#it's gonna be tough since it's on a monday
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wrapped around your finger
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
author’s note: I RECOMMEND NOT READING THE SUMMARY BEFORE READING THIS FIC! if you want to have the full effect of the story, don’t spoil it for yourself! now for those of you who don’t know, along with gvf, I am a huge 5 seconds of summer fan. I wrote this fic based on one of their unreleased songs (my favorite of all time), wrapped around your finger. I recommend reading the fic first and then listening to the song on youtube after. I loveddd the experience of writing this fic because I got to live out the events of the song through my own character and I think that’s always fun! anyway, enjoy the story!
summary: jake takes you out for a night you’ll never forget. but when the morning comes, will he still be the man you thought he was?
warnings: SMUT!, unprotected p in v (WRAP IT UP!), oral (f rec), loss of v card (unknowingly), cursing, theft, angst, arguing, misogyny, underage drinking (I do not condone)
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the clock read 6:37 pm and you were just coming back up to your room after mom’s chicken and rice dinner.
you had to kick a few boxes of pictures to the side on your way up the stairs. the new house was pretty but still unfamiliar. it had only been 4 months since your parents uprooted you from everything you knew and moved the family to california for your dad’s new job. the transition was tough at the beginning, but now was just boring. you had nothing to do. ever.
you plopped down on the edge of your bed that wasn’t covered in papers. you had decided to leave all your homework piled there, too lazy and overwhelmed to continue anymore. if mrs. turner thought that you were gonna finish her set of 50 algebraic expressions by monday, she was on crack. it was friday, damn it. why was everyone being so freaking difficult lately? couldn’t you catch a break? you eyed the pictures displayed on your wall, the contrast and vibrancy made you break into a small smile. you wished you were out taking pictures. you hadn’t got a chance yet, to capture your new city on film. it was calling to you…but so was your notebook and pen. you glared at them, frustrated. you needed something other to do than homework right now, but still you reluctantly grabbed them, starting on the next problem.
you don’t even know how much time had passed while you were scribbling math before you heard the tiny click. perking your ears up, you looked around to see what made the noise. you scanned around you. nothing in your room was out of the ordinary. the closet door was open as well, letting you see clearly that nothing was hiding in it. you suspiciously looked around one more time before going back to your equation.
so, if x equals the equivalent of 172 radical 4…
another click.
you recognized the direction the sound was coming from then, head focusing in on the window near your bed. you waited, wanting to see what was going on. after a few seconds, a pebble came flying up and smacked into the glass.
you got up and walked over to the window, peeking out to see if you could catch a glimpse of the person, at least you hoped it was a person, down below. a shadowed body was barely visible, the face too dark to tell any features.
damn it. you were hoping you wouldn’t have to do this. you were barely dressed in pjs, definitely not for unknown guests, and you had no makeup on.
slowly, you unlocked the window and pulled up, sticking your head out. just then, a rock came hurling up at you fast. you gasped and ducked, the solid circle traveling through the air and into your room. luckily for you, it landed on the carpeted floor so it didn’t make much noise. the last thing you needed was your parents to know someone was outside trying to get your attention this late in the evening.
you hesitantly peeked your head back out, seeing a pair of empty hands waving.
“hey! sorry!” a man’s voice called up, too loud when considering your parents’ keen ears.
“shhh”, you whisper-yelled back, “who’s down there?”
“it’s jake, from english”, he lowered his voice a little, “sorry for being so loud, I just wanted to see what you were doing tonight.”
you were a bit shocked and wondered if you had heard correctly. he wanted to see what you were doing tonight? what did that mean? I mean, you and jake weren’t particularly friends. sure, you saw him in class or the halls and he joked about teachers with you, but you wouldn’t say you two were friends. you definitely weren’t on the “show up at my door after dinner and throw rocks at my window, why don’t you” level. so, you had no clue why he would be here. you knew you didn’t have friends yet, but a childish thought popped in your brain. what if he liked you? no, that’s stupid. you hadn’t ever had much action back home anyway, so to think he liked you already when you had just gotten here was a delusion. but still, the question stood. why was he here?
“well, I was working on mrs. turner’s packet. I’m probably going to try to finish it tonight”, you hesitated, “why? what are you doing here?”
he finally came into view, stepping underneath the light shining from your bedroom. you took him in and became almost speechless. he was clad in dark denim jeans and a cream long-sleeve shirt halfway tucked in, buttoned only up to his nipples, where they would be anyway (you weren’t thinking about his nipples, definitely not), and completed with a ball cap. you had never really saw him like this before, relaxed and rugged. maybe it was just the soft yellow lights from your room that made him look this handsome. definitely the lights.
“well I, uh, was in the area”, he began, “you know, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?”
what? the hell? you couldn’t help but think that jake being outside your window asking you to hang out was just a cruel joke. or maybe, just maybe, it was fate? what if him being here was for a reason? what if this random hang out with a new classmate would be the best thing for you? the thought ate at your logic-loving brain. you had to tell yourself to shut up.
“um”, you thought for a second, “I’m not exactly dressed to go anywhere.” you laughed a bit awkwardly, looking at your pink rainbow pajama set.
“come on”, he urged, opening his arms out wide, “live a little.”
his words hit you. you hadn’t really had a social life lately, having no real time to get friends or join extracurriculars. you almost gasped when you realized.
you were lame.
sure, you never were the life of the party, even back home. but you wanted to be. you wanted to be the girl that people envied. with this move, you could make cooler decisions and nobody would know better.
“you know what, fine. where are we going?”
he broke out into a grin, “it’s a surprise.”
a twinge of doubt and fear hit your brain but you shook it away. maybe he was right. you needed to live a little.
you changed quickly into a pair of jean shorts and a white t-shirt. grabbing your phone, you sneaked down the stairs, past your parents’ room, and out the door.
you met him in the backyard, his back leaned up against the side of your white house. he seemed a bit taller than you remembered, towering over you.
he smirked, “you ready?”
smiling slyly back, you replied with a nod.
he cocked his head to the side, pointing to the direction you two were going to walk. you followed him, still a bit nervous but powering through. you hated the idea of not being cool enough to do fun, spontaneous things like this. he led you to the road and you started making the trek to wherever you were going.
“soooo”, he put his hands in his pockets, “where did you move from?”
“ahhh, southern girl huh?”
you laughed, “yeah I guess. not too obvious?”
“nah. I would’ve guessed east coast, but now that I look at you”, he took in your appearance up and down, “you have that southern belle kinda look.”
you rolled your eyes with a smile, “oh really? what about me says southern belle?”
he shrugged, “you look sweet.”
you shut up at that. you weren’t sure why a small compliment from him would shake you up so much, but you couldn’t deny how attracted you were to him.
he chuckled, “what? I can’t say that? ok.” he shook his head with amusement, “you have any plans coming up?”
you shook your head almost immediately and laughed, “I don’t do much.”
he smiled and laughed with you, “well, there’s a party tomorrow night at jenny stewart’s house. I heard it was gonna be fun so i’ll probably go. you should come, it’s at 9.”
you fought the urge to raise your eyebrows in surprise at him. was he really flirting? instead you just nodded and said “maybe.”
he smirked and changed the subject, “so how are you liking santa cruz?”
you reflected on the time you’ve spent here and became underwhelmed. “well, the people are nice”, you slightly tilted your head towards jake, making him smile. “and…I don’t know. I haven’t made many friends yet and kinda get caught up in school, I guess. I haven’t had a chance to really experience everything here.”
“mmm. well, then I guess it was a good thing that you have me tonight.”
he stopped at a crosswalk and grabbed your shoulders. it caught you by surprise, and you tried not to shiver at his touch. “I have a question for you.”
“yes?” you answered a bit too quickly.
jake looked down before making eye contact, “can I have you tonight?” you immediately raised your eyebrows in confusion, and he continued, shaking his head. “can I have your time? show you what is great about this place?”
a small smile tugged at your mouth from his thoughtfulness and you nodded.
“yeah?” his eyes looked hopeful and sweet as he became excited, nearly jumping for joy. he settled a bit before saying, “ok, first things first:”, his eyebrows jumped, “race ya.”
he took off down the crosswalk, the sign still illuminated with a red hand. he was fearless, dodging two cars to make it to the other side. before you could talk yourself out of it, you chased him, nearly screaming when a car honked his horn at you loudly. when you caught up, you pushed him playfully and he laughed heartily. the rest of the walk was about 10 minutes, silence non-existent. he’d managed to get you to open up. you talked about your life in georgia, your old friends, your school. he filled you in on what happened in santa cruz before you. the conversation was easy and fun, flowing freely.
he led you to a mcdonald’s, the golden arches shining above you. this was a bit surprising, as you didn’t exactly picture a mcdonald’s being a particularly important part of santa cruz.
“follow my lead”, he smirked as he pulled the door and went inside.
there were a few employees inside mopping and a couple in the kitchen. jake swaggered up to the register and dinged the bell on the counter in front of him. one of the employees in the kitchen walked over and mindlessly asked what he would like to order.
“two big macs please”, jake said a little too confident, “and two drinks.”
the worker handed you two the cups and left to get the burgers.
“hey”, he whispered in your ear, “get me a coke, will ya? i’m gonna initiate phase 2.”
you looked at him questioning, but he waved you off and you listened. you went to the fountain, filled your cups with soda, and when you turned back around you saw what jake was up to. he was slinking to the part of the store that an employee had just mopped and, because there was no wet floor sign, turned back to you and winked. with one move he flung his head back and pulled his feet up, falling on his back, hard. you put your arm over your mouth to cover your shocked mouth. you started to giggle a bit at what just happened and jake, groaning, jerked his head at you to come over. you got the hint and gasped before setting the drinks down and rushing over to him.
“oh my gosh! are you ok?” you rubbed his arm as he twisted and turned in mock pain.
“oh no! no, no, no! I am not ok! who would have known that they were mopping there? there was no sign! oh, my back! having no sign for a slippery floor is so dangerous for your customers!”
you nodded and then shook your head, “so dangerous!”
by this time, all the employees had stopped to see this and the manager had come out to see what was going on.
the manager rubbed his bald head as he took in the scene and asked, “are you ok, sir?”
“no”, jake answered, “i’m not ok! I got hurt because of your negligence! i’m gonna sue!” jake crossed his arms and you followed, trying to seem genuinely mad.
“well, don’t do that!”, the manager bent to help jake up as he chuckled uncomfortably. “we can offer you coupons or free food or-“
jake, standing with a stuck up look on his face, cut him off, “I would imagine that my meal today is free!” he thought for a second. “in fact, I would like additional food to help with”, he fought back giggles, “my healing.”
“of course, of course”, the manager snapped his fingers at the employees. “whatever you need, sir!”
you two proceeded to order just about everything on the menu.
“…and two mcflurry’s”, you added at the end. out of the corner of your eye you saw jake smile at you, full of an emotion but you weren’t sure which it was.
only a few minutes later, all your food was in bags and you were walking out the door with too much to carry and zero money lost. as soon as you two were out the door and around the corner, you started laughing hysterically.
“when you- I didn’t know that you would- that was-“, you laughed.
he did too, smiling at you and then doing something unexpected: he put his arm around you. you tried not to let it phase you, clutching the food a bit tighter, but you loved the weight of his arm around your shoulder.
“you know, i’m surprised that you got into it as much as you did. you don’t seem like a troublemaker.”
you rolled your eyes, “well, i’ve never done that before, that’s for sure. but, I don’t mind a bit of trouble.”
he smirked at you, impressed, “good. we’re gonna get in way more trouble tonight, just wait.”
you eventually turned a few corners and reached a big chain link fence. you couldn’t see what was beyond it very well, as there were quite a few buildings blocking your view.
he grabbed the bottom corner of the chain, which had been cut, and pulled it back. he looked back at you with a grin, “you ready?”
you couldn’t really believe you were about to follow a cute boy you didn’t know, who you talked to about your past and robbed a mcdonald’s with, through a cut fence to a unknown place.
you laughed a bit through your words at the absurdity of the situation, “yeah, I am.”
he offered his hand, his eyes hopeful. it occurred to you then that you were definitely going to take his hand. you couldn’t stop the night, too far in to quit now. even if you could, there was no part of you that would decline. you were his for the night.
you accepted his hand and he smiled. he bent down, squeezing himself through before helping you, the sharp edges around you catching on your clothes. you ease out and grab the food that you left on the other side. once you were all together, he stopped you before you could move.
“ok, do you know where we are?”
you looked around yourself breifly before answering, “nope.”
“good. i’m gonna go do something really quick and I need you to stay here.”
you nodded, a little sad he was leaving you.
“promise?” his eyes searched your face for sincerity.
“I promise.” you smiled and fought the urge to tell him that you wanted to promise your life to him. you kept all your thoughts inside as he grabbed the food and raced away through the alley of the building.
you shook at your thoughts, “ugh! stop it! you don’t know this guy! you need to stop before you embarrass yourself.” you took a deep breath, closing your eyes to center yourself. opening them back up, you saw jake coming back through the alley. his sleeves were rolled up and his ball cap had turned around, now facing backwards as he jogged up to meet you. you nearly passed out. what was it you said about not embarrassing yourself…
“you ready?” he pulled you out of your trance and you had to remember to answer.
nodding, you watched his body get behind you and place his strong hands over your eyes.
“ok, we’re gonna walk forward, but go slow.” his voice was right on your ear, low and raspy. you could barely concentrate, but you put one foot in front of the other and walked.
he led you through the alley, and from there you had no idea where you were. you relied on him to guide you, leaning back on him a bit. you almost tripped over a rock of some kind, letting out a funny scream-like noise. he chuckled in your ear behind you, making you almost shiver at his voice. god, this was getting hard.
“and… stop.”
finally, he pulled you back and stopped walking. he kept his hands over you eyes as he talked.
“before I show you, what do you hear?”
you listened closely.
“good”, he praised and you tried not to smile. “what do you smell?”
you sniffed the air, slowly.
“um”, you giggled at your answer, “fishy air?”
he laughed deeply in your ear, “good. now, what can you taste?”
you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out a little.
“hmmm, salt?”
“very good. now, are you ready to see?”
“for goodness sake, jake, we’ve been walking forever and I played your games, I think i’m ready-“ you tugged his hands off your eyes and lost all your words as you took in where you were.
the beach was beautiful under the moonlight, lighting up the waves as they crashed and sprayed. the water met the sand in a beautiful blue-tinted dark spot, and a few feet in front of it lied a blanket and our mcdonald’s bags. it was a picnic on the beach under the moon. you wanted someone to pinch you.
“jake- I-“, you couldn’t find the words if you tried.
“do you like it?”, his voice hopeful while his fingers grazed your arms lightly, his presence ever comforting behind you.
you looked back at him, “I love it.”
he grinned and grabbed your hand, leading you to the picnic.
“where did you find a blanket here?”
he smiled fondly, as if at memories you had brought up with your question. “my family used to come here all the time, so I always loved it. now that, you know, i’m grown and we don’t go out much, I come by myself. I keep a blanket in one of those lockers over there, just in case.” he pointed to a wall of lockers for people to stow their belongings while at the beach.
“and what about…“, you answered your own question by turning around and seeing what the buildings blocking your view of the beach were. “suites and private beach houses? wow, people have money.”
he laughed and helped you sit down on the blanket, fingers accidentally brushing your lower back. you locked eyes at the touch, dangerously fast, and you looked away before anyone could say anything. if you would’ve stared into his eyes for just a second longer, who knows would’ve happened.
finally, you both sat and got comfortable on the blanket over the squishy sand. he frowned, sighed, and shook his head.
your eyebrows furrowed at his actions, “what?”
he sighed again and made eye contact, “i’m just-“. he contemplated his words, looking up into the sky and then dropping his head to the sand before looking back at you. “i’m just really…”, his eyes danced around your face as he leant in, almost unaware he was doing so. it seemed like he was being pulled towards you, and you back to him. you followed his lead and leant in a little. he licked his lips, smiled sheepishly, and pulled away. “i’m just really hungry.”
you both nodded fast and you tried to shake the memory from your head. giving him a sweet smile, you grabbed a big mac out of the bag.
you two ate and talked for a good hour. half of the humongous bags were empty and there was nothing but happiness radiating from your spot on the beach. he had found himself on his elbows laying back, and you on one elbow looking down at him. he was so fucking charming. and it was going to be the death of you. you laughed at his horrible jokes and he smiled up at you, putting a fry between his teeth. you tried your best not to stutter or lose your train of thought, but it was so hard with him. he was just- perfect. and that was a dangerous thought.
“so”, you began after catching your breath from the joke, “what do you want to do? in life, I mean.”
he thought for a second, his head moving side to side. “realistically? or my dream?”
you smiled, “your dream.”
he grinned back, “musician.”
you rolled your eyes, laughing, “is that why I always see you playing that sg?”
his brows furrowed as a questioning look donned his face. “you see me play? when?”
your face blushed a bit, realizing how creepy the next sentence was going to sound. “after lunch. my next class is- well- when I leave- I pass the music hall on the way to my health class.”
he smiled at your embarrassment. “and you spy on me?”
“no! no, of course not! I just- see you through the window,” you backtracked, “like because it’s really big and I just catch a glimpse. I don’t watch you or anything-“
he threw his head back and laughed. you grunt in frustration, nothing you say making the situation sound less weird.
“it’s ok, it’s ok”, he fought to stop laughing, “I know you weren’t being creepy.” then, he raised an eyebrow at you. “wait, how did you know it was an sg?”
you shook your head, “my dad is a collector. it’s dumb but he always made me go with him to look in the vintage shops.”
jake smirked, “impressive.”
you shrugged, “I don’t know about that.”
he eyed you, “what about you? what’s your dream?”
you felt yourself get bubbly just thinking about it, a smile creeping on your lips. “a photographer.”
his eyes got bright, “pictures, huh? take one of me right now!” he stood, kicking up a bit of sand as he did, and struck a pirate-like pose.
you laughed and grabbed your phone, lining up the lighting and snapping a few shots.
he sat back down and urged you to show him, laughing at the situation. when you did, the joking left his face and was replaced by an expression of amazement and confusion.
“fuck, these are actually really good.” he looked up at you, “how did you get the shadows and highlights with just a phone camera?”
you shrugged, “i’m always just taking the picture by feeling. I get inspired and then it always just leads me to the perfect shot.”
he shook his head, still surprised at the quality, “this is perfect, don’t you realize? you could take pictures at my concerts!”
you laughed and nodded, “sure, jake.”
“i’m serious! you said you need inspiration and my music, especially the guitar solos, will definitely inspire you.” he tilted his head back and added, “plus I look super sexy when I play.”
you wanted to laugh, to play it off, but you didn’t want to admit how much that image was affecting you. you just decided to roll your eyes and shake your head, pushing the thought away.
“promise! say that you’ll be my personal photographer!” his enthusiasm was hard to turn down.
giggling, you agreed, “fine. but no nudes.”
he busted out laughing and shoved you.
after the laughs subsided, there was silence for the first time in the night, both of you too caught up in the eyes of the other. the tension was dangerous, waiting to erupt. still, there was a question still eating at you.
“why this tonight? why me and the beach? why are you doing this?”
jake studied you, eyes drifting up and down your body. he motioned for you to come closer, his breath tickling your ear, “why not?”
you slowly turned your face to his, not backing up. you were eye to eye, foreheads almost touching and lips just inches from each other.
you broke the trance by placing a finger on his lips and pushing him backward. “race ya”, you challenged and took off towards the beach.
you heard him laugh from behind you, getting closer. you were about ankle deep in the water when he grabbed you around your stomach from behind, lifting you up and spinning you. water splashed up on both of you, drenching your clothes. giggles plagued both of you as he spun and then set you down.
you turned and saw his face…and you don’t think you’ve ever been the same since.
he was smiling, big. his hat had flown off in the run, the wind blowing his shirt open. his hair was flowing messily and his skin almost glowing in the moonlight. he was perfect. so amazing that you couldn’t find words to describe it. you hoped right then and there that this would last forever. you weren’t sure you’d ever get him out of your brain.
it was then you realized that your shirt had been soaked by the ocean, the white cloth sticking to the curves of your torso and becoming see-through. you looked down to see your light gray bra showing through, and looked back up to see jake’s smile gone. it was replaced with a look of deep desire. his mouth slightly parted, his eyes locked on your wet body. you stared at each other for a minute, your salty hair whipping at your face.
he came close, brushing a piece of your hair behind your ear, his hand resting on the side of your face. he leaned closer and nudged your noses, almost asking permission.
“jake…”, you trailed, begging him to keep going.
he came in so close that your lips were grazing each other, pausing just a second before closing the painful gap. he kissed you softly, and you sighed into it.
you knew then.
it didn’t matter anymore.
it doesn’t matter what else happens or doesn’t happen tonight.
you were his.
the connection was complete.
after a few seconds of sweetness, you kiss him harder. his hands find your waist, pulling you into his body. your hands hold his face on yours, slightly in his hair. he continues to kiss you deeply, hands roaming to your ass and then your legs, picking them up so he could carry you back to the blanket.
he made haste, nearly tripping from the sand on the way, making you squeal. he laid you down on the blanket gently, you legs wrapping around his waist naturally. you both giggled at the position you had found yourselves in, feeling the excitement and adrenaline. you could feel his hands shaking as they trailed up and down your sides. the kisses grew hungrier, both of you getting impatient. he disconnected your lips and sat back, panting. you watched from your laid position as he unbuttoned whatever was left of his shirt and shouldered it off. then he bent back down and lifted the edge of the shirt sticking to your stomach, pulling it up and over your head. your bra was removed shortly after, being tossed to the side. your chest laid bare in front of him, his breathing shook as he whispered under his breath, “you’re fucking gorgeous.” with that, he kissed you hard again, hands slowly cupping your breasts. you moaned softly in his mouth and it was obviously too much for him to handle, as he immediately fumbled for your jean shorts’ button. he undid them and tugged them off fast, throwing them to the side. he groaned as he took you in, only clad in your underwear. it was a white thong decorated with cherries and jake laughed when he saw it.
