catch up in a moment or two.
Hyper-aware of the time slipping away from them, Bug grabbed Bodie's hand, hauling him to his feet with a good bit of effort. They gave him a moment to regain his balance and then turned to follow the others.
But Bodie didn't let go of their hand. His grip on it was iron.
"Bodie? You okay? We need to-"
It was in that moment Bug actually got a good look at their friend. And it was enough to still their tongue. They ripped their hand away, flinching backwards until they were out of arms reach.
His eyes were glazed over, a pale white sheen painted over them, growing more and more opaque by the second. Veins matching the hue of his eyes ran down the side of his face, bulging out crudely. It was clear to see for anyone, especially Bug with their experience in hunting. It was Malascythe. Somehow the Malascythe in his system hadn't worked it self out, and it was now coming back for a second round.
"Bug, I..." underneath that white gloss and the impending rage, Bodie's eyes were terrified. He knew what was happening and was helpless to stop it. "I'm so sorry."
Bug only has a few seconds to act. A few seconds before the Malascythe fully takes hold. They have to be the one to do it, the others are two far away to call for help. They can hear the steadily approaching footsteps of hunters. A few seconds to make an impossible decision.
What does your Bug do?
4 - Say your Bug was given the chance to know exactly when they were going to die. Would they take it?
5 - What's something that will always make them smile?
6 - Scenario numero duo (this one's a follow up to a previous scenario. You can find it here, but the general gist is this: Duarte sent a letter to Natalie in an effort to apologise to her, but Natalie did not forgive her in the slightest. She goes to leave but Duarte grabs her arm in an effort to get her to stay. She slaps Duarte in response and leaves.) (i go on a bit for this one)
It had been about a few days since the incident with Natalie. Life had gone on essentially as normal. Duarte was refusing to talk about it, and when asked a sad look would fall over her, dejected, guilty. So naturally Bug agreed to lay off with the questions.
Bug had gone into town to go grab some ingredients that Bodie needed. It was a nice day so they'd been happy to help. They walked through the town, passing various stalls and carts displaying all sorts of goods and trinkets. One such stall was an idyllic little thing run by an old man, and was filled to the brim with fresh produce. At that stall there was a girl, her hair long and a dark auburn, carrying a bag full of various vegetables. Bug stops in their tracks. They recognise her. Natalie?
They stopped for too long. The girl turned around and mad immediate eye contact with Bug, recognition dawning on her face. And maybe embarrassment as well. "Oh- oh shit, it's you. From the other night, right?"
Bug nodded, and that embarrassment creeps further up Natalie's features. "Great. Well, not great but, well-."
Both felt the awkwardness of any potential conversation, so both of them began to walk away and leave it at that. But fate had something different in mind. Turned out both of them were walking the same damn way.
After a few moments a stilted silence, Natalie speaks. Bug notes that her voice is low, raspy, almost damaged sounding. They began to wonder if that had anything to do with the scar on her neck. "I'm sorry you had to see all that. It was shitty- I shouldn't have slapped her."
Bug nodded back to her, agreeing. Natalie went on, essentially just rambling to fill the awkward space. She was barely talking to Bug at this point, just venting her frustrations into the empty air. "Damnit, I shouldn't have even read that letter. I knew it was going to piss me off..."
Suddenly aware of what she'd just said, embarrassment further dwarfed her features. Along with something else. Resentment? "Sorry, I shouldn't be- It's complicated, y'know?"
Bug answered with a brief. "Sure."
Natalie choked out a small laugh, bitter and coarse. "Yeah... the complicated life of Duarte fucking Cardoza. Too complicated to let anyone else in."
She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. She looks to Bug. "Shit, I'm sorry, I'm rambling. You don't wanna hear this shit." For a moment she hesitates. "I mean... do you?"
Do they?
@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia
@recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats
@lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @itsargyle @not-5-rats @astralbulldragon13
@ccstiles @puffin-smoke @fruity0salad @takashishihoin @megapugman
@reefhastoomanyaccs @kaydenskiwi @greaysharkboi
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glazedyeastring · 10 months
*climbs out of my grave*
I drew something :D
A few things actually, pertaining to a roleplay server I'm working in. It's still on the ground, but for some reason I decided to spend several days working on a custom map for it :) because the canon map wasn't good enough
After many weeks and way too many rough drafts, I present the map of the Hestia region!
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Words cannot express how PROUD I am for actually pulling through on this, although it's still unfinished, still need to add all the settlements and labels and just words in general
It's also a pretty large file so I'm not sure how good the quality is gonna be when I post
I also make two whole characters sheets!!
The first one is a friend's oc, the second is mine :)
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He's a gallade and she's a gardevoir, you already know some shenanigans are gonna occur
The server as a whole is still horribly unfinished, and in a state of limbo, but I really hope it can be a place that thrives in the end <:) Anyway, that's your monthly Glazed update, happy belated Thanksgiving :)
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crimsonedquill · 1 year
Hey I love you're writing so much! If you are comfortable with it could you write a aged up f!Mc x Sebastian where they are busy having sexy times 👀 It is really rough and obviously Seb is in charge but then MC feels like it is getting to much and she rather wants soft, gentle Seb
Hope that makes sense! And if you don't feel comfortable with my request then obviously feel free to ignore it 😅💛 Anyways have a wonderful day!
In Heat (Sebastian Sallow x f!MC)
Sebastian ends up hurting MC in the heat of the moment, then needs to make it up to her...
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Full disclosure, I don't have that much experience writing F/M smut so writing this had me 🥵 for more than one reason – though I'm still quite happy with how it turned out!
Also, I now seem to have a backlog of requests for the first time since ever (gee, how'd that happen) so I want to promise all of my lovely requestors that I'm getting to your asks, it might just take some time because I want to give you all the quality content you deserve 🖤
Content warning: NSFW (18+). Aged-up characters, obvious dom!seb, yadayadayada
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“Fuck,” Sebastian growled.
