#it's kinda fyre tho
The stuff that's playing inside my head 24/7
Frații cu mine, băgăm cocaină (Waaa)
4 226 și se termină (Waaa)
Am o pizdă bună și mă alină (Waaa)
Frații turbați cu pete pe retină (Woo)
Fac un teanc să-l sparg, că știi că nu mă duc
la zdup nu fac rău, doar produc
Să-l sparg, că știi că nu mă duc
la zdup nu fac rău, doar produc, ah
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vool-zam · 1 month
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waiter, it's been a long week! pass the toxic doomed yuri!
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untilyouremember · 6 months
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The Witch and the Beast
Available digitally & published by Kodansha
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coolcattime · 2 months
re: Mianite Noir au
I have had some Ideas
Andor is a law student when he first meets the gang, I think. His father, an influential CEO or something, is pushing him to pick a specialty that benefits the company and the family, but Andor doesn't want to do that. Don't get him wrong, he likes studying law, but he'd rather use his degree to help people.
Conflicted, one day he follows the pigeons and ends up at Jordan's bar. Jordan, of course, clocks him as soon as he walks in. For one, he's younger than the usual clientele and two, his clothes are more expensive than the bar. Still, maybe it's the way the kid's wings shine purple in the light, or maybe it's a glimpse of the purple and black writing on his gun (it's his grandfather's old gun, too big for Andor's hands), but something draws him over to the kid. So, he waves Andor over to the bar, offers him a drink, and at one point, manages to lean just so to make his necklace fall out of his shirt, just for a second. (I think it was a necklace, anyway).
It's a while before Andor gets introduced to anyone else in the gang, tho, and when he does, Jordan only refers to him as "my brother." ("You have a brother?!? Since when?" "Two weeks ago :)" ). At some point, Andor makes his decision to specialize as a defense attorney and he gets cut off and disowned. It's Jordan and Capsize who help him pay for the rest of his schooling after that.
In the end, Andor ends up working part time at Jordan's bar and part time as the best defense attorney ever seen. He takes a lot of cases pro bono, refuses Tom's recruitment attempts, and just generally lives his life. Jordan is grateful to have some help around the bar. The patrons think that maybe this means the bar will be open all week now, but nooo, Jordan just had to hire the one guy who worships the same lost goddess that he does. He eventually even gets a gun that fits him better. I'm thinking a shotgun, but that's tentative.
2. Martha
I think Martha is some kind of magic prodigy who went to actual school for it, and is now like, a researcher or something. She's a bit of a snob about it and would absolutely have a heart attack if she saw how Jordan used magic. She doesn't necessarily support her brother's company, but she keeps quiet about any kind of corruption or shady shit she's seen.
3. Waglington
100% he's an assassin. He's a really fucking good one, too. Officially, he doesn't discriminate in employers or in targets. Unofficially, he won't kill kids. I'm thinking kinda along the lines of Deadpool-style, but still Wag. Does that make sense? His official legal job, tho, is architect, part of a firm with the rest of Fyre UK. Are the other wizards also hitmen? Idk, I haven't thought that far.
4. Farmer Steve
I haven't given this one much thought, but I think he's the gardener for Helgrind's mansion. That's how he met Andor, and, once Andor left for university, Steve quit working for Helgrind. He probably ends up working for Tom somehow, maybe as part of a body disposal team?
That's all I've got right now, but the au is giving me some ideas lol.
Okay okay okay! Yes yes yes yes yes to all these ideas!!!
I love love love everything you've written for Andor! I had in mind him helping Jordan out with the bar, but didn't know what else he could be doing. And I just absolutely love the idea of him being a law student/eventually defence attorney - it feels so very him.
I really like the first meeting between him and Jordan that you've written. Andor feeling lost in what to do, finding his way to Jordan's bar and immediately getting clocked by Jordan as needing help. Jordan just knowing that he's an Ianitee being like yep, gonna help this kid. (Jordan having a necklace with Ianite's symbol wasn't originally in his character description, but that's almost always an accessory I give to Redbeard and I can definitely see him giving either his necklace or a very similar one as a thank you for letting him and Capsize use the backroom).
I just love the little Ianitee found family thing going on with Andor, with Jordan basically adopting him and Jordan and Capsize paying for his schooling after Helgrind does his typical bastard man behaviour and disowns him. It's just got the very best of vibes and got me like 😭 in the most /pos way. (Also Tom being like “Have you considered joining the mob” and Abdor just being like “No :-)” is so good 10/10 no notes).
