#it's not over yet
wejustvibing · 6 months
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clangenthriftclan · 7 months
Moon 53 - Part 2/3
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Major blood/character death warning (warning in tags too)
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Full size image just in case it got crunched
[Sharpstar has 7 lives remaining]
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nikxtty · 4 months
im not pleased today with the results of the votes to the european parliament in my home country, czechia, but im feeling hopeful as there's been a big rise of seats for the socdems and for the left, as well as the greens.
i couldn't vote this weekend as im still 17 but i think it's amazing we didn't have to pick between the lesser evils anymore, i feel a bright future ahead and hoping for more european countries to follow.
don't give up on voting, it's the most we can do at the moment, it's not futile.
stay informed and inform those around you.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
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Benny washing dishes
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Barb dying in a pool and the bodies in the library seeming to be like they are decomposing faster like they were in water
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Rabies makes you hydrophobic = afraid of water
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In season 3 Nancy thinks the rats have rabies
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In season 4 Robin thinks Steve could have rabies because of the bats
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The creatures of the upside down are connected to the idea of being afraid of water
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handsinmotion · 9 months
If you thought it was over.....
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Run (part two) Chapter Thirteen
Coming to Ao3 soon..
Rob stops to check his phone, reading the list of ingredients that Sarah gave him as he walks the supermarket aisle, a metal basket in his other hand.
She has a day off work tomorrow before returning to nights and she wants to cook, so he's made the foray into the world alone, for her.
The music they're playing is fucking awful, and so is the sound system they're using, it's grating on his nerves and making him even more tense in this place than usual, coupled with the sounds of children whining and the constant movement of people it's starting to feel like too much.
Despite the AC his t-shirt is beginning to stick to his back, but he's determined to do this, for Sarah.
He pictures her light hazel eyes smiling at him over the rim of her coffee cup that morning as she asked him, and something inside him softens a little. It's been a month and a half since he was assaulted, and he's aware that she's gently and lovingly pushing him back into normal life.
That's if it can ever really be normal, when people still approach him to say hi and ask for a photo, although they're generally pleasant and well intentioned. He doesn't mind that, it's a reminder that the majority of people are still harmless.
If he's alone as he is now, he's normally constantly aware of where other people are and how they're moving in the space around him, but right now for a few seconds his focus is distracted, reading labels.
When a large figure moves past so closely that they almost brush against him, his body is more aware of it than he allows himself to be consciously, becoming still and tense as the hairs on his neck stand on end and his heart beats out the time until they move away. He breathes out steadily to keep himself calm until they do.
Moving his gaze along the shelves in front of him he deliberately holds his nerve and makes his selection before placing the item from the list into the basket.
It's then that he sees the note.
It's lying on top of the shopping, a scruffy piece of A5 ripped from a spiral bound pad, folded in half.
After a swift glance around him and along the now almost empty aisle in either direction he takes it from the basket and gingerly opens it out.
The writing inside is an untidy scrawl, written in biro, the words like spider legs across the paper, and as he reads them the world folds in around him.
You were too easy.
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immediatebreakfast · 2 years
After months of guessing, horrors, nightmares, searching, a whole travel chase across countries, writing, writing, and transcribing... Dracula is dead.
My final thoughts about the ending:
It's incredible how the descriptions of the landscape, and the sky managed to construct the perfect high tension background for the final showdown between the crew of light, and Dracula. The blood red sun being the witness of the battle, and the murder of the man/monster who how long had seen it rise. And also being a reminder of how much time the crew had left to do the deed. The castle being bathed in red light after Dracula turned to dust, as if the sun itself was announcing that the evil who lived there is no more. And the way our crew of light doesn't get bathed in said sun as an allegory for victory, but instead they are greeted with the darkness of the night as to say, "It's finally over".
Did this ending needed that amount of slurs directed at a vulnerable group of people who are still dehumanized today? Absolutely not, in many ways these moments reminded us that the book is really old, and yet, racism against romani people is well alive. Stoker doesn't give us an explanation of why romani people are working for Dracula, and we don't even need it because said reason is probably a racial stereotype about them. At least, the battle was respectful enough to not throw more horrible shit at them, and the group made the right choice to simply leave after Dracula got turned into dust.
