#it's just weird because we have nothing else in common and he does NOT seem like the type of person to be listening to the music I like
thedickcavettshow · 1 year
My dad and I have this weird telepathic connection that only covers our music taste like we only speak to each other a couple times a year but every time we do we're always listening to the EXACT same music at the exact same time. like we were texting the other day and I was like "yeah I've been getting really into Nat King Cole lately" and he's like "me too I've been listening to Ramblin' Rose" and yeah that's the same album I've been listening to. and I ask him what he was listening to over the summer and of course we were both listening to the same Tom Petty songs. Its so weird like every time I talk to him I ask what he's listening to and it's always without fail exactly what I'm listening to. Convergent evolution of music tastes
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bkglovergirl · 5 months
♡𓂃Oversized teddy bear?
Bakugou X Reader
𓏲Things start getting into motion after Bakugou set some ground rules for him to be your husband. Now, Bakugou doesn't retaliate against you in the dorm, but what happens when the couple has to train and battle together? Will Bakugou slowly start breaking down his rules? And you are under mental stress on why Bakugou is acting so weird.
Word count; 3.3k
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
You groan, stretching. It’s so bright, and this has to be one of the worst nights you've had in ages. You turn and face the TV, forgetting you passed out watching movies. “Why the hell are you out here?”
“Not too loud..” you sit up yawning.
“I wasn't even loud!” you winch giving him a death stare. He’s in the kitchen washing the dishes and he has.. an apron on? You can’t help but stare because he in fact doesn't have a fucking shirt on!
“No fucking way.”
“Are you wearing a fucking apron?!” You laugh at him which seems to be a pattern now.
“HEY I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE NICE AND DO THE DISHES FOR YOU!” The scoreboard goes up a point 
“You just keep surprising me with how much of a big dork you are!” Bakugou quickly wipes off his hands and makes his way to you. You try catching your breath but seeing him in full view makes you laugh even more. He makes a low growl and pushes you down onto the couch, moving himself to sit on you. Not putting so much pressure as his weight would clear your windpipes but enough to make you trap. You stop laughing admittedly and stare right up at him, going quickly from finding everything hilarious a second to go, to now being turned on. “What are you doing dipshit! YOU ARE HEAVY!”
“It made you stop laughing at me, and frankly, I’m getting tired of it being a daily occurrence!”
“It's not my fault; your face is very funny!” Bakugou moves down a bit so that your faces are face to face, giving you a glare, and your face gets hot quickly. You chose to rationalize it that the heat is coming from him and not because you are blushing.
“Is my face funny now?” 
“As a matter of fact, it is.” You quickly glance over his body and look back at his face. You look like a full-on house husband.” Now it’s Bakugou’s turn to blush, and you decide to use this to your advantage. You put your arms around his neck. “Aww, does someone want a reward for doing the dishes?” The scoreboard shows four now.
“No. what your husband wants is for you to stop laughing at him!”
“I think we can achieve that ONLY if you do the dishes all the time.” You smile, “with the same outfit you are wearing now.”
“I thought you said I was a stingy bitch for having rules.” you move one of your hands to trace down his apron.
“Oh you still are.” and you push him off you. Bakugou blushing caught off guard mess falls on his ass and you quickly run to your room and slam the door before he could do anything else. You take a deep breath falling onto your bed, the heat on your face is overwhelming and you curl into a ball.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
An hour passes and you step back into the living room after changing into fresh school clothes. “I’m going out early for a workout,” Bakugou says putting on his shoes. You quickly grab his training bag and hand it to him. “Ok, you don’t want breakfast?” you're kinda happy he’s leaving and acting like nothing is happening. 
“No it’s fine.” he grabs his bag and gives you a kiss on the cheek before walking out notably quickly. You blush hearing the score go up another point marking you guys at having five. Maybe things didn't go back to normal.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
You and Midoriya are sitting in the common room, he is sitting extremely close to you as you said you wanted this to be top secret as you put it. “Do you remember how Bakugou gruesomely rejected me in middle school?”
“Yeah and you had sworn to me he was your number one enemy.”
“Well.. you know how he’s my Husband..” Midoriya nods, “He uh... Kissed me on the cheek this morning..”
“WHAT?” It looks like his eyes are about to pop out of his head, “Our Kachan?”
“Don’t call him ours!” You hit his arm, and with an ouch, he held your hand down. Being both your self-proclaimed best friend, he’s had to watch this fake rivalry, and in his words, it’s been physically painful on him. As you both, without knowing, take your tension out on him, he has no complaints. This way, though, he knows more than both of you combined. 
“What caused him to do that?” he lets go of your hand and you put your shoulder on his head.
“Shoto gave me this idea-”
“ANWAY! Shoto gave me this idea because Bakugou wanted nothing to do with this whole situation. It was to make this as competitive as possible. I threw you in there, and BAM! He’s in with a few rules, of course. He seemed not interested at all. I was doing things to get us points, and he just went along with it, with the most effort he could put in. I didn't do anything! He just did it.” He hums in agreement and lets you know he's listening and he starts braiding a strip of your hair. Just like when you were kids he lets you rant while he plays with your hair, it makes him think better when trying to come up with solutions for your problems. “He rejected me. I know I asked him just to take this a little bit seriously but that!? What does that mean? You're a boy what does that mean?!”
“What it means in simple boy logic is he likes you.”
“Simple boy logic?! He’s not a simple boy! He’s Bakugou!” He laughs at you.
“True. But Katchan wouldn't just do that.”
 “I wouldn't just do what?” Speak of the devil, Bakugou walks in placing his bag on the table near you and Midoriya. He looks at the both of you. You two cuddled close with your head on his shoulder and Midoriya playing with your hair. This is normal. This has been normal since middle school but for some reason, the itch is back and his face gets hot with anger. “Did I interrupt something?”
“Nope! I was just leaving.” With that Midoriya stands up but you pull him back down.
“No, you weren't!” 
“Yes, I was!” 
“You both are a bunch of children.” Bakugou puts his two cents. Which weren't needed.
“Oh, were children? Let’s just bring up the chair, shall we?” You stand up, trying to intimidate Bakugou. To show that it doesn't work, he crosses his arms, but his shoulders are tense. “Or the fact that Midoriya here is points ahead of you.” Midoriya hearing his name be mentioned scoots away but you and Bakugou both give him a look and he stays still. 
“Why should I care how much he has?!” 
“Because someone can’t handle the fact he’s not number one at something! Clearly, he’s a better husband than you are.” Bakugou drops his arms in defeat. He’s ticked off, and it’s taking everything in him not to blow something up.
“If Deku is so great why don’t you be his wife!”
“I would but our points are so low I can’t!” Rolling his eyes he grabs his bag off the table and stomps off. You fall back down onto the couch and Midoriya itches back over to you.
“Well that could have been worse.” you kick him putting your face into your own hands.
“Shut up.”
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
Of all the days these training scenarios could have happened, today was the worst day. As All might put it, we had to work out balancing Hero work with your “partner.” The first scenario involves working on a team against another couple, and the second involves fighting a villain with a high risk of a “married couple” losing a partner, and we don’t know who is getting picked as the ‘victim.’ Your quirk and Bakugou’s quirk do NOT get along and the efforts to make them mash together at all are zero to none. Your quirk controls plants, much like Shiozaki but a lot more advanced. You can control all plants and the lighting effects which plants you can use and how effective they will be. If you make the plant prick someone you can give them a negative or positive association with the plant. Now you see why Bakugou and your quirk don’t mesh well together, he can set your pretty plants on fire. You and Bakugou got dropped into a dark area with pipes and wires all around you both. You have no way of knowing where the other team is which is Shoto and Yaoyorozu and that gives you guys a big disadvantage. You start growing cast iron plants and slowly they glide into the pipes and start exploring them meanwhile Bakugou grumbles around stomping trying to find anything that could give him an advantage. He doesn't and it causes him to let off some explosives which causes your plants to shrivel and burn. “What the hell man!”
“Don’t do that I’m trying to find them! And you're making them find us!”
“Can’t you use Mushrooms or something so I don’t gotta fucking tiptoe around your stupid plants?!” You glide the cast iron plants back through the pipes.
