#it's kind of like in the movies. me and my swing ... it's not that romantic honestly i just feel afraid of people observing me
mainfaggot · 9 months
sometimes u have to go sit on the swing at ur neighborhood playground and experience revelations while trying not to sob
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1hot-mess-express1 · 6 months
WC: 3,084
Based on Eloguentmoon's Romantic Confessions prompt #12 “You are all I can think about.” 
Summary: Satoru can't sleep, and it's all your fault
CW: Slightly suggestive
A/N: I wrote this way too fast, not sure I like it but the brain rot is getting to me (Not proofread). Also would love to have someone to Beta read/edit since I can never bring myself to do that haha, so if anyone is interested message me!
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Satoru’s alarm blares through the otherwise quiet morning air, and he can’t be bothered to jump in surprise despite its ear-grating volume. With a groan, he swings his arm over to slap at his phone a few times, somehow effectively turning off the alarm before reaching up to drag his hand across his face and rubbing the grit from his sunken eyes. He sits upright, his head sagging slightly, his feet haphazardly placed on the ground, and he is staring at his wall, trying to gain the motivation to hoist himself from the bed. He doesn’t notice when his eyes droop and his hands fall limp at his side until he’s startled from his partial sleep by obnoxiously loud music wafting in from your shared bathroom down the hall. He curses before standing up and shuffling his way to the bathroom. Standing in the hallway, he looks at you through the mirror as you brush your teeth, getting toothpaste all over your cheeks before glancing up at him and smiling through your toothbrush. 
“So you’re why these counters are always so dirty, huh? Knew it wasn’t me,” Satoru chuckles to himself while you spit the foam into the sink, effectively spraying the entire bowl. 
You turn to face him fully, hands on your hips like some kind of angry cartoon character. “You’re so full of it, Gojo. You get toothpaste all over the mirror. Just the other day, I watched you wipe hair gel on the counter, too.” 
“Did not, whatever, move. It’s my turn. I have an exam today, and I can’t be late.” He emphasizes his point by lightly shoving you with his shoulder before reaching for his toothbrush. With a grumble and a subtle stomp, you push into his side, reaching for the water cup. 
“It's not my fault you slept in, loser.” You make a point of sticking your tongue out at him in the mirror before filling your cup and swishing your mouth out. Satoru reaches over your hand to grab the capless toothpaste before placing some onto his toothbrush and bringing it to his mouth. 
“It's not my fault I was up all night either,” he mumbles through his toothbrush, lazily swiping at his pearly whites while glaring daggers into you through the mirror as you begin to brush out your hair. 
“I fail to see how that’s my fault. You didn’t have to stay up and movie marathon with me…could have gone to bed at any point.” You elbow him slightly while yanking at a particularly gruesome knot in your hair and fail to notice the slight blush that covers his cheeks at your statement. You’re right; he didn’t have to stay up, but when he thinks back to last night, having you curled up to his side, head resting on his shoulder while you make the softest snoring noise, he can’t help but think that he’d do it again in a heartbeat. 
“Yeah, right, you woulda cried like a baby if I said no. Can’t make it through a jump scare without crying about it,” he giggles to himself before ruffling your hair, effectively undoing your progress, and sliding out of the bathroom before you could yell at him. 
He clicks the door shut and rubs his eyes again. God, he was so lovesick, literally. 
The exhaustion from staying up late with you made him feel awful. His eyes were egregiously sunken in, his skin paler than usual, and his stomach twisted in knots. He couldn’t focus while studying, his mind always wandering to you; he wondered what you were up to, what movies you might watch tonight, and if you ended up texting that frat guy back. He thought about how cute you looked in his shirt, washing the dishes while you bitched about it not being his day to do laundry; honestly, he wasn’t paying attention. How could he when you were standing there, engulfed in his shirt, the late sun highlighting your profile perfectly, the back of your plush thighs staring at him, begging to be squeezed? 
After you fell asleep against him during your now nightly movie binges, he found himself tossing and turning in his bed, unable to sleep while visions of you flashed through his mind repeatedly. Thinking of your hands on his thigh haphazardly as the tiny breaths you puffed out tickled his neck, your chest unknowingly squished into his arm so he could feel the slow rise and fall of your chest—nothing like his own erratic breaths as he tried desperately to keep his attention on whatever movie was playing. When he’d tuck you into your bed after you fell asleep, sometimes he couldn’t help but sit and watch you as you slept so peacefully, unaware of his presence, your hair falling around your face and your arms tucked close to your chin. He knows how creepy that sounds, but he was frankly lovesick, like he said. 
After dragging his palms down his face, he pushes himself from the door with a newfound determination to just get today over with. He throws on a hoodie before glancing at himself in the mirror. He looked like shit. He stops for a moment and contemplates doing his hair or even throwing on jeans to try and feel more like himself, but even reaching his arms up to his head makes him feel exhausted, so with a groan, he throws on a beanie and decides not to think about it. 
When he makes his way to the front door, he’s met with you, tipped over in a skirt, trying to pull on your shoes; the back of your skirt is riding up, nearly exposing your panties to him. 
“Gojo?” You must have felt him staring, and he felt his face heat up in response. 
He gulps the shakiness in his voice down before speaking, “Yeah?”
“Do you want to walk to class together today?” you stand up to your full height now, and he can’t help but give you a once over; he looks like a bum next to you, “I have a presentation today, so I figured I should show up a little early.” You offer him a smile as you pull a coat on, trapping your hair underneath it. 
Almost on instinct, he steps towards you and pulls the hair out from your coat, noticing how good you smell when he drops the locks down to your shoulders, “Sure, but I gotta be quick, can’t miss another exam, or I’m fucked, think you can keep up?” He chuckles lightly before swinging his bag over his shoulders and peering down at you. 
“That’s a pretty high demand, considering your legs are so freakishly long, but I’ll try.” you let out a breathy laugh before grabbing your bag and reaching for the door. 
Satoru slips his shoes on and follows you into the crisp morning air. 
“I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you look like shit.” You say while looking him over once and taking in his slightly disheveled appearance. Really, he didn’t look much different than every other overworked college student, but he didn’t look like Gojo. He always wore something bordering on too nice for school, dress pants or jeans and a button-up shirt of some kind, never sweat pants and a hoodie.
He scoffed, kicking at rocks on the sidewalk, “So you wore something nice once, and now I’m the bum? Jeez, that’s unfair.” 
“Rude, first of all, I look cute in my sweats, I’ll have you know; secondly, it’s just…weird, you hate leaving your hair down and have told me on several occasions that you can’t stand the way it gets in your eyes, but also you just look sick, are you sleeping okay?” You spare him a glance before looking down towards your shoes, your voice growing a little quieter, “You really don’t have to stay up with me, yaknow?”
“No,” he stammers out a bit too fast for his liking, slowing his pace a little to look at you entirely, “I mean, that’s not it, I just…have a lot on my mind yaknow? Term’s almost over so I’ll be able to sleep all I want soon, and I’ll be back to annoying the shit outta you don’t worry” he lets out a hearty laugh at his last statement. You seem to perk up a little at this statement as if you were really worried about him. 
The rest of the day drags on forever. He falls asleep in his last class, not stirring, even when his classmates hurriedly stuff their belongings into their bags. He lies there blissfully unaware of the world around him. That is until he’s jolted back to reality by a delicate hand pushing his hair away from his eyes. Groggy and unsure, he looks up to see you through the stubborn sleep in his eyes. You look upset, brows furrowed, and a hand on your hip while you lean down to be at eye level with him. 
“That’s it, you’re grounded, Mr.” you huff out before pushing his shoulder in an attempt to get him to move from his place on the desk. 
“Who the fuck’r you to ground me?” he mutters out, slowly making his way to stand before offering you an indignant look. 
“At this rate, I’m starting to think I’m your mother,” you state before reaching down to grab his bag, but he swats your hand away, slinging it over his shoulder haphazardly. 
“Don’t need you to baby me, ‘m grown yaknow?” he speaks through a yawn while stretching out his obscenely lanky body, showing off just the tiny bit of midriff, causing you to avert your eyes with a light flush to your cheeks, but this goes unnoticed by Satoru’s hazy mind. 
“At this rate, I’m afraid you’ll fall asleep in traffic,” you grumble out, tagging behind him as he slowly trudges out to the parking lot. He trips over his own feet a bit, his exhaustion weighing on him like a ton of bricks, swaying slightly, blinking repeatedly in an effort to keep himself awake and upright, blue eyes burning from the afternoon sun. Your smaller frame, keeping pace with him, easily draws a look of concern on your features before you throw his arm over your shoulder in an effort to keep him walking straight. He recedes further into his hood in an effort to hide the blush creeping across his face. Your smaller frame does little to keep him upright; he’s certain that if he were to collapse right now, he’d take you both out, but he keeps this thought to himself, not wanting you to let go of him. He pulls you ever so slightly closer to him, nerves alive at the feel of your small hand on his back despite the copious layers between you. 
You walk home the rest of the way in silence, only letting go of him when you breach the front door of your shared apartment, where Satoru drops his bag at the door with a dramatic thud before sulking over to the couch throwing himself across the couch and reaching for the remote, absentmindedly scrolling through Netflix. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” you snap out before striding over to him, snatching the remote from his hands and moving to the edge of the couch before yanking his shoes off, halfheartedly tossing them in front of the door. 
“Well, I was looking for a movie, grump ass,” Satoru mumbles pulling his feet closer to himself in embarrassment. 
“Nope, I said you’re grounded, go get in your bed,” You really were starting to sound like his mom at this rate. 
He looks up at you, absolutely flabbergasted, mouth opening and closing as he tries to find the words to tell you just how insane you sound. 
“Gojo, you can’t hardly stand up straight, you look like shit, and pretty soon your grades are gonna start dropping…” You bark out before looking meek, fiddling with a stray thread on the arm of the couch to avoid his gaze before continuing, “I’m worried about you. What’s going on?” you look up at him with probably the most adorable look on your face and he’s not sure why, but he crumbles on the spot, he’ll blame the lack of sleep later if this goes poorly for him.
 Folding his arms under his chin, letting his eyes fall closed he mumbles, “It’s your fault anyways,” silently praying you dont hear him but of course you do. 
“How is this my fault?” you bark out with offense, “You’re the one choosing to stay up, besides I know you stay up after you put me to bed.” 
At this, his eyes shoot up, and his face goes beat red. Have you heard him? Oh god, he wishes the floor would swallow him whole at the thought alone. You knew he put you to bed, too? Obviously, you didn’t think you teleported to your bed, but why didn’t you say anything? His heart was in his throat, and his eyes began to sting. This was definitely the exhaustion. He buries his face deeper into the couch, hoping to avoid whatever this is, but of course, you saunter around the couch and crouch down to his level, pushing his hair back with a tentative hand. 
“Gojo…please, just tell me what’s wrong, I can’t stand to see you like this…” your voice barely above a whisper. He mumbles into the couch, tucking his head impossibly further into the cushions. 
“What?” You lean in impossibly closer, and he feels dizzy. God, why were you like this?
His head shoots up from the couch, allowing you too see just how red his face is, blue eyes determined and brows trained down in anger. 
“You’re all I can fucking think about, and it’s killing me!” He huffs out in a single breath. Your eyes go wide, and you bring your hand closer to your chest, leaning back on your heels and putting distance between you two. 
When you speak, your voice is shaky and barely audible, “I-I’m sorry…” Shit, his jaw goes slack, and he can’t seem to find the words when your eyes glitter, threatening to spill over with tears at his sudden outburst. 