“cherries?” he smirked as he began to kiss his way down your chest, licking your nipple. you gasped and moaned as he continued down your stomach and reached the top of the thong.
he smirked and looked up at you. god, what a sight that was. his hair messed, his eyes dark and mischievous. he looked up at you like you were something to eat. and god, you hoped he had an appetite. “I wonder if you taste like cherries, too?”
you were speechless as his fingers hooked into them, inching them down and tossing them over his shoulder. automatically, your legs came together at the brisk air on your private parts.
“ah, come on baby”, he shook his head, “let me see her.”
he made eye contact with you and bit his lip as he placed each of his hands on your knees, prying them apart slowly. his eyes flicked down to your center and he took a throaty breath before he dipped his head down between your legs. hooking his arms around your thighs, he looked at you before lowering his face down and licking a long stripe up your core.
you moaned and threw your head back as he licked and sucked, already feeling like it was too good.
“fuck, you do taste like cherries”, he smirked, licking his lips, before diving back in. he teased you, going fast and then slow.
“jake, please”, you begged.
“what baby? use your words, honey.”
he stopped teasing and made out with you, only taking breaths to kiss your inner thigh. you squirmed and whimpered, his grip just getting tighter. your hands tangled in his hair and pulled, causing him to grunt and flick his tongue over you faster.
“jake- too much. I can’t-“, you pleaded.
“you can. you will.” he said it as a promise, like he had already made up his mind about it.
jake went faster, harder. he was making true on that promise. you felt your muscles tighten and your mouth fell open. you screamed as the orgasm hit you. he continued for just a minute more, working you through the rest of it, until you started to run from the overstimulation. he pulled back and admired the mess you made.
“fuck, cherry”, he panted, smiled, and came up to kiss you. “I almost couldn’t stop.”
you moaned as he kissed you, beginning to feel something hard and hot on your thigh. you gasped breathlessly, his bulge evidently turning you on. you reached down and touched him through his jeans. you didn’t even use much pressure and he was already groaning. too worked up for his own good, he tugged down his pants, and you couldn’t help but run your hands across his toned chest. as he removed his underwear, you sucked a small hickey into his neck as a little memento to remember your first time together. you were certain that this wouldn’t be the last.
jake finally got fully naked, lining himself up with you. your eyes met and he slowly started to push into you. he sighed in relief, like he was returning to his home inside your body. the stretch was painful at first, as he wasn’t small by any means, but when he started to move the pain went away. it felt so good. too good.
“fuck, baby. you’re gonna be the death of me.” he moved slowly, all the way in and almost all the way out.
the sensation was unlike anything you’d ever felt, the pleasure taking over your brain and making you a mindless zombie.
“jake, oh my-“, you couldn’t even finish, cut off by a powerful thrust that hit a spot in you that you didn’t know existed.
“I know, baby. give it to me.”
the rhythm got faster, fueled by the pleasure radiating from both of you. soon, he was fucking you hard. the sound of slapping skin and moans mixed with the background noise of waves crashing against the sand was intoxicating.
“oh fuck, baby. are you close?” he was falling apart, evident by the squeak in his voice.
“yes! fuck, jake!” you could barely get the words out, too caught up in the feeling. the warm buildup started in your belly and you knew it wouldn’t be long. his grunts became faster and louder as he pummeled into you as hard as he could. he looked you in the eyes and moaned your name loudly, like he didn’t care who heard him.
“jake…”, you groaned, feeling the buildup get to the edge.
“oh, fuck. me too. show me, baby. show me how good you feel. cum for me.” he groaned at the thought of you falling apart on him.
you did as he said. moments later, you felt like you were engulfed by a wave of pleasure so intense you shook. you never broke eye contact as you moaned his name and squeezed his dick like a vice.
“fuck-“, he came with a groan. he shuddered and panted as he painted your walls. his eyes drifted away and he hung his head in the crook of your neck.
still inside you, he whispered in your ear, “you’re so amazing.”
you felt a smile creep on your face as you scoffed lovingly. he brought himself back up to look at you, brushing a piece of your hair away from your face. the smiles on both your faces were sweet and sappy, taking in the warmth.
you wished that this moment would never end. this right here? this was heaven. in jake’s arms, on the beach, orgasm haze washing over you both. it was all you’d ever want, you were sure of it. all you’d ever want is him.
he pulled out, hissing at the feeling, and tearing you away from your thoughts. “so, let’s get you cleaned up then.”
he used a napkin from the food bag to clean you off and then you both got dressed. pulling on your shirt, you saw jake glance at his phone.
“oh shit. it’s 12:06 in the morning. I gotta get home.”
“oh”, you tried to hide your disappointment, “that’s ok. I probably should too.” you smiled, walking over and pulling him into a hug, and he smiled back.
the walk back to your house took almost 30 minutes but you welcomed the time, dreading the moment he’d have to leave. you talked the whole way back, laughing about the night and things that happened at school lately. you held hands, swinging them like elementary schoolers with their first boyfriend.
you reached your house and turned to face him, sad. “I don’t want you to go.”
a small, empathetic smile tugged at his lips as he pushed you back towards your home. “go. you don’t want your parents to wake up and find you gone, now do you?”
you looked him in his dark brown eyes and wished you could tell him that all you wanted was a hug from him. all you want is a life with him. he became all you wanted within a few hours, sweeping you off your feet instantly. you needed him.
but all you could manage to say was, “ok.”
you kissed him one more time, softly. he smiled and kissed your back, his hand coming around to grab your ass. you squealed and pushed him away.
“stop it! my parents are like a foot away.”
he laughed, “fine. i’ll see you around.”
and with that, he turned and walked away. you figured you should do the same too, backing up slowly. you got to your front door and turned back to look at him. you hoped to see him looking back at you, but he was gone. frowning, you slipped inside. quietly, you made it to your bedroom and sat on your bed.
holy fuck. what just happened? this was the greatest night of your life.
you tore off your still-wet clothes and grabbed a towel before running to the bathroom to shower. the warm water ran down your body, washing away the sand and salt. you could still feel his hands on you, and you smiled at the reminder. when you were done washing your face, you went back to your bedroom.
you gasped when you stepped on something unexpected, but then smiled when you realized what it was. it was the rock from earlier tonight; the one jake threw. you smiled and picked it up, putting it on your dresser next to your favorite pictures. it was now going to be displayed with your favorite things. when you laid down, the comfortable bed swallowed you up as you thought about the night. about him. about jake.
you smiled and yawned, the happy memories and warm sheets lulling you to sleep.
you woke up the next day sore. you sat up and stretched, but your mind started to wander and soon you remembered the fun of last night. it filled your heart with happiness and all you wanted to do was see him again. but, in the haze of the night, you never exchanged numbers.
that’s when it occurred to you. jenny stewart’s party. he said it would be tonight at 9 and he’d probably be there. you almost patted yourself on the back for remembering. you looked over to your clock and almost screamed when you saw that it was noon. you slept late. too late. it was time to start preparing.
you had jumped in the shower again, and this time it was an everything shower.
you washed and conditioned your hair thoroughly, did full skincare, exfoliated, and shaved everything. like everything, everything. when you got out, you wiped your hand on the foggy mirror and brushed your teeth to finish the routine.
you ran to your room and started picking out something to wear. you started by grabbing a lacy, black matching set. last night you weren’t prepared, but tonight you would be. you put them on, the black bra pushing your tits up perfectly. the lacy panties left nothing to the imagination, but that was the point. next, you turned to your closet to find a dress. this would probably take a while.
it took a good minute of searching before you found what you were looking for. it was a black dress covered with cherries. how perfect. you thought about how he’d love the subtle callback to last night’s events and giggled. you put everything on and smiled at how you looked. he was gonna love it.
next was makeup. you did a subtle look, swiping a bit of sparkle on your eye and blush on your cheek. the mascara you used made your eyelashes 10x longer and you batted them at yourself in the mirror. you added a bit of sparkly gloss as a finishing touch. you felt like a little girl, giddy to see your crush.
by the time you were finished with everything and put on comfortable shoes, it was time to go. you said bye to your parents, saying you were going to a study group with friends. you tried not to feel upset when they raised their eyebrows at you having friends, and just ran out the door.
the walk there would only be a few minutes because jenny lived in the neighborhood next to yours. you checked your phone and saw that you were gonna be a few minutes late, but that was ok.
as you walked up to her house, you saw that the party was in full swing. there were people in the yard and on her wrap-around porch, already tipsy and talking. you excused yourself by them and made your way up the steps and to the door. the music bumped inside the house, rap being played out of a speaker. you walked into her house and saw you were in the kitchen. jenny’s house was big and very nice, but it was a mess from the party. there was beer bottles everywhere, liquor spilt here and there, and tortilla chips spilling out of bowls. the granite island in the middle of the kitchen had all the booze on top of it, and you realized then that you had never really been to a high school party. not a real one anyway. the only party you were used to going to had punch and a piñata. this was a real party.
you decided to keep your focus on finding jake, looking around the room. you tried to make your way to the living room, accidentally bumping into a very drunk jenny stewart.
“heyyyyyyy girl!” she slurred her words and waved at you.
“hey, jenny”, you tried not to laugh at her state, “have you seen jake?”
“jake kiszka? yeah he’s here.” she almost turned away before she whipped back around and grabbed your arm, “wait. whyyyy?”, she said in a flirty tone. “are you guys togetherrrr?”, she smirked.
you blushed and looked down, “I mean, kinda.”
“shut upppp! go get him, girl!” with that, she pushed you towards the living room.
you laughed and continued on, smiling as you came into the living room. but as soon as you saw him, your smile disappeared.
there he was, dressed in a hot black t-shirt and jeans, leaning against the stairs with a drink in his hand. and next to him was a girl. her dark black hair fell down her back and contrasted with her fair skin. she had on a red bra-like top and the shortest shorts known to man.
they were laughing. talking. why was she making him laugh so much? her hand was on his bicep and his hand on her waist.
you walked over slowly, mouth still slightly open in shock. when he caught a glimpse of you, his eyes went wide and he excused himself from the girl, coming over to you.
“what are you doing here?” his tone was annoyed, impatient.
“um, what? what am I doing here? first of all, you invited me!”
he rolled his eyes, “I didn’t think you’d actually come. it took a army to get you out of your house the first time.”
you scoffed at his rudeness but kept going, “well second of all, what the fuck are you doing?”
“what do you mean, ‘what am I doing’? i’m at a party, having fun.”
you’re eyes got wide and your voice got louder, almost able to be heard by others over the music, “you’re with someone else! what the fuck?”
he put his hand over your mouth and backed you into a corner where nobody would see you, “shut the fuck up. damn, do you ever stop talking? what? you act like we got married last night.”
your eyes glossed over with hurt as you ripped his hand from your mouth and spoke, “what? so nothing that happened last night means anything to you?”
he laughed and rolled his eyes again, “oh my god! it wasn’t that big of a deal. it was one night. yeah, we had fun. but I thought you knew it was just that: fun. you act like we said ‘I love you’ or some shit.” he took a swig of his beer.
you felt stupid. he was making you feel like last night was all in your head. the tears started to fall on their own and you couldn’t stop staring at him in disbelief.
he sighed, “oh, now you’re fucking crying? grow up, (y/n). we’re in high school. what did you think? we were gonna go run away together, get married, have kids, and live in the florida keys?” he scoffed, “you’re pathetic.”
you wiped your tears quickly and made eye contact again, “no, I didn’t think we were gonna get married”, that was a lie that hurt your heart to say, “but fuck, jake! we had sex on a beach and now you’re here flirting with some other girl like I don’t mean anything to you?”
“it’s just sex! fuck, you are so sappy!”
“you took my virginity, jake! what am I supposed to do? pretend like it never happened because you want to fuck some other girl?” the tears started again, and it was getting harder to hold them back.
he threw his hands up like he was innocent, “hey, don’t blame that shit on me! I didn’t know you were a virgin! you didn’t tell me shit.”
“so it was all about sex?! so if you knew I was a virgin, you would’ve never taken me out?” your shook your head, hoping you were wrong.
“no, I wouldn’t have”, he scoffed and said it like it was obvious, then he turned and ran his hand through his hair muttering, “this is such bullshit.”
you couldn’t help the disgust and shock plastered on your face as you took him in. this was a new person. this wasn’t the man you knew last night. maybe it was because he was drunk, or maybe you were just a fool all along, believing his lies. you dropped your head and took a shuddering breath.
“so, you don’t want me?”
he turned back to you and you looked back up. he sighed at your face, covered in tears, like it was annoying to see you like this, like you were a rock at the bottom of his shoe.
“no, I don’t want you. I wanted you last night, and so I had you. don’t make this a thing, ok? normal girls know that when a guy shows up at their house at night asking to ‘hang out’, it means he wants to hook up.” he took a breath, “I guess you just thought I was asking you out so we could lay in a flower field naming the stars and counting the constellations”, he laughed at you, “don’t get me wrong, the sex was good but that’s all it was. now, we’re done.”
that was it. the truth. the truth you never wanted to know. you didn’t know what else to say to him, but you knew you had to say something.
he raised his eyebrows, “ok? you’re done crying?” he sighed, “alright, i’ll see you around.” he walked away, drinking more of his beer, and returned to the box-dye-black-haired girl.
you moved on autopilot, leading yourself out of the room and back into the kitchen with the loud rap playing. passing by the liquor island, you grabbed a big bottle of malibu and continued outside. the party was still going, people making out and talking everywhere. you found the porch stairs and sat down, opening the rum and chugging a good amount. you sat there, drinking and staring out into the moonlight for a long time. you could still feel his hands on you, and you shivered. it was now such an unhappy memory. when the malibu was about half gone, you pulled out your phone. you went to your camera app and looked at the pictures from last night. they started with the one of jake striking a pose right after he learned you wanted to be a photographer. you laughed at the memory and took another drink of the malibu. you swiped and found a bunch of pictures that you had took while you two were laying on the beach, right after you were done having sex. they started with you two smiling, then another of him kissing your cheek, then another of you kissing passionately.
“you can’t tell me that wasn’t real”, you muttered to yourself, looking at the picture and taking a swig of rum.
“boy problems?”
a girl’s voice startled you as she walked up to you from behind.
“yeah.” it was all you could say, the tears already welling up again. you turned off your phone, not being able to look at the happy faces anymore.
she sighed and sat down next to you, “I know that feeling. happened to me a year ago.”
“really?” you looked over. she was so pretty. her brown skin and hair fit well with her marbled glasses frames. she was dressed in a polka dot t-shirt and jeans with a headband taming her curls.
“yeah, some guy I met from a different school. you don’t even want to know what happened.”
you looked at her empathetically and handed her the bottle.
“thanks”, she took a drink and turned to you, smiling. “i’m kate.”
“(y/n). it’s nice to meet another girl who can relate.”
“oh yeah”, she sighed, “I definitely can. so, who’s the guy?”
you hesitated at first, but then thought: what did you have to lose by telling her?
“a guy named jake.”
she gasped, “wait. kiszka?”
you nodded and took another drink.
“that’s the guy who broke my heart a year ago.”
you nearly spit out your gulp of rum. “what? he dated you?”
she rolled her eyes, “yeah, well I wouldn’t call it dating. it was one night. a glorious night on the beach.”
you went still but stayed silent. of course. of course, it was all a prepared night. it was a routine he did to make girls put out and then leave them high and dry.
“I know that’s what happened to you, too. i’ve heard it’s what he does.” she shrugged and took the drink from you, downing some more. she looked over at you and smiled softly, “i’ll help you get over him; I don’t have many friends anyway. we can go get slurpies and sour candy and go watch step brothers at my house.”
you laughed and nodded, laying your head on her shoulder, “that sounds great.”
a silence fell over you, only the faint sound of music and breathing audible.
“it feels like i’m never gonna be alright.” you were such a fool for him. you let him build you up just to tear you down. you hated how much you still wanted him, after everything.
“yes, you will. believe me, it takes time but you get there eventually. until then you just have to deal with it: being wrapped around his finger.”
• • •
this one took forever to write (purely because i’m lazy and took so many long breaks lmao) but it’s so rewarding to see it finished! please let me know if you liked this one and what you would like to see next! love you guys so so so much! 💓
(comment under this post to be added to my overall tag list because I just realized I don’t have an overall tag list lol :))
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rinhaler · 1 year
I’m soooo excited to finish writing toxic!megumi btw 🤤
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talaok · 6 months
The sweetest remedy
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!pregnant!reader
summary: Joel has a bad day at work, but you know how to make him forget all about it
warnings: Joel is very much in love with his pregnant wife, a bunch of fluff, smut| oral sex (f receiving), Joel takes care of himself but you still swallow, fluffy smut, Joel being the pussy eating king that he is
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"what's wrong?"
He'd taken one step into the house and you could already tell something was off
His forehead was creased with lines of annoyance and exhaustion, and by the way he was discarding his boots and jacket you knew he was pissed.
You were on the couch, your body turned towards the entrance, towards him, the tv muted behind you
"nothin'" he grumbled, setting his keys on the counter
"baby" you cooed, pouting softly "c'mere"
And of course, he did
Seeing you was all that made him survive these types of shitty days at work
Especially when he knew you'd be waiting for him in those flimsy summer dresses you loved to wear in the summer,
and especially since he'd gotten your belly to swell with the gift of a child.
You were five months in, and he fell in love with you all over again every time he looked at you
He had you straddling his lap the moment he sat down, his hands on your waist and his eyes all over you.
"tell me what's wrong," you asked again
You hated seeing him all troubled, he deserved nothing but happiness this man of yours, 
because that's what he brought to you every single day
He sighed, before nodding slowly
"it's jus' the guys at work babygirl," he said "nothin' you gotta worry about"
you didn't pay attention to the last part
"What did they do this time?" you asked, softly caressing his chest to try and soothe him
"one of 'em didn't show" he grunted, the palms of his rough hands starting their journey from your pregnant belly to your butt and thighs
"Again?" you raised your eyebrows, annoyed too now "I don't understand why you don't just fire them and get new guys"
The first little smile since he first came home tugged at his lips
"what a coldhearted little boss you'd make" he joked, smirking softly.
You rolled your eyes, biting down a grin of your own
"you know I'm right"
He pushed you even closer to him before responding, wanting to feel more of you, all of you
"I know you are babygirl" he nodded, his forehead to yours now "but you know how I am... I know these guy's stories and evrythin'- I jus' don't have it in me"
Ah that's right
Who could have ever expected such a rough and tough exterior to be hiding such a softie
"you're too nice for your own good, Miller" You couldn't help but smile, softly kissing his cheek
He only grunted in response, losing himself in the scent and feel of you
"'m gonna have a talk with him Monday, I'll see what he has to say for himself"
You nodded, watching him closely
"that's a good idea" you murmured as you let him guide your mouth to his, impatiently kissing you as he'd dreamed of doing since he took the first step out of the house this morning.
You let him taste you, his tongue in your mouth and his beard against your skin, until you both needed air and had to lean away
But something seemed still off, usually, he only needed to feel your lips on his to forget all about his day, but today... today that little shadow in his eyes was still lurking in his iris
"baby" you pouted, your hands reaching for his cheeks to gently take his face in your hands "what can I do to make you feel better?"
And in retrospect, you didn't even know why you asked,
Your husband might have been a gentleman and a hard worker and everything else in this entire world... but he still was just a man.
A man that happened to love the taste of his wife more than anything on this earth
Which is why he didn't waste a moment before murmuring
"y'know what I need babydoll"
God but the way his voice always dropped an octave and that sweet southern drawl got more noticeable every time he needed you was more than enough to impregnate you all over again
"you're insatiable, Miller" you shook your head, laughing that light laugh of yours that made him feel summer breeze and sunshine all over him even on the coldest day of winter
But he didn't laugh, oh no, Joel Miller didn't laugh, he only looked at you, admired you, as you made your decision
"alright" you smiled, getting off his lap with a low groan, before laying on the couch, propping a pillow on the armrest so you could set your head on it to not have your belly cover the best part of the show, which of course, was your husband between your thighs.
just like he was now.
Good Christ and heaven all tougher did he look fucking hot like that,
his eyes fixed on your clothed core, his pupils big and dark with lust, his hands gripping the outside of your legs, his breathing almost as quick as yours...
His eyes found yours as his nose plummeted to your core, his nostrils flaring as he did what would make any woman self-conscious,( that was of course, if they weren't married to such a depraved and pussy obsessed man), he smelled you, he smelled you like you would with a good meal before devouring it, the tip of his nose ever so gently rubbing against your clit in the process.
You whimpered like you always did, and, like he always did, he only continued with his torture.
His tongue felt good even though the soaked material
"Joel" you whined now, as he licked slowly and thoroughly,
He resisted the urge to make you come like that, although he'd proved times and times before that he very well could,
he only stopped when there wasn't a spot on your underwear that wasn't drenched, and your chest was rising and falling faster than the speed of light
That, only that, was when his fingers reached for the fabric covering your core and pulled it to the side, his eyes falling to the work of art between your legs
he didn't say anything, he couldn't, he only groaned before he was devouring you whole
"oh my f-" you cried, your back arching from the couch as his hand seeped underneath your dress to get to your belly, his eyes finding yours again "f-fucking god baby"
He groaned again, his tongue drinking up everything you gave him, swirling over your clit over and over again, getting you utterly desperate just to tease you and fall to your hole, threatening to enter and forcing a gasp out of your mouth
your thighs squeezed around his head just like he liked it, robbing him of almost all oxygen as he buried his whole face into your weeping cunt.
