#these ideas vibe so hard its unreal!!!
coolcattime · 5 months
re: Mianite Noir au
I have had some Ideas
Andor is a law student when he first meets the gang, I think. His father, an influential CEO or something, is pushing him to pick a specialty that benefits the company and the family, but Andor doesn't want to do that. Don't get him wrong, he likes studying law, but he'd rather use his degree to help people.
Conflicted, one day he follows the pigeons and ends up at Jordan's bar. Jordan, of course, clocks him as soon as he walks in. For one, he's younger than the usual clientele and two, his clothes are more expensive than the bar. Still, maybe it's the way the kid's wings shine purple in the light, or maybe it's a glimpse of the purple and black writing on his gun (it's his grandfather's old gun, too big for Andor's hands), but something draws him over to the kid. So, he waves Andor over to the bar, offers him a drink, and at one point, manages to lean just so to make his necklace fall out of his shirt, just for a second. (I think it was a necklace, anyway).
It's a while before Andor gets introduced to anyone else in the gang, tho, and when he does, Jordan only refers to him as "my brother." ("You have a brother?!? Since when?" "Two weeks ago :)" ). At some point, Andor makes his decision to specialize as a defense attorney and he gets cut off and disowned. It's Jordan and Capsize who help him pay for the rest of his schooling after that.
In the end, Andor ends up working part time at Jordan's bar and part time as the best defense attorney ever seen. He takes a lot of cases pro bono, refuses Tom's recruitment attempts, and just generally lives his life. Jordan is grateful to have some help around the bar. The patrons think that maybe this means the bar will be open all week now, but nooo, Jordan just had to hire the one guy who worships the same lost goddess that he does. He eventually even gets a gun that fits him better. I'm thinking a shotgun, but that's tentative.
2. Martha
I think Martha is some kind of magic prodigy who went to actual school for it, and is now like, a researcher or something. She's a bit of a snob about it and would absolutely have a heart attack if she saw how Jordan used magic. She doesn't necessarily support her brother's company, but she keeps quiet about any kind of corruption or shady shit she's seen.
3. Waglington
100% he's an assassin. He's a really fucking good one, too. Officially, he doesn't discriminate in employers or in targets. Unofficially, he won't kill kids. I'm thinking kinda along the lines of Deadpool-style, but still Wag. Does that make sense? His official legal job, tho, is architect, part of a firm with the rest of Fyre UK. Are the other wizards also hitmen? Idk, I haven't thought that far.
4. Farmer Steve
I haven't given this one much thought, but I think he's the gardener for Helgrind's mansion. That's how he met Andor, and, once Andor left for university, Steve quit working for Helgrind. He probably ends up working for Tom somehow, maybe as part of a body disposal team?
That's all I've got right now, but the au is giving me some ideas lol.
Okay okay okay! Yes yes yes yes yes to all these ideas!!!
I love love love everything you've written for Andor! I had in mind him helping Jordan out with the bar, but didn't know what else he could be doing. And I just absolutely love the idea of him being a law student/eventually defence attorney - it feels so very him.
I really like the first meeting between him and Jordan that you've written. Andor feeling lost in what to do, finding his way to Jordan's bar and immediately getting clocked by Jordan as needing help. Jordan just knowing that he's an Ianitee being like yep, gonna help this kid. (Jordan having a necklace with Ianite's symbol wasn't originally in his character description, but that's almost always an accessory I give to Redbeard and I can definitely see him giving either his necklace or a very similar one as a thank you for letting him and Capsize use the backroom).
I just love the little Ianitee found family thing going on with Andor, with Jordan basically adopting him and Jordan and Capsize paying for his schooling after Helgrind does his typical bastard man behaviour and disowns him. It's just got the very best of vibes and got me like 😭 in the most /pos way. (Also Tom being like “Have you considered joining the mob” and Abdor just being like “No :-)” is so good 10/10 no notes).
Oh I always love the vibes of Martha being like a university researcher, it suits her so well. She is absolutely a bit of a snob about magic due to her general talent with it as well as being formally educated. Oh she almost definitely walks into the bar so she can meet the man whose taken Andor is, sees Jordan haphazardly mixing magic into cocktails and wants to scream.
Yes yes yes yes! Assassin Wag best Wag!!!!! I do absolutely live the idea of him appearing on the story because someone has ordered a hit on someone in the group and now they need to deal with him while they're trying to track down a serial killer.
I also love him still being an architect. It's how he gets in and out of place without being seen, he designed half the city. Tom hired him for architecture reasons a couple years ago and is baffled to learn that he is an assassin.
Oh this has vibes! I really like the idea of Steve working for Helgrind then immediately quitting when Andor does because he was only sticking around to make sure the kid was okay. He gets himself a small fortune from selling all the secrets he's gathered about Helgrind over the years right to Capsize, and yes definitely ends up working for Tom. I can definitely see him working in body disposal (though officially he's the gardener of one T. Castle - a cover that buys him quite a few months of not needing to tell Andor that he's working for the mob when he re-mets the kid until Andor gets to know Jordan and meets Tom).
I'm so glad you like the AU!!!! These ideas are so great thank you for sharing ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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maskyartist · 1 year
im surprised no one uses the existence of Nightmare Grimm more after Ice Queendom dropped that idea like...
Ozpin and Oscar sharing a nightmare? both wanting the cycle to end with them for their own reasons? Ozpin because he's exhausted from trying for nothing and Oscar because hes just a kid and wants to STAY a kid?
theres a vibe yknow??
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hyewka · 9 months
no way you just unlocked something in me and now i feel the need for soogyu x noona fics actually the whole group has x noona vibes they’re just so babygirl like txt sub baby girls who would do anything for you and cry when they cum 🤷‍♀️
The exact agenda ive been trying to push this entire time lol let me word dump bcs the brain rot is unreal
Soobin is the most submissive with his noona like he really lets you take all control and doesn’t fight it, he aims to please, leaving his dick untouched as he buries his lower face in your heat just bcs you commanded him to even if it hurts sooo bad. But he would definitely be the first to nut no matter how hard he tries to follow through your directions T_T he’s the younger boyfriend all of your girlfriends are jealous of because hes just such a gentleman
Yeonjun with a noona would switch between having you bent over his lap giving your ass strikes till it blooms red, mocking you throughout: “Noona’s so slutty..” or have him on the bed, roped to the bed as you slide back and forth on his dick, hard as a rock, coating it with your juices as he moans and whines begging noona to use him how she wants. I feel like you dont notice the age difference with yeonjun and an older girlfriend, it feels like you’re both the same exact age lol
Beomgyu with a noona is just like soobin aiming to please except hes a fucking brat lmaoooo like he pretends he can fuck your brains out but he immedietley crumbles if you so as much just call him a good boy. Hes a lot more jealous and sometimes insecure when noticing men close to you who are more capable which bleeds into a lot of arguments. But hes a passionate lover so those explosive moments often lead to him overstimulated to the brim on the couch, crying and whining, babbling nonsense about how much he loves you. Lol he’d definitely be the most into the idea of actually knocking you up
Taehyun with a noona is mature and collected—with Yeonjun people dont notice the age difference, with Taehyun people definitely notice because he looks younger but hes so intelligent in so many situations it almost slips your mind. But behind the doors he lets you fuck him up like you can do ANYTHING to him, hes never done free use with his other relationships but with you, its scary to him how fast he brought it up. Hes so cute, when you tell him he can just take you how he wants, hes gonna do it—he’ll be mean and nasty if you want, or be your good toy, he doesnt mind
I’m planning a huening noona fic actually and all im going to say is i think hes the most dominant in bed with an older gf 🫣
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bronx-bomber87 · 8 months
Happy Saturday wonderful fandom :) Ahhh the next in the line of goodies to come. This one doesn’t have a ton for them but doesn’t mean there isn’t absolute gems in it. So it'll be a littler shorter than the last one ha Also Aaron is amazingly hilarious in this episode. I love him to death. Let us get started.
5x09 Take Back
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We start off with Tim being Watch Commander while Grey is miserable in NYC ha Things get immediately awkward when Chris arrives. Still clueless as ever asking Tim of all people about Lucy’s taste in houses. I mean if you don’t know her taste at this point should you really be buying a house together? Tim looks intrigued when he says he needs his opinion then it gets so awkward when it's about a house...
Tim is so very uncomfortable when he asks his opinion. Knowing this is going NOWHERE for Chris. I’ll never forget this hilarious post I saw about this scene after it premiered. I couldn't find it this time around. Had the lyrics from anti-hero by Taylor swift. ‘It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem it’s me.’ You ain’t ever getting that house with her because of that man sitting there LOL Idk why that post made me laugh so hard but it did. It stuck with me clearly haha
It’s so very weird Chris comes to Tim for this. It's obvious he knows Tim knows her the best. Crazy to me he's not threatened at all by that fact. Clearly he isn’t if he’s coming to Tim for advice. Blows my mind how blind he is. Lucy comes in asking what they’re talking about? Chris tells her he found THE house. Lucy looking as uncomfortable as ever at this news. Saying he's going to call the realtor and call her later. Lucy's high pitched 'I can't wait...' Couldn't be more awkward if she tried.
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He gives her a kiss on the cheek and leaves. Tim giving that good ole fake Sanford smile when he does. Tim's face crack me up. Like he stole your girl and you have no idea you putz heh Also just so on brand for Chris to not see how uncomfortable Lucy was. He’s been blind their entire relationship It’s unreal. You can also see how much Tim hates seeing him kiss her. Even if it’s on the cheek.
It’s almost a grimace really as he watches it. Probably thinking of all the ways he could easily kick his scrawny ass haha That fake smile begging for Chris to leave the room so this awkwardness can pass. How Chris doesn’t pick up on either of these vibes I don't know. But then we call him the clueless clown for a reason don’t we?
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Lucy doesn’t look comfortable till Chris leaves the office. Tim asking 'How the breakup is going?' HA Cleary it's going well Timothy...Lucy tells him she’s in the planning stages. Just reviewing the literature. Classic Lucy response. Wanting to plan this out completely before pursuing it. Tim telling her a psychology journal isn’t going to tell her how to break up with Chris. I mean he's not wrong.... It's just a bandaid you have to rip off even if its uncomfortable as hell.
He’s so matter of fact with his wording. Using a sports metaphor to explain how she should do it. Makes me wonder if he's actually done this before? Ha She’s adorable in her reply of saying ‘Playbill?’ She truly has no idea what he’s talking about. It’s too funny. It's comical really Tim giving her advice on how to break up with Chris. So you know he can date her haha
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Tim has been very patient in all this but you can see him getting a little antsy about it. It is interesting how full circle this moment is. He set them up in 4x12 and now he’s ready to help break them down in this 5x09. Tim is just so ready for Lucy to do this cause he’s anxiously waiting to be with her. It’s pretty damn cute if you ask me. He’s trying to be patient but also is like can we hurry this along a bit?