“No, fuck, I-I…It’s not your fault. I’m sorry, I just…” He reaches out tentatively, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and rubbing soothing circles into your cheek, searching your eyes for the words that might make this better. He lets out a heavy sigh, looking down again, he thinks to himself fuck it. He looks back up at you, gently urging your head closer to his, “You’re all I can think about. You’re gonna be the death of me,” he lets out a breathy laugh, “I close my eyes to sleep, and all I can see is your cute little pout begging me to share my snacks, or the way you look first thing in the morning, hair a mess and eyes heavy with sleep, when I read I hear you laugh over and over again, that sweet giggle or the roaring laughter that has you rolling on the floor, I think about how you feel pressed into my side, the way I count your heartbeats to keep myself from freaking out cause I’m afraid to wake you. God, I think about how you call me Gojo still despite the fact that we live together cause you’re grossly polite; I just can’t get you out of my head.” His voice trails off at the end as your silence engulfs him in shame, and he can't bear to look you in the eyes anymore. He moves to pull his hand away from you, ready to rot in his room, never escaping his shame again, but instead, you place your much smaller hand over his; your hand is freezing, but his skin feels like it’s on fire. 
“I-I don’t actually fall asleep on movie nights,” you stutter out and he looks at you brows clenched in confusion. “I…I just pretend to sleep so I can get closer to you, a-and that day I stole your shirt? I still had clothes to wear but you left it in my basket and I couldn’t help myself” you mumble out gaze trained on a loose thread in his hoodie. 
He looks at you, blinking in confusion before what you said registers, and a devilish smirk makes its way across his features. 
“You’re a filthy pervert, huh? Sorry, I never would have pegged you for the creepy roommate.” He lets out a hearty laugh as your face goes beat red. 
“Hey, I know about your underwear collection, Satoru, if you play that game.” It's his turn to feel embarrassed as he reaches his uncannily long arms over the edge of the couch, dragging you over the side and settling you to lay on his chest. 
“Say that again sweet girl,” he speaks in a whisper brushing your hair back and staring egregiosuly at your lips. 
“I know about your underwear collection?...Satoru,” You state in a teasing tone, leaning slightly in to his lips. 
He lets out a breathy chuckle before closing the distance and encompassing your lips in a restrained kiss. You let out the smallest whimper, and his grip tightens around your waist as he begins trying to coax your mouth open for him. He presses you against him, relishing in the way you shiver when his warm hand reaches under your shirt, feather-light touches causing you to squeak into his mouth. He wastes no time tracing the edge of your tongue with his slow and deliberate teasing. You reach into his hair, pulling lightly at his hair before pulling your face away from his, looking into his eyes, and pushing the stray hairs back away from his eyes. 
“You’re still grounded; nothing nasty until you sleep, lover boy,” you smile through the words, and Satoru is certain that his heart stopped right then and there. 
“Yeah yeah whatever, going to sleep now,” he says before rolling onto his side, tugging you close to him, burying his nose into your hair, letting his eyes fall closed as his breaths begin to even out, focusing on the way your chest rises and falls against his. For the first time in entirely too long he falls into a deep sleep, clutching tightly to your frame, oh yeah you were in for it when he woke up. 
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kombuuuu · 1 year
gwen romantic hcs or scenario please? 🥺🤲
Spidery Romance.
Gwen Stacy x Fem!Reader
another bunch of headcanons (and snippets, ur favs) with my favourite girl 🤍
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Gwen: Blue
You: Pink
Dad Stacy: Black
A cat..: Purple
mom friend this, mom friend that
how about just mommy?
is a HUGEE comfort roll in the realtionship
will do little things for you that you wouldn’t even realise
like keeping random containers because she knows you like them
jars 🫙 🤍‼️
she loves taking care of you, loves being who you go to for things
it makes her feel needed, which we know she struggles with
so she loves a partner who’s more co-dependent, like she is
“Honey, what am I supposed to do with that?”
“Open it, please“ :(
“Oh, you sweet thing… What are you going to do with an empty pickle jar.”
“You’ve eaten all the pickles?”
“I’m… going to grow an ecosystem.”
ABSOLUTELY steals shit for you
she’s not rich, seeing as she doesn’t exacccctly live in her own universe
hey, star crossed lovers are multiversel..
so she steals
just nicks things from the mall she thinks you’ll like
little trinkets or anything small and shiny she can find
also cat figures
small, cute cats. she loves anything about them and will go out of her way to take em for you
(you think she just wants to deny the fact she loves the cats. or stealing)
your OWN little klepto cat
(you both love that game)
“Hey, Sweets.”
“Oh-! You’re home!”
“And I brought a cat.”
*gasp* “What breed !!”
“No clue, but look it’s tail moves.”
Will take you out to movie dates any time she can.
never really knew how to treat a lady so she takes notes from stupid eighties shows
will throw rocks at your window
or climb up the tree next to your house and break in even though she could just go thru the front door.
buys (steals) chocolates in heart shapes and roses to decorate your bed
it’s not even valentines she just wants too
don’t forget the candles and scented bath salts with a whole ass spa set up in your bathroom
“Baby? Wh—“
“[Name]! I missed you.”
“I missed you too, babe.”
“What are the flowers for?”
“Our anniversary’s not ‘til September.”
“Beautiful, we don’ need a reason. Just wanna appreciate you.”
smile and giggle like a little bitch? of course you will
Will eventually tell you about her spider woman endeavours
she’s guilty of hiding it from you
when you trust her so much
slipping out of your shared bed at night to go patrol feels
She finally caved to her subconscious and spills it
you don’t freak out on her but she can tell you’re stressed
she tries to comfort you even when you have to opportunity to ruin her life
you could end it between the two of u right then and she’d forgive you
but not herself
“I’m spider-woman.”
“The hero, [Name]. Well, vigilante I guess—“
“What the hell.”
“Baby, please. I know I should’ve told you sooner—“
“Do you know how much danger you’re in? Are you crazy? What happens if you get hurt and I’m not here? Fighting crime like that. Fighting villains.”
“I know, sweet girl, I know.”
she comforts you through it while you basically have an existential crisis in her name
you’re more scared she’s going to get hurt
or worse
than you are betrayed,
you can get why she kept this a secret
it takes you a couple week to hone down the worrying
gwen is hella patient with you 🫶
“I don’t like this. You’re putting yourself in harms way, and it’s careless,”
Guilty stare
“,But i’m not gonna stop you.”
“Thank you, [Name].”
“Please don’t die on me.”
“I won’t, baby.”
and when your finally calm you can kind of see the appeal in it
she convinces you to let her swing you around the city
and despite you both knowing you’re probably gonna pass the fuck out
you agree cause it’s cute
“Yeah baby?”
“I think—, maybe you don’t understand what I mean by ‘I don’t like heights’.”
“Wh— Oh.”
“What d’yu mean ‘Oh.’?!! You only just realised??”
“I come up here so often, it’s like a second thought!”
“It’s the fucking Empire state!”
She’ll take you nice places around brooklyn
mostly high up
to let you see the view
and to finally see you in it
she draws you any chance she gets
especially when she takes you to those places
shes been to em so often that she’s got muscle memory for the line to every building, but now she gets to trace the contour of your face around it too
will web you to the building if you ask
just so you won’t fall
“You know there’s not a single universe where I wouldn’t catch you, right.”
“There’s a first for everything,”
She snorts “Sugar—“
“I love you, Gwen. And trust you with my life. I do not, however trust wind.”
“Understandable, love you too.”
When you meet her dad he’s a little skeptical at first
only because you’re so nervous and he’s taught to be suspicious as a cop
but eventually he likes you, and you him
your both like old pals and it confuses gwen
he takes on a very fatherly position in your life
one you missed out on
gwen is ecstatic
the two people she loves the most in the world like each other
the stars aligned for her
she tells you about her struggles with him and is glad it doesn’t affect either of your relationships
“Do you treat my daughter well?”
“Dad, please.”
“Gwen, it’s okay. I’d like to think I am, sir.”
“Cause if you hurt my little girl, everything you do to her will feel a lot worse for you.”
“I would never hurt your daughter Mr.Stacy, I love her. It’d be stupid of me to let her go.”
He smiled and clapped your back
*groan* “Why.”
she likes to keep you comfy
kinda has a thing for the housewife vibe
so she’s willing to do a lot for you
she’ll notice how empty it is in your house when she’s not there
it’s quiet and lonely
so totally for you (and not also her)
she’ll get you a cat
a small black american bobtail
she had found him while on patrol
saw a box left littered at the park and decided to pick it up
closer she got, more ‘mews’ she heard.
when she saw a short, stumpy looking kitten in the box
her heart melted
so obviously she took it
“For [Name].”
‘mew :3’
“Co-parenting practice.”
“God damn it.”
loves the cat with her whole heart
and so do you
you name it Peter
he’s adopted but he doesn’t need to know that
when he does something bad you threaten (emptily) to put him in back out in the street
“Go get a box, Peter. I’m gonna make your momma put you back where she found you.”
“He can’t understand you, baby.”
“Yes he can, look at how he’s looking at me!”
“See his face!? He’s so mocking me!”
“Sure, baby.”
EEE 🤭🤭🤭
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froggibus · 2 years
Valentine's Day HCs - Baptiste, Cassidy, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Lucio, Zenyatta
Includes: Baptiste, Cassidy, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Lucio and Zenyatta
Summary: what they would do for you on Valentine's day
CW: gn! reader, our boys being dorky, some allusion to the lore, pure fluff!!
happy valentine's day guys! i decided i wanted to do something fun and write HCS for ALL of my fandoms which is actually taking forever (and im not even halfway done at like 12:33am) but im having fun with it and i hope you guys enjoy! <3
OW Women Ver. + Valentine's 2023 Masterlist
with his life of being on the run, it’s rare that the two of you ever go on dates in public
but for your first Valentine’s Day together, he really wants to make it special 
he takes extra caution planning everything out—casing places, making sure they’re secure 
decides on taking you to a movie in the park and packs you guys a picnic 
has all your favourite snacks and drinks too!!
picks you up (also random but he totally drives a Vespa/electric scooter) mostly on time 
definitely seats you at a more secure place in the park where there’s not a lot of people
unpacks the picnic basket and spreads out a blanket and some pillows and a delicious spread of food 
tries to be all cute and feed you food but he’s so nervous he accidentally smashes it in your face 
he’s smooth with it tho and he’ll wipe your face off and kiss the spot better 
“are you cold? come closer.”
cuddles you while you watch the movie to keep you warm 
also off topic but he smells amazing 
you guys stay in the park long after the movie ends just stargazing 
he knows his constellations and points them out to you 
“i like to look at the stars when I’m on the road,” he says. “because they remind me that no matter how far away you are, i still get the pleasure of living in the same world you are.”
he probably didn’t realize Valentine’s was coming up until like two days before 
but this man goes all out
you’re just so special to him, he has to show you how much he loves you (even tho he literally treats you like royalty every day of the year)
plans a lowkey night for the two of you
also makes it a surprise (mostly because he forgot lmfao)
picks you up on his motorbike and takes you to his favorite diner 
he’s always wanted to take you there and have you try their apple pie 
all of the staff there know him and they’re in awe of the two of you together 
they definitely give you guys food in the shape of a heart and turn on some romantic music 
he’s weirdly nervous considering it’s him 
“so uh, after this I was thinkin we could go have a drink or two?”
