#it's mostly just a matter of preference but I'd rather watch a movie with a more serious sa scene then whatever reanimator had going on
bodywhorror · 7 months
not to be all like "its bad to portray bad things in HORROR" becausse...no..lol... but I can't lie the sa scene in reanimator feels so pointlessly thrown in there at the end...
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aaronsrpgs · 4 months
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X-Men '97, Generative Human Intelligence, and My Problem With Studios
For me, the biggest problem of AI/generative art/predictive text is that it's created without the permission of the people who produced the source material, trained by underpaid people, and used by venture capitalists to suck up money and stop paying people.
A lesser problem is that, because it's trained on extant work, it almost always feel derivative and/or bad. I don't want to pursue criticizing it based on aesthetic stakes; I want to destroy the machinery and rob those who fund it.
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It's me, I'm the Luddite.
HOWEVER, I can level those same aesthetic criticisms at someone else: the studios producing superhero shows and movies based on comic books. I just finished watching X-Men '97 season one, and it felt like it was created by generative human intelligence trained on X-Men comics. Which I mostly mean in a bad way.
Caveat: The show is decent, there are some cool moments, and I honestly feel like the people who worked on it had their heads/hearts in a good place and worked hard. I want studios to keep paying people, especially marginalized people, to work for them! Preferably under union protection.
However, as someone who's read entirely too many X-Men comics, the show felt like a vinegar reduction of decades of comic books.
Now, is that bad? Not necessarily. It's a good way to attract new audiences, and as someone who can appreciate stripped-down prose and movies that are only 90 minutes, I understand the impulse to get rid of the cruft and show the "greatest hits."
But the reason I like the X-Men comics I keep revisiting is that they're full of what I like to call friction or tension. And I don't mean dramatic tension. I mean that these comics were produced by (usually) a writer, a penciller, an inker, a letterer, a colorist, multiple editors, some sort of company president, and response to reader reactions. And they had to come out every month (usually), meaning there was an intense deadline, and they were heavily situated in the time they were produced.
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God bless Ann Nocenti, editor extraordinaire.
Whoa, sounds bad, right? The opposite of an auteur system. But there's a very human friction in these books, because they were caught up in the interests of the (mostly) young (mostly) men making them.
Why did multiple issues of X-Men written by Chris Claremont feature sci-fi author Emma Bull's "filk music" band Cats Laughing? It wasn't because they were thematically related or popular at the time. It's because Claremont and Bull were friends.
Most fiction teachers would say that this sort of idiosyncrasy was bad, and in a novel written across years and released all at once, I'd agree! But in a serial format, I think it adds friction; it slows down the reader and makes them notice that is a product of humans in the specific time they were produced. And I like being reminded of that! I don't think all works should include it, but it's something that comics and TV shows can pull off, and that movies and novels are less able to do.
Speaking of Chris Claremont, he was the writer that really brought in and magnified themes of civil rights and queerness in the X-Men. His characters were human, radical, and varied. He wrote powerful women in a time that was rare in the industry. Also, his stories were very horny.
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Put Professor X in bondage gear, you Disney cowards.
But Claremont is also a Zionist (I gather) and has written a lot of pro-cop X-Men stories. That sucks! To see him try to write stories of radical civil rights and boundary-pushing feminism while also objectifying women, writing about his personal fetishes, and doing some All Lives Matter stuff—that's tension.
I appreciate tension because, again, it helps prove that there are humans behind the work: fallible, changing passionate humans. I would rather read a story that tries and stumbles than a story that speedruns hitting all my personal beliefs like some sort of American Ninja Warrior MFA Graduate.
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Watch him smoothly ride from queer representation to police abolition before front-handspringing into post-capitalist utopianism.
Which brings us back to X-Men '97. it's a sleek 10 episodes with clear character arcs for most of the characters involved. Impressive storytelling! But every sleek beat it hits is drawn from old X-Men comics (Lifedeath, Fatal Attractions, Second Coming, and many more). It feels like the writers' room was trained on 60 years of X-Men comics and isn't producing anything outside of that.
A short digression: isn't that how all human creativity works? Good question. Let me address it from a deeply objective and researched position: FUCK NO!
A single example: Jack Kirby read the pseudoscientific works of Erich von Daniken, which proposed that aliens had visited Earth in the past, as documented in many works of ancient peoples. It's a boring historical book. And Jack Kirby read it and made The Eternals.
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POW POW! Shoot your alien gods.
I think a rabid consumption of media buttressed by a devout pursuit of creative skills will cast whatever work you do in an exciting and alien light. Please try!
I want to end on a positive note and mention my favorite part of X-Men '97. It's Morph! Morph's a shape-changing mutant who didn't appear much in the source comics. In the show, Morph is explicitly nonbinary, referred to with "they" pronouns. And they're 100% in love with Wolverine (who Claremont at one point wanted to write as a gay guy).
There are lots of great scenes with Morph coming to comfort Wolverine while he's in the shower, or turning into Wolverine's unrequited love Jean Grey to say "I love you" while Wolverine is unconscious and healing.
It reminds me of Mystique, the "evil" shapeshifter originating in Claremont's X-Men run. According to later X-Men writer Scott Lobdell, "It was always Chris's plan that Mystique and Irene Adler (Destiny) were lovers, and that Mystique at one point had transformed into a man and impregnated Destiny and she gave birth to Nightcrawler. So, Mystique and Destiny were actually Nightcrawler’s father and mother."
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According to Claremont, Mystique was also Sherlock Holmes, and Destiny was the same Irene Adler that appeared in Arthur Conan Doyle's "A Scandal in Bohemia."
Later X-Men comics went pretty deep in exploring how Mystique, as a shapechanger, made a perfect spy, a confused double-triple-quadruple agent, and someone who transcended gender and fucked with identity.
And while X-Men '97 flirts with that (by having Morph flirt with Wolverine), Morph mostly serves as a vehicle for fan service cameos; they turn into X-Men and Marvel characters that otherwise won't appear in the show, seemingly so that fans can point at the screen and identify the character.
The end of season one sets up a potential status quo for Morph and Wolverine that's more character focused. And I would love to see that! But until then, Morph remains the face of human generative intelligence, referencing the history of X-Men comics that Disney and the show's writers' room have consumed in order to regurgitate as a 20-minute cartoon.
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tathrin · 6 months
Writer Truth Or Dare asks.
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? 
tumblr XD
That's a joke, but also not. Distractions is the biggest issue, for me. Which includes tumblr, video games, discord, chores, etc. Everything that can involve sitting down to write, and then not doing that. (Including re-reading fic, both other people's and my own shit.)
Also, tiredness. Fuck capitalism, and fuck this trashfire of a country. We should all have more free time, and thus more energy both physical and mental. But everything is so exhausting sometimes, that it's easier to just start scrolling through tumblr or meandering through Tamriel or Taris or Henford-on-Bagley than it is to do anything, even the things you really want to do.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I like them, in the sense of I'm someone who prefers not to be "spoiled" on a story ahead of time, so that I can have the experience of discovering its contents and emotions for myself; and I like them, in the sense of I don't tend to scour around for clues and hints, because I enjoy discovering the story as it happens to me more than I do the potential "smugness" of knowing it all ahead of time, and so I deliberately don't look for stuff that might give-away things ahead of time. I'd rather be surprised...but on the other hand:
I loathe them, in the sense of the "hide all spoilers at all costs! shock value, shock value! never let the audience guess what's coming! if the audience can guess something ahead of time, the story is ruined! if the audience guesses something ahead of time, you change it!" nonsense that has pervaded so much of the media landscape of late.
I'm pretty good at picking-up on little clues and I'm familiar enough with stories as a "thing" that I tend to be able to tell where a story is going faster than most people I know (especially movies, which are by nature more limited in scope than a novel) due to both experience with narrative as a concept and a good memory for details, so I'm quite used to not being shocked by the bulk of the things I read/watch; but I've never found this a bad thing, like so many of the big corporate media entities these days seem to have made it into.
That's just called noticing what's happening, and extrapolating. I mostly tend to figure out something shortly before it happens, which adds a delightful flavor of "omg will it...?" anticipation to the story, without detracting from the experience of having the story unfold, even when it unfolds as I thus expect it to. That doesn't mean the story is bad; it means that narrative often follows a cause-effect format, and stories echo, and foreshadowing is a thing, and you should have a plot that makes fucking sense, etc etc. And because a good story should be entertaining even after you know the twist, it's not a big deal either way!
How many times have I watched The Empire Strikes Back? Far more than I can keep count of! And it remains my favorite Star Wars movie to this day...even though I've known the "twist reveal" since I was six. (I do wish I could remember my reaction from the first time I watched it, though! Just for fun!) But the emotional weight of the reveal to Luke remains just as potent now, even when the audience's shock is gone. Because the story doesn't hinge upon the twist.
I think everybody should have the opportunity to experience things like that for themselves unspoiled, so they can have the emotional impact hit the to its full extent (hence I will never ever tell anyone what The Thing in Mastiff is ahead of time, no matter how many times my roommate begs me to; because as we suffered, so shall ye!) but I don't think that knowing those things ahead of time ruins a story, either.
If a "spoiler" can ruin your story, your story isn't actually much of a story; it's just a gimmick. And I'm interested above all in stories. Whether they surprise me or not.
(Sorry, that one turned into more of a Rant About Modern Media than an actual answer, whoops!)
But to try and get a little more back on track for a summarizing conclusion here: I like being able to shock my audience, but I like even more than that having them catch-on to what's probably going to happen beforehand so that they can start to go oh no oh fuck is it...? before it does. That's my favorite kind of surprise to experience in fiction, and my favorite kind of one to write too: the anticipated one. Not known; but guessed.
And that works for both excited anticipation, and dreaded!
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sinkingtime · 2 years
Remaking the DCU 2: Now with facts!
If you haven't read my first DCU post, well I cannot blame you, it was long. Still, today won't make sense. I've just done the research for all the things I said I didn't wanna look up at the time.
It has also given me ideas for future stuff, which I will post at some later time; and a few corrections to the original post, which I'm having here.
At the end I have a question of the "does this make me bigoted" kind. I'm serious, I want to hear some opinions. Nonetheless, if you'd rather not interact with that, just stop reading after the bullet points.
The company Steel worked for was "AmerTek Industries". It reappears in relation to him sometimes, and was used in some of the Arkham games, but otherwise doesn't have anything.
He originally lived in Metropolis, later on moved to Washington, the real city. My movie could be in either: I would prefer to have a mix of real and fictional cities, but since the fictional ones need sets, there'll always be someone that recognizes something. You could always say it's like the Tower of Tokyo, an intentional reproduction of an existing landmark, but there's only so many times you can pull that excuse. On the other hand, I'm not filming for real, so it doesn't matter. Metropolis it is.
There's actually a "Jinx" in the comics. She's a sorceress from India, her gimmick is that she needs to touch the ground to do magic. Presumably any part of her body would work, but it seems to mostly be an excuse to draw her barefoot. Much as I may appreciate that, I'm keeping the purple one, thanks.
This movie is in the fictional Coast City. In the comic it was destroyed by Mongul, that should be the name of the "demon lord" she thinks the cult is summoning, or of the head cultist.
Because the other Jinx was indian but mine isn't, that made me look at indian heroes. I pick "Freak", with the power to control her hair, like Golden Darkness from To-Love Ru and Medusa from Inhumans, but her hair is black. Someone needs to make a crossover with women with that power in all possible hair colours.
Anyways, Freak is primarily a member of the Doom Patrol, which is a super team composed of people who are commonly ostracized as a result of their powers; sometimes they are credited with inspiring the X-men. We don't need them. Her power is due to an alien and she struggles to control it; I'd ditch the former but keep the later. Her name is Ava, no surname i can find.
Naturally, this means Coast City ends in India after the teleport. I couldn't find any fictional cities there, so just somewhere away from the ocean.
If there's the after-credits about the Wayne Foundation fixing the city, everybody always calls it just that aloud, but I want a view of some document or newspaper showing that it's formally the "Thomas and Martha Wayne Foundation".
Turns out the Wonder Twins are aliens. I'll actually go ahead and remove that, mine are just randomly powered humans. Superman and Pink Lantern fill my quota for "aliens hiding among humanity", not counting the secret civilizations.
For my original flying paramedic, both names are kinda taken, but also technically not? Curious coincidence.
"Streak" was the Flash-type from the Justice League (cartoon) episode where they travel to an imaginary world created by a dying psychic child.
