#I think the cruelest thing someone can wish on another person is for their created content to flop
natashatrace · 10 months
pt 2 sorry
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diving deep down — g.w.
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Summary: Sometimes you just needed to know that you’re not alone in this world.
Words: 1,726 words
Warnings ⚠ : TW implied depression, TW mental health, TW drowning, mentions of lack of breath, TW implied suicide, Read At Your Own Risk, platonic!george, neutral!reader, mentions of crying, Angst, Happy ending (sort of), comfort!au
Disclaimer: I am sad for a few days now so here I am, writing yet another comfort fic. Please note that if you’re struggling and you need someone to talk to, my messages is always open for you. I love you all so much, you’re not alone. Comments andReblogs are appreciated, enjoy!
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It was a quiet night at the Astronomy Tower, most of the students had gone to sleep and there were very few prefects patrolling the school hallways.
You felt at peace.
There was just something about being alone on the Astronomy Tower that feels so... intimate. At this point, it had become a personal spot for you to just come and lay down on the floor, and stare up to the sky. Sometimes the sky would give you a show, a comet shower on rare days or a bright full moon on the other. And sometimes even the sky needs rest, yet still gifting you a night of clouds and rain, lullabying your thoughts to slumber.
Nothing to do up here actually, but that’s what you desired. To do nothing, to wait for nothing, to talk nothing, to be expected of nothing, to expect nothing. In the life of yours that is full of ups and downs like merciless tidal waves of the bottomless ocean crashing upon your small wooden ship, doing absolutely nothing is the spine that holds your sanity in a piece.
In peace.
None of your friends knew about this spot of yours when you're stressed or disheveled, or simply need some time alone. But you're quite fond of it; the thought of them not knowing. Don't get me wrong, you absolutely adore your friends, but alone time is needed very badly for a while. To just be yourself and calm down without the bickering noises or the loud laughter or the constant jabs or the playful sneers.
What you didn't know, though, was one of your friends had kept his eye on you. Every week after dinner, you would always disappear right after dinner to Godric knows where. And George always wondered where you’ve had been.
"So this is where you disappear to every other night," George's voice startled you as you flinched slightly. "Bloody hell, Weasley..." You groaned as you massaged your chest, trying to ease your fast-beating heart from the shock.
"Sorry 'bout that," George muttered and cleared his throat, walking over to sit next to you. You watched him sit down and looked up to the tower's internal dome, "Wow, someone hasn't dusted that ceiling for a while."
You rolled your eyes at his quiet remark, you assumed he's talking to himself in the hushed tone he did. "So, what do you do here?" He asked you, turning to you curiously.
He raised an eyebrow, “Nothing like... literally or figuratively?” You sighed quietly, “Literally nothing. I just like to lay down here, stare up to the ceiling or the skies, and take a break from everything,” You briefly explained.
You laid down on your back, hands on the back of your head as you stare up to the dark sky. You saw from the corner of your eyes that he followed you suit, laying down beside you with his arms as his headrest. You glanced at him, he was looking up to the sky with a blank expression, causing you to furrow your eyebrows.
You had expected him to say ‘How boring’ or any other sassy remark, but George just stayed silent, being by your side without any other word. And when he did speak, all he said was:
“Do you mind if I join you any other time?”
You pursed your lips at his ask of permission. As much as you would like to have company, the Astronomy Tower has become your safe space for a long while. Suddenly sharing it with someone else, and whisk away the peacefulness and serenity, you only fear for the tidal waves to grow bigger by time; before swallowing you whole like a beast it is created to become.
“I... I don’t know, George. I like it when it’s just me up here,” You answered honestly, sighing heavily, “Let’s just say that this spot is my safe space, and by sharing my safe space with someone, I might lose my mind.”
“I-I don’t expect you to understand so I don’t care if—” “I do understand, so don’t sweat about it.” “... What?” George turned to you with a smile, “I understand, Y/N. You don’t need to explain it to me, I get it,” He said gently, before turning his head back to the sky.
“Sometimes... A safe space is all you need to escape for a while; to make sure that you won’t run away for good.”
You looked at him with narrowed eyes, “Do-do you...” You trailed off, not wanting to say what it was in your mind. It’s impossible, George has everything he wanted in his life, fame, a loving family, loyal friends, great pranks. His life is incredible.
But with only a somber look he sent your way, you figured that you might be wrong.
“George...” You trailed off, not knowing what else to say. He uncomfortably chuckled, “You know, sometimes I think to myself, why do I feel like this? When I have an amazing family, a supportive twin brother, great friends, and incredible pranks to accomplish. But what I learned over the past few years...” He paused, licking his lips slowly.
“... is that the monster chooses randomly. It chooses without criteria, without any care of the good things in your life. If it chooses you, then so be it.”
You wish to say you don’t know what he’s talking about. But you do, oh you do very well. 
“... You could be having a wonderful time with your friends, and when it touches you, everything vanishes and all you could think of are the bad thoughts,” You spoke quietly. George turned to you, huffing a sad smile at the mere thought of you understanding him. 
So you’re like him.
“Yeah, what an arsehole,” George tried to joke to lighten up the mood, but the smile on his lips didn’t really last long. “... I don’t even know why it chooses me. Out of all people in the world, it chooses me to be the host of these-these crumbling thoughts...” You continued, eyebrows furrowing at the frustration brewing inside of you.
“And they stayed,” George muttered. You sighed, “For a while, too.” George huffed a cynical smile, “It’s giving us such a cruel game to play. Winning or losing, but at what cost?” You blinked slowly, feeling your heart ache heavily at the thought of your friend suffering as much as you do, or even more than you thought.
“... Everything.”
“Truth to be told...” You trailed off, gulping at the nerves you had to say this sudden confession to George. “I think I’m losing the game,” You whispered, wishing to God that he wouldn’t hear you so you won’t have to repeat yourself.
“Why would you feel that?” His soft voice didn’t do you any justice.
“At first, I found the feelings as silly, so I brushed them away,” You bit your lips, still debating whether you should tell him or not. Whether you should burden him with your feelings or not. “I kept getting these thoughts one by one and I thought I can endure it but it just,” You find your eyebrows furrowing at the lump of your throat growing bigger and bigger, “it keeps coming and coming and coming until I had to accept them all at some point at the same time and I just... I felt so out of breath,” The words coming out of your mouth were getting faster as time passed by as if if you don’t let them out in time, they’ll never come back out again.
The dams of your tears had broken down. Your chest was heaving up and down without rhythm and you felt your lungs constricting all the air you had.
“They’re- they’re choking me and I can’t breathe I- I feel like I’m drowning, I’m diving deep down in the ocean and-and I can’t swim and slowly and slowly and slowly I- I can’t see the light anymore and I- I’m losing the game, George! I’m losing the game-” Your voice had cracked and you were sobbing on the floor, the desperation in your voice was so painful for George to hear, he felt like your words had created a mirror; broken down into little pieces of sharp-edged glass. And each one of them had struck him straight into his heart.
But his hand gripped yours securely.
You looked down to the intertwined hands, and you looked up at him already staring at you, “You’re not losing the game, Y/N,” His voice; firm yet trembling, the glint in his eyes tells you that he’s saying this not only for you, but for himself as well, “You’re fighting it.”
“You’re fighting it, and you are so strong for doing so. The cruelest game to be created, and you’re fighting through it. You’re fighting, like the fighter you are,” George’s sudden words of encouragement caused you to feel your chest constricting. Your eyes suddenly feel heavy with teardrops, you felt heard. You felt needed. You felt supported.
So with tears still rolling down your cheeks, you squeezed George’s hands, “Like the fighters we are,” You voiced out, a small, quivering smile on your lips. George felt warmth in his insides, grateful to have an understanding and supportive friend like you. He nodded and cracked a wide grin; amidst all the tears rolling down and wetting the floor, “Like the fighters we are.”
You stared at his bloated eyes and red nose, smiling to yourself gratefully, “I don’t know how you do it,” You said honestly. “What? Staying alive? I’m scraping on the floor,” George deadpanned, causing you to laugh at the sudden brutal honesty.
George scoffed a curious smile at you, wiping away his tears, “Is my agony funny to you?” You couldn’t stop laughing so you only nodded, causing you to be shoved at the shoulder with a dramatic “Hey!”
It only caused you to laugh more, unfortunately for George.
He watched as you laughed at him, and without him knowing it, he was laughing with you. As the both of you calmed down, you smiled gratefully at him, your hand squeezing his again, “At least we’re not diving deep down in the ocean.”
“Well, this time,” George turned back to the sky, the first genuine smile on his lips of the night, “We’ll fight our best not to.”
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@multifandom-but @sirenswhispers @lilac-skies-xd @obsessedunicorn24 @foggyturtleknightangel@evewithluv@softlyqoos @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13 @lilypad-55449 @fiantomartell @hopemalfoyweasley @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​ @bucketandpotato@klausdatprettyboi @adoregin @littlechillies @phuvioqhile @sweetnspicysimp @wand3ringr0s3 @harrypotter289 @emptyporsche @tallyovie @the-unmanaged-mischief @missmulti @gcdricreads ​ @moonvicake @amourtentiaa @lunalovecroft @loveboyhalo @lupinsclassroom @breadqueen95 @iwritesiriusly @weasleyclaw @sevsbitxh @freds-slut @acosmis-t @colorfulprofessornickelangel @vote4weasleys @anchoeritic@alluringshawn @cute-sidney@anna-banana-13 @lostaurorax @emrysts @rosietoesy @lilgeorgie78 @prismarts @an2402lths
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imaginesfubu · 4 years
As promised, more random headcannons and backstory on our favorite crow, Karasu! Plus, Karasu's relationships with Cerberus and Lotan
If you aren't familiar with my previous headcannons on Karasu the crow in Obey Me!, please check them out here! I'm throwing in headcannons of Cerberus and Lotan as well, since the three of them are living in my head rent free and keeping me from doing homework. These headcannons contain SPOILERS, so please read at YOUR DISCRETION!!
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Spoilers Ahead!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Karasu, like all things regarding Earth, humans, etc. before the great Celestial War, was created by God. When Karasu was a baby bird, God Himself entrusted a child Mammon (think of Luke's approximate human age between the ages of 7-13) in taking care of the baby crow to help grant the then-young angel "a sense of responsibility."
It was Lucifer himself who offered the name of Karasu because of the baby bird's beautiful black feather coat when the bird himself wasn't answering by any of the names Mammon suggested to him.
Since God created Karasu for Mammon, God made sure to give Karasu his own divine powers, including an insanely extended life span, along with impressive intellect and even strength (if needed) to watch over Mammon as he grew older.
Before Karasu was gifted with the ability to speak and perfect all languages known in all three realms, he could not talk. Instead, he would simply caw, cluck, and make other birb vocalizations and Mammon was the only one who could completely understand him.
When Karasu became a juvenile crow boi, Mammon began trying to teach him how to read, write, and even the language used in the Celestial Realm. Karasu almost had it perfected, but was interrupted by the events surrounding Lillith and the Celestial War.
When Lucifer, Mammon, and the rest of his brothers were exiled to the Devildom by God because of the insurrection they caused, Karasu himself begged God to let him follow Mammon into exile.
God granted Karasu's wish, but had taken most of his divine powers the same way He did for Mammon and his brothers; Karasu's extended life span was not taken, however.
Karasu is the only "exiled" being to enter the Celestial Realm freely, however, he only goes to either escort fallen angels to the Devildom, or for official, formal/political reasons. Karasu supports Mammon no matter what, so he only goes to the Celestial Realm if he absolutely has to, and almost always feels some type of way when he's there.
Karasu became fast friends with Cerberus and Lotan.
I believe that pets unconsciously pick up mannerisms of their owners the longer they're with them. Therefore, Karasu speaks and acts like Mammon; Cerberus reflects Lucifer's personality, and Lotan reflects Leviathan's personality.
While the game notes that Cerberus does not trust or warm up to others so easily, unlike Lucifer, Cerberus will default to "kill" mode. Cerberus only listens to Lucifer, and therefore only relaxes around Lucifer's brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and of course the MC. If Lucifer doesn't harbor negative emotions toward someone, Cerberus will visibly relax, even show off his playfulness depending on the individual. Cerberus is a good boyo three times over very deep down.
When Cerberus speaks, he refers to himself as "we" when all three of Cerberus' heads share the same thoughts and feelings, and speak at the same time, and prefers others to use "they/he/him/them" pronouns when referring to Cerberus as a singular unit or to a certain head(s).
Lotan on the other hand reflects some of Levi's mannerisms, but not all of them.