“Well, one mushrooms aren't plants they're fungi dumbass and two my plants aren't stupid!” you shiver, “found them.” 
“You did?”
“Yep, and no thanks to you.”
“Shut it.” You start running, and Bakugou follows behind. As you run down the corridor, ice starts forming all around. “STUPID ICYHOT!” Bakugou yells blasting the ice that's made his way towards him and only him. You let out a frustrated sigh and start using Lampranthus to move you around the ice having it attach to your feet and arms. It was going well, You see Shoto and Yaoyorozu and move closer to them but Bakugou blasts toward them and past you causing the plant to shrivel and causing you to fall. You panic not knowing which plant in the moment could handle the intense elements. The fall is big and over huge ice. You close your eyes and hug yourself but you overhear Shoto yell something and Yaoyorozu yell something. Instead of landing on hard cold ice, you land on a... Oversized Teddy bear? You look up and see Shoto smiling at you and Yaoyorozu gives you a thumbs up. Bakugou was right next to you. It looks like Shoto got to saving you before he could and he’s fucking pissed. His shoulder tense and so does his jaw. “DIE!” Bakugou blasts toward them with Shoto making an ice shield but with the blast's heat it doesn't do well and causes the pair to fall back. Shoto quickly incases the room with ice and causes some ice to form around Bakugou’s hands giving them time to escape. “Fuck!” he stands still trying to get enough sweat but it doesn't work, “Mother fucker!”
“Chill out! You are the reason they got away with the stupid impulse attack!” you run up to Bakugou looking at his hands.
“OH, I’M THE REASON?!” he looks at you like you just wished hell on his mother. “You're the one that let the enemy team save you!”
“Yes, because did you hear me say, Hey Shoto, save me? NO!” You open up your palm and grow a Deadly nightshade. “When I say now, you take this and eat it,” you grow the cast iron plants, and from your feet, they sprout, moving around trying to find the other team. “Got them.” Ignoring Bakugou’s grumbling, you start running, which he follows admittedly. You stop putting your hand out to stop Bakugou and before he can say anything you put a finger to your lips shutting him up. He’ll get you back for it later. Bakugou looks down at you, the purple plant wrapped around your hand and fingers like it’s home. He finally takes a look at your hero outfit. So engrossed in the fight he doesn't even realize that the new one you have been designing has finally arrived and don't ask why he knows you've been working on one. The dark green shirt is tight onto your skin and the sleeves go down enough to make gloves. The cut of the shirt shows off your chest and all over the shirt is little lines the plants could hold onto. You went from pants to a black shirt which is now really noticeable to Bakugou. The skirt's top and bottom also has attachments for your plants. You’ve always complained about your shoes and how they don't support your quirk and if you ask Bakugou why he knows this little fact he’ll say you complained about it so much it’s bolted into his brain but the truth is you only complained once. You have heel boots now and a normal person wouldn't want heels on your costume but you made sure you had them. The heels of the boots have a hole at the bottom, so one of your plants could slitter down and into the ground instead of having holes on a flat shoe which has always made you and your plants uncomfortable. You also changed your hair, it's half up from its normal ponytail. Bakugou knows why you made this change and it’s all for your plants. “I’ll distract them. Now eat this and when you feel the sweat break free and attack.” You hand him the flower and by hand, you bring it up to his mouth and he bites down. “Don’t eat it yet.” and you run out. You start spreading out Caladium, or heart-to-heart. You make the plant swarm around Shoto and hold down Yaoyorozu. Which works for a minute before Shoto shoots ice around your feet not causing you to get stuck but causing your plant to wither and even wither underground which was holding down Yaoyorozu. “NOW BAKUGOU.” And Bakugou trusts you. Bakugou trusts you so he eats the plant. Bakugou trusts you so he starts getting hot and sweaty but he also starts getting dizzy. Either way, Bakugou runs out and with the fever running through him, he’s able to break free from the ice and because Bakugou trusts you he sends his quirk full force which knocks out Yaoyorozu completely and causes Todoroki to stumble You take advantage of the heat caused by his quirk and send out the plant again, the heart to heart plant wraps Yaoyorozu and Shoto capturing them. A ding goes off and an announcement is heard claiming you and Bakugou as the winners. You celebrate smiling and run up to Bakugou, and in his confused dazz he smiles back before passing out.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
Bakugou groans the pain in his head is unbearable. He turns his body and suddenly he smells… lavender? He slowly opens his eyes. He squints just seeing bright white and slowly his eyes adjust and see you. Your head is resting on your hand and your eyes are closed. Lavender is growing out of your hair and it's looped around like the flowers were meant to be there. He smiles taking a deep breath before, “Hey!” You open your eyes and his smile is gone, He regrets yelling as his head hurts right away. 
“I am so sorry.”
“What are you on about?”
“I’m sorry! Aizawa chewed me out, and he’s right. I totally should have told you the repercussions of the flower you ate, and you wouldn't have taken it if I had. He took all our points as punishment, and if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be here, and we would be on to the next scenario training!” Bakugou stares at you, dazed.
“The fuck are you talking about? I trusted you so I ate it. Stop tweaking out, I wouldn't have done it if I didn't wanna. Simple.”
“But our points… and you won't get to train.” You grab your hair, causing some lavender petals to get all in it. Bakugou slowly sits up and starts picking the petals out of your hair.
“I said it’s fine, and we won anyway, so it's no big deal.” You smile at him.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
Never mind it was a big fucking deal because why the fuck is that stupid fucking Teddy bear in your dorm? Bakugou feels like the bear is staring at him tauntingly. “Why the fuck is that here?” he points at the teddy bear. You were in the kitchen cooking dinner and you peek your head out to see what he was talking about.
“After the battle, Shoto gave me it.” So while he was dead weight, Shoto comforted you and gave you the bear that saved you when he should have. That was the cherry on top.
“Shoto, Shoto, Shoto.” He mocks sitting on the couch, huffing like a child. That’s all I ever hear!” You let him pout like a baby and finish cooking dinner. You bring the plates out and sit in front of the couch, placing them on the table in front of you both. A point goes up on the board and you are back to one. 
“And your problem is?” You look at Bakugou as he quickly starts eating. He shakes his head and he keeps eating so you reach over and grab the remote. Or you try and grab the remote. Bakugou catches your hand and gives you a glare.
“No remote until you get rid of that stupid teddy bear!” You roll your eyes and laugh. Standing up, you grab the bear and walk into your bedroom. Bakugou watches you intently. You throw the bear on your bed, and with its size, it takes up a lot of space. “Not on your bed!” You look at him quickly.
“Because I said so!” 
“You are crazy!” You shut your bedroom door and walked back over to the couch. “What is the issue?” He ignored you, and his hand was tense around the remote. “So protective of the remote,” you mocked, eating your food. You heard a grumble from him, and you two sat quietly, watching one of his shows and eating. After you two finished, you got up and grabbed the plates, suspecting that he’d keep being protective over the remote.
“What are you doing?” 
“Cleaning up?”
“Because you wanna hold onto the remote like it's life or death.”
“I’ll clean up, that’s my job.” He stands up with the remote. He goes to take the plates out of your hands but struggles with one of his hands being occupied. So he puts the remote to his mouth and he bites down and grabs the plates. You look at him funny.
“Are you for real right now?” Bakugou ignores you and walks into the kitchen. He starts cleaning. “You are so stubborn; it’s annoying.” You sit back on the couch and notice the point board showing two. You smile. Once Bakugou is done he comes and sits back down, he left the remote in the kitchen so you both are stuck watching the News. “I’m getting the remote. I don’t wanna watch this.” Before you can stand up Bakugou lays on on, you blush with your hands hovering over him. “Get up.” he ignores you. “Bakugou get up.”
“Call me Katsuki!” You stare at him before slowly placing a hand on his back.
“Why? I thought you didn’t care for the first-name bullshit.”
“Well, I’m tired of Todoroki getting the special privilege! I’m your husband, not him!” He sits up a bit, and your faces are close together. Your hand falls onto his.
“Alright, Katsuki.” He blushes and looks at the kitchen.