There is no "Stripe" but there is a "S.T.R.I.P.E.", a giant robot piloted by Patrick Dugan, who is Stargirl's stepdad and sidekick. I actually knew that dude, he's in the show and even uses the robot sometimes; I just didn't remember the robot's name.
I also learned there is a third season of Stargirl, gotta watch that sometime.
Anyways, I pick "Streak". They clearly chose the name for the same reason I had, it sounds fast. He was clearly based on an older version of Flash, Jay Garrick I would guess, so I will go full circle: my character was inspired in-universe by the Flash in the League, made her costume similar to him. I even would like a scene, if there's screentime, where he looks at her and tells her he wishes he could also fly; maybe sincerely, maybe intentionally after seeing she's looking sad.
This probably means she's from his city, Central City, though we may also pull the doubly-fictional Seaboard City from the episode. I would like to name her after that Streak's civilian name, but he didn't have one.
King Shark is from Hawaii, so we may get a scene set there, as the heroes talk about their heroic exploits. He's sometimes descended from some vaguely mystical people, but it's probably safe to remove that. Everything else I can find about him is extremely villainous, so I was already disregarding all that.
Turns out "Static Shock" was just the name of the cartoon, the character and most versions of the comic are just "Static". I've been using both exchangeably. Sorry.
His real name is Virgil Hawkins, named after a real-life lawyer who was banned from law school on account of racism, and whose struggle against that was ultimately important in making things better. It's actually pretty heartwarming, I encourage you to read on him. For now the point is that, if Static gets teased in Justice League, it should be under his civilian name.
As I thought, the time of Robin's death was not established in BvS; the director said in an interview that he intended it to have been 10 years earlier. Good enough for me, just push Pink Lantern's timeline back those two years.
He also confirmed it's supposed to be Dick Grayson that died, but I had suspected as much and didn't care before; that's an intentional change.
Stargirl's city is called Blue Valley, in Nebraska. A previous Flash (Wally West) was also from that city, our Flash (Barry Allen) may know of it because of that.
Livewire's name is Leslie Willis.
Military ranks are a mess, changing all over time and space. I found multiple mentions of "Sergeant" being either the highest level that doesn't have subordinates or the lowest that does. So that's my choice for Supergirl, people can just assume she had leadership experience. Maybe we can even suggest it would have been true, had her future not been so heavily depopulated.
Matrix Supergirl was "an artificial lifeform", not nanobots, though I retconned that away either way. I was right that she was from a pocket universe, though it doesn't seem to have been artificially created. Most of her life is as I remembered from Death and Return, shortly after she fused with an angel and I stop caring.
For the Static movie, their powers are from the police using an untested, not-yet-approved experimental tear gas to suppress the gang fight (peaceful protest in my version). I had thought they'd just shot something they shouldn't and spilled chemicals over them. This is absolutely worth bringing over.
Now that I know his name matters, I want that to be referenced. He would have been named after the historical figure in-universe. I'm thinking a teacher guesses it's a Divina Commedia reference, and he gets up and explains.
For villains, the most interesting one is Francis Stone alias Hot-Streak, a stereotypically hot-headed pyromancer. That's definitely our cop turned superhero wannabe turned main villain.
Second most interesting was Ivan Evans alias Ebon, who can teleport through shadows and vaguely control them. If the spin-off is not (Poison) Ivy, it should be this guy.
They also have someone with blades made of light. Nothing special about him except I'm pretty sure he and Ebon are here to rip off marvel's Cloak & Dagger.
He operates out of Dakota City, as far as I can figure out the real one. That's good enough, but I do have one unsolved case of arson later; may be worth moving this all to Gotham City just to suggest that it was Hot-Streak.
Diana doesn't have as many aliases as I expected; it seems she didn't get into as many shenanigans as Superman during the Golden Age because she was too busy doing BDSM. Seriously, did you know he was the first Nightwing?
Of the aliases she's had, most of them are explicitly about her femininity; which makes perfect sense, it's just a bit inconvenient right now. I did find one mention of "Knight Eternal", but no citation or context; the only other Knight Eternal I found on DC is just an immortal who's good with swords. That's basically a lesser Wonder Woman already, hardly someone she'd usurp. I'm inclined to believe that mention was fake.
So I realized I'd been a fool. The people of the eighties will know her masked alter-ego as "The Prince". Barbara will then be "The Duke". Have their clothes be shakesperean-style, and the masks be masquerade ball masks, rather than the zorro-style thing I was imagining but didn't actually mention.
Cheetah, and specifically the Barbara Ann (surname varies) version, did indeed derive her powers from a magical artifact: a dagger she cut herself with as part of the ritual. I'm keeping my brooch but using that to rework a few things. The first time she takes it, instead of experiencing any magic, she accidentally cuts her hand. She checks the brooch but there's no blood on it, she's relieved; the audience hopefully thinks she should have been more curious about that. The initial sensory overload comes whlie she's driving home, after having stayed late at work (so Diana already went "home"), the Prince saves her from accidentally driving into the river. Since Diana later claimed they were together at the time, that means they were driving somewhere after-hours; add that to the list of things their coworkers mention innocently that make her sweat bullets.
Since she has a car now, the noise that wakes her after first putting away (but not formally Forsaking) the brooch was her own alarm. Yes I checked and they did have car alarms in '84. In the morning she finds it gone, but since she's magic now, she just runs to work. That makes Diana suspicious, she checks on the brooch but it's there and she doesn't think Barbara could have hidden it so quickly, so she just figures all that excercise was good for her friend. Also, her second round of patrols is no longer random, she's specifically hunting down her (recently expensively repaired) car, and its thief.
Turns out the Smithsonian Institute where they work is just a few blocks from the Potomac River, in Washington. So that's where she buries her friend at the end, at the bank of the river. Probably the same spot where she saved her earlier. Also, she says something like "I'm sorry it wasn't meant to be".
Turns out Rick Flag has a single "g". My bad. Nothing of interest about him, just a career soldier who ends up entangled with supers.
There's two Hawkmen. One is an alien cop, one is a human with an ancient magical and/or superscience wing pack. Also sometimes they are secretly the same, or got fused, or one was a cover for the other; this guy is convoluted. Anyways, for my version he's definitely the human, Carter Hall, either just happens to have wings or found the magic wing belt. Doesn't really matter.
Because the ex-cop from Static is now a pyrokinetic, we don't need Diablo anymore. Instead, Black Manta needs to be in Task Force X. I absolutely forgot that he had survived Aquaman. He's definitely the one with the mission to find something worth stealing, specifically picked for his existing experience with the stuff; Rick Flag knew nothing about that. He's perfect!
Supergirl's real name, so to speak, is alpha-charlie-two-five-two-alpha-charlie-two-four-seven-sierra-one-six-sierra-victor-tango-one, being the first appearances of Supergirl in general, the Legion of Superheroes and Matrix Supergirl, and the Superman vs Terminator elseworld, for fun.
Indeed it was Kara Zor-El that was a member of the Legion, though I was wrong about it being simultaneous; there's some real-life stuff, but basically she got demoted from her own comics to Superman's family to a large super-team. Anyways, I pretty much knew that it wasn't Matrix, that's an intentional change on my part.
The city she operates in is National City. So this character has two bad names associated with it. Whatever, we keep it.
I couldn't find much in the way of an actual supporting cast for her new neighbour in the end; she mostly didn't keep up her civilian identities, it seems. I could pull someone from the CW show, but instead I'm choosing her strained friend and ex-roommate from Red Daugther of Krypton (and presumably earlier), Siobhan Smythe.
Siobhan is also Silver Banshee, who has a sonic attack that also vaguely drains life, and she speaks all languages, or all languages of people she's touched, or something. I like that last power, makes me want to find an excuse to bring her back actually. For her actual scene she's just an easter egg though; maybe she wears a t-shirt for a band called "The Silver Banshees", which I checked and doesn't seem to exist; but probably not, I expect her name is weird enough to make people look it up.
Punchline is much newer than I assumed, invented during COVID. I couldn't find any info on romantic attachments or orientation for her, save for her fixation on Joker. So let's play it safe and say she doesn't hook up with Harley. She'll have to wait for Ivy I guess.
Superman's heroic montage in BvS is shorter than I'd expected. The "hands" part actually starts with him bringing a kid from a burning building; that can just be Harley arriving with the food, maybe she burned the oven or maybe we ignore that part. There's also a bit where he saves people from a flooded city, or more accurately poses dramatically in front of them with the implication that he may save them soon-ish; that's just a cat stuck in a pool, on one of those floating cushion things, she's standing at the edge judging the jump. Finally he saved a part of an exploding rocket, presumably the part that contains the astronauts; I've no idea what to do with that, the rocket isn't important, but it has to be something she'd logically carry like he was carrying the rocket piece. And it's all intercut with various news people explaining to us what Superman means to the world (because his movie didn't), so that's replaced with her therapist explaining to her how much better she seems to be doing, how proud she should be and what hopes he has for her going forward.
As mentioned, the burned beauty shop should be implied to be ex-officer Stone, from Static (unless he died in Task Force X). If that movie was moved to Gotham that's enough, if it wasn't then he had some sort of "tell" we can see in the forensic report, which they don't understand.
Looking up Chloe Sullivan reminded me her actress got involved with some bad stuff. Reminder that I like the character, not the real person. Also, don't look that up in front of children. Anyways, there isn't anything in particular about the character that I didn't remember or would like to add.
I had forgotten that Lobo is in Red Daugther of Krypton! I thought it started with the Silver Banshee fight, but actually he starts it by provoking her and then leading her to Earth when he regrets it, in hopes she has friends who can calm her down. This doesn't matter, I changed him enough and my Red Daugther is completely different, it's just a funny coincidence.
His species is called "Czarnian". So yes, Supergirl knows that, she calls him out from the bar entrance like that.
DC doesn't have a Prime Directive. Understandable. I would steal the name from Star Trek, but it's just "General Order One", not useful. The vulcans allegedly have or had a similar rule named after one "Savar", though I think that's in a novel; the only other Savar I found was a minor New Generation character, who presumably was named after the historical one, possibly retroactively. May be worth stealing his name for the one Supergirl doesn't pronounce right, but maybe we just drop that particular bit.
not!Starfire's name is Koriand'r, her planet is Tamaran, and her people are tamaranians. Also found out she uses an human name, Kory Anders. I'm keeping the "Star" hint/red herring, but she may be Star Anderson in reference. We probably wouldn't get to see that, though.
Since Coast City ended up in India, they will go straight west from the Sahara, before starting getting side-tracked by tourist stuff. Since they will pass by Alaska after all, this may be the opportunity to court that sweet, sweet Chinese propaganda money.
Found some Legion-era swearwords, most useful seems "Grife". May be worth going back to add it to Supergirl somewhere.
The first movie I couldn't fill in before will be Freak. I don't have an actual plot, but I like her power, and her city was recently tremendously disrupted, even if the foreigners have all gone back by now. Also may want to establish an excuse for why Lobo and Supergirl found Coast City fully abandoned; utilities don't work of course, but you'd expect squatters. Other than that, don't actually bring in the Doom Patrol (since she joined the League), but do check their members and common enemies for names and rough personalities for others in the cast; though nobody else should have powers, except maybe the bad guy.
The poster for Freak may change depending on what the actual plot would be, but for now I'm picturing an ornate hair comb, multiple teeth broken.
As I remembered, the video of Cyborg in Justice League (canon) was ambiguous. I now assume it was on purpose; if market research showed they should make a Cyborg movie, they wanted the liberty to give him a living father or a dead one. So for my imaginary franchise, I'm officially declaring that Bruce totally sent Diana a video of that poor dude dying. He hasn't flirted in over a decade, ok? He's rusty.
Jonah Hex unfortunately was no mage of any kind, he's just called that. He was a cowboy, from a series of western comics that DC apparently had at the beginning (or possibly before it was DC, I'm not even touching the legalese there). So I should probably check for another sorcerous character to be the mentor, there are several characters who no I like "Hex and Jinx" too much. Instead we get a mention somewhere that his great-great-something-father was adopted by a native chief, and that's enough.
No meaningful love life for Leslie Willis and no real positive relationships for King Shark, not that I expected either. Make up something.
Now that my Streak is related to Flash, "former Flash" wins out over "Starman". Probably should be Jay Garrick, though Wally West would bring Stargirl into the "people who know this dude" club.