Oh I always love the vibes of Martha being like a university researcher, it suits her so well. She is absolutely a bit of a snob about magic due to her general talent with it as well as being formally educated. Oh she almost definitely walks into the bar so she can meet the man whose taken Andor is, sees Jordan haphazardly mixing magic into cocktails and wants to scream.
Yes yes yes yes! Assassin Wag best Wag!!!!! I do absolutely live the idea of him appearing on the story because someone has ordered a hit on someone in the group and now they need to deal with him while they're trying to track down a serial killer.
I also love him still being an architect. It's how he gets in and out of place without being seen, he designed half the city. Tom hired him for architecture reasons a couple years ago and is baffled to learn that he is an assassin.
Oh this has vibes! I really like the idea of Steve working for Helgrind then immediately quitting when Andor does because he was only sticking around to make sure the kid was okay. He gets himself a small fortune from selling all the secrets he's gathered about Helgrind over the years right to Capsize, and yes definitely ends up working for Tom. I can definitely see him working in body disposal (though officially he's the gardener of one T. Castle - a cover that buys him quite a few months of not needing to tell Andor that he's working for the mob when he re-mets the kid until Andor gets to know Jordan and meets Tom).
I'm so glad you like the AU!!!! These ideas are so great thank you for sharing ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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kael-writ · 10 months
I have such mixed feelings about joining in on the trend of laughing at any group of "rich people" who suffer/die, like the submarine guys, ok, fine, Fyre Festival was undeniably funny, true, ...and now Burning Man, but like... there HAS to be actual workers at BM (uh-, ok hehe tho) stuck there, right? Like, no way all those rich people are just there without poor workers, right?
To me, "rich" has become a really skewed low bar - oh, you can afford a $20 meal, what are you rich! - and certainly a reportedly $500+ ticket to a single event like that is insanely rich to me, ok.
OTOH, I think a lot of people tentatively agree that certain people are entitled to wealth, like doctors. I kinda don't, I think it's pretty controversial to say but I think the work doctors do can be broken down among more workers - like we have seen happen in Ophthalmology where a lot of work done by only doctors is now done mostly by techs - I think doctors should have their entire education tax funded so anyone can be one, etc... anyway, I think a lot of people who can easily demonize "a rich person" as an abstract might hesitate more if you substituted it with "an oncologist". Not that I think a ton of oncologists are doing peyote in the desert, just that I think it's interesting and not actually harmful to think of how we have these conflicting conceptions of "rich people" in society, with capitalists fully worshiping the rich and despising the poor, far leftists calling to "eat the rich" and liberate the poor, and all those in between.
And "rich people" are actually just... people, ultimately.
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llama-head · 3 years
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hobgayblin · 2 years
Rambling and trying to piece together Ricky’s lore like a madman. very long and insane
the BIGGEST lore thing for him is that I want him to be a Hunter or an ex-Hunter like Marco for the purposes of drama and also for him to be wildly strong for no reason bc its sexy and fun 
He was more of an experimentation case than the other Destroyers and thus wasn’t well known amongst the second destroyers since, given his age (early 30s), he probably would have been grouped into their squad. He still had one of their gun names tho his code name was Heckler and the other destroyers probably heard of him but never really met him. And uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the whatever fuckin experiments made him much stronger than the others but unfortunately he was not as obedient so they made this super powered weapon of a man that will not fucking listen to them or pretty much anyone else for that matter. Since the shit starts when theyre really young he probably listens for a while and DOES end up killing a bunch of twilights but in the end hes like. actually this sucks im gonna do other shit byeeee ❤️ and he just drops out of existence and becomes hard to track by changing his name frequently AND going on T
Hes uhhhhhhhh somewhere around 16-18 when he dips and he’s now kinda wandering around Ergastulum trying to survive as everyone else is. He takes a bunch of random jobs (waiter/bartender/probably random jobs for some of the mafia families/maybe works in a brothel for a bit/dancer of various sorts) and just kinda lives his life for a while. I think I’m gonna make him a dancer/dance instructor and ALSO a self defense/hand to hand combat teacher with stuff he learned in his hunter training or w/e. Also he becomes a drag queen at some point bc it’s fun and I say so. his drag name is Wyld Fyre because hes an insane redhead.
