#it's incredible how lovable you are (you and jimin)
jkvjimin · 7 months
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❝Whenever you need me If you believe me I'll never let you go❞ Closer Than This - Jimin for @kimtaegis ♡
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andy-wm · 1 year
Jimin and Yoongi performed TM at The Final in Seoul...
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I took a chance on Jimin performing Tony Montana with Yoongi during the encore concerts and wrangled myself a Saturday ticket.
The stars aligned for me and like magic, there he was. Park Jimin, in real life. He performed not only Tony Montana but also, incredibly, Like Crazy. It was a dream come true!
Dont get me wrong, it wasn't ALL about Jimin. Yoongi is my bias, after all.*
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But the reason i went, was in the hopes of seeing them together on stage for T.M.
It's really only hitting me now, 10 hours later as I queue to check-in for my flight home*°, how lucky I was. I'm trying not to cry in public. Yes, it was that good.
I cannot overstate the gloriousness of Jimin's live performance, especially for a solo choreo like this one.
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He swirls and darts and glides through the movements like a murmuration.
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He is a swan on water. He is an illicit drug. He is ambrosia. He is seduction.
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He's the aurora borealis in human form.
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The funny thing is, when he wasn’t transfixing us with his grace and his voice (and his hips), he was such a cute, awkward, lovable bean. And before he performed Like Crazy, he seemed SO NERVOUS. It was oozing from his pores.
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There are moments in your life you will never forget, and Tony Montana in Seoul, at Yoongi's 2nd last show of his first solo tour, was one of them.
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It was wild and exhausting, but totally worth it. 36 hours flying time and 36 hours in Seoul, arriving late friday night and leaving at the crack of dawn on Sunday to go directly to work on Monday morning when my flight landed.
(I readily admit I did a TERRIBLE job of videoing these performances. I have a special talent for taking absolutely rubbish footage. Even when I have a prime position and a very good camera my videos look like they were shot through a telescope on a rough sea. And often they're out of focus because I'm actually not looking at the phone once I hit the record button 😁)
*Yes, absolutely Yoongi is my bias. Since day one, the very first time i saw any of them, it was Yoongi who grabbed my attention. I've always liked the moody, difficult boys LOL.
Jimin, however, has a place in my heart that will never be reclaimed or relinquished. Jungkookie is there by virtue of Jimin, because they come as a set.
*° I wrote this in the early morning on Sunday 5 August and forgot to post it. Better late than never, I guess.
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badasgirlfriend · 10 months
i miss you, im sorry - profiles ii
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choi sena- she's the best at giving mixed signals. one second she's threatening to chop her ex's head off , the next second she wants to plaster him with kisses . despite her bitchy attitude towards most people, she's a surprisingly lovable ball of sunshine once you begin to know her. let's not forget the massive ego she has, which you can only see the end of it with a good pair of binoculars
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eli- the ultimate queen of chaos. this girl wakes up and chooses violence every day, always finding herself in dramatic situations every other day without fail. she flirts with everyone as a joke and gets surprised when people actually fall for her, but she only has eyes on someone else. mark's biggest hater
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lola- shopaholic? that's her. she lives and breathes fashion, spending hours shopping for that perfect outfit, or that perfect pair of shoes. a true friend to those close to her, she takes being the number one shooter for her friends incredibly seriously. once you get to know her better, you'll see a completely different side to her, a wild and crazy girl who's always looking for fun and adventure.
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jeon somi- the softest girl you'll ever meet, everyone loves her, and for good reason. she never fails to draw in everyone around her with her charm. if you told someone she burned down a house, they'd probably reply with "but she didn't mean it!". being the oldest in her friend group she took the mother role, always having snacks in her bag for her best friends
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park jimin- the biggest womanizer who knows how to get every girl he sets his eyes on. he's completely unphased by being the only boy in the friend group, and in fact, it only serves to attract even more girls his way. he was born to be sassy. you'll never catch him wearing the same outfit twice
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mariabtsos · 4 months
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One That I Want ||m.yg|| - Chapter 10: Party Pooper
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Description: It is summer of 1956, and leader of the T-Birds Yoongi is working at a food joint at the beach to make extra money over the summer, when he meets a pretty girl. They start a summer fling that unfortunately had to come to end, but an unexpected turn of events will bring them back together.
Genre: 1950s au, angst, fluff, some smut, Greaser!Yoongi x Square/Goody-Two-Shoes!OC.
TW: underage drinking and smoking, sexual content, violence, misogyny (it’s the 1950s so peak macho man era).
Word Count: 1.3k+
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It'd been about a month since Lottie’s first date with Taehyung, and she was absolutely pleased that it wasn't the only date. Taehyung had proven to be an absolute dreamboat!
It took a while, of course, for her to trust him, considering what she had been through with Yoongi, but Taehyung had never made her feel silly for it and had been incredibly understanding and sweet. Nayeon absolutely loved seeing her eyes light up whenever she would talk about her dates with the lovable jock, he would come study with them during lunch and actually cared enough to talk to all the girls, taking interest in her friends.
“You know the T-Birds have been saying for years that your brain is the size of a pea,” Kim stated, after they had all been conversing about what they wanted to do after school was done, and he had gone on to talk about wanting to be musician, and bake biscuits¹ just like Elvis.
“Yoongi hyung and I were close once, my best friend used to be Jimin,” Lottie listened closely she'd known who Jimin was, he was one of Yoongi's friends who'd made fun of her that fateful night.
“But when Yoongi created the T-Birds he and I started disagreeing a lot, I still wanted to be a part of clubs, and he didn’t so we went our separate ways,” he stared at the bleachers, where Lottie saw that same group they were speaking of.
“What about you and Jimin?” Jiyoon asked.
“When it came down to a choice he chose the group,” Taehyung shrugged.
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Taehyung remembered when he and Jimin had made it to high school, how excited they had been to make the most of it. They had been inseparable since birth practically, Taehyung wanted so badly for them to become a duo with him, he could be the crooner, and Jimin had always loved cutting the rug. Unfortunately, they met Yoongi. It was so cool at first, he was a few months older than them and had come from a different middle school. He had offered to take them under his wing along with his friends.
But then they started to get in trouble.
Yoongi would take them places and have them watch fights, race, sometimes even engage in some petty theft, they started getting a reputation, and the very girls Lottie had befriended had just made a gang of their own, and the idea putting name to their fun sounded great to Yoongi. Jimin wanted nothing more than to impress Yoongi hyung, even if it cost him his friendship.
“Come on Taehyungie! Don't you wanna be cool?”
“I do, but not like this Jimin,” his whispers were stern, he looked at the boy sitting outside of his window holding out a black leather jacket, the logo was brand new, crisp.
Jimin was trying to convince him to sneak out, something about going to some party to establish themselves as a gang, Yoongi plans to rumble with a gang that had been giving them issues, and Taehyung wanted nothing to do with it.
“Come on, is it because you're still holding onto that silly crooner dream? Focus on something more attainable,” Jimin rolled his eyes, slowly pulling back the jacket. “I thought you wanted to do that too?” he asked his friend who looked more annoyed by the minute.
“Whatever, you’re such a cube, give me a bell when you realize I’m right.” Taehyung watched as Jimin walked away, they had disagreed before, but he guessed this is what came with growing up. He was still civil to them, he would wave politely at the group, he was usually met with eyerolls or snide comments, but he didn't care.
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Nayeon was just moving through the motions. This whole beauty school thing wasn't going like she had planned. At first it was going well, she did good in her styling classes and her makeup classes, but then it got the more nitty gritty of it all and her classmates would BEG to do the project alone if other people were already paired together, Nayeon had never felt so alone, and she had started to wish she had stuck it out at her old school.
The one thing she had to look forward to was Jin waiting to walk her home.
To many, her and Jin came out of nowhere, especially once some members of the group found out about Jin’s brief infatuation with Lottie. There wasn’t a complicated explanation to it other than, it was brief, and seeing how heartbroken Yoongi was after the whole pep rally fiasco, he decided he would befriend one of the Pink Ladies so he could at least make sure Yoongi’s worries would be soothed.
One of those “I’ll check on the person you like through someone else.” What became of it was a slow building of tension and feelings. It started with Jin meeting Nayeon at her locker, before she dropped out, and walking her to class while asking about Lottie. Nayeon thought at first he was trying to get dirt on the situation, maybe even try and get in with the foreigner through her, Nayeon was no stranger to fellas talking to her to get to Miyeon or Kim. It’s not like she never had male suitors, she had made out with a few, but still, she needed to protect herself and Lottie.
“I just want to make sure she’s okay Nayeonie, it’s for Yoongi!” he pleaded as they walked down to her chemistry class.
“Oh, put an egg in your shoe and beat it Seokjin-ssi, the last thing Lottie needs is another germ from your group,” she paid him no mind, only staring straight ahead. “I want no part of whatever bogus situation Yoongi and Lottie got going on,” he clarified, “I’m going nowhere near that mess.” 
Nayeon stopped then, turning to Jin who was staring at her intently, “she’s fine, Taehyung is taking her on a date and she’s happy, now can I go? If I’m late again my folks will flip.” He nodded, and so it began. He would walk her to class everyday, eventually his daily Lottie questions became daily Nayeon questions, and she would catch herself laughing with Jin and enjoying his company. 
She was all mush when he came up to her the day of Lottie and Taehyung’s first date, and when he asked her to dance and started humming in her ear she felt like she could melt. The next week she started beauty school, and he would come and get her after almost everyday, he held her bags and would give her his jacket.
“How was it today?” He asked her after they spent the first half of the walk in silence. Nayeon smiled tightly.
“It was good, just need to practice more with mannequins,” Seokjin smiled sweetly, and wrapped his right arm around her shoulders.
“I’m sure all the chicks will want to come to you once you are done!”
Nayeon didn’t have the heart to tell him that she was failing her classes, or that she was almost kicked out of school that day, because she had messed up the color on one of the mannequins’ hair. The only reason she wasn’t was because her teacher had advocated for her, otherwise, she would’ve been waiting for Jin to pick her up for a while.
“I was thinking we could go to the passion pit later today? They just came out with this new movie that I think you’ll love! It’s about this group of guys who…” Nayeon started zoning out as they got closer to her house. She felt like an absolute failure, what could she possibly do? If she went back they would think of her as a loser, and if she didn’t what would she do? Pretend she was still going to beauty school? She was never a phony person, and she wasn’t going to start now. She’d give it another shot!
“Nayeonie?” Jin pulled her out of her thoughts.
“Passion pit sounds great!” Her signature bunny smile made Jin get the zorros each time. “I’ll pick you up at 8!” He kissed her cheek and waited for her to get in her house before he left, pumping his fists in the air with excitement.
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heybaetae · 2 years
I love Jimin because he has such an amazing range.. He's the softest, purest, kindest, most lovable person I know but that's not all. Because he can still write and put out an incredibly amazing and raw track like Set Me Free pt.2 and then go back to being the purest being on Earth. Yes, he's usually his soft(er) self, but he can do both. He can tell people to shut the fuck up, he can rise above his past self, let parts of himself go, and then sit prettily in a chair, giggle and build lego flowers. I love how he's constantly a reminder that people are not just black and white.
don’t you love duality! versatility! range! DIMENSION!!!
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0613magazine · 2 years
201123 Esquire
Esquire's BTS Cover: The Selected Transcripts
Read three unedited exchanges between the members of BTS and Esquire's Dave Holmes.
ESQUIRE: Tell me your favorite thing about the person to your left.
Jung Kook to Jin: I like Jin’s persistency. I also like that he is a deep thinker but at the same time is light and casual. He feels like an older brother and also like a younger brother. I really like the flexibility in his thinking.
Jin to RM: RM has got everything. He seems perfect. But if you look closely, you can also see his imperfections, too. And I really like that about him.
RM: You don’t even have to look closely.
RM to SUGA: We have much in common. For BTS, I was the first trainee. SUGA was the second. We’ve spent so much time together. Almost a decade. We were billboard kids. We’ve been listening to ‘90s music, TI. My idols were his idols at the same time. We have different characteristics and hobbies. But when I think of him I feel like my old homie in my hometown. He gives me comfort as an old friend, old housemate.
V: Very touching.
SUGA to j-hope: What I really like about j-hope is his positivity. I’ve never seen him negative. Maybe when he was a trainee. But since he got his name j-hope I haven’t seen him be negative. And I think it’s important to have that kind of high self-esteem. So I learn a lot from him.