Static's predecessor in the activist group may be named after someone from the real Virgil Hawkins' life, though not him since Static has taken that. Otherwise, Richard Osgood Foley, his friend who eventually became a gadgets-type superhero, though obviously not in my version.
Didn't even look up anything for Supergirl's brother, he was always made up, and it's not like he'll have the opportunity to tell us his name (serial).
Jonah now has a cut in his hand, which bothers him and may vaguely hinder his spellcasting. Right after Martian Manhunter announces that the possessed are fully aware of all that's going on, he apologizes to his host for having done that, then remembers he saw it so he knows why (so that he doesn't tell us), then he gets the idea to try and sèance himself. This plus the change I made to Wonder Women above is our foreshadowing for Cheetah.
Another mention of National City, Supergirl's adopted home base.
A few other mentions of Koriand'r's name, through the finale of Rebirth.
Nightwing's city is Blüdhaven. I'm giving myself two half credits for this one.
At the end of Supergirl and Wonder Woman's argument, she should hesitate at least a little before bringing up the "brother" thing. I should have used ellipsis and lowercase there.
Livewire sometimes got her powers from electricity filtered through Superman's body, and sometimes she always had minor ones that she intentionally overcharged when she went evil. What I'd really like is for her to dig up Static's corpse and somehow graft his powers to herself, possibly introducing a character or group that does that. Unfortunately, that corpse was last seen on the Moon, and it makes sense they just left him there; pretty good tombstone. So I don't know. Minor powers all along would have made her more than an easter egg, I don't like that. A less ridiculous (and Superman-less) version of the first one is probably best.
There was actually a male Cheetah, Sebastián Ballesteros. Basically nothing of his characterization is useful, mine is just a normal guy, but I'm definitely giving him the name.
Various missing mentions of Princess Koriand'r and Ruler/Castle/City/Planet/Empire Tamaran through Red, I'm not even going to pretend to have considered trying to list them individually.
As I researched the seven Lantern Corps, I was struck by just how much the others are built around the Green. I knew this, because historically Green came first and the others have been retrofitted around it, but it's still ridiculous. I'm changing them a lot, this part will be long.
The central point is that none of them are evil; individual Lanterns may be (and in fact I should probably start coming up with some) but the magic itself is just dumb emotion, looking at the world and going "look at all those nails!". It's possibly even slightly on the side of good, since I established Tests roughly around the idea of using the emotion responsibly; naturally the other colours get some too.
Green is Will, which is mostly ridiculous. Willpower is not an emotion, you can tell this is the "Protagonists" colour. I'm changing that to "Determination", as in the feeling that you must, independent of whether you can. The Test is then to show that what you have is not empty words nor mindless repetition: the magic will stop you from achieving a goal you are trying for. This is the most overt Test of them all, some candidates may actually see the green energy stopping their fists. You pass by trying to achieve your original goal in another way, or at least trying to find such a way; or as always, by some dramatic gesture that shows you will do either, so long as the emotion is genuine on your part.
The corrupted Green Test would revive people who died in trying something important, whose quests may allegedly tempt you from your own. As always, as judged by you, then those close to you, spreading outward socially.
Green tentacles are thin pyramids, and don't bend nearly as much as the others. They are the least nimble of all the colours.
Yellow is Fear, and it's also weird. You'd expect it to be for those who are afraid, but it's more for those who are scary. Stupid asymmetric emotions. I'm keeping that though; the legitimate use of fear is to react to legitimate danger, so the emotion in my Yellow is the instinct-to-warn-others (though it's still widely known as "fear"). The Test is to show your warning is both legitimate and a good reaction; the candidate will be given visions of a future they would dearly avoid but are powerless to do so, except by bringing the warning to those who could; you pass by making an honest effort to so convince them, independent of actual results. Cassandra would have been a Yellow.
Yellow Test visions (and other pre- and post-cognition) are less often illegal thank Pink's far-sight/psychological profiling; since the victim(s) and perpetrator(s) may never have overlapped in time, and indeed may be separated beyond any reasonable statute of limitations, few jurisdictions even bother and most that do have a huge amount of caveats and bylaws.
Because all Yellow Lanterns have foreseen disaster, some believe the Light engineers those situations, though this is false.
Because "powerless" is relative and world-ending threats are relatively rare, this colour recruits primarily among the downtrodden, the oppressed and the disadvantaged, whatever those may be in any given society. It is also the colour with the greatest proportion of children.
The corrupted Yellow Test will return people who are feared, be it for themselves or for the warnings they brought. It's also the easiest test to fail automatically, since many candidates were never aware of their upcoming disaster until their first vision, which in this case they would not receive.
Yellow tentacles are apparently evaporating all the time, though this is purely cosmetic; it doesn't affect the "hitbox", and you cannot inhale the emmisions.
Orange is Greed, since "green" was taken. In the comics there was actually only one Orange Lantern, who would raise a zombie army with proxy powers, I'm ditching all that obviously. The legitimate use of greed, of hoarding stuff, is to prepare for eventuality; like for Reds, the Test will manifest the default ring at the beginning, not the end; but at a distance, or under lock and key, or otherwise where the candidate can aqcuire it but not trivially; to a candidate that is currently in the middle of preparations for an important reason. You pass by deciding to take it, if your reason is that it is the best way to achieve your goal; and fail if you ignore it or if you take it for itself and forget your earlier quest. This includes if you neglect the ring for the sake of securing a resource legitimately more useful; the Light will never acknowledge that such resources could exist.
The corrupted Orange Test will return people who are useful, by whatever metric each summoner has in mind. It is probably the easiest corrupted Test to succeed at, since at least one person has most likely been selected to aid in the original quest, and procuring their help does count as attempting to seize the power of the Orange Lantern. Though it will then ironically unsummon that person and technically waste any effort spent.
Orange tentacles split into three smaller ones at the end. They require more practice to use, but a Lantern who has put in the work counts among the most nimble among all the Corps.
Blue is Hope, and it's the one I like least. I was really hoping one of them would be "pride" or "shame". Oh well. Hope is for holding you when you cannot act, so you may be ready when the time is right. The Test will then grant the candidate one miracle, repair whatever situation was threatening to crush the candidate's hopes, sometimes in ways beyond the power of actual Blue Lanterns to replicate. You pass the test by taking action, in a way that previously, allegedly, the situation was preventing you from; you fail by finding another excuse for inaction. The initial gift is not undone even if you fail, though.
The corrupted Blue Test will return people who died waiting for better times, or after having their chance taken away. Everybody else is receiving a second chance now, what will you do?
Blue tentacles are the longest, curling around the Lantern's body and spiralling outwards. They are actually incapable of straightening them fully.
Indigo is Compassion, the impulse to help and protect others. The illegitimate use of compassion is when it self-sacrifices beyond need. This is at the end of She-Ra, "You're worth more than what you can give to other people". The candidate will be in the process of helping others, and will be empowered to do so beyond their normal ability but not all of the way; the Test is to turn back, to take care of yourself even at the expense of available innocents; but still with the intention to go back and help once it is safe to do so, if there is still need. Most who fail this test do so by dying.
The corrupted Indigo Test will return those who were in great need, whom their summoner tried to help, "the one I couldn't save". Again the candidate is being tempted to stretch too thin, or else turn their back on others for good.
Seriously Adora would have failed so many times. I love that show, you should watch it.
The Indigo tentacles are covered in spikes. Those are sharp, but not nearly as much as they seem.
I also have an amendment to the literal "ring" part. Most candidates have a default ring created when they earn the power (or start being considered, for non-corrupted Red and Orange Tests), but if there's an available piece of clothing/jewelry/whatever that has significance, in a way resonant to the colour, then that may be empowered instead. With the additional caveat that the relevant item for an Orange candidate must not already be within easy reach, for the Test to proceed. That was the case for Dick Grayson, it's a coincidence that it was already a ring; he may have ended up a Lantern with a ring of a different colour, which almost makes me wish I'd done that instead now that I mention it.
This also means that nobody actually inherits Lantern magic; there won't be characters conveniently finding a dying pilot, the magic searches galaxy-wide and doesn't even have a strict personnel quota, but waxes and wanes over the ages. So the rings of dead Lanterns, those that are formally Forsaken, and any failed Reds and Oranges all fly away, to a location in Lantern Space, where they float around each other but eventually vanish into nothing. (If the magic had been transferred to another item, it flies away as pure magic, it won't steal your clothes nor seek the original default ring.) This is the origin of the common myth that they fly out in search of a new host.
That is also the reason Lantern Space is where it is; they, and those who would be interested in them, have over the aeons naturally congregated there by following rings, or reports of them; eventually meeting more of each other and building towns and so on.
Also by "Lantern Space" I mean the area they claim for their pseudo-nation, not any dimensional distortion stuff. Do I have to specify that? Oh well. Back to the plot.
In the scene where Supergirl searches for Nightwing, add Harley Quinn to the crowd. I didn't realize until rereading but she should absolutely join the League.
When she's insulting all the colours of the rainbow, I don't have pithy wording right now, but Oranges are stupid/easily surprised, Blues are lazy, and Indigos are heartless/pitiless.
Koriand'r's elder sister is Komand'r. She's much more villainous than I remembered, again mostly knowing her from the Teen Titans cartoon.
When I wrote Koriand'r's hypothetical corrupted test I established that she got a custom one, but didn't for Supergirl. That should be a general rule, it's all broadly in line with what I said above and the two originals, but appropriate to each candidate. Supergirl was trying to destroy death itself, so she would have returned killers, and specifically killers who someone despises because of their killing.
I couldn't find any fictional DC cities in Mexico or Canada, and also learned the most populated in the west is not Mexico City, but São Paulo, Brazil. So that's now where Koriand'r first landed. She definitely speaks Portuguese, may have the accent.
The Teen Titan's city is Jump City, on the west coast of the States. So she didn't simply cross the frontier after fleeing São Paulo. Let's say she flew up into space, took a lap around the sun against the Earth's travel, and happened to land there.
For the Jokerz poster, there isn't a cover like I was thinking actually. I'm picturing four faces equally spread on a square, against black, partially illuminated so we only see the right half of each, or slightly over half. It seems I mixed up the covers of With the Beatles and Let it be. So, just imagine as I described, it was never important that it be a Beatles reference.
For Red Daughter of Tomorrow, I meant the cover of the first Twilight book. I never knew the movies used generic "look at our actors" posters instead.
And with that I remind you that next comes the potentially-but-hopefully-not offensive question. Thank you if you have honest feedback, and I quite understand if you left already.
So, as I consider what may come after Red Daughter of Tomorrow, I find that I want to pull multiverse shenanigans already. I MAY be a hack.
And as I look at what I wrote and what characters may come from other universes, I realize I want Supergirl's friend, the second time traveller from the Legion, to become Power Girl.
Is that ok? Given the one-off joke that first originated the character. Is that insensitive? Relatable? Something else I can't think of? Somebody please get back to me on that.
0 notes
snwmllws · 2 years
I always love the feeling when your eyes can only see me. I always love the feeling whenever you think and wished all the best for me. How you cared for me, how you wanted me to be okay. How you always wanted to lend your ears to mine though there are many things sounded out to my mouth. How your warmth palms and scent can only make me feel safe and send me to sleep.
I always love the feelings of longing and patiently waiting for you to come home to me.
How I felt the excitement of seeing you each day even though we're always together.
I always love to see how you laugh at all my childish unintentional jokes, though most of I'm dead serious.
I always love the feeling to get annoyed by all your naughty acts.
How I felt the contentment seeing you just laying beside me sleeping soundly.
How astonished am I whenever I do pranks on you and never missed to get bite in it.
I always love the feeling whenever after all the fight we both choose each other.
How I feel the sweat for cooking you favourite dishes and making you try all my very own version of dishes and do all my best to make you feel full.
I always love to make sure that you feel that I'm the one who will always be there for you, to support for you and help you achieve your best out of the best in this world.
I always love the feeling of being proud even with all your smallest achievements.
I always love the feeling that you keep me awake whenever I'm on my shift staying beside me until my work is over.
I always love the feeling whenever you open up your deepest and darkest confessions, I always love the way how I make sure for you to feel that I'm always be here as your companion and staying by your side no matter what.
I always love the feeling of getting to know more about your interest even though I totally don't get it, like listening to your choice of genre, watching your preferred movies, following certain people that captures your attention and even following style on your preferences.
I always love to please you, I always love to surprise you, I always love to treat you in the most way I know you deserve, I always love to give you chances in life so you won't give up.
