#weird scream instead of a sob and no tears come out. i think i broke my tear ducts LOL
mainfaggot · 9 months
sometimes u have to go sit on the swing at ur neighborhood playground and experience revelations while trying not to sob
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projectilestardust · 2 years
Whatever you do, don’t think about Tyler and Thornhill
Whatever you do don’t think about the first time Tyler met Thornhill. There in the back of the cafe with a kind smile, unlike his other customers, she didn’t kick and scream when the coffee machine broke down, instead she offered nothing but patient. He wished there were more people like her.
Whatever you do, don’t think about how soon Tyler looked forward to her morning visit. (Not in the weird shippy way) but he looked forward to a visit from the one adult who asked him how his day was going, how he was feeling, if he needed any help with homework. Looking back, he should have seen how creepy that was but it had been years since an adult had cared that much.
Whatever you do, don’t think of the first time he admitted to her that he wasn’t ok. That at home, when his dad wasn’t blatantly ignoring the existence of him or his mother, they were fighting. How he’d sit in the bathtub until the water turned frigid because it required too much energy to get out. How at night he’d lay just staring at the ceiling, the terrifying thought of is this even worth it anymore? Will anyone miss me when I’m gone? Circling his head. All he wanted was for his dad to care, just enough to keep him going till the end of the day. But apparently that was too much to ask for. 
Whatever you do, don’t think about how Tyler sat up slightly straighter when Thornhill asked about his mother. His sweet sweet mother whose memory was collecting dust. He told her of her kind smile and gentle hands in his hair. He told her that she made the best pancakes every Saturday and the small family would sit around their dining table and Tyler remembered simply being happy. Then he tells her of the bad days, of the days when she’d drop a plate and her world would shatter. How she’d start off screaming then sobbing, even once trying to take a swing at him before she broke down, begging for his forgiveness. That was the first time Tyler had been scared of his mother.
Whatever you do, don’t think about the day Thornhill set her plan in motion. Concern creasing her forehead as she lured Tyler into her car, a folder in hand. The way his face pales as he reads the papers. “I’m so sorry honey, but your mother was a monster, she wasn’t who you thought she was.” She wasn’t kind smiles and gentle hands, she wasn’t the person who baked the best pancakes and make dad smile as if there was no tomorrow. “And you’re one too, but don’t worry, I can help you.”
Whatever you do, don’t think about how Tyler blindly followed her for a cure he never needed. So grateful that a person like her was willing to be around a diseased monster like him. 
Whatever you do, don’t think of the day that all the trust that Thornhill had built up in his mind crumbled. She had brought him out into the woods, he didn’t mind her too tight grip on his shirt collar as she half dragged him to a tiny, hobbit looking hole in the middle of nowhere. He did, however mind when she tried to shackle him to the cave wall. Yanking himself away as he yelled, “N-no! You’re crazy if you think you’re shackling me to a fucking wall!” 
Whatever you do, don’t think about how her next words stuck with Tyler forever. “You, Tyler Galpin, are a freak. Other than me, if anyone found out what you were, they’d kill you, it's what they did to your poor old mother, I am trying to help you. Be grateful I can even stand in the same room as you. Tears roll down his cheek as he slumps in defeat. 
Whatever you do, don’t think about how he used to cry for help. Scream to the heavens, hoping someone, anyone, would hear his pleas. As whips cracked down, and knives slashed his skin, he screamed and sobbed, begging for death to just take him already. “No one’s coming, Tyler. You are alone.” He doesn’t call for help after that, he just lets the tears fall.
Whatever you do, don’t think about how his hands shake so badly, the number of burns he’s received during work is just not ok. How the bell on the door of the cafe makes him flinch and the colour red makes him sick to his stomach. 
Whatever you do, don’t think about how Tyler wants to break down when his dad asks him if he’s ok. Comments about the bags under his eyes and asks if he’s sleeping enough. How badly Tyler wants to just tell him all of it. What a disgusting monster he is, and how he should want to get rid of it, he should look forward to Thornhill’s secret visits but he doesn’t. He’s scared and hurt and angry at the world for making him this, for making his mother this, for making his hurt.
Whatever you do, don’t think about how Tyler would pace his bedroom, then up and down the hallway, unable to sleep; because when he closed his eyes- all he could see was that fucking cave imprinted in his brain. How he used to wake up screaming in a cold sweat before he threw up whatever he had managed to eat that day. How his dad would worry but couldn’t say anything as he sweet sweet baby boy surcame to a shell of his former self. 
Whatever you do, don’t think about the day Tyler breaks. The day Thornhill no longer needs the shackles to stay still, the day he turns Hyde, the day he truly becomes Thornhill Laurel Gate’s slave. 
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dgknightblue · 2 years
Turtle Tot Troubles
Part 1
TMNT Crossover: I will not say which turtles are going to be playing with the Rise! Tots.
ROTTMNT is my jam so they are the main prospective and most familiar.
Confused, scared, and desperate he ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. His tall swishing behind him.
He didn’t have time to think about how he ended up here, all he knew was that his little brother was crying and hurt.
In fact, he had to find all of his siblings. He had to find his little brothers and big sister before Dad found out he lost them and he’d be so disappointed-
He ran around the dark and dirty ruins of builds when he spotted his brother that was crying with a broke leg.
He felt relieved and began running towards him when he saw his other brother not far a way with a scary shadow closing in on him.
He stopped, panicking as he did. He found two of his brothers and they were on opposite ends. If he went to the one with a broken leg, then he’d be leaving his other brother to the scary shadow.
That’s when he heard his last brother chirping behind him. He turned to see that his youngest brother had being running after him the hole time and he felt his gut twist in horror.
His youngest brother fell and began to cry. He was scared and didn’t know what to do. All three of his little brothers were far a way from him and he didn’t know who to protect.
His little brothers decided for him.
“Raph!”, two screamed in fear and sadness, “Go to Mikey! He needs you! We’ll be right behind you!”, tears swelled his eyes.
“Please! He’s closer! Raph!”, screamed his brother with a broken leg.
Raph knew he was lying, but he didn’t say it. He shook instead, before sprinting towards his baby brother.
“I’m sorry!!”, he screamed as he picked up Mikey.
Mikey crying and chirping for them all.
“Rara! Dondon! Leelee!”, Mikey reached out.
Raph cried harder as he held Mikey and ran. He left his brothers behind as he screamed apologies.
Raph wished his big sister was here.
The brother with a broken leg continued to cry as a shadow approached him. The shadow was slow and stopped right before moonlight could shine on it.
It terrified him and what’s worse is that he can’t even run to his twin. Who was holding his arms over himself to protect his body and his soft shell facing the ground.
He felt helpless and whimpered. He flinched as the shadow quietly walked towards him again. He closed his eyes and copied his twin’s pose. A hiccup holds back his sobs that tried to spill from his throat.
He waited for anything- mostly some kind of pain.
“Please don’t hurt him… please…”, he begged with a scratchy throat, it burned to speak.
A few agonizing seconds later, he felt himself be gently picked up as his broken leg throbs in pain. He made a scared hiss.
When he felt the soft purr of the shadow holding him, he hesitantly relaxed. Finally, he opened his eyes and looked up with confusion. He blinked tears a way.
The shadow that held him turned out to be a turtle.
He said nothing as he stared and when he turned his head, he saw his twin also being carried carefully.
“Leelee! Dondon!”, the chirp of his baby brother alerted them both to their last two brothers being carried by another turtle.
They were all brought together when the strange adult turtles brought them to a weird ship. It was huge and full of greens, yellows, and grays.
He wasn’t happy. He didn’t like being touched by he thought that he and his brothers were going to die so he lets them hang on to him as they trembled. His big brother continued to apologize for something he and his twin asked him to do. Mikey has to come first in order of protection.
He wished he could have also protected his other little brother, but he wasn’t strong like his big brother and didn’t have any way of helping. He hated how unhelpful he was.
He patted his baby brother on the back with a blank face. After they all calmed down, he had a blank expression.
None of them wanted to be separated again and desperately hoped their big sister was okay. They have no idea where she was. That is why they were all there when his twin got his leg bandaged up.
“Mister….is… is his leg going to be okay?”, Raph quietly asked.
The bigger turtle turned to him with a soft smile.
“Yes little Raphie, his leg will be just fine. How about you? Are you okay?”, the turtle asked softly.
He nodded his head as his tears died down. He glanced at his little brothers, they were all so tired and fell a sleep after his brother was back in their pile.
Mikey was given an orange pacifier, and he was sucking on it contently.
Raph pet his brothers head gently. They were on a big bed with lost of pillows and blankets. They will make a fort later. For now, a messy nest will have to do.
“Why don’t you go to sleep too, little tyke?”, said another turtle.
“But… whose going to protect them if I’m asleep?”, he tilted his head.
“We will!”, said another turtle with a big smile before laying a blanket on them, “we promise to protect them while you sleep, okay?”
Raph closed his eyes at that promise, trusting the big turtles that helped his little brother’s leg.
I say part one, but I don’t know if there will be a part two.
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angelspigeon · 1 year
Tried to write a bit of battle, what do you think of it?
Of course this scream didn’t work.
Why would it? He didn’t know Morax, he didn’t know anything they talked about. It appeared like Kaveh and that torturer had read too many books, played too many games, seen to many movies and series and believed whatever fantastic synopsis they created in their head was true.
But there was no magic.
There was no Morax–hadn’t Kaveh implied he was a God? So ridicule. He was far away from Virgin Mary. He was far away from Virgin…
The floor shook, the walls quaked. Ajax swore the fingers were digging deeper in his guts at each shiver of the fingers. Were they really closing around his baby?
How could everything quake? How could those fingers be in his belly? It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real! He was having a nightmare! All of this wasn’t real so everything that happened could only be a nightmare. He will wake up in the soft embrace of Zhongli. The baby will be safe and sound.
The floor shook even more. Ajax quivered under the tremors, slithered along the wall. He could feel the fingers pull out of him, something weird and viscous coming out of his belly. Please make that it wasn’t blood!
Please make that it was a nightmare!
The walls were so shaken they appeared like jolting, jumping, breaking.
“That’s him…”
“Al Haitham…” Kaveh hiccupped. He felt on his knees by Ajax, his fingers reaching for the belly. “It’s going to be alright,” he whispered. “I’m going to take care of it.”
Ajax could have seen water gather around his belly and the blood disappear, but his eyes were locked on the gigantic Dragon that appeared in the tunnels. Why was it so familiar to him? The shape of the scales although pitch black with bronze and gold hues, the orange mane, the horns and the claws gleaming like a subtle combination of dawn and sunset; the spikes in the same hues and that tail appearing like clouds.
And those eyes.
Those eyes like Cor Lapis.
Amber like…
“Deshret,” the rocky voice hissed. “How dare you touching my mate?! How dare you make my mate cry?”
Ajax stupidly moved up his hands to his cheeks and felt the tears.
Who was that Dragon?
How was there even a Dragon here?
And why that bitch dared to call him mate? Was it Morax? The Morax that claimed to have made him pregnant? The Morax that they were seeking?
That Morax…
The Dragon surged upfront, aiming for that Deshret Kaveh yet called ‘Al Haitham’. The torturer pulled away in a deft movement. His eyes turned red.
Ajax was dreaming. Making a nightmare.
He let out a strangled hiccup as green lights appeared from everywhere, darting the Dragon. It was so sharp, the scales were cut in two and flew all around along with thick blood. Gold blood.
“I let you in my country and you dare to come after my mate!” the Dragon roared.
Blinded by rage, it threw itself to Al Haitham, the fangs aiming for the throat. It should have broke it, make the blood explode all over the walls, but the Dragon had something in his maw instead. Sand.
The Dragon laughed. As he did, the walls quaked again.
“You have no power here, King. Sand is under my control.”
The sand swirled and transformed itself into a giant stake. A spear even.
“NO!” Kaveh shouted.
The sand moved away and then forth. The sand should have pierced Al Haitham if it wasn’t for water suddenly coming in between and exploding the weapon.
Ajax hiccupped again as he saw Kaveh that suddenly materialized between Al Haitham and the Dragon, the spear. His blond hair were now blue and his eyes as well. Shining.
“Please! Tell him back! He would listen to you!” Kaveh begged to Ajax.
Ajax blinked. He wasn’t sure he wanted to save Al Haitham’s life. That man threatened his baby. That man tortured him for hours and he was still bleeding at the instant. Honestly? He would have loved to see that man being destroyed, reduced to ashes.
And it was his dream.
“Do not talk to my mate,” the Dragon spat.
But Ajax wasn’t an idiot. He knew he repeated to himself again and again that he was dreaming because he couldn’t believe this was the reality. But it was the reality. And he knew why he recognized the Dragon.
He scratched it so often while Zhongli moved between his thighs. He washed it so often to be close from the man he loved. He had traced it with the tip of his finger, kissed it.
“He took care of me,” Ajax said. He pinched his lips as he grabbed the towel and slowly got up. Why his legs shivered? He closed the towel around him. “Zhongli…”
The Dragon turned the head towards him. It pulled away from the two torturer–well the bad cop and the good cop–and the big head approached Ajax who couldn’t help to shiver.
“Your body…” the Dragon whispered. “Those besmirches, this blood, those wounds… They did that to you. They should die.”
“Is it… Is it you?” Ajax said under his breath.
The Dragon seemed to shrink. The tail narrowed but was still here. A Human-like body appeared from the glorious Dragon. Long black hair with golden hues, Cor Lapis eyes with black at the place of the white, black limbs with strange golden marks, scales all around the body. Horns. Tail.
Yet, it was his eyes, it was his strong face, his muscles, his torso, and his… wait why there were two of them?!?! Ajax squeezed the towel over him, not out of fear, but because that man, at least twice his tall, really looked like Zhongli. And he could take him furiously. Claim each part of him.
This was a dream.
A very erotic dream for he already imagined how this Dragon would…
Wait! No! He was in pain! This was true! This wasn’t a dream! Zhongli… Zhongli was a Dragon?
Zhongli was Morax…
Ajax’s lips twitched.
Zhongli was the bitch that dared to tell him he was his property and sure, Zhongli technically bought him to Pantalone but he was still mad for the principle. He threw up his leg and smashed it between Morax’s legs.
