#it's like melty butter in my ears
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luveline · 1 year
hi!! i was wondering if you would write more ab spencer, r, and baby amanda from your single dad au? :o they’re so precious <3
Thank you for your request! ♥︎ fem!reader 1.6k
"How come you aren't hungover?" Spencer asks. 
You can barely hear him over the cacophony of the crowd. You're waiting for Hotch to finish his decathlon, the girls in their sunglasses, Jack and Morgan holding a homemade sign aloft. 
Amanda's sitting on the barrier with her weight against Spencer's chest, her soft brown hair splayed out against his collar like a wave. 
"I know the meaning of moderation," you say with a sweet smile. 
You might be imagining the pinking of his cheeks. "Not moderate enough, clearly," he jokes. 
JJ hadn't picked Henry up until three in the morning. Which is fine, Spencer will take Henry whenever he needs to, as per his self-ordained godfathering duties, but when JJ hadn't appeared at 11 like she'd promised, Spencer had obviously been worried. 
"Things got a little… out of control." You dip your face to his ear. "I've never seen Emily dance like that. It was crazy." 
"I wish I could've been there, but we had a date with Edward Tulane, didn't we, Amy?" 
Amanda tips her head back at her father's affectionate tone. "Daddy, I can't feel my butt." 
"Not your butt!" he says, taking her seriously but chuckling at the same time as he pulls her up and off of the barrier. With some careful manoeuvring, he's tucked Amanda into his chest, one hand held protectively over the bottom of her back. The other hooks behind her knees. 
"Is that better?" 
He speaks to her with the same fatherly fondness as always and every time you find yourself melty like butter in the summer sun. In Spencer's eyes, Amanda is the smartest, most interesting girl alive. You're tempted to agree. 
"I was worried it might be depressing for her," he says, tucking her hair behind her ear. "It's sad for a children's story, you know? But she's really interested, and it's important for kids to hear sad stories. Children who read stories with unhappy plotlines are more empathetic, and have a stronger sense of justice." He smiles at her. "Plus, I think it's her favourite so far. She asked if we could read it again, all in one go. It's gonna take hours." 
"That doesn't surprise me. I mean, she's yours. I thought you'd be reading her Tolstoy by now." 
"I'm saving Tolstoy for first grade." 
He's serious. 
Hotch runs through the finish line and the members of the BAU that are assembled cheer loudly. He doesn't seem embarrassed at all, only proud, ducking down to give Jack a sweaty hug. Then he, Jack, and his new girlfriend move away from the group. The remaining members of your team start to break away, too.
The girls all want to go home and die in their own beds. Rossi and Morgan have separate dates. You're thinking you'll go home and shoot the breeze until a more reasonable bedtime when Spencer turns to you with his usual genial smile.
"Do you want to come over? We're gonna make pasta and watch Fraggle Rock." 
Spencer's changed a lot since he became Amanda's primary caregiver, but some things stay the same. He loves doing things with other people and he'll always extend an invite if he thinks the other party might enjoy themselves. Going over for dinner feels a lot more intimate than his having an extra ticket for a foreign film festival, or late night takeout, though. 
"I don't want to impose," you say awkwardly. 
"Do you think you're an imposition?" Spencer asks in concern. 
"No, just, you know, I don't…" 
"Amy doesn't mind. Do you, sweetheart?" 
"What?" says Amanda's little voice. 
"Can Y/N come for dinner?" he asks. 
Amanda smiles, pearly white teeth and cheeks chubby with baby fat. "Yes! We're gonna make pasta and watch Fraggle Rock!" 
You laugh in delight. 
"We decided in the car," Spencer explains. 
"Here I thought you were telepathic." You direct your smile at Amanda's doe eyes. "I'd love to come for dinner. Thanks, baby." 
Spencer has the cleanest car any parent has ever had. You know he spent days choosing the safest one he could find in his budget, and even more days on a car seat. His apartment is just as clean but way more crowded, stuffed to bursting with Amanda's toys and his books. 
"I'm gonna change, do you mind?" he asks, leading you down the hall into the kitchen. Amanda had tipped half a juice box down his front, and the stickiness is clearly making him uncomfortable.
"No, by all means."
He smiles. "Stay here," he says with a feigned sternness, pointing one of his pretty fingers at Amanda. His daughter only giggles. 
You follow Spencer with your eyes as he leaves. 
"Will you take off my shoes, please?"
You look down. Amanda stares up at you, her round eyes pleading, one foot held a half inch off of the ground. 
You leap to action, and say, "Oh! Yeah, baby, no problem," as you get down on your knees. 
They're simple buckles and take all of ten seconds. Amanda holds onto your arm and lifts her feet one at a time so you can pull them off. Her small toes wiggle in her socks when she puts them back on the floor.
"Feel better?" you ask knowingly. 
"Daddy says shoes are a con-d-struct," she tells you. 
"They are!" you say, though whether you really agree might take some thought. "They're silly, huh?" 
"Yeah. If we walked with no shoes, we would have tough skin like trees!" 
"Like trees," you repeat. You love listening to little kids speak because they're so full of joy to share what they know, and Spencer Reid's kid? She is a walking book of facts. "That's so cool, did daddy tell you that?" 
"Daddy tells me everything." 
Spencer appears in a graphic t-shirt. You've only seen him dressed down through barely open hotel room doors or in photographs with Amanda. It takes a second for your brain to recognise what you're seeing. 
He's a genius, so he understands what you're doing immediately. 
"Oh no," he coos, bending down to take Amanda's shoulders into his hands. "I'm so sorry," —he kisses the top of her head— "I forgot all about your shoes. How will you ever get tree bark feet?" 
It's sweet to see how she responds to his affection. Her eyes squint closed and she smiles softly, giggling when he scratches her shoulders through her dress. 
"Thanks for releasing her, she can't stand wearing shoes when she doesn't have to," he says to you, nudging her out of the way to offer you his hand. 
You take it, letting him pull you up. He doesn't let go of you straight away, instead brushing his thumb over your fingernails, one after another. 
"I've been meaning to ask you to dinner for a while. I– I've never been any good at this part, I thought it would be harder, because Amanda's the only girl in the world I understand no matter how many books I read, and that's not going to last forever, but I…" Spencer's voice steadily quietens, until the tone he's using is dulcet, and his brows have pulled together. He's just as pretty frowning as smiling. "It feels easy, with you," he finishes. 
"Are we having macaroni?" Amanda asks. 
Spencer looks torn. "I was thinking rigatoni," he says. 
"Gross, dad." 
"Bowties?" she questions suspiciously. 
"Is that better than rigatoni?" he asks. 
Amanda dwells on this, leaning her weight into your leg. It's an unthinking gesture that fills you with light. 
"We can't have macaroni?" 
You know from Spencer's bemused sigh alone that she's about to get her way. 
"Do you mind?" he asks you. 
Amanda pins you with a pout, raising her hands into a praying triangle. Her puppy dog eyes are killer and unnecessary. 
"Whatever you want, babe," you say hurriedly. 
She bursts off to her toys with an excited cheer. You're sorry to see her go, petrified of embracing yourself, and still majorly caught off guard by what Spencer said. He's wanted to ask you over for dinner for a long time, does that mean he likes you? And the way he'd held your hand — that's not an ambiguous affection. 
You like Spencer. All the small things that make him him, and the huge things too. His daughter, his books, his genius mind and his clumsy heart. If he likes you too, you might just combust. 
Spencer nips into the living room to put Fraggle Rock on TV. Amanda's sweet voice chases his heels, her singing a mixture of melodic gibberish and passionate recitation. 
You linger as he starts to gather what he needs for dinner. He's either not worried about what you think of his confession or trying to hide that he is, knee deep in a recount of the invention of boxed mac and cheese when you touch his elbow. 
"I know what you mean, about what you said before, I feel the same. It feels easy with you." 
You don't know what it is. But Spencer knows everything, so you aren't worried. 
He beams. His smile warps each word he says as he turns back to the saucepan he's filling with pasta. "Maybe we should get dinner without Fraggle Rock, sometime." 
"I don't know, I don't think it gets any better than this." You nod your head toward the living room, Amanda's singing an adorable echo. 
His smile grows impossibly bigger. 
"Me neither," he says. 
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coffeeghoulie · 5 months
Could you maybe do "may i have this dance?" and "you’re my whole world, you know." With Swiss and Dew?
ooooh absolutely! It's been a hot minute since I've written Swiss/Dew, hope you enjoy!
prompts from this prompt list
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Swiss hums to himself, something formless and improvised as the smell of toast fills the kitchen. It's ungodly early, or late, or however you want to think about it. None of his other packmates are awake. He had checked the packbond before slinking to the kitchen. Swiss had woken up hungry, had carefully untangled himself from his fire ghoul's sprawling limbs, making his way quietly to the kitchen, where he's now waiting for the toaster.
The tile's cold under the pads of his paws, and he shifts his weight, swaying slowly in the warm light of the fixture above the sink as he waits. Swiss grabs the jar of peanut butter and a butter knife, tail swishing lazily behind him.
The toaster pops, and he collects his prize. The fire in him is strong enough that he can just grab the hot toast straight from the toaster without flinching. Swiss keeps humming, spreading the peanut butter on it, the heat making it get all melty and soft. He throws the knife in the sink with a clatter and puts the peanut butter away, tail flicking as he takes a huge bite of his toast.
He turns and startles. Dew's leaning against the doorframe, his hair mussed and copper eyes barely open.
"Left me in a cold ass bed," He grumbles. His tail's wrapped around his leg like a kit self-soothing. Dew's wearing one of Swiss's own shirts, oversized and draped off of one shoulder.
"Oh, spitfire, didn't mean to wake you," Swiss hums. He tries desperately to lick the peanut butter from the roof of his mouth.
"You didn't," Dew says. He takes a step into the kitchen, hissing as the cold floor seems to bring him to more clarity. "You were humming something, it sounded nice. What was it?"
Swiss shrugs, setting his toast down on a plate. "Makin' it up as I went. I'm glad you liked it."
Dew trills softly. He wraps his arms around Swiss's middle, pressing his forehead to the multi-ghoul's chest like a cat seeking affection. Swiss chuckles and presses a kiss between Dew's little horns.
"You want me to keep humming, spitfire?" Swiss asks into Dew's hair.
He doesn't verbally answer, just nods into Swiss's chest.
"One caveat, sweetheart," Swiss says, flashing a grin down at the fire ghoul.
Dew mrrps in question, glancing up at the mischief in Swiss's gold eyes.
Swiss gently takes his arms and unwinds them from around his waist. He takes a step back, holding out one of his hands in invitation, arms open. "May I have this dance?" He says.
Dew scoffs, but sets his hand in Swiss's, the multi-ghoul's dwarfing his. The skin on skin is warm and Dew melts into it. Swiss pulls him in gently, setting Dew's arms on his shoulders before resting his hands on Dew's hips. He begins to hum again, making it up as he goes.
Dew's eyes flutter shut as Swiss begins to sway, guiding him along with him. Swiss bends down, hooks his chin over Dew's shoulder so they're cheek to cheek. His stubble scrapes softly against the sharp line of Dew's jaw, humming straight into the fire ghoul's ear.
Swiss curls his tail around Dew's, like if he could hollow himself out and let the fire ghoul crawl into his ribcage, it still wouldn't be close enough. Dew, for what it's worth, shares the sentiment and presses himself closer until they're pressed together from chest to knee.
They dance like that, Swiss humming softly in the ghoul kitchen, the outside world quiet and dark, peanut butter toast forgotten.
Eventually, when Swiss's improvisation tapers out, they just dance in the silence, and Swiss leans in closer until his lips brush against the shell of Dew's ear.
"Thank you, spitfire," he breathes, lips quirking up in a smile as the tip of his ear flicks. "I know you're usually not one for this."
"For you I am," Dew answers, honest and open in his exhaustion. Swiss laughs softly, joyously.
"You're my whole world, you know?" he says softly, yet still so brightly. He turns, presses a kiss to the line of Dew's cheekbone.
Dew doesn't respond except to purr, rusty and louder than Swiss's humming. He rubs his cheek against Swiss's, eyes shut. "I know," he says, and Swiss knows it's his way of saying I love you.
Swiss smiles, kisses his cheek again. They dance in the kitchen, the sun beginning to rise out past the window.
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skin-of-my-teeth · 3 months
Slave to Desire
Tags: Feedism, Weight Gain, Vore, Slave/Master, Predator/Prey, Owning prey, Blob King Namjoon, Slave Jungkook, Predator/Wolf Joon, Prey/Bun Koo, Dumbification, Gaslighting, Collars/Leashes, Fattening up prey to eat, Gluttony, Magic Potions = size difference, Hard vore, Swallowing whole, Belly gurgles, Digesting, Fattening up from eating prey, Hedonistic self indulgent filth. <3
Jungkook has been the King's slave for so long that he is the dumbest little chubby bunny. Namjoon is a huge, spoiled blob that gets to eat anything he wants because he's a Predator and royalty.
“Come here, honey~” The massive wolf lounging up on his throne patted his immense belly. “I still have room for you~”
Jungkook’s leash was pulled on and he whined softly, dumbly hopping forward.
“Yes, Master?” He jiggled as he bounced forwards, wanting to be good. The King, Namjoon, looked at him affectionately.
“Such a good little pet~ Come on, darling. Up.” Jungkook crawled up and sat on his master’s massive lap. Jungkook was by no means a small bunny, but he looked tiny when compared with the stacks of rolls and blubber that was the rich, gluttonous King. Jungkook was tugged by his collar and chained leash, and he fell right onto the big wolf’s gut, still bloated fat from his earlier feast.
“Your King is hungry,” Namjoon purred and settled his warm paws on Jungkook’s bare sides, squeezing him.
“But, Master just had a feast,” Jungkook patted his little bunny paws on Namjoon’s immense belly. The wolf was presented with three deer hybrids last night, and he devoured them all. The predator purred deeper at the belly rubs.
“Master has been preparing you, little one~”
Namjoon massaged Jungkook’s plump sides. He melted at how good it felt. He had been the fat king’s slave for… how long now? He couldn’t even remember. A few years? More? Everything was a blur. All he knew was that his master adored him. Jungkook was his good little pet. His favorite.
“You’re almost ready,” A large paw settled on Jungkook’s plumpened belly and gently pat. He whimpered in pleasure as his belly gave a fattened jiggle underneath the warm hand.
“Ready for what, Majesty?” Jungkook looked up with big eyes.
“My sweet little bunny~” The wolf tugged on his leash again and Jungkook whined happily.
Namjoon knew that his slave loved being manhandled by his collar, a constant reminder that he was under his ownership. His yummy little pet was so deliciously dumbed down. “You’re finally fattened up from eating so many feasts. I’ve been plumping you now for months, prepping you to be rich. A true delicacy of my court.”
Jungkook cocked his head, feeling stupid. “Bunny likes being fat, Master. It’s cozy.”
The King cooed and rubbed his paws deeply into Jungkook’s middle, softening him. “Isn’t it? And you’ve done so well too. Been such a good boy and fattened yourself so nicely.” Namjoon proudly patted Jungkook’s sides. The bunny whined again from the praise as he happily jiggled.
Jungkook was sure that the King loved him more than anything.
“Now, lay back on my belly, darling. Let me butter you up. You’ve been a good boy and deserve a treat.”
Jungkook’s tail wiggled and he took his normal place on Namjoon’s gut. The wolf’s large paws settled on his waist and continued rubbing, massaging him and making Jungkook feel melty.
A large table was rolled in and set in front of the King’s raised throne. Jungkook’s ears perked up. More food? The large silver platter in the middle sat empty, but in front of it was a big stack of sweets. Jungkook loved sweets. Donuts and cakes and delicious rich things.
Namjoon reached around Jungkook, plucked a long donut off of the tower, and pushed the end into Jungkook’s mouth.
“Eat up, Pudding. I want you nice and fat,” He patted Jungkook’s belly and the bunny whined around the delicious treat, his ears drooping.
He sunk into his King’s mass and happily took bite after bite that was fed to him, collared and in bliss. Namjoon’s large warm paw was resting on his tummy, rubbing doting circles and feeling how his soft belly slowly swelled.
Jungkook ate treat after treat until his stomach pushed out as thickly as he could manage. He was making little noises and trying to swallow what was fed to him, but could barely take another bite. He was rounded in the same way that happened every night ever since he was collared as the King’s pet. Fed until he couldn't hold any more, he was stuffed fat with sugar and cream. The wolf purred as Jungkook’s belly bulged heavily into his paws.
“My good boy, plump and ready~” He dug his fingers into the soft chub lining Jungkook’s middle, and felt how full he was underneath the sugary fluff. Jungkook was so tight underneath the supple padding that he burped.
“Nnnnh- your good boy. I like getting bigger for you, Master-” He dumbly exhaled, too full to move. Namjoon pet over him again and again soothingly, coaxing him into sleep.
“You’re going to be so sweet, little one. How fast do you think that your tummy will digest this, hmm?” He gave a soft pat to his swollen gut. “I want you as fat as possible for tonight.” Jungkook rumbled happily.
“What’s tonight, master?” He wiggled back into the rolls of heavy squish bulging around him.
“Oh, you’ll see, baby bun. I’ve had big plans for you. This evening you get to fulfill your purpose. Doesn’t that sound nice? Master has been looking forward to this for a long time.” The King rumbled and Jungkook mewled. He was about to reply, when something warm was slathered on his skin. Jungkook opened his eyes and looked down. The King was massaging something into his overly-full tummy.
“What’s that?” He asked stupidly, enjoying the belly massage.