Lucy says that’s too cruel she wants to handle it her way. No matter how this goes down Chris is going to be hurt though. It's how breakups go there is alway someone who walks away more upset about it. Her empathy taking the front seat in this decision. Where Tim just wants her to rip the bandaid off. Get this over with ASAP.
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This is where we see little bit of Tim’s self doubt kick in. It's written all over his face when he asks her if she's having doubts? Worried she’s delaying this because she is having second thoughts about him. About them. Lucy immediately squashes his anxiety with her reply. Shooting massive heart eyes his way as well. She wants Tim to know she’s all in just like he is. That there is nothing for him to worry about.
I love how sure Lucy looks when she tells him 'No, I'm not'. She is so certain this is what she wants. Needs him to know this as well. Not a doubt in her mind about this whole thing. She just has stuff to work out with this breakup first. The certainty in her eyes is everything. Nothing makes more sense to her in this moment than him.
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That confidence of hers is why Tim relaxes the way he does above. His whole body draining of the tension he was carrying. His cute smile saying ‘Good.’ Could this man be more of a soft puppy for her? Look at him. That hope and excitement back in his eyes. Lucy replying in kind with her own 'In love 'gaze. They’re both all in and it makes my heart very happy. Also they’re having a full on flirt session in Grey’s office for everyone to see.
I adore Tim being so open and vulnerable in this scene. Making sure she wasn’t backing out. The same Tim who couldn’t communicate in his other relationships to save his life. But with this he is checking in with her. Letting Lucy know his stress about her not breaking up with Chris yet. Lucy assuages his worries instantly. When it’s the right one the harder stuff seems a little easier. More natural. Lucy sensed that panic and instantly calms him with her words and heart eyes. Gah so good. Look at these idiots in love. I just adore them so very much.
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This next scene with Aaron is pure gold. I love him so much he cracks me up. Never expected him to be as funny as he is. He notes how quiet she is being and is asking what's going on? Lucy letting him know she needs to break up with Chris. First off like to say we are all Aaron when he says ‘Finally.’ To her breaking up with Chris. Yesssss and Hallelujah finally breaking up with the clown. Nails it even further when he says Chris was never on her level. I mean yeah he never was. Not ever.
Aaron is speaking for the whole Chenford fandom in this moment LOL Chris had nine lives with her and they've finally run out. Aaron's reaction is the best part of this scene. I love that he knew where Lucy's heart was and it obviously wasn't with Chris. He knows it’s with Tim 100 percent. Like most people in their world do. Tim is her equal in so many ways it’s insane. Chris could never compare as Lucy figured out last ep.
Aaron tells her they can practice her breaking up with him. So it’s much easier when the time comes. It’s not a bad idea tbh. This is where it gets hilarious. Lucy brings up them looking at houses. Aaron kinda judging her for letting get as far as looking at houses. Telling her 'Yikes....' HA Tell us how you really feel my man. Lucy reprimanding him saying that is not helpful....Oh Aaron I love you so very much.
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Lucy starts her speech trying to find her footing in what she is trying to say. She looks over at Aaron in the middle of it and see he is crying. lol If you didn't laugh at this scene you're dead inside. It's so damn funny. Lucy asking him WTF he is doing? Aaron telling her he is channeling Chris's pain LMFAO I mean he's not wrong she had to be prepared for an emotional response. It's just the way he went about this that is so hysterical. He is having way too much fun with this.
Telling her they should do angry next. I'm rolling. Lucy is doing some channeling of her own. She is channeling her man in this scene. It’s so funny. So aggravated with his role playing in this. Wondering why she asked for his advice in the first place? hahaha They then get a call about a 'Navi'. Lucy is so confused. Aaron geeks out and says it's from Avatar. Tells Lucy she should ask if it’s full grown. The look she gives she is channeling her husband again so much. ‘Aaron, it’s a fictional character...’ LMAO
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I really love this ending scene with them. Aaron wants to do one more practice run with her. Lucy tells him she doesn’t need it. (Oh but you do....) That she’s just going to go with her gut on this one. It sounds like a solid idea in the moment but it's honestly the worst thing to wing it. Especially when it's something this intense.
When something is this emotional the right words tend not to just come to you IMO. They sure don't for me. I love him being brutally honest with her about it LOL Saying it’s a terrible idea. That he likes the sentiment but this isn't going to end well. I mean he’s not wrong as we will see here in a bit. Lucy once again channeling Tim in this moment. Cutting him off from saying anything else and just tells him good night haha
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We get to the breakup scene we’ve all been waiting for. Lucy is bumbling and awkward. Not knowing where to start. Chris once again blind as a bat. He has no idea why she’s acting this way. Lucy curses Aaron for being right about this moment. Saying she should practiced more LOL I adore her panicking and defaulting to Tim’s playbook advice haha idk what’s funnier that or her being shocked Chris knows what she means by saying that.
All that prep and thinking this out and she went with her man’s advice on how to end this. This makes me giddy to no end. I bet you it’s cause Tim was on her mind from the minute Chris entered the apartment. My guess is that is part of the reason she fell back on his advice. Literally the most Lucy Chen thing ever to use it then be surprised Chris knew what she meant. I love her sfm haha
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Chris stumbles around shocked as hell she’s breaking up with him. He seems so very blindsided by the whole thing. I mean if the man opened his eyes for once he wouldn’t be that shocked…But this Chris we are talking about. Lucy tries to get him to talk to her more. Saying they should sit down and talk this out. Chris just bails not wanting to talk at all. Not wanting to fight for her at all. Just takes off like a child who didn't get what he wanted.
Now I’m ok with this. Obviously we all are. Just goes to show you Tim was willing to fight for her and Chris wasn’t in the end. Lucy said it was over and he just left. I mean he wasn’t wrong there isn’t much to talk about out. She doesn’t love him. But still no fight in him at all after Lucy does this. Just folds like a cheap suit. A clueless clown from beginning to end...
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We’ve reached the scene of the ep that made us all swoon and squee. I remember feeling so anxious to get to this scene. I had to re-watch the episode to truly appreciate it all. I was too antsy to get back to them sharing a screen. I was so damn giddy this was the place we were in. They spent the majority of this episode apart. So all I could focus on was her coming back to him in this moment.
I adore Lucy coming back into the station to talk about the breakup right away. Needing to share this news with him as soon as she could. I love that she returned to work just to tell him about this. So anxious to get back to Tim after it was done. Lucy wanted him to know as soon as she could it was over with Chris. Knowing he was just as anxious as she was about the breakup. It's sweet how he tentatively approaches her when she says why she is back.
He wants to be understanding about it. Seeing if she wants to talk about it more. Doesn't just want to jump the gun and bulldoze her feelings about the matter. Lucy isn't there to chat about that though. She wants to cash in on him asking her out. Because she couldn’t wait another second without him asking her out again. They're both so damn nervous and sweet in this scene. Fidgety and excited about the prospect of their future. Lucy messing with her hands the entire time as she explains the breakup. Tim keeping his distance while she explains it.
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Gah I love her fidgeting near her ring as she approaches Tim. Anxiously awaiting for him to ask her out again. Lucy’s nervous way of reminding him to ask her again like they decided. How she looks into the bullpen before approaching Tim. Saying ‘So…’ He looks nervously excited by her doing this. Eric the king of expressions strikes again. The way his eyes go to check the bullpen as well before refocusing on her. He isn't sure what she is going to do in this moment.
The entire station can see into this office. He looks so friggin cute in his nervousness. I love that that she makes him nervous like this it's so adorable. Lucy gains her confidence and looks him directly in the eye flirty as can be. Asking him if there's something he wants to ask her? The whole purpose of her returning to work is to secure their date. Telling him about the breakup was the catalyst yes. But truly she was wanting to hear him ask her out again.
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Tim see's her confidence and starts shaking off his own nerves. Replying in a sassy manner. Their banter the undercurrent of this moment going forward. Fueling them with the courage to say what they want to. Tim can't help being playful and sassy with her replying ‘I can’t remember.’ Doing that cute smirk of his that I love so very much. Wanting to push her buttons a little because well it's Tim.
Lucy is affectionately violent in her reply haha Look at her she is beaming with adoration. She loves this goober in front of her so very much. ‘Don't make me hurt you.’ Because she would legit hurt him if she had to in this moment haha I saw a funny parallel from this to her ripping that tape off in 4x07. She'll do it Timothy LOL Don't test your girl.
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I love how he gets serious after she says this. It's the way he slowly moves towards her. That intent look on his face in the first one. *fans self* gah. Then in the second one the way he melts for her. In a way only Lucy gets to see. Asking with as much giddiness and excitement as I ever seen in this man. "Do you wanna go out on a date? Look at this puppy of a man. He is beyond excited to ask her this question again. Knowing now he will get a yes with no stipulations this time around. There is still a little nervous hesitation in his delivery which is precious.
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Lucy is bursting at the seams with absolute giddiness when she replies ‘Yeah. I do.’ So happy he's asked her again. How one looks when the man they love asks them out. There’s so much to love about this scene. He’s asking her out in the Watch Commanders office. I love that sfm. Both ecstatic they’re finally going on a date with nothing holding them back now. They’re at work and have to restrain themselves from being too obvious. Which you know they suck at heh
My god anyone looking in on them in that last gif could see how in love these two are. They're so excited just to be around each other right now. The way they’re just standing there looking into each other’s eyes with the dopiest in love smiles. I cannot. I remember thinking the break was gonna take forever to get through. What a time to be alive watching this the first time I remember. LOL
Side notes -non Chenford
Is it just me or does John have more chemistry with Genny than he does Bailey? Thought I’ve always had from this ep. Probably just me but I always thought they had solid chemistry.
Greys have a ROUGH SL in NYC.
Celina also has a hard time in the ep. With their suspect dying in custody. She has a tough rookie year.
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crimsonxe · 8 months
Me: Seeing Evermorrow and Dust Queen that look interesting -excited hopping in my seat-
Also me: Seeing that in the first the shitlord Syto is listed as a "casting aid" and that the obnoxious know-thing CRWBY bashing piece of shit that is Celtic is voicing Roman in both -nearly breaking my neck from shaking my damn head so hard-
In what fucking world do either of these shitlords that have shown everything except being fans of the show have any ground to be involved in any fan projects? Like these aren't even "questionable", they are straight up shitbags that have gone after CRWBY themselves.
Lets go over it:
They bash the show
They bash CRWBY
They fail at having a grasp on the damn show, characters, and relationship within as they fail repeatedly at understanding things in it and stating blatantly wrong or biased bullshit about it.
They have shown themselves as sexist & homophobic
They have shown themselves as disgusting assholes with bloated ego's that aren't deserved at all
Celtic doesn't even fit as a voice for Roman
Celtic who has obnoxiously and ridiculously stated how he's a better writer than the actual RWBY writers. I can't remember if he actually name dropped them, but honestly it wouldn't be shocking if he did. The guy that thought up "faunus heat cycles"; Velvet x Cardin; Cardin having an "actually a good guy deep down" angle; asspulled Roman back to life & linked him to fucking Oz as if that works in any damn way; did a sauna scene to have fanservice; had Blake essentially become a cop; Ilia getting harsher judgement; decided Shay D. Mann deserved an entire character arc (biggest insult is that creepass having a romantic relationship with Raven who is sooooooooooo damn beyond his level its unreal); repeatedly shoves the femme MC's behind males; etc thinks his ass is a better writer.