"Joel- baby- p-please"
but he was back at sucking your clit, and all the words in your vocabulary got replaced by mindless, animalistic moans as one of your hands shot to his hair, gripping his hazel locks tightly as your hips started grinding onto his face, his nose, his mustache, his everything
And fuck if he didn't love it, if he didn't live to see you use him for your own pleasure, drenching his face and the couch beneath you with all your sweet juices as you whimpered and moaned what alternated between curses and his name with that irresistible desperate voice of yours.
Yeah, there was nothing that could ever beat this,
the feeling that he got every time you came apart like this was something that could have only been described as a glimpse of heaven, with the angels singing and everything too.
"f-fuck" he knew that high pitch cry, oh he knew it really fucking well "baby I-"
And you didn't even have to tell him, he already knew.
He continued feasting on your pussy, letting you chase your own high, and before you knew it, your head was thrown back and a wildfire of pleasure spread through your whole body, from your toes to the ends of your fucking hair.
You would have guessed you'd just run a marathon by how fast your heart was beating
"you're the most gorgeous woman on this planet" Joel murmured more to himself as he kissed the inside of your thigh, sending a shiver down your spine, before crawling up to ghost your lips "with the sweetest fuking pussy too"
You could only let out a silly laugh before he kissed you, letting you have a taste of that sweetness.
But when you didn't feel him grind what you knew must have been a rock hard erection underneath his jeans, on your core like he usually did, you frowned, as you watched him sit up instead
"baby?" your forehead creased even more in puzzlement once you watched him undo his zipper and pull out his aching cock, not looking even remotely interested in making a move to position himself at your entrance
"what are you doing?" you finally asked, sitting up too now
He wrapped a hand around his dick as he answered
"You're still sore from this mornin'"
What does that have to do with anything?
He shook his head, watching you closely with that honest care that he only showed you "no but" he declared "I don't wanna hurt you babygirl"
And although you would have liked to argue, you knew that since you'd gotten pregnant, his protective side had somehow gotten even more hard-headed, and changing his mind was damn near impossible, which is why what you did instead, was change the tactic
"I still have hands... or a mouth, you know?" you cocked an eyebrow, eyeing his manhood
You didn't miss the way his member twitched ever so little at the proposal,
but then again, he had always refused you going down on him since the pregnancy, not because he didn't want to, fuck- god only knew the unspeakable things he'd do to let that pretty mouth of yours take care of him, no, the reason was he simply didn't want you to go through all that just for him, for his insignificant pleasure.
"All you gotta do is just sit there and look pretty, sugar" he murmured, finally starting to stroke himself, groaning lowly as he did
Your breathing faltered at the image, his large hands fisting his cock hard, stroking up and down in a way that looked incredibly natural and incredibly intimate at the same time.
And even if he'd ignored your proposal, you couldn't help but smile before pressing a kiss to his neck, right where his pulse was fighting against his skin.
And while you did that, now softly peking every inch of skin not covered by his shirt, you started undoing the straps of your dress, letting them fall down with the top of it once you were done
"like this?" you asked, biting down a smirk as Joel let out a desperate moan at the image before him.
God your tits looked even fucking better now, so full, so soft, so- so fucking perfect
"sweet Jesus" he groaned, his eyes panning between your mouth and your boobs as his strokes got faster, more desperate
You felt his hand sneak up your body and finding your tits, grabbing at them softly, gently caressing each one with all the care and amazement in the word, until he was whispering, begging "fucking-come here" and pulled your mouth to his, leaving a wet, filthy kiss on your lips as he continued palming your front.
the sound from his work on his dick was obscene, but neither of you cared, especially when the words coming out of your mouth happened to be even obscene.
"You're close?" you asked, feeling his heavy breath fanning over your mouth
"yeah doll"
You kissed him again quickly before speaking
"come inside my mouth baby"
Again, Joel Miller might have been as incredible as you wanted... but he still remained only a man,
a man who had to fight with everything he had in himself not to bust his load right there
"Good fucking Christ-" he groaned, closing his eyes as he threw his head back "fuck me"
"I would if you'd let me" you joked, placing another kiss beneath his ear
He laughed softly, opening his eyes to find yours "you want me to come in your mouth sugar?"
"yes" you nodded without missing a beat "I need it" you cooed, stroking his beard as his breathing became more and more uneven, his cock on the verge of exploding
"I need you to fill me up baby, if not my pussy, my throat at least"
you always knew what to say to get him going
"fucking- damnit" he groaned, tugging hurriedly at his cock as he ordered you to "don't move- open your mouth" until he was kneeling beside you on the couch, grunting and moaning soft curses or that's it-good girl, looking down lovingly at you till his warm seed was filling your whole mouth.
It took him a moment to come back to life, to the real word, but before he knew it, you were kissing as he held you close to his chest.
"Feeling better?" you finally asked
"I don't even remember what I was mad about babydoll"
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lesservillain · 9 months
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—ii. gotta promise not to stop when i say "when"
cw: more grumpy eddie, a lot of piss talk (sorry)
an: credit for the edited picture of eddie goes to itsscarrlett and the picture of jason patric is implied to be sam.
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Tears sit on your lash line as you pull up to the Munson house today. Parking on the side, just out of sight to “keep your car safe in case unwanted visitors show up,” you lift your head, willing the tears not to fall before going inside. It’s already been a tough week for them, the last thing you need is to bring your own dramatics into their lives. Normally you could let things slide off your back, but the customer’s that had come into CoffeeHouse today were demanding at best, cruel and abusive at worst all week.
“Damnit, Ed!” You hear Wayne yelling from down the hall as you open the front door with your key, given to you on your first day earlier this week. 
“Hi,” you squeak out as the older man storms past you and into the kitchen. He does a double take, a wild look in his eye at someone else being in his home, calming down once he realizes it’s you.
“Hey there, darlin’. Didn’t think you’d be here so early today.” He has an almost clean plate in his hand, save for some untouched veggies that look like they taste like cardboard.
“I’m sorry, I can come back later if—”
“No, no, you’re fine. Did ya get outta class early or…?”
“No, Friday is my short day,” you say, swinging your bag over the back of the couch and letting it land on the seat cushion. “I came from work. It was…rough, so I left a little early. Sorry I should have called first.”
“It’s alright,” he assures, turning to walk into the kitchen where you follow him. “I just gave Eddie his dinner so he’s still awake. Gonna need to give him his pain meds before I go. He’s been in a sour mood all day, complaining about…uh,” Wayne ducks his head bashfully, not wanting to look you in the eyes. 
“Well I guess it wouldn’t be weird for you to hear it given your profession and all, but he’s, uh, been complaining about it hurtin’ when he pisses.” His voice trails off, barely audible over the sink being turned on as he cleans Eddie’s plate. 
“Well, that’s not good,” you say with concern. “Has he been drinking a lot of water? Staying hydrated?”
“Yeah, yeah—well, as much as he’s willing to drink. Been trying to keep him from sippin’ on sodas all day, but the ice maker in this fancy fridge hasn’t been working for some reason lately and he wont drink the water if it’s not cold.” Wayne lightly bangs his fist on the side of the fridge.
“What about his urine? Does it seem like it’s darker than normal lately? Or cloudier than normal?”
“Uh…maybe? I’ll be honest, I’m not really lookin’ at his piss when I’m dumping the urinal for ‘em.”
You give an understanding hum, sympathizing with him. It has to be awkward, everything he’s had to do for his nephew since he came home from the hospital. There’s nothing that you want to do more than help them out. But, there is one big problem that’s been keeping you from doing so: Eddie.
Eddie will not let you come in his room, let alone take care of him. He makes Wayne get him set up for the night before he leaves, and then stays in his room with the door shut for the rest of the night. You still haven’t even seen him since you first came on Monday. Any time you’ve tried to come in, even just to check on him, he’s pulled his covers over himself to hide away from your view. The most you’ve seen is a few tendrils of curly hair illuminated by the light of his tv when you peaked in before going to sleep.
It felt like housesitting more than taking care of anyone. You almost forget you’re not there by yourself, the sounds of Eddie’s bed creaking when he adjusts it or the light sound of his TV playing being the only reminder that you’re not alone. 
“Do you think he may let me go in there and…check?” You tilt with a shrug of your shoulders. “Like instead of you dumping it, maybe I could do it? Just to see if I notice anything abnormal. If he has a UTI and it’s bad enough that it’s bothering him, he may need an antibiotic.”
“He needs a swift kick in the ass if you ask me.” Wayne sighs, pushing off from the counter. He opens a cabinet and grabs Eddie’s medications for the night. “But, I’ll see what I can do. He’s not in the best mood for negotiatin’ right now, but I’ll see if I can get him to give. Gotta let you help him out sooner or later.”
You nod, waiting at the end of the hall as he talks it out with Eddie. There’s a bit of a back and forth between them, muffled by the living room TV playing behind you. 
You wondered if Eddie would even let Wayne take him to the doctor if he needed to go. He’s clearly very stubborn, but you’re sure a lot of his anger must come from being in pain from what happened to him. It's hard to blame him for not trusting people after how this town treated him, but you wish he would at least give you the chance to prove yourself. 
After a few moments, Wayne walks back out with a not so promising look on his face. 
“No dice,” he sighs, hands slapping against his sides before sliding into his jeans pockets. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright,” you shrug, “maybe he’ll warm up to me someday.”
“He better. He can only keep up this ornery attitude for so long.” Wayne eyes the clock on the wall behind you, taking a half step back into the hall. “D’ya mind if I take a shower right quick? I did a little yard work outside and I don’t want to feel all sweaty at the machine tonight.”
“Of course! I’ll keep an ear out for him if he rings.”
“Thanks,” he takes the few strides toward the bathroom, calling out before he goes inside, “The food on the oven should still be warm if ya wanna help yourself!”
The mention of food has your stomach growling. It had been such a busy day you struggle to remember if you even ate anything at all, and chicken parmesan that sat in the glass container looked mouth watering. The smell of the savory dish had you making a plate so quick you almost dropped the new glassware on the floor. 
You were just about to take a bite when the tingle of a bell rang from his room. Your head perks up, eyes widening in disbelief. 
Just as quickly as you made your plate you abandoned it, moving hastily until you reached the slightly cracked door. Muffled groans could be heard from inside of the room, your hand flexes over the door handle. 
“Um, Eddie?” The groans stop. It's silent besides the sound of his TV. You grab the handle, pushing the door open slightly. 
“Eddie, it’s—“
“Go away.” His strained voice is stern, stopping you in your tracks. 
“I-I’m sorry, I heard your bell—“
“I said go away.”
“Okay, I’m sorry.” You back away from the door, pulling it until it's cracked once again. 
But you don’t move from the door. Rather, you do what you normally do in these situations. You think. Think about how you should have stuck up to him. You should have told him that Wayne is busy, that he either gets your help or no help at all. 
You also think of a kinder scenario, where you’re able to walk in, peel his covers back and tell him it’s okay, that he can trust you, if he would just give you a chance. 
The sound of the bathroom door opening startles you, making you take a step back from the door in front of you. Wayne walks out with a puff of steam, looking down the hall towards the living room, then down to you. He gets spooked seeing you there, shaking his head and his hand flying to his chest. 
“Everything okay?” He asks with a worried tone. 
“Um, Eddie’s bell, he rang it. But he didn’t want me so—“
“Jesus,” Wayne exhales, “Okay, thank you for trying.” He walks past you and opens Eddie’s bedroom door. “Boy!” You hear him say just as the door closes. The rest of the words are muffled as they go back and forth, and you take that as your cue to go and finish your dinner. 
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The night was going just the same as it had been the last few nights this week.
“…I have a date to play this morning,” Dorothy declares as she enters the kitchen. Blanch yells out “With a man?!” in shock.
“No, with a Venus Flytrap.” Dorothy retorts with a roll of her eyes.
You laugh at Dorothy’s quip, the late night replays of the Golden Girls keeps you distracted as you half study for an anatomy test. It’s been your favorite subject so far, but it’s still proving to be difficult even this far into your schooling. Your book sits open in your lap, sitting on top of your blanket that you’ve brought from home while you sit cozied up on the Munson’s couch.
You glance up at the clock on the wall that reads just a little past 11pm. You groan, closing your book and sliding off the couch to the floor. You grab your bag and open it, pulling out your clean uniform and laying it out on the back of the couch for your opening shift. You go through your night routine and check the front door locks before getting yourself settled on the couch for bed.
Just as you get settled under the covers, you hear the soft tingle of a bell from down the hall. You jolt upright, looking down the hall where Eddie’s TV illuminated the small crack in his door. Did you actually hear his bell? Surely he knows Wayne went to work tonight, right?
The bell rings again, more aggressively this time and you respond by practically sprinting down the hall, almost tripping on your blanket as you go. You’re about to burst through the door, but stop yourself in time to remember to knock, hand on the knob to keep the door from opening. 
“E-Eddie?” You call into the slight opening. 
“...yeah,” you hear, less muffled than what you normally hear from him.
“Can I come in?”
It’s quiet for a moment before he speaks again.
“Yes, please.”
Carefully, you push the bedroom door open. It’s dark, barely visible thanks only to the TV in the corner. As you step in your eyes adjust, landing on the form in the bed that is Eddie. He’s still mostly covered by his piles of blankets, but you can see a pair of eyes with the glare of the light hitting them looking straight at you, the rest of his face covered with his comforter. 
“Hi,” you say with a little wave, immediately cringing at your actions. “Um, how can I help you?”
Eddie blinks at you, unmoving. The covers over him suddenly rise, pulled down just enough for his arm to snake out, his whole body shifting to reach for something on the floor. Quickly, you move forward and to the side of his bed, not wanting him to over extend himself. 
As you get closer, you see him lifting up a plastic bottle — a hospital urinal, off of the floor slowly. For a split second you remember the easy grip silverware that you’ve been washing for him, and you instinctively reach out for the urinal before he can lift it much further off the ground.
“Let me get it for you, Mr.Munson,” you say, taking the very full container in your hands. When you look over to him, you’re able to see more of his face from his covers shifting. Or, at least what wasn’t covered by long curly hair, his pinched brow and frown lines highlighted by the TV light. He lets go of the urinal, grabbing his covers and pulling them up and over to hide himself once more. 
With a sigh, you make your way into his bathroom, flipping on the lights so you can better see where you’re dumping the urinal. When you get a proper look at the container in your hands, you have to suppress a gasp when you notice the almost brown color of the urinals contents. 
“Fuck,” you whisper quietly to yourself. This is not good. Eddie definitely needs an antibiotic, like, 3 days ago. Especially if he’s complaining of back pain, he could be getting a kidney infection, and he’s in no state to be dealing with that—
“What’s taking so long?”
Eddie’s strained voice snaps you back into reality. You quickly dump his urinal, running a little water into it and dumping that as well before running it back out to him. 
“Sorry, here you go,” you place the container back on the ground, before rushing back into the bathroom to wash your hands.
“Can I get you anything else?” You ask as you turn off his bathroom light. 
“No,” he says from under his covers.
You breathe in, “Okay, um, well I’m going to go lay down. So, just, ring the bell extra loud if you need me again. Okay?”
A grunt is all you get as confirmation from him. A hand pops out from under the covers with a remote in grasp, pushing the power button and leaving you in the dark.
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A loud crash wakes you from your sleep. Practically flying down the hall, you push in Eddie’s bedroom door and flip on the light. 
“Oh my god!” You shriek out at the display before you. Eddie’s face down on the floor, halfway between his bed and his bathroom. You rush to his side and give him a quick look over, the first thing you notice being the cord from his lamp tucked around his ankle…his only ankle.
Looking over him more you realize that the plaid pajama pants he’s wearing are tied at the halfway point, emphasizing the missing lower half of his right leg. Now, you knew Eddie had difficulty with mobility. You’d seen the wheelchair in his room before, and the easy access details that were built in the house didn’t escape you either. But, you were not made aware that he was an amputee.
“Eddie, are you okay?”
There’s a pregnant pause before he finally takes a deep breath in, letting it out with audible annoyance. He turns his head hair covering his face the same as before, blowing it away with a puff of air in a comical way that makes you snort when it falls even more into his eyes. You take it upon yourself to move his hair out of the way for him, revealing a very disgruntled and very…handsome face.
“Hi,” he says, shortly, looking up at you with one big, chocolate button eye.
“Hi,” you respond, unable to suppress your smile at his attitude. “Need some help?”
“Guess you could say that,” he huffs, positioning his arms to push himself up.
“What would you like me to do?”
He says nothing, only lifting his hand up in a way that silently asks for yours in return. You take it, bracing yourself as you help him sit up. He grunts as he gets up onto his ass, face scrunching up in pain from all the movement.
“Are you hurt somewhere?” You ask, landing on your knees next to him ready to assess any injuries. 
“Not anymore than I already was,” he says with a sarcastic groan, leaning back on both hands as he breathes through the pain.
“Well, I guess that’s good,” you say, the tension leaving your shoulders as you come out of panic mode. 
As you give him a moment to collect himself, you take the opportunity to really look at Eddie for the first time. His hair is dark, wild curls sticking out every which way from being hidden under the covers. Now that it’s mostly out of his face, say for some overgrown bangs that are currently half covering his forehead, half sticking up, you can see his face pretty clearly. He really does have handsome features, his plump lips sticking out to you the most. 
A scar covers a large part of his right cheek traveling down his neck and almost to his shoulder. Similar scars of various sizes go down his arms and are littered across his torso, all of them looking very new for being a few months old already.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Eddie says with a tight smile and a sarcastic tone. 
“I’m sorry,” you say solemnly.
“S’alright. Can’t blame you for looking. I’m kinda like a car accident when you can’t look away.”
“No, no,” you shake your head, raising to your feet. “I’m sorry that this happened to you.”
Eddie doesn’t say anything, his head dropping down where his hair could cover his face. He’s truly a pitiful sight, a broken man on the ground with all of his scars on display. You notice his hair is matted in the back where small rat’s nests have formed and you think about how clean the bathroom looked earlier. How long has it been since he’s left his bed?
“Do you want to take a shower?” 
Brown curls fly as Eddie’s head snaps up to look at you, an offended look on his face. “What are you trying to say?”
“I’m not trying to say anything, I’m asking you if you want to take a shower. Also, follow up question, why were you trying to get to the bathroom the begin with? Wait,” you stand up straight, a wave of hot nerves washing over you, “did you ring your bell and I didn’t hear it?”
A deep breath in, and a deep breath out. “No,” he says, his vision casting down to his lap, “I, um… I had to piss. But my piss can’s full, and I—” He huffs, hand running through his tangled hair. His voice picks up an octave, “I didn’t want to wake you up. I don’t want your help.”
“I understand,” you say, “I don’t think I would want a stranger's help trying to take a piss either.” As you talk, you cross the room to where his wheelchair is parked, pulling it over to him and kicking the locks in place. “But — and I’m sure this wont help when I say this — I am in nursing school. I’ve seen some things in the last year. Things that are, unfortunately, permanently etched into my corneas for the rest of my life.” 
He watches you with wide, curious eyes as you stand in front of him, placing yourself with your legs on either side of his. Crouching down in front of him, you reach your hands out to help him up, waiting for him to take your hands in return.
“What I’m saying is that there isn’t anything to be embarrassed about with me. You don’t have to hide from me.” 
He looks at your hands, then up to you. You give him a smile, gesturing at him to take your hands, which he finally accepts after a moment of silence. 
There’s a slight buzz that radiates in your shared touch, his rough, calloused hands grip tightly in yours. You ignore the head that creeps to your ear and count to three, bracing yourself as he uses all of his strength to pull himself up. With a quick pivot he plops down in his wheelchair, his breathing heavy after using so much energy.
“You okay?” You ask, waiting for him to catch his breath.
“Yeah,” breath in. “I’m fine,” breath out.
“Maybe we should skip the shower tonight?” You question with a raised brow.
“I never agreed to a shower in the first place,” he retorts.
You nod your head in acceptance. “Well, what if I at least brush your hair while you’re up—”
“No. Nope. No thanks.” His resistance was punctuated with exaggerated hand movements.
“Alright, alright,” you ceded, not wanting to push your luck. “Do you still need to pee or am I helping you back in bed?”
“I can do it myself,” he says, sloppily maneuvering his wheelchair towards the bathroom, facing away from you. Without another word, Eddie pushes the bathroom door closed and leaves you standing in the middle of his bedroom. You blink a few times, until you remember him mentioning that his urinal is full. Grabbing it from the other side of his bed, you take it to the hall bathroom to dump out, keeping a tentative ear in case Eddie calls out for you.
At the same time that you walk back into the bedroom, Eddie opens the bathroom door and wheels himself out. The look on his face is pained, brows furrowed together with a wince.
“Are you okay?” You ask, setting his urinal back where he could reach it.
“I’m fine,” he says shortly, making an attempt to straighten his face.
“Doesn’t look like it.”
He gives you a sharp glare. “I said I’m fine.”
You were about to throw your hands up in defense, not wanting to poke the bear. But, something inside you told you to keep pushing.
“Eddie, can I be honest with you?”
He stares at you from the other side of the bed.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you say sarcastically. “I’m pretty sure you have a UTI. Do you know what that is?”