Lotan isn't as apprehensive towards others like Levi; Lotan actually loves company but since most living things fear him because of his power and threatening appearance, Lotan is often lonely and misunderstood.
When someone offers to willingly spend time with Lotan, he becomes defensive as Lotan thinks that person has an ulterior motive. To Lotan, everyone except Levi (and possibly the MC at first) must want something from him in return, or just manipulate him and Levi into doing something neither of them are ok with.
Lotan is extroverted, but because of his appearance combined with his wariness of those who appear willing to spend time with him for unknown reasons, he does not consider most beings his "friends."
Basically, Lotan is aloof. He is cool, charismatic, and confident in himself, but those that appear to take genuine interest in him he purposely acts "fake" as a way to protect himself (and Levi) from those trying to get "too close" to him. Please be patient and kind to the sea monster, and reassure him that you have no ulterior motives, nor want anything from him in return. He will show you exactly how kind, confident, and sweet he can be.
Lotan is a closet nerd, and doesn't like to be compared to Levi and his obsession of all things anime.
Cerberus, Karasu, and Lotan have their own thing going on. They hang out in either the Devildom or the Human Realm, terrorizing humans and demons for fun. Other times they're just there roasting themselves, their respective owners, or others. Sometimes they do all three in no particular order.
Insert Phineas and Ferb's "Hey, where's Perry?" here, but replace Perry with Cerberus, Karasu, and Lotan when Lucifer, Mammon, and Levi simultaneously realize their pets are missing.
Getting back to focusing on Karasu, he has the power to absorb life force from any living being. Back when he was in the Celestial Realm, he could both absorb and transfer life force from one living being to another. Because God took away a majority of Karasu's abilities, he can only absorb life force and use the excess life energy to lengthen his own life span and keep his stamina up.
That being said, Karasu only drains the life force of those who he thinks are truly evil. Karasu sucks that person's life force dry, leaving only a pruney corpse.
Spoiler Alert, before Karasu drains the life out of someone, he keeps his victim(s) in a state of paralysis and does not allow the truly wicked ways of his victim a quick and painless death. How he does it, the world may never know. One minute his victim is living life, the next minute Karasu comes and goes leaving a body in his wake.
Karasu only does this if he's granted permission by either Diavolo or the demon king himself to absolutely punish the cruelest of the cruel
Other times he'll go rogue and simply drain the life out of anyone who hurts/attempts to kill Mammon. The same applies to the MC if they're in danger anywhere in Devildom. Karasu doubles as Mammon's "eyes in the sky" when it comes to the MC, so it's only natural Karasu will protect them
Along with life force draining, he flies and dives faster than a Peregrine Falcon
Reknown as one of the most intelligent beings in all Three Realms
Grants the MC or anyone nearby good fortune if he's feeling generous.
Went from being unable to do homework to 10 mins past 1 a.m. haha 😅 Thanks for reading such a long post and give our resident Best Bird Boy and Co. some love!
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leahxx129 · 4 years
Truth or Cut (Dean Winchester x Reader x Sam Winchester)
Hello there! This my * very VERY * late submission to @dontshootmespence​ ‘s   Alphabet Angst for 8k Challenge. I am incredibly sorry for this delay but I had to take a break away from Tumblr and social media in general in order to focus on my mental/physical health & other issues in my private life. Now I think I’m ready to return and create content again. As for the story, I hope you like it. This is my first attempt at a love triangle. Important: does not include Wincest so it’s safe to read for anyone who’s not into that. Also, I inserted a ‘Keep reading’ line, I hope it’s visible.
Summary: The British Men of Letters try a new approach to acquire the Winchesters’ cooperation, which leads to heartbreaking revelations. 
Warnings: cursing, bloodshed, mentions of sex, character death
Word count: 2.750-ish
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* Moodboard is mine, pictures used are not.
You gain consciousness to two male voices calling your name frantically.
“She’s opening her eyes, Sam! She’s alright… Look!” the hoarse baritone belonging to the elder Winchester reassures his brother a second after your eyelashes have started fluttering.
“Well, that’s the overstatement of the year, Dean… Let’s just say I’ll live.” you grumble once you fully come around. “What the hell?!”
Usually you’re more eloquent than that but at the moment it’s the best you can muster, considering that you’ve awakened in what appears to be an abandoned warehouse and all three of you are handcuffed to uncomfortable metal chairs organized in a neat triangle, facing each other. The only source of light are a few flickering candles placed on a table nearby.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out, babe.” your long-term boyfriend Sam replies in a soothing tone.
His handsome face seems intact – minus a couple of scars he obtained in previous fights – so being ambushed is crossed off the list of possible explanations on what happened and how you got here. Maybe you were drugged? If yes… by whom? The things that go bump in the night prey upon their enemies and slash their throats open, not abduct them.
A heavy silence falls on the place, only the crackle of the candle flames can be heard.
You have no idea how much time has passed – it could’ve been an eternity as well as ten minutes – when suddenly a consecutive knocking sound fills your auditory canals.
“Are those… are those high heels?” you ask aloud incredulously.
“Louboutin’s to be exact, my dear.”
Every head snaps to the accent’s direction just in time to see an elegantly dressed slender woman step into the candle-lit area.
“But excuse my manners… talking about fashion before introducing myself? How rude of me. I’m Lady Toni Bevell on behalf of the British Men of Letters.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Dean growls “You know, here in America no means no, Lady! We’ve already told your stupid little boyband to fuck off. We’re not here to do their bidding, we’re here to save lives.”
“So I’ve heard.” She nods in understanding. “But yet, we’d still like to gather some information, one way or another.”
She walks over to the table and unfolds a neatly wrapped package, revealing a knife. Suddenly, Sam’s sarcastic chuckle fills the place.
“And you think you can get us to spill by torturing? Seriously?”
A predatory smile spreads across Toni’s face as she casually picks up the weapon of her choice.
“I was thinking about playing a game that may involve torture. It’s up to you whether it does or does not.”
“What game?” you ask suspiciously.
“I’d like to call it Truth or Cut. Maybe Truth or Stab, depending on the importance of the information you intend to withhold. The rules are the following… I ask something and if you reply, that equals truth, and nothing will happen. If you do not wish to answer, just say cut and I’ll sink my knife into your flesh.”
“You’re crazy!” Sam exhales in disbelief.
“Thank you, Sam! I’m going to take that as a compliment. And since we are already engaged in a conversation, let’s start with you.” She walks to the center of the triangle to face the younger Winchester. “I’d like you to give me the names of American hunters you consider the best.”
Sam leans a bit forward, his face is unreadable.
“Bite me!” he hisses through gritted teeth. “I’m not gonna participate in your psychotic game. You can’t make me.”
Toni flashes a dangerous smile once more.
“Are you sure about that?”
She slowly walks behind your chair and places the blade under your right collar bone.
“If you refuse to pick either truth or cut, your loved ones will pay the price for it, big guy.”
Sam’s eyes search yours for confirmation of the next step and you nod.
“You’re bluffing.” He counters Toni.
The next second you feel the metal pressed against you slash into soft skin and you can’t suppress a loud grunt of pain. Blood starts oozing from the wound and your white tank top soon begins to acquire a shade of crimson.
The brothers yell ‘No!’ in unison, then Dean delivers an impressive selection of curse words – sneaking in some that were new even to you.
Toni strolls over to Sam.
“Now I ask again. Name the best American hunters you know.”
“Cut.” Sam responds in a tone just above whisper. He soundlessly flinches when the woman draws blood by sliding the blade across his left forearm.
“Alright… Who wants to be next? Perhaps Dean? List all the places where we can find extensive knowledge on the supernatural, not counting the Man of Letters safe houses of course.”
Dean’s gaze meets Toni’s and for a second you think you can see her confidence falter because of the deadly rage and utter disdain that radiates from the hunter, but she soon regains composure.
“So? Is it truth or cut, Dean? You know what will happen if you refuse to choose.”  
“Cut!” he emphasizes the t at the end.
You’re next and you pick cut as well. Then the cycle starts all over again...
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You’ve made three rounds without anyone breaking and giving Toni what she wants, which visibly annoys her.
“Let’s shake things up a bit by changing the topics, shall we?” she announces out of the blue, making all of you knit your brows.
Spinning around on her heels, she turns to Sam.
“Sam! Did you manage to decide where you want to propose to Y/N? In my personal opinion the place where you said your first I love you-s is more romantic than the place where you first met, but that’s just plain old me.”
Sam’s eyes widen in shock, reflecting your own facial expression.
“Sam? What is she talking about?” you question in a thin voice, perplexed.
A shy, boyish smile appears on his face as he looks deep into your eyes, reminding you of the very first time you’ve seen him.
“Uh, yeah. She’s right. Although I have no idea how she knows this, but I did indeed plan on proposing to you at one of those places, probably where we met… up until now. Now I have to come up with something else I guess.”
A mixture of emotions floods your heart, making you undecisive what to say first. You finally open your mouth to speak but before a sound can escape, Toni directs the next question to Dean.
“Alright, that was a truth, so no cuts. Now, Dean! I am certain she will not get offended so you can tell me honestly… Is Y/N a good kisser?”
“How would I know?” he asks back, lacking any hesitation. “I think you’re mistaking me with Sam, her boyfriend. You know, the tall guy whose proposal you’ve just ruined? Next time you play this game with someone, have your facts checked first, Suit pants.”
The confusion on Sam’s face slowly starts to fade away, but Toni presses on relentlessly.
“Oh, Dean... That was a very convincing performance! But, unfortunately for you, I did have my facts checked. And according to these facts, you and Y/N locked lips passionately just two years ago, in 2015. Isn’t that right, Y/N?”
Everybody’s eyes are on you waiting for your reaction, and you can’t help but reminisce about the event in question.
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You were having a hard time finding the key for the motel room you were renting - courtesy of the bottle of bourbon you’d consumed earlier. All those keys on the chain looked the same and neither of them seemed to fit into the lock, let alone open the damn door… In addition to that, the world slowly started spinning and you had to prop yourself against the doorframe to prevent an ugly fall.
“Need a hand there, Sweetheart?”
Your heart skipped a beat from the scare but soon calmness washed over you as you identified the person. You could recognize that husky voice anywhere, intoxicated or not.
“Dean Winchester!” you exclaimed, turning around to find him leaning against your car you’d parked near the doorway. “The world’s deadliest hunter and mightiest panty dropper turned hell’s cruelest demon! To what do I owe this pleasure? Considering that you’ve gone out of your way to ignore both me and Sam in the past couple of months.”
He leisurely pushed himself from the car and started walking towards you.
“I needed a breath of fresh air, that’s all. But speaking of whom… where’s Sam?”
He almost left no distance between your bodies when he finally stopped. What was he doing? If he wanted to kill you, he probably would’ve done it already…
“I don’t know. Why don’t you give him a call, huh? Ask him how he’s doing? You could make him the happiest man alive…” you replied with a bitter undertone.
A shit-eating grin formed on Dean’s handsome face.
“Uh-oh. Is there trouble in paradise?”
“Shut it, Dean! It’s really none of your business.” You said, crossing your arms and averting your gaze.
His comment hit a nerve – you both knew that – but the last thing on Earth you wanted to do was discussing your relationship crisis with him. If you still had a relationship, that is.
To much of your surprise, the next second he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him and pressed his lips against yours. It felt terribly wrong but incredibly right at the same time… It took you half a minute to gather all your willpower and push him away.
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“Y/N? Is it true?” Sam’s voice brings you back to reality.
Tears start dwelling up in your eyes, providing a wordless answer. He swallows hard.
“It’s all my fault, okay?” Dean speaks up as you’re clearly unable to form a coherent sentence. “I kissed her, man. It happened when I was a demon… I figured if I kissed her, I’d piss you off enough to leave me alone. Besides, she was totally hammered and still pushed me away.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better, Dean?!”
“I don’t know… a little, maybe?”
Sam scoffs then all of a sudden realization hits him.
“You didn’t answer the question.”
“Is my girlfriend a good kisser?”
Both you and Dean stare at him in shock.
“C’mon man, you can’t seriously want me to answer that…” Dean attempts to change the subject but doesn’t succeed. Sam’s stare makes it obvious he won’t let this one slide. He won’t let go until he hears the truth no matter how unpleasant it may be.
“Yes.” Dean blurts out. “She’s a good kisser. In fact, she’s one of the best kissers I’ve ever encountered in my entire life. Happy now?”
The only response is a nod.
“Oh wow…” Toni lets out an excited sigh. “Changing the topic was the best idea ever, don’t you agree? Now, let’s move on to Y/N. She’ll get the most interesting question in my repertoire.”
