#it's like i've been hit in the face with a chair in pure rage
witchstone · 2 years
was looking up something about my old high school and unearthed yet another horror story
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redbird-tf · 5 days
Chamomile tea 
Dean winchester x (hunter ) sister reader
Summary: being alone for so long you’ve gotten used to only relying on yourself, a mindset that Dean starts to chip away at. 
Word count: 740
Notes: being creative is hard
Warnings: none
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You sniffled, reaching across the table for a new tissue. You blew hard before discarding it in the bin with the dozen others.“Fever not letting up?” You jumped at Dean's voice, You weren't quite accustomed to having company around yet. The three of you were still navigating this new dynamic, which was proving easier for some than others. Just a few months ago Sam and Dean were the dynamic hunter duo, while you still navigated the world solo. You could still vividly recall the moment when John had announced the secret he had buried for years, the secret forced out because of a hunt.
You remembered the look of shock that overtook everyone’s face and the screaming match that ensued between Sam and John. You could recall standing silently in the corner, feeling Dean gaze upon you from ten feet away. Once the job was done and John disappeared again you expected life to go back to normal, you couldn’t have anticipated the brothers to take you under their wing. “Family looks out for each other” Sam had stated to you, a mentality that you would come to learn.
What you hadn’t seen that night was the quiet devastation Dean had unleashed. He couldn’t pick a fight with John like Sam could, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t just as angry. His entire life he’d been forced into the role of a guardian for his little brother, and now to find out he had a sister—who had been alone in this life—turned that protective instinct into a fierce storm of emotions. The guilt of failing as brother was sallowing him whole and the rage towards John for keeping the truth from him boiled over. Least to say When they checked out, the motel room bore the scars of his turmoil.
“I'm fine” you stated blankly in response, your attention turning back to the lore book in your lap. You weren’t purposely being stubborn, to you it was true. You had gotten sick before and you'd get over it, no big deal. Dean didn't respond and carried on with his business in the kitchen. The sound of pouring liquid reached your ears, but it didn’t smell like his usual coffee so you assumed he was having a drink. Hearing what sounded like a spoon hitting the side of a ceramic mug you raised your head in confusion. Unfortunately, his back was turned to you, blocking your view of what he was conjuring up.
When he started to turn around, your eyes darted back to your book only looking up when hearing the soft clink of a mug being placed in front of you. You watched the steam rise, a sweet and sour aroma filling the air. “Is that chamomile tea?” A softer voice chimed in as Sam entered the room. “Not for you,” Dean stated firmly, taking a seat across from you. You stared at the drink “What is it?” You asked raising an eyebrow. “Tea, honey for a sore throat, and some lemon for the headaches” Dean explained leaning back in his chair. “Thats pure witchcraft right there, can fix anything!” Sam exclaimed pointing at the mug. “Drink up sis” sam encouraged, brushing his hand over your shoulder on his way to the door.
“You didn't have to do that,” you said softly to Dean. “I used to make them all the time for Sam, it's no big deal,” Dean reassured you. You fidgetedwith the edge of a page. “I'm not dying Dean.” Your tone came off defensive causing Dean to sit up straight. “You don't have to be dying, for someone to make you a cup of tea kiddo” his words prompted you to lift your head to meet his gaze. “I didn't mean…” your words trailed off, unable to defend your previous statement. “I'm your big brother, it's my job to look out for you.” He said with a stern tone. You could only stare at him in silence trying to comprehend his words. “I know it hasn't always been like that, but it is now. I've been a big brother for a long time and Sam’s still learning. i know you are too—just…” he took a deep breath “Let me do this for you, ok?” You nodded silently, noticing how his softened eyes contrasted with the weight of his words.
Without knowing what to say, you lifted the mug to your lips. The warmth of the citrus tea seeped into your chest, and you felt your tense muscles start to relax much like the protective wall you’ve built beginning to chip away. You gently placed the mug down, catching a glimpse of the small smile on Dean's face. “Thank you, Dean” you responded with a smile of your own. He didn’t respond with words instead, he stood up from the table, patting you on the shoulder as he passed by. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself when looking down at the mug in front of you.
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whorediaries-09 · 5 months
i've got some regrets
pairing- sirius black x auror!reader warning(s)- angst. a/n- let me know if ya'll like this chapter :)
little train. series masterlist.