I always love to praise you and lift your soul with all of our deep talks. How our minds collide and agree in most certain ways, how we get the same point of view in life. How we always dreamt for the future be best not for us but mostly for the people around us.
How you thought me to fully understand the real behind all the reels.
I always love hearing your advise in the most straight forward way.
How you make me feel confident in my opinion and how you see my full of intention in doing best for all the things that matters.
I always love to do extra ordinary things just to make you happy and satisfied.
I always love the way how you make me feel that we're partners at all costs.
How much we look forward for the positive things to come forward on our way.
I always love how we share the journey full of epic fails, success, toughest roads, bumpiest struggles in the unexpected ways.
For the longesssst time, I always love how I live to love all my imperfections perfectly.
For the longest time I always love that, but now I have to face that - that road with you has ended, we departed ways and need to face every mornings and continue waking up without the things I always love.
Now it's been a year passed me living in all the memories of the things I always love.
I'm all left every single day missing it and desperately wishing that that day never come.
How I always dream that whenever I wake up it's you who's beside me.. fighting, living with me.
Today marked a year for me to decide and continuously force myself to just accept it and move forward, do my best not to wave my head on the past.
I'm more certain that I decide not to experience all the things I love if it's not you who will share it with me. I'd rather accept the truth and keep on dying everyday than force myself to vision it with anyone else.
I don't know how to keep going but since that day, my life and love has been over.
0 notes
duskkodesh · 2 years
I don't remember if i asked this or not, so in case i didn't, here it is:
Can you write Morbius watching vampire movies (preferably bad) and his thoughts on them/the vampire representation, please?
M: "Bad movies? I must be a terrible judge of movies. Between my sleep habits and my lab work I really don't have a lot of time for recreation so what I get to watch is always at least entertaining to me... if I don't fall asleep during it." "When I was working on Monster Metropolis we'd actually have movie nights. Jack or some of the werewolves would go topside because they can, bring back snacks and drinks, and... I would simply hack into someone's network we'd see what sorts of films they had. I think Jack and Manny liked picking things with vampires to sort of poke fun at me... this is some sort of ritual with the wolves in particular. They like to insult you and laugh, it's just their way, I've long since learned to brush it off, and I very much was not the one who made his smartwatch play a Kibbles and Bits ad for three hours on loop." "So, I have seen Twilight. I get asked that a lot, and yes. I saw it. I don't know what type of vampire that was supposed to be. I thought maybe just a bit idealized at first but the more the movies went on the less sense it made. We all lost it about the time that the werewolf... which we were already teasing Jack about because Jacob, Jack... so close! Anyways the werewolf likes the... baby, infant, and honestly we all turned it off it raised such a debate. Canceled movie night for two weeks, Jack ate my remote, it was just a mess." "I liked Nosferatu, seemed rather like a few vampires I'd met. Ironically some of the nicer ones. Any film version of Dracula is just all wrong, completely wrong. The real one is a living toadstool, absolute pond scum. He's like a scab that talks far too much and you are incapable of peeling off. Actually scratch that, the scab is far too pleasant to be compared to him..." "So, we also watched the Underworld movies and I'm not a fan. Again, the vampires are just too civil, too human. I've met so many near-demonic entities perhaps my view is tainted. I mean I did work with Hannibal King peacefully. Mostly peacefully. Tried to kill each other a couple of times, that's all. I might have... liked the love story in Underworld a bit. I should stop talking." "There was a movie called Vampires by John Carpenter and that was not bad, we all agreed it was a good movie to have a drink to. For that matter the crowd favorite vampire movie? Vampire's Kiss. We just could not stop laughing. Was that movie meant to be hilarious? Because honestly even I was laughing and I have what Manny calls resting bi... wait I shouldn't say that. I apologize. It was a good movie, we rewatch it every so often along with Creature from the Black Lagoon, and the nineteen ninety-nine version of the Mummy. N'Kantu likes that one. Actually we all like that one."
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
For the match up. I am a woman, 21 years old. I have long brown hair with very strong vibrant red strands cored in them and brown eyes. I am around 5'0 tall and chubby. I am from Germany. I love all kinds of animals and have a pet Hamster (soon a cat too) but spiders scare the living shit outta me. I absolutely love to bake and do so often plus I have a love for horror movies. I still do enjoy hard work sometimes like preparing firewood or anything else with lifting heavy stuff. I am an introvert, bisexual, absolutely hate people (there are just a handful of people I like) and I need a lot of freedom. Can't have anyone clinging to my ass and being a 2nd shadow. I love to care for other beings and I am very chill most of the time. I do have a kind of black humor and I love sarcasm. Also a strong believer of charma fucks everyone.
Moin fellow deutscher.
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🔗Bo Sinclair🔗
"I have long brown hair with very strong vibrant red strands cored in them and brown eyes. I am around 5'0 tall and chubby. I am from Germany."
Bo is going to be such an ass about your appearance at first. It's Bo, unless you look like a supermodel, he will bully you. Secretly, he adores your height and body. You're so much smaller than him, so adorable. His to protect and to cherish. He's also very interested in German culture. Mostly because of the swearing, the beer, and also because of Rammstein. But hey, at least he shows interest in it.
"I love all kinds of animals and have a pet Hamster (soon a cat too) but spiders scare the living shit outta me."
"Scared o' spiders, huh? Guess I gotta take care of it. But it's aight, I'd do about anythin' for my little lady. * winks *
He's fine with animals, as long as they don't get in his way. And the hair on his pillow is Bo's definition of getting in his way. He prefers dogs as well. Just saying.
"I absolutely love to bake and do so often plus I have a love for horror movies. I still do enjoy hard work sometimes like preparing firewood or anything else with lifting heavy stuff."
Oh, Bo loves the baking. Makes him feel like an old-school sweetheart with his little wife making treats for him. This man will secretly die from feelings if you make him lunch with a self-baked treat. He doesn't think he deserves it. I don't think Bo watches a lot of horror movies, simply because, in Ambrose, they don't have any. He does enjoy them, though. It'd be better if you're scared of them, so you can cling to his arms and he can play his tough-guy act, but he likes them either way. Hard work is pretty normal when you live in Ambrose, so he's rather glad, and also pretty flustered, whenever he sees you do those tasks around town. It just feels so domestic and Bo craves that.
"I am an introvert, bisexual, absolutely hate people (there are just a handful of people I like) and I need a lot of freedom. Can't have anyone clinging to my ass and being a 2nd shadow."
Bo is not introverted at all but man, does he hate people. You're both absolutely identical on that point. The mechanic just loathes people and literally, only people he considered family are safe from his hate. I mean, he doesn't kill people because he likes them, does he now. Bo doesn't really care about your sexuality. The twin's only worry is that you might find a woman you love more than him. But then again, he'd think that even if you were straight so you know, it doesn't really matter. He too loves his freedom. If you can't handle him needing his alone-time, you'd be dead in a matter of seconds. Bo has a lot of demons, and sometimes he needs to be alone to fight them.
"I love to care for other beings and I am very chill most of the time. I do have a kind of black humor and I love sarcasm. Also, a strong believer of karma fucks everyone."
Bo likes caring for others too, just in his own way. He wouldn't feed you if you're sick, but he would kill anyone who bullies you. That's his kind of care. Your black humor and sarcasm are something he cherishes as well. Bo can't stand people who can't take a joke, and you surely can. I don't think he believes in karma, but he does believe in himself. If karma won't fuck his enemies, he will.
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chaseadrian · 2 years
hi nina :3 you've been doing the ship game like it's your mf job and it's all very thoughtful so i'm piling onto it!! i'd love someone from dc…AND a freddie stroma character 👉👈 please and thank you!!
i'm an infp (emphasis on the i) jack of all trades type who mostly dabbles in the arts/trades. huge geek about things (a third of my tatts are comic and film related </3), which sucks bc i'm incapabale of shutting up. my love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service. and uhhh hot take: i hate sleeping. a necessary evil imo.
ty ty <3 !
hi jess!! the ship game is super fun honestly i've had a blast researching characters lol
for freddie stroma imma say Prince Friedrich
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i think he would genuinely think ur so cool for having tattoos, like he could never. even in a modern AU setting, he's a golden retriever boy who is like. lowkey afraid of tattoos so he'd love hearing about yours and would be 100% stoked to watch or read whatever your tatts are referencing. like he'd sit there with the most pleasant smile on his face while you ramble on about whatever, and he'd always try to find special screenings of your fave movies or alternate covers of comics so that he could frame them for your house. i kinda think he'd also feel indifferent to sleeping, he'd be restless in bed like just ready for the next day to start. and he'd prefer staying awake all night curled up together rather than sleeping curled up together because if he's awake then he feels like he's experiencing it but if he's asleep he feels like it's time wasted lol
for DC I think Rick Flag, but obvi new flag NOT 2016 flag lol
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i genuinely think this man is so so so sweet, even if he tries to come off as like this tough hardened war vet. he could've been an absolute dick to the members of task force X, but if anything, he actually had a friendship with harley, and was willing to understand the plight of the team members. all that to say, i think he would be such an attentive boyfriend when he isn't trying to save the literal world. but he'd always bring you something from his missions, which are classified so they aren't like, touristy mugs or anything but it'll be like beautiful handcrafted stuff that can't be traced. and obvi yall would go get tattoos together at some point, and i think he'd kinda be a big baby about it. no matter how many he already has, every time he's like wincing and trying to look brave but tattoos are the one thing that kinda pass his pain threshold. anyway yeah i think he would be the most affectionate dude and he would literally go to the ends of the earth to make u happy
join the game!
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drivingbatty · 4 years
― rory keaner fluff alphabet
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i know this is sorta random but what can I say? I love this batty boi💗. I'll probably be doing this with everyone else too! gifs by @bodhirookes
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
One thing that is certain about Rory is that he’s not the best at saying “no”. So he’s up for whatever you are! Even though he can get a bit antsy he won’t mind spending a quiet day with you and he won’t mind running around town causing mayhem. He’s very neutral is what I’m saying. If he had to pick a favorite though, he loves it when you let him take you flying! He thinks it romantic.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He admires your kindness and patience. Most people (aside from the Gang) would immediately snap at him for bothering them or asking a ”dumb question” but you answer them without much hesitation or annoyance. And he loves you for that
If we're talking physically, he absolutely loves your smile. Just knowing that his favorite person in the whole world is happy makes him 10x as happy! And he makes sure to let you know that. When you’re sad he’ll poke your face or do something stupid to get you to smile.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He's not the best with words so he'll try to cheer you up the best can. Just tell him what you need, and he’s got you. Snacks? He’s already back in 5 seconds with your favorites. More tissues? Bam, he’s brought you a baker’s dozen of boxes because he didn’t know what brand to get. Cuddles? Hell yeah!
 D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He doesn't have any plans, he just hopes that you two will be together until the day you die. Rory’s an “in the moment” thinker and he plans on being in this teenage honeymoon stage forever. He might turn you though, but only if you're okay with it.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He likes to believe he's the man in the relationship as most teen boys would, but he's hella soft and if you so much as look disapprovingly at him he'll shut up pretty quickly. So yeah, he's pretty passive.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Rory is not very good at holding grudges. So he's very quick to forgive you whenever you have a disagreement, which rarely happens since he's pretty hard to upset. If things ever somehow managed to escalate he'd stay quiet until your done talking to apologize and change the subject. He really hates arguing and wants it to be over as soon as possible.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He thinks about how lucky he is everyday and will never take anything for granted. He's not used to receiving attention (physical or otherwise) so he'll dwell on even the smallest things forever. He just can't believe that you are interested in him.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He might hide his vampire-ism for awhile due to Ethan and Benny, since apparently not everyone finds being with an undead creature of the night appealing. Aside from that he's an open book! He has a tendency to ramble so there will be virtually no secrets between you two.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Congrats, you've just made him even more clingy! Now he's physically incapable of being alone for too long and will seek you out because he misses you :( even if its been like 10 minutes
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Rory doesn't get jealous due to his issues with social cues so he won't overthink any interactions you and someone else may be having. But on the off chance that he does get jealous he'll just get really pouty and try to drag you to do something else.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Rory is pretty inexperienced in the smooching department but he tries his best. His kisses are kinda stiff at first but the more comfortable he gets the warmer they are and the more he seeks them out. Surprise kisses are his personal favorite. He also loves doing the exaggerated 'mwah' sound too, the goof.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Being the wannabe Casanova he is, I feel like he asked you out a million times before you actually said yes. The time you said yes he actually tried to ditch the pick up lines and be sincere about it. I mean, how could you say no that face?