She slowly walks over to you, her Louboutin’s menacingly tap against the concrete every step of the way. She crouches down, tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and asks the most ruthless question in the sweetest voice.
“Which one of the Winchester brothers is better in bed?”
The tears you’ve been holding back for quite some time now break free and roll down your cheeks swiftly.
“I mean, it’s not entirely true what Dean said, now is it? You did push him away but then you pulled him back...”
Complete silence ensues and you swear you can hear three hearts break if you listen closely.
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You were standing there more confused than ever. What the hell was Dean doing?! Was this a long time coming or was he playing some sort of a game? Either way… If you were sober, you most certainly would’ve punched him in the mouth. But due to your condition – or at least that’s what you’ve been telling yourself ever since – you pulled him back and kissed him there instead. The part of how you got inside the room was a blur, but soon enough you found yourself tangled up with him in the sheets. Torn clothes peppered the floor, a smell of bourbon lingered in the air and Dean treated you as if you were the single, most important person in the entire universe. You truly thought you’d never been happier – then came the morning and shattered everything to a thousand pieces.
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“You know, to encourage picking truth regarding this question, I am going to tell you something you yourself may not even be aware of, Y/N.” Toni breaks the silence. “There is something else that’s not true in what Dean said. He did not spend that night with you just to piss Sam off… He’s been attracted to you ever since you’ve met and being a demon allowed him to shamelessly do something about it.”
You whisper ‘Cut’ as a reply and Toni’s face hardens.
“Oh, honey… withholding this information is worth a stab.”
Before you can comprehend her words, she swings the knife and it ends up in your right thigh. You don’t think you’ve ever seen this much blood come from a stab wound… Both Winchester men yell in protest, but their voices become distant as you slowly slip into unconsciousness.
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Mary and Castiel tracked down your location and arrived just in time. You almost bled to death, but the angel managed to heal the wound. For a while you wished he didn’t.
Three weeks later you’re sitting in your car at an abandoned gas station. About fifteen minutes after your arrival, a black SUV parks near you. You limp to the vehicle and tear its door open, barely containing your fury.
“What the fuck was that, Toni?!” you question while getting in and pointing a gun at her.
She glances at the weapon then looks you in the eye.
“Is that necessary?”
You cock the gun in response.
“Alright. So, as you know, the management decided that you delivering information to us about the Winchesters is not enough anymore.”
“Yes, that’s why you’ve contacted them directly, I know.”
“Correct. But since they refused to cooperate, the management came up with a plan of disrupting their unity. This way it’s just a matter of time and one of them will be knocking on our door. I suspect it will be Sam.”
A bitter laugh escapes you lips.
“So that’s what this was? A disruption of unity? Really?! And why didn’t I know of this, huh?”
“We needed your reactions to be genuine.”
“God, you’re a bunch of psychopaths… You know what, I’m not gonna do this anymore. I quit.”
She lets out a loud scoff.
“Please… what are you going to tell them? Furthermore, how do you think they will react when they learn that the love of their lives is a snitch?”
You let your gun down.
“I’ll make sure they know why I became a snitch... I’ll make sure they know how I made a crossroad’s deal years ago to save them both. I’ll make sure they know how you offered to delay the hellhounds in exchange for some information every now and then. I have no idea how they’ll react, but maybe someday they’ll understand and find it in their hearts to forgive me.”
Toni stares daggers at you.
“I suggest you think this through carefully, Y/N, as we still hold your deal. One bad move and the hellhounds will come and get you. No more delaying.”
You flash her the biggest smile you can summon.
“Well, it’s been a while since the last time I played with puppies from the pit… I think I’m ready.”
Not waiting for her reaction, you get out of the car and start limping back to yours. By the time you get in, Toni is gone.
You’re all alone.
Well, not entirely alone to be fair.
The grumbling hellhounds in your backseat keep you company.
You take your phone out of your pocket avoiding any sudden movements and type a quick message to the Winchesters:
‘My nightstand, second drawer.’
Toni thought she could prevent you from exposing the truth by taking action quickly, but she wasn’t paying attention. You never said you were gonna tell them everything. You said you would make sure they know. And the detailed farewell letters you left for them in your drawer will serve the purpose well.
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purpli-writes · 4 years
No Continues For The Ultimate Gamer
Chiaki Nanami is faced with the consequences of living life without fear.
She's out of continues.
You can read it on AO3 here
She thinks that she should’ve seen this coming. A trap this obvious is always shown in games. The main character doesn’t live and the story progresses to someone else.
She didn’t think it would happen to her.
She wonders, briefly, if that’s her fault for being too self-absorbed.
She’s in immeasurable pain, and she’s almost towards the finish line. But a voice in her head tells her that it’s game over no matter what she does.
It’s not wrong, probably. But it’s not like she has any other options.
She has to reach her friends, to try to save them from Junko Enoshima, even if it costs her her life.
Like a dialogue choice that will reach the same inevitable conclusion, her story line is coming to a close.
If she waits here, she’ll bleed out. If she reaches out, she’ll probably be impaled.
At least going for the possibility of living is more positive than just dying here for sure, she thinks.
Everyone… I’ll save you all so we can live peacefully. Runs through her mind, it’s a desperate mantra for sure.
One she doesn’t even believe.
The end of the maze is clear in her sight. The exit is right there, like it had to be.
Every instinct she has honed from playing games screams trap, but they’re dulled by the intense pain from the spikes that have already impaled her body.
It’s over… the exit, right in my reach…!
She goes for the door, and like a part of her already knew, more spears impale her body.
Even with the best healing, she couldn’t live through this.
But… there’s someone there, watching her suffer. 
She recognizes him, Hajime Hinata, her friend who she had long since lost contact with.
“H...hajime…?” she whispers weakly, she has no other option. “It’s… really you… isn’t it…?” 
“No,” Hajime, or whoever is wearing his face, answers. “I am nothing like my predecessor.”
She blinks weakly, not knowing what else to say. “It’s funny… I… wanted to play games with you and everyone, at least… one more time…”
“As your dying wish?” 
“It’s not fair,” she continues. 
It’s never been fair for either of us, has it? 
“You truly are a foolish girl, Chiaki Nanami,” Hajime says, although not unkindly. “Your death will bring them nothing and yet you are hoping for something so pointless.”
“Maybe…” she agrees, tears slowly leaving her eyes. Her vision is fading, but she doesn’t want to die. 
“How boring,” Hajime says. “You beg for your life as well.”
Had she said that out loud…? She couldn’t tell.
“Is that so bad…?” she’s sobbing now, she can’t help it. “I… don’t want to be alone, Hajime.”
She reaches out. Her arm hurts but at the same time she can’t feel it.
She’s always been alone, even with her friends. How cruel of life to end the same way.
Hajime doesn’t grab her hand as her vision turns dark one last time.
Chiaki Nanami isn’t sure if she’s ever actually lived during her time at Jabberwock Island.
Sure, she’s part of her classmates roster, but she’s the only one who isn’t organic. She isn’t exactly human.
An AI created in the image of the original Chiaki Nanami, a person who is long dead.
She wonders if that means she’s dead too. Afterall, can you really count an AI as a living being?
It’s not something she’d usually ponder, but now she has been given no other option.
Her “death” or whatever actually awaits her is soon to come. She’s the blackened in the “murder” of Nagito Komaeda.
Her friends, or at least she’d like to think of them as such, refuse to believe her.
The blackened is the traitor of the group and coincidentally she's also the traitor. So according to her API she has to be the blackened.
But how does one define a traitor? She’s acting in the best interest of her friends, although they don’t know it yet.
They’re currently on the side of despair and she was created for the side of hope.
So technically, she’d have to admit that she’s a traitor.
“Hey Hajime?” she begins, smiling sweetly as if her life wasn’t on the line. “I need you to do one more favor for me.”
Hajime Hinata stares at her brokenly, he already knows what she’s going to ask.
“I need you to prove that I’m the traitor,” she continues. “Please, Hajime, it’s important.”
“Why…?” he asks her.
“Because I’m the blackened,” she says. 
I’m not sure what you’re asking, she thinks. Are you asking me why I’m sacrificing myself or is something else…?
“Hajime,” she says sternly. “There’s no other way, probably.”
“Please,” she pleads. “You’re the only one who can do this, maybe.”
I don’t think I want to die, she thinks. But I don’t think there’s another way.
“Seriously… why?!” Hajime cries, and she can’t blame him.
She’s not feeling much better herself.
Hajime powers through it, like she knew he would.
Her friends are reluctant to believe Hajime, but they know there’s no other choice.
Is she really about to die…?
How is she supposed to feel about this sort of thing?
Is she even real?
“Chiaki!” Sonia cries, voice commanding even through her tears. “I do not believe that you are the traitor, so please try to explain to us!”
How is she supposed to explain that she’s a computer program? That she cannot feel and can’t betray her programming.
Or rather, she thinks she isn’t supposed to feel.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t explain it to you, probably,” Chiaki says. “But everything will work out in the end, okay?”
I don’t want to die, she thinks suddenly as soon as the words leave her lips. There’s nothing outside of this game world for me but I don’t have any other choice…
Monokuma, or rather Junko, although she doesn’t know if they’re two separate programs or just one pretending to be two, announces her execution cheerfully.
Surprisingly, Monomi agrees to be executed with her, stating that she won’t let her student deal with this alone.
That’s not right isn’t it…? She thinks. Aren’t all of your students actual people…?
Is this instance of Chiaki Nanami even… real?
As her execution starts, with a bunch of Monomis aiding her, she can’t help but feel at least some sort of approximation to dread.
She tries to flee her death, but it seems that the escape was just a cruel trick.
I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, repeats in her head like a part of her is glitching.
Before the tetrimino hits her, she closes her eyes for one last coherent thought.
I wanted to be real too.
On Jabberwock Island, it’s a somber sort of day for Hajime Hinata. 
Memories from Izuru Kamukura and his own twist in his head into a sickening swirl.
But even if some memories overwhelm him, there’s one anchor he’ll never be able to let go of.
Chiaki Nanami, his closest friend and perhaps even someone he loved even more.
Although he never got to tell either of them that, which might be the cruelest part of everything he’s been through so far.
Tonight is one of those nights where he can’t help but think of the girl who was more interested in games than other people.
At least before she met him.
And although he can’t tell her how much she meant to him, he can keep her memory alive.
Tonight is one of the rarer nights where Hajime Hinata allows himself to grieve.
Secretly, Izuru Kamukura might be grieving in his own way too.
They both agree to keep this secret between themselves.
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zmwisethepoet · 4 years
Eradicating Chaos, Inviting Duende
Published as the Cover Letter in Harbinger Asylum: Fall 2020 Issue
           It is no secret that we have entered another dark chapter of earthly hell this year. I have yet to meet a soul who claims that 2020 was not that terrible. I thank goodness that this conversation has not transpired, because if it did, I would be rendered speechless and walk as far away as my feet could carry me. Sheer optimism alone will not cloak the prominence of our two main invisible enemies: COVID-19 and racial injustice, the latter of which has been occurring since time immemorial. While we as humans try with every fiber of our being to do what is necessary to protect our species, it does not always pan out in our favor. As history shows, it rarely seems to bode well that way. One too many have fallen at the hands of others. To this day, why we willingly degrade, exile, inflict physical and mental trauma, corrupt, and kill our own kind based on what we deem as inferior, whether it be gender, race, orientation, religion, or other factors still baffles me beyond all belief. It pains my heart to see certain peaceful protests and demonstrations of equality turn riotous because of the ‘authority strike of fire’ on an innocent. It makes me question the very nature of our collective existence. Perhaps this makes me ignorant or unmindful. Perhaps it leads me to believe that there is no hope for humanity whatsoever. As much of a neutralist [or cynical realist] as I am, I refuse to believe that we are headed straight for oblivion. While we are infants in comparison to other species on this planet, we have much to learn and we are still attempting to do so.
          The late comedian George Carlin once said that our species had our chance and we squandered it. I agree with him to an extent. This is part of the reason why I am neutral on the prospect of our species colonizing on Mars. Why is it, however, that the many groups of people who attempt to preserve our sapphire and emerald home, as well as its inhabitants, are overshadowed by the amount of parasites that form into one gargantuan maelstrom? It is fascinating how a great deal of us choose to focus on the negative and leave the positive to be feasted on by mental scavengers. Let us not forget the alarming amount of natural disasters, a gory political battle, and a certain species of hornet with a menacing moniker.