It was so good that the last entry was written by Mina. She started the compilation of the diaries, the letters, the journals, the phonograph, it feels correct that the person who started the novel Dracula got the final word in how to end it. Mina must feel so relieved to finally write again, to do what she does best, I bet the second she got her typewriter she immediately grabbed every single journal, and went wild with them. Would I have wanted that Mina was more active in the final showdown? Of course, she didn't even use the gun that they gave her, that is something that more adaptations should do, let her shoot Dracula, she was ready to join the battle. Yet, Mina and Van Helsing witnessing everything from the sidelines after spending such horrible night is more of less a little aceptable.
The little detail of the wolves leaving in the moment that Dracula dies was really nice. When Dracula was alive and well he commanded nature and its creatures to do his binding, to turn themselves into protection for him, and fear inducing instruments to use as he saw fit. So the wolves simply leaving after Dracula dies, not even bothering to attack the crew, is the signal that he is gone. The wolves, and nature can finally breathe now after who knows how long.
Oh Quincey... his death was something unexpected, and really sad. It never occured to me that someone from the crew would die, I wrongly thought that everyone would get out alive. If there was one person that would have died, I thought that it was maybe going to be Van Helsing since every older mentor in the book died. But... Quincey? The lovely, and brave Quincey? The man who went to shoot a bat in the middle of a conversation? That Quincey? If there is something that many gothic novels have is how there is no way to see who lives and who dies. It's not a topic of "who is more deserving to live or die", it's more of a "everyone is fair game", unless the protagonist can't die for thematic reasons, anyone can. I never thought it would be Quincey, this brave man who mostly spent doing things on the background, yet was always the first one to spring to action if it was needed. He died like he lived, at the end of the greatest adventure he could ever experience, and with not a single promise broken.
Did I liked the ambiguity of the end? Mmm, it is interesting to say, I'm not sure. On one hand, the smug smile that Dracula had when Jonathan and Quincey delivered the final blows is something to worry about. Even if Mina interpreted that smile as a peaceful expression of rest, we know better, we know that Dracula could have done something to ensure that he is not really dead, in the same way (I'm going to use it as an example) that in Phantom Blood the whole burning of the Joestar mansion and the brutal impaling didn't kill Dio for good. Maybe he turned into dust to distract the group, maybe Jonathan should have slashed his whole head off to ensure that he was really dead, who knows. ON THE OTHER HAND, Dracula is dead, he is dead, his crusty ass is dead, rest in pieces in hell you asshole, he is dead, there is nothing left, nada, nope, the bastard is dead, there is no more Dracula, the castle is avaliable for rent or buy if there is anyone interested, it's very spacious, and it has a great view of transylvania.
And Jonathan, our dear friend Jonathan Harker, the man who went to transylvania fresh from law school, and came back with his mind filled with horrors beyond human comprehension. What a carthatic moment was to kill the man who tortured him for months, who laughed at his despair and drank his blood, who left him to die at the hands of his ladies. Jonathan was the person who most suffered at the hands of Dracula and it is so good to see him risk all to finally end it for good, as revenge for what the Count did to Mina, to make sure that he cannot hurt anyone else anymore. Jonathan may not be an action hero, nor a gallant protagonist, but he is an amazing character, one that risked everything to save his beloved Mina from an eternity of loneliness.
Tomorrow we will see what comes after this adventure filled with terror and emotions. After the crew of light, with one less person, take the last train home. Goodbye to the captain and the crew of the Demeter, Mr. Swales, Mr. Hawkins, Mrs. Westenra, Lucy, Renfield, and Quincey. Your deaths were avenged. Also, goodnight to the vampire sisters too, even if they were sacrificed so Dracula couldn't have allies, at least they are now away from the claws of the Count.
And good luck to Jonathan and Mina Harker, may their holiest love continue to grow in the following years because they are alive now, and will enjoy every single moment as if it was the last.
It has been an honor to know every single character in The classic gothic novel.