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j-hope to Jimin: Just like what Jung Kook said about Jin—that he feels like an older brother but also like a younger brother—I feel the same about Jimin, but the other way around: he is younger than I am, but he almost feels like an older brother. There are a lot of things that I learned from him. But at the same time, he has the charms of a younger brother—he’s cute and fun. Also, we all love performing of course, but Jimin has a particular passion for the stage and really thinks about performance. I can feel that he really loves performing, and in that sense, there are many things to learn from him. Despite all the things he has accomplished, he still tries his best and brings something new to the table, and I really want to applaud him for that.
Jimin: Thank you for saying all these things about me.
Jimin to V: V is handsome. And that’s it.
SUGA: That’s the highest praise. Jimin: I’m joking. Jin said about RM that if you look closely you see his imperfections. For V, you don’t have to look too hard, you just can see it. And that’s his special charm. He has this innocence in him that makes him lovable—he is loved by so many. And I think that trait also enabled us to become best friends—that gifted me his friendship.
V to Jung Kook: I’ve never seen anyone who looks better with long hair than him. I also really like his personality. All jokes aside, I think Jung Kook is one of the most persistent people I know. And he has incredible talent so whatever he does, he can do it above average. And he puts everything into his performance to the point that I get worried. He gives his everything on the stage.
ESQUIRE: Congratulations on MAP ON:E ... It was gorgeous.
BTS: Thank you.
ESQ: How did you feel when the concert was over?
Jimin: I think for this concert we really had to draw our own meaning. We weren’t really taking time off, but we had to. So we asked ourselves during this whole period why are we working so hard doing this? What do these performances really mean for us? The biggest thing we got out of this concert was getting the answers to some of those questions and realizing why and for whom we are doing this.
ESQ: What were the answers?
Jimin: We did this in part for us. We were also reminded of the fact that we exist because of our fans. And for almost a year we had forgotten the joy of performing for a live audience, so it was a chance for us again to remind ourselves that we really need for this situation to end and we really want to start performing and meeting our fans in person again.
ESQ: How was it performing without a live audience? Did that throw you at all?
RM: We’re living in 2020, so there was some new technology that we haven’t seen, like connecting to thousands of cams and seeing fans on screen and hearing the live noises. We can’t compare it to the real scene, the real audience, but it was quite close to the real ones. It was quite okay, but we were afraid, like is this some future concert? Should we do this from now on? Forever? We had those fears, but thanks to technology it was okay.
“People who have their own view of life are cool, especially those who are not imprisoned by the past.”
ESQ: How do you come up with a setlist? Who comes up with it?
SUGA: This was a setlist that we had originally developed for the MAP OF THE SOUL TOUR. For this online concert, we discussed the setlist with the stage director about what we can do and we tried to come up with a setlist that is appropriate for this concert at this point in time. If we wanted to put a certain song in a certain place, we made a really strong appeal to the stage director and that would most likely change the setlist. We especially included a lot of our own ideas in this concert in terms of stage directions, so again it was too bad that we unfortunately weren’t able to perform in front of a live audience as planned, but it was still great to perform at least virtually in this situation and I was grateful for that.
ESQ: You know how many people watched worldwide, does that make you more nervous? More confident?
V: It was after the concert that we heard how many people actually tuned in. When we were actually performing, I think we were just focused on doing our best thinking about ARMY watching us.
j-hope: I actually feel less nervous performing live at a stadium. I felt a little bit more nervous knowing that this was being broadcasted live.
Jin: j-hope, born to perform at a stadium.
ESQUIRE: How do you define “cool”?
V: For me, when I shoot or do a performance, and if I am satisfied, then people tend to be satisfied. When I am satisfied, then it usually turns out to be cool.
Jimin: I haven’t put much thought into this, but I think when somebody wears something, says something, and their thoughts are well organized, and they are confident about what they are expressing, I think these types of people are cool. It’s different from stubbornness. People who have their own thoughts, their coolness shows. I think that means cool.
j-hope: Everyone takes things differently, and feels different emotions. When you get different opinions or feelings from what you think, rather than being offended, you accept it, I think that is something that I consider cool. I don’t think there is a correct answer.
SUGA: People who have their own view of life are cool, especially those who are not imprisoned by the past. It's cool to see people who aren't trapped in time.
RM: This is really an interesting question. I have been thinking a lot about this. I'm asking myself: What is cool? I think there are two kinds of cool: First of all, instinct. Sense. When somebody is cool, when he or she comes as an outsider and she or he has an attitude like, “yo, I can do this … why can’t we do this?” Not harming others. Secondly, there is a whole different cool. It’s like seeing the waves inside big trees that are thousands of years old. For example, when I see somebody—he could be an architect or artist or anyone—he has these waves and trees inside, I feel like "yo, that’s really cool”
Jin: I think being “cool” is being “generous,” which means me. Even if I could win, I lose. Even if I can fight, I lose. Isn’t that coolness itself?
Suga: That’s exactly what makes a person not cool.
Jung Kook: As the members have all said, the standards for coolness are very different for each person. I am myself and you are you, but then to know how to respect and understand each other is what I think defines cool.
V: Because I went first, I don't think I was able to give you the best answer. I think a person who can look after the people around them is cool ... but that means I am probably not.
ESQ: Is BTS cool?
BTS: Yes. We are cool. Do you know BTS?!
Source: Esquire
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ahundredtimesover · 4 years
January 2021 Reads
Happy 2021 to us! I wrote my first fic this month so all the more love to these lovely authors bc damn this shit is hard (reblog & comment on their works!) But anyway, again, note the angst, fluff, and smut descriptions and much love to our blond lil bun jk 🐰
1. Second chances by @parkhabits (a, f, s) - exes au, husband au, CEO jk (read if you want a really satisfying fic about pain, longing, & a love that never dies ALSO incredible smut and hothothot ceo jk)
2. Babesitter by @randombtsprincessa (s) - childhood friends au (read if you want not-so-innocent and cheeky little shit jk and great sexual tension and smut)
3. Arrow to the heart by @kidguk (f, s) - f2l, gang au, neighbors au (read if you want gang drama but something actually really soft and cute)
4. Photographs by @honeyedhoseok (a, f) - lovers au (read if you want something sad and a lil heartbreaking with the right fluff to wrap it up)
5. Holidating by @yeojaa (f, s) - bf2l, childhood friends au (read if you want a romcom type fic, really fun characters and depiction of relationships, and something warm and fuzzy)
6. Friday nights and take out series by me (my first fic pls let me know what you think) (a, f, s) - f2l, idol jk (read if you want good friend jk and a mix of angst and fluff and things in between)
7. Simmer down and pucker up + The aces up your sleeve by @outroshooky (a, s) - bf2l, friends with benefits (read if you want something sooo painful and poetic and vivid and just an angst train but with a satisfying end)
8. Rattled series by @gukslut (a, f, s) - s2l, neighbors au, dad jk (read if you want a classic and a fully formed, well-thought out, and beautifully written story that will break and heal you)
9. Exclamation mark by @whatifyoulivelikethat (s) - tattoo artist au (read if you want something self-indulgent and incredibly hot with shy and smitten but secretly filthy jk)
10. Arm candy by @bisougi (s) - ceo jk (read if you want a quick read of ceo jk being so turned on bc he’s hot and this is hot)
11. Countless promises by @sungvin97 (f) - s2l (read if you want a love at first sight and wholesome flirting type of fic)
12. Hurts good by @mercurygguk (a, f, s) - boyfriend au (read if you want some good make up sex)
13. On call pt1 + pt2 by @yoonjinkooked (f, s) - s2l, doctor jk (read if you want something cute and fun and hot bc trauma surgeon jk is your dream boyfriend)
14. I miss you by @yoonjinkooked (a, f) - bf2l (read if you want the right amount of angst with a fun and cute fluffy ending)
15. Stay gold by @yeojaa (s) - boyfriend au (read if you want a quick read of blond jk being playful and a cute and a fun depiction of a relationship)
16. Knot today by @kinktae (s) - bf2l, werewolf au, roommates au, college au (read if you want a/b/o context and goooood smut)
17: Busted in busan by @hansolmates (f) - s2l (read if you want a romcom and serendipitous type fic that’s cute and warm and soft)
18. Contentment by @btsqualityy (f, s) - werewolf au, boyfriend au, alpha jk (read if you want wildly horny and smitten and soft and hot boyfriend jk)
19. Room 109 by @lavishedinjimin (s) - werewolf au, college au, roommates au, alpha jk (read if you want cocky but sweet alpha jk and good smut)
20. Rough edges pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt6.5, pt7 + scenario & drabble1 & drabble2 (ongoing) by @kjhmyg (f, s) - boyfriend au, college au, bad boy jk (read if you want tension with super sweet and smitten bad boy jk and super cute OC and something fun and stressful but really good stuff and really good smut)
21. Temptation series by @aiimaginesbts (a, s) - werewolf au, workmates au (read if you want incredible and beautiful and hot smut and werewolf angst it hurt but shit this is sooo good)
22. Crescent bound by @parkhabits (f, s) - bf2l, werewolf au (read if you want a YA werewolf-type of fic with the right amount of fluff, smut, and humor)
23. Hot boy bummer by @jungkxook (f, s) - bf2l, friends with benefits, fuckboy jk (read if you want cocky blond fuckboy jk with fun banter and good smut)
24. Life eternal by @jungkookiebus (a, f, s) - fantasy au, fae au (read if you want pain and beauty of a fae jk fic that’s well-written)
25. Remote learning + Distance learning by @hansolmates (f, s) - f2l, neighbors au (read if you want a well-balanced fic of cute, fun, sweet, smut, and humor with lovable characters and a really fun relationship dynamic)
26. Chasing butterflies by @ddaenggtan (s) - s2l, college au, weeb jk, nerd jk (read if you want really relatable OC for how much she thirsts for jk and really cute nerd jk & all-around good fic with really good smut)
27. Ruin the friendship + Over the edge by @kpopfanfictrash (a, f, s) - bf2l, college au, jock jk (read if you want a really good bf2l fic that’s soft and a tiny bit angsty that becomes funny bc of ot7 but with reallyyyyy good smut)
28. An exercise in restraint by @ttttaehyungie (s) - boyfriend au (read if you want beautifully written and really good sensual smut and subby jk)
29. A date with destiny by @imjustfanfictrash (s) - idol au (read if you want something fun and really humorous with good sexual tension and really good smut)
30. Starboy by @sugaxjpg (s) - college au, frat boy jk (read if you want reallyyyy good smut)
31. Calculated IV by @whatifyoulivelikethat (s) - college au, boyfriend au (read if you want really good smut and such a hot and fun couple)
32. Catharsis + drabble by @junghelioseok (s) - college au, friends with benefits au (read if you want really hot smut with threesome ft. Jimin, with beast in bed but really shy and adorable jk)
33. After hours by @ggukcangetit (s) - workmates au, school au, teacher jk (read if you want something short and fun with adorably hot and shy and cheeky jk and some good smut)
34. I missed you by @lesgetittkookie (f, s) - college au, boyfriend au, jock jk (read if you want a feel good fic of sweet and sexy couple lovemaking)
35. Young alpha + Falling into you by @aroseforyoongi (a, f, s) - bf2l, werewolf au, soulmates au (read if you want a good werewolf/soulmates premise and some good smut)
(monthly reads masterpost)
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
BTS meeting President Moon at the Blue House
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In the morning of September 14th 2021BTS went to the Blue House to meet President Moon to receive their official certificates as Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture, along with their red diplomatic passports and fountain pens. In this role Bangtan will accompany President Moon to NYC to attend the UN General Assembly on September 20th for the third time and not only represent South Korea but also young people.
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The Diplomatic passport is one of three types of Korean passports, the normal citizen one, the official, and lastly the diplomatic. According to the Enforcement Decree of the Passport Act of Korea, there are several different types of people who can receive a diplomatic passport, including: People in high government positions such as the president or cabinet members, as well as their families, high ranking government officials who need it for work, and special envoys appointed by the president, such as BTS.
In short, this is a really big deal and an even greater honor.
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To quote an article from The Korean Herald: 
“The United Nations requested if I could attend the special SDG meeting on behalf of other national leaders, along with BTS on behalf of the global youth,” Moon said, according to the presidential office statement. “That itself shows the enhanced global stature of South Korea.” The president expressed personal gratitude, saying BTS’ global influence has helped in his diplomatic activities as well, as the K-pop stars often become the topic of his conversations with other global leaders. “Some had even asked if we could invite BTS to hold a K-pop night when they make state visit. As such, you have been of great help diplomatically,” the president said.
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On behalf of BTS, leader RM said, “It is a huge honor, both as an individual and a citizen, to be able to hold the title of Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture,” adding, “We’re always thinking about how we could give more and return the love we have received, and we’re just thankful that the president has presented us with such big opportunity and do our best as the special envoy.”