As aside: -pulls camera to full face cam- Celtic if you run across this, you aren't at all. You're not even close, you're just another incel chud peddling in right-wing-isms that lead to disgusting ass elements in your bullshit.
Celtic has a history of problematic elements within his "Ruining RWBY" bullshit
Syto tried to poison the well going into v9 via realizing what everyone else did in that Bees were coming and him trying to paint the pander angle that ignores the 10 years, 9 volumes of work put into BB leading up to said vibes people had about their becoming official.
Syto who tried to do Cherish his AU spinoff and failed; tried to do his own project w/o anything to do with RWBY and failed; and scurried back to another RWBY AU project
Syto who basically dived into the idea of Yang being an airhead party girl throwing out her entire true self. Not to mention his redesign sexualizing her in the exact aspects one would expect from an incel shitbag. Barely anything there waist, barely anything there top, massive cleavage.
Like these shitbags should be nowhere near fan projects. Don't give them normalization as if they aren't what they are.
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
Episode 3 of Bocchi The Rock! is like buying a TCG expansion pack for creative animation and having every card be a rare, its amazing. If you are fan you have definitely seen the screenshots; Bocchi’s panic over peer judgements done with paper cut-outs on puppet sticks:
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Her sanity hitting a breaking point being a live action exploding balloon:
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And her improv-folk-ditty about her failed friendship attempt being set to a 2000′s-era indie music video backing of scanning landscape shots
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The production team released some adorable behind-the-scenes footage of some of these, btw:
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Those shots really emphasize the necessity-as-mother-of-invention dynamic - if your team is *already* creative and has multimedia approaches down, filming a balloon pop is way less work than animating it and is more importantly working *different* staff members, so your animators can focus on making the other scenes look good. Bocchi is a small production and they are stretching their resources to the limit, with great results.
(The budget-saving facts reminded me of the much-more-troubled but equally creative production of Kare Kano, whose Episode 19 is famously paper cut-outs filmed live:)
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(This episode is also Studio Trigger founder Hiroyuki Imaishi’s episode directorial debut, fun fact)
Now these scenes do not need a ‘reason’ to be animated in such creative ways; you can just have fun, Bocchi is a light comedy, art for arts sake is great actually. But I am impressed by how much thought has gone into aligning the aesthetic choices with the narrative & character. To go in order:
Paper cut-outs: Bocchi is entertaining an elaborately ridiculous fantasy that joining a conversation her peers were having would result in complete social castration; how unrealistic such a response would be is emphasized by the unrealism of their bobbing stick movements and how they clash with the ‘real’ Bocchi (who is drawn traditionally)
Balloon Pop: A simple one, her ‘reality break’ is extremely sudden and its really hard for animation to approximate the sharp speed of an actual balloon explosion, combined with (not observable in a still) an extremely silly, non-explosive spoken sound effect to emphasize the triviality of the stakes.
Landscape Music Video: My personal favourite, the ‘depressed romantic indie musician’ is such a specific vibe, a style we often laugh at today for its pretentiousness, and the way Bocchi is romanticizing and catastrophizing the extremely mundane struggles she is going through is exactly that energy, the joke just doesn’t work without this reference.
Almost every time they stretch the scope of the definition of ‘animation’ they also enhance the characterization & story, which imbues a lot more life into scenes that could otherwise come off as simply zany. 
The team is really nailing it - and its led by first-time director Keiichirou Saito at Cloverworks. He can’t take all the credit for the ideas; Episode 3 was directed by series assistant director Yusuke Yamamoto, and we know he was directly responsible for the landscape photography music video sequence. But Saito’s credits put him working as an animator on Wonder Egg Priority, Heiki Monogatari, Sonny Boy, Flip Flappers...never as a huge role, just a key animator, but still I think it demonstrates an interest in pushing the envelope on style and direction. I hope these productions continue to beget new creatives who take the spirit on to new projects.
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sanstropfremir · 5 months
best choreos of 2023!
not gonna lie, this year was a rough one for choreos. like with the actual music itself, this year was profoundly complacent and very few choreographies were truly inspired and willing to do something original. i was actually afraid for a bit that i was not even gonna be able to fill out a top ten list, much less having any runners' up. so here's a list of runners' up:
new dayz - trendz
spotlight - yunho
wormhole - n.ssign
neverland - nine.i
baggy jeans - nct u
koong - xikers
vuja de - yunho
bouncy - ateez
journey - woodz
and my favourites:
circle - onew
i have a bit of a love hate relationship with the circle choreo bc on one hand i LOVE it, the imagery and idea is beautiful i think it's one of the few choreos this year that actually embodies what the song and the cb were trying to say. but on the other hand, as a contemporary dance enjoyer it is.........let down by the fact that kpop is a predominantly hiphop based genre and the backup dancers are not up to snuff for this type of choreo. kaspar did a pretty good job choreographing it but hiphop and contemp/modern are notoriously hard styles to slide between for dancers, and i really think they should have actually got a modern choreographer and a modern troupe. it would have significantly upped the quality and given the stages that extra gut punch.
grl gvng - xg
honestly you really could sub in any xg choreo from this year here bc they were all stellar, but the commitment of grl gvng clinched it for me. the costuming, the makeup, the style of movement all tell such a clear story that i would have included it on my list regardless of what the album was, but the transition from hesonoo to xgene to grl gvng is fucking UNREAL. it's so refreshing to see a gg actually commit to a concept that isn't pretty bubbly straightness and to not compromise on it regardless of how much people bitch, right down to the choreo. there's something immensely satisfying about seeing a choreo about how these girls are alien cyborgs and have it actually LOOK like they are alien cyborgs, the intentional clunkiness and 'offputting' movements and all. i've been begging for an actual real concept like this for years and finally. finally it has been delivered.
chrome arts - onlyoneof
its not a choreo list by me if there isn't an ooo one, and once again they came right out of the gate at the beginning of the year with something batshit insane. the knee walk move is crazy. i love it 10/10.
killer - key
unlike a lot of the other entries on this list, i don't think killer has as concise of a concept other than "the 80s", but the great thing about it is that you absolutely can successfully pull off a more abstract concept if you do it well. this is such a strong choreo with good images and composition, plus a lot of 80s references in the moves themselves, and sometimes that's all you need if you put the right care into it. this is actually one of the few choreos that i've seen that correctly capture the feel of an mj choreo from the 80s, which seems to be a real challenge for a lot of idols. i will say that i think it would have made more sense to me if this had been a repack to bad love, bc it has the same vein of nostalgia vibes and a very similar feel in the shapes of the choreo, but really they're all part of his retro series so it's not a substantive complaint.
the rizzness - taemin
don't speak to me don't look at me i'm literally never recovering from this in my entire life. i cannot fucking believe he made me say with full conviction that ""the rizzness"" is one of the best taemin bsides but also of fucking course he did. this is black rose but eviler (complimentary). it's so interesting to see how versatile taemin's style is and where his true strengths lie. obviously his title track choreos are perfectly tailored to his body and his abilities and they are all unreal choreos on their own. but there's something about the way that he carries himself when he does more hiphop based choreo that has such a natural power to it. it's so clear that this is the style that he started learning dance in and especially now that he's become much more settled in his body since he got back from the military, it's so obvious how much love he has for this song and this way of movement that i don't think any of his title tracks will stack up in the same to it in my eyes.
don't call me - dkz nine to six
insane. insane insane insane. i love everything about this. it's weird its creative it had very clear imagery that supports the song, it says fuck capitalism, what more could you possibly want. honestly one of the best choreos of the last couple years. i'm also gonna include nod here too bc it was the bside they promoted and it has crazy choreo also, and highly recommend ppl listen to digital love, the other bside. very strong release from dkz this year despite all the shit they went through.
here's hoping 2024 is better!
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many random stuff under the cut
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was finally drawin eddie's cousin and i thought. what if. what if i drew smth like cig cards but w female characters from fp files............ like since i randomly decided to switch to more realistis style........... but i know that tomorrow (well today bc its 1am) i'm probly gonna let that idea go but god sees i'd love to make this. not all of them? bc there's like 9 of the ones i really focused on. n there's only 5 who participate in the plot of this thing im writin so idk (and lauretta isnt even here fr this upsepts me so much but there's no way i'm rewritin the concept) anyway i haven't properly worked on eddie's cousin since she's a bg character w only one meaningful & important arc but idk realised that she has vibes of nina from carnaval (1981).... <- another soviet film 😭
chaotic personality, superficiality but a lot of energy and life (and desperation). + maybe ref to eddie's cousin and her husband (have u seen him tho? he's ridiculous) i think i need to rewatch carnaval. brilliant film
^ also this! i don't imply this to eddie's cousin character, but this song is so! maybe it could fit some of female characters idk i need to think bout this (main lyrics: Call me, for God's sake! (then yearning but ends with:) if i don't mean anything in your life anymore; i'll forget about you; i won't stop breathing; i'll still be happy; even if I don't have you) next
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lisa rubini the ultimate mother you are.......... not the best one but she's so real to me. some hc things: i think she worked as a seamstress and before Eddie started earning money was the main source of income for the family. this may not be true for the era, i'm honestly just transferring what happens very often here when women takes over all the responsibilities (the father is either an alcoholic or unemployed or just not there) + this as another reason for the conflict between Lisa and her husband. & because she worked as a seamstress for a long time she developed carpal tunnel syndrome as she got older (i've been told about this problem by several seamstresses). i was just thinking that i often see Eddie & Lisa in my head, with Eddie holding Lisa's hands & carpal tunnel syndrome could be the reason y know? bout eddie's cousin - i think she's Lisa's niece, not Cecilio's
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+ some hc bout Cecilio. i think he was a christian & went to church every sunday. there's deep christian guilt but he still beats his wife n son & drinks hard & gamble (Marmeladov from crime & punishment is low-key my ref for him). there's a lot in here about unrealized fulfillment in life (emigration that didn't do any good)
thnx for comin to my ted talk goodnight yall
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rogueshadeaux · 1 year
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Chapter Twenty-One — Spectral
It wasn’t just the light that made her shine, though; it was her, the same person in those pictures with Dad, no gray to her skin or sullen cheeks or bones that protruded just a bit too much to be healthy. Her hair was even back to fully pink, brushed out of her face as those eyes, Brent’s eyes, met mine, turning soft.  “Mom?”
5.8k words | 18 min read time | TRIGGER WARNINGS: unreality vibes if those freak you out
⚠ AUTHORS NOTE: image credit to Withoutafuss on deviantart. Full (and absolutely beautiful) version here
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The scent faded in first. 