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jenniferspet · 2 years
Octavia sniffled and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt as she stormed up the palace stairs, determined t sequester herself in her room before anyone could see her cry. She got inside and slammed the door shut after her so hard the walls vibrated with the impact. Good, let them all know I'm upset, she thought. She wiped her eyes one last time and let her sobs out, throwing herself onto the bed, holding her pillow tightly in the hope it would muffle the sounds. And that the walls were thick enough to contain her sorrow, because her heart surely wasn't. It was all her stupid parents fault. Why did they have to fight all the time? Why did her mother have to snap at her just for asking a little bit of civility between them instead of outright hostility? Well, okay, her actual words might've been something along the lines of: "Can you please just stop screaming at each other for five fucking minutes so I can hear myself think?" But that wasn't the point. Her mother had still said the hurtful things she'd said. Octavia got that she'd been angry, but still. Now she just wished she'd kept her big trap shut. Next time she would. Next time, she'd drown out the screaming match with her music. But for now all there was to do was lick her wounds and grow a thicker skin. And hope the next time it might hurt a bit less. . . . Stolas let out a heavy sigh as he walked up the stairs and down the hall, hoping to go and take a nap, when he heard the muffled sobbing coming from Octavia's room. Making him pause and knock on the door, heart aching. God damn, it hurt to hear his owlet cry. It always had. Probably always would. "Octavia?" he called, "Is everything alright?" "Go away!" came the muffled response. But that only made him more concerned. Especially since a sob had accompanied the demand. "Octavia," he called again, gently pushing the door open, "I'm coming in." But he paused in his tracks when he caught sight of his daughter curled up on her bed, tears running down her cheeks. "Oh, my little owlet... what troubles you so?" His daughter hid her face and instantly he was by her side, a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I got into a fight with mother," she told him. "She said... some really hurtful things to me." Stolas sighed. It was one thing for his wife to put him down, quite another to drag their daughter into their mess. Octavia didn't deserve that. He might've been a cheating prick, but there was no reason for Octavia to be hurt in the crossfire when his wife took her shots at him. Another thing he'd have to fix. "Oh, sweetheart..." Stolas said softly. It always broke his heart a little when Octavia cried. It always had. Probably always would. No matter how old she got. "I'm so sorry she hurt you so." Octavia sniffed again and lowered her arms from her face. Looking up at him with big tear-filled eyes. "why does she hate me, dad?" she sobbed. "Why does everyone hate me?" His heart twisted in on itself at her plight. "Oh my sweet Octavia..." he cooed gently, sitting her up and pulling her into his arms. "That is simply not true. You brighten up a lot of peoples lives, my little starfire." She sniffled again. "No I don't. You're just saying that because you're my dad and that's what people expect you to say." Stolas shook his head quickly. "Of course not, Via. I'm saying it because I want to. And because it's true. In truth, my life was..." he paused, sighed, shoulders sagging under the weight of the burdens he carried. "Very dull before you came into it." He met her gaze, and he knew with all of his heart that he loved her more than anything in the world. "And honestly, I wouldn't trade you for anything." "Anything?" she echoed. Eyes watering again, whether from joy or sadness he couldn't tell. Though he hoped it was the former. "Even that weird red dickhead you like?" Stolas blinked, the blow to his heart he felt deserved. Blitzy. She means Blitzy. He ached that she thought herself so replaceable to him, and there were no words for that hurt. So he hugged her tighter, her head resting against his feathered chest like when she was small. Though there was a smile on his lips as he spoke to her. "Even that weird red dickhead I like," he said softly. "You're my little owlet, Octavia, and nothing is ever going to change that. She tried to laugh at that, but it came out as more of a strangled sob. "Dad... I'm not a kid anymore. I stopped being your little owlet a long time ago." Stolas sighed softly, resting his head against hers. Gently nuzzling his baby. "Oh, Via. I love you very much. And no matter how old you get, you'll always be my little owlet. And I'll never stop being your dad. Don't you ever forget that, my starfire." A moment of silence passed between them, eventually broken by another little sniffle from Octavia. And then her arms were around him, holding him tight. "Oh dear... I've made you cry again, haven't I?" Octavia shook her head, but more tears betrayed her, soaking his feathers. "Do... do you really mean that, dad?" "Yes," he answered. Without any hesitation. Though his chest felt like a hole had been blown into it because she felt she had to ask. "I do. I love you so much, Via. And I'm never going to stop. She sniffed again, and this time her sobs subsided. "I love you too, dad." "That's my girl," he nuzzled her gently. "You'll be okay. I'm here. And I'll... I'll talk to your mother. See if we can get this whole mess straightened out. In the meantime, what say you and me do something fun, hm?" She let him go and cracked a smile, the kind of smile he loved on her, and he smiled in return. "Thanks dad. That sounds great."
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Write a funeral from the point of view of the death person. It was a prompt I saw somewhere but idk where lol (Also, I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes, I’m not a native English speaker)
I stared at the corpse laying in the casket. There was no sign of life anymore, yet it looked more beautiful than when it was alive.
It felt weird to stare at my own body, I guess my mind was still processing the fact that I died. Am I a ghost now? I didn’t know and I honestly did not care. All that matters is that I died and I couldn’t go back even if I wanted.
My mom was silent while receiving the rest of the guests. A lot of people had come, more than I thought they would. I didn’t recognize half of them. They probably were friends of my parents and came to support them. The room was full of whispers, occasionally being broken by cries and sniffs of some of my aunts. I was not even close to them, yet they were acting as if I were their own child.
I sat at the top of the open coffin surrounded by all the flowers, thought that maybe that was the place for me. After all, I am the one being mourned.
The religious event started and ended in the blink of an eye. I spaced out most of the time. I think that at some point my mother broke down. Her eyes were now read from the tears and her normally perfect tied up hair was now down, not even brushed. Even her make up was rushed and messy.
She was the first one to come up to my casket before they closed it up. “I am sorry… I am so sorry” She broke down again. “I wish I could have done more for you”. I stared at her with guilt. My mom deserved the daughter she wanted, but instead, she was given a selfish kid that was too tired to even try to survive life. I am sorry I never became the daughter you wanted, at least this way you won’t maintain the hope of having her someday.
After her, my father came up. His normally stiff expression was softened and his sharp gaze was now completely lost. He had always been a figure of strength, a pilar of fortitude for everyone around him. I had never seen him more vulnerable than now.
My siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts and friends, they all had the time to say goodbye to me. All of them told me what they would never dare to say in life. It was easy to feel the regret and sorrow in their voice, with each word I could feel my heart sinking deeper into my soul. I wanted them to stop.
When they finally closed the casket, the cries and sobs of sorrow and pain were so loud for me to bear. How I wished they would just stop. They put the coffin with my body up in a car to bring it to the place where I would be buried.
I decided to walk along my family, who were holding each other tightly, too scared of losing someone else. My feet felt so light, yet I was walking with the weight of the tears of my love ones. I have always hated these melancholic environments, but it feels even worse when I’m the reason.
It felt like an eternal walk under the bright sun but I couldn’t feel any heat. I could see the wind moving the trees but I couldn’t feel the warm breeze hitting my body. I felt hundreds of emotions but I couldn’t let them out. As if I were dead but at the same time alive.
The rest of my funeral passed quite fast. My family being the only ones left, their lost gazes staring at my tomb full of flowers. For a moment, I felt as if I were still there. As if I were mourning the loss of a love and with them. But of course that was not the case.
I saw their figure slowly disappear in the darkness of the night as I sat there where my body had been buried. I finally had a break from the crying, only hearing the sing of crickets and the ocasional movement of animals in the threes.
A sense of grief finally hit me. I let myself fall into the ground, completely losing any sense of calm as my tears violently run trough my face. I screamed in agony. I had finally done it haven’t I? As the mess I was I didn’t try to survive. I just gave up in life. I am so sorry. I am so sorry I was so weak.
The stars were shining over my grieving soul. I kept sobbing for a while, curled up into my body, not wanting to face the tomb in front of me. But just as fast as the pain came in, it suddenly calmed and completely stopped. A letal calmness.
The sun started rising, turning the sky into a beautiful colored canvas. I rise my head prepared for the afterlife. I wish I could say I regret dying, but that would be a lie. My heart couldn’t help but feel happy. Happy that it finally ended, that I could finally rest. I slowly closed my eyes, as I disappeared into the earth where I would eternally rest.
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genshin-impact-fics · 3 years
Streamer!Genshin Reacting to Character!(Y/N) Dying in Game
!Warning!: Major character deaths & angst
Characters: Diluc, Venti, Childe, & Zhongli
It was a race to get inside one of the bases of the Abyss Order to put a stop to whatever plans they were in the process of executing that could potentially put many lives in danger. Diluc was rather calm while playing though it would be a lie to say that it wasn’t a bit annoying that the route to the domain was timed
It was once inside the domain did things pick up fast as it seemed to be a fighting wave system which after beating the first two rooms there was a short scene where in the end Lisa and Amber stayed behind to hold off the incoming enemies so the rest of the group could go further. It seemed like forever doing some of the puzzles to unlock the doors to reach the next fight
In that fourth room after the defeat of hilichurls and abyss mages did suddenly a short cut scene appear to show the appearance of an Abyss Lector. As remembering how much he hated fighting this guy in the spiral abyss he already knew what he was in for; however that was until your character stepped forward with your weapon ready. Diluc was actually sad to have to leave you behind as he was hoping that you’d be one of the characters that went with him to the very end
“I think I’ve watched enough shows and movies to know what this could be leading up to.” He’d comment to his viewers as he finally reached the destination where the Abyss Herald was. Finishing the fight triggered another cutscene as the traveler’s sibling appeared and was making their small speech, asking if the lives of the “friends” the traveler made were worth losing
Diluc is watching with a straight face as he kinda expected this but the who was what he wasn’t sure about and truthfully the only one he’d be truly heartbroken about is your death, but they wouldn’t kill you now of all times right? Wrong; soon the cutscene finally came across where they had left you and you were leaning against the wall extremely injured with your weapon laying beside you. Diluc is frowning cuz he has to watch you die now
Listening to your final words as you spoke to no one Diluc would sulk in his chair a little. In the last moment before your eyes closed, if you mentioned something about not getting to tell his character your true feelings it is visible that Diluc looks like he wants to cry(but he doesn't). Once the screen showed the mission complete he’d grab the plush he had of your character and hold it looking at his camera. “Of all the characters I thought were going to die, I wasn’t ready for it to be (y/n).” At that point he’d probably call it a day from there but he’d still talk to his viewers as he probably would watch the tribute videos that fans had already made
Everything was in chaos as it looked like archon war 2 was going to be taking place, but this time it was a war between the Abyss Order and the Archons. He was heading to Mondstadt to help and to check on you. Dvalin was flying around sending attacks at the abyss members. “Ah traveler there you are!” The sound of your voice as you landed before him; as weird as it was to see you in your archon robes was odd but you looked so good! After a short conversation you had gone flying off and it was time to get back to fighting
Things were looking good as it seemed like they were winning against the abyss order though it wasn’t over yet. It was until up in the air did a cutscene starting showing you and the traveler’s sibling fighting going at it. Venti is so captivated by how serious and cool you look fighting, but it all changed when the sibling landed a blow that caused you to fall from the sky ending up falling into the Whispering Woods
Venti couldn’t run fast enough to get to the woods to check up on you but when he did the first thing he saw was the sibling standing before you. He’s already sad and yelling at the sibling for hurting you though it seemed that now he was there the sibling went and disappeared revealing the real condition you were in. “No, no, no! This better not mean (y/n)’s dying.” He’d say in denial as he’s already starting to cry a little
“A-Ah Windblume h-haha… Sorry you have to see me like this.” Even in a moment like this you gave him such a cheesy grin until you seemed to grimace in pain. “Unfortunately it seems like… This is it for me. As long as the winds blow I will always be with you, so please watch over Mondstadt for me.” Your words were making Venti cry as it was like back in your story quest but only ten times worse. And to think it was already painful as it was your next words that did him in. “Maybe in another life we will find each other again and maybe then we can be together.”
Watching you start to glow until you turned into partials of light till nothing of you was left, Venti is devastated. The chat is crying with him as he’s saying how awful it was that his sibling had killed the love of his life! His viewers are going to send him fanart and fics to look at that was an alternative that you lived in the game
It was a big fight with the confrontation of the Fatui Harbingers, facing off against one of the other stronger members that blocked the path to proceed to seeing the Tsaritsa. The boss’ first stage was fine; however during the second stage it seemed after losing a certain amount of health the damage that Childe was dealing significantly decreased.
It was when the cutscene started that Childe was already dreading the foul legacy form he’d be facing this time. You suddenly came out of nowhere and already in your foul legacy form yourself Childe is going crazy over how cool you look; he’s also swooning at the fact that you’ve come to his rescue. The fighting progressed until you landed a successful hit that weakened the other harbinger; however, at that same time the other harbinger managed to hit you with a powerful attack
Childe is screaming at the sight of your mask breaking while you fell to the ground. He’s so glad that his character is running over to check on you instead of the fight picking right up, but he’s already feeling the feels hit him hard cuz he hates seeing you hurt. Seeing you back to normal, the damage you sustained was really bad; then the worst thought came to his mind. “This-This better not be what I think it is,” he’s saying not looking away from the screen listening to you weakly talk
“Haha don’t give me that look sweetie, I couldn’t just let this be where your journey ends.” Hearing those words and the nickname you used for his character was sad. “To think we’d be able to travel together more, but hey… Promise you won’t stop fighting and could you look after my siblings for me.” Childe is literally crying now that the reality of the situation is clear. If he gets a choice of dialog to choose from he is going to pick the choice that says that he pinky promises
If your character smiled at the choice he wanted to smile but he’s also just sad, you were dying in his character's arms. If you had given a small love confession in the little bit of life that was in you, he’s going to ugly sob and once the fight was starting again he needs to pause by going into his bag
Immediately he goes getting his big plush of you and coming back to hug it and cleaning his tears with his sleeve before looking at the camera. “I wasn’t ready for this, my baby!” He was not expecting to be losing you; he figured that some characters would possibly die but you were the last character he thought would be killed off in the game. There’s Fs in the chat all around and the crying emote; it’s sad boi hours in this chili’s. He doesn't wanna do the fight but also he gotta avenge you so this last stage fight was for you. Afterwards he’s gonna go look at fanart and video edits
After helping some of the other nations and their archon’s fend off the abyss order it was time he headed to Liyue to find you. Of course as usual it wasn’t going to be as easy as running around the harbor until he got word from Xiao that you were in Cuijue Slope. So he headed over to help you before anything seriously bad could happen to you
Getting to the open area there you were fighting against the sibling as you were even in your archon robes. Going in and interrupting the fight his sibling clearly looked annoyed and proceeded to try to get him to side with them which of course he didn’t. A Herald appeared to allow the sibling to get away which the fight with the Herald commenced
Just when Zhongli finished up the fight thinking he had won it strangely went to a cutscene as his character and you started to talk; however it was when the fallen Herald came out of nowhere about to attack his character but must to his surprise you shielded him not only taking the hit, but also using your elemental burst to finish off the enemy. Zhongli is frowning at how badly you were hurt as he already has a bad feeling this wasn’t going to end good; the traveler was helping you sit up after having fallen over
“I’m glad to see that you aren’t hurt my friend.” You said as you certainly have seen better days. “Sadly I believe my time has come… Do not be sad dear friend, I have lived many many years… As knowing you has been life changing. Though rocks change from erosion, know that no time will change how I felt about you.” Your words broke his heart as you had such a soft expression on your face as your body began to glow and before he knew it you turned into particles of light and disappeared. He probably wouldn’t cry at most maybe a tear but he is clearly upset about your passing in game and would take a break to talk to his viewers and maybe look at the fanart that surprisingly had been put out already
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folklorelise · 4 years
Captain’s girlfriend taking care of the kids
PART 1: here
 - Eren when his experiments fail
When you found out that Eren was a titan, you and Hange would talk about non-stop which would drive Levi crazy.
”Erwin agreed to my experiments!” Hange informed you one morning, really excited.
”Can I come please?”
”Levi’s the boss, gotta ask him.”
”He’ll say yes!” you cheered.
Hange brought you to the old survey corps headquarters which was where the experiments would take place. It was also where Levi’s squad where.
”Leviii!” you yelled happily.
”No.” Levi stated once you were beside him.
”What do you mean ‘no’?”
”I meant no you’re not supposed to be here. How did you even know about Eren?”
”Hange told me because I am their best friend! Please let me stay.” you begged him. To your luck, Levi loved you, so he agreed to it. ”But you stay behind me, I don’t want that titan touching you.”
You greeted Eren just before he went into the pit.
”Eren, you got this!”
”Thank you Y/N.” Eren answered nervously. ”You are going to be there?”
”Yes, I’ll there the whole time so don’t worry about it.”
But during the experiment Eren just couldn’t transform, no matter how hard he tried to bit his hand over and over again.
”We should stop, he’s obviously hurt.” you protested.
”It’s Hange call.” Levi explained while taking you far from Eren in case he would transform.
”Y/N! Come back please, Eren’s hands aren’t healing either.” Hange screamed.
You ran to Eren and started to put alcohol on his hand and bandage everything.
”Are you feeling alright Eren?” you asked.
”Why can’t I transform?”
But before you could say anything, Hange took Eren. Levi walked to you and took your hand in his.
”Don’t worry about him. He’s going to be fine, he’s a titan.”
That night, you brought Eren his food.
”I’m not really hungry.” Eren assured.
”You have to eat, you didn’t eat anything at lunch too so you have to now.” you said putting his tray on his bed. ”Don’t force me to feed you like I did with Jean.”
”Fine.” he laughed.
”It’s alright if you didn’t transform today.”
”I disappointed everyone! Squad leader Hange had so much faith in me and I did nothing.”
”Eren, honestly, it’s fine because you don’t know how this works. Trust me, you’re doing great.” you smiled.
”I heard something earlier. Something about the Captain.”
”Oh? What about the Captain?”