Might have it so the Corsica’s track him down, threaten him or do something to make him work with their new destroyers against his will. He won’t actively participate in their bullshit but his “”job”” is to track down the A and S ranks and 1. keep a ledger of them, 2. keep an eye on them, and 3. be ready to kill them because he’s the only one who could easily take care of them himself. He’s like yeah sure whatever, and DOES keep an eye on the higher rank twilights but never really does anything about them. He’ll give the Corsicas/Destroyers info but never very much and sometimes will just lie and they cant do anything about it because while the destroyers COULD kill him it would take most of them is not worth the casualties and injuries he would cause during a fight, which would fuck up their whole operation. 
That’s probably how he meets the Benriya bitches because he’s trying to keep an eye on Nic esp because of whatever nonsense is going on with Nic’s actual rank. He befriends them and may even join Benriya I havent decided but it would be fun and sexy. and Alex can come stay at his house when she wants so she doesnt have to deal with Worick being stupid GHKSDGH Also him and Worick fall in love a little and its sweet and nice
anyway DRAMA and HEARTBREAK and NONSENSE when Worick goes to the Corsicas and sees Ricky with the other destroyers. Worick is heartbroken seeing he was working with these bitches the whole time, and Ricky is heartbroken seeing Worick has switched sides and seemingly abandoned Nic and all the tagged he’s worked to help and theyre gonna have a dramatic talk about it eventually but who knows when
tldr: all of this is a big excuse to make this tiny bitch able to punch people through walls 
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sunseekersims · 3 years
get to know me tag!!
thank you @tashsim for tagging me <3
favorite color
pink!! yellow is a close second tho ^^
currently reading
uhh advanced biology for you shjdjdk
don’t have energy or time to read anything else lmao
last song
sufjan stevens - drawn to the blood
last series
vincenzo i think :o almost done with hello me
sweet, spicy, or savory
all three!!
freedom~~ i have regrets about signing up for an intense crash course in summer, i don’t want to study at all~~~
tea or coffee
tea!! with milk!! i really don’t like coffee :)
currently working on
fyres family makeover and another sim dump for y’all!! this time it’s gonna be masculine frame sims ;) and i guess i’m working on the biology course that i’m doing……. kinda
if You are reading this then you are tagged congrats :)
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clairelutra · 4 years
The tents in that disaster pic is the Fire/Fyre festival
a quick google tells me that’s a hell of a tale (and i think i’ve read it before and keep forgetting)
ngl it kind of makes me wince whenever i remember it again. it rings like an actual scam instead of just hilarious ineptitude, which kinda takes the wind out of the joke. the picture is so good, tho.
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viva-wawanakwa · 4 years
Will you be naming your island Monteor? I have a small list of names I want to use but I can't narrow it down 😭
Nope, new game, new name! I'm currently trying to decide between Acorn and Fyre, or something latin/plant/fungus based. I'm super indecisive about it for some reason, nothing has inspired me yet. I'll update my blog name for the first time ever when I figure it out tho!
I have no idea how long ago this was asked because I always forget to check my asks, but I'm gonna assume it's kinda recent!
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messedupessy · 5 years
This has probably been asked before but I didn't want to miss out and this is literally all that's coming to mind. Firstly, ya'll know any good sea-shanties? And secondly, can we get more details about Marsili? Like.... how does that whole bidniz work in Seaswap?
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“mhhh, have yet to get any such questions beautiful, so ya good.”, Boney grins, alongside an amused wink. “an’ shanties we got a plenty, as we be pirates after all, lass.” 
“but so to not make tis’ too long, all three of us will only name two of our favorite shanties aye.”, he continued, checking his right hand as he thought over which shanties to choose, then turned back to you when he came to a decision. “mine be william taylor an’ leave her johhny leave her.”
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“WHIT ON’Y TWAE?!”, Pass exclaimed shocked, his expression one of minor panic which was most likely exaggerated. “HOUWFUR KIN AH POSSIBILL CHOISE ATWEEN JUST TWAE? AHHH THUS IS SAE UNFRUAIR! THE’R UR SAE MONIE AH LOUE, TUMSHIE!”
Pass let out a frustrated huff, while doing some weird hand motion in frustration over it all, but he then grinned as he crossed his arms in thought.
“BIT BRAW! MAH TWA FVA’S UR UHHH…”, he trailed off, his face one of concentration, his tongue sticking out, he then perked up and grinned wide as he said with a decisive nod: “MAH TAP TWAE UR DRUNKART SEILOUR AN’ BULLAY IN THA ALLAY!”   