“Yeah, I’m aware,” he states with a huff.
“Okay…so can I ask why you’re not going to a doctor for it?”
His eyes clamp shut, and he breathes in sharply with a bit of a shake.
“Listen, I get you’re like a student nurse or something. But, to me, you’re just a glorified babysitter, alright? You don’t know a damn thing about me, so just…” Eddie looks up at you, waving his hand dismissively. “Answer the bell when it rings.”
Do his words sting a little? Maybe a tad. But really you feel bad for him more than anything. Wayne’s told you that Eddie was a troublemaker at times before what happened, but he has a heart of gold and has always meant well. The sadness in the old man’s eyes looks a lot like the pain in the eyes of the younger man before you. And you know pain makes people behave in strange ways.
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“Hey, little lady. I think it’s time for you to get up and goin’.” Wayne’s soft, gruff voice stirs you from your slumber, pulling you from the light sleep you had fallen into after making sure Eddie got back into bed okay. Rubbing your eyes, the light from the kitchen illuminates the wall clock reading 4:30 in the morning. You let out a low, petulant groan as you rise from the couch, sliding down to the ground below to grab your things and get ready for the day. 
The smell of coffee penetrates your nostrils as you wash your face, followed by a scent of eggs and bacon that makes your stomach cry out. You were definitely going to have to stop somewhere and grab something to eat on the way to work.
Just as you step out of the bathroom, Eddie’s bell rings from his room. Not wanting Wayne to leave his food to get cold, you cross the hall and knock on Eddie’s door. When he gives you the go head, you push the door open and are once again greeted by only a lump under a mattress. 
“What can I help you with?” You ask as you enter the room.
“Are you making food?”
“Oh, I’m not. Wayne is though. Do you want me to have him make you a plate?”
“Wayne’s home?”
“Yeah, he just got—”
“Then why are you still here?”
Your mouth snaps shut. If you weren’t so tired, you’d probably just brush it off as him being grumpy. But your lack of restful sleep had you pivoting on your heel and closing the door behind you. You didn’t have the energy to deal with his attitude this early in the morning, so he could wait.
“Smells good in here,” you say cheerfully, pushing Eddie’s comment to the back of your mind.
“Glad you think so. Yours is sitting right there for ya.” Wayne nods his head towards the bar seat where a plate of eggs, bacon and toast sits waiting.
“Oh, Mr.Munson, you didn’t have to—”
“Now, now, can’t send ya into work on an empty stomach now can I?”
You pull out the seat and sit in it slowly. You feel guilty for eating their food, but you would also feel terrible to turn down a meal made for you.
As you start to eat, you watch as Wayne makes another plate. He takes the time to break up the pieces of bacon into small parts and cuts the scrambled eggs up to make them more loose. He grabs the plate and a bowl full of what looks like oatmeal and excuses himself from the kitchen. 
It only takes a moment of him being gone for you to notice that he forgot the silverware sitting on the counter. You thought about just leaving it, not really wanting to deal with Eddie any more at this point, but Wayne did make you food after a long shift at work so you might as well do it for him.
You bump the door open softly with your hip, utensils in one hand and some napkins in the other. The bickering between the two men ceases as they hear you come in with a sweet smile on your face.
“Might be hard to eat without these,” you say sweetly, placing the items on Eddie’s tray. Wayne’s eyes dart back and forth between you and where Eddie is sitting up, uncovered. Eddie glares at you, not acknowledging his uncle’s reaction to what he thinks is the first time you’re seeing his nephew.
Wayne’s hand taps against Eddie’s arm subtly. “Thank you, ma’am,” he says with raised brows, looking at Eddie expectantly.
“What?” he says, playing dumb.
“Ed, seriously.”
“Ugh, fine. Thanks.”
“You are so welcome. I hope you have a good weekend, Eddie,” you say as you turn to leave the room. “See you on Monday!”
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Water splashes under your tires as you drive up the muddy driveway to the hidden Munson home. It’s been a dreary day, overcast and a consistent downpour setting the mood from the moment you woke up. All the studying you did in the Munson’s living room last week paid off when you passed your test this morning, and the rest of the day consisted of lab work, which was the only reason you managed to keep your eyes open until the end of class.
As you park your car, pulling your hood over your head to protect yourself from the rain, you rush to your back seat to grab your bags and the two pizza boxes you stopped to get on the way over. A comfort food for you, and you doubted that the two men inside would turn down a slice. Hopefully Wayne would take some with him to work so he wouldn’t have to worry about his lunch.
With full hands you opted to knock on the door instead of trying to fumble your keys out and juggle two large, hot boxes of pizza. It took a moment but the door eventually swung open with an overjoyed Wayne on the other side.
“What’s all this now?” He says with a chuckle, stepping aside for you to come in.
“It’s my favorite rainy day food,” you say as you kick your muddy shoes off, leaving them on the porch and stepping inside. “And I figured I’d get enough to share. Payback for breakfast on Friday.”
As you entered the home, you were pleasantly surprised to find that there had been some decorating done over the weekend. Some shelves line the walls in various spots, mostly empty except for a mug and a couple hats, but it made a world of difference to the space by comparison.
“Ya don’t have’ta pay me back for anything like that,” Wayne says as he takes the boxes from you and takes them into the living room. “It’s the least I can do. I wish I could pay ya something for being here.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better I wouldn’t take your money anyway,” you say taking in the made kitchen table, no longer covered in boxes. “I like what you’ve done with the place, by the way.” You look at Wayne directly and really notice the dark circles under his eyes. It looks like he hasn’t slept all weekend.
“Thanks…it’s nothing compared to the old place, but over time…” A distant sadness lives in his stare as he scans the room, looking past you before finally focusing once again on the food in front of him. “Well, I’m hoping that we can make it feel like a home, eventually.”
A loud groan from down the hall startles you and Wayne’s head drops with exasperation. “I better go check on him,” Wayne sighs, pushing off from the counter and taking off towards Eddie’s room. 
“Is everything okay?” You ask, following behind him.
“Not really,” Wayne says, “Whatever he has, it’s gotten worse since you left. He’s got a fever that we’ve trying to fight—”
“A fever?!” You stop at the mouth of the hall, “And he still hasn’t seen a doctor?”
“Trust me, if I could get him to go I would. But he’s convinced it’ll pass on it’s own.”
Shit, this isn’t good, you think. Quietly, you peak in the door behind Wayne and you have to catch yourself before you audibly gasp. Eddie’s laid up in his bed, face flushed and his hair pulled up and out of his face with a washcloth on his forehead. The sheets around him look like they’re drenched from sweat and he’s covered in nothing but a thin sheet, likely burning up from the fever. 
Backing out of the doorway, you pad down the hall as quickly as you can and grab their wall phone, fingers hitting the keys as fast as you can move them. You had thought about doing this all weekend, but you’d just hoped that maybe Eddie would cave and let Wayne take him to a doctor.
“Hello?” The familiar voice of your family doctor, who you called Ms. Gene, on the other line pulls a sigh of relief from you. She had been a friend of your grandmother’s and always told you to call her if you ever needed anything, even after hours, staying true to her word when your grandpa had his heart attack and she walked you through how to perform CPR at 12 years old.
Over the phone you told her the symptoms that Eddie was having, but replacing his name with yours. “Oh, my word,” Ms. Gene says on the other line, “That sounds like a pretty bad infection, dear. Probably going to need an antibiotic and some Pridium to help with the pain. Are you still staying with your friend, Tonya? I can call it in to a pharmacy over there for you.”
“Oh, um, I’m actually doing some volunteer work in Hawkins. If you could call in to me, like, as soon as possible, that would be perfect.”
“Hawkins? Where that Earthquake happened? Well, I can’t say I’m surprised you’d go somewhere like that to help. Where do you want me to call it in to?”
“Uummmmm,” you stall, running over to the cabinet where Wayne keeps Eddie’s pain medicine, grabbing a bottle and reading the pharmacy’s information to her.
“Alright, I’ll call that over for you,” she says sweetly.
“Thank you so much, Ms. Gene. You are a life saver!”
“Of course, dear. Oh, before you go,” she say, grabbing your attention again. “I noticed here that you haven’t called for your birth control since February. Is there anything you need to tell me?”
“No, ma’am,” you cringe, “I just, um, I’ve been busy with school and I h-haven’t exactly needed it.”
“Ah, I see,” she says with an obvious skepticism. “Well, if you do start needing it again, just give me a call, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”
Just as you hang up the phone, Wayne walks back into the kitchen with a defeated look. The combination of Eddie’s condition and Wayne’s obvious stress has you feeling the tension in the air, making your words come out your mouth before you think about them.
“Wayne, I, um,” you stutter, “I need to run into town, to-to the pharmacy. I was going to stop on the way in and totally forgot.”
“Oh, okay,” Wayne turns to look at the clock on the stove. You’d gotten there early again, which hopefully would mean that you had enough time to get to the pharmacy and come back before Wayne needed to leave.
“Ya know you can use our stuff here, right? Don’t have to bring all your own things from home.”
“O-oh, thank you. But, um, the stuff I need is…personal.” He looks at you with a quirked brow and a slight tilt of the head. “Girl stuff,” you state, hoping that would be good enough of an excuse. And it was, the tips of his ears going red when he got the idea.
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Thanks to Wayne’s very detailed directions you were able to get around the construction and to the Hawkin’s pharmacy and back within an hour. The rain had let up to a sprinkle when you pulled in again, Wayne walking out of the house as you pulled the keys from the ignition. 
“Sorry, I hope I’m not making you late. Did you grab some pizza?”
Wayne lifts a plastic bag with the food and a couple soda cans, “Got some right here. And it’s alright, I’ll be just fine. Did you, um, get what you needed?” You mimic his move, lifting your plastic bag as well, which elicited a hardy chuckle from the older man. “Good, good,” he says with a nod, “In the hall bathroom, I went ahead and cleared you a shelf in the closet in there. So, feel free to keep your stuff there. You don’t have to,” he says assuredly, “but I figured I’d give ya the option, ya’know?”
Your cheeks squish your eyes with how hard you smile, overwhelmed with the consideration of your needs. Something you’re not used to.
“Thank you very much, Wayne. That was very sweet of you to do.”
His ears turn red again, but he smiles back. “I’m — we’re not really used to having women around, but I want you to be comfortable here. You bein’ here has been more helpful than you think.”
The praise goes right to your heart, and you beam so hard you’re surprised the clouds didn’t part and let in a ray of sunshine over you. Instead, the rain starts to pick up again and the two of you part ways quickly to escape the downpour. 
As soon as you get settled inside, you bust out the prescription bags and look over the medication directions. The antibiotic that Ms.Gene prescribed is for 10 days, and you realize that you didn’t even think about what you would do when you weren’t there. You don’t think Wayne would be mad about getting Eddie an antibiotic since he’s still being so stubborn, but you also don’t want to assume. Maybe you’ll wait to tell him on Friday when Eddie starts to feel better.
You prep the medicine and head down the hall where you can hear Eddie moaning lowly from his room. Knocking first, you push the door open and find Eddie to be in the same condition as he was when you saw him earlier. You felt awful for him, almost missing the bad attitude compared to the pained sounds he’s giving you now.
“Eddie,” you coo softly, grabbing his water jug from his bedside table. His eyes flutter open, half lidded and following your movements as you stand next to him. “Eddie, I’m going to sit you up a bit, okay?”
“Why?” He huffs out, wincing as the head of his bed raises him up to an almost sitting position.
“I have some medicine for you,” you say, showing him the pills in the little plastic cup. 
He shakes his head, “No, no, Wayne already gave me my night meds.”
“These are different from those,” you offer the small cup to him to look at. “I just went and picked them up for you. The yellow and black one is an antibiotic and the little brown one will help with urinary pain.” He keeps shaking his head, refusing the medication. You look up at the ceiling, breathing in and out to calm yourself before you get frustrated. “Eddie, why don’t you want to take them? You have to feel terrible. Do you not want to get better?”
His eyes stay trained on his lap, the gears in his brain turning. His mouth opens to speak, but quickly snaps shut as he shakes his head more. “I don’t have to explain myself to you,” he says, his voice going up an octave as his eyes go glossy.
“No, you’re right. You don’t,” you say softly. “But, I do want to help you, despite what you want to think. If there’s something I can do to help you believe that, I would love to hear it.”
His head luls to the side, eyes moving back and forth before rolling to look at you. “Let me see the bottles,” he says.
“The bottles?”
“Yes, the pill bottles.”
“Oh, okay!” You set the cup on the bedside table and run into the kitchen. Grabbing the pill bottles you all but sprint back to his room, presenting the two orange bottles to him. He doesn’t take them, rather he leans in and looks over them closely.
“Is that your name?” He nods to where your information is listed on the top of the label. 
“Yeah, it is. I had to do it that way. Can’t request something for you so I figured this was the next best option.”
“And Wayne said it was okay?”
“Well, about that…” You set the bottles down, “I kinda forgot to tell him. But with the grief you’ve been giving him, I’m sure he won’t be too upset.”
“Whatever,” Eddie says with a roll of his eyes. “He knows why I don’t want to go…”
You grab the cup of pills and present them to him again. “I’m sure he does. But, you really need to start these before you end up in the hospital. Or worse, the infection spreads and you get blood poisoning and die.” Eddie huffs out a small laugh, but you choose not to ponder on it and instead grab his water jug. “So, are you gonna take them or am I gonna have to call the squad to come get you by the end of the week?”
He sighs and presents a scarred hand to you, the tissue thick and uneven where it looked like some of it may have been graphed. You turn the cup over and let the pills fall into his palm, watching as he brings them to his mouth and takes a sip from the straw of his water. You didn’t ask him to, but he opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue as if to show you he’s taken them, a reflex you wonder if he got from his long stay at the hospital.
As you watch him, you can’t help but look him over again. Admiring his profile, the way his adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he swallows. You notice that his scars on his chest cover his left pec, his whole left nipple missing in the mess of healed flesh. The bumpy flesh on his sides smooth out in the middle, to his belly button, where a trail of hair disappears into the thin sheet—
“Can you put the bed back down now, please?”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” You snap back to the present, heat on your cheeks and shame in your gut when you realize you were gawking at your patient. Your patient who is sick and needs your help to take care of him. Pin needle tingles flush into a layer of sweat over your body from the guilt.
“Is there anything else you need?” You ask as the bed reaches its flattest position. Hurriedly, you grab everything you left on his bedside table and move it back to where it was next to the bed.
“Um, yeah,” Eddie’s voice strains as he stretches his right hand to reach his bedside table, fingers moving slowly in an attempt to pick up the wash rag you saw on his forehead earlier.
“Want me to run it under some cold water?” Walking around the bed, you pick the damp rag up. Your fingers brush against his, making you retract them back to your body which sends the wash rag to the floor. “Sorry, sorry,” you say quickly, bending over to pick up the rag. You make a beeline to the bathroom, turning on the faucet to it’s coldest setting, splashing a little over your cheeks as it runs out.
“I, uh, I don’t need the washcloth anymore,” you hear Eddie’s voice call out, softer than you’ve heard from him so far. It sparks a bit of concern in you, making you lean back to check on him. He’s pulled the blankets back up over him, his whole body turned away from you. When the TV’s volume goes up a few clicks, you just assume that his pain meds are kicking in and making him sleepy.
After turning off the water, you ask Eddie one more time if he needs anything, to which he simply shakes his head, refusing to acknowledge you anymore. You leave his door open a crack as you walk out and rush across the hall into the second bathroom. You let out a quiet shriek, running your hands over your face as you replay the way you looked at him over and over in your mind. What the hell was wrong with you? Are you that touch starved that any bit of skin makes you act like an 1800’s man who’s just seen a woman’s ankle? You need to get it together, sooner rather than later. 
Maybe a shower will clear your head.
“Eddie,” you call out from across the hall. No answer.
“Eddieee,” you call again. Nothing.
You step out of the bathroom and take the few steps to the bedroom door.
“Eddie?” The sound of shuffling and a few curses make you jump back.
“Eddie, is everything okay—”
“Yes, I’m fine, what do you want?” He sounds aggravated, and you think that maybe he had actually fallen asleep and you had just woke him up.
“I’m sorry, I was just going to tell you I’m going to take a shower. I’ll let you go back to sleep.” There’s no response other than a creak from the bed, so you leave it at that.
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After two days of rain, Wednesday is much clearer. The early september sun beat down on your face through the window as your teacher goes through the day’s notes. But you’re barely able to focus on the words, your mind elsewhere as you think about the lack of sleep you got the last two nights. 
As if you had manifested it, your period decided to show up yesterday morning when you weren’t expecting it and you became a victim of period insomnia that night. Even worse, you almost bled through your school uniform on the way from leaving the Munson’s. Thankfully you were able to rush to the bathroom just before class started, but you only felt worse the rest of the day. 
You’re not sure if you were wearing your discomfort in your features or if Eddie was just feeling merciful, but he had been fairly pleasant for you when it came to taking care of him. He even promised to let you work on fixing his hair once he was feeling better.
Well, he didn’t say yes, but maybe is good enough for you for now.
With about thirty minutes left in class, your teacher calls your name and snaps you out of your daydream
“You’re needed in the counselor's office,” she says monotonically.
“O-okay,” you stutter, gathering your things quickly and heading to the main offices.
As you walk in, the lady at the desk is on the phone, not paying you any attention and she plays with the gum in her mouth. You stand there for a few minutes waiting for her to get off the phone, but she seems to be having a personal conversation, her beehive hair tilting to the side as she puts the phone between her ear and shoulder. 
You’re about to open your mouth to say something when a door behind her opens. With some papers in his hand, the guy from your volunteer sign ups, Sam walks out. His brows perk up when he notices you, bright smile on display as he makes his way to you.
“Hey, I was just about to come get you,” he says with a soft chuckle. “Thought maybe you got lost on the way here.”
“N-no,” you say, “I was, um…waiting.” You glance over at the receptionist, whose eyes are glued to the man in front of you.
“Ah, I see,” he says with a nod. “Well, if you don’t mind stepping back into my office with me here.” He motions for you to follow him back to the door he came out of. You can feel the eyes of the beehive staring daggers into your back even after he closes the door behind you.
“Please, have a seat,” he gestures to the chair in front of what you assume is his desk as he sits down behind it. You sit down, straightening your skirt in an attempt to get comfortable as he pulls a folder out from a drawer.
“So,” he starts, “I just wanted to, um, touch base with you on your volunteer work. More specifically, how you’re feeling with your client.”
“You mean Eddie?” You ask.
“Yes, yes, Eddie Munson. I think I told you that day that he wasn’t a very sought after client, and I’m sure by now you’re aware as to why.”
“Because of the accusations.” It’s not a question, rather a statement.
“Yes, exactly.” He leans forward in his seat. “The company that’s running the program was surprised that anyone had agreed to take him. But, I told them that a…” He pauses for a moment, subtly looking you up and down, “...very special person took Mr.Munson in without hesitation. And when I tell you they were relieved — it would be an understatement, truly. But…”
“But?” You ask with a quirked brow.
“But,” he continues, “I’m just…I just want to make sure you’re feeling…safe.”
“Safe? Like when I’m there?”
“Yes. I know he lives with his uncle so you’re not alone, but if you were to be left alone with you, would you feel safe?”
Oh, this guy has no idea.
“Absolutely,” you say without hesitation. “Eddie is wounded at best and grumpy at worst. But I can’t think of a single moment where I’ve ever felt unsafe. I’ve actually felt quite welcome there. They’re very sweet people.”
Sam nods with a satisfied smile as you talk, visibly relaxing in his chair.
“Good, that’s great to hear,” he says, making a note on a paper in the folder in front of him. “I’m glad we were able to find a good fit, for the both of you it seems. Now, on the day you signed up, I did forget to have you fill out this paper here—” He slides a paper in front of you with the VisitingAngels logo on the top. “This is just asking for your basic info; name, address, a good phone number. It’s all for the volunteer company to keep on record. It must have been missing from the folder I had that day.”
“Oh, okay,” you say, pulling the chair up to the desk. Sam slides a pen over to you, and you can feel his eyes on you as you fill out the paper. You spare him a quick glance, and he flashes you a smile. He’s more handsome up close you think.
Once you’ve finished you slide the papers back to him, his finger touching yours as he takes them. 
“Great, thank you,” he says, tucking the paper into the folder and closing it.
“Of course,” you say, straightening up in your chair. “Was there…anything else you needed me for?”
Sam hesitates for a moment before clearing his throat.
“Actually, yes. I, um, I think you volunteer later in the day, is that correct?”
“Yes, I’m usually at the Munson’s house by 5. Why?”
“How long would you say you’re usually there for?”
You feel beads of sweat forming in your hairline. Did someone find out you were staying overnight with Eddie? Would he get in trouble if you were? Would you get in trouble? Would they take him away as your client?”
“Um, I would—I think I leave at 7, on-on average. Yeah…I get there, make sure he eats and get him settled for bed. Sometimes we sit and talk. Y-you know, caregiver stuff.”
“I see, I see,” Sam nods. “So that means…This Friday you don’t have any plans after 7 then?”
Your head reels back. “I’m sorry? I’m not sure what you’re asking.”
He laughs nervously, adjusting himself in his chair. “I, um, well, I’m asking if you’re free on Friday night, because I wanted to see if I could maybe take you to dinner?”
Your eyes dart around the office in disbelief. What is happening right now? You don’t get asked out. Tonya gets asked out by guys at the bar. The girls in your class get asked out by guys in other majors. The girl who bullied you in high school gets asked out by your crush. But not you…
“Sorry if this seems sudden, but I’ve honestly been thinking about you since that day we met and…I don’t know,” Sam shrugs, closing in on himself a bit. “I just thought I would ask. But I understand if you can’t.”