He was propping himself up on his hands, looking down at his lover like a wolf regarding its prey. His eyes wandered over her exquisite body; her blouse, having been ripped open to reveal a pink lacy bra, which he ripped between his teeth so that her delightfully perky breasts spilt out. His eyes lingered just enough to induce a hot shade of crimson in her glowing skin, a wave of primal exhilaration surging through him. He let his gaze wander, to her neck, a pale canvas for him to utterly ravage; then to her beautiful features; her soft lips, half parted to allow her short, heavy breaths to escape; her cheeks, radiating with a feverish warmth he was able to feel even at a distance, and then her big doe eyes, staring up at him with an arousing mix of lust and fear. Merlin, she was beautiful, and she was entirely his for the taking.
“Look at what you do to me,” he snarled at her, grinding his hardness against her thigh, the thin barrier of clothing hardly doing anything to conceal his excitement. MC let out a high-pitched whimper at his touch, and he sensed that there was little holding her body back from giving in to his corruption. It left him hard and aching for the feeling of her tightness clamping down on his cock as he palmed her breasts and mashed them together, burying his face into her damp flesh, tasting the thin glaze of sweat coating her skin. MC’s head fell back against the pillow and she let out a strained cry as he feasted on her bosom, her legs convulsing at the sensation of his teeth grazing her nipples. Fuck, she was too good. Usually she was so calm, so collected in her emotions, the contrast with the complete mess underneath him so great that he had a hard time keeping himself under control, only briefly pulling back to rip off his shirt before diving back in.
He resumed kissing her breasts as his fingers slipped down into her skirt, dipping into the wetness waiting there for him.
“You depraved slut,” he whispered through grinding teeth, “you really thought I wouldn’t notice? You think I wouldn’t find out just how much of a cock-starved whore you are?”
MC blushed heavily at his brashness, the unseemly language causing her to involuntary twitch on his fingers. He had never been this forceful with her, never this… rough. It honestly frightened her a little, for she knew just how impulsive and carried away he could get even when he wasn’t pinning her down, eager to fuck her raw. She wondered if she should say something, anything to convey at least her uneasiness – but then his fingers curling inside of her drove the words from her lips as her back arched up from the bed, a whimper working itself out of her throat.
“That’s right,” Sebastian grimaced, “show me just how much of a needy little bitch you are –”
Without warning, his hand lashed out and struck the side of her face. Her eyes widened in surprise, a tear quickly beginning to run down her red cheek, the sight only seeming to fuel his desire. He withdrew his fingers to ram them right between her lips, cutting off her breath.
“Taste it,” he ordered, and she did as she was told, obediently sucking her sap off his digits as she looked up at him with teary eyes. She couldn’t exactly deny that the expression of primal lust on his face turned her on, but even so, she was slightly unsettled at her lack of control in the situation. They had never deemed it necessary to come to any sort of agreement about their boundaries in bed; heck, she’d gleefully taken an aggressive pounding from him on more than one occasion, though she sensed that something was different tonight. He seemed to be losing himself to his own urges, driven by nothing more than animalistic instinct – and she didn’t know just how far he was willing to go.
He finally pulled his fingers out, leaving her gasping; saliva dripping down her chin. She was barely able to draw another breath before his lips crashed into hers, a deep growl rising from his throat. He dragged his tongue along her jaw, a shiver running down her spine as he settled into the crook of her neck, teeth pressing against her flushed skin.
There was a sharp, stinging pain. Then a sudden shriek, and finally nothingness, as his mouth disappeared from her neck and his weight shifted off her body. She opened her eyes and looked up to see him staring back at her. There was no more lust in his eyes, only guilt.
“M-MC…” he stammered, “did I hurt you?”
“It’s all right,” MC said, hasting to prop herself up on her elbows even though she was still seeing stars, “things just… spiralled out of control a little –”
“No.” He shook his head. “No, I’m sorry, I – we should stop.”
“Don’t be silly, it just was –”
But he’d already slipped out of bed before she could finish her sentence, disappearing into the bathroom. MC was left more than a little perplexed as she sat alone in the remains of their short-lived rodeo, her naked chest still exposed to the cool night air. She sighed and shook her head, making a half-assed attempt to cover herself up as she went after Sebastian.
There was only the sound of running water as MC entered the bathroom. She saw him slightly hunched over the basin, his dark eyes staring down into the small whirlpool. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, softly kissing his nape. “Hey… stop torturing yourself so much. I know you didn’t mean to do it.”
“That’s not the point.” His voice was heavy, full of anguish. “I… I lost control of myself. Who knows what could have happened if I hadn’t come to my senses, I could have ended up harming you –”
“I think you’re giving yourself too much credit. Do you really think that after an army of goblins and dark wizards, I couldn’t protect myself against one hormonal brat?”
She was relieved to see at least a hint of a smirk forming on his lips. Taking his hand, she turned him around and cupped his face in her hands, lovingly looking into his gentle brown eyes.
“Sebastian, I know you would never hurt me on purpose,” she assured him. “And really, my body having this effect on you is more of a compliment than anything, but… I think I would prefer for this to be more than just fucking, do you understand?”
Sebastian frowned at her. “You’d like me to dance and sing too?”
“No, you goof,” she giggled, moving her hands down to rub his bare chest, “what I’m saying is… I would like for you to make love to me.”
His gaze lingered a little longer, taking in her pretty features as he finally cracked a smile. “I think we can make that work,” he said, and then his lips brushed against hers, hungry but tender, and she parted them to allow him in, feeling his arms close around her waist as his warm breath tickled the roof of her mouth. He spent only a brief few moments caressing her lips before kissing the corner of her mouth, then proceeding along her jawline until he reached the sore spot on her neck, drawing a soft gasp from her as he used his lips to ease the pain.
“There there,” he whispered, the gentle tone in his voice doing more to get her dripping than his fingers ever did, “I’m going to make it all better, my love. Just relax, deep breaths, let it all go –”
“Y-yes…” she whimpered, closing her eyes as he moved further down, letting her blouse slip off her shoulders. He nipped at her collarbone, sending a hot pulse down her chest that immediately caused her nipples to harden again. Sebastian seemed to take note, teasing her with a mischievous smirk before kissing his way to one of the pink buds, closing his lips to suck on it. A moan left her lips as she looked down through hooded eyes at her lover, cradling his head in her arm as she nursed him; a muffled grunt signalling just how much he wanted her.