          The aforementioned virus has been the cruelest teacher that this planet could ask for, save certain actions that should have been taken in its preliminary stages. It has taught us what we can accomplish as a collective as long as we cooperate with the necessary precautions. It has tested our mental limits and patience, provoking us to lose our craniums and step out into the warzone as if our lives are still perfectly normal. It has separated us into two categories: the paranoid and the reckless. The tragically hilarious part is that both sides believe that their actions are correct and the other side is being moronic in some form or fashion. I do my absolute best to remain in the middle. I am not going to subject myself to any small or large variations of a high-risk environment with high-risk individuals while protecting myself and the people I love, but I am by no means going to board myself in my home until this umpteenth wave of chaos has ceased to be. It has attempted to rewire our thinking and survival tactics. I am torn between shaking my head at those who freely choose to remove their masks in public and congregate in larger crowds, save a few noble causes, and feeling a massive amount of pity for those who have lost the willpower to remain isolated from those they love and the social activities that were suddenly stripped from them. Our species was not wired for prolonged isolation and quarantine. Many introverts have converted to extroverts who wish to splurge their social juices. Nevertheless, such actions have caused medical staff members and frontline workers around the globe to put themselves at higher risk than anyone else. They are more heroic than people seem to realize. I lost my mind within the first couple of months of this pandemic and I have yet to reclaim it, but I am not going to risk everything and everyone I hold dear to me just for the possibility of losing health as well. John Lydon once said, “Life is precious and not a thing to be destroyed,” though he was speaking on the subject of Kurt Cobain’s sudden passing. Such a statement relates to our present situation.
          If you have read this far in the ink words of such unintentional vitriol, I salute you. After all, as author Madeleine D’Engle once said, “Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” Where does chaos end and where does duende begin? For those of you who do not know the latter word’s definition, that is quite all right. I am not speaking of the Latin American mythological creature of the same name. Duende is one of many ‘incredamazing’ words that cannot be translated into English, but contains a powerful definition. Duende is described as ‘a work of art’s mysterious power to deeply move someone’. For centuries, many creators and their chosen crafts (or the crafts that chose them) have spread a trillion and eight possibilities, unless they carried a sole intention. During a fraction of this time, the element of self-expression came into play through the creation itself. Most of the time, it has been used to evoke thoughts from the masses. It is also during this time that the arts have placed our minds at ease amidst the chaos, whether through aural pleasures, the written word, the visual and suspended, the visual and in motion, or kinetic and tangible. We have relied on the arts to keep us relatively sane, centered, and balanced. A personal philosophy of mine, especially during the accursed year of 2020, is that as long as you do not inflict harm upon others or yourself, sanity is overrated. At this point, if you are not at least a tad bit cuckoo or peculiar, I may not trust you. For me as an individual, the arts, whether appreciating or creating, is a lustful craving, akin to fitness, meditation, and other various pleasures. What is more relevant is that it contains the power to grant us hope and to aid us in not losing that hope, even if at this point, hope is a thin, sliver-shaped shrapnel piece. Despite the number of life-threatening cases that seem to continue piling on, we cannot lose this shrapnel of hope. Many of the word wielders in this issue of Harbinger Asylum exhibit this intention through their poetry and prose, as well as the captors of photographic serenity. I am thankful to have played a major role in the development of this journal and Transcendent Zero Press in this manner, as well as the manner of diversity in our pages. Each issue and each manuscript we release is like a basket of potpourri delights, some containing mysterious elements and the other with raucous neon gods.
          We are not out of the woods quite yet, my dearest fellow peoploids. However, we will make it through this seemingly apocalyptic Tartarus. We must make it through, for the sake of our health and the universal love we cling to day in and day out. I would personally like to dedicate the Fall Edition of Harbinger Asylum to the fallen victims of 2020, whether through the violent brutalities of racial injustice, those whose bodies succumbed to the virus, and those we have lost due to Madre Terra’s disasters, as well as the disasters we created ourselves. To your families, every medical staff member, frontline worker, and to everyone reading this journal, I say, “Pax vobiscum. Poetry lives. Long live the arts.” …and dare I add, “Long live love.”
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herkawaiinovels · 4 years
[SS] Chapter 2 Part 1
[2. Change]
'Happy ending.'
These were the only words that filled Prillance's head. And the main character of the happy ending was Ver. Regardless of the reason, those who interfered with the protagonists’ romance lived their own punishment.
Prillance did, and Ver did. Perhaps Ver, who could not move even one step in his heart, had been punished more than Prillance, who had been fiercely rejected.
After seeing him in person, she had a stronger desire to make him happy. 
Prillance was one of the important figures in the novel, and she was an influential person within nobility. In addition, her family was the family that made Ver's life fall to its abyss. She was in the best position to find and move information that might have been invisible to the average eye.
Perhaps she could return Ver's happiness.
There was something she had to do first until she found a way to reverse Ver's current situation. First of all, she had to stop Ver from entering the Tonz family's knights.
Ver, who grew up in a family of knights, inherited the same blood and was well-known in the empire.
Unfortunately, it was Duke Tonz who recognized Ver, who could not enter the Imperial Knights. The Tonz family had been steadily hiring talented knights, and although he did not belong anywhere, Ver still had superior capabilities. Afterwards, when he became one of the Tonz family’s knights, Ver became an escort knight protecting Cecia, who became Duke Tonz' fiancée. Even then he still lived a life of protecting his beloved, even when she was in love with someone else.
She thought it was the cruelest thing in his life. So, this time, she decided to break his cycle of misery. She will help Ver, who was innocent, rekindle his relationship with Cecia.
The first step was to prevent Ver from becoming one of Duke Tonz' knights.
Instead of drinking tea, Ver called out in a low voice with a determined look on his face.
“Ah, the taste of the tea is good.”
Only then did Prillance come to her senses and drink the tea. Lady Weiand, who he had never had interactions with before, had already been visiting his house for days.
He thought he would never see her again after that day. However, it was from that day onward that she came. Except for the first day, she had only been drinking tea before leaving without saying anything.
“You have been drinking the same tea for days. Perhaps by now, the Lady's house will already have this tea.”
“So if there is nothing more you wish to tell me, I hope you will stop coming.”
In fact, her visit wasn't bothersome. She was neither demanding nor loud, as he thought she would be. Moreover, she was the first aristocrat to visit steadily after the incident. Even the ladies who tried to get along with him were quick to fall out due to his polite but indifferent treatment.
Nevertheless, the reason Ver pushed her away first was because of the effect it would have on her future. Now that his family became known as a family who might rebel again, it would not be good to have her entangled with him. So he had to end her visits which had become quite comfortable and familiar.
Conversely, Prillance thought it was an opportunity to implement the plan she had been thinking of for days.
There was one way to keep him out of the Tonz family.
And that was to become a knight in a family other than the Tonz family. Another option was to become a mercenary, but Ver, the successor of a knight's family who had been loyal to the imperial family, would not make such a choice.
However, it would be strange to suggest that he become a knight of families other than the Weiand family.
Not many of the nobles had knights in the first place, but other than the imperial knights, the knights of Duke Tonz and Marquis Weiand were the only ones that had prestigious ranking and recognition in the empire. So why not become a knight of the Weiand family until his family is cleared of charges and he becomes happy again with Cecia?
“Why don’t you become one of our family's knights?”
Prillance put the cup down and looked at Ver. He was looking at her as well. Prillance didn't avoid eye contact to show her resoluteness, and Ver tried to figure out what she was saying.
“I know that your skills are excellent. Use your skills in the house of Marquis Weiand.”
She knew that the knights of Duke Tonz and Marquis Weiand were all highly competent. And she knew it wasn't a bad offer for him right now.
“So this was the reason you came.”
Ver was displeased and disappointed. The lady who believed in his father eventually came to say this.
Then he said in a lower voice.
“I will refuse.”
Surprised by his strange voice, she made eye contact with Ver's expressionless face. He hasn't been impolite till now.
"Wait a minute…”
“I will send you off to your carriage.”
Before the flustered Prillance got to refute his words, he got up and opened the door of the parlour. Ver did not want to hear her excuses.
“Guide Lady Weiand to her carriage.”
"Yes Sir."
“Please take care.”
In an instant the door closed in front of Prillance, who was pushed out of the drawing room. And until the end, his cold eyes were looking at her. Up until the moment the door closed.
"It was ridiculous in the first place."
No one could have seriously believed in his family. Left alone in the reception room, Ver’s lips mocked himself. He would have thought about it seriously if she had openly sneered like other noble ladies and told him she would hire him.
Ver also had ears to hear, so he knew the rumors about her. However, he didn't care about those rumors until he experienced it himself. He tried to judge only by what he saw of her.
More than rumors, he experienced it himself. She was definitely excellent at prying someone’s weakness and shaking their hearts. He had almost thought she was a good person. What’s more, to create a small bud of doubt that her last expression might’ve been real, she was indeed a terrifying person.
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writteninvisibly · 5 years
I hate this. I hate everything about this. I want to vomit, this is one of the worst things I’ve ever fucking written and I once wrote smut for something I didn’t even ship because my ex wanted me to. I used to be so fucking proud of this though. Fuck, okay.
Fair warning, this story makes almost no sense. I think there used to be context for it, but I don’t remember it. You asked for this. I’m so sorry.
"Ella- Ella! Hey!" Neal caught the girl by the arm, preventing her from storming past him,
She turned on him, blue eyes blazing with barely constrained fury. "What, Neal? What the hell do you want?!"
His jaw tensed. "Are you going to be like this the entire time you're here?"
"Be like what?! A rational person?! There was a reason I ended our relationship, Neal!"
"Yeah, what was that reason again? I don't recall receiving an explanation, and if I remember correctly, you were fine with our relationship until five days before you ended it!"
"Ohhhhhh no, you are so not pinning this on me, Neal O'Bryen! I was done with our relationship for months before I saw sense. I hadn't seen you in a damn month, Neal! And I know you were cheating. Must I spell it out for you?" Tears sprang to her eyes. She'd been hoping to avoid this conversation.
The anger left those golden-brown eyes, and the fight left his stance. "Cheating?" he whispered. "Who told you-"
"I saw you myself, dumbass!"
"June twenty-eighth, one week before I ended everything, I texted you and asked if you wanted to see a movie with me. I was desperate. Desperate for a call, a text, anything! I hadn't heard so much as a 'hello' from you in nigh on a month. I didn't want it to be over, so I asked you to a movie. One. Little. Movie. My last chance at a plea bargain before the gavel struck down. And what was your response?! 'I'm not in the mood.' So I decided, fine. I would go see it myself. I tried to reconcile your behaviour to myself. Tried to convinced myself you weren't with someone else; that you were faithful! But when I entered the theatre, there you were. You and some Ginger bi-... girl. I walked up, thinking maybe she was a relative and you would introduce us. Then I heard you. 'How about this one, babe?' The exact movie I'd invited you to come see with me. So I ignored you, got my ticket, saw my movie. I decided then and there that we were over, I just needed to figure out the cruelest way to phrase it. So, Neal, I hope you're happy, because you've officially ruined my life." She wrenched her arm away and ran, ignoring his pleas for her to stop as well as the tears streaming down her face. She ran; mindless of where her feet carried her. She ran; vision blurred by tears, chest heaving, her body wracked by sobs. She ran. She ran until her legs were aching, she ran until her feet were sore, she ran 'til she was out of breath, she ran 'til she could run no more. When she stopped running, she found herself outside in the woods near the house. She took a deep breath and climbed the nearest tree.
Ella must have fallen asleep in the tree branches, because the next thing she knew, someone was crawling up to sit beside her. She tensed, ready to fight, when she heard,
"Don't worry, I'm not Neal."
Ella blew out a breath and relaxed against the tree, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.
"What did he do?" Kristin asked.
"Asked some stupid questions. I got pissed, and... Flew too close to the sun."
Kristin nodded. They sat in silence for a while, and Ella realised she could hear Neal and Will arguing below.
"I don't care, O'Bryen!" Will shouted. "You don't just let a girl like that go!"
Ella blushed.
"I didn't 'just let her go', Will! She ran and didn't look back! She changed her number, blocked me on every social media account she had- I couldn't have seen her again if I'd tried!"
"Did you try?"
"Of course I did! Ella meant the world to me- still does! I wasn't about to let that go. But she wouldn't see me. I tried her work, her dorm, her parent's place... Will, I don't know what to do."
"You have to talk to her, man."
Ella shuddered at those two roared words. Neal's voice held anger, sadness, regret.
"Don't you think I've tried?" he said quieter.
Will sighed and clapped him on the back, walking back toward the house.
Neal looked up sullenly at the tree the girls sat in and laid a hand on the trunk, wishing Ella would just talk to him.
