#it's not like i hate it but m/f has to clear SUCH a high bar for me to like it
hikennosabo · 1 year
unfortunately, 90% of canon m/f ships in media, even if there's nothing actually wrong with how they're written, make me feel like my immune system is activating
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americasass91 · 3 years
The Shield and the Sweater
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Hello lovelies! This little fic came to me when the lovely, beautiful, talented @stargazingfangirl18​ asked a very important question on her blog. Would you rather be enemies to lovers with Steve Rogers or friends with benefits with Ransom Drysdale. Well my greedy ass wanted both. Thus the birth of this story. I also turned it around a little to make it fit into Siri’s 5k Soft Dark Challenge! I’ve never written anything dark before. Also not sure if this classifies as soft!dark or if it’s more dark. But it’s one of those! If that makes you uncomfortable, then please don’t read it. This is also my first time writing a threesome, so let me know if it sucks! I hope you enjoy it! 😘
General prompts:
8)The town golden boy isn’t as sweet as everyone thinks.
Dialogue prompts:
3)”Oh, honey, you weren’t supposed to see that.”
11)”I’ve waited a long time for this, sweetheart.”
Rating: Explicit(if you’re under 18, please leave)
Words: 6.2k(this one got away from me, sorry)
Warnings: soft!dark/dark themes, unprotected sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, threesome(M/M/F), manipulation, language, model!Ransom being an asshole, Steve not being who you think he is
“And I really think if everyone pitches in to make these changes, it’ll really make a difference in the long run.”
Wow, so this is how you were going to die. In your whole 20 something years of existence, you never thought boredom would be your cause of death.
Sure, you were the lead Accountant at Stark Tower and these monthly meetings were mandatory. But did you really have to be here to listen to Rogers go on and on about how we can ‘improve our working environment’? Why did he even care anyway? He was barely ever here as it is.
You must have been zoning out worse than you thought because next thing you know your coworker, Janet, is poking you in the side and pointing towards Steve.
With a quick glare sent her way, you move your gaze to the Captain. He is giving you the same look he always does. Like he’s disgusted with you. “I’m sorry Miss Y/L/N. Am I boring you?”
A scoff escapes your mouth. “No, not at all Captain Rogers. I just love when people who are never here seem to always have an opinion on how things are run and how they could be better.”
He narrows his eyes at you. “Do you have a problem with me, Y/N? Cause if you do, I’m sure there’s a way to solve that.”
You stand up and match his expression. You lean forward with your hands resting on the table. You can’t help but notice the Captain drops his gaze to your cleavage that’s now on more display than before. But just as quick as it was there, his gaze rises back up to meet your face. “Is that a threat, Captain Rogers?”
“Oh, it’s more than a-“
Tony quickly stands up and claps his hands together. “Okay! Meeting adjourned! You two, come here!”
You quickly straighten yourself up and make your way over to Tony. You always try to make sure you show him as much respect as you can. He’s your boss after all.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark. My emotions got the better of me. It won’t happen again.”
He nods to you. “Thank you, Y/N. I accept your apology. But what I’m not understanding is why Steve here wanted to fire you?”
You both turn to look at Steve who has a sheepish expression on his face. “Yeah, sorry about that, Tony. She just seems to bring out this ugly side of me. I’ll try to keep it more contained next time.” He then moves his gaze to you. “Sorry, Y/N. I promise to be more professional moving forward.”
He makes a quick exit, leaving you shocked that he apologized at all. Ever since you started here almost a year ago now, you’ve been at each other’s throats. It was your fault really.
It was your first week and you were in the break room grabbing some coffee when you overheard a few of your coworkers making fun of Steve for being a virgin. Now, you weren’t sure if it was true but you wanted to fit in so you made your way over to the group and asked if anyone calls him Captain Virgin. That earned you some big laughs. But the laughter died down quickly as Steve entered the room to grab some coffee. Judging by the glare he gave you, he heard what you had called him.
You went straight to Tony after that to apologize. You really didn’t want to get fired. But you wanted to make sure Tony heard the story from you before Steve got the chance to talk to him. To your utter surprise, Tony found the name hilarious and gave you a high five, saying you were going to fit right in.
Well long story short, it’s almost a year later and Steve is still getting called Captain Virgin. Oh but don’t worry, he has names of his own for you. His favorite is Tony’s Pet. For some reason, it really eats at you when he calls you that.
But the one thing you hate the most about Steve?
Is how utterly, hopelessly, and desperately attracted you are to the son of a bitch.
That happened in your second week when you went to use the complimentary gym and saw him beating the shit out of some poor punching bag. Your panties and your workout were definitely ruined after that.
The more you fought with Steve, the more you just wanted him to bend you over any surface and have his way with you.  
It was despicable how horny you were for him. You were pretty sure all he’d have to do is snap his fingers and point to the floor in front of him and you’d happily drop to your knees and take him down your throat.
So that left you leaving work every day in a horny state. You started by taking care of it yourself when you got home. But after a while even that wasn’t cutting it. Then you started bringing home one night stands. But after the 4th disappointing non-orgasm, you gave up and just learned to live with it.
Sure, you could attempt to start being nice to Steve and maybe ask him out. But you were pretty sure he hated you. Plus you have way too much pride to actually do that.
So that leads to now. It’s Friday night and your workday is almost over. You’re inputting the last few numbers from the last expense report in your pile.
You get the last number put in when Janet approaches you. She sits on the corner of your desk. “So, you coming tonight?”
You take your glasses off and lean back in your chair, stretching your arms over your head. “Coming where?”
She rolls her eyes at you. “Oh, come on Y/N! You know we go out almost every Friday night. You never come and you always say you will!”
You start to clear off your desk and put things back in their place. “Yeah well I could. Or I could go home and sit on my ass and do nothing.”
“Well, that explains why it’s looking a bit bigger lately.”
Janet’s jaw drops as she directs her gaze at Steve, who is now standing in front of your desk.
You smirk and lean on your elbows towards him. “You like looking at my ass, Rogers?”
He scoffs. “Well when it takes up that much space, it’s hard not to notice. But here, I came to give you this.”
He hands you what looks to be a 10 page expense report. “Sorry it’s late, I’ve been busy, you know. Saving the world.”
You ungraciously take it from him and throw it in your to-do pile. “That can wait until Monday. I’ve got plans. We’re going to-” you look towards Janet for clarification. “Lavo.” You turn your gaze back to Steve. “Yeah, we’re going to Lavo. So this will wait til Monday if that’s okay with you, sir.”
Steve does his best to move his bag and jacket subtly towards the front of his pants so you won’t notice his growing hard-on. He hates how turned on he gets when you guys get into it. And then you call him sir? Jesus. He clears his throat. “Of course, I'm the one who turned it in at the last minute.”
Janet speaks up quickly. “You could always come with us! It’ll be fun!”
You grin widely at him. “Yeah! You could finally get your cherry popped, Captain Virgin.”
Steve can’t help the blush that covers his cheeks. “Uh, I can assure you my cherry has been popped since the 40’s. But thank you for your concern. And thank you for the invite, Janet. But i think I’ll stay in tonight.” He takes out his phone and sends a quick text before turning around and walking towards the elevators.
Wow. He didn’t even try to retaliate. You shrug your shoulders and grab your purse before standing up. “Alright, I’ll go! But on one condition!”
Janet claps her hands in excitement and starts walking with you towards the elevators. “Sure, anything!”
You press the button for the lobby. “You are going to be my wingwoman. Cause this girl definitely needs to get laid.”
Lavo is super packed by the time you guys arrive. Of course you all had to go home and change.
You decided to go with a simple, yet effective, little black dress that showed off just enough to get men’s attention.
Thankfully you are able to score the last table. The waiter comes over and gets everyone’s drink order. You decide to stick with your favorite. You don’t want to get too drunk on the off chance you find someone to take home.
About a half hour into hot office gossip, Lucy, who is sitting across from you, taps your arm. You raise your eyebrows in question towards her.
She subtly nods her head towards the bar. “Okay I’m pretty sure the hottest guy I have ever seen is checking you out.”
You can’t help the smirk that crosses your face. “Yeah? Which one?”
“You can’t miss him. He’s fucking hot. Like no comparison to any of the other dudes sitting up there.”
You glance down at your drink and quickly finish the remainder. You stand up and adjust your dress, pushing up your breasts in the process. “Well, then I guess it’s time for a refill.” You wink and turn to make your way towards the bar.
It doesn’t take long for you to spot him. And boy was Lucy not kidding. He was fucking hot. Brown hair, blue eyes, and a smug smirk that would normally turn you off. But on him it worked. And who even looks that good in a fucking cream colored cable knit?
You go up to the bar, not too close to Mr. Hottie of course, and patiently wait for the bartender.
Hottie McHothot not so subtly moves his gaze up and down your body. He must like what he sees. “Hey honey, have you ever raised chickens?”
Uh. That’s definitely not the first thing you expected to come out of his mouth. You look over at him with confusion on your face. “Uh, no. Why do you ask?”
He just shrugs his shoulders. “Just kinda figured you might. Cause you sure can raise a cock.”
Okay, you’ve definitely never heard that line before. You crack up. You’re pretty sure you even snorted on accident. Once you collect yourself you ask, “Has that line ever worked for you?”
The bartender makes his way over to take your order. After reordering what you had before, you turn towards Hottie and wait for his answer.
“Not sure, my buddy told it to me yesterday so this is the first time I’m using it. Did it work?”
You shrug your shoulders. “I don’t know. It was pretty cheesy.”
“Yeah, maybe. But it got you to laugh. So I’d say mission accomplished. Name’s Ransom. What’s yours, pretty girl?” He holds out his hand for you to shake.
Ransom. Now where have you heard that name before? You accept his hand shake. You can’t help but notice how much bigger his hands are than yours. Jesus. You could already feel your panties getting wet.
“My name’s Y/N. Ransom, that sounds familiar. Do I know you?”
He releases your hand and goes to take a sip of his bourbon. “Well, I guess that depends. Do you read magazines or have you seen the side of the city bus lately?”
You quickly wrack your brain. You don’t read many magazines. But the bus drives by you everyday on your walk to work. Holy shit! That’s it! He’s in his underwear on the side of the bus. You’ve drooled over that picture plenty of times.
“Oh, yeah! I remember now! I’ve seen you on the bus! What’s it an ad for? I can never really get past the almost naked man. A bit distracting on my way to work.”
He smirks as he briefly glances down at your breasts. “I’m glad you know my work. It’s an ad for Calvin Klein. For their new line of men’s briefs. Sorry I’ve been a distraction.” He sends you a wink.
Fuck. He was a model. And a popular one at that if he’s in an ad for Calvin Klein.
“I didn’t say I minded. You can make it up to me you know.” You wink back. Holy shit. Were you really flirting with a model?
“Yeah? Well, how about we get out of here and I’ll show you a fully naked man.”
Okay. Cheesy line number 2. Was that really going to work on you?
Yes it was.
“Let me just go grab my purse.”
Drink forgotten, you go back to your table as quickly as you can without looking desperate. “Sorry, girls. But this is where I leave you.”
Janet glances down at her phone. “We haven’t even been here an hour yet! Where are you going?”
You send her a wink. “I’m leaving with that guy! You guys know him! Remember that ad on the side of the bus?”
They all turn their gaze to him. And they all make it very obvious. He just waves and sends them a smirk.
“Holy fucking shit! That’s the new Calvin Klein guy! Oh my god you lucky bitch!”
“Wait! Listen. We’ll let you go on one condition.”
You furrow your brows in confusion. “Okay?”
Janet gives you a naughty smirk. “On Monday I’ll need a report on if they had to stuff his briefs to get that delicious looking bulge or not.”
You give her a naughty smirk of your own. “I can totally do that.”
Monday morning you were all smiles as you stepped off the elevator and headed towards your desk. You give Janet a wink as you pass by her. She quickly makes her way over just as you sit down. “Um, excuse me hoe. But is that the same dress you were wearing Friday night?”
You quickly grab the cardigan you always keep in your desk out and put it on and button it up, attempting to look a little more professional. “Maybe.”
Janet opens her mouth in shock. “You stayed the whole weekend with him? You little slut! How was it?”
You turn on your computer and grab for the expense report of Steve’s you left in your to-do pile. Then you turn towards your nosy coworker. “Well, if you must know, yes. I did stay the whole weekend with him. And I’m pretty sure I was in an orgasm-induced coma the whole time. It’s all kind of a rough, sticky, mind-blowing blur.”
“Are you going to see him again?”
You shrug your shoulders as you put in your login information on the computer. “I haven’t decided yet. While the sex was the best I’ve ever had, he’s kind of an ass. Talked about himself and all the famous people he’s hooked up with since becoming a model. I honestly kept initiating sex just to make him shut up.”
She gives you a look like you’re stupid. “I’m not seeing the issue here. So what if he talks about himself a lot? The sex was amazing. You need to lock that down girl.”
You roll your eyes at her. “That’s the thing, Janet. He doesn’t do relationships. He told me so multiple times. Plus I’m pretty sure he was texting another chick in between our ‘sessions’. I suppose if I’m desperate, I’ll get a hold of him.”
“You know you could always just have him on backup for sex. Like a friends with benefits situation.”
“Janet, I’m in my late 20s. I’m too old for that kind of relationship.”
“Exactly, you’re in your late 20s! This is the perfect time for that kind of relationship before you settle down and get married! Have one last final hoorah!”
“I can’t have this conversation before caffeine. I’m going to get coffee. You act like I’m dying soon or something.” You turn to walk away but then remember you were supposed to tell her something. “Oh yeah and by the way. The bulge is definitely not stuffed.”
You give her a wink and then head to the break room for some much needed coffee. When you see who’s in there, you almost contemplate going downstairs to a different break room.
Steve is standing at the counter, preparing his coffee. He turns when he hears you come in and gives you a once over. “Well, look what the cat dragged in.”
You grab a mug out of the cabinet beside him. “Sorry my appearance isn’t up to your standards today, Rogers. I was a little...busy this weekend.”
He takes a sip of his coffee to make sure it’s right. Then he moves out of your way so you can get to the coffee, but still staying close. “Busy getting run over by a truck? Cause that’s kind of what you look like.”
You pour yourself a generous amount of coffee and take a long sip, letting the bitter liquid slowly make you human. “Yeah, well. I was busy getting fucked all weekend, Rogers. But I know your little innocent mind wouldn’t know what that’s like.”
That wipes the stupid little smirk right off his face. He almost looks pissed. He moves even closer to you. Almost pressing himself right up against you. So close that you can smell his coffee-scented breath. If you were wearing panties, they’d be ruined.
“Not all of us feel the need to sleep around. Some of us are looking for a real connection. Not just a one night stand of meaningless, mediocre sex.”
You press yourself just a little closer to him, his chest now touching yours. “Oh, it was anything but mediocre. Maybe if you actually got some, you’d know what that feels like.”
He leans his head down until his mouth is next to your ear, his left hand now resting on your hip. “You really need to stop insinuating that I’m a virgin sweetheart. If you were nicer to me, I’d show you that I know how to fuck.” With that he backs up and heads out of the break room.
You let out the breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. Jesus Christ. You swear you almost came.
And if you were nicer to him? Fuck him. He’s not nice to you either. That’s okay. You have someone who can scratch this itch.
You pull out your phone and send a quick text.
To: Fuckboi
You busy tonight? I could really use a release.
The reply came almost immediately.
From: Fuckboi
Didn’t get enough of my cock this weekend huh? I suppose I could make myself available.
You roll your eyes and quickly reply with your address and what time to be over.
The rest of the day passes by slowly. It takes you half the day to enter Steve’s expense report. God he’s descriptive. At least it’s completed. You can’t really say that much for the other Avengers. They usually half assed them and made them barely acceptable.
You are shutting down for the day when Steve approaches your desk. You remove your glasses and look at him expectantly. “Is there something I can help you with, Steve?”
A blush creeps it’s way across his cheeks. “Um, I was actually just wondering if you had time to go over the new expense report forms? They should be a lot easier to fill out.”
You glance down at the clock on your computer. Ransom is going to be at your place in about 20 minutes.“Can we do it tomorrow? I have company that’ll be showing up at my apartment in like 20 minutes.”
His hopeful smile falls. His face is now unreadable. “Would your company happen to be whoever you spent the weekend with?”
Confused, you grab for your purse after getting your computer shut down. “Actually, yes. Should I have asked your permission first?” You attempt a joke to ease the sudden tension.
He pulls out his phone and starts typing furiously. Wow. You weren’t aware he knew how to text. You hear it ping with a reply before he angrily puts it back in his pocket. “Sure, we can do this tomorrow. Wouldn’t want to get in the way of your whoreing around.”
Your jaw drops in surprise. Sure you guys were always throwing jabs at each other. But he’d never said anything like this before. And in such a mean tone.
You round your desk and stand right in front of him. “Fuck you, Steve.”
You hurry towards the elevators before he can see the tears that have welled up. You couldn’t let him know he had that power over you. Asshole. Thank god Ransom was coming over. Hopefully he could fuck what Steve just said right out of your head.
You’ve lost count of how many orgasms Ransom has pulled from you with his mouth when there’s a knock on your door.
Ransom looks up at you from his kneeling position on your living room floor. “Did you invite someone else to join us, pretty girl?”
You scoff and push him away so you can stand up. You pull your dress down as you make your way towards the door. “Yeah. I can barely handle just you. I’m pretty sure if we added someone else, I’d actually die.”
You open the door and gasp in surprise. “Steve? What are you doing here?”
He rubs the back of his neck nervously. “Look, I know you probably already have company but I felt really bad about what I said to you earlier today and wanted to apologize.”
You have so many questions. “How did you know where I lived?”
That sheepish smile makes its appearance again. “I may or may not have looked in your employee file.”
You shake your head. “And you felt the need to come all the way here and apologize? Why not just text me?”
“It would only have felt right to me to do it in person. I really am sor-”
You feel a pair of arms wrap around you from behind. “Well, who do we have here? Why is Captain America at your door?”
You turn your head to address Ransom. “He just came by to apologize to me. I think he was just leaving.”
Steve has a disappointed look on his face. “Yeah, I suppose I was.”
“Awe, what a shame. I thought you were gonna ask him to join us, pretty girl.”
Steve’s eyes grow wide at the thought. You quickly speak up. “No, I don’t think he’d be comfortable with that. He’s a little old fashioned.” You give him a sincere smile. You didn't think that was a bad thing.
Steve looks back towards the elevators and then back to you. He clears his throat. “What if I wanted to join you?” Seeing your wide eyed look, he quickly adds, “Only if Y/N would be comfortable with that of course.”
You contemplate what the consequences could be in your head. But then you get distracted when Ransom starts grinding his hard on against your ass. “Come on, pretty girl. Make a decision.”
The next word comes out of your mouth faster than what your brain can process. “Okay.”
Now you were standing awkwardly in your bedroom with Steve and Ransom looking at you expectantly.
You’ve never done this before so you’re not sure how this is supposed to go. “So, um. How do we start exactly?”
Ransom smirks and comes up behind you. “I think you should call the shots, pretty girl. If you’re okay with that, Steve?”
With the mention of his name, he walks towards you and places his hands on your hips. “I think that’s a great idea. Can I kiss you now?” He places his hand under your chin and raises your face up to meet his. “I’ve waited a long time for this, sweetheart.” With that, his lips meet yours. It’s explosive. You quickly wrap your hands around his neck and press yourself up against him.
You get so lost in the kiss, you forget that Ransom is there. That is until he presses his lips against your neck and presses himself against your ass. It presses you even further against Steve, making you feel his excitement against your lower belly.
You’re so overwhelmed already and you’d barely started. You may not survive this evening.
As you move your hands down to remove Steve’s shirt, Ransom is unzipping your dress, pressing kisses to every inch of exposed skin.
Without breaking the kiss, Steve moves his hands around to unhook your bra so he can get his hands on your breasts. He pinches your nipples, causing you to moan into his mouth. He moves his lips to your neck, sucking on your pulse point.
After successfully removing your dress, Ransom stands back up and turns your head to connect your lips. He starts rutting his clothed hard on against your naked ass. His left hand reaches around to bat one of Steve’s away so he can squeeze your breast.
Steve takes the hand that had been swatted away and moves it down to your soaking wet core. He starts lightly circling your clit. Just enough pressure to make you mewl.
You reach behind you with your left hand and tug at the waistband of Ransom’s briefs. “Off.” You moan out as you take your right hand and start attempting to take off Steve’s jeans. He smirks into your neck and helps you out. He barely gets them unbuttoned and unzipped before you’re reaching your hand into them and his boxers to grab his cock. It feels big.
Ransom grabs your left hand and places it on his now free cock. You wrap your hand around it and give it a squeeze before you start pumping your hand up and down. You do the same to Steve’s, making the both of them let out grunts against both sides of your neck. Steve increases the pressure on your clit a little. Still not enough.
“Nee-need, you. Please.” You weakly moan out. Ransom moves his mouth up to your ear. “How do you want us, pretty girl?”
You reluctantly pull away from both of them so you can think. You decide to be greedy. You point to Steve. “I want you to lay on the bed, please.”
He does as you ask. Putting his hands behind his head as he awaits further instructions.
You get on the bed and straddle him. You turn around and reach your arm out for Ransom. “Want you behind me.” You lean over and open your bedside drawer to grab the lube and toss it at Ransom. He smirks as he straddles Steve’s legs and gets behind you. He uncaps the lube and starts coating his cock with a generous amount. “Need my cock in that ass, pretty girl?”
You hold up your hand. “Wait.” You lean down towards Steve and give him a quick kiss. “Are you okay with this?”
He nods his head. “As long as you are.” You raise back up and smile at him. You turn your head and look at Ransom. “I’m assuming you're okay with this?”
He just smirks and squeezes some lube out so that it slides down the crack of your ass. “More than okay, pretty girl. Need me to stretch you out first?”
You smirk and pull him in for a quick, filthy kiss. “I think it got plenty stretched out this weekend.”
He matches your smirk. “You little slut. Wanting both of our cocks stuffing you full.”
You whimper as he lands a smack on your ass. Leaning up on your knees, you grab a hold of Steve’s cock and start running his tip up and down your folds. He places his left hand on your right hip and his right hand on your left thigh. “Condom?”
You quickly shake your head and pause your actions. “On the pill. Unless of course you’d be more comfortable with one.”
He shakes his head. “No, just making sure.”
You turn back to Ransom. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready for you.”
He nods and places his hands on your shoulders, waiting somewhat patiently.
You slowly sink down on Steve’s cock. He’s stretching you out so deliciously. It burns in just the right way. Ransom may be longer, but Steve is definitely thicker.
After you get fully seated on him, you take a minute to adjust. It only takes a few seconds. You turn your head towards Ransom. “Okay, I’m ready.”
He removes his right hand from your shoulder and grabs the base of his cock and starts pressing against the tight ring of muscle. He’d been in there a lot over the weekend. But it was still a tight fit regardless. He doesn’t go as slow and sheaths himself to the hilt, causing you to moan out in slight pain and pleasure.
Holy fuck. You feel so full. You think you might die. That is until Ransom removes his cock until just the tip remains and then forcefully thrust back in, causing you to grind on Steve’s dick.
Steve grunts out from the movement and starts thrusting up into you the best he can from his position. Ransom wraps his left arm around you and continues his thrusts, not letting up his pace. You don’t even really have to move, the both of them doing it for you. They somehow find the perfect rhythm. Each of them pulling out and pushing in at the same time. One of your hands is behind you, resting on the back of Ransom’s head while the other is resting on Steve’s chest.
Steve sits up suddenly and pulls you in for a kiss. “Like being stuffed with both of our cocks, pretty girl?” You hear from behind you. “Yes. So good. So full. Gonna cum.”