he’s so flustered it’s adorable 
and obviously you agree, and he takes you to his favourite bar 
even if it is a lowkey night, you’re still happy you get to spend time with him
plus, he’s a private man, and him showing you his favorite places is his way of showing you his heart
“yknow something, darlin? I think we ought to turn this into a tradition.”
as a proud supporter of Fuck Boy Genji™️, he definitely didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day in his youth
doesn’t know exactly how to celebrate with you, just knows he wants to do something 
asks everyone for advice, but everyone is telling him something different and it just makes him all confused
he decides to trust his instincts on what to do
picks you up in a button down and cute jeans, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers 
he doesn’t tell you where he’s taking you, but he’s so excited he’s practically vibrating the whole way
you actually have to squeeze his hand to calm him down a little bit
he takes you to this unassuming, kind of dark building on the edge of town
knocks on the door and someone opens a little slot, he says a random word and suddenly the door swings open to reveal a little staircase 
takes you down and into a totally chill speakeasy
it’s warm inside and there’s jazz music filling the air 
Genji looks absolutely stunning in the amber lighting too
you guys get a table with a great view of the stage and order yummy food and drinks
“Do you like it? I thought big crowds might be overwhelming and—“
Shut him up by kissing his cheek and telling him you love it
“I’ve never really…had a Valentine before, but I’m really glad you’re my first, y/n.”
unlike his brother, he probably had had a Valentine before, but he’s never been one to share his life with others 
however, he really wants to show you a good time and treat you to a good night
big crowds and people are not really his thing, so he sets out to make a special night at home for the two of you
invites you over for food and movies
cooks you one of his signature meals, and the two of you eat together at the table under candlelight 
definitely has warm saké ready for the both of you to drink too
has one of his favorite movies and one of your favorite movies ready to go on his tv 
cuddles up to you on the couch under a super soft throw blanket 
honestly one of the only times he really allows himself to be super clingy and attached to you 
always has his hands on you, probably kissing your neck and shoulders and head
makes sure to pay special attention to your favorite movie because he knows it means a lot to you 
“I know this isn’t much but…I really wanted to share something special with you away from prying eyes.”
you guys end up falling asleep on the couch together, and even though Hanzo wakes up at some point, he doesn’t move 
he’s just content to be with you
the concept of a Valentine is kinda lost to him since he didn’t really have time for that growing up in Junkertown 
but he notices a bunch of heart shaped decorations when him and Roadhog are robbing a bank
which of course prompts him to ask his partner what they’re for 
the way Hog explains it is a little…different, but Junkrat literally has heart eyes the whole time 
he decides he wants to celebrate it with you so he spends hours making you a Valentine
makes you this cute little card (and he swears up and down that it won’t blow up when you open it)
and tried to make you cookies but ends up burning them :((
so he recruits Roadhog’s help and together they bake and decorate cute little sugar cookies for you
he gives them to you on Valentine’s and he’s super nervous the whole time
you honestly tear up a little at how cute it is 
the two of you end up eating them together and hanging out for the rest of the night 
“I think I like Valentine’s Day!” He announces. “Do you think…do you think we’ll spend the next one together, too?”
between being a wanted criminal for stealing from Vishkar and being a world renowned DJ, going out on Valentine’s Day is not the best idea
but that’s not going to stop him
he spreads out flower petals and lights candles across the apartment and waits for you to come home
settles in on the couch with his guitar, practising quietly in case you’re outside 
when you come home, you’re greeted by the smell of gourmet candles and flowers leading you down the hallway
you can hear the soft sounds of a guitar strumming and you follow the sounds 
you make it to your living room to see Lucio strumming his guitar, and when he sees you, his eyes light up
he starts singing a song he wrote for you, looking at you with his little heart eyes the whole time
you’re left on the verge of tears the whole time and when he’s done playing, you pull him in for a kiss 
“so, did you like it?”
you’re speechless tbh 
like he loves you enough to write an entire song just for you 
and that’s not the end, either, because he surprises you with a dinner reservation to your favorite restaurant 
and to make sure you’re not being swarmed by fans, he’s bought out the entire restaurant 
the two of you get to eat in peace and have a great Valentine’s Day 
“so I, uh, I wanted to know if you’d be okay with me putting that song on my album? I just—I love you so much, I want the whole world to know.”
partly because he’s a monk but also because he’s an omnic, I don’t think he’d really celebrate Valentine’s 
however if it’s important to you, he’ll definitely put the effort in to make you happy
plus he’s so lowkey, he’s open to trying anything 
when he hears you talking about Valentine’s Day to one of your friends, it gives him the idea to surprise you and celebrate it
he spends days coming up with ideas and pays extra close attention to your likes/dislikes 
would probably ask Genji for some advice before giving up when he realizes the boy is clueless 
settles on getting you a very personal, intimate gift and letting you decide where to take it from there
he gets you a new pair of headphones and makes you a mixtape/playlist to listen to to calm you down 
since he knows sometimes you get stressed out or anxious 
it’s so unexpected that you cry and the poor omnic is stuck figuring out if they’re tears of joy or not
“y/n…are you sad?”
you explain how touched you are
“you’re my partner, y/n. I would do anything to make you happy.”
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Could you do reinhardt x fem reader relationship head cannons please
omg I love grandpa Reinhardt. He's a gilf fr and I want him LMAOOO.
Reinhardt x fem!reader
-warnings: sfw then nsfw, older man x younger woman, fluff and smut :)
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-Since Rein is an older guy, he would def have an old school take on getting into a relationship
-Leaving flowers left in at your door, eating together during lunch, writing you little notes to get you through your day, kisses on your knuckles, and dancing in the moonlight/rain (whichever comes first)
-Since my man is 7'4, he's definitely going to be taller and bigger than you. He will always be gentle with you, treating you like a porcelain doll. Hell, even if you were somehow stronger than him, he will still act like you're made of glass.
-Though he is a sweetheart, due to his past I feel he can have moments of grieving. As much as you want to help and try to feel better, sometimes the burden is too much to bear and can push you away.
-Give him time, assuming you're younger than him (gilf is 61), there some things that take longer to heal/ deal with. He doesn't expect you to fully understand, but listening helps so much. Tell him he can rest his lap in your lap and talk it out! He will try his best to explain his crusader past to you.
-More on him being a sweetheart, it's almost sickening how much he cares about you. Opens the doors for you, gets upset if you open them yourself. He will push you back out the door to open them for you himself.
-Even though his shoulder kills him, he will still pick you up and carry you around. On the battlefield, if you happen to be hurt, he will carry you to the nearest medic...but he will still refuse to let you go. Even his has to hold you while swinging his hammer, he will do it.
-He loves to sleep with you on top of him. It's just relaxing for him, like sleeping with a weighted blanket. He'll hold you close to his chest and sleep like a baby.
-He does fear he'll roll over and crush you...but that hasn't happened yet.
-You will have to show him how to work a cell phone. It's an excuse to have you close. But he genuinely needs your help
-If you're a healer, he'll only go to you. For literally anything. Any physical therapy? He'll only ask for you. Sick? he'll visit you every day to get a checkup.
-adding onto that, he knows that being a medic can be stressful. He'll do anything and try to make you relax. Massages, movie nights, and even try and cook for you. He'll place you in his lap and try to relieve you of stress from work.
-If you two ever have to go on separate missions, Rein will be contacting you every day. He'll send emails and call you whenever you're both free to talk. Rein will and can talk for hours so you may not get sleep that night.
-Once you two meet up again from your mission, he'll give you the biggest bone crushing bear hug. He gets so excited to see you that he can't contain himself.
-he hasn't felt this kind of love in years, so he may be clingy in the beginning. At times it can be suffocating. But You two can talk it out and create boundaries,
-The two of you sit together outside of the Watchpoint: Gibraltar, gazing up at the stars. He wanted to have a moment of peace for you two. It was fresh into your relationship with Rein and it was the honeymoon phase. He held your hand as you two talked about anything and everything.
-"Mein engel...I'm happy we were able to find time for ourselves..." Rein said, leaning down to place a kiss on your head. You smiled, feeling a sense of joy, "Me too... I know this is not the most romantic place but...anywhere with you in amazing.." You told him, smiling up at him
-He laughed, "You know such a way with words.." Rein said, his hand now caressing your face. He then pulled you into his lap, holding you close. The two of you sat with each other in a comfortable silence.
-It's pretty obvious. Size difference.
-He loves holding onto your small body as he thrusts into you. It's a huge turn on to watch you underneath him.
-Because my man is huge...There is going to be a small belly bulge. He's a sucker for it. He knows he's huge (not just height) and he's so proud you can take him
-He loves to top, a soft dom. he never gets too rough from the fear of hurting you, but a couple ass smacks never hurt anybody
-Rein doesn't know how he feels about toys. He's old fashioned and thinks he should give you pleasure. I think one you show him a vibrator and it can help during sex, he'll come around
-Sometimes he'll use a vibrator on you. He'll sit you in his lap and press it against your sensitive. And my man is strong, so you won't be getting out of his grip any time soon. Also use one on him, he'll go crazy
-he'll show his strength by folding your legs back behind your head, his hands holding the backs of your knees and thrust into you.
-Since he is older, sometimes he can get achy bones. Just ride him and make him feel better <3 He also loves seeing you ride him. He'll run his hands up your chest and hold your breast as you bounce on him <3
-Loves getting blowjobs from you. He loves standing up and looking down at you. He'll rest a hand on your head and praise you.
-He is big down there so taking his dick will take some practice. Just take your time, Rein is a very patient man with you...and he knows his size is big so he'll help you practice deepthroating <3
-He can get insecure about his age. You're so much younger and he feels you deserve better. Worship his body, praise him, and tell him how much you love him
-Standing sex <3 that's all I have to say
-He loves to eat pussy. Idc he loves to give you pleasure. He will feel bad about his beard rubbing against your thighs and giving you a brush burn :(
-He loves when you show him new things and learning with you is a huge turn on. He always tells you that you can teach an old dog new tricks <3
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see-arcane · 7 months
I think you came close to real issue. Adaptations do not center on Jonathan and always somehow misrepresent him is because majority of male directors-screenwriters, adapting Dracula, associate themselves more not with Jonathan but with Dracula or Van Helsing. And it didn't begin with Coppola. It began with Murnau where his Hutter doesn't kill vampire and can't save his wife but instead it's his wife Ellen who dies to kill vampire. Then it's Browning who made Van Helsing into cool main hero who kills Dracula, while Jonathan is again useless in the movie. It's Fisher who kills Jonathan off at the start of the movie and again makes Van Helsing into cool main hero, who kills Dracula. So by the time 1970s rolled out and romantic versions of Dracula began to heavily pop up, Jonathan as character on screen was already heavily downgraded.
This honestly hits on something that unhappily fascinates me about the whole pattern. Unlike other stories that see adaptation, however classic or modern, I think the Dracula issue is the only one I can think of where a male main character--one of the two married protagonists! the guy who actually opens and closes the entire story! including beheading Dracula himself!--gets so thoroughly watered down, warped, or often just thrown out of the story entirely. Mina's treatment is unfortunately very much expected.
She is LAST GIRL STANDING. She is NOT ICKY SLUT-LUCY WHO LEADS THREE MEN ON EWWW. She is SO INTO HUNKY HE-MAN DARK PRINCE COUNT FUCKULA and doesn't mind the castle harem or the best friend assault or terrorized/deadified husband whatever who cares.
Mina's character-butchering hell is sadly a running theme in a lot of Classics! Now with (Off-Brand Hollywoodified) Feminism (tm)*!