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sirius could remember the day clearly. his mind envisioned it like a movie playing on a roll. the hatred quenched him, as a growing lump of spite nurtured into his throat. when death caught up with the ones he loved, he'd been thrown into a dark seclusion, kept with his own thoughts that drove him into the edge of insanity.
after five years, he had been lit up with a timid flame of hope of freedom. he walked barefoot hidden within his tattered clothes. his face was concealed with his long, matted, untamed hair and his overgrown beard. the lights of the room blind him, unaccustomed to such light.
he walks towards the light trying to break free. but his fierce soul has been tied down by heavy metal chains he drags along. he lifts up his head high, staring at the crinkled faces of the wizengamot. among them, his eyes land on albus dumbledore - his mentor and tutor, the betrayer. his blood boils as he walks towards the chair he's assigned.
invisible strings conjure from thin air, wrapping around his thin body, tying him down to the metal chair. his bony back hits the metal, and a sharp pain excruciates within him. he stares around the room, looking for cornelius fudge. he observes everyone slowly, trying to read through the people. that is until he's distracted by the sound of rubbing shoes against polished tiles.
you walk into the room, and suddenly you're the center of attention. every eye is on your form as your cloak flows with your graceful walk. there are hidden whispers and soft murmurs, that reach your eyes, but that doesn't blur your confidence. you're strengthened by the gazes that follow your footsteps.
the attention doesn't behead your feeling of joy, instead it fuels the fire within you. you catch sirius gazing at you, and you maintain the eye contact with a small smile on your face. walking towards him, you execute out your wand, ripping apart the ties around him with a simple spell. the wizengamot collectively gasps.
'your hand, mr. black,' you say. sirius stares at you with the same cold gaze the first time he'd talked to you. but there's a lace of scrutiny within his eyes that had been absent the last time. he'd been ignorant your voice and you, staring at you. but now, it seems along with a timid flame of hope has lit up a flame of curiosity. he gives you his hand. its dirty, calloused and rough. you hold it with a sheer aura of authority, and look sharply into his eyes. he speaks, low and soft.
'do you vow to give me the freedom i deserve?' he asks, finding his heart thump against his rib.
'yes,' you say.
'do you vow to give me the lawful justice as an unjustified verdict?' he says. he wanders his eyes around the room, catching the ice blue hue of dumbledore's eyes.
'do you vow to not betray me?' he asks, biting his teeth with pure rage. the pressure on your hand increases but you don't flinch. nodding your head, you reply,
cornelius sits on the high chair, skimming through pages on his desk. he watches sirius' unbound hands through his glasses. uncomfortable and visibly shaky underneath the confident gaze thrown by the latter, he looks back onto the sheets.
'so, alastor moody's lovely recruited auror has decided to take upon mr. black's closed case.' he announces. his eyes shift to you. you provide him with a sickly sweet grin.
'i'm my own person, mr. fudge. i'm not alastor moody's lovely recruit.' you say. he coughs up your name, scrunching his eyebrows.
'okay, so may i ask why? any personal attachment with mr. black.'
'no,' you say simply, 'i became an auror to fight against injustice. sirius black's case is the most infamous one. yet it's so...incomplete. no trial.' your eyes shift to dumbledore.
'it seems,' you click your tongue, 'injustice is not a very uncommon affair within the ministry. a trial for sirius black wasn't even filed. i'm wonderstruck, because mr. black showed loyalty to the order nobody else did.'
'now i'm forced to believe he'd been put behind because of his... past, the ties to his family name. but that still doesn't add up, considering his very lovely cousin bellatrix got a trial in her name. the stakes of you-know-who were high at the time. and every case i've analyzed was put under a proper trial, since dark magic knows no end. i believe, mr. fudge, it was pure hypocrisy on the ministry's part.'
you twist the end of your sleeve, waiting for a response. fudge babbles his head, sliding his glasses up to the bridge of his nose.
'there was no need to. sirius black was made the secret keeper and that was not a rumor!' he says.
'that, is where the ministry went wrong. dark magic knew no bounds at those times!' you say. while the anger bubbles inside you, you stay calm and serene, not wanting more headlines and gossip by rita skeeter printed on the daily prophet.
'fine then. but i must warn you you're getting too ahead with your authority. just because you were positioned to be an auror earlier than others doesn't mean-'
'mr. fudge i have proved myself mentally and physically capable of being an auror, have i not? maybe let's not discuss my abilities and waste time. time is money after all.' he closes his mouth, his thin lips disappearing within the folds of his loose skin. he scratches his eyebrow.