Ransom removes his arm from around you and reaches down and starts circling your clit. “Do it. Cum all over us. Make a mess.”
Steve can feel you squeezing him. “Please, sweetheart. Need to feel you cum on my cock. You’re gripping me so good.”
You explode. You clamp your eyes shut, seeing stars behind your eyelids. You let the both of them fuck you through it.
Ransom’s hips stutter. The fluttering around his cock is too good. He cums with a shout of your name, filling up your ass to the brim. He gives you a few more thrusts before he pulls out and collapses beside you two.
Steve’s been patient while you come down from your high. He lays back down, pulling you with him so that your chest to chest. He bends his knees and grabs onto your hips. “You ready, sweetheart?” You raise up, both of your hands on each side of his head. You give him a nod.
That’s all he needs. He starts fucking you, hard and fast, chasing his release. He can feel it building. He just needs to feel you come undone around him again. He moves one of his hands and starts circling your clit with his thumb. “Need you to cum for me again, Y/N.”
You shake your head. “Can’t. Too much.”
Ransom sits up beside you. “I know what she needs.” He reaches over with his left hand and wraps it around your throat, squeezing gently.
It makes you clench down on Steve’s cock. “Yeah? That all you needed, sweetheart? A hand wrapped around your pretty throat? I know you like it. Can feel you squeezing me.” He picks up his pace. The only sounds that can be heard are his grunts, your breathy monas, and skin slapping against skin.
It doesn’t take long for your orgasm to hit you. This one is somehow even more intense than the last.
You must’ve blacked out for a few seconds because the next thing you know, you’re waking up in between Steve and Ransom.
Steve smiles down at you. “There she is. We lost you for a second, sweetheart.”
You feel drunk. You smile goofily up at him. “Did you cum?”
Just as you ask that, you can feel his release seeping out of your overused cunt. Then you feel cum leaking out of your ass. You hide your face behind your hands in embarrassment. “I can’t believe we just did that.”
Ransom removes one hand while Steve removes the other. “Nuh uh uh. No hiding allowed, pretty girl. I have no regrets.” He looks at Steve. “Do you?”
Steve smiles down at you and leans down to press a soft kiss against your lips. “None from me. You tired, sweetheart?”
You let out a big yawn and nod your head, slowly closing your eyes. “Get some rest, pretty girl.” That’s the last thing you hear before sleep takes you.
You wake up sometime in the early morning, stretching out your sore limbs. You know you have a dumb smile on your face. But you can’t help but notice your empty bed.
You sit up and hiss at the deliciously sore feeling between your legs. You grab your robe and slip it on. You can smell coffee coming from the kitchen. You giddily make your way out of the room and down the hallway. They both barely just come into view, still unaware you’re there, when you hear Steve speak.
“I thought you were going to be an asshole to her? Make her see I’m not that bad.”
You hear Ransom next. “I was an asshole to her. I’m sorry I dicked her down so good that she wanted more.”
Steve scoffs. “I never gave you the okay to fuck her!”
“You also didn’t tell me it was off limits. Look you got what you wanted right?”
“No, actually I didn’t. I didn’t pay you so we could have a threesome together.”
What the fuck? Steve paid Ransom to help him get in your pants?
“Ok, how about this? I’ll give you all of your money back if I can fuck her one more time before I go? Then we’ll be squared away.”
Steve seems to be conflicted. “Fine! But this is the last time Ransom. I have to get to work anyway. After this, she’s mine. And make sure she’s not late for work herself.”
Before you have time to react, Steve rounds the corner and sees you standing there. He has a deer caught in headlights look. Ransom comes up beside him and sees you. “Oh, honey, you weren’t supposed to see that.”
You slowly start backing up towards your bedroom. Steve moves towards you, stopping once you put your hands up. “Stay away from me! Both of you! I want nothing to do with either of you!”
Ransom moves past Steve and grabs onto your arms. “Oh, please. You’d fuck us again if we wanted. Wouldn’t you?”
You spit in his face. “Fuck you, Hugh.”
He gets a sinister look on his face. “Wrong move, pretty girl.” He looks toward Steve. “Don’t worry, I’ll fuck the brat out of her. You better tell her boss she won’t be in today.”
Your eyes go wide at his words. You start thrashing against him, trying your best to get away. Steve has had enough. He comes over and yanks you away from him and presses you against the wall. “You better calm down, sweetheart. I’ll treat you like a princess if you can be my good girl. Can you do that?”
You shake your head. “Why would you think I’d want anything to do with you after finding out you paid someone to help get into my pants?”
He gives you an evil smirk. “Because if you don’t, I’ll just have to release the tape of last night on the internet. Let everyone see how much of a slut you actually are.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “You’re bluffing.”
He smirks and turns his head towards Ransom. “Show her.”
Ransom gets his phone out of his pocket and swipes at the screen for a second before turning it in your direction.
Holy shit. They weren’t bluffing. There you were, getting fucked by the both of them. That would ruin you if it got out. Not only would you get fired, but your parents would probably disown you. You’d never have a normal relationship again. You’re fucked. Even more than you were last night. How had you not noticed they were recording it?
Ransom must have read your mind. “I set my phone up while you were busy with Steve’s fingers on your cunt and his tongue down your throat. I think you need to ask her again Steve.”
Steve grabs your chin and moves your gaze onto his face. “I’ll ask you again. Are you going to be my good girl? Let Ransom fuck you one more time and then it’ll just be me and you?”
You drop your gaze to the floor. You feel a tear run down your cheek as you whisper out, “I’ll be your good girl.”
Taglist: @stargazingfangirl18​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @lllols @patzammit​ @quxxnxfhxll​
Steve Taglist: @donutloverxo​
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
Laundry Day (Bucky Barnes x Plus Size Female Reader)
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Laundry Day
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus Size Female Reader
Bucky Bingo Square: Domestic AU
Characters: Bucky Barnes,
Setting: two months from the ending of “Hey Bartender”, set in the Marvel universe but canon diverged the snap never happened.
Rating: M (Mature), +18 only please
Warnings: cursing, mature themes, angst, longing/yearning, idiots pining for one another,
Word count: 3,002
Summary: Sunday’s the dreaded laundry day when there’s not a stitch of clothing to wear except the man your currently crushing on, soft Henley shirt.
Notes: Bingo Square fill and written for the lovey @autumnleaves1991-blog​ and Write Wednesday prompt.
Tag list: @buckybingo​
You’ve heard it many time, how cool you own a bar. Can drink whenever you want. Let me drink for free. Last thought getting a snort from your lips while looking through the laundry pile. The main reason owning you a business sucked you never get a day off to do normal shit like the fucking laundry that seems to pile up before you know what’s happened. Wondering if like rabbits it multiples while mating.
Huffing out a resigned sigh, tossing the last article of dirty clothing back into the basket thankful you wouldn’t need to schlep the bags to a local laundromat. Instead could get a little light cleaning done while the built in laundry room, a big thank you too granddad for putting the room in, did at least part of the work.
“Fucking hate laundry day,” low growl leaving your lips and tugging on the only clean clothes left.
Hefting the plastic basket on to your generous hip, grabbing the towel off the bedroom doorknob to add and heading towards the small room just off the bathroom to the left. Dropping the basket down you go back out to put on some music. Grabbing up your cell phone happy to have brought large capacity storage so your whole collection could fit. Setting all of Lady Gaga’s music on shuffle ‘Monster’ flowing through the small speakers positioned around your living room in specific areas for optimal sound quality. Wide hips swaying to the beat black Henley brushing the tops of your thick thighs incased in shorts, knee high socks keeping the rest of your legs warm and helping you slide across the oak wood floors. Not caring what you look like at the moment, expecting no one to show up on an early Sunday morning.
Bright smile slides over your lips the song changing to ‘Born this way’ belting out the words thankful and not for the first time you don’t have neighbors. Owning the whole building does come with certain perks. Meaning it didn’t matter how loud you got no one would call the cops on you for excessive noise or lousy singing. With those thoughts in mind you head back to start sorting clothes getting a load going, grabbing the swiffers dust clothes, mop and bucket on your way out.
Leaving the last two by the kitchen island, spinning back body moving to the beat of the music. Picking up bits of trash making you frown for a moment, knowing you weren’t that messy but shrugging off the thought tossing the trash. Starting to dance around, straightening lamps, running the dust cloth over the expanse of hard wood furniture and nick knacks from your childhood. Getting into the rhythm, beat caressing your body, tingling your senses making you move in ways you wouldn’t show another living soul only these four walls.
Finishing up the living room, you stand back to catch a breath admiring your handing work when ‘Shallow’ starts to play. Bradly Cooper’s smooth tenor caressing your ears a soft sigh leaving your lips. Your body starts to move to the melody, slow and sensuous, arms wrapping around your tummy as you sway. Twirling as Lady Gaga’s voice takes over, stepping around the couch that faces towards the tv positioned in the middle of a brick wall. Bursting out to sing the chorus, you keep swaying picking the tempo up. Draping your body backwards over the couch careful not to knock a lamp off the side table. Grabbing up a remote to use as a makeshift microphone, singing your heart out to no one but the empty room or so you think.
Raising back up slowly to spin away still belting out the lyrics breathlessly, wide smile on your face happiness thumping through your veins. Feeling freer than you have in a long time all thanks to a song that comes to an end with loud clapping ringing through your apartment. Making you scream out and throw the remote towards the source of the nose. Squeak existing your breathless lips that hang open staring at Bucky Barnes’s imposing figure filling the doorway of your apartment.
Catching the black plastic wrapped remote in his flesh hand before it landed against his chest, smirk sliding over those oh so kissable lips. Not that you haven’t dreamt of at least a couple nights a week. “Fucking hell Barnes how long have you been standing there?” Quickly moving towards your phone to cut the music.
Turning to take in his rumpled appearance. Chestnut hair tucked back into a messy ponytail few wisps hanging out to frame his face. Sculpted by the finest artists all angles and edges begging for your lips to caress. That’s graced with shadows of a sleepless night of tossing and turning in a to soft bed and a floor too cold for comfort. Sold wall of muscle that is his shoulders and chest covered in a wrinkled green Henley top button open to bare just a hint of collarbone. You try not to lick dry lips at the peek of skin wanting to bury your nose in the hollow of his throat and nibble to see what sounds you could drag from those sinful lips. Snapping back to the present when he begins to speak before your wondering eyes could take in the bottom half of his fackable body. They lock with his for a moment longer than proper catching the dark circles and weariness he tries to hide behind that boyish smile.  
“Long enough,” clearing his throat to push down the arousal building up. In truth he tried knocking first, pounding followed with a couple of shouts of your name to accompany. Hearing the music spilling from behind the close door Bucky pulled the key you gave him last month out to let himself in.
Unprepared for the sight his eyes would land upon after pushing the old hard oak door open. Music hitting him square in the ears, not unpleasant a tune but a touch loud. However, that’s not what caught his eyes, no it’s the way you moved around the apartment to the melody. Body swaying, rolling and bending in ways that had him gritting his teeth to keep from stepping forward and pulling your soft body against his strong chest. Wanting to fill the spot of invisible partner, dipping you in his arms, wrapping them around your thick waist. Teasing the column of your throat with his lips after bending you backwards over his arm.
You’re a fucking temptation to his body and damnation to his heart and soul. One Bucky Barnes would gladly partake of if he didn’t feel so tainted, hands coated in invisible blood, mind splintered with nightmares of memories and lies. He wouldn’t saddle you with him as a burden. He’d push those feelings back bury them, accepting the friendship you offer and a shelter from a world he’s yet to fully grow accustom too.
Hands on your wide hips, scowl contorting your beautiful features, “I didn’t give you that key so you could barge in whenever you like Bucky.”
“I brought breakfast,” pointing towards the little white bags on the small wooden table by the door. Giving you the saddest puppy eyes he could which only makes you huff and roll your own.
Shaking your head, “You think you’re cute don’t ya Barnes?” Trying to infuse a touch of anger into your tone but it comes out more playful teasing than growling menace.
“Of course doll, you wouldn’t have me any other way,” wiggling his brow, scooping up the bags to follow you into the kitchen. Kicking something over he looks down teasing smirk slides over his lips before giving way to a playfully sheepish look, “Guess I finally kicked the bucket huh?”
Trying to hold back the laughter but it comes out on a snort that has a deep gruff laugh issuing from Bucky which in turn makes you giggle harder. Holding your stomach as it aches from the mirth lighting your features. Taking notice of the fact years have disappeared from the weariness he normally carries. Eyes sparkling in early morning sunlight shining in from the kitchen window. His beautiful steals your breath for a moment as you calm down, turning to start the Keurig, reaching for the pods of coffee you keep just for Bucky.
“Incorrigible Barnes, sit ya ass down while I make coffee,” couple of short giggles break free with another shake of your head.
Placing the bags down before dropping into his usual seat, “Two…”
“Spoonfuls of sugar no cream or milk I remember along with the dark roast that’s your favorite,” shooting him a smile. Grabbing your cell, changing the music to shuffle your whole library, turning the volume down so its more background noise than actually listening. “What brings you by this morning? Besides taking ten years off my life of course.”  
Snorting at your quip with trying to hide that he’s smitten by the fact you’ve memorized how he likes his coffee. “Hadn’t seen you in a week doll, thought I’d drop in with breakfast and see if you need help with anything down in the bar.”
Taking a few moments to actually looking over your plush frame. Big mistake because he notices how those shorts mold to your wide hips and thick thighs begging for attention. Knee high socks shouldn’t look so damn sexy but on you he’s shifting in his seat to take pressure off the erection building in his jeans. Eyes dancing to take in your upper half damn near choking on his own spit at seeing you wear his Henley. Stretched out with age and use from his days in hiding and a little thicker in build. The way it stretched over your lush breasts cupping the generous globes outlined for his eyes to devour. Flowing against your tummy he wouldn’t object to laying his head on while cuddling into your body. Wanting to place kisses and nibbles on the skin hidden from his widening cerulean eyes. Shocking him back to reality with you placing a steaming mug of coffee in front of him.
Palm going to his forehead, “Really doll, what exactly are you feeling for?” Glancing up to search your turned down face. Catching the soft scent of Egyptian musk, mixed with clean linen and something sweet added that he’s sure belongs solely to you.
“Seeing if you have a fever, you checked out on me there for a few moments Barnes,” gently pressing the pads of your fingers into his neck, counting a pulse and sending goosebumps to skitter across his body.
Taking the hand from his body, the urge to pull you into his lap strong with your warmth radiating into his. “I’m fine sweetheart honest just lost in thought of this beautiful dame I know.”
“Lucky woman,” slowly pulling your hand back tramping down on the hurt flashing through your body. Heading back to start your own coffee, “Make yourself at home as usual,” shaking your head watching Bucky toe off his biker boots and prop his mismatched sock feet into the closest chair. Rolling your eyes, “Way to comfortable,” exasperated quip leaving your mouth as you head back and change laundry over.
“What’s with the get up anyway?” Not wanting to shout, Bucky followed to lean against the door jam of the all to small room. Coffee mug hovering near his lips thankful for not taking a sip when you bent over to add cloths to the dry.
Plush ass on display for his eyes to map, flesh hand tightening around ceramic mug while vibranium plates whirl with a clinched fist at his side. Tempting isn’t even a word he’d use to describe the torture your presenting him with. Quickly averting his eyes to the ceiling, but not before catching the peek of silken looking skin his shirt bares while sliding up. Searching now for something to distract himself. Before he did a very stupid thing like pull you into his arms and see if you fit against him like he’s imagined one too many times. Burying his face in your neck and tease the tender skin with three days worth of beard wanting to see if you’re sensitive and ticklish.  
Brought back from those sexual thoughts when you speak, words tossed over your shoulder, “It’s all I had to wear, everything else needed washing. Price I pay for owning and running my own bar,” shrugging you bend to pick up the next load swearing you hear a groan from the man behind you. Yet when you turn he just gives you a smile that seems to make his cerulean eyes dance.
“Ah that explains why you’re wearing my shirt though not how you got it,” against better judgement, Bucky reaches out to tug the hem. Baring a briefest hint of cleavage to his desire darken eyes, with all three buttons open. He swallows harshly taking a bigger sip of his hot coffee than meaning to but the slight burning mouth pain distracts him from those thoughts that could get him into trouble. “I’m not complaining doll just curious if you’re stealing my clothes when you come over to my place.”
Snorting, “It’s not your shirt Barnes, your clothes wouldn’t fit my wide ass,” placing a hand on his shoulder to push him out the doorway. “If anything it’s from a pervious boyfriend and just stretched out.” Though you can’t help but glance down at the shirt racking your brain to remember who left it behind. Till you remember not having a boyfriend for the last couple of years and even then you didn’t let them keep stuff at your apartment. Only Bucky, who has his own key and drops by when he needs a break from the Compound and Avenging. Eyes widen in shock at the realization that in fact this shirt belongs to Bucky and must’ve got put in with your laundry one of the last times he stayed the night after a bad mission.
Deep in thought, you miss the low growl leave his throat at the mention of other men or the way he frowns when you insult yourself. “You have a gorgeous ass doll stop putting yourself down,” gently grabbing your upper arm to spin you around and face him. “And yes that is my shirt, there’s a stain,” swallowing hard but still brushes his fingers over the darken slightly yellow patch between your breasts. “Right here, it’s dripped mustard from a Coney dog about three weeks back remember. We went to Coney Island since you never went, sharing the cotton candy and almost getting sick,” soft chuckle leaving his parted lips. “You’re laughter at the corny shows, riding the Ferris wheel, I almost felt normal for once,” vibranium hand dropping back to his side, he heads to the table and plops down into his previous seat. Cursing his actions, head cradled in his hands hiding from his behavior and you. Wanting the earth to swallow him whole for his stupidity in voicing those words instead of keeping them bottled up. For touching you without asking permission, but God does he want a repeat and this time not let go.  
Frozen by his words, heart aching for how he still feels, the searing touch of those cool metal fingers, but most of all by the realization he remembered a day you hold dear to your heart. Eyes close for a moment to gather your thoughts, taking a deep breath and heading for your cooling coffee. “What’d you bring for breakfast?” distracting them both of you from the elephant in the room.  
Head popping up so quickly your sure he’s cracked his neck, half smile tugging at his lips, but not reaching his eyes, “Your favorites of course.” Reaching for the bags to pull out a small assortment of breakfast pastries.
“Trying to fatten me up Barnes?” You jest though back peddle at the scowl Bucky sends you. “Okay, okay I won’t do that again,” hands up in surrender but under your breath, “till your gone.”
Caught in mid sip, “You do know I have superior hearing right?”
“Your point Superman?” Bringing your mug with to sit down on Bucky’s left.
“I heard what you muttered,” grabbing the cream cheese kolache and taking a health bite while keeping eye contact with you.
Shrugging, “Then I’ll keep those thoughts to myself from now on,” picking out your favorite pastry to nibble on. “Oh and don’t worry I’ll get your shirt back to you once the rest of my clothes finish. I’m sorry it’s so stretched out.”
“One of these days doll,” muttering the rest to himself. Thoughts running through his mind on how much he’d like to bend you over his lap or better yet spread out for him to taste. Till you understood the beauty held in your countenance, the sway of your wide hips and plush body. Learning just what you do to his body and heat. But he knew those imagines held a deeper sway than you’d let anyone else see. Ones needing more than searing touches and intimate kisses but true actions to show you the truth.
Confident on the outside but tormented by dark thoughts and self doubts. That revelation skitters across Bucky’s mind like hot iron dunked into cool water, shocking his system to how similar though different as well, in ways he didn’t want to examine not yet. Registering the last comment Bucky looks up at you, tracing the features of your face, how your body looks in his shirt with golden sunlight bathing you in a warm halo. Speaking the words before his brain can shut them off, “Keep the shirt doll it looks so much better on you and by the way you didn’t stretch it out I did.” Flashing you his patent smirk before taking another drink of lukewarm coffee. Never so thankful for laundry day, stretched out shirts and the beauty sitting next to him.
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funnyexel · 3 years
100 Years of Age
Logan x Reader (Oneshot)
A/n : I’ve recently have had an OBSESSION with Logan from the X-men franchise. Thus, this short fanfic. Usually my fanfics would end in a little spice (kiss, smut...etc.) but this time it’ll be a fluff ending. Please bare with me, this is my first fluff story so if it sucks that's the reason. Also, sorry if the title doesn’t really make sense. I tried to make it nostalgic in a way. Enjoy my lovely’s <3 Masterlist Mega List
“How could you?” Hot tears glided down your face. “How could you!?” There your parents stood before you as you got yanked away in chains. “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!?!” Your last words as the truck doors closed. You were being taken and it was all their fault. Full on balling on the truck floor, the soldiers watched. A 14- year old getting taken away with their parents consent...that’s got to be a first. 
The truck was a one-way ticket to hell but how could you have known? They gave you away to some unknown cause to save their own asses. You spent years there, being tested on.
“She has the right DNA. We’ll be one step closer to evolution.”
The first few months were horrible. Being tested on for the Elemental Project, being alone in a foreign area, resenting your parents and being a child in all. On a certain dreadful day, an experiment worked on you. That day was your 15th birthday. They did four major experiments and preps over and over and over again. At this point, you weren’t upset anymore. Your parents are living their lives now. They may or may not be regretting their decision but its out of your hands. You’ve come to terms with this, after months of denying it.
“how are you feeling?” She quietly walks into your cell, trying not to disturb you as you were watching tv. You were sitting against the wall, hands in your lap as your eyes staying glued to the tv. “fine.” Your voice strained and quiet. She hums to your word. You’ve become a woman of little words, only speaking when comfortable and necessary. This woman was nice to you. You welcomed her into your small bubble...sometimes.
She placed a glass of water in front of you, without looking the water arose out the glass and separated itself into these words. “Today is my 15th birthday.” They subsided back into the glass, which you proceeded to pick up and drink out of. She and others were amazed, astonished. This isn’t the end. They still had much to do. You may not have mastered the first element but you’ve grasped it and that’s all they needed to know, before starting the next tests.
The tests were excruciating and brutal. The elements were manifesting backwards. Water, Earth, Air and Fire. Each element took an amount of lives. They told you to control it...they told you to fix yourself. But you could not. You did not control the elements. They only took a liking to you and allowed you to have them, nothing more nothing less. 
But they don’t understand, their thoughts clouded by war and hate. You got put into war before as a ‘learning activity’. Yes. A fantastic idea to put a 20-year old in The American Civil War.
You were cold. Very cold. They made you clothes to fit the elements but the clothes were not very war worthy attire. “She’ll burn her clothes off, if she wears that.” The woman says to the general in charge. “I better see something, Ms. Bailey.” The general says before glancing at you then taking his leave. She turns to you with a little smile. “Be mindful of people around you.” You nod your head to her. You weren’t scared given you were put into a war. You were just..just...you didn’t know. You didn’t know what the feeling was called but you were feeling it.
“Bring her here!” Ms. Bailey and you follow the soldier. “You can’t come on the field.” He stated to her. She gave you one final look before turning away. He motioned you to follow. The sounds of gun shots flooded your ears and the smell of gun powder filled your nose. “Stay close.” He said, not ever laying a finger on you. It was almost nightfall, they knew this’ll be the best time for you to come out. You stayed with him and two other men. 
They were conversing a few feet away, also keeping an eye on you. A young boy was coughing, around the age of 16. You crouched in front of him and rested a hand on his shoulder. Doing a faint hand motion you cleared the air he was breathing. “T-thank you.” You smiled to him but the smile faded as the soldier called out to you. “Come, we’ve got the ‘go’ from the general.” The field was painted in blood and bodies. 