*She is now simultaneously Mom to a bunch of rowdy dumb-boys and the hot anti-villain wants to do the sex with her so bad and it's sooo tempting because hot anti-villain is sooo much more forward-thinking than these icky Victorian guys ha ha
But Jonathan's situation is unique.
Because Jonathan is broken down for parts.
His sweet ingenue gothic heroine time in Castle Dracula is routinely handed over either to a stand-in (Renfield ala the original Dracula movie) or Random Damsel seen on every book and movie and comic book cover. Because you can't have a man in that situation. And if you do, shovel him out of the story immediately once the hetero-sexy part is over with, ala the Brides closing in. Maybe make him an unfaithful piece of shit who is SO down to ditch boring old Mina for the undead harem.
His stamp as a rightful nemesis-turned-badass vampire hunter is stolen and given to Van Helsing, including his kukri, including the defeat and beheading of Dracula.
His devotion and love for Mina to the point of blasphemy and inhumanity is ripped away and given to Dracula to romanticize and sexify him, which in turn defangs the Count himself. 'Ohhh I just did all this evil because I was depressed and looking for my Love~ :'c' rather than him being one of the most insidiously engaging and chilling villains in classic storytelling.
And all of that implies that writers and directors do like the character of Jonathan Harker...so long as he's split into pieces with the husk that once contained all those facets quickly discarded.
Because if they have to portray Jonathan Harker in his totality, with all his kindness, his femininely coded introduction, his trauma after assault, his adoration of Mina beyond human measure, and his ultimate conquering of Dracula the Monster/Abuser (their idolized macho surrogate) then that does something unthinkable.
That portrays men like Jonathan Harker in a heroic light. In a positive light, period. This milksop! This sweet, loving, bookish, preyed-upon, afraid-then-fierce, walking talking knife-swinging wall-crawling middle finger to the whole idea of the fantasy people project onto Dracula (read: Megabadass Immortal Vampire Man who gets Allll the Ladies Who Totally Wanted It/Had that Victorian Slave Leia routine coming~)! We can't put that on screen!
So what happens, happens.
And Jonathan Harker continues to be harvested for parts without ever, ever getting to be all of himself in a retelling. If he shows up at all.
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arealphrooblem · 2 years
Okay so if you’re doing requests and this looks enjoyable enough to do ( no pressure if you don’t want to I get it) a villain x hero where they’re fighting and hero gets pushed into the water and villian is about to leave but hero can’t swim. So villain is like there’s no way I’m gonna let them die as stupidly as drowning I need to kill them properly and saves them but with a lot of romantic? tension (I’m such a pathetic loser for hero x villian) hope this makes sense lmfao (perhaps hero has a fear of water and is shaking really badly and villian is like hugging and petting them because they feel bad cause they’ve never seen hero so distressed)
Not sure if this is exactly what you pictured but I had fun!
warnings: drowning, near death experience
"Well well well, if it isn't a little mouse caught in my trap."
He had waited before making his entrance, watching the hero struggle to stay upright, clinging to his own feet until his strength left him and he fell back upside down. 
His footsteps echoed in the chamber as he stepped further inside. The hero dangled on a rope over a deep pool of water, hands tied behind his back. Villain crouched down and sloshed the water a bit, as if rinsing something from his gloves. 
"Or perhaps a worm wriggling on a hook would be a more apt comparison."
The hero glared, though the feathery hair hanging over his face like a sheepdog rather killed the intimidation factor. 
"What do you want this time?" he said. "Are you planning some kind of heist? Is there some kind of council of evil-doers you don't want me to mess up?"
The Villain laughed. "You know I don't play well with others. No, I was excavating the cave system here and found, to my delight, an underground lake. It's very deep and very inspiring for a new trap. Which, naturally, you walked right into."
"So you're just using me as a guinea pig?" the hero asked flatly. 
Villain dipped another finger back in the water, swirling it around to watch the ripples skitter across the murky depths. "I was thinking of putting in piranhas. An anaconda perhaps? Catfish big enough to swallow you whole."
"You know that kind of thing only works in the movies, right?"
"I could make it work," said the Villain absently, mind already racing turning the logistics of it.
He faintly registered the sound of creaking rope as the Hero struggled, but was too lost in his own thoughts to pay it much attention. He only registered the scraping sound of boots against stone before the fist of the hero came swinging into view. 
Villain dodged just in time, the hero's woozy balance from his time spent upside down the only advantage Villain had.  
"Next time keep a better eye on your prisoner," the Hero said, cocky grin on his face.  
Villain rolled back up to his feet and kicked the hero square in the chest.
The hero fell back into the water, the splash washing up against the Villain's boots. 
And then he disappeared. Villain waited for a few seconds. 
"There's no point in trying to find an exit," he cried down to the water. "You'll drown before you find your way out."
Nothing. Then, abruptly, the Hero's face broke through the surface long enough to take a strangled gasp of air before sinking back down again. 
That was when it finally clicked for Villain -- the Hero was drowning. Right now. He wasted a few more precious seconds, gripped by horrified paralysis, before shucking off his cape and diving into the pool. 
For a horrible moment Villain became disoriented -- the same murky darkness was both above and below, the surface incomprehensible. This was a horrible idea -- this was a horrible, stupid idea and now Villain was going to drown right along side Hero and for what? For this irritating need for his attention? For the way he --
A flailing limb caught Villain in the ribs, knocking some much needed sense into him. He wrapped his arms around the Hero's body and began to kick his way upward. (Or what he would pray was upward -- if he was the praying type). 
Just as his lungs burned with the desperate need for air, they broke the surface. Villain coughed and spluttered as he dragged the two of them further up the ground. Hero stayed dangerously silent. 
Villain shook him, but the Hero remained unresponsive. He slapped the hero's cheek a few times and then leaned down close his mouth.
No breathing.
Icy dread coiled in the Villain's gut. The past kicked in, training that he hadn't used in years taking over his body. Villain started CPR, the steps carried out on autopilot.
Like riding a bicycle.
Eventually the hero gasped, deep and desperate. Water splattered on the stone as he turned and coughed. Relief made Villain dizzy, like a drug, like a hit of oxygen after asphyxiation.
And then the anger set in.
"What the hell was that?" he demanded.
The hero didn't answer. He leaned his forehead against the solid ground, breathing shakily.
"Can you not swim?"
How long had Villain left him suspended over that pool? And yet the hero had never flinched, never lost his cool, despite death only a few feet away. It only fueled Villain's anger. What if the rope had been faulty? What if the Hero had lost his balance when he escaped his bonds?
Villain shoved the hero on his back and straddled him, his fingers digging into the other man's soaked shirt.
"How the fuck do you not know how to swim?!" he snarled
The Hero shook his head, one hand clutching at the Villain's. Not to tear away, not to struggle out of the Villain's hold. Just clinging to it. His fingers shook.
In fact, the Villain could feel the Hero's entire body tremble beneath him. Of course -- the cave was cold, the underground lake even more so. But that didn't explain the labored breathing, the eyes squeezed tight, the fingers holding tightly to Villain's hand.
Villain knew fear when he saw it. He dealt in it, his favorite currency. Whatever bravado the Hero had earlier had left him entirely. All that remained was the pit deep terror that only a near-death experience or severe phobia could bring.
It looked wrong on Hero.
"Hey." Villain cleared his throat. "Look at me." He shook the Hero, more gently, until the other man cracked open his eyes. "You're alright. You're on solid ground again. You're safe --"
The hero snorted.
"Well  -- safe for now," the Villain amended.  He had so much more experience with creating fear than abolishing it. 
"Until you find some other way to try to murder me," the hero said. 
"You can't pin this one on me," the Villain argued. "I didn't know you were an idiot who couldn't swim."
The Hero's brow furrowed. "Why did you save me? You had the perfect opportunity to finally get rid of me."
"I don't want to get rid of you," Villain hissed before he could filter it. 
He froze at the unexpected confession and the Hero cocked his head to the side, eyes alight, fear forgotten. 
"Oh?" he said. 
"I want to -- destroy you," the Villain amended. "Publicly. So that no one could ever doubt my prowess over yours. There are no witnesses here."
The Hero had the audacity to smirk. "Is that why you kissed me?"
The Villain threw the Hero back down in disgust. "I didn't kiss you -- I performed CPR you absolute buffoon."
"To save my life. Like a Hero."
The triumph in Hero's face was unbearable. Villain stood up, brushing dirt from his clothes, trying to ignore the strange fluttering in his stomach. 
"Go home," he said. "We're done here. I trust you can find your own way out. You've done so enough times."
He headed towards the secret elevator, not daring to turn around and look at the Hero still laying on the ground for fear of revealing his red-tipped ears, the flush on his cheeks. 
He only heard the hero call out once, just before the elevator doors closed.
"Maybe next time you should kiss me." Part 2 here
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neerons · 5 months
hey neerons! ive been following you for a while and i would like to take a moment to express my gratitude towards your dedication to the fandom (kazuomi especially 😋) My question to you is, what music artists (or just the genre if you cant think of anyone particular) do you think the guys (and mc ofc) from masquerade kiss would listen to? Thank you again!
Hey anon! Thank you very much for your kind words and for following me for some time now! That means a lot ❤
What music artists/genre would the MK characters listen to?
Kei Soejima
This is a bit easier for me to notice it from his route but Kei is heavily tied to classical music overall, whether it’s him who chose the music or someone else. Considering his upbringing and culture it also makes sense that he would probably like it. He listens to religious songs as well, such as Ave Maria. Now I’m not sure if he actually likes religious songs but it must at least be nostalgic for him.
He has also been playing “Paganini’s 24 Caprices” on the violin in his Best vs First story. He attends many social events where such musics can be heard since he’s a noble. And during Caleb’s dinner trap, both Kei and MC fell asleep while a classical music was playing in the background, back in his Sacrificial Lover story.
I can see Kei listening to such music and appreciate it, and for me classical music acts as a sort of leitmotiv in his story
Kazuomi Shido
I think Kazuomi would appreciate any type of music that is glamorous or epic, such as musics that come from Hollywood movies. He doesn’t like being bored and loves stimulation, and while he can appreciate art in its many forms, ballads don’t seem to be his favorite thing. It can be seen in Yuzuru’s S1 when it’s Yuzuru’s turn to host the Masquerade restaurant’s events. Yuzuru chose a romantic ballad, and Kazuomi comments about how it lacks some sort of excitement and that he would have chosen something else.
When I think about Kazuomi, I’m thinking of how enticing and extravagant he is. He draws people in, through his charisma and attractiveness. I also think about how much he likes burlesque shows. I immediately would pick a sort of jazzy genre for him. I’m not too knowledgeable about the names of music genres, but after some research I think he would really be into Cabaret music, Swing and Jazz, and maybe Electro Swing as well.
Anything theatrical, sexy, mesmerizing, a bit epic and fun would probably fit his tastes. I’m not sure what genre the 2 romantic soundtracks of MK fit into, but they embody perfectly Kazuomi’s charm in my opinion
Yuzuru Shiba
As mentioned earlier, Yuzu chose a ballad in his S1 when it was his turn to host the party at Masquerade. It seems he likes this type of music, as when MC said how beautiful the performance was, the other guys commented how perfect they were for each other if MC can appreciate something Yuzu chose himself according to his own tastes.
Considering that he grew up for some time in Italy, it could be that he enjoys some genres that have an Italian influence as well, such as any music with a melodic and emotive vibe to it.