”Hange said that the Captain and you are... you know.” Eren ranted.
Except for the squad leaders and the commander, no one knew Levi was in a relationship with you. You did not hide it but wouldn’t scream it on top of every roof either.
”No actually, I don’t.” you hesitated.
”Captain Levi and you are... intimate with each other.” Eren whispered the last part.
”Yeager!” Levi yelled from outside the cell startling both Eren and you.
”Captain Levi!” Eren saluted him, spilling his soup on his bed.
”Clean that mess. Y/N, Hange is asking for you.” Levi waited for you to leave before talking to Eren, ”I didn’t know you were into gossip.”
”I’m not sir, Captain, sir. I apologise!”
Levi did not say another word and left Eren alone so he could find you.
”Hange didn’t need me.” you said once Levi entered his bedroom. ”What did you say to Eren?”
”Riight. Anyway, let’s sleep because there’s nothing else we can do.”
”I can think of one thing we can do.” Levi whispered next to your ear.
 - Armin after he killed a guy to save Jean
You were fighting alongside with Levi against Kenny and his soldiers.
”I can take care of this Y/N, go back to the kids.” Levi ordered.
”I’m helping!”
When you went back to the cadets, you spotted Jean corned by one of Kenny’s pawn. You were ready to shoot the person, but a gun was fired before you could. You thought for a second that Jean was shot dead, but that unknown person collapsed right in front of Jean. You moved to where he was and found Armin with his gun still pointing toward the dead body.
”Oh...” you mumbled, ”Armin, are you okay honey?” you knelt down to him.
”I... I killed someone.” he voiced absently.
At night, you were preparing the bedrooms in the abandoned house before joining the rest of the squad outside.
”... you save Jean.” Levi said.
You looked at him asking him what they were talking about and he nodded toward Armin.
”We should all go to sleep, it has been a long day.” you suggested.
Before walking away, you made sure Jean was doing great and then you went to see Armin. He was sitting in the corridor, holding his gun as if his life depended on it. You sat down next to him and he automatically rested his head on your shoulder.
”You did great today. You saved your friend’s life.” you tried to cheer him up.
”Levi said the same thing.”
”Levi’s never wrong.”
”I...” Armin started after a long pause, ”I constantly feel like I’m going to puke and I can’t sleep because every time I close my eyes, I see myself pulling the trigger.” he finished sobbing. You circled your arms around him and told him it was going to be fine.
”Do you want me to stay so you could sleep?”
”I- you have to sleep with the Captain though...”
”You can come in our bedroom then, I think there a couch there.” you cheered softly.
”Captain Levi wouldn’t agree.” Armin guessed.
”Don’t worry I’m sure he’ll say yes.”
”What? No!” Levi shouted.
”Oh my! Not that loud! Armin is just outside!” you shouted back just as loud, ”but please say yes.”
”Is he supposed to sleep between us or something?”
”I was thinking about... hm, how do I put this delicately?” you asked yourself, ”I was thinking you should sleep on the couch because it might be uncomfortable for him to sleep with you.” you said cautiously.
Levi stared at you without smiling, saying ‘are you serious?’. Armin at this moment came in the bedroom worried.
”I don’t to be the cause of a fight, I can sleep with the others, it’s fine!” Armin inquired.
”Fine.” Levi sighed, ”but I’m not sleeping on that that thing.” he showed the old couch.
”The bed’s big, it’s fine!”
You were in the middle while Armin was on your left and Levi on your right. Armin fell asleep rather quickly while you and Levi were still awake.
”So that’s how my life’s going to look like? You and these kids?” Levi stated.
”They won’t be needing me anymore in a few years, so then it’s going to be just you and I. How does that sound?”
”Great. Sounds great to me.” he answered while spooning you. ”Are you really spooning Armin?” Levi asked you.
”Yeah, it’s more comfortable for the three of us, believe me.”
 - The night after Armin was captured as Historia (after that weirdo who said weird things and touched my boi)
When you found Jean and Armin, you kicked that old pervert in the balls and threw in far away from Armin. That same night, you found him crying silently outside of your tent. You and Levi sat down beside him.
”You did great.” Levi told him.
”I’m sorry you had to go through that.” you said.
”I think he’s asleep,” Levi started, ”That boy falls asleep so quickly when you’re here, it’s insane”
”Should we just sleep here?”
Levi ended up carrying Armin to his tent and you and Levi stayed with him, because neither of you could sleep anyway. Through the middle of the night, Jean opened Armin’s tent slightly and you came out.
”What’s wrong?” you asked worried.
”I just wanted to make sure Armin was alright.”
”He’s asleep which is great. You can’t sleep either?” you saw that Jean just looked away blushing, ”come, there’s enough place for a giant like you.” you joked.
When you came back Armin was awake.
”Why aren’t you sleeping?” you asked to which he responded with a shrug. ”Let’s all go back to sleep, and that includes you too Levi.”
Levi was right when he said that his life would the kids as long as you were there.
 - After the serum had to be given to Armin
Hange was screaming that Erwin had to have the serum. Mikasa and Eren were screaming that Armin should have it instead. While they were screaming, you were silently crying over Erwin’s almost dead body. Levi looked at you and for a second he thought about given Erwin the serum, but in the end, he gave it to Armin. When Levi made his move, you broke down crying, you were a mess.
You knew Levi had a special bond with Erwin and giving the serum to someone else was a hard choice. On top of that, Erwin was one of your closest friends. Which meant that you knew about his goal of discovering the secret about titans. And knowing how close he was to fulfil his dream broke your heart. Hange was beside you, on their knees beside Erwin. Very soon after, Levi joined the two of you.
”Y/N,” Levi started, ”I-”
”W-we have... we have to bury hi-his body.” you said sobbing uncontrollably, ”we can’t... we can’t just let him here.”
”Y/N, we still have to go to the basement.” Hange explained while you refused to let go of Erwin.
”I can stay here, I can wait for you to come back.” you chocked on your words.
That night, you hardly had any sleep. Levi holds you in his arms the whole night. By the morning, you had stopped crying, there were no tears left to cry.
”Do you want to go and eat?” Levi asked you.
”Not hungry.”
”I’m still going to grab some bread for us.”
The day passed too slowly for you, you stayed in the infirmary the whole day, but no one needed help - almost every member of the survey corps were dead anyway. But someone still knock on your door late in the afternoon. Before you could answer, the door opened on Armin. None of you talked - you could only assume that Eren and Mikasa filled him in about what happen.
”I can’t replace Commander Erwin.” Armin whispered. ”Please don’t hate me.” he faltered.
”What? I could never hate any of you! How — why would even think that?” you yelled.
”Erwin’s dead yes, I know! But— all that matters is that you are here, and I’m glad you are.” you calmed down. ”I’m glad you’re still alive.”
Armin came running toward you and hugged you so tight that you could hardly breath.
”I thought you’d hate me.” Armin confessed.
”I would never because I love you.”
  - Reunion with Reiner
When you heard Gabi saying that Reiner had passed out, you follow her without saying anything. She showed you the house where Reiner was, and you opened the door slowly. He was on the ground, wrapped up in an old and thin blanket.
”Reiner?” you asked softly next to his ear, ”wake up and tell me if you’re hurt somewhere, Gabi told me you couldn’t heal properly.”
He groaned and opened his eyes. The last time you saw him was during the Shiganshina attack he planned with Bertolt and Zeke.
”Reiner, are you alright?” Gabi asked worried.
”I just need to rest.” Reiner answer looking away from your stare.
You sat down and put Reiner’s head on your lap so he would be more comfortable.
”Sleep a bit before the others come, then we’ll move again.” you told him.
”I’m sorry.” Reiner whispered. He turned his head toward your stomach and curled up on himself. He was so afraid that you reject him after what he did, but he was one of your kids — you could never throw them away when they needed you.
- Sasha would always ask you for your food because she knew you could never refuse.
- You always helped Connie take care of his mother after she was turned into a titan.
- One of your ritual with Armin would be reading together at night, before sleep. After hearing your stories from when he was sick during the training days, he never got tired of hearing them.
- Mikasa teaching you combat skills because she does not want you to die during expeditions.
- Once during training years, you tried to separate Jean and Eren and received a punch from Eren. They apologised a lot and you said it was fine, but Levi was so mad he almost went there himself to kick their butts.
- Reiner, Bertolt and Annie feeling bad because you were always so nice toward them. Plus, when you saw Annie again, you just hugged her and told her you were glad she was back.
NEXT POST IS GOING TO BE: that one time the kids called you ”mom” and that one time Jean called Captain Levi ”dad” —> really excited to write this one :D
Also, yes it was a lot of Armin but when I made my rough drafts of ideas, it was a lot of Armin. Also (x2) shorter than expected but yeah, wanted to get this out of my system before writting something else, hope you guys liked it though :) also (x3) it did looked better in my mind
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hi there- this might be a little mord of a sad request so i hope i dont bother you too much with it
lately ive been feeling sad about a personal situation of mine and i really just need to let it all out sometimes, you know?
so all i want to do sometimes is just hug/lean against unknown and cry/vent it all out. he doesnt even have to say anything to me, just listening is enough for me
Unknown is never one for comfort. He never talks gently, he never strokes your hair, he never looks at you with a fondness in his eyes, and he never once dares to touch you without whispering how lucky you are that he saved you. You know your bond with him is on thin ice. It’s a collection of your experiences where you failed to make your mark and say what you needed to say.
You trusted too easily and you paid the price for it. You paid the piper when you turned around and realized that there were songs telling you what to do. That’d been your fate from the first day. He never let you forget. He made sure that you knew you were at fault.
But today was different.
You could say that it was different because when you broke down in tears this time, he didn’t let you sob your eyes out in the corner. He grunted, got up from his desk, and sat next to you. He didn’t say much, or anything, for that matter. It confused and perplexed you because he wouldn’t ever give you the time of day when you weren’t having a good time. He wouldn’t let anyone bother him when he was, either.
“Just cry,” he muttered underneath his breath. “I’m getting tired of you whining and holding back. You like to tremble all the time and cower when I breakdown and destroy things. Let the fear out, coward. It’s a waste of time to cry about the rest. We’re here, we’re never leaving this place, so get over it. Whatever you’re blubbering about won’t solve it. You want to feel better? Scream, shout, let out that fear and pain until there’s nothing left.”
The feeling of his arm pressed against your shoulder felt unlike the coarse and gruff sound of his voice... it felt open, welcome, and strange. He made you think about your fears and insecurities. But, for him to come into your space and not do something to terrify you?
You didn’t know why he was being sympathetic... but there was something tired in his expression that made you think twice about asking him why he was being weird. You leaned your head against his shoulder, muffling the sounds of crying against him. It was a small act of kindness, that’s what you wanted to believe in that moment.
Is that why he did what he did? You wouldn’t say a word about it. Instead, you looked down and pressed your face into your hands, letting out a whimpering sob for the first time in forever.
He was your captor but... at the same time, he was just as trapped in the dark as you were, wasn’t he?
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bored-storyteller · 3 years
Hey! I really like how you write about Sally Face, I love how you highlight his kindness but also his strength. It struck me a lot how he wonders if anyone will ever love him, I guess it's hard for him to believe in someone's love for him, from a romantic point of view. I thought ... could you write something about a reader in love with him, who gets rejected for that reason but still loves him until Sal dies? You don't have to do it (also because you prefer angst / comfort right?), But I try to ask you ... I'd like to see it written by you. It will hurt but it will be worth it.
Dear Anon,
I hope you like this because I suffered the pain of hell writing this :3
But jokes aside, I hope it does justice to your expectations, I hope I have treated everything with the right delicacy.
Warning: ANGST and SPOILER (I say this for safety)
The story is set in the canonical plot, even if there may be slight differences (after all there is always one more character, you). But for those who haven't played Sally Face this could be revealing.
77- Sally Face, Sal Fisher x reader (Angst)
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“The sunflower that cannot bloom “
"I love you."
Those words had slipped off your lips with one of the most beautiful smiles Sal had ever seen.
You weren't perfect, but you were tailor-made for him. Somehow, he had thought that from the first day he met you, by mistake, on a black day. You had offered him a sunflower, a huge yellow flower that shone like the sun in the midst of his misfortunes, and his black day had grown better.
This was you, what he needed when the weight was too much to carry, when he found himself snorting one too many times, when he felt like crying.
Still, even though you were tailor-made for him, he wasn't tailor-made for you.
He would have liked to believe you, with all his heart, he would have asked for nothing more than to be loved by you.
But he couldn't believe it.
"No, you don't ..." His voice was gentle, as if he were explaining something important to a little child.
Your brows had furrowed as you pointed your gaze into the depths of his soul.
"You do not believe me?" Your tone wandered between uncertainty and offense "Do you think I'm lying to you?"
A sigh rang through the empty hollows of his mask: “No, you're not lying to me. I just think you… don't really know what you're saying. "
Your expression deepened as you prepared to argue back. He had seen the wound open inside you and he had looked away; he couldn't watch you while he hurt you.
Oh, he was so good at making himself loved. The river of emotions that had overwhelmed you had died out as soon as his one living eye was separated from you.
Disappointment, anger, sadness had disappeared in favor of affection for him.
His mask was flat, helpless, cold towards his heart, yet he communicated more than anyone else with that immense little soul of him.
"Sal ..." finally you called him gently, reassuring, while your fingers lovingly brushed the cheek of the cold prosthesis.
"I love you." You repeated it, and he turned to tell you to stop. He couldn't be loved, he didn't feel capable of being loved.
He would never have a love like that of movies, or even like that of normal people, like Maple and Chug. He, as he was, could never have been loved, not even by you.
He was going to tell you, to tell you everything, but you stopped him softly: "but it's okay if you don't want to."
You barely laughed, as if everything was really okay with you, and you leaned on his shoulder, cuddling against his neck.
"I have my whole life to make you understand." You said cheerfully, and he just looked at you, accepting that little stubbornness of yours.
Even though he was aware that one day he would see you happy in the arms of someone you really would love, for the time being it was okay for him to bask in that little illusion you were giving him.
Life had been cruel.
"I had no choice."
Those words had pierced your brain.
The first time he had told you with a force that you almost confused with anger. His body had never been so rigid in front of you, motionless, sitting on the other side of the table in the visiting room of the prison, surrounded by other inmates like him.
You wondered if you were sane, because you looked into the eyes of a murderer, a killer who had exterminated families, who had even killed a little girl, yet your tears were for them, but also for him.
Whatever it was, Sal hadn't changed, and behind his mask he was more broken into pieces than you were. He hadn't had a choice, for some reason he hadn't had a choice.
It was weird and unreal, but you had no doubts about him, even though your mind still couldn't believe what happened, and Sal probably didn't really realize it either.
However, the second time he told you "I had no choice" his voice was different. He was different, and so were you. You had grown up, but both of you had stood still in what had happened. At that moment he was telling you so that you believed him, so that you knew it was not what he wanted, because if he could have chosen at that moment you would have been together in front of a pizza, telling you how boring the day had been.
"I beg you ..." You whispered so as not to let him hear how broken your voice was "... tell me what I have to do to save you."
It was the first time you used that word, out of pure desperation.
For a moment he hesitated and hoped you wouldn't see his uncertainty behind the mask. Finally, Sal shook his head in silence; he didn't know if it would do any good, but at least he would try to protect you.
Your hand was holding his for the first time in years, and you both knew it would be the last time you would hold it. You had done everything to be able to have that last contact, to still be able to hold him before they took him away from you forever.
You didn't want to cry, you wouldn't have done it on your last time together, but your heart was so heavy that you thought you would die as soon as you separated.
While you massaged the back of his hand with your thumb, you tried to record every detail in your mind that belonged to him, to burn the heat of his palm against yours, to remember the exact weight of his touch.
I love you, you wanted to tell him, you never stopped doing it, not a second you stopped giving him your best side, and you would have given it only to him also in the future.
"You are so important to me, Sal ..." your blue sky under which sunflowers bloom.
"Thank you ... for always being with me."
Part of you died when you let go of his hand that day.
Until the last you hoped that something would happen. A ghost that suddenly appears, an angel, a new discovery ... anything, as long as he was kept away from that electric chair.