“Yeah, whatever Y/N.” You smile. He has had enough and gets up, walking into the kitchen. He comes back out and throws the remote at you before going into his room. The scoreboard shows five.
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@andysdrafts @eyesforbkg @kukikoooo
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dunmeshistash · 2 months
I can’t find it now, but you had a post about Kabru being high-masking, and you said you didn’t think he was, which is completely fair! I had a different opinion as someone who is high-masking AuDHD and wanted to share (but of course now I can’t find the post 9_9)
Personally, I read Kabru as being high masking autistic, with one critical difference between us: he’s an extrovert. I’m actually more like Milsiril than Kabru - I collect/make dolls, I’d rather be at home than anywhere else, I’ve been called creepy and weird and gloomy for all of those things, but I also learned how to mask relatively early on, so most people don’t ever get to see that side of me. For me it’s a lot of work and energy- most of the time. If I’m around people I like, it’s less so, but people in general take a lot of my energy. Kabru, on the other hand, is very extroverted. He gets a lot of energy from interacting with people, and for the most part his personality and interests are acceptable to the society he lives in. BUT his interest in dissecting people’s motivations and how they communicate and interact and how to move them in the direction he wants them to go, that’s considered overly intense and creepy even by his party. Kabru keeps a lot of his thoughts and honest reactions internal because he’s aware of how people interact and what is or isn’t acceptable. I do the same thing, and I engage in a fair bit of “manipulation” (neutral) as part of my masking - I know that asking people for advice, showing interest in their lives, complaining together about things, etc, will cause them to view me more favorably and I use that to keep myself “safe”, along with basically never talking about my interests. I’m friendly and open and helpful and I almost never fight back against anything, so people “like” me. It’s not all *fake*, but it’s not the whole truth either. I’d rather not engage in conversation at all, because I can’t talk honestly about my interests without being considered creepy- but if Kabru’s special interest is people and how they interact, to some degree he can talk about his interests without it seeming weird.
Anyways, that’s my perspective :D also thank you for being a Milsiril defender, it’s… really painful to see people calling her manipulative and superior. I know a lot of it is bc ppl DO NOT understand anyone who likes dolls as an adult but like….. liking dolls has less than nothing to do with “needing to feel superior” or in control -_-
Hello!! I collect dolls too!!! Proud to be nº1 Milsiril defender.
That's an interesting perspective! As far as I understand (I'm autistic too so I don't have personal experience to how allistic people work) everyone does some amount of masking, as in everyone has a version of themselves they use to interact with others and that "mask" usually falls when you're with people who know and understand you better
As I understand that type of mask is expected in society? Like you wont act at work the same way you do with your college friends (usually). But as some tumblr post said "we are the mask and the wearer" as in those masks are still a part of who they are.
That's why I said I didn't think Kabru was high masking, I hadn't heard that term before so I was confused
Maybe I don't fully get it but keeping some parts of yourself inside and not expressing it to people who wont understand is common among allistic and autistic people but masking is this but in a way more stressful way? Since you aren't just hiding facets of who you are you're making an active effort to hide the whole thing basically.
Kabru's mask seems to come easily to him and it doesn't seem like he makes an conscious effort to go against his nature to hide who he is that's why I said he probably doesn't do high masking in that sense. But in another sense he IS highly adaptable to the people around him and studies how people act so I understand that perspective! It's more of a personal interpretation tbh.
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thrandilf · 2 months
alright so Aaravos can't be killed permanently unless he's executed like the Cosmic Order did to his daughter, and we were just introduced to the Cosmic Order as the sort of Big Big Bad Awful antagonists- I'd wager that Callum being a human with two arcana may get their attention, so there's reason for them to be against the Main heroes/Xadia at large
so I'm sitting here like, what's to become of Aaravos?
Imprisoning him again would be the most anticlimatic thing ever after we waited 6 seasons to get him out
Can't kill him
I guess we could kill him for like, a little bit and that could be a season finale if it had to be but doesn't feel fulfilling to me
We could work with him, but he just had 6 seasons of build up as an antagonist and even IF he's in the right it'll be a hell of a battle to get to working together against a common enemy because I may be Team Aaravos but at this time literally no one else but Claudia is
We could reach some uneasy agreement where we just have to live with him but I don't know what sort of compromise he'd want/how that factors into a big kaboom possible end season of a series
Aaravos leaves Xadia altogether to go after the Cosmic Order, with What I have no idea, as I'm hoping his actions for the past 1000 years will make more sense soon. What has he needed to Wait for
On that note, the stars could align again and the Cosmic Order comes down to Xadia next season and we have to join Aaravos against them which seems kind of like the fastest option if we only have One season for all of this shit. Really weird though, if the Celestial Elves had nothing to say about this happening soon/any kind of prophecy so who knows. it would seem kind of out of the blue
Also, the Cosmic Order could come here, Aaravos gets what's to us a tragic death at their hands, and seasons 8-10 if we get them are about taking down the Cosmic Order but since Aaravos has spent so little time onscreen it would feel weird to kill him but I don't know anything so maybe
Idk, just my thoughts, we know his motivation/goal but unless if it really is just "generate enough chaos to get the Cosmic Order's attention for 1000 years while also taking out people I have grudges against" and that's the extent of his plan, I just don't know what else he's doing/it does seem like he doesn't actually care about humans if he'd kill so many of them, even right up to before he gets the most sympathetic, so idk. I'm not even sure what he's doing now that he's out except maybe wrecking stuff in Xadia? Which could somehow meet his chaos goal?
He's so precise about his actions but to what actual useful end and what he needs next I just have no fucking clue I'm gonna be so real
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not-a-mimic · 8 months
why is it an important point that alan is very light sensitive and prone to migranes? other than being a disability rep for those of us who cannot function in broad daylight without sunglasses and explaining why the bright lights in aw1 are such a pain to look at (from alan's point of view) but like. it's important.
we see it in the flashback with alice where alan is hangover and seemingly has his sunglasses next to his bed already - a little weird right? and alice mentions them as well - because this is common. because he often needs them. frankly speaking from experience you don't get to the point where the sunglasses become a mandatory bedside fixture unless it's a really bad day often - which must be the case here. we also see then in 'herald of darkness' where "Dark shades could never save the day" and we see alan in shades. it's common for him. he does it often. mood! anyway mr champion of light being sensitive to light is just a funny coincidence right? wrong.
I also suspect that alan's tendency towards full outfits is also a part of this. no sane human wears that many layers in september, and alan specifically covers pretty much all the skin possible without looking weird.  also a lot of his article shots in rose'.... shrine have sunglasses and thick layers as well. this man is SENSITIVE sensitive to light and that's a coincidence I can't ignore in the remedy!verse.
alan was born (as stated in aw2) in 1977 - we don't know when, or where as he moved to new york later. his mother spent most of his childhood in psychiatric facilities, and his father is not only non existent but highly suspiously fictional (the only object we are told alan has of him is the clicker. the fucking clicker. tom zane's clicker that was definitely written into alan's life before he was born and was not a gift from his father proper. frankly we know the least about alan's childhood compared to all other remedy!verse protags - not knowing where or truly when he was born is important because it leaves options.
Light sensitive could be a coincidence - but we thought that about the nightmares too, and they turned out to be important clues. and hell-  *Scratch* is less sensitive to light than Alan is - only flashbangs and the super steong hand flares make him flinch, direct light seems fine unless super powered and normal flares are nothing. alan actively gets headaches from these things and obviously it hurts him. wtf is up with that? when the protection of the dark presence patches up your weakness you have a issue.
theory time:
we know alan is tied to this god damn lake. zane wrote it so - at very least alan was destined to fall in it at the end of aw1. but what if there is more? we also know that alan's darkness became at least the aw2 dark presence which. fine? an endless cycle of destroying yourself while under the impression that that's not yourself. we don't know if the dark presence in aw1 is also this same one, and if it isn't we now know there can be multiple dark entites (implied by Mr Scratch also). if it is then damn alan has issues.
