#it's like a weird love triangle but not really
wheucto · 11 days
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i binged csm after forgetting to watch the new episodes consecutively every single week since episode 5, made some sillies as protocol demands
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joelletwo · 5 months
[The Final sugi dying kitten betrayal -> utsuro-gin fight -> sakura boat imagination -> completely tonally consistent with these ginpachi-sensei closer]
now listen. u know i would rather die than post five nearly-uninterrupted minutes of a fight scene. so take that into consideration.
#slight--#flashing#--in the first scene but i tried to cut the worst of it#sopping wet gintoki posting#videos#my computer is screaming at me. can i recall my thoughts.#i think theyre INSANE for that utsuro falling -> takasugi bound on the ground watching shouyou's execution transition.#rereading the manga fight scene. there IS some. how do i want to phrase this. unreliable perspective fuckery. retconning of memories.#nonliterality Mind Tricks. but like. things still happened. this movie here takes it so far that im like. IS GINTOKI EVEN REAL?#is this just the gintoki that lives in takasugi's dying brain and utsuro's dying brain that utsuro got from shouyou's humanity brain fungus#being his shinigami/psychopomp to walk him thru his first ever death. guhhhhhhh. littlest baby on the planet who is afraid of dying.#<- i love utsuro with all my heart. sorry for being mean to him at first turns out he's the char of all time meant for me.#anyways i think the movie is. SO BALLSY to stretch reality so far for their climax fight. and in such a. way.#taking place in complete silence. almost no actual fighting in the 200 Chapters Of Fighting arc fight scene conclusion.#reanimating so many key moments just to canonize the identity blurring triangle between three dead guys (tho gintoki gets kicked out of#the world of the dead on that sakura boat. sad.)#just a really ambitious thing to put in this aesthetically ugly and boringly standard as hell movie. AND TO SERVE WHAT END.#more standard as hell jump Power Of Friendship in the end. just with some extra weird cannibal ouroboros endless mirrors gay ass flavor.#<- gintama has always been abt making and surviving connections im not mad abt that but u know. got so generic lol.#thoooooo rereading the manga scene and understanding the plot more this time i do like the feeling that utsuro wasnt defeated so much as#just ran out his time. being kept busy from causing more problems in his final hours w a pointless fight hed never be able to turn down.#[about to digress 20 more times] anyways what else. theres an utsuro soft expression when he regrows sugi's arm that i like. interesting--#choice. i also cut it but i love gintoki wandering gaze avoiding sugis eyes dying in his arms. and his fighting back tears so badly.#the way the dynamic and emotionally destroying shot transitions dont stop even while sugi's dying. someone on staff was working their ass#off for him and i appreciate that.
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anghraine · 2 years
I don't know what brought it to mind, but I got to thinking about Han's hilarious expression when Leia tells him that she loves Luke because he's her brother, and we all know exactly why he's so "lol what" until he decides to roll with it.
I do really enjoy that he's allowed to have this response that doesn't minimize how absolutely batshit this reveal would be for anyone actually involved in the situation, despite it working conveniently to wrap things up in the narrative.
I also enjoy that after he processes the shock of Luke and Leia being siblings and Leia knowing about this (with zero explanation of how long she's known about it at that point), he's like ... eh, whatever, this is awesome actually.