Yet, in spite of his own clear desire, he took his time to love her, to put her as much at ease as possible before he let his treat go with a wet ‘plop’. “My love, I need to taste you – can I…?”
His chivalry led a redness to blossom on her cheeks; she bit her lip as she nodded, watching him kiss down her abdomen until he reached the top of her skirt, which he slowly worked down her legs. He couldn’t help but smile as he noticed just how soaked her tights were, their brief intermezzo clearly having done nothing to abate her arousal.
“So wet,” he hummed to himself as he hooked his fingers into the band of her panties and pulled them down, a cool breeze of air meeting her heat. “So needy.”
She wined slightly as she felt his fingers near her core, so close but not quite near enough to offer her the release she craved the most. Sebastian grinned as he drew lines in her inner thigh. “I can tell someone’s excited.”
“You talk too much,” MC scoffed.
“But I thought you like it when I tell you unsavoury things?”
She blushed. “I do, but –”
“So,” Sebastian said, leaning forward to blow on her clit, the sensation quickly driving her to the very edge of her sanity, “tell me, my sweetheart, what do you need me to do?”
She barely managed to keep her voice under control as she looked at him kneeling on the floor, ready to rock her world with just one command. “I need you to eat my fucking pussy,” she said.
The instruction was all he needed. He offered her one last smile before he grabbed hold of her legs and forced them apart, his tongue shooting past his lips to drag agonisingly slow along her clammy folds. She let out a cry as she fell back against the basin, hands clamping around the edge. His nose nuzzled her sensitive bud while he lapped at her with broad strokes, the reward of her delicious honey leaving him throbbing hard against the fabric of his trousers. She could feel the wet muscle carefully exploring her hole, eliciting a content moan from her as he finally dipped inside and started fucking her properly. She made no effort to behave as he feasted on her cunt with the ferocity it deserved; riding his face until her juices were dripping from his chin, biting down on her lip hard enough to draw blood. The added stimulation of one of his digits thrashing her to release was enough to break her resolve, and she came hard, crying out in quick hiccups as Sebastian tugged at her lips to suck out every last drop.
The Slytherin was quick to veer up to lift MC on top of the small drawer next to the basin before unbuckling his belt and dropping his trousers to his ankles. He was aching for the feeling of her walls on his cock, and he sensed his desire was shared. Still, he took care to make sure that MC was all right at first, wiping a pleasure tear from the corner of her eye as he lightly stroked her hand. “My love, I’m going to put it in now, all right?”
Armed with a soft nod, he stroked his length up and down a few times before placing the swollen head at her entrance. They moaned in unison as he pushed through her wetness, her walls stretching to accommodate him. He kept still for a few seconds to allow them both to relish the moment, his breath heavy as he throbbed inside of her.
“You feel so good, sweetheart,” he whispered to her, catching her whimper with his lips as he began thrusting. She wrapped her arms around his neck, observing the flush of determination only slightly hidden under the scattering of freckles. How he managed to be so kind and caring and – ah, she mewled at his prick hitting a particularly sweet spot – yet so utterly driven by passion was a mystery that kept eluding her, though she found herself in no position to complain.
The symphony of their combined gasps and breaths and his pelvis slapping against her bare ass was the only sound filling the room for a while, and she rested her head on his shoulder as she settled into his rhythm. He hooked his arms under her legs to pull her hips towards him, fucking her onto his cock with increasing fervour, dictating her pace perfectly to her release.
“Look at you, all nice and tight,” he grunted. “Come for me, princess, I want to hear you scream while you drench my prick –”
There was no disobeying his commands, and she even managed to coax a moan out of him as she crashed over the edge, squeezing down on him with a scream of his name. Sebastian had to fight the urge to unload in her right then and there, though he somehow managed, waiting for her to ride out her climax before picking her up and dragging her off the drawer. She let out a yelp of surprise, giggling as she tightly locked her legs around his ass, revelling in the feeling of bouncing up and down on his cock with every step as he carried her over to the bed. He threw her down on the sheets, quickly crawling on top of her.
“Look who’s excited now,” MC teased him with a smile, palming at his chest.
“I guess you should be flattered.” She gasped at the feeling of his hardness dragging along her folds, his head red and swollen and slick with her juices.
“Oh, I very much am,” She grabbed a hold of him, guiding him back into her tight hole. She moaned as he felt him filling her to the brim once more, locking her legs around his butt again to keep him close as he resumed pounding into her. Sebastian lost himself in the shared flow of their sex, looking down into her gleaming eyes, which were so filled with innocence and lust that he couldn’t help but softly moan her name as he loved her. She was so warm and snug, the way her walls perfectly hugged his cock leaving his balls swollen and tingling as they slapped against her damp skin, ready to be milked dry.
“Sweetheart,” he whispered to her, “I’m close. Where do you want me?”
“Inside,” she whimpered back, her eyes practically speaking the words. “I want you inside of me, Sebastian.”
He smiled before kissing her, tasting the longing on her lips as he sped up his movements, thrusting himself inside of her at a greater pace. With her arms enveloping his neck, she clung to him, yearning to be as close to him as possible as he claimed her as his own.
He came with a groan, burying himself into her neck as she milked him. She cried with joy at the feeling of being rewarded with his warm seed, the sensation bringing about a small orgasm of her own as she held on for dear life, never having felt more closer as she was then, full of him in every sense of the word.
They lay basking in each other’s release for a while before he withdrew, making himself comfortable against the pillows so she could settle against his chest. He lightly stroked her hair, sighing before looking down at her. “So, was that more to your satisfaction?”
“Hmm,” she purred. “I’d say it was certainly… adequate.”
“Adequate? Are you pulling my leg?”
“Maybe I am.” She turned to meet his gaze, chuckling as she saw the expression of disbelief on his face. “Would you start feeling insecure if I said I wasn’t?”
“Well no, it’s not that, it’s just – I merely wish the best for you, you know?”
She laughed, reaching up to touch his cheek. “See… this is why I love you. Now, let’s kiss and go to sleep.”