It smelled like the beauty of nature. Like sunlight bouncing off warmed rocks and fertile soil. There was something flowery there I couldn’t name if you asked me; usually flowers came with pollen, and pollen would stock up my nose. But not this time. 
There wasn’t any sound, which should have scared me. No birds or crickets or the scream of cicadas. There was a breeze, but even then it barely whispered. I shifted slightly, and something standing against me tickled my nose. That’s what got me to spring up from my slumber, jolting up straight in place with a gasp. 
I was lying in a field of barley, hidden away in its heart by the tall stalks until I stood. The golden grain stretched as far as I could see, all the way to the horizon and probably past it, a beautiful offset to the clear blue sky. There was light, but…I couldn’t find the sun, no matter how hard I looked. Skyline to skyline was alight, but void. Just blue. Where the hell was I?
I fought to remember what happened. How I got here. Arguably, my biggest question at first was where the fuck was the sun, but that melted away when I realized I…I didn’t know where I was. Why I was here. Wasn’t I at the Longhouse a bit ago? How did…
Barley doesn’t grow in winter. It’s a spring crop. Wasn’t it…it was Christmas Eve, right? What was today? There was no snow, it wasn’t cold. I wasn’t even dressed for cold weather — I wasn’t sure if this counted as being dressed at all. 
Water was my dress, as blue as the ocean with the white froth of sea foam billowing at its trims. The wet crept up my chest until it found a comfortable spot to sink into my skin, and didn’t stop its soft ebbs as I stood — the angle of its tide just shifted. 
“What the fuck?” I whispered under my breath, looking around. There was literally nothing, nothing, but a field of gold, stretching until the horizon curved away. I didn’t know it was possible to be freaked out by wide open spaces, but I definitely began to hyperventilate a bit as I spun in place, looking for something, anything that indicated a difference. By my third spin, I wasn’t even sure which way I was originally facing. 
Everything was peaceful, calm, and entirely uncanny. I wracked my brain, trying to think of what happened or how I got here but got nothing but static in response with the briefest of flashes; waves, shattered wood, Brent diving down from a cloudy sky. 
“Brent?” I called out, my voice carrying away with the soft breeze that made the grain ripple like an ocean. He’d have to have a better idea of what was going on, right? I hope so, ‘cause I sure the fuck did not. 
Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to start walking. Arguably, I should have stayed put — it would have made me easier to find. But I couldn’t stay here in the middle of this giant field, not when there was nothing else to go by. I couldn’t even depend on the sun for a directional point, the fucking thing was missing — but I couldn’t leave without leaving behind a hint or something of the sort. 
The water was slow to call up, which was concerning. It slugged onto my arms, moved lazily around my wrists as I forced the streams on my skin down to my hands. I had to leave something behind for Brent, probably something he’d see from the sky. I turned back to the divot in the grain where my sleeping form pressed down the barley and pushed the water out of my hands into the depression, pushing and refining and pinching until there was a liquid version of the Conduit emblem in its crater with an arrow pointing towards my right. 
And once I was satisfied with how it looked, once I was sure he’d see the glint of the two-headed eagle as it reflected rays from a nonexistent source, I turned in the direction of the arrow and started walking. 
You don’t realize how big the world is until you try to trek it on foot — barefoot, I realized. Where the hell were my boots, my leather jacket? I could remember searching through Dad’s closet and pulling out a jacket of his with a little Seattle 138 patch on its arm, and that was gone too. My hair wasn’t even pulled back anymore. 
The barley stretched for miles and I walked each one for hours, maybe even days, if those existed anymore. I’d have to pause, sit and rest for a while, but nothing changed outwardly — including my energy. I was worried time and space and whatever disappeared with the sun, that this was some weird sort of purgatory I was meant to be trapped in to walk forever like some kind of remixed Sisyphis when the sky began to change. The blue lightened a bit, and turned yellow at the edges before pink and purple overtook the entire sky in a way I’d never seen before, sunset triggering throughout its entirety as something dark grew on the horizon. 
It grew taller with each step, hard to really tell what it was in the bright contrast of the sky and the depth of the distance until I was nearly on it. The golden grain disappeared and was replaced with soft dewy grass, running like a border between the fields behind me and the border of trees. It looked like the Clatsop State Forest in Oregon. It looked like home. 
We’d go hiking in forests like this a lot when I was younger — It was one of Dad’s favorite ways to get us out of the house and away from the world. I paused just in front of a toppled, moss-covered trunk to look out at the field behind me, at the trail I walked into it and the sky that was beginning to shift from purple to black even without the sun. I’d walked for what felt like forever, and yet…I wasn’t tired. The soles of my feet weren’t even red, I’d realized when I sat on the ground and crossed them. The journey was barely even registering in my mind as long, already compacting in that disassociated way when you dream, and I decided that had to be what was happening right now. Right? This had to be a dream. A weird one, but a dream. Maybe I fell asleep at Betty’s?
I leaned against the log behind me and watched the purple sky bruise, stars breaking out of the murk unnaturally. Everything was peaceful and quiet and serene but oh so wrong. Stars wouldn’t appear in the sky until I looked away from a point and then glanced back, the lights twinkling like they’d been there the whole time. Nothing made sense! I tried to think about how I could have gotten somewhere like here. There was…Brent had wings, so we’d gone outside at some point. Wood chips…did the Akomish Reservation have a park? Did we sneak away to play at a park? Was I asleep in a tube slide again?
I tried to force myself awake. Pinching the thigh, slapping the face, jumping, counting, all of the tricks people say to use when you want to get out of a nightmare — none of them worked, but they all felt real. This couldn’t be real, right? 
Just to test, though, I filled my hands with water and dunked my face in the cold, trying to see if that’d work. 
It didn’t, but the bite of the cold came with new flashes; frosting arms, frozen ribs. Something twinged hard in my back and suddenly I was reliving those last moments of the true before. Before I froze over, before I fainted in the silt of the Sound. 
I jolted up from my spot, freaking out. Did Archangel get me? I mean, this place had no fucking sun, no moon — just aurora borealis that switched on unnaturally like someone turned on a night light as I dove into the woods, running away from where I was first found. I didn’t know what was going on or where I was. All I knew was something was wrong, and I needed to both get away from where I was left and find out more. 
I wasn’t tired yet. My body felt a lot like how it did when I was suspended in the Sound a while ago; rested yet ready, able to vault over fallen logs and around foliage that scratched at my exposed legs but left no marks. I know, I checked. The slice in my side was gone and while I couldn’t see back there, I didn’t feel any holes left behind by the icicles. Could this have been the long con, that grand plan Augustine was intent on achieving? Weaken Dad for a while so they could move him to some weird facility where the stars seemed to shine a bit too bright — and since I got hurt instead, they decided I’d be the next safest bet into luring out Dad? They’d already tried it once with those Akurans and knew it’d work. I must be their ransom. 
As I ran, I caught more of those brief flashes of life that happened before I went unconscious; there were soldiers that could wield ice, a dozen of them, maybe even more! Were they transferred powers like Augustine’s old footsoldiers, the DUP? She’d know how to do something like that, right? History class only told us the government had the capability to activate inactive Conduits and transfer over an artificial power — nothing beyond that. Couldn’t imagine why they wouldn’t want a bunch of kids to know how to become Conduits. It’s a mystery. 
But that confirmed enough to me; Archangel were making their own soldiers. Maybe not concrete-wielding DUP, but how far could they go? Dozens of troops wielding dozens of different kinds of powers wasn’t exactly a nice idea. Who’s to say they wouldn’t find something stronger than ice or concrete? Who’s to say they weren’t waiting to do something to me?
I had to find the edge of this…whatever it was. Maybe I could break out or escape through an HVAC vent or something. 
Dad was nearly there. I saw him running atop the Sound at the speed of sound, ahead of some…god, it looked like a knight with wings chasing down a thousand demons that ran from hell. Were they chasing him? Was that the Archangel?
Either way, the only thing that mattered was that he had been close, last I saw him. He wouldn’t leave me behind, he wouldn’t have let Archangel take me without being right there ready to get me back out. I had to get to him, try and meet him halfway. 
The forest was beautiful. When the green and the blue of the northern lights that were too far south lit up the canopy, it bled through the leaves in a way that bathed the entire woods in this soft blue glow that reminded me of enchantments. Like this wasn’t some farce built up by a bunch of psychos but an actual border between the real world and something even more magical. Dad used to read me Narnia when I was little, it was our thing; he’d read through a chapter and I’d always return home from school the next day with a new drawing based on it and a complaint from my teacher that I wasn’t paying attention in class. I loved the idea of the Woods Between the Worlds, of a forest full of magic and portals that could transport you everywhere and anywhere so long as you stepped in a puddle. 
Now, I wanted absolutely nothing to do with such a nexus. 
So I ran, the billowed skirt of my watery dress lagging behind me like the splash of choppy waters off of a boat’s body. That was another thing that worried me; where were my clothes? If Archangel got me, that simply meant they had access to me, all of me, and while the worst of what that could mean definitely flew through my head, my biggest worry was that they took a part of me I’d never be able to regain. The copy of my Conduit gene. 
I wasn’t getting tired, but I was getting winded — eventually I leaned against a pine tree, practically collapsing into it, gasping loudly. The woods were worse than the barley fields! I wasn’t sure if I was still running straight, if I was facing the direction I was originally or just spinning in circles. It sure felt like I wasn’t making progress. 
I leaned my forehead against the bite of the bark, scraping my head against the splintering bits just to see if I’d wake up from this nightmare, if I was wrong and just in some delusional stage of sleep paralysis. Of course, it didn’t work though. 
I lifted my head and looked around, already unsure of where I came from. I was in the middle of debating whether I should go forward or just lay down and cry in frustration when I heard…something. Not an owl or a wolf or any of the other scary things that usually prowl at night. It had an electrical patter to it, a chirping noise that sounded all too familiar as a streak of neon pink shot off between some firs far ahead, its illumination barely reaching me. 
“Dad?” I called, shouting, “Dad!” louder when the pink dissipated into the dark of the woods. He was so far, he couldn’t hear me — if he was going faster than the speed of sound, would he even be able to? 
I didn’t care. All I cared about was following him, making sure none of this was a night terror…or worse. 
I was back to running, shooting off parallel to where I saw Dad run. The worst part about his speed was it left behind nothing more to go by than an imprint on the back of my eyelids, guided by that and faith more than anything. I called his name as I ran, breathless begging for him to suddenly shoot in front of me and reassure me that nothing was bad enough that he couldn’t fix. That he was there, he was going to get me out of here, and that everything was going to make sense. That everything was going to be okay. 
I didn’t realize I was nearing the end of the thicket until I burst out of it, nearly tripping over a huge rock that jutted out of the ground in front of me. I was entering a quarry of some sort, only not for regular stone; slabs of translucent crystals laid everywhere, giant geodes cracked in half and lining out the trail down into an open pit. 