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Eh, he's thought about it. Again he's never really been known to think ahead so it probably doesn't cross his mind all too often. But if he was asked he'd most likely say yes since "That's what people usually do, right?"
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Literally every single one in the book. He's also pretty creative if "spice angel" and "blonde hottie mclovely" is anything to go off of. So you have an endless supply of petnames coming your way. His favorites are probably sweetcheeks, angel face, gum drop, fruit cake, and ragamuffin. He's very corny.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
You're all he will talk about. Ethan and Benny will be tired of it pretty soon. He'll also become more susceptible to his floating quirk whenever you so much as look at him. His head's in the clouds and his heart is full. Impressing you will become a main priority and he will not leave you alone. He's basically a lovesick puppy that follows you around.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Rory is very upfront about it. He's always bragging about you to everyone in the vicinity and he will be damned if someone won't hear about you atleast 5 times that day. He wants people to be jealous. And they should be! He gets to date you and they can't! The poor fools.
As for physical attention, he might be kinda shy to it at first. He's a teen boy and while things like that are exciting, he's also scared of embarrassing himself. So he mostly held your hand everywhere and refused to let go. But once he gets comfortable expect everything to be going your way. Pecks on the mouth, cheek, hugging, hand holding, the whole works! Though he won't do anything to risque like making out or anything.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Oddly enough, Rory is pretty good at reading your face. Or maybe he just worries about you alot. All you know is that any minute that you're not beaming with joy he's already asking what's wrong and if he can help. He just really doesn't want to see you upset so he'll make sure to check up on you when he can.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
All Rory knows about romance are loads of cliches he's seen. He use to play up how bad alot of them were before he was with you, but now? Ho boy, they are his only language. Getting you gifts, saying weird lines, attempting to get dressed up for dates, and getting flowers (he'll do this no matter what gender you are and you can't tell me otherwise). Though he fumbles in the "smooth" part of the romantic gestures, he's really trying.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He believes in you so much its insane! He's literally your biggest fan when it comes to anything.
"You got a test coming up and you're worried about passing? There's no need, babe! You're a genius!"
"You're doing a certain extra curricular or club? Everyone is gonna be jealous of your greatnes. They can't compete!"
Hell, he'll even encourage you in things that sound absolutely terrible.
"Wanna try and eat 5 whole tacos in 1 minute? I'll go set the timer!"
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Being with him is honestly a series of surprises. You never know what you're in for whenever you two meet up. Sometimes you might even get pulled into whatever The Gang™️ want to solve. But you guys have one routine of always having a movie night on Fridays. Cuddling and snack binging ensue.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Even though he's scatter-brained he actually has a pretty great memory, especially when it comes to you. He notices a lot of your ticks due to almost always being around you somehow.
Rory doesn't always get social cues, so some things may fly over his head. But once he understands the situation he totally has your back.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Rory doesn't have . . . a lot of priorities. He has his friends, his mom, and virtually nothing else. So you're pretty high on his list of important things! If he could, he would most likely die for you (although possibly by accident).
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He always visits you in the morning. Since vampires don't need to sleep he's usually already there before you wake up. And he'll be super annoying while trying to wake you up too. Then after you get ready you both go to school together, either by flight or just walking.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Definitely! As I said before, PDA isn't a big problem for him and he's still just as affectionate in private. I'd have to say he prefers kissing but he's honestly up to anything when it comes to you.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He can do pretty fine on his own at first, but he gets pretty bummed after a while. But like, its not like he can't see you. This man got all the way to FLORIDA I doubt he'll let a little bit of distance get in the way of you two.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Again, he would die for you. He'd even commit a felony for you if he had to! Honestly you might need to teach him that he has a choice and that he doesn't have to do everything for you.
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Hiii could I please get bnha & haikyuu matchup? Preferably with males pls. My pronouns are she/her. I am 5’4, an ambivert and a Latina. My enneagram is type 4. I have pale skin, mid-length brown wavy hair with bangs, and hazel eyes. I am described as someone who comes off as cold or aloof when I’m around people I don’t know. After getting to know me, I am the complete opposite. I’m just a bit shy at first lol. My friends have told me that I give good advice but like to joke about my stubbornness. I like to make people laugh and try to make the best of any situation. However I have a hard time expressing my emotions. I’m also described as easy going and fun to be around. I also love animals especially dogs.
I am a hip hop dancer and love to perform. Dance to me is very freeing and I'm usually dancing anywhere anytime haha. I choreograph a lot as well. I also enjoy reading could vary from manga to non-fiction. I love music especially hip hop, rap, & reggaeton. I also love to write music/poetry. At one point I was composing 2-3 songs a day but lately I've lost my creative streak. I never show anybody though since I’m really shy about it. I'd love to one day tho! I can be playful and love to tease my friends. I also really like to eat and travel. I am a bit of a homebody but I enjoy hiking because of the exercise. I really enjoy having deep conversations. I can’t stand people who bully others and people who are fake. I like to be honest and helpful in any way I can. My style is usually anything comfy/casual and I don’t really like wearing skirts or dresses. I speak English and Spanish (learning Japanese & Portuguese). I would love to learn ASL and Hawaiian one day as well. I enjoy watching crime investigations, probably one of my favorite things to watch.
I don’t really any fears, just not being able to accomplish my goals/dreams. I tend to daydream a lot and I’m also a big procrastinator 😭. I'm usually in my head a lot which tires me a bit. Alone time for me is definitely important. I would say my love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. I’m usually really cold towards the person I like lol. Only because I test the waters to see if I should spend time and energy on them. I tend to be a bit jealous/possessive, not in an unhealthy way though. Just wouldn’t match with someone who is very flirty with other people lol. What I look for in a partner is someone that is selfless, mature and has depth to them. Also if they are really accepting because I’ve never had that growing up. I'm a bit touch starved lol. Thank you so much 💖💗💕
tl;dr Hinata Shoyo thinks your really cool and supports your goals/you in general fully. Tamaki Amajiki thought you were scary at first, but once you warmed up to each other he ally admires you, and thinks your cute.
Hope this is alright, still new to the whole matchup thing:
I give you…One Shoyo Hinata
He may not always be the most mature person, even in the Haikyū timeskip, but he makes up for it in other ways.
You would probably meet after his first year, probably sometime between end of his second-timeskip around 2018.
Really depends on where you are, I won’t go to into detail seeing as some people might not want spoilers, I will put any spoilers down below the cut at the end of this.
If it’s during high school still, you might be a new manager for Karasuno, or even the manager of another team they are having a practice match with.
Just some things…:
> would love that you can speak multiple languages, he thinks it’s so cool that you can communicate to all kinds of people, and he’d probably ask you to teach him a little bit as well
> he probably wouldn’t care if you were ever distant/cold, he understands that it takes time for people to warm up to each other, (Kageyama, Kenma even, good examples there)
> if you told him/he saw/you showed him your dancing, he would probably be open jawed thinking stuff like “that- is so freaking cool!!!” yeah- mental exclamation marks.
> if you showed him how to do a couple moves? amazing, he’s gonna brag and go show his teammates tomorrow at practice what he learned how to do
> sometimes he can be a bit energy draining, but if you tell him you need alone time? he understands completely and will give you your time (might be a bit impatient in waiting for you to send him a message saying hi but he respects that all fully.)
> this dude would be so freaking supportive of you- I will go more on this below the cut for manga spoilers- but he’d just think your one of the coolest people ever
> if you do warm up to him, and decide “this is alright” he’d smile so big and just- hug you so tightly because he’s so happy you feel comfortable around him
> being the kind of person he is, he totally understands you wanting to pursue your dreams. he’d support you, your hobbies, all of it.
> if you told him about your song writing + that you’ve been a bit out of it in your writing he would beg you to let him read or hear some of your work (if you said no he’d understand but he’d still in his mind hope someday maybe you would), he’d ask if you wanted him to try and give you some inspiration, his first answer being “Volleyball!”
> he’s so freaking cuddly once he knows if your comfy with that, he’d hug you, hold you hand, all of that
> start of your relationship he’d definitely be blushy and a bit shy (girls though amiright?)
> he’d watch crime shows with you for sure, he might not share the same love for them, but he loves to cuddle up with you to watch them, he might play with your hair, he just likes to be near you to be honest
> he just thinks your freaking cool and really pretty
Ah hmmm…I give you one Tamaki Amajiki?
Its quite the flip around from Hinata but hear me out….
You are probably also a hero-in-training. You might training to be a more rescue based hero, knowing multiple languages you’d be good at containing a scary situation/containing the crowd. Good at calming people down to evacuate or get to safety..
When you meet to be honest he thought you were scary, shivering in his shoes,
as he gets to know you though, whether it’s from observing you or because Mirio or Nejire have tagged you along with them so he had no choice really-
he finds your not all that scary! The other too can be exhausting so you might drift off towards him for a chiller vibe…
Just some things:
> you’d probably bond over food a bit, and both having the want to stick up for others, (or a dislike for meanies).
> it would take a while for you Both to warm up to each other much/fully, but when you do its quite great
> A slower relationship for sure I think, even once your both more comfortable with each other, not a whole lot of affection at first though
> if you first initiated any affection (verbal or physical), he’d probably be a blushing mess, don’t worry though, he finds it easier to show not tell, so once you’ve talked about it to each other and he’s gotten reassurance from his friends, he’d probably be much more affectionate
> probably lots of comforting, cuddles, not a lot of public affection- he’d rather keep it behind closed doors. when your alone he loves to hold you hand or just pat your head, mostly small things but baby steps matter
> if you tell/show him your dancing he might be intimidate, he’d think it’s cool but he’d definitely have a little bit of a mindset about you like he does with Mirio, he loves and supports your dancing fully though
> same with your writing- if you showed him he would probably think “oh well now i have to add to my list of reasons my s/o is amazing.”
> food dates + movies/tv shows probably, he’d watch crime shows with you, he thinks they are interesting, he mostly loves the look on your face when your doing/watching something you love
> definitely lots of comforting him when he’s anxious
> he likes it when you speak in languages he doesn’t speak, he also likes to try and mentally guess what he thinks your saying
> you both need your alone time, so he gets that and respects your space, he hopes you’ll do the same
> he really understands your want to fulfill your dreams and goals, and he really admires you and thinks your really cute.
this was a little rushed and I probably could have found better characters-
hope this is alright if you want a re-match I can do that for sure <3
timeskip!hinata/manga spoilers below the cut
if you meet after high school:
> you both can speak similar language! (assuming that in this made up universe you have already learned how to speak the rest on your list..)
> imagine that cuddly hinata- but better. it’s the timeskip beef all the characters got like—
> if you met/were together when he was doing beach training, he would definitely try and teach you a bit of beach volleyball/indoors as well.
>when he goes back to japan and joins msby? you probably moved over there with him, if not you can probably make a long distance relationship work just fine
> he would brag to his new teammates so freaking much about you too, especially about your dance skills and how many languages you speak
> he’s just really proud of you tbh
> he understands your want to succeed/ achieve your dreams/goals, I mean he moved to freaking Brazil to help him achieve his, so i think he definitely relates
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shihozaki · 3 years
I'm really enjoying your works and I was wondering if I could get a MHA matchup? My name is Leah but lots of my friends call me Levi, I'm 19 femm-ish (tbh gender doesn't really matter in my life in any sense because I'm also bisexual) I'm a Hufflepuff, and I am fiercely loyal to people I care about. I have been told that I am self sacrificial to a fault(personally I just believe that I would rather see other people be safe/happy than myself). I am a (mostly) reformed delinquent but do occasionally still rock the look. My style varies wildly depending on the day/mood so some days I look like a straight up Lolita while others I look like I could be in a punk band. I'm pretty pale and my hair is black but I have the under side of it bleached very light blonde. I think if I had a quirk I would like it to be similar to endeavors (as much as I hate him I do really love fire-based super powers). I work at a doggy daycare right now and am studying early childhood education in college. I have a huge soft spot for kids but don't want biological ones of my own(I'd prefer to adopt if I do decide to have them) I do mixed martial arts as a hobby and the styles I take from most are boxing and judo(kinda an odd combo), in the martial arts arena I also am pretty skilled with a staff and naginata and I'm learning swordsmanship. I'm super passionate about comic books, video games, and a variety of sci-fi/fantasy movies. I think a cute scenario that I'd like to see my match with would maybe be a home date(where we like watch movies and stuff). Thank you so much(I bet doing all of these is lots of work but you're doing amazing!!) Hope you have a great day!