'so, what evidence have you got to defend ... mr black?' sirius stares at him intensely. with every word that the minister spills from his filthy lips, it infuriates him to the core. but as soon as you serenely defend your values, he gains a feeling of satisfaction. somehow your calmness fuels his fire of hope. somehow your presence calms his rotting nerves.
'we don't have any eye witnesses. the muggles' memory had been wiped off by the officials, as per the record. now, the only evidence is his own words. and-'
'that's bonkers! don't you think he would lie?' cornelius interrupts. staring piercely into his eyes, you whisper.
'maybe that's why we have something called veritaserum. maybe if justice for a wrongly convicted verdict would've been of importance to this rigged system, mr. fudge, you would've had your brain functioning properly.'
'so, that's your evidence?'
'yes. the wizengamot acts as witness to what he says. then we give him veritaserum, and we see if we says the truth or not.' you walk towards him, retrieving a bottle of potion from the folds of your cloak.
'here's the veritaserum that i've prepared. alastor moody has checked upon it, for any faults and in the papers have been put on your table. there's no sign of any mishaps.' fudge gathers the papers, coughing a confirmation.
'fine. mr. black, proceed, with your part of the story.' the wizengamot stares at him. sirius feels confidence rush back into his body as you touch him, squeezing his shoulder, encouraging you. you bend down, tucking a stray piece of matted hair behind his ear.
'don't be heated. you'll beat the charge if you beat the heat.'
the hurricane screams his name, washing away the deathless death that had captured him into a quiet treason.
original idea posted by - @lilwnet
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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comeliashawnae · 7 years
A fictional story Inspired by Logic's 18002738255 music video
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So….. I was 18 when I came out… Not really came out, more like my mother walking in on me and my “friend.”
It was 2 weeks before high school graduation, and she was not the first friend I had sleep over.
The day before was so incredibly normal. It was a Saturday, and my friend and I hung out at the mall most of the day. She got some hoop earrings and shoes, I got a couple of shirts and a bracelet. I asked my parents if she could stay over, they said fine.
My parents had no idea I was gay. I wasn’t a girly girl, but I wasn’t a tomboy either. I definitely glammed up when I felt like it. But hair tied, sweats on, with no make up on was also a fav. I’m definitely what you call the in between, I played softball hardcore, but I also loved watching real housewives.
Being an only child I was the best of both worlds for my parents. I was the daughter who loved shoe shopping with mom, and the girl who can watch sports with dad cuz she knows the difference between a field goal and a grand slam. I had a great childhood because of that. I have very loving parents. Still didn’t stop that wow factor though.
After shopping my friend and I got to my house, ordered pizza, watched some movies. Normal things teenage girls do.
We had been some what “dating” but nothing official. She asked where she was sleeping, I told her my bed was fine. I had mastered keeping quiet when friends came over.
My friend and I had started making out once we got to my bedroom. This wasn’t our first kiss, but it was our first time taking it past that. With each other anyway. My room and my parents room were on opposites end of the hall, so a little music helped mask whatever sounds we couldn’t help get out. We went further than either of us expected too, and then fell asleep in each others arms. Was it love, or teenage lust?
Think I’ll go with the second one. Yeah that sounds right, just pure teenage lust. Hormones raging and we just got caught up in the moment. Thats the answer I have for that now, did not have that answer that morning when my mother opened that door.....
Morning came, it was probably 8, sometimes we go to church, but since I had a friend over I figured we weren’t. I was right, I just didn’t think my parents were gonna order breakfast for us. They had woken up early and my dad left to get the food and my mom had come to ask what we wanted.
I was half awake and on fence if I should've woke my friend up before my parents or just wait five more minutes since it was Sunday morning. Should’ve gotten up five minutes earlier. I thought they’d sleep in til 10 and my friend would have had time to get dressed and hide any evidence. But I just laid there in my own world, thinking I could hide forever. I guess that was a sign from the universe to stop hiding. I had no choice when I heard my mother’s voice. When I heard that door open I just knew it was over.
Its like time stood still for those few moments. My mom walked in and said “morning girls” and just paused….
My friend awoke from her deep sleep and just stared at my mom. The look on my mother’s face was…I can't even really describe it.
Stunned. Absolutely stunned.
It felt like she was standing there forever, when it was probably just a few seconds. No words were said, she just shut the door.