It was breathtaking; the shine of the northern lights bounced around in their natural lapidary and escaped out of each corner, bathing the spiral trail deeper into the pit in a reflected green light. Everything rippled down there like sunlight did underwater, mesmerizing me as I fell deeper into the unoccupied trench until I reached the shaft opening for its underground. 
“Dad?” I called out into the entrance, my voice bouncing around a thousand times as it crawled deep into the earth. This was the direction he ran — but to be fair, he could have changed course and I wouldn’t have seen it. I definitely wasn’t sure that he’d go into the cave without a cause.
But if he was looking for me, missed me in the woods, and couldn’t find me anywhere else above surface, he’d look underground next. It was the only place I could think he’d be. 
Inside was illuminated by gas lit lanterns that bathed the burrowed cave in a soft amber glow, the crystals in the walls absorbing the flame and centering its shine, giving off their own glints. There weren’t stalactites — they were the ends of long white crystals all positioned like teeth. In fact, looking at them made something new flash in my mind; Brooke Augustine hiding behind the maw of some giant beast, smirking. Augustine — wasn’t she in Curdun Cay? How’d she get out? 
I nabbed one of the lanterns from a hook in the wall as the trail into the quarry dove deeper. Would Archangel be able to make something like this, something so big not only above ground, but under it? Why would they even be digging in the first place? I mean, unless this was all some elaborate set of some sort, then good for them, it looked great — but just…why? 
God, I needed Dad. 
The ramp dove deeper and deeper, curved in a spiral that left me feeling dizzy. How long had I been walking? That weird feeling was back, already compacting time into something smaller and easier to manage and making me feel like everything was shorter than it really was. I called out Dad’s name a few times as I descended, each step leaving me feeling like I made a wrong choice. I should have stayed above surface, Dad wouldn’t have gone diving in a hole to look for me! Not without a good reason to come looking here — and I hadn’t given him one. I didn’t even leave a little sign I was in here. 
I was about to turn back and climb up the ramp again when light, more light than what was cast by the lanterns, blitzed into view, neon pink bathing the black of the rock as that electrified chirp pattered off again in an echo. “Dad?” I called gently before rounding the corner. Maybe it was some cavern, the end of the excavation, and he’d be right there looking for me. 
No such luck. Instead, I somehow stumbled outside again into a grove with the strangest trees I’d ever seen. 
They were tall like maples, trunks void of any sort of run off until the top third of its bark, but the bark itself…it glistened with rainbow colors that shined with the dance of the auroras above. Like someone took waxy crayons and ran them along the groove of the bark until it melted into the wood, staining it forever. Rows of those as far as I could see, shining away in their cool glow. 
I’d almost forgotten why I came here in the first place — Dad was close. I’d seen him before rounding the corner, and was hearing that same chirping again, growing louder quickly. Pink and blue blew past me so quickly I stumbled back with the buffet of wind, barely caught by a rainbow tree trunk. It took me a moment to recover — the sound made my ears pop so roughly they began ringing, and something about the blast made me dizzy — but I managed to keep an eye on Dad’s neon aura as he blasted past the pit and somewhere into the grove of rainbow trees. 
“Dad!” I shouted, pushing off of the trunk. I was sure he didn’t see me in the woods, but there was no way he didn’t notice me just now! Was he avoiding me?
God, he was quick. He could probably eclipse the speed of light if he really tried, and that did nothing to benefit me or my position as I rushed after him at a normal gait, restricted by my unfortunate humanity. Brent gets metal muscles, Dad can do this — why didn’t I get anything cool? It was bullshit. I was going to have to figure out a way to keep a wave going and ride that wherever I wanted — because this? “This is bullshit,” I gasped as I ran. 
But I ran. Kept it up even as something burned in my left side, the stitch begging me to stop, until I burst out of the trees into arguably the most beautiful place I’d ever been. 
It was that moment before daybreak where the sky itself seemed to struggle to wake up, the last of the stars catching in the glint of the crystals. It looked like a retention pond that was drained out, now a crater lined by nothing but glittering rocks in colors and shades and patterns I’d never seen in real life. I didn’t know there could be pinks that rich or greens that deep in a stone! Their jagged ends stuck out of the edge of the dry pond like scales, patterned in a way that almost tricked my eyes into thinking they were moving. Were these the stones they were trying to find at that excavation site a ways back? No wonder they were digging so deep.
There was a beaten path in the dirt around the edge of the pond, rich smelling soil soft against my feet as I walked around it. Light was beginning to permeate from that unknown source again, an entire day already gone in here, and the way the light bounced off of the crystals…my god. I’d never seen anything like it. It reminded me of figuring out that I could hold my quartz necklace up to a ray of sunlight and cast little rainbows everywhere, only quadrupled in awe; the entire area became basked in rainbows and glittering dots, bouncing off of the grove behind me and dancing in the refraction of my dress. The bottom of the emptied pond was smooth rock, almost white and not at all rough as I flitted down the crystals as a waterfall and regathered from the rush of my liquid dress, standing at the edge of the dome. 
I turned in place, running a finger along the closest wall of crystal to see if any were loose. They were so close together but it didn’t seem like they were placed there, either; blue and pink and purple and green all sprouted beside each other like siblings. 
There was a bzzzzzzZZZT behind me, and the wall I was facing lit up as it absorbed the light of Dad’s neon as he flitted around the pond. I spun in place in time to watch the ball of neon jump, reaching a height that shouldn’t have been possible even with Conduit powers before landing opposite me on the other side of the pond and releasing the grip on the power, form returning…returning to…
Neon stayed in segments, ribbons that acted as clothing waving in the breeze of the speed. There was still an edge to it all, slits in the pink neon skirt that slipped high past her hips and exposed the blue of the undergarment, the two colors creating a geometric crop top that turned purple where their weave intersected. She stayed charged, pulses of neon literally letting off of her skin in soft blitzes that audibly crackled and illuminated everything about her ethereally. It wasn’t just the light that made her shine, though; it was her, the same person in those pictures with Dad, no gray to her skin or sullen cheeks or bones that protruded just a bit too much to be healthy. Her hair was even back to fully pink, brushed out of her face as those eyes, Brent’s eyes, met mine, turning soft. 
“Mom?” I gasped out after forgetting to breathe the entire time she settled in place, straightening. Neon stayed playing on her hands, wrapping around it again and again like a pet snake. 
How…how was she here? Mom was gone. She’d been gone since before I’ve been conscious — so how was she here, in front of me, able to tilt her head to the side slightly while looking at me?
You shouldn’t be here, sweetheart. 
She didn’t open her mouth, and yet I heard her voice rattle around in my head. God, was that what she sounded like? Dad wasn’t kidding when he said she had an accent. The pet name caught on the Jersey dialect and shattered some preconceived notion in me I didn’t even know was there. Modulated and adenoidal, it probably would have pulled me in even without it being the fact that that was my mother speaking. “You’re alive?”
Her words didn’t even really register until I realized my gaping didn’t make that look on her face change. Shouldn’t be here? “Where are we?” I asked, looking around at the crystals. They were all so alight now that the entire area was bathed in either blue or pink. Mom was caught in a halo of her power, a bit hard to look at — but I didn’t avert my eyes. I barely even blinked. “Have they kept you in here this whole time?”
Oh my God. Oh my God! My mom was alive, and she was tangible, right there! I could reach out and touch her if I wanted! I moved forward a half-step, intending to do just that, when Mom flinched in place, backing up to keep me away. Why was she shaking her head? Why did she look so upset, so worried? 
This isn’t how it’s supposed to go. 
Her voice echoed around in my head again, whispers of each syllable catching on each other and amplifying how sad she sounded. “How what’s supposed to go?” I asked. Were they keeping her here for a reason? “Do you know what’s going on?”
She didn’t answer at first; just kept looking at me with a melancholy that slightly shifted in her eyes. Maybe it was because of the tears pooling in mine, I don’t know. It made her drop her hands in defense, though, and take a step closer. 
Something shattered in that air between us, and we were suddenly booking it towards each other — well, I tried to. She burst into a neon aura I realized was much more pink, more pure looking than Dad’s, and beat me to the punch — or, tackle. She sorta slammed into me, enough to make my gasp breathless as for the first time I could remember, my mother hugged me. 
You always imagine moms are soft and gentle. At least, I did. Mom, though? She was tough. The surprisingly strong grip held on to me like I’d turn into sand in her hands and she needed to take the chance to feel me while she still could. I understood, I felt similar; I needed to make up for nearly 15 years of hugs. Love we missed out on as she was, evidently, trapped here. 
Trapped. There had to be something more, something bigger going on. “We should go, there’s gotta be a way out, right?” I asked, pulling back slightly. I didn’t get far; her arms tightened so hard around me that my water rode over her neon, making the contact on my back skin to skin. 
She smiled slightly at this, one arm pulling back to scoop away at the bit of my dress in the back and watch the water drip off of her fingertips. 
Water. Haven’t seen that one yet.
This one came with a laugh, a beautiful sound that chittered like a bird. She smiled wide, shaking her head. 
“It’s pretty cool.” I turned pink, sniffing a bit. “You should see Brent’s though. He gets wings, it’s kinda unfair. He’ll show off for you all you want once we break out.”
Something in her expression changed again, and her one hand came up to cup my face, swiping away at a rogue tear. 
You look so much like your father.
I knew I did, but I was beginning to see pieces of Mom in myself now that she was in front of me: the same lips, the same eye shape. Brent got the most of her but now that I had proof that pieces of her lived in me? 
Well, it was more than I could ask for. It was everything I ever wanted.
Dad. “Have you seen him?” I asked. “I — we were attacked, those Archangel guys — they broke out Augustine and sent her to kidnap him but he wasn’t there — he was coming back, but I had to do something to stop them from killing more people and I—“ I looked around. “I don’t remember how I got here.” Her fingers were playing in my loose hair now, a sensation I never thought I’d experience. The neon in her hand crackled against my eardrum, sent pleasant little tingles up and down my scalp as her hand brushed against my skull. “Come on,” I finally said, grabbing her hand before it could brush through my hair again. “Let’s — there’s gotta be some way we can get out. How long have you been here? Have you noticed anything?”
I meant to keep ahold of her hand when I broke away from her, to begin traveling hand in hand and figuring out how to leave. If I could get Mom out — god, Dad would lose his mind. And Brent! She needed to see Brent! 
But she stayed in place, gently pulling her hand from mine when I took a side-step away and shook her head again. 
I can’t leave. 
“What?” I gawked. “What do you mean you can’t leave?” Why did she suddenly look so dejected? “If we work together, there’s gotta be some way we can break out of whatever this place is! Archangel can’t have a compound that huge, there’s gotta be a border—“ 
My name. That’s what it sounded like when she said it? I’d never heard it said that beautifully before. 
But she stayed looking at me in that sort of dejected melancholy, like she was regretful of everything she missed. Like she planned on missing more. That sadness in her eyes made something heavy land in my chest. “Mom? What's wrong?” 