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last post for the night i swear
the real tragic part about the whole science fair incident is that perpetual motion is impossible to achieve
ford’s machine would have never worked, regardless of whether or not stan had interacted with it
(warning i accidentally wrote an approximately 30-tag dive into ford’s character in the tags don’t click see more if you don’t want to read that)
anyway!! good night everyone ❤️‍🩹
#it’s also tragic because ford didn’t know#the impossibility of perpetual motion was discovered far before that point and yet he didn’t know#i mean. ‘he’s actually just so arrogant that he thought he could break the laws of physics’ doesn’t make any sense#his reaction to the situation really didn’t match that interpretation as far as i can tell#i don’t think it’s just a ‘oh no! my dream school (that i was essentially shoved into pursuing)!’ type deal#here’s what i’m thinking:#fact one- stan and ford were seemingly already drifting apart by this point in time. this is important to note#fact two- it’s really emphasized to him that he’s smart. that’s all they say about him really- that’s he’s a genius#fact three- filbrick does not even care enough about stanford to say his name. he calls ford his ‘ticket out of this dump’#these last two points were likely heavily emphasized to him throughout his childhood#filbrick found out ford was smart and thought stan wasn’t. so ford became his plan to make money#ford is heavily bullied for his weirdness. his hands and his interests. being smart could ‘make up’ for this in his mind#he wants to leave. he outright states this- he doesn’t feel like he belongs and he wants to go somewhere he does (his own bermuda triangle)#so what essentially happened- i believe- is that ford internalized all these things#that his weirdness is bad and that he makes up for it by being smart and that he’s meant to make his family money-#-and that he wants out#his machine fails. this is a slap in the face to him. perpetual motion is impossible?#but why didn’t he know that? he’s supposed to be smart isn’t he? if he isn’t smart then what the hell is he?#what redeeming qualities does he have? how is he supposed to help his family now? he’s a failure isn’t he?#he spots a familiar bag. stan was here. suddenly he has an excuse- a reason to believe it wasn’t his fault#(and there’s really nothing to be at fault for but he doesn’t think that)#it’s easier to blame it on stan because of how distant they’ve grown. he can’t read stan as easily#and his reaction is suspicious- did he actually sabotage the project? is it…actually not ford’s fault at all?#they don’t speak to each other again for another decade#stan because he’s afraid of rejection#ford because he doesn’t want to face his own insecurities and emotions about everything#it’s easier to pretend that he wants to be famous and isn’t just doing it to make it his father money#and it’s easier to distract himself with things he loves than to feel all the guilt and hurt and frustration#and that. is perfect for bill to use to manipulate him#that’s my thoughts anyway. sorry for the rant was not expecting that to happen
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tj-crochets · 9 months
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Scrap quilt progress! I made four more of the 12” blocks today, which means I have aaaalmost enough to make a 4’ by 6’ scrap quilt currently. I’m not sure how big I want it to be when I finally sew it together, but I’m thinking maybe twin sized? Maybe large throw?
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queerofthedagger · 3 months
i dreamt about mulder and scully last night, which would already be funny, but I. have never watched x-files. thank you fandom. thank you tumblr
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transmasc-rose · 27 days
I was talking to Curtis about how certain aspects of Doctor Who would be treated if they were episodes of Torchwood and/or had that rating leniency of Torchwood (imo the limitations of Doctor Who make for better TV than Torchwood in general, but not always) and when I brought up Amy's Choice, Curtis said I should do an episode rewrite and.
Hm. Hmmm. That could be really interesting. Amy and Rory and the Doctor's dynamic would be so... different in a Torchwood rated show, given the things they do with them in Doctor Who, and if they actually used the Dream Lord as an interesting villain (and they'd actually be able to play into the Doctor's worst traits in an adult show! For better and for worse!)...
However I'd have to actually rewatch Amy's Choice, and also decide how much I want to stay faithful to the episode, how much I want to stay faithful to "what would/could Torchwood have done here, and how much I actually want the result to be. Good.
Because "what Torchwood would do" and "what would be interesting" are not necessarily the same things.
(Accidentally wrote a Novel in the tags also. Whoops.)
#rose rambles#maybe. maybe.#would it require context from “earlier episodes” that “didn't happen” how they did in canon?#Should it be written in normal fanfic style#or as a script to stay true medium?#I usually dislike episode rewrites but. One with a very specific goal and set or rules might be interesting...... hm.......#(I do not like the episode Amy's Choice btw. to be clear. it had good potential and fun scenes and even fun concepts but my god.#was the “love triangle” the worst it had been in s5.#And that's also a thing I'd have to decide how to handle.#like if I was writing it to be GOOD I'd keep the love triangle conceptually#but focus more on how all three of the people involved fuck things up in different ways#jealousy and infidelity and betrayal and etc. so why do they stay? Make it about what they value in each other#and make Amy's titular choice matter in some way. Maybe she's the one who decides both realities are false#because she wouldn't leave either of her boys behind. Or something. Or drop the “which one is real” since that feels like it really muddied#the water with them ALSO making it about. Which one does Amy want. It was a writing choice I think was stupid. Anyways.#I had a point. My point is I think Torchwood would stumble this landing. Lean too heavily on the boys being dicks. Still focus on the love#/triangle/ part#to the detriment of the episode#like. One more thing. I do think Rory and the doctor fighting about Amy#and Amy being weird about her feelings for both of them. That's fine#and I don't WANT her to be normal and healthy about it. I want her to be weird and unethically nonmonogamous about it.#but I don't want her settling down as a wife in a normal respectable household being the end game. and THAT is what I can't stand about#Amy's Choice (canon version) and in general her seasons#and also what I think Torchwood would stumble on. Headfirst.#Still would have been a more fun episode than canon tho.)