“Just some butter to help your belly soften up and digest these yummy treats faster~” Namjoon purred and continued massaging Jungkook, coating him in the stuff until he was glistening.
“Mmmm, bun feels pretty-” He snuggled back in, and the wolf laughed.
“You are pretty, lovely. Now, sleep. It helps your belly digest faster. Helps turn these sweet calories into bunny pudge~” He massaged the stuffed swell and Jungkook drifted off.
“When you wake up, Master will get to enjoy you~”
Jungkook woke up to the rich smells of the feast. The table was back and heaping with food, but now full of the King’s favorite delicacies.
Usually there were prey hybrids chained and ready to be gobbled up, but tonight there wasn’t anyone. Jungkook yawned and stretched. His skin felt soft and oiled. His tummy was bloated from devouring the sweets while he lazily napped, and he looked down to see the soft swell of new fat sitting inside of him. The King’s paw was gently squeezing it and rubbing slow circles.
“Bunnies fatten so quickly,” He rumbled in praise, and Jungkook nodded, sleepy and trying to wake up. He sat up and his tummy bulged in Namjoon’s paws securely wrapped around him, keeping him in place. Jungkook realized that there wasn’t the usual collar and leash on him, and he looked around.
“Majesty,” he wiggled his hips so his plump middle jiggled in Namjoon’s hands. It always made the wolf purr, and it did now too. “Where is your feast?” 
The King squeezed Jungkook’s waist.
“Oh don’t worry, baby. It’s right here.”
Jungkook looked at the table in front of him. Only the King’s favorite side dishes. This wasn’t enough to feed the King’s greedy belly. “No deer tonight?” He asked and looked around the court room to see if any chained hybrids were coming to be the King’s main course.
“No, honey. I’m after something more plump and delicious than deer tonight.” Namjoon’s paws kneaded Jungkook’s belly thoroughly.
He relaxed into the touches, basking in them, “mmm~ Why so much massaging today, Majesty?” He giggled in bliss, “I love it- but- usually I don't get this many pets.”
The King chuckled lowly and patted Jungkook’s fattened belly.
“I want you nice and tender, now don’t I?”
Jungkook nodded without thinking, and then froze. His dumbed mind finally caught up. “I- tender?”
The King’s paw kneaded in deeper, massaging him so firmly that he knew his belly must be flushed pink.
“Yes, little morsel. You’re freshly fattened. Now, I want you soft and tender so you’re the perfect meal.”
Jungkook squeaked, too slow to realize what it meant before the King’s massive paws were digging into his sides and lifting him up and towards him.
“B-but master!” Jungkook squealed, now realizing why he was buttered. Why he was so well-fed. Why he had gotten the luxury of being stuffed every day with rich, creamy sweets and delicious cakes. He was the wolf’s next meal. The King's feast.
Namjoon purred at him as Jungkook struggled in his strong paws. “You’re going to be delicious, my adorable, dumb bunny. I’ve been fattening you for a long time just for my feast tonight. Dumbed you down to make you sweet and willing. Fed you up to make you delicious and plump. So you can serve your King and fill my gut.”
Jungkook squeaked and trembled with fear, his mind scrambling against the dumb haze that he had been strategically lulled into. The wolf had kept him so long, just for this?
“But I can’t go inside of your belly! No one ever comes out-” He begged, “Majesty likes me!”
“I do,” The King grinned, “and it’s going to make eating you even more pleasurable. I’ve been so looking forward to this, little morsel.”
Jungkook squealed as he was lifted up towards the big wolf’s mouth and had a potion poured into him to shrink him down until he was bite-sized. If the King was using the potions, that meant he wanted to swallow him down whole.
“Don’t worry, Pudding. It won’t be painful. I’m not a monster. You’ve been my good boy, so I won’t chew you up like I do with the prisoners. I want you whole in my belly. So Master can enjoy you, and savor you, as my gut digests you nice and slow.”
Jungkook sobbed as he was lifted up to the wolf’s mouth and dangled over the gaping hole. He begged desperately, “P-please! I’ll do anything! I’ll eat more! I’ll get fatter!!”
The wolf laughed with glee, “you’re plenty fat enough, little bun,” and plopped Jungkook right into his mouth. He squealed as the wolf closed his lips around him, and began slowly suckling on him. The deep moans at his flavor reverberated around him as he was trapped in the wet darkness, completely at the hungry predator's mercy. Screaming did nothing but make his Master chuckle and roll him with his tongue.
“So sweet and delicious- just like I knew you would be.” Jungkook tried to grab onto anything, but the massive wolf was tilting his head back, and Jungkook was sliding down his throat.
He wailed as warm muscles contracted around him. The huge predator swallowed him, and he slid down his throat to plop into his gut.
Instantly, Jungkook began to grow back to his normal size, to fill up his Master’s belly. He was thankful at least that he was gobbled down whole instead of eaten like the wolf enjoyed devouring lean prey and prisoners.
The rich walls grew smaller around him- no, he just grew back to his normal size, plump and making Namjoon’s belly distend with how satisfying his meal was. The wolf rumbled around him, and Jungkook vibrated with it as he felt his Master’s big paw settle on his own gut and begin rubbing Jungkook through the fat.
“What a good, plump little prey-” He purred and patted his swollen gut, thereby patting Jungkook through the ample fat of his belly. He whimpered and tried to push back, to no avail.
The wolf guffawed as his belly bulged where Jungkook tried to push his hands and feet. “Now now, little one. There’s no use in that. You can’t get out. You’ve seen me devour prey every night. You know better.”
Jungkook was jostled as the wolf patted him back into place with both paws, keeping him snugly fitted in his gut.
Amidst the darkness, he tried to find the opening he had slid down, but the wolf’s stomach had closed around him, keeping him securely tucked inside. He whimpered and panicked, trying to push against the warmth that he knew would begin lovingly churning around him soon.
Jungkook had rubbed the King’s belly every night after the feast for years, and he knew that there was no way out. Prey that weren’t chewed up could beg and fight as much as they wanted, just to be kneaded into submission and gobbled up. Jungkook had laid on Namjoon’s warm gut every night as the King slept and digested. Jungkook had listened to his belly growl in pleasure, gurgle deeply, and slowly distend throughout the night, softening until Jungkook woke up snuggled into thick, plush fat. He had always rubbed the King’s hungry belly dotingly, massaging oil into it and cooing that his Master had feasted well. Only, he was the meal now, and in the morning, the King’s belly would be pushed out warm and thick with new fat from digesting him.
He whined in fear and desperately squirmed. It was a snug fit, the walls tight around him, and he realized that his King's hefty gut was actually more thick blubber than room for food.
“There, there~” Namjoon cooed down at his swollen gut, soothing the prey inside that was coated in fear like being rolled in sugar. He licked over his lips for more of the flavor. “I’ll take good care of you, bun. You don’t need to worry. Just relax. You’re safe and sound in my belly. I promise.”
Jungkook whimpered again, feebly pushing even though he knew it was no use. There was a loud gurgle around him as the predator’s gut rumbled in pleasure about the size of its meal.
Namjoon cooed again and talked to his belly this time, instead of Jungkook inside of it. The prey was still rubbed over, but he could tell that the wolf was patting his own gut out of hedonistic pleasure now, instead of pushing him into submission. “Isn’t he yummy, hungry baby? I’ve been fattening this one up for you for a long time. Gobble him up and enjoy.”
Jungkook whined again as the wolf’s belly rumbled again like it was talking back to its Master, like it was thanking him for the fattened prey. “Such a good boy.” Namjoon purred, and Jungkook didn’t know if he was praising his own rumbly gut, or him inside of it.
“Eat up~”
Jungkook whined as the predator’s hungry stomach began curiously kneading him, assessing how fat he was and giving pleasured gurgles of approval. His middle was squeezed, then his thick legs and arms. Jungkook whined as the warm walls around him greedily focused in on the fattest part of him, massaging Jungkook’s belly and waist with loving squeezes, making him involuntarily relax as he was tenderized. The wolf’s stomach growled happily around him.
“I know, he’s such a plump, delicious thing, isn’t he?” Namjoon cooed and firmly rubbed his own belly, apparently encouraging his stomach to eat up Jungkook.
The prey whined in protest, but couldn't help that the massage felt good. After his belly was softened up, his pudgy arms and legs were next, and the warm muscles around him worked all of the tension out of him, still keeping up the greedy gurgles.
Jungkook was slowly kneaded and prepped to be devoured. He relaxed without wanting to, until the wolf was purring and patting his fattened gut in pride. Namjoon belched loudly.
“That’s it, little morsel. Just relax and settle in. My belly will gobble you up in no time.” He let out a last, pitiful little whine as Namjoon’s tummy began really working him, dissolving the fear and making him feel cozy and loved and cherished.
Jungkook sunk into the fat around him, comfortable and warm, and weakly let his Master’s tummy gurgle happily around him and tenderize him until he was ready. He could feel the King’s heavy paw resting on him, cupping him as his belly cradled him. He gently rubbed Jungkook in deep circles, making Jungkook melt as he was dotingly petted through the thick fat.
“My favorite slave~ You’ll be safe and warm in my belly forever.” A deep cozyness spread over him, making him feel heavy and lethargic. Jungkook relaxed into it, hearing another loud, pleased growl around him before he drifted off into sleepy relaxation, as the predator’s belly began the process of digesting its meal.
Namjoon smiled down at his bulging belly as his stomach gurgled again, and he continued rubbing the big swell. His prey was so delicious. Fattening him had been worth it. His belly was so happy. He could feel it.
Namjoon's greedy wolf was working so hard to gobble up its meal, and he patted his gut proudly as he could feel the prey safely tucked inside, cozy and warm in his belly.
“See, little one? I promised it wouldn’t hurt~” Namjoon purred and felt his stomach devour the morsel, savoring and massaging the plump prey greedily like it had never had a meal before. The wolf purred and lounged back, content to rest both paws on his distended belly and enjoy as his tummy worked hard to eat up the meal inside.
“Such a good, plump slave~” He belched and patted his gut proudly, “such a good meal for a King. So delicious and fattening.”
He licked his lips for more of the bunny’s rich flavor that lingered, belched deeply, and slowly rubbed his gurgling gut to help it digest the morsel that he had planned on devouring since the first day when Jungkook had been brought to him in chains, sold to him runty and malnourished. No one had seen his potential like Namjoon had. It was so much more satisfying eating prey that was thoroughly fattened and dumb. Ready to be good and be his dinner. He licked his lips again, purring deeply, thinking that no prey would ever be as delicious of a meal as the one currently being digested in his belly. He felt the deeply satisfied gurgles bubble against his palms, and smiled in satisfaction as his belly gobbled up its sweetened, plump feast.
The wolf woke up satisfied and syrupy. Underneath his paws, his gut was heavily pushed out with a new swell of thick, plush fat. Namjoon lazily licked his chops and dug his paws into his gut. There was a supple layer of blubber filling his belly, but no hard stuffing in his middle, which meant that his bun was fully digested and now settled as sweet, warm squish.
“Such a greedy pet~” He praised down at his gut, hungrily squeezing all of the new supple fat under his paws. “Was he yummy? Did you enjoy your plump treat?”
His belly gurgled richly and Namjoon laughed, patting himself and enjoying the thick jiggle of new weight inside of his gut. His middle was swollen and bloated with how rounded it was, looking stuffed with how enormously it pushed out, but was really just the evidence of such a good meal. His plump little Koo had fattened his belly deeply.
The King snapped his fingers to order another servant to be brought forth, to oil his belly and massage it. He needed another slave now that his bunny was tucked away, filling Namjoon’s gut just like he was meant to.
“Safe and sound in my belly forever.”
He patted his fattened middle, smiling affectionately, “just like I promised.”
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pastel-pillows · 9 months
A treat in the living room with a vampire and s’mores if you want. Love you bb.
Thank you for coming to my haunted house! I hope you enjoy your treat.
No warnings, just Eddie and Reader. I don’t believe I used any descriptors so it can be read as female/male/gender neutral!
Happy Halloween everyone. 🎃
You gave the marshmallow a test squeeze and were delighted when the outside crunched the slightest bit before your fingers sank into the gooey and melty center. To the side Eddie had prepared a graham cracker with a chunk of Hershey’s, already soft from being so close to the fireplace, and squished the marshmallow between the crackers as you pulled the skewer away. “Perfect.”
The treat oozed out of the sides when you bit into it, chocolate overwhelming your taste buds before the rush of vanilla from the marshmallow and crunch of the cracker registered. Eddie hugged you tighter against him, his smile growing at your contented hum, this was always his favorite part of the night, being surrounded by the people he loved while curled up next to you.
Times had changed and the kids had aged but traditions remained the same, the group had crowded into the living room of Steve’s home to watch whatever horror movie everyone had agreed to (with heavy coercion from Dustin on why his pick was best). Blankets, pillows and air mattresses covered whatever parts of the floor that weren’t occupied by popcorn bowls, candy wrappers and soda cans.
The movie playing on the screen, Friday the thirteenth, had been Max’s pick but only a handful of them had made it past the first fifteen minutes before falling asleep after a long night of trick or treating and trading candy, now at the halfway point it acted as a white noise while you rested against your boyfriend and snacked on whatever candy hadn't been claimed.
“I’m surprised Dustin and Robin left any chocolate for us.” Sliding another marshmallow onto the prongs the metal skewer glinted as you hovered it over the fire, turning it after awhile so the perfectly golden brown side was away from the flame to roast evenly, the sticky sweet scent of sugar covering the smoke of the fire as it bubbled and softened.
“They didn’t, I nabbed these bad boys from Harrington’s kitchen.” Eddie waved a few full sized Reese’s and Hershey's bars. “He calls it his babysitter tax.”
“He’s gonna know it was you.” This time he chooses a Reese’s, part of the chocolate sticking to the wax liner and his fingers when he’s placing it on the graham cracker and the gooey mess slides partially off the base when he squishes your perfectly cooked marshmallow into a little sandwich.
Eddie shrugs. “Drivers fee.” Steve wasn’t the only one carting them around tonight.
Your first bite is almost sinfully decadent, a rush of sugar that overwhelms your senses with cocoa and peanut butter, the contrast of the cracker lost to the molten mess of marshmallow and candy that makes your jaw ache from the intensity of it.
It’s easily the best thing you’ve eaten all night and your face must show it because the moment you go in for your second and final bite Eddie leans in and snaps it up, your protests falling on deaf ears as he leans away to chew on your cavity causing concoction.
“I thought you didn't need food anymore.” There’s a smudge of chocolate on the corner of his mouth and part of his cheek from when he turned his head to flee your chasing hand. “Eddie, that was the last marshmallow. What creature of the night steals s’mores?” His name was a long drawn out, but light and not at all serious, whine.
Through a mouth full of food Eddie responds with a sheepish “Who doesn’t like peanut butter.”
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matchamorphosis · 2 years
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— ❝ 𝐁𝐄 𝐁𝐀 𝐃𝐀 𝐃𝐎 𝐁𝐄 ❞
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summary: you return to the city that raised you and help make dinner for the man that claims your heart.
pairings: friends with benefits!carmen berzatto × fem!mena!reader
genre: friends to benefits to lovers. wordcount: 1.6K
warnings: 18+ only. steamy moments but no smut. cursing. small talk of cultural differences. handjob mention. nicknames: “bear” and “clem”. reader is a food critic. mentions of death, generational trauma, anxiety, and stress. a lot of food talk. past friends with benefits sort of thing.
w. note: so i’m officially a carmy whore, that’s what’s new. reminder that reader is middle eastern north african (that’s what mena stands for). anyway make sure to read, reblog and give feedback. muah!
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Be ba da do be; a man loves a woman, the woman loves a man.
“It was a hand job, Carmy. I remember it and so do you, you were dazed as fuck for two hours straight on the drive home and my wrist was sore as shit.”
God how he missed her and her tease, more than how he missed the supercut memories of Chicago that lulled him to sleep when he was homesick in New York.
“Clem,” the nickname zesty, tangy, and sweet in his mouth just like the effects of a slice of clementine on his tongue. “I was dazed for an hour at max, the bottle you coerced the waiter to give you just aided in getting me wasted.”
A stream of laughter flows out of her mouth, her teeth gleaming in a smile that is nothing but contagious as she begins to remember more of that summer night she and him spent downtown.
“Sure, baby sure. Go play innocent Carmy on me, it’s not going to work though cause my memories not shit.” shaking her head, throwing in a liberal amount of garlic on the yellow zucchini, roasted butternut squash and sliced red onion soaking in a pot of melty butter.
Be ba da do be, the man grins a smile he doesn’t know he could manifest but knows well it’s the cause of the woman.
The kitchen is clouded in a variety of smells, from the sweet squashes cooking to the spiced yogurt marinated lamb chops searing and the sourdough rising. Sounds hit each other’s ears in a symphony of roaring laughter, loose footsteps following the groove of the stereo, and the music of food cooking a dinner that will fill their hearts before their stomachs.
Carmen looks at her, really taking a good look at her. Because he feels the heavy ache in his belly strengthen, that ache that simultaneously goes along with the fluttery excitement of seeing, hearing, feeling somebody you care in a long time. It’s making his heart hungry, he never felt this hunger in a while.
The feeling is brightening up his face like a runny egg yolk, pigmenting it with a cherry blush when she grabs him by the back of his head to try the sauce coated on her wooden spoon. Cherry-colored like the filling of Marcus’s doughnuts, making him see stars the same color as the icings when she whispers the lyrics of the playing song in his ear.