I don't know if its just me but the fact that the small darkness within someone can be escalated out to being the whole larger dark presence at full power feels... off. that feels like it doesn't work with what we know of the entities- unless there was more darkness in alan then originally suspected fueling this presence. the strength of the dark presence born from him combined with the strength of his light sensitivity makes me very suspicious to how human he was originally, and how much of alan is just lake bullshit. if he was a creature or creation of the darkness forced into a human body (perhaps the 1976 awe the andersons fought back in brightfalls wasn't all it seemed. maybe the dark presence or something else was looking for a crack to escape through. maybe it succeeded, but was reborn as a human who was already showing signs at a young age of being light sensitive and also being a parautiltiarian, and a strong one at that.
maybe there was never a father because there was never a mother - linda wake may have found a child on the lake shore and adopted it as her own, not knowing the truth behind its origins. maybe the torchbearers who operated in brightfalls around that time were involved. maybe the reason alan and tom look identical is the dark entity needed human dna when being reborn as a human and zane was there at the right time. could be why other traits are shared, and zane foresaw and influenced the creation of the dark place to get what he wanted (after all it was borrowing from him his face and personality - at very least it could give him wiggle room to escape?)
alan always had... issues. darkness. a lot for a man. so what if its all supernatural bullshit? no one is looking too closely because there is supernatural stuff going on. I'm not sure this man is human, or at least his soul isn't and never was. some darkness wearing a human skin maybe, sensitive to the light but forced to manage it. I don't know, maybe I'm looking too much into this.
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littlekiara96 · 7 months
Why are there so many little inconsistencies about Gallagher and who he is?
[Obvious spoilers for 2.0 Penacony content undercut, you've been warned.]
This reflexion of mine started back when I first saw him during the Penacony storyline and in that one occasion you can mention him to an NPC at Dream's Edge.
Let's talk about the first time we see Gallagher, and more precisely, how the two NPCs present react to him.
(Let's call them Taylor and Bob. Taylor uses a fem 3D model, but Gallagher keeps gendering both of them as men, so I'll roll with that.)
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First, Taylor does not know Gallagher at all. Nothing strange there. The Families have a lot of members, it sounds believable. For now.
Bob, on the other hand, recognises him. But he seems to do so thanks to his appearance and his "trademark" features (brown hair and grey vest) more than because he actually knew him.
He also describes Gallagher as the "officer sent by the Family". Here, "officer" could either mean a worker for the Family, which is a given, or it could be an actual rank, which sounds more probable. He does wear what looks like a badge on his left lapel.
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And afterall, Gallagher trained those two, so it surely means that he's of a higher rank than them-
Wait. He's training them?
Bob recognised him, technically, yes. But Taylor couldn't even tell who he was??
And "he's been training them"???
How does one of your trainees not recognise you on sight??!
And that's not the weirdest part.
So, Gallagher was specially sent by the Family to ensure the safety of the Charmony Festival, right? So, that sounds like he's kind of a big deal, right? Like... Other Bloodhounds would know about his presence, right?
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Okay. Either the guy who won't let us to the secret place is lying as a means to do his job...
Or there's something wrong about Gallagher, actually...
Alright... What do we know about him, at this point?
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Bartender and security officer. That makes sense for different reasons.
Coty and Woolsey, two other Bloodhounds, also explain the extent of the Bloodhound Family's job.
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Coty puts it quite literally: they will help you manage your emotions. Because doing so is also part of taking care of safety issues, because of how the Dreamscape works and can be affected by said emotions.
And Woolsey is the NPC who tells you if there are people in the Dreamscape who still need such aid in managing their emotions.
Thus, Gallagher being security staff and a bartender makes sense.
Here's the citation from his reveal on the HSR Youtube channel:
"Making a drink is a sensory skill. In dreams, creating fizzy concoctions requires adding a bit of your mood. Heavier if you're troubled, a touch sweeter if you're in high spirits... It's not just about mixing beverages. It's about mixing the experiences of life."
And funnily enough, there's this no-name bar with a no-name bartender somewhere on the commercial street and uhh...
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Yeah, that House-Blend sounds like something Gallagher could make.
Hell, it perfectly fits!
But let's go back to his "downloading" description...
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Local of Penacony. Very knowledgeable, but also lowkey about it.
So, Gallagher is a discreet bartender with a discreet bar, and also a security officer of a high enough rank to be sent by The Family to secure the biggest event to them, and to have trainees...
And no one knows who this guy is.
Except Misha. Who doesn't even work directly with him.
... Am I the only one getting weirded out by all of this?
Have a lil' crack theory of my own. Because I'm silly, aha.
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Gallagher and Firefly share the same shade of green with a "starry sky" pattern. He's not the real Gallagher, and the only things they actually have in common are the "brown hair and grey vest", but of course that's enough to fool everyone Superman-style.
The Bloodhounds are looking for a silver-haired boy, or at least, that's how "Gallagher" corrected them.
Is it Sparkle in disguise? Someone else? Why are they helping Firefly? Does she know them? I don't know, this is a crack theory.
Good night and have nice dreams~
ADDENDUM, because another post made me go "Waiiiit that is ALSO very weird:
Hey, remember the Pepeshi Club and its entry rules?
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Cielo confirms that anyone (not just Sparkle) can change their "Dreamscape avatar" a.k.a. appearance. And the Dreamscape Pass serves as an I.D. to check someone's true identity, even when they are using an appearance completely different form it.
So uuuuuh...
Why didn't Gallagher just check Firefly's I.D.??? Wouldn't that be the first thing to do in the Dreamscape while searching for a stowaway who could change their appearance so easily???
No need to be uncourteous about it too, like Bob and Taylor were... Just a lil' "Excuse me, milady, may I have a look at your Pass, please?"
Would that have been too much??? Gallagher, dear, care to explain yourself???
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poisoned-pearls · 9 months
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YEEEE you always have the correct thoughts I'm interested 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Jamil’s voice actor has said himself that even he believes that Jamil and Azul could be close friends- I wanna point this out because that man definitely has some of the best understandings of Jamil EVER because he’s not only seen most of his voice lines, but he also gets the background notes we don’t get to see to add the correct kind of flavor to the voice acting- ANYWAYS
Jamil and Azul DO get along!! very well, in fact! If they are put against a common force or just, generally in an event together they do work well and even joke like close friends would!
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Like, even when Jamil is being mean, he’s not malicious. He’s snarky, not actually trying to hurt Azul’s feelings- and they both KNOW how smart the other one is, and both aren’t afraid to mention it
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(usually it’s Azul, but Jamil also consistently gives Azul credit as well. He doesn’t ever really downplay Azul’s merits and abilities)
And the funniest bit is- no matter how mean Jamil is to him, even with what some WOULD consider as bullying, Azul does not stop.
Which is WEIRD AS HELL FOR HIM. He was heavily bullied as a kid, so much so that it’s very obviously hinted at that he had/has an eating disorder (he wears the same size as Epel and Riddle, people who are a good ~20 ish cm shorter than he is- this is besides the point-) so to him, the reward of getting Jamil on his side is worth the thing that literally controlled his entire life and caused his overblot. That is how important getting Jamil is to him. (which also begs the question, why Jamil? Sure, some of it is definitely because he sees himself in Jamil, but since this is MY post, I also believe it’s because he has a crush on him.)
And he is CONSTANT about it- it’s almost hilarious how fucking often octavinelle or the lounge or even just himself comes up in his conversations with him.
And sure, it is a little weird that he seems to disregard Jamil’s constant no’s- BUT he also understands and watches Jamil more than anyone else, so I think he does this precisely because he knows that Jamil holds himself back.
Jamil can’t reasonably Say yes to him, because of kalim and his duties, but it’s the same thing with Jamil’s lab vignette, he so desperately wants Jamil to do his best, to succeed, but because Jamil will not let himself, he pushes and pushes to try and get him to fold and do what he really wants. To flourish. And Azul wants him to do it with him.
and the reason why Jamil is always so resistant to it isn’t because he genuinely wants nothing to do with it, it’s because he cannot understand or comprehend a relationship like that where they are equal.
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He doesn’t want to be under Azul’s thumb, but this is exactly where their animosity comes from- the misunderstanding of their friendship and the dynamics with it. He doesn’t want to go to octavinelle, to work at the lounge, because he despises being a servant.