“Can’t handle it?” One of the other soldiers teased. You scoffed at him, the sound barely being audible. “We need you to take an enemy and bring them back here.” The soldier says to you, motioning the two men not to follow you out. You sighed and nodded at him. Walking to the middle of the battlefield, you dipped down to the ground. Your fingertips lightly touching it. “I will not control you.” The ground began to rumble as big chunks of dirt and rock get pulled out. Carefully, you aimed each one at their big guns and incoming soldiers. 
With ease you walked to their men. Their guns were inefficient, due to you setting the gun powder in the guns ablaze. Finally, you found someone that looked like they knew a lot, motioning your hand to the sky. Particles of water parted from the clouds and engulfed the victims body, knocking them out momentarily and carrying them with you. You quickly got escorted back to the base.
“Great, we have the enemy. HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET INFORMATION FROM A DEAD MAN!?!” You flinched at the yelling general. There the man laid on a nursing bed, dripping wet. A gust of wind passes by to dry him then you put your hand over his mouth. Taking the liquid out his lungs. An array of coughs alerted one of the nurses. “alive.” You spoke, looking the general in the eyes. Ms. Bailey took you to the tent for a rest. “You did good today.” She smiled handing you sleeping clothes. You took the clothes and changed, now sitting on the floor, no movement what so ever. 
You often did this when the elements were uneasy and they were always uneasy. “Sorry, no visitors.” You look over your shoulder and see one of the men you were on the field with. Getting to your feet, you walk and stand next to Bailey. She nods to you and walks further into the tent, keeping a watchful eye. “Hi, I’m Logan.” He sticks a hand out for you to shake. You hide your hands behind your back, denying his request. He retracts his hand at your reaction. “y/n” You whisper to him. “Okay, that’s all, she needs to rest.” Bailey closes the tent as you wave goodbye to him. 
Those memories became distant, vivid as you went back to the dreadful place. Time passed very slowly there. You never knew why but it did and it was awful. “This is ground breaking! Absolutely ground breaking! Now that we’ve got her to adapt to all the elements we’ll be able to make an army.” That day felt different. Stumped on the why but it felt different. Later on you found out why. You’ll never ever forget it. It was your most happiest day you’ve lived. The freedom. The life that filled your soul and the genuine happiness that accompanied your aura. But nature had different plans for you. 
Nature had weird ways of caring for you. It liked you. It had better plans for you. Plans that would not involve this era in anyway what so ever. You were hesitant at first but your character is familiar to its weird ways. Thus, leading you to comply. “wait. everyone quiet.” Voices were creeping into your hearing, slowly becoming louder. “She’s waking up.” Your eyelids flutter open. It felt as if you were worked to the bone, took an elevating nap then woke up refreshed. You were in a cocoon like capsule, made by water and other bits of nature. The cocoon discarded itself, evaporated and moving itself into the ongoing water cycle. 
Your body slumped a bit, a little surprised squeak as you stood straight. Seeing people in weird gear and other gadgets around the room. Eyes big and observing everything. “Hi.” You looked at the man before you. Your eyes instinctively trailing to the flat screen. It’s a television. ‘How the world has evolved.’ You thought looking back to the man, mouth open but no words flow out. So you decide to respond with a small wave. Your calmness got interrupted as you saw a gadget that resembled a gun. “the war is still present?” You speak in a low tone and sigh. “The war?” He shakes his head. 
“How old is she?” Someone utters in the background. You shrug to their question. “1863?” You look the man in the eyes. Pure shock fills his soul. “It’s the 2000’s.” You feel a force pull you out the establishment. Into a forest. ‘The 2000’s? What would you want me to do in the 2000’s?’ You question in your head as you run. To no destination in particular but to get away from those people. You ended up in a bar. It was one of the things you could recognize...everything was so different. As soon as you stepped foot into the bar, all eyes were on you. Stares full of disgust, lust and confusion. 
You walked to the counter and stood at the end of the tall table. “Miss, are you lost?” You nod to the nicely dressed lady. She converses with her peers as you look over to the television. ‘Mutant Rights? Mutant? What’s a Mutant?’ This is so new. It was a lot happening at once. A high pitched whistle, stung your ear. “Hey, cutie.” Looking to him unbothered, you point to him and a gust of wind pushes him away. Not enough to knock him down or anything serious like that but enough to get him out your personal space. He looks at you like he’s seen a ghost. “m-m-m-m-m-m” 
He kept stuttering, you cock your head to the side in amazement but puzzlement. “Yeah, she’s a mutant. Run along, boy.” The woman exclaims and pulls you into a back room. “You seem like a wonderful girl but men will take advantage of you.” She says handing you a soft fabric. “what’s this?” You ask, opening the folded clothing. “A hoodie? Have you not- you know what never mind.” She leaves the room. Pulling the fabric over your head. “A hoodie.” You fiddle with the cup like piece. “I’m a mutant?” You look at the full length mirror. ‘I see why she said I’ll be taken advantage of.’ 
You dust off the skin tight shorts and knock out rocks out your minimalistic flat shoes. “where do mutants go?” You walk out the door and ask the girl. She finishes serving someone a drink before answering. “here.” She hands you a pamphlet. ‘Xavier Institute’ You study the interestingly folded paper then look to her. “thank you.” You smile and walk out the bar. ‘Now to find this Institute.’ At those words many images and places flood your mind, until one image matched the pamphlet. You could hear children giggling and happily cheering. The images fade away and you know exactly where you’re going. 
Putting the paper in the hoodie pocket, you begin to walk in the direction of the school. “ouch.” A small pebble hit you in the leg. Sighing, you stand still. The ground beneath you begins to rumble, carving a circle large enough for you to stand on. It slowly ripped itself out the ground bringing you in the air. Putting your hands out, you began to get your balance as you fixed your stance. It seemed like your seeing the world in a different light. The trees were so vibrant and beautiful as you were gliding on the rock. The sun was rising, its the most beautiful thing you’ve seen in your life. You couldn’t help but smile. 
In no time, the school came into your view. The rock pile that was holding you up, broke apart into little rocks as you were lowered to the ground. Walking through the gates, you looked around for others. It didn’t seem like anyone was out yet, but lights were on in the inside. Placing two knocks on the door, you stood and waited for someone to answer. A woman with white hair answers the door. Before she could let out a simple question, you stop her with your own. “what year is it?” Her face scrunches up with confusion at your odd question. “2006? Come inside.” 
She pats you on the shoulder as a welcoming jester. You hesitate before stepping into the abnormally big school. “logan?” You lock eyes with the recognizable man. “Do you know each other?” The white haired woman asks you. Breaking away from the eye contact, you frantically shake your head and back into the door. Logan kept looking at you, in confusion. “I- um. I might be at the w-wrong place.” Mist begins to fill the space you occupied, giving you a chance to leave. Time running short as footsteps echo behind you. Having no time to run off the property, you run into the woods that’s to the left of the school. 
“I-I...I don’t want to go back.” You cried out as they grabbed you from behind, roughly sitting you down. “You know me?” He asked. You responded with a hum, still being a little shaken up. “you and I met at war. it was only once.” You looked up to him. “Why’d you run?” He asked as you got up to your feet. “when I escaped my project. there had been many more trying to recreate it. I thought it was still going on.” He lead the way back to the school. “I was apart of a solo weapon x program. It- it wasn’t #1 priority but it was still important.” They brought you into an office and began to ask questions, which you answered. 
“So how old are you exactly?” Storm asks. “I don’t know.” Logan asked a few questions here and there but he stayed quiet most the time. Storm gave you an vacant room after the long introduction. You got familiar with the room before going out to the yard, you observed some students and meditated. It seemed like everything was calm. It was odd non-the-less but very nice. “Hello.” A child no older than 11 greets you. “hello.” You give a small smile to him. “What’s your name?” He asks, you look up to a small group of students a good ways away. “Y/n.” You say looking back to him. 
“Look at what I can do, Y/n.” He says a bit excited. Pulling a weed from the ground, he holds it between his thumb and index finger, slowly it turns to a flower. “That’s very similar to what I can do.” You smile to the innocent boy. “Can I see?” He asks in a cutesy pure tone. “Sure.” You point to some moving rocks. They bonded together and came rolling to you. It was a medium sized ball of pebbles and rocks. Clasping your hands together then breaking them apart, water separated from the rocks. The rocks now rolling back to their places. The water splits into two and glides around, almost dancing with each other. 
Soon enough it came down to you. “Wow.” The boy says, studying the water. You then open your right palm, heat gathering in it and creating fire. Now you had fire in one hand and water in the other. The two elements began to fight with each other. Trying to put the other out. Finally, you put the fire out and disperse the water. A gust of wind swishes through is hair, roughing it up a bit. Standing up, you give him a smile. You see Logan in the corner of your eye. “bye, flower boy.” He gives you a smile and you approach Logan. “You didn’t answer my question properly earlier.” He slows and matches your pace. 
“I- I see. I had a failed attempt before. I thought I found refuge but I was horribly mistaken.” You looked away from him for a moment. “a distant memory is all it is now.” You give him a small friendly smile. “How can you not be upset?” He stops his actions and turns around to you. You stop too. “Upset? Why would I be upset?” He studies your answer for some time. “I’m not upset. How could I be? When all those people who experimented on me, are surely dead. While I am here, in a new era. Alive, well and hasn’t aged a day.” Your lips curve slightly but drop into a noticeable frown.
You wanted to open up a bit more to him but you felt you weren’t ready to talk about it. “You look upset.” His statement hinting at a tease. “Not upset. Just..sad.” Not picking up his light-hearted statement. You part ways as Logan gets called by Storm. Giving him a small wave, you go to your room. During the start of your months at the Institute, you did some strength training. “Colossus and Kitty, will spar with you.” It was soon clear to everyone that you are fairly powerful. Continuing your stay at the school with studying, you had to learn about the 21st century somehow. You found a new passion for reading while doing so. Romance books in particular.
“What romance book are you reading tonight?” You hide your smile as your head lifts from the book. “I’m actually reading a crime book.” He sits in a chair close to you. “What brings you here?” You bookmark your page and set the book down. He let out a heavy sigh. “Nightmares?” You whisper and he nods to you. He does a jester to you, returning the question. “visions of my parents.” You lean back, rubbing your forehead. “I need a cigar.” He exclaims under his breath. “do you ever think about it?” His eyes lock on yours. “do you ever just think about why we were chosen?” You try to maintain eye contact with him. “stupidity and..” He points to himself then you. “sacrifice.” 
You break your eye contact with him. “I’m sure it wasn’t stupidity in your case. At least you had a choice.” He stays silent wanting to hear more about you. Logan was very hesitant about letting people in since Jean. But he couldn’t help the fact that he wanted to learn more about you. You knew him in the past and besides that you were an interesting person to him. “My parents...they gave me to the program. They didn’t even know what it was, all they needed to know was that it was going to save themselves if they gave away their child.” He reached over to you, giving you a reassuring pat on the shoulder. 
“I don’t even remember much of my childhood. They told me it was garbage in my mind that I didn’t need.” You leaned into his touch slightly. “Some people say they want to forget their family. They don’t mean it. Do they?” A few tears escape your eyes. “because this feels like hell.” You quickly wipe the tears away. Logan walked with you to the sleeping quarters. You can’t stay up all night. The walk was silent but you two did walk pretty close together. “goodnight.” You smiled to him as you opened your door. “I’m sorry for dumping that all on you tonight. You don’t have to remember.” You nervously chuckle. He shakes his head.
“It’s..okay.” Hesitation in his voice. “If you need someone to talk too, I’ll- you can talk to me.” You can tell he struggled to find the right words but you appreciated it more than any other person would. Giving him a heartfelt smile. You gripped the door knob and looked over your shoulder. “Thank You, Logan.”
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cowboy-like-mee · 4 years
please, daddy? pt 1
summary: harry and y/n meet at the bar and activities ensue
warnings: smut (spitting, spanking, unprotected sex, daddy kink, f and m receiving oral, face fucking)
word count: 4k
a/n: hello pls use protection especially with strangers and also talk to your partners about what they like and dislike in bed
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Harry was horny.
Like really horny.
He can’t remember the last time he got laid and he was desperate for anyone to touch him.
He hates to admit, but he has been jerking off far too much lately, He found himself tugging his cock to the thought of anything and everything. His exes, random hookups from his college days, even celebrities he was attracted to. He did it when he woke up, in the shower, when he got home from work, when he went to bed, and even in the middle of the night.
Nothing helped him, and he felt like he walked around half-hard all day.
He was desperate for some relief, and he finally decided to do something about it.
He slipped on his best pair of high waisted trousers and a button-up blouse. He put on his pearl necklace and chunky rings that covered almost every one of his fingers. He slid his fingers through his hair to tame the mess of curls on the top of his head. He took a final look in the mirror and headed out the front door
He began the short walk to his favorite bar.
It was a Friday night, there’s bound to be someone there for him tonight. he knew he was an attractive man, so he was gonna use that to the best of his ability.
After ten minutes, he finally saw the neon sign of the bar and greeted the bouncer who knew him well by now.
He walked into the dingy bar that smelled of cigarette smoke and sweat. He glanced around the room, looking for a possible candidate. When he didn’t find anybody he turned towards the bartender.
“The usual. Thanks, Jenn.”
He leans his upper body against the bar as Jenn slides the drink towards him. He nods at her and picks up the glass to take a sip.
He watches the room carefully, trying to guess what each person’s life story is based on how they interact with people and carry themselves.
He turns his head towards the door and notices a large group of women walk in. He scans over the group to see if anyone piques his interest. He feels slightly disappointed when none of the girls particularly excite him. They were all beautiful of course, but he was looking for something different. Someone that made his heart stop and breath hitch in his throat.
Just that happened. When the last of the group trailed in, that’s when he laid eyes on you. He felt his heart drop to his stomach. You were stunning. You stood out amongst the other ten or so girls in your group. You had this aura surrounding you that was calling his name.
He didn’t quite know how to get your attention, and he didn’t want to be a dick or come across as creepy. He decided he was going to give it a little while before he attempted anything, as you had just arrived.
He sits at the bar for what feels like an eternity, which was in reality, only 30 minutes. He had kept a close eye on you, as not to lose you.
You started walking towards the bar and he felt his heart drop into his stomach. Now was finally his chance. He thought carefully about how he wanted to approach you.
You stood only a few feet away from him, leaning against the bar, trying to get the bartender’s attention. You were having a great time with your girls. You were getting another drink for yourself because you had drunk the last one a bit too fast. You were planning on nursing this one more. When you finally waved the bartender over, you turned your head to scope out the environment. You saw a man sitting just a few feet away from you, and you don’t know how you didn’t notice him at first.
He had dark wavy hair and a muscular build, but not too bulky. He had tattoos littering his arms and a few poking out the top of his shirt. You couldn’t tell the color of his eyes, but you knew they looked light and enticing. He was hot. Very hot. Just as you were about to look away, he turned his head and his eyes met yours.
You felt blood rush to your cheeks at being caught. He gave you a little smirk, knowing you were checking him out. He nodded his head over, gesturing for you to come closer. You were nervous, not having the best experience with flirting with random men at bars, but you would be crazy to give up the chance of getting to know one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen.
You gave him a small smile and shuffled over to him. You pulled yourself up onto the stool right next to his, but not too close.
“Hey, doll. Can I treat you to a drink?” He rasped. His voice was thick and raspy.
You noticed a British accent and you almost dropped to your knees right there. You cleared your throat. “I already got one, but thank you. Maybe the next one?”
“Of course. I’m Harry. And you are?” He stuck his hand out for you to shake.
You took his hand into yours, noticing how much larger it was than his. You felt the coolness of his rings against your palm. “Y/N.”
He hums. He was losing his shit. You were so fucking gorgeous, and the way you looked at him made you seem almost innocent.
“By yourself?” He knew you weren’t by yourself, but he didn’t want to seem like a stalker for already knowing that.
“No, actually. I’m with my friends. Celebrating the weekend and all that.” You giggled and he felt his heart stop. You were so cute and he wanted to bend you over the bar right there.
“They won’t mind will they?”
You glance over at your group and notice a few of them nodding and giving you thumbs up.
“I think they’ll understand.” The bartender slides your drink towards you and you thank her. You bring the straw up to your lips and lick your lips at the fruity taste. Harry almost busts in his pants from the sight of you with your lips wrapped around the straw and licking your lips. He’s hoping that’s similar to how the night will end up for the two of him.
“What about you, Harry? Here all alone?”
He almost moans at the sound of your sultry voice saying his name. “Yep. Was bored just sitting at home. Decided to swing by here after work. Don’t live too far.”
You raise your brows at the mention of his home. He didn’t have to include that detail in his little spiel, but it’s almost like he wanted you to know.
“Interesting.” You take another sip of your drink and subtly shift closer to him in your seat. Turning your legs towards him a bit more. He did notice, of course. He felt his cock starting to throb in his pants. “What do you do? School, work? Have a sugar daddy perhaps?”
He lets out a loud laugh at you. Not only were you extremely hot, but you actually had a personality, making you even more desirable.
“I actually own a record store, but the idea of a sugar daddy sounds a lot better. Not as much work, you know?”
You giggle and lean towards him a little more. “What do you do, darling?” He brings his glass to his lips, keeping eye contact with you.
“I’m a student, but I work at a diner. Very prestigious, I know.”
He chuckled, “What are you studying?”
“I’m working on my doctorate in psychology.”
He widened his eyes, “Holy shit. You’re a genius, aren’t you? That’s really impressive.”
You blushed, “Oh, well, thank you very much.”
You both stared into each other’s eyes for a minute. He’s chewing on his bottom lip. You can’t help but stare at it. It’s glossed over from him licking at it, and they’re full and pink, practically begging you to slide your lips between his and glide your tongue along it.
You don’t know what he was thinking, but you hope it’s similar to what you’re thinking.
As soon as you go to speak again, he cuts you off, “Would you like to come home with me?”
You feel your breath hitch. “I-I...um...actually, yes...I would like that.”
His smile takes your breath away. He grabs his wallet out of his pocket and throws down a few bills. He grabs your wrist and leads you to the exit. You make sure to signal to your friends before leaving.
Once you make it outside, you feel like you can breathe. He turns to look at you. He’s absolutely breathtaking. You send him a small smile and he feels like he’s going to burst.
He tucks your hair behind your ear and cradles your jaw with his large hand. “Can I kiss you?” He whispers.
“Yes.” You whisper back.
He stares into your eyes to check for any hesitation. When he finds none, he leans down and takes your bottom lip between his. You quietly whimper at the action and feel your knees almost buckle. You move your lips together slowly. You feel his tongue prod at your bottom lip. You open your mouth to let him enter. He swirls his tongue around your mouth and you man at the taste of him. You felt sticky between your legs.
He sucks on your tongue and tugs you closer to his body by your lower back. You get a good grip on his bicep and side of his neck. Harry has never felt this much euphoria in his life. He feels like he’s floating.
He pulls away, regretfully. A string of saliva connects you together and you giggle. He smiles and pecks your lips again. He intertwines your fingers and starts the brief walk to his flat. You stay close to him, hugging his large arm and running your hand up and down it.
He tells you his place is right around the corner and you feel your core tighten.
He opens the door to his building and gestures for you to walk in first. He presses the button to the elevator and leans down to kiss you again. He pulls back once he hears the elevator ding. He pulls you both inside and pushes you up against the wall of the lift. He starts kissing down your neck. You moan and pull on the curls on the back of his neck.
Once you arrive on his floor, he quickly walks you both to his door. He struggles to unlock, but once he does he pulls you inside. You thought he was going to begin ravishing you the second you got inside, but instead, he gives you a sweet and short kiss and leads you into his living room.
“Would you care for a drink, love?”
“Water would be great.”
He nods and tells you to have a seat. You plop yourself down on his couch and pull your coat and purse off your body, setting it on the coffee table. He walks in with two glasses of water and sits down next to you. You smile at him and take a big gulp of your water.
“We don’t have to anything.” He says suddenly.
You’re taken aback by his comment. No guy had ever said something like that to you. Even though his intention was clear when you left the bar, he wanted to make it clear that you had no obligation to do anything with him. He was respectful, hot, and funny, and you wanted to let him absolutely destroy you.
“Oh, trust me, I want to. Do you?”
He lets out a laugh, “Absolutely.”
You giggle and crawl into his lip. You straddle his hips and stare into his eyes. He licks his lips and looks down at your lips and back up. You feel his bulge underneath you and almost moaned at the feel of it against your core.
“What do you want, Harry?”
He groans and pushes his hips up to grind into you, “God, Y/N, I want to fuck you.”
“Shit...” You whimper at the feel of him bumping into your clit. “Fuck me, please.”
He sits up quickly and stands with you in his arms. He has a good grip right under your bum. Your arms are wrapped around his neck tightly. He carries you into his room, kicking the door shut. He lays you gently on the bed and hovers over you. He licks into your mouth and slides his hands up and down your sides. Your hand rests on his chest.
He kisses down your jaw and neck, littering love bites all along your neck. He grabs the end of your shirt and looks up at you.
“May I?”
You nod and lean up to tug your shirt off and unsnap your bra. He slides the straps of your bra down your arms and his mouth waters at the sight of your bare breasts. He brings his mouth down to suck at your nipple while bringing his hand up to your other breast.
“Fuck, baby. You’re so gorgeous.”
You moan out at his words and the feeling of his tongue gliding over your sensitive nipple. He switches to the other side and you lace your fingers through his hair and tug. He groans at the feeling.
He starts kissing down your body, leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses, making you grow even wetter than you are. He stops when he gets to the waistband of your pants and he looks up at you. He teases you by licking along the waistband and sucking marks into your hips. You whimper and he finally gives in.
You help him by sliding your pants off your legs as he tosses his shirt to the side, not caring where it lands. He settles back between your legs. You sit up on your elbows and bend your legs so your feet are flat on the bed. He hooks his arm around your thighs and tugs you closer, so your core is right in front of his mouth.
He presses a soft kiss right over your clothed clit and you gasp. He could see a wet spot in your panties and he knew you were ready for him. He licks you through your panties to tease you once again. You let your head roll back. You didn’t even have to look at him to know he had a smirk on his face.
He doesn’t waste any more time. He pulls your panties to the side and licks a fat stripe right through your center. You let out a strangled moan and grip into his hair.
He sucks your clit into his mouth. Your legs are trying to clamp shut, but he pulls them apart and holds them open on the bed. He kitten licks your clit and holds eye contact with you. Your mouth is dropped open, letting out breathy moans. He licks down to your opening and fucks you with his tongue while rubbing your clit with his thumb.
He gets tired of holding your panties to the side because next thing you know he’s stopping his movements and ripping your panties down the middle. You feel your core clench around nothing at the sight.
He delves back into you. You feel your release bubbling in your stomach and you know you’re close. He can sense it too because he pulls back from you and replaces his tongue with his middle and ring finger.
He begins finger fucking you at a furious pace. A filthy noise filling the room along with your moans and his dirty words sending you over the edge.
As you climax, he licks your clit as he fingers you, making your legs shake and your mouth falls open to scream out his name. You ride out your orgasm on his fingers and tongue and start wriggling away from him when you get too sensitive. You’re panting and shaking from your release, but you still want to make him feel good.
You stand up and direct him to sit on the bed with his feet on the floor. You give him a kiss and can taste yourself on him. He groans into the kiss and slides his hand around to your ass to squeeze.
You drop to your knees in front of him and begin pulling down his trousers. He kicks them off. You rub your hands up and down his thighs. He leans back on his hands to give you plenty of room to work. You give him a delicate kiss over each of his fern tattoos.
You kiss his tip through his boxers and love the way his abdomen clenches at your touch. You hook your fingers into his boxers and tug them down his thick thighs.
His cock slaps against his stomach and your mouth immediately waters at the sight.
It’s big, red, veiny, and he has precum leaking out of the tip, making you want to take him into your mouth right then.