The details of the occasion where written and sealed when he sent you a late night voice message after looking through some five year old photographs he had hidden away in three of the cookbooks you gave him for his birthday five years ago. The firecracker of realization striking him that so much time has passed since he was in New York, and you were in Boston.
That hungry sensation scented in a cloud of spices that wrap Carmen’s senses, like a pair of arms that he wants to be within each night. Slow then fast, his chopping escalates then declines as he moves the knife with precision across the cutting board.
Be ba da do be; is the exact pace of his heart thumping in his chest.
It goes along with the movements of her lips and the rain against the kitchen windowsill. Warmth filling his heart, making it rise like the sourdough baking in the oven.
“Carmy?” the approach of her words smooths over to him at the counter, “Yeah y/n/n?” he responds, whisking the dressing of a salad then tasting a bit with his pinky, it’s need some more citrus.
It was a night to make up for a lot of lost time, so the both of you decided on a day to experiment with whatever that was in Carmen’s fridge and you bring whatever the hell that could fit inside your grocery bag.
“Could you hand me three sprigs of rosemary?” his head turn over his shoulder to see her jean clad hips expertly swaying, and moving to the beat of the song.
The exposed skin of her back neck burning a hypnotizing trance in his blue eyes, tightening a knot in his stomach as he licks his lips. He remembers how he used to mark it up with his lips and teeth, leaving behind a trial of blemishes that varied in size and visibility. Carmen manages to snap out of it, dashing his eyes up to her at the stovetop.
Her own eyes stay focused on the sight of onions caramelizing in a sizzling puddle of olive oil, loose curls frame her face as the rest stay in order with the great help of a citrus-colored claw clip. A wooden spoon in one hand as the other motions to the rhythm of the music playing on the old stereo in the living room.
Carmy believes it’s Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass because he hasn’t heard the song “Ladyfingers” since she went away to Boston.
“Rosemary? Ah yeah, yeah, I got rosemary.” Carmen's hands quickly steps away from his area of chopping a lemon and squeezing it in the bowl, heading to his spice cabinet where he opens it as he inspects what little contents fill the empty space.
I really need to do some shopping before I think to invite people over for dinner, he thinks before closing it.
“Um no rosemary actually, sorry about that Chef.” he just sees her smirk and turn to grab her grocery tote bag, pulling out a small jar of rosemary sprigs from the endless depth. A magician, truly, Carmen also thinks as he gives her a smile.
“That’s why I come prepared for the worse when I plan to cook with you Chef.” it’s playful and filled with just the right amount of spark he missed, he secretly yearns for more of it just as he wants more of her saffron tinted rose water flavored presence filling the lonely blue void of his soul.
Be ba da do be; the man spills the bottle of memories, letting the nostalgia soak him through.
“Hey y/n.” he mumbles, standing besides her as she spoons the hot liquid butter over the garlic and rosemary sitting atop the seared steaks.
“Hey Carmy.” Her response crisp, her own eyes drifting to his that move away every few seconds and he licks his damn lips.
Fucking fuck, Bear — little thoughts of moisturizing his lips with the birthday-cake flavored chapstick you have on emerge.
“What do you remember from that night?” his voice stitched with curiosity he tries to hide, covering it up by stirring the couscous added to the squashes. Carmen knows the tiny bowl of chopped parsley will be sprinkled on top it after the couscous cooks through.
Internally, the highly acclaimed Chef asks himself why he hasn’t ever asked her out then but that answer always seems to answer itself time and time again when it pops up. Torturing him when he laid in bed thinking about the bike rides through green Orland Park. How they read each other recipes from cookbooks on Chinatown Branches library shelves, kissing behind the coffee shops in Little Palestine.
That time ago, it wouldn’t have happened. No matter how much confidence he harnessed from pep talks with Mikey or just the willpower of adolescent desire. It wouldn’t have happened, in secret was the only way the both could explore the world and each other and even then you both wouldn’t go as far to call it a relationship. Him and her, the two of you, were just too different.
It was hard truth to swallow from the criticisms Carmen got from his family, being so interested in a woman from her culture who wanted to taste food for a living just as much as she got backlash from her family for being interested in a white guy who wanted to cook for a living.
“I think we have some polar opinions on what happened that night. But we both know it was your bright idea to convince me to skip my afternoon course and drive downtown with you.” her accent slips into your words formally and naturally.
Carmy loves it when that happens, because she can’t control it one bit. The y/n he knew five years ago used to be so overtly embarrassed of it but now, she doesn’t mind it showing whatsoever.
“You’re right, I remember that part of the night crystal clear.” he tags along to this journey back to the past but he’s hoping you’re willing to talk about what happened late that night.
She smacks his bicep with the back of her hand and laughs, an aspect of his physique she knows has gained a few muscle that last time she saw him. It’s then did Carmen realize he said that thought aloud and not to himself.
“You know what Bear, you’re a lot more of a pervert then I remember.” She smirks as he begins to pour out apologies for all the faults this night has, from the lack of herbs to his “creepiness”. But to be fair, it’s taking her a severe amount of discipline to not think about other areas that may have changed as she looks at him trying to explain himself.
“It’s not a problem Carmy, I wanted to talk more of that night to. Just wasn’t done talking before you swang in on your boner.” she grins and he just continues to blush and apologize, accepting to laugh along with you and your endless teasing.
“The dumplings you got us were good though, and I didn’t have to subject myself to unnecessary persecution from my professor so that was an added bonus.” you sigh as you wipe a little bit of sweat off your forehead with your hand towel.
The heat from the oven and stove rises the temperature of the kitchen, convincing you to slip out of the thick university sweater that wraps your body up and reveal the deep richness of your exposed skin the short tank top provides.
“And I liked the fact that it was me and you. Just us walking through the city and catching a late night movie.” and simultaneously you both think back on his lips hungrily devouring yours and your hands unzipping his pants in the shadowy dark of the theatre.
Be ba da do be; the woman doesn’t know why she feels a pain in her heart but she hopes the man can help relive it.
Carmen nods along — I haven’t forgotten that night. I don’t wanna forget how you made me feel because I feel like I’ve forgotten you.
He couldn’t think of the name of the movie that was playing even if it could save him, and why would he want to be saved? His mind floods of memories of that night with his hands in your hair, your hand playing with his hard cock, and his lips hidden in your neck as he tried to maintain his moans by bitting down and sucking on your skin.
Cool air hits your skin but you feel a burn, something similar to the swelter of something hot to your senses but without the sting. Carmen can’t tear his eyes away, even when the pans of food are under his mercy he can’t help them because he’s under the mercy of your figure swaying under his kitchen lights.
You’re crazy, you’re driving me crazy and you’re enjoying it, Carmen thinks as he leans his weight against the countertop, unashamedly enjoying the show before him.
The pure gold plate of your name in Arabic winks at him as it lays comfortably on your exposed cleavage. Bare waist moving softly then strongly like the waves of a tide, glistening with a thin sheen of sweat. It unleashed another memory of playing near the Pierre, the water that night reflecting off the moonlight as his hands slipped into her underwear, massaging her wetness and bringing it up to his lips to taste her for the first time.
Her eyes meet Carmy’s for a second, his face deep pink like the juice of a raspberry before he turns away with an apology.
Enjoying the view? — is what you want to say but you find yourself a little flustered to tease him — because he looks so fucking good.
The veins running from his hands to his forearms popping here and there with his tight grips and motions. The black ink of his tattoos strained through the muscle of his skin it’s making you hot all over. You’re drinking him in, practically thinking of him fucking you while you try to look anywhere else besides his strong nose or shoulders.
“Do you ever think that you’re using a bit too much onion and garlic in your dishes? It smells damn good but I can immediately tell which plate of food is yours from a hundred just from the onion to garlic content and ratio.”
Carmen means it in the most politest manner and he tries and fails to keep back a laugh when you give him your signature questionable look that is ingrained in your family.
“Is that your nice-guy way of saying i’m predicable Carmy? That I’m some sort of onion and garlic addict? Well listen Carmy, I can’t help it, onions and garlic are my love language. The more I love a person the more I use them.”
“You must love me a whole lot then ‘cause my apartments gonna be smelling like ‘em till next month.” he laughs and she giggles while shrugging her shoulder in agreement then taking her squash couscous and braised lamb chops to the little table in the corner of his kitchen.
“Sorry Carmen, I hope you don’t mind it. I mean I just moved back here and i’m already etching myself on you. How is the restaurant doing?” her words soft and gentle, her eyes etched on Carmy’s back, her heart pausing when he stops whatever he was doing to turn around and look at her.
“No no I don’t mind it. It means a lot for you to be here, I’m glad I called you. I, I really missed seeing you, talking to you.” Carmen assures, he doesn’t want to have her walk on eggshells around him, he already cleared everything up with her about Michael and doesn’t want the tension to resurface.
It was great that you two had a lot to talk about but the generational trauma of both your families anxieties and stresses wasn’t a light subject that you both are eager to dive into.
Be ba da do be; the man plays at the strings of his heart, grateful to know they still create the same ballad that plays when the woman’s near.
“And the restaurant is going great. We’re still experimenting with a new menu. I have to talk to some contractors and designers for the layout tomorrow.” she nods along, a little seed of happiness for him growing fast. Growing green veins that wrap around the vesicle of her heart, like a second skin she didn’t know she shed once she stopped talking to her old dear friend.
“I’m happy for you Bear. It all has lead up to this huh?” the twinkle in her eyes glisten, giving him a quick wink that makes him do a mental double take.
Carmen watches her pour her standard household amount on both of their plates and sprinkle it lightly with parsley. The candle in the middle of both your dishes was lite, only she’s not the one that light but him earlier that night.
“Yeah, yeah really it has.” Carmen can’t tear his eyes away from hers, “You know, if you’d like you could drop by tomorrow. You could try this new dessert Marcus is whipping up, I have this ah—” Carmy’s hand lifts up to scratch his head, his eyes roaming from her lips to her nose to the earrings that hang from her ears.
Everywhere before swimming in the soft intensity of her eyes, licking his lips when her lashes shut her eyes for a second before opening them to reveal the intensity of them again.
“This dish, that I’m working on. It has a some uh, you know you could see what I’m talking about band try it out. Only if you want to, you know.” Carmen explains, now looking at you after taking the sourdough out of the oven and playing with the gorgeous brown crackly surface.
“Oh I know, maybe I do want to drop by tomorrow.” her tone is making his head spin, a dozen of ideas for new dishes coming to mind that he wants her to try. Each step she takes closer to him makes his heart pound a new beat, he wishes the smell of her perfume would stay present.
“And you know, maybe you could go easy on me and my crew to. I know how offended you critics can get when you don’t like what the Chef serves up.” Carmen whispers, he doesn’t need to raise his voice with her face inching so close to his.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go more than easy on you Bear. You don’t have to worry about that.” She whispers back, he breaks from his reserved space to inch closer. Admiring the shape of her lips, imagining how soft and warm they feel.
“Then what should I worry about, sweetheart? Should I worry about your daddy? Or your mama? Or my mom? I don’t really care about them right now. I don’t care because they don’t matter.” all forms of fear and hesitancy are thrown out the window and into the rainy night.
“Stop fucking around and tell me what you’re trying to say Carmy.” he sees the watery glint in her eyes, regret rises in his chest as his throat goes dry.
It isn’t fair, it isn’t fair how he’s letting the fears that prevented him from loving her then keep him from loving her now.
When Carmen thought of Chicago when he was in New York he thought of his family, his childhood, his food, and her. Any image of her just is associated with a feeling of regret of what could have been. He just wants to know if she feels that to, and if she doesn’t want to live in that stage of regret anymore.
“I’m saying that maybe we don’t have to feel scared anymore because there’s nothing to be scared of. You know I’ve— I’ve always loved you. I was stupid then to not have told you that but I’m telling it to you now.” he stops talking to take a good look at her, vulnerability spread on every feature of his face.
“What should I be worried about now? There isn’t a single thing I wouldn’t do for you.” he whispers, grasping her face in his hands to keep her avoiding glance to his.
In that action, his nose touches hers, the warmth of her lips seems to radiate against his mouth, her loose curls and his blonde strands of hair touch and twine together. Her hands touch his that still cup her cheeks and she holds the nose of his neck and pulls him to her.
Be ba da do be; they kiss and fill up that space of feeling they never felt but so desperately wanted.
“There better be plenty of onions and garlic in that special dish of yours tomorrow Chef.” y/n lightly demands, taking his mouth to hers again when he decides to lick his damn lips again.
A smirk spreads on Carmen’s face as he kisses back, it was so typical you to make him fall harder with her weird preferences, if that was possible.
“Trust me sweetheart, there’ll be more than enough.” he whispers against her lips, tasting the cake flavored chapstick she had on. “The whole blocks gonna know how much I love you.”
They can’t help the laughter that escapes them, her fingers tangled in his hair whilst he laughs into the crook of her neck. A new ache fills their chests after they come down from their giggles and smiles, but it’s an ache they’re willing to protect and nurture.
Be ba da do be; the man loves the woman and the woman loves the man.
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marshmallow--shark · 5 months
Oh, I love my girlfriend so much. It feels like nicotine everytime we get to have a date together. And what we did on this date, I shall tell you! I showed her Voyager and Ds9 characters and had her nickname them and give first impressions. And now I share her wonderful insights with you lot:
Janeway: Mama Maria, a renowened chef who owns a cooking brand of butter where the bottle is shaped like herself. Became a Star Trek to promote her brand.
Chakotay: Joey-David Hasselhoff, lost his legs in the great star wars as is now very short. Became a Star Trek to pay off his outstanding gambling debts. The marking on his face is a barcode to immediately kill him if he tries to escape.
Kes: Mama Maria's evil twin, not a true Star Trek and just has the visitor's pass. Has the power to return everything to its base components. She is always under attack so she wears an indestructible vest.
Doctor: Uncle Steve, do not trust around children. The blue is a warning and he's very bitter about it. Pretends he's a genius but he's very stupid. He has an ankle bracelet which keeps him from leaving the ship which he bothers everyone about.
Neelix: A criminal mastermind tattoo artist that destroyed his homeworld with a tattoo machine, not a true Star Trek but came along to be amused. Talks like a gangster. I.. don't remember the name she gave him..
Tuvok: Great Value Spock, bought at the store on a discount during a clearance Vulcan sale and they needed a Vulcan to complete their ship. His eyebrows are drawn on.
Paris: Milk toast, the whitest white to ever white. He goes to space church which he himself built and his favourite food is white bread. Just a guy, he has no reason to be here.
Torres: Laquisha, a plant that knows absolutely everything. Does not like Uncle Steve. Goes to space church but because she knows its fake, and the world is actually on a cracker with hummus that will eventually be eaten by the one true space god.
Kim: Mark, a part timer that's just there. He does a bit of everything but he isn't actually good at anything. A temporary Star Trek but eventually he'll quit and follow his dreams to go to space college.
Sisko: Carl, owns a vintage George Foreman grill and makes space hotdogs for everyone on Hotdog Friday. Uses his baldness as a weapon to blind his enemies.
Kira: Karen, a typical Karen who is rude to everyone around her. Complains about being on Ds9 but doesn't do anything about it. Hosts a radio show to sell her trademark cement purses, which she always carries around at all times.
Bashir: Dominic (named by the two of us), participated in the space sex offender shuffle. He is very creepy and no one likes him, don't trust around anyone. No one can stop him. Probably really into bondage.
Odo: Gorp, created by the Kardashians to be a clone but made wrong. Banished for being a failure of a clone. He has no feeling in his left hand and cannot feel pain. His ears are glued on.
Dax: Monica, a furry that believes she is a leopard. Also a sex offender but they forgive her because she's so good at her job. If you see her walking around in a fursuit, let her be. Do not anger her because there will be no escape. Sells pancakes alongside Mama Maria and they are dating.
O'Brien: Loppy, it's his first day! He's so happy to be here, he's having a grand old time. It's always his first day as he is actually a mind parasite that makes everyone believe it is his first day and they will never know how long he's actually been there. Never.
Dukat: Zorath/Zorag (We both forgot it so it changes to something else with a z) -Melty Candle Face, an obsessive yandere Klingon that's very mentally unstable. He was first in love with Dominic until he found he could not be trusted. He targeted Loppy next because its his first day. Currently dating someone else, but it's undetermined who it is.
Garak: From the Shining Jack Nicholson, a scizophrenic who causes problems for everyone. His daily hobby is crawling through the vents and he can show up anywhere at anytime. He is an unpredictable menace that likes to scare the ship.
Mirror Kira: Ds9, the ship itself embodied as a half robot. Abuses her power to sleep with everyone on the station. What happens to the ship happens to her and forces everyone to protect her under the threat of death. She will not hesitate to throw you out of the airlock if you disobey her.
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Chapter 22 - Untitled
Warnings: a few curse words, brief mention of sex
Summary: Summer vacation begins at The House of Black
*Couldn't think of a title. I'm open to any and all suggestions
Start Here:
"Close the curtains!" Fred yelled over the shrill screaming.
"What?" Ron bellowed back.
"The curtains! Dad warned us-" Ginny began, but her voice was drowned out by the portrait of Walburga Black unleashing her wrath on the new arrivals. Seconds later a tall man with long black hair stormed down the hall toward them.
He wrenched the moldy, moth eaten curtains over the screaming woman, then made a flourishing bow, "Sirius Black at your service, please excuse the screaming bitch that was my bat-shit crazy mother."
"Language!" came the commanding voice of Mrs. Weasley from down the hall.
Sirius rolled his grey eyes. "Welcome to my humble abode," he said, guiding them into the kitchen.