But master and servant is the only real dynamic he knows- he legitimately can’t understand how it would be any different, and because of Azul’s reputation and persona, he wouldn’t trust Azul’s word on it either.
(It is also very ironic that Azul’s persona, which was made to protect him from bullying, is the exact reason Jamil is so hostile towards him in the first place)
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But here’s the thing- consistently, Jamil always makes note of Azul. He pays attention to him, (‘you sure love your cryptic little asides’ means that he’s actually paying attention to Azul to notice said asides and notice the frequency of them-) and he acknowledges him first.
I cannot stress enough how fucking insane it is that he not only acknowledges Azul first, but by full name. He is in basketball club with Floyd, he should know him well enough to say him by name, and hypothetically be more friendly with. Floyd is genuinely the safest person in octavinelle for him to hang out with precisely because he doesn’t scheme, so why in the world is he acknowledging Azul?? He’s already fucking suspicious of him and wants him off his back, so why not go for what should be his safest in?? Sure, it makes sense for him to actually talk to Azul because, classmates, but to completely disregard Floyd and put Azul first? Azul stands in the middle of them no matter what reading direction would be normal for Jamil (like if he speaks Arabic then it would be right to left/) it wouldn’t make sense to point out the one in the middle. Genuinely when people say hello to a group they know usually they go by name in reading order-
Okay genuinely not being insane about one moment in dialogue for a moment
Jamil and Azul, work so, so fucking well. They are just similar enough while also being opposites in the most complimentary way it’s crazy.
They work well as friends and as business partners and as people fighting together and as a couple, they flow together and it is always in my brain
Because all it takes is for Jamil to realize that Azul is not lying. He is not trying to trick him or butter him up he means every single word of praise he says and he will continue to say it because to him Jamil is worth the pain. THAT is why they’re soulmates to me
Because all Jamil has ever wanted was freedom, and to catch a break. To not be the one serving, but to have someone serve him, to understand him. and Azul does. Azul wants to serve him and to hold him on equal footing and he already DOES understand him
(And he understands Azul, as well, even if he doesn’t admit it. In all of those lines he notices things about Azul you wouldn’t if you actually hated someone. Azul gives him a sense of hope, in a subtle way)
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Do you think they should have went with the Chosen One plot for Anakin when they made the prequels? I've been rewatching the original trilogy and there is no mention of any prophecy. It seemed more like Anakin was a very powerful Jedi, but nothing grander then that.
Then, all of sudden the prequels are saying that he is the literal messiah of the Galaxy, destined to bring balance to the Force.
I mean, this isn't the blog for that, anon.
It's really not the blog for it not just in the sense that we talk about how things are here not how we want them to be but also because I think the Original Trilogy are also incredibly bad movies. They're not winning awards for being any better than the rest of the gang or any more righteous, they just have nostalgia, a few great actors carrying the weight (but only a few and not even some of the most important ones), a fantastic soundtrack (that admittedly is strikingly similar in parts to Holst's The Planets), and some great special effects and editing as of the time that George has tried to strip away with every passing year. It's no skin off my nose if the Prequels took some liberties to make things better (and... the thing about The Prequels is that they're not better, of course, but the plot is a lot more compelling than 'the Death Star blew up once' followed by a short break then 'the Death Star blew up twice')
But as for your question, it didn't strike me as too odd we didn't hear of it, because that's the whole thing: Jedi culture is wiped out to two known survivors (that we see anyway). And per those Jedi survivors, Anakin was very clearly not the chosen one as he did anything but bring balance to the Force.
So, you have Obi-Wan who doesn't want to talk about fucking any of it and lies through his teeth multiple times to Luke because he just doesn't want to talk about any of it. Then you have Yoda who wants to talk about it even less.
Neither is bringing up "did you know there was this prophecy where your father was supposed to bring balance to the Force? Boy, did he sure not do that".
Vader certainly isn't bringing it up either as, well, look at his miserable life and how much he hates himself and the Jedi. He's not bringing up their stupid prophecy that clearly wasn't true.
Remember very little is known about the Jedi for the common people, especially after Palpatine's taken over and spread propaganda and such. Han doesn't even think the Jedi are real and if he does it's "that weird space religion cult thing that died out???"
That is to say the prophecy is not common knowledge and especially not for people like Luke, Han, or even Leia for that matter for all she's a little more Jedi adjacent.
Even within the Jedi we see that people don't take the prophecy seriously. That was a Qui-Gon thing. He was super into that prophecy, yo, and the other Jedi (Yoda, Mace, Obi-Wan even) all sort of stared at him looking very upset for insisting on this.
And in the war, while Anakin was an exceptionally talented Jedi, he wasn't really used as a propaganda piece/seen as the only Jedi who would save them all.
The prophecy was just the reason Qui-Gon insists on training him despite his age and is one of those things that seems to have actually been correct for all that no one will ever admit it.
(@therealvinelle can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm going to lay down something that will make people very upset: Anakin being "The Hero with No Fear", seen as one of two great Jedi in the war who are doing so much for the cause more than anyone else, and the extra focus on this prophecy was an invention of Disney's 2008 The Clone Wars, not the films.)
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azuresins · 1 year
The first thing I noticed in the chapter 204 cover art was both Finny's thorns and, the way his hairclips are arranged like Roman Numeral Eleven. (XI)... This is also a reference to Jesus Christ, which. Seemed like Yana wanted us all to know for absolute certain, that this thorn crown is specifically a Christian reference and wants us to really notice, and for us to compare Finny to Jesus. Which is interesting to me, because in the picture Finny is dressed like a vampire... I can't help but wonder, if Christ's resurrection, is meant to enter our mind, too. ...? The dead can't come back to life that we know of in the context of the manga so far, but there are Bizarre Dolls (I forgot no one calls them Weird Barbies except me and I almost typed that and left it in), and there are Death Gods, both of these are beings that were human, once and have died (more or less). We don't know anything about vampires, but now I have to wonder what Yana has in mind for Finny's fate...
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Is he... fated to be die, and come back...?... is that too good (or terrible??) to be true...? Finnian is my favorite, and I know I'm actively trying to talk myself out of the hope that he's not just going to die, and thats it. But, still. That seemed a highly specific choice. There's nothing to suggest any human character will be a Grim Reaper definitively and I certainly can't make that claim off of one thing she's drawn, but Finnian in particular, always kind of gave me pause simply because. He's the gardener. He uses garden tools every day. What if that was some kind of foreshadowing, since all the grim reapers in Kuroshitsuji use a variety of garden tools and not just typical scythes ... is it possible? The only others we've seen garden to that degree, are Grelle (...lol) and Sebastian. For a human character we've known for a long time, to undergo that human to death god transformation, in real time? Before our eyes? We haven't seen that, yet. That could be interesting... but would she do that, and would she choose someone like Finnian (or any of the other servants) for that part? I don't know, but. I am looking directly at this art and I am suspicious of it. If nothing else, it's scratched my brain. Is it possible fanfic fodder, if nothing else? Yes. I feel like I'm repeating myself a lot, but I stand by that I think Finnian is extremely important and paramount to this story, there's more to him than most think... It's also worth mentioning by contrast, Snake, is dressed as a Hogwarts Wizard, right. Except... Snake, really DOES actually TALK to snakes. In that context, this frames that reference a bit interestingly... because to talk to snakes, would mark someone as a respected, feared, and powerful wizard in the context of the series he's making reference to. Our snake isn't a powerful wizard (I mean, that we know of, we really don't know much about snake yet), but that's not the point I'm trying to make. In that series talking to snakes isn't a good thing, but, it still makes his outfit interesting-- because he can actually do that. Talk to snakes. What does Finny, then, have in common with a vampire with a Jesus complex? "Super human" quality? Abused by humans? Guilt? Unwavering loyalty, to the point of martyrdom? ... is that all? Is there anything else? ???
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good7luck · 10 months
My quick personal thought on Noe in VNC manga latest chapter 61.5
(more under the cut)
I do NOT think Noe "pretended" to not notice the racism towards Dham in the office because he didn't "want" to accept the harsh reality that his "good" fellows are being bad / racists. It didn't happen...yet, at least.