I can see Yuzu enjoying classical music like Kei as well, especially because when he was younger, he created a phonograph for Jun so she could listen to her collection of classical records. It doesn’t mean Yuzu himself is interested in classical music, but it wouldn’t be odd if it were the case
Seiichi Setoyanagi (Boss)
This time it’s not easy for me to picture a specific type of musical genre when it comes to Seiichi. I’m sure that as a part of his job, he must be at least a bit knowledgeable about the genres if he ever needs to create an alias with certain tastes, or if it’s his alias’ profession to work with music. However as an individual, I think he would be the type to prefer silence or the sounds of nature over any particular music.
I can’t remember any moment where there is a specific genre being mentioned for him or where he listens to anything. He seems to enjoy his peace and quiet when he’s not working due to his job, so I can picture him appreciating the sound of his environment. Sounds of crickets, tree branches in the wind, rain, etc…
Given his career, it wouldn’t be unlikely that compared to most people, silence is the most effective sound for him to relax
Masquerade Kiss MC
She is quite the romantic at heart, and finds Yuzu’s ballad during his S1 beautiful. She also likes the Mission Impossible movies so it could be that she likes epic musics as well. On a compatibility level, she is similar to Kazuomi when it comes to liking Broadway shows and their interest in movies. However, she’s more into romantic French films rather than American ones compared to him, so I’d say she likes romantic, and maybe even sensual songs.
Romantic ballads might be more of her thing. Just like the Boss, she must be quite knowledgeable about music enough for her to be able to create an alias, or maybe because she’s just into it, because in Kei’s route, she recognizes instantly the music that Kei plays on the violin. She also recognizes the long classical music played in Caleb’s residence in Sacrificial Lover.
I can’t be sure if she likes classical music as well, but I think any of them could enjoy it to some extent. In my opinion, anything that sets a romantic, heartfelt and emotive mood would be her type
On a side note, MC reminds me of the songs “Moonlight” by Kali Uchis, or the instrumental version of “Nothing Burns Like the Cold” by Snoh Aelegra when she’s in her seductive agent mode ♥️💋
Thank you for the ask!
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
4 FAB totally unrelated questions:
Can you make your favorite Beatle and solo song list ?
I really enjoy reading your Mclennon fic, are you planning to write more ( I hope so)
What is your favorite McLennon theory, thing they did or photograph?
I also really enjoyed your Get back / understanding Lennon-McCartney series, can you make more? Your captions and details are so good.
me when I read this
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I abhor favorites, so here's some lists as of RIGHT NOW in this current moment. It will be very different in about three seconds. My toddler's is much easier. I Have to sing Maxwell to him before he goes to bed or he will cry.
Top 5 Solo(upbeat): 5. Crackerbox Palace 4. Just Like Starting Over 3. Getting Closer 2. Old Siam Sir 1. Monkberry Moon Delight
Top 5 Beatles(upbeat): 5. Baby You're a Rich Man 4. I Wanna Hold Your Hand 3. Rocky Raccoon 2. I've Just Seen a Face 1. Dont Let Me Down
Top 5 Solo (downbeat): 5. Vanity Fair 4. I Don't Know 3.Jealous Guy 2. Isn't it a Pity 1. Junk
Top 5 Beatles (downbeat): 5. Strawberry Fields Forever 4. Blackbird 3. You Never Give Me Your Money 2. Eleanor Rigby 1. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
2. Thank you so so much and yes! I post new chapters of my series every Monday. Right now they're in Hamburg and things are Very Messy. I do want to write more after this fic wraps, but I've got other things I want to do first, see question 4.
3. As far as my own actual mclennon theory I swing to both sides of the spectrum (they fucked on the regular the whole time just without any secret committed romantic relationship ---- they literally never did anything it was all just mutual pining and maybe Paul didn't even understand what he was feeling until it was too late) depending on what evidence I've read or watched recently. My favorite thing to think about right now is all the secretiveness of the seventies. Like why do we have so many conflicting accounts of when they last saw each other and the same thing about the amount of time they spent together during the lost weekend?
4. Thank you for saying that, you're too kind! Yeah I do want to do more of those. I want to do the fifth parts of ULM and I have thought about doing Two of Us and other Beatles movies, but here's my list of to-dos. 1. Finish my current fic 2. Answer two big deal asks that are sitting in my drafts 3. Write my claimed prompt for the summer of love 4. Do more reactions
I super appreciate this ask anon it was so much fun! As always I'd love to hear your thoughts too if you feel like sending them in asks or messages or whatever:)
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nyx-thedragon · 3 days
okay, here's the post about my thoughts on Newsies 1992 that I promised, because I just remembered that I was gonna do that.
First of all, I didn't realize that Kenny Ortega directed the movie until the credits (I did like, zero research on the cast or crew, I just knew that Christian Bale played Jack Kelly) and I think that explains why it was so fucking good (and why Jack and Davey were so gay lmao)
Number 2: this one is just a thought about the story of Newsies in general, but I do not see the need for a romance subplot at all. especially in the movie, because Jack and Sarah barely interact with each other, and the "oooh they like each other he he he" little subplot start the first time they meet ? at least in the musical, Jack and Katherine interact a lot and they're friends before the romance stuff starts. idk. it just kind of irks me when media has a romance subplot for no reason.
Number 2.5: following up on the romance subplot; it could be completely taken out and the story would be exactly the same. "but what about at the end when Jack decides to stay in New York because of his love interest?" you may be asking. simple: he realizes that he has a family already in New York with the newsies and he doesn't want to leave them and be alone. this ending emphasizes the importance of familial and platonic relationships and bonds, which I think we just need more of in general.
Number 3: I love how the movie has the time and means to go more in-depth with Davey and how he reacts to Jack's betrayal and how he keeps the strike going without Jack and everything. I know that the live version is a musical, and therefore has more music, but still they kind of glossed over all that if I'm remembering correctly (I haven't watched livesies in a while and may be misremembering things oops)
Number 4: the scene where the rest of the workers join the crowd for the children's crusade is so much more powerful in the movie, because they were able to have a ton of extra people, as it is a movie and not a stage production with a smaller cast. I genuinely got some chills when I watched that scene it was awesome.
Number 5: all of these guys have beautiful voices. I didn't know that Christian Bale could sing (if it is him singing and not someone else because I know sometimes movies do that; have someone else sing for a character instead of their actor or voice actor). The songs are different than what I'm used to with the musical soundtrack, but I enjoyed them a lot. and the choreography was great too.
Number 6: I like Denton. he's awesome. it's great that the newsies have an actual adult that helps them instead of someone who is assumed to be close to Jack's age (Katherine).
Number 7: the scene in Medda's theater when Snyder and the police showed up was so- I don't even know, I just really like it. I was on the edge of my seat watching it. also, Davey kicking Snyder in the face on the swing was so badass. I love you movie Davey you're so cool
Number 8: there was way more romantic tension between Jack and Davey than between Jack and Sarah. I'm just saying. the scene where Jack was being carried away by the police after getting punched by Snyder, when Davey reaches for him and tries to get the police to let go of him? oh he wants that cookie so effing bad. Davey going after Jack by himself when he was taken to Pulitzer's from the Refuge? Gay. (also how did no one see him??) the alley scene? they should've kissed. Davey confronting Jack after he sold out to Pulitzer? they should've angry-kissed there. the scene at the end after Jack comes back on the governor's carriage and the way they stare at each other?? my homo-alarm was going off so loud. idk they just had so much tension and I thank Kenny Ortega for that, because I know damn well that he had everything to do with that.
Number 9: THE FUCKING HARMONIES HELLO. I feel the same way about the harmonies in livesies, but the ones in 92sies are different from those, which I'm used to, and it was just so fun listening to them. god, I love music, can you tell?
Number 10: Spot Conlon. that's it, really. I like him, he's funny, "on the grounds of Brooklyn, your honor". I just love him. so much.
Number 10.5: Racetrack Higgins. he does so much more in the movie than in the stage production, and I love that. he's also very funny and has incredibly witty lines and I love it.
Number 11: I love getting to see more of the other newsies, and especially Davey's interactions with them. I don't remember getting to see much of that in livesies, and I think it really helps the viewer to connect with the characters and story more.
ummm, I think that's all I can think of that I wanted to share. if I think of more things, I will come back to share them. I think I'm probably gonna watch it like ten more times in the coming week and try to get my younger brother to watch it cause he's only seen the stage production so far (my town's high school is doing Newsies for their musical this year and he's gonna audition !!!!).
alrighty chat, that'll wrap up this tumblr post. have a great day and keep being cool :3
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dailyhelldorm · 3 months
Romance ★ Sing along SWING NIGHT - Rei’s mini-talks translation
Location: Cafe Cinnamon
Repairing Request (1/3)
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Rei: To be able to have tea with the Young Lady, today is my lucky day. If I tell Kaoru-kun and everyone, they might get jealous.
By the way, from this year on, Young Lady will be independent of the P-Association, I am supposed?
Regularly where do you perform your activities now?
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I do my work in the 'Trickstudio'...
Rei: Fumu. I see that Trickstar has their secret base now?
Kukuku. If this goes on, Trickstar might end up monopolizing the Young Lady for themselves.
Maybe we UNDEAD too have to build our own hideout so we can confine the Young Lady inside... ♪
I still work in ES a lot.
Rei: Fumu. Certainly, the work in ES is indispensable for the Young Lady.
Newcomers are joining in too, and I feel the atmosphere around us has been getting more and more busy lately.
We have more staff and new members entered our agency too. Next time, you should drop by and hang out in the RhyLin office.
Repairing Request (2/3)
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Rei: While we are having tea, I have a request to make for the Young Lady here.
In our next magazine photoshoot, we are planning to wear one of our old live costumes but we found out that the ornaments on them were broken.
If Young Lady has some free time, I want to request your assistance with the repair...
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Please let me do it.
Rei: Oh. That would help a lot... ♪
Then, I will bring our costumes to you tomorrow or such. I am having them in my dorm room right now.
About the place we are meeting... How about meeting at lunchtime in Cafe Cinnamon again? Your lunch will be my treat as a token of gratitude.
If you let me do it tomorrow...!
Rei: So you can handle this? That would help a lot.
All the handicraft people around me are currently busy. If Young Lady can take over this, it will be a great saving.
Our shooting is on the weekend, so there is still time. When you are done, please let me know... ♪
Repairing Request (3/3)
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Rei: The black tea Young Lady is drinking... Perhaps it is the 'Emperor Tea'?
What is it actually? Well, I know one thing for sure, from the naming of it, this must be something coming from Tenshouin-kun.
Anyhow it is quite a bizarre drink. From the look of it, this looks quite like the normal black tea…
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It is delicious.
Rei: It has a taste of ‘seemingly in good health’? That kind, what kind of taste is that…?
Well, it is fine anyway. I will have some coffee for a drink.
Later in the afternoon I still have some work to do, so this will help me clear my drowsiness away.
Do you want to have a sip?
Rei: No need, I will pass on that.
This ‘Shinonon Blend’ name sounds much cuter.
I will have this as my second cup… ♪
Location: Season Avenue
The mini theater of the talk (1/3)
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Rei: Young Lady, what a coincidence meeting you here.
Me? There is a mini theater near here and I came to enjoy a movie there.
The movie theater is managed by an acquaintance of mine. He has some good taste so it is quite a lovely place.
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It is the theater over that corner?
Rei: It is, does the Yound Lady also know about the place?
Oh I see, Young Lady also plans to come to that place. Oh to have such an interesting coincidence ♪
The theater is becoming the talk all over the SNS, I see. Mini theater is very rare nowadays; in fact, it might turn out to be the talk of the town.