"Poor Arthur." Y/N said, running a finger through the thick layer of dust covering the top of the dresser.
"What do you mean 'poor arthur'?" George asked, while he poked around in the bedroom's massive closet.
"Molly was furious that he just dropped us off before rushing back to the Ministery. It's not his fault they called him back in earlier than expected."
George stepped out of the closet. "Doesn't matter," he said. "He'll still get an earful tonight. You know how she gets."
"Yes, I do," Y/N agreed, exhaling a long sigh.
Striding to stand beside her, George wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "This room seems decent. Or, at least, it's better than the one with the ghost of a mortis bat flying around."
"You know, we're playing with fire." Y/N said. "If Molly finds out we're sleeping together, there'll be hell pay."
"We managed it over spring break."
"Barely," Y/N argued. "We almost got caught a couple of times. And that was only for a week. This will be for two months."
George shrugged. "If she finds out, so be it. She's going to have to come to terms with our relationship sooner or later."
"Coming to terms with you dating someone she doesn't entirely approve of is one thing." Y/N countered. "Finding out we're having sex is a different matter altogether."
"I'm past the point of caring what she thinks," George replied. "Besides, I'm not sleeping anywhere other than next to you for the rest of my life--well, except for, you know--
Y/N looked up at him, her sweet smile and sparkling eyes going straight to his heart. George couldn't help himself and pulled her into a kiss, arms tightening around her as her legs morphed into butter.
"I love how you get all melty when I kiss you," he said, once they pulled away. "And how you blush so adorably when I say things like that."
Smiling wide when she giggled, George leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose, pretending not to notice her lovely blush deepening into crimson.
"Now," he said. "What do say we scourgify the room, so the dustbunnies don't nibble on us in our sleep?"
Next Chapter:
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fruitcoops · 3 years
(I would also LOVE to see the post-surgery cuddles for each couple if you have time to write it!)
Woohoo! Cuddles for everyone! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Hey, baby, do you want to have some food?” Finn murmured, running a hand through Leo’s still-curls. A soft whine answered him as Leo cuddled against his side and pulled Logan closer. “Okay.”
“Are you alright, mon amour?” Logan kissed the shell of Leo’s ear and he sighed, pushing his forehead further into Finn’s sweatshirt.
“Hurts,” he mumbled. They both made soft sounds of acknowledgement and curled tighter around him.
“You can take more medicine in two hours, Butter,” Finn said. He breathed in the scent of Leo’s familiar conditioner and his muscles relaxed, making him all melty inside.
“Want it now.”
“You can’t have it right now, Le.” Logan smoothed his hand down Leo’s back. “It’s not safe.”
Leo sighed unhappily through his nose. “I know. I love you.”
He had started remembering who they were and vague details about his current life an hour or so after they left the hospital, but he was so clearly drained that Finn was surprised he was still awake. However, the soft ‘I love you’ that accompanied the end of most sentences gave him a fluttery feeling in his chest, so he wasn’t complaining.
“Love you too, baby.” Finn kissed his forehead and leaned over to bump noses with Logan, who smiled.
“Hey, Simba.”
“Don’t laugh,” Leo whined. “Doesn’t feel good.”
“Sorry, sorry.” He took a few deep breaths to calm down before settling down once again.
“I want to sleep, but I already took a nap.”
“You can sleep, we don’t mind,” Logan said. “You need to rest for the next couple of days.”
“But practice?” Leo’s eyes were already slipping shut.
“Coach gave you a few days off, and we’ll alternate who takes care of you.”
Leo snorted. “Don’t need a babysitter.”
Finn shared a look with Logan, who rolled his eyes. “Then we’ll alternate who cuddles you and makes sure you take your meds on time.”
“That sounds nice,” Leo hummed. “That sounds…” 
Within a heartbeat, he was asleep.
Remus snuffled and wrapped his leg around Sirius’, dragging him over a few inches. “Mon loup?”
“Do you want to eat now?” Remus made a face without opening his eyes and Sirius kissed his forehead. “You can take your medicine after you eat.”
“Wanna nap.”
“Okay.” Sirius laid back into the mattress; a moment later, Remus rubbed his cheek against his shirt and sighed heavily.
“My face hurts.”
“If you eat, you can take your meds and then go back to bed.”
“But I don’t wanna move,” he groaned, pressing himself even closer. Sirius would be amazed if he had any bones left at all. “Is Harper in here?”
“ ’s what I said. Is she here?”
“She’s downstairs, I think.” Remus had been absolutely thrilled to learn they had a dog after interrogating Sirius about the details of their engagement for the entire ride home. She had been a little suspicious when they arrived, sniffing Remus’ face and hands like her life depended it before glaring at Sirius as if it was his fault; the overjoyed look in Remus’ eyes when he realized he was the dog’s favorite was worth it, though.
They had a minor freak-out in the shower over the smell of fear sweat, which had scared Remus even more than the slow, aching pain in his face until Sirius washed his hair for him and assured him everything was fine. Their original plan to have soup was quickly sidelined in favor of cuddles; Remus wasn’t much of an octopus, usually, but Sirius was starting to lose feeling in his left leg already.
“Yeah?” Pure affection soaked Remus’ voice—he liked the nickname even more in his woozy state, which was beyond adorable.
“You need to eat at some point.”
“I’m not letting go of you.”
“Doesn’t your face hurt?”
Remus scrunched his nose up. “Yes.”
“Then you have to eat so you can take your meds.” When Remus buried his face further into the crook of Sirius’ neck, he laughed and carefully untangled himself before swinging his legs over the side of the bed and patting his back. “Come on, we can compromise.”
“Can you carry me?” Remus sounded skeptical. “I’m not exactly small.”
“You’re small enough.” Sirius raised an eyebrow over his shoulder. “It’s either this or you’re walking by yourself.”
Remus latched on to him in an instant, pressing a light kiss to the base of his neck. Standing was a bit difficult, but once they were up it was easy to keep him balanced. He felt a soft puff of air along the neckline of his hoodie as Remus tucked his nose there for more contact. “I’m sorry I don’t remember you better.”
“That’s okay. It’ll wear off in an hour or two, and you’re already sounding better.”
“It’s frustrating. I know you, I really do, it’s just…missing.” He kissed the side of Sirius’ neck. “I know I care about you so much, but there’s not a lot of concrete stuff in my head for why.”
Sirius smiled as they reached the base of the stairs and Hattie raised her head, cocking an ear at them. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.” The words sounded easy, instinctive. That’s a good sign, Sirius thought, readjusting his hold on Remus’ thighs before opening the cupboard. Even when he barely knows me, he knows that.
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honeypirate · 3 years
Hi!! Congrats on 420 i think we should celebrate with baking while baked, friends to lovers, first kiss with oikawa? Stoner oikawa is so funny to me i can just imagine his hooded eyes and cackles of laughter and the stupidest jokes 🥰
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I think this is the only one weed related lmao but thank you so much for the request! I hope you like it ❤️
Event Masterlist
Oikawa friends to lovers baking while baked first kiss. Post time skip.
Oikawa has been your best friend since the beginning of your first semester when you met him at one of his away games in your city. He wasn’t around often then, your friendship consisting of 80% texts and calls, but when he was around his personality was so infectious you couldn’t imagine not having him in your life.
So you stuck with him, made an effort to keep the friendship strong when you were apart, so on those rare occasions when you could get together, ones like tonight, it would be even more amazing.
The joint passes easily between your fingers as you sit on your fire escape with him. You were talking about your exams coming up and the way his teammate is being a complete pain in the ass.
“How long are you here for?” You ask, expecting a week or less but smiling when he said
“a few months actually. It’s the off season and I’m taking some time to get my priorities in order”
you laugh “my pro volleyball player has priorities other than volleyball huh? Like what?” You ask then take a long hit and pass it to him
“like this” he says and smiles with his eyes as he takes a hit, winking at you and making you roll your eyes with a smile.
You feel your cheeks warm as you look over the edge, your heart fluttered when he said that, the feelings for him you kept hidden seeming to rush straight back to the surface.
By the end of the joint you’re giggling and leaning against him, no cares in the world, your previous worry about him knowing your feelings were out the window, replaced by a calm mellow joyful feeling between you both.
“God it’s so cold” you say “let’s go inside, my roommate moved out yesterday and I haven’t found anyone to take their place yet”
“Oh finally!” He’s saying as he throws his legs across the window “she was horrendous!” You laugh as you watch him struggle, his legs feeling like melted butter.
“Do you need some help?” You ask giggling and he starts to laugh with you “get over here!” he says between laughs and you move to stand next to him and put your arm around him, helping him hop into your apartment.
His arms wrap around you as he gets his footing, he buries his face in your neck and you squeal as his cold nose pushes into your neck.
“stop you’re so cold!” You laugh and he chuckles into your neck “and you’re so warm” he mumbles and hugs you closer. You couldnt resist how good it felt to be standing holding him, like your tingling skin felt soothed by his warmth.
You eventually give in and hug him back, taking his warmth as you shiver “you smell so good” you mumble into his neck and he chuckles “glad you think so” he says and his breath tickles your skin.
The way he spoke sounded so soft, your heart fluttered and you gasp, taking a step back and looking up at him through heavy bloodshot eyes.
“We should make brownies” he says suddenly, smiling wider as he runs to your kitchen. “They’ll warm us up!” He’s calling back.
You stand there for just a few more moments, calming your stupid racing heart, before you join him in your kitchen.
Making brownies high was an experience that just got harder and harder as it went along.
As he gets down your kitchenaid mixer from above your fridge and for a second you thought he was going to fall over backwards, so you stranded behind him ready to catch him at any moment.
You start some chill music and that was the easiest part of the evening. Your chuckling as you reread the ingredients list for the third time since he wasn’t listening, naming them out and he pulls them from the shelves and fridge.
Reading was a struggle when your eyes felt like couldn’t see and your mouth kept forgetting the words you were trying to say leading to Oikawa yelling “spit it out!” Making both of you have a giggle fit
When he goes to crack an egg he just drops the whole thing in the batter which starts you both on a second giggle fit that can only be quelled when you start clearing your throat, suddenly feeling thirsty with a dry mouth.
The brownies and egg in the batter was forgotten about while you make iced lemonade together.
Once you got back to the batter, you struggled through until they got into the oven. Making sure to set an alarm because you would not remember like you could sober.
Somehow you ended up sitting on the floor watching the brownies bake as you shared some of the extra batter you left in the bowl. “Brownies was a good call” you say softly and he gives you his signature cocky smile “I’m full of good ideas as you know” he says, chin covered in brownie batter.
You laugh at the state he’s in, mussed hair, hooded bloodshot eyes, and brownie chin. He looked so high it was so funny to you, he started joining in your laughing, not understanding what was funny but unable to stop.
You reach up and cup his cheek, brushing your thumb against his soft skin before bringing up your other hand, spoon forgotten in the bowl between you, and brush the batter from beneath his bottom lip and chin.
He gasps softly, his hands reaching for you, needing to hold you and make sure you were real and solid.
“Y/n” he whispers and grabs your knee with one hand, the other resting against your neck.
You gasp softly and look up from his lips to his eyes and feel your cheeks warm in embarrassment.
“Oikawa, I.. I” he smiles at you softly, brushing your hair with his fingers “I think we’re too high” you whisper, but you don’t move away, you keep your hold on him and that gives him hope.
“I don’t think this is because of the drugs. I’ve felt like this long before we ever smoked together” he says and you chuckle softly, your skin tingling where he touched, your brain felt light but clear, you felt like you were as melty as the brownies looked, half baked in the oven.
“You have?” You ask and bump your nose into his “you don’t know the half of it” he admits and you gaze adoringly through glazed eyes up at him. He cups your cheek and runs his thumb across your bottom lip “can I kiss you?” You ask and he chuckles “I might die if you don’t” he whispers you smile and press your lips to his for just a moment before pulling back and saying “you’re so dramatic Tooru”
the small chuckle that leaves his lips morphed into a happy laughter that had you placing your head against his shoulder as your sounds of laughter fill your small kitchen
“Tooru I just, I always thought you’d only see me as your best friend I never thought” you say and look back into his eyes.
he laughs “you never thought I’d be smart enough to get my head out of my ass and know what’s right in front of me? Y/n we’ve been through thick and thin and you’ve been my forever constant. Give me some credit, I’m not as dumb as Iwa thinks” you chuckle again and lean forward, the ability to resist the urge gone because of the weed, and press your lips softly to his neck.
You kiss up his neck slowly, feeling him swallow hard as he sighs, a sound that had your head spinning as you kiss across his jaw, until you finally press your lips against his and his world explodes.
Your lips move together slowly, feeling extra sensitive against his, aware of every nerve ending in your body. Your hands bury in his hair, you taste brownies on his tongue and you feel fireworks across your skin as you hum in approval and lick his bottom lip.
He chuckles and meets your tongue with his own before you both tried to lead the kiss, ending up making your head spin from how good it felt.
The brownie timer goes off and you gasp, jumping back and then laughing as Oikawa turns off the timer.
“Let’s get the brownies out and then we’ll get back to business” he says with a lopsided grin as you stand making you roll your eyes again, even tho your lips were turned up in a grin and your cheeks were warmer than ever.
After he places the brownies on the cooling rack he shakes off the oven mits to the counter and raises his hands towards you wiggling his fingers.
“let’s get back to business” he says and you start to chuckle before backing away slowly “hey hey wait where are you going?” He asks and you just wink with a giggle and turn, bolting from the room, his laughter following after you just before you hear him say “oh yeah” and start to actually run after you.
He’s on your heels as you reach the living room and his hands are on you by the couch, grabbing your waist and dragging you to the floor with him as he tickles your sides.
Your giggles fill the room as you try and swat him away “okay okay! I yield!” You’re saying and he stops his movements, pulling you back into his arms as he leans his back against the the couch.
“Back to business?” You ask and he laughs, his half hooded eyes looking at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, and if you asked he would tell you honestly that yes, you are the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen.
“Yes please” he says and cups your cheeks as you lean in, pressing your lips to his once more.
Later that evening, with your head on his chest as you watched a movie cuddled up with him and stealing kisses whenever the boring parts came up, he leaned down to your ear and whispered, his voice soft and full of hope for the future
“I know we havent talked about what this is yet, that it’s day one and I’m definitely getting ahead of myself” he kisses your temple then sighs in contentment and says
“but maybe it’s a good thing your roommate moved out. Maybe it’s a good thing there’s a place for me here.”
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sugarsugarmoon · 5 years
Ice Cream (m)
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**Summary: **You just wanted to eat your ice cream bar, but when Jungkook storms out of the room, you get a surprise you weren’t expecting.
**Genre: **Smut
**Warnings: **Masturbation, unprotected sex (please use protection IRL), honestly it’s pretty vanilla, flustered JK is best JK
**Word Count: **2664
**A/N: **Jeon Jungkook got me feeling some type of way after that fan meeting, you know? Anyway, this is probably the most vanilla one shot I’ve ever written. I hope you enjoy it!
** **
You sit on one of the barstools in your kitchen, unwrapping an ice cream bar that you had just pulled out of the fridge. Your roommate, Jungkook, is sitting on the couch, hood pulled over his head, playing on his phone.
You had lived with Jungkook for about 6 months, and it had been a good situation for both of you. You had caught your ex-boyfriend cheating and needed a place to move ASAP, and Jungkook had made a flyer and posted it on a bulletin board in the student center because his old roommate had graduated the previous year and moved to the city for a job. He couldn’t afford to live alone, so, when you came along, he said yes right away.
He had come out of his room and saw you standing in front of the washer. You were wearing his shirt and a pair of cheeky lace underwear. You figured since you were doing laundry anyway, you could just wash the shirt with the second load and give it back to him. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you, and, when you turned to look at him, he face was red and distorted in a weird way that you couldn’t read.
“Is that my shirt?” he asked in a tone you’d never heard from him before.
“Yeah. Sorry I didn’t ask I was gonna wash it in the next load…” you say hesitantly.
“No. Take it off,” he says lowering his eyes and shaking his head.
“Okay, jeez, I’m sorry,” you start to pull the shirt over your head, exposing your tummy and the bottom swell of your breasts.
“Not here! God! Are you not wearing a bra? Oh my god. Just...go to your room and take it off,” he practically shouts.
He turns on a dime and disappears into his room. You stand there bewildered for a moment, then you go in your room, take off his shirt, and throw on one of your own. You walk over to his door and gently place the shirt on the handle. You can hear JK moving around inside his room, but you decide it’s best to leave him alone. 
You never talked about it after that, but, after a couple of weeks, things went back to normal between the two of you. Two really long uncomfortable weeks. You were playful and sarcastic, and Jungkook loved pranks and could take it as well as he dished it out. The two of you spent a lot of your time together laughing and making fun of each other.
Today, you are in a bad mood, having seen a post from your ex with his new girlfriend online. She’s cute and he looks happy and you’re burning up inside. You decide that ice cream is the answer to your problems right now. The ice cream bar was one of those with the hard chocolate coating and inside was vanilla ice cream with chocolate and peanut butter swirls, aka the best sad food of all time.
You pop the bar into your mouth and crunch down on the chocolate coating. It is sweet and rich, and your mouth is filled with vanilla and chocolate and peanut butter flavors. It’s so good. You can’t help it; you don’t even realize it, but you let out a deep moan as you finish your first bite. 
Jungkook’s head snaps toward you, eyes wide. “Did...did you just moan?”
Your cheeks immediately flush, and you avert your eyes from his gaze. “It’s really good, okay?”