I'm rather sure Noe simply, sincerely had NO "concept" of the racism ITSELF towards Dham AT ALL. "They probably still don't know their individual name each" was the ONLY and "best" guess Noe could ever make ON HIS OWN, within HIS (extremely limited) "common sense".
Noe does NOT realize the word Dham was being used like a slur purposefully in THEIR context, because Noe believes it's "by definition" not inherently an offensive term. They're Dhams, it's who they are, what's the problem? Vani is a human, so there's nothing wrong to call him human, cuz it's what he is, isn't it? But yeah, it's weird to keep calling all of them as just Dham when they all have their own name, let's fix it now!
Well, Noe does not have the same view / experience as other characters, much less we audience. He tends to listen well, but he's not always good at catching the hints / full context quickly. Of course, Noe hated to be called only "vampire" on and on by Vani in the previous arc, but Vani was clearly super hostile and seriously fighting Noe to death at that time, while this is happening "in peace", so Noe couldn't possibly imagine the people were hostile, "too", just in a different or "softer" form, perhaps? Or Noe failed to notice it because it's not directly about Vani lol
I get that it's very tempting to call Noe "stupid / annoying" etc for not noticing the "obvious" malice. But it's NOT obvious to him, unfortunately; he's plain ignorant and oblivious for real, because he literally has had NO chance to learn until now. He can't magically know what he doesn't know. He isn't even a genius character. This is the first time Noe witnessed the subtle and explicit racism, and honestly...I highly doubt if even now he truly understands that he watched people being openly bigoted and that it's never from their "innocent ignorance" as he first believed. Sadly, it indeed doesn't help that those people are the ones who Noe does NOT see as an enemy.
Noe never heard of Ruthven, who "can't" be unknown to anyone. Noe genuinely believed everyone else (Vani & Domi) was lost, when it's actually him alone who was lost. This is the Noe we're talking about!
Shapeless One didn't teach Noe anything about Dham and the prevailing racism (which is surely suspicious and irresponsible). It seems he at least didn't tell Noe that Dham should be oppressed / hated, and thankfully Noe has grown up not to discriminate people merely for race. Since he arrived in Paris, Vani has never bothered Dante and others for being Dham in front of Noe, either. But yeah, now Noe should get to know more and face the unjust reality that the Dham has to deal with.
"Noe should've known better because, Archiviste!!" I feel he believes that it's NOT the same and mostly the matter of the "rightfully creepy" (he thinks) "ability" of the memory-reading (for now, at least). When you think about it...no VNC character has negatively reacted to Noe for being Archiviste so far (and like, most of them barely know in detail or get interested a little) - except Vani XD and we all know Vani currently doesn't care, as long as Noe doesn't try to drink his blood. Astolfo hated Noe, but it's because he equally hates any "vampire".
However, in regards to Dham, people are loudly making "the existence ITSELF" a huge problem, including their mere "appearance" difference. People "discuss" their "right to exist", which is similar to Jeanne, Bourreau, the slaves. Yeah, I suppose Noe has been kinda "lucky" not to be the target of discrimination...until now. I won't be surprised if Noe still doesn't understand what makes Dham "deserve" all the disgust when they don't even have any "disgusting" ability "like his". I'd like to also add that...Noe might've been safe solely thanks to his (problematic) "guardian" Shapeless One, the (in)famous & powerful vampire that no one can casually ignore, similar to Ruthven ^^;;
In short, I think Noe did NOT "forcedly" "choose" to "ignore" the racism and try to make an "excuse" for his "cannot-be-racist" fellows "instead"; how can he "choose" to believe "otherwise", when he doesn't even notice the deep racism "specifically" towards Dham in the first place? Though I can agree that it'd be hard for Noe to properly process what's going on in the office because he unconsciously believes the fellows he trusts wouldn't be "weird" or "malicious" to other fellows "for an unreasonable reason".
This was written quite quickly, and I might regret it and remake a similar post later...or not XD
Thank for you reading my current personal opinion!!
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Reading your thoughts on the new drdt episode, I agree a lot on what you felt negatively about this episode. I've been frustrated for a while because it feels like the time spent on Levi's secret was dragged out, then Hu chimes in with her secret, then Teruko who is probably lying, and they're only just now talking about the murder method. One thing I want to get off my chest though: I think I may be in the minority in that I actually dislike the reveal with Levi's implied ASPD. For me, it just feels very jarring. He still killed 4 people, and while we don't know the entire context it just feels weird to me that this aspect of his character is being so positively received? Maybe I'm being too sensitive or interpreting in bad faith but I feel like Levi having implied ASPD and then having it revealed he killed 4 people is just iffy, especially since he mentioned 2 of those people he just decided to kill a few days after the first.
// I completely understand that, but this is also something I'm willing to go to bat for.
//I dunno if you were around for this, but last year, when it was revealed that Nico was nonbinary and then they tried to kill Ace, there were a LOT of people who were worried that DT was resorting to queerphobic tropes, or they themselves had some very nasty interpretations of them as a character.
//And none of that was true. Nico is not a crazy serial murderer whose villainy is exacerbated by being nonbinary, it was just something that happened and next episode is going to explain why it happened. Nothing about the episodes since have implied that attempted murder had anything to do with what people were worried about, and when it's brought up, it's still treated as a serious problem.
//I also wouldn't say Levi having ASPD was positively received. Everyone else seemed pretty disturbed and put off by both the murders and him admitting he doesn't really understand compassion or empathy. I'm not saying I'm happy about it either.
//But I think it's interesting to have a character like him in all this. This chapter's theme is about the complexities behind what it means to be a good person. Having someone who has done wrong, and who is physiologically incapable of remorse, but still has a desire to do good even if he has no emotional investment in doing so? That's a very different take on the idea that you don't see very often.
//I'm also just relieved that Levi isn't some crazy volatile murder machine like so many thought he was. The most common depictions of people with ASPD tend to paint them as inherently violent or manipulative, when plenty can live totally normal lives and have relationships with others.
//It's jarring, yes, but I believe that's the point. You have David, an obvious manipulator who claims to have good intentions but is willing to sacrifice others' lives to achieve them; and you have Levi, a moral sociopath who wants to help and protect others because it benefits him, but he almost seems apologetic about his inability to care about others.
//I feel the point of this chapter is that being a "good person" is not as simple as we believe, and by revealing someone with ASPD- one of the most maligned and villainized conditions out there- is actually on the up and up? It's a pretty challenging take, because I believe we're meant to consider it all as well.
//Bottom line, there's no easy answers in this situation and that's really the goal. Should we change our opinions about Levi because he's admitted he doesn't experience compassion for others? Or does it matter since he's made it clear he has no reason to harm anyone here?
//I still have my issues with this chapter so far, and I do understand your concerns, but all this why I think it's at least an interesting direction with this chapter's themes.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
I would like a request from rocket raccoon x human male reader, where rocket is in love with the reader, on one occasion mantis using his powers reveals rocket's feelings, he becomes defensive, the reader asks to speak with him alone and accepts the feelings of rocket.
That day they sleep together and embrace.
Feel like I’ve done smth like this but cannot find it oh well
Rocket loved you, deeply. It was something he had to deal with, unfortunately. At first, he hated it. And while he still does, at this point in his life he has grown to accept it as his reality. He figured he didn’t have to do anything about it though. He’s not running away, groot. He has confronted his feelings. He acknowledges that they exist. No, he’s not going to do anything about it. Why? Because you two couldn’t be anymore different and there’s no way you’d ever return the feelings. There is absolutely no reason for him to jeopardize your relationship just for some petty feelings that he can always get over.
To him, his reasoning makes perfect sense. To groot, it seems like he’s not being logical. He’s simply afraid of the possibility rejection and the possibility of losing you. To rocket though, it’s not a possibility. It is his reality. There is no other way around it. He’s not telling you and that’s final.
Groot sulks for a bit, but for the first time rocket doesn’t crave. He’s far too terrified of even considering telling you. But groot works in mysterious ways, whether it’s for better or for worse. And honestly, in rockets eyes it was for worse.