He finally smiled, hunching forward to meet her lips with his own. “Let’s.”
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ghost-cherry-blossom · 4 months
Appleblossom Week 2024 🌸🍎
Day Four — Mmmm, Pie~! 🥧
Dark/Evil Wally AU by Krunch (TikTok: krunnnnnch) @appleblossomweek
Julie paced back and forth in her small kitchen; her brows furrowed in concentration. The normally organized space was now a flurry of flour, sugar, and mixing bowls. She muttered to herself, glancing occasionally at the cookbook propped open on the counter. Making a strawberry pie wasn’t complicated, however, this pie was special. This pie was for Wally, her significant other, who had been having a rough week.
Usually, the annoying blue-haired man would have his signature smirk plastered on his face and cause chaos wherever he went. Unfortunately, lately he’s been looking defeated, more quiet and a little explosive. The blonde-haired rainbow monster wanted to comfort him, but she felt like her approach of teasing and light-hearted banter didn’t seem right.
She had to do something more, something that showed how much she cared without her typical prickly exterior getting in the way. Julie huffed, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. “Why am I even doing this?” she grumbled, though she knew the answer. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Julie wanted to see Wally smile again, to bring back that spark he was missing lately. She had never been good at expressing her feelings directly, often hiding her affection behind a façade of indifference or playful teasing. However, Wally always seemed to read her like a book, figuring out what she truly meant, and when they were alone was when she genuinely poured her heart out to him. Showing her love through acts of service, quality time, physical touch, and sometimes gift-giving. Julie hoped the pie, made with genuine care and love, would speak for her. To show him she is here, that he’s not alone, that no matter what they could get through this together.
The strawberries were fresh and vibrant as she meticulously sliced them; arranging them in the pie crust with a precision that belied her flustered demeanor. As the pie baked, filling her home with a sweet, comforting aroma, she began to nervously clean up the mess in the kitchen, glancing at the clock every few minutes.
Finally, the timer dinged. The rainbow monster pulled the pie from the oven. Its golden crust is perfectly browned, the strawberries glistening with a sugary glaze. Julie set it on the counter to cool, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. Would this really cheer him up?
When she heard the sound of the front door opening, her heart skipped a beat. Quickly, she wiped her hands on a nearby towel and tried to compose herself. Leaning casually against the counter as if she had not been nervously preparing all afternoon to try and comfort him with his favorite dessert.
Wally walked in, looking as tired as he had when he’d left for his walk. His crimson eyes brighten a bit when he saw Julie, but his shoulder still sagged under the weight of his terrible week.
“Hey little monster” he said softly, making his way towards her. He was about to wrap his arms around her waist until she held her hand up to stop him in his tracks. “I, uh, made you something.” she placed her hand back by her side, trying to sound nonchalant.
He lifted an eyebrow in surprise. “You made something for me?”
Julie rolled her eyes, crossing her arms defensively. “Don’t make a big deal out of it. It’s just a pie.”
Wally’s eyes widen when she stepped to the side and revealed the strawberry pie on the counter. “You made me my favorite?”
She shrugged, turning her face away from him to hide the faint blush creeping up her cheeks. “Yeah, well, I figured you could use something to help cheer you up.”
He stepped closer to her, his eyes softening as he cupped her cheek. Gently guiding her face to look at him, “You did this for me.”
Her blush turned another shade of red as Julie became flustered. “Stop being sappy about it,” she mumbled, looking into his eyes timidly. “Just eat it before it gets cold, it’s better warm.”
Wally chuckled, a genuine sound that made Julie’s heart lift. How long has it been since she heard him laugh? He gave her a quick peck on the lips and then stepped away from her. Grabbing the fork beside the plate, he cut himself a piece. Savoring the first bite, his face lit up with a smile that made all of Julie’s efforts worth it.
“This is amazing Cherub,” his voice filled with appreciation as he took another bite of the strawberry pie. “Thank you.”
Julie looked at him, her gaze softens as she places a hand on the back of her neck. “I’m glad you like it,” she said quietly. “I just wanted to see you smile again…Look Wally. I don’t know what’s been going on for the past week. However, I want to let you know I am here for you. Whenever you need to talk or something, I am here.”
He set the fork down and pulled her into a hug, his embrace warm and reassuring. “Thank you Julie, really. I appreciate it. When I am ready, we will will talk about it. I just need time.” He whispered and leaned his forehead against hers.
Julie smiles softly and close her eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Take all the time you need my Darling. I am not going anywhere.”
Wally gave another soft peck on her lips and buried his face in the crook of her neck. Holding her a little tighter, appreciating the love and support she was giving him.
In that moment, surrounded by the comforting aroma of strawberry pie and the warmth of Wally’s embrace, Julie felt a deep sense of contentment and fulfillment. She might not always show her affection in conventional ways, but she hopes he understood just how much he meant to her. And judging by his smile and affectionate gestures, she was pretty sure he did.
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yesthatgino · 7 months
I'm going to try the Nightshade and Glaze on some of my jewelry renders. I'll post the results in the reblogs of this post.
My experiments will be just about how much damage the poison does to the image quality, not on how effective they are at ruining the AI. My understanding on that is that large quantities of poisoned images are needed to ruin the AI so my one image isn't going to do anything by itself. I mention this because I've seen debates about effectiveness and those experiments seem to be (and I'm generalizing here) "I poisoned one image, fed it to AI, and it's still functioning; thus nightshade/glaze don't work".
I do not know if they work, I'll leave determining that to people who know how AI works better can me and can do it at scale of millions of poisoned images. I'm just going to look at this from the perspective of "how much is this going to ruin my work?"
The experiment: Phase 1 - Nightshade
Take a new render from a real custom jewelry request (job 136967), and run it through Nightshade V1.0 at the three intensity settings - LOW, DEFAULT, HIGH. Each of these three will be processed at "Slowest" Render Quality and then again at "Faster" Render Quality so I can compare the two sets.
I'll only be comparing the end result and not how long they take to process due to the fact that neither program "ding" or announce that it's done and I'll be working while I run these tests so the likelyhood that I'll miss the runtime is very high.