When your phone rang, you were deluded for a moment.
"They ... allowed me to call whoever I wanted ..."
Your heart fell on hearing his voice. It was his last day, his last day in your own world, that was his farewell to you.
"Sal, I-" Your words broke into a sob you couldn't hold back "I'm with you, I'll always be with you."
Silence invaded the line between the two of you as you tried not to give him your tears as your last caress.
"I know it." He was holding back the crying, you could hear it "And I'll always be with you too, know that."
You were tailor-made for him, and his heart would remain for you, even if you moved on, you would love someone worthy sooner or later, or at least he hoped you would, that the demon would not devour your future. .
"Bring me some sunflowers if you can ... ok?" That request trembled "They always make me think of you."
You forced yourself to cover your mouth with your palm to stifle your agony: "I'll fill you with sunflowers."
Something told you that even if you couldn't see him, he was trying to smile: "It's a bit a cliché but ... be happy."
You would have preferred to have died in that very moment.
"Sal, wait!" You begged for him now, holding on to the phone like it was him, like you could hold him there.
He hesitated at the desperation of your voice.
"I can't ..." his voice was soft, light, like when he consoled you years ago, when all this seemed simply impossible.
“I beg you…” You didn't know who you were really praying for, but you weren't ready to hear his voice go out.
One more minute, one more touch, a hug.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry you had to put up with this." A sob from him too. “Please… fight for your happiness, okay? You deserve all the happiness in the world. "
"Sal ..."
The answer that followed was the only intermittent sound of the blank phone line.
It's over, you'll never be able to hear Sal's voice again. You won't be able to talk to him anymore.
And he never believed you loved him.
How could you ever be happy?
His mask still looks at you as it always did, but behind the empty gaze there are nothing but blades of grass growing above his burial.
How could they bury him without his mask? He will feel uncomfortable.
Now you don't have to be strong for him anymore, you can collapse, break, destroy yourself, scream like you've never screamed, ask him to come back, because you need him.
Your fingers caress the cold, hard cheeks of his prosthesis as they always did, as if he were still behind it. Next to it, the sunflower he asked you for, like the one you gave him the first time you saw him.
"I love you Sally face ..." your words now go to the wind, they cannot be refused.
"I really love you."
Where you don't know, where you are not, a guy who has the weight of the world on his shoulders thinks about how much he could never be loved as people love each other in movies, or how people love each other in the world. But suddenly, like a ray of light, in the darkness he is facing, the yellow of a sunflower blooms. It's just a thought, but for a moment it's warm, and sweet, and it carries your voice with it.
You exist only within him, but you give him the love he needs, the one he didn't believe in, but which instead exists.
It is a tormented love, which suffers, but still welcomes him and wraps him as your arms did.
You are not there, you are far away, unreachable.
But he feels it, you're still there with him
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Love in G Major
Dick Grayson x Reader One-Shot; Soulmate!Au
Word Count: 2,500+
Warnings: Kidnapping but nothing graphic happens
Author’s Note: Hey guys! This is my first time posting a fic so characters may be a little OOC. Please let me know if you guys liked this and if you want to, feel free to send a request! Also, I might make a series of Soulmate! Aus since I have a good idea for Jasons thought out. xo, Ariadne
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Summary: In a world where everyone has a soulmate, you’re one of the lucky ones to receive a physical sign of your soulmate in the form of a timer counting down to when you’ll meet. But after being kidnapped by the Riddler, hours before you’re supposed to meet them, you can only pray that the Riddler of all people isn’t your soulmate.
Five hours.
You swayed to the rich sound of your cello, eyes closed, as you shifted your hand down into fourth position. You rested for a beat before going down bow, still doing vibrato even after the piece was done. The audience waited for a sign that you were done with the piece, be it that your hand stopped moving or you physically stood up and told them to clap. Instead, you opened your eyes and smiled as the diners took their cue to start clapping before inclining your head in thanks as you waited for the applause to die down.
It was a normal Saturday at the small but expensive Italian restaurant you performed at. You weren’t supposed to be there since you had requested to take today off but the owner had still put you down to play during half of the two-hour live performance time slot. At the end of the day, money was money and who were you to ever say no to the thousands you always received in tips. After all, you could only think about the new bow you could buy with the money. Which would lead to you sounding better, getting more gigs, and making more money. The process was like a cycle, really.
After the applause stopped and those who were up putting money in your jar had sat down in their seats, you sat back down and started playing Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1, Prelude. You could hear the pianist who was supposed to take over for the rest of the night setting up, his hands flipping through his many copies of sheet music.
Aside from the sounds of cutlery and the wisps of conversation, there was not much noise other than the smooth sound of your cello. But even if there were no noises, something still bothered you.
At first, it wasn’t that bad. You could feel someone staring at you, which was normal since you were performing on a stage with your whole being on display, but it was longer and more intense than normal. Letting your eyes wander around the crowded restaurant, your eyes locked onto a pair of green eyes. You smiled slightly at the young girl before wincing as the slight burning of your wrist got worse. You continued playing, closing your eyes as you tried to ignore the burning of your timer. Your soulmate timer.
You were one of the lucky individuals who had a visible connection to their soulmate. Instead of feeling a spark whenever you touch your soulmate, like your neighbors do, or being able to finally see color when you touch your soulmate, like your parents, you were one of the few lucky ones who could count down to the precise moment when you would meet your soulmate. And that was exactly what you did. When you were thirteen and your parents had explained your soulmate mark to you, the first thing you did was calculate when you would meet your soulmate according to your timer and write it down in your diary.
It was impossible for you to ignore the burning on your wrist, impossible for you to not grin as you played. But your grin was wiped off when you heard glass shatter and a scream.
Four hours.
You had no idea where you were but judging by the smell of the place and the fact that two men wearing green suits with question marks were staring at you, you were not at the restaurant.
‘At least I still have my cello,’ you thought as you pulled against the ropes that tied you against a pillar. The henchmen were talking between themselves as they approached the pillar where you were tied. They started untying you from the pillar and you took this opportunity to suddenly stand up and run.
You heard one of the henchmen curse but you ran in random zigzag lines towards where the door was. It was weird that the henchmen didn’t shoot at you or even attempt to stop you. But you ignored the niggling in the back of your mind. Wrenching the door open, you looked back at where your cello lay and turned back around to walk towards your freedom.
Except it wasn’t your freedom, it was the Riddler in his forest green suit and bowler combo. A rather tacky-looking combo in your opinion but hey, you weren’t going to be the one to break the news to a murderous criminal. He looked up at your sudden entrance and smiled.
“Here she is,” he said, yanking you into the room where the guests of the restaurant were tied onto the seats of an auditorium. You shivered as the cold air hit you and you looked around the room, taking in the TV production set up and the large stage that covered up more than half of the room there.
The Riddler dragged you up onto the stage, and you couldn’t help but wince as the harsh lights burned your eyes.
“What am I doing on stage,” you asked the Riddler as you covered your eyes with your hands. The Riddler’s smile became somehow larger, looking rather comical for a second before becoming more uncomfortable to look at. “Riddle me this,” the Riddler started as he pushed you down onto a chair, “what is it that cannot open any locks and yet has 24 keys?”
Your eyes furrowed in confusion as you rubbed at your wrist, the burning sensation somehow getting worse.
“I don’t know,” you mumbled as a minute passed.
“Well, if you don’t know, why don’t we give you a little motivation to figure out the right answer?”
And with that, the Riddler drew out a gun and pointed it at the closest person seated at the stage, the pianist. At this point, you could hear the sobs wracking through his body and you thought about his elderly parents who depended on him to pay for their surgeries. You don’t know how you could live with his blood on your hands.
“Wait, I have the answer,” you cried out, reaching out to grab the Riddler’s elbow but stopping. Something told you that that wouldn’t be a good idea and he might take that opportunity to shoot you.
“Well, do go on.”
“It’s music,” you said, staring at the deranged man’s face. He broke into peals of laughter, clapping his hands, as he tried to settle himself. It was unnerving how he could flip the switch easily from being a man ready to kill another to laughing as if you were the funniest person on Earth.
“That’s correct. And with that, let us start the games.”
Three hours.
After asking you his initial riddle, the Riddler had quickly set up a broadcast to be shown to all of Gotham, using the footage that one of his henchmen had taken of him questioning you as the intro.
“Batman, I have two riddles for you,” he said, addressing the camera. If you weren’t stuck on stage with two guns pointed at you as you tuned a somewhat cheap cello, you would have sighed. Why couldn’t he also include picture puzzles or something else for once? But you were stuck on stage so you just carefully tuned the instrument, hoping that none of the guards took your movement as you tuned as a sign of your sad attempt at running away.
“There are as many constellations in the sky as there are keys in a piano. What number am I? There you will find the answer to, ‘What is it that makes songs but you will never hear it sing?’ You have an hour to find them before I start playing my little game.”
As if that's your cue, one of the gunmen poked your back and you tensed, surprised by how cold the metal was through your sweater. You quickly quit your tuning and started playing the op. 88, hoping that maybe Batman or Robin would recognize it. It would probably be difficult for them to recognize since they probably weren’t as necessarily as interested in music as you were. And if they were, it’d probably be a little difficult to hear and piece together the piece since you were playing more stiffly than your usual languid movements.
You just hoped that they could understand the Riddler’s riddle and show up to save the night.
Two hours.
An hour has passed of you sitting in your seat playing your cello. Your butt was stiff from the hard chair, your back hurt from your stiff posture, and your wrist was burning pretty badly. At the thought of your wrist, your mind recoiled slightly. What if your soulmate was one of the Riddler’s henchmen? Or the Riddler himself? The thought of it made you want to puke.
“Well Gotham,” the Riddler said, standing in front of the mic as he paused to look dramatically at the camera. “Batman still hasn’t arrived yet so I will be starting my game. And today we have a very special guest that will be playing with me.”
At this, the goons started applauding and you heard a child in the audience cry even louder.
“Our special guest is the one and only (Y/N) (L/N) who has been playing such lovely music for us during our broadcast.”
You sat in your chair, music forgotten as another stage light shone on you.
“Now come on (Y/N), don’t be shy. I know that I’m somewhat of a local celebrity but I don’t bite.”
You shivered under the Riddler’s gaze and got up, trying your best not to stumble as you walked towards him. Your breathing was labored now and the closer you got to the Riddler, the more you felt like you were going to faint.
“(Y/N) here is going to play a simple game. She’s going to play a song that shows up in the cards,” he held up a large stack of index cards and fanned them out on the podium. The crying from the audience became even louder, with ‘Please, no’s mixed in. You turned to watch the small girl from the restaurant being dragged onto the stage, the bright lights highlighting the tears running down her face.
“And if (Y/N) here cannot play the song or if she plays even a single note or rhythm incorrectly, little Bella here will be dunked into this vat of water. For each mistake, she will be kept there for thirty seconds longer.”
You watched in horror as the girl was dragged towards what looked like a giant hole in the ground filled with water. She struggled against her restraints as she cried, her bleary eyes focused on something over your shoulder. You looked over in the corner of your eye and saw the familiar red and yellow of Robin.
As you turned around to shake the Riddler’s hand in acceptance of the rules, you curled your hand in a fist.
“Let the game begin,” he shouted, smiling at the camera before he went to choose a card.
“I’m sorry but we’re going to have to change the rules,” you said before pulling back your fist and punching him in the jaw.
One hour.
You were hiding in the corner of the stage, hidden by the curtains as you tried to untie Bella. The poor girl was trying to hold her sobs in but some still escaped, sounding misplaced in the sounds of Batman and Robin beating the Riddler & co. into oblivion.
You shushed her and tried to twist the rope and push it through the knot when a birdarang flew through the gap of the curtains and sliced your cheek along with the stray strands of hair nearby before hitting the wood paneling behind you. You ignored the blood that was slowly dripping down your face before grabbing the birdarang. You probably grabbed it wrong since it cut the palm of your hand, making you curse under your breath as you started sawing through the multiple knots in the ropes around Bella’s hands and feet.
Once she was free, the little girl tried to get up and run but you grabbed her, putting a finger up to your mouth and cupping a hand behind your ear, whispering “listen.”
You both sat there, listening to the sounds of Robin giggling as he punched someone. You furrowed your brow at that, wondering who exactly was the boy crazy enough to dress up as a traffic signal and fight crime with an equally weird man dressed as a bat.
You slowly started standing up once the sounds of Robin’s laughter had receded before holding a hand out to Bella. The young girl grabbed your hand and you both started edging your way off of the stage area where the fighting was taking place and towards her parents. Batman and Robin were tying people up when you finally found Bella’s father, the sound of the GCPD’s sirens in the background becoming louder and louder as they came closer.
As you and the other hostages made your way out, making sure to jump across the dock to the other side so you don’t fall into the disgusting water down below, you felt someone grab your wrist. You turned and smiled at Bella’s father.
“Why don’t you go and seek some medical assistance?”
“I will sir,” you replied before making your way to the paramedics, letting them fuss over your cuts. You could see Batman speaking to Commissioner Gordon but you couldn’t see Robin near them.
“I think you have something of mine,” Robin said with a grin as he held his hand towards you. You were surprised to see him in front of you but you smiled at him confused.
“I don’t know what you’re…,” you trailed off when you looked down to where he was pointing to see that you were still holding his birdarang.
“Oh. Well, I don’t know… maybe I should keep it. Something to remind me of this day,” you teased as you held up the birdarang so it was eye-level.
“Alright, you can keep it. Just don’t tell Batsie,” he said with a wink, causing you to giggle. “I’m sorry for cutting you.”
“It’s fine,” you said, wincing as the burning on your wrist became worse. Robin also gave out a hiss of pain at the same time as you, causing you to both stare at each other. You reached your hand out towards him slowly, letting your hands ghost over his cheekbones slightly when you felt the telltale cooling sensation of your wrist.
“Let’s go talk somewhere else,” he said, and you nodded, following behind him to an empty alleyway.
“Let me introduce myself again,” he started taking off his mask, “I’m Dick Grayson.”
You were met with the most beautiful pair of lilac-blue eyes, causing you to catch your breath in the back of your throat.
“And I’m (Y/N).”
“Why don’t we get out of here and get to know each other better, princess?”
“I would like that, love bird.”
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shadowsingersmate · 3 years
Hiii can you do a really angsty azriel×reader where they have a huge fight about him not opening up to her but with a happy ending so they make up at the end?
Hey! I have a lot of request atm and I should probably be doing them by chronological order but I LOVED this idea so here it is.
Tw: cursing, slight mention of sex :)
Hope you enjoy this!
You and Azriel had been friendsfor what you’d say a long period of time. You knew each other for four years now and it was safe for you to say that you had left yourself open for him to see. Especially after you two had gotten together, no you weren’t mated but he still was a huge part of your life. You didn’t hesitate once, you told him 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔, around him you were yourself. You wanted him to know every single part of you. You trusted him that much.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t the same for him. Although you two had known each other for so many years he’d still be too close to himself. He’d never talk about his feeling, about his day. cauldron! He’d never talk to you about anything important, the only way for you to know a somewhat small part of him and his life would be cassian.
But you’ve had enough of that, enough of this bullshit behavior. You trusted him more than anyone and although you couldn’t and didn’t 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 to force him to tell you. No, he was a grown male and he could do whatever he wanted but you wanted some answers, you wanted to know why he was so secretive, why he didn’t trust you.
It was a normal day, nothing special really. You had just came home from a meeting with rhysand (as you, yourself was a part of the high lords court). Azriel came back to your shared apartment briefly after, the skin under those beautiful captivating hazel eyes bruised, his own gaze hiding pure rage. You would admit, he did do a good effort trying to hide his anger but you’d see under those eyes.
“Hey” you smiled. But your smile quickly faded as he dismissed you with a small ‘hey’ , barely audible in the quiet, empty room.
“You okey?” Such a simple question, but his next words meant so much to you.
“You wanna talk about it?” You tried again.
“No” he retorted abruptly. You seriously didn’t know why would you get your hopes up. It was more than obvious that he simply didn’t want to talk to you.
“Are you hungry? I could make dinner” you tried again.
No answer.
No answer
“Azriel,‘I’m talking to you. Are you okey?”