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lumpkinboi · 2 months
paid like 15% of my credit card debt. i can see the light at the end of the tunnel
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strhwaberries · 3 months
finally got the results and it's a triangular, the far right is leading and then it's the right wing and the left dude but since the leader of the party said the left would give way so that we can vote for the candidate with the most chances to defeat the far right i know what i have to do
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raidenbmei · 5 months
me: wow that deus ex machina with dan heng and jing yuan was kinda corny but fineee it looked cool so i'll accept that for once
me, a few minutes later: WHAT THE FUCKKKK IS HAPPENINGGG
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piracytheorist · 1 year
So, I had to go for the expensive option, because it was either "cheap but small, poorly kept and without even a pipe to connect a washing machine to (and yes here every house has its own washing machine, laundromats are practically non existent here) and you have to pay a hotel two more days until they're done painting it and connecting electricity and water" or "half your wage but twice the size and equipped with literally everything and you can go tomorrow and sleep in it". It's not a big town and it's not the ideal time to look for apartments, so my options were pretty limited.
I would have gone for the cheap option, if it at least gave me the choice to have a fucking washing machine (like, again, laundromats are not a thing here. Am I supposed to wash all of my clothes by hand for an entire year while working full time?) but the expensive one is more quiet, more secure, more comfortable, and much, much prettier. I don't even need to bring my own dinnerware, it literally has everything, even cleaning supplies. And I have enough space for guests! AND DOUBLE BED. I finally get double bed. I've never actually had a double bed for my own personal use.
It was a bit of a lot to take in but it's probably only for one year, and I've been so stressed that I think that "You know what, fuck it. I'm used to limited funds anyway. At least I'll be much more comfortable."
I mean, I'll still probably have more money left for fun and treats, even with almost three (!!) times the rent I was paying for about twice the wage I was getting. Not that much more but hey, it's something. Come October we'll see how we fare.
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convexicalcrow · 2 years
The Vexnos radiated power as Cub stood before it. He knew he needed to be here to finish off his work, but he felt woefully out of sorts still, and his memory was far from complete. The grimoire sat open before him, floating in the air, and the Time Stone sat in the gauntlet, waiting.
Only he could do this, he knew that. Partly because of how the magic worked, and partly because no one else had mastered the infinity stones the way he had.
He closed his eyes and tried to clear his head. The magic wouldn't work if he wasn't clear about what he wanted. Time magic was like that. If he lost focus or wasn't specific enough in his request, he could wind back more time than he anticipated.
He took the stone from the gauntlet and looked down at it, seeing his reflection in the light blue stone. It hummed with power, almost making him dizzy. This was the last thing he needed to do before he could wake up properly. Fix the magic he blasted himself with.
The problem was, he wasn't really sure how far back he actually needed to go. The last thing he solidly remembered was moving into Scar's treehouse. The rest after that was a blur, and he wasn't sure the stone wouldn't simply take him back to Hermitcraft if he did that. Well, okay, maybe not if he only used the time stone, but the possibility was there if he wasn't careful.
"It's been two weeks, if that helps," Scar said as he joined him in front of the Vexnos.
"Two weeks? Really? Geez. Is it exactly two weeks or are you just rounding up? Because I really do need to know exactly how many days back I need to go," Cub said.
"Uh, hang on." Scar went quiet as he counted the days. "It's been 16 days. Yeah! But go back a day or so on top of that just to be sure."
"Okay, will do. Anchor me, Scar. I'm not sure my brain is capable of doing this right, given how much I don't remember," Cub said.
Scar rested his hands on Cub's shoulders. "I'm not going anywhere."
Bdubs was finishing up some landscaping around the front of the mansion when False flew down and landed before him. Bdubs looked up and smiled, delighted to see her.
"Hey! Falsie! What're you doing here?" Bdubs said.
"Oh, uh, well, you see, it's about Cub. Has something happened to him? He hasn't been in Vexspace for days. Is he okay?" False said.
"Wait. You're a Vex too? Really?" Bdubs said, shocked at this information. "Well, I mean, if you are too, then you should know, right? You can't take that stuff," False said.
"Oh, yeah, of course! And you're worried about Cub hey? He's fine! We got the priests taking care of him. Just waiting for him to wake up now. Scar hasn't left his side this whole time, you know," Bdubs said.