The Experiment: Phase 2 - Glaze
I'll pick the "best" results of the first phase. This is subjective to the highest degree. By "best" I mean which looks the least damaged by the process while keeping the highest protection. Highest poison or damage should theoretically protect you, but I am going to assume most photographers, designers, artists, and others are going to prioritize the visual quality over protective quality.
If nightshade does a good job even at the highest settings I'll just pick the DEFAULT/FASTER images. I'm really hoping a clear candidate will appear.
Taking those results, I'll run them through Glaze V1.1.1 at the lowest intensity setting (DEFAULT) and again at the highest intensity setting (HIGH) at the slowest "Render Quality". Then again but at the fastest "Render Quality".
The Experiment: Phase 3 - Analysis
Looking at the list below I see a possible point of confusion. Nightshade has three intensity settings: LOW, DEFAULT, and HIGH. Glaze, meanwhile, has these three settings: DEFAULT, MEDIUM, and HIGH. Both have different "defaults".
At this point each test image should have one of the following:
Original render (untouched, control)
Nightshade version LOW INTENSITY - FASTER
Nightshade version LOW INTENSITY - SLOWEST
Nightshade version HIGH INTENSITY - FASTER
Nightshade version HIGH INTENSITY - SLOWEST
Nightshade then Glazed version DEFAULT INTENSITY - FASTER
Nightshade then Glazed version DEFAULT INTENSITY - SLOWEST
Nightshade then Glazed version MEDIUM INTENSITY - FASTER
Nightshade then Glazed version MEDIUM INTENSITY - SLOWER
Nightshade then Glazed version HIGH INTENSITY - FASTER
Nightshade then Glazed version HIGH INTENSITY - SLOWEST
I'll have three sets of these thirteen images, since my business usually does three renders for the particular job I'm going to experiment on. Hopefully by the end I'll have go-to settings ready so I won't have to fiddle each time.
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Summary: ‘You did not turn up to help me draft my speech so I knew something was wrong. Combined with the storm you were either on a roof, up a tree or near the ocean like you always are when something happens.’
Gil Galad reached the summit of the hill and was greeted by the sight he’d been hoping he wouldn’t see but expecting he would. There was a figure standing in the waves as they were cresting higher and higher with the rest of the wild storm surrounding them. The figure’s hair was not blowing with the gale but rather seemed to be suspended in place, void black curls splayed around the head as if underwater. The small body was standing utterly still as the waves slammed into their hips swirling their robes around them.
‘Elrond!’ he called his voice barely carrying across the shore ‘please come back to shore. You’ll catch your death,’ he wasn’t sure if the mannish turn of phrase was a good or bad choice here. Still it seemed worth pointing out that his herald was very much capable of catching mannish ailments as he didn’t want to deal with the stress of not knowing what’s normal for a sick peredhel again like he had last year.
It seemed to at least alert Elrond to his presence and he turned his head slightly and slowly walked onto the beach. Ereinion immediately removed his cloak and held it out to alert Elrond to his intentions before wrapping it around them both and seating the peredhel next to him on the sand. He had still not spoken a word and his skin felt oddly dry yet cold as ice against Gil Galad’s own.
‘What happened?’ he spoke quietly knowing that this was a delicate situation and if something had triggered his friend he did not want to worsen the situation. ‘How did you know to look for me here?’ it was not an answer but at least he was talking, his voice had that hard to pin down quality that he could never decide whether it was inherited from Luthien or was picked up from Maglor.
‘You did not turn up to help me draft my speech so I knew something was wrong. Combined with the storm you were either on a roof, up a tree or near the ocean where you always go when something happens. I did not want to break my neck trying to scale a building or some ridiculously tall oak so I tried my luck here. I’m relieved to see you look relatively unharmed at least,’ the I was worried about you went unsaid but was fairly apparent. ‘Elros is dead.’ his voice betrayed no emotion and he stayed frozen in place staring at something on the horizon. Ereinion had no idea what to do so he stayed silent not wishing to make some form of mistake. ‘I just felt our osanwe connection cut off. It’s always been there since I can remember, just base emotions, we haven’t been able to fully communicate with each other from across the ocean. But it’s always been there. And now he’s just gone.’ The voice stayed monotone and Gil Galad suddenly knew Elrond was at risk of disassociating with his surroundings as he hadn’t since his earlier years in Lindon. He gripped Elrond’s shoulders and pulled his chin to face him. His eyes were glazed over with that dreadful empty look, ‘I’m here Elrond. You’re here, you’re safe and I’m not going anywhere.’ He waited a moment and then Elrond blinked and turned, resting his he’d on Gil Galad’s shoulder and gripping his hand like an anchor. He squeezed it back and rubbed circles on it with his thumb, trying to keep Elrond with him and stop him disappearing into whatever traumatising place existed in his mind.
‘It’s ridiculous really,’ Elrond continued his voice finally sounding more present, ‘that I should react so strongly. I’ve known he was going to die since the choice and everyone leaves me eventually anyway. I should be used to it by now. He passed peacefully, he was happy last time I saw him. His choice was not mine to regret and I have no right to regret it for him if he did not,’ he spoke lightly though his words were not. ‘You have every right to be exactly as effected by it as you feel,’ Gil Galad responded indignantly ‘ Your brother just died and I will not let anyone tell you there is a right or wrong way to respond to it, especially not yourself.’ Elrond responded softly his voice finally close to tears ‘I do not wish to be a burden. Other’s have dealt with much worse loss and managed to control themselves,’ this was accompanied by a gesture to the storm that Gil Galad had already deduced the origins of. ‘You could never be a burden,’ and Gil Galad had never meant anything more in his life. And with that Elrond finally started sobbing his head buried in Gil Galad’s shoulder, and with it the storm reached its climax and the clouds opened.
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fangirlshrewt97 · 2 years
TAOAT’verse - Drunk with Affection
So. Remember how I said I would update TAOAT in October. And then I didn’t? This is still not chapter 12. But I missed the boys and I missed this universe so I wanted to write something for it. This is the result. I am not quite sure if it is the same quality of TAOAT, it is set in the same universe. Timeline wise, I guess you could consider it “post-canon’?  I tried my best to not include any spoilers for the story I have planned.