She moved forward, both hands coming up to gently grip my head and she tilted it forward, kissing the top of it. She stayed there long after releasing the kiss, unmoving until she said—
You need to go back. 
Yeah, I did — with her! Why was she suddenly acting like that possibility was impossible? “Did Archangel do something to you?” I asked when she released me. She said this wasn’t how it was supposed to go — did she cut some deal with Archangel? “Mom it’s — we can get away, Dad should be coming soon and Dr. Sims was with him—“ 
Mom took a step back. And another. Her hand came out to stop me in place when I tried following her. 
You can’t stay here. This isn’t where you’re supposed to be. Not yet.
There was a sudden burst of light, and Mom flitted back, forming from the neon as quickly as she disappeared in it. That aura of neon stayed around, played stronger on her skin, more snakes of ribboned pink crawling down from her shoulders to dance around her arms. “Mom, I don’t — what’s going on?” 
Not if I have anything to say about it. 
The ribbons around her arms began to spin until I couldn’t even differentiate them from each other — she was just alight at the arms. The dance of the color lit up the pit until it was hard to keep my eyes open, surrounded by rainbows of blue and pink. 
Mom lifted a hand, the same one I was holding moments ago, the fingers I could barely see in the glow giving away to that same glow as it charged. What was she doing? 
Her hand pointed off to the side, to the face of the retention pond, and shot a beam so powerful the trill of its ability made my eardrums throb. It hit a rather large crystal protrusion, its blue turning purple, and refracted off of its surface, shooting for me. 
The beam slammed into where that stitch in my side laid, burning into me and making me cry out in pain. My mom was attacking me! Why was she attacking me? The beam stopped, zapping away without the fanfare of electricity, and I stumbled back in its hit, casting a hand over the wound. “Mom—“ I cut off when skin touched the rawness, hissing instead. 
You have more you need to do. 
The other hand lifted and shot a beam at a crystal on the right, bounding off of it and practically punching me in the chest. I doubled over, tears coming to my eyes both because of the pain and because I didn’t understand what I did for her to do this! It felt like more than being set of fire — I felt like I was being incinerated. The beam dissipated, and I barely straightened in time to see her lift both arms, a mournful smile on her face complimenting the tears streaming down her cheeks.
I love you, so much. But I can’t keep you. 
More neon slipped down from her spine, pushing into her hands until they practically glowed like little suns, and she released, the beams crisscrossing a thousand times in the drained retention pond before colliding with my back. 
I tried to bring up some water to stop it, but there was no point — something that powerful couldn’t be stopped by liquid. It cut through my water and lit up my entire body until it felt like it was aflame, leaving me to scream in place as I tried to repel it somehow. The neon danced in my water, combined with my water until the entirety of what encapsulated me grew to glow like a supernova, and my vision began to white with it, losing Mom in the haze. 
Over my screams and the pain and the ringing in my ears, I heard her one last time. 
Our boys need you. 
The white overtook my vision, and I slipped away into this in between; pain was still there, in my side and chest and back. I felt like I was traversing through jello, trapped to experience every atom of anguish individually. The hiss of the neon even seemed to slow, like I was beyond sound itself; it just became a ring of tinnitus, barely anything at all until something else began to happen. 
Beeping. There was beeping, and a gross sort of sterile smell, like bleach. Is that what a body smells like when you zap it? “Defrosted plus six minutes, doctor.” 
“Good. Vitals?”
“Pulse is forty-five, respiratory ten.” 
I love you. Mom’s voice called from the back of my mind, distant. Like she was already worlds away from me. 
The hum of neon disappeared, and the dilation of my experience began to crunch, the pain growing and becoming compounded into itself as the voices grew clearer. The white light disappeared from my eyes and I gasped out as the world, its agony and soreness and confusion crashed into me, and my eyes shot open. 
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
I like the new kids! Tom seems a mixture of Hiccup and Astrid, Jun isn’t a copy-paste Astrid and provides knowledge and myths beyond Viking history, Alex is a ray of sunshine who gives me aro/ace vibes, D’Angelo is unfortunately the weakest development wise in my opinion. I thought Eugene was obnoxious, but now he’s grown on me as that annoying, idiotic, comic relief brother carácter. I hate Buzzsaw. His motivations (?) are stupid. I like the parent cast, but I’m not a big fan of the dragon designs.
I also feel like some of the dialogue between the cast is forced and unnecessary, but I don’t mind the plot as much as I thought I would. Oh, also I’m starting to wonder if the realms are entrances to different worlds and not just supposed to be caves deep inside earth because they all have their own atmospheres and ecosystems. Plus doesn’t realms mean worlds? As in dragons are from a different world than humans originally, but the entrances are crossovers?
I enjoyed reading all this and I'm really happy to discuss things like this with other dragon nerds. I'm going to respond to topics with bullet points. Each one of these bullet points could be its own separate conversation. XD If anyone wants to keep babbling!
TNR Character Cast: Kids
The kids are good! I have appreciation for all, especially when considering their personality set-ups beyond the writer's execution. Each kid is built off good concepts.
Plus, the interests and beliefs each character has would allow for fascinating duo and team dynamics (did TNR do a better job handling it). For instance - Tom's impulsiveness contrasted with D'Angelo's rigidity and respect for regulations means the two have opposing values sets, the perfect set-up for interesting interactions.
I find Tom the weakest character concept because they bank too hard on the "Hiccup is Tom's ancestor" concept. Having your protagonist be a character who's conceptually copied off of your last protagonist, and where his main character conflict is a quest to find his ancestry (an external conflict as versus something that promotes internal character growth) is weak.
I love Jun's concept. She has tons of unrealized potential. *SHE* is set up with good character conflict. She has a mother who wants her to live in the practical world and a brother who doesn't share her interests, whereas Jun's greatest dreams and desires lie in mythology and mysticism. The fact that running into the dragons allows her to pursue her desires (against the desires of her mother, who's the head of the research facility) is way cool. And Jun being a voice for dragons in Chinese culture and the broader world of mythology makes great expansion to HTTYD-dom.
D'Angelo is a cinnamon roll, too good, too pure, to darling. The idea of a lawful good character and a character who has veterinarian knowledge is fantastic. I agree with you they haven't developed him as much as they should, especially the last few seasons. This holds true for all TNR characters, but especially D'Angelo.
Alex is a ray of sunshine in our hearts, but let's be clear: her character is one with fantastic darkness, too. That element helps make her refreshing. Like her saying, "Big business would exploit them [dragons], reducing them to a tiny column of profit margins on an ENDLESS SPREADSHEET OF DOOOOOOM."
I love Eugene because he's obnoxious! Give me all your obnoxious children! Give me your team tensions! His portrayal's a bit lame (and they partially intend that), but I can get down with the concept of a reincarnated wet rat pathetic Elvis Presley. I don't like how hard they've had him want to be leader (or the idea of "we need a leader" in this group at all). Also, I never am a fan of making a character be only comic relief. I want them to give Eugene serious and heartfelt moments, too.
The adult cast: Buzzsaw is so annoying he makes me wish Mildew were back. I do not like what they're doing with his character arc. Let's also bring up the angering stupidity of Evil Science Lady. In what world do scientists act like catty ten-year-olds? Please drop her into the abyss and forget she appeared on the show. Lots of the adult cast I have less attachment to, but their concepts are fine, and I like that we're following both a kid group and an adult group.
The dialogue is extremely poor in TNR. Agree with ya. I'm also in the same boat with you about plot: it's not something I care for, but I'm not offended by it as some people are (some things in S4 went over my very lenient allowances, though). I'm fine to chill and let things be as they are. Just sit back and get more Dragons content.
As far as entrances to other worlds: yes, that could be one explanation, especially banking on the underlying Norse concept of nine realms... but one of the things that's a hallmark of HTTYD has been its underlying realism. It's a world where dragons fill ecological roles and you can observe their evolutionary adaptations to survive in the world. HTTYD hasn't been a story of magical portals or other fantasy-driven elements. Ergo, having realms be literal would be stepping outside the worldbuilding boundaries we've had since the first movie, in my opinion. It'd be a way cool concept in a fanfic, but not something that I'd want to see in my official lore. Especially given the heavy focus on environmental adaptations to our world.
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bravevolunteer · 7 months
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WHAT  MADE  YOU  PICK  UP  THE  MUSE  YOU  HAVE  ?   well you see i liked fnaf and its lore a normal amount until one night after security breach boosted the fandom i thought a little bit Too Hard while staring at the ceiling and decided to add michael afton the next day-
IS  THERE  ANYTHING  YOU  DON'T  LIKE  TO  WRITE  ?  aside from the obvious? in spite of writing a marvel character for years straight i also suck at constant action with nothing else going on (aside from figuring out how to phrase it i really struggle knowing how far to go in those kinds of replies without overstepping what the other muse would do if that makes sense), which is great because for as much as michael gets into fights he is Just A Guy. and uh... for michael specifically, given the ambiguity of fnaf, there are some ideas that i'm not on board with because they don't align with how i see the story you know?
IS  THERE  ANYTHING  YOU  REALLY  ENJOY  WRITING  ?   angst and hurt/comfort sorry i am a predictable bitch i'll eat it up every single time. the softness hits harder when it comes with or after excruciating pain
HOW  DO  YOU  COME  UP  WITH  YOUR  HEADCANONS  ?  possession yeah. i can't force them they just occur to me in sudden visions. who said that.
DO  YOU  WRITE  IN  SILENCE  OR  LISTEN  TO  MUSIC  ?   music always i CANNOT write in silence, i barely Exist in silence. usually i'll use a character playlist (stupid amount of michael ones), however if it's overstimulating and makes writing more difficult i'll loop specific songs that set the mood but i can tune out for the most part
DO  YOU  PLAN  YOUR  REPLIES  OR  WING  THEM  ?   somewhere in between? i definitely like to plot things out, ESPECIALLY with michael, however i prefer plotting that leans closer towards discussing overall dynamics or the general vibe/direction of a thread. i will not hesitate to go super in depth there. while i rotate them in my head constantly before i write the reply, i tend not to go too far discussing a Hyper Specific prompt though because then i'll avoid writing it (both because i've already discussed it so much and i end up hyping it up to the point where i've set impossible standards)
DO  YOU  ENJOY  SHIPPING  ?   yes :) all kinds :)
WHAT'S  YOUR  ALIAS/NAME  ?   ash which is just. my name. real nickname. it's not that interesting of a story DKFHFJDS however if i were to start going by an alias online my favorite option has always been atlas
AGE  ?   21
BIRTHDAY  ?  october 17
FAVORITE  COLOR  ?   always changes because something's wrong with me. been a sage green enjoyer lately like the gay person i am ( but most of my clothes are black )
FAVORITE  SONG  ?   soooo many so you're getting my 2023 winners: song was not strong enough boygenius but my favorite Album was unreal unearth
LAST  MOVIE  YOU  WATCHED  ?   humiliatingly enough i. Think it was the fnaf movie ( at 3am on call while going insane ) i don't think i've watched one since then
LAST  SHOW  YOU  WATCHED  ?   oh god my brain hasn't been letting me watch anything new lately but i THINK it was trying to watch infinity train and then giving up because of that lmao. if podcasts count i'm relistening to tma-
LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO  ?  ... once more to see you mitski
FAVORITE  SEASON  ?   autumn
DO  YOU  HAVE  A  TUMBLR  BEST  FRIEND  ?   i have so many beloved close friends i've met on tumblr i can't just list ONE
tagged by: @mischiiefs tagging: yea mak you stole a good chunk of the crew just steal it from me idk DHJFSJDF
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ooc-themis-cattails · 7 months
Banned text
I went to the local library, and didn't actually find much I was excited about; the selection was so poor compared to Amazon. But of course there were a trillion copies of Fahrenheit 451, and I have like no memory of the plot, so I thought I'd go ahead and give it a read.