He looked to the ground as Kristin peeked down, and didn't look up until Kristin jumped down next to him.
"Get up there. Talk to her."
"Go, O'Bryen. I wanna see a smile back on your faces before you come down."
Neal looked up hesitantly.
"She's waiting. Go get 'em, tiger."
Neal took a deep breath, then began ascending the tree.
"Hey." he said upon reaching the spot where she sat. It was a little cupped platform created by the tree branches.
"Hey yourself."
"Look, I know I can't make amends for what I did, but can I at least explain? I promise, you can hate me all you want after that and I won't argue."
Ella nodded slightly and drew her legs in close to her body.
"Okay. Well... That month, I... Was in a play. I wanted it to be a surprise, so... I didn't tell you. The girl I was with that day, her name was Elizabeth Towne. She played the character my character fell for and we went to that movie as an exercise our director asked us to do. I had told her beforehand that I was in a relationship, and she respected the boundaries I'd set, even though we were in character. We did nothing more than hold hands, and I hugged her goodbye at the end of the 'date'. Baby-"
"Ella. I picked that movie because all I could think of was you. I felt awful, and I wanted to call you, but I couldn't. While in all reality I wasn't cheating, I felt as though I was, and the thought made feel sick. If I hadn't needed to stay in character, I would have apologised to Elizabeth and left. The next time we spoke was when I called to invite you to the play, and you broke up with me. So Elizabeth and I changed the gameplan. I was mad, I was hurt, so anything went. It messed me up so bad, Ella. After we were done with the play, I started drinking. Not heavily, but enough for me to have several scares. I'd finally moved on, cleaned up my act, got a life. Everything was looking up. Then Will tells me he wants me here to meet someone. So I come. And who should pull in the driveway but Kristin and little miss 'Hellbent' herself. I swear, I thought I was dreaming. I had thought you would be better off than I was, but I guess you weren't. Ella, I-" he knelt down in front of her, tears stinging his eyes. "Please believe me." he whispered. "After seeing you again... I can't lose you. Not again. And I know, I know, I don't exactly have you right now, but-" he grabbed her and kissed her. Hard.
Ella's eyes flew open in shock, then fluttered shut again as she melted into the kiss. It was so familiar, yet so foreign, and when they parted, she wasn't ready to let it go.
"I'm sorry." Neal whispered, pulling back. "I had to do that at least once more." then he backed away and descended the tree.
"Neal!" Ella called when she realised what was happening. "No, Neal, wait!" she rushed to the edge of the small platform and dropped to her knees, peering down. She saw Neal standing below, shoulders tensed, turned away from the tree. She quickly scrambled down after him, laying a tentative hand on his shoulder.
Neal flinched slightly away from the hand, and Ella winced.
"Neal.. I- I'm sorry. I just- I was hurt, I was angry, I acted without thinking. I am so, so sorry."
He rounded on her, eyes swimming. "It wasn't completely your fault. I- I should've told you. Shouldn't've-"
"No, no, Neal." she quickly pulled him into a hug. "It was a sweet gesture, really. I just- I believe you, I do. Oh, Neal. Could you ever forgive me?"
"Forgive you? Darling, you did nothing wrong."
"Yes, I did. Rather than asking you to explain, taking the problem to you; I broke us up, breaking our hearts in the process. I've always known I was insecure, I guess this just proves it. Rather than waiting for you to break up with me, reject and throw me to the side like everyone else, I broke up with you. Please, please forgive me."
"Ella, you were forgiven long ago. But, if it makes you feel better, Ella Denise Havelock, I forgive you. For this, past, and all future mistakes."
She choked out a laugh, tears slipping down her cheeks.
Neal brought up a hand to wipe the tears away, and she closed her eyes and leaned into the touch, prompting him to kiss her, which he did. Once on each eyelid and once on the tip of her nose before he reached her mouth. He slowly leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips, and she melted into it once again, savouring in the feel of well-known lips against her own.
Ella tilted her head to deepen the kiss, and Neal obliged, tilting his head, his lips moving against hers. Ella's lips parted, prompting Neal's to, and for a bit they just stood there, breathing the same air.
"I missed you." Ella murmured against Neal's lips, the three words she wanted to say getting caught in her throat.
"I love you too." Neal whispered back. He pulled her into another tight hug, pressing a kiss to her temple.
Her arms wrapped around him, and squeezed as if she would never let go, burying her face in the crook of his neck, partially worried if she let go, this would all be a dream.
Anyway, this is a hot mess and I’d like to apologise that you had to read that.
@crypticsx @guesswhosgotaguitar
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naruto-oc-critiques · 6 years
hi!!! can I please get a pairing guide for an oc x Temari?? or a link if there’s already one, ty!!
When it comes to pairing with Temari, there are just a few things to really keep in mind.
Harsh Personality.  Temari makes an impression within her first few appearances that she is cold, stoic, and rather cruel. She is rather dismissive at times.  Your oc should be able to stick around long enough with her to see the parts of her that are soft and caring.
More to the Cruelest Kunoichi.  Later on in the series (and even hinting a small amount earlier) we can see a different side of Temari.  We learn that she values peace and wishes for the five shinobi nations to come together.  In the first part of the series, she is shown to have one physical fear: her little brother Gaara, and she would have done anything to keep the peace between them and Kankuro.  This alludes to later on in part two, where we can see that her brothers are the most important people in her life.  I don’t see her with an oc who disrespects her family or their own family.  
Diplomatic Duties. Now that she no longer fears Gaara, she is dedicated to helping him in his Kazekage duties (which shows she greatly respects her village as well). In part two she is also even more dedicated to peace, as she started acting as a diplomat between the Suna and Konoha. During the war she also showed no hesitation in putting herself in harms way to save shinobi both from Suna and other villages as well.  For your oc to get along with her, they should also exhibit the same or similar values.  It also should be noted that if your oc is not one to be able to be away from their s/o for long periods of time, they might not be a good match for Temari, as I don’t think she would have much patience for that.
Traits Temari Would Admire in Others.  I’ve already explained that Temari would admire someone with family values and a dedication to creating peace.  But there are other things that I sense she would like as well.  Temari is very confident in her abilities, she would get along with another person who is as well. She strikes me as the kind of person to appreciate friendly competition and healthy rivalry.  She would admire someone who has passion and dedication for a worthy cause.
Potential Concerns.  With Temari’s sometimes harsh personality, there can be a few things to cause turn off or disagreement from both sides.
Temari has a naturally stoic attitude that can be hard to break through to see what more there is to her.  Your oc should be able to practice patience and not give up on her in order to see the softer side of her.  
As I mentioned above, with Temari’s diplomatic duties, she is often away and if your oc has clingy tendencies, I don’t see the relationship working out well.  
Temari can be kind of a loudmouth, and your oc should be able to handle this aspect of her personality.  Also relating to this, if your oc also is a loudmouth or has over confidence, I can see them having small arguments here and there as their similar personality collide.(this doesn’t necessarily mean that they will make for a bad pair!)
This was also mentioned before, but just to really close it up, someone who does not value peace or family is not going to be seen as a potential partner for Temari.  These two things are VERY important to her.
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sweetmemories2606 · 6 years
Jerza Songfic: All Of These Stars
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Hi, people.
I don't even know where this came from, seriously. I was supposed to write Unforgivable today, but then I listened to the amazing song All Of These Stars by Ed Sheeran and it just occurred to me how much it fits with Jellal and Erza.
The ideas just kept coming and I was like "I must write this now before I lose my mind".
I'm considering this the prompt for Jerza Week Day 7: Complicated, just because I couldn't think of anything for that one and I really wanted to finish it. 
Sorry this is so late!
Title: Everything Led Back To You
Pairings: Jerza (duh), Jellal & Ultear & Meredy friendship
Summary: After learning that Erza is dead, Jellal struggles with his conflicted feelings about it. Pain, sorrow, denial, hope, regret. It's an endless cycle that led no where and the question remained: would he ever manage to move on from Erza Scarlet? 
Timeline: This story is set during the seven years time-skip after the Tenrou Island Arc. 
WARNING: This is really angsty, so be prepared to get your hearts broken.
Word Count: 2200 words
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12973217/1/Everything-Led-Back-To-You
It's just another night
And I'm staring at the moon
I saw a shooting star
And thought of you
Jellal sighed while staring at the star filled sky. It was late; too late for him to be awake, but he couldn't sleep. He hadn't been able to do so ever since the news of Erza's apparent demise reached him.
"I'm so sorry, Jellal." He remembered Ultear's sincere apology after her and Meredy were forced to tell him the truth. He remembered the compassionate, understanding, sorrowful look upon her face.
But she didn't understand; she couldn't because she never loved someone as much as he loved Erza.
Or maybe she did, he thought, maybe the way she felt about sweet Meredy was similar to what he had felt about the red head.
Even so, she hadn't lost the person she loved most. She wasn't constantly haunted by nightmares of losing her all over again. She didn't need to try to go on after getting her heart broken in the cruelest of ways.
"Why did you have to go, Erza?" Jellal whispered, silent tears streaming down his face.
It had been a year now, since he learned it. Not a day would go by that his desperate heart didn't hope that it was all lies and she was okay.
He remembered her face so clearly. Those beautiful, giant brown eyes that were so warm and caring. The smile that he rarely got to see, but lit up his whole world. The unforgettable scarlet hair that he used to love running his fingers through.
He wished he could do it again. He wished he could go back in time, back when they were just two lost children trapped in a tower. When they were close friends, before he ruined everything.
Jellal frowned at the memory of the day he sent her away. It would never leave him; his sins were always there to remind him why he never deserved her.
Trying to shake the thought away, he looked once again towards the beautiful sky; just as a shooting star appeared.
I sang a lullaby
By the waterside and knew
If you were here,
I'd sing to you
He had never been one for songs; always too embarrassed to ever sing. However, when Erza asked him to sing to her on a rainy night when they were alone at the tower-he didn't even remember where the others had been-, Jellal hadn't hesitated.
He would've done anything for her; to make her feel better and so he obliged to her request.
After she lay down with her head on his lap, he began playing with her hair before humming a familiar tune. He didn't remember the song's name, but the melody would forever echo inside his mind.
It was their song, as Erza had called it, and the simple memory of singing to her brought a smile to his face.
You're on the other side
As the skyline splits in two
I'm miles away from seeing you
I can see the stars
From America
I wonder, do you see them, too?
He couldn't help himself from wondering if she might still be alive. Even after everyone had given up, he still refused to. Because he loved her too much, so the thought of her being dead was too heartbreaking to consider.
Even after Ultear had insisted time and time again that he would lose his mind if he kept looking for her, he still did. He looked everywhere; always searching for that familiar scarlet hair. But he never saw it again; the color seemed to have disappeared just as she did.
Every time he would stare into the night sky- it had become his newest favorite thing since he never managed to get a good night's sleep- he would wonder if perhaps, somewhere, Erza was looking at it too.
He wondered if they would ever see the same sky again or if it was just a faraway dream; an impossible hope that his heart needed to let go of. But he didn't, just as he didn't let go of her.
After all, letting go wasn't so easy and Jellal was stubborn as can be; so he refused to give up.
So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will lead
Into the night with me
He never forgot her words when they had met during the Oracion Seis incident. They were what kept him into the light, what gave him a reason to live even if all he had wanted was to die so that he could be with her.
You have a duty to stay alive. As much as he hated it, he kept following his duty. Kept trying to redeem himself so that he could be worthy of her when he saw her again.
But still, despite his stubbornness and hope, the question would still stab at his heart: would he ever see her again?
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home
It hurt. Every single day. The memories, the constant reminders, it was all too much.
Now that they had returned, he couldn't stop thinking about the scars; both the ones he had inflicted upon her and the ones he carried himself.
Simon. Kind, protective and loving Simon. It was his greatest sin, one that he could never atone for.
And it killed him.
Jellal tried so had to make up for all the terrible things he had done, but the reminder that Simon's death could never be reversed left a hollow gap on his chest; a painful wound that would never heal.
There were many nights in which he would drown in self-hatred and sorrow; unable to forgive himself for murdering one of his oldest friends. Those were the worst times and he even tried to take his own life more than once; hoping it would make the hurt disappear.
Thankfully, Meredy and Ultear helped him get through it. They were always there for him; two amazing friends he didn't feel like he deserved.
Besides Erza, they were the only thing keeping him alive. Their comforting words, unwavering kindness and acceptance, endless attempts to distract his mind from the dark thoughts that threatened to destroy him.
He knew that they were hurting too, but they always pushed it aside and focused on him.
No words could describe how thankful Jellal was to them.