You know he’s the biggest you’ve ever seen before and definitely the biggest you’ve ever had. You wrap your hand around his girth and he moans out at the feeling of someone finally touching him.
You pump him while holding eye contact with him. He’s a mess above you, letting out strings of curses and moans. You finally give in to your urges and kiss his leaky tip.
You gather saliva in your mouth and spit down on his cock as a lubricant. His mouth drops open and he goes to say something but he’s cut off by the feeling of your mouth wrapped around him.
You take him as far down as you can, pumping him with your hand what can’t fit. You come back up and repeat the process over and over. You cup his balls with your other hand as you pump him vigorously while suckling his head.
You come up for air and an idea pops into your head.
“Harry?” You ask, your voice scratchy from having his cock down your throat.
He hums and holds your hair back from his face.
“Can you fuck my face?”
He feels his cock twitch and jaw drop at your question, not expecting that from you at all.
“Wh-what? You want m-me to-“
“Please, Daddy?”
He almost comes at the name falling from your lips. He’s always had a daddy kink but never wanted to make his partner’s uncomfortable. So when he heard you say that, something switched in him.
He grabs you by your hair and forces you to look up at him. “You want Daddy to fuck your pretty little mouth, baby?”
“Mhm, so bad. Please.”
He stands up so he can get better leverage. He gets a good grip on your hair and the side of your face.
His face softens and he stops for a minute, “You can always tell me to stop, okay?”
You nod at him, feeling your heart swell.
He taps your cheek so you open wide for him. He guides his cock into your mouth and slowly pushes in with his hips. He stifles a moan and slowly pulls out, just to make sure you were okay. Once he sees that you’re good with this, he quickens his pace. He’s snapping his hips forward and pushing his cock even further into your throat by your hair. His balls are slapping against your chin and vulgar noises fill the room. He feels his orgasm bubbling in his belly, so he pulls out. His chest is heaving. He roughly pulls you up and bends you over the bed. He gives you a light smack on the ass.
He pulls your back up to his chest by your hair, “What was that, baby?”
You gulp, “Spank me harder, Daddy.”
His palm immediately slaps down on the swell of your ass harder and you gasp. It stings but feels good.
“You like that? Like when Daddy treats you like a little whore?”
He spanks you again and shoves you back down against the bed. “I’m gonna fuck you now, okay?”
You nod, but he smacks you on the ass again. “Hm?”
“Yes, Daddy. Please, fuck me. I want to feel you stretch me out and fill me with your come. Please, Daddy.”
He spreads your cheeks open, so he can watch himself slide into your sopping wet cunt. Your pussy is like a vice on him. He has to hold himself back from coming immediately. He pushes all the way in and holds himself there.
He grips onto the back of your neck and your hip. “You okay, baby?” He leans down to give you a sweet kiss in the middle of your back.
You’re breathing heavy, but manage to let out a breathy whisper, “Yes. Move, please.”
He begins rocking into you at a hard pace. You can feel him in your tummy as he pushes into your tight cunt. He's trying to hold back from coming quickly.
He can't remember the last time he was buried inside someone like this.
He gives your ass a hard smack and feels your walls clamp around him. He groans and grabs you by your hair. He roughly pulls you up to his chest.
He brings his mouth right to your ear, "You like when Daddy spanks your pretty little ass." He gives you another smack, making you moan out. "Such a filthy little girl, aren't you?"
Your ears were ringing from the pleasure rushing through your body. Your cunt was pulsing around his cock and you could tell you were close. He's pounding into you rigorously and suddenly he pulls out. You whine at the loss of contact.
He grabs your hips and tosses you onto the bed. He fips you over and lays back over you. He reenters you and begins pounding into you. You love being able to see his face and body as he fucks you.
He really was a beautiful man and you felt lucky to have him in this way. You hold eye contact with him as he makes long, deep strokes into you. He can feel your juices coating his thighs and sweat beading his forehead.
You open your mouth wide for him and he furrows his brows. He gets the hint and spits straight into your mouth. You moan at the sensation and swallow his spit.
Harry is losing his fucking mind. Not only are you fucking breathtaking, but you're filthy and kinky. He quickens his pace and reaches down to rub your clit.
You feel your release bubbling in the pit of your stomach. Harry leans down to speak right into your ear, "Gonna come for me, baby? Be a good girl and come for Daddy. I want you to soak me."
That sends you over the edge and your orgasm rips through you. Your legs are convulsing and you're moaning out his name. As he's fucking you through your release, he's trying to hold back his own.
He finally can't take it anymore and he pulls out and gives his cock a few strokes to elongate his orgasm. He comes all over your stomach and chest. He groans loudly and flops down next to you.
That was one of the best orgasms he's ever had and he feels like he needs to sleep for a few days. Before he goes to sleep, he rolls out of his bed to get a towel to clean you off. He walks back in and gently wipes you down.
You smile at the action and thank him quietly.
"You can stay the night if you want to." He says.
You nod and pat the bed so he'll come to lay back down. He lies down and pulls you to him. He pulls the covers over you both and turns to spoon you. He kisses your shoulder and whispers in your ear to sleep well.
Harry went to sleep with a smile on his face.  
pt 2
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danjo-ao3 · 4 years
Betwixt pt. 1
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Din Djarin x Paz Viszla x fem!Reader
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Reader-Insert, Threesome - F/M/M, Hurt/Comfort, Dom/sub Undertones, Top!Paz, bottom!Din, Bottom!Reader, Paz is kind of a dick but not really, Din is ever the gentleman, Violence, mentions of an abusive relationship
Summary: AU – Din and Paz are working together to capture their newest quarry: you
Part 1 / 2
You are running. Running through back streets and alleys, trying to find a hiding spot–without luck. As if it isn’t dangerous enough on Tatooine, you now have some bounty hunters chasing you down while the suns are setting no less. Soon you won’t see shit. 
Two sets of feet are very close behind and you yelp in fear. They can’t catch you, if they do you’ll be back with… him and you will never let that happen. 
Around a corner you stop for a second, examining a door in front of you. It looks sturdy, but most of all closed and any pulling or pushing doesn’t get you any farther. Quickly, you whirl around and come face to face with one of the bounty hunters who raises his right arm at you, ready to fire his blaster. His shiny metal armor and helmet almost give you a heart attack. 
“Shit,” you exclaim. “A Mandalorian?”
You weren’t able to get a good look at your pursuers yet, you were too busy running away. 
Layn really sent a kriffing Mandalorian after you. You know the man has credits, but that much? He really wants you back, huh?
Heart hammering in your chest, you look around to try and find a way out. To your left is a low wooden fence you just might be able to climb. But as you stare at it, another armor clad hunter appears directly behind it, blaster raised, effectively cutting off your last chance at escape.
So it’s two kriffing Mandalorians. Your day can’t get any worse. 
You plaster yourself against the durasteel door behind you, feeling along it to find some kind of hatch, but no luck. 
“Easy,” the Mandalorian in front of you speaks up, his voice muted and altered through the vocoder in his helmet, his blaster pointing right at you. 
Slowly, you raise your hands in surrender, your eyes darting between the two men. 
“Alright,” you answer. “But lower your weapon. I’m unarmed.”
And to your surprise, he does. With a flick of his wrist the blaster is back in its holster and he steps towards you with slow, measured steps while pulling out a pair of cuffs. 
As your eyes fall to the restraining device your fight or flight response kicks in. Just as he gets close enough to bind you, you drop to the side and dodge him as he tries to grab you. You hear him connecting with the metal door as you dash forward to the exit of the alley, only to fall face first into the dirt, splitting your lip in the process. 
Something snuck around your leg and brought you to the ground. As you turn over you see a thin wire connecting your ankle to the Mandalorian’s vambrace. He grabs fistfuls of the wire and starts to haul you in towards himself. With a yell you try to hold on to your surroundings, reaching for random stuff lying about, but nothing is substantial enough to help you. 
Before you know it, you're lying at the man’s feet, dirt clinging to you everywhere, you spit out the blood and sand in your mouth. You want to lash out at him, but again a blaster in your face halts you. The other Mando is also standing over you now, his shoulders slightly shaking in laughter. 
“She got you good, Din,” he chuckles through his vocoder. This one is built differently, bulkier and he has blue paint chipping away from his armor. 
“Shut up,” the one called Din grumbles at the other, bending down to finally put the cuffs around your wrists. He is doing it with harsh movements, obviously upset at your escape attempt. The sound of them clicking closed and sealing your fate makes you nauseous. 
“Please, don’t.” You say, testing the cuffs. “I can’t go back to him. He will kill me.” 
But there is no pause as he grabs your forearm to hurl you from the ground and then pushes you forward, leading you towards the streets. 
“Try anything funny again and I’ll carbo-freeze you,” Din says and that immediately shuts you up. 
“Now I understand why the guy spends so much to find her,” the other one says to his comrade, trying but unsucceeding in lowering his voice enough to not be overheard, before taking you over and walking in front to lead the way. 
You wonder what he means by that, but then he turns his head, pointedly looking at your face and when he sees you peering back at him, his visor tilts down toward the rest of your body, effectively checking you out. 
What the hell?
“We will deliver her as quickly as possible, Paz.” The Mando currently pushing you along answers in clipped tones. 
“Just saying,” the one called Paz replies and leaves it at that for the rest of the way. 
Now that it is night, the temperature dropped considerably and you shiver in your thin silk tunic. Before you, the ramp to a ship is lowering, the inside illuminated and welcoming. It just isn’t to you. You don’t want to get on that ship, you want to be free. 
“Please, you have to let me go,” you try again to reason with Din who just pushes you away from him to signal you to board the ship. Still standing on the ramp, Paz reaches out and grabs your arm, leading you inside. 
“No can do, princess,” Paz answers and waits for Din to come on board before pushing the button that closes the ramp. It shuts with a dull thump, your heart in your throat now. 
“I’m not a princess,” you can’t help but retort defiantly, angered at the man's attitude towards you. 
“You certainly look like one,” he answers and pulls you along. 
The fine silk clothes you’re wearing probably were the reason everyone immediately identified you as not belonging on Tatooine. You aren’t even wearing them voluntarily… 
Hot tears are gathering in your eyes, but you manage to sniff them away when you’re being led deeper into the ship. Lights flicker around you in many different colors as you’re approaching a metal ladder leading upwards. Din comes up behind you and Paz, gesturing for Paz to climb up first, but the man just pulls you to the side and motions for Din to go first. 
The silver Mando shakes his head briefly, then he is climbing the ladder in swift movements. You watch him disappear from view, when you feel Paz draw closer. 
“After you, princess,” he says, then nudges you forward. Uncertainly, you glance at the cuffs around your wrists and wonder how you’re supposed to get up. But you actually manage to climb, counting on your reflexes when having to let go of a bar and grabbing the next. When you reach the top you have to lean against the wall for a moment, that was straining. Especially with that other Mando watching your every move… 
Just as you finish that thought Paz’ helmet emerges from the hatch. The bulky man barely fits through the small opening, but he manages with a certain amount of grace. 
There is a door in the front that reveals the ship’s cockpit and a view of nighttime Tatooine. A silver helmet gleams in the dull light of the cockpit’s numerous small lamps where Din sits in the pilot’s seat, already pressing buttons and flicking switches as the ship is coming to life around you. 
“Have a seat,” Paz mumbles from behind and pushes you into one of the two spare seats behind the pilot’s. You land in it with an oomph, casting a glare in Paz’ direction for manhandling you like that. He doesn’t react to it at all, though. Instead, he moves towards Din. 
“You think we can make it before sunrise?”
“I am certain of it,” Din answers confidently, almost done with prepping the ship. 
They talk quietly amongst themselves as you stare ahead, unseeing. Thoughts swarm in your head. What will Layn do when you get back? You ran for a reason, you got betrothed to him because of pure greed. The man is one of the most influential businessmen on Coruscant, and your family owns the last independent trading company. Your father was all too eager to make a deal with him and thus you were promised to marry Layn D’urano. Nobody asked you of course. 
The first time you met him he made clear what he expects of a wife. Complete obedience and devotion, of course you instantly hated him. When you told him that you would not be treated like that he actually almost strangled you. So you seized the first opportunity and fled, ending up on Tatooine with the nice clothes your mother had chosen for you to wear. 
And now here you are, not gone for a week and already captured again. You hold your head in your bound hands, uncaring if the Mandalorians see you, as the ship takes off into space. 
When you look up again later and wipe at your face you see that Paz slid into the other seat and is watching you. 
Quickly, you avert your eyes again, unsure what the man’s interest in you is. 
“Come here,” he suddenly says when you least expect it. Why would he want you to go to him? You shift in your seat, wringing your hands in front of you. There is something about the Mando that makes you uneasy. 
“Don’t be shy,” he teases and you can’t help a small blush form on your cheeks. Flirting of any kind always makes you turn to mush inside, you never were able to be suave or cool about it. But these are different circumstances, you need to be on high alert, try to flee at any given moment. 
“Why?” You ask in a small voice, eyes shifting from Paz to Din and back, the silver Mando apparently uncaring about what his friend is doing. 
Paz produces a small bacta vaporizer and shows it to you. “That cut looks nasty, you should treat it.”
Oh. How thoughtful?
“Um, thanks.” You lift from the seat and reach for the vaporizer, but Paz doesn’t let go of it. Instead, he pulls you out of the seat completely so you stumble towards him. 
“Let me,” he murmurs as he lifts an arm and cups your face in his gloved hand, his thumb brushes over your chin and then your bottom lip, eliciting a gasp from the sting of your wound. “Hm yes, quite nasty,” he comments as he lets go of you again and instead pats his thigh. 
Does he expect you to sit in his lap?
You want to protest, but he just dangles the vaporizer in front of your face, making it clear that you will not get the bacta without him. For a second you consider just going back to your seat, but now that he reopened the cut it started to bleed and sting again. What a dick. 
In the corner of your eye you see the slightest shift in Din as his helmet swivels toward you, but before you can stall any longer, Paz pulls you down and you land sitting across his lap. It’s not warm and soft as laps should be, but rather hard and cold from the armor the man is wearing. It’s pretty uncomfortable.
“There, now hold still.”
Paz gently holds your chin in his left hand again while bringing the bacta vaporizer up and toward your mouth. You watch warily as he does it, then flinch a little as the bacta spray hits your cut. It stings at first, but then it warms against your skin very quickly, you can already feel its effect. You sigh through your nose at the relief.
Paz is still watching you through the dark T of his visor, laying down the vaporizer in a small nook in the wall. He is also still holding your chin, and as you become aware of it, you stiffen against him. 
“Good girl,” he coos at you then, and the blush you had before returns full force, the stiffness in your body turning into slight tremors instead. Why is he doing this?
His free hand lands on your knee, the leather strangely warm through your leggings. Again you gasp as it travels higher up to rest on your thigh. 
“W–wait,” you breathe, bringing your bound hands up against his chest. 
His thumb is brushing over your lip again, but this time it doesn’t sting; the bacta worked its magic. 
“Such a pretty thing,” Paz murmurs and pulls you closer to him, your arms feel like jelly where they’re still pressed against him. 
“Paz,” Din suddenly speaks up in a warning tone. 
Paz chuckles as he regards you through the visor, his voice crackling. “He’s jealous,” he tells you, and even though you can’t see his face you somehow know that he winks at you. 
“What are you doing?” You half whisper, now eager to get off the man’s lap again.
“Yeah, what are you doing? Need I remind you that she’s our quarry ?” Din sounds pissed as he flips switches behind you. 
“Come on, Din. I haven’t had a pretty girl in my lap in weeks. Cut me some slack, promise I’ll make it up to you.”
“Cut it out, Vizsla. I’m not telling you again.”
That makes Paz look up at Din, something calculating about the way his helmet tilts. 
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll carbo-freeze the girl.”
“No!” You exclaim and start to struggle to get off of Paz’ lap. Being frozen would make any attempt at fleeing impossible, plus you really don’t want to find out what it is like to be suspended in carbonite while still being conscious but unable to move. That’s the stuff of nightmares. 
“I’m not going to hurt her.” Paz isn’t letting up, he easily outmaneuvers your feeble attempts at escaping his strong arms. 
You cry out when you’re suddenly grabbed from behind by a very upset Din who drags you down the hatch into the belly of the ship. As you near the many slates of their bounties frozen in carbonite you start begging.
“No, please don’t freeze me!” Tears are burning your eyes, you absolutely don’t want this to happen. 
But Din pushes you into the open chamber and is ready to push the button, when he hesitates. You stare at him wide-eyed and with wet cheeks when he shakes his head and pulls you out again so you land against his beskar clad chest. 
“It’s not your fault,” he sighs, observing you through the black visor. “Paz has a problem with keeping it in his pants. Just stay down here and out of his sight. There is a ‘fresher nearby if you want to get cleaned up.” He releases you then and you can’t actually believe that he didn’t freeze you after all. 
“Thank you,” you sniffle, and seeing Din in such a forgiving mood makes you wonder how far you may be able to push it. “The man who pays you to fetch me, he’s going to–”
“No,” Din cuts you short and pushes you out of the way. “Enough of that. You’ll do as I say or end up frozen. Make up your mind.”
You swallow around a painful lump in your throat but step down. The silver Mando’s cape swishes at his feet as he walks away, then he’s climbing up the ladder into the cockpit once more. 
Feeling small and wrung out you go to the ‘fresher and clean yourself with semi warm water that leaves you freezing. 
After beating the dust out of your clothes and putting them back on you open the door to a small cranny that consists of a small dresser and a cot where you sit on and sniffle back tears, wondering what Layn will do once you’re back in his clutches. 
“Finally,” Layn hisses when his eyes fall on you, as you stand small and depressed, shackled between the two Mandalorians. Hurried steps move toward you, the way he comes at you makes you take a step back in fear. 
Paz’ hand on your shoulder stops you though, it’s grounding in its heaviness. Final. 
A dry sob escapes you when Layn comes to a stop, he’s already reaching out towards you, but Din’s outstretched arm stops him short. 
“Payment first,” he says curtly. 
Layn squints at the silver Mando with a look of distaste on his face. “Right,” he sneers and snaps his fingers. A brass colored protocol droid in a far corner comes forward, bearing a tray with five calamari flan. Wow, no wonder they were so keen to collect you. “Here, just as promised.”
Paz steps forward and takes the gel like discs from the droid with one hand before they disappear in one of his pockets. 
“Now, if you would be so kind,” Layn says with a sickly sweet, false smile and points at the cuffs on your wrists. Din presses a button on his vambrace and the cuffs click open for him to remove from your person. You should be relieved about their absence, but all you feel is emptiness.
Then Layn’s hand curls around your upper arm, digging in painfully and drags you away from between the two bounty hunters, pushing you with force toward a side exit while you try not to stumble. 
You give Din and Paz a final pleading look, but it’s impossible to tell what the Mandos might think under their helmets and armor. So you glare at them instead before they disappear from view entirely and you’re being dragged along a hallway towards the sleeping chambers. 
Layn smashes the door closed behind you two after you enter a beautifully decorated room. No two seconds later he backhands you so hard you fall to the floor and the world is spinning. 
“You kriffing whore , I should have you killed for running away. Nobody runs from Layn D’urano.” He yells at you while you turn to him, holding your throbbing cheek. 
“Good, I’d rather die than marry you!”
Eyes bulging at your insubordination, his hand already draws back to strike you again, but then there are blaster shots to be heard from outside the door, halting him mid swing. 
The door comes crashing down, Paz simply kicked it down and is now standing on the ruined piece of wood, blaster smoking as he raises it towards Layn. 
“What is the meaning of this?” Layn froths at the mouth, fumbling for his own hidden blaster behind his back. But before he can so much as draw it, Din whirls around the corner of the door frame and shoots him in the head. 
Layn falls to the ground like a puppet whose strings got cut, right next to you. You crawl away from his body, too shocked for words and look back up at Din as he comes inside the room, hand outstretched towards you in invitation. 
You take it without hesitation, still unbelieving of what is happening. Paz is walking past you as Din nears the exit with you. The bulky Mando reaches into his pockets and takes out the calamari flan to throw them at Layn’s corpse. 
Together, you three make your way out of the estate, a few security droids hot on your heels. Din and Paz are firing at them while you all run towards their ship. One blaster shot grazes your calf and you scream at the burning sensation as you drop to the ground. Paz’ strong arms gather you up and carry you the rest of the way while you desperately cling to him.
The ship’s ramp is lowering just as you reach it, Din in the front giving Paz and you cover as the big Mando carries you into the ship. 
Once inside, Paz brings you further into the ship to where you crashed on their cot and sets you down gently as you can already hear and feel the ship getting ready to take off. 
“You alright?” He asks as he squats in front of you and takes a good look at your injured leg. 
“Hurts,” you hiss through gritted teeth, and Paz is already up and gone for just a quick second before he returns with a bacta injector. 
“This might sting a bit,” he murmurs before injecting the bacta into the muscle of your calf. You manage not to cry out at the pain, not wanting to appear weak in front of Paz. 
“That should do the trick,” he says as he places the empty bacta injector aside. 
“Thank you,” you sigh and fall back against the wall, now pain-free and suddenly very tired. 
“Think you can manage, princess?” His nickname for you makes you smile dazedly, you let yourself fall to the side and rest your head against the thin pillow. 
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
A rough blanket is being pulled over you, then gloved fingers push some of the hair away from your face before they grab your chin softly. You’re barely able to keep your eyes open as you stare at Paz under your lashes, sleep trying to claim you any second now. 
“Bastard had it coming,” Paz comments as his eyes must fall on the imprint Layn’s hand left on your cheek.
“I’m glad he’s dead.”
Paz chuckles at your sleepy admission. 
“So am I,” he says and pats your head once before turning away and disappearing from your field of vision entirely.
A/N: Omg lmfao I tried to post this and then it didn’t and then it did and now I’m confused.
Anyway, part two is already finished, thanks for anyone who was kind enough to read, like and reblog haha!
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so i was reading one of those lame “10 red flags that are long term relationship no-no’s” or some dumb shit listicle articles where some points on the list are actually legit and some seem a little banal to a point. this one, being an example to also call out my 14/15 year old self for screaming at clear braces boy when he updated his relationship status and sent teenage me a relationship request back in 2010/year 9 (please mind that i actually didn’t hold the same feelings as he did. but it was one of those stupid forced high school relationships that a whole year group thinks should happen bc two kids just talk to each every fucking day because they’re J U S T G O D D A M N E D F R I E N D S for fucks sake):
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like on some levels, sure. NOT going “public” on your relationship on social media could be a red flag.... but generally???? i don’t think it is, especially when so many of my old friends barely update their relationship statuses (like they have it hidden or still list themselves single bc like who cares, right?).... or even post photos/statuses of themselves with their s/o, unless it’s a big thing like buying a house/land for a house, getting engaged, their wedding etc at all anymore.
hell, it’d be hard for someone to “go public” on social media with me as a partner.... considering the fact that i’ve never bothered with making an instagram account. i’ve deleted my snapchat and don’t think “snap scores” etc count for anything in making healthy relationships. like how dumb can you be (unless of course social media is your job) basing your relationships on snapchat scores and/or instagram likes or doing couples social media challenges??? or retweet amounts??? like really??? that’s a fucking recipe for jealousy and couple self-doubt and comparisons etc right there, bud.
why document every part of your relationship on social media???? okay, sure. if they don’t post ANYTHING of you together; maybe that’s a problem for some people???? but honestly. i personally wouldn’t mind that. bc god. do we really need everyone nosing in on our relationship business, dude??? like really??? i don’t want people gossiping about us or whatever the fuck idek. or i don’t want to be that absolutely nauseating couple that posts photos on every social media platform like every fucking day or whatever being all “i love you so much babe you’ll always be my 🌏!!!!” to the point where like 90% of your friend/follower lists block you bc you’re just that irritating. basically this is what i went off at clear braces boy for in year 9 tbh.
just idek. i think the “not posting your relationship status on social media” and “not posting generally of you on social media” would differ person to person. bc i don’t need you to perform your love for me on my social media feed, bro.... like some dating show such as idek, love island? that’s not how you prove to me that we’re serious??? although i might get hate for this considering that i’ve never been in a relationship (bar the one mentioned above) so what would i know???
but at the same time, like it’s kinda banal doing these things by your mid20s right???? like i’m not 14 anymore. we should keep our relationship private bc you know how social media is these days.... even just generally even with people you know. like i sometimes play guessing games with who has a partner or whose broken up with their partners or whose getting married etc on my own fb feed or lurking through old friends who deleted me/never had me on social media in the first place profiles to see how they’re doing and who they’re dating (if they are). like..... it’s weird man.
and it’s even more concerning if you’re a social media person like a youtuber or a popular instagrammer (or instagram couple) or popular twitter account person or whatever. like people can be so fucking awful to famous people’s/accidentally famous people’s partners with like sending death threats or whatever..... that why would you even BOTHER posting about your relationships when you get those creepy asf fans doing that???? like idek man.
and finally when you think about those memes that say things such as:
- “yeah miss/mr he’s/she’s etc etc my world!!!! who’s your new “world” this week? like, damn bitch. are you building a fucking universe each week?”