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Thank you so much for your request! I apologize for the delay, I hope you enjoy it :) and wow, you sound badass😀
I pair you up with Natsuo Todoroki!
- Your quirk is Human heater! Basically, you can control the “hotness” of your body. The intensity of the heat can be so high that your body lights up on fire. You can control which body parts are heated, and you aren’t harmed by the heat (you are burn resistant). Basically you are Fireboy from the game Fireboy and Watergirl.
- Natsuo and you went to the same college. He was in medical Welfare and you were in childhood education- but you guys had some of the same classes together.
- Natsuo took an interest in you because of your quirk. He didn’t like fire based quirks- it reminded him too much of his dad. He couldn’t help but stare at your every time- and told himself it was sorely because of your quirk
- Until he realized, maybe there was more to why he kept looking at you during class. Perhaps it was the way you were so kind to children- or it was the way you were so kind for others- or maybe it was your sense of style. He didn’t exactly know why, but he was drawn to you more and more every day.
- One fortunate day, you guys were paired up for a project together. You guys finished the project very fast, and you were amazed at Natsuo’s intelligence and his unique way of thinking
- You guys started talking after that, slowly opening up to each other. Natsuo realized that you were nothing like his father. He eventually realized he even liked you. It was ironic- because a fire based quirk and an ice based quirk? It felt like history repeating itself
- But you made him see past each other's quirks. After you guys became close friends, you made him see things in different perspectives- while he helped you get out of the house and actually meet people :) it wasn’t long until you guys both agreed to be in a relationship.
- You guys love each other deeply, sharing each other’s interests and values, and you both love each other’s integrity. You trust him and he trusts you- and he doesn’t trust many people. You guys even moved in together :)
- And you don’t want biological kids? Natsuo loves that idea (probably with his dad and all) and he’s willing to support every single decision you make.
- He thinks you are badass- And he thinks you would make a great hero. But he’s also glad you’re working at a doggy daycare since he would prefer if you didn’t get into danger
- Overall, you guys are like ying & yang, sharing each other’s dreams, thoughts and hopes about the world. And your futures together :)
Scenario: Watching a movie together!
“Howl is pretty hot.” You muttered, earning a laugh from Natsuo. “Honestly, I agree- but, wouldn’t you say I’m slightly- SLIGHTLY hotter?” Natsuo asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice. It was a Saturday, and rain was visiting Musutafu. Since you guys had no school and no work, it was decided to have a movie night. You chose a classic, Howl’s Moving Castle- and you had declared that Howl was attractive to your eyes, making Natsuo’s jealousy rise. “Please don’t tell me you’re jealous about a 2D character.” You muttered. Natsuo grinned. “I’m not jealous- but you haven’t answered the question yet. Am I hot or not?” He leaned closer to you. “You’re more cool than hot.” You joked, implying about his quirk. “Go marry Howl instead then.” Natsuo muttered, pretending to be sad. His little pouty face was adorable. In class, Natsuo was a natural leader with his charismatic charms. But with you, he had a cute side that you never wanted to forget. “Instead?” You replied. “Are you planning to marry me?” Natsuo turned to you with a slight blush on his face. “Of course.” It was your turn to blush. Marriage. You haven’t even thought about that. Natsuo opened his arms, letting you lean onto him so he could hug you. “My future exists with you in it.” He whispered. You laughed. “Mine too.” The sweet moment was interrupted by Natsuo, who whispered; “But am I hot or not because if we’re going to marry, I want to make sure you find me attractive before we do anything.”
You loved him.
Song: Dreams by Fleetwood Mac!
I hope you enjoyed it, I’m not sure how the scenario was anything you expected so please let me know what you thought about it! Thank you, and I hope to see you again soon :)
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purity-town · 3 years
Little late getting to these -- that's fully the fault of a class project I spent all of Monday/Tuesday and most of Wednesday working on -- but I finished my project and wrote up some long replies to these!
(Apologies for any funny formatting -- I'm trying out the beta for the new post editor!)
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Absolutely not.
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Nope! There are a few people who do know (other guides Andrew's met before, the Dryad, and I'd imagine the Witch Doctor knows something's up even if he doesn't know why), but none of them live in Purity Town proper, and the Dryad and Witch Doctor aren't the kind to participate in rumors or spread what isn't theirs to share. The old man is also aware just because he and Andrew have talked about their curses, but he's 1) not currently in town and 2) not going to share even if he were.
Most folks don't know much about Andrew in general; Becca probably knows the most out of the townsfolk, knowing a little bit about his family and where he's from (he has some pretty specific skills as a hunter that betray this, but he doesn't talk about his exact town of birth), but no specifics and certainly not time periods.
Andrew is good at keeping things quiet; he has to be.
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I would actually appreciate if you didn't post to Pinterest -- usually I'm fine with people reposting with credit (several of the things I've posted to my DeviantArt have found their way to Instagram, for example) but Pinterest has something of a reputation for stolen art (things being reposted from another Pinterest post without credit this time, or credit being hard to view for users not logged in or just viewing through Google). So reposting elsewhere is fine (though if you repost to Reddit or Instagram, tag me at u/Ariibees or @Ariibees)! I'd just prefer my works stay off of Pinterest.
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The terminology related to The Guide/Andrew/The Guardian/The World’s Core/The WoF is all confusing because on some level, they’re all the same being. Kind of like trying to talk about Jekyll and Hyde -- same guy, different looks/actions, haha.
For all intents and purposes, references to the WoF being the barrier/core/whatever behind or within which the spirits of light and dark are contained is equivalent to saying “these spirits are held trapped by the magic of the Guardian, who when summoned appears as the WoF.” I do break slightly from the official lore in how the WoF/Guardian/thing holding back these spirits works (mostly because I don’t really like the idea that the Hallow is a “temporary guardian” or whatever), but the basic concept of “these are trapped by [thing that makes up the WoF]” remains unchanged.
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If “loony cultist” is a reference to something, I’m so sorry, but I’m lost on it. If you’re just talking about the lunatic cultist in a funny way, then yes, they’re in here as a very plot-significant character!
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I had to google what meme you were talking about, but it did make me laugh.
Andrew’s most annoyed by the nickname because people do like to call him Guide, and for someone who’s dedicated his whole life to his role, it can get tiring. He doesn’t really *mind* being called Guide -- it’s fine, that’s what he is and as long as people are respectful of his job he’ll take what he can get -- but at the same time, he’d like for people to stop thinking “Aah! Monster!” or “Weird academic know-it-all” and just...treat him like a normal person sometimes. So he fights to be called Andrew. And...Malik comes along and gives him a nickname that he doesn’t like and doesn’t allow others to use, save for maybe a small group of people of which Malik is not a part. So, not cool, man!
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People love to overcomplicate explaining shading/lighting, and if you wanted to you could certainly go on and on about reflections of light off the ground and shading colors and all sorts of things, but as I’m writing this at 1 AM I don’t really care to.
If you really want to get into shading, I see nice ones on DeviantArt or Tumblr from time to time, or you can always watch a YouTube video on it. Really, though, just keep at it, think about how the shadows should look and work, and you'll get better at it eventually and pick up new ideas on how it all works. (And this is coming from someone who is new to making comics and actually started as a painter.)
Purity Town’s shading comes down to this: simplicity. As much as I’d love to spend hours and hours redrawing the panels I don’t like and carefully shading every fold of fabric and painting detailed backgrounds, I’m a full-time college student and will be working full-time over the summer -- I don’t have the time. So, I cut corners: I reuse backgrounds or use brushes (see: bricks, trees, clouds) that make certain details easier, and I try not to obsess too much over panels I’m not fully happy with. Shadows go where they feel right, and light on the opposite side.
For shading, this comes down to making things quick and easy. For these last few pages, character shading/lighting has only been five layers. One hard light layer for the bluer soft shadows, one overlay layer for darker soft shadows, one linear burn layer for hard shadows, one soft light layer for soft lighting, and one overlay layer for hard lighting. I’ll often also make use of glow dodge layers for lighting, or change the color balance or add more hard/soft light layers if there’s a very heavy color filter on the scene (such as a celestial event, blood moon, or outdoors at night).
Using all the different layer types is essentially a cheat code to fancier lighting -- don’t want to use flat black? Boom, hard light or overlay or burn will give you colored shadows. Want to make your light brighter? Glow dodge will make it burn your retinas.
Sorry that this isn’t a very comprehensive guide, but in my mind, shading and lighting is really something that you pick up over time and it’s hard to sit down and write a guide for it without making it into a massive essay on art theory that I don't even know proper terminology for because I'm not an art student. Of course with some googling you’ll find *proper* guides for this sort of thing from art majors and the likes, and those can be super helpful and technical! But for Purity Town, I just sort of go with what feels right and what's easy to replicate.
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Firstly, I’m happy to hear you’re liking the comic!
Secondly, those buttons are actually there due to the theme! (For those on mobile who can’t see it, I have the theme set to only display on desktop as I prefer the current mobile layout on phone.) I’m using the simple webcomic theme (a quick Google should tell you how to install it for yourself) -- except I’m not actually using it for the webcomic features; rather, it’s a case of “this is the most simple, nice-looking non-default theme I could find.”
The previous/next buttons are added by the theme with the intent that the blog is being used as a typical webcomic website, with nothing but comic pages being posted. However, I post asks and other art here too, and I do so with the intent that people looking at #Terraria or their dashboards in general will see it. So...I use html formatting to make the first/previous/next/last links, along with an index and chapter-by-chapter viewing (using /tagged/chapter##/chrono) so that no matter where you’re coming from, you can still navigate just the pages!
If you want to add just the previous/next buttons, I can’t really help you -- web development is not my area of study in the slightest. But you can check out the theme that they come from and if you want to install only them, you can surely find a tutorial on it somewhere!
(As a side note, the comments section is not from the theme, it’s from a site called Disqus. I don’t expect many people, if anyone, to leave comments, but since I link back to this site a lot and many folks don’t have Tumblr accounts, it’s an option I like to make available.)
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Hiya! My hike was pretty nice; it was a short and easy one, but that was quite appreciated as the trail is unmaintained from November to April, and the trail was covered in fallen trees and quite rocky. Still had fun, though!
And for backgrounds, it depends! For indoors scenes (or outdoors scenes with buildings) I don’t tend to use references, outside of looking up things like “which side of a door is the handle on.” I will, however, integrate real-life textures (see: the quilt and rug in Guide’s house, the wood walls on the building in the background of this week’s page), and paint over paintings from the Terraria wiki.
For outdoors scenes, for simple backgrounds (such as foliage-heavy) ones, I typically don’t need references. I like the difference between detailed, lined indoor/man-made object scenes vs. painted, messy outdoor scenes. But for things like mountains, I do sometimes look up references to help with color choices and the likes.
The town’s layout is a bit strange in that depending on the scene, the background could be drastically different. One side of town faces more mountainside, one side faces the orchards/open hillside, and the other two sides face various degrees of open space and more mountainside/forest. References taken on top of mountains are helpful to get an idea of what degree of foliage I should include between the characters and the sky.
Though this is very specific to the town of Purity -- other towns/villages will have significantly different-looking backgrounds, even the foliage-heavy ones.
That said, what's even more helpful than looking at photos is looking at paintings. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is really good for getting an idea of how to draw grasslands and distant mountains, plus Studio Ghibli movies in general!
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"Howl won't come here. He doesn't need your help. He can fix his problem with his demon on his own. I'm certain of it.
So you think you've got it bad?! I've never once been beautiful in my entire life!" (Sophie, Howl's Moving Castle.)
If just one Miyazaki female lead was my ultimate favorite, if I could watch one for the rest of my life and none of the others my choice hands down would be Sophie Hatter. When I was seven and saw this movie for the first time she instantly sucked me into this world full of magic and mystery. I was engrossed in her journey of how she and the wizard Howl fell in love with one another. The beauty of this movie is something that I can just rewatch again and again.