No answer.
At this point you had stood up walking towards him. He was just standing there, he was gazing at the window, at this point you didn’t even know if he actually heard you.
“Azriel!” You raised your voice.
“Can you please be quiet!” He shouted loud enough for you to flinch. “I don’t 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 to talk about it” he said pure venom dripping of his voice.
You’d never see him this mad over something you had said, and you, for sure, didn’t expect for him to be this mad over such a small question.
“You see that the thing Azriel, you 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 seem to want to talk about it” you snapped. No, you’ve had enough, this was the last straw. “I’m here, I’ve been by your side for years, I’m trying so hard. I’m always trying to make you happy however I can. I’m trying to help you, I’m trying... Cauldron boil me I’m trying so hard” your voice broke slightly at the end “what can I do for you to trust me? To open up to me for once? What do you want me to do?” You raised your voice
Now it was his turn to flinch, he just stayed quiet, his eyes burning yours. His lips forming a thin line, almost as if he was restraining himself from saying something.
You soon realized what he was trying so hard to hide, it had 𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑑, the mating bond had just clicked. You watched him carefully, his look was enough for you to realize that he had know about the bond.
“The bond, you knew about the bond?” Of course that was what he was trying to hide.
No answer, just a guilty look sprained across his face.
“How long?” You questioned. “Y/n please just hear me out”
“That was what all of this were about,Right?” You laughed bitterly “you didn’t once see me as something important, just some stupid female you could keep around so you could use whenever your wanted a quick release, right?” You watched him, he was completely out of words. What could he say really?
“And to think that I was worried about you not trusting me, now it all make sense” you said more for yourself to hear “you barely talked to me, you barely had time for me except only when you wanted to fuck” you sobbed.
“No, y/n please just let me explain I- I“ he lookd shuttered. His gaze was a mixture of pure regret and guilt.
“No- dont! I won’t tolerate this anymore Azriel, I’m tired. You want a quick lay out? I don’t care anymore use your hands, go to a pleasure hall cause I don’t give a fuck anymore Azriel. Because you clearly don’t want 𝑚𝑒“ you turned to leave but something stopped you midway “just answer this one question” you fiddled with your fingers, afraid of his answer. “Did you really wanted to hide the bond so badly? Is really being my mate so tragic?” You immediately regretted your questions “actually don’t- don’t answer, goodbye” you said before you ran away, you needed space- lots of it.
It had been a week since you last talked. You’d be so desperate to find a way to get him out of your mind, to forget him that you had asked Rhysand for more work, a whole lot more work.
You’d barely sleep, barely eat. You’d wake up train, work, work, work and then, 𝑖𝑓 you felt too tired you might have actually gotten some sleep.
You’d also bought a new apartment for yourself, you couldn’t bare staying there and also you didn’t want to kick out azriel so you did the next best thing. You’d spent a small amount of money for something small, just enough till you found something better cause your decision was final. You weren’t going back to him, never.
Of course the inner circle had started to get worried, you wouldn’t even attend the family dinners anymore, you just disappeared. You had hidden the location of your new apartment for a couple of weeks before mor and cassian appeared at your doorway desperate for a talk.
Cassian was like a brother to you, mor was your sister. You talked to them, you trusted them but this, this was different. What would you say? They would probably tell you to talk to azriel. That he couldn’t bare being alone or some shit like that, he was their family after all.
It wasn’t that you were being ungrateful, the inner circle never once made you feel out of place, they all welcomed you and treated you like family but that didn’t mean that would last long enough after you and Azriel brake up.
“Hey” mor said quietly.
You muttered a small ‘hey’ in response before moving out of the way sot hey would come in.
“We’re have you been y/n? We were worried” cassian started, he didn’t do it on purpose. Cassian would always jump in questions, he cared deeply for you and you knew that. Mor on the other hand shot he a glare before starting, hereself asking questions “do you want to talk about it? I could ask the baby to leave if you want to” she said.
You let out an agitated sight, blinking back the tears that were mere second from breaking away as you remembered ℎ𝑖𝑚 “There’s nothing to talk about”. You would never imagine how much a heartbreak would hurt. It felt like you had lost a whole part of yourself, a part that would never come back.
“It was never meant to last anyway” you said finally, hoping that they would just drop the subject. It was true, you knew that this relationship would work out, couldn’t work out. He was, well he could have whoever he wanted, what special did you have? Well certainly not whatever he wanted.
A month, it had been a month. A whole month with tiring days and endless, sleepless nights. Your under eyes were bruised and your body had changed. The work was swallowing you whole but it did wonders when it came to forgetting him.
Mor, cassian, rhysand, Feyre, even amren and nesta would come to talk to you and make sure that you were okey. You had also realized that Azriel, himself was trying get you to talk to him.
He’d do some hopeless tries. He’d tell Azriel to convince you to join the dinners and start coming on the inner circle gathering more often, mor had told you. But you just knew that whoever Azriel had wanted instead of you just didn’t feel the same way so he tried to found you again.
As you were drowning in you thought a knock was heard, weird. Nobody and told you anything about any visit today. You stood up and made your way towards the door, it was probably cassian and he probably had forgotten to tell you that he would visit.
But you weren’t ready for the person that was standing right outside your doorway. Muscular, tall Illyrian, wings tucked in tightly, grazed eyes scanning you whole. Look filled with guilt. 𝐴𝑧𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑙.!
“Hey” he gave you a soft smile, but it did nothing to hide the pained expression that lingered on his eyes.
You averted your gaze as you clenched your jaw. For a moment you contemplated shutting the door in front of his face, scream at him, or even launch yourself at him.
He had lied to you, he had hurt you, he never trusted you and you didn’t know what was worse the fact that he never saw you seriously or the fact that you believed in this relationship- you believed in him….
“What do you want?” You fought with everything you’ve got for your expression to remain neutral.
“I want yo talk, I- I know what I did was wrong and I know that I hurt you, deeply, but” he paused taking a deep breath as if to calm himself.
“But what?” You snapped venomously and he flinched, he actually flinched “You come here trying to what? Apologize?” You started pacing “I am your mate, and I can understand and accept the fact that you don’t want the bond, that you don’t want something more intimate between us but not telling me? That’s was beyond cruel, because you knew, you 𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑤 that I wanted to find my mate, you knew that I wanted you to be my mate and you didn’t care”
Azriel’s eyes widened in disbelief as he heard you talking. You laughed bitterly “you’ve been dragging me besides you for years and for what Azriel? For what? To dump me when you’ve found someone better? Someone that you actually want?” You blinked furiously trying to restrain your tears.
“Y/n please, I- I do have feeling for yo-“ Azriel tried but you were quick to interrupt him once again. “You think that I’m mad because you don’t have feelings for me? You’re unbelievable! I angry because you hid something like this from me, you humiliated me”
“No!” His voice rose slightly “I never said that, just please let me talk” you snorted but let him go on “I- I love you, all this years weren’t a waste for me. I knew you were my mate from them moment I first saw you. I hid it and it was wrong of me, yes. But I did it because I didn’t want you to feel obliged to accept the bond, I wanted you to see me, I wanted the best for you and still am and I know that I’m not the one that can make you happy y/n” his eyes shone, tears threatening to escape.
“I love you so, so much and the fact that I cannot be the one to make you happy… it kills me. I do t deserve you, I never did and I never will do yes I’m sorrry that I hurt you, I’ll never forgive myself for this but I don’t regret not telling you about the bond from the start, because I know- mother burn me, I know that I’m not the best for you” he was crying, the legendary shadow singer 𝑤𝑎𝑠 crying in front of you.
Your heart broke at the sight of him, at the sight of someone you cared abott it so deeply being so vulnerable in front of you. “Azriel I- I had no idea” you couldn’t restarting your own tears. “I- you, you are amazing you deserve 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 this world can give you, you are everything I could ever wish for and even more. If someone does not deserve this relationship is me. I’m sorry. I- I love you”
His lowered head rose as you uttered the last words, his lips twitched slightly, but the smile didn’t last long as he continued talkibg “It’s not that I don’t trust you, I do trust you, it’s just hard for me to share my feelings and sometimes I need some time before I am ready to talk about some things. But I swear I’ll try, I’ll try so hard to be everything you want me to be. You are my everything”
It was your turn to smile “I love you, I love you, I love you” you repeated again and again as this head lowered, his lips met yours and the room erupted. The kiss was filled with all the love you two had for each other.
“I love you more” he whispered as he pulled you in for a hug.
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Different kind of Company #4
Here is part 4. I hope you enjoy reading it. I wanted to remind that this is pure fiction and not everything is after the canon timeline. Some things are changed, also I am not a native english speaker, so please respect that and have that in mind when you're reading this. Please enjoy! Bonnie.....did not lay there anymore where he was supposed to lay. He..just...vanished. Poff. Just like that. The boys look as confused as you do. Where was the stuffed toy? It should be there. Laying unmovable because a toy can't walk. Your thoughts raced. Your suspicion getting more and more confirmed. If Bonnie wasn't a real monster, he would have not vanished and would have been stepped on. But that is not the case. You hastily looked around. Your eyes scanning the area for the possible pink, glowing eyes that you always stare at, at night. The ones, that made your breath hitch the first time you saw it. You couldn't find them. Is he playing? Is he hiding himself to take them into the darkness? The thoughts in your young mind are running wild. Your imagination begun to go crazy. The Boys also begun to search. You vaguely registered how one of them talks to you, screaming if you're doing this. Shaking you at your shoulders but your mind couldn't focus on him. All that came to halt when you guys heard a voice “Well well well, it seems like you lost that, little miss.” your eyes slowly looked to the source of that new deep voice. This was clearly a voice that doesn't suit a child. Out of the shadow came a man, much taller than you. Taller than your dad but lean, almost skinny. He had a weird Uniform. Not one that a waiter would wear. Maybe the manager? It was too dark to clearly see him. Your first instinct was, to look at his eyes. Searching for a hint of pink but there wasn't. You released your breath silently which you had been holding out of fear of making a noise. Whoever this was, this wasn't Bonnie. So you think and still. There was an unsettling feeling deep in your gut. A feeling you know too well. It was the same feeling you got when your brother and his friends are around, looking at you. It was your gut screaming to run. Run far and fast. Very fast. But you don't know why? This man seems nice, nice enough to give you back Bonnie who was now back safe in your arms. The tall man smiled at you and the boys. “Did you all get lost?” He asked kindly. A warm tone and a nice smile on his fave. So why did your gut still scream to run. The boys seemed like they have overcome their surprise and shook their head. “No, we just searched for her. We're going now!” your brother took you by the arm, dragging you out behind him. Your eyes are still glued to the weird man who was waving you goodbye. You raised your hand meekly and waved back before your brother yanked again. “Come one, dipshit. Your luck there was an adult.” you didn't really register his hissing when you stepped through the big double door. The light of the dinning hall blending you. You squinted your eyes and tried not to trip while you getting dragged behind. Your brothers doesn't even bother to look if you're okay. He just keeps going till you're both by your parents who where engrossed in their talk with some of the other parents. Your father noticed that you are now there, taking his son an his lap and including him while you were left standing there. Not knowing what to do. Like always. You turned around, looking back at the door. You couldn't get the man out of your mind. The little legs of yours begun to move. Like a machine, they kept walking until you were right in front of a waitress. You tapped her softly, waiting patiently so that you wouldn't be rude. “What can I do for you, sweetie?” Her voice was nice, much kinder than the man. You told her about that man, asking if he was the manager. The young woman looked at you questioningly. She never heard of that man before. Thinking it was your imagination, she chuckled lightly and patted your head. Telling you, that you must have imagine that and went back to work, leaving you there. Completely confused.
There....was no such man who worked there? You wanted to run after her, asking her more about that when your parents called you and your sister so you could go. You didn't even realized how late it got. You were longer inside that hallway than you thought. You trotted slowly over, still pondering over that man. The whole ride and even while you had dinner. Your brain couldn't leave that alone. You decided to talk to your brother to confirm that you weren't imagining things. You should have known that this wouldn't end well. “What do you want, dipshit?” You resisted to roll your eyes and ignored him calling you that. “You saw that weird man too, right?” A few seconds went by. “Did you hit your head or somethin'? There was no one.” “Wha-? You even said I was lucky that an Adult was there!” “Dunno what you talkin' 'bout.” “You're lying! Why? I just wanted to confirm something.” “I am not lying! You're just dumb!” “Can you stop insulting me please!” “Or what?” you don't know what it was. If it was the insults he always throws at you. Maybe it was the shit eating grin he wore. You don't know but you shoved him roughly. “I am going to fucking kill you!” Your brother looked at you dumbfounded. You were surprised equally. It was something fairly new for you to fight back but to even resolve to physical contact? That never happened. You did never do that because you know, you would get punished no matter what. So your brother always used it, that you wouldn't fight back. No wonder, he was surprised but the surprise didn't hold long. “How dare you, you little shit?!” He shoved you back, right into a wall. Your back begun to hurt but the anger was bigger. “I said stop it!” You swung your fist. The very first time you used violence. The very first time you spilled blood. Your little fist connected with his nose. Hard. It seemed like the adrenalin in your body gave you enough strength to broke your brothers nose. Both your eyes went wide. Tears formed into his. He grinded his teeths to hold back the sobs. He isn't a crybaby unlike you. But that crybaby has broken his nose. You were frozen. Your mind registering what you did. The funny thing is, you are not scared of punishment. You do not feel bad for your brother. No, the opposite. You feel giddy. It was weird. You feel so excited at the sight of the blood gushing out of his nose. Your eyes slowly look down onto your fist, then back to your brother. Is this, how he always feels? This excitement? It was.....a pleasant feeling. You were awoken from your deluded state when you hear the voice of your mother. Your brother quickly got up and you run out of the room. Hiding behind the door, to hear if you were in trouble. You mother shrieked when she saw her beloved son bleeding. Asking, if he was okay. Instead of snitching your brother insisted that he was okay and just ran into a wall. It seems like the humiliation he felt from getting punched by his little sister is bigger than his desire for her to punished. You felt how a grin was crawling onto your lips but you tried to hide it very fast. What you did not notice were the pink eyes who seemed to be watching you intensely.
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stayextrafrosty · 3 years
All That I Want Is to Finally Be Honest
Summary: 3x09 coda. Michael creates a truth serum in an attempt to help Liz get information out of Jones. He has no one to test it on so he injects himself. Well, he doesn’t expect Alex to come visit. And while they’ve been talking about things more, there’s still stuff Michael needs to say.
A/N: When I say this is porn with feelings… I mean that in the most intense way. The emotions come out full force here. Title taken from the song "Back To U" by SLANDER. This was supposed to be done before 3x10 but alas.
Read on AO3 // Masterlist
“I told you, Ortecho. The serum is done but I need to test it. Are you a willing subject?” Michael said as he swirled the liquid in the beaker.
“I told you I’m busy making more of the alien suppressant. Call Isobel. She’s been itching for things to do.” Michael snorted and hung up the phone. He knew she was right. Isobel had been poking her nose into everything Michael and Liz had been working on. She offered to help but there wasn’t a whole lot she could do under the circumstances. But maybe it would be a good idea to put her under oath for a little bit.
He reached for the phone in his pocket, groaning when he saw the ‘no service’ message. This bunker was so hit or miss with it these days. He wished he could send actual thoughts to Isobel as opposed to just feelings over long distances.
Carefully setting the beaker in a holder, he stepped away from the table, wiping the sweat from his palms on his jeans. He climbed up the ladder, pushing the hatch open with his mind. The sun nearly blinded him as cool air whipped around him. He sat himself on the edge of the hole, waiting for his phone to connect again.
As soon as it did, it buzzed a few times as text messages came in. Three separate messages from Isobel spit balling theories and asking if he needed anything from her. He had tried to tell her to get some rest but she was determined to be the one to take Jones down. She had planned a date with some new girl in town but every time Michael asked about it she said there were other things to focus on.
He and Alex had made plans but of course they got interrupted. By a machine of all things. A machine that made him hallucinate Michael’s mom. Practically throwing every single doubt about them in his mind right back in his face. Alex didn’t want to tell him the full extent of the things she had said. The things he was thinking. Michael understood for the most part. He wasn’t keeping things from him to be cruel. Just the opposite. Alex was trying to protect him. Alex was always protecting him.