- “gonna call up all my tinder matches at once to see if they’d like being on the bachelorette starring me!!”
- “tagging your crush in memes like “these cats are us: i’m the little cat and you’re the big cat” to drop MAJOR HINTS 😂🙃. am i right ladies????”
or whatever other garbage dating meme tweets that you can think of... because if you tag someone on them, on some level, you’re showing your relationship with the person anyway??? like obvs it’s not a lot. that’s a given. but people can read so deep into that sometimes and think you’re dating the person or something when in reality you’re just friends.
for example, i always get asked about two dudes who like/react to my fb statuses quite often and who i tag in memes often with “uh. yeah. what’s actually happening there???” by my best/close friends and i’m like “honestly? i have no idea. but i’ll keep you updated”. but if someone i’ve known for ages, but has never bothered to reach out to me for like 10 years, just randomly dropped me a dm to ask about this sitch i’d be like “yeah janina, thanks for your concern. but like.... we haven’t spoken in years???? idk why you suddenly think my love life... or even my life in general past “i hope she’s doing okay”.... is your business all of a sudden” like idk guys. social media is so fucking invasive and weird and toxic in so many ways to relationships that anything can be taken out of context. and don’t even get me started on the memories throwback function that could take you down some terrible roads (like if you were in an abusive relationship or something) if you never delete shit from your profile.
yeah. anyway. it’s bleh. and i don’t think that your partner not constantly updating your relationship on fb or being awkward about updating their relationship status or whatever the fuck, should be considered a red flag in some sense; and it can mean different things to different people. what i’m getting at is: why can’t we have privacy anymore?
people can feel free to call me shady or whatever. but i’m not being shady in any way, shape, or form. i’m questioning whether people really need to air their relationships in full (no matter whether they’re genuinely reciprocal and love filled; or unhealthy and unrequited- like my stalker back in years 11/12... and also clear braces boy).... and/or at the end of a relationship... air any or all of their dirty laundry through their social media feeds. it’s unhealthy asf that social media rules our lives that much. and that it seems almost to be a fucking requirement to share EVERYTHING about your life on social media to whoever, whenever. finally i’m saying that showing your love has become almost like a competition against other couples going “official” on different social media platforms by updating their rs status or tagging each other in their posts or writing corny lovey-dovey statuses with the starry eyed couple in a photo underneath. like ugh. i hate it.
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jacksonswangsauce · 5 years
Friends to Lovers(m)
Johnny Seo x Y/n
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What happens when your best friend confesses he’s loved you since day one?
Genre: Smut with slight fluff 
You had seen it coming.
The sudden business, the coming home late and the undeniable drifting apart.
You had tried, you tried your hardest to keep the relationship going but there was nothing left to save.
This was to be expected.
You came home from the store and there she was, on your living room couch. Your replacement, moaning under your boyfriend as if she had the right.
"What the hell?!" You yell, causing them to scramble off of the couch and try to find some coverage.
"Y/N! I-"
"¡Cállate pendeja! I don’t want to hear it." You sass, waving your hand at Carlos.
"Take your little puta and get out of my house, we’re done!" You exclaim, placing your hands on your hips. Watching as they awkwardly put the rest of their clothes on.
Yes, feel the shame! You thought, as Carlos couldn’t even look you in the eyes.
"I loved you Y/N..I’m really sorry-" He attempted to apologize.
But you roughly grabbed his collar and yanked him to your disgusted face.
"Shut the f**k up with the lies Carlos. I’m so sick of your bullshit! Don’t you ever come back here. I never want to see your dumbass again!" You snarl and push him away from you.
You always could scare the shit out of him and your mean face worked every time.
"Little bitch!" You spat as they practically ran out the front door.
Once you were finally alone, it all crashed into you like a tidal wave and you found yourself sobbing in the corner of your kitchen.
You cried and cried but not because everything was over between you and Carlos. They were tears hot with anger and hate. You cried because he actually chose someone else over you. He threw away a whole year and a half for some chick that was an obvious downgrade.
It hurt you to feel as if you weren’t enough. You hated feeling unwanted and alone.
After about two hours of feeling sorry for yourself and angry at your ex, you decide to be productive and get your money out of this.
Your Mamá always told you to "keep the jewelry" but you couldn’t stand looking at the gold chain he’d bought for you.
So you take it to a jewelry store and sell it for $1,000. The one thing he was good at was giving you expensive gifts. Thankfully it comes in handy and you are already feeling better about the breakup.
Once back home, you find yourself reminiscing about all the good times you used to have and it brings back all your emotions again.
So to take your mind off things, you decide to call up your best friend for a night out.
"Hey Y/N!" He picks up after the first ring.
"Johnny hey..listen umm Carlos cheated on me." You sigh into the receiver, feeling your lip quiver. Realizing the effect of saying it out loud.
"What?! That mother f**ker! How dare he! I’ll be right over don’t you worry-" He exclaims but you cut him off.
"No that’s okay, I just wanted to see if you want to go clubbing with me tonight? I really need to get my mind off things." You run a hand through your hair.
"I gotchu’ babygirl, what time should I pick you up?" He asks.
You chuckle at the nickname. "10pm?" You suggest.
"Okay, see you then!" He exclaims, before hanging up.
You smile at your phone screen and make your way to the bathroom to get your glow up on!
After a few hours, you were ready!
You wear a tight red dress with spaghetti straps that just barley covers your thicc ass. It has gray Eastern dragons all over it.
You always thought they were so cool!
For accessories you wear long diamond earrings that almost touch your shoulder and a diamond layered choker. For shoes, sparkly silver pumps.
And of course, your makeup is done to perfection. Winged liner to compliment your slanted eyes, plump red lips, bronze contour to shape your high cheek bones and arched brows for your sassy signature attitude.
Just then the doorbell rings.
"He’s here!" You say excitedly and strut over and open the door.
"Hey Y/N.." He says in a low voice, trying to be seductive.
You both laugh at his playfulness and he finds himself looking you up and down. Noting how absolutely sexy you look tonight.
"Let’s go." He smiles, holding his arm out for you.
Wow..he looks amazing! You think to yourself, checking out his club outfit. He’s wearing tight black skinny jeans, a leather jacket and a snug fitting, white T-shirt. His hair is styled to perfection and you notice his eyes are lined softly with eyeliner.
You smile back and take his arm, letting him lead you to his chic white Hyundai.
Once at the club you immediately get on the dance floor.
You could always get drunk on music, it was your one escape from the world and it affected you more than alcohol.
Johnny knows this, he knows everything about you. You guys have been friends long before you even dated Carlos.
Johnny has always had feelings for you, since the day he met you, he’s always been infatuated by your beauty and easy going personality. But he’s never had the guts to confess to you.
So Johnny makes himself comfortable at the bar and watches you having a good time hoeing around. He‘s sipping a margarita, one of the only drinks you would get, and wishing it was him you were grinding on out there.
You have the attention of all the guys on the dance floor. From your sexy outfit to model-like physic, you are every guys dream!
Johnny is getting more jealous by the minute. So he finally decides to butt in.
"Excuse me.." He says, shoving one of the guys away.
"Johnny!" You whine but he just grabs your wrist and pulls you against him.
"Is this how you treat your date Y/N?" He asks cocking his head and placing his other hand on your lower back.
"No!" You roll your eyes. "I just wanted to dance, geez! But you were over there drinking so I mean..that’s on you." You shrug, beginning to move your hips to the rhythm.
"Okay, sassy pants!" He exclaims, as you start grinding against him. Secretly loving your attitude. It was so attractive and it turned was turning him on.
He bites his lip and turns you around, grinding hard against your ass.
Then the club plays your favorite reggaetón song and you and Johnny lose it.
You taught him how to dance this Latin rhythm and together, you slayed it. Rubbing against his leg that was in between yours. His hips rocking to the music and guiding you with his hands.
Dancing together was something you and Johnny had perfected over the years. It was one of the many talents you shared and loved to show off when together.
You and Johnny dance for another hour and decide to take a break in the lounge area.
It’s empty except for the two of you.
He plops down on a couch and you join him, downing a bottle of cool water.
"Want a sip?" You ask, holding it out to him.
He nods gratefully and takes a few gulps.
"Thanks.." He says breathlessly, wiping his mouth.
"Ya know..that was an indirect kiss." He smirks, nudging you with his shoulder.
You roll your eyes and chuckle. "Johnny you’re too much."
"Maybe.." He chuckles. "How are you feeling though Y/N?" He asks, eyes filled with concern. "You okay..?"
"Yeah I’m fine." You smile. "I don’t even care anymore, he obviously wasn’t the one.." You shrug and finish the bottle of water.
Johnny lets out a sigh of relief. He was so glad you were over it already. He hated when you were feeling any ounce of pain, emotionally and physically.
"Y/N..I-I need to tell you something..." He says, suddenly.
This is my chance to finally let you know how I feel tonight... He thinks to himself.
You turn your body towards him.
"What is it?" You ask, curiosity flooding your mind as he takes a deep breath and nervously plays with his shirt cuffs.
"Is everything okay?" You ask, concerned by his sudden loss of confidence.
Johnny was always confident and playful but now, he couldn’t even meet your eyes. Something was up!
"Johnny..you can tell me..." You almost whisper, even though you guys are alone.
He finally meets your eyes and takes your warm hands in his.
"Y/N..I.." His eyelids flutter at your breathtaking face, now so dangerously close to his.
"I’m in love with you!" He blurts out, squeezing your hands tight as he says it.
Finally, out loud and into the universe.
Your eyes widen in surprise. Never in a million years did you think that Johnny Seo was even interested in you that way!
Your mind jumbles with so many thoughts and you can’t even think of a response.
"I’m sorry..I shouldn’t have said anything. God, I always ruin everything!" He immediatley regrets his decision and turns his head away in embarrassment.
But you reach out and turn it back to face you.
You meet his sparkly brown eyes, realizing the truth of his words were always hidden deep inside those beautiful eyes. The eyes you’d been looking into for 7 years, had always been telling you the same thing.
And finally, the truth had been revealed.
"Johnny.." Your eyes trail down to his plump lips and he follows his gaze to yours.
You pull him into a kiss and immediatley everything becomes clear.
"I love you too!" You smile, pulling away to meet his eyes again.
He grins in relief. "I’ve always wanted to do that with you.." He sighs, reaching out to tuck your hair behind your ear.
You sigh as he gently caresses your face.
"I was just too afraid we’d ruin our friendship so I kept my feelings inside." He explains. "I didn’t want to lose what we already had.."
"I’m so sorry it took me so long to realize this." Your apologetic eyes say it all.
"Y/N.." He sighs, kissing you again, a little deeper this time.
Johnny couldn’t be happier that you said you loved him too! He couldn’t contain his excitement as he kissed you hungrily. He’d always dreamed of this moment and now it was finally coming true.
"It’s always been you! I was never in love with those other guys. I was in love with you..it was you..." He kisses you inbetween your breathless words, hands trailing the sides of your body.
You run your hands through his thick locks and he melts against your touch. "I’m sorry Johnny..I’m sorry.." You mumble into his mouth.
"Shh Y/N..it’s okay." He hushes you, brushing the hair out of your face to look at you.
"The fact that you’re here with me right now, saying you love me...is more than enough." He says, tenderly gazing into your eyes.
"I do..I love you Johnny." You smile, softly kissing his lips.
Between the passion, pent up frustration and desire, things begin to heat up quickly!
"Are you sure about this?" You ask, as he places you on his lap.
"Lines exist, only to be crossed Y/N..." He licks his lips sensually and you feel your heat throbbing with anticipation.
He was so unbelievabley charming and sexy. From his gorgeous face to long legs and toned body, you were melting in his arms.
"I’d be lying if I said I never imagined this moment." You admit, looking up at him with your bedroom eyes.
He watches as you slide off the straps of your dress and pull it down to reveal your breasts.
His mouth waters at the sight.
"You just gonna’ sit there and watch?" You smirk, and lean a little closer to entice him.
He licks his lips and slides off his jacket.
"You’re so sexy Y/N!" He groans, pulling you into him. He massages your breasts and tongues it out in your mouth.
You never imagined his kisses could taste so good.
"F**k!" He gasps as you start grinding against his crotch.
"I-I want you.." You sigh, kissing his neck and leaving lipstick stains all over.
"Hold up.." He suddenly gets up and locks the lounge room door.
Then he turns to face you and practically rips off his shirt and pulls down his skinny jeans.
"F**k I’m so horny babe!" He mutters as he slides your dress off of you, along with your black lace thong.
He pauses for a moment, eyes gazing over your naked body.
"You’re..gorgeous!" He exclaims, admiring your gleaming caramel skin tone and hourglass figure. "So..sexy.." He says saucily, tracing his finger tips along your thicc thighs.
"Johnny just hurry up and f**k me already!" You whine, rubbing your legs together for some relief.
"Is that what you want?" He asks, hovering over you.
"You want to wrap your tight little p**sy around my cock? Let me f**k you so good you  can’t stop saying my name?!" He grunts in your ear, palming his clothed member.
"Yes..oh please Johnny!" You throw your head back in frustration.
Hearing you beg for him with so much desperation was the sexiest thing ever!
Quickly, he pulls down his boxers. His very erect and pulsing dick, springs out, just dripping in pre cum.
You lick your lips at the sight.
"Like what you see princess?" He asks, spreading your legs as you lay back on the couch.
You seductively bite your lip and nod, earning a chuckle from Johnny.
"You ready babe?" He asks, lacing his fingers with yours.
"Hell yeah!" You exclaim, just as he finally enters you.
You close your eyes and concentrate on the feeling of him inside you.
He reaches down and kisses your lips ever so slowly, matching the pace of his gentle pumps.
He wants to cherish this sweet moment of having sex with you for the first time but also wants to f**k you senseless.
"Johnny..faster.." You whine, licking his bottom lip.
"Okay princess!" He exclaims, before bending your knees into his chest and pumping his dick all the way in.
"Oh..OH Johnny!" You moan, as he pickes up the pace, thrusting faster.
"Ohhh yeah.." He moans, eyes rolling back as you clench around him.
"John-n-y!" You grip the sides of the couch.
"That’s it baby, say my name!" He groans, holding your knees for support.
"Forget..all the-OTHER.. mmph guys babe." He  pants, thrusting faster and faster.
"Who f**ks you like this huh? Who makes you feel this good?!" He grunts, pumping with all his strength.
"Johnnyyy!" You yell, digging your nails into his sweaty shoulders.
The sounds of skin slapping echo against the walls as he continues to slam into you.
"Ohhh...yes Johnny. Right there!" He angles himself to hit your g-spot and it feels amazing!
"Oh baby! You like that? You like how I f**k you so hard? Make you cum all over my dick?!" He’s shouting as his pace is animalistic, rocking the couch underneath you.
You’re a moaning mess, feeling your climax nearing.
"I’m gonna fill you up! Pump you full with my cum.." He feels his balls quaking, about to release any second.
"Uhhhh Y/N!" One last thrust and he’s shooting his load into you. Orgasming and shuddering with pleasure.
As he milks his orgasm, you feel yourself on the verge of climaxing.
"Johnny..I’m gonna'-"
"Do it baby! Cum on my dick you gorgeous sex queen!" He kisses your shoulder and rubs your breasts as you realease all over his cock.
"Ohhhh.." You close your eyes and see stars as you twitch and orgasm underneath him.
Johnny is still kissing and sucking on your neck and breasts, unable to get enough of you!
"Johnny.." You sigh, opening your eyes to see this beautiful man before you.
"Y/N.." He smiles at you lovingly and gives you a peck on the lips. Then another and another!
"God I love you!" He exclaims, holding you tight in his arms, not wanting the moment to be over.
He loved the feeling of your hot and naked bodies intertwined and connected with each other.
But you both knew you couldn’t stay in this club forever! So Johnny sat up and his dick pulled out with a pop.
You gasped at the sudden lack of warmth and shivered.
Johnny quickly grabbed your clothes and handed them to you, not wanting you to be cold.
"Thank you!" You smile gratefully, pulling on your dress and thong.
"Of course babe!" He winks, stepping into his boxers. His love muscle put away until the next time.
You stand up and step into your glittery heals and check your makeup as Johnny continues to dress.
Everything stayed on surprisingly! Except for your red lipstick, which was very faded.
You glide on some more color and fix your hair.
"Ready?" He asks, holding his hand out for you.
"Yes!" You smile, taking it and letting him lead you through the crowd and out into the night.
You feel a blast of cold right as you walk out of the club, causing you to shiver.
Johnny quickly takes off his leather jacket and drapes it across your narrow shoulders.
He places an arm around you and holds you against his side for warmth as you walk to his car.
"That dress is really nice Y/N but you’re gonna catch a cold!" He exclaims, opening the car door for you.
"I have your jacket! I’ll be fine." You smile, before he shuts the door.
"Johnny..?" You call, as he starts up the car and turns on the heat.
"Hmm?" He hums, messing with the radio.
"Can I stay at your place tonight? I wanna stay with you." You admit, playing with the hem of your dress.
"Of course babe! You’re always welcome at my house." He grins and kisses your cold hand.
"God your hands are freezing!" He exclaims, rubbing your hand with his.
"I’m fine, as long as I’m with you." You smile, leaning your head back and closing your eyes.
You immediatley fall asleep from exhaustion and Johnny just smiles at you.
He still can’t believe how perfect this night has been!
As he drives to his house, he holds your soft hand in his, steeling glances at your sleeping figure a few times.
At his house...
Johnny gets out of the car and opens your door. He kisses your cheek, waking you up.
"Y/n..we’re here." He says softly.
You smile, tiredly and get out of the car. You’re a little wobbly considering your heels, exhaustion and the mind blowing sex you just had.
"Careful-" He warns, holding you up as you walk to the door.
As he unlocks it, you rest your head on his shoulder and close your eyes, feeling as if you could fall asleep right there at his front door.
Johnny chuckles lightly and picks you up, bridal style, and carries you into his house.
After shutting the door with his foot, he brings you into his bedroom and lays you down on his bed.
He gazes lovingly at you for a moment, admiring your peaceful face as you’re falling asleep.
Gently, he removes your high heels and places them on the floor. Then he carefully takes off your jewlerey, so you don’t ruin them, and places them on the night stand next to you.
He then pulls the blankets over you and tucks you in tightly, making sure you are nice and warm.
He quietly tip toes into the bathroom and comes back with a pack of makeup wipes. He knew better than to let you sleep with your makeup on. And he’s already seen you without it hundreds of times so he knew you were comfortable with it.
So he gently wipes off your makeup with peach infused extract for a nice clean glow.
He smiles to himself, thinking you look so pretty in his bed, with your gorgeous bare face.
He throws the wipes away and decides to join you.
Stripping off his clothes, except for a fresh pair of undies, he climbs into the soft bed with you.
You stir at the sudden movement and turn over to him.
Once under the covers, he finds your hand and holds it tight before falling into a deep sleep.
In the morning...
You open your eyes to find Johnny’s beautiful face only a few inches from yours.
You smile and ever so lightly, touch his cheeks. Then you softly trace your finger over his nose. You let it graze over his eyebrows and down his face to his sharp chin.
His eyes flutter open and he smiles once he sees you.
"Y/N.." He says, in his raspy morning voice.
You giggle and scoot closer to him as he kisses your forehead.
"Did you sleep well gorgeous?" He asks, stroking you head thoughtfully.
You nod. "The best sleep I’ve had in a while!"
"Good.." He grins, pulling you into his arms.
You kiss his bare chest and rest your face in it, loving the warmth against you.
He holds you in his arms and cuddles you for a while.
Then you shift positions and accidentally brush against his crotch, more than once!
He tries not to think about it. But as you continue to rub on him, he can’t help feeling horny after a while
"Y/N.." He grunts, as you shift again.
"Hmm?" You hum, looking at his face.
"I’m getting really horny babe!" He groans, reaching down to massage his dick.
"So am I!" You giggle, earning a surprised laugh from Johnny.
"Did you do that on purpose?" He asks, narrowing his eyes.
You nod your head, giving him a sly look.
"Come here.." He says, pulling you into a kiss.
You part your mouth and let him shove his hot tongue inside, letting it dance around with yours. He places his leg around you and starts grinding his hips into your crotch.
You let out a soft moan and kiss him harder, sucking and pulling at his lower lip.
"Mmm babe.." He moans against your mouth.
Then he sits up and you straddle his lap.
"Hurry..take off your dress! I want to see you naked." He says excitedly, pulling off his undies as you strip off your own clothes.
You grin sexily, toss it aside and wrap your body around Johnny. Wanting him to feel your breasts rubbing against his chest.
"Oh Y/N.." He moans, rubbing his shaft under you and feeling the pre cum leaking out of his tip.
You reach down and massage his balls in your hand, causing him to twitch and moan for you.
He kisses your jaw line and down your neck as you pump his dick in your hand. He pants and thrusts into your hand, so desperate for a release.
"Don’t tease..babe.." He pants, wanting his dick inside you already!
You kiss his lips and then angle yourself at his tip. He holds his breath and watches intently as you slide down on him.
"Ohhhhhh!" He lets out a glorious moan, throwing his head back.
You hold onto his shoulders for support as you start going up and down on his dick.
"Oh baby.." He starts thrusting up and quickens the pace, earning a moan from you.
His delicious cock filling you up and making you feel so good.
"Johnny..uhhh." You pant as he takes your left breast in his mouth, licking your nipple as he pumps his dick harder.
He’s licking and sucking in time with his thrusts, making you bounce up and down.
He loves your f**ked out expression as you near your release.
"C’mon babe..cum for me! Cum for Johnny!" He grips your ass and squeezes you tight, pumping and thrusting as fast as he can.
He’s grunting and moaning, trying to make you cum for him.
"Say my name princess! OH- hurry!" He moans, reaching his climax as well.
"Johnny..ohhh!" You’re almost there! One last pump and..
"F**k-JOHNNYYYYY!" You let out a yell as you orgasm and cum on his dick.
"That’s right baby..oooo-" He feels himself about to cum.
"Oh Y/N..Ohhh Y/N! I’m gonna-a-" He grunts and pants, thrusting fast and sloppy.
Johnny releases his load into you, some of it drips out because of your position.
He rides out his orgasm and looks at you, trying to catch his breath.
You kiss his parted lips and pull yourself off his dick, letting his cum slide down your caramel thighs.
"Oh f**k Y/N, that’s hot!" He says, looking at you with hooded eyes.