In closing the meeting, RM added, “As we have been to the UN once before, we‘ll return after successfully completing our job with our youthful vigor and passion, as always. We’re grateful to be granted such responsibility.”
Showing off their diplomatic passports, a superior type of flex, so well deserved:
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Now, let’s actually talk about this because truly being ARMY for so long I thought I couldn’t be prouder of them than I already was, and yet here we are and I’m about to burst. These bright, lovable and kind seven men went from coming to Seoul, gathering in a tiny dorm, and practicing in a fogged up dance room and recording Dark & Wild in a garage, to holding diplomatic passports and accompanying the president. It’s a story for the history books, bigger than anything we could’ve imagined years ago, even bigger than anything the members likely ever imagined or dreamed of achieving.
Seokjin once spoke about how when he was younger his mother used to meet with her friends and only listen as they were bragging about their kids, their sons, so Seokjin wanted to achieve something so she could brag as well. Safe to say he very much managed to do just that.
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The collective power this picture holds and radiates, absolutely incredible. Funny thing, as they were walking, at one point it looked as if Tae was a little too focused looking ahead/at/toward Jimin that he ended up tripping but luckily not falling. Adorable.
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Side note: can we just take a moment and talk about just how stunning the members looked in their suits, black masks and different hair styles? That rose gold-ish color on Hobi? Silver on Yoongi? The really short black hair on Namjoon? And the longer styles on Seokjin, Jimin, Tae and JK? Truly gorgeous. Furthermore, we know how South Korea isn’t the biggest fan of tattoos and yet here we have JK with his sleeve and hand full of tattoos still being there, receiving the appointment and passport, and even fist bumping the president with his tattooed hand. Whoever tells you tattoos will make fulfilling your dreams impossible, they’re talking nonsense, though of course I know things are a bit different when you’re BTS’ Jungkook than they are for the average Joe.
While they waited seated for the president and the ceremony to start, it was so easy to see just how nervous they were. Enough so that Tae even reached out to JK to shake his hand as gesture that they’re here together, that it’ll be fine, go well, and yet even in Tae’s eyes you could see the nerves show. At some point Jimin was also saying something to Tae though we didn’t hear what, perhaps also words of encouragement or wonderment over being there.
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Another absolutely adorable, and so in character, thing was that when Namjoon was called to come forward, JK also stood up and watched him, even briefly standing on tip toes. Namjoon truly is his role model, his leader.
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Later when each member stood next to the president to take a picture with him, I truly love how Hobi just has this friendly aura that the president clapped for him while Hobi gave him a double thumbs up before remembering that, well, he should maybe bow instead. Everyone loves Hobi, you can’t convince me of anything other than that and I get it 100%.
But speaking of Hobi, when they stood in a line with the president in the middle, you can see Hobi giving Tae a tap on the butt because of course he did.
Can we also talk about vmin and their pair of Valentino shoes? Love that.
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All in all this is a truly monumental and so meaningful moment in time and Bangtan history and, as I said before, I’m incredibly proud of them. I can’t wait to see and hear their speech at the UN since their previous ones were absolutely magnificent.
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jjungkookislife · 3 years
Fic Recs 2020 Pt. 1
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let’s get married [SMAU] @hangsangwithbts
Summary: seokjin has no intention of getting married, but after facing tremendous pressure from his family to finally settle down, he comes up with the brilliant idea to fake a marriage. the lucky bride just so happens to be you.
voice mail @joonary
summary: kim seokjin is best known around campus for his romance advisory podcast, voice mail, but to you, he’s just your lovable idiot of a best friend. but when he accidentally lets it slip that he’s fallen for one of your fellow peers, you can’t help but be a little bit curious (and quite frankly, a tad bit jealous).
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cheers if you agree @out-of-jams
summary: If it weren’t for the fact that he didn’t know who you were or even how to get into contact with you, Yoongi wouldn’t be posting all over Weverse for anyone to see. Not that he thought anyone would be smart enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together with how many people responded to his posts anyway.
snake kisses @peekaboongi
summary: You are grossly unprepared for the snake hybrid that enters your life. Yoongi is quiet and sneaks around you but eventually, even the cold reptile warms up to you.
under construction [SMAU] @luffles424
summary: In which y/n is just trying to figure out what to do with her life with the help from her (un)helpful friends
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going once, going twice, sold @bxebxee
summary: But the real reason anything at all started with Hoseok was something much simpler, and probably wholly unexpected - not that you ever planned on any of the other members of the MBA Society to find out.You leave your unlocked phone in his car before stumbling your way into your tiny, studio apartment. And he sees a twitter notification asking you for further discount on your panties.That is all it takes.
just practice @lamourche
summary: The second time you hook up with Jung Hoseok, he doesn’t remember the first time.  You’re surprised.  It was only a few weeks ago, and you were in a broom closet. That has to be different, right? (Well, not really, you’ll learn.)
game over @9uk
summary: your boyfriend has been gaming all day without paying much attention to you. that is until his friends on discord brings up the moaning noises in the background.
you’re my kryptonite @dovechim
summary: Superheroes are immortal, they are everything we are not. The Krypton are a race of superhumans sent down to Earth to protect humans, and they are the epitome of nobility and protection. You have always believed in their immortal, God-like powers, revered and admired them your entire life. Your wish for your very own superhero is granted when you meet Jung Hoseok, a Krypton with the most unique, powerful abilities you’ve ever seen.
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first, do no harm @yandere-society
summary: Dr. Kim is well known as the most skilled heart surgeon in the hospital, but when you notice his mortality statistics seem skewered, you discover all is not what it seems. Now, Dr. Kim is offering you a choice: will you join him? Or become yet another broken heart beneath his scalpel?
internet friends [SMAU] @bts-celestials​
summary: meeting through online, namjoon slowly starts to fall for the person who likes all the things he’s into. maybe having friends online is fun.
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reset @dovechim
summary: We are made of the pieces of what we remember, and we hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there are memories to call our own, there can be no true loss. But Park Jimin has no such privilege.
paparazzi (tw: flash banner) @chinkbihh​
summary: What if the roles were reversed and it was Jimin who was the fan and you who was the idol?  But what if he wasn’t just a casual fan, but an avid fan?  Maybe even a sasaeng…  
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the morning after @softlyjiminie
summary: one night, full of passion, whispered promises and heated kisses. one morning, full of regret and unwanted memories. is a night with your ex enough to send you running back into the arms of the devil?
fake love @mygsii
summary: an arranged marriage between you and taehyung leaves behind feelings of bitterness and hatred. will your heart be able to survive, especially when you’ve loved him all your life, or will it fall apart with this marriage?
cheap skate @gukslut
summary: Who doesn’t know Taehyung and his lady? Cutest couple in town, I’d say, and have been since they started dating in their college days. Oh, that was a while ago, though. And still, they’re happy as can be in that place they have together. Almost hate seeing one without the other, y’know, it’s like seeing just one testi- oh, right, I’m not supposed to talk like that. Anyhoo, I only say that because I saw Taehyung at a jewelry store the other day while I was buying my sweet Jiminie his presents. Maybe that boy’s finally gonna pop the question, but I do hope he’s got a good plan for it. Something sweet and romantic. Maybe I’ll find out after Jiminie gets back from that cabin he’s visiting.
baby i @jiminsfault
summary: a one night stand with a stranger leads to so much more than just great sex
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only for love [SMAU] @lysjeon
summary: for almost four years it had been just him and sarang, and he had no plans on changing the life they had become accustomed to any time soon, but of course y/n has to come and shake his world.
one time in your room @ubemango
summary: There are papers to write, and virgins to daydream about. (You can think about Jeongguk’s dick later.)
piss off your parents @littlemisskookie
summary: In an effort to piss off your parents you move in with their worst nightmare- a boy with tattoos, a rock band, and an irresistible charm.
departure @nomnomsik
summary: As a flight attendant for Korean Air, you’re scheduled for a thirteen-hour flight to Japan. However, things get intimate between you and your partner and co-pilot, Jeon Jungkook, when he realizes Park Jimin, the famous idol from Korea, broads the plane and blatantly flirts with you.
curiosity @hobidreams
summary: when innocent jungkook comes to you with a not-so-innocent question… you decide it’s easier to just demonstrate.
inkling @gguksgalaxy
summary: Jungkook is your brother’s boyfriend’s co-worker, they own a tattoo and piercing parlour. In other words, he’s tall, gorgeous, has his passion literally etched into his skin, looks incredibly good in a man-bun, and is semi-unattainable for you. Why? Well…you’re not entirely sure but him ditching right after a very heated make-out session sure isn’t a good sign. His extremely poor mood the next week sure isn’t either, but the only way to fix it is to face the beast head-on. Right?
j’aime @baepop
summary: You’re the newest hire at a local café and head barista Jeon Jungkook takes you under his wing.
pop goes the cherry @1oserjk
summary: jungkook comes back home to find you visiting as well, all grown up — in more ways than one.
skirt chasers @1kook
summary: “Baggy clothes are in, but you wouldn’t know that, Miss I Draw Inspiration From Catholic School Girls.”
kiss it better @jincherie
summary: When one goes to Kim Seokjin for advice, it’s almost guaranteed to never end well. This is something Jungkook learns quickly when he mistakenly follows treasured advice to ‘be smart’ and ‘use his assets’. He just did what he was told! Of course, the execution was a bit poor… and embarrassing. But hey, if rocking up to cheer practice in a skirt doesn’t woo your crush, what will?
pay by play @yoonia
deeply poisoned @xmagicxshopx
summary: Kiss me on the lips, a secret just between the two of us. Deeply poisoned by the jail of you. I cannot worship anyone but you and I knew the grail was poisoned but I drank it anyway.
speeding ticket @minstrophywife
summary: Caught speeding to get home in time, you find yourself pulled over by a very delicious cop. Perhaps you can talk your way out of the ticket.Or,“I’m afraid I’m going to have to do a cavity search ma’am.”
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OT7/Multiple Members
buttercream @minniepetals
summary: you were always adorable in their eyes, sometimes a little too adorable.
dulce periculum @forgottenpasta
summary: Devious and devilish, your two new impish hybrids never miss a chance to torment you for your hopeless attraction to them, knowing exactly what they do to you. But is sly sexuality and enigmatic allure all there is to the tiger and wolf hybrid, or do the depths of their eyes hide something more for you? Part ½
tropicana @dragunjk
summary: groovy punch sippin
amaranthine @koyamuses
summary: As the sole owner of Nightshade, a quaint bed and breakfast on the outskirts of the city, you find pleasure in rising each morning to tend to your guests but behind closed doors and within the shadows, you are the covenant leader to a group of young vampires who have claimed you as their mate.More often than not, your day is brimming with a mix of daily chores and back door deals that ensure the survival of your covenant. However, everything changes when three werewolves come stumbling into your life, all three of them claiming it was your scent that drew them closer as the words true mate ring into the silence.
testosterone boys @kiwiscript
summary: A little end of the year party tradition gets taken too far.
operation love letters @ve1vetyoongi
summary: When every student on campus is going crazy about a survey that claims to make true love bloom, your best friend manages to convince you to join in on the fun — except you’re disappointed to find out that your results just seem to be lost causes. That is until a love letter from a mysterious secret admirer turns up and you find yourself on a mission to find the person behind the pen — but you quickly realise it’s going to be a lot harder than you initially thought when you have 7 possible bachelors to investigate, right? Operation: Love Letters a-go!
our princess @iridescentjin
summary: In your newly established poly relationship, you are intimate with both Taehyung and Seokjin at the same time for the first time.
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astralkoo · 4 years
I love your work! Do you have any JJK or Jimin fanfics to recommend to us, besides yours? (I've read all of it at least 10x each lol)
First of all thank you so much, you’re an angel and I’m so so so so incredibly happy you enjoy my writing 🥺❤️ second of all do I ever!!!!!!! I’ve never made a fic rec list before so bear with me:
One Shots ;
Kiss it Better by @jincherie
(okay literally everything written by jincherie is amazing I am obsessed w her hybrid/supernatural fanfics, I’d definitely recommend you check those out but cheerleader jk wearing a FREAKING SKIRT just does something to me. And it’s so cute and funny and adorable and you just will absolutely love the all of the characters)
Bite Me by @jeonsweetpea
(where do I even begin? Vampire reader? Masochist Guk? How do I express my love for this one shot? I do not know. But I love it, very much and highly HIGHLY recommend. I’ve read it so many times it’s not even funny at this point. And it’s still one of my favorites ever.)
Euphoria by @jeonsweetpea
(I have a massive weak spot for anything android I think that is so freaking cool and this one shot was so good!!!!! Subby Android Jungkook is just heaven for me okay, like my wet dream. Sorry was that TMI? whatever, check out this one shot!!!)