An acquaintance of your…
Rei: Oh my, why Young Lady have a photo of him inside your smartphone?
Oh, he became famous as the director of the intrigued mini theater, I see. So that’s why the Young Lady also wants to come visit the place?
The man is a pleasant companion. If you meet him, Young Lady might get to have more inspiration. Let me have a word with him first.
The mini theater of the talk (2/3)
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Rei: The movie I enjoyed was a romantic film, and to be honest, I would like to express that I especially fancy this genre… but too bad it is not the case.
However, when I watched the last scene in the end, inadvertently the tears welled up inside my eyes.
When you talk about romantic movies, this is the first masterpiece that will come to your mind. I have watched this movie in the past before, but maybe because turning senile makes my tear gland weaker?
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By the saying your tear gland is weaker…
Rei: I am still too young for that? Kukuku, you might be right.
You say it is perhaps because the movie was resonating with my feelings right now? Do you think I myself might want to fall in love somewhere inside my heart…?
I am just joking. It is merely because this movie is a masterpiece, and I was so concentrating on watching it that it had sept into my heart.
It sounds so intriguing.
Rei: The plot itself is quite simple, but thanks to all the famous actors’ realistic acting, it brought out the charm of the old yet beautiful performance.
Young Lady too, if you haven’t had the chance to view it, give it a try. You will certainly love it.
Although in the past, I forced Ritsu to keep company with me, and halfway through the movie he ended up falling asleep.
The mini theater of the talk (3/3)
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Rei: Hm? Even though I had turned off my phone, I got a message in the middle of watching the movie.
This is from… Koga and Adonis-kun, with Kaoru-kun too, they have abruptly encountered each other and it looks like they are about to have a meal together.
It is such a good opportunity to join them… but it seems that I am too late now. Such bad luck, but it can’t be helped.
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What if you…
Rei: You say I might still make it?
Right, you are right. Firstly, if I don’t try to contact them, things will never get through.
Kukuku, I ended up having you encourage me in the most unexpected times ♪
First thing first…
Rei: Ah, I will try and contact them.
That being said, afterward those children should have idol work to attend to, I don’t think I can come in time for them.
If I can’t make it, will the Young Lady keep me company and have a meal together?
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spiderplanter · 1 month
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First Date 𐦍༘⋆
Summary- Though it was your first date with Matthew, the chemistry felt electric when you first laid your eyes on him. The rest is history.
Content- Matthew, Reader, fluff, SFW, tickle fic. *keep scrolling if this isn’t your vibe* MDNI⛧
You had been texting Matthew for the last few months, some FaceTime and regular calls here and there. He finally built up the courage to ask you out, without hesitation you said yes.
You wanted everything to be perfect. What am I going to wear, how will I fix my hair, what are we going to do?
All of these questions flowing through your mind simultaneously.
Text Message 5:26pm:
Matthew 🂻
Hello darling, although our destination for tonight is top secret, your finest dining attire shall suffice. Also pack an extra pair of pajamas! -M
You immediately start getting ready and finish touching up your hair and makeup right as he pulls into your driveway. Right before he could knock you swing the door open, scared to make eye contact. For a split second you glance at the ground in fear that he’d be disgusted by the sight of you.
Wow y/n, you absolutely take my breath away. How did I manage to be the luckiest guy on this planet? He said dropping his jaw to the floor and looking you up and down.(respectfully)
Thank you Matthew, might I say you’re very dashing. You reply as you tuck his hair behind his ear and resting your palm on this jaw.
A few seconds pass by just staring into each other’s eyes and appreciating this sweet moment. Blush painting both of your cheeks as question how you could’ve waited so long to finally meet.
How about we get this evening started?
The drive was about thirty minutes. Plenty of time to show off your eerily similar music tastes. Pulling into the parking lot you noticed Matthew had taken you to the fancy new Italian restaurant you’d been going on and on about but reservations were booked for a solid three months.
As you were guided to the table by your host, you took in the stunning private balcony with low warm lighting and an ocean side view. Rose petals scattered across the table and sitting in the center was a bottle of your favorite white wine. Matthew’s attention to small detail kept you swooning over him. How could this man be any more perfect? After the food is ordered you and Matthew start talking about each-others interests and goals.
What are your favorite ways to give and or receive affection? You ask.
Well for starters I like romantic gestures, if you couldn’t tell, haha. Acts of kindness is another, let’s see.. gift giving, affirmations and most importantly, physical touch. I’m a big cuddler. I also like tickling, giving and receiving. Sounds crazy, I know but I just love how it brings people closer together. It’s rather a comfort for me, I hope that’s not too weird.
Not at all, I find that quiet adorable actually. You say giving him a quick poke to the side making Matthew jump back in surprise. As you finish your food and sign the check, you both head back to his car.
Quick question, why did you tell me to pack some pajamas?
I was planning to take you back to my place where I have a movie night set up with all kinds of snacks and the comfiest couch you’ll ever rest on, that of course if it’s okay with you.
What are we waiting for, let’s go!
Walking into his house felt like an alternate reality. Immediately to your left was a big open room with a fluffy green sectional couch, a big screen projector along with two massive book cases racked with hundreds of movies to choose from. The room lit up by purple and pink LED lights and neon signs with a popcorn machine next to a fully stocked snack bar.
As you drop your bag by the door you run over to pick out a movie. My Girl, one of your all time favorite movies. This was the one. You put the DVD into the player and plop down on the couch right next to Matthew. He puts his arm around your shoulders as you scoot closer and lay your head on his collar bone.
Halfway through the movie you subconsciously started fidgeting with Matthew’s shirt and didn’t realize until he started twitching a bit.
Do you need to readjust?
N-no it’s just that you were kind of tickling me and I couldn’t help but move a little.. he replied, a little flustered. You mean like this? You blurted out before you used both hands to attack his sides and ribs.
WAIHAIHAIT NOOOHOHO he screamed throwing his head back, taking it like a champ.
A few minutes passed before you decided to mercifully stop, allowing Matthew to catch his breath. You ran to the kitchen to grab him a glass of water. Admiring at how unreal it felt to be so happy and safe in this moment you walk back to the home theatre.
Thank you.
Why are you thanking me?
Well one for the water and two for being open about me liking tickling. Not only did you not judge me for it, but you decided to act on it in a fun way and it was a refreshing experience.
I’m sorry if anyone ever made you feel insecure about such an innocent thing. I love hearing that adorable laugh and seeing the way your nose crinkles when you’re trying to hold it in.
Feeling bold, you pull him in for a kiss. Starting with one on the lips and then one on either of his cheeks. Making your way up to his forehead and down to his jaw and around his neck. Matthew started to giggle so you started to make your pecks sporadic, but only for a second.
Standing up from the couch you tell him to lay down and get comfortable to finish the movie. You lay down in front of him as his arms wrap around your chest as you melt into him as he pulls you in. You turn your head to halfway look at him.
You know I wouldn’t mind getting tickled either..
Hmm.. interesting he replied seemingly intrigued.
When the movie was officially over, you unanimously decided to explore each others likes and dislikes. You didn’t know how such a simple thing as tickling would be a significant part of falling in love with this man but then again you weren’t going to ask questions because you’re perfectly happy right where you are.
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unitheuniverse · 22 days
Hi! How are you? I hope you're doing well! I wanted to request a romantic match up for cookie run if possible! Thank you in advance and I'm sorry if it's gonna be long
My nickname is Queen, I'm afab, I go by she/her and I'm heterosexual.
When it comes to my appearance, I'm very short, 4'11'' despite being an adult, curvy and slightly soft, I have long curly brown hair left untied most of the time ( ain't ruining my sweet curls 🤭). I don't really have a style, or at least it's quite basic and I tend to prioritize comfort: when I'm at home I'm a pocket size Adam Sandler, out of the house you can usually find me with large cargo pants and a tight cropped t-shirt on top, neutral colours because I usually don't feel comfortable wearing bright and eye catching clothes
My hobbies are: drawing, taking long walks, especially with friends and when it's not too hot, maybe in a natural park, cooking, reading and puzzles (of any kind, from crosswords, to sudoku and nonograms) and learning new languages (in fact, English isn't my mother tongue so forgive me for any typos and mistakes)
Oof finding likings is hard, I'm actually quite picky and tend to be indifferent rather than satisfied with anything haha, but I for sure love spicy foods, the spicier the better. Second favourite foods are probably sweet-and-sour ones. I'm also a big fan of Metal music and rock from the 80s, animation and sunbathing on the beach when there's a nice breeze, relaxing. I'm also very fond of people who despite everything they try to be happy, even when "cringe". I'm very into slow-burn romance
About dislikes, I dislike overly salty foods and bitter foods as well, I don't like strong smells as they make me gag, and I don't really like bugs, especially if they fly. I'm not a fan of most horror movies, mostly because they feel cheaply made and don't really scare me. I don't like shooting games and I don't like people who can't catch a hint unless you are rude about it and say it fair to their faces
Personality: I'm generally just easy-going, though I tend to be quite extrovert when around others: I like to crack jokes and make people laugh, I like listening to them talking about what they like even when I don't understand half of it. It's usually because I'm generally a boring person and don't do much so I let others talk, but also I genuinely like knowing more about others. I'm quite curious even when it comes to random trivia, the weirder the better. Despite me being relatively good in social situations, people who know me better have to deal with "uglier" sides of me, like my anxiety, overthinking, how easily I swing between moods, especially how broody I can't get. I'm also not particularly smart or talented, sure I've achieved some things here and there, but overall I'm just a gal who tries hard.
I honestly don't know what I like in a partner, I usually like many people for different reasons, but I think I would appreciate honesty, regardless of my reactions. I would like them to just be a good person and try their best in most things regardless of results.
I don't really have a type tbh
I match you with…
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Capsaicin Cookie
✧ Is it because you like spicy food? Maybe. Is it because, more accurately, I can imagine Cap just straight up carrying you around bridal style? Yes.
✧ Okay, on with the headcannons.
✧ It would take forever for Cap to actually admit his feelings despite being in love with you for a while. Considering the fact that he is very strong he doesn’t want to hurt you in any sort of way. So he just ends up just tucking away all of his feelings in a jar.
✧ Cap is that type of person who is probably considered much more, ‘Cringy’ due to his passionate nature. A person who truly has his heart on his sleeve.
✧ Though with that, he is willing to talk along side you. Not only willing to talk when you just want to listen or follow along with your jokes. Either way, he is willing to do it.
✧ He doesn’t really find you boring, no matter how much you believe that you are.
✧ He is the type of guy that will smash the bugs. You might just casually mention that there happens to be a bug around the area and Cap will come in with a fly swatter.
✧ You know that key piece about you just trying your hardest? Yeah that is probably one of the things that Cap loves about you.
✧ Large cargo pants and a tight crop shirt? God damn you make him want to just hug you so hard it might hurt your chest a lil.
✧ Puzzles? Yeah he’ll have you solve them. He might bring back some puzzles for you because that, “I thought of you.”
✧ He might not really understand your love of metal music all that much. However just because he can’t understand it doesn’t mean he won’t support you!
✧ Cap taking you to concerts, hopefully in the pit, where he allows you to be on his shoulders. Literally fighting off other people just for you to get a good look. (Maybe a bit of an over exaggeration. Okay maybe a lot of it)
Okay, so you and Cap were having a rough day. Mainly due to Cap getting punched in the pit. Though the both of you are just relaxing now that it’s over, a tiny bruise over his left cheek.