((translation: what only two?! how can I possibly choose between just two? ahh this is so unfair! there are so many I love, turnip! but fine! my two faves are uhhh… my top two are drunken sailor and bully in the alley!))
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Charon just rolled their eyes in annoyance over Pass’s antics, their arms already crossed over their chest as they turned to you.
“Ugh, guess I have tha do this too.” they said with a disgusted noise, their eyes rolling once more. “Me top two are Captain Kidd an’ Tha Dead Horse, I guess.”
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“aye, now with buttercup’s pleasant an’ overly lovely contribution tha this ask is over, we can move tha your next question, lass.”, Boney said sarcastically with a teasing grin aimed at Charon, who stuck their tongue out in return causing Pass to let out a snort. 
“ya be wonderin’ about marsili aye?”, he asked, or more like stated as it wasn’t really a question, grinning wide as he continued. “aye, i get what ya be hintin’ at, love. since in them other universes, the so called ‘grillbies’ are usually made outta fire, which is kinda-!”
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“RALLEY FLUMIN’ HAIT ES FYUCK LYKE A MONKAY OAN FYRE!”, Pass interrupted loudly, his eyes starts as he flung himself onto Boney’s back, making his older brother stumble by the raw force of it as Pass glued himself onto his back like a baby koala. 
Charon in the background let out a groan at the pun, causing both brothers to grin wider in response. 
((translation: really flaming hot as fuck like a monkey on fire!))
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“pfftt, aye they hot all right, bro.”, Boney snorted as he caught his balance and straightened back up again, grabbing ahold of his brothers legs which were pressing against his sides for leverage, Charon giving the both of them a glare this time at their continued punning.
“anyway, where was i? ah right, marsili.”, Boney said as he recalled what he was saying before Pass interupted him, he shifted his hold on Pass who still clung onto his back so it was a bit more comfortable. 
“marsili be made outta rock, lass. he’s made outta a bunch of volcanic like sharp rocks, with a hole at tha top where smoke be comin’ out of, he be like his own walkin’ volcano actually. ”, Boney explained. “me guess is that he be like an underwater volcano, still wit fire an’ stuff like them other grillbies, but just not as visible, aye.”
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“HE BE STIL HET THO.”, Pass commented wistfully, his grin growing wider and a bit flirty as he added. “AH EVEN OFFAH HEM A RUMP IN ME CABUN WHIN WE FORMAIST MET!”
Pass then suddenly leaned backward slightly, holding onto Boney with one hand while the other was on his forehead, his face twisted into a dramatic grimace of ultimate sorrow.
“ACK WHIT A NUSTY FAITE THA WARLD BE GAEN MEH!”, Pass fake cried and buried his face into the back of Boney’s shoulder, his shoulders shaking as if he were truly crying, but his overly loud fake crying sounds told otherwise. 
((translation: he still be hot tho. I even offered him a rump in my cabin when we first met! alas he declinded my offer! for lo and behold, the man is apparently married, which is so unfair! ohh woe is me! seems like i will have to die of thirst… on the shore! how is that even possible?! ack what a cruel fate the world has given me!)) 
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“there there, brother.”, Boney said soothingly as he reached up to pat Pass comfortingly on the head while he fake sobbed into Boney’s shoulder, both of them barely keeping in their laughter. “there be pfft…! plenty more fish in tha sea…!”
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“UGH! Could ya two stop been so frikkin’ weird an’ over dramatic?”, Charon complained, giving the two brothers an annoyed glare.
The two brothers just gave them each a shit eating grin in turn, because no, they were not stopping, ever. 
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the-100th-witch · 5 years
aliengod replied to your post: what’s this about a pig??? the Fyre festival were...
i didn’t finish watching it cuz i got bored lol but yaeh right from the beginning i’m like you all really have like no information about this but you’re going with it?? lol
yea it’s kinda boring but im using it as background noise while i straighten up my room lol
but yea im at 20 mins in and im kinda bored but also in disbelief b/c the marketing on this thing really tricked all these ppl into this so called festival 
ja rule is a huge shithead tho omg i want to punch him in the face! 