Again, apologies for the delay in updating, but I hope I can get back into the verse soon!
I love and appreciate how patient you have been with me, and I hope this work is to your liking.
Jai sat down heavily on the pillows arranged into a seating area in the corner of his suite of rooms. He interlocked his fingers behind his neck, leaning back to stretch. Today had not been as rough as last month’s meeting with the ministers, but the meetings had been so dry, Kaakha had had to poke him a few times to keep him awake. Not that Minister Devaraj had noticed.
He exhaled roughly as he finished his stretches, melting back against the pillows as he started stretching his legs. He opened his eyes to scan the room, but obviously Bhairava had yet to return.
Getting up, he walked to the small table piled high with fruits and refreshments, and poured himself a cup of water. A faint tinkling sound started from the balcony, and when Jai turned to look, he saw the wind chime Bhairava had hung up. He started to make his way towards it, only to pause at the sound of knocks at his door.
Finishing the rest of his water, Jai placed the cup back on the table before he went to open the door.
He didn't manage to hide his look of surprise if the half sheepish, half apologetic look Tapan gave him was any indication.
"My apologies for interrupting your evening Maharaj, but I fear Bhairava garu may have celebrated a touch too much."
"Tapan," Bhairava whined, "The hallway won't stop spinning."
Jai blinked at the sight of his beloved. Bhairava rarely indulged in drinks, and never more than a single cup. How on Earth had he managed to get drunk?
"Sorry Bhairava garu, but see, we are back to your room." Tapan cajoled.
Bhairava blinked his eyes open with effort. They were glazed and half-lidded. Until they seemed to focus on Jai and understand what they were seeing.
It was a transformation, for Bhairava went from hanging heavily from Tapan's shoulder, forcing him to support most of his weight, to standing to his full height by himself. Even if he swayed dangerously to one side.
"Jai!" Bhairava exclaimed, utterly delighted.
That was the only warning Jai got before the other man threw himself into his arms, nearly sending them both falling to the floor. As it was, Jai stumbled back a few steps. It was only the presence of the column that kept them upright. Jai grunted, ears going warm as Bhairava wrapped his arms around Jai's chest, rubbing his nose affectionately at Jai's chest.
Bhairava never called him by his name in front of others, nor did he initiate any affectionate touch in public.
For him to do both in front of Tapan, well Jai was starting to understand why Bhairava stayed away from alcohol.
Tapan cleared his throat, and when Jai glanced up, the man was very clearly staring over their shoulder. There was a light blush dusting his cheeks.
Jai cleared his throat, one hand coming up to steady Bhairava at the hip.
"Alright, thank you Tapan. I will s-see you tomorrow."
Tapan bowed. "Thank you Maharaj. Good night."
Jai maneuvered Bhairava enough to go close the door before leading him to his small nest of pillows. It was a task, with how much Bhairava was trying to cling to him instead of putting one step in front of the another, but eventually they made it to their destination.
Once he had gotten the other man to sit, Jai wrapped a hand around the back of Bhairava’s neck, setting his thumb at the juncture below his ear, and tilted it back. He carded Bhairava’s hair back with the other. “Bhairava?”
Bhairava’s eyes fluttered rapidly before he managed to blink them open. When he caught sight of Jai, his mouth parted slightly as his pupils dilated wider. “Jai…”
It was still so alien to him, but intoxicating, being the object of Bhairava’s besotted gaze. Jai cleared his throat even as he felt the back of his neck grow warm. “Bhairava, can you t-t-tell me what happ-p-ened?”
Bhairava’s face twisted into a deep frown, and he tilted forward. “I…Tapan took me to meet our men. We were celebrating… something. They all gave me drinks.”
Jai’s lips twitched. “Yes, and you accepted all of them did you?”
Bhairava whined lowly. “It was so much. It would have been rude to say yes to a couple and no to others. But then it started to feel so good.”
Bhairava swung his head back to look at Jai. “I think I can float Jai.”
Jai bit his lip to keep his smile in check. “Is that so?”
Bhairava nodded his head vigorously, only to break off abruptly as he held his forehead. “Ow. That hurt.”
Jai huffed. “Yes, I am s-sure it will be worse in the morning.”
He went to move back, only to be pulled back in by Bhairava’s steel grip and pleading eyes. “Noooo, don’t go.”
Jai ran his thumb over Bhairava’s cheekbone, a warmth curling around his heart as the man melted against his hand. “I’m not going anywhere, just to get some water.”
Bhairava whined.
“Bhairava.” Jai chided. “It will barely take me a minute.”
Bhairava pouted but released his hold, swaying unsteadily when Jai took his hands off of him.
Jai hurried to the refreshment table, grabbing the pitcher of water and a cup, as well as the platter of fruits for good measure.
He brought these over to the corner, setting them on the low laying stool nearby. Bhairava was staring intently at something on the opposite wall, but then Jai turned he couldn’t see anything particularly striking.
No response.
Jai lightly tapped his shoulder, making the man jump when he sat before he looked at Jai, blinking those warm brown eyes of his. The kajal from the morning had faded, but enough was still visible to make his eyes seem larger than their size. Jai broadcast his movements as he placed a gentle hand over Bhairava’s cheek.
He filled the cup with water from the pitcher one handed, bringing the cup to Bhairava’s lips. The man tried to push it away, but Jai applied some light pressure. “Come on, drink up.”
Bhairava whined but opened his mouth, allowing Jai to pour small sips past his lips. Jai set aside the cup and sat beside Bhairava. He grabbed Bhairava’s chin between his thumb and forefinger and turned it towards him.
He then reached for the fruit, quickly carving up a couple of the chikku fruits before he held out a piece to Bhairava’s lips. “Open.”
Bhairava’s face twisted in displeasure but he opened his mouth. Jai made him eat both fruits, satisfied that at least he wouldn’t be going to bed empty handed. Pouring some water over his hands to clean them, he wiped them on a nearby cloth before he sat down in the nest of pillows.
“So, how was tonight?” Jai asked.
Bhairava sighed tiredly, and tilted sideways to rest his head on Jai’s thigh. “It was good, there were so many people. And everyone wanted to talk to me. I just wanted to be home.”