Deal by @vinterjeon
Hopping Mad For You by @readyplayerhobi
(This is the fic that made me realize that all I needed in my life was bunny guk and I high highly recommend reading it (if you haven’t already) bc it is sososososoos adorable and guk is the most precious human/bunny ever to exist and I love it with all my heart)
Little Wolf, Pretty Wolf, Your Wolf by @readyplayerhobi
Knock Out by @gamerguk
(I remember seeing the teaser for this and being so excited and checking back every day for the full fic to be posted and then it was and all of my expectations were exceeded and I absolutely loved it oh my god it’s so funny and sexy and yes I recommend.)
Baby Boy by @gukptune
(this is one of the first guk fics I read on here so I have a soft spot for it :(( plus I love it and guk is adorable and sub guk is even cuter thank you and goodnight.)
Gold Rush by @nochugguk
Cardboard Castle by @kittae
(the image of jungkook sucking a popsicle has been burned into my head and haunting me ever since I’ve read this fic. and also I want to build a fort and cuddle w him in it. The perfect sexy cute combination.)
Dumbo by @cinnaminsvga
(this fic is wild bro, the reader is crazy bold and I love it and jk has nipple piercings and I can’t get that image out of my head it’s so sexy oh my god.)
Wintervale by @fantasybangtan
(ohhhhhhhhh my goddddddd I loved this one shot so muchhhhhhh it was so sexy and well written and ugh. Again, subby jk so I love it, thank you very much. It’s part of a series, and I’d definitely recommend you check out Taehyung’s pirate au too which is also phenomenal.)
Stay In Your Lane by @luxekook
(oh my goddddddd bratty kook is a big yes!!!!!! and this fic portrays that so well and I love love love it!!!)
Series/Multiple Parts ;
Freak-Quency by @gukslut [ Companion Piece : Boots ]
(he spits in your mouth and you punish him and it’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever read and I love it and oh my god yes + plus rockstar!guk is just something else yum)
To Tame a God by @vinterjeon
(holy fcking shit, this series is just *chefs kiss* immaculate in words I can’t even begin to describe. I’m a btch for a good werewolf au and the fact that kookie is a bit of a sub? yessir thank you very much plz check this out it’s one of my favorite series ever)
Bunny Troubles by @appreciatethefoolishness
(this fic is so freaking cute I can’t handle it. Bunny!guk and Sub!guk tied into one is almost too much for me to handle on its own but wrapped up in this adorable fic is just UGH you know?)
Bitchin’ by @kinktae
Flesh & Blood by @kinktae
(okay jungkook is literally a freaking zombie how sick is that? I loved Warm Bodies (both the book and the movie) so I love this series!!! It’s cute, funny, smexy and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it!)
The Doms Next Door by @tatertotthethot (ft. Tae)
(okay hear my out. I usually do not read dom!bts fanfic bc I prefer subby boys over dom boys, I don’t know why that’s just how my mama made me. But this fanfic— holy— oh my god how do I even— it’s so phenomenally written and so enrapturing and engaging that it just completely pulls you into the plot and you become invested and intrigued and holy fuck it’s so sexy and I really did like reading it a lot so even if you’re not so into dom!bts I’d say give this a chance and see what you think!)
Secrets of Silk by @nochugguk
(y’all wanna talk about camboy guk? Because I do. And this fic is freaking immaculate. I read it a while ago so I don’t remember too many specific details but dude, I remember just being hooked and absolutely loving it.”
Felicity by @nochugguk
For Science by @boymeetsweevil
(ugh I love love this series, it funny and cute and sexy and the perfect amount of messy and I def recommend checking it out!!!!)
If your into sub guk please check out @namsjunies fics, just all of them bro HERE is the link to their masterslist
One Shots ;
While You’re At It by @aureumjeon
(dudeeeee I remember seeing the teaser for this and getting hooked immediately!!! And then I read the actual fic and it was so freaking good!!!!! Pool Boy Jimin is something to behold, I must say.)
Florezco by @honeymoonjin
(this one shot is just so pretty. It is so freaking pretty. There is something so rhythmic and beautiful about the way it was written, the words and language used. The descriptions are beyond astounding. The plot as well is so amazing, you can see through every little interaction how their relationship grows and developed and it is so beautiful.)
Diary of a Bodyguard by @kernelmeow
Series/Mutiple Parts ;
Good Boy by @btssmutgalore
(if I’m going to talk about sub jimin, I’m going to talk about the Good Boy series, I mean come on that’s just a given. This series just— yes. The character development, the relationship growth, the ridiculously well written plot, just all of it. It’s an amazing read through and through and a definite must read!!!)
Handyman by @drquinzelharleen (ft. Tae)
(ohmygod I love this series so much. Jimin yum, reader is a boss bitch, the sex is right up my alley but it also has plot with ups and downs and I very much enjoyed reading it and perhaps (more than likely) you will too.)
Timid by @jincherie
(I melt every time. It’s so sweet, so cute, freaking tooth rotting. Jiminie is so precious and lovable and shy and I am so weak for him it’s actually not even funny. If you want cute hybrid jiminie, this is the fic to read, I swear you won’t regret it.)
Blood Rank by @gukptune
Baby, Baby by @hobiwonder (ft. Tae)
(bro, the relationship between Tae, Minnie, and the reader is just— wow. The development between the three is incredible and oh my goddd its amazing.)
Between Other Worldly Creatures by @btsjeonjazz (ft. Tae)
Humanity by @bts-trash-blog
(these hybrid babies are so precious bro I swearrrrr this fic gave me a roller coaster of emotions and I can’t wait for more parts to come out!!!)
Peach Blossoms by @pasteljeon
Abundance by @angelicyoongie
(okay, I know this is technically OT7 but oh my god, you wanna talk about one of the best hybrid fics I have ever read??????? It is so incredibly well written and the boys are a mess but an adorable lovable mess and guk is so cute and jiminie is a little shit but damnit I love it and I am so excited for when everything falls into place and they’re happy and lovey and sorry I am getting ahead of myself but if you haven’t read it already, it’s a must read.)
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lilallama · 3 years
what would be cooking club's and newspaper club's favorite Disney character? idk why this idea popped into my head but it did
Hoseok - Tiana (the Frog Princess)
As someone who values diligence and hard work, he really enjoyed Tiana's character. She's a strong, independent woman, who follows her dream and works hard for it. It's admirable. Besides that, it was the first disney movie he watched. Y/n was shocked when they found out that he had never watched a disney movie. So they got him to watch it with them. He wasn't complaining.
Seokjin - Duchess (the Aristocats)
He remembers watching that movie with his mother, when he was younger. He absolutely loved it and wanted a white cat because of Duchess. He doesn't know why, but he loves that feline. He ended up getting a white cat and named it Duchess, in his freshman year.
Yoongi - Penny (the Rescuers)
Yoongi rarely got the privilege to watch movies. They were way too expensive. But he remembered seeing the movie on TV, back in elementary school. His mother sat passed out drunk on the sofa, while he sat infront of the Television with big eyes. He related to Penny. It didn't feel like he had a family either. He wished someone would rescue him, but that would be unlikely to happen.
Namjoon - everyone (Atlantis - the lost empire)
He could sit you down and prepare a three hour long presentation on why Atlantis was the best movie to have ever been created. He loved how smart and awkward Milo was. Because, hey, he's smart and awkward too! Then Kida and Audrey were his first crushes. He still watches the movie at least once a month, under a pile of blankets at 2 am.
Jimin - Prince Philip (Sleeping Beauty)
The only reason is that Prince Philip was his childhood crush. He'd swoon every time. He really wanted to be Aurora, that still hasn't changed. Another possible option for him would be Prince Naveen from the Frog Princess. That accent, and the smirk! But Prince Philip has nostalgia privilege, so he still wins.
Taehyung - Quasimodo (the Hunchback of Notre Dame)
He loved that movie. Everything was so dramatic and well drawn, it was such an experience. But it did traumatise little Tae when he first watched it. He literally gasped and even screamed everytime something happened. Frollo was his worst nightmare. He was scared that he'd get snatched by that man. His parents watched it with him once, because even though it was scary, he loved it. They immediately shut the TV off when Esmeralda was on screen. He didn't understand why, but now he knows. She was "half naked" according to his mother.
Jeongguk - Copper (the Fox and the Hound)
Copper reminds him so much of Y/n, back when they were much, much smaller. And the whole story just feels relatable now. He relates to Tod, who had to part ways with his childhood best friend, and when he returned they barely even remember him. He cries every time he watches that movie.
Jennie - Megara (Hercules)
Jennie absolutely adores Disney movies. Her favourite movie as a child was Hercules. She thought it was so incredible. She always aspired to be like Meg, because she was just so cool! Despite what one might assume, she's not that much of a fan of the older Disney Princesses. Why should she wait for some wannabe Prince to come riding along? She's already rich! So if anything, she'll be her love's Prince Charming. Jennie loves watching Disney movies with Y/n. It's just so comforting and cute.
Jisoo - Cinderella (Cinderella)
Although Jisoo would never actually voice it, in her younger years she really wanted to be a Disney Princess. They're always so pretty and kind. They have wonderful singing voices and can talk to animals! The dresses they wear, their pet sidekicks and the dreamy Prince's. It was all so magical. Her favourite always was Cinderella. Jisoo just adored her silver gown and glass slippers. Often, she'd dream about her Prince Charming dancing with her in the castle gardens. But as she grew older, she realised that she would never be an actual Disney Princess. But at least she really did find her one true love.
Rosé - Lady (Lady and the Tramp)
Our precious Rosie is a hopeless romantic and was absolutely enamoured with the pasta scene in Lady and the Tramp. She'd replay that scene hundreds of times because it was so adorable. The relationship between the two was so exciting and romantic. She loved Lady. Not only does she adore Cocker Spaniels but she also thought that Lady was so lovable. She always imagined herself experiencing a similar love story to theirs with her darling.
Lisa - Mulan (Mulan)
Truthfully, Lisa never cared much for Disney movies. She never really actively saw one, until the girls, Y/n and her had a sleepover. They watched Disney Princess movies. Most weren't that interesting to Lisa. Typical Princess falls in love with Prince plot. But Mulan caught her attention. Mulan was so badass, disguising as a guy to save her father and the entirety of China! During the movie Lisa was incredibly focused and would not let anyone speak, except Y/n occasionally. It's her absolute favourite!
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taegularities · 3 years
new game for you 🕹️😚 tag seven mutuals that remind you of the bts members and why
AH whoever’s sending these ask games around, THANK YOU, I love them!!!
okay, here we go (i’m sorry if i forgot someone, i just went with what came to my mind first :’D) ALSO PLS, i can not ever stick to the rules, i’m sorry for not tagging only one moot per member T_T
seokjin - @artsyjoons; girl you’re the embodiment of CHAOS, and i love it so much! just like him (and me), you’re loud, enthusiastic, joke around and send love to the people around you, you’re genuinely so so cool and sweet! | @birbdae; literally, the biggest reason for tagging you are the dad jokes. you have SO MANY of them, an endless repertoire - and if that doesn’t scream seokjin, then i don’t know what does!!
yoongi - @hoebii; for some reason? i really don’t know why, maybe it’s because you have this ‘idgaf’ opinion about unimportant stuff (which is good), but deep down, you still care and love so much and you show it to the people who are precious to you. | @voiceswithoutlips; you too for some reason lol. you have this ‘fuck it, i’m a rebel’ attitude and won’t let anyone say shit to you, which i admire and love about you! and still, just like i mentioned with melody, you have so much love to give to people who deserve it.
hoseok - @hantaev; a literal sunshine, dudeeee!!! the sweetest and loveliest soul on tumblr; would never hurt a fly, always smiling, always encouraging people. the embodiment of light and love and important to everyone you talk to!! | @imyourhobiii; another sweetheart on this site. will always support you, tell you how much she loves you and never stop being kind. truly deserves the world and more; approachable, smiling, so endearing!!
namjoon - @kithtaehyung; ryen, you kinda give off sophisticated, smart vibes, don’t ask me why - but yeah. you’re smart, kind, sweet, sexy all in one, so it fits just perfectly :’D and namjoon loves poetry while you write it. | @moccahobi & @biaswreckme; you guys are so incredibly smart. you spit out knowledge and talk like geniuses, and you both have literally no idea how much i love and admire your intelligence (and you as persons, really).
jimin - @jiminza; haaaahaha, i swear this is a coincidence! but you have the same bratty energy as he does. you will fight people around you if you have to, but you’re still full of love and won’t hesitate to show it. your friends are fond of you and love you as the angel that you are. | @joheunsaram; will tease me back when i tease her for the 4382782th time and joke around always. is super sweet to people and so so lovable, but will smash your face if she feels like she needs to(that’s my impression!! lol). badass AND cutie in one! hehe
taehyung - @bratkook & @kimtaehyunq; just as sexy as taehyung and are (or as it seems, at least) confident about it!! and we STAN confidence! talented, beautiful and cool, all in one, just like tae!
jungkook - @r-m & @taemaknae; you both are a duo, i swear. and just as crazy as jk. will scream in my dms, joke around with people, be hawt and sexc, funny and easy to talk to. love you just as much as i love him, and feel like i could talk endless bs, but also deep talk with you guys!!