Your eyes never leave his as you wipe a little with your finger and bring it you your mouth; pumping and sucking on it seductively.
Johnny is in awe, feeling himself getting hard again.
Quickly, he yanks your hand out of your mouth.
"Stop Y/N!" He laughs. "Or we’re never going to leave this bed!" He grips you wrist and you smirk at him.
"F**k, I love you so much!" He grins, kissing your cheek.
"I love you too Johnny Seo!" You smile then your stomach growls. "But I’m really hungry.." You pout cutely.
Johnny’s heart melts.
"Aww my princess is so adorable!" He coos, placing a hand over his heart. "Lets go make some breakfast." He exclaims, getting up.
"Pancakes?" He suggests, knowing they’re your favorite.
"Yeah!" You exclaim. "With chocolate chips and strawberries!" You jump up excitedly.
"Anything you want baby!" He laughs at your excitement and throws you a pair of pajamas to wear. He has a whole drawer full of your clothes from over the years. Which really comes in handy when you spend the night.
After you’re both in some comfy pajamas, you spend the morning cooking breakfast together.
And that’s how every morning went after that because Johnny wasted no time in asking you to marry him. He didn’t want anyone to snatch you away again and he knew he wanted to spend everyday of his life with you by his side.
Of course you said yes! He was the man of your dreams and you loved him with all of your heart.
So you guys got married ASAP and lived together in his beautiful house. Having the best sex, laughing the happiest laughs, cooking the best meals and cherishing every single moment together.
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crimsoncityhq · 5 years
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The night has been advertised by multiple commercials in the civilian’s homes, and even dead bodies littered on some residence lawns. It’s dusk on a Thursday in February. The gates to the Fire and Ice Festival are lowered after hours of waiting in the biting Chicago tundra, and the crowd, over 4,000 strong, rushes in. Most are expecting a night of drunken freedom, cozied up by the outdoor heaters that promise a warm welcome, but some foresee the chaos bound to erupt across the lawn.
The first act takes the stage, and anyone who isn’t inebriated, courtesy of the open bar, is perceptive enough to realize that, no, that’s not Kanye West. Instead they are mesmerized by the lyrical lip syncher Dante Yeast—he looks enough like him, it’s better not to question it. One would think that the O’Sheas, Vasiles, and the Fausts all gathered in one spot would spell disaster, yet the evening rolls on without a hitch, despite the tensions slowly building in its periphery. Fausts members, too, are scattered across the ocean of bodies, but some faces are missing, figureheads who pull the strings.
 Maybe they’re absorbed by the crowd; maybe they thought better of attending, but there’s a sense of unease that settles in the air. It’s not quite right, but no one can put a finger on why. Another beer, and the thought is lost is the swell of the music—if they didn’t know any better, they’d think the bass replicates the sound of distant explosions.
You’re free to start plotting. You can start posting starters/threads tomorrow, February 20th, 2020 at 7:30PM CST !  Part II coming February 24th ( Plot Slots can be found below the cut ! )
We’re going to allow each person to choose two plot slots for two characters max .If there are any leftovers, we’ll let members know when they can sign up for thirds.
You’ll notice that some of these plots are public, so feel free to have your character react to them/ notice them even if they aren’t happening directly to your character. However, if something feels like it happened privately to another character, please check in with their Mun to see if it’s okay for your character to know.
To be clear: these are not the only things that happen to your character during this plot drop and you are more than welcome to cook up your own trouble.
To sign up for a plot slot message the main! You can start doing that as soon as right now!
CHARACTER A, CHARACTER B, CHARACTER C, are approached by the venue to play as impersonators for the opening act of the show. However, it turns out…they are the show along with other noteworthy impersonators. 
CHARACTER D & CHARACTER E end up camped out at the ticket box office on the other side of the lawn seats. They want a refund for the musical event after their cards were erroneously charged the next day on ADAM & EVE. Much to their surprise they come face to face with CHARACTER F( Faust ).
AUTUMN DAWSON is shitfaced prior to arriving at the music festival. They try to crowd surf before the opening act, and would get immediately dropped if NATHAN BURR didn’t catch their fall. 
CHARACTER I & CHARACTER J purchased tickets to meet the bands backstage. They are led by the security detail of the event to two tents filled with a scent of gunpowder. Upon further inspection, they find a crate of fireworks. Do what you will.
CHARACTER K jumps on stage to hijack the mic and accidentally falls and breaks their ankle.
CHARACTER L & CHARACTER M are dosed with PCP by a stranger serving up “free” cocktails. Everything is a blur and they both snap back to reality an hour later, but they’re in the middle of an intense fist fight.
EFFIE FAUST & CHARACTER O engage in a mud wrestling contest that is being judged by no one whatsoever. 
CHARACTER P & CHARACTER Q make out in a port-o-potty, but realize shortly after they’re locked inside. It’s up to CHARACTER R to either let them out...or tip them over.
CHARACTER S is mistaken as Pat Benatar. ASLI DEMIR drunkenly convinces them to go on stage to sing LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD.
 CHARACTER U & CHARACTER V go hard on the alcoholic beverages & psychedelic treats  at the start of the festival, by the end of it neither of them know where their shoes or wallets are. 
CHARACTER W finds their soulmate in a drunken stupor and grinds on them for the better half of two hours, only to realize the grindee is ZHI ROU, who has been uncomfortably shifting away from them this entire time. 
CHARACTER Y breaks all of their glow sticks and covers themselves in the liquid. It’s all fun and games until that shit starts to burn. CHARACTER Z does their best to quench CHARACTER Y with every bottled water they can find.
 CHARACTER A1, CHARACTER B1, & CHARACTER C1 are hired security guards for the event. They have no clue who hired them to do it. 
INGRID VASILE  starts to overdose on COCAINE. LEV VASILE notices their struggle and assists them to the med tent. DOMINIC MURPHY is around the med tent and notices the commotion. 
 CHARACTER  F1 tries to charge their phone using the musical equipment & gets electrocuted. Also it starts to play the most recent song listened to on their phone which is SONG OF THEIR CHOICE. 
GRIFFIN DYER is held up at security when they try to enter the venue, because they tried to smuggle in a small animal. CHARACTER H1 isn’t really security and jacks the animal instead.
SERENITY MICHAELS starts to question their sanity when they see a small animal run in circles in front of them and jet off towards the direction of the port-o-potty. 
RACHEL BYRNE feels something small and furry scaling the back of their dress, and, assuming it’s someone’s hand, slaps DAHLIA CAVALLI in the mouth before the small animal scurries away and they have to apologize.
CHARACTER L1 chases the small animal and just when they are sure they’ve caught it, the animal bites them on the neck. CHARACTER M1, who is higher than a motherfucker and hallucinating, sees CHARACTER L1 cradling their neck and automatically assumes a vampiric transformation is happening. CHARACTER L1 has to survive the following attack from a stranger with a pocket knife.
CHARACTER N1 is on their fifth drink at the venue. They hear a loud slurping noise, only to find the small animal lapping their beer in hand. Out of surprise they scream which causes the animal to shit on their hand and run away. CHARACTER O1 looks on in amazement, wonder, and terror as CHARACTER N1 wipes their hand on an unknowing CHARACTER P1. CHARACTER O1 is conflicted if they should say anything but takes a Snapchat video of the whole scenario anyway. It goes viral on Tik Tok the following evening.
The small animal finally gets caught by SANTIAGO PEREZ in a battle that lasts 10 minutes. The small animal is then given to CHARACTER R1 whom they assume is the owner. 
CHARACTER S1 is lost to the world, and passes out directly in front of CHARACTER T1 that had just spent twenty minutes in line for a cup of water. The cup of water is spilled on top of CHARACTER S1.
NAOMI WASHINGTON & CHARACTER V1 become instant buddies when they chant to the sound of “SHOTS” around the crowd. IRINA KOSHKIN takes this literally and pulls out their gun ready to fire. 
CHARACTER X1, CHARACTER Y1, CHARACTER Z1 all show up to the venue wearing the same exact outfit. You have declared them your number 1 enemy for the entirety of the music festival. 
CHARACTER A2 is high as fuck and thinks they’re making a flower crown for CHARACTER B2…..except it’s a crown of shrooms instead. CHARACTER B2 wears the crown, but has to swat CHARACTER C2 away who keeps trying to eat them. 
CHARACTER D2, CHARACTER E2, CHARACTER F2 suffer from dehydration. They try to find help at the med tent, but they can’t find where it is. 
ROSA LEON gets handsy with the bartender at the open bar and leads them away for a quick fuck, allowing RYAN HAYES and CHARACTER I2 to raid the bar freely.
 CHARACTER J2 is the aforementioned bartender and realizes a moment too late their station is being cleared out. Instead of returning to their position, they throw on some neon bracelets and join the party.
 CHARACTER K2 is doing some sick backflips in the middle of the crowd and are called out by the currently performing act mid-set for drawing attention away from the stage. CHARACTER K2 does another backflip to retaliate, but accidentally kicks CHARACTER L2 in the face.
JESSE VALENCIA hijacks a ELECTRIC BLUE STRATOCASTER from the backstage, and they are not caught. 
DAVUT DEMIR feels like they’re being watched and finds a silhouette with a rifle narrowed in on them perched upon a nearby building. They quickly retreat to find OPHELIA O’SHEA and P2 and warn them about the occurrence, who realize there are multiple snipers surrounding the pavilion. 
CHARACTER Q2 swears they heard a sound of explosions over the music, being in front nearest to the stage. They grab the microphone and scream, “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE.” CHARACTER R2 & CHARACTER S2 start to openly panic. 
CHARACTER T2 (O’Shea) gets into a physical altercation with CHARACTER U2 (Vasile). They don’t stop until one or the other is knocked unconscious. 
ANDREA REED & BIRDIE MENDOZA try to leave the event, but notice that they’re trapped in the auditorium. CHARACTER X2 makes it to their vehicle, but is stuck in place by the surrounding vehicles around them. Unable to escape fully, they return back to the venue. 
CHARACTER Y2 hates their life at this music venue, because they’re stuck behind a rather sweaty individual. Their sweat keeps hitting them in the face, and at one point, they catch it in their mouth. It incites a ferocious bout of vomiting, and CHARACTER Z2 is trying to help, thinking they’ve been drugged, but CHARACTER Y2 can’t even explain what it is that made them sick.
 TATIANA BLANTER is hit with a spare bullet, but no one is able to find where the source is. As no one around seems to have their gun out. CHARACTER B3 conceals their weapon perfectly. 
 NOVA DEVERAUX suffers a panic attack due to the crowd gathered, and clings onto CLARA DAVILLA who is unable to get them to the med tent.
 CHARACTER E3 feels something warm splash on their face. They are unsure if it’s warm beer or urine. They’re pretty sure it’s warm beer, but remain conflicted the rest of the festival. CHARACTER F3 offers the shirt off their back for CHARACTER E3 to wipe the liquid off their face. 
 CHARACTER G3 is doing photography for the event, but realizes midway through the show that the performers aren’t who they say they are. They spot a face they know to be Faust affiliated in the crowd and scurry off toward the exit, only to be stopped by CHARACTER H3 (Faust) at the door.
MILES ST CLARE is the first to notice the lack of Fausts at the start of the music venue. They make their way to the police station in hopes of figuring it out, but instead they encounter burning police cars and chaos.
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jetsandbennie · 6 years
roger taylor - nsfw alphabet.
i was desperate to do it. honestly. that’s it. i’ll probably do more alphabets, for different people, but here ya go for now.
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Roger isn’t overly sappy after sex but he’s not a dick, either. Typically he’ll roll out of bed after a minute and grab a wet washcloth from the bathroom - if he wants to tease you he’ll let it drip on your skin and laugh as you squeal - or, sometimes, he’ll bury his face between your thighs and clean up the mess himself. The latter usually leads to another round, though.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Of you, Roger loves your hands and your thighs. Your hands, because he loves interlocking your fingers - innocently or while he’s on top of you, pinning you to the bed - and he loves what they can do to him. He likes your thighs because of how they feel over his shoulders, pressed against his ear, and how when he’s grabbing your ass he can trail his hand just a bit further down and grab your thighs too.
On himself Roger would, of course, say his dick, but he likes his hands, too. Likes that they can make you come, and they allow him to play the drums like a god. It’s a win-win situation.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He loves cumming inside of you. He’ll be thrusting in an out, groaning into your ear about how he’s gonna fill you up, before finally erupting inside you. He also likes cumming on your tits, so he can lean down and lap it up if he wants. He, of course, loves cumming on your ass. He’s pretty indifferent to your face - he’d only do it if you asked.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
The idea of being pegged turns him on beyond belief. The thought of you, on your knees behind him as he’d been with you so many times, pushing into him in a way he’s never felt before … it was insane for him to imagine. You two haven’t gone that far - a finger, once, and you did find it curious how loud he moaned at it. Roger has been a bit too frightened to bring it up, so for now, fingers will have to do.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Roger’s been around the block many times. He’s extremely experienced.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Roger loves when you ride him. His hands on your waist, guiding you up and down. He loves when you get a bit tired, legs shaking, and then he’ll sit up, wrapping your legs around his waist, chest to chest, so he can slam his hips up into yours. He also loves taking you from behind. Roger will push your face down into the mattress, ass up, hands gripping your wrists together. When he fucks you from behind he loves cumming on your ass rather than inside of you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I feel like it’s a mix. It’s not unbearably intense, and he’ll crack jokes through gritted teeth, mostly at your expense. Jokes about how needy you are, how desperate he’s been to fuck you.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He trims but not much. He doesn’t care for grooming it much, but he’d do more if you asked.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
In the moment? It depends. Sometimes he’s purely going at it, snapping his hips against yours and groaning, but sometimes he’ll go slower, burying his face in your hair, kissing your face, murmuring into your ear.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
When he’s with you, he doesn’t feel the need, unless it’s a thing you two have going on in the moment. On the road, if you don’t come with him, he’ll get off every night. He’s so used to fucking you every night that it’s practically been ingrained into his brain.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I feel like he has four main kinks.
Hair pulling. This is a big one. Roger loves running his hands through your hair while you’re on your knees for him. Pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail, guiding your mouth on his dick. He thrives on when he tugs too hard and you whine around him. He also loves getting his own hair pulled, while he’s balls deep inside of you, your hands pulling on his hair like it’s all you know how to do.
Spanking - he loves it. Loves when you ride him and he brings his hand down over the globes of your ass. When he’s fucking you from behind and you’re begging him for more, and the mix of a moan and a sob you let out when he smacks your ass is enough to send him over the edge.
Voyeurism & exhibitionism. I refuse to argue on this. Roger likes watching you get yourself off, whether it be by stripping you and sitting you on the bed and having you make yourself cum before he touches you or walking in on you while you’re getting off, and just standing, watching. If he knows someone is watching the two of you go at it, he’ll go harder than before, no matter who it is - as the boys had learned on a few separate occasions.
Daddy kink. Another big one, and honestly one that (jokingly) goes beyond non sexual bounds. You’ll call him daddy as a joke in public, with an eye roll after he bosses you around, and later he’ll push you up against the wall, hissing into your ear that you can’t fucking tease me like that in public. When you call him daddy in bed, it’s enough to make him cum immediately.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere. Literally anywhere. The bedroom, the bathroom, his dressing room, on stage after the audience cleared out. He doesn’t give a shit.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you in his clothes absolutely does it for him. When you wear his shirts to concerts he has to prevent himself from taking you in the middle of the crowd. Also, when you touch him in public - grabbing his arm, throwing a leg over his, hugging him. Any touch from you turns him on immediately.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would hate actually hurting you during sex. Degrading you is somewhat included in that - he doesn’t do it unless you tell him to - and he never wants to seriously harm you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Truthfully? Roger prefers giving. No matter the position, when his face is in your pussy, he feels completely at bliss. He loves kneeling on the ground with you on some sort of surface, legs spread around him, his hands holding your thighs up. His favourite position to eat you out is you sitting on his face, though. Roger loves feeling completely engulfed in you. As for skill, he’s an absolute god. I’ve made a separate post about this, but with his experience and absolute love for eating you out? He’s the best you’d ever had.
But, like every other guy, Roger loves receiving. When you give him head he’ll pull your hair back into a ponytail, maintaining clear eye contact with you. Bucking and rolling his hips into your mouth, thriving on the noises you make around him. He loves cumming in your mouth after fucking it, especially if you swallow it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Very 50/50. It absolutely depends on the situation. Quickies are always fast and rough, and when you have actual sex it’s generally slower. He loves both.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Roger fucking loves quickies, and he needs them, of course. When he’s at the studio and you tease him from the mixing room he’ll take you in the bathroom. When you’re at the bar or the club, he’ll fuck you in the back, in a dark booth. He doesn’t prefer quickies over proper sex but he doesn’t prefer proper sex either - he likes one better depending on his mood.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Roger will try anything once. He’s honestly down for anything.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can generally last 3-4 rounds, and he generally lasts a long enough time for you to cum at least twice before he has once.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’ll use toys on you, but - as per his dirty secret - he’s a bit nervous about asking to have them used on him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Roger Taylor is a motherfucking tease. He’ll pull you into the bathroom, get on his knees and eat you until you’re on the verge of cumming before standing up, smoothing his clothes, and leaving with a kiss on your forehead. He’ll finger you on the couch in the mixing room while the boys record, a pillow loosely thrown over your lap to ‘hide it,’ and then push you aside when he’s called in without sparing you the slightest glance. When you tease him though? He’ll grab your wrist from its spot on his thigh, giving you a ‘no bullshit’ stare, silently daring you to do more.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s loud. He’ll moan and groan and cry out in your ear, hissing and grunting and making every noise in the goddamn world no matter where you are. When you make noise, whimpering and whining and sobbing into his ear, it turns him on and spurs him to drive faster into you.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
When you came onto the set of I Want to Break Free, he fucked you in his Rogerina outfit. He ate you out and fingered you before fucking you up against the wall, and it remained one of your favourite sexual endeavors with him.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Brian didn’t call him the ‘biggest member’ for no reason.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s high. He’s a horny bitch. He’s always ready for you, no matter what. If, at any time, you turn to him and tell him you need to fuck him, he’s down and hard in an instant.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’ll clean you up and lie down with you, either talking for a little while or just sitting in silence. He doesn’t fall asleep immediately like an asshole - he generally makes sure you’re comfortable before trying to doze off.
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trashcanmarvelfan · 5 years
Second Chances - A Benverly Post- IT: Chapter Two Fanfic
Summary: After everything is over, Ben finally asks Beverly about the bruises he noticed on her arm the night they arrived back in town.
Warnings: 2 uses of the F-bomb (if you've seen the movie you guys know Richie has a mouth like a sailor so that's not too bad, all things considering) and non-graphic allusions to spousal abuse. Bonus Reddie feels, although Eddie is still dead, guys.
Word Count: 2100-ish.
Author’s Note: I wish we would've gotten more sweet Benverly togetherness in Chapter Two, but that's what fanfic is for, right? Whipped this up, gave it a read-thru, and here you guys are. Enjoy.
CROSS-POSTED ON AO3 (Coming soon).
Ben Hanscom stood in a small circle with his childhood friends inside the underground clubhouse he had built during the summer they had all met, the summer that had been both of one of the best & one of the worst summers of Ben's life-- although he hadn't known it at the time. He had met Bev, Bill, Richie, Mike, Stan, and Eddie, who along with Ben collectively formed the Losers Club. During that summer Ben had also battled an evil demonic clown, wrote the first-- and last-- love poem he had ever anonymously sent someone, and had his first kiss (well, sorta). Unfortunately for Ben the person with whom he shared his first kiss was, at the time, incapacitated due to said evil demonic clown, and the poem was incorrectly attributed to someone else.
The Losers had scattered after that summer. Bev had gone to live with relatives out of state, Eddie had been dragged off to a new town by his mom, and eventually the rest of the Losers moved off as well, forgetting about Derry, that summer… and each other.
All except for Mike. He had stayed, and when It had resurfaced 27 years later, he had gathered the Losers Club to fight It again, this time defeating It for good. However, defeating It had come with a price. This time, Stan hadn't made it back to Derry and Eddie hadn't made it to the end.
Ben glanced around the circle. Each of his fellow remaining Losers were, like him, puffy-eyed and tear-streaked. They had agreed to meet one last time on their way out of town -- Bill was heading back west with the new, 'happier' ending for the film that was being made out of one of his books.  Mike had decided since It was really and truly gone that he was moving on to Florida. Richie was heading back to L.A. Beverly… Actually Ben didn't know exactly what Beverly's plans were. He knew she needed to go back to Chicago to 'wrap up some loose ends' but had no idea what her plans were beyond that.
It had taken 27 years, but Bev had finally figured out that Ben was the one who had written her the poem. Besides that underwater kiss at the Quarry though they hadn't discussed the poem or the fact that Ben had carried around the yearbook page that Beverly had signed in his wallet.
The Losers were currently holding an impromptu memorial service for Stan and Eddie before going their separate ways, and each had shared a memory about Stan and Eddie, respectively.  Ben had gone first, then Mike, then Bill and Beverly, until finally it was Richie's turn as the last Loser to share. Ben listened with a chuckle as Richie reminisced about Stan's bar mitzvah, when Stan had basically told all of the adults in the congregation to go fuck themselves, and now he was about to say something about Eddie. Richie sniffled. "I have to tell you guys something."
The rest of the Losers waited patiently.
Richie took a deep breath. "I'm gay, and when we were kids I was in love with Eddie. I was head-over-heels in love with him, and I never got a chance to tell him before he moved away. Then we came back here and all my old feelings for him came rushing back like I was 13 again."
Ben placed a hand on Richie's shoulder and gave him a gentle squeeze. He could relate--well, not the being gay part, but being in love with someone and not directly getting to tell them how he felt before it was too late. Fortunately for Ben, however, he had a second chance.
January embers
He quickly glanced over at Beverly, who was watching Richie speak with fresh tears in her eyes.
"He saved us," Richie continued. "Telling us about choking the leper and making it small… if it hadn't been for him then none of us would've made it out. But Eddie deserved to make it out too. He deserved to live..." He broke down into sobs. 
Ben and Beverly both moved to wrap Richie in a hug as he cried, and Mike and Bill placed encouraging hands on his back. 
When Richie seemed to have calmed down somewhat, Ben asked, "You ok, man?"
Richie nodded. "Eddie should've been here celebrating with the rest of us. I never got a chance to tell him how I felt before he died, but I figure if I at least tell our best friends, it'll make not getting to tell him hurt just a little bit less."
He sighed. "Life is short -- I missed my chance with Eddie, but don't you guys pass up the opportunity to tell the ones you love how you feel."
With one final sniffle he wiped his eyes. "I made all those jokes about banging Eddie's mom when we were kids when really all I wanted to do was bang Eddie," he joked.
Ben couldn't help but smile.
Bill's phone went off with an alert. "Shoot, guys. I hate to cut this short but Richie and I have a flight back to L.A. in an hour."
"I should probably get going too," Mike added.
Ben and the rest of the Losers gave them each a brief hug. "We'll stay in touch this time," Bill promised as he gave Beverly a hug, and Ben couldn't help but feel a tiny pang of jealousy before chastising himself. Bill is your friend, you ass. What he and Beverly had ended long ago. Besides, Bill is happily married.  Beverly was married too, but from what Ben had gathered he suspected it wasn't too happily.
He watched as Bill and Mike climbed up the ladder to the surface, followed soon by Richie. As Richie's footsteps faded, Ben could hear Beverly say, "I think he knew."
He turned to her. "What?"
Beverly gestured toward the ladder. "Eddie. I think he knew how Richie felt about him, and I think he felt the same way about Richie." She sighed. "They would've been happy together."
Ben nodded. "Yeah, I could see it too between them. The way they would look at each other when they thought the other one wasn't looking." That hit a little too close to home, he thought.