“Apparently,” he says with a slight chuckle.
You bring your attention back to your ice cream which has started melting down your hand. With an _oh shit _to yourself, you quickly lick the melting ice cream off the bar and take to cleaning off your hand with your tongue. You hear what almost sounds like a whimper from the living room, and, when you look over, Jungkook is staring at you with the same look he gave you when you stole his shirt. You finish licking the finger you’re on and then stop.
“What?” you ask as you pop your pinky out of your mouth.
“Nothing,” he grumbles and stalks off to his room.
You let him go because you’re not sure what to say. You finish your ice cream and decide that you can’t let the weirdness between you and Jungkook stand. The last time it was weird like this and he looked at you like that, you didn’t talk for weeks, and you didn’t want to have to endure that again.
You march over to his bedroom door and fling it open. The sight that meets you leaves you instantly speechless.
Jungkook is in his desk chair, sweatpants low on his hips, hoodie tossed aside. He has his cock in his right hand, and he’s gripping down hard on the arm rest with his left. He’s panting, and it’s clear that his eyes were closed, head thrown back just moments before you entered. You feel heat immediately radiating in your face, your belly, and your core.
His eyes snapped open when you opened the door, and he stopped the movement of his hand. Freezing for a second, then scrambling to put himself back in his pants. 
You stand there with your mouth open, eyes wide, suddenly very aware of how your panties feel against you.
“Fuck! Y/n, what the fuck?! Do you not know how to knock?!” Jungkook exclaims.
You feel yourself rub your thighs together, creating friction that doesn’t relieve the tension in your belly, and you see Jungkook’s eyes follow the line of your legs, watching you do it. You are still frozen in place, speechless. 
You can’t deny that you had pictured this before. Jungkook was undeniably hot. He is fit and good looking and sexy and cool and every other positive adjective. You told yourself you couldn’t go there because he’s your roommate and, when you moved in, you had just gotten out of a bad relationship. But you were still a hot blooded woman with eyes. Sometimes at night, lying in bed with your fingers in your panties, you’d picture what JK might look like on the other side of the wall, cock in hand. You’d used that mental imagine to cum more times than you care to admit.
And now, here it was, in front of you. And you couldn’t say anything. You couldn’t move. Jungkook is standing now, a deep flush on his cheeks and ears.
“Can you please leave or say something or do anything? This is maybe the worst moment of my life,” Jungkook says, panic and shame in his expression.
“I…” why won’t your words come out? How hard is oops, sorry, let’s pretend this never happened. See you later, buddy? Except you don’t want to pretend it never happened.
When your feet finally decide to move, they take several steps toward the flustered man in front of you. Your chest is flush with his now, and you’re staring up into his eyes. You can feel his heart pounding in his chest, and his breath is short and rapid.
You really don’t know what possesses you to do it; you feel like you’ve completely lost control. You stand up on your tiptoes and brush your lips over his. A whisper of a kiss. 
“Y-y/n?” he asks with wide eyes.
Your hand finds its way from your side up his solid bicep and across his collar bone. You look at it, surprised. Your whole body seems to be moving without consulting your brain first. 
“What happened just now?” you finally managed to ask. “The last time you looked at me like that and came in your room, we didn’t talk for weeks after.”
Even though you’re controlling your words, your hand is causing your nails to dance circles on Jungkook’s chest, just below the collar of his shirt without any forethought.
“Are you seriously asking me that right now? As if you don’t know? As if you aren’t torturing me on purpose?”
You pout a little bit, looking up at him. You honestly don’t know what he means, but he clearly thinks you're doing something on purpose.
At the puzzled look on your face, he continues, “with the moaning? And the licking your fingers? Not to mention it’s a white creamy substance you’re licking off of them? Seriously? Are you trying to kill me?”
“Oh...no…JK, you have to believe me I didn’t do any of that on purpose to tease you. I was just eating really good, melty ice cream…”
“And I’m just supposed to believe that? Like when you just happened to be wearing my shirt with those sexy little lace panties. I guess that wasn’t to tease me either, right?”
“Yeah. You are right. I was doing my laundry. JK, I’m never actively trying to tease you...” you say.
You can’t believe that he thought that you were teasing him, and you try to think back to every interaction you’ve had. You are always just friendly and maybe a little too comfortable with him. He makes it easy to just be yourself. If you were telling the truth to yourself, which you rarely did, Jungkook was the kind of boyfriend material you wish you had.
“Right. Sure. So right now, your hand is in my shirt because you just need to check my heart rate?”
You look down, and, once again, that unruly hand astounds you. You’ve dipped your hand into the collar of Jungkook’s shirt, ghosting your hand over his collarbones and his sternum.
“See, now...I know it doesn’t help my argument, but I also didn’t do this on purpose,” you explain as you pull your hand back to your side. “It seems like both of our hands are doing a little exploring today.”
You give him a smirk and a wink, and his cheeks flush again.
“Well, if you’d like to continue your exploring, I’m always down for an adventure,” he responds, bringing his hand to your waist.
“Woooow. Jeon Jungkook, that was cheesy,” you giggle out as you slide your fingers across his scalp and tangle them in his hair.
“And yet, here you are. Falling for my irresistible charm. No woman can resist it.” He runs one hand up and down your arm, from your fingertips to your shoulder.
“Oh? Is that why you were in here alone with your hand just a minute ago?” you ask as you continue to giggle, bringing one hand out of his hair to rest on the back of his neck.
“As much as I would love to continue this banter, I’m so hard. Can we take care of it, and then you can go back to making fun of me for how lonely I am and how often I think about you when I jerk off?”
“I guess,” you whisper as you lean in to finally kiss him how you want. It’s hard and sloppy and filled with lust and frustration. You still have the slight taste of peanut butter and chocolate on your lips, but it mixes with the taste of Jungkook’s mouth. You melt into him, like the ice cream down your hand.
He picks you up and carries you over the bed. He sits on the edge and places you in his lap, straddling him. He grabs the hem of your shirt and slowly slides it and his fingers up the skin covering your ribs.
When he pulls the shirt over your head, he says, “do you never wear a bra or what?”
He takes one of your nipples into his mouth, gently sucking and rolling his tongue around it. He has your other breast in his hand, lightly massaging it and flicking the nipple softly as he passes over it.
“When I’m at home? No. I’m not trying to impress anyone,” you say just as a whimper escapes your mouth. You grind down on JK, and you can feel his hard cock under you. 
He smirks, “well, I prefer this way.” He puts his mouth on your neck and collar bone, kissing and sucking gently enough not to leave any marks.
He slips his hand into the waistband of your sweatpants and panties and runs his fingers across your folds. He whines a little at the back of his throat, and you pull away to look at him.
“You’re so wet. I want to make you cum before I fuck you, but I just...I’ve been hard so long…” he breathes out.
“It’s okay. You’ll just eat me out later, yeah?”
He coughs a little bit, taken aback, but then he looks at you with his dark, lust-filled eyes. “I’ll lick your pussy until you beg me to stop because it’s so good.”
You both pause for a second, and then you burst out laughing. He looks a little hurt.
“Oh my god, Jeon, stop being so cheesy,” you say through giggles. He pushes your shoulder gently. “Hey, I’m clean, and I’m on birth control. Do you want to use a condom still?” you say as you climb out of his lap. He looks at you with the same wide eyed expression he’s been giving you all afternoon and shakes his head vigorously. You pull down your pants and underwear, and he pulls his sweatpants down his thighs.
You wrap your fingers around his cock and pump it a few times while you stand over him, then you straddle him again. You take him and line him up with your entrance. Your eyes meet his before you sink down onto him. A sharp intake of air and a soft mewl spill over your lips.
You slowly start to grind up and down on Jungkook’s length, sucking on his neck and collarbone while you do. You run your hands through his hair again and yank it a little as you feel yourself clench around him.
“Oh shit y/n,” Jungkook growls into your skin. His hips start to buck up underneath you, and he’s fucking you harder and faster now. He wraps his hands around your shoulders, holding you into place while he fucks up into you.
“Where should I cum?” he asks through ragged breaths.
“Inside,” you manage to breathe out.
“Shit,” he whispers as his thrusts lose the same rhythm they had, becoming desperate.
He exhales the breath he’s been holding and spills inside of you. He thrusts through his orgasm, painting your walls. He rests his head on your shoulder, panting.
You’re the one to break the silence. “So exactly how often do you jerk off to me?” you ask as you slide off his lap and into his en suite bathroom. When you walk back into the room after cleaning yourself, he’s looking at you in amused disbelief.
“I mean, a lot. But certainly a lot more often now.” He flops back on to his bed and beckons you over with his hand. “We should probably talk about this.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say, “but, first, I believe you promised to ‘lick my pussy until I begged you to stop because it’s too good,’ and I really can’t reschedule that.”
He yanks you done on top of him, both of you laughing.
“If you keep making fun of me, I won’t do it,” he says. When you pout in response, he grabs your face and says, “fine. Give me 10 minutes to recharge.”
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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nickelkeep · 4 years
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Pairing: Dean/Cas Rating: Teen and up Word Count: 5600 Warnings: none?  Written For: Nickel’s Storytime, prompt from @nox-lee On Ao3
The bunker became a home for Sam and Dean, and it showed. The dust had been cleared, the messes erased, the books sorted and placed away correctly. Their merry band of misfits either called the bunker home also or were there enough that it was a second home.
Charlie was one of those misfits. Between her tech skills, learning witchcraft from Rowena, and wanting to be closer to her adoptive brothers, Charlie had been one of the first to move in with the brothers.
It wasn't an uncommon sight to see her with her feet up on the War Table, a book of either graphic or novel variety in her hands. It was also extremely common to see her working on the technology in the bunker, slowly retrofitting it and updating it.
When Dean returned from a supply run to Hastings, he was actually surprised to see Charlie working at the War Table, hunched over a notebook and scribbling away. "Heya kiddo. You're looking especially focused today."
"Yep." Charlie tucked her hair behind her ear, but did not look up from her work. "Got a good vibe going on. I think I'll be able to work out the coupled of kinks I've found."
"Sounds good, need anything?"
"A soda would be nice." Charlie paused for a moment and looked up at Dean. "You notice anything?"
Dean's eyes scanned Charlie up and down. "New hair cut?"
"No. You didn't shoot anyone while you were out, did you?" Charlie set down her pencil and focused her attention on Dean.
"No! I ran to Hastings! As much as I probably would be okay with claiming a few idiot drivers were monsters, I am relatively tame when driving." Dean winked and smiled at his own little joke. "Seriously, though, why do you ask?"
Charlie pointed up at her ear. "You don't hear that?"
"Hear what?" Dean closed his eyes and rested for a moment. He realized that music played in the background and started searching for the source immediately. "Wait, is that... Is that Zeppelin playing?
"Bunker, play 'Houses of the Holy,'" Charlie replied, a smirk on her face.
The first few haunting notes of the Zeppelin classic started playing, and Dean's head whipped around in surprise. "Where's that coming from? Did you buy one of those damned Alexa Despacito things for the bunker?"
"No," Charlie laughed. "Would you believe me if I told you that Sam and I may have made an interesting discovery while you were out?"
"I mean–" Dean pointed up to the ceiling. "–the bunker is playing music on command. Clearly, you two either are pranking me, bought Alexa, or you found something."
"We found it." Sam entered the War Room, two beers in one hand, and a soda in the other. "Sorry, I heard Dean enter, so I turned around and got him a drink too." He handed the soda to Charlie, and a beer to Dean. "I was researching warding for the bunker, and I came across the original electronics blueprint. And there was something I couldn't figure out."
"So, Sam dragged me out of bed and shoved it at me." Charlie shrugged. "I'm still not 100 percent how it works, but this is built into the bunker."
Dean held up his pointer finger as he interrupted. "You mean to tell me we've been here for like seven years or so, and we're just now discovering this?"
"Dude, I'm pretty sure there are rooms we haven't discovered yet," Sam commented before agreeing. "But yeah, we didn't need it then, pretty sure we don't need it now, but it's still fun. And here's the best part, are you ready?"
"Hit me." Dean raised his eyebrow.
"Bunker, what time is it?" Sam asked to the open air.
A very human voice responded. A very familiar voice. "It is a quarter after one in the afternoon."
Dean's jaw dropped in surprise. "Is that?"
"Yeah, that's Henry Winchester. I mean, I thought when he gave us the key, it was because he never made it here. But that's his voice. Part of me thinks he may have been stationed here. This was his base." Sam offered a sad smile. "So it looks like we still got a part of him with us."
"Well, shit." Dean sat in the seat next to Charlie, the groceries practically forgotten. "What else does it do?"
Charlie pointed at the throughway to the Library. "Watch. Bunker, power off Library lights." The lights dimmed slowly before shutting off completely. "Those are the regular bulbs that are in there. Not the ones that can be controlled via the internet. I took apart a lamp to try and figure out how it worked, but there's no Bluetooth, there's no wireless connection, there's nothing there." Charlie shrugged in wonder. "It's awesome, but needs more of an answer."
"Wait, you two have been playing with this, not knowing how it's working, and neither of you stopped to think that you might be dealing with a cursed object?" Dean rubbed his forehead in frustration. "What if something happened to one of you two?"
"We know that it is connected to the computer." Charlie pointed over her shoulder and Sam nodded his agreement. "I put my music on there to have something while I worked. How do you think it knew Led Zeppelin? Remember, this place was abandoned in '61 per the latest records you and Sam found. There's no way anyone here would have known Zeppelin."
"Okay, but you don't know how the computer hears you or how it interacts with non-tech items." Dean pointed at Charlie before looking at Sam. "You know better unless you forget a certain Rabbit's Foot."
"Dean, listen. We are by no means done researching this. We both highly doubt it's cursed, though." Sam attempted to reassure Dean. "We'll keep to the very basic commands until we figure more out about it."
Dean's face twisted into a pout before he reluctantly nodded. "Fine." He let out a sigh before speaking. "Bunker, turn on the lights in the library." He watched the throughway and a slight smile spread across his lips. "That is pretty awesome, though."
"Right? There's still so much for us to learn! And if we crack it, think of the potential we have! We could hook it up to modern news sources, set up filters, have it alert us when a potential case pops up." Charlie started rambling before Dean placed his hand on her shoulder.
"I think what we need to do, though, is set some ground rules." Dean points at Sam. "I know how you function, Mr. Winchester."
Sam points at himself. "Me? How I function? I don't know what you mean, Dean. Not at all."
"Whatever. Ground rules. No prank wars. We still don't know if this is dangerous or not, Henry's voice or not." Dean flicked up his pointer finger before raising his middle finger to indicate two. "Second, bedrooms are off-limits. Don't need to be in my room reading when all the lights go out."
"You could have said watching porn, Dean," Charlie chimed in. "We wouldn't judge."
"You wouldn't, Charlie," Sam added.
Dean shook his head. "Would the two of you listen? We also don't screw with bathroom lights. Falling in the shower would kill us. Especially Sam. The taller you are..."
"Shut up, Jerk." Sam rolled his eyes.
"No way, Bitch." Dean turned his attention back to Charlie. "Last ground rule. Under no means do we fuck with another person's music. So, if Charlie here is listening to Walking on Sunshine, let her Walk on Sunshine. If Sam's listening to Celine Dion, let him have his poor taste in music."
Charlie snorted out a laugh while Sam shot a trademark bitch face at Dean. "So, if you're listening to Taylor Swift?" Sam asked.
"You both better be running to join me in shaking it off." Dean shot a pair of finger guns at his brother. "Any questions?"
"Just the one. Since Cas isn't here right now, who's going to tell him about the system?" Sam asked. "While he's arguably the most mature of us, I wouldn't put it past him to prank the rest of us."
"I wonder where he got that from," Charlie shot a wink at Sam who, in turn, offered a fist bump.
Dean rolled his eyes. "I'll tell him."
"Alright then, now that we've got that all settled, you going to put the groceries away?" Charlie asked. "I don't want my you-know-what to be all melty."
"I have nothing against ice cream, Charlie. I just don't eat it." Sam shook his head in response.
"Bullshit," Dean stood up and grabbed the grocery bags he had sat down. "Butter Rum with Pecans. Sam likes old people flavors." Dean exited the War Room towards the kitchen.
"Really, Sam? Butter Rum?" Charlie's eyes lit up with amusement at Dean's information.
Sam sighed. "With pecans. Can't forget those."
"No judgment here, Judgey Mc Judgepants." Charlie held her hands up in defense. "So, here's what else I found out." She pushed her notebook towards Sam. "I'm not sure what it means, but whatever this is in the bunker, it is one hell of a VI."
"So, all those things you suggested?" Sam picked up the notebook. "Wait, I recognize this." His finger rested on an illustration.
"Really? You've seen it here in the bunker?" Charlie grabbed the book she was looking at and grabbed her notebook back from Sam. "Where is it?"
Sam stood up and ran his fingers through his hair before stretching. "It's in the Boiler Room, let's go."
The duo walked through the hallway and stopped in front of the Boiler Room. Charlie reached out and twisted the doorknob, pulling the door open to a pitch-black room. She looked up at Sam and smiled. "Bunker, turn on the lights in the Boiler Room." The lights came on, and she skipped into the room, Sam right behind her.
A couple of days later, and just as many late nights investigating, Charlie called Sam into the Library. She sat back in the chair, her feet up on the table, and a book in her lap. She looked exhausted, and Sam was glad he had the foresight to bring her coffee when he came to see her. "So, what did you find?"