I can hear your heart
On the radio beat
They're playing 'Chasing Cars'
And I thought of us
He couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities, the what if's. His hopeful mind created many scenarios in which they might've been together. He imagined what a life with her would be like; a happy life.
He imagined being able to kiss her, touch her, love her.
In a world where he wasn't Jellal Fernandes, a convicted criminal that lived in the shadows, but instead just a man in love with an amazing woman.
He hated his cruel mind for coming up with all these thoughts and breaking his heart even more. Hated the smile that would appear when he imagined these impossible futures; the way his heart would beat so much faster when he thought of kissing Erza; the pain that would follow the reminder that it could never be.
A future that could never be. A hopeful dream he didn't want to wake up from.
Back to the time,
You were lying next to me
I looked across and fell in love
So I took your hand
Back through lamp lit streets I knew
Everything led back to you
Everything reminded him of her. It was like a curse, no matter how hard he may try, she would always be amongst his thoughts.
Whenever he saw anything that resembled red or brown, Jellal would remember her.
Even looking into Meredy's crimson eyes sometimes brought up memories of Erza; and he would have to avoid looking into them if he wanted to stay sane.
Because the memories drove him crazy. Good or bad, they were the main cause for his suffering. They were the only thing he had left of her and, while part of him wished to hold onto them; the other just wanted to forget.
Because remembering her hurt, way more than he could've imagined it would.
Everything just hurt. Being without her, imagining being with her, wondering if she was truly gone.
Everything had become so irritatingly complicated. But love is never simple; he had always known that.
It was an endless cycle of pain, sorrow, loss, regrets and possibilities. It didn't lead him anywhere and he knew Ultear and Meredy worried. Knew they wondered the same thing he always did: what would become of him? Would he ever manage to move on from Erza Scarlet?
You're the song my heart is
Beating to
So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will lead
Into the night with me
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home
Even though he tried to reassure his companions that he would be fine and time was all his broken heart needed to heal, he doubted it.
Jellal knew that not even 100 years would erase the pain of losing her. If she was even lost, that was.
He was slowly losing himself; drowning in these conflicted feelings and memories. Trying to stay strong, to stay alive like he had promised her; but sometimes it was just too hard.
Sometimes he just wanted everything to stop, for the whole world to disappear into nothingness. Because as lonely as the emptiness was-he knew, he had felt it for a whole year while he was still imprisoned- it was still better than the overwhelming emotions that almost destroyed him.
He had been so close to finally giving up and letting himself go, when he heard the most joyous and impossible news: Erza was alive. She had been alive all this time, trapped on Tenrou Island.
At first, he hadn't wanted to believe it. Even after all those years wishing for her not to be gone, the notion that she might still be alive threatened his too unstable mind.
Jellal didn't want to hope anymore, he was tired of it. Years of dreaming and wishing had almost destroyed him and he knew that one more false hope might be the end.
So he was skeptical about it; ignoring Ultear and Meredy's happiness. He refused to believe that Erza was alive until he saw it with his own eyes.
And he did. Weeks later, he found her; and it was like time had stopped all of sudden.
He was frozen in shock, staring at the beautiful red head in disbelief. His heart beat faster than ever, so scared yet so full of hope and happiness. She was there, she was real.
Then she smiled, and it was all it took for him to completely break down. He was glad that there was no one else there, for he had arranged this meeting just between them.
Erza's smile turned into a frown as soon as he fell to his knees and started crying like the broken man he truly was. She worried, unaware of all the complicated feelings he had been struggling with.
Kneeling down by his side, she gently took him into her arms and held him like he had dreamed so many times. Her embrace was warm, comforting and he only cried harder.
It was everything he had wanted, everything he had needed.
She was everything. And he finally had her again and Jellal vowed that day to never let her go.
Even if she might hate him after what he had done, he wouldn't give up. He would become worthy of her so that someday they could share the future he had imagined.
A happy future. Once thought to be impossible, now much more than a fabrication.
It was okay to hope again because he had Erza and that was all he needed.
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group-4blog · 3 years
Labandero, Jim Gelo M.
ASSIGNMENT #1: Essay Writing
The Captain of the Ship
Way back centuries ago, the world has not been exposed to the technology. From Pre-Industrial Era, most of the things have done manually making it finished longer than expected. The tools are not that accurate may be the reason why it is harder to accomplish things efficiently. Looking forward, there are so many changes as if those existing objects in the history hasn’t left a trace. Say typewriter as an example. Typewriter is a machine for writing in characters similar to those produced by printer's type by means of keyboard-operated types striking a ribbon to transfer ink or carbon impressions onto the paper. But then it is done manually; you cannot proofread a certain task you were writing on the spot. Now in the contemporary era, the famous “Microsoft Word” has been a trend for using essays, short stories, poetry and other forms of writing in which you could save works then print as you wish to. That’s far from the typewriter we used to know. Microsoft Word has known for its conveniency that’s why a lot of people used its advantage. Typewriter vanished into the 21st century, letting the new innovative “Microsoft Word” serves the world. Technology became powerful and handy servant for people’s tasks.
There’s this big question, “why technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master?” Technology has its own purpose. There’s a boundary as to where should the technology only takes place. If it has made to be a servant, it shouldn’t defy its master—the people who make them. It has created to be the servant of the world, to contribute for a big change in the Globality. But technology being a threat as it became a master of the game is alarming. Technology has no heart. It has no feelings. It is brutal, cruel and chaotic. If one has declared that humans are the cruelest thing in this world, he/she must not have glanced the technology, think again. One must realize that letting the technology dominate their life, they already given a chance for the technology to be higher than us, the people. If one depends too much in technology, they already given a chance for the technology to become powerful than us. We must, sometimes, acknowledge the traditional and manually-based tool that used to serve our life genuinely. Technology symbolizes the storm. We, humans, are the nature. If the storm planned to destroy the nature, we must plan ahead to takes its advantage. We gave life to technology. Nature gave life to storm. Storm is just a cycle of the nature’s manifestation. It is not yet too late to introduce who’s more powerful than the other. It’s just a matter of mindset. Like a bamboo, learn to be resilient. There are still things technology cannot do—it is to control your mindset and on how you perceive the world. If you let the technology control your life as if you couldn’t live without it, that’s when the technology invades you and already became the master of your life.
We couldn’t deny that technology is a handy servant in this generation. It makes the things smarter and easier than it used to be. Technology helps in a way that it could make things possibly accessible in all forms of communication and giving information. But then, there’s a thin line as to where should the technology put its place. It should never dominant the world. Yes, its conveniency is unbelievably useful, but people should control the technology, not the other way around. Letting the technology reign the world could undoubtably result to chaos and dystopia and this is where the idea emerges that people are now slave to technology. This is where you should spit your pride, build your ego, would you let the technology leads you? Would you let that mere thing decides your path? Are you willing to be the servant? We already knew the answer. Everyone has an answer in their mind. It’s just that we are afraid that something might change. Something bigger that might affect the future. I’ll only leave this statement, “you are the captain of your own ship“, say that you let someone or something drive your wheel, it’s the fact that you already have been lost to the middle of the merciless waves of life.
ASSIGNMENT #2: Filipino Culture I like and hate the most
There are countless cultures and values that exist here in the Philippines. Since Filipino is kind of creatively devoted to tradition, cultures and values became dynamics that they continue to arise and born as time passes by. Some examples of values and cultures will be mentioned in the foreword topics.
Variety of a Filipino's Cultures and Values
1. Pakikisama
According to the results of the survey, the Filipino trait most taken up was Pakikisama. This indicates that this is a typical Filipino trait. Pakikisama refers to an interpersonal relationship where people are friendly with each other. To be with someone and to get along with each other indicates basic human friendliness and affinity. The fact that this tendency was most taken up in Filipino trait studies means that Filipinos are friendly and feel strong affinity towards others. From my own personal experiences, and accounts from foreigners whom I’ve met, Filipinos are friendly. This can be considered as a result of very friendly and amicable tendencies.
2. Hiya (Shame)
The Tagalog word Hiya indicates shame, disgrace, embarrassment, sense of modesty and manners, and to lose face. The word involves inadequacy, anxiety, feelings of timidity and reservation (Andres 1989 & 1996; Jocano 1997). Carson-Arenas (2004) defines Hiya as a spreading sense of inferiority. The trait is characterized by the Filipinos low sense of value as an individual and independence, as well as deference to authority.
3. Amor Propio
Amor propio means self-esteem, with the meaning expanding to confidence, pride, strength, competence, and aptitude that one is a useful and necessary asset to the world. According to Carson-Arenas (2004), Amor propio represents the need of the Filipino to be treated as a person, not as an object. In other words, it is the desire to be not a gear of an organization, but a person who will move the organization. Andres (1996) defines this trait as a Spanish word which literally means self-love because of Amor propio Filipinos in organizations strongly wish to be recognized as a person who is valuable to the organization. They want to be someone the organization needs, even someone the organization cannot survive without.
4. . Hospitality
Filipino hospitality is a trait that refers to the warm welcome that the Filipino gives to visitors who come to his or her home, especially strangers and foreigners (Carson-Arenas 2004). As mentioned in the section for Pakikisama, Filipinos are friendly people by nature, especially to foreigners and they offer great hospitality to visitors. This kindness of the Filipinos is one reason they are loved by tourists. It is easy to imagine that this hospitality will be exhibited not only when foreigners come to the Philippines, but also when Filipinos go to foreign countries to work as social supporters and caregivers. This is another aspect which shows that Filipinos have a vocation for social support.
5. Ningas Cogon
Ningas Cogon indicates a tendency to be enthusiastic when beginning something, but eventually losing that enthusiasm after a time. At the beginning of a task, energy and enthusiasm will gain speed to reach a climax, but when there ceases to be more excitement or challenge in the task, one will lose interest and passion (Carson-Arenas 2004, Avelino & Sanchez 1996). To be easily warmed up, but just as easily cooled down explains the Filipino trait of Ningas cogon.
Cultures and Values I like
Despite numerous cultures and values found in the Philippines, there are certain things that caught my attention, the values and cultures I lived from the start and continue to thrive this world with the principle of Filipino I adopted. These are the following:
1. Bayanihan
This trait involves cooperation and bonding with people. According to Andres (1989), Bayanihan is the Filipino value that denotes camaraderie among the people in the community and helping one another in time of need. A Filipino proverb that depicts this value is kung sama-sama, kayangkaya (if we are together, we can do it). Etymologically speaking, Bayanihan comes from the Tagalog word “bayani” which means “hero”. Bayanihan, therefore, represents spontaneous activeness to heroically help others, and Bayanihan spirit indicates the bonding of team members feelings in order to achieve a particular goal.
The fact that the word hero does not link with authority, but with the results of cooperation shows that this is a Filipino trait of a mutual supporting nature. The reason why I chose this value is because I learned to realize as I reflected that in these trying and uncertain times, “Bayanihan” should grow in everyone’s hearts. If this value achieves to discern the common goal, then our ideal system would prevail
2. Utang na Loob
It means inner debt of gratitude (Carson-Arenas 2004). This is the tendency to feel grateful to a person who has extended a kindness to them. The term indicates deep gratitude towards the person who has extended kindness, and the heartfelt wish to repay for the kindness. Mendez & Jocano (1974) state that one will feel Utang na loob, that is, inner debt of gratitude in the following everyday life situations: borrowing money, receiving food, getting employed or being promoted, free diagnosis made by a doctor. Typical examples of this trait will also be seen when a family member is saved in times of disasters such as war, fire, typhoons. To the person who was saved, he/she cannot immediately or fully repay the person who saved him/her. This person will feel that he/she can never repay with mere material items. One will feel Utang na loob the strongest in these cases.
According to Feliciano (1990), Utang na loob is an interior law which dictates that the recipient of a good act or deed behave generously toward his benefactor as long as he or she lives. This is very close to the Japanese concept of moral indebtedness and debt of gratitude. This is one of the powerful values that Filipinos have as it depicts camaraderie despite hardships and the eagerness to help despite you don’t have anything to give but the sooner days pass by, you’ll exchange the kindness. You helped someone already then gain social interaction, or even friends, that happened to the strangers not just for the people who knew each other long due.