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enigmaticorgandonor · 2 years
death note is literally just goncharov
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gloomforrestrunes · 7 months
girl help i keep making minor background characters actually important to the story
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lenievi · 1 year
I think what I would really like to see more of are tos fics - gen fics, because that's where it can work the best imho - where McCoy and Kirk are close friends, and with their teasing they make Spock fit seamlessly into their dynamic and friendship
yes, Spock and Kirk served together for a while (but honestly mostly just a year) at the beginning of s1, they are friends, but not close friends, and there's still this weird distance between them - because both of them keep a distance. But McCoy and Kirk's friendship is portrayed as very close and intimate right from the beginning - they know things about each other, they call each other by a first name and a nickname, the lines between a superior and subordinate are blurred.
And both McCoy and Kirk like Spock and want him to feel included. But Jim can't really approach Spock from a more personal angle and Spock will call him out if he crosses a line (e.g. "Captain, I hardly believe that insults are within your prerogative as my commanding officer."). And that's where McCoy comes in with his teasing and banter - a banter that Kirk himself enjoys, allows, and occasionally joins in on. Each duo has their own dynamic, but a new one, the strongest one, evolves between the three of them, created not because Spock and McCoy were friends with Kirk, so they had to "get along for Kirk's sake", but because McCoy served as a bridge Spock could walk over towards them and they could become a strong, unbreakable triangle (shape).
McCoy connecting Spock and Kirk to their own emotions. Kirk balancing McCoy and Spock’s worldviews. Spock being balanced by Kirk (intuition and human instinct) and McCoy (compassion and humanity).
It's not surprising at all that when Spock thinks he needs to confront Kirk, he takes McCoy with him. Or sends him in first.
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lyriumsings · 6 months
i always forget how much i love korra she lights up my soul the only bisexual woc icon to exist for me in my teens in like a super popular media like atla like the space she has in my heart is so!!! she’s so perfect to me!! i just wish her story and supporting cast had been as good as aangs her villains and like tenzin and lin were mwah chefs kiss but ooooo if i could do it all over again i have so many opinions
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
27. Marz/Tangent
27. things you said on the phone at 4 am
"It's just too much," blurts Tangent suddenly, and Marz startles back awake. "She... she looks at me and sees someone who doesn't exist. I don't -- I can't be the person she thinks I am."
"...I wouldn't know," says Marz, and her voice is syrupy with sleep that makes the lie come out more convincingly. "But regardless, if you aren't happy, why stay? That's not fair to either of you."
Stars, she sounds so anguished. How sweet. For all she tries to hide it, Tangent has always cared with her whole beating heart. "Either way, darling, four in the morning isn't the time to make decisions like this, is it? Even for you."
That gets a little huff of laughter; Marzipan can picture the grimacing smile on Tangent's face that no doubt accompanies it. "I suppose."
"Mm, trust me."
"I do."
Marz feels herself smile, leaning a little against her palm. "As you should!" Another laugh, this one sounding a little less reluctant. "You can think about it after you get some rest." And then, because it's four a.m. and Marz really does love Tangent more than maybe anyone else on the planet: "Either way, I'll always be on your side."
There's a very long pause; Marz very politely pretends not to hear Tangent have to clear her throat through the line. "...Thank you, Marz."
"Of course! But don't make this a habit, I do need my beauty sleep."
"I won't." Tangent's voice has warmed; the smile Marz pictures this time is gentler than the last, the one she'd only remembered in adulthood. "I'll speak with you later. And thank you, again."
"You, my dear, are very welcome."
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likeabxrdinflight · 7 months
binged through the hunger games movies because I wanna see the prequel at some point here, and I have to say- some of y'all are way too harsh on these films. many of your problems with them were not with the films themselves but with the marketing and, in some cases, the fandom.
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glcnpowell · 7 months
pt 2 sorry
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forcedhesitation · 1 year
steve haters are SO weird man. it’s either just them acting like steve’s even remotely close to the same person he was in season 1 (while conveniently ignoring jonathan’s creepiness or nancy’s cruelty to barb, mike, and dustin) or them literally 100% making up stuff to hate about him. 
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