I read Fahrenheit 451 many years ago in high school (back in the 20th century), but I struggled to understand it the way I struggled to understand normal people. I was like Clarisse, except they made me go to school and didn't let me have any therapy for it. And I couldn't understand where the other characters in the book were coming from, or why they acted like automata or got trapped in their mundane lives, any better than I understood my classmates. But Clarisse was connected to nature and was a rejection of modern technology that had already taken over, while I was using technology that hadn't become a monster yet. And because of the "nature = good, technology = bad" theme that all the teachers very much wanted us to notice, I was mostly annoyed.
I was seventeen in the days of the very early internet, like some kind of settler in a digital wild, before social media existed. Every day I would want to get home away from the school social treadmill with its structured activities, and I'd go on the internet-- which was mostly text those days, all words, no videos, few photos-- and I'd talk to the very rare other teenagers who rejected their school lives and went on the internet to make friends with distant teenagers who didn't fit in like me, the uncool outcast kids who wanted to reach out and touch someone that wasn't swept up in their prescribed lives of social competition for peers' admiration.
Downstairs, my mother sat hypnotized by the glow of TV sitcoms, my father slaved away at the treadmill of capitalism, and I escaped through a thread of text, spinning out over the phone line and projected far away into the ether. My words like a cry into the darkness were finally sent somewhere meaningful, crossing vast distances of space to talk to other stars like me that burned, that did more than just orbit the culture that was fed to us without reaction, like a cold hard rock. The new technology that now traps people was, for me, a line of escape from that trap. I used computers to connect with other teenagers on the level I craved, one that made my classmates mock me for thinking and caring too deeply.
So when the experts insisted we all had to turn off our electronics and go out and touch grass, as if screen time were the destroyer of thought, I was so angry-- touching grass was part of what the mass majority was doing with their sports and their school dances. What was digital and abstract and "unreal" to them was my lifeline to my friends, to the other rare kids like me out there, so scattered and few, who actually thought and lived.
Now I get it, now that the world has changed and everybody's online using the internet just like they used the TV and everything else. But at the time it was being presented to me (presented, of course, by pop culture that had digested it, memetic associations and symbolic settings that had filtered into other media) as a bunch of false equations: "Technology =/= reading, or sharing deep ideas. Technology =/= real contact with real people. Face-to-face contact, and nature, are inherently more deep and connecting than any use of technology." These were the opposite of my experience. But they were formulated by people who only dimly understood the book's concerns: people who vibed with its insight that the experience of life was easily lost in the hypnotic content delivery of entertainment, but didn't have its insight as to why. The formula was then blindly taught by concerned parents and schools and other adults who thought themselves wise, to keep me away from the internet, which was my lifeline out of the endless prescribed cycle of school and work and the expectation that I would make money and marry and have children and do the same thing to them.
Go to school, move out and live on my own, go to work, select a partner, produce another generation that will do the same. It seemed so painfully meaningless, like the point was just to keep going on with the program-- which, of course, included plenty of activities that were supposed to involve enjoying the outdoors. Amusement parks, the beach, travel, hiking, all these things were prescribed for our health, so we had to go and labour at them (away from my precious internet connection with other distant misfits who actually connected with me).
I'm allergic to grass. If I sit in it my eyes and nose will stream with so much water and mucus that I can't even focus on anything other than my itching and distress. "Go out and touch grass" means anything to me but "pay attention to the world around me"; it means to be unable to focus on anything other than the overwhelming concerns of my bodily function, to feel unwell and trapped in my meatsuit, and unable to see. "Go out and touch grass" meant "obsess over your meat trap, like you're supposed to do." I wanted to dissolve into a stream of digital truth and escape my physical confines. Being a person didn't mean living in my body (my teenage desirable girl's body, precious currency of social attention, with its nascent disabilities just strong enough to make physical life unpleasant.) It meant being out of my body, being pure consciousness, focusing on meaning and, yes, emotion, physical as those chemicals actually are; being allowed to choose and guide my attention, and to care about whatever I wanted, and not distill all of the meaning of living down to the officially "healthy" program that society had selected for me.
Yes, the internet has become a hypnotic trap. But the problem isn't "screen time", the problem is when we use our screen time all wrong. Bradbury would have been happy to see that we participate with our own thoughts and use our own words, and that we constantly learn things we didn't expect to encounter. We're reading, and not only that, we're reading the thoughts and feelings of everybody, not just establishment-curated popular content. Unfortunately, a lot of those thoughts and feelings just echo the crap that's already been fed to us by school-work-society.
The problem isn't the medium, and the thing to be cherished isn't books. Before social media took over our lives, pundits were afraid that nobody would be able to read or write due to television. That did not turn out to be the problem-- we now read and write more text than anyone ever has in the whole history of civilization. The problem is that it's easy to turn off our brains and let content be delivered to us without any effort, rather than engaging with it by choice and direction. It doesn't matter whether we do that through radio, or TV, or the internet, or old dime-store comic books. Experts have finally stopped worrying that the next generation won't read, now that we see on twitter that text can be used to waste time just like anything else.
What concerns me is that we won't think about what we've read. That we won't digest it and think how it applies, or doesn't apply, to our lives. That we won't investigate for ourselves, but accept the word of the experts on whether engaging with it is healthy or not. That we won't look for whether it's true or untrue in our experience, but simply repeat it in situations that are superficially similar-- and then arbitrate whether it's healthy for other people by the metric of what they're looking at, not by what they choose to do with it next. Bradbury used the metaphor of a society that said TV was good and books were bad. The characters choose what to burn and what to broadcast for other people, what's good for society and what's bad for it, by judging the content that others take in, and making assumptions that it affects everyone a certain way. The mistake is in losing the individuality of how it affects everyone differently. Even Fahrenheit 451 itself instills caution in some people, self-satisfaction in others, misidrected paranoia in others, speculative wonder in others, and sleep in those who aren't interested in social issues.
The trap is not technology, but rather that we will only use it to do Normal things that we are Allowed to do. The trap is believing that certain media cause everyone who engages to have bad reactions rather than good ones, instead of treating each person as an individual case that could go either way. The trap is accepting that certain things are forbidden-- that we shouldn't read or think them at all, not even experimentally, not even long enough to know why, or whether, they are wrong. If we don't look at them because we fear they will harm us, we'll lose what they are supposed to do, which is warn us about the real harm. If we avoid content based on what the experts claim it will do to us, we will lose the engagement of those most interested in using tools in a healthy way. And if we shame, forbid or otherwise prevent others from engaging with the medium of their choice, then someone who would have actually needed it to step beyond their prescribed social boundaries will lose their lifeline.
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canadiancryptid · 1 year
Just watched Across the Spiderverse! That was amazing! Now I can stop avoiding spoilers like the plague!
Definitely gonna want to watch that again soon. There was a lot to take in, and a combination of a late show and a poor sleep schedule left me less than 100% awake, sadly. Not that I mind an excuse to see it nore than once! Gonna love that when I wake up.
Loved the combination of all the animation styles for the different universes.
Since I've had to dodge spoilers left and right, let me put more of my tired thoughts below the cut, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. They're probably not gonna be in chronological order, but whatever.
- Renaissance Vulture had such a cool animation style. Loved him. Want to see more of the DaVinci notes style animation. That's awesome.
- The Spot is just... *chef's kiss.* He's the perfect blend of goofy joke villain and genuinely terrifying. And he looks like he's a living scetch covered in ink blots, which was such a cool design.
- "Being Spider-Man is easy!" The confidence of this man is unreal. Pavitr is in for a rough time and he has no idea. He does not seem to realize how badly the universe wants to kick him in the nuts because of his new job. Once it stops collapsing like a whiney 3 year old because it didn't get to murder a cop. That's still a thing that never got fully resolved. Hope that works out at some point.
- Peter B. is such a proud dad. Mayday is adorable. Him showing baby pics to everyone with a pair of eyes and trying to get Miles to hold his little bundle of joy was the most wholesome thing. Probably shouldn't be taking your baby to somewhere like that, but she seemed happy. And adorable.
- If all these Spider-Men are just... hanging out in the Spider Society, are they just leaving their universe without its Spider-Man? How is that not causing problems? How often do they have to go home? Gwen says she's been gone for months... and clearly didn't want to go back.
- Spider-Punk was... a lot. Loved him, but honestly had a hard time keeping track of everything during his introduction. There was just a lot going on on there, so my overtired brain had trouble taking it all in. One of the reasons I want to see it again. His whole visual effect was super cool, but... again, want to take it all in when I'm more awake. Think I read somewhere that he overthrew the government? Anyways, loved his vibe, but his colage-like effects did a number on my brain. Hobie seems cool.
- Miguel seems a little... not okay. He looked like he was gonna just straight-up EAT the Vulture instead of sending him home. And he keeps blaming Miles for starting everything, as if he CHOSE to get biten by that spider. Love him, even if he's seemingly starting to lose it.
I just found out there was a post credits scene with him in the first movie when I was trying to double check everyone's names. How did I not know this? He seemed a lot more well-ajusted there. Or at least less crazy. Taking that much weight onto his shoulders must have done quite the number on him.
- Canon Events leave me with so many questions. Since her dad is still alive, Gwen clearly hasn't had the whole "police capitan dies saving a child" event yet, and if he's gonna quit... does that mean that event won't happen? Is that enough to keep him safe? Is she gonna get close to the new captain and have them die? Is her dad still gonna die? Did she just accidentally skip that Canon Event, dooming her entire universe? Or is it not that big a deal?
- How much of the damage we saw was done by Miles saving the captain and not by the Spot? It looked more like the Spot's portals than it did glitchy multiverse rules. Or did Miles just amplify what was already there? If the Spot WASN'T messing everything up, would the damage have been nearly as bad?
- Wait, if the Spot was an anomaly, then how was that a Canon Event? Was something else supposed to happen? Or does the universe just take whatever excuse it can get to force these things to happen and throw a hissy fit if something stops it from happening?
- If Earth 42 doesn't have a Spider-Man, it can't have Canon Events. How is it still in one piece? Is having a Spider-Man created by a spider from that universe enough to keep it together? Or did Miles' dad dying happen as a Canon Event dispite the lack of a Spider-Man to screw with?