He had told mantis a little something about rockets feelings, or at the very least the standstill of your relationship, and what she should do about it. “Why don’t I just .. use my powers and expose rockets feelings right in front of y/n? That should solve it, correct?”
And so, that was the plan. Flawless, as far as groot and mantis are concerned.
Today was strange, you could feel it in the air. Something wasn’t right. And being a guardian of the entire galaxy, that was a scary feeling to have. You’re constantly on guard. Now of course, drax and quill laughed this off. And it wasn’t weird for rocket and gamora to pay no mind to your antics, as you were naturally paranoid, in fact it wasn’t even weird for mantis to pay no mind but… groot? Groot was the one to always take any of your concerns seriously, baby or not. In fact, mantis even took note of this fact and specifically pointed it out. You didn’t even take into account how weird it would be for her to notice that, since she thought nothing of your paranoia but you weren’t really thinking about that.
You went to look for groot, to see what he was up to. You assume, there has to be something up with him. With that assumption that something was wrong with groot you went in the common area. You find rocket, mantis, and groot. You raise a brow at the fact nobody else is around. “Everyone else went to check out the new planet we’re staying at for the mission.” she says, before you could even question anything. “Didn’t we already do that?” you ask, and mantis simply shrugs you off. The feeling something strange was going to happen gets even stronger, so strong you know rocket can feel it too.
“Yknow y/n normally I think you’re just a paranoid freak but I think your crazy ass is actually right this time! I am getting a weird feeling of dread.” he says, brushing off his clothes, almost as if he’s trying to brush feelings off his clothing.
“Gee thanks you little asshole.” you say sarcastically, and before rocket can reply, mantis is touching him. A rare, and sudden action coming from mantis onto rocket of all people. “Hey! The hell are you doing?!” he yells, but groot is quick to use his .. roots .. to hold rocket in place so he can’t fight back. “Groot.. what are you doing?”
you don’t speak, trying to figure out what’s going on with your friends. You see mantis’s powers activate, and upon rockets own realization, he panics. “Oh no.. mantis Cmon!”
you don’t think you’ve ever seen mantis so happy.
“You feel… love.” she simply says, before looking to you. “For him. As simple as that. You love him more than anything in this world. But you’re scared. So scared of him knowing, because it means you may lose him forever.”
“Woah..” is all you can manage to say, before rocket finally gets out of groots grasp. He’s on all fours, “I cannot believe you guys right now.”
There’s nothing you can say, because he’s already running away.
He runs as far as his legs, and arms, can take him. He doesn’t want to face this reality. He never wants to face the music and realize that he’ll lose the one person that made him feel whole again.
You haven’t talked to him in days. It’s been rather awkward for everyone else, but rocket absolutely refuses to talk about you and in fact pretends you don’t even exist.
You ended up catching him in the middle of the night. It was his and quills job to switch days throughout the week to make sure the Milano was going in the correct direction they were headed. You guys long left that planet, for that mission you already went on, behind.
His once drooped down ears shoot up at the sound of your voice, and you can see the fur is suddenly all staticky.
He then sighs in defeat, ears dropping back down. He puts his head down while he’s at it, “I can’t escape this… can I?”
“No, you can’t.” you say, and he flinches. You grab his seat, and turn it around so he’s facing you. You kneel, so your facing him properly. “Rocket.” you repeat his name, and he slowly opens his eyes.
“I love you too.”
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fanstuffrantings · 4 months
Tangent time for Juvia and Gr()via in fairy tail. It will be negative about the ship so if you like that ship I'd scroll on!
I know I've spoken on it before, but being reminded of just how much or Juvia's existence centered around Gray is so annoying. It's clearly her powerset was the main reason Mashima wanted to keep her around. Visually she's distinct from other female characters with her styling meaning that we don't see her fall into the traps of her fashion becoming less and less unique as time goes on.
She has a lonely backstory which results in this desperation to be loved and seen leading to her latching onto Gray when he's the first person who seems to do that. In a story where the author cared about writing complexity this would likely lead to an arc where the character unpacks their obsession and grows. But unfortunately this is a shounen manga where most of the women are often reduced to who they love meaning that Juvia is not allowed to move beyond the gimmick of her being a crazy obsessive girl who ultimately does get with Gray despite his clear dislike of that obsession because Mashima decided it would happen.
This, in turn, means that the consistent theme of Gray having his boundaries bulldozed by various side characters never gets to be taken seriously and Gray himself suffers as a character for it.
It would've been amazing to see Juvia grow out of her obsession and befriend Gray. I would've adored Gray getting the chance to make friends with Juvia like he did with Lucy without this hanging threat of it getting weird and him getting uncomfortable.
Beyond just female characters being based around romance in shounen, it's a common theme that almost no important character is allowed to end up single, or without some sort of implied romance for them. Look at any big name shoune series and it's ending and you'll see the trend that everyone has to end up in a heterosexual marriage or romance at the very least because heaven forbid anyone be content in being single or, even worse, queer. I think honestly I get more agitated about this the older I get because out of everyone in Fairy tail, Gray is the one Character who always seemed thrust into romantic situations more than being in them because he was a willing participant.
Now I know happy single gray and Juvia getting a proper friendship arc with members of the guild is wishful thinking, but at the very least I wish we could've seen Juvia move outside of her overbearing obsession. If nothing else a focus on her friendship with Lucy and maybe even erza would've been amazing.
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yonglixx · 3 months
Hello! I am a baby stay - very enthusiastic and very confused!
I have questions but I keep seeing "fake fan" posts. Are stays usually excited about new stays joining or are they mean to new stays? Can I ask questions online or will stays be upset because I don't know very much?
Can you explain their names? I get confused by Minho and ¿Jeongin? - are those just other names for lee know and IN? Do other members have alternate names? Sometimes I can't figure out ship names and I think it's because of this. Han gets called something else too I think sometimes.
Thank you!
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Hi:) sorry for taking too long to answer I was busy but im glad you're a fan:) so to answer your first question , no Stays don't mind at all!! I mean we all started as baby stays so I know it might seem scary but people are always happy and Im not sure where these "fake fan" posts are coming from , I personally have never seen them but ofc there will always be toxic fans (every fandom has it so thats expected but we have more good fans than toxic so thats good). Also, people are generally happy to receive any type of ask and they will not be mean at all, unless they are just a mean person haha (don't get discouraged , like I said more good fans than mean or toxics fans haha).
For your second question, yes they are just simply nicknames so they all have them , here are some commons ones and a good post on quora. And I know its confusing (I accidentally tagged them wrong in my posts when I was a baby stay haha so its all good nobody expects you to learn their names and nicknames right away, you'll get used to it as you go).
For your third question , completion albums like replay are divided into A side and B side so the B side tracks are with no psychical release so online but here is a google simple explanation: "SKZ-RECORD is a collection of songs by members of Stray Kids that were not formally released. These include special tracks, covers and other non-promotional projects released by the members on YouTube. SKZ-PLAYER is a collection of video projects by members of Stray Kids that were not formally released." And no not all skz songs are gonna have Music videos sadly but I don't think anyone really does that.
And for your fourth question, the only subunit that was established , I think before they became official is 3racha (han, Bang Chan, and changbin and also rap-line) and they produce the majority of their music so song writing, composing, and producing. The rest of the rachas followed this and while danceracha (Lino, Felix, Hyunjin) are the main dance group , so they lead, and sometimes help with choreography but they are not as established as 3racha but they are known to be I guess the "best" so thats why they lead, especially Lino. (he used to be a backup dancer for BTS). And then there is vocalrachca which is mainly Seungmin and I.N. All of this is confusing I know but don't worry, you will get it as you go.
For your last question, 'shipping' like in a friendship way is totally okay and we all do it but not more than that, like there are people who always just take it too far and it is very inappropriate and the members have not said anything unless its just to entertain their friendship 'ships' for fun. So when it comes to "shipping" just use common sense I guess, these are real people and we see them together all the time bc they are a group/freinds so you can't speculate on their personal or relationship status'. It's just deeply uncomfortable, unethical, and just weird so as long as its just for friendship like you will see a lot of people tag some posts with their favorite duo as "hyunlix" which is Felix and hyunjin for example but nothing weird. So here is again a great thread from Quora for those names.