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cannabisbutch · 5 years
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 However Many people you’d like to know more about. Tagged by @mecasloth
idk if i have any current nicknames actually tbh
Star sign:
scorpio sun, leo moon, capricorn rising 
Last film I saw:
the fyre doc on netflix 
Favorite musicians:
amanda palmer, left @ london, wheelchair sports camp are my favs rn
Song stuck in my head:
spiderman 2 pizza theme 
Other blogs:
@miserablemccoy is my star trek blog, and i have a virtual grimore type blog @littlequartzwitch
Do I get asks:
sometimes? not super often tho, and thankfully not much discourse or hate
Blogs following:
What im wearing:
pj pants and a t shirt 
Dream job:
a witch who lives in the foothills of some sparsely habited place on the outskirts of a village, where i am respected, and maybe feared just a lil bit 
Dream trip:
to see my girlfriend bithc
Play any instruments:
im slowly learning to play the ukulele!
english, a bit of french, maybe klingon if i stop being so tired and work on it 
Favourite foods:
oooohhhuuuuggg i love food and a varienty of food so this q is always hard but im usually always down for pasta, indian, and peach related stuff 
Random facts:
i was homeschooled until 9th grade, and bc of that plus my long hair (down to my waist) there was a rumor that kept up all 4 years of high school that i was Amish. like even people that knew me still kinda thought this??  
Favourite song:
i like so many but y’all should listen to Revolutionary Lover by left @ london so that 
im so bad at remembering ppl to tag so whoever wants to do this go for it! 
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wendronwitch · 6 years
things i liked in Fyre (will probably contain Spoilers)
okay so i’ve seen Fyre get a lot of hate and i understand why, there were a lot of things about it that didn’t add up or were inconsistent or just made me cringe. at the same time though, there were a lot of things i actually really liked about it, so here’s my masterpost? masterlist? what do you call it? 
the mythology stuff behind the 2-faced ring. i feel like this builds off very nicely from the melodrama in Darke?
Beetle and Marcia being a Team ™  i mean�� honestly… the mutual respect as well as how well they can deal with stuff together,,,, i’m Shook
Marcia and Marcellus being Marcia and Marcellus  (esp. with regards to Septimus)
Jenna being Queenly as hell… more will be said soon
Marwick being so kind and helpful to Aunt Zelda (who is Olde now remember)
Mandy “I wield a mean duster” Marwick,,,, also his cooking,,, I mean.. I would Die for this boy
Septimus and Jenna telling Marwick about his family (i had to reread that chapter because it made me Emo)
Marcellus being a Good Uncle to Jenna
Spit Fyre and the Dragon Boat, the family vibes
Septimus going from awkward 3rd wheel wrt Jenna and Beetle to their matchmaker :’)
Simon becoming the Alchemie Apprentice… finally! he deserves all the good things!
Forest Heaps living in the Palace and generally helping out,,,, cute
Marcia telling Septimus to have “fun” and Septimus being like “who are you and where’s the real Marcia Overstrand”
Marissa “I flirt with every boy in the Castle” Lane kinda understandable though I mean the boys in the SH universe are all cute
Milo and Jenna becoming a little closer because even tho Milo’s not the best, he really does care
Lucy the architect!! that’s my girl
Septimus and Simon bonding and being able to do stuff well together
Marcellus suggesting that they use Simon for marketing purposes and Lucy being like “huh.” (i can post photographical evidence if you don’t believe me)
more World Saving from the 2 Darkest Wizards in the Universe by our Fave Squad, this time including Simon
Simon! actually! figuring out what was happening! when nobody else could!!! I love it when he uses his Darke knowledge to save the day
Marcia suggesting Merrin for bait makes me laugh so much somehow it’s so very Slytherin of her
Merrin and his mother,,,, they’re sweet. I don’t like either of them personally but their relationship is Good and i hope they’re Happy
Jim Knee,,, I mean,,,, where was this sleepy banana boi during the Darke Domaine when we needed him but here he is now
Jenna’s Port Palace……… Jenna Knowing Queen Things............ Jenna being badass and yet regal
Marwick becoming the Keeper! yes fuckn finally that’s my boyyyyyy
Julius Pike and Marcellus Pye and some age-old Drama
Jenna, Sep and Nicko actually flying off to the house of Foryx to get Hotep-Ra’s help
the Saving the Day bit ft. Jenna doing a standalone spell with Marcia protecting her
Jenna being crowned and becoming the Queen
Marwick giving her Petroc’s family… I mean, for the benefit of me and all the other kids who wondered what had become of Petroc
OH ALSO obviously, Alther and Marcia!!! i mean, that holds for every book
SIMILARLY Marcia and Septimus!!! there are so many good moments that show you how much those two care about each other and it makes me so emotional
(edit: yikes, can’t believe i forgot) Septimus thinking Marcia and Marcellus are a couple when Marcia announces their “new partnership” lmao i can’t deal 
feel free to add more things i might’ve missed!!!