Michael sent a quick message back to Isobel about the serum and how he needed help testing it. The phone buzzed again in his hand and he couldn’t help the smile that broke out on his face. He was only thankful Sanders wasn’t around to tease him about it. Alex’s name was at the top of the new message. He tapped the notification to re-open their conversation. He wanted to pretend he didn’t spend the time rereading their conversations since Michael had kissed him. Until then, Michael had thought Alex wasn’t the type to use emojis, but they were being sprinkled throughout more messages.
‘Hope your day is going well’ followed by a blushing smiley face. Michael laughed and shook his head.
‘It would be better if I could see you’ he sent back. He started to climb back down the ladder but his phone buzzed again. He opened the message, being greeted by Alex’s small smile and half lidded eyes as he rested his head on his arm on his desk. He wasn’t fully recovered and Michael could tell. But even with the dark circles, he was still the most beautiful person he had ever seen.
Michael had tried to get him to take a few days off but Alex was insistent. He swore that he would only work on the machine in the way they discussed from now on. And Michael was pretty sure Eduardo was now watching him.
The soft smile still made his heart flutter. This is real. They could casually send pictures of themselves and it wasn’t weird. Michael could see Alex whenever he wanted. And god he loved him. He loved him so much he could jump out of his skin every time he heard his name. There was a twitch in his fingers that told him only to touch Alex. Hold him close and never let go.
“You’re gunna fall if you keep standin’ on the ladder like that!” Michael jumped at Sanders voice. The old man had his eye brow raised and arms crossed as he stood outside of the office trailer.
“Just trying to get some fresh air,” Michael called back as a gust of cold wind whipped through the yard. Sanders shook his head and moved back into the trailer. Michael climbed down the ladder but left the cover off, hoping that would let his phone continue to get service.
He began filling syringes with the serum. His phone buzzed on the table and he briefly glanced at it to see Isobel’s response. She had found something to occupy her time apparently; investigating a lead about where the new alien had disappeared to.
Michael sighed and looked at the needles. He supposed he could just test it on himself. But if it worked properly (which it should) would Sanders really want to listen to all of the stories he had kept secret all this time?
“Guess I don’t have a choice,” he mumbled to himself. Picking up one of the syringes, he watched the green liquid shift. He slipped his flannel off his shoulders, tossing it onto the table. The black t-shirt he wore underneath didn’t do much to keep the cold from the open hatch from sinking in. He pushed a small amount of the serum out of the needle before slipping it into his arm.
“Mad scientists always test on themselves, right?” he asked nobody as he set the empty tube back on the table.
He felt nothing as he walked around the bunker, tapping a pen on the notebook in his hand. Had it really been a bust? Maybe he needed to use more of the powder. He used significantly less than Liz did in her alien killing poison but maybe he needed just a bit more to influence the prefrontal cortex.
He mumbled a curse as he made a note. He didn’t have time to remake this crap a million times. Jones was out there and who knew—
A wave of dizziness washed over him, sending him to his knees. He tried to pull himself up by grabbing the table but the room spun. He missed every attempt to grab the metal edge. Black creeped in at the edge of his vision. He let himself collapse to the floor and he rolled onto his back. Michael fought to keep his eyes open for as long as possible but the promise of sleep was too tempting.
“—rin! Guerin! Come on wake up. Don’t you dare leave me now… Michael!”
Alex’s voice was distant, like he was underwater. There was a feint pressure floating across his upper body, poking and prodding. His head radiated pain but it was slowly fading. He began to feel like he was floating as opposed to the hard surface he had been laying on. But at least feeling was starting to return to his body.
“Michael, please. I’m begging you to open your eyes. Twitch your fingers. Scrunch your nose. Anything.” Alex was louder now, as though coming from right above him. He finally oriented himself enough to recognize that his head was elevated. A trembling hand held his own, obviously trying to stop shaking by squeezing harder. Something wet dripped onto his cheek.
“Damnit, Michael!” Alex choked out a sob. Michael summoned all the energy he could and squeezed his hand. He heard Alex gasp above him and then he was squeezing back. Another hand brushed hair off his forehead and traced down the side of his face. Michael would have shuddered at the feeling of his hands but he still didn’t have much movement in his body.
Instead he swallowed and tried to make some kid of sound. Any word that would sooth Alex. He just ended up with a clipped groan. Still Alex seemed to release a sigh of relief.
“Michael. Can you hear me? Are you ok?” Michael just made another strangled sound and gave a barely there squeeze to his hand. He focused his efforts to opening his eyes instead. He wanted to see Alex.
The dim lights above him still felt too bright and everything was blurry. He could vaguely make out the form of Alex’s head bent over him. He blinked a few times, trying to clear the fog in front of his eyes. As his focus sharpened, he met Alex’s wide eyes. Tear tracks stained his cheeks, and a small smile found its way to his lips.
“I’m ok,” Michael managed to croak out. Then Alex was bending down and pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth. Michael would have responded but he was pulling away too soon.
“Wait… do it again,” Michael mumbled. Alex shook his head.
“Let’s at least get you sitting up.” He groaned as Alex lifted his shoulders and helped him turn so he could lean against the counter. Michael noticed his position on his knees. How long had he been sitting like that with his head in his lap? It was probably uncomfortable at best, painful at worst. He moved sluggishly to grab Alex’s arm and pull him off his knees to a sitting position next to him.
“You don’t have to worry about me so much. But I love that you do.” Michael wanted to correct himself. Take back the second part. It was still too soon.
“What happened? Did someone come hurt you?” The new anger in his voice was barely contained. Michael blew extra air out of his nose in a laugh and shook his head.
“No. I stuck myself with a serum I’ve been working on for Liz. I needed a guinea pig and no other alien was around. I think I used too much of the yellow powder and knocked myself out. No big deal.” He reached over to rest a hand on Alex’s thigh and squeezed gently. “There’s no need to be angry. But the fact that you are makes me love you more.” Stop talking! He was screaming at himself.
Alex sucked in a breath and turned his face away, but Michael caught the blush that overtook his cheeks. He let himself slide to the side, resting his own head on Alex’s shoulder. They sat in silence for a moment and the fog in his head continued to clear.
“What kind of serum was it?” Alex asked quietly.
“Supposed to be a truth serum. The idea was that once we over power Jones, we stick him with it and he tells us all the secrets of the universe. How to swap Max and Jones back into their proper bodies. History of our home planet and the War. Stuff about us.” He knew that this was more information than he was asking for but he couldn’t stop talking. “Did you know I’m immune to fire? That was a hell of a discovery. Spent the better part of a day setting my hand on fire to see if it did anything. Never did. There really was an irony in you telling me that you’d burn the world down for me.”
“Sure you’d burn the world but did you ever consider I would walk through fire for you? That maybe the world is already burning but it doesn’t matter because I can withstand it all. Just for you.”
Suddenly a hand was covering his mouth and Alex was staring at him so intently Michael thought he might be reading his mind. Tears pricked at the edges of his eyes and his breathing was shaky, as though Michael had overwhelmed him.
“I.. think the serum works,” Alex said quietly. Michael wrapped his fingers around his wrist gently, pulling his hand away from his mouth, but not too far.
“I love you, Alex.” He pulled his hand back to his lips, pressing them to his palm. “And I should have said that to you so much earlier.”
Michael could see the way Alex fought against the smile. He breathed out a half laugh and looked anywhere except him.
“Tell me that when you haven’t drugged yourself,” Alex teased gently.
“Alex, I can’t lie.”
“I know. But I want you to tell me when you’re ready.”
Michael kissed his palm again, then moved his hand slowly down his cheek and placed it on the back of his neck. Alex slipped his fingers into his curls, nails scratching lightly at his head.
“I want to kiss you,” Michael said softly, cupping Alex’s jaw and running his thumbs over his cheeks. He let one go just far enough to press against his bottom lip, pulling it down. Alex’s lips parted as his hand threaded through Michael’s hair tightened.
“You don’t have to ask, you know,” he responded, breathless.
Michael couldn’t help the shudder that ran down his spine. He leaned forward, resting his head against Alex, just breathing in the smell of him. He brushed their lips together and Alex gasped. The small sound sent a thrill through Michael. His heart fluttered and his stomach twisted with nerves.
“I want you,” Michael mumbled.
“You’ve got me. I’m not going anywhere.”
His body trembled as the words warmed every part of his body. Need settled between his legs as he rolled himself to straddle Alex’s thighs. His free hand landed on Michael’s hip as the hand in his hair tugged him closer, brushing their lips against each other again.
Michael hadn’t been this nervous about intimacy in years. This was Alex after all. They communicate with bodies and moans. It’s the way they understand each other. They always fit together so well. Filling in the cracks of each other and making something more beautiful than when they were apart.
Alex was the one who closed the distance between them, capturing Michael’s lips, stoking the fire under his skin. He moaned softly, pressing his hips against Alex.
They had kept their kisses chaste since the night at the Pony, neither wanting to rush into this before they knew where they were going. But Michael had been craving Alex for almost three years. To have him wrapped in his arms as sweat eased the movement of their bodies. He didn’t want to wait anymore. He couldn’t.
Alex tugged on his hair with one hand and his t-shirt with the other. Michael’s hands were moving down to the unbuttoned flannel. He shoved it off his shoulders to expose the white shirt underneath. Alex only released him to chuck the shirt somewhere to the side before he was grabbing at the hem of his shirt and pushing it up.
Michael separated for a moment as he gripped Alex’s shoulders, running his fingers over the collar of his shirt. He felt the cool press of metal and remembered the dog tags Alex had taken to wearing.
His mind wandered to the way they would move against Alex’s chest. The way they would intensify the feeling of Michael’s warm fingers as he traced the chain on his skin. He groaned as he also realized that it was something he couldhave.
Michael kissed Alex again, grinding down against him. He wanted to make sure he knew just how badly he wanted him. Alex shoved his hands under his shirt, fingers splayed over his stomach and then moving to his sides and eventually his back. Alex scratched him lightly as he pulled him closer, encouraging the movement of his hips more.
He shuddered and cursed against his lips. He felt like a teenager again. Like he might come undone without even getting their pants off.
“Wait,” Michael mumbled, breathless. Alex pulled away immediately, looking almost scared that he had done something wrong. Michael smiled warmly at him before crushing their lips together one last time. He only held it for a couple seconds before he was pushing himself off the floor. He grabbed Alex’s hands on the way up, using his telekinesis to help lift him to his feet also. Alex looked around, shocked in a way. Michael was a bit startled too. The pollen was supposed to suppress their powers. Maybe the amount he used was too small to have a real effect. Instead of pointing this out, Michael just chuckled and pushed Alex back against the edge of the counter, head dipping to place wet kisses over his neck.
“Come to my trailer,” he said against his throat. “If I’m going to show you just how much I love you, I’ll at least do it in a proper bed.” Alex’s head fell back as Michael’s mouth moved. But he nodded quickly.
Michael forced himself away from Alex, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the ladder. He let Alex climb out first, following closely behind. He shut the cover to the bunker with hardly a glance behind him. He flung the trailer door open next and all but shoved Alex inside, though still cautious of his leg.
Not that Alex was any more patient than he was. Alex grabbed him by his shirt, pulling their bodies flush against each other as Michael locked the door with his mind. Michael’s arms wrapped around his waist as their lips came together again. Alex whimpered as his tongue teased his lip. Michael tugged it between his teeth, groaning at the way it made Alex melt against him.
Alex’s hands dragged down his chest to the hem of his shirt again, yanking it up. They only separated for a moment as Michael finished removing the garment. Michael shoved him backwards onto his bed. He smiled down at him and watched hungrily as he rushed to undo the button on his jeans. All of this the same path they had taken three years ago. But it was different now. Neither was going to run away.
Michael crawled onto the bed, settling between Alex’s thighs as he pushed his shirt up and over his head before capturing his mouth again. They sighed against each other’s lips as their skin moved together effortlessly. The cool metal of the dog tags Alex was wearing shocked Michael, but that only made him want to press closer.
Fingers pulled at his hair and then scratched down his back until they reached the top of his jeans. Michael’s mouth fell open in a silent moan as Alex traced the hem around to the belt buckle. He fumbled with the strap for a moment before he yanked it free and immediately popped the button on his jeans.
Michael shifted back to his knees to admire the beautiful man below him. His face was red, lips swollen and wet as he tugged his bottom lip between his teeth. His eyes were half lidded as he ran his fingers over Michael’s abs and tried to pull him back down by the hem of his jeans. As much as he wanted to go with whatever Alex wanted, he wanted to take it slow. The temptation to just throw all their clothing off and get Alex moaning taunted him. But they could do that any time. No. Michael was determined to show him exactly what he thought of him.
He took Alex’s hands in his, threading their fingers together and pressing them down next to his head. Leaning down again, he kissed Alex slowly, only just barely running his tongue over the seem of his lips. A small whine bubbled up from Alex’s throat as his fingers squeezed Michael’s. Michael rubbed his hips against Alex and they both gasped at the friction.
“I need you,” Alex panted out. Michael hushed him gently as he trailed his lips over his jaw to his neck. Alex’s body arched against him as he sucked at his pulse point. Once he was satisfied with the mark, he moved down past his collarbone and hovered over his heart, breathing over the skin before pressing his mouth against him softly.
He slipped his hands out of Alex’s, letting his fingers just ghost over his arms. Michael continued his movement down his body, leaving small, wet kisses in his wake. His hands followed the same path through the hair on his chest as his mouth worked over his stomach to the trail of hair leading down from his belly button.
“I can never come up with the words to tell you how perfect you are,” Michael breathed against his skin. He pressed his forehead against the bottom of Alex’s ribs as he dragged his fingers down to the hem of his jeans. He felt Alex’s hands run through his hair, scratching and tugging. Michael slipped his fingers into the waistband and began pulling the fabric down.
“Michael, wait,” Alex said. He froze and looked up at him, waiting for further instructions. “Let me take off the prosthesis first.” He pushed himself up to his elbows before Michael stopped him.
“If you’ll let me, I can take it off for you.” Alex’s shoulders sagged as a small smile found it’s way to his face. He nodded slowly and took Michael’s hand, pulling it to his mouth to press a couple chaste kisses to his fingers.
Michael slipped to his knees on the floor. He rolled Alex’s pant leg up, exposing the metal and plastic. He worked quickly with Alex watching him, undoing straps and tugging gently. He set the leg to the side carefully, leaning it against the wall.
He looked back up at Alex and hoped that he didn’t blush from the soft look he was getting from him. He rolled the sock off his stump and set it to the side with the prosthesis. He watched Alex through his eye lashes as he pressed kisses to his knee.
Alex gasped softly and pushed himself up completely so he was sitting on the edge of the bed. He took Michael’s face in his hands tenderly, brushing his thumbs over his cheekbones. Michael ran his hands up his legs to his waist and over his stomach. His fingers brushed against the metal of the dog tags when he got to his chest.
He dragged one hand back down to Alex’s hip. The other he let catch on the metal chain. He met Alex’s gaze as their heavy breathing mingled between them. Then Michael tugged on the chain, firmly pulling Alex down toward him.
He pushed himself up at the same time, mouths coming together with a chorus of moans and gasps. Their tongues tasted each other as Michael pushed himself up and Alex back on the bed. Alex’s hands were tangled in his hair, pulling him as close as their bodies would allow.
Michael braced himself with one hand while the other ran down Alex’s body to the waist of his pants again. He grabbed and tugged both the jeans and underwear over his hips. Alex, lifted himself so he could bring them down to his thighs.
He pulled away from Alex to finish removing his clothes, tossing them somewhere to the side. Michael licked his lips as he took in every beautiful inch of him. The firm muscles barely hidden beneath the soft skin. He touched his thighs, the hair tickling his hands. He moved slowly up his thighs and to his hips where his hardness rested between his legs.
Michael avoided touching his cock, instead focusing on massaging everything else around it. He dug his fingers into the soft spot on his hips. Alex rolled toward his touch, sighing blissfully. And he couldn’t help himself, leaning down to press featherlight kisses to the v just below his abs. Alex made a small whimpering sound as he pulled at his own hair.