To me, out of all of Miyazaki's female leads I relate to Sophie the most. Her strength, her overbearing heart that can often take over her every action, her willingness to help others even when their problems shouldn't affect her, her kindness towards those that have worked hard to earn it, and her tender and loving nature even if it's sometimes tough love. For much of my life I haven't related to any of Miyazaki's female leads. I loved their strength and their determination but I could never see myself in their actions. Sophie was the first one where I looked at her and went "Oh, yeah that's me. I'd make that exact same decision if I was in love with a pretty idiotic wizard." Her love is what guides her every decision and I related to that notion.
For much of my life I've admired Sophie's strength. She got a curse put upon her but instead of wallowing in her self pity she decided screw this noise I'm going to become a cleaning lady for this creepy old castle that all those rumors talk about. My love of strong female's in film mostly stems from my love of Sophie. She had to have a strong backbone in order to put up with Howl's dramatics and everyone around her gossiping. She had to have a sharp tongue in order to shut that down so that she could focus. I was always shy and meek growing up. I knew the kind of temperament that I wanted to have though. I loved that raging fire inside of Sophie that told her yes don't take that lying down.
Sophie's kindness to me is remarkable. I don't know about most of you but if somebody put a curse on me I would not want them to live in the same general vicinity as me. Especially if that curse was something that altered my entire life like being old did Sophie. But it's that kindness that she saw a sickly old woman and couldn't just let her strive on her own. No matter how much she had hurt her that didn't matter. What did was that she was a human being that deserved love just like everybody else. What might seem to some as "stupid" or "flighty" or even "too nice" at seven I saw somebody with a similar heart as my own. Her empathy for others is what drives her to do the things that she does. I'm also a good chunk of the time driven by my empathy for those around me. I'm always willing to help a friend in need even if it puts myself in harms way.
Also can we talk about how Sophie is really the only one, other than Kiki, who struggles from self worth issues? She never thought that she was beautiful or anything that special. All that mattered to her was work. It was her hat shop and getting things done over there. It didn't matter to her that she wasn't the prettiest girl around. Even though sometimes her feelings got the better of her she powered through and tried her best to remain happy for the other people in her life. Kiki was my favorite when I was a baby but the older I got and seeing Sophie changed everything for me.
Sophie is actually rather interesting because she has two voice actresses! One for old Sophie and one for young Sophie. They interchange and go back and forth depending on if she's old or younger. Emily Mortimer voices young Sophie in a very kind and sympathetic way. While Jean Simmons voices older Sophie who's a bit harsher but still has that kindness to her. They're both just super genuine and and just kind.
Miyazaki films are full of amazing characters and while I love way too many of them there are only two that I would consider my favorites from both genders. Funnily enough they are *not* a pairing so it's not Howl. As much as I love his pretty dumbass nature I have one boy that I would prefer and would fight for 10/10.
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shoichee · 4 years
Hi! Congrats on 500 followers!! ❤️
My pronouns are she/her and I'm cis-straight. In terms of physique: I'm 160 cm, dark eyes, long black hair. I'm an INFJ-A. Gemini sun, Libra moon, Libra ascendant.
First impression of me would always be this shy, timid girl or someone who's bitchy (there's no in between; I feel like it's because of my eyes why people also find me hard to approach and I'm really quiet at first xD) but I'm the opposite when they get to know me. I could converse with any topic as long as they show interest with how they reply, otherwise, why bother? I actually find it hard to open up to people like I may seem like an open book, but some only know who I really am. I find that I'm mostly the one who asks questions, who wants to know more about the other person, and I prefer it that way rather than them finding more about me.
Once I become close with someone though, I become extroverted (?) like I'd be making jokes, memes, say pick up lines, any random stuff. I'd usually be clingy as well in a way that I'd want to hang out and play online games or watch movies/anime with them or asking how they are (basically be one of their support system like I was once in a call around 11 PM that lasted until around 2 in the morning - but I still do know when to say no if I don't have the capacity to interact or do something).
I'm also indecisive like it takes me some time to make decisions (even as simple as where to eat) and impulsive as well (like when I feel like doing something right now, I'd do it right now - like when I felt like cutting my hair cause it was so hot). One thing I like about me is that I don't really care what other people think about me, especially if they're not on the list of people whose opinion matter.
I really like reading, watching series/movies/anime/etc., and I feel like my ideal dates would be an amusement park date (but I'm actually scared of heights, or like scared of falling, but I'd still go ride the scary rides at least once I guess if I don't chicken out xD) and cooking together (I'm a huge foodie!!) and having picnics. I'm really competitive as a person as well which is why I enjoy watching stuff like Survivor, Amazing Race, etc. and um, I guess that's it?? Hopefully you're able to get a decent info from this hahahah
thank you so much!! you’re now officially the first matchup to... receive an honorable mention hehehe
Best Matchup. . .
Izuki Shun
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according to personality theory, the INTP (him) and INFJ (you) have been coined “The Golden Pair” due to high compatibility
the INFJ is also known to be the most “extroverted” out of the introverted types, so while you both can keep up with each other’s antics, with his puns and jokes and your own memes and pickup lines of your own, both of you still get to enjoy the quiet company when there’s a need to unwind and relax
Izuki is quite engaging and talkative himself with the people he’s close with, so he’d definitely respond quite enthusiastically (with a joke perhaps)
see, he’s not really someone who’s put off by your “resting bitch face” or your quietness at all… if he was going to be honest, your first impressions reminded him a little too much of Hyuga, the Seirin captain (a.k.a. one of his closest and trusted friends for the longest time)
besides, he has his own contrasting side too: on the outside he looks very cool-headed, but on the inside… he’s… very chaotic
so he easily knows how to approach you
he’s like you, someone who’s a quiet, good-looking student according to the other female students, but once they find out about his “joke book,” they immediately flee
a.k.a he loves the fact that you say the most random shit, the memes, the pickup lines, because that just means he doesn’t have to be afraid of being himself around you (and maybe he’d give cringier puns just to try to outdo you)
not down for him to learn about you? that’s totally fine with him, because he just thrives on having a good time in having hilarious, casual conversations about everything and nothing at the same time, and he just LOVES the fact that you’re so interested in him and initiating the conversation
because... well, all his life, a lot of people usually groan or frown at his ways of talking/acting, and that lowkey discourages him from trying to mingle with his classmates and just stick with his close friends sometimes
he kinda likes the fact that you’re clingy, because it shows that you care about him and want to spend your time by his side… in fact, his mom encourages this once she finds out you two are dating by constantly inviting you over for dinner
he doesn’t mind having long calls or having you come over to hang out too because these just present more opportunities for him to share his 108 volumes of joke books to you (and write more too after being inspired by your own sense of humor)
this calm and collected guy would definitely balance out your indecisiveness and your impulsiveness, being a gifted strategist and just being very rational overall
so whenever you have trouble deciding anything and you decide to call for Izuki, he’d easily give you suggestions and choices to pick from
whenever you’re expressing moments of impulsiveness, he immediately tells you to take a deep breath and verbally talk about your choices, so you can process it in your head about what you were about to do; after all, Izuki himself needed to calm down and think of a way to outsmart Hayama, using his explosive impulsiveness against him in the Rakuzan game
if Izuki wasn’t there when you made those impulsive choices anyways, he’s going to make lighthearted jokes and puns out of it when he finds out
the hair you snipped off because it was too hot in the summer? he’s never gonna let that down for MONTHS… so much so, he’s going to put that in his next volume of his joke book series
“That’s a pretty hair-nous crime, (y/n)... Get it, because… heinous, and the… hair.”
imagine the two of you down the hallways, laughing at each other’s inside jokes, while everyone stares at you two being very concerned
but you two don’t care about that, not when you have each other’s company, talking about the series you two watched together last night or the latest game news you both heard around
besides, if Seirin’s team accepts Izuki (more-or-less) for who he is, they have absolutely no problem considering you as one of their own too
he wants to go to so many places with you not only to spend time with you, but to also come up with… you guessed it, more puns
the amusement park is a gold mine for him
“Hey (y/n), how do you know that an amusement park isn’t fake?”
“... Oh no.”
“When you see the ferris wheel! Huh, Huh? How about that!” He swings his arms around with a smug, proud face, waiting for your reaction to the punchline
“Wait a second…” you blink to register his joke
“Get it? Because… the fair is real… ferris wheel. That’s a pretty good one I would say.”
“I have no opinion,” you might say, looking at the booths before turning to him with a barely-held back grin. “I’m just going along for the ride.”
“No way!” Izuki would exclaim, having starry-eyes and imaginary sparkles around him. “That’s going into the books!”
picnics? get ready for more puns from Izuki… need I say more?
but again, both of you are introverts, so a lot of times when you two hang out, sometimes reading books or watching some movies together are what you two need
whenever you cook at his house, his mother and older sister will always be there with you in the kitchen, making jokes along with you while you eagerly ask them questions about their lives (or maybe embarrassing secrets of Izuki’s childhood)
he’s SO DOWN to watch competition shows and survival games with you, because he also has had that competitive spirit since 2nd grade, and with his analytical skills, he would totally try to predict with you which contestant would be the winner… and also make puns based off of what he sees on the screen
since you have a competitive nature, a lot of times, you come to watch Izuki’s games (sitting in a spot where it’s not so crowded) and get really invested… and Izuki is OVER THE MOON that you even considered to watch him play *cue him cranking up the pun meter by 8000 and then get kicked off to the benches by Hyuga*
both of you have long black hair and dark eyes, I suppose that’s a bonus
Runner-Up Matchup!
Kuroko Tetsuya
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a fellow INFJ like you, there’s no doubt that your personalities would get along seamlessly
he’s extremely observant! the moment he sees you, he just sees through your outward impressions… besides, have you seen the Generation of Miracles? they’re honestly quite terrifying to ordinary students and even to many adults, and the fact that he’s friends with them all shows how he won’t be easily dissuaded from your surface personality/facial expressions
Kuroko is an amazing listener, always showing genuine interest and always asking follow-up questions that make you feel like your words and interests truly matter to him
he honestly prefers to do the listening and receiving of the conversation, so the fact that you do most of the asking and initiating relieves him a bit
since he’s very used to the GoMs’ weird… quirks and habits, he’s not surprised when you become more open and extroverted to him, and he may throw back his own joke or two (with his dry humor)
he tolerates your clinginess a.k.a. he’s neutral about it since he’s way too used to Momoi being all over him or just anyone always searching out for him
his favorite thing to do is to read, and whatever series or book titles you recommend him, he prioritizes reading those above all else so he can talk about them with you, whether through calls or IRL hangouts
speaking of calls, he loves to keep in touch, either through calls and/or letters (seen with his best friend Ogiwara)
he’s also someone who doesn’t give a shit about what people think of him
likewise, he has no qualms and is willing to go anywhere with you for dates
Alert! Honorable Mention!
Sakurai Ryō
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hear me out, this relationship with him would be quite interesting
imagine you and him first meeting, both of you being unbelievably timid… except that Sakurai is more afraid than usual because of your fierce expression LOL
he’d totally feel like if he said the wrong thing, you’d kill him off campus or something
he’s super earnest, so if you happen to strike up conversation, regardless of what question you ask him, he’d answer you with sincerity and with his full attention on you
so that may encourage you to speak with him more and find out about him (and here he is, trying his best to answer you, thinking that you’re really scary but not knowing how to get you to leave him alone)
that is, until he eventually grows quite comfortable around you and loses his stuttering and habit of apologizing, while you eventually loosen up and become more open/extroverted
he really likes that you’re clingy because that falls under his love language of showing affection by wanting to actually spend time with him (he’s baffled that anyone sees him in a positive light, let alone wants to hang out)
this guy definitely needs a support system to talk his problems out, and you are more than willing to stay around and lend an ear and to talk
both of you are introverts, so again, you guys wouldn’t overwhelm each other too much
surprisingly, Sakurai would counteract your indecisiveness and impulsiveness, since he’s a VERY careful individual who likes to play things safe
imagine his stunned shock when he sees your hair as a result of your impulsive decision…
“A-Ah…?! (y/n)-san…! Y-Your… Your hair! Wh-What happened?!”
you would counteract Sakurai’s “pushover” personality, since you don’t care what people think of you, and sometimes, you tell him not to let other people influence him so much (a.k.a. Aomine or any other classmates who like to take advantage of him)
Sakurai is actually a manga artist in his free time, and he started playing basketball after reading a sports manga, so he’d totally share your love of watching anime, and after growing close, he’d trust you enough to show off his penned works omg
this is actually amusing to me that Sakurai has a “clutch shooter” 180 personality like Hyuga: when the game becomes tight in score and time, he turns into a competitive, aggressive, and (perhaps) arrogant individual
both of you would chicken out of rides in the amusement park LOL
he’s a MASTER CHEF himself, so a lot of dates involve both of you just cooking dishes and tasty snacks to munch on while you watch anime or any series of your choice
perhaps both of you would watch basketball games because you get to see the competition and see Sakurai’s rare analytical side when he intensely stares at all the shooters’ forms
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wrathfulspark · 4 years
“I know, I am not the one to usually ask questions, I mostly get asked them given who I am. Plus, I feel that if there is anything you want me to know about you, you eventually talk about it. I like the sudden discoveries between us rather than knowing everything about you up front Mon amour. However, I am always wanting to know more about you, even though I feel I know you fairly well given what all we have shared with one another.”