Damn it.
“Well, I can’t on Friday,” you start, and the strings of your heart pull when the man in front of you deflates. “But…I could do Saturday?”
“Really? Okay, I can make that work.” Sam grabs a post-it note and writes his name and number down before handing it to you. “Here's my number, just in case. I guess I’ll pick you up—” He opens the folder again and points at where you wrote Tonya’s address on the paper, “...at your place around 7?”
You nod. “Sounds like a date.”
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thank you for reading.
tagging @boomhauer bc i know you want to share your art lol
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yellowjackets96 · 7 months
the way you do the things you do / angus tully x reader — part one
summary / chaos is only natural when barton's resident misfit strikes up a bond with the middle child of the school's most despised instructor.
warnings / none
word count / 1,300+
hii! this one goes out to the very wise anon who suggested a plot revolving around angus and mr. hunham's kid, which, i must say, is an utterly brilliant concept. however, it turned out to be a lot longer than just a mere one-shot like my first one had been, so it'll probably end up being two or three parts. i hope that's okay, lovely anon. thank you for sharing your brilliance with me!
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Moreso than anything else, the relationship between the two of you started as an agreement. Well, an unspoken one, but an agreement nonetheless. Somebody had to look out for the two of you, on equal footing as outliers, as social rejects, as the odd men out. No one could be better for that role than you yourselves. 
To your utter dismay, ever since your parents made the decision to ship you off to Barton Academy in order to get you “the best education available” for high school (which was made possible by your father’s half-off tuition staff discount), you found yourself under a level of scrutiny that you never once faced at your old public junior high. It was not your intention to be perceived as the offspring of the most hated man there, either, but word travels quicker than a deer crossing the road at Barton. A concept introduced to the dean on a Sunday morning ends up widely-understood knowledge by a Monday evening. You’d already been written off as the ‘spawn of Satan’ before you even started your first class. Tough fuckin’ luck.
On the other hand, Angus’s isolation was entirely self-imposed. Following several years of what his mother had promised would be a “short-lived maintenance phase,” he became fed up with the entire process — the constant shifting and forced socialization and paperwork and meetings with headmasters. Lather, rinse, repeat, over and over until he felt utterly insane. He grew to resist society’s forced conditioning of him, lashing out the only way he knew how, through acts of adolescent rebellion. Due to how much you contrast from your stickler father, you eventually saw eye to eye with Angus on this. Once you had finally worn him down to the point of dragging a tragic backstory out of him, you understood why, because, of course no teenager could possibly be interested in the art of befriending their peers and engrossing themselves in a community at their third consecutive school. 
But it didn’t start off too swimmingly.
He entered your life on the strangest day of the week, during the least-interesting possible time of year — a Thursday in late February. You learned of his arrival through the grapevine, mere hours before you first saw him. Perched at a seat towards the very corner of the dining hall, you had become increasingly intrigued by the nearby nonstop chatter from a group populated by Georgie Jackson, Philip McNamara, Billy Wolfe, and Teddy Kountze, a rare sight in the seven o’clock breakfast setting, which was typically chock full of half-dead, completely exhausted teenagers.
“You wanna bet it’s gonna be another freak?” Teddy had grumbled, shaking his head dismissively at something optimistic Georgie must have said. “They’re half the school, at this point.”
He not-so-transparently nodded towards you, earning him in-sync laughs from the more agreeable Philip and Billy, and a halfhearted head shake from Georgie. “Christ, dude. And you wonder why we’re the only kids who tolerate you.”
Teddy threw his hands up defensively. “Hey, I’m just sayin’! We could benefit from someone actually cool and fun.”
“God, could you imagine how cool a girl would be?” Billy daydreamed, practically drooling.
The shaggy-haired blonde smirked. “You’re telling me. That’s all I wanted since I first enrolled here. Would be nice if old man Woodrup would do what the student body actually wants, for once.”
“Instead,” Philip piped up, wearing a dejected pouty frown. “I’m hearing this guy got kicked outta three different schools.”
Your curiosity piqued, you finally jumped in, against your better judgment. “What could possibly get a teenage boy tossed from not one, not two, but three schools? That sounds utterly ridiculous.”
The energy sufficiently changed as Teddy shot you a poisonous glare, you watched the trio of his small-time henchmen sink into their seats, seemingly anxious at how angry you were about to make him. His scrunched-up face twisted into a confident smirk, like he was one-thousand percent confident he could ensure you would never speak to him again. “What’s it to you, Walleye Jr.? You think I’d lie about some shit like that? Would you tell your daddy if I did?”
A scoff escaping your throat, you leaned back into your seat, slightly dejected. “Well, no, but-”
“That’s what I thought,” Teddy said, his lackeys chuckling in unison, practically on cue. “And you wonder why you don’t have any friends, loser.”
Just like that, enforced unnecessary social hierarchy had left you right back where you were before, with more questions than you could ever get proper answers for.
Once lunch period rolled around, you figured you may as well not try your luck again. 
Wrapping a gentle fist against the surface of your father’s door, you barely had to stand by for more than a few moments before he greeted you, the smile that he saved for you and the rest of your family plastered across his cheeks as he slung an arm across your shoulder, pulling you into a casual hug. Due to the academy’s policy of teacher’s children not being allowed to take their parent’s classes to avoid favoritism, you no longer spent time with him every day as you typically did with your mother back home. The reunion was definitely something you had been yearning for since you last saw him, even though it must have been no less than a week ago last Sunday. For the first time in far too long, something at Barton brought joy back to you. 
“How have you been, sweetheart?” your father asked, his reading glasses bouncing slightly on the bridge of his nose as he sat back down at his desk. He pointed to the chair on the other end of it, offering it to you. You gladly accepted, tugging the seat out and sliding into it.
You shrugged at the question, trying not to pay Kountze and his gang of blockheads too much mind. “Fine. Haven’t really done anything too notable or special.”
“Well, hey,” he offered, sliding a sheet labeled roll call across the desk to you. “Maybe this’ll brighten your spirits, despite how much the prospect of it annoys me.”
As soon as he finishes speaking, you instantly know what he was referring to, your eyes catching on the highlighted name sandwiched between Neil Sweeney and Todd Wedderling, bearing an emboldened word next to it — Angus Tully (NEW). And then, like it were on cue, the door behind the two of you swung open, revealing the sight of an instantly-enrapturing bearer of deeply brown eyes.
“Ah, Mr. Tully,” your father remarked, rising from the desk to greet him. “What a coincidence. I was just introducing them to you.”
Angus snorted. “All good things, I hope.”
“You’ve yet to prove us otherwise,” the older man quipped, before quickly turning toward you. “This is my middle child, the one Dr. Woodrup told you about. They’re a sophomore like you, so even though you won’t be in my class together, I’m sure you’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”
Picking up on the hint, you offer the other teenager a hand, which he casually shakes. “Pleasure to meet you, Angus.”
The brunette offered a crooked half-smile, enough to draw one out of you, too. “Nice to meet you as well.” Everything about him seemed natural — the way he didn’t force his grin, the warmth of his palm, the distinct waviness of his mud-shaded curls. This school left you perpetually surrounded by well-off jackasses, standing where they were currently placed via generational wealth, rather than strength and perseverance, working off of their own merits as your father had. Not to say that Tully was dissimilar in that manner, but he just felt so distinctly different, like he was not even trying to cultivate a phony persona in the effort of impressing others. If only everyone were like him. Maybe Barton would be bearable after all.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 2 months
Rebuild & Restore - Chapter 11
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
All Falls Down (Prequel)
Series Masterlist
@paigereeder thank you for all your help sis! you da goat!!! ❤️🫶🏽
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Wednesday Morning
“This is fucking nuts” Kiyana muttered as she placed her head in her hands. Her house was in absolute chaos this morning. Kairo was teething so he was grumpier than normal and Kamari and Kaiden were upset that their dad wasn’t there.  Since Josh was getting more popular within the WWE Universe, he was starting to get requested to do more WWE Live tours.   He had left Monday night for the UK while he did tell the boys that he wouldn’t be home until Friday, it must’ve slipped their tiny minds. 
Kamari and Kaiden  had rushed down the stairs after brushing their teeth only to find the downstairs guest bedroom empty. Kiyna watched with bated breath as their little feet ran into the kitchen, their little faces scrunched up in confusion, looking exactly like carbon copies of their father. Kamari looked towards the glass sliding doors, his eyes widening as if he had a eureka moment and dashed towards the door, pushing the curtain out the way only to let out a sigh of frustration as he saw the backyard was empty too. Kamari then turned and looked at Kiyana. 
“Where’s my dad?” He muttered and he walked over to the table to sit down next to his baby brother, who was in the high chair starting to get fussy again as he chewed on his hand..” Kiyana sighed and grabbed both of their plates off the kitchen counter and brought it over to the table. Once she sat the plates down Kaiden, who had been sulkily looking out of the glass  door, came over and sat down so he could eat. 
“He’s still on the road, Bean.” Kiyana said softly. 
“What! Who's gonna take me to school?”   Kamari, dropped his fork and folded his arms over his chest with a scowl that could rival his fathers. While Kamari was sulking, Kaiden started to cry. Kaiden’s crying was like a domino effect. Kaiden’s crying had triggered Kairo and he started wailing, reaching his arms out for his momma and while Kamari was usually her tough child, she even saw a couple of tears slip down his cheeks.
Kiyana sighed before scooping Kairo out of his highchair and grabbing one of her dining room chairs and moving it between her two older boys and pulling them into her lap comfortably. She quickly pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Josh who responded almost immediately. 
To -  Boys Dad: Hey, are you busy?  From - Boys Dad: For you never  Incoming FaceTime Call from BOYS DAD 
Kiyana answered and the smile that was on Josh’s face quickly dropped. “Aye, what's with all the tears?” All three boys immediately looked towards the phone at the sound of their dads voice. “Wassup y’all?” 
“Who's gonna take me to school?” Kamari repeated his question from earlier, taking the phone out of Kiyana’s hand and holding it himself. 
“Grandma’ is coming to take you. We had this conversation Monday night, Bean. remember at dinner?”  Josh let out a sigh when his sons continued to cry. “I’m sorry. I’ll be home Friday night okay.”  She watched as her boys' tear-streaked faces softened slightly upon hearing their dad's reassurance. “And we can do whatever y’all want to do. Y’all got me for three whole days before I have to leave again.” 
Kamari and Kaiden reluctantly nodded their heads, their crying had eased up. “Alright y’all finish breakfast before Grandma gets here.” Kiyana said softly, pressing a kiss on Kamari and Kaiden’s heads. The boys nodded and blew their dad kisses before getting off of their mothers lap and eating their -now cold pancakes. 
Kiyana took Kairo upstairs to get him dressed so he could go with her mother as well. She was still on the phone with Josh who bit his lip as he looked at her through the screen. “What?” She asked after placing Kairo in his crib with some toys so she could find him an outfit. She set the phone up to where as though she didn’t have to hold it. 
“I feel like shit now, Key.” His voice came through the phone. 
“I didn’t mean to make you feel like shit Josh.” She shot back defensively. “I just thought them seeing you would calm them down and it did.”  She grabbed Kairo a couple of outfits out of his closet and started packing his diaper bag. She heard Josh smack his teeth. 
“I’m not blaming you, Kiyana damn. I'm just saying I feel like shit because I know they’re used to seeing me there on Wednesdays.” Kiyana sighed and picked up Kairo and brought him over to the changing table so she could start getting him dressed. “I miss them like crazy.” 
“They miss you too..” 
“What about you? Do you miss me?”  Kiyana sighed and tried to fight the smile from coming on her face. Something happened between them on Monday night. She didn’t know if it was just her emotions running on high or the fact that she actually missed him but she actually initiated the kiss between them. She was the one to pull him closer to her and he was the one who stopped it from going to far.
“You alright?” Josh asked her as he walked into the kitchen, his eyes dropping down to her ass that was encased in a pair of tight black biker shorts.  Kiyana nodded as she finished loading the dishwasher.
“Yeah, I'm just exhausted. The boys sleeping?” 
“Yeah, they rocked.” He laughed and walked closer to her leaning his hip against the counter so he was facing her. “You not mad at me right?” 
“No, I'm not mad at you. I’m just..” She sighed and shrugged, “I just don’t wanna lose my job over this.” She whispered and Josh nodded, now feeling guilty for losing his temper earlier. 
“He put his hands on you Kiyana. He needed to be dealt with.” Kiyana felt the tear slip down her face and before she could wipe it away, Josh stepped closer to her and cupped her cheeks in his hands, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. “I’m sorry.” 
"I know," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I never wanted you to get involved."
Josh shook his head gently, his eyes locked on hers. "Kiyana, divorced or not, you're still important to me. And I wasn't about to let that bitch put his hands on you.” Kiyana sucked in a deep breath and she stood there, staring into Josh’s eyes. Josh’s eyes dropped down to her lips. 
Kiyana felt her heart rate spike and before she knew it, she was leaning up on her tippy toes connecting her lips to his. Kiyana and Josh both moaned into the kiss as it deepened. Josh gripped the back of thighs and lifted her up, placing her on the counter without breaking their kiss. 
Josh’s hands roamed over Kiyana’s body, his touch sending shivers down her spine as she arched into him. Their kiss deepened even further, as she opened her legs wider and started to pull his shirt over his head. He broke the kiss so he could take his shirt off. 
“Wait,” He panted out as she pulled him back towards her. “Key, wait.” He muttered as she started kissing on his neck. “Key, fuck.” He muttered out as she moaned into his skin when she started to grind her hips against his erection. He placed his hands on her hips, using all of his strength to stop her from grinding on him. “I don’t want you to regret this when you wake up in the morning.” He grunted out as he pushed himself away from her. 
She nodded her head, her eyes glistening with a mix of desire and disappointment. She took a deep breath, steadying herself on the counter. "You're right," she whispered, closing her eyes. “I’m sorry.” 
“You aint got nothing to be sorry for Key.” He grabbed his shirt off the kitchen floor and put it back on before looking down at his watch and cursing. “Fuck, I gotta go finish packing.” She nodded and hopped off the counter and followed him to the front door.  “I’ll see you on Friday okay.” 
“Key, you still with me?” She jumped as she heard Josh’s voice call out to her. As she looked over at the phone she could see the hickey that she left on his neck. “Kiyana?” 
“Yeah I'm still here.” She whispered, licking her lips. “And Yes, I do miss you.” 
“Good, because I miss you too.” 
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Kiyana kept her head down as she went to the nurses station, ignoring the stares of her co-workers who had undoubtedly heard about the ass whooping Josh put on Elijah. 
“Don’t yall have work to do?” Debra asked, startling the two nurses who were staring at Kiyana and whispering back and forth with each other. “Go on, shoo.” She said, motioning them along with a roll of her eyes. “They acting like they never seen someone get their ass whooped before. How was your two days off?” 
Kiyana chucked and swiveled her chair so she was facing Debra. “It was cool.  Felt like old times again, just me and my boys.” 
“And Josh?” Debra asked, being her nosey self and Kiyana bit her lip and shrugged.  
“I mean he was there too. The boys wouldn’t let him leave.” Debra let out a ‘hmm’ and Kiyana furrowed her eyebrows. “What?” 
“I’m just saying, it was hella cute how he went after Dr. Daniels for you.” 
“Ms Deb…” Key trailed off with a roll of her eyes. 
“And Seeing y’all standing next to each other.” She whistled and flagged herself with her hand. “Y’all one hot couple.” 
“That got a divorce for a reason..” 
Debra raised an eyebrow, sensing Kiyana's discomfort. "I get it, I get it," she said, her voice softening. "But seriously though, it must've been nice having some time off with your boys. You needed that."
“Yeah I really did.” She whispered, biting her lip as another flash of her and Josh kissing popped in her head. 
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Kiyana went through the rest of the day thinking about Josh; she had to stop herself from texting him about six different times. Instead she texted Samara who called her and literally laughed on the phone. Kiyana had hung up on her… she was not in the mood. 
As she walked back towards her station after her lunch break she was floored to see a beautiful bouquet waiting near where she normally sat. Debra gave her a teasing smile and nodded her head towards the card. Kiyana rolled her eyes and picked the card up, her heart hammering in her chest as she started to read it.
I can’t apologize enough for what I did to you, to us. But being with you the other day, I realized how much I fucked up and I hope you can find it in you to give me a chance to fix everything. Ps. sorry us Fatu men keep giving you a hard time.  Love Josh 
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soooo.. what do you guys think? Y'all thonk Kiyana is gonna forgive him for the afffair? Or y'all think she just gone use him to get her rocks off lol?
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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@paigereeder @amandairene88 @woahthatshitfat @allmyn1ghts @reignsboy19
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@adoreesun @shayaaaaaaa @angiedawn02 @rianasixx @bookuce
@sageispunk @yourbane
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spiralgirlblu · 1 year
String of Unfortunate Events
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It had been a rough week for Bri. It had started on Monday, when her boss let her know that she would be laid off and he ‘wouldn’t be able to help her find a job anywhere else’, so she was on her own. After a couple days and little help from anyone around her, her dog passed away. She was a complete emotional wreck and was completely reliant on her boyfriend to keep up her spirits. Unfortunately, Bri’s douchebag boyfriend of over 4 years thought this was the time to tell her he thought things weren’t working out, and she was left alone in her apartment. She was stuck wallowing alone for a few days until her sister would be able to fly out from Japan to Omaha. 
Bri had spent her Friday morning meal prepping for the weekend, job hunting, and crying watching TV in her oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants that made her skinny but curvy body impossible to find the outlines of. After a long day of sorrow and disappointment, she decided she was gonna turn to her trusty hypnotic tape to calm her down and have a good orgasm. Bri sat down in her bed and shed her protective armor, down to just her bra and panties, which flew off after not too long as well. 
Bri had gotten a couple texts from a couple people that she decided to answer before she went into her trance. Her sister had left her another “I love you” long message which she really appreciated. Her next door neighbor and best friend Rosie said that she was making cookies for her since she had a tough week. Bri answered her “Thank you my lovie. Either leave them on the doorstep for tonight, or I’d be able to come over and get them tomorrow if ya wanna have a chat too :)” She exited her messaging app and started the hypnosis file. 
Over the course of the first few minutes of the file, Bri started to lul back into the trance that had been so familiar to her years ago, from the time before her ex-boyfriend. Even though it had been years since she last listened to the file, once she started to daze, the trance was just as strong as she remembered. She was finally happy, and let herself fade back into the trance she told herself she needed.
Her arms were nearly limp, just laying on her toned stomach as wave after wave of serenity and pleasure pulsed through her body. Bri audibly sighed, indicating she was ready to go into trance. In her last seconds of semi-clarity, she saw a text from Rosie that read “Oh girlie I know how bad you need these cookies, I’m coming over tonight. ” Her last thought was a simple “uh oh” before dropping into complete mindless oblivion.
When Bri awoke, she was extremely groggy. She had to blink a few times and stretch to fully get out of her subspace, and started to try to understand the world around her again. Everything seemed normal until she rolled over and saw the single most handsome, fit man laying next to her, equally as naked . 
“Who are you?” She said, shocked to see a new person next to her. 
“Stay calm.” He said, not addressing her question. Instantly as he said it, she felt all her fear and anxieties settle down. Still she was curious who the man who had seemingly broken into her apartment was. 
“How did you get in here?” She finally got him to look at her with this question, and his face was just as gorgeous as his body. 
“No more questions. On your knees, get off the bed.” 
“Yes, Sir.” She answered, surprising herself yet again. She was quick to rise to her knees before the god-like stranger. As he stood up, she laid her first look on the 8 inch cock he carried between his legs, and couldn’t bring herself to look away from it
“Open your mouth and suck, slut.”
“Yes, Sir.” Bri’s mind raced with questions. Why couldn’t she control her body? Why couldn’t she say anything? Why was she listening to this rude man? And why did she willingly open her mouth and accept this man’s penis, thrusting deep into her instantly?
None of those questions would be answered, but she continued to take more and more of the mystery man’s cock down her throat. This went on for a few minutes, until he stopped fucking her throat quickly and cupped her chin, picking her head up to his level. She looked so submissive, pliable to his hand’s actions, staring up at him with her big doe eyes. “Good warm-up, now it’s time for doggy. Get on your hands and bark, pet.”
“Yes, Sir.” she quickly responded, getting down on her hands and pushing her plump ass and pussy out to her mental captor. She gave a quick “ruff ruff” before feeling the tool that had just been using her throat enter her pussy with vigor. She struggled to hold herself up with her arms as it took nearly no time for the man to get in a rhythm and make her feel even weaker.
As harsh as it was, Bri couldn’t fight the fact that it felt so good to be fucked by the mystery man. She thought that there was something that she was concerned about before the man had woken her up, but she wasn’t sure of much before she got on her knees. As a few minutes passed, Sir had worked Bri very close to the point of cumming, but as he thrusted, she wasnt getting up to the edge and she couldn’t figure out why. And then he spoke to her again.
“Ohhhh babyy. Fuck im getting close. Build yourself up to the brink and don’t cum until I snap, understand slut?”
“Yes-s, Sirr.” She answered as she finally got past horny and was fully on the precipice of orgasm, waiting for her master’s command. She heard a stark grunt behind her, followed by a snap which turned her world upside down. Her vision went fully black as the most violent orgasm of her entire life overtook her body. Her arms failed on her and her head dropped right down to her bed, eyes fully rolled back inside her head. 