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hannahbee12719 · 3 years
1997 Awareness Day
At the urging of E @btsarmy9593, I am creating a post of my ramblings concerning the sheer quantity of unnaturally beautiful and talented humans born in the year 1997. I swear the expecting mothers all received some sort of blessing from a higher deity, or there was some sort of magical fairy dust in the water. Whatever the reason is, we decided it should be commemorated.
I will put my ramblings and bigger versions of the pictures below the cut, but here is the collection of beautiful and talented humans to whom I am referring. Feel free to reblog with your own additions/information you’d like! I’m sure there are people and things I missed 😅
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I am also tagging Allison @seokjinger-ale because we have discussed this before 😂
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How did this all start? I slid into E’s dms asking for A.C.E song recommendations. At one point the conversation turned to A.C.E’s maknae, Chan (cutie pie pictured above), who, you guessed it, was born in 1997! This lead me to pose the question, “What did they put in the water in 1997?!?”
Without further ado…
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We start off with the obvious. The one, the only Jeon Jungkook. Wrecker of everyone’s bias lines with his innocent doe eyes and markedly less innocent body proportions. Golden Maknae. Extremely talented vocalist. Dancer extraordinaire. Good at everything he puts his mind to. I know you all know what he looks like, but I feel like we all need this…for science…you know? (Cr. @/fairyprincejk on twt)
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Next, we have a whole line of those born in 1997 in Seventeen. From left to right we have Mingyu, The8 (Minghao), and DK (short for Dokyeom, real name Seokmin). Mingyu is a tall, muscular puppy. He’s like the lovable nanny of the group. He has this cute little lisp that I adore. And then there’s, you know, the fact that he looks like that 😍 As for Minghao, his dancing is incredible, his visuals are stunning (see above, need I say more?), AND he can sing. DK is my Seventeen bias so I will do my best not gush on and on about him lol. His vocals are powerful and absolutely breathtaking (not only is he one of the main vocals of Svt but he’s currently reprising his role of King Arthur in the musical Arthur). DK is also the purest ray of sunshine in the whole industry…entirely sweet and funny and loving. Don’t let him fool you though, he’s got muscles underneath those big sweaters and t-shirts he mostly wears and he will catch you off guard 😳
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Then we have the 97’s in NCT, Winwin (real name Sicheng) and Jaehyun. I don’t compare idols to one another as a rule, but since most of the people who follow this blog are Army’s I’m using these comparisons for the sake of familiarity. Winwin is his own wonderful, talented self. With that disclaimer out of the way *clears throat*. Like Taehyung, Winwin is stunningly beautiful and endearingly weird. And like Jimin, watching Winwin dance is like experiencing living art. Then there’s Jaehyun. Jaehyun has the dimpled face of a fairytale prince, a voice smoother than honey, and washboard abs. He’s also super sweet and adorable.
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Last, but certainly not least, we have Yugyeom of GOT7, Bang Chan (Christopher Bang) of Stray Kids, and Eunwoo of Astro. I’m not as familiar with these three personality-wise, but from what I’ve seen they are well-loved. I know that Chan is a sweet baby angel from all the video clips and things I’ve seen of him. I’m already in love with him and I haven’t even delved that far into Stray Kids (they are infants, Chan is their hyung and I’m not ready to approach them until all their members are at least 21 lol). I’m also in the middle of True Beauty (a kdrama starring Eunwoo) and I’m loving his acting (his face isn’t so bad either 😍).
If you’re reading this, thank you and congratulations! You’ve made it through my crazy ramblings 🤪
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woogurl · 4 years
so...since i have a lot of free time during this quarantine i figured that i’d finally do an analysis on the christmas vlive a few months ago. 
yes, the one with the woosansang drama 
yes, it’s going to be a long one, buuuuut, i don’t want to make it as long as my other analysis, please remember that i am not an expert/professional. these are just my personal observations. 
let’s start with a moment i think is important before the “drama” between woosansang. 
I’ve already done a short analysis about woohwa, but this it’s also important for the moment that happens afterwards. so basically, jongho is reading his letter to Seonghwa, and apparently he doesn’t feel all that loved. ‘cause they were supposed to come there matching, but blah blah. woo suddenly says...
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this is basically woo knowing that he’s a little shit, but he sees that it’s a charm. In this vlive yeosang mentions that Woo is a flirt. I didn’t screencap, but I do feel like it was important because we know how savage yeosang is, he knows the members well, and he especially knows woo well. if anything I feel like yeosang is very quiet, and he doesn’t seem like he participates much, but we have learned through his savagery that he’s incredibly observant. i think it’s also important to note that hongjoong said mingi seemed to be into him too, and they even say mingi is obsessed with woo(like he wants to be like him). the members constantly say that woo is “blessed” that being seonghwa and yeosang. i believe they say this because woo is well loved, and he’s very charismatic, charming and flirtatious much like our boy park jimin. and woo knows this. which is why in a recent vlive seonghwa says, “it’s hard not to love wooyoung, and he knows this that’s the problem.” now why do i think this is relevant well? because i think it highlights woo’s personality. much like jimin he’s a natural flirt that attracts interest and attention from both genders. even jongho and yunho gets upset with woo because apparently they don’t give him much attention. this whole vlive drama revolved around woo lol. anyway, let’s get back on tract. after woo says it’s his charm san steps in.  
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“but you are into me,” says san, and woo’s like “ugh, what do you mean?”, and looks down suspiciously and san also looks down suspiciously. if you watch it in real time, it’s very obvious how awkward this moment was. lmfao. 
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then san suddenly says, “woo and i bought this hat together” and i think it’s important because san often wears this hat. they also have the same shoes that they’ve worn to an airport together in the same style. from what i’ve heard sharing or wearing the same accessories is a couple thing in korea, but this obviously isn’t evidence or anything that they’re dating. it’s just something i would like to note. but moving on ‘cause woo has something to say..
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this is where it starts, basically woo says he’s sad because yeosang isn’t giving him much attention anymore. even when he talks to him he gives him short/brief replies. can we talk about hongjoong’s and seonghwa’s faces, ‘cause they know what the fuck is up. anyway, moving on..seonghwa says. 
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so, what we may all find interesting is that seonghwa, and hongjoong seem to know the situation better that wooyoung does. and here’s my thoughts on what i think may have happened, because i did cut out yeosang’s side to not make this too long. but apparently, yeosang said he made an effort to treat everyone the same, and even though he wanted so badly to be with woo, he wanted to treat everyone the same. i believe woo may have taken this the wrong way and found comfort in someone else, that person being san. now something that was extremely hard to read was san’s stance on this. we don’t really know how he feels about this, maybe he felt this wasn’t his place to say anything, but i actually think san really really really liked the fact that woo would come looking for him which is why his smile was so big. hongjoong continued to say, 
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so this isn’t even a shipping perspective anymore, we know woosan is a very popular ship, but as we can see here they’re actually very close in real life. they spend so much time together that the other members feel left out. again, san looks very happy, probably not about the situation itself but that woo comes looking for him, you can hear it in his tone when he says, “aish, why’re you looking for me?” as if he’s annoyed when it’s so obvious that he likes it so much. he can’t even hide his smile. he’s rubbing himself, he’s covering his smile to hide it, he even literally looks away lmfao. i feel like at this point san is literally in his own world. it’s very easy to see that san was trying to control his emotions, but it was difficult to do. yuhno mingi had to jump in(see what i did there). 
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okay, so apparently mingi said y’all ain’t spillin’ enough tea, so let me fuckin’ pour it out for y’all. and of course as always, hongjoong goes into gay panic, “THIS IS GETTING WEIRD” translations: isn’t this a bit too gay? so apparently, yeosang has talked to mingi about this as well, and he even seems to know much san likes woo. they really do seem to like each other a lot. san is quiet for a while, before he even says, “isn’t that a bit weird.” but i cut it out. lol. Even Yunho was jelly.
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apparently, woo wanted yunho to go to the bathroom with him, but this is what he said. lmfao.
anyhow in conclusion, woosang wasn’t as close as they were and it was because yeosang wanted to make an effort to treat everyone the same. while woo on the other hand ended up clinging to san. i’m also convinced that woo’s persona on screen is different than off screen. i will probably make a post about this, but i’ve heard people say woo is the hardest to read and i think it’s because he has the sexy concept. unlike the others, it’s obvious that he puts up boundaries and walls when he’s on camera. much like hongjoong he’s a lot more professional. there’s a lot of moments/videos where san is looking at him, but woo forcefully avoids eye contact with him. which i find interesting. he’s very aware when a camera is on him. however, i know from listening to san alone that he is probably very clingy and lovable off screen. ‘cause san says that he was difficult to initially deal with because he was so clingy, and he has also said on kang on box that woo has a lot of aegyo. the members have also said this. which leads me to think that he acts a lot differently with san off camera. i feel the need to mention this because a lot of people seemed to think that woosan was always one-sided. ANYWAY, this all seems to be resolved because woo has said recently they he often spends his free time with yeosang and he often eats with san to relieve stress. san has also claimed that woo likes him more than we think, but that’s it, that’s the post. 
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yeojaa · 4 years
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You feel winded and you're not sure why.  Like you'd been walking on cloud nine and were now falling through the atmosphere, plummeting toward the ground at incredible speeds.  When you speak, it doesn't really sound like you.  "Yes."  Because he was exactly right - you were a hopeless romantic.  Always had been.  It was hard not to be when your parents were childhood sweethearts and love was the thing you'd been chasing your whole life.
alt summary.  You use your one brain cell for love.  It doesn’t always end well.
pairing.  who knows, honestly.  the obvious ones are kim taehyung and jeon jungkook, though.  
tags.  blind date, strangers, strangers to friends, strangers to lovers, getting to know each other, alternate universe, alternate universe - modern setting, romantic comedy, fluff, slow burn, smut, pining, unrequited love.
rating.  ... 18+?
word count.  ~7600
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chapter 8.  
You're reminded of how hard things like this are for you, anxiety digging its dull claws into the pit of your stomach and making the slow crawl up your sternum.  It's not painful, per se, but the ache is there, evident with each swipe of your tongue, each persistent checking of your phone.  You thrive on your own - much prefer it to the demand that sits heavy on your shoulders, working to coax you from your shell.
It's not that the people weren't nice.  No, everyone was perfectly lovely.  
Taehyung's friends had gone out of their way to chat with you.  That is, except for Yoongi, who'd sat in silence next to you for the duration of time it took to eat his slice of cake - strawberry, you noted with deep satisfaction.  He'd simply nodded when he'd finished, plate spotless, and walked off, back in the direction of the kitchen.  
Even all of Gahyeon's friends were charming, the kind of people you'd want to grow up with.  Beautiful women with the same sweet smile and flirtation on their fingertips;  appealing men that had laughter rolling off them in tremendous waves as they shared inside jokes.  They'd been incredibly kind, involving you as often as they could, asking about your life and interests and hobbies.  
No, you didn't have a problem with anyone there.  Well, maybe that wasn't true.
Perhaps you were a little frustrated, coloured a muddy green by the monster that lurked behind your uncomfortable smile.  You shouldn't have been, though, and that was what drove you mad, pink swiping over your bottom lip in repetitive motions.  Not even your Dior Lip Glow - brought out for special occasions and a far cry from your bubble gum balm - could save you.
Because he was right there.  So close you could've closed the distance with an outstretched arm, curled your fingers around the turn of his silver-linked wrist and distracted him.  Not that you would.  Of course not.
You were here with someone else and well, he could do what he wanted.
The knowledge does little to quell the ache in your chest, though.
You'd always known Jungkook's effect on people - had felt it firsthand.  The way he could make you feel like you were the only person in the world, as if every thought you had was worthy of his time.  You knew the way he laughed, that godforsaken witch's cackle somehow endlessly endearing.  Even those two larger-than-usual front teeth of his could be considered positive traits.  They all amounted to more than you could ever begin to put into words.  
So you try to ignore the way the sound nearly smothers you now, pervades your senses and beats against your eardrums.  You turn your focus on something else - anything else - to forget the pealing bells of the girl he's speaking with and how, together, it sounds like music.  You bite at nothing, gnashing your molars into oblivion when her voice joins the fray, velveteen and promising.  You can imagine the way she looks at him - the same way you had, maybe still did - and how he'd be honey in her hands, seeping between her fingers.  