Cultures and Values I hate
1. Bahala Na
In situations that become problematic, are unable to be resolved, and one ends up in a tight corner, Filipinos will usually say, Bahala na (Avelino & Sanchez, 1996). Bahala na, or come what may indicates the tendency of Filipinos to resign oneself into the hands of destiny or fate. This come what may will lead to Que sera, sera (What will, will be), and no matter what happens, Filipinos believe that it is the work of fate. Palispis (1995) states, that Filipinos believe in fate, and that they have no control over their destiny. Their struggling life must be endured because it is the will of God. One must remember that we should not put the wheel of our fate to any deity or supreme beings beyond us. They are true but a very powerful thing for your dreams or challenges to overcome is to let Him be your guidance with actions you must do. Better the effort to be wasted than to regret that you failed to accomplish your problem without doing your best
2. Extreme Family Centeredness
According to Andres (1989, 1996) this trait is a strong and innate characteristic of a Filipino. Wherever he or she is, family ties remain. This is the cause of trouble in international marriages between Filipinos and Japanese, because of the financial aid the Filipino spouse will extend to family in the Philippines. It also leads to the extreme way of thinking that theft is justified if it is for the benefit of the family. I don’t see anything wrong with prioritizing your family but we should remember that everything in too much is detrimental. Extreme family centeredness or “close family ties” often leads to Nepotism—the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs, and Political Dynasty—typically characterized as families that have established their political or economic dominance in a province and have coordinated efforts to move on to involvement in national government or other positions of national politics that treats people prominence. It is a very strong family protection whether it is in good or bad condition and situation (consentidor)
PERFORMANCE TASK #1: Poster Making
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jonodah-blog · 7 years
“How can you say that?”
I want to die. Just let me be a ghost and walk the earth forever. Nothing to hold me back. It wont be any different from living. I was always quiet and observant. But Im nothing in the eyes of others. I dont remember words, but I never forget how you made me feel. And it hurts. Maybe dying is just a long sleep. Im not afraid. I wont even feel it. I wont even exist to be aware of it. Am I broken? Defective is all I here. What Ive been told, withen these walls. im tired. Im very tired. Just let me go already. Im done. Maybe Ill be in a dream. I never know it, which makes it all the more comforting. I just want to love and be happy. Thats all I really want. But this cruel world doesnt need someone like me. Time moves on. In the end, it all really doesnt matter. I have no control. The bottom of the sea was always so quiet. Distant. Like me. Hello moon. Can I pretend youre a person? You shine bright as a smile. Let me sing you one last song, before I go. My final act of goodness. Goodbye world. It was fun. I love you~
I was never good with words. Just pictures. Like movies. But I can try. You make me happy, and you know who Im talking about. I wish we can live together. Do the things I dream of. Id say we, but Im always curious whats in your mind. Dont be afraid, you can tell me. Is it me, or is it you? Just be you. Its what I love the most. Please believe that you are more than what you think. Not me though. Im a mess. Im out of control. Am I insane? Whos to say we all are. Change. I say Im always ready, but Its different when things are taken away from you. And yet, they still hurt me. No one will ever understand, but with you, it doesnt have to be. The freedom, I can only dream of in my world. Its not fair. 
No, Im not okay. Im in pain. I forgot what it felt like to be like everyone else. Why do I poison myself with all these feelings. I use to believe it was a gift, but maybe I was lying to myself. Oh, I wish you can see me, but at the same time, you shouldnt. Why? Why do I do it? Im in pain. Im hurting so much, but I learned to hide too well. You dont see what I see. Fell what I feel. But who cares. It doesnt matter, right? Im just one person on this planet. Time will move on. We will all forget. Oh, I wish I can hug you and forget too. But no, Im a different kind of person. Its a different kind of pain. It doesnt sting. Its a weight, and its dragging me down to the bottom of the ocean. The darkest of the depth. Its quiet and dark, a world I grew in. Its my home. Why am I like this? Do you have an answer? 
I love you. Oh my god, I fucking love you. I dont care anymore, but at the same time, I do. Im split in half. Oh, the pain. The pain of confusion. The pain of suppression. The kind where I have to hide. The cruelest part is, its false happyness. People just mean so much to me. Everyones different and its beautiful. Think about it. We’re all different, isnt that facinating? The amount of time and experience to create a uniqe person, never two of the same. Why do I see this? Who dont you? Id do it all for you. and yet...maybe I havent met the right people. Or maybe Im not a good person. God, I hate myself. I love myself. Did I mension Im split down the middle?
I get it now. Im at that point, and I understand. Yes, I have gone insane. All I can do is sing a lovely tune to the trail of my demise. I could laugh. I wish I can cry. What does crying feel like again? ...*silence*... How do you cry? Thats an odd question, just forget about it. My god, I have gone insane. On no oh no oh no no no no. *laughs* How sad. Its so sad. And yet...I can smile. Can this be the last lie I tell? Im tired of making a fool out of myself. I dont care. You shouldnt either. Just watch me fall and hope Its quick. 
Who are you? Have we met before? Well...thank you...I guess. Wow, Im tired. Dreams are scary. My dreams are scary I mean. Not the dreams themself, but the fact that I cant tell if Im in a dream. Im so passive and acceptant to everything, maybe you can call it a curse. Is that death? Can it be? Cant really say or control that. How do I wanna go...? Well, Im passive, so I cant do it. I tried. Its not my style. I can sit here. Rot. Decompose. Maybe give a tree some nutrients from my useless corpse. Call it my final act of goodness. Oh, Im a fool.  A sad old fool. Arnt I? It sucks. Everything sucks. *sigh* Im tired of the light. Im just...so used to assossiating bad feelings with it. Is it my fault? Maybe. But not all of it. Would things be different? Who cares. Time moves on. What the fuck is time anyway?
Help me. I dont care anymore. Oh nooo. Its over. Im done. Game oooveeer. *laughs* Who are you? Who am I? Im just a person, just like you. Wow, it hurts, It all hurts. Hahahahaaaaaah~ It really hurts on the inside. This is how it started I think...I was doomed from the start. Its all coming back to me now. I don’t believe Im good with words, but who cares. I dont. Nope...not anymore. That sucks, doesnt it? Another lost happy soul...
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19 Great Truths My Grandmother Told Me on Her 90th Birthday
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/happiness/19-great-truths-my-grandmother-told-me-on-her-90th-birthday/
19 Great Truths My Grandmother Told Me on Her 90th Birthday
“I have seen and touched and danced and sang and climbed and loved and meditated on a lifetime spent living honestly.  Should it all end tonight, I can positively say there would be no regrets.  I feel fortunate to have walked 90 years in my shoes.  I am truly lucky.  I really have lived 1,000 times over.”
Those are the opening lines of the final entry in my grandmother Zelda’s journal—a 270-page leather-bound journal she wrote small entries in almost every morning during the final decade of her life.  In it, she reflected on lessons she had learned, lessons she was still learning, and the experiences that made these understandings possible.
When my grandmother was diagnosed with terminal cancer on her 90th birthday, I sat with her in a hospital room for the entire day, in silence, in laughter, in tears, and in awe.  Although her body was weak, her mind was intensely strong.  The terminal diagnosis inspired her to think about her life, everything she had journaled about over the years, and reflect aloud.  So, I gave her the stage—my undivided attention—from sunrise until sunset.
As I sat beside her hospital bed, she thumbed through her journal one page at a time, reading dozens of specific entries she wanted me to hear.  She spoke softly and passionately about her life, her loves, her losses, her pain, her dreams, her achievements, her happiness, and all the lessons that embodied these points of reference.  It was without a doubt one of the most enlightening and unforgettable days of my life.
My grandmother passed away exactly two weeks later, peacefully in her sleep.  The day after her passing I found out she formally left her journal for me in her will.  Since then, I have read it from cover to cover countless times.
Although I have shared some of her insights and quotes with blog subscribers and course students in the past, today would have been my grandmother’s 100th birthday, so I’d like to honor her.  To do so, I’m going to share excerpts from the journal entries she shared with me in that hospital room ten years ago.  I’ve done my best to sort, clean up, copyedit and reorganize her wisdom into 19 inspiring bullet points.  I hope you find value in them, too:
There are thousands of people who live their entire lives on the default settings, never realizing they can customize everything. – Don’t settle for the default settings in life.  Find your loves, your talents, your passions, and embrace them.  Don’t hide behind other people’s decisions.  Don’t let others tell you what you want.  Design YOUR journey every step of the way!  The life you create from doing something that moves you is far better than the life you get from sitting around wishing you were doing it.
The right journey is the ultimate destination. – The most prolific and beneficial experience in life is not in actually achieving something you want, but in seeking it.  It’s the journey towards an endless horizon that matters—goals and dreams that move forward with you as you chase them.  It’s all about meaningful pursuits—the “moving”—and what you learn along the way.  Truly, the most important reason for moving from one place to another is to see what’s in between.  In between is where passions are realized, love is found, strength is gained, and priceless life-long memories are made.
The willingness to do hard things opens great windows of opportunity. – One of the most important abilities you can develop in life is the willingness to accept and grow through times of difficulty and discomfort.  Because the best things are often hard to come by, at least initially.  And if you shy away from difficulty and discomfort, you’ll miss out on them entirely.  Mastering a new skill is hard.  Building a business is hard.  Writing a book is hard.  A marriage is hard.  Parenting is hard.  Staying healthy is hard.  But all are amazing and worth every bit of effort you can muster.  Realize this now.  If you get good at doing hard things, you can do almost anything you put your mind to.
Small, incremental changes always change everything in the long run. – The concept of taking it one step at a time might seem absurdly obvious, but at some point we all get caught up in the moment and find ourselves yearning for instant gratification.  We want what we want, and we want it now!  And this yearning often tricks us into biting off more than we can chew.  So, remind yourself: you can’t lift a thousand pounds all at once, yet you can easily lift one pound a thousand times.  Tiny, repeated efforts will get you there, gradually.  (Angel and I build tiny, life-changing rituals with our students in the “Goals and Growth” module of the Getting Back to Happy course.)
No one wins a game of chess, or the game of life, by only moving forward. – Sometimes you have to move backward to put yourself in a position to win.  Because sometimes, when it feels like you’re running into one dead end after another, it’s actually a sign that you’re not on the right path.  Maybe you were meant to hang a left back when you took a right, and that’s perfectly fine.  Life gradually teaches us that U-turns are allowed.  So turn around when you must!  There’s a big difference between giving up and starting over in the right direction.
The biggest disappointments in life are often the result of misplaced expectations. – When we are young our expectations are few, but as we age our expectations tend to balloon with each passing year.  The key is to understand that tempering unrealistic expectations of how something “should be” can greatly reduce unnecessary stress and frustration.  With a positive attitude and an open mind, we often find that life isn’t necessarily any easier or harder than we thought it was going to be; it’s just that “the easy” and “the hard” aren’t always the way we had anticipated, and don’t always occur when we expect them to.  This isn’t a bad thing—it makes life interesting, if we are willing to see it that way.
Our character is often most evident at our highs and lows. – Be humble at the mountaintops, be strong in the valleys, and be faithful in between.  And on particularly hard days when you feel that you can’t endure, remind yourself that your track record for getting through hard days is 100% so far.
Life changes from moment to moment, and so can you. – When hard times hit there’s a tendency to extrapolate and assume the future holds more of the same.  For some strange reason this doesn’t happen as much when things are going well.  A laugh, a smile, and a warm fuzzy feeling are fleeting and we know it.  We take the good times at face value in the moment for all they’re worth and then we let them go.  But when we’re depressed, struggling, or fearful, it’s easy to heap on more pain by assuming tomorrow will be exactly like today.  This is a cyclical, self-fulfilling prophecy.  If you don’t allow yourself to move past what happened, what was said, what was felt, you will look at your future through that same dirty lens, and nothing will be able to focus your foggy judgment.  You will keep on justifying, reliving, and fueling a perception that is worn out and false.
You can fight and win the battles of today, only. – No matter what’s happening, you can resourcefully fight the battles of just one day.  It’s only when you add the battles of those two mind-bending eternities, yesterday and tomorrow, that life gets overwhelmingly difficult and complicated.
Not being “OK” all the time is normal. – Sometimes not being OK is all we can register inside our tired brains and aching hearts.  This emotion is human, and accepting it can feel like a small weight lifted.  Truth be told, it’s not OK when someone you care about is no longer living and breathing and giving their amazing gifts to the world.  It’s not OK when everything falls apart and you’re buried deep in the wreckage of a life you had planned for.  It’s not OK when the bank account is nearly at zero, with no clear sign of a promising income opportunity.  It’s not OK when someone you trusted betrays you and breaks your heart.  It’s not OK when you’re emotionally drained to the point that you can’t get yourself out of bed in the morning.  It’s not OK when you’re engulfed in failure or shame or a grief like you’ve never known before.  Whatever your tough times consist of, sometimes it’s just NOT OK right now.  And that realization is more than OK.