He cleared his throat before changing the subject. "Hey, can I ask you about something? Something personal. And it's ok if you don't want to talk about it, but…" he trailed off.
Beverly nodded and took a seat on the bench that Ben had made their sophomore year of high school, after Beverly had left and Ben started getting more into architecture in order to keep his mind occupied. She patted the spot next to her.
Ben took a seat and was silent for a few moments while he collected his thoughts. How do I go about this? 
Finally, he decided that the direct approach would probably be best. "When we got here… back to Derry, I mean… I noticed bruises on your arm at dinner. Then when you flinched away from me… Is everything ok, Bev?"
Beverly paled and wouldn't make eye contact with Ben, instead choosing to look at the floor. "Tom… my husband… he wasn't very happy that I was leaving so suddenly," she explained. "We-- we got into a fight, and he-- he--" she broke off.
Ben stiffened. "Was that the first time?"
"No," Beverly whispered, then started crying. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Hey," Ben said gently, slowly reaching for Bev and giving her plenty of time to back away. Instead of rejecting his offer of comfort, however, Beverly leaned into Ben's embrace, allowing him to wrap his arms around her as her body wracked with sobs. "There's absolutely no need to apologize for anything. None of anything that you have gone through is your fault, okay? None of it. Not the shit we went through with Pennywise, or anything your dad or your husband put you through. You hear me? None of it was your fault and you have every right to be upset." Ben stroked Bev's hair soothingly as he held her. "You're safe with me, Bev. You're safe. I swear on my life that as long as I am breathing no one will ever harm you again." 
Beverly hiccuped. "Thank you," she whispered, tightening her hold on Ben. "Thank you." She sniffled and leaned back to look at him face-to-face.
When they were kids Ben had thought that Beverly was a beautiful girl; now he thought that she was a beautiful woman. He wiped the tears from her face with his thumbs, letting his hands gently rest on her cheeks. "You deserve all the happiness in the world," he said, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Beverly reached up to wrap her hands around Ben's. "I should have realized all those years ago that you were the one who wrote me the poem."
Ben tilted his head to the side. "How do you figure?"
Beverly smirked. "Bill's a great writer but he's no poet, Eddie and Richie were too busy arguing and making moony eyes at each other to be interested in anyone else, Stan probably either would've been too nervous to leave the note or would've 'fessed up almost immediately, and Mike was just trying to survive the summer-- I don't think he even thought of me as a girl at the time." She paused. "But you… you saw me, didn't you? You've always seen me. Your hair is winter fire," she recited. "January embers."
"My heart burns there too," Ben finished. "Still does. Always has in fact, although I didn't always quite remember why I was carrying around a yearbook page with only one signature on it."
Beverly smiled. "It's ok, New Kid," she said, then the next thing Ben knew Beverly was kissing him.
Their second (okay, technically third) kiss was even better than their first (okay, second). Considering the fact that Beverly was still in the Deadlights' thrall and wasn't even conscious for the first one as kids, Ben figured that shouldn't even count. Their first kiss as adults, shared under the dirty water of the quarry, paled in comparison to the feel of Beverly's lips on his own at that moment.
For a split second Ben thought maybe this was all another Pennywise-induced hallucination, then had the brief notion that maybe he had died in the battle and somehow made it to heaven instead of whatever hellscape Pennywise inhabited.
He realized it was neither when Beverly ran her fingers through his hair and gave it a slight tug, making him moan.
"Jesus, Bev," he muttered, pulling her into his lap and seeking permission to deepen the kiss.
Suddenly they heard a voice:
"It's about fuckin' time!"
They whipped their heads around to see Richie, Bill, and Mike, all watching them with shit-eating grins on their faces.
"What are you guys doing back here?" Ben asked as Bev giggled and buried her face in his neck.
Richie gestured to a now-blushing Bill. "Billy here forgot his wallet, so we came back down to get it. Didn't know we were gonna get a show as well."
"Beep beep, Richie," Bill said.
Richie ignored him. "So this is finally happening, huh? You two gonna ride off into the sunset together?"
Ben shrugged then looked at Bev, who was biting her kiss-swollen bottom lip to keep from laughing. "The man's got a point... What do you say? Come to Nebraska with me?"
Bev seemed to consider it for a few moments."I have a few things to take care of in Chicago first, so would you mind stopping off there on the way?"
"Bev, I'd follow you to the ends of the Earth and beyond if you asked me to," Ben said honestly.
Bev's answering smile made Ben fall just a little bit more in love with her.
"Okay, well, that's our exit," Bill, who had snuck over to the corner and retrieved his wallet from the table, said. "Come on, guys, let's leave them alone."
"Congratulations, you two," Mike said before heading back up the ladder. 
"We'll see you guys again soon," Bill added before following.
"And remember," Richie yelled down as he disappeared out of sight, "practice safe sex!"
Ben shook his head fondly. "Richie is such an asshole."
"Yeah," Beverly agreed with a grin, "but he's our asshole."
"True." Ben bit his lip and slid his hands up Beverly's sides. "Now, were were we?"
Beverly smirked. "I believe about right here," she replied as she sought Ben's lips out once more.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Thirteen: Bright Lights ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, vulgarity ] [ Verse: Oil and Blood ] [ AO3 Link ]
Another night...another bout of insomnia.
Giving up on keeping her eyes closed, Hinata instead lets them open to stare up at the ceiling. The last time this happened, she found a man half-dead in an alleyway, and subsequently almost got herself killed the other day when his rival gang snatched her up.
...it’s a long story.
She’s now on her third day off work. Her doctor contact managed to get her a full week with a cover story of being under treatment for something highly contagious. Her boss, not wanting anyone else to get sick and vanish, handed over the (unpaid) set of days off without question once the doc signed a note.
Which is good, because Hinata really hasn’t felt like going into work.
She’s had Uchiha casually stalking her apartment building, discouraged from leaving it unless absolutely necessary. And beyond Sasuke taking her to get groceries two days ago (the man she saved and who accidentally started this whole fiasco), she hasn’t left the building, much less her apartment.
As dragging as work can be, she never realized until now how boring it is to be stuck at home. She’s bounced between bingeing shows and movies to playing games to browsing social media...to even just people watching from her window. Something she normally detests, given her own distaste of being observed. Well...by people, anyway. It’s unavoidable otherwise, what with security being as high as it is in Japan anymore.
But now here she is, three nights in and she’s finally reached a point where even sleep can’t do anything for her. So, now what to do. She doesn’t feel like watching or playing anything…
...she almost feels like going for a walk.
Of course, there’s no avoiding how odd that seems, given that it was this exact scenario over two weeks ago that got her into this mess in the first place: being unable to sleep, going for a walk under the bright lights of the nightlife city, and stumbling across a mod-stripped Sasuke in the gutter.
Does she dare do so again? Or will she risk running into some other mess that will get her life all the more interrupted?
...but then again...how much worse can it get, really?
Sighing, she chews her tongue in thought. If she does want to go for a walk...she’ll have to do so with an escort to make sure no snooping Senju snatches her off the sidewalk like last time she was out and about.
But her next question is who exactly is on duty...Sasuke’s the only one she’s talked to. The rest she’s had no real reason to see given her reclusion in her apartment. Anyone else...she’s not sure if she should ask to leave. They might just get annoyed, and she’s not really eager to push her luck anymore than she has. Sasuke made it pretty clear she’s not likely to have the gang’s support for too long. She might have saved Sasuke’s life...but one favor was likely already paid off when they in turn got her out of Tobirama’s clutches.
At least, in most minds.
Sasuke’s convinced he still owes her, given that it was his involvement in the first place that got her taken. His father seeing it the same way, however...hasn’t been going well.
And she’s still not sure what she’d rather have. While certainly not eager to be tug-of-warred between Uchiha and Senju, Hinata would rather just...not have to deal with either. She did her good deed, she got Sasuke out of trouble.
So why is she suddenly the one in distress?
Deciding to try her luck, she accesses Sasuke’s contact information in her communicator mod. It awaits input for a long moment befores she simply asks, Are you on duty this evening?
There’s a minute of silence.
Yeah. Why?
She can’t help a small sigh of relief. ...I can’t sleep. Sorta want to go for a walk.
You mean even considering what happened last time?
Her lips purse in a pout. Well I won’t be going alone this time, will I?
...she can almost hear his vexed sigh. ...guess you’ve got a point. All right, fine. You get fifteen minutes. Then back to bed, missy.
Hinata deadpans. Missy? What is she, sixteen? Ugh… Getting out of bed, she throws on random clothes and makes her way down to the main floor, feeling almost odd after a few days not seeing it.
And as expected, Sasuke waits near the entrance, leaned and relaxed.
At least he’s not smoking this time...eugh.
“Anything in particular keeping you awake?”
She gives him a glance. “You mean b-besides being caught in a turf war I have n-no real part in on account of doing something nice? Wondering if I’m going to lose my job or my apartment or whatever else? Nothing much, I guess.”
He just snorts. “Never would have taken you for the sassy type.”
“Even I have limits to my patience.”
“Clock’s ticking. Let’s see if we can tucker you out enough to sleep.”
Falling into step with him, Hinata asks, “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Aren’t you...tired?”
“What, you think I’m not used to pulling all nighters?” Sasuke glances up, taking in the sights of the city’s neon lights. “I don’t really have much of a set sleep schedule. I just take it when I can.”
“That bad, huh?”
“My line of work isn’t exactly a nine to five. It’s whenever, wherever, however. All according to when my old man needs me to do something.”
Hinata gives a hum at that. And then a thought strikes her. “What...were you doing the night I found you? If...you don’t m-mind my asking.”
Shoulders shrug, indicating indifference. “Actually had the night off. Had been to a bar, was stumbling around...and they got the jump on me. Three Senju, all under direct orders of Tobirama. He’s wanted me dead for a looong time. Well...he wants us all dead, ideally. But as my dad’s more active son, I’m a pretty big target.”
Her brows furrow. “...active…?”
“My brother’s got some health issues. Mostly taken care of by mods, but...he’s still gotta be careful. So he’s more of an organizer, behind-the-scenes sorta guy rather than a runner-gunner like me. There’s only one reason he showed up to help bust you and the doc out. And a hint: it wasn’t you.”
“Do I get to ask a counter question?”
“I guess there’s n-nothing else to do while we walk.”
“Why’d your dad cut you off?”
To her own surprise, the question doesn’t sour her mood. Maybe she’s too tired. “...my father is one of the biggest mod manufacturers in the east. Mostly medical ones rather than cosmetic. They help a lot of people, save a lot of lives...but are unethically expensive. When I got old enough to realize just what he was doing, I f-found my courage and confronted him about it. He ridiculed me, told me I didn’t understand, and...disinherited me. My sister is who will get everything when my father dies...partially split with my cousin, who is one of the main engineers behind the tech. But he’s not a child of my father, s-so...he’ll get less despite doing far more.”
Sasuke seems to mull that over for a moment. “...full offense, but...your dad’s a right prick.”
Hinata can’t help a snort. “...yeah. Yeah, he is.”
“And now you work in an insurance company who does pretty much the same thing, just from a different angle: extorts people for the mods they need.”
“Does that feel a bit...hypocritical to you, given what you tried to stand up for with your dad?”
“...in a way. But you also know I don’t do everything by the book. Whenever I can - when the case is bad enough - I refer them to Suigin-san and her ‘charitable’ work. I’ve never been caught.”
“How’d you meet her, anyway?”
“As a patient, believe it or not.” There’s a moment of hesitation, and then Hinata lifts a hand to her chest. “...I have an implant in my heart. I’ve had it since I was twelve. My cousin Neji, he…” She sighs. “...he and I had a very...s-strained relationship when young. His father, my father’s twin, was equal parts of the company, and...died when we were small. For the longest time, e-everyone suspected my father had him killed, to gain complete control. Obviously...that earned hatred from my cousin. And as my father’s heir...I was the target he could go after. He’s always been a genius, and...developed a subcutaneous mod that acts as a taser. He never told anyone, and experimented with it on himself. When he perfected it...he attacked me with it w-when we were preteens. I’d always been a little frail, and...the voltage stopped my heart.”
Sasuke’s eyes go wide. “Oh, shit…”
A somber nod. “...when I came to, I was in a clinic nearby the private school we were attending, where he attacked me. And it was Suigin-san who saved me. She implanted the device that keeps my heart stable, and...we’ve been connected ever since. So, once I got my job, I was talking to her about my f-frustrations, and...she admitted to her under-the-table work. And that’s...how that all got s-started.”
“...well I’ll be damned. How, uh...how do you guys get along now? You and your cousin?”
“After the...falling out, he approached me. Told me my father had blackmailed him to work for the company...saying he’d not press charges for attacking me if he agreed to use his genius for the tech. Of course, he had no choice...but once he realized what I stood for, and that I let it all go for my m-morals...he finally apologized. I couldn’t blame him for hating me...what I stood for. But we’re decent friends, now. We don’t talk much for fear of my father getting angry and s-sabotaging Neji somehow, though.”
“...and I thought my family had problems.”
Hinata can’t help a soft laugh. “Well...it could be worse. Anymore I’m just...getting by. Not really sure what else to d-do with myself. I help who I can with Suigin-san’s assistance, but...it’s drops in the bucket, y’know?”
“Yeah...well…” Sasuke gives her a glance. “...the offer still stands to go after him as my debt. Maybe I could do something about all that, huh?”
“...maybe. Right now, though...I’m too tired to think about it.”
“Tired enough to sleep?”
“Mm...I hope so.”
The pair then start angling back toward the proper building. Once there, Sasuke seems to...hesitate under the lights.
“...sorry if I, uh...pressed too hard.”
“No, not at all. I didn’t say a-anything I didn’t want to. Besides, it...sort of felt nice to get that off my chest. Maybe I really will sleep now.”
“...I hope so. I’ll be off in the morning to rest, but...I’ll keep you updated. Something tells me my dad’ll have made up his mind about things. We’ll see.”
“All right. Goodnight, Sasuke-san.”
Dredging back up to her room, Hinata collapses into bed. And by some grace, it takes her only moments to fall asleep.
     (This is a sequel to days 250, 254, 269, 300, 303, and 309!)       Aaand more cyberpunk AU. And a bit more detailed background on our two MCs...well, more so Hinata than Sasuke, but we'll get there. You think she'd be more wary of walking around at night, but...well, I guess she feels a bit safer given who she's with ;3      Also for anyone curious (which I doubt but whatever lol), this actually subtly mirrors the "canon" plot of how Hinata and Ryū meet, Ryū being one of the medics that helps save Hinata after her fight against Neji in the chūnin exams! Just a wee lil tidbit I threw in, lol      Buuut anyway, I am...EXHAUSTED so I'm gonna go crash! Thanks so much for reading~
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veronicassadboi · 5 years
here's a prompt for you, if you like!: Veronica emancipates herself from her parents and while she looks for a place to live, Jughead invites her to stay with him. But neither of them were expecting what happens next. 👀
I loved this prompt! I tried to stray as far as possible from my usual angst and I’m so awkward with fluff but here we are.
Veronica was torn between feeling totally exposed, not wanting anyone in La Bonne Nuit and not wanting him to leave, desperately needing someone to talk to.
Jughead Jones steps heavily from foot to foot slowly through the room wearing a smug smirk that made Veronica’s lips twitch. “Well, Princess,” he says, a cockiness in his voice. “The new digs aren’t the Pembrooke, I bet you miss Hiram Lodge now…”
What were supposed to be skinny jeans were baggy on his lank frame and his red Docs needed replacing yet the man had the audacity to judge her new living arrangements. Veronica sighs loudly and exhales again through her nostrils, she was hardly in a place to be judging, but it was a hard habit to break. Quite like his dirty habit that hangs from his long fingers that rest near his face, ash falling on her carpet… “That carpet does not pay for itself,” she spits, walking up to him in a hurry and kicking at the ash into the carpet with red bottom heels.
“And apparently not by Hiram Lodge anymore either,” Jughead sniggers. “Tell me, how is it being emancipated?”
Jughead’s arrogance was eating away at Veronica’s patience. Of course it was a stupid idea to tell him, but he was the leader of the Serpents, and they protected not only herself and La Bonne Nuit, sooner or later, one of them were going to find out she was crashing at her own Speakeasy. She clears her throat, straightens her back ignoring the impulse to lunge at him and gives him a curt smile. “All I can say, Jones, is that you really should do it yourself.”
Jughead shrugs, putting out a cigarette in the bottom of a bourbon glass that sits on her bartop. “I mean, my mom isn’t Riverdale’s finest, but I’m not running the risk of missing out on her home cooked meals, you really oughta consider all aspects of cutting off your family -”
Veronica cuts him off, placing her hands on her hips. “I haven’t cut them off completely.”
He tuts at her, waving his hand in the air as he inspects the place. She’s not sure what he’s doing, or what he’s looking for but his wandering eyes throughout her pride and joy makes her feel uneasy and exposed. “Princess, if you haven’t cut them off completely, then why am I the next best thing to talk to?”
She simply doesn’t know. Archie seemed distant, and even more so with the amount of time he throws into El Royale. And besides, things had never really been the same. Not since her dad. Not since Archie came back. Veronica could ask Betty for anything, but for some reason, this just seemed out of bounds. “You are an absolute narcissist.”
Jughead shrugs again then spins on the backs of his boots, pulling his beanie down. He stands before her, staring. “I’m not sold on the new digs, Veronica,” he says with a laidback ring. “I don’t think you should stay here.”
Veronica scoffs. Of course it wasn’t her first choice, but until she got on her feet, it would have to do. She was fine with it, she knows it’s not the worst place to lay her head, so what did it matter to him? “And why is that?”
“It’s cold for starters.”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s just not suitable.”
Veronica rolls her eyes. “Oh and how would you know?”
Jughead’s eyes darken and he spots her suitcase in the corner behind the bar. “Trust me, Princess, I of all people know.”
Veronica feels a little guilty. Atleast La Bonne Nuit wasn’t as bad as a school closet.
At first, his new trailer didn’t seem any better than the back room of the Speakeasy. Until the middle of winter struck. The snow dusted trailers all looked pretty from the road, she’d give Southside that, and being closer to Fangs fulfilled all her gossip-filled needs.
Crashing with Jughead came with both it’s pros and cons. Pros were that he was in fact a good cook, he was strangely tidy, even by her standards. There were several cons. He would get lazy in the night and smoke out of the kitchen window, she had to make do with his almost non-existent thread count sheets and he was often midnight rambling when she was trying to get to sleep. Apparently even the Prep school didn’t stimulate his mind enough, though he told her often that she should also be attending - she was unsure if this was an insult or compliment.
Veronica had noticed that Jughead wasn’t a coffee induced high this time. He was multiple cups of tea in a row, wearing layers of clothing. “Are you on a caffeine strike?”
Jughead looks up from his laptop, she watches a lick of his lips and notices his eyes drag from her feet upward. “The winter hasn’t been so kind the last few nights,” he groans, leaning back with his hands behind his head. “I load up on hot drinks, pull the hood up and pray for a goodnight’s sleep.”
Veronica’s heart drops. She thinks her mouth does too because the realisation that Jughead had been sleeping on the sofa and she in his bed meant him sacrificing something for her. She shakes her head; “No way,” she says. “If you’re cold, you’re crashing with me.”
“Is this some sort of ploy to get me into bed?” he jokes.
“Yes!” she groans. “Pneumonia is a serious thing!”
Jughead chuckles and rearranges his hat, he doesn’t fight back which was just as well because the guilt was killing Veronica. “I’m not one to argue with an actual doctor.”
She throws a cushion at him from across the room.
Jughead pulls the sheets up higher, snuggling in and Veronica mouths the words to the movie. “Snozberries? Who’s ever heard of a Snozberry?... we are the music makers…”
He throws a piece of popcorn at the screen, “Entitlement gets you nowhere, Veruca!”
He continues his never ending commentary that Veronica has grown used to.
“Do you ever feel like you’re always searching for something?” Veronica asks in a lull.
“Is this supposed to be something deep and meaningful?” he asks through a mouth full of soda.
“It’s too late to be talking this deep, Veronica,” he says with a sigh.
Veronica’s lips almost shimmer under the flashing lights of the TV and Jughead’s eyes seem to linger a little longer on them. For all his flaws, Veronica has found a lot of positives in Jughead. He laughs at her jokes, he appreciates her organisation skills and hates the same things she hates. She understands his cynicism and he agrees with her slightly pessimistic mind. These aside, she’s notices the swell of his lips when he talks too fast, the way he smiles when he’s listening… her attention to detail was sometimes embarrassing, but his attention to her right now was noticeable.
“Are you watching me?” she asks with a mouthful of M&M’s while he watches her talk.
Jughead blushes in the dark room. Red against black pillow covers that now that she thinks about it, don’t feel any different to hers at the Pembrooke after all. “No!” he says a little too quickly.
“You can tell me. You don’t have to be so coy. We’re not playing pretty princesses… Be straight up,” she laughs. She was joking, but the look on his face told her that maybe he wasn’t.
He seems caught off guard. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
Veronica throws a piece of chocolate at Jughead’s face that makes him frown at her. “Take it back,” she replies sternly.
“You started it.”
“What?” she scoffs, moving her head to the side to look at him. “Are we ten?”
Jughead rolls his eyes and moves the blanket off him, swinging his legs out of the bed. “If we are, who’s starting the pillow fight? You? Or me?”
Veronica’s breath seems to hitch in her throat but she refuses to back down, throwing a pillow at him. She tries to ignore the dull thud in her chest and the heat in her cheeks but Jughead’s lack of shirt and ridiculous burger printed boxer shorts have her unsure of where to look. “Sometimes I hate you, you know that?”
He takes the pillow that he was laying on and she flicks another M&M at him. “I’m going to sleep in the living room,” he declares. “Pneumonia can take me for all I care.”
“It’s hardly arctic out there at the moment, I’m sure you’ll survive.”
“The common cold is airborne you know. You’ll catch it if you’re not careful.”
She ignores him. “I’m going to sleep here and enjoy the snacks and remind myself why I hate you so much,” she says airily, getting out of the blankets. “But first, I’m going to get me a drink.”
Veronica makes it to the door but she’s blocked in when he moves his frame in front of her. “You don’t hate me,” he says with a smirk, closing in on her so she can’t get through.
Veronica doesn’t even look at him. “Yeah, I do.”
“If you did, you wouldn’t be here right now.”
The words feel like electricity through the air. She’s rooted to the spot when she looks up at Jughead, his body lazy and laxed in the door frame but his face is all serious.
Veronica licks her lips and can’t tear her eyes away from him. Her heart seems to be beating so loud in her ears, she tries to read him as best she can, but she’s so unsure. She lets the feelings she tried so hard to hide creep in just a little.
She exhales but before she can take another breath, Jughead tilts her head by the chin and brushes his lips across hers. She smiles against him, she tastes his lips on her tongue.
Jughead leans back, a grin plastered on his face that oozes smugness. “I’ve only waited my entire life for that kiss, Princess,” he says, letting her past.
Veronica rolls her eyes, ignores the blush creeping up her neck but traps Jughead between her body and the wall. She places fingers on the band of his burger printed boxers and tip toes to get her lips on his neck. “A bit dramatic of you, don’t you think Jughead?”
She leaves him there, gets her drink and goes back to the room. The winter wasn’t so cold after all.
Veronica hears Jughead’s sigh from behind the door. Her head tells her this was never supposed to happen. Her heart foresaw it from a mile away.
Send me a Jeronica centric ft Barchie prompt and I’ll write you a >1000 word Drabble!
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daddyzanchez · 5 years
Literally just angst I put together in 3 hours, and I am posting it because I am wild and I have clue if it is good or bad. In this story, Diane and Rick did not end up together. They were simply teen lovers, now meeting backstage after 30ish years after a concert by The Flesh Curtains.