“So amazing…” Michael mumbled as he continued his line of kisses up over his abs. “Beautiful and strong…” Alex gasped out his name when his hands scratched up his sides and to his arms to hold them above his head. “You were made for me, Alex. I was made to touch you, to kiss you, to live for you, to love you.”
Michael kissed his way back up to his chest, inhaling his scent and hoping that it would be left on his own skin for days. He pressed his tongue over Alex’s nipple briefly before kissing across his chest to the other one. Alex arched his back, pressing his member against Michael’s abs and rubbing. He chuckled.
“Touching you was always the most rewarding part,” he said sweetly before running the tip of his tongue up over his chest and neck and back to his lips. He left only a few centimeters between them as he spoke, “You’re so responsive. I can’t help but want to take you apart.”
“Kiss me, Michael. Now,” Alex ordered. Michael would never deny him anything. Not unless that was the plan. It was about both of them this time. He could play with him in the future. Michael slid his mouth over Alex’s, not being able to stop the smile.
They had a future. And this was only the first of all the ways he would be allowed to love him.
Michael released Alex’s arms and ran his fingers back down his torso to his hips. He pressed the length of his body against him. Alex wrapped his arms around his neck, licking into his mouth and nipping at his lip. Michael moaned softly and rocked his hips against him.
He released Alex to push his own pants and underwear to his knees before kicking them off. He let most of his weight collapse on top of Alex, rolling his hips to rub them against each other. They moaned together as a shudder ran down Michael’s spine.
Alex untangled one of his arms to reach between them. He wrapped his hand around both of them, stroking slowly. Michel groaned into his mouth as his arms started to shake from the effort of holding himself up. He tore himself away from Alex, knowing that if he let this continue, he would finish before even getting inside him. He sat back on his knees, tracing a pattern through the hair on his chest and down to his cock.
He pushed Alex’s hand away from them gently. His panting only increased as Michael took his legs and bent them back slightly. Michael slid down his body so that his mouth hovered over Alex’s now twitching member. Every breath that brushed over him made it jump in anticipation.
He felt Alex’s hand in his hair and looked up at him through his eyelashes. His mouth hung open as his eyes begged for any sort of stimulation. A small bead of precum sat at the tip, threatening to roll down the side.
“You’re so perfect,” Michael said just before taking Alex into his mouth for the first time in years. The salty taste of him was better than he remembered as he slipped most of the way down his shaft. Alex jerked and gasped, tugging on his hair to pull him closer. Michael groaned around him, feeling the way Alex’s fingers tightened again.
Michael rubbed the back of his thighs as he bobbed his head up and down, pushing them open so he could have better access. He let his tongue tease around the head as he slipped further with every down stroke.
“Fuck, Michael,” Alex pleaded. He looked up at him to meet his eyes. He felt the shudder run through Alex’s body as he gasped and twisted his other hand into the sheets on the bed. Then Michael sank down again, taking him to the back of his throat and burying his nose in the short hair at the base.
Alex’s hips jerked up and Michael suppressed his gag reflex by gripping his thighs harder. Alex tugged his already swollen bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes fluttered closed and head fell back. Michael wanted to imprint the image of him blissed out into his brain.
He lifted his head until just the tip with in his mouth before sinking back down in one movement. Alex cried out in pleasure as his fingers pulled on Michael’s hair again. He continued the pattern a few more times before pulling off completely. Alex whined in protest. Michael chuckled and smirked up at him. Then he trailed the tip of his tongue down his length and over his balls, sucking one into his mouth briefly before moving to his ass.
Alex’s back arched again as he tried to press closer to Michael’s tongue. He mumbled something incomprehensible when he started teasing his rim. Michael shifted his hands down to his ass, spreading him open.
“Not… enough…” Alex panted out. Michael nipped at the skin of his ass lightly.
“Just be patient, darlin’,” he said sweetly before pressing a kiss to his skin. Then he pressed his tongue flat against his hole while his thumb pushed just past the rim. Alex’s hips rocked more as small moans slipped from his lips.
Michael worked his thumb in slowly, letting the tip of his tongue slip in alongside it. He pressed against Alex’s walls, urging him open. Alex groaned from above him and grabbed handfuls of his hair, yanking him back up his body to crush their mouths together. Michael didn’t exactly fight hard against it.
He kept his fingers at his hole, slipping his middle finger in and out of him teasingly. Alex bit at his lips and shoved his tongue into his mouth. It stole Michael’s breath away, feeling the desperation he poured into the kiss. He only hoped Alex could feel the same from him. He didn’t get the chance to reciprocate for long because Alex pulled away, instead pressing their foreheads together.
“Tell me you have lube,” he said, voice shaking and breathy.
“Of course.” Michael reached out with his mind to the lowest drawer under the sink. He floated the bottle toward them and dropped it on the bed. “You saying you didn’t like my attentions?” he teased with a smile.
“I liked it too much,” Alex said, brushing their lips together and rocking his hips against Michael’s fingers. “I need to feel you inside me again. To be as close to you as possible. To lose track of where I end and you begin.”
He couldn’t stop the smile that broke out on his face. Michael would do anything for Alex. Bend to his every whim and request.
So he removed his finger from Alex’s hole and instead wrapped his arm around his waist and the other around his back. He pulled him up so he was sitting on his thighs as Michael kneeled on the bed. Alex wrapped his arms around his shoulders, holding him close.
Michael kissed him again, soft and slow. He gripped Alex’s skin, digging his fingers into the muscle. Alex sighed and held him tighter in return. When he was sure he was balanced on his thighs, he reached for the bottle and flicked the cap open. Realizing he was going to need to hands, he pulled his lips away from Alex. There was a small noise of protest that Michael silenced with a quick peck.
“Hold on to me,” he breathed over his lips.
“I wouldn’t dream of letting go.”
He released Alex slowly as their lips slipped over each other again. Michael squeezed a small amount of lube on his fingers. He rubbed it around for a moment before finding Alex’s entrance again. Alex gasped as his fingers prodded the opening.
There was little resistance to the first finger from Michael’s earlier attention. The lube made the second finger slip in just as easily. Alex sighed his name as his hips started rocking slowly. The friction against Michael’s own cock was wholly welcome, making him moan.
Michael twisted and pressed his fingers inside him, looking for the sweet spot he knew would earn him more noises. Alex’s mouth fell open when he finally found it and he could only grin as he swallowed the moan that tumbled from his lips. He massaged his prostate. A few soft strokes followed by a firm press.
Alex’s cock twitched and throbbed against his with every movement. As much as Michael wanted to continue like this until Alex made a mess of them both, he didn’t want to wait anymore. He pulled his fingers out slowly, giving one more teasing press to the spot.
Michael grabbed the lube bottle again, pouring more onto his fingers. He snapped the lid closed and tossed it to the side, hardly registering the sound of it falling to the floor. He carefully shifted Alex back so he could cover his cock in the lube.
Once fully coated, he pulled back to rest his forehead against Alex’s. They both panted as they met each other’s eyes. Michael wrapped an arm around his waist.
“You want this?” he asked a final time. Alex just beamed at him before pulling him back in for a searing kiss.
“Yes. I need you, Michael.”
Michael could only groan in response, claiming his lips again. He lowered Alex back to the bed and he almost immediately wrapped his legs around his waist. With his free hand, Michael guided his cock to Alex’s hole. He pressed himself against the rim, slowly rolling his hips until the tip entered him.
Michael saw stars behind his eyes as he tried to keep his movements slow. The temptation to bury himself in the warmth of Alex was overwhelming. Their moans overlapped as he pushed farther in. He nearly fell forward, needing to brace himself using the arm that had been hold Alex.
“I love you, Michael,” Alex suddenly rushed out. Michael’s eyes opened to meet Alex’s. He had the most beautiful smile he had ever seen on his face. His eyes were half lidded but still completely focused on Michael. “I love you,” he repeated.
His heart soared higher than ever. He never thought he would know this kind of joy. But the man wrapped in his arms was offering it so openly and completely. No extra conditions. Just all the love he could possibly give.
A tear spilled down Michael’s face as he pushed himself completely into Alex. Their mouths fell open and Alex refused to look away from him. He pulled out slightly and pushed in again, this time hearing the moans fall from his own lips.
“God, Alex…” he sighed, letting his head fall to his shoulder as he continued the steady thrusting of his hips.
Michael pressed his lips to his shoulder before sucking on the spot, massaging a mark into his skin. Alex moaned softly as his hips came up to meet Michael’s next thrust. He scratched his nails up and down Michael’s back, distracting him from his rhythm. His hips jerked forward roughly once, making them both gasp at the feeling.
He picked up his rhythm again, moving faster, starting to chase the high that comes with orgasm. Alex clenched around him, moving his own hips in time with Michael. He stopped holding back his moans, instead letting them vibrate over Alex’s skin.
He could feel Alex’s heartbeat from where their chests were pressed together. It pounded just as hard as his own. Possibly threatening to burst from how full of love it was. Alex’s moans were music to his ears. Small plea’s begging for more finally registered in his brain. And he would never deny Alex.
“I’m so close, Michael,” he whined next to his ear. Michael was on the edge too. So he pulled his head from Alex’s shoulder and kissed him again as he sped up his hips again, trying to match the racing of his heartbeat.
He had lost track of his body. He could only feel Alex wrapped around him, fitting perfectly against his skin. Michael ground his hips against Alex’s ass, breaking his even pattern in an effort to feel more of him.
After that he didn’t know what came over him. His hand was pressing to Alex’s chest as his hips only got rougher and more erratic. He could feel the heat rippling out from his hand. Alex cried out and arched against him, one of his own hands moving to cover Michael’s.
“Alex, Alex, Alex,” he panted out.
“Michael!” He felt the spasm of his body against his own, then the warmth of the liquid running between them.
His own orgasm rushed up to him, no time to even consider pulling out. Not that he even wanted to. His hips thrust forward roughly, burying him inside of Alex as his cock emptied. A long moan accompanied each of his last thrusts until he was shaking from the overstimulation.
Michael collapsed against Alex, laying his head against his chest. Alex’s free hand pet his hair gently as their breathing started to even out. Michael dozed and Alex’s occasional snores let him know he wasn’t the only one. It couldn’t have been that long because the mess between them hadn’t dried.
He pulled his eyes open to see his hand placed firmly over Alex’s heart and his hand still covering Michael’s. He lifted his hand slowly and the bright pink, iridescent handprint seemed to ripple with Alex’s breathing.
“You could have warned me how intense it would be,” Alex said quietly, a light and content tone to his voice. Michael pushed himself up slightly to see his face. The sweet smile that always made his heart flutter was back and internally he sighed in relief.
“Had I known it was going to be I would have,” he said, lifting a finger brush over his cheek. “I’m sorry for the handprint. I didn’t—” Alex pulled him in and kissed him, stopping his apology.
“I’m so happy, Michael. About everything. I love you so much,” he said when he pulled away. Michael smiled at him and pressed another kiss to his lips, lingering just slightly when he pulled away.
“I love you, Alex.” Alex held his face gently with a fondness glittering in his eyes.
“I told you to wait until the serum had worn off,” he joked. The fog in his mind had completely vanished though he couldn’t quite remember when. He was still pouring his heart out to Alex but it was because he wanted to. He never wanted to hide anything from him. He never wanted to lie to him.
“It wore off already. I don’t feel the need to say everything I’m thinking,” he said, inching closer to Alex’s lips again. “But I still want to tell you everything. Because right now, all I can think about is you.”
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vemuabhi · 4 years
Hiii Vemuabhi chwaan, may i request for a hurt/comfort headcanon for the Monster Trio + Law where they are wandering around the new island with their fem. S/O when they come across a celestial dragon, and then their s/o starts to get a panic attack, like she can't breathe nor move and tears keeps streaming on their cheels due to their tragic past as a slave? IK its a weird request
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credits to the owners of the pictures.
oh no! its not weird at all Yui chwan. its emotional. I tried to make it hc’s but it turned to be mini scenarios. i hope you like them. I just Love the picture above!
sorry for any mistakes. English is not my first language.
Warnings : angst, Mention of trauma, abuse, hurt then comfort.
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You both were making jokes and laughing while you were looking around the Island for the last time before you all hit the waves.
Luffy stopped at every single food shop and took food from there, while you paid for the food he got. Well you weren’t complaining. You loved to take care of him because he was your lovely innocent captain and also your lover.
Suddenly everyone stopped whatever they were doing because of a loud Gunshot. Luffy and you looked in the direction of the gunshot. It seemed that a celestial dragon came to this place. There was a big person who was walking on all fours and had huge chains around his neck and hands. He was… a slave. Like once you were.
Seeing this you started sweating and your heart beat increased. You knew how terrible that situation is. You slowly looked up and saw a man with snot nose and black curly hair.
Your eyes widened in surprise as you saw the celestial dragon. He… he was the one who made you tremble with fear. He was the one who made you think Death would’ve been peaceful than to live under his foot.
You remembered how he had kicked you repeatedly and how he had thrown his hot coffee on your bare skin just because he wanted to know how hot the coffee was.
Your eyes started to water and you hid behind Luffy, clutching the back of his shirt. He hugged you back with one of his hand but didn’t look at you.
He noticed how you shivered with fear. He heard you sob but didn’t ask what had happened. He knew about how you were once a slave. Only he knew.
Meanwhile the rest of the straw hats came to the place from where ever they were because they heard the gun shot and were worried if something had happened to you two.
Nami and Chopper asked why you were crying. Then the celestial dragon started to slowly move in the direction of where you all were still on top of his slave. He was not yet close to where you were at but the sole presence of that jerk was enough to break your emotions.
Luffy soothingly rubbed on your back and now turned to face you. You looked at him with tears in your eyes and whispered, “That’s him”, so softly only for your boyfriend to hear. He gently wiped your tears and placed his straw hat on your head. You then saw how Luffy walked ahead with Sanji and Zoro behind him. You stopped crying as you looked at your captain with hope in your eyes.
He went to the Celestial Dragon and beat marines surrounding the celestial dragon and punched the Celestial Dragon’s face and made that jerk to taste the dirt. You are sure he broke his ribs. You stopped trembling and smiled as Luffy turned around and gave you his classic smile. Luffy doesn’t fail to make you smile.
Luffy stretched his arms and flew towards you with Zoro and Sanji dangling in his other hand. You knew what was happening and you jumped as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You held him tight as he proceeded to fly towards Sunny with the rest of the crew still dangling on his arms.
He was already your prince but now he was your whole world, your reason to smile, your Pirate King and… your One Piece.
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Zoro got lost in the middle of your date and you were trying to find him. You suggested to go on a date on the last day and he got lost.
You were still looking for him as you heard an announcement. Your ears perked up as you started to listen to it.
The island announced that a celestial Dragon was going to reach the island soon. Everyone was warned to be on good behaviour and not come in the way of Celestial Dragon in order not to die.
You were shaking like a leaf. Your breathing became faster along with your heart rate. You were sweating. You tried to breathe as air wouldn’t enter your lungs.
You didn’t want to look weak so you hid how you were once a slave but escaped with some others one day on an island. You hugged yourself and tried to breathe. You knew your past was always haunting you. You knew Zoro was waiting for you to tell him but chose not to.
Then you saw from a distance, a big ship had stopped on the port. You weren’t very close to them but could see them.
You slowly looked up. You saw the man with grey hair and big beard, sitting on top of a slave. You saw how the slave crawled down the ship with that jerk on top of his back.
That man… he tortured you. He lit his cigar and with it, he burnt the skin on your shoulder just to make you scream in pain. Once you screamed he’d use that reason to beat you up and not give you food for days. Oh how he smiled when you cried with pain. He enjoyed to make you suffer as you were his new slave. You remember how Zoro frowned after seeing your scars every time he looked at them. Chopper cried when he treated them, but you just lied whenever they asked about your scars. Of course Zoro didn’t believe them because he knew you weren’t ready to tell him. So he chose to wait.
You froze in place. In your head you screamed. You knew you should run away. But you couldn’t. Tears wouldn’t stop flowing from your eyes.