He slowly holds you. Slowly rubbing cheek as he tries to find some comfort in it all. Cap seems to just be a bit dizzy after the altercation. He slowly looks down at you. “You know I love you right?” Cap says.
He slowly kisses the top of your forehead leaning down as he does so.
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jokerislandgirl32 · 7 months
So I’m Adding Another Fella to the F/O List…
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And it’s another Joaquin Phoenix character….Merrill Hess from Signs 2002!
Aside from the fact that Merrill is soooo very handsome and such a talented baseball player (two of the main reasons I’m fawning over him, lol), he’s also a family centered man with such a caring heart and protective and positive attitude. Ahhhh, I can’t help it…I simply love and adore him as a character.
Merrill is kind of an interesting f/o for me because he’s become a character I have periodically returned to every time I experience severe depression/ death in my life. I routinely watch this movie after funerals, after my eye surgeries (well listened since I couldn’t watch), and after having pretty bad depressive spells. This movie/Merrill have helped to reaffirm my faith and strength during these dark times. So, it’s like he’s become something of a ray of sunshine within my life admidst the darkness.
Soooo, I decided why wait, why not go ahead and add him to the f/o list! He’s more of a secondary romantic f/o, kind of like how Grinch is for me, Zach and Arthur are still primary, but Merrill’s invaded my headspace, lol. Sooooo….Added ✅ .
My f/o tag for him will be #merrill my heart 💙
The tag I’m using for any alternative universe fics I may post with him and my s/i will be #swing away sunshine au
My s/i for the Signs Universe is Emmaline Grace Hess #emmmaline grace
And the ship name for Merrill and Emmaline is #merraline
I don’t have too much to say regarding the relationship between Emmaline and Merrill just yet, but this is my most spicy coded selfship aside from the one I have with Zach….hehe.
Selfship Taglist below cut! Let me know if you want to be added/removed!
@snailchans-imaginarium @crunch-crunch-eat-a-bunch @changingcore @bitchywitchheart @stoatsapphic @3qu1us-main @benreillyswife @creativegenius22 @genderqueer-bithing @serenitytodd1234 @mailiow @celestetheseaunicorn @barnesncavill @mayixxxmoon @gui-mauves @evander2511 @bat-anon @kajiiswife
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sibillascribbles08 · 7 months
Oh it's aro week ! Here's a short Off Colors drabble for the occasion feat. Leo and April
April watched the credits rolling up the screen of her TV. Leo sat on the bed with her, his shell pressed against the wall and her legs rested over his, as usual on movie nights.
"So..." April broke the silence. "That was pretty good, right?"
"I guess?" He shrugged.
"You guess? What's wrong with it?"
"You know." He waved a hand. "Once again we have this intense adventure plot going on and there's some romance involved."
She sighed. "Leo, that doesn't make it bad."
"I know, I know." He tossed his hands up before crossing them and slouching down further in his seat. "It just has to come up every single time. And like, why? Do people really want romance in all their stories that badly?"
"I mean, yeah? Most people do, I guess." She climbed over Leo to reach the remote and turn the TV off. "Though I kind of get it. Like, why does it always have to be a guy and a girl. We need more girls falling in love with girls."
"No offense April, but I'd probably stick my tongue out at that too." As if to emphasize, he did it now.
April lightly kneed him in the stomach as she returned to her usual seat. "You don't have to complain about it that much."
"It's just... frustrating." He mumbled. "You say it's normal. Dad says it's normal. Hueso says it's normal. But I can't wrap my head around it."
She sank into her pillows and put her legs on his lap again. She took a moment to swallow her anger, after all Leo wasn't trying to be rude about it. He probably really didn't get it.
She tilted her head. "And you're certain it's not a find the right person situation?"
The turtle rolled his eyes and held one of his hoodie strings, swinging it around. "Well gee, how would I even know that? What other teenagers do I interact with besides you? Love you, by the way, but not like that."
"Good cause I don't like boys." She lifted a foot and used it to give his head a light shove.
He pushed her leg back down in an instant. "Dad keeps saying I'll get it when I'm older but he's been saying that for years. Like hello, I'm thirteen now. Doesn't it happen to most teenagers sooner than that?"
She shrugged. "I guess. But you're not exactly most teenagers either."
"Quick, google sexual maturity of red eared sliders."
She snorted at that, and was glad to see Leo crack a smile, but it didn't last.
Then, it gave her an idea.
"Actually, hang on." She climbed off her bed to grab her laptop off her desk. "I might have an idea."
"Are you actually going to google it?"
"No." She smiled and sat back down. "But you remember the whole thing with that flag on my pin board yeah?" She pointed to where it probably was behind her.
Leo nodded. "Yup, lesbian flag. Which you lied to me about at first and convinced me it was a country until my dad had to explain it."
She bit her lip to keep herself from laughing at that old joke. "Right, well there's a lot of other flags out there. I did some brief reading on them and I think one might help explain some things." She pulled up her internet browser and began to type.
He moved his legs and crawled over to sit next to her. "You're telling me there's a flag for people who hate romance?"
"Not exactly that but..." April scrolled down the page, glancing at the various lines of colors until she finally saw the one she remembered. "There, that's the one!"
Leo leaned closer to the screen, studying the bars of green, white, grey and black. "Aromantic?"
"Yeah." She clicked on the hyperlink which brought up the full page. "People who feel little to no romantic attraction." With it loaded she slid the computer onto his lap to let him scroll and read for as long as he wanted.
Which turned out to be for a while. April felt awkward with the silence so she climbed off the bed and grabbed all the empty bags of snacks and soda cans. "You want some water?"
Her friend just let out a hum of acknowledgement that she took as a yes. She carried the trash to the kitchen and tossed it in the bin, passing by her mom in the living room.
"Movie done?" Her mom asked, watching her own TV.
"Yeah, just chatting for a bit."
"He can stay the night if he wants, but you both aren't staying up all night."
"I know." April sighed. It wasn't a school night–they never did movie nights on school nights–but her mom was still mad about three weeks ago when the pair of them accidentally stayed up talking until one in the morning.
She pulled a couple of water bottles out of the wrapped plastic next to the fridge and shuffled back to her room, replying to her mom's quick good night.
Leo was still on the laptop when she returned, though now laying on his stomach and staring at the screen like it held the secret to life, love, and everything.
April wouldn't interrupt. She set his bottle on the nightstand and opened her own, taking a few sips and settling back onto the mattress.
"So..." Leo finally spoke up. "Maybe it is normal? That I'm not into romance? If this is apparently enough of a thing to make a group name for it."
She smiled and lightly scraped her nails over his shell. "Yeah! You might be ace too."
"I assume you don't mean that in the sense of 'extremely cool.'"
She snorted and leaned across his back to use the touchpad. She scrolled down to the related links, clicking on asexual.
"Hm, not as crazy about that flag." Leonardo raised a brow. "Prefer the greens." He scanned the page for a second. "Wait, is there a difference between romantic and sexual attraction?"
"Yeah." April tapped her mouth with the lid of her bottle. "I mean, I don't personally get it but it makes sense? After all, ace people aren't sexually into people, at least not always, but they still fall in love?"
"Hmm, yeah I don't think I'm into any of that."
"Then in that case..." April, still laying on his back, scrolled down again and clicked on the aroace page.
"Huh? They have a different flag?"
She laughed. "There's a lot of those."
"I like this one though." She could practically hear the smile in his voice. "It has blue in it. And orange! Doesn't yours have orange?"
"We could match! Sort of!"
"Yeah!" She giggled, and Leo responded, and soon both of them were falling into a fit of laughter.
April rolled off him while catching her breath, and then took another sip of water.
Leo got up and grabbed his own bottle. "It's not weird for me to just go with that, right?" He tilted his head as he frowned. "I mean, what if Dad is right? Maybe I'm still not old enough or haven't meant the right person or something."
She shrugged. "You're allowed to change your mind, Leo. I mean, I thought I was bi until I realized my interest in guys was just me trying to match what the girls in class were doing. Helps that my mom has knowledge about this though, I guess."
She kicked her legs. "Anyway, point is, you can go with it and change your mind later."
He smiled and drank some water. "I almost hope I don't. What if our flags stop matching?"
April snorted and tossed an arm around his neck to pull him close. "I'm sure we can find something else to match."
Leo's smile became softer and he turned to pull her into a proper hug. "Thanks, Apes."
She returned it, though she wasn't entirely sure what he was thanking her for. Could be any number of things, and she chose not to ask.
"Of course, Lee."
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365days365movies · 9 months
Action January II: Captain Blood (1935)
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Part One: By the Sword
Fun fact about me: I am a non-classically trained fencer.
By which I mean I went through formal training as a child (starting at 6 or 7), then continued it sporadically through my youth and college. Kept up with it a little after college, but I'm no longer a fencer. Still, it was a pretty prominent part of my life, and one of the more bougie facts about me (of which there are admittedly many; I am, for example, struggling to not type bourgeoisie). I look back on it fondly, but it's not for modern-day me.
Still, I've always had a soft spot for swashbucklers, especially in film. Sure, traditional épée fencing doesn't resemble your typical swashbuckling film fight, even a little bit. Usually, épée with the fencing gear is put in a movie or TV show to demonstrate that the character or establishment practicing it is high-class or rich. Instead, I suppose cinematic swashbuckling is more similar to sabre fencing, which has a larger target zone than épée fencing, and usually involves grander movements...but even then, I've never seen any sabre fencer swing from ropes and rafters like, well...
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Zorro is a character that I've talked about before on this blog. I've also covered the swashbuckler briefly in that post, but let's get a little more comprehensive this time, shall we? Zorro is maybe the prototypical swashbuckler character, starting with Douglas Fairbanks' epic film The Mark of Zorro in 1920! Yeah, old as hell. He was daring, dashing, and debonair; dressed in black and fighting for justice to get the girl and save the day, armed with only a sword and his wit! The prototypical action hero! Throw in some great choreography and epic music, and voila! A swashbuckler! To put one together properly, we need:
A dashing hero, with devil-may-care attitude that fights for the moral right. If we're talking in DnD terms, you can call this person chaotic good alignment, usually. Swinging from the rafters, a sword in hand and often a smile on their face. And, of course, a romantic aim and goal.
Swordfighting. Kind of critical to the genre. Swashbucklers are films that use swordfights as the driver for the plot. While not every action sequence may involve a sword fight, the main hero is always either armed with their sword or looking for it. And then it's time for the climax, you better believe we've got a big-ass swordfight on our hands. The villain of the piece, at least one of them, should also have a sword in hand.
A sweeping score is a very typical piece of these films. Whether in the past or present, swashbuckling can't be done without an iconic leitmotif for the hero, and battle music times to the clashes of steel. Usually throw some brass or strings in there, and you have a swashbuckling score.
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Now, of course, there are a lot of swashbucklers out there based on those definitions, and...yeah, there are a lot of swashbuckler films! While The Mark of Zorro is typically called the first swashbuckler, it's not the first film to involve narrative swordplay by any means. The Count of Monte Cristo (1908) is probably the first of those, but there are others like The Prisoner of Zenda or Kidnapped. You may also notice that some of the classic swashbucklers are based on classic literature, like those above, and like Cyrano de Bergerac, The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Man in the Iron Mask, and the most prominent of these...
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It's funny, for a character best known for his archery skills, Robin Hood gets into a lot of swordfights. Some of the most iconic filmed swordfights come from the emerald archer from Sherwood, and for good reason! There have been countless adaptations of the original stories, which are crazy cinematic, and they all take place in medieval England, during a time period where swords were predominant weaponry. Combine that with the fact that Robin Hood is, in many retellings, a nobleman who would've been trained in fencing, and you have a natural swashbuckler setup!