"Actually, I know Jiyeon, too."  
Your name tears you from your thoughts, snaps you into reality with a harsh tug.  The same feeling comes physically, but far gentler.  It's a hand on the back of your arm, just above your elbow.  You almost flinch - almost - turning with what you hope is surprise and nonchalance on your face.
"Pardon?"  The single word is laced with enough emotion to explode on impact, breaking across the dusty line of your obliterated enamel and slipping into the sharp evening breeze.  Whether Dahye - you think that's her name - notices, you're not sure.  She simply meets your stare with a pretty smile, delicate chin canted in curiosity.
It's Jungkook that has you reeling back, working desperately to rearrange your emotions, because whatever he'd expected to find in the shape of your mouth, the depth of your eyes - it isn't this. 
The second feels like an eternity before it's swept up in the turn of his lips and his lovable laugh.  
"I was just telling Jihye—"  Dammit, wrong name.  "—that we know each other."  Something sweeps along the undercurrent of his response, tickling at the ends of syllables without overwhelming.  Your eyes narrow, trying to read the answer he offers and everything in between.
Once upon a time, you'd thought you could read him like a book.  Now, you're not so sure.  The invisible ink disappears into his skin, the spaces between his teeth.  They're not shades of gold, gleaming bright for your eyes only.
"What a small world,"  Jihye chirps, ever the benign figure.  "Did you go to school together?"  
He answers before you can, nodding in affirmation.  "We were both doing art degrees.  We got paired up for a few projects and helped each other out of tight spots."  It shouldn't hurt, the way he speaks so nonchalantly.  You should be bobbing along, offering casual anecdotes that give truth to his words.  Instead, you feel as if you're six feet under and clawing at your own grave, sealed there by a one Jeon Jungkook.
Opening your mouth feels like a colossal chore and you're worried you won't be able to speak around the dirt that bites into your lungs.  It tastes bitter and angry - gasoline and saltwater. 
Neither of them notice, though, Jihye already somehow - no, you knew exactly how - enthralled in some story he's telling.  He was an expert at that, after all, weaving colourful pictures with all the practice of Shakespeare.  He'd done it for four years straight, dragging you through the fables that littered his brain. 
"I'm going to get another drink,"  you announce, out of the blue, in the middle of their stupid mellifluous laughter.  
Jihye waves as you leave.  Jungkook would do the same, if he didn't feel locked in place by the sight of your retreating figure.
You make your way through dispersed throngs of people, greeting familiar faces when you pass them.  There's Hoseok and Gahyeon standing together by the main entryway, the leading roles in a romance as they duck their heads and giggle together.  Jin's booming voice can be heard from the kitchen, somewhere behind the state-of-the-art appliances because you can't see him.  The familiar lilac of Namjoon's crown catches your eye exiting what you assume is the washroom, his beer held loosely between two fingers.
"Kim seongsangnim!"  The title has him turning his head slowly, as if surprised.  You know he isn't, spy it in the flat line of his smile.  Still, he puts on a show, glancing this way and that to figure out who has called out to him.
It isn't until you're right in front of him, head barely clearing the slope of his jaw, that he exclaims.  "Oh, Jiyeon-ah."
"Do you know where Taehyung went?"  The question doesn't surprise him as he cocks his head toward what you assume is the rear of the home.  "He, Jimin, and Yoongi-hyung are all downstairs.  I was just heading back."  Without missing a beat, you follow after him, trading your now-empty champagne flute for another on the kitchen island when you pass.
"Gahyeon's really nice,"  you muse, trailing after the other.  You know you don't need to fill the silence, but you try anyway.
The producer hums in agreement.  "Yeah, she is.  I think she's good for Hope."  You're not sure what that means but you're glad, all things considered.  The two were like sunflowers, craning for warmer weather and rays;  it made you happy they'd found each other.
"And what about everyone else?"  It's a question that comes after a moment's hesitation.  Your relationship with he and Yoongi had changed over the weeks, morphed into something more relaxed, but you still wondered where that invisible line sat.  You worried, briefly, that you'd thrown yourself across it when Namjoon tosses a look over his shoulder.
"What do you mean?"  There's no disapproval in his tone, only careful curiosity.
"Do any of you have someone special in your lives?"  Another pause, tasting the inquiry before it can get you in trouble.  "Or is anyone catching your eye here?"
You're treated with a laugh and that relieves the tension you're carrying, dragging it off your shoulders with the sound.  
"It's not my place to say,"  Namjoon answers, unflappable.  The respect he has for his friends is unparalleled.  You like that about him.  You feel silly for asking, though he continues speaking, voice softly amused.  "I don't think any of us are going to find our next true loves here, though."
Your head cocks.  He sounds so sure.  "Why not?"
"Didn't you notice that's what most of these girls are looking for?  It's hardest to find something when you're actively seeking it out."  
Now that he mentioned it, you had noticed the way the other guests had seemed to make a beeline for the six - no, five - men who were otherwise strangers.  You'd thought it was a little odd but had chalked it up to their good looks and whatever Gahyeon had shared about them.  It clicks into place more slowly than it should.  "Oh."
Namjoon chuckles but the sound is friendly, strings of mockery few and far between.  "Exactly."
"Jiyeon-ah!  You've come to join us!"  The sandy strands catch the light before you see the rest of him, Jimin's head popping up over the back of some very comfortable looking chairs.  He's half-turned to face you, beaming brightly as another head ascends into view beside him.
"She has a viewing room?"  You can't help the way you sound, incredulous and envious all at once.  Maybe you'd have to offer to be her live-in maid.  
"Isn't it great?"  Taehyung's at your side in an instant, brushing past Namjoon who settles into a seat a few feet away.  You wave at Yoongi who's sequestered in a corner, playing with his phone and nursing a sizable glass of red wine, before meeting your boyfriend's stare.  "I wasn't sure where you went but we got distracted in here."  He sounds a little guilty, his lips soft against your cheek.
Your hand finds a home against his chest and you apply minimal pressure - the laziest rebuff you can possibly offer and one he ignores, arms looping comfortably around your waist.  "You left me with the wolves."  There's absolutely no malice in your words.
"They're not wolves!  Everyone's really nice!"  Jimin's not wrong.  
"I'm kidding,"  you tease.  "Though, Hoseok oppa might disagree."  The sound of your snicker is amplified by the others' amusement, even Yoongi who looks up from his phone with a smug gummy smile.
"Did I hear my name?"  The devil has materialized seemingly out of thin air, hip cocked as he descends the stairs.  Luckily, he's alone.  
"No!"  You and Jimin chorus in near unison, sharing a conspiratorial grin before laying the rest of your charm - which you possessed nearly nothing of, in comparison to Jimin - on the suspicious brunet.
"Where's Gahyeon?"  Taehyung verbalizes the question you're all thinking.  
"Upstairs.  She sent me to come get you."  The answer is followed by a sniff, a wave of his hand as if he's indignant about whatever's been said.  You know he isn't - and so does everyone else - but you play along like good sports, hmm-ing thoughtfully and expressing your thanks.  "They want to play some get-to-know-you games.  One of her friends is a teacher so she thought it was a good idea."
You meet Yoongi's stare over Taehyung's shoulder and you're pleasantly surprised he looks just as unimpressed as you feel.  It makes you chuckle, stifling the sound into the collar of Taehyung's shirt.
"What are we, in sixth grade?"  Despite the roll of feline eyes, Yoongi has risen from his seat and stepped closer to the stairs.  
"Yes, you are."  Hoseok's response is emphatic, as if he's talking to children.  Then he's grinning, turning on his heel, and disappearing back the way he came.  "Come on, kids!"  
That garners a response, the remaining five of you shouting after him but doing as you're told, nonetheless, filing back up to the main floor.  
"Jiyeon-ah, come sit!"  Gahyeon's beckoning you from her seat, cross-legged and comfortable.  There are open seats to both sides, and you sink into the one on her right, offering a grateful smile that she returns with ease.  "Everyone, sit beside someone you don't know."  
The look on Taehyung's face is that of a kicked puppy as she pointedly meets his gaze, gesturing for him to take up root elsewhere.  You can't help but laugh, waving apologetically at your boyfriend's back as he drops into a spot across the loose circle, flanked by two girls that greet him warmly.  
It surprises you how little it bothers you.
"I guess I'm here."  
The last person you want beside you is joining you on the couch, Jihye nowhere in sight. He's got his hood up around his head, pulled forward like some kind of Sith Lord, and you can't ignore such a golden opportunity for mockery.
"Sorry - I'm not the droid you're looking for, Darth Vader."  God, you're proud of that one, amusement twinkling in your eyes. 
"Oh, right."  
He makes a movement as if he's about to move but then whips around just as quickly, hand out, palm facing you.  You take the bait, fingers flying to your throat in a dramatic re-enactment of the famous scene.  You sputter around an obnoxious gasp, eyes rolling back as he laughs, the sound purposefully - and truthfully, very poorly - rasped out.  
It's only when Gahyeon speaks that you're reminded of where you are and who you're with.  You're immediately sober, straightening up at the same time Jungkook does.
"So, we're going to play some games to get to know everyone."  No one dares scoff at the proposed activity.  At least, not to her face.  No one wants to see her angelic smile drop - or deal with whatever eccentric wrath Hoseok might unleash.  "First, we'll do two truths and a lie.  Pretty self-explanatory, right?"  A single hand rises now, delicately presenting her generous glass of Riesling.  Mischief dances across her expression.  "Everyone will say which they think is the lie.  For those that get it right, you don't have to drink.  For those that do, a sip of your drink!"
"And no baby sips, either!"  Her partner-in-crime choruses, raising his shot glass.  
You study the near-full flute in your hand.  Should you grab another?
"I've got you covered,"  comes the soft voice from your right and you follow the path of his fingers to the assorted soju bottles by his feet.  A brow quirks in silent question and you meet his stare like a concerned mother.  "Hobi-hyung told me to stock up before he went to get the rest of you."
You snort.  "Well, you definitely did."
"Keep it up and you won't get any."  His threat is rounded edges and hardly a threat at all. 
It's so easy to get lost in a world with him, one miles away from this one.  You have to bite back your response, instead returning your attention to the blonde on your left.
"I'll go first,"  she chirps, all sunshine and smiles.  "I'm twenty-seven, I model, and I'm related to Shin Kwangho."  The conspiratorial smile you receive is well-intended, but you're still dumbfounded for the right answer.  You hadn't thought to ask how old she was or what she did and neither she nor Hoseok had offered anything up over the course of the evening.  
Could you see him dating an older woman?  Well, yes.  But was she also beautiful enough to be featured on the cover of magazines?  Also, yes.
Your brow furrows, fraught with confusion, and you barely hear the whisper above your right shoulder.  "She's older than Hobi-hyung."
"Okay, at the count of three, please indicate with your fingers which you think is a lie."  You think she'd be a wonderful MC or variety show hostess by the way she patiently studies the room, making sure each other person is ready.  She's very much in her element now, surrounded by people she (mostly) intimately knows.  "One, two— three!"
Your hand flies up, two fingers held up.  Beside you, and along the circle, the same is reflected by most people.  
"I'm not a model.  I'm an art dealer."  It's only Jin that's gotten the answer wrong.  
He takes a swig from his bottle, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand in a flourish before bowing to the winners.  "I won't lose again,"  he promises.  Yoongi laughs at that - a sound you hardly catch from where you sit, but that you can read in the way his lips pull back and his eyes crinkle.  
"Your turn, Jiyeon-ah!"
Shit.  You hadn't expected it to go counterclockwise.  You scramble for facts and settle for stealing one of Gahyeon's.  "I'm twenty-two, I have a cat, and um—"  You're trying to think of a last one, your cheeks filling with air as you inhale deeply, seeking an epiphany in the breath.  "—I play the piano."
You're not sure who will get it right.  Jungkook, maybe.  Taehyung, too.  You're not sure how much you've revealed to Namjoon and Yoongi but you know they have a better chance.
"One, two— three!"  Gahyeon's quick this time.  She can read the room.
The results are varied, with most people holding two fingers aloft.  As predicted, Jungkook's got his pointer finger in the air, pride stretching his smile and revealing adorable bunny teeth;  Yoongi joins him in the realms of success and so do a handful of others who'd simply hazarded guesses.  "I'm twenty-three.  Sorry, everyone."
"But you’re twenty-two."  The confusion reads like playful belligerence, filling the otherwise quiet circle as people take their requisite drinks.  Taehyung's brow is knit, mouth drawn into a flat pout.  He looks so cute, you almost want to give him a pity point.