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sundayswithshan · 5 years
i didnt bring my laptop to ultra so i couldnt write last week feelsbad
but bruh. ultra blew my mind. even tho it was kinda like fyre fest 2, i had a great time and it really just built my love for the genre and lifestyle even more. i saw some of my favorite DJs and some unexpected surprises as well. and i got to be with my brother so it was a great time. i found out i like k?d a LOT more than i thought i did. and now i bought merch. its bad help me
i feel like i never hear from you anymore. what are you up to? are you okay? i miss you. you feel distant.
i guess as far as life updates go, i worked a gala last night that was 20′s themed, so they had us dress as flappers and pour wine and stuff. such easy bank. it was basically promotional modeling for a millionaire. the best part is that the said millionaire found out i’m a mermaid and asked me to work as live decor for his next black-tie gala. i mean, this event is at a $16 mil mansion. its insane. so, i get to be paid $300 to swim in a millionaire’s pool. thats insane. the only problem with it is that.. the gala is the day of the san holo concert. so idk what to do. i cant miss seeing san again. and the other show i could make is sold out. im gonna have to see if san and his team can pull strings for me. since its redrocks they might not be able to, but i know they can get me onto the guest list of sold out shows for his actual tour.. idk. we’ll see what happens.
i also got curious bc i would love to produce music so i downloaded a trial of FL studio and found out i dont suck. im hella generic but i was able to make a solid house beat in like half an hour which isnt bad for a literal first time user. so look out world.
OH YKNOW WHAT ELSE i did the math on my livestreaming contract and DAMN. my check for last month should total to around a thousand bucks. for a month. because its the flat rate of $450 plus my follower bonus of $150 for hitting 1k in a month plus my ~61k donated points which translates to another $500 bucks that i pocket. so apparently im making a liveable wage from this casual streaming. i’m also in the top 10 for an event right now, which if i win top 10 i get a customized avatar in my likeness for viewers to send (like the v app stickers) but its exciting that i’m so successful!
anyways i have to get going. i have to start on my midterm research for a bit before meeting my fight partner to rehearse our unarmed fight and single swords. im so busy today. miss ya.
better not - louis the child (i discovered them at ultra and they are the SWEETEST PEOPLE and this song is so wholesome. you cannot be sad when you hear this song) crashing - illenium (i cried on the front rail for his entire set) boom - tiesto (my garbage favorite) violence - ian munro (STAN BITBIRD GOULDIAN FINCH) raindrops - fytch, captain crunch, carmen forbes
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thenoobsimblr-blog · 7 years
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TOP TO BOTTOM: Gavin the guy beside Avalon, he used to be a guy that avalon was thinging with, and then didnt. And then he turned gay and got married to this guy, and turns out that they adopted a child… that child is now Soleils boyfriend!!!!!! small world, kinda creepy tho 
When Soleil was a teen she threw a lot of parties cuz the aim of the game was that she was the most popular girl in school, most of her friends are around her. you’ll see all of them posted in later posts. I was going to make Luna her friend but then she aged up and i decided she had enough friends Her friends include: 
Sofia and Elsa Bjergsen, they’re sisters and NPC’s from get together and they live in Windenberg. I aged Elsa up and gave those two a big makeover, you’ll be able to tell who they are from the pic, they’re both in pink. 
Gwen and Heather Leon-Collins: Gwen used to be our friend until she got to close to Soleils boyfriend and now Soleils boyfriend Dante, hates Gwen. Shes the one in the obnoxious pink on the side. Heather isnt in the picture but she was at the party 
Morgan Fyres: She isnt in the picture, and Soleil just recently became friends with her but they’re really close now.
Aphrodite and Artemis Angelos: I’ve used them in another save where they became master vampires and had a vampire family and stuff like that. Ya know the usual, but now i put them in this save and they’re just around now.
Genesis’s wife. Velor Behr. they used to skip school when they were twins and go to the club in the day and drink. Her parents are townies so she was really ugly before but i fixed her. I feel like i make all my sims look the same but i try to switch it up 
This is Gwen Leon-Collins. She ruined Soleils party :( but we fought her and lost but she left afterward and now we’re enemies. she looks rlly ugly in this pic too 
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