“Zo..ro”, was the only word you managed to say as you shivered. Suddenly you felt two strong arms pull you back to a hard chest. As soon as he hugged you, your knees became weak as you trembled. He caught you and wiped your tears soothingly. He asked you what had happened but you couldn’t speak. Instead you pointed towards the Celestial dragon.
After hearing the announcement, Zoro actually had a plan of getting you then running to ship with everyone and getting away. But after seeing you in such a state, his mind changed. He exactly knew what to do. Meanwhile you see Robin chan and chopper running towards you two in order to leave the island quickly. Their hearts broke as they saw you weeping as you held Zoro tightly.
Robin chan hugged you as Zoro placed his hand on his swords and ran towards the Celestial dragon. He beat all the marines around and charged front. Then you saw Luffy attacking with Sanji by his side. Zoro sliced off the clothes of the celestial dragon and scarred his torso.
“You can’t get away after hurting my lover”, he glared at the celestial dragon. Then the monster trio ran towards our direction.
“LET’S SAIL QUICKLY”, Luffy shouted. Zoro came running towards you and picked you up with ease as he ran towards Sunny. You threw your arms around his neck and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
You hugged Zoro and inhaled his scent. He smelled like wood and leaves. That must be because of him getting lost in the woods. Well you knew you had to thank your crew for doing this for you. For now you just closed your eyes and held onto your boyfriend tightly. He was your love, your man, your marimo and the one person you'd love to call... your precious prince.
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You and Sanji walked around the small island before you again continued your journey. You both heard a loud noise which sounded like a horn. You looked at the place from where the sound was coming and saw that it was a ship of Celestial Dragon.
The celestial dragon had brown hair and had a small beard. His snot was visible to everyone. He was sitting on a person who was bleeding from his head. He wasn’t even treated. He looked very injured.
You could recognise that celestial dragon. He was the one who tortured you by beating you with rods to make you scream in pain. He made you to work all day long without mercy. He made you to scream and then hit you for screaming.
Without mercy he sat on top of you while you carried him, then kicked you in the stomach because you fell to ground as you couldn’t carry him.
He loved to harass you and all the other slaves. His evil grin spread wide whenever you collapsed to the floor because you couldn’t even stand anymore. Now he had another reason to beat you up. Once you knocked out while you carried him. He kicked you but you didn’t respond. So he thought you were dead and made his men to throw you in the boat of dead bodies of slaves. But you were still alive. When you woke up you immediately threw up into the ocean. The bodies of the slaves were horrible because of their condition and how beaten up they were.
You cried for them and also… you also cried with happiness that you weren’t with him anymore. You felt sorry for the bodies of slaves. But the feeling of dead bodies round you didn’t disgust you because the celestial dragons were the most disgusting of all. You were happy to even be alive and escape that hell.
You hid behind Sanji as you gasped for air. You were having trouble breathing. Your surroundings became very uncomfortable. Your heartbeat was raising quickly as you looked at the celestial dragon. You were getting a panic attack. He hugged you as you held onto him tightly.
Sanji didn’t ask you anything. He didn’t knew you past nor did he want to pressure you. He respects if a person choses to not talk about their past. He never saw you so scared. He soothingly rubbed your back. Sanji was your home and straw hats were your nakama. You slowly admitted that you were his slave and he tortured and harassed you, so you were scared of him.
He wiped your tears as he told you to just stay back and watch as he lit his cigarette and went towards that jerk who made you cry. He kicked everyone with ease and wiped out everyone. Then came Luffy and Zoro as they joined the fight. Chopper and Nami hugged you as you returned their embrace. Sanji kicked the Celestial dragon in face and broke his neck.
Everyone started to run towards Sunny and with one swift motion Sanji jumped in front of you and picked you up like a princess. Then he did his Sky walk while he still held you in his arms. You always go crazy whenever he does that. To light up your mood he always picks you up like you don’t weigh anything and sky walk on top of that whenever you feel sad.
This time… it was different…. You fell in love again. Tears streamed down your cheek as you hugged him tightly with your head in the crook of his neck. He smelled like shampoo, perfume, spices and nicotine. He was your prince, your dream, your knight and your All Blue.
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Just like usual, before leaving the island, you and your captain were stocking up on medicines and medicinal books. It was like shopping date. You never get bored with this because it’s your special moment together.
You both go and pay for it and exit the shop. Penguin came to you and took your bags as he went to the submarine. That was so sweet.
You and Law both slowly walked towards the port hand in hand as you talked. Law rarely shows PDA and this was one of the days he at least holds your hand in public. Suddenly there was a loud scream and you two ran towards it. There you saw a celestial dragon was beating up her slave.
Law looked at you and saw you were completely pale. Your eyes were wide open. Your limbs trembled and you went behind law and stayed there. You gripped his shirt tightly and covered your mouth with your other hand. You were crying but didn’t want to make any sound but still Law could hear your sobs and his heart dropped.
Law didn’t knew why you were crying. But being the clever man he was understood that you were getting scared because of the… celestial Dragon. Then it came to him. The scars on your back and legs. He always knew they weren’t from a battle like you always said.
Now that he knew... oh boy he was furious. Bepo soon came towards you two. Law made sure you were with Bepo and he slowly went towards the celestial dragon. Not even a second later he freed the slaves in a swift motion and made them to teleport. The chains exploded and created a smoke screen. Then he wiped out all the soldiers and guards in the way and in one instant he got a heart in his hands. Due to the heavy smoke no one could even see where he was and who he was.
With the heart Law ran towards you. He gave you the heart as he picked you up and ran with Bepo on his side towards the submarine. You had that awful woman’s heart with you now. In your hands.
That horrible woman pulled your hair harshly and used to beat you. You were her new toy, which meant you were the new person who they enjoyed to break. As you could scream and cry for help she watched with happiness in her eyes as she burned the skin on your legs and back. Without mercy she used to burn the same the same place even when it wasn’t healed completely.
You had another slave friend with whom you escaped but… in the end, that celestial dragon, shot your friend. As you both escaped. You ran… you ran with tears in your eyes as your friend screamed for freedom. You knew that meant for your freedom especially. You still had horrible nightmares because of the trauma. You still could clearly hear the screams of the slaves who begged for their lives but got killed in a terrible way in her hands. You still have the heart in your hand… you could choose…. Life or death for that horrible person.
You look at law and smiled with happiness as you let your tears fall. You were so happy to be a member of the heart pirates. And mostly… a person beloved to Law. You were lucky to have Law as your captain, your saviour, your boyfriend and your Pirate King.
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what would you do if you had the heart of the celestial dragon?
Tell me in the comments below!
i hope you liked them. I made the celestial dragon a female in Law’s scenario because there are female celestial dragons who are also the same the men. i just wanted to do something different for his scenario. 
also i may not be active on tumblr because of exams so please forgive me everyone and Yui chwan~
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captain-hen · 3 years
there ain’t nothing common about us
a/n: some much needed comfort after all the hurt the fandom has put itself through this past week :)
title courtesy of @malikjavaddzayn, thank goodness she isn't as indecisive as i am!
tagging some people who may be interested: @evaneddie @diazalex @buttercupbuck @diazseddie @firefighter-diaz (please let me know if you'd like to be added/removed from my tag list!)
When Eddie wakes, it is violently and with a tortured gasp as he abruptly sits up in bed, the sheets tangled around him. He covers his face with his left hand for a moment, breathing heavily, fighting back the sobs that threaten to spring free, his body shaking like a leaf.
It isn’t the first time he’s woken up like since he was discharged from the hospital with a sling around his right shoulder and an acute sense of fear and paranoia that followed him even into the safety of his own home. It has been almost a month, but the nightmares wake Eddie almost every night, varying in degrees of severity. The first two weeks were the worst, reaching the peak when he screamed in his sleep loud enough to wake Christopher, leaving the boy shaken and terrified.
Eddie put Chris into therapy the next day, and started working on waking himself up before the nightmares could get out of hand. The last thing he wants to do his traumatize his son even more than he already is, Chris has been through far too much at such a young age.
The dreams seem to blend together most of the time, memories of Afghanistan and the shooting, making the lines between the two blurry and unrecognizable. Sometimes, he’ll see the bodies of his fellow soldiers scattered around him on a sunny street in LA. And other times, he’s in the inky-black darkness of the desert, reaching out for Buck, who seems impossibly far away, covered with sand and blood.
Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Eddie reaches for his phone, wincing as the movement jostles his right shoulder. It’s 2 AM. Wonderful.
He tiptoes down the hallway to Chris’ room, cracking the door open just enough to see the shape of his son under the covers, sleeping peacefully. The sight makes something settle in his chest, the something that has been left askew after every single nightmare. He is here. He is safe. Christopher is safe. He didn’t leave him (again). They’ll be alright, eventually.
How pathetic is it that even after a month, he still needs to remind himself of it almost daily?
Eddie returns to his room and sits back down on his bed, leaning against the headboard as he feels a wave of bone-deep exhaustion wash over him. Between the PT and Chris’ therapy and occasional nightmares and his own nightmares, Eddie needs all the rest he can get. But he never can go back to sleep after waking up from an episode and. Well.
Maybe he should start going back to therapy, too. Eddie knows he’ll have to, eventually, to be cleared for duty. But before that, he still needs to get himself together. For Chris’ sake, if nothing else. He just—he can’t stand the thought of talking to some stranger about what happened, though. The only person he has been able to talk to so far is Buck.
Buck. He’s been a rock throughout this whole process, the entirety of the 118 has, really. Buck, though? He’s just been around, somehow more entwined in their lives than before, cooking meals, helping out Eddie with chores around the house, watching Chris when Eddie needs his rest. And coming from anyone else, it would make Eddie bristle, would make him protest that he doesn’t need all this extra help, to be treated like an invalid, but it never feels like that with Buck. Never has. He’s just…there, sometimes spending more time in Eddie’s house than his own apartment, putting up with Eddie’s occasional bursts of temper on harder days. He doesn’t allow Eddie to push him away, and Eddie thinks there’s nothing more he is grateful for, really.
Eddie is dialing Buck’s number before he can stop himself. While the two of them have talked about the incident, briefly, Eddie has never told him about the nightmares. He knows Buck blames himself, still, because he has a guilt complex possibly larger than Eddie’s own and Eddie…Eddie doesn’t want to be a burden. He should be able to deal with this himself. He did deal with it alone, after returning from Afghanistan. Why is this time so different?
Buck answers on the third ring. “Hey,” He doesn’t sound surprised or panicked at receiving a late-night call from Eddie. He doesn’t even sound like he’s been startled out of sleep, but Eddie feels the need to apologize anyway.
“I’m sorry for waking you,” He says, guilt feeling like lead in his stomach.
“It’s alright, I wasn’t asleep,” Buck says and before Eddie can wonder why, he’s asking, “Is everything alright?”
Eddie opens his mouth to answer and nothing comes out. He feels frustrated tears prick at his eyes and he exhales deeply, trying to hold them in.
“Eddie?” Buck sounds more concerned now, and Eddie can hear a rustling noise, like he’s sitting up.
“Sorry, yeah,” Eddie manages to get out, wondering if his voice sounds as wrecked to Buck as it does to him. “I, um—” Might as well just rip the bandage off and get it over with. “Nightmares.” He says, finally.
“I’m sorry,” Buck says, his voice taking on a softer, consoling lilt. He doesn’t sound surprised. Eddie doesn’t know why he expected him to be.
“It’s just—” Eddie breathes out harshly, gripping the phone harder. “I just can’t fucking sleep. It’s almost every night, I just keep reliving that day over and over and it never stops and I should be over it by now, right? And I should be able to hold it together, for Chris, he deserves so much better, but—God. It’s too much.”
“Have you considered going back to see Frank?” Buck asks, carefully. Eddie sighs.
“I did. I mean, it’s the right thing to do, isn’t it? I need to get better, and Chris—”
“But this isn’t about Chris, Eddie,” Buck interrupts, almost sharply. “You should want to get better for yourself, too. I mean, you were shot. In broad daylight, with zero warning—” he cuts himself off for a moment and Eddie can hear him exhale roughly over the line. “No one expects you to just bounce back. Trauma doesn’t exactly have a time limit, you know. You need to do what’s best for you.”
And Eddie can suddenly remember Carla’s words in that moment—Make sure you’re following your heart instead of Christopher’s—and wants to laugh hysterically at the irony of it. He knew then that Carla had a point—it’s why he broke up with Ana—and he knows that Buck has a point, too. But it isn’t as easy as it sounds.
“I’m not sure I know how.” He confesses.
“I know,” Buck says, softly, and sighs. “You always put Chris first, Eddie, that’s who you are, and that’s why I—”
Eddie holds his breath for a second. He isn’t sure what he’s expecting.
“Anyway,” Buck says, after too long a pause and Eddie deflates slightly. “You’re important too, Eddie. I wish you could see that. I wish you could—you could see yourself the way I see you.”
And how do you see me? Eddie wants to ask, but doesn’t dare. Things have changed since the shooting—there’s no way they couldn’t—and he feels like he and Buck have been hovering on the edge of a precipice, something electric and alien sparking between them. There isn’t a word for it, and neither of them have done anything about it. They’re really not in any state to do so. But lord, is Eddie tempted, sometimes.
“Why were you awake, anyway?” Eddie asks, wanting to break the thick tension that has suddenly formed. Buck sighs, like he was afraid he would ask.
“Nightmares,” He says, clearly trying to sound casual, but a waver in his voice gives him away.
Eddie’s chest clenches. “I’m sorry.”
Buck lets out a wet-sounding chuckles and Eddie hates the idea of it, him having nightmares all alone in that apartment. “Only you would apologize for getting shot, Eddie.”
“Come over,” Eddie says, before he can stop himself. “I know it’s late, but—I don’t think either of us should be alone right now.”
There’s a lengthy pause and Eddie almost wants to take it back but Buck, mercifully, speaks. “Are you sure you want me there?”
“Yes.” Is what Eddie says. I always want you here, is what he doesn’t dare to say.
Buck pauses again. Then—
“I’m on my way.”
Eddie turns off his phone and waits in the darkness for Buck to arrive. The moment he hears the key turn in the lock, he exhales a relieved breath and manages to smile when Buck appears in the doorway of the bedroom, hovering hesitantly, as though he expects that now he’s here, Eddie will change his mind and kick him out.
Eddie tries to sound exasperated, but it comes out sounding fond. “Buck, I really hope you didn’t come all the way here in the middle of the night just to crash on the couch.”
That makes him laugh and eases some of the tension from his shoulders. Kicking off his shoes, Buck moves over to the other side of the bed and lays down over the covers on his side, facing Eddie.
It should be uncomfortable, this level of intense intimacy that hasn’t been present in their relationship before. But right now, Eddie feels the most comfortable and relaxed he has in a while and he can only hope that Buck feels the same way, too. He reaches out, a little tentatively, to take Buck’s hand in his.
The other man stiffens slightly and he looks at Eddie with something like wonder in his eyes.
“Don’t make this weird, Buck,” Eddie murmurs, hoping to break some of the tension. It works, and Buck lets out a startled chuckle.
“God, you’re such an asshole.” But he complies, slotting his fingers through Eddie’s and squeezing tight. Eddie can remember him doing it in the firetruck on the way to the hospital and he swallows. He’s glad he has a better memory to replace that with.
Eddie closes his eyes, feeling a hazy, soft, sort of comfort settle into his bones, with Buck’s touch and just him, there, so close by. He can’t help but wonder why it took them so long, to give each other the comfort they each need.
“Buck?” He murmurs, without opening his eyes. Buck hums in reply. It feels strangely domestic and makes Eddie’s heart beat a little faster.
“I think I will go to see Frank,” He says. “But for myself, this time.”
Eddie can’t see Buck’s face when he replies, but can hear it, the tender, proud smile in his voice. “I’m so glad, Eddie.” He says, his voice cracking a little bit.
If Buck says anything after that, Eddie can’t hear it, as sleep pulls him under into the most restful night he’s had yet. And when he wakes in the morning, Buck curled around him, his face peaceful and serene in the golden sunlight, Eddie can revel in the fact that the feeling was mutual.
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