I looked at my friend, she looked back at me then turned to grab some clothes. Not really sure if they were hers or mines, just saw her throw on a shirt and pants grab her bags and rush out the door. My mother was still there when my friend opened it. They looked at each other for a second before she bolted to the front door. I was still sitting in my bed when mom looked back at me. I looked at the floor and saw a shirt and shorts. I grabbed them and, keeping myself completely covered as possible, put them on. I didn't look at her the entire time she stood there, I couldn't. I sat there on the edge of the bed and slowly started rocking back and forth with my hands wrapped around myself. I could feel her eyes burning into the top of my head. What was there to say?
Like I said, if my friend wasn't there we would have gone to church. We're not overly religious, and I wasn't doing anything to rebel against religion. We were very involved in the church, we did bake sales, Halloween parties, Christmas plays. We loved our church family. My parents weren't judgmental towards anyone. But still, I didn't know what their reaction would be, and I definitely didn't want them to find out this way.
After what felt like hours of her standing there, she walked back into my room. I was still staring at the floor, rocking back and forth.
"Can you look at me?" She finally said. I slowly raised my head and looked at her. I can't describe the look she gave me, I just know I started crying the second I saw her face. I looked away and just cried. Through the tears I saw her feet come closer to me. I felt her sit down next to me and place her arm around me.
"Sweetie, please stop crying" she said softly. I tried to stop but couldn't. She patted me and pulled me closer. Then I heard my father come in.
"What's wrong?" He asked, standing at my doorway. I finally stopped crying and looked at him. I opened my mouth, but words couldn't come out.
"Our daughter is gay." My mother said simply.
"Really?" He said with just a look. Not of disappointment, more surprise. Yeah he was really, really, surprised.
"Well....ok" he said.
"Yeah" said my mother still patting my shoulder, "Yeah."
"So.....are we going to eat breakfast now or?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm starving" Mom said. She pulled her arm from around me and grabbed my hand. "Come on honey,"
With tears still in my eyes I followed them to the kitchen. We sat at the table and started eating. I still had not said a word. Dad stared for a second, Mom stared, they stared at each other. I just tried eating, even though I had no appetite.
"So," my dad said hitting the table. Mom and I jumped. "Sorry, just a little surprised."
"You're telling me," mom said. I put my fork down and just stared at my plate.
"Look," dad said "We're your parents and we love you. You're the greatest gift your mother has ever given me. You're the greatest gift I've given her. You are our world."
I nodded. Still staring at my plate.
"When did this all start?" Mom asked.
Oh that question had me so scared. I almost cried again.
"Baby don't cry" she said softly. There was a pause. Do they really want to hear the truth or do they want to hear what they think they should hear. Before I could even give myself a real answer the words left my mouth
"At a party when I was 14," I said still looking at my plate. I took a deep breath and finally looked up.
"An older girl started flirting with me. But that wasn't what did it. When I was 11 and everybody was talking about the latest boy bands and I was still looking at the female singers closer than I needed too I knew something wasn't right with me. That party when I was 14 just confirmed it."
"There's nothing wrong with you." mom said. "Like your father said, we're your parents and we love you. No matter who you decide to love."
Still teary-eyed I had a big smile of relief on my face.
"This explains why you never brought a boy over." Said dad. "Which is too bad because I had that all planned in my head the second the doctor said it's a girl."
Mom and I let out some giggles.
"But seriously," he said "No more sleepovers, OK?"
"Yes sir" I said.
"Well, at least we know she'll never get pregnant when she goes to college." Said mom.
"Yeah, so many upsides." Laughed dad. He got up from his chair and hugged me.
"I love you, honey."
"I love you too, daddy."
Two weeks later I graduated high school, a couple of months after that I started college. New city, fresh start, I was finally able to be me.
I guess I'm what you call the lucky one. My parents didn't threaten to kick me out or disown me. They just loved me because I'm their daughter.
I can't believe that was 10 years ago. Here I am now at 28 years old, in a happy relationship. In a happy marriage.
My wife had asked for my parents blessing. My father, proudly, walked me down the aisle. We just adopted our first child, a handsome baby boy. My mother is so happy to be a grandmother and my father is happy to, finally, have a little boy in his life.
I know all stories don't have a happy ending, but I'm hoping mines help someone.
It's still better to come out versus keeping it in. I kept myself in the closet for so long. At 11 years old I knew I was different, but I also knew I needed to keep my mouth shut because I knew it was wrong. From a 11 to 14 I tried to play along, but I just didn't like boys. Then that faithful night a girl kissed me for the first time and that was it. So for four long years I kept every relationship, every girlfriend a secret from parents. Seven years I was never my true self. My teen years were harder because I had such a big secret.
But once they came out. Once I came out, life got better.
For everyone still hiding, it gets better.
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