- If there wasn't supposed to be two Spider-Men in his universe, and the original Peter died, why does Miles still get forced into Canon Events? I feel like most of the questions I'm asking are either answered with a simple "because that's how the plot works", or it's gonna be super relivent in the next movie. I like overthinking stuff, it helps me sleep!
- Speaking of overthinking stuff to help me sleep, I'm gonna go do that. I'll probably update this with more thoughts in the morning, but its already a miracle I'm still awake.
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sludge-coinbag · 1 month
@nnugatoryextravagance 's mogai flag making and term coining blog for funsies bc I've always found this really interesting
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I'll add more info later but for now my name is Sludge, i turn 18 in literally 2 days as of posting, and I only go by neopronouns (honk/honkself and more but any works) and I'm just straight up vibing
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I dont know why I decided to fill my page with Reddy idk I like them theyre a funny fellow
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I do take requests but I cannot promise that they'll be done in a timely manner but I will do them trust
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I don't really have a set DNI but I will include some things under the readmore either about me or that I have hard opinions on that usually does good at weeding out people I don't want to talk to
Regardless of what I say here I do not wish to overly gatekeep who can use the terms I coin, you are allowed to use whatever I coin even if we disagree on things so long as it applies to you obviously, I don't wish to start shit on here truly. But also just because I believe you can identify with whatever you want doesn't mean I'm also not allowed to not like you for it, if you wanna announce your taboos to the world you should expect people to not exactly always be cool with it man. If I went into detail of what I don't like here we would be here all day though and that's not the point so I will stop yapping and get to the list.
I identify as strictly nonhuman and I prefer you always refer to me as such and actively avoid referring to me as human whenever possible. Plus if you're unable to use my neos for whatever reason it/its is a valid replacement, do not they/them me
If we're working with proper terms I am a traumagenic system, I prefer not to always identify as it though (I prefer traumalthugenic in particular.) If you are plural I don't care what your system's origin is because that isn't my business.
I am cool with all good faith identities (for example, things like m-spec people, I am one of you hi bestie.) I am much less cool with people with uh... less than peachy ways of identifying (look I don't care if you're "non contact" or whatever, if you're prancing around about things that would get you banned from school zones or the local petting zoo please go away.) I don't believe in thought crimes obviously (i am gods strongest ocd warrior) but jesus christ dude cmon, not cool. (sidenote, no idea whats going on with radqueers or xenosatanists but I have not heard nor seen literally anything good, please god do not talk to me)
I have autism and tend to lean into coining terms related to things I like, however this will include some things that make people uncomfortable as I am very fixated on topics that relate to horror adjacent things, (fictional) gore and themes of unreality and such especially, please make sure your tag filters are up to date and if I don't trigger tag something that I should've please let me know
I may add more here later but thats it for now methinks hii
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🔥 Digimon
🔥Your choice
🔥 Homestuck: Rose/Kanaya is unbelievably fucking boring. Especially in a VN containing a ship as strong as Vriska/Terezi, it's hard for me to believe rosemary managed to get as big as it did, because it genuinely feels like half its fans are making shit up. Like. Okay. Conceptually, I can vibe with the idea; Kanaya is blatantly using Rose as a substitute for her old flame since they're both manipul8ive Light players, and Rose is cool with that because she's obsessed with the idea of being obsessed with. But like???? Nobody ever executes on this???? Including Hussie herself???? It's just a huge wasted opportunity and it feels like half the fandom wants to pretend it's not.
🔥 Digimon: *inhales*
Adventure 99 has almost no redeeming qualities and it's unreal just how far the quality spikes the moment you cross over into 02.
Ruki should have been the main protagonist of Tamers. Takato is built to be a side character, not to wear the goggles.
Dukemon is a bad design, Crimson Mode is even worse, and the fact that he's the only primary color to get a Super Ultimate entirely due to Royal Knights shilling just feels insulting.
Jian doesn't feel like a member of the main cast; he mostly just seems to be there so the Primary Colors have a direct line to the Wild Bunch.
During the D-Reaper arc, Tamers' writing quality takes a very noticeable nosedive and doesn't recover. It's inconsistent as hell (Juri especially), the ending is just kind of Stuff Happening, and the choice to separate the partners last-second was kind of pointless.
The Royal Knights arc of Frontier is leagues better than the Cherubimon arc preceding it.
Despite the Xros Wars anime being very bad, Hunters is good, and Tagiru is a good character.
Adventure 2020 is nowhere near as bad as people like to say it is, and its flaws are completely unrelated to the shit the people on Reddit like to sling at it. Treat it on its own terms as a V-Tamer/Frontier fusion and you'll have a great time.
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coffee---bean · 7 months
ok so jesus pt. 1
so january 1st i was walking with no shoes around haberfield. i saw this person who called me over and asked me about my feet and then about jesus. she spent like half an hour trying to convince me and kind of berating me for not believing in jesus.
she showed me this insane poster of hers, covered in plastic and tape, sort of falling apart from being rolled and re-rolled. the images were clearly put together by someone who doesn't have a ton of experience putting stuff together, but please understand i don't mean this in any kind of mean or put-down-y way. i have a huge love for outsider artists, and i kind of consider myself one too.
shit, i guess i need to explain what outsider artists are,,,,,,,,,,
yall probably already know this but the definition of "outsider artist" is basically "someone who is an artist but doesn't really do it the way ur supposed to, or someone who is completely independent from traditional art systems or whatever." so an independent musician who's style is really really weird and obscure and not-the-thing-you-are-meant-to-do might be an outsider artist. it's definitely a vibes-based term, who is and isn't an outsider artist is kind of up to you.
to me, outsider artists are usually people who seem kind of out-of-place in the world. and everyone is out-of-place to some degree, but i guess there's some kind of magnetic out-of-placeness to them. something really divergent and itchy about their persona or their history or work. i'd almost call vincent van gogh an outsider artist, but he ended up kind of becoming a figure of the establishment after he died.
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there's also musicians like daniel johnston, who made super cheap recordings in the 90s and managed to gain a cult fan-base of weirdos (especially cos of kurt cobain being a fan of his). his style is really inspirational to me! i recorded this weird cover of his song "walking the cow" just to kind of say thank u to him for existing, cos he lived a really sad and too-short life and it can feel like suffering like that isn't worth it, and what was the point? but also - walking the cow mightn't have saved my life, but also it might have. it's one of the many things that collectively save my life constantly.
the first outsider visual artist i found out about was henry darger, who i found out about through another outsider musician called jordaan mason (whose album "divorce lawyers i shaved my head" is absolutely insanely good)
this is just one of many excellent songs on the album!!! i also recommend "racehorse get married" and "avalanches" ("avalanches" is a total banger and completely changed how i play guitar). anyway this album features a lot of references to henry darger's "in the realm of the unreal". this is a kind of graphic novel thing which was never published or even finished, and yet it's over 15,000 pages long. when henry died, it was found by his landlords and eventually it gained notoriety.
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unfortunately i've never been able to read it or any part of it, cos it's really hard to get ur hands on. i don't think it's ever been released in full to the public, which really bugs me. the artwork in the manuscript has inspired lots of my favourite musicians - jordaan mason, sufjan stevens, avey tare from animal collective.
but even still, more than the work itself, the idea of someone secretly inventing huge worlds in private and dying without ever being discovered is so cool to me. i worry about not mattering, and truth is that even if i was a famous artist person, i would still worry about that. making worlds like henry's brings me genuine comfort. i consider my tv show to be my version of "in the realm of the unreal", and its really great having a place to go and imagine the lives of these beautiful weirdos, and letting my friends see it, letting them influence it. and hopefully one day letting them help me make it, letting them create it.
one other outsider artist that the musician sufjan stevens was associated with is royal robertson. his work was really inspirational on sufjan's best album (heeheheheheheheh) "the age of adz", from 2010.
here's the best song imo on the album, and probably the song i'd take with me to a desert island if i could only pick one. royal robertson drew the artwork for the album. royal was kind of a paranoid schizophrenic, and according to sufjan was pretty misogynistic too. he had a family, but it fell apart, and a lot of his art is about umm how much he hates his wife??? there's also a lot of biblical imagery in there, very black-and-white us-vs-them mentalities.
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the art produced by people who are convinced of some kind of intense delusion or seem to live in a different world to most people is really cool to me. i'm a person who lives in my own head a lot, and i've always struggled to make that inner life fit in with the world, and to try let the world change me enough that i can survive. it's often not very healthy to go the whole way into the darkness, like with royal robertson.
recently i've watched someone who i consider to be a great artist, ye (formally known as kanye), basically become that same paranoid figure. royal seemed to really react badly to his divorce and the loss of his wife, and turned that anger outwards towards her rather than into some kind of wake-up call. i don't really want to judge, i don't know these people. but ye seems weirdly similar, turning towards christianity, becoming more agitated and paranoid, more public with his most harmful and scariest beliefs, and a lot of this really hit it's lowest point after his divorce.
i find the art made by ye before his divorce often pretty problematic, but also earnestly beautiful, honest, endearing, yknow. complicated but very human. and to me, it felt like something coming from someone who is really unwell, especially his post-mother-death work. and i can relate to feeling desperate and needing some kind of relief, and being a fuck-up, and all that kind of stuff.
and now it's really different. when i listen to the newest music, it feels like it's coming from someone mostly incapable of introspection. it's really bizarre art. and that's attractive because it's so odd and unique, but it's also really repulsive and hard to empathise with outside of feeling pity.
anyway, ye had a super christian period in 2019, and his art was really reminiscient of the stuff the woman at the bus showed me.
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there's an amazing dunkey video about it.
the merch is so not-normal. idk how else to describe. it's not BAD, but umm.... it's kind of bad? but maybe that's what's good about it? it's just so WEIRD. and his 2019 album is the same, it's just bizarre. he is capable of making regular enjoyable music, he did it in 2018 and he did it in 2021. but in 2019, he just made something fucking bizarre.
i really like this album, but it's weird. i like it because it's weird. i like it cos it's uncomfortable and it forces me to see a world i don't really understand. and when i try to understand that world, unlike the newest material, i do actually see things i appreciate and wanna see.
another example of this bizarre christian art style is this person i saw on the bus this morning.
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this is so sick!!! i'm not a christian but i really fuck with people who write on their clothing. i do it too, i write other stuff though.
i think the aesthetic is also kind of similar to memes that combine different qualities of font or resolution or image to make something just bizarre and funny.
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i love this meme especially cos there's like 15 jokes. u might not even notice the fucked up bloody bathroom background thing. OR THE FUCKING SNAKE. and the way they edited the guy's eyebrows to seem more,,, sultry???
point being i really like outsider art and underground art.
so her poster was really cool! i didn't get a photo cos i didn't have my phone on me at the time, alas. anyway she prayed for me and i went home. i told her i'd try to invite jesus to dinner but i also told her that he better show up cos yknow, i invited him so,,,,
yknow its polite
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