1800 words - SFW - F/M - The Flesh Curtains, Diane Sanchez, teen romance, heartbreak, angst and feels  
Link to story on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19878262
Silent Dressing Rooms
Rick stubs out his cigarette the moment that he hears a knock on his door. It isn’t a staff-member because their way of knocking is usually followed by them entering with little warning. The person on the other side hasn’t gone in yet. 
People aren’t usually allowed backstage after a gig, especially as Rick and his band has gained the popularity they have; a bigger place would never be so care but then again, The Flesh Curtains has played at the old bar where they first performed. The place is as gross as he remembers from his youth. The walls of his backstage room are dirty and the smoking laws haven’t been introduced here yet, hence why he was enjoying an after-gig smoke.
A second knock interrupts his train of thought and he pushes himself to stand. He dreads whatever is behind the door, not being in the mood for fans. Instead, he wants to sip a beer in peace whilst going back down memory lane. 
“S-sorry, I’m not-” he says greets the woman on the other side but he stops dead in his sentence. It is Diane, and he is suddenly further down memory lane than he expected. More precisely, he is seventeen and back in high school again. His love for music is at its peak and Diane is sitting on his bed as he plays the guitar.
“Diane,” he says instead and she immediately goes in to hug him. She doesn’t quite feel the same but he guesses she hasn’t since they broke up years ago.
“Rick,” she replies and squeezes him to the point that makes him realise that she is a mother now. There’s something different about the way she hugs, some kind of affection that only a woman with children can transfer in her embraces. When she pulls back, she is grinning, “God, it’s been so long. Look at you.”
“Look at me?” Rick finds that he hasn’t got any other reply for that and gives her a smile in return. He steps aside to motion for her to come in, and then closes the door behind her. 
“You look so different from back then,” she elaborates. 
“I-I was seventeen,” he argues as he walks back to sit down once again. Rick holds out his hand, gesturing to a poor quality chair for her to sit down as well. 
“That’s how I remember you,” she pulls the chair in front of him, close enough for their knees to nearly touch. She leaves her coat on when she takes a seat, and Rick can feel a pang of hurt in his stomach. Why does such a little detail tell you so much? It’s suddenly very clear that there’s no big intentions behind her visit, and when he looks down, he even sees a wedding band on her finger. 
“Congratulations,” he tries to make conversation. 
“Thank you,” Diane plays with the ring on her finger, smiles to herself as if remembering something fondly at the very touch of the gold. It’s envy that Rick feels now. He never got to have that with her.
“What do you mean we’re not c-compatible?” Rick snapped as Diane’s bottom lip quivered, “Is this some bullshit that your dad has put in your head again?”
“You know how he is, Rick,” she replied, a tear starting to roll down her cheek after she had blinked. Her blush had wet vertical streaks, “I can’t-”
“Yes you can,” he interrupted. The anger he felt in his body was rising above his head soon, and the very fact that he even considered having Diane be a part of his life as a roadie with an upcoming music career was foolish. She could never be that person because she was a coward, “You can, Diane. You just don’t want to because how dare I try to show you anything that isn’t your parents’ boring life of suffocating domestic bliss?”
“Little miss goody two shoes, give me a break,” he scoffed.
Diane narrowed her eyes, suddenly frantically wiping her tears away. Gotcha, was all he could think. 
“Really, Rick?” She spat, and if he did not know her, he would actually feel a bit scared as she stepped forward to poke his chest, “You really think that you could become anything with whatever you think you can do? Striving to work with music? You really think you’re gonna be able to feed your family with a gig at a bar once a month. You’re set up for failure, that’s what my dad says.”
Rick cannot recall the last time he has slammed a door as hard as he did back then. 
“Are you happy?” He asks bluntly. A part of her wants to be miserable so his words from back then were true. He hates being wrong but he can tell the answer already.
“We’ve been married happily for two decades now, own a house, two children; a boy and a girl,” Diane’s face lights up when she talks about them in a way that he remembers so well from back when they were dating. She looks prettier when it happens, younger even and Rick wants to smile to acknowledge her happiness in life, reach out to touch her again but the urge fades and the smile barely makes it across his face when she asks him the same question.
She frowns when Rick shakes his head, and something tells him that it was nothing but a formality instead of a genuine question.
“N-not yet,” he quickly adds to relieve her of her awkwardness, “S-s-something can change though, I’m not out of years, you know.”
“Speaking of years,” Diane quickly changes the subject, and Rick has to admit that he feels just as relieved as she probably does, “How long has it been?”
“Since?” Rick leans back into his chair to reach behind him for his pack of cigarettes. He offers one to her but she declines.
“You really think I could tour the world?” Rick asked as he looked up at the ceiling. There was a poster of Mick Jagger, and he smirked at how conveniently it was placed for when you’ were lying here all alone. Additionally, Rick knew it was a hint to why Diane was so crazy about him.
“I’m positive but don’t leave me here. I’ll have to come with you,” Diane curled up at his side, pecking his cheek and didn’t even take a second to look up at Jagger’s face. Rick felt pride when moments went by and she still didn’t look up at the poster but instead kept her nose in the crook of his neck.
“W-what about your parents?” He turned his head to kiss her lips.
“Screw them,” she said between a string of small pecks.
“Why I have never!” Rick clutched his chest dramatically.
Diane giggled loudly, slapping him playfully. Rick grabbed her and pulled her on top of himself, digging his fingers into her sides to tickle her and moments later, she was shrieking and begging and laughing, and Rick felt like his heart was going to burst. 
“I don’t care about them,” she said when she finally caught her breath, “I only care about us.”
Us. Rick lights his cigarette to let the word hang in the air for a moment, drags out the moment even further by taking a drag. What he wouldn’t give to go back to that very memory where the word had a different ring to it than it does right now.
“Must be about 30-ish years, right?” Rick blows out smoke, any excuse to face away from her for the brief moment it takes for him to not get all emotional about it. The last thing he wants is to show her how she’s still there, haunting him daily in his thoughts without him even noticing that he is thinking of her.
“34, I think,” she calculates with a tiny laugh, sounding astounded by the mere concept of time. Rick finds it more beautiful than any guitar solo he’s ever heard, “I can’t believe I haven’t bumped into you since.”
“I-I moved away as quickly as I could after graduating,” he shrugs, “Nothing was left for me here, and thank God I got out of this prison. Could you see me here? Working a normal job with n-normal hours?” 
“Funny, I stayed. Even live a few blocks down the road,” she doesn’t sound offended by his insults towards their hometown or maybe she just chooses to ignore them, so they don’t have another fight like that one, “I heard you were playing here through a friend from work.”
“You liked it? The show? The songs?” He awaits her judgement. Some songs are about her.
“Some of the slower ones, you know which ones I am talking about, were they about me?” She asks, and finally, there’s something in her eyes that tell him that this was what she came here to ask for because her cheeks go pink and her breathing speeds up. 
“Some of them,” he admits without hesitation. 
“Naaah,” she says playfully, nearly seems like she is joking and it hurts Rick more than he thought it would, “I don’t remember us quite like that.”
“I remember more than juuu-ust tears and screaming,” he mumbles, and the way her eyebrows go slightly up tells him that she regrets having said it quite like that.
“No romanticising it at all? I don’t believe you.” 
“I mean every word I write, Diane, d-d-don’t fucking try and come here to question my work,” Rick suddenly snarls, throwing the cigarette on the concrete floor and stubbing it out with his heel. The ashtray seems to far away right now.
There’s silence for a moment.
“I have to go,” she quickly gets up from her seat, coat never having left her shoulders because it is part of her escape plan not to have taken it off. 
She’s out the door in less than ten seconds, and the room goes painfully quiet when she leaves. Something about the encounter seems surreal, as if he is high and has imagined the whole thing. 
The next knock on the door is familiar, and sure enough, a broad and tall man enters the room with the bar’s logo on his shirt. He holds onto the doorknob as he speaks, “Sanchez, get up. There’s people out there who would like to get an interview.”
He pauses briefly, then frowns, “Man, you smoked in here? Look at that mess on the floor! We’re gonna need to call the cleaners on your bill.”
The door closes. Rick lights a third cigarette. 
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a-woman-apart · 5 years
Remember, if you are having thoughts of hurting yourself, please get help.
Crisis Text (U.S.): 741 741
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
You know what I said a couple weeks ago about waiting a couple of weeks before you make a Drastic, Negative, Irreversible Decision?
Well, I have confirmed evidence that it is true. It sounds cliché as hell, but when you are staring down a dark tunnel you really cannot see the light at the end of it. It feels like the pain will never end, and that nothing will ever be different. This is definitely a lie, because things will get better.
They will, because you are going to make them better.
Well, first of all, you need to realize that depression is not just caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Even if that is true, that chemical imbalance can be exacerbated by external circumstances. I am talking about real people, places, or things that generally contribute to your feelings of despair.
Here’s a list of questions to ask yourself.
·        Are you in a romantic relationship that is sexually, physically, or emotionally abusive?
·        Have you experienced childhood trauma?
·        Are most of the people in your circle people who belittle, undermine, pressure, and/or demean you?
·        Are you in a codependent relationship with a family member or significant other?
·        Do you work at a job that has become unsatisfying, unfulfilling, or unbearable?
·        Are you under lots of pressure to perform academically?
·        Are you homeless, living in poverty, facing financial insecurity, or living paycheck to paycheck?
·        Do you live in a war zone or a country where your basic safety and freedoms are constantly threatened?
·        Do you have a chronic physical illness in addition to your mental illness?
·        Do you spend most of your time alone and/or feel that you cannot depend on other people?
·        Do you feel that you have to perform or put on a show in order for others to respect your needs, wants, or desires? (This includes having to pretend to be cis or straight in order to be respected or cared for)
·        Do you base your self-worth on your money or achievements, only to have that self-worth come crashing down when you ask yourself “what’s next?”
·        Are you afraid that others will “discover” that you are a fraud and do not deserve the status or position that you have?
·        Do you constantly feel bored or unchallenged, like you are simply moving through the motions of life with no purpose or meaning?
I am aware that the author Johann Hari is a controversial figure, but so much changed for me when I read his book, “Lost Connections”. He looked at causes of depression—some of the things I just mentioned—and possible cures. These cures were not based primarily in treating patients with medicine. Lots of people claim that Hari discouraged or undermined the use of antidepressants in his book, but that was not the interpretation that I got.
My understanding is that he posited that the medicine is kind of a “jump-start” for the brain. I have experienced severe bipolar depression before. I was listless, monosyllabic, barely able to get out of bed or take care of my daily hygiene. I was under the care of my parents. The medicine did not “cure” me, but it gave me enough motivation to begin attending groups, psychiatrist appointments, and therapy sessions.
For most people, medicine is a part of a holistic treatment plan. In my case, it isn’t even the primary ingredient—especially since I no longer take antidepressants at all (A/N: I stopped under the supervision of a psychiatrist; never, never, never stop taking antidepressants or any other psychiatric medication cold turkey).
You see, once I got my manic symptoms under control with mood stabilizers, I thought I was in the clear, but I started to experience symptoms of depression again. However, this was the “good”, or “high-functioning” kind of depression. When you’re “high-functioning”, you can go through the day wishing you could die but you’re still alert, efficient, and outwardly cheerful. Unfortunately, this “less debilitating” depression kills more people. When you are in this state, if your goal is to die, you often have the energy and motivation to follow through. It is extremely isolating because most often, you have created the perfect illusion that everything is fine, and so others often don’t think to reach out to you to make sure you are okay. You also have created walls that you yourself may struggle to break through.
I knew that I wasn’t okay, so I reached out for help. My experience was similar to Johann Hari’s. I was put on antidepressants that would work for a while, and then they would stop, and I would be switched to another.  My weight fluctuated wildly, and I experienced a variety of other unpleasant side effects. I was finally removed permanently from antidepressants when the antidepressant drug, Effexor, contributed to me having a mixed episode (mania + depression), which, like high-functioning depression, carries a high suicide risk. I have written extensively about the horrible withdrawal I experienced from Effexor.
This is not to say that my negative experiences are universal to all. Bipolar depression is often resistant to antidepressants, and most antidepressants carry the risk of pushing us into mania. People with Major Depressive Disorder/Unipolar Depression often respond better to antidepressants. My best friend has been on the same high dosage of an antidepressant for years and it helped to increase his motivation and pull him out of a rut. He, like me, though has attended therapy and changed key things in his life that were keeping him stuck.
My point—after saying all that—is to say that drugs alone won’t solve your problems.
Also, you have a real reason to be depressed.
This is not to say that neurons misfiring in your brain don’t contribute to your depression, or that there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance. However, often there are things in our lives that make us feel small, trapped, or powerless, and these are often things that we can physically point to if we ask ourselves the right questions.
One big thing is work. You may work in a job you actually despise because you want to support your family. Most of us spend a third—or more—of our day at some kind of job. Maybe school is your job, and you’re drowning in a sea of assignments and deadlines.
Maybe there is no feasible way to leave that job or school (yet), but Johann Hari gives tips on how to hate it less. You could rearrange your schedule, change departments or majors, request different kinds of work, or otherwise try to find meaning in an outwardly shitty situation.
If you are in financial trouble, you could begin utilizing your community resources more. This includes getting local or government help with food and bills, but it also involves things like attending free job training and educational workshops or going to your local library so that they can connect you with employment resources. Libraries and colleges also often host hiring events and have bulletin boards where you can see the latest job postings for your area.
You could stop also depending on people financially who belittle you or make you feel guilty for receiving their help. Some people do nothing but give off unproductive energy—it isn’t worth it to receive assistance from these kinds of people, because you will never be able to do enough to pay them back. Even if you pay them back the physical resources, they will constantly try to violate your boundaries by saying, “Look at everything I did for you and you can’t even do X”. Run, do not walk, from these kinds of people.
As for abusive situations, these can be incredibly isolating. Your abuser has probably already driven wedges between you and your friends and family. You can however call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline and get help. If you feel like you are in danger—even if that person has never physically attacked you—you should still call and get help and advice. They can connect you with shelters and other resources. They also provide help for people who are suffering from spiritual abuse, an overlooked but often devastating form of abuse.
You can also call Day One Services and get help if you are dealing with emotional abuse.
It takes a community. It takes us leaning on each other and working together. The lie is that you do this thing called life alone. You don’t. In disaster zones or war-torn areas, depending on the community can mean the difference between life and death.  
I know many of us don’t live in a disaster zone, but we still need community support. A lot of us don’t have friends—and struggle to make them—but if the Friendship Goal is too lofty, then you should start by just spending more time with people in general. You could start by just sitting in a coffee shop or going to a park and people watching. Or you could try to join online groups where you can speak freely about your hobbies. When it comes to taking the bigger steps, like joining an offline group or volunteering, set the bar super low.
I had been using Meet Up to try to find groups in my area, and I made this absurdly low goal of “attend one Meet Up this year”. Not five, three, or even two. Just one. I was terrified, but I did it. I still haven’t gone to another one, but it was a starting point. It helped my brain see that I could do it. Loneliness and isolation are dangerous; any small action you can take towards reducing those two factors will be incredibly helpful.
Sometimes our issue can be with the way we see the world; Johann Hari described some of these as “Disconnection from meaningful values”. If your fundamental view of the world is that you need to just continually climb the ladder of achievement—hording material wealth along the way— until you die, you lack meaningful values. If you have physical comfort, but your life lacks purpose or meaning, it can feel incredibly bleak. We need to both change our outward circumstances, and our behavior and way of thinking in order to see improvement. We need to stop thinking we deserve less, and instead start cutting out toxic people and working on moving out of toxic environments.
At first, when I dropped out of my university, broke up with my boyfriend, and started planning to quit my job (and leave my overpriced apartment) I felt like I was going to lose my mind. Most therapists and psychiatric professionals would not recommend that someone with a mental health condition make that many changes at once. I overhauled everything within a six-month period, and the stress of it all made me need to go to inpatient. I was very ill physically for a while, lost tons of weight, racked up medical bills, etc.
In the end, though, what do I have? I can say that I am truly happy for the first time in ages. My tears are now happy tears. Everything worked out. I’m going to go to a much smaller, more accessible college for my Bachelor’s. I’m moving in with friends to save money and deal with the loneliness issue. I have a new job that is currently a much better fit than the old one was. My ex and I continue to be close friends, but it did take a period of adjustment. I was in big financial trouble, but now, with support, I am getting back on my feet. I was even able to sell my piano keyboard to make a few more simoleons.
Of course, sometimes I still feel very anxious because This Is A Lot, but my anxiety crisis is over. All these new life events are teaching me something that I severely lacked: flexibility. I am also now more resilient, knowing that having made it through this, I can make it through anything.
You are going to make it, too.
I understand that it is important to make sure you keep an internal locus of control. This means that certain things in your life are your responsibility and yours alone, and that you have power to change those things. You can’t make someone love you, but you can ask that they treat you with kindness, dignity, and respect, and remove yourself from the relationship with them if they do not acknowledge your request.  You can’t singlehandedly change the world, but you can volunteer and do other things that make a difference in your local community. These changes often have a ripple effect that alter the surrounding areas for the better.
It is going to be hard to change your environment, improve your financial situation, and discover your purpose in life. You could think you have it all figured out, and everything can change. If you feel overwhelmed, please reach out for help. Trust me, tons of resources are just a Google search away. If you’re stumped, go to your local library and ask for advice or books on the subject you’re struggling with.
For those of you who can’t leave home, even here on Tumblr there are users who have compiled tons and tons of “master posts” for things like “How to Get a Job”, “How to Be Frugal” or “How to Make Friends.” Even if you can’t make it to your local library, there are often links to databases in the library catalog that have a wealth of information on every subject. I know a huge amount of you struggle with executive dysfunction so starting and completing tasks can be really hard, but there’s posts for that, too. Even if all you do is get out of bed today and eat something instead of laying in bed and constantly scrolling through here, that is a start.
I know this has gotten incredibly wordy, but the point of it all is please, please, PLEASE don’t give up! You really can make positive changes, but it takes time. Don’t throw all the time you might have left away.
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skypalacearchitect · 6 years
Maya Brant and Marina Mattos slide a small, square notebook across the wooden table to Marina Falcão.
The three girls are sitting in Marina F.'s dining room in São Paulo, Brazil, after having class together at Colégio Oswald de Andrade, a progressive private school in the heart of the city. They’re all 14 years old, but they’ve already been friends for 12 years.
“We made this list on the bus on the way over here,” Marina M. says.
Marina F.'s smile widens as she nods in agreement at some of the reasons the other two have scribbled on several of the notebook’s lined pages why they would never vote for Brazil’s far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro:
“He thinks women should earn less because they get pregnant.”
“He thinks loosening gun laws will stop violence.”
“He thinks abortion should still be illegal.”
Purple-and-white stickers with the slogan #EleNão — or #NotHim — are strewn across the table. The girls have already ordered T-shirts in the same colors and emblazoned with the phrase, which has become the rallying cry for Brazilians against Bolsonaro, a candidate they equate with fascism, sexism, racism, and homophobia. Protests are set to take place across the country the next day under the banner of Women United Against Bolsonaro, and hundreds of thousands are expected to turn up in support of the movement. Marina F., Maya, and Marina M. aren’t yet old enough to cast a ballot in the Oct. 7 election — voting in Brazil is mandatory at 18 and you can choose to vote at 16 — but that won’t stop them from protesting a candidate they say infringes on their rights and the rights of others.
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A Brazilian protestor with "Ele Nao" ("Not Him") written across her face.
A former army captain, Bolsonaro has been a congressman in Rio de Janeiro for almost three decades and is well known for making disparaging comments about women, black people, and members of the LGBTQ community. He once told fellow member of Congress Maria do Rosário that she was too ugly to deserve to be raped by him, a remark that led Bolsonaro to be ordered by a court to pay Rosário 10,000 reals (currently $2,500) in moral damages and apologize publicly. He has also been charged with inciting hatred, a crime in Brazil, for saying that people living in communities started by escaped slaves, called quilombos, “aren’t even good for procreating.” The father of five has said that he had four boys and then, “in a moment of weakness,” had a girl, and that he would rather have a dead son than a gay son.
But Bolsonaro’s straight talk and strong stance on combating the violence and political corruption that plague Brazil have led him to the top of the presidential polls, with 32% of the intended vote. While he likely won’t reach the 50% required to avoid a runoff, he is expected to tie at 42% in a second vote vote with Fernando Haddad, known for being the Workers’ Party’s replacement candidate for former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who was barred from running because of a corruption conviction.
The Facebook group Women United Against Bolsonaro was created in late August, when it was clear the far-right candidate's lead in the polls was not wavering. More than 1 million women quickly joined the nonpartisan group, and it has steadily grown since, reaching nearly 4 million members. The idea to protest in the streets was born out of the group. Speaking to one another online about why they would never vote for Bolsonaro was a start, but it wasn't enough. The women knew they needed their voices to be heard by others so they would understand why his views were a danger to Brazil's democracy and to the rights of minority groups.
Events were created on Facebook and protests across the country were scheduled to take place during the afternoon of September 29. Marina F. and Marina M. don't have Facebook — "we share things on Instagram," Marina F. says — but they heard about the protests through Maya and their moms.
This isn't the girls' first protest. They always march together for International Women's Day and participated in a protest of sexual violence against women on public transit that led to the implementation of a new law that puts men in jail for one to five years for masturbating and ejaculating on or near women in public spaces.
But this one is particularly important to all three. They know the items Marina M. and Maya listed in the notebook are just a few of the ways their lives would be affected if the candidate they consider a threat to their rights were to become president.
#elenao - Many thousands take over Brazilian capitals to fight against a right-wing extremist candidate running for president. The elections will happen on 7th of October. “No, no, no One morning I woke up and fought against an oppressor We are women The resistance of a Brazil”
"This is a crucial time," says Marina F. "It's now or never. I used to think it wasn't possible for [Bolsonaro] to have so many supporters because his ideas and thoughts seem so crazy, but obviously there are a lot of people who think like him."
"If it happens with Trump, it could happen here," says Maya.
The next day, Marina F. and Marina M. march through the streets of São Paulo with Marina F.'s mom — an anthropologist and professor at the University of São Paulo's School of Medicine — and her colleagues and students toward the Women United Against Bolsonaro protest meeting point. It's a half-hour walk, and 50 some girls and women — their purple-and-white shirts covered in #EleNão buttons and stickers, banners in hand and faces painted — chant as they get closer to the other 150,000 protesters gathered to speak out against Bolsonaro.
The afternoon sun is high and hot as they move through the crowd in search of Maya and the other friends they've planned to meet there. When they spot Maya, the two girls wave and run up to her.
"It was amazing," Marina F. says of their pre-protest march. "We marched down the street and people were honking an cheering."
"Can you believe it? They're even protesting in Germany and England," Maya says.
The girls take photos together and then turn to their mothers, who raise their signs and smile for the camera. Traditional samba music is being played by several groups throughout the crowd, and the protest continues to be peaceful and positive as the sun starts to set. The fear that Bolsonaro supporters would show up and react in a violent way has started to subside. They had hacked the women's Facebook group several times in the lead-up to the protests, and one of the organizers of Rio de Janeiro's march was recently assaulted by two men while trying to enter her home.
"People used to be too embarrassed to say and do these [sexist] things, but they're not anymore," says Manuela Vomera, another of the girls' friends from school who has met them at the protest. "[Bolsonaro's] hate speech gives them the courage to do what they want. It's already giving them a voice and he's not even president yet."
"I just hope I can have a future with equal pay, with a career I want and with a relationship that isn't abusive," says Maya. "I want to be able to continue this legacy that other women have fought for and given us. But I know it'll get a lot worse before it gets better."
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