Lastly, I just want to say I hope I answered your questions or some of them at least, its very confusing like I said, so just take it easy and be respectful and have fun and I hope you enjoy being a stay and thank you for asking:)
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
First off i wanted to say i appreciate you always sharing your true opinion without muddying it up too much or trying to appease people. The honesty is very refreshing!
Okk anyway i keep seeing this take going around and wanted to know your thoughts on it (i have my own, but):
Leon in infinite darkness asks shen may out to dinner once and then later is looking forward to dinner with Claire. Do you see both of these incidents as platonic? The first one reads as flirting to me and the last one seems like an intentional ship tease from the writers (before uh, yknow, making the encounter end on a sour note... look, that one hug they share when leon saves her is ship tease 100% they know what theyre doing)
A lot of people seem to think he is just innocently wanting a meal and I kind of get that vibe with Claire I guess but... ... ... ANYWAY what are your thoughts. I think people are just simply afraid of whore leon
The way I look at it is that my goal first and foremost is to analyze the story text in a serious way -- and it's impossible to have a productive conversation about narrative, characterization, and use of literary tropes if I treat every single possible interpretation of the text as valid. There needs to be some uniformity to what I'm saying, or else there's no point in having the conversation.
That, and I also feel like there's no point in having this little community at all if we can't be honest with each other. Friendships aren't built on uwu. They're built on a sincere exchange of common interests and ideas.
So, I'm really grateful that we've all found each other. It's been so fucking awesome to meet so many people who are genuinely interested in a literary analysis of RE's story and want to brainstorm ideas and piece through things together as a team -- because this has never been my experience in RE fandom before, over the full 25 years that I've been here.
I love u all very much ❤
Ok, so as for your actual question --
I pretty much agree with your interpretation of what's going on there.
People really need to get the fuck over this weird, puritanical pearl-clutching they're doing and being scandalized by OG Leon being a slut canonically. OG Leon tries to fuck Hunnigan at one point, for god's sake.
Because, like. If you try to handwave away or whitewash the way that Leon is pure testosterone; he's a walking hard-on looking for a hole throws himself at people, you're erasing and overlooking a really big part of his character.
Leon is lonely and he fucking hates himself.
The way that this manifests/the way that he expresses this is different between Remake and OG, but that fact about him never goes away. Remake Leon puts up walls and self-isolates as though he's trying to protect everyone around him from the misfortune of having to know him, but OG Leon does the opposite. OG Leon is constantly giving more and more of himself away in the hopes that, eventually, there'll be nothing left.
So, there's a few different things going on there when he asks out Shen May and then Claire in ID.
With Shen May -- yes, he is actually asking her out. That is a legitimate offer for a date that he will go into with the intention of putting the moves on her and having it end in sex.
He does this not just because she's a hot girl -- though, of course he does think she's a hot girl -- he does it because he feels enough of a connection to her that, if she were to go out with him once, he could use that as a way to trick himself into thinking he's still worth other people's time -- even if for just a few hours. Again: he's really fucking lonely. No one person ever stays in his life long enough to form a meaningful relationship with him (platonic or otherwise), but if he can take a girl out to dinner -- hey, that's something, right?
And if he were to actually fuck her, he'd be able to lose himself in her wants and desires for long enough that he can forget how much he fucking hates himself. If he were to feel her hands on his body, he would actually feel wanted for a change. And if he were to make her come, he would feel needed -- and, if he were to make her come more than once, that would be even better. (Remember: Leon is "The Protector." He needs to be needed. He's probably the master of foreplay and will tease and touch and put his mouth on a partner for well over an hour before he actually fucks them.)
And, ever since being kidnapped by the CIA, the only way that Leon has ever been needed or wanted or useful in any way has been through physical means and the use of his body. That's why he defaults to sex as a coping mechanism before he gives up and just starts drinking. He might not have any value as a person, but as a physical body and an object -- well, that's a different story.
Leon objectifies himself, is what I'm saying.
With Claire, though, it's a little bit different.
Yes, it's ship bait -- but it's very mild ship bait, because the context for this one is way different.
Leon isn't being sincere with Claire when he says what he says. He knows that Claire didn't call him or meet up with him because she wants to go out with him or is looking for a booty call. He's not stupid (mostly).
Leon is being sarcastic and self-deprecating when he tells Claire that he was hoping she was going to want to get dinner with him. It's a sad joke to him, because, in his mind, the thought that Claire would be interested in him at all is actually ridiculous.
Because Claire knows him in ways that Shen May didn't. He can't charm his way into Claire's panties by pretending that he's something more than -- or that he's someone -- that he's not.
Claire doesn't need him -- Claire has never needed him, and Leon has absolutely no reason to believe she wants him, either.
What good is he to her, really, when she already knows the truth? She knows that Leon's only real use is as a weapon -- that he's not good for literally anything outside of an active bioterrorism situation. She knows that he fucks up everything he ever tries to do in his personal life. So, why would she want him? Why would she ever want him?
She doesn't. That's why she's about to disappear from his life again for maybe another six years. Maybe more. Because he's not worth being around.
At least, that's what his brain tells him.
It's a really self-defeating mindset that turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Him talking about getting dinner with Claire is a joke, and the punchline is his own opinion of himself.
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cosmic-tuna · 5 months
Not sorry for The Amazing Digital Circus postong but. I have some theories about Gangle, Caine, Jax, and episode 2. Under cut for spoilers. Early apologies if my writing is a mess, it's been a few years since I wrote a fandom theory.
At the end of episode 2, Caine... 🎉 🎊 Gummigoo. He explains that it is because he might confuse the NPCs and... Lets call them PCs, player characters. Cause fuck you, TADC seems to be a game that everyone is trapped in.
Which.. I thought that was weird, since there's only what - 5 or 6 PCs? Pomni, Ragatha, Jax, Zooble, Kinger, and Gangle. Sure, there have been several old PCs that have since abstracted. However, unless Caine is full space cadet(1), it would be difficult to confuse an NPC and PC.
Many people suggest this means a PC is secretly an NPC, and I do kind of agree. Hoeever, I don't agree with the common consensus that it may be Jax. If I recall, Gooseworx did talk about how Jax was the worst and most irredeemable of the bunch.
(Funfact, at this point I went to search for a website that had all the character profiles and info. Can't find it anymore.)
Anyways, midway through ep 2 Jax gets onto Gangle by saying, "Aren't you supposed to be submissibe and breedable agreeable?" and that stood out to me.
All these characters were real people, humans. It explains why their personalities are so complex. But Gangle... How does she(?) switch back and fourth based on her mask? I wouldn't call this a shoutout to bipolar disorder or anything, as that is far more spontaneous.
We already understand that Jax knows far more than he lets on. He has keys to everyone's rooms after all! He quizzes Caine on whether or not Pomni is an NPC when she first appears, and he seems to go through the 'adventures' fully understanding that they're just digital games which allows him to do the murderhobo stuff that he does. He has complex emotions.
But Gangle seems a little more.. flat. Created. What if Gangle is the NPC, and Jax knows? That would prompt his query in the war rig - if Gangle is an NPC designed to provide companionship to everyone else, then of course she would be programmed to be agreeable.
Just a thought.
1. Regarding Caine, I do know he's pretty spacey. He forgets about the adventure in episode 1 until Pomni pops into the void and never checks in on people. He seems to be obsessed with making his games for everyone and forgets other things. But.. Wouldn't that make it more strange for him to confuse NPCs and PCs? He makes the NPCs, presumably. He reuses them sometimes too! And when making the games, he seems to keep everyone in mind. (Re the candy bugs for kinger, violence for Jax, a person to befriend for Ragatha, a location that seems to be intensely happy for Gangle. Nothing for Pomni because he doesn't know her well enough yet.)
As a dungeon master, I have never confused an NPC for a PC. HOWEVER, I can confuse some NPCs with other NPCs. So, it would make sense to keep Gummigoo out if I wanted to keep Gangle's secret, as I would only need to worey about one NPC.
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