Jai raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t one to tire so easily.Or shy away from p-people.”
Bhairava glared at him without any heat, batting at his shoulder. “You’ve been away on one of your trips again, you just got back two days ago. I wanted to be here. With you. I missed you.”
Jai’s eyes widened slightly. It was still a novel feeling, being someone another person actually cared for. Being someone who could be missed.
Bhairava continued. “Besides, the attention faded once the dancers came in.”
Jai started to brush through Bhairava’s hair with his fingers, a small smile settling on his face as the action made Bhairava sigh in contentment and rub his nose into Jai’s dhoti. “You didn’t feel like dancing?”
Bhairava lightly pinched him, making him jump. “Ask another stupid question, and you won’t like the result.”
Jai held back the laughter. “Oh? You would d-d-dare lay a hand against your Maharaj?”
Bhairava opened one eye to look at him, a mischievous smile taking over his face. “Who said anything about a hand?”
Jai’s face heated, and it was his turn to pinch at Bhairava’s bare hip where his kurta had ridden up. “Who corrupted you?”
Bhairava laughed. “You.”
Jai grumbled, making Bhairava chuckle some more as he propped himself up on one elbow, reaching up with the other one to tangle his fingers in Jai’s hair. Jai’s eyes closed as those fingers started to scratch at his scalp.
An eternity passed in those few minutes Jai fell into a doze under Bhairava’s ministrations. The sounding of the horns calling out the midnight hour rang through the room, and Jai blinked his eyes open.
Bhairava was staring at him with that besotted expression again, one fist curled and tucked against his cheek.
Jai felt his cheeks warm. “What?”
Bhairava ducked down, giggling.
Jai poked at his hip. “What?
Bhairava giggled harder.
Jai slipped his fingers under Bhairava’s kurta and ran two fingers lightly over his side, making the man try to squirm away from his touch even as his giggles turned into laughter. “Stop, stop!”
Jai removed his hand, instead wrapping his arm around Bhairava as the man adjusted himself to lay on his back. “Now, tell me.”
Bhairava smiled widely at him, making Jai’s heart skip a beat. And then flinch as Bhairava slapped his face from both sides, holding his face into a firm grip. “Bhairava!”
Bhairava was unfazed, instead digging the heel of his palms into Jai’s cheeks and stretching them. “You are so cute!”
Jai growled as he pried Bhairava’s hands away. The other man was still amused as he sat up again, this time, throwing his arms around Jai’s neck and nuzzling there.
Jai was unimpressed, even as he wrapped his arms around Bhairava’s waist. “Anyone e-else and they would be in the dungeons right now.”
Bhairava hummed. “No one else would dare. And you know why?”
“I am the king.” Jai responded.
Bhairava bumped his forehead into Jai’s jaw. “No. Because you are mine. And they’d have to get through me to even have a chance.”
Bhairava said these things so easily. These declarations that pulled the rug from beneath Jai’s reality and set him afloat without any idea of which was was up and down. He did so even when he wasn’t drunk.”
Bhairava pulled back enough for Jai to see the bright twinkle in his eyes, as well as the staggering amount of fondness in that gaze that made Jai look away.
Bhairava tsked, nudging one finger against Jai’s jaw to get him to turn back. “You’re so handsome Jai.”
Jai definitely blushed, if the way Bhairava’s lips curved into a smile against his neck was any indication. He looked hesitantly at Bhairava, who cupped his cheek.
“Why do you do this? When the world praises your leadership? Or your people praise your kindness? Or whenever I say something nice, you hide yourself away.”
Jai’s gaze focused on the hollow of Bhairava’s throat, words choking in his throat.
Bhairava ran his lips over Jai’s stubble till his earlobe, making him tighten his grip on the man’s waist.
Bhairava whispered directly into his ear. “You are amazing, and smart, and brave. And so, so good Jai. I wish you could see yourself the way I do.”
Jai tugged his beloved closer, hiding his face in the curve of his neck. Bhairava pressed a light kiss to his cheek, leading him to draw a ragged breath as even inhaling seemed difficult right now. He had started shaking.
“I-I-I’m not g-g-good.” he finally stammered out.
Bhairava rubbed his face against Jai’s. “You are the very best. And you know what else you are?”
Jai raised his eyes fearfully. Bhairava leaned forward to press a kiss to his forehead. “You are mine. My Maharaj. My protector. My friend. My confidant. And most importantly,” Here Bhairava wrapped his arms fully around Jai’s torso and squeezed with all his strength. “You are my baby.”
A kiss to his temple.
“Mine to play with.”
A kiss to his cheek.
“And cuddle.”
A kiss to his jaw.
“And coddle.”
A kiss to his nose.
“And take care of.”
A kiss to the top of his hair, wherein he tucked Jai underneath his chin.
“And hold.”
Jai was grateful Bhairava was holding him so tight because he couldn’t promise he would not have shattered into a million pieces otherwise. Unable to form a reply, Jai held on just as tight, breathing in the familiar scent of sandalwood and musky sweat.
Bhairava started rocking them gently, humming an old drinking song. Eventually his hold slackened, and though Jai was reluctant to let go, his muscles had started to cramp up as well.
“Bhairava…” Jai started, only to have to shoot out his arms to catch a sleeping Bhairava who seemed to have dozed off in their hold.
Jai’s mouth parted in surprise, only to twist into an adoring smile at the sight of his lover’s peaceful countenance.
Hooking his arms beneath Bhairava’s shoulders and knees, he pushed off the pillows, hefting Bhairava into the bedroom to comfortably set him down in the middle of their bed. He surrepititously removed Bhairava’s kurta and the bigger pieces of jewellery so he could lie down easily.
He went to move away once done, but an iron grip on his wrist stopped him.
“Don’t go…” Bhairava slurred, clearly still asleep.
Jai leaned down to kiss the back of his hand. “I need to extinguish the candles, Bhairava. I’ll be quick.”
He pried the fingers away, hurrying to complete his task. He returned to bed, removing his kurta before he entered. He pressed close to Bhairava, drawing the light blankets up to cover their hips. He then lay down on his back.