"This thing is huge, Sam." She accepted the coffee and took a sip before continuing. "What I suggested that we could do, is what the Men of Letters wanted to do." Charlie held up a finger and took another drink. "And, something even more awesome? Bunker, can you please identify Castiel and tell him to come to the Library?"
"Identifying Castiel. Found. Sending request."
Henry's voice brought a smile to Sam's face. "What's that?"
"You can send private voice messages, assuming they're the only person in the room they're located in. It's like an intercom, just with your granddad delivering messages instead of speaking to the person." Charlie took another sip of her coffee and slouched deeper into her chair.
"This is incredible, Charlie. We still haven't–"
"What was that?" Cas entered the room, a look of surprise on his face. "How? What did you two do?"
Sam crossed his arms over his chest. "Didn't Dean tell you about the automation system we found in the bunker?" Cas nodded and Sam continued. "Charlie's been doing nonstop research to figure out what all it can do."
"I take it that Dean does not know about this?" Cas looked back and forth between Sam and Charlie.
"Not yet, we screwed with him already, figured we could get you with one also." Charlie shrugged.
"And I thought Dean said no pranks?" Cas glared at Charlie.
"One, not a prank. Two, save the dombrow for Dean. Three, I did actually need you." Charlie tossed her notebook onto the table. "Recognize any of those symbols?"
Cas had turned bright red for a brief moment at the mention of his brow but quickly regained his composure when Charlie tossed him her book. "I do, actually. Why?"
"Well, one of the things I've come across in of mine and Sam's research into the bunker, and into this, is that it should be upgradeable. I mean, even back in the '30s, '40s, and '50s, the Men of Letters knew that their technology could become obsolete at any time." Charlie ran her fingers through her hair, catching them on a knot. She pulled the knot forward and started working on it. "While it's not dead, clearly, we could certainly give her a facelift, bring her to the 21st century, get her online with Sam's network."
"And you think these symbols could help you?" Cas nodded in understanding. "This system runs on magic." He set the book back in front of and pointed at several symbols. "Enochian, Sanskrit, Mayan, Nordic. These are letters of the various alphabets."
Sam ran his hand down his face. "Please tell us they all at least mean the same thing, Cas."
"In a sense." Cas rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Tell me, do you know when and how this automation started working?"
"A couple of days ago. I was sitting at the War Table working on a spell that Ro sent me. I asked out loud 'What the fuck is Solanaceae–"
Henry's voice interrupted, "Solanaceae is the scientific name for plants in the nightshade family."
"Yeah, like that." Charlie pointed up, spinning her finger around. "And I went for the source."
"And I walked in on her, swearing that she was going crazy. She had me ask for the scientific name for that plant, and Henry responded without asking."
Cas stroked his chin. "And you didn't stop to think you might have been dealing with a cursed object?"
"First, you sound like Dean." Charlie held a finger up then ticked up more. "Second, we did, for a hot second. Third, it's not. Right?"
"I don't believe it is, no. But you are dealing with an interesting tangle of magic and technology." Cas picked up Charlie's pen and translated the symbols. "Good luck. Let me know if you need more help with configuring the voice."
Charlie waited until Cas was out of earshot before speaking again. "Sam. He confirmed what I already knew." She turned the book showing the translations to Sam. "It's a hybrid of technology and magic. Magic is as old as time, and we can update these wardings and other protections if we ever needed to. But the computer is still the brains, the storage. That needs upgrading and access to more than just our intraweb. We get it on the internet, it can scour newspapers we can have it find local hunters and do auto assignments." Charlie paused, her voice taking on a small tone of mischief. "It would allow you to focus on the actual hunters and give you time with Eileen."
"Same with you and Dean and Cas." Sam agreed.
"Speaking of Dean and Cas." Charlie smiled. "We would need to do some testing. Especially if I build an app for our phones."
"He said no pranking, Charlie."
Charlie bit her bottom lip. "He said, no messing with lights in the bedrooms or bathrooms, and he said no messing with music when people are listening to it. Sounds like a huge loophole he left open." Charlie put on her best innocent face and batted her eyelashes.
"You're not allowed to hang out with Eileen anymore." Sam pointed at Charlie. "Fine. What are you thinking?"
"Wanna use Henry to play matchmaker?"
Sam's jaw dropped. "Charlie. You trying to get killed?"
"I'm the little sister. He'd never harm me on purpose. We can just throw the blame on me."
"We're going to die." Sam shook his head. "But I guess it's for a noble cause."
A week later, Henry's voice had become commonplace in the bunker. As far as Dean was concerned, Charlie had outdone herself, and the automation systems in place with his grandfather's voice was comforting. But, like all good things, there appeared to be a catch.
The first instance occurred while Dean was making dinner.
"I mean, it's not like it's hard, Cas. It's a crossword puzzle." Dean looked over his shoulder and smiled at Cas. "What's the question that you don't know the answer to?"
"Dean, I'll figure it out." Cas sipped at the mug of tea next to him before setting it back down. He returned Dean's smile and looked back at the paper before sighing. "Fine. 'Word repeated four times in the last line of Shakespeare's All the world's a stage speech.' It's four letters."
"Well, no wonder you're stumped. You haven't tried anything across or down it yet?" Dean flipped the chicken in the pan before turning around to face Cas again.
"That's the thing, those could be different answers depending on this one word." Cas huffed. 
"'Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.'" Dean responded, a smirk on his face. "I liked English class when I actually bothered to show up to class."
"You are intolerable, Dean Winchester."
"Yeah, yeah. You're welcome." Dean quipped in response. As he turned back to take the meat off the heat, music started playing. "Cas, did you ask for the music to play?"
Cas shook his head. "I didn't say anything after you said 'you're welcome.'" Cas tilted his head. "Isn't this–"
"–Thank You, by Zeppelin? Yeah, yeah, it is." Dean shrugged. "I wonder if Charlie's plugged in some easter eggs or something. Maybe I triggered it." Dean started singing along and smiling as he finished plating dinner.
A couple of nights later, Cas was in his room reading when Henry's voice broke the silence in the room. "Castiel, you have a message. Dean says, 'Please come to my room.' Thank you." Cas looked at the clock on his nightstand. Dean had gone to bed almost an hour prior. He let out a sigh and marked his book before sliding out of his bed and crossing to the door.
Cas exited his room and stepped into an almost pitch-black hallway. He made his way to the bedroom two doors down from his. No lights were peeking out from under Dean's door. He hesitated before knocking. A couple of moments passed by without any stirring, so he knocked again, a little harder.
A groan and grumble sounded through the door, and Cas instantly realized that his initial assumption was correct. Dean had been asleep. He dragged his hand down his face and turned to go back to his room when Dean's door swung open. "Cas?"
"I'm sorry, Dean. I knew you were asleep, but I just got a message from you asking me to come to your room." Cas looked at the floor.
"Uh, like, the bunker system said that I asked you to come to my room?" Cas watched as Dean's eyes fluttered with heavy sleep, and Cas felt a larger pang of guilt.
"Yes. Perhaps you muttered it in your sleep?" Cas silently hoped that were the case.
Dean shrugged. "I mean, maybe? I've been having weird dreams the past couple of nights." Dean yawned and leaned against his door frame. "I mean, didn't Charlie say we can figure out who sent intranet messages?" Dean walked back into his room. "Hey, bunker, who called Cas to Dean's room?"
"Dean did," Henry's voice responded.
"Sorry to worry you, buddy. I must have done it in my sleep." Dean shrugged at Cas, who had followed him into the room. "You mind if I try and get the rest of my four hours?"
"Hopefully, more." Cas turned to exit Dean's room and return to his own when the door slammed shut in front of him. "What?"
Dean walked up next to Cas. "What are the odds we can blame that on the wind?"
"What wind, Dean?"
"I didn't think the bunker could close her own doors." Dean squeezed Cas' shoulder as he walked up to the door. He tried turning the knob to find it wouldn't budge. "Cas, uh, not to doubt my own manliness, but could you come and test this for me?"
Cas walked up to the door and tried twisting the knob, coming to the same result as Dean. "Unlock it, Dean." Cas followed Dean's finger as he pointed to the bolt lock.
"My doorknob doesn't lock, Cas. I think only yours and the one for 17 actually lock on the knob." Dean pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes. "There's no reason my doorknob should be stuck."
"This is stupid." Cas took a step back and lifted his foot up, preparing to kick down the door.
Dean quickly stepped between the door and Cas. "Woah, woah, woah, Cas. Hold on. You said Gramps sent you to me, right?"
"Yes, it told me you requested me." Cas put his foot down slowly and nodded.
"Hey, Henry?" Dean asked to the open air. "Is the door to Dean's room locked?"
Dean held up a finger. "Henry, can you unlock Dean's door?" The mechanism for the doorknob clicked.
"The door is unlocked."
Cas reached for the handle and tested it, turning it. "I guess I jumped to conclusions. My apologies."
"Don't worry about it, Cas." Dean turned and headed back to his bed. "Remember that we need to talk to Charlie and Sam when we're all awake."
"I will. Sleep well, Dean." Cas exited the room and closed the door behind him.
After a thorough inspection from Sam and Charlie, they determined that the situation with the door was a one-off incident, but promised to keep an eye out for anything that may have triggered it.
Dean relaxed a little and decided to spend some time working on the Impala. As he headed towards the garage, he stopped by Cas' room and asked if he wanted to bring a book and keep him company. Cas agreed and said that he'd be behind shortly.
Before long, Dean found himself surrounded by tools, head first in Baby's engine compartment. He found himself relaxing while listening to the sound of Cas turning the pages to whichever one of Dean's books he had borrowed this time. Dean felt great. He felt at peace.
He heard music?
The soft familiar tune of 'Stand By Me' started to play, and Dean lifted his head out of the engine to make sure he wasn't hearing things. "Cas?"
"I hear it too, Dean." Cas had closed the book around his thumb and was looking around. "Do you think the assistant is acting up again?"
"Henry," Dean watched Cas as he decided to shut it off. "Stop playing music." The music faded, and Dean shrugged before turning back into the Impala.
A few more minutes passed, and the music came back, louder than before. Dean let out a heavy sigh. "Cas, if it's not bothering you, I'm just going to let it play."
"It's fine. It's a soothing song." Cas replied, his attention never wavering from the book.
Dean raised an eyebrow but returned to working on Baby. He started cleaning some grime off of the side of the compartment when it started getting harder to see. 
"Uh, Dean?" Cas spoke up, causing Dean to shoot up and his head on the Impala's hood.
"Fuck." Dean rubbed the top of his head and looked around. The lights had dimmed significantly, and a new song started: 'Can't Fight this Feeling.' "Cas, what are you up to?"
"Me? I haven't done a thing. I've been sitting here reading." Cas tilted his head in confusion. "Perhaps we should go find Charlie, as it's happening again. She'll want to know."
Charlie shrugged in confusion when Dean and Cas found her in the Library. She got up and walked over to the War Room and took a look at the computer. Showing the guys that there was no activity as far as she could see.
Dean stormed off back to the garage, frustrated beyond belief. He tossed the tools haphazardly back into the tool chest, knowing that he'd have to straighten them up later, but not caring at the moment. Something strange was going on in the bunker, and it was no coincidence to Dean that it started after Charlie and Sam promised to do more investigation into the assistant system.
Dean finished wiping down Baby and closed her hood before heading out to the Library again. He had hoped to find Charlie there but instead found Cas sitting in his usual spot at the table.
Cas lifted his head at Dean's approach and pointed at the seat across from him. Once Dean sat down, Cas slid a thick file to him.
Dean flipped open the folder and looked at the first few pages, they were electrical schematics and human-made ley lines that were integrated into the bunker. He raised his head and looked at Cas, who lightly shook his head and nodded at the file again. Cas wanted him to be quiet, so Dean would be quiet.
After a few minutes, the lights in the Library started to dim, and Dean looked up to find Cas looking at him too. Cas mouthed the word 'wait' and pointed to the ceiling. A couple of moments later, 'Constant Craving' started playing, breaking the silence in the Library.
Dean licked his upper lip before biting his bottom lip and shaking his head. Dean looked at Cas and pointed to the notebook he was writing in.
Cas put the pen down and slid the book across the table.
Dean picked up the pen and wrote in the notebook, before pushing it back across the table to Cas.
You figured it out too?
Cas looked up after reading the question and nodded. He wrote his response.
Charlie's a tech genius and a witch. The system isn't broken. It's being used against us.
Dean fought back laughter as he tapped the pen against the book.
Witch-in-training, but yeah, she could easily screw with us. Think Sam's in on it too?
Dean pushed the notebook back across the table to Cas, who didn't hesitate to respond.
Dean pulled back the book and chewed on the cap before writing a reply.
Cold, or Hot?
Cas chuckled softly and looked at Dean. He shook his head and placed the pen to paper.
You understand what's going to happen, right?
Dean shrugged.
I don't care anymore.
Cas' eyes lit up.
Then I believe the saying Revenge is best served cold, is it not?
Cas and Dean's eyes met, and they nodded in unison.
Sam had warned Charlie that she might give herself away if she kept playing with Cas and Dean the way she was. She highly doubted it, as there was no trace of her sending the songs to the rooms they were in, or even her having the lights dimmed. Charlie made a point of being nowhere near the War Room when it happened. She also showed Cas how the primary system worked when he asked.
She knew Cas and Dean were crazy for each other. There was no way they weren't with all the crazy ocular intercourse going on between them. Cas would find reasons to spend time with Dean, and Dean would happily give him excuses. Dean would always partner with Cas on cases, leaving Sam to fend for himself or to partner with whoever was helping them.
The guys she cared about spent too much time together for there not to be anything between them, and Charlie knew she could fix that. Dean had confided in her when drunk that he cared deeply about Cas. And Cas, shortly after claiming him as her best friend, had admitted his love for Dean. She tried to give them the confidence to go after the other, but neither ever did. It was at the point where Charlie believed that desperate times called for desperate measures.
After using the app she made to get Henry to rig the music and mood lighting in the Library, Charlie disappeared into the kitchen. She made a pot of coffee and sat back, hoping to hear something from the boys. What she hadn't expected was the massive backfire that blew through the kitchen.
"I'm done, Cas!" Dean's voice echoed in the kitchen.
"Dean, I swear, it wasn't me. I don't know half of the songs." Cas was pleading, and the sound of his voice cracking tore at Charlie's heart. "Dean, I have always been blunt, I have always told you how I feel."
Dean had opened the fridge, grabbing a beer, but he slammed the door shut at Cas' proclamation. "Really? Cause there are a lot of times where you've hidden your feelings!"
"And you're one to talk, Dean Winchester!" Cas yelled back.
Charlie paled.
"Oh yeah, remind me again about my Daddy Issues, Cas. Like you don't have your own!" Dean twisted the cap off his beer and tossed it on the kitchen island where it skipped across and fell on the floor.
"You have more issues than that!" Cas bit back. "Mr. 'My Life Isn't Worth Anything.' Always self-sacrificing. One day we're not going to be able to get you back again."
Charlie curled up in the corner and texted Sam. In a matter of moments, Sam ran into the kitchen.
"What purpose do I have to come back? A coward who can't tell me how he really feels? He has to use music to get his point across." Dean scoffed. "Constant Craving, really, Cas?"
Charlie blushed and looked over to Sam, who was staring at her. He mouthed at her, but she couldn't make out the words. She signed, thanks to her lessons from Eileen, "Dean came storming in, yelling at Cas for being a coward."
"Come clean!" Sam signed back urgently.
"Guys!" Charlie called out. "Dean!"
"Not now, Charlie. Cas needs to come clean." Dean slammed his bottle on the island.
Cas' hands fell to his sides in an open gesture. "Come clean about what, Dean? I did not tamper with the system. I was with you every time the music started, and you admit you didn't hear me say a thing. I didn't do a thing!"
"How else would the system know where we're at?" Dean pointed at Cas. "You figured out how to speak in some Angel-Jedi-Bullshit."
"No, he didn't!" Charlie yelled, putting a stop to their fighting. Cas and Dean turned to face her. "I did it. It was me. I picked the songs, I screwed with the lights. I knew where you were at, cause I looked for you then scampered away." She cringed back, ready for the pair to yell at her.
What she didn't expect was the laughter from the pair.
She looked up and saw Cas walking over to Dean, who was leaning against the island. "What's so funny?"
"Guys?" Sam walked down next to Charlie and stared at the pair. "You two were literally just yelling and screaming at each other. What's going on?"
Dean stood up and wrapped his arm around Cas' waist before kissing him on the cheek. "Combination of revenge and coming clean."
"Revenge?" Charlie looked back and forth between Cas and Dean. "Revenge for what?"
"Charlie, did you not think we wouldn't figure you out?" Cas wrapped his arm behind Dean's back and pulled him in closer. "The timing, the choices, they were too convenient."
Sam snorted out a laugh. "I told you, Charlie."
"Don't act innocent in this, Sammy. I know without a doubt you picked 'Thank You' and 'Can't Fight this Feeling.'" Dean pointed at Sam. "Who's idea was the locked door?"
"Mine," Charlie replied as Sam threw her under the bus with his own pointing gesture.
"Well, hate to break it to you, Kiddo." Dean rested his head on Cas' shoulder. "Cas and I have been together for years."
"Years?" Sam repeated. "Can you get a little more precise on that?"
Cas shrugged in apathy when Dean turned to get his permission. "Since, uh... before Purgatory," Dean confessed.
"Holy shit." Sam leaned against the doorway for support. "I mean, I'm pretty sure a part of me knew, but... Dude, you can't keep things like that secret. How did you manage?"
"We did it to protect each other," Cas replied instead of Dean. "We know that we can be used against the other. It was easier to hide those feelings in public and save them for private."