Sensitivity can be a super power. – Although sensitivity is often perceived as a weakness in our culture, to feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness; it is the characteristic of a truly alive and compassionate human being.  It is not the sensitive person who is broken, it is society’s understanding that has become dysfunctional and emotionally incapacitated.  There is zero shame in expressing your authentic feelings.  Those who are at times described as being “too emotional” or “complicated” are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more thoughtful, caring and humane world.  Never be ashamed to let your feelings, smiles and tears shine a light in this world.
Opening up to someone who cares can heal a broken heart. – Deep heartbreak is kind of like being lost in the woods—every direction leads to nowhere at first.  When you are standing in a forest of darkness, you can’t see any light that could ever lead you home.  But if you wait for the sun to rise again, and listen when someone assures you that they themselves have stood in that same dark place, and have since moved forward with their life, oftentimes this will bring the hope that’s needed.
Solitude is important, too. – Speaking to someone can help, but in moderation.  Sometimes the moments you feel lonely are the moments you may most need to be by yourself.  This is one of life’s cruelest ironies.  We need solitude, because when we’re alone we’re detached from obligations, we don’t need to put on a show, and we can hear our own thoughts and feel what our intuition is telling us.  And the truth is, throughout your life there will be times when the world gets real quiet and the only thing left is the beat of your own heart.  So you’d better learn the sound of it, otherwise you’ll never understand what it’s telling you.
Most of the time you don’t need more to be happier—you need less. – When things aren’t adding up in your life, begin subtracting.  Life gets a lot simpler and more enjoyable when you clear the emotional and physical clutter that makes it unnecessarily complicated.  (Angel and I guide our readers though this process of simplifying and getting back to happy in our brand new book.)
Beginning each day with love, grace and gratitude always feels better than the alternative. – When you arise in the morning think of what an incredible privilege it is to be alive—to be, to see, to hear, to think, to love, to have something to look forward to.  Happiness is a big part of these little parts of your life—and joy is simply the feeling of appreciating it all.  Realize that it’s not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.  Make a ritual of noticing the goodness that’s already yours first thing in the morning, and you will see more goodness everywhere you look throughout the day.
Who we choose to be around matters immensely. – Spend time with nice people who are smart, driven and likeminded.  Relationships should help you, not hurt you.  Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be.  Choose friends who you are proud to know, people you admire, who love and respect you—people who make your day a little brighter simply by being in it.  Ultimately, the people in your life make all the difference in the person you are capable of being.  Life is just too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.  When you free yourself from these people, you free yourself to be YOU.  And being YOU is the only way to truly live.
Relationship boundaries are life-savers. – When someone treats you like you’re just one of many options, again and again, help them narrow their choices by removing yourself from the equation.  Sometimes you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do.  Because sometimes you can mean almost nothing to someone who means so much to you.  It’s not pride—it’s self-respect.  Don’t give part-time people a full-time position in your life.  Know your value and what you have to offer, and never settle for anything less than what you’ve earned.
It’s during the toughest times of your life that you’ll get to see the true colors of the people who say they care about you. – Notice who sticks around and who doesn’t, and be grateful to those who leave you, for they have given you the room to grow in the space they abandoned, and the awareness to appreciate the people who loved you when you didn’t feel lovable.
New opportunities are always out there waiting for you. – Nobody gets through life without losing someone they love, something they need, or something they thought was meant to be.  But it is these very losses that make us stronger and eventually move us toward future opportunities.  Embrace these opportunities.  Enter new relationships and new situations, knowing that you are venturing into unfamiliar territory.  Be ready to learn, be ready for a challenge, and be ready to experience something or meet someone that just might change your life forever.
Afterthoughts & Promises
As I’m wrapping up this short tribute to my grandmother, I’m reminded of a poem by Christian D. Larson that she used to have hanging on her refrigerator when I was a kid.  As soon as I was old enough to understand the poem, my grandmother made a photocopy of it for me, and, nearly 30 years later, I still have that same photocopy laminated and hanging on my office bulletin board.  These are words I do my best to live by:
“Promise Yourself…
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but great deeds. To live in faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you.”
(Note: Angel and I discuss strategies for living true to these words in the Happiness and Self-Love chapters of our brand new book.)
Your turn…
If you’re feeling up to it, Angel and I would love to hear from YOU.
Which point mentioned above resonates with you the most today, and why?
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ahmerjohnny-blog · 7 years
Quotes About Being Alone Awesome Collection
Quotes About Being Alone Awesome Collection
Quotes About Being Alone
Quotes about being alone? Are you alone? And loneliness is killing you inside and you are not finding words to explain your emptiness caused by someones separation either you wander here or there or you just spend your day in searching quotes about being alone… Your emptiness can’t be fulfilled by searching quotes about being alone… It’s only be fulfilled by those persons who causes emptiness in your life…
If you wanna back those persons you just have to change yourself for the sake of your love because searching quotes about being alone are not only it’s solution… These quotes have an impact on other persons but first, you have to correct yourself by not thinking about your ego… If you wanna realize someone how much you are alone without him or her then its perfect place of finding quotes about being alone… Hope you will find your person soon who have left you by these quotes about being alone…
Happy Being Alone Quotes
I am lonely, yet not everybody will do. I don’t know why some people fill the gaps and others emphasize my loneliness. —Anaïs Nin
All great and precious things are lonely. —John Steinbeck (East of Eden)
The surest cure for vanity is loneliness. —Tom Wolfe
The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved. —Mother Teresa
Loneliness is about the scariest thing out there. —Joss Whedon
If you’re lonely when you’re alone, you’re in bad company. —Jean-Paul Sartre
Loneliness is and always has been the central and inevitable experience of every man. —Thomas Wolfe
Meaningful Quotes And Meaningful Sayings About Life
Yes, there is joy, fulfillment, and companionship—but the loneliness of the soul in its appalling self-consciousness is horrible and overpowering. —Sylvia Plath
But even so, every now and then I would feel a violent stab of loneliness. The very water I drink, the very air I breathe, would feel like long, sharp needles. The pages of a book in my hands would take on the threatening metallic gleam of razor blades. I could hear the roots of loneliness creeping through me when the world was hushed at four o’clock in the morning. —Haruki Murakami
Loneliness is a long, unbearable pain….There was never a place for me in the scheme of things….I had become a living fantasy on a theme in dark, endless dirges… However, I made another world, and real men would enter it and they would never really get hurt at all in the vivid, unreal laws of the dream. I caused dreams which caused death. This is my crime. —Dennis Nilsen
Online communities are an expression of loneliness. —Joanne Harris
When you have nobody you can make a cup of tea for, when nobody needs you, that’s when I think life is over. —Audrey Hepburn
Inspirational Quotes Being Alone
Loneliness is my least favorite thing about life. The thing that I’m most worried about is just being alone without anybody to care for or someone who will care for me. —Anne Hathaway
Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for. —Dag Hammarskjold
Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them. —Jodi Picoult
Who knows what true loneliness is—not the conventional word but the naked terror? To the lonely themselves, it wears a mask. The most miserable outcast hugs some memory or some illusion. —Joseph Conrad
Top Cute Boyfriend Quotes And Sayings
Remember: the time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. Life’s cruelest irony. —Douglas Coupland
My peers, lately, have found companionship through means of intoxication—it makes them sociable. I, however, cannot force myself to use drugs to cheat on my loneliness—it is all that I have—and when the drugs and alcohol dissipate, will be all that my peers have as well. —Franz Kafka
Music was my refuge. I could crawl into space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness. —Maya Angelou
Love is something far more than a desire for sexual intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives. —Bertrand Russell
What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured. —Kurt Vonnegut
Quotes About Being Alone And Strong
The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly. —F. Scott Fitzgerald
The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared. —Lois Lowry
We are all so much together, but we are all dying of loneliness. —Albert Schweitzer
The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness. —Norman Cousins
Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. —Arthur C. Clarke
Cute Love Quotes For Her Amazing Collection
Loneliness is the ultimate poverty. —Pauline Phillips
Loneliness is never crueler than when it is felt in close propinquity with someone who has ceased to communicate. —Germaine Greer
Keep in mind that to avoid loneliness, many people need both a social circle and an intimate attachment. Having just one or two may still leave you feeling lonely. —Gretchen Rubin
The trouble is not that I am single and likely to stay single, but that I am lonely and likely to stay lonely. —Charlotte Brontë
There is no loneliness like that of a failed marriage. —Alexander Theroux
Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell. —Edna St. Vincent Millay
I’m lonely. And I’m lonely in some horribly deep way and for a flash of an instant, I can see just how lonely, and how deep this feeling runs. And it scares the shit out of me to be this lonely because it seems catastrophic. —Augusten Burroughs
This world that I live in is empty and cold/the loneliness cuts me and tortures my soul. —Waylon Jennings
 Alone Quotes About Love
Sometimes, I think the pain I feel is a big reminder that I am still alive.
Keep on telling yourself to always be kind because you do not know what each people are going through, they might be fighting battles even worse than you.
I hate it most when some people tell me that they miss me but they do not even do anything to get in touch with you, they just like to feel guilty about it.
And then suddenly, my whole world crumbled to pieces and you were not there to help me pick it up.
I feel so broken and I do not know what I should do about it.
I do not see the point in screaming as I know that no one will listen anyway.
If you plan on making me cry, then you better be responsible enough to wipe my tears away.
Quotes About Helping Others With Images
The past will only keep on making me sad so I plan on never bringing it again with me.
I can’t let you go because without you, I just hate everything about being lonely.
I personally think that there is no point in crying especially since the moment you left me alone.
However, I never gave up, I just want to rest a bit and see if you even care about me just a bit.
I keep my smile on all the time so that no one will figure out just how sad and lonely I really am on the inside.
Listen, I hate to let go of the people that are important to me but they always seem to be one step ahead and leave me without notice.
Sometimes, I just want to know that I am at least important to someone.
Alone Quotes Sad
True enough, it seems that being lonely is one of the hardest things a person can go through in life.
The loneliest people in the world are those with kind hearts and those who always seem to smile and pretend that they are fine.
Is it too much to ask to be happy without expecting a moment of sadness to follow it?
Being lonely is not being alone, you can be in a big crowd of people and still feel lonely despite it.
If you really did love me why does it feel like you did not?
It is way easier to tell myself that I do not care than admit to people that leaving you killed me.
I wish that someday, you realize the importance of what you have let go.
The worst feeling in this world is being ignored by the person you treasure the most in this world.
Mother And Daughter Quotes, Sayings, Messages And Wishes
Don’t you dare judge me from how you see me because you do not know the real me and you never will?
It feels so sad to see the people you know become the people you used to know.
And then there are times when you will see that life is bound to end anyway so why not make it earlier.
It hurts, my heart does but I guess I must be thankful to it for you. Because it has made me stronger.
One day someone will come to prove to you that all that came before him are just boys whereas he is a man.
I want you to know that I am still here waiting for the day that you will come back and tell me that you still do love me even after all the years we were far apart from each other.
Alone Quotes From Girl
If you want to be happy, learn to be alone without being lonely. Learn that being alone does not mean being unhappy. The world is full of plenty of interesting and enjoyable things to do and people who can enrich your life.
I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.
My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.
I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.
What a lovely surprise to finally discover how unlonely being alone can be.
All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.
Brother And Sister Quotes, Sayings And Wishes With Images
Without great solitude no serious work is possible.
You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.
I love to be alone. However, I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.
I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.
If you are afraid of being lonely, don’t try to be right.”
There are days when solitude is a heady wine that intoxicates you with freedom, others when it is a bitter tonic, and still others when it is a poison that makes you beat your head against the wall.
It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands to knock on the doorsteps of our hearts.
Until you get comfortable with being alone, you’ll never know if you’re choosing someone out of love or loneliness.
Alone Quotes For Boys
The best part about being alone is that you really don’t have to answer to anybody. You do what you want.
As I get older I’m more and more comfortable being alone.
Don’t go away. I don’t want to be alone. I can’t stand being alone.
Loneliness is my least favorite thing about life. The thing that I’m most worried about is just being alone without anybody to care for or someone who will care for me.
It’s better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone.
I had already found that it was not good to be alone, and so made companionship with what there was around me, sometimes with the universe and sometimes with my own insignificant self, but my books were always my friends, let fail all else.
Weekend Quotes Amazing Collection With Images
I think it’s good for a person to spend time alone. It gives them an opportunity to discover who they are and to figure out why they are always alone.
We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.
The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.
Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.
When we truly realize that we are all alone is when we need others the most.
Don’t feel alone, because there is always someone out there who loves you more than you can imagine.
Sometimes it’s better to be alone, no one can hurt you that way.
In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.
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