Immediately, Bhairava rolled up to him, throwing a leg over his thighs.
Jai turned on his side slightly, tucking Bhairava close against him before he caressed down his side.
A few rays of moonlight fell across their bed, lighting the other man up in silver and shadows that made him seem just like the apparitions Jai witnessed in his dreams. Except far superior because he was real.
And he was here. With Jai.
He leaned down to press a kiss to Bhairava’s hair.
He did not know what he did to earn Bhairava’s love, and wasn’t sure he was worthy of it. But he would fight with everything he had to keep it.
“Good night, my brave warrior.” Jai murmured before he closed his own eyes, and let himself be lulled to sleep by the sound of his beloved’s breathing.
What do you guys think? Did I characterize them right?
Tagging (Please let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list!):  @rambheem-is-real @budugu @bromance-minus-the-b @hissterical-nyaan @obsessedtoafault @hufhkbgg @yehsahihai @rorapostsbl @fadedscarlets @alikokinav @chaotic-moonlight​ @rambheemisgoated @rambheemlove​ @jaganmaya​ @burningsheepcrown​ @lovingperfectionwonderland​ @rosayounan​ @iam-siriuslysher-lokid​ @thewinchestergirl1208​ @dumdaradumdaradum​ @ronaldofandom​ @jjwolfesworld​ @jrntrtitties​ @kashpaymentsonly​ @jeonmahi1864​ @zackcrazyvalentine​ @stanleykubricks​ @tulodiscord​ @teddybat24​ @sally-for-sally​ @jadebomani​ @stuckyandlarrystuff​ @veteran-fanperson​ @ohfuckoffpls​  @carminavulcana​ @boochhaan​ @doodlesofthelastpage​ @filesbeorganized​ @meownique​ @ssabriel​ @meastradeur​ @ronika-writes-stuff​ @umbrulla
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Self care is putting your face in a very soft cat/muppet
( plaintext: Self care is putting your face in a very soft cat/muppet )
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[ ID: Traditional uncolored fanart of the Smile For Me game involving Dr.Habit, and a habitician sona of the artists friend called Buddy. The style is semi realistic leaning on the cartoony side, with a significant amount of detail.
In the artists AU interpretation Habit has marionette features such as segmented, jointed dark line-cuts around his mouth, hands that are visible. Scarring is seen on hands. He is also fur covered. His face is gaunt and freckled with protruding furry cheeks, then fur-ruffles under his makeup-applied eyes, then a thin pencil stache with surrounding chin hair. His voluminous curly hair poofs out into drawn spiralling curls, from under his big fedora. Habit wears a faux fur-like coat with rougher yet still soft material for teal sleeves. He also sports a long artificial-feather boa holding little flowers. His shoes are long-covering and leathery ribboned heels.
Buddy is a shorter purple catgirl who greatly resembles an upright cat. She is a Russian Blue with a round spotted face, scruffy fur of medium length and very thick eyebrows. Their dark straight hair has a poofy quality to it. They wear a sleeveless dress with a long skirt, complete with socks that end in fuzzy cat's paw patterned flip flops.
Habit joyously links his arms together with his hands, holding Buddy in the embrace. He looks emotional with his eyes closed and a shaky laugh. His boa cloth wraps around his shoulders and drops down, spilling little flowers all around from the effect of him moving, laughing. His long coat trails on the ground, his legs set in an forward-facing position showing the full height of the heels kept close together. Buddy is also laughing with a fallen flower tickling their nose, eyes closed happily and fluffy ears pointing up. A bit of his fangs are seen. He holds his round paws near each other in Habit's grip. Her skirt falls smoothly in a downward way as she fiddles her legs out and about.
Habit is sitting on a large tree trunk that the artist has decorated with clunky yet flowing swirling shapes. In the immediate backdrop behind them is a large apple tree, its roots near them outlined thickly with pencil. The roots are decorated rougher-sketched than the trunk. The top of the tree is filled with many apples and rounded leaves in bunches and bunches. ' Some ' is written incompletely in sketch at the far left. End ID]
Actually, no.
Kyaaaaa! * Blasts you with this *
Tumblr media
[ ID: The same image as above but edited. It's got a softer more blurred look, and is glazed over with a deep yellow color that shines most at the center, with Buddy and Habit. In variously colored sketchpens of blue, pink, green, red, orange, brown, the lyrics on the far left to Boney M's 'Somewhere In The World' continued, dropping down in lines-
' Somewhere in the world
There is peace of mind
Theres a place for me
In this world
Somewhere in the world
That's what I must find'
A significant distance below these is written
' Time...
Changer of seasons...
Time will see...
Another Flower Blooming. '
There are loose, big blue, pink and brown hearts drawn inside one another, overlapping with trailing tails. They are drawn around Habit and Buddy's faces and in thick oil pastel smaller red hearts emanate from Habit, while blue hearts come from Buddy. End ID]
Talk under the cut! Please read if interested!
Sooo first off Buddy belongs to my very good and very fluffy friend @ prrusten on Twitter and Tumblr!
If I remember right, Buddy( It's a pun! HEHE...a friend...and a 'bud'-- not yet in bloom) was a stressed Habitician who came here in hopes to get cheered after going through a bad spell in her life. One day, she meets a shivering stranger named Rose, who keeps talking about not knowing exactly where he came from or who he is, getting flashes of memories. She decides to provide shelter to this Flower Kid, and they eventually bond to become the best of brothers, being each other's light in their places of the mind. All Will Change, when Rose signs their lost souls up for a place called " The Habitat "....
Habit admires Buddy. Kind like me, to all, he thinks.
Buddy has much more complicated feelings after the overseer of the Habitat's spiral and subsequent attack on her and her friend....pulling out his thorns, cus he's got no teeth!
But they keep trying, again and again,
Rewinding, resetting.
They get it really wrong, one time around. Funeral, sworn to silence, moving on. Rose can't accept it. They get it right, the other times around.
This is that world. This is the world where the cycle was broken. This is where, in a long time, into the unknown, they could be friends....
My brother.. and someone else very dear to Me :" ) (teary smile emote) /platonic
PS: This picture is platonic!!!
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