And honestly, Robin Hood is sort of the perfect swashbuckler. A morally good hero fighting against the evil establishment, for his friends, contrymen, and the woman he loves. Epic music, daring setpieces, classic fights, a lot of swingin' rafters...yeah, it's perfect. And again, one day, I'll talk about The Adventures of Robin Hood from 1938; one of my favorite action films, and my favorite adaptation of Robin Hood for sure.
But there's another type of swashbuckler that's just as iconic as those listed above, also involving a setting conducive to sword-based action, but often with heroes that are...a little more morally grey.
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Pirate films are essentially a subgenre of the swashbuckler (yes, a subgenre of a subgenre of a subgenre), focusing on high-seas action rather than fighting in a hall or castle. The pirate film is a curious beast, appearing in film history in sporadic bursts, with no real period to call its own. They were popular from the '30s through the mid-'60s, had a tiny boom in the '80s, got badly nuked in the '90s, and then had another tiny boom in the '00s with the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. They're always around, but never the first genre you'd think of when you think of action films.
Still, pirate films have an iconic feel to them all their own. The wind in your hair, the daring sword fights against a surly knave or an overzealous government stooge, depending on the nature of your morally dubious hero. Hell, maybe the hero has resorted to piracy after being wronged or lost at sea, and we're rooting for him and his lost honor. Either way, he's got an open shirt and a sword in his hand, and his crew are there to back him up (or betray him; again, depends on the narrative). You know a pirate film when you see one. And that's where I'm headed today: to the open seas with Captain Blood, starring an iconic action star of the 1930s and '40s. In fact, he's so iconic, almost every one of the above GIFs includes him.
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Errol Flynn is undoubtedly a major film figure of his day. He's also got a fascinating and...sometimes troubling personal history, putting him up there with some of the great Australian film actors in cinema. But as much as I'd like to talk about Errol Flynn (and I probably will later), I'd like to finally jump into the film that made him famous: Captain Blood, a 1935 film directed by Michael Curtiz, another interesting figure with some...interesting history with Flynn. Again, more later.
Flynn was an unknown before this role, and immediately became an audience and studio favorite, essentially succeeding Douglas Fairbanks as a films and action star. Only 26 at time this film came out, Captain Blood was the beginning of an often turbulent career for Flynn, who would die at only 50 years old. Again, more on him later. And so, without further ado...SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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It's 1685 in England, and there's a rebellion happening! Known as the Monmouth Rebellion, it involved the deposition of James II, after succeeding his brother as king of England, which was contested by Parliament and Protestants, as James II was a Catholic king. Anyway, during the rebellion, Doctor Peter Blood (Errol Flynn) is summoned to aid a friend injured in a skirmish. A retired adventurer and swashbuckler in his own right, Blood is determined not to re-enter the...fight...
Is this Commando? Like, where a retired hero is forced to come back to fight for his country, and won't come back until a personal tragedy or offense is done to him? You know, like Commando? Just calling it now, before it happens.
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As Blood is helping his friend, he's taken away and sentenced by Judge George Jeffreys (Leonard Mudie), who accuses him of being a liar and traitor to the crown, despite his complete innocence. Imprisoned and set amongst a group of similar prisoners for months, he attempts to defend himself on the stand, only to condemn himself even further beneath a biased kangaroo court. And for the record, Flynn immediately proves why he's so beloved at this time. He's an excellent actor in this scene, and I immediately sympathize with Peter Blood.
Meanwhile, King James II (Vernon Steele) is convinced by his advisor to send the convicts to the West Indies as slaves, as actual slaves are too expensive, and these guys are free of cost. So, yeah, British monarchy not looking too great. In any case, we set to sea for the first time, in the belly of an unrealistically humane slave ship. In Blood's words, the King was "granted their lives in exchange of an uncertain death". And with that, Blood and the convicts are sent o Port Royal, in Jamaica.
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The convicts are set for sale (hate it), and most of them are sold to Colonel Bishop (Lionel Atwill) and his niece, Arabella (Olivia de Havilland). When she observes Blood's rebellious nature at being inspected like cattle, she decides to keep him from working in the mines on her own spoiled whims. Blood's not a fan, and the two immediately clash. Which, obviously, means they're gonna fall in love by the end. Come on, we know how this goes.
Blood's sent to work on the plantation with Bishop's other slaves, on a grinding mill that loves like it's ripped out of Conan the Barbarian. We see the indignity of slavery through...white slaves. Yeah, trying not to think about it, since this is a thing that happened, but it's tough. Anyway, our traitors are taught a lesson about treason, as an escapee is branded on his fucking face, and the prisoners all say how much they hate the fucking King. Great job, James, really fanning the flames of patriotism there.
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Meanwhile, the uncaring and selfish governor, Steed (George Hassell) is complaining of gout, and is in need of a physician. Knowing of Blood's former profession, Arabella recommends him as Steed's physician, and is mostly elevated from the role of slavery, which seems...insanely easy. Irritatingly easy, even. But whatever; at least he hasn't forgotten his friends, his actual station, or the fact that Arabella bought him for 10 goddamn shillings! He's still understandably bitter about that.
However, he's in very good favor with the governor for relieving his gout, unlike the previous doctors Bronson (Hobart Cavanaugh) and Whacker (Donald Meek), who attempt to plot to get rid of the much more competent Blood. He puts them in their place, but begins a plot of his own. With the other slaves arrested for treason, he plans an escape attempt from Port Royal, with the help of friend (and the guy who got him in this mess to begin with, Jeremy Pitt (Ross Alexander). However, in the process, Colonel Bishop suspects some kind of plan, which is only circumvented with the help of Arabella. In the process, however, Pitt is captured and flogged for questioning.
While his friend is getting horribly whipped by the Colonel on the stockades, Blood and Arabella flirt (as expected), although a kiss from Blood is received poorly due to his status, leaving the encounter on a sour note. Peter goes back to care for the Governor before their escape that night, then finds Jeremy at the stockades and cares for him as well. He's caught by the Colonel showing mercy, and is about to share Jeremy's fate when a ship attacks the port.
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This ship belongs to the Spanish, and the sailors aboard lay waste to the port. It's at this point that the slaves see an opportunity, and make their way to the ships. They take over the Spaniard's ship, and wait until the morning to take out the returning Spaniard captain and soldiers. With navigator Pitt and new gunner Henry Hagthorpe (Guy Kibbee), the new crew sets sale and escapes, under the purview of the new Captain Blood.
Colonel Bishop, like...like a fucking idiot, sails out on a rowboat to thank the men, not realizing it's his own slaves. And then, when he finds out, he still intends to keep them as slaves. THEY HAVE A SHIP, DUDE! You're fucked. Instead of killing him, which they consider, they toss him overboard, and Blood's crew sets sail for the Caribbean Sea, leaving Arabella behind. They abandon their citizenship, and officially become pirates.
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The crew of Blood becomes famed and infamous across the seas, to the irritation of King James II himself. With Governor Steed having lost both money from the Spaniard assault, and being unable to reign in Blood in the first place, his appointment as Governor is given to Colonel Bishop, who swears to take care of Blood once and for all. Arabella is conflicted about this, but she's shipped off to England along with Governor Steed.
On Tortuga, Blood signs a deal with another captain, the French Levasseur (Basil Rathbone), and the two become partner pirates. Later on, Arabella finishes her extended holiday in England, traveling alongside Lord Willoughby (Henry Stephenson), who has been tasked to take out Captain Blood. On their journey, they see Levasseur's ship, which attacks them and takes the passengers hostage on a nearby island. They are soon joined by a surprised Peter Blood and his crew, who pretends not to know her.
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Blood and Levasseur engage in an argument, as one of the articles of their contract was that no female prisoners would be taken. As a compromise, Blood pays for her ransom, both to save her and as payback for his purchase of her many years ago. This still enrages Levasseur, who wanted Arabella for himself, and he forgoes his honor to challenge Blood to a fencing duel. Fun fact, by the way: Basil Rathbone was an actual fencer, classically trained, and far better than anyone he ever fenced with on-screen, Flynn included. But, since he always played the role of a villain and cad, he was always forced to lose. And this fight is no exception.
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Levasseur is killed by Blood...which is crazy, since he's Basil fucking Rathbone, and he was in this movie for maybe 5 minutes altogether as essentially a cameo, but...c'est la vie, et la mort. Arabella and Willoughby are brought on board, only for Arabella to angrily reject him. And yes, she's absolutely a goddamn hypocrite, but she's not fully unjustified. She puts Blood down as a beast like any other pirate (unfairly, of course), and Blood angrily rebukes her in turn. Even then, he plans to bring the two hostages back to Port Royal, where they are certain to die.
Willoughby and Arabella speak, where he convinces her that Blood's genuinely not a dick, and tells her that they're headed to Port Royal. At the same time, Blood's crew refuses to sail to Port Royal, officially acting in mutiny against Blood. And Blood...gracefully surrenders his command of the ship, admitting his affections for Arabella to be driving him against logic. And that ironically turns the crew back to Blood's command. I can't tell if that was a sign of their actual bond, or some straight gatekeeping-girlbossing-gaslighting from Blood, but...yeah, they're still going to Jamaica.
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As they approach Port Royal, though, they find it being attacked by two French ships. Willoughby, finally being able to speak with Blood, informs him that France and England are at war. To their surprise, though, Governor Bishop isn't present, nor is the English fleet, since they're out chasing pirates. And so, the only ship to defend Port Royal against the French, is...well, Blood's.
It's then that Willoughby finally reveals his purpose for seeking Blood and his crew: the King has pardoned him. Obviously, they're not a fan of King James II given what he'd done to them, and refuse the offer. But then, Willoughby reveals the other political change: James II is out as King. With that knowledge, Blood and his men decide to fight for the English Navy, and for the new King William III.
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Arabella is shuttled ashore, while the ship sails under a French flag to disguise themselves. They easily ambush the French ships attacking the Port, wrecking one and causing it to fucking explode. Honestly, it's pretty sick. The other ship mounts a harsher assault, and Blood's crew is forced to abandon ship. Instead, they simply take the French ship for themselves. And as the Captain swings over, you realize something: this is the prototypical pirate movie.
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Yeah, OK, earlier films like The Black Pirate, as well as later ones like The Sea Hawk and Treasure Island, would be a major framework for pirate films in the future. But good goddamn, if this doesn't feel like a pirate movie, I don't know what does. The score is sweeping, the action is epic, and it's honestly just fun. And the most ironic thing is, this is happening at the point in the film when they aren't technically pirates anymore! Hilarious.
Anyway, Blood's crew wins the day for England, only for the Governor to finally return from his futile journey. Arabella, seeing Blood return and knowing her uncle's hatred of him, tries to warn him away while admitting her love to him. But to the surprise of her and her uncle, Bishop is officially deposed as Governor for abandoning his post in times of war to pursue his vendetta, even though he knew Willoughby was coming. He's at the mercy of the new Governor: Doctor Peter Blood. Honestly, it's funny as fuck. Blood bids him "Good morning, Uncle.", and the film comes to a close.
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That's it for Captain Blood! Gonna do an old-fashioned review set-up and have a separate post for the Review! And that's because, while the review won't be terribly long...I would really like to talk about the man, the myth, the alcoholic legend himself, Errol Flynn.
See you in the Review!
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