The man withdrew his still erect hammer from her dripping hole, and after giving her a minute to finish cumming, picked up her body and started to carry her downstairs. He sat her in a chair at her kitchen table, and put his mouth up to her ear. “Now fully wake up, Bri.”
Bri had to blink a few times in order to come back into the real world, but the first thing she felt was how absolutely blissful and used her body felt. This was immediately trailed by the smell of semi-fresh cookies. She groggily looked to her left to see the man, but actually saw Rosie smiling, naked with a strapon hanging off her waist. Bri simply stared at the attractive woman in awe of both the last half hour, and the body of her gorgeous best friend.
“Hi honey, you told me a few things when I found you with that file. And frankly, we BOTH needed that.”
After a few minutes of silence and shock, Bri responded. “And we need it again. But I want to obey YOU next time, mistress.”
I’ve been getting people asking for another story so here you all go ! Thanks to the few people who proofread it already !
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haruharuz · 1 year
*smacks hands together* alright guys since I started cracking the code to finally getting shit together imma give it to you. It’s not some 60 day fix your life hardcore butthole burner 3000 challenge. It isn’t gonna magically take your fucking depression away.
But listen, listen.
Put floss in a visible place— floss picks work fine. Start flossing before or after you brush your teeth.
Stretch in bed at night before you sleep. Two minutes is better than no minutes— butt up, crack your back, touch your toes or calves or something.
Start doing a “closer” on your room / home every night. Even if you’re exhausted. All you need to do is pick up the dirty clothes and put them in a hamper. Pick up the trash and throw it away. If you have a dishwasher, shove dishes in it and turn it on. If you don’t, do the easiest dishes you can. Wipe the counters down.
Sleepy time tea by celestial seasonings helps the skin because it’s got spearmint and helps anxiety because of the chamomile.
Comfort water bottle, 16 oz or more. Drink up.
Fill your water filter to the TOP every night before you sleep, now you have lots tomorrow and won’t avoid it as much.
Underwater aquarium ambience with fishies is great to watch and relax to.
Read fanfiction as a reward for doing something tough. Write one or use some shit like CAI to help you cope.
Organizing is hard. Get organizing shit from dollar tree and you’re done.
Have a hard time eating veggies? What’s your favorite veggie? Make that the majority of the veggie on your plate and the rest of the veggies aren’t as many. Huzzah.
Dino nuggets + tater tots + carrots is a perfectly fine meal. Eat.
ACCOMMODATE DONT IGNORE. I ignored and pushed neurodivergent things + chronic symptoms away for years. It did nothing. ACCOMMODATE IT.
Structure your week in hard days Vs easy days. Monday is my busy day, I do as much of the annoying cleaning as I possibly can on that day. I have my groceries delivered. I have lots to do. Tuesday is more relaxed but I finish shit on my to do lists. Other days are easier, because I don’t have to spend all damn day cleaning.
Do your fuckin stretching and cardio and whatnot in your pajamas. You don’t even need pants. Literally just do it naked before your shower if you want.
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bestialopez · 10 months
break up | marc marquez
summary: you and marc are long time teammates but this gonna change in 2024
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liked by yourusername and 41 872 others
hrc_motogp we are delighted to announce that @/yourusername and @/marcmarquez93 will be teammates in 2023!
user fav duo is back🤩
marcmarquez93 let's go team🔥
You and Marc have been teammates since 2019. You two are always have been super competitive and this was proved by honda's wins and podiums. You two have been unbreakable always spending time together. You also are friends with his brother. People were even joking that you three are one big couple by the amount of time you had been spending.
2023 season started badly for Honda. Missing points and lots of crashes. It wasn't the same Honda as everyone knew. You two have been working so hard to get Honda the glory but nothing was working out. During summer break, the rumours started to spread. People were saying that Marc is gonna leave the team. You didn't wanted to believe them, especially when Marc wasn't giving any signals. Next months, you two have been working even harder but you felt that Marc is not as much motivated as you. All questions about the rumours was getting him mad so you didn't wanted to ask him the same question again. After the Indonesian Grand Prix, Marc asked you to go with him into his motorhome. You went and got suprised to heard these words:
Marc: I'm leaving Honda
You: WHAT?
Marc: I signed contract for 2024 with Gresini. You are the first one I actually told this.
You: Better tell this to the whole team you had been working since 2013.
All mad, you left his motorhome. You knew you should be happy for him but deep down you didn't wanted to lose him as a teammate. He was with you your whole motogp career and next year, he will be in way different garage. After this conversation, you haven't spoke to him until the next race. You knew that your reaction was bad and all you wanted was to apologise.
You: Can we talk?
Marc: Sure, what's up?
You: I'm sorry for my reaction last week. I'm super happy that you are going to better team and I acted a little bit selfish because it's gonna be so weird to have someone different as a teammate and friend.
Marc: Hey, you are not losing me. We might be in different teams but we still gonna be best buddies.
You: I hope for it.
Last 5 races have been tough. Honda was still struggling with scoring points and now also losing their best rider. Valencia weekend had been emotional for all of you. Marc was sad and very sentimental. Honda knew that they gonna be way different team since monday. You was happy for him and was trying to show it. You actually was the first one to run and congratulate him of scoring the podium in sprint. This is what he needed as a farewall. Sadly, none of you finished the last race of the season but you two shared an amazing moments and time during these 5 years together. Now you've became best friends and best rivals.
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liked by marcmarquez93 and 27 943 others
yourusername goodbye, you were bigger then the whole sky✨
marcmarquez93 i'll be next door😘
| yourusername IT'S NOT THE SAME
hope you like it xx
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jungle-angel · 8 months
The Piano Man (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett discover that Royal has a serious hidden talent when your little boy asks him to teach him something one day
Tagging: @floydsmuse
"Alright son, that's enough of that," Royal said, dusting the wood shavings off the piece he and Rhett had been working on.
Rhett blew away some of the wood shavings and agreed. Any more work and the piece just wouldn't look right. "Feels like this is taking forever," he yawned.
"I know, I know," Royal told him. "But whatever can help bring in some extra cash we'll take it. You teaching next week?"
"Three days a week at the Amelia County Steiner school that the kids go to," Rhett answered. "Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays."
Royal was relieved. Ever since the woodworking teacher had retired, he had wondered if he should take the job, but the ranch desperately needed running and with the new hands having been hired, it had doubled the work. Brian O'Dowd had proven himself to be an excellent worker, but having done a stint in jail had Royal and Russ Redwood keeping a close eye on him just in case he had gotten in trouble again.
The two of them worked away at the wood, the radio playing on the shelf above Royal's tool bench and the smell of freshly carved woods filling the entire room. The door to the woodshop creaked open and in came Tanner in his little boots, black cowboy hat and his denim jacket that Rhett had gotten him and his twin brother at a ride two weeks before.
"Papa?" he chirped, tugging at Royal's jacket sleeve. "You come play with me?"
"We'll come play in a minute bud," Royal told him. "Daddy and I have to finish something up, but we'll come once we're done."
"Ok," Tanner chirped.
Royal lifted his grandson up off the ground and seated himself on the tool-bench, letting him play with a few of the little wood blocks that he and Rhett had made for him and Tatum to play with.
"Where's Nana bud?" Royal asked him, marking the corner of the wood with a pencil.
"Nana went to Miss Sawah's," Tanner chirped.
Rhett tried to fight back the grin that was beginning to form on his face. Both Tatum and Tanner still had trouble pronouncing their Rs an Ls which their teachers thought was the cutest thing in the world.
As soon as they were both done, Rhett and Royal led him out of the woodshop and closed it up for the day, eager to get back into the warm house. February was always a tough month for Wabang's residents, with spring being around the bend but with winter still clinging on with its death throes.
"Still lesson planning sweetheart?" Rhett asked, sticking his boots on the hard plastic mat near the door.
"Yep and I'm gonna take a break in two minutes," you chuckled. "Block rotations suck no matter how you look at it."
"What is it this time?" he asked.
"Ancient Persia," you yawned. "We start Ancient Greece in two weeks. Greek Games are in May."
Rhett made a face. He loved hearing about your students and the lessons you got to do in school but he had also remembered how exhausted you felt when lesson planning. Thank God you had a mentor like Betsy Livingston, otherwise you would be lost.
"Alright bud, whatcha wanna do?" Royal asked him.
"Can you teach me to pay piano?" Tanner asked him.
"Sure, c'mere," Royal answered.
You and Rhett were a little surprised as the two of them sat on the little bench in front of the piano. "I wan' you to pay a song fist," Tanner told him.
"I want you to play a song first......?" Royal reminded him.
"Ya'll got it bud," Royal said as Tanner hi-fived his grandfather. "Rhett, can ya'll hand me the book on the coffee table?"
You and Rhett dug through the notebooks, papers and pencils you needed for your main lesson plans when he found the old, dusty book that looked like it hadn't been touched in a while. "The complete book of movie soundtracks for piano players," Rhett read aloud. "Didn't even realize we had this."
Royal didn't say much as he opened it up and cracked his knuckles. Tanner watched his grandfather as his rough, calloused hands began playing away at the keys, hitting almost every note perfectly. It wasn't long before you and Rhett recognized right away what the piece was.
"Is that.......?" you asked.
"I think so," Rhett answered. "Dad is that the theme to Forest Gump?"
"None other," Royal chuckled.
Tanner kicked his little legs and giggled when Royal had finished. "Can you do anuver?" Tanner asked. "Peas?"
Royal gladly obliged, switching the page. As he began playing, you and Rhett once again, recognized what it was, the piece having played every year in the general store around Halloween.
"Das Hawwy Potter!!!" Tanner chirped excitedly.
Royal laughed as he finished off the last note. You and Rhett were hardly able to control the grins on your faces.
You both listened with awe as Tanner kept asking Royal to play more and each time, you and Rhett were surprised by how well Royal could play. He played "Red Warrior" from The Last Samurai, "May It Be" from Lord Of The Rings, "Now We Are Free" from Gladiator and "Tennessee" from Pearl Harbor. Yet you and Rhett were not prepared in the least when he played "Oogway Ascends". It was even more beautiful that you had remembered the first time you had heard it, watching it with the kids one night, the memories of the absent minded master from Kung Fu Panda, still fresh.
"One more Papa, one more," Tanner begged.
"Tanner c'mon, we've gotta take a break," Rhett chuckled.
"Nah Rhett, don't worry about it, he's havin fun," Royal said with a wave of his hand. "Your Ma's gonna be home with Tatum any minute so we might as well enjoy it while it lasts."
You and Rhett couldn't help but smile. If Royal didn't mind, then so be it.
When Royal began to play the next song, you didn't recognize it at first until he really began to get into it, your jaws nearly dropping. It wasn't in the book as far as you knew, but then again, Royal hadn't ever been known for doing anything by the book.
"Rhett is that......?"
Rhett laughed and pulled you close, kissing your forehead. "Fireflies" by Owl City had been a song that had played on your first date and one that you and Rhett enjoyed immensely. You and Rhett sang along to the words as Royal played and when he was done, the look on your faces had been enough.
And every day since then, when he had the time, Royal would sit with Tanner at the piano bench, teaching him little by little how to play.
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faegoddessog · 8 months
Not 'till Monday
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Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, clit play, fellatio, cum swallowing, cunnilingus, snowballing (male to female), Austin taking SUCH good care of you is SO many ways.
Summary: Recovering from surgery is tough. Doing it with Austin at your side is amazing with one exception-no orgasms allowed. I mean how did the doctor expect you to NOT be turned on when Austin is caring for you? It was fine for the first bit, but as you near the end of your blackout period it gets harder and harder, especially when he's vowed to abstain as well. Monday morning could not come soon enough and that goes for the both of you.
A/N: This little one shot was inspired by a convo with @purejasmine. I basically vomited it up in 24 hours. There are wee references to my other works and yeah, I have completely self serving fantasy that he'd read my work and go... 'damn... that's hot'. LOL! Let a girl dream!!!
Enjoy! let know if you'd like to be added to my tags list!
@purejasmine @slowsweetlove @richardslady121 @austinbutlerslovers
You weren’t gonna read it, your T-besties new dirty smut,  but the line just jumped out at you and now you couldn’t stop reading and re-reading just that one line.
“Is this what you want? For me to fill you with my cock?” 
Holy. Fuck. You shouldn’t be, but you are so fucking turned on right now. The fucking buzzing and throbbing of your pussy is out of control! Fuck! It is so intense, it's no joke.  You give in and read on. When you get to the mutual orgasm part, you squirm in your seat feeling your wetness literally bubbling out. What the actual fuck!
“I can control myself” you think, literally shaking.
Your throat vibrates with a needy groan as you toss your head back. ”Stop triggering me, bro!” you assert to the ceiling. 
“Are you ok, Princess?” his concerned voice calls down the hall from your bedroom. 
“Yes, I’m fine.. Well not fine.. But I’m ok” you shake your head, sighing, texting your t-bestie to fucking stop, tongue in cheek of course. You never want her to stop. 
“What’s wrong, what’d I do Baby,” his voice is hot in your ear, just moments before his hand crosses your upper chest. 
“Nothing you did Austin, my love. She’s just at it again,” you hold up your phone to show him the latest smut. 
“Princess, you should not tempt yourself. You know the doctor said no orgasms, not until Monday. You can hold out a couple more days,” he lightly kisses your cheek and walks around to sit on the couch with you. 
“I know, I know and I’ve been really good and you’ve been amazing. But she writes you so well… plus just having you around keeps me wet all the time.” 
“MMM I know, that’s one of a long list of my favorite things about you,” he purrs at you.
Austin has been a freaking angel sent from the beyond since your surgery.  Well, longer than that. He’s cooked for you, made sure you’ve stayed on top of your pain meds, stayed up at night to hold you in his arms until you fall asleep. He’s never missed a chance to take your walks with you. Even though they’ve had to be a little slower than usual. He holds your hand and points out animals and trees and the beauty of nature. You are so in love with him, he is the best thing that ever happened in your life. He even declined a project that was supposed to be starting this month because he knew you’d need him. 
“Bah, there will be others,” he’d said when you had protested, “I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it anyway. And I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you after surgery.” 
The flip side is that everything he does just turns you on, he is like your own personal interactive pornography. You have excellent self control, something you’d had to cultivate in your previous, toxic relationship. But this was testing your limits, you were starting to have a hard time concentrating on anything.
“I love that you don’t get weirded out by reading her smut that is about you.”  You nestle into his arms.  You two frequently read her stories together, getting so turned on that you fucked like bunnies. She absolutely loved the idea that her mind fuckery got the two of you off. 
“Heck no, not when she’s given us some of the best fucking ideas… like that one about cockwarming…or the one where I dominate you and call you Pet… damn that was one hot time.” He reaches down and adjusts himself. It’s been a while for him too, he vowed no orgasms for himself in solidarity. 
“Sweetheart,” you cover his hand with your own, your pinky brushing his burgeoning bulge, “if you want to you can jerk off. You want to cum in my mouth?” You feel bad for him, and you fucking love the taste of his cum. The idea of it makes your pussy throb. 
“No, no my Princess. I made a vow and I’m sticking to it. Besides, I was once a teenaged boy, I’ve had plenty of hard-ons that I’ve not played with, and I KNOW how hot that makes you. No way.” 
 He stands up and offers both hands to help you stand up. 
“C’mon, I have a surprise for you.” 
He leads you down the hallway, through your shared bedroom and into the bathroom. The tub is filled with steaming water, the scent of lavender and chamomile drift in the air. Two glasses of sparkling water and a plate of your favorite foods sit by the side. You two bought this house in part because of the huge tub. Both of you love baths and wanted something big enough that you could share. 
Austin helps you strip naked, put your hair up, and get into the bath before stripping off his clothes. If this was supposed to help you calm down, it’s a disaster. You fucking love the sight of him. He has been working out especially hard and he is fucking ripped right now. His lats pop and the ripples of his torso are fucking gorgeous as he bends to pull his joggers off. He doesn't quite get the first leg off and hops a little, giggling. He is so adorable and sexy at the same time, quite the enigma.  
You lean forward as he slides in behind you. You feel the hardness of his cock slide down your back and nestle at the base of your spine. He wraps you in his kind, gentle, strong arms. You melt. 
“Fuck Austin, I know you meant this to help… but it’s fucking hot,” you are struggling to keep your hips still.
“You want me to run some cold water?” he says helpfully. 
You purse your lips and twist to look at him. He is smiling ear to ear, chuckling. He knows what you meant. 
“Just wait love,” he whispers in your ear, “wait and I'll give you the most mind-blowing orgasm with my mouth in a couple days.  Then I’ll cum on your tongue, but you have to promise to swallow.” As though you’d ever do anything else but swallow his seed. His cock twitches against your back, his teasing of you is turning him on too. 
“Austin, you are not actually helping.” you giggle. Giggling is the only recourse you have right now. You fucking love this teasing, love this mind fuckery. At least you know you’ll get it eventually. Get his mouth, his tongue, his fingers, his body, his cock, his cum. FUCK now YOU are not helping. 
“I’m sorry my love, here let me feed you. At least we can appease your slutty tastebuds if not your slutty pussy,” he kisses your cheek and grabs the plate. 
“My pussy isn’t slutty!” you say with mock indignation, “it’s only for you Austin. How can it be slutty?” 
“Mmm, you are right,” he reaches down to cup your pussy in his hand, but stops himself just before plunging into the water. making a fist instead 
“Your wickedly wonton pussy, then” he breathes into your ear. Dear goddess in heaven, he is not making this easy.
He proceeds to give you little tidbits of perfectly cooked bacon, rare steak with goats cheese, roasted root veggies, fruit and yogurt, perfectly ripe avacados. You suck the bits off his fingers as he feeds you. 
“My Princess needs her protein for healing,” he kept saying every time he cooked for you inthe past two weeks. He did, indeed, treat you like a princess. 
The next two days pass without incident. There are no new story updates, and Austin keeps it surprisingly G rated. Though there is an undercurrent of sexual tension throughout the house. Sunday night is like fucking Chistmas eve, the anticipation is driving you mad in the best kind of way. As you cuddle on the couch watching a film, a standard Sunday night in your joint home, his arm is draped over your shoulder. His fingers lightly stroke your collarbone. You think they are shaking slightly, as though he is a nervous teenager hoping for a gratuitous movie theater-like grope session.   Is your mind playing fuckery tricks with you? 
You hear him sigh. It’s nothing to do with the movie on the screen. You thread your fingers through his, rubbing your thumb on his palm. You can feel his eyes on you. You tilt your head up to look at his perfect face. His little dimple appears, the one that you can’t help but kiss. Now is no different. You lean up and press your lips to his. His fingers curl around yours as he deepens the kiss almost instantly. You are instantly wet, well, more so than you always are with him. Your tongues touch then caress lips. Lips are momentarily trapped by teeth, before opening to be sucked and stroked by tongues ones again. God his kisses are like fuel to your fire. Your hand drops to his chest, and you turn towards him, fully engaging in the act of kissing this perfectly amazing man. Kissing that quickly ripens into full on making out, including his hand sliding up your shirt to fondle your breasts. Movie theater grope session indeed. 
The blaze of passion that ignites in your belly is ridiculous. This is the first time you’ve really kissed like this since the surgery.  The forbidden fruit effect is full on. The fact that you can't have it, makes you want it all the more.  
‘Fuck it’, you think, your mind clouded with lust, ’what is a few less hours.’
You move to straddle him and at the same time your hand reaches to undo the button on your jeans. 
“Whoa, Princess,” his deep voice husky with desire, “not below the waist, not until tomorrow.”
“But…” your face is a mask of petulance, forehead crinkled down and lip stuck out. Your frustration is evident. 
“No, my Love, I promised I’d take care of you and that means following doctors orders. No orgasms until Monday, and four weeks still until I get to sink into your tightness,” he reaches out to pet your protruding lip with one long finger. The finger that you want rubbing your clit right now. “I’m sorry I gave in to temptation, Baby.” With both hands he tilts your head down and kisses your forehead. 
You close your eyes, breathing deep. He is right, dammit. 
Later that night, he is propped up against the headboard. You curl up in his arms, grateful for his love of a good snuggle. He opens the book he is reading out loud to you. His gorgeous baritone lulls you to sleep.
You must be in an orchard, you have to be. What else smells like vanilla and citrus? The tall grass you are walking through brushes against your naked butt. The grass reaches and gropes along your thighs, trying to get to your pussy.  It feels good, the grass caresses your ass. You realize it’s not the grass but a shining ethereal being standing next to you, hands cupping your genitals front and back. Warmth radiates from its hands and soaks into your skin. You feel an intrusion inside you, malleable and warm. A sense of peace glows in you, from the inside out and the light erupts from your sacral chakra, like water over pouring from a vase. It feels divine, like an orgasm of light. Then you feel a concentrated rubbing against your mons. You hear a moaning and realize it’s your voice. 
You come to full waking consciousness and feel Austin next to you, on his side.  The palm of his hand rubbing circles on your vulva. You realize you have been moaning and just came in your dream, or maybe here in waking life too. 
“Yeah,” you hear in your ear, “that’s it, cum for me.” You can smell the orange and vanilla on his wrist as he brushes hair away from your face.
You eyes flutter open so see Austin staring at you, biting his bottom lip, nostrils flaring. When he sees your eyes open, his mouth curves just enough to expose the dimple at the corner of his lip. That fucking dimple, it melts you. Then his mouth is on yours hard and fast, the clean taste indicating that he brushed his teeth and rinsed with mouthwash. 