"Oh, I don't doubt he has. Is it the skulk thing? Is that what they're fixing?" False said.
"Yeah, yeah, it's taken days and days to clear it all out, but I think we've managed to succeed. Well, I say that, but we won't know for sure until Cub's back. Hey! We heard something about Pix being infested with skulk too, do you know anything about that?" Bdubs said.
"I-I, er, haven't seen him around anywhere, so. I don't know. There is still a lot of skulk about, but I don't know if that's from Cub, or if Pix is adding more," False said.
"Oh, okay. So, uh, did you want to come in or something? See Cub, perhaps? Not that there's much to see, he's sleeping in a locked room, so. But Joe's been cooking so if you're hungry, we could grab some food maybe?" Bdubs said.
"Uh, I mean, maybe, but I-I guess I could be more useful looking into Pix, right? See what's actually going on there? I'm not good at waiting for... Well. Tell me when he wakes, okay? I'll go back, yeah. Thanks for telling me what's going on, though, I'm glad Cub's okay," False said.
"Me too. Let us know anything important, yeah? Maybe we can help! We cured one person of skulk, maybe we can cure Pix too!" Bdubs said.
"Maybe, yeah. Anyway. I'll be off. See you around, Bdubs!" False said.
Cub became aware of a pounding headache first, followed by the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. He felt like he'd been squahsed by a boulder. Everything hurt. He wasn't awake yet though. Far from it. Just vaguely making touch with his body again, and it wasn't pretty.
"We can find no traces of skulk anywhere. He's cured. I feel safer letting you in now, but still, be careful. We have no way of knowing what he'll be like when he wakes. He may not remember much," Naos said as they left the room to tell Scar how Cub was doing.
The relief on Scar's face was palpable. "Oh, thank god. I knew he'd pull through. Thank you, thank you. Oh, man. I'm so glad he's going to be okay," Scar said.
Naos smiled. "You got him through this, I'm sure of it. The connection between you has never felt this strong before. Go and sit with him. I see no reason to keep you apart any longer."
"That's very kind of you, thank you. I'll call you if anything more happens, okay?" Scar said.
"Of course, we're not leaving him unsupervised just yet," Naos said.
Scar pulled over a chair from the brewing set-up on the far wall and sat beside Cub's bed. Cub was still sleeping, but Scar could tel he wasn't as deep.
"Hey, Cub, it's been a while. I've missed you so much. I had to watch you from outside, they wouldn't let me in in case I got infected too. I dunno how much you'll even remember when you wake up, but it's been hard. I just hope you're okay. I want my Cubby back," Scar said.
Scar reached for his hand, just needing to touch him again. The connection sparked, flooding him with Cub's energy. He didn't always remember their meetings in Vexspace, but it didn't matter. He knew they'd done some work over there while Cub had been recovering, but it didn't matter that he couldn't remember the details.
Scar kept talking anyway. Telling Cub anything and everything. Mostly because he hated sitting in silence, and because he hadn't spoken to Cub in so long, he needed to get all his words out. Some of it was catching him up with news, some of it was just nonsense. It didn't matter because the more he talked, the stronger Cub's energy felt.
"Just... come back to me, Cubby, I miss you so much. I just want to hear that sweet, sweet voice of yours and get back to doing what we always do. I miss that mischievous little Vex of mine," Scar said.
Cub heard sounds. Indistinct sounds, but sounds nonetheless. He still didn't feel up to waking though, and lay there, body unwilling to move. How much time had passed, he didn't know. He wasn't really sure of anything. But there was a voice, and it seemed... familiar. Comforting. Gentle energy drifted through him, and his heart knew then who it was. Scar's energy seemed to soothe away the remaining fatigue from his body and he opened his eyes.
"Cub! Oh, my god, you're awake! Oh, thank god, I've been so worried about you!" Scar said.
"Scar. Hey." Cub turned his head in the direction of his voice and saw Scar sitting beside him. "It's my guardian angel."
Scar took Cub's hand in his, and Cub felt that sensation and the energy that flowed between them. "Yeah, that's me. It's just so nice to see you back. And wiithout all that skulk!"