"Oh my god." Charlie startled in realization. "That's why there was no hesitation in going to Dean's room."
Cas laughed. "To be fair, I was skeptical, especially when the lights were out in his room, and the message came through the automation system." Cas looked and smiled at Dean. "But yes, we usually message the other when the coast is clear."
"So, you're okay with telling us now?" Sam's voice was laced with skepticism. "How do we know you're not fucking with us now?"
"We knew that we would really have to go at each other to sell the performance." Dean clarified. "We made sure that we chose items that we'd be okay with throwing at the other, and we agreed to come clean to make sure you knew that we are okay." Dean stood up straight. "Plus, we figured you two would drop the matchmaking schtick."
Charlie hung her head. "I'm sorry. I pushed you two to this."
"Hey, Kiddo. Look at us."
Charlie lifted her head. 
"Do we look mad, Charlie?" Cas asked.
"No." She shook her head.
"Annoyed, maybe. But we're good. And you know what?" Dean smiled at Charlie before turning to Cas. "I was tired of hiding, anyway." Dean leaned in for a kiss, claiming Cas' lips with his own.
"Just remember Charlie, you brought this on yourself," Sam stated as he backed out of the kitchen and ran to his room.
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punished-lamb · 4 years
Mob’s Bizarre Adventure
Summary: This is a short spin-off story that involves Mob and Reigen preventing an evil demon from taking over MobDonalds. There are many exciting twists and turns as our heroes deal with this great mysterious threat. It’s very tongue and cheek.
Word Count: 2098
a/n: This is a goofy story contained in the Mob Psycho world that involves wacky high jinx and plentiful amounts of corn. This is my first posting, so enjoy the show and please leave any comments you want, thank you.
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All was normal in Seasoning City, there hasn’t been a huge psychic threat in a while. Mob and Reigen only had to worry about the small exorcism work around town, so they could enjoy their personal lives better. The steady work flow isn’t much of a bother to either of them as it allows for a nice daily task.
Recently, Mob has been tasked with a daily mission, where he must exorcise a recurring demon at the local MobDonalds. Every day he is required to wear a corn cob costume and spin a sign to scare off the looming demon, or that’s at least what Reigen told him. Mob spends a few hours each day outside the establishment with him levitating the sign above his head as he wiggles his fingies in the air for extra flare. The sign reads “MobDonalds limited time exclusive Corn Mobs on a stick” for their new promotion.
Mob tries to stay enthused during his current assignment, but it’s starting to get him after doing it for the past 4 days. He just moves that sign like a good little boy for what seems like forever. As time passes more and more people are attracted to the establishment by Mob’s twirling. Luckly, Mob hasn’t encountered anyone he knows as he does this act, especially not Tsubomi. As Mob begins to doubt how much the is helping the demon problem, Tome spots him in his Corn Mob set up. She walks over with her sexy pink DS in her pocket. She asks, “Uhhh...Mob, why are you a corn?”
“Master said that if I do this, it’ll deter the demon that wishes to demolish this restaurant chain” said Mob in his usual monotone voice.
Tome gives a smug look, like if you rated her out of 10 on how smug she looked, that bitch would be SMUG. “You’re still taking those wack ass jobs, look at yourself, you’re a corn Mob, a corn.”
“I guess this task was a little out of the ordinary” Mob says as he looks down at the ground with the corn costume™ hiding his mouth in slight shame.
“Did he even tell you what the name of this “demon” was, Mob?” Tome asks, doubting the entire assignment.
Mob looks back at Tome and says, “Burger King”. Tome can’t believe how dumb that sounded. She tells him to get out of that costume as she goes to get them two corn mobs.
Mob walks to the bathroom that is located on the side of the building to get out of the corn costume™. He enters the men’s section and squeezes out of the costume from the head whole. The bathroom looks quite immaculate with every surface shining. Mob washes his face by the sink to get some of the sweat off from standing in the sun all day. He wiggles all the water off so he is no longer damp. He takes his corn costume™ and leaves the bathroom.
Mob sees Tome stand outside the MobDonalds with two corn mobs on a stick. She is already suckling hers because of the butter melting on it. “There you are Mob, took you long enough, your corn mob is drippy '', Tome calls out. Mob stares at the melty corn mob admiringly. “Uh, Mob. Get rid of that raggy costume already, it smells like ass bro.”
Mob throws the corn costume™ into its designated costume bin by the mobdonals gate. He then snags his corn mob from Tome’s delicious buttery hand. Mob thanks her for getting him a nice little treat as they walk around town together. The two suclke their corn mobs together as they chat about after school clubs.
As the two continue to chat, Mob’s phone begins to ring. Mob answers only to hear Reigen’s shouting voice, “Mob!!! Where’s the Corn Mob, Mob!!!”
“Uhhh...Corn Mob got a corn mob” said Mob hoping master won’t be as mad.
“YOU WHAT!!! Mob this job is of utmost importance, all these people are around this restaurant without a powerful corn esper to protect it. Think of the kids Mob” Reigen said angrily, clenching a corn mob in his hand
“Not to be rude but you never told me how a corn and esper hybrid was supposed to ward off a demon” Mob asked as Tome is devouring the corn mob in spectacular fashion.
“Mob, babycakes, you know demons work in unique ways” Reigen sighs, “Besides, you should have at least told me you felt for today, the MobDonalds manager is flipping out without its corn mob.”
“Sorry master, I guess it was spur of the moment,” Mob said  while nibbling his corn mob.
Reigen responds with slight disappointment, “It’s okay, I’ll go take over, I’ll see ya later Mob.”
“Okay, see you, master” Mob hangs up and continues his hangout with Tome. They plan on heading to the shopping center and hanging out for the rest of the day.
As Mob goes on to enjoy the rest of his free day, Reigen is stuck in an undersized corn costume™, sweating his ass off with an advertising sign. “Oh my god, I didn’t know this suit was such a pain in the ass,” Reigen exclaimed with sweat covering his forehead. He had been taking Mob’s spot for what seemed like hours, but in reality was about 37 and a half minutes. Reigen passed the time in the by suckling as many corn mobs as he needed. And boy did he suckle them good…...what, anyways he was out there for a long time.
Reigen struggles to pull in as many customers as Mob did due to him not being able to spin the sign as skillfully. In fact, he keeps fumbling it on the ground. As he goes to pick up the sign, a little boy points at him and tugs his mother’s skirt. “Mommy, mommy look. There’s an old bum dressed as a corn mob,” yelled the snot nosed boy.
“Now, now, don’t make fun of the homeless Timmy,” the mother reprimanded her son as she dragged him away.
Reigen overheard the mother and boy duo and shattered his ego more than it was before. He grits his teeth and in that moment he decides that he is done for today. He angrily atoms to the bathroom area with his corn leaves rustling. He plops out of the corn costume™ and throws it in the outside dumpster. “Humf, serves that thing right.” He kicks the dumpster and stubs his toe. “Ack!!!”
Reigen proceeds to scream at the dumpster. But little did he know the chain reaction he just started. Although he didn’t take the Burger King demon seriously, there was trouble brewing there due to there not being a Corn Mob guardian in front of the MobDonalds establishment during its limited time offer.
Reigen notices a cold waft of air behind him. This alarming feeling causes him to turn around. He sees a burger king crown laying on the ground. His eyes widen as the ground starts to shake. Panic spreads throughout the MobDonalds line as the establishment begins to sink into the ground. A tiny mountain emerges with a Burger King on top of it. Reigen freaks out and calls Mob.
While all that was happening, Mob was still hanging out with Tome as they had a fun and exciting day in an Ikea. They have just exited the Swidish furniture store with meatball platters in hands. Mob’s phone starts playing Shawty Like a Melody as a ringtone for Reigen. Tome is quick to blurt out, “Oh my, it’s not who I think it is is it”
Mob just stares directly into Tome’s eyes as his eyes get increasingly bigger. Mob answers his absurdly tiny phone to hear Reigen freaking out. “Holy...MOB,MOB,MOB listen! You need to get over to MobDonalds right no…” Beep Beep Beep. Reigen was cut off due to an unknown reason.
“Tome, I think I need to go to MobDonalds now, master seems to be having trouble,” said Mob as he threw away his meatball platter.
Tome squints in confusion“Wha...alright, well imma head back home. I have to put these meatballs in the fridge for later.” The two say their goodbyes and part ways. Tome seems a little annoyed Mob had to be taken away for work on such short notice.
Mob rushes like Sonic down the street back to where the mountain has erected itself. He sees Reigen at the bottom of the mini mountain with the Burger King on top. Mob greets his master as Reigen fills him in on what happened
After Mob hears the story about the mini mount Burger King, it’s clear that there is only one thing left to do. Mob retrieves the corn costume™ from the dumpster and flies up to the Burger King door with both hands in the air. He slowly opened the door to see the man behind it all. A vocaloid voice can be heard from the shadows, “Haha, I see we have a corn mob on the loose, looks like it's time to double down on the serving.” It was none other than Hatsune Miku holding a whopper, standing while a smug smile.
“Miss Miku, why did you want to destroy the MobDonalds?” asked Mob with his wittle voice.
Miku scoffed, “Noob, can’t you see, MobDonalds’ new promotion only stands in the way of my new promotion with Burger King-sama.” Her face looked very evil with her smile going ear to ear as she took a bite from her whopper.
“Miku, can’t you see, nothing but harm was brought to the people you're trying to sell to. Look at them, down there. They’re screaming for their lives.” Progression toward Mob’s explosion has risen to 69% due to Miku's neglectful actions.
She laughs in vocaloid. “Nothing more than a minor loss to my profit margin, HEHEHE MWAHAHAHAHA”
“No! Don’t you see, they’re more than a profit margin. They’re more than loyal and valued customers, they’re the life and soul of this community. And I’m beginning to think that they don’t need this so called whopper,” progression toward Mob’s explosion had risen to 76%
Miku cracks her knuckles and lets out a high pitched squeal that shatters the windows. “You’re just like one of them, esper or not. Nothing more than a little bug for me to squash.” She throws her whopper at Mob and starts to float and glows purple.
Mob’s corn costume™ got stained from the mess of a burger that was thrown. Progression toward Mob’s explosion grew to 90% as he stared at the pile of tomato, onion, lettuce, and meat. Miku proceeded to laugh at Mob, taunting him further. “Alright, it’s time to end this man’s whole career!!!”
Miku begins to float across the Burger King floor toward Mob as the progression toward his explosion reaches 100%. Mob goes and does the only thing he can think of. He reaches down into his pocket and throws a corn mob at Miku. It knocks her on the forehead, leaving a buttery mark on her head. It starts to sizzle and boil causing Miku to scream in immense pain until she turns into dust and blows away.
Mob floats out of the Burger King as it sinks back into the Earth. He lands near Reigen and Dimple while MobDonalds rises back up and everything goes back to normal. “Woah Mob, that was quick,” Reigen said with a thumbs up
“Yeah, Miku wanted Burger King to rule the world but I had to stop her,” Mob explained while looking intently at his master.
“Well regardless, let's take a break, it’s been a long day” Reigen patted Mob’s little corn head
“Wait a minute, Dimble, when did you get here. Why did you appear so late in this story?” Mob questioned while staring at his floating green friend.
Dimple explained, “Well ya see, the author forgot to write me in earlier because he was too busy thinking of Tome’s feet to include me,” Mob and Reigen just stare at him like he has no idea what he is talking about. “What!? It was his fault not mine.” Dimple crossed his arms in anger.
Mob and Reigen are still confused but just shrug their shoulders and go along with it. “Anyways, let’s go relax at the office, maybe there might be a new job wait.” They all walk off as the credits roll.
Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for me to get back to playing animal crossing new horizons on nintendo switch.
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thatfanficstuff · 5 years
So Pretty
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Jerk in the grocery store, polyamorous relationship, fluff
A/N: This is for @just-add-butter who was my assigned Valentine. Hope you like the fic lovey. And you have one more small thing coming in a bit. This is part of @teamcap4bucky‘s Valentine Moodboard Challenge. Thank you for hosting!
There were few chores that you despised more than grocery shopping. It wasn’t so bad when it was just for you, but you lived with the Avengers. Most of the time you ordered the groceries and picked them up but you’d returned early from a mission and the fridge and cupboards were nearly bare.
When you headed out to the store, you’d intended to shop for your apartment only. That was enough of a task when you lived with two super soldiers and their increased metabolism. Once your teammates heard where you were going, you’d had one request after another until you were shopping for everyone. You’d agreed on the condition that Tony foot the bill. You could have covered it on your own, but that was beside the point. Being a superhero paid surprisingly well and your boys both had more money than they knew what to do with after receiving compensation from the government thanks to Tony’s well-paid attorneys.
Bucky and Steve had taken pity on you and come with you to do the shopping and you’d divided the list up so you could get done faster. You were in the produce aisle as you didn’t trust anyone else to make quality choices. You were comparing the list to your cart to see what other fruits and vegetables you needed when someone interrupted.
“That’s a lot of produce you’ve got there.”
You glanced to the man that had spoken and gave him a tight smile. “Well, it’s meant to feed a lot of people.”
“Do you own a restaurant or something? I bet you do. You look like a chef.” You blinked a couple of times at that. Just what did a chef look like, you wondered.
“Nope. Not a chef.” You shook your head once to emphasize your point and went back to checking your list.
“You look very familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?”
You suppressed a sigh and looked back to the man. He was handsome enough you supposed with close cropped blonde hair and the shadow of a beard on a square jaw, but you didn’t recognize him. “I don’t think so, sorry.”
“No. I’m sure I know you,” he insisted and stepped closer to you.
You arched a brow and pressed your lips into a thin line. This guy couldn’t take a hint. “Perhaps you do, but I don’t know you and I have shopping to do. If you’ll excuse me.” Being an Avenger meant you were a public figure whether you liked it or not so you tried to be polite whenever possible, but this guy was annoying you.
You turned your back to him as you counted apples and oranges. A hand grasped your elbow and you froze. No way was this guy that stupid. But as you turned slowly, you saw it was indeed the same man. “Did you just touch me?” You pitched your voice so it was louder than it had been, but not so loud you’d be overheard. Unless you happened to be shopping with a couple of super soldiers that were attuned to the sound of your voice, that is.
The man in front of you frowned. “I’m just trying to get your attention that’s all. It’s rude to turn your back on someone when they’re talking to you.”
“It’s also rude to force someone to talk to you when they clearly don’t want to. I think perhaps you need a refresher course in manners.” You crossed your arms over your chest and arched a brow as you spoke to him.
He laughed, a deep rumbling sound that rolled up from his belly. He evidently found you amusing. “And who’s going to give it to me? You?”
“Ordinarily, yes. But as I said I have shopping to do.” You shifted your gaze from him to the men behind him. “This man needs to learn to leave a lady alone when she’s not interested.”
“That so?” Steve said, his blue eyes sparking with anger. He knew you were fully capable of handling yourself, which made it that much more satisfying when you let him do it for you.
Hearing Steve’s deep voice, the man turned and his eyes went wide as he took in your soldiers. “Now listen fellas—”
“I don’t think he wants to talk to us, Steve. Perhaps we should escort him outside and have a discussion about boundaries.” The wicked grin that accompanied Buck’s statement had you smiling.
“I think that’s a great idea.” Steve tossed an arm around the man’s shoulders to steer him toward the door. They wouldn’t actually hurt him, but they’d scare him enough that he might think twice about the way he treats women.
“Hurry back, boys. We’ve got shopping to finish,” you instructed as you grabbed the front of the cart they’d left behind and pulled it after you so you could keep filling both of them.
“Yes, dear,” came in unison as they headed outside with their new friend.
“That was…fantastic,” a voice said, catching your attention. You glanced up to find a petite woman staring between you and the front of the store with wide eyes. “That guy’s a jerk. He’s always bothering me when I come in here.”
You grinned at her. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that any more by the time the boys are finished.”
She nodded as if still in a bit of a daze. “Are they both with you? I mean are you with them? I mean—I’m sorry, that’s probably none of my business.”
You heard Steve and Buck talking and laughing as they came back into the store and you turned to smile at them. Catching your eye, they both smiled back and your insides went warm as they always did when they turned that attention on you. “Yeah, they’re mine,” you said as you turned back to her. “They were just so pretty I couldn’t decide so I kept them both.” You gave a little shrug of your shoulders.
She returned your smile as the boys reclaimed their cart. Arms wrapped around you from behind and you knew without checking that it was Bucky. By this point, you could tell them apart blindfolded. You knew this for a fact after they got bored one night and decided to test you. He nestled his face into your neck and pressed a kiss just below your ear. “Making friends, doll?”
“Actually, the guy you got rid of has been harassing her as well,” you explained.
Steve pushed his cart up until it was even with yours and he leaned over to give you a kiss. When he pulled away, he turned his attention to the other woman. “I don’t think you’ll need to be worrying about him anymore.”
“Sorry to hurry off, but we have ice cream,” Bucky said nudging you forward.
You turned to look at him. “I told you to get that last so it’s not all melty. I hate that.”
He shrugged. “I didn’t get ours yet. Just Clint’s and Sam’s.”
You chuckled as you shook your head. Of course. You glanced between the carts. While you hadn’t gotten everything on the list, you had enough here to last for a couple of days. “Go grab ours then let’s get out of here before you guys cause any more trouble.”
Bucky took over pushing your cart and huffed a laugh. “Yeah, we’re the ones causing trouble.”
Steve grinned at you as he followed behind Buck. “You do realize that we chase guys off from you nearly every time we go out?”