His finger dips inbetween your labia, you are so fucking wet, he doens’t even need to pull wetness over your clit. It’s already bathed in your juices. You are pretty sure that you already came once, which is fantastic as you were nervous that something inside might hurt when you finally got to orgasm. 
His fingers start working their magic, circling the hood of your clit, over and over. Then switching side to side. His mouth is constantly on yours. You want to stop him and tell him you want his beautiful mouth on your pussy, but it all feels so good. Usually he would gradually get faster, but he keeps a steady pace. It’s mere minutes and your orgasm washes over you. Your body freezes,  spine jerking and your little grunts are swallowed by Ausitn’s mouth. 
“That’s my girl,” he gently pets your vulva, “How was that my love?” 
“Please, please keep going,” you pant, eyes pleading for the overstimulation that he is so freaking good at. You can’t stop your hips from pushing forward and back against his hand.
“No babe, we are gonna take it slow at first,” he smiles, eyes full of love, “don’t want anything to… burst or whatever with a crazy hard orgasm.”
“Hmmmmm” your voice whines, “can I at least have your cum, baby. I need it.”
“That I can do,” he nods imperceptibly, “C’mere sugar.”
You help him pull back the covers as you sit up,  unwrapping his gorgeously perfect naked form next to you. His cockstand is a fucking dream, thick and long lying on his chiseled stomach. Your pussy practically drips at the sight of it.  You snag the bottle of water from the bedside table and quickly drain it. 
“Get that mouth down there, I need to be wet,” his voice is grizzly with need. 
You could live off Austin’s cum. In fact you usually get it almost every day. The past two weeks have been torture, not having his milky seed in your mouth. 
Eagerly you straddle his leg, bending down. He pulls your hair, still in its sleepy bunny ears, away from your face. He fucking loves watching your mouth on him. You lick your lips, looking at his eyes as he tucks one hand behind his head for a better view.  He knows you struggle with your gag reflex and he has never asked you to go beyond your comfort zone. 
Tongue out, you lick his soft tip. He releases a shaky sigh. He has missed this too. You bring your lips together pushing saliva out between the seam with your tongue, letting it run down his cock. You push your closed mouth down, tongue flicking his tiny hole. You seal your lips over his red tip,  chasing the rivulets and sucking them back up as you pull back. You dive down again, only taking his tip. Your cheeks hollow and the sound of wet suction follows. 
“Oh my god, Princess” he breathes.
You rub your smiling lips along his tip in a figure eight, like lip balm. You love hearing his sounds of pleasure. You engulf his head again, just a little farther this time. Your tongue rubs side to side along his frenulum. You bob up and down, up and down, tongue working him, slurping on the end of his cock.  
He moans, his hand rubbing down his stomach to the inside curve of his pelvis. His thumb and forefinger catching up the root of his cock. His long middle and ring fingers falling in the crevice next to his balls. 
“Yeah, that’s it gorgeous. Get me all wet with that pretty mouth,” he croons at you. His glutes start flexing slightly,  pushing his cock up. He’s trying for all he’s worth not to fuck your mouth. 
“Princess, I gotta… I’m… I need…oh god” he moans, not able to finish any sentence. You pull back as he holds his hand out, you drip spit into his hand and he wraps that big fist around that big cock. His hips thrusting up into his hand almost violently. He is so considerate and didn't want to do that into your mouth and make you choke. Clearly the last two weeks have taken their toll on his self control. 
You love seeing him play with himself. Last summer,  you ‘caught’ him jerking off. He had thought you had left.  You’d ran back inside to get something you forgot when you heard his moan. Peeking through the door, your pussy had gotten so wet when you saw him sitting at his desk, laptop open. You had almost slipped into his office to help, but when you realized what he was watching, you were too beguiled to interrupt. It was a video you two had made. A close up of your lips around his cock, both oral and vaginal. You didn’t let him know you were there, but you watched through the sliver of the door as he stroked himself to climax. Your hand was down your pants and your finger on your wet, wet clit.  It was so fucking hot. You loved the idea of being his porn. 
Now, your pussy is again activated watching him pump himself. You realize you have lowered down to his knee and are rubbing your wet pussy on his thigh, riding him.
“Fuck, Princess. That is so hot, you are dripping down my leg,” he seethes through his clenched jaw. “GAH!” he tosses his head back, a sure sign that he is close. His hand speeds up, and stops, speeds up and stops, edging himself just a bit. His forehead is pulled down in concentration, his plush lips form a little ‘o’ as he pants.
Holy fuck, he could not be hotter in this moment. His bicep bulging,  his pecs popped, abs contracted and tight, forearm veiny with effort, thigh flexed and wet with your juices.  Your mouth is open, tongue flicking.nYour pussy lips dragging back and forth over his skin. Fuck, it feels so good. So much deprivation has made you ultra sensitive. 
“Get that greedy tongue down there, so I can cum all over it,” he puffs out. 
You tip your head down. His legs are long enough that you can still rub against him and reach his cock with your mouth. Your tongue is out ready to catch. 
“Yesssss, here it comes,” he moans. 
The warm milky cum spatters your tongue, you know how much he likes to see it hit your mouth.  He groans in appreciation. Then you are down on him, sucking lightly, not wasting a single drop. It’s so fucking hot, such an activation for you to have his cum in your mouth. You sit up and grind into his tight quads just at the insertion on the patellar tendon. It's the perfect dune of muscle to rub your clit on.  You moan around your mouthful of cum, your tongue rubbing it along the roof of your mouth. 
“That’s it Princess, get it,” his hand is still on his cock, lightly stroking himself. He is so fucking turned on with your wanton display. His other hand is on your knee, somehow wanting to help, but not wanting to interrupt your flow. 
Your pussy tightens, good lord the friction feels good. Just as you can feel yourself tipping over that brink, you let his cum slide down your throat. Your eyes roll back in your head and your pussy gushes as your hips freeze forward. Your hips and head jerk in unison, grinding your pussy down on him with each jerk. It’s nearly overstimulating… nearly. 
You fall forward onto him, ass in the air, panting, shaking. He catches you with waiting arms. 
Cradling your head on his chest. 
“You good, Princess?” there is just a touch of concern in his voice. You love how he loves you. 
You nod, slowly getting your breath under control.
“Could be better,” you look up at him with a glint in your eye. 
“Oh yeah,” he gently swipes at a creamy drop on the corner of your mouth, offering the drop to your mouth. You greedily lick it from his finger. 
“Yeah,” you say after rolling the salty tang around your mouth, “I, uh, I seem to remember a promise a certain hot fucking man made me. One of a mindblowing orgasm with his talented mouth.” You smile at him,  running a finger along  the border of his lips. Those perfect fucking lips. 
“Oh yeah, when is he getting here?” he jests, chuckling.
You purse your lips and shake your head, you love his silly goofy side.
“Austin,” you kiss his mouth then roll off him, legs wide,”get down there and make good.” 
His eyes smolder at you, he loves it when you have just a touch of command in your voice. It usually doesn't last long, as he likes being in control in the bedroom, but it turns him on nonetheless. 
“Yes Ma’am,” he nods. Catlike he flips on top of you and slides down your body. In supporting his upper body weight, his shoulders bulge and ripple. That and his ocean blue eyes never leaving yours is enough to set you off.
He wraps his arms under your upper thighs. 
He inhales the smell of you.
His eyes close and he moans in pleasure. 
His mouth opens and he drags his tongue along your lips. 
“Just nothing in, not yet” you remind him. 
The apples of his cheeks pop as he smiles up at you, “I know darling.”
His tongue rolls around under your clit, pushing between your labia. He laps your little lips into his mouth, sucking them gently. 
You moan at the sensations, god you’ve missed his mouth. 
He nestles down at the bottom of your entrance and with a flickering tongue licks your wetness up, sucking your clit lightly into his mouth at the top.
 It’s fucking amazing. 
He licks again, his bottom lip dragging after his tongue, over and over. Until he settles on top of your clit. One hand slips from your leg and you feel two fingers press, not into your vagina, but in the crevices on either side of your lips. He licks your nub with the tip of his tongue and  presses rhythmically on the legs of your clitoris from the outside, milking your pussy. It feels incredible, you had no idea that was a thing, at least not for your body. 
Your juices start to flow freely, dribbling down. He greedily licks as much of it up as he can, sucking hard on your labia. Then his mouth closes wholly over your clit and the top bits of your lips. He sucks, the tip of his tongue flickering over the hard little button. 
Oh fuck it’s good. He is good. Better than good, with his fingers working their magic. Your hands fly to his hair, fingers tangled in his unruly locks. Breath flutters out his nostrils and onto your pubis. Your hips start pumping against his pretty face. You know he loves it when you just let go and let your body react. He starts groaning, his hips mimic yours, driving against the folds of the sheets under him. The fact that he is so turned on by eating your pussy is exhilarating. The vibrations of his moans send your pussy into overdrive. All of a sudden you are there; screaming, grunting, shaking under the magnificence that is Austin’s mouth. Pleasure floods your body. You writhe.  He shifts, letting go the suction and licks long, sensuous strokes along your quivering cunt. He flicks your clit at the top each time, making you shake in aftershocks, making you drip that much more. He closes his mouth wide over your pussy, sucking hard. Then, with a closed mouth he pushes up to his knees over you. His cock is rock hard and jutting out from his lean form. He is a fucking dream. He leans his head forward and dribbles a mixture of your juices and his spit onto his cock and into his hand. 
“God I miss doing that to you,” he moans.
You are panting, watching the sex god Austin stroke himself. His hooded eyes are brimming with desire and lust. 
“Touch yourself,” he commands, “I want to watch.” 
You immediately obey, your finger rubbing back and forth on your swollen clit.
“Yes, finger that clit, Princess,” it’s taking all he has not to slide into you, but he would never endanger your health like that. 
Your finger runs in circles around your clit.
“Pull your lips apart, I want to see it all,” his tone is intense, brooking no argument. 
You spread yourself for him and continue to circle your clit. Anything for Austin. He spits into his hand again, and continues to pump fiercely on his cock.
“Pull up, I want that little hood pulled back,” he is huffing, his face contorted and serious, “I want you to feel my hot cum as it hits your naked clit.” 
Oh. My. God. He has never said that, never done that. Your finger stops rubbing and pulls back your clitoral hood. The cooler air hits your exposed clit. You moan and clench. He watches as your pussy contracts, his breath hissing between his teeth. He glides hard on his cock. 
“Keep it up, don’t touch it.” His chest  expands in a deep, deep breath. His orgasmic groan begins as a rumble in his chest and blasts out his mouth in unrequited vowel sounds. Hot semen hits your vulnerable clit, it’s like fucking lightning. Your back arches and your hips shake, your orgasm is inches away. All you have to do is rub… but he told you not to. 
Suddenly and unexpectedly,  his mouth is sucking on you and hard. His tongue rubbing in his cum, back and forth over your clit. Your climax explodes over you like fireworks. You are so fucking lit.  Your spine and hips jerk, bouncing you on the bed.   He rides you down, lapping up his cum from you. Then he is over you, kissing you deeply with a mouthful of his own, sweet cum. It’s intoxicating, mind blowing, hallucinatory and nearly makes you orgasm again. You swallow every drop, curling your tongue into his mouth, desperate to get it all into you.
He pulls away shaking, having given you the same cum a second time. Clearly he found it just as electrifying. 
“Fuck that was unbearably hot, Princess,” he pants.
Your head shakes as you nod up and down, still completely aroused. You pull his fingers between your legs. 
“Rub Austin, please,” you beg. 
Austin can’t resist it when you beg like that. 
You spend the rest of the day either in bed, in the bath or in the kitchen. Austin made you cum in all of them. Orgasm Day, you’d come to call it, your own personal annual holiday.  Now, only 4 more weeks and the medical ‘ok’ until you get to feel his thick cock stretching your tight little pussy. Until then, well it’s Austin’s cum for breakfast, Austin’s cum for dinner and Austin’s cum for a midnight snack. 
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yankstrash · 1 year
what if meels missed an important event or game that she promised to be at and it starts a fight between them
she wanted to be at his game, she really did. however, she had an important exam monday morning and despite her studying for it all week, amelia was still unsure she understood the material. so as much as she didn't want to, she stayed home from the game vs boston university to study.
it was a very last minute decision. she fully intended on putting her studies aside for a few hours to go to gabes game, which she knew was extremely important because they were playing their rival, but when 4 o'clock came and her head was still buried in her books, she ultimately made the decision to stay home.
she hadn't seen her boyfriend yet today, intending to meetup with him at the arena right after the game. gabe was already at the arena for warm ups, so there wasn't much else she could do besides send him a text that she wasn't coming and hoped he'd see it before taking the ice so when he looked up in the stands and didn't see her, no panic would occur.
from: meels 💗
"hi baby, i'm really sorry but i need to stay back tonight and study :( i know you really wanted me at this game, i know it's important but i'm in a crunch. i'll be cheering you on from my desk with the game on my phone, kick ass!!!! i love you, see you later ❤️"
she waited for a reply, but never got one. that made her anxious because gabe was already nervous about the game seeing as it's so important, and she did not want to add to his anxiety by him not seeing her in the stands. unfortunately, there was nothing else she could do. she texted him, and whether or not he sees it before taking the ice is out of her control.
hours went by and suddenly it was 10 pm when amelia finally decided to call it a night on studying.
it was 10 pm.
she hadn't looked at the time since she put her phone down after texting gabe
the game...
she completely forgot to even turn it on and watch it.
any of it.
she missed the entire game after blowing off going.
she quickly reached for her phone and opened her espn app to check the score.
boston college lost 5-1.
gabe never responded to her text earlier. amelias heart sunk at the thought of this all. she was about to send him another text when there was a knock on her bedroom door.
she voiced a "come in" and in walked her boyfriend with messy, wet shower hair and a less than pleased look on his face.
she weakly smiled when she saw him and got up to give him a hug.
"hi baby." she said as she wrapped her arms around his torso.
even in his worst moments, gabe always gave her a tight hug back. however, she could barely feel his arms around her as he hugged her back, if you could even call it a hug.
she rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him. "tough game?" she asked, trying to keep light of the situation.
gabes face showed zero emotion as he said, "not at all. we only got our asses kicked by our rivals in the most important game so far this season and my girlfriend blew off coming barely 2 hours before puck drop after she promised me she'd be there. but no, it was a great game meels!"
amelia did not miss the sarcasm laced in his voice. but there was something else there too.
amelia sighed as she kept her lips in a tight line.
"baby, i'm sorry. i am sorry, i really wanted to be there, i did and i was planning on going but-"
"but you just couldn't put anything else aside for a mere 3 hours to come support me in a big moment. i get it." gabe said as he released his arms from around her and sat down on her bed.
she knew he was upset, and he had every right to be, but the cheap shots he was taking were not gonna slide with amelia. he's acting like she didn't care one bit and-
"please tell me you at least watched the game here?" gabe interrupted her thoughts.
amelia went stiff at his question, and her reddening cheeks and lack of response was gabes answer.
he pursed his lips and nodded his head before shaking it.
"so you couldn't even watch it either? seriously amelia?"
oh he was upset.
the use of her full name was a dead give away.
"gabe, baby, i'm sorry, okay? i intended to go to the game and when i decided i couldn't i intended on watching it but-"
"you mean decided what your priorities were."
this comment made amelias blood boil.
yes, her priority was school. her priority will always be school. that's why she's here in the first place, isn't it? amelia has always done her very best at prioritizing school, the reason she is here, while also making time for gabe and being in a healthy, thriving relationship.
she has one slip up and suddenly he's eating away at her for it?
not fair.
"okay, i let you get away with quite a few jabs there but that one i'm not gonna let slide." amelia said as she went and stood right in front of gabe with her hands on her hips.
"yes, school is my priority, gabe, but that does not mean you aren't also one. unfortunately tonight i had to put one in front of the other and ultimately it had to be the one that you don't like and i apologize if that hurts you but it is what it is, honey."
the couple stared at each other for a few moments before someone spoke up.
"i can deal with my girlfriend missing a game and i can deal with her not being upfront about it to my face even though she knows how important it is, but i am very upset that you still made no effort to even turn it on while you were here and all i get is a lousy text 2 fucking hours beforehand saying you won't be there. that made me feel like shit, meels."
amelia threw her hands up as she said, "at least i told you! i could've blown you off completely. and as i was trying to say earlier before you cut me off, i had every intention to turn it on while i was studying but i got caught up and it just didn't happen and i'm sorry! but it's one game, gabe! one! you can't punish me for that when this is literally the first game of yours i have missed since we started dating!!"
gabe sighed heavily at her words, turning his head to not look at her before pinching the bride of his nose in frustration.
"i texted you early enough so you could at least see it before you took the ice. did you not see my text until after the game?" she asked in a calmer tone.
gabe chuckled slightly and crossed his arms over his chest as he said, "oh i saw it before the game."
that made amelias head spin with frustration.
"so you just decided not to answer and leave me here worrying that you'd panic right before your game about not seeing me in the stands?"
"i decided not to answer because i was pissed off." he says bluntly.
she was about to respond when gabe spoke up again. "and i know it was only one game and i know it's the first one you've ever missed, that's not why i'm upset. it was the game. if you had missed every other game this year and only came to this one i would've been less upset than i am now. but amelia you know how big of a game this was and how badly i wanted- no, how badly i needed you there! and you promised me you'd come! i'm trying so fucking hard not to sound like a selfish asshole right now because i know school is your priority, but fuck baby i really needed you there for me tonight and you weren't and the whole game was shit and the very last thing i was hoping for to make this whole thing not as bad was that you would've at least watched the game, but you didn't! the very least you could've done after breaking your promise and blowing me off! at least then i would've felt like you didn't completely not care."
at this point amelia was on the verge of tears at how upset her boyfriend was.
he wasn't mad.
he wasn't annoyed.
he was upset. really, really upset.
upset because he felt like he was completely placed on the back burner tonight despite voicing the importance of tonight and how badly he wanted his girlfriends support.
and he would've accepted the bare minimum, and she couldn't even deliver that.
would gabe have been this upset if the game had gone their way and they would have won? probably not, he probably would be going a little easier on her, but considering they got crushed by their rivals at home on top of everything else, she understood his meltdown.
amelia sighed as she put her head in her hands, trying so hard not to cry.
she didn't want gabe to think she was crying so he would crumble and comfort her at the sight of her tears, because if anything she should be the one comforting him right now.
she went and sat next to him on the bed. he let out a sigh as he looked over at her.
"i'm gonna get this out of the way and say i'm not gonna apologize for staying back to study. sorry, but i'm never going to apologize for putting school first. however, i do apologize for how upset i made you and i understand that you feel like i let you down and that i couldn't even give you the bare minimum for something i did promise to do and knew how important it was to you. you're right, i should've at least watched and i should've been more on top of that instead of getting distracted. and yes, i could've taken a break and driven the 10 minutes to the arena to tell you face to face because i know how important tonight was to you, but i didn't and i let you down and i am sorry."
for the first time since he got here, gabe tightly wrapped his arm around amelias shoulder and pulled her into him. she couldn't hold herself together anymore as she began to let tears slip out and fall onto his sweatshirt.
"i am never gonna be so selfish and sink as low as to ask you to prioritize me over school. i don't blame you for not apologizing for that, i would never expect you to. however, i do feel a bit let down that you didn't give me minimum effort for something so important and something that is my priority."
amelia nodded her head on gabes shoulder, understanding his point of view.
"i'm sorry i let you down and broke my promise. i never intended to do either of those things, but everything just got overwhelming and you ended up getting hurt by it and i'm so sorry, baby." amelia said, finally looking at gabe.
gabe pursed his lips as he said, "it's okay, princess. the game happened and now it's over and it's time to move past it. however, i am going to be selfish here and plead for your presence at the rest of our home games because genuinely, i need you there. i don't care how pathetic it sounds, i need your support with me meels. i am not my best without you."
amelia smiled and nodded her head, agreeing to that.
"i can make that work. and to make it up to you, i will be at the game when you play BU away. no matter what's going on, i will be there. i promise, and i'm not breaking it this time, or ever again."
amelia thought about that statement before revising it.
"well, if i have to break it i promise to put more than bare minimum effort in to make up for it."
gabe smiled at her, pulling her in closer to place a kiss on her head.
"works for me, baby."
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bbybearcubbs · 10 months
Chance Encounters
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〖Warnings〗➤ Swearing, mentions of social anxiety, lots of "I gonna die from embarrassment" jokes(dw that's just the anxiety talking) possible soulmates to lovers? None Idol Au
〖Genre〗⥤ Fluff
〖Pairing〗⥤ Stranger!Ni-Ki x Afab!Reader
〖Word Count〗⥤ 2.1K
〖Networks〗⥤ @kflixnet @k-labels @k-films
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Description: On your way to meet with your friends you lock eyes with an intriguing stranger. He occupies your mind the entirety of the day until you run into him again at a convenience store.
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You close your front door and lock it behind you, on route to the park to meet up with your friends. You all haven't seen each other since graduation. It's been tough on you, being away from them for so long. Now you're practically vibrating with excitement at finally seeing them in person again.
You turn the corner onto a fairly secluded street. Not too odd seeing as it's the holidays and most people are probably sleeping in, soaking in the first free Monday they've gotten in a while. Your attention drifts from the, what you thought to be, empty streets and land on the figure of a tall boy standing in the middle of the road.
Standing a few feet in front of him are 3 other people. A young girl, a man and a woman holding out a phone. You look back at the boy and he starts posing. He turns to face the street you're walking down and leans back a little, throwing his head back almost dramatically. He raises his hands and runs them through his hair and down his face. The young girl was shouting ‘Woo’s’ and ‘Yeah’s’ dramatically while making puking gestures right afterwards. His sister most likely.