"Yeah, yeah, can't keep me down," Cub said. "Just keep talking for a while. I'm just so tired still. Need time to wake up."
"Of course! Just lie back and close your eyes, and listen to my voice. I'll tell you a story, a story about a brave little Vex..."
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hopefulpenance · 2 years
The horrors laid claim on me and am now married to the state of being untethered from reality. I have also gotten addicted to oatmeal.
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Last Year, on 8th September, 2022 (At that day, when Queen Elizabeth Passed Away), I was very Eager and Hyped to Watch the Star Trek Day Event LIVE at Post-midnight on technically next day, for Some Glimpse of Star Trek: Prodigy S1 Arc II, after a Great First Arc!!
But Yesterday, that wasn't even called The Star Trek Day after What Paramount and Nickelodeon did to Star Trek: Prodigy on Late July This Year!!
There was a Whole Pre-recorded Celebration Video of Star Trek Day, 2023 uploaded by Paramount+ YouTube channel, and they didn't mention any single thing about Star Trek: Prodigy, not even Once, not even during Star Trek: The Animated Celebration Segment, showcasing Star Trek: The Animated Series and Lower Decks and that's it!! And they released Star Trek: Very Short Treks, 1st Episode on Star Trek YouTube Channel, which was I know it's not even Canon to the Universe, but it was not gone up to my mark!! And they again, advertised TAS and Lower Decks on Paramount+, but didn't mention Prodigy in the end!!
And The Host of the Event, Jerry O'Connell is saying everytime, that "You can watch all of Star Trek, exclusively on Paramount+, the home of Star Trek" and "There's Star Trek for Everyone", feel like lifeless, after Paramount+ unfairly cancelled and Removed Star Trek: Prodigy!! And this is not even a LIVE Event, so who cares??
And there's no update regarding Star Trek: Prodigy's New Streaming Home, though Dan & Kevin Hageman are saying that The Talks are still in Advance and Ongoing!!
So, I ask Paramount and Nickelodeon now:
"Listen to us, Paramount, Nickelodeon, and All those executives working at there, if you cannot stop listening to your Money Mafias, by which I know who those Money Mafias are, and if you cannot listen to our demands, and cancel every single animated series like Star Trek: Prodigy, and even Deserving Series before ST: Prodigy, then People will reject you from Everywhere!! So, can you please stop these blasphemies and start listening to us, the Audience, not just only Kids, because Kids won't tolerate you any longer, they are also tired of your cruel practices, and stopped watching TV and Streaming Platforms Now??"
Now, I am looking forward to either New York Comic Con, if things get any better for Star Trek: Prodigy, or waiting for ST: Lower Decks to end, Or We have to Try the Hard way, by waiting for July 2024, when The Animation Guild goes on Strike!!
This isn't Over Yet!! We will still Fight for Our Right, okay!! We will show those Money Mafias, that without us, they are Nothing!!
But in the meantime, I'm still trying to figure out to create A New Animated Series of mine, alongside establishing my Animation Studio, if we can't get Star Trek: Prodigy back and things in Animation Industry go even worse over days!!
Wish me Luck, and Just be prepared for anything!!
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shiningspectra · 2 years
(source: g1)
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pigswithwings · 11 months
the angel staying over at my house asked for a nightlight in their room and i told them buddy, don't you produce your own light? what're you gonna do with more? and they said they wanted to see why people like it so much. and also that the nightlight i own is blue and they've been trying to understand color. anyways i think they've stared at it for an hour now
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handsinmotion · 8 months
It's not over...
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Chapter Thirteen
On Ao3 now
Here begins the second part of RUN.
Thank you so much to anyone reading who’s made it this far.
Caution, please keep checking the tags, things are going to get very dark before they get better again (and they will, just hold on.) I'm taking this as far as it can go. And as far as I can go.
I feel it's important to add here that Rob is a character in his own right to me, who's loosely based on a person I respect, admire and adore, and would never wish to see come to any harm of any kind. In fact I'm known to hit full Mamma bear mode if anyone even says anything remotely unkind about him. So with that in mind, I hope you can enjoy the whumpy drama.
Hold tight, here goes nothing...
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