 Tamryn maintained a fond smile as she searched the beautiful features of her lovers face before meeting the kiss with a sense of eagerness. Leaning her head back against the headboard she exhaled softly as she let her fingertips run through Elidi’s hair aimlessly as her lover rested in the crook of her neck, letting out a soft huff like laugh she commented back,
 “Are you really so quick to get back to Tabula Rasa? Relax Mon amour, that is all we have to do for the next three days.”
 Thinking over some ideas of what they could do beyond being in the hotel and the beach the she wolf was mentally lost in thought and was not expecting the nip against the skin above her collar bone. Her fingers gripped Elidi’s hair and let out a playful growl as her eyes shifted yellow against her control for a moment before she recovered with a sly smirk as she locked eyes with the her lover,
 “Mmm, I would only abuse it in the right ways darling.”
 Tamryn arched a brow as she teased back, but became somewhat serious again as she wanted to still be clear,
 “I would never intentionally do anything to abuse you in any sort of way, and I intend to ensure that others are incapable of abusing you as well. No one will hurt you as long as you are with me and I can prevent it.”
  Hearing the whine she tilted her head thoughtfully and let Elidi sit up to get her drink, Tamryn looked over to her own glass which was near empty and decided to fill it only to nearly empty it in another long drink. Her gazed drifted to the screen as Elidi mentioned how she hadn’t been focused on the movie. The she wolf bit her lip for a moment before sitting up a bit more against the headboard,
“It’s fairly hard to focus on a romance movie when you have set this room up like one of our own. That and I honestly find it hard to focus on anything other than you as of late...”
 Her focus shifted as she looked over the witch’s legs and arms seeing the slight tint to her skin, her own seemingly unphased by the sun despite how fair skinned she was, with a almost prideful grin she moved to be closer to her love, leaning in towards her ear some as she added,
 “The beauty of being the beast. Tanning, and sunburns are in a sense skin damage, we recover even from that fairly quick. We can tan, and get burned eventually, we would have to sit in direct sunlight for a prolonged period of time to tan and, I don’t have that much free time really. I like my fair skin, it’s divine to a degree.”
 Sitting up now she crossed her legs and sat facing Elidi as she gathered a few of the chocolates onto her own pillow, aimlessly arranging them in the shape of a small heart before taking one and opening it to eat. Arching a brow as Elidi suggested the aquarium she smiled but then gave her a look as she mentioned not wanting to control the trip,
 “Eli, stop being so modest with me, at this point, you don’t have to be. I don’t see anything you do when taking the lead or taking charge as being controlling, which says a lot coming from me. I don’t often like letting other have control. I like that you are not shy to take control with me, I want you to be selfish with me and our relationship because I am doing the same. When I want to do something with you, we do it, even if you protest a bit at first. I want you to feel the same way. If you want something or want to do something simply mention it and it is yours, or ours. I see you as my Queen, not just my girlfriend or lover. So let me treat you as such, and by all means start to feel like such, specially when its just us here.”
 With a faint smile she picked up one of the chocolate and unwrapped it while she spoke. Moving over the bed she straddled Elidi’s lap, being aware to hold herself up with her thighs so she didn’t touch the potential sunburns her lover had. Leaning down she held out the chocolate close to Elidi’s lips with a fond smile,
 “I want to do the things you want to do. If that means sitting on the beach all day just so you can be near the ocean, then we by all means will do that. Or if you want to go to the Aquarium then we will do that as well. Even just sitting here, pretending to watch a movie while we enjoy this new territory together is enough. I know I seem very complexed to the public, but when it comes to you I am not. I just want to be near you, and do whatever it takes to maintain this happiness we have together.”
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Elidi listened intently as Tamryn spoke, her hues while attentive, soft as she gazed at the redhead. Her head shook slightly once Tamryn finished speaking, "You can know whatever it is you want about me, whenever you feel like knowing. I'll tell you anything." There was a small pause, as the witch pondered her words with deliberate consideration, "... From my childhood, teen years, all the way up to adulthood. Maybe we could make a night of that, hm?" Though when the duo tended to talk about their past, the tone always descended into a darker territory, but the end result brought them all the closer together. Elidi found solace in that.
Elidi's eyes slip shut as her lovers fingers comb through her hair, relishing in her touch, stirring only at the sound of her voice. Looking up at Tamryn's accusation, she's quick to shake her head to dismiss the comment, no matter if said in jest, "Of course not darling. Tabula can't hold a candle to you. We could be... just out and about on the streets and I'd still prefer it over Tabula. When I am with you, there is no greater place to be." She spoke matter pf factly, a wide grin on her lips before she scatters a trail of kisses along the Alpha's skin available to her. "I am plenty relaxed."
The grip on her hair, once placid, now firmly gripped darkened locks, Elidi's brows raising in surprise. Bright eyes take notice of the yellow hue in her lovers gaze, a side of Tamryn she wasn't all too familiar with, but enraptured with none the less. Only abuse it in the right way, huh? A smile covers her lips, adjusting quickly to press the tip of her nose against Tamryns, amused. "How cheeky." Though upon noticing the change in Tamryn's demeanour, she's quick to alter her own, "I know Red... and I hope you know the same. I never want to hurt you, and I would never intentionally do so. I want to be someone you can always rely on and come too with whatever you may need. I don't have a pack or as much authority as you in mattera of protection, but only the very best of my abilities to assure no harm will find its way to you."
Elidi rubbed the back of her head, sheepish and embarassed, she hadn't decorated the room entirely up to her standards, but if Tamryn liked it she supposed it was okay. She wanted nothing but the best for her amor. Listening as Tamryn explained her slight tolerance to the sun, Elidi let out a hum in thought, "I see... though I do agree completely. Your skin is divine. Heavenly. It makes it all the more tempting to mark." She faltered, "Not that it would stay."
Watchful hues observed as Tamryn sorted the little candies into a heart, a faint chuckle leaving her as she found the small act adorable. "Well... I know, I know. I just, want to make sure it is something you want to do too. Just off an assumption here, but I doubt you come to the beach much, so it is a rare occurence. I want to make the most of it, with as much as you're comfortable with."
Accepting the piece of chocolate, she grinned as she chewed, finding Tamryn much sweeter than the little treat. Her hands found their way around the redhead's waist, guiding her hips down to sit upon her thighs. "It won't kill me." Elidi teased, although entirely swooned at Tamryn's consideration of her burn. "Besides that is all I want to do, be near you." Digits idly toyed with the ends of her fiery red hair, brushing stray hairs from Tamryn's palid visage. "Maybe we can sit on the beach like you suggested earlier." Elidi turned her head to look out the balcony window, "Seeing as I dozed off once or twice there, by the time we get everything prepared, the sun should be setting."
She sat up partially, holding Tamryn securely in her lap as she pressed a lingering kiss to her lips, a small grin evident on her lips.
"Oh! We can even go for a walk on the beach, that's romantic. Isn't it?" The suggestion, albeit her own, seemed to perk her up significantly. "Then we can drink. See, I have now planned a proper evening. The aquarium can wait."
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naia10101 · 4 years
Tag people you want to get to know better
So i was tagged by @tolrais and I've never really done one of these before sooo figured I'd try it out!
Your name and what you would have named yourself: I actually really like my name ngl, but I don't particularly feel comfortable sharing it online so yall can stuck to Naia 😂
Astrological sign (sun/moon/rising): sun sagittarius, moon taurus and rising virgo. My main comment on this is that apparently rising virgo is what you try and present yourself as and i dont think anyone has every viewed me as organised 😂😂
When did you join tumblr and why: 2014, mostly cos I got sick of clicking on fanart from Google images and not being able to look at it without an account 😂
Top 5 fandoms: of all time would probably beeeee, general podcasts (since the Magnus Archives, the penumbra podcast, welcome to night vale and such are all kinda linked in the fandom), hannibal because I will never be over it :'), critical role cos I'm counting that as seperate to general podcast since I tend to watch it rather than listen, dungeons and dragons cos I think that counts as a fandom and probably steven universe because even though I don't really actively participate in the fandom anymore, it will always have a really special place in my heart with how it affected my development when I was growing up
Top 5 movies: first of all is definitely Saw, the first movie is amazing the other I don't mind but the first will always be my favourite. Next is prolly Scream cos all 3 of the original movies are absolute GOLD. Silence of the lambs, but only the first one cos I haven't actually seen the others and they don't sound as good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Avengers civil war, purely just cos of the people I watched it with and how special those memories are. Finally probably The Shining, again cos it was an amazing movie night.
Go to song when you want to Feel: anyone who knows me will judge so much cos I rarely listen to pop and this is cheesy af but Human by Christina Perri, and it only works if I'm already feeling a lot, it somehow just channels everything out my eyes :')
What's your religion or faith if you have one: I've always been pretty agnostic, but recently have found myself really drawn to different pagan-y, but that mostly manifests as talking to my pagan friends about it a lot and reading a lot about it
Do you have a type: uuuuuhhh I suppose anyone not particularly intimidating, I find a lot of things really pretty for different reasons, but I'm not a fan of really "scary" or overly "sexy" looks
What does your heart/soul yearn for: peace and equity
If you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone you don't know: meaningless facts adhd excitement octopus
Favourite subjects in school: biology, chemistry music and drama
Top 5 fictional characters: Jonnathan Sims from the Magnus archives, Juno Steel from the penumbra podcast, caduceus clay from critical role, Burger Chainz from polygons cyberpunk red campaign and peridot from steven universe
Top 3 moments that made you ugly cry: THE ENDING OF FALSETTOS like bruh that's my go to when I need to cry cos EVERY TIME. Wei wuxians death scene on the cliff from the untamed cos OWCH. And the end of avengers endgame cos wow I have grown up with marvel since I was like 8.
The earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: the moon, cos earth SUCKS the sun is way too hot and bright and i love the stars but the moon is just so beautiful and is the symbol of a lot of ancient goddesses that I really identify with
Favourite kind of weather: heavy rain and overcast so I can curl up with a cup of tea and listen to emo music cos I will never escape being a shameless emo and also sunlight flares on my glasses so I hate it
Top 3 characters you kin: uuuuhhhhhhh no.
Favourite medium of art: idk if it's what I prefer to use or see? I prefer to draw on digital but I love seeing classical ink art from Asian cultures like China and Japan (I'm sorry I don't know what it's called 😬)
Introvert/ambivert/extrovert: extroverted introvert 😂 cos I need to talk to people I know well but I HATE talking to anyone not my friend and all interaction drains me to some degree
A favourite literary quote: "life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"
Some of your favourite books: Song of Achilles by madeline miller cos aaaaa, Dark matter by Michelle paver for the amazing horror descriptions and extra points for the surprise gay, anything by Edgar Allen poe or lovecraft, good omens by Terry pratchet and Neil gaimen and I must include the hunger games, because I reread those a hundred times as a teenager
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be: I'm not massively picky about what I want but definitely some cottagecore vibes so probably somewhere in the countryside in southern France or maybe Italy
If you could live in any time in history when would it be: tbh i like WiFi and also being a big gay with mental illness I don't think I'd do well in any other time 😅 maybe would be born a few years earlier for when emo music was popular cos I missed that but that's it
If you could play any instrument masterfully what would it be: since I already play guitar and uke and stuff I'd love to be masterful at piano. I already play it somewhat but being truly masterful at it is one of the most incredible things I've seen
If you have one, what mythological gods/goddesses do you feel a connection to: definitely Artemis, dionysius, athena and hades, not particularly for spiritual reasons but their stories and characterisations speak to me a lot
And lastly, favourite recent selfie on your camera roll:
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Apparently I gotta tag people now so uuuhhhh @enbeeees and @fluffyboissculptedboishissybois I'm curious what you guys would answer 😁😁
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