You shrugged as you grasped his arm and leaned your head against it while you walked. “What can I say? I’m a catch.”
Both men laughed and Steve was still chuckling as he leaned over to kiss the top of your head. “That you are, doll.”
As you slid into a line, Bucky turned and motioned for you to come to him. You did, resting your head against his chest as his arms wrapped around you. “Thanks for keeping us, Y/N.”
Your face heated slightly and you turned so you were buried more tightly against his chest. “Heard that, did you?”
There was a sound of agreement from both men. “I don’t know how I feel about being called pretty,” Steve admitted.
You shrugged. “Then I suppose you should have tried harder to be ugly.”
Their laughter surrounded you. And there, in the middle of the afternoon, as you waited in line at the supermarket, you were with the men you loved and you couldn’t have been happier. 
Marvel:  @evyiione @gabriellewritermua @reblogger-not-a-blogger @youclickedthislink 
All the Things:  @swanky-batman @rissyrapp20 @startrekkingaroundasgard @spooookyscary @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @collette04 @shatteredabby @laneygthememequeen
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genghisconeat · 4 years
Quarantine has me eating two dinners a day...
Sorry to my zero readers, I am starting off this recipe with a story. I am a New Moon Leo, I cannot help myself. 
The LA lockdown has me indulging the devil on my shoulder aka my second dinner stomach. Second dinner stomach does not want to eat kale. Second dinner stomach is not interested in lean meets. Second dinner stomach does not give a fuck about my 9-5 lactose intolerance. I think this body part is a close coworker to my quarantine liver. Liver working the “it is okay to drink at 3pm” circuit. Maybe fear of unemployment leads to frontal lobe damage in 28-year old petite asian girls. People of science, let me know. 
I made this recipe while listening to “XS” by japanese-anglo queen Rina Sawayama, who my blessed friend George introduced me to two sunsets ago. On repeat. No ear buds. Sorry my dear husband. 
So many apologies. My inner Cancer is SCREAMING. 
The Inspiration: I have been watching a ton of korean street food videos and have been craving spicy rice cakes. I had no rice cakes at home, but thankfully had some gnocchi. Despite my love of potatoes, I am generally indifferent to gnocchi and had only grabbed it in my first pandemic-panic shopping spree. Good choices under pressure. 
Toasted Gnocchi with Kimchi Butter Sauce
Serving Size: Party of 1 
1 pound potato gnocchi
1/2 onion finely chopped
4 - 8 garlic cloves to taste 
3/4 cup napa cabbage kimchi 
1/2 cup kimchi juice 
4 tbsp unsalted butter
2 tbsp olive oil (enough to saute onions and garlic if not using bacon fat)
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp kosher salt
Pepper to taste (a whole lot for me)
Cool but not necessary
2 strips of bacon 
1/4 cup of red pasta sauce (or 1 tbsp of red pepper paste?) idk thought it might work
1 green onion
Dice onions, mince garlic, chop green onions (use the white part too, it won’t bite), chop kimchi. Chopped kimchi should be similar in size if slightly bigger than diced onion. Set aside.
If using bacon, start here: 
Cut bacon into chocolate chips sized bits. M&M size works too. In a dutch oven render our the fat on the bacon bits. Do this on low heat so we can get all the fat out without cooking through the bacon. We do not want any burnt bits. When most of the fat is cooked out, try to scrape out bacon with a spoon. At this moment, members of the Bon Apetit test kitchen would delicately remove the bacon with a slotted spoon or perhaps a fish spatula. As I have been trying to save money and curb my drunk Amazon prime shopping, these items are not at my disposal...yet. Set aside bacon preferably in the bowl you will be eating with. For the sole purpose of doing fewer dishes. I used one of those shallow pasta bowls. 
If using olive oil, start here
Heat olive oil (or use leftover bacon fat). Toss in onions. On medium-low heat, cook onions for 3 minutes. Then throw in minced garlic. Cook for another 2 minutes. I am always nervous to burn garlic because I hate starting over and will end up just eating burnt garlic. Fun. So aromatic. So refined. 
Turn heat up to medium and throw in chopped kimchi. Let this cook for 5 minutes. Pour kimchi juice at this time and cook for another 5 minutes. Reduce heat back to medium-low and add in 2 tbsp of butter, sugar, pepper, salt, and tomato sauce (optional). Let the butter melt down and cook for another 5 minutes. Or whenever it looks like it is one sauce, one world. Then try best to scoop and place in same bowl as bacon. The sauce should be pretty oily because of all the bacon and butter. Try to get all of the oil out if possible. I think there is flavor in there. If not flavor, a few cents of butter. And in this economy, those butter-pennies are not to be wasted. Set aside. 
Now I have this dirty dutch oven. I use a towel to hold the handles, then bring it to sink to rinse with water. Try to get any burnt bits off, it is okay if it is still a bit greasy. Wipe down so surface is not wet. Again, greasy is okay. 
Because of poor time management and inability to more than one thing at a time, I now start to boil water. You could have done this earlier, but I did not want to stress myself out. I usually start the boiling water in an electric water boiler while I fill the pasta pot to 1 inch of water and let that try to start to boil on the stove. The inch of water is so the pot is not just ripping hot by itself on the stove. I have this unverified worry that heating an empty bot is somehow dangerous or bad for the pot. Though the resolution may be one google search, I prefer to manage my trauma with one inch of water. Once electric kettle water is boiling, I pour into the bowling 1 inch of water. Have I saved time? I am unsure. Do I continue to do this? Every time. 
From here, throw the gnocchi into water. I chose not to salt the water because the gnocchi is only there for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, drain gnocchi. No need to reserve any pasta water. That is usually when I burn myself anyway. Shake the drainer furiously. The intention is to get the gnocchi pretty dry because we are going to toast it. The water might make it steamy. This could be a good time to pat down the gnocchi with a towel. Paper towels are in limited supply at grocery stores, so I am opting to conserve. 
In the dutch oven heat up 2 tbsp of butter over medium-low heat. When butter is warm and shiny, put in half of gnocchi for toasting. It should be light to medium brown, but not black. After 1 minute, flip gnocchi to crisp other side. I honestly just tossed it around and hoped for the best. If you are a person of purpose, you can flip each gnocchi with chopsticks. I was hungry. Let second side toast for 1 more minute. Remove gnocchi and put in eating bowl that has bacon and kimchi sauce. The butter probably has separated at this point. But I really have no idea to help myself or you with that problem. Toast rest of gnocchi repeating same steps as above. 
When the second half is done toasting, throw everything in the eating bowl back into the dutch oven. At this point, because doing two things at once is hard, everything is probably not warm. Cook everything together for 10 minutes on medium heat, stir frequently to avoid burning. If you think it is overcooking stop earlier. 
Pour contents of dutch oven back into eating bowl. Sprinkle green onions over top. We have finished cooking. Your second stomach bellows out in victory. Walla walla. Eat alone. 
Pairing Notes: I ate this with a glass of chardonnay that I got a discounted 2 bottles for $10 at the supermarket. It was fine and divine all at once. Something I would have loved to add is some mozzarella cheese, maybe at the end, just so it gets a little melty. Maybe 1/4 cup? Maybe 1/2 a cup? Maybe 1/4 cup inside pasta? And another 1/4 side mozzarella for snacking? All reasonable additions. 
Personal Notes: It is really strange to be using tumblr at 28 versus when I first got an account in high school. It is way less fun seeing a penis gif on here than it used to be. 
Hope you enjoy the recipe! <3
Peace and pizza,
Connie, the Amateur who Tries 
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ashhdaniellee95 · 5 years
Will You Marry Me? × Antonio Dawson
|DECEMBER 09 • Antonio's POV|
"I've thought about this for a very long time, because I really like, well love this woman that I've been dating for about 2 1/2 years, and I thinks it's time I find a ring for her. One of her friends told me her ring size and now I'm going to each jewelery store to find the right ring. I've looked at a handful of stores, but nothing pops out, so I go on to the next one and hope something catches my eye."
He walks in, and a jeweler welcomes him to the store and asks what brings him in. He tells him he's looking for a ring for his girlfriend and that he going to propose on Christmas but he has to find the right one first.
So the jeweler, whose name is Ghephrey, shows Antonio a few rings that would look nice on her finger, but nothing that stands out to him, so they keep looking.
They look at every single ring they have and Antonio tells the man which ones to hold on to because one of them might be a winner.
As Antonio looks at rings over again, he gets a call, and pulls it from his pocket to see who it was; his girlfriend. So he told the jeweler man to be quiet cause doesn't want her find out, then answers. "Hey baby. What's up?" She smiles. "Oh nothing, just having lunch with Hannah," {Hannah was her cousin, he remembered}, "Oh, how's that's going?" She swallowed a piece of food before she spoke.
"Good. They're talking about having a family soon." He smiles. "Oh that's good. How is she doing?" "She's good, she's in the bathroom, so I thought I'd call you for a few minutes while she's in there." He smiles, "Well that was thoughtful." "Yeah, I tend to think a lot about you." "I'm glad." "Yeah." He hears her take a bite of something she was eating, then swallows. "She just got back from the bathroom, so I'll call you later baby. I love you." He smiles, "I love you too." As they hung up, the thought in the back of his mind says 'she has no idea'.
His thoughts come back in play, as he continues to look for the perfect ring for his perfect girlfriend.
|DECEMBER 09 • Annaleigh POV|
After lunch with Hannah, I leave and go to Mom's for a couple of hours and sit and talk about nothing, but mainly about Antonio. My mom really loves Antonio, says he's the best thing that's happened to me. I agree, and we continue talking.
About another two hours later, I leave and head home. Me and Antonio moved in a few months ago after he asked me to. And I of course said yes. I mean, who wouldn't want to move in with their best friend.
Anyways, I get home and pull of my shoes at the door, and put my keys in the bowl with 'keys' in my handwriting (cause it was neater), and my stuff on the kitchen counter, then lay down on the couch for a little while.
When I wake up (about an hour or so later), I hear the door being quietly shut, and very little quiet movement. I guess he saw me asleep and didn't wanna wake me up. Nice.
It got quiet for a few minutes not knowing what he was doing, but I was too tired to get up and find out.
I lay there a little longer, till I feel two hands carefully pick my head up, sit down, then carefully place my head on a pillow. I smile at that. And without opening my eyes, I say hello. "Hi, baby. It's good to see you." I hear him chuckle, "Yeah, I know. It's good to see you too. How long have you been home for?" I open my eyes to look into his. "Not long, bout an hour or so. Why? What's up?" He smiles. "Oh nothing. Just wanted to spend as much time with you before I have to go back to work tomorrow." "Well, you can do that by grabbing us a beer and a few snacks while I get a movie started. But it's your choice where you want to watch it." He smiles. "See, that right there is why I love you." She smiled. "I love you too." She comes to him with a sweet kiss on the lips.
"Let's watch it in our bedroom. More comfortable." She smiled. "Okay. Just meet me in there with the stuff." He nods his head as she walks upstairs to their shared bedroom and gets the movie(s) setup.
As she makes the bed fluffier and got a movie started, he comes in with four beers and a bunch of snacks (sour patch kids, Sour Skittles, cookies, tortilla chips and dips), and he puts it on the table at the end of their bed.
They each grab a beer and a snack and then get settled for the movie.
About two and half, three hours later, the movie ends and she's asleep. He quietly moves away from her warm body to take the stuff down to the kitchen.
After he finishes putting everything away, he looks at his watch for the time; 09:15pm. He goes back into the shared master bedroom and sees she's still asleep, so he grabs a pen and piece of paper and writes her a quick note, and grabs some clothes to get a shower, then head's into the bathroom.
Ten minutes later, she wakes up to an empty room, but to hear the shower running. She looks on either side of the bed on the night stands for a note, and sure enough, on her side was a note, in his cute but little messy handwriting: 'hey baby, I'm in the shower. i'll be out in a little bit. love you.' and at the end of the note, was a heart and a kissy face.
She smiled to herself and thought about something, before she herself grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom.
Once she got in there, she stripped herself naked, then whistled. His head perked out from the curtain, "I see you got my note." She smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah, I did. And I wanted to join you. So you can, you know get a good night sleep, since you have to be in early." He laughed to himself and smiled. "You were always the spontaneous one." "Yeah. So can I join you? I'll be sure to give you a wild ride." Without hesitation, he pulled her into the shower with him and they started making out under the water.
He made a trail down her neck and whispered something dirty in her ear, that made her giggle and shiver at the same time. He leaves a bruise on her neck and tells her to jump and wrap her legs around him, and she complies and does as told.
Once she wraps her legs around his torso, he enters her slowly with passion, and they start making love, right there in the shower, against the opposite side of the shower door.
Things started to get hot and heavy as he pounds into her, making her clench around him, screaming and crying his name out with intensity, "Ahh, Antonio!!", "Mmhmm, right there, right there!", and "yesss, just like that, oh my God." were other things that she purposely and spontaneously spit out from her mouth as he pounds into her, harder and faster than before.
It was like that for an hour, back and forth, the dirtiest of things he said in her ear to make her scream more and more to make her clench more and more, that made her cum and have orgasms, faster and harder, that eventually made them both cum at the same time, her cuming and orgasming all over his cock, and his hot salty cum, pouring and spewing all inside of her, making her head fall back, her toes curl, and her back arch up to it's absolute maximum height.
That was the reason she loved him for who he was, because he was good at sex, wherever the placed they deemed good enough so they wouldn't get caught in public.
After they calmed down, their bodies touching each other, and their heart beating rapidly, they went at it again, wanting to feel all that goodness they felt when they hit their high, when he hit her g-spot that made her rapidly scream his name from the top of her lungs, rolling off her lips so smooth and melty like it was butter.
It was more intense, the way he snapped his hips into her vagina, back and forth, the way she screamed for mercy every time he pushed his turso up inside her making her want more, the way he was leaving bruises and hickies everywhere his lips and mouth went, and everytime she pulled his hair at the nape of his neck from the orgasms he made her have each time, making them both succumbing to each other, made it sweet and loving, but yet at the same time, sexy and hot and passionate between the both of them.
He came inside her once more, before kissing the top of her head, then kissing her lips sweetly.
She slowly got off him, and they both stood under the shower head to feel the warmth of the water running down their heated bodies, from the amazing sex session they just had.
They let their bodies cool down before helping each other wash and rinse their bodies then one by one getting out and drying off, then clothing themselves.
After they had finished all of that, it was close to 11 o'clock at night, and they decided to head to bed.
|Annaleigh's POV|
A couple weeks had passed, the sex sessions between Antonio and me, getting better and better with each passing time.
It was now 11:43pm on Christmas Eve, and she still had no idea what was going to happen at midnight, which was less than 20 minutes away.
All of Antonio's and Anna's friends and family had shown up, each one bringing something when they came and showed up at the front door.
It was a tradition, getting together a few hours before Christmas, to celebrate friends and family coming together. I guess that's why he wanted a big house, so he could have big tables to fit in the big house (4 bed, 4 baths, very high ceilings). The celebration started off with a toast, to Antonio and I, letting everyone come over to our home this time, instead of us and others going separately to his friends and families houses, and the same to me.
After the toast, they got started by saying grace, then go down the food line, one by one everyone pilling their plates with food.
After everyone ate, they passed presents around each person the present was for.
His parents gave me, I mean us, some more stuff for the kitchen, and some things for the bedrooms and bathrooms. A few of his friends gave him a few boxes of condoms. Nobody knew though, just me and him and the friend(s) that gave them to him.
His sister gave us something for us to enjoy when were alone, and also his and hers cups and placemats for the bathroom.
And hour before midnight, half of the party left (his parents and sister, my parents and brothers), and it was just our friends. His daughter and son wanted to stay at a friend's house, so he let them, so it can just be us adults tonight.
We chatted and talked among ourselves, about different things, the men obviously talking about sex, and the women talking about God knows what, until I hear Antonio from across the room, wanting everyone's attention, and asking for me to come stand beside him. I walk up to him and give him a hug, and he returns the hug, but with also a kiss on my lips.
"I want to thank everyone for coming tonight to celebrate Christmas with us, and to be able to make it at such a late time in the day," he looks down at his watch, "and I want to say thank you to Anna, for being my rock, for being there for me when I was down, and I think a lot about you, and um, I wanted to ask you a question," he grabs something from under the tree that's behind us, and unwrap it to reveal a small black velvet box, and my mind goes ballistic and wild, knowing what he's about to do. "I felt that it would be good to do this in front of our friends," he stands in front of me and drops down to one knee and asks, "Annaleigh Browers, will you marry me and be my wife, forever??" I smile so hard, I can barely contain myself, and blurt out, "yes! Yes yes yes, a million times yes!! Oh my God." My hands starts shaking, as he takes the ring out from the box, and slips it onto my left ring finger. He jumps up and hugs me and spins me around as everyone around claps and wolf whistles. {ring}
We celebrated and talked more, until we all went to bed, Antonio letting them stay the night, since it was past 1 o'clock in the morning.
When Antonio and I went to bed, we celebrated our engagement, the only way we knew how; sex all night long. And I'm pretty sure our friends heards us and started laughing their asses off.
He made me orgasm so many times, I clenched around him, all of my body felt the intensity of my orgasms, and his body also felt the intensity of his orgasms too, we came undone together, feeling everything ten times better than a few weeks ago. He really is putting the meaning to 'great in bed' to a whole new level. 👅
And I guess it looks like I have to get ready for a wedding soon. And maybe, just maybe, a family too. 🙏😄👰🤵⛪👩‍❤️‍👨🥂🍾💍🍼👶🤰
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