You couldn't help but snicker in the back of your mind. 'He's acting like he's at a photo shoot or something' the funny thought and the little girls' dramatics tug at the corners of your lips. 'People are weird' you think, still smiling. You keep walking, your attention still on the boy when you walk opposite him on the sidewalk. His hands fall to his pockets and he looks off in the direction he's facing and you both make eye contact.
Your eyes widened slightly, mostly at the realization the boy had caught you staring but also at how pretty the boy was. His features were soft under the light of the sun, making his skin glow. Short blonde hair fell into thin but sharp eyes as they looked into yours. For that brief moment you felt as if the world had slowed. The boy broke away first at a call from the woman holding the camera. Presumably his mother.
You look forward again, still continuing your walk to the park. Your mind would be stuck on that brief moment for the rest of the day.
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You’d tried to give your friends your full attention as the day went on but everytime your mind drifted it went back to that brief moment with the ridiculously tall boy. Why were you so hung up on this? You've made eye contact with many good looking strangers before, much to the disappointment of your social anxiety but still.
You and your friends were catching up in a cafe not too far away from your apartment after you'd all dropped off the paintings you painted together at the park after your strange encounter with the stranger. You were still lost in your own thoughts staring out the window to your left, absentmindedly stirring your milkshake with the straw.
The conversation soon steered in the direction of romance and even if you had been 100% present for the conversation you wouldn't have anything to say anyway. You nip at the skin of your bottom lip, a bad habit of yours, before it falls from your teeth and your eyes widen when the same boy from earlier walks by the window, his family in tow.
Your eyes follow them until they walk into the cafe and stand in line. Your friends stopped talking, wanting to know what stole your attention from your thoughts. They all immediately turned around and quickly realized what, or rather, who you were gawking at.
"Y/n your jaw is on the ground, pick it up" Andrea seated opposite you laughs. "Do you know that guy???" Emily seated beside you asks excitedly. You shook your head lightly, still not entirely present to the conversation. “Then why are you gawking?” Andrea smirks. “Saw him this morning on my way to meet you.” you state, eyes still boring holes in the side of the boy's face. "He's exactly your type, you should go talk to him!” Tsuyu, who was seated beside Emily says.
You blinked, your attention finally pulled away from the tall blonde. "What? No I can't do that" You say. "Why not???" Tsuyu whines. "Because I'm socially inept and will 100% make a fool of myself?" You ask, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Besides look" you gesture to a girl standing beside him. "He has a girlfriend" you state sipping on your quickly depleting strawberry shake. "How do you know that's his girlfriend?" Andrea quirks an eyebrow at you. "She wasn't with them this morning. He probably picked her up before coming here" you say.
"There's no guarantee she's his girlfriend, you should still talk to him" Alex encourages through a mouthful of jam tart. Andrea quickly dips her head to the side and takes a bite of Alex’s tart earning a ‘What the fuck’ look from Alex. "Nope” you stir the drainings of your milkshake anxiously, “I'm gonna save myself the embarrassment of hitting on someone that's taken" you say. A frown on your face at your now empty glass. "This is why you're still single" Yeji sighs before snatching Alex’s jam tart from her and shoving the rest into her mouth. Alex just sighs, defeated.
You laugh at their antics. "I'm so not! I have Emily!" you smile hugging her arm and rubbing your face into her own. "Flirting with Emily's chronically straight ass doesn't count Y/n" she facepalms and you only laugh.
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The boy and his party left the cafe not long after they arrived, most likely taking their orders to go. Your friends lectured you about not going up and talking to him but you just shrugged them off. Begrudgingly, they dropped the topic and you all went about your planned hangout. After dragging eachother around town you all finally made it back to your apartment later that evening.
You convinced them to stay and watch Evil Dead Rising with you and you'd successfully scared the crap out of all of them, except Alex, before they took their paintings and you said your goodbyes for the night. The exhaustion didn't hit you until you'd closed the door. You collapsed onto your bed, scrolling through your phone for a bit until you got a ridiculously strong craving for ramen.
You sighed, getting up and lazily walking to the kitchen only to discover you were out of ramen. You whine, feeling the dread of having to leave your home to run to the convenience store and potentially talk to people seep into you. Your stomach growled at you, a warning that if you didn't fill it soon, it'd keep you up all night. Throwing on a hoodie and slipping on your flip-flops you left your apartment.
The trip was quick and you managed to not stutter once when talking to the cashier, which was a win in your book. Just as you were walking out the door, eyes on your phone to skip that one song, you bump into someone. You stumble back, gripping your phone for dear life. You could not afford to drop that thing. Apologies automatically tumbled past your lips as you regained your balance. You looked up to see who you'd inconvenienced this time.
Your mind blanks as you stare up in disbelief. Piercing eyes stare down at you underneath a black hood, blonde tips poking out the sides. "It's okay…" the same boy from earlier today says, his voice deeper than anything you could've ever expected. It sends a chill up your spine. The boy's words die on his tongue as he stares down at you. His eyes widened ever so slightly "You're the girl from this morning" he says almost incredulously.
You look away, not sure whether to be embarrassed or flattered that he remembers you from such a brief encounter. "Yeah, t-that's me" you say. "Sorry if I weirded you out by staring, it's not everyday you see someone having a photoshoot in the middle of the street" you chuckle nervously looking back up at the boy. A light pink hue dusted his cheeks. "Oh that- my family wanted to take pictures of me, I hadn't seen them in a while before today" he explains with a nervous laugh of his own.
You both stand there awkwardly for a moment before the automatic doors open again and you have to step aside to let an old lady through. The awkwardness is thick in the air and you can feel it suffocating you. You wanted to say you needed to go and head home so you could die in a hole peacefully. “I saw you at the cafe too" you said, mentally slapping yourself immediately. That is not the sentence you said in your head Y/n. "You did?" He asks, shocked. “Yeah, I was at a booth near the back with my friends, I saw you walk in with a few people and recognized you" you ramble “Your girlfriend is very pretty by the way.”
You wanted nothing more than for someone to walk in and drop kick you into a hole you can die in. Why are you dragging this out? Why did you compliment his girlfriend?? Why are you such a social disaster??? "My what?" The boy asks, pulling you out for your internal suffering. Now you are confused. "The girl with long brown hair you were with? Isn't she your girlfriend?" You ask and it seems to click in the boy's head who you were talking about.
The boy starts laughing, making you want to curl in on yourself. He somehow looked even prettier when laughing, even if it was at you. You should audition to be a clown, they make a lot of money and they- "That's not my girlfriend!" He says as his laughter calms down. "That was my sister," he says, grimacing at the end of his sentence. Your eyes widen and your mouth falls open in shock. "You sister???" You question and he nods. How was it fair they were both so gorgeous and related? "Maybe I should ask for her number instead damn..." You mumble.
"You wanted my number?" The boy asks, raising an eyebrow at you, a playful smirk on his face. Okay, yeah you should definitely just die. Did you really say that out loud? Andrea, please save me. "I- um..." You were at a loss for words, your brain overworking itself into short circuiting. "Y-yes?" You stuttered, unsure how to proceed. You could feel the heat radiating off your face. You probably looked so stupid right now. The boy chuckles before taking out his phone, doing something on it and handing it to you.
"Here" he says and your jaw drops for the nth time today at the bank contact infor screen he had opened. "Are you sure?" You ask, hesitantly taking your phone, opening your contacts and giving it to him as well. "Yeah, you're funny," he says smiling. You look down at his outstretched hand briefly, in total disbelief at what's happening. You take his phone from him and insert your number in his phone. He does the same with yours. You swap back phones and you read the name above the contact. It read 'Riki'. So that was his name.
"Hi Y/n, I'm Riki," Riki says, stretching his hand out to you. You feel a tingle in your chest at the sound of your name falling past his lips. You take his hand, shaking it lightly “Hi Riki” you say smiling softly. A notification goes off on Riki’s phone and he seems to remember why he was at the store in the first place after checking it. You'd also forgotten what you were doing there.
“Ah sorry Y/n but I need to go” Riki says, a small frown on his face. “O-oh okay-” you say as Riki walks past you. “I'll message you!” He says running into the store to grab whatever it was he came for. You wave back briefly as he disappears down an aisle.
You leave the store in a daze. You drop the bag of your not-so-quick trip to the store on the coffee table and flop down on your couch. That was the most distressing encounter you've ever had in all your years of being a failure at the word ‘social’ but for some reason, you aren't upset about it. You chuckle to yourself, lost in your own head again.
A few minutes later your stomach growls, suddenly remembering it was hungry. You take your ramen and other light snacks to the kitchen and prepare your late night snack, suddenly remembering how hungry you were. You sat down and ate your ramen while finishing a series you'd started a few days ago. Just as you were done eating you get a notification on your phone.
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You laughed out loud to yourself. Riki was just as much of a goofball as you were, you couldn't wait to get to know him more.
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Taglist [Open]: @rikilove4 @stayconnecteed @starlostastronaut @dreamofbona @harufluff @nwjws @afelia-123 @rikilove4
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Note: I'm not sure if this'll ever be continued or if I'll let it be a stand-alone
© bbybearcubbs 2022 | Do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works onto other platforms without my permission.
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afterdarkprincess · 10 months
A Moment Backstage
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Relationship: Sami/Jey Rating: Gen Summary: Sami and Jey share an interaction backstage before the Tag Title Rematch (set during Nov 13th 2023 Monday Night Raw) -- Did I have several other things to write? yes but this just would not leave me alone, so here we are.
tags for @feelschicken, @imabillyami @southerngirl41 @elementaldoughnut12 @harmshake and @jeysbvck (if anyone else would like to be tagged or I forgot someone let me know!)
AO3 Link
Jey paces backstage, headphones over his ears blasting music as he pumps himself up for the tag match. What ifs and worries plague his mind and he’s restless about not just the tag team rematch tonight but the Wargames match ahead of them.
Finn and Damien had been trying to eg them on earlier, Sami was right about that, but all the things they said had been true, especially about him. Jey has betrayed every single one of his current team members in the name of his cousin and his family.
He’s been plagued by this issue ever since his return and debut on Monday Night Raw, the mistakes of his past refusing to leave him be. All the things he’d never really wanted to do that Roman had made him do anyway.
His mind flashes to Elimination Chamber, the clip they’d showed last week of him with a chair in hand, tears dripping from his eyes and falling onto the mat as Roman screamed at him. In the end he couldn’t do it, couldn’t take the chair to Sami in the same way he’d done to KO. But he wasn’t brave enough to put the chair in Roman’s back either. A failure on both accounts.
Sami had waved it off, said it was all in the past now, but sometimes when Jey looks at him all he sees are those moments. Flowers strewn across the ring from the tattered lei, red like blood against the canvas as Sami turns to him with tears in his eyes. Watching his brothers attack Sami as if the last year never happened.
Jey wipes a hand over his eyes as if that will wash the painful memories away, thinks about retrieving his water bottle from wherever he’s left it this time, trying to get back out of his head. Sami appears in the locker room before him, the soft smile on his face a hard contrast to the anguish in his memories.
“Hey, my dawg!” Sami says cheerfully, “Just wanted to-oh!”
Jey cuts him off by pulling him in for a tight hug and not letting go. The waves of emotion that had swelled since the top of the show threatening to overtake him as he clutched Sami to him.
“M’sorry, Uce. I’m sorry-“ Jey mumbles into the crook of Sami’s shoulder, keeping his face hidden for what it might show. “Never wanted t’hurt you.”
Sami’s arms wrap around to hold Jey just as tightly, and the ginger laughs nervously. “Hey, hey now- s’okay Jey. What’s this about?” His hands press against Jey’s shoulders to make some space between them but they stay there as to not let him get away.
Jey sniffles and rubs a hand on his face, trying to be discreet as he wipes the tears away. “I dunno, Uce, just thinkin’” He shakes his head. “‘Bout what those guys was sayin’ earlier. I did a lot of messed up shit, and like Cody n’ I talked it out right? And the stuff wit’ Seth is whatever, don’ really care what that guy thinks…”
“They were trying to mess with us, Jey. Don’t let them get in your head.” Sami’s face is soft, and the understanding look in his eyes is doing nothing to assuage Jey’s guilt.
“Sami, I messed up wit’ you. Big time.” Jey struggles to find words. “I was- nah you was the best thing that ever happened to me, Uce. Me n’ Jimmy was champs but being Roman’s pawn was eatin’ at me and I wasn’t good. M’not gonna apologize again for how I was actin’ before Wargames cause I know you ain’t gonna hear it, we past that. But Elimination Chamber? And all those months before Wrestlemania?” Jey hung his head in shame.
One of Sami’s hands moves to the nape of Jey’s neck and it’s all he can do not to lean into the warm touch. “Jey, I don’t blame you for that. You were in a tough spot, you were protecting Jimmy, I understand.”
He doesn’t and it hurts. “You don’ know, Sami. How hard that was. Seein’ you with KO, and feelin’ like I should hate you but I couldn’t cause you was right. And that night that I came back? I wanted to pick you so bad, Uce. I just- I couldn’t.” Jey lifts his head again to meet Sami’s eyes. “I just- I’m sorry.”
Sami’s face is unreadable, and he takes a moment to respond.
“I forgive you,” He finally responds. “I forgive you and I’m sorry too. I didn’t make that easy, I mean everybody told me I should leave you alone and I just couldn’t.” Sami bites his lip.
Jey feels the weight he’s been carrying for all these months fall off his shoulders. “You never gave up on me.”
Sami pulls Jey back into his arms and claps him on the back. “Never, my dawg.”
Jey stares as Sami releases him, the swirl of emotions in his head clouding his judgement as his gaze falls from Sami’s eyes to the flushed pink of his chapped lips. And for a moment he lets himself think about how good those lips would feel against his own.
He shakes the thought away, unwilling to jeopardize the progress he’s made tonight. “Me n’ Cody gonna kick Judgement Days asses but… I’d feel better knowin’ you’d have my back.”
“Even though I can’t be out there tonight, I always got your back, Jey.”
For a second Jey thought he caught Sami’s eyes dropping to his lips and his heart leapt but that same second Cody appears in the doorway.
“Ey Uce, it’s go time.”
Sami coughs and takes a step back. “I uh- I gotta head out,” He touches Jey’s chest playfully. “You’re gonna do great.”
The action, one both of them had done countless times, is charged with energy.
“See you after?” He keeps his voice neutral as he steps backwards toward Cody.
Sami nods, “We’ll celebrate with waffles!”
Jey walks out the door and follows Cody down the corridor towards gorilla.
“You ready for this?”
Jey nods, and for the first time all evening, he believes it.
Thank you for reading! :) I'm gonna work on my other WIPs now and not start new ones (she said, like a liar)
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dollyyun · 1 month
Hi dollyyun, moonstruck nonie🌙 here<333
Beautiful theme btw🤭 I was just wondering when is part 7.2 gonna be released cause yk... 🤭😏 I just miss dkp men and mostly dkp Heeseung and Sunghoon AHHHHHH!!!
I miss them so much and I want to see how y/n would resist those men. I'm liking y/n's attitude right now, she be not caring about the men and just straight up ignoring and not caring about their existence🤣🥹 but I feel really bad for the dkp men since y/n's words in part 7.1 was so mean, they just wanna love you bae why are you so mean?🥹
And yeah that's all and lately I've been busy with school huhu lots of homework and tests I even have a presentation on monday I hope I do great huhu.
That's all I promise I won't yap anymore.
Ilysm dollyyun ❤️ please continue writing stories in the future ❤️❤️🤭🤭
hiii moonstruck nonie!! thank you sm <333 i think i'm too attached to this theme ngl.
hopefully by next week🙏🏻i've finally finished my semester 1 so i can focus more on writing. i only left hee's part in 7.2 to be written so i'll start writing it tonight. i miss them too </3 they just need to grovel a lil for y/n's heart to melt <333
girlie don't worry, i am a yapper too🗿makes me worried that i'm being annoying sometimes lol. take care of yourself! school is tough but you'll get thru it🫶🏻
i love you more dearest <333 yes yes i'll continue to write stories! especially when i'm more excited for -redacted-, -redacted-, and more -redacted-...
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icedmetaltea · 6 months
Yesterday was ok, today anxiety's been awful again...
(rambling abt anxiety and nonsense venting below)
felt dizzy/bit of vertigo throughout the morning and when I checked my BP it was 154/108 so that scared the shit out of me... I took a bit of propranolol and that seems to be helping but I'm worried bc when I asked about what a dangerous BP was my stepdad said 160 and up and that's uncomfortably close. The last time it was high it was only like 140/90 so this was really scary
I called the number the crisis ppl give me from a resource sheet on friday again since I never got a response after leaving a message on monday but this time they told me to call yet another number and they said I couldn't get any kind of help till I came to their office to fill out some forms and like??? I CAN'T LEAVE MY FUCKING APARTMENT
Do these people never get ppl with severe agoraphobia?? The last time I had a full-on panic attack I screamed at the top of my lungs and had to call 911 to get ppl to calm me down so I'd stop hyperventilating, you want me doing that in public again??????
Anyway she told me I can call the supervisor and see if she could make an exception in my case BUT ofc she wasn't available and I had to leave a message, no clue when I'll hear back and when I do I doubt she'll even be able to help me
I fucking hate this system. This is why so many people kill and hurt themselves. When they are lost, when there's nowhere else to turn. When the crisis ppl come they give you a whole list of resources but what is there for people like me who are stuck at home, broke, unable to work bc they literally cannot function like this when it gets this bad every couple of months (sometimes more frequently)
it's either go to a psych ward where they'll pump you full of meds that'd just give me the same "locked in" panic attacks which trust me are far worse than toughing it out at home where at least it isn't bright and loud and horrible or face shit on your own
I thought it was starting to get better, yesterday I cooked 3 meals for myself, I went outside and sat on the step for 5 mins, today I can't get out of bed bc every time I try the room spins. Even when I'm laying down like this it's bad. Even if I close my eyes it's bad... I slept better last night and I thought I was doing well but no, midway through the day everything's horrible again. I keep feeling out of breath no matter how many deep breaths I take... other times I feel like there's "too much air" and I'm breathing too fast and can't slow it down... how do I even describe it??
I feel like I'm going insane but at the same time I know it's been this bad and worse before. I remember my childhood. I remember laying on the floor struggling to breathe, alone. I remember begging god to take this sensation of dread to go away, or to just let me die. Anxiety has a habit of always seeming... idk unfamiliar? No matter how many panic attacks you have, they always feel new
and what's worse is I can't even remember how I eventually always overcome these phases bc I ground rule growing up stemming from OCD I had at the time was I wasn't allowed to write anything in a journal bc it was "bad luck" or something (at the very least my OCD isn't nearly as bad these days) Idk if it takes days, weeks or months to get better. If I spend half a year or longer just waiting for things to get better then like um... it kinda becomes a quality of life issue, doesn't it?
Idk maybe it's the weather. It's 65 rn, yesterday it was mid forties, so maybe that's it. Well then I'm fucked bc it's only gonna get warmer as it approaches summer, and ya know climate change and everything wooooo
Doesn't help that the past two times when my stepdad witnessed me having those really bad attacks he said I should go to a padded cell or something... I know where he grew up there was no such thing as mental illnesses or therapy, only "crazy and not crazy", but damn it hurts. At least my bio dad understood what was going on to some extent. He knew anxiety was out my control, that I was going through it but that it didn't make me "crazy", just that my body was reacting physically to something seemingly unsurmountable on a mental level.
My stepdad was even surprised when I told him anxiety is the second most common mental illness nation-wide. I've talked to many other bad anxiety-sufferers, the reason you don't see us outside a lot is bc most of us are inside afraid to leave our houses! We're literally just trying to survive in bodies with malfunctioning nervous systems and in a society that literally is built around causing stress on a daily basis- on normal people, so just think about how that is if you literally have the being-stressed-out disorder my guy
it also seems like whenever I talk to my mom about this she tries to immediately talk about something else. Like I messaged her earlier today and when I brought up feeling dizzy and having a high BP she just said "Sorry you're having a challenging day! We're at the library getting library cards. Libraries are nice!" like sure some ppl like talking about light hearted stuff to distract them but sometimes I just need someone to be there and listen, you know? All it does is make me clam up and bottle all my emotions in, which ofc makes it worse.
I'm scared to check my BP again. I feel like there's something terribly wrong with my body but it's not as if I can see a doctor if I can't 1. afford it till medicaid processes or 2. fucking go to the doctor. You want me to have another one of those soul-crushing panic attacks and shriek around some stranger in an uber?? Hell no
So yea idk what to do. I have a math test this weekend and I've barely studied at all, can't get myself to focus on anything. I can't drop out again, I've already failed this class twice. I don't think they'd let me take it again and I'm pretty sure I've run out of financial aid to pay for it
Ofc mom and dad are gone, my sister said she'd visit me the other day but "forgot" to, so I'm alone. Completely and entirely alone.
The one thing I have going for me is the PMDD won't start up for another week or two so at the very least I have a will to live rn. Anxiety and depression usually go hand-in-hand but since it's just anxiety atm I'm still able to have the motivation to cook and clean when I'm not ya know unable to get out of bed bc my heart is beating out of my chest
When it does come back, well... I'll keep those crisis numbers on speed dial. I've survived all this horseshit, I might as well make it worth something. Idk maybe the thing I'll keep living for rn is a fucking pet fish someday. I have to hold on to every tiny thing that gets me through the day bc there is a chance, even if extremely slim, that things will in fact get better
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