Jungkook answers for you, shaking his head as his hand drops into his lap.  "No, she's twenty-three."
The older of the two ignores the correction.  "You said you were twenty-two."  
"It was my birthday after we met."  
"You didn't tell me?"  Now that stirs the group, unease drawing forth conversation as it that might stifle the sudden discomfort.  Even Gahyeon looks like she's at a loss for words, turning to Hoseok with a look of alarm in her eyes.
You're locked in a staring match with your boyfriend, unable to read the emotion that flickers across his face.  
"Okay, let's keep moving!"  It's Hoseok to the rescue, clapping his hands to gather everyone's attention once again.  Taehyung breaks before you do, swivelling his stare to his friend as you heave a sigh.  You'll deal with this later.  "Jungkookie, it's your turn."
You feel him stir beside you, sitting up ever so slightly straighter as he speaks.  "I have less than ten tattoos, I'm lactose intolerant, and I've been to Disneyland."  You don't even have to think about your answer.  He drank banana milk like he was made of it and he'd taken you to the happiest place on Earth for your birthday two years ago.
"One, two— three!"  
Your pointer finger shoots up, as does Namjoon's, Yoongi's, and Jimin's.  Jin's does, too, after a moment of hesitation.  He seems eager not to lose again - at least, not so soon.  Almost everyone else seems to have gone with the lactose intolerance lie.
"I've got more than ten tattoos."  As if to prove it, Jungkook waves his hand around, showing off the ink that litters his otherwise unblemished skin.  
People take their losses easily and the game continues, rolling to the girl next to Jungkook.  She's beautiful in a girl-next-door kind of way, with pretty eyes and thin petal pink lips.  She lists her facts:  half Japanese, born in America, and a former idol trainee.  Everything seems about as preposterous as the next, so you don't think too hard, instead taking the time to rib your seatmate.
"The tattoo thing wasn't fair.  You shouldn't get to use absolutes."  You don't really mind - you hadn't lost, after all, but you like giving him a hard time.
He accepts it easily, allows it to slip off his broad back like a duck in water.  "And you should've told TaeTae it was your birthday."
You’re not sure what you’d expected.  He wasn’t wrong.  No, not even a little bit.  But you’re immediately on the offensive, mouth drawing into a flat line, sharp as the blade that seeks to slot between your ribs and remind you of your failures.
“I know.”  You're begrudging, words barely audible behind your cage of teeth.  They're coloured black and blue from an internal assault that drips saltwater into your lungs and has emotion sloshing over the edges like a too-full cup.
He should let it go.  Your relationship isn’t the kind where he can ask these sort of things still - and yet he does.  Wants to know for reasons he’s not quite ready to face.  “Why didn’t you?”
Your answer comes slowly, following a sip of your champagne.  Like a good third of the room, you’d guessed wrong.
“We’d just met.  I didn’t want to bring it up and make it seem like I expected anything.”  
Jungkook has to bite back a laugh because your reasoning is so very you it hurts.  “Telling someone it’s your birthday isn’t a bad thing, Jiyeon-ah.”  The shrug that rolls over your shoulders and tucks your chin against your chest would indicate otherwise. 
He can’t help but sigh and turn his gaze to the next person, carefully choosing his words as he does his next answer.
(It was definitely three.  There was no way she’d never had a boyfriend.)
“Imagine if you were in his shoes,”  he reasons, finally allowing his eyes to flit back to your face.  You’re focused on some point at your feet, not meeting his stare.  “Honestly, neither of you are in the wrong.  The fact that it’s coming out here, among a bunch of strangers, probably sucks, though.”
You won’t look at him but he can tell you’re listening, sees it in the telltale flex of your jaw and pursing of your mouth.
“Anyway, you should talk to him later.  Explain yourself.  He’ll appreciate that.” 
“I know,”  you say in a small voice that tugs at his heartstrings. 
Right then and there, he wants to tell you everything you want to hear – lace together stories of happier days and stronger bonds.  But it hurts a little, too, so he doesn’t. 
He might want those things for you but he wants them with him.
“You got that wrong.”  You choose to break the silence with a teasing prod, single digit digging into the taut line of his side.  He blinks at you, surprised by the abrupt change in your mood.  He knows it’s a façade – can practically see the mask lining your skin and fading into the strands at your temple.  You’re holding yourself a little too tightly, the jab a touch too hard to be relaxed.
He takes the shot-sized swig without complaint, all the while meeting your eyes over the mouth of the green glass bottle. 
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“Careful.”  It’s less of a reprimand than a gentle reminder, uttered quietly into the shell of your ear.  Even at such a close proximity, it feels far away, shrouded in cotton balls and sugar dust.
You take a second to collect your thoughts, momentarily surprised by the weight of your tongue.  You mull over this newfound sensation as it drags in your mouth, swipes lewdly over your bottom lip.  “’m fine.”  It comes out sounding anything but, vaguely slurred and off-kilter.  Still, you push yourself straight – hands steadied against warmth that sears into your palms and flexes with the movement. 
That’s not right.
You blink owlishly, eyes tracking movement much slower than you’d intended, and you find yourself drawn into the blinding glory of a smile.  It’s amused, lips drawn wide around laughter that sinks into your eardrums and settles like feathers, further buffering the words that slip out in between each breath.
“You’re drunk.”  Jungkook sounds terribly entertained when you settle back down, temporarily forgetting your earlier decision to stand up.  You were too comfortable, caught between his solid form and the seat cushions.
“I’m not drunk!”  And you’re not.  A bit tipsy, perhaps.  There’s a pleasant glow at the edges of your vision, heat warming you from the inside out as if there’s fire and brimstone in your chest.  Sure, things might be moving a bit too slowly – or too quickly, depending on the moment – for your liking but it’s not enough to make you feel sick.  It’s just vertigo when you move.  You’d be fine.
Another laugh, softer this time, for your sake.  He can see the petulance in your stare, the way you huff dramatically as you all but toss yourself against the back of the couch.  It’s so dangerous when you’re this close and so beguiling.  “Fine, you’re not drunk,”  he agrees in a voice that isn’t very believable.  “But you are something.” 
“Yeah, she is.”  A new voice – a familiar voice, you think.  Your head swivels, searching for the sound, and lands with a dull thud on the man towering over your shoulder, handsome face scrutinising your own.
“Kim Taehyung!”  The excitement forces its way out, spreading like honey over your lips and teeth and coating the words.  You’re vibrating with delight, entire body shifting to hold yourself over the back of the couch.  The movements aren’t nearly as smooth as you’d hoped, your knee knocking harshly into Jungkook’s hip, but you find your way there.  “Where’ve you been?”
If he’s annoyed, he doesn’t show it, boxy smile tugging his mouth into the shape with ease.  He’s got a hand on the side of your face, fingers threading into the downy softness at your nape.  “You fell asleep on poor Jungkookie.”
The realization is unpleasant, shame climbing the column of your spine and settling comfortably into the hollow of your throat.
“I did what?”  You think you might’ve screeched the words if you weren’t on the edge of inebriation, embarrassment painting your face in shades of scarlet and roses.  It blooms beneath your cheeks and sinks into every other visible part of you, tipping your ears and nose brightly.
“Yeah, you’re really bad at calling people on their bullshit.”  The broad figure beside you has the smuggest expression on his face.  If you hadn’t just used him as your own personal pillow, you might’ve smacked it off.
As it stands, that’s probably not the best way to say thank you.
“I thought I was doing fine.”  There’s that competitive edge, mirrored between your brows and in your words.
“You were,”  your boyfriend reassures, quick to placate you.  “But you don’t know many people so I think halfway through the first round, it kind of just went downhill.”  You appreciate that he’s trying to make you feel better, softening the blow with his sweet smile and sweeter words.
“Then how come you’re fine?”  You demand like it’s a personal affront.
“I don’t drink, remember?”
Okay, fair.  “And what about you?”  You’ve rounded on Jungkook, finger pressed into the centre of his chest, right over his solar plex. 
“I’m not a lightweight.”  He’s the opposite of Taehyung – completely okay with obliterating your ego, if only because you’re not not-drunk and anything he says won’t be remembered anyway.  That, and it’s just too funny to see you all riled up, inhaling sharply as if to rebuff his words. 
You look comical as your hands fly to your hips.  It’s less so when you teeter in your half-reclined position, feet unsteady beneath your folded weight as you dare to tip back an inch too far.  
Jungkook’s immediately reaching out, palm pressed to the small of your back to prevent you from toppling over, and Taehyung’s hand on your shoulder is gripping you tightly. 
“Watch it!”  Spoken in unison and shared with a look.
If you weren’t so grateful, you’d groan and tell them to get a room.  “Okay, okay!”  With their respective touches anchoring you in place, your hands fly up in surrender, held aloft in front of your face like some sort of white flag.  “I’ll take it easy.”
“We should actually probably head home.”  The words have you focusing hard, fuzzy attention turning to take stock of your surroundings.  Most people – though there seem to be far less of them than when you’d less counted - seem to be edging toward the main foyer, ushered into the night by the gracious goodbyes of the hosts. 
“What time is it?”  You ask in the same instance you’re rising, feet landing on solid ground unsteadily.  You wave off the hands that dart towards you, a bashful frown stirring across our chapped lips.
“Just after midnight.”  Taehyung as he rounds the couch to you, fingers finding yours with ease before he tugs you close against his side.  You’re not sure whether it’s for your benefit or his but you sink easily into him, head settling against his shoulder.
You try to ignore the way the third in your party turns away, hands jamming into the pouch of his hooded sweatshirt.  He remains steadfastly removed when he speaks, though he’s soft, polite.  “I’m going to see if I can help clean up.”
If his change of demeanour is evident at all, Taehyung gives no indication, simply reaching out to clap his friend on the shoulder.  “We’ll see you, then.” 
 “Get home safely, Kook.”  The words are barely out before you’re being led away.
You don’t miss how he turns at the last second, the same wistfulness you feel reflected in the quiet of his eyes.
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You could very easily fall asleep like this, coaxed into dreamland by his touch.  It feels so good, so soothing, traced into the length of your side and over any exposed skin he can find.  You think he’s depositing sleeping powder with his lazy scrawl, inscribing everything left unspoken in the circular movements and sloping edges.
“Thank you for coming tonight,”  he hums happily into your neck, ignoring the way the hair there tickles his nose and gets into his eyes.  He doesn’t mind these little things when he’s locked up in this piece of paradise.
“Thank you for inviting me.”  You’re just as earnest, filled with all the eagerness of a budding relationship and untarnished by time.
Still, there are things you have to say.  Things you want to apologize for, even if they seem miles away now.
“I’m sorry about the…”  Careful, you think.  You want to express yourself clearly, paint a picture that makes sense for both of you.  Something real and true, despite your love for the abstract.  You begin again.  “I’m sorry for not telling you about my birthday and I’m sorry if that made it seem like I didn’t want to celebrate with you.”  The usual rushed nature of your speech is decidedly lacking, instead lulled into a prudently composed apology.  “We’d only known each other for a few days, and I didn’t want it to feel like an obligation.” 
You don’t mention how the day had still felt been a dream because you’d spent it with him and that was all you could’ve asked for.
Against your shoulder, you feel his chin and the clear movement of his nod. 
“I wasn’t mad,”  he reassures with a sweep of his lips, meagre over cotton.  “I felt silly—”  You don’t deserve him and his honesty, how he bares himself up to you as if it’s the easiest task in the world.  “—but I wasn’t angry and I didn’t mean to make it seem like it was.”
Your heart sings in your chest, a robin’s song that has you turning in his arms.  It’s a little awkward, first untangling your legs and then hooking your knee over his hip, but it feels necessary.  A physical token of how much you want him as you breathe life into the same verbal reminder.
“You know you’re too good at this.”  Not that you’re complaining – not that you don’t love the openness with which he holds himself to you, laid plain for your prying eyes.
“Too good at what?”  The question comes with a gift in the form of his signature smile.  It follows with a suggestive roll of his hips.
You can’t help but laugh, depositing the sound against his bare chest.  “Communicating, you animal!”  The insult is anything but reproachful, instead dangling smugly over an almost wanton intonation.  “You’re never afraid to say what’s on your mind.”
He’s got you held against him like he might swallow you whole and you don’t mind, finding peace in his warmth and softness.
“I just think if you never express how you feel, you’re never going to be able to get past it.”  You want to liken him to some sage philosopher, the comparison growing stronger when he hums thoughtfully, gaze lost somewhere above your heads.  “And I owe it to you to try, so it’s easier.  I want this to work.” 
Staring up into his face, memorizing the way his cheeks swell with his smile and his dark lashes frame eyes that crescent into pretty little moons, you understand. 
“Me too,”  you breathe, pressing a sugar sweet kiss to his bared throat. 
You don’t miss the way he tenses around you before relaxing all at once, enveloping you with every part of him.  His breath is hot in your hair, his hands familiar around your waist.  You’re not sure whether you feel it in your lips or toes when he kisses you but you know it runs through every inch of you like a sugar rush.
It’s him that’s prompting you to drag yourself closer – if that’s even possible – and it’s him that’s got you seeking his taste, dragging your tongue over his bottom lip in some sort of bid for entry.
“Who’s the animal now?”  Despite the playfulness in his tone, you can hear the creep of something else.  Hunger, need – all the same things painting your breaths.
“Still you.”  You murmur in between kisses that edge on sloppy, overly eager as they are.  “But I can be, too.”  A sharp tug at his bottom lip, edge of teeth sharp around the soft petal.  “Not mutually exclusive, you know?”  You don’t know how you’re finding words when all you want is him.  It’s hard to be coherent around the Taehyung-shaped distraction your mouth is roaming across.
“You’re feisty when you’re drunk,”  he quips, breathless against your crown when you descend further than the tantalizing slope of his neck, mouthing over the bare expanse of his honeyed chest.
The comment has you nipping gently, just enough to bloom crimson where your teeth have left little indents.  “I’m not drunk.”  Three words spoken more concisely than you have all night, driven to enunciation by sheer unabashed need.
“I’m kidding.”  It’s less of an apology and more of a purr, stoking the coals that burn heavily in the pit of your stomach.
You’re tempted to remind him of his hubris once again but are rudely stopped by firm hands that rearrange you onto your back like you’re nothing but a ragdoll.  By the way you huff, he knows you’re more than that – a girl with a beating heart and needs. 
Forearms form a cage on either side of your head, and he lingers for but a moment, only long enough to catch you in a sweet, all-encompassing kiss that has your head spinning.  You’re gasping when he withdraws, pitifully inclined to chase him when he slides further down your prone form, settling on his knees between your legs.
It’s a beautiful sight – better than the Mona Lisa or David or any of the greats.
His palm is soft on the swell of your hip, fingers tucking beneath the flimsy lace that nestles against your skin.  He continues to feel the patterns that run through the material, smoothing it once, twice, before dragging it lower and lower in marginal increments.  You feel like you might explode when it’s caught halfway down your thighs, stuck between his knee and complete freedom.
“Raise your legs, jagi.”  The request shoots electricity up your spine.  You don’t even have to think twice, doing exactly as you’re told, ankles brought parallel with your hips.
The scrap of fabric is gone then, loftily tossed across the room without a second thought. 
You almost laugh, the sound bubbling forth but replaced by a keening moan when he sinks two fingers into you.  Without time to adjust to the sudden intrusion, the burn is incredible, softened only by the slick that coats your thighs and drips over his fingers.  He stretches you lazily, with slow measured pumps of his wrist;  somehow, you’re already standing on the edge of a precipice, bliss calling your name from the abyss below.
He must see it in your face, framed between your pretty thighs that spread for him, calves resting heavily on his broad shoulders.  “You’re so wet.”  You don’t think you’ve ever been so turned on by his voice, the way the velvet depths fill your ears with a melody.  They play over the chords of your heart like practiced hands.  “So ready and beautiful.”
The realization is fully formed with his words.  You are ready.
It’s an epiphany and Taehyung – darling Taehyung – gives you exactly what you want.  He adds a third finger with the utmost care, angled in such a way that he can brush the pad of his thumb over the sensitive bundle of nerves between your legs.  He ghosts a kiss over your calf, words disappearing against your skin.  “Where are the condoms?”
You can’t even bring yourself to feel shame as you gesture wildly toward your side table.  It’s just out of range for you but he closes the distance easily, his much longer reach allowing him to dip into the confines of the drawer. 
Seeing the packet in his slender, capable fingers has your pulse speeding up, a nervous flush colouring your entire body.  You know it isn’t unease that has you quivering, a bow strung too tightly beneath him.
“Please, Tae,”  you can’t help the way you sound when he withdraws his fingers and - god have mercy on your poor soul - sucks the digits into his mouth.  Glistening with your arousal, they disappear between pouting lips and return pristinely clean.
“Yes, jagi?” 
He’s teasing you, taking his time in tugging his boxers off.  You think you’d be mad if he weren’t so flawless, golden perfection sat bare before you.  When you don’t respond, he takes his time in tearing the corner of the package and discarding same off the side of the bed.  His movements are excruciating as he pinches the tip and rolls the condom over the leaking swollen head of his cock.
“What do you need?”  The way he winds you up should be illegal, as should his expression when he drops back onto the bed, settling between your bent knees.  There’s only darkness in his eyes, the entire ring of hazel engulfed by pupils that threaten to devour you.
You reach for him, a child seeking the thing they love most.  You half expect him to draw away and giddily coo when he leans into your hands, allows his angelic face to be cradled between your palms.
“You.  I want you.”  No, that’s not quite right.  “I need you.”
You think you might’ve given him the great gift in the world when he beams, shattering every wall of yours and sweeping shadows from your insides.  He’s glorious sunshine, consuming warmth that pervades every inch.  Sliding forward, his arm falls into place at the side of your face, delicate touch drifting through the silk of your hair.  “Tell me how badly.”  He asks so sweetly, you can’t deny him.
“So badly.  Like I haven’t needed anything before.”  Perhaps loose lips could sink ships, but you think they might also find buried treasure.  You’re certain of it when you pull him to you, his frame fitting snugly against yours - a missing puzzle piece.
You feel him, heavy and hot between your legs.  The way he rocks against you has you pawing at his chest, hands falling from his cherubic face.  He rocks himself forward experimentally, enticed by the ease with which his straining cock glides through your folds, never delivering in the promise you so terribly need fulfilled. 
“Tae,”  you whine, features twisted into a picture of anguish as he catches your clit and then disappears.  He doesn’t move again, instead studying your face as if he might find the answers to all of life’s questions buried in your smile, the lashes that flutter up at him.
“I’ve got you.”  He does – hook, line, and sinker.
And then he pushes into you with one fluid flex of his hips.  He fits into you like you were made for him, your aching walls drawing him deeper and deeper until he’s bottomed out and snuggled between your legs.  You immediately lock your ankles around him, heels digging into his back in a bid to bring him closer.
It takes herculean effort to not fuck you until you’re seeing stars but Taehyung’s reward is the way you look. 
He wants to imprint it into his memory forever.  The way your mouth falls open, lips parted around his name like a prayer.  How your back arches and he wants to bury his face into your cleavage.
“So beautiful, Jiyeon.”  He finds you somehow, driven by the insatiable need to swallow your moans off your tongue.  He sets a leisurely pace that has him drawing out slowly to admire every drag of you around his cock and you whine each time he nearly fully withdraws before thrusting back into you with a heart-wrenching smile.  He loves the way you sound, all needy and breathless.  “You feel so good,”  he murmurs against your mouth, tongue dragging lasciviously over the corner where your own lolls.  “Taste so good, too.”
In true fashion, you’re filled with delight at the praise, raising your hips to meet each measured, tantalizing roll of his.  “Please, Tae.  Please.”  You’re not sure what you’re asking for, only that you need more.  There’s a molten lava burning through you, swallowing everything in its sight, but it isn’t enough.
“Please what?”   He’s straightening above you and reclining, dragging your legs from around him until they’re resting in the crook of each elbow.  It’s a powerful position that has him admiring every curve of your body, his cock twitching as he smoothly pushes into you again.  He can feel your need like an onerous wave but he’s feeling playful.
“Fuck me!”  It explodes out of your mouth, wrenched forth by the teasing he’s been doling out.
“But I am,”  he sounds almost dejected when he says that and your eyes snap open only to be greeted by his too-smug grin.  He knows exactly what he’s doing.
Two can play that game.  “Well, then do better.” 
That’s what pushes him to your figurative level, dragging him to hell.  He grips your hips in his hands and tugs you forward with little care, burying himself to the hilt with a sharp breath.  You quake with the sudden aggression and mewl with delight when he begins ramming into you with purpose, meeting his each and every thrust eagerly.
This is what you needed – to be consumed wholly, in no half measures.
“Oh, Tae.”  His name barely makes it into the air when it’s snapped back with a gasp.  The pad of his thumb is sweeping over your clit in time with each of his thrusts.  It’s insistent, near punishing, as he pistons into you. 
He's no longer Cupid playing a harp, drawing you slowly but surely to the edge;  he's Lucifer in a mad descent toward Earth and you're caught in his wings.  The knowledge that he's there at the edge with you, fingers laced with yours as he dives toward release, has you clenching around him.  Fingers seek purchase anywhere you can find it.  First down his back, carving mountain ranges over muscle, and then into his inky strands, tugging with abandon.  You're so close you can feel it, a sob wrenched forth when he shifts and the new angle has him dragging over your g-spot with each thrust.
Between the pitching moans and your fluttering walls, he's free-falling, entire body vibrating with tension.  He snaps forward with a wrecked grunt, signalling his impending doom.  "Come with me, jagi.  Please."  His hips stutter, his motions uncoordinated and sloppy as he chases his end.  
When Taehyung's lips find yours once again, your own name returned to you with aching adoration, you join him. 
White paints your vision and the inside of latex and you're unravelling, held only to the physical plane by arms that soothe over every part they can touch.  Over your thighs, across your hips, up and back over the swell of your heaving chest.  Even half-wrecked and fumbling, he's an angel, taking care of you like it's his job.  He guides sweet nothings into the shell of your ear, his tongue laving hotly over your neck, as he slows his thrusts, finally coming to a sated standstill. 
"Are you okay?"  With the fucked out look in his eyes and the way he gingerly extracts himself from your arms, pressing kisses to every salt-sweet part of you as he goes, he's divine.  Even the very mundane task of knotting the condom and tossing it into the trashcan beside your bed is somehow ethereal.  You don't think you'll get over it.
"One hundred percent."
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notes.  a small part of me was like, "why is there so much debauchery?" but then i thought, "why not."  
anyway, the next chapter will explore her and jungkook's relationship through flashbacks, as well as some good ol' bro bonding and other goodness. 
thank you for reading, as always!  xo
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sopeverse · 5 years
bts reaction — comforting you after a bad day
genre: angst and fluff
warnings: teasing bangtan, oblivious bangtan who have no idea how to deal with sad girls :(
Jin let out a chuckle as he watched you flop down onto the bed, small huffs leaving your lips while your eyebrows scrunched together in frustration. He’d make your mood even worse by poking fun at you, however when you began ignoring him Jin used his cuteness to his advantage, forming a small pout on his lips and giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
“Come on! How can you be angry at this face?”
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Once it was clear to Yoongi that you were having a shitty day he’d immediately pull you onto the sofa and let you snuggle closely to him. He’d suggest talking it out, hating when you bottled your feelings up. Yoongi didn’t care whether the reason for you being in bad mood was stupid or not, as long as you smiled again he’d listen to you vent for hours.
“Why don’t you tell me what happened baby?”
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Hoseok frowned the moment he saw the distress in your face, racking his brain on how he could make you feel better. A sly smirk formed on his face before he pulled your body tightly against his own, placing a loving kiss on your lips as his hand crept up your skirt, clearly teasing you. Hoseok pulled away from the kiss and winked suggestively. 
“I know how I can cheer you up.”
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Namjoon stared at you in mild humour as you stomped around your apartment, thinking it was incredibly cute how grumpy you became over such insignificant things. He’d try not to bother you too much when you’re in a mood, but he’d also try his best to cheer you up with simple things such as buying you your favourite food and watching trashy movies together.
“How about we order food from that place you love sweetheart?”
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Jimin’s loud laugh followed you around the dorm as you huffed childishly and crossed your arms, completely ignoring your boyfriend’s presence. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself from giggling at your adorably frustrated self, thinking it was incredibly endearing how you turned your back to him. Jimin looked down at you with a pout, clearly mocking your own.
“You’re so cute when you pout.”
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Taehyung absolutely hated whenever you are in a bad mood and he’d try everything in his power to get you to smile again. He pinned you to your bed and began to pepper your face in small kisses until you were squirming beneath him and loud laughs fell from your lips. Taehyung ceased his playful torture and softly pecked your lips, smiling down at you.
“How can you be in a bad mood when your lovable boyfriend is here?”
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Jungkook, having very little experience, wouldn’t know how to comfort you at all and would probably try to keep out of your way. However, he felt his own mood drop along with yours and would pull you onto his bed to let you cuddle into his side. Jungkook felt your body relax into his, playing with his hands as he smiled lovingly down at you.
“Are you feeling better now?